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Pa 2022 Fillable

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Property Associate (PA)

First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Suffix (e.g: Jr., Sr., II, etc.):
Complete Address: Zip Code: Country:
Telephone Number: Mobile Number: Email Address: (pls indicate Gmail account for SMDC Pro registration )
09774548675 jonolivekatipunan@gmail.com
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): Civil Status: Citizenship: Gender:
Type of ID: Issued by: Valid from:
ID Number: Place Issued: Valid to:
4103-5890-6523-8018 PHILIPPINES
Preferred Mode of Payment: (REQUIRED ): □■ BDO Local Account Number □ Telegraphic/Wire Transfer

COMPANY PROFILE (if applicable):

Company Name: Authorized Representative: Designation: Affiliation Date:

License Number: Issued By: Valid from/to: Place Issued:

Business Address: Business Phone Number: Business Email: TIN:



Property Specialist Associate Sales Director Sales Director
(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)

Email Address (Gmail) Email Address (Gmail) Email Address (Gmail)


I hereby confirm that all pertinent information given above are true and correct.
I understand that any false information herein may be grounds for SMDC and its assign to disapprove my application for accreditation.
Further, I agree to abide by the Company's Policies and Code of Ethics.


Signature of PA Over Printed name
JANUARY 17, 2024 Date

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I, ____________________________________, of legal age, Filipino (citizenship), an (job

applicant/employee/consultant) of SM Development Corporation do hereby voluntarily and knowingly state

1. CONSENT: I hereby freely, voluntarily and knowingly give my consent to SM Development

Corporation (“Company”), including its departments and divisions, such as but not limited to
Human Resources and Administration, Medical, Information Technology, Legal, Tax, Finance,
Treasury and Accounting, including their authorized personnel and/or representative (“personal
information personnel”), to collect, store, access, verify, investigate, dispose and/or process in
any way, means or method, whether manually, electronically or automatically, my personal
information or any information or data necessary for the purposes of, and in the course of my
job application, employment or any contractual relationship with the Company, or termination
or cessation of such job application, employment or contractual relationship, hereinafter
collectively referred to as the “Purposes”, including but not limited to carrying out data
analytics, management, profiling, manual or automated decision-making and any activity in
furtherance of the Purposes. I have read and understand the privacy policy of the Company and
agree to all of the terms thereof.

2. DATA SHARING: I freely, voluntarily and knowingly grant my express, unconditional, voluntary
and informed consent to, and hereby authorize, the Company, including its personal information
personnel/processor, to share, transmit, or transfer my personal information to the parent
company, subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company (collectively referred to as “Company
Affiliates”), to act as personal information controller and/or personal information processor and
to sub-contract or outsource the processing of my personal information to third parties acting as
personal information processors, for and on behalf of the Company (“external service
providers”) for the above mentioned Purposes. I likewise hereby authorize and give my consent
to the said Company Affiliates and external service providers to collect and process my personal
information for the abovementioned purposes.

Further, I hereby give and grant my express, and informed consent to the Company, including its
personal information personnel/processors, to share, transmit, disclose and transfer my
personal information to the government, its branches, agencies and/or instrumentalities, for
purposes of complying with the Company’s mandatory reportorial requirements provided by
law and/or regulations, such as but not limited to matters relating to taxation, or those which
may be required by reason of my employment (or contractual relations) with the Company.

3. CONFIDENTIALITY: In the event that I come across, learn, receive or gain access to personal
information of individuals or confidential information of the Company and it Company Affiliates,
such as but not limited to, clients and supplier lists and data, financial condition and other
information related to finances, business operation and methods of operation, trade secrets and
pricing structures, personnel and other information, which ought to reasonably be treated as
confidential, I hereby undertake that I shall not, at any time during the course of, or after the
termination of my employment, divulge such information to any person not authorized to
receive them nor use the same for any purpose other than that required by the nature of my
position or by law.
Justitia nemini neganda est
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4. DISCLOSURES: All my personal information or any information stated, indicated or contained in

my application/Personal Data Sheet/General Information Sheet/Resume, including all
requirements/documents which I submitted to the Company, which are generally made known
or disclosed by me or any other third party through social media and other means, I hereby
acknowledge that I am solely responsible for the consequences of such disclosure, transfer and
sharing of said personal information or data. Thus, I hereby hold the Company free and harmless
from suits in connection with, or arising from privacy breach of my personal data.

I hereby knowingly and voluntarily acknowledge the due execution, validity and effectivity of this Form. I
hereby knowingly and voluntarily acknowledge and confirm that I have been duly informed of my rights
under the law with respect to my personal information as well as of the Purposes of the processing,
sharing, transmittal or transferring, or the subcontracting or outsourcing of the collection and
processing of my personal information prior to the execution of this Form and hereby confirm that I
have executed the same of my own volition and free will.

JANUARY 17, 2024

Signed and executed this _______________ at the City of ___Pasay____.


(Complete Name and Signature of Applicant/Employee/Consultant, and Date signed)


__________________________ ___________________________

Justitia nemini neganda est
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Pursuant to my obligations under the applicable laws and regulations as an employee or consultant of
SM Development Corporation. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), I hereby voluntarily and
unconditionally agree to execute this Non-Disclosure Agreement (“Agreement”) and comply with the
following terms and conditions:

1. That in connection with or during the course of my accreditation or contractual relationship with
the Company, there may be disclosed to or accessed or obtained by me, or I may have access to,
certain trade secrets of the Company and other confidential information (hereinafter collectively
referred to as “Confidential Information”), including but not limited to:

a. Technical information, which refers to methods, processes, formulae, compositions, inventions,

machines, computer programs and research projects.
b. Business information, which refers to customer lists; pricing data sources of supply; marketing,
production, or merchandising systems or plans; and all information or material that has or could
have commercial value or other utility in the business of the Company.
c. Personal Information, which refers to any information, whether recorded in a material form or
not, from which the identity of an individual (“Data Subject”), including but not limited to the
Company’s applicants, employees, officers, directors, consultants, clients, customers, suppliers,
service providers and partners, is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained, or
when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify such individual.
This includes but is not limited to such individual’s name, race, ethnic origin, age, place and date
of birth, citizenship, residence or office address, contact info (phone and/or email address),
marital status, name of spouse and/or child/children/dependents, if any, name of parents,
physical attributes or identifying marks, occupation, religious, philosophical or political
affiliations, education, health, previous or current health records, criminal background or any
proceeding for any offense or court sentences, social security numbers, PhilHealth number and
details, Pag-Ibig number and details, Tax Identification No. and details, tax returns, licenses or
its denials, suspension or revocation, or any similar information or data protected under the
Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act (“DPA”), and applicable laws
and regulations, including but not limited to Personal Information, Sensitive Personal
Information and Privileged Information as defined under the DPA.

2. I shall not during, or at any time after the termination of, my accreditation or contractual
relationship with the Company, use, copy or process for myself or for others, or disclose or divulge
to others, any Confidential Information. I shall operate, hold and maintain Confidential Information
under strict confidentiality during, or at any time after the termination of, my accreditation or
contractual relationship with the Company. I shall strictly comply with any and all applicable laws
and rules, including but not limited to the DPA, as well as any policy, measures, rules and
regulations of the Company (“Company Rules”) implementing such applicable laws and rules. I
understand and agree that the Company shall have no liability for any of my acts or omissions which
may be in violation of such applicable laws and rules as well as the Company Rules.

3. That upon the termination of my accreditation or contractual relationship with the Company, or
upon request by the Company, I shall immediately return to the Company all documents containing
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Confidential Information and all documents relating to the Company or any Data Subjects
(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Confidential Documents”), including but not necessarily
limited to: drawings, blueprints, reports, manuals, correspondence, customer lists, computer
programs, and all other materials and all hard, soft, manual, paper and electronic copies of such
Confidential Documents or any and all documents or materials relating in any way to the Company's
business or to a Data Subject, or any documents or materials in any way disclosed to, or obtained or
accessed by, me during the course of my accreditation or contractual relationship with the
Company. I further agree that I shall not keep or retain any copies of the foregoing, whether hard,
soft, manual, paper or electronic copies and I shall not re-use and must surrender all Confidential
Information secured during or in relation to the Recipient’s Accreditation.

4. I hereby authorize and give my irrevocable consent to the Company to notify or inform any
future or prospective employer, any third party or any authorities of the existence of this

5. This Agreement shall be binding upon me and my personal representatives and successors
in interest, and shall inure to the benefit of the Company, its successors and assigns.

6. In the event of any breach of this Agreement or my failure to comply with any and all
provisions contained in this Agreement, the Company Rules, and the applicable laws and
rules, the Company shall have full rights to injunctive relief, in addition to any other existing
rights, without requirement of posting bond.

7. I shall indemnify the Company against all penalties, fines, damages and loss, including
attorney’s fees, howsoever incurred or sustained by or imposed on the Company, as a
consequence of or arising from my breach of or my failure to comply with any and all of the
provisions contained in this Agreement, the Company Rules and the applicable laws and
rules, including but not limited to the DPA.

8. Any delay, forbearance or neglect on the part of the Company to enforce any or all of the
provisions of this Agreement and any or all rights in respect thereto shall not be construed
as a waiver of such provisions and rights, and shall not preclude the Company from
exercising the same or any other right under this Agreement.

9. If any provision contained in this Agreement shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in
any respect by a court of competent jurisdiction, the unenforceability of any provision to
this Agreement shall not impair or affect the validity, legality and enforceability of any other

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___ day of ___________ at
(Complete Name and Signature of Applicant/Employee/Consultant, and Date signed)


___________________________ ___________________________



} SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in _________________________, this _____ day of
________________, personally appeared ___________________________, with ID No.
________________, issued at ___________________, on ___________________, known to me
and by me known to be the same person who executed the foregoing Non-Disclosure
Agreement consisting of
____ (___) pages, including this page on which the acknowledgement is written, and they
acknowledged to me that the same is his free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this on the date and the place above written.

Notary Public

Doc. No. ______;

Page No. ______;
Book No. ______;
Series of ______.

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