Comparing Antibacterial Potential and Phytochemica
Comparing Antibacterial Potential and Phytochemica
Comparing Antibacterial Potential and Phytochemica
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Lab, Lab No. 14,Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur, Rajasthan- 302004
The present study was conducted to evaluate and compare the in-vitro bioactive potential of various
organic extracts of the root, stem and leaves of Urtica dioica and Urtica urens on growth of tested Gram
Positive (+ve) and Gram negative (–ve) bacteria.The present investigation also includes the comparative
chemical constituency of the crude extract of root, stem and leaves of both plants. The comparative
bioactive potential of Urtica dioica and Urtica urens was tested against both pathogenic and non-
pathogenic strains of bacteria that are Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis) and
Gram negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. Coli) conducted by using agar well diffusion method
.The Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs)-the lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that will
inhibit any visible growth of microbein chloroform and methanol extracts of root, stem and leaves of both
plants was determined using micro-well dilution method. For the phytochemical evaluation of plants
metabolites- ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phenols and proteins has been quantitatively estimated. The MIC
has been to be most effective in case of methanolic extract of root against both gram positive and gram
negative bacteria. Significant antimicrobial activity has been observed against gram negative bacteria E.
coli and both the gram positive bacteria testedexpressed by U. dioica comparatively more effective than
U. urens. Only a moderate amount of activity is exhibited against P. aeruginosa by both the plants. The
non-polar extracts were found to have comparatively higher bactericidal potential than the polar extracts.
The phytochemicals analysis suggested the presence of ascorbic acid, phenols and proteins to be found in
U. urens in significantly higher concentration than U. dioica. On the other hand, U. dioica has been found
to be more abundant in flavonoid concentration comparatively.
KEYWORDS: Antibacterial efficacy, Urtica dioica, Urtica Urens, Agar well diffusion assay,
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Phytochemicals constituency.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Lab, Lab No. 14,Department of
Botany, University of Rajasthan,Jaipur, Rajasthan- 302004
distilled water without pressing or crushing it to method.15 Following the provided protocol the
remove dirt and soil particles. Root, Stem and medium used for bacterial growth was Mueller
leaves of plant were separated, shade dried and Hinton Agar Medium. The agar media was melted
then powdered. The dried powder (200gm) was and cooled to 48-50ºC before pouring into plates.
then extracted using different solvents- Petroleum Plates were prepared by pouring 25 ml of freshly
ether, chloroform, acetone, methanol and water by prepared agar media in sterilized 100mm X 15
soxhlet extraction apparatus. The solvent extract mm plates. Plates were allowed to solidify.The
was prepared by dissolving 20 mg of powdered solidified agar plates were then inoculated
material sequentially in 100 ml solvent each. The aseptically with various bacterial strains
solvent was allowed to get evaporated at room suspensions. The terget bacterial strain
temperature spontaneouslyand the remaining dry suspensions were freshly prepared by diluting the
crude extract from each of the solvent was microbial culture to prepare a microbial
weighed and then diluted in 100% DMSO at a concentration of 108 CFU/ml. Wells of 3mm
concentration of 10 mg/ml. radius were prepared in the inoculated agar
plates.The analyte or the material under testing
Bacterial Strains (60 µl each well) was then introduced in the wells
The strains of bacteria against which the effective (6 mm) prepared. These plates were then kept
potential of various solvents of plant parts was under incubation at 37ºC for 24 hours. The
tested includes Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC antibacterial potential were measured in terms of
0087), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MTCC 4646), the diameter of the inhibition zone produced by
Bacillus subtilis (MTCC 0121), E. coli (MTCC the chemical composition of the analyte tested for
1652). These bacterial strains are collected from the potential activity in comparison to that of
S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. antibiotic, ciprofloxacin of concentration 10
These strains were maintained in sterile nutrient mg/ml taken as standard (40 µl each well). As the
agar (Himedia) slants and were stored at 4ºC until incubation period is over, the plates were analyzed
further use . for the inhibitory zones (ZI) measured in
millimeters (mm). The extracts of U. dioica and
Agar well diffusion assay U. urens exhibiting significant inhibitory effect on
In-vitro antibacterial efficacy of different plant microbial growth were shown in figure 1 below.
parts were tested using agar well diffusion
Figure 1
Illustration of zone of Inhibition (selected) exhibited by various organic extracts
R × D. F.× V × 100
Total Flavonoid Content =
Figure 2
Calibration curves of (a) Ascorbic acid (b) Quercetin (c) BSA (d)Caffeic acid
Figure 3
Graphs indicating comparative activity indices of U. dioica and U. urens exhibited by various organic
extracts of (a) Root, (b) Stem and (c) Leaves
The significantly higher amount of inhibitory U. dioica, spirit and water extract of stem and
activity has been exhibited by petroleum ether leaves chloroform extract of U. dioica exhibits
extract of root and leaf of U. dioica and stem of significant inhibitory activity against S. aureus
U. urens, chloroform extracts of root and leaves of (gram positive). The plant is found to be least
U. dioica, acetone extract of all the tested plant effective against P. aeruginosa, except the
parts of U. dioica and root of U. urens while all chloroform extract of stem and leaves of U. dioica
the leaf extracts of U. urens shows moderate plant shows moderate inhibitory activity against
effect against gram negative bacteria E. coli. the growth of P. aeruginosa. Pet ether extract of
Significant inhibition effect was also observed root, chloroform extract of stem and leaves,
from pet ether extract of root, stem and leaves of methanol extract of root, stem and leaves of U.
Figure 4
Comparative graphs of quantitative estimation of different plant parts of U. dioica and U. urens
(a)Ascorbic acid (b) Flavonoids (c) Protein (d) Phenols
Total Phenolic and Total Flavonoid Content extract i.e. 168.393±5.781 mg CAE/100gdw.
Both the total phenolic and flavonoid The range of concentration of flavonoid and
concentration of different parts of plant are shown phenols found in U. dioica is 22.522±3.515to
in table 3. The highest concentration of flavonoid 76.007±2.483 mg QE/100gdw and
has been reported from leaf extract i.e. 126.75±4.9321 to 168.393±5.781 mg
76.007±2.483 mg QE/100gdw while highest CAE/100gdw, respectively.
phenol concentration was reported from root
Table 3
Total flavonoid and total phenol concentration
bonds that help in keeping the structure of toxicity testing of the extracts showing significant
membrane rigid.35,36 It is a fact that gram positive bactericidal activity should be done before
bacteria are comparatively more susceptible to introducing them for usage to commercialize in
inhibition by the solvent extracts than their gram – the form of pharmaceutical medicine.
ve counterparts.In addition, our findings
suggested that the non-polar extracts like ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
petroleum ether and chloroform of U. dioica and
some polar and non-polar extracts of U. urens that The authors are thankful to Head, Department of
are showing good inhibitory effect on growth of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India for
providing laboratory facilities and the Senior
pathogenic bacteria may further be suggested as a
principal scientist, IHBT, CSIR Palampur for the
potential source of natural antimicrobial agent.
identification of the plant specimen.
The results obtained from the agar well diffusion STATEMENT
assay has established that the root, stem and
leaves of U. dioica plant display in-vitro Miss. Priyanka Rajput conceptualized and
antimicrobial potential to varying extent against gathered all the results and data by performing
various bacterial strains. The antimicrobial all the required experiments by her related to
potential was found better against gram positive
this work. Dr. R. A. Sharma provided
bacteria than towards gram negative ones. The
positive results of the anti-bacterial screening necessary inputs and guidance for the
contribute for the extraction of potent concerned work. All the authors discussed the
antimicrobial agents. It provides preliminary methodology, results and contributed the final
information for further phytochemical and manuscript.
pharmacological analysis on the chemical
constituency of the plant extracts. Further research CONFLICT OF INTEREST
is needed for the bioactive compounds
identification and isolation and also an in vivo Conflict of interest declared none.
antimicrobial activity evaluation along with