o The DBMS design depends upon its architecture. The basic client/server
architecture is used to deal with a large number of PCs, web servers, database
servers and other components that are connected with networks.
o The client/server architecture consists of many PCs and a workstation which are
connected via the network.
o DBMS architecture depends upon how users are connected to the database to
get their request done.
Database architecture can be seen as a single tier or multi-tier. But logically, database
architecture is of two types like: 2-tier architecture and 3-tier architecture.
1-Tier Architecture
o In this architecture, the database is directly available to the user. It means the
user can directly sit on the DBMS and uses it.
o Any changes done here will directly be done on the database itself. It doesn't
provide a handy tool for end users.
o The 1-Tier architecture is used for development of the local application, where
programmers can directly communicate with the database for the quick
2-Tier Architecture
o The server side is responsible to provide the functionalities like: query processing
and transaction management.
o To communicate with the DBMS, client-side application establishes a connection
with the server side.
Fig: 2-tier Architecture
3-Tier Architecture
o The 3-Tier architecture contains another layer between the client and server. In
this architecture, client can't directly communicate with the server.
o The application on the client-end interacts with an application server which
further communicates with the database system.
o End user has no idea about the existence of the database beyond the application
server. The database also has no idea about any other user beyond the
o The 3-Tier architecture is used in case of large web application.
Fig: 3-tier Architecture
o The three schema architecture is also used to separate the user applications and
physical database.
o The three schema architecture contains three-levels. It breaks the database
down into three different categories.
1. Internal Level
o The internal level has an internal schema which describes the physical storage
structure of the database.
o The internal schema is also known as a physical schema.
o It uses the physical data model. It is used to define that how the data will be
stored in a block.
o The physical level is used to describe complex low-level data structures in detail.
2. Conceptual Level
o The conceptual level describes what data are to be stored in the database and
also describes what relationship exists among those data.
o In the conceptual level, internal details such as an implementation of the data
structure are hidden.
o Programmers and database administrators work at this level.
3. External Level
o At the external level, a database contains several schemas that sometimes called
as subschema. The subschema is used to describe the different view of the
o An external schema is also known as view schema.
o Each view schema describes the database part that a particular user group is
interested and hides the remaining database from that user group.
o The view schema describes the end user interaction with database systems.
Database Language
o A DBMS has appropriate languages and interfaces to express database queries
and updates.
o Database languages can be used to read, store and update the data in the
o DDL stands for Data Definition Language. It is used to define database structure
or pattern.
o It is used to create schema, tables, indexes, constraints, etc. in the database.
o Using the DDL statements, you can create the skeleton of the database.
o Data definition language is used to store the information of metadata like the
number of tables and schemas, their names, indexes, columns in each table,
constraints, etc.
o DCL stands for Data Control Language. It is used to retrieve the stored or saved
o The DCL execution is transactional. It also has rollback parameters.
(But in Oracle database, the execution of data control language does not have
the feature of rolling back.)
There are the following operations which have the authorization of Revoke:
o Rollback: It is used to restore the database to original since the last Commit.
In this section, we will learn and understand about the ACID properties. We will learn
what these properties stand for and what does each property is used for. We will also
understand the ACID properties with the help of some examples.
ACID Properties
The expansion of the term ACID defines for:
1) Atomicity: The term atomicity defines that the data remains atomic. It means if
any operation is performed on the data, either it should be performed or executed
completely or should not be executed at all. It further means that the operation should
not break in between or execute partially. In the case of executing operations on the
transaction, the operation should be completely executed and not partially.
Example: If Remo has account A having $30 in his account from which he wishes to
send $10 to Sheero's account, which is B. In account B, a sum of $ 100 is already
present. When $10 will be transferred to account B, the sum will become $110. Now,
there will be two operations that will take place. One is the amount of $10 that Remo
wants to transfer will be debited from his account A, and the same amount will get
credited to account B, i.e., into Sheero's account. Now, what happens - the first
operation of debit executes successfully, but the credit operation, however, fails. Thus,
in Remo's account A, the value becomes $20, and to that of Sheero's account, it
remains $100 as it was previously present.
In the above diagram, it can be seen that after crediting $10, the amount is still $100
in account B. So, it is not an atomic transaction.
The below image shows that both debit and credit operations are done successfully.
Thus the transaction is atomic.
Thus, when the amount loses atomicity, then in the bank systems, this becomes a huge
issue, and so the atomicity is the main focus in the bank systems.
2) Consistency: The word consistency means that the value should remain
preserved always. In DBMS, the integrity of the data should be maintained, which
means if a change in the database is made, it should remain preserved always. In the
case of transactions, the integrity of the data is very essential so that the database
remains consistent before and after the transaction. The data should always be correct.
In the above figure, there are three accounts, A, B, and C, where A is making a
transaction T one by one to both B & C. There are two operations that take place, i.e.,
Debit and Credit. Account A firstly debits $50 to account B, and the amount in account
A is read $300 by B before the transaction. After the successful transaction T, the
available amount in B becomes $150. Now, A debits $20 to account C, and that time,
the value read by C is $250 (that is correct as a debit of $50 has been successfully
done to B). The debit and credit operation from account A to C has been done
successfully. We can see that the transaction is done successfully, and the value is also
read correctly. Thus, the data is consistent. In case the value read by B and C is $300,
which means that data is inconsistent because when the debit operation executes, it
will not be consistent.
4) Isolation: The term 'isolation' means separation. In DBMS, Isolation is the property
of a database where no data should affect the other one and may occur concurrently. In
short, the operation on one database should begin when the operation on the first
database gets complete. It means if two operations are being performed on two
different databases, they may not affect the value of one another. In the case of
transactions, when two or more transactions occur simultaneously, the consistency
should remain maintained. Any changes that occur in any particular transaction will not
be seen by other transactions until the change is not committed in the memory.
Example: If two operations are concurrently running on two different accounts, then
the value of both accounts should not get affected. The value should remain persistent.
As you can see in the below diagram, account A is making T1 and T2 transactions to
account B and C, but both are executing independently without affecting each other. It
is known as Isolation.
4) Durability: Durability ensures the permanency of something. In DBMS, the term
durability ensures that the data after the successful execution of the operation becomes
permanent in the database. The durability of the data should be so perfect that even if
the system fails or leads to a crash, the database still survives. However, if gets lost, it
becomes the responsibility of the recovery manager for ensuring the durability of the
database. For committing the values, the COMMIT command must be used every time
we make changes.
Therefore, the ACID property of DBMS plays a vital role in maintaining the consistency
and availability of data in the database.
1. Data abstraction
2. Instance and schema
At view level, user just interact with system with the help of GUI
and enter the details at the screen, they are not aware of how
the data is stored and what data is stored; such details are
hidden from them.
DBMS Schema
Definition of schema: Design of a database is called the
schema. Schema is of three types: Physical schema, logical
schema and view schema.
DBMS Instance
Definition of instance: The data stored in database at a particular
moment of time is called instance of database. Database
schema defines the variable declarations in tables that belong to
a particular database; the value of these variables at a moment
of time is called the instance of that database.
Integrity Constraints
o Integrity constraints are a set of rules. It is used to maintain the quality of
o Integrity constraints ensure that the data insertion, updating, and other
processes have to be performed in such a way that data integrity is not affected.
o Thus, integrity constraint is used to guard against accidental damage to the
o Domain constraints can be defined as the definition of a valid set of values for an
o The data type of domain includes string, character, integer, time, date, currency,
etc. The value of the attribute must be available in the corresponding domain.
o This is because the primary key value is used to identify individual rows in
relation and if the primary key has a null value, then we can't identify those
o A table can contain a null value other than the primary key field.
4. Key constraints
o Keys are the entity set that is used to identify an entity within its entity set
o An entity set can have multiple keys, but out of which one key will be the
primary key. A primary key can contain a unique and null value in the relational