Materials 14 06253
Materials 14 06253
Materials 14 06253
Experimental Carbonation Study for a Durability Assessment
of Novel Cementitious Materials
Lucija Hanžič 1, * , Sebastijan Robič 1 , Alisa Machner 2 , Marie Helene Bjørndal 3 , Klaartje De Weerdt 3 ,
Yushan Gu 4 , Benoît Bary 4 , Rosa Maria Lample Carreras 5 and Aljoša Šajna 1
1 Laboratorij za Beton, Zavod za Gradbeništvo, ZAG, Dimičeva Ulica 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; (S.R.); (A.Š.)
2 Centrum Baustoffe und Materialprüfung, Technische Universität München, TUM, Franz-Langinger-Str. 10,
81245 Munich, Germany;
3 Institutt for Konstruksjonsteknikk, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskaplige Universitet, NTNU,
Richard Birkelandsvei 1A, 7491 Trondheim, Norway; (M.H.B.); (K.D.W.)
4 Service d’Étude du Comportement des Radionucléides, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France; (Y.G.); (B.B.)
5 Acciona Construction, 28108 Alcobendas, Spain;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Durability predictions of concrete structures are derived from experience-based require-
ments and descriptive exposure classes. To support durability predictions, a numerical model related
to the carbonation resistance of concrete was developed. The model couples the rate of carbonation
with the drying rate. This paper presents the accelerated carbonation and moisture transport exper-
iments performed to calibrate and verify the numerical model. They were conducted on mortars
Citation: Hanžič, L.; Robič, S.;
with a water-cement ratio of either 0.6 or 0.5, incorporating either a novel cement CEM II/C (S-LL)
Machner, A.; Bjørndal, M.H.;
(EnM group) or commercially available CEM II/A-S cement (RefM group). The carbonation rate was
De Weerdt, K.; Gu, Y.; Bary, B.;
Lample Carreras, R.M.; Šajna, A.
determined by visual assessment and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Moisture transport experi-
Experimental Carbonation Study for ments, consisting of drying and resaturation, utilized the gravimetric method. Higher carbonation
a Durability Assessment of Novel rates expressed in mm/day−0.5 were found in the EnM group than in the RefM group. However, the
Cementitious Materials. Materials TGA showed that the initial portlandite (CH) content was lower in the EnM than in the RefM, which
2021, 14, 6253. could explain the difference in carbonation rates. The resaturation experiments indicate an increase
10.3390/ma14216253 in the suction porosity in the carbonated specimens compared to the non-carbonated specimens. The
study concludes that low clinker content causes lower resistance to carbonation, since less CH is
Academic Editor: Gabriele Milani available in the surface layers; thus, the carbonation front progresses more rapidly towards the core.
that is, calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 , commonly denoted CH, with carbon dioxide (CO2 ).
The reaction products are calcite, that is, calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ), and water (H2 O).
This reaction leads to a net mass gain, as the uptake of CO2 (44 g mol−1 ) leads to a larger
mass increase compared to the release of water (12 g mol−1 ). While the products of this
chemical reaction are not detrimental to concrete durability per se, the consumption of CH
reduces the pH value of the pore solution, which may lead to the corrosion of reinforcement
steel. The rate of carbonation is influenced by the curing conditions of concrete and by
the climatic and local conditions to which the concrete is exposed. To accurately predict
concrete deterioration, a numerical model for concrete carbonation is being developed [4]
within the Horizon 2020 project, titled EnDurCrete [5]. The model is based on previous
work conducted by Bary et al. [6–8]. It couples the mass conservation equations of water,
CO2 and calcium in pore solution with thermodynamic modelling, which simulates the
phase assemblage of binders upon carbonation. The model is used for the prediction of con-
crete behavior under accelerated carbonation, particularly where novel, more sustainable
cements are used.
The European Commission and the European construction industry push to improve
and develop technologies that reduce CO2 emissions as well as energy and material usage
in the cement production processes [9]. Many studies attempt to develop environmentally-
friendly concrete by reducing Portland clinker content in cement and substituting it with
supplementary cementitious materials. In this manner, the above-mentioned model devel-
opment is also linked to another aim of the EnDurCrete project [5], namely, the development
of low carbon-footprint binders aligned with the new edition of prEN 197-1 [10]. One such
novel cement is CEM II/C (S-LL), a low-clinker cement containing high-value industrial
by-products. The use of this cement is aimed at the creation of cost-effective sustainable
concrete on one hand, and high durability concrete, which can withstand exposure to
aggressive environments, on the other hand. Details of the novel cement CEM II/C (S-LL)
developed by HeidelbergCement are summarized by Bolte et al. [11].
This study aims to present the experimental results of an accelerated carbonation
program conducted on mortar specimens incorporating a novel CEM II/C (S-LL) binder
developed within the EnDurCrete project [5], and to compare it with the performance
of mortars prepared with commercially available cement, CEM II/A-S. The specimens
underwent accelerated carbonation in a conditioning chamber with controlled CO2 con-
centration, temperature, and relative humidity. The carbonation rate was assessed by
measuring the depth of carbonation over time, (i) visually, using a pH indicator, and (ii)
by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The impact of carbonation on moisture transport
was evaluated by the gravimetric method on specimens exposed to a specific protocol of
drying and wetting.
The results of the accelerated carbonation tests will serve for the calibration and vali-
dation of the numerical model dealing with carbonation processes in concrete, in particular,
the coupling between saturation degree, water transport and carbonation extent. The
model itself is out of the scope of this paper. Its detailed description, parameter calibra-
tion procedure and results will be comprehensively presented in a separate publication.
In addition, the results aim to further the understanding of concrete deterioration in a
CO2 -rich environment, particularly for concrete made with novel eco-friendly cements.
Consequently, the design of concrete structures in terms of durability will be improved,
resulting in reduced maintenance costs and shutdowns of infrastructure caused by the
deterioration of concrete due to carbonation.
Table 1. Mortar mix design, stating the mass of components needed for 1 m3 of mortar. EnM
and RefM stand for mortar made with EnDurCrete and reference cement respectively, while the
extensions -06 and -05 denote w/c ratios.
The two cements were composite blends containing the same types of components,
namely CEM I 52.5 R, ground granulated blast furnace slag (S), and limestone filler (LL).
CEM I 52.5 R consists predominantly of clinker (K), whose content amounts to >95 wt%.
There were, however, two important differences between the two blends. Firstly, the
mass ratio of components was different, as shown in Table 2. The novel CEM II/C (S-LL)
contained significantly less clinker, which was replaced by slag and limestone. The chemical
composition of the two cements is given in Table A1 of the Appendix A. Secondly, the
components of CEM II/C (S-LL) were ground separately to optimize packing and reactivity,
as opposed to the reference cement CEM II/A-S, where the components were inter-ground.
Details on cement development are provided by Bolte et al. [11]. The different composition
and grinding procedures are reflected in the physical properties summarized in Table 2.
Materials 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 17
Materials 2021, 14, 6253 4 of 17
composition and grinding procedures are reflected in the physical properties summarized
Table2. 2.
Properties of cement. The composition of cement is given as wt% of CEM I 52.5 R, which
contains a minimum of 95 wt% of clinker (K), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (S) and limestone
(LL). 2.
cement. Theiscomposition of A1
given in Table cement
of theisAppendix.
given as wt% of CEM I 52.5 R, which
contains a minimum of 95 wt% of clinker (K), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (S) and lime-
stone (LL). The chemical composition is given in Table CEM
Property A1 ofII/C
the Appendix.
Figure 2.
Figure Flowchartshowing
2. Flowchart showingthe
AA detailed
detailed conditioning
conditioning diagram
diagram forfor
the moisture
moisture transport
After curing, the prisms were cut laterally either into thick blocks with dimensions
10 cm × 10 cm × 7 cm or into thin plates with dimensions 10 cm × 10 cm × 2 cm. The end
sections were discarded. This way, either four thick blocks or eight thin plates were ob-
tained from one prism. The thick blocks were used for the carbonation rate measurements,
while the thin plates were used for the moisture transport experiments.
Materials 2021, 14, 6253 6 of 17
Materials 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 17
Figure 3.
3. Stages
the moisture
moisture transport
transport experiment
experiment carried
carried out
out on
on the
the thin
thin plates.
In stage
After 2, the the
curing, thinprisms
plates were
of thecut“3%” groupeither
laterally were placed in the
into thick carbonation
blocks chamber
with dimensions
10 cma ×
with 10 cm × 7 cm
temperature of 21
or ±into
2 °C,
thinRH 60 ±with
plates 10% dimensions
and 3.1% CO × 10 cmto×EN
102,cm 13295
2 cm. The[16].
The higher
sections wereCOdiscarded.
2 concentration,
This way, compared to the
either four 1%blocks
thick used on or the
plates in chapter
were 2.2,
was one prism. The thick
to have blocks on
no impact weretheused
typeforof the carbonation
phases that form rate measurements,
during while
the carbonation
the thin plates
process. were used for
This assumption the moisture
is based on findingstransport experiments.
by Revert et al. [20,21], who investigated
the impact of accelerated carbonation on microstructure and phase assemblage and found
2.2. Carbonation
that a concentration Rate of up to 5% is representative of natural carbonation. The thin plates
in the “0%” group wereofstored
Four thick blocks each mix were
in the placed intochamber,
conditioning the carbonation chamber with
with a temperature of a18–25
perature of 21 ◦
± 2 C, 60 ± 10%
°C and RH 50–65%, atRH
a reduced COand 1% CO2 according
2 concentration. to ENas13295
Soda-lime a CO[16].
2 trap One
was taken
under out of theto
the specimens carbonation
capture carbon chamber
28 andits90 days and, depending
concentration in the cham- on
the w/c
ber’s ratio, either
atmosphere. after
Stage 146 (w/c
2 lasted for 0.60) or 167
146 days. Atdays (w/cof0.50)
the end stageof2,exposure.
one plateItfromwas each
group was split intohalftheand
sawn thesurface.
carbonationThe carbonation front wasusing
depth was measured visually determined on
a phenolphthalein
one half with a ruler on a freshly split surface with
pH-indicator solution. The rest of the plates proceeded to stage 3. dimensions 7 cm × 10 cm, which was
sprayed with a thymolphthalein pH-indicator solution. Where
In stage 3, the remaining plates from both groups were re-saturated. The plates the mortar was unaffected
by the carbonation (pH above 9.3 to 10.5), the indicator turned
first saturated by capillary absorption. The water level was gradually increased over blue, while the carbon-
eral surface remained
until uncoloured.
the specimens The resultsimmersed.
were completely were plotted against
Again, the square
the mass of theroot
was and the carbonation rate was When
at regular intervals. calculated
theyas allthe slope aofnear-to-constant
reached the fitted line givenmass,bythey
following equation:
were further saturated by vacuum saturation according √ to EN 12390-11 [22]. Stage 3 lasted
for 63 days. dk = a + KAC × t (1)
where In dstage 4, the specimens were kept in normal atmospheric conditions at 20 °C and
k (mm) is the mean carbonation depth at time t (days), a (mm) is a constant
RH 60%. This
representing the stage lasted
y-axis 33 days.
intercept, andOnce
KAC the
(mm day−reached
plates 0.5 ) is thea carbonation
constant mass,
[17]. were
the TGA method,at 20 °Cthe
and RH halves
other 30% inof stage 5. blocks were used. The halves were
the split
Upon the completion
profile-ground inwards from of stage 5, thesurface.
the sawn total porosity of the specimens
Approximately was determined
30 g of powder extracted
according to SIA 262-1layers
from the consecutive [23]. This
was is a gravimetric
analyzed using method
a MettlerinToledo
which TGA/DSC3+
the specimen device
is first
weighed after drying
(Mettler-Toledo, at 50 °C,
Kowloon, Hongnext, the specimen
Kong, CHN) in is submerged in
a temperature water
range for several
from 40 to 900 ◦ C,
at a weighed,
heating rate both 10 ◦ C submerged
of when min−1 . During in water and when above
the measurements, thewater. The specimen
measurement cell was is
purged again
50mL°C, vacuumed at pressure
N2 per minute. < 1 mbar
The amount of and submerged
CH relative in water
to the and
ignited weighed
mass of the
powder under
(CHthe water
ignited and◦ C
) at 900 above the water. as
was calculated Finally, the specimen is weighed after being
dried at 110 °C.
w − w550 M
CHignited = 400 × CH (2)
3. Results and Discussion w900 MH2 O
whereThe results
w400 of the
, w550 and w900accelerated
(g) refer tocarbonation study, at
the mass of powder where theand
400, 550 carbonation rate was
900 ◦ C respectively
and M (g mol ) is the molar mass of either CH or water [18]. The weight loss dueoftoboth
by a−pH-indicator
1 and by TGA, are presented in chapter 3.1. The results the
methods are compared and discussed and are found to have a good correlation.
decomposition of portlandite was determined with the integration method of the derivative The mois-
ture transport results,
thermogravimetric givencurves
(DTG) in chapter 3.2, indicate
described an increase
by Lothenbach in porosity
et al. due
[19]. Since to carbon-
ation in specimens with a w/c ratio of 0.6.
consumes CH, its content is a measure of the degree of carbonation. The CH content was
plotted as a function of the depth from the exposed surface. A detailed description of the
experimental setup can be found in [15].
Figure 4. 4. Carbonation
Carbonation depth,measured
depth, measuredvisually
with aa pH
pH indica-
tor, against
plotted thethe
against square root
square of of
root time. “EnM”
time. “EnM” and “RefM”
and “RefM”stand forfor
stand EnDurCrete
EnDurCrete and
erence respectively,
mortar whilewhile
respectively, the extensions “-06” and
the extensions “-06”“-05”
and refer
“-05”to water/cement
refer ratiosratios
to water/cement of 0.6 of
The0.5. Thebars
error error bars indicate
indicate the variation
the variation in the carbonation
in the carbonation depth -depth - measured
measured in 10 pointson
in 10 pointson one sample
forsample for each
each mortar andmortar and time.
exposure exposure time.
Results ofof
regression analysis
regression based
analysis onon
based thethe
measured values
measured of carbonation
values of carbonationdepth at four
depth at four
different time intervals. As per (Equation (1)), parameter KAC is the carbonation rate and parameter
different time intervals. As per (Equation (1)), parameter K AC is the carbonation rate and parameter a
a is a constant representing the y-axis intercept, while R22 is the coefficient of determination indicat-
is a constant representing the y-axis intercept, while R is the coefficient of determination indicating
ing the quality of fit. “EnM” and “RefM” stand for EnDurCrete and the reference mortar respec-
the quality
tively, while theof fit. “EnM” and
extensions “RefM”
“-06” stand
and “-05” forto
refer EnDurCrete andratios
water/cement the reference mortar
of 0.6 and 0.5. respectively,
while the extensions “-06” and “-05” refer to water/cement ratios of 0.6 and 0.5.
Parameter EnM-06 RefM-06 EnM-05 RefM-05
KAC (mm day−0.5) EnM-06 1.03 RefM-06
0.64 EnM-05
0.66 RefM-05
a (mm)
KAC (mm 0.15 1.22 −0.71 1.47
R 0.5
2 1.030.98 0.64
0.92 0.66
0.88 0.23
day )
Thea (mm)
CH content determined 0.15 by TGA as 1.22
a function of depth −0.71 1.47
for the samples prepared
R 2 0.98 0.92 0.88 0.79
with a w/c ratio of 0.6 is shown in Figure 5. Selected individual TGA results are presented
in Figures A1 and A2 of the Appendix. In general, the CH content decreased towards the
The results thus show that the carbonation rate of ~1.0 mm day−0.5 found in the
EnM-06 was the highest, while the RefM-05 had the lowest carbonation rate of ~0.2 mm
day−0.5 . The other two mortars, namely EnM-05 and Ref-06, had approximately the same
carbonation rate of ~0.6 mm day−0.5 . Consequently, after 146 days of exposure, the EnM-06
demonstrated a carbonation depth of 13 mm as opposed to the 9 mm measured on the
RefM-06. Similarly, the EnM-05 demonstrated a carbonation depth of 8 mm while only
4 mm was measured on RefM-05. The results thus indicate that a higher w/c ratio leads to
a higher carbonation depth. This was expected, since a higher w/c ratio generates higher
porosity of the cement matrix, allowing a faster penetration of CO2 into the sample [24–27].
Materials 2021, 14, 6253 9 of 17
(a) (b)
Figure 5.
Figure 5. CH
withthermogravimetric analysis
thermogravimetric (TGA)
analysis (TGA)after 14, 14,
after 28, 90
28,and 146 days
90 and of exposure
146 days to accel-
of exposure to
accelerated carbonation for (a) EnDurCrete mortar (EnM-06); and (b) the reference mortar (RefM-06), Both made with aaw/c
erated carbonation for (a) EnDurCrete mortar (EnM-06); and (b) the reference mortar (RefM-06), Both made with w/c
ratio of 0.6.
ratio of 0.6.
The lower
The lowercarbonation
resistanceofof the
the EnDurCrete
EnDurCrete mortars
mortars compared
compared to reference
to the the refer-
mortars (see Figure 4) might therefore be related to the difference in the CH contentcontent
ence mortars (see Figure 4) might therefore be related to the difference in the CH in the
in the uncarbonated
uncarbonated mortarmortar specimens.
specimens. SinceSince lessisCH
less CH is available
available in thein EnDurCrete
the EnDurCrete mor-
tars compared to the reference mortars, these samples have a lower buffer
compared to the reference mortars, these samples have a lower buffer capacity during capacity during
carbonation (see,
carbonation (see, for
Additionally, Revert et al.
Revert et [21] have
al. [21] observed
have that
low clinker
that binders
low clinker develop
binders a coarser
develop porosity
a coarser upon carbonation,
porosity enabling
upon carbonation, faster carbon-
enabling faster
ation rates. rates.
3.2. Moisture Transport
The mass
mass changes
changes ofof the
the thin
thin plates
plates during
during thethe moisture
moisture transport
transport experiments
experiments are are
shown in in Figure
Figure 66 for
w/c ratio 0.6 and and in
in Figure
Figure 77for forw/c
w/c ratio 0.5.
0.5. The
The results
results in
in both
figures are
are normalized
normalized to to the
the initial
initial mass
mass of
of each
each plate.
plate. The
The standard
standard sample
sample deviation
deviation of of
mass changes found
mass changes found on a on a set of three specimens
specimens at any given time was between 5 and 10%.
The rapid
rapid drop
drop ofof mass
mass at
at the
probablydueduetoto surface
surface drying
drying of
thethe freshly
freshly cutcut samples.
samples. TheThe
platesplates in group
in the the group
“0%”“0%” continued
continued to mass
to lose lose mass
until until
librium was was reached
reached between
between 96 and
96 and 98 wt%
98 wt% of initial
of the the initial
When When looking
looking at theatdry-
ing profiles of the “0%” series, we can see that the RefM-06 seemed to dry faster and to a
larger extent compared to the EnM-06. The plates in the group “3%”, on the other hand,
point, the net mass gain due to carbonation (see chapter 1) compensates for the mass loss
due to drying. Sanjuán et al. [32] also reported an initial decrease in weight followed by
mass gain, even though their specimens were stabilized at 60% RH before carbonation.
The only exception within the “3%” group, where the mass continues to decrease
Materials 2021, 14, 6253 throughout stage 2, is EnM-06. The decrease or increase in mass in these experiments 10 of
suggest which of the two mechanisms (drying vs carbonation) has the strongest impact
on the weight of the specimen. When CO2 is present, carbonation will cause weight gain
due to the
drying binding
profiles of “0%”
of the CO2 inseries,
the reaction products.
we can see that theThis weight
RefM-06 gain will
seemed partially
to dry coun-
faster and to
teract the mass loss due to the simultaneous drying. According to Table
a larger extent compared to the EnM-06. The plates in the group “3%”, on the other hand, 4, the EnM-06
mortar has a higher
first decrease in mass carbonation
but then start ratetothan the RefM-06;
increase in mass however, dueof
after ~3 days toexposure.
its lower clinker
At this
point, theit had a lower
net mass COdue
gain 2 binding capacity compared
to carbonation (see Sectionto1)the RefM-06. This
compensates formight explain
the mass loss
due tothedrying.
mortar etdid al.not gain
[32] alsoany mass during
reported simultaneous
an initial decrease indrying
weightand carbona-
followed by
tion, whereas the RefM-06 mortar did (stage 2 in Figure 6).
mass gain, even though their specimens were stabilized at 60% RH before carbonation.
Figure 7. Mass changes during the moisture transport experiment for thin plates with a water/cement ratio of 0.5. In stage
Figure 7. Mass
2, group “3%” changes during
was exposed tothe moisture transport
carbonation in a 3.1%experiment for thinand
CO2 environment plates with“0%”
group a water/cement ratio of
to conditioning in0.5. In stage
a ~0% CO2
2, group “3%” was exposed to carbonation in a 3.1% CO2 environment and group “0%” to conditioning in a ~0% CO2
environment. “EnM” and “RefM” stand for EnDurCrete and the reference mortar, respectively.
environment. “EnM” and “RefM” stand for EnDurCrete and the reference mortar, respectively.
In stage 3, significant differences between groups “0%” and “3%” were observed. The
uncarbonated plates in the former group absorbed significantly less water than the car-
bonated plates in the latter group (normalized to their initial weight). This indicates an
increase in capillary porosity during carbonation compared to the uncarbonated samples.
This assumption was confirmed by the porosity results shown in Figure 8a, where one can
see that in the “-05” specimens porosity, increased by ~2% due to carbonation, which was
not the case for the -06 samples. Although a decrease in porosity upon carbonation is com-
Materials 2021, 14, 6253 11 of 17
The only exception within the “3%” group, where the mass continues to decrease
throughout stage 2, is EnM-06. The decrease or increase in mass in these experiments can
suggest which of the two mechanisms (drying vs carbonation) has the strongest impact on
the weight of the specimen. When CO2 is present, carbonation will cause weight gain due
to the binding of CO2 in the reaction products. This weight gain will partially counteract
the mass loss due to the simultaneous drying. According to Table 4, the EnM-06 mortar
has a higher carbonation rate than the RefM-06; however, due to its lower clinker content,
Figure 7. Mass changes during the moisture
it had a lowertransport
CO2 bindingexperiment for thin
capacity plates with
compared a water/cement
to the RefM-06. This ratiomight
of 0.5. In stage why
2, group “3%” was exposed to carbonation in a 3.1% CO2 environment and group “0%” to conditioning in a ~0% CO2
the EnM-06 mortar did not gain any mass during simultaneous drying and carbonation,
environment. “EnM” and “RefM” stand for EnDurCrete and the reference mortar, respectively.
whereas the RefM-06 mortar did (stage 2 in Figure 6).
In stage 3, significant differences between groups “0%” and “3%” were observed.
In stage 3, significant differences between groups “0%” and “3%” were observed. The
The uncarbonated plates in the former group absorbed significantly less water than the
uncarbonated plates in the former group absorbed significantly less water than the car-
carbonated plates in the latter group (normalized to their initial weight). This indicates an
bonated plates in the latter group (normalized to their initial weight). This indicates an
increase in capillary porosity during carbonation compared to the uncarbonated samples.
increase in capillary porosity during carbonation compared to the uncarbonated samples.
This assumption was confirmed by the porosity results shown in Figure 8a, where one
This assumption was confirmed by the porosity results shown in Figure 8a, where one can
can see that in the “-05” specimens porosity, increased by ~2% due to carbonation, which
see that in the “-05” specimens porosity, increased by ~2% due to carbonation, which was
was not the case for the -06 samples. Although a decrease in porosity upon carbonation is
not the case for the -06 samples. Although a decrease in porosity upon carbonation is com-
commonly observed in Portland Cement-based binders [33,34], some studies reported an
increase observed
in total in Portland
porosity Cement-based
in the case of cement binders
utilizingsome studies reported
supplementary an in-
crease in total porosity in the case of cement blends utilizing supplementary
materials [33,35,36]. The latter two studies also reported a coarsening of the pore structure. cementitious
Justnes et[33,35,36]. The latter
al. [35] explained two
this bystudies
the factalso
thatreported a coarsening
the reaction of theapore
of C-S-H with structure.
low Ca/Si ratio
Justnes et al. [35] explained this by the fact that the reaction of C-S-H
to CaCO3 causes a reduction in solid volume and, thereby, an increase in porosity [35]. with a low Ca/Si
Ca/Si to ratio
CaCO causes
of3 the a reduction
C-S-H in solid volume
was not determined and, thereby,
experimentally withinanthis
increase porosityit
can The Ca/Si ratio
be assumed of due
that, the C-S-H was not
to the high determined
amount experimentally
of slag present within this
in both binders, thestudy.
However, it can be assumed that, due to the high amount
phase formed shows a considerably lower Ca/Si ratio compared to C-S-H formedof slag present in both binders,
hydrationphase formed
of CEM shows a considerably lower Ca/Si ratio compared to C-S-H
I cement.
formed during the hydration of CEM I cement.
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Total porosity (a) measured according to SIA 262-1 [23]; and carbonation depth (b) of conditioned specimens
after stage 5. Specimens in the group “3%” were exposed to a 3.1% CO2 atmosphere, while specimens in the group “0%”
were exposed to the atmosphere with reduced CO2 content. “EnM” and “RefM” stand for EnDurCrete and reference
mortar, respectively, while extensions “-06” and “-05” refer to water/cement ratios of 0.6 and 0.5. The error bars indicate the
variation in values measured on the three specimens.
Materials 2021, 14, 6253 12 of 17
Stages 4 and 5 showed a gradual loss of mass. For the specimens in the “0%” group,
the mass at the end of stage 5 (30% RH) was approximately the same as the mass at the end
of stage 2 (60% RH). The normalized mass (to initial mass) of carbonated specimens was
~2% larger than the normalised mass of the uncarbonated specimens.
The fact that the EnM-06 and RefM-06 were fully carbonated corresponds to the
plateauing of the carbonated specimens during stage 2, as shown in Figure 6, confirming
that these specimens reached equilibrium at those conditions. The corresponding curves
for the carbonated EnM-05 and RefM-05 specimens, shown in Figure 7, did not plateau
during stage 2, which reflects the fact that they had not yet been fully carbonated.
The degree of carbonation at the end of stage 2 was checked on one thin plate with
the pH-indicator method. The plates were considered fully carbonated if the depth of
carbonation was equal to half of the plate thickness, that is, 10 mm. The results for the
plates in groups “3%” and “0%” are shown in Figure 8b. The plates in the “3%” group
and with a w/c ratio of 0.6 (EnM-06 and RefM-06) carbonated completely, while those
with a w/c ratio of 0.5 carbonated slightly less than half the depth, in the case of EnM-
05, and about 5 mm, in the case of RefM-05. This is an undesirable outcome, since the
numerical model calibration is to be performed on a fully carbonated material, on one
hand, and on a completely uncarbonated material, on the other. The results show that the
reduced CO2 levels in the conditioning chamber were able to limit the carbonation depth
of the “0%” specimens. No carbonation depth was measured on the “0%” EnM-05 and
RefM-05 specimens.
4. Conclusions
An experimental program was carried out to collect data for the verification of a
numerical model by studying (1) the rate of carbonation, and (2) the impact of carbon-
ation on moisture transport. For the verification of the rate of carbonation model, thick
mortar blocks were exposed to accelerated carbonation conditions and the depth of car-
bonation was measured visually on split samples sprayed with a pH indicator and on
profile-ground specimens using the TGA method. The impact of carbonation on moisture
transport was monitored by measuring the mass of thin mortar plates subjected to a specific
conditioning protocol.
The results obtained in this study indicate that carbonation depth is affected by the
amount of clinker in the cement and by the w/c ratio. The lower the amount of clinker
and/or the higher the w/c ratio, the higher the carbonation rate. Carbonation rates were
found to be ~1.0 mm day−0.5 for the EnM-06 and ~0.6 mm day−0.5 for the Ref-06, while
for the EnM-05 and RefM-05, the carbonation rates were ~0.7 and ~0.2 mm day−0.5 when
exposed to accelerated carbonation in 1% CO2 atmosphere. The results of both methods,
namely the visual and the TGA method, are in fairly good agreement. Additionally, the
TGA showed that the initial CH content was ~1.5 wt% in the EnM-06, as opposed to
~3.0 wt% in the RefM-06. Based on the results of this study, the lower initial CH content of
the EnDurCrete specimens might have been the reason for the higher carbonation rate.
The moisture transport experiments showed that carbonation increases the total
porosity, which can facilitate the transport of deleterious substances, and therefore can
promote other deterioration processes in addition to the corrosion of reinforcement. The
results obtained on the EnM-06 showed that during carbonation at constant RH EnM-
06 performed differently compared to other mortars. Unlike the results obtained in the
carbonation rate experiment, during exposure to the CO2 -rich environment, its mass
continued to drop, while it exhibited the highest carbonation rate. The decrease or increase
in mass shows which of the two mechanisms (drying vs carbonation) has the strongest
impact. As an improvement to the experiment protocol, we recommend conditioning
specimens at 60% RH after stage 1 until a constant mass is achieved, and then exposing
them to carbonation.
The experimental results presented here will be used for the verification of mechanis-
tic/generic models developed within the EnDurCrete project [5,11], which can be applied to
mass shows which of the two mechanisms (drying vs carbonation) has the strongest im-
pact. As an improvement to the experiment protocol, we recommend conditioning speci-
mens at 60% RH after stage 1 until a constant mass is achieved, and then exposing them
Materials 2021, 14, 6253 13 of 17
to carbonation.
The experimental results presented here will be used for the verification of mecha-
nistic/generic models developed within the EnDurCrete project [5,11], which can be ap-
novel to novel cements
cements with compositions.
with varying varying compositions. Theseaim
These models models aim to improve
to improve the pre-
the prediction of
concrete in
durability in environment
a CO2 -rich a CO2-rich environment and,
and, therefore, therefore,
reduce reduce mainte-
nance-related costs,
costs, particularly inparticularly in the public infrastructure
the public infrastructure sector. sector.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.Š.,A.M.,
B.B.; methodology,
methodology, A.Š.,
A.Š., A.M.,
A.M., Y.G.
Y.G. and K.D.W.;
and K.D.W.; validation,
validation, B.BY.G.;
B.B. and andformal
Y.G.; formal analysis,
analysis, L.H.,
L.H., A.Š., A.Š.,and
A.M. A.M., and K.D.W.;
K.D.W.; investi-
investigation, S.R.,
M.H.B. S.R,
and M.H.B.,
R.M.L.C.;and R.M.L.C.;
resources, resources,
S.R., S.R,R.M.L.C.;
M.H.B. and M.H.B., anddataR.M.L.C.;
S.R. curation, S.R.writing—
and M.H.B.; and
original writing—original
draft preparation, draft
L.H., preparation,
S.R. and A.Š.;L.H., S.R. and A.Š.;and
writing—review writing—review
editing, A.M.,and editing,
K.D.W., Y.G. and
A.M., K.D.W., Y.G.,S.R.
B.B.; visualization, andand
visualization, S.R and
supervision, M.H.B;
A.Š., K.D.W.supervision, A.Š., K.D.W.,
and B.B.; project and B.B.;A.Š.,
project administration, A.Š., K.D.W., and B.B.; funding acquisition, A.Š., K.D.W., and
K.D.W. and B.B.; funding acquisition, A.Š., K.D.W. and B.B. All authors have read and agreed B.B. All to
thors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript. published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This
EuropeanUnion’s Horizon
Union’s 2020
Horizon research
2020 and and
innovation program
program under
under grant
grant agreement
view and
view and the
Commissionisisnot responsible
not forfor
responsible anyany
be made of theofinformation
be made it
the information
it contains.
Appendix A
Table A1. Chemical composition of components used in the production of En cement CEM II/C
(S-LL) and Ref cement CEM II/A-S, as measured with X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). The chemical
composition of the products was calculated by taking into account the proportions of the components
shown in Table 2.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
A1. Differential
and (d) 146 days of exposure to accelerated carbonation. Extension “-06” refers to the water-cement ratio of 0.6. Each graph
and (d) 146 days of exposure to accelerated carbonation. Extension “-06” refers to the water-cement ratio of 0.6. Each graph
shows the results of the top layer in black, the innermost layer in light grey, and one layer in between, in medium grey.
shows the results of the top layer in black, the innermost layer in light grey, and one layer in between, in medium grey.
(c) (d)
Materials 2021,A1.
14, Differential
6253 thermal analysis (DTG) results obtained on EnDurCrete mortar, EnM-06, after (a) 14, (b) 28, (c) 90,15 of 17
and (d) 146 days of exposure to accelerated carbonation. Extension “-06” refers to the water-cement ratio of 0.6. Each graph
shows the results of the top layer in black, the innermost layer in light grey, and one layer in between, in medium grey.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure A2.
A2. Differential
Differential thermal
thermal analysis
analysis (DTG)
(DTG) results
results obtained
obtained on
on reference
reference mortar
mortar RefM-06
RefM-06 after
after (a)
(a) 14,
14, (b)
(b) 28,
28, (c)
(c) 90,
90, and
(d) 146 days of exposure to accelerated carbonation. Extension “-06” refers to the water-cement ratio of 0.6. Each
(d) 146 days of exposure to accelerated carbonation. Extension “-06” refers to the water-cement ratio of 0.6. Each graph graph
shows the results of the top layer in black, the innermost layer in light grey, and one layer in between, in medium grey.
shows the results of the top layer in black, the innermost layer in light grey, and one layer in between, in medium grey.
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