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Task 1 Plan

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Bài 1 :

Task 1 plan:
• Paraphrase task heading
Summary paragraph 2 key features: [1] prices for 3 food groups and cpi increased [2] only prices for fresh
fruits and vegetables were higher than overall increase in cpi over the period.
• Compare sugar/sweets and carbonated drinks trend with cpi
Report on fresh fruits and vegetables trend.

VOCABULARY overall: [adjective] [nhìn chung] general, including all the things which we should consider.
Example: The satellite pictures gave the weather experts an overall view of the weather worldwide.
trend: [noun] [xu hướng] a change which takes place over a period of time.
Example: There is a general trend towards using computers more and more in language teaching.
fluctuations: [noun] [dao động, thay đổi bất thường] changes in number or amount, especially when these
changes are big.
Example: Oil prices change every day, so it is impossible to predict the fluctuations which are likely to occur
next year.
significantly: [adverb] [quan trọng, trọng đại, đáng chú ý] in a large or important way. Example: I had not
seen my cousin for 20 years, and of course his appearance had changed significantly.
steadily: [adverb] [vững chắc, đều đặn] in an even and regular way.
Example: Keeping the same speed, he drove steadily until he reached his destination.
consistently: [adverb] [chắc chắn, kiên định] always in the same way. Example: As a result of increasing
crime, many people in Brazil have been consistently arguing for a change in the law.
sharply: [adverb] [mạnh mẽ] suddenly and by a large amount. Example: Temperatures in the desert fall
sharply at night.

Bài 2 :

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds
of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. Summarise the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Common mistake: 1) "there was a fluctuated increase in the figure for chicken" ->
To describe this increase, use ‘fluctuating’, rather than ‘fluctuated’. Even though
you refer to the past here, you refer to a figure which continued to go up and down
during this whole period. So, we can use the present participle as an adjective, even
when we are referring to the past. This site gives one or two examples, but here is
another: ‘The man lost all his wealth in the fluctuating world money market last
year. The price of gold also fluctuated in 2013’.

Bài 3 :
Tourists to England who visited four different attractions
in Brighton. The line graph below shows the percentage
of tourists to England who visited four different
attractions in Brighton.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading, using some
different words.
Summary paragraph – key features [1] the % visiting the
Pier and the Pavilion increased [2] the % visiting the other
attractions fell.
Paragraph 3: report some figures and report trends for the
Pier and the Pavilion. Include comparisons.
Paragraph 4: report some figures and report trends for the
Festival and the Art Gallery.
Include comparisons.

Bài 4 : The amount of money spent on books in Germany, France,

Italy and Austria

Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading, using some different words. Summary
paragraph – key features [1] people in germany spent the most money on
books compared to the other 3 countries
[2] spending on books increased in all the countries.
Paragraph 3: Compare the 1995 figures; describe the trend and 2005 figure
for germany.
Paragraph 4: Describe the trends for france, austria and italy; compare 2005
figures for france and austria – report sharp increase for austria 2001-2005;
report trend and final figure for italy.

Bài 5 : Income differences between genders The chart below shows the
percentage of difference in income between men and women from 1978
to 2008
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,
and make comparisons where relevant.

Report plan: Paraphrase paragraph: Change some of the words: income

gap/between genders.
Summary paragraph:
Overall: a reduction in the percentage of the income gap between genders. Only one
exception – Australia after 1998.
Paragraph 3: Compare figures for Japan & the USA – they are the greatest
differences and the trends are similar.
Paragraph 4: Compare the lower proportions for the UK and France – the trends
are also similar.
Finally, contrast trend for Australia.

Bài 6 : Age Groups and Cinema Attendance

Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph – use some of your own words and, if
necessary, words from the diagram
Summary paragraph
1] cinema attendance rose over the period
[2] the highest percentage of those attending the cinema was among the 15-24
year olds
Paragraph 3: compare the proportions for all the age groups in 1984 and
compare the trends. Paragraph 4: give the 2000 figures for all the age groups.

Bài 7 : : Oil use of major consumers

The graph below gives information about total oil use of 4 main consumers
from 2009 to 2030
Report Plan: • Paraphrase question: one sentence.
• Summary paragraph: 2 key features:
[1] trends in the graph: decrease in daily oil consumption in the US and Western
Europe and Japan; increase in in the figures for China and the Middle East
[2] highest: the US.
• Paragraph 3: compare the amount of oil consumed per day in the four areas in
2009 – report all figures.
• Paragraph 4: compare the figures in all region in 2030 – report all data
***Vocabulary notes: Về từ vựng ‘in terms of’ is a very useful phrase in task 1
By contrast/ In contrast: these can be used to describe opposite/different trend.
“By contrast/ in contrast”: được sử dụng để mô tả các xu hướng trái ngược/ khác
biệt với nhau ‘figure’ - this can be used in lots of situations, to refer to a number, an
amount or a percentage/proportion/rate.
“Figure”: được sử dụng trong nhiều ngữ cảnh để chỉ số liệu hoặc số phần trăm, tỉ
‘equal…each’: each needs using when describing same data. “equal…each”: sử
dụng khi mô tả 2 đối tượng có cùng số liệu. ‘respectively’: is a synonym of ‘in turn’
to list.
“respectively”: đồng nghĩa với “in turn”, tức “lần lượt”, sử dụng để liệt kê. Lưu ý
Số lượng số liệu phải bằng số lượng danh từ Số liệu nào đứng trước thì danh từ của
số liệu đó phải đứng trước
‘a (number)-year period starting in/ ending in/ between…and…: describe a period
of time “a (number) year period starting in/ ending in/ between…and…: sử dụng để
miêu tả một khoảng thời gian.
Paraphrase: the amount of oil consumed, the number of barrels of oil used, daily oil
consumption, in demand Diễn giải (thay đổi cách diễn đạt): the amount of oil
consumed, the number of barrels of oil used, daily oil consumption, in demand
Remained stable/reached a peak: other vocabulary to describe different trends.
“Remain stable/ reached a peak”: là các từ vựng khác để diễn tả những xu hướng
khác nhau.
Remain stable: không đổi
- Reached a peak: chạm đỉnh

Bài 8 : The graph below shows the changes in UK birth rate of women in 6
different age group from 1973 to 2008.
Report Plan: Paraphrase title using some of your own words
Overview/summary paragraph: [1] birth rates among women aged under 20
and from 20-29 decreased over the period [2] birth rates among women over
40 also declined

Paragraph 3: give 1973 figures for women under 20, women aged 20-29, and
women over 40. Compare the trends [decreasing birth rates] and give final
figures [2008]
Paragraph 4: give 1973 figures for women aged 30-39. Contrast the trends with
the age groups in paragraph 3. Give final figures for 2008.

Bài 9 : The chart below shows the percentage of female

members of parliament in 5 European countries from 2000 to

Report Plan Paraphrase – ‘compares/proportion/name the 5 countries’.

Summary paragraph – percentages all rose over the period; highest
percentage in Italy 2012.
Paragraph 3: Germany, Italy, France. Germany and France both steady
increases. Italy more significant increase. Compare trends, give 2000
and 2012 figures + Italy 2008.
Paragraph 4: Belgium and the UK – contrast trends: dramatic increase
in the UK, rise and fall in Belgium. Both 23% in 2012.

Bài 10 : Value of Australian trading with China, Japan and the

United States
The graphs below show the value of Australian trading with
China, Japan and the United States. (Value is estimated in term
of Australian dollars - billions)
Report Plan: Paraphrase: show>compares; trading>trade; China,
Japan and the United States>three countries; add dates. Summary
paragraph: the value of trade with the USA constant – contrast with
fluctuations in the value of trade with Japan and China.
Paragraph 3: compare value of exports and imports to and from the
Paragraph 4: contrast trend of the USA and Japan. Describe import and
export trends with Japan. Paragraph 5: compare the trends for exports
and imports – China.

Bài 11 : The graph below shows the number of overseas visitors

to three different areas of a European country between 1987
and 2007.

Report plan :
Paraphrase paragraph: graph>diagram; shows>compares;
overseas visitors> visitors from abroad; between 1987 and
2007>over the period 1987 to 2007.
Summary paragraph: (1) overseas visitor numbers generally
increased (2) the two most popular areas visited.
Paragraph 3: describe numbers and trends for visits to the
Paragraph 4: visits to the lakes and mountains – report
numbers for 1987, 2002, 2007. Compare trend with visits to the
coast, and report on 2000 – overtook number of visitors to the
Paragraph 5: Series 3. Compare figures for 1987 with visits to
the lakes and mountains. Describe the trend and report the
change which took place in 1992. Give 2007 figure.

Bar Chart :
Bài 1 :
The chart below gives information about the most common
sports played in New Zealand in 2002. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading Summary paragraph –
key features
[1] different % for boys and girls for most sports
[2] similar % who played basketball and tennis. Girls – begin
with most popular.
Finish with ‘others’. Boys – contrast netball, then begin with
most popular. Finish with ‘others’.

the proportion: [noun][tỷ lệ] this can be used in the same way as ‘the
Example: The proportion of men and women in the global popularion is
approximately equal.
took part: [phrasal verb] [tham gia vào] participated [in something].
Example: John took part in the race, although he knew that he would
not win.
unspecificed: [adjective] [chưa được xác định, chưa rõ ràng] not stated
exactly or clearly.
Example: She has arranged to meet me at an unspecified time, but she
will send me full details later in her e-mail.
totalled: [verb] [lên tới, đạt tới] reached a particular total. Example:
Imports from China totalled $1 billion last year.
figure: [noun] [con số] a number representing a particular amount.
Example: The sales figures for April are slightly higher than last year.
slightly: [adverb] [nhẹ, một chút] a little. Example: We took a slightly
different way to school.

Bài 2 :
Oil Production Capacity
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
the main features, and make comparisons where
relevant. You should write at least 150 words.

The graph shows oil production capacity for several Gulf countries
between 1990 and 2010.
Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading, using some different words.
Summary paragraph – key features
[1] oil production generally increased
[2] highest production in Saudi Arabia, lowest in qatar. Describe
figures for Saudi Arabia and contrast with qatar. Compare the
figures for the other 4 countries.
Vocabulary :

barrels: [noun] [thùng] a barrel is a large, round container usually

made of metal or wood. It is a unit of measurement in the oil
industry [about 150 litres].
Example: Oil prices last year rose by 5 dollars per barrel.
tended to increase: [expression] [có xu hướng tăng]increased over
a period of time, but did not increase during each of the years
shown [we have to write this, because the number of barrels of oil
produced in the UAE did not increase from 1990 to 2000].
Example: Although the rate of inflation fell in July and August,
inflation tended to increase in the USA during 2015.
reaching a peak: [expression] [đạt đỉnh] the point at which
something is at its highest quantity. Example: It is now almost 8:00
in the morning and the number of cars in the city centre is
reaching a peak.
slight: [adjective] [nhẹ] very small.
Example: I fell of my bike and suffered some slight injuries, but
nothing serious and so I was able to continue my journey.
the UAE: [noun] [Tiểu các vương quốc Ả rập] this name must be
written with ‘the’ in front of it, in the same way as the USA, the UK,
the United Nations and the European Community.
Example: There are many English language schools in the United
Arab Emirates [the UAE].
peaked: [verb] [đạt đỉnh] reached its highest point.
Example: At midday, the temperature peaked at almost 40
degrees, before falling slightly in the afternoon.

Bài 3 :
: Fast food
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading, using some different words.
Summary paragraph –
key features [1] differences in fast food eaten by each income group
[2] lowest income group spent the lowest amount.
Compare expenditure of high and average income groups on all 3 types
of fast food Contrast low expenditure of low income group and they
spend more on fish and chips than burgers

expenditure: [noun] [mức chi tiêu] another word for ‘spending’ – the
amount of money spent.
Example: There are plans to increase expenditure on schools next year.
pence: [noun] [xu] the plural of ‘penny’. In the UK, there are 100 pence
in one pound.
Example: The chocolates were 95 pence and the ice cream was 60
pizza: [noun] [bánh pizza]it is used both as a countable and
non-countable noun [like ‘chicken’, for example]. In the chart, it is used
as a non-countable noun.
Example: John loves pizza. Last night, he ordered two pizzas – cheese
and tomato, and chicken and mushroom.
spending: [noun][mức chi tiêu] use it in exactly the same way as
Example: Public spending on hospitals increased last year.
came a close second: [expression] [đứng thứ 2] be just behind another
thing or person.
Example: John said that although his favourite fruit was bananas,
strawberries came a close second.

Bài 4:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The bar chart
shows the scores of teams A, B and C over four different seasons.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.
Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading
Summary paragraph –
key features [1] all the scores fluctuated over the period [2] team b
always had the highest scores.
Paragraph 3: compare the first scores [2002]. Compare what
happened for each team 2002-2004 – select details.
Paragraph 4: compare the final scores [2005]
Bài 5 : You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The following bar chart shows the different modes of
transport used to travel to and from work in one European city
in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at
least 150 words.

Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – key features [1] use of cars increased [2]
percentage of travellers by bike and on foot fell dramatically.
Paragraph 3: compare all 4 modes of transport in 1960 and
Paragraph 4: compare the final figures for 2000.

Bài 6 : The division of household tasks by gender in Great

Britain. The chart shows the division of household tasks by
gender in Great Britain.

Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – [1] women spent more time overall on tasks [2]
men spentmore time only on gardening/maintenance.
Paragraph 3 – report on the tasks for which women spend more time
than men.
Paragraph 4 – report on the tasks for which men spend more time than

Bài 7 : The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by
men and women of different employment status.

Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – [1] in 3 categories, men had more leisure time
than women [2] in the other 2 categories, there are only figures for
Paragraph 3: report and compare figures for full-time
employed/unemployed/retired [men and women]
Paragraph 4: report on the figures for housewives and part-time

Bài 8 : The chart below gives information about global sales of

games software, CDs and DVD or video.

Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – [1] sales of dvds/videos increased each year [2]
sales of cds were the highest figure in each year.

Paragraph 3: compare all the figures for 2000. Report trend and 2002
sales figures for games software and dvds/videos.
Paragraph 4: contrast sales trend for cds [slight decline]. Compare sales
figures of all 3 products in final year, 2003

Bài 9 :
Marriages in America

Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph: describe separately what

each bar chart shows.
Summary paragraph: report one key feature of each bar chart
– [1] fall in the number of US marriages
[2] most adult Americans in those years were married.
Paragraph 3: report on top bar chart –
[1] decline in number of marriages over the period.
[2] despite fluctuations, number of divorces relatively stable.

Paragraph 4: report on second bar cha

rt – [1] contrast high percentage of adult Americans married in
both years with the other 3 categories
[2] proportion of ‘never married’ and ‘divorced’ Americans
[3] percentage of ‘widowed’, however, declined

Bài 10 :

The table below shows the figures for

imprisonment in five countries between
1930 and 1980.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown


» You should write at least 150 words.

Figures (in thousand) for imprisonment in five countries between 1930 and 1980.
Report Plan: Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – [1] in most countries, prison population fluctuated [2]

number of prisoners in britain rose consistently over the period

Paragraph 3: describe Britain [numbers/trend]. Contrast with Canada

Paragraph 4: compare trends/numbers of other countries – note high us figures.

Note that trends all fluctuate.

Bài 11 : The charts below show the main reasons for study among students

of different age groups and the amount of support they received from

employers. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons where relevant. • You sh
Task 1 plan: Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – [1] most students under 40 study to further their

careers [2] the age group which receives most support from employers are

those aged under 26.

Paragraph 3: contrast trends for those who study [1] for career and [2] for


Paragraph 4: describe trend and figures for employer support by age group

Bài 12: Film production in 5 countries The chart

below shows the percentage of films produced by 5
different countries in 3 years.
Report Plan: Paraphrase introduction
Summary paragraph
– [1] over the period, percentage of films made in 3
countries increased [2] the figure for films in the other
2 countries fell slightly.
Paragraph 3 – figures for the countries where the
percentages increased – B, D and E.
Paragraph 4 – figures for the other countries A and C.

Bài 13 : Renewable energy of the total supply

The graph below shows the proportion of renewable
energy of the total supply in 2000, 2004 and 2007.
Report Plan:
Paraphrase title using some of your own words
Overview paragraph: [1] a much higher percentage of total energy
was supplied by renewables in Norway and Iceland than in the
other two countries [2] Norway and Germany saw an increase in
the proportion of renewables in each of the 3 years.
Paragraph 3: compare the 2000 figures for the 4 countries
Paragraph 4: compare the trends and figures for the other two
Bài 14 : The charts below show population statistics in
two countries of the UK from 1700 to 2000.
Report Plan Paraphrase paragraph – ‘illustrates, compares’, England
and Wales, population size, birth and death rates Summary paragraph
– population increase: death rate lower than birth rate
Paragraph 3: population size: significant increase, give all 4 years
Paragraph 4: [1] give birth rate for all 4 years [2] similar trend for death
rate – give figures for all 4 years.

Bài 15 :
The bar chart below shows the percentage of government spending on
roads and transport in 4 countries in the years 1990 1995 2000 2005.
Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph: ‘compares/expenditure/5-year
Summary paragraph: highest figure – Portugal; lowest figure – the UK
Paragraph 3: compare and contrast trends and figures Portugal and
Paragraph 4: compare and contrast trends and figures the UK and USA.

Bài 16 :
Waste disposal in 1 European country in four years
2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 The chart below shows the
waste disposal in 1 European country in four years
2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Report Plan: Paraphrase: shows>illustrates; waste disposal>waste
disposed of; in four years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008>from 2005 to
Summary paragraph: (1) the figures for landfill decreased
(2) the amount of waste burned increased.
Paragraph 3: give the figures for landfill. The amount of waste
burned overtook the figure for landfill in 2008.
Paragraph 4: give the increasing figures for burning rubbish, and
contrast with the fluctuating trend of dumping at sea.


1. Dàn bài như thường lệ sẽ gồm 4 khổ

+ Introduction: Giới thiệu pie chart nói về cái gì
+ Overview: Viết 2 câu mô tả 2 đặc điểm chung của biểu đồ. Chỉ cần là 2
đặc điểm nổi bật của biểu đồ là được. Lưu ý không đưa số liệu cụ thể vào
phần này
+ Body 1 & Body 2: Mô tả pie chart một cách chi tiết., so sánh các số liệu
2. Trong pie chart, các số liệu đưa ra thường chính xác, không có số liệu xấp
3. Cách giải pie chart giống cách giải dạng biểu đồ cột, bảng thông tin.
Cách viết không có gì thay đổi
Bài 17 : The average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia
The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the
year 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.
Task 1 plan

Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – key features [1] identify 3 highest categories [2]

proportion spent per household on transport and health care in japan were

double the figures for malaysia.

Compare spending on 3 highest categories
Compare expenditure on 2 lowest categories

spending: [noun] [mức chi tiêu] the amount of money spent by an organisation or a

person. Example: The government promised to increase spending on hospitals and

double: [adjective] [gấp đôi] twice the amount or number of something. Example: I

earn $100 dollars a week, but my friend earns double that salary.
whereas: [adverb] [trái lại] used to contrast two facts. Example: We thought she

was unfriendly, whereas she was just shy.

in terms of: [expression] [xét về mặt] used to show what aspect of a subject you are

writing about. Example: In terms of enjoying good food, the Tet holiday is my favourite
time of the year

accounted for: [phrasal verb] [chiếm] was a particular part or amount of something.

Example: The Japanese market accounted for 20% of our exports last year.

Bài 18 : The online shopping sales for retail sectors

The two pie charts below show the online shopping sales for retail sectors in Canada in
2005 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Task 1 plan:

Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – key features [1] changes in the percentages for the

different sectors during the period [2] while the figures for food and beverages

and also video games increased, the figures for the other two sectors fell.

Paragraph 3: details for the sectors with increased percentages.

Paragraph 4: details for the sectors with reduced percentages.

Bài 19 : Electricity generation by source in New Zealand and Germany
The pie charts below show electricity generation by source in New Zealand and

Germany in 1980 and 2010.

Task 1 plan:

Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – key features [1] more units of electricity were used in

both countries in 2010 than in 1980 [2] in 2010 nuclear power became the predominant fuel
source in germany, in contrast to coal in nz.
Paragraph 3: compare total units of electricity generated in both countries in

1980 and 2010.

Paragraph 4: compare the fuel sources in both 1980 in nz and germany.

Paragraph 5. Do the same for 2010. Note changes over the two years.

Bài 20 : The
two graphs show the main
sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s
and the 1990s.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes
which occurred.

» Write at least 150 words.

Sources of Energy, USA, in the 1980s and 1990s.

Task 1 plan:

Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – [1] oil main energy source [2] not much change in the %
of other sources of energy.
Paragraph 3: report and compare proportions of oil, natural gas and coal used
to produce energy, 1980 and 1990.
Paragraph 4: report and compare proportions of hydroelectric and nuclear
power in both years.

Bài 21: The table and pie charts show the number of research students in Australian
universities in 2001 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant
Report Plan:

Paraphrase: sentence [1] the table compares; sentence [2] the pie charts

Summary paragraph: total number of students carrying out research increased;
a higher % of research students were local.
Paragraph 3: the table – give total numbers 2001 and 2010; growth in the
number of international research students.

Paragraph 4: the pie charts - % of local research students in 2001 and 2010;
contrast % of international students. Compare figures and trends [1] for male and female
local students [2] for male and female international students in 2001/2010.

Bài 22 :
The chart show the different how three countries learn English in 2010 and
Paraphrase [1 or 2 sentences]
Summary paragraph [1] percentage of students in all 3 countries booking
through the Internet increased from 2009 to 2010 [2] proportion of students pre-
booking with agents rose in Canada and the USA but fell in Australia.

Paragraph 3: compare figures for all 3 countries for Internet booking and pre-
booking with agents

Paragraph 4: compare figures for all 3 countries for booking on arrival and

Bài 23 :

Report plan:

Paraphrase sentence – use some of your own words

Summary paragraph: [1] the main reason to visit a library was to borrow or
return books [2] the proportion of people who used the library to obtain

information doubled in 2000.

Detail paragraph 3: borrowing/returning [1] books [2] videos

Detail paragraph 4: compare figures and trends for [obtaining

information/study/reading newspapers and magazines

Bài 24 :

Report Plan:

Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; proportion>percentage; spending>expenditure; different

commodities and services>six categories of goods and services.
Summary paragraph: (1) the proportion of total spending on food was higher in 1958 than 2008
(2) people spent a much higher percentage on housing, travel and transport, and luxury goods in
Paragraph 3: the percentages which fell 1958-2008 – food 32% to 12% of the total;
entertainment 13% to 6%; clothing 18% to 16%.
Paragraph 4: the percentages which rose – housing 22% to 32%; travel and transport 8% to
17%; luxury goods 7% to 17%.

Bài 25 :
Task 1: (Pie charts) The charts below show changes in the proportion of
energy produced from different resources in country in 1985 and 2003.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features
and comparisons where relevant.

Paraphrase: show>compare; proportion>percentage; produced>generated.

Summary paragraph: (1) oil the largest proportion (2) figures for coal and
natural gas higher in 2003 than 1985
Paragraph 3: compare 1985 and 2003 for oil, nuclear power – both % fell.
Paragraph 4: hydroelectric % stable; % for coal and natural gas increased.

Bài 26 :

The pie charts below show the coffee production,

coffee consumption and the profit distribution
around the world.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Report Plan:

Paraphrase: shows>illustrates; where>according to region;

produced/consumed>production/consumption; goes>distributed
Summary paragraph: highest production/highest consumption; which sector made the most
Paragraph 3: (1) figures for coffee production (2) contrast with figures for coffee consumption
Paragraph 4: compare the 4 sectors in terms of profits

1- Về cơ bản, biểu đồ dạng table viết không có gì khác với dạng line graph, bar chart hay pie
chart. Bạn bố cục bài viết gồm 4 phần: Introduction, Overview, Body 1, Body 2
2- Mở bài: cố gắng paraphrase lại các từ của đề bài. Nếu để ý bạn sẽ thấy quanh đi quẩn lại
sẽchỉ một vài từ xuất hiện. Mình đang tổng hợp một list các từ hay sử dụng để paraphrase phần
intro trong task 1 cho lớp của mình. Sẽ post public cho mọi người khi soạn xong

3- Tổng quan: Một mẹo tìm đặc điểm phần tổng quan là: Nếu thấy bài có sự thay đổi theo thời
gian -> nên tìm đặc điểm về xu hướng trước (đây thường là đặc điểm quan trọng cần lưu ý trước
tiên). Sau đó, mọi người cố gắng để ý so sánh các cột các dòng (thay vì chỉ để ý các ô trong
table). Nếu không thể so sánh các hạng mục thì có thể so sánh các số liệu lớn nhất, nhỏ nhất. Nên
viết 2 câu - tương ứng với 2 đặc điểm trong phần tổng quan (1 câu thường không đủ)

4- Ở 2 khổ thân bài: Mọi người nhớ không bao giờ mô tả số liệu riêng rẽ, luôn cố gắng so sánh
càng nhiều càng tốt. Cố gắng chia thành 2 nhóm (Ví dụ: một nhóm số liệu lớn nhất, một nhóm
sốliệu nhỏ nhất, hoặc nhóm số liệu bằng nhau)
5- Lưu ý sử dụng past simple khi mô tả năm trong quá khứ, sử dụng cấu trúc dự đoán tương lai
'is expected/predicted to" nếu có năm tương lai. Nếu không có khoảng thời gian được chỉ ra
->dùng present simple

Bài 27 : You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table shows the worldwide market share of the mobile phone market for
manufactures in the years 2005 and 2006.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Task 1 plan

Introduction: paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – key features [1] Nokia leading manufacturer [2]
market share of Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson increased – contrast with
the rest of the companies.
Detail paragraph – three companies whose market share increased – give
figures/compare them.
Detail paragraph – contrast with the rest of the manufacturers – give figures.

Bài 28 :

The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994,
according to United Nations statistics.

Report Plan:
Paraphrase, referring to the key words identified, but changing enough
Summary paragraph: key features: indicators significantly higher in each

category for Canada and Japan than Peru and Zaire. The figures for each

indicator in zaire were lowest of all the countries

Paragraph 3: annual income and life expectancy.
Paragraph 4: daily calories and literacy.

Bài 29 :
The table below gives information about the average annual spending of university
students in 3 different countries.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Report Plan:
Paraphrase: one or two sentences.
Summary paragraph: [1] total spending highest for students in country A [2]
students in all 3 countries spend most on accommodation and food.
Paragraph 3: compare total spending of students in the 3 countries – report all
Paragraph 4: compare expenditure on accomm/food/books/leisure – select
details to report.

Bài 30 : The table below gives information on consumer

spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
Report Plan:
Paraphrase: one or two sentences.
Summary paragraph: [1] all countries – the highest percentage of spending was
on food, drinks and tobacco [2] all countries – the lowest percentage of spending
was on leisure and education.
Paragraph 3: compare spending in all countries on the first two categories.
Paragraph 4: compare spending in all countries on the last category [leisure and

Bài 31 :

The table shows the proportions of pupils attending four

secondary school types between 2000 and 2009.
Report Plan:

Paraphrase: one or two sentences.

Summary paragraph: [1] the percentages of pupils attending 3 types of schools
declined over the period [2] the percentage of pupils attending community schools increased

Paragraph 3: compare attendance at voluntary-controlled schools, grammar schools and

specialist schools

Paragraph 4: contrast attendance at community schools

Bài 32:

The table below shows the number of cars made in three countries in
2003, 2006 and 2009.
Report Plan:

● Paraphrase – compares; produced; 3 countries; between 2003 and 2009.

● Overall [summary paragraph] – Thailand highest figures; Australia steady
increase in car production.

● Detail paragraph [paragraph 3] – compare 2003 figures. Compare and contrast

trends with 2005 figures.

Bài 33 :
The tables below show the results of a survey of urban
residents' opinions related to various aspects of life in
1980 and 2010.
Bài 34 :
The table below shows the amount of waste production (in millions of tonnes) in
six different countries over a twenty-year period. Summarize the information by
selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Paraphrase: shows>illustrates; the amount of waste production>how much waste was
produced; countries>nations; a twenty year period>in 1980, 1990 and 2000.

Overview paragraph: (1) the USA produced more waste than the other countries (2) waste
production increased in most countries.

Paragraph 3: Compare figures and trends in the USA and Japan.

Paragraph 4: Give 1980 figures for Poland, Portugal and Ireland. Give 2000 figures and
compare increasing trends for Poland and Portugal. Contrast with a
decline in waste production in Korea – give 1990 and 2000 figures.

Bài 35 : The amount of CO2 emissions

Task 1 plan:

Paraphrase task heading

Summary paragraph – 2 key features: [1] bar chart: increasing c02 emissions –
cars, vans and trucks [2] linegraph: increase in the number of road vehicles

Paragraph 3: bar chart details: compare c02 emissions in 2000 from cars, vans and trucks.
Contrast with low figure for buses. Compare predicted 2020
emissions from cars, vans and trucks. Contrast again with low figure for buses.

Paragraph 4: give number of road vehicles in 2000 and note trend 2000-2015.
Give 2015 figure. Give projected figure for 2020.


emissions: [noun] [khí thải] gases and very small particles sent out into the air.

Example: In big cities, the emissions from vehicles damage the quality of the air.

diagram: [noun] [biểu đồ] any kind of simple drawing, used to explain something.

Example: In the IELTS exam, we may have to report on any of these diagrams: pie

charts, bar charts, line graphs, processes, flow charts of life cycles.

sharply: [adverb] [rõ ràng, rõ rệt, đột ngột] suddenly and by a large amount.

Example: Following the economic crisis in the USA, the value of the American

dollar fell sharply over a period of a few days.

respectively: [adverb] [lần lượt] in the same order as the things already mentioned.

Example: John and Peter are aged 17 and 19 respectively.

total: [verb] [đạt được, lên tới] reach a particular total.

Example: Last year, imports from China totalled $10 billion.

forecast: [verb] [dự đoán, dự báo] say what you think will happen in the future,
based on the information that you have now. [grammar note: there are 2 correct
past participles: forecast/forecasted].
Example: The storm presently causing a lot of damage in Thailand is forecast to
arrive in Malaysia tomorrow.

emit: [verb] [thải ra] send out something, like gases for example.
Example: When the volcano exploded, it emitted clouds of gases and smoke into the


stable: [adjective] [vững vàng, ổn định] not moving or changing, remaining

Example: The chart shows that the emissions of C02 from buses remained stable
between 2000 and 2010.

Bài 36 : The
diagrams below give
information on transport and car use in
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.
» Write at least 150 words.

Task 1 plan:

Paraphrase task heading: one sentence for the pie chart and one sentence for the
Summary paragraph – key features [1] pie chart: travel by car is the highest
percentage [2] table: people use their cars to commute to work more than for
any other reason.
Compare proportions shown in pie chart.
Compare reasons why people use their cars.

modes of transport: [noun] [phương tiện giao thông] particular types of transport.

Example: I like to use my bicycle because it is an environmentally-friendly mode of


in preference to: [expression] [hơn ai hoặc cái gì] rather than someone or

Example: Because he had more experience, he was chosen for the job in preference
to his brother.

commuting to work:[di chuyển tới nơi làm việc, đi làm] travelling from home to
work regularly by car, bus or train.
Example: She spends 2 hours every day commuting to work after she changed her

represent: [verb] [đại diện cho, tiêu biểu cho] be something = a linking verb,

followed by a noun or pronoun.

Example: The decision represents a change of policy by the government.

mainly: [adverb] [chủ yếu] more than anything else.

Example: His essay was mainly about the importance of zoos, although it also
contained a discussion of wild animals.

Bài 37 : The bar chart below shows the estimated sales of jeans
for two companies next year in Turkey. The pie chart shows the
projected market share of the two companies in jeans at the end of
next year.
Task 1 plan:
Paraphrase task heading, using some different words.
Summary paragraph – key features [1] sales will increase [2] mango and
Jack&Jones will be the two market leaders
Describe trend for Mango sales – January; July/August and December.
Compare trend for Jack&Jones sales – January/February; June-August and
Describe what pie chart shows

estimated: [verb past participle] [ước chừng] calculated without knowing the number
Example: Police estimated that the number of people at the event was 10,000.
pairs: [noun] [cái, chiếc] objects of two parts that are joined together [or two things of the
same type that are worn or used together, like shoes or socks].
Example: In her bag, she was carrying 3 pairs of jeans, a pair of scissors and an extra pair
of glasses for reading.
projected: [verb past participle] [đặt ra, đặt kế hoạch] calculated the number, cost or size
of something in the future based on what is happening now.
Example: The unemployment rate is projected to fall next year, due to the improvement of
the economy.
market leaders: [noun] [đi đầu thị trường] companies that sell the largest quantity of a
particular product [such as jeans].
Example: Nike and Adidas are the market leaders in the sales of trainers.
the coming year: [expression] [năm tới] the next year.
Example: I will celebrate my 70th birthday in January of the coming year.
anticipated: [verb past participle] [được mong chờ] expected.
Example: In the coming years, it is anticipated that tourism will continue to develop in
overtaking: [verb present participle] [vượt quá] become greater in number, amount or
importance than something else.
Example: Nuclear power is overtaking oil as the main source of energy worldwide.
peak: [verb] [đạt đỉnh] reach the highest point.
Example: It is estimated that inflation will peak at 15% in the coming year.
steady: [adverb] [ổn định] not changing and not interrupted.
Example: When we are sleeping, our breathing remains steady.
hit/reach a peak: [expression] [đạt đỉnh] reach the highest point.
Bài 38 : The table and chart below show the domestic water use and
cost in 5 countries.

Report Plan:
Paraphrase: domestic water use=water used in households; give information about=show
Overview: highest domestic water use>US; highest cost of water>France.
Paragraph 3: Compare figures for water use in each country.

Paragraph 4: Contrast high water consumption and low cost in US and Canada. Compare
cost of water in Italy, Germany, and France – give figures.
Dạng 6 : PROCESS
Bài 39 :

The diagram below shows the process by

which bricks are manufactured for the
building industry.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Clay (đất sét): clay is a type of earth which is very heavy, unlike sand which is relatively
Brick (gạch): a brick is a rectangular object made by heating clay until it becomes solid. It
is used in many countries to construct houses or other buildings.

Digger (máy đào): the machine shown in the diagram is often referred to [at least
in the UK] as a JCB. Its function is to ‘dig’ or to make a hole in the ground.

Excavation (sự đào): although there are two similar verbs – ‘dig’ and ‘excavate’,
the noun ‘excavation’ is commonly used in the construction industry. It suggests
something on a large scale where we make a big hole in the ground, as in the
excavation of clay for example.

Dug up (đào đất để lấy lên): note the irregular past simple tense/and past participle
of the verb ‘dig’. Here the phrasal verb ‘dig up’ is used to mean an activity when we
make a hole in the ground with a machine.

Cutter (máy cắt): in the same way as a ‘digger’ is something which digs, a ‘cutter’
is something which cuts. In this case, the cutter is made or ‘wire’ or thin metal as
shown in the diagram.

Mould (khuôn): a mould is an object which is used to form a shape. In this case,
the sand and water mixture is placed in a mould to make the shape of a brick.

Fire (lửa): the verb ‘fire’ has several meanings. Here, it refers to the action of
heating an object made from clay.

Kiln(lò sấy): a kiln is similar to an oven, but it has a different function. An oven is
used for cooking or heating food – usually in the home. A kiln – like the one in the
diagram – is usually used in industrial processes for making some material very
hard. It can be used in different processes at really high temperatures for heating

things, to make iron for example.

Chamber (buồng): the process in the diagram shows that the bricks are very hot
when they go into this closed space or chamber. They undergo ‘cooling’ – they
become less and less hot.

​ ● Detail paragraph [paragraph 4] – compare 2009 figures. Compare fall in Thailand

and Argentina and contrast rise in production for Australia. Thailand still the
major manufacturer.

Bài 40 :
The diagram below shows the water cycle, which is the continuous movement of
water on, above and below the surface of the Earth.

circulation of water [sự lưu thông của nước, vòng quay của nước]: the circulation

of water refers to the motion of the water, how it moves from one location to another; in
this case, it refers to the water cycle.
Example: “His explanation of the circulation of water was spot on.”

beginning with [bắt đầu với]: starting with; a good way to talk about consecutive
Example: “There are three parts to this project, beginning with a visit to the

this weekend.”

formation of [sự hình thành của]: the formation talks about when something is

formed or comes about or is created; in this case the cloud is formed or created.

Example: “They were waiting for the formation of the team to occur.”

falling to the ground [rơi xuống đất]: in this case it is talking about the water falling to the
ground when it rains; to fall means to start from one place and go down towards

the ground, the earth

Example: “The leaves were falling to the ground during the windstorm.”

as a result of [kết quả của]: as a consequence of; to explain the reason of something

Example: “As a result of all his studying, he aced the exam.”

estimated that [ước lượng rằng]: to make an educated guess at something;

Example: “They estimated that it would take them 2 years to finish the project.”

following this [tiếp theo đó]: used to describe the next thing in a sequence; like after

this or next
Example: “He will first need to take the exam and then following this, he will be given a
six-month internship.”

goes into [trở thành, xâm nhập]: describes the movement of something, in this case, the

Example: “The pollution goes into the river and kills the fish.”

to be absorbed into the ground [được thấm vào lòng đất]: in this case it is talking

about the water going into the ground, being soaked into the ground, into the dirt Example:
“The rainwater wasn’t absorbed into the ground and therefore a mudslide occurred.”

surface runoff [dòng chảy trên mặt đất]: Surface runoff is water, from rain, snowmelt, or
other sources, that flows over the land surface, and is a major component of the water
Example: “They tried to calculate the amount of surface runoff that had occurred.”

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