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Hybrid Advances
journal homepage: www.journals.elsevier.com/hybrid-advances
Keywords: This study is to look at the welding procedures of tungsten inert gas (TIG) and metal inert gas (MIG). This study
Welding focuses on welding flaws with different types of welding joints for AISI-1020 mild steel when welding with
Welding defect tungsten inert gas (TIG) and metal inert gas (MIG). The effects of various process factors on weld mild steel were
Welding using various alloys
investigated. The primary process parameters were modified in this research, and the influence on impact
TIG and MID welding
Welding faults
strength and hardness was investigated using destructive tests (tensile test). In a tensile test, the yield stress,
elastic stress, breaking stress, and breaking force were all measured. Non-destructive (NDT) testing was also
carried out. The ultrasonic and liquid penetration tests were carried out without causing any damage. Addi
tionally, non-destructive testing (NDT) was done. The liquid penetration and ultrasonic tests were conducted
using non-destructive testing. A comparison of the two testing approaches also brought attention to the need of
outstanding weld quality. Fig. 12 shows the stresses in the tensile test for MIG welding, which are 204.793 N/
mm2 for yield, 27688 N/mm2 for elastic behavior, and 180 N/mm2 for breaking behavior. The welding link was
severed at 180 N/mm2 for MIG welding. The stresses for TIG welding are depicted in Fig. 13 as 313.633 N/mm2
(yield), 16506.2 N/mm2 (elastic), and 257.890 N/mm2 (breaking). The welding connection has failed at
257.890 N/mm2. Before welding, AISI-1020 mild steel had a breaking stress of 420 N/mm2. After welding, the
breaking stress was reduced and is now 257.890 N/mm2.
1. Introduction spots on the base metal surface are unstable [4]. As a result, the weld
bead will be flawed and inconsistent. When a trace quantity of an
Welding is one of the most essential processes in the manufacturing oxidizing gas, such as oxygen or carbon dioxide, is mixed with the
process. It is used to join metals by using metals or additives [1]. There shielding gas, arc stability improves and welding execution improves
are several welding processes available, such as laser welding, arc [5]. Ar–O2- or Ar–CO2–mixed gases are utilized for this type of tradi
welding, friction welding, tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, and metal tional metal inert gas (MIG) welding. Using these gases prevents
inert gas (MIG) welding [2]. The American Welding Society lists oxidation of the weld bead surface and an increase in the quantity of
frequent applications for welding as shipbuilding, infrastructure, pipe oxygen in the weld metal, both of which impair weld metal toughness
lines, mechanical structures, job shop fabrication, and repair work [3]. [6] (see Tables 1–5).
The two most prevalent gas-shielded arc welding processes are tungsten The manufacturing technique of welding uses coalescence to
inert gas (TIG) and metal inert gas (MIG) [2]. Metal joining is done using combine materials, often metals or thermoplastics [7]. A weld is created
the TIG and MIG welding methods in numerous industries. In compar by melting the work parts or adding filler metal to create a molten
ison to metal inert gas (MIG) welding using pure argon, tungsten inert substance that cools into a solid junction under pressure or heat. In
gas (TIG) welding produces weld beads with superior surfaces and fewer contrast, brazing and soldering have lower melting points between the
spatter (Ar). TIG welding has to be improved because of its slow speed work parts, allowing for the formation of a connection without the
and inadequate metal deposition. Although metal inert gas (MIG) melting of the work pieces [8]. Welding may be done with a variety of
welding is a very successful technology with high metal deposition rates, energy sources, such as gas flames, electric arcs, lasers, electric beams,
it still has to be improved in terms of quality, spatter production, bead friction, and ultrasound [3]. There are many different sorts of environ
surface oxidation, and weld metal hardness [3]. Pure argon shielding gas ments where welding may be done, including open air, underwater, and
is suitable for MIG welding because it produces more durable welds. The in space. Since the turn of the 20th century, welding technology has
Metal Inert Gas (MIG) arc is unstable in pure argon because the cathode improved fast as a result of the need for durable and affordable joining
Received 1 February 2023; Received in revised form 28 June 2023; Accepted 15 July 2023
Available online 24 July 2023
2773-207X/© 2023 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
S.R. Haque Hybrid Advances 3 (2023) 100066
Table 1 Table 5
Welding parameter for TIG welding. The AISI 1020 physical properties of mild steel are.
Welding Factors of Factors of Factors of Welding Physical Properties Metric
parameter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 position
Density 7.87 g/cc
Current (A) 130 150 160 Flat
Voltage (V) 18 23 24 Flat
Material 6 8 10 Flat continually improve the novel welding technique while learning more
thickness (mm)
about the qualities and characteristics of welds such as automatic sol
Welding speed 165 175 185 Flat
dering and tungsten inert gas welding [11]. Fig. 1 illustrated the TIG and
Stick out length 15 17 19 Flat MIG welding process.
Welding angle 70 ◦
75 ◦
80 ◦
Flat 2. Methodology
Shielding gas (L/ 8 10 12 –
Arc length 1.2 1.2 1.2 – 2.1. Research of methodology
Shielding Argon Argon Argon –
This thesis’ supporting data and ideas originated from a number of
academic sources, including MAG welding manuals, research journal
articles relevant to its purpose, previous investigations, the company’s
Table 2
welding principle booklet, and several websites [3]. Finally, in the
Welding parameter for MIG welding.
study’s second step, which entailed exploratory approach based on the
Welding Factors of Factors of Factors of Welding selected welding parameters, issue analysis, numerical optimization,
parameter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 position
and design and configuration were done [13].
Current (A) 120 140 164 Horizontal
Voltage (V) 16 21 22 Horizontal
2.2. Data collection method
Material 6 8 10 Horizontal
thickness (mm)
Welding speed 169 179 190 Horizontal The researcher utilized data collected from both primary and sec
(mm/min) ondary sources.
Stick out length 15 18 20 Horizontal
2.2.1. Primary data collection method
Welding angle 45◦ 40◦ 50◦ Horizontal
Shielding gas (L/ 8 10 12 – The new film was welded before the reworking process was carried
Min) out, and the primary data was acquired by direct observation by eye
Arc length 1.2 1.2 1.2 – inspection and employing liquid penetrants to identify welding faults
Shielding Argon Argon Argon –
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S.R. Haque Hybrid Advances 3 (2023) 100066
Fig. 5(a). ORION 115P red dye penetrant. (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of
this article.)
The penetrant substance ORION 115P Red Dye Penetrant in Fig. 5(a)
is sprayed over the welding area after the surface has been properly
cleaned and dried [22]. The penetrant is kept on the surface long enough
to give it the best chance to draw into or sleep into a flaw that shown in
Fig. 5(b). Application of penetrant.
Fig. 5(b).
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S.R. Haque Hybrid Advances 3 (2023) 100066
Fig. 9. Lack of penetration in MIG welding, echo indicating at a distance of 12 mm from the edge of the workpiece.
Fig. 10. TIG welded material with porosity and lack of penetration.
4.1. Liquid penetration test The ultrasonic test was carried out utilizing ultrasonic testing
equipment. The faults discovered by this test are displayed in Figs. 15
The liquid penetration test was completed. As illustrated in the and 16. The echo in Fig. 15 demonstrates a lack of penetration 12 mm
image above, this test aids in the detection of problems such as blow from the edge of the workpiece for a MIG welding specimen. The echo in
holes and a lack of penetration. The faults of TIG welding are greater Fig. 16 indicates a lack of penetration at 11 mm from the edge of the
than those of MIG welding in the figure above. workpiece for a TIG welding specimen. Figs. 15 and 16 show that TIG
welding is superior to MIG welding.
S.R. Haque Hybrid Advances 3 (2023) 100066
Fig. 11. Lack of penetration in TIG welding, echo indicating at a distance of 11 mm from the edge of the workpiece.
S.R. Haque Hybrid Advances 3 (2023) 100066
Fig. 15. Lack of penetration in MIG welding, echo indicating at a distance of 12 mm from the edge of the workpiece.
Fig. 16. Lack of penetration in TIG welding, echo indicating at a distance of 11 mm from the edge of the workpiece.
4.3. Tensile test parts to calculate the actual tensile load (KN), maximum tensile stress
(N/mm2), breaking load (KN), and breaking stress (N/mm2), and the
Tensile tests were performed on TIG and MIG welded mild metal results are shown in Figs. 15 and 16.
S.R. Haque Hybrid Advances 3 (2023) 100066
Fig. 18. Tensile test stress strain curve for TIG welding.
4.3.1. Tensile test for MIG welding of mild steel (AISI-1020) welding are 204.793 N/mm2 (yield), 27688 N/mm2 (elastic), and 180
N/mm2 (breaking), as illustrated in Fig. 12. For the MIG welding pro
Key Word Product Name cedure, the welding connection was broken at 180 N/mm2. The breaking
Test File Name MIG welding Method File Name Flat Bar Tensile Remake stress of AISI-1020 mild steel before welding was 420 N/mm2. The
Report Date 10-Oct-21 Test Date 10-Oct-21 breaking stress has been lowered after welding and is now 180 N/mm2.
Test Mode Single Test Type Tensile It might be because the specimen was quickly cooled with water, or it
Speed 5 mm/min Shape Plate
No of Batches: 1 Qty/Batch: 1
could be because the mechanical characteristics were altered when it
was sliced with a manual grinder. Fig. 13 shows the stresses for TIG
Name Thickness Width Gauge _Length
welding 313.633 N/mm2 (yield), 16506.2 N/mm2 (elastic), and
Unit mm mm Mm 257.890 N/mm2 (breaking). At 257.890 N/mm2, the welding connec
MIG1 8.0000 26.1000 120.0000
tion has failed. The breaking stress of AISI-1020 mild steel before
For MIG welding, the following data has been found from the tensile test. welding was 420 N/mm2. The breaking stress has been lowered after
Yield stress = 204.793 N/mm.2. welding and is 257.890 N/mm2. It might be because the specimen was
Elastic stress = 27688 N/mm.2. quickly cooled with water, which affected the mechanical characteris
Breaking stress = 180 N/mm.2. tics when it was chopped with a manual grinder.
Breaking force = 37709.3 KN.
All data has been shown in Fig. 17. 6. Conclusion
4.3.2. Tensile test for TIG welding of mild steel (AISI-1020) The welding of AISI-1020 mild steel comparable material by MIG
and TIG welding processes is done and examined in this research. To
Key Word Product Name
assure the identical material’s various flaws and mechanical depend
Test File Name TIG1.xtak Method File Name Flat Bar Tensile Remark ability [3]. Mechanical parameters like tensile strength and ultimate
Report Date 10-Oct-21 Test Date 10-Oct-21
strength were evaluated. By taking into account the tiny experimenta
Test Mode Single Test Type Tensile
Speed 5 mm/min Shape Plate tion values, this experiment produced a substantial outcome. TIG
No of Batches: 1 Qty/Batch: 1 welding is preferred for AISI-1020 because the welding joint generated
Name Thickness Width Gauge Length has higher tensile strength than MIG welding weld metal. The ultimate
strength and yield strength of AISI-1020 vary with welding location.
Unit mm mm mm
TIG1 8.0000 24.6000 120.0000
Increasing the voltage and current also increases the yield strength and
ultimate breaking strength. If we wish to raise the breaking stress of the
For TIG welding, the following data has been found from the tensile test. Yield welding joint in both the TIG and MIG welding processes, we can do so.
stress = 313.633 N/mm2 Elastic stress = 16506.2 N/mm.2.
The welded joint must be allowed to cool gently using air or sand after
Breaking stress = 257.890 N/mm.2.
Breaking force = 50.572 KN.
All data has been shown in Fig. 18.
Declaration of competing interest
5. Discussion
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
This research and work involved the welding of AISI-1020 mild steel interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
using the metal inert gas (MIG) and tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding the work reported in this paper.
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