Project 2
Project 2
Project 2
The Clean Water Act is one of the greatest successes in environmental law.
By James Salzman
The Cuyahoga River, "the river that caught fire"
Photo by Ken Lund/Flickr.
A river catches fire, so polluted that its waters have “no visible life, not even low
forms such as leeches and sludge worms.” This could describe the mythological River Styx
from Hades. Residents of Cleveland, though, may recognize the government’s assessment of
their own Cuyahoga River in 1969. While hard to imagine today, discharging raw sewage
and pollution into our harbors and rivers has been common practice for most of the
nation’s history, with devastating results. By the late 1960s, Lake Erie had become so
polluted that Time magazine described it as dead. Bacteria levels in the Hudson River were
170 times above the safe limit.
I can attest to the state of the Charles River in Boston. While sailing in the 1970s, I
capsized and had to be treated by a dermatologist for rashes caused by contact with the
germ-laden waters. You can see the poor state of our waters for yourself in the iconic 1971
“Crying Indian” commercial.
In 1972, a landmark law reversed the course of this filthy tide. Today, four decades
later, the Clean Water Act stands as one of the great success stories of environmental
law. Supported by Republicans and Democrats alike, the act took a completely new
approach to environmental protection. The law flatly stated there would be no
discharge of pollutants from a point source (a pipe or ditch) into navigable waters
without a permit. No more open sewers dumping crud into the local stream or bay.
Permits would be issued by environmental officials and require the installation of the best
available pollution-control technologies.
The waste flushed down drains and toilets needed a different approach, so the Clean
Water Act provided for billions of dollars in grants to construct and upgrade publicly
owned sewage-treatment works around the nation. To protect the lands that filter and
purify water as it flows by, permits were also required for draining and filling
Protecting our nation’s waters may seem like common sense today, but the idea of
nationally uniform, tough standards against polluters was both original and radical.
Thinking big, the Clean Water Act’s preamble declared that the nation’s waters would be
swimmable and fishable within a decade, with no discharges of pollutants within a dozen
years. These weren’t idle boasts.
Remember a similarly bold claim in 1960 that the nation would land a man on the
moon and return him safely within a decade? This was an age of technological optimism.
Water pollution posed a national threat, and a national mission was necessary to turn back
and clean the tide.
By many measures, the Clean Water Act has fulfilled the ambition of its drafters. The
sewage discharges that were commonplace in the 1960s are rare. The number of waters
meeting quality goals has roughly doubled. Once a convenient dumping ground for all
manner of filth, rivers now represent an urban gem. Hartford, Conn.; Kansas City, Kan.;
Cleveland; and other cities have based much of their redevelopment around their now
clean and inviting waters, with waterfront parks and the lure of fishing and trails
along the water’s edge.
Oil pollution
Industrial waste
Global Warming
Marine Dumping