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Pps (Cse101c)

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No. of Printed Pages : 04 Roll No. .......................

B. Tech. EXAMINATION, Dec. 2019
(First Semester)
(C. Scheme) (Main & Re-appear)
(Common for All Branches)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates should ensure that they have been supplied
to correct and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this regard, will be entertained
after the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each Unit.
Q. No. 9 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Draw neat diagrams
wherever applicable.

Unit I Marks BL CO PO

1. (a) Design an algorithm as well as flowchart for finding 7 6 2 4

out largest number out of three given numbers.
(b) Determine the steps involved in creating and 8 3 1 2
running the program. Explain each step in detail.


2. (a) What is a Constant ? Describe the different types 5 3 3 2

of constants.

(2)M-18A13 1 P.T.O.
(b) What is an Identifier ? Explain the rules to define 3 2 1 2
an Identifier.
(c) Write a program to calculate the bill amount for an 7 5 2 3
item given its quantity sold, value, discount and

Unit II

3. (a) Write a C program to check whether a given number 8 5 2 3

is even or odd number or not.
(b) Illustrate the importance of Precedence and 7 4 4 4
Associatively in Evaluating Expressions.

4. (a) Differentiate between while and do while loop. 7 2 4 2

(b) Write a program to swap two values using call by 8 5 8 3
value and call by reference.

Unit III

5. (a) What is a structure ? Explain how to declare, 8 1 6 1

initialize and access the structure elements.
(b) Write a program to find factorial of a number. 7 5 2 3

6. (a) What is Recursion ? How recursion can be used 7 2 5 2

for problem solving ?
(b) Show with an example, passing pointer to a 8 3 6 1

Unit IV

7. (a) Write a program to find an element in an array 8 5 6 4

using linear search.
(b) Discuss Time Complexity. Write example of bubble 7 2 7 5
(2)M-18A13 2

8. (a) Write a program to explain Quick sort. Which type 7 5 7 3

of technique does it belong ?
(b) Write a C-program using function to check whether 8 1 2 4
the given number is prime or not.

Compulsory Question

9. (a) Differentiate between syntax error and logical error. 3 2 3 2

(b) How can one dimensional array can be declared. 3 4 6 1
(c) Discuss if else statement. 3 2 4 1
(d) Write the output for the following program : 3 4 2 3
Main( )
In a = 24, b = 13, c, d;
C = ++ a + b; d = a + –b;
Print (“a = %d”, a); print (“b = %d”, b);
Print (“c = %d”, c); print (“d = %d”, d)
(e) Write a program that adds two numbers by using 3 3 6 3

Bloom's Level Wise Marks Distribution

(2)M-18A13 3 P.T.O.
Course Outcome wise Marks Distribution

BL : Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (1-Remembering, 2-Understanding, 3-Applying, 4-

Analysing, 5-Evaluating, 6-Creating) CO-Course Outcomes, PO-Program Outcomes)

(2)M-18A13 4 600
No. of Printed Pages : 03 Roll No. .......................

B.Tech. EXAMINATION, May 2019
(Second Semester)

(C-Scheme) (Main Only)

(Common for all Branches)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Q. No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt other four

questions taking at least one question from
each Section. All questions carry equal
(3-09/15)M-18A13 P.T.O.
1. Write short notes on the following : 5. What is the difference between call by value
(a) Define Operating System. and call by reference ? Explain with suitable
(b) What is different between pseudocode program. 15
and Flowchart ?
Section III
(c) Explain two user defined and two inbuilt
function in C programming language. 6. What are Structures ? Write a program
(d) What are array of Structures ? implementing array of structures. 15
(e) Explain Bubble Sort. 3×5=15 7. What are Pointers ? Explain their usage
implementing a link list. 15
Section I

2. Explain the components of a Digital Computer Section IV

System in detail. 15 8. Write a program to find roots of a quadratic
3. What are various in a program and how they equation. 15
are stored in memory ? Explain with example. 9. Write programs implementing the following :
Also explain different data types of variables.
(a) Insertion sort
(b) Binary search. 15
Section II

4. What are Arrays ? How arrays are passed to a

function ? Explain with a suitable program.
M-18A13 2 (3-09/16)M-18A13 3 640

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