Basf Masteremaco P 130
Basf Masteremaco P 130
Basf Masteremaco P 130
Stir each component of MasterEmaco P 130.
MasterEmaco P 130 is a two component, solvent Add Hardener to Base and mix using a drilling
borne zinc rich epoxy primer, providing active machine fitted with a mixer.
galvanic protection to steel. It is a thick grey liquid
of paint-like consistency, recommended for use Application:
where chloride induced attack on steel is likely. Apply MasterEmaco P 130 immediately after
RECOMMENDED USES completion of preparation to prevent any
contamination. Do not leave blasted or prepared
■ As a protective coating to steel reinforcing
steel uncoated.
bars in concrete.
■ As a touch-up primer for damaged galvanised
Brush the MasterEmaco P 130 onto the prepared
substrate, ensuring uniform and full coverage,
■ As a primer for steel substrates prior to
particularly on the back face of reinforcement. In
suitable top coating.
case of doubt on achieving continuous film in one
coat apply second coat immediately after the
FEATURES AND BENEFITS drying of the first coat. Please consult BASF
■ Protects steel – provides active protection representative for advising the numbers of coats
against steel corrosion. necessary. Repair mortars can be applied as
■ Excellent adhesion – bonds to steel to soon as the MasterEmaco P 130 is dry.
create a protective anti-corrosion barrier.
■ Fast installation - Short overcoating time. MasterEmaco P 130 is not designed as a
PROPERTIES finished coating. Although protection to the steel
will be provided for some time, overcoating
Aspect : Thick grey should be carried out as soon as possible,
suspension particularly in aggressive environments.
Mixed density : 2.9 ± 0.1 kg/litre
Volume Solids, % : 57 ± 3 Equipment care
Mixing Ratio, by volume : 4(B) : 1(H) Tools should be cleaned with CLEANING
Pot Life : 120 Minutes at SOLVENT NO. 2 immediately after use.
Tack free time : 25 Minutes at Each 1 litre pack can cover 8 - 10 m2/coat on
25°C smooth substrates. On rebar approximate
: 10 Minutes at coverage shall be as under:
Recoat time : 6-8 Hours at 25°C Diameter of rebar Coverage
: 2-4 Hours at 40°C (in mm) Running
Total zinc content in dry film : >84% by weight meter/litre/coat
D.F.T. per coat : > 50 microns 8 210 ~ 265
Application temperature : minimum 10°C 12 140 ~ 175
: maximum 40°C 16 105 ~ 135
25 85 ~ 115
32 55 ~ 65
MasterEmaco P 130 is formulated to meet the
scope of BS 4652, Type 2
Surface preparation MasterEmaco P 130 is a two component system,
The steel surfaces should be grit blasted or wire supplied in 1 litre combined unit.
brushed to remove all traces of corrosion. Ensure
no oil, grease or dust is present. Surfaces should
be dry.
MasterEmaco®P 130
Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and For the full health and safety hazard information
protect from extremes of temperature. In tropical and how to safely handle and use this product,
climates the product must be stored in an air- please make sure that you obtain a copy of the
conditioned environment. BASF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from
our office or our website.
Shelf life is six months when stored as above. MasterEmacoP130/02/0418
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are based on the present
state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as
to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either
expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for
their intended use.
® = registered trademark of BASF group in many countries
NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF Construction Chemicals
either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF
Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.