Plant Leaf Disease Detection Classification and Diagnosis Using Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence A Review
Plant Leaf Disease Detection Classification and Diagnosis Using Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence A Review
Plant Leaf Disease Detection Classification and Diagnosis Using Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence A Review
ABSTRACT Agriculture is the ultimate imperative and primary source of origin to furnish domestic income
for multifarious countries. The disease caused in plants due to various pathogens like viruses, fungi, and
bacteria is liable for considerable monetary losses in the agriculture corporation across the world. The
security of crops concerning quality and quantity is crucial to monitor disease in plants. Thus, recognition of
plant disease is essential. The plant disease syndrome is noticeable in distinct parts of plants. Nonetheless,
commonly the infection is detected in distinct leaves of plants. Computer vision, deep learning, few-shot
learning, and soft computing techniques are utilized by various investigators to automatically identify
the disease in plants via leaf images. These techniques also benefit farmers in achieving expeditious and
appropriate actions to avoid a reduction in the quality and quantity of crops. The application of these
techniques in the recognition of disease can avert the disadvantage of origin by a factious selection of disease
features, extraction of features, and boost the speed of technology and efficiency of research. Also, certain
molecular techniques have been established to prevent and mitigate the pathogenic threat. Hence, this review
helps the investigator to automatically detect disease in plants using machine learning, deep learning and few
shot learning and provide certain diagnosis techniques to prevent disease. Moreover, some of the future works
in the classification of disease are also discussed.
INDEX TERMS Deep learning, diagnosis, image processing, machine learning, plant disease.
FIGURE 4. (a) Bacterial blemish [19] (b) Viral Mosaic [20] (c) Late Blight [22] (d) Early Blight [22] (e) Rust.
failure [17]. The most commonly found viral diseases waterlog shown in Fig. 4(c). This fungus is caused due
are in beetles, leafhoppers, aphids, and whiteflies such as to climate change in the form of wet and dry. As the
mosaic viral disease indicated in green or yellow stripes late blight disease is cultivated, these blemishes get dark
for foliage as shown in Fig. 4 (b). and fungus in white form grows on the surface [18].
• Fungal Disease- Plants fungal disease affects various Alternaria fungus caused by early blight, emerges on
components of plants i.e., sclerotium wilt, common former leaves in the form of tinny brown blemish with
crown rot, stem rust, eyespot (sheath or stem), rust, bull’s eye arrangement in the form of concentric rings as
blight (leaves), ergot (spikes) and carnal bunt, black shown in Fig. 4(d). Rust fungus develops on ripe plant
point (seeds). Phytophthora fungus caused by late blight leaves on the curtailed surface as shown in Figure 4(e).
emerges on former leaves such as gray-green blemish, This blemish becomes black after green-yellow.
The above-described and mentioned disease symptoms utilize machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), few-shot
are distinct and very less compared to other conventional learning (FSL), and soft computing techniques with image
diseases in plants. That means the equivalent disease processing for RGB as well as hyperspectral images. Also,
symptom may arise due to infectious or non-infectious certain molecular techniques have been established to prevent
diseases. Some of the distinct diseases in plants are and mitigate the pathogenic threat.
indicated in Table 1.
Therefore, accurate diagnosis of plant disease is trouble-
some for the identification of pathogens using particular
The categorization of disease detection in plants using
machine learning with image processing is done in the
The artificial intelligence techniques, for detecting the per-
following sequential steps: Image Acquisition, Image Pre-
formance of disease detection in plants essentially depend
processing, Image Segmentation, Feature Extraction and
on the feature extraction as well as a classification for dis-
selection, and Classification [32]. In this, firstly images of
ease [27], [28], [29]. These extracted selected features reveal
plants (roots, branches, stems & leaves) are captured. Next,
several disease symptoms. Table 2 represents a manifestation
image pre-processing i.e., noise removal or blur or any
of several typical diseases in plants with specific symptoms.
other distortion is removed using techniques like scaling,
The following Table will help the investigator to identify the
stretching, smoothening, transformation, and rotation. Next,
accurate features which would further lead to high classifica-
segmentation to extract the infected region using techniques
tion accuracy.
like thresholding, and clustering is done. Then this seg-
mented region is used to extract features for classification.
The artificial intelligence techniques are addressed to In this section, the requirement of all these steps is men-
enhance agriculture production by bestowing in plant disease tioned and the approaches proposed in the literature are also
monitoring. Various review research papers have been pub- summarized.
lished [30], [31], some of them focus on particular approaches
while others are centered on particular diseases. A detailed 1) IMAGE ACQUISITION
summarization of plant disease detection, classification, and The initial gait for any machine learning system is image
diagnosis is not available. Therefore, this review focuses acquisition. This incorporates image capture or redeems
on distinct techniques used by distinct researchers that images from repositories. The image quality highly leans on
the camera and its acclimatization which leads to disease TABLE 3. Details of the dataset available used by various researchers.
detection accuracy of the system [33], [34]. The captured
image might dwell in the undesired background, adumbra-
tion, and noise. To improve the accuracy of the system or to
extract the affected part firstly background removal and noise
removal are required. Subsequently, other than RGB images
from normal cameras, certain specific cameras are used
to capture hyperspectral, thermal, and fluorescent images.
Various researchers use distinct datasets for plant disease
detection systems as indicated in Table 3. The presence of
shadow, light, insufficient lighting, and intricated background
is burdensome due to uncontrolled/real-time images as com-
pared to laboratory surroundings conditions. The quality of
the image captured robustly depends upon the techniques and
equipment used. Consequently, the system performance is
influenced by the image acquisition stage.
The crucial step in a machine learning system is image pro-
cessing. It helps to improve the quality of the image that
is degraded due to distortions, turbulence, or shadow [56].
Majorly, the dataset is captured in uncontrolled environments
or real-time situations. Therefore, the preprocessing step is
necessary before feature extraction enlarges the estimated
accuracy of the system which results in reduced process-
ing time. The process also reduces the processing time by
applying operations such as crop, and resize. The literature
utilizes image enhancement, cropping, and elimination of
background as extensively used preprocessing techniques.
These operations applicability depends on the image quality.
Various researchers use unique techniques for preprocessing
are indicated in Table 4. Image preprocessing along with
augmentation is used to create more images of the data on the
existing data for several deep learning techniques that require
large amounts of image data. The processing augmentation
techniques are noise injection, flipping of image, gamma
correction, scaling, rotation, resize, cropping, random shift,
zoom, and image transformation such as contrast enhance-
ment and brightness.
The region of interest or undesired region can be segre-
gated using image segmentation. This approach intends to
separate the part having a deformity. This analysis of the
representation of the image is simple and further meaningful
to discriminate the affected and unaffected parts. It is the most
important technique among machine learning techniques as
critical issues and techniques in the analysis of an image.
The several challenges faced such as erroneous boundaries
of the affected region, shadow, illumination, and complex and neural network. Generally, computational techniques per-
background [74]. The segmentation process is classified into form better than conventional techniques. The segmentation
two main divisions: first is conventional methods such as process is crucial for the extraction of features. Various
thresholding, region growing and edge detection other is com- researchers use unique techniques for segmentation are indi-
putational techniques such as fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, cated in Table 5.
TABLE 4. Details of pre-processing technique used by various TABLE 5. Details of segmentation technique used by various researchers.
genetic algorithm, and particle swarm optimization are used The present scenario of literature during the last 12 years
for feature selection. The literature utilizes various feature using different feature extraction techniques for distinct crops
extraction techniques indicated in Table 6. By examining is represented in Fig 5. There are still various techniques to
these approaches, an attempt is made to find the better-suited consider for plant disease detection using machine learning
technique. and computer vision techniques. The crop selection for such
research is utilized by the availability of experts and data sets.
TABLE 6. Details of feature extraction technique used by various
researchers. 5) CLASSIFICATION
The utmost extrusive stage in computer vision/ machine
learning is classification. The attainment of this step builds
upon antecedent steps such as acquisition, preprocessing,
and feature extraction/ selection. The manuscript is focused
on disease detection in plants, the above steps are used for
detection based on category and symptoms. In this system,
a dataset is trained first and then used to classify the test
image as healthy/defective. ‘‘Machine learning (ML) is an
application of artificial intelligence (AI) which provides you
a system an ability to automatically learn, improve from
experiences without being explicitly programmed and which
can make decisions [124].’’ ML techniques have been broadly
distinguished as Supervised ML and Unsupervised ML. Dur-
ing the training process the labeled and unlabeled data work
for supervised and unsupervised techniques respectively. The
semi-supervised ML is another special supervised learning
that works on both labeled and unlabeled data during the
training process. In the literature, various classification tech-
niques are utilized as indicated in Fig. 6.
Generally, support vector machine (SVM), artificial neural
network (ANN), and k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) have been
adapted for machine learning techniques [32]. Also, in a
few studies vegetation index and fuzzy logic feature-based
techniques are utilized. Distinct models of ANN like feed-
forward NN, error backpropagation, multilayer perceptron,
probabilistic neural network, and self-organizing map have
been widely utilized for plant disease detection. Table 7
indicates the quality investigation of plant disease detection
based on distinct classification techniques used by distinct
FIGURE 5. Different feature extraction techniques for distinct crops during last 12 years [16].
used for selecting features automatically. The techniques pro- interface programming application such as deployment of
pose high-level features from the combination of low-level the network, model support, and duplication of code is pro-
features. Subsequently, multifold advanced DL techniques vided by the DL framework [157]. Currently, the widely used
proposed are shown in Fig. 7. Presently, the preeminent frameworks are Café, PyTorch, and Keras. The elemental
neural networks are convolutional neural networks, multi- steps of DL are indicated in Fig. 8 where CNN (Convolu-
layer perceptron, and recurrent neural networks. The CNN tional Neural Network) is used to incorporate features via
establishes a classification model that incorporates AlexNet, convolutional, max-pooling, and fully connected layers. The
GoogleNet, VGGNet, MobileNet, ResNet, and Efficient- features are extracted via the convolutional layer whereas
Net. AlexNet is the early model to adopt GPU devices texture and edges are extracted via shallow convolutional
for network training. The local normalization and rectified layer. The semantic information and complex texture features
linear units are used as activation functions. Then VGG are extracted using the middle layer. The high-level semantic
& GoogleNet use a few kernels with low memory [154]. features are extracted using a deep layer. The max pool
In 2015, ResNet proposed by Microsoft uses connections and layer is used to hold the critical information in an image.
balance blocks [155]. In 2017, MobileNet was proposed by Lastly, the fully connected layer is used to classify high-
Google teams for embedded and mobile applications [156]. level features. Therefore, the implementation of DL requires
In 2019, EfficientNet was introduced by Google teams that the fundamental steps which are discussed in detail in the
use efficient coefficients to scale width, depth, and resolution. subsequent section.
The deep network may not be used in plant disease detection
since the basic models like VGG16 and AlexNet can fit the 1) IMAGE ACQUISITION
substantial accuracy needed. The C/C++, Python program- The data acquired must be accurate to obtain a perfect model.
ming language can be used in the DL model. The various The DL database consists of training, validation, and test
FIGURE 6. Distinct classifiers are analyzed in research for the detection of disease in plants.
sets. The model is learned by the training set, hyperparam- small datasets in deep learning. Therefore, the expansion
eters are adjusted during validation and the performance of the dataset is essential for plant leaf disease detec-
evaluation is done by the test set [147], [158]. Various tion with deep learning. The practical application and the
publicly available datasets are indicated in Table 8. These basic requirement can be removed using data augmentation.
publicly available dataset is from two websites BIFROST For example, the fundamental manifestation of plant dis-
(, accessed on 15 November 2023) ease is color. The original image color will not change by
and Kaggle (, accessed image enhancement. The two ways for data augmentation
on 12 November 2023) which can be used for classification. are conventional augmentation and generating an adversarial
In the literature of DL technique applied to plant disease clas- network.
sification, the most used public datasets are PlantVillage [33], Conventional techniques can boost the dataset via rotation,
[159] and Kaggle [160], many others also collect their own saturation adjustment, or symmetry of the mirror. Some of
datasets [161], [162]. the advisory use augmentation techniques are AugMix [163],
Fast AutoAugment [162], CutMix [164], population-based
2) IMAGE AUGMENTATION augmentation [165] and Rand Augment [166]. The flaws of
The plant leaf disease labeling, collection, and detection tech- this technique are deficient diversity, unevenness, and meager
nique requires a huge number of datasets with financial and quality. The data augmentation technique is used by various
manpower resources. It is burdensome to collect short-onset researchers to improve the efficiency of the system as men-
period plants. The recognition rate will be destitute for tioned in Table 9.
TABLE 8. Bulky publicly available dataset used in deep learning. TABLE 9. Various literature regarding data augmentation.
Recently, several fruitful applications of DL for the classifica-
tion of disease in plants have been established. Nonetheless,
transparency and interpretability are curtailments in classi-
fication using DL. The mechanism consists of a black box
beyond one minutiae or explanation. The disease detection
system must reveal the disease, and symptoms as well as
achieve high accuracy. Various researchers utilize distinct
techniques using DL as indicated in Table 11.
TABLE 11. (Continued.) Details of DL technique used by various TABLE 12. Details of hyperspectral image classification used by various
researchers. researchers.
assess photo synethitic transfer [243]. It combine with image includes data, models, and optimization to tune the samples.
analysis technique have been useful for quantification and The training phase leads to creating source tasks activated by
discrimination of fungal diseases. obtaining multiple tasks from single or multiple datasets as
represented in Fig. 12. The machine learning model is com-
TABLE 13. Details of OPTICAL SENSORS used by various researchers. bined with these source tasks to train the system. The most
commonly available dataset for plant recognition systems
consists of several thousands of images. The performance
of the system depends on the quantity as well as the quality
of images. Therefore, FSL is the best possible feasible solu-
tion for a confined number of samples [253], [254]. Various
researchers use distinct techniques for small samples-based
plant leaf disease detection are illustrated in Table 14.
Various applications for FSL to abate parameters are men-
tioned below.
i. Embedding- It features an extraction technique also
known as data transformation benefitted for low dimen-
sion reduction (higher dimensional map to lower
dimension). This includes pre-trained CNN with Ima-
geNet for extraction of features (reduce training time)
and SVM for classification. SVM uses distinct kernels
to handle complex systems [268].
ii. Multitask Learning- The process includes a shared
model to train multiple tasks generally classified as
hard parameter sharing and soft parameter sharing.
TABLE 14. Details of FEW SHOT image classification used by various
researchers. In HPS certain parameters are shared to the entire task
and other parameters learn precise features. In SPS
each parameter is shared with individual tasks. This
multitask learning incorporates all the models that
can be trained for all the tasks rather than a single
task [269].
iii. Transfer Learning- The process was initiated to
accomplish a diminished training period by reusing
gathered knowledge [270].
iv. Meta-Learning- This refers to optimization and per-
formance improvement via multiple-task experience.
It is also known as support sets that learn from mul-
tiple sources instead of a single source (conventional
machine) alongside FS to adequately develop a model
for clarifying query sets.
The meta-learning and multitasking learning are generally
unstable and marginally upgraded by a few proportions.
Transfer learning is the most superior and stable to train
the model from scratch. These approaches are computa-
tionally costly compared to the degree of performance for
enhancement. The future work led to enhancing existing
FSL algorithms to cooperate with plant disease character-
istics recognition. Further comparative and comprehensive
studies are done for the performance evaluation of each FSL
A new model of machine learning that facilitates learning E. MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS TECHNIQUES
from machines using a limited number of labeled databases is Pest and disease may heighten the total food production
known as FSL [252]. The experiment’s purpose and problem losses by 35%. Globally, under quarantined pathogens,
complexity determine the number of shots required. FSL some of the austere plant diseases are nematodes, parasitic,
uses datasets with prior knowledge for training. This process oomycetes, viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
FIGURE 10. Segmentation comparison (a) Direct CNN (b) AC-GAN (c) OR-AC-GAN.
Fang and Ramasamy 2015 [15] reported early disease diag- and detects the particular substance in the sample, and
nosis is critical to overcome outbreaks of disease. Scientists provokes a color change that expands antibodies with
utilize laboratories and certain advanced facilities compared enzymes [271]. ELISA is not very sensitive compared
with traditional techniques resulting in reliable diagnosis to other methods [272] but is labor-intensive and sen-
methods. Nonetheless, these approaches performed better sitive [273]. Despite antibodies like polyclonal being
only with severe infection in plants. Therefore, to bridge adequate to distinguish pathogens, nevertheless, these
this gap certain adequate molecular diagnosis techniques like are not ample specific. One other antibiotic monoclonal
management control on decisions or tools for plant disease is innumerable specific but further costly. As ELISA
overcome the traditional techniques. The emerging molecular is tremendously sensitive to viruses results in the suc-
technologies to diagnose plants due to the necessity of man- cessful development of antibodies [274]. The technique
aging diseases are as follows. will be inadequate to detect bacteria due to low sen-
i. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA): sitivity [15]. Therefore, pathogens bacteria, and fungi
This approach is widely employed as a diagnosis for rice disease are not effective using ELISA. Also
device in plant and chemical pathology. It identifies due to inadequacy of specificity, ELISA is not able
to discriminate several strains with luminous specific (PCR) established in the mid-80s [276]. The tech-
symptoms [275]. nique requires various components and reagents which
ii. Conventional PCR: The most valuable achievement in incorporate monovalent cation, primers, buffer solu-
molecular biology is the Polymerase Chain Reaction tion, triphosphate deoxynucleotide, and polymers.
The technique anticipates electrophoresis used for the device includes cost effectiveness, sensitivity, and
the detection of plant pathogens. The nucleic acid simplicity.
evocation technique affects the PCR sensitivity and vi. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS): Generally, the
(Dioxyribo Nucleic Acid) DNA target variability [277]. sequencing mechanism depends on molecular detec-
The highly sensitive nature of PCR results in DNA tion approaches [288]. The first generation of commer-
amplification. The PCR limits contamination suscep- cial and laboratory sequencing was employed due to
tibility and inadequacy of robustness for a long time poor radioactivity and improved efficiency [289]. The
with false positive results. approach is ineffective and tedious for large sequences
iii. Real-Time PCR: A significantly revolutionary tech- and efficient for short sequences. The NGS is also
nique developed by Mullis Karry in 80 is also known known as a parallel massive sequence capture sequence
as a quantitative polymerase chain reaction. This tech- in less time, low cost, and high throughput [290]. The
nique diminishes the cross-contamination risk with unique biology molecular opportunities are incorpo-
most precipitate-sensitive detection [278]. The infected rated via NGS such as mela genomics [291], single-cell
tissues and vectors can easily detect DNA pathogens sequencing, sew protein [292], and whole genome
using RT-PCR [279]. This technique points exclusively sequencing [293]. The approach limits to diagnosis of
to known genes [280] with sequence data indicated in helm pathogen [294], [295]. Advanced NGS adopts
Fig. 13. colony sequencing, parallel massive sequencing, and
iv. Lamp: The most common alternative to RTPCR is a pyrosequencing by legation nucleotide [287].
lamp due to its cost-effectiveness, simplicity, rapid-
ity, and practicality. Under isothermal elaboration, V. LIMITATIONS
lamps recognize HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) using certain While plant disease detection has been analyzed automati-
specific sequences of elaborated DNA [281]. Lamp cally, there are several limitations in each step or process.
contains four distinct primers two for inner and outer The samples are very difficult to obtain for particular dis-
each (Forward inner primer, backward inner primer, eases [37], [38], [39]. It is observed that system performance
forward outer primer, backward outer primer) as indi- is immensely influenced by the type of dataset used i.e.
cated in Fig. 14. A loop is formed for high displacement laboratory controlled or real-time dataset. The data obtained
and auto strand DNA for 60 minutes at 65 degrees C in an uncontrolled environment results in increased sys-
isothermal situation [282]. As indicated in the figure tem complexity but it is of huge significance in agriculture
the process of corporate initial material production, development and more adequate in today’s research. Sev-
amplification, recycling, and elongation [283]. Lamp eral difficulties have been observed during the extraction of
detects amplicon using the detection of colorimet- features [106]; similarity in the infected area leads first to
ric, fluorimeter, and turbidimeter [284]. The technique the extraction of inappropriate features and then false clas-
incorporates the formation of primer to cultivate the sification based on irrelevant feature matching. Thus, it is
65-degree C temperature [285]. The technique is highly necessary to select a set of features because each feature has a
sensitive for elaboration therefore proper practice and different importance level. Various classification techniques
handling are enforced to escape the contamination risk. used for plant disease detection are SVM, ANN, Naïve Bayes,
v. Biosensor: An ample range of challenges and backpropagation neural network, decision tree, and k-nearest
problems in pharmacology medicine, security, food neighbor [123], [124], [125], [126]. Despite these classifiers
safety, and agriculture can be resolved using convolutional neural networks have been explored for huge
biosensors. Clark and Lyons [287] develop biosen- samples (thousands and more) more accurately. However, the
sors via measurement of glucose using hydro- overfitting of CNN is seen as a major issue in systems about
gen peroxide or oxygen electrochemical detection. plant disease detection using deep neural networks [195].
Vigneshvar et al. 2016 further evolved biosensors Various approaches have been observed which can improve
into innovative approaches like nanotechnology, and the efficiency of convolutional neural network-based classi-
electrochemistry. fication systems for multiple cultures.
‘‘According to International Union of Pure and Applied According to the literature, the proposed system has a set
Chemistry recommendations (1999), a biosensor is of specifications to be fulfilled necessarily, if any specifi-
described as a device that deploys the integration of cation is unconsidered then the system proposed provides
specific biochemical reactions mediated by isolated inaccurate disease detection. Therefore, a versatile system
enzymes, immune systems, tissues, organelles or whole must be designed by a researcher with an adjustable set of
cells to detect chemical compounds, commonly by specifications instead of a constant. The actual use of machine
electrical, thermal or optical signals’’. These analytical learning has been disturbed due to overfitting. Hence a highly
appliances are constituted of the transducer coupled generalized and adaptable system is to be developed for plant
with a biorecognition component and disciple into the disease detection in various cultures. Machine learning is the
analytical signal as shown in Fig. 15. The advantage of most popular domain due to the availability of techniques
and tools, but these resources must not be compromised for an automated plant disease recognition and classification is
accuracy. reviewed using machine learning, deep learning, and few-shot
learning. The review presents various well-known approaches
VI. CHALLENGES such as acquisition, preprocessing, segmentation, feature
From the literature review, it can be found that one of the chal- extraction, and classification. Despite RGB images some
lenges facing plant disease detection is the lack of experts to of the studies use hyperspectral imaging for plant leaves.
annotate accurately. The issue arises when experts cannot dif- The hyperspectral does not require a labeled database and
ferentiate correctly between dead plants and disease-infected microscopic symptoms are easily detected. These automated
plants. This process requires experienced and expert profes- techniques contribute a manifestation of research in accessi-
sionals to detect diseases in plants that are costly and difficult, ble time. Also, the diagnosis molecular tools with the latest
especially for rare or new diseases. Furthermore, using DL techniques for disease detection are reviewed. The entire
techniques for modeling, tuning, and resource training is techniques indicated in this paper are gratuitous to the sensi-
another important challenge. The shallow architectures are tive, specific, and rapid detection of plants. Moreover, in the
best suited for small datasets. The most recent models for future to detect disease in plants, the combination of severe
disease detection offer another angle to consider in building a side program and client mobile as well as electrophysiology
model for plant disease detection. The ML, DL, and FSL are would be exceptional future research guidance.
to be considered to enhance the detection models. This paper
recommends that future research on plant disease detection, REFERENCES
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