Postgradmedj 78 125 4
Postgradmedj 78 125 4
Postgradmedj 78 125 4
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Infections due to pathogenic strains of E coli There is evidence of tight editing in terms of sharp, and relevant photographs and illustra-
are probably the commonest cause of diar- chapter style and layout and excellent cross tions are an added bonus and the tables such
rhoea in developing countries. The contami- referencing between the chapters. The book is as those of causes of vaginal discharge and
nation of food with micro-organisms is enlivened by quotations in wide easy-on-the- genital ulceration are exemplary in their clar-
caused by: eye margins. These also host simple line ity and comprehensiveness. Relevant aspects
• Use of contaminated equipment. drawings of such important practical aspects of dermatology and even psychiatry are briefly
of teaching as the ideal distribution of teacher considered where appropriate.
• Infected food handlers. and taught round a bed. The advice to ensure Three opening chapters on aetiology of
• Use of raw and contaminated ingredients. students do not go off on electives to countries STIs, taking a sexual history and counselling
with military or civil unrest is not profound approaches, are followed by chapters dealing
• Cross contamination.
but well timed. Each chapter provides sugges- with STIs causes by bacterial, viral, and other
• Addition of toxic chemicals or use of foods tions for further reading. organisms in turn. For once a correct balance
containing natural toxicants like mush- The principles and examples are, as the edi- (in terms of their respective incidence in the
rooms etc.1 tors suggest, relevant to postgraduate medical UK) is shown between coverage of HIV and
Gastroenteritis by Salmonella javiana con- education and other healthcare professionals. non-HIV STIs. Other chapters are problem
tamination of watermelon has been described But for those involved in the teaching of oriented and consider such commonly pre-
in 26 cases in the USA.2 Contamination of medical students, this book from Dundee, a senting conditions as urethritis and pelvic
fruit by such a novel method as described here teaching centre of excellence, is warmly inflammatory disease. Comprehensive treat-
may prove to be a major public health hazard, recommended for those who want to improve ment guidelines for both the UK and USA
and hence is noteworthy. their understanding and performance and conclude the book.
126 PostScript
candidates for the Diploma for Child Health. 020-7288-3134, email: k.stephens@chime.
It contains a selection of 100 varied paediatric DIARY
and neonatal cases of the types commonly
seen in the examination. There is an easily Thackray Museum
accessible question and answer format on the Fellowship of Postgraduate
following page with useful comments rel- Medicine & CHIME, Royal Free & 25 April 2002—History of herbals, a talk by
Bruce Madge of the British Library.
evant to the condition being demonstrated. University College Medical
There are also useful examination tips applied 11 May 2002—Use and abuse: a history of
to each case. School opium, University of Leeds Medical History
The author admits that some of the images Clinical Governance, Thursday, 21 Day School.
were obtained from copy film and as a result For further information contact the Thackray
February 2002 Museum, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7LN (tel:
some of the images are perhaps not as clear as
they might have been. However, the examina- A one day conference for doctors wishing to 0113 244 4343, fax: 0113 247 0219, email:
tion candidate with the help of the answers become more involved in clinical governance, web site: thack
and comments should be able to follow the at the Commonwealth Conference Centre,
demonstrated abnormalities. Kensington High Street, London.
The examination candidates will find this a
useful additional text to assist their learning. PACES (MRCP) Part II CORRECTION
It could also provide useful CPD for self Two two day courses designed as final