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Midterm FCL

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The Perpetualite:

A Man for Others (FCL400)

Lesson 5: Nature and Functions of the family

What is a Family?

 Basic social institution united through

kinship or marriage
 The family is the sanctuary of life
 A group of people related by blood or Family and Relationships Problems
 The family is a community of life and All relationships and families go through difficult
love times and experiencing occasional problems
and conflict in personal relationships is normal.
The Nature and Functions of the Family However, sometimes these problems can
1. Union - the family "an intimate community of become overwhelming.
life and love" fed through the sacramental 1. Frequent arguing
relationship between a man woman in mutual 2. Disagreements
self-giving and receptivity. It is the sacrament of 3. Breakdown in communication
marriage that gives us both the grace and the 4. Angry outbursts
obligation to form the family as a "community 5. Avoidance
of life and love 6. Physical conflict
By virtue of the sacramentality of their Triggers for family and relationships problems
marriage, spouses are bound to one another in
the most profoundly indissoluble manner. Their 1. Difference in opinions,
belonging to each other is the real 2. personalities,
representation, by means of the sacramental 3. beliefs,
sign, of the very relationship of Christ with the 4. values or goals change in family
Church. circumstances e.g. new baby,
2. Procreation of Children – 5. blending families
According to the plan of God in the Bible, 6. Financial problems
7. Stress
Gen 1:26 (RSV) Then God said, "Let us make 8. Issues relating to sexually
man in our image, after our likeness, and let 9. Alcohol or drug use
them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the birds of the air, and over the Spider Web discussion
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every In Spider Web Discussion the students
creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. themselves learn how to ask and discuss the
Marriage and conjugal love are ordained to the big, important questions. The results in classes
procreation and education of children. could be :

 deeper learning,
 stronger critical thinking, unhaps in its own way." Although each family
 a better data on every student, greater unit has its own individual hang-ups, there are
empathy common family issues t plague many of us. It
 developed through listening and may feel like our persona situations are unique,
question but in most cases, these 'problems' are things
 asking, and that millions of families around the world are
 higher student engagement. dealing with as well.

Setting up the Class 1. Divorce and Separation

1. It is possible to design an online Numerous studies have found that parental

discussion environment that leads to separation and diverse is associated with a
strong critical thinking, deep inquiry, range of negative outcomes for younger chi
and enhanced interpersonal skills. dren and adolescents across various domains.
2. Class could be divided in groups which Parental separation/divorce is associated with
use an online discussion board like the academic difficulties, including lower grades
breakout room. and prematurely dropping out of school, and
greater disruptive behaviours e.G., Being
THINGS YOU CAN DO IF YOU ARE HAVING oppositional with authority figures, getting into
FAMILY/RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS fights, stealing, and using and abusing alcohol
Talk - communication is the key and often the and illegal drugs).
first step to finding solutions. Be calm and Children and adolescents who experience the
honest about your concerns when discussing divorce of their parents also have higher rates
your problems with a loved one of depressed mood, lower self-esteem, and
Accept your differences - it can help avoid emotional distress.
unnecessary conflict if you can recognise that 2. Effects of Poverty on Family
people have different ideas, opinions and
beliefs and you may not always be in When families have a home where they feel
agreement. safe and sure they will draw together as a family
unit to love and suppone another. There is also
Have fun together - even when things are an added sense of pride and digni hat comes
tough, it's important to find the time to have with a decent home which translates to a
fun with your loved ones. hopefulness for the future well being and
Make a plan - it can help reduce stress and give success of the family.
common goals to work towards. For example if There is plenty enough research showing that
you are having financial problems it can help to growing nsafe environment not only affects
create a budget. children's health seriou Iso as a result of this
Get help - you may not always be able to solve their attendance at school.
your problems yourself so you may need some HOW POVERTY FEELS TO CHILDREN:
external help.
Some Issues on Modern Family
Leo Tolstoy said it best when he said that "A  UNHAPPY
happy families are alike; each unhappy family is
 FRUSTRATED Lesson 6: Duties and Rights of Parents and
 ANXIOUS children
 IMPORTANT The Christian family constitutes a specific
 BULLIED & JUDGED revelation and realization of ecclesial
 TEACHERS DON'T UNDERSTAND communion, and for this reason it can and
 NO SCHOOL TRIPS should be called "a domestic church." It is a
community of faith, hope, and charity; it
assumes singular importance in the Church, as
 FEW OPPORTUNITIES is evident in the New Testament.
 SOCIAL INSECURITY 1. Parents have first responsibility for the
education of their children.
THUMBS UP: 2. Parents should teach children to avoid
 ASPIRATIONS the comprising and degrading
 HOPES AND DREAMS influences which threa human societies.
 RESILIENCE 3. Parents should initiate their children at
an early age into the mysteries of faith
BASKETBALL: of which they are "first heralds" for
their children.
4. Education in the faith by the parents
should begin in the child's earliest year.
BUILDING a mystery of faith in the strict sense,
one of the 'mysteries that are hidden in
God, which can never be known unless they
are revealed by God
5. Provision for life, health, and material
Nature of the Family They should look after their children in
a manner worthy of human beings by
Union : sacrament of marriage that gives us providing them food, clothing, health,
both the grace and the obligation to form the shelter, and home
family as a "community of life and love

Procreation of children: Marriage and conjugal 6. Care and Attention

love are ordained to the procreation and Parent's respect and affection are
education of children. expressed by the care and attention
they develop to bringing up their young
children and providing their physical
and spiritual needs.
7. School the other hand, have the duty of sympathetic
interest in the family.
Parents have the right to choose a
school for them which corresponds to their 2. Duties of loyalty and personal care
won convictions.
Employers are in justice obliged to pay just
DUTIES OF CHILDREN TOWARDS PARENTS wages, not to overburden the servants with
work, to grant them a reasonable measure of
1. Reverence and Honor
free time, not to dismiss them with out
“Honor your father and your mother,
sufficient reason before the contract expire.
that your days may be long in the land
Servants are in justice bound to measure their
which the Lord your God gives you."
work up to the wage and benefit they receive.
(Ex. 20:12)
2. Obedience Lesson 7: Nature an Origin of the state
The relation of Children to parents is
characterized by the duty of obedience DEFINITION OF THE STATE
(according to apostolic letters). THE STATE IS a community of persons,
3. Love and Gratitude permanently occupying a definite territory,
Filial love must be a grateful love since legally independent of external control, and
children owe to the parents their possessing a organized government which
education, and many other benefits create and administrates law over all persons
THE WIDER FAMILY and groups within its jurisdiction.

Domestic servants and maids belong to the ELEMENTS OF THE STATE

family in the wider sense, and employer should  POPULATION
see in them more than just workers and wage  TERRITORY
earners. It is more than a contract by Christian  GOVERNMENT
ideal. The relationship between the family and  SOVEREIGNTY
domestic servants is, on both sides, one of
loyalty. The family is responsible of its 1. Population or People
domestics in body and mind.
Aristole, for instance, held that while ten men
THE WIDER FAMILY were too few to constitute a satisfactory polis, a
hundred thousand were too many. The Greeks
Duties of loyalty and personal care were well aware that huge empires existed;
1. Duties of justice they disliked such large groupings not because
they thought them impossible of realization, but
Employers are obliged to look after the corporal for the sake of good government
and spiritual welfare. Regarding servants of long
service, employers have special duties of loyalty Good government was not taken to mean
and respect. They should be considered as merely efficient government, although the
members of the family and the employers must practical difficulty involved in governing an
provide for their essential needs especially for extensive population was real enough before
the need of respect, affection, of recreation, of modern developments in transport and
security in sickness and in old age. Servants, on communication.
2. Territory or geographical land 3. Government

 Membership is based on territorial  Any group of people other than a casual

qualifications. (Membership of State is crowd requires some form of
usually acquired by birth within its organisation. Once common purposes
territory or by an immigrant signifying are admitted, there must be a method
his intentions to live there permanently) of organisation through which these can
be achieved.
 State is composed of all the people
living permanently on a particular tract  All associations - whether they be
of land. churches, universities, trade unions, or
clubs - develop a system through which
 The possession of territory, then, is the the relevant activities of the members
necessary basis for all modern states. are regulated; and in such a system
some person or body of persons are
Monaco - 4 square mile
regarded as speaking or acting for the
Russia - 6 million sq.miles whole in some sense, and under
appropriate circumstances this person
The formation of states, and consequently the or body of persons ma naha make
extent of the territories on which they are decisions which are recognized as
based, can be influenced by a variety of factors: binding on the whole
1. Including religion
2. , common descent,  The basic purpose served by
3. economic interests, government in the State is the
4. war, geographic barriers, and maintenance of law and order which is
5. the accidents of history. needed for personal security,
cooperative activity, and common
Formation of States advantage. Objections have sometimes
1. What could be the economic interests a have been voiced against government,
both Germany and Great Britain in going to law, and the force which is necessary to
war in World War 1 maintain law in the State, but such
objections cannot hold:
2. How did World War 1 affect the formation
of new state boundary in Europe? 4. Sovereignty

Consider the following random examples:  The essence of this key concept in
religious conflict during the period of the political science is its final and
Reformation profoundly affected the formation incontestable legal power. According to
of European states; the separation of India and our original definitions of the state
Pakistan too has its basis in there must be an authority with the
power to enforce - with violence if
after the revolution of 1917 many of the necessary - its decisions on its subjects,
Russian provinces declared themselves there being no other power that can
independent Republics - question its authority.
QUIZ 3 control which possessed an organized
utiliarism - A basic principle which determines
that action is right insofar as it maximizes the Union - The nature of marriage that calls
general utility of objects. spouses in a most indissoluble manner, a
representation of Christ's relationship with the
Burma - All these nations except one claim
some/parts of islands in the South China Sea
which are also claimed wholly or altogether by Monaco - The smallest country in land area
China. among the smallest countries in the world.

Territory - An element of state- composed of Preservation of law and order - What could be
people living permanently on a particular area the basic purpose served by government in the
of land . state which is needed for security, cooperative
activity and common advantage?
Hedonism - An ethical theory which is a
constant quest for pleasure and satisfaction Freedom of navigation - What kind of right or
that may negatively affect the family. freedom is being contested in the South China
Sea where China has claimed all islands in that
Leo Tosltoy - A Russian writer known for his
sea area.
novels Anna Karenina and War and Peace, he
affirms all happy families are alike; each
unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Family - It is a basic social institution united

through kinship or marriage.

Family - It is called the domestic church which is

a community of faith, hope and charity.

Sovereignty - One element of the state the

essence of this key concept is its final and
incontestable legal power - there must be an
authority to enforce.

Exodus - The command to obey one's parents is

found in old testament book.

Philippines - The country in Asia Pacific which

brings suit against China due to its arbitrary
action in building infrastrures on islands such as
Paracel and Scarborough shoals in the
Philippine Sea. Hague has ruled that China's
claims has no legal basis in history and

State - The group of human beings who pervade

a definite territory, independent of outside
3. the economy,
4. or the lives, beliefs, and livelihoods of
those within their territorial jurisdiction
(Task and moral duties of the state)
1. Burma.
The Burmese military's atrocities in Rakhine
 The exercise of authority is a means to state, including summary executions, rape,
give outward expression to a just expulsion, and mass burning of villages,
hierarchy of values in order to facilitate amounted to crimes against humanity and
the exercise of freedom and resulted in the deaths of thousands and the
responsibility by all. (CCC 2236) displacement of over 650,000 Rohingya to
THE MORAL DUTIES OF THE STATE neighboring Bangladesh

Military and civilian officials have repeatedly

A. Avoidance of repressive laws and systems
denied the abuses and provided ludicrous
that violate human dignity even if they
explanations that are contradicted by evidence
contribute to material progress.
and witness accounts.
2. Indonesia
 repression involves the actual or
In Indonesia in October 1965, Suharto, a
threatened use of physical sanctions
powerful Indonesian military leader, accused
against an individual or organization,
the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) of
within the
organizing a brutal coup attempt, following the
 territorial jurisdiction of the state, for
kidnapping and murder of six high-ranking army
the purpose of imposing a cost on the
officers. Over the months that followed, he
oversaw the systematic extermination of up to a
 as well as deterring specific activities
million Indonesians for affiliation with the party,
and/or beliefs perceived to be
or simply for being accused of harboring leftist
sympathies. He then took power and ruled as
 to government personnel, practices or
dictator, with U.S. support, until 1998.
 State repression includes harassment, THE MORAL DUTIES OF THE STATE
surveillance/spying, bans, arrests,
torture, and mass killing by government B. Coordinate the concerns of important sectors
agents and/or affiliates within their of the society like women and children, OFW,
territorial jurisdiction cultural minorities, with the state's national
Why most government respond with

Government forces responded to behavior that Based on the preliminary findings of the 2017
threatens the: National Demographic and Health Survey
(NDHS), one in four (26%) ever-married women
1. political system, aged 15-49 has ever experienced physical,
2. government personnel, sexual or emotional violence by has ever
experienced emotional violence, 14 percent has minority groups within their national territories,
ever experienced physical violence, and 5 characterized by their own national, ethnic,
percent has ever experienced sexual violence by linguistic
their current their husband or partner. One in
Are indigenous peoples considered to be
five (20%) women or most recent husband or
 Similarly to minorities, there is no
VAW – Violence against women
universally accepted international
The UN Declaration on Violence against definition of indigenous peoples
Women, adopted in 1 n es violence against  Various sources cite the following
women as encompassing "any act of gender- characteristics, either alone or in
based violence that results in, or is likely to combination: indigenous peoples are
result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm descendants of the peoples who
or suffering to women, including threats of such inhabited the land or territory prior to
acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivations of colonization or the establishment of
liberty, whether occurring in public or private State borders;
life".  They possess distinct social, economic
and political systems, languages,
Violence against women has particular
cultures and beliefs, and are
characteristics and therefore requires particular
determined to maintain and develop
responses. The gender dimensions of violence
this distinct identity; they exhibit strong
are explicit; for example, women are at risk
attachment to their ancestral lands and
more in their own homes than on the street,
the natural resources contained
and often violence against women takes the
therein; and/or they belong to the non-
form of sexual assault.
dominant groups of a society and
Violence against Women identify themselves as indigenous
Are you aware in the local community if these
services are provided to women who What is the relationship between minorities,
experienced violence? non-citizens and stateless persons?

1. providing health care for their injuries,  A particular problem relating to

2. responding to their sexual and minorities and citizenship is that all too
reproductive health needs, often members of certain groups are
3. including provision of post-rape care denied or deprived of their citizenship
and counselling because of their national or ethnic,
4. facilitating their access to police and religious and linguistic characteristics.
justice system
This practice is contrary to international law,
2. RIGHTS OF MINORITIES particularly in regard to article 9 of the 1961
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness,
The term minority as used in the United Nations
which states that "a Contracting State may not
human rights system usually refers to national
deprive any person or group of persons of their
or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities,
nationality on racial, ethnic, religious or political
pursuant to the United Nations Minorities
Declaration. All States have one or more
It is thus important to note that discrimination better called intercession. Moses,
against a person on one of the aforementioned however, is the proper mediator of the
grounds resulting in the arbitrary deprivation of Old Testament (Galatians 3:19-20).
nationality may contribute to meeting some of  St. Paul says we are all called Christ is
the requirements in the determination of the one mediator and for this reason he
refugee status. was called to be a mediator of God's
love to be mediators because and grace
Lesson 9 to the world!
(The task of church authorities)
The rationale of mediation of the saints
Tasks of Church Authority
 We can, of course, address our prayers
 Teacher of divine truth -preaching the directly to God, and He can hear us
Word of God without the intervention of any
 Mediator between God and Man - creature. But this does not prevent us
eucharistic celebration from asking the help of our fellow-
 Building of the Christian community creatures who may be more pleasing to
 The Church as servant in the ministry Him than we are. It is not because our
Teacher of the Divine Truth faith and trust in Him are weak, nor
because His goodness and mercy to us
 The task of giving an authentic are less; rather is it because we are
interpretation of the Word of God, encouraged by His precepts to
whether in its written form or in the approach Him at times through His
form of Tradition, has been entrusted to servants.
the living teaching office of the Church
alone. Process of Mediation

Mediator between God and Man 1. Christ the one mediator

Doctrine of one mediator
 There is one God and one mediator 2. Apostle beg for the prayers of the
between God and men, the man Jesus brethren
Christ. 3. Prayers to the saints occur in almost all
 Christ is our one mediator/intercessor, the ancient liturgies.
yet, St. Paul commands all Christians to
Christ the one mediator
be intercessors/mediators.
 The doctrine of one Mediator, Christ, in
Mediation in New Testament
no way excludes the invocation and
 In New Testament theology the term intercession of saints.
invariably implies that the estranged  All merit indeed comes through Him;
beings are God and man, and it is but this does not make it unlawful to
appropriated to Christ, the One ask our fellow-creatures, whether here
Mediator. on earth or already in heaven, to help
 When special friends of God angels, us by their prayers.
saints, holy men - plead your cause
Apostle beg for the prayers of the brethren
before God, they mediate "with Christ";
their mediation is only secondary and is
 The same Apostle who insists so  In our society, people tend to see
strongly on the sole mediatorship of others based on certain human criteria.
Christ, earnestly begs the prayers of his They tend to admire people with
brethren: "I beseech you, therefore, money, power, and social status, while
brethren, through our Lord Jesus Christ, talking down to those who seem to
and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, have little to offer. But all of us in our
that you help me in your prayers for me Christian community are forgiven
to God " (Romans 15:30); sinners by God's grace. We have been
saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. As
Mediation in ancient liturgies
such, we should see each other in light
 St. Cyprian, writing to Pope Cornelius, of God's grace. We should have basic
says: respect for each other because all of us
 ”let not prayer for our brethren and have received the grace of salvation
sisters cease in the presence of the from God.
mercy of the Father"
2. Second, recognize those who are really in
(Ep. Ivii, in P. L., IV, 358.
need and help them (3-7). Look at verse 3. Give
Building of the Christian community proper recognition to those widows who are
really in need
 St. Paul teaches us how to build a good
Christian community. He tells us how  St. Paul singles out widows as those
we should show basic respect for one who are really in need, but we can
another. He also teaches us how both apply this principle to anyone who is in
male and female elders should live our community. In Paul's time, most
godly lives. women had no means of financially
supporting themselves. So when their
1 Timothy 5,1-5 husbands died, they had to depend on
 Do not rebuke an older man harshly, someone else to support them. The
but exhort him as if he were your church in the first century took care of
father. Treat younger men as brothers, these widows (Acts 6:1)
2 older women as mothers, and Third, we are a family in Christ (8). Let us read
younger women as sisters, with verse 8 together. If anyone does not provide for
absolute purity. his relatives, and especially for his immediate
 Give proper recognition to those family, he has denied the faith and is worse
widows who are really in DO need. 4 than an unbeliever.
But if a widow has children or
grandchildren, these should learn first We in our Christian community are all brothers
of all to put their religion into practice and sisters who have been baptized by the
by caring for their own family and so blood of Jesus Christ (Ro 6:5). True family
repaying their parents and members share joys and sorrows together. We
grandparents, for this is pleasing to cannot be indifferent to one another. We
God. should take care of those who are weak and
needy, such as the elderly, disabled, ill or
Building relationships in Christian community poverty stricken.
1. Show basic respect to one another
The Church as servant in the ministry Intercession - When saints, angels plead before
God their mediation is secondary. How does
 Servanthood requires the right attitudes
one call this kind of mediation before God?
and ambitions, not merely the right
actions. Playing the part eventually Cyprian - He says, let not prayer for our
shows itself. Leaders must serve from brethren and sisters cease in the presence of
the inside out. Servanthood begins in the mercy of the Father
the heart.
In Paul's time, women have the financial means
to support themselves. = FALSE

 A servant is not stifling by a need to

maintain control but rather open to the
contributions of others . . . does not
lord it over.
 A servant is not self-serving but rather
selflessly yielding to the opinions of
others and not always having to take
the credit for what is done ... does not
consider oneself the benefactor.


State repression - A kind of harassment, spying,

arrests or torture by government agents within
their territorial jurisdictions.

Rakhine Rohingya - An ethnic minority in Burma

which experienced military atrocities such as
rape, summary executions mass burning of
villages which resulted to displacement of
around 600,000 Muslims.

Suharto - An Indonesian military leader who

took power in 1965. He apprehended enemies
who were suspected to be sympathetic with
communist movement in his country.

29% - The percentage of women (aged 15-49

yrs. old who experienced physical, emotional
and sexual violence by their husband or partner

Minority - A term used in UN human rights

system to refer to ethnic, religious and linguistic

Paul - A Christian theologian who commanded

that all become intercessors.

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