E Thesis PDF
E Thesis PDF
E Thesis PDF
NIM. 210914041
The objective of this research is to find out whether the eleventh grade
students of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Ponorogo who are taught by using Selective
Highlighting and Note-Taking strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension
achievement than those who are not.
The result showed that the value of T-test was 5,075. The value of ttable in
significance level 5% was 2,03. It means that the value of T-test was higher than ttable
(5,075 > 2,03). So, H0 was accepted and H1 was refused.
Reading is an activity read a text to make meaning from the text. Readers
make meaning of the text like text comprehension as a goal. Goal of reading is
comprehension the text. When the readers know the text tell about, so the readers
their own background knowledge to build meaning. Meaning is at the core of what
reading is. The reader’s background knowledge integrates with the text to create
the meaning.1 Reader creats the meaning of the text through comprehend the text.
beginning readers struggle over individual words, reading is slowed to an near halt
comprehension is the reader comprehend what they read, not about the speed of
Neil J. Anderson, Practical english Language Teaching: Reading (New York: McGraw-Hill
Companies, 2008), 2-3.
Ibid., 3.
Danielle S. McNamara, Reading Comprehension Strategies: Theories, Interventions, and
Technologies (New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007), 4.
Reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by
coordinating a number of complex processes that include word reading, word and
world knowledge, and fluency. Thus our knowledge and experiences related to key
ideas in the text we read influence what we learn and remember about what we
for broader learning succes in education, and employment. It is even important for
our social lives because of email, text, and social networking sites. Reading
adequate word reading: readers cannot understand a whole text if they cannot
identify (decode) the words in that text. Likewise, good reading comprehension
comprehension of the individual words and the sentences that they form. However,
Janette K. Klingner, et al., Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning
Difficulties (New York: Guilford Press, 2007), 2-3.
Jane Oakhill, et al., Understanding and Teaching Reading Comprehension: a Handbook
(New York: Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, 2015), 1.
Teaching reading is a teacher’s activity to develop students’ reading skill
and to help the student in comprehending the text easily.6 Teaching of reading
Ponorogo has many problems such as the condition in there, based on interview
with Mr. Maruto, he said that,”Teaching reading in this school is difficult because
students have less in comprehend the text, students have lack vocabulary, and
unattracted on learning reading. In the fact, when teacher gives a text to read,
students misunderstanding what the text tell about, so it is influence the students’
reading test items, many students have mistakes in reading test item. According to
one of students of eleventh grade students in there, she said that they had not
understood about the text about. They often found some difficulties in
understanding the text because of some factors namely they have less vocabulary
and they are lazy to do some exercises and read the text. Beside that, they also
found difficulties in answering the question of the text correctly and properly
Bernadet Kiniuta, “Teaching Reading by Combining Selective Highlighting and Three
Minute Pause Strategy at Junior High school,” (Paper, STKIP PGRI, Sumatra Barat), 3.
Interview on 11th December 2017.
Interview on 14th December 2017.
Furthermore, based on researcher’s observation at the eleventh grade
teacher did not use variation strategy in English teaching. Teacher just uses a
lecturing strategy in English teaching. Beside that, the teacher just gives excercices
from the book that he uses teaching in there. The teacher just explains the material
without connecting with the surrounding environment. So, the students have
students break large amounts of information into manageable units that are easily
located within the text. Furthermore, note taking can help students remember
Selective highlighting and note-taking strategy is one of the strategies can be used
selective highlighting, students will know how to pick out the main ideas and
Observation on 23th December 2017.
Margaret Bouchard, Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners (USA:
Scholastic, 2005), 73.
information that are important to underline or highlight.11 Beside that, by Piolat et
These two strategies have been combined and presented in sequential order
column notes. Two column-notes are particularly effective for social studies and
can take a variety of formats including main idea/detail.14 Those are match with
learning objectives in chapter I Engish lesson that is focus on narrative text with
the theme “Valuable Stories”. In valuable stories, we get the moral value from the
Bernadet, “Teaching Reading by Combining Selective Highlighting and Three Minute
Pause Strategy at Junior High school,” 4.
Cited in Lori Quintus, et al., “ The Impact of the Cornell Note-Taking method on Students’
Performance in a High School Family and Consumer Sciences Class,” Journal of Family & Consumer
Sciences Education, 1 (2012), 29.
Bouchard, Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners, 73.
Ibid., 75.
B. Limitation of the Problem
notes. This study is conducted at the eleventh grade students of senior high school
strategy and those who are not at the eleventh grade students of SMA
The objective of this study is to find out whether there is any significant
highlighting and note-taking strategy and those who are not at the eleventh grade
1. Theoretical
2. Practical
a. Teacher
reading comprehension. The writer hopes that the teacher conducts selective
b. Students
reading learning.
c. Readers
reading comprehension.
In this research, the researcher uses the organization of the study that
Chapter I: Introduction
the problem, objective of the study, significances of the study, and organization of
the thesis.
Chapter V: Closing
A. Previous Study
There is previous study related in this research. There are three previous
research findings related in this research. First, previous research finding that is
Ligon Bjork with the title “Highlighting and Its Relation to Distributed Study and
highlighting was numerically greater when participants read the passage twice
students reread text passages immediately. From the result of questionnaire, the
students show positive response, many students use highlighters and believe them
Kulhavy, James W. Dyer, and Linda Silver with the title “The Effects of
Carole, et al., “Highlighting and Its Relation to Distributed Study and Students’
Metacognitive Beliefs,” Educ Psychol Rev (July 2014), 4-10.
Notetaking and Test Expectancy on the Learning of Text Material”. That is a
leads to an increase in what the learner can remember from reading a text.16
research that the present meta-analysis reveals that the overall effects on learning
The difference between the three of previous research finding above and
the researcher’s research is the focus strategy used in teaching reading. Those
three previous research finding above explain of each strategy. Like in first
previous research finding with the title “Highlighting and Its Relation to
Raymond W. Kulhavy, et al., ”The Effects of Notetaking and Test Expectancy on the
Learning of Text Material,” The Journal of Educational Research (December, 2014), 363-365.
Keiichi Kobayashi, ”Combined Effects of Note-Taking/-Reviewing on Learning and the
Enhancement through Interventions: A meta-analytic review,” The Journal of Educational Psychology
(June, 2006), 459-477.
strategy. Besides that, in second previous research finding with the title “The
Effects of Notetaking and Test Expectancy on the Learning of Text Material” and
third previous research finding with the title “Combined Effects of Note-Taking/-
B. Theoretical Background
In this research, the writer is using theories that are relevant with the theme
a. Definition of Reading
that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the printed word.19
meaning making process involving an interaction between the reader and the
Andrew P. Johnson, Teaching Reading and Writing: A Guidebook for Tutoring and
Remediating Students (USA: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008), 4.
Caroline T. Linse, Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners (New York:
McGraw-Hill Companies, 2005), 69.
Johnson, Teaching Reading and Writing: A Guidebook for Tutoring and Remediating
Students, 3.
text.21 Text and the reader are the two physical entities necessary for the
read the text who has purpose that know and understand of the meaning
Reading integrates visual and non visual information. During the act
of reading, the visual information found on the page combines with the
b. Types of Reading
1) Perceptive
Gholam-Reza Abbasian and Saeid Maskukian, “Schemata-Building Role of Teaching Word
History in Developing Reading Comprehension Ability,” The Journal of Applied Linguistics (2009), 6.
Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1997), 15.
Klingner, et al., Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties,
Johnson, Teaching Reading and Writing: A Guidebook for Tutoring and Remediating
Students, 4.
Alice Omaggio Hadley, Teaching Language in Context (Heinle & Heinle, 1993), 195.
H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices (San
Francisco: Addison Wesley Logman, 2003), 189-190.
2) Selective
3) Interactive
4) Extensive
Models of reading are what happens when people read. There are
1) Bottom-up theory
Bottom-up theory argues that the reader constructs the text from
the smallest units (letters to words to phrases to sentences, etc.) and that
the process of constructing the text from those small units becomes so
2) Top-down theory
Aebersold and Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, 18.
d. Elements of Reading
1) Phonemic awareness
2) Phonics
3) Vocabulary
4) Fluency
5) Comprehension
words but do not understand what they are reading, they are not really
Jonathan Sarwono and Yudhy Purwanto, English for Academic Purposes: A Successful
Way to Learn Scientific English (Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2013), 1.
e. Definition of Teaching Reading
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (USA: Pearson
Education, 2007), 8.
David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003), 75-
2) Build a strong vocabulary base
processes and be able to discuss with the teacher and/ or fellow readers
increasing students reading rate. The teacher must work towards finding a
understand that the focus is not to develop speed readers, but fluent
In Oxford explain that strategies are “the tools for active, self-
ability. Strategies are not a single event, but rather a creative sequence of
events that learners actively use”. This definition undescores the active
role that readers take in strategic reading. Students need to learn how to
use a range of reading strategies that match their purposes for reading.
works best. The good reading teacher actively teaches students what to
do. To succeed, reading teacher need more than classroom tips and
g. Approaches in Teaching Reading
about the nature of language and language learning that serve as the source
1) An extensive approach
2) An intensive approach
an end in itself. Each text is read carefully and thoroughly for maximum
during, and after reading. Students do many exercises that require them to
Cited in Aebersold and Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, 42-45.
h. The Meaning of Reading Comprehension
attention to what you are reading, relate what you read to your own
experience, you have critical attitude toward what you read, and you are able
patterns of English.
Cited in Linse, Practical English Language Teaching, 71.
Aebersold and Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, 118.
Gary Woolley, Reading Comprehension: Assisting Children with Learning Difficulties
(New York: Springer, 2011), 15.
Linse, Practical English Language Teaching, 71.
Paul Witty, How to become a better reader (America: Science Research Associates, 1953),
Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices, 187-188.
c) Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.
d) Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their
d) From described events, ideas, etc., infer links and connections between
events, deduce causes and effects, and detect such relations as main
1) The reader
comprehension strategies).
2) The text
Catherine E. Snow, Reading for Understanding: Toward a Research and Development
Program in Reading Comprehension (RAND, 2002), 13-15.
3) The activity
knowledge, and experiences that a person brings to the act of reading. Text is
Good readers understand and learn from text suggest that they
before, during, and after reading that assist them in understanding and
remembering what they read. The skills and strategies that good readers use
Ibid., 11.
Klingner, et al., Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties,
6) Making predictions about what will happen, checking them as they go
7) Capitalizing on what they know about the topic and integrating that with
new learning
8) Making inferences
Furthermore, if you are a good reader, you read rapidly and you
understand well what you read. This means that you have such skills and
habbits as these:41
comprehend about what they read of the text, so they can be answer the
Witty, How to become a better reader, 21-22.
Contrast condition if you are a poor, you read slowly and understand
poorly what you read. This means that you have such skills and habits as
learners use specific colors to highlight key words and phrases representing
Ibid., 21-22.
Albert Duchnowski, et al., Reading Strategies for Special Populations (Florida: 203 Tampa,
2005), 46.
Education Development Center, Read: OutLoud 6 Note Taking (USA: Don Johnston, 2009),
Note-taking is a reading comprehension and strategic learning skill
manageable notes can help students remember important concepts and their
supporting details.46 One way to read and understand what we read and
understand what we read is to take notes. One way to take notes is to use
information they hear presented in lecture or that they read on their own.
These two strategies have been combined and presented in sequential order
Ibid., 2.
Bouchard, Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners,73.
Education Development Center, Read: OutLoud 6 Note Taking, 12.
Bouchard, Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners, 73.
b. Procedure of Selective Highlighting and Note-Taking Strategy
1) Students read the text aloud and highlight main ideas, supporting ideas,
3) Choose a sentence and place check mark (√) over the meaningful words.
4) Choose one of the types of useful note-taking. The types of useful note-
margin notes.49
particularly effective for social studies and can take a variety of formats
There are model four types of useful note taking, they are:51
1) Simple identation
This includes writing the main idea using a few words, then identing and
Ibid., 73-74.
Ibid., 75.
Ibid., 74-75.
2) Two-column notes
particularly effective for science and social studies and can take a variety
3) Three-column notes
4) Margin notes
Margin notes (in textbook and duplicated copies), set aside a few
textbooks for ELLs and print margin notes directly on the page that is
being read.
indentifying key concepts and vocabulary and are similar to the ones
b) These notes can also indicate where to find answers. You can draw
margin notes and questions that may arise for a certain section of text.
making process. For English Language Leraners who may come to the
information into manageable units that are easily located within the text.
3) For English Language Leraners, note-taking is a vital skill that they are
details. Notes also serve students well as a review tool and study aid.
Ibid., 73.
C. Theoretical Framework
factors which are identified as the important problem. The thesis is experimental
Based on the theoretical framework analysis above writer can apply the
D. Hyphothesis
which remains to be tested. In its most elementary stage the hyphothesis may be
any hunch, guess, imaginative idea which becomes basis for further
C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques 2 nd (New Delhi: New Age
International, 1990), 184.
Cited in Prabhat Pandey and Meenu Mishra Pandey, Research Methodology: Tools and
Techniques (Romania: Bridge Center, 2005), 32.
After find out the idea sketchs of research above, the reseacher takes the
hyphothesis that:
who are taught by selective highlighting and note-taking strategy and those
who are taught by selective highlighting and note-taking strategy and those
A. Research Design
and note-taking strategy for teaching reading comprehension at the eleventh grade
true” experimental designs, except that the researcher studies the effect of the
treatment on intact groups, rather than being able to randomly assign participants
Donna M. Mertens and John A. McLaughlin, Research and Evaluation Methods in Special
Education (California: Corwin Press, 2004), 52.
Ibid., 57.
Design, Single-Group Interrupted Time-Series Design, and Control-Group
(Group B). Both groups took a pre-test and post-test. Only the experimental group
Group A 01-------X-------02
Group B 03----------------04
Group B :Control Class, the class who is taught using Lecturing strategy
X : Treatment
John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches (USA: SAGE, 2009), 160-161.
Ibid., 160-161.
Based on the research design above, this research had two classes. Those
were experimental class and control class. The pre-test was given to the students to
This research step consists of preparing the data that was needed by the
researcher before beginning the research. The preparation can be determine the
experimental and control class, arrange lesson plan and instrument to get the
2. Research Step
Highlighting and Note-taking strategy. The data of the research will be gathered
In this research step, the data which were collected will be analyzed by
a. Collect the post_test score from experimental class and control class.
T-test is one of statistical test that used to test the correctness or error
of null hypothesis which declare that between two samples mean which
randomly taken from same population there is no significant difference.59
Before conducting T-test, the researcher must find the other results, they
were means, standard deviation, and standard error from each variable.
1. Population
The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA
IPS1, and IPS2. The total of population is 50 students and the number of
2. Sample
to study for generalizing about the target population.61 The sample was taking
Retno Widyaningrum, Statistika (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Felicha, 2015), 151.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research (New York: PEARSON, 2002), 142.
Ibid., 142.
or items in the population.62 The researcher conducted lottery method to take
sample. The researcher took two classes. Thoses clsses are IPS1 as
The research instrument that was used by the researcher to collect the data
in this research was written test. The form of the test used multiple choice tests
which consist of twenty items. The test devided into two part; pre-test and post-
test. The pre-test was given to know students condition before getting treatment.
Meanwhile, the post-test was used to know students’ condition after giving
Prabhat Pandey and Meenu Mishra Pandey, Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques,
The instruments of data collection can show as the table below:
Table 3.1
Instruments of Data Collection
Variable Kind of text Indicator Number item of
general Post-test: 1, 6,
information 11, 16
of the
narrative text.
information Post-test : 2, 7,
of the 12, 17
narrative text.
identify the 18
meaning of
In scoring the students; work, the researcher using the criteria as follows:
1. The 1 score was assigned if the students answer the test correctly.
2. The 0 score was assigned if the students answer the test incorrectly.
collect the data. They are test and documentation. The test is used to get the
responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned. This score,
the extent to which the subject has the characteristic being measured.63 The
researcher conducted the test to collect data. The kind of test is narrative
reading questions. The test used objective test in the form of multiple choice
which consist of twentyfive questions. The students were asked to answer the
questions in 60 minutes.
The test were given to the students, both control class and experimental
class in two times. The first, students are given pre-test. It was given before the
researcher gives material and a treatment was apllied to experimental class. Pre-
test was given to know the level of student’s reading achievement before the
treatment. The second was post-test. It was given to the students after the
Good instrument must meet two requirements, there were validity and
a. Validity
the test interpretation (of scores about the concept or construct that the test is
Donald Ary, et al. Introduction to Research in Education, 8 th (Canada: Wardsworth
Cengage Learning, 2010), 201.
assummed to measure) matches its proposed use.64 Validity means the extent
validity. The analyzed was used to find out the rxy, then, consulted with rtable
= 18. The r index is 0,444. If the value of rxy is higher than the value of rtable,
it indicated that the item is valid. If the value of rxy is lower than the value of
the test shows that 25 items are valid (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) and 5 items are invalid (6, 11,
Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and
Qualitative Research, 159.
Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices, 22.
Prabhat Pandey and Meenu Mishra Pandey, Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques,
The calculation of data validity, as follows:
Table 3.2
Recapitulation Test Item Validity
No Item r' arithmetic r' table Explanation
1 0,697 0,444 Valid
2 0,582 0,444 Valid
3 0,833 0,444 Valid
4 0,494 0,444 Valid
5 0,796 0,444 Valid
6 0,096 0,444 Invalid
7 0,653 0,444 Valid
8 0,653 0,444 Valid
9 0,747 0,444 Valid
10 0,654 0,444 Valid
11 0,201 0,444 Invalid
12 -0,218 0,444 Invalid
13 0,582 0,444 Valid
14 0,615 0,444 Valid
15 0,653 0,444 Valid
16 0,653 0,444 Valid
17 0,747 0,444 Valid
18 0,582 0,444 Valid
19 0,655 0,444 Valid
20 -0,183 0,444 Invalid
21 0,615 0,444 Valid
22 0,653 0,444 Valid
23 0,654 0,444 Valid
24 -0,295 0,444 Invalid
25 0,796 0,444 Valid
26 0,498 0,444 Valid
27 0,449 0,444 Valid
28 0,697 0,444 Valid
29 0,654 0,444 Valid
30 0,697 0,444 Valid
Based on the table above, among 30 questions, there are 25 items are
valid and 5 items are invalid. So, the researcher used 25 items of question for
b. Reliability
reliability test used SPSS 23 version. Thus, if the obtained score is higher
than the table r-score, it could be said that the test is reliable. The calculation
Table 3.3
The Result of Reliability Calculation
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
,902 30
Ibid., 20.
Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and
Qualitative Research, 159.
Prabhat Pandey and Meenu Mishra Pandey, Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques,
The calculation result of reliability was the value of the students’
“r” table on the significance level of 5%. The value of “r” table is 0,444.
Because of the value of the “r” index of reliability (0,902) > “r” table
2. Documentation
detemining for data of the experimental and students score of the test.
1. Assumption Test
After the test was given to the students in the pre and post test, it will be
tested. The test was focused on students pre and post-test. The result from the
test will be analyzed by Assumption Test, those are: the test of normality and
a. Normality Test
1) Input the data to the data view by first fill the variable view with write
4) Click OK
b. Homogeneity Test
more groups.71 To calculate the homogeneity test, the researcher used SPSS
Syofian Siregar, Statstik Parametrik untuk Penelitian Kuantitatif (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara,
2014), 153.
Retno, Statistika, 212.
2) Input the data into data view by first fill the variable view with write
down X as the score of pre-test and post-test and Y as the kind of class.
H0 : data is homogeneous
2. Hyphothesis Test
After tested the normality and homogeneity of the data, the researcher
analyze the data by using comparative score between experimental and control
class in pre and post-test. The result of the calculation will show whether the
a. Open SPSS
b. Input data to the data view, by first change the value in the variable view
selective highlighting and note-taking strategy and those who are not at
year 2017/2018.
selective highlighting and note-taking strategy and those who are not at
year 2017/2018.
A. Research Location
1. General Location
Senior High Scholl is built in Jetis at 1981 years. It is located in one area with
inception (1981) only had a few classes and now has development into 7
classes that is consist of X-IPS (23 Students), X-MIPA (17 students), XI-IPA
(14 students), XI-IPS 1 (18 students), XI-IPS 2 (18 students), XII- IPS 1 (20
their content and potentials. They improved the curriculum based on demands
of the times. They used KTSP for eleventh and twelfth grade. Furthermore,
“Realizing learners who have noble character, skillful, intelligent, skilled and
environmentally friendly”
human resources.
a. To graduate the learners who can be accepted in bona fide public / private
or college.
e. Encourage, follow and adjust developmental changes according to the
B. Data Description
researcher took two classes as a sample. Then, they were taught by using
research, the researcher took the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammdiyah
take sample, one class as experimental class and one class as control class. the
total number of students of experiment class and control class is 36 students and
were not taught by using Selective Highlighting and Note-taking strategy but the
researher was taught by lecturing strategy. In the end of this research, the
who are taught by using Selesctive Highlighting and Note-taking strategy and
pre-test, first treatment and second treatment with Selective Highlighting and
Note-taking strategy, and the last was post-test. Furthermore, in control class,
the learning consisted of four meetings. They were pre-test, first meeting,
second meeting, and the last was post-test. The research schedule can be seen
Table 4.2
Research Schedule of Control Class
Date Activities
Highlighting and Note-Taking strategy were students read the text aloud and
highlight main ideas, supporting ideas, and important key words based on the
text, then put an asterisk (*) next to highlighted main points, after that choose
a sentence and place check mark (√) over the meaningful words, and the last
students are choosing two-column notes as one of the types of useful note-
taking those are particularly effective for social studies. The learning process
was done in a set of the learning process involved in this study such as pre-
students that it consists of twentyfive test items focus on narrative text. After
conducted pre-test, the reseacher conducts first treatment. The material in first
treatment was narrative text with the title “The Jealous Crow”, that was focus
on generic structure of the narrative text. Then the students were doing the
exercises that it consists of True/False, W-H questions, and guest the meaning
of the words. In second treatment the researcher conducted the narrative text
material with the title “Why Does the Cock Eat the Milipede. The students are
doing the excercises that it consists of True/False and take note focus on
generic structure based on the text as the material. Finally, the researcher gave
the post-test in the last meeting. Test items of the post-test was same like test
items of pre-test.
using Lecturing strategy. The researcher gave explanation about the learning
material to the students during the class. After that, the researcher gave the
narrative text to the students and asked students to read the text. Then, the
researcher asked students to answer the questions based on the text. The
learning process was done in a set of the learning process involved in this
study such as pre-test, first meeting, second meeting, and post-test. In control
class, the learning material and forms of test were same like in experimental
class. The difference both class was strategy the researcher used in learning
In this research, the researcher before teaching the class gave pre-test
to the both class. this activity aimed to know the condition of both class before
the researcher gave treatment. In pre-test, there were twenty five test items.
and Note-taking strategy held post-test for experimental class and control
There were twenty five test items in post-test. The form of the test was
multiple choice.
achievement of pre-test and post-test for students who are taught by using
From the table above, it can be seen that in the experimental class, the
highest score of pre-test is 88, while the lowest score of pre-test is 52.
Furthermore, the highest score of post test is 96, while the lowest score is 80.
The total score of pre-test is 1232 with the mean is 68,444. Meanwhile, the
the following table. It will explore about pre-test and then the result of post-
Table 4.4
Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Experimental Class
Score Pre-test
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 52 1 5,6 5,6 5,6
56 2 11,1 11,1 16,7
60 4 22,2 22,2 38,9
64 2 11,1 11,1 50,0
72 4 22,2 22,2 72,2
76 1 5,6 5,6 77,8
80 1 5,6 5,6 83,3
84 2 11,1 11,1 94,4
88 1 5,6 5,6 100,0
Total 18 100,0 100,0
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
got score 52, 11.1% students or 2 students got score 56, 22.2% students or 4
students got score 60, 11.1% students or 2 students got score 64, 22.2%
students or 4 students got score 72, 5.6% students or 1 student got score 76,
5.6% students or 1 students got score 80, 11.1% students or 2 student got
Figure 4.1
Histogram for the Pre-test in Experimental Class
Thus it can be seen that the scores which are more than 79,32 is
categorized into good, the score between 58-79 is categorized into medium,
and the scores which are less than 57,56 is categorized into low.
That categorized can be seen clearly in the following:
Table 4.5
The Categorization of Students’ Pre-test in Experimental Class
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
Table 4.6
Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Experimental Class
Score Post-test
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 80 5 27,8 27,8 27,8
84 2 11,1 11,1 38,9
88 3 16,7 16,7 55,6
92 5 27,8 27,8 83,3
96 3 16,7 16,7 100,0
Total 18 100,0 100,0
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
got score 80, 11.1% students or 2 students got score 84, 16.7% students or 3
students got score 88, 27.8% students or 5 students got score 92, and 16.7%
Figure 4.2
Histogram for the Post-test in Experimental Class
categorized into good, the score between 82-94 is categorized into medium,
and the scores which are less than 81,73 is categorized into low. That
Table 4.7
The Categorization of Students’ Post-test in Experimental Class
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
achievement of pre-test and post-test for students who are taught by using
From the table above, it can be seen that in the control class, the
highest score of pre-test is 80, while the lowest score of pre-test is 40.
Furthermore, the highest score of post test is 88, while the lowest score is 64.
The total score of pre-test is 1064 with the mean is 59,111. Meanwhile, the
following table. It will explore about pre-test and then the result of post-test in
Table 4.9
Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Control Class
Score Pre-test
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 36 1 5,6 5,6 5,6
40 3 16,7 16,7 22,2
44 1 5,6 5,6 27,8
52 2 11,1 11,1 38,9
56 1 5,6 5,6 44,4
60 1 5,6 5,6 50,0
64 3 16,7 16,7 66,7
72 3 16,7 16,7 83,3
76 1 5,6 5,6 88,9
80 2 11,1 11,1 100,0
Total 18 100,0 100,0
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
got score 36, 16.7% students or 3 students got score 40, 5.6% students or 1
student got score 44, 11.1% students or 2 students got score 52, 5.6% students
or 1 student got score 56, 5.6% students or 1 student got score 60, 16.7%
students or 3 students got score 64, 16.7% students or 3 student got score 72,
5.6% students or 1 student got score 76, and 11.1% students or 2 students got
score 80.
Based on the table above, the histogram can be seen in as follows:
Figure 4.3
Histogram for the Pre-test in Control Class
From the histogram above, it is stated M= 59,11 and SD= 14,748. To
Thus it can be seen that the scores which are more than 73,86 is
categorized into good, the score between 44-74 is categorized into medium,
and the scores which are less than 44,36 is categorized into low.
That categorized can be seen clearly in the following:
Table 4.10
The Categorization of Students’ Pre-test in Control Class
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
showed that 16.7% in the good category, 61.1% in the medium category, and
Table 4.11
Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Control Class
Score Post-test
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 64 2 11,1 11,1 11,1
72 3 16,7 16,7 27,8
76 6 33,3 33,3 61,1
80 3 16,7 16,7 77,8
84 2 11,1 11,1 88,9
88 2 11,1 11,1 100,0
Total 18 100,0 100,0
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
students got score 76, 16.7% students or 3 students got score 80, 11.1%
students or 2 students got score 84, and 11.1% students or 2 students got score
Figure 4.4
Histogram for the Post-test in Control Class
From the histogram above, it is stated M= 76,89 and SD= 6,799. To
Thus it can be seen that the scores which are more than 83,69 is
categorized into good, the score between 70-84 is categorized into medium,
and the scores which are less than 70,09 is categorized into low. That
Table 4.12
The Categorization of Students’ Post-test in Control Class
From the table above, it could be seen that the score of students’
showed that 11.1% in the good category, 77.8% in the medium category, and
C. Data Analysis
Before testing the hypothesis, the data had to fulfill the assumption for
testing hypothesis. There were normality and homogeneity test of the data.
1. Normality Test
Normality test is a kind of test that is used to find out whether the data
is normally distributed or not. There are three kind of normality test, they are
researcher used Kolmogorov –Smirnov test and calculate the data by using
SPSS 23 version.
a. Normality Test of Experimental Class
Table 4.13
Normality Test of Experimental Class
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 18
Normal Parameters Mean 68,44
Most Extreme Absolute ,170
Differences Positive ,170
Negative -,128
Test Statistic ,170
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,181c
a. Test distribution is Normal.
that the test used one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The table above
showed that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) that was higher than α (0,181 >
Table 4.14
Normality Test of Control Class
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Control Class
N 18
Normal Parametersa,b Mean 59,11
Most Extreme Absolute ,142
Differences Positive ,125
Negative -,142
Test Statistic ,142
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,200c,d
a. Test distribution is Normal.
that the test used one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The table above
showed that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) that was higher than α (0,200 >
2. Homogeneity Test
or not. It was important because the similarity of both groups would influence
the result of test. In this research, the researcher used SPSS 23 version to
Table 4.15
The Result of Homogeneity Calculation
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2,406 1 34 ,130
from the value of Sig. that was higher than α (0,130 > 0,05). It means that the
data is homogeneous.
3. T-test
testing the hypothesis. The researcher used T-test to analyzed the data. It was
used to compare the students’ reading achievement that divided into two
groups which were taught by using different strategy. They were experimental
class and control class. In experimental class was taught by using Selective
Table 4.16
Mean Score of Experimental Class and Control Class
Group Statistics
Std. Error
Class N Mean Deviation Mean
Score Experimental
18 87,78 6,054 1,427
Control Class 18 76,89 6,799 1,602
Based on the table above, th result of data analysis showed that the
students’ means score of experimental class (students who are taught by using
means score of control class (students who are not taught by using Selective
From the table above, it can be seen that the value of T-test is 5,075
hypothesis as below:
taking strategy and those who are not at the eleventh grade students of
The result of the research showed that the value of T-test is higher
than Ttable (5,075 > 2,03). It means that H0 is accepted and H1 is refused. It can
strategy and those who are not (by using lecturing strategy).
This research was conducted to find out the effective teaching strategy,
Highlighting and Note-taking strategy and students not being taught using
Selective Highlighting and Note-taking strategy is 5,075. That result was used to
find out whether the difference coefficient was a significant coefficient or not.
compared to the “t” index (tt) with the condition stated below:
1. If the t0 ≥ tt, H0 was accepted. It means that there was a significant difference
selective highlighting and note-taking strategy and those who are not.
Db = n1 + n2 – 2
= 18 + 18 -2
= 34
At the significant standard 5%, the value of tt is 2,03. Then, the value of t0
is compared to the value of tt. The value of t0 is 5,075. So, t0 > tt. It means that H0
From the calculation above, it can be seen that the students’ reading
strategy got better score than those who are not. So, it can be concluded that there
taught by selective highlighting and note-taking strategy and those who are not at
Key benefits selective highlighting and note-taking strategy for English
Language Learners are:72 when students highlight text, they are actively engaged
the learning situation with little prior knowledge of a subject, highlighting text
large amounts of information into manageable units that are easily located within
the text. For English Language Leraners, note-taking is a vital skill that they are
need to acquire. Organizing content information into manageable notes can help
students remember important concepts and their supporting details. Notes also
Bouchard, Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners, 73.
A. Conclusion
Selective Highlighting and Note-taking strategy and those who are not at the
2017/2018. The students who are taught by using Selective Highlighting and
Note-taking strategy get better score than those who are not. The result of this
research is the mean score of the students’ post-test from experimental class
(88,24) is higher than control class (76,89). It has been found that the value of T-
test is 5,075. This score is higher that ttable which is 2,03 in significant 5% with df
= 34. It means that H0 accepted. So, the use of Selective Highlighting and Note-
B. Recommendations
because it makes the students learn English easily and effectively. The teacher
process, especially English lesson. In English lesson there are four basic
important to build the meaning of the text. The students should be understand
active, focus, and understand the text. So, Selective Highlighting and Note-
3. For readers
For the other readers, the researcher hopes that the result of this
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