CSE 160 Credits Syllabus V To VI NEP 1 Print
CSE 160 Credits Syllabus V To VI NEP 1 Print
CSE 160 Credits Syllabus V To VI NEP 1 Print
Batch: 2021-22
(Effective from the academic year 2023-2024)
AAP AICTE Activity Points 40 hours community service to be documented and produced for the examination
Professional Elective -I
NCS6PE11 Software Industry Skills for Excellence NCS6PE13 High Performance computing
NCS6PE12 Big Data NCS6PE14 Foundations of Data Science
Note: IPCC: Integrated Professional Core Course; PCC: Professional Core Course, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science & Management Courses,
PEC – Professional Elective Course; OEC- Open Elective Course; MP-Mini Project;AEC –Ability Enhancement Courses, NCMC– Non Credit Mandatory Course
L –Lecture, T – Tutorial, P- Practical/ Drawing, S – Self-Study Component, CIE: Continuous Internal Evaluation, SEE: Semester End Examination
Integrated Professional Core Course (IPCC): Refers to Professional Theory Core Course Integrated with Practicals of the same course. Credit forIPCC can be 04 and its Teaching
– Learning hours (L : T : P) can be considered as (3: 0 : 2) or (2 : 2 : 2). The theory part of the IPCC shall be evaluatedboth by CIE and SEE. The practical part shall be evaluated by
only CIE (no SEE). However, questions from practical part of IPCC shall be included in the SEE question paper.
in the parent institute and /or at reputed research organizations / institutes. The internship can also be ruralinternship.
The mandatory Research internship /Industry internship is for 24 weeks. There will be both CIE and SEE for the internship (INT3).
Those, who do not take up/complete the internship shall be declared fail and shall have to complete during thesubsequent examination after satisfying the internship requirements.
Batch: 2021-22
(Effective from the academic year 2023-2024)
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the basics of computer networks technology and analyse the concepts of Digitaltransmission,
error control protocols and random access protocols.
2. Apply the knowledge of Packet switching concepts in computer networking, Identify
differentcategories of IP addresses and design subnets.
3. Analyse different Unicast routing mechanisms and protocols.
4. Analyse the transport-layer concepts and services -unreliable vs. reliable data transfer.
5. Examine various network protocols and Appraise existing QoS and application layer protocol/s.
automaton, Closure of Item Sets, The Function GOTO, LR(0) automaton for the expression grammar,
The LR-Parsing Algorithm, Constructing SLR-parsing tables.
[Text book 2: 4.4.5, 4.5.1 to 4.5.4,4.6.1 to 4.6.4]
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Acquire a fundamental understanding of the core concepts in automata theory and formal
2. Design automata, regular expressions and context-free grammars accepting or generating a
certain language;
3. Discuss and Apply the fundamentals of compiler design to construct various phases of
modern compiler
4. Discuss functions of lexical analyzer and design transition diagram based lexical analyzer
5. Design top down parsers, bottom up parsers to produce parse tree representation of the input.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question will be for 20 marks.
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
UNIT-1 (8L+0THrs)
1.1 Software Engineering: Engineering, Creativity and Craft (R1-2); Professional
SoftwareDevelopment (T1-1.1); Software Engineering (R1-1, R2-1.1); Birth of Software
Engineering(R1-1); Foundations of Software Engineering Discipline (R1-3); Experts and
Learning (R1-3);ExpertsatManagingComplexity(R1-
1.2 Software Processes: Software Process Models (T1-2.1, R2-2.2); Process Activities (T1-
2.2);Copingwith Change(T1-2.3);
1.3 Agile Software Development: Agile Methods (T1-3.1); Agile Development Techniques (T1-
3.2);Agile Project Management (T1-3.3);
1.4 Project Management: The Project Management Body of Knowledge (W2);
UNIT-2 (8L+0THrs)
2.1 Requirements Engineering: Requirements Engineering (T1-4); Functional and Non-
Functional Requirements (T1-4.1); Requirements Engineering Process (T1-4.2);
RequirementsElicitation (T1-4.3); Requirements Specification (T1-4.4); Requirements
Validation (T1-4.5,R2-4);Requirements Change (T1-4.6);
2.2 System Modelling:Context Models (T1-5.1); Interaction Models (T1-5.2); Structural
Models(T1-5.3);Behavioural Models (T1-5.4);Model Driven Engineering (T1-5.5);
2.3 Architectural Design: Architectural Design Decisions (T1-6.1); Architectural Views (T1-
6.2);ArchitecturalPatterns (T1-6.3);Application Architectures (T1-6.4,R2-5.48.1)
UNIT-3 (8L+0THrs)
3.1 Design and Implementation:Incrementalism in Software Development (R1-6);
ObjectOriented Design using UML (T1-7.1); Design Patterns (T1-7.2); Achieving Quality
Attributes(R2-5.5);Writing Programs (R2-7);
3.2 Software Testing: Development testing (T1-8.1, R2-8); Test driven development (T1-
8.2);Releasetesting (T1-8.3); User testing (T1-8.4);
UNIT-4 (8L+0THrs)
4.1 Project Management:Overview (W3); Risk Management (T1-22.1); Boehm's Top Ten
RiskItems (R2-3.4); Members of the Development Team (R2-1.7); Teamwork (T1-22.3);
4.2 Project Planning: Working Iteratively (R1-4); Plan Driven Development (T1-23.2);
TheProject Plan (R2-3.5); Agile Planning (T1-23.4); Estimation Techniques (T1-23.5, R2-
3.3);ProjectScheduling (T1-23.3); COCOMO CostModeling (T1-23.6);
4.3 Complexity Management: Software Complexity (R1-III); Methods of Managing
4.4 Quality Management: What is Good Software? (R2-1.3); Feedback in Software
Development(R1-5); Software Quality (T1-24.1); McCall's Quality Model (R2-1.3); Software
Standards (T1-24.2); Reviews and Inspections (T1-24.3); Quality Management in Agile
Development (T1-24.4);SoftwareMeasurements (T1-24.5);
4.5 Configuration Management: Version Management (T1-25.1); System Building (T1-
25.2);ChangeManagement (T1-25.3); ReleaseManagement (T1-25.4)
UNIT-5 (7L+0THrs)
Industrial Case Study: Defining, architecting, designing, developing, testing, releasing, and
maintaining a complex software product and managing the associated project.
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze fundamental processes of software engineering and project management.
2. Analyze the functional and non-functional requirements.
3. Practice the software estimation, architecture and design principles.
4. Implement software design and test the quality of software products.
5. Identify and practice specific techniques of project management.
The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question will be for 20 marks.
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl. Edition
TitleoftheBook NameoftheAuthor/s NameofthePublisher
No. andYea
Reference Books
R1 Modern Software
Engineering:Doing What
Works to BuildBetterSoftware DavidFarley Addison-Wesley 2022
R2 Software Engineering:
Shari Lawrence 4th
TheoryandPractice Pearson
PfleegerJoanneM Atlee Edition20
W1 Supportingmaterial forT1
W3 PMBOKKnowledgeAreas
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Articulate the key dimensions of Cloud Computing, characteristics, benefits and drawbacks of
Cloud computing
2. List Services provided by various cloud vendors & analyse the importance of each service..
3. Analyse the impact of vendor lock –in ,SLA, Large scale data centres.
4. Analyse the importance virtualization in cloud for resource pooling.
5. Analyse the cloud security issues.
6. List the features of fog computing & Analyse the relationship between fog computing & IoT.
Module-4 (8 hrs)
DATABASE DESIGN: Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas; Functional
Dependencies; Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys; General Definitions of Second and Third
Normal Forms; Boyce-Codd Normal Form; Properties of Relational Decompositions. Chapter 15
: 15.1 to 15.5 , Chapter 16 : 16.2
Module-5 (9hrs)
TRANSACTION PROCESSING CONCEPT: Introduction to transaction processing; transaction and
system concepts; desirable properties of transactions, characterizing schedules based on recoverability and
serializability; transaction support inSQL Chapter 21 : 21.1 to 21.6
locking techniques, Concurrency control based on Timestamp ordering; Recovery concepts; recovery
based on deferred update and Immediate Update, Shadow Paging, ARIES Recovery Algorithm Chapter
22 : 22.1 – 22.2, Chapter 23: 23.1 to 23.5
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
1 Fundamentals of Database Systems ElmasriandNavathe Pearson Education 6th Edition,2011
Reference Books
Silberschatz, Korth
1 Data base System Concepts. McGraw-Hill 6th Edition, 2010
and Sudharshan.
Raghu Ramakrishnan
2 Database Management Systems. McGraw-Hill. 3th Edition, 2010
and Johannes Gehrke
URL: www.javatpoint.com/nosql-databases
Serial’s title, sensor number and year of production. Star may do voices in any number of
Cartoon-Serials and we store each actors name andaddress.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) Find total no of actors, do voiced in a Cartoon-Serials‘xyz’
iv) Retrieve name of studio, location and Cartoon-Serials title in which star “abc” is
v) vii. Write a procedure to list all Cartoon-Serials produced during the specific
vi) v. Write a deletion trigger, does not allow to deleting current year Cartoon-
4 Car marketing company wants keep track of marketed cars and their owner. Each car must
be associated with a single owner and owner may have any number of cars. We store car’s
registration number, model &color and owner’s name, address & SSN. We also store date
of purchase of eachcar.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) Find a person who owns highest number ofcars
iv) Retrieve persons and cars information purchased on the day 11-11-11
v) Write a insertion trigger to check date of purchase must be less than current date
(must use systemdate)
vi) Write a procedure to list all cars and owner information purchased during the
specific year.
5 Puppy pet shop wants to keep track of dogs and their owners. The person can buy
maximum three pet dogs. We store person’s name, SSN and address and dog’s name, date
of purchase and sex. The owner of the pet dogs will be identified by SSN since the dog’s
names are notdistinct.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) List all pets owned by a person‘Abhiman’.
iv) List all persons who are not owned a singlepet
v) Write a trigger to check the constraint that the person can buy maximum three pet
vi) Write a procedure to list all dogs and owner details purchased on the specificdate.
6 No SQL:
Lab 1. Installation and set up of MongoDB client and server
Lab 2. Create a database collection using MongoDB environment. For example a
documentcollection meant for analyzing Restaurant records can have fields like
restaurant_id, restaurant_name, customer_name, locality, date, cuisine, grade,
comments. etc.
Lab 3. Create database using INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERTS, DELETE and INDEX.
Lab 4. Practice writing simple MongoDB queries such as displaying all the records,
display selected records with conditions
Lab 5. Experiment with MongoDB comparison and logical query operators - $gt,
$gte, $lt, $lte, $in, #nin, $ne, $and, $or, $not
Lab 6. Practice exercise on element, array based and evaluation query operators -
$exists, $type, $mod, $regex
Course outcomes:
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge of database management system development process and
conduct the experiments using SQL and NoSQL queries to find the solution for
givendatabase problem.
2. Design ER Model & its mapping to relational for a given problem.
3. Develop code for stored programs& triggers.
Module 1 (3hrs)
Environmental pollution:
• Sources of pollution- Natural and anthropogenic sources
• Pollutants - Classification & their effects on environment
• Air Pollution -Composition of clean air, Sources of air pollution, Effect of air pollution on human
health and climate
• Water quality – Potable water, Wholesome water, Sources of water pollution
• Common impurities in water, Effects of impurities on human health
• Soil Pollution – Sources, effects and its control
Module 4 Hrs)
Course Code N5CSA01 CIE Marks 50 Marks
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (0:0:2) SEE Marks 50 Marks
Credits 01 Exam Hours 02
Course objectives:
1. Implement java script programs to understand core concepts and object-oriented programming.
2. Implement standalone programs using Functions, and rollovers.
3. Develop programs on Java script for building smarter forms.
4. Develop programs on Java script for handling events.
Sl. Experiments
1 Design and develop Real-time applications in JavaScript using
Control structures
Error handling
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify how C++ standard template library is used to implement ADT.
2. Understand and implement various data structures like hash tables and heaps.
3. Design Sorting algorithmsusing STL library.
4. Design self-balancing tree data structures such as B-Trees and Red Black Trees.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question will be for 20 marks.
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
Sl. Name of
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s the Edition and Year
Data Structures and Algorithm Pearson
1 Mark Allen Weiss 3rd Edition
Analysis in C++ Education
Reference Books
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles
Introduction to Algorithms E. Leiserson,
1 PHI 2nd Edition, 2006
Ronal L. Rivest, Clifford Stein.
Course objectives:By the end of this course, the student will:
1. Understand the abstract data types such as List and Vector.
2. Understand the variety of ways that linearly ordered data can be stored, accessed, and
manipulated using Hash tables.
3. Understand various sorting algorithms and the run-time analysis required to determine their
4. Understand concepts of Heaps and Binomial Queues and Tree data structures.
Sl. Experiments
1 Implement a stack of strings using vectors from STL.
2 Implement an ordinary queue/circular queues using Lists in STL. (Any one to be asked in Examination)
3 Write a program to store and evaluate two polynomials using lists in STL.
4 Write a program to merge two unordered vectors/Lists in STL into a ordered(sorted) vector without
using built in functions for sorting. (Any one to be asked in Examination)
5 Implement separate chaining hash table along with rehashing to store a set of integers for a table of prime
6 Implement Linear Probing and Quadratic Probing along with rehashing to store a set of integers for a
table of prime size. (Any one to be asked in Examination)
7 Implement Double hashing hash table along with rehashing to store a set of integers for a table of prime
size. (Any one to be asked in Examination)
8 Implement a binary heap as a maximum priority queue to store a set of strings.
9 Implement a binomial queue as a minimum priority queue to store a set of integers.
10 Implement shell sort to sort a set of given strings in descending order.
11 Implement quick sort using median of three as a pivot to sort a set of integers in ascending order.
12 Implement a B-Tree of order M to perform the following operations:
a. InsertkeystoB-Trees.
b. DisplaytheB-Treekeys.
c. Searchakey.
13 Implement Red-Black trees over a set of integers to perform insert, display and search operations.
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify how C++ standard template library is used to implement ADT.
2. Understand and implement various data structures like hash tables and heaps.
3. Design Sorting algorithmsusing STL library.
4. Design self-balancing tree data structures such as B-Trees and Red Black Trees.
Conduct of Practical Examination:
All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered by the
Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
Change of experiment is allowed only once and 20% Marks is to be deducted .
Batch: 2021-22
(Effective from the academic year 2023-2024)
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyse and develop Artificial Intelligent agents for simple applications.
2. Apply searching algorithms to develop Artificial Intelligent agents.
3. Analyse and apply concept learning tasks to solve applications of ML.
4. Apply Bayesian learning for classification problems.
5. Apply neural networks and reinforcement learning concepts to demonstrate applications in ML
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question will be for 20 marks.
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
4 GeorgeFLuger Pearson Education 5th Edition, 2011
plex ProblemSolving
Lab Syllabus:
1 Harold Koontz, Heinz Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill Education,
Weihric 10th Edition, 2015
2 Lucy C. Morse Managing Engineering and Technology, Pearson
Education, 6th Edition, 2015.
3 S.S. Khanka Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand Publishing,
4th Edition, Reprint, 2020, ISBN 978-81-219-1801-5
1 James A.F. Stoner, R. Edward Freeman, Management, Pearson Education,
Daniel R. Gilbert 6th Edition, 2018
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain various functions of management (L2).
CO2 Apply the knowledge of management principles and strategies in various functional
areas such as organizing and staffing. (L3).
CO3 Apply the knowledge of management principles and strategies in various functional
areas such as Leading and Controlling. (L3).
CO4 Describe entrepreneurship, its characteristics, and benefits and identify various
funding sources for starting a business venture (L3).
CO5 Explain various taxation benefits enjoyed by an entrepreneur and analyze the
characteristics and strategies adopted by successful entrepreneurs. (L2 & L3)
Mapping of Course Outcomes (COs) to Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific
Outcomes (PSOs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 3 1 3
CO2 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3
CO4 3 2 2 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3
Module-1 (8 hrs)
Overview of the Software Industry
1.1 Introduction to the Course: Knowledge and Knowledge Industry; Organization of the Software
Industry; Functional, Projectized, Matrix Organization
1.2 Organizations, Roles and Activities: General Organization of a Software Company; Support
Functions; Popular Business Regions of the World; Role versus Designation; Technical
Organization; Tech Lead
1.3 Processes within the Software Industry: SDLC; Software Career Streams; Software
Development Process: Generic; Mother of all Processes: PDCA; Planning;Requirements
Analysis; Software Design; Coding Standards; Software Testing; Software Deployment;
Software Maintenance; Seven R Strategy
1.4 Defects and SQA:The Software Defect; Terminology; Defect Injection; Catch it As Early as
Possible; Defect Life Cycle; Types of Defects; What Causes Defects? Root Cause Analysis;
Root Causes for Software Defects; Top 20 Reasons for Software Defects; Defect Fixing
Lifecycle; Reviews; Software Quality Assurance; Software Audits
1.5 Software Process Maturity Models:Overview; Software Maturity; ISO 9001; ISO 9001: Seven
Key Principles; ISO 9001 and PDCA; Capability Maturity Model
1.6 Software Industry Myths: Types of myths; Popular Myths
Module-2 (10hrs)
Module-3 (10hrs)
Overview of Technologies
3.1 Technology stacks:Introduction; Technology Stack Components; Popular Choices; Examples;
Various Technology Stacks; Technology Stacks for Creative Agencies; Android Technology
Stack; Business Technology Stacks; Technology Stacks for Marketing, Sales, Services
3.2 Front-end technologies:Front End; DOM and BOM; Minium set of technologies; Full set of
Front-End Technologies; Frontend Technology wheel; Popular CSS Frameworks; Popular JS
Frameworks; Comparison of Frameworks; Communication between Front & Backend
3.3 Programming languages:Backend; Types of Programming Languages; Characteristics of
Programming Languages; Top 10 Languages; TIOBE Index; Characteristics of Javascript,
Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, C#, Perl, C++, Kotlin, Scala
3.4 Databases:Overview; Usage Types; Various Database Technologies; Types of Databases;
History of Databases; Brewer's Theorem; Relational Databases; NoSQL Databases; RDBMS
versus NoSQL; Types of NoSQL Databases; Cloud, Multi-Tenant Databases; Columnar
Databases; Wide Column Databases; Object Oriented Databases; Key-Value Databases;
Hierarchical Databases; Document Databases; Graph Databases; Time series Databases;
Sharing Architectures for Databases; Database Scalability; ACID and BASE Features;
3.5 DevOps:Overview; Why do we need DevOps? DevOps Principles; DevOps Architecture;
DevOps Components; Infinite DevOps Cycle; DevOpsTechnologiesDevOps versus Agile;
DevOps and DevSecOps; Overview of Continuous Development, Continuous Integration,
Continuous Testing and Continuous Deployment; Azure DevOps; GitHubDevOps; AWS
DevOps; DevOps Advantages; DevOps Disadvantages
3.6 Mobile applications:Mobile App Development Trends; Choices and comparison; Native App
Development; Hybrid App Development; Cross Platform App Development;
3.7 AI and ML libraries and tools:Three Dimensions of AI; AI Use Cases; AI Algorithms;
Module-4 (4hrs)
Module-5 (7hrs)
Hands On Learning
a. Mastering various front-end technologies:Angular, React, VueJS
b. Mastering new programming languages:Dart, Kotlin
c. Mastering unknown databases:GraphQL
d. Mastering tools and utilities:D3JS
e. Best Practices for Technical Excellence
f. Generative AI – ChatGPT:Overview, Handson practice
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Illustrate the basic operational concepts of a software house and discuss itsperformance.
2. Explain various software architectures and apply the same to describe any given software.
3. Name and describe a set of currently active and futuristic technologies; Identify and classify a given
software technology and benchmark it with respect to the top-most technology of the class.
4. Master an unfamiliar front-end technology, new programming language, unfamiliar database, tool or a
utility with relative ease.
5. Explain how organization, teams and individuals innovate.
Reference Books
R2 Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: Luc Perkins, Eric O′Reilly 2nd Edition
A Guide to Modern Databases Redmond, Jim Wilson
and the NoSQL Movement
Web Resources
parameters, Queryingdevices, using device properties, Parallel Programming in CUDA C:CUDA parallel
programming, Summing vectors, A fun example. (Text Book 2: Chapter 1 – Section1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5,
Chapter 3 – Section 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, Chapter 4 – Section 4.2)
Module 5 8 Hours
Graphics Interoperability: Graphics Interoperation, GPU Ripple with Graphics Interoperability - the
GPUAnimBitmap structure; GPU Ripple Redux , Heat transfer with Graphics Interop, DirectX
CUDA C ON multiple GPUS : Zero-Copy Host Memory -Zero-Copy Dot Product; Zero-Copy
Performance, Using Multiple GPUs, Portable Pinned Memory
CUDA Tools: CUDA Toolkit- CUFFT, CUBLAS, NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK, Debugging CUDA C
Text Book 2: Chapter 8 – Section 8.2, 8.3, Chapter 11 – Section 11.2, 11.3, 11.4,Chapter 12
Topics for Open Ended Activity :
Self Learning component
Parallel Computing models, parallel virtual machines and usage, Data-Parallel Algorithms, Graphics
Interoperability, Parallel Computing Strategies, Linear Algebra Image/Video Processing computation,
Data Compression, Physically-Based Simulation, Parallel pragma/directive based frameworks, Usage
and Performance analysis and comparisons– FPGA, GPUs, GP-GPUS, CPU-GPUs, Analysis of HPC
Benchmark Suite/Tools/Solutions/Standard etc, and so on.
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply and Analyze various parallel algorithm models
2. Develop programs using message-passing paradigm.
3. Apply and Analyze the Synchronization primitives and parallel pragma directives
4. Analyse the CUDA Architecture and develop parallel programs
5. Design and develop parallel programs using CUDA GPU interoperability and CUDA tools.
6. Do Literature Survey on parallel computing platform -prepare technical report and present before
audience convincingly. Also, Create open ended frameworksolution for various high performance
computing problems
the Relational Model, Non-Relational Database, Issues with the Non-Relational Model, Polyglot
Persistence, Integrating Big Data with Traditional Data Warehouses, Big Data Analysis and Data
Warehouse, Changing Deployment Models in Big Data Era[ Chapter-7]
Module-4 (08 hrs)
Processing Your Data with MapReduce: Recollecting the Concept of MapReduce Framework,
Developing Simple MapReduce Application, Building the Application, Executing the Application, Points
to Consider while Designing MapReduce.[ Chapter-8]
Customizing MapReduce Execution:
Controlling MapReduce Execution with InputFormat, InputSplit, RecordReader, FileInputFormat,
Implementing InputFormat for Compute-Intensive Applications, Implementing InputFormat to control the
Number of Maps, Implementing InputFormat for Multiple HBase Tables, Reading Data with Custom
RecordReader, Organizing Output Data with OutputFormats, Customizing Data with RecordWriter,
Optimizing MapReduce Execution with Combiner, Controlling Reducer Execution with Partitioners.
[ Chapter-9]
Module-5 (08 hrs)
Exploring Hive: Introducing Hive, Getting Started with Hive,Hive services, Hive Variables, Hive
Properties, Hive Queries, Data Types in Hive, Built-In Functions in Hive, Hive DDL, Creating Databases,
Viewing a Database, Dropping a Database, Altering Databases, Creating Tables, Creating a Table Using
the Existing Schema, Dropping Tables, Altering Tables, Using Hive DDL Statements, Data Manipulation
in Hive, Loading Files into Tables, Inserting Data into Tables, Update in Hive, Delete in Hive, Using Hive
DML Statements, Data Retrieval Queries, Using the SELECT Command, Using the WHERE Clause,
Using the GROUP BY Clause, Using the HAVING Clause, Using the LIMIT Clause, Executing HiveQL
Queries, Using JOINS in Hive, Inner Joins, Outer Joins, Cartesian Product Joins, Map-Side Joins, Joining
[ Chapter-12]
Using Oozie: Introducing Oozie, Main Functional Components of Oozie, Benefit of Oozie, Installing and
Configuring Oozie, Understanding the Oozie Workflow, Execution of Asynchronous Actions in Oozie,
Implementing the Oozie Workflow, Oozie Recovery Capabilities, Oozie Workflow Life Cycle, Oozie
Coordinator, Types of Oozie Coordinator, Oozie Coordinator Lifecycle Operations, Oozie Bundle, Oozie
Parameterization with EL, Workflow Functions, Coordinator Functions, Bundle Functions, EL Functions,
Oozie Job Execution Model, Accessing Oozie, Oozie SLA, Event Status, SLA Status ,Oozie Activity, The
Oozie SLA Subsystem, SLA Language Schema . [ Chapter-13]
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the basic knowledge related to Bigdata , its elements , its analytics , its usage in
business context , computing in Bigdata etc. to the solutions of complex real world
engineering problems.
2. Select and apply appropriate modern tools of Hadoop ecosystem to the solution of various
problems in storage , processing , accessing , managing and analyzing the Bigdata.
3. Design and Develop MapReduce programs to the solution of various real world application
4. Identify the importance of the different layers of Bigdata Stack architecture in effective
analysis of Bigdata.
5. Analyze the merits of using modern data warehouses against the limitations of Traditional
6. Identify the requirement of Hive and Oozie tools for Bigdata access and monitoring.
Wiley India
3 Big Data and Analytics ,SubhashiniCh May 2015
Module-4 (8 hrs)
Similarity, Neighbors, and Clusters: Similarity and Distance, Nearest-Neighbor Reasoning,
Example: Whiskey Analytics, Nearest Neighbors for Predictive Modeling, How Many Neighbors and
How Much Influence? Geometric Interpretation, Overfitting, and Complexity Control. Issues with
Nearest-Neighbor Methods. Some important Technical Details Relating to Similarities and neighbors.
Clustering, Example: Whiskey Analytics Revisited, Hierarchical Clustering, Nearest Neighbors
Revisited: Clustering Around Centroids. Understanding the Resultsof Clustering.
Textbook 1: Chapter 6
Module-5 (8hrs)
Decision Analytic Thinking I: What is a Good Model?: Evaluating Classifiers Plain Accuracy
and its Problems, The confusion matrix, Problems with unbalanced Classes, Problems with Unequal
Costs and Benefits.
Representing and Mining Text: Why Text Is Important? Why Text Is Difficult? Representation,
Bag of Words, Term Frequency, Measuring Sparseness: Inverse Document Frequency, Combining
Them: TFIDF, Example: Jazz Musicians
Other Data Science Tasks and Techniques: Co-occurrences and Associations: Finding
Items That Go Together, Measuring Surprise: Lift and Leverage, Example: Beer and Lottery
Tickets, Associations Among Facebook Likes, Profiling: Finding Typical Behavior, Link
Prediction andSocialRecommendation.
Textbook 1: Chapter 7,10,12
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics to explain the concept of data science, the available
techniques in data science and its scope in business.
2. Develop a Decision tree based on supervised segmentation and predict the class for a given
data set by selecting (through solving) the attribute for segmentation using the available
3. Analyze the given data set, and solve a problem by performing Classification using the basics
of mathematics and data science.
4. Develop solutions to group entities in data set and apply it for the given real world data using
the basic knowledge of similarity, neighbour’s and clustering
5. Analyze the importance of mining text (social data) and formulate the association rules based
on market basket analysis.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question will be for 20 marks.
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
Foster Provost and Tom
1 Data Science for Business O’Reilly Media, First Edition, 2013
Reference Books
Doing Data Science Rachel Schutt& Cathy
1 O’Reilly Media, First Edition, 2013
Practical Data Analysis First Edition,
2 Hector Cuesta, Packt
Sl. Experiments
1 Develop an application to set an image as wallpaper. On click of a button, the wallpaper
image should start to change randomly every 30 seconds.
Write a program to create an activity with two buttons START and STOP. On pressing of the
START button, the activity must start the counter by displaying the numbers from One and
the counter must keep on counting until the STOP button is pressed. Display the counter
value in a Text View control.
3 Develop a simple application with one Edit Text so that the user can write some text in it. Create
a button called “Convert Text to Speech” that converts the user input text into voice.
4 Create a SIGN Up activity with Username and Password. Validation of password should
happen based on the following rules:
Password should contain uppercase andlower case letters.
Password should contain lettersand numbers.
Password should containspecial characters.
Minimum length of the password (the default valueis8).
On successful SIGN UP proceed to the next Login activity. Here the user should SIGN IN
using the Username and Password created during signup activity. If the Username and
Password are matched then navigate to the next activity which displays a message saying
“Successful Login” or else display a toast message saying “Login Failed”. The user is given
only two attempts and after that display a toast message saying “Failed Login Attempts” and
disable the SIGN IN button. Use Bundle to transfer information from one activity to another.
6 Create two files of XML and JSON type with values for City Name, Latitude, Longitude,
Temperature and Humidity. Develop an application to create an activity with two buttons to
parse the XML and JSON files which when clicked should display the data in their
respective layouts side by side.
7 Create an activity like a phone dialer with CALL and SAVE buttons. On pressing the CALL
button, it must call the phone number and on pressing the SAVE button it must save the
number to thephone contacts.
8 Write a program to enter Medicine Name, Date and Time of the Day as input from the user
and store it in the SQLite database. Input for Time of the Day should be either Morning or
Afternoon or Evening or Night. Trigger an alarm based on the Date and Time of the Day
and display the MedicineName.
9 Create an application to demonstrate a basic media player that allows the user to Forward,
Backward, Play and Pause an audio. Also, make use of the indicator in the seek bar to move
the audio forward or backward as required.
10 Create an AIDL service that calculates Car Loan EMI. The formula to calculate EMI is
E = P * (r(1+r)n)/((1+r)n-1) ,where
E = The EMI payable on the car loan
amount P = The Car loan Principal
r = The interest rate value computed on a monthly
basis n = The loan tenure in the form of months
The down payment amount has to be deducted from the principal amount paid
towards buying the Car. Develop an application that makes use of this AIDL service
to calculate the EMI. This application should have four Edit Text to read the Principal
Amount, Down Payment, Interest Rate, Loan Term (in months) and a button named as
“Calculate Monthly EMI”. On click of this button, the result should be shown in a
Text View. Also, calculate the EMI by varying the Loan Term and Interest Rate
Note: Develop the Android application for AI based problem statements as an open ended project.
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Implement user interfaces for interacting with apps and triggering actions
2. Synthesize tasks used in handling multiple activities, Computations and Processing
3. Articulate options to save AI application data.
4. Develop Android applications related to mobile related server-less database like SQLITE.
5. Apply Google Map interface, MP3 audio interface, Text to Speech interface to develop
interactive AI context applications.
Conduct of Practical Examination:
1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered
bythe examiners.
3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 20% Marks is to be deducted.