Evs Project
Evs Project
Evs Project
Water is one of the most important biological components that sustain life. Its great solvent
power makes the creation of absolute pure water a theoretical rather than a practical goal.
Human population has the habit of dumping their wastes into water. This has the effect of
diluting the waste and getting it dispersed if it is a running water system.
The term “water quality” is infinitely related to water pollution. The water is said to be
polluted when it has more “negative” qualities than“ positive” ones. Water quality refers to
the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water. Thus, in simple words, we can
say that polluted water is that water which has been abused, defiled in some way, so that it is
no longer fit for use. Water pollution can be defined as
“the presence of too much of undesirable substances in water which tend to degrade the
quality of water’s physical, chemical and biological characteristics, making it unsuitable
for beneficial use”.
(c) Land and Soil Pollution:
Soil is the loose mineral material and is the most important component of the earth’s surface
(lithosphere). It is the growth medium for many microbes, plants and animals. The formation
of soil is the result of chemical, physical and biological weathering.
Like air and water, soil is also subjected to pollution. Soil contains many microbes.
(d) Noise Pollution:
We hear various types of sounds every day. Sound is mechanical energy from a vibrating
source. A type of sound may be pleasant to someone and at the same time unpleasant to
others. The unpleasant and unwanted sound is called noise. Sound can propagate through a
medium like air, liquid or solid. Sound wave is a pressure perturbation in the medium through
which sound travels. Sound pressure alternately causes compression and rarefaction. The
number of compressions and rarefactions of the molecules of the medium (for example air) in
a unit time is described as frequency. It is expressed in Hertz (Hz) and is equal to the number
of cycles per second.
The elements such as uranium, thorium etc. having unstable nuclei emit radiations such as
alpha, beta and gamma in nature to acquire stability. These elements are called radioactive
elements. Some ordinary elements like zinc, calcium, chlorine etc. can be converted into
radioactive by bombardment with neutron or other particles. This bombardment is called
disintegration and the disintegration rate is measured in curie (Ci) named on the discoverer,
of radioactive elements.
5. Sources of Environmental Pollution:
Anthropogenic source cover a wide spectrum of types as man has aggravated the problem of
pollution by his innumerable activities like,1. Domestic sources2. Industries3. Agriculture
activities4. Radioactive waste5. Thermal power stations(a) Industrialization (b) Invention of
automobiles(c) Over population(d) Deforestation: Destruction of natural habitat(e) Nuclear
explosions(f) Over-exploitation of natural resources(g) Construction of buildings, roads and
dams(h) Explosives used in wars(i) Use of fertilizers and pesticides(j) Quarrying and mining.
The term “environment” refers to the immediate surroundings in which man lives. It
comprises of living and non-living constituents that support life and sustain various human
activities. Pollution affects both the living as well as the non-living components of the
environment. It brings about drastic changes in the physical environment causing community
wide problems by polluting the air, water and land; adversely affecting the health of humans
and animals, and damaging plants and property. Besides there are effects of noise pollution
and the hazards associated with radiation pollution. As environmental stress on the human
body increases, many medical scientists fear a terminal increase in infectious disorders not
only because of lower body resistance but because viruses and other disease organisms will
increasingly slip through water treatment and food processing plants as the quality of water
and food at the intake deteriorates. Effect on plants, the adverse effects range from reduction
in growth rate to death of the plant. The damage caused to plants by pollution includes
necrosis (dead areas on a leaf structure), chlorosis (loss or reduction of chlorophyll leading to
yellowing of leaf), epinasty (downward curvature of the leaf due to higher rate of growth on
the upper surface) andabscission of leaves (premature fall). Pollution also causes
deterioration of structural materials such as marble and lime stone. Pollution has been
changed the atmospheric conditions. An average temperature has been increased due to
increase in pollution. Effects of pollution at international level are depletion of ozone layer,
global warming acid rain, rising sea level etc.
7. Pollution In Kolkata
The pollution level in Kolkata is increasing day by day. This is a threatto Kolkata and the
citizens of Kolkata and people should be aware of that. The major pollution taking place in
Kolkata is the air and water pollution. The river Ganga is getting contaminated day by day.
Air pollution
Kolkata is highly getting polluted day by day. The reasons for the air pollution in Kolkata is
due to the more number of vehicles on road screating a havoc in the city. The old buses some
of which are now banned by the government of West Bengal were a great cause of pollution.
But still there are old Buses in the city emitting a good amount of smoke and other harmful
gases to the city's air. Again the taxis and auto rickshaws cause a high amount of pollution
specially due to using of kerosene mixed oils in the Auto Rickshaws. Air pollution in Kolkata
is also caused due to the industries present in and around Kolkata. Kolkata is surrounded by
industries and these industries emit harmful gases in the atmosphere which causes acid rain
and other problems in the city.
Water Pollution
Water pollution is also a problem for Kolkata. Specially in the river Ganga. The river Ganga
is getting contaminated day by day due to the discharge of industrial pollutants and other type
of wastes in the river. The Industries in and around Kolkata use Ganga as a discharge for their
liquid and solid wastes without treating the wastes properly thus causing water pollution in
the city. Again all the sewage and domestic wastes is also discharged into the River Ganga.
The river is used as a source of discharging the waste products of the city.
Effects of pollution
Pollution in Kolkata is effecting the citizens of Kolkata and the whole world in a wide rate.
The air pollution causes many harmful diseases like the Lung Cancer. It also causes breathing
problems and asthma. The water pollution contaminates the water as the water for Ganga is
also used for drinking purpose. This contaminated water causes the problem of Diarrhea,
stomach pain, Jaundice and other types of diseases.
Pollution is the creation of imbalances between nature and environment life cycle by human
beings and other living inhabitants on the earth due to their day to day input output activities
carrying unhealthy surrounding, deforestation, ecological degradation. Soil erosion, depletion
of natural resources creation of industries slumps and ugly dwellings.
a. Maximum feasibility reduction of all wastes generated at production sites.
b. Source reduction, energy efficiency, reuse of input materials during production and
reduced water consumption.
c. Change products and production processes to reduce pollution at the source.
11. Conclusion
On the basis of coordinating with other related planning and analyzing the current challenges
in the environment, the present Environmental Planning has proposed the planning vision and
objectives, together with a preliminary scheme for environmental functional districts and
environmental functional district management. Under the three principal themes of
"Optimizing the Environment Suitable for Living and Tourism", "Promoting a Conservation
and Recyclingoriented Society" and "Integrating into the Green and Quality Region", this
planning has also established 11 green indicators for the Environmental Planning, proposed
15 areas of concern and their strategic direction, formulated various major actions, and
established the implementation and supervision mechanisms, in order to enhance the
environmental management capability of the Macao SAR Government and guarantee the
execution of the planning. However, since the environment is a complex, variable and
extensive system, protecting the environment is a hard and enduring task. It is impossible that
all the existing pollution problems in the environmental can completely be resolved in the
next decade. A wonderful and quality environment must be achieved by continuous planning,
governmental policies, efforts of the enterprises and public participation. It is the
responsibility of everyone to protect our environment. Let us fulfill our responsibilities in
environmental protection, creating a quality ecological environment and sharing wonderful
green living together.