De Colores Notes and Verses
De Colores Notes and Verses
De Colores Notes and Verses
speaking world. It is associated with Mexican folklore but it is not known for certain when and where it
originated (probably Spain), but it's believed to have been around since the 16th century. By the 20th
century it was one of the most well-known Mexican folk songs throughout the world. Perhaps most
famously in the U.S., it became the unofficial anthem of the United Farm Workers movement in the 1950s
and 1960s. The text celebrates the beauty of diversity as well as unity. Multiple verses are known to
exist and the song appears in many music textbooks. You can find wonderful performances on
YouTube–this one has all the verses below as well as some additional verses.
( We had our mariachi director come in to work with
us on style. You can find a link to two free versions on our website. There also are many arrangements
of it–the SATB one I like is published by Alliance and is arranged by Vicente Chavarria. You can use any
combination of verses in any verse, although the first one is usually sung first and the third one below is
the other most commonly sung verse. ~Elizabeth Schauer
Refrain: Refrain:
Y por eso los grandes amores And that is why the great loves of many
De muchos colores me gustan a mí. colors are pleasing to me.
Y por eso los grandes amores
De muchos colores me gustan a mí.
Refrain Refrain
Canta el gallo, canta el gallo The rooster sings with his "kiri-kiri."
Con el quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri. The hen sings with her "kara-kara,"
La gallina, la gallina The chicks sing with their "pio-pio."
Con el cara, cara, cara, cara, cara.
Los pollitos/polluelos, los pollitos/polluelos
Con el pío, pío, pío, pío, pí.
Refrain Refrain
De colores, sí, de blanco In colors, yes, white and black and red and
Y negro y rojo y azul y castaño. blue and brown. All the colors from people
Son colores, son colores laughing and shaking hands. All the colors
De gente que ríe, y estrecha la mano. from people who know freedom.
Son colores, son colores
De gente que sabe de la libertad.
Refrain Refrain