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Updated Complementary Materials Submission Document June 2023

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P. O. Box 30231 - 00100
E-mail: info@kicd.ac.ke

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2 1. Advertisement Invitation to Submit Materials for Evaluation
3 2. Time Table Programme for the evaluation process
4 3. General Guidelines Submission Conditions, Procedures and
21 4. Evaluation and Approval Management and Administration of the
Methodology evaluation and approval Process
25 5. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate ECDE Language
ECDE Language Readers Readers,
31 6. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate ECDE Activity Areas
ECDE Non-Language Readers Readers
38 7. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate ECDE Dictionaries
ECDE Dictionaries
43 8. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate ECDE Work Books
ECDE Work Books
50 9. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Language Readers
Language Readers
55 10. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Non- Language
Non-Language Readers Readers
61 11. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Dictionaries
67 12. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Atlases
76 13. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Revision and Work
Revision and Work Books Books
83 14. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate General Reference
General Reference Materials Materials
90 15. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Bibles
94 16. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Wall Maps
Wall Maps
98 17. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Wall Charts
Wall Charts
103 18. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Models
109 19. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Materials on
Materials on Contemporary & Contemporary & Emerging Issues
Emerging Issues
116 20. Instrument for the Processing of Set Criteria to Evaluate Educational Kits
Educational Kits

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The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) wishes to invite Publishers registered or
legally represented in Kenya to download the following from the KICD Website from 19th May
a) Submission, Evaluation and Approval Procedures for Competency Based Curriculum
(CBC) Course Materials (Social studies and Integrated Science) 2023 Edition
b) Submission, Evaluation and Approval Procedures for Competency Based Curriculum
(CBC) Complementary Materials 2023 Edition
These procedures will enable interested Publishers to submit proposals of suitable materials
for evaluation and approval. Publishers are therefore invited to submit proposals of suitable
materials to the KICD in accordance with the requirements and timetables established in the
Submissions are required for Grade eight course materials and complementary materials for
Pre Primary one and Grade seven levels:
For the purpose of logistics, publishers wishing to submit materials are required to inform the
Director KICD/CEO by 16th June, 2023 in writing (conventional and digital channels).
Publishers’ submission for any of the listed learning areas for evaluation and approval must be
made not later than 12:00 p.m on 10th August 2023.
Each submission should be accompanied by the non-refundable appropriate evaluation fees
per material proposal in a Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of the Director, KICD. Any
submissions coming after the deadline will not be received.

Course materials received will be opened/announced in the presence of submitting publishers

who wish to attend at 2.00 p.m. on 10th August, 2023 at the, KICD, Desai Road off Murang’a
Road, Nairobi, KENYA.
All interested publishers are welcome to attend the publishers’ conference on 20th June, 2023
at the auditorium, KICD starting at 9:00 am.
All enquiries should be directed to:
The Director/ Chief Executive Officer
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development
P.O. Box 30231 – 00100
Tel: (254 020) 3749900 – 3, +254 729327334
E-mail: info@kicd.ac.ke or materialevaluation@kicd.ac.ke

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1. Formal invitation of Submission Announcement in “My 18th May 2023


2. Preparation of materials for Submission by Publishers 18th May to 10th August 2023

3. Final date for each interested Publisher to formally 16th June 2023

confirm the materials to submit

4. Deadline for Submission of Complementary Materials 10th August 2023 at 12:00 pm

5. Completion of Evaluation process 5th September 2023

6. Release of Evaluation Results 7th September 2023

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The Guidelines below provide detailed procedures for submitting Complementary Print
Curriculum Support Materials for Evaluation and Approval. These are materials intended for learners
in Pre-Primary to Grade 7, Special Needs Education (SNE), trainees for Diploma in Secondary Teacher
Education (DSTE), Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) and Diploma Primary
Teacher Education (DPTE).

Interested parties should note that submissions will only be accepted from Publishers who are
legally incorporated and registered in Kenya, and who can therefore provide, on request, valid
certification of such incorporation or company registration and legal operation.

Publishers who wish to submit materials on behalf of firms that are not locally registered should
make available a certified copy of the Agency Agreement or Representation Authority.

Membership of the Kenya Publishers Association (KPA) is recommended.


Eligible Publishers are invited to submit Complementary Print Curriculum
Support Materials for the levels and in the subjects provided below:

3.2.1 Curriculum Subjects:

 Language Activities
 Mathematics Activities
 Environmental Activities
 Religious Education (Christian, Islamic, Hindu) Activities
 Psychomotor and Creative Activities
2. Lower Primary School Level Grade 1 -3
 Kiswahili
 Literacy & Indigenous Languages
 English Activities
 Mathematics
 Environmental
 Hygiene & Nutrition Activities
 Christian Religious Education (CRE), Islamic Religious Education (IRE), Hindu Religious
Education (HRE)
 Movement & Creative Activities

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2. Upper Primary School Level (Grade 4 – 6)
 English
 Kiswahili
 Indigenous Languages
 Mathematics
 Science & Technology
 Social Studies
 Religious Education (CRE, IRE, HRE)
 Art and Craft
 Home Science
 Agriculture
 Music
 Foreign Languages; French, Chinese, Arabic & German
 Physical Health Education
 Kenyan Sign Language

3. Junior Secondary School Level (Grade 7)

 Indigenous Languages
 English
 Kiswahili
 German
 Arabic
 French
 Mathematics
 Integrated Science
 Health Education
 Home Science
 Computer Science
 Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Studies
 Social Studies
 Business Studies
 Agriculture
 Life Skills
 Physical Education and Sports
 Performing Arts
 Visual Arts

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4. Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (DSTE)
 Micro teaching
 Inclusive Education
 Curriculum Studies
 Educational Psychology
 Historical and Comparative Education
 Sociological and Philosophical foundations of Education
 Educational Leadership and Management
 Educational Resources
 ICT Integration in Education
 Research and Communication Skills
 Community Service Learning (CSL)
 Educational Assessment
 English
 Kiswahili
 German
 Mandarin
 Arabic
 French
 Life skills Education(LSE)
 Geography
 Business Studies
 History and Citizenship
 Mathematics
 Biology
 Physics
 Chemistry
 Computer Science
 Agriculture
 Performing Art
 Dance and Music
 Theatre and Film
 Visual Art
 Fine Art
 Applied Art
 Sports Science
 Physical Education
 Building and Construction Technology
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 Wood Technology
 Electrical Technology
 Electrical Installation
 Welding and Fabrication
 Power Mechanics Technology
 Metal Technology
 Aviation Technology
 Textile Technology
 Fashion Design and interior Decor
 Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy
 Leather Work
 Pre - Technical Studies
 Integrated Science
 Social Studies
 Health Education
 Home and Hospitality Management
 Health, Food and Nutrition
 Home science
 Indigenous Language
5. Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE)
 Research skills
 Arabic
 Art and Craft
 Child Development and Psychology
 Curriculum Studies
 Educational Assessment
 Educational Resources
 English
 Environmental Studies
 French
 German
 Health & Nutrition
 ICT integration in Education
 Inclusive Education
 Indigenous Languages
 Kiswahili
 Kenya Sign Language(KSL)
 Leadership & Management

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 Mandarin
 Mathematics
 Micro Teaching
 Music
 Physical education
 Sociological and Philosophical foundation
 Historical and comparative Foundations of Education

6. Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE)

 Agriculture
 Arabic
 Art & Craft
 Child Development & Psychology
 Curriculum Studies
 Educational Assessment
 Educational Resources
 English
 French
 German
 Home Science
 ICT Integration in Education
 Inclusive Education
 Indigenous Languages
 Kiswahili
 Leadership and management
 Mandarin
 Mathematics
 Microteaching
 Music
 Research Skills
 Science and technology in Education
 Social Studies
 Sociological and Philosophical foundation
 Historical and comparative Foundations of Education

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7. Special Needs Education (SNE)
Hearing Impairement
 English Grade 1-3
 Environmental PP 1-2
 Environmental Grade 1-3
 Movement and Creative Activities
 Psychomotor activities
 Kenyan Sign Language PP 1-2
 Kenyan Sign Language G 1-3

Physical Impairment
 Movement and Creative Activities
 Mathematics and Environmental
 Psychomotor Activities

Visual Impairement
 Environmental, Mathematics,
 Psychomotor, Movement and Creative Activities
 Mathematics, Environmental, Psychomotor and Creative Activities
 Pre Braille
 Literacy Braille

3.2.2 Categories of Materials

1. Readers
Storybooks, Picture stories, poems, plays, novels, comics, anthologies, (auto) biographies in
English, Kiswahili, Mother Tongue, French, German, Arabic and Chinese.
Below is the list of required set books for DSTE;

Literature in English
1. Play from Europe
2. Novel from the Caribbean or the Americas
3. Play from the rest of Africa
4. Novel from Asia
5 Biography/Autobiography (any region)
6 An anthology of poems (with poems from all over the world)

Fasihi ya Kiswahili
1. Novela
2. Diwani ya Mashairi (Anthology of Poems)
3. Riwaya (Novel)

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Below are the requirements for the required JSS literary texts across respective grades.
Literature in English


1. 7 Storybook/Novella  Not more than 130 pages
 Simple plot- Should be one
continuous plot
 Have few characters
2. 8 An anthology of short stories  Not more than 7 stories
 Simple plot
 Have few characters
3. 9 The Play  Not more than 70 pages
 Simple plot
 Have few characters
4. An anthology of poems to be studied in Grades 7, 8 and 9- One anthology for
each of the grades.
They should have the following key considerations;
 Simple and straight forward poems for Grade 7.
 For Grade 8 and 9, the poems be a little more complex than Grade 7.
 For each of these levels, the language that is used should be suitable to the
level of the learner.
 Poems should be aligned to the curriculum design.

Fasihi ya Kiswahili
1. 7 Novela (Novella )  Not more than 100 pages
 Simple plot
 Not more than 5 characters
2. 8 Tamthilia ( The Play)  Not more than 60 pages
 Simple plot
 Between 6 - 8 characters
3. 9 Diwani ya Mashairi  Not more than 40 pages
(Anthology of Poems)  Simple plot
 Should include mashairi huru and
mashairi ya arudhi
 Poems should not have more than 5
A Poem with one line or two lines in each
stanza, should not exceed 8 stanzas.

Start with simple poems to complex poems

considering the level of the learner.

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2. Dictionaries
English, Kiswahili, Mother Tongue, French, German, Chinese and Arabic; Subject–
Specific, Area-specific and Picture. The thesaurus belongs in this category.

3. Atlas (In English)

4. Revision
All subjects at Pre-primary and Primary School Levels

5. General Reference Materials

(Learners or Teachers)

6. Religious Education Materials relevant to the ECDE or Primary Education Curriculum,

e.g. Bibles.

7. Materials on Contemporary and Emerging Issues (for all levels for learners or
 HIV and AIDS
 Guidance & Counselling
 Life Skills
 Drugs and Substance Use and Abuse
 Gender Agenda
 National Cohesion & Integration
 Disaster Preparedness & Management
 Environmental Conservation & Management
 Peace and Conflict Management
 School Health, Water & Sanitation
 Child and Human Rights
 Public Health & Nutrition
 Ethics & Integrity Assurance
 Do-it-yourself (DIY) Manuals
 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

8. Non-Book Materials (All Levels)

 Wall Maps
 Wall Charts
 Models
 Educational Kits
9. Special Needs Education (SNE)
 Kenyan Sign Language
 Perceptual Training Materials
 Activities of Daily Living Skills
 Pre-Vocational Skills Materials
 Vocational Skills Materials
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 Books for Braille Learning
 Models – Abacus, Pegboard, Communication Board, Cubarithms, etc


Document 2 provides the Time Table for the process from Invitation to submit materials to the
Submission Deadline, Evaluation and related activities, to Release of Evaluation Results and
Updating of Orange Books. The Time Table is expected to guide the activities that constitute
the process. All parties are required to adhere to the set timelines. In the event of any need for
change in any item on the Time Table, consensus will be sought from all concerned.


The Evaluation stages and Approval Methodology are provided in Doc. 4. The Criteria for
Evaluation are presented as Docs 5 – 21 for the information of the interested or participating
Publisher. In the event that unique materials are submitted, relevant evaluation documents
may be adapted to accommodate them; e.g. Special Needs Education (SNE).


Details of Learning Areas and Categories for Submission are outlined in Sections 3.2.1. and

The choice of education level, subject area and category of material (s) to submit is entirely at
the discretion and judgment of the interested or submitting Publisher. A Publisher can submit
in as many subjects and categories as possible.
Each Submission will be evaluated solely in terms of its relevance and suitability for the
requirements of the specific curriculum area and categorization as outlined in the necessary
Evaluation Criteria.


3.6.1 Status of Materials
 Materials to be submitted for Evaluation and consideration for Approval should strictly be
finished products. In consideration of production costs, these may be presented as spiral
bound copies of the finished product.
 However, Dictionaries, Atlases, Wall Maps and Wall Charts may be presented in final proofs
in Printers’ dummy form, demonstrating the format, extent and proposed physical technical
production specifications.

3.6.2 Relevance to the Curriculum

 The Content in the Materials to be submitted should be;
- relevant to the curriculum needs
- of good quality
- compliant with the Kenyan education policies
 Revision and Workbooks should be designed in keeping with the relevant Curriculum
It is expected that this category of materials is packaged creatively:
- the content, quality and presentation should enhance the information in the materials.
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- the exercises and assessment activities component should be tailored to deepen the
understanding of relevant concepts and develop required skills.

 Generally, whatever the category, the materials being encouraged for submission are those
- feature Kenyan content and examples wherever relevant, and appropriate according to
the curriculum subject.
- are sensitive to societal values and therefore exhibit effort at featuring contemporary
and pertinent issues.
- represent the Kenyan cultural, ethnic and environmental diversity in text, illustrations
and examples, wherever it is considered appropriate and relevant.

3.6.3 Submission Quantities

 The interested Publisher is not limited as to category, level or subject. Thus, the Publisher
may submit materials in all the categories and subjects, and as many different titles as the
Publisher may wish.
 Each book title should be submitted in six (6) Copies.
 For non-book items, five (5) Copies of each item should be submitted.
 Any material that a Publisher intends to be evaluated and considered for more than one
level should be submitted in the distinct sets for each level, each set constituting a
 It should be noted that materials that have been presented to be evaluated as Course Books
before should not be submitted for Evaluation as Complementary Materials.
 Any material that bears information that purports it to have been ‘Approved’ by MoE or
KICD prior to the current Submission, Evaluation ad Approval process shall not be evaluated.
 Materials that carry a Foreword ostensibly from an official of MoE will not be evaluated.
 Non-book materials which require operations must come complete with Operational
Manual. The parts and components of such submissions should be in good working
condition. Testing to confirm workability of equipment will constitute the Evaluation

3.6.4 Submission Packaging, Labelling Requirements and Presentation

Publishers will necessarily provide the following:
 A covering letter on the firm’s letterhead giving a summary of the categories and quantities
 A detailed profile of each submission, featuring;
- Category
- Title
- Full list of Author(s) or Producer(s)

The Publisher will be required to provide the full and actual names of each Author or producer.
Where pen-names are used on the Materials, the Publisher or Producer shall be required to
supply the true identity of such author(s)/producers under Confidential Cover.

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Further, it will be mandatory for the Publisher to confidentially provide the full list of all those
who participated in the development of materials under plural bodies such as Life Skills
Promoters, etc.
- Publisher’s name (Submitting and Actual Publisher, as necessary)
- Year of Publication or Production
- Extent (Number of Pages)
- Maximum retail Price

For all the Materials where the Publisher is playing an agency role, the maximum retail Price for
each of the foreign firm Submission should be converted to Kenya Shillings and presented as

 The Correct amount of Evaluation Fees (Section 3.8) should be paid in Banker’s Cheque,
payable to the Director, KICD.
 Each set of materials should be packaged separately by category, subject and level or class,
and clearly labeled. Each packet or package must bear the Publisher’s identity.
 Any Publisher(s) representing non-locally based firms should handle the packing for self and
partner’s separately, being careful to clearly indicate category, subject and level or class for
each submission.
 Each Publisher will present their materials as follows:
- A large envelope containing the Covering Letter and Other Supporting Documentation
as outlined under Section 3.6.5.

Publishers submitting for other firms must ensure that documentation from each of the firms is
presented separately.

The Covering Letter should be addressed to the Director, KICD. The large envelop should bear
the Publisher’s details

- Large Carton(s) containing the items of Submission for Evaluation. Each category should
be packaged separately by subject and level or class, and clearly labeled.

In the case of Publishers representing foreign firms, the materials from different firms must be
packaged separately by category, subject and level or class, and labeled accordingly.

3.6.5 Supporting Documents

Supporting Documentation should be presented in a separate envelop, which will be clearly
labeled on the outside SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION. This envelop should contain:
- The Submission Covering Letter
- Evidence of official registration and incorporation in Kenya
- Evidence of Agency Agreement or Representation Authority, for Publishers acting on
behalf of foreign firms
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- Proof of operational premises
- Profile(s) of the Material(s) being submitted, featuring the information outlined under
Section 3.6.4


All materials presented for Evaluation and Approval must satisfy the requirements as specified
in the necessary instruments. To be considered for Approval, materials should be strongly
bound and finished to withstand common constant handling and basic environmental
conditions. The quality of text paper, coverboard and binding styles are therefore critical to the
eventual decision on the product or proof.

The specifications provided below are minimum. Materials produced to more superior physical
quality are welcome or encouraged.

3.7.1 Minimum Physical Production Specifications

These specifications apply to all submitted materials as necessary.

A tolerance of 5% will be allowed in the determination of whiteness and opacity of text paper.
 Type face: This is left to the discretion of the submitting publisher, but guided by what is
produced under Section 21.3 below.
 Text Paper: 70 gsm, MF, wood free offset with a minimum 75% whiteness and
75% opacity. A tolerance of approximately 5% will be allowed in the evaluation
of whiteness and opacity due to unavoidable minor variations from different
methods of testing.
 Cover Card: A minimum of 240 gsm one-sided coated white art board with grain
direction parallel to spine and with 12-micron lamination or high
gloss UV finish.
 Binding Styles for Books:
a) Extents up to 96 Pages:
Saddle stitched, 2 rust less metal wires, evenly spaced from head to foot, cut to correct
length and fully closed in centre. Covers scored, one score, and trimmed flush.
b) Extents over 96 pages:
Thread-sewn or thread sealed sections with minimum four stitches and flush cut, fully
glued on spine and up to, but not exceeding, the hinges using appropriate, flexible
adhesives. Sections must be fully glued to covers to make square spine. Cover four-
scored to provide minimum 6 mm and maximum 8 mm hinges fully glued front and
back. Cut flush. The application and use of appropriate glues, which maintain flexibility
during the expected book life and do not dry out or crack, will be particularly monitored
during evaluation and usage.
 Formats for Books: Unless specified by the MoE/KICD, A4 and landscape formats will not be
acceptable except in ECDE and Lower primary (Grades 1-3).

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3.7.2 Font Types and Font Sizes for Textual Materials
a) Font Types
From Pre-Primary to Lower Primary (Std 1- 3), all font types must be Sans Serif using an
open and simplified ‘a’ and ‘g’. From Class 4 upwards, font types may be at the discretion
of the publisher. Publishers should ensure that the font type and line spacing selected
will provide for maximum readability.
b) Type sizes
Level Minimum Type Size
Pre-primary 18 pt
Grade 1 & 2 16 pt
Grade 3 - 6 14 pt
Secondary 12 pt

Type sizes for Bibles and Dictionaries should not be less than 10 points. For other
materials, the Publisher is advised to study the relevant evaluation instrument e.g. Wall
Maps – Document 16, Wall Charts – Document 17, etc.

3.7.3 Additional Production Issues

For Complementary Materials, there are no restrictions as to formats, extents, number of

colours, etc. However, submitted materials should be appropriate and sufficient to
complement course books in the various curriculum subjects. Irrelevant and redundant content
may be penalised.

Full colour illustrations should be done in lower classes (Pre-primary to Lower Primary – Grade
1-3) and in some specific subjects. Colour should therefore be used where it is necessary and
appropriate. The use of 4/1, 2/1 approaches of colour, where feasible, is encouraged.
Page design and layout should be appropriate for the level and subject. It should aim for
attractiveness and ease of use by both teacher and learner. Logical work sequencing with clear
headings, numbering, captions, labels, signals and symbols for teachers and learners are
important. Page design should enhance readability and usability. Appropriate margins should
be used.

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3.7.4 Non – Book Materials

 Wall Maps

 Minimum Dimensions:
Kenya 1100 mm x 900 mm
East Africa 1200 mm x 800 mm
Africa 1100 mm x 800 mm
World 700 mm x 1200 mm

A tolerance of approximately 5% will be allowed

 Material
150 gsm matt finish coated cartridge paper.

 Finish
12 Micron laminated both sides or superior lamination is encouraged.

 Mounting
3-4 reinforced eyelets, a straight rod, spiral or suitable alternative for effective hanging or
mounting or display, complete with the necessary accessories – strong hooks, string, etc.

 Colour
Consistent use of high quality conventional colour.

 Layout
Clear margins, conventional information appropriately positioned.

 Wall Charts

 Minimum Dimensions
Pre-primary/Primary School Level 500 mm x 700 mm
Secondary School Level and above 800 mm x 500 mm

A tolerance of approximately 5% will be allowed.

 Binding
Spiral binding for flip charts.

 Material
150 gsm matt finish coated cartridge paper.

 Finish
12 Micron laminated both sides or better lamination is encouraged.

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 Mounting
3–4 reinforced eyelets, a straight rod, spiral or suitable alternative mounting for display,
complete with the necessary accessories – strong hooks, string, etc
 Colour
Appropriate colour(s) used correctly and consistently.
 Layout
Appropriate margins, suitable for target level.

 Models and Educational Kits

 The Models and items constituting the Educational Kits should be made from relevant,
appropriate, functional and suitable material of specified sizes, masses, weights and
 The raw materials used to make the items should not be toxic, explosive, corrosive or
inflammable, unless otherwise specified.
 The products should not discolour, tarnish or disintegrate, unless otherwise specified.
 Sample materials will be picked for actual testing to ascertain compliance and credibility.


Material Evaluation is a tedious and expensive venture. The Evaluation fees for the 2023
submissions have been established as follows: -
Category No. of pages Charges Category No. of pages Charges
Readers 0-20 25,000.00 Reference 0 - 20 30,000.00
21-50 45,000.00 /Revision 21-50 50,000.00
51-100 60,000.00 51-100 90,000.00
101-150 90,000.00 101-150 130,000.00
151-200 120,000.00 151-200 170,000.00
201-250 150,000.00 201-250 220,000.00
251 – 300 200,000.00 251 – 320 280,000.00
301 – 350 250,000.00 321 – 400 350,000.00
Above 300 300,000.00 Above 400 400,000.00
Category Charges
Chart 85,000.00
Model/Kit 150,000.00
Map 100,000.00
Laboratory 400,000.00
Atlas 300,000.00
Dictionaries Upto 10,000 entries –
10,100 – 15,000 entries –
16,000 – 25,000 entries –
Above 25,000 entries –

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NB: Any course material to be submitted for re-evaluation must be declared by 12th June 2023 and the
charges for the same will be as follows:
Level Cost
ECDE 170,000.00
Grades 1 – 3 280,000.00
Grades 4- 7 450,000.00


Participating Publishers, who may wish certain sections of the Submission Evaluation and
Approval Guidelines for Print Complementary Curriculum Support Materials 2023 clarified, will
be required to formally notify the Director KICD. The Institute will respond to any such request
accordingly, provided the enquiry is not made within 14 days to the Submissions deadline.
Written copies of the KICD response to such an application will be sent to the firms and local
representatives of all participating Publishers.

At any time prior to the Submissions deadline, MoE or KICD may, for justifiable reason, whether
at own initiative or acceding to a Clarification and/or request from a Participating Publisher,
modify the Complementary Curriculum Support Materials documents by Amendment(s) and
mail such Amendment(s) to all Participating Publishers.

Further, in order to afford participating Publishers reasonable time to take any Amendment(s)
into account in preparing their materials for Submission, the MoE or KICD may, at its own
discretion, vary the Submissions deadline backwards by a reasonable period, and therefore
prudently reorganise the activities that come after the Submissions deadline accordingly.


Whenever an Evaluation of Complementary Materials is scheduled, MoE/KICD will review and

propose amendments to the Guidelines in the context of experience. The prospective
submitting Publishers or their Agents and relevant stakeholders will be notified of the review
and amendments to enable them make submissions to the review process, as appropriate.

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The Submission, Evaluation and Approval of Complementary Curriculum Support Materials is a
very involving process. The operations that constitute the process are outlined in the
established guidelines. Thus, the Submission, Evaluation and Approval of Complementary
Print Curriculum Support Materials Guidelines governs the process.

The Director is responsible for all the Submission and Evaluation activities, and advises the
Curriculum Technical Committee on the Subject Evaluation Panels’ and the Technical
Specifications Evaluation Team’s recommendations for consideration for Approval.


The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development and the Directorate of Quality Assurance &
Standards have a joint responsibility of the identification of suitably qualified Evaluators and
recommending the proposals of such educational professionals to the Evaluation Office for
scrutiny, approval and appointment. Each Evaluation Panel should have five (5) members, all of
them specialists in the subject they are Panellists in. In the interest of objectivity and fairness,
membership in each and every Evaluation Panel is drawn from varied education experiences as
much as possible. The Evaluation Panels will comprise members drawn from: -
 KICD: A Curriculum Development Specialist of the subject, who must have knowledge of
the curriculum for which Instructional Materials are to be evaluated.
 Directorate of Quality Assurance & Standards: A Subject Specialist representative of MoE,
nominated by the Director Quality Assurance & Standards.
 KNEC: A Subject Specialist representative nominated by the CEO, Kenya National
Examinations Council
 Teacher Educator: A Subject Specialist nominated by KICD from among the Teacher
Education Colleges and or Universities.
 TSC: Experienced actively practising Subject Specialist Teachers, nominated by KICD, from
across the schools nationwide.

All nominee Evaluators will each be vetted by the Director before Appointment and Invitation.

Each Subject Evaluation Panel (SEP) will be sufficiently processed through training in the
techniques of Complementary Curriculum Support Materials Evaluation according to the
relevant criteria and approach as specified in Documents 5 – 20.

Page | 21
The Evaluation process will be conducted in three (3) stages:

4.3.1 Preliminary Evaluation

The Institute Director will verify that each Publisher meets the Eligibility requirements
and is Responsive in terms of the stipulated submission procedures.

Publishers that do not meet the Eligibility and Responsiveness requirements should
have their materials rejected and will not have any item proceed to the next stage of

4.3.2 Technical Specifications Evaluation

Submissions that fully satisfy the Eligibility and Responsiveness conditions will next be
evaluated on the basis of the Technical Specifications Criteria as provided in Document
3 Section 3.7. Any deviations that may be detected under the Technical Specifications
Criteria shall be documented in the manner the Technical Specifications Evaluation
Team will have been trained. It will be indicated whether such a deviation is minor or
major to facilitate the decision of the reconcile with Ministerial Instructional Materials.

It should be noted that Compliance with the specified minimum physical technical
production specifications is mandatory, and that any material that does not satisfy any
of the stated relevant quality will be discontinued from proceeding to the next stage of

4.3.3 Evaluation on Content Quality and Presentation

The mode of Evaluation of Content Quality and Presentation will be participatory. This
is the arrangement where members of each Panel will be issued with a copy of the
materials under Evaluation to read individually for a set period of time as they make
brief notes. Each Panel will have a Chair and Secretary from among the Panellists. At an
appointed time, the Panel will often go into plenary to discuss the material being
processed and consensually score on the necessary Mark Sheet. The brief notes taken
during the reading will be useful at the point of discussion. The Panel Secretary will
insert the agreed score in the relevant part as she or he compiles a report. This is the
treatment that every item assigned to the Panel will be given.

There is a threshold in certain criteria, but every category has an overall threshold.
Publishers are invited to acquaint themselves with the set of criteria for all the
categories they intend to present materials in. There are, for example, sections which
could lead to possible disqualification of a material. Much attention is necessary for
such sections. Further, Publishers should carefully study the Profiles, Assumptions and
Guidelines provided for some specialized materials – Dictionaries, Atlases, the Bible,
Wall Maps or Charts and Educational Kits.

Page | 22
 The Director will ensure that all materials are accounted for at every Evaluation stage.
 After the Subject Evaluation Panels (SEPs) and Technical Specifications Evaluation Team
conclude their Evaluation, the Director will scrutinize all the Technical Reports (TRs) for
every processed submission.
 The Director will compile and consolidate all the TRs into a Comprehensive Evaluation
Report (CER).
 The CER will be tabled before the Curriculum Technical Committee (CTC).
 The CTC will study and interrogate both the qualitative and quantitative reports carefully.
 After the Committee is satisfied that the Evaluation has been conducted in accordance with
the laid down procedures, it will adopt the CER and make recommendations to the KICD

The decisions of the Council will be presented to the Principal Secretary (PS), MoE, for
ratification, approval, and authority to release the Evaluation results and to publicise the
Approved Materials through the Orange Book.


The Notification of performance for each Publisher will formally be communicated to all
participating Publishers by the Director, KICD.
After release of the Results, the Director KICD will roll out the process of providing participating
Publishers with Evaluation Reports for all evaluated materials. They will use these reports to
improve the materials through incorporating suggested corrections. The improved editions will
then be resubmitted for verification and further improvement as necessary before the Approval
letter is issued.


In the interest of Transparency, participating Publishers have the right to access Evaluation
reports of their own titles. This service will be rendered within the Institute for a period of
seven (7) days from the date of Notification of Evaluation Results.


Successful Publishers are required to sign the Register of Approved Instructional Materials as
they present ten (10) gratis copies to the Institute.


All materials that are finally awarded Approved Status shall be integrated into the relevant
Parts and Sections of the existing Official Lists of Instructional Materials (Orange Books).

Publishers whose materials are successful will be required to confirm accuracy of the entry of
their newly approved materials, as well as advise the Director QAS on their listed titles which
may have gone out of print so that such titles are withdrawn from the next editions of the
Orange Books.

Page | 23
Further, all Publishers who have any materials listed in the Orange Books must provide their
contacts and that of their Book Seller Agents so that such information is included in Appendices
1 & 4 of the Orange Books.


KICD will maintain a complete set of all Evaluation documents for a period of at least six (6)
months after the formal Evaluation and Approval process is finalized.

Page | 24

Story books, picture books, poems, comics, (English, Kiswahili, French, German, Arabic, Mother
Tongue) for Pre Primary education.


Title: ………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….
Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
ECD Language Reader ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Each reader will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against
each statement.
The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.
a) Setting (5 Marks)

The choice of the setting is:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Appropriate to the level of the learner 5
(ii) Fairly appropriate to the level of the learner 2
(iii) Not appropriate to the level of the learner 0

b(i) Plot (6 marks)

The plot is: (4 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Well developed and appropriate for the level of the 6
(ii) Well-developed but inappropriate for the level of the 2
(iii) Not well developed but appropriate for the level of the 2
(iv) Not well developed and inappropriate for the level of 0
the learner

Page | 25
b (ii) The Plot has: (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Good ending 2
(ii) Bad ending 0

c (i) Number of Characters (4 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) A maximum of 3 characters 4
(ii) More than 3 characters 0

(Readers with more than 3 characters should be recommended for disqualification.)

C(ii) Characters
The characters are: (8 Marks)
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriate and well developed 8
(ii) Appropriate but not well developed 4
(iii) Not credible but well developed 4
(iv) Fairly credible but not well developed 2
(v) Neither credible nor well developed 0

d) Theme(s) (8 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Well developed and appropriate for the level of the 8
(ii) Well developed but not appropriate for the level of the 3
(iii) Not well developed but appropriate for the level of the 3
(iv) Neither developed nor appropriate for the level of the 0

e) Accuracy of subject matter (4 Marks)

(This criterion is genre-specific)
The subject matter:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Has no factual error(s) 4
(ii) Has factual error(s) 0

Note: Penalize for factual errors in explicit events. Poetic freedom and licence should not be

Page | 26
A reader with factual errors should be recommended for disqualification.
f) Length (2 Marks)
The Length is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Appropriate for the level of the learner 2
(ii) Too long for the level of the learner 0
Total Scored

5.3 FORM (23 MARKS)

For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 18 marks in this section.

a) Suitability of vocabulary and Sentence structures for language acquisition by the
target learner (10 Marks)

Evaluate this section according to the respective level

a(i) Evaluate the following for pre-primary 2
 Vocabulary is simple and relevant
 Sentences are simple and short
 Most words are made of 3 to 5 letters
 There is less text (Text to be accompanied with illustration).

Pick one alternative: Mark

(i) All the four statements apply 10
(ii) Three of the statements apply 4
(iii) Less than three of the statements apply 0

(ii) Evaluate the following for pre-primary I

 Vocabulary is simple and relevant
 There are 2 to 3 sentences on each page
 Most words are made of 2 to 3 letters
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the three statements apply 10
(ii) Two of the statements apply 4
(iii) One or none of the statements apply 0

(iii) Evaluate the following for Day Care

 Vocabulary is simple and relevant
 Each page has less than two words
 Words are made of 2 to 3 letters
 Emphasis is on object recognition
Page | 27
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the four statements apply 10
(ii) Three of the statements apply 4
(iii) Less than three of the statements apply 0

NB: The number of letters forming a word may not apply for Readers written in other
languages except for English.

b) Accuracy and appropriateness of language to the level of the target learner (7 marks)
The Language used is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Accurate and appropriate 7
(ii) Accurate but not appropriate 3
(iii) Not accurate but appropriate 3
(iv) Neither accurate and nor appropriate 0
c) Style (6 Marks)
The reader is written:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Creatively 6
(ii) Fairly creatively 2
(iii) With no creativity 0
Total Scored


For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 8 marks in this section.
a) Grammar
The reader has: (5 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No grammatical mistakes 5
(ii) Grammatical mistakes 0

b) Typographical status (3 Marks)

The reader has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical errors 3
(ii) Typographical errors 0

Total Scored

Page | 28
There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) promotion of positive values and attitudes 5
(ii) Some effort to promote positive values and attitudes 2
(iii) No effort to promote positive values and attitudes 0

A reader that promotes negative values and attitudes should be recommended for


a) Illustrations are: (5 Marks)
 Appropriate to the level of the learner
 Relevant to the level of the learner
 Accurate and realistic
 Varied
 Adequate

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All statements apply 5
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements applies 0

b) Use of colour (4 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following
 colour is bold and clear
 colour is used realistically
 Colour is consistently used
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the statements apply 4
(ii) Two of the statements apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the statements applies 0
An ECD reader must feature illustrations in full colour, if not, it should be recommended for


Evaluate the reader on the following:
 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject.
 The layout enhances readability and ease of use.
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type faces across the
text in highlighting chapters or sections or headings.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Margins are appropriate and consistently used.
Page | 29
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the statements apply 6
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than Four of the statements apply 0


5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Total %
ITEM (37) (23) (8) (5) (9) (6) Mark
a b c d e f a b c a b a b
Mark 5 6 12 8 4 2 10 7 6 5 3 5 5 4 6 88

A reader must score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

Chairperson: ______________________ _____________________ _______________

Name Sign Date

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets threshold under Content (characters & factual errors) Yes /No
The material meets 78%marks (18/23) threshold under Form Yes /No
The material meets 100% marks (8/8) threshold under Editorial Yes /No
The material does not promote negative values Yes /No
The material has all Illustrations in full colour Yes /No
The material meets total threshold of 90 % marks (79/88) Yes/ No

Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Name of Panel: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Chairperson: ………………………… …………………….............. …………….....

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date

Panelist : ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date
Page | 30

ECDE ACTIVITY AREAS ( Mathematics, Physical & Outdoor, Science, Social, Creative, Music and
Movement, Religious, Life Skills)


Title: ……………………………………………………………………………Code ………………………………………………

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Activity Area ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Each reader will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against
each statement.
The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.


a) Theme(s) (8 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Well developed and appropriate for the level of the learner 8
(ii) Well developed but not appropriate for the level of the 3
(iii) Not well developed but appropriate for the level of the 3
(iv) Neither developed nor appropriate for the level of the learner 0

b) (i) Concepts (8 Marks)

 Concepts are theme based
 Concepts are appropriate to the level of the learner
 Concepts are relevant to the level of the learner
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All 3 statements apply 8
(ii) Two of the statements apply 3
(iii) Less than 2 statements apply 0

Page | 31
(ii) Concept development (4 Marks)
Concepts are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Clear and well developed 4
(ii) Clear but not well developed 1
(iii) Not clear and not well developed 0

c) Skill development (6 Marks)

Skills are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Relevant and appropriate 6
(ii) Relevant but not appropriate 2
(iii) Appropriate but not relevant 2
(iv) Neither relevant nor appropriate 0

d) Accuracy of subject matter (7 Marks)

(This criterion is genre-specific)
The subject matter:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Has no factual errors 7
(ii) Has factual errors 0

Note: A reader with factual errors should be recommended for

e) Promotion of positive values (2 Marks)

The Length is:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Appropriate 2
(ii) Too long 0
Total Scored

Page | 32
6.3 FORM (23 MARKS)

For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 18 marks in this section.

a) Suitability of vocabulary and Sentence structures for language acquisition by the
target learner (10 Marks)
Evaluate this section according to the respective level
a(i) Evaluate the following for pre-primary 2
 Vocabulary is simple and relevant
 Sentences are simple and short
 Most words are made of 3 to 5 letters
 There is less text (Text to be accompanied with illustration).
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the four statements apply 10
(ii) Three of the statements apply 4
(iii) Less than three of the statements apply 0

(ii) Evaluate the following for pre-primary I

 Vocabulary is simple and relevant
 There are 2 to 3 sentences on each page
 Most words are made of 2 to 3 letters

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the three statements apply 10
(ii) Two of the statements apply 4
(iii) One or none of the statements apply 0

(iii) Evaluate the following for Day Care

 Vocabulary is simple and relevant
 Each page has less than two words
 Words are made of 2 to 3 letters
 Emphasis is on object recognition

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the four statements apply 10
(ii) Three of the statements apply 4
(iii) Less than three of the statements apply 0

NB: The number of letters forming a word may be more for Readers written in
other languages except for English.

Page | 33
b) Accuracy and appropriateness of language to the level of the target learner (7 marks)

The Language used is:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Accurate and appropriate 7
(ii) Accurate but not appropriate 3
(iii) Not accurate but appropriate 3
(iv) Not accurate and not appropriate 0
c) Style (6 Marks)
The reader is written:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Creatively 6
(ii) Fairly creatively 2
(iii) With no creativity 0
Total Scored


For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 8 marks in this section
a) Grammar

The reader has: (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No grammatical mistakes 5
(ii) Grammatical mistakes 0

b) Typographical status (3 Marks)

The reader has:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical errors 3
(ii) Typographical errors 0

Total Scored


a) Relevance to syllabus (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The exercises or activities are relevant 3
(ii) Some exercises or activities are irrelevant 1
(iii) All exercises or activities are irrelevant 0

Page | 34
b) Appropriateness of activities to the level of the target learner (3 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Exercises or activities are appropriate 3
(ii) Some exercises or activities are not appropriate 1
(iii) Exercises or activities are inappropriate 0
c) Adequacy of activities (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) Adequate activities 2
(ii) Inadequate activities 0

d) Quality of activity items (4 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:-
 Captures various levels of knowledge
 Captures various domains of learning
 There is logical flow of the items

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 4
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

e) Variety of activities (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) A wide variety of assessment methods 3
(ii) Some variety of assessment methods 1
(iii) No variety of assessment methods 0

f) Clarity of instructions (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The instructions are clear 3
(Ii) Some instructions are not clear 1
(iii) The instructions are not clear/not available 0

g) Clarity of questions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The questions are clear 2
(ii) Some questions are not clear 1
(iii) The questions are not clear 0

Page | 35
a) Illustrations are: (5 Marks)
(i) Appropriate to the level of the learner
(ii) Relevant to the level of the learner
(iii) Accurate and realistic
(iv) Varied
(v) Adequate
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All statements apply 5
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements applies 0

b) Use of colour (4 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following
 Colour is bold and clear
 Colour is used realistically
 Colour is consistently used

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 4
(ii) Three of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the statements applies 0

Total Scored
An ECD reader must feature illustrations in full colour, if not, it should be recommended
for disqualification.


Evaluate the reader on the following:
 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject.
 The layout enhances readability and ease of use.
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type faces across the
text in highlighting chapters or sections or headings.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Margins are appropriate and consistently used.

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 6
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0

Page | 36

6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Total %

ITEM (35) (23) (8) (20) (9) (5) Mark
a b c d e a b c a b a b c d e f g a b

Mark 8 8 4 6 7 2 10 7 6 5 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 5 4 5 100



A reader must score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: .......................................................

Chairperson: ______________________ ____________________ ___________

Name Sign Date
The material meets threshold under Content (characters & factual errors) Yes /No
The material meets 78%marks (18/23) threshold under Form Yes /No
The material meets 100% marks (8/8) threshold under Editorial Yes /No
The material does not promote negative values Yes /No
The material has all Illustrations in full colour Yes /No
The material meets total threshold of 90 % marks (91/101) Yes/ No

Remarks: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Name of Panel: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Chairperson: ……………………… …………………….... …………….....

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date

Panelist: ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date

Page | 37


English, Kiswahili, German, Arabic, French, Mother Tongue, subject specific, area specific and
picture dictionaries.


Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Activity Area ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Each dictionary will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each
statement. The mark awarded in each category should be inserted in the box provided.
It should be noted that both Primary and Secondary level dictionaries can be used in the Teacher
Education Levels, but have to be evaluated for the tertiary level as well.

Lower Primary, Subject-Specific , Area-Specific and Picture Dictionaries may have fewer pages

(a) Guide to dictionary use (5 Marks)

The dictionary has:
Pick one alternative Marks
( i) Adequate guidance on usage 5
(ii) Some guidance on usage 2
(iii) No guidance on usage 0

(b) Headwords (5 Marks)

Number of headwords
 Maximum of 100 illustrations for ECD Picture Dictionaries
 Maximum of 100 headwords accompanying the illustrations

The minimum requirements of headwords have:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Been adhered to 5
(ii) Not been adhered to 0

Page | 38
(c) Entries (10 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All entries are relevant to the subject or level. 10
(ii) Some entries are not relevant for the subject or level. 0

(d) Type of illustration (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All illustrations are appropriate to the theme 3
(ii) Some illustrations are not appropriate to the theme 0

(e) Ratio of illustrations to headwords (2 Marks)

The dictionary has:
(Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Illustrations for all headwords 2
(ii) Illustrations for some headwords 0

Total Scored
(33 MARKS)
A dictionary must score at least 24 marks in this section to qualify.

(a) Themes (5 Marks)

The dictionary is
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Theme based 5
(ii) Not theme based 0

(b) Selection of headwords and illustrations (10 Marks)

The choice of illustrations and headwords is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Consistently relevant to the themes and to the target level 10
(ii) Mostly relevant to the themes and to the target level 7
(iii) Fairly relevant to the themes and to the target level 3
(iv) Not relevant to the themes and to the target level 0

Note: For dictionaries in foreign languages (German, French, Arabic), Kenyan

environment may be ignored.

Page | 39
(c) Relevance and usefulness of entries (8 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All definitions and illustrations are relevant and useful 8
(ii) Some definitions and illustrations are not relevant and not 2
(iii) Definitions and illustrations are not relevant and not useful 0

(d) Accuracy of definitions and illustrations (10 Marks)

Which of the following statements apply in relation to the dictionary?

 The definitions and illustrations are clear, accurate and well presented
 The definitions and illustrations are comprehensible to the target level
 The definitions and illustrations are useful and informative to learners and teachers
 The definitions are consistently well supported by accurate illustrations as may be relevant
for the theme or level
 There are no editorial flaws and or errors

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All five statements apply 10
(ii) Four of the statements apply 4
(iii) Less than four of the statements applies 0

Total Scored


(a) Clarity of illustrations (3 Marks)
The illustrations are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Clear and easy to understand 3
(ii) Fairly clear and easy to understand 1
(iii) Not clear and not easy to understand 0

(b) Appropriateness for target level (3 Marks)

The illustrations are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriate for the target level 3
(ii) Fairly appropriate for the target level 1
(iii) Not appropriate for the target level 0

Page | 40
(c ) Characteristics of Illustrations (5 Marks)

Which of the following statements apply in relation to the submission?

 Well selected to enhance meaning
 Well presented and comprehensible
 Appropriate in size
 Functional and relevant to the Kenyan environment (Treat this as true for foreign language

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All statements apply 5
(ii) Three of the statements apply 3
(iii) Less than three of the statements applies 0

d) Use of colour (4 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:

 The colour is clear
 The colour is bold and clear
 The colour is used realistically
 There is consistent use of colour

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 4
(ii) Three of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the statements applies 0
Total Scored

(e) Variety and positioning of illustrations (5 Marks)

 The illustrations are varied

 The illustration are well located in relation to the text

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Both statements apply 5
(ii) One of the statements apply 2
(iii) None of the statements apply 0
Total Scored

NB: An ECD Dictionary in which illustrations are not in full colour

should be recommended for disqualification.

Page | 41
Which of the following statements apply in relation to the submission?
 Page layout is appropriate for the level.
 Page layout enhances readability and ease of reference.
 There is appropriate use of print size, boldness and type faces in highlighting headwords
and derivatives.
 There is correct positioning of the illustrations in relation to the headwords.
 Appropriate use of columns and margins.
 The quality of printing enhances readability and ease of use.
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the statements apply 10
(ii) Five statements apply 5
(iii) Four of the statements apply 3
(iv) Less than four of the statements apply 0


7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Total
(25) (33) (20) (10) (88)
ITEM a b c d e a b c d a b c d e

Maximum 5 5 10 3 2 5 10 8 10 3 3 5 4 5 10 88
Awarded Mark


A dictionary must score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets 85% marks (28/33) threshold under Content Yes/ No
The material has all illustrations in full colour Yes /No
The material meets 90 % marks (79/88) total threshold Yes /No
Remarks …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of Panel: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Chairperson: ……………………………… …………………………… …………………………

Name Sign Date
Panel Secretary: …..………………….………… …………………………… …………………………
Name Sign Date
Panelist: …..………………….………………… …………………………… …………………………
Name Sign Date

Page | 42


Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
ECD Language Reader ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Each book will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each
The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.
It should be noted that checklists may be necessary in some of the sections.

NOTE: ECDE work Book may cover one or more themes or topics.


a) Coverage of relevant syllabus topic(s) or theme(s) (7 Marks)
The submission covers:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% – 100% of the topic(s) or theme(s) 7
(ii) 85% - 94% of the topic(s) or theme(s) 3
(iii) Less than 85% of the topic(s) or theme(s) 0
b) Coverage of relevant syllabus Concepts (8 Marks)
The submission covers:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% – 100% of the concepts in the topic(s) or theme(s) 8
(ii) 85% - 94% of the concepts in the topic(s) or theme(s) 3
(iii) Less than 85% of the concepts in the topic(s) or theme(s) 0

c) Coverage of relevant Skills (5 Marks)

The submission covers:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% – 100% of the skills 5
(ii) 85% – 94% of the skills 2
(iii) Less than 85% of the skills 0
Total Scored

Page | 43

For a material to be recommended for approval, it must score 26 marks

(90%) in this section.

a) Relevance of content to Topic(s)/Theme(s) specific objectives (4 Marks)

The content is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
i) 95% – 100% relevant 4
ii) 85% – 94% relevant 2
iii) Less than 85% relevant 0

b) Accuracy of the content (4 Marks)

The information in the book:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Has no factual errors 4
(ii) Has factual errors 0

c) Currency of information (4 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All information is current 4
(ii) Some of the information is dated 2
(iii) All information is dated 0

d) Appropriateness to the level of the target learner (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) 95% - 100% of the content is appropriate 3
(ii) 85% - 94% of the content is appropriate 2
(iii) Less than 85% of the content is appropriate 0

e) Organization of the content ( 3 Marks)

Evaluate the book on the following:
 The flow of topics or themes is logical throughout the text
 The flow of information within each topic or theme is logical
 Information and topics or themes are presented consistently throughout
the text

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0
Page | 44
f) Promotion of positive values and attitudes (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The book promotes positive values and attitudes 3
(ii) There is some effort to promote positive values and 1
(iii) The book promotes negative values and attitudes 0

A material that promotes negative values and/or attitudes should be recommended

for disqualification.

g) Concept development (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Sufficient development of all concepts 4
(ii) Sufficient development of some concepts 1
(iii) No concept development 0

h) Skills development (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Sufficient development of all skills 4
(ii) Some skills development 1
(iii) No skills development 0
Total Scored


a) Grammatical status (4 Marks)

The material has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No grammatical error(s) 4
(ii) Grammatical error(s) 0

b) Typographical status (3 Marks)

The material has:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical error(s) 3
(ii) Typographical error(s) 0

Page | 45
c) Appropriateness for the level of the learner (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The vocabulary and sentence structures are within 5
the level of the learner
(ii) Some vocabulary and language structures are not 1
within the level of the learner.
(iii) The vocabulary and language structures are not 0
within the level of the learner
Total Scored


a) Relevance to syllabus (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The exercises or activities are relevant 2
(ii) Some exercises or activities are irrelevant 1
(iii) All exercises or activities are irrelevant 0

b) Appropriateness of activities to the level of the target learner (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Exercises or activities are appropriate 3
(ii) Some exercises or activities are not appropriate 1
(iii) Exercises or activities are inappropriate 0

c) Adequacy of activities (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) Adequate activities 3
(ii) Inadequate activities 0

d) Quality of activity items (4 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:-

 Captures various levels of knowledge
 Captures various domains of learning
 There is logical flow of the items

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 4
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0
Page | 46
e) Variety of activities (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) A wide variety of assessment methods 3
(ii) Some variety of assessment methods 1
(iii) No variety of assessment methods 0

f) Clarity of instructions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The instructions are clear 2
(Ii) Some instructions are not clear 1
(iii) The instructions are not clear/not available 0

g) Clarity of questions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(iv) The questions are clear 2
(v) Some questions are not clear 1
(vi) The questions are not clear 0


a) Relevance and accuracy (3 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The illustrations are relevant and accurate 3
(ii) Some illustrations are not relevant and not accurate 1
(iii) The illustrations are not relevant and not accurate 0

b) Variety and adequacy (2 Marks)

The illustrations are:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Varied and adequate 2
(ii) Varied but not adequate 1
(iii) Adequate but not varied 1
(iv) Not varied and not adequate 0

c) Clarity, colour and proportion (3 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:
 Illustrations are bold and clear
 There is proper use of colour

Page | 47
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attribute applies 0

d) Captioning/numbering/ labelling (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The illustrations are appropriately captioned/ 2
numbered/ labelled
(ii) Some illustrations are not appropriately captured/ 1
(iii) The illustrations are not appropriately 0
captioned/numbered/ labelled

Total Scored


Evaluate the submission on the following:
 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject
 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference
 There is appropriate use of print size, boldness and typefaces across the text in
highlighting topics or themes and sub-topics.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Appropriate use of margins

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All attributes apply 5
(ii) Four of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the attributes apply 0


8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Total %
(20) (29) (12) (15) (10) (5) Marks
a b c a b c d e f g h a b c a b c d e f g a b c d

Maximum 7 8 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 5 95



Note: A Revision or workbook must score at least 90% overall to be considered for

Page | 48
TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................
The material meets threshold under Content 90% marks (26/29) Yes/No
The material does not promote negative values Yes/No
The material has no Editorial errors Yes/No
The material meets threshold under Exercises/ Activities Yes/No
The material meets total threshold 90% marks (86/95) Yes/No
Chairperson: ______________________ _____________________ _______________
Name Sign Date
Remarks: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Panel Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Panel Chairperson: …………………..…………… …………………………….… ………………………………..
Name Sign Date
Panel Secretary: …………………..…………… …………………….… ……………. ………………………………..
Name Sign Date
Panelist: …………………..…………… …………………….… ……………. ………………………………..
Name Sign Date

Page | 49

Story books, novels, poems, plays comics, (auto) biographies: English, Kiswahili, French, German,
Arabic and Mother Tongue


Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….
Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Each reader will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against
each statement.
The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.
a) Setting (5 Marks)
The choice of the setting is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Appropriate to the level of the learner 5
(ii) Fairly appropriate to the level of the learner 2
(iii) Not appropriate to the level of the learner 0

b) Plot (6 marks)
The plot is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Well developed and appropriate for the level of the learner 6
(ii) Well developed but inappropriate for the level of the learner 2
(iii) Appropriate for the level of the learner but not well developed 2
(iv) Not well developed and inappropriate for the level of the 0

c) Characters (8 Marks)
The characters are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Credible and well developed 8
(ii) Credible but not well developed 3
(iii) Well-developed but not credible 3
(iv) Neither credible nor well developed 0

Page | 50
d) Theme(s) (8 Marks)
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Well developed and appropriate for the level of the learner 8
(ii) Developed but not appropriate to the level of the learner 4
(iii) Appropriate to the level of the learner but not well developed 1
(iv) Neither developed nor appropriate for the level of the learner 0

e) Accuracy of subject matter (4 Marks)

(This criterion is genre-specific)
The subject matter:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Has no factual error(s) 4
(ii) Has factual error(s) 0

Note: Penalize for factual errors in explicit events. Poetic freedom and licence should not be
f) Length (2 Marks)
The Length is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Appropriate 2
(ii) Too long or too short 0
Total Scored


For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 18 marks in this section.
a) Suitability of vocabulary and Sentence structures for language acquisition by the
target learner (8 Marks)
The vocabulary and sentence structures are:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Excellent 8
(ii) Good 5
(iii) Poor 0
b) Accuracy and appropriateness of language to the level of the target learner (7 marks)
The Language used is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Accurate and appropriate 7
(ii) Appropriate but not accurate 3
(iii) Accurate but not appropriate 3
(iv) Inaccurate and inappropriate 0

Page | 51
c) Style (6 Marks)
The reader is written:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Creatively 6
(ii) Fairly creatively 2
(iii) With no creativity 0

Total Scored
For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 8 marks in this section
a) Grammar
The reader has: (5 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
i) No grammatical mistakes 5
ii) Grammatical mistakes 0

b) Typographical status (3 Marks)

The reader has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical error(s) 3
(ii) Typographical errors 0
Total Scored


There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
i) Promotion of positive values and attitudes 5
ii) Some effort to promote positive values and attitudes 2
iii) No effort to promote positive values and attitudes 0
A reader that promotes negative values and attitudes should be recommended for


A reader that may not require illustrations may not be evaluated on this section.

a) Illustrations are: (5 Marks)

 Appropriate to the level of the learner
 Relevant to the level of the learner
 Accurately drawn
 Varied
 Adequate

Page | 52
Pick one alternative: Marks
i) All statements apply 5
ii) Four of the statements apply 2
iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0

b) Use of colour (4 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:
 The colour is clear
 The colour is bold and clear
 The colour is used realistically
 There is consistent use of colour

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 4
(ii) Three of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the statements apply 0
Lower primary readers must be in full colour. If they have no colour, they should be
recommended for disqualification.
Total Scored


Evaluate the reader on the following:
 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject.
 The layout enhances readability and ease of use.
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type faces across the
text in highlighting chapters or sections or headings.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Margins are appropriate and consistently used.

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 6
(ii) Four of the statements apply 3
(iii) Less than Four of the statements apply 0

Page | 53
9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Total %
ITEM (33) (21) (8) (5) (9) (6) Mark
a b C d e f a b c a b a b
Mark 5 6 8 8 4 2 8 7 6 5 3 5 5 4 6 82



A reader must score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets threshold under Content (factual errors) Yes /No
The material meets 85% marks (18/21) threshold under Form Yes /No
The material meets threshold under Editorial Yes /No
The material does not promote negative values Yes /No
The material has all Illustrations in full colour (C1-3) Yes /No
The material meets 90% marks (74/82) total threshold Yes/ No



Name of Panel: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Chairperson: ………………………… …………………….............. …………….....

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date

Panelist : ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date

Page | 54


Story Books, Poems, Plays, Comics, Songs, (auto) Biographies: Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities
and Applied Sciences


Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Learning area ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Each reader will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against
each statement.
The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.

a) Setting (5 Marks)
The choice of the setting is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Appropriate to the level of the learner 5
(ii) Fairly appropriate to the level of the learner 2
(iii) Not appropriate to the level of the learner 0

b) Plot (6 marks)
The plot is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Well developed and appropriate for the level of the 6
(ii) Well developed but inappropriate for the level of the 2
(iii) Appropriate for the level of the learner but not well 2
(iv) Not well developed and inappropriate for the level of 0
the learner

Page | 55
c) Characters (5 Marks)
The characters are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Credible and well developed 5
(ii) Credible but not well developed 2
(iii) Well developed but not credible 2
(iv) Neither credible nor well developed 0

d) Theme(s) (8 Marks)
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Well developed and appropriate for the level of the 8
(ii) Well developed but inappropriate to the level of the 3
(iii) Appropriate to the level of the learner but not well 3
(iv) Neither developed nor appropriate for the level of the 0

e) Concept development (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Satisfactory enhancement of concept development 4
(ii) Some enhancement of concept development 2
(iii) No enhancement of concept development 0

h) Skill development (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Satisfactory enhancement of skill development 4
(ii) Some enhancement of skill development 2
(iii) No enhancement of skill development 0

g) Accuracy of subject matter (7 Marks)

(This criterion is genre-specific)

The subject matter:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Has no factual errors 7
(ii) Has factual errors 0

Note: A reader with factual errors should be recommended for disqualification.

Page | 56
h) Length (2 Marks)

The Length is:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Appropriate 2
(ii) Too long or Too short 0

Total Scored

6.3 FORM (21 MARKS)

For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 18 marks in this section.

a) Suitability of vocabulary and Sentence structures for language acquisition by the
target learner (8 Marks)
The vocabulary and sentence structures are:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Excellent 8
(ii) Good 5
(iii) Poor 0

b) Accuracy and appropriateness of language to the level of the target learner (7 marks)
The Language used is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Accurate and appropriate 7
(ii) Accurate and but not appropriate 3
(iii) Appropriate but not accurate 3
(iv) Not accurate and not appropriate 0

c) Style (6 Marks)
The reader is written:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Creatively 6
(ii) Fairly creatively 2
(iii) With no creativity 0
Total Scored

Page | 57
For a reader to be recommended for approval, it must score 8 marks in this section

a) Grammar
The reader has: (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) No grammatical mistakes 5
(ii) Grammatical mistake(s) 0

b) Typographical status (3 Marks)

The reader has:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical error(s) 3
(iii). Typographical error(s) 0

Total Scored


There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Promotion of positive values and attitudes 5
(ii) Some effort to promote positive values and attitudes 2
(iii) No effort to promote positive values and attitudes 0

A reader that promotes negative values and attitudes should be recommended
for disqualification.


A reader that may not require illustrations may not be evaluated on this section
a) Illustrations are: (5 Marks)
 Appropriate to the level of the learner
 Relevant to the level of the learner
 Accurately drawn
 Varied
 Adequate

Page | 58
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All statements apply 5
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0

c) Use of colour (4 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following
 The colour is clear
 The colour is bold and clear
 The colour is used realistically
 There is consistent use of colour

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 4
(ii) Three of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the statements apply 0
Lower primary readers must be in full colour. If they have no colour, they should be
recommended for disqualification.
Total Scored


Evaluate the reader on the following:

 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject.
 The layout enhances readability and ease of use.
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type faces across the
text in highlighting chapters or sections or headings.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Margins are appropriate and consistently used.

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 6
(ii) Four of the statements apply 3
(iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0

Page | 59
10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Total %
ITEM (41) (21) (8) (5) (9) (6) Mark
a b c d e f g h a b c a b a b
Mark 5 6 5 8 4 4 7 2 8 7 6 5 3 5 5 4 6 90


A reader must score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets threshold under Content (factual errors) Yes /No
The material meets 85% marks (18/21) threshold under Form Yes /No
The material meets threshold under Editorial Yes /No
The material does not promote negative values Yes /No
The material has all Illustrations in full colour (C1-3) Yes /No
The material meets 90% marks (81/90) total threshold Yes/ No

Panel Chairperson: ______________________ _________________ ___________

Name Sign Date
Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Name of Panel: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Chairperson: ……………………… …………………….... …………….....

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date

Panelist: ………………………… ………………….............. …………………

Name Sign Date

Page | 60


English, Kiswahili, German, Arabic, French, Mother Tongue, subject specific area specific and picture


Title: …………………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class……………………………………………..
Learning area …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Each dictionary will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each
statement. The mark awarded in each category should be inserted in the box provided.
The Primary level dictionary and Secondary level dictionary are handled separately in 11.2 (1)
and 11.2 (2), Criteria 11.3 – 11.5 however apply to both dictionaries. It should be noted that both
Primary and Secondary level dictionaries can be used in the Teacher Education Levels, but have to be
evaluated for the tertiary level as well.


Subject-Specific , Area-Specific and Picture Dictionaries may have fewer pages

(a) Guide to dictionary use (5 Marks)

The dictionary has;
Pick one alternative Marks
( i) Adequate guidance on usage 5
(ii) Some guidance on usage 2
(iii) Inadequate guidance on usage 0

(b) Headwords (5 Marks)

Number of headwords to be based on specific level and area of dictionary under consideration
 Minimum of 8000 headwords for Upper Primary English
 1000 headwords for lower Primary English
 1000 headwords for Lower Primary Kiswahili.
 Minimum of 5000 headwords for Upper Primary Kiswahili

Page | 61
The minimum requirements of headwords have:

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) been adhered to 5
(ii) not been adhered to 0

Note: Subject-specific, area-specific and picture dictionaries may feature fewer headwords.

(c) Entries (10 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All entries give pronunciation, definition, examples of usage 10
and grammar as may be relevant to the subject or level.
(ii) Some entries do not give pronunciation, definition, examples of 0
usage and grammar as may be relevant for the subject or level.

(d) Type of illustration (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All illustrations are appropriate to the headwords 3
(ii) Some illustrations are inappropriate to the headwords 0

(e) Ratio of illustrations to headwords (2 Marks)

The dictionary has:

(Pick one alternative Marks
(i) A minimum of 2 illustrations per 200 headwords except for 2
lower primary, area specific and picture dictionaries
(ii) Less than 2 illustrations per 200 headwords except for 0
lower primary, area specific and picture dictionaries


(a) Guide to dictionary use (5 Marks)

The dictionary has:
Pick one alternative Marks
( i) Adequate guidance on usage 5
(ii) Some guidance on usage 2
(iii) Inadequate guidance on usage 0

Page | 62
(b) Headwords (5 Marks)

The Number of headwords should be based on specific level and area of dictionary under
 Minimum of 40,000 headwords for English
 Minimum of 15,000 headwords for Kiswahili, French, German and Arabic.

The minimum requirements for headwords have:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) been adhered to 5
(ii) not been adhered to 0

Note: Subject-specific and area-specific dictionaries may feature fewer headwords

(c) Entries (10 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All entries give pronunciation, definition, examples of usage 10
and grammar as may be relevant to the subject or level.
(ii) Some entries do not give pronunciation, definition, examples of 0
usage and grammar as may be relevant for the subject or level.

(d) Relevance of illustrations (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All illustrations are relevant to the headwords 3
(ii) Some illustrations are not relevant to the headwords 0

(e) Ratio of illustrations to headwords (2 Marks)

The dictionary has:

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) A minimum of 1 illustration per 200 headwords except for 2
subject specific and area specific dictionaries.
(ii) No illustrations per 200 headwords 0

Total Scored

Page | 63
(28 MARKS)
A dictionary must score at least 25 marks in this section to qualify.

(c) Selection of headwords (10 Marks)

The choice of headwords is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Consistently relevant to the target level and to the Kenyan 10
environment, and supports the basic requirements of curriculum in
specific subject(s) or areas
(ii) Mostly relevant to the target level and to the Kenyan environment 5
supports the basic requirements of curriculum specific subject(s) or
(iii) Fairly relevant to the target level and to the Kenyan environment 3
and partly supports the basic requirements of curriculum specific
subjects or areas
(iv) Irrelevant to the target level and to the Kenyan environment and 0
does not support the basic requirements of all curriculum specific
subjects or areas
Note: For dictionaries in foreign languages (German, French, Arabic), Kenyan environment
may be ignored.
(b) Relevance and usefulness of entries (8 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All definitions and examples of usage are relevant and useful 8
(ii) Some definitions and examples of usage are relevant and useful 3
(iii) Definitions and examples of usage are not relevant and not useful 0

(c) Accuracy of definitions and examples of usage (10 Marks)

Which of the following statements apply in relation to the dictionary?
 The definitions are consistently clear, accurate and well presented
 The definitions are consistently comprehensible to the target level
 The definitions are consistently useful and informative to students and teachers
 The definitions are consistently well supported by accurate examples of usage as may be
relevant for the subject or level
 There are no editorial flaws and or errors
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All five statements apply 10
(ii) Four of the statements apply 4
(iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0

Total Scored

Page | 64

(a) Clarity of illustrations (3 Marks)

The illustrations are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Clear and easy to understand 3
(ii) Clear but not easy to understand 1
(iii) Easy to understand but not clear 1
(iv) Not clear and not easy to understand 0

(b) Appropriateness for target level (3 Marks)

The dictionary is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriate for the target level 3
(ii) Fairly appropriate for the target level 1
(iii) Not appropriate for the target level 0

(c ) Characteristics of Illustrations (5 Marks)

Which of the following statements apply in relation to the submission?
 Well selected to enhance meaning
 Well presented and comprehensible
 Appropriate in size
 Functional and relevant to the Kenyan environment (Treat this as true for foreign language

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All statements apply 5
(ii) Three of the statements apply 3
(iii) Less than three of the statements apply 0

(d) Variety and positioning of illustrations (4 Marks)

 The illustrations are varied
 The illustration are well positioned in relation to the text/headward

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Both statements apply 4
(ii) One of the statements apply 2
(iii) None of the statements applies 0

Note: Where illustrations are not applicable, do not evaluate on this section

Total Scored

Page | 65
Which of the following statements apply in relation to the submission?
 Page layout is appropriate for the level
 Page layout enhances readability and ease of reference
 There is appropriate use of print size and the boldness in highlighting headwords and
 Appropriate use of columns
 The quality of printing enhances readability and ease of use.

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the statements apply 10
(ii) Four statements apply 5
(iii) Three of the statements apply 3
(iv) Less than three of the statements apply 0


11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Total %
(25) (28) (15) (10) (78)
ITEM a b c d e a b c a b c d

Maximum 5 5 10 3 2 10 8 10 3 3 5 4 10 78

A dictionary must score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets threshold under Content Profile Yes / No

The material meets 89% marks (25/28) threshold under Content Yes / No
The material meets 90% marks 70/78 total threshold Yes / No

Remarks …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of Panel: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Panel Chairperson: ……………………………… ………………………………………… ……………………………..
Name Sign Date
Panel Secretary: …..………………….…………………… …………………………… …………………………
Name Sign Date
Panelist: …..………………….…………………… …………………………… …………………………
Name Sign Date
Page | 66


Title: …………………………………………………………………………………….. ISBN …………………………………….

Author(s) …………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………….
Publisher ……………………………………………………………………………….Code …………………………………..
Level ……………………………………………………………………………………..Class ….………………………………..
Subject ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Year of Publication ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
No. of Pages ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date of Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………..........................................


The atlas evaluation and approval procedures are based upon the following assumptions:
 The Atlases will be used mainly to support the teaching and learning of Social Studies, Geography,
History and Government and will also be useful in other subjects in the curriculum. The coverage
of cross cutting issues such as environment and ecology, should be included. Specified topics from
other subjects or curriculum areas might also be included.
 The atlases will be targeted for use in the Specific Levels within Basic Education Curriculum.
 Particular attention will be paid to the use of supporting insets of photographic, graphic, tabular
and other illustrations, and activities that develop mapping skills.
 Clear running headings, legibility and clarity of lettering and labels, and appropriate use of colour.
 Lettering, labelling and density of information provided must be appropriate to the target level.
 Content should be relevant to curriculum requirements.
 Minimum page specifications only serve as guidelines.
 The Atlas is presented in the English language.

The Primary level atlas and Secondary level atlas are handled separately in 12.2 and 12.3 respectively.
Criteria 12.4 – 12.6, however, apply to both atlases. Both atlases cab be used at the Teacher Education
Levels, but have to be evaluated for the tertiary levels as well.

Each Atlas will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each
statement. The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.

Page | 67

Evaluate the Atlas on the following:

 Page layout is appropriate for the level and subject or curriculum
 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference.
 There is appropriate use of print size type face and boldness across the text.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Appropriate use of margins

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 5
(ii) Four of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the attributes apply 0


(a) Availability of the following: (3 Marks)
 Preliminaries
 Contents Page
 Index
 Meaning of terms
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the features are available 3
(ii) Three of the features are available 2
(iii) Less than three of the features are available 0

(b) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of

minimum 4 pages on: (8 Marks)
 Developing mapping skills based on home, village and school
 Using Contents list and Index
 Scales, Position, Symbols and Key
 Plans and maps
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the specifications and content are adhered to 8
(ii) Three of the specifications and content are adhered to 3
(iii) Less than three of the specifications and content are 0
adhered to
(c) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of minimum
4 pages on: (8 Marks)
 Shape, Size and Position of the Earth in the Solar System
 Rotation, Revolution and Direction of the Earth (concept of day and night
and seasons respectively)
 Latitudes, longitudes and Time

Page | 68
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the features and content are adhered to 8
(ii) Two of the features and content are adhered to 3
(iii) Less than two of the features and content is adhered to 0

(d) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of

Minimum 8 pages on Kenya covering: (8 Marks)

 Physical Geography ( Plains, Mountains, Valleys, etc)

 Political Geography (administrative boundaries, cities, towns)
 Economic (Transport, Agriculture, Mining, Tourism, etc).

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the features and content are adhered to 8
(ii) Two of the features and content are adhered to 3
(iii) Less than two of the features and content is adhered to 0

(e) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of: (8 Marks)

 Minimum 10-page section on Kenya Historical,
Information, Resources, Climate, Land-use and the Environment
 Minimum 10-page section on the Eastern Africa Region
Illustrating Kenya’s neighbours, Political and Physical information
 Minimum 6-page section on the Physical and Political
mapping of African Regions.
 Minimum 4-page section of the World and the Continents
illustrating Physical and Political Information
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the specifications and content are adhered to 8
(ii) Three of the specifications and content are adhered to 3
(iii) Less than three of the specifications and content are 0
adhered to

Total Scored

Evaluate the atlas on the following:

 Page layout is appropriate for the level and subject or curriculum
 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference.
 There is appropriate use of print size, type face and boldness, across the text in
high-lighting headings and sub-headings
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Appropriate margins

Page | 69
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the attributes apply 5
(ii) Four of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the attributes apply 0


(a) Availability of the following: (3 Marks)
 Preliminaries
 Contents Page
 Index
 Meaning of terms
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the features are available 3
(ii) Three of the features are available 1
(iii) Less than three of the features are available 0

(b) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of

minimum 4 pages on the use of the Atlas: (6 marks)
 Table of Contents and Index
 Scale
 Position, Direction and Symbols
 Visual presentation of information extracted from the maps
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the features and content are adhered to 6
(ii) Three of the features and content adhered to 3
(iii) Less than three of the features and content are 0
adhered to

c) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of

Minimum 4 pages on: (6 Marks)
 Origin, Internal and External Structure of the Earth
 Shape, Size and Position of the Earth in the Solar System
 Rotation, Revolution and Direction of the Earth (concept of night or day,
and seasons)
 Latitudes, Longitudes and World Time Zones
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the features and content are adhered to 6
(ii) Three of the features and content are adhered to 3
(iii) Less than three of the features and content are adhered to 0

Page | 70
(d) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of minimum
16 pages on Kenya and regions of Kenya illustrating: (8 Marks)
 Physical Landscape, for example, Plains, Mountains, Valleys
 History and distribution of Language groups
 Transport and Communication
 Soil, Agriculture, Forestry, Industries and Mining
 Administrative boundaries, Towns and Cities

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the features and content are adhered to 8
(ii) Four of the features and content are adhered to 4
(iii) Less than four of the features and content are adhered to 0

(e) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of

Minimum 8 pages on Eastern Africa region and Kenya’s
neighbours, illustrating: (6 Marks)
 Historical Information, physical and political
 Climate and Natural Resources
 Transport and Communication

Pick one alternative : Marks

(i) All the features and content are adhered to 6
(ii) Two of the features and content are adhered to 3
(iii) Less than two of the features and content is adhered to 0

(f) Adherence to the mapping specifications and content of: (6 Marks)

 Minimum 12 pages on Africa and its Regions illustrating
Historical Information ,Physical and Political .
 Minimum 8 pages of the World illustrating Physical and Political
 Minimum 8 pages of the other Continents illustrating Physical
and Political Information

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the specifications and content are adhered to 6
(ii) Two of the specifications and content are adhered to 3
(iii) Less than two of the specifications and content is adhered 0

Total Scored

Page | 71


For an Atlas to be recommended for approval, it must score 22 marks in this section.

(a) Relevance of content to curriculum and syllabus requirements (7 Marks)

The content of the mapping is:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Relevant to the requirements of the curriculum 7
subjects that the atlas is intended to support
(ii) Fairly relevant to the requirements of the curriculum 3
subjects that the atlas is intended to support
(iii) Not relevant to the requirements of the curriculum 0
subjects that the atlas is intended to support

(b) Currency of the Maps (3 Marks)

The mapping:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Has no dated information 3
(ii) Has dated information 0

(c ) Accuracy of the map (4 Marks)

The mapping has:

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) Accurate and Correct information 4
(ii) Inaccurate and incorrect information 0

(d) Appropriateness of the scales used (3 Marks)

The use of scale throughout the atlas is:
 Appropriate for the target level
 Appropriate for the information provided

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) Both attributes are adhered to 3
(ii) Only one of the attributes is adhered to 1
(iii) None of the attributes is adhered to 0

Page | 72
(e) Appropriateness of the details provided in the mapping (3 Marks)
The details provided in the mapping are:

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) Suitable for the target level and the syllabus 4
(ii) Unsuitable for the target level and the syllabus 0

(f) Usefulness of the contents page, index and meaning of terms (2 Marks)
Contents page, index and meaning of terms are:
 Easy to use
 Appropriate for the target learner

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All qualities apply 4
(ii) Less than two of the qualities applies 2
(iii) None of the qualities applies 0

Total Scored


(a) Development of mapping concepts (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Good development of mapping concepts 4
(ii) Inadequate development of mapping concepts 0

(b) Development of atlas skills (4 Marks)

There are:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Adequate activities or information for learners to develop 4
atlas skills
(ii) Inadequate activities or information for learners to develop 0
atlas skills

Total Scored

Page | 73
For an Atlas to be recommended for approval, it must score 20 marks in this section.
(a) Quality, appropriateness and consistent use of colour (5 Marks)
Colour is:
 Appealing
 Appropriately used
 Consistently used
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the attributes apply 5
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

(b) Accessibility, legibility and use of information in the mapping (7 marks)

Information contained in the mapping is:
 Easy to access
 Legible
 Easy to use
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the attributes apply 7
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 3
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

(c) Clarity, readability and appropriateness of lettering (5 Marks)

Lettering on the mapping is:
 Clear
 Easy to read
 Appropriate for the target learner
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the qualities apply 5
(ii) Two of the qualities apply 2
(iii) Less than two of the qualities applies 0
(d) Appropriateness of supporting insets (6 Marks)
The graphic, photographic and other insets that support the mapping are:
 Relevant to information on the mapping
 Appropriate for the target level
 Promoting positive values

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All attributes apply 6
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

Total Scored
Page | 74
(a) The Map has: (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No grammatical errors 2
(ii) Grammatical errors 0
(b) The Map has: (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No editorial errors 2
(ii) Editorial errors 0

Total Scored


ITEM 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 Total %
(5) (35) (25) (8) (23) (4) Mark
a b c d e a b c d e f a b a b c d a b
Maximum 5 3 8 8 8 8 7 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 7 5 6 2 2 100
An atlas should score at least 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.
TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

Panel Chairperson:______________________ _________________ ___________

Name Sign Date
The material meets 90% (22/25) threshold under Content Yes / No
The material meets 86% marks (20/23) of mapping and Design Yes / No
The material meets threshold under Language Yes/ No
The material meets 90% (90/100) total threshold Yes / No
Name of Panel:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Panel Chairperson: …………………………………………….. …………………………….. …………………………

Name Sign Date
Panel Secretary: …………………………………………. …………………………... ………….……………
Name Sign Date
Panelist: …………………………………………. …………………………... ………….……………
Name Sign Date

Page | 75


Title: ……………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Learning area ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Each book will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each
The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.
It should be noted that checklists may be necessary in some of the sections.


a) Coverage of relevant syllabus topic(s) or theme(s) (7 Marks)

The submission covers:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% – 100% of the topics or themes 7
(ii) 85% - 94% of the topics or themes 3
(iii) Less than 85% of the topics or themes 0

b) Coverage of relevant syllabus Concepts (8 Marks)

The submission covers:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% – 100% of the concepts 8
(ii) 85% - 94% of the concepts 3
(iii) Less than 85% of the concepts 0

c) Coverage of relevant syllabus Skills (5 Marks)

The submission covers:

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) 95% – 100% of the skills 5
(ii) 85% – 94% of the skills 2
(iii) Less than 85% of the skills 0
Total Scored

Page | 76
For a book to be recommended for approval, it must score 26 marks
(90%) in this section.

a) Relevance of content to subject specific objectives (4 Marks)

The content is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% – 100% relevant 4
(ii) 85% – 94% relevant 2
(iii) Less than 85% relevant 0

b) Accuracy of the content (4 Marks)

The information in the book:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Has no factual errors 4
(ii) Has factual errors 0

c) Currency of information (4 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All information is current 4
(ii) Some of the information is dated 1
(iii) Dated information 0

d) Appropriateness to the level of the target learner (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% - 100% of the content is appropriate 3
(ii) 85% - 94% of the content is appropriate 2
(iii) Less than 85% of the content is appropriate 0

e) Organization of the content ( 3 Marks)

Evaluate the book on the following:
 The sequence of topics or themes is logical throughout the text
 Sequencing of information within each topic or theme is logical
 Information and topics or themes are presented consistently throughout
the text

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

Page | 77
f) Promotion of positive values and attitudes (3 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The book promotes positive values and attitudes 3
(ii) There is some effort to promote positive values and 1
(iii) The book promotes negative values and attitudes 0
A book that promotes negative values and/or attitudes should be recommended for
disqualification .
g) Concept development (4 Marks)
There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Sufficient development of all concepts 4
(ii) Sufficient development of some concepts 1
(iii) No concept development 0

h) Skills development (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Sufficient development of all skills 4
(ii) Some skills development 1
(iii) No skills development 0
Total Scored


a) Grammatical status (4 Marks)
The book has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No grammatical error(s) 4
(ii) Some grammatical error(s) 0
b) Typographical status (3 Marks)
The book has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical error(s) 3
(ii) Some typographical error(s) 0

c) Appropriateness for the level of the learner (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The vocabulary and sentence structures are within 5
the level of the learner
(ii) Some vocabulary and structures are within the level 2
of the learner
(iii) The vocabulary and language structures are not 0
within the level of the learner
Total Scored
Page | 78

All revision and workbooks should have assessment and activities.

a) Relevance to syllabus (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The exercises or activities are relevant 2
(ii) Some exercises or activities are relevant 1
(iii) Exercises or activities are irrelevant 0

b) Appropriateness of assessment to the level of the target learner (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Exercises or activities are appropriate 2
(ii) Some exercises or activities are appropriate 1
(iii) Exercises or activities are not appropriate 0

c) Adequacy of assessment (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Adequate exercises or activities 2
(ii) Inadequate exercises or activities 0

d) Quality of Assessment items ( 3 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:-
 Captures relevant levels of knowledge
 Captures various domains
 There is logical flow of the items

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

e) Variety of assessment methods (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) A wide variety of assessment methods 2
(ii) Some variety of assessment methods 1
(iii) No variety of assessment methods 0

f) Clarity of instructions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The instructions are clear 2
(ii) The instructions are not clear 0

Page | 79
g) Clarity of questions (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The questions are clear 2
(ii) The questions are not clear 0

h) Availability of answers (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All answers are provided 2
(Ii) Some answers are not provided 0

i) Answers to questions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No wrong answers 2
(ii) Wrong answers 0

Total Scored
a) Relevance and accuracy (3 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The illustrations are relevant and accurate 3
(ii) Some illustrations are not relevant 1
(iii) The illustrations are not relevant and not accurate 0

b) Variety and adequacy (2 Marks)

The illustrations are:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Varied and adequate 2
(ii) Varied but not adequate 1
(iii) Adequate but not varied 1
(iv) Neither varied nor adequate 0

c) Clarity, colour and proportion (3 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:
 Illustrations are bold and clear
 There is proper use of colour
 Illustrations are proportional
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attribute applies 0

Page | 80
d) Captioning/numbering/ labelling (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
i) The illustrations are appropriately captioned/ numbered/ 2
ii) Some illustrations are not appropriately 1
iii) The illustrations are not appropriately 0
captioned/numbered/ labelled

Total Scored


Evaluate the submission on the following:

 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject
 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference
 There is appropriate use of print size, boldness and type faces across the text in
highlighting topics or themes and sub-topics.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Appropriate use of margins

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All attributes apply 5
(ii) Four of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the attributes apply 0

Page | 81

13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Total %

(20) (29) (12) (19) (10) (5) Mark
a b c a b c d e f g h a b c a b c d e f g h i a b c d

Maximu 7 8 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 5 95
m Mark



Note: A Revision or workbook must score at least 90% overall to be considered for

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ......................................................................

The material meets 90% marks (26/29) threshold under Content Yes / No
The material does not promote negative values Yes / No
The material has no Editorial errors Yes /No
The material meets threshold under Exercises/ Activities Yes /No
The material meets total threshold 90% marks (86/95) Yes / No

Panel Chairperson:______________________ _________________ ___________

Name Sign Date
Remarks: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Panel Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Panel Chairperson: …………………..…………… …………………………….… ………………………………..

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: …………………..…………… …………………….… ……………. ………………………………..

Name Sign Date

Panelist: …………………..…………… …………………….… ……………. ………………………………..

Name Sign Date

Page | 82



Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Learning area ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Each book will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each
The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.
It should be noted that checklists may be necessary in some of the sections.


a) Relevance of topics or themes to the syllabus (7 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) 95% - 100% of the topic(s)/theme(s) are relevant 7
(ii) 85% - 94% of the topic(s) or theme(s) are relevant 3
(iii) Less than 85% of the topic(s) or theme(s) are relevant 0

b) Coverage of relevant syllabus concepts (8 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) 95% - 100% of the concepts are relevant 8
(ii) 85% - 94% of concepts are relevant 3
(iii) Less than 85% of the concepts are relevant 0

c) Coverage of relevant syllabus skills (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) 95% - 100% of the skills are relevant 5
(ii) 85% – 94% of the skills are relevant 2
(iii) Less than 85% of the skills are relevant 0

Page | 83
d) Relevance of content to subject specific objectives (4 Marks)

The content is:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) 95% - 100% relevant 4
(ii) 85% - 94% relevant 2
(iii) Less than 85% relevant 0

e) Accuracy of the content (4 Marks)

The information in the book:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Has no factual errors 4
(ii) Has factual errors 0

f) Currency of the content (4 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All information is current 4
(ii) Some of the information is dated 0

g) Appropriateness of content to the level of the target learner or user (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All content is appropriate 3
(ii) Some of the content is inappropriate 0

h) Organization of the content (3 Marks)

Evaluate the book on the following:

 The sequence of topics or themes is logical throughout the text
 Sequencing of information within each topic or theme is logical
 Information and topics or themes are presented consistently throughout
the text

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

Page | 84
i) Promotion of positive values and attitudes (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The book consistently promotes positive values and 3
(ii) There is some effort to promote positive values and 1
(iii) The book promote negative values and attitudes 0

Note: A book that promotes negative values or attitudes should be

recommended for disqualification.

j) Concept development (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Sufficient concept development 4
(ii) Some concept development 1
(iii) No concept development 0

k) Skills development (4 Marks)

There is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Sufficient skills development 4
(ii) Some skills development 1
(iii) No skills development 0
Total Scored


a) Grammatical status (3 Marks)

The book has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No grammatical error(s) 3
(ii) Has some grammatical error(s) 0

b) Typographical status (3 Marks)

The book has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical error(s) 3
(ii) Has some typographical error(s) 0

Page | 85
c) Appropriateness of language for the level of the learner (4 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The vocabulary and sentence structures are within 4
the level of the learner
(ii) Some vocabulary and sentence structures are not within 1
the level of the learner
(iii)The vocabulary and language structures are not within 0
the level of the learner
Total Scored


Reference books in which assessment or activities are considered not to be
necessary may not be evaluated on this section.

a) Relevance to syllabus (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The exercises or activities are relevant 2
(ii) Some exercises or activities are not relevant 1
(iii) The exercises or activities are irrelevant 0

b) Appropriateness of assessment to the level of the target learner (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The exercises and/or activities are appropriate 2
(ii) Some exercises and/or activities are not appropriate 1
(iii) The exercises and/or activities are not appropriate 0

c) Adequacy of assessment (2 Marks)

There are:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Adequate exercises and/or activities 2
(ii) Inadequate exercises and/or activities 0

d) Quality of Assessment items (3 Marks)

Evaluate the book on the following:-
 Captures various levels of knowledge
 Captures various domains
 There is logical flow of the assessment items

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

Page | 86
e) Variety of assessment methods ( 2 Marks)
There is:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) A variety of assessment methods 2
(ii) Some variety of assessment methods 1
(iii) No variety of assessment methods 0

f) Clarity of instructions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All instructions are clear 2
(ii) Some instructions are not clear/not available 1
(iii). Instructions are not clear/not available 0

g) Clarity of questions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All questions are Clear 2
(ii) Some questions are not clear 0

h) Answers to questions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All answers are correct 2
(ii) Some answers are incorrect 0
Total Scored


a) Relevance and accuracy (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) The illustrations are relevant and accurate 2
(ii) Some illustrations are not relevant and not accurate 0

b) Variety and adequacy (2 Marks)

The illustrations are:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Varied and adequate 2
(ii) Varied but not adequate 1
(iii) Adequate but not varied 1
(iv) Not varied and not adequate 0
Page | 87
c) Clarity, colour and proportion (3 Marks)

Evaluate the submission on the following:

 Illustrations are clear
 There is proper use of colour
 Illustrations are proportional

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attribute applies 0

d) Captioning/numbering/labelling (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The illustrations are appropriately captioned/ 2
(ii) Some illustrations are not appropriately 1
captioned/numbered/ labelled
(iii) Illustrations are not appropriately 0

Total Scored


Evaluate the book on the following:

 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject

 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type faces across the text in
highlighting topics or themes and sub-topics
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text
 Appropriate use of margins

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 5
(ii) Three of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the attributes apply 0

Page | 88

9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Total %

(49) (10) (17) (9) (5) Marks
a b c d e f g h i j k a b c a b c d e f g h a b c d

Max. 7 8 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 5 90

A general reference book must score at least 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material does not promote negative values Yes/ No

The material meets 100% threshold under Language Yes/ No
The material meets 90 % marks (81/90) total threshold Yes/ No

Panel Chairperson:______________________ _________________ ___________

Name Sign Date

Remarks: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Panel Chairperson: …………………..……………… …………………….… …………………

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: …………………..…………… .. …………………….… …………………

Name Sign Date

Panelist: …………………..………………….. …………………….… …………………

Name Sign Date

Page | 89



Title: ……………………………………………………………………………Code ………………………………………………

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Learning area ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Each Bible will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each
statement. The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.

(a) Preface/ Introduction (3 Marks)

The Bible:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Contains appropriate Preface / Introduction. 3
(ii) Does not contain Preface/ Introduction 0

(b) Table of Contents (2 Marks)

The Bible:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Has a comprehensive table of contents specifying books of 2
the Bible
(ii) Does not provide a table of contents 0

(c) Books of the Bible (2 Marks)

The Bible:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Is complete with canonical 66 books 2
(ii) Has less or more than 66 canonical books 0

(d) Ecumenical standards (5 Marks)

The Bible:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Meets ecumenical standards 5
(ii) Does not meet ecumenical standards 0

Note: The Bible that does not meet the ecumenical standards should be recommended for
Page | 90

a) Correctness of the scriptural texts (10 Marks)

The text:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Contains no error(s) 10
(ii) Is flawed, with errors or omission(s) 0

b) Organization of the content (6 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) The themes and subjects are put under relevant subheadings 6
(ii) No subheadings for the themes and subjects are given 0


(a) Appropriateness of vocabulary and sentence structures (10 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) The vocabulary and sentence structures are appropriate for 10
the level of the learner.
(ii) The vocabulary and the sentence structures are fairly 4
appropriate for the level of the learner
(iii) Both the vocabulary and sentence structures are not 0
appropriate to the level of the learner

Total Scored

(b) Typographical status (3 MARKS)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) No typographical error(s) 3
(ii) Typographical error(s) 0


Evaluate the illustrations on the following:

 Relevant to the text

 Varied
 Appropriate to the level
 Clear
 Are responsive (Gender and Disability)

Page | 91
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the five statements apply 5
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four statements apply 0


Evaluate the submission on the following:

 Page layout is appropriate to the level
 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type faces across the text in
highlighting books, themes and subjects.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text. (where applicable)
 Appropriate use of margins

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the five statements apply 4
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0


a) The index is (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(iv) Exhaustive and easy to use 5
(v) Not exhaustive and not easy to use 0

b) Glossary/Concordance (5 Marks)

The Glossary is:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Adequate 5
(ii) Inadequate 1
(iii) Not provided 0

Total Scored

Page | 92

15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 Total %

(12) (16) (13) (5) (4) ((10)
ITEM a b c d a b a b a b
Maximum 3 2 2 5 10 6 10 3 5 4 5 5 60

A Bible should score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets 100% threshold under presentation Yes / No

The material meets 100% the threshold under Content Yes / No
The material meets 90% marks (54/60) total threshold Yes /No

Remarks : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Name of Panel: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Panel Chairperson: …………………………… …………………………. ……………………………………. Name

Sign Date

Panel Secretary: …………………………….. …………………….…… ………………………………..

Name Sign Date

Panelist: …………………………….. …………………….…… ………………………………..

Name Sign Date

Page | 93



Title: …………………………………………………………………………………….Code ……………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Learning area ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

The Wall Maps will be used to support relevant themes or topics in specific levels within the Basic
Education Curricula
 Use of supporting insets of photographic, graphic, tabular and any other illustrations, will be an
added advantage
 Usability
- Ease of use, including consistency of use of high quality colour
- Related topical themes presented on the same map
- Clarity of presentation, layout, lettering, labeling, captioning, bolding and legibility
 Accuracy and correctness of information
 Scale and density of information must be appropriate to the target level
 Language should be appropriate to the target level
Each Wall Map will be evaluated against the set criteria. The ratings are indicated against each
Insert the marks awarded in the box provided.

16.2 Relevance of topic(s) or theme(s) to curriculum (8 Marks)

The topic(s) or theme(s) of the map is/ are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Relevant to the requirements of the curriculum/ subject area 8
(ii) Not relevant to the requirements of the curriculum/ subject area 0

16.3 Relevance of information to the topic(s) or theme(s) of the map (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) The content on the map is relevant to the topic(s) or theme(s) 5
(ii) Some of the content on the map is not relevant to the topic(s) or 0

Total Scored
Page | 94
16.4 Clarity of content presentation. (8 Marks)
The information contained in the mapping:
 Is legible
 Is easy to access
 Has highlighted topics for clarity
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the features apply 8
(ii) Two of the features apply 3
(iii) Less than two of the features apply 0

16.5 Accuracy of information (6 Marks)

The mapping information has:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No factual errors 6
(ii) Factual error(s) 0

16.6 Currency of information (3 Marks)

The mapping information is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Current 3
(ii) Not current 0

16.7 Language (7 Marks)

(a) Appropriateness to the target level and subject (3 Marks)

The language is:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriate for the level and subject 3
(ii) Not appropriate for the level and subject 0

(b) Grammatical status (2 Marks)

There are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No grammatical error(s) 2
(ii) Grammatical error(s) 0

(c) Typographical status (2 Marks)

There are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No typographical error(s) 2
(ii) Typographical error(s) 0

Page | 95
16.8 Appropriateness of scale and density of information (4 Marks)
Evaluate the wall map on:
 The map is presented to the appropriate scale
 The scale used is appropriate to the target level
 The information provided in the map is adequate (not too detailed and
not scanty for the target level)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the qualities apply 4
(ii) Two of the qualities apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the qualities apply 0

16.9 Appropriateness and consistent use of colour (5 Marks)

Colour is:
 Appropriately used
 Consistently used
 Appealing
 Bold and clear

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 5
(ii) Three of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the attributes apply 0
16.10 Appropriateness of print size, type face, labelling and captioning (5 Marks)
Evaluate the Materials on the following:
 Print size on the mapping is appropriate for the target level
 Type face on the mapping is appropriate for the target level
 Labelling is clear and appropriate for the target level
 Captioning is appropriate and communicates what is intended for the target level
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the qualities apply 5
(ii) Three of the qualities apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the qualities apply 0

16.11 Appropriateness of supporting insets (4 Marks)

The graphic, photographic and other insets:
 Support information on the mapping
 Are appropriate for the target level
 Promote positive values

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All attributes apply 4
(ii) Two attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than two of the attributes apply 0
Page | 96
16.12 Layout (5 Marks)
Evaluate the submission on the following:
 Page layout is appropriate to the level and subject
 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference
 There is appropriate use of print size, boldness and type face across the text in
highlighting topics or themes and sub-topics
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text
 Appropriate use of margins

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All statements apply 5
(ii) Four statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements applies 0


ITEM 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 16.10 16.11 16.12 Total %
a b c Marks
Max. 8 5 8 6 3 3 2 2 4 5 5 4 5 60
A Wall Map should score 90% to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets total threshold of 90% marks (54/60) Yes / No



Name of panel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Panel Chairperson: ……………………………………… ………………………………………….. ……………………

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary ……………………………………… …………………….……………. ……………………

Name Sign Date

Panelist ……………………………………… …………………….……………. ……………………

Name Sign Date
Page | 97



Title: …………………………………………………………………………………………Code ……………………………………….

Level …………………………………………………………………………………. Class…………………………………………
Learning area ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
No. of Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

The Wall Charts shall be used to support relevant themes or topics for specific Education levels
The content is clearly documented and concisely presented.
 Pictorial presentations are in the right proportions
 Colour is correctly and consistently used
 Language is appropriate for the target level and the subject
 Detail and density of information is appropriate for the target level
 Where information has been presented on both sides, related topics or themes are
given on the same side.
 Captioning is of suitable print size and boldness
 Labelling is horizontal and in readable lettering
 Layout enhances ease of use.

Note: Besides charts on themes in the various Curriculum subjects across education levels, there may
be charts in some of the contemporary and emerging issue areas.
Each Wall Chart will be evaluated against the areas given. The ratings are indicated against each
Insert the marks awarded in the box provided

17.2 Relevance of topic(s) or theme(s) to curriculum and target level (8 Marks)

The content is:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Relevant to the requirements of the curriculum and the 8
target learner
(ii) Not relevant to the requirements of the curriculum and the 0
target learner

Page | 98
17.3 Content presentation (6 Marks)
 is consistently presented
 is logically organised
 has clear running headings

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 6
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 3
(iii) Less than two of the attributes apply 0

17.4 Accuracy of Information (6 Marks)

The information on the chart has

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) No factual error(s) 6
(ii) Factual error(s) 0

17.5 Currency of Information (3 Marks)

The information on the chart is:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Current 3
(ii) Not current 0

17.6 Presentation of illustrations (5 Marks)

Illustrations presented:
 Are in the right proportions
 Are correct representation of the intended objects
 Promote positive values

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 5
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than two of the attributes apply 0

17. 7 Appropriateness and consistency in the use of colour (4 Marks)

Colour is:
 Used appropriately
 Used consistently
 Appealing
 Bold and clear

Page | 99
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All qualities apply 4
(ii) Three of the qualities apply 2
(iii) Less than three of the qualities apply 0

17.8 Language (7 Marks)

(a) Appropriateness of language to the target level and subject (3 Marks)

Language is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriate for the level and subject 3
(ii) Not appropriate for the level and subject 0

(b) Grammatical status (2 Marks)

There are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No grammatical error (s) 2
(ii) Grammatical error (s) 0

(c) Typographical status (2 Marks)

There are:-
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No typographical error (s) 2
(ii) Typographical error (s) 0

Total Scored

17.9 Appropriateness of detail and density of information (4 Marks)

 detail is appropriate to the target learner
 density is appropriate to the target learner

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Both attributes apply 4
(ii) One of the attributes applies 1
(iii) None of the attributes applies 0

17.10 Presentation of related information (3 Marks)

Where information is presented on both sides of the wall chart,

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Related topics or themes are given on the same side 3
(ii) Unrelated topics or themes are given on the same side 0
Page | 100
17.11 Appropriateness of captioning (6 Marks)
 has appropriate print sizes and type face for the target level
 appropriately highlighted/bolded
 appropriately communicates the intended information

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 6
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 3
(iii) Less than two of the attributes apply 0

17.12 Appropriateness of labelling (6 Marks)

 is horizontal
 has readable lettering
 uses straight, non-arrowed lines that do not cross each other

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 6
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 3
(iii) Less than two of the attributes applies 0

17.13 Layout (5 Marks)

Evaluate the wall chart on the following
 Page layout is appropriate for the target level and subject
 The layout enhances readability and ease of use
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type face across the text in highlighting
topics and sub-topics
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Appropriate use of margins
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the five statement apply 5
(ii) Four of the statement apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0

Page | 101
ITEM 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 17.10 17.11 17.12 17.13 Total %
a b c
Max. 8 6 6 3 5 4 3 2 2 4 3 6 6 5 63

A Wall Chart should score 90% to be considered for recommendation

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets 90% marks (57/63) total threshold Yes / No

Panel Chairperson:______________________ _________________ ___________

Name Sign Date
Remarks : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Name of panel: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Panel Chairperson: ……………………………………… ………………………. ………………………

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: ……………………………………… …………………….…. ……………………..

Name Sign Date

Panelist: ……………………………………… …………………….…. ……………………..

Name Sign Date

Page | 102
18.1 General Information

Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ISBN ………………………………..

Publisher ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Code ………………………………
Level ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class ………………………………
Subject ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Year of Production/Manufacture……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Date of Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Procedures for evaluation and approval of models are based on the following assumptions:
 The models shall be used to support relevant themes/topics for specific education levels
 The model shall be accompanied by a relevant instructional guide/manual (The material used to
make the model should be specified in the guide)
 The model is the actual representation of realia
 The information presented is current and accurate
 The information presented is appropriately detailed
 Lettering is legible and labelling is appropriate
 Language is appropriate to the target level and subject
 Where colour has been used, it is proper, consistent and appropriate
 The model is made from durable material(s) that is safe for use
 The model is portable, easy to handle and easy to store
 The model is easy to assemble and maintain.

Each model will be evaluated against the given criteria. The ratings are indicated against each
statement. Insert the marks awarded in the box provided.
18.3 Representation of realia (12 Marks)

a) The model: (6 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Is an actual representation of realia 6
(ii) Is not representative of realia 0

Page | 103
b) Proportion (4 Marks)

The model is:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriately proportioned 4
(ii) Inappropriately proportioned 0

c) Size (2 Marks)
The model is of
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriate size 2
(ii) Inappropriate size 0

Total Scored

18.4 Relevance to subject/curriculum area and target level (8 Marks)

The model:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Meets the requirements of the subject/curriculum area 8
and the target level
(ii) Does not meet the requirements of the 0
subject/curriculum area and the target level

18.5 Currency, Accuracy and Appropriateness of Information (7 Marks)

(a) Currency (2 Marks)
The model has:-
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Current information 2
(ii) Dated information 0

(b) Accuracy (3 Marks)

The model has:-
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No factual errors 3
(ii) Factual errors 0

(c) Appropriateness of information (2 Marks)

The model has:-
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Appropriate information 2
(ii) Inappropriate information 0

Total scored
Page | 104
18.6 Labelling, lettering and legibility (5 Marks)
The model has:
 Appropriate labelling
 Legible lettering
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Both attributes apply 5
(ii) One or none of the attributes applies 0

Note: Where labelling is not required, evaluate the model without this section.
18.7 Appropriateness and consistency of colour use (5 Marks)
Colour is:
 Appropriately used
 Consistently used
 Appealing
 Bold and clear
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All qualities apply 5
(ii) Three of the qualities applies 2
(iii) Less than three 0

18.8 Language (9 Marks

(a) The Language used: (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Is appropriate for the level and subject 5
(ii) Is not appropriate for level and subject 0

(b) Grammatical status (2 Marks)

There are:-
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No grammatical errors 2
(ii) Grammatical errors 0

(c) Typographical status (2 Marks)

There are:-
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Typographical errors 2
(ii) No Typographical errors 0
NB: Where language is not applicable, evaluate the model without this section.

Total scored

Page | 105
18.9 Durability and safety (5 Marks)
The model is made from material that is:
 Durable
 Safe for use
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Both attributes apply 5
(ii)Only one attribute applies 2
(iii)Neither of the attributes applies 0

18.10 Portability, handling and storage convenience (6 Marks)

The model is easy to:
 Handle/use
 carry
 store
 assemble
 maintain

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All attributes apply 6
(ii) Four of the attributes apply 2
(iii). Less than four of the attributes apply 0

18.11 Appropriateness of Instructional Guide/Manual (15 Marks)

(a) Relevance (2 Marks)

The Guide/Manual:-
 Is relevant to the model
 Clearly cross references with the model

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Both apply 2
(ii) One or none apply 0

(b) Assembling, Handling and storage

Provides guidelines on:

 Assembling
 Handling
 Caring
 Storage
 Retrival

Page | 106
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the attributes apply 5
(ii) Four of the attributes apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the attributes apply 0

(c) Accuracy of Information

The Information in the manual has:- (2 Marks)
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) No factual errors 2
(ii) Factual errors 0

(d) Currency of information (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the information in the manual is current 2
(ii) Some Information in the manual is dated 0

(e) Language (2 Marks)

 No grammatical errors
 No typographical errors
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Both attributes apply 2
(ii) One of none of the attributes apply 0

(f) Safety and Production (2 Marks)

 Indicates year of production
 Gives the information about materials used in the production
The model:

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) Both statements apply 2
(ii) Less than two statements apply 0

Total scored

Page | 107
ITEM 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 18.10 18.11 Total %
(12) (8) (7) (5) (5) (9) (5) (6) (15)
a b c a b c a b c a b c d e f

Max. 6 4 2 8 2 3 2 5 5 5 2 2 5 6 2 5 2 2 2 2 72 100
A Model should score 90% to be considered for recommendation

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material meets 90% marks (85/72) of total threshold Yes / No

Remarks ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Panel Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Panel Chairperson: …………………………………… …………………..…………… …………………………

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: ………………………………………. ……………………............. ……………………

Name Sign Date

Panelist: ………………………………………. ……………………............. ……………………

Name Sign Date

Page | 108


Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………. ISBN ………………………………

Author(s) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Publisher …………………………………………………………………………………. Code …………………………….
Level ………………………………………………………………………………………… Class …………………………….
Subject ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
No. of pages ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Price ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Explanation: Contemporary and Emerging Issues
The following Cross-Cutting Issues are envisaged in this category:
 Life Skills Education
 Guidance & Counselling
 Drugs and Substance Abuse
 Peace and Conflict Management
 Environmental Conservation and Management
 Disaster Preparedness and Management
 National Cohesion and Integration
 HIV and AIDS
 Gender
 Child and Human Rights
 School Health, Water and Sanitation
 Ethics and Integrity
 Do-it-yourself (DIY) Manuals
 Education for Sustainable Development
 Other relevant emerging issues

Each book will be evaluated against the areas listed below. The ratings are indicated against each

The mark awarded should be inserted in the box provided.

Page | 109

a) Relevance of content to target group (6 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All information is relevant 6
(ii) Some information is not relevant 2
(iii) The information is relevant 0

b) Coverage of relevant concepts (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All concepts are relevant 5
(ii) Some concepts are relevant 2
(iii) The concepts are not relevant 0

c) Coverage of relevant skills (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All skills are relevant 5
(ii) Some skills are relevant 2
(iii) The skills are not relevant 0

d) Accuracy and correctness of content or information (4 Marks)

Information in the book:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Has no factual error(s) 4
(ii) Has factual error(s) 0

e) Currency of information (3 Marks)

The book has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No dated information 3
(ii) Some information is dated 0

f) Appropriateness of information to the level of the learner or user

(3 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All information is appropriate 3
(ii) Some information is appropriate 1
(iii) The information is inappropriate 0

Page | 110
g) Organization of the content (3 Marks)

Evaluate the book on the following:

 Sequencing of topics throughout the text is logical
 Sequencing of information within each topic is logical
 Topics and information are presented consistently throughout the text
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes apply 0

h) Promotion of positive values and attitudes (8 Marks)

The text and illustrations
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Consistently promote positive values and attitudes 8
(ii) Makes some effort to promote positive values and 3
(iii) Makes no effort to promote positive values and attitudes 0

Note: A book that promotes negative values should be recommended for

i) Promotion of gender responsiveness in text and illustrations (2 Marks)
The text and illustrations:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Are gender responsive 2
(ii) Are not gender responsive 0

j) Concepts and Skills development ( 8 Marks)

The book has:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Adequate emphasis on concepts and skills development 8
(ii) Some emphasis on concepts and skills development 3
(iii) No emphasis on concepts and skills development 0

Total Scored

Page | 111

a) Grammatical status (4 Marks)

The book has:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No grammatical error(s) 4
(ii) Grammatical error(s) 0

b) Typographical status (3 Marks)

The book has:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) No typographical error(s) 3
(iii) Typographical error(s) 0

c) Appropriateness for the level of the learner/user (5 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The vocabulary and sentence structures are within the 5
level of the learner/user
(ii) Some vocabulary and language structures are not within 0
the level of the learner/user
Total Scored


Books without assessment/activities should not be evaluated on this section.

a) Appropriateness of assessment for the level of the learner/user (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The exercises/activities are appropriate 2
(ii) Some exercises/activities are not appropriate 0

b) Adequacy of assessment (2 Marks)

The Exercises/ activities are:

Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Adequate 2
(ii) Inadequate 0

Page | 112
c) Variety of assessment methods ( 2 Marks)
There is
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Variety of assessment methods 2
(ii) No variety of assessment methods 0

d) Clarity of instructions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All instructions are clear 2
(ii) Some instructions are not clear/not available 0

e) Clarity of questions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All questions are clear 2
(ii) Some questions are not clear 0

f) Consistency of instructions (2 Marks)

Instructions are:
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Consistently used 2
(ii) Not consistently used 0

g) Correctness of answers to questions (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All answers are correct 2
(ii) Some answers are incorrect/Not available 1
(iii). Answers are incorrect/not available 0

Total Scored


a) Relevance to the text and target level/user (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All illustrations are relevant 3
(ii) Some of the illustrations are not relevant 1
(iii) The illustrations are not relevant 0

Page | 113
b) Variety and adequacy (3 Marks)
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) Varied and adequate 3
(ii) Varied but not adequate 1
(iii) Adequate but not varied 1
(iv) Not varied and not adequate 0

c) Clarity, colour and proportion (3 Marks)

Evaluate the book on the following:
 All illustrations are clear
 There is proper use of colour
 All illustrations are proportional

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) All attributes apply 3
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 1
(iii) Less than two of the attributes apply 0

d) Captioning/numbering/labelling (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative: Marks

(i) The illustrations are appropriately captioned/ 2
numbered/ labeled appropriately
(ii) Some illustrations are not captioned/ numbered/ 1
(iii) The illustrations are not captioned/ numbered/ 0

Total Scored


Evaluate the book on the following:
 Page layout is appropriate for the level and subject
 The layout enhances readability and ease of reference
 There is appropriate use of print sizes, boldness and type face across the text in
high lighting topics and sub-topics.
 Illustrations are correctly positioned in relation to the relevant text.
 Appropriate use of margins
Pick one alternative: Marks
(i) All the five statements apply 5
(ii) Four of the statements apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the statements apply 0

Page | 114
ITEM 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 TOTAL %
(47) (12) (14) (11) (5) MARK
a b c d e f g h i j a b c a b c d e f g a b c d
Maximum 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 8 2 8 4 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 5 89

A book in this category should score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ...................................

The material does not promote negative values Yes / No

The material meets total threshold 90% marks (80/89) Yes / No

Remarks: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Panel Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Panel Chairperson: ……………………………. ………………………….. ……………………………………..

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: …………………..…………… …………………….…….. … …………………………………..

Name Sign Date

Panelist: …………………..…………… …………………….…….. … …………………………………..

Name Sign Date

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Title/Name …..…………………………………………………………………….. ISBN ………………………………………

Producer/Manufacturer …………………………………………………….. Code ……………………………………..
Level …………………………………………………………………………………….. Class ……………………………………
Subject(s) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Year of Production/Manufacture .………………………………………………………………………………………..
Price …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Date of Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
This instrument shall be used to assess educational kits.

Prior to evaluation, the panel should generate a full list of syllabus topics, concepts and skills. It should
also draw a list of the core items which should be included in the Science kit.

The mark awarded in each case should be inserted in the box provided.


Note: A Kit must score at least 13 marks in this section.
a) Number of required items in the Kit (8 Marks)
What percentages of the required items are in the kit?

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) 95 % – 100% of the items are provided 8
(ii) 85% – 94% of the items are provided 4
(iii) Less than 85% of the items are provided 0

b) Core Items (7 Marks)

What percentage of the core items have been provided?
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) 95% - 100% core items are provided 7
(ii) 85% - 94% core items are provided 3
(iii) Less than 85% core items are provided 0

Total Scored

Page | 116

a) Coverage of required Syllabus topic activities (8 marks)

What percentage of topic activities in the syllabus can be carried out using items in the kit?

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) 95% – 100% of the topic activities can be carried out using 8
items in the kit
(ii) 85% – 94% of the topic activities can be carried out 4
(iii) Less 85% of the topic activities can be carried out 0

b) Coverage of required Syllabus concepts and skills (8 Marks)

What percentage of concepts and skills can be developed using items in the kit?

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) 95% – 100% of concepts and skills can be developed using 8
items in the kit
(ii) 85% – 94% of concepts and skills can be developed using 4
items in the kit
(iii) Less than 85% of concepts and skills can be developed using 0
items in the kit
Total Scored


Note: A Kit must score at least 4 marks in this section.

What percentage of the items in the kit are in good working condition?
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) 95% – 100% of the items are in good working condition 7
(ii) 85% – 94% of the items are in good working condition 4
(iii) Less than 85% of the items are in good working condition 0


(a) Attributes (4 Marks)

The attributes in the kit are:-
 Appropriate in size and proportion
 Appropriate in colour
 Varied

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Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the qualities apply 4
(ii) Two of the qualities apply 2
(iii) One or none of the qualities apply 0

(b) Relevance (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All models in the kit are relevant 3
(ii) Some models in the kit are not relevant 0


 The items in the kit are durable

 Some of the items can be acquired locally or improvised
 The items are of appropriate size, colour and quality

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All three features apply 5
(ii) Two of the features apply 2
(iii) One or none of the features applies 0


Evaluate the items in the kit on the following:

(a) Labelling (4 Marks)
 All components are labelled
 Labelling is conventional
 Labelling is clear and legible

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the attributes apply 4
(ii) Two of the attributes apply 2
(iii) One or none of the attributes apply 0

(b) Calibration (3 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All items are well calibrated 3
(ii) Some items are not well calibrated 0

Page | 118

Evaluate the kit based on the following:

 The casing is appropriately designed and is lockable
 Arrangement of components facilitates ease of retrieval and
 Organization facilitates safety/security of fragile items
 Storage ensures safety from dangerous chemicals/harmful items
 The kit is portable.
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) All the features apply 6
(ii) Four of the features apply 2
(iii) Less than four of the features apply 0

20.9 COST (3 MARKS)

Based on the relevant components, the kit is:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Affordable 3
(ii) Expensive 1


ITEM 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 Total
(15) (16) (7) (7) (5) (7) (6) (3) Mark %
a b a b a b a b
Max. Mark 8 7 8 8 7 4 3 5 4 3 6 3 66


The kit must be accompanied by a relevant and useful Manual. A kit without a Manual will not be


The Manual covers the following:
 Definition of the kit
 Background information of the Subject and level
 Justification for a the Kit
 Objectives of using the kit

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All issues are covered 6
(ii) Three of the issues are covered 2
(iii) Less than three of the issues are covered 0
Page | 119

a) Provision of lists
The Manual contains a list of: (2 Marks)
 Equipment/apparatus and instruments
 Substances e.g. chemicals
 Materials to be
- Purchased locally
- Sourced from the immediate environment
- Improvised

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the three lists are provided 2
(ii) Less than three of the lists is provided 0

b) Illustrations of core items (2 Marks)

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the core items are illustrated 2
(ii) Some core items are not illustrated 0


The Manual has comprehensive guidelines on the following:

 Management of toxic/poisonous, explosive, corrosive and/or inflammable substances
 Handling of fragile/sharp apparatus and instruments
 Handling of dangerous animals, plants and insects
 Administration of First Aid
 Disposal of waste
 General precaution signs

Pick one alternative Marks

(i) All the six guidelines are included 6
(ii) Less than six of the guidelines are included 0


The manual provides:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Adequate and varied methods for practical work 4
(ii) Neither adequate nor varied methods 0

Page | 120
There are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Relevant, correct and clear instructions on the use of the 3
items in the kit
(ii) No instructions, or where instructions are given, they are 0
not relevant


(Where preparation of solution/or setting up of apparatus is not required,
do not score on this item)

Clarity and Accuracy (5 MARKS)

The instructions are:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Clear and accurate 5
(ii) Not clear and not accurate 0


The manual has covered:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) 95% -100% of the required activities are covered 5
(ii) 85% -94% of the required activities are covered 2
(iii) Less than 85% of the required activities are covered 0


Pick one alternative Marks

(i) The language used is accurate and correct 3
(ii) The language used is neither accurate nor correct 0


The information in the manual is:

Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Accurate and up-to-date 4
(ii) Inaccurate and dated 0

Note: A Manual with inaccurate and/or dated information will lead to disqualification of the

Page | 121
a) Storage and Stock-taking (2 Marks)
There are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Comprehensive suggestions on storage and stock-taking 2
(ii) No suggestions on storage and stock-taking 0

b) Maintenance and Restocking (2 Marks)

There are:
Pick one alternative Marks
(i) Useful, relevant and practical suggestions on maintenance 2
and restocking
(ii) Minimal suggestions on maintenance and restocking 0


ITEM 20.10 20.11 20.12 20.13 20.14 20.15 20.16 20.17 20.18 20.19 Total
(6) (4) (6) (4) (3) (5) (5) (3) (4) (4) Mark %
a b a b
Maximum 6 2 2 6 4 3 5 5 3 4 2 2 44


Maximum mark 66 44 110
Awarded mark
A Science Kit should score 90% overall to be considered for recommendation.

TOTAL AVERAGE MARKS AWARDED BY EVALUATION PANEL: ..................................................................

The Kit meets 90 % marks (13/15) of content threshold es/ No

The Kit meets 90 % marks (4/7) working condition of threshold Yes/ No
The Kit meets 90 % marks (54/66) of threshold Yes/ No
The Manual meets 90% marks (40/44) of threshold Yes/ No
The material meets 90% marks (82/110) of total threshold Yes /No

Page | 122
Remarks: ......................................................................................................................................


Panel Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Panel Chairperson: ………………………………………….. …………………………… ………………………………

Name Sign Date

Panel Secretary: …………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………….

Name Sign Date

Panelist: …………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………….

Name Sign Date

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