This study was sponsored by the Prosthesis Department. School of Dentistry, Universidad de Chile
Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation. Universidad de Chile. ORCID: 0000-0001-5285-9982
Specialist in Periodontics. Isapre Fundación. ORCID: 0000-0001-7591-9263
M. Ed., Universidad de Chile. ORCID: 0000-0002-1222-8964
DDS. Assistant in the Prosthesis Department. School of Dentistry, Universidad de Chile. ORCID: 0000-0002-2567-404X
Introduction: one of the main factors for discomfort in users of removable partial prosthesis is the presence of
visible retainers in the anterior zone. In Kennedy Class III arches, that is, exclusively dental loading pathways
(in which the functional forces reach their final receptor: the alveolar bone), anterior zone retainers may be
eliminated by selecting an appropriate prosthetic insertion and removal axis, and mainly by carving guiding
planes that should provide retention by mechanical rubbing. This in vitro experimental study aimed to prove
the hypothesis that it is possible to obtain functional retention in a dental-loading pathway removable partial
prosthesis without using retainers in the anterior zone. Methods: 7 maxillary models with different types of
toothless process were used. As a common characteristic, they all were classified as Kennedy Class III with
partial denture arches. A Cr-Co metallic base was built for each model according to their clinical situation.
Keywords: Their design allowed them to be exposed to traction in a universal traction machine (Tinius Olsen H5K-S).
dental esthetics, Results: the proposed hypothesis was confirmed as expected. The traction force needed to displace the
metallic elements, metallic bases with retainers in the anterior zone was 16.93 Newton in average. On the other hand,
retention, prosthetic the metallic bases without retainers in the anterior zone showed an average of 12.84 N. The average values
displacement, obtained for both groups are higher than those reported in the literature (4.903 N). Conclusions: in Class III
visibility removable partial dentures it is possible to use metallic bases with no retainers in the anterior zone.
Introducción: un factor que incomoda a los usuarios de prótesis parciales removibles es la presencia de
retenedores visibles en la zona anterior. En clases III de Kennedy, es decir, vías de carga exclusivamente
dentarias, sería posible eliminar los retenedores del sector anterior mediante un adecuado tallado de planos
guías que brinde retención por roce mecánico y la elección de un eje de inserción y remoción protésico. Este
trabajo es un diseño experimental in vitro que tiene por finalidad validar la hipótesis propuesta por nuestro
equipo de investigación, que es posible obtener retención funcional en una prótesis parcial removible de vía
de carga dentaria sin utilizar retenedores en el sector anterior. Métodos: se utilizaron 7 modelos maxilares
en yeso tipo IV, con distinto tipo de desdentamiento, cuya característica común era que correspondían
a clases III de Kennedy de arcos parcialmente desdentados. A cada modelo se le confeccionó una base
metálica de Cr-Co, de acuerdo con sus características clínicas individuales, las cuales presentaron un
Palabras claves: diseño que permitió utilizarlas en una máquina de tracción universal para someterlas a fuerzas de tracción.
estética dental, Resultados: la fuerza de tracción necesaria para desalojar las bases metálicas que contaban con retenedores
elementos en el sector anterior fue del orden de 16,93 N en promedio. En cambio, las bases metálicas sin retenedores en el
metálicos, sector anterior presentaron un valor promedio para su desalojo de 12,84 N. Conclusiones: los valores
retención, desalojo promedio obtenidos para ambos grupos son superiores a los que se señala en la literatura (4,903 N) como
protésico, visibilidad válidos para una retención adecuadamente funcional para una prótesis parcial removible.
Submitted: June 11/2017 – Accepted: April 14/2020
26 Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670 27
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
28 Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
Once the above procedure was completed, Once the prosthetic bases were obtained,
the depth of each retaining area of the it was verified that they were in proper
anterior abutments was measured, as well condition, evaluating the presence of a
as the length of the guiding planes carved correct adjustment, meaning that both the
on the abutment in each model under study beds and the guiding planes were in close
(Figure 2). contact with their respective prosthetic
elements (occlusal support and minor
Figure 2. Measuring the convergence angle that determines Figure 3. Evaluation of the prosthetic base, including proper
the retention degree of the abutment tooth adaptation and adjustment to the plaster model
Source: by the authors Source: by the authors
Next, models were sent to the prosthetic To perform the tensile tests, it was neces-
laboratory to manufacture the metal bases sary to adjust the metal bases with a metal
as designed, using Dentaurum® preformed circular washer designed for this purpose
waxes to wax up the structures, and casting and made of the same alloy of the base
in cobalt-chromium alloy. Each base (Cr-Co), measuring 0.8 mm in diameter
corresponds to a conventional removable (Figure 4). These were laterally welded to
partial prosthesis model, including cast posts the base and placed equidistant from the
of the anterior region. abutments of each model under study.
Figure 4. A and B. Metal bases in place with cast washers for tensile testing
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670 29
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
The bases were subjected to tensile analysis equidistant and simultaneous bilateral
on a Tinius Olsen H5K-S14 universal traction traction. Then the unilateral tractions were
machine (Figure 5). This machine works by performed, arbitrarily choosing the left side
vertically loading the metal bases located for all models (Figures 6 and 7). The obtained
on the models from the point established in results indicate the maximum necessary
the prosthetic saddles (washers). First, the force (in Newtons) to traction the metal
bases bilateral tractions were carried out base vertically until surpassing the prosthetic
with a device specially designed to create equator from its final location.
Figure 5. A and B. Device used for tensile testing (Tinius Olsen H5K-S)
Figure 6. Traction device installed on Figure 7. A and B. Traction device installed on metal bases to run the test
metal bases to run the test
Source: by the authors
Source: by the authors
30 Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
Figure 9. The esthetic change can be seen after removing the retainers from the anterior region with the base attached to
the model
Statistical Analysis
deviations between two groups of data,
The obtained data were subjected to
and determining whether the differences
descriptive statistical analysis with the use between groups are statistically significant
of histograms, as well as the Shapiro-Wilkins or just random differences, and whether
and Kolmogorov-Smirnov descriptive tests, they are within the ideal ranges of retention
yielding a normal distribution of data, which force values required in RPD.
allowed to choose the most appropriate
statistical test.
The results were analyzed with Student’s T
statistical test of independent variables and Figure 10 shows the differences in the
different variances with a 0.05 significance, measured force averages for the entire
comparing the mean and standard sample (n = 70) in each.
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670 31
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
Retention (Newton)
Figure 10. Retention of metal prosthetic bases with and without retainers in the anterior region when subjected to uni- and
bilateral traction
The average tensile force value required to Table 3. Bilateral traction without anterior retainers
displace the metal base bilaterally in bases
with anterior retainers was 16.93 N, with a
standard deviation of 3.43 N and a range n
standard deviation of 2.08 N, a range of 9 N,
determined by a minimum force value of 6.5
70 16.93 3.43 11.79 10.00 27.67 17.67 N and a maximum of 15.5 N. These results
can be seen in Table 4.
Source: by the authors
Table 4. Unilateral traction with anterior retainers
The average tensile force value required to
displace the metal base bilaterally in bases
shown in Table 3.
Source: by the authors
32 Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
Table 5 shows that the result of the average 8.07 N in bilateral and unilateral tractions,
tensile force value required to displace the respectively. These values were compared
metal base unilaterally in bases without to the standard value (4.90 N), yielding
anterior retainers was 8.07 N, with a statistically significant differences (p = 0.0000)
standard deviation of 1.92 and minimum for both uni- and bilateral tractions, in the
and maximum force values of 4.67 N and absence of anterior retainers. The retention
12.83 N respectively, determining a range of action offered by carved guiding planes
8.17 N. with controlled parallelism and their close
contact with the minor RPD connectors is
Table 5. Unilateral traction without anterior retainers
likely to provide key assistance in retention
when the biomechanical preparation prior
The unilateral tensile tests were carried
out to verify how the prosthetic apparatus
70 8.07 1.92 3.68 4.67 12.83 8.17
would work during the unilateral masticatory
Source: by the authors
process. The force that opposes the unilateral
displacement of a prosthesis is basically
determined by the retention complexes of
the working side (the one that produces
DISCUSSION traction), provoking on the opposite side a
rotation around the retaining clasp contact
This in vitro study aimed to evaluate a new
with the abutment, which undoubtedly
alternative RPD treatment in which retention
generates deleterious forces on it and its
is not affected by removing retainers from
periodontium, which cannot be contained
anterior abutments in Kennedy’s Class III
because rotation disables any function of
dentures, subdivision 1.
the elements that cause reciprocation.6,13,15
The results obtained in this study showed
In addition, the force values obtained
that the tensile force values in the presence
on dental bases bilaterally loaded in the
of anterior retainers were higher in
absence of anterior retainers were higher
the tensile tests with retainers compared
than those in bases that had all the retaining
to the tests with no retainers, as expected.
clasps but unilaterally loaded. This perhaps
These differences are statistically significant
happens because, by generating traction
(p = 0.0000) in both unilateral and bilateral
from both sides, the anti-displacement force
traction. However, the retention values
is provided by both the retaining systems and
yielded by the bases with no retainers appear
the guiding planes, which provide additional
to be sufficient and acceptable to prevent
friction retention. However, this is nullified
the displacement of a prosthetic apparatus
in unilateral traction.3,6,7,12,15
in which—according to the literature—a
conventional RPD apparatus needs a force
of 500 Gf, or 4.90 N, to perform adequately.8
This value is exceeded, based on the
results obtained in anterior retainer-free This in vitro study aimed to compare the
bases, which were on average 12.84 N and dental loading retention in partial removable
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia - Vol. 32 N.o 1 - First semester, 2020 / ISSN 0121-246X / ISSNe 2145-7670 33
Removable partial dentures: eliminating retainers in the anterior zone
prosthesis, both in the presence and standard value reported in the literature,
absence of anterior retainers with parallel also in favor of the results of this study.
guiding planes, analyzing the possibility of
• The obtained strength values do not
eliminating them and thus solve a critical
decrease as the literature states as a
aesthetic problem of RPDs with anterior
sufficient and acceptable value to retain a
abutments. The obtained results lead to
prosthetic device, and it has been shown
conclude that:
that the retaining strength is sufficient to
• There are statistically significant retention retain a prosthesis and to allow a smooth
values differences in denture bases with functioning as shown in this in vitro study.
no anterior retaining clasps compared
to bases with clasps in both bilateral and
unilateral tractions. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
• There are statistically significant retention
The authors declare that they have no
values differences in denture bases with
conflict of interest.
and without bilateral traction retainers
with respect to the values reported
in the literature as sufficient to retain
a removable prosthetic device, with CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
significantly higher values as the results of
Christian Rochefort Quiroz
this study show.
Professor, Universidad de Chile
• Statistically significant differences were +56 988-060-169
also detected when comparing denture
bases with and without retainers in Hernando de Aguirre 128, of. 307
unilateral tractions, compared to the Providencia, Chile
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