Englsih Project
Englsih Project
Englsih Project
I would like to express our deep sense of thanks and gratitude to my English
teacher for guiding me immensely through the course of this project. The
constructive advice and constant motivation provided, have been responsible for
successful completion of this project.
I am immensely grateful to my beloved principal for his involvement in this
project by providing useful inputs and timely suggestions. I also thank my parents
who gave their ideas and input in making this project.
Most of all I thank my school management for providing us the facility and
opportunity to do this project. I would also thank my school mates who have
rendered their support and done their project with me. All these support made this
project fruitful.
The main objectives and goals of this project include listening to television
and documentaries to understand and promote women socio economic and
political rights.
Another goal intended to achieve through this project is to ensure that
women's economic contributions are made visible and valued. This is to
foster women's economic empowerment through the promotion of
women's entrepreneurship within commodity based industrialization.
The ultimate goal is to make people understand the real problems faced by
women in our society. It addresses the struggles and stigmas associated
with them. The outcome expected is to be able to have a thorough
understanding of the given topic and to gain more knowledge about the
The entire project has been completed after a series of consultations with peers
and professionals, approval from teachers, and references to print and visual
I conducted a research to identify a diverse range of interviews and TED Talks
related to the chosen topic. During the preparation of my project, I watched Ted
talks, read documentaries based on the topic, got information from blogs,
websites. I surfed in the YouTube for videos relevant to my topic.
During listening sessions, I engaged in active listening by giving full attention
to the content presented. Take detailed notes while listening to capture key
ideas, insights, and notable quotes or statements.
By focusing on these objectives and plan, I anticipate that this project will
provide me with a rich and varied learning experience. Actively listening to
interviews and TED Talks will enhance my critical thinking skills, expand my
knowledge base, and inspire me to explore new ideas and perspectives .
This project about women empowerment is constructed by doing an analysis of
the interview data and using authentic visual resources, after which the report
was written to the best of my efforts.
This project was a result of hard work and yes, the fruit of hard work is always
sweet. Organizing and sequencing my thoughts and ideas was something that I
learnt from this project. With the guidance from teacher, I was able to get to
know the grammar, vocabulary and language that I should use for project
reports. I acquired critical thinking skills and awareness of the negative
perceptions that society enforces on women as I pursued my report. Qualities
like analyzing skills, smart work, time management and perfection were tightly
instilled in me by the end of the project. I hope that, my project will eradicate a
dark stigma that people hold on women and integrate them into our society.
Both Tedtalks provided unique perspectives on women empowerment. They
deepened my understanding of the psychological and cognitive aspects involved
in the development and impact of women empowerment.
Women Empowerment helps to make the society and world a better place to
live in and march forward on way to inclusive participation. It means increase
happiness for the family and the organizations where women make a difference.
Contemporary societies across the world have been exposed to the major
processes of transformation on social and economic development front.
However, these processes have not been implemented in a balanced way and
have augmented gender imbalances throughout the world in which women
remained the ultimate sufferer. The situation has adversely affected the pace of
women empowerment. Therefore, we require a completely transformed society
in which equal opportunities of growth can be suitably provided to women so
that they can co-exist with their male counterparts contributing equally in all the
factors responsible for the growth of society in a larger sense.
If we want to bring about women empowerment in the true sense, there is a
crying need for the elimination of the male superiority and patriarchal mindset.
Also, women need to be given equal opportunities for education and
employment without any sense of discrimination. Unless there is attitudinal
change in society towards women, merely arming them with legal and
constitutional rights will be simply inadequate.