Akash Rajput
Akash Rajput
Akash Rajput
A practice school report submitted to the Institute of Pharmacy,
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Head of Department
Institute of Pharmacy
B.U. Jhansi
This is to certify that the project entitled “LATJEERA” submitted in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of pharmacy,
Institute of Pharmacy Bundelkhand University, Jhansi is a bonafied
work carried out by AKASH RAJPUT during the academic session
Date: Guide
Dr. Shailendra Kumar
Assistant Professor
Institute of Pharmacy B.U,
I further declare that I have not submitted this project report previously for the
award of any degree or diploma to me.
Firstly, I would like to thank GOD. Most gracious and most merciful the
omnipotent the omniscient who gave me the strength to complete this
work, without his generous blessing it was not possible to complete this
1 Certificate 2
2 Certificate 3
3 Declaration 4
4 Acknowledgement 5
6 Taxonomic classification 9
7 Botanical description 9
8 Geographical Source 10
9 Morphology 10
10 Traditional Uses 10
11 Phytochemistry 11
12 TLC of Latjeera Extract 15
13 Pharmacological actions - 16
14 Spermicidal Activity 16
15 Antiparasitic Activity 16
16 Hypoglyceamic Activity 16
17 Cancer Chemo preventive Activity 17
18 Hepatoprotective Activity 17
19 Analgesic and antipyretic activity 17
20 Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity 17
21 Antimicrobial Activity 18
22 Anti-oxidant Activity 18
23 Anti-depressant Activity 19
24 Diuretic Activity 19
25 Bronchoprotective Activity 19
26 Cardiovascular Activity 19
27 Anti-allergic Activity 19
28 Immunomodulatory Activity 20
Knowledge of herbs has been handed down from gteionne rtao generation for
thousands of years [1]. Herbal drugs constitute a major part in all traodniatil
systems of medicines. Herbal medicine is a triumph of popular therapeutic
diversity. Ptsla anbove all other agents have been used for medicine from time
immemorial because they havted f ithe immediate personal need, are easily
accessible and inexpensive.The recent past there has been a tremendouesasinecr
in the use of plant based health products in developing asl wase ldeveloped
countries resulting in an exponential growth of herbal products globally. Aupnw
ard trend has been observed in the research on herbals. Herbal medicines have a s
ttrroandgitional or conceptual base and the potential to be useful as drugs in
terms of saafentdy effectiveness leads for treating different diseases. World
Health Organization has made aenm pat tto identify all medicinal plants used
globally and listed more than 20,000 species.
In the present era of drug development and discyo voef rnewer drug molecules
many plant products are evaluated on the basis of their tiorandailt uses. One of
the many plants which are being evaluated for their therapeutic efficacie Asc
ihsyranthes aspera which is commonly known as Latjeera (Hindi) & Rough
Chaff tree (Englisht) . isI an erect or procumbent, annual or perennial herb, 1-2m
in height, often with a woobdays e, commonly found as a weed of waysides, on
roadsides.though it has many medicinal properties, it isr tipcaularly used
spermicidal, antipyretic & as a cioavrdascular agent.
Taxonomic classification
Kingdom – Plantae
Subkingdom - Tracheobinota
Super Division - Spermatophyta
Division - Mangoliophyta
Class - Mangoliophsida
Subclass - Caryophyllidae
Order - Caryophyllales
Family - Amaranthaceae
Genus - Achyranthes
Species - Aspera
Botanical description:
- Achyranthes aspera
Sanskrit - Aghata
Hindi - Latjira, Chirchira
Gujarati - Safad Aghedo
Tamil - Shiru-kadaladi
Telugu - Uttaraene
Malayalam - Kadaladi
Punjabi - Kutri
Unani - Chirchitaa
Ayurvedic - Apaamaarga, Chirchitaa, Shik,h Sarhiaikharika
Persian - Khare-vazhun
Arabian - Atkumah
French - Achyranth a feuilles rudesll,a cnot, gendarme
Spanish - Mosotillo, rabo de gato, radbeo c hango, rabo de raton
Geographical Source
It is found on roadsides, field boundaries and ew apslaces as a weed throughout India up to an altitude
of 2100 m and in the South Andaman Islands,. The plant is also widespread in Baluchistan, Ceylon,
Tropical Asia, Africa, Austiara alnd America.
Achyranthes aspera
L. (Latjeera) is an erect or procumbent, annu apl eorrennial herb of about 1-2 meter in height, often
with a woody base. Stenmgsu laar, ribbed, simple or branched from the base, often with tinged purple
colour, branc htersete or absolutely quadrangular, striate, pubescent, leaves thick [8], 3.8 - 6×.3 2 2.5 -
4.5 cm, ovate – elliptic or obovate – rounded, finely and softly pubescent on botdhe si, entire,
petiolate, petiole 6 – 20 mm long, flowers greenish white, numerous in axillarry toerminal spikes up to
75 cm long, seeds subcylindric, truncate at the apex, rounded atb tahsee , reddish brown.
Traditional Uses
Traditionally, the plant is used in asthma and cho. uItg is pungent, antiphlegmatic, antiperiod ic,
diuretic, purgative and laxative, useful in oedema, dropsdy painles, boils and eruptions of skin etc.
Crushed plant is boiled in water and is usne dp nieumonia. Infusion of the root is a mild astringent in
bowel complaints. The flowering spsi koer seeds, ground and made into a paste with water, are used as
external application foter sb iof poisonous snakes and reptiles, used in night blindness and cutaneous
diseases. Faokre s bnites the ground root is given with water until the patient vomits and regains
consciousn Ienshsa.ling the fume ofA chyranthes aspera
mixed with Smilax ovalifolia roots is suggested to improve appetite and to vcaurrieous types of gastric
disorders. It is useful in haemorrhso, idleaves and seeds are emetic, hydrophobia, carminative, resolve
swelling, digestive and expphelel gm. Ash of the plant is applied externally for ulcers and warts. The
crushed leaves rubbedacohnin g back to cure strained back. A fresh piece of root is used as tooth brush.
Poafs tthee roots in water is used in ophthalmia and opacities of the cornea. Paste of fresh leaves eisd
ufor allaying pain from bite of wasps. The plant is useful in liver complaints, rheumat,i ssmcabies and
other skin diseases. It also possesses tranquillizing properties.
Chemical investigations of the seedsA ochf yranthes aspera by V. Hariharan & S. Rangaswami
(1970)and M. Ali (1993) reported the isolation & identification of Sapon iAn sand B l ester of D-
Glucuronic Acid. Alonwgi th these constituents certain other constituents were also isolated like
oleanolic ,a caimdino acids and hentriacontane. The seeds also contain chemical constituents like 10
tricosnaen, 10-octacosanone & 4-tritriacontanone.
The studies of R.D. Rameshwar & N. Akito (2007)e raelved three oleonolic acid glycosides from the
seeds oAf chyranthes aspera which were identified asα -L-rhamnopyranosyl-(→14)-(β-D-
glucopyranosyluronic acid)-→(13)-oleanolic acid, α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(→14)-(β-D-
glucopyranosyluronic acid)-→(13)-oleanolic acid-28-Oβ--D-glucopyranoside and α-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(→14)-(β-D- glucopyranosyluronic acid)-→(13)-oleanolic acid-28-Oβ--D-
glucopyranosyl-(→14)-β-D- glucopyranoside.
A.S. Chauhan et al. (2002) isolated a new cyclic chain aliphatic fatty acid (I) was also isolated from
seeds of the plant. H.N. Khastgir et al. (1958) isolated sapogenin along with oleanolic acid from the
seeds. A. Banerji et al. (1970) isolated ecdysterone from the methanolic extract of roots of Achyranthes
aspera. R. Ikan et al (1971) also isolated ecdysterone from Achyranthes aspera root extracts by
chromatography on silica gel column, followed by elution with CHCl3-MeOH (4:1). A. Banerji et al.
(1970) and A.K. Batta & S. Rangaswami (1973) isolated ecdysone from the roots of Achyranthes
aspera . H.N. Khastgir et al. (1958) isolated oleanolic acid from glycosidic fraction of the roots. S.K.
Sharma et al. (2009) from the ethanolic extracts of the roots isolated a new aliphatic acid and identified
as n-hexacos-14-enoic acid from the roots of Achyranthes aspera. This compound is reported for the
first time from any natural and synthetic source. Certain other were also isolated and identified as
strigmasta-5, 22-dien-3-β-ol, trans-13-docasenoic acid, n-hexacosanyl n-decaniate, n-hexacos-17-enoic
acid and n-hexacos-11-enoic acid. Strigmasta-5, 22-dien-3-β-ol is a phytosterol, was obtained as a
colourless crystalline mass from petroleum ether: benzene 75:25 elute. It responded positively to
Liebermann Burchard test for sterols . A.K. Batta & S. Rangaswami (1973) also isolated dihydroxy
ketones from the shoots as 36, 37- dihydroxyhenpentacontan-4-one and Triacontanol. Triacontanol was
also isolated by T.N. Misra et al. (1991) along with 36, 47-dihydroxyhenpentacontan-4-one. T.G. Misra
et al. (1993) reported certain long chain compounds from the shoots like 27- cyclohexylheptacosan-7-ol
and 16-hydroxy-26-methylheptacosan-2-one. Y. Gariballa et al. (1983) isolated an aliphatic alcohol,
17-pentatriacontanol from the shoots. T.N. Misra et al. (1996) isolated various compounds like
tetracontanol-2 (C40H82O, melting point 76-77ºC), 4-methoxyheptatriacont-1-en-10-ol (C38H76O)
and β-sitosterol. A. Banerji et al. (1971) isolated ecdysterone from the whole plant. K.S.Laddha (2005)
et al. reported extraction, isolation and purification of 20-hydroxyecdysone from Achyranthes aspera
and its characterization by DSC, UV, IR, CD, 1H and 13C NMR, MS and quantification by HPLC. N.
C. Neogi et al. (1970) reported Achyranthine a water soluble alkaloid which possess pharmacological
actions like dilation of the blood vessels, lowering of the blood pressure, depression of the heart and
increase the rate and amplitude of respiration. V. K. Kapoor & H. Singh (1966) reported betaine
(C5H11NO2) (m.p. 292ºC) from the whole plant which is also a water soluble alkaloid. The identity of
betaine was confirmed by mixed m.p. detection of the HCl-salt, oxalate and picrate derivatives and
compared with those of an authentic sample. V. Seshadri et al. (1981) isolated two constituents from
the fruits and were identified as Saponins C and D. M. Ali (1993) isolated various compounds from the
stem, Pentatriaontane, 6- pentatriacontanone, Hexatriacontane and Tritriacontane. O. Kunert et al.
(2000) reported three bisdesmosidic saponins (I-III), 20-hydroxyecdysone, and
quercetin-3-Oβ--D-galactoside, were isolated from the methanorl aecxt tof the aerial parts of
Achyranthes aspera. Their structures were established on the bas isN MofR spectroscopic analysis; the
complet1eH and 13C assignments of the compounds were achieved bny sm oefa 2D NMR studies.
G. Michl et al. (2000) reported two new bisdesmosidic triterpde nsoaiponins were isolated, besides the
three known saponins from the Methca neoxltiract of the aerial parts Aofc hyranthes aspera. Their
structures were elucidated βa-sD -glucopyranosylβ3-[O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→3)-O-β-D-
glucopyranuronosyloxy]machaerinate, β-D-glucopyranosylβ3-[O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(→12)-O-α-
The other saponins were identified βa-s D -glucopyranosyl-β3[O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-[→13)-O-β-
D-glucopyranuronosyloxy]oleanolate, β-D-glucopyranosyl3β--[O-β-D-galactopyranosyl (1→2)-O-β-
D-glucopyranuronosyloxy] oleanolate, β-D- glucopyranosyl β3-[O-β-D- glucopyranuronosyloxy]
R.D. Rameshwar (2007) isolated chemical compounf dtsh eo volatile oil from Achyranthes aspera
leaves, growing in Dehra Dun were analyzed by GM.C.S.. Seven compounds viz., p-benzoquinone,
hydroquinone, spathulenol, neαro-ilo, none, asarone and eugenol constituting 63.05% of the oil were
identified. Hydroquinone7 .(75%) was found to be the chief constituent.
Me Me H CO
e CH2
OR Me Me
I R=-L-rhamnopyranosyl
II R=-D-galactopyranosyl III
Bisdesmosidic Saponins (I-III)
10 O
Oleanolic Acid
Me CO2
Me Me
OH Me Me
I, R=- L-rhamnopyranosyl
II, R=- L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1
α 4)- β - D-glycopyranosyl
Structures of some phytoconstituents isolated fromA chyranthes aspera
Extraction of latjeera in
Soxhlet Appartus
Thin Layer Chromatography of LatJeera Extract
Pharmacological actions
Spermicidal Activity
et alAchyranthes aspera
D. Paul . (2010) studied effects of various extracts frohme rtoots of and reported spermicidal activityin
human and rat sperm. The hydroethanolic, n-he xand chloroform extracts were found to be most effec
tfiovre sperm immobilization, sperm viability, acrosome status, 5’-nucleotidase activity and naur
cclehromatin decondensation.
N. Vasudeva & S.K. Sharma (200 r6e)ported the ethanolic extract of the rootA ocfh yranthes aspera
shows post coital antifertility activity in fema laelbino rats. The said extract exhibited 83.3% anti-
implantation activity when given oraallty 200 mg/kg body weight.
W. Shibeshie t al. (2006) studied effects of methanolic extracth oef lteaves and reported for anti-
fertility activities such as abortifacient, estrongeesity, pituitary weight, and ovarian hormone level and
lipids profile in female rats. The abfoarctient effect of the methanolic extract of the leaves ofA
chyranthes aspera was determined by counting the dead fetuisne vsi vo. Effect on estrogenesity was
assessed by taking the ratihoe o uf tterine weight to body weight. The ratio of the pituitary weight to
body weight was also caalcteudl. The effect of the extract on the level of ovarian hormones and lipid
profile were evaluateds ingu electrochemiluminescence immunoassay.
A. Pakrashi & N. Bhattacharya (1977) reported tbheant zene extract of the whole plant shows
abortifacient activity in mice. D.Pauetl al. (2006) reported 50% ethanolic extract of the leaf of
Stephania hernandifolia and the root ofA chyranthes aspera shows effect on sperm motility and
function in a ratio of 1:3 by weight at diffnetr econcentrations. V. Wadhweat al. (1986) reported n-
butanol fraction of aerial parts alsow ssh contraceptive and hormonal properties.
Antiparasitic Activity
A. A. Zahir et al. (2009) reported that the ethyl acetate extrafc tAs. oaspera shows antiparasitic
activity (dried leaf, flower and seed extract) angsat ithe larvae of cattle tickR hipicephalus (Boophilus)
microplus (Canestrini, 1887) (Acari: lxodidae), sheep inatel rnparasite Paramphistomum cervi.
A. Bagavane t al. (2008) studied the acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate,a nhe xand methanol leaf
extracts ofA chyranthes aspera against the early fourth-instar larvaeA oefd es aegypti L and Culex
quinquefasciatus Say. The larval mortality was observed after 2e4x pho sure. All extracts showed
moderate larvicidal effects; however, thgeh ehsit larval mortality was found in the ethyl acetate extract
oAf . aspera. In the present study, bioassay-guided fractiona otf A. aspera led to the separation and
identification of a saponsi na apotential mosquito larvicidal compound, with LC50 value of 18.20 and
27.24 ppm againAs. t aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus, respectively.1 H NMR, 13C NMR and mass
spectral data confirmed the idecnatifoin of the active compound. This is the first report on thoes
mquito larvicidal activity of the saponin from the ethyl acetate extract Ao.f aspera.
Hypoglyceamic Activity
M.S. Akhtar & J. Iqbal (1991) studied the aqueounsd amethanolic extracts of the powdered whole
plant, which shows hypoglyceamic activityo. oBdl glucose levels of normal and Alloxan induced
diabetic rabbits were determined after aodramlinistration of various doses.
Cancer Chemo preventive Activity
A. Chakraborty et al . (2002) reported that thmeethanolic extracts of leaves, alkaloid, non- alkaloid
and saponin fractions shows cancer chemreov epntive action on Epstein- Barr virus early antigen
activation induced by tumor promo1te2r- O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in Raji cells.
Hepatoprotective Activity
Achyranthes aspera
A.R. Bafna & S.H. Mishra (2004 r) reported that the methanolic extract of the aepraiar. lt shows
hepatoprotective activity on rifampicin including hepatotoxicity in albino rats. Methanolic extract
showed a dose-dependent decrease in the levels of SGPT, SGOT, ALKP and total bilirubin.
Antimicrobial Activity
M.T.J. Khan et al. (2010) reported that the ethanol and chloroform extracft ss eoeds of Achyranthes
aspera shows mild to moderate antibiotic activity aga iBn.s tsubtilis, E. coli and P.
aeruginosaet al A.R. Bafna & S.H. Mishra (2004 r)eported that the methanolic extract of the aepraiar
lts of shows hepatoprotective activity on rifampicin inceddu hepatotoxicity in albino rats. Methanolic
extract showed dose depnetn decrease in the levels of SGPT, SGOT, ALKP and total bilirubin.
Analgesic and antipyretic activity Sutar N.G. et al. (2008) reported methanolic extract of leaves afonra
lgesic and antipyretic activities by using hot plate and brewer’s yeadsut cined methods using aspirin as
a standard drug.. F.A. Mehta et al. (2009) studied the leaves and seedAs cohfy ranthes aspera which
shows analgesic activity. Both leaves and seeds showg easniacl activity in mice using acetic acid
induced writhing response and hot plate method. [H53. ]Kumar et al. (2009) reported the hydro
alcoholic extract of the roots and leavesA ochf yranthes aspera shows centrally acting analgesic activity
in adult male albino rats using tail fli,c khot plate and acetic acid induced writhing method for
peripherally acting analgesic activitsyi nug aspirin as standard drug. The doses administered were 200
mg/kg and 400 mg/kg. The aln tihmat administered a dose of 400 mg/kg leaf extract has shown the
maximum analgesic atyc t[i5vi4]. Neogi N et al. (1970) reported that achyranthine a water soluble
alkaloid had a slaignhtitp yretic activity in rats. Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity S.Vijaya
Kumare t al. (2009) studie dthe alcoholic extract of the roots Aofc hyranthes aspera, which shows anti-
inflammatory activity in Wistart sr ausing carrageenan-induced paw edema method and cotton pellet
granulomat[e5s5t]. The alcoholic extracts of leaves and seeds showi- inaflnatmmatory activity in rats
using the carrageenan-induced paw edema method and formaoldine lm. T. Vetrichelvan & M.
Jegadeesan (2003) reported a tlhcoehol extract oAf chyranthes aspera was tested on carrageenin-
induced hind paw oedema oatntodn c pellet granuloma models in albino male rats. The paw volume
was measured plethysmtriocmalely at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 h and diclofenac sodium was used as a standard
drug. aTlchoehol extract (375 and 500 mg/kg) showed the maximum inhibition of oedema of 65.38n%d
7a2.37%, respectively, at the end of 3 h with carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. Uscinhgr oan ic
test, the extract exhibited a 40.03% and 45.32% reduction in granuloma we ig[5h6t]. A.B. Gokhale et
al. (2002) reported the ethanolic extracts of theA chyranthes aspera at the doses of 50, 100 and 200
mg/kg were screened for their effect on acute and chronica minmflation induced in mice and rats using
carrageenan and Freund's complete adjuvant moAd. eal.s pera inhibited these inflammatory responses at
doses of 100-200 m g[5/k7g]. Antimicrobial Activity M.T.J. Khan et al. (2010) reported that the ethanol
and chloroform extracft ss eoeds of Achyranthes aspera shows mild to moderate antibiotic activity aga
iBn.s tsubtilis, E. coli and P.
Anti-Oxidant Activity
P. Tahiliani & A. Kar (2000) studied various exttrsa cof the leaves for anti-oxidant activ [it6y4]. D.S.
Gayathri . (2009) also reported antioxidant activity on lesa vand root [s65].
T. Malarvili & N. Gomathi (2009) reported antioxindta activity on seed sof the plant [66]. Achyranthes
aspera is well documented for the presence of phytoa cctiovnestituents. Reduction in rate of lipid
peroxidation and enhancement iene fradical scavenging activity of the herbal seed powder is due to
presence of phytoactive ictuoennst.
S. Edwin et al. (2008) reporte dfree radical scavenging activity of the ethanolnicd aaqueous extracts.
Both extracts were assessed using twhoo mdse,t DPPH radical scavenging activity, and superoxide
scavenging activity. The plant exhibited an antioxidant effect by preventing the formation of free
radicals in the two models studd [i6e7].
Nephroprotective Activity
T. Jayakumar et al. (2009) reported the methanolic extract of the whole plant of Achyranthes aspera
shows nephroprotective activity against lead acetate induced nephrotoxicity in male albino rats.
Anti-depressant Activity
\ C.C. Barua et al. (2009) showed that Methanolic extract of the leaves of Achyranthes aspera shows
anti-depressant effect in mice and rats using forced swimming test in mice and rats and tail suspension
test in rats. Diuretic Activity S.S. Gupta et al. (1972) reported a saponin isolated from the seeds of
Achyranthes aspera which shows significant diuretic effect in adult male albino rats. Achyranthine (5
mg/kg, orally) had diuretic activity in rats. Bronchoprotective Activity B.R. Goyal et al. (2007) reported
ethanolic extract of Achyranthes aspera shows bronchoprotective effect in toluene diisocyanate (TDI)
induced occupational asthma in Wistar rats. The total and differential leucocytes were counted in blood
and bronchoalveolar (BAL) fluid. Liver homogenate was utilized for assessment of oxidative stress and
lung histological examination was performed to investigate the inflammatory status of airway. The
results suggest that Achyranthes aspera treated rats did not show any airway abnormality.
Cardiovascular Activity
Achyranthine, a water-soluble alkaloid isolated from Achyranthes aspera, decreased blood pressure and
heart rate, dilated blood vessels, and increased the rate and amplitude of respiration in dogs and frogs.
The contractile effect of the alkaloid at 0.5 mg/ml on frog rectus abdominal muscle was less than that of
acetylcholine (0.1 mg/ml), and its spasmogenic effect was not blocked by tubocurarine.
S.S. Gupta et al. (1972) studied a mixture of saponins isolated from the seeds of Achyranthes aspera
increased the force of contraction of the isolated frog, guinea pig and rabbit heart. The stimulant effect
of the lower doses (1-50 µg) was blocked by pronethalol and partly by mepyramine. At higher saponin
doses, the effect was not blocked by pronethalol. The saponins also increased the tone of the
hypodynamic heart and the force of contraction of the failing papillary muscle. A. K. Ram et al. (1971)
studied perfusion of isolated rat heart with adrenaline bitartrate or the saponin of Achyranthes aspera
increased the activity of phosphorylase a but had no effect on the total phosphorylase activity.
Anti-allergic Activity
S.B. Datir et al. (2009) reported that the petroleum ether extract (200 mg/kg, i.p.) of the plant shows
significant antiallergic activity in both milk induced leukocytosis and milk induced eosinophilia in
mice. Thus the antiallergic activity of A. aspera may be due to nonpolar constituents. The
phytochemical screening of petroleum ether extract shows the presence of steroids. Literature shows the
presence of steroids like β-sitosterol, ecdysone and ecdysterone. Thus these steroids present in the plant
may be responsible for the antiallergic activity.
Immunomodulatory Activity
R. Chakrabarti & R.Y. Vasudeva reported that Achyranthes aspera show immuno-stimulant action in
Catla catla. Achyranthes has significantly (P < 0.05) enhanced the BSA-specific antibody titers than the
untreated control group throughout the study period. The efficiency of antigen clearance was also
enhanced. Hypolipidemic Activity A.K. Khanna et al. (1992) investigated the alcoholic extract of A.
aspera, at 100 mg/kg dose lowered serum cholesterol (TC), phospholipid (PL). triglyceride (TG) and
total lipids (TL) levels by 60, 51, 33 and 53% respectively in triton induced hyperlipidemic rats. The
chronic administration of this drug at the same doses to normal rats for 30 days, lowered serum TC, PL,
TG and TL by 56, 62, 68 and 67% respectively followed by significant reduction in the levels of hepatic
lipids. The faecal excretion of cholic acid and deoxycholic acid increased by 24 and 40% respectively
under the action of this drug. The possible mechanism of action of cholesterol lowering activity of A.
aspera may be due to rapid excretion of bile acids causing low absorption of cholesterol.
The herbals occupied a distinct place in the life right from the primitive period till date and provided
information on the use of plants or plant products and products as medicine. The use of medicinal
plants in the management of various illnesses is due to their phytochemical constituents and dates
back antiquity. It is seen from the literature that Achyranthes aspera is a very important plant for its
large number of medicinal properties as well as medicinally important chemicals like ecdysterone,
achyranthine, betaine, pentatriaontane, 6-pentatriacontanone, hexatriacontane and tritriacontane. The
plant shows many pharmacological activities like spermicidal, anti-allergic, cardiovascular,
nephroprotective, antiparasitic, hypoglyceamic, analgesic and antipyretic. Many traditional uses are
also reported like antiperiodic, purgative and laxative, in various types of gastric disorders and in
body pain which are being studied till today and further research has to be done. Thus, Achyranthes
aspera is quite promising as a multipurpose medicinal agent so further clinical trials should be
performed to prove its efficacy.
The authors are thankful to librarians of various Institutions & libraries like BHU Varanasi, IIT Delhi
& Kanpur, Jamia Hamdard New Delhi, National Medical Library New Delhi, NISCAIR New Delhi,
CDRI Lucknow, NBRI Lucknow and to the Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Pharmacy,
Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad for providing literature survey facility to carry out the
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