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Keywords: Highly crystalline and pure SSZ-13 zeolite is obtained by interzeolite conversion of zeolite Beta and zeolite L.
Zeolite synthesis Zeolite Beta is used without preliminary treatment, while zeolite L is subjected to dealumination in order to
Interzeolite conversion reach the Si/Al ratio appropriate for the synthesis of SSZ-13. The formation of SSZ-13 from conventional che-
SSZ-13 micals is also studied. The crystallization from zeolite precursors is much faster and provides pure and highly
Crystal growth kinetics
crystalline SSZ-13. The improved crystal growth kinetics is attributed to the directing effect of the dissolved Si-O-
Al fragments from zeolite Beta and zeolite L frameworks. CHA-type zeolites obtained from dealuminated zeolite
L crystallized faster, showed higher crystallinity and more defined crystals morphology in respect to those ob-
tained from zeolite Beta. The dealuminated zeolite L was found to be an outstanding starting material for the
crystallization of SSZ-13.
Corresponding author.State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparative Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, China.
E-mail address: valentin.valtchev@ensicaen.fr (V. Valtchev).
Received 24 October 2018; Received in revised form 31 January 2019; Accepted 12 February 2019
Available online 13 February 2019
1387-1811/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L. Tang, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 306–314
approach has already been used to synthesize aluminosilicates with Reagent). The starting zeolite Beta with Si/Al = 11 was purchased from
CHA-type structure. Zones converted GIS-type zeolite to CHA-type SANBANG Chemicals, China.
material in NaOH [33]; and Faujasites to high-silica chabazite SSZ-13 in
the presence of N, N, N-Trimethyl-l-adamantammonium iodide [34]. 2.2. Synthesis of Zeolite L
Itakura et al. obtained high-silica CHA-type zeolite from FAU-type
zeolite in the presence of benzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide [35]. A Nanosized zeolite L was synthesized using the following molar
classic example is the transformation of zeolite Y (FAU-type) into composition 1SiO2:0.05Al2O3:0.5K2O:20H2O. The potassium solution
chabazite using a K+ - Na+ synthesis solution [36]. Sano and co- was prepared by dissolving 6.580 g of KOH in 20.216 g deionized water
workers also used organic template-free system to synthesize chabazite in an ice bath, then 0.273 g of aluminum powder was added. The
from H-FAU material [37]. The same group discovered a way to syn- mixture was stirred for 15 min to obtain a clear solution. 20.09 g of
thesize CHA-type from a denser LEV-type structure without using or- Ludox HS-30 was then added and the mixture was stirred for 10 min.
ganic SDA [38]. Goel and Ji converted FAU-type to CHA-type without The resulting solution was then transferred into a 30 mL teflon-lined
organic SDA [32,39]. Takata et al. utilizes FAU-type zeolite for hy- autoclave. The hydrothermal treatment was performed at 170 °C for
drothermal conversion in the presence of seed crystals and templating 16 h in an oven under static condition. The sample was collected by
agents to obtain nanosized CHA-type zeolite with high thermal and centrifugation and washed with deionized water until a near neutral pH
hydrothermal stability [40]. Xiong et al. converted FAU-type zeolite to was achieved, and then dried overnight at 60 °C.
high silica CHA-type zeolite in the absence of water [41]. Takata et al.
successfully transformed heterometal-incorporated FAU-type alumino- 2.3. Dealumination of Zeolite L
silicates (M-FAU) to heterometal-incorporated CHA-type aluminosili-
cate zeolites (M-CHA, M = Fe, Ga, Sn) [42]. Martín et al. synthesized Zeolite L with Si/Al ratio equal to 11, 22, 26 and 77 was prepared
chabazite with high solid yields by the rational combination of di- by dealumination of the nanosized zeolite L (Si/Al = 3). Hydrochloric
recting effects of Si- and Al- extracts of USY zeolites and the tetra- (HCl) acid with concentration of 0.48 M, 0.49 M, 0.50 M, 1.00 M was
ethylammonium cations [43]. Bhadra et al. converted zeolite FAU-Y to used. The dealumination was performed at 25 °C for 4 h under stirring.
chabazite SSZ-13 in the presence of tetraethylammonium hydroxide The liquid:solid weight ratio was 30. The solid was collected by cen-
[44]. Finally, Geng et al. used zeolite LTA as the aluminum source to trifugation, thoroughly washed with deionized water to pH ∼7 and
rapidly synthesize zeolite SSZ-13 in the presence of colloidal silica, dried overnight at 60 °C.
NaOH and N, N, N-trimethyladamantammonium hydroxide [45].
We selected zeolite Beta and zeolite L as starting materials in order 2.4. Synthesis of SSZ-13
to obtain high silica SSZ-13. The choice of zeolite Beta is based to the
appropriate Si/Al ratio, while the structural proximity between CHA- The two materials (zeolite Beta and zeolite L) were hydrothermally
and LTL-type zeolites is the reason for the selection of the later as converted to SSZ-13 using N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantammonium
starting material. (TMAD) as a structure directing agent. Gel molar composition was
Zeolite beta has been extensively used as a substrate for inter- xMOH:yTMAD:zH2O, where M is Na, K, Li, Cs, x = 0.3–0.5, y = 0.2–0.3
mediate zeolite conversion. Zones et al. reported the conversion of and z = 20 and 30 for zeolite L and zeolite Beta conversion, respec-
various zeolites such as B-Beta to B-SSZ-24, B-SSZ-31 and B-SSZ-33, and tively. Zeolite Beta and zeolite L were used as silicon and aluminum
Al-Beta to Al-SSZ-24 and Al-SSZ-31 in the presence of amantadine ca- sources and no additional SiO2 or Al2O3 was added to the gel. In a
tions and its derivatives [46,47]. Kubota et al. [48] and Ahedi et al. typical experiment, 1.7 g zeolite beta and the TMAD solution were
[49] also successfully converted Al-Beta and Ti-Beta to Al-SSZ-31 and mixed (solid/liquid weight ratio = 0.14) under stirring for 2 h at room
Ti-SSZ-24, respectively. OU-1 and MTW were synthesized from high temperature. 1.3 g zeolite L and the TMAD solution were mixed (solid/
silica Beta using tetraethylammonium hydroxide as a structure-di- liquid weight ratio = 0.16) under stirring for 2 h at room temperature.
recting agent [50]. The use of FAU-type and Beta zeolites as initial si- The optimized compositions of the systems used for transformation of
lica-alumina source resulted in highly crystalline and pure RUT-type zeolite L (CL) and zeolite Beta (CB) was as follows:
zeolites [51]. Goel et al. converted BEA-type into MFI-type without
addition of seed and template [52]. Khan et al. synthesized zeolite SSZ- CL: 1SiO2:0.0455Al2O3:0.19K2O:0.26TMAD:20H2O;
13 by adding Na2SiO3 to zeolite Beta [53]. CB: 1SiO2:0.0455Al2O3:0.18K2O:0.31TMAD:30H2O.
The objective of the present study is optimizing the synthesis of SSZ-
13 by using interzeolite conversion synthetic approach. By employing The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio (zeolite L and zeolite Beta) of two systems is
two different zeolites, which differ in composition and structure type, similar, but they differ in water, K+ and TMAD content, which was
we also aim to shed more light on the key factors controlling the in- necessary in order to get pure SSZ-13. After homogenization, the mix-
terzeolite conversion. Finally, the conversion of zeolite L to SSZ-13 ture was transferred in a 30 mL Teflon-lined stainless-steel autoclave.
(CHA-type) was not reported to date to the best of our knowledge. The hydrothermal conversion was carried out at 150 °C and 180 °C in an
electric oven. After crystallization step, the solid product was collected
2. Experimental by vacuum filtration and washed thoroughly with deionized water until
a near neutral pH and then dried overnight at 60 °C.
2.1. Materials Reference SSZ-13 samples were synthesized using conventional
chemicals and preparing gels with chemical compositions similar to CB
All chemicals and materials used were collected from commercially and CL systems. The two systems corresponding to the zeolite L (CC-1)
available sources and used without further purification. The chemicals and zeolite Beta (CC-2) conversion exhibit the following molar com-
used in this work are Potassium hydroxide (KOH 98%, Aladdin position:
Chemistry), Lithium hydroxide (LiOH 98%, Sigma-Aldrich), Sodium
hydroxide (NaOH 98%, Aladdin Chemistry), Cesium hydroxide (CsOH CC-1: 1SiO2:0.05Al2O3: 0.19K2O:0.26TMAD:20H2O;
50 wt% in water, Adamas-beta), N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantammo- CC-2: 1SiO2:0.05Al2O3: 0.18K2O:0.31TMAD:30H2O.
nium (TMAD 98%, Aladdin Chemistry), deionized water, aluminum
powder (99.5%, Aladdin Chemistry), Sodium nitrate (99.5%, Aladdin Ludox HS-40 and alunimum powder were employed as silicon and
Chemistry), Ludox HS-40 (40 wt% SiO2, Sigma-Aldrich), and Ludox HS- aluminum source, respectively. CC-1 was prepared by dissolution of
30 (30 wt% SiO2, Sigma-Aldrich). HCl (12%, Sinopharm Chemical 0.62 g of KOH in 7.6 g deionized water, then 0.072 g of aluminum
L. Tang, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 306–314
powder was added. The mixture was stirred for 15 min to obtain a clear Fig. 1a. Only a halo revealing the amorphization of the zeolite and the
solution. 1.62 g of TMAD was added and the mixture was stirred for peak at 5.5° Two Theta can be observed. It is worth noting that the
10 min. 4.43 g of Ludox HS-40 was then added and the mixture was dealumination with HCl is quite efficient, even a small change in the
stirred for 24 h at ambient temperature. CC-2 was prepared by dis- HCl concentration (0.48–0.50 M) changed the Si/Al ratio substantially.
solution of 0.6 g of KOH in 10.55 g deionized water, then 0.072 g of The chemical analysis of treated sample showed that the Si/Al ratio
aluminum powder was added. The mixture was stirred for 15 min to increases from 3 in the parent zeolite to 11, 21, 26 and 77 after deal-
obtain a clear solution. 1.95 g of TMAD was added to the mixture and uminated in 0.48, 0.49, 0.50 and 1.0 M HCl, respectively (Fig. 1b).
stirred for 10 min. 4.43 g of Ludox HS-40 was then added and the The initial zeolite L (Si/Al = 3, run CL-7) was subjected to hydro-
mixture was stirred for 24 h at ambient temperature. The mixture was thermal treatment at 150 °C for 24 h (Table 1). The zeolite remained
then transferred into a 30 mL Teflon-lined autoclave and hydro- intact after the hydrothermal treatment (Fig. 2a). In contrast, all deal-
thermally treated at 150 °C for 24 h and 72 h in an oven under static uminated samples were hydrothermally transformed and no trace of
condition. Then, the sample was collected by vacuum filtration and zeolite L was observed in the products. The level of zeolite L deal-
washed with deionized water until a near neutral pH and dried over- umination strongly influenced the formation of SSZ-13. Thus, the
night at 60 °C. highly dealuminated material (Si/Al = 77) does not yield CHA-type
zeolite. Instead, a layer type material was synthesized, which reveals
2.5. Characterization the importance of the initial Si/Al ratio for the successful synthesis of
SSZ-13. The other three sources were successfully converted in SSZ-13
All materials were characterized by Powder X-ray diffraction as X-ray crystallinity of the products was similar (Fig. 2a). The silica-
(PXRD) analysis using a PANalytical B.V. Empyrean powder dif- alumina conversion for all SSZ-13 was about 40%. On the other hand,
fractometer with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å) operating at 40 kV the framework composition of SSZ-13 was influenced by the initial
and 40 mA. XRD diffraction analysis was used to study the crystals zeolite L. Thus, the dealuminated samples with Si/Al ratio 11 and 21
growth kinetics of SSZ-13 zeolite. The kinetics of conversion was de- yielded zeolites with Si/Al ratio of 6.7 and 7.5 respectively. From the
termined by the surface of the peak at 9.3° Two Theta. SSZ-13 prepared sample with Si/Al = 26, SSZ-13 with Si/Al = 16 was formed. In gen-
according to ref. 8 was used as a reference sample. Thermogravimetric eral, the crystalline product exhibits a Si/Al ratio lower than the deal-
analysis (TGA) was performed on a SHIMADZU DTG-60 thermal ana- uminated zeolite L.
lyzer system. Approximately 10 mg of each sample was introduced in an The nitrogen adsorption isotherm of CHA-type zeolites obtained
alumina crucible and loaded in the analyzer chamber. The samples from dealuminated zeolite L is type I. The differences between the three
were heated from 30 to 700 °C with a heating ramp of 10 °C·min−1 samples are negligible (Table 1). The micropore volume of the samples
under air (flow rate: 40 mL min−1). Scanning electron microscopy corresponds to highly crystalline CHA-type zeolite confirming the high
(SEM) micrographs were taken on a JEOL JSM7400F microscope op- quality of the materials obtained from zeolite L. Fairly similar in size
erated at 3–10 keV and 10 μA. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and crystal morphology SSZ-13 was obtained from the dealuminated
analysis was performed on a JEM-2100F. Prior to the measurement, a zeolite L sources (Fig. S4). Individual well-shaped crystals with the
diluted colloidal suspension of sample was sonicated for 5 min and then typical rectangular morphology were yielded, no matter of the Si/Al
dropped on a carbon-film-covered 300-mesh copper electron micro- ratio of the dealuminated zeolite L.
scope grids and dried. Elemental analysis of the sample was measured In summary, the dealuminated zeolite L is an appropriate source for
by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDX) operated the synthesis of SSZ-13. Further, we selected the source with Si/Al = 11
under TEM (JEM-2100F). Nitrogen adsorption measurements were for a more detail investigation of the crystallization process. This se-
performed on a Micromeritics ASAP 2040 surface area analyzer. The lection is justified by the high crystallinity of the obtained SSZ-13 and
calcined samples were analyzed after degassing at 300 °C. The iso- the similar Si/Al ratio with the zeolite Beta source, which allowed
therms were recorded using ASAP 2040 analysis program. The micro- comparing the efficiency of two zeolites in the production of SSZ-13.
porous volume (Vmic, cm3 g−1) was obtained from t-plot based on the
Harkins-Jura equation. 3.3. Comparative study of zeolite Beta and zeolite L conversion to SSZ-13
3. Results and discussion The reaction conditions and the results of zeolite Beta and zeolite L
hydrothermal conversion at 150 °C and 180 °C are summarized in
3.1. Physicochemical characterization of initial zeolites Table 2. The preliminary experiments allowed to optimize the synthesis
conditions so as to use a close ratio between the reactants used to
Zeolite Beta and zeolite L used as initial silica-alumina sources do convert zeolite Beta and Zeolite L to SSZ-13. CHA-type zeolites were
not contain impurities (Fig. S1). The TEM inspection showed that both successfully obtained from both zeolite Beta and zeolite L with Si/Al
samples contain nanosized crystals building complex aggregates (Fig. ratios of 11. However, the ratio between components of the starting
S2). Nitrogen adsorption isotherms are characteristic of nanosized mixture plays an important role. For instance, the KOH/SiO2 ratio is
zeolite materials. The fast uptake at low relative pressure is followed by crucial for the conversion of zeolite Beta into SSZ-13 and for the purity
moderate inclination of isotherm in the 0.2–0.8 P/Po range and second of the final product. Thus at KOH/SiO2 = 0.2 no formation of SSZ-13
uptake at high relative pressure (Fig. S3). These features are due to the after 24 h crystallization at 150 °C was observed. Highly crystalline SSZ-
textural porosity generated by the aggregation of nanosized zeolite Beta 13 was obtained at both temperature 150 °C and 180 °C when a gel with
and zeolite L crystals. The micropore volume and SBET of zeolite Beta KOH/SiO2 = 0.36 was used. The crystallization was much faster at
was 0.18 cm3 g−1 and 520 m2 g−1, respectively. Zeolite L showed mi- 180 °C, where a substantial conversion of zeolite Beta into SSZ-13 was
cropore volume and SBET of 0.13 cm3 g−1 and 438 m2 g−1, respectively. observed after 4 h crystallization (CB-5). After 8 h the same system gave
The Si/Al ratio of zeolite Beta was 11, which is appropriate for the high crystalline SSZ-13 (CB-6). The extension of synthesis time to 10 h
synthesis of SSZ-13. The Si/Al ratio zeolite L was 3, which required a did not improve the crystallinity of the product, showing that the
dealumination step in order to reach the range appropriate for the conversion is almost completed after 8 h. The increase of the KOH/SiO2
synthesis of SSZ-13. to 0.5 and 0.6 resulted in a mixture of SSZ-13 and Mordenite.
In the case of zeolite L conversion the KOH/SiO2 ratio of 0.38 was
3.2. Dealumination of zeolite L and its conversion to SSZ-13 found to be the most appropriate for the formation of SSZ-13. A ratio of
TMAD/SiO2 = 0.26 was used in most of the synthesis with deal-
The XRD patterns of dealuminated zeolite L samples are shown in uminated zeolite L. Highly crystalline SSZ-13 was obtained at both
L. Tang, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 306–314
Fig. 1. XRD patterns (a) and Si/Al ratio of dealuminated zeolite L samples (b).
Table 1
Synthesis conditions and physicochemical properties of the products obtained from zeolite L subjected to different levels of dealumination.
Run Synthesis conditions Product
The synthesis is performed at 150 °C for 24 h.
Fig. 2. XRD patterns (a) and N2 adsorption isotherms (b) of SSZ-13 samples obtained from dealuminated zeolite L at 150 °C for 24 h.
temperatures, 150 °C and 180 °C. The crystallization at 180 °C was zeolite Beta and zeolite L are presented in Fig. 3a and b, respectively. A
much faster, after only 4 h the product contained some amount of SSZ- decrease of crystallinity of zeolite Beta and first traces of SSZ-13 are
13 plus amorphous material. After 8 and 10 h synthesis the system observed after 4 h hydrothermal treatment. The crystallinity increased
yielded pure and highly crystalline CHA-type zeolite. It took 24 h in with time and reached the maximum after 24 h. It is worth noting that
order to obtain highly crystalline product from the same initial system no amorphous intermediate, i.e. a halo, was detected by XRD. Deal-
at 150 °C, which is still substantially faster than the conventional uminated zeolite L precursors reacted faster with the synthesis solution.
synthesis of SSZ-13. A similar initial system prepared from conventional After 1 h treatment traces of zeolite L were observed and first CHA-type
reactants took 72 h to obtained highly crystalline SSZ-13. The crystal- material was recorded after 3 h hydrothermal conversion (Fig. 3b).
line yield was calculated by SiO2 + Al2O3 in the initial system. The With the extension of the synthesis time, the crystallinity increased and
highest conversions (CC-1 = 66% and CC-2 = 77%) was recorded for fully crystalline solid was obtained after 24 h. The transformation of
the systems prepare from conventional reactants. The conversion of zeolite L to CHA-type material was different from zeolite Beta. It in-
zeolite Beta to SSZ-13 varied from 45 to 59% in different syntheses, cludes two steps process, first an intermediate amorphous phase was
while the one from zeolite L was between 50 and 53%. formed which was converted to CHA-type zeolite.
Fig. 3 provides a more detail picture of the transformation of two The physical transformation of two zeolites to SSZ-13 was followed
zeolites in SSZ-13. XRD patterns of the products obtained at 150 °C from by SEM. Both products contain rectangular well shaped crystals typical
L. Tang, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 306–314
Table 2
Experimental conditions, crystalline products and yields of SSZ-13 obtained from zeolite Beta, zeolite L, and conventional reactants.
Sample Si/Al KOH/SiO2 TMAD/SiO2 Temperature/°C Time/h Crystalline Product(s) Yield/%
of CHA-type material. Up to 10 h hydrothermal treatment, the products amount of mordenite was at detection limit in the system corresponding
contain aggregates of small particles, which are non reacted zeolite Beta to zeolite L conversion, while larger amount (ca. 10%) was found in the
(Fig. 4) and amorphous zeolite L precursor (Fig. 5). After this stage, system corresponding to zeolite Beta conversion. Three days were ne-
only the rectangular crystals of SSZ-13 can be seen. The product ob- cessary to reach a full conversion of amorphous silica-alumina sources.
tained by conversion of zeolite L is more uniform with 2–3 μm crystals The SEM inspection of the CC-1 crystalline product showed the typical
(Fig. 4), while the one synthesized by conversion of zeolite Beta con- rectangular morphology of the product (Fig. 6 right). Product with si-
tains two populations of crystals with size 1–2 and 4–5 μm (Fig. 5). milar size and crystal size distribution was obtained in the CC-2 system.
Conventional reactants were used to prepare initial systems similar As can be seen the uniformity of the products is lower than those
to those used for zeolite Beta and zeolite L conversion to SSZ-13. The synthesized via interzeolite conversion. All these features show that the
syntheses were performed at 150 °C and resulted in highly crystalline zeolite precursors are more efficient source for the synthesis of SSZ-13.
SSZ-13 (Fig. 6 left). However, both products contained mordenite. The The highly crystalline sample obtained from zeolite L (CL-3) and
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of CB-3 (a) and CL-3 (b) synthesized at 150 °C, and CB-6 (c) and CL-5 (d) synthesized at 180 °C.
L. Tang, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 306–314
Fig. 4. SEM images of the products of zeolite Beta conversion to SSZ-13 (CB-3) at 150 °C for 2, 4, 10, 16, 20, and 24 h.
Fig. 5. SEM images of the products of zeolite L conversion to SSZ-13 (CL-3) at 150 °C for 1, 3, 4, 10, 16, and 24 h.
Fig. 6. Left: XRD patterns of two SSZ-13 samples synthesized from conventional reactants. Right: SEM image of the CC-1 product.
L. Tang, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 306–314
Table 3
The impact of different alkaline metal cations on the formation of SSZ-13 from zeolite Beta and zeolite L at 150 °C for 24 h.
Alkaline cation (M) Synthesis conditions Product
Si/Al MOH/SiO2 TMAD/SiO2 Crystalline phase Yield/% Si/Al
M − Li, Na, K, Cs.
L. Tang, et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 306–314
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