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Manual User Authentication Tool

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The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

Instruction Manual

Before operating the software, please read this manual carefully

and retain it for future reference.

Before Using the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

Thank you for purchasing CLASS-Agent Software. Before using this software, please read this manual
carefully to get the most out of your software.

This instruction manual describes how to use and operate CLASS-Agent Manager. It assumes that you
should be familiar with some features in Windows you should have some hands-on experience with
the mouse and keyboard.

In this instruction manual, basic terminology used in Windows are used to explain about how to do
anything in CLASS-Agent Software. For definitions of unfamiliar words, please refer to the Windows

If you are a first-time user of Windows, please read the Windows manual before reading this instruc-
tion manual.

Handling Precautions
1. This Software is and remains the proprietary property of Shimadzu Corporation.
2. No part of this Software may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, except for in-
stallation and routine backup. No part of this Software may be leased, assigned, transferred, re-
compiled or altered in any form or by any means.
3. Shimadzu Corporation shall not be liable to the purchaser or any other person for any loss or dam-
age arising out of the use or operation of this Software.
About The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool
About the Instruction Manual
Warning Signs

Chapter 1 Installation Procedures

1.1 Outline...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Installing Software ............................................................................................2
1.2.1 Setting up the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool ......................................................3
1.3 Handling Precautions ........................................................................................6
1.3.1 Before Using CLASS-Agent Software .........................................................................6

Chapter 2 User Authentication Tool

2.1 Startup ........................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Main screen ................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Configuration ................................................................................................ 2-3
2.4 Change Server ............................................................................................... 2-8
2.5 Create New .................................................................................................. 2-10
2.6 View event log ............................................................................................ 2-23
2.7 View user list............................................................................................... 2-28
2.8 Cancel Lockout ........................................................................................... 2-30
2.9 Exit .............................................................................................................. 2-30

Chapter 3 Network Shared Settings

3.1 Outline........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Installation of MSDE .................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Setup (MSDE/SQL Server)........................................................................... 3-7
3.4 Setup (Oracle) ............................................................................................. 3-11
3.5 Setting the Oracle Client PC ....................................................................... 3-14
About The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool
This software (hereafter referred to as “Shimadzu User Authentication Tool”) controls unitarily
the user information used in Shimadzu applications.
When the user information of the CLASS-Agent, the LabSolutions, etc. is controlled by this
User Authentication Tool, the common database (user authentication database) which does not
depend on applications is used. The User Authentication Tool is equipped with the utility func-
tions to display the access log, create new servers, set the configuration, etc. to this database.

About the Instruction Manual

The authors have used their best efforts in preparing this document by providing up-to-date in-
formation as much as possible, but the information and software discussed in this document are
subject to change due to nonconformity. For the latest information, please read the contents
written in the README2.TXT file, a file that is saved to the program directory of this software
during an installation process.

The names of data processing software and equipment are expressed in the form of generic
names. Model names and type names are indicated as may be deemed necessary to identify any
software or equipment.

As used in this instruction manual, this software package is referred to as “CLASS-Agent Soft-
ware” where appropriate.

Warning Signs
The following warning signs are used throughout this instruction manual.

[CAUTION] indicates a potentially hazardous situation where, if not avoided, any damage to
property may be caused.

[NOTE] emphasizes additional information that is useful to increase efficiency of opera-

tions and to enlarge an understanding of topics.
Chapter 1 Installation Procedures
1.1 Outline ........................................................................................................1
1.2 Installing Software......................................................................................2
1.2.1 Setting up the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool .................................................. 3
1.3 Handling Precautions.................................................................................. 6
1.3.1 Before Using CLASS-Agent Software...................................................................... 6
1 Installation Procedures

1.1 Outline
The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool can easily control and attest users in analytical appli-

The User Authentication Tool offers the following functions.

1. The tool realizes the User Authentication security by the login/logout processing using the
login ID and the password. In addition, the tool can set in details the password length, the
validity, etc. for each personal computer and each user.

2. The tool controls the user information (such as the name, the section and the address)
based on the database. Because the tool can be connected to the rigid database such as the
SQL Server/MSDE, it can realize easily the security at high level.

3. Because the tool is equipped with the advanced audit trail function, the system administra-
tor can trace the information on each user.

4. Network function
Because the tool corresponds to the LAN consisting of client and server, the information
related to the user login can be unitarily controlled in the server.

1 Installation Procedures

1.2 Installing Software

The following installation procedures assume that you are installing from a CD-ROM.

1) Gather a CD-ROM disk for CLASS-Agent Software. Then insert the CD-ROM disk into
your CD-ROM drive.

2) With the CD-ROM disk inserted, the installation wizard appears as shown below. A screen
may change with versions.

[NOTE] If the installation wizard does not automatically start, or to restart the installation
wizard, use the "Run" command in Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 as follows.
Choose [Start]  [Run] to open the "Run" dialog box. Click the [Browse] button
and choose a SETUP.EXE program from the root folder on the CD-ROM. Then
click the OK button to run the setup program.
( If it is the case of Windows Vista or Windows 7, you can select “Start of search”,
too )

- The <Run> dialog box -

[NOTE] When using the user authentication database of the MS-Access form and using a
limitation Windows user, it makes the user authentication database move to another
folder and it must be used under windows XP SP3.
(‘Change Server’ by the ‘user authentication tool’)

1 Installation Procedures

1.2.1 Setting up the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

1) You will see a listing of CLASS-Agent components. Click on the [Shimadzu User Authen-
tication Tool] package button.

2) After you have specified which component to install, the installation program for the se-
lected component starts up. In the installation wizard, click on the [Next] button to proceed
as instructed on-screen.

1 Installation Procedures

3) Clicking on the [Next] button will display the next screen.

4) If you click on the [Next] button, the next wizard screen appears to start the installation

1 Installation Procedures

5) And then, the next wizard screen appears. Click [OK] button at the first installation.
When re-installation or ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) has been already installed
by installation of the Microsoft Office, click [No] button.
- About re-installation -

6) You will see a message indicating that the installation was completed successfully. Then
click on the [Finish] button.

Install the application software “Class-Agent” consecutively. For the installation method,
refer to the “CLASS-Agent Software Installation Manual (223-10286)”.

1 Installation Procedures

1.3 Handling Precautions

1.3.1 Before Using CLASS-Agent Software
1) Login ID
In the case of CLASS-Agent Manager & LabSolutions series using the User Authentica-
tion Tool, you can use decimal numerals, alphanumeric characters and Non-alphanumeric
characters (such as !, $, #, %).
And Upper case letters (A to Z) and Lower case letters (a to z) are not distinguished be-
tween in all databases.

2) Password
You can use decimal numerals, alphanumeric characters and Non-alphanumeric charac-
ters (such as !, $, #, %).
And Upper case letters (A to Z) and Lower case letters (a to z) are distinguished between
in all databases.

3) Other settings of user information

You can use any of decimal numerals, alphanumeric characters and Non-alphanumeric
characters , as “User Name”, “Company”, “Section”, “Title”, “Phone”, “E-Mail” and

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool
2.1 Shimadzu User Authentication Tool··············································· 2-1
2.1.1 Running the Program ··································································· 2-1
2.1.2 Main Screen ··············································································· 2-2
2.1.3 Configuration ·············································································· 2-3
2.1.4 Changing the Server ···································································2-11
2.1.5 Releasing PC Lockout ·································································2-13
2.1.6 Creating a New User Authentication Database··································2-15
2.1.7 Viewing the Event Log ·································································2-22
2.1.8 Viewing the User List···································································2-27
2.1.9 Releasing User Lockout ·······························································2-29
2.1.10 Exiting······················································································2-30
2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1 Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.1 Running the Program

1) On the desktop [start] menu, point to [Settings] and select [Control Panel].

2) Double-click the "Shimadzu authentication tool" icon.

Double-click here.

[NOTE] No administrator password is set immediately after the installation. The system
administrator must set this password.

[NOTE] When using Shimadzu Authentication Tool with Windows 7

To display the Shimadzu Authentication Tool in the Control Panel, change the panel
view to large icons view or small icons view. Single-click the icon to run the program.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.2 Main Screen

The figure below shows the main screen of the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool. Run the
various functions from this screen.

Main Screen

Configuration View event log

Sets the configuration of the user Displays the event log
authentication tool. list.
Administrator right is required to
make these settings.

Change Server View user list

Changes the referenced Displays the registered
SQLserver/MSDE, MDB, or Oracle user list.
When changing the server, the
Shimadzu User Authentication Tool
must be created in the destination

Release Lockout PCs Release Lockout users

Releases all locked-out Releases all locked-out
computers. users.

Create New Exit

Creates a new user Exits the user
authentication tool. authentication tool.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.3 Configuration

Click the [Configuration] button to display the <Login check> screen.

Enter the "Login ID" and "Password" and click the [OK] button to display the <Configuration
for user attestation server> screen. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the login. User Authentication Tool Configuration

This screen sets the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool configuration. The
screen offers five tab screens: "Password," "Lockout," "E-mail 通知", "Alert
Message," and "Description." Clicking the [Default] button in the "Password" or
"Lockout" tab screen sets the recommended security values.
If the User Authentication Tool is shared by two or more Shimadzu applications,
the setting changes are applied to all the applications.

1) [Help] button
Click the [Help] button to display the <Help> screen.

2) [Print] button
Click the [Print] button to print the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

3) [OK] button
Click the [OK] button to apply the changed set values.

4) [Cancel] button
Click the [Cancel] button to exit the <Configuration for user attestation
server> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

"Password" Tab Screen

Use this tab screen to make the settings related to the Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool passwords.

1) Minimum length (0 to 14 characters)

Set the minimum number of characters required in the password.

[NOTE] When the minimum password length setting is changed, the setting becomes effective
the next time the password is changed.

2) Maximum password age (0 to 3650 days)

A warning is displayed when the set maximum password age (number of
days) has expired since the latest password was set.
If "0" is set, the maximum password age is unrestricted and no warning is

3) Minimum password age (0 to 3650 days)

Set the minimum number of days that must elapse after the password is
changed before the next password can be set. Set a smaller value than the
maximum password age.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

4) Same password is permitted

Select this checkbox to permit the same password as before. If this
checkbox is not selected, the previous 10 passwords are not available
when changing the password. Clear this checkbox if it is necessary to
periodically change the password.

5) Passwords must meet complexity requirements

When this checkbox is selected, only passwords comprising both letters
and numbers will be accepted. (It is not possible to set a password that
contains only letters or only numbers.)

6) User must change password at next login

When this checkbox is selected, if a user's password was changed by
someone other than the user (normally, the administrator), the user must
change the password at the time of the next login.

"Lockout" Tab Screen

Use this tab screen to make the settings related to the Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool lockouts.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

1) User lockout/Unlimited user's lockout

When this checkbox is selected, after a user's login attempts fail more than
the set number of login failures, the user is locked out and cannot log in
until the lockout is released by the administrator.

[NOTE] Unlimited lockout is not applied to the system administrator (for Agent, the user with
administrator rights). The lockout is applied according to the set lockout duration and
number of login failures.

2) User lockout/User lockout duration (0 to 9999 minutes)

If a user's login attempts fail more than the set number of login failures, the
user is unable to login for the specified duration. This function prevents
unauthorized login by a third party. If "0" is set, the user lockout is disabled.
Login operation can be continued no matter how many times login fails.

3) User lockout/Contents of login failure which lockout (0 to 999)

Set the number of times that a user can enter incorrect passwords. If "0" is
set, the user lockout is disabled. Login operation can be continued no
matter how many times login fails.

4) PC lockout/PC lockout duration (0 to 9999 minutes)

If the number of login attempts from a PC fails more than the set number of
login failures, login from the PC is disabled for the specified duration. This
function prevents unauthorized login by changing third party user IDs. If "0"
is set, the PC lockout is disabled. Login operation can be continued no
matter how many times login fails.

5) PC lockout/Contents of login failure which lockout (0 to 999)

Set the number of times that incorrect passwords can be entered from a
PC. If "0" is set, the PC lockout is disabled. Login operation can be
continued no matter how many times login fails.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

"E-mail 通知" Tab Screen

Use this tab screen to make the settings related to the Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool email messages. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool can
send an email to a designated mail address when a lockout occurs. To use this
function, position an STMP server within a range that can be reached by TCP/IP

[NOTE] Only ASCII-code characters are permitted in the mail addresses, user lockout message,
PC lockout message, and the Subject and From fields.

1) メールアドレス
Set the email addresses to receive the messages. The same message will
be sent to all of the mail addresses set here.
The grid to enter the mail address is a combo box that allows any mail
address registered in the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool to be
selected. Of course, mail addresses to receive the messages can be
entered directly.

2) ユーザーロックアウトメッセージ
Enter the message to be sent when a user lockout occurs. If the characters
"&U" are entered in the message, they are replaced by the name of the
user who failed to log in.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

3) PC ロックアウトメッセージ
Enter the message to be sent when a PC lockout occurs.

4) 詳細設定
Make SMTP server settings and other settings.

Set the SMTP server name or IP address that manages the mail

6) ポート
Set the port number enabled for the SMTP server. Normally, an SMTP
server uses port 25. However, if a different port number is specified for
your SMTP server, consult your system administrator and set the
appropriate number.

7) 表題
Set the subject of the sent emails.

8) From
Set the From address of the sent emails.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

"Alert Message" Tab Screen

Use this tab screen to make the settings related to the Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool alert messages. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool uses
the Windows Messenger service to send messages to specific PCs on the LAN
(Windows NT/2000/XP only). To use this function, both the sending and
receiving PC must be running the Windows Messenger service. (Messenger
runs by default.)

[NOTE] This function is not available with Windows Vista or Windows 7.

1) PC name (IP address)

Set the PC names or IP addresses to receive the message. The same
message will be sent to all of the PCs set here.

2) User's lockout message

Enter the message to be sent when a user lockout occurs. If the characters
"&U" are entered in the message, they are replaced by the name of the
user who failed to log in.

3) PC's lockout message

Enter the message to be sent when a PC lockout occurs.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

"Description" Tab Screen

Use this tab screen to make the settings related to the Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool comments.

1) Description
Enter the comment in this box. Up to 255 characters can be entered.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.4 Changing the Server

Click the [Change Server] button to display the <Login check> screen.

Enter the "Login ID" and "Password" and click the [OK] button to display the <Change
server> screen. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the login. Changing the Server

1) SQL Server7, MSDE (when sharing with another computer)

Select this item when sharing the same User Authentication Tool with other
computers. The computers sharing the server can reference and centrally
control information for each user. The "Network library" dropdown list is
enabled when this item is selected.

2) Access MDB (used by this computer only)

Select this item if this computer is not network-connected or to perform
user management using this computer only. When this item is selected,
changed configurations and user information are valid only in this
computer. The "Network library" dropdown list is disabled.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

3) Oracle (when sharing with another computer)

Select this item to use an Oracle database.
Select this item when sharing the same User Authentication Tool with other
personal computers. The computers sharing the server can reference and
centrally control information for each user. The "Network library" dropdown
list is disabled when this item is selected.

4) Server name/Database name/Net service name

If the "SQL Server7, MSDE" item at 1) above is selected, enter the server
name (PC name) where the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool is set up. If
the "Access MDB" item at 2) above is selected, the Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool becomes MS-Access (.mdb) format. "SMZATST.MDB"
is saved in the Windows system folder (C:). Designate this file. If the
"Oracle" item at 3) above is selected, designate the net service name of
the Oracle database server where the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool
is set up.

For MS-Access format, a WindowsNT/2000/XP restricted login user has no
access rights to the Windows system folder. It is necessary to log in with
administrator rights to change this setting.

5) Network library
Select the network library from the dropdown list.
"Named pipe" Select this library when the User Authentication Tool is
set up under MS Windows NT, and NetBEUI is used as
the network protocol. When selecting this library, the
user account must be set in Windows NT.
"TCP/IP" Select this library when the User Authentication Tool is
set up under MS Windows NT or Windows 98 (MSDE
only), and TCP/IP is used as the network protocol.
"Multi protocol" Select this library when two or more servers are using
different network protocols. When this library is
selected, the first available network protocol is
automatically selected to establish connection.

Click the [OK] button to change the server. Click the [Cancel] button to
cancel changing the server.
(For a detailed explanation of network libraries, refer to the manuals of
Microsoft SQL Server, Acesss2000, etc.)

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.5 Releasing PC Lockout

Click the [Release Lockout PCs] button to release the lockout status of all PCs detected to
have attempted to make an illegal access to the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool.
The <Login check> screen is displayed after the [Release Lockout PCs] button is clicked.

Enter the "Login ID" and "Password" and click the [OK] button to display the <Release
lockout PCs> screen. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the login. Releasing PC Lockout

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

Select the computers to be unlocked and click the [Release] button to enable
login to the selected computers.
The following message appears and the screen closed when all the locked-out
PCs are released.

The same message appears if the [Release Lockout PCs] button is clicked when
no locked-out computer exists.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.6 Creating a New User Authentication Database

Click the [Create New] button to display the <Login check> screen.
A new user information database can be created. Before creating the database, connect the
computer over a LAN to a computer where SQL Server (MSDE) or Oracle is set up.

Enter the "Login ID" and "Password" and click the [OK] button to display the <Create
Database> screen. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the login. Selecting the Database Type

Select the type of user authentication database to create and click the [OK]
button. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel selection of the user authentication

[NOTE] A new user information database can be created. If SQL Server or MSDE is used as the
user authentication database, before creating the database, connect the computer over
a LAN to a computer where SQL Server or MSDE is set up. If Oracle is used as the user
authentication database, Oracle must be installed in the computer where the new
database is to be created.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool Setting the MSDE (SQL Server) Login Properties

If "SQL server (MSDE)" is selected in the <Create Database> screen and the
[OK] button clicked, the <MSDE (SQL Server) login properties> screen is

1) Server name
Enter the server name (PC name) where the SQL Server/MSDE exists.
Enter "(local)" to create the database in this computer.

2) Login-ID
Enter the login ID of the system administrator ("sa") of the server where the
SQL Server/MSDE exists or a login ID with equivalent rights.

3) Password
Enter the password of the system administrator.

4) Network library
Select the network library from the dropdown list. For details about the
setting method, see 5) in Changing the Server.

5) [Next] button
Click the [Next] button to proceed to the next screen.

6) [Cancel] button
Click the [Cancel] button to cancel creation of the new Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool.

7) [Help] button
Click the [Help] button to display the <Help> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool Creating the Application Administrator (SQL Server (MSDE))

Click the [Next] button to display the <Create application's administrator>

The user created here is required to start up Shimadzu applications
(CLASS-Agent, etc.).

1) User-ID
Create the system administrator referred to by Shimadzu applications
when the User Authentication Tool was created. The ID is fixed as "Admin."

2) Password
Set the password using letters and numbers. A minimum password length
of 6 characters is required in the ER/ES mode.

3) Password check
Enter the password again. Do not forget this password. It is required to run
Shimadzu applications.

4) [Back] button
Click the [Back] button to return to the <MSDE (SQL Server) login
properties> screen.

5) [Next] button
Click the [Next] button to proceed to the <Ready to create> screen.

6) [Cancel] button
Click the [Cancel] button to cancel creation of the new Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool.

7) [Help] button
Click the [Help] button to display the <Help> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool Creating a New User Authentication Tool (SQL Server (MSDE))

Click the [Next] button to display the <Ready to create> screen.

1) [Back] button
Click the [Back] button to return to the <Create application's administrator>

2) [Create] button
Click the [Create] button to create the User Authentication Tool. An error
occurs if there is a problem with the network connection or if the SQL
Server (MSDE) is not running on the server computer. The status is
displayed on the screen.

3) [Cancel] button
Click the [Cancel] button to cancel creation of the new Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool.

4) [Help] button
Click the [Help] button to display the <Help> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool Setting the Oracle Login Information

If "Oracle" is selected in the <Create Database> screen and the [OK] button
clicked, the <Oracle DBA login information> screen is displayed.

1) Instance
Specify the instance of Oracle to create the user authentication database.
If two or more instances of Oracle exist in the computer, the user
authentication database is created using the instance specified in this
combo box.

2) System user
Specify the user with Oracle SYSDBA rights. This user is normally

3) Password
Set the password for the user specified at 2) above.

4) PC Name
Displays the currently set computer name. This cannot be changed.

5) [Next] button
Click the [Next] button to proceed to the next screen.

6) [Cancel] button
Click the [Cancel] button to cancel creation of the new Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool.

7) [Help] button
Click the [Help] button to display the <Help> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool Creating the Application Administrator (Oracle)

Click the [Next] button to display the <Create application's administrator>

The user created here is required to start up Shimadzu applications
(CLASS-Agent, etc.).

1) Admin user
Create the system administrator referred to by Shimadzu applications
when the User Authentication Tool was created. The ID is fixed as "Admin."

2) Password
Set the password using letters and numbers. A minimum password length
of 6 characters is required in the ER/ES mode.

3) Re-enter password
Enter the password again. Do not forget this password. It is required to run
Shimadzu applications.

4) [Back] button
Click the [Back] button to return to the <Oracle DBA login information>

5) [Next] button
Click the [Next] button to proceed to the <Completed> screen.

6) [Cancel] button
Click the [Cancel] button to cancel creation of the new Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool.

7) [Help] button
Click the [Help] button to display the <Help> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool Creating a New User Authentication Tool (Oracle)

Click the [Next] button to display the <Completed> screen.

1) [Back] button
Click the [Back] button to return to the <Create application's administrator>

2) [Create] button
Click the [Create] button to create the User Authentication Tool. An error
occurs if the Oracle settings are incorrect or the instance is not running.
The status is displayed on the screen.

3) [Cancel] button
Click the [Cancel] button to cancel creation of the new Shimadzu User
Authentication Tool.

4) [Help] button
Click the [Help] button to display the <Help> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.7 Viewing the Event Log

Click the [View event log] button to display the <Login check> screen.

Enter the "Login ID" and "Password" and click the [OK] button to display the <Event log>
screen. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the login.

1) [Condition] button
Click the [Condition] button to set the extraction conditions.

2) [Copy] button
Click the [Copy] button to copy the event log data to the clipboard. As the data is
copied in csv format, it can be pasted in an editor as comma-delimited text.

3) [Print] button
Click the [Print] button to print out the event log list.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

4) [Font] button
Click the [Font] button to specify the font for the event log list.

5) [Exit] button
Click the [Exit] button to exit the <Event log> screen.

6) Displayed contents

Login date Date and time when the operation was performed
Computer name Name of the computer on which the operation was
User ID ID of the user who performed the operation
User name Full name of the user who performed the operation
Operation Details of the operation
Configuration The configuration of the User Authentication Tool was
setting changed. (This operation is recorded only when the
program "Configuration" menu is executed.)
User Add A new Shimadzu application user was registered.
(Subsequently, user-related operations can be executed
and recorded by each Shimadzu application.)
User Edit Registered user information was changed.
User Del Registered user information was deleted.
User Restore Deleted user information was restored.
Result Status indicating whether the setting was made correctly
OK The setting was made correctly.
CAUTION No problem in the setting, but a problem occurred.
NG An error occurred, and the setting was not made.
Information Details of the operation performed on the User
Authentication Tool.
Software Name of the Shimadzu application that performed the
operation on the User Authentication Tool.
Description Comment entered by the user when the change was made.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool Extraction Conditions

Click the [Condition] button to display the <Extraction Condition> screen.

The event log extraction conditions can be set on this screen. Use these
conditions if there are too many lines in the default status so that the
screen is difficult to read, for example. Select the checkbox for the required
conditions, and enter the corresponding extraction condition in the text box
at the right. If two or more checkboxes are selected, event logs which
satisfy all the conditions are extracted.

1) Period
Set the event log period of the data to be extracted.
The combo box operation is enabled when the checkbox is selected. A
calendar appears on the dropdown menu.

2) User
Select this item to display a specific user only. Enter the user ID of the data
to be extracted.

3) User full name

Enter the user name of the event log to be extracted. The entire name does
not have to be input. The event logs for the user names that include the
input characters are extracted and displayed.

4) Result
Select the result of the data to be extracted as "OK," "CAUTION," or "NG."

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

5) Operation
Select the result of the data to be extracted as "User Add," "User Edit," or
"User Del."

6) PC name
Enter the name of the computer in which the data to be extracted is

7) Software
Enter the software name (Shimadzu application name) of the data to be

8) Information
Enter the details of the data to be extracted.

9) Description
Enter the comment in the data to be extracted.

10) [OK] button

Click the [OK] button to enable the set extraction conditions and apply
them to the list.

11) [Cancel] button

Click the [Cancel] button to disable the set extraction conditions and return
to the <Event log> screen. Fonts

Click the [Font] button to display the <Font> screen.

The font specified on this screen is applied to screens and printouts.

1) Font
Specify the font type.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2) Font style
Specify the font style.

3) Size
Specify the font size.

4) Effects
Apply strikeout or underline.

5) Color
Specify the font color in the dropdown list.

6) Sample
Displays a preview of the font specified on this screen.

7) Script
"Japanese" is automatically displayed when a Japanese font is selected in
"Font." "Western" is automatically displayed when a Western font is
selected in "Font."

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.8 Viewing the User List

Click the [View user list] button to display the <Login check> screen.

Enter the "Login ID" and "Password" and click the [OK] button to display the <User list>
screen. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the login.

1) [Copy] button
Click the [Copy] button to copy the user list information to the clipboard. As the data is
copied in csv format, it can be pasted as comma-delimited text into an Excel

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2) [Print] button
Click the [Print] button to print out the user list.

3) [Font] button
Specify the font to display the user information.
Click the [Font] button to display the <Font> screen. For details, see Fonts.

4) [Exit] button
Click the [Exit] button to exit the <User list> screen.

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

2.1.9 Releasing User Lockout

Click the [Release Lockout users] button to release the lockout status of all users detected
to have attempted to make an illegal access to the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool.
The <Login check> screen is displayed after the [Release Lockout users] button is clicked.

Enter the "Login ID" and "Password" and click the [OK] button to display the <Release
lockout users> screen. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the login. Releasing User Lockout

2. Shimadzu User Authentication Tool

Select the user to be unlocked and click the [Release] button to enable login by
the selected users.
The following message appears and the screen closed when all the locked-out
users are released.

The same message appears if the [Release Lockout users] button is clicked
when no locked-out user exists.

2.1.10 Exiting

Click the [Exit] button to complete the Shimadzu User Authentication Tool settings.

Chapter 3 Network Shared Settings
3.1 Outline .....................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Installation of MSDE...............................................................................3-2
3.3 Setup (MSDE/SQL Server) .....................................................................3-7
3.4 Setup (Oracle)........................................................................................3-11
3.5 Setting the Oracle Client PC..................................................................3-14
3 Network Shared Settings

3.1 Outline
This chapter explains The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool while picking up a setting ex-
ample in which the tool is shared in the LAN. In order to share the tool in the LAN, one per-
sonal computer which acts as the database server is required. As the server database, the SQL
Server or the MSDE or the Oracle is required.
The MSDE is the database engine of the SQL Server offered by Microsoft free of charge. It is
customized for small-scale database systems.

Because each client personal computer refers to the database of the user authentication existing
in the server, the information can be unitarily controlled.

Server personal computer

Database (Oracle
SQL Server/MSDE)
The user authentication
is unitarily controlled
here, and logged in
through the server
personal computer.


Client personal computer Client personal computer Client personal computer

3 Network Shared Settings

3.2 Installation of MSDE

This paragraph describes how to install the MSDE from the CD-ROM.
Install the MSDE to server personal computers. You do not have to install it to client per-
sonal computers.
If the SQL Server manufactured by Microsoft is already installed, installation of the MSDE is
not required.
Since MSDE is a client server type database, it does not operate in the personal computer
which has not connected with a network. In this case, please set up Internet Protocol with a
personal computer. Please ask a network administrator about the details of a setup.

1) At first, insert the CD-ROM of the CLASS Agent software into the CD-ROM drive, and
install the MSDE.

2) In several seconds after the CD-ROM is inserted into the CD-ROM drive, the following
logo is automatically displayed.

[NOTE] If the logo shown in 2) is not displayed in automatic startup or if the Windows is
started up again, select <RUN(R)> from the [Start] button of the MS-Windows
When the <RUN> dialog box is displayed, select and enter “setup.exe” from the
route folder in the CD-ROM using the [Browse] button, then click the [OK] button.

- Structure of the <RUN> dialog box -

3 Network Shared Settings

3.2.1 Setup of MSDE (only in server personal computer)

1) Select the package type to be installed on the screen, and click the [MSDE] package but-

2) Confirm the folder in the temporary area used to install the MSDE.
Specify the hard disk having free space of 150 MB or more, then click the [Continue] but-

3 Network Shared Settings

3) When the package is selected, preparation for setup starts. After a while, the following
screen is displayed.
Click the [Next] button on the screen in turn.

Next Button

4) Click the [Next] button to display the following screen.

Specify the MSDE installation destination. In the installation destination, the hard disk
should have free space of 200 MB or more.

3 Network Shared Settings

5) Click the [Next] button to display the following screen and start installation.
Installation will be finished in 15 to 60 minutes depending on the hardware configuration.
Wait until the message for restart is displayed.

6) When installation is completed, the following message is displayed.

Restart the computer in accordance with the instruction.

3 Network Shared Settings

After restart, when the contents shown below are displayed on the task bar, the installation
is completed.

3 Network Shared Settings

3.3 Setup (MSDE/SQL Server)

3.3.1 Creation of authentication database (only in server personal
1) Start up The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool by selecting “Settings”-“Control Panel”
and double-clicking the tool icon in the server personal computer. Click the [Create New]

Enter “Admin” for login after displaying the login menu.

2) Select [SQL Server [MSDE]]”, and click the [OK] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

3) Enter the name (or IP address) of the current computer to “Server name”, and click the
[Next] button.

The server personal computer name is displayed on the “Network and Dial-up Connec-
tions” identification tab of “Control Panel”.

3 Network Shared Settings

4) This is the system administrator’s password input phase.

Because the password can be changed later using the Agent Manager, click the [Next] but-

Though a warning is displayed because the system administrator’s password is not set, ig-
nore the warning and continue the setting.

5) Click the [Create] button to create the database for authentication.

Now, the database for user authentication is created in the server personal computer.
Next, in the client personal computer, perform the setting to connect the server personal

3 Network Shared Settings

3.3.2 Connection to server personal computer (only in client personal

1) In the client personal computer, start up The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool from
“Control Panel”.
Click the [Change Server] button.

Enter “Admin” for login after displaying the login menu.

2) Enter the name (or IP address) of the server personal computer to “Server name”, then
click the [OK] button.

3) When the message shown below is displayed, the setting of the client is completed.
After that, the user information is unitarily controlled by the server personal computer.

3 Network Shared Settings

3.4 Setup (Oracle)

3.4.1 Creation of authentication database (only in server personal

1) Start up The Shimadzu User Authentication Tool by selecting “Settings”-“Control Panel”

and double-clicking the tool icon in the server personal computer. Click the [Create New]

Enter “Admin” for login after displaying the login menu.

2) Select [Oracle], and click the [OK] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

3) Enter the Instance (SID name) of the oracle database, enter the System User (“SYSTEM”)
of the oracle DBA User and password.
Click the [Next] button.

4) This is the system administrator’s password input phase.

Because the password can be changed later using the Agent Manager, click the [Next]

Though a warning is displayed because the system administrator’s password is not set,
ignore the warning and continue the setting.

3 Network Shared Settings

5) Click the [Create] button to create the database for authentication.

Now, the database for user authentication is created in the server personal computer.
Next, in the client personal computer, perform the setting to connect the server personal

3 Network Shared Settings

3.5 Setting the Oracle Client PC

The following procedure is needed for connecting with the Oracle database with client PC.

1. Installation of User Authentication Tool and Agent Manager.

2. Installation of client software of Oracle8i or Oracle9i.
3. Create “Local net service” by Net Configuration Assistant of Oracle.
4. Set linking to new database in User Authentication Tool

“Local net service name” is a setting file with a server name or the information on an instance
(global database name), in order to connect with a server's database.
Usually, it sets up by "Net Configuration Assistant" of the client program of Oracle. “Local net
service name” may be abbreviated to a “net service name” or a “service name”.

3.5.1 Installing the Oracle8 Client (Oracle8i Workgroup Server R.8.1.7)

To access Oracle8i databases, install the Oracle8i Client (in Oracle8i Workgroup Server
CD-ROM). The installation procedure is described below.

1. Restart MS-Windows, when MS-Windows is not immediately after starting.
2. Login by “administrator”.
3. Terminate a virus check or permanent residence programs.

1. Starting up the setup program.
Double-click “(CD-ROM Drive):\Setup.exe” from the Explorer to start up the
setup program. And click “Install/Deinstall Products” button.

3 Network Shared Settings

2. When the welcome screen is displayed, click the [Next] button.

3. Set the installation path of the program. At this time, choose the drive on the server
with the greatest amount of free space. Click the [Next] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

4. Choose [Oracle8i Client 8.1.x.x.x], and click the [Next] button.

5. Choose [Application User (128MB)], and click the [Next] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

6. The summary screen is displayed. If the display contents are correct, click the [In-
stall] button.

7. The installation begins.

3 Network Shared Settings

8. After a while, the next screen is displayed. Since this setting is performed later,
click [Cancel] button.

9. Click “Net8 Configuration Assistant” and click “Stop” button. “Error” dialog is
displayed, and click [OK] button.
After that, bellow screen is displayed.
Click [Next] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

10. Click [Exit] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

3.5.2 Installing the Oracle9i Client (Oracle9i Standard Edition R.9.0.1)

To access Oracle9i databases, install the Oracle9i Client (in Oracle9i CD-ROM for cli-
ent). The installation procedure is described below.

1. Restart MS-Windows, when MS-Windows is not immediately after starting.
2. Login by “administrator”.
3. Terminate a virus check or permanent residence programs.

1. Starting up the setup program.
Double-click “(CD-ROM Drive):\Setup.exe” from the Explorer to start up the
setup program. And click “Install/Deinstall Products” button.

2. Click [Next] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

3. Set the installation path of the program. At this time, choose the drive on the
server with the greatest amount of free space. Click the [Next] button.

4. Select “Custom” as installation type and click [Next] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

5. Select available product components.

Click left side [+] mark of [Oracle Programmer 9.0.x.x.x], and display check
mark for [Oracle Provider for OLE DB 9.0.x.x.x].
And display check mark for [Oracle Net Services 9.0.x.x.x].
Since a component except the above-mentioned two is not required, please re-
move all checks.
Click [Next] button.

6. The contents of a setting set up so far are displayed as a summary.

After a checking, click [Install] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

7. Installation of required software is started.

Although based on the performance of PC, installation takes from 10 minutes to
30 minutes.

8. After the copy of a file is completed, after displaying Configuration Tools

screen, an Oracle Net Configuration Assistant screen appears.
Since this setup is performed later, please click [Cancel] button and interrupt set-

After that, click [Yes] button in the confirmation dialog of "Oracle Net Configu-
ration Assistant" cancellation.

3 Network Shared Settings

9. The message screen of an error appears. Click [OK] button.

10. Click [Exit] button in the “Configuration Tools” dialog. Confirmation dialog of
exit appears, and click [Yes] button.

After an installation, restart client PC.

3 Network Shared Settings

3.5.3 Create Local Net Service Name (Oracle8i/Oracle9i) Run Net Configuration Assistant
Choose [Start]  [Programs]  [Oracle – OraHome8]  [Network Administration]
[Net8 Configuration Assistant].
Choose [Start]  [Programs]  [Oracle – OraHome90]  [Configuration and Migra-
tion Tools] [Net Configuration Assistant]. Create Net Service of User Authentication database

1. Select “Local Net Service Name configuration”, click the [Next] button.

2. Choose "Add," and click the [Next] button

3 Network Shared Settings

3. In the case of Oracle8i, choose "Oracle8 release 8.0 or Oracle7 database or Ser-
vice". In the case of Oracle 9i choose " Oracle8i or later database or service". And
click the [Next] button.

4. Set Instance name as service name (Oracle9i) or SID (Oracle8i) set. Click the
[Next] button.

5. Set the network protocol used to connect databases. In this example, “TCP” is
used. Click the [Next] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

6. Set the host name that will execute the database service. If the settings of the Ora-
cle are not changed, it is not necessary to change the port No. Click the [Next] but-

7. To confirm whether the settings are successfully executed, test the service.
Choose the " Yes, perform a test", and click the [Next] button.

8. At first, connection fails. Click the [Change Login] button, and set up a user ac-

3 Network Shared Settings

9. A user name is [scott] at first. Change “username” and “Password” which were
created by DBA user. In this example, set “system”, and Password.

10. Perform the test again, and confirm that connection is established.
After connection is established, click the [Next] button to close the test screen.
If an error occurs, the settings are incorrect. Check and modify the settings.

11. The Net Service Name wizard starts. In this example, the Net Service Name is

3 Network Shared Settings

12. Choose “No"; and click the [Next] button.

13. Click the [Next] button.

14. Click the [Finish] button to finish the [Net Configuration Assistant].
When client PC has not participated in the domain (Active Directory) of
MS-Windows, an additional setup of local net service is completion above.
When client PC has participated in the domain, please move on to step15.

3 Network Shared Settings

15. When client PC has participated in the domain (Active Directory) of

MS-Windows, in order to check Local Net Service Name, restart Net Configura-
tion Assistant, choose [Local Net Service Name configuration], and click [next]

16. Choose “Test”, and click [Next] button.

3 Network Shared Settings

17. Please click the list box of network service and search the Local Net Service
Name created by step11. In the case of the client which has participated in the
domain of MS-Windows, “.(domain name)” is added behind the Net Service
Name. (In the case of the following figure, ".LOCAL" is a domain name.)
The name containing this domain name corresponds to Local Net Service Name.
A domain name is not added in the list of the client PC that has not participated
in a domain.

An addition of local net service is completion. Please click a [Cancel] button and [Fin-
ish] button to end “Net Configuration Assistant”.

3 Network Shared Settings

3.5.4 Settings of User Authentication tool

1) Click the [Change Server] button to display the <Change server> screen and login.

2) Enter the Net Service Name (“smzatst”) of oracle, and then click the [OK] button.

3) When the message shown below is displayed, the setting of the client is completed.
After that, the user information is unitarily controlled by the server personal computer.


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