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Oxygen Isotope Signature of P Regeneration From Organic Compounds by Phosphomonoesterases and Photooxidation

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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (2006) 39573969 www.elsevier.


Oxygen isotope signature of Pi regeneration from organic compounds by phosphomonoesterases and photooxidation
Y. Liang *, R.E. Blake
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, P.O. Box 208109, New Haven, CT 06520-8109, USA Received 12 May 2005; accepted in revised form 25 April 2006

Abstract Phosphomonoesters are an important source of dissolved inorganic orthophosphate (PO4 or Pi), the preferred form of P utilized by microbiota and aquatic plants in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Two enzymes involved in phosphomonoester metabolism and commonly detected in natural waters (alkaline phosphatase and 50 -nucleotidase) have been studied to determine the oxygen isotope signature of Pi-regeneration from phosphomonoesters by enzymatic degradation. Oxygen (O) isotope ratios of water and Pi released from phosphomonoesters during enzyme hydrolysis experiments demonstrate that released Pi incorporates one oxygen atom from water. The isotopic fractionation between this incorporated water O and ambient water O is 30 (8)& for alkaline phosphatase and 10 (1)& for 50 -nucleotidase, with very weak dependence on temperature. The result of these enzyme-specic isotopic fractionations at one of the four O sites in PO4 is that the d18O value of Pi regenerated by 50 -nucleotidase is 5& higher than Pi regenerated by alkaline phosphatase from the same phosphomonoester substrate. The d18O value of regenerated Pi also reects inheritance of 75% of O from the phosphomonoester substrate, thus making the d18O of phosphomonoester-derived Pi a potential tracer of organophosphorous compound sources. Phosphomonoesterase-regenerated Pi has a distinct phosphate oxygen isotope signature that is dierent and distinguishable from that of biologically recycled and subsequently equilibrated Pi and Pi regenerated from photooxidation of organic matter. The d18O value of regenerated Pi will correlate positively with the d18O value of bulk water and the fractionation, a, between regenerated Pi and water, aregen Pi-water, should converge toward equilibrium aPi-water values with increased biological cycling of Pi. 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Phosphorus (P) is a key nutrient essential for all living organisms and orthophosphate (PO4 or Pi) is the preferred source of P which is taken up directly by microorganisms and plants in natural aquatic environments. Orthophosphate concentrations in many aquatic systems are too low to meet the P requirements of living organisms, thus organophosphorous compounds (Porg) become an important alternative source of P (Ammerman and Azam, 1991; Bjorkman and Karl, 1994; Benitez-Nelson, 2000). Most organic compounds are too large to cross cytoplasmic membranes of cells intact (Lugtenberg, 1987). Therefore, Porg metabolism begins as an extracellular process

Corresponding author. E-mail address: yuhong.liang@gmail.com (Y. Liang).

that takes place through the action of freely dissolved or membrane-bound microbial enzymes. Many dierent types of extracellular enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, 50 -nucleotidase, peptidase, aminopeptidase, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, chitinase, etc.) have been detected in marine sediments, lakes, estuarine and coastal ecosystems and variations in their activities are related to environmental parameters such as nutrient availability and water depth (Perry, 1972; Ammerman and Azam, 1985; Chrost, 1989; Bareld and Francko, 1991; Jacobsen and Rai, 1991; Jones and Lock, 1991; Smucker and Kim, 1991). Results of previous studies indicate that activities of extracellular enzymes are important to inorganic phosphate (Pi) regeneration in aquatic environments. Among the numerous enzymes involved in regeneration and acquisition of Pi and other nutrients, alkaline phosphatase (APase) and 50 -nuleotidase are the most commonly observed extracellular phosphoenzymes found in a wide

0016-7037/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2006.04.036


Y. Liang, R.E. Blake 70 (2006) 39573969

range of habitats (Wai et al., 1960; Perry, 1972; Taft et al., 1977; Ammerman and Azam, 1985; Siuda and Gude, 1994; Hoppe and Ullrich, 1999). APase, the most widely studied phosphoenzyme in aquatic systems, is a relatively non-specic phosphohydrolase enzyme that releases Pi from a variety of phosphomonoesters (McComb et al., 1979) (Fig. 1a). The location of microbial APase depends on the structure of the cell wall. Bacterial APase is found in the periplasmic space of Gram-negative bacteria while Gram-positive bacteria, which lack a periplasm, tend to release APase extracellularly (Cembella et al., 1984; Wetzel, 1991). Synthesis of APase is regulated by the intracellular Pi pool, which in turn, reects ambient, extracellular Pi concentrations (Chrost, 1991). The synthesis of APase is induced by Pi starvation or low ambient Pi concentrations in natural waters. APase from dierent sources may respond to ambient environmental changes dierently. For example, it has been observed that algal APase activity is competitively inhibited by high Pi concentration, whereas the Pi concentration aects the activity of bacterial APase only slightly (Chrost, 1991). 50 -Nucleotidase is a membrane-bound enzyme that rapidly hydrolyzes phosphomonoester bonds in nucleotides (Neu, 1967a,b; Zimmerman, 1992) (Fig. 1b). Ammerman and Azam (1991) showed that high 50 -nucleotidase activity was correlated with high growth rates of bacteria in coastal marine waters and not with conditions of Pi starvation and depletion as in the case of APase. Organic P compounds also contain C and N (e.g., proteins, sugars, nucleotides and nucleic acid) which, like P, are essential for growth. In addition to Pi, organic C and N groups are also products and, in some cases, targets of

Porg hydrolysis. Thus, living organisms use phosphoenzymes to release and assimilate not only Pi, but also other nutrients contained in Porg compounds (Wanner, 1987). Chrost (1991) observed that in response to addition of glucose-6-phosphate, bacteria produced APase in order to utilize glucose as C source. Under carbon-limiting conditions, the C- and N-containing portions of nucleotides are assimilated by cells with the help of 50 -nucleotidase and APase (Wilkins, 1972; Bjorkman and Karl, 1994). The presence of relatively high APase activity in deep ocean water compared to the euphotic zone, suggests the supply of bioavailable organic C to C-limited deep-ocean bacteria via Porg degradation (Hoppe and Ullrich, 1999). Hence, phosphoenzymes not only inuence P cycling but also C and N cycling, which in turn, aects the cycles of atmospheric O2 and CO2 and, ultimately, global climate. Biogeochemical cycling of P is dominated by biologically mediated reactions catalyzed by enzymes. Oxygen isotope eects of phosphoenzymes, thus provide a potential method for identifying specic metabolic/enzymatic pathways operating during biogeochemical cycling and regeneration of Pi in natural systems. The metabolism and biological turnover of P compounds by living organisms has a signicant eect on the oxygen isotope composition of ambient dissolved Pi, d18OP (Blake et al., 1997, 1998a,b, 2001, 2005; Paytan et al., 2002). Results of laboratory and eld experiments show that living organisms can shift ambient d18OP values rapidly and on large scales (Paytan et al., 2002). Based on laboratory culture studies Blake et al. (1997, 1998a) concluded that metabolism and recycling of P by microbial cells will cause Pi to approach

Fig. 1. Phosphomonoesterase reaction mechanisms. (a) Alkaline phosphatase; (b) 50 -nucleotidase.

Isotope signature of Pi regeneration from P org by monoesterase and UVR


oxygen isotope equilibrium with ambient water, in general agreement with the PO4H2O paleothermometry equation of Longinelli and Nuti (1973). Subsequent laboratory experiments on isotope eects of cell-free phosphoenzymes indicate that attainment of temperature-dependent isotopic equilibrium is promoted largely by the action of the ubiquitous intracellular enzyme inorganic pyrophosphatase (Blake et al., 1998b, 2005). The goal of this work was to determine the oxygen isotope eects of key enzymes involved in the metabolism and regeneration of Pi from Porg compounds commonly found in nature (e.g., phosphomonoesters). Most importantly, we seek to link specic enzymatic pathways with specic isotope eects, thereby generating a new diagnostic tool for the study of biogeochemical cycling of P in aquatic systems. 2. Materials and methods To advance our understanding of the reaction processes that occur during P cycling, oxygen isotope eects of Pi regeneration from phosphomonoesters was investigated by measuring the d18O of Pi released by phosphomonoesterases (alkaline phosphatase and 50 -nucleotidase). Dierent phosphomonoester substrates, such as a-D-glucose 1-phosphate, a- and b-glycerophosphate and adenosine 50 -monophosphate (50 -AMP), were used in phosphomonoesterase-catalyzed Porg hydrolysis experiments to determine the eects, if any of the substrate on the d18O value of the Pi product of hydrolysis. Reactions were carried out in pHbuered solutions made with waters having a wide range of d18O (19& to +99&) in order to detect the inuence of ambient water oxygen on phosphate d18O values and to elucidate reaction mechanisms. All experiments were carried out under sterile conditions in temperature-controlled baths and incubators. The d18O value of water in reaction mixtures was measured at the start and at the end of each experiment. A typical reaction system comprised enzyme, buer, metal cation co-factor (usually Mg2+), which binds to the enzyme and facilitates the reaction, and phosphomonoester substrates. Reactions were carried out under conditions (e.g., pH, temperature, buer) specied as optimal for each enzyme by the manufacturer (Sigma or USB). In the rst series of enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis experiments, three dierent APases were used to determine if APase extracted from dierent sources (e.g., eukaryotic, prokaryotic) would have dierent isotope eects on Pi released from phosphomonoesters. In order to obtain enough Pi for isotopic analysis and to constrain reaction time, high phosphomonoester substrate and enzyme concentrations were employed, however, the concentrations of substrate and enzyme used are not expected to alter the enzymatic reaction mechanism. Two eukaryotic APases were used, including a mammalian APase from calf intestine (calf APase) and an arthropod APase derived from shrimp. Calf APase (Sigma P6271) hydrolysis media

comprised 45 mM glycine, 0.45 mM magnesium chloride and 1030 mM phosphomonoesters. Before adding calf APase to start hydrolysis reactions, buer solutions with phosphomonoester substrates were adjusted to pH 8.8 and equilibrated at the reaction temperature (37 C). a-DGlucose-1-phosphate, a- and b-glycerophosphate and 50 -AMP were used as phosphomonoester substrates in calf APase experiments. In control experiments designed to test for any back-reaction of hydrolysis products (i.e., free Pi + organic-C compound) calf APase media comprised 45 mM glycine, 0.45 mM magnesium chloride and 1030 mM Pi (Na2HPO4) and glycerol instead of phosphomonoesters. Shrimp APase (USB 70092Z) media contained 150 mM glycine, 1.5 mM magnesium chloride, 1.5 mM zinc chloride and 30 mM b-glycerophosphate. The optimum pH specied for Shrimp APase was pH 10.4. Bacterial APase (Sigma P5931) derived from Escherichia coli (E. coli APase) was used as a prokaryotic APase source. E. coli APase hydrolysis media consisted of 87 mM glycine, 0.90 mM magnesium chloride, 0.87 mM zinc chloride, and 1030 mM phosphomonoester substrate. The pH optimum for E. coli APase was 10.4. a-D-Glucose1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate were the two phosphomonoesters used as substrates in E. coli APase catalyzed reactions. In order to test the eect of temperature on the d18O of Pi released from phosphomonoesters by APase, b-glycerophosphate was hydrolyzed by calf APase at 37.0 (0.2) C, room temperature 21 (2) C and 15.0 (0.2) C. In these experiments, the enzyme/P ratio and d18OW (6.0&) were the same. The second series of experiments was designed to determine the isotope eects of Pi-regeneration by 50 -nucleotidase. 50 -Nucleotidase derived from Crotalus Atrox venom (Sigma N5880) was used to hydrolyze 50 -AMP, a-D-glucose-1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate, the same phosphomonoester substrates used in experiments with APase. The 50 -nucleotidase reaction media comprised 150 mM glycine, 10 mM magnesium sulfate and 1030 mM phosphomonoesters. Before adding the enzyme, the buer solutions were adjusted to pH 9. APase activity was followed using p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) as an indicator. Two hundred microliters of the reaction solution was pipetted into 500 ll of p-nitrophenyl phosphate solution (18 mg PNPP in 10 ml sterile DI water). If the test solution turned yellowindicating free p-nitrophenol, within 20 min, the enzyme in solution was still highly active. The third series of experiments was designed primarily to test analytical procedures, but also to provide data on the isotope eect associated with the natural process of Porg degradation by photooxidation. Photooxidation of organic matter occurs in the uppermost euphotic zone of surface waters and photodecomposition of Porg by UV light is a widely used method to release organically bound Pi for accurate determination of dissolved organic phosphorous (Amstrong et al., 1966; Francko and Heath, 1982; Yanagi


Y. Liang, R.E. Blake 70 (2006) 39573969

et al., 1992). Phosphomonoester substrates were exposed to UV radiation (UVR) to release Pi. The hope was that the photodecomposition would take place without hydrolyzing PAO bonds and incorporating ambient water O into the Pi released from Porg, thus permitting determination of d18O values of the unaltered PO4 moiety in pre-hydrolyzed, phosphomonoester substrates (Porg-d18OP). UVR experiments were carried out in a 3.5 ml quartz cell with 5 mM phosphomonoester under UVR produced by a 500 W mercury lamp. H2O2 (0300 ll) was used to accelerate the rate of Pi release. Reaction temperature was less than 40 C. Experiments were also carried out to observe the eect of natural sunlight on degradation of dissolved Porg. Three phosphomonoesters (a-D-glucose-1-phosphate, b-glycerophosphate and 50 -AMP) were tested. 125 ml of 200 lM phosphomonoester solutions were sealed in 250 ml quartz tubes (2.5 cm o.d.) and exposed to summer sunlight for 24 h. Control experiments were carried out in parallel to exclude factors other than sunlight that may release Pi from phosphomonoesters. In control experiments, quartz tubes containing phosphomonoester solutions were wrapped in aluminum foil. The amount of Pi released from phosphomonoesters by exposure to sunlight was determined by measuring the dierence in Pi concentration between exposed versus control tubes. The concentrations of Pi released from phosphomonoesters were monitored during the course of experiments by extracting a small aliquot of solution and performing a colorimetric analysis adapted from Murphy and Riley (1962). When Pi yield was close to 100% and no additional Pi was released from Porg even after addition of fresh enzyme, the reaction was terminated by adjusting the pH to less than 5, which inactivates both APase and 50 -nucleotidase. Pi released during hydrolysis reactions was precipitated using a method modied from Kolodny et al., 1983. Briefly, Pi was rst precipitated as ammonium phosphomolybdate (APM), then recrystallized as magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP). Finally, the MAP was converted to silver phosphate, the compound used for d18OP analysis. Samples extracted from enzyme experiments were analyzed for d18OP following methods adapted from ONeil et al. (1994). Briey, this involves reaction of silver phosphate with graphite at 1450 C to produce CO2. O isotope ratios of phosphate were calibrated against values obtained by uorination using silver phosphate standards and the methods of Vennemann et al. (2002). All oxygen isotope data are reported relative to V-SMOW. Oxygen isotope analyses of phosphates were performed at the Earth System Center for Stable Isotope Studies (ESCSIS) of the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies. Water samples were analyzed at ESCSIS and at the Stable Isotope Facility of the University of California, Davis. Phosphate derived from UVR experiments was precipitated as silver phosphate and analyzed by TC/EA as described in Vennemann et al. (2002). The precision of these data based on replicate analysis of standards is 0.20.3&.

3. Results d18O values of water (d18OW) and Pi from experiments on phosphomonoester degradation by enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis and photooxidation are presented in Tables 1 3 and plotted in Figs. 15. d18O values of water in reaction media were measured before the addition of enzymes and at the end of reactions. Water O isotope compositions did not change signicantly over the course of experiments. 3.1. Eukaryotic alkaline phosphatase Results of experiments on Pi regeneration using a mammalian APase derived from calf intestine (calf APase, EC. and a-D-glucose-1-phosphate, b-glycerophosphate and 50 -AMP as substrates, are presented in Table 1. Inorganic phosphate was released from all three substrates in 95100% yield. d18OP values range from 5& to 35& and correlate positively with water d18O values. Although oxygen isotope ratios of Pi released by calf APase are dierent for dierent substrates (due to inheritance eects discussed later), the slopes of plots of d18O of released Pi versus d18O of water are the same within error. Linear relations were observed for every set of experiments and the slopes derived from regression of all data sets ranged from 0.24 to 0.28 (Fig. 2). Two control experiments were carried out to test for PO4water exchange catalyzed by possible impurities in the commercial APase preparations. In the rst experiment, APase was added to a solution of glycerol and inorganic phosphate (NaH2PO4) with an initial d18OP value of +14.1&. In the second control experiment, only NaH2PO4 was incubated with APase. After an incubation period of 1 week, the oxygen isotope composition of Pi was identical, within error, to the initial d18OP value in both control experiments (Table 1). d18O values of released Pi catalyzed by calf APase decrease very slightly with increased temperature (Table 2). This small temperature eect is an order of magnitude less sensitive to temperature than fractionations between biogenic phosphates and water determined by Longinelli and Nuti (1973) and dissolved Pi and water determined by Blake et al. (1998b, 2005); Lecuyer et al. (1999), and ONeil et al. (2003), and thus is considered to be insignicant. Arthropod APase, another eukaryotic APase derived from shrimp (shrimp Apase, EC., was also tested. The d18O values of Pi released from hydrolysis of b-glycerophosphate catalyzed by shrimp APase in 6.1& water lie on the linear regression line of the d18OP vs. d18OW values from calf APase experiments (Fig. 3). This result indicates that Pi regeneration catalyzed by shrimp APase has a similar isotope eect as the reaction catalyzed by calf APase. 3.2. Prokaryotic alkaline phosphatase The O isotope eects of Pi regeneration by APase derived from a prokaryotic (bacterial) source were compared

Isotope signature of Pi regeneration from P org by monoesterase and UVR Table 1 Phosphomonoesterase-catalyzed phosphomonoester hydrolysis in Enzyme Calf APase Substrates a-D-Glucose-phosphate



O-labeled waters d18OW (&) 18.83 44.08 99.84 18.83 44.08 99.84 6.09 46.51 98.71 6.5 6.5 6.09 19.80 45.57 71.09 97.75 6.08 19.76 44.99 70.37 96.01 6.5 5.88 20.54 46.66 71.96 98.65 d18OP (&) 4.0 20.7 34.6 4.7 11.3 24.4 1.9 12.9 28.1 14.0 13.9 9.7 15.7 21.8 27.3 33.5 0.4 6.2 12.9 18.6 25.3 1.0 4.7 11.5 18.2 24.9 31.5 Enzyme/P ratio 0.02 U/7.6 lmol


0.02 U/7.6 lmol

Adenosine 50 -monophosphate

0.4 U/7.6 lmol

NaH2PO4a NaH2PO4 and glycerola E. coli APase a-D-Glucose-1-phosphate

0.02 U/7.6 lmol 0.02 U/7.6 lmol


Shrimp APase 5 -Nucleotidase


b-Glycerophosphate Adenosine 5 -monophosphate


Control experiments. The d18O value of NaH2PO4 is 14.1&.

Table 2 Calf APase catalyzed b-glycerophosphate hydrolysis at dierent temperatures Temperature (C) 37 d18OP (&) 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.5 Average d18OP (&) 1.1 d 0.1

3.3. 50 -Nucleotidase 50 -Nucleotidase (E.C. was used to catalyze hydrolysis of a-D-glucose-1-phosphate, b-glycerophosphate and 50 -AMP. Pi was not released in experiments with a-D-glucose-1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate. d18O values of water and Pi released in 50 -nucleotidase-catalyzed hydrolysis of 50 -AMP are presented in Table 1. Once again, there is a strong linear relation between the oxygen isotope composition of water and released Pi indicating that oxygen from water was incorporated into released Pi (Fig. 5). Similar to the APase experiments, the slope of the linear trend of d18OP vs. d18OW plots is 0.25. 3.4. Determination of d18O of PO4 in phosphomonoesters by UV radiation Experiments were designed to test if water was incorporated into Pi released from Porg by UV radiation (UVR) and if H2O2 aects the d18O values of released Pi. a-D-glucose-1-phosphate, b-glycerophosphate and 50 -AMP were exposed to UVR (500 W mercury lamp) in 18O-labeled water with and without H2O2. The reaction time required for more than 90% release of Pi from phosphomonoester substrates depended on whether H2O2 was added to the reaction solutions and varied from 3 h with H2O2, to several weeks without H2O2.







with Pi regeneration by eukaryotic APase (calf and shrimp). The d18O values of Pi released from a-D-glucose1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate by E. coli APase are presented in Table 1 and plotted in Fig. 4. As with eukaryotic APase, the d18O values of Pi released from phosphomonoester substrates by E. coli APase correlate positively with the d18O value of ambient water, indicating that water oxygen atoms are incorporated into released Pi (Fig. 4). The slopes of the linear regression trends on plots of d18OP vs. d18OW for E. coli. APase are 0.23 and 0.24, also similar to the results for calf APase.


Y. Liang, R.E. Blake 70 (2006) 39573969

Table 3 Phosphate regenerated from phosphomonoesters by UV radiation

O of Released PO4 (permil)

25 20 15 10


Natural sunlight Intensive UV light Pi (lM) d18OW d18OP d18OP (&) (&) average 99.8 99.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 99.8 99.8 5.5 5.5 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 13.8 13.4 10.0 11.5 10.8 12.5 11.1 10.6 10.8 21.9 21.4 20.8 20.4 18.6 20.0 19.7 19.3 19.5 11.5 11.8 13.6 (0.3) 10.8 (0.7)

Without H2O2 b-Glycerophosphate

5 0 -5 -20 0

. =0



With H2O2 b-Glycerophosphate

11.8 (0.9) 10.7 (0.1) 21.1 (0.6)

-Glycerophosphate Calf AP ase Shrimp APase 20







a-D-Glucose1-phosphate 2

O of Water (permil)

Fig. 3. PO4H2O exchange catalyzed by cell-free alkaline phosphatase from eukaryotic sources (calf and shrimp) at 37 C. The slope of the linear regression for b-glycerophosphate data is 0.243 (0.005). 19.4 (0.5)

11.7 (0.2)
O of Released PO4(permil)

5 -AMP

30 25 20 15
2 2

35 30
O of Released PO4(permil)

.9 =0


9 96

25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -20 0 20

10 5 0


.9 9


9 .9 9


.9 9



-D-glucose-1-phosphate -glycerophosphate


.9 9








O of Water (permil)

-D-glucose-1-phosphate -glycerophosphate adenosine 5' monophosphate

Fig. 4. PO4H2O exchange catalyzed by cell-free alkaline phosphatase from a prokaryotic source (Escherichia coli) at 37 C. The slopes of linear regressions of a-D-glucose-1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate data are 0.228 (0.002) and 0.244 (0.004), respectively.






O of Water (permil)

Fig. 2. PO4H2O exchange catalyzed by cell-free alkaline phosphatase from calf intestine (calf APase) at 37 C. The slopes of linear regressions of a-D-glucose-1-phosphate, b-glycerophosphate and adenosine 50 -monophosphate data are 0.258 (0.0004), 0.245 (0.006) and 0.276 (0.003), respectively.

Comparison of d18O values of Pi released from b-glycerophosphate with and without H2O2 in the same labeled water shows that the presence of H2O2 does not aect d18O values of released Pi in 5& water, within error (Table 3). In the presence of H2O2, there is a maximum 1.8& dierence between the d18O of Pi released in +99& and 5& water (Table 3). This maximum 2&

d18O dierence is negligible compared with the >100& dierence in d18O values of the water, indicating that all four oxygen atoms in Pi released by UVR digestion were inherited from the original phosphomonoester substrate, without fractionation. Based on UVR digestion experiments, the d18O values of the PO4 moiety groups in a-D-glucose-1-phosphate, b-glycerophosphate and 50 AMP are +20 (1)&, +11 (1)& and +12 (1)&, respectively (Table 3). Pi (0.10.3 lmol) was released from each phosphomonoester experiment during 24 h exposure to natural summer sunlight, which indicates that natural sunlight can break down 0.51% of total phosphomonoesters per day (Table 3).

Isotope signature of Pi regeneration from P org by monoesterase and UVR


35 30
O of Released PO4 (permil)
O of Released PO4(permil)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -20 0 20

25 20 15 10 5 -20 0 5'-nucleotidase: adenosine 5'-monophosphate 20 40 60 18 O of Water (permil) 80 100


. =0






7 .99 =0

Glucose 1-Phosphate Calf APase E. coli APase -Glycerophosphate Calf APase E. coli APase







Fig. 5. PO4H2O exchange catalyzed by cell-free 50 -nucleotidase (Crotalus Atrox venom) at 37 C. The slope of the linear regression of adenosine 50 monophosphate data is 0.257 (0.002).

O of Water (permil)

4. Discussion 4.1. APase Alkaline phosphatase is produced by a wide range of aquatic organisms and its sources in aqueous environments may vary from bacteria, picoplankton and algae, to animals (McComb et al., 1979; Flynn et al., 1986). Amino acid sequence determination of E. coli, yeast and mammalian APase has shown that 2530% of the entire APase sequence is conserved and the active site of APase, where cleavage of PAO bonds in phosphomonoesters occurs, is completely conserved with only three exceptions (Kim and Wycko, 1991; Murphy et al., 1995). The conservation of active site among these APases from dierent sources suggests that the major reaction mechanisms of APases are the same. Since these three active site dierences change the position of the PO4 group relative to the metal co-factor and aect the initial protonation of the serine hydroxyl residue on the enzyme, which is responsible for nucleophilic attack on phosphorus, this could potentially lead to changes in the rate-determining step and pH-optima of mammalian and E. coli APase (Murphy et al., 1995). Therefore, although the major functions and reaction mechanisms of APase from dierent sources are the same, there are some important dierences such as activity optima, heat stability, pH preference and the requirement of dierent metal co-factors to achieve maximum activity. To interpret the oxygen isotope signature of Pi derived from enzyme-catalyzed P metabolism/cycling in natural waters, it is important to determine the oxygen isotope eects of phosphoenzymes derived from dierent sources in intact cells as well as cell-free puried enzyme systems. Alkaline phosphatases studied here, extracted from different organisms (eukaryotic, prokaryotic), produced similar oxygen isotope patterns between released Pi and water, suggesting that the hydrolytic reaction mechanism of each

Fig. 6. a-D-Glucose-1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate hydrolysis catalyzed by dierent cell-free alkaline phosphatases at 37 C. The slope of the linear regression of is 0.244 (0.007) for glucose-1-phosphate data and 0.245 (0.008) for b-glycerophosphate data.

enzyme is the same (Fig. 6). Thus, our isotopic results support previous studies on structures of APase described above which indicate that the catalytic mechanism of dierent APases should be the same (Kim and Wycko, 1989; Coleman, 1992; Murphy et al., 1995). Under the same reaction conditions (pH, T, cofactor, enzyme/P ratio), higher Pi release rates are related to higher APase activity. Even though APase is a non-specic phosphomonoesterase and can release Pi from a variety of different phosphomonoester substrates, APase enzyme activity is dierent for each individual phosphomonoester. With the same enzyme/P ratio, Pi release from 50 -AMP as the substrate was much slower than with a-D-glucose-1phosphate and b-glycerophosphate as substrates. For example, after 7 days of reaction, the yield of Pi in a-D-glucose-1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate experiments reached 90% and 92%, respectively, whereas the yield of Pi in 50 -AMP experiments barely approached 50%, even after the enzyme/P ratio was later increased by a factor of three. In addition, activities of calf APase in 50 -AMP hydrolysis experiments were much lower than in experiments with other substrates. These observations suggest that calf APase activity is inhibited by the presence of 50 -AMP or adenosine. In order to obtain enough Pi for isotopic analysis in 50 -AMP hydrolysis experiments, a much higher enzyme/P ratio had to be employed (Table 1). 4.2. 50 -Nucleotidase APase is a relatively non-specic enzyme compared with 50 -nucleotidase. In 50 -nucleotidase experiments, Pi was not released from a-D-glucose-1-phosphate and b-glycerophosphate, indicating that 50 -nucleotidase could not catalyze hydrolysis of these phosphomonoester substrates and is specic for its nucleotide substrates. This nding is consistent with the known active site conguration of 50 -nucleo-


Y. Liang, R.E. Blake 70 (2006) 39573969

tidase which recognizes and interacts with the nucleoside base portions (e.g., adenosine) of nucleotide molecules in addition to PO4 groups (Knofel and Strater, 2001). By contrast, the APase active site interacts with the PO4 group of phosphomonoesters as well as inorganic phosphorus compounds such as pyrophosphate. Hydrolysis of Porg catalyzed by three dierent APases and 50 -nucleotidase acting on four dierent substrates resulted in similar isotope systematics of Pi regeneration. The slopes of linear trends on plots of d18OP vs. d18OW for all experiments with phosphomonoesterases were close to 0.25 which indicates that one of four oxygen atoms in Pi released from phosphomonoesters by APase and 50 -nucleotidase is derived from ambient water. These results also indicate that Pi released from phosphomonoesters contains 75%, or three O atoms, that are inherited from the original phosphomonoester substrate. The contribution of this inherited oxygen component to the d18O of Pi released via enzymatic hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters is responsible for the oset of linear trends and dierent y-intercepts observed for the dierent substrates (Figs. 2, 4 and 6). The similar patterns of water incorporation during phosphomonoester hydrolysis by eukaryotic APase, prokaryotic APase and 50 -nucleotidase suggests that the isotope eects and PO4H2O O isotope fractionations imposed by this class of enzymes (i.e., phosphomonoesterases) are the same. Further detailed investigations of APase and 50 -nucleotidase isotope eects show that this is not the case. Comparison of experiments in which 50 -AMP was used as a substrate for both 50 -nucleotidase and calf APase show that Pi released from 50 -AMP by 50 -nucleotidase is consistently $5& heavier than Pi released from 50 -AMP by APase (Fig. 7). This indicates that the water oxygen atom incorporated into Pi during hydrolysis may have been fractionated relative to ambient water versus incorporated

directly. Furthermore, this result suggests that the incorporated water oxygen atom was fractionated dierently by the two dierent enzymes. Recall that all three APases (mammalian, arthropod, bacterial) gave similar released Pi d18O values for the same phosphomonoester substrate (Table 1, Fig. 2). From the standpoint of interpretation of P cycling pathways in natural systems, a long range goal of these studies, this result suggests that APase Pi-regeneration pathways may be distinguishable from 50 -nucleotidase Pi-regeneration pathways, and thus, may provide new insights into the details of P-cycling processes. 4.3. Enzyme-specic isotopic fractionations In order to determine the fractionation accompanying the incorporation of ambient (bulk) water oxygen into 14 oxygen sites in PO4 released during hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters, it is necessary to know the d18O value of the organically bound PO4 moiety in the phosphomonoester substrate before hydrolysis (Porg-d18OP). A conventional mass-balance approach cannot be used to determine this fractionation because it requires oxygen isotope exchange between the oxygen reservoirs (i.e., water and PO4) and knowledge of the d18O values of these reservoirs before and after exchange takes place. Hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters by APase and 50 -nucleotidase is a nucleophilic substitution (SN2) reaction with ambient water acting as the nucleophile that attacks the electrophilic phosphorus atom in phosphomonoesters. This is a unidirectional reaction that is not accompanied by oxygen isotope exchange. During hydrolysis, the PAO bond in the PAOAC ester is cleaved and an alcohol group HOAC is formed. The reaction products are free PO4 that contains one oxygen atom from ambient water and a moiety containing an alcohol group. That is, one oxygen atom in the PO4 of Porg is replaced by one oxygen atom from the water and the remaining original oxygen atom becomes part of the organic product. Phosphate oxygen in the ester becomes incorporated in the HOAC product and there is no oxygen isotope exchange between Porg and water. Thus, the conventional mass-balance approach which requires exchange between the PO4 and water oxygen reservoirs (as well as foreknowledge of the fractionation factor associated with this exchange) cannot be used to determine the fractionation accompanying incorporation of ambient water oxygen into Pi during enzymatic hydrolysis. If the incorporation of water oxygen during Porg hydrolysis is direct (i.e., with no fractionation) then a mass-balance approach may be used to determine the oxygen isotope composition of PO4 in un-hydrolyzed Porg (Porgd18OP). The calculations are made on the basis of measured d18O of Pi released by hydrolysis of Porg in dierent waters and the d18O of water before and after hydrolysis. As pointed out above, however, the comparison of results from APase and 50 -nucleotidase hydrolysis of the same substrate and the expected kinetic control of phosphomonoesterase reactions indicate that there is a

35 30
O of Released PO4(permil)

25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -20 0 20







Adenosine 5' monophosphate APase 5'-nucleotidase 40 60 80 100


O of Water (permil)

Fig. 7. Cell-free 50 -nucleotidase- and calf APase-catalyzed adenosine 50 monophosphate hydrolysis at 37 C. The slopes of linear regressions of APase and 50 -nucleotidase data are 0.276 (0.003), and 0.257 (0.002), respectively.

Isotope signature of Pi regeneration from P org by monoesterase and UVR


fractionation accompanying incorporation of oxygen from water into Pi during Porg hydrolysis by APase and 50 nucleotidase. An additional factor precluding a mass-balance approach to determination of Porg-d18OP values and fractionations during phosphomonoesterase hydrolysis is that in the chosen reaction system, the number of oxygen atoms in the water is overwhelmingly greater than the number of oxygen atoms in the PO4 such that the change in water d18O during hydrolysis is negligible compared to measurement error. We chose to test the suitability of UV digestion of Porg to determine the original Porg-d18OP values of phosphomonoester substrates. Digestion of Porg compounds by UVR has been shown to convert organic C in Porg to CO2 quantitatively (Armstrong et al., 1966). Such specic attack on C may leave O atoms bound to P in PO4 moieties unaltered. This hypothesis was tested by exposing phosphomonoesters to UVR in dierent 18O-labeled waters and determining the oxygen isotope eect on released free Pi. Results of these experiments demonstrated that Pi released from phosphomonoesters by UVR did not incorporate water O and thus retained original Porg-d18OP values (Table 3). The original Porg-d18OP values determined from UVR experiments can be compared with d18O of Pi released by hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters by APase and 50 -nucleotidatse, to determine the isotopic fractionation factors (F) associated with enzyme-specic hydrolysis. Pi released

from phosphomonoesters (i.e., Porg) by APase and 50 -nucleotidase has three O atoms derived from the PO4 moiety group of original Porg and one oxygen atom is derived from ambient water (Fig. 1), such that: d18 OPi 1d18 OIW 3d18 OPorg 4 4 1 where, d18O (Pi) is the oxygen isotope composition of Pi released from Porg, d18O (IW) is the isotopic composition of the water O atom incorporated into released Pi, and d18O (Porg) is the d18O value of the PO4 moiety group of original unhydrolyzed Porg. With knowledge of both the d18O value of released Pi and the d18O value of the PO4 moiety group in Porg (from UVR experiments), the d18O value of incorporated water O, d18O (IW), can be calculated from: d18 OIW 4 d18 OPi 0:75 d18 OPorg 2

The isotopic fractionation between incorporated water O and ambient water O, a(Incorporated-bulk water) or F, is described by F d18 OIW d18 OW
18 18

where, d OW is the d O value of bulk ambient water. Combining Eq. (2) with Eq. (3) will give: F 4 d18 OPi 0:75 d18 OPorg d18 OW 4

Using Eq. (4), fractionation factors for each type of phosphomonoesterase have been calculated and are presented in Table 4.

Table 4 O isotope fractionation between water incorporated into released Pi and ambient water Enzyme Calf APase Substrates a-D-Glucose-1-phosphate d18OW (&) 18.83 44.08 99.84 18.83 44.08 99.84 6.09 46.51 98.71 6.09 19.80 45.57 71.09 97.75 6.08 19.76 44.99 70.37 96.01 6.5 5.88 20.54 46.66 71.96 98.65 d18OP (&) 4.0 20.7 34.6 4.7 11.3 24.4 1.9 12.9 28.1 9.7 15.7 21.8 27.3 33.5 0.4 6.2 12.9 18.6 25.3 1.0 4.7 11.5 18.2 24.9 31.5 d18O (Porg) 20 20 20 11 11 11 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 20 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 F (&) 25 21 21 33 32 35 38 31 22 15 17 18 22 24 25 28 26 29 28 31 11 11 10 8 9 10 1 Average of F (&) 23 Error (&) 2



Adenosine 50 -monophosphate


E. coli APase





Shrimp APase 5 -Nucleotidase


b-Glycerophosphate Adenosine 5 -monophosphate



Y. Liang, R.E. Blake 70 (2006) 39573969

On the basis of UVR determinations of Porg-d18OP, the calculated fractionation factors show that 16O is preferentially incorporated into released PO4 during APase catalyzed hydrolysis reactions with a fractionation of 30 (8)&. This kinetic fractionation is consistent with the APase-catalyzed reaction being controlled by diusion (Simopoulus and Jencks, 1994). Data presented in Table 4 also show that during 50 -nucleotidase catalyzed 50 -AMP hydrolysis, oxygen from water is incorporated into released Pi with a fractionation of 10 (1)&. As noted above, when the same Porg substrate is hydrolyzed in the same labeled water by dierent APases (e.g., calf vs. E. coli), the same d18O value is obtained for released Pi, due to the similarity in reaction mechanism and isotopic fractionation. Conversely, d18O values of Pi released from 50 -AMP by 50 -nucleotidase were consistently $5& heavier than Pi released from 50 -AMP by calf APase under the same conditions (Fig. 7). The calculated fractionation factors for APase and 50 -nucleotidase are consistent with this observation. 4.4. Isotope eects of dierent P cycling pathways The water incorporation patterns of APase and 50 -nucleotidase catalyzed 50 -AMP hydrolysis reactions are the same with a slope of 0.25 (0.02), however, as the above example demonstrates, the isotopic fractionations imposed by these two enzymes are dierent. In both cases, one water oxygen atom is incorporated into released Pi, but the water oxygen incorporated during 50 -nucleotidase catalyzed hydrolysis is isotopically heavier than that in the APase catalyzed reaction, leading to the consistent overall $+5& oset of Pi in the 50 -nucleotidase experiments. Previous studies show that APase is induced by conditions of Pi starvation and Pi-limitation whereas 50 -nucleotidase is present at non-limiting high Pi concentrations. APase and 50 -nucleotidase are associated with dierent Pi status conditions, and as demonstrated herein, should have distinguishably dierent isotope eects. Thus, absolute and relative d18O values of dissolved Pi measured in natural waters may be a useful indicator of Pi-status, and correlate with the availability of Pi and related nutrients in aquatic systems. For example, for large bodies of water with constant d18O values such as the open ocean or large lakes, changing Pi degradation pathways could be indicated by shifts in Pid18O values, with lower values indicating the APase degradation pathway which also indicates Pi-limiting conditions. The oxygen isotope imprint left by extracellular phosphomonoesterase-catalyzed Pi regeneration is signicantly dierent from the oxygen isotope signature of other pathways controlling the biogeochemical cycling of P (Blake et al., 2005) most importantly, microbial uptake, and cellular turnover of Pi and the reaction catalyzed by cytoplasmic inorganic pyrophosphatase (Fig. 8). Experiments on microbial metabolism and turnover of Pi performed by Blake et al. (1998a, 2005) show that a positive correlation exists between oxygen isotope ratios of DIP and ambient water

60 50 40
=0 .9 9

O of released PO (permil) 4

20 10 0 -20 0


98 2 0.99 R=

P source: Glucose-1 phosphate APase Microbes 20 40 60 80 100

O of water (permil)

Fig. 8. Oxygen isotope eects of cell-free APase-catalyzed Pi regeneration vs. microbial turnover of P (Blake et al., 2005). Glucose-1-phosphate is used as the only P source in both experiments. The slope of the APase data set is 0.257 and that of the microbial experiment data set is 0.90.

in microbial growth media with a slope approaching 1. This is signicantly dierent from the slope of 0.25 for d18OP vs. d18OW observed for phosphomonoesterase-catalyzed Pi regeneration reported here. It has also been recently shown that cycling of Pi in microbial cultures (Blake et al., 2005) and Pi in natural waters (Colman, 2002; Colman et al., 2005) leads to temperature-dependent equilibrium oxygen isotope exchange between Pi and ambient water. In contrast, phosphomonoesterase-catalyzed Pi regeneration drives the O isotope composition of Pi toward values consistent with incorporation of O from ambient water, which is accompanied by large kinetic fractionations on the order of 10& to 30&, and away from equilibrium values. In addition to phosphoeznymes, UVR also impacts the bioavailability and biogeochemical cycling of nutrient elements such as C, N and P in shallow water environments and high latitude lakes (Mopper and Kieber, 2002). Photochemical reactions promote dissolved organic compound degradation/mineralization. In the water column, UVR can reach depths of 10 m and its biological eect goes deeper to 20 and 30 m (Karentz and Lutze, 1990). Wetzel et al. (1995) showed that UVR might inuence P cycling in aquatic environments by increasing Pi availability through the breakdown of Porg compounds. Thus, UVR provides another Pi regeneration pathway in aquatic systems. Based on the results of this study, Pi released by UVR should retain the original O isotope composition of phosphomonoester sources. Without water O incorporation, the phosphate O isotope signature of Pi derived from phosphomonoester degradation via UVR should dier signicantly from enzyme-catalyzed degradation or biological turnover of Pi. The d18OP of all possible original (unhydrolyzed) Porg sources (e.g., marine phytoplankton, phosphonates, terrestrial organic matter, municipal waste, fertilizers) would be required for absolute vs. relative interpretations.


Isotope signature of Pi regeneration from P org by monoesterase and UVR


4.5. d18OP values of enzyme-regenerated Pi in natural systems The optimal conditions applied in laboratory studies often dier from those of natural aquatic systems, especially pH and temperature. Temperature did not signicantly affect the APase reactions studied here. The optimal pH for dierent enzymes used in our experiments ranged from 8.8 to 10.4 for APases and was 9 for 50 -nucleotidase. From experiments at pH close to that of sea water (calf APase, pH 8.8) to experiments at pH 10.4, the phosphate-water O isotope eects were similar: a positive correlation existed between d18OP vs. d18Ow and the slopes of these correlations were 0.25 (0.02). These observations suggest that even though the dierences in reaction conditions between articial and natural systems may aect enzyme activity, they should not alter the enzymatic reaction mechanism in the pH 810 range which includes seawater. Therefore, our laboratory results should be relevant to natural marine environments where it has also been found that phosphomonoesters are the dominant component of the dissolved organophosphorus compound pool (Clark et al., 1999; Benitez-Nelson, 2000). Here we present an example calculation for a system with typical marine characteristics. In the marine environment, water d18O values are constant and uniform at around 0&. For open ocean regions far from terrestrial Porg input, we assume that Porg-d18OP value s will be constant due to production of Porg by in situ biomass under constant water d18O conditions. Very few values of natural marine Porg-d18OP have been reported (Longinelli et al., 1976). Although it has been demonstrated that absolute values of these previously reported data were likely aected by analytical artifacts (Blake et al., 1997; Colman et al., 2005; Liang, 2005), the range of values is small (1& for Atlantic ocean samples; Longinelli et al., 1976). If it is assumed that water temperature = 20 C, d18Ow = 0.0&, and the original phosphomonoester substrate Porg-d18OP = 20.0&, then applying Eq. (1) and using the fractionations determined above for the APase and 50 -nucleotidase mechanisms, we calculate that the d18O value of enzyme-regenerated Pi from this phosphomonoester will be 12.5& for the APase pathway and 7.5& for the 50 -nucleotidase pathway. In both cases, the regenerated Pid18O values reect 75% inherited oxygen from the original phosphomonoester substrate (i.e., +20&). If biological turnover of Pi is signicant, then Pi will be further shifted toward the equilibrium d18OP value of 21.3& at 20 C. Biological turnover would not produce fractionations similar to either enzyme-catalyzed Pi-regeneration pathway, because an equilibrium Pi-water fractionation of 12.5& or 7.5& would indicate unreasonably high seawater temperatures of 58 to 79 C. Photooxidation of Porg, although not expected to play an important role in P-cycling in the open ocean, could also be distinguished in this system as Pi released from phosphomonoesters by UVR would retain the d18OP value of the substrate, 20.0&.

Thus, for a phosphomonoester source with a Porg-d18OP value of 20.0&, the expected O isotopic fractionation between regenerated Pi and water is 7.5& for the APase pathway and 12.5& for the 50 -nucleotidase pathway. These fractionations are signicantly dierent from the equilibrium value expected for biologically cycled Pi, 21.3&. New data on open ocean DIP d18OP values shows that there is a shift from equilibrium d18OP values toward lower d18OP values of DIP in the zone of Pi regeneration in both the Pacic and Atlantic oceans (Colman et al., 2005). This shift toward lower than equilibrium d18OP values is consistent with the above scenario of incorporation of O from ambient water during enzymatic hydrolysis of sinking Porg derived from warmer surface waters. The magnitude of the shift, however, is only 12&, indicating biological turnover and equilibration of Pi subsequent to release from Porg, relatively heavy Porg-d18OP values for un-hydrolyzed source Porg, or that natural phosphoesterase enzymes in these systems produce similar, but smaller oxygen isotope eects on Pi regenerated from Porg. The APase and 50 -nucleotidase fractionations, which are not temperature sensitive, will be constant under conditions of constant water d18OP and Porg-d18OP. For systems with Porg-sources having variable Porg-d18OP or variable water d18O values, such as estuaries, coastal or terrestrial environments, the enzyme-specic fractionations would reect these variations. The experimental studies presented here are but the rst of many required to fully characterize the oxygen isotope systematics of biogeochemical cycling of P in natural systems. Because 75% of the Pid18OP signature is derived from the Porg source, resolution of these questions and a clear interpretation of DIP d18OP values depend upon determination of Porg-d18OP values of un-hydrolyzed Porg sources. Only two published studies report attempts to obtain Porgd18OP values (Longinelli et al., 1976; Paytan et al., 2002). However, strong acid hydrolysis was used to extract Pi from Porg in these studies and Porg was not separated from intracellular Pi prior to hydrolysis (Longinelli et al., 1976; Paytan et al., 2002). Despite artifacts produced by these experimental procedures, a relation between oxygen in Porg and ambient water was observed, but with no apparent eect of ambient water temperature. Full understanding of the relationship between Porg, water, temperature and ambient Pi is needed and experiments are underway to ll this remaining gap in our knowledge of the O isotope systematics of phosphate. 5. Conclusions Alkaline phosphatase (APase) and 50 -nucleotidase are the two most commonly observed phosphoenzymes in aquatic environments and produce similar oxygen isotope relations between regenerated inorganic phosphate (Pi or PO4) and ambient water, consistent with one of four oxygen atoms in PO4 derived from water. The same class of phosphomonoesterase (e.g., APases) derived from dierent


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sources (eukaryotic, prokaryotic) was found to produce the same oxygen isotope eect on regenerated Pi. Dierent classes of phosphomonoesterase enzymes (i.e., APase vs. 50 -nucleotidase) were found to produce widely dierent oxygen isotope fractionations between bulk water O and O incorporated into one of four oxygen sites in PO4 regenerated via hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters (30& vs. 10&), leading to clearly distinguishable d18O values (on the order of 5& dierences) of free Pi released as a nal product of hydrolysis via the APase vs. the 50 -nucleotidase pathway. Furthermore, the isotopic signatures of both enzymatic Pi-regeneration pathways were distinguishable from that of microbial turnover and recycling of Pi. The consistency in isotopic behavior observed for similar enzyme and compound classes is very promising for the application of d18O values of Pi in natural waters to studies of specic P-cycling pathways, however, we have only begun to scratch the surface of this topic and studies of additional classes of phosphatases (e.g., acid phosphatases, thermophilic APases) as well as C-P lyase and phosphonate substrates are currently in-progress. Results of laboratory experiments using UV radiation to release organically bound PO4 suggest that the d18O value of inorganic phosphate (d18OP) regenerated from organic matter by photooxidation in natural aquatic systems should reect the isotopic composition of the organic matter source with insignicant contribution from ambient water. These results demonstrate the potential for linking d18O values of Pi with specic enzymatic and chemical reactions and support the expanded application and development of phosphate oxygen isotope ratios as a tracer of biogeochemical cycling of P. Acknowledgments This research was supported by funds from Yale University. The authors thank Jim ONeil and one anonymous reviewer for their substantial contribution to improve the paper. The authors also thank Earth System Center for Stable Isotope Studies of the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies and Stable Isotope Facility of the University of California, Davis for O isotope analyses.
Associate editor: Carol Arnosti

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