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’Twas grace that taught my

heart to fear,
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb And grace my fears relieved;
Worthy, worthy is the lamb How precious did that grace
Worthy , worthy is the lamb; that
Was slain
The hour I first believed!
Praise the lord, Hallelujah
Praise the lord, Hallelujah 3. Thro’ many dangers, toils, and
Praise the lord, Hallelujah snares,
Praise ye the lord I have already come;
PH 1 Tis grace hath brought me safe
thus Far,
2 And grace will lead me home.
His love for me brought Jesus to 4. The lord has promised good to me
earth as my saviour, His word my hope secures.
His love for me brought Jesus to die He will my shield and portion be
On the tree As long as life endures.
His love for me is bringing me
nearer to glory 5 And when his flesh and heart
One day I’ll know all the depths of shall fail
His love for me And mortal life shall cease
I shall possess within the veil
PH 5
A life of joy and peace.
3 6. When we’ve been there ten
thousand years,
He’s the faithfullest of friends,
Bright shinning as the sun,
to me, to me;
We’ve no less days to sing
he’s unchanging to the end, God’s grace,
Is he, Is he; Than when we’ve first began.
When the surging waters roll, John Newton, PH 22
He’s the comfort of my soul;
He’s the faithfullest of friends
to me, to me
PH 6 We’ll follow him together wherever
He leads.
4 Beside the living waters, our souls
He doth feed;
1. Amazing grace! how sweet the Whatever be the conflict,
sound He’ll meet our every need.
That saved a wretch like me! We’ll follow him together
I once was lost, but now I’m Wherever he may lead
found PH 41
Was blind but now I see
6 Chorus
My heart is so full, is so full, is so full Halleluia! Halleluia!
My heart is so full; Hallelu! Halleluia!
I’ve taken a bath in the cleansing
wave, 2. Men shall not live by bread alone
I’ve trusted in Jesus, the mighty to But by every word
save, That proceeds from the mouth of God
My heart is so full, is so full, is so full. Hallelu! Halleluia!
PH 47, PANT 632 3. Ask and it shall be given unto you,
Seek and ye shall find;
7 Knock and it shall be opened
Abide under his anointing, unto You;
Abide under his control, Hallelu! Halleluia!
Abide under his anointing, PH 97
His presence upon your soul;
Just stay in the hands of Jesus 10
And thou shall be fully whole; Show us thy glory, O lord,
Abide under his anointing, Show us thy glory , O lord;
Abide under his control, Let the dew of heaven bring us
PH 64 Refreshing
And show us thy glory once more.
8 PH 118
Here’s my cup, lord, I lift it up to thee
Come and quench, this thirsting of 11
my Soul; I see the lord , I see the lord;
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want He is high and lifted up and his
No more; train
Here’s my cup, fill it up and make Fills the temple,
me Whole. He is high and lifted up and his
PH 75 train
Fills the temple
9 His angels cry holy ! His angels cry
1 Seek ye first the kingdom of God Holy!
And his righteousness, His angels cry holy is the lord !
And all these things shall be dded PH 140
Unto you,
Hallelu Halleluia!

12 I Laugh and I sing and I feel like a
We’re building a road, building a road For he’s saved me from sin and from
Helping the weak and blind, Crime;
We’re smoothing the road that He’s been a friend to me, many a time
leads Many a time.
To heaven above, PH 159
To make easy for those behind.
PH 143
13 Fairest of all earth beside.
Chiefest of all unto thy bride,
What singing there will be up there, Fullest divine in thee I see,
What singing there will be up there, Wonderful man of calvary
When face to face with Jesus we
shall Stand. Chorus
And join the heavenly choir in the That man of calvary
better Land; Has won my heart from me,
What singing there will be up there, And died to set me free,
What glory for the saints to share, Blest man of calvary
O Glory, glory, glory! 2. Granting the sinner life and peace
What singing there will be up there. Granting the captive sweet
PH 151 release
Hugh Mitchell Shedding his blood to make us Free
Merciful man of calvary!
He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives 3. Giving the gifts obtained for men
Today! Pouring out love beyond our ken
He walks with me and talks with me Giving us spotless purity,
A long life’s narrow way; Bountiful man of calvary!
He lives, he lives 4. Comfort of all my earthly way
Salvation to impart, Jesus I’ll meet thee some sweet
You ask me how I know he lives? Day;
He lives within my heart. Centre of glory thee I’ll see
PH 158, A.H. Acklley Wonderful man of calvary
PH 167 - M.P. Ferguson
He’s been a friend to me many a time 17
He’s been a friend to me many a time 1. I hear the words of love
Many a time; I gaze upon the blood,

I see the mighty sacrifice, Fill me with fire where once I
And I have peace with God burned with shame;
Grant my desire to magnify thy
2. Tis everlasting peace’
Sure as Jehovah ‘s name;
Tis stable as his steadfast 3. Lord, take my life and make it
throne wholly thine;
For evermore the same Fill my poor heart with thy great
love divine
3 The clouds may go and come,
Take all my will, my passion,
And storms may sweep my sky,
self, and pride,
This blood-sealed friendship
I now surrender- lord in me abide.
Changes not;
The cross is ever nigh. 4. O holy ghost, revival comes from
4. My love is of times low,
Send a revival-start the work in me
My joy still ebbs and flows;
Thy word declares thou will
But peace with him remains the
supply our need
For blessings now, O lord,
No change Jehovah knows
I humbly plead.
5. I change, he changes not, PH. 199, Edwin Orr
The Christ can never die,
His love, not mine, the resting 19
Jesus, see me at thy feet,
His truth not mine, the tie.
Nothing but thy blood can save me;
Horatius Boner, PH. 173
Thou alone my need canst meet,
Nothing but thy blood can save me
1 Search me, O God, and know
No! No! Nothing do I bring,
my heart today;
But by faith I’m clinging,
Try me, o lord and know my
To thy cross, O lamb of God!
thoughts, I pray,
Nothing but thy blood can save me
See if there be some wicked
way in me; 2. See my heart, lord torn with
Cleanse me from ev’ry sin and grief,
set me free. Nothing but thy blood can save
2. I praise thee, lord for cleansing
Me unpardoned do not leave,
me from sin;
Nothing but thy blood save me.
Fulfil thy word and make me
pure within 3. Dark, indeed, the past has been ,

Nothing, but thy blood can save 4. Living for me ,living for me,
me, There on the throne he is living
Yet in mercy take me in for me:
Nothing but thy blood can save me. Saved to the uttermost now I
shall be.
4. As I am , O, hear me pray,
All because Jesus was dying for me.
Nothing but thy blood can save
me; 5. Coming for me ,coming for me.
I can ne’er remove a stain One day to earth he is coming
Nothing but thy blood can save for me;
me. Then with what joy his dear face
I shall see.
5. Lord, I cast myself on thee,
O how I praise him-he’s coming
Nothing but thy blood can save
for me.
PH 228, AGR.
From my guilt, O set me free
Nothing but thy blood can save
me, 21
PH 210, R Slater 1. What can wash away my stain?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus .
20 What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
1. Wounded for me, wounded for me,
There on the cross he was Chorus
wounded for me, O! Precious is the flow;
Gone my transgressions and That makes me white as snow
now I am free No other fount I know,
All because Jesus was Nothing but the blood of Jesus
wounded for me.
2. For my cleansing this I see,
2. Dying for me ,dying for me Nothing but the blood of Jesus
There on the cross he was dying For my pardon ,this my plea.
For me, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Now in his death my redemption
3. Nothing can for sin atone.
I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
All because Jesus was dying for me.
Nought of good that I have
3. Risen for me, risen for me done,
Up from the grave he has risen Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
for me;
4. This is all my hope and peace,
Now evermore from death’s
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
sting I am free,
He is all my righteousness
All because Jesus was dying for me.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

5. Now by this I overcome; Sowing in the morning, sowing in
Nothing but the blood of Jesus; the noon-tide
Now by this I’ll reach my home Sowing when the sun goes down
Nothing but the blood of Jesus! PH. 262
RH. 33, R. Lowry
22 Jesus, how lovely you are!
1. O Ye sons of God ,sing halleluia’ You are so gentle, so pure and so
To Jesus Christ, the son of God; kind;
He is king of kings and lord of You shine like the morning star:
Lords Jesus, how lovely you are!
So sing halleluia to messiah! PH 314
2. All ye saints of the lord, arise
and shine 25
Your light is come through Jesus Majesty, worship his majesty;
Christ Unto Jesus be all glory, honour and
He is prince of peace, saviour praise;
wonderful; Majesty, kingdom authority,
So sing halleluia to the messiah! Flows from his throne unto his own,
His anthem raise,
3. Lamb of calvary , no sinful man,
So exalt, lift up on high
He lived and died, for you and
The name of Jesus;
Magnify, come glory
There is victory for ever more!
Christ Jesus the king
So sing Halleluia to the messiah!
Majesty, worship his majesty;
4. Sing Halleluia! Shout halleluia! Jesus who died, now glorified
Watch halleluia! Pray halleluia! King of all kings.
Dance halleluia! Everything PH 341
So sing halleluia to the messiah 26
PH 243 1. Praise to the holiest in the height,
And in the depth be praise:
23 In all his words most wonderful,
Doing the work of the lord, Most sure in all his ways.
Publishing his mighty name;
2. O loving wisdom of our God!
Doing the work of the lord,
When all was sin and shame,
Telling of his love to all,
A second Adam to the fight,
Into the world we go.
And to the rescue came.
Sowing the precious seed

3. O wisest love that flesh and blood 2. My heart has no desire to stay
Which did in adam fail, Where doubts arise, and fear
Should strive afresh against the foe, dismay
Should strive and should prevail. Though some may dwell where
these abound
4. And that a higher gift that grace
My Constant aim is higher ground
should flesh and blood refine;
God’s presence, and his very self 3. Beyond the mist I fain would
And essence all-divine rise,
To rest beneath unclouded
5. O generous love that he, who
Above earth’s turmoil is peace
In man for man the foe,
The double agony in man
By those who dwell on higher
For man should undergo
6. And in the garden secretly,
And on the cross on high 4. I long to scale the utmost height
Should teach his brethren, and Though rough the way, and
inspire hard the fight,
To suffer and to die My song, while climbing shall
7. Praise to the holiest in the height Lord, lead me on the higher
And in the depth be praise ground
In all his words most wonderful
Most sure in all his ways 5. Lord, lead me up the mountain
J.H Newman, RH 28 side
I dare not climb without my Guide;
27 And, heaven gained, I’ll gaze
1. I’m pressing on the upward way,
With grateful heart from higher
New heights I’m gaining every
Still praying as I onward bound,
“Lord plant my feet on higher
ground 28
1. Spirit Divine, attend our prayers
Chorus And make our hearts Thy home;
Lord, lift me up and let me stand Descend with all Thy gracious
By faith, on heavens table-land; powers.
Where love and joy, and light abound, O come, great Spirit come.
Lord plant my feet on higher
ground 2. Come as the light - to us reveal
Our need of Thee below;

And lead us in those paths of life 2. There shall be showers of
Where all the righteous go. blessing
Precious reviving again;
3. Come as the fire - and purge
Over the hills and the Valleys
our hearts
Sound of abundance of rain
With sacrificial flame;
Let our whole self an offering be 3. “There shall be showers of
To our Redeemer’s name blessing
Send them upon us, O Lord
4 Come as the dew - and sweetly Grant to us now a refreshing;
bless Come, and now honour Thy word.
This consecrated hour
May barrenness rejoice to own 4. “There shall be showers of
Thy fertilising power. blessing
Oh, that to-day they might fall
5. Come as the Dove - and spread Now, as to God, we’re confessing,
Thy wings Now as on Jesus we call.
The wings of peaceful love;
5. “There shall be showers of
And let Thy Church on earth blessing”
become If we but trust and obey
Blest as the Church above. There shall be seasons refreshing,
6. Come as the wind - with rushing If we let God have His way
sound El Nathan, RH245
And Pentecostal grace;
That all of woman born may see 30
The glory of Thy face 1. Rescue the perishing
A Reed, RH 210 Care for the dying
Snatch them in pity from sin
29 and the grave
1. “There shall be showers of Weep o’er the erring one
blessing Lift up the fallen
This is the promise of love; Tell them of Jesus
There shall be seasons The Mighty to save
refreshing, Chorus
Sent from the Saviour above. Rescue the perishing
Chorus care for the dying
Sho...wers of blessing Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save
Showers of blessing we need 2. Though they are slighting Him
Mercy drops round us are falling Still He is waiting
But for the showers we plead. Waiting the penitent child to

Plead with them earnestly 3. Have Thine own way, Lord!
Plead with them gently. Have Thine own Way!
He will forgive, if they only Wounded and weary
believe Help me, I pray!
Power all power
3. Down in the human heart
Surely is Thine!
Crushed by the tempter
Touch me and heal me,
Feelings lie buried that grace
Saviour Divine
can restore
Touched by a loving hand, 4. Have Thine own way, Lord!
Wakened by kindness Have Thine own way!
Chords that were broken will Hold o’er my being
Vibrate once more. Absolute sway!
Fill with thy Spirit
4. Rescue the perishing,
Till all shall see
Duty demand it;
Christ only, always
Strength for thy labour the Lord
Living in me!
will provide
RH. 573
Back to the narrow way
Patiently win them;
Tell the poor wand’rer a Saviour 32
has died 1. I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard
RH 561, Fanny J. Crosby. Thy voice
And it told thy love to me But I
Long to rise in the arms of faith
31 And be closer drawn to Thee.
1. Have Thine own way, Lord!
Have Thine own way! Chorus
Thou art the Potter; Draw me near ... er ... nearer
I am the clay. Blessed Lord
Mould me and make me To the Cross where Thou hast
After Thy will, died, Draw me nearer, nearer,
While I am waiting nearer, blessed Lord
Yielded and still. To Thy precious, bleeding side

2. Have Thine own way, Lord! 2. Consecrate me now to Thy

Have Thine own way! service, Lord
Search me and try me By the power of grace divine
Master, today! Let my soul look up with a stead
Whiter than snow, Lord fast hope,
Wash me just now And my will be lost in Thine
As in Thy presence 3. O the pure delight of a single
Humbly I bow hour,
That before Thy throne I spend; Just as free as heaven;
When I kneel in prayer, and with ‘Tis a glorious liberty,
Thee my God Oh, the wonderous story;
I commune as friend with friend. I was bound, but now I’m free
Glory! Glory! Glory!
33 3. Let the testimony roll,
1. Breathe on me, Breath of God Roll through every nation
fill me with life a new Witnessing from soul to soul
That I may love What Thou This immense salvation
dost love Now I know it’s full and free
And do what Thou wouldst do Oh, the wonderous story!
2. Breathe on me, Breath of God For I feel it saving me
Until my heart is pure Glory! Glory! Glory!
Until with Thee I will one will, 4. Glory be to God on high
To do and to endure Glory be to Jesus
He hath brought salvation nigh
3. Breathe on me Breath of God From all sin He frees us;
Till I am wholly Thine, Let the golden harps of God,
Till all this earthly part of me Ring the wonderous story;
Glows with Thy fire divine Let the pilgrims shout aloud
4. Breathe on me, Breath of God Glory! Glory! Glory!
so shall I never die 5. Let the trump of jubilee
But live with Thee the perfect life The glad tidings thunder,
Of Thine eternity Jesus sets the captives free,
RH 536, Edwin Hatch Bursts their bonds asunder,
Fetters break and dungeons fall
34 Oh, the wonderous story
1. Now I feel the sacred fire, This salvation’s free to all
Kindling, flaming, glowing Glory! Glory! Glory!
Higher still, and rising higher, RH 216
All my soul o’er flowing
Life immortal I receive; 35
Oh, the wonderous story 1. How sweet the name of Jesus
I was dead but now I live, sounds
Glory! Glory! Glory! In a believer’s ear
2. Now I am from bondage freed It soothes his sorrows, heals his
Every bond in riven wounds
Jesus makes me free indeed, And drives aways his fear

2. It makes the wounded spirit His Name like sweet perfume
whole, shall rise
And calms the troubled breast; With every morning sacrifice.
‘Tis manna’ to the hungry soul
3. People and realms of every
And to the weary rest.
3. Dear name, the rock on while I Dwell on His love with sweetest
build song;
My shield and hiding place And infant voices shall proclaim
My never-failing treasury filled Their young hosannas to His Name
With boundless stores of
4. Blessings abound where’er he
4. Jesus, my Shepherd, Saviour The prisoner leaps to lose his
friend chains.
My Prophet, Priest and King The weary find eternal rest,
My Lord, my Life my Way my End And all the sons of want are blest.
Accept the praise I bring.
5. Where He displays His healing
5. Weak is the effort of my heart, power;
And cold my warmest thought; Death and the curse are known
But when I see Thee as Thou art no more;
I’ll praise Thee as I ought. In Him the tribes of Adam boast
More blessings than their Father
6. I would Thy boundless love
With every fleeting breath; 6. Let every creature rise and bring,
So shall the music of Thy name Its grateful honours to our King:
Refresh my soul in death Angels descend with songs again,
RH 155, John Newton And earth prolong the joyful
36 RH 190, Isaac Warts
1. Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Doth this successive journeys 37
run; 1. Take my life, and let it be
His kingdom stretch from shore Consecrated, Lord, to Thee,
to shore Take my moments and my days,
Till suns shall rise and set no more Let them flow in ceaseless praise
2. For Him shall endless prayer be 2. Take my hands, and let them move
made; At the impulse of Thy love;
And praises throng to crown Take my feet, and let them be
His head; Swift and beautiful from Thee.

3. Take my voice and let me sing Bear me through the swelling
Always! Only, for my King torrent
Take my lips and let them be Land me safe on Canaan’s side;
Filled with messages from Thee. Songs of praise!
Songs of praise!
4. Take my silver and my gold;
I will ever give to Thee.
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect, and use 4. Saviour, come! We long to see Thee
Every power as Thou shalt choose Long to dwell with thee above;
And to know in full communion,
5. Take my will and make it Thine,
All the sweetness of Thy love,
It shall be no longer mine;
Come, Lord Jesus!
Take my heart, if is Thine own;
Come, Lord Jesus!
It shall be Thy royal throne.
Take Thy waiting people home.
6. Take my love; my Lord, I pour RH 462, W. Williams
At Thy feet its treasure-store;
Take myself and I will be 39
Ever, only, all for Thee.
1. What a friend we have in Jesus
RH 582, RH. Lovers
All our sins and griefs to bear,
What a privilege to carry
38 Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
1. Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah! Oh, what needless pain we bear
Pilgrim through this barren land; All because we do not carry
I am weak, but thou art mighty, Ev’rything to God in prayer.
Hold me with Thy powerful
2. Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
Bread of heaven!
We should never be discouraged,
Bread of heaven!
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
Feed me now and evermore.
Can we find a Friend so faithful,
2. Open Thou the crystal fountain Who will all our sorrows share?
Whence the healing stream doth Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness
flow; Take it to the Lord in prayer
Let the fiery, cloudy pillar
3. Are we weak and heavy laden,
Lead me all my journey through;
Cumbered with a load of care?
Strong Deliverer!
Precious Saviour, still our refuge,
Strong Deliverer!
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Be Thou still my strength and
Do thy friends despise, forsake
3. If I tread the verge of Jordan, Take it to the Lord in prayer;
Bid my anxious fears subside;

In His arms He’ll take and shield 41
Thou wilt find a solace there. 1. My faith has found a resting
RH 532, Joseph Scriven place,
Not in device nor creed;
I trust the Ever-living one,
40 His wounds for me shall plead.
1. There is no name so sweet on earth,
No name so sweet in heaven Chorus
The name before His wondrous I need no other argument
birth, I need no other plea
To Christ, the Saviour given. It is enough that Jesus died
And that he died for me
We love to sing of Christ our King 2. Enough for me that Jesus saves,
And hail Him, blessed Jesus! This ends my fear and doubt;
For there’s no word ear ever heard, A sinful soul I come to him
So dear, so sweet as “Jesus” He'll never cast me out
2. “Twas Gabriel first that did Proclaim 3. My heart is leaning on the word,
To His most blessed mother, The written word of God,
That name which now and evermore Salvation by my saviour's name,
We praise above all other. Salvation through his blood.
3. And when He hung upon the tree, 4. My great Physician heals the
They wrote His name above Him, sick
That all might see the reason we The lost he came to save:
For evermore must love Him. For me His precious blood he
4. So now, upon His Father’s throne, shed,
Almighty to release us For me His life he gave
From sin and pain He ever reigns R.H 377, L.H.E'dmonds
The Prince and Saviour Jesus.
5. O Jesus! By that matchless name
1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is
Thy grace shall fail us never,
Today as yesterday the same.
Oh, what a foretaste of glory
Thou are the same forever.
6. To Jesus ev’ry knee shall bow Heir of salvation, purchase of
And ev’ry tongue confess him God,
And we unite with saintes in Born of his spirit, washed in his
light blood
Our only LOrd, to bless Him.
Geo W. Bethune
PH 280

Chorus Happy still in God confiding,
This is my story, this is my song Fruitful if in Christ abiding;
Praising my saviour all the day Holy through the spirit's
long guiding;
All must be well
2. Perfect submission, prefect
delight, 3. We expect a bright tomorrow
Visions of rapture now burst on All will be well;
my Sight, Faith can sing through days of
Angels descending, bring from sorrow
Above All, all is well
Echoes of mercy, whispers of On our father's love relying,
love Jesus every need supplying
Or in living or in dying
3. Prefect submission, all is at rest
All must be well.
I in my saviour am happy and
Watching and waiting, looking
Above 44
Filled with his goodness, lost in 1. My hope is built on nothing less
his love Than Jesus' blood and
RH 370, Fanny J. Crosby righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
43 But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
1. Through the love of God our Chorus
saviour, On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All will be well; All other ground is sinking sand
Free and changeless is his favour, 2. When darkness seems to veil
All, all is well his face;
Precious is the blood that healed I rest on his unchanging grace;
us; In every high and stormy gale,
Perfect is the grace that sealed My anchor holds within the veil.
us 3. His oath, his covenant, and blood,
Strong the hand stretched forth Support one in the 'whelming
to Shield us flood;
All must be well. When all around my soul gives
2. Though we pass through way,
tribulation, He then is all my hope and stay.
All will be well 4. When he shall come with
Ours is such a full salvation , trumpet sound.
All, all is well Oh, may I then in him be found:

Dressed in his righteousness 9. I shall fully be restored
alone, to the image of my Lord,
Faultless to stand before the witnessing to all mankind,
throne. Jesu’s is a perfect mind
Charles Wesley
1. Jesus, let me ever be 46
Firmly grounded upon thee 1. Onward Christian soldiers,
Ever in thy work abide, Marching as to war,
Ever in thy wounds reside. Looking unto Jesus
2. Plant, and root, and fix in me Who is gone before
All the mind that was in thee; Christ, the Royal Master
Settled peace I then shall find; Leads against the foe;
Jesu's is a quiet mind. Forward into battle
See His banners go
3. Anger I no more shall feel,
Always even, always still Chorus
Meekly on my God reclined Onward Christian Soldiers!
Jesu's is a gentle mind. Marching as to War
4. I shall suffer and fulfil Looking unto Jesus,
All my father's gracious will, Who is gone before.
Be in all alike resigned; 2. At the name of Jesus
Jesu's is a patient mind Satan’s host doth flee;
5. When ‘tis deeply rooted here; On then, Christian soldiers
Perfect love shall cast our fear, On to Victory!
Fear doth servile spirits bind, Hell’s foundations quiver
Jesu’s is a noble mind. At the shout of praise
Brothers, lift your voices
6. I shall nothing know beside
Jesus, and Him crucified; Loud your anthems raise.
Perfectly to Him be joined 3. Like a mighty army
Jesu’s is a loving mind Moves the church of God;
7. I shall triumph evermore, Brothers, we are treading
Grateful my God adore Where the saints have trod,
God so good, so true, so kind, We are not divided
Jesu’s is a thankful mind. All one body we
One in hope and doctrine
8. Lowly, loving, meek and pure
One in charity.
I shall to the end endure
Be no more to sin inclined; 4. Crowns and thrones may perish
Jesu’s is a constant mind. Kingdoms rise and wane,

But the Church of Jesus And watching unto prayer;
Constant will remain Where duty calls, or danger,
Gates of hell can never Be never wanting there.
‘Gainst that church prevail;
4. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
We have Christ’s own promise
The strife will not be long;
and that cannot fail.
This day the noise of battle
5. Onward then, ye people The next the victor’s song;
Join our happy throng To him that overcometh,
Blend with ours your voices A crown of life shall be;
In the triumph song He with the king of glory
“Glory, praise and honour, Shall reign eternally.
Unto Christ the King” RH 438 G. Duffield
This, through countless ages,
Men and angels sing. 48
RH 429 S. Baring-Gould 1. To God be the glory
Great things He hath done,
47 So loved he the world that He
1. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus gave us His son
Ye soldiers of the cross; Who yielded His life an
Lift high His royal banner atonement for sin
It must not suffer loss, And opened the Life Gate that
From vict’ry unto vict’ry all may go in
His army shall he lead
Till every foe is vanquished,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord
And Christ is Lord indeed.
Let the earth hear His voice
2. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! Praise the lord, Praise the lord
The trumpet call obey; Let the people rejoice;
Forth to the mighty conflict, O come to the Father through
In this His glorious day; Jesus the Son
Ye that are men now serve Him And give Him the glory, great
Against unnumbered foes; things he hath done.
Let courage rise with danger, 2. O perfect redemption, the
And strength to strength purchase of blood
oppose. To every believer the promise of
3. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! God;
Stand in His strength alone; The vilest offender who trul
The arm of flesh will fail you, believes;
Ye dare not trust your own, That moment from Jesus a pardon
Put on the gospel armour, received.

3. Great things He hath taught us, 50
Great things He hath done,
And great our rejoicing through 1. Pleasant are Thy courts above,
In the land of light and love;
Jesus the Son
Pleasant are Thy court below
But purer, and higher, and greater
In this land of sin and woe,
will be
Oh, my spirit longs and faints
Our wonder, our transport when For the converse of Thy Saints
Jesus we see For the brightness of Thy face
RH. 47 Fanny J. Crosby For Thy fullness, God of Grace!
2. Happy birds that sing and fly
49 Round Thy altars, O Most High!
1. Now thank we all our God. Happier souls that find a rest
With hearts, and hands, and In a heavenly Father’s breast!
voices; Like the wandering dove that
Who wondrous things hath found
done No repose on earth around
In whom His world rejoices; They can to their ark repair
Who, from our mothers’ arms And enjoy it ever there.
Hath blessed us on our way
3. Happy souls! Their praises flow
With countless gifts of love Even in this vale of woe;
And still is ours to-day Waters in the desert rise,
2. O may this bounteous God Manna feeds them from the skies
Through all our life be near us, On they go from strength to
With ever-joyful hearts strength
And blessed peace to cheer us, Till they reach Thy throne at
And keep us in His grace, length;
And guide us when perplexed, At Thy feet adoring fall,
And free us from all ills Who hast led them safe through
In this world and the next
4. Lord, be mine this prize to win
3. All praise and thanks to God
Guide me through a world of sin;
The Father now be given,
Keep me by Thy saving grace;
The Son, and Him who reigns
Give me at Thy side a place
With them in highest heaven Sun and shield alike Thou art;
The one, eternal God Guide and guard my erring
Whom earth and heaven adore; heart;
For thus it was, is now Grace and glory flow from Thee;
And shall be evermore. Shower, Oh shower them, Lord
RH 50, Martin Rincart on me!
Trans: Catherine Winkworth RH. 100, H.F. Lyte

51 53
When I look into your holiness 1. Land of our Birth, we pledge to
When I gaze into your loveliness thee
When all things that surround Our love and toil in the year to be;
Become shadows in the light of you! When are grown, and take our
When I found the joy of reaching place
your heart As men and women with our race.
When my heart become enthroned
2. Father in heaven, who lovest all
in your love,
O help thy children when they
When all things that surround,
Become shadows in the light of you
That they may build from age to
I worship you, I worship you age
The reason I live is to worship you And undefiled heritage.
I worship you, I worship you
3. Teach us to bear the yoke in youth
The reason I live is to worship you
With steadfastness and careful
52 That, in our time, Thy grace may
1. A greater rain is coming give
A greater rain is coming The truth whereby the nations
A greater rain is coming very live.
soon 4. Teach us to rule ourselves alway
The early and the latter rain Controlled and cleanly night and
shall fall together at the time day;
A greater rain is coming very That we may bring if need arise
soon No maimed or worthless sacrifice.
2. I see the signs are all around 5. Teach us to look, in all our ends,
My ear has heard a certain sound On Thee for Judge, and not our
A greater rain is coming very friends;
soon That we, with Thee may walk
For Zion has travailed and shall uncowed
bring forth By fear or favour of the crowd.
The sons of God with a word in
their mouth 6. Teach us the strength that
A greater rain is coming very cannot seek
soon By deed or thought to hurt the weak
PH. 35 That, under Thee, we may
Man’s strength to succour
man’s distress

7. Teach us delight in simple 3. And then one day I’ll cross the
things river;
And mirth that has no bitter I’ll fight life’s final war with pain;
springs; And then as death gives way to
Forgiveness free of evil done vict’ry
And love to all men ‘neath the I’ll see the lights of glory and
sun! I’ll know He lives.
8. Land of our Birth, our faith, our
pride 55
For whose dear sake our fathers Bless the Lord, O my soul
died; Bless the Lord, O my soul
O Motherland, we pledge to thee And all that is within me bless His
Head, heart, and hand through holy name
the years to be Bless the Lord, O my soul,
MHB 899 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me bless His
holy name.
1. God sent His Son, they called King of Kings
him Jesus Forever and ever
He came to love, heal and forgive Lord of Lords
He lived and died to buy my For ever and ever
pardon King of Kings
An empty grave is there to prove For ever and ever;
My Saviour lives. King of Kings; and
Lord of Lords.
Because He lives, I can face
Because He lives all fear is gone 1. “Great is Thy faithfulness”
Because I know He holds the O God my Father
future because He lives. There is no shadow of turning with
And life is worth the living just Thou changest not,
because He lives Thy compassion they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever
2. How sweet to hold a new born baby will be.
And feel the pride and joy he
gives Chorus
But greater still the calm assurance Great is Thy faithfulness!
This child can face uncertain days Great is Thy faithfulness!
because He lives. Morning by morning new mercies
I see

All I have needed Thy hand hath 59
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord Smile, my brother, smile
unto me! Though the days be long
Smile, my brother, smile
2. Summer and winter and spring Let your heart be strong
time and harvest Dark are the days we are passing
Sun, moon and stars in their through
courses above I know a friend who will keep you
Join with all nature in manifold through
witness And He’ll lead you all the while
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy And you’ll smile, smile smile.
and love PH 80
3. Pardon for sin and a peace that
endureth 60
Thy own dear presence to cheer 1. As the deer panteth for the waters
and to guide So my soul panteth after Thee
Strength for today and bright hope You alone are my hearts Desire
for tomorrow And I long to worship you.
Blessings all mine, with ten
You alone are my strength and
thousand beside.
To you alone may my spirit yield
57 You alone are my heart’s desire
Jesus Name above all names And I long to worship you.
Beautiful saviour glorious Lord
Emmanuel, God is with us 2. I want you more than gold or
Blessed Redeemer, Living Word silver
“Emmanuel, Emmanuel Only you can satisfy
His Name is called Emmanuel” (2) You alone are the real joy giver
And the apple of my eye.
58 3. You are my friend and you are
Spirit of the living God my brother
Fall afresh on me Even though you are a King
Spirit of the Living God I love you more than any other
Fall afresh on me so much more than anything.
Melt me, mould me,
fill me, Use me 61
Spirit of the Living God 1. Captain of Israel’s host, and guide
Fall afresh on me. Of all who seek the land above,
Beneath thy shadow we abide

The cloud of thy protecting love 4. ‘Mid toil, and tribulation,
Our strength, thy grace our rule and tumult of her war
thy word She waits the consummation
Our end, the glory of the Lord Of peace for evermore;
‘Till with the vision glorious
2. By thine unerring spirit led,
Her longing eyes are blest
We shall not in the desert stray;
And the great Church victorous
We shall not full direction need,
Shall be the Church at rest.
Nor miss our providential way
As far from danger, as from fear 5. Yet she on earth hath union
While love, Almighty love is With God the three in One
near. And mystic sweet communion
MHB 608, Charles Wesley With those whose rest is won
O happy ones and holy!
62 Lord, give us grace that we,
1. The church’s one foundation Like them, the meek and lowly
Is Jesus Christ, her Lord; On high may dwell with thee.
She is his new creation RH 682, Samuel John Stone
By water and the word;
From heaven he came and 63
sought her In Times Like These
To be his holy bride You need a Saviour
With his own blood he bought In times like these
her You need an Anchor
And for her life he died Be very sure
2. Elect from every nation Be very sure
Yet one o’er all the earth Your anchor holds
Her charter of salvation And grips the solid Rock
One Lord, one faith, one birth: This Rock is Jesus
One holy name she blesses Yes He’s the One
Partakes one holy food This Rock is Jesus
And to one hope she presses The only one
With every grace endured. Be very sure
Be very sure
3. Though with a scornful wonder
Your anchor holds
Men see her sore oppressed
And grips the solid Rock
By schisms rent asunder,
By heresies distressed,
Yet saints their watch are keeping 64
Their cry goes up ‘How long’? 1. There is a fountain filled with
And soon the night of weeping blood
Shall be the morn of songs Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins.
And sinners plunged beneath Temptations lose their power,
that flood When thou art nigh
Lose all their guilty stains.
3. I need Thee every hour
2. The dying thief rejoiced to see In joy or pain;
That fountain in his day; Come quickly and abide,
And there may I, though vile as Or life is vain.
4. I need Thee every hour
Wash all my sins away.
Teach me Thy will
3. I do believe, I will believe, And Thy rich promises
That Jesus died for me In me fulfil.
That on the cross He shed His
blood 66
From sin to set me free. 1. All to Jesus I surrender
4. Dear dying Lamb! All to Him I freely give;
Thy precious blood I will ever love and trust Him,
Shall never lose his power, In His presence daily live
Till all the ransomed church of I surrender all...
God I surrender all...
Be saved to sin no more All to Thee, my blessed Saviour
5. E’er since by faith I saw the I surrender all.
stream 2. All to Jesus I surrender
Thy flowing wounds supply, Humbly at His feet I bow
Redeeming love has been my theme, Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
And shall be till I die Take me Jesus, take me now.
RH 335, William Cowper
3. All to Jesus I surrender
65 Lord, I give myself to thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power
1. I need Thee e’er hour
Let Thy blessing fall on me
Most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine 4. All to Jesus I surrender all
Can peace afford Now I feel the sacred flame;
O the joy of full salvation!
I need Thee, Oh I need Thee
Glory, glory to His Name!
Ev’ry hour I need Thee;
J. Van de Venter, RH 600
Oh, bless me now, my saviour
I come to Thee!
2. I need Thee every hour 1. O happy day, that fixed my choice
Stay Thou near by; On Thee, my Saviour and my God!

Well may this glowing heart Mercy I did implore,
rejoice Then the Master of the sea
And tell its raptures all abroad Head not despairing cry
Christ my Saviour lifted me
Now safe am I.
Happy day, happy day
When Jesus washed my sins Chorus
away! Love lifted me!... Love lifted me!..
He taught me how to watch When no one but Christ could
and pray help
And live rejoicing ev’ry day. Love lifted me.
Happy day, happy day
2. Souls in danger, look above
When Jesus washed my sins
Jesus completely saves;
He will lift you by His love
2. ‘Tis done, the great Out of the angry waves,
transaction’s done! He’s the Masters of the sea
I am my Lord’s and He is mine; Billows His will obey;
He drew me and I followed on He your Saviour wants to be,
Charmed to confess the choice Be saved today!
3. When the waves of sorrow roll,
3. Now rests my long-divided When I am in distress
heart, Jesus takes my hand in His,
Fixed on this blissful centre, Ever He loves to bless,
rest; He will every fear dispel
Nor ever from thy Lord depart Satisfy every need;
With Him of every good All who heed His loving call
Find rest indeed
4. High heaven, that heard the RH 626 (Arranged)
solemn vow James Rowe
That vow renewed shall daily
Till in life’s latest hour I bow
And bless in death a bond so 1. Would you know why I love
dear. Jesus?
RH 619 P. Doddridge. Why He is so dear to me?
‘Tis because my blessed
68 From my sins has ransomed me.
1. I was sinking deep in sin
This is why... I love my J...sus
Sinking to rise no more,
This is why... I love Him so...
Overwhelmed by guilt within,

He has par... doned I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
my transgress..sions I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
He has washed me... white as I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
snow Jesus loves even me.
2. Would you know why I love 2. Jesus loves me and I know I
Jesus love Him
Why he is so dear to me? Love brought Him down my lost
‘tis because the blood of Jesus soul to redeem;
Fully saves and cleanses me. Yes, it was love made Him die
on the tree.
3. Would you know why I love
Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me.
Why He is so dear to me? 3. In this assurance I find sweetest
‘Tis because, amid temptation, rest
He supports and strengthens Trusting in Jesus I know I am
me. blest;
Satan dismayed from my soul
4. Would you know why I love
doth now flee
When I just tell him that Jesus
Why he is so dear to me?
loves me.
“Tis because, in ev’ry conflict.
Jesus gives me victory. 4. Oh, if there’s only one song I
can sing,
5. Would you know why I love
When in His beauty I see the
great King,
Why he is so dear to me?
This shall my song in eternity
‘Tis because my Friend and
‘Oh, what a wonder that Jesus
He will ever, ever be.
loves me!”
RH 645, E.A. Hoffmonn
5. If one should ask of me, how
70 can I tell
1. I am so glad that our father in Glory to Jesus, I know very well
heaven God’s Holy Spirit with mine doth
Tells of His love in the Book He agree,
has given Constantly witnessing-Jesus
Wonderful things in the Bible I loves me.
see; RH 670, PP. Bliss
This is the dearest, that Jesus
loves me. 71
1. Go, Labour on, spend, and be
Thy joy to do the Father’s will; 72
It is the way the Master went,
Should not the servant tread it Crucified with Christ,
sill? Crucified with him,
Nailed upon the tree, sanctified
2. Go, Labour on, ‘tis not for from sin;
nought, Yet not I but Christ lives to glorify;
Thy earthly loss is heavenly By the faith of His dear Son,
gain crucified with Him
Men heed thee, love thee, praise PH 61
thee not
The Master praises, what are men?
3. Go labour on, while it is day; 1. The day Thou gavest, Lord is
The world’s dark night is ended.
hastening on The darkness falls Thy behest;
Speed, speed thy work cast To Thee our morning hymns
sloth away; ascended
It is not thus that souls are won. Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
4. Men die in darkness at your side 2. We thank Thee that Thy church
Without a hope to cheer the unsleeping
tomb; While earth rolls onward into
Take up the torch, and wave it light
wide, Through all the world her watch
The torch that lights time’s is keeping
thickest gloom And rests not now by day or
5. Toil on, faint not, keep watch, night.
and pray 3. As o’er each continent and island
Be wise, the erring soul to win; The dawn leads on another day.
Go forth into the world’s The voice of prayer is never silent
highway, Nor dies the strain of praise away.
Compel the wanderer to come in.
4. The sun that bids us rest is waking
6. Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice; Our brethren ‘neath the western sky,
For toil comes rest, for exile And hour by hour fresh lips are
home making
Soon shalt thou hear the Thy wondrous doings heard on
Bridegroom’s voice high.
The midnight peal: “Behold I
come!” 5. So be it, Lord Thy throne shall
RH 687, Horartius Bonor never,

Like earth’s proud empires and our lives are flooded
pass away; With the Latter Rain;
Thy kingdom stands and grows Then the world around us
forever, Shall the impact feel,
Till all Thy creatures own thy sway. Of a Church with vision
John Ellerton, RH 798 Fired with holy zeal.
5. Then the Lord of glory
74 Shall be magnified,
1. Tarry for the Spirit He who trod the winepress,
He shall come in showers, fully satisfied:
Energising wholly Walking in the Spirit,
All your ransomed powers; Condemnation o’er
Signs shall follow service Blessed Life of worship,
In the Holy Ghost, Now and evermore.
Then the Church of Jesus RH 235, E.C.W Boulton
Prove a mighty host
On, then, Church of Jesus
Claim your Pentecost: 1. I'm rejoicing night and day
God shall now baptise thee As I walk the pilgrim way,
In the Holy Ghost For the hand of God in all my life
I see,
2. Rivers is Thy promise, And the reason of my bliss;
This shall be our plea Yes, the secret all is this:
Less than this can never That the comforter abides
Meet our cry for Thee; With me
Tired of lukewarm service,
And the loss it brings He abides… he abides…
We would live entirely Hallelujah, he abides with me!
For eternal things I am rejoicing night and day,
As I walk the narrow way,
3. When the Spirit cometh For the comforter abides with me
Loosened lips shall tell,
Of the wondrous blessing 2. Once my heart was full of sin,
Which upon them fell; Once I had no peace within
Life of Jesus springing Till I heard how Jesus died upon
Like a well within the tree,
Hearts with loud hosannas Then I fell down at his feet,
Constantly shall ring. And there came a peace so
4. When with joy we follow Now the comforter abides with
In Christ is triumph train, me.

3. He is with me everywhere, 3. Rejoice in glorious hope
And he knows my every care, Jesus the judge shall come,
I'm as happy as a bird and just And take his servants up
as free To their eternal home
For the spirit has control, We soon shall hear the archangel's
Jesus satisfies my soul, voice
Since the comforter abides with me. The trump of God shall sound,
4. There's no thirsting for the things
RH.195 Charles Wesley
Of the world - they've taken wings;
Long ago I gave them up, and
instantly; 77
All my night was turned to day, 1. Low in the grave he lay...
All my burdens rolled away, Jesus, my saviour!
Now the comforter abides with me. Waiting the coming day-
RH.217Herbert Buffum Jesus, my lord!
Up from the grave he arose…
76 With a mighty triumph o'er
1. Rejoice, the lord is king, His foes…..
Your lord and king adore, He arose, a victor from the
Mortals, give thanks and sing, dark domain,
And triumph evermore; And he lives forever with his
Lift up your heart; lift up your saints to reign
voice, He arose!...
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! He arose! ..
2. Jesus the saviour reigns, Hallelujah! Christ arose!
The God of truth and love 2. Vainly they watch his bed
When he had purged our stains, Jesus, my saviour!
He took his seat above; Vainly, they seal the dead
Lift up your heart; lift up your Jesus, my lord!
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 3. Death cannot keep his prey
Jesus, my saviour!
3. His kingdom cannot fail; He tore the bars away
He rules o'er earth and heaven; Jesus, my lord!
The keys of death and hell RH.186, Robert Lowry
Are to our saviour given;
Lift up your heart; lift up your
voice, 78
Rejoice, again I say rejoice! 1. "Man of sorrows", what a name!
For the son of God who came

Ruined sinners to reclaim! 4. Jesus, the name I love so well,
Hallelujah! What a Saviour! The name I love to hear,
No saints on earth its worth can
2. Bearing shame and scoffing rude, tell,
In my place condemned he stood; No heart conceive how dear.
Sealed my pardon with his blood;
Hallelujah! What a saviour! 5. This name shall shed its fragrance
3. Guilty, vile and helpless we, Along this thorny road
Spotless lamb of God was he; Shall sweetly smooth the rugged
"Full atonement, can it be? hill
Hallelujah! What a saviour! That leads me up to God.

4. Lifted up was he to die, 6. And there, with all the

Blood -bought throng
"It is finished" was his cry;
From sin and sorrow free,
Now in heaven exalted high; I'll sing the new eternal song
Hallelujah! What a saviour! Of Jesus' love to me.
5. When he comes, our glorious King. RH .156, Frederick Whiffield
All his ransomed home to bring,
Then anew this song we'll sing; 80
Hallelujah! What a saviour! 1. Let us with a gladsome mind
RH 170, P P Bliss Praise the Lord for He is kind;
For His mercies shall endure,
79 ever faithful, ever sure
1. There is a Name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth, 2. Let us sound His name abroad
It sounds like music in mine ear, For of gods He is The God;
The sweetest name on earth. 3. He, with all-commanding might,
Oh how I love Jesus Filled the new-made world with
Oh how I love Jesus light;
Oh how I love Jesus 4. All things living He doth feed,
Because he first loved me His full hand supplies their
2. It tells of a Saviour's love, need;
Who died to set me free, 5. He His chosen race did bless
It tells me of his precious blood, In the wasteful wilderness;
The sinner's perfect plea
6. He hath with a piteous eye
3. It bids my trembling soul rejoice, Looked upon our misery.
And dries each rising tear,
It tells me in a 'still small voice " 7. Let us then with gladsome mind
To trust and never fear. Praise the Lord, for He is kind.
RH 109-John Milton
81 He makes me down to lie
In pastures green; he leadeth me
1. O God, our help in ages past, The quiet waters by.
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast 2. My soul he doth restore again ;
And our eternal home. And me to walk doth make
Within the paths of
2. Under the shadow of Thy throne righteousness,
Thy saints have dwelt secure; E’en for His own name’s sake.
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defence is sure. 3. Yea, though I walk in death’s
3. Before the hills in order stood dark vale,
Or earth received her frame Yet will I fear none ill;
From everlasting Thou art God For Thou art with me; and Thy rod
To endless year the same. And staff me comfort still.
4. A thousand ages in Thy sight 4. My Table Thou has furnished
Are like an evening gone, In presence of my foes;
Short as the watch that ends the My head Thou dost with oil
night anoint
Before the rising sun. And my cup over flows
5. The busy tribes of flesh and blood 5. Goodness and mercy all my life
With all their cares and fears, Shall surely follow me,
Are carried downward by the And in God’s house for ever more
flood, My dwelling place shall be
And lost in following years. RH 99, Whirringham and Rous
6. Time like an ever rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream 1. Jesus, stand among us
Dies at the opening day. In Thy risen power,
Let this time of worship
7. O God, our help in ages past, Be a hallowed hour
Our hope for years to come,
Be thou our guard while 2. Breath Thy Holy Spirit
troubles last Into every heart;
And our eternal home. Bid the fears and sorrows
RH. 104, Isaac Watts From each soul depart
3. Thus with quickened footsteps
82 We’ll pursue our way,
1. The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not Watching for the dawning
want Of eternal day
RH 65 W. Pennefaher
84 86
1. Revive Thy work, O Lord 1. Lord Thy Word abideth
Thy mighty arm make bare; And our footsteps guideth,
Speak with the voice that wakes Who its truth believeth
the dead, Light and joy receiveth
And make Thy people hear! 2. When our foes are near us
Chorus Then Thy Word doth cheer us,
Revive Thy work, O Lord Word of consolation,
While here to Thee we bow; Message of salvation.
Descend, O gracious Lord
descend, 3. When the storms are o’er us,
Oh, come and bless us now! And dark clouds before us,
Then its light directeth,
2. Revive Thy work, O Lord! And our way protecteth.
Disturb this sleep of death;
4. Who can tell the pleasure,
Quicken the smouldering
Who recount the treasure,
embers now. By Thy word imparted
By Thine Almighty breath. To the simple-hearted?
3. Revive Thy work, O Lord! 5. Word of mercy, giving
Create soul-thirst for Thee; Succour to the living
And hungering for the bread of life, Word of life, supplying
Oh may our spirit be! Comfort to the dying!
4. Revive Thy work, O Lord! 6. O that we, discerning
Exalt Thy precious name, Its most holy learning,
And by the Holy Ghost, our Lord, may love and fear Thee,
love Evermore be near Thee!
For Thee and Thine in-flame RH 262, H. W. Baker
RH 246, Albert Midlane Err:
F.J. Crosby 87
1. I’ve a message from the Lord,
85 Hallelujah!
Everybody ought to love Him, The message unto you I’ll give,
Everybody, everywhere; Tis recorded in His word,
Everybody ought to love Him, Hallelujah!
He will banish every care; It is only that you “look and live”
He’s the author of salvation,
“Look and live” ... my brother
Condemnation He did bare
live ...
Jesus died for every nation
Look to Jesus now and live
Everybody, everywhere.
Tis recorded in His word,
PH. 3, H. Mitchell & L McPherson
Hallelujah! 4. ‘Tis Jesus who confirms
It is only that you “look and The blessed work within,
live” By adding grace to welcomed
2. I’ve a message full of love
Where reigned the power of sin
A message, O my friend, for you. 5. And He the witness gives
‘Tis a message from above To loyal hearts and free
Hallelujah! That every promise is fulfilled,
Jesus said it, and I know ‘tis true. If faith but brings the plea.
3. Life is offered unto you, 6. All hail, atoning blood!
Hallelujah! All hail, redeeming grace!
Eternal life your soul shall have All hail, the gift of Christ, our Lord,
If you’ll only look to Him Our strength and righteousness!
Hallelujah! RH 311, L. Hartsough
Look to Jesus who alone can save.
RH 299, W.A Ogden 89
1. Jesus, lover of my soul,
88 Let me to Thy bosom fly,
1. I hear Thy welcome voice While the nearer waters roll,
That calls me, Lord to Thee While the tempest still is high
For cleansing in Thy precious Hide me, O my saviour, hide
blood Till the storm of life is past
That flowed on Calvary. Safe into the haven guide;
I am coming Lord, Oh, receive my soul at last.
Coming now to Thee; 2. Other refuge have I none
Trusting only in the blood Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
That flowed on Calvary. Leave, ah! Leave me not alone,
2. Though coming weak and vile, Still support and comfort me
Thou dost my strength assure; All my trust on thee is stayed
All my help from Thee I bring;
Thou dost my vileness fully
Cover my defenceless head
With the shadow of Thy wing.
Till spotless all and pure.
3. Thou, O Christ! art all I want
3. ‘Tis Jesus calls me on More than all in thee I find;
To perfect faith and love, Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
To perfect hope, and peace and Heal the sick, and lead the blind
trust Just and holy is Thy name
For earth and heaven above I am all unrighteousness;
Vile and full of sin I am,
Thou art full of truth and grace.
4. Plenteous grace with thee is found If you would keep your armour
Grace to cover all my sin; bright
Let the healing streams abound Spend some time in pray'r
Make and keep me pure within;
Thou of life the fountain art,
Pray'r, its value none can
Freely let me take of Thee;
Spring Thou up within my heart
It will bring you lasting treasure;
Rise to all eternity.
Spend some time in pray'r
RH. 312, Charles Wesley
2. If you would daily do his will,
90 Spend sometime in pray'r.
For strength, his bidding to
1. Pass me not, O gentle Saviour
Hear me humble cry;
Spend sometime in pray'r.
While on others Thou art calling
Do not pass me by 3. For pow'r to run the Christian race,
Spend some time in pray'r
Saviour, Saviour
Come often to the throne of grace,
Hear my humble cry;
Spend some time in pray'r
While on others Thou art calling.
Do not pass me by 4. God only can your needs
2. Let me, at Thy throne of mercy
Spend some time in pray'r
Find a sweet relief,
The blessings cometh from on
Kneeling than in deep contrition
Help my unbelief.
Spend some time in pray'r
3. Trusting only in Thy merit PH 301
would I seek Thy face, Faith Gospel Message
Heal my wounded, broken merit
Save me by Thy grace 92
4. Thou, the spring of all my comfort, 1. And can it be, that I should
More than life to me gain
Whom have I on earth beside An interesting in the saviour's
Thee? blood?
Whom in heaven but Thee? Died he for me, who caused his
RH 314, Fanny J. Crosby pain?
For me, who him to death
91 pursued?
1. If you would serve the lord a-right, Amazing love!how can it be
Spend sometime in pray'r That thou, my God should die
for me?

2. 'Tis mystery all! The immortal dies! Be of sin the double cure;
Who can explore his strange Cleanse me from its guilt and
design? power.
In vain the first born seraph tries 2. Not the labours of my hands,
To sound the depth of love divine Can fulfil thy law's demands;
'Tis' mercy all let earth adore, Could my zeal no respite know,
Let angel-minds inquire no more. Could my tears for ever flow,
3. He left his father's throne above! All of sin could not atone;
(So free, so infinite his grace,) Thou must save and thou alone.
Emptied himself of all but love, 3 Nothing in my hand I bring,
And bled for Adam's helpless Simply to thy cross I cling;
race; Naked, come to thee for grace
'Tis mercy all, immense and free, Helpless, look to thee for grace;
For, O my God , it found out me! Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, saviour, or I die.
4. Long my imprisoned spirit lay
Fast bound in sin and nature's 4 While I draw this fleeting breath
night; When my eyelids close in death,
Thine eye diffused a quickening When I soar to worlds
ray unknown,
I woke, dungeon flamed with See thee on thy judgement
light; throne,
My chains fell off my heart was Rock of Ages , cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee
RH 341, A M Toplady
I rose, went forth and followed
5. No condemnation now I dread,
1. Jesus Keep me near the cross
Jesus, and all in him, is mine;
There a precious fountain,
Alive in him, my living head,
Free to all, a healing stream,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Flows from calv'ry's mountain.
Bold I approach the eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through In the cross, (2)
Christ my own Be my glory ever,
RH 324, Charles Wesley Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
93 2. Near the cross, a trembling soul,
1. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Love and mercy found me;
Let me hide myself in Thee! There the bright and morning
Let the water and the blood, star
From thy riven side which flowed, Shed its beams around me.

3. Near the Cross! O Lamb of God, Yet I love thee, and adore;
Bring its scenes before me; Oh for grace to love thee more
Help me walk from day to day, RH. 397, W. Cowper
With its shadow o’er me
4. Near the cross I'll watch and wait, 96
Hoping, trusting ever, 1. Nearer, my God to thee,
Till I reach the golden strand, Nearer to thee;
Just beyond the river. E'en though it be a cross
RH. 396, Fanny J. Crosby That raiseth me,
Still all my song shall be,
95 Nearer my God to thee,
Nearer to thee.
1. Hark, my soul, it is the lord;
'Tis thy saviour; hear his word; 2. Though, like the wanderer,
Jesus speaks and speaks to thee; The sun gone down,
'Say, "poor sinner, lov'st thou Darkness be over me,
Me?" My rest a stone,
Yet in my dreams l'd be
2. I delivered thee when bound,
Nearer, my God to thee,
And when bleeding, healed thy
Nearer to thee!
Sought thee wand'ring, set thee 3. There let the way appear
right, Steps unto heaven;
Turned thy darkness into light. All that thou send'st to me
In mercy given;
3. "Can a woman's tender care
Angels to beckon me
Cease towards the child she bare?
Nearer, my God, to thee
Yes, she may forgetful be,
Nearer to thee!
Yet will I remember thee.
4. Then, with my waking thoughts
4. "Mine is an unchanging love,
Bright with thy praise
Higher than the heights above,
Out of my stony griefs
Deeper than the depths beneath,
Bethel l'll raise;
Free and faithful strong as death.
So by my woes to be
5. Thou shall see My glory soon, Nearer, my God, to thee
When the work of grace is done; Nearer to thee!
Partner of my throne shalt be;
5. Or if on joyful wing
Say, "poor sinner, lov'st thou
Cleaving the sky,
Sun, moon, and stars forgot,
6. Lord it is my chief complaint Upwards I fly,
That my love is weak and faint;

Still all my songs shall be By thy grace divine
Nearer, my God, to thee We are on the Lord's side
Nearer to thee! Saviour we are thine!
RH. 400, Sarah F. Adams
3. Fierce may be the conflict,
97 Strong may be the foe;
1. Who is on the lord's side? But the king's own many
Who will serve the king? None-can overthrow,
Who will be his helpers? Round his standard ranging,
Other lives to bring? Victory is secure,
Who will leave the world's side? For his truth unchanging
Who will face the foe? Makes the triumph sure,
Who is on the Lord's side? Joyfully enlisting,
Who for him will go? By thy grace divine,
By Thy call of mercy, We are on the lord's side;
By Thy grace divine, Saviour, we are thine.
We are on the lord's side, RH. 431, Frances R Havergal
Saviour, we are thine!
2. Not for weight of glory, 98
Not for crown and palm, 1. Fight the good with all thy might
Enter we the army Christ is thy strength, and Christ
Raise the warrior psalm; thy right
But for love that claimeth Lay hold on life and it shall be
Lives for whom he died; Thy joy and crown eternally.
He whom Jesus nameth 2. Run the straight race through
Must be on his side; God's good grace,
By thy love constraining Lift thine eyes, and seek his
By thy grace divine face;
We are on the lord's side Life with its way before thee lies,
Saviour, we are thine! Christ is the path, and Christ thy
3. Jesus, thou hast bought us, prize
Not with gold or gem, 3. Cast care aside, lean on thy Guide;
But with thine own life-blood His boundless mercy will provide;
For thy diadem; Lean and the trusting soul shall
With thy blessing filling prove,
All who come to thee, Christ is its life, and Christ its love.
Thou hast made us willing
Thou hast made us free 4. Faint not, nor fear his arms are near,
By thy grand redemption. He changeth not, and thou art

Only believe, and thou shalt see 3. Not a burden we bear,
That Christ is all in all to thee. Not a shadow we share,
RH 432, J.S.B. Monsell But our toil he doth richly repay,
Not a grief nor a loss,
99 Not a frown nor a cross.
I am delivered, praise the Lord! But is blest if we trust and obey.
I am delivered by his word; 4. But we never can prove
Once I was bound by the chains of The delights of His love,
Satan, Until all on the altar we lay,
I am delivered praise the lord' For the favour He shows,
Chorus: And the joy he bestows
Great change in me, great Are for them who will trust
Change in me, And obey
I am so happy and I am so free; 5. Then in fellowship sweet
He brought me out of bondage into We will sit at His feet;
His marvelous life Or we'll walk by His side in the way;
O, O, O, great change in me. What He says we will do,
PH. 106 Where he sends we will go,
Never fear, only trust and obey
100 RH. 477, J.H. Sammis
1. When we walk with the lord
In the light of his word, 101
What a glory He sheds on our way! 1. Simply trusting everyday
While we do his good will Trusting through stormy way;
He abides with us still, Even, when my faith is small
And with all who will trust and Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Trusting as the mountain fly
Trust and obey! For there's no Trusting as the days go by;
other way Trusting him what'er befall,
To be happy in Jesus but to Trusting Jesus, that is all
trust and obey
2. Brightly doth his spirit shine
2. Not a shadow can rise, Into this poor heart of mine;
Not a cloud in the skies, While he leads I cannot fall;
But His smile quickly drives it Trusting Jesus, that is all.
3. Singing if my way be clear;
Not a doubt nor a fear,
Praying if the path be drear;
Not a sigh nor a tear
If in danger for Him call;
Can abide while we trust and obey.
Trusting Jesus, that is all.

4. Trusting Him while life shall last I am rejoicing in thy salvation,
Trusting him till earth be past; Thy precious blood now maketh
Till within the jasper wall; Me free
Trusting Jesus that is all.
Wonderful saviour, wonderful
RH 480, E. Page
Thou art so near, so precious
102 to me;
1. Master speak! Thy servant heareth Wonderful saviour, wonderful
Waiting for thy gracious word, saviour
Longing for thy voice that My heart is filled with praises
cheereth to thee
Master, let it now be heard.
I am listening, lord, for thee; 2. Freedom from sin oh!
What hast thou to say to me! Wonderful Story!
2. Speak to me by name O master, All of its strains washed whiter
Let me know it is to me, than snow,
Speak, that I may follow faster, Jesus has come to live in his temple
With a step more firm and free, And with his love my heart is aglow.
Where the shepherd leads flock
3. Jesus my lord, I'll ever adore
In the shadow of the rock.
3. Master speak! Though least Lay at thy feet my treasures of
and lowest. love;
Let me not unheard depart; Lead me in ways to show forth
Master, speak for oh, thy glory,
Thou knowest
Ways that will end in heaven
All the yearning of my heart,
Knowest all its truest need; above.
Speak! And make me blest indeed. 4. When in that bright and
4. Master, speak and make me ready, beautiful city
When thy voice is truly heard, I shall behold thy glories untold,
With obedience glad and steady, I shall be like thee, wonderful
Still to follow every word, saviour,
I am listening lord, for thee, And I will sing while ages unfold.
Master, speak, oh, speak to me! R.H. 517
RH. 487, Frances R. Havergal J. M. Haris

103 104
1. Jesus my king, my wonderful 1. When peace, like a river attended
Saviour my way
All of my life is given to thee; When sorrows, like sea billows
Whatever my lot, Thou has 105
taught me to know,
1. Peace, perfect peace, in this
"It is well, it is well with my dark world of sin?
soul The blood of Jesus whispers
It is well… with my soul… peace within
It is well, it is well with my soul
2. Peace, perfect peace, by
2 Though, Satan should buffet, if thronging duties pressed?
Trials should come To do the will of Jesus, this is
Let this blest assurance control, rest
That Christ hath regarded my
helpless estate, 3. Peace, perfect peace, with
And hath shed his own blood sorrows surging round?
for my soul. On Jesus' bosom naught but
calm is found.
3. My sin-oh, the bliss of this
glorious thought 4. Peace, perfect peace, with
My sin - not in part but the loved ones far away?
whole In Jesus' keeping we are safe
Is nailed to his cross; and I bear and they.
it no more; 5. Peace, perfect peace, our future
Praise the lord, praise the lord, all unknown
O my soul. Jesus we know, and He is on
4. For me, be it Christ, be it Christ the throne.
hence to live! 6. Peace, perfect peace, death
If Jordan above me shall roll, shadowing us and ours?
No pang shall be mine, for in Jesus has vanquished death and
death as in life. all its powers
Thou wilt whisper thy peace to
7. It is enough; earth's struggles
my soul.
soon shall cease,
5. But lord, 'tis for thee, for thy And Jesus calls us to Heaven's
coming we wait perfect peace.
The sky, not the grave, is our goal RH.529
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, E.H. Bickersteth
voice of the lord'
Blessed hope! Blessed rest of 106
my soul. 1. Immortal; Invisible God only wise
R.H. 527, H.G. Spatted. In light inaccessible hid from our

Most blessed, most glorious, 107
The Ancient of Days
Almighty, victorious, Thy great 1 O Lord of heav'n and earth and
name we praise sea
To Thee all praise and glory be:
2 Unresting, unhasting, and silent How shall we show our love to Thee
as light Who givest all?
Nor wanting, nor wasting,
Thou rulest in might 2 Thou didst not spare Thine only
Thy justice like mountains high Son,
soaring above, But gav'st Him for a world undone;
Thy clouds which are fountains And finely with the blessed One
of goodness and love Thou givest all?

3. To all life Thou givest - to both 3. We lose what on ourselves we

great and small spend
In all life Thou livest, the true We have a treasure without end
life of all; Whatever Lord to Thee we lend.
We blossom and flourish as Who givest all;
leaves on the tree, 4 To thee from whom we all derive
And wither and perish - but Our life our gifts our power to give!
nought changeth thee. O may we ever with Thee live
4. Great father of Glory, pure Who givest all?
Father of light 5. Thou giv'st the Spirit blessed dower
Thine angels adore Thee, all Spirit of life, and love and power.
veiling their sight; And dost His sevenfold graces
All laud we would render, O shower
help us to see: Upon us all.
This only the splendour of light
6. For souls redeemed. For sins
hideth Thee
5 Immortal, invisible, God only wise, For means of grace and hopes
In light inaccessible hid from our of heaven
eyes Father all praise to Thee be given
Most blessed, most glorious; Who givest all?
The Ancient of Days RH 33, C. Wondworth
Almighty, victorious, Thy great
name we praise 108
RH 36, Water Chalmer Smith 1. O worship the King
All glorious above,
O gratefully sing
His power and his love;
Our shield and Defender. 109
The Ancient of Days
Pavilioned in splendour, 1 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemers praise
And girded with praise
The Glories of my God and King
2 O tell His might, The triumphs of His grace!
O sing of His grace, 2. My gracious Master and my
Whose canopy space God,
His chariots of wrath Assist me to proclaim,
The deep thunder-clouds form, To spread through all the earth
And dark is His path abroad
On the wings of the storm. The honour of Thy name
3. Thy bountiful care 3. Jesus! The name that charms
What tongue can recite? our fears
It breaths in the air. That bids our sorrows cease;
'Tis music in the sinner's ears,
It shines in the light
'Tis life and health and peace.
It streams from the hills
It descends to the plain 4. He breaks the power of cancelled
And sweetly distils sin
In the dew and the rain He sets the pris'ner free;
His blood can make the foulest
4 Frail children of dust. clean
And feeble as frail; His blood availed for me.
In Thee do we trust. 5. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise ye
Nor find Thee to fail: dumb,
The mercies how tender Your loosened tongues employ;
How firm to the end Ye blind, behold your Saviour
Our Maker Defender. come;
Redeemer and Friend And leap, ye lame, for joy!
RH 8 Charles Wesley.
5. O measureless might!
Ineffable Love!
While angels delight
To hymn Thee above. 1. Praise, my soul, the King of
The Humbler creation heaven
Though feeble their lays. To His feet thy tribute bring;
With true adoration Ransomed, healed, restored,
Shall lisp to Thy praise forgiven,
RH 10, R. Grant Who like thee His praise should
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Praise the everlasting King

2. Praise Him for His grace and 4. Ye Gentile sinners, ne'er forget
favour The wormwood and the gall;
To our fathers in distress; Go, spread your trophies at His
Praise Him, still the same for feet,
ever, And crown Him Lord of all.
Slow to chide and swift to bless;
Praise Him! Praise Him! 5. Let every kindred, every tribe
Glorious in His faithfulness. On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe,
3. Father-like He tends and spares us, And crown Him Lord of all
Well our feeble frame he knows;
In His hands He gently bears us, 6. O that with yonder sacred
Rescues us from all our foes; throng
Praise Him! Praise Him! We at His feet may fall,
Widely as His mercy flows. Join in the everlasting song,
4. Angels, help us to adore Him! And crown Him Lord of all.
Ye behold Him face to face; RH 2, Edward Perronel
Sun and moon, bow down
before Him; 112
Dwellers all in time and space, ABBA Father, let me be
Praise Him! Praise Him! Yours, and yours alone,
Praise with us the God of grace. May my will for ever be
RH 5, H.F Lyte Evermore your own.
Never let my heart grow cold,
111 Never let me go,
1. All hail the power of Jesu's name! Abba Father, let me be
Let angels prostrate fall; Yours and yours alone.
Bring forth the royal diadem Dave Bilbrough
And crown Him Lord of all
2. Crown Him, ye martyrs of our
God, 1. Abide with me, fast falls the
Who from His altar call; even tide;
Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, The darkness deepens; Lord,
And crown him Lord of all. with me abide,
When other helpers fail and
3. Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, comfort, flee
And remnant weak and small, Help of the helpless, O abide
Hail Him who saves you by His with me.
And crown Him Lord of all.

2. Swift to its close ebbs our life's My master and my friend:
little day; I shall not fear the battle
Earth's joys grow dim, its glories If thou art by my side,
pass away Nor wander from the pathway
Change and decay in all around If thou wilt be my guide
I see 2. O let me feel thee near me:
O thou who changest not, abide the world is ever near;
with me. I see the sights that dazzle
3. I need thy presence every The tempting sounds I hear;
passing hour My foes are ever near me,
Around me and within;
What but thy grace can foil the
But Jesus, draw thou nearer
tempter's power? And shield my soul from sin.
Who like thyself my guide and
stay can be? 3. O let me hear thee speaking
Through cloud and sunshine, O In accents clear and still,
Above the stones of passion,
abide with me.
The murmurs of self-will
4. I fear no foe, with thee at hand O speak to reassure me,
to bless; To hasten, or control;
Ills have no weight, and tears no Oh speak, and make me listen
bitterness. Thou guardian of my soul.
Where is death's sting? 5. O let me see thy footmarks.
Where, grave, thy victory? And in them plant mine own;
I triumph still, if thou abide with My hope to follow duly
me. Is in thy strength alone
O guide me, call me, draw me,
5. Keep thou thy cross before my Uphold me to the end;
closing eyes; And then in heaven receive me,
Shine through the gloom, and My Saviour and my friend.
point me to the skies BBC Songs of Praise 339
Heaven's morning breaks, and J.E. Bode (1816-74)
earth's vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide 115
with me 1. O when the saints go marching in
RH 797, H.F. Lyte (1793-1847) O when the saint to marching in
O Lord, I want to be in that
114 number
1. O Jesus I have promised When the saint go marching in!
To serve thee to the end; 2. O when they crown him Lord of all
Be thou for ever near me, O when they crown him Lord of all

O Lord, I want to be that in number 3. In the old rugged cross, stained
When they crown him Lord of all. With blood so divine
A wondrous beauty I see;
3. O when all knees bow at his name
For 'twas on that old cross
O when all knees bow at his name
Jesus suffered and died
O Lord, I want to be in that number
To pardon and sanctify me
When all knees bow at his name
4. To the old rugged cross I will
4. O when they sing the Saviour's
ever be true
Its shame and reproach gladly
O when they sing the Saviour's
Then he'll call me someday to
O Lord, I want to be in that
my home far away,
When his glory for ever I'll share
O when they sing the Saviour's
BBC Songs 88
George Bernard (1873-1958)
5. O when the saints go marching in
O when the saints go marching in 117
O Lord, I want to be that in number
Praise God, from whom all blessings
When the saints go marching in
BBC Songs 203
Praise him all creatures here below,
Praise him above, ye heavenly host,
116 Praise Father, son and Holy Ghost
1. On a hill fare away stood an old Thomas Ken (1637-1711)
rugged cross BBC songs 172
The emblem of suffering and shame
And I love that old cross where 118
the dearest and best
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
For a world of lost sinners as slain
The King of creation!
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross O my soul, praise him, for he is thy
Till my trophies at last I lay down Health and salvation;
I will cling to the old rugged cross Come ye who hear,
And exchange it some day for a Brothers and sister, draw near,
crown Praise him in glad adoration!
2. O, the old rugged cross, so 2. Praise to the Lord, who o'er all
despised by the world things
Has a wondrous attraction for me; So wondrously reigneth
For the dear Lamb of God left Shelters thee under his wings, yea
his glory above So gently sustaineth,
To bear it to dark Calvary. Hast thou not seen
All that is needful hath been
Granted in what he ordaineth? (1827-78) and others
BBC Songs 19
3. Praise to the Lord, who doth
Thy work and defend thee! 119
Surely his goodness and mercy Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign
here daily attend thee; in me,
Ponder anew Reign in me, sovereign Lord, reign
All the Almighty can do in me
He who with love doth befriend Captivate my heart,
thee Let your Kingdom come
Establish there your throne
4. Praise to the Lord, who when
Let your will be done!
Tempests their warfare are
Reign in m, Sovereign Lord, reign in
Who, when the element madly
Reign in me sovereign Lord,
around thee are raging
Reign in m
Biddeth them cease,
Chris Bowater BBC Songs 158
Turneth their fury to peace,
Whirlwinds and waters
assuaging. 120
1 O, come, all ye faithful
5. Praise to the Lord, who when Joyful and triumphant
Darkness of sin is abounding, Come ye, O come ye to
Who, when the godless do Bethlehem;
triumph, Come and behold him
All virtue confounding, Born the King of angels:
Sheddeth his light,
Chaseth the horrors of night, Chorus
Saints with his mercy O come, let us adore him
Surrounding. O come, let us adore him
O come, let us adore him
6. Praise to the Lord! O let all that Christ the Lord!
is in me adore him
All that hath life and breath 2. True God of true God
Come now with praises before Light of light eternal
him! Lo! He abhors not the
Let the Amen sound from his Virgin's womb
people again Son of the Father,
Gladly for aye we adore him! Begotten, not created.
Joachim Neander (1650-80) 3. Sing choirs of angels
Tr. Catherine Winkworth Sing in exultation

Sing, all ye citizens of heaven 2. Where is thy reign of peace?
above, And purity and love?
Glory to God When shall all hatred cease?
In the highest As in the realms above?
4. Yea, Lord we greet Thee 3. When comes the promised time?
Born this happy morning; That war shall be no more
Jesus, to Thee be glory given And lust oppression, crime
Word of the Father, Shall flee thy face before?
Now in flesh appearing
4. We pray thee, Lord, arise,
MHB 118
And come in thy great might;
Anonymous, 17th or 18 cent.
Revive our longing eyes,
Tr. Frederick Oakeley (1802-80)
Which languish for thy sight.

121 5. O'er lands both near and far

Thick darkness broodeth yet;
1. There is a Redeemer,
Arise, O Morning star
Jesus, God's own Son,
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Arise, and never set!
Holy One BBC Songs 24
Thank you, O my Father Lewis Hensley (1824-1905)
For giving us your Son,
And leaving your Spirit till 123
The work on earth is done. 1. All heaven declares
2. Jesus, my Redeemer, The glory of the risen Lord;
Name above all names, Who can compare
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah With the beauty of the Lord?
O for sinners slain. For ever he will be
3. When I stand in glory The lamb upon the throne
I will see his face I gladly bow the knee,
And there I'll serve my King for And worship him alone
In that holy place 2. I will proclaim
BBC Songs 253 The glory of the risen Lord,
Melody Green w 1,2 Who once was slain
Keith Green v3 To reconcile man to God
For ever you will be
122 The lamb upon the throne
I gladly bow the knee
1. Thy Kingdom come, O God
And worship you alone.
Thy rule, O Christ, begin
BBC 134
Break with thine iron rod
The tyrannies of sin

Tracia Richards 4. Be still, my soul; the hour is
hastening on
124 When we shall be forever with
1 Be still, my soul; the lord is on the Lord.
thy side When disappointment, grief and
Bear patiently the cross of grief fear are gone
or pain; Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys
Leave to thy God to order and restored
provide; Be still, my soul, when change
In every change he faithful will and tears are past
remain; All safe and blessed we shall
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy meet at last
heavenly friend BBC Songs 286
Through thorny way leads to a Katharina Von Schlegel (1697)
joyful end Tr. Jane Laurie Borthwick
2. Be still, my soul, thy God doth
undertake 125
To guide the future as he has
1. Bind us together, Lord
the past
Bind us together, with cords
Thy hope, thy confidence let
That cannot be broken,
nothing shake
Bind us together, Lord
All now mysterious shall be
bright at last Bind us together, Lord
Be still, my soul; the waves and O bind us together with love
winds still know There is only one God
His voice who ruled them while There is only one King
he dwelt below There is only one body
That is why we sing
3. Be still, my soul; when dearest
friend depart 2. Made for the Glory of God
And all is darkened in the vale Purchased by his precious Son
of tears Born with the right to be clean
Then shalt thou better know his For Jesus the victory has won
love, his heart
3. You are the family of God
Who comes to soothe thy sorrow
You are the promise divine
and thy fears
You are God's chosen desire.
Be still, my soul, thy Jesus can
You are the glorious new wine
BBC Songs 356, Bob Gillman
From his own fullness, all he
takes away.

126 5. Crown him the Lord of years
The Potentate of time,
1. Crown him with many crowns Creator of the rolling spheres,
The Lamb upon his throne Ineffably sublime;
Hark! How the heavenly All hail, Redeemer hail!
Anthem drowns For thou has died for me:
All music but its own Thy praise shall never, never fail
Awake; my soul, and sing Throughout eternity.
Of him who died for thee.. BBC Songs 121
And hail him as thy matchless Matthew Bridges, (1800-94)
King v. 1,3,5,
Through all eternity. Godfrey Thring (1823-1903) v2.
2. Crown him the Son of God
Before the words began; 127
And ye who tread where he had 1. Father, we adore you,
trod, Lay our lives before you;
Crown him the son of Man How we love you!
Who every grief hath known
That wrings the human breast 2. Jesus, we adore you
And takes and bears them for Lay our live before you;
his own, How we love you
That all in him may rest 3. Spirit, we adore you
Lay our live before you;
3. Crown him the Lord of love
How we love you!
Behold his hands and side'
Terry Coelho (b.1952)
Those wounds yet visible above
In beauty glorified
No angel in the sky 128
Can fully bear that sight 1. Father, we love you, we worship
But downward bends his and adore you;
burning eye Glorify your name in all the
At mysteries so bright. earth,
4. Crown him the Lord of peace Glorify your name! Glorify
Whose power a sceptre sways your name!
From pole to pole, that war may Glorify your name in all the
cease earth,
And all be prayer and praise 2. Jesus, we love you, we worship
His reign shall know no end and adore you;
And round his pierced feet
Fair flowers of paradise extend 3. Spirit, we love you, we worship
Their fragrance ever sweet. and adore you.
BBC Songs 219
Donna Adkins (b. 1940) Give me love in my heart keep
me serving
129 Keep me serving till the break
For I'm building a people of power of day
And I'm making a people of praise BBC Songs 223
That will move through this land by
my spirit 131
And will glorify my precious name Go, tell it on the mountain
Build your Church Lord, Over the hills and everywhere
Make us Strong, Lord, Go, tell it on the mountain
Join our hearts, through your Son. That Jesus is his name
Make us one Lord, in your body
1. He possessed no riches
In the Kingdom of your Son
No home to lay his head;
BBC Songs 221
He saw the needs of others
Dave Richards (b. 1947
And cared for them instead

130 2. He reached out and touched

1. Give me joy in my heart, Keep them
me praising The blind, the deaf, the lame;
Give my joy in my heart, I pray; He spoke and listened gladly
Give my joy in my heart keep To anyone who came
the praising 3. Some turned away in anger,
Keep me praising till the break With hatred in the eye;
of day They tried him and condemned
Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna! him
Sing hosanna to the King of Kings! Then led him out to die
Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna! 4. 'Father, now forgive them'
Sing hosanna to the King! Upon the cross he said;
In three more days he was alive
2. Give me peace in my heart,
And risen from the dead
Keep me loving
Give me peace in my Heart I pray 5. He still comes to people
Give me peace in my heart, His life moves through the
keep me loving lands;
Keep me loving till the break of day. He uses us for speaking
He touches with our hands
3. Give me love in my heart, keep
Geoffrey Marshall Taylc
me serving
BBC Songs 139
Give me love in my heart, I pray

In earth and sky and sea
132 Holy, holy, holy!
He lives, he lives Merciful and mighty!
Chris Jesus lives today! God in three Persons blessed
He walks with me and talks with me Trinity!
Along life's, narrow way BBC Songs 170
He lives, he lives, Reginald Heber (1738-1826)
Salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know he lives? 134
He lives within my heart
1. O Lord my God, when I in
BBC Songs 144
awesome wonder
A.H. Ackley (1887-1960)
Consider all the works thy hand
hath made
133 I see the stars, I hear the mighty
1. Holy, holy, holy! thunder
Lord God Almighty! Thy power throughout the
Early in the morning our song universe displayed
Shall rise to thee;
Holy, holy, holy! Then sing my soul, my Saviour
Merciful and mighty God, to thee
God in three Persons blessed How great thou art, how great
Trinity! thou art!
Then sing my soul, my Saviour
2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints
God to thee
adore thee,
How great thou art, how great
Casting down their golden
crowns around the glassy sea; thou art!
Cherubim and Seraphim falling 2. When through the woods and
down before thee, forest glades I wander
Which wert, and art and And hear the birds sing sweetly
evermore shalt be in the trees
3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the When I look down from lofty
darkness hide thee mountain grandeur
Though the eye of sinful man And hear the brook, and feel the
thy glory may not see gentle breeze
Only thou art holy, there is none
3. And when I think that God his
beside thee
Son not spring
Perfect in power in love and purity
Sent him to die - I scarce can
4. Holy, holy, holy! take it in,
Lord God Almighty That on the cross, my burden
All thy works shall praise thy gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord!
my sin; Praise him with Alleluias
For Jesus is Lord
4. When Christ shall come with
shout of acclamation 2. Jesus is Lord! Yet from his
And take me home- what joy throne eternal
shall fill my heart In flesh he came
Then shall I bow in humble To die in pain
adoration, On Calvary's tree
And there proclaim my God, Jesus is Lord! From him all life
how great thou art! proceeding
BBC Songs 13 Russian hymn He gave his life a ransom thus
Tr. Stuart K. Hine (1899-1989) setting us free.
3. Jesus is Lord! O'er sin the
135 mighty conqueror
1. I will enter his gates with From death he rose
thanksgiving in my heart, And all his foes shall own his name
I will enter his courts with praise, Jesus is Lord! God sent his Holy
I will say this is the day that the Spirit
Lord has made To show by works of power that
I will rejoice for he has made me glad Jesus is Lord!
He has made me glad, He has BBC Song 153
made me glad; David Mansel (b. 1936)
I will rejoice for he has made me glad
It has made me glad
I will rejoice for he has made me glad
BBC Songs 208 1. Joy to the world, the Lord has
Leona Von Brethorst come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room
136 And heaven and nature sing
1. Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice
proclaim it 2. Joy to the earth, the Saviour
For by his power reigns!
Each tree and flower Your sweetest songs employ;
Was planned and made While fields and streams sad
Jesus is Lord! The universe hills and plains
declares it Repeat the sounding joy.
Sun, moon and stars in heaven 3. He rules the world with truth
cry; and grace
Jesus is Lord!

And makes the nations prove 6. Just as I am, Of that free love
The glories of his The breadth, length, depth and
righteousness, height to prove,
The wonders of his love Here for a season, then above
Blessings 154 O Lamb of God I come.
Isaac Watts (1674-1785) altd BBC Songs 274
Based on Psalm 98 Charlotte Elliot (1789-1871)

138 139
1. Just as I am, without one plea 1. King of glory, King of peace
But that thy blood was shed for I will love thee;
me, And that love may never cease,
And that thou bidst me come to I will move thee,
thee Thou hast granted my request,
O lamb of God, I come Thou hast heard me;
Thou didst not my working
2. Just as I am, though tossed
Thou hast spared me.
With many a conflict, many a
doubt 2. Wherefore with my utmost art
Fighting and fears within I will sing thee
without And the cream of all my heart
O lamb of God I come. I will bring thee
Though my sins against me
3. Just as I am, wretched, blind;
Sight riches, healing of the mind,
Thou didst clear me;
Yea all I need, in thee to find,
And alone, when they replied
O lamb of God I come
Thou didst hear me
4. Just as I am, thou wilt receive,
3. Seven whole days, not one in
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse
I will praise thee;
Because thy promise I believe,
In my heart, though not in
O lamb of God, I come
5. Just as I am, (thy love unknown I can raise thee
Has broken every barrier down), Small it is, in this poor sort
Now to be thine, yea thine To enroll thee;
alone, E'en eternity's too short
O Lamb of God, I come To extol thee.
BBC Songs 297
George Herbert (1595-1635)

140 His Name is Wonderful
Jesus my Lord
Let there be love shared among us He's the Great Shepherd
Let there be love in our eyes, The Rock of all Ages
May now your love weep this Almighty God is He
nation, Bow down before Him,
Cause us, O Lord to arise Love and adore Him
Give us a fresh understanding His name is wonderful
Of brotherly love that is real, Jesus my Lord.
Let there be love shared among us Audrey Mieir
Let there be love.
BBC Songs 364
Dave Billbrough
I love You Lord
And I lift my voice
141 To worship You,
Rejoice in the Lord always O my Soul rejoice
And again I say, rejoice, Take joy, my King
Rejoice in the Lord always In what you hear,
And again I say rejoice Sweet sound in Your ear
Rejoice, rejoice
And again I say rejoice, 145
Rejoice in the Lord always
1. When I survey the wondrous
And again I say rejoice
PH 37
On which the Prince of Glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
142 And pour contempt on all my pride
Day by day dear Lord
Of these three things I pray 2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should
To see thee more dearly boast
Love thee more clearly Save in the death of Christ my God;
Follow thee more nearly All the vain things that charm
Day by day. me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood
143 3. See, from His head, His hands
His Name is Wonderful His feet,
His Name is Wonderful Sorrow and love flow mingled
His Name is Wonderful down;
Jesus my Lord Did e'er such love and sorrow
He is the mighty King meet,
Master of every thing

Or thorns compose so rich a Roaring wind and deep-voiced
crown main,
Rustling leaf and humming bee,
3. Were the whole realm of nature
All things praise thee; Lord, may
That were on offering far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine 4. All things praise Thee; high and
Demands my soul, my life my all. low,
RH. 161, Isaac Watts Rain and dew and seven-hand
146 Crimson sunset, fleecy cloud,
Jehovah is your Name (4x) Rippling stream and tempest
Mighty Warrior, great in battle loud;
Jehovah is your Name Summer, winter, all to Thee
Jehovah is your Name Glory render, Lord, may we.
5. All things praise Thee; gracious
147 Lord,
1. All things praise Thee, Lord Great Creator, powerful Word,
most high Omnipresent Spirit, now
Heaven and earth and sea and At Thy feet we humbly bow
sky, Lift our heart in praise to thee;
All were for Thy glory made All things praise Thee; Lord
That Thy greatness thus displayed may we. Amen
Should all worship bring to Thee; MHB 29
All things praise thee: Lord may we George William Conder, 1821-74

2. All things praise Thee: night to

Sings in silent hymns of light; Amen, Amen, Blessing and Glory
All things praise thee: day to Wisdom, thanksgiving and honour
day Power and might be unto our God
Chants Thy power, in burning For ever and ever, Amen!
ray; RH 260.
Time and space are praising
Thee, 149
All things praise Thee Lord may we. I heard a sound from Heaven
3. All things praise thee; round her And the anthem loud did swell
zones I saw the saints in glistering robes
Earth, wither ten thousand tones A number no man could tell;
Rolls a ceaseless choral strain; I saw the King of glory

And the angels around the Throne Please tell my friends that I'm
Singing glory, Halleluiah! coming too,
For the glory of the Lamb is come! Away far over Jordan
We'll meet in that beautiful land
Chorus so grand!
Singing glory, Halleluia! RH 236
Singing glory around the Throne!
Waving palms with loud Hosannas
For the marriage of the Lamb is 153
come 1. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling for you and for me
150 See on the portal He's waiting
My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord and watching
Rejoice and praise the Lord, Watching for you and for me.
My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord Chorus
Rejoice and praise the Lord Come home, come home,
Rejoice and praise the Lord Ye who are weary come home;
Rejoice and praise the Lord Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is
My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord, calling
Rejoice and praise the Lord Calling, "O sinner, come home!"
PH 255
2. Why should we tarry when
Jesus is pleading
151 Pleading for you and for me?
Victory! Victory! Why should we linger and heed not
Precious blood -bought victory His mercies
Victory! Victory! Victory all the time Mercies for you and for me?
As Jehovah liveth,
Strength divine He giveth 3. Time is now fleeting, the
Unto those who trust Him moment are passing
Vict'ry all the time Passing from you and from me,
PH 231, Mrs. C.H. Morris Shadows are gathering, death-
Are coming
152 Coming for you and for me?
1. Away far over Jordan
4. Oh, for the wonderful love He
We'll meet in that land
has promised
O won't it be grand!
Promised for you and for me
Away far over Jordan
We'll meet in that beautiful land Though we have sinned He has
So grand mercy and pardon

2. If you get there before I do,

Pardon for you and for me Chorus
PH 282 Will Thompson Jesus is passing this way
This way, this way
154 Jesus is passing this way
1. Where will you spend eternity? He is passing this way today
This question comes to you and 2. Is there a heart that has
me wandered?
Tell me, what shall your answer Come with thy burden today;
be? Mercy is tenderly passing
Where will you spend eternity? Jesus is passing this way
Chorus 3. Is there a heart that is broken
Eternity! Eternity! Weary and sighing for rest?
Where will you spend eternity? Come to the arms of thy Saviour,
2. Many are choosing Christ today Pillow thy head on his Breast
Turning from all their sins away 4. Come to thy only Redeemer
Heav'n shall their happy portion Come to His infinite love,
be, Come to the gate that is pleading
Where will you spend eternity Homeward to mansion above
3. Leaving the straight and narrow way PH 286, Annie L. James
Going the downward road today,
Sad will their final ending be 156
Lost thro'a long eternity O magnify the Lord
For He is worthy to be praised,
4. Repent, believe this very hour,
O magnify the Lord
Trust in the Saviour's grace and
For He is worthy to be praised
Hosanna! Blessed be the rock
Then will your joyous answer be,
And may the God of my salvation
Saved thro'a long eternity
be exalted
Chorus Hosanna! Blessed be the rock
Eternity! Eternity! And may the God of my salvation
Where will you spend eternity? be exalted
PH 302
1. Is there a heart that is waiting 157
Longing for pardon today? Sons of God, March forward
Hear the glad message In the power of the latter rain
proclaiming Sons of God, march forward,
Jesus is passing this way For Jesus is ever the same,
Sons of God, march forward
We are more than conqu'rors in His There may be now, in the paths
Name of sin,
Sons of God, march forward, Some wand'er whom I should seek,
In the power of the latter Rain O Saviour, if thou wilt be my
RH 94 Guide
Tho' dark and rugged the way,
158 My voice shall echo the
message sweet
There never was a day like this day I'll say what you want me to say
to me,
There never was a day like this day 3. There's surely somewhere a
I see lowly place
There never was a light that shineth In earth's harvest-fields so wide.
so bright Where I may labour thro 'life's
As this day, this glorious day short day
PH 134 For Jesus, the Crucified.
So, trusting my all unto Thy care,
159 I know Thou lovest me!
I'll do Thy will with a heart
1. It may not be on the mountain's
I'll be what you want me to be.
Or over the stormy sea;
Melodies of Praise 106
It may not be at the battle front
PH 145, Mary Brown
My Lord will have need of me;
But if by a still small voice He
calls 160
To paths I do not know There’s a land that is fairer than
I'll answer, dear Lord, with my day
hand in Thine And by faith we can see it afar;
I'll go where you want me to go For the Father waits over the way,
Chorus To prepare us a dwelling place
I'll go where you want me to there
go dear Lord Chorus
O'er mountain, or plain or sea; In the sweet by and by
I'll say what you want me to We shall meet on that
say, dear Lord beautiful shore
I'll be what you want me to be In the sweet by and by
2. Perhaps today there are loving We shall meet on that
words beautiful shore
Which Jesus would have me to 2. We shall sing on that beautiful
speak; shore
The melodious songs of the The way to heaven; you may
blest, not know,
And our spirits shall sorrow no But when the Lord gets ready,
more, You’ve got to move, move,
Not a sign for the blessing of rest move, move, move
3. To our bountiful Father above 3. You may be rich, you may be
We will offer our tribute of praise, poor,
For the glorious gift of His love, The way to heaven; you may
And the blessing that hallow not know,
our days But when the Lord gets ready
PH 273, S. Bennet You’ve got to move,move,
move, move, move,
PH 174
There’s a fine, fine, fine
Morning coming soon coming
soon, coming soon; ‘Tis a glorious Church without
The sun will shine, shine, shine sport nor wrinkle
shine, Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
Banishing the gloom very soon, ‘Tis a glorious Church without spot
very soon, or wrinkle,
We shall gather all together over Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
on the other shore PH 76
All our trials and our troubles
will be gone for ever more; 164
There is a fine, fine, fine, fine I am the Lord, I am the Lord
Morning coming soon, coming I am the Lord that changeth not,
soon, yes soon I am the Lord, that changeth not
PH 190 I am the Lord that changeth not
That changeth not;
162 I am the Lord that changeth not
1. You’ve got to move, you’ve got PH 127
to move Sarpong Asomani
You’ve got to move, you’ve got
to move 165
When the Lord gets ready, Christ is the answer to all our
You’ve got to move, move, problems
move move, move Christ is the answer to all our needs;
Saviour, Baptiser, the greet Physician:
2. You may be high you may below, O Halleluia! He’s all I need
PH 316
166 PH 99
The Fire is burning in my soul
The fire is burning in my soul;
The flame of glory maketh whole, Is there anybody here that loves
Hallelujah! It’s burning in my soul. my Jesus?
PH 26, Anybody here that loves my Lord?
Hugh Mitchell I want to know, I want to know
if you love my Lord.
167 My soul is happy when I love
my Jesus
He set me free, Yes, He set me free My soul is happy when I love my
He broke the bonds of prison for me Lord,
I’m glory bound my Jesus to see, I want to know, I want to know if
O praise the Lord, He set me free. you love my Lord
PH 4 PH. 13

168 171
We are able to go up and take the There is victory for me,
country There is victory for me,
To possess the land from Jordan to In the Blood of Christ, my Saviour
the sea; There is victory for me,
Though the lions may be there For me, yes me for me, yes me,.
await to hinder, In the Blood of Christ, my Saviour:
God will surely give the victory. There is victory.
PH. 187

169 172
Praises to the Lamb of God,
1. While I was praying somebody Who shed His blood on the cross
touched me (x3) To redeem my soul from sin,
It might have been the hands of For His heavenly home,
the Lord Thank You, Jesus
2. While I was wond’ring Praises to Thy name; (2)
somebody touched me (x3) O my Lord deep in my heart
It might have been the band of Render my thanks to Thee
the Lord
3. Glory, glory glory, somebody 173
touched me (x3) Give me oil in my lamp, keep me
It might have been the hand of burning,
the Lord Give me oil in my lamp, I pray,

Give me oil in my lamp, keep me Light and life to all he brings,
burning Risen with healing in his wings,
Keep me burning till the break of Mild he lays his glory by
day. Born that man no more may die
Chorus Born to raise the sons of earth,
Sing Hosanna! Sing Hossana! Born to give them second birth
Sing Hossana! To the King of BBC songs 46
Kings! Charles Wesley (1707-88) altd.
Sing Hossana! Sing Hossana!
Sing Hossana! To the King 175
PH 34 1. Brightest and best of the sons of
the morning
174 Dawn on our darkness, and lead
1. Hark! The herald-angles sing us thine aid
Glory to the new-born King Star of the East, the horizon
Peace on earth, and mercy mild. adorning,
God and sinners reconciled Guide where our infant
Joyful, all ye nations rise,. Redeemer is laid
Join the triumph of the skies;
2. Cold on His cradle the dew-
With the angelic host proclaim
drops are shinning
‘Christ is born in Bethlehem’
Low lies His head with the
Chorus beasts of the stall
Hark! The herald-angels sing Angels adore Him in slumber
Glory to the new-born King reclining
Maker, and Monarch, and
2. Christ, by highest heaven
Saviour of all.
Christ, the everlasting Lord 3. Say, shall we yield Him, in costly
Late in time behold him come devotion
Offspring of a virgin’s womb Odours of Edom, and offerings
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see! divine
Hail, the incarnate deity! Gems of the mountain and pearls
Pleased as a man with man to of the ocean
dwell, Myrrh from the forest or gold
Jesus, our Emmanuel. from the mine
3. Hail, the heaven-born Prince of 4. Vainly we offer each ample
peace! oblation
Hail, the sun of righteousness! Vainly with gifts would His
favour secure
Richer by far is the heart’s
Dearer to God are the prayers Having a change in my behaviour
of the poor Happiness is the Lord
5. Brightest and best of the sons of 2. Happiness is a new creation
the morning Jesus and me in close relation
Dawn on our darkness, and lend Having a part in His Salvation
us thine aid Happiness is the Lord
Star of the East, the horizon
Real Joy is mine
No matter if tear drops start
Guide where our infant
I’ve found the secret
Redeemer is laid
‘Tis Jesus in my heart
MHB 122
Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 3. Happiness is to be forgiven
Living a life that’s worth the
176 Take a trip that leads to heaven
Ah! Lord God, thou has made the Happiness is the Lord
heavens and the earth by Thy Great Happiness is the Lord
power Happiness is the Lord
Ah! Lord God, thou hast made the
heavens and the earth by Thy
outstretched arms
Nothing is too difficult for thee! 1. Hark the voice of Jesus crying
Nothing is too difficult for thee! Who will go and work today?
Great and might God Fields are white and harvest
Great in Counsel and might indeed waiting
Nothing, Nothing, Absolutely Who will bear the sheaves away
nothing Loud and strong the Master
Nothing is too difficult for thee. calleth
Rich reward He offers thee
Who will answer gladly saying
177 Here am I, send me! Send me!
Show us thy glory O Lord
Show us thy glory O Lord 2. If you cannot speak like angels
Let the dew of heaven bring us If you cannot preach like Paul
refreshing You can tell the love of Jesus
And show us thy glory once more. You can say He died for all
If you cannot rouse the wicked
178 With the judgement dread
1. Happiness is to know the You can lead the little children
Saviour To the Saviour’s waiting arms
Living a life within His favour

3. If among the older people Pure the light within
You may not be apt to teach On a world of sin
“Feed my lambs” said Christ our 4. Onward, ever onward
Shepherd Journeying o’er the road
Place the food within their reach Worn by saints before us,
Journeying on to God;
And it may be that the children
Leaving all behind us,
You have led with trembling arms May we hasten on Backward
Will be found among the jewels never looking
When you reach the better land till the prize is won
4. Let none hear you idly saying 5. Higher, then, and higher
“There is nothing I can do” Bear the ransomed soul,
While the souls of men are dying Earthly toils forgotten,
And the Master calls for you Saviour, to its goal;
Take the task He gives you gladly where, in joys unthought of,
Let His work your pleasure be Saints with angels sing,
Answer quickly when he calleth Never, weary, raising
“Here am I, send me! Send me! Praise to their King.
Golden Bells 25
1. Saviour, blessed Saviour, 181
Listen whilst we sing, 1. Come, ye that love the Lord,
Heart and voices raising
And let your joys be known
Praises to our King;
All we have to offer, Join in a song with sweet
All we hope to be,. accord, (x2)
Body, soul, and spirit And thus surround the throne,
All we yield to Thee. (2)

2. Nearer, ever nearer Chorus

Christ, we draw to Thee, We’re marching to Zion
Deep in adoration Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
Bending low the knee: We’re marching upward to zion,
Thou, for our redemption, The beautiful city of God.
Cam’st on earth to die;
Thou, that we might follow 2. Let those refuse to sing
Hast gone up on high Who never knew our God;
But children of the heavenly
3. Clearer still, and clearer King (2)
Dawns the light from heaven, Must speak their joys abroad (2)
In our sadness bringing
News of sin forgiven; 3. The hill of Zion yields
Life has lost its shadows, A thousand sacred sweets,

Before we reach the heavenly “Whosoever will may come!”
fields, (2) Golden Bells 228
Or walk the golden streets
4. Then let our songs abound, 183
And every tear be dry; 1. Courage, brother! do no tumble,
We’re marching through Though thy path be dark as
Immanuel’s ground (2) night;
To fairer worlds on high (2) There’s a star to guide the
Golden Bells 31 humble;
“Trust in God, and do the right”
182 2. Let the road be rough and dreary,
1. “Whosoever hearth!” Shout, And its end far out of sight
shout, the sound! Foot it bravely! strong or weary,
Send the blessed tidings all the “Trust in God, and do the right”
world around!
3. Perish policy and cunning
Spread the joyful news
Perish all that fears the light!
wherever man is found
Whether losing, whether winning,
“Whosoever will may come
Trust in God, and do the right”
4. Simple rule, and safest guiding,
“Whosoever will! Whosoever will!
Inward peace, and inward light
Send the proclamation over
Star up our path abiding -
vale and hill!;
“Trust in God and do the right”
‘Tis a loving Father calls the
wanderer home 5. Some will hate thee, some will
“Whosoever will may come!” l ove thee,
Some will flatter, some will
2. “Whosoever cometh! needed
not delay;
Cease from man, and look
Now the door is open, enter
above thee;
while you may;
“Trust in God and do the right”
Jesus is the true, the only Living
way; 6. Courage, brother! do not
“Whosoever will may come” stumble,
though thy path be dark as
3. “Whosoever will! the promise is
there’s a star to guide the
“Whosoever will! for ever shall
“Trust in God and do the right”
“Whosoever will” ‘tis life for
Golden Bells 354

184 To tell the old, old Story
Of Jesus and His love
1. Sowing in the morning, sowing
seeds of kindness 2. I love to tell the Story
Sowing in the noontide and the More wonderful! it seems
dewy eves; Than all the golden fancies
Waiting for the harvest, and the Of all our golden dreams;
time of reaping I love to tell the Story
We shall come rejoicing, It did so much for me;
bringing in the sheaves! And that is just the reason
I tell it now to thee.
Bringing in the sheaves! 3. I love to tell the Story
Bringing in the sheaves! ‘Tis pleasant to repeat
We shall come rejoicing What seems, each time I tell it,
Bringing in the sheaves! (2) More wonderfully sweet;
I love to tell the Story,
2. Sowing in the sunshine, sowing For some have never heard
in the shadows The message of salvation
Fearing neither clouds nor From God’s own holy Word.
chilling breeze 4. I love to tell the Story;
By and by the harvest, and the For those who know it best
labour ended Seem hungering and thirsting
We shall come rejoicing, To hear it like the rest;
bringing in the sheaves! And when in scenes of glory
Golden Bells 438 I sing the new, new song,
‘Twill be the old, old Story
185 That I have loved so long
Golden Bells 444
1. I love to tell the Story
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory 186
Of Jesus and His love; 1. My Saviour, I love Thee, I know
I love to tell the Story Thou art mine
Because I know it’s true; For Thee all the pleasures of sin
It satisfies my longings I resign;
As nothing else would do. My gracious Redeemer, my
Saviour, art Thou
Chorus If ever I loved thee, my Saviour
I love to tell the Story ‘tis now.
“I will be my theme in glory
2. I love Thee because Thou hast
first loved me
And purchased my pardon on We can never be lost by the way;
Calvary’s tree For the Lord is our light and the
I love Thee for wearing the Lord is our life
thorns on Thy brow And the Lord is our strength
If ever I love Thee, my Saviour and stay.
‘tis now.
3. Then He’ll bring us at length, by
3. In mansions of glory and His infinite strength
endless delight; To the land that is fairer than day;
I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so For the Lord is my light and the
bright; Lord is my life
I’ll sing, with the glittering and the Lord is my strength and
crown on my brow; stay
“If ever I love thee, my Saviour So we’ll sing to His praise, to the
‘tis now end of our days
Golden Bells 461 As we travel each dangerous way;
For the Lord is my light and the
187 Lord is my life
1. There’s a fight to be fought, and And the Lord is my strength and
a race to run stay
There are dangers to meet by Golden Bells 539
the way;
But the Lord is my light and the 188
Lord is my life 1. We love the blessed the Bible
And the Lord is my strength and The glorious Word of God;
stay The lamp for those who travel
On His word I depend, He’s my O’er all life’s dreary road
Saviour and Friend; The watchword in life’s battle
And He tells me to trust and obey; The chart on life’s dark sea;
For the Lord is my light and the The everlasting Bible
Lord is my life It shall our teacher be.
And the Lord is my strength and
2. Who would not love the Bible
So beautiful and wise!
2. In His wonderful love, He Its teaching charm and the simple,
came down from above And all point to the skies,
To suffer and die on the tree Its stories all so might
Now He’s reigning up there; Of men so brave to see,
where He’s gone to prepare Divinely-given Bible
A place in His Kingdom for me It shall our teacher be.
Let us sing as we go, for He
loveth us so
3. But most we love the Bible, When life’s perils thick
For there we Children learn confound you.
How Christ took on our Put His love arms around you;
childhood, God be with you till we meet
Our hearts to Him to turn; again!
And how He bowed to sorrow,
4. God be with you till we meet again!
That we His face might see;
Keep love’s banner floating o’er
The Bible, oh! the Bible-
It shall our teacher be
Smite death’s threatening wave
4. Then we will hold the Bible - before you
The glorious Book of God; God be with you till we meet again!
We’ll ne’er forsake the Bible, Golden Bells 699
Through all life’s future road.
And when we shall be dying, 190
Whenever that may be,
The comfort of the Bible Yesterday, to-day, forever
shall still our solace be. Jesus is the same;
All may change, but Jesus never,
Glory to His Name!
189 Glory to His Name, glory to His
1. God be with you till we meet Name
again! All may change, but Jesus never
By His counsel guide, uphold Glory to His Name
you; Living Songs 54
With His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again! 191
Chorus It is no longer I that liveth, but
Till we meet ... Till we meet ... Christ that liveth in me
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet... It is no longer I that liveth, but
Till we meet ... Till we meet ... Christ that liveth in me
God be with you till we meet It is no longer I that liveth, but
again Christ that liveth in me.
2. God be with you till we meet Living Songs 64
‘Neath His wings securely hid you 192
Daily manna still provide you; 1. He is my everything, He is my all
God be with you till we meet He is my everything, both great
again! and small
3. God be with you till we meet He gave His life for me
again! Made everything new;

He is my everything And that’s one things I know;
And what about you? My Saviour pardoned me,
Now onward I must go;
2. Some folks may ask me, some
I know He’ll take me through,
folks may say,
Though I am weak and poor,
Who is this Jesus, you talk
And I can’t feel at home
about every day?
In this world any more.
He is my Saviour,
He set me free 3. Just over in glory land
Now listen while I tell you We’ll live eternally,
What He means to me. The saints on every hand
Are shouting victory;
3. He is my everything, He is my all;
their songs of sweetest praise
He is my everyting, both great
Drift back from Heaven’s shore
and small
And I can’t feel at home
He gave His life for me,
In this world any more.
Made everything new,
Living songs 112
He is my everything
And what about you?
Living Songs 73 164
1. We are often tossed and driv’n
193 On the restless sea of time,
Sombre skies and howling tempest
1. This world not my home
Oft succeed a bright sun-shine
I’m just a passing through
In that land of perfect day,
My treasures are laid up
When the mists have rolled away
Somewhere beyond the blue;
We will understand it better by
The Saviour beckons me
and by
From heaven open door
And I can’t feel at home Chorus
In this world any more By and by when the morning
When all the saints of God are
O Lord, You know
gathered home
I have no friend like You:
We’ll tell the story how we’ve
If heaven’s not my home
Then, Lord what will I do?
For We’ll understand it better
The Saviour beckons me
by and by
From Heaven’s open door,
And I can’t feel at home in this 2. We are often destitute
world any more of the things that life demands,
Want of food and want of shelter
2. They’re all expecting me,
Thirsty hills and barren lands,
We are trusting in the Lord,
And according to His Word, 3. The “whosoever of the Lord,
We will understand it better by I trusted was for me;
and by I took Him at His gracious Word,
From sin He set me free
3. Trials dark on ev’ery hand,.
And we cannot understand 4. Eternal life, begun below,
all the ways that God would lead us Now fills my heart and soul;
To that blessed Promised Land; I’ll sing His praise forever-more,
But He guides us with His eye Who has redeemed my soul.
And we’ll follow till we die Melodies of Praises 128
For we’ll understand it better by
and by 196
4. Temptation, hidden snares 1. Oh, what a wonderful day,
Often take us unawares, Day I will never forget,
And our hearts are made to bleed After I’d wandered in darkness
for many a thought-less word or away,
deed, Jesus my Saviour I met
And we wonder why the test Oh, what a tender,
When we try to do our best compassionate friend,
But we’ll understand it better by He met the need of my heart;
and by Shadows dispelling, with joy I
Melodies of Praise 91 am telling
He made all the darkness depart!
195 Chorus
1. For God so love this sinful world, Heaven came down and glory
His Son He freely gave, filled my soul
That whatsoever would believe, When at the Cross the Saviour
Eternal life should have. made me whole;
My sins were washed away
And my night was turned to day
‘Tis true, oh, yes, ‘tis true
Heaven came down and glory
God’s wonderful promised is
filled my soul!
For I’ve trusted, and tested 2. Born of the Spirit with life from
and tried it, above
And I know god’s promise is true Into God’s family divine;
Justified fully through Calvary’s
2. I was a way-ward, wand’ring
Oh, what a standing is mine!
A slave to sin and fear,
Until this blessed promise fell
Like music on my ear
And the transaction so quickly 5. O make but trial of his love;
was made Experience will decide
When as a sinner I came How blest they are, and only they,
Took of the offer of grace He Who in His truth confide.
did proffer
6. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will
He saved me, Oh, praise His
dear Name
Have nothing else to fear
3. Now I’ve a hope that will surely Make you His service your delight
endure He’ll make your wants His Care
After the passing of time; MHB 427
I have a future in Heaven for sure,
There is those mansions sublime 198
And it’s because of that 1. Thou art worthy (2)
wonderful day Thou are worthy, O Lord
When at the Cross I believed; Thou art worthy to receive glory
Riches and eternal and Glory and honour and power
blessings supernal For Thou hast created
From His righteous hand I received Hast all things created
Living Songs 70 For thou hast created all things
And for Thy pleasure they are
197 Created;
1. Through all the changing scene Thou art worthy, O Lord
of life
2. Thou art worthy (2)
In trouble and in joy
Thou art worthy, O Lord
The praises of my God shall still
Thou art worthy to receive
My heart and tongue employ
2. Of His deliverance I will boast Riches and wisdom and power
till all that are distressed For Thou has redeemed us,
From my example comfort take, Thy blood hast redeemed us,
And charm their griefs to rest For thou hast redeemed us to
3. O magnify the Lord with me,
And from all nations made us a
With me exalt His name;
When in distress to Him called,
Thou art worthy, O Lord
He to my rescue came
Living Songs 36
4. The Hosts of God encamp
The dwelling of the just;
Deliverance He affords to all
Who on His succour trust
199 201
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen 1. Here I am, Oh Lord,
in me Ready to be poured on the altar
All His wondrous compassion Pierce my ears, Oh Lord,
and purity Ready to be used for Your
Oh Thou spirit divine, all my service.
nature refine Consecrated unto You, my Lord,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen To bear Your marks in my body
in me. (2x)
2. To your cross I come,
200 Ready to share in Your suf-fer-ing
1. Jesus, Friend of my soul To the field I go,
Draws me close to know Ready to keep watch over Your
The loving Father's desire flock.
That keeps on seeking me Touch my ears, my eyes, my
mouth, Oh Lord,
Refrain To do the works of Your Father
If I really meet You (2x)
I will worship You in truth
Worship You in Spirit 3. Lifting hands to You,
Never turn You down Ready to carry Ark of Covenant
Nothing do I hold,
2. Jesus Friend of my soul Ready to take on Your sacred
Am searching for You charge.
Yet You are with me Break my flesh, my will, my
Help me know You are close strength, Oh Lord
To use me as Your good servant
3. Jesus, Friend of my soul (2x)
No longer I hear You Opoku Onyinah, 2012
Help me clearly discern
You are always with me.
4. Jesus, Friend of my soul He reigns, He reigns, He reigns
Has drawn me to Eternal God My Jesus ever reigns
I've known the depth of Your Every knee shall bow
love Every tongue'll confess
In joy I worship You That Jesus reigns forevermore
Opoku Onyinah, 2012 Eunice Johnson

203 We praise your Holy name,
We praise your Holy name
1. Who am I to boast In Your Your name is great above all
Presence? names,
Dust and clay, I was made of We praise your Holy name 2x
Adam's seed, I'm flesh and Grace Gakpetor
I am saved by your grace 206
It's only grace Jesus is Lord 4x
It is grace that sets me free He is the King of kings 3x
It's only grace He is Lord
Surely grace will sail me through He is the King of kings 3x
2. On my knees, I am before your He is Lord
throne Eunice Johnson
Jar of clay, weak and feeble
By nature, I am a child of wrath 207
My only hope is your grace You are Awesomely Wonderful
It's only grace God
It is grace that makes me whole Creator God, Almighty God,
It's only grace You are awesomely wonderful
Surely grace will take me home God
Opoku Onyinah, 2012 Omnipotent God, there is none
like you
204 We worship You
You are the only Lord, Jesus Grace Gakpetor, 2012
We bow and worship You
Your Name, we glorify, Jesus 208
You deserve glory 1. From ages to ages He is God
We lift Your Name on high, indeed;
Jesus He will come revealing Himself
Your name is so great in His time;
You are the only Lord, Jesus In seasons of old; His own He
We worship You (x2) redeemed;
Opoku Onyinah He will come in season, God of
205 2. From ages to ages He is God
Your name is great above all indeed;
names, He will come revealing Himself
We praise your Holy name 2x in His time;

From Pharaoh the king, He set 1. As I live; I will praise you;
Israel free; As I live; My heart will worship;
He will come in season, God of For you are God; For you are
Abraham God;
Holy is the Lord our God; 3x
3. From ages to ages He is God
For you are God; For you are
He will come revealing Himself
in His time; 2. I Breathe; I will praise you;
In dry desert lands His large As I Breathe; My heart will
band He fed; worship;
He will come in season, God of For you are God; For you are
Abraham God
Holy is the Lord our God; 3x
4. From ages to ages He is God
For you are God; For you are
He will come revealing Himself
Daniel Akakpo
in His time;
From hot oven flames His
servants He saved; 210
He will come in season, God of 1. Great Provider, He cares for you;
Abraham He will provide all your needs;
According to His glorious
5. From ages to ages He is God riches;
indeed; He cares, and will provide
He will come revealing Himself 2. In times of need do not be
in His time; troubled;
For He is the God that we serve He will provide all your needs;
today; Just trust in Him, He will
He will come in season, God of provide;
Abraham He cares, and will provide
Eunice Johnson, PANT (3) 1276 Francis Agyemang Badu
PANT (3) 1320
Glorious Lord of lords 2x 211
Praise be to you forevermore Greater one is our God;
Glorious Lord of lords None like Him, He is within;
Seth Asare Ofei Badu Almighty, Sovereign One,
PANT (3) 1267 Our God is great, far above all;
Our God is great,
He is great, greater than all;

Our God is great, 215
He is great, far above all
Opoku Onyinah To be like Jesus, to be like
All I ask is to be like Him;
212 Through all life's journey;
1. Jehovah God, From earth to glory;
Who over rules; All I ask is to be like Him
I trust in You forevermore PANF 405
At Your mercies Lord 2x; 216
Standing in Your presence; Behold what I behold;
Jehovah God, the Lord of Hosts; And hear ye what I hear:
Your will be done Jesus is Life, He gives life;
2. The Most High God, Everlasting life
The God we serve; P B Appiah Adu,
You are our hope in times of PANT (3) 1141
Opoku Onyinah 217
1. Cover me with the Cloud of
213 glory;
Jesus Christ I come to you; Light my path, O Pillar of Fire;
There is none like you O God; Lead me through this crimson
You are far above all; sea;
You are great, God; Safely to yonder shore
King of kings; Lord of lords; 2. Spirit Divine, You're a Pill'r of
Far above all things; Fire;
You are great, God Lamp for my feet, Light for my
Opoku Onyinah path;
Guide me in this barren land;
214 Safely home in Your hands
Light of God, lead me on; 3. You are my Lamp, Lord, through
In my pilgrimage; this journey;
Your guidance I need Shine upon me on earth below;
To be victorious Through death's darkness to
E. K. Asamoah Thy light
PANT (3) 1258 In palaces above

4. Shine upon me, O shine upon 4. Grace and Mercy descend
me; From heavens holiest throne
Light of the Holy Spirit, shine; Upon the sons of God
All my days, Lord, shine for me; Receiving grace on grace
I pray, Lord, ever shine. Eternal God you are:
Eunice Johnson Your grace will never cease
PANT (3) 1432 My heart is full of your praise
Opoku Onyinah
Let Your anointing fall on us; 220
Let Your grace abound; With my lips I will praise you
Let Your Holy Power; Lord;
Dwell upon us These my lips shall praise Your
Seth Asare Ofei Badu, name;
PANT (3) 1253 With my lips I will lift You up;
Till the whole world come to
219 see;
1. Before Your throne I stand They shall tell of Your
In Heaven's Holiest place salvation;
Presence of Almighty To the lost and weary souls;
Full of goodness and grace With my lips I will praise you
My cup has overflowed Lord;
All goodness is now mine These my lips shall praise Your
My heart is full of Your praise name
Grace Gakpetor
2. Your Presence I desire
What rest I find in you 221
Your presence soothes my heart
Mighty warrior, man of valour;
Surrounded by Your love
Children of grace, children of
You make my mouth so full
I will sing of Your praises
Blow the trumpet in Zion;
My heart is full of Your praise
Let the weak say I am strong;
3. Around Your holy throne Victory, great victory;
Where angles surround You The army of the Lord marches on
Adoring You always Samuel Tetteh Doku
Your saints jointly declare
You are the only Lord
We glorify your name
My heart is full of Your praise

Jehovah, blessed be Your Name A true ... On His faithful Word
2x I'll stand
All creation glorify Your great
4. My Lord is Jesus Christ;
And all pow'r belong to Him;
Jehovah, blessed be Your Name
He is the world's one Saviour;
Xhosa Spiritual
My Lord is Jesus Christ
PANT (3) 1287
A true ... My Lord is Jesus
222 Christ
Holy, holy, holy, holy; 5. He has promised He's with us;
Holy, You fill this vast world; To the very end of the world;
With your majesty and glory Faithful is He who has promised
O, our Lord, receive your praise A true ... He has promised He's
Xhosa Spiritual with us
PANT (3) 1287 6. The Comforter is with us;
From Father and the Son;
223 Faithful, He, the Holy Spirit;
1. What a Master I follow; The Comforter is with us
His name is the Lord Jesus; A true ... The Comforter's with us
I'll serve Him, and never deny 7. I will go preaching Good News;
Him; That the Christ rose from the
What a master I follow dead;
Refrain He is King of our Salvation;
A true disciple I will be always, I will go preaching Good News
Follow Him, deny Him not; A true ... I will go preaching
Will love Him, and take up my cross Good News
always; 8. He'll reward obedient ones;
What a master I follow Who will walk by His good
2. I am a disciple of Christ; Word;
He's promised He'll not leave Many crowns the Lord will give
me; them;
I will preach and make disciples; He'll reward obedient ones
I 'm a disciple of Christ A true ... He'll reward obedient
A true ... I am a disciple of Christ ones
3. On His faithful Word I'll stand; 9. I will be among the crowned;
And teach others all His ways; I will receive it with great joy;
There is power for those who I will see the King in glory;
believe; I will be among the crowned.
On His faithful Word I'll stand

A true ... I will be among the And life more abundant and
crowned free!
10. I'll rejoice greatly that day; Refrain
In the Kingdom of the Christ; Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
I will sing to glorify Him; Look full in His wonderful face,
I'll rejoice greatly that day And the things of earth will grow
A true ...I'll rejoice greatly that strangely dim,
day In the light of His glory and grace.
Opoku Onyinah
2. Through death into life
224 He passed, and we follow Him
That Day of Pentecost; there;
The source of Divine Power; Over us sin no more hath
Came down from above; dominion-
To revive the Church For more than conquerors we
Revival, revival, revival, revival are!
Revival, revival, revival has
come today 3. His Word shall not fail you-He
Peter Adjei promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is
225 dying,
The Lord is the defender of the His perfect salvation to tell!
helpless; Helen H. Lemmel
He is the protector of the
vulnerable; 227
A mighty rock and a solid
fortress; Who is like You
The hope of the hopeless has In power and glory?
loved you. Who is like You?
Peter Adjei Majestic and splendorous!
Who is like You,
In beauty and radiance?
226 My Jesus, the Shining One
1. O soul, are you weary and Shine on me, Bright Morning
troubled? Star
No light in the darkness you Shine on me, Me Closest Friend
see? Shine on me, Jesus, Shine one me
There's a light for a look at the Opoku Onyinah

You are our God, our God for
228 today
We'll be like Him, Translation of Kwasi Annor
When Jesus Christ the Son of and Others' Yehowa ne Wo Din
God appears, K1se"
We shall be like Him PANT (3), 1252
He is changing our lives by His
He is feeding our souls with His
precious daily Bread 1. Jesus Christ is Wonderful
We'll be like Him, when Jesus Counsellor, God Almighty,
Christ the Son of God appears, Everlasting Father, Prince of
We shall be like Him peace;
Translation of Eunice Addison's We will glorify His Name
"Y1b1 s1 No" Refrain
Blessed is He, Blessed is He
229 Blessed is our God;
1. Jehovah is Your majestic Name; Blessed, blessed, blessed is our
God of the living You are God
And now You are my God 2. Jehovah, our God is with us;
today; Immanuel is in our midst;
I give myself entirely to You. And His Kingdom spreads
2. Jesu's Name is the pow'r of the through the earth;
just; Immanuel will not depart
Lord of all true Christians You Translation of Opoku Onyinah's
are; "Yesu Kristo y1 nwonwani"
You are my Redeemer and my PANT (3) 1261
King; Chorus
I give myself entirely to You. You are holy, You are holy;
3. Holy Spirit, Lov'r of my soul; You are holy, O Lord Our God;
Faithful Friend of all who You are majestic, You are holy,
believe; You are holy, O Lord our God
You are the Great Comforter to Samuel Otu Appiah
me; 1. It may not be on the mountain's
I give myself entirely to You. height,
4. You are the Caring Father, O God Or over the stormy sea;
Loving Protector You are It may not be at the battle's
Your children say all in one front,
accord: My Lord will have need of me;

231 232
1. But if by a still, small voice He I'll do Thy will with a heart
calls, sincere,
To paths that I do not know, I'll be what You want me to be.
I'll answer, dear Lord, with my
1. Gracious God you are
hand in Thine,
We bow to worship you
I'll go where You want me to go.
Gracious God you are
Refrain: We shall ever praise you
I'll go where You want me to go, Your mercies shall never end
dear Lord, Your grace drips down on us
O'er mountain, or plain, or sea; Like a well that springs up
I'll say what You want me to say, Never ever runs dry
dear Lord,
2. Liberal provider you are
I'll be what You want me to be.
You do provide for all
2.. Perhaps today there are loving Liberal provider you are
words Depend we on your providence
Which Jesus would have me Your affection is ever sure
speak; Your goodness covers all
There may be now in the paths Like the spring and autumn
of sin, rains
Some wand'rer whom I should Never fail in season.
3. Almighty God you are
O Savior, if Thou wilt be my
Your name we ever bless
Almighty God you are
Though dark and rugged the
Your greatness we exalt
Your favour never ends
My voice shall echo Thy
Your kindness never cease'
message sweet,
Like a spring that will
I'll say what You want me to say.
Never ever run dry
3. There's surely somewhere a Tr. of Opoku Onyinah's Domfo
lowly place, Nyame by Rev. Dr. S. K. Asante
In earth's harvest fields so
white, 233
Where I may labor through life's Arise, Shine on, Move on
short day, Move on, in victory
For Jesus the Crucified; For the Lord your God is with
So trusting my all to Thy tender you
care, And you will never ever fail
And knowing Thou lovest me,

Move on, move on Your God reigns, your God
Tr. of Eunice Johnson's reigns!
"S`re Hyer1n"
3. Waste places of Jerusalem break
forth with joy,
234 We are redeemed, redeemed.
We are in your hands O Lord The Lord has saved and
Prepare us, give us grace and comforted His people:
help Your God reigns, your God
Prepare us, come fill us, reigns!
And help us in every way
4. Ends of the earth, see the
We are in your hands O Lord
salvation of your God,
Prepare us, give us grace and help
Jesus is Lord, is Lord.
Translation of Seth Asare Ofei
Before the nations He has bared
Badu's "Wo Nsam na Y1 w`"
His holy arm:
235 Your God reigns, your God
The cloud of glory is moving
Move with the cloud 2x
Let your spirit arise and your 236
mouth filled with praise Revive me, O Lord
Come, let us worship together Let Your Spirit lead me
And wherever He will be new So that I may know Your way
heights will be achieved So that I will do Your will
Move with the cloud 2x Justice Nana Aggrey
1. How lovely on the mountains
are the feet of Him
Who brings good news, good Lord God Almighty, Alpha and
news, Omega,
Proclaiming peace, announcing We love You, Lord, from the
news of happiness, depths of our hearts 2x;
Our God reigns, our God reigns. Lord, You are worthy,
Truly, You are holy,
Chorus Exceeding in grace,
Our God reigns, our God reigns, You deserve all our praise,
Our God reigns, our God reigns. Your love is everlasting,
2. You watchmen lift your voices We come to You trusting
joyfully as one, Your Lordship, Your Kingship,
Shout for your King, your King.
See eye to eye the Lord Your power and Your might,
restoring Zion; You are so awesome,

Its good to know that You are
my Lord,
I love you Lord, I really do 2x
Lord God Almighty, Alpha and
We love You, Lord, from the
depths of our hearts 2x;
Gina Asante

1. As I walked through the door, I

sensed His presence,
And I knew this was the place
where love abounds
For this is the temple, Jehovah
God abides here,
And we are standing in His
presence on holy ground
We are standing on holy ground
And I know that there are angels
all around
Let us praise Jesus now
We are standing in His presence
On holy ground
2. In His presence there is joy
beyond measure
And at His feet peace of mind
can still be found
And if you have a need I know
He has the answer
Reach out and claim it, you are
standing on holy ground


A greater rain is coming 18
ABBA Father, let me be 41
Abide under his anointing 2
Abide under his anointing, 2
Abide with me, fast falls the
even tide; 41
Ah! Lord God, thou has made the 60
All hail the power of Jesu's name! 41
All heaven declares 45
All things praise Thee, Lord
most high 53
All to Jesus I surrender 22
Amazing grace! how sweet the
sound 1
AMEN, Amen, 80
Amen, Amen, Blessing and Glory 53
And can it be, that I should gain 32
As the deer panteth for the waters 2
Away far over Jordan 54
As I live; I will praise you
B4 bra me kra do 77
Be still, my soul; the lord is on
thy side 45
Bind us together, Lord 46
Bless the Lord, O my soul 19
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! 13
Breathe on me, Breath of God 10
Brightest and best of the sons of
the morning 59
Behold what I behold

Before your thron I stand
Captain of Israel’s host, and guide 20
Christ is the answer to all our problems 57
Come, ye that love the Lord, 61
Courage, brother! do no tstumble, 62
Crown him with many crowns 46
Crucified with Chris 25
Cover me with the cloud of glory
Day by day dear Lord 52
Doing the work of the lord, 6
Everybody ought to love Him, 30
Fairest of all earth beside. 3
Father, we adore you, 47
Father, we love you, we worship 47
Fight the good with all thy might 35
For God so love this sinful world, 67
From ages to agea he is God indeed
Getsemane turo mu h4 111
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, 58
Give my joy in my heart, Keep 48
Go, Labour on, spend, and be spent 24
God be with you till we meet
again! 65
God sent His Son, they called
him Jesus 19
“Great is Thy faithfulness” 19
Guide me, O Thou Great 12
Glorious Lord of Lord
Great provider, He cares of you

Greater one is our God
Happiness is to know the
Saviour 60
Hark, my soul, it is the lord; 34
Hark the voice of Jesus crying 60
Hark! The herald-angles sing 59
Have Thine own way, Lord! 9
He is my everything, He is my all 65
He lives, he lives 48
He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives 3
He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus livesToday! 3
He possessed no riches 48
He set me free, Yes, He set me free 58
Here’s my cup, lord, I lift it up to thee 2
He’s been a friend to me many a time 3
He’s the faithfullest of friends, 1
His love for me brought Jesus 1
His love for me brought Jesus to 1
His Name is Wonderful 52
Holy, holy, holy! 49
How sweet the name of Jesus
sounds 10
Here I am oh Lord
He reigns, He reigns, He reigns
Holy, holy, holy, holy
I am delivered, praise the Lord! 36
I am so glad that our father in
heaven 24
I am the Lord, I am the Lord 57
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard 9
I hear the words of love 3
I hear Thy welcome voice 31
I heard a sound from Heaven 53
I love to tell the Story 63
I love You Lord 52
I need Thee e’er hour 22

I see the lord , I see the lord; 2
I was sinking deep in sin 23
I will enter his gates with 50
If you would serve the lord a-right, 32
I’m pressing on the upward way, 7
I'm rejoicing night and day 26
Immortal; Invisible God only wise 38
In Times Like These 21
Is there a heart that is waiting 55
Is there anybody here that loves my 58
It is no longer I that liveth, but 65
It may not be on the mountain's
height 56
I’ve a message from the Lord, 30
Jehovah is your Name 53
Jesus, how lovely you are! 6
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice 50
JESUS, Jesus, Jesus 102
Jesus Keep me near the cross 33
Jesus, let me ever be 15
Jesus, lover of my soul, 31
Jesus mogya repram 101
Jesus my king, my wonderful 37
Jesus Name above all names 20
Jesus, see me at thy feet, 4
Jesus shall reign where’er the sum 11
Jesus, stand among us 29
Joy to the world, the Lord has 50
Just as I am, without one plea 51
Jehovah God
Jesus Christ I come to you
Jesus is Lord
Jesus friend of my soul
Jehovah, blessed be your name
King of glory, King of peace 51

Land of our Birth, we pledge to thee 18
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me 68
Let there be love shared among us 51
Let us with a gladsome mind 28
Lord Thy Word abideth 30
Low in the grave he lay 27
Let your anointing fall on us
Light of God, lead me on
Majesty, worship his majesty; 6
"Man of sorrows", what a name! 27
Master speak! Thy servant heareth 37
My faith has found a resting place, 13
My heart is so full, is so full, is so full 2
My hope is built on nothing less 14
My Saviour, I love Thee, I know
Thou art mine 63
My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord 54
Mighty warrior, man of valour
NEA 4ma sukooko fifir 79
NEA Owui w4 Calvary 82
Neaer, my God to thee, 34
Now I feel the sacred fire, 10
Now thank we all our God. 17
O, come, all ye faithful 44
O God, our help in ages past, 29
O happy day, that fixed my choice 22
O Israel Yakob Nyame 76
O Jesus I have promised 42
O Lord my god, when I in 49
O Lord of heav'n and earth and
sea 39
O magnify the Lord 55

O when the saints go marching in 42
O worship the King 39
O Ye sons of God ,sing halleluia 6
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing 40
Oh, what a wonderful day, 6
On a hill fare away stood an old 43
Onward Christian soldiers, 46
O soul, are your weary and troubled 15
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour 32
Peace, perfect peace, in this 38
Pleasant are Thy courts above, 17
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, 43
Praise, my soul, the King of
heaven 40
Praise to the holiest in the height, 6
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 43
Praises to the Lamb of God, 58
Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign in me, 44
Rejoice in the Lord always 52
Rejoice, the lord is king, 27
Rescue the perishing 8
Revive Thy work, O Lord 30
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 33
Saviour, blessed Saviour, 61
Search me, O God, and know 4
Seek ye first the kingdom of God 2
Show us thy glory , O lord 2
Show us thy glory O Lord 60
Show us thy glory, O lord, 2
Simply trusting everyday 36
Smile, my brother, smile 20
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling 54
Sons of God, March forward 55
Sowing in the morning, sowing

seeds of kindnes 62
Spirit Divine, attend our prayers 7
Spirit of the living God 20
Stand up! Stand up for Jesus 16
Take my life, and let it be 11
Tarry for the Spirit 26
The church’s one foundation 21
The day Thou gavest, Lord is
ended. 25
The Fire is burning in my soul 57
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want 29
There is a fountain filled with blood 21
There is a Name I love to hear, 28
There is a Redeemer, 45
There is no name so sweet on earth, 13
There is victory for me, 58
To be like Jesus, to be live Jesus
The Lord is the defender of the helpless

With my lips I will praise you Lord
Who am I to boast in your presence
what a master I follow
Who is like you

Yesterday, to-day, forever 65
You are Awesomely wonderful God
You are the only Lord, Jesus
Your name is great above all names

1 6
S4 me nsa na gye m’taataa Awurade d4m so Safohene
!firi s1 honam y1 mmer1 Y1w4 wo a na y1w4 ade nyinaa
Wo ne wiase agyenkwa B1ko ma y1n nn1 nso bio
Wo na tefefo hwehw11 wo Efiri s1 4ko yi y1 wo ko
Enti Kristo, kyer1 me kwan
Wo na woy1 kwankyer1fo pa 7
Tete mmer1 mu gya no 1red1w
2 Tete mmer1 mu gya no 1red1w
O Israel Yakob Nyame 1red1w, 1red1w
$haw b1n na y1w4 mu nn1 yi !repam sum mu nnwuma
Wo ne y1n anidaso nyinaa’ra
Bra O bra na b1gye y1n 1red1w, 1red1w
PAN 945
!repam sum mu nnwuma
3 PAN 383, Agnes Sarfo
Kasa ma y1nte wo nne
Kasa ma y1nte wo nne 8
Tetefo tee wo nne no wo sare so
Honhom kronkron me kra d4fo
Kasa ma y1nte wo nn1
Ma mennhu w’akwan mu yiye
PB Appiah-Adu PAN 946
S1 4honam rekata me so a
Gye m’taataa na fa me k4 oo
4 Wiase resakyera m’adwen a
Migyina Calvary bep4 so Gye m’taataa, na fa me k4 oo
Na mehw1 de1 Onyame ay1
Na mehw1 de1 Onyame ay1 9
Na mehw1 de1 Onyame ay1
AHOTEWFO munhyira
Migyina Calvary bep4 no so
Na mehw1 de1 Onyame ay1
Momm4 ne din nkyer1 no
5 N’4de N’adwhye mogya at4 y1n
Gya me k4 bep4 no atifi mogya a 1som bo no ohwie qui
Na me ne wo nya ay4nkofa maa y1n
W4 hann mu, mehu asuten ‘Ma y1afata Ne nky1n h4
Wo mogya n’ate me bo Enti momfa nsankudwom ne
Nhy1 Ne din anuoyam (2)
PAN 56, Christisna Obu

10 4. Wo ne Otumfo Nyankop4n
Tumi bi renntumi ntia wo
B4 bra me kra do
Mogya adasefo nim s1
B4 bra me kra do
Wo ne Otumfo Nyankop4n
Nyame no sumsum
B4 bra me kra do 5. Wo ne Otumfo Nyankop4n
Mahomgye dzi yi mu Wo na wob44 ade nyinaa
Bere a metse wo nan ase yi Wo nnwuma nyinaa kyer1 s1
Nyame no Sunsum Wo ne Otumfo Nyankop4n
B4 bra me kra wo Apostlic Twi NNwom 50

11 13
Merehwehw1 wo M1d4 wo O Kristo
Merehwehw1 wo M1d4 wo daa
W4 Asennua n’so Tie me nankroma anim
M’Agyenkwa (2) mpaeb4
S1nea wo d4 me, Nea mesr1 wo ne s1
Me nso med4 wo M1d4 wo Kristo no
W4 asennua n’so M1d4 wo daa, M1d4 wo daa.
PAN 954 14
$y1 anidaso4 a 4nhy1 oniwuo
12 $y1 anidaso4 a 4nhy1 oniwuo
S1 wode wo ho to no so yie a
1. Wo nnwuma nyinaa da wo
Na wogye ne b4hye ns1m no di
Wo a wote sorosoro
Wo b1hu Nanuonyam s1nea 1te
Gyidifo b1bom aka s1
$y1 anidaso4 a 4nhy1 oniwuo
Wo ne Otumfo Nyankop4n
2. Obi nni wakyi nni w’anim 15
Wo w4 h4 nnera nn1 ne daa 1. Agye me tontom wo
Ma wiase aman nyinaa De m’akwan nyinaa hy1 wo
nhu s1 nsa
Wo ne Otumfo Nyankop4n M1d4 wo daa
3. D1n nti na atumfo s4re tia 2. $ba me tontom wo
Awurade Kristo kronkron no De m’akwan nyinaa hy1
Awurade ma w4n nyinaa wo nsa
nhu s1 M1d4 wo daa
Wo ne Otumfo Nyankop4n

3. Honhom me tontom wo 2. Kwan mu mmep4 so 1ne
De m’akwan nyinaa hy1 abon mu
wo nsa Sare so ne po so mmaa
M1d4 wo daa nyinaa
PAN 188 Okita me nsa ma menam
16 $de me rek4 soro fi pa:
Bue maso ma mente 3. Ade sa a mek4da, 4w1n me
W’as1m Na mes4re a m’adamfo ni
Na mente ase yiye. S1 anka mefom a, gyigye me
Bue m’ano na menka W’as1m Nantebrem 4san b1hy1 me den:
Ma menka nea woahy1 me no Presby Twi Dwom 431
Na s1 wobue maniwa
Ma mehu wo mmara mu
Enti boa me ma mensom wo yie Yesu ma memfa me ho
W4 wo fr1 adwuma yi mu Nto wo so yiye daa nyinaa
PAN 1033 Eunice Johnson Na mintim w’adwuma yi mu
Na mentena w’apirakuro no mu
Me honhom, kra ne me honam 20
Jesus mede rebr1 wo 1. NYAME a Woy1 4baatan pa
Af4reb4de a 1ho te kronn Wo mma resu fr1 Wo nn1
!y1 wo de daa nyinaa $domfo Nyame a Wodom y1n,
Made nyinaa gu pata no so Wo mma resu fr1 Wo nn1
Meretw1n ma ogya no aba Hu y1n mm4b4, tie y1n
Meretw1n, Meretw1n, sufr1
Meretw1n Tie y1n mpaeb4 adekyee yi
Meretw1n ma ogya no aba
2. Adom Nyame a Woahy11
y1n b4
18 Wo mma retw1n wo b4hy1
1. Yesu nko na me ne no tu
Adom Honhom Kronkron
kwan yi
b4hy1 n’
Me ne no di ahy1mfiri daa Wo mma retw1n Wo nn1
Yesu nko na 4kyer1
m’kwan pa so Hwie gu y1n so, b4 y1n
Ne mu na menya nhyira pa: asu bio
Tena y1n komam adekyee yi

3. $dom Honhom Nyame $soro ab4fo s4re wo
aky1de W’ahotewfo, y1to dwom s1
Nyame Baasa koro tumfo, Nhyira nka Wo din nhyira nka
Fa Kristo dom mu nnepa no Wo din.
Hyehy1 W’asafo ma
W4 abrab4 mu, y1n as1nka 24
mu $ky1n w4n nyinaa
W4 nyansa tum’ nyikyer1 $ky1n w4n nyinaa
mu daa Jesus a wokum no n’
$ky1n w4n nyinaa
21 Yetwa hwe Ne nan ase s4re no
Nyame ama No so
1. NEA 4ma sukooko fifir
Na 4ky1n w4n nyinaa
Nea 4ma wim nnomaa nso
PAN 268
$y1 4d4 4b1n wo ara
Awurade b1hw1 ne nyinaa 25
Momma y1nkamfo Yehowa
2. Nea tum s1 4ma nkwa Na ne mu ana nkwagye w4;
fofor !s1 s1 y1kotow no na y1da
Nea ne tenabea w4 sor’sor N’ase
$b1ma w’nea 1hia w’biara Na ne mu na nkwage w4.
Awurade b1hw1 ne nyinaa
3. Akwantu m’1ka wo nko a
S1 4b4fo bi gya w’h4 k4 a !bere a merekyinkyin 4bra
$d4fo pa no ne wo b1tena sare so
Awurade b1hw1 ne nyinaa Na minnya baabi memfa,
Na metee m’Agyenkwa No nne
PAN 51
Na 4ka kyer11 me s1 memmra
ne nky1n
22 Minim Ne din, m’Agyenkwa no
Asafo Yehowa Na 4maa m’akoma dii ahurusi
Ab4de so Wura !bere biara 4ka kyer1 m’s1
Wo din y1 k1se y1b1yi W’ay1 Minyi Awurade ay1
Y1b1hy1 wo din anuonyam Magye no adi.
PAN 252
23 Y1de akoma koro yi N’ay1
Wo nsa ano adwuma trontrom Y1de akoma koro da N’ase

Munyi N’ay1, monna N’ase W4 ade k1se a W’ay1 ama me
Akoma koro yi Nyame ay1 M1som Wo, m1som Wo
PAN 106 Mesom Wo, daa nyinaa
M1y1 d1n na makamfo Wo
28 m’agya e?
W4 ade k1se a Woay1 ama me.
Monkeka s1 Yesu ye
Monkeka no an4pa ne
$y1 mm4bor4hunufo, Gu me kanea mu ngo ma
menhyer1n daa:
$y1 kasamafo
Gu me kanea mu ngo mesr1 W’
Monkeka s1 Yesu ye.
Gu me kanea mu ngo na
PAN 112 menn1w daa
Ma menn1w kosi s1 ade b1kye
To Hosiana! To Hosiana!
AMEN, Amen,
To Hosiana ma ahemfo w4n
Nhyira ne anuonyam Hene
Ne nyansa ne aseda, To Hosiana! To Hosiana!
Ne nidi ne tumi To Hosiana ma $hene
Ne ah4dden y1 y1n Nyankop4n PAN 350
dea daa. Amen
30 MEREPEM so k4;
Meyi Jesus m’akyer1 Jesus, merepem so k4
Mede Jesus b1ka as1m S1 me nkur4fo y1 me d1n ara a
Mede Jesus b1hy1 makoma mu merennsan
Na wakyer1kyer1 me daa Me ne w4n a w4apo wiase b1k4
Halleluya y1b1ma No so Merepem so k4, me de,
merepem so k4.
Halleluya y1b1yi N’ay1
PAN 363
Halleluya! Halleluya!
Halleluya! Halleluya!
Halleluya y1b1ma No so
Y1n tete botan ne Wo, Yehowa;
Y1n tete botan ne Wo, Yehowa;
Ma aman nyinaa nhu s1
M1y1 d1n na makamfo Wo W’aho4den mu na yedi d1w (2)
m’Agya e? PAN 371
W4 ade k1se a W’ay1 ama me
M1y1 d1n na makamfo Wo
m’Agya e?
35 Na 4no na $b1y1
Na 4no na $b1y1
MEDE 4hyewb4 gya ne Na 4no na $b1y1
Jesus b1nantew; PAN 408
Mede 4hyewb4 gya ne
Jesus b1nantew.
Mede 4hyewb4 gya ne
Jesus b1nantew 1nn1 ne daa S1 w4amfi nsu ne
nyinaa Honhom mu anwo obi a;
PAN 370 $rennya ahenni no
Enti mo a w4awo mo foforo
36 Mony1 ahw1 yiye
Me Nyame, mereka “kyer1 mo s1
Ma y1n nsu no bi; $tamfo ani bere mo
Ma y1n nsu W4b1to mo din biara;
Ma y1n 4hyewb4 nsu W4b1gu mo ho fi;
Y1hia nsu no bi, y1hia nsu W4besum mo ho afiri
Ma y1n 4hyewb4 nsu W4p1 s1 mo mu hwete
B1sa yare na benyan awufo W4 Me, Yesu, ho tan nti,
Ma y1n 4hywob4 nsu Monnsuro. PAN 410
Y1hia nsu no bi y1hia nsu
Ma y1n 4hyewb4 nsu
PAN 375
M1k4 bep4w no so
M1k4 bep4w no so
37 S1 4b4n’ ne ne d4m twa
AS$RE yi ne fapem ne Jesus Me ho hyia a,
As4re yi ne fapem ne Jesus M1k4 Awurade ne bep4w no so
As4re yi ne fapem ne Jesus
$kae s1 “Mesi m’as4re”
SEREW, me nua, serew;
38 Kaans1 nna no ware mpo a
Merensesa me Nyame da: Serew, me nua, serew;
Merensesa me Nyame da. Hy1 w’akoma den
Ns4hw1 biara a 1b1ba me so Nna a y1w4 mu yi emu y1 sum;
Merensesa me Nyame da (2) Minim y4nko a $besie w’yiye
N’$b1gye wo nkwa abere nyinaa
39 Na wob1ser1w, aserew.
PAN 424
Momma yenni y1n Nyankop4n
Momma y1mfa y1n ho nto No so
Na 4no na $boro ade nyinaa so;
43 47
$y1 y4nko nokwafo Mew4 Nyame Otumfo w4
Ma me, ma me m’anim
$te saa de k4 awiei Nokware Nyame
$nnsakra da $kyer1 me nsa akodi daa
Na s1 4bra asor4kye reb4 a nyinaa
$y1 me kra wer1kyekyefo M’atamfo so
$y1 y4nko nokwafo $ka me ho yi, minsuro biribi
Ma me, ma me. Nyame Tumfo meyi N’ay1 daa
PAN 430 daa
PAN 463
44 Words by M.K. Yeboah
S1 4ko no mu y1 den d1n ara a
Nkonim Hene ne y1n frankaa (2) 48
Y1rek4 y1n anim, y1rek4 y1n MANYA y4nko Jesus mu;
anim $y1 m’ade nyinaa;
Y1rennsan y1n akyi ara da $se me s1 memfa me haw
Y1rek4 y1n anim, y1rek4 y1n nyinaa ngu No so
anim $y1 mm4nsa m’asukooko
Nkonim Hene ne y1n frankaa an4pawi hy1nhy1n
PAN 442 $y1 y4nko, y4nko ma me kra,
$y1 m’akyekyewer1
45 $y1 me kyitaani
Okristoni, ma w’ani nna $se me s1 memfa me haw
Onyame so (2) nyinaa ngu no so
Hw1 No ara, gyae nk4mm4di $y1 mm4nsa m’asukooko,
Efis1, wim ny1 No nsakra na; an4pawi hy1nhy1n
Onyankop4n b1hw1 wo so ma asi $y1 y4nko, y4nko ma me kra
wo yiye
PAN 445 49
NEA Owui w4 Calvary sunsum
46 no
KO GYIDI ko pa; Rey1 anwanwa dwuma
Tu 4d4 mmirika Retu mmonsam, resa nyarewa
Awiei n’4b1se wo s1: “Mmo” Siw gyata ano, redum gya tum
Akoa pa nokwafo, woadi Reka ananafo mpasua nyinaa
nkonim gu
Abaawa nokwafo, woadi Nea Owui w4 Calvary sunsum
nkonim no
PAN 453
Rey1 anwanwa dwuma 53
PAN 468
Eunice Addison Awurade ne me hw1fo,
Hwee rennhia me (2)
$ma me da wura fr4mfr4m
50 adidibea (2)
Fa w’akwan hy1 $gya me k4 nsu a 1ho dwo ho
Yehowa nsa $ma me fa kwan trenee so
Na fa wo ho to no so Ne din no nti, Ne din no nti
Na $no na 4b1y1 Ne din no nti, Ne din no nti
Na $no na 4b1y1 PAN 481
PAN 475
51 $w4 mu s1 $kamafo4;
Monhw1 nnomaa a wokyin w4 $w4 mu s1 $fotufo4;
wim Enti 1b1y1 yiye, me nua, na
W4nn4, w4mpam, w4mmu nhy1
mma w’aba mu mmu o! (2)
Waise yi m’bagyabagya, 1to
Agya Onyame, $ky1 a 1so w4n so
Na $ma w4n daa daa aduan
Jesus b1hw1 ma woaduru fie s4nn
$w4 mu s1 $kamafo4;
52 $w4 mu s1 $fotufo4;
1. WIASE amane d44so, Enti 1b1y1 yiye, me nua,
Awurade adi so nkonim na mma w’aba mu mmu o!
W4n a w4tw1n Awurade daa, PAN 484, P.B. Appiah-Adu
Wobenya Ne mu asomdwoe
Wobenya Ne mu asomdwoe 55
Chorus NNSURO na gye Me di
W4benya Ne mu asomdwoe Me na meso nkwagye nam
W4benya Ne mu asomdwoe M1ma wo nkwa, M1ma wo nkwa
W4n a w4tw1n Awurade daa M1ma wo nkwa, na woadi yiye;
W4benya Ne mu asomdwoe M1ma wo nkwa, M1ma wo
2. Sion babea di ahurusi nkwa,
Yesu mogya adi nkonim, M1ma wo nkwa, na woadi ‘nim
Awer1how nyinaa b1sa; PAN 510
P.B. Appiah-Adu
Anigye b1ba ama wo.
PAN 476, Rose Badu

56 60
EMMANUEL Nyame ne y1n MEY! ONYAME, mey1
w4 h4 Onyame,
Emmanuel Nyame ne y1n w4 h4 Mey1 Onyame a mensakra da (2)
$y1 ahohia m’boafo pa a mensakra da
Y1anya no nhunui Mey1 Onyame a mensakra da
$ne y1n w4 h4 nn1 k4si wiase awie1 Mey1 Onyame a mensakra da (2)
Emmanuel Nyame ne y1n w4 h4 mensakra da
Emmanuel Nyame ne y1n w4 h4 PAN 577 Translation by R.
PAN 536, Eunice Johnson Sarpong Asomani

57 61
Yehowa me botantim Y!AS!E ne nwuma,
M’abank1se, me gyefo, Onni hwee ara ka
Me ky1m, me guank4bea, W’ama y1n tumi s1 y1ns1e ne
Me wura, meda W’ase daa nnwuma
PAN 558, P.B. Appiah-Adu PAN 580, Eunice Johnson

58 62
Me ne No bedi d1w daa $KY!N ade nyinaa
W4 soro ahemfie M’Agyenkwa $ky1n ade nyinaa
S1 mewie m’adwuma nkonim $ky1n ade nyinaa
mu a $ky1n ade nyinaa
Me ne No bedi d1w daa W’ak’r4n No w4 soro h4
PAN 564, P.B. Appiah-Adu Yetwa hwe N’anim
Jesus y1n Agyenkwa
59 nwanwani,
Me br1 reny1 kwa, $ky1n ade nyinaa,
Me br1 reny1 kwa PAN 587
S1 mede Nyamesom pa
Tena ase me nkwa yi mu a 63
Me br1 reny1 kwa 1. MINIM s1 mogya no,
S1 mede Nyamesom pa Minim s1 mogya no
Tena ase m’abrab4 yi mu a Minim s1 mogya no di maa me
Me br1 reny1 kwa Da bi meyerae,
PAN 566, P.B. Appiah-Adu Owui w4 dua no so
Minim s1 mogya no di
maa me

2 $too Ne nsa gyee me, M’akoma ahy1 ma,
$too Ne nsa gyee me M’ak4t4 ahosan s’r4kye no mu
$too Ne nsa gyee me gyee me Afei metwere Jesus
Da bi meyerae, Nea 4w4 tumi s1 4gye nkwa
Owui w4 dua no so M’akoma ahy1 ma ahy1 ma
Minim s1 mogya no di maa abu so
2. Midi d1w m’akomam:
3 Mihuu N’w4 dua no so; M’akomam, m’akomam
Mihuu N’w4 dua no so; Midi d1w m’akomam
Mihuu N’w4 dua no so; no so Yesu Kristo mogya
Da bi meyerae, n’aguare me
Owui w4 dua no so Atew me ho ma may1
Onyankop4n ba
Minim s1 mogya no di maa
Midi d1w m’akomam;
m’akomam, ’akomam
4 Mogya no ka maa me; 3. Anigye ahy1 me ma;
Mogya no ka maa me; Ahy1 me ma, abu so
Mogya no ka maa me; Anigye ahy1 me ma;
maa me. Agyenkwa Yesu ahy1
Da bi meyerae, me b4 s1:
Owui w4 dua no so $beba ab1fa me ak4tena
Minim s1 mogya no di Ne nhy1n daa
maa me Anigye ahy1 me ma;
PAN 613 Ahy1 me ma, abu so.
PAN 632 RH 47
Verse 2&3 by S.A.K. Karikari
$fr1 a w’afr1 y1n no y1 $soro fr1
Y1 ne 4honam ne mogya
antu agyina ME HYE HAMA afa nea eye
$fr1 a w’afr1 y1n no y1 ama me
$soro fr1 Ap1gyade no y1 me f1
$fr1 a w’afr1 y1n no y1 Ber1 a w4kyeky11 4soro nnepa no
Me de me nsa kaa Yesu
$soro fr1
Hallelu Ya! Hallelu Ya!
PAN 624
Me hye hama afa nea eye
Hallelu Ya! Hallelu Ya!
65 Me hye hama afa nea eye
1 M’AKOMA ahy1 ma, ahy1 PAN 669, Eunice Johnson
ma abu so

67 S1 m’akwan mu ns4e ama
may1 mmer1w a
1. !Y! YESU n’adom ara kwa
Awurade e, mey1 Wo somfo
N’ama mete s1nea mete yi
Mey1 Wo somfo awer1how da m’
$de Ne Mogya n’at4 me
ama manya me fawohodi. Mey1 wo somfo anigye da m’
Mey1 wo somfo w4 daakye nso;
2. !y1 Yesu mpatawu no, Awurade e, mey1 wo somfo
N’aka me ne Nyame abom PAN 818
Manya N’abagye mu bembu
1ne N’adom ngosra mu dom
3. !y1 Yesu N’as4re mu tum’ MEY! honam ne mogya na
N’ama me ne Nobom te ase; Wofr11 me s1
Ne nkonimdi tumi no mu Memmra mm1y1 W’adwuma (2)
N’ama maky1n nkonimdifo. Hy1 me ma; hy1 me ma
4. !y1 Yesu N’adom mu nkwa Na motumi ay1 W’adwuma
N’1resiesie me daa nyinaa Mey1 honam ne mogya na
Na madu Ne p1y1 ‘mudi4m’ Wofr11 me s1
Na mas1 Ne daapem ahenni Memmra mm1y1 W’adwuma.
5. Awurade Yesu ne me nkwa; PAN 834
Mete ase a, mete ma No.
Miwu nso a, mey1 Ne de 71
M1s1 N’anuonyam Nyame su 1. M!Y! nea m1tumi
PAN 670, M.K. Yeboah Mahy1 W’anuonyam
M’asetra akwantu yi m’
68 M1to dwom, maka W’as1m
GYIDI k1se ho b4hy1 no Awurade
$hw1 Nyame nkutoo ‘Ma ‘binom ahu Wo d4
$serew ade a 1’ntumi ny1 Chorus
N’4te1m s1: “1b1y1 yie” M1y1 AWurade pa, m1y1
N’4te1m s1: “1b1y1 yie” Medi me b4hy1 no so
N’4te1m s1: “1b1y1 yie” Nkwa ne owu m’ medi wo
$serew ade a 1’ntumi ny1 nokware
N’4te1m s1: “1b1y1 yie” Awurade eyi na m1y1
2. M1y1 W’adwuma nokware
69 m’Awurade
MAHY! b4 s1 medi De atua me kaw no bi
Yesu akyi daa nyinaa! W’ad4e a woayi akyer1 me
Awurade e, mey1 Wo somfo no nti
De atwe w4n a w4ayera
3. M’ani b1gye Wo som ho, Gyinabea a 1kor4n, gyinabea a
Awurade, 1tr1w
Kosi s1 wob1fr1 me !s1 me s1 mehw1 me kwan so
Na me ne hann soro 4b4fo no yiye
B1yi wo din ay1 daa. Na me gyinabea no annyera
PAN 840, PH 311 PAN 886 P.B. Appia-Adu

71 76
ME NE Nyame b1k4 awie1 YESU N’ayefore ne me,
Me ne Nyame b1k4 awie1 $resiesie me ama 4man k1se bi
Me ne Nyame b1k4 awie1 a 1reba (x2)
Me ne Nyame b1k4 awie1 Ayeforokunu n’b1ba ab1fa
PAN 857, N’ayeforo
R. Sarpong Asomani N4de no ak4 ne daa ahom’gye m’
Wo nokwar’di, w’ahobr1ase
73 W’ahokeka kronkron ne
OTWA adwuma no so w’ahyehy1de.
Na adwumay1fo no sua ampa
Ma w4mmu wo bi, 77
Ma w4mfr1 wo w4 1. PENTKOSTE da no mu no
Ne twa adwuma no mu Nyame tumi no sian’ bae
PAN 885, P.B. Appia-Adu Na da a w4tw1n no dui no
W4nyaa Honhom Kronkron no
74 Chorus
MEDI Wo din ho adanse Ma y1n Wo tumi no nn1
akyer1 aman Ma y1n Wo tumi no nn1
Jesus, $y1 ade1 yiye Ma y1n Wo tumi no nn1
M1ka W’anwanwa adwumaW’ay1 Na 1mm1b4 obiara asu
Jesus, $y1 ade1 yiye
2. ‘Gya t1kr1ma sisii w4n so
Mafi d4te p4t44 no mu
Na w4de tumi kaa as1m
Mafi ‘sum tumi no ase
Nnipa dodow tiee w4n as1m
Maba hann k1se a 1y1 nwonwa
Na w4dan baa Nyame nky1n
no mu
Jesus, $y1 ade1 yiye. 3. Y1n nyinaa de nokoro ka
PAN 868 s1
Y1retw1n Honhom kronkron
75 Awurade, kae wo b4hy1 no a
M’AGYENKWA Yesu ame me !w4 W’as1m no mu
gyinabea foforo PAN 925

78 Bra adom ahengua no ho
SRA me, sra me, sra me Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu
Sra me ngo foforo
Na matumi ay1 W’adwuma 4. Nyame nko n’4b1ma w’
SRA me, sra me, sra me w’ahiade,
Sra me ngo foforo Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu
Na matumi ahy1 W’anuonyam Wo nhyira fi soro h4 t4nn
W’adwuma no b1y1 nkonimdi Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu
Na matumi ama Wo din no so 81
Enti sra me, sra me, sra me. HENA ne me, Yehowa a
Sra me ngo foforo Wode w’aho4den ama me?
Na matumi ahy1 W’anuonyam Hena ne me, Jesus,
PAN 928, R. Kissiedu Wode wo mogya at4 me?
Eyi y1 4d4 $d4 na ay1 saa;
79 Wode wo d4 na agye me
HWIE ma 1ny1 ma; Eyi y1 4d4 $d4 na ay1 saa;
Hwie ma 1mmu so; Jesus, d4 me k4si wu m’
Adom nkwa nsu na yehia nn1 PAN 971
Adom nkwa nsu na yehia nn1
PAN 966, P.B. Appia-Adu 82
YESU d4 me, na 4de
80 Ne mogya at4 me
1. S1 wob1som Nyame yiye a, Owui w4 dua no so maa me
Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu $de ab1sakra m’animguase
S1 wob1s4 w’akode m’a nipadua yi
Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu Ama mas1 N’anuonyam
Chorus Mogya dehye, mogya kronkron
Mpaeb4 tumi y1 biribiara; Mogya a efi ne nkekae nni m’
!de daa ahode b1br1 wo; $de b1sakra m’animguase
Mpren, mmoa ne anigye pa nipadua yi
Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu Ama mas1 N’anuonyam
2. S1 wob1y1 N’ap1de a nipadua
Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu PAN 608
S1 wob1y1 N’ahy1de a
Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu 83
3. S1 wop1 Kristosom tumi a MA ELIJAH atade no ngu me
Ky1 w4 mpaeb4 mu so;

Ma Elijah atade no ngu me so Gyina me nky1n me kra d4fo
Na mafata ama 4ko no, pa
Na mako 4k4 n’anim Minya wo a, manya ade yinaa
Ma Elijah atade no ngu me so PAN 1002
PAN 978
84 S! WIASE mu b4n’ ne
TWE ME b1n Wo, nhyirafo mmonsam tumi,
Nyame Ak4nn4 b4n’ ne abrab4 fun’
Twe me b1n W’as1nnua no Ator4 adiyi, nnaadaa ne nsisi
Twe me b1n Wo, nhyirafo P1 s1 w4hy1 w’as4re so a
Nyame Yesu, ka y1n ho,
Twe me b1n W’as1nnua no Na kyer1 y1n kwan pa
!mma W’as1mpa kanea no
85 Nnum w4 y1n mu da
NYAME teasefo Sunsum, gu PAN 1003
me so foforo;
Nyame teasefo Sunsum, gu me 89
so foforo Y!REWU a nkyirimma
Bubu me, nan me nwene me Ama w4anya nkwagye;
hy1 me ma Y1rewu ama nkyirimma
Nyame teasefo Sunsum, gu me Na w4atena Kristo mu bi.
so foforo PAN 485
PAN 993
86 SORO aburuburo san bra me
W$N a w4tw1n Yehowa nya kra mu bio
aho4den foforo Sor’ aburuburo, bra me mu
W4de ntaban foro s1 ak4re Ma menn1w s1 ogya,
W4tu mmirika na w4mpa aba !fis1 Woy1 ogya
W4nantew na w4mmr1 Ma mempem s1 nsu, 1fis1
Awurade, kyer1 me mpaeb4 Wo y1 nsu
PAN 997 Ma minyi hua huamhuam s1
soro ngohuam
87 Sor’ aburuburo, bra me so.
GYINA me nky1n, me kra d4fo PH 1012, Eunice Johnson
Gyina me nky1n, Nyame

91 Ma minnyina s1nea wogyinae
Jesus, mesr1 Wo,
Y! ME HO ns1nkyer1nne ma Me Wura, mesr1 wo daa nyinaa
ensi me yiye Ma Pentekoste gya no mmra
Na m’atamfo ahu (x2) me mu.
Ma w4n aniwa nhu s1 Wo PAN 1026, P. B. Appiah-Adu
Awurade aboa me, akyekye me
PAN 1013
AMANAMAN 4baatan pa
92 Nyame Agya, y1ma W’amo
Yenam Krist’ Ne din mu a
MERESIESIE nnipa bi ama Y1nsuro hwee
w4n tumi Yenim s1 ade rekye a 1sum di
Na Mama m’ayeyi atena w4n kan ba
anom Nyame Agya, 4baatan pa
Me honhom b1di w4n kan w4 K4 y1n mmoa
asase yi so PAN 1032
Na w4ahy1 Me din
Si w’as4re, hy1 y1n den,
Owura, 1. NYAME a tete nna no mu,
Ka y1n bom w4 Wo ba no mu; $nam Pentekost tum’ so
Ma y1ny1 koro wo nipadua n’mu Hy11 as4re yi ase no
Ne Wo ba no ahenni mu $te saa nn1 da yi nso
PAN 1017 Translation by $de ns1nkyer1nne ne tum’
Johnson Agyemang Badu nnwuma
Dii w4n as1nka nyinaa akyi
93 S1ee mmonsam tum’ saa
KYER! y1n W’anuonyam, nyarewa ahorow.
Owura Nyan awufo, y11
Kyer1 y1n W’anuonyam, anwanwade,
Owura Siw’gyata no, dum ‘gya tum’
Na ma 4sore obosu mmr1 y1n Saa Pentekost tum’ yi no,
ahodwo 1te saa nn1 ne daa nyinaa
Na kyer1 y1n W’anuoyam bio O, Awurade, y1 y1n nso saa.
PAN 1021
2. Kan tete as4re no,
‘Y1 Pentekoste as4re
94 W4sii no tum’ yikyer1 so
MA MENY! s1nea tetefo no
Kristo ne as4re n’fapem;

Y1n ne saa as4re yi 97
M’AHO$DEN ne no,
Y1bekura asomafo no kyer1,.
Awurade, ampa
Ay4nkofa pa, abodoobubu,
M’ahome ne No (2)
Ne mpaeb4 m’kosi ase, Me guank4bea, m’aban dennen
Y1de nokwar’ ‘d4, gyidi, Ne Jesus Christ, Nyame ne ba;
Koma koro ne koma kronn Ne mu na me nkwa hy1
B1toa so nn1 daa nyinaa PAN 1077, E.K. Asmoah
O, Awurade, y1 y1n nso saa

3. Kristo, asafo no ti, 98

W4de s’ro tum’ nyinaa 1. $BR!FO, fa wo ho ma Nyame
aky1 y1n, Na ma w’ani nna $no so daa
S1 y1mfa nnye nnipa nyinaa, Nea n’ani da Yehowa so no
Nsi Wo, Kristo, p1y1 so. $nto n’aban w4 anwea so.
W’apam b4hy1 no nsakra,
2. $br1fo, dan w’akyi kyer1 wiase,
Wo fapem gyina h4 pintinn
Na ma w’ani so hw1
!s1 y1n s1 y1y1 ahw1yie
Yesu nko
W4 fapem ne kyer1 no ho
Ma w’ani so hw1
!s1 s1 yenyin k4 kan
asennua no so
W4 gyidi pa nhw1so mu,
Pentekoste yikyer1 no mu Na wo br1 nyinaa b1br1 ase.
O, Awurade, y1 y1n nso saa 3. $br1fo, fi esum no m’fi
4. Krist’ anidaso botae Na bra Yesu nky1n,
Ne N’as4r a 4d4 no, $n’ ne hann no
$de Ne nkwa mogya at4; $beyi wo haw, wo br1,
N’asafo ne wiase yi hann ne w’amane
Ekura nyansa, tumi $de wo b1k4 4soro fie
akwankyer1 4. $br1fo, su fr1 w’agyenkwa no
Ma wiase, nnipa, ab4fo $b1gye wo so na wagye wo
S1 w4mfa so nhu Nyame
$b1ma w’asomdwoe, 1ne
daa nkwa
Bebree no ho nnimd1 ‘dom
Wo ho b1t4 w’koraa, w’ani
A 1nam Kristo dom so
De nnidi ne daa anuonyam
Ma Nyame Baasa koro no 5. S1 ahum tu b4 w’abrab4 mu,
O’Nyame korosa, yehyira Na ‘po as’r4kye b4 fa wo so a,
Wo daa Yesu no ne y1n seky1n
PAN 1064, M. K. Yeboah ne taabon

$b1hw1 na biribiara ‘y1 komm 101
PAN 10882 to 5 verses
Y1 W’ADWUMA adesae reba
by S.A.K. Karikari
Hy1 den w4 wadwuma mu
Y1 w’adwuma harehare so ara
99 Fa w’aho4den nyinaa y1
ME Wura, m’ Agyenkwa Aka kakra na ade asa
Merennyae Wo nkae da; W4nny1 adwuma w4 adesae mu
Me Wura m’Agyenwa,
Y1 w’adwuma harehare so ara
Merennyae Wo nkae da
Fa w’aho4den nyinaa y1.
Ha-lle-lu-ya! Ha-lle-lu-ya!
Ha-lle-lu-ya! Ha-lle-lu-ya!
Ha-lle-lu-ya! Amen 102
100 Guammaa,
1. $REMPA me da, Oguammaa a wokum no y11
$rempa me da wiase mpata
Yesu d4 n’!remmpa me da Hallelu Ya!
Ade koro na minim s1 Faw’hodi bi aba ama w4n a
baabiara a m1k4 n’ w4gye di nyinaa
Yesu d4 n’1remmpa me da. Ahotefo nyinaa, momm4 ose
2. $b1n me daa daa mma No
$b1n me bere biara Jesus ay1 ade nyinaa yiye.
M’Agyenkwa n’, odi
m’anim daa 103
$haw mu, amane m’, 1. D1n na memfa minyi w’ ay1
awr1how m’, 4yaw mu Tumi Wura, daasebr1?
Yesu d4n’ 1remmpa me da
Fa wo hohom pa no ma me,
3. M’Awurade Yesu Na m’as1m ay1 wo f1
medi w’akyi daa Na wo d4 ns1nkyer1nne
Masom wo me nkwa Ne wo dom no tra m’adwene
nyinaa mu Tumfo ne $henk1se
Medi Wo nokware w4 Y1da w’ase, yi way1
m’akwan nyinaa mu
Minim s1 Woremmpa me da 2. S1 mekae me b4ne kwan a
PAN1096 2 to 3 verses Meb44 mu ka pii no a
by S.AK. Karikari !ma mef1re me tirim daa
S1 woky1e me so ara
Na wukura me hiani
Na woy1 timm4b4 ma me

Tumfo ne $henk1se Nne1ma nne1ma sen ak4
Yeda w’ase yi W’ay1 Na w4nne me Nyame d4
3. Wura, wo na wudii m’akyi 2. Nyame de ne nsa akata
B1gyee me w4 daa ogyam Me honam ne me kra so,
Da a me ne nneb4ney1fo S1 4k4re ntaban a
Hwehw1 adefunu no $de tr1w ne mma so no,
Wofr11 me se menhwehw1 wo !fi s1 4maa me nkwa,
W’ahenni ne wo trenee no Mew4 me na yam no po
Tumfo ne $henk1se Ne me nna nyinaa nso
Abedu nn1 na wahw1 me
Yeda w’ase yi W’ay1
Nne1ma, nne1ma ... n a
4. !t4 dabi a wop1 s1
3. Ne ba koro a 4d4 no
Wode d4 ba y1n nky1n
Na oyii no mae maa me,
Na dabi nso wohw1 s1 S1 onnye me mfi me
Wonam yaw bi so twe y1n b4nem
S1 yensua wo nney1e, Ne amanehunukrom,
Ny1 s1 W’as1m kyer1 no, Ampa, saa 4d4 yi d44so;
Tumfo ne $henk1se Me honhom hwehw1 mu a,
Yeda w’ase yi W’ay1 Enhu ne nyinaa mu da;
5. Agya, Woayi w’ahumm4b4 Enti na me nso med4 no.
Ne wo d4 no akyer1 Nne1ma, nne1ma ... n a
Yesu, wo d4 ne wo dom no 4. Ne honhom n’4de no ma me
Ab1ma m’ani agye; S1 4mfa n’as1m no so
Na wo, honhom kronkron, Mmra me mu na 4nkyer1me
da so Kwan a 1de k4 soro,
Rekyer1 me soro kwan no. Na 4mm1tew me koma mu;
S1 woma midu h4 a, Na 4mma me gyidi a
Meyi wo ay1 dabaa !b1d1w s1 ‘kanea
Twi Dwom 9 W4 awr1how ne wu mu,
Nne1ma, nne1ma ... n a
104 5. $de saa hw1 me kra yiye;
1. M!TO DWOM mama $hw1 me honam nso;
Onyame Onim nea ehia me
Na mada no ase daa; Ansa na mesr1 no po.
Na mihu ade nyinaa mu S1 m’aho4den nn44so
S1 4p1 me yiye pa N’ anka mehwe ase a,
Ayamye ne mmbor4hunu $no Nyame no ara
!ne d4 ahy1 no ma B1s4 me mu ama me so
$de d4 hw1 ne mmofra Nne1ma, nne1ma ... n a
W4 w4n asetena nyinaa mu Twi Dwom 281

105 na di nokware daa;
Wo ho akyi a wob1pa
1. Onyankop4n asafo mma
benya n’akatua
Munyi mo ho adi
Twi Dwom 281
$hene Kristo retu sa
Na mo ne no nk4 bi!
Wasi ne hemfrankaa 106
W4ay1 1ho fitaa AGYENKWA a 4d44
Asennua bea mu k44 wiase yi d4 wo ne me
W’ama so de rek4. $w4 d4 ne ayamhyehye koma
2. Na s1 moy1 n’asuafo ma y1n;
Sua kyer1 no a, $de y1n b4ne aky1 y1n
$de mo fra n’asafo mu Waba ab1tena y1n mu
Na 4ne mo k4 sa. Y1koto s4re No;
Wotu ne sa no d1n? Y1koto s4re No;
Na wonya ade b1n?
$hene tamfo no w4 he? 107
Na w4reko w4 he? 1. Din bi w4 h4 a 1y1 de
3. S1 wok4som saa hene n’ a, !y1 Yesu Kristo din
$hy1 wo ne trenee, !ma 4yeraba ba fie
B1home fi ne br1 mu
Na 4ma wo ne honhom pa
De hy1 wo den yiye Chorus:
Wo nsu ne w’aduan M1to n’ayeyi dwom no daa
Ne ne nkwagye as1m W4 N’adom Nkwagye no nti
Na n’ahenni mu daa nkwa Yesu Kristo ne me gyefo
Ay1yi nka ne din daa
B1y1 w’akatua.
2. Kristo ne me kra Agyenkwa
4. $ko no, 1w4 wiase, N’adom nti manya nkwagye
$tamfo ne bonsam Mahu ne nkwagye basa no
$de ne nnaadaa n’egyigye Nea tetefo hwehw11 no
Nnipa w4 w4n komam
3. Ne mogya no y1 nkwa
Ne bo afuw wo s1: nsubura
$ko kosi ase; Nea 1pem fi botan mu
$ko enti som Yesu koraa Etumi horo b4ne nyinaa
Na woatumi no daa Ma 4kra nya anigye
5. !s1 s1 wo ne b4ne ko, 4. Kristo fr1 no y1 fr1 kronkron
Wo hene hy1 wo sa; !ma anigye bu so
N’as1m no ne nkwagye
Na enti di n’as1m no so
kwan no
Di n’akyi ko kopa
!kyer1 4yeraba kwan
Na so no mu ara,

5. Yesu Kristo y1 m’adamfo W’asefo ti ne wo, y1n Yesu
$mmfa biribi nnhinta me Y1y1 wo mma, na begye y1n
$kyer1 me nea $p1 nyinaa Oguanhw1fo, y1n ho hia wo
W4 ne kyer1w kronkron no mu Y1y1 wo nguan, na b1hw1 y1n.
6. Nokware Kristo din y1 d1
Ama manya ahot4
M’awer1how adan anigye 1. Monna Nyame ase daa
W4 wiase mmaa nyinaa!
Me kra di ahurusi daa.
$somaa ne ba koro
7. M1d4 Wo mekra d4fo pa, B1yii y1n awer1ho
Wo nkutoo na m1d4 Wo;
M1bata Wo ho daa nyinaa, 2. Nea tetefo hwehw11
Na mate Wo d4 no nka Nea w4n nyinaa ‘ra p1ee
Apostolic Twi Nnwom 188 Nea w4n ani gyinae,
!nna anya aba yi.
108 3. Dawid ba k1se no bae,
1. W’asafo ti ne wo, y1n Yesu N’ahengua no rensakra;
Y1y1 wo mma, na b1gye y1n Y1n kra hann ne nkwagye
Oguanhw1fo, y1n ho hia wo Yesu mu na 1da adi.
Y1y1 wo nguan na b1hw1 y1n 4. D4fo pa, woasiesie
Y1n b4ne nti anka y1ns1 s1 Nkwagye de ama y1n;
Y1ba wo nky1n b1gye W’ad4e Meda w’ase na mesr1
Na nso wo mm4bor4hunu d44so S1 ma minnya me de bi.
Na woremma obi ns1e
5. Me nkwagye ne m’ahode,
2. Y1n Nyame pa, b1hu y1n Mema wo akwaaba nn1
mm4b4 Me wura, b1b4 wo kwan
Na fa wo denhy1 hyira y1n! Na fa so bra me komam
Na y1nso, y1hy1 wo b4 s1: Twi Dwom 51
Yeb1som wo atena wo nky1n;
Ma gyidi pa 4d4 ne nyansa; 110
Ma y1n ani nna wo so daa!
YESU wo ho y1 f1 s1
Ma y1mm4 wo som ho
Wodwo, Wo ho tew,
mm4den pa
Na wo yam ye,
Na y1mfa soro kwan so da!
Wohyer1n s1 an4pa nsoromma
3. Ma y1n nyinaa mmra wo Yesu wo ho y1 f1 s1
daa homem’ PAN 276
S1 w’ahennim ahotefo
Na da bi yennyina wo nifa
Na y1ntena w’anuonyam nom h4!

111 115
WOSO na Wo kr’4n 1. Nyankop4n w4 y1n mu
Na Woy1 k1se Momma y1nkotow no
Woso na Woy1 k1se Na y1mfa suro nsom no
Hena mpo na 4ne Wo b1s1? $w4 y1n ntam ha
Woso na Woy1 k1se Mony1 komm w4 mo mu
Na munyi mo yam nn4 no
112 Kristofo, gyidifo
AWURADE aman nyinaa Monsom no nokwarem
B1suro Wo Monyi N’ay1 yiye
Na y1ahy1 Wo din anuonyam 2. Nyankop4n w4 y1n mu
Efis1 wo nko na Woy1 $n’ na kerubim no
Kronkron; De soro ne f1re som no
Efis1 W’akwan y1 nokware. Serafim to dwom s1
Aman aman hene, Kronkron ara kronkron
Wo nnwuma y1 ak1se Ne y1n Nyankop4n Yehowa
Na 1y1 nwanwa Y1n so kamfo wo
PAN 304, P.B. Appia-Adu Sr1 s1 hu y1n mm4b4
Dom y1n na hw1 y1n so
113 3. Y1de y1n adwene
DAA DAA daa, Y1n honhim ne y1n kra
Oye ma me oo daa Ne y1n honam de hy1 wo
Daa, daa daa. Oye ma me o! nsa
Daa, daa daa. Oye ma me o! Y1pa y1n ak4nn4
Daa Y1 4bonsam no
Daa, daa daa. Oye ma me o! Y1n wiase nneb4ne
Y1som wo, wo nkutoo
114 Anuonyam ne nidi
$KWAN DEDAW no mu Ne nyinaa y1 Wo de
$kwan dedaw no mu 4. W’anuonyam k1se bim
Awurade rey1 N’adwuma Ma y1nhu no yiye
W4 ‘kwan dedaw no mu Na y1nyi y1n yam nsom wo,
$kwan dedaw no mu Ma y1ns1 w’ab4fo
$kwan dedaw no mu S1nea w4hw1 wi
Awurade rey1 N’adwuma Na w4di w’anom as1m so
W4 ‘kwan dedaw no mu Ma y1ny1 nea Wop1
PAN 362 Na y1nkae w’as1m no
W4 ade nyinaa mu.

5. Wote s1 mframa Wo ndaamba y1 siar
Wohy1 mmaa nyinaa ma, W’awiei b1y1 f1w
Na woatwa y1n ho ahyia Adom Ewuradze
Y1n honhom fi wo mu Ehu wo so mb4rb4r
Wohw1 y1n honhom so
Enti na 4hwehw1 wo bi 117
Yi wo yam gye y1n tom’ 1 MONTO dwom d1d1 nyi
Y1nhwehw1 4foforo Awurade ay1
Wo nko na y1p1 wo Monto dwom d1d1 mma no;
Twi Hymn 186 Momfa oseb4 nyi
Awurade ay1
116 Monto dwom d1d1 mma no
1. $MAN Ghana ba Chorus
Tow ehurusi ndwom Kristo y1 nkunimdi hene
Nyame agye wo nkwa ampa
Adom wo, ehyira wo Ne mogya adi nkunim
Tr1 wo ntamadan m’, W’agye ‘deb4ney1ni 4te s1
Benkum na nyimfa me
Adom Ewuradze, Monto dwom d1d1 mma no.
Ehu wo so mb4rb4r.
2. Monto dwom d1d1 nyi
Chorus Awurade ay1
W’ebisadze nyinaa Monto dwom d1d1 mma no
Wo Nyame b1y1 ama w’ $de me b4ne nyinaa aky1
Wo y1fo nye w’kun Monto dwom d1d1 mma no.
Ne dzin nye Ewuradze
3. Monto dwom d1d1 nyi
$mandzehunyi a
Awurade ay1
Da bi ehum tuu wo
Monto dwom d1d1 mma no
Adom Ewuradze
Ne mogya nti manya ‘hofadi
Ehu wo so mb4rb4r
Monto dwom d1d1 mma no
2. $MAN Ghana ba
4. Monto dwom d1d1 nyi
Da wo Nyame ase
Awurade ay1
Nyame mba rok4 a
Monto dwom d1d1 mma no
Wo nso ka ho worok4
$sahene Kristo adi nkunim
So1r huntuma mu
Monto dwom d1d1 mma no
Bisa adze k1se
Adom Ewuradze 5. Monto dwom d1d1 nyi
Ehu wo so mb4rb4r Awurade ay1
Monto dwom d1d1 mma no
3. $MAN Ghana ba fa
S1 mihu m’agyenkwa anim a
nsemb4 dzi d1w
M1to dwom d1d1 ama no
$tamfo biara nkotum as11
Apostolic Twi Dwom 196
wo bio

118 122
W’ayamye nti, AD$FO, afei na y1y1
O M’agyenkwa Nyame mma
Meyi W’ay1 mmorodo ara daa Na nea y1b1y1 no nnya nnaa
Ma wo Sunsum kronn adi
nkyer1kyer1 me Yenim ampa s1 y1b1y1,
Mmr1 mensi nn4 Wo Y1b1y1 s1 $no, y1b1y1 s1 $no
Mmorodo ara!
Y1behu N’s1nea $te.
Mmorodo ara!
mmorodo ara! Pent Hymn 60 PAN 698
Ao, med4 Wo M’agyenkwa
Mmorodo ara! 123
S1nea daakye bi
119 Y1behyia No ni;
WAY! ade nyinaa yiye (2x) Wiase aman nyinaa,
Wama asotifo ate as1m, Kasa horow nyinaa,
Wama mmum akasa Y1de anigye behyia No,
Wama asotifo ate as1m, Na y1ato Hallelu Ya ama
Wama mmum akasa Ne din
PAN 97 PAN 36

120 124
ADOM na w4de nam gyidi so 1. Agya pa bi refr1 wo s1 bra
agye mo nkwa fie
Na emfi mo ankasa, Agya d4fo refr1 wo s1 bra
!y1 Onyame aky1de fie
Na emfi nnwuma mu, Onim nea ehia wo,
Na obiara anhoahoa ne ho
$b1y1 ama wo
Adom na w4de nam gyidi so
agye mo nkwa. $y1 Kwankyer1fo,
PAN 598 $b1kyer1 w’kwan pa
2. $y1 $yaresafo,
121 $b1sa wo yare
OWUS$RE; frankaa rehim (2x) 3. $y1 $fotufo,
S1 wugye Yesu di de a $b1tu w’fo pa
Wob1s4re ma wobenya nkwa PAN 1104
Afi owu amoa mu
PAN 605 125
Wo p1, ny1 me p1 na 1ny1
Wo p1, ny1 me p1 na 1ny1

Boa me ma minhu 130
Nea woahy1hy1 ama me
Wo p1, ny1 me p1 na 1ny1 DAVID sanku a
PAN 1112 $b4 ma Yehowa; (2)
Momma y1mm4, y1mfa y1n
ano mm4
126 Y1mfa y1n koma nka ho
Mahu Yesu, Yosef ba no, Y1mfa y1n koma nka ho
Nea Tetefo kaa ne ho as1m n’ PAN 84
So biribi pa bi betumi afi
Nasaret aba? 131
Mommra mm1hw1
Mommra mm1hw1 Yesu, NEA Way1 ama me, $s1 ayeyi
Agyenkwa no Nea Way1 ama me $s1 nnaase
Mommra mm1hw1 Meyi Nay1, m1da N’ase
Nea W’ay1 ama me, $s1 ayeyi.
127 PAN 117
W’as1m so na m’ani da
Wo b4hy1 no na meretw1n 132
W’animtew n’ma minya nhyira DA no b1y1 nkonim nkonimdi
Anuonyam nka Nyame da,
Guammaa Da no b1y1 nkonim d1n ara!
PAN 1106 Y1b1to Hosiana w4 $hene
128 Da no b1y1 nkonim d1n ara!
PAN 697
AGYENKWA Yesu wu maa me
Meda N’ ase daa,
Agyenkwa Yesu wu maa me; 133
Meda N’ ase daa; ANKA manya s1 mas1 Wo,
PAN 9 Jesus
Anka me suban nyinaa as1 Wo
129 de
AYEYI na mede ma Nyame Ahobr1ase, nokware, 4d4
!bere a mete ase yi na meyi kommy1 ne trenee ahy1 me ma.
m’Awurade ay1 PAN 711
Asaman ase nni ayeyi bio;
Anuonyam nka $sorosoro hene 134
PAN 4 DAA nyinaa, Awurade
Nne1ma mmi1nsa yi na mesr1
S1 mehu Wo yiye

M1d4 Wo yiye 137
Medi W’akyi yiye
Morotw14n ne mbae no
Daa nyinaa
W4 Sor adampan mu
“Day by Day”
Morotw14n me Jesus,
Pent. Hymn 323 $nk1ky1r na waba
PAN 1036 Merets1w, na meretsie
Ndze a 1b1tse1m 4dasum
135 Morotw14n me Jesus,
M’ASOMDWOE apam w4 h4 $nk1y1r na waba
ma w4n a Wahy1 b4 d1 4b1fa m’
W4afa M’as1m na way1 Dze me ak1tsena
W4b1y1 s1 dua a esi asub4nten ho N’enyimyam mu
Na w4b1sow aba w4 ne bere mu Wahy1 b4 d1 $b1ma m’
W4renwu da, w4b1tena ase Konyim ahenky1w na m’asoa
Na w4ahy1 me anuonyam Merets1w, na meretsie
PAN 1154, Eunice Addison Ndze a 1b1ts1m 4dasum
Morot14n me Jesus,
136 $nk1y1r na waba
1. YESU ne nkwa botan no PAN 585
Ne mu na nkwage ahy1 ma
Enti foro saa botan no 138
Na wo nkwagye asi pi. Nnipa nyinaa besi d1n ate
ns1mpa yi?
2. Yesu ne Onyame Ba a,
No ho mmuae no Jesus de maa
$somaa no baa wiase
S1 Ommewu mma nnipa mma
“Na s1 w4ma me so fi asaase
Na wo nkwagye asi pi.
so a,
3. Bere a wiase aduru sum M1twe nnipa nyinaa ama
Na nnipa nnya baabi mfa Me ho” (2)
!no mu na Yesu bae Ma No so, Ma No so;
Ma nnipa mma anya nkwagye $da ho fi sor’ h4 kasa;
“Na s1 w4ma Me so fi asaase
4. Yesu mogya y1 asuten so a
Ne mu na nkwa abu so M1twe nnipa nyinaa ama Me
Enti bra b1nom nsu no bi ho”
Na wo nkwagye asi pi
2-4 verses by S.A.K. Karikari 139
Onyankop4n Kronkron

Wo tumi so oo! 143
Wo tumi so oo! (2)
Woy1 Onyame k1se na wo W4awo m’4ba
tumi so Menna ho nni nkoasom m’
Woy1 Onyame k1se na M’agya awo m’ ato abusua
Wod4e1 d44so foforo m’
$sorosoro Nyankop4n, Sor’ ab4fo apor4 redi’danse
wo tumi so M’agya awo m’ ay1 ne de koraa
Wo tumi so oo! PAN 239 Mfantse
Wo tumi so oo! (2) Eunice Addison

140 144
Jesus resiesie tenabea w4 Sor’ Nkonimdi! Nkonimdi!
$de sika ne Jaspa abo Mogya dehye t4 nkonim
$b1ba ber1 a ani nna Nkonimdi! Nkonimdi!
Na wab1fa n’ahotewfo nyinaa Nkonim abere nyinaa
ak4 S1 Yehowa te ase yi
Ana y1b1k4 h4, Alleluia $ma sunsum m’ aho4den
!me m1k4 h4, Alleluia Ma w4n a w4twer’ no
Wo nso wob1k4 h4 Alleluia Di nkonim abere nyinaa (x2)
Alleluia, y1n nyinaa b1k4 h4 PAN 229
PAN 281
141 $AGYE m’ mbordo ara
Jesus mogya repram Nyame, $agye m’ mbordo ara
Jesus mogya repram $ahohor mo ho b4n nyinaa
Jesus mogya repram b4ne so Nye mo ho nkekaa nyinaa;
$refa wiase nnommum ak4ma $agye m’ mbordo ara
Jesus Nyame, $gye m’ mbordo ara
Jesus mogya adi nim Mb4huhor N’ na mato N’
PAN 271, Eunice Addison ndwow
‘Siand1 4agye m’ mbordo ara
PAN 109, Eunice Addison
W’ayi me afiri d4te p4t44 no mu 146
$de m’anan asi 4botan so
$de adwomto ahy1 makoma mu Ana W’akoma p1 nhyira?
Ayeyi nnwom, Alleluya Foro, foro bra sorsor
Eunice Addison Foro b4hw1 Jesus N’aho4f1w;
Mbr1 enyimnyam ndzepa ebu do
PAN 155, Eunice Addison

147 Alleluia! kamfo Nyame
Alleluia! kamfo Nyame
DWEN papa a $y1 ma wo n’ ho
Dwen papa a $y1 ma wo n’ ho
S1 ehum rotu a 151
$dze w’ besie yie 1. NYAME ahy1 b4 s1
DWEN papa a $y1 ma wo n’ ho $de daa nkwa b1ma
PAN (Mfantse) 176 Obiara a $gye Yesu, Ne d4
Eunice Addison Ba no di
148 Hallelu Ya Wawie;
JESUS, Jesus, Jesus Migye $ba no di
Jesus, nye mo botantsim; Nea wokum no ne mogya
no agye me (x2)
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus na motwer No. 2. S1 4kwan no mu nny1
PAN (Mfantse) 195 Na amane w4 mu a
Ampa Yesu betumi s1
$de y1n twa.
3. Mihu ad4fo bi nso
YEBETUMI ak4 ak4fa asase no
W4 anuonyam mu;
Fi Jordan agya ak4si mpoano; W4agye w4n nkwa na
Mmom gyata n’ b1b4 mm4den w4n nnwom ara ne s1:
asi y1n kwan de1
Nyame n’ara de nkonim b1ba 4. Mihu ahene ne adiyifo bi
nso s1
Nkonim firi Ewurade (x2)
W4nenam sika abor4n so na
Wadi nkonim ama n’as4re W4r’to nnwom yi
Yebehim nkonimdi frankaa no
PAN (Mfantse) 208 5. Nnwom no bi w4 h4 ma
Me ne wo nyinaa
Y1n ayeyi nnwom a y1b1to
150 daa ne s1:
JESUS mogya nko na ‘Tis The Promise of God full
Otum horo me kra ho; Salvation
Otum horo me b4ne ma mey1 P.P. Bliss Pent Hymn 163
Bibiara nnkotum ahor m’ ma 152
madi mu 1. YEBEDI d1w bi da bi
Gyes1 Jesus mogya no nko Yebedi d1w bi da bi
Mogya a 1hor’ fi, 4sor aho4den; Nyame n’adwuma 4br1 w4
Yiw Jesus Ne magya n’ sombo mu ampa
Afer’b4de yi mogya ahy1 no ma Yebedi d1w bi da bi
Yiw Jesus Ne mogya n’sombo

2. Y1b1k4 s’ro ahemman mu Boam’ ma momb4 dawur,
Ak4tenaa ne nky1n h4 daa Memfa Wo dzin n’enyidzi no
S1 yedi N’akyi nokware Mentahye mbea nyinaa
mu de a
3. Jesus! dzin a otu h1n suro,
Y1b1k4 s’ro ahemman mu.
$ma ‘wer1how b4 adze;
3. Obehyia y1n s’ro h4 $y1 sanku w4 ab4n asom’
Na wama y1n akwaaba $y1 nkwa nye asomdwee.
$b1ma y1n amo, wama y1n
4. $kasa, na wotsie Ne ndze a,
Ewufo nya nkwa bio,
Yebedi d1w bi da bi
Akoma wer1honyi dzi d1w
PAN 708 2-3 verses by
Hianyi buroburo gye dzi
S.K. Karikari
5. Odwuru b4n no tum koroa,
153 Otu daduanyi duam;
No b4gyaa tum san fifo ho;
Y!B!S! No, s1 Yesu Kristo
Odzii nyim maa mo so.
Nyame Ba no ba a,
Y1ne No b1s1 6. Hom b4n nyinaa da Jesus do:
Y1b1s1 No s1 Yesu Kristo Wokum Nyame Eguambaa
Nyame Ba no ba a W4dze Ne kra so b4 af4r
Y1 ne No b1s1 Maa obiara ne kra
CAN 1 Charles Wesley
Saa bere yi 4resiesie y1n
Saa bere yi, 4de 155
N’as1mpa no rey1n kra 1. WONYI Nyame Hen ay1w
Y1b1s1 No s1 Yesu Kristo W4mfa ay1yidwom mmr1 N’
Nyame Ba no ba a N’ehumm4b4r tim h4 daa
Y1ne No b1s1 osi pi y1 nokwar daa
Eunice Addison, PAN 710 2. Wonyi N’ ay1w: 4ay1 ewia
D1 4k4 apr4w daa daa nyinaa
154 3. Na eso 4ay1 bosoom,
1. MENYA ngyirama apem
Ma odu anafua a 4hyer1n
matow ndwom
Meyi mo Pomfo ay1w 4. Enyimnyam nka, H1n d4y1fo
Makamfo me Hen Ab4bze nyinaa ntow
N’enyimnyam enyimnyam
N’adom no konyimdzi Enyimnyam, nka Egya, nye Ba
Nye Sumsum, Ebiasa kor
2. Mo Wura d4y1fo, me
CAN 9 Henry Williams Baker,
156 W4nhy1 ehurusi ndwom n’ase
1. MBR! Jesus Ne dzin dua
y1 d1w 2. Owu hyehy1 no d4m petsee,
W4 gyedinyi asom’ a! Na Christ ab4 h4n apetse;
Otu ne yaw, y1 ne yar edur, W4mb4 se ntow enyigye
Na otu no suro nyinaa ndwom
2. $b4 sunsum a oepira esu,
Na 4dwe akoma a 4ahaw; 3. Awer1how ndaasa no etwam
Edziban ma sunsum a k4m $aso1r konyim mu efi wum’;
dze n’ Enyimnyam nka Hen
Ahomgye ma fonafo tseasefo n’
3. Dzin pa! Botan a motow do
Me ky1m na mo sumabew, 4. Ewuradze, W’amandzehu ntsi
M’egyapadze a4mmpa da, Gye Wo nkowaa fi wu no
Adom na 4ahy1 n’ ma! b4r mu,
Ma yeenya nkwa, yaatow
4. Jesus, mo Guanhw1fo, mo Nua Wo ndwom
Mo S4foe na me Hen Alleluia!
Mo Wura, mo Nkwa, CAN 67
mo Kwan, m’Ewiei,
Bra b1gye m’ay1yi.
5. Mo mb4dzemb4 4y1 mber1w, 1. MBR! metse yi ara minnyi
M’akoma y1 w44w4w; hwee ka
Na ber a m’bohu W’d1 mbr1 D1 w4kaa Wo b4gyaa gui
$wo tse n’ maa m’
M’beyi W’ ay1w d1 mbr1 4s1 Na efr1 m’ d1 membra Wo
6. K1pem da n’ na m’b1ka nky1n
Nyame Eguambaa, maba
Wo d4 no,
Medze nkwanhwea tsiabaa ‘i; 2. Mbr1 metse ya ara
Na ma Wo nsaku dzin d11d1w n’ monnk4tw1n de
$nhom me kra w4 wum’. Mara meper tu me kra ho fi,
Amen. ‘Wo na Wo b4gyaa tum tu fi,
CAN 25 - John Newton, Nyame Eguambaa, maba
1725-1807 3. Mbr1 metse ya ara, hianyi,
157 Enyiwa 4nye ahonya,
1. $KO k1se no ab4 adze Dza mihia nyinaa w4 Wo mu,
Afei h1n Sahen edzi nyim; Nyame Eguambaa, maba

4. Mbr1 metse ya ara, Wo d4 160
k1se n’
1. KANEA a y1dze hw1 h1n
Ebubu mpampi nyinaa mu,
kwan mu
N-kyii m’b1y1 Wo nko Wodze, Mma y1ammfom kwan
Nyame Eguambaa, maba y1annyew;
CAN 114 - Charlotte Elliot Adom N-su a ofi sor t4
(1789-1871) Ma akwantufo nom bi;

159 2. Ediban a ofi sor t4

Ma y1dze ny1n h1n kra
1. EWURADZE, W’as1m tsim, Nwoma a y1kenkan a yehu
‘No na y1hw1 nantsew, Mbr1 4sor man mu tse;
Nyia 4gye no nokwar
3. $y1 gyafadum anadwo,
Nya kan nye enyigye
Mununkum adekyee;
2. Atamfo ba h1n do a, $bra po tu ne tsir gu do a
W’as1m yi hy1 h1n dzen H1n seky1 nye tabon
Awer1kyekyer ns1mpa, 4. Onyame Twerammpon N’saem,
N-kwagye amandz11 N’enyimnyam Ba N’ Ahy1mu
Yeenya wo a yeentum bra
3. $bra n’ehum tu h1n
yi b4,
Na sum gye h1n do a Yenntum nnya Nyame man.
Ne kan hyer1n ma h1n
Na 4kyer1 h1n kwan 5. Ewuradze, dom hen ma
4. Woana botum akyer1 W’as1m mu nyansa n’ yie,
Ahot4 nye d1w a Na y1mfa mbofra ‘koma ngye
W’as1mpa yi dze ma Ne nkyer1kyer1 kr4nkr4n no.
N-tsetsekwaa nyinaa CAN 91- Bernard Barton
5. Ehumb4b4r ns1mpa,
$baa atseasefo; 161
N-kwas1m, 4kyekye 1. SUNSUM Kr4nkr4n, bra
H4n a w4da wuso wer1 h1n ‘komam’,
Ma y1ntse Wo tum no,
6. Ewuradze, ma yenhu Wo na tsetse w4dze W’hy11
No mu adesua kr4nkr4n n’ nk4m
Na yaad4, yeesuro Wo, Na kan na d4 fir Wo.
Daa nyinaa yaab1n Wo! 2. Bra, na $wo na nk4nhy1fo
CAN 90 Henry Williams Baker, Dze W’kyer1wee, dze Wo kae;
(1821-77) Bue nokwar no,
$wo nye saafee n’
Tsew nwoma kr4kr4n n’ano
3. Sor Ebubur, tr1 Nyame N’ab4dze nyinara,
W’atsabann m’ Wonsuo m’ yenyi N’ ay1w
W4 h1n isum no do CAN 138
Butuw h1n kra no sum no do,
Na ma h4 4ny1 kann 163
4. S1 ‘hyer1n h1n mu a, 1. Wo nky1n ara, Nyame,
y1nam Nyame Wo nky1n ara!
Kaansa mbeamudua mpo
Nankasa do bohu N’,
Na 4ma mo do a,
Na y1nye wo mba nyinaa
Mo ndwom dabaa nye d1
Wo nky1n ara, Nyame,
Onyame d4 no bun. Amen
Wo nky1n ara!
CAN 89 - Charles Wesley
(1707-88) 2. Kaansa mirikyin mpo
Ma wi ak4t4
162 Ma adze so asa me,
Ma mesun bo a,
1. AO bra ma yendzi d1w
M’adaaso mu m’bepin
S1n nkan n’ mey1 hianyi a,
Wo nky1n arA Nyame
Afei menya Nyame ho d4,
Wo nky1n ara!
$de a 4ky1n sika
3. Ma kwan m’b1da h4 a
2. Ao bra ma yendzi d1w
W4dze k4 sor;
S1 nkan n’ mot44 bahwa a,
Dza edze ma m’ nyina,
Afei menya Nyame ho d4,
Ab4fo refr1fr1 m’
N-abaw we4n me dabaa.
Wo nky1n ara, Nyame
3. Ao bra ma yendzi d1w Wo nky1n ara!
S1n nkan n’ mob44 eko a,
4. Ber a m’enyi b1tsetsew n’,
Nyame dze No d4 atwe me
M’beyi W’ay1w;
D1mensan m’ Egya fie
M’bodua m’awer1how mu
4. Ao bra ma yendzi d1w M’esi Nyame fi;
N-ky1 me kra reyew, Menam me yaw m’
M’Agyenkwa Jesus ab4twe m’ m’bepin
W4 h4n na ab4nsam nsa. Wo nky1n ara, Nyame
Wo nky1n ara!
5. Ao bra ma yendzi d1w
Afei menya Ny4nko a 5. S1 so medze ahomka
No d4 ky1n onua mpo no d4 Mutu ba sor,
$d4 a onnyi ewiei a. Mo Wer1 fir wi bosoom,
$nye nworaba a,
6. Ao bra ma yendzi d1w
Mo ndwom mber nyinaa
Ao, ‘wo a ed4 Jesus,
nye d1
Wo nky1n ara, Nyame Sian, ao, Ewuradze domfo,
Wo nky1n ara! sian!
CAN 152 - Sarah Flower Bra behyira h1n sesei
Adams (1805-48) 2. Kenyan W’edwuma yi,
Ma akra nhwehw1 nkwa-su n’;
164 O ma h1n esunsum k4n nd4
1. ASODZI da mo do N-kwa edziban no!
D1 miyi Nyame ay1w 3. Kenyan W’edwuma yi,
Megye me kra a onnwu da Kr4n W’enyimnyam dzin no;
nkwa, Wo Sunsum mma h1n d4
Na mema 4s1 sor m-fram
2. Mosom mbersantsen yi, Mma W’ nye Wo mba nyinaa
Midzi duma a woahy1 m’ 4. Kenyan W’edwuma yi,
Ao, nky1 medze m’ahom Ma W’as1m no nnya tum;
nyinaa Ma w4mfa enyikan gyedzi ntsie
Maay1 mo Wura Ne p1! W’as1mpa a nhyira w4m’ n’
3. Fa nhw1yie b4 me ban 5. Kenyan W’edwuma yi,
Ma mentsena d1 ihu m’; T4 Pentecost b4w no;
Na. mo Wura, siesie Na enyimnyam no b1y1 Wodze
Wo somfo Na hyira n’ aka h1n
Na meebu nkontaa pa CAN 240 - Albert Midlan
4. Boa m’ ma monwe4n
Na montwer Wo nkotoo
Minyim d1 mogor m’e M!TO Awurade ho dwom
eduma ho a, Na ma ma wama ne ho so (2)
M’bowu wua onnyi ewiei M’aho4den ne me nnwomto ne
CAN 188 - Charles Wesley Yehowa
(1707-88) Na way1 me nkwagyefo
$no ne me Nyankop4n 4y1 m’
165 Na m1kamfo no
1. KENYAN W’edwuma yi, Na m1ma No so
Ewuradze, kyer1 Wo tum;
B4 Wo ndze a onyan ewufom’
Na ma Wo nkor4fo ntse
1. WAFA m’animguase, de k4
Chorus: asennua no so
Keyan W’edwuma yi, De sesaa N’anuonyam de
Ber a y1kotow Wo yi maa me

Wafa me mmusub4 de k4 170
asennua no so
De sesaa abrab4 pa de maa me ‘Nyame ne y1n w4 h4
‘Nyame ne y1n w4 h4
Chorus $tene Ne nsa ne ber1 mu
M’asomdwoe a manya yi Ma tumi nyinaa br1 ase
Efiri asennua no so na 1bae1 Na Ne nney1e nyinaa kyer1 s1
M’asomdwoe a manya yi Nyame ne y1n w4 h4 nn1 nso
Efiri asennua no so na 1bae1 Nyame ne y1n w4 h4
2. Wafa m’afodi no de k4
asennua no so 171
De sesaa abrab4 pa de maa me WAMA me nso mas1 nn1
Wafa me nkoay1 Mogya dehye a $hwie gui w4
De k4 asennua no so Kalvary no nti (2)
De sesaa abrab4 pa de maa me Wama me koma at4 me yam
3. Nneb4ney1fo a 1nn1, y1anya Mogya dehye no nti (2)
nkwagye yi Mogya dehye, Mmo!
Efiri asennua no so na 1bae1 Mogya dehye, Mmo!
$soro kwan a abue, Woama m’akoma at4 me yam
ama y1n nn1 da yi Mogya dehye, Mmo oo!
Efiri asennua no so na 1bae1 Eunice Johnson
PAN 679 - Eunice Johnson
168 YUDA abusua kuo mu gyata no
ANKA nea mete no ware paa Wadi nkonim
Anka nea mete no ware paa Kalvary $barima koko4durufo no
Yesu Ne d4, Ne dom, ne Wadi nkonim
Ne wu a Owui no Wako adi nkonim
Ama me nso maba fie ‘De asade ama ne mma
Eunice Johnson Galilea ho4f1fo no
Wadi nkonim
169 Eunice Johnson
MOGYA n’ atue
emuk4 kwan ama y1n nso 173
ama ahotefo y1anya kwan s4re no 1. W’AHENNI y1 daa ‘henni
Halleluya! Halleluya! W’ahenni no fi tete;
Halleluya nka Nyame Wofi tete dii hene,
Aguammaa (2) W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni
Eunice Johnson

2. W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni 4. Ofitsi d1 me gyedzi hun
Bra b1tena W’ahengua so; Esu a ofi Wo mfem’
Na tumi nyinaa mmr1 ase Onyame d4 ay1 mo ndwom,
W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni Na 4b1y1 edu wum’
3. W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni 5. Na owu ma me gyirame
W’ahenni no nni awiei; Y1 komm da d1tsem’ a,
$soro hene ne wo ampa, Me kra b4tow ndwom d11d1w bi
W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni Akamfo Wo w4 sor
CAN 61, William Cooper,
4. W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni
Hena na 4ne wo s1?
Mogya ‘dansefo hene
W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni 175
1. W4 Kalvary bep4w no so
5. W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni
Wokum Kristo, Nyame ba no,
Ahene mu hene ne wo
$y1 Yesu m’agyenkwa no.
Wo nko na tumi w4 wo 2. $br1 ne yaw hy11 Yesu so
W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni Asot4re ne mmaa atape
gyee no,
6. W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni
!maa m’agyenkwa no y11
Bra bedi ‘tamfo no so,
Ahotewfo hene Kristo
W’ahenni y1 daa ‘henni 3. Metee nte1te1m nne w4
Apostolic Twi Dwom 253 dua no so
S1, me Nyame d1n nti na
174 Woagyaw me,
!y1 Yesu m’agyenkwa nne
1. BURA bi w4 h4 b4gya ma
W4twee n’ Immanuel mfem’, 4. $de nne k1se te1m s1: “Mawie”
Na ndzeb4ny1fo b4t4n a, Na $b44 ne ti ase na Owui
W4yew h4n ho fi nyinaa O! hw1 s1nea Yesu si d4 me.
2. Owifo no 4dze d1w hun 5. Me wer1 remmfi Yesu
Bura n’ w4 n’aber do; amanehunu,
H4 na kaansa mo ho y1 Fi Getsemane kosi Kalvary,
nk4w a Wered4m af4re a $b4e de
M’b4hor mo ho b4n nyinaa gyee me
Apostolic Twi Dwom 144
3. Nyame Eguambaa, Wo b4gyaa
No tum 4nnk1pa da,
Gyed1 W’as4rmba nyina enya 176
nkwa 1. Ma Honhom kronkron mu
Mma w4nk1y1 b4n bio ogya no mmra

Na soma y1n k4 wiase nyinaa, 5. Ma Honhom kronkron mu
Na y1nk4b4 Wo ns1mpa no ogya no mmra
dawur’ Awurade ma W’adom nsu
Nkyer1 w4n a wohia no nt4
nkwagye nyinaa Ma Honhom kronkron mu
ogya no mmra
Chorus Ma Honhom kronkron mu
Ma ogya no mmra, ma ogya no mmra
ogya no mmra Apostolic Twi Dwom 157
Ma Honhom kronkron mu
ogya no mmra, ma ogya 177
no mmra, 1. Akwantu bi w4 ho a yebetu
Ma Honhom kronkron mu !ny1 wiase ha akwantu no bi,
ogya no mmra Soro h4 akwantu na
2. Ma Honhom kronkron mu
Anigye b1n na saa da no b1y1
ogya no mmra
Na bebubu ‘tamfo bonsam 2. S1 sum hy1 kabii ma
mpokyer1 $pranaa bobom,
B1gye wo nkor4fo fi ’wu Ma Kristo mu awufo s4re
ahama mu kan’ a
Na s1 y1ne w4n bom
Ma Honhom kronkron mu
k4hyia Kristo a,
ogya no mmra
Anigye b1n na saa da no b1y1
3. Ma Honhom kronkron mu 3. Anigye na y1de betu kwan no,
Ogya no mmra Ahurisi na y1de behyia
Awurde b1y1 w’ara w’aduma; Kristo
$tamfo bonsam ama nabaa so, Gyidifo nyinaa b1bom
Ma Honhom kronkron mu anantew,
ogya no mmra Anigye b1n na saa da no b1y1
4. Ma Honhom kronkron mu 4. Y1behu y1n ho anim ne anim
ogya no mmra Bere a yebehyia w4 ahengua
Y1gye w’as1mpa mu tumi no anim,
no di; Na s1 ahotewfo nyinaa bom
Ma Pentekoste da ogya no tra a,
mmra Anigye b1n na saa da no b1y1
Ma Honhom kronkron mu
ogya no mmra 5. Y1w4 dwom foforo bi a
Soro ab4fo mpo renntumi
nnte ase
Y1n nkunimdi ho dwom na 4. Oguammaa s1 ay1yi
y1b1to, Monto n’ay1yi dwom
Anigye b1n na saa da no b1y1 Ne dom nti momma y1nka
Apostolic Twi Dwom 308 $no na $s1 ay1yi s1,
5. Oguammaa s1 ay1yi
178 Ampa 4s1 ay1yi
1. Getsemane turo mu h4 $no ne y1n nkwagye botan
Awer1how t44 Yesu so; Ne nko na $s1 ay1yi
H4 na $kyer11 ne d4 no Apostolic Twi Dwom 202
S1 $d4 me deb4ney1ni
Chorus 180
$d4 b1n ni? anwanwa d4 1. O Yesu d4fo pa
S1 $d4 me mmroso saa yi, Wo nkor4fo w4 w’anim;
O, anka me nso mad4 No. Ma w’ad4e no nso y1n so,
Na w’anuonyam nna adi
2. Owu adesoa t44 me so,
Yesu bae ma made me ho; 2. Obi nni h4 s1 wo
Oyii me fii owus1e mu, Yesu $d4fo pa;
Ma w’ad4e no nso y1n so
De kyer11 ne d4 a $d4 me
Na w’anuonyam nna adi
3. Meb44 musu yeraa me kra, 3. Ampa y1hw1 wo kwan,
Na Yesu bae b1hwehw11 me Ma adom kwan mmue
$t44 mum’ ne twitwafo anim, mma y1n;
De gyee me san baa nkwa Ma w’ad4e no nso y1n so,
mu bio Na w’anuonyam nna adi
Apostolic Twi Dwom 123
4. Woy1 mm4bor4hunufo,
!nte saa a’nka y1nyera;
179 Ma w’ad4e no nso y1n so,
1. OGUAMMAA s1 ay1yi Na w’anuonyam nna adi
Oguammaa s1 nnaase, Apostolic Twi Dwom 283
Momfa mo ho nyinaa mma no,
$no na $s1 ay1yi 181
2. Oguammaa s1 ay1yi 1. YESU Kristo y1 agyenkwa,
Ne nko na $s1 ay1yi Nhyira nka no
N’af4re a 4b4e no nti W’ama y’ahu ne nkwagye,
$no na $s1 ay1yi Nhyira, nhyira nka no.
3. Oguammaa s1 ay1yi 2. Kristo mogya y1 nkwa nsu,
Munyi no ay1 daa, Nhyira nka no
Ne wu no apata ama y1n Wama y’anom nsu no bi,
$no na $s1 ay1yi Nhyira, nhyira nka no.

3. Nea $s1n dua no so, Owu tumi no w4 he?
Nhyira nka no Was4re, Hallelu Ya!
Wama y’anom nsu no bi,
6. S1 y1te Kristo din a,
Nhyira, nhyira nka no.
Nkotodwe nyinaa ngu fam,
4. Yesu Kristo wu no nti, Na t1kr1ma mpaem’ nka s1
Nhyira nka no, Was4re, Hallelu Ya!
Ne mogya mu wu no nti, PAN 492
Nhyira, nhyira nka no.
5. Yesu Kristo adom nti, 183
Nhyira nka no, $d4fo a woada,
Ne wus4re tumi nka no. $d4fo a woada,
Wo nna yi ase ne s1n
5. Yesu Kristo, med4 wo,
S4re na Kristo’ b1hyer1n wo so;
Nhyira nka no,
$de N’anuonyam no reba
Wo na wodii kan d44 me,
Tumi a 4de reba!
Nhyira, nhyira nka no.
Tumi a 4de reba!
Apostolic Twi Dwom 218
Wiase mmusuakuw nyinaa
W4de w4n ano b1tom asu
182 PAN 420
1. YESU, Kristo as4re
Was4re, 4renwu bio; 184
Owu, wo tumi w4 he? $dzeb4ny1nyi nni enyimnyam
Was4re, Hallelu Ya! W4 ahengua n’enyim;
2. Was4re, Was4re nn1 Eguamba n’dze b4gya dehye
Monte1m denden s1 Was4re b4t4 aky1 m’
Owu, wo nwow4e w4 he? Ama mo so maasoa nkwa
Was4re, Hallelu Ya! ahenky1w
PAN (Mfantse) 516
3. $ma ‘nifuraefo hu ade
Eunice Addison
$ma ‘kwatafo ho fi
$ma mmubuafo nante
Was4re, Hallelu Ya! 185
1. NYAME ayi Ne d4 adi
4. Anigye w4 soro h4, W4awo Agyenkwa ama y1n
Asomdwoe w4 asase so, $de N’ aky1 y1n;
Anis4 w4 nnipa mu $de N’ aky1 y1n;
Was4re, Hallelu Ya!
2. Mm4bor4hunufo ne $domfo
5. $de nnommum k44 Ne Yehowa
nnommum m’ $de N’ aky1 y1n;
$de aky1de maa nnipa $de N’ aky1 y1n;

3. Wab1popa y1n mmarato 5. Nuanom, hom ngya m’
nyinaa Minyi N’ ay1w
Na y1n kra anya nkwagye Hom nyi Jesus dzin ay1w
$de N’ aky1 y1n; Nkyer1baa hom so mma
$de N’ aky1 y1n; hom ndze do
4. Y1ne odwontofo b1to Hom nhyira me Jesus Ne
Ayeyi nnwom dzin.
Na y1n nyinaa aka s1 CAN 103, William Hunter
Hallelu Ya!
PAN 626 187
Eunice Addison 1. Nyame ye, Onyame ye daa,
Wama ade akye y1n bio
186 Momma y1nto dwom
1. Oduy1fo k1se n’ab1n nkamfo no
$nye tsimb4b4r Jesus Nyame ye, Onyame ye daa.
$kasa ma akoma at4 yam’ 2. Nyame ye, Onyame ye daa,
D4fo, tsie Jesus Ne ndze! Wankum y1n, wanntwa
Chorus y1n antwene
Ndwom bi a 4y1 d1w w4 $de ne d4 akora y1n so
sor, ‘Ma y1da so y1te nkwa m’ bio
Dzin bi a 4y1 d1w w4 ase,
Enigye ndwom a 4w4 beebi 188
Jesus, siarfo Jesus $b1n me ky1n m’adamfo
2. W4dze wo b4n nyinaa aky1 w’ Saa na Yesu te
D4fo, tsie Jesus Ne dzin! $y1 M’adamfo pa,
Fa asomdwee tu wo kwan Ade nyinaa mu
k4 sor $y1 me botantim
K1nye Jesus nsoam ahenky1w Me ky1m ne me guank4bea
$b1n me ky1n m’adamfo
3. Enyimnyam nka Nyame Saa na Yesu te.
Megye Jesus Ne dzin dzi;
Mod4 Gyefo siarfo ne dzin,
Mod4 me Jesus Ne dzin. Nyame d4 ne mma
Na $yi w4n firi w4n haw mu (2)
4. Ne dzin pa m’af4dzi nyina, Mmer1 a wapa aba
Dzin bi nnyi h4 d1 Jesus! Anidaso nyinaa asa
Me kra dze enyigye dze tsie Yehowa b1hw1
Jesus dzin a 4som bo n’ S1 nkwagye tumi bi w4 h4

190 193
1. AWURADE siesie wo somfo O hwie ngo fofor gu me kra mu
Ma adwumapa a wahyehy1 Ma dza wawu nyinaa nya
nkwa bio
Ma meny1 adwinnade1 a Waawaa m’ani so ab4n ma
Wode b1y1 biribi pa menhu $hen’ no
Ama W’adwuma ak4 so S4 ogya w4 me kra mu (2)

2. Awurade siesie wo somfo Chorus

Sra me ngo ma meny1 Ogya e! Ogya
foforo. Sunsum kronkron ne Ogya (x2)
B1y1 W’adwuma
3. Ma meny1 $bo a nkwa wo m’
B1y1 W’adwuma m’akoma mu o!
A wode besi dan papa
Ogya e! Onyame Gya
4. S1 wohia 4somfo pa Eunice Addison
Ama adwuma papa yi a
5. W4n a w4y1 adwumade pa 194
W4 akatua w4 wo nsam An4pa bi reba
6. Adwuma pa Wura Yesu B4ne su nyinaa ara b1twam
S1 wohia adwinnade a An4pa bi reba (2)
Y1behu Jesus N’anim
Fa me y1 adwinnade a,
Wode b1y1 biribi pa
Ama W’adwuma ak4 so Wo koma te1, s1 me koma te?
Eunice Addison W’adwene y1 p1 s1 m’adwene
y1 p1?
Fa wo nsa ma me na foro bra
191 B1tena tease1nam no mu
Mehwehw1 Wo, Yesu nko na y1nk4y1 Nyame adwuma
Mehwehw1 Wo, Yesu nko PAN 427
Na woatwer1 s1 “Nkwa nsu
B1sen afiri wo yam” (2)
PAN 975
SUM nni h4 bio, sum nni h4 bio
Hallelu Ya! Sum nni h4 bio
192 Efis1 Yesu y1 hann, 4y1 w4
Onua pa, bra fie soro h4
Wiadze nd1mba botwa m’ ak4 Hallelu Ya! Sum nni h4 bio
Sika botwa m’ ak4 PAN 616
Me Nyame w4 h4 daa (2)
PAN 333 (Mfantse)

197 3. Ana w’akoma reto ay1yi? (2)
Ana w’akoma aka abom
Hwim me k4 4soro daa nyinaa reto
Hwim me k4 4soro daa nyinaa Ay1yi! Ay1yi!
Hwim me k4 4soro daa nyinaa,
Awurade 4. !me m’akoma reto ay1yi (2)
Hwim me k4 4soro daa nyinaa !me m’akoma aka abom reto
Wiase nne1ma nyinaa ara y1 Ay1yi! Ay1yi!
kwa PAN 35 (Mfantse)
Asase nne1ma nyinaa ara y1
hunu 201
Hwim me k4 4soro daa nyinaa, Bra b1hw1 Jesus N’aho4f1
Awurade Bra b1hw1 aho4f1 f11f1
Hwim me k4 4soro daa nyinaa Bra b1hw1 aho4f1 a 1nni ewiei
PAN 815 Bra b1hw1 aho4f1 mmoroso
Elder Kissiedu Adom bi w4 ne mu o, bra b1hw1
Nkwa bi w4 ne mu o, abu so
198 Adom bi w4 ne mu o, abu so
Onyame w4 h4 oo! Adom bi w4 ne mu o, Bra b1hw1
Hwehw1 N’ na ebohu N’ (2) PAN 317 (Mfantse)
PAN 332 (Mfantse)
199 Adekyee f11f1, f11f1 f11f1 bi reba
Osiand1 Owui maa h1n !reba nt1m, 1reba nt1m
$dze Ne b4gyaa at4 h1n Owia b1hyer1n, ahyer1n, atu
Jesus N’enyimyam b1hyer1n sum nyinaa
h1n do daa Nt1mnt1m, Nt1mnt1m,
W4 kurow fofor no mu W4b1boa y1n nyinaa ano,
PAN 34 (Nfantse) Ak4hyia asuogya h4
Y1n ahokyere ne y1n ns4hw1
200 Nyinaa b1k4 1remma bio
Adekyee f11f1, f11f1 f11f1 bi reba
1. $sor nsanku reb4 ay1yi? (2)
!reba nt1m, yiw nt1m
$sor nsanku aka abom, reb4
PAN 304 (Mfantse)
Ay1yi! Ay1yi!
2. $sor’ ad4ma rewoso ay1yi? (2) 203
$sor ad4ma aka abom rewoso Mma nnwen’ ntra so
Ay1yi! Ay1yi! Onipa kae s1 woy1 d4te (2)
PAN 312 (Mfantse)

204 208
Daakye, daakye, daakye JESUS, Jesus
S1 mede animguase nnipadua Konyim ndwom na y1b4tow
To h4 a, m1k4 anuonyam bea Ao Jesus w4ak’r4n No (2)
PAN 308 (Mfantse) W4akr4n No, aman m’b4hw1
Eunice Addison, PANF 67
B4gya, Jesus b4gya
B4gya, a 4tsew mekra ho (2) WO HO 4k4m dze me kra
B4gya, B4gya, B4gya, B4gya, Wo ho nsuk4m dze me kra;
B4gya, Jesus B4gya Jesus, Onyame Ne ba
B4gya, B4gya, B4gya, B4gya, Bra b1tsena m’akoma m’ ma
B4gya, B4gya kr4nkr4n memee
PANF 566 PANF 483

206 210
Y!DZE enyimnyam b1ma KONYIMDZI w4 h4 ma h4n a
Jesus, w4twer Jesus,
Na y1aka No d4 no, na y1aka Na No Bogya nye h4n akoky1m
No d4 no N’as1m no y1 egyapadze k1se
Y1dze enyimnyam b1ma Jesus, ma h4n
Na y1aka No d4 n’ho Na N’adom no bu do ma h4n
awanwas1m daa
PANF 66 W4mb4 mu ntow ay1yi ndwom
mma No daa,
‘B1n ay1yi ndwom na 4s1 No?
207 Y1b4tow, y1b4tow
Y!RETUTU y1n anan s1nea Alleluia ndwom na y1b4tow
akwantufo retu o! PANF 77
Yeretutu y1n anan s1nea
akwantufo retu o! 211
Y1asi so rek4 Zion NA w4too Onyankop4n akoa
Zion kuro f1f1 no mu; Mose dwom
!h4 na y1b1tra daa daa Ne oguamma No dwom s1:
Yeretutu y1n anan s1nea Awurade Nyankop4n
akwantufo retu o! Ade nyinaa so tumfo, Wo
PANT 939 (Mfantse) nnwuma y1 ak1se
Na 1y1 nwonwa.
Merensanten Hene, W’akwan
Merensanten Hene, W’akwan 215
Merensanten Hene, W’akwan CALVARY na m’Agyenkwa
tene n’wui
Na 1y1 nwonwa !h4 na menya me nkwagye (2)
PANT 331 !h4 na $tseaam “Eli, Eli”
!h4 na menya me nkwagye (2)
212 PANT 456
$W$ d1 obiara d4 No;
Obiara w4 mbea nyinaa 216
$w4 d1 obiara d4 No; OWUI ma meenya nkwa; (2)
$b1pam wo dadwen nyinaa M’ay1yi b4for’ ak4 No h4
$no n’ $y1 nkwagye far’baa; Nyia Owui ma meenya nkwa n’
$soa w’af4dzi nyina PAN F37, Eunice Addison
Jesus wui maa aman nyinaa
Obiara w4 mbea nyinaa
S1e n’, s1e n’, s1e n’ Onyame
213 nipa s1e
S1e $tamfo n’ n’adwuma (2)
NYAN me o, me Nyame e!
Mama wo tumi s1 k4s1e
Nyame me, m’Agyenkwa e! n’adwuma
Amma m’annda owu nda Mama wo tumi s1 k4ka
Christian n’enyi da h4 daa M’as1mpa
Nyan me o, me Nyame e! Meka wo ho na mma nsuro
PANF 131 Ao k4, k4di nkonim
PANF 1158, Eunice Addison
Yesu hw1 m’ wo nan ase 218
Wo mogya nko na ebetumi BER a wi da do yi, mframa
agye m’
rob4 yi
Wo na wonim m’ahiade
Wo mogya nko na ebetumi Ana mow4 biribi a medze b1ma
agye m’ Ewuradze?
Ber a Christ agye mo nkwa yi,
M’ahom aaka mo ho
O! O! minni hwee de reba
Gyidi na mede tetare wo Medze mo ho nyina b1ma No
O, mmeam’dua Nyame Aguammaa PANF 25
Wo mogya nko na ebetumi agye m’
PANF 557

219 224
EGUAMBAA N’a wokum no n’ ME mpokyer1 nyina ebubu(4)
Eguambaa N’ a wokum no n’ Mehu m’Agyenkwa
Eguambaa N’ a wokum no n’ M’Agyenkwa nwanwanyi,
$fata $som me bo
Hom nyi N’ay1w, Alleluia (3) Me mpokyer1 nyina ebubu
Hom nyi N’ay1w PANF 132
220 MENYA ny1nko, ny1nko a
O MO Wura, meda Wo ase (2) $mmpa da
O dza ay1 ama m’ 4d44 so’ Menya mo ho, sunsum mu
Medze ay1yi af4r mede br1 Wo ahonya
PAN F37, Eunice Addison Meny1 akoa mma b4n bio
Na osiand1 Christ ahor me.
221 PANF 138
KR$NKR$N! kr4nkr4n!
kr4nkr4n! 226
D4m Ewradze Nyankop4n Y!DZE ay1yi ndwom ara, (2)
Wo na Sor ab4fo nyinaa kotow Y1dze ay1yi ndwom b1ka
Wo, 4tamfo egu daadze
Wo na ahotsewfo nyinaa kotow PANF 142
PANF 58 227
D!W d1w ahy1 m’akoma ma (2)
222 M’Agyenkwa b1n me aber nyinaa
METSE Ne nka m’akoma mu (3) D1m ntsi na d1w ahy1
Metse ne nka aber nyina m’akoma ma
PANF 122 PANF 147

223 228
MBEAMUDUA n’ ase, m’b4k4 h4 DZI d1w, 4kofo dzi d1w,
Mbeamudua n’ase m’b4k4 h4 Dzi d1w, mma nnsan w’akyir
Mbr1 Jesus bowui gyee me K4 w’enyim na konyim no reba
nkwa Dzi d1w, 4kofo, dzi d1w.
Mbeamudua n’ase m’b4k4 h4 PANF 175
PANF 125

229 Menye Me nkor4fo b1tsena
akoma mu (2)
PANF 192, Eunice Addison
Wo na adom ahy1 Wo ma;
Twereduamp4n, y1dan Wo
Akwan nyinaa mu.
PANF 576 ABRAHAM, Sarah, w4de ba
b44 h4n anohoba
$y11 h4 nwanwa, wonnhu dza
230 w4nka;
1. HY! dzen na mma nsuro
Wonyin d1 dza Nyame aka
Hy1 dzen wo Jesus mu,
Wo Nyame a esom no daa n’ biara $botum ay1
$no na $b1gye wo. (2) Na nd1 so Nyame tum no, 4tse
2. K4 han na mma nnsuro Na nd1 so Nyame no tum no,
K4 kan w4 Jesus mu,
4tse d1mara
Wo Nyame a esom no daa
Dza nkor4fo b1ka biara, 4mmfa
daa n’
$no na $b1gye wo. (2)
Wonyim d1 dza Nyame aka
3. Hom do na mma nsuro biara, $botum ay1
Hom do w4 Jesus mu, Na nd1 so Nyame tum no, 4tse
Wo Nyame a egye N’dzi d1mara.
daa daa n’ PANF 202
$no na $betsie w’ su
4. Twer no na mma nnsuro
Twer No w4 Jesus mu Y!NAM kwan no mu, nokwar
Wo Nyame a egye N’dzi kwan no omu
daa daa n’ Y1rennsan h1n ekyir ara da
$no na $b1gye wo. Yesi nkrum mpo ara a Jesus
PANF 181 ka h1n ho
Y1nam nokwar kwan no mu
231 PANF 213
TSENA M’as1m mu, fa wo ho
ma M
N’ENYIMNYAM b1hyer1n h1n
M’b1y1 wo dehye M’b1y1 wo
Daa nyinaa, beebiara (2)
Ahyemu dadaw n’k4, ahyemu PANF 214
forfor aba;

235 240
$NNSO Nyame y1, 4nnso NA w4awo $ba ama y1n;
Nyame y1 W4ama y1n $ba banin
$nnso Nyame y1; s1 egyedzi Na w4awo $ba ama y1n;
dza N’ahenni b1da Ne mmati so,
PANF 217 Na w4b1fr1 Ne din;
$pamfo nwonwani, Onyame
236 Katakyi
W’ADWUMA yi ho asodi da $domankoma Agya, Asomdwoe
me so Hene
Awurade ma me ho aho4den (x2) $domankoma Agya, Asomdwoe
Woabu me bi na W’afr1 me Hene
aba wo twa adwuma yi mu. PAN F 234
Nyame Aguamma, $boafo pa
Ka me ho aber1 nyinaa. 241
JESUS B4gya repram (2)
237 Jesus b4gya repram b4n do
$TSE ase, Oenyan efi ewufo m’ $refa wiadze ndomum ak1ma
$aso1r d1 mbr1 $kaa n’ Jesus
W4nka N’ekyir ns1mpa Jesus b4gya edzi nyim
$ama h1n nkwa a no tun PAN F 271, Eunice Addison
runntwa da
Alleluia! $tse ase. 242
PANF 244 B$GYA a ofi Ne mfe m’
$dze nkwa abr1 me nye wo
238 Agyenkwa b4gya a ofi Ne
O B$GYA, b4gya kr4nkr4n mfem’ repem
O b4gya, b4gya dehye $dze nkwa abr1 me nye wo.
O b4gya, na $agye me nkwa PAN F 278, Eunice Addison
Enyimnyam nka Nyame
Eguamba 243
PANF 260 Kwasida, mew4 anigye,
Dwowda, d1w ahy1 me ma
239 Benada mew4 asomdwoe
S1 y1tsew t4 No b4gyaa no mua bribiara ntumi ns1e no;
$b4hor h1n ho fi nyina Wukuda 1ne Yawda,
Enyimnyam nka Eguambaa a menantew w4 hann mu;
$ay1 adze nyina yie Fida soro aba fam;
PAN F 261, Eunice Addison Memeneda, animtew da

Chorus Mesi no pi w4 m’akoma mu
Anuonyam, anuonyam, M’bodu me fie, da bi
3. M’b4hu N’enyim, m’b4hu
Anuonyam, nka Oguamba n’
O Hallelu Ya! Manya nkwa.
M’b4hu N’enyim, da bi
M’ani gye s1 manya nkwa
Mesi no pi w4 m’akoma mu
Anuonyam, anuonyam,
M’b4hu N’enyim, da bi
Anuonyam, nka Oguamba n’ 4. M’b4soa ahenky1w, M’b4soa
O Hallelu Ya! Manya nkwa. ahenky1w,
Merek4 soro fie M’b4soa ahenky1w, da bi
On Sunday I am happy Mesi no pi w4 m’akoma mu
PANT Hymn 238 M’b4soa ahenky1w, da bi
5. Morok4 ak4hom, Morok4
244 ak4hom
$BAE begyee m’ nkwa Morok4 ak4hom da bi
$bae besaa m’yar Mesi no pi w4 m’akoma mu
$bae dze no tum ab1hy1 m’ma Morok4 ak4hom da bi
Hom nyi N’ay1w, $resan aba PAN F 305
Ab1fa h1n ak4 afeb44 247
PAN F 286 FA WO nkwa b4 af4r ma
245 W’Agyenkwa refr1 wo nd1
Y!ROK$ kuro fofor no mu (2) Fa wo nkwa b4 af4r ma Nyame
Nyame ‘Guamba nye h1n Seesei na tsie w’Ewuradze
kwankyer1fo N’aba no nyinaara aber
Odze h1n bodu kurow no mu. Apaafo nyina apetse;
PAN F 287 Fa wo nkwa b4 af4r ma Nyame
W’Agyenkwa refr1 wo nd1
PAN F 324
1. Obesi m’ yie, obesi m’ yie
Obesi m’ yie da bi
Mesi no pi w4 m’akoma mu S! $NNTSE d1m a, nky1
Obesi m’ yie da bi mennk1ka (2)
M’Egya fie w4 tsenabea pii;
2. M’bodu me fie, m’bodu me S1 4nntse d1m a, nky1
fie mennk1ka
M’bodu me fie, da bi PAN F 330

249 252
W$MB$ dawur nkodu asaase Y!Y! mbeamudua n’ ho akofo
ano Y1reper d1 y1b1gye akra
W4nsan nk4hw1 Bible H4n a b4n dze h4n ato
W4mma frankaa n’do na mpokyer1 mu nyinaa
nokwar n’ reyew Christ b4gya n’ nye h1n akodze
W4nsan nk4hw1 Bible Nyame N’as1m nye hen
Wongina ndam m’mma akoky1m,
nokwar n’ Yedzi nyim w4 b4n, 4b4nsam
S1 $ko n’ y1 dzen mpo a, nye wiadze do
Mma w4mmpem adze mmfi O konyimdzi, O Alleluia!
nokwar no ho Y1b4twe akra ama h1n sor Hen
As1m nwanwa, enyimnyam Bera Eguamba nye h1n
as1m; kwankyer1fo
W4nsan nk4hw1 Bible O! konyimdze w4 h4 ma h1n daa
PAN F 345 PANF 377

250 253
Y! m’ krado, $hen y1 m’ M’BEYI Jesus akyer1
krado Medze Jesus b1kasa
Y1 m’ krado na soma m’ (2) Medze Jesus b1hy1 m’akoma
W4 nkor4fo ruwu, h4n adan m’
r’bubu Na $akyer1kyer1 me daa
Hom afasu redwuriw, 4tamfo Alleluia! Y1b1ma No do!
afa h4n Alleluia! Y1beyi N’ay1w!
Y1 m’ krado no soma m’ Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
PAN F 368 Alleluia!
Alleluia! Y1b1ma No do!
251 PANF 380
KA me nko a nky1 meehu Wo
yie 254
Ka me nko a nky1 meehu Wo OEBUBU mo mpokyer1 m’
yie $ama mafa mo ho edzi
Na maad4 wo, na maasom wo Fahodzi nye enyigye,
Medze moho nyina ama wo $ama menya n’ w4 Wo mu
PAN F 370 Fahodzi fi nkowaasom m’
Fi adzesoa durdur mu
Menny1 abonsam akowaa bio
Mey1 Nyame ne ba

Mey1 Wodze, me Wura Jesus Wotu d1 ak4r, w4nantsew
Daa daa nyina ‘ra mey1 Wodze aw4mmbr1 da
M’akoma rotow ndwom d1, Nyew, Osee me d1 montwe4n
Enyimnyamnka Eguambaa n’ N’enyim
PAN F 389 PAN F 452 Eunice Addison

255 258
AHEN mu Hen na $reba AS$R Wura, Nyame
n’ampa Y1ser1 W’b4hw1 Wo mba
No tum k1se n’ b4wosow Tsie h1n ebisadze yi
wiadze nyina Na ma W’as4r ngyina.
Ewufo b4so1r nye atseasefo PAN F 454
B4b4 m’ ekehyia No w4 wimu 259
h4 1. Monto dwom pa mma
M’b1ka ho, Alleluia! M’b1ka ho agyenkwa, 4ne Yehowa!
bi monna n’ase, munyi n’ ay1
No b4gyaa ntsi mo nso m’b1ka ho w4 mmaa nyinaa!
Ndzeb4ny1fo runntum nnhw1 !s1 Kristo gyidifo s1 w4ma
N’enyim hy1nky1n n’ ne din no so
Ahotsewfo nye No b1tsena Monna n’ ase, munyi n’ay1,
afeb44 munhyira no daa!
PAN F 423
2. Kristo manfo ne ne
256 mpamfo ho ka w4n ho p1;
na w4n yiye ne asomdwee
EWURADZE bue m’enyiwa ma
y1 w4n wura f1
munhu W’ (2) $d4 ne mmofra papa,
Wo mu na nkwa w4, Wo mu na wohu amne a
na tum w4 $boa w4n ma w4tra komm
Ewuradze, bue m’enyiwa ma hy1 no anunyam
munhu W’
PAN F 423 3. S1 atamfo atrosomfo d44so
pii nso a,
257 Iesu mmofra bo rentu da,
w4de f1w k4 sa;
NYEW, $see me d1 montwe4n
Wokura anyames1m na
NYEW, $see me d1 montwe4n
w4b4 mpae dennen;
H4n a w4twe4n Ewuradze nya
Saa nkrant1 ne akode na
aho4dzen fofor
w4de yi d4m

4. Israelfo, Nyame nkr4fo! Na merey1 mawu a;
momma mo ani nnye Mesr1 s1: hw1 me kra,
S1 mo y1fo ne mo gyefo Kyekye me wer1 p1,
hw1 mo so yiye Na gye me bra wo nky1n!
Mo a moy1 Sion mma, Me Nyame, kae me 1!
momma mo ani nka
5. Onyame, kae me p1!
S1 mo hene anya tumi
$kae me y1 me yiye,
4soro ne fam!
Kyekye me wer1,
Twi Nnwom 15
Enti nso m1da n’ase,
260 Na merensuro hwee,
Me ho nhia me,
1. Onyame kae me 1! Onyame hw1 daa
Kae me ma 1ny1 yiye! $kae me yiye p1,
Dom br1 w’ani ase Twi Nnwom 195
Fa w’ahumm4b4 hw1 me!
Minnim 4gyefo bi 261
S1 wo nkutoo kor1
1. Yesu, wo nky1n na m1tra
Misu mefr1 wo s1:
Daa na m1som wo nkutoo!
Me Nyame ka1 me 1!
Ade biara rempam me:
2. Onyame, kae me 1! M1fa wo kwan pa no so
Nanso, nkae me b4ne Wone me nkwa mu nkwa no
!no ho de, wode wo ba Me kra mu anuoyam,
koro ama me S1nea bobe ma ne baa nkwa
S1 4mfa ne mogya S1 woy1 ma me nso nen.
mm1pata mma nnipa
2. Hene na 4y1 me yiye
Ne nti na mesr1 wo s1
Sen wo a wodom me daa?
Me Nyame, kae me 1!
Dom nnepa bebree w4 wo mu
3. Onyame, kae me 1! Ma me a midi hia
Yi me m’awer1how mu! Hena na 4ma me wer1
Hw1 me ne me fi so Kyekye sen wo, me wura a
Fa wo nhyira gu me so! W4de soro ne asase tumi
Ma wo honhom kronkron ahy1 wo nsa?
Nni me so yie
3. !he na mehu saa wura a
Na ma 4nhy1 me den;
Way1 nea Yesu y1e?
Me Nyame, kae me 1!
$de ne mogya at4 me
4. Onyame, kae me 1! W4 owu ne b4ne mu
Kae me m’ amahenunum! Menny1 nea 4de ne nkwa
S1 nnipa gyaw me mu Ama ‘wu no de ana?

So minnsua mennkyer1 no 3. B4ne ama y1atew y1n ho
S1 medi n’akyi ara? Afi y1n agya Nyame ho;
Enti yenni ne nkwa bio
4. Anigye mu ne amanem
Owu nko na 1da y1n h4
M1tra wo nky1n ara:
Mede me honhom, me honam 4. Na gyidifo de, wonnsuro,
Ne me kra mehy1 wo nsa Na w4anya nkwa foforo
Nea wop1 no na m1y1 S1 Yesu hann tew y1n mu a,
Wofr1 me fi ha, a m1k4; yehu no s1 y1n daa nkwa.
S1 mebata wo ho daa a,
5. Na s1 obi mp1 no a,
Wu po reny1 me wu-na
Onii no b1tra sum mu daa
5. Ka me ho ewi yi ase! na da a awufo nyinaa
Na s1 me da y1 adu Benyan no, 4rennya nkwa.
Na s1 ade y1 asa me
Na owu sum adur’ a: 6. Me gyefo pa, mesr1 wo s1;
!nna tee wo nsa gu me so Ma wo dom fr1 nnyan me n1!
Hyira me na se me s1: Wo hann b1tew me mu ampa,
“Me ba, wo famtra ahi ni Na mab1y1 wo hann no ba!
Na bra b1tra nkwa pam’!” 7. B1hran me konona kusuum
6. S1 owu reyi me hu a, Na pam owu ne b4ne sum
Owura Yesu, ka me ho S1 wiase p1 sum no a
Y1 me hann owu bon sum mu, Me de, m1nante hann mu
Na ma daa ade nkye me daa
M’ani so rey1 kusuu a,
8. !nna, miwu a, m1y1 konim,
B1hyer1n ma me honhom;
Yesu b1ka m’ani agum,
Na mafi ha mako honom
Na matetew m’ani bio
S1 4h4ho k4 ne krom.
Twi Nnwom 176 Mahw1 n’anim ne hann mu h4
Twi Nnwom 44
262 263
1. Y1n nnipa mma nky1 koraa; 1. Wo a me koma afe wo,
Y1sen rek4 s1 sunsuma,
M’agyenkwa no, wow4 he?
Y1n sunsuma reware a;,
Iesu, woafa me 4y4nko,
Yehu mu s1 ade resa
Na afei woafa he?
2. Ampa, y1aba amm1ky1wa
2. Me kra ay1 haahaahaa s1
!d1n nti na ay1 saa?
Rep1 wo, me d4fo pa
Efi onipa asehwem;
Nyame ne nnipa atetem. B4ne ama maber1 s1
Enti bra begye me nkwa!

3. Mede mm4br4 nne m1fr1 wo 265
Yesu, he po na wok4?
1. Nkwa abodoo, Yesu ne
Hwee remma minnya ahot4
nkwa abodoo no
Akosi s1 mehu wo.
Nkwa abodoo no
4. S1 minya ‘nomaa ntaban 1, Nkwa abodoo, Yesu ne
Anka nn1 m1tu mak4 nkwa abodoo no
Mak4hwehw1 wim ne soro Nkwa abodoo no
Mahu nea Iesu w4. Obiara a 4bedi no 4k4m
renne no
5. Yesu na 4ma me bo t4, Obiara a 4b1nom no
Oyi me m’awer1howm; ‘suk4m renne no
Ne nko mu na minya ahot4,
$pam hu ne b4ne sum 2. Nkwa asuten, yesu y1
nkwa asuten no
6. Merenni nk4mm4 bribi ho Nkwa asuten no, (2)
De b1k4 akosi s1 Nea osuk4m de no no.
Yesu de ne ho b1ky1 me $mmra mm1non bi
Ama manya ahomeye Nea osuk4m de no no,
7. Damfo Yesu, ma minhu wo! $mmra mm1non bi.
Me kra reham hwehw1 wo, PANT 901
S1, nnyaw me nto bonen,
Dan b1hw1 me mm4bor4! 266
1. Me wer1 remfi
8. Ma minnya wo asomdwoe no,
Me wer1 remfi ara da
Mekot4 wo, Iesu, bra!
Adehyedi k1se yi,
Bra b1dom me, b1tena me mu
Yesu mogya at4 aky1 me;
Na behyira me dabaa!
Me wer1 remfi ara da.
Twi Nnwom 264
2. Me wer1 remfi
264 Me wer1 remfi ara da
Bedidi, bedidi S1 nkan n’mefom Agya n’ a,
Bedidi w4 Yesu pon so daa Yesu mogya ab1pata;
nyinaa Me wer1 remfi ara da
Nea 4y1n nnipa mpempem 3. Me wer1 remfi
$dan nsu no weyin; Me wer1 remfi ara da
Nea $k4m de no, 4fr1 n’ s1 S1 nkan n’mey11 akoa mpo a,
ommedidi Yesu mogya ay1 m’4dehye;
PANT 900 Me wer1 remfi ara da.

4. Me wer1 remfi 270
Me wer1 remfi ara da
S1 nkan n’ midii f4 mpo a, Nnwom bi a y1b1to w4 soro h4 a!
Yesu mogya abu me bem; Nnwom bi a y1b1to w4 soro h4!
Me wer1 remfi ara da Ber1 a y1behu Jesus anim ne
PANT 902 anim
Na y1ad4m sor’ adwontofo n’
w4 sor h4 a!
267 Nnwom bi a y1b1to w4 soro h4 a!
Dibi na nom bi; Mene abodoo no, Anuonyam a ahotewfo n’ benya
Dibi na nom bi; Mene abodoo no Ao, anuonyam, anuonyam
Dibi na nom bi; Mene abodoo no anuonyam
Munni bi na mobenya nkwa. Nnwom bi a y1b1to w4 soro h4 a!
PANT 904
268 Kans1 wiase yi nyinaara y1 me
1. $Y! nkwafo, ade biara nso de
no y1 Na menni Awurade a, menns1
$y1 nokwafo, ade biara nso hwee (2)
no y1 S1 apuei ne at4e1 nyinaara y1
$y1 nokwafo, ade biara nso me de
no y1 Na me din nni nkwa nwoma
$betumi ay1 ama me o no mu a
$betumi ay1, $betumi ay1 Kans1 wiase nyinaara y1 me de
$betumi ay1 ama me o Na menni Awurade a menns1
$betumi ay1 hwee
2. Nso Nyame y1
3. Way1 ama me awie Menim s1 Awurade bebue
PANT 384 kwan bi ama m’
S1 meb4 bra pa a 1ho te a,
269 Yi b4ne akwa, na mey1 papa a,
$NO n’ ewiase w4 Ne nsam, Menin s1 Awurade bebue kwan
$no n’ ewiase w4 Ne nsam, bi ama m’
$no n’ ewiase w4 Ne nsam,
$no n’ ewiase w4 Ne nsam, 273
PANT 404 O! tie Jesus ne nne a, !de
ns1mpa rebr1 wo
O! tie Jesus ne nne a, !nam
ab4fo so

Ma akoma a ahaw asomdwoe Me kra, hyira Ewuradze
Ma awer1ho kra anigye
O! tie nne a efiri sor’
Me kra, hyira Ewuradze (2)
Jesus b1san wo ho.
Me kra, hyira Ewuradze (2)
PAN F 73
Kasa, $hene kasa 278
Ma nsu no ny1 komm w4
MEGYE Nyame edzi
Megyaa b4ne y1
Kasa, $hene kasa
May1 Nyame ne ba
Ma nsu no ny1 komm w4
Mow4 nkwa a onnyi ewiei
N’as1m, N’as1m
Awer1ho nyinaa m’
N’as1m tse mo mu
Ahokyer1 nyinaa m’
N’as1m tse mo mu
Kasa ma nsu no ny1 komm (2) 6. nua
Ntsi mo d4 mo
PAN F 459, Eunice Addison
DZI kan ma yendzi W’ekyir 279
JESUS, wokum N’ maa me
Dzi kan ma yendzi W’ekyir;
W4 Calvary
S1 4kwan no mu y1 sum d1n
Wodze nso1ky1w soaa No
ara a
Wo na’y1 kandzea a ‘rehyer1n. W4 Calvary
PAN F 459, Eunice Addison H4 nna Owuu ahomtsew wu;
H4 nna wobuee Ne mfem;
Ma b4gya nsu fii pemee
276 W4 Calvary
MENYA nhyira, nhyira a 4bor
RH 177, PANF 480
Mow4 Nyame a 4tse akoma m’
$y1 Pentekost w4 me kra mu 280
$y1 ogya a 4tamfo no suro. 1. SUNSUM Kr4nkr4n bra (2)
PAN F 569 Sunsum Kr4nkr4n bra
Ao, fa d1w bra, Alleluia!
277 Sunsum Kr4nkr4n bra.
ME KRA, hyira Ewuradze 2. S1 Ammba a, y1aba no gyan
Na dza 4w4 wo mu nyinara S1 Ammba a, y1aba no gyan
Nhyira Ne dzin kr4nkr4n no. S1 Ammba a, y1aba no gyan
Ao, fa d1w bra, Alleluia!
Sunsum Kr4nkr4n bra.

3. Y1rotwe4n W’y1ay1 as4r 283
Y1rotwe4n W’y1ay1 as4r
Ao, fa d1w bra, Alleluia!
Sunsum Kr4nkr4n bra.
W4 ahengua n’ enyim
4. Y1rotwe4n Wo tum no Eguamba n’ dze b4gya dehye
Y1rotwe4n Wo tum no b4t4 aky1 m’
Ao, fa d1w bra, Alleluia! Ama me so maasoa nkwa
Sunsum Kr4nkr4n bra. ahenky1w
PANF 519
5. Y1rotwe4n W’enyimnyam
Y1rotwe4n W’enyimnyam
Ao, fa d1w bra, Alleluia!
Sunsum Kr4nkr4n bra. ASAASE mba m’nyinaa
PANF 486 ho4f1wfo Ey1 dansewa ma
Wo mu na emudzi kr4nkr4n w4
281 Calvary $barimba nwanwanyi
MO HO d4 ntsi na Jesus baa Calvary $barimba no
wiadze Oedzi m’akoma do nyim
D1 m’Agyenkwa; Owui maa m’ fahodzi
Mo ho d4 ntsi na Jesus bowui Calvary Osiarfo no
w4 dua no do; RH 699, PANF 527
Mo ho d4 ntsi na $dze m’ rok4
N’enyimnyam mu 285
Dabi m’bohu No d4 bun nyina 1. HW! Nyimpa b1n nye Oyi
D1 mbr1 4tse a ogyina
Nyame na nyimpa ntam?
282 N’enyiwa tse d1 Ogyaframa
$S! ayeyi, Agya Nayme s1 Ne papaa dze Ne nsamu
ayeyi, John hun N’ w4 sor esuon
Agya Nyame ade a Way1 no mu
$s1 ayeyi oo, D1 ewia ne hyer1n dzendzen
Ayeyi s1 No, momfa mma N’, Hw1 Nyimpa b1n nye Oyi?
$s1 ayeyi oo, Onyimpa b1n nye $no?
Agya Nyame ade a Way1 $no nye Enyimnyam Hen no
$s1 ayeyi oo, momfa mma N’, Mara nye Mara no
Nnaase s1 No, momfa mma N’ $y1 Alpha nye Omega
Nhyira s1 No, momfa mma N’ Ahy1ase nye ewiei
Ntrontron s1 No, momfa mma N’ Ne dzin nye $domankoma
PANT 348 Egya
Mbersantsen nyinara
2. Hw1, Nyimpab1n na 2. $nye Silas k4r efiadze,
$rekasa kyer1 Siand1 w4som Christ, h4n
Basia n’ nsubura n’ do h4 n’ Hen
“Mb1ma wo nkwa a onnyi Naaso Enyimnyam ka h4n ho
ewiei, 4sombo ‘Nafa n’ h4n beenu toow
Ky1n dza nyimpa b1ma ndwom
Na obiara a 4bnom nsu yi Fiadehw1fo tsee h4n
bi no ndwom no
$b1tsena h4 daa nyina. Ohun d1 dan n’ rowosow
Hw1 Nyimpa b1n nye Oyi? Ohun d1 w4y1 Apost4lekfo
Onyimpa b1n nye $no? No so y11 Apost4leknyi
3. Hw1, nyimp b1n nyi Oyi a 3. $rok4 Rome ekedzi dase
$kasa ayarfo ho? Ama n’ Ewuradze no,
$se, “W4dze w’b4n aky1 w’ Ehum tuu k1se w4 po do
Fa wo k1t1, nantsew” Paul nko na 4dwedwee h4n;
Ogina h4 nd1 d1 ‘yarsafo H1n mu panyin huu ne
Na $tse1m, d1 “Hom nhw1 Me” ndam no
Hw1 Nyimpa b1n nye Oyi? Bera hon akom etutu n’
Onyimpa b1n nye $no? 4p11 d1 nky1 no so b1y1
PANF 527 Jewnyi Apost4leknyi
4. Mfe pii ab1sen naaso
286 Yehu h4n, kuw nkakraba n’
1. BER a Apost4lek hy11 ase S1 nkor4fo b4 h4n adapaa
W4 tsetse nda no mu no, mpo a
Saul fi Tarsus suaa H4n nyina y1 kor gyina h4
dzendzenndzen S1 wo so betsie h4n
D1 4b1s11 as4r yi amandze1
Na Damascus na w4somaa N’ Dadaa, naaso fofor no a
D1 4nk4s11 edwuma no Wo so b1tse Christ mu
$rok4 n’ Agenkwa n’ hyiaa no ns1m n’
Y11 no Apost4leknyi Na ay1 Apost4leknyi
Ntsi y1b1fa Christ Ne PANF 538
Apost4lek nokwarfo 287
S1 wo so gye Christ
AHY! Ma, m’akoma ahy1 ma
ns1mpa n’ dzi a
M’akoma ahy1 ma
Ebey1 Apost4leknyi
Ngo, Nyame Ne ngo
$dze ngo forfor asra m’ (2)
Eunice Addison
PANF 559
1. Ab4ne’ mommra $tease no h4
$no ara ne Jesus
Nea 4nyan okunafo ba no
$no ara ne Jesus
$no ara ne Jesus
Nwanwa 4dwumay1fo Jesus
Monhyira ne din
$te ass daa
$no ara ne Jesus
2. S1 wo bra y1 gyigya gyigya
$no ara ne Jesus
Nea 4ma apo asor4kye gyae
$no ara ne Jesus
3. Mommra ne nky1n
$no ne hann
$no ara ne Jesus
Nea 4ma amifuraefo hu ade
$no ara ne Jesus

Ab4e m ommra $tease no h4 135 135
Abraham, Sarah, w4dze ba b44 h4n anohaba 123
Adekyee f11f1, f11f1 119
Adom na w4de nam gyidi so 102
Ad4f9, afei na y1y1 102
Agya pa bi refr1 wo s1 bra 102
Agye me tontom wo 81
Agyenkwa a 4d44 98
Agyenkwa Yesu wu maa me 103
Ahotewfo munhyira Awurade 80
Akwantu bi w4 ho a yebetu 114
Amanaman 4baatan pa 94
Amen, Amen, Blessing and Glory 53
Ana W’akoma p1 nhyira? 105
And can it be, that I should gain 32
Anka manya s1 mas1 Wo, 103
Anka nea mete no ware paa 112
Ao bra ma yendzi d1w 110
As4re yi ne fapem ne Jesus 85
Asodzi da mo do 111
Asofo Yehowa 83
Away far over Jordan 54
Awurade aman nyinaa 100
Awurade d4m so Safohene 80
Awurade ne me hw1fo, 87
Ayeyi na mede ma Nyame 103
Bedidi, bedidi 130
Ber a wi da do yi mframa rob4 yi 121
Ber a Apost4lek hy11 ase 134
B4 bra me kra do 81
B4gy a aofi Ne mfe m’ 124
B4gy, Jesus b4gya 126
Bra b1hw1 Jesus N’;aho4f1 119

Bue maso ma mente Was1m 82
Bura bi w4 h4 b4gya ma 113
Calvary na m’Agyenkwa wui 121
Daakye, daakye, daakye 120
D1n na memfa minyi w’ ay1 96
D1w, d1w ahy1 m’akoma ma 122
Da no b1y1 nkonim nkonimdida, 103
Daa Daa daa, 100
Daa nyinaa, Awurade 103
David sanku a 103
Din bi w4h4 a 1y1 de 98
D1n na memfa miniyi W’ay1 96
Dwen papa a $y1 ma wo n’ ho 106
Dzi d1w, 4kofo, dzi d1w 122
Dzi kan ma y1ndzi W’ekyir daa 135
Eguamba N’ wokum no n’ 122
Emmanuel Nyame ne y1n w4 h4 88
Ewuradze, W’as1m tsim, 109

!bere a merekyinkyin 4bra sare so 83

!y1 Yesu n’adom are kwa 90
Fa w’akwan hy1 87
Fa Wo nkwa ba af4r ma Nyame 125

Getsemane turo mu h4 115
Gu me kanea mu ngo mamenhyer1n daa: 84
Gya me k4 bep4 no atifi 80
Gyidi k1se ho b4hy1 no 93
Gyina me nky1n, me kra d4fo pa 93

Hena ne me Yehowa 92
Honhom kronkron me kra d4fo 80
Hwim me k4 soro 119
Hwie ma 1ny1 ma 92
Hw1 Nyimpa b1n nye Oyi 133
Hy1 dzen na mma nnsuro123 123
Jesus, Jesus 120
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus 106
Jesus b4gya nko na etumi 160
Jesus mogya nko na 106
Jesus mogya repram 105
Jesus resiesie tenabea w4 Sor’ 105
Jesus, wokum N’maa me
Ka me nko nky1 meehu Wo oyie1 129
Kanea a y1de hw1 h1n kwan 130
Kans1 wiase yi nyinaara y1 me de 134
Kasa ma y1nte wo nne 80
Kasa $hene, kasa 134
Ken a a y1dze hw1 h1n kwan mu 109
Kenyan W’eduma yi, 111
Ko gyidi ko pa; 86
Kyere1 y1n W’anuonyam, 94
Kr4nkr4n, kr4nkr4n, kr4nkr4n
Kwasida, mew4 anigye
M!TO Awurade ho dwom 111
M!TO DWOM mama 97
M!Y! nea m1tumi 90
M1d4 wo O Kristo 81
M1k4 bep4w no so 85
M1y1 d1n na makamfo Wo m’Agya e? 84
Ma Elijah atade no ngu me so; 92
Ma Honhom kronkron mu ogya no mmra 113

Ma meny1 s1nea tetefo no y11e 94
Ma y1n nsu no bi 85
M’agyen Yesu ame 91
Maho4den ne no, 95
Mahu Yesu, Yosef ba no, 103 b4 s1 medi 90
Makoma ahy1 ma, ahy1 89
Manya y4nko Jesus mu; 86
Masomdwoe apam w4 h4 ma w4n a 104
Mbr1 Jesus Ne dzin dua 108
Mbr1 metse yi ara minnyi hwee ka 08
Me br1 reny1 kwa, 88
Me honhom, kra ne me honam 82
Me hye hamaafa nea eye am me 89
Me ne No bedi dew daa 88
Me ne Nyame b1k4 awie1 91
Me Wura, m’ Agyenkwa 96
Mede 4hyewb4 gya ne 85
Medi Wo din ho adanseakyer1 aman 91
Menya ngyirama apem 107
Merehwehw1 wo 81
Merensesa me Nyame da: 85
Merepem so k4; 84
Meresiesie nnipa bi ama w4n tumi 94
Mew4 Nyame Otumfo w4 m’anim 86
Mey1 honam ne mogaya na 90
Mey1 Oyame mey1 Onyame, 88
Meyi Jesus m’akyer1 84
Migyina Calvary bep4 so 80
Menim s1 mogya no, 88
Mogya n’ atueemuk4 kwan ama y1n nso 112
Momma y1nkamfo Yehowa 83
Momma yenni y1n Nyankop4n akyi; 85
Monhw1 nnomaa a wakyin w4 wim 87
Monkeka s1 Yesu ye 84
Monna Nyame ase daa 24
Monto dwom d1d1 nyi 101
Mrotw14n ne mbae no 104

Na w4awo $ba ama y1n 127
Na w4too Onyankop4n akoa Mose dwom 123
Nea owui W4 Calvary Sunsum no 85
N’Enyinyam b1hyer1n h1n do 126
Nea 4ma sukooko fifir 83
Nea Owui w4 Calvary 86
Nea W’ay1 ama me, $s1 ayeyi 103
Nkonimdi1 Nkonimdi1, mgya dehye 105
Nkwa abodoo, Yesu ne nkwa abodoo no 133
Nnipa nyinaa besi d1n ate ns1mpa yi? 104
Nnsuro na gye Me di 87
Nnwom bi a y1b1to w4 soro h4 a 134
Nyame a tete nna no mu 94
Nyame a woy1 $baatan pa 81
Nyame ahy1 b4 s1 107
Nyame ayi Ne d4 adi 119
Nyame d4 ne mma 120
Nyame ne y1n w4 h4 120
Nyame ye, O Nyame ye da 120
Nyew, $see me d1 montwe4n 130
Nyame a tete nna no mu, 94
Nyame ahy1 b4 s1 106
Nyame ne y1n w4 h4 112
Nyame teasefo Sunsum, gu me so foforo; 93
Nyankop4n w4 y1n mu 100
Obesi m’yie, obesi m’yie 128
O B4gya, b4gya kr4nkr4n 127
Oebubu mo mpokyer1 129
O hwie ngo fofor’ gu me kra mu 121
Okristoni ma wani nna Onyame 85
O Israel Yakob Nyame 6
O Yesu d4fo pa 115 118
Oguammaa, Nyame 96
Oguammaa s1 ay1yi 115
Onyankop4n asafo mma 98
Onyankop4n Kronkron 104
Otwa adwuma no so 91

Owus4re; frankaa rehim 102
Oagye m’ mbordo ara 105
Obrefo, fa no ho ma Nyam 91
$d4fo a woada, 116
$fr1 a w’afr1 y1n no y1 89
Oko k1se no ab4 adze 108
Okwan deduw no mu 100
$ky1n ade nyinaa 88
$agy m’mbordo m’nkwa 82
$b1n me ky1n m’adamfo 120
$br1fo a woada, $d4fo a wada 119
$man Ghana ba 101
$nnso Nyame, y1 126
$remmpa me da 95
$nnso Nyame, y1 126
$y1 anidaso4 a 5nhy1 aniwuo 80
$fr1 a wafr1 y1n no y1 88
$ko k1se no ab4 adze 109
$kwan dedaw no mu 100
$tse ase, Oenyan efi ewufo m’ 136
$s1 ayeyi, Agya Nyame s1 ayeyi 136
$sor nsanku reb4 ayeyi 122
$w4 mu s1 4kamafo 86
$remmpa me da 95
$ky1n w4n nyinaa 83
$man Ghana ba 101
$rempa me da, 96
$w4 mu s1 $kamafo4; 87
$y1 anidaso4 a 4nhy1 oniwuo 81
$y1 y4nko nokwafo 85
Pentecost da no mu no 91
S! WIASE mu b4n’ ne mmonsam tumi, 93
S1 4ko no mu y1 den d1n ara a 86
S1 w4amfi nsu ne 85
S1 wob1som Nyame yiye a, 92
S1nea daakye bi 102
Serew, me nua serew 84
S1nea daakye bi 103
S1 4ko no mu y1 den ara a 85
S1 4nntse d1m a nky1 128
Se wiase mu b4n’ ne 93
S1 n’, s1e n’, s1e n’ Onyame 124
S4 me nsa na gye m’taataa 80
Soro aburuburo san bra me kra mu bio 93
Sra me, sra me, sra me 92
Sum nni h4 bio 121
Susum Kr4nkr4n 135
Sunsum, Kr4nkr4n, bra h1n ‘komam’, 109
Tete mmer1 mu gya no 1red1w 80
Tsena M’as1m mu, fa wo ho ma M’ 126
Twe me bn Wo, nhyirafo Nyame 93
W4n a w4tw1n Yehowa nya aho4den foforo 93
W4 Kalvary bep4w no so 113
W4awo m’4ba 105
Wakoma te1 118
Wahenni y1 daa ‘henni 112
Wafa manimguase de k4 asennua no so 111
Wama me nso mas1 nn1 112
W’as1m so na m’ani da 103
W’asafo ti ne wo, y1n Yesu 99
Way1 ade nyinaa yiye 102
W’ayamye nti, 102
W’ayi me afiri d4te p4t44 no mu 105
Wiase amane d44so, 87
Wo a me koma afe wo 132
Wo nky1n ara, Nyame, 110
Wo nnwuma nyinaa da wo ase 81
Wo nsa ano adwuma 83
Wo p1, ny1 me p1 na 1ny1 102
Wonyi Nyame Hen ay1w 107
Woso na Wo kr’4n 100
Wo ho 4k4m dze me kra 123
W4awo m’ $ba 106
Wiase amane d44so 86
Yebetumi ak4 ak4fa asaase no 106
Yebedi d1w bi da bi 106
Yehowa me botantim 88
Yesu d4 me 92
Y1 me ho nsenkyer1nne ma ensi me yiye 94
Y1b1s1 No, s1 Yesu Kristo 107
Y1rewu a nkyirimma 93
Y1 W’adwuma adesae reba 96
Y1 me ho ns1nkyer1nne 0 94
Y1 m’krado,$hen y1 m’krado 126
Y1de akoma koro yi N’ay1 83
Y1n tete botan ne Wo, 84
Y1as1e ne nwuma, 88
Y1b1s1 no, s1 Yesu Kristo 94
Y1dz Enyinyam ma Jesus 120
Y1de akoma koro yi N’ay1 83
Y1dz ayeyi ndwom ara 122
Y1rok4 kurow fofor no mu 125
Yebedi d1w bi da bi 106
Yehowa me botantim 88
Yesu d4 me, na 4de 92
Yesu, Kristo as4re 116
Yesu Kristo y1 agyenkwa, 115
Yesu ma memfa me ho 82
Yesu N’ayefore ne me, 91
Yesu ne nkwa botan no 104
Yesu nko na me ne no tu 82
Yesu wo ho y1 f1 s1 99
Yuda abusua kuo ma gyata noWadi nkonim 112


The spiritual growth of The Church of Pentecost and its spread

throughout the world is a fulfilment of God’s Covenant made with the
founders of the church at its beginning from 1931.

At the Sixth Extraordinary Council Meeting of the church held in

Koforidua in April, 1999, the General Council decided that church
members be taught these covenants (below) for them to know God’s
fulfilment of His side of the Covenants and what they must do to fulfil
their responsibilities in God’s plan for the church.


“It is not because of how few or many you are in membership but
according to my divine and eternal purpose and goodwill for my church”

1. That He God would raise a nation out of Africa that would be a

spearhead and light to the world, heralding the 2nd Coming of Christ
Jesus our Lord.

2. That the Gold Coast has been chosen to fulfil this eternal will and
purpose of God.

3. He God would accomplish this through a White Missionary from

Europe who would come to lead the group in future, and the group
which though many trials, tribulations, temptations and persecution
would be nurtured, protected and grow spiritually, numerically, would
become a great International Pentecostal Church which would send
out missionaries from the country, the Gold Coast to all part of
Africa and the world as a whole.

4. That it would make disciples for the coming Christ while He would
call out men according to his own choice from time to time.

5. That God would ensure that no weapon that is formed against the
church prospers, and every tongue that rises against it in judgement

shall be condemned. For this is the heritage of the servants of the
Lord, and their righteousness is of Him, saith the Lord.

6. That God would meet the church’s financial problem in season

and out of season for all other churches to acknowledge that His
divine presence, blessings and glory are with the church.

7. That He would pour abundant Spiritual Gifts on both men and


8. That God would from time to time prune and purge His Church-all
parasites, pests, personality cult, false doctrines, social and religious
evils, from the church to make her holy and radiant to portray His
divine presence, radiance, glory in it spiritual and physical
performances, in order to avoid both spiritual decline and apostasy.

NOTE: These aspect of the Covenant were confirmed in 1940,

during the Easter Convention at Winneba and re-confirmed in 1948
at the General Convention at Koforidua.


1. That the Church would know and understand His ways and obey
His voice and commandments and that the church would keep
itself holy, blameless and pure.

2. That the church is not to love and learn the things of the world nor
its ways, for His ways are different from the ways of the world.
Therefore it should not imitate worldliness or any form of Religious
Sects, organisations or Churches for He has chosen the Church to
be Holy, righteous, Faithful, Humble and Obedient; it should be a
different model and a peculiar people, to show forth His divine
virtues to angels.

3. That the church should not be covetous, money minded, selfish,

proud arrogant and stubborn in its ways.

4. That in order to have a pure disciplined holy church ( which can

stand the test of time) HOLINESS should become its watchword
throughout its entire life.
5. That the church should not owe any man, borrow or seek financial
aids, loans or grants from anywhere as God is its Eternal Riches,
Treasury and that He is able to sustain the church in all its needs.

6. That the gifts that would be given by God must be controlled so that
Satan would not use them to his advantage.

7. That the church should remember not to harbour sins, evil deeds
and evil people among its membership, but rebuke, discipline and
restore backsliders in the spirit of love, compassion and patience.
For if the church would hearken to His voice and obey His precepts,
it would be blessed among its peers.


1. Every first Wednesday of the month was set aside as Missionary
Day for prayers and offering for expansion of Missions work.

2. Every first Tuesday of the month was set aside for Women’s
Movement meeting to pray for the expansion and growth of the
Church, spiritually, financially and numerically, the slogan
“HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD” emanated from this effort to
fulfil terms of the covenant

3. Calling and elections to offices were subjected to confirmation

through divine intervention and general consensus of the people.

4. In preaching and teaching Christ was presented as Saviour and

emphasis was placed on salvation through Christ and the new birth.

5. The foursquare gospel - “He came to save me, He came to heal

me, He came to fill me with His spirit and He will come back and
take me with him to reign forever” - was the message.


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