Midterm FCL
Midterm FCL
Midterm FCL
What is a Family?
deeper learning,
stronger critical thinking, unhaps in its own way." Although each family
a better data on every student, greater unit has its own individual hang-ups, there are
empathy common family issues t plague many of us. It
developed through listening and may feel like our persona situations are unique,
question but in most cases, these 'problems' are things
asking, and that millions of families around the world are
higher student engagement. dealing with as well.
Consider the following random examples: The essence of this key concept in
religious conflict during the period of the political science is its final and
Reformation profoundly affected the formation incontestable legal power. According to
of European states; the separation of India and our original definitions of the state
Pakistan too has its basis in there must be an authority with the
power to enforce - with violence if
after the revolution of 1917 many of the necessary - its decisions on its subjects,
Russian provinces declared themselves there being no other power that can
independent Republics - question its authority.
QUIZ 3 control which possessed an organized
utiliarism - A basic principle which determines
that action is right insofar as it maximizes the Union - The nature of marriage that calls
general utility of objects. spouses in a most indissoluble manner, a
representation of Christ's relationship with the
Burma - All these nations except one claim
some/parts of islands in the South China Sea
which are also claimed wholly or altogether by Monaco - The smallest country in land area
China. among the smallest countries in the world.
Territory - An element of state- composed of Preservation of law and order - What could be
people living permanently on a particular area the basic purpose served by government in the
of land . state which is needed for security, cooperative
activity and common advantage?
Hedonism - An ethical theory which is a
constant quest for pleasure and satisfaction Freedom of navigation - What kind of right or
that may negatively affect the family. freedom is being contested in the South China
Sea where China has claimed all islands in that
Leo Tosltoy - A Russian writer known for his
sea area.
novels Anna Karenina and War and Peace, he
affirms all happy families are alike; each
unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Government forces responded to behavior that Based on the preliminary findings of the 2017
threatens the: National Demographic and Health Survey
(NDHS), one in four (26%) ever-married women
1. political system, aged 15-49 has ever experienced physical,
2. government personnel, sexual or emotional violence by has ever
experienced emotional violence, 14 percent has minority groups within their national territories,
ever experienced physical violence, and 5 characterized by their own national, ethnic,
percent has ever experienced sexual violence by linguistic
their current their husband or partner. One in
Are indigenous peoples considered to be
five (20%) women or most recent husband or
Similarly to minorities, there is no
VAW – Violence against women
universally accepted international
The UN Declaration on Violence against definition of indigenous peoples
Women, adopted in 1 n es violence against Various sources cite the following
women as encompassing "any act of gender- characteristics, either alone or in
based violence that results in, or is likely to combination: indigenous peoples are
result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm descendants of the peoples who
or suffering to women, including threats of such inhabited the land or territory prior to
acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivations of colonization or the establishment of
liberty, whether occurring in public or private State borders;
life". They possess distinct social, economic
and political systems, languages,
Violence against women has particular
cultures and beliefs, and are
characteristics and therefore requires particular
determined to maintain and develop
responses. The gender dimensions of violence
this distinct identity; they exhibit strong
are explicit; for example, women are at risk
attachment to their ancestral lands and
more in their own homes than on the street,
the natural resources contained
and often violence against women takes the
therein; and/or they belong to the non-
form of sexual assault.
dominant groups of a society and
Violence against Women identify themselves as indigenous
Are you aware in the local community if these
services are provided to women who What is the relationship between minorities,
experienced violence? non-citizens and stateless persons?