Trupti Result
Trupti Result
Trupti Result
PRN/Reg. No. Examination Seat No. Name of the Student Mother's Name Month & Year of Examination
N-MNT-BCSE23-203 INSTRUMENTATION TH 10 4 09 40 16 32 50 41 10 2
PRN/Reg. No. Examination Seat No. Name of the Student Mother's Name Month & Year of Examination
Grand Total (Out of 475) : 373 (In Words) Three Hundred Seventy Three
Result: PASS Grade: A+ (EXCELLENT) Credit Earned: 22 SGPA: 9.18 Aggregate Percentage : 78.53 %
Abbreviations- AC- Assessment Category; CCE- Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation; SEE- Semester End Examination; TH- Theory; PR- Practical/Oral/Project; NC-Non - CGPA;
ATKT- Allow To Keep Term; AB- Absent; *- Fail; P- Previous Pass; Ex- Exempted; $- Ordinance; CC- Copy Case; TNG- Term Not Grant; NA- Not Applicable;
AEC - Ability Enhancement Course; SEC- Skill Enhancement Course; GE- Generic Elective