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874 - M.Sc. IT

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(Information Technology) Session 2022-23

Duration: 2 Years (Four Semesters)
Eligibility: Graduation in any stream (Under 10+2+3 Scheme) with
Minimum of 50% marks
(45% for candidates belonging to the reserved category SC/ST/OBC). Selection: Based on merit in
qualifying examination

Scheme of Examination and Course of Study

1. Number of papers and the maximum marks for each paper/practical are shown in the syllabus
for the subject concerned. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part as well as
in the practical part (wherever prescribed) of a subject/Paper separately.
2. The candidate shall be declared as pass in a semester examination if he/she secures
(i) at least 36% marks in the aggregate of all the papers prescribed for the examination and ,
(ii) at least 36% marks in practical / wherever prescribed at the examination, provided that if a
candidate fails to secure at least 25% marks in each individual paper work. Wherever prescribed, he/she
shall be deemed to have failed at the examination not withstanding his/her having obtained the
minimum %age of marks required in the aggregate for the examination. Division shall be
awarded at the end of the Final Examination taken together, as noted below:

First Division 60% (On the aggregate marks taken)

Second Division 48% (On the aggregate marks taken)
3. If a candidate clears any papers(s)/practical prescribed at the Examination after a continuous
period of three years, then for the purpose of working out his division the minimum pass marks
only viz. 25% (36% in the case of Practical) shall be taken into account in respect of such
4. A candidate failing at any one semester may be provisionally admitted to the next semester
class. Provided that he passes in atleast 50% papers.
5. A candidate may be allowed grace marks in only one theory papers up to the extent of 1% of the
Total marks prescribed for that examination.
N.B. (i) Non Collegiate candidates didn‟t eligible to appear in the examination where
practical is involved.

M.Sc. Information Technology Exam.- 2022-23
(Applicable for students admitted in the session 2022-23)
Semester - I
Courses of Study and Examination
Paper Paper Name Lecture Tut. Credits Max. Marks

PAPER-101 Algorithmic and Application 3 1 4 100

PAPER-102 Fundamentals of Information 3 1 4 100
PAPER-103 Database Management 3 1 4 100
PAPER-104 Operating Systems 3 1 4 100
PAPER-105 Mathematical Foundation of 3 1 4 100
Information Technology
PAPER-106 Programming Laboratory 2 50
(‘C’, Windows, MS-Office)
PAPER-107 Programming Laboratory 2 50
(DBMS, Operating System)
Total 24 600
*for each practical paper students have to submit the project.

Semester - II
Courses of Study and Examination
Paper Paper Name Lecture Tut. Credits Max. Marks

PAPER-201 Object Oriented Concepts and 3 1 4 100

PAPER-202 Computer Organization 3 1 4 100
PAPER-203 Internet and Web Technology 3 1 4 100
PAPER-204 Data Communication 3 1 4 100
PAPER-205 Advance Database 3 1 4 100
Management System
PAPER-206 Programming Laboratory-1 2 50
PAPER-207 Programme Laboratory -2 2 50
(Internet and Web
Total 24 600
*for each practical paper students have to submit the project.

Semester - III
Courses of Study and Examination
Paper Paper Name Lecture Tut. Credits Max. Marks

PAPER-301 Advanced Internet Application 3 1 4 100

PAPER-302 Visual Basic Programming 3 1 4 100

Electronic Banking & E- 4
PAPER-303 3 1 100
PAPER-304 Elective
PAPER-304.1 Data Warehousing & Mining
3 1 100
PAPER-304.2 Cloud Computing

Cyber Law, Internet Security & 4

PAPER-305 3 1 100
Programming Laboratory 2
PAPER-306 50
(Visual Basic Programming)
Programming Laboratory 2
PAPER-307 (Advanced Internet 50
Total 24
*for each practical paper students have to submit the project.

Semester - IV

Courses of Study and Examination

Paper Paper Name Lecture Tut. Credits Max. Marks

Project (Report, Viva-Voce)

PAPER-401 24 600

Total 600

Grand Total of All 4 Semesters: 2400

1. Project can be accomplished in a group of maximum 03 students.
2. Project work of students shall be assessed by a panel of External Examiner (appointed by
University) and Internal Examiner both.

M.Sc. (Previous)
Paper 101-Algorithmic and Application Programming

Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Algorithmic Methodology.
Basic concepts and notation, understanding the Problem, Plan the Logic, Code the
Program, Pseudopodia and Flowchart, efficiency of algorithms, analyzing algorithms and
problems, complexity measures, basic time analysis of an algorithm, space complexity.
Conditionals Control Structures and Program Writing.

Looping, Abstract data types, Data abstraction and basic data structures, data types,
Recursion, Characteristics of Recursive functions, Mathematical Induction,
Prepositional Logic, First Order Predicate calculus, Resolution Proofs, Rules of

Data Structure and Programming c oncepts:
Arrays, Storage allocation functions, Linked allocation, hashed allocation techniques,
Sorting, Searching, Sequential, Binary and hashed searching,

Internal and external sorting techniques, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selections sort,
Merge sort, Radix sort and quick sort comparisons, String Manipulations,
Representation of strings in contiguous storage, string conversions. Representations of
variable-length strings, examples of operations on strings.

Data structures and file handling: File organization, text and Binary files., Opening and
closing files, Advanced programming concepts, Introduction only, Recursion, dynamic
Memory management and allocation operating system calls inter process communication,
advanced file handling and indexing.

Text / Reference Books:

1. A.V.Aho, J.E. Hopecroft, and J.D.Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms.
Pearson Education Asia.
2. R. Johnsonbaugh,Discrete Mathematics, Pearson Education Asia.
3. Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder-Computer Algorithms, Pearson
Education Asia.
4. Jean-Paul Tremblay and Paul G. Sorenson, An Introduction to Data
Structures with Applications, TMH Publishing Co. Ltd.

Paper 102 - Fundamentals of Information Technology
Max Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Information systems, Data and Information, IT in Business and Industry, IT in home and
Play, IT in education and training, IT in entertainment and the Arts, IT in Science, Engg.
and Maths, Personal, Social and ethical issues in IT. Overview of the Digital Computer
System (Processor, Memory, Input and Output Devices, Storage Devices, Operation
Systems, Application Software, Types of Computers)
Representation of Data
Number system (binary, octal, decimal and hexa decimal numbers, conversion from
one form to another, fractional numbers and signed numbers, complements, Fixed point
and floating Point representations, Boolean algebra (addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division), Logic Gates (NOT, OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR)types of
codes (ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode), encoding and decoding.

Anatomy of a Computer
Introductory level: Emphasis shall be on basic concepts, features available in the
component, characteristics and behavior of components, comparison, merits and
limitations. Mother Board (Special reference to Intel 810 Chipset motherboard), CISC
Micro Processors (Special reference to Pentium, AMD, Cyrix), RISC processors
(Motorola; Power PC, and 680x0 series), Memory (ROM, RAM, flash, Cache, Virtual,
Buffers, CMOS).

Types of RAM (FPM, EDO, BEDO, SDRAM), types of memory modules (SIMM,
DIMM), System clock Bus(Data, Address, Control), Bus architecture (ISA, MCA,
EISA, PCI, AGP) Expansion slots and cards (Network adapter cards, SCSI card, Sound
card, TV tuner card, PC card), Ports (Serial, Parallel, AGP, UGP, Fire wire), cables
(RS 232, BIN), Input devices (keyboard, mouse, trackball, track pad, pen touch
screen, scanner, OMR, OCR, voice input, video input digital camera) Output devices
[Monitors (refresh rate, resolutions, standards- CGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA; LCD
monitors, Video controllers and VRAM), (Printers (Dot-matrix, Line, Label, Ink- Jet,
Laser, Color Laser thermal wax, dye sublimation, fiery, IRIS), Plotters (pen, Ink- Jet,
electrostatic), Voice Output], Storage devices [ Storage types (Magnetic, Optical,
Magneto-optical, Solid state), random versus sequential access, formation, tracks and
sectors, speed storage, capacity, floppy Disk (5.25 inch, 3.5 inch; 2HD, Zip, Super disk,
HiFD) Hard Disk (tracks, cylinders, sectors; Hard Drive Interfaces(IDE,EIDE, Fast SCSI,
Fast/wide SCSI, Ultra SCSI; Hard Disk Cartridges, RAID)), Optical Disks (pits and
lands, CD (ROM, R, RW), DVD, (ROM, R, RAM) Magnetic tape (reels, streamers, DAT,
DLT, stripe, Smart Card), Modem (Fax/Data/Voice).

Development of Indian Supercomputer „PARAM‟: history, characteristics, strengths &
weaknesses and basic architecture.
E-Commerce: An Indian perspective, Digilocker, attendance.gov.in, mygov.in, Swachh
Bharat Mission, E-Hospital, National Scholarship portal, E-Sampark, UID, various modes
of Digital payment of govt. of India

Text / Reference Books:

1. Bernard Grob: Basic Electronic, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Albert Paul Malvino, Electronic Principles, McGraw Hill.
3. Jacob Millman and Christos, C. Halkias: Electronic Devices and Circuits,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2000.
4. Peter Norton‟s Introduction to Computers, Third Edition, McGraw Hill.
Paper 103 - Database Management Systems
Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Data and Information
Basic Concepts, Problems of Early Information Systems, Advantage of a DBMS. Database
Architectures Three levels of the architecture: external, conceptual and internal level]
centralized and distributed, Database models : hierarchical [Concepts of a Hierarchy, IMS
hierarchy], relational [Concepts of relational model, relational algebra, relational calculus].

Concepts of a Network, DBTG Network DBA Schema declaration and object oriented
database [Only basic information about OODBMS and ORDBMS]. Data management
Issues: Backup, recovery, maintenance and performance.

Database query languages
Basic retrieval capability, retrieval and exploration, update commands QBE,
client/server design, Standard Query language [Basic SQL Query Nested Queries,
Aggregate Operators, Null Values, Embedded SQL, Cursor Dynamic SQL] query
optimization [Query evaluation plans, pipelined evaluation. Heritor interface for operators
and access methods, relational Query Optimizer].

Database Design
Schema Refinement, Functional Dependencies, Normal forms Decompositions.
Normalization, tuning [Tuning indexes, Tuning queries and views, tuning the
conceptual schema, DBMS benchmarking], Security [Access control, Discretionary
and Mandatory Access control, Encryption] and implementation.

Enterprise wide data applications [Information only], building client / server
database [Information only] Object oriented databases, [Information only] Internet
databases [Information only] Open database connectivity [ODBC] [Information
Only], Accessing remote data sources, Transaction Management [Information only].

Database and Tools:

MS-Access, SQL, Visual Basic, ORACLE (Wherever required these tools should be used).

Text / Reference Books:

1. Ramakrishnan and Gharke, Database Management Systems, Tata McGraw
Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
2. Date, Database Management Systems, Pearson Education Asia.
3. Gerald V Post, Database Management Systems, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Leon and Leon, SQL, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
5. Ivan Bayross, Database Technologies, Sybex Computer Books Inc.
6. Abbey and Corey, Oracle 8i, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.Ltd.
7. Val Occardi, Relational Database, BPB Publication.

Paper 104 - Operating Systems
Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Operating Systems
Functions of operating systems, characteristics of Operating Systems (single/multi user,
single/multi tasking, portability), Information Management (File Systems, Device Drivers,
Terminal I/O). DOS: Booting sequence, system files and commands, file and directories,
overview of MS-DOS commands – internal and external commands, FDISK and
Disk organization.

Process Management (Process definition, control, interacting processes, implementation of
interacting Processes, threads, scheduling)Memory Management (Contiguous, Non-
Contiguous, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory), Deadlocks, Security and
Protection, Parallel Processing.

Graphical User Interfaces, Windows 98 Installation, Scan Disk, Task Bars, Toolbars,
Settings, Control Panel, Files and Folders management, Windows Explorer, Installing
and Running Program, Using Accessories, Getting Help; Copying, Moving and Sharing
Information between programs, Backing up files, Configuring keyboard and mouse,
adding and removing hardware, setting up printers and fonts, working with sound,
graphics and video.

Configuring windows by using the Accessibility Wizard, configuring modem, connection
to PPP and SLIP Accounts, creating Windows Peer Network, Connecting Windows 98
PC to Novell Netware and Windows NT Networks, Sharing drive and printers,
compressing disk and partitions. Tuning Windows 98 for maximum performance,
registering programs and file types, troubleshooting Windows 98.

Logging in and out, Directory, Redirecting input and output, cat command, viz Editor,
Shell Scripts, Shell and sub-shell variables, Meta characters, sort, head, tail, split, cut,
paste, find, tr, dd commands, grepping and sedding, UUCP, Unix and Networking,
Accessing the Internet, Unix system administration, shell programming.
Text / Reference Books:
1. GaryNutt : Operating Systems- A Modem Perspective (IInd Edition) TMH 2000
2. DM Dhamdhere : Systems Programming and Operating Systems (Second Edition),
Tata McGraw Hill Pub.Co.Ltd.2000.
3. Stuart E. Madnick, John. J. Donovan: Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.Co.
4. Achyut S Godbole: Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.Ltd. 2000.
5. Harvey M. Deitel, Operating Systems, Pearsons Education, 2001.
6. Tanenbaum AS, Modern Operating Systems, PHI Publications.
7. Ritchie : Operating Systems, BPB Publications.
8. Paul McFedries, Windows 98 Unleashed, Techmedia.
Paper 105 - Mathematical Foundation of Information Technology
Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Number Systems : natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex
numbers, arithmetic modulo a positive integer (binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal
number systems), radix representation of integers, representing negative and rational
numbers, floating point notation.

Binary Arithmetic, 2‟s complement arithmetic, conversion of numbers from one of
binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal number system to other number systems, Codes (Natural
BCD, Excess-3, Gray, Octal, Hexadecimal, Alphanumeric-EBCDIC and ASCII), Error

Logic and Proofs: Conjunction, Disjunction, Negation, Compound proposition, Condition,
Propositions (Hypothesis, Conclusion, necessary and sufficient condition and Logical
equivalence, De Morgan‟s laws, quantifiers, universally quantified statement, component
of mathematical system (axiom, definitions, undefined terms, theorem, lema and corollary),
proofs (direct proofs, Indirect Proofs, proof by contra- positive), valid argument,
deductive reasoning, modus ponens (rules of inference), universal instantiation, universal
generalization, existential instantiation, universal generalization resolution, principle of
mathematical induction, structural induction.

Sets, Venn diagrams, ordered pairs, sequences and string, relation (reflexive, symmetric,
anti-symmetric, transitive, partial order), inverse relation and composition of relations,
relational database, functions (injective, surjective, bijective), composition of functions,
restriction and function overriding, function spaces, lambda notation for functions, lambda
calculus, equivalence relations, interpretation using digraphs, cardinal, countable and
uncountable sets, infinite cardinal numbers, Russell‟s paradox:, operations on cardinals, laws
of cardinal arithmetic.

Graph theory undirected graph, digraph, weighted graph, similarity graphs, paths and
cycles, Hamiltonian cycles, shortest path algorithm, isomorphism of graphs, planar
Trees, characterization of trees, spanning trees, breadth first search and depth first
search method, minimal spanning trees, binary trees, tree traversals, decision tree and the
minimum time for sorting, isomorphism of trees.
Reference Books:
1. C.L. Liu: Elements of Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw hill Publishing
Company Ltd. 2000
2. Richard Johnsonbaugh-Discrete Mathematics, Pearson Education, Asia, 2001.
3. John Truss: Discrete Mathematics for computer Scientists, Pearson Education,
Asia. 2001.
4. Robert, J. Mc. Eliece: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill, India.

Paper 106 Programming Laboratory -1 Max Marks 50 („C‟, Windows, MS-Office)
Paper 107 Programming Laboratory -2 Max Marks 50 (DBMS, Operating System)

M.Sc. (Previous)

Paper 201-Object Oriented Concepts and Technology

Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Basic Concepts Of Object Oriented Programming, Characteristics Of Object- Oriented

Object, Classes in C++, Constructors, Destructors, Complex Class, Matrix Class, Object
and Memory; Structures and Classes; Static Class.

Copy Constructor, Data Conversion Between Objects of Different Classes, Data Structure
through C++, Handling Data Files(Sequential and Random), Opening and Closing Files.

Stacks and Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Inheritance: Multiple, Private and Protected
Inheritance, Virtual Functions, Objects Slicing.

Input/output in C++, User Defined Manipulators, Predefined Stream Objects, File I/O,
With Streams, Str streams, Classes Within Classes, Smart Pointers, Templates, Exception

Text / Reference Books:

1. Deitel and Deitel : how to Program C++, Addison Wesley, pearson education
Asia, 1999.
2. AM Bermans, data Structures via C++, Oxford University Press.
3. KR Venugopal, Rajkumar, T Ravishankar: Mastering C++, Tata McGraw
Hill, India.
4. M Litvin, G.Litvin, Programming in C++, Vikas Publishing House, 2001


Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Basic computer organization: Arithmetic, logic, control and memory units, Internal
representation of information, characters and codes, Memory access, contents reading and
writing, Machine cycle and machine language. Register transfer, input and output units
conversational devices.

CPU and control Architecture: Basic architecture of a CPU, instruction format, Fetch and
execute cycles, Addressing modes, Control unit architecture.

I/O architectures: characteristics of simple I/O devices and their controllers. Transfer of
information among I/O devices, CPU, memory. Program controlled and interrupt
controlled information transfers, Introduction to DMA and I/O channels.

Memory organization: random access, serial access memories, Basic memory organization.
Introductory concepts of virtual memory systems.

Introductory study of microprocessor organization. Basic architectural concepts about 8 bit
microprocessor, Elementary concepts of time sharing and multi- programming.

Text / Reference Books:

1. Computer architecture and organization, Hayes, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Computer architecture and Logic Design, Thomas C, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Computer system Architecture, Morris Mano, Prentice Hall.

Paper 203-Internet and Web Technology

Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

The web authoring tools, Web designing with HTML, DHTML, and Java Script.
H T M L: Build HTML documents, View HTML document on different Web Browsers .
Organize information using list, Frame, table tags, Use HTML frames and tables for page layout.
Using hypertext links.

Creating style sheets, image tag, use of image tag, creating GIF and transparent images.create
graphical elements for use on web pages: buttons, banners, navigation bars, background tiles.
Embed images and other multimedia.

Post information to HITTP server. Evaluate a document design for effectiveness usability and
Using DHTML to create functionalities like animation, stages- based presentations, splash
pages, pull-down menus, drop down menus, drag- drop techniques.

Integrating Java Script with HTML and DHTML. Using Java Script Object Model, Java Script‟s
Event System. Manipulating User defined objects and variables. Dynamically updating objects in a
window, windows focusing and defocusing method. Using Java Script‟s time out Mechanisms and
cookie Mechanism. Read and write cookies to store visitor‟s information.

Internet, applications of internet, internet Vs intranet, Addresses and names for the internet,Web
Objects and sites, Web server, Proxy server, Web Browser.Search Engines and tools.
Text / Reference Books:
1. Elizabeth castro, HTML4, Pearson Education Asia.
2. D.S. Rayand E. J. Ray., Mastering HTML 4, Sybex Computer Books Inc.
3. Jeff Rule, DHTML., Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Joseph Schmuller, Dynamic HTML, Sybex Computer Books Inc.
5. Jason J Manger, Java Script essentials, Osborne McGraw Hill.
6. Joel Sarkar, Principal of Web Design, Thomson Learning.
7. Rajkamal, Internet and Web Technologies, TMH.


Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Network architecture, configuring network, network strategies, networks types, LAN, MAN and
WAN basic concepts, Line configuration, topology, transmission mode, identify key, component of
network, categories of networks, differentiating between LAN, MAN, WAN and internet, the
OSI model, MAC protocols for high speeds LANs, MANs.

Data transmission [basic concepts, data communication systems serial data format encoded
data formats, error detection and correction], information about microwave [electromagnetic
spectrum, characteristics, use of Microwave in communication, FM Microwave Radio Repeaters].

Principles of Modulation, AM and FM Modulator Circuits, Pulse code Modulation, Base band
Modulation, M-ary Pulse Modulation wave forms, Duo binary signaling and decoding, digital band-
pass modulation, demodulation [ basics of demodulation and detection, signals and Noise,
detection of binary signal in Gaussian Nose, demodulation of shaped pulses, digital band pass

Satellite [Artificial satellites, geo-synchronous satellites, Look angles, Orbital classifications,
Spacing and frequency allocation, multiple accessing, channel capacity] and optical fiber
communication [basic concept of light propagation, fiber cables, optical fiber versus Metallic cable
Losses, wave division multiplexing, fiber distributed data interface the fiber channel.

SONET, ISDN, ISDN services, subscriber access to ISDN, B channels, D channels, H channels,
ISDN layers, BROADBAND ISDN] DSL [digital subscriber Lines:- HDSL, VDSL, SDSL, IDSL].
Text / Reference Books:
1. M.A. Miller, Data and network Communication, Thomson Learning.
2. Behrouz a Forouzan, Data communication at and networking, Tata McGraw
3. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications, Pearson Education Asia.
4. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communications systems, Pearson education
5. Harley Hahn, The Internet Complete Reference Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Minoli, Internet, Intranet Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.


Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Distributed database design, architecture of distributed processing system, data communication
concept, data placement, placement of DDBMS, and other components, concurrency, control and
recovery, transaction management, need of recovery, recovery techniques, serializability, blocking,
dead-locks, introduction to query optimization. security and integrity of database.

Oracle RDBMS: Overview of three tier client server- technology, Modules of Oracle & SQL *
PLUS data types, constraints, Operators, DDL, DML, DCL, (CREATE, modify, Insert, Delete and
Update; Searching, Matching and Oracle functions) SQL forms concepts, & Construction, creating
default form, user-defined form, multiple- record form, Master-detail form. PL/SQL syntax, Data
types, PL/SQL functions, Error handling in PL/SQL, package functions, Package procedures,
oracle transactions, SQL Report Writer: Selective dump report, Master-detail Report, Control-Break
Report, Test report. Stored procedures and functions: stored procedures, creation and execution of
procedures & functions, stored functions and procedures.

Database triggers: Introduction, Use & type of database triggers, Triggers vs. Declarative Integrity
Constraints, BEFORE Vs. AFTER Trigger combinations, creating a Trigger, dropping a Trigger.

Developer 2000, working with forms, master forms, property class, master detail form, parameter
passing in forms and reports.
Introduction to DB2 architecture, defining database, manipulating database, external views, DB2
internals, IMS architecture, IMS Physical database, IMS Logical database.

Introduction to RPG/400 programming, report heading, editing, eval expression, arithmetic functions,
RPG/400 structure, operations for decision making, branching, looping control, sub-routines, array,
table processing, RPG/400 functions, data validation, physical file maintenance.

Text / Reference Books:

1. Database Management System, Korth, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Database Systems, Catherine Ricardo, Maxwell & Macmillan.
3. SQL complete Reference, Leon and Leon, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Oracle Developers guide, Muller, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. SQL, PL/SQL Programming Language, Ivan Bayross, BPB Publications.
6. Commercial Application Development Using Oracle Developer 2000, Ivan
Bayross, BPB Publications.
7. DB2 Developer‟s Guide, Mullins, BPB Publications.

Paper 206 Programming Laboratory -1 Max Marks 50
(‘C++’, Oracle and My SQL)
Paper 207 Programming Laboratory -2 Max Marks 50
(Internet and Web Technology)

M. Sc. (Final) Information Technology
Semester - III

301- Advanced Internet Applications Development and Current

Issues in IT
Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Introduction to VB script, the Request Object , the Response Object, Interacting with server object,
session and Cookies, the sever Context Object, Web Site Development Tools.

Enterprise Java: Servlets, Java Server Pages, Remote Method Invocation, Java Beans, Java Security,
Native Methods, Java Virtual machine, Features of Java Beans, application of Java Beans – COBRA,
Architecture of COBRA.

EJB- Introduction Transaction Process, Models of Transco-Two Tier Architecture/ Three-Tier
Architecture, Distributed Transaction Processing. EJB Server and client features, Building and
development of EJBs, Design and Implementation of beans.

COM/DCOM- Introduction to COM Programming, COM Architecture, COM interfaces, class
Factories, Types of COM Server, Active X Controls, Property Pages, Distributed Components.

Active Server Pages - Components, Interfaces, ASP with Database, Connections, Data Sources,
Record Sets, Command Objects, Full text search. ASP Custom Components, Creating Multi-tier
Distributed Applications, Window DNA, Using ASP with MS Transaction Sever and Message Server.

CORBA- An Architecture of Interoperability, Internet Inter ORB Protocol. CORBA Filters and
dynamic loaders, CORBA and Java servlets. CORBA Beans.

XML- The Purpose and Nature of XML, XML‟s syntax & structure rules, XML Document Type
Declaration, XML‟s linking mechanisms, XML‟s style language, Converting HTML documents into
XML documents.
Overview of JSP, Swing (JFC) Securities, JINI. Current Issue- Network Securities- IP and Web
Security and Secure Transmission, Electronic, Biotechnological Issues. Authentication issues.

Text / Reference Books:

1. Patrick Naughton & Shildt Herbert : Java 2 : The Complete Reference; TMH,
4th Ed. 2001
2. Baartse: Professional ASP,XML; SPD Pub., Mumbai, 2001.
3. Minoli “ Internet & Internet Engineering”, TMH
4. Inside COM, Dale Rogerson , WP Publisher.
5. Corba Networking with Java (W/CI)by Doss.
6. Stephen W., “Active Pages Server: Unleashed”, Techmedia.
7. Mastering XML (M/CD) by Burman.

Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Introduction: Need of Visual Languages, Integrated Development Environment (IDE),
Advantage of Visual Basic, Characteristics and Features of Visual Basic, Characteristics and
Features of Visual Basic-IDE, Project, User Interface, Object Oriented, Visual Development and
Event-Driven Programming, Forms/Graphic Controls, Data Processing, Sharing With Windows
and Internet Applications.
Visual Basic Programming and Tools: An Introduction of Visual Basic Programming,
Simple Program Construction, Statements, Input/Outputs, Comments, Editor, Subroutines,
Control Flow Statements, Objects, and Variants. Visual Basic Debugging Tools, Runtime Error

Designing User Interface: Elements of User Interface, Understanding Forms, Menus and
Toolbars, Designing Menus and Tool-Bars, Building Dynamic Forms, Drag-And- Drop
Operations, Working With Menus, Customizing The Toolbars.
Active X Controls- Textbox, Combo Box, Scrollbar and Slider Control Operations, Generating
Timed Events, Drawing With Visual Basic Using Graphic, Controls, Coordinate Systems and
Graphic Method, Manipulation Colors and Pixels With Visual Basic, Operations with
Common Dialogs, Printer Object and Reports, Integrating With Microsoft Windows and Office
2000, Concepts Automation, ActiveX and Object Models, Automations With Word 2000, Excel

Database Programming With Visual Basic-Data Access Methods, Creating, Reading and Writing
Text File, Data Control, Creating Queries.

Text / Reference Books:

1. Petroutsos Evangelos : Mastering Visual Basic; BPB Publications; 1998.
2. Norton‟s Peter; Guide to Visual Basic; Techmedia; 1998.
3. Kurata Deborah: Doing Objects in Visual Basic; Techmedia; 1998.
4. Mastering Database Programming With Visual Basic 6 by Petroutsos.

Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Electronic Commerce Framework, Electronic and Media Convergence, Traditional Vs.
Electronic Business Applications, the Anatomy of E-Commerce Application, Overview Of Mobile
Computing Technology, Mobile Data, Internet and Mobile Computing Applications.

Networks Security and Firewalls: Client Server, Network Security, Threads, Firewalls and
Network Security, Data Message Security, Encrypted Document and Electronic Mail.
Architectural Framework for Electronic Commerce, World Wide Web As Architecture,
Consumer Oriented E-Commerce, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), EDI Applications In
Business, EDI Security, Document Management and Digital Libraries.
Consumer-Oriented Applications, Mercantile Process Models, Mercantile Models from the
Consumer‟s Perspectives, Mercantile Models from the Merchant‟s Perspective.
Types Of Electronic Payments Systems, Digital Token Based Electronic Payment Systems, Smart
Cards and Electronic Payment Systems, Credit Card-Based Electronic Payment and Security
Issues and Measures, Designing Electronic Payment System.

Text / Reference Books:

1. R Kalakola And A.B. Whiston : Frontiers Of Electronic Commerce: Addison
Wisely, 1996
2. R. Kalakola And A.B. Whiston : Reading In Electronic Commerce: Addison
Wisley, 1997
3. Soka : Form EDI To E-Commerce; Mcgraw Hill, 1995.
4. Greensein, Feinman: Electronic Commerce Security, Risk Management And
Control; TMH, 2000.
5. Saily Chan: Electronic Commerce Management: John Wisely; 1998.
6. David Kosiur: Understanding Electronic Commerce, Microsoft Press., 1997.
7. Kamlesh K. Bajaj & DebJani Nag, E-Commerce, The Cutting Edge Of
Business, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
8. Pete Locuin and A. Murphy, Electronic Commerce, A Jaico Book.
9. Green Stein” Electronic Commerce”, TMH.

Paper 304.1
Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs. Min.Marks:36

Data Warehousing: Introduction To Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Uses, Data Warehouse
Planning, Stages and Designing Approaches, Delivery Process –Data Warehouse Delivery
System Process: Data in Flow Process, Extract and Load Process Clean and Transform Process,
Backup and Archive Process and Query Management Process. Process Architecture, Load
Manager, Warehouse Manager, Query Manager.
Database Scheme: Star Flake Scheme, Identifying Facts and Dimension, Designing Fact Tables
and Dimension Tables, Designing Star Flake Scheme Multi-Dimension Schemas. Horizontal and
Vertical Partitioning, Hardware Partitioning. Aggregation and Aggregation Summary Tables. Data
Marts, Designing Data Marts. Metadata- Data Transformation and Load, Data Management,
Query Generation, Metadata and Tools, Data Warehouse Process And Load Managers.
Hardware Architecture: Process, Server, Network and Client Hardware, Physical Layout
Parallel Technology, Disk Technology, Contents of Data Warehouse, Database Structure and
Layout and File Systems.
Security: Security Requirements, Impact of Security on Design and Performance, Backup
Strategies and Disaster Recovery. Service Agreement and Operations of Warehouse. Capacity
Planning (Process, Estimate Load), Tuning the Data Warehouse (Aggregate Performance, Data
Load and Queries). Testing Data Warehouse Develop Test Plan, Testing Backup Recovery,
Testing Operational Environmental, Testing Database, Testing Of the Application, Data
Warehouse Features.

Data Mining: Data Mining Concepts, Business, Technical and Social Context for Data Mining.
Data Mining Methodologies, Data Mining Techniques (Automatic Cluster Detection, Decision
Tree), Building Good Effective Models, Working With Model Set, Multiple Models, Case
Studies Of Data Mining Mode For an Online Bank, Wireless Communication Corporation.
Text / Reference Books:
1. Sam Anahory, Dennis Murray,” Data Warehousing”, Pearson Education Pub.
2. Michael A. Berry, Gordon S. Linoff, “Mastering Data Mining”, Wiley Publishing.
3. Mallach G.Fredn E, ”Decision Support System And Data Warehouse Systems”,
4. John Poole, Dan Chang, Doughlas Talbert, ”Common Warehouse Metadata Developer‟s
Guide”, Wiley Pub.

Paper- 304.2
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Fundamentals: definition, Types of cloud, Cloud services: Benefits and
challenges of cloud computing, Evolution of cloud computing-usage scenarios and
Applications, Business models around Cloud – Major Players in Cloud Computing - Issues
in cloud – Eucalyptus – Nimbus – Open Nebula, CloudSim.

Types of Cloud services: Software as a Service – Platform as a Service - Infrastructure as a
Service – Database as a Service – Monitoring as a Service – Communication as a Service.
Service Providers - Google App Engine, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Sales force.
Introduction to MapReduce, GFS, HDFS, Hadoop Framework.

Collaborating on Calendars, Schedules and Task Management – Collaborating on Event
Management, Contact Management, Project Management – Collaborating on Word
Processing, Databases – Storing and Sharing Files – Collaborating via Web-Based
Communication tools – Evaluating Web Mail Services – Collaborating via Social Networks
– Collaborating via Blogs and Wikis.

Need for Virtualization – Pros and cons of Virtualization – Types of Virtualization –
System Vm, Processes VM, Virtual Machine monitor – Virtual machine properties –
Interpretation and binary translation, HLL VM- Hypervisors – Xen, KVM, VMWare,
Virtual BOX, Hyper-V.

Security in Clouds: Cloud security challenges – Software as a Service Security, Common
Standards: The open Cloud Consortium – The Distributed management Task Force –
Standers for application Developers – Standards for Messaging – Standards for Security,
End user access to cloud computing, Mobile Internet devices and the cloud.

Text/Reference books
1. Bloor R., Kaufman M., Halper F. Judith Hurwitz “Cloud Computing for Dummies”
(Wiley India Edition), 2010.
2. John Rittinghouse & James Ransome, “Cloud Computing Implementation
Management and Strategy”, CRC Press, 2010.
3. Antohy T Velte, Cloud Computing: “ A Practical Approach”, McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. Michael Miller, Cloud Computing: “Web-Based Applications That Change the Way
You Work and Collaborate Online”, Que Publishing, August 2008.
5. James E Smith, Ravi Nair, “Virtual Machines”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006.

Max Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hrs.
Introduction: Issue In Network Security, Threat To Network Security Service, Basic
Concepts Of Encryption and Decryption, Substitution Ciphers, Transposition Ciphers.
Electronic Mail Security, IP Security, Web Security, Intruders, Viruses and
Worms, Firewalls.
Cyber Laws: Cyber Laws for Cyberspace- Legal Identity and International Laws in
Cyberspace. IT Act 2000, IT Act 2000 in Reference To Email, E-Commerce,
Issues Of Privacy. E-Contracts and IT Technology.
The World Of Electronic Contracts- E-Agreements and the Web Surfing, Terms Of
Service Contracts, Terms Of Service Agreement for Web Site Owners, Tips of Frame,
A Private Policy for E-commerce Site.
Cyber Pirates – Copyright, Digital Contents Right, Steps to Protect The
Contents of WWW, Software Patent, Domain Name System and Trademarks,
ICANN‟s Functions, Cyber Trademarks Laws, IT Act and Issues Of Copyright,
Patent and Trademark, Crimes- Cyber Crimes and Future Imperfect, Strategy To
Combat Cyber Crimes, IT Act 2000 And Cyber Crimes.
Cryptography: Basic Terms and Concepts, Brief History Of Cryptography and
Cryptanalysis. Uses and Misuses. Basic Number Theory- Divisibility, Primarily, Bases,
Congruence‟s Modular Arithmetic, GCD‟s Euclidian Algorithm, Fermat and Euler
Theorems, Finding Large Primes, Pohlig-Hellman, RSA.
Basic Information Theory: Entropy, Equivocation, Work Factors, Key Size V/S
Message Size, Redundancy, Unicity Distance and Perfect Secrecy.
Elementary and Historical Ciphers: Caesar Cipher, transposition and Substitution,
Poly-alphabetic Ciphers, Product Ciphers, DES, IDEA and Exponentiation Ciphers.
Cipher Modes – Block Ciphers, Stream Cipher, Public Vs. Private Keys, Meet-In-
The- Middle, LFSRs. Authentication Methods- One Way Ciphers, Authentication
Functions, Message Digests, MD5, SHA, Tripwire, Kerberos. Privacy-Enhanced
Communication Privacy, Non-Repudiation, Digital Signatures, Certificate Hierarchies,
X. 509, PGP, PKI.
Key Management- Threshold Scheme, Random Number Generation, Key Es-Crow,
Key Recovery. Application-Mental Poker, Quadratic Residues. Oblivious Transfer and
Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Digital Cash, Digital Voting and Contract Signing.
Text / Reference Books:
1. William Stallings,” Cryptography And Network Security: Principles
And Practice”, Person Education, 2000
2. Kernel Texpalan ,”Communication Network Management:, PHI, 1992.
3. D.E. Corner,” Computer Networks And Internet”, 2nd Edition,
Addison, Wesley Publication, 2000.
4. Sharma, Vakul, ”Handbook of Cyber Laws “, Macmillan India Ltd. 2002.


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