Ijsser 08 190
Ijsser 08 190
Ijsser 08 190
ISSN: 2455-8834
Volume:08, Issue:09 "September 2023"
1. Introduction
Human resource quality is one of the most important factors determining the prosperity of a
nation. The development of high-quality human resources is impossible without education. In
recent years, the perspective of education systems has changed from “How should we teach
students” to “How should we help students learn”, the purpose of this article is to answer two
questions, what is undergraduate student achievement or performance, and what factors affect
undergraduate student performance. The article's main parts are a literature review, an empirical
analysis of factors influencing undergraduate student performance in public universities in
Hanoi, and management implications.
Student performance is a complex concept that is hard to find a uniform definition(Mills et al.,
2009; Toutkoushian et al., 2001). There are various definitions of undergraduate student
performance in literature. Kim et al. (2010)define college success as “acceptable grade averages,
retention toward a degree and attainment of productive life skills" (p. 112).Hunter (2006)
considers college success as the whole student development and having many dimensions
beyond cognitive and academic factors. Finn and Rock (1997) argue that the academic
achievement of students is to graduate on time with good grades. The definitions mentioned
above refer to college student success as not grades, but emotional, social, cognitive, and
academic development. The factors influencing student success have been interpreted by various
theories or models. The expectancy-value theory holds that motivation is an important factor for
student success. Motivation is the direct source of expectations for success (Wigfield, 1994).
According to Tinto's model of academic and social integration, engaging in a new environment,
the university environment affects student success. The more engaged students are in university,
the higher their achievement is (Tinto & Pusser, 2006). Another theory of student success is the
achievement goal theory, which emphasizes setting goals, a high goal set leads to high
achievement(Canfield & Zastavker, 2010)
According to Aydin (2017), personal factors affecting student success include own self-efficacy,
learning organization and learning attention, time use, communication in the classroom, and
engagement in college life. Pritchard and Wilson (2003) argue that due to the fact that students
have to adjust to the university environment, emotional and social factors are crucial to student
success, and so do psychological factors. According to Kuh et al. (2005), factors affecting
student success are student behavior, attitudes, expectations, and engagement in university life.
Saud (2021) found that student achievement is mainly influenced by external support from
family, friends, and society, followed by decision-making and determination, ambition, hard
work, and perseverance. The main factors hindering student success are discouragement
followed by irresponsibility, sloppiness, laziness, poor time management, failure, and frustration.
Changing the perspective of education systems from “How should we teach students” to “How
should we help students learn” so that they develop and maintain their achievements shows that
student achievement is relevant to the responsibility of the faculty and the school as a
whole(Hunter, 2006). Direct interaction between faculty and students results in an increase in
student achievements(Crisp et al., 2017).
The attribution theory was developed by Heider (Heider, 1944; 1982). The essential of this
theory is that people tend to find causality to explain their own behavior, that of others, and
surrounding events. According to Kelley (1967), in order to interpret surrounding events and
make inferences, people create causal schemes taking into account three conditions, the
individual himself (internal attributes), influences (external attributes), and surrounding
The attribution theory does not necessarily find the actual cause of events but rather a subjective
causality. Attribution is a hedonic process, it depends on gender, age, and culture, and depends
on whether the attribution is made for one's own behavior or that of others (Đigić & Zdravković,
2019; Weiner, 2010b). In education, on both sides student or teacher, the reasons for student
success or failure are student self-efficacy, skills, intelligence, the difficulty of homework, and
characteristics of teachers and luck (Weiner, 1972). The attribution is conscious or unconscious,
it affects student achievement and therefore their motivation, feelings, behavior, and school
decisions. To understand the attribution made by students it is necessary to consider at least three
variables involved in the causality scheming process. The first variable is the recognition that
attribution is subjective, showing bias, and according to(Weiner, 2010a), it is a hedonic process
that tends to find internal factors for the behavior of others and external factors for one's own
behavior. Regularly, success is said to be the result of efforts, and internal causes, while failure is
attributed to external causes such as luck. The second variable is relevant to students using
communications received from teachers to make comments and use them to explain their success
(Matteucci & Gosling, 2004) . The third variable is the management of impressions that students
make to influence others' beliefs about the cause and to seek justification, especially if academic
goals are not achieved. According to Weiner (2010a), attribution has at least four characteristics:
locus or location, controllability, stability, and globality. Locus or location is a fact that can be
attributed to internal or external factors. People who depend on the environment and others make
external attributions to things that happened to them. In contrast, those who trust their own
resources and can transform their environments consider what happens to them as a result of
their own actions. Controllability, there are causes that the actors can manage at will, while
others are beyond their control. If school failure is attributed to a lack of effort, students will
control their academic success, whereas if it is attributed to the teacher's characteristics, students
will hardly control their success or failure. Stability, the cause may be stable or unstable over
time. Things that are stable over time we can't change, that is, we can't change the cause to
change the result. Globality, causes can be generalized to situations. If students use luck to blame
their failures in school, they may use it to explain their failures in other circumstances.
Student self-motivation
Motivation is the direct source of expectations. Students who have high expectations will aim to
achieve scholarships, satisfy their parents' expectations, improve themselves, have good jobs in
the future, and be able to achieve high academic results. Therefore, the hypothesis is:
Student self-efficacy
Self-efficacy is considered an internal factor, that means students can control on their own at
will, affecting their success. Students who have good intelligence and learning methods,
attention, can manage their time and actively exploit campus resources such as libraries and Wi-
Fi to connect to the internet for learning, do not have cheating intentions on exams, learn hard,
stay calm on tests and exams over the course will have good success. However, it should be
noted that there are components of learning ability that can be changed, such as effort, proactive
behavior, and self-discipline, and things that are hard to change, such as intelligence. Good self-
efficacy will lead to good achievement. The hypothesis is
University environment
The university environment is an external factor, beyond the control of students. The
environment can have a positive or negative impact on a student performance depending on the
specific circumstances. The university environment has an impact on student learning attention,
the implementation of time plans for learning and other activities may be hindered, peer pressure
on learning or trends in student life also affect student success, participating in clubs can take
time away from learning, while it has a positive impact on engaging into social life, tough family
situations that force students to take part-time jobs also affect student’s grades. It is hypothesized
The level of student satisfaction with the university is an external factor affecting student
achievement, beyond the control of students. With good teachers, good programs, good activities
for students and a good university environment, and a good life in general, student’s success will
likely be high. Therefore, we hypothesize
H4: The student satisfaction with university is positively related to student performance.
Luck is one of the factors influencing student success. In terms of scores, for students who are
fortunate to learn with good teachers, their exam questions often fall into sections they
thoroughly learned, have few health problems, and those related to personal feelings during
exam time will get high grades. Therefore, the hypothesis is
3. Methodology
Five hypotheses were tested by a quantitative survey on the factors influencing student
performance, employing structural equation modeling. The research design is provided in the
following sections. First, the description of the development of the survey instrument is reported.
Second, the test of the measurement model is represented, which includes an estimation of
internal consistency and the convergent and discriminant validity of the instrument items, and the
report of scale reliability and validity data. This is followed by the structural modeling results.
Survey instrument
Based on the extensive literature review, we conducted the preliminary survey with which
students were asked to write down attributions to their achievements. 38 responses received are
useful references for designing a questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire includes
questions about a participant's information and the second consists of five multivariate/item
scales measuring factors that affect student success, using a 5-point Likert scale with increasing
agreement from “Not agree at all” to “Completely agree”.
The main survey was conducted virtually using the Google Form application. The online address
(URL) of the survey is sent to the participants (students who studying in public universities in
Hanoi) via student email and uploaded to groups on social networks (Facebook, Zalo, MS
Teams, LMS...). Participants are informed that this survey is anonymous and information they
provide will always remain anonymous. Data for this research are collected from a non-
probability convenience sample. The survey was carried out from January to March 2023. 480
valid responses have been collected, fulfilling the conditions of sample size(Hair, 2014). The
sample’s characteristics are provided in Table 1.
Respondents Percentage
Other 3 0,6%
Non-campus 53 11%
No 223 46,5%
No 195 40,6%
Other 6 1,2%
Source: authors
Research methods
Structural equation model-based PLS methodology was applied to test the research model
represented in Figure 1, using SmartPLS software version
The data analysis started with model estimation. The measurement model was tested by
estimating the internal consistency and the convergent and discriminant validity of the
instrument items. If reliability measures were above the level recommended of .70 internal
consistency is verified(Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). If individual
reflective measures correlate more than .70 with the construct they intend to measure then they
are considered to be reliable. Table 2 represents reliability measuresabove .70, ensuring
adequate internal consistency, and reliable individual reflective measures.
If the item loads highly (loading is greater than .50) on their associated factors, convergent
validity is demonstrated. The AVE ranging from 0.562 to 0.92 (Table 2) were above the
threshold of .05(Chin, 1998; Fornell & Larcker, 1981).
IC = 0.866
AVE = 0.686
Mot1 0.669
Mot3 0.906
Mot4 0.890
IC = 0.876
AVE = 0.703
Effi2 0.868
Effi3 0.845
Effi5 0.801
University environment
IC = 0.875
AVE = 0.778
Evi1 0.866
Evi2 0.898
IC = 0.92
AVE = 0.741
Sat1 0.873
Sat2 0.904
Sat3 0.849
Sat4 0.815
IC = 0.793
AVE = 0.562
Luc1 0.71
Luc2 0.774
Luc3 0.762
Student success
IC = 0.884
AVE = 0.656
Suc2 0.757
Suc3 0.822
Suc4 0.854
Suc5 0.803
Discriminant validity assessment was conducted by comparing the square root of the AVE for
each construct with the correlation between the construct with other constructs in the
model(Chin, 1998; Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Constructs in the estimated model that satisfied the
condition of discriminant validity were represented in Table 3.
Self-efficacy 0.838
Student success
Self-efficacy 1.295
University environment 1.507
Student motivation 1.426
Luck 1.279
Student satisfaction 1.587
Source: authors extracted from the processed data
The estimated structural model R2 = 0.492 (Figure 2) indicates that 49.2% of the variance in
student success is explained by independent variables. According toFalk and Miller (1992), the
percentage of variance explained for the dependent variable was greater than 10 percent,
indicating the satisfactory value of the PLS model.
Structural coefficients
The results of the estimated model indicated that five constructs hypothesized to affect student
success were significant (Table 5).
To test whether student sex, level of study, education program, campus residence, club
membership, part-time job, student's family residence, and who finances student studying
influence student performnace or not, these factors were included in the model. The results
indicate that only club membership has a significant negative relationship with student
performnace (Table 6).
f square represents the effect size of independent variables on dependent variables. According to
Cohen (2013), f square < 0.02 indicates an extremely small effect, 0.02 ≤ f square < 0.15: shows
a small effect; 0.15 ≤ f square < 0.35 implies a medium effect and f square ≥ 0.35: represents a
large effect. 0.15 ≤ all path coefficients < 0.35 (Table 5) demonstrate that student self-motivation,
self-efficacy, university environment, student satisfaction, and luck have a medium effect on
student success.
This research explored factors influencing student performance. The model was tested on survey
data by applying SmartPLS technology. All five hypotheses were supported by the data. Our
research verified five factors affecting student performance including (i) student self-efficacy,
similar to the findings of Aydin (2017), and (Đặng, 2017); (ii) university environment, similar to
the findings of Pritchard and Wilson (2003), and Kuh et al. (2005), Hunter (2006); (iii) student
satisfaction with university, similar to findings of Crisp et al. (2017), Kuh et al. (2005),
Pascarella and Terenzini (2005); (iv) student self-motivation, similarity to the findings of Cao
and Truong (2022); and (v) luck, similar to the findings of García y García (2021).
In contrast with the findings of (Nguyễn et al., 2017), and Lê (2016), we found that student sex,
level of study, education program, campus residence, part-time job, student's family residence,
and who finances student studying not significantly influence student success, while club
membership has a negative relationship with student achievements.
Practical implications
This research found three internal and two external factors affecting student achievements.
Internal factors include student self-motivation (for a scholarship, self-improvement, good job in
the future), student self-efficacy (good study methods, time management, and attention), and
student engagement in university life(attention, proactively time arrangement for studying and
other activities).External factors, which are out of student control, include student satisfaction
with the university (highly qualified instructors, high-quality education programs, good student
activities, and university environment), and luck (engaging in courses with good instructors,
exam questions often fall into the well-learned sections), less likely to have problems related to
health, personal and family feelings in midterm and final exam time). Therefore, in order to
improve student's learning outcomes, it is necessary to organize activities that affect student
behavior so that they maintain their self-motivation, such as organizing talk shows whose guest
speakers are successful alumni. Student self-efficacy and engagement in university life are
difficult things to change because it belongs to the gifted, however universities can support them
through soft skills training courses, facilitating good student campus life, both physical facilities
and service quality. Student satisfaction with the university is under the university control,
respondents revealed that somewhere are staff undertaking their job unprofessionally (instructors
abuse student presentations, lack of enthusiasm, dormitory staff is not friendly), and too long
class-section time reduces learning effectiveness, this implies the need of improving and
ensuring the standardized quality of teachers, training programs, student activities, and physical
facilities. Luck is beyond the student's control, however, universities can reduce some of the
risks by ensuring the quality of teachers. In addition, this research found that participating in any
club negatively affects student academic performance. Therefore, measures guiding clubs to
alleviate the effect on students' learning time are needed.
This research was unfunded, so the survey was conducted in a convenient way, which may cause
the results to be biased. Further research in the future would use better samples.
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Survey questions
Student success
Suc2 = I understand the content of subjects and can apply it to explain related problems in
Effi6 = I often exploit resources on campus such as libraries, lecture halls, Wi-Fi to
connect to the internet for learning objectives.
University environment
Env1 = In the university environment, it is easier for paying attention when learning.
Env2 = Being independent helps me proactively arrange learning and other activities.
Sat3 = I am satisfied with the student activities and the university environment.
Luc3 = I less likely have problems related to health at the time of midterm and final exams.
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International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research
ISSN: 2455-8834
Volume:08, Issue:09 "September 2023"
Luc4 = I less likely have problems related to personal and family feeling at the time of midterm
and final exams.