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The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

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bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

Created by William McAusland

Published by Outland Arts
“Putting YOU in the Game”

‘The Mutant Epoch’™ and the ‘Outland System’ game mechanic™ are all trademarks owned by Outland Arts™
© Copyright 2007-2013 Outland Arts/ William McAusland

OLA1006 ISBN 978-0-9879642-7-4 First published December 2013

Outland Arts
1860 Lodgepole Drive
Kamloops, B.C. Canada

web sites: www.outlandarts.com or www.mutantepoch.com

Blog http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/
Twitter Feed http://twitter.com/mutantlord
YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMutantEpoch
email info@outlandarts.com

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

Table of Contents
Part One: Barter River ........... 330 Slow Creek ..................................................... 365
Introduction to the Crossroads Region ....... 4 Bitter Bog .............. 331 Snag Inlet ....................................................... 365
How to Use this book ........................... 6 Blue Reef ............... 331 Sour Canyon River ........................................... 365
Overview of Regional Features ............. 7 Bomb Bay ............... 332 South Road ..................................................... 366
Overview of Surrounding Regions ........ 8 Border Creek ......... 332 Spec Creek ..................................................... 366
Part Two Broken Highway ..... 333 Southern Steppe ............................................ 367
Home Settlement Determination .......... 11 Busta Container .... 334 Strangle Wood ................................................ 368
Part Three Caprician Plains .... 335 Tangle Bay ....................................................... 369
The Northern Freeholds ......................... 13 Crater Bridge ......... 335 The Coil ........................................................... 369
Array ................................................... 17 Crow Island ............ 337 The Forks ......................................................... 370
Overpass ............................................. 25 Cruel Wood ............ 337 The Merge ....................................................... 370
Pitford ................................................. 50 Dead River ............. 338 The Ramps ...................................................... 370
Part Four: Deep Bay ................ 339 The Rip ............................................................ 371
The Lower Freeholds .............................. 62 Devil’s Hole ............ 339 The Scrubs ...................................................... 372
Sandbarra .......................................... 67 Dirge River ............. 340 The Western Ramps ........................................ 372
Sea Home ........................................... 74 Dog Flats ................ 340 The Yacht ........................................................ 373
Sorrow ................................................ 82 Dog Island .............. 340 Thorn Island .................................................... 373
Steel Hill ............................................ 90 Dominion Interior... 341 Tin Cove ........................................................... 374
Part Five: Duke Lake .............. 342 Top Road ......................................................... 374
Dominion of Aberratia ........................ 107 East Road .............. 342 Toxic Bog ......................................................... 374
Banner Cove ..................................... 115 Edge Wood ............. 342 Tribulation Flats .............................................. 375
Dawn Cove ........................................ 121 Elbow Island .......... 343 True Home ...................................................... 376
Hookville .......................................... 128 Fever Lake .............. 343 True Wood ....................................................... 376
Newburg ........................................... 137 Figgy Road ............. 344 Twisted Wood .................................................. 377
North Fort ........................................ 159 Filth Lake ............... 344 Two Craters Lake ............................................ 377
Red Field .......................................... 165 Flak River ............... 344 Ventura River .................................................. 378
Rivergrad ......................................... 172 Folly Island ............ 345 Walsave ......................................................... 378
Windway ........................................... 178 Forest Road ........... 345 White Cruiser ................................................. 378
Part Six: Free Channel ........ 347 White Reef ...................................................... 379
The Holy Purist Empire ........................ 185 Frigate .................. 347 Part Twelve:
Clean Guard ..................................... 200 Gabe’s Trench ........ 348 Appendixes .......................................................... 380
Duty .................................................. 203 Gate Reef .............. 349 Appendix One:
Far Cross .......................................... 207 Gold Grass Plains .. 349 Street Occupant Determination Tables .............. 381
Fort Glory .......................................... 214 Golden River .......... 350 Street Occupant Table A: Holy Purist Empire ......... 381
Great Purity Wall .............................. 216 Great Steppe ......... 350 Street Occupant Table B: Independent free towns ........ 381
High Watch ....................................... 219 Gunthar’s Forest ... 351 Street Occupant Table C: Excavation Support towns .... 382
Holy Port ........................................... 223 Harper’s Bridge ..... 351 Street Occupant Table D: Dominion of Aberratia ....... 382
Pure Hub City ................................... 227 Havoc Wastes ........ 352 Appendix Two:
Stalwart ........................................... 239 Heckler Wood ........ 352 Bar Room Patrons Determination Tables .......... 383
The Convent ...................................... 243 Inter-State .............. 352 Bar Patron Table A. Holy Purist Empire .......... 383
The Hermilage .................................. 248 Iron Island ............. 354 Bar Patron Table B Independent free towns ... 384
Witch Burn ....................................... 252 Junk River .............. 354 Bar Patron Table C Excavation Support towns ... 385
Part Seven: Little Prairie .......... 354 Bar Patron Table D Dominion of Aberratia ...... 385
Independent Settlements ................... 257 Low Pass Road ....... 355 Appendix Three:
Galespit ............................................ 258 Lusus River ............ 355 Slaves in the Crossroads Region ........................ 386
Leper Hold ........................................ 268 Marrow River ......... 356 Appendix Four:
Memory ............................................ 272 Mud Inlet ............... 356 Radio Stations .................................................... 389
Port Folly .......................................... 277 New Hills ................ 356 Appendix Five:
Rock Spire ........................................ 284 Newton Point ......... 357 Online Resources list .......................................... 389
Rusted Hulk ...................................... 290 North Road ............ 358 Appendix Six:
Safe Port .......................................... 298 Old Forest .............. 358 Maps ........................................................390
Part Eight: Old War Zone ......... 359 Regional Map, ink .......................................... 390
Nomadic Communities ....................... 310 Overgrown Forest .. 359 Ink Map, 9 Sheet print and tile ................ 391-399
Part Nine: Paramount Island .. 360 Full Regional Map, 3d sculpted .................... 400
Heroes, Outlaws and Organizations ... 313 Porter’s River ......... 360 3d Sculpted Map, 9 Sheet print and tile ..... 401-409
Part Ten: Rancid River .......... 361 Overpass Map, 4 Sheet print and tile ........ 410-413
The Ruins ............................................. 322 Resupply ................ 361 Newburg Map, 4 Sheet print and tile .....414-417
Dethpool Ruins .................................. 323 Ridge Island .......... 362 Pure Hub City Map, 4 Sheet print and tile .... 418-421
Overgrown Ruins .............................. 323 Sage Hills .............. 362 Steel Hill Map, 2 Sheet print and tile .... 422-423
The Great Ruins ............................... 324 Screamer Forest .... 362 Appendix Seven:
The Scrub Ruins ............................... 325 Shadow Lake ......... 362 Non-Player Characters ............................... 424-443
Part Eleven: Shard Creek .......... 363 Appendix Eight:
Points of Interest .................................. 328 Shroud Road .......... 363 Historical Time Line of Region ................... 444,445
Ajax Lake ........................................ 328 Sick Creek ............. 363 Index ............................................................ 446,447
Arcola Ramps .................................. 329 Sickle Creek ............ 364 Join Us! ................................................................. 448
Atrocity Creek ................................... 330 Silver Lake ............. 364

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 

Purist Conquistador

Dominion of Aberratia

Bipedal Rat

Freehold Scouts

Part One:
Introduction to the
Mecha Android Spy
Crossroads Region
bede rogerson (Order #26220502)
The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 

Part One: Introduction to the Crossroads Region

T he Crossroads Region, which sits over a portion of what
was once Greater Los Angeles, occupies a stretch of coast-
line along the Tainted Sea. It is perhaps the most diverse and
the PCs are unable to know just what they are getting them-
selves into when they cross the southern borders.
The Crossroads Region is an excellent place for new players
heavily populated sector within many hundreds of kilometers. and GMs to explore The Mutant Epoch ‘milieu’ and nature of the
Not only are the geography, flora and fauna and assorted ru- Post Apocalyptic genre. This region is heavily populated by hu-
ins of great interest, but so too the varied societies, called fac- mans, their off-shoots, beastial humans and allows players to por-
tions. These emerging nations exist in a state of ever increas- tray characters of any type. The type or race of a character, howev-
ing hostility, at odds over their extreme differences in race, er, is an especially important factor within this region. It influences
religion and politics. how NPCs respond to the character, for there are powerful and
This region was chosen as the first published setting for opposing factions in this sector which may either despise or wel-
The Mutant Epoch for several reasons, with the primary factor come the PC in question. Because of this extreme polarization of
being the area’s incredibly wide range of conflicts, adventure factions, players must be mindful of where their character’s travel.
opportunities and locales. The variety of unique cultures, ruins They should try to learn about the world around them, have their
and geological features make it both entertaining and challeng- character’s question locals, and when meeting NPCs, use their
ing for player characters of all ranks of experience, while offer- heads as often as their weaponry and mutations. Likewise, the
ing game masters a wealth of possibilities, as well as encoun- bitter conflict between the mutant supremacist of The Dominion
ters and adventure hooks. Here, characters can be exposed of Aberratia and their mortal enemies, the pure stock humans of
to nearly every terrain type noted in the Hub Rules, except for The Holy Purist Empire, will constantly threaten the PCs anyplace
snowy, desert and mountain conditions. This region exhibits in the region. This hateful race war will demand that the charac-
old war zones, ruined cityscapes, reef-locked relic ships, stink- ters be vigilant in the dark streets of town, extra wary of approach-
ing bogs and huge toxic bomb craters. Furthermore, travelers ing riders, and sleep with one eye open even in the locked room
will discover fresh water lakes and rivers, vast plains, wild hills, of a motel. The bloody war between men and mutants will also
enormous woodlands, and the mysterious islands, beaches, add tension to the character’s lives by way of the anxiety caused
bays and inlets of the Pacific Ocean. Here too, are found the by anticipating one faction or the other’s inevitable victory. No war
cracked interstate highways and crossroads of the old ones lasts forever, and since one side is bent on totally annihilating the
which give this part of old California its name. other, there can be neither truce nor surrender. When one side
Another important feature of this area which made it an does win, that faction will soon turn its attention to conquering the
obvious first choice for publication were the uncharted lands remaining Freeholds and Independent communities in an attempt
directly to the south, lands left purposefully blank and vaguely to gain control of the entire region. Should either a Purist or mu-
described for the game master’s own personal touch. There tant supremacist victor march upon these other settlements the
will be no Outland Arts published products covering the lands characters will be forced to flee the region or else stand with the
below this or other forthcoming regions, at least not for 400 other free peoples and fight in a terrible war.
kilometers or more and into old Mexico. All upcoming TME re- This book contains numerous resources, maps, encounter
gions will connect to The Crossroads Region running directly tables, and interesting locales. Also described are places for the
East, West and North of these regions. PC team to rest up, heal from wounds, re-supply their food and
The reason for this ‘blank canvas’ policy to the South of water, charge power cells, get a mug of beer, and sell surplus
the Crossroads Region is to encourage game masters to cre- relics and plastic ‘treasures’. They can also meet replacement
ate their own adjoining lands below, knowing that no upcoming diggers, gather information and gossip, or secure passage on a
published products will come along to usurp this space. While cargo barge, airship or wagon caravan to other communities. This
not every GM will have the time or inclination to create a new supplement may be sufficient enough to accommodate a GM and
region, the Outland Arts team agreed that a GM is a co-creator player group for years of gaming; however, there are also dozens
with the publisher, in both the creation of house rules as well of downloadable NPCs, maps and other TME resources available
as new lands, cultures and creatures. All the designers of TME free to registered Society of Excavator Members, found at www.
have been GMs before. They know that ‘world building’ is one mutantepoch.com plus, several free adventures and the Pitford
of the greatest joys a GM has, and this process is practically a Lite town setting which is a trimmed down free edition of the full
right. It is an aspect of tabletop RPGs which makes the hob- version of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins. Whether conducting a
by unique and presents the truly unknown to the players who, beginners group session or a high rank campaign for experienced
through their characters, get to explore a land for the first time. role playing gamers, The Crossroads Region offers a wealth of
Additionally, if players of The Mutant Epoch are able to review possibilities, guidelines, plot hooks, and ready to run encounters
the regional setting books, like this one, they might be able to to speed the participants along toward putting you in the game.
read up on the details of a community and learn secrets that
are meant only for the GM. By having a totally unique setting,

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 

the same table will be used but with a dice modifier applied to
How to Use this book night hours or after sunset. The following example is the fore
Tables are both coded and titled, such as Table CR-1-2 Home matter of a street encounter area for a district within the city
Town Selection by Letter Code found on page 12, a standard of Overpass:
used by all Outland Press gaming books and supplements,
even those for download from the web site. In the case not- Table CR-Example-1 Highcity Encounters, d6+1 rolls for
ed above, the code means ‘Table: Crossroads Region part 1, street occupants from chart B by day, d6-1(0-5) by night, see page
table 2’ a simple but effective way to reference tables quick- 381 for occupants, with a 2 in 10 chance of a unique encounter
ly, by referring to the book they are located in, what part or within Highcity District per passage, from the following list. Roll
chapter of the book, and in what order they appear in that d6 by day, d6+3 by night. Actual encounter table on page 36.
section. Most Bar encounters tables are usually just a little different
Town and bar encounters work a little differently than than street encounters, as shown in the example to follow.
wilderness encounters. The streets and bar rooms of new era Large communities, however, use a unique system, often in-
towns and cities are often full of folks going about their busi- cluding a single bar encounter matrix with modifiers applied
ness, even late at night. The ‘street occupants’, noted in the depending on the bar itself. For the most part, however, the
following example from this book, refers to others who happen following is standard and generally applies even to large re-
to be traversing that section of street when the characters gional community bar tables. Patron rolls, d6 by day and 2d6
are, usually only rolled up if the players ask by night and are used much like street occupant tables, noted
‘who else is in the street?’ But always above. Patron Tables are letter coded and refer to a specific
rolled if a special encounter occurs, or list of potential patrons found in that sort of communi-
rolled once every 10 minutes if the ty’s bar or saloons, with each roll on the appropriate
characters wish to remain stationary appendix table possibly resulting in a single individual
and observe passers by. These street or a group, all of which tend to be of no consequence
occupants are usually of no threat to to the PC’s unless some offense is given about
the characters unless the PC’s are the local beer or the PCs are in some way
very few in number and meet thugs unwelcome due to their caste, type, race
of some sort. The number of rolls, or behavior. There is then a chance of an
shown as d6+1 below, means how encounter per hour or half hour, depend-
many rolls on the specified chart, in ing on the bar’s fore matter info, fol-
this case, chart B, with the page num- lowed by a roll on the encounter table
ber shown for the proper appendix at the itself, sometimes with a dice modifier
end of this book. In some cases, a roll may if the encounter occurs at night when
show a minus value behind the dice roll, such things are livelier and the place packed
as d6-1 (0-5) meaning the GM rolls a d6 and with patrons, staff and whores.
subtracts 1. A roll of 1 in this case means
zero or no other occupants on the street at Table CR-Example-2
that time when the encounter occurs. Sample Bar Encounters,
Should others or ‘street occupants’ Rafter’s Pub, d6 patron rolls from chart
be in the street when an encounter B, page 384, by day, 2d6 by night.
occurs, the encounter may result There is a 2 in 10 chance per
in multiple adversaries, who may hour of an encounter from
split up their numbers and go after the following list, roll d6:
some of the NPCs present, however, Rafters Pub actual encoun-
see each encounter’s description ter table on page 69
to see what happens, particularly if
a creature swoops down from the Wilderness encounters
sky and grabs for a random person are handled in two ways.
in the street, which may or may not If the area is noted on
be a PC. The odds of an encounter the maps associated with
are also shown in the fore matter, this book, then there is a
and in the following case it is a 2 in description listed alpha-
10 chance per passage, although betically, in Part Eleven:
some communities may have dif- Points of Interest, how-
ferent odds of an encounter be- ever, if the area is un-
tween day and night. What the named, the GM could
‘per passage’ means is a general either use the encoun-
description of the trip to any other point ters tables found in the Hub
in town, usually to the saloon or marketplace, Rules book for that terrain type, or,
down an alley, from the main gates to your Inn, or if familiar with the Crossroads Region, in-
almost any journey in the community short or long. For large sert a pre-designed encounter or one which directly relates
settlements the GM may require several checks, or, if a town to the character’s quest. Such quest related encounters, or
has more than one notable sector which has its own neigh- those which seem logical based on where the characters are
borhoods, such as Overpass, Newburg, Pure Hub City or Steel located, could include raiders if the area is known to be infest-
Hill, then extra encounter checks must be made according to ed with them, or, local militia or military patrols if within the
the odds and charts of that area. Finally, the table itself will factional lands of one nation or another, likewise, if certain
have a dice roll to determine what special encounter occurs, humanoids or animals are frequent in that part of the region,
with GMs urged to re-roll a previously experienced outcome to why not enhance the flavor of that zone by having the PCs
ensure variety for the campaign. Often, as in the case below, meet up with the resident baddies? Likewise, an envoy could

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 

arrive to deliver key information, or else the characters could For an excavator, there is no shortage of ancient structures
stumble upon victims of the villains, who give them helpful in- to explore, for this whole area was once part of greater Los An-
formation and motivate the players to act. An encounter need geles. Several areas of the ancient city still remain relatively
not be with totally random man eating beasts, as it is always intact and above the clay and rubble, while most of it remains
better to make every encounter or event in a game session buried under tons of silt and debris. For the gutsy adventure
relevant to the scenario or story, much like how a good book party, the layers upon layers of underground malls, installa-
or movie keeps the pace going, the story focused and every- tions, transport systems and warehouses, as well as military
thing shown for a good reason. Of course, wild beasts which outposts and Mecha hives wait to be looted. Within these old-
tear up the characters could easily be part of the story, since ster tombs await powerful relics which once recovered, can be
they animals remind the characters just how dangerous the brought to bare in the cause of daily survival, and freedom.
world is, how they need to work together, and helps players Nearly two centuries ago the Crossroads Region vicinity
get familiar with the combat system and their individual char- was swept clean of humanity by a series of catastrophes, which
acter’s powers. included nuclear strikes, Mecha extermination ‘treatments’,
For encounters at described points of interest, each will earthquakes, tidal waves, and plague. About a hundred years
have its own odds of an encounter per hour, or crossing as in ago, people began to repopulate the area as the ocean reced-
the case of rivers and creeks. The listing will also show a dice ed. Present day scholars believe that finally, after centuries of
roll to make on the actual encounter table, and might have a heated warfare, pollution and natural climatic changes, the po-
different roll for night, day, if a campfire is lit at night, or other lar ice caps are beginning to freeze again. These modern think-
factors pertaining to that spot. In the actual table, one of the ers also claim that the Tainted Sea will continue to drop, as
most common dice results will be with normal encounters for indeed it has been for decades, about 5 centimeters per year,
that terrain type found in the Hub Rules, however, the GM leaving behind stout buildings, sunken ships, bomb craters and
may wish to use unique tables directing him or her to oth- the twisted hulks of immense war machines.
er collections of TME creatures, such as the Mutant Bestiary Presently, the Crossroads Region is a important area in
One book, downloaded free SOE member’s creatures, home former Southern California, with the emergence of new faiths
made monsters or those found in other Outland Arts publica- and factions threatening to spill out into surrounding areas.
tions such as adventures and Excavator Monthly. The balance of power is held between two diametrically op-
posed nations, the Dominion of Aberratia and the holy Pur-
ist Empire. These factions, one led by fundamentalist pure
stocks, the other by mutant supremacists, struggle on a dai-
ly basis to defeat one another. If one is ultimately victorious,
that faction will aim to obliterate the two remaining Freeholds
and independent communities of the region, and thereafter
Overview of the Regional Features sway the tides of war in both the Shattered Region to the East
and the Shallow Sea Region to the North. No power in these
Welcome to the Crossroads Region, an area along the Pacif-
ic Coast which gets its name from the surviving portions of adjacent regions could sustain a war on two fronts, given that
ancient interstate highways, but so too, from the concept of these factions are already hard pressed and barely managing
choices the inhabitants must make. Four factions exist here. to hold their borders.
The largest two, the Purists and mutant supremacists, are For most free people, a victory by either the mutant su-
permanently at war with each other. The smaller two factions, premacist Aberrationists, or the mutant burning, religious
the Northern Freehold and Southern Freehold, are aligned so zealots of the Holy Purist Empire would be a calamity, as
closely that they are practically one nation, yet separated by both are commonly seen as extreme factions who promote
terrain and mutual enemies. intolerance and extermination. For the most part, however,
The factions include the mutant supremacist or Aberrationist the Aberrationists plot to enslave all non-mutants and elim-
nation called the Dominion of Aberratia or ‘DOA’ for short, which inate pure stock humans through forced marriages to mu-
is situated along the central coastline and reaches to the edge tants, which although is a terrible fate for most, is somewhat
of an immense forest called Twisted Wood. Secondly, there is the less drastic than the policies of the Holy Purist Empire. The
pure stock inhabited, religiously dominated Holy Purist Empire, Purists cannot abide any beings other than unadulterated
referred to as ‘HoPE’ by its subjects or by their many enemies as pure blood, non-deviated life forms, including plants and ani-
‘HerPE’. This low tech, racist, pseudo-Christian Theocracy, ruled mals. The Purists of this region absolutely believe that they
by a Vicar and his clergy, controls much of the south and are can eradicate all mutant, mechanical and synthetic life forms
permanently engaged in a bloody war with the mutants of the and return earth to a pre-apocalyptic state, going so far as
adjacent dominion. Finally, there are the independent and Free- to strive to return the land to an age before genetic science
hold communities, which are either barter forts, excavation out- was practiced, before even DNA was understood. Their plan
posts, or free towns where a man or mutant, cyborg, synthetic is to turn the west coast into a vast, church state, cleansing
human, beastial human or even a self aware android can make the world of the devil spawn, including pure stock humans
a home for itself. Among these more liberal, accepting communi- who have been modified to become cyborgs or are proven
ties of survivors, there are two major coalitions, both are called or suspected to possess mental ‘gifts’ such as telepathy and
Freeholds, with one, the Lower Freehold (LF) being pinched be- telekinesis, even though these ghost mutants show no outer
tween the Dominion of Aberratia and the Holy Purist Empire in mutations.
the south, while to the North, is the considerably larger loose knit Given these threats, most free people of any race or ‘type’
nation of the Northern Freehold (NF), which is dominated by the have more dread of a Purist victory than of an Aberrationist one.
region’s largest city called Overpass. Of course, neither option is acceptable, therefore most able bod-
The Crossroads Region is the most heavily populated re- ied men and women of the Freeholds and independent towns do
gion around, and caravans or barge loads of migrants arrive whatever they can to thwart the two warring factions, weakening
weekly. These settlers often come to answer the call to arms them both equally, so that neither becomes more powerful than
by one faction or another in their ‘noble’ wars. Others wish to the other, and gain the upper hand and tip the balance of power.
explore the numerous ruins, or else to merely escape the law- Excavators, mercenaries and other adventure orientat-
lessness and brutal wars of adjoining regions. ed units, both those born and raised in this region or newly

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 

arrived travelers, will very likely get caught up in the power lation (17,520 to 21,210 thousand inhabitants) but lacking
struggle around them, either on purpose, or by accident. Even many of the impressive relic weapons of the bridge city of the
in the smallest independent towns, Purist and Aberrationist Crossroads Region. There is a substantial amount of trade
agents participate in espionage, sabotage and the assassi- along the adjoining coasts of these two regions, conducted
nation of each other’s minions as well as those of the op- by cargo barges, rafts, canoe flotillas and airships, as well as
posing ‘race’. For this reason, adventure teams should make some over land commerce and migration; however the Old
considerable effort to see that their group is comprised of a War Zone, Great Ruins, Crater Lakes and other pitfalls have
liberal mix of cyborgs, pure stocks, beastial humans, mutants done much to deter most foot travel. The wars within both
and synthetic humans, if not stranger individuals. A group of the Crossroads Region and the Shallow Sea Region keep the
mixed type will often remain unscathed when in trade towns powers within each sector so hard pressed that the notions
or the unclaimed and freehold lands, since the citizens there of regular diplomacy, alliances or even invasion have not yet
will immediately assume the armed mix-race characters are been addressed. The Northern Freehold, of which Pitford, Ar-
neither Purist nor Aberrationist raiders, and welcome them ray and Overpass belong to, and the authorities in Ventura
through their gates and into their bars, brothels and shops. are aware of each other by way of communications trans-
ported by traders or excavation teams who are entrusted with
The Crossroads Region is a complex and lively territory, sealed message tubes containing documents, audio discs or
offering nearly every terrain type, surface or underground ru- even vid-discs. It is speculated that an alliance exists whereby
ins, as well as fresh water and sea going adventures, wood- if the Northern Freehold can defeat both the Aberrationists
land treks and rides through open steppes, stinking swamps, and the Holy Purist Empire, which presently seems highly un-
small villages and great emerging cities filled with every vice likely, they will then march north to assist Ventura in the de-
and service one could dream of. It is the perfect area for a feat of Shenwall, Likewise, should Ventura defeat Shenwall, it
new adventurer to set out and make a name for oneself, will send its army south to aid the NF. In the off chance that
where one’s deeds can seriously impact the fate of emerging either outcome should occur, the two regions are supposedly
nations, and where earning fame and fortune are a very real planning to form one massive trade block, with merged mili-
possibility in such a diverse and dynamic land. tary and intelligence organizations and a level of cooperation
not seen in over two hundred years.
The Shallow Sea region is also dotted by a of couple doz-
en small towns, forts and unique or mysterious communities,
many of them being highly intolerant to either mutants or
those not practicing the local faith. Nevertheless, there are
Overview of Surrounding Regions a great many free towns here where travelers can get a room
and a hot meal, gamble, drink, have at the whores and move
on to the next friendly community. For the excavators, Anchor-
North: The Shallow Sea Region post, on the far side of the Great Ruins, rivals Pitford in size
Beyond the Boundaries of the Crossroads Region, directly and appeal to any digger, and is a regular destination for ruin
north, sits the Shallow Sea Region. This rugged, war torn area explorers who manage to skirt the perimeter of the crumbling
is dotted with numerous independent communities trying to vast metropolis.
survive amid a power tug-o-war between two well established, Geologically, the Shallow Sea region is aptly named after
well organized city states. On the one side, and entrenched at the huge gulf, called the Shallow Sea, which is situated in the
the extreme north of the region amid a landscape of incred- middle of the region. This so-called sea opens to the tainted
ible industrial ruins, sits Shenwall, a mysterious, dark little Sea, also known as the Pacific Ocean, in the south west cor-
‘Empire’ which has managed to form a rare army of mutant- ner near the booming trade town of Lagoona. Like Lagoona,
cyborgs and utilize many potent relics against their foes, con- most communities in this region are built around this great
quering nearby agricultural or fishing communities in order bay, and therefore waterborne travel is commonplace. The
to both spread their territory as well as secure a supply of Shallow Sea gets its name from the bay’s low water levels,
slaves, food and drinking water. The rival to the imperialis- which in many places are only 10m deep, or less, and in some
tic, cruel and debased faction of Shenwall is the much larg- areas near the south eastern edge of the great ruins, the sea
er, but less tech-savvy faction of The Venturians or ‘Venturi- bottom is actually formed by rows upon rows of ancient struc-
an Coalition’, who hail out of the vast wood and mud walled tures, some of which protrude hundreds of meters out of the
city of Ventura. This immense community is aligned with a sea and offer exceptional treasure hunting opportunities for
half dozen tiny towns and villages in the surrounding coun- the brave. Like all ruin areas, however, the perils are often
tryside, from which they draw resources as well as a season- too great for all but the most experienced, well equipped and
al flow of 18 year old recruits, willing to join Ventura in their stout hearted excavators.
war against the encroaching Shenwallian peril. Ventura is an
open city, much like Overpass and of about the same popu-

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 

East: The Shattered Region ruler of both pure stock factions. The Pureholders, are purist for
biological reasons as opposed to theological reasons. While they
Separated from the Crossroads Region by the rocky formations
are often sickened by the notion of cross breeding with mutants,
of the newly formed Cathedral Mountains, the Shattered Region
they do not believe that god made mutants, nor that they are
nevertheless holds the closest ties to the events, populations and
devil spawned fiends or any such nonsense. They are also a sci-
power struggles of the Crossroads nations. The main features
ence based society and know how mutants emerged, aware that
of this area are the incredibly deep cut canyons in the northern
many deviants are in fact the descendants of the current Pure-
half, which give the region its name. These canyons are bordered
hold people. It is widely believed that Purehold scientists were
by the Great Ruins and Northern Dunes on the extreme north-
once instrumental in orchestrating the complex DNA manipula-
ern edge; a remote and inhospitable portion of the region, best
tions which gave rise to many of the impressive defensive, offen-
avoided by all but the most powerful travelers. Running along
sive and mental deviations now found in many of the more note-
the right side of the sector are the Barrier Mountain range and
worthy mutant heroes and villains of the area. While mutants
adjacent badlands to the east. Occupying the west and eastern
may serve as mercenaries in trenches along the Mecha border,
halves of the region’s middle are the opposing factions of The
they denied citizenship and openly treated as both inferior and
Purehold Republic and the Mecha Sector Cal-64. Finally to the
loathsome by the general public.
west, as mentioned above, sits a smaller but impressive moun-
Elsewhere in the Shattered Region, there are several small
tain range in the west called the Cathedral Mountains, which are
outposts, farming communities and forts which stay out of the
infested with a clan of resourceful, blood thirsty skullocks.
region’s war and established themselves in isolated area. Many
The Purehold Republic (PR), an advanced, secular, pure
of these communities are hostile to travelers or else strongholds
stock dominated, corporate hold over state, has inhabited an-
for criminals and slavers, nevertheless, the towns of Rope Cross,
cient facilities within their boarders for generations, and have
Toxic Town, Frost Foot, Rust City, Holeville and Abandon accept
managed to hold out against mutant barbarians, primitives, hu-
excavation teams and traders, and many in fact rely on the goods
manoids, fellow pure stock religious fundamentalists from the
and protection offered by such robust migrants.
Holy Purist Empire, with whom they share a common border, as
well as their greatest nemesis, the Mecha.
The Mecha are a robot and android populated faction West: The Atolls Region
called Mech sector Cal-64, which was once a Southern Cali- So named for the numerous small floating communities dot-
fornia robotic and android garrison. The robotics at this former ted among the islands, the Atoll Region lies directly off shore
military and manufacturing hub turned on their human com- of the Crossroads Region, and is best described as a bar-
manders in the dark times and after gaining a sizable amount baric, unorganized and lawless salt water territory. There are
of territory, access to power generation units and some degree numerous island chains, many with tiny, scrap walled trade
of security, have more or less hunkered down and ceased their towns on them, while others are the home to blood thirsty
expansion. The Purehold Republic, on the other hand, which humanoids, mutant human cannibals, as well as pirates, sla-
centuries before suffered greatly in war against the Mecha, vers, cultists and strange secret societies which fire on trav-
have sought to reclaim their lost territory and now wage a de- elers before they get close to their beaches or floating stock-
cades long trench style war with the Mecha units. The Pure- ades. There is one large island, just off center of the region’s
holders use a huge number of clones, bioreplicants and trans- middle, simply called ‘Great Island’, on which an impressive
humans in their military programs, and turn wounded soldiers landscape of heavily foliaged ruins tempt excavators from the
into cyborgs. It is from here, in the capital of the Republic at mainland and afar. There is one excavator support town on
Henderson, where over 90% of all bioreplicant, clone, trans-hu- this big island, called Fort Hinton, but the accommodations
man and cyborg characters emerge, fleeing the life of a slave- and supplies found here are very expensive, and the lack of
solider, and seeking their own identity and liberty within the law and order can tax the nerves of the stoutest diggers. Two
Crossroads Region and beyond. large towns dot this region, one on Delphi on aptly named
Both the Mecha of Cal-64 and the Purehold Republic seek Delphi Island, and far to the south, on Isabella Island is Jeri-
allies within the Crossroads Region, and send envoys and spies cho City. These opposing communities are highly competitive,
regularly. While the Mecha do not accept mercenaries to serve in and vie for trade, resources and resourceful new citizens,
their own wars against the ‘Pureholders’, they do hire assassins with each seeking to weaken the other, employing spies, as-
and other operatives to deal with Purehold agents in the other sassins, saboteurs and even open navel or airborne warfare
regions. The Pureholders, meanwhile, actively seek mercenaries from time to time. To the casual outside observer, it is at first
of any organic race, including mutants. It is this limited accep- difficult to see why the two fortified towns are so antagonistic
tance of the mutants which so enrages the pure stocks of the toward each other, when instead they could work together to
Holy Purist Empire, who in recent years have attempted to stir re- defeat the more obvious threats of raiders and non-human
bellion within the Purehold’s less educated populations, and on marauders. What is known, however, is that a generation ago,
several occasions launched unsuccessful invasions defeat the two separate, competitive and powerful excavation teams
government of Henderson and establish the Purist Vicar as the established both Jericho City and Delphi, and it is said that

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 10

the two units often waged murderous battles throughout the many of which hearken back to an earlier time in human history,
isles. The current ruling families are the children and grand- particularly the 20th century. There is said to be a growing Nazi fac-
children of these two excavation squads, and continue the tion which models itself after the 1930’s style fascist movement
feud at the expense of their people, weakening the human in Germany, however, the pure stocks here employ cyborgs, pur-
power base in the region and allowing more insidious threats pose-bred mutant humans, and robotic units, all clad in SS officer
to emerge and get a foot hold on surrounding atolls, rusted style getups, with swastika arm bands or markings. This group’s
ships, and islands. actions fostered the formation of opposing factions, one, based in
Trade between the people of the Atoll regions and the a fortress in the Middle Badlands, called New Stalingrad, models
Crossroads Region is limited to a small scale, and is more likely itself on communist USSR, and wages and unending war on their
to constitute petty raids by islanders and sea peoples against hated Nazi foes, as well as promotes such policies as the redis-
the farming towns of the Dominion of Aberratia, or further up tribution of wealth among all citizens, a total ban on class struc-
and down the coast. There is no obvious prejudice or distrust ture, and fostering the nobility of the worker. In addition to these
toward mainlanders who choose to explore this region, at least groups, there are said to be other unique communities such as
none expressed by the open trade towns and atolls which those housing cannibals, a gay liberationists township, another
thrive off trade. In spite of this eagerness to barter or trade where healers learn and treat the afflicted, a cyborg only society,
silver for goods and services, many of the communities in this as well as numerous farm and religious communities. Of all these
region are nervous about marauders or their scouts who could walled towns, none have formed any meaningful alliances, and
easily pose as an excavation team, to sabotage a defense or more often than not are bitter enemies with each other and strive
murder a community leader, thus, many of the tiny villages and to control rare farmland and water supplies.
atolls do not allow strangers to go unattended in their midst, For the excavator there are several small but excellent sup-
carry relic weapons or leave their lodgings after dark. port towns, although they are more like slapped together scrap
built forts, with the motel, bar and stable making up most of the
community. These small digger bases provide essential shelter
North East: The Wastelands Region to the grave robbing teams who ply the vast, relic and danger
rich tombs of the ancients, which spread for hundreds of kilome-
Kitty corner to the Crossroads Region is a vast expanse called
ters, including sectors of the former Los Angeles megalopolis that
the Wastelands Region, so named for three notable features.
have not been visited by humans in more than a hundred years.
The first obvious element, and the one most notable for south-
The Wastelands Region poses incredible challenges and
erners, is the massive arc of ruins, hemmed in on both sides by
countless unknowns, where the outcomes of petty wars can
the Southern Dunes and the Northern Dunes. These great open
mean a community is full of friendly barter-eager villagers one
sand dunes make the second attribute which gives this region it
month, and neo-Nazi cyborgs the next. It is a territory where raid-
name, for like the ruins, this desert makes this area inhospitable,
ers can sweep out of the badlands at any moment and where
remote, and challenging to those who choose to live here. Finally,
hideous never before seen creatures and extraordinarily power-
the area is also a wasteland due to the intense hostilities which
ful battle robots lurk in the streets of the Great Ruins, wiping out
the assorted communities are embroiled in, both with neighbor-
entire adventure teams in mere seconds. With these great perils
ing fortress towns and strongholds, as well as the incursion of
and uncertainties, also comes the chance for the gutsy and re-
warmorts, skullocks, and dozens of other new humanoid species.
sourceful to uncover immense riches and incredible relics, mak-
While reports are sketchy, rumors of this area do filter down to the
ing this region suitable for experienced dig teams looking for new
more civilized communities of the Crossroads or Shattered sec-
tors, rumors which mention bizarre factions in the Wastelands,

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

Part Two:
Home Settlement Determination
bede rogerson (Order #26220502)
The Crossroads Region Part Two: Home Settlement Determination 12

Part Two: Home Settlement Determination

The following two tables can easily establish where Table CR-2-1 Home Town Selection by Character Type and Caste
characters and NPCs were born or raised in the Cross-
roads Region. If the GM has created his or her own re- Character’s Caste
gion and the adventure calls for the existing charac-
Character type Slave Civilian Outlaw Military
ters to travel to the Crossroads Region, ignore these
tables. Likewise, a character might be a slave, who Pure Stock Human A B+4 E+27 G+26
has escaped from one community and yet have been Clone, comfort A-5 B E+27 G+26
a free person in another. In such cases, roll once for
the town he or she escaped from or worked in, and Clone, laborer A-8 B-4 E+27 G+26
another for his or her place of birth. Clone, military A-9 B-10 E+27 G+26 max 84
There are also cases where a pre-specified start- Bioreplicant, pleasure A-3 B E+27 G+26
ing home town for new characters is demanded by the
GM as the basis of the game session, such as in the Bioreplicant,
A-5 B-4 E+27 G+26 max 84
case of ghost mutants raised in the Holy Purist Em-
pire, plotting to get out to the Freeholds. Or, pure stock Bioreplicant clerical A-6 B-8 E+27 G+26
slaves start game play in the Dominion of Aberratia, Bioreplicant,
and are eager to escape. The following two tables can A B-6 E+27 G+26
effectively place a character’s home town based both Bioreplicant, battle A-19 B-11 E+27 G+26
on his or her character type, as well as what pre-game
occupation or caste the character had. Trans-Human A B E+27 G+26 max 84
First, consult on table CR-2-1. No dice are rolled Cyborg or Rebuilt* F F F+6 F+11
on this table as the character is already generated. Ghost Mutant A D E G
All one need do here is find which letter Code and
numerical plus or minus is added to the d100 roll on Mutant A-19 C E-9 G-16
the next table, CR-2-2. On this second table, simply Beastial Human A-19 C E-9 G-16
add any plus or minus modifier to a d100 roll. Look Android* A-19 B E+27 G+26 max 84
up or down under the appropriate letter code and
discover the PC’s corresponding home town on the Parasite* A-19 C E-9 G-16
far right of the table. Abomination* A-19 C E-9 G-16
* If GM using TME Expansion Rules where these character types are explained.
d100 Table CR-2-2 Home Town Selection by Letter Code
A B C D E F G Settlement
09 or less 08 or less 22 or less 16 or less 15 or less 01-06 09 or less Newburg
10-13 - 23-25 17,18 16,17 - 10-13 Windway
14-16 09,10 26-28 19,20 18-20 - 14-16 Dawn Cove
17,18 - 29,30 21,22 21 - 17,18 Hookville
19 - 31,32 23 22 - 19,20 North Fort
20 - 33,34 24 23 - 21,22 Rivergrad
21-23 - 35-37 25,26 24,25 - 23,24 Banner Cove
24,25 - 38-40 27-29 26,27 - 25,26 Red Field
26,27 11,12 41,42 30 28-33 07-09 27,28 Rusted Hulk
28-30 13 43,44 31,32 34-46 10-18 29,30 Port Folly
31-35 14-18 45-47 33-35 47-49 19 31-33 Safe Port
36-39 19-23 48-50 36,37 50-52 20-34 34-39 Galespit
40-43 24-26 51-53 38,39 53,54 35-38 40-42 Memory
44-58 27-47 54-81 40-51 55-72 39-54 43-61 Overpass
59 48 82 52 - 55 62 Array
60-62 49 83,84 53 73,74 56-69 63-68 Pitford
63 50 85 54 - - - Rock Spire
64-66 51-54 86-88 55-57 75,76 70 69-71 Sea Home
67-69 55-57 89,90 58-60 77,78 71-76 72,73 Sorrow
70-72 58-62 91-93 61-65 79,80 77-86 74-78 Sandbarra
73-81 63-70 94-00 66-73 81-90 87 or more 79-84 Steel Hill
82,83 71-73 - 74-76 91 - 85,86 Duty
84,85 74-77 - 77,78 92 - 87,88 High Watch
86 78,79 - 79 93 - 89,90 Stalwart
87,88 80-83 - 80-82 94 - 91,92 Far Cross
89,90 84-88 - 83,84 95 - 93,95 Holy Port
92 or more 89 or more - 85 or more 96 or more - 96 or more Pure Hub City

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

Part Three:
The Northern Freehold
bede rogerson (Order #26220502)
The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 14

Part Three: The Northern Freehold

Once, before the rise of the Dominion of Aberratia, the Northern as anti mutant as the Holy Purist Empire, and has actively tried to
Freehold, abbreviated as NF, were merely a loose confederation deal with the NF authorities to arrive at some sort of peace treaty.
of towns and forts, squatter’s camps and clans of nomadic wag- Unfortunately, since the Pureholders will not recognize any mu-
on people. Their only real connections were trade agreements tant as a legitimate leader, of which all three Northern Freehold
and a treaty which abolished the notion of boundaries among towns are partially ruled by, these treaty talks went no where.
the members, thus ending decades of petty territorial scraps. In A robot and android faction called the Mecha from Cal-
these earlier times, well over a hundred years ago, there were 64 (also see Shattered Region) have also sent ambassadors to
a dozen settlements scattered about the area, but many were Overpass. While the two sides did manage to sign a peace treaty,
wiped out by raiders as well as mutant supremacists, who man- the fact that the NF and the Mecha don’t share a common bor-
aged to seize Hookville and North Fort – formerly called Las Ca- der made this treaty somewhat pointless. Presently, the treaty is
laville – and turn them into Aberrationist strongholds. also seen as a sham since the humans and mutants of the Free-
In the current day, only three towns remain in the faction: Ar- hold know that should the Mecha defeat the Pureholders, the
ray, Overpass and Pitford. These settlements are all claimed by Mecha wouldn’t hesitate to invade them. The robotic hive would
other factions, and remain free only by virtue of their strong mili- send its androids and cyborg slaves to Array and capture the vital
tary and economic ties. If one is attacked, the others send aid at solar power supply, not to mention wage a war of extermination
once, likewise, the three settlements have established two wings on all humanoids in the entire region. This fear, which has histori-
to their combined military, one being a covert spy network with cal basis in fact, has meant that no combined military operations
agents placed throughout the region, while the other are the he- between the Northern Freehold and the Mecha have ever been
roic Freehold Scouts, who, mounted on either dog or horseback conducted, but, the mere possibility of such a combined strike,
patrol the territory protecting all legitimate traders and travelers. keeps the Pureholders from simply moving across Little Prairie
The balance of power in the region, summarized by a war be- and taking the fort of Array themselves.
tween the Aberrationists and the Holy Purist Empire, allow smaller Directly north of The Northern Freehold lands is a more or
factions to exists, not to mention numerous independent commu- less uninhabitable wasteland called the Old War Zone. This in-
nities. Directly below the Northern Freehold is the battle ground hospitable area borders the great ruins in the East, and a series
between men and mutants, a war that has gone on since this part of water filled blast craters to the west, while above these areas,
of the coast was re-settled. Should either the mutant supremacist lays the tumultuous Shallow Sea Region. The nearest communi-
Dominion of Aberratia or the Purists defeat the other, it would not ties just across the border are rugged little fishing and farming
be long before the victor turned its attentions north and invaded towns, or else ruin exploration base camps, none of which pose
the NF. Given this, and the expectation that no war lasts forever a threat to the Freehold. Deeper into the Shallow Sea Region,
and that sooner or later one side will defeat the other, the North- however, is the growing power of Ventura City, who, along with
ern Freehold is constantly trying to mass their own forces and fos- a score of smaller communities form the Venturian Coalition.
ter loyalty among the powerful excavation teams which frequent This coalition is said to be a benevolent nation and very simi-
the coalition’s three settlements. Likewise, ambassadors from lar to the NF in most respects, and was formed out of necessity
Overpass are often sent to such towns as Galespit, Safe Port, and to withstand their arch enemies, the Shenwallians. Shenwall, is
abroad to other regions in an attempt to get these independents an impressive fortress situated deep within an expanse of ruins,
centers to join the Freehold. So far, no new towns have joined a faction said to employ dark technologies involving mutant-cy-
ranks with the NF, for fear of suffering immediate attack by ei- borgs or ‘Mutorgs’, among other bizarre beings. The Shenwallian
ther the Purists or Aberrationists, both of whom have repeatedly breeding and augmentation programs have produced hideous,
warned other communities not to join the Freeholders. virtually unstoppable warriors, some of whom have managed to
The only confirmed ally this faction can safely rely on is the desert and become roving mercenaries, a few of these ending up
Lower Freehold, or LF, situated far to the south, pinched between in Pitford and joining excavation teams.
the same two, powerful enemies. While less populated, the Low- It is rumored that Shenwallian Mutorg warriors are so
er Freehold is harder to attack due to geological barriers, such as dangerous that were it not for the impressive army of Ven-
a weed choked inlet called Tangle Bay and Bitter Bog. The Lower tura, the Shenwallian Empire could very likely pose a threat to
Freeholders often send their Southern Rangers, often mistaken not only Overpass, but to the whole of the Crossroads Region,
for the Freehold Scouts of the North, to work with the NF to sabo- (see page 8 ‘Overview of Surrounding Regions’).
tage and harass both Aberrationist and Holy Purist supply lines. Other threats to the NF include the hoards of skullocks, war-
Both the Scouts and Rangers are always on the look out to en- morts, bipedal rats, moaners, and whatnot who always seem to
list fit, proven, non-racist, religiously open minded warriors and be making a raid someplace into the Freehold lands, likewise,
adventures, keeping elaborate logs on the doings of prominent the religious isolationists of Rock Spire tend to inflict casualties
excavation teams. on the excavation teams near Pitford, but have been known to
For their part, the Aberrationists, who seem to be expand- cause some deaths even as far south as Overpass, where they
ing far faster than their Purist enemies, have been making active have been blamed for killing diggers in saloons, back streets and
efforts to infiltrate the Northern Freehold towns. Their agents di- in their very motel rooms. All these threats must constantly be
rected to spread the seeds of anti-pure stock sentiment by any dealt with by Freehold Scouts, city troopers and mercenaries,
means, including the kidnapping and murder of prominent ‘gener- armed citizenry, and excavation teams.
ic’ pure stock citizens. Similarly, and perhaps in response, the Holy The Northern Freehold, has aspirations of reclaiming its lost
Purist Empire has sent out ‘Mutant Slayers’ and devout but poorly territory, as well as expanding trade routes and erecting new colo-
trained zealots and suicide teams, into the freehold territories and nies northward across the vast Old War Zone, and possibly forming
communities, to spread their own version of racism, religious intol- an alliance with the Venturian Coalition in the Shallow Sea Region.
erance, and engage in purely practical military operations. The current constitution and leadership of the Freehold, however,
The Purehold Republic to the East (see Shattered Region), a does not permit expansionist, imperial style invasions. Instead, it
hold over corporate state dominated by pure stocks, is not near exists for open trade and mutual protection, only. There are those,

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 15

however, in Overpass, whom feel that the current rulers of the larg-
est city in the region, are too passive, have for too long hid behind Becoming a Freehold Scout
their walls, and have not taken steps to better ensure the survival The Freehold Scouts are very selective of who they let join them,
of the Freehold. These men and women, called simply The Mili- since they are entrusted with sensitive operational knowledge,
tants, promote a call to arms, the drafting of all able bodied citi- the safe conduct of spies and their information, as well as the de-
fense of prominent political or business leaders in the Freehold
zens, and the formation of a sizeable army, assisted by the Mecha,
towns. Individuals wishing to join this force are usually invited
to take back the towns of Hookville and Las Calaville (North Fort),
to do so, approached by NF spies or scouts in far off commu-
and then move on to crush Stalwart, Far Cross and Rock Spire.
nities after performing some task which shows them to be nei-
Speculation exists that these war mongers are directly associat-
ther Purists, Aberrationists, selfish, or of some other undesirable
ing with android infiltration units within Overpass, and plotting a
group. A person who is selected to be a scout will be trained for
coup to take over the governments of all three NF towns. Officials six months, housed, fed and educated. At the end of this period,
of the Northern Freehold Council have hired elite, freelance spies he or she will be able to read, write and do math, and gain one
to investigate these claims, as well as defend the homes, families skill point in marital arts, riding, stealth, and evasion, plus, if not
and facilities of the local officials and industry leaders. already armed with a better weapon, will be supplied with one
The NF council is governed by equal representation, three from the random list below:
council members from each of the three communities, however,
the sheer size of Overpass’s population would seem to make this
an unfair distribution of votes, yet rarely do either Pitford nor Ar- d12 Freehold Scout Supplied Weaponry
ray disagree with anything the rulers of Overpass propose, for the 1. Musket pistol with 10+3d6 shots worth of powder and lead shot.
council has a very simple mandate; to let each town handle its 2. Musket rifle with bayonet, with 10+3d6 shots worth of pow-
own internal laws, election processes, military composition, treat- der and lead shot.
ment of prisoners, and social matters, independently. Only the 3. Crossbow, or heavy crossbow if strong enough, & 10+d20 quarrels.
protection of their mutual lands, and the safe passage of legiti- 4. Shotgun pistol with 2d6 shells
mate people and trade, are of concern to the current council, all of 5. Pump shotgun with 3d6 shells
which rely on the highly praised, well armed Freehold Scouts. 6. Compound bow and 14+d20 arrows
There are no standard military units distributed in all three 7. Compound crossbow and 16+d20 quarrels
NF towns, however, the Freehold Scouts are a distinct body, which 8. Pocket pistol with 3d6 rounds of pistol ammo.
move about freely, keeping an eye on enemy movements, collect- 9. Survival rifle with spare mag and 20+ d20 rounds rifle ammo.
ing information from spies, and periodically harassing the Aber- 10. Assault rifle with spare mag and 30+d100 rounds rifle ammo.
rationists or Imperial Purists. Each squad of scouts is unique, 11. Sub machine gun, spare mag and 40+d100 pistol rounds ammo.
and is often no more than a band of excavators who have joined 12. Sniper rifle with 10+2d10 rounds high caliber rifle ammo.
the Northern Freehold out of sheer loyalty and patriotism. They
usually have families living in one of the three towns and feel it is Freehold Scouts wear whatever armor they already have, or
are given part plate if they don’t have better. As a uniform, over
necessary to defend their lands from those who would take away
the armor, a scout wears a navy blue tunic with a single white star
their freedom, or their lives.
bleached onto the chest, at least when in secure NF territory. In
For most excavators, who are just trying to survive and get
addition, each will be given a blue armband with the a white star
a few relics to help in the daily task of survival, the need for safe
stitched on it to be worn when outside the Freehold territory in situ-
ports of call are mandatory, especially if their team is of a mix
ations when the scout wants people to know who he or she serves.
of races. In the NF lands, any being can become a citizen, even Additionally, recruits are supplied with specially signed member-
a free thinking android*, mutant animal*, self aware or human ship papers, with a copy of this document in each of the three NF
brained robot*, abomination*, parasitic humanoid*, or any towns. This paper, carried in a steel, waterproof tube, is final varia-
number of other intelligent beings. There are between 400 and tion of the person’s identity, and easily checked against the copies
60O scouts actively serving in the wilds and distant communities held by the authorities in each town. Finally, a scout is given a sad-
throughout the region, often void of any identifying documents or dle horse if they don’t already have a mount or vehicle, plus free
insignia which might disclose their allegiance. room and board in the scout operated garrison situated in every
Each town entry, under the’ Military’ listing, will state the NF town, and all trade caravans and nomadic peoples inhabiting
number present at any given time. For NPC Scouts, treat them the NF lands are obliged to feed and provide shelter and healing
as elite soldiers with one weapon from the list to follow, a saddle to these scouts. Each scout receives 50sp in pay per month, auto-
horse, and longsword. matically deposited into an Overpass bank account if he or she is
* These are all possible character types found in the Expansion Rules. not present at the first of the month.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 16

The chain of command in the scouts is as thus, with any supe- in the whole region, but, it’s got its rough areas, some plague, lots of
rior officer being able to order any scout he or she meets, to under- crooks and hookers with sinners itch, and the water stinks. Overpass
take any task, unless that scout carries orders from a higher ranking has just about every sort of service you’d need, and some you don’t.
officer to solely follow his or her pre-arranged mission. All officers are You can get anything there, and anything can get you, too! There are
in constant radio contact with each other via communicators and slavers selling all manner of human or humanoid, as well as catch-
with their command center in Overpass, and are usually aware of ing folk in the back alleys at night, religious crackpots from Rock
which unit is being sent where or on what mission, and therefore will Spire, and Purist infiltrators from Pure Hub City, not to mention
never needlessly reassign them when meeting them in the field.
those friggin’ Aberrationist sons of bitches, who be plannin’ to take
the city over like they did in Hookville or ol’ Las Calaville. If you’ve
got pure stocks in your group, them mutant freaks, no offense, will
sure wanna get a knife between there ribs! Now, don’t get me wrong,
The Freehold Scout command structure if you wanna live free, and mate with anybody you want, drink your
fill, smoke weed or be someplace where you can have a robot or an
Scout: This is a regular private, however those that have android as a best friend and an equal... that is the place. The North-
served the longest among a squad act as NCOs when any su- ern Freehold is hard pressed these days though, everybody
perior officer is not present. Groups of excavators, who are en- seems to want to conquer it, and they especially want to
listed as scouts, often work better on their own, as they capture Array, so you should
did previous to enlistment, and thus have their own be warned that both the Aber-
rationists and the witch burnin’
unique operational command structure, which is
God dammed Holy Purists are both
secondary to the Freehold Scout chain of com- itchin’ to seize the place... you might
mand when meeting other units or within a town. just find yourself volunteering to defend
10 scouts form one squad. the walls of a town, or form ranks with a
Corporal: Usually commands 10 scouts, or bunch of other sheep in a great battle some-
a squad. Treat as ‘Officer, Squad Leader’ on Table place. All told, regardless of my bitchin’ the
TME-4-10, page 137 Typical Humans of the Mu-
NF is probably the best place in the region to
tant Epoch in the Hub rules.
Sergeant: Commands more than one make a home if you’re an open minded, mixed
squad at a time, or accompanies a special race tolerant, ruin digging adventurer.”
strike team in place or accompanied by a Cor-
poral. Each town has a Sergeant on staff with
the regular town military forces, serving as a
correspondent between units to better coor-
dinate battles and patrols. Treat as ‘Offi-
cer, Senior’ on the typical humans table,
For the Game Master
The Northern Freehold, or NF, is prob-
found in the Hub Rules, part four. ably the starting point for most charac-
Sergeant Major: Commands all ter groups. The city of Overpass is ideal
the scouts in the entire Northern for a mixed character party to meet and
Freehold. He or she is often situated house themselves when not in Pitford
at the command center in Overpass, or elsewhere in the region. There are
and in constant communication with all many perils within Overpass, and neither a
scout units region wide. Treat as ‘Officer, mutant nor a pure stock character is entirely
Senior’ on the typical humans table. This safe there due to foreign kidnappers and as-
senior command position changes every sassins, let alone the common criminals who
six months, voted upon by all Sergeants dwell in the city’s vast, slums and shanty towns.
who have served in the scouts for at least 6 Pitford is the main town in the region for exca-
years. vators, and the settlement’s description is bet-
ter detailed than any other, with an additional free
preview download at the mutantepoch.com web site, while the
full size, comprehensively detailed full version is for sale, and
includes, local NPCs, detailed maps of the main buildings, and
an extensive list of random encounters in the streets, bar room
For the Player and inn. Array is not usually an overnight stop for excavators,
as Overpass is only a few Kilometers up The Western Ramps.
What characters will have heard about the Northern Free-
hold. “If you don’t mind a bit of lawless chaos, any NF town will If an overnight stop in Array is unavoidable, there is a walled
suit an excavator’s bill just fine. The town of Array is closed to trav- enclosure outside, with a bar, which travelers can pay to stay
at. While the enclosure offers protection from most predators,
elers, being a solar power generation plant, but, you can get a cell
it is a rough place, and many fist fights end up with somebody
charged there and you can stay at their boarding enclosure outside dead. Array primarily exists to sell power cell re-charge services
of town. Up North, there is of course Pitford, which you’ve probably for anybody that can pay, no questions asked. It is known that
heard enough about without me nattering on about it. It’s the premier Aberrationist agents come here with their own empty power
deluxe adventurers’ hive in the whole friggin’ region. It’s totally en- cells, as do raiders and other enemies of Overpass.
closed so flying meat eaters and blood suckers don’t get in at night! In conclusion, The Northern Freehold is a great starting
Then there is Overpass, a filthy damned place if you ask me, at least point for any new team, and an ideal place to return to after
the Undercity or nasty Tentville districts, ‘cause I guess the actual experiencing the coldness and hostility, weirdness and abject
Highcity is fine if you can afford the inns and all. It’s the biggest city poverty so prevalent in other areas of the region.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 17

Array This wooden fort is fifty meters across and has only one build-
ing in it. The solitary structure is a seedy bar run by a contrac-
tor, and nestled against the outer palisade and incorporated
into the defensive ring.
Faction: The Northern Freehold The purpose of the boarding enclosure is to house those
Government: The Trade Council, an elected board of 7 elderly waiting to get their power cells recharged, or those simply
men and women who grew up in Array. traveling through these parts. There are no sleeping accom-
Population: Total 535 to 643 (Pure Stocks 170+2d20/ modations here; guests are expected to pitch a tent on the
Mutants 220+2d20 and 60+d12 Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs ground or sleep in their wagons. The enclosure’s walls stand
28+d10/ Synthetic humans 44+d8/ other 5+d6) 4m tall, and include only a rickety catwalk and two sets of
stairs leading up, allowing the occupants of the place to de-
Site Details fend themselves should they come under attack.
Array sits on the remains of a very stoutly build ancient ruin,
which protrudes from Little Prairie a dozen meters in some
spots. Nearly every surface and roof top is covered in at least
Water and Sanitation
Well water is taken from the deepest levels of the fortress, but
one solar array panel, giving the settlement its name. There in its natural state, is undrinkable due to microscopic organisms
are neither creeks nor lakes nearby, and the only notable land which inhabit the filthy liquid, forcing the locals to first filter the
feature is the forest road where it leaves Twisted Wood and brown water and then boil it before it is safe and palatable. Most
heads toward the Western Ramps. people, however, prefer to drink water imported from Galespit,
or consume wine and beer. Sewage is collected by buckets from
Construction each home every morning and poured into a pipe which spills
There are two separate structures at this town site, the boarding into a scrap built septic tank and attached septic field.
enclosure and the main fortress, the later being twice the size of
the small wooden pen which is open to travelers. The main town
site is a ruined installation, its ancient purpose unclear, which
The relic usage and scrap built contraptions found here are
while being extensively damaged, and the upper levels having among the best and highest per capita in the region, and be-
been blown away generations ago by some horrendous explosive sides the 36 solar arrays, this town boasts impressive laser
device, much of the foundation, outer walls and lower floors remain cannon and other energy weaponry, all powered by the many
usable. The surrounding countryside was once littered with stone collectors and supply of batteries stashed around the defen-
and metal debris, which has since been entirely utilized by the in- sive perimeter, (see military and defenses).
habitants to construct one of the best made, toughest and easily There are 14 spotlights set up around town, but usually only
defended towns in the region. No wooden or other flammable ex- four are used at any one time, controlled by ‘Array Champions’, the
terior cladding encases the town, however, the interiors of newly local troopers, to keep watch on the boarding enclosure, the main
built housing and fortifications do have wooden walls and floors, gate, and the two other sides of town. There is a control center in
all of which are well crafted and often ornately finished in Celt- the HQ building, on the top floor, which is set up with four comput-
ic knots, African patterns and West Coast Native carvings. These ers. One computer controls the solar power collection units, an-
people do not fish, nor farm, nor loot ruins, as they exist solely on other is used for communications broadcast and signal monitor-
the sale of electric energy collected by the numerous solar panels ing, the third is set up to handle a records, including a directory of
situated about the town. Every panel is bolted and chained to the everybody who has had power cells recharged, bookkeeping, word
fortress, and well out of reach of those who might try to climb the processing and general government paper work. The fourth and
walls from outside and steal one of their 36 precious devices. The most powerful CPU maintains control over the fort’s robotic units.
gates to this citadel are huge double doors, made of wood but ex- The system is able to flip between screen shots of each robot’s cur-
tra plated with steel and iron spikes, and beyond them, ten meters rent view, operational status, and whereabouts via location bea-
down the main corridor into the town, sits another set of doors, cons which flash red on the screen when in ‘map mode’. The map
which are half as thick as the first, and flanked by 12 arrow slits covers as far as Jaw Lake in the south, The Merge in the north,
on either side from which defenders can unleash a murderous hail and east to Galespit and west to Red Field. If needed, the com-
of gun fire on those who breach the first doors. puter can be turned over to a sort of self aware intelligence within
The boarding enclosure is simply a large wooden pali- the fort’s network, and alert the council members and officers via
sade, set back from the main town 30 meters, perched under communicators of any system problems, perceived threats or im-
the tallest concrete tower of the main town. From this tower a pending scheduled tasks of importance. Some say that a digital
crew using a spotlight observe the lower enclosure by night.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 18

being resides in Array’s computers, and at times departs to move in tactical armor (modified from several suits if tailored to fit
about in the frame of a heavy solider robot or other unit, to con- a strangely shaped mutant) and carrying an energy weapon,
duct tasks on behalf of both Array’s people and its own agenda. crossbow, machete, dagger and spare power cell. These profes-
sional men and women are all dressed in gray urban camo print
Dangers overalls under their black swat team armor.
Both the mutant supremacists and the Imperial Purists have While only a small force, they are disciplined and well edu-
claimed Array as their own, even though neither side has had cated. They know when to hold their ground and use cover, when
much luck taking the tiny fort. Likewise, there have been attempts to call off a pursuit, and avoid pointless risks. They stay in con-
by forces from outside the region, such as the Purehold Republic stant communication with their officers and other units, and are
and marauders from Fort McWayne, (Shattered Region) to capture able to call up gyrocopters, robotic units or the pack of tan col-
the place. Besides the incredible firepower available to the defend- ored Horrlify, noted below.
ers, which can easily lay waste to most attackers, the very prize If the Northern Freehold comes under attack and a call for
that draws these would-be conquerors, the very solar panels, are help is sounded, 20 pure stock and 20 mutant Array Champi-
the devices which power the defender’s great weapons. These col- ons will ride forth from town on riding dogs, plus one gyrocop-
lectors are clearly visible on the roofs, strapped to towers and high ter, to assist on whatever battle ground they are needed. Roll
walls, and nearly impossible to miss with gun fire, ballista bolts or below to see what energy weapon each Champion is outfitted
catapult stones. The positioning of these collectors put the attack- with, roll d100:
ers at a tactical disadvantage when storming Array since hostiles
are forced to storm the town with low tech means, or at least very 01-08. Stun stick
carefully aimed shots by sharp shooters least they destroy what 09-16. Stun pistol
they have come to steal. In recent decades, all would-be occupi- 17-22. Laser torch
ers have employed ladders and archaic weapons to ensure that 23-27. Mini-laser
the coveted panels are not shattered, but in the year 2339 Purists 28-34. Wrist laser
used a armada of small airships to try and drop Conquistadors 35-47. Laser pistol
down into the settlement via ropes, a plan which was anticipated 48-72. Laser carbine
and resulted in a massacre for the Purists. 73-79. Heavy laser carbine
Other dangers include the usual bands of humanoids and hun- 80-96. Pulse rifle
gry predators, which surround Array at a distance, always looking to 97-00. Heavy pulse rifle
rob or devour travelers. The most constant and perilous threat, how-
ever, is directed at people who come here with empty power cells, or Commanding the small but well outfitted, high tech army of Ar-
leave with full ones. A certain gang of raiders, called Conrad’s Pla- ray are 4 Sergeants, treated as senior officers on the typical
toon, keep a watchful eye on the comings and goings of Array, mak- human chart (Hub Rules), each being armed with a laser pistol
ing it advisable for anybody destined for this place to either travel on and a heavy laser carbine, d4 fragmentation grenades and a
fast mounts, be very well armed, or travel in one of the large weekly communicator. One of these officers will be on duty at the main
trade caravans which come here between Overpass and Galespit. gate’s energy transfer window, at all hours, overseeing the ex-
Sleeping in the boarding enclosure is also known to be change of coins for recharging services.
perilous for the weak, ignorant or wealthy, as travelers often In the event that a major enemy force is seen heading to-
steal from others who camp in the pen, sometimes killing ward Array an auxiliary force will join the normal champions
those who resist. In addition, the saloon in the enclosure, Lo- within Array. This militia will consist of 40+d20 pure stock and
gan’s Lounge as it is called, although the owner, Logan, pre- 50+2d20 common mutants called up from among the citizen-
fers to call it The Voltage Bar and Grill, is known for its rough ry, who fight as commoners, using muskets and hatchets, ar-
characters, gambling, foul talking whores, enormous brawls, mored in part plate and iron helmets, as well as clad in gray
and death duels, which sometimes spill outside into the dusty urban camo vests to identify them as Array combatants.
camping area. A detachment of 3d6+6 Freehold Scouts will also be
present in the main fort, each with a saddle horse and out-
Law Enforcement fitted according to the random armament table on page 15.
This unit will leave immediately if fellow scouts nearby call for
As no outsiders are permitted into the actual town, there is little
need for law enforcement as applied to travelers; nevertheless, the aide, or if either Overpass or Pitford falls under attack. While
Array champions will arrest their own people for drunken fights, pet- Array is a member of the NF, it does not have the facilities to
ty theft, adultery or other crimes. In the boarding enclosure, how- accept recruits wishing to join the scouts, and will direct any
ever, where law is very much in need, there are no Array personnel queries to the main facility at Overpass. In addition, all known
whatsoever. Without law and order, travelers are left to sort out any or proven Freehold Scouts get their power cells recharged at
differences on their own, or else, if a serious fight breaks out in Lo- half price.
gan’s Lounge, a mechanical bouncer will deal with troublemakers. Non-human and relic military units are an essential com-
The bouncer, a police robot owned by Logan, will brutally ‘enforce ponent of the Array military infrastructure, and are attributed
the peace’, especially anyone picking on a non-combatant, a whore, with inflicting the heaviest losses among besiegers and the
or a regular customer who has paid the bar owner for a little bit of raiders of Conrad’s Platoon. There are 4+d6 Horrlify in service
extra protection. Some say the robot, called ‘Brutus’, is self aware, at all times, their skulls fitted with new control nodes and one
or perhaps has a human brain implanted in its head unit, for the mechanical eye allowing the controls of computer 4 to see what
thing seems to take pleasure out of evicting trouble makers, has an each Horrlify sees and direct it with simple commands such
uncanny memory for faces, and appears to have developed genuine as pursue, kill, hold target, return target, and whatnot. These
friendships with certain regulars, traders and hookers. beasts are used to patrol the countryside at night, or set loose
after thieves or other undesirables. If computer 4 crashes or is
Military and Defense destroyed, however, the animals will revert back to a wild state
There are between 90 and 130 Array Champions serving in this and simply wander away. Once free, these beasts will even at-
community. 40+d20 are pure stocks trained in martial arts (2 tack familiar Array troops, and if the horrify get beyond 200km
skill points each) and 50+d20 mutants, each with a prime mu- of Array, the radio transmitter on the HQ tower will be unable to
tation as well as 2 skill points in martial arts, all are dressed re-gain control even if the computer is fixed or replaced.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 19

Location Key:
MAP CR-1: Array 1 Main Gates and Battery Transfer Window
2 Boarding Enclosure Gates
Scale: 1 hex = 3 meters 3 Logan’s Lounge Bar
4 Wagon Camp Area
5 Tent Camp Area
6 HQ Building
7 Horrlify Pen
8 Dirt Bike Garage

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 20

The town also has numerous small relic vehicles in its arse- one arrives late, he or she will be forced to pitch camp in the open
nal. These include 10+d10 dirt bikes, driven by champions who area within the wooden enclosure, called ‘The Pen’ which itself
are all 2 skill point drivers. A detachment of 4+d4 ATVs, con- shuts its doors at 8:30pm and opens them at 7am. Inside this
trolled by a champion with a 1 skill point as a ‘driver’ and each area, there are many types of people, some being groups of all
fitted with a rear seat and a weapon mount which holds a heavy mutants who are quite possibly mutant supremacists from Aber-
machine gun. These powerful, well kept guns are supplied with ratia, but it is just as likely to encounter clones, cyborgs, biorepli-
an ammo drum magazine holding 40+2d20 HCR rounds. These cants and even self aware androids and robots who, if they expect
ground vehicles are parked in a lower level garage, while above to get batteries charged, usually accompany human comrades.
them, in a hanger with a steel shutter door, are 3+d2 operation- The gate is opened and closed by staff from the saloon, which
al gyrocopters. These small, open cockpit helicopters are armed double as kitchen helpers and cooks the rest of the day.
with a heavy laser carbine fixed on the nose cone, and flown by a Staying within the boarding enclosure, or pen, is not cheap.
3 skill point pilot, who is also one of the Array Champions. There is a 2 silver piece entrance fee charged to every person,
There are 5 light laser cannons situated around town on whether a freeman or slave, human or robotic being, entering the
tripods, and moved from fox hole to concrete tower to roof top stockade, plus a 1sp daily fee for camping within the enclosure,
gunnery nest; a rotation which is conducted almost daily to en- with a maximum of 5 nights permitted for any group of travelers.
sure that an enemy never knows exactly where all the guns are There is a simple, two floored bar structure, made of scrap and
placed. These units are powered by a power pack each, carried wood, called Logan’s’ lounge, which has no overnight rooms, but,
by a champion while another fires the gun itself. The only other will rent 4 person tents for 2 sp per night to those in need. The
large relic weapon is a missile launcher. This impressive relic was hookers who work the place live with the staff on the second
torn off an old battle robot found in Twisted Wood, and is now fit- floor. These women won’t spend the night with clients, and in-
ted to the top of the HQ tower and controlled by computer 2, and stead, frolic in one hour bouts for a cost of 6+d6sp, conducted in
armed with d4+4 Assault Missiles and d3 tactical missiles. special curtain enclosed alcoves to one side of the bar room.
Finally, within the basement of the HQ is a robotics work-
shop. This facility is well outfitted with three sets of robot repair Brief History
tools, a diagnostic computer, a re-command software package, People have camped at this site since the ocean retreated, finding
and stacks of manuals, repair books and spare parts. Hundreds the towering ruins an ideal place to get their backs up against a wall
of inoperative and broken robots and androids line the walls here, and provide some cover. At other times, the ancient facility has been
used to salvage parts. Of the d6+6 robotics technicians working overrun by skullocks and moaners, who made habitation by humans
here day and night, one will be of 5 skill points, the rest at 2 skill challenging for many decades. Finally, in the year 2281, Caligula
points and treated as commoner men as far as stats go, but if Dorchesta the Second, a self proclaimed warlord who gathered sev-
the town is attacked, armed with laser pistols and wearing com- eral tribes to his banner by kidnapping the children of lesser lead-
bat armor. These dedicated men maintain a force of 3d6 house- ers, erected the first fort here, using timber, plastic sheets and scrap
hold robots, d3+2 industrial construction robots, and d2 indus- mental. In time, the population managed to set aside their inter-trib-
trial repair robots. Furthermore, the technicians are responsible al differences and rejoice in their strength and the assertive warlord.
for d3+2 medi-bots who serve in the HQ hospital area, 3d6 pock- Caligula, their dual gendered, multi limbed leader, was a question-
et-bots who move about town running errands and watching the able hero whose memory and name is still revered to this day by the
surrounding countryside for any hint of danger, and d6 spiderbots local populace. Over the decades, excavation of the ruined structure
used for spy and assassination missions. Finally, kept in various provided living quarters for the growing population, and in the year
locations around town and always out of view until needed, are 2313, shovel teams who scraped out the silt and muck of the un-
an impressive force of 30+d10 light soldier robots, all painted the derground labyrinth found a stockpile of solar panels and the requi-
same mottled gray urban camo color as the Array soldiers. site electrical storage and battery re-charge units, all poly-sheathed
All the town’s robots can be routinely controlled by voice com- in their original packaging. Within a month, power cells were hooked
mands from either the Sergeants or council members. Ultimately, up and what relic energy weapons were in the hands of these colo-
the operator of Computer 4 has final and absolute mastery of all nists, were brought to life. Thereafter, the defense of the town be-
robots. In the event no human commands can be given, these came far easier, and it was officially named Array.
units are programmed to follow a pre-defined set of tasks and re- Those who coveted the solar energy generators for them-
sponses, the first being to protect the lives of registered Array citi- selves were at first nothing more than large gangs of marauders
zens, and secondly to see that the town is kept from destruction. and humanoids, who attacked repeatedly, without success. Even-
The robot soldiers are usually kept in reserve and never leave tually, these raiders included the early Purists from Pure Hub City,
the town to accompany Freehold military operations nor patrols, as well as Aberrationist minded deviants from out of the west.
since they are the core guard of the town, and so valuable that While no siege or surprise attack managed to defeat the heav-
enemies might try to steal and reprogram the units. ily fortified town, the casualties incurred by the people of Array
forced them to enlist mercenaries, and eventually seek alliances
Visitors to Array with friendly, like-minded societies nearby. By the time the Aberra-
To anyone living in the Crossroads Region it is common knowl- tionists and the Purists were well developed factions, and at each
edge that access to the fortress recharge area is strictly limited, others throats even as they expended to destroy or occupy inde-
unless a visitor is a known Freehold Scout. Even if one is a scout, pendent towns, officials from Array met with those of Overpass
free access to the town’s facilities are off limits to all but assigned and Pitford to establish the Northern Freehold. In recent years,
Array personnel. Scouts must stay in their own bunk house and attacks by large enemy forces have been few, since the two great
stable area where they are well fed, given access to a radio receiv- powers in the region have been preoccupied with killing each oth-
er and encouraged to share a single notebook computer on which er, clearly leaving Array for a later time, when the victor can turn its
to watch instructional videos on martial arts, mathematics, Eng- attention on the power generation center.
lish and Spanish language courses, as well as old war movies. All
non-scouts or expected NF officials of the faction will have to stay Social Details
at the boarding enclosure while either passing through the area The people of array are proud, resourceful fighters, and crafty
or recharging their drained batteries. The recharge facility, inci- business people, but so too, pleasure seeking, often arrogant,
dentally is only open from 8 am to 8pm, and at all other times, the under employed and lazy folk. Since they sell electricity which is
transfer window on the gate will be shut and bolted. Given this, if gathered automatically from the sun, these people don’t do much

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 21

work, grow few crops of their own, nor even travel to get their own
water. Everything is brought to them in exchange for re-charge.
Whatever outsiders don’t bring, Array citizenry simply order via
communicator with their shipping agents in Overpass, and within
a week, a caravan brings whatever specialty item to the doorstep
of this town. Because they are quite pampered, and in a rare po-
sition of power for such a small population, they are perceived
as selfish, pompous people who are known to treat outsiders as
servants or scum, and will avoid dealing with them as much as
possible. Being bored, and having money, many adults in Array
own household slaves to do housework. In many cases, howev-
er, these servants also act as concubines, even in the homes of
married people, and it is not uncommon for a married man and
woman in a house to each have their own slave kept solely for
carnal purposes, usually housed in a locked basement cell when
not in use. There are therefore slavers in Overpass who are al-
ways on the lookout for captives on their Array slave ‘wish list’,
which will be fulfilled by the slaver even if he or she must kidnap
just the right person to meet the request.
Civilians in Array dress in either replica ancient clothing, or
actual garments discovered among the ruins below Array. These
people are greatly concerned with their appearance, and are on
average better looking than people in other towns, (+2d4 APP).
This increase in good looks is attributed to excellent nutrition,
and their carefree, uneventful lifestyles away from sand storms, Hours to
sun burns, wounds from frequent fighting for survival, as well as Power Cell Type Cost to Recharge* Recharge**
a result of relic beauty product bought up from the ancient shop-
ping mall which stretches out for kilometers beneath Array. Pill Power cell d12+12sp one hour
Because the town of Turbine (located in The Shattered Re- Mini Power cell 2d20+30sp 1.5 hours
gion) directly competes with Array in the power supply industry, Power Cell d100+150sp 3 hours
and therefore the competition keeps prices lower than Array Power Pack 3d100+900sp 12 hours
would like, these people detest anybody from Turbine, and are
constantly casting Turbine in a negative light. It is common knowl- * Differs between visits
edge that Turbine charges less for power cell ‘juicing’, but so too, ** Add all cells being charged to result in one total waiting time.
Note: All known or proven freehold scouts get their power cells recharged at half price.
it is considerably further away from Overpass and other Cross-
roads Region population centers, and the trip more perilous.
Re-Charge Customers Ahead of Characters
Resources and Industry Winter months (Beginning of December to end of March) d12
Power cell re-charging, only. job orders, each takes d8+1 hours to fulfill.
All other months 3d6 job Orders, each takes d6 hours
Accommodations to fulfill
Travelers can stay overnight, for up to five nights in the board-
ing enclosure outside of the main fortress, at a cost of 1sp For the Excavator
per night, however there is also a 2sp entrance fee per visit. What characters from this region have heard about Ar-
There is a bar and brothel, called Logan’s Lounge which has ray. “One hears a lot of bullshit these days, you know how it
no rooms for rent, but, will loan out 4 person wall tents for 2sp is. Now take Array for instance, it has beaten off both Purist
per night. The sole industry in Array is the re-charge service and Aberrationist attacks, its tiny army defeated ten times their
it provides. Those requiring power cells ‘juiced’ must submit number due to great defenses and plenty of relic weapons, and
their cells at the transfer window at the main gate of the for- beam weapons no less. They also got a ton of operational robots,
tress, between 8 am and 8 pm, and sign over the cells and some gyrocopters, attack beasts, motorcycles and ATVs, a mis-
answer the following questions: “Name of power cell owner, sile launcher on the roof of their command building, or, at least
number and type of power cells, where did you get the bulk this is what I hear... maybe it is bullshit after all.
of your power cells? Have you been to the Dominion of Aber- “I do know that them pompus folk got these solar panels
ratia or The Holy Purist Empire? Do you denounce those two all over town collecting power and storing it in great batter-
powers as evil forces? In what region were you born? What
ies underground. While you can’t stay in the fortress, they have
is your caste? Where is your normal home base? Why do you
been kind enough to set up a stockade just outside of town for
prefer our re-charge service as opposed to that of Turbine?
people to pitch their tents or sleep in their wagons, for a small
How long will you be staying in the Boarding Enclosure? What
is your destination after staying in Array?”
fee, so you can stay there while you are waiting to get your pow-
The actual re-charge cost and time frame for getting the
er cells charged up. Oh, and they even got a shitty little saloon,
batteries back is based on how many cells a client drops off but, avoid it unless you need a drink or the company of one of
as well as how many customers are ahead of the individual. their miserable, dirty whores since it can be a good place to get
The first table shows the cost to recharge various cells and in a brawl and have your nose broken. The re-charge service is
how long it will take per cell, the second table shows how slower and costs a damn sight more than out east in Turbine, but,
many hours you will have to wait until you can collect your Array is so close to Overpass, how can you complain about the
power cells and sign them back into your control. Battery de- extra fees?
livery will not take place after business hours even if they are “Now, before I forget, let me tell you that you must get to
charged up. Array before dark as the stockade closes at half passed eight,

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 22

and if you sleep outside you’re as good as dead. There is also 1. Read: “Thief!” Screams a man’s voice from up ahead, as you
a really aggressive gang of hoodlums who patrol the roads and see a dirty teenager run into view, clutching a power cell in his hand
trails around Array, especially targeting small groups of travel- as he comes your way and tries to dart around you. GM: He is at
ers from the North. Conrad’s Platoon they call themselves, and the PC group when 2d6+2 meters up the lane, a group of d4 mi-
they are ruthless bunch, prone to robbing you, stripping you, litia soldiers run into view, drawing musket pistols. With them is
messing with you then selling what’s left to slavers. So take one a nomadic trader with a laser pistol, but even at this range, the
of them caravans from Overpass, they leave every week and go PCs can see the beam weapon is lacking its rear loaded power
all the way to Galespit, then back again. All in all, friend, Array cell. The characters, to a maximum of three, can try to block the
is a fine stopping place, and you can stay in the boarding enclo- street urchin’s flight, by striking at him or her (50% chance either
sure stockade for a couple of silvers, even if you ain’t need juice, gender) and try to grapple the youth. If captured, and the power
but only for five nights.” cell is given back to the trader, he says “Thank you strangers, it
was empty, but still worth a lot of coin to me. As a reward, here,”
For the Game Master he tosses the characters a coin pouch containing 20+2d10sp.
Array represents a rare, high tech community, and a GM who “We are going to take this little robber to the nearest slaver and sell
runs a campaign with mid or high rank characters will proba- it, maybe the filthy thing can learn a trade.... unless you folks want
bly need to facilitate a expedition here, since characters with the punk as part of your reward. You can kill the rat if you like.” If
advanced weapons or armor will need power cells recharged. the characters take the street urchin as a prisoner, they can later
This experience would be a great opportunity to show a pos- release him or her, or offer to hire the youth as a camp cook or
sible future for an advanced party who might wish to set up pack carrier. There is an 88% chance if kept, the urchin will turn
their own walled fortress. Array has a wide range of relics out to be grateful to have avoided slavery and thereafter be a loy-
and robots, as well as a splendid but small army, the sort of al henchman into adulthood, otherwise he or she will try to steal
items and staff a well to do character group might gather to something and flee as soon as possible.
themselves. Array, therefore, could serve as an example of 2. Read: You hear a commotion to one side, then the clanging of
the sort of base or community the players could have their blade on blade and all at once, (d6+1m away), arrive two men locked
character’s aspire to establish. in a sword duel. One is a scavenger using a machete the other is a
brigand of some sort, (raider) using a longsword. The raider yells at
the man. “Hand it over, you desert dog! It ain’t worth dying over!”
Unique Encounters
The boarding enclosure will always have a couple dozen
The scavenger notices you and assumes you are excavators. “Help me,
comrades! This son of a bitch is trying to rob me of my battery. His
friends are also around here looking for me, and I can’t fight them all!
tents (12+2d12) and another dozen or so covered wag-
I will give you a gas mask if you join me!” GM: If the characters do
ons (12+d12), containing a mix of nomadic traders (2d4),
nothing, they then just watch the two men will fight it out; however, if
commoner families migrating to and from the freeholds
the PCs do side with the scavenger and attack the raider, there is a
(3d6 families), as well as assorted scavengers (2d4), thugs
1 in 6 chance per round that the thug’s fellow gang members show
(2d8+2), bounty hunters (d3) and excavators (3d6), a few
up, numbering 3+d4, armed with longswords. Should the charac-
freelance harlots (2d4), some escape slaves in rags (d4 of
ter’s and scav defeat the raiders, the scav will honor his word and
each category) as well as assorted misfits and criminals (d4
give the character an operational gas mask as a reward. Any dead
thieves, d2 assassins, 2d6 street urchins, d2 slavers), and
raiders are 6% likely to each have a power cell stashed in their gear,
the possibility of either Purist or Aberrationist agents who
and if so, a 34% chance it is already fully re-charged.
have come to array to both spy and recharge their energy
3. An alarm bell sounds from someplace within the main
sources. Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results from
town, and all at once, the saloon staff exit out the side kitch-
the following encounter list.
en door of the bar and make for the gates, closing and lock-
ing them. One staff member, a large man in a stained apron,
Daytime Encounters, in the Boarding Enclosure calls to the gathered campers. “Its for your own good. The
d6-1 (0-5) rolls for street occupants from chart B, page 381,
Champions there in Array must have spotted some threat,
who are moving about on the paths between rows of wagons
since that bell was to tell us to shut things up for the day.
and tents. There is a 3 in 10 chance of a unique encounter from
Probably Conrad’s Platoon. Heard of ‘em? They’re big gang
the following list, per passage, rolling d6:

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 23

of cut throats who prowl these parts. If so, they might try to
attack at dusk when the big guns on the fort aren’t so effec-
Nighttime Encounters, in the Boarding Enclosure
d6-3 (0-3) rolls for street occupants on chart B, page 381 with
tive. We’ll open the compound gate in the morning if all is a 3 in 10 chance per passage of a special encounter from the
well, but no new recharging or cell pick up today or tonight, following, roll d8:
sorry.” There is a 4 in 6 chance of the gates being opened 1. d3 bats, giant, swoop down into the enclosure and try to
again the next day, but if not, they remain closed for an extra carry off the smallest character’s first, however, if unable to,
days or more, with a 5 in 6 chance per day thereafter of the they will simply dive into the PCs and attack them from on the
gates being opened ground
4. At a narrow between several large wagons, out of sight 2. Insects, Doom Moths, swarm down into the entire enclo-
from the saloon, the characters see 3+d3 men step out of the sure, attacking anybody in the open as well as the charac-
shadows and billowing campfire smoke, short swords drawn. ters. There are 2d6 of the terrible little brain suckers in that
Meanwhile d3+1 more raiders slip in behind the characters, particular corridor between wagons and tents, which will pur-
both groups are d3+1 meters away from the characters, sue fleeing targets. Elsewhere in the community, you can hear
blades outstretched. They are an equal mix of pure stocks and the screams of the other visitors, the crack of gunfire and the
common mutants with one minor mutation each “Raise your wails of riding dogs as more of the bugs cause havoc. If the
hands, strangers, or get a belly full of steel!” Hisses one thug, PCs defeat those they have encountered, so do those en-
extending his free hand. “We ain’t planning to kill you or noth- gaged by others, otherwise, everyone in the compound suf-
ing. Just want your relics and coin pouches, so keep ‘em up, fers the same terrible fate as the characters.
while we relieve you of your burdens.” 3. d8 Urcellia drop down into the corridor and randomly at-
If the characters comply, two raiders approach from the tack any street occupants in that area.
front, swords held at the bellies of the characters as they remove 4. As the PCs pass a covered wagon, they see a young wom-
relics, coin pouches, and open backpacks and satchels, peering an standing outside it, smiling mischievously and playing with
inside for anything interesting. At such close range, with their her hair. “What’dea say, warrior?” She remarks, directing her
swords pointed at the characters, if the PCs make a move to words to the most attractive male in the PC group as they pass.
stop the theft, the two raiders gain +30 SV on their first stabs. If “Why not spend a bit of time with me in my wagon, only 3 sil-
in the first place, however, the characters don’t raise their hands vers. I promise not to bite.” If any character takes her up on
and instead go for their weapons, the raiders will attack only her offer, she demands the money up front before performing
if they are of equal or superior numbers to the travelers, and whatever act the client requests. If the character is alone, either
since they have their weapons drawn, they will all get one strike having started that way in the game session or having his or
against the characters before they themselves are attacked, ex- her companions head along to camp or the saloon without him
cept by mutations which don’t need a round to unleash such as or her, then roll d6: 1-4. No event, after lovemaking, the hook-
throwing quills, beam eyes or mental attacks, etc. er merely bids the customer a good night and to return again
5. A tattered slave (d6: 1,2. man / 3,4. woman/ 5. teen boy/ 6. the next day for another bout. / 5. Her husband returns home,
teen girl) steps out from under a wagon and smiles, bowing low. drunk, from the bar. “What the fricken hell is all this!” He yells
The PCs notice that the individual still has the iron manacles on, from the end of the bed as the couple are still breathing heavily.
with the name of the slave’s owner stamped into the metal (Fak- He draws his hatchet and charges the character, murderously
mal the Obese, see NPCs page 431); however, the chains have (treat him as a commoner man but with +20 END)/ 6. She tells
been unhooked at one end allowing the slave to wield the con- the character that she is actually a slave, forced into prostitu-
traption as the weapon ‘chain’. Averting his or her eyes, the slave tion by a Cruel master, called Hemidra, (treat as a raider leader)
scuttles up to the largest character and whimpers. “By all that is associated with Conrad’s Platoon, and that her owner is a spy
good and decent in this terrible world, please, I was not born a for the Platoon and secretly uses a communicator to relate the
slave! I was captured by Dominion Irregulars, and taken into Riv- comings and goings of travelers to Array. Furthermore, she says
ergrad, and treated most foul... but I escaped... and am here, try- that the characters must be very careful and keep their relics
ing to find a way home to Sandbarra. Please, take me there and and wealth a secret, or else be targeted by the robbers. She
my father will honor you with a feast, with wine, and music and says that her master owns her sister, in Overpass, and will have
a place to stay whenever you come to that town. Please, say you her tortured if she herself fled with the character.
will return me to my people before somebody bad finds me and 5. The PCs hear a terrible crackling noise from the nearby for-
takes me further away!” tress, as bright neon blue beams streak toward some unseen
6. The characters turn the corner and see a group of 5+d3 targets far out in the plain. This activity goes on for a few min-
ruffians (raiders) who have accosted a family of impover- utes, and each time, the beams arc closer to the walled en-
ished mutant refugees (commoners, each has a minor mu- closure. People in their tents and wagons begin to panic and
tation) The victims have been pulled them from their wag- crawl under the wagons or other cover, screaming in some
on. The father has been beaten and left unconscious in the cases and running passed. All at once, there is shooting and
dirt. 2 raiders have cornered the mother up against a tent, yelling toward the walls, right near the PC’s position, and then
their backs to the characters as they slap her about, while crashing and more screams. A commoner runs by, clutching
2 more men are holding the d3 teens and d3 children and her baby. “It’s coming!” She yells, and takes off. Soon, d6 mi-
discussing who to sell them to. The rest of the gang are pick- litia soldiers come into view from the same direction, their
ing through the wagon. One looter sees the PCs and waves employer, a trader, follows, a laser carbine in his arms, the
them off. “Get lost, grave robbers, or we’ll cut out your eyes.” barrel smoking. “Get out of here!” He yells to the PCs. “It’s
If the PCs leave, they later see the wagon moving across the coming!” And he too disappears, saying no more. If the char-
compound, driven by the raiders, the family tied together by acters ready themselves and stay put, roll d6 below to see
a rope, all badly beaten and mistreated. If the PCs demand what has invaded the enclosure, otherwise, the PC s flee with
that the raiders leave the commoners alone, the raiders the others to the far side of the enclosure, where whatever it
knock aside their captives and draw machetes and start for- is catches up, but here, the PCs are accompanied by 2d6+4
ward. If rescued, the family will ask the characters to travel commoner men who throw their spears as soon as the at-
with them to Overpass, where they have purchased a shanty tacker appears, d6: 1. d6+6 Dune spiders /2. d3+1 Freakish
in the Tentville district where the characters may set up a Spiders /3. Devi-bear / 4. Two Giant frog / 5. 3d6+5 Insects,
base camp. giant solider ants / 6. Insect, Thunder Bug.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 24

6. The PCs enter a pathway and 2d6+4m away, see a sla- for 3sp in a side room, which is sectioned off into small, curtain
ver and his d3+4 militia soldier guards beating senseless a enclosed dens, taking about a half hour with each client. There is
commoner man and his wife, while the d3 children and d2 a 16% chance that each whore has sinner’s itch.
teens look on in horror. The slaver’s men are already tying the 2. A mutant nomadic trader and his d4+1 militia soldier side-
hands of the youngsters, and don’t notice the PCs. If rescued, kicks enter the saloon and move to the scrap and timber bar.
the commoners, who are 56% likely to be common mutants, After a short while, they notice the characters and the trader
will offer to house the characters in their covered wagon and comes over and asks, “You bunch looking for some work?” If
transport them with the weekly caravan to Overpass. the PCs say yes, the man relates his scheme. “We need some
7. d8+9 Street urchins pour in around the characters, aiming muscle to guard us on our way to Sandbarra, where we are de-
sling shots. They all wear daggers in their belts. “Drop your frick- livering gun powder to the Freehold authorities there, but, on
en weapons, packs, belts and bloody holsters, or I swear we’ll the way here from Overpass, we got jumped by Conrad’s Pla-
make you suffer!” If the PCs draw weapons or employ mutations, tooners, and they wasted half my men. We have horses for you
the youths will open fire once then advance with blades. to ride, and if you can get us to Sandbarra, you can keep the
8. From both sides of the path ahead of the characters, horses... plus, I’ll pay you fifty silvers each. You in?”
3+d3m away, they see dark figures stepping into view, one 3. A lone excavator is sitting at the far end of the bar, and
per PC plus d3, the orange light of nearby campfires cast- when he or she sees the PCs looking over, smiles and waves.
ing eerie shadows on their grim faces. Roll d6: 1,2. They If the characters are friendly back, the person comes over and
are common raiders set on asks to have a seat. “I came up
robbing the PCs of power from Sandbarra, looking to make
cells, relics, and coins, and my way to the Great Ruins with
advance with machete’s a team of fellow archeologists,
drawn. / 3,4. The charac- such as you. You need another
ters notice they are all pure team member?” GM: Chance for
stocks in appear- new PC ?
ance, and draw 4. A fight breaks out at the table
hatchets. If there next to the PCs, between a raid-
are mutants or cy- er and a scavenger, both draw
borgs in the PC group, their daggers and fight furious-
one assailant murmurs ly, knocking into the character’s
a faint statement “As God table and toppling it and their
and the Vicar are my wit- drinks or meals. The bouncer,
nesses, your kind shall a police bot which stands in
have your souls judged, the shadows near the kitchen
in hell!” And with that, the entrance, does nothing unless
men attack, ignoring any somebody pulls out a gun or the
pure stocks or those who fight begins to spread to other
appear to be pure stocks tables and threatens to destroy
unless these join the fight the furniture. The two fighters
against them. They are Pur- are both accompanied by d4+1
ist zealots, treat as com- of their own caste, who stay out
moner men wearing chain- of the deadly fight and merely
mail vests./ 5,6. The char- cheer on their man.
acters notice that the men 5. 4+d6 dusty rough necks
are all mutants, (treat as enter the bar and take a seat
raiders) with one minor mu- near the PC table. These foul
tation each, holding Domin- mouthed men take to drink and
ion sabers. If there are only are soon obnoxious. If the PCs
pure stocks and their off have any women among them
shoots (including androids, synthetic humans and cyborgs) of 24 or higher appearance, these thugs (raiders) harass
in the group, then this bunch charges forward and attempts them with crude, lustful requests.
to slay as many ‘pinkies’ as possible. If there are visible mu- 6. There are an extra 3d6 commoner men in the saloon that
tants mixed with pure stocks, then these Aberrationists sim- night, plus a nomadic trader who leads them. At one point,
ply step back and seem to dissolve into the shadows. their boss stands up on his table and shouts. “I am Hajaffa,
caravaneer who arrived today with many wagons, we will be
Encounters in Logan’s Lounge Saloon starting for Overpass at dawn, and any who wish to join us with
2d4 bar patron rolls from chart B, page 384, by day, 2d6+4 by their own wagons or mounts are welcome among us for free,
night. There are d3 bar tenders, d3+3 kitchen staff (all com- but, those on foot can catch a ride for 2sp each, and then, for
moners) and ‘Brutus’ a Police Bot as a bouncer. There is a 4 another five coins we will be heading north to Pitford.” Interest-
in 10 chance per hour of an encounter from the following list, ed PCs can catch a ride at 8 am. There are 8+d8 wagons full of
roll d6: food stuffs, clothing, bedding, d6+2 kegs of gunpowder, arrow
1. d3+2 near-naked prostitutes approach the PCs table after heads, and empty water drums to be filled on the way. There
finding no luck with other bar patrons. They are typical of the are 2 commoner men per wagon, plus one militia solider with
hookers in Array’s enclosure, being aggressive, oddly dressed in a crossbow mounted on a horse. This caravan is solely a com-
a mix of relic plastic sheeting and leather, their makeup put on mercial venture and no children or civilians are present.
too thickly, their hair wild and dyed blue or purple, their language
entirely lewd. They describe their plans for each character, male
or female, and use their hands and legs, lips and whole bodies
to rub and tease the characters and will perform their sordid task

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 25

In the district of Highcity, many of the off ramps, lane divid-
ers, and pylons of the surrounding ancient interstate network have
been torn up, especially where the roadway has collapsed or been
wrecked by earthquakes. Once recovered, these valuable materi-
Faction: The Northern Freehold als were added to the buildings and walls on the main north-south
Government: The Council of Honorable Masters, (aka: The overpass ramp which gives the city its name. To these slabs have
Sixteen) Military commander: General Noxtoth the Spirited been added new layers of concrete, brick and plaster work, espe-
Population: Total 17,520 to 21,210 / (Pure Stocks cially on the major buttress buildings which rise up from Undercity
8400+2d1000/ Mutants 7200+d1000 and 480+2d100 and protrude well above Highcity. These great structures house
Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs 330+d100/ Synthetic Humans hundreds of civilians or troops, depending on the structure’s pur-
900+2d100/other 200+2d100) pose. Nowhere else in the region can one find such massive high
rise buildings, many of which are well lit at night giving the look of
Site Details an ancient city from long ago, although the windows are unevenly
Overpass consists of three districts; Highcity, Undercity and spaced, the towers misshapen and somewhat nightmarish in ap-
Tentville. Each is built on, under or between the massive pearance. Highcity is entirely walled on the upper ramp, supported
concrete and steel freeway exchange known as The West- by prominent and well built structures. The walls here are four me-
ern Ramps, which connect the great road of Inter-State ters thick, filled with troops and supplies and stand 5m tall, some-
with the Unity Road. The Western Ramps themselves sit on times taller, and dotted with 470 arrow slits.
a great plain, which hug the northern edge of Twisted Wood This section of the city is accessible by three ramp based
and sit near the mighty Lusus River. The site is remark- gates which can allow any sort of vehicle to either gain access
able in that it is built on and around the six lane freeway to, or pass through, the city. There are, however, many primitive
interchange, and the Highcity portion towers above the flat slave-powered elevator ‘lifts’ within the large government build-
farm land around it like a giant wave of scrap built build- ings along the great bridge area of Highcity, as well as numerous
ings, some of which are truly massive and extend down to stairwells which not only lead down to Undercity, but deeper into
the ground level like the immense buttresses of some me- the earth. Beneath street level, ruins are being excavated and lat-
dieval castle. er filled with supplies, used as training facilities, for the storage
The location of Overpass is easily defensible and is close of damaged but salvageable relics, robots and vehicles, as well
enough to The Great Ruins to be able to supply itself with as a multi level prison complex below Fort Maverick (1). Highcity
relic and scrap materials, but not too close as to be continu- is not necessarily closed to visitors or the poor, since the bridge
ously attacked, as is Pitford. merchants and peddlers relish coins and barter goods from all
shoppers. Nevertheless, non-residents, or those who do not have
Construction a valid patron’s medallion from an inn, motel or private host resi-
Each of the three districts within Overpass are built from basical- dence, are not permitted in Highcity after dark, under penalty of
ly the same materials, but each uses higher or lower quality com- either a 200sp fine or a few weeks hard labor as a state prisoner.
ponents and construction techniques, with the end result being Undercity was once simply the area underneath the bridge
that each area looks like a separate community. For the most deck, and started as a shanty town of squatters who sought the
part, scrap metal, plastic, glass, fiberglass, woven wire, tires, tim- protection of the fortress above; however, within the last sixty
ber, field stone and animals hides are used in conjunction with years, the population of Overpass has multiplied tenfold, and
salvaged concrete and newly poured cement. shows no signs of slowing down. The sprawl of shanty towns,

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 26

shop districts, entrainment spots, and large, multi-floored tim- around them, but first want an agreement with the city officials
ber, junk and stucco apartments continues, and almost every that they can own the land they already occupy. The debates,
street has either a shack being torn down or a new, multi-family petitions and protest rallies continue on a weekly basis.
dwelling going up in its place. The entire Undercity area is sur- A breakdown of all important military, industrial, finan-
rounded by a series of wood and rock watchtowers along a 5m cial and private structures in Overpass are shown on pages
tall wooden palisade, which has a catwalk all the way around it. 48 and 49. The extensive table provide an overview of each
This barrier allows the defenders to ward off attackers. While prominent building’s purpose, compliment of any troops, pow-
this wall is high, it is poorly built and insufficiently patrolled to er generation and main weaponry:
keep out stealthy intruders, including assorted spiders, human-
oid raiders, and enemy agents, who often infiltrate the commu- Water and Sanitation
nity by night and prey upon the citizens. A small tributary of the Lusus River, called Bridge Creek, flows
The structures within Undercity are built of whatever mate- directly into the city and ends in Pander’s Pond, where the creek
rials are available, but generally consist of timber frames, mud is said to flow underground into some vast ruin network before
bricks, scrap metal and wood roofs, yet thatch, animal hide, spilling into Sour Canyon River many kilometers to the northwest.
and fired clay tile roofs are also present. The watch towers are The water from both the river and Bridge Creek are considered
made of wood, but their outer surface and rooftops are plated in drinkable, however, many of those in Highcity make a practice
scrap sheet metal or old aluminum siding to resist fire and hos- out of boiling their drinking and cooking water, occasionally even
tile climbers. Each tower is 8m tall, has four inner floors occu- running it through a filtration process. To keep the Highcity dis-
pied by Overpass light Infantry soldiers. On the top floor of each trict adequately supplied with water, wagon loads are transport-
tower, which is open walled from ed to and stored within every
the chest up, has a steel grill en- stronghold, barracks and large
closing the entire level to keep building. In the event of a siege,
out flying predators yet is punc- it is said that those defending
tuated once on each side of the Highcity have a full years supply
square tower to allow the single of water, even without reliance
heavy ballista to fire out in any di- on rain water.
rection. The roof above the tower The water bodies of Weedy
is peaked and has a ladder run- Wet and Boson’s Lagoon are
ning up through the center and stagnant and coated in huge mu-
along a 5m tall pole. This stout tant lily pads and frothy scum,
pole is topped by a one man the water beneath teaming with
crow’s nest where a single solid- all manner of bizarre aquatic
er keeps watch by day while sit- creature, many of which are dan-
ting in a steel cage, armed with a gerous to humans and occasion-
crossbow. ally creep forth at night to devour
Tentville is a very new dis- inhabitants of Tentville.
trict of the city, however, most es- Sewage is expelled from the
tablished Highcity families don’t homes and businesses of Over-
recognize the growing slum as pass in many ways. In Highcity,
anything more than a temporary pipes have been fitted in every
squatter’s camp. This area does structure, which lead to off pour-
have one permanent, four story ing vents which fill vast wooden
building, the Travelers Oasis Pub. barrels situated on wagons within
This prominent structure is also Undercity. This excrement is con-
an Inn and brothel and caters to ducted out of the city, along with
those who either live in Tentville dozens of other waste collection
or can’t make it to the People’s wagons situated about Under-
Gate at Undercity before dark, when the city shuts its doors. city, and either dumped in Weedy Wet or on at the edge of Twisted
Tentville is home to refugees, the poorest of the poor, and Wood. Within Tentville, meanwhile, most sewage never makes it
those who for whatever reason chose to live an outlaw’s life. For out of the stinky back alleys, and in places flows down the streets
the most part, this district simply consists of row upon row of toward Boson’s Lagoon.
tents and covered wagons, while closer to the Undercity walls,
shacks have begun to replace other shelters, even though build- Technology
ing materials are scarce and often stolen by one’s neighbors. Overpass enjoys an abundance of both relic technology and newly
There are plans among the Undercity councilors to eventually ex- built replica items, especially the standard alcohol burning power
pand the city into this sector, and so have already commenced generators which can be heard day and night, their black smoke
construction on a new addition to the Undercity ring wall, con- visible from many kilometers away. Technology allows Overpass
struction which has been repeatedly set back by riots, sabotage to fend off her many enemies, using it to power the spotlights
and other delays, since the people of Tentville have been told which are mounted on every gate house, fortress, and watch-
that once the wall is completed, the land under them will be tower, even those towers along the new wall outside of Tentville.
sold to the highest bidders, and as these people have nothing Laser cannons, M364 Howitzer artillery guns, missile launchers
but their tents and few tattered belongings, they know they will and the many chain guns and heavy machine guns are situated
be forced further from the bridge of Highcity, and the relative about the city. These impressive weapons having been salvaged
protection which the main city affords them. off unearthed ancient military vehicles and gun batteries, or else
As things stand, those living nearest to the stagnant wa- purchased from excavation teams who have no use for heavy
ter’s of Boson’s Lagoon or the southern edge of Tentville, come weaponry. Indeed, excavators, who make Overpass their home
under almost nightly raids by skullocks and flesh eating beasts. base when not lodging in Pitford, often bypass the relic dealers
These people certainly welcome the idea of a defensive wall in Pitford and instead sell in this city to get a better price, and to

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 27

spend their hard won loot on all manner of pleasures. This flow Newly arrived squatters are usually accosted and ‘taxed’ for pro-
of ancient booty gives Overpass the first chance to buy wondrous tection money and ‘service fees’ by the local goons, and worse
relics, spare parts, plastic bits, robotic limbs and whatever else still, in an attempt to foster ‘loyalty’ in locals, a family or team
the diggers can collect. member, usually an attractive woman or a person’s child, is kid-
In some cases, excavators are given a list by a relic deal- napped by the gang and made to work in the local underground
er to find spare parts from ancient machines, or even haul back pub until such a time as the parent or friends of the kidnapped
a whole car or ancient armored vehicle to be rebuilt using the person either do what the gang boss demands or continue to
massive parts inventory housed in the Freehold Historic Soci- pay an escalated sum or protection money per week.
ety’s warehouse. With such excellent access to relics and ancient All in all, the dangers faced by those visiting Overpass are as
knowledge, the rulers of Overpass have been able to assemble varied as the districts of the city, and while in Highcity the weak will
the most technologically advanced facilities in the entire region. be defended by local guards and even by armed citizens who wish
This stockpile, coupled with an open minded, pro-technology, to promote trade and a peaceful lifestyle, those who are forced to
pro-excavator society, allows technicians to work freely on a wide dwell in the other districts must be much more self reliant, travel
range of projects, including the biogenetic engineering of battle in armed groups, or otherwise be so powerful that any attacking
beasts, the augmentation of humans into cyborg defenders, the criminals or fundamentalists can be deterred or destroyed.
construction of replica vehicles such as biplanes, scrap-built ar-
mored cars, radio units for placement in each watchtower and Law Enforcement
government held structure, plus, re-loading capabilities to supply Overpass troopers maintain law and order in Highcity, while
elite troops with standard rifle, pistol and shotgun shells. More im- in Undercity a mix of troopers and Overpass Light Infantry
pressive still has been the repair and upkeep of robotic units, a patrol the streets; although when serving on ground level,
program that has been so successful that the army of Overpass these ‘peacekeepers’ are often accused of being lazy, cow-
has the largest mechanical armed force in the region. For vehicles ardly, brutal and frequently corrupt by the locals. In Tentville,
and robots of Overpass, see Military and Defenses, this page. meanwhile, the odd unit of light infantry are seen by day, usu-
ally sent out to arrest a specific person or track down enemy
Dangers agents, while at all hours, local banditry rule the streets and
Overpass is threatened by two expansionist empires from within back allies, waging war with other gangs, while harassing and
the region, as well as factions from beyond. Primarily, it is the forc- ‘taxing’ residents and visitors alike.
es of the Dominion of Aberratia which pose the most immediate Captured petty criminals from any sector of the city are
threat. The Mutant Supremacists of the Dominion have simply usually jailed in Fort Maverick, and conducted to various labor
claimed Overpass as their property and vow to liberate the mu- camps for several days at a time to either d6: 1,2. work on the
tant population within and raise their deviant brothers and sisters walls, 3,4. excavate beneath the city, 5,6. or be leased to the
to supreme mastery over the old race of ‘generic’ humans. many farmers outside of the city walls. Dangerous offender
To the south, The Holy Purist Empire also threatens this get different treatment. Roll d6: 1-3. dragged out into the pris-
great Northern Freehold city. The theocratic Purists have sworn on compound and hanged on a certain date, 4-6. or sold to a
to burn the den of wickedness to the ground, after saving the gladiatorial club, and placed in the fighting pits of some local
misguided pure stock children of God from the heathen hands bar or private blood sport hall.
of Overpass’s devil spawned mutants. Invasion by both factions
is an ever present menace, and while both sides have sent forth Military and Defense
great armies, neither has been able to advance close enough Overpass City boasts the most complex and assorted military
to the city to storm it. The Northern Freehold Scouts, as well as force in the region. As impressive as this army is, however, both
combined detachments of robots, replica-armored vehicles, bi- the Dominion of Aberratia and Holy Purist Empire each boast a
planes, well equipped volunteer excavation teams, mercenar- far larger total military force, and if either were able to throw its
ies and the impressive army of Overpass, have always met on- entire might against the NF, could easily defeat this City.
coming enemy units and thrown them back. It is surmised that Only the constant and bitter fighting between the Dominion
Overpass has spies within the armies of both the Purists and and Purists keeps Overpass free, as well as the cunning leader-
Aberrationists, who are said to be telepathic and report enemy ship of the Overpass military chief, General Noxtoth the Spirit-
activities well in advance of any invasion or operation. ed, a mutant of both impressive physical and mental deviations,
Occasionally, small teams of enemy assassins, saboteurs armed and armored in relics, and perhaps the most gifted war
and fundamentalist zealots do enter the city, and it is widely master in the region, see downloads. There are also 240+d20
known that both factions wage a sort of guerilla war on each NCO officers, each with a relic weapon (WC-R+WC-RC), 80+d20
other’s agents. These enemy servants are the greatest danger to Squad Leader Officers, and 30+d6 Senior Officers, spread out
any visitor or citizen of Overpass, therefore mutant travelers must around the city as well as engaged in military operations and pa-
be wary of Purist ‘Mutant Slayers’ and suicide zealots, while pure trols, spy missions and ambassadorial duties abroad.
stocks must keep an eye out for gangs of Dominion Shadow Min- For the most part, Overpass is defended by its human
ions or mutant supremacist death squads of local origin. troops and fixed relic and archaic heavy weapons. Below is
Other dangers in the city come from animal intruders, ei- the standing army of Overpass, including the local detach-
ther those which fly or crawl in, or, as in the case of Tentville, pull ment of Freehold Scouts, but does not include the many well
themselves up out of Boson’s Lagoon and devour the unwary. equipped excavation teams which call Overpass home, nor
Clearly, where one is located in Overpass greatly determines the the hundreds of criminal gang members of both mutant and
dangers he or she might face. Within Highcity, for example, there pure blood race who will fight savagely to defend Overpass
is some criminal activity at night, but the area is far better pa- against foreign invaders. So too, commoners will arm them-
trolled, and there is little tolerance for lawlessness in this area. selves with bow and hatchet to make any enemy pay dearly for
On the other hand, within Undercity, and worse still in Tent- each meter, each house and street, for most know that if the
ville, gangs of thugs, pickpockets, enemy factional agents, ma- Aberrationists should win, they will spend their lives as slaves.
rauding creatures, and gangs of religious cultists are frequently Worse, if the Purists should ever conquer Overpass, it is as-
met, especially after dark. In Tentville, specifically, there are al- sumed that most citizens will be burned as either mutants or
most no Overpass military patrols, and each block is ruled by lo- heretics, or at the very least be tortured in efforts to convert
cal gang lords who steal from both residents and travelers alike. them to Puristalism.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 28

The Standing Army of Overpass by 3 troopers, the operator having 3 skill points as a driver.
Overpass Light Infantry: (militia soldiers) armed with crossbows, Light Tanks: scrap, 3+d3, each with a machine gun, operated
machetes and daggers wearing junk armor and iron helmets by the northern Freehold Scouts and located at area 2.
Overpass Troopers: (soldiers) armed with muskets with bayonets, Light Tanks: scrap, 4+d2, operational and armed with light laser
longswords, daggers, and wearing scrap armor and iron helmets. cannons, plus, d4 more without motor power but armed with light
Overpass Elite Core: (soldiers, elite) armed with a random rel- laser cannons and situated on the freedom dome as fixed turrets.
ic weapon each (WR-R), great swords, daggers, 2 musket pis-
tols each, d3 prime mutations, and wearing relic tactical ar- Relic Vehicles
mor and army helmets. ATVs: 7+d4, each armed with a heavy machine gun, drum
Overpass Cavalry: (soldiers) armed with 2 musket pistols fed with 20+2d20 high caliber rounds and driven by a 3 skill
each, a heavy crossbow in saddle holsters, longswords and point driver-trooper. Units located at area 26 South Portal.
daggers, armored in scrap relic over chainmail vests, with full Dune Buggies: 4+d3, two seaters, each armed with a belt fed
iron helmets and mounted on riding dogs. heavy machine gun with 50+d100 HCR rounds remaining.
Freehold Scouts: 80+d100 (see page 15 for details) Both crew are troopers, with the driver having 4 skill points.
Cyborg Battalion: 20+3d6 cyborgs, each with steel cara- These spike, plate and camo covered vehicles are located
paces, floodlight orbs, communicator implants and heavy la- with the ATVs at the South Portal, area 26.
ser carbine weapon arms, plus carry battle axes in their free Gyrocopters: 6+d6, each piloted by an elite core soldier with
hands. They are located at area 6, Freehold Tech Center, but 4 skill points as a pilot, armed with a fixed, drum fed assault
serve on assorted dangerous missions. rifle and having 30+d100 rounds ammo available, located at
area 6, Freehold Tech Center.
Gyrocopters: 8+d8, each piloted by a trooper with 3 skill
Miscellaneous Vehicles points as a pilot, armed with a fixed, drum fed, heavy ma-
Transport Airships: 8+d8, each fitted with 3 heavy crossbows, chine gun and having 30+d20 rounds HCR ammo available,
2 on deck, one on top turret, and manned by 9 troopers. located at area 17, Independence Hall.
Battle Airships: 4+d6, cargo and troop carriers, one light bal-
lista each, and 3 heavy crossbows, plus one weapon relic as-
signed to each captain (WC-R). Airship operated by 7 troopers Robots
but can carry an extra 20 passengers. Heavy soldier robots: 4+d4, located at area 2, freehold barracks
Ultra-lights: scrap, 18+d8, each a two seater, with pilot troop- Light soldier robots: 6+d6 and combat androids 2d4, located
er of 3 skill points sitting behind the gunner (trooper), who uses at area 6, the Freehold Tech Center
a heavy crossbow and carries d3 fragmentation grenades as Household robots: 10+d8, fitted with a chainsaw implant arm
bombs. each, and their violence inhibitors removed, guarding the
Biplanes: 6+d6 operational, with another d6 under repair, each Overpass Council Hall, area 4.
is a 2 seater piloted by a trooper of 4 skill points, with a heavy
machine gun forward mounted on the nose and the rear gunner Attack-patrol beasts
(trooper) using an assault rifle to fire down, above or to the rear. (all housed in area 31, Fort Carte Blanche):
Armored Cars: scrap, 6+d4, each top mounted with a chain 3+d2 bears, Devi-bears
gun turret, belt fed with 50+d100 rifle rounds each. Crewed 2+d2 cats, Night fiends
6+d3 Horrlify

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 29

Visitors to Overpass Social Details

Entry into either the Tentville or Undercity districts of Overpass Like many large new era settlements, each area of the com-
is free of charge. The gate guards at the assorted checkpoints munity has its own customs, style and flavor. In Overpass, the
aren’t too fussy about who they let into town, unless the individu- area known as Tentville is home to many refugees, who have
als are not of a mixed race group, since bands of travelers who been lucky enough to escape from some other factional ter-
are either all mutants or all pure stocks could very easily be Pur- ritory or region with their lives, yet with few belongings and
ists or Mutant Supremacist. In such cases, when facing a group little to offer. What do have is often taxed by local thugs and
solely of one race, the guards will summon some sort of officer gang bosses, stolen by petty thieves, or else, given to them
to walk out and inspect the individuals. The officer could possibly up-front by unsavory organizations in exchange for either lat-
order a strip search to look for any explosives, flame units, or au- er payment, enrollment in the local gang, or by other re-pay-
tomatic weapons on the newcomers; devices which could prove ment methods such as the employment of one’s spouse or
too dangerous should the travelers be of an enemy faction. Like- children in assorted hazardous or degrading work.
wise, even if a group does have a few members of another race, Visitors to Tentville will immediately see a wide range
the minorities should be clearly armed and of equal status to of dress, races, customs, tech-levels and cross-bred sub
their companions, as opposed to being servants or slaves. species of a sort not seen anyplace else in the region. It is
Entrance by visitors into the Highcity district is somewhat not uncommon, for example, to see warmort warriors, poor-
more difficult as instead of dealing with drafted militia sol- ly disguised, dealing with local gang bosses, or else, half
diers, here, professional Overpass troopers are on duty. These skullock hooligans working together with mutant or beastial
men and women will keep a close eye on every person who human ruffians. Here too, cyborgs, free thinking androids,
enters from either of the three gates, or by one of a dozen synthetic human castaways, escaped slaves, wanted crimi-
elevators and stairwells leading up from the Undercity level. nals and bizarre new humanoid species, either full blooded
No armed groups of all mutant or all pure stocks are permit- or cross bred with humans, walk the streets day and night,
ted into Highcity, plus, every non-resident of this bridge deck keeping to themselves when possible, but always ready to
community must pay a 2sp entrance fee to pass into Highcity. better their chances of survival by stealing food, weapons
Only those who own property or belong to a household or busi- and shelter from travelers.
ness which is operating in Highcity are exempt from this fee. In Undercity, which is the largest sector of the city,
Other than the suspicion by locals of those from non- the streets are fairly safe by day, although in back alleys,
mixed groups, the people of Overpass are usually quite toler- or when a patrol of the Light Infantry are not about, gang
ant of outlanders, open minded to all manner of peaceful re- members will swarm pedestrians and hold them up, like-
ligions, odd customs and dress, relationship models, as well wise, pickpockets, whores, beggars, street preaching reli-
as career paths. Peddlers, merchants, hookers, relic-dealers, gious crackpots and other undesirables are known to pes-
and other providers of goods and services especially welcome ter citizens and travelers almost ceaselessly. By night, it
travelers, while the local government is keen to swell the city’s is unwise for those in groups of less than 5 armed adults
population base to ensure that Overpass will be so large that to walk the streets. After dark, the odds of some climb-
its defeat will not be had easily. ing or flying predator attacking the travelers, or gangs of
The official policy on welcoming refugees from all non- robbers, fundamentalist strike teams, cultists, and other
hateful faiths, races and professions has helped bolster human adversaries are likely to waylay passers-by, either
the city’s defenses, impart loyalty among the population, stealing their weapons and valuables, enslaving them, or
and loudly assert that Overpass is the last refuge of the butchering them and leaving their looted remains for the
non-fundamentalists peoples of the region and that for gutter rats.
freedom to exist in the coming years, this great city must Undercity citizens are typified as hard working common-
prosper and grow. ers, many of whom spend their long days working at assorted
trades or as laborers, such as boat builders, food processors
Brief History and packagers, cannery workers, wine and beer brewers,
While the region gets its name from the assorted ancient high- leather workers, wood cutters, carpenters, concrete mixers,
ways which criss-cross the land, the central hub of all trade armor and metal smiths, construction workers and the many
has been located at Overpass for well over a hundred years. hundreds of farm hands which reside in this part of the city.
Very early settlers, many of them mutants and cyborg desert- These hard working folk live in mixed material homes, mak-
ers from far off wars, set up a loose trade outpost on this ing ends meet with home based cottage industries or the odd
ramp in about the year 2259, and soon dominated commer- crime of opportunity, worshipping whatever faith they please,
cial traffic within a several hundred kilometers radius. This upholding whatever customs they brought with them to this
early fortress community was soon surrounded by dozens of region, and trying to avoid crossing the well established gang
tiny farming and salvaging communities, which brought their families which subtly operate in these streets.
produce and loot to Overpass to trade for other supplies, or The residence of Undercity are considered serious peo-
convert their merchandise into newly minted Overpass silver ple, preoccupied with the daily chores of survival, and usu-
and gold coins. These coins became very popular, were rec- ally unconcerned with the doings of excavators or mercenar-
ognized in even far off settlements, some of which today op- ies. They are, however, quite inhospitable to the refugees or
pose the Northern Freehold but continue to greedily accept lower caste wanderers and ‘scummers’ who live in Tentville,
their coins. who are known to work for less, and undermine the wages
In 2318, under the growing threat of occupation by the and job opportunities of more established residents.
Holy Purist Empire and soon after by the Dominion of Aber- In Highcity, homes are owned by the well to do trad-
ratia, Overpass signed a trade and defense treaty with the ers and merchants, military officers, priests, technicians,
communities of Array and Pitford, as well as several smaller and excavation teams. The inns here are more expensive
settlements which have since been burned to the ground or than those below the bridge, and guests are expected to be
occupied by the Aberrationists. The formation of the Freehold bathed, well behaved, use tasteful language, and if insulted,
Scouts occurred not long after, and to this day, the largest city to only enter into violence as a properly arranged duel, con-
in the region has steadfastly maintained a more or less con- ducted using mutually agreed upon weapons in the street,
stant boundary with the enemy factions to the south. not in the bar room.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 30

People here, many of which are decedents of the original In the Highcity area, technicians of every category busy
inhabitants of early Overpass, are a proud lot, aware of their lin- themselves building scrap vehicles, mixing powder to make
eage and prosperity, often highly educated and well dressed. If musket ammo or even refill standard ammo and shotgun
trouble is reported in the vicinity of the city many will carry relic rounds. There are scrap yards full of robot or relic vehicle
weapons and wear relic armor. In this district, criminal activity parts, entire teams of technicians rebuilding ancient devices
is much reduced from what it is in the other two districts, and or coming up with unique replicas. In other areas of Highcity,
often takes the form of burglaries and kidnappings, as opposed technicians toy with DNA and crossbreeding programs, trying
to ambushes by bands of assailants. to develop new beasts, or else attach implants to animals and
Travelers, who can afford to pay the 2sp entrance toll, as humans in attempts to equip an army of cyborgs.
well as secure accommodations in Highcity, are quite welcome The area around Overpass is not remarkable in its natu-
as long as they are respectful and law abiding. Once a group of ral resources; however access to woodlands for timber, vast
travelers is respected and makes friends with bar tenders and crops lands for agricultural applications, fresh, drinkable wa-
shopkeepers, such travelers will soon find themselves warmly ter, underground salvage opportunities as well as a steady flow
welcomed into the community. A rare few will eventually be of- of loot which is conducted out of the Great Ruins has made
fered to dine with local families, and ultimately hired to perform Overpass rich. This access to resources, a vibrant market and
a variety of perilous but important jobs by those who have the industrial foundation, coupled with a government which fos-
money or relics, but not the guts or strength to act themselves. ters free enterprise and free thinking, has allowed Overpass to
In Highcity, patrols of Overpass troopers keep the peace, grow at an incredible rate, attracting migrants from other fac-
day and night, and tolerate no criminal activates of any sort. If a tions as well as other regions, earning the reputation as the
person is insulted, struck, humiliated or otherwise feels that his best city in the land, the source of all opportunity, excitement
or her honor is under attack, however, he or she can challenge and freedom.
another person in single combat, to the death or until first blood
is drawn. For such duals, the law will stay back and observe the Accommodations
outcome, making sure no innocent bystander is harmed. Each district of Overpass has its own pubs and lodging facili-
ties which vary greatly in safety, cleanliness, clientele, and
Resources and Industry price. Being a city which welcomes trade and travelers, there is
As mentioned above under Undercity Social details, Overpass is no lack of establishments where one can get a meal or a stiff
an industrial powerhouse. Within the city walls, many industries drink, so too, there are spas, casinos, brothels and pit fighting
operate daily and often late into the night. By day, on the other rings, with many of these services housed within an inn or ho-
hand, the majority of the working population undertakes the tel. Besides traditional and legal accommodations, there are
long march or wagon ride to the outlying farms. Here, laborers also a huge number of private bars and guest rooms, some in
are hired by land owners and their superintendent overseers, the basements of large homes or shacks. Of these, many are
who work the commoners 10 hour per day, before marching off limits to non-members, especially among the criminal, reli-
them all back to the safety of the city at dusk. gious, sexually variant, and race oriented clubs.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 31

It should be noted that in Tentville, for those travelers who 40 The Bohemian Inn: Situated on Drucia Street, this
would rather camp than rent a room, plots of land are often East Undercity bar, stable, and Inn is one of the most shoddily
available for occupation by those with a tent or wagon or other built buildings in the whole region. It is, however, huge and has
vehicle. This is risky, though, since any local gang will usually five floors up and three levels underground. The place is known
tax the squatters for about 3sp worth of trade goods or money, for its cheap room rates, watered down wine, bland beer, and
per day, or possibly enlist fit men and women into their gangs worse food, as well as the eccentric clientele and bizarre staff
to either commit crimes or fight rival organizations, far worse, who call this venue home.
thugs will try and force attractive women who can’t pay coins The Bohemian Inn gets its name from the many wanna-be
into prostitution. The two tables which follow give a detailed artists and poets who flock here from all over the region, seek-
overview of the locations, names, and costs of each primary ing like minded company in an atmosphere of liberal thinking,
accommodation: revolutionary ideals and fashionable old world philosophies,
faiths and political opinions. It is not uncommon to see mutant
37 Hershey’s Motel: Located in East Undercity, this 3 floor, communists debating with homosexual fascist pure stocks,
mud brick and a scrap metal framed structure, has narrow, while old republican preservationist clones spout the old United
modest rooms, with a small window peering out at the buildings States constitution with Buddhist cyborg free thinkers.
on either side, or down into
the filthy alley below. The
rooms have locking doors
Descriptions of Lodging, Brothels and Bars in Overpass
and real glass windows, a Table CR-3-1 Lodging within Overpass
night water basis, side ta-
ble, straw mattresses and Cost per night for each room type
bedding which is washed
between visitors. On each Map Name 2 Person 4 Person 8 person
floor there is a lone mili- No.
tia guard who makes sure 37 Hershey’s Motel 3sp 7sp 15sp
thieves don’t break into
the rooms by day nor kid- 40 The Bohemian Inn 2sp 5sp 13sp
nap guest by night. On 44 Fairways Clinic 8sp* nil nil
the ground floor is a stable
where travelers can board 45 Traveler’s Oasis Pub 2sp 4sp nil
their mounts and small
vehicles for 3sp per night, 46 Wicca Lane Bar & Grill 3sp 7sp 20sp
patrolled by 3 more militia 50 High Road Hotel & Bar 12+d12sp 34+d20sp 70+d100sp
soldiers with crossbows
and whistles. 54 Trader’s Inn 7sp 20sp 80sp
56 Waterside Saloon 3sp 7sp 15sp
38 Ghenna’s Brothel: * Single person only, staying in large, 30 bed ward room and receiving medical attention, healing double one’s trait values per night.
This 5 story tall, brick, scrap
and timber whore house op- Table CR-3-2 Bars, Taverns and Saloons in Overpass
erates its own bar area on
the ground floor. The most- Map Costs of assorted fare Whore
ly male patrons of the bar No. Bar Name Beer Wine Liquor Meal Feast fee
tend to keep to themselves,
avoid brawls or doing busi- 38 Ghenna’s Brothel 1sp 1sp 2sp nil nil 4+d8sp
ness, and try and forget
their normal lives. A bath 40 The Bohemian Inn ½ sp ½ sp 1sp 2sp 5sp 2+d3sp
area is also on the ground 41 The Lax Hound 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d4sp
floor, where customers
can have their drinks and Trader’s Guild
42 1sp 1sp 2sp 3sp 7sp nil
their hired lovers brought Association Hall
to them, for an extra cost 43 Spotter’s XXX Club 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d8sp
of 5sp per hour. 20+d20
prostitutes, bath attendants 45 Traveler’s Oasis Pub ½ sp 1sp 2sp 1sp 4sp 2+d4sp
and managers work here, Wicca Lane Bar &
guarded by 8+d8 merce- 46 1sp 2sp 3sp 2sp 4sp 3+d4sp
nary soldiers who enforce
payment and ensure em- 48 Kord’s Casino & Spa 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 6sp 4+d8sp
ployees come to no harm High Road Hotel &
at the hands of drunken or 50
Bar 4sp 5sp 9sp 10sp 6d6sp nil
psychotic patrons. The en-
tire structure is lit by relic 51 Eros Lounge 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 6sp 4+d8sp
light fixtures while small
audio speakers pump in 52 Salvager’s Pub 1sp 1sp 2sp 3sp 7sp 4+d6sp
soothing jazz and techno- 53 Sky Marshal’s Bar ½ sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d6sp
ambient music, all of which
are powered by a series of 55 Polly’s Saloon 1sp 1sp 2sp nil nil 4+d8sp
solar panels and one alco- 56 Waterside Saloon 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d3sp
hol fuel generator.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 32

While the patrons might be diverse, they seem to have The bar itself is frequented by all manner of men, but in
one thing in common in that they are all poor. Even those particular, scavengers, raiders, soldiers and nomadic traders
who have fled the responsibilities of their merchant or military who like to stop here when in the city, hoping to spend the night
families, and attempt to lose themselves in drunken oblivion, with their favorite hired lover. The adult shows are of great vari-
heated arguments and days spent delving into their arts and ety, ranging from simple striptease to nude group erotic dance
crafts, are almost without exception impoverished. The pa- to outrageous and explicit, solo or group acts, all of which bring
trons of this place are typically young adults, and while com- endless protests against the club’s owners from irate and of-
mon thieves, thugs and other scoundrels frequent this drink- fended church going citizens. A squad of 5+d4 mercenary sol-
ing hall looking for an easy mark, and it is not nearly as dan- diers keeps the peace in the bar and ensure that the custom-
gerous as other pubs in the city. ers pay up after frolicking with the whores.
Excavators who stay here will usually be quizzed on what Behind this bar is a large open square in the alley, where
they have seen and done, what they know about the old world, the city slave market is unofficially set up and runs every day
and urged to profess their own political, sexual and social views, from noon until 3 pm.
if not actively express them with one of the customers or staff.
Electric lights flicker on in all the rooms and corridors of the 44 Fairways Clinic: Being is a ‘for hire’ hospital, this facil-
inn and bar, and each room has a simple light bulb fixed to the ity has a staff of 4+d3 two skill point medic nurses and 3+d2,
wall which can be turned on and off by a pull cord. A squad of d6 skill point doctors on staff at any given time. For a fee of
6+d6 militia soldiers keep watch on the corridors within this rick- 8sp per night, anyone can spend a day and night resting up in
ety building and also serve as bouncers in the bar. The Bohemian a single bed in the clinic’s large 30 bed ward, under the care
Inn’s massive barroom is underground and takes up two whole of one of these healers. GM note: Damaged characters heal
levels. It has four bars and dozens of scrap metal tables and double their normal healing rate per night spent here. For more
benches and occupies an actual ancient structure; a site which advanced medical procedures, a patient can pay 80sp for any
served an unclear purpose, the lower depths of which have been procedure, plus 10sp per rank of the medic performing the op-
blocked off by tons of crushed concrete and clay. eration, of which the most skilled medic will attempt the opera-
tion in question. A squad of 4+d4 mercenary soldiers stands
41 The Lax Hound: This bar and slop house does not have guard to make sure patients pay up at the end of their stay and
rooms for rent on a nightly basis, but does have three floors of hooligans don’t try to steal any of the relic surgical devices and
modest, leased rooms which are occupied by a mix of private tools present on the third and highest level of this building.
hookers, traders, bounty hunters and the odd excavation team.
The Lax hound bar caters to the typical mix of new era travelers 45 Traveler’s Oasis Pub: Newly built, this four story bar,
and locals alike, including many excavators fresh from the eastern inn and stable is owned by a powerful Highcity family, which
routes, nomadic traders, scavs and mercs, even the occasional is said to be heavily connected to local gangs within the rest
slaver. While there are 3+d3 mercenary soldiers with two handed of the city if not elsewhere in the region. It is made of mud
clubs on duty as bouncers, they rarely act unless staff is being ha- bricks to the second floor, with the rest being constructed of
rassed, therefore, this place has a reputation for its brawls, death timber planks, scrap materials, and thick hides, while a roof of
duals and other crimes, and visitors should be wary of entering wood and scrap aluminum does a fairly good job of keeping the
into card games or conversation with gang members. guests dry during the April rainy season. There are no rooms
larger than 4 person bunk suites, however all the rooms are
42 Trader’s Guild Association Hall: Built from wood comfortable, with simple wooden furniture, straw mattresses,
and scrap metal, this four story building houses 34 small office a 1m by 1.2m locking window, latch locking door, and a latrine
suites as well as one large ground floor bar area. It mainly serves and bath on each floor. The bedding is only changed once per
commercial entrepreneurs such as traders, peddlers, mer- week, so it is possible that a person could get lice or scabies
chants, caravan bosses, as well as any business person look- from sleeping here, therefore the wise bring their own sleeping
ing to have merchandise transported to another community, or, rolls and instead stretch out on the floor.
when looking for partnerships and venture capital. Non-traders, A force of militia soldiers in orange and yellow safety vests
such as common workers, soldiers, excavators and whores are watch each floor day and night, checking to see if people are
not permitted into the building at all, and when a trader needs guests while driving off any suspicious loiterers. The stable is
to hire armed guards for a trade expedition, he or she must go also guarded by both 2+d3 militia soldiers and 6+d6 hired
elsewhere, especially Salvager’s Bar. 16+d6 mercenary soldiers street urchins using sling shots while the bar area is watched
guard this building, four of which oversee a chain gun which is by 4+d4 more militia soldiers using clubs.
mounted on the roof but can be carried down to the lower floor The bar takes up the whole lower floor, while the basement
to guard the door should the place be stormed. GM note: there area houses a gladiatorial ring and enough seating for 136 peo-
are no encounters listed for this bar, however if characters pose ple. Slaves and kidnapped victims often end their days in the
as traders, they can enter and mix with the well to do, in a safe blood splashed theatre below, sometimes pitted against bane
atmosphere where violence is simply not tolerated. bears, mutant dogs, bugs, or robots. The clientele of the bar and
gladiator levels are rugged individuals, often with criminal back-
43 Spotter’s XXX Club: One of the newest built bars in grounds or intent, with a mix of ragged street whores, excava-
the city, Sotter’s is a notorious bar and brothel and uses more tors, scavs and bounty hunters mixed in with the noisy crowd.
scrap metal and plastic than nearly any other civilian structure
in Overpass. The five story building has a two level bar area 46 Wicca Lane Bar & Grill: This scrap and stone inn,
starting from ground level and dropping down into a large pit bar and restaurant is about the only official entertainment
where adult entertainment shows run hourly from noon until spot on the north side of West Underpass road, and is usually
5 am daily. The upper levels of the bar consist of rooms for patronized by travelers who have entered the city through Ca-
the contract whores who rent suites from the owner, Spotter nal Gate as well as local working people, thugs, unremarkable
O’Beanea. The fees noted for the use of a prostitute are hourly hookers and those looking to join an excavation team.
rates, triple this if the client wishes to spend the night with the The Inn is clean and well maintained with a pleasant, profes-
harlot and enjoy a delicious breakfast in the morning. sional staff and a good location, well away from the noisy, danger-

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 33

ous club district of East Underpass Road. The bedding is changed 50 High Road Hotel & Bar: The most lavish inn and bar
between guests, a pitcher of drinking water supplied each morn- in the whole city, perhaps in the entire region, this Highcity based
ing, and when the fruit is in season, a basket of apples, plums, hotel is. It is a six story metal, plastic and concrete structure of
and melon are placed in every room for new guests. A mercenary new design, topped by 4 relic wind turbines, with plenty of large
soldier with a musket is stationed on each of the Inn’s 4 floors, glass windows, balconies, baths, showers, sinks, mirrors, and la-
while 3 other soldiers stand watch in the bar to throw out trouble trines for each room. Additionally, each room is assigned a per-
makers who offend the serving girls or staff, but will otherwise let sonal attendant of either preferred gender to serve in whatever
non-lethal fights to commence as long as the furniture doesn’t function the guests should wish. Out in the hall on each floor,
get broken or used as weapons. The stable, where a fee of only stands a soldier in an orange tunic, armed with a random relic
3sp per night per animal or small vehicle is charged, is watched weapon and rapier who will salute known guests and question
by a militia soldier and d6 teenager commoner boys with bows. anybody not initially introduced to them by the concierge. The
beds are made with cotton stuffed mattresses, goose down pil-
48 Kord’s Casino & Spa: Located in Highcity, this bar spe- lows, freshly washed sheets and comfortable quilts. The doors
cializes in assorted gambling activities, as well as offering their have replica key locks while the balconies have simple steel
clientele luxurious services in their makeshift bath and spa area, latches as well as French style patio furniture sets.
all while being accompanied by well dressed, attractive hostess- The location of the bar is unique among regional inns
courtesans whom pamper their clients in every imaginable way. being located at the top floor which is accessed by either a
The bar has a no arms and armor policy; however, the city stairwell or the robot or hand crank powered 4 person, Plexi-
being what it is, glas encased el-
the management evator lift which
doesn’t expect runs up the out-
their patrons to side of the build-
walk to the Casino ing. The bar lev-
unarmed. Given el is partially en-
this, Kord’s has a closed, but also
cloak room and opens out onto a
locker area, guard- huge patio area
ed by soldiers with which is caged
relic weapons and in by a fine, steel
dressed in tactical cage and screen
armor, who for a to keep out most
3sp fee will inven- every flying pest
tory and guard a and blood suck-
person’s gear and er. The view from
weaponry in wood- this bar area is
en crates until the incredible, and
end of their visit. on a clear day,
Cyborgs with weapon arms and other implants are exempt from it is said that one can even see the glow from the ‘cleaning
having to hand over their weapons, but must hand over the pow- fires’ of Witch Burn far to the south, or the smoke from Black
er cells and magazines to such firepower. Mountain, far across the Shattered Region to the east.
Inside the casino, there is a long, hand carved wooden bar, The bar is reserved for notable city residents and hotel
as well as a dozen or more finely crafted wood tables. To get to guests only, and while no dress code is strictly enforced, there
this drinking area, one must run the gauntlet of a half dozen is certainly an unofficial code which states neither arms nor
billiards tables, ancient pinball machines, a few slot machines, armor, beyond perhaps a sidearm, dagger, or rapier, should
and the rows of card tables where gamblers play against the be worn. Behavior at this ornate, classical Greek and Roman
house dealers and each other. Amid the patrons are numerous influenced bar is expected to be polite, civil and reserved, with
hostess-courtesans, who will gravitate toward men and women swearing, drunkenness, overtly sexual talk or touching and
quite quickly and offer to show them around, set up a game for boisterousness frowned upon by the staff and other patrons.
them, or offer to get them into the spa area for a bath, haircut, GM’s note: there are no encounter listed for this bar,
manicure, massage, or passionate embrace in a private alcove. however, it could serve as an excellent meeting place for high
These fancy whores do not have their own rooms, at least not ranking officials to impress player character guests, and to
those which they share with clients, and instead perform their awe them with their wealth and status, to show them the sort
duties with skill and seeming enthusiasm and then get the cli- of lifestyle that is possible for the wealthy and powerful. Four
ent back out to the gambling tables as soon as possible. soldiers with relic weapons dressed in relic combat armor
The spa area has several non-sexual services available, maintain a watch at the bar level, and will ensure that patrons
with the basics of a hair cut, shave, bikini wax, massage, pedi- get along, and no enemy airship or large winged predator at-
cure, manicure or facial costing 5sp, while more involved pro- tempts to harm the customers.
cedures such as a bath by one of the lovely hostesses, includ- The restaurant, considered the best eatery in the region is sit-
ing hair washing, laundry of clothes in a real relic washer-dryer uated at the ground level and is much less formal than the bar.
area, stitching up of any wounds, and deep all over body mas- Anyone can try and get a table here, but meals cost between 4 and
sage costs 10sp. Should a client wish to make out with his or 40sp (4d10) and drinks the same as the bar (see table CR-1-2,
her hostess at any time during any procedure, the cost of her page 31). While even a commoner can eat here, nobody is allowed
fee (4+d8sp), is added to the spa bill. Encounters in the ca- to enter wearing dirty clothes, nor carry their backpacks, shields,
sino area are typically only with hostesses, however, it is pos- and large weaponry inside. For this sort of gear, a guarded cloak-
sible for a character to meet up with a potential employer. room is set to one side and costs 2sp to stow a typical adventurer’s
Finally, swearing and violence are not permitted here, back and belongings, although there are only 3 soldiers on duty at
and the guards will quickly defuse any arguments or tussles the entrance to the restaurant and cloakroom, and they make no
before they get out of hand. claims of responsibility for lost or stolen articles.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 34

51 Eros Lounge: An older scrap and stone building, this es- 53 Sky Marshal’s Bar: Perched right across the street
tablishment has 4 floors to it. The lowest floor contains a bar from the Airship Port and Air Trader’s Association, which also
which appeals to the more debased citizenry and visitors to serves as a fortress for Overpass, is the Sky Marshal’s Bar. This
Overpass’s Highcity district. Within the dark, multi-leveled bar drinking establishment is owned and operated by the Overpass
are various back rooms, curtain covered alcoves and dens, shad- military, a place where off duty soldiers can get drunk and forget
owy corridors, as well as rumored secret hatches, hidden rooms, their duties and troubles, a place where officers rarely tread and
spy holes and trap doors. These semi-private areas are used by where the tight conformity of life in the barracks can temporarily
the many prostitutes and other morally free patrons to entertain be sloughed off.
each other over drinks and finger food, either prior to moving Half of all patrons at any time of day will be Overpass soldiers
their ‘socialization’ upstairs to one of the leased brothel rooms, of one branch or another, but most likely troopers, since elite core
or, such activities are conducted on the spot. members stick to themselves, while the light infantry keep to the
In the central area of the establishment is a large, round bar, Undercity bars and private garrison clubs. Any traveler is welcome
tended to by a half dozen scantly clad women. Around this are to drink here, but it can be a rough place, with arm wrestling,
several raised platforms where go-go dancers, either in cages or brawls, and the occasional clash or steel on steel making the
simply holding onto a rope or vertical pipe, writhe and dance to place ill suited to those who abhor violence and bad language.
thumping techno beats, often drunk or otherwise influenced by Drunken soldiers are known to be somewhat intolerant
some substances, oblivious to the lecherous crowd below. Visi- of excavators whom they feel are shirking their patriotic duty,
tors to this club immediately realize that they are in some sort of serving themselves and their silly greed instead of the glorious
sexually charged, fetish theme bar, and any attractive character Northern Freehold or Overpass City. The mercenary soldiers
will be continuously approached by interested potential lovers, (5+d6) who stand at the door here, checking for strangers or
either those working as prostitutes or those who are merely out any sort of explosive device which an enemy agent might try to
to express their own quirks and perversions. smuggle in, are not bouncers, and won’t step in to stop a fist
Because this bar is in Highcity, the criminal element here is fight or the beating of some lippy digger or outlander.
much less noticeable, and the odds of being outright attacked,
robbed, humiliated or challenged to a death duel are almost non 54 Trader’s Inn: Located at the north end of Highcity, this
existent. Still, this is a dark and emotionally charged place, espe- simple three story stone and steel hotel is owned by a consor-
cially toward midnight, and characters are likely to run into both tium of independent traders, many being robust and daring no-
unsavory and abnormal individuals, roll negative d6 on the Over- madic traders which travel between communities. While any-
pass bar encounter table, page 43, when an encounter occurs. body is welcome to stay here, the rooms are often pre-booked
The mercenary soldiers who guard the upper floors and by traders who are due to return that evening, therefore, for 2
bounce at the front door, will not allow anyone to carry heavy weap- person rooms there will be d6-2 (0-4) available, while d6-3 (0-3)
ons into the bar, which includes anyone in any sort of shell class four person rooms will be vacant, and finally here is only a 1 in 6
armor, any cyborg with a beam, flame or machine gun weapon chance that an 8 person room is available.
arm or turret, plus, an absolute restriction on the following weap- There is no bar here but does have a small stable situat-
ons, as well as any explosive devices, launchers, or ammo: subma- ed on the ground floor which charges 4sp per night to board
chine guns, any two handed weapons (assault rifle, musket, pulse each pet, draft animal, mount and or small relic or scrap built
rifle, shotgun, etc.) no flame units, no laser swords, and no bows or vehicle (pickup truck sized or smaller). The rooms are all well
crossbows. Handguns, however, in proper holsters or concealed, appointed, have feather pillows and mattresses, clean drinking
or any other one handed archaic weapons are permitted, but must water, a washbasin, bars on the window, replica key lock doors,
be kept sheathed or otherwise stowed away and out of sight. 2 soldiers per floor, 2 soldiers in the stables and 4 additional
soldiers at the main entrance, all of which tote relic weapons. Fi-
52 Salvager’s Pub: This Highcity digger’s bar is widely nally, wind turbines situated on the roof provide electric lighting
considered the best spot in the whole city to locate and link up to each room, corridor and office areas, while a small power cell
with other excavators, with half of all the patrons present being regeneration service is available at an exorbitant cost and slow
novice diggers, who have either come south from Pitford to re- turnaround time. To power mini-power cell costs 100+d100sp
cuperative or are actively seeking an established group to join and will take 2d6 days to get accomplished, while normal pow-
and head north. er cells will cost 500+2d100sp and take 3d6+5 days to be re-
Other patrons of the bar include workers and soldiers, as well charged. Power packs aren’t handled here, the management
as a few hookers from next door at the Eros Lounge, a few trad- will direct owners of such devices to the town of Array.
ers and merchants looking for hirelings, the odd bounty hunter
searching for somebody, pickpockets, street thugs and local resi- 55 Polly’s Saloon: This back street bar and brothel is set
dence just out for a pint and a meal. The upper floor of this bar is apart from the main Undercity club district and situated among
off limits to clientele, and serves as the quarters for the owners residential homes, putting it at odds with the more prudish mem-
and staff, their slaves and the few whores who work the bar be- bers of the community, yet so too, being the only spot within a
low. Any prostitute to secure a customer will take him or her to a few blocks to get a pint of beer or glass of wine, it attracts many
curtain covered alcove in a back hall area, and spend a half hour customers who have no interest (or can’t afford) the many fancy
conducting business therein. prostitutes who work in this three story building. The bar area is
At the doorway to the bar stand 3+d3 mercenary soldiers with filled with commoners for the most part, however, many soldiers
relic weapons, who inspect patrons and deny access to those car- from Highcity arrive here at night to take advantage of the more
rying grenades, flame units, rocket launchers, chain guns, heavy affordable female companions.
machine guns, or other heavy military weaponry for fear that the Other patrons of the bar include many poor excavators, gangs
owners of such devices might be Rock Spire agents, who in the of thugs, caravan guards, and scavengers from far and wide, giving
past have attempted to burn down the bar or kill the patrons (see this place the look and feel of most other Undercity bars, complete
Rock Spire, page 284). Cyborgs with any of these banned weap- with the encounter possibilities so typical of these other establish-
ons as implants who are unwilling or unable to remove them and ments. 8+d8 militia guards protect the harlots, slaves and staff who
sign them in at the ‘coat check’, are simply denied access to the work here, while also doing their part to stop any fights between pa-
establishment. Solar panels on the roof power the lights and re- trons, especially if lethal force weapons are being employed.
frigerators, as well as the much appreciated air conditioning unit.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 35

Overpass, as far as an excavator is concerned, is not a

destination for ruin exploration and grave robbing, rather, it
serves as a place to recuperate, spend time with family and
friends, sell trinkets, buy new gear, get a bath, have laundry
done, and heal up. While these might be a digger’s intentions,
the city, especially Tentville or Undercity, can prove every bit
as challenging as the ruins. Indeed, there are always those
who covet what another owns, or else somebody in trouble
who seeks to either hire, seduce, bribe or bully adventurers
into some perilous deed. Worse, there are cults, fundamen-
talist assassins, slavers, bounty hunters, crooked watchmen,
and intruding beasts which frequently see travelers as a po-
tential target. In short, Overpass is easily the source of the
best urban, post apocalyptic adventures.
Here is what characters will have heard about Over-
pass: “Ah, well everybody these days seems to be plannin’ to
go to that great city, including the Purist swine and the fricken
Aberrationist dung heads. Sure, chum, if you got silver, it can be
grand, ‘cause you can stay in Highcity, which is the actual over-
56 Waterside Saloon: At the extreme western edge of pass part of Unity Road where it crosses Inter-State. The lower
Undercity sits the massive, five story heap of debris and tim- area, where most all the common poor folk live is called Under-
ber that is the Waterside Saloon, which is actually more of city, and it ain’t no place to be after dark unless you get a room in
an inn and brothel than a bar. The seedy place is owed by lo- good lodgings. Then there is Tentville, at the south eastern end,
cal gang lords who control this side of town and maintain an a real shit hole if there ever was one. They haven’t even finished
uneasy peace among their organizations, at least within the the wall because the squatters keep protesting the construction
saloon itself. Guests from far off lands often stop here when for fear they will be kicked out of their current dung holes as
entering the canal gate or arriving by boat from Lusus River. soon as the barrier is done. Anyhow, if the crooks in that part
The rooms are lopsided, the walls slanted and cracked, often of town weren’t bad enough, the bloody animals which creep in
allowing one to look into the rooms around them, and easily there at dark make up for it.
hear the goings on in the next suite. “Listen, friend, if you’re going to Overpass, make sure you
There are latrines in the 8 person rooms, but otherwise have money to spend on them fine things, such as the shops, the
each floor has a men’s and a woman’s lavatory. There are no casino, the whores, the booze, the food. I think Overpass is the
guards on the upper floors, nor locks on the windows or doors, most like the old world of anyplace in this here region. No lie,
merely a length of wood that is slid across the doors once a ten- buddy, its got the most open minded people, the most relics, the
ant or guest is inside. Leaving valuables behind in one’s room is most ancient styles of clothing, all the races more or less getting
unwise, and if the cleaning staff don’t pilfer from guests, then along, and the potential to become a democracy like those that
stealthy thieves from off the street certainly will. The bedding in used to exist. If the war between the Aberrationists and the Pur-
each room gets changed between guests, but, the rooms still ists can just prolong itself for say another ten or twenty years,
crawl with cockroaches and mice, and even the occasional sting- Overpass, and the Northern Freehold it belongs to, will be strong
flies and gutter rat finds its way into one’s quarters. enough to be a real power, and be too strong to defeat. Yes sir,
The saloon area takes up the whole bottom floor, while the if I had money, and the guts to be an excavator like you, I’d set
basement levels are home to private clubs, storage areas, meeting myself up in Overpass and use it as my base camp. From there,
rooms and the quarters of slaves employed by the management in its only a day’s ride to Pitford where you digger types like to go
cleaning rooms, doing laundry, and serving as sex trade workers since its so close to the Great Ruins. Hell yes, that city is the big-
when a shortage of regular whores arises. The saloon has an old
gest in the region, and growing everyday. Its something every
west theme to it, mixed with 1950’s style rock and roll parapherna-
lia and music, whereas the patrons of this place are dusty traders, free person should see. Just watch your back because there are a
mercenaries, diggers, scavs and bounty hunters, mixed with nu- lot of enemy agents and thugs wandering about, not to mention
merous farmers, fishermen and construction laborers, as well as flying monstrosities, gutter rats and other nasties.”
the members of both street and wilderness raider gangs.
Lone travelers are advised by the hotel staff to avoid the sa- For the Game Master
loon after the supper hour unless they are confident fighters. A Overpass is the largest city in the region, and perhaps the most
squad of 10+d8 militia soldiers guard the place from robbery, and likely starting spot for a new adventure team. There are so many
also protect the owners and staff from harm, but won’t usually in- groups and races within this settlement that a GM could con-
tervene in conflicts between patrons, unless a customer is badly duct several game sessions all within the confines of this city,
out matched or he or she is a regular, generous paying guest. and never step into a ruined building once. The Mutant Epoch,
after all, is not strictly about stumbling about in dusty, danger-
For the Excavator ous ruins, it is about a twisted future, where men, mutants, cy-
As with so many other settlements in the region, Overpass borgs, synthetic humans and mechanical beings interact.
sits on layers of subterranean ruins, dominated by the old Overpass, more than any other settlement in the region,
highway interchange which has been utilized to form the foun- provides opportunities for every character type to be both en-
dation of a current day city. In spite of these ancient places, countered and played freely without social restrictions. Many
there are surprisingly few actual dig sites of note, for much of the bar and street encounters below can lead to ongoing ad-
of what lies beneath the plains and streets of this area are ventures, some of which spill out of the city or district and can
filled with silt, or flooded with stagnant water, or else merely initiate full scale campaigns. These adventures could involve
the basements of long ago residential structures, auto park- threats in the form of a vengeful criminal gang, an insulted mer-
cades, and a few vast shopping malls, all of which are often chant, a mob of offended cultists, or a city wide arrest warrant
unprofitable relic repositories. should the characters break the laws.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 36

Online Resources www.outlandarts.com/crloot.htm

there unless I have some guards. I can pay you 10 silvers each
to escort us there and back, and I will even buy you each a
• NPC, General Noxtoth the Spirited, page 432 beer at the Oasis Pub, and then, another back up here at the
• 4 sheet detail ‘print and tile’ map of Overpass pages 410
to 413 Central Highway Bar. Are you interested? If so, we have to get
these barrels of beer to the pub immediately.” If the PCs hold

Unique Overpass Encounters out for more money, or refuse, he is 45% likely to increase the
pay to 15sp, but that is the limit of his generosity.
5. A couple of very attractive, clean young women approach
Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results.
the characters, their mischievous smiles, skimpy, outrageous
Highcity Street Encounters clothing and attention to only the male characters in the group
d6+1 rolls for street occupants from chart B by day, d6-1 (0-5) lets the PCs know that these ladies are prostitutes. There will
by night, see page 381 for occupants, with a 2 in 10 chance be d2+1 of them by day and d3+2 by night, each with an ap-
of a unique encounter within Highcity District per passage, pearance score of 30+d20 and half will be mutants with one
from the following list. Roll d6 by day, d6+3 by night: physical alteration mutation, and will make very creative and
1. A nomadic trader spots you from across the street and sensual suggestions to the men they meet, asking if they are
comes over, smiling and extending his hand to the best interested in some skilled companionship. They charge
looking character in the group. ”You’re adventur- customers 5+d8sp for an hour’s romp in their
er types, aren’t you? Listen, I won’t take up your nearby house, or, 30+d20sp for an all
time, but I am looking for an armed escort for night sleep over.
a mule team of trade goods to Sandbarra. We’d 6. A slight, adolescent fig-
cut through Twisted Wood on foot, and keep quiet ure leaps out from an al-
and keep vigilant. I know it’s dangerous so I won’t cove and rushes by the
be cheap about this, I can pay you each 90 sil- last character in the line,
vers once we reach Sandbarra, and put you up in grabbing at the person’s
an inn there for two nights. What say you?” waist, trying to pickpock-
2. A merchant, accompanied by 2+d3 private sol- et a handgun, any other
diers holding muskets, approaches down the visible relic, or a coin pouch
street, and upon seeing the armed charac- if the other two options
ters, smiles broadly and says. “Now you are aren’t present. This rob-
what I had in mind! You looking for work? I ber is a thief of d3+2
got three wagons loaded with all sorts of skill points as a pick-
dried fruit, beer, wine, clothing, fabric... pocket, and if suc-
you know, typical stuff. I have drivers for cessful, will dart into
the wagons, but can’t find anybody who an alley across the
can ride along and guard the shipment street into a careful-
on its way to Galespit. Interested? I can ly planned obstacle
pay you each 20 silvers at dawn to- course. If pursued,
morrow when you head out, and then she moves at nor-
my agent in Galespit will pay you each mal speed, pulling
another 60sp upon getting the cargo there, crates and debris
safe and sound. What do you think? “ down behind her
3. A Patrol of Overpass Troopers, 4+d4, are as she goes, making
up ahead questioning and occasionally in- those following move at
specting travelers. If the characters have -1.5m per round. If fired
not been in Highcity before, or did on, the thief is DV -60 as
not grow up there, or otherwise have she flees the scene.
spent less than 30 days there in the 7. Read to Players: A group of
past year, then this patrol will stop the (3+d3) black clad men step out into
group and ask them some ques- your path and level crossbows (range 5+d6m), while
tions. “Where you from? You been from behind the PCs, jog up (4+d4) more raiders with
to either Array or Pitford this year? drawn machetes, one steps forward and says: “We don’t
What’re your names and professions? want no trouble with you, just your relics and your money!
Do you have family in Highcity? What busi- Set them down real easy, and nobody needs to get hurt. If you
ness do you have up here on the bridge? And, what lodging
refuse, you will be fired upon!” GM: If the PCs instead unleash
have you arranged for tonight?” They will let polite travelers
an attack or make for their holstered or sheathed weapons,
move on unmolested if they answer the questions respect-
the raiders are 36% likely to simply run off, otherwise, the
fully, however, if the characters are rude or short tempered, or
crossbow men fire and draw machetes, while the others at-
seem to be lying, these soldiers will be 67% likely to arrest any
tack immediately. If the PCs simply refuse to hand over their
offensive person and take them away to the nearest fortress
weapons and money, the gang will only press the attack if
or gate house for further questioning and a body cavity search
they outnumber the PCs.
by the on duty officer.
8. If the character group has only pure stocks or pure stock
4. A town trader and his 1+d3 commoner men, who serve as appearing members in it, then this group of local Purist fun-
pack carriers, step up to the characters, the chubby trader
damentalists, treat as commoner men with bows and dag-
smiling. “May I have moment of your time? You like beer? I am
gers, simply let the group pass by and never show them-
in need of some roughnecks, such as yourselves, who can ac-
selves. However, if there are any mutants, cyborgs or obvi-
company myself and my pack handlers to the Travelers Oasis
ously non-human characters, then this religion and racism
Pub in Tentville here in Overpass, but the last time I went there
motivated group, numbering 1 per PC plus d6, first launch a
I got robbed and these lazy louts won’t carry my cargo down

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 37

volley of arrows from a nearby rooftop, avoiding hitting pure selling them for 22 silvers each.” / 2. a fragmentation grenade
bloods and those who pass for them, and then, leaping down for cheap (300+d100sp).” / 3. a bag of shotgun shells. I got
with their daggers muttering oaths and prayers and ‘death to (roll 2d6+1), and am willing to sell them to you for only 26sp
the infidels!” each.” /4. a gas mask? I got one I can sell you right now for only
9. A squad of Aberrationist mutants have gathered to weaken 100sp.”/ 5. a pocket flashlight? I ain’t got no battery for it, so
pure stock power in Overpass. There are 1 per PC plus d6, its no fricken good to me. I am selling it for only 140 silvers.” /
each with a minor mutation (physical alteration), treated as 6. a bag of Gebrull Joy beans? I’ve got plenty (3d6+3) on me,
commoner men who will fire crossbows from behind various and can sell them each for 70sp. Its a deal and they ain’t even
street debris, range 2d6+4m away, firing only at pure stocks, illegal here in Overpass.”
including ghost mutants by accident. Their leader, the larg- 5. A Slaver with a whip and a sub machine gun, along with
est, has d3 prime mutations and a razor sword, and hangs 4+d4 militia soldiers with whips, musket pistols and machet-
back to use his mutations up before engaging in melee. Once es, lead a line of slaves, (d6 of each category: men, women,
these terrorists fire their crossbows, they will leap up with ma- children and teens), on a rope. The slaves are roughly half
chetes and charge forward, attacking pure stocks only, but pure bloods and half mutants with a minor mutation each,
taking on mutants and cyborgs if these try to defend pure their masters are also roughly half normal humans and half
blood companions. This group will try to kill or capture pure mutants. This group will not bother travelers by day, unless
stocks, and merely rob cyborgs or fellow mutants of any rel- they seem interested in buying a slave on the spot, however,
ics of valuables. Captured pure stocks will be smuggled to the at night, if this group is met and the PCs number 2 or less,
Dominion and sold in Newburg’s slave market. and are not heavily armed nor overly dangerous looking, then
this slaver will order his men to confront the PCs and kidnap
Undercity Street Encounters them, stripping them down, trying them up and gagging them
d8+1 rolls for street occupants from chart B by day or d8-2 (0- if they won’t be quiet. Any slaves will end up at Waxell’s Slave
6) by night, see page 381 for occupants, with a 3 in 10 chance Depot, area 39, but see page 388 ‘Characters As Slaves’.
of a unique encounter within Undercity District per passage 6. A Bounty Hunter and his 4+d4 raider goons are loitering out-
from the following list. Roll d12 by day, d12+4 by night: side a house and carefully observe the PCs as they pass. If any
1. A nomadic trader on a horse, leading a team of d3+3 mules PC has a bounty on his or her head, this bounty hunter might rec-
loaded with sacks and crates, winds his way down the street toward ognize the person, (based on the character’s history) and if out-
the PCs. Upon seeing the characters the trader rides up alongside numbering the character and his or her companions, he and his
the lead character and quietly says, “Hey, warriors, you interested goons will get up and follow the PCs, while sending off one thug
in some work? I got this cargo that needs to get to Pitford, and I to get reinforcements if the subject’s team is of equal or greater
could sure use an armed escort, even if you’re on foot. My last number. The man hunter will simply accost the character at gun
guards are now getting drunk in the bar, and told me they quit. I can point and demand that any unwanted PCs leave or else be ar-
enrich your group 200sp once we reach the place. If you’re diggers rested for blocking the law. If the PCs were initially too many to
anyhow, you outa be heading there already, right?” deal with, the thug who ran off will soon catch up to the bounty
2. The PCs walk by a pack of filthy, foul mouthed street ur- hunter with an additional 4+d4 raiders with clubs and daggers
chins, triple the number of travelers in the PC group. They find and block the PCs path as the other goons catch up.
sport in tagging along behind the characters, running up both 7. If this encounter takes place during the day, then read en-
sides and making faces, kicking rocks and dust at the trav- try A, however if this takes place at night, read entry B.
elers and mocking any mutants or cyborgs, making kissing Entry A: The PCs enter a bustling street and the human-
noises at any decent looking women (20+ APP), and calling ity here is elbow to elbow, (add 3d6 commoners of every cat-
any character of less than 5 appearance a ‘fricken ugly freak egory here) carts, goats, chickens, street peddlers, and loiter-
of nature.’ They follow for 3d6 minutes, and at the end of that ing youths are all around. All at once, somebody bumps into
time, are 48% likely to linger back 4m and each throw one a random PC and moves off into the dense crowd. A thief has
stone before running off (SV 01-42/ dmg d2 each). made a pickpocket attempt on the character, going first for
3. A patrol of Overpass Light Infantry, see page 28, number- any holstered relic weapon, then any flashlights or grenades,
ing 6+d8 strong come stomping down the street, forcing every- and if none of these are on a person’s belt, then the thief will
body to the side. If the characters are wanted for crimes in any go for a coin pouch . If the character in question has nothing
district of the city, and recognized, this group will endeavour to worth filching, then the thief will choose the character directly
arrest the culprits and take them to the nearest watchtower for behind the PC in the marching order. If detected in the thiev-
a vicious beating, looting and detention until the proper author- ery attempt, then the pick pocket can be chased through the
ities can be summoned (2d6 hours after PCs are arrested). crowded streets, which he knows well and uses passers by
If not wanted, yet the PCs have any heavy military weap- and objects to throw behind him, reducing the pursuers move
ons, such as heavy machine guns, chain guns, rocket and gre- rate by -1m, plus, he uses cover and dodges, being DV -37.
nade launchers, flame units, and the like, this patrol will call Entry B: At night, as the characters move along the dark
for the group to halt. One infantryman will step up and angrily streets, they are suddenly rushed by d4 thieves who have
point at the relics. “Where do you think you are going with been concealed in overturned crates and barrels, each tries
these weapons? Who authorized your access to the city with to grab a holstered relic weapon, flashlight, communicator
such devices? Unless you are off to enlist with the Freehold or other visible device, or even a coin pouch and then dash
Scouts, I am afraid we will have to confiscate these illegal down an alley on the opposite side of the road. If pursued,
arms in the name of Overpass. You will be able to appeal to there is a 62% chance that the thieves lead the characters
the courts for their return pending an investigation into your directly into the hands of fellow gang members, as in encoun-
true identities and purpose!” ter 10, on the right. Note: all thieves in the group will have the
If the PCs are neither wanted nor openly carrying such same skill points as pickpockets (d6 skill points).
weapons, then this patrol simply looks the travelers up and 8. The characters enter an area filled with 3d6 street walking
down and moves on. hookers, all of whom seem either drunk or stoned (Gebrull
4. A rough looking scoundrel (raider), comes up to the charac- Joy Beans, see Hub Rules under ‘Hazards’), and are being
ters and follows alongside the lead PC, whispers. “Say, you wan- very obnoxious and crude to other street occupants. When
na buy, (GM roll d6): 1. bullets? I got some (2d6) pistol rounds, they see the characters, they close in, sauntering up to the

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 38

male PCs, licking their lips, caressing their own bodies and Come on, we know a spot at a stable near here, it’ll be fun.”
then uttering filthy suggestions. They will sell themselves for If the woman has companions, then the infantry men glare
2+d3sp for an hour’s bliss in a nearby shack, alley or stable. at them and one says. “The rest of you fricken freaks can
They are dressed in low cut skirts, halter-tops and cheap hair go fricken move along unless you want to be arrested and
ornaments, black lipstick and odd face paint. Half are mu- given a very complete search. Now get the hell outa here,
tants with one minor mutation each and all are of appear- you’re all ugly.” If the woman tries to leave with any compan-
ance 14+d20. Any PC to refuse to partake in their sordid com- ions, they grab her and try to pull her away from them, and
pany will spark hostility from the women, who will spit, claw at if the other characters won’t leave, then these soldiers pull
and curse at the man as he moves off. out their machetes and threaten to hack them down if they
9. A rowdy mob of 3d6 male and 2d6 female drunken com- don’t go.
moners stagger up the street toward the characters; about 11. The characters notice that there are 4+d4 ruffian types
half are common mutants with a minor mutation and skin following them 2d6+3m back. They avoid eye contact and
and hair color deviations, otherwise pure stocks. When they aren’t doing anything obviously threatening, but they are clear-
get within 3 meters they seem to notice the adventurers and ly shadowing the PCs. For each block the character’s travel, or,
block their way, surrounding them and trying to make sport of if remaining stationary then for each 10 minutes, there is a 3
them. Some shove the characters, others tease them if they in 10 chance that suddenly, in front of them, appear another
have odd mutations or implants. Any good looking female group of 4+d4 raiders, who block their path and pull out clubs,
PCs of 30 or better appearance are also groped by d6 of the used in two hands, and advance on the characters. One points
male commoners. This goes on for d6 minutes as the mob at the PCs and says: “Drop your weapons and belts, satchels,
gets more aggressive and offensive. However, they do noth- coin pouches and packs, and just walk away and continue to
ing which harms the characters physically nor steal anything. be free. If you refuse, we will bludgeon you senseless, strip
If the PCs threaten them or actually strike at them, they will you naked, and sell you as slaves by dawn.” If the PCs do sur-
back off only if the characters seem very dangerous or use le- render all they own except their armor and clothing, there is
thal force. If, on the other hand, the characters don’t appear a 78% chance the raider honors his word and lets the group
overly deadly and are outnumbered 2 to 1, then this mob is walk away, otherwise, they then advance and try to tie up the
87% likely to gather up club-like objects and beat the PCs un- characters and march them off, blindfolded to a secret under-
conscious, drag their limp forms into a nearby alley and strip ground hideout where they strip them, throw them in an an-
them of everything they own before taking any pure stocks off cient basement level, and sell them 2d6 days later. If the PCs
to Waxell’s Slave Depot, area 39. instead decide to fight, and have relic weapons, devastating
10. A squad of 3+d3 light infantry soldiers, see page looking mutations or relics, then there is a 17% chance the
28 for description, are meandering up the street, drunk gang simply melts away and looks for easier prey.
and obnoxious. If the PC group has any very attractive fe- 12. Stepping out from both sides of the street are a group
males (35+ APP), these men will veer off toward her and of local thugs, (1 raider per character, plus d6) using chains
slur: “You, halt in the name of the count... the and wearing daggers on their belts. They grin and
council, how much for a fu...frolic, eh? start forward swinging their chains
What, like 3, err... maybe 4 silvers? menacingly while one,
the biggest,
says “Drop

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 39

your weapons, friends and we’ll go easy on you.” If the PCs Tentville Street Encounters
instead draw weapons and make ready for a fight, there is a d3+1 rolls for street occupants from chart B by day, plus, d8-
27% chance that these goons back off and step out of your 2 (0-6) commoner families, or at night, d4-1 (0-3) street oc-
way, otherwise they rush in for the attack, fleeing only if half cupants along with d6-2 (0-4) commoner families, see page
their number are incapacitated without inflicting equal casu- 381 for street occupants, with a 4 in 10 chance of a unique
alties in their intended victims. encounter within Tentville District per passage from the fol-
13. GM Note: If the characters are disguised as some other lowing list. Roll d10 by day, d10+4 by night:
profession other than excavators, such as laborers, traders, 1. You turn a corner and see a commoner family in trouble.
farmers, or trappers for example, then a squad of Rock Spire The father has been knocked unconscious and lays bleeding
fundamentalists do not perceive them as excavators, whom in a puddle, his wife is being slapped about, his teenage son
they are out to assassinate, and instead just pass by the char- held at crossbow point, his d3 children crying and kneeling
acters on their nightly hunting rounds. next to their limp father, while a teenage girl is struggling to
If, however, the characters are in mixed armor, carry as- get free of the grasp of two leather clad thugs. In total, there
sorted weapons, are of mixed race and gender, and have are 5+d6 raiders accosting this family, who nobody else is
any relics exposed, then this team of 5+d8 religious fanat- helping, who seem to be getting evicted from their plot where
ics (treat as raiders) suddenly charge out from all around the they have a scrap built wagon parked.
PCs, brandishing hatchets and screaming “Death to the De- The teenage girl suddenly breaks free and runs smack
filers of the holy Ruins! Kill the Diggers!” These nut jobs fight into a random PC and clutches him or her and turns to face
with a passion that is usually only reserved for Purists, and the two raiders who had been trying to hold her. The other
won’t flee unless they are being seriously wiped out without raiders all gather crossbows and aim them toward the charac-
inflicting bloody wounds in their targets. Should they be de- ters. “Throw her back our way, friends,” smirks one bald goon,
feated, there is a 3 in 10 chance that a patrol of 10+d6 light their leader, who has a prime mutation. The rest are common
Infantry show up and look over the bodies, thanking the char- mutants with no notable mutations. “This ain’t your fricken
acters for ridding them of the religious crackpots, who have business, strangers, so go woggle yourselves someplace else
murdered excavators for months in that part of the city. The and let us do our business here. These folk haven’t paid their
grateful on-duty officer gets the character’s names and says rent, that’s all, nothing to get yourselves mixed up with.”
he will pass along the account of their brave action to the If the PCs refuse to hand over the girl, or leave, then the
Freehold Scouts and the official record’s office, to be noted raiders will again warn them to stay out of their business. If the
into any future cases that may arise involving the characters. PCs advance or fire on the thugs or otherwise refuse to go away,
14. Suddenly, 8+d8 pure blood commoner men with bows then all but one of the raiders will fire their crossbows at the
and machetes step out from both sides and ahead of the characters then close with machetes. The one who doesn’t fight
characters, range 6m, all aiming only at obvious mutants and takes off at full speed in the opposite direction to get reinforce-
cyborgs. One man speaks up, directing his words to any pure ments, which will arrive in 2d6 minutes in the form of 2d6+4
stocks. “The lord forbids you to associate with these demon more raiders with crossbows and machetes.
spawned imps and monstrosities! You should know better! 2. As the characters move along the filthy, stinking streets of
Now, we are going to give you the chance to step back and this shanty town, they notice a lone commoner child sitting in
walk away, or, you can join them in their journey to the under the dust. The kids beg passers by for some food or a spare
world!” If any pure bloods (or those who appear to be pure coin. Upon seeing the characters, he or she (50% either way)
stocks) refuse to abandon their comrades, then in any subse- holds out his or her hands and pleads. “Kind masters, please
quent scrap, the Purist zealots will also engage them. If the spare a bit of food or a coin for a poor orphan.” If the PCs do
PCs move for their weapons or otherwise attack, the Purist give him any food or money, and if encounter 4, below should
archers fire their bows, which they will thereafter throw down occur anytime in the next 10 days, then consider that this
and draw machetes if forced into melee. Being religious fun- child is among that gang of kids and tells them of your kind-
damentalists, they will not surrender nor flee the battle, nor ness, and the gang relaxes and backs off, calling you friends
take prisoners of non-pure bloods. Captured pure stocks will and asking if you have any food or money you could spare, but
be held in Overpass for 3d6 days before being escorted to the if not then no worries.
Holy Purist Empire for conversion. 3. A nomadic trader, who seems to have come to Tentville
15. Leaping down from the roof tops are 4+d4 mutants, treat unprepared for the poverty and crime, is busy fighting off
as raiders but each has a prime mutation and carries a battle street urchins 6+d6 and other scoundrels (d6 commoner
axe. In the first round, they only try to kill pure stock appear- teens) who are busy helping themselves to a fallen crate of
ing humans and non-mutated cyborgs, totally ignoring any ob- ripe apples which they have pulled off the back of his wag-
vious mutant characters. If a PC claims to be a ghost mutant, on. The man’s two militia soldier guards are being beaten
the mutant-supremacist engaged with him or her will step to a pulp (now unconscious) by 4+d4 hooligans with clubs
back and shout “Prove it!” If no proof is forth coming, then (raiders). The trader spots the characters standing there and
the Aberrationist presses the attack. These mutants will flee shouts to them. “Please, noble ones, great diggers, I implore
if the battle is going against them. Should they win, and cap- you to assist us, I will pay you a hundred silvers to get us out
ture anybody, they will drag them off and sell them to a slaver of Tentville! Please, these dogs are going to take my whole
bound for the DOA. shipment or do worse!” If the PCs are dangerous looking and
16. Some sort of beast has managed to enter the Undercity number more than 5, then the street urchins and commoner
area and is busy looking for a meal. Any other street occu- teens will grab up a few apples and flee, however, the raid-
pants are just as likely to be attacked as the PCs, therefore, ers will stand their ground, one shouting at you: “This load is
divide up multiple attackers among possible human targets, ours now, pompkins, this is our turf, and we are the law here.
roll d12: 1. Bat, venomous/ 2. Bats, devil, 3d6/ 3. Bat, giant Leave or you won’t get out of Tentville alive!” If the PCs ignore
/4. Bird, black owl /5. Cat, hell cougar / 6. Frogs, aberrant the threat, and advance, the raiders are 34% likely to dash off
2d6+2 /7. Insect, black centipede /8. Insects, doom moths if faced with superior weaponry or obvious mutations; other-
d6/9. Insects, blood flyers 3d6/10. Lizard, winged Slash- wise, they stand their ground. If fighting breaks out between
er/11. Rats, gutter, 3d6/12. Spider, freakish. the raiders and characters, there is a 67% chance that more
gang members arrive from behind the PCs, 2d6 raiders with

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 40

machetes range 3d6m who will use deadly force to dispatch due to the 42% likelihood that each has sinner’s itch, not to
the characters and trader. The trader is of course 52% likely mention a 61% chance of fleas. If the characters decline their
to have a relic weapon (WC-R). If rescued, and his 2 men re- business proposals, these women just shrug and move on to
covered, this trader will be a gracious patron of the PC group the next potential customers to walk by.
for years to come, and always give them work, and accommo- 6. In a crowded, filthy street, several loud kids are playing a
date them in his home in Sandbarra. game similar to soccer; however in this version of the sport,
4. The characters enter a mud coated street and suddenly they are allowed to trip, punch and knee each other. They sud-
notice some tough looking teens hanging about on either denly kick the ball at a random PC, and scramble after it as it
side, some of them who get up and begin to follow you. bounces off him or her, making a muddy print on the PC’s out-
You notice that they all carry lengths of wood (clubs) and fit. The mob of 6+d6 kids smash into the entire group
have sheathed knives on their tattered belts. There are of PCs, on their way passed, swearing at them to get
4 per character plus d8 more, and move the hell out of the way. One youth, however, is actu-
along on either side of the charac- ters ally a trained thief and attempts to pick pocket the
for 3d6 minutes, saying nothing. Sud- holstered hand gun or other relic from any
denly, a single street urchin steps out character who carries one openly on his
into the middle of the road or her belt. If noticed and the thief is
ahead of the group and holds chased by the PCs, the other punks,
out a cocked musket pis- treat as street urchins, will join the
tol. ”Okay, freaks, you’ve chase, hurling rocks at the PCs.
entered our territory now, There is 3 in 10 chance that any
and you gotta pay a frea- thief chased will lead his pursuers
kin’ toll, got it assholes? into a alley where a gang of 5+d4
The fee is 5 silvers each, raiders with clubs are waiting in
otherwise, we gonna ambush behind junk, and leap
cut you open and out at melee range with +3 ini-
tan your skins for tiative.
new tent covers, 7. The characters realize that
got it?” If the 4+d4 thugs are following them,
PCs are very about 6m behind. A few paces
well equipped further on, the PCs see that to
or augmented either side, are a total of 4+d4
with incredibly more hooligans, who snatch up
deadly look- pipes and simply walk along on
ing mutations, either side of the group for a
and refuse to pay few minutes, their faces grim.
up, then there is a All at once, a raider leader with
28% chance the street 2 prime mutations, accompanied
urchins back off and by two more mutants each
simply let them go with a prime mutation,
‘this time’, other- step into the road 6m
wise, they rush the ahead. “Welcome to my
PCs with their clubs, kingdom,” grins the lead-
attempting to knock er, fingering his weapon.
them out then steal “You are welcome to lease a
everything plot of land for 3 silvers per
they wear. day. We have a nice spot
Once uncon- right over here; the previ-
scious, the ous tenants are at the bot-
urchins are tom of Boson’s Lagoon.
17% likely to “If you’re just passing through,
slit their throats then you can pay a 20sp toll, each, and we
and make good their threat, skinning the PCs and try- will send you on your merry way. Which is it going to be, citi-
ing their hides in the sun, otherwise, they sell the uncon- zenship or a toll?” If the PCs refuse to pay either, and are out-
scious, naked characters to a local slaver. numbered two to one or better, then the gang members grip
5. You pass by a collection of 2d6+3 ill-kept hookers, each their pipes in both hands and advance from all sides, while
of whom is a mutant with one minor mutation, (physical al- their leader stays back and prepares to fire on any relic armed
teration and odd skin and hair colorization). These women, al- character. If the PCs are clearly well armed and number 6 or
though there is a 13% chance each is actually a transvestite, more members, then their gang leader is 57% likely to lower
are dressed in mere remnants of relic fabric, their makeup is the toll to 5sp each. If this too is refused by the travelers, the
gaudy and thickly applied, their hair wild and knotted with bird gang leader of the raiders is 12% likely to call off the block-
bones and a few plastic trinkets, their gestures and move- ade and let the characters go, otherwise, they simply attack
ments suggestive and purposeful, their lingo crass and of the with all they have, attempting to either kill or capture the char-
filthiest kind. Worse, they are dirty, not merely debased, but acters and loot their bodies. GM note: defeating this group
caked in mud and dust, grit and oil stains. They charge 1+d2sp of raiders will result in the characters ruling the area within
for a half hour romp in a nearby tent or wagon, and will share about a half kilometer, and they can charge the 3sp fee to all
their lodging with a traveler for only 5+d4sp, however, doing those who live in their turf, but must also defend it from rival
so puts the character at risk of catching fleas or worse. Forni- gangs who will encroach on the territory almost daily.
cating with one of these prostitutes without protection is risky 8. 6+d6 raiders with crossbows, half being mutants with a

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 41

prime mutation each, step out from behind the characters. their ‘false friends’, and with that, they attack, using their bat-
They demand that the PCs halt and drop their weapons, put tle axes in two hands. Treat as commoner men, 1 per traveler
their hands on your heads and kneel or be shot. If the PCs plus 2d4.
refuse, then these thugs fire their weapons then draw ma- 11. “Die mutant scum!” Shrieks a man’s voice. Suddenly from
chetes and charge. They will flee if half their number is slain. both sides of the street, range 2d6m, rush hatchet waving white
If they capture the characters, they will remove all their packs robed pure bloods (2 per character). These local Purists are sim-
and belts, frisk them for concealed weapons and then march ple farmers by day, but have been indoctrinated into the Pur-
the PCs off down and ally. In the shadows, the robbers will ist faith by a Mutant Slayer-Priest, who stands and watches the
strip the characters of their armor and then tie them up and whole battle from a concealed, shadowing location 20+d6m
escort them to a slaver for sale. away, and doesn’t get involved unless all the mutants and their
9. A mob of mud coated, rag wearing, half starved common- misguided allies are dispatched. Any pure blood characters to be
ers block the street ahead of the PCs. There are 14+3d6 made unconscious, will be given first aid, stabilized and dragged
commoner men, 10+2d6 commoner women and 2d6 com- off to a secret Purist shrine under a series of nearby tents and
moner teens, all with bloody clubs. They have just bashed in wagons. Here, the victims will be nursed back to health, but kept
the heads of a group of 6+d6 raiders who have subjugated as prisoners, beaten and tortured and preached to, before being
them for too long. With blood lust still in their eyes, they turn transported by wagon to the Holy Purist Empire. All other fallen
to the characters and one points. “No! You will not rule our characters, including any unconscious ones, will be left in the
lives! Now that they are dead, we will accept no new masters! dirt, thought to be dead
We will take what is rightfully ours, and anything else we need 12. Something has crawled up out of Boson’s Lagoon and
to survive! Now, everybody, get those outlanders! What they scuttled into the streets, spotting the characters and
carry now belongs to us! Charge!” Suddenly the whole mob, lurching after them, roll d12: 1. Fish,
which is 6+3d6m away, surges forward with a roar, waving land pike d8 / 2. Frog, giant
torches and clubs. If they are mowed down by the char- / 3. Frogs, aberrant 2d6 / 4.
acters, and at least 10 are dropped before the Frogs, wolf 3d6 /5. Insects,
mob can get into melee with the characters, the swamp skimmers 3d6+2 /6.
mob will falter and fall back, seek cover and dis- Alligator, huge /7. Pit slime /8.
burse, abandoning their leader. Reptilius 6+d6 /9. Shark, amphibi-
If the mob does indeed get into melee, the ous /10. Snake, large /11.
characters will smell strong drink on the Worms, jaw 3d6 /12.
breath of their club wielding assailants. Worm, stabber.
If subduing the adventurers, the 13. Somehow,
crowd will strip the PC’s uncon- either by flying
scious bodies of everything and in or sneaking
leave them for dead, naked and through the un-
in the mud and feces of the alley. finished wall, an in-
10. A unit of mutants in dark green truder has entered
jumpsuits, each with a minor muta- the streets of Tentville,
tion and carrying a battle axe, run looking for human vic-
up to the characters and look at tims, roll d12: 1. Bats,
their faces and bodies as best giant d3 / 2. Bear, griz-
they can, axes at the ready. They zly / 3. Bird, black owl/
are Aberrationist loyalists, a lo- 4. Cat, hell cougar /5.
cal sect of pro-mutant zealots Dogs, mutant 2d4 /6.
who believe that no pure stock Garnock /7. Insects,
should remain alive, that the blood flyers, 2d10+5
world should be ruled by mutan- /8. Lizard, skulking ren-
kind only. They will demand that der /9. Moaners, 3d6
any ghost mutant prove he or /10. Narkanna /11. Scor-
she is such by a dem- pions, cave d6 /12. Spi-
onstration of their pow- der, freakish.
ers, otherwise, they
must die along with 14. Skullocks, 3d6
any pure bloods. If meters away, wear-
at any point the PCs ing hooded cloaks
make for their weap- and baggy trou-
ons, this group will sers. Out to loot and
respond with immedi- murder humans.
ate attack, gain- One per character
ing +4 initia- plus 2d4, using 2
tive, oth- hatchets each, one
erwise, which they throw
t h e y when spotted
simply by the PCs.
that any mu-
tants with the
pure stocks
leave or die with

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 42

Bar, Pub and Saloon Encounters within Overpass Note: Only typical public bars with random encounters and mixed public usage are noted
in the following list. Private bars, such as the High Road Hotel & Bar or Kord’s Casino Bar,
are not subject to such events or clientele.
Table CR-3-3 Overpass Bar Encounters Matrix
Map Patrons by Patrons by Odds of Encounter per
Bar Name Dice Roll for Encounter Results
No. Day* Night* hour

38 Ghenna’s Brothel 2d6+3 C 3d6+8 A 3 in 10 per hour d12-7 (-6 to 5)

40 The Bohemian Inn 3d6+3 B
3d6+12 B
4 in 10 per hour d20-1 (0 to 19)
41 The Lax Hound 3d6 3d6+9 3 in 10 per half hour d20
43 Spotter’s XXX Club 2d6 A
3d6+6 A
2 in 10 per hour d10-5 (-4 to 5)
45 Traveler’s Oasis Pub 2d6+5 3d6+13 4 in 10 per half hour d20
46 Wicca Lane Bar& Grill 2d4 3d6+6 2 in 10 per hour d20-2 (-1 to 18)
51 Eros Lounge 2d6 A
3d6+8 A
3 in 10 per half hour -d6
52 Salvager’s Pub 2d6+3 C
3d6+10 C
4 in 10 per hour d20
53 Sky Marshal’s Bar d10 D
3d6+10 D
3 in 10 per hour d12
55 Polly’s Saloon 2d6+3 A
3d6+8 A
3 in 10 per half hour d20-2 (-1 to 18)
56 Waterside Saloon 2d6+6 E
3d6+11 E
4 in 10 per half hour d20
* From list B, page 384 plus any special patrons noted by a letter code A, B, C, D or E as described below.
An additional 3d6 prostitutes and d6 female slaves will be present anytime of day
There will also be d6 young adults of each gender, who are artists, poets, musicians and writers, treated as commoner teens.
Plus, d8 scavengers and d8 excavators any time of day.
Add 2d6 Overpass Light Infantry and 2d4 Troopers, d6-2 Elite Core, d6-3 Freehold Scouts anytime of day.
However, after 6 pm, until close at 4 am, add A above, plus 3d6 raiders, d4 thieves, d4-1 bounty hunters, d3-1 slavers, d8-
2 excavators and d6 -2 scavengers.
the people. And if you won’t share them with the crowd, then
Overpass Bar, Pub and Saloon Encounter Results come upstairs and share them with me. You can join your
nice friends in the morning.” If the PC goes with the dancer,
-6. d3+1 very attractive women (APP 30+d20 each) step up to roll d6: 1-4. The dancer shows the PC and astounding evening,
the best looking man in the character group and drape them- and asks if the PC can come back again that night and dance
selves about him, kissing his exposed skin and moaning and with her on the stage, if he or she is a resident of Overpass,
then tugging at him to go with them to a shadowy alcove near- and if he or she is single or not. Clearly, this dancer is inter-
by. If the PC does go, roll d6: 1-5. They make love to him and ested in a relationship with the character. / 5. After making
then leave him alone to rest, never asking for money or even love, the couple is just falling asleep when the door crashes
his name. 6. While making love to him, one sticks him with a inward and there stands a big man with a pipe. Treat as a
needle when he is pinned by the others, automatically striking raider with an extra d20+10 Endurance. “Who the fricken hell
him and demanding he make a type E END based HC to avoid are You! She belongs to me, maggot! I’m gonna teach you the
passing out within d2 rounds. The character is taken through a lesson of your life!” And with that, the man rushes in and tries
secret door and into a back room where he is stripped, shack- to bludgeon the PC. If the jealous ex-boyfriend wins, he drags
led, and robbed of anything of value. 12+d8 hours later, he the limp PC outside and throws him or her into the junk of the
wakes in Waxell’s Slave Depot, chained hand and foot and in a back alley, where 2d6 couples are busy embracing each oth-
cell with other slaves, about to be taken to the block and sold er and pay no attention to the limp figure. / 6. The dancer tells
(see Characters As Slaves page 388). Character companions the character that her sister was an excavator, and went to
who come to look for their lost comrade in the alcove find the Pitford years ago with a team, and not one of that group have
chamber empty, and no sign of a secret door. However, if ear- ever been seen since. She has a tattered photo of the pure
nestly searching for it, each searcher is allowed a type G per- stock woman and gives it to the PC. “If you ever see her, or
ception based hazard check to find the roof top hatch. If so, meet anybody who has, will you tell me about it the next time
they will be able to enter it and find their friend being robbed you come to Overpass? Her name is Kamatil.”
by the women and d4+4 raiders. -4. The bar girls have slipped ‘love potion’ into the character’s
-5. One of the go-go dancers, treat as a commoner women drinks. Each PC must make a type F endurance based hazard
with appearance 20+2d20, calls down to the best looking check or become entranced by the thumping beat, see peo-
PC in the group, regardless of gender, and smiles and winks ple they meet to be +20 appearance higher, and experience a
and begs them to come up onto the small, 2m diameter dais massive feeling of well being and passion fill them. The lusty
and dance to the cheering crowd. If the PC refuses, the crowd characters will be a bit slow, -1m move and -20 SV for the next
boos him or her, but only for a moment. There is a 27% chance 12 hours, plus, have neither negative thoughts nor fears, be
per hour thereafter that the go-go dancer catches the PC un- absent minded and forget all previous plans or group cohesion,
awares and wraps her arm about the character and grips on. wander off on their own, join people at other tables, explore the
“Why wouldn’t you come dance with me?” She whispers into back corridors and forget time. Those afflicted will break off
the character’s ear, kissing his or her neck. “You’re beauti- from the group and must make their own half hourly encounter
ful and you know it. You should share your good looks with checks. The next day, after the drug wears off, afflicted PCs will

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have a terrible hang over, possible moral regrets, and be reluc- too often! Take him away before I castrate him!” Raiders blind
tant to do anything. In addition, sunlight hurts their eyes and fold and gag the PC and take him by wagon to far off Newburg
makes them -20 SV for 24 hours. where he is kept as a pet to a debased mutant merchant in a
-3. Each character is accosted by an eager prostitute (APP lavish home in Eagle Heights, see page 141.
24+d20), who will not take ‘no’ for an answer, with each try- -1. A random male character is approached by a young woman
ing to gently coax a character to a side passage and into a (APP 20+d20) who wants the character to lean over the table
curtained off, 3 by 3m den lit by a small oil lantern. The well so she can tell him a secret. When he leans over, she whispers
dressed, clean hookers tell the characters to relax, that a half into his ear, roll d6: 1. “I am actually a both a girl and a boy. Are
hour with them will only cost four silvers, to pay in advance you into that sort of thing? Follow me to an alcove and let’s get
however, and then lie down on the couch and experience bliss. to know each other.”/ 2. “You’ve been followed into this bar by
If any characters actually do go for this exchange of money for a gang of robbers and slavers; they are dressed like common
services, roll d6: 1-5. All is as promised, and the woman leads folk, and not in a group, so don’t get yourselves separated and
the character back to where she found him. / 6. While at pin- don’t go off to be alone with any of the women here.”/ 3. “I am
nacle of their love making, the character notices many small not really a whore, not really. The owners of the place bought
openings in the walls and roof, as more than a dozen peo- me... they call me a slave, and want to get the hell outa this de-
ple are watching the show before them; with a 33% chance based place. Can you take me to the back and sneak me out
that one voyeur has a digital camcorder and has been vid- with you? My family lives in Steel Hill, and can pay you what-
eoing the whole entangle- ever we have if you can re-
ment. If told to leave them turn me safely.” / 4. “I think
alone, the peep holes will you are my type. Wanna
be shut by various fabric come to the back hall and
or wooden plugs, and re- find a quiet spot to make
main closed for up to 2d6 out? I am just here for the
minutes before one by one fun, not money. I am no
they open again. whore.” / 5. “You like what
-2. A prostitute picks out the you see? I am available for
best looking male in the PC a half hour, just come with
group and steps up before me back into one of the
him and begins to disrobe, little dens here, and for 4
and when she is finally na- silvers, I’ll take away your
ked, she turns about and pain for awhile, make you
smiles to the character. think of something other
“Does this jog your memo- than the ruins, and those
ry, warrior? Huh? Don’t you who you’ve lost.” / 6. “Are
remember me from an- you really a digger? Ever see
other town? Another time? a narkanna? What about a
No? You serious? C’mon, garnock or devi-bear? I heard
let’s go upstairs and I’ll re- that there are giant scorpi-
fresh your memory.” She ons. Is that true? What’s your
tires to take the character name? Ever see a moaner
away from the group, and and if so, are they really un-
if he lets her, she shows dead or is that just a myth?
him to a small, well kept Where were you born? Did
room where she immedi- you ever go up into one of
ately sets about trying to those huge skyscrapers? I’ve
inspire the man to action. never even been to Pitford,
If he participates, roll d6: let alone any ruins. You’ll
1-5. All is well. It is up to never get me into the ruins?
the GM to determine if the Wanna sleep with me?”
character’s former pre-game caste would have allowed him to 0. A thug (treat as a raider) bumps the PC group from behind,
afford a courtesan of this woman’s class (App 30+d20, costs a woman screams and the adventurers turn to see a man
8+d6sp for the reunion). / 6. As soon as the character gets slapping a prostitute, and then throwing her aside. The wom-
to the room, and she shuts the door, she is hit over the head an lands among the characters. “Bitch!” Screams the man,
and knocked unconscious. 3+d3 thugs with pipes immediately “You have insulted me for the last time!” He pulls out a dagger
pummel the character as best they can, trying to knock him and starts toward her, even as she clutches onto a random
out. If they succeed, the character and the prostitute are taken PC and pulls herself up and behind the character. “Save me,
out of the building via a back entrance and taken to Tentville, he’s a jealous maniac. He means to gut me here and now!” If
to an underground fort of a raider leader and his 12+2d6 raid- the PCs disarm and disable or even kill the brute, she will be
er gang members. Upon waking 2d6 hours later, the character, grateful, but shaken, and leave the floor. The bar girls buy the
now in a loin cloth and his hands tied behind his back, faces characters a round of drinks and thank them for saving their
the raider leader, who has the women tied up to a chair next friend. If the PC s are still in the bar an hour later, the pros-
to the leader. “You thought you would mess with my woman, titute returns to thank them, saying they may all stay in her
huh? She tried to leave me for a new life up on that stinking room for the night for free, that she can sleep elsewhere.
bridge, but I’ll teach her to humiliate me, and for your part, you 1. d6+7 drunken laborers (commoner men), are cheerfully
will spend your days as little more than a humiliated slave. You singing, arm in arm and bashing into everybody around them,
are being sold to a dual gendered merchant friend of mine, oblivious to who they knock over and any spilled drinks, bro-
who will delight in your boyish good looks for years to come, if ken chairs and mess. The serving women and bar staff are
he-she doesn’t decide to play with you in her torture chambers shouting at them to stop their nonsense and sit down, but the

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men simply ignore them. Finally, one veers off and smash- 6. A group (3+d3) of off duty Overpass troopers, still in armor,
es into a random character. “You sack of shit!” Declares the arrive in the pub and shove their way up to the bar or nearby
drunk, pushing off the character, turning and making to punch table, order drinks, and throw back beer after beer, becoming
him or her. Being drunk, these men are -20 SV and +20 DV more obnoxious and loud as the hour progresses. Suddenly,
easier to be struck. If the PC who is struck at only resorts to one of them grabs a serving girls by the waist as she tries to
fists when fighting the drunk, then his friends don’t get in- squeeze passed, and the surprised woman shrieks and her
volved but merely stand back and watch, however, if the PC tray of drinks fly toward a random character. The PC is al-
uses mutations or weapons or is joined by companions, then lowed a type C agility based HC to avoid the drinks. The troop-
all the laborers will join into the fist fight. Each is armed with a ers merely laugh at the spilled beverages and turn their at-
dagger and will use it if faced with weapons. tention to harassing the serving girl, who fights them off and
2. A young man, treat as a commoner, comes up to the char- slaps the most offensive. Outraged, he shoves her after her
acters, nervously, his face pale, his hands shaking, and wiping drink tray, directly for the same PC who already had the bev-
sweat from his brow. Stuttering he quietly asks. ”Wanna buy erage tray fly at him or her. If the character that catches her is
some bullets? No they’re not stolen, honest; I just need the male, then the drunken trooper takes offense as she thanks
money, okay. I got some (3+d6) rifle rounds, and will sell them the PC and dusts herself off, apologizing for the mess. There
for 25sp each. No, they ain’t stolen. You interested?” The youth is a 3 in 6 chance per hour thereafter that this drunken troop-
is hooked on Gebrull Joy Beans (see Hub Rules, part 3) and er suddenly comes over and picks a fight with the male char-
has pick pocketed the ammo from an excavator elsewhere in acter that caught the serving girl. If a woman caught her, the
the bar. If the characters buy the ammo, there is a 33% chance trooper merely makes eyes at her and lewd gestures.
that for each hour they stay in the place, the youth will sneak 7. A street preacher wearing bizarre robes and a tall, conical hat
up behind the character and try to pickpocket the bullets back bursts into the bar. He wears some sort of tattered book in one
to re-sell again, or grab the PCs coin pouch. He is no thief, how- hand and a twisted ’holy symbol’ made of plastic in the other. “Pa-
ever, and ‘untrained’ as a pickpocket. If caught and forced to trons of this dismal den of sin and debauchery,” he declares loudly.
confess or explain what he is doing, he will sob and say it is for “Hive of drunkenness and wickedness! Hear the word of the new
the beans, that he must buy more beans or go mad. God, who forbids all alcohol, homosexuality and non-marital copula-
3. A random excavator, who is alone in the bar notices the PCs tion! Repent, foul ones, and kneel now and let us prey together! Let
and gives them a nod from across the room. Within twenty min- us sing the praises of the lord, whom chose our forbearers to sur-
utes, he or she gets up the nerve to come over to the character’s vive the great cataclysmic century! He chose you and me to come
table and introduce him or herself. “Mind if I join you? I am look- out into this great age, an age, where we dare not make the same
ing to hook up with fellow diggers, such as yourselves, and am mistakes as our forefathers, were we dare not worship the screens
wondering if you’re looking for another team member? Yes, I am and tech, where we shall reside together under the rule of the new
new at this, but am brave and fit and eager to take my chances, God. For it is said-“ Somebody cuts his sermon short with a bottle
and of course, I will follow your lead and do my part around camp. thrown to his head knocking the fellow sideways, and out cold.
What do you say?” GM note: Opportunity to introduce a new play- 8. A hooker, 68% likely to be a mutant with d3 minor ‘physical alter-
er character or an NPC who has a map or information? ation’ mutations, APP 20+d20, approaches a random male char-
4. A nomadic trader and his d3 militia soldiers step up to the acter. She smiles, gracefully steps up to him and whispers a few
characters. The trader smiles and says, “You wouldn’t hap- lewd suggestions in his ear, saying that for a half hour romp, she’ll
pen to be heading to Sandbarra any time soon, would you? only charge half the normal (random as per table CR-3-2 on page
My men and I need to get a mule team full of mundane goods 31) rate. If refused, she will try her offer on another random male,
down there, and well, damn it, its just not a journey one takes but if she has no business after that, she wanders off, frowning
with only a couple of lightly armed part-time guards. I can sup- and muttering something about the characters being ‘homos’.
ply tents and food and pay you each 30sp for the trip, with pay- 9. A bounty hunter and his 3+d3 raiders side kicks, (all in
ment made when we arrive with our cargo more or less intact. the group are 43% likely to be mutants, each with one prime
I will also put you up at my brother-in-law’s house in Sandbar- mutation) enter the establishment and appraise the charac-
ra for 3 nights, before I have to move on to Steel Hill to pick up ters carefully, studying their faces and comparing them to a
another shipment. Are you interested in the work?” stack of print outs the bounty hunter carries. Any PC who is
If the PCs agree, they set out within 2 days or so, and sought by bounty hunters might be discerned, and if so, the
can’t tell what the cargo is, as it is wrapped in canvas and ani- man hunters move to arrest the wanted PCs, or, if outnum-
mal hides. If at any point they open the cargo on one of the bered, then bounty hunter simply hires a local thief to follow
6+d6 mules (with each mule having a different cargo), they the PCs around town for the next few days as he gathers d6+2
will find it is, roll d8: 1. gun powder 25kg, worth 300+3d100sp more raiders to help capture the wanted person.
/2. dried fruit and nuts, 70kg worth 200+d100sp/ 3. suit of For each day that the wanted character stays in town
part plate armor / 4. wine in bottles, 20+3d6, each worth there is a 12% chance, minus 1% chance per day thereafter,
10+d12sp each /5. wheat (100kg worth 50+d20sp) plus, of running into the bounty hunter and his gang in a secluded
stashed inside, random relic weapon, WC-R, empty /6. rare side street. At a 0% chance, only another random encounter
foods, coffee, chocolate, tea, oranges, spices, 100kg, worth with a bounty hunter will result in meeting up with this group,
300+3d100sp / 7. seeds 70kg, worth 100+d100sp / 8. ar- who will immediately seek to detain the PC.
rows in quivers, 20 per quiver, 14+d12 quivers. 10. A squad of 4+d6 Overpass troopers, who appear to be on
5. As a crowd of d3+3 farmers (commoner men) passes by the duty, suddenly enter, their muskets slung on their backs. They
character’s table in one direction and another group of street do not order drinks and make a quick patrol of the saloon,
toughs (raiders) go in the other, a wiry youth slips in among them looking at individuals and making sure all is at peace. If any
and tries to pickpocket a random character, going first for any relic PC is wanted by the authorities, there is a 66% chance that
weapon in a holster, then going for anything in a satchel, other- they recognize and attempt to arrest the PC, binding his or her
wise trying to nab a coin pouch. If noticed, he will shove a thug hands with stout ropes and march him or her off to jail.
into a farmer, who will each blame the other and start a swearing 11. A group of 3+d6 Overpass light Infantry soldiers enter the sa-
and shoving match between the PCs and the fleeing thief, who will loon. They don’t have their crossbows with them, and are clearly
head out the bar’s front door at top speed. The shoving match will already a bit drunk (-10 SV/ +10 DV easier to strike). They slide
take d2+1 rounds to get around prior to pursuing the thief. up to the bar area, shoving patrons aside, being obnoxious and

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filthy mouthed. One in particular seems to their leader, the largest slobbering, tongue invasive kiss. After his attempt, he smirks and
(most END) and is pestering any nearby women. If the PC group walks off, ignoring the group the rest of the night./ 6. He pulls out a
has no women, the nearby soldiers simply drink their fill for d3 loaded musket and puts it to the head of another random, non-fe-
hours then stagger out without incident. If, however, the PC group male character and declares. “Either come drink with us, your lady-
has a woman of 30 or better appearance, the one loud mouthed ship, or I’ll blow this ugly maggot’s brains out.” If she still refuses,
leader approaches and leans over her, looking her up and down there is a 13% chance the soldier does actually try to shoot, being
and groaning. “Hey boys,” he declares, smirking. “Remember that SV 01-77 on that first close range shot.
whore I told you about, well, I think this is her twin. Hey, gorgeous, If the woman or women do go join the soldiers in the first
how much for a bout in bed? A silver should suffice, right? C’mon, place, or at any time during this encounter, the cavalrymen get ter-
hot stuff, on your feet, let’s go find some privacy.” If the character ribly drunk and buy the woman 1+d3 beer or wine, and the whole
staunchly refuses, shoves the debased man away or otherwise while make lewd remarks, present debased suggestions and ask
seems unwilling, roll d6: 1,2. The abusive soldier hauls off and why the female PC or PCs are with the rest of the characters, let-
slaps her with all his might as a normal attack, and continues ting the women go only at closing time. If the PC’s friends come to
to punch, kick and slap her. If no fellow PC joins into the fight, gather her, there is a 3 in 6 chance the soldiers, now drunk (-20
the other light infantrymen don’t enter the fray either, but do tell SV/ +20 DV easier to strike) are belligerent and draw their musket
their comrade to quit hurting the woman or else. If the female pistols and warn away the woman’s associates.
PC defeats the brute, even kills him, she is exonerated for act- 13. A rough looking fellow (treat as a raider) approaches the char-
ing in self defense. Even in the acters and whispers to a ran-
apocalypse, and especially in dom PC, leaning over. “Say,
Overpass, hitting a woman is I have something you might
seen as cowardly, low, and in- want. Something to take away
excusable./ 3,4. The solider the pain.” The drug dealer
waves his pals over, who sur- looks about nervously then
round the table and demand says, roll d6: 1,2. “ I got 4+d4
to know who the characters Gebrull Joy Beans, and am sell-
are, where they were born, in’ them for 70sp each, you
where they have been, and interested? / 3,4,5. “You like
what is their purpose in Over- Kicker Berries? Sure you do,
pass. There is a 1 in 6 chance who don’t? You’re in fricken
that they decide a random PC luck, chum, I got several (3d6)
is hiding something and de- of the tasty little goodies, and
mand he or she get up and sellin’ em cheap at 8sp each
raise his or her hands while – not the usual price of 10sp.
being frisked, roughly. Any What’chea say?”/ 6. “Do
grenades or other explosives you smoke dope? I got 300
found on the PC will be con- grams here for a good price
fiscated./ 5. The man shrugs, (50+d20sp), interested? It
and says. “We will meet again, ain’t’ illegal, but, don’t let any-
someplace less public, and body know you got it on you or
then I will simply claim you.” from me or they’ll steal it from
/ 6. “Who do you think you us. Want it?” If the characters
are? How dare you disrespect elect not to buy anything off
a soldier of Overpass! I could the dealer, he bids you good
have you all arrested and your luck and moves off to another
belongings confiscated, your likely customer.
lives spent as slaves! Now get 14. A drunken laborer, who
on your feet, traitor and come was sitting at a nearby ta-
with me!” If the woman still refuses, the enraged soldier is 57% ble with 3+d3 other commoner men, suddenly gets up and
chance likely to order his men to arrest her and march her off to points at a random male PC. “Hey, you! Yes, you! Don’t act like
the barracks as a spy; otherwise, he finally backs off and goes to you don’t know who the hell I am! Where is my daughter! You
harass another woman at some other table. promised to escort her to Sandbarra safe and sound, and she
12. 3+d4 Overpass cavalry soldiers enter the bar, their twin mus- never arrived there! What did you do with her! “ He pulls out
ket pistols in their belts and at the ready, but leaving their full iron a dagger and staggers over to the PC, “Hey grave robber, I’m
helmets and crossbows back at their dog kennel. They give the talkin’ to you! Did you sell her to slavers? Kill her and leave
characters a quick look as they pass them, stopping if there are her on the trail! You filthy, double crossing merc! I’ll have your
any women of 35 or higher appearance present. If so, one leans balls for that!’ He then lunges at the PC, stabbing as best he
over and remarks that she (or all women of such good looks in the can, even though he is hopelessly drunk. (SV 01-35/ DV +20
group) should come join him and his friends at another table. “I to strike at). His friends will stay out of the fight, but will collect
insist”, he says out the side of his mouth. “Unless you and your their fallen comrade if he is knocked out or slain by the PC.
friends are anti-social, perhaps conspirators or something requiring 15. A dirty rag clad scoundrel moves about the bar, clearly very
inspection and questioning at the barracks? Perhaps a body cavity drunk and bumping into people, apologizing, and allowing those
search might convince you, hmph? Now c’mon, beautiful, I’ll buy he knocks into to shove him along and out of their way. He hap-
you a drink.’ If any women refuse, the cavalryman straightens and pens to impact against a random PC, and collapses. “Sorry, mis-
grows serious. “You too good for me, huh? “ Roll d6: 1-3. He begins ter,” he says, getting up by pulling himself along the PC. “Have
to get irate when his comrades pull him aside to a far table, where a good night.” The person is actually a sober, professional thief,
the group gets drunk and seems to forget the PCs/ 4,5. The soldier with 3+d4 skill points in pick pocketing and will have tried to
grabs the women by the hair and attempts to plant a huge kiss full grab a holstered pistol or other relic, or coin pouch, in that order,
on her mouth. She is allowed a type D agility based HC to avoid his from the PC before staggering off for the doors.

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16. A bar maid has slipped a drug into the drinks of each char- ters don’t, then roll d6: 1-4. “Well, you fricken cheap bastards,
acter. The drugs, which don’t take affect for d3 hours, force each we hope you all rot in hell and get the rad sickness next time
PC to make a type G END based HC or grow severely weary and you’re in the dust heaps!” Screams the girl, then, each urchin
disorientated for 2 hours, being -1mv, -20 SV, +20 DV easier to spits, directing their gob at the food or drinks of the characters
strike, and -2 initiative. If a PC does make their hazard check, before running off. 50% odds of landing the spit on target./ 5,6.
he or she only sickened by the drug and experiences a terrible “Fine, just fine, assholes! You better not cross our troop in the
headache and nausea for an hour with no noticeable combat streets, or we’ll tie you down and skin you alive, then piss on
defects. When the drug begins its work, whether the PCs are still your open flesh!” The girl leads her scowling group away.
in the bar, in their motel rooms or on their way someplace else, 19. A raider leader and 4+d6 thugs enter the saloon and walk
a group of scheming raiders with clubs and daggers will accost directly to the character’s table. The gang boss smiles and looks
them. If outside the bar, the thugs simply rush them from all at each PC in turn, finally directing his attention at the largest
sides or through the door and windows of their room, number (most END) PC in the group. “You have entered the territory of
appearing equal to the PCs plus d4, however, if at the bar, then my master, and he has sent me to offer you membership in our
a lone raider, returning from the lavatory, pretends that a ran- organization’s ranks. We need fighters such as you, to prevent the
dom PC tripped him and he collapses with an enormous crash, incursions by neighboring gangs into our turf. We will give you one
bounding to his feet and pointing to the PC. “What is the mean- day to think about our offer. Either join us, now, or never return
ing of this? Do you know who I am? What gang I belong to? You to this establishment again, for doing so will force us to assume
filth!” With that, he shoves you are seeking to encroach
at the PC, then spits at an- upon our territory, as an en-
other and then starts to emy gang, and thus will be
punch at them in no partic- butchered. Do I make myself
ular order. If the PCs react clear?” If the PCs do agree to
with violence against the join, they are taken outside,
lone thug, the other raiders, blindfolded and led through
equal in number to the PCs a maze of streets to an un-
plus d4, hustle over from derground hideout where
all sides and raise their 3d6+6 more raiders, 2d6
fists clenched, trying to ini- prostitutes and 3d6 street
tiate a non lethal brawl as urchins hold up, around a
opposed to a death match. raider leader. The PCs are
They will try to beat the PCs each branded with the gang
unconscious, drag them insignia on their shoulder
out behind the bar and and told to accompany the
strip them of all they own, previous leader and his men
selling any attractive (25+ on a raid against the neigh-
APP) PCs as slaves. boring gang at first light, at-
17. The adventurers notice tempting to kill as many of
a large group of rough fel- the other raiders as pos-
lows at the bar, who seem sible, kidnap their whores
to be paying special at- and slaves, and burn down a
tention back at them. The known clubhouse.
goons number twice that If the PCs refuse to join
of the PC group and one, the gang, and return to that
the biggest (most endur- saloon again, there is a 4 in
ance) and gifted with a 6 chance this raider leader
prime mutation, steps over and men show up, spot the
and grins wickedly. “I dun- characters and are 57%
no who you think you are, likely to immediately attack
but in this establishment, we are in charge, and we’ve just de- the PCs, attempting to kill them, otherwise, they just demand a
cided that if you wanna drink in here, you got to pay us a ser- 25sp toll fee for the PC to use the bar, per month.
vice charge of 2 silvers each. If you refuse, the boys and I are 20. The characters begin to feel that they are being watched.
going to haul your sorry asses outback and beat the living shit They notice that from various parts of the saloon, greedy eyes
out of you, then take your stuff, and then brand you before we are peering at them. Triple their own numbers in raiders, glare
sell you in the market. What’s it goin’ to be, girls?” If the PCs re- back at the PCs. One, a raider leader, steps up to the adven-
fuse to pay a fee, then there is a 66% chance the whole group turer’s table, a random relic weapon drawn, and says. “I’ve
of thugs arms themselves with clubs and starts over, intent on got to grant you this; you’ve got a lot of guts, but not much
beating the PCs senseless. On the other hand, if the PCs are brains. How dare you waltz in here, armed like that, and act
clearly well armed, heavily mutated and abnormally large or fit all arrogant like you own the fricken place. Now, we don’t want
looking, reduce the odds of them being accosted to only 33% no trouble, so just keep your hands where we can see them
chance. If the PCs are defeated, they are sold as slaves at Wax- and let my boys take your weapons and packs.” One raider
ell’s Slave depot (see Characters As Slaves, page 388). per PC steps forth, machete in one hand, and uses the other
18. 2d6+2 Street urchins simply wander into the bar and move hand to lift any weapons, packs, coin pouches, or other gear
about, hats in hand, begging. Those patrons who don’t give the off the PCs as they sit there. If they are not stopped, they will
punks any money or scraps of food, are sworn at, even spit at leave the PCs unarmed, just sitting, and then tell them to get
or kicked. d6 gather around the PCs. A dirty faced teenage girl the hell out. If the PCs put up a fight, all the raiders in the
does the talking. “Spare a bit of food, maybe a coin or two for an place will attack the PCs using machetes, while all the other
orphan?” If the PCs do give each something of value, then the patrons will flee out the doors.
punks are grateful, bow their heads and move on. If the charac-

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 47

MAP CR-2: Overpass 5 Overpass Heights University (OHU)

6 Freehold Tech Center
11 Fort Silo
12 Gatehold
17 Independence Hall
18 Rosell Terrace
1 Fort Maverick
7 Hoot’s Loan Office 13 Fort Sovereignty 19 All People’s Clock Tower
2 Freehold Barracks
8 Fort Drummer 14 Keef’s Bunker 20 Overpass Treasury Tower
3 Library of Truth
9 Doth’s Relic Market 15 East Ramp Arch 21 Freedom Dome
4 Overpass Council Hall
10 Freehold Historic Society 16 Airship Port (Air traders Assoc.) 22 Elevator Tower

1 Hex = 5 meters

23 Administration Tower
24 Cavalry Barracks
25 Gunnery Platform
26 South Portal
27 Newville Gate
28 People’s Gate
29 Canal Gate
30 North Shore Gate
31 Fort Carte Blanche
32 Riverside Quay
33 Tentville Portal
34 People’s Army Garrison
35 Liberty Iron Works
36 Oscar’s Scrap and Supply
37 Hershey’s Motel
38 Ghenna’s Brothel
39 Waxell’s Slave Depot
40 The Bohemian Inn
41 The Lax Hound
42 Trader’s Guild Association Hall
43 Spotters XXX Club
44 Fairways Clinic
45 Travelers Oasis Pub
46 Wicca Lane Bar& Grill
47 All People’s Cathedral
48 Kord’s Casino & Spa
49 Community Center
50 High Road Hotel & Bar
51 Eros Lounge
52 Salvager’s Pub
53 Sky Marshal’s Bar
54 Trader’s Inn
55 Polly’s Saloon
56 Waterside Salon
57 The New Wall
58 Bailout Bridge
59 Pander’s Bridge
60 Vlad’s Bridge
61 Liberty Bridge

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 48

Table CR-3-4 Overpass Primary Structures

No. Name of Structure Official Purpose Civilians Soldiers Power Weapons
WT Watch Tower (30 in total) protect Undercity nil 22 light Infantry each nil H. ballista
4d100 med. laser cannon/ 4 trebuchet/ 12
1 Fort Maverick battle station, prison 220+d100 troopers 3 SP/ AG
inmates ballista
4 lt. laser cannons/ 6 ballista/ missile
80+d100 Freehold Scouts 4 SP / 3 launcher with 3d6 assault missiles/
2 Freehold Barracks Freehold Scout base 50+2d20
/ 4+d4 heavy soldier robots WT 3+d3 scrap light tanks each with a
machine gun.
3 Library of Truth public library 5+d6 troopers 2 SP / AG nil
3d6 night
40+d20 elite core /28+d8
6 SP/ 3 4 chain guns/ 7 trebuchet/ 16 lt.
4 Overpass Council Hall parliament and admin 300+4d100
household robots with
AG/2 WT ballista/ 1 double med. laser turret ,
chainsaw implants*
Overpass Heights 6 SP/ 5
5 university and labs 400+3d100 20+d12 troopers nil
University (OHU) WT
40+d20 troopers / 20+3d6
8 SP/ 6
6 Freehold Tech Center technician college 200+d100 cyborgs / 6+d6 light soldier 3 lt. laser cannons/ 6+d6 gyrocopters
Ag/ 4 WT
robots / 2d4 combat androids
7 Hoot’s Loan Office bank, loans, investments 30+3d6 28+d20 troopers 3 WT chain gun/ 4 H. ballista
400+2d100 troopers/ 4 SP/ 2 med. laser cannon/ 6 trebuchet/ 18
8 Fort Drummer battle station, garrison nil
30+d20 elite core AG ballista
3 chain guns/ missile launcher with
20+d10 troopers / 3d6 lt. 3d6 tactical missiles/ 3 flame units/ 3
9 Doth’s Relic Market buy –sell relics 27+2d20 SP/ 4 WT
solider robots . lt. laser cannons/ 3 retro-scrap lt. tanks
with lit. laser cannons mounted on each
Freehold Historic
10 museum and archives 100+2d20 22+d12 troopers SP/ 2 WT nil
3 triple mount missile launcher turrets,
200+d100 Troopers/
11 Fort Silo missile fort/ garrison nil 4SP/5 AG each with 6+d6 assault and d6 tactical
30+d20 Cavalry
missiles/ 14 H. ballista
200+d100 troopers/ 12 H. ballista/ M364 Hoitzer/2 sniper
12 Gatehold north gatehouse 18+d12 3 AG
50+2d20 cavalry rifles
16 ballista/ M364 Howitzer/ 3 machine
360+2d100 troopers/ guns/ rocket launcher. Plus, all ultra-
13 Fort Sovereignty aircraft hanger, Garrison nil 2 SP
50+d20 elite core lights and biplanes, which use the
highway as an air strip.
90+2d20 mercenary 3 SP/ 4
14 Keef’s Bunker private fortress 260+2d20 8 H. ballista/ 2 chain guns
soldiers AG
15 East Ramp Arch gatehouse and wall nil 80+d20 troopers 2 SP 4 machine guns/ 9 H. Ballista
Airship Port (Air
16 airship hanger and fort 100+2d100 110+2d20 Troopers 7 SP 2 chain guns/ 6 H. ballista
traders Assoc.)
M364 Howitzer/ 4 lt. laser cannons/
200+d100 troopers/ 6 SP/8
17 Independence Hall councilor residences 220+2d100 4 machine guns/ 6 rocket launchers/
40+d20 Elite Core WT
8+d8 gyrocopters
120+2d20 mercenary 2 SP / 6
18 Rosell Terrace private fortress 340+d100 trebuchet/ med. laser cannon
soldiers WT 6
All People’s Clock 4 SP/ 2
19 clock/ radio station** 180+d100 20+d10 troopers machine gun
Tower AG/ 1 WT
Overpass Treasury 3 chain guns/ lt. laser cannon/6 H.
20 overpass bank, offices 300+2d100 50+2d20 elite core 5 SP
Tower ballista
2 M364 Howitzers/ 4 lt. laser cannons/
5 machine guns/ 1 med. laser cannon/
280+d100 troopers/ 6 SP/ 7 missile launcher turret, armed with
21 Freedom Dome Overpass HQ & fort 200+d100
40+d20 elite core AG 6 assault missiles, extra 3d6 assault
missiles in lower floor. plus, all retro
scrap armored cars and tanks.
12 AG/ 6 rocket launchers on tripods, each with
22 Elevator Tower elevators and fort 270+d100 140+d100 troopers
1 SP 6+d6 battle rockets.
2 SP/ 1
23 Administration tower gov. records & tax 290+2d100 30+d20 troopers machine gun
400+2d100 dog cavalry/ 3 SP/ 4
24 Cavalry Barracks fort, stable and garrison 30+d12 5 trebuchet/ 3 chain guns
60+d20 troopers WT

Table 3-4 continued on next page....

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 49
Table-3-4 continued from previous page....

No. Name of Structure Official Purpose Civilians Soldiers Power Weapons

2 double M364 Howitzer turrets/ missile
launcher turret with 10 silo bays armed
300+d100 troopers/ 6 SP/ 5
25 Gunnery Platform bunker and tower nil with assault missiles, plus, 3d6+10 extra
40+d12 elite core AG
assault missiles and d3 incapacitator
missiles/ 4 machine guns/ 18 H. ballista.
12 H. ballista/ lt. laser cannon/ 2 chain
220+d100 troopers/
26 South Portal gate house 20+d12 4 SP guns/ relic ATVs with machine guns and Dune
50+d20 cavalry
Buggies (see military and defenses, page 27)
60+d20 light infantry/
27 Newville Gate twin gate towers nil 1 SP 4 H. ballista/ 2 machine guns
5+d4 elite core
40+d12 light infantry/
28 People’s Gate twin gate towers nil nil 4 ballista/ chain gun
3+d3 elite core
80+2d20 light infantry/
29 Canal Gate twin gate towers 30+d20 2 SP 8 ballista/ 2 chain guns
6+d6 elite core
30 North Shore Gate gate tower 10+d6 50+d20 light infantry nil 3 ballista
lt. laser cannon/ machine gun/ 9 H.
250+d100 light infantry/
31 Fort Carte Blanche stronghold/ bestiary 30+d20 3 AG ballista, 3+d2 devi-bears/2+d2 cats,
40+d20 dog cavalry
night fiends/6+d3 horrlify.
50+d20 light infantry/
32 Riverside Quay river port area 80+d100 1 AG 6 ballista/ machine gun
6+d6 elite core
60+2d20 lt. infantry/ 8+d8
33 Tentville Portal twin gate towers 12+d10 1 AG chain gun/ 4 ballista
elite core
People’s Army 400+3d100 lt. infantry/ lt. laser cannon/ 3 chain guns/ rocket
34 stronghold 60+d20 4 AG
Garrison 10+d6 elite core launcher with 3d6 battle rockets/ 18 ballista
8 AG/ 1
35 Liberty Iron Works smithy and armory 90+2d100 10+d10 lt. infantry nil
Oscar’s Scrap and 4 SP/ 2
36 scrap material sales 110+d100 nil nil
Supply WT
37 Hershey’s Motel inn and stable 20+2d20 5+d6 militia guards 1 AG nil
3 SP/ 1
38 Ghenna’s Brothel bar, bath and brothel 30+3d20 8+d8 merc. soldier nil
34+2d20 merc. soldiers/ 2 SP/ 1
39 Waxell’s Slave Depot slave market and jail 20+2d100 3 machine guns
3d6 slavers AG
2 SP/ 2
40 The Bohemian Inn bar, stable, Inn 35+3d20 6+d6 militia guards nil
41 The Lax Hound bar 12+3d20 3+d3 merc. soldier 1 AG nil
Trader’s Guild
42 offices and private bar 60+3d20 16+d6 merc. soldiers 2 SP chain gun
Association Hall
43 Spotters XXX Club bar, adult shows, brothel 18+2d20 5+d4 merc. soldiers 3 SP nil
3 SP/ 3
44 Fairways Clinic for hire hospital 12+2d12 4+d4 merc. soldiers nil
45 Travelers Oasis Pub bar, inn and stable 22+3d20 6+d8 militia guards 1 SP nil
2 SP/ 1
46 Wicca Lane Bar& Grill inn, bar and restaurant 25+3d20 4+d4 merc. soldiers nil
47 All People’s Cathedral church, clinic and refuge 28+3d20 12+d6 Overpass lt. infantry 1 SP nil
48 Kord’s Casino & Spa bar, games, baths, spa 30+2d20 6+d6 merc. soldiers 3 WT nil
3 SP/ 4
49 Community Center meeting hall, sports 4+d100 3+d3 troopers nil
50 High Road Hotel & Bar lavish inn and bar 22+3d20 7+d8 merc. soldiers 4 WT nil
2 SP/ 2
51 Eros Lounge bar and brothel 28+3d20 5+d4 merc. soldiers nil
52 Salvager’s Pub digger’s bar 18+2d20 3+d3 merc. soldiers 4 SP nil
53 Sky Marshal’s Bar military bar 22+3d20 5+d6 merc. soldiers 3 WT nil
54 Trader’s Inn inn 11+2d20 6+d8 merc. soldiers 4 WT nil
55 Polly’s Saloon bar and brothel 32+3d20 8+d8 militia guards 3 AG nil
4 Ag/ 2
56 Waterside Salon in and bar 40+3d20 10+d8 militia guards nil
wooden palisade
57 The New Wall 20+2d20 40+d100 lt. infantry nil nil
58 Bailout Bridge ooden bridge 3d6 nil nil ni
59 Pander’s Bridge wall bridge 3d6 40+d20 lit. infantry nil 3 ballista
60 Vlad’s Bridge wall bridge 4d6 50+3d10 lt. infantry ni 4 ballista
61 Liberty Bridge river bridge 3d6+20 20+d20 lt. infantry nil ni
* Household robots, fitted with a chainsaw implant arm each, and their violence inhibitors removed.
**Broadcasts ‘Freehold Radio’ 65.5 am
Power generation system key: SP: Solar Panel / AG: Alcohol generator / WT: Wind Turbine

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 50

ers kill beyond the fortress walls, all food and drink must be
imported by the wagon or airship load.
Sewage is taken from private chambers to various drain
ports and pipes, which expel the sludge outside of town.
Faction: Northern Freehold This crude plumbing system can make this community stink
Government System: The Association of Business Owners (ABO) terribly in summer months, especially if the community finds
Population: Total 2000 to 3000/ (Pure Stocks 640+2d100/ itself under siege for a few weeks. Of course, sieges are a
Mutants 870+3d100/ Cyborgs 85+2d100/ Synthetic hu- common event at Pitford given the close proximity of the
mans 110+d100/ Androids 15+3d20/ Beastial Humans Great Ruins, and the hostile tribes living within them. Dur-
100+3d100/ other 60+6d10) ing normal operations, however, the ABO sends out guarded
criminals or purchased slaves to dig holes in the dead earth
Site Details: Being pinched between Devil’s Hole and two and bury the sewage.
much smaller blast craters, Pitford sits in an eerie, moon-
scape of a spot. This fortified settlement is small, but stout
and exists to serve the many excavators, scavengers, and
Technological Level: A great many relics are found here,
and more arrive each day. Although the town has some im-
scrap metal collectors who have come to explore and loot the pressive old world firepower, including a howitzer, it itself
impressive Great Ruins. does not own most of the relics present yet if attacked by
humanoid hordes or large beasts, the occupants, guest
Construction Details: This scrap metal and concrete for- and local alike, will rush to the walls and defend the place
tress town is covered by a roof of metalwork and import- with whatever ancient weaponry they posses. In addition
ed wooden beams, netting, Plexiglas and barbwire. It has the town has a radio tower and communications center,
numerous fortified towers and strongholds around its en- where contact with various mid and high rank excavation
tire edge, many of which house relic communications gear, teams is ongoing, as well as dialogue with the Northern
optics and devastating firepower, but so too, archaic siege Freehold communities of Overpass and Array, and the re-
weapons like catapults, ballista and trebuchet. The entire nowned Freehold Scouts who have their main stronghold
perimeter of the town is actually hundreds of structures situated right over the ruin facing northern gates of Pit-
joined together, with those on the edge of town built direct- ford.
ly into the solid outside wall and cut with arrow slits and Electric power is one of the few things that are not
gun ports, each with a scrap metal shutter that drops over in short supply here. Solar panels, alcohol burning gen-
and locks to keep out the many flying or climbing predators. erators, and wind turbines encrust the prominent towers,
The main gates at both the south and north ends of the fort hotels, citadels and brothels which jut skyward from the
are huge double doors, large enough to get a relic transport town’s huge roof top. These power creation devices supply
truck or tank through. the charge to all major buildings, providing light bulbs and
standard outlet power to those who can afford it.
Water, Food and Sanitation: Other than roof-top rain col- Public power cell recharge facilities also exist here
lection, there is little drinkable water for many kilometers at Rad’s Power Depot. The cost to recharge a pill pow-
around Pitford, although an oily pool in the basement tier of er cell is d20+20sp, a mini cell costs 3d20+50sp, stan-
town is used by the desperate and poor, but it is considered dard power cell 2d100+200sp and a power pack costs
unhealthy. Additionally, beyond the scope of a small well run 5d100+1600sp to recharge.
green house, private balcony gardens and what game hunt-

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 51

Dangers: All diseases occur here, but especially common man the walls and arrow slits if the place comes under se-
are cancer and sinners itch. The cancer seems to occur in rious attack. Being so close to both the ruins and the Old
long time residents, and not surprisingly when one consid- Battle Zone, relics have been uncovered, repaired, and put
ers that the excavators who come and go must be shed- to use here for decades. Also due to the proximity to the
ding radioactive dust in the streets, furthermore, the town ruins, the place is built out of scrap metal, concrete divid-
is built right between three nuclear blast craters, and the ers, rusted vehicles, wings of crashed aircraft, and plenty
deepest one in the region, the Devil’s Hole, still emits ra- of imported timbers encased in sheet metal to retard fires
diation a nearly two centuries after the blast. The sinners from enemy flaming arrows. The gates to town are massive
itch is an unavoidable outcome of having such a boom- double doors, plated in metal and spikes and able to ac-
ing prostitution trade, but luckily for the afflicted, at least cept a transport truck if needed, but also cut with a normal
those with money, there are medics who can administer sized door and opening peep hole from which the guards
cure. Crime is prevalent here like in all frontier communi- can communicate with newcomers.
ties, as is the constant threat of attack from outside the South Gate, which travelers coming north along Unity
walls. External threats include hostile factions, human- Road from Overpass would likely enter, has 12 arrow slits
oids, immense beasts, as well as more common intrusions from which watchmen can fire muskets, as well as a chain
by black centipedes, skullock raiding parties and other gun battery above the doors which can sweep the entrance
nasties who tunnel into the fort from the basement. An- area with its supplied 50+d100 rounds of rifle ammo.
other hazard in Pitford arises from dig team jealousies and On the far side of town, leading off to the Great Ru-
hyper competitiveness. The secrecy surrounding the dis- ins to the north east, is North Gate. This facility is actu-
covery of a lucrative dig site in the nearby ruins, or a map, ally flanked and covered by the Northern Freehold Scout
relic or other resource often leads to bitter team feuds, for- headquarters, and bristles with 30 gun ports, three roof
mal death duels, stabbings and poisoned drinks. top metal encased gun turrets of which two are fitted with
light laser cannons, and the third boasting a belt fed chain-
Law Enforcement and Punishment: The town’s primary gun which can cover the entire approach to the gate.
defenders are the Pitford Town Watch. These militia sol- Both of these town gates are left open during the day
diers have all volunteered for this risky and often thank- so long as there is no imminent or existing threats nearby
less job, and are paid 20 silvers a month with a 10sp bo- the community, but shut tight at dusk and not opened re-
nus per each skullock they kill. Food and water are also gardless of who fails to reach the safety of town, until dawn.
part of their pay as is room and board, but most of the Although open during the day, everybody arriving is ques-
watchmen and women live with their families in private tioned by a militia officers, and often searched. Groups of
homes within the community. A Pitford watchmen wears all mutants or all pure stocks will be turned away at gun-
a blue tunic over black studded leather armor, a iron hel- point, while mixed race bands of travelers will be admit-
met with horse hair plume, carries a machete, knife and ted, often with harsh warnings to behave while in Pitford.
musket rifle complete with bayonet. There are 80+3d20 Rocket launchers, grenade launchers, chain guns, flame
town watchman on duty here, with about half being mu- units and explosives are not permitted inside town, except
tants with a minor mutation (physical alteration), the rest by well known and proven, pro-Pitford dig teams and merc
being pure stocks, and handful of beastial humans and a units, and can be singed over for later pick up when visitors
half dozen beat up cyborgs. leave the community.
These men and women don’t interfere with fair fights, Other notable defenses of Pitford include a single
duals or most inter-team feuds, but will however defend M364 Howitzer that is fixed to a tall steel base at Gun
the town from outside attackers, thieves, enemy agents, Deck Enterprise. This enormous gun is aimed toward the
as well a protect the shopkeepers and anyone who is ob- east and features a 360 degree rotation protecting the
viously unarmed or seriously out matched. For example, town from large beasts or armored vehicles along the en-
they won’t let brigands and thieves beat up a lone excava- tire right side of Pitford, but can be turned to fire onto the
tor, nor will they allow rape, cold blooded murder, or any- topside roof of the fort-town or at targets in the distance on
thing which might threaten the town, such as the use of any side of the place, so long as other tall structures aren’t
flame units, explosives or contaminates. When they see in the line of fire. It is reported that this weapon has only a
the need to interfere in a fight, they will give only one warn- few shells left, if any, and the town will pay 3000sp per a
ing for the aggressors to cease their actions or else die. standard artillery round.
For petty crimes, like theft of food and drink, brawling in On the left or west facing side of Pitford, as well as the
the tavern and breaking tables, etc., the watchmen will entire outer ring of the settlement, numerous hard points
arrest the offender and throw him or her in the municipal and defensive positions are manned by town watchmen,
for a few days until the association members can come up home owners, volunteer diggers and even a few robotic
with a fair repayment plan, usually evolving slave labor un- sentries. Some positions bristle with archaic trebuchet and
til the cost of the damage is repaid in days of work. (One ballista and a few boast relics such as a chain gun, heavy
day of slavery for each silver worth of articles broken or machine gun, sniper rifle, rocket launcher and occasional
stolen). laser carbine. In addition, sniper hides and tiers of spike
If a situation is too dangerous or overwhelming for and scrap metal battlements and arrow slits help protect
the militia, the Freehold Scouts, who make their base at and conceal the defenders.
the north gate of town, will be summoned. The Scouts are It is the weapon stations of this settlement, along with
the elite core of the Northern Freehold, and often fill their the reliance on citizens and guests, which keeps it from
ranks with experienced, relic outfitted excavators. Free- being overwhelmed by the constant attack by predators,
hold Scouts have superior rank to all non-officer town crazed robots, and the relentless tribes of humanoids who
watchmen, but rarely exercise this authority. are unable to accept a human town on what they see is
their soil. Attacking Pitford is about the most challenging
Military and Defense: The town watch personnel listed endeavour any besieging force can attempt, and yet, at
above under law enforcement handle all day to day pro- least once a year a factional army or horde of barbarian
tection of the town, relying on the citizens and guests to humanoids attempt this. Although costing Pitford in both

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 52

resources and lives, the fortified, totally enclosed outpost Brief History: Founded by The Orvax Dig team in the year
survives, grows, and invites dig teams to come and set up 2284, Pitford started out as a temporary summer encamp-
first rate base camp on the doorstep of the uncharted, ment to offer some protection from the heat, the preda-
seemingly endless Great Ruins. tors and frequent sand storms. After a few false starts and
tear downs by skullocks and other humanoids, the site’s
Visitors to Pitford: As noted under Military and Defense, existing concrete ruins were added to and improved, and
the north and south gates of Pitford are kept open during day- quickly grew as people began to stay year round. When
light hours unless a threat to the fortress is discerned, and merchants set up permanent businesses, such as the
shut tight at dusk and not opened again until dawn. Even Dust Devil Saloon, The Hollywood Brothel, Dale’s Excava-
when opened, a militia soldier and handful of town watchmen tion Supply, and whatnot, their services attracted anoth-
inspect everybody who seeks admittance to the community. er wave of residents
Although open to every- and even more regular
body, including beas- excavation teams. In
tial humans, self aware time, the Orvax Party
androids, plantoids, died out, leaving their
and half human-half beloved fortress town
humanoids (such as to a democratic council
half skullocks, half of property and busi-
garnocks, etc.), must ness owners, who be-
be accompanied by came the Association
‘armed equals’. This of Business Owners.
term denotes persons The ABO, whose mem-
with which the subject bership changes grad-
robot or beast is a com- ually, are rumored to
panion to, as opposed be corrupt, but rule the
to owner of. Humans, place wisely enough,
cyborgs and mutants profit from their careful
arriving with a machine stewardship, and leave
or intelligent creature travelers and their
must themselves be property alone.
armed and free, pos- The success, per-
sibly fellow excava- manence and growth
tors. This rule was es- of the town has at-
tablished years ago to tracted a lot of atten-
ensure that androids tion by the nations of
didn’t try to infiltrate humanoids, savages
the town and sabotage and Mecha groups liv-
its defenses by using ing in the Great Ruins
human prisoners as and surrounding areas,
decoys, as has hap- and numerous attacks
pened in the past. have been launched
Groups of all mu- on the site over the
tants or all pure stocks past decades. With a
are not allowed en- population of no more
trance to Pitford on ac- than 3000 souls at the
count that such teams most, and with many
could easily be faction- of this number being
al blood enemies of non-combatants and
the community, being slaves, Pitford is con-
either Aberrationists or stantly in peril. As an
Purists. Any groups with unwelcome and threat-
mostly one or the other ening beachhead for
‘race’ but containing humanity in this part of
a token other requires the region, it is only a matter of time before the next siege
that the minority individuals be armed and free. Even so, the is undertaken. Skullocks, warmorts, coalitions of several
on duty officers will be highly suspicions of a group of say 8 humanoid races, Mecha and savages, and even Purist and
pure stocks and one mutant or visa versa. Both the Purists aberrationist forces have all attacked this fortified dome
and the aberrationists have sworn to wipe Pitford off the map, at one time or another, and plan to do so again. For this
deeming this community as a source of so much of the fire- reason, the town’s people encourage excavators to come
power and remarkable, elite excavator squads which protect back often, and welcome strong, high ranking teams to
all independent communities in the region. make this fort their home within the region. Without the
Normally, there is a 1 silver piece fee to enter town per firepower, out-wall observations, ruin incursions and hero-
individual, not including mounts, pet animals, non-military ro- ics of excavation teams, Pitford could not hope to last long
bot servants, and organic slaves in chains or other fastening on the edge of the Great Ruins.
devices. This rule is mainly enforced to cash in on newcomers,
and disregarded by gate keepers if familiar excavators are us- Social Details: In many respects, Pitford is typical for any
ing this town as a routine base camp, returning every night or excavator-support base town, attracting all manner of hu-
two for a month while exploring the vast ruins nearby. manity, synthetic humans, self aware androids and robots,

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 53

and intelligent animals. Each resident or guest brings with plated topside dome roof of town. The Saloon’s roof has
him, her or it a unique social background, but is encour- a helicopter and airship landing pad for important out of
aged to downplay or keep secret any cultural or personal town guests, and weekly resupply; guarded twenty four
expressions, views or religious notions which might clash hours a day by a town militia unit who operate a heavy bal-
with those of other beliefs. The main perspective and cul- lista in a raised, hand cranked, rotating cage.
tural trait any person here must embrace and express is The main floor has 18 long tables which seat 10 peo-
that of excavation and adventure, followed by the survival ple each, as well as an L-shaped metallic bar, and two pri-
of the town. Adventure, archeology, history, relic research, vate meeting rooms that can be rented for 40sp per eve-
biological documentation of new life forms, and cartogra- ning and are big enough to seat 20 people.
phy are the prized deeds of citizens here, even by those A pair of steel staircases allow access to the upper
who can’t participate in dig expeditions, such as those floors where resident prostitutes and bar staff make their
who are too old, seriously crippled, too young or faint of homes, but so too, travelers can rent spare rooms. Rooms
heart. On the other hand, trouble making folk who make with two single beds go for 5 silvers per night, while a
a fuss because so and so has too many wives, or this room with a double bed is 6sp. Four person bunk rooms
person is gay, or that person is an android, or what’s his cost 10sp and finally 12 person bunk rooms rent at 24sp
name is a pot smoking monk of the Saffron Order, are the per night.
sorts of loud mouthed people who are socially shunned There is also a basement tier to this bar, but is off
or taken aside in the night and threatened or beaten and limits to all but invited guests and owners, and access
told to shut their mouths. Excavators are the highest most guarded by two huge mutants (elite soldiers with 2 prime
respected caste in such a town, and all newcomers are mutations and a relic weapon each). It is rumored that
welcome as long as they don’t kill or hurt anybody inno- beneath the main saloon here are numerous private gam-
cent, tip well, use the local services and at least hint that bling chambers, pit fighting rings, and prostitution loung-
they will stand and fight if the town comes under attack. es housing unimaginable oddities.
There is no unique clothing or hair style here, at least The actual Dust Devil Saloon bar area is a favorite
nothing that is not entirely practical such as clothing among excavators, attracting and welcoming to all includ-
that protects against the sand and sun, or shaved heads ing self aware robots, androids, plantoids, beastial hu-
among most men, and camouflages print ponchos and mans, halfies and other bizarre customers. Keeping the
packs. peace here is a heavy infantry robot and about a half doz-
en well muscled men with clubs who serve as bouncers
Resources and Industry: All food and most drinking wa- (treat as soldiers who will wield their wooden truncheons
in two hands). In spite of the bouncers, fights do break
ter is brought into town by individual travelers, traders, wag-
on caravans, and airships, although some rainwater is col- out, and the whores occasionally pickpocket from clients,
lected and stored in vast private and municipal tanks. In but otherwise, it is a primary destination for diggers of
the event of a siege, there is enough food and water to sup- all ranks. Regionally, the ’Devil’ is also known as a great
ply the community for six months, after which severe ra- place for a wanna-be ruin looter to try and join an exist-
tioning will be implemented, livestock and riding animals ing adventure team, or along with other newbies, create
eaten, and cannibalism among the less picky citizens an- a new squad. Meals cost about 3 silvers a plate, while
ticipated, with the dead on both sides being sold as food. drinks run from three to as much as 12sp a mug:
The primary industry is ruin exploring and any related ‘spin
off’ businesses which support the digger trade. Excess rel- Table CR-3-5 Cost of Drink at the Dust Devil Saloon
ics, plastic treasures and other non-military or non-medical
ancient items are sent to Overpass for a more civilian popu- Beverage Price
lace to purchase and enjoy, often as ornaments, curiosities
or housing materials. Glass of certified water 8sp
Glass of imported fruit juice 12sp
Accommodations and Entertainment: Pitford thrives on Overpass Beer, pint 5sp
the excavation trade. Without the ‘grave robbers’ and their
almost daily forays into the Great Ruins, this place would Pitford Brewing Lager pint 3sp
cease to exist. Catering to the looter caste, then, is essen-
tial, and the citizenry here work long hours to please their Pitford Brewing Stout, pint 4sp
customers as best they can. Nearly every business in op- Pitford Brewing Dark Beer, pint 5sp
eration here serves the digger caste in one way or another Red wine glass 6sp
, and so, no other community in the region comes close to
the number of accommodations, services and entrainment White wine glass 6sp
venues per capita as does this fortified outpost. While the Shot of whisky 5sp
full Pitford book details all these services, and of these a
useful mix are also included in the free Pitford Lite book Shot of vodka 4sp
available to SOE (Society of Excavators Members), the fol-
lowing selection should offer a GM and players a good mix While enjoying the fare at the Saloon, characters will most
of venues, described briefly. Locations detailed in the free likely run into interesting patrons, some friendly, some
Pitford Lite book are different than the selection noted in greedy, and others downright dangerous. Likewise, a fair
this book to avoid overlap. number of possible hirelings are always present in the eve-
ning and can be paid to accompany a dig team as guides,
Dust Devil Saloon shovellers, or extra security. The first table on the next page
Situated in a four story building which once served as the offers a selection of random bar encounters, while the sec-
community’s secondary stronghold, this enormous en- ond table, also on page 54, supplies the GM with a list of
tertainment spot is housed within and bolted to ancient possible employable Pitford hirelings.
concrete slabs which jut upwards right through the metal

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Encounters in The Dust Devil Saloon: Any time of day, Harper’s Bridge, and then due west across Gold Grass Plain,
2d6 prostitutes, 2d6 commoners women as serving staff, over Crater Bridge, toward the Tainted Sea and onto the fair
d6+2 commoner men as barkeeps. Serving as bouncers are town of Safe Port. He will pay the characters 100 silver coins
2d6 soldiers with clubs and a heavy infantry robot. Additional- each for their armed guard services, plus pay for all food and
ly, populate the saloon with 2d6+6 bar patron rolls from chart board for 2 days once reaching the community. The cargo is sal-
C, page 385 by day, and 4d6+10 rolls by night, with a 3 in 10 vaged wire, glass, piping, a toilet, sink and assorted plastic trin-
chance of a unique encounter per half hour from the follow- kets; all of it heavy and somewhat worthless to those in Pitford,
ing list, roll d8: but quite valuable to the townsfolk on the seashore.
6. When the waitress brings the characters their order, she
d8 Table CR-3-6 Encounters in the Dust Devil Saloon slips a piece of paper into the hand of the best looking male
PC. Roll d6 to see what the note reads: 1,2. “The bar keep
1. A pair of inexperienced but eager young excavator wan- said he overheard some cut throats planning to bushwhack
nabes at the bar try to get the character’s attention by smil- you as soon as you leave the saloon. Their spy is watching
ing and waving. Once noticed, they come over to the PCs and you from the end of the bar.” There is, in fact, a rough look-
one asks “Say, we just arrived from the city and are curious if ing, sour faced mutant at the far end of the bar who from
you could use some new members for your next archeologi- time to time peers over at the characters. The GM can de-
cal expedition? “ cide if there is any truth to this warning. / 3,4. “My name is
2. A prostitute slides up alongside the most handsome male Karissa. I am a Freehold Scout. You are in Danger. The own-
character in the group and assertively sits down on his lap. ers of Champions Gladiatorial Pit have it in their mind that
Unless shoved away immediately, she will begin to kiss the some of you would make fine fighting slaves. Mitcho, the
man on the mouth and then whisper naughty suggestions owner, and his goons are organizing to drug you and cap-
in his ear, all the while groping him. If the fellow is good na- ture you within the next day or two. You should head out of
tured and just basks in the attention, the woman will even- town for a bit.”/ 5,6. “You’re hot. My husband is away with
tually tell him that she charges 4sp for an hour upstairs in his mistress. Come to my house at midnight when I get off.
her quarters. If he refuses her or is indecisive, she shrugs Go to unit 97 on March street. I’ll be expecting you.”
and says “Maybe next time,” and moves off. There is a 1 in 7. The characters sit next to another adventure team (which
6 chance she is also a pickpocket of 2+d2 skill points and happen to be about the same in number but appear at least
will have made an attempt to rob something of value from one rank higher in experience, with a few better relics and gen-
the man as she groped him. eral outfitting). One of the diggers calls over to the PCs and,
3. A group of grim faced thugs (4+d4 raiders, half being mu- roll d6: 1,2. “Hey, newbs. You better stay out of our area of the
tants with a ‘physical alteration’ minor mutation each), sit at a ruins. We’ve claimed a lot of it and if we see you out there...
nearby table, barely touching their drinks. Every so often one we might mistake you for warmorts or moaners or something
is seen looking over at the characters but turns away when and open up. Watch yourselves, eh!”/ 3,4. “You headin’ into
noticed. If the PCs leave the saloon building - as opposed to the ruins tomorrow? If so, I sure hope you got better weapons
staying in a rented room upstairs - the hoodlums get up a mo- and armor than that! Maybe you should leave the real digging
ment later and follow the PCs out. While not actively showing to us pros.”/ 5,6. “Hey, if you’re heading to the ruins, let me
aggression, this unsavory group of men are clearly tagging wish you good luck. If we see you here after your next dig, we’ll
along behind the PCs about twenty meters back. If outnum- buy a beer, at least for those of you still alive.”
bering the characters, then the thugs will speed up and try to 8. The characters watch as an excavator wanna-be is repeat-
overtake and then hold up the travelers. On the other hand, if edly rejected from other adventure teams. He or she finally
the PCs are too many or too tough looking, the raiders will do comes up to the PC’s table. The game master can decide if
nothing unless a random roll occurs whereby more raiders, the person is actually an enemy agent, somebody known for
slavers, bounty hunters or other results occur, as these bar- bad luck on previous digs, or a viable option for a replace-
room goons were part of the new group all along, and try to ment PC for a player who has lost a character. Use table 1-
block the escape of the PCs. 1 in the hub rules to determine the character type, with the
4. The characters notice a solitary excavator up at the bar. player picking the gender.
If the GM wishes, this could be a relative, old militia buddy
or other familiar person from either the pre-game life of Employable Pitford Hirelings: Various hirelings will al-
the PCs, or, somebody they met elsewhere during the gam- ways be lurking in the Dust Devil Saloon or waiting at the
ing campaign. On the other hand, If this is a total stranger, North Gates of Pitford at dawn, offering their shovel and pack
the NPC excavator happens to look over and see the PCs services for pay. Roll d10 for a random selection:
observing him or her. Thinking the PCs want to talk to the d10 Table CR-3-7 Employable Pitford Hirelings
loner, he or she comes over to the characters and offers
to buy a round of drinks and discuss joining the next expe-
dition, a sort of trial run to see if the new digger is a good 1. Commoner men, 6+d6, with shovels, pick axes and back-
match for the group. packs, wearing junk armor and helmets, each armed with a dag-
5. A crew of five men (militia soldiers) and their well dressed ger, machete and crossbow, willing to accompany excavators to
and relic armed employer (merchant) walk into the saloon and the ruins and help uncover sites and set up a base camp, but will
grab a table nearby. Roll d6: 1-3. The characters overhear the not enter underground ruins or skyscrapers. They work for 25sp
merchant talking to the waitress about posting a notice up each, per day.
which offers passage by airship, the next day, to Steel Hill for 2. Militia Soldiers, 5+d3, each armed with a musket and a mus-
a fee of only 25sp per person. The characters can take this op- ket pistol, no shields. They will work for 40sp per day, and will
portunity for a rare cheap flight south to explore new territory./ accompany excavators anyplace except underground or into sky-
4-6. The merchant notices the characters and initially smiles at scrapers. They prefer to guard a base camp or escort people to
them, calls over a waitress and orders the PCs a round of beers. other towns as far away as 150km.
A half hour later the man comes over, grinning, and makes to 3. Savages, 10+d6 who for 10sp each per day, will escort the PCs
shake everybody’s hands. He offers the characters a job of es- to the edge of the ruins and wait there for up to six days, and set
corting a caravan of several (d6+8) mules south to the end of up a camp, along with any other friendly groups or personnel who

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 55

are waiting at this entrance point. They will fight bravely for the vators an armed escort home). For an additional 100sp, a dig-
PCs if attacked coming to and from this point, but won’t enter the healer (excavator with WC-RC and 2+d4 healer skill points can be
ruins, fearing that it is bad luck for their people, but fine for non- placed on standby at the edge of the ruins in a concealed, pre-as-
believers such as the PCs. signed spot, along with 4+d4 militia soldiers with muskets. This
4. A commoner teen who knows the way to the edge of the ruins. medic will await the PC team as they leave the ruins. In addition,
For 5sp he will show the PCs the safest way using maximum cover this agent, 80% chance a male otherwise a woman, can arrange
and concealment, and to a rarely used and less looted area of rooms, baths, dinners, meetings with higher rank excavators, and
the Great Ruins. He will not follow but instead return to town after romps with the best looking, most talented, generous call girls in
guiding the PCs to the spot. town. Such an agent can also get characters reduced jail times
5. A group of scavengers, d6+4, each with a relic weapon WC-R, for brawling or petty crimes, and speak on their behalf if they are
who for 10sp per day will accompany the party as far as they will in any sort of trouble anyplace in the Northern Freehold.
go into the ruin, but not underground and not up into skyscrap- 10. Roll d8, but this is a ruse! Once a few klicks out of town,
ers. When, or if, the PCs turn back to Pitford, these scavengers the hirelings will be joined by a group of their associates: d6:
will continue on, heading to far away Rust Town in the Shattered 1-3. 8+d6 Purists on horseback, who
Region. have been slaying mutants all the
6. A squad of 10+d10 militia soldiers, each way from The Holy Purist Em-
with a crossbow, will escort the charac- pire. They are treated as mili-
ters to a concealed ‘wait-point’ on the tia soldiers, each with a bow.
edge of the ruins and keep camp for They will butcher all mutants,
up to six days at a cost of 10sp per sol- cyborgs and androids, and
dier, per day. take any pure stocks or synthet-
7. A gang of rough looking men and ic humans as slaves back to Pure
women (d6+3 of each gen- Hub City. / 4,5. Raiders, 3d6, plus
der) will accompany the PCs one raider leader with an assault
to a secure ‘wait-point’ out- rifle, on foot, who will rob sur-
side the main ruin area’ for rendering PCs of everything
up to 3 days, for a cost of and let them go free, but
7sp each per day. They naked. / 6. The hirelings
will guard the PC’s are mutants, each with
tents and gear as a ghost mutation, who
they explore deeper are actually from the
into the land of the Dominion of Aberra-
oldsters, and help tia and whom have
cover the retreat of decided the PC team
the PCs when they flee should be enlisted to
back to town. fight the Purists in the
8. d6+2 Militia sol- woodland war near River-
diers with muskets grad. 4d6 Mutants (mi-
and a war dog each, litia soldiers each with
will escort the PCs a prime mutation and
to and from the ru- crossbow, mounted on
ins, but while inside riding dog, surround the
the ruins, will not en- group and demand that
ter skyscrapers or un- any cyborgs, pure stocks,
derground, and instead clones, bioreplicants and
will wait at a concealed trans-humans (and an-
overwatch point at street droids who look clearly hu-
level. They charge 20sp man) drop their weapons
per man per day. and step back from their
9. Excavators Agent! For a fee divine mutant superiors,
of 200sp per day, this mutant (1 and drop their weapons.
prime mutation, treat as nomadic If the group fails to com-
trader) will hire himself on as the ply, they will be attacked,
team’s official agent. Using a com- all pure strains and syn-
municator, and giving the PCs an- thetic persons killed, all
other which is channel linked to the others captured and en-
same frequency will standby back slaved. If the PCs do as
in Pitford to offer assistance they are told, they
to the team. If the charac- will be separated;
ters are in trouble, mutants taken
this agent can to Rivergrad as
have an airship draftees (see Riv-
arrive in the ruins ergrad) and all
within 2d6 hours, pure stains and
or, if the PCs radio their mimics will be taken to
that they are on the way out, he can hire, Newburg and sold into slavery, their weapons, weapon
on their behalf, a unit from the above list (roll d8 to come to PCs implants and gear absorbed into the Aberrationist unit. As a
aide and meet them at the edge of the ruins to give the exca- group, they will all head south immediately.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 56

Ellis Motel Hollywood Brothel

Situated within the outer walls of Pitford, the four Story El- Right next door to the Ellis Motel is the Hollywood Brothel.
lis motel is set back from the hectic pace and noise of busy This somewhat dilapidated, three floor whore house is small-
Core Street. The lodging house appeals to travelers seek- er and less well considered than the impressive Cleopatra’s
ing modestly priced, quiet facilities where they heal up af- over on Core Street, its prostitutes not so attractive, nor ea-
ter a long ruin expedition in the nearby ruins. For the bud- ger, the beer and wine (3sp a cup) watered, and the cliental
get minded digger, the ground floor common room offers often poorer. Still, the manager, a self aware concubine an-
beds at a reasonable 2sp per night, while the second floor droid named Gisha-lolly99, who lacks legs and is strapped
is outfitted with four person rooms at 6sp per night, while to an old wheeled office chair, runs the facility with gusto.
the third floor has 8 person rooms lined with 4 bunks, pri- She is known for both her raunchy language and her abil-
vate latrines and small sitting areas overlooking the south- ity to pair the perversions of a client with a hooker who will
ern flats beyond town. These 8 person rooms cost 20sp per most likely suit the customer’s kinks.
night. The fourth floor is locked and off limits and is more of The Hollywood Brothel, as the name implies, is decorat-
an attic than a true habitation floor. Here, militia snipers are ed with artifacts from the old world film industry, particularly
posted during times of siege but it is otherwise filled with the porn biz which was once so prevalent in old California.
food and water supplies owned by the Association of Busi- Blockbuster movie and adult film posters line the walls, pink
ness Owners as an emergency stockpile. flamingos hang here and there and the main desk where the
legless android works is a bright green surf board.
Dale’s Supply Customers wishing to spend time with a prostitute here
Located at the north end of Core street, and being the near- can either pay by the hour or stay the whole night. An hourly
est adventuring supply depot to the gate leading to the rate is 5+d6sp per hour or 10+d10sp to stay the night, with
Great Ruins, Dale’s Supply is a busy place. Here, excavators the average appearance score of the women working here
can buy everything noted on the trade goods listing found in being 20+2d20. All fees payable in advance, with the money
the hub rules book on pages 94 and 95, however, food, wa- conveyed to a back room lock up area and the entire place
ter, beer and wine all cost four times the stated price due to protected by a police-bot who is known to severely beat
the difficulties in transporting such items north along Unity thieves or those who mistreat the employees. Once neu-
Road. Besides the regular items there is always a chance tralizing a troublemaker, the machine will strip the culprits
of some additional rare finds being for sale. Consult the nude, steal everything he owns, and then drag the offender
table below if players ask if such and such an item is avail- to the militia personnel at Gun Station Patton, next door.
able. The most commonly requested items are ammo and Prostitution in Pitford, as with much of the new era
charged power cells. world, is not seen as such a questionable, morally corrupt-
ing career path as it was in
the old world. The culture
Table CR-3-8 Dales Excavation Supply Relics for sale Table of the Crossroads Region
Possible Relics for Sale Chance and number present Cost has arisen from a broken
civilization, from huddled
groups of survivors, refu-
Standard pistol rounds 67% chance d20 available 20+d20sp ea. gees and lawless barbar-
Standard rifle rounds 43% chance d20 available 30+d20sp ea. ians. Pre-devastation world
notions of the family unit,
High caliber pistol rounds 11% chance d10 available 50+d20sp ea. morality and right and
High caliber rifle rounds 9% chance d8 available 70+d20sp ea. wrong were abandoned in
the dark years and are only
Armor piercing rounds 7% chance 2d6 available 90+d100sp ea. now reemerging along with
Shotgun shells 54% chance 2d6 available 24+d20sp ea. the fledgeling communities
of humanity.
Shotgun slugs 27% chance 2d6 available 80+d20sp ea. All who live in the new
era struggle, sacrifice, and
1L Canisters of alcohol fuel 61% chance 2d6 L available 10+d20sp per liter
often endure humiliation
Dart gun darts* 36% chance 2d6 available 20+d20sp ea. and peril, often for little or
no pay. Besides excavators
Mini power cell, full 38% chance d8 available 140+d100sp ea. who risk their lives under
Power cell, full 43% chance d10 available 250+2d100sp ea. the most extreme situa-
tions, commoners also put
Power pack, full 6% one available 1000+d1000sp themselves in danger on a
Scrap relic armor 76% d6 suites available 200+d100sp ea. daily basis when working
fields, harvesting timber,
Sports padding armor** 43% d3 suites available 180+d100sp ea. or fishing the predator rich
Ballistic vest 36% d3 available 300+2d100sp ea. waters of lakes and seas.
Of course, lone street walk-
Riot armor** 29% d4 suites available 400+2d100sp ea. ers, drug addicted and en-
slaved sex workers have a
Tactical armor** 12% d2 suites available 500+3d100sp ea. very different view of their
Riot shield 52% d6 available 130+d100sp ea. occupation, and for them,
life is as dangerous as any-
Ballistic shield 31% d2 available 300+2d100sp ea. thing a ruin explorer might
*Requires poison or disease, etc. to be injected into each dart. face, but without the po-
**Comes with helmet for type of armor (sports helmet for sports padding, army helmets for other types).
tential rewards.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 57

Brothel employed prostitutes, on the other hand, sac- Jo Jo’s Weed: This dope shop allows anyone to buy mari-
rifice regular monogamous romantic relationships for a juana for 15sp for a regular joint, 30sp for a party joint, 75sp for
roof over their heads, regular meals, protection, relative 100 grams or 250sp for 500 grams. While most excavators like
luxury, and the often misplaced adoration of regular, gift to keep their wits about them at all times, even when in a settle-
bearing customers. In general, many brothel workers of ment, pot makes for a light weight, highly valuable and calming
the epochian age consider their profession in high regard, trade item when dealing with savages, marauding biker barbar-
referring to themselves as courtesans, or high class es- ians, and most humanoids. 500 grams might just be enough
corts. For the most part, the whores plying their craft in to negotiate safe passage across a strip of territory, or buy the
a brothel do so by choice, or lack of a better plan. Some freedom of captives.
are runaways, others born into the profession, a few are
widows with children to feed, and still others are addicted Kang’s Slave Mart: While deeply hated, and often at-
to some substance but not yet out of control enough to be tacked, this stoutly built business sells all manner of slaves.
thrown out into the street for stealing or being unenthusi- Officially, slaves must be ‘legitimate’, that is, criminals, debt-
astic lovers to customers. ors, captives of war or hostile humanoid species, as well as an-
Every so often, however, a customer meets a hired droids, and synthetic humans. It is illegal for anyone to simply
partner that is there against her will. There is thus a 1 in 6 grab a citizen or visitor to Pitford or people of the Northern Free-
chance that a prostitute will confess to a kindly customer hold or their allied citizens, and sell them or force them to be a
that she is in fact a slave, bought and kept against her will, slave. Criminals, of course, disregard this and all laws, and so
and beseech the character to meet her someplace outside sometimes nab a character and sell him or her to Kang’s. If the
the brothel and take her to Overpass or some other regional character doesn’t end up in Champions Fighting Pit, he might
community. These women are occasionally less than sin- be discovered for sale by comrades. Fellow characters may usu-
cere in their life stories, and may be working with local thugs ally buy the prisoner back at a cost is 50+d100sp.
who may be waiting in the back street behind a brothel to
beat, rob and in turn, enslave gullible, kind hearted men. Kit’s Washers & Bath: For an excavator whose been
in the dust heaps or in the Old War Zone for a week, there is
Power Cell Recharging nothing like a hot bath and freshly washed clothes to make
Also, for an additional service to excavators, see Technolog- him or her feel normal again. The cost for this service 15sp for
ical Level, on page 50 for power cell recharge services. the bath and 4sp for the laundry service.
Other Services Lady Luck Hostel: Poor? Not willing to risk sleeping in
As can be seen from the Pitford map on page 61, a wide a dangerous, filthy alley someplace? The Lady Luck Hostel
range of other shops and services are available. The full Pit- might be the answer, although the risk of getting one’s valu-
ford book is 246 pages in length and obviously too long to ables stolen or some personal violation happening is sub-
detail here. That said, a brief run down on a few other useful stantial. The cost to stay in the vast, bunk filled common room
services in Pitford are noted below: here is only 1 silver coin. The odds of an attempted robbery
or assault is about 45% if the person is alone, of 14% chance
Caravan Office: There is a 10% chance , per day, plus per person if travelling with one or more comrades.
4% added chance each day thereafter, that a trade cara-
van will leave Pitford for Overpass. The cost to ride in a near Mixer’s Radio Service: Besides broadcasting a wide
empty wagon back to the city is d6+2 silver coins, the cost assortment of regional news, Northern Freehold sponsored
fluctuating based on the mood of the wagon’s owner, time propaganda, and an eclectic mix of old world tunes, Mixer,
of year, recent attacks along the treacherous road south, the pure stock owner-operator of the business will broadcast
and so on. messages for customers. The cost to transmit to a friendly
community’s own receiving radio service, within the region, is
Champions Fighting Pit: More of an iron and chain link 25sp, while the fee to send to a known communicator num-
enclosed area than a mere pit. This popular place exhibits ber in the region is 40sp.
numerous gladiatorial matches, along with other bizarre and
often lewd entertainment, nightly and cost a mere silver coin Pitside Reloaders: Ammunition can be reloaded here
to attend. Many of the fights involve over confident audience for various costs per cartridge or shell, however, depending
members, who are coaxed into the ring with the promise of on the amount of ammo handled, the wait time will vary. For
glory and riches if they defeat whatever champion warrior less than 10 rounds the wait is d3 days, while from 11 to
or freakish beast is selected to battle them for the crowd’s 100 rounds d6+4 days and over 100 rounds 12+d20 days
bloodthirsty pleasure. While illegal, many travelers end up per 100 rounds. The reload cost for standard pistol rounds is
kidnapped in the back streets of Pitford and find themselves 25sp each, rifle rounds 30sp, high calibre pistol rounds 38sp,
thrust onto the sandy floor of the fighting ring, some crude high calibre rifle rounds 42sp, shotgun shells 27sp and shot-
weapon in hand, facing God knows what across the 20m gun slugs 40sp. Fifity calibre ammo costs 100sp each to re-
wide, blood and body part strewn floor. load.
Fuel Depot: Greasy Pete, the armor skinned owner of the Sister Beth’s Hospital: Run by the pinked skinned, sil-
Fuel Depot, hates cyborgs and is 33% likely to proclaim that ver haired Sister Beth ad her two dozen nuns of The Order
he has no ethanol fuel to sell, that he is all out of supply, but of the Divine Tribulation, this volunteer, by donation hospital
will find plenty more for others who lack obvious implants. exists to serve the poor, and all excavators, whom this order
In most cases, d6 liters are available at a cost of 40+d20sp deems divine. Wounded diggers can often get a bed here and
per liter, per customer, however, women of 30 or better ap- under the care of the nuns, heal double their normal healing
pearance will find that they can get more fuel at a better rate rate per night spent here. Numerous other procedures can
(d6+2 liters for 30+d12sp per liter). also be conducted, with surgeries performed by medical ro-
bots and highly trained medic-nuns at a wide range of dona-

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 58

tion levels. For example, a donation fee of 4sp per night is

recommended for normal healing in a bed, while removing
a parasitic organism might cost 12sp, and attaching an im-
plant might run a person a modest 50sp.

Zack’s Funeral Services: Accidents happen and heroes

sometimes die. Showing respect for fallen loved ones and com-
rades is as popular as ever and at Zack’s, grieving comrades can
say goodbye in style. Mourners can pay for a modest burial from as
low as 26sp, or go extravagant in order to please God or the ances-
tors with catering from Tyler’s eatery for 30 bereaved guests for
1200sp. All graves are placed well beyond the fortress walls.

Zulu Bob’s Casino: Let a beautiful hostess get you a

drink and guide you to such popular games as knife throw-
ing, spin the wheel of luck, poker, dice race of fate, and tooth
toss. This is a classy joint, as far as the post-apocalyptic world
goes, so no long guns or heavy armor, please. Cheaters, inci-
dentally, will be thrown out after a good natured beating.

For the Excavator: This is the only serious excavator’s

support town in the entire region, with open ground access
to the Western most edge of the Great Ruins, offering effec-
tive nighttime protection, excellent beverages, for-hire com-
panions, dozens of services, recharging of power cells, ammo
reloading, and the opportunity to not only buy supplies, but
occasionally purchase rare relic finds. Crime among fellow ex-
cavators is low here, and because the place is enclosed in a
metal grill and plate shell, flying predators are unlikely to be
encountered. The main threat while staying here is that the
place could become besieged by some humanoid or hostile
factional force, trapping adventurers for a month or more at
a time and calling upon them to fight alongside the citizens,
Freehold Scouts and town militia who guard the place.

For the Game Master: There is little about Pitford that is not
obvious. The threats of day to day exploration of the vast Great
Ruins is all the hazard and risk most excavators can handle, and
Unique Encounters
because the town is so well policed by citizens, visitors and local Daytime Street Encounters: d6 rolls for street occu-
commoners, random crime is no worse here than in Overpass. Es- pants from chart C, page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance of a
pionage, factional or religiously motivated violence, rivalry among unique encounter per passage from the following list, d6:
dig teams and capture attempts by bounty hunter, 1. A bounty hunter and his squad of 4 mutant sidekicks (each
however, do cause an awful fuss from time with a prime mutation but otherwise treated as a soldier) have
to time. Nevertheless, This place formed an impromptu checkpoint. The bounty hunter, with his ful-
is an excellent base ly loaded assault rifle held at the ready, occasionally looks from a
camp for excavation wanted poster in his hand and up to each passerby. Should a PCs
groups of any rank, have a bounty on his or her, make their checks to be noticed*. In
as well as a superb the event that a PC is wanted, and recognized, this bounty hunter
location for meeting will attempt to arrest, disarm and chain up the subject person. If
new PCs, hirelings a target person is accompanied by a powerful dig team, then this
and healing lost en- cunning man hunter will act like he doesn’t recognize the wanted
durance points. This person, and take measures to have the PCs followed and later
town is more fully assaulted elsewhere, preferably outside of town.
detailed in a free 2. An excavator, leaning on a crutch, head bandaged and looking
pdf supplement, all but dead, hobbles down the passage toward the characters.
called Pitford Lite He holds up a hand and, roll d6: 1-3. says: “Stop, friends. I beg
or the 246 page full you, give up the digger caste. I am the only one of my party who
version of the com- made it back from the ruins! I’m a broken man... destined to beg
munity setting book for my food from now on. Think of what could happen to you!”/ 4-
can be purchased in 6. “Hey, wait up! You seen any of these fellas?” He holds up some
print or pdf. rather good quality digital pictures of smiling men, mutants and
cyborgs. “They might not have been as lucky as me. We ran into
Online Resources: a garnock. Got separated. I tussled with a few skullies on the way
SOE Members out of the dust heaps... barely made it back alive. If you see any of
Only: New Era my friends, tell ‘em I’ll be waiting in the Dust Devil Saloon, okay?”
Prostitution (18+ 3. Prostitutes line ether side of the street here. They step out
only) / Town Sup- *Only checked if a character’s starting history, or events through game play, have estab-
plement: Pitford Lite. lished that an individual PC or NPC has a bounty on his or her head.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 59

into the paths of the male characters, murmuring promises

of carnal delights, purring like cats, stroking the cheeks and
arms of their potential clients. They each charge 3sp and will
try to lure men away to nearby enclosures, alcoves, hov-
els or parked wagons. If any character decides to join one
of these hookers, there is a 1 in 6 chance the fellow is
jumped by 2+d2 raiders with clubs who work with the pros-
titute to bait victims into secluded spots. Anyone knocked
out by these thugs will wake hours later, virtually naked
and bereft of any possessions.
4. If the characters grew up in the Crossroads Region, then a
random character of natural birth, regardless of being a mu-
tant or beastial human, etc. is recognized. Roll d6: 1-3. “Holy
shit!” Cries an excited voice. A peddler steps up from the pass-
ing street occupants and approaches the character, smiling
broadly. He knows the PC’s name and wants to shake his or
her hand. “Look how you’ve grown! I’m Athrid, a friend of your
families back home. You might not remember me, as its been
many years since I’ve been around to trade. While you’re
here in town, why not come stay at my home over on Memo-
ry Road? Got lots of room now that my wife... left me.”/ 4-6.
“You!” Screams an irate woman. A commoner drags a young
child behind her as she steps up to the character, pointing at
the PC. If it is a woman character, the enraged commoner de-
clares “You stole my husband, you slut!” And makes to slap
the female character (SV 01-50/ DMG d6 stun). If the random
PC is male, then this woman shoves the male and proclaims
“This is your child, you snake! You just had me then left in the
night like a dirty scoundrel! I’ve finally found you and you are
coming back home to Sandbarra with me to help raise our
child! Now say goodbye to your friends and follow me!”
5. A group of noisy street urchins (d6+5) block the passage
ahead, teasing passers by, throwing horse droppings at the el-
derly, shoving aside non-combatants and generally making a
terrible nuisance of themselves. When they see the characters,
this group of pre-teen punks stand aside and gawk at them, but
Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-1 (0-5) rolls for street
occupants on chart C, page 382 with a 4 in 10 chance per
utter crude comments: roll d8 a few times, re-rolling duplicated passage of a special encounter from the following. Roll d8.
results: 1. “Ugh, look at the fricken freaks!/ 2. “Who do they 1. The characters turn a corner and merge with a gathering
think they are, bloody Freehold Scouts or some shit like that?”/ of mutant hookers. These women (d6+4), although one or two
3. “Hey, losers, you’re all gonna die in the ruins. Gonna be might be transvestites, are aggressively working this corner and
meat on hooks by this time tomorrow.”/4. “Look at how they’re trying to drum up business from passing men. Each prostitute
dressed. What losers.” / 5. “Hey, cupcakes, yeah, I’m talkin’ has one physical alteration (minor mutation). One or more of
to you, pansy ass. You’re never gonna make it out of the ruins these street walkers will latch onto male characters and, with
armed like that. Must be half wits, eh?/ 6. Who cuts you’re hair, fervent groping, whispering and tugging, will try and urge the
man?“/ 7. “Hey, got any spare change? C’mon, we’re talking to men off the street into secluded corners, doorways, shacks and
you girls.”/ 8. “Are you my parents? What? No? Can I still inherit other dark spots. If unable to get a customer from among the
your shit once your dead?”/ 9. “Hey, sheep shaggers, why don’t PCs, each accosted male is potentially pick pocketed of some
you bring me back somethin’ nice from the rubble piles, like valuable item. If so, the hooker-thief is considered a d3 skill
maybe a vidgame console or concubine android?”/10. “Hey, point pickpocket; see table 1-39 page 48 of the Hub Rules.
you touched me inappropriately! You better pay me ten silvers 2. Its a stick up! If no town watchmen are about, then suddenly,
or I’m gonna f’n report you to the town watch, pervert!”/11. from a couple of shadowy doorways, around a cart, and dropping
“Now what the hell do we have here? These strangers are get- from some rafters are armed assailants (treat as raiders, with one
tin’ more freaky every year! Yuk!” 12. “Okay, that’s right. Just having a prime mutation, and another having an offensive implant
shove us aside like dirt! You and your kind are all just arrogant, from table 1-62 Hub Rules, page 84. There are one per charac-
dog mating, greedy, grave robbing, selfish pig woggling snobs. ter in number, plus d3 others who hang back holding crossbows,
Oh, and can you spare some change?” while the rest, in close range, (3m) extend blackened machetes.
6. A crippled excavators sits on a filthy blanket to one side, One growls from behind his mask. “We been watchin’ you. Thought
and calls out to the characters with his one remaining hand. we’d lighten your load. Now hands up while we pick through your
“Hey, comrades, could you spare an old digger a cup of water gear!, or die.” If the PCs give up, two of the raiders will sheath their
or scrap of food?” He asks for no money. If given food or wa- machetes and approach, digging through the character’s packs,
ter, he is very grateful, and looking about, hands you an an- pouches and holsters, taking any relics weapons, grenades, in-
cient plastic ID card. He tells the PCs that ID card is a swipe teresting gizmos, batteries, coins or rare articles. Once done, they
pass for the electric doors to an ancient underground bunker run off toward the nearest alley and try to escape.
in the ruins. “It’s no good to me anymore... without legs and 3. The characters pass a couple of poorly armed, fresh faced
all. Maybe you can find a use for it someday?” If pressed, or excavators, who stop to observe the PCs and nod respectfully
given more food and water, or silver, he could draw a map on especially if the characters are mid to high rank, or known
paper or in the sand at his feet, showing where he thinks the about Pitford for achieving some heroic deed. These newbie
old facility sits in relation to Pitford. diggers would be eager to join the PC party if invited.

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 60

4. Terrorist attack! Waiting until any town watch or Freehold tiles will commence a pursuit, but if not spotted, the PC can
Scouts are away from their ambush area, a group of Tribula- either observe, or trek around the enemy unit. The enemies
tionist Fanatics from Rock Spire attack. Intent on murdering are, roll d6: 1. 30+d20 skullocks, with 5 of them elite war-
excavators, whom they hate, these terrorists leap out from var- riors on riding dogs and armed with a relic weapon (WC-R)
ious hiding places and fire crossbows at the PCs They num- /2. 20+d20 Purist Conquistadors led by a mutant hunter; all
ber one per character, with at least on tribulationist a mutant on horseback./3. Aberrationist mutants on riding dogs, num-
with two prime mutations, otherwise treat them all as soldiers. bering 20+d20, their leader having an advance relic weapon
They will stand and fight to the death, going for sabers once (WC-AR)/4. Bipedal rats, 60+d100/5,6. Rock Spire Protec-
their crossbows have been discharged, range 6+d6 metes. tors (see page 285 for image), set up a sniper nest on a hill
5. Predators or humanoids have somehow infiltrated the out- 100+d100m away if at night, but 500+2d100m away dur-
er shell of Pitford, and happen to enter the passage where the ing daylight hours. The two soldiers are in camo ponchos well
characters are walking. Roll 3d6: concealed, however after their first shot, which they automati-
3. Centipede, black cally get initiative for, the PCs happen to see the muzzle flash
4. Spider, rubble and know basically where the shot came from. The protectors
5. Bats, devil 2 per character use a survival rifle, but both also pack fully loaded automat-
6. Doom moths 1 per Character ic pistols and machetes.. They have 10 +d20 standard rifle
7. Blood flyers, 2 per character rounds for the rifle, but only one magazine. Additionally, they
8. Plants, green walkers, 2 per character +d12 wear junk armor and are concealed, having a DV of -22.
9. Rats, bipedal, 2 per character +d6
10. Rats, gutter, 3 per character
11. Reptilius, 1 per character +d4
12. Scorpion, spotted
13. Bats, venomous d6
14. Skullock raiding party. 2 per character
15. Purist martyr suicide squad 3+ 1 militia solder per character,
armed with bows and machetes, fighting to the death and focus-
ing attacks on non-pure stock appearing targets only.
16. Moaners, 3+1 per Character
17. Lizards, venomous, d4
18. Spider, freakish

6. Pitford Town watch patrol. d6+4 militia soldiers with musket

rifles and fixed bayonets, roughly half men, half women, and two
of them with a prime mutation each. They won’t stop, inspect or
arrest anybody unless they are up to some sort of trouble, and
move on slowly, using a relic flashlight to peer up about.

Encounters Outside of Pitford: If the characters are trav-

elling within 10km of Pitford, GMs can use the following sample
encounters to bring a local flavor to the area. Make one check
per hour by day, one check every half hour by night, with a 2 in
6 chance of an encounter per check, rolling d6 by day, d6+2 by
night from the following list: 4. The travelers come upon a trail of fresh blood leading across
1. Junk Storm! Characters are allowed a perception based their path. The PCs can either ignore it or cautiously follow it. If
type D hazard check to see and hear the coming storm be- they follow the red stain through he chaparral, rubble, cacti and
fore it hits, and if so, giving them d6 minutes to either wrap bunch grass, they come to a gory scene. Roll d6: 1-3. A lone
protective sheeting around themselves take cover in rubble or excavator fights off a pack of mutant dogs, employing a pair of
some sort of crater or trench. Those not with exposed skin are daggers as his last resort. There are 5+d6 of the vicious canines
shredded by grit, flakes of metal, twigs, plastic chips and glass and without the PC’s help, the hard pressed digger can’t last
fragments and take d6 damage per minute of exposure. Those much longer. If rescued the grateful fellow will explain that his
who are wrapped up but do not seek cover might be smacked entire team has been wiped out, that if the PCs will get him to
by or impaled on large flying objects, such as sheets of plasti- Pitford, he will reward them with an empty but workable pump
glas, metal siding, branches, plastic pipes, and traffic signs, shotgun. He is retiring from the excavator caste./ 4-6. A badly
forcing 1 attack per minute of the storm, with attacks on each wounded Freehold Scout drags herself though the grass, bleed-
exposed person at a strike value of 01-50, damage d12 lethal ing badly. If aided, she will beseech the characters to take her
and d20 stun. The storm passes after d20 minutes. to the freehold headquarters at the south gate of Pitford. She
2. Coming to a high point in the ground, the PCs spot a junk states that her patrol was wiped out by Rock Spire Tribulation-
crafted, new era airship hovering low over the rubble, cactus ists, that she is the solitary survivor. If brought to her people, the
and weed strewn landscape. The airship seems to be lifting off character’s names will be noted in the log book for future con-
after doing something on the ground. The craft is almost a kilo- sideration when the order is looking for recruits to invite. Also, by
meter away, but the markings on it clearly visible as, roll d6: 1-3. saving this woman, most any crime the characters might have
A wavy cross-like dagger/ 4-6. a two headed eagle. been wanted for in the Northern Freehold, is forgiven.
3. Hostiles! The characters happen upon a large body of en- 5,6. Beast: Roll d6: Urcellia d4/2. Spiders, dune 2d6+2/3.
emy units. The hostiles are spotted 100+d100m away by day Scorpions, cave d3/4. Plants, green walkers 4d6/5. Lizard,
but only 20+d20m by night. They appear to be some sort of skulking render/6. Insect, black centipede.
scouting force. The lead PC in the marching order is allowed 7,8. Nocturnal Beast Roll d6: 1. Owl, black/2. Pitslime /3. Bats,
a type A perception based hazard check in order to spot the devil 3d6/ 4. Moaners, d6+2/5. Worm, huge-jaw/ 6. Wolves,
enemy before being spotted him or herself. If spotted the hos- mutant d4+3

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The Crossroads Region Part Three: Northern Freehold 61

MAP CR-3: Street Level of Pitford (Reprinted from Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins)

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Part Four:
The Lower Freehold
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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 63

The Lower Freehold

In the year 2294, forces of the Holy Purist Empire began to an- with columns of junk armored troops, but instead with teams
nex villages all across the southern extent of the region, their of mercenaries, volunteer excavation units, and a relic machine
bloody war of cleansing and conversion forced hundreds to of the likes no one had seen in many hundreds of years. In the
flee with their lives and few precious belongings. In reaction spring of 2327, one prominent vehicle, ‘The Liberator’, a relic
to the Purist jihad, most mutants headed toward the coast tank mounted with rocket launchers, twin beam cannons and
through Twisted Wood and joined the army of the growing heavy machine guns made its way from Overpass. It came from
Dominion of Aberratia, while many others, including synthet- behind the enemy lines, accompanied by heavy cavalry on great
ic humans, cyborgs, beastial humans, plantoids, self aware horses, loaded with basket loads of armed mutants and cyborgs
androids and a great many pure stock humans who had mu- with relic weapons, supported by airships loaded with musket
tant spouses, family members or children, fled across Bitter men and oil bombs.
Bog to the small farming commu- The threat to the Purelands by
nities which then existed in the this small but unstoppable force
Southern Steppe area. The Pur- required the pull back of many
ist forces eventually entered the Purist Conquistadors, who in their
swamp but met a bloody end at retreat became disorganized and
the hands of three separate en- cut off from food supplies, com-
emies. Reptili ‘lizard men’ from a manders, and other units. In
local tribe called the ‘Wadangos’, the confusion, bipedal rats, rep-
harried the Purist lines day and tilius, and other intelligent be-
night, while Aberrationists irregu- ings launched their own attacks,
lars attacked out of the northern on all humans, seeing their own
forests, and defending human chance to reclaim lost territory.
refugees blocked the purist ad- To the Dominion of Aberratia,
vance from the western edge of who were also fighting the Purists
the bog. Unable to engage the and encouraged by the success
fleeing humans, as well as both of The Liberator and joint Free-
the Reptilius and Aberrationist hold action, became emboldened
forces at one time, the Purists and decided to take back the far
withdrew and focused on spread- side of Barter River, and possibly
ing the law of their God north- sack Stalwart. The Aberrationist
ward, battling the Aberrationists attempts failed, but did pull yet
along Barter River. Lower Freehold Emblem
more Purist troops out of the LF.
The lull in the ‘Bog Land War’ Within a month, the NF tank was
allowed the communities of the Southern Steppe to organize destroyed by the hammering blows of catapult stones, the NF
some sort of combined defense, and after a few short meet- cavalry of great horses dispersed or cut down, and the Purist
ings, the Lower Freehold or LF was established. This loose borders along Barter River restored. The many engagements on
knit alliance of about eight communities sent their bravest multiple fronts cost the Purists dearly, however, and the conquest
and best to Steel Hill to form the Southern Rangers, then sim- of the Lower Freehold was temporarily abandoned, although the
ply called Freedom Fighters. Purists did manage to level many heretical LF towns and villages,
Between the years 2296 and 2328, the Holy Purist Em- leaving only the wicked, mixed race communities of Sandbarra,
pire had established a firm border on other fronts, and was Sorrow and Steel hill intact upon the plains, and the town of Sea
able to dig in, erect forts, and spare a few thousand sol- Home along the Pacific coast completely unscathed.
diers to deal with the Lower Freehold. To the Purist clergy,
the Freehold was considered a soft, unorganized and poorly Present Times: To this day, the continued fighting between
defended obstacle, and the proximity of demonic communi- the Holy Purist Empire and the LF persists. So too, the in-
ties living so close to the blessed borders of The Purelands cursions of The Dominion of Aberratia, who claims the en-
was unacceptable, and an affront to God’s Will. Thus it was tire Freehold area as its own rightful territory, while Wadango
ordained that the Lower Freehold communities would be in- reptilius and bipedal rats harass and raid from the east and
vaded, the mutants and other non-humans massacred, the west. The Southern Rangers of the Lower Freehold are the
pure stocks converted to Puritanism. sole reason the faction retains its current boundaries, and in
As it turned out, the Southern Rangers had spies within association with Freehold Scouts from the friendly Northern
the Purelands, and even within the Purist army. When the Pur- Freehold, have established a network of spies, strike teams
ist invasion forces did invade, they found a populace which was and watchers up and down the region, making any intrusion
adequately prepared, unified, and cunning. While the Freehold- by enemies costly to the trespassers.
ers did not have the massive army of the attackers, they did
have a variety of bizarre mutants, powerful androids, robotic The Town of Memory: While the community of Memory is
minions, deadly cyborg squads, and detachments of humans near to The Lower Freehold, and friendly with it, they decline
mounted on ghastly freakish beasts which terrified the Purist membership for reasons not altogether clear to the officials of
horses. The years which followed saw terrible pitched battles, Steel Hill, where the Lower Freehold maintains its governing
long sieges, the burning of many Freehold communities, and at offices. The most prevalent rumor for Memory’s reluctance to
times, the impending destruction of the Lower Freehold itself. join the faction is that either the Purists or the Dominion of Ab-
It was The Northern Freehold, or NF, who also fought the Purist erratia have threatened to immediately wipe out the commu-
fundamentalists, who managed to send support, not so much nity if it does join; however, true or not, this does not stop the

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 64

locals of Memory from welcoming Southern Rangers or others The seat of government within the Lower Freehold lies in Steel
who are allied to the independent state. Hill, where the Brandun Clan has held power since the com-
munity’s inception. While the other communities never
The Southern Rangers: As previously noted, the Lower Free- formerly agreed that the capital
hold is a collection of self governing communities which have should be Steel Hill, it was nev-
modeled their dealings after the success of the Northern Free- ertheless the obvious choice,
hold’s leadership style. Besides local community militias and since the majority of the pop-
armed forces, the faction has also copied the success of the ulation, bulk of the Rangers
Freehold Scouts of the NF and created their own elite force and nation’s armed forces re-
called the Southern Rangers. The Rangers exist to patrol the side here, likewise, it was the
vast tracks of excellent farm land around the towns, watch most defensible settlement.
the roads and borders, spy on their enemies, and uphold Currently, her Prominence the
the common laws. Their presence allows trade to flour- Countess Estella Brandun
ish, agricultural lands to be tilled, and the rat and lizard rules the Freehold, aided
folk to be kept beyond the frontier. by a council of twenty
four experts in all man-
Joining the Rangers: The Southern Rang- ner of technology, his-
ers are always looking for new recruits, to both tory, religion, lore and
swell the ranks of the order as well as to re- known fact. These ad-
place the many heroes who are killed every visors guide the young mutant
month. Normally, only those born in the LF are queen as best they can, for she
accepted, since the both mutants and generic is rumored to be a tempestuous
humans count among the nation’s enemies, and ruler, with wild rages, boundless
so it is difficult to trust an unfamiliar man or passions and a set of extraordinary,
mutant who attempts to enlist. In most cases, otherworldly mutations. Enemies both
Freehold Ranger spies learn of the doings of foreign and domestic seek to depose
a group of adventurers or mercenaries, and the young woman. She has been hard to as-
when they are satisfied that the individuals sassinate due both to her deviations and
are neither Purists nor mutant supremacists, relic arsenal and so too, her escort of body
cultists or other religious crack pots, an officer guards who accompany her everywhere
of the Rangers will personally greet the worthy ones. outside her opulent quarters. While the
Selectees are invited to the Southern Ranger headquar- other LF settlements maintain their
ters in Steel Hill, giving each person a password to speak to own civic affairs and law systems, the
the guards upon arrival, and be admitted for further inter- Countess and her minions handle
views, conversation and possible enlistment. Freehold boundary defense, raids
Those who are interested to join will learn that the into other factional lands, and diplo-
Rangers follow a simple command structure, are giv- macy. Some say the ambitions of
en monthly pay and benefits as follows, with all new the Countess are growing,
members starting as Recruits and remaining as thus and her aspirations for
for six months before becoming true Rangers of the territorial expansion
‘Watcher’ tier: and increased
governance of all
The ranger uniform is a tan tunic and Lower Freehold
baggy trousers, usually worn over armor, communities
with a tan headband tied about one’s hel- consumes her.
met or forehead, the insignia of the Low- One of the
er Freehold, a bundle of grain tied by a most notice-
snake, is depicted on both the center able differenc-
of the headband and upon the chest of es between the
the tunic. Treat NPC Southern Rangers as Northern Freehold and the Low-
elite soldiers for statistics, with 55% being mutants with 1 er Freehold, or LF, is the way that people rely on close knit
prime mutation each, the remainder being pure stocks. family bonds, as well as long standing friendships and personal
Table CR-4-1 Southern Rangers Pay and Equipment Table references. The reason for this is that here, there are many mi-

Southern Ranger Rank Monthly Pay Weapons* Armor* Quarters

Ranger Recruit 40sp crossbow/ machete junk/ junk Helmet bunk house
Watcher 60sp crossbow/musket pistol/ saber junk/ junk helmet twin room
Patrol Captain 120sp relic / 2 musket pistols/ saber scrap/ army helmet private room
Civic Captain 180sp relic/ 2 musket pistols/ saber tactical armor & helmet private room
Secondary Commander 500sp 2 relics/ saber combat armor & helmet private apartment
Prime Commander 2000sp 3 relics/ saber heavy combat & helmet private apartment
* If the recruit is skilled in a certain weapon area, or owns better weapons, armor or mounts, then he or she is allowed to use such as long as the Ranger’s tunic is worn overtop and
the headdress of the ranger is adorned when not undercover.

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 65

grants, nomadic herdsmen, seafaring visitors, and other travel- publicly tolerated, even though there are no written laws against a
ers coming and going, and as both Purist and mutant factions master killing or fornicating with his or slaves, still, extreme abuse
have claimed the LF as their own property, it is conceivable that of human slaves will get the guilty party beaten and sold into slav-
any traveler met could be an enemy spy, saboteur or assassin. ery him or herself if one doesn’t keep such activity hidden. Outsid-
Indeed, the Holy Purist Empire and the Dominion of Aberratia ers are told that this protection of slaves results from a policy of
frequently insert their agents to do harm or gather information trying to gradually entrust, instruct and soothe slaves into full citi-
about this small state, and so, the population is always wary of zenship through self-purchase, marriage, adoption or enlistment
any lone man or mutant, or group of all pure stocks or all mu- in the armed forces of the Lower Freehold.
tants, and will often deny them access to their communities or In other social matters, the people of the LF are fairly accept-
wagon circles, or, even detain them and interrogate them cru- ing of drinking and most forms of drugs as long as the users don’t
elly. For this reason, anyone without well established connec- commit crimes while under the influence; intoxication is no excuse
tions to the Lower Freehold community they are planning to en- for bad behavior and will not lessen the guilty person’s punish-
ter should ensure that they travel in a mixed race group, prefer- ment. In keeping with their program to be inviting and welcoming,
ably with both mutants and pure stocks, along with cyborgs and the laws within this faction are quite liberal, and the punishments
other intelligent beings. for nearly every non-violent crime a mere fine or day or two of hard
As already mentioned, the social awareness and atten- labor to pay back the sum of whatever was stolen, damaged or
tion to strangers which typifies life in the LF has fostered strong lost. Murderers, rapists, enemy spies, hate mongers, racists, and
bonds between people, including non-residents. If a person who other serious criminals and enemies are, however, harshly treat-
travels here often is helpful, generous, and perhaps even aides ed, and the punishment is normally death and the confiscation of
in the wars against the LF’s enemies, then the locals will soon all one’s lands and property, slaves, wealth and relics.
warm up to such frequent visitors. In time, locales may even wel- There is no state sponsored religion, thus all non-hateful or
come helpful outsiders into their homes and families as in-laws, non-race exclusive faiths are welcome, so long as no new commu-
wed to a family member. It is the decree of the Countess that nities form anywhere in the LF lands which solely allows habitation
the population expands, that the Freeholders welcome trade and by members of one cult or faith. Likewise, it is illegal to preach in
visitors, and while being cautious, also try to make the stay of le- the streets or public places, nor denounce one faith as better or
gitimate merchants, explorers and adventurers to be memorable worse, even inside the very churches and temples of such a faith.
and friendly. These measures have so far eliminated any civil strife surrounding
The rulers of the LF realize that keeping supply lines open, area religion, and encouraged yet more migration to the area from
commerce flowing, and an abundance of well armed exca- those who have been persecuted elsewhere.
vators at hand is essential for their survival. The au- The standard currency within the Lower Freehold is the
thorities also wish to foster growth and the dis- typically weighted silver coin, stamped with the profile
semination of ideas and news to and from the of Countess Estella Brandun herself
Lower Freehold. Likewise, citizens and LF of- on one side and the wheat bunch
ficials always stress upon travelers that when and snake emblem of the land
they leave their boundaries, to go forth and on the other, see illustration,
spread the word that the Lower Freehold above. The same stamp is
welcomes all freedom loving, open mind- used to mint the nation’s
ed peoples of any race or birth, that land few gold coins, however, sil-
can be bought cheaply, that neither the ver and gold coins from any
Aberrationists nor the Purists will keep other faction are always ac-
them cowering behind their walls, that cepted, even coins from both
they will grow and prosper and eventu- the Dominion and Holy Purist
ally turn the tables and regain lost territory. Empires, since so many raid-
On a day to day basis, the Lower Freeholders are optimistic ing parties from the LF venture into those realms to steal from
survivors, who are clearly prepared for the worse but enjoy ev- and harass the enemy at every opportunity.
eryday to the fullest, celebrating their past victories, new crops,
fallen heroes and new born babies with all the zest and joy of vic- Visitors to the Lower Freehold: Regularly visiting trad-
tors. They are hard working, prefer to farm or fish, log or mine than ers, slavers, excavation teams and merchants will find a warm
to take from others. While they see the need to explore the ru- welcome within any LF community, and in general, so too will a
ins and uncover devices of power, most folk are content to leave group of armed travelers who have among them a mix of rac-
that treacherous task to foreign diggers or the few brave youths es and types, especially a mix of generic humans and mutant
among them who throw together an excavation team, as only by humans. People here are understandably distrustful of all-pure
using relic devices does the Freehold hang on to power. stock or all-mutant groups, who from a distance will be consid-
The people dress in simple, functional clothing, loose bag- ered enemy raiders or spies, and if not fired upon at once, will
gy cotton or leather pants, straw hats, ponchos and tall boots or at least be shunned and forced away. Once accepted into the
sandals. They prefer drab, tan colored outfits like the uniforms of community, often after four visits to a town, bar or hotel, the lo-
the soldiers and rangers, which blend into the grasslands of the cals will warm up to strangers and get them to tell their stories,
steppe and weeds of the bog. They strive for a better civilization, recount regional news, and participate in drinking songs, card
abhor barbarity and rudeness, and do their best to be respectful of or dice games. All in all, the Lower Freehold is an excellent place
other people’s uniqueness, faith and relationship models. While in to visit, for any character type, however, the ever present threat
Steel Hill, being a larger City, people are more open minded than of invasion or terrorist attack causes a sense of apprehension
in the small communities, farms forts and caravans. People are, among the populace and since there is a desperate need for
nevertheless, simple, and aren’t always supportive of homosex- loyal defenders, powerful newcomers are often approached by
uals, those with promiscuous tastes or flaunt having more than military units and urged to enlist as mercenaries, or, join the
one spouse. Slavery, on the other hand, is accepted as a fact of Southern Rangers. One gets the impression that this is a nation
life, and slaves an essential caste in the order of things, especially at war, and that on the surface, people are genuine and warm,
when the crops need to be harvested or construction undertaken. yet, they are edgy and somewhat fatalistic, knowing that it is
Lewd conduct or violence toward slaves, on the other hand, is not only a matter of time before either the Holy Purist Empire or the

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Dominion of Aberratia defeats the other, and turns their intoler- acters to play a part in regional events, perhaps even spear head
ant gaze toward the Lower Freehold. an operation which thwarts a full scale invasion.

Common knowledge of the Lower Freehold: “You got to Adventure Plots: As noted previously under ‘For the Game Mas-
respect the Lower Freeholders, they fought hard to fend off the Purists ter’, this region is full of potential for intense adventure, since so many
and then later the constant raids by the Aberrationist irregulars, not to factions covet these lands, and are within close proximity and mak-
mention the God dammed reptilius from that stinking swamp or the ing efforts to undermine and defeat the Lower Freehold nation. The
sneaky, pink tailed fricken rat folk. following ideas go beyond merely exploring nearby ruins, and center
“These people are surrounded by two much larger factions, as more on possible missions which involve area politics and war.
well as pirates and beastmen and a whole pack of other nasties, and
yet, they hang on, year after year, and seem to be prospering in spite Hold a position: The characters are hired by the authorities to
of the difficulties and mounting casualties. If you are bent on going maintain a watch on a pathway, bridge, section of road or hill top obser-
there, it ain’t easy, the mutant supremacists and the Purist nut cases vation post, and report suspicious enemy movements via communica-
are waging a hell of a war all through Twisted Wood, and so all land tor. The PCs could become surrounded by enemy forces and be forced to
traders, migrants and other travelers have to sneak through the paths conserve food and water, ammo and their lives until help can arrive.
heading south to get to Sandbarra, which ain’t an easy thing to do.
The best way to get there is to go all the way to Safe Port, then catch a Locate a crashed airship: The characters are sent to find
ship from there to Sea Home or Sorrow or even Steel Hill. Yes, I know, a zeppelin which has gone down in Bitter Bog, and secure the im-
all the LF town names start with an S, it’s purely a coincidence. portant cargo or passengers before the Wadango Reptilius or en-
“Now, where the hell was I? Yes, so, going there for whatever emy forces do. The passengers could be ambassadors from the
business you are on is valid, risky, but valid. Let me just warn you that Northern Freehold, a handmaiden of the Countess, a Brandun
the people will only let you into their towns if you are a mixed squad, family member Cargo might be power cells, a robot, ammo for a
you know, some deviants new weapon, medicine, a
with some generics, or secret and sensitive docu-
strap on’s or false men ment or maps pertaining to
and such, all together like the enemy forces.
so they know you ain’t Pur-
ists or mutant suprema- Locate an enemy camp:
cist. Then, if they accept The characters are recruited
you, and you treat em’ to discover the location of an
good, some officer will ask
you to join the Rangers Aberrationist or reptilius camp
or some other unit, on a someplace in Bitter Bog, or just
specific raid, or just to bol- across the northern border,
ster their ranks. Yes, yes, and then send for reinforce-
I am sure it’s noble and ments before attacking it.
all, but where’s the prof-
it in that? You know that Escort important per-
any day now one of their son or cargo from or
enemies or the other are to the LF borders: The
going to rush across the characters could be enlisted
border again and outnum- to safely see LF ambassadors
ber you 5 to one or worse, or spies to the edge of the fac-
and you’ll end up dead, if you’re lucky. So, just stay out of their wars tion’s lands, where another team is to take over and escort the people
and try your luck in the ruins, as there are three sets of ‘em right near or cargo the rest of the way. Perhaps the other team is found slaugh-
the place, the weed choked Overgrown Ruins, the Scrub Ruins, or the
flooded ones called the Dethpool Ruins, which are filled with aquatic tered, the guide gets killed in the swamp and the characters become
reptilius, I should add. Yep, I’d give the Lower Freehold a thumbs up, lost, or, a traitor leads the group into an enemy trap and the charac-
mate, and good luck, getting there is going to be half the battle.” ters are pursued for days through the wilds by superior numbers.

For the Game Master: The Lower Freehold is pinched be- Track down Purist or Aberrationist terrorists who have ei-
tween much larger powers, with both sides making forays into ther bombed a community or kidnapped an important person or
the LF lands in the form of both large brigade sized operations their loved ones.
or small strike teams to weaken or terrorize the populace. Char-
acters that come to this part of the region may be enticed by the Locate a Purist terrorist cell within Steel Hill’s under-
nearby ruins, but in short order will soon find themselves pres- ground slum, wipe it out, and avoid reprisal attacks.
sured to enlist with the Rangers, or simply to be hired on as a
mercenary squad on some specific mission; see next column for Join a raiding party in an airship drop into the Holy Purist
adventure ideas. This area is a great starting place for a mixed Empire, behind the Great Purity Wall, to either accomplish a specific
character type group, since all types are accepted here. Just get-
task like rescuing doomed mutants on their way to Witch Burn, or to
ting to the Lower Freehold is an adventure in itself, and once
there, both human and non-human adversaries will present an simply wreak havoc on the Purists.
ever present peril to the PCs. Here too, however, are opportuni-
ties for a character group to make its name, conduct themselves Defend a small farmstead or trade caravan from a
in a heroic fashion, and do more then merely loot ruins for their ravenous horde of bipedal rats near Sorrow.
own selfish ends. They could set about on a ongoing campaign
which could likely involve political intrigue, espionage, full on
warfare, ruin exploration, treacherous travel, and allow the char-

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 67

ing their survival. Anyone approved by the board can buy a

Sandbarra 100 by 100m of farmland for 2000sp, with a yearly property

tax to Sandbarra of 40sp. Buyers are expected to build their
own fortress-homestead, and actively utilize the land for crop
growing, plus, muster to the defense of Sandbarra if the for-
Faction: The Lower Freehold tress comes under attack.
Government: Ruled by a hereditary council: The Directors.
Population: Total 503 to 633/ (Pure Stocks 250+2d20/
Mutants 190+2d20 and 30+d20 Ghost mutants/ Cyborgs
Water and Sanitation: Barter River provides adequate
drinking water, while all sewage is dropped through holes in
12+d12/ Synthetic humans 11+2d8/other 2d6) the town deck and allowed to flow out to the sea.
Site Details: Sandbarra gets its name from its location, a long Technology: The nearby Overgrown Ruins have endured
strip of sand out in the wide estuary of Barter River, which at this generations of scavengers and excavators who have pillaged
point in its journey to the sea has become a wide river. The sandbar the foliage covered troves, and through various means, the
exists due to a series of ruined concrete and steel supports which relics have entered the Sandbarra and stayed. Mainly, Sand-
jut up from the river like the lower jaw of some enormous beast. barra depends on a water turbine which produces its mod-
est electricity needs, providing power to a single medium
Construction: Sandbarra is built on the ancient concrete ru- laser cannon, and three spotlights mounted high up on the
ins of some unidentified ancient structure, possibly the stump settlement’s peaks. There are several communicators here,
of a great skyscraper. Wooden pylons and scrap girders have both owned by the directors, their military chief, as well as the
been pounded into the sand, lashed to cross braces and fixed leader of the local Southern Rangers. A radio tower and satel-
to the old cement and steel supports, and upon this framework lite dish are also attached to the highest concrete protrusion,
a mighty and impressive fortress town has been raised. The allowing the directors to listen to radio shows and broadcasts
homes within the walled community are of scrap, drift wood and from far off lands. It is said that the satellite dish sends and
mud tiles, with an emphasis on fireproof materials and sheathing receives transmissions between the Lower Freehold and the
used on all structures near the edges of town. Beneath the town Northern Freehold office in Overpass, allowing the coordina-
is a vast dock, also strapped to the ancient beams, and protect- tion of anti-Aberrationist or anti-Purist operations.
ed by wooden palisades, spikes, and enclosed archer huts.
A narrow bridge made of flimsy wood and rope is the only Also attached to the town’s tallest ancient ruin is a trans-
access to the southern shore, as most of the locals use ca- mitter beacon, connected to a small broadcast setup within the
noes, rafts and rowboats to travel to and from the town. This Director’s Headquarter Building. Here, Radio Freehold is trans-
bridge can only take 500kg of weight before it collapses, and mitted throughout the region, and anybody with a transistor radio
if the town is attacked from this side, reserves of dried reeds or other receiver can tune in and catch a mix of poorly recorded
and twigs are bundled along the underside of the bridge and local music, old world tunes, as well as the intermittent propa-
ignited by defending archers using flaming arrows, which will
destroy the bridge within 3d6 minutes, leaving only steel py- ganda by the Southern Rangers who operate the station.
lons behind.
On the southern shore, where for a hundred years Sand- Dangers: While Purist attack is possible, and has occurred
barra’s day farmers have grown excellent crops and grazed from time to time, the real threat to the continued habita-
their cattle, now sit patches of farmland. These acreages tion of Sandbarra is the constant Aberrationist pressure from
have been sold to individuals and peaceful religious groups the north side of Barter River. Mutant Supremacists have
who while lacking Sandbarra’s direct protection, do fall under launched repeated raids and full out attacks on Sandbarra,
the care of the Rangers, who patrol the homesteads by day but have so far been repelled by the tenacious, well fortified
and stay at various farm houses by night, fighting off preda- inhabitants and the notorious, devastating power of the laser
tors and humanoid raiders as needed. It is the plan of the cannon, nicknamed ‘The Mauler’ by the Sandbarrians.
board of directors to expand Sandbarra across Barter River The area of land directly across the creek is occupied by
and make a large, walled agricultural perimeter in that area, the Dominion, but, often taken from them by Southern Rang-
thus expanding the population of the place and better ensur- ers and militia, or else by the Wadango nation of reptilius.

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These green reptilius also take their toll on the people of Visitors to Sandbarra: Like all towns in the Lower Free-
Sandbarra, killing and eating travelers, fishermen and shore- hold, the big concern for the gatekeepers is whether or not a
farmers whenever they can, and occasionally making forays group of travelers is from an enemy faction, part of a pirate
up and over the town walls and into the streets to butcher and sabotage unit, or possibly a pack of murderous thugs. The
drag off the unwary. To deal with this constant peril, the direc- gates are a single door, plated in steel with a few gun bar-
tors of town offer a 5sp per reptilius head bounty. rel hatches in it. From these holes the militia troopers will
observe approaching strangers, conduct interviews and out-
Law Enforcement: By Freehold Militia and Southern Rang- line the terms of entrance. Groups of all mutants or all pure
ers. The punishment of non-violent criminals is often forced stocks will be told to leave, get away from their bridge and
labor and fine payments, while those convicted of being en- not come back under penalty of death, as these groups will
emy spies, rapists, or the perpetrator of an attempted murder be seen as enemy agents.
or actual murder, are tied by their feet and dragged down- If, however, a group arrives that has a mix of races, with
stream of town, where a rather large mutant alligator, ‘Butch’ some pure stocks, maybe a cyborg, beastial human, or plan-
and its kin wait to devour the condemned. Often, Butch can toid or two, one or more visible mutants, or ghost mutants
be seen sunning himself on the extreme western edge of the able to prove their powers, then the whole group will be ad-
sandbar, and he is protected by the authorities, and all new- mitted, pending payment of the entrance fee of 1sp. The
comers are warned not to swim in the waters around town nor regulations are fairly straight forward, stating limitations on
to annoy or in any way harm the great beast, who is consid- what one can carry about in town, especially into the pub.
ered the town’s mascot and good luck. The rules state that nobody can carry around a chain gun,
rocket or grenade launcher, no flame units, grenades, land
Military and Defense: The Sandbarra militia consists of mines, or larger weapons, while no solider robots or larger
40+d10 pure stock and 34+d10 mutants with one minor mu- machines can leave the visitor’s room. Cyborgs with restrict-
tation each, (GM: consider mutations cosmetic only for game ed weapon implants must likewise stay in their rooms, while
purposes unless dealing with individual militia personal). There carnivorous pets must be muzzled and leashed at all times,
is also a detachment of 12+2d6 Southern Rangers dwelling in or kept in their master’s room. Vehicles and animal mounts
their garrison. If the town is attacked, the rest of the population, are to be kept in the stables, at a cost of 5sp per night, with
commoners and slaves for the most part, will arm themselves the owner responsible for posting a guard on such devices.
with bows and daggers and man the walls, knowing that either If the town comes under attack, it is the obligation of all
the Purist or Aberrationist human factions, or the reptilius, will guests to arm themselves as fully as possible, even with re-
massacre the townsfolk if they are conquered by these ene- stricted weapons, and make for the walls and report to any
mies. If the town seems doomed, the people will try to escape militia soldier or Ranger for orders. Finally, the guards will
via boats and rafts, during the night, heading downstream to make it clear that Sandbarra is a law abiding town. There
the tainted sea and along the coast to Memory, or else, if the at- is no dueling nor brawling allowed anyplace, no swearing
tackers occupy the river, they will escape to the southern shore around women and children, and no sex act to be performed
and flee down the Steppe Road to Sorrow or Steel Hill. with companions, locals or even hooker while outside of a
The main defenses employed by the town, besides the mu- private room or household.
tant alligators which inhabit this stretch of river, are 4 catapults,
4 heavy ballista, and their primary weapon, ‘The Mauler’ a me- Brief History: Sandbarra has been populated by humans
dium laser cannon which is mounted on a steel plated platform since the cataclysm, or at least shortly thereafter. Nobody
affixed to the tallest concrete ruin. This cannon is on a track, actually recorded the date when it was first settled, but what
which carries its crew in a 360 degree rotation of the turret, al- is known building occurred when the tidal waves and great
lowing the weapon to either be fired at any attacker, or be swung flooding had ceased, when the sea began receding, and the
around to the far side of the massive concrete pillar to protect it majority of the nearby old world culture had been eradicat-
from enemy fire. Because the gun is enclosed and hidden when ed. Back then, as is still true today, fishing at the mouth of
not in actual use, it is difficult for enemies to fire on the weapon Barter River has always been exceptional, if not dangerous
and determine if they hit it and its crew or not. On several occa- due to the predators. Nearby, on the southern shore, a wide
sions, Aberrationist commandoes have tried to take out the can- assortment of crops could be raised, and because the area
non with rocket launchers and other projectiles, but while dam- was open, the agricultural lands could be protected by bal-
aging the steel plating of the turret, they have never successfully lista fire, managing to keep raiding herbivores out, or on the
damaged the gun or its crew. This gun turret is always well guard- menu.
ed by 5 militia soldiers, so too, the base of the tower is joined In the year 2283, the ruling family, not much more than
to the main Southern Ranger garrison, who observe whoever is a gang of thugs, were finally driven from power and impaled
approaching the steel and stick staircase going up to the various on the highest iron bars of the concrete ruin. From that day
outcrops, decks and balconies on the great slab. onward an elected council of Directors had been appointed
The directors of the town are usually well known mer- by the people. This directorship always hired a Chief Offi-
chants or community leaders (treat as commoners for stats), cer, who directed the town’s defenses during troubled times,
and while they lack any sort of military skills, they are each and many tests arose during the following decades.
armed with a relic weapon (WC-RC) and a communicator, wear In 2295, the Purist nation was gathering steam and
tactical armor during war times, and are well respected, able sweeping over the villages that once dotted the vicinity. The
to muster the populace to defend their town to the death. pure stock army swept down from Twisted Wood, devastating
Finally, visiting excavators, many of which make Sandbar- the independent settlements one by one until being stopped
ra a regular stop before undertaking their arduous journey cold in their tracks against the imposing, strange looking
through Twisted Wood on their way to Overpass, are known walls of Sandbarra. At that time, ‘The Mauler’ had not yet
to add their strengths, mutations and firepower to the de- been gifted to the town, and so, the low tech defenders were
fense of the town. These travelling dig teams often act as elite hard pressed to throw back successive waves of Purist at-
squads to make nighttime raids on enemy encampments, or tackers. Only when mutant irregulars from the north west
go on the ever popular lizard hunts in the swamp to the east, seized the poorly defended Purist camp, killing all whom
collecting reptilius heads for both bounty and sport. they found there, did the Purist force retreat. Within weeks,

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the mutants of the north demanded that Sandbarra surren- Resources and Industry: The gathering of food for local
der to their warlord. Refusing, knowing that the pure stocks consumption, as in most small towns, is the key activity in
within the town would be mutilated, the townspeople stalled Sandbarra. However, the export of fine ale, salted fish and a
the Aberrationist envoy, seeking help from a powerful team surprising amount of grain are also important income gen-
of grave robbers called the Murrr Group, who held a small erators. While excavators do come here on their way to and
fortified camp near Silver Lake. The Murr group was given a from Overpass, they don’t often stay long as the ruins to the
house, full citizenship and two seats on the board of direc- south and west are better reached via Memory, Sea Home
tors in return for leasing an as yet un-powered, laser cannon or Sorrow, so too the morally restrictive ethics in Sandbarra
to the citizens. Once hooked to the water wheel turbine, this make the place unfitting for diggers to spend their new found
powerful beam cannon was put into use on the morning of wealth, set up permanent residence, or celebrate with vigor
August 16th 2296, when the Aberrationist hoards began to and lust.
cross Barter River in shoddy rafts. The beam cannon oblit-
erated the command raft, killing the enemy warlord and his Accommodations: Due to the many traders and excavators
elite monstrosities, and threw the whole invasion into chaos. passing through this town, a modest hotel called Raftman’s
Since that time, repeated attacks by the Purists and Aberra- Inn has been established. These lodgings sit above a small
tionists have restricted Sandbarra from growing beyond the bar called simply ‘Rafters Pub’. There are no bath houses nor
confines of the ancient ruin they inhabit, however, recent brothels in town, however, one can hire the hotel staff to run
developments and homesteads have been initiated on the a private bath in a room behind the kitchen, for a exorbitant
southern shore. Here, farmland is being sold to brave, self cost of 5sp, double that if the person having the bath is shar-
reliant families and clans, as well as non-racially aligned, ing it with a lover, which the hotel owner will frown upon and
non-biased religious orders. act disgusted with, muttering, “Now I shall have to wash it
with salt, after you two are finished your piggish act.”
Social Details: Sandbarra is the most conservative of the There is a stable in which horses and other mounts can
Lower Freehold towns, having little patience for rough housing, be kept for 3sp per night, or 10sp for small vehicles like mo-
drunkenness, whoring, dueling or even swearing. The authori- torcycles, ATVs, tracked robots, etc. The stable is guarded by
ties are trying to promote the settlement and southern farming d4 commoner men with crossbows and hatchets, but they
initiative as a prosperous, friendly place, which welcomes trade claim no responsibility for lost or damaged animals or units
and settlers. The common people are friendly to those they’ve inside. Travelers are welcome to post their own guards within
seen around for awhile, but are intolerant toward rudeness, bul- the stable, which can sleep on a stack of hay if they like.
lies and crime of any sort. Visitors who break the law will find no Longboats from the towns of Memory and Sea Home,
help from the citizens, and will be dragged before the Board of even as far away as Rusted Hulk, often come here to trade,
Directors for a swift trial and immediate punishment. and travelers can buy passage to these other locals. There
They are as conservative in costume as they are in behav- is a 2 in 6 chance per day of a long boat, heading to d6: 1-3.
ior and belief, with the men wearing oiled hides and unadorned Memory, 4sp per person or mount / 4,5. Sea Home, 6sp per
wide brimmed hats, the woman in wool and fur shawls, with person or mount /6. Rusted Hulk, 8sp per person, no mounts
their shirts buttoned up to their necks. The few prostitutes who allowed.
do work the pub are from other towns, and while they may be Additionally, there are a few lone hunters, treat as sav-
as professional and experimental as the whores in Steel Hill, ages, using heavy crossbows, who hunt reptilius for their 5sp
they do not flaunt themselves as immodestly as others, nor head-bounty, or other valuable fur or skin bearing creatures,
work the streets. Even in the Pub, these floozies are far less who for a cost of 10sp per day, or 40sp overnight, will guide
aggressive in their attempts to drum up business, and wear adventurers deep into Bitter Bog to kill the lizard men. Many
clothing that exposes very little cleavage or leg. of these savages have hidden shacks within the bog, usually

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 70

built high up in trees and practically undetectable to all but

the most experienced eyes. These savage guides will often Unique Encounters
provide shelter for their guests within these tree forts, and en- Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results.
joy hearing of the outside world, trading, and possibly forming
alliances for future times of need. Daytime Street Encounters: d6 rolls for street occu-
pants from chart B, page 381 with a 2 in 10 chance of a
For the Excavator: What the characters know about Sand- unique encounter per passage from the following list, d6:
1. A nomadic trader, wearing torn up scrap relic armor, a bloody
barra: “On the one hand, the place doesn’t offer any ex- bandage on his head and obviously favoring a leg, limps up
citement, other than the possibility of being hemmed to the characters, smiling and extending his hand. “Good day,
in by an enemy siege for half a year, since the constant brave ones, my name is Rufus, I’m a wholesaler of pelts, plastic
threat of attack by the damn Purists or the freakoid and arrow heads. I was directed to you by the local militia. Any-
Aberrationist fascists is very real. how, I was wondering if I might travel with you to another town,
“Ah, but friends, spending time inside the town is any town really, where I can hawk the rest of my wares. You
safe but boring. You can’t brawl or can’t get drunk in the see, while coming here, the lizard things got after me and my
streets and you sure as hell can’t go making eyes at the guards and well, I am the only one of us what have survived. I
local women. Sure there are some unremarkable whores, will give you each a fine plastic pendant.” If the characters take
but phew, they ain’t much too boast about. Hell no. him along, he will give them a bit of plastic on a string each,
“Sandbarra is just a stop over for people of your worth 2d6 sp, but he never shuts up the whole journey.
caste, a safe place away from the reptilius, which seem 2. A Southern Ranger passes the characters, gives them a friend-
to be everywhere in them God damned, stinky, worm in- ly nod and then turns around. “Excuse me, outlanders, may I ask
fested swamps these days. Oh, but don’t forget there is a if you are looking for a meaningful path? You know, we Rangers
are always looking for fit, independent sorts to defend this hard
five silver coin reward per head on them lizard folk. pressed but noble land. Why not go to Steel Hill and look into the
“Where was I? Oh yes. Sandbarra is a good spot to benefits of joining. No obligation. Tell them Harmoth sent you.”
spend the night, maybe heal up, and have few rounds of 3. d4 scavengers pass the characters, carrying a pole each,
their excellent ale, then get back on the road south to on which dangle the heads of d3 Reptilius on each pole. The
Sorrow or wherever the hell you are going. There is a PCs notice people nearby clapping, giving the dirty loners the
one silver entrance fee, and they have this huge bloody thumbs up and nodding with approval. “Hey, strangers,” one
pet mutant alligator that lives right on the edge of the scav cheerfully calls to the characters. “Five silvers per head,
sand bar, and they feed the criminals to it, so don’t break it ain’t bad pay considering these things come looking for us
the damn laws, okay?” anyhow, and some of ‘em carry their own loot as well. Why
not buy a canoe and try your luck bounty hunting reptos in
For the Game Master: the bog?”
Sandbarra presents an ex- 4. An alarm bell rings out from
cellent stop over for a char- someplace high above, pos-
acter group that may have sibly from the main concrete
had to fight its way through slab. People stop whatever
the twisted Woods, and they are doing and run into the
while it is not a crime rid- street, looking up at the great,
den place, there is the dan- structure encrusted monolith.
ger of being involved in a “What’s going on?” Asks a near-
siege, whereas both the by trader, leading his ponies to-
Purist and Aberrationist ward the gates. “Trouble,” mut-
forces lay claim to this par- ters an old fisherman, shaking
cel of land, not to mention his head. Within a few minutes,
the hordes of Wadango a squad of militia soldiers enter
reptilius who are always the streets, marching purpose-
watching the fortress for fully passed, the trader calls af-
some weakness, or oppor- ter them. “What’s the matter?
tunity to pursue and devour Where are you going?”
weak travelers. One soldier turns and says.
Many adventure teams “We’ve just received radio con-
must stop here for one rea- firmation from our scouts that
son or another, and so it is Aberrationist forces have been
a natural meeting place for seen on the far side of Barter
characters who become River heading this way. We are
separated from each other. locking the town down. Anybody
A common phrase is ‘If we who wants to get out before
get separated, meet me at we shut the town and disman-
the Rafters’ meaning, either tle the bridge has about fifteen
be at the Rafters Pub every minutes to pack up and get the
night thereafter, in person, hell out. If you stay, you could be
or leave word with the bar- here for a week or two, and are
tender that I am okay and obligated to join in the defense
linger in Sandbarra until I of the town!” If the characters
can join you.’ elect to leave, they can either go
by boat if they arrived that way,

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or can join the other panic stricken visitors and traverse the If the characters make to grapple her as she turns and
rickety bridge and head south on the Steppe Road. kneels down to mutilate the fallen woman, she screams and
There will be d6 nomadic traders on ponies, 3d6 commoner fights like maniac. If the PCs do nothing, she will do as she says
families, a 30% of a bounty hunter and his d6+2 raider guards, and cut horrendous wounds in the prostitute’s face and body
all on horseback, a 17% chance of a slaver and his d6+2 militia and leave her bleeding in the dusty street. Should the characters
solider guards, all on horseback with 2d6 of each slave gender rescue the hooker and take her away from the irate woman, she
and age category, on foot in chains, moving only 3m per round, later wakes and is exceedingly grateful and begs the PCs to take
plus d6 scavengers, d6 savage men, and d6 prostitutes. This odd her to either Steel Hill, or whichever other town they are planning
collection of refugees stick together for mutual protection, but to go to next. She says she can cook and clean and keep the fire
have no sense of being quiet or keeping their fires concealed going, use a bow and keep watch at night, whatever it takes to
at night. Camping and traveling with them will mean double the get her out of Sandbarra. The authorities do nothing about the
number of encounter checks, although in such great numbers, incident as long as the irate woman is not seriously harmed.
these people will be safe from most foes. 6. A longboat arrives after coming up the river from the sea and
If the characters stay in town, the gates will be locked up in so doing causes a great deal of commotion and excitement.
and the bridge dismantled half way up from shore. Each day, Children run passed heading to a trap door area where a hand
there is a some chance that the lock down ends as the all clear cranked cargo crane begins to unload the battered vessel. You
is given. There is also a chance, however, that an army of Aberra- see 3 crewmen and their captain (treated as militia soldiers with
tionists arrives and lays siege to the town. Roll d10 per day: 1-3. crossbows wearing oiled cloaks and relic sunglasses), emerge
False alarm, bridge re-built and you are free to come and go as and toss hard candy to the gathered children. “We’re back!” De-
before/ 4-9. No sign of trouble, but the defenders seem edgy and clares the captain, an older man. “At least for tonight. We set
preparations for a siege are ongoing./ 10. Aberrationist irregu- sail for Steel Hill at dawn for anybody who is interested, a cost
lars arrive, surrounding the town on both shores, plus, have long- of 10sp each, but no mounts as we need the room for the grain
boats fitted with light ballista, d4 upstream, d4+1 downstream, and kegs.” If the characters are interested, they can sign up and
each filled with mutant militia soldiers (one minor mutation leave at first light.
each) On the north shore, the mutant army of 200+2d100 dig
into trenches, use sand bags and set up 2d4 catapults to com- Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-2 (0-4) rolls for street
mence a bombardment of the town, while on the south shore, occupants on chart B, page 381 with a 3 in 10 chance per
are 100+d100 more mutant militia, also concealing themselves passage of a special encounter from the following, d8:
from ‘The Mauler’, which every hour or so fires a few shots and 1. Reptilius Raiders! The PCs turn a corner and happen to see
decimates the enemy, blasting through timber bunkers, the tops d6+3 of the green lizard men skulking into an alley, dragging away
of catapults, and occasionally, sinks a longboat. a limp form. Any other street occupants just arrive, not seeing
The siege lasts for 2d6 days, and for each day of the siege, what the characters just saw and ignore them. If the PCs inves-
there is a 1 in 6 chance the walls are stormed by mutants on tigate, they enter the alley and see that 3d6m down the crooked
rafts. If this is the case, there is a 3 in 6 chance that a group of passage, the gathered lizard men begin to crouch down around
Aberrationists commence climbing up the character’s section of their victim and are about to start carving it up with steel dag-
wall and must be thrown back. The walls are 5 meters tall, built gers. One notices the characters and the reptos all leap up. Roll
of timbers and broken stone, thus fairly easy to climb, rate 1m initiative. Once the fighting begins, they hiss and there is a 2 in 6
per round. There will be 2 mutants per player character, and if chance that this call attracts more of their kind who have been
they manage to defeat the characters, or force them to flee, con- eating a commoner man further back in the alley, bringing 2d6
sider that the same tragedy has occurred all over town, and the more of the beasts to the fight. The limp figure, if rescued, is a
place is overrun, the populace slaughtered or enslaved, the char- teenage slave, pulled from his or her quarters through a back win-
acters forced to leap from the walls into the water and escape to dow, and is still alive, but his or her master is later found dead,
shore. thus, the youth now belongs to the characters, who can decide to
Aberrationist irregulars are like regular militia, but oddly free the person or keep him or her as a camp servant.
shaped, abnormally colored, and often hideous to behold, wear- 2. d3 Urcellia
ing olive green trousers and vests with a two headed eagle sym- 3. Spider, bog
bol on the front. They use hatchets and round shields, but in 4. Lizard, winged slasher
ranged combat use normal bows. 5. Insects, blood flyers, d4 per each PC and street occupant.
5. 2d6+3 local women, all hard working, no nonsense, serious 6. A lone woman steps out of a shadowy doorway and whispers
looking mutants and pure stocks, are busy beating another wom- to any men in the group, directing most of her sales pitch to the
en in the street, pulling her hair, throwing stones at her, kicking most attractive male. “Pssst, hey, handsome, why don’t you join
her and scratching her with their nails. Other street occupants me for some tea? You can catch up with your friend’s after sun up.
just give the fray a wide berth and keep to their own business, I assure you that I am courteous, discreet and very affordable at
quickly leaving the violence behind. only 7 silvers for the whole night’s warmth.” If a character agrees,
“You cheap slut!” Screams one woman in particular, who roll d6: 1-4. The prostitute was a professional lover, a good listener
seems to be doing most of the beating. “We should throw you and a great hostess, even going so far as to feed the character a
to Butch, but he might not have you, unlike other males around fine breakfast, asking him to join her again the next time he is in
here! Come here, you dirty, Steel Hill whore! You’re time here is town, but, “Please, sir, my profession is not accepted in this town
over, bitch, how dare you sleep with my husband! I outa put a as in other places, I beg you to not speak of your time here, espe-
knife between your ribs!” cially around the local women, who are intolerant and ignorant of
If the characters decide to intervene, the other women step my caste and the needfulness of my services.”/ 5,6. The prosti-
away, but the irate one just shoves at the characters, manages tute is the favorite of a prominent Sandbarra militia officer, who
to kick the bleeding prostitute in the face and then turn back to shows up sometime after the lovers fall asleep. Having a key, he is
the characters. “You outland perverts! Get the hell outa my face not noticed until standing over the character, in a furious, jealous
before I call the watch! Go!” She whips out a curved knife and rage, drawing his saber just as the PC wakes. If the officer is killed,
gestures it toward the now unconscious whore. “I ain’t goin’ to the prostitute insists they the she and the character will never get
kill the little jezebel, just goin’ to carve up her fricken face so she a free trial, and be fed to the mutant gator if caught. She begs the
won’t tempt no other men!” PCs to take her with her, and head for Steel Hill. On the other hand,

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if the officer’s body is disposed of, there is only a 2 in 6 chance publics to the east, where they blend men with machines to
investigators will track down his last known movements and lead fight the Mecha, but I know your secret, you plan to control all
them to the hooker’s hovel, taking d6 days to accomplish. humanity, and kill all the mutants you can find! Now get the hell
7. A group of cloaked men step out of the shadows around the outa this bar or I swear I’ll get my axe and cut your fricken head
characters, equal in number to the PCs plus d4, treated as raid- open! Get!” The serving girls come and grab the man’s arms
ers. If there are no visible mutants in the group, these men draw and ease him back to a far corner of the bar, while the bar ten-
longswords and silently attack, attempting to kill the pure stock der is quick to refill the PCs drinks and apologize.
looking individuals. During the fighting, the PCs realize the attackers 2. A woman who so far hasn’t been either drinking nor serv-
are mutants, and one among them has d3 Prime mutations. If there ing beverages gets up from her spot at the end of the wooden
are visible mutants in the PC group, however, this attack doesn’t bar and approaches the PCs, smiling and moving with cat like
occur, as these men just watch the characters move along, but giv- grace. She rests her hands on the shoulders of the most attrac-
ing any pure stocks and their replicas, nasty looks. If the characters tive male and whispers into his ear. “I am Katarina, concubine to
do have to fight and begin to get the upper hand, the Aberrationist all brave digger men, and I shall be yours tonight, upstairs in my
thugs will flee. It will be revealed in the morning that the men were room, until dawn. The cost of the room and wine, candles and
locals, but had not lived there long, and are declared Aberrationists incense is only 12 silvers for the evening, what say you?” If the
spies, their bodies thrown to the gators. character refuses, she only smiles and turns to the other males
8. There is a clamorous ringing of alarm bells, spot lights turn to- in the group and makes more or less the same offer.
ward one side of town, and within a moment, a bright fuchsia beam 3. A nomadic trader and his d3 militia soldier guards are at
illuminates the misty sky as the ‘Mauler’ springs to life, emitting a nearby table, picking at their food and looking grim. The
death. A patrol of 2d6+2 freehold militia soldiers run passed the trader notices the characters looking at him and he speaks
PCs toward the commotion. The characters can either stay where up. “Never mind us... we just lost our ponies, our cargo and
they are, or follow the militia to their post. If the PCs stay put, the three men to the reptilius fiends. Ah, we were trying to
encounter ends, and you hear what happened later the get around the Aberrationist lines at the bottom of
next morning. Twisted Wood, and got kind of turned around some-
If however, the characters follow, they can place and ended up in the bog. We knew we were
climb up on one of the stout walls and look over in trouble, but just used the sun to guide us. Guess
to see a spot light aiming on a now burning cargo we surprised them lizards as much as they sur-
barge, blazing figures leaping overboard, while prised us, but they outnumbered us four to one.
on the walls around the PCs, archers are firing Our chums are probably roasting on a spit as we
down upon the lone craft. ‘Incoming!” Shouts sit here. Take my advice,
somebody nearby as a huge black orb strikes strangers, and avoid the
very close by and knocks part of the wall swamps at all cost.”
back into town and taking several scream- 4. A fisherman (common-
ing militiamen with it. The medium laser er) enters the bar, excited and
cannon far above on the concrete slab loud. “Hey, guess what? I heard
fires again and eliminates the catapult them Rangers talking and one says
on the deck of the barge, blasting sev- to the other, he says, ‘Josh, I heard the
eral more times until the vessel is a mess report from Steel Hill, that a fleet of three Pur-
of scrap wood, flowing down Barter River, ist battle barges are moving out towards the
amid gorging alligators, the unknown at- open sea, possibly heading this way. I sure as hell
tackers trying to get ashore under a hail of wouldn’t be taking no ship to Memory or anyplace
arrow fire. else this week!”
In the morning, the characters learn 5. A serving girl leans over the character’s ta-
that Aberrationist soldier were found dead ble to collect empty glasses and plates, and
on the far shore, some sort of probing attack whispers to a random PC. “You look like a nice
has clearly been defeated. enough bunch, so I am going to warn you that
sometimes Aberrationist killers enter the town in
disguise, or make it over the walls. Also, The reptile
Encounters in Rafter’s Pub: d6 patron rolls from chart B people, they are also known to venture into the town and kill
page 384 by day, 2d6 by night. There is a 2 in 10 chance per people, so watch yourselves if you must enter the streets by
hour of an encounter from the following list, roll d6: night.”
1. A drunken, pure stock fisherman gets up from his seat at 6. A commoner woman enters the bar and stomps across the
the bar and staggers over to the characters. If there are any room, grabs another young woman by the hair and slams her
obvious mutants in the PC group, he randomly points at one head face first into the table, then lets her fall to the floor. “That’s
of them and see Statement A, below, or, if there are no mu- for taking advantage of my husband, you worthless whore!” The
tants, but only pure stocks and their replicas (including ghost bar tender leaps over the bar and grabs the screaming woman,
mutants and those abnormals who have no outward devia- pulling her back from the bloody nosed prostitute, who had
tions), he selects one of them and see Statement B: been sitting alone, saying and doing nothing. “If you’re not gone
Statement A: he says “I don’t care what they say, just ‘cause by this time tomorrow,” yells the commoner woman. “I will cut
you associate with pure bloods, it don’t mean you ain’t God damn your tongue out and throw the rest of you to the gator!” The bel-
Aberrationist pigs! You are! Don’t deny it! I will never be your ligerent woman is taken out of the place by some local men
slave! Do you hear me! Huh!?” The bar tender comes over and who seem to know her. The prostitute gets up and starts for the
gently ushers the man away, looking back to you and whispering, stairwell, passing the characters, and collapsing against one of
“Never mind this old fool, he’s a drunk. He won’t remember what them. ‘I’m okay,” she nods, getting up. “Sorry, strangers.” She
he said in a few hours. Have a drink on the house, okay?” pauses suddenly and looks down at the PCs and manages a
Statement B: scoffs at you, saying: “Look at you, sitting here. thin smile. “Excuse me, but are you people heading to Steel Hill
I know what you are, you’re Purists ain’t yeah!? I can always tell, or Sorrow in the morning? Anywhere, really. I need to get out of
God damn it! I know you come from them far off Purehold Re- this fricken little town.”

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MAP CR-4: Sandbarra

1 hex =5 meters

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The internal structures here are nearly all made out of

Sea Home
Faction: The Lower Freehold
wood, scrap metal, giant clam and oyster shells, fish scale shin-
gles and whatever field stone could be gathered from the sur-
rounding area. The town gates are double doors large enough to
admit a battle wagon or relic tank, made of wood but plated with
Government: A six member, elected body called The Council 5cm thick sheets of scrap metal, then spiked to deter immense
of the Wise, each member serves for a period of 6 years, with beasts from charging the doors and battering them down.
one being elected to office each year, while another is retired
if not re-elected. Water and Sanitation: Porter’s River comes out of Silver
Lake, as does Jaw Creek, and in spite of being so close to the
Population: Total 246 to 338 (Pure Stocks 160+2d20/ Mu- Overgrown Ruins, the water is almost always quite clean. Only af-
tants 50+d20 and 10+d12 Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs 4+d4/ ter a major earthquake in the area does the river water become
Synthetic humans 12+d8/other 3d6) contaminated with bio-toxins, mutagenic compounds and radio-
active particles, which after a month or so, are purged from the
Site Details: Sea Home occupies the extreme western spike of river system into the Tainted Sea. The people collect water using
land controlled by the Lower Freehold. It is well situated on a rocky a barrel system, attached to a hand powered crane which is oper-
bluff, which gives this wooden walled village an excellent view of ated from the south wall, dipping into the river only a dozen me-
the Tainted Sea as well as protection from attackers. The docks ters above the sea shore’s high tide mark. Sewage is collected in
are made of wood but attached to ancient concrete slab which jut buckets and simply dumped into the river, below the water collec-
out of the surf, offering some protection from the pounding waves. tion zone, and carried out to sea, which during low tide, makes
This wharf is not, however, directly built onto the town and instead the shoreline here smell terribly. Locals inform travelers that the
connected to the bluff above by a steep, curved road which leads stink keeps large carnivores, crustaceans, salt water crocs, and
up to the town’s only gates. A fork in the road, half way up the bluff, other man eaters well away from the dock area.
coils around the huge rock and meets up with the various trade
paths leading north to Memory and east to Sorrow. Technology: Being pinched between the immense Over-
grown Ruins, the buried Scrub Ruins and the flooded Deth-
Construction: Sea Home is a combination of ancient ru- pool Ruins, several generations of excavators have made Sea
ins and newly added wood and scrap construction. The place Home a base camp. In that time, many diggers have crept
is built upon what appears to be a large rock, but in truth it is back here and died, either leaving their belongings to the lo-
the eroded foundation for some massive, long since obliterated cal authorities, or else, after running afoul of the law, been
structure of the ancients. Several great plates of concrete reach hanged, and had their relics confiscated. A few well known ex-
skyward within town, supported by steel girders and braces, and cavators have also retired in Sea Home, and shared out their
strengthened in places by the efforts of the new inhabitants. treasures, thus, Sea Home is considerably well armed for such
Within the bounds of these ancient remains, the people of Sea a small place, a fact which keeps it from being conquered by
Home have constructed a 5 meter tall wooden palisade, com- the many greedy factions and forces surrounding them.
plete with catwalk and a few defensive towers, often attached to Beyond weapons and armor, explosives and whatnot,
the concrete plates themselves. One of the ancient walls which noted under Military and Defense, this well fortified town en-
still stands reaches 24 meters into the sky, and is 12m wide at joys the luxury of electric power. A wind turbine on the west-
the base where it protrudes from the rocky soil. Numerous holes ern wall, a solar generator on the highest concrete ruin called
have been drilled through the concrete slab allowing rope bridg- ‘Great Slab’, as well as an alcohol fuel consuming power gen-
es, canopies, platforms and other primitive structures to be built erator built by long dead engineers and housed within the
high in the air, their straps and ropes attached to lower poles or ‘Council Fort’ at the main gates, are all in near constant op-
other ancient, towering ruins. These ruins give Sea Home an im- eration. These three power supplies allow Sea Home to enjoy
pressive bearing, and make the place look more like a warlord’s electric lights, both within their homes as well as mounted
fortress than a fishing village.

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MAP CR-5: Sea Home

1 hex =5 meters

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 76

on the docks and walls, illuminating everything around the rifle, who actually controls the cannon, is also stationed here
town for 100 meters. Most importantly is the juice directed to at all times. This weapon is put to almost daily use, blast-
the town’s main weapon system, a medium laser cannon sal- ing amphibious sharks and other critters which come up out
vaged off of an ancient tank. The power systems in town are of the sea. If the town is attacked from the land side, this
interconnected; however, each is responsible for one of the weapon can be hoisted down from the slab top onto a spe-
three power requirements, divided into internal lights, exter- cially built wagon and moved to a firing position at the rear
nal spot lights and the laser cannon. If any one power genera- of town, a task which takes fifteen minutes.
tion mode is destroyed, one of these three systems is tempo- Serving within Sea Home are 22 pure stock Freehold
rarily out of action, and so on if subsequent systems become militia soldiers with crossbows and swords, and 16 mutant
destroyed, but, because the wiring for each system is inter- militia soldiers with one prime mutation and a musket and
connected, the controllers can reroute power from one gen- longsword each. In addition, there are 5 militia officers posted
erator to either a light source of the laser cannon as needed, throughout the community, each toting a relic weapon.
which takes only 10+d12 minutes to accomplish. To keep the roads and trails open outside of town, South-
Besides the electrical generation apparatus, Sea Home ern Rangers are assigned to rotating patrols, since Sea Home
lacks any other notable technology. Its medical facilities, work- can’t spare a single man to patrol the woods and grasslands
shops and communications are all quite basic. There are, how- nearby. There is a 16% chance that each day, a unit of d6+6
ever, a few dozen working communicators in town, and a main Southern Rangers are present in the town, and will aid the
communicator system built into the ‘Great Slab’s watch tower militia in dealing with troublemakers or external threats.
area which allows for radio transmissions to be sent beyond Suspicious ships, especially military relic watercraft, typi-
the standard communicator’s 100 km range, and up to 500 km cal battle barges, and unfamiliar longboats loaded with armed
away. This system is always manned by a militia soldier, listen- individuals are warned away by a shot from the laser cannon,
ing for news and reports from Southern Rangers, similar radio or else the other defenses the village relies on. These other
stations from other Freehold towns, as well as scanning for the measures include small arms fire from relics, or more likely,
hundreds of conversations among excavators, pirates, and oth- as the 5 ballista stationed about town, two of which are lo-
er unfamiliar groups who talk back and forth in code words. cated on the wall facing the sea and will be used to pierce the
hull of unwelcome vessels. The community has no fleet, and
Dangers: Mainly, the threats to Sea Home are divided into the doesn’t send out anyone to inspect arriving ships.
daily threats and the occasional perils. Daily threats include the
hazards posed by the nearby lower arm of the Urban Forest, Visitors to Sea Home: Most people arrive here by ship,
which is infested with tribes of reptilius and bipedal rats. Like- usually in well marked, familiar merchant barges and long-
wise, the proximity of the sea presents a constant hazard, as a boats, however, land travel is also possible for caravans and
wide assortment of creatures lumber up out of the surf to snap well armed, careful excavation teams willing to brave the
up those standing on the docks, or working the few vegetable barely visible Urban Forest trails.
gardens outside of town. Of course, the occasional perils are Vessels new to the village are expected to anchor sev-
the most serious, but are so infrequent that they are not re- eral hundred meters away from the docks and send a row-
ally expected from month to month, or even year to year. These boat ashore and implore the council members to let them
threats include invasion fleets by pirates from Port Folly, or, the conduct trade, disembark passengers or take on supplies. A
arrival of an army from either Aberratia or the Holy Purist Em- maximum of 10 crewman from any ship, or arriving group of
pire. While all these factions have made attacks on the village, strangers, are allowed to visit the town at any one time, and
as have hordes of reptilius and rat folk, no invader has so far visitors are screened upon entrance to the gate, asked a few
taken the town, Of course, on a few occasions, attackers have questions and evaluated. The officer at the gate will carefully
come very close to doing so, and would have had visiting exca- observe newcomers and if a group arrives that lacks mutant
vators teams not joined the citizens on the walls, or made dar- members, cyborgs, clones, bioreplicants or other enemies of
ing counter attacks on enemy ships and encampments. the Purists, then the Officer will consider the strangers to be
from the Holy Purist Empire and insist they hand in all their
Law Enforcement: Lower Freehold Militia soldiers serve as weapons to be collected on departure. There is no fee to en-
the law, as do visiting Southern Rangers, however, local peo- ter here.
ple will not tolerate barbarity, violent crime, slave taking or
bounty hunting within their walls, and will rise up and arrest Brief History: Sea Home was settled very early on, well be-
or kill criminals if they must. These people are known to be fore any other town in the Lower Freehold. The great defen-
both peace loving and proud and will do whatever they can sive layout of ‘the rock’, as well as the majestic slabs of an-
to ensure that visitors are treated well, that excavators are cient concrete, attracted several groups of isolated survivors
comfortable, and that nothing happens which might weaken who cooperated well together after decades of savage bicker-
the defenses of the town. Everybody knows how tenuous their ing. Needing to join forces against the raids by cannibal mu-
existence is, how few in number they are, and how badly their tants, monstrous new species of animals, as well as the sea
enemies want to conquer the village; they need dig teams. going raiders, the early inhabitants of Sea Home erected a
stout palisade and filled it with gardens and homes. To this
Military and Defense: Fitted on the Council Fort’s roof day, these resourceful, proud people continue to add on, im-
top, in a sand bag surrounded nest, sits a tripod mount- prove and reinforce the structures and defenses, as well as
ed, medium laser cannon, powered usually by a scrap built excavate underneath in the tunnels and chambers below.
generator motor far below in the structure’s basement, yet In the year 2302, visiting chieftains of what would later
can be patched into the solar or wind generator systems as become the Lower Freehold, invited the leaders of Sea Home
needed. This gun is the town’s only real defense against en- to join in a loose confederation of mixed race, non-religious
emy naval bombardment, and while each shot doesn’t inflict settlements, to present a united front to the growing power of
much more damage than a heavy catapult, it has an impres- the emerging dominion of Aberratia, and the already expand-
sive range, rapid rate of fire, and far better accuracy. Six mi- ing Holy Purist Empire. Sea Home was easily convinced to join
litia soldiers stand guard at this gun day and night, each is the Freehold, and to this day serves as a western fort, trade
armed with a crossbow, while a militia officer with an assault partner and guardian of this stretch of coastline, deterring en-

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emy encroachment into Lower Freehold territory, fostering ra- Resources and Industry: Fishing, logging, small agricul-
cial equality and liberty for all. tural endeavors and numerous cottage industries flourish in
A few decades after union into the Freehold, a pirate fleet Sea Home; however, the main income for town is derived from
out of Port Folly showed up, emerged from the fog and devas- the accommodations utilized by excavation teams, traders,
tated the village, managing to kill half the population before sailors and Southern Rangers.
being driven off by the impressive firepower of the laser can-
non, a weapon given to the village only months before by the Accommodations: Sea Home is a small place, but its citizen-
retiring ‘Kaluth the Invincible’, a mighty excavator who led a ry know it needs to attract well to do travelers, and in particular,
large team through the local ruins for decades, and whom keep well armed excavators both within their walls and coming
made Sea Home his final resting place, his tomb is now in the and going from the settlement to keep the countryside more or
floor of the council fort. less safe. Because of this, the hotel, bar, bath house and stable
facilities are top notch, and situated together in one large, re-
Social Details: Sea Home’s people are proud of their achieve- cently re-furbished stone and scrap metal structure called The
ments, self assured in their fortress walls, and grateful to be a Digger’s Lounge. This structure was built under a joint venture
part of the Lower Freehold. Their reliance on the ‘the Gun’ as well between business entrepreneurs, local government and a cou-
as the constant augmentation of their army by the presence of ple of older, established adventure teams who wanted more
well armed excavation teams, not to mention the Southern Rang- luxurious quarters while visiting town. The lounge towers three
ers, has made them paranoid of leaving their enclosure. They stories above ground, and descends two stories underground.
are known to dread traveling, especially by land, and are often The main level is the bar, which takes up the entire floor and
ridiculed in other Freehold towns for their lack of support dur- seats well over a hundred people. The upper two floors consist
ing conflicts beyond their village walls. In truth, they never send entirely of rooms, some occupied by resident excavation teams,
troops to the eastern front against the Purists, and very few of others by whores, and a few by wealthy merchants who run car-
their young adults enlist in the Southern Rangers, nor become go ships from Sea Home on a regular basis. The lower levels
traders or excavators. To foster the ongoing protection by others, contain a bath house, medic’s office, and a series of rented
the locals have developed a reputation for hospitality, especially ‘self’ storage lockers. A stable is attached to the main building,
to Southern Rangers and excavation teams, so long as such war- but separated by a thick stone wall to prevent fires from spread-
riors are congenial, of mixed races and obey the laws. ing from one building to the next. A general store, relic dealer,
Sea Home people are hard working fisherman, loggers gem and jewelry trader, and a recruiting station for the Southern
and vegetable farmers; they dress in sensible wool, oiled leath- Rangers are all attached to the far side of the Lounge.
er ponchos and wide brim hats, tall boots, and never wear any- Rooms in the hotel portion of the Lounge cost 5 sp per night
thing too ornate or flashy. Younger women, and the many hook- for 2 person rooms, of which there are 2d6 rooms available, 8sp
ers who are employed servicing visiting men, do dangle gaudy for four person bunk rooms, with 2d4 of these available, and
plastic jewelry in their hair, but typically, these people are plain 22sp per night for the upper level suites, which are three bed-
looking, making up for their drab outfits and lack of style by be- room townhouses suitable for between 8 and 14 people, each
ing generous and warm, prone to laughter, getting drunk with with its own kitchen, wood stove, latrine and common room, of
total strangers, and making sure every visitors leaves with fond which there are d6-2 (0-4) available at any given time.
memories and good feelings about their little village.

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The storage lockers are 2 meters deep, by 2 meters tall, in a God damn town as it is in the fricken wilderness. I know,
and one meter wide, and have locking, heavy wooden doors. The I too have felt a melancholy, a huge ‘awe, fuck, what the hell
replica padlock on the door has two keys, one for the renter to is the use’ why am I trying so hard. What good does it all do?
carry, the other being held by the manager of the Lounge. These Yep, friend, I’ve been there. You just need to go to a place
stone walled containers units, of which there are 20 in total and where you can put your feet up and not worry about getting
d8 available at any given time, cost 20 silver pieces per month robbed at every corner, drugged by whores, murdered in your
to rent. If the rent is not paid after a year of absence from the sleep in the hostels and inns.
locker, the management reserves the right to open the locker “Well, I know a little place called Sea Home that welcomes
and sell the contents for the cost of the over due fee. the excavator like a brother or sister, with open arms. They say
The bar area is fairly typical of such establishments, hav- that in that fortress-village, excavators have saved the town more
ing wooden tables and chairs in a large open room, a bar with than once, and so, they do whatever they can to make sure you
stools along it, and a few huge fireplaces for heat during the come back. You see, they have a tiny army, so need us diggers
cold months,. The staff is a mix of serving girls (2d4) in outra- to protect them. They figure if they can keep us in the vicinity,
geous, skimpy outfits, one bar tender working during the day, and day and night, we will keep the pirates, Purists or Aberrationist
d3+1 during the evening. Behind the bar is a side door leading ass monkeys from wiping them out. So far, it’s worked. I recom-
to a kitchen where a staff of half a dozen prepare meals. What mend you take a month off, go down there and forget the wars,
makes the Diggers Lounge bar unique from other bars, saloons the ruins, the lost teammates and just enjoy the hospitality, the
and taverns, is the collection of taxidermy encrusted on the walls fine beer, and the companionship of fellow excavators who are
and ceiling. There are stuffed Urcellia, wings outstretched and healing up there. You might even join a new team or meet a fine
hanging by wires from the ceiling, skullocks in full armor on the lover, and hey, if you do hanker for some digging, there are three
fireplace mantle, poised as if fighting an impressive Devi-bear separate sets of ruins within close proximity. Although, I guess
which snarls down at the doomed ‘peskies’. Also present are the threat of being attacked by Purists or pirates and such is
many antlers and horns of bizarre creatures along with skulls, real, but, hell, that can happen anyplace, right?”
tusks, horns, pelts and other dried or skeletal appendages deco-
rating the walls. Stranger still is a wall strictly reserved for an- For the Game Master: Sea Home has few secrets, no hidden
droid and robotic parts, most of them crushed or blasted and cults or undisclosed perils. Of course, as in any village trying to
inoperative and useless as spare parts for any needy mechani- attract commerce and well equipped, friendly guests, the coun-
cal being. There is also a large metal cage at one end of the bar cil doesn’t advertise the ever present danger of invasion forces,
room, suspended from the wooden beams of the ceiling. There is nor the infiltration into town by Purist and Aberrationist spies,
a 4 in 6 chance per evening that a captive is placed in the cage assassins, and saboteurs. These malicious foreigners are well
for the crowd’s amusement, to have fruit, shells, drinks and oth- aware that most excavation teams are open minded, of mixed
er substances thrown at it. See Below for a random list of what humanity and often, experienced dig teams are very well trained,
might be found in the ‘Trophy Cage.’ well armed and like elite strike teams, often able to devastate
an entire detachment of attackers. For this reason, many enemy
Table CR-4-2 Trophy Cage Occupant Table agents are specifically sent to various free towns to hinder, weak-
en or exterminate excavators. Likewise, in Sea Home, covert op-
2d6 Prisoners in the Trophy Cage erations are initiated by Purists, Aberrationists as well as pirates
to dissuade wannabe diggers from either taking up the career
2. Purist woman, prostitute, charged as Purist spy
path altogether or from staying long in the village.
The locals will always side with excavators in almost ev-
3. Human, raider, charged as a pirate saboteur ery instance of a fight between diggers and suspected en-
4. Human, soldier, captured Purist zealot emy agents, and brutally punish their enemies. In the streets,
if excavators are attacked, local citizens will grab whatever
5. Skullock weapons they have at hand and rush to the defense of their
6. Reptilius welcome guests, an activity which is seldom, if ever, seen
anywhere else in the region, even in Pitford, which boasts that
7. Bipedal rat it is the main Excavator’s support town in the region.
8. Moaner GM’s should make it apparent to players of excavators
that their character’s are very well thought of, that people
9. Warmort nod, smile, or bow when the PCs pass by. In shops, they will
Human, soldier, captured Aberrationist spy, has always be given extra special service, deals, and free sam-
10. ples of food stuffs and drink. In addition, commoners and mi-
d3 minor mutations
litia soldiers of the opposite sex will be flirtatious toward good
Mutant woman, prostitute, charged as DOA spy, looking diggers, and the prostitutes in particular have been
d3 minor mutations. instructed to be courteous, and exceedingly giving in their
Android, combat model, arms removed, charged love making acts with excavator clientele.
as Mecha Infiltrator

The Medic’s Office, run by Gajolm the Kind, a 4 skill point

Unique Encounters
Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results.
mutant medic with d3 minor mutations, is a three room space
with a 10 bed healing room, a well appointed surgery suite,
and an office. People can recover in the healing room for 5sp
Daytime Street Encounters: d6 rolls for street occupants
from table B, page 381, with a 2 in 10 chance of a unique to Sea
per day, and any surgery costs only 50sp. Home encounter per passage to destination. Roll d6, or d6+1 if
obviously mutated individuals accompany a group of travelers:
For the Excavator: What Characters will know about Sea 1. The characters notice a mutant commoner (one minor muta-
Home: “Listen, friend, I know that you’re worn out and fed up tion) observing them coolly as they pass. He doesn’t seem to be
and tired of all the killin’, hell, who ain’t? These are difficult part of any local group, nor is he performing any work as others
times, and it’s just about as hard to find a safe place to rest are. If the PCs stare back at the man, he turns and moves away,

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staying near other people. GM note: This fellow could be anyone, Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-2 (0-4) rolls for street
either as part of the GM’s existing campaign or somebody new. occupants on table B, page 381, with a 3 in 10 chance per
Ideas include a thief, DOA assassin or spy, undercover Freehold passage of a special encounter from the following, d6, or d6+1
Ranger, bounty hunter or even a shy excavator wanting to join the if a visible mutant is present.
PCs on their next quest. 1. While passing a dark alleyway, d6+2 men leap out brandish-
2. Moving along the street, a group of women, fixing fishing nets ing sabers. The lead PCs see the attackers are all mutants (treat
and skinning potatoes, smile as the characters go by, the older as raiders with one minor mutation each, however, one, their
matrons bowing respectfully, while the young women wink at any leader, has d3 prime mutations as well, and hangs back to com-
men of 20 or better appearance. mand the others.) “Pure stock filth!” The leader hisses, even as
3. A unit of militia soldiers, 4+d6, are marching by on their way his Aberrationist guerilla fighters charge forth, trying to attack
to or from a watch on the walls. They step aside as the PCs draw pure stock appearing or cyborg characters only. “You think you
near, bowing their heads, while one says: “Welcome, comrades. can help these doomed people? When our armies liberate this
You honor us with your presence in Sea Home. Blessings upon you place, we will free all the mutants from you inferior, lesser men!
and your families.” Die now, as the age of the mutant sweeps over your ilk!”
4. An old man, wearing some sort of ancient United States uni- 2. d6+2 prostitutes, step out from a small, unofficial brothel,
form and a holstered auto pistol at his hip, hops out from a smiling, flaunting themselves and occasionally exposing more
doorstep on his one leg, leaning on a crutch and smiles through of their bodies than is commonly acceptable in public. “Well,
bad teeth. “Noble Explorers!” He wheezes. “I was once a Dig- look what we have here. Big brave excavators. Say, did you
ger, too. I came from the East, from Holeville, long ago, and know that we have a special contract with the Council that for
never went back. You should make this town the base of your every one of us you hire, at our special rate of two silvers per
expeditions, a choice I certainly never regretted. God bless you romp, that the village council will pay us an extra coin more?
and all noble archeologists!” Don’t think we are cheap because we cost less than the floo-
5. A commoner woman rushes up to the characters, grabbing zies in Sorrow or Steel Hill, no sir, those girls are amateurs, who
a random PC by the arm. “Please, Outlander,” she begs, drop- don’t know their away around a man or a woman’s body. Now
ping to her knees. “You mustn’t leave here, we need your caste get in here and let’s get you out of those dusty trousers.”
to protect us from the sea raiders, the Purists and the Aber- If any characters decide to indulge, they will be taken into
rationists!” Other people in the street come over and help her a cozy, dimly lit den where the woman will serve wine and em-
up and pull her away, gently. “Please,” goes on the distraught brace their clients in secluded, curtain concealed alcoves in the
woman. “We are too few to stand up to their armies. They will small house, going out of their way to make sure the character
wipe us out, every man woman and child!” in question is well satisfied, comforted, and lulled into deep re-
After she is removed from the street into a shack, an- laxation and peace. If the character wishes to spend the whole
other woman steps up. “Poor dear,” says the other woman, night and just sleep, he or she is allowed, and will even be
shaking her head. “A year ago, pirates attacked by a land and served an excellent breakfast.
sea, and her son and husband were both killed in the fighting. 3. d3 excavators are limping their way down the street toward the
She is right; we are too few, in spite of our bravery. Without the PCs, one looks like he or she won’t see the morning. “Hail, fellow
gun,” She gestures toward the western Wall. “We would be oc- archeologists,” one manages. “Oh, It wasn’t anything here in town
cupied by our many enemies. If you could linger for a week or which took us apart... got the other five of us killed... no, not in this
two, it would be comforting to us all, and please tell others of splendid town. We were down in the Scrub Ruins. They ain’t big on
your caste to visit, or base camp from here, too.” the outside, but under the clay of them badlands are click upon click
6. While passing a cluster of tunnels, buried shop-
of fruit and vegetable sell- ping malls, offices, and
ers, a shop keeper has crushed junk. We ran into
his son rush out with an more rat folk than I ever
apple for each character. seen anyplace before. We
The Boy says. “My father must’ve killed thirty before
says that you are wel- they even reached us. Our
come here, that you must companions are probably
consider our village as gnawed to the bones by
your second home.” now... God rest their souls.
7. A group of d3+2 no- Well, mates, good luck. We
madic peddlers, treat as better get this Digger to
raiders, lead their d6+1 that healer, Gajolm.” GM:
mules down the street. Is this an opportunity for
Upon seeing any mutant any players who are down
character’s passing them, to one character to roll up
they suddenly draw short a new PC?
swords and make to slash 4. d4+1 Urcellia sudden-
at the mutant(s) only, in ly sweep down into the
melee range. “Die mutant streets, attacking ran-
devil(s)!” They scream, dom occupants, possibly
“God is with us! He sees the PCs as well.
our devotion and will smite 5. Quite close to where
thee snakes! You, low off- the character(s) walks,
spring of the horned one! erupts the sounds
Fornicators with the goat!” of men shouting and
They will fight to the death, and should they manage to defeat the alarms bells sounding on the wall. d6 commoner men soon
characters, they will then turn on the citizens, killing any mutants enter the street from the homes around the PCs, each carries
they can find before themselves being cut down. a bow and quiver of arrows and wears a dagger on his belt.

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Upon seeing the character(s), one exclaims: “Rat men! The After 6 pm and until closing, at 4 am, however, there will be
bell chimes are coded to tell the village what the alarm is for. 2d6 prostitutes, 3d6+3 patrons from bar patrons table B, d3+1
Come, man the walls with us, and fulfill your destiny!” If the bar tenders and 2d4 serving girls working here. Unique encoun-
character(s) do follow the men to the wall, see 5A, but if the ters occur with a 1 in 6 chance per hour during the day, and a 1
character’s don’t, see 5B. in 6 chance per half hour in the evening. If an encounter occurs,
5A. The commoner men leads the PC up a catwalk and roll d6 during the day time or d10 in the evening.
peers out over the coiling roadway 5 meters below where a 1. From where he sits at the bar, barely touching his beer, a
mass of bipedal rats with ladders and grappling hooks are as- lone man wearing a wool cloak looks over at the characters. If
saulting the walls! There are 2d6 militia soldiers defending there are any mutants in the PC group, the man seems to look
around the PCs, and below, 2d6 bipedal rats with bows firing up at them the most; however, if no mutants are in the PC group,
at their position. The character’s side gains -20 DV due to the he simply ignores the characters for as long as they are in the
cover of the palisade. 3d6+6 other bipedal rats are setting lad- bar. If, on the other hand, there are one or more mutants in the
ders and throwing grappling hooks, and climbing upward rap- PC group, there is thereafter a 1 in 6 chance per half hour that
idly! One ladder is directly in front of the character’s (group’s) the cloaked man gets up and makes his way over toward the
position and d6+2 rats are on it. If any of this group are not character’s table, pretending to be going to the latrines. When
slain, they reach the top of the wall and leap over among the he gets within d6 meters of the characters, he suddenly draws
characters for melee combat. They use clubs and shields. If this a musket pistol and aims at a random mutant. If the man wins
portion of the attack is resisted, other siege attacks elsewhere initiative, he fires before the character can get up, let alone
around town are also thrown back, however, if failure results at draw a weapon. After firing the musket, the Purist howls. “God
the character’s position, then the town is over run by hundreds is my witness! Rise up, pure men of Sea Home, only with the
of bipedal rats who will butcher the humans and devour them, blood letting of the mutants can we show our Lord our true de-
forcing the survivors into the fishing boats at the docks who can votion!” He then draws a machete and charges at any random
row away a half kilometer to watch their town burn. mutant in the PC group, and will die fighting.
5B. There is a 67% chance the attacking bipedal rats are
2. A prostitute leans over the most attractive male character in
defeated and all is well, however, if the rat men are not stopped the group, and whispers into his ear. “Listen, you gorgeous hunk
at the walls, there is a chance that some portion of their inva- of masculinity, I know I am never going to get rich like this but I
sion force have made it into the streets. The character(s) sud- wanna get you in my room upstairs and make you thank the mak-
denly see 2d6 bipedal rats pour into the street ahead of them er that you came to Sea Home. In my arms, you will succumb to
10+d10m away, using clubs and shields, while behind the the greatest bliss any man has ever known. Tonight, I am doing
characters, another 2d6 appear, 10+d10m away as well, using this for freedom and fun, not money, so keep your coins in your
bows and arrows which they fire on the PCs with if they get the pants and lets enjoy whatever else you got in there.”
initiative. If the characters cannot defeat this group, neither 3. GM note: re-roll this result if the PCs don’t look like excava-
can the village throw back the bipedal rat swarm all over the tors. The bar tender and two serving girls come over to the PC’s
village, and the town is taken by these man eaters. Many of the table with a couple of jugs of beer, a plate of steaming potatoes
non-combatant humans make it to the docks and flee in row- covered in melted cheese, some chicken drum sticks and vari-
boats, watching their town burn, hearing the screams of their ous vegetables with dipping cheese sauce. The bar tender bows
people as the rats torture and then eat them. low and speaks loud enough for everybody in the noisy lounge
6. A door opens and a commoner family frames the entrance to hear him. “On behalf of the Council of the Wise, who have ob-
way to a small shack. “Please, outlanders, come join us for drinks served you’re arrival in the Village, we present you with this feast,
and food. You may stay the night if you please.” If the character’s and bid you welcome to Sea Home. May you think of our peo-
agree, they are admitted into a modest, timber and scrap met- ple kindly, as we will keep you in our prayers, and look forward
al home, where a man, a woman and their d3 children and d3 to your safe return from whatever adventures you under take.”
teens, some mutant, some not, bow low respectfully and show With that, the entire crowd cries out in cheer and applause. Ev-
the PCs to a heavy wooden table in the middle of the main room. erybody seems to want to shake the character’s hands, and the
The woman of the house rushes about getting glasses and a bot- PCs can’t seem to get anybody to take their money even when
tle of red wine. “We apologize for our poverty, we are simple peo- asking to buy more drinks that night, as the beer and wine are
ple who live off the sea, fishing the salmon and many other sleek replaced before any excavator’s glass is even empty.
things of the ocean. I always dreamed to become an excavator, 4. An old man asks if he can sit down. If allowed, he leans over,
but, alas, my heart was not build so stout as your own, nor was I grinning, the smell of strong drink on his breath. “Friends, you
gifted with mutations of great use.” The characters are well fed may not know the whole history of our great village. I was born
and offered a back room, blankets and pillows on which to spend here, I have seen many enemies pound at our gates, throw fire
the night. In the morning, the characters are invited to live with onto our roofs, scale our walls, and land in the streets on the
the family for as long as they stay in Sea Home, and that if they backs of great bats or in airships. And on every occasion, cer-
return to town at any time, that a hearth awaits them, always. tain doom was postponed by the selfless deeds of a few, a few
7. “As God is my witness!” Shouts a voice from a nearby roof- like you. Listen, I know I’m a drunken old fool, but hear me out.
top, adding, “May the one true God smite thee, aberration!” A The fact is we don’t have enough troops. We are too close to
crossbow bolt flies toward a random mutant (fired by a lone the ruins, pinned in by the rat folk, too close to Port Folly, and
Purist 4+d4m up on a roof). Simultaneously, hooded figures too important to the Aberrationists and the fricken Purists to
leap out of the shadows d3+1m away brandishing machetes, leave alone. Without elite, tough little units like yours staying
one per character in the PC group. “Die Satan spawned, grave in town on a regular basis, our enemies would wipe us out. I
robbing heretics!” Cries another as he charges forth. “My blade am begging you, to please continue the proud tradition of your
shall be my devotion made manifest! May God witness my hour caste, and make Sea Home your base camp. We will show you
of glory!” Treat the Purist zealots as raiders. the sort of respect you deserve, like you will get no place else
in this or any other region.” He then slides a random gift into
the middle of the table and says “Keep this, may it serve you as
Diggers Lounge Encounters During the day the bar is qui- well as it did me.” Roll d6: 1. Relic weapon WC-RC/ 2. Spotlight,
et, and only occupied by d6 prostitutes, d6+2 rolls from bar pa-
fully charged/ 3. Force field generator, fully charged/ 4. Subma-
trons table B, page 384, 1 bar tender and d4+1 serving girls. chine gun, full clip/ 5. Razor sword/ 6. Ballistic vest.

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5. A group of d6+3 drunken toughs, treat as raiders, but each with derstandably, I am looking to join another group, one with better
a minor mutation and fighting at -20 SV due to their intoxicated luck, such as yourselves. What do you say?”
state, will ignore the PCs if any obvious mutants, cyborgs or other 8. An old man, treat as a commoner, steps up to the charac-
visible non-pure stock appearing individuals are in the group. ter’s table and smiles. “I am selling a relic that had been giv-
If, however, the PCs are only pure stock appearing, the en to me by my father’s father. In my time, it used it to defend
thugs start to talk loudly among themselves and draw the at- our village from rat men, Purists and Aberrationist freaks,
tention of those nearby. “Look at these precious outlanders. I and now... as I have no child to leave it to, no heart left to
wonder if they are what they say? Maybe they’re really Purist explore the ruins, and can’t see well enough to tell the en-
agents, posing as excavators! What say we dangle them by their emy from my own people, I thought I might present it for sale,
feet over the dock wall, dip them in the sea and see what we to ones who might put it to use, defending our blessed little
can catch?” There is a 2 in 6 chance per half hour thereafter community.” He pulls out the item, and says the fixed price.
that the rough men get out of hand and begin to throw insults, If the characters can’t afford the item or aren’t interested,
food and half finished mugs of beer at the characters, and if he moves off to find other excavators in the crowd. Roll d6;
the PCs are of lesser number than themselves, they proclaim 1. Razor sword, 500+3d100sp/ 2. Shotgun pistol, plus d6
challenges to the characters. Regardless of whether the 2 in 6 shells, 700+3d100sp/ 3. Pump shotgun with folding stock
odds occur, the men continue to tell others that the characters and d6+1 shells, 800+d1000sp/ 4. Wrist gun and 4+d4
are Purist spies and should be hanged. Most people don’t take rounds, 400+3d100sp/ 5. Pocket pistol with 6+d6 rounds,
these ruffians too seriously. 700+3d100sp/ 6. Auto pistol with 3d6 rounds, 900+d1000sp/
6. Some fishermen enter the bar and are speaking quite ex- 7. Submachine gun with 4d6 rounds, 1200+d1000sp/ 8. Sur-
citedly as they take up a nearby table. The d6+2 men tell oth- vival rifle with 3d6 rounds, 700+4d100sp/ 9,10. Assault ri-
ers around them of what they fle, with folding stock and 3d6
saw while on the water that rounds, 1500+d1000sp.
day. Roll d6: 1,2. “We saw three 9. A merchant and his 2d6 mi-
pirate battle barges and sev- litia soldier-sailors enter and
eral longboats, heading north, take up a table. After awhile,
quite possibly to Memory or to the merchant stands up and
raid shipping lines along the makes an announcement.
Aberrationist coastline. We told “At dawn, I sail my barge, the
the council, and they radioed Wal-Value Queen, and we have
those good folk up in Memory room for up to ten passengers,
to be vigilant.”/ 3,4. “We saw a even their horses or dogs,
god damned Purist battle barge, whatever you like, the cost be-
right off Elbow Island. They had ing....” Roll d6: 1,2. “8 silver per
some kind of binoculars out, we person, our destination being
could see that much, and they Memory.”/ 3,4. “16 silvers, as
were just watching our town. we sail for Safe Port far beyond
We rowed the hell outa there!” the Dominion of Mutants.” / 5.
/ 5,6. “Well, we were heading “5 silvers as we go only around
back from some good fishin’ off the bend to Sorrow.”/ 6. 8sp,
Elbow Island, and we looked to for we go to Steel Hill, and must
the cliffs along the shore of The cross through waters patrolled
Scrubs, and on the ridge there by the Purist damned navy,
is a hoard of god forsaken rat curse their mothers.”
folk, more than any of us have 10. A group of 3+d3 Southern
ever seen. We told the gate of- Rangers enters the bar, smile
ficer and he assured us that at everyone, spot the charac-
the guard would be doubled to- ter group and smile as they ap-
night, that within a day or two, proach them, extending right
we might be in for a fight.” hands to shake the PC’s hands.
7. A lone excavator is sitting at “Welcome noble archeolo-
the bar, and raises his or her gists and adventure seekers”,
glass to the characters. After grins their leader, an NCO. “We
an hour, the individual gets the were told that you’d be found
nerve to come ask to join the PCs and says d6: 1,2. “I am geared in here, but won’t waste your time, as I see you have drink-
up, young and fit, but, am just starting my career as a digger and ing to accomplish. We are Southern Rangers, not to be mixed
came here from Sandbarra to join a dig team. Are you accepting up with our brothers and sisters up in the Northern Freehold,
new excavators?” / 3,4. “Isn’t this town great? I’ve been to a few the Scouts. We heard about you, and came to educate you in
other places, but never been treated so well. I am, however, here our caste, and hopefully, enlist you into our ranks. We need
to hook up with a excavation party heading for the Dethpool or people like you, brave, independent, not motivated by racial or
Overgrown Ruins. I hear that they are not as deadly as other dig religious ignorance. The pay is 45sp per month (see page 64)
zones, nor as relic rich, yet, also not so picked over. I am just you will be given food and quarters in any Lower Freehold town
starting this career path, and would like to try out some easier you arrive at. You will be commanded by sensible, experienced
debris piles before I get a crack at the Great Ruins. Are you tak- officers and earn great glory fighting the enemies of our small
ing recruits?” / 5,6. “I was part of a six digger team, up until last but steadfast nation. Ride with us at dawn to Steel Hill, where
week, but we entered the Overgrown Ruins and found a weed the Ranger fortress is located. There, you can hear the words
choked skyscraper, went half way up, and wham, we were torn of our superiors, and decide for yourself if you would like to join
to shreds by something. I never got a good look at the fricken the most noble, well respected force in the region.”
things, but they squealed and they got everybody but me. Un-

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Sorrow Technology: Since Sorrow is close to many rich archeological

deposits, its people have taken full advantage of this bounty, mak-
ing every efforts to acquire relics via purchase, theft, and direct ex-
peditions into the ruins. Besides the rocket launcher at the front
Faction: The Lower Freehold
Government: Ruled by an publicly elected Magistrate and council. gate, chain gun at the Sea Tower, robotic forces, and missile launch-
Population: Total 458 to 646 (Pure Stocks 280+d100/ er (see page 84 for military and defenses), there are also many light
Mutants 80+2d20 and 40+d20 Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs arms and armor found on officers and retired excavators, as well
16+d8/ Synthetic humans 32+2d6/other 3d6) as carried by prominent business owners and traders. A handful
of communicators are also present and carried by officers and the
Site Details: This small fishing and farming town is situated current Magistrate, allowing the rulers to stay in constant contact
with each other, as well as any Southern Rangers who might be in
on the sandy shores of the Tainted Sea, up a shallow, weed
choked bay called Mud Inlet, a back water of Promise Bay. the area. Despite all these relic weapons, the people live in rather
The town’s location provides access to the sea yet still offers low-tech conditions, having no electricity, computer systems, radio
a supply of fresh drinking water from Jaw Creek. receivers or power cell generation facilities, nor anything remotely
resembling an advanced workshop or medical facility.
Construction: Built on a foundation of dirt and debris, Sor- Dangers: There is some petty crime within town itself, mostly
row’s landward side defenses are limited and consist of a 3.5 me-
ters tall wooden palisade and simple catwalk. On the seaboard robberies, assaults, and murder between rival gangs, however,
side of town, meanwhile, overlooking the dock area, is a newly Purist or Aberrationist sponsored killings and sabotage threaten
built stone and scrap metal wall. This barrier stands 5m tall with even outsiders whom are perceived to be of the enemy faction in
four 7m tall, stout towers, and one 10 meter tall, by 10m square, question. While fundamentalists from enemy factions wage war
stone tower acting as the sea wall’s gate house. This great ‘Sea within all open towns, such conflict is more pronounced in Sor-
Tower’ serves as the town’s command center and house of elect- row, with both sides practicing covert operations against the local
ed elders, barracks and jail. It is well protected by both troops and government, citizens, travelers and each other. On a larger scale,
a much feared relic weapon; the tower top is fitted with a steel en- there is always the very real threat of Purist invasion since Battle
closure and shuttered metal portals which can be opened to ex- Barges of the Holy Purist Empire have assaulted Sorrow repeated-
pose a chain gun nest, belt fed with 3d100 standard rifle rounds. ly over the past seventy odd years, occasionally burning the place
The Land Gate, on the far side of town, is pathetic, and only pro- to the ground and forcing the inhabitants to rebuild. Visitors are
tected by a lone wooden watch tower, 7m tall, with an enclosed expected to defend the town if it comes under attack.
top and opening window from which to present a rocket launcher Disease has also afflicted these people, with several out-
(rumored to have only 2 battle rockets remaining). Private homes, breaks of White Plague and various flues which have devastat-
and most industrial structures, are made of mixed wood, some ed the population, reoccurring every decade or so and usually
stone and scrap metal and have junk or kiln fired tile roof tops, brought to town by a merchant ship from afar. Leprosy is also a
while smaller sheds, shacks and shanties have thatch grass roofs problem; however any locals infected with the disease have long
and mud brick or woven stick and driftwood walls. since been banished, with the disease now being brought to town
by strangers, typically by sea borne traders and travelers.
Water and Sanitation: Sewage is collected in buckets and Outside of town, by night in particular, it is unsafe to be beyond
the walls, or venture far into the Scrubs without serious firepower or
poured into the back alleys, which eventually drain into the
sea. This village stinks terribly in the summer months, and a large contingent of warriors, for throughout this whole area, lurk
the flies sometimes blacken the sky. Drinking water is collect- a nasty, cunning nation of bipedal rats, who by day hold up in the
ed by underground pipes which run from Jaw creek to several nearby ruins, woodlands, shadowy ravines and thickets, waiting for
wells dotted about town or connected directly to larger build- the opportunity to assail travelers. By night, however, the rat-folk
ings such as the Sea Tower. become braver, and terrorize the roads and country side, and even
make raids into the town itself.

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MAP CR-6: Sorrow

1 hex =5 meters

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Law Enforcement: Both Local militia soldiers and Southern between Jaw Creek, northward for about a dozen kilome-
Rangers are authorized to arrest law breakers, intervene in ters, then east and back down toward Sorrow, keeping the
bar room brawls or detain anybody suspected of being either trail clear for trade caravans as well as offering some protec-
a Purist or an Aberrationist. The law’s response toward petty tion to the herdsmen who graze their livestock beyond the
crime, such as theft of life essentials, unarmed brawling be- walls by day.
tween willing combatants, and whatnot, usually results in the Stationed at the docks, day and night are a squad of
guilty having to work off the value of stolen or damaged arti- 30+d12 ‘Marines’, treat as more militia soldiers, however,
cles, or, in the case of fist fights and feuds, both sides are put these troops wear waterproof leather ponchos, are armed
in a jail cell together and ordered to talk it out and patch things with crossbows and battle axes, and are mutants, each with
up for the good of the community. For crimes which involve a prime mutation. Their main job is protecting the wharf area
armed robbery, muggings, rape, murder, or any hint of Purist from beasts who might stray up onto the wooden decking,
or Aberrationist motivation, the punishment is severe. Se- questioning those who arrive in small open boats, as well
rious crimes, including hate speech by Purists or Aberra- as launching into four longboats to inspect unfamil-
tionists who preach extermination or enslavement iar barges seen entering Mud Inlet, interviewing the
upon the other, are publicly whipped and placed captain and crew, examining the cargo, and being
in a steel cage, suspended in the town square for ever vigilant for Purist or Aberrationist treachery.
all to ridicule and abuse for 3d6+4 days. Plus, the Of course, if an enemy invasion fleet enters the
convict is stripped of all wealth, land, slaves inlet, this detachment will retreat behind the town
and title. In extreme situa- tions, where walls instead of rowing out to their doom.
a death was the result of In addition to troops, there are a few archa-
any factional criminal act, ic artillery units at the disposal of the town,
or the attempt to as- with the four, open topped, small sea towers
sassinate town offi- mounted with a catapult on each, sup-
cials, the guilty will plied by 5 catapult stones
be dragged into and 10 catapult
the town square fire pot projectiles,
and be evis- with a crew of 3 op-
cerated. Those erating each. In ad-
killed in his fash- dition, there are 4 heavy
ion will have their ballista on wheels which are
corpses hanged in kept near the front gate and
their own organs standing by to face whatever might
and left dangling in the bash through the steel plated doors.
square for two days with The main relic defenses of the town
a sign about their necks include a rocket launcher at the Land
proclaiming their crimes. Gate, mounted on a tripod, manned by 5
Anyone arrested for any militia soldiers, but only supplied with two
crime, will be put into foot and battle rockets. At the Sea Tower a chain gun
hand manacles, allowing a move- (fed with 3d100 rifle rounds) points out to-
ment rate of half their normal ward the inlet. Besides these relics, the town
speed. Only a person of 40 or has a missile launcher which
better strength can even is stowed in a secret, rotating
attempt to break these location to avoid enemy sabo-
bonds, with one try per hour tage, supplied with d6 assault
allowed and success had by missiles and d6 incapacitator
making a type C STR based missiles. Loyal town soldiers
HC. Prisoners will be kept watch this device at all times,
in civic jail for d3 days and will bring it out of hiding to
before being dragged either the Sea Tower or Land
to the Magistrate, who Gate area should the need
besides being the town arise. The threat of this launcher
leader also passes judg- is such that most raider maraud-
ment in a rudimentary basement courtroom. Witnesses, if any, ers, pirate flotillas and other intelligent attackers avoid assault-
are called forth in no particular order, questioned, and then the ing the town outright, but instead prey on trade and travelers
magistrate sentences the convicted person. The current magis- going to and from the site.
trate is known to take bribes in gold coins to ensure he hears the Being located between two belligerent nations, and not
guilty person’s case with a more open mind always sure of where a pure stock or mutant’s loyalties truly
resided, Sorrow has always needed troops who were capable
Military and Defense: The military of Sorrow includes of unquestioning loyalty and unbiased responses to whatever
60+d20 militia soldiers, using crossbows while defend- calamity or threat might arise. Robots, understandably, do not
ing walls, but shields and spears with machetes in melee care whether a person is a mutant or a pure blood, and will
or street duty. The standard Sorrow militiaman or woman do its duty to the best of its ability, obeying the Magistrate or
wears a forest green jumpsuit under his or her armor, with a one of the four Squad leader officers as directed, or by pre-
decorative white sun symbol sewn into the chest and paint- programmed commands. Sorrow once had a couple of dozen
ed on the shields, denoting these troops as Lower Free- mixed robots, all fitted with reliable weapons and their violence
holders. There is a cavalry detachment of 20+d10 horse inhibitors removed. Many of these units, mostly household ro-
mounted militia soldiers, armed with musket pistols as well bots and the like, were turned to junk long ago by repeated Pur-
as sabers, but lacking shields, who spend their day riding ist assaults. Now, only a handful of operational units remain:

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d4+5 household robots fitted with longswords, guarding the The village site was first called Briteshore, reflecting the
second floor offices and residence of the Magistrate, located optimism of those first settlers. In subsequent years, the
at the Sea Tower. These units will follow their master into battle town suffered terribly at the hands of wandering raiders out
if the current Magistrate joins those on the walls during an at- of Twisted Wood, or else from bipedal rats, which even a hun-
tack, otherwise they will stay at the tower and guard it and the dred years ago were growing in population and intelligence
other occupants and contents of the structure, killing anyone and mounting organized attacks on human settlements. In
who does not surrender. the year 2259, Briteshore was overrun by the rat-men who
Secured away from terrorist attacks until needed are killed most of the adult males, while everybody else leapt
d4+2 Light Infantry robots, who are stationed in the Sea Tow- into fishing boats and a pair of large transport barges which
er’s basement. These robots are the so called ‘secret weap- had luckily docked there to barter for food stuffs, and fled off-
on’ of the town, even though everybody knows they exist. shore. The populace returned to find their town burned to the
Other non-human forces reside at the land gate, where ground. The survivors immediately hired a team of powerful
guards keep d6+3 mutant dogs in a kennel to one side of the mutant mercenaries, called the Lukarra, who had come to
portal. These particular mutant dogs are of a carefully bred the village on numerous occasions to re-supply themselves
strain, having thick shells (DV -25, MV 7,) plus enormous, hair- while exploring the nearby ruins. The mercs agreed to guard
less heads with terrible bone crushing jaws (SV 01-70, DMG the villagers while the populace re-built the site. The mercs
d12+6). The hounds are trained to track down and rip apart any- managed to defeat successive waves of the rat-men, earning
body whom their handlers direct, or give the scent to. They will a place of honor among the townsfolk and being welcomed as
track individuals for up to 4+d6 days, losing the trail only if the full fledged citizens.
prey crosses a creek or river or a downpour wipes out the scent. By the year 2295, Purist forces were annihilating mutants
Beyond town, Southern Rangers, their number unknown, throughout the region, and Briteshore joined with Steel Hill in the
may or may not be in or around Sorrow at any given time. These defense of the area. While the main body of the Briteshore forc-
rangers are recruited from all Lower Freehold settlements, as es were off waging a ground war, a Purist invasion fleet assault-
well as proven, battle tested volunteers from other lands who ed the town, entered the streets and butchered anyone who was
support the ideal of peaceful coexistence between men and mu- not clearly a pure stock. A great number of villagers fled out the
tants. Many of the Northern Freehold towns support these rang- land gates and dashed for cover while behind them, the Purists
ers, and have their own equivalent riders who occasionally aug- burned their beloved village to the ground. When the community
ment or serve among these southern, hard pressed Rangers. was later rebuilt, the people renamed it Sorrow. In recent years,
See Lower Freehold, page 64 for details about the Southern both the Purists and Aberrationists have made attempts to sab-
Rangers, what their statistics are like, their disposition, and how otage the town’s defenses and assassinate the leaders as well
excavators or mercenaries can become Rangers. as citizens and visitors of the enemy race. Only the tenacious,
proud nature of the people of Sorrow allows the hard pressed
Visitors to Sorrow: Like most towns, there is no admittance town to exist, that and their allies within the confederation of the
after sunset. Additionally, both the land and sea gates will re- Lower Freehold. Many people, however, are of the opinion that
main closed during times of war when enemies are intruding on unless Sorrow can secure a new force of protectors, such as the
Lower Freehold lands, and only opened when a person or group Lukarra of many years ago, the town is doomed.
appear to pose no threat, are familiar and well liked, or agree
to disrobe and disarm. Even during times of peace, groups of 4 Resources and Industry: The grasslands to the north and
or more all pure blood or all mutants will be directed to disarm east offer amble grazing for herbivores, both wild and domestic
and disrobe, and if allowed to enter, will have to sign in all relic which the locals harvest and export in the form of meat, fur, mounts
arms and armor at the gate house for later collection upon de- and leather products. Other industries include a bountiful harvest
parture. If, however, a mixed group of mutants and pure stocks of fish from the sea, plus accommodations for traders, nomads,
arrive, who have never been to Sorrow before, they will be also and excavators who frequently explore lucrative ruin sites nearby.
be told to sign in all relics, but not have to strip down to their
underwear before the gates will open. Accommodations: Sorrow thrives on trade and ruin ex-
Frequent visitors, either excavation teams or traders, boun- ploration, and for such a small settlement, has some of the
ty hunters, scavengers and the like, who are well known to the finest accommodations around. There is a large bar with at-
guards and never cause a stir, will be able to come and go with- tached hostel. A bath house and laundry facility, massage
out much more than a friendly handshake and well wishing, parlor and brothel, and a simple but well run clinic. Here too
and there is no need to hand in their relics. It takes about four are the standard general store, relic dealer, gem and jewelry
‘peaceful’ visits per season to get this warm reception. trader, barber shop and numerous street peddlers. Unofficial
There is a slight 1sp cost to enter town, at least for total home based inns, whore’s quarters and countless cottage in-
strangers, while regulars and citizens of the town come and dustries round out the services available to travellers.
go without charge. Anyone who is clearly a runaway slave from The Bar, called the Infinity Pub, is made of scrap metal, plas-
some other land or non Lower Freehold settlement will be al- tic, Plexiglas windows, and a ceramic tile roof, and is a massive,
lowed into town, but will soon be bushwhacked in some shad- four story structure with numerous smaller buildings attached to
owy street or alley and sold by thugs to the logging foreman it. The first floor is a reception area and slop house, where arriv-
as a slave, if strong, or sold to the Casino as a kitchen slave or ing patrons can either book a room, go left to the slop house for
worse, if attractive. some stew, or to the right, down a wooden spiral staircase into
the noisy, smoky bar below. Also at this main level are various of-
Brief History: There is no firm date on when the current fices, rented by a dentist, a transport company (Truval Couriers
town site of Sorrow was settled, but everyone agrees that it & Communications Co.), an astrologer (Maggie Glass Skin), a to-
was first inhabited by boat people coming down the coast bacco shop which sells various tobaccos (2sp per 200mg pouch,
from further up the distorted, bomb tattered California coast- cigarettes 1sp per 6, pipes 3sp each, chewing tobacco 2sp per
line. The protective barrier formed by Crow and Steel Islands 150mg pouch , as well as marijuana slims for 4sp or party joints
and the Gate Reef kept out the larger waves as well as forced for 8sp).
the ships of marauders to come into Mud Inlet through one of An ornate, hand carved staircase leads up to the hostel
four narrow channels. rooms and private units; with the staircase always guarded by

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 86

a pair of mercenary soldiers (treat as elite soldiers with a relic shop and laundry services, each coasting a silver piece, but
weapon each) who are ready to stop any unregistered guests who the entire place is overrun with cheap, shabby looking hook-
have not been admitted and directed to the staircase by the two ers who pester the clients of either sex. If these sordid, often
or three attractive women who work the admittance area. deranged whores do manage to seduce a client while he or
The upper levels are divided into two sections; the sec- she is bathing (charging only d2+1sp per trick), these whores
ond floor is for hostel guests, where there are 8 four person must pay the owner, Bert, a percentage of their fee as a com-
bunk rooms available (d8 currently occupied) at a cost of 5sp mission. Uncle Bert, a grossly fat, bisexual mutant with two
a night, plus, 6 one person rooms, (d6 occupied) which cost heads, red hair and skin, and a lecherous, peeping-tom habit,
3sp per night, and finally 4 deluxe suites (d4 occupied), hav- is well known in these parts for his liberal ways, household or-
ing three sleeping rooms with a double bed in each cham- gies and mistreatment of slaves, of which he owns many.
ber, plus a main room (which sleeps up to 6 more people) The massage parlor and brothel, which is simply named
and kitchen area, private latrine and balcony, all for 20sp per The Red Garter, is in direct competition with the pub and the
night. Above the hostel level is the ‘lease holder’ level. Here, bath house for clients. Sorrow gets a lot of trade and excava-
there are 12 separate, four chamber units which are occu- tor traffic, and the men and women among these new arrivals
pied by long term tenets, such as merchants, traders, the are often keen to wring a moment’s pleasure out of a life of
odd adventure team, slaver, bounty hunter or oth- pain and hardship, and thus they indulge in the erotic servic-
ers who can muster the 200sp per month lease es of various prostitutes. At the Red Garter, the women, as
fee. These rooms are said to be very well con- well as assorted she-males, dual-gendered freaks, cross
structed, with real glass windows, balconies, dressing homosexuals, and synthetic human concu-
private bath a latrine areas, a cook stove, bines, are the most attractive whores in town, and cost
and three bedrooms leading off of the d6+2sp per hour, or, 12 +d12sp to stay in a hooker’s
main living room area. Occasionally one of room all night. The building is guarded by a unit of
these rooms is up for lease, with a mini- 6+d6 soldiers using musket pistols and steel clubs,
mum 4 month lease agreement, paid in ad- all of them mutants with a prime mutation each.
vance, mandatory. The odds a suite coming The Madame of the house is a middle aged
available is 1 in 20 per month. woman, Kassarina-Buxolla known to be telepathic,
The pub area is an enormous warren of and suspected of having a great many other ghost
both newly built and ancient construction. Like mutations. She is one of the few people around to
nearly everywhere else in the region, below own, and openly wear a laser pistol, a fact which
the surface of this town exists layers upon lay- makes her clientele pay up without argument,
ers of ancient Los Angeles, much of it filled even if their sexual experience was less than
in with silt, flooded by tainted water or as yet un- satisfying.
breached and left as it had been hundreds of The massage parlor is on the main
years ago. Within the Infinity Pub, a large exca- floor, and occupies a half dozen small, can-
vated chamber of the old ones, the main area dle lit rooms, blocked off from the main
is well lit and active, with a boisterous crowd ev- area by thick drapes. The typical massage
ery night, while the ancient side passages, often costs a silver coin, and is used as either a
used by whores to conduct their amatory busi- prelude to amatory activates or a wind down
ness, or else by thieves waiting to catch a wan- from frolicking upstairs, however, many bat-
dering drunk, are said to meander for many me- tered and bruised excavators and warriors use
ters here and there, often leading down into deep- these services purely for relaxation and therapy,
er ancient chambers, all well looted of anything of without the need for sexual activity.
value and often chest deep in sea water which has The town clinic is open to all visitors, and is ba-
seeped into the place. Rumors have it that the lo- sically a two story home, with the upper floor serv-
cal authorities have banned all further excavations ing as the living quarters to the doctor and his staff
under the town, and blocked all entrances into of 4+d4 nurses. Doctor Abraham Jeggy-Polla is a
the Infinity area, due both to the threat of radioac- tall mutant with blue skin and white hair, a 5 skill point medic
tive contamination, but more likely, to hinder the intrusions of and the owner of an extensive relic medic’s bag. His nurses, who
the rat-folk, who are known to occasionally use these under- are interestingly enough all females of good looks, are 1 skill
ground networks to make raids on their human enemies and point medics, who work for the older man, but also study under
food source above. him. A fee of 15sp per day is charged for attended healing in the
Attached to the pub is a stable, where one can keep a rid- 14 bed clinic, and 80sp for any surgical procedure.
ing dog, horse or other mount in a private stall for 2sp per night.
Small relic vehicles, such as ATVs, motorcycles and whatnot For the Excavator: The more uneventful and polite visits
can also be stored here for 4sp, but one must provide his or her new excavators make to this town within a year, the better
own guard unit or else have the article stolen. Cars, tanks, dune liked and better treated the diggers are. Such regulars are
buggies, gyrocopters and the like can also be stored in the rear, often given nicknames, free drinks and meals, courteous
gate enclosed courtyard at a cost of 20sp per night. treatment by the soldiers and remarkably excellent service by
The slop house serves very basic food stuffs, such as rab- prostitutes and merchants.
bit stew at night (2sp), vegetable soup and biscuits for lunch
(1sp) and pancakes or eggs for breakfast (1sp). Beer (1sp) and For the Game Master: Locals tend to lock themselves in-
wine (2sp) can also be ordered up from the pub as requested. doors at night and worry more about growing bipedal rat in-
This part of the inn is usually pretty tame, and many travelers cursions rather than the larger conflicts between man and
with children are able to bring their kids here for a meal without mutant, and thus don’t get too involved in the guerrilla scraps
the usual dangers associated with a new era bar. going on in their own streets. The smart resident of Sorrow
The bath house, called Uncle Bert’s Bath and Wash Com- knows full well that he or she is best to wed a person of the
pany, is a ramshackle, poorly constructed building, housing an same race, mutant or pure stock, since at any time a power-
odd, poorly run business. The baths are fine, as are the barber ful occupation force from the Mutant Dominion or the Purist

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witch burners, could show up; thus, fleeing into one land or 5. A patrol of 4+d6 town militiamen, come marching along
another might be necessary to survive, and since a couple of the street, shields held close, their spears on their shoulders
the same race can go into the appropriate welcoming faction- as they move in neat formation. One looks at the characters,
al lands better than a mixed couple, liberty and life can better but the group won’t stop unless the PCs are involved in a fight,
be maintained by taking lovers of one’s own ’race’. or, the whole PC group appears to consist only of non-mu-
Travelers, either pure stocks or mutants, will be warned to tants. If so, the patrol comes over and questions the charac-
keep off the streets at night if they are not of a mixed group ters. “What towns have you been to? How long are you staying
of capable fighters, however, even a mixed group of excavators here? What business have you in mind?”
can come under attack or at least be harassed for their asso- 6. 3d6 Militiamen and women are jogging passed the char-
ciation with the enemy. It should be noted, however, that while acters, heading toward the Land Gate with concerned looks
Purists will always seek the death of non-pure stocks, Mutant on their faces. A man in a nearby house asks what the prob-
Aberrationist see pure bloods as lesser humans, of a lower evo- lem is, and a soldier replies, roll d6: 1,2. “Rat-folk have been
lutionary placement and thus such generic humans can be kept spotted to the North. We go to drive them from the crops and
as slaves or unwilling spouses. Given this, Mutant Supremacist cattle!”/ 3,4. “Reports of Aberrationist skirmishers near Sand-
squads will chastise the mutants in a mixed group of travelers, barra. We go to that town’s aide.”/ 5,6. “Purist forces have
and if outnumbering the group, will likely beat and rob the pure crossed into Bitter Bog, again, so we’ve been sent to join the
stocks among them. If no mutants are present in an encounter defense of our brothers and sisters in Steel Hill.” In any of the
with Aberrationists, then the outcome could be far more gory, proceeding results, If the characters look concerned, anoth-
as the squad will likely attempt to kill the pure stocks in a sud- er soldier notices them and says. “Outlanders, why not come
den, merciless raid. Many a ghost mutant, androids and mimic- join the noble fight? Our captain will pay you a small fee, feed
humans (clone, bioreplicant, trans-human) have been killed be- you and let you tent with us during the campaign.”
fore proving themselves to not be pure stocks. 7. In a quiet, shadowy part of the street or alley, a lone assailant
in a nearby private home fires a single crossbow bolt at a obvious-
Unique Encounters ly mutated random character, then flees the scene. If the charac-
ters burst into the house, the door is unlocked, they find a mutant
Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results.
commoner laying in a pool of blood, and rushing upstairs, happen
Daytime Street Encounters: d6+1 rolls for street occu- to see an assassin (Purist) leaping down into the back alley and
fleeing the scene, 10+d10m away. If the characters leap from the
pants from chart B, page 381 with a 3 in 10 chance of an encoun-
ter unique to Sorrow, from the following list. Roll d6, or d6+2 if ob- upstairs window after him, they are each 3 in 6 chance likely to
viously mutated characters accompany a group of travelers: hurt themselves in the fall, taking d6 damage.
1. You enter a crowded street market area, jammed with ven- 8. Turning a corner, a random character happens to look down
dors hawking their wares from wagons, stalls and small pavil- a shadowy, garbage and sewage strewn alley to see, 2d6+4
ions. There are 3d6 commoner families here, d6 traders, d6 meters away, a lone mutant excavator, fighting off d4+3 pure
nomadic traders, and d6 raiders who observe your passing stock raiders. “Die mutant filth!” One raider hisses. If the char-
but do nothing. In this crowd, there is a 38% chance that a acters advance or fire on the raiders, they turn and grin. “Ah,
nearby thief notices the characters and proceeds to attempt more mutant devils to sate the lord’s thirst. By God’s mercy,
to bump into and pickpocket a random relic device in a char- we shall cleanse your tainted bodies and free your souls!” If
acter’s belt, holster, pouch or pack, and if no relic is present, the PCs outnumber the Purist cut throats, then d4+1 more join
then the thief goes for the PC’s coin pouch or wallet. If fleeing the fray from behind the characters. These Purists fight to the
in the crowd, the thief is able to dodge and use pedestrians death, sputtering zealous decrees and prayers as they battle.
as cover, gaining -15 DV, with any stray missile shots having a
50% chance of making a strike on an innocent bystander. Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-2 (0-4) rolls for street oc-
2. A bounty hunter on horseback, with d6+2 raiders on horse cupants on chart B, page 381 with a 3 in 10 chance per passage
as troops, moving the character’s way. If any PC has a boun- of a special encounter from the following list. Roll d6 or d6+2 if a
ty on his or he head, roll their history based chance to de- visibly mutated person is present within character group.
termine if this particular raider spots the character. The GM 1. A hooded figure crosses the street and gets within d4 me-
should not let on either way if a wanted character is spotted, ters of the characters. Roll d6: 1,2. The person is an old drunk
for the bounty hunter certainly doesn’t flinch upon seeing the commoner man, who holds out his hand. “Please, strangers,
individual if recognized. Instead, if the character is sleeping in help me out with a coin or two so I can buy the kids some
the hostel, the bounty hunter’s spies have tracked the char- food.”/ 4,5. The figure reveals her face and is recognized as a
acter there and try to arrest the PC after busting down the street hooker, who smiles, fondles herself and remarks: “Say,
door and leaping into the room. If the wanted PCs compan- lookin’ for some fun? How’z about it, boys. Three silvers each,
ions help resist the ‘lawful’ arrest, they may be killed or taken c’mon, right over in this alley... no one cares.”/ 5,6. The figure,
and sold as slaves if defeated. who appears as a thirty something year old male commoner,
3. The characters pass by two old men playing checkers on but is heavily built and wild eyed, says. “I see you are without
a bench. One smiles and shares one random rumor from the mutant demons, God be praised. In these dark times, humani-
list on page 89. The GM can elaborate on the rumor if the ty is oppressed by the diabolical one, who’s filth taints the good
characters seek more info. people and blinds them to the truth! I tell you, friends, that it
4. Walking past rows of dilapidated shanty huts, a random char- won’t be long before your liberation from the evil ones comes!
acter happens to peer down one alley and see, roll d6: 1,2. A pros- Rejoice and buoy your hearts with the true faith of the Holy Pur-
titute entangled with a client (nomadic trader)/ 3,4. d4+2 raiders ist Bible. Join me this night, and we shall slit the throats of the
beating a lone excavator senseless, (GM new PC recruit opportu- mutant and their allies. We will butcher their freakish babies in
nity?)/ 5. 2d6 street urchins clubbing and kicking a scavenger, al- their sleep, we shall cleanse their women of their evil with our
ready unconscious, who if rescued and revived will guide the PCs blades, and burn their men, in their sleep, and thereby, save
into the Overgrown Ruins./ 6. A slaver and 3+d3 raiders who are their souls.” If the characters don’t join him, he will frown and
tying the hands of a commoner family. The family, their mouths say. “What? Is the lord’s wisdom is lost to you, my brothers and
gagged, are badly beaten and peer back at the characters with sisters? Well, then go forth in peace and bring forth many clean
pleading looks. (1 man, 1 woman, d3 teens, d3 children). children, for the time of the mutant is passing.”

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 88

2. d6+2 cloaked men shuffle out of a dark alley and cross ago! Let me stay with you, please!” There is a 47% chance that
the character’s path. They block the way and look up from nothing happens, and the team hears that the rat folk had been
their hoods and study the PCs carefully. Roll d6: 1-3. “You are wiped out, the raid thwarted. On a roll of 48 to 100% chance,
not mutants, although by the look of you, you are sinners. We however, the woman was correct; a few squads of bipedal rats
would normally detain you and direct you to enlightenment into have made it over the walls and are moving about town looking
the ways of Puristalism, the one true faith, since all else, even for food, weapons and booze. All at once, amid echoing squeals,
the old Christian ways, are heresy in the face of the new evil. the characters see a pack of 3d6+5 pour bipedal rats come into
Listen, brothers and sisters, leave this wicked lifestyle you lead, view, 2d6+2 meters away, whom attack immediately.
and make the pilgrimage to Pure Hub City, thereupon, to dis- 7. “Kill the mutant vermin! Slay the devil spawn in the name
cover God, through the efforts of his clergy.” Treat these Purists of God!” Roars a pure stock man as he runs up the street from
as raiders./ 4-6. The strangers lift their hoods and reveal them- behind the characters, 2d6m away. Behind him are 2d6 other
selves to be hideously mutated men. Each carries a hatchet, commoner men, all of them wielding hatchets, a red, dagger-
some of the weapons drip with fresh blood. “More lesser ones, like cross painted onto their foreheads in chicken blood. They
my Lord!” Exclaims one, talking to the sky. “Pure stocks and direct their attacks only at visible mutants and cyborgs, unless
their ilk. Shall we gut ‘em as well” If the character’s outnumber attacked by pure stocks and synthetic humans in the PC group.
the Aberrationist killers (raiders with a minor mutation each), 8. d3 Purist assassins, sent to kill the mutant characters in
the mutants flee, otherwise they attack in a frenzy, running off the PC group, are concealed on either side of the road be-
only if suffering many casualties. hind barrels and gain -15 DV cover. They are firing either relic
3. d6+3 prostitutes linger outside of a two floor house. They weapons or heavy crossbows at the mutant PCs from a range
make all sorts of gestures, remarks and promises, trying to of 10+d6 meters. If they fail to drop any mutants and either
entice passing men into their back street brothel. “3 silvers take serious wounds themselves or are almost forced into
for a romp, or 14 if you want to stay in a one of our rooms and melee combat, they will break and run in separate directions
frolic all night.” In the lantern light, the PCs can see that the and possibly make another attempt to kill mutants later that
women are all quite homely (10+d10 App), and all mutants night, 16% chance, at the entrance to the hostel if the char-
with a minor, physical alteration, mutation each acters are staying there.
4. The characters enter a street that seems darker than the
rest, and half way down the corridor notice grimy teens loiter- Bar Encounters in the Infinity Pub: d6+3 rolls from bar
ing about, many of them moving forward and sizing the PCs up room patrons table B, page 384, by day, 2d6+6 by night.
as possible targets. There are 2 street urchins per character, There is a 4 in 10 chance per hour of an encounter from the
however, if the characters are clearly relic armed, cyborgs, or following list, roll d6 or d6+2 if there are visible mutants in
mutants with some impressive augmentations or growths, the the PC group.
youths will back off and let the PCs move along unmolested, 1. Seeing that the characters are not accompanied by mu-
otherwise the punks rush forth with clubs and try to beat the tants, a tall, but grubby man shuffles over to their table and
characters unconscious, rob them, then leave them stripped asks if he can join them. If the PCs agree, he says: “I’m a trav-
naked in an alley. eling holy man, and that my mission is to enlighten humanity,
5. The characters enter a side street and notice the lanterns to protect it from a most terrible scourge on the earth. Mutants,
hanging on their posts are knocked out. Nearby, only d6+2 me- either animals, plants or men, are a plague on the earth, an
ters away, they see a gruesome scene. A scantly clad, ill fed abomination, and to associate with them, or worse to copulate
looking woman lays torn open, her body freshly shredded and with them, is to damn one’s soul. Soon, this town will be occu-
spread about. If the PCs investigate, roll d6, if they turn and pied by the Holy Purist Empire. You are to serve me, or risk your
leave the area, there is a 2 in 6 chance that as they turn, bi- souls. Tonight, we will relieve mutants of their suffering as our
pedal rats pounce out of the darkens, drop from the roof tops sacred knives are thirsty for the task.” He stands up and points
above, and tear into the PCs, range 2+d6m away. There are 3 to the door. “Get up, true men, and follow me into glory.”
Bipedal Rats per character. Investigation roll, d6: 1-3. The char- If the PCs follow him outside, to join him or kill him, etc.,
acters crouch down and see that the woman has been partially there is a 33% chance that d6+2 men, treat as raiders, are
eaten. A patrol of town militia arrive at that moment, (see roll 5 waiting for their master, who will accompany him on their
back on page 87 for patrol details). One militiaman shakes his march through the streets killing mutants and cyborgs when-
head and say. “Damn, that’s the third person tonight. Them rat- ever they are found and not guarded by local militia troops. If
folk will pay dearly for this. I advise you people to keep off the the PCs do decide to kill the man outside (treat him as an as-
streets after dark... just stay in your rooms at the hostel.”/ 4,5. sassin), and are caught by guards, the fellow is searched and
As the PCs look about, they hear a hissing coming through the found to have a holy Purist Bible on him, food poison, and a
fog ahead of you. Suddenly, beady red eyes appear as 2d6+6 Purist made musket pistol.
bipedal rats step into view, range 3+d6m away. If they outnum- If the PCs don’t follow him from the Pub and tell him to
ber the PCs, they attack, otherwise they just hold their ground leave them alone, he will pull his cloak up over his head and
and wait for the characters to either leave or attack them./ 6. frown. “Sinners, we will meet again, and perhaps then my
The PCs hear a shriek up ahead through the misty street, see whip can convince you of your wrong living.”
another prostitute running their way, 2+d3 meters away, her 2. While sitting at their table, the PCs overhear a couple of
bare legs and arms streaked with bloody wounds. Behind her, local fishermen talking to a nomadic trader nearby. The Char-
shrieking with hunger and rage as they come, range, 5+d6m, acter’s manage to overhear d4 separate rumors from the list
are bipedal rats, their numbers triple that of the PC group. on the next page.
6. A series of musket shots ring out from the far side of town, 3. A lone excavator comes across the room to the character’s
then screams, shrieks, and a burst of bright light as if an ex- table. “Hello, fellow archeologists,“ he says. “May I join you at
plosion has lit up the night sky. The sounds of shouting men, drink?” If allowed, he or she speaks excitedly. “I have been
screams, and an odd squalling follow. As the PCs move on, they hoping other diggers would come in here, as I am looking to
hear somebody scream nearby and see a commoner woman, join an expedition into the ruins, or just join a new group. Rat-
clutching a baby, run into view and right up to the PC group. “Rat folk wasted the rest of my unit in the Overgrown Ruins, and
men!” She breaths, looking back anxiously. “They had ladders since then, I have been stuck here in town with these bor-
this time and some got into town! I saw them behind me a minute ing fishermen. What do you say? To you need a new recruit?”

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 89

GM note: This is the opportunity to introduce a new PC to the command it to crush any ship the Purists may send at us!”
team, or insert an interesting NPC with a map or information 4. “God himself has damned us to a life of fear from all sides.
on a great dig site. We are hated, because we embrace both the old humans and
4. A militia officer and d3 regular militia soldiers step into the the developing strains of humanity.”
bar room and gesture to the musicians to cease playing. The 5. “There is a great camp of Southern Rangers, out on the
officer stands up and reads a document. “Gracious patrons, plains, a hundred strong and most of them fella’s with relic
visitors and citizens of Sorrow, I have been authorized by the guns and bombs, able to move swiftly against any force that
magistrate to enlist forty new militiamen and militiawomen, tries to tackle one of our towns!”
into our ranks. The pay is twenty silvers per month, food, water 6. “There are a dozen heavy soldier robots in the basement of
and lodging within town. I have a pen and paper here, to sign the sea tower, armed to the gills, and ready to kill the invaders
up new recruits this very minute. Those who sign are thereupon next time they try to take us on!”
legally bound to serve the Lower Freehold, for a term of no less 7. “One of them whores at the Casino is actually an android;
than six months. You will report for training and outfitting at can you guess which one she is?”
dawn at the Sea Tower mustering grounds.” GM: If the PCs sign 8. “Man-Rats have eaten more people around here than
up, they will be dressed in the green jumpsuit, instructed in sharks or gators or anything else. They even get into town at
various military protocols and regulations, and sent on patrol. night and drag people off to shred and share.”
Characters can use their own weapons and armor, but are also 9. “Rat-folk have a city underneath the town, and take one or
given a crossbow. Their first tour of duty takes them up along two of us every so often, just to torture us monkey’s and eat
the eastern shore of Jaw Creek, on foot with an officer and 2d6 our hearts and eyes.”
other troops, camping in the wilds for 2d6 days before return- 10. “Purist assassins are about the town, some say they have
ing to Sorrow, resting for d6 days, then sent out again. paint on their skin and getups to make the fuckers look like
5. A nomadic trader offers to buy the characters a round of mutants. They kill in the night, so stay indoors after dark.”
drinks if he can join them. If so, he relates d3 rumors from the 11. “Mutant supremacists come south to sow the seeds of
list below, plus, there is a 57% chance that he wants to hire civil war, to make man hate his brother mutant,
the characters as body guards on his next trip to Sandbarra, and allow nobody to trust nobody.”
where he and his mule train will be delivering 6+d6 kegs of 12. “The sea tower has a chain gun in it, which
beer. He can pay 14sp each for the journey. can fire out onto the bay or into the town
6. While serving the PCs their drinks, the bar maid leans square.”
over and mentions one random rumor from the list be- 13. “If you break the law or if you hurt a lo-
low, although she cannot go into detail as her cal, you’ll have your guts yanked out and
boss, the bartender, shouts out for her to serve wrapped about your windpipe.”
other customers. 14. “A great Purist Battle-Priest came
7. A scavenger leans over a random PC, while here with his mutant child, years ago,
passing, and whispers one random rumor and bid our magistrate of the day to
from the list below before moving on into the take his brat and raise it free of the ha-
crowd. tred and strife. Nobody knows who the
8. A lone fisherman, who doesn’t seem kid is, but he or she must be a teen-
to know the others in the large pub, ager now, and lives here not knowing
walks right over to the PC table, the importance of his or her sire.”
and looks at a random mutant PC, 15. “There are some ruined buildings
smiles and says. “It has been or- sticking out of the dust in the scrubs,
dained by the Vicar, thou shalt but they be full of man-rats and Nar-
be judged in hell for your sins, kanna, and hard to get to because of the
whilst I, will be granted para- maze of ravines. Somebody said they
dise.” He then pulls out a mus- got some real fine guns there, however,
ket pistol and aims at the mu- used to be bunkers or somethin’”
tant character, who is allowed 16. “The Southern Rangers are like
an initiative roll and the op- knights of old, protecting the com-
portunity to draw a weapon mon people, both mutant and pure
and fire first. After firing blood alike, and just want humanity
the musket, the Pur- to work together to ensure we have
ist (treat as common- a place in the future of this world.
er man) will draw a dag- You should join them and serve
ger coated in type A death mankind. I’m sure you’d go to heav-
poison and attack the mu- en if you did.”
tant, or any other mutant’s 17. “Do not leave your drink unattend-
nearby until killed. ed in the pub, or you might not wake up.”
18. “If you go into the wilds around here, especially heading
Rumors from Locals: In the course of a visit, each player west, you’re going to be fighting rat-men, and they might not
character will learn one random rumor, some of which seem to be as big and tough as you, but lordy, lordy they come in huge
be commonly known facts, while other tidbits of info are clearly packs and will tear you to ribbons.”
superstitious nonsense, tall tales or good-natured fibs. Roll d20 19. “There is a nuclear missile here in town, which, by God’s
1. “There is a missile launcher hidden in one of the military fury and fist, will be detonated if the outer walls are breached
buildings, with many missile types available.” and the town is doomed to occupation by either Purist crackpots
2. “Blood thirsty mutant dogs will be sent after anyone who or mutant Nazis. The magistrate wears the key on a chain.”
causes trouble and flees town by land.” 20. “You are being followed by foreign devils... be warned, be
3. “A giant war robot is sitting in the harbor, deep in the weeds watchful, and be hasty with your dealings here in Sorrow!”
an’ muck, and at a whim, the magistrate can flick a switch, and

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 90

Steel Hill if unconventional structures. The numerous holes left in the

mound, now called Deep Slum, were soon occupied by poorer
families, and to this day, people live three levels down, and
continue to mine out new habitation, occasionally discovering
Faction: The Lower Freehold the remains of crushed robots and vehicles, from which to loot
Government: Monarchy, Ruled by the Brandun Clan, led by precious parts, armor and components for scrap built weap-
her Prominence the Countess Estella Brandun ons and power systems utilized throughout the city.
Population: Total 2493 to 3088 / (Pure Stocks
1300+3d100/ Mutants 850+2d100 and 120+2d20 Ghost
Mutants/ Cyborgs 130+2d8/ Synthetic humans 70+2d6/
Water and Sanitation: River water is collected via huge
pipes and brought to a central treatment plant. Here, the water
other 10+2d20) is run through filters to rid it of weeds, animal life, grit and bits
of ancient garbage, then put through a series of fine ancient
Site Details: Sitting on a mound of ancient rubble, stuck on mesh screens prior to being boiled. The power to maintain the
a wedge of land between the muddy, foul smelling Rancid and constant boiling of the six 500 liter water vats is accomplished
Sedge Rivers, this well established, growing city is also protected by immersed heating coils, running off an independent, roof
by the sea on one side, and the vast quagmire called Bitter Bog mounted solar array. The treatment plant is heavily guarded
on the north side. A dirt road ends in a flimsy, wooden bridge by a detachment of 12 elite soldiers, each with a relic assault
across the Rancid River on the west side, which provides access rifle and outfitted in tactical armor. The purified water is dis-
to the city, but in times of war, the bridge can be burned by the tributed by ‘water wagons’ which move about the town deliv-
defenders. Being on the edge of a swamp, Steel Hill is notorious ering a quota of water according to the needs of each family,
for insect swarms, bad tasting water and raids by the local rep- business or workshop. While the water is safe to drink, it never
tilius tribe. The city is built on a mass of rubble, which has been seems to lose its sulfurous taste and muddy color.
excavated to provide building materials for the upper city, and
create the Deep Slum; a mirky realm of green houses, seedy
bars, steamy brothels and a complex maze of crude housing.
Technology: Being among the oldest established settle-
ments in the region, Steel Hill has had generations to collect
a reserve of relics, technicians, and power generation sourc-
Construction: Steel Hill has been built out of the massive es. Given this wealth of ancient material and knowledge, the
deposit of ancient debris, which many scholars suspect was city has prospered and survived, even as much larger, more
left here due to some geological phenomena, like a tidal wave populace enemy factions have since arisen and repeatedly
or exceedingly powerful flow of river water. Others still believe attacked the free city.
the site is the remains of a collapsed skyscraper of immense Steel Hill uses an assortment of solar, paddle wheel,
size, which once it fell, became a dumping ground for ancient wind turbine and alcohol motors to generate energy for the
people. Indeed, huge sections of plastic, alloy girders, con- water treatment plant, lighting above and below ground, spot
crete slabs, fiberglass and other materials lay thick in a vast lights on all the towers and other key installations, plus ‘juice’
mound. As there are no forests nearby, and the swamp trees for the laser cannons and battery re-chargers used by the mil-
are either too tangled or too dangerous to harvest as timber, itary. Communicators are carried by all officers and members
the readily available deposit of ancient materials were used of the royal family, so too, there are at least a dozen radio
instead. This rich supply of debris allowed the founders to receivers picking up broadcasts from far off lands, these de-
built an incredibly tough, high walled fortification, and within vices disgorging news, views and music in the many bars and
Surface City, on the upper level, raise some very impressive saloons found in the city.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 91

Also present in the city are government funded and pro- Military and Defense: Steel Hill is the primary military garri-
tected workshops for robotics, computers, and general me- son for the entire Lower Freehold, and as such, has an impressive
chanical repairs, and the previously noted recharge facility army. The armed forces consist of 280+2d20 regular municipal
where Southern Rangers and local troops can recharge their troopers, 320+2d100 typical militia volunteers, plus a cavalry de-
power cells. This recharge station is off limits to civilians and tachment of 40+2d20 elite soldiers who augments the city de-
travelers, and well guarded. fenses when not patrolling the road westward each day. Finally, a
detachment of 80+d100 Southern Rangers are stationed within
Dangers: Steel Hill is a large town, called a city by many, the city walls, occupying the eastern most tower, called ‘Indepen-
with many impoverished, mixed race peoples living in squal- dence Tower’ where they conduct their own operations on behalf
id conditions, thus, crime is everywhere in the slum maze of the entire faction, and accept new recruits (see The Lower Free-
below street level, as well as frequent at night on the upper hold description regarding joining this order, page 64). The Rang-
level. The slums are also breeding grounds for various dis- ers are described and illustrated under the Lower Freehold open-
eases, and seditious or fundamentalist cults and political ing section, while the municipal troopers are considered as regu-
movements. Outside threats include the mighty Wadangos lar soldiers wearing part plate armor and carrying a musket rifle
Reptilius nation, which have fought the humans for control with bayonet, 10+3d6 rounds of powder and shot, a saber, dagger
of the swamp for as long as anybody can remember. Occa- and is trained in the art of brawling, skill level 2. These troopers,
sionally, small bands of the green lizard men get over the like all Steel Hill units, consist of roughly half pure stocks and half
walls someplace and cause havoc in the streets, but they common mutants with one minor mutation each, with about one
tend to restrict their hostilities to the periphery of the city, female for every 9 male soldiers.
raiding traders, fisherman, and hunters who they can catch A small fleet of 8 longboats, each armed with a light ballis-
in or near the bounds of the swampland. ta, two merchant barges fitted with a fore and aft heavy ballista,
By far, the greatest threat to Steel Hill comes from fellow and one battle barge are all docked at the stone and scrap pier
humans, as usual. Both The Dominion of Aberratia and the area of the city. These vessels are manned by their own units of
Holy Purist Empire have declared war on the Lower Freehold, Freehold Militia soldiers, and their numbers not added into the
and both sides claim Steel Hill as their own. So far, neither above noted city defenders. Much of the time, all or a portion
faction has had much luck at laying siege to the town due to of this fleet are not in port, and are instead out in Promise Bay,
the swamp, the sea, the devotion of the defenders, and the patrolling the coastline as far away as Memory, or else chasing
weapon systems encrusted about the town. Being unable to pirate barges back to Port Folly. There is a 45% chance that
take the city by direct assault, both the Purists and mutant su- each vessel is away on any given day.
premacists have chosen covert operations to weaken the city There are 40+2d6 NCO officers commanding various
from within. They attempt to enlist any locals who might sym- branches of the military at the squad level, each with a relic
pathize with their hateful causes, or sow strife and mistrust to weapon, and 7+d2 senior officers wearing combat armor and
ensure that no newcomer to Steel Hill feels secure enough to wielding relics WC-RC and WC-R.
settle in the city, or else add yet more relic arms and armor to Mechanical and relic defenses are situated throughout
the defense of the settlement, such as is the case when exca- the city and arranged so as to provide overlapping firepower
vators retire here, or set up a permanent base camp. against any threats. Each weapon emplacement is guarded by
3+d3 municipal soldiers, and strictly off limits to other units
Law Enforcement: Justice is dished out by either Southern and citizens. Each of the 11 small towers is topped by a cata-
Rangers, local militia or municipal soldiers, however due to pult, while the 4 larger towers are each enclosed at their sum-
the poverty and crime in the ‘Deep Slums’ there is little or no mits, a light laser cannon on a tripod built into each.
police activity in the underground maze. People within the un- The land gate is flanked by two enormous towers, and
derground zone are therefore expected to take security into equipped with a chain gun on one side (belt fed with 100+d100
their own hands. Various gangs rule specific sections of the SR rounds), and a rocket launcher with 3d6 battle rockets on
slum, and accept ‘protection’ money from the residents and the other, as well as two heavy ballista aiming outward from
few businesses in their area. Visitors to these dimly illumi- lower levels in each of these massive structures.
nated depths are wise to keep toll money in a separate pouch The pier, or dock area, has a large open access area, but
or pocket from their main coin stash. In some circumstances, is also walled from behind with two separate sea gates allow-
the toll charged on locals and travelers alike will be non-mon- ing wagons and carts to be rolled out to load and unload cargo.
etary, and instead involve the performance of a task, the sex- These doors are situated in small towers, but within each, sealed
ual exploitation, or the cohabitation of gang members within behind a steel shutter, is a chain gun, belt fed with 2d100 stan-
one’s home or rental suite. To refuse paying whatever ‘toll’, dard rifle rounds each, which can be swung around to pepper
an individual and his or her friends and family will experience the entire pier area in bullet fire should the need arise. On the
either brutal violence, enslavement or ‘a lapse in protection docks themselves, behind sandbagged bunkers, are four cata-
coverage’ which will allow a rival gang to assault, rob or other- pults with d6+2 flame pots and 2d6 rocks at the ready.
wise harm the defiant and disrespectful person(s).
In the upper city, where the established families, troops, Visitors to Steel Hill: There is no entrance fee, but security is
clergy, and main businesses are situated, lawlessness is not tight due to the ever present threat of Purist or Aberrationist infil-
tolerated, and frequent patrols roam the streets day and night tration. Groups of all-mutant or all-pure stock appearing individu-
keeping order as best they can, and in particular, protecting als will be made to wait outside the gates and undergo inspection,
the legitimate citizenry, traders and merchants, as well as the questioning, and possible disarmament should they wish to enter
staff and slaves serving these households and businesses. the city. The land gate remains closed day and night, and is only
Petty criminals are usually beaten, made to pay a fine in ei- opened to allow the many herdsmen to guide their livestock from
ther silver, goods, or forced labor. More serious crimes are the corals out to the western pastures, likewise, caravans and pa-
met with confiscation of all wealth and the culprit sold to oth- trols are also rather frequent, and these too are allowed access
er citizens as a slave, or if the prisoner is a murderer, he or after a brief inspection. The land gate has a small door built into
she will forfeit all land and wealth, and then dragged by his or it which allows dismounted individuals to pass in and out without
her feet in the rancid river for the alligators and other preda- the effort of having to open the massive, steel and spike plated
tors to devour, alive. double doors. 2+d2 municipal soldiers and an NCO will step out

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MAP CR-7A: Steel Hill street level view

1 hex =5 meters

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MAP CR-7B: Steel Hill Deep Slum view

1 space =5 meters

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of this door to inspect new arrivals, and unless there is something Brief History: While many towns claim to be the first re-set-
ominous, or questionable about the visitors, they will be let in with tled community in the Crossroads Region, there is considerable
a friendly “Welcome and enjoy your stay.” evidence to support Steel Hill’s claim in this regard. Sometime
As noted previously, all-mutant or all-pure stock appear- before the year 2244, nomadic herdsmen and warriors left the
ing groups will be first questioned, from the walls, especially interior of California and made their way to the lush coastline.
if they number more than 8 people. Such newcomers will be They gathered to them other moderate, mixed race peoples into
asked their business, their names, and the nature of their in- a large coalition, bound by a treaty which outlined trading and
tended stay. These two sorts of travelers will have to forfeit defensive agreements. In time, the site of present day Steel Hill
their relic arms and armor, any robots, carnivorous pets, and was occupied by the main body of this new clan, and using the
undergo a search for poison, drugs or other mystery substanc- enormous amount of scrap material, built a walled fort called
es which could be toxic. All confiscated items are signed over Marsh Camp.
to the NCO and put on a cart, the articles later returned to the Reptilius bands in the adjoining swamp began to suf-
individual upon departure so long as he or she manages to fer losses to these human and mutant human colo-
stay in the city without committing crimes or incurring a debt. nists, and they too merged into one tribe to wage
Ghost mutants must prove their powers to be accepted as a a war of extermination on all humans. They did
mutant, should they be alone, as no solitary pure stock is al- not differentiate between various human settle-
lowed in the city bearing any relic arms or liquids. Cyborgs, an- ments, and raided what were later to become
droids, and more bizarre travelers are also admitted, as long the Aberrationist and Purist villages. These
as they accompany regular or mutated humans. U n d e r lizard man attacks galvanized the various hu-
no circumstances will the gate be opened to relic or scrap man groups, forcing them to build bet-
built tanks, armored cars, helicopters, nor mili- ter forts, improve the outfitting of
tary robots larger than a light soldier robot, and their warriors, and organize into bat-
in the case of such a robot, it must be prov- talions. In time, the human forces
en to be in the control of human masters became too powerful and too well
and in a mixed race group equipped to wipe out and to this
If the NCO has the slightest doubts day, the reptilius must wage a gue-
about an individual’s factional alli- rilla style war, fighting not to regain
ance, he or she will simply wave lost territory, but merely to survive
the person away, and tell them amid growing human populations.
never to return under penalty After the defeat of the main reptili-
of slavery or death. us horde, the most dominant family
At the sea gates, of which in Steel Hill grew more powerful due
there are two, municipal sol- to several excavators within the clan,
diers inspect every person as well as the glorious war exploits of
arriving via barge or boat, certain family members. The popu-
and employ the same lace needed strong leadership and
standards as the proclaimed the Brandun Clan as the
land gate. Unfa- prominent family, and accepted them
miliar barges, as virtual royalty. This adoration was at
especially battle first well placed. The Branduns direct-
barges, which ed the construction of catapults, long-
wish to dock boats, battle wagons, and superior de-
must first fenses and so too, incentivize
send a boat excavation teams to scour the
ashore with local ruins for relic power gen-
an ‘ambas- eration equipment and weaponry.
sador’ to pres- In the winter of 2289 one such team
ent the ships uncovered an underground bunker
cargo and passen- in which several crushed armored per-
ger list to the on- sonnel carriers were found. The vehicles
duty NCO or senior offi- were beyond repair, but the light laser cannons
cer. If this meets approval, a squad of 5+d6 municipal soldiers were salvaged and mounted on the town walls.
will accompany an NCO to the ship to inspect it carefully. Once Marsh Camp grew in size year after year, even as the Pur-
certified, it will be able to come and go from the stone and ist and mutant forces nearby threatened the southern lands
metal docks without inspection, however, sailors and passen- and defeated town after town. Finally, in the year 2297 Purist
gers wishing to enter the city must still undergo inspection. forces arrived in great numbers, launching a combined land
Steel Hill depends on trade and the money and merchan- and sea attack which nearly accomplished its grim mission.
dise brought here by travelers, and those living in the upper The defenders, using relic weaponry and the mutations of
level of the city are certainly keen to make travelers feel wel- many of its more powerful citizenry, threw back wave after
come, and urge them to return time and again. Most people wave of Purist infantry, while aide arrived from nearby free
growing up in the region are aware of the underground maze, towns, and eventually forced the retreat of the Purist legion.
the gangs which rule it, and are not often surprised to learn The victorious community was thereafter renamed Steel Hill
that such a vast community exists beneath their feet. If asked In 2302, the free towns in the area formally agreed to be-
about it, upper level people will say that the lower reaches are come one nation, and wrote a constitution, established com-
dangerous and not fit for decent folk, but, that the city needs munications and a standardized militia. The Lower Freehold
the extra population found below, and intends to use the Un- did not initially proclaim Steel Hill as the capital, but due to its
derground citizenry to populate future Freehold settlements size and fortifications, as well as its royal family, soon adopted
as the faction expands. this role. Today, the city grows, taking in the people of other

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lands who have been driven out by the Aberrationist or Holy junk mound. This lower level is a vast refugee camp which has
Purist Empire’s expansions. its own laws and economy, but while those here are grateful for
Led by her Prominence the Countess Estella Brandun, the protection provided by the surface folk, the Slummers are
the current ruler’s plan is to improve the LF’s odds of surviv- also resentful of the fine living and obvious disdain and arro-
al by attracting trade, open minded people, escaped cyborgs gance exhibited by the ‘Uppers’ toward those who must live un-
from the east, as well as collect numerous relic weapons and derground. Slum folk dress in oiled hats and ponchos, to keep
vehicles for themselves. They know that they can’t compete the dripping water and mud off their skin, likewise, they wear
with the Purist or Aberrationist factions as far as population high boots, carry a satchel of candles or lantern oil wherever
or fanaticism go, but they do hope to be better trained, better they go, and are often pale, unhealthy, and prone to disease.
led, and armed with the best weaponry around. Their ties and Living among the rats and other vermin, these wretched
alliances with several independent towns such as Memory, people of the Deep Slum do their best to survive, working for
as well as the Northern Freehold, has given them clout. Bol- the Surfacers or occupying themselves at poor paying tasks be-
stered by these allies and the support of advanced excava- neath the street, such as digging more tunnels, salvaging met-
tion teams, who make their home in Steel Hill, this free city al and plastic, searching for possibly useful relic devices and
plots a destiny of grandeur and expansionism. parts, tending the underground green houses, forging muskets,
swords and armor, selling their bodies for a coin a trick, or prey-
Social Details: There are really two towns within the walls ing off visitors and unwary fellow Slummers.
of Steel Hill, the Surface City and the Deep Slum. Those living
above, who seem to be well-off business owners, the military, Resources and Industry: Although Steel Hill sits
and the ancestors of the original settlers, make up out on a great mound at the estuary of two muddy
about half the population. The ‘Surfacers’ rule the rivers, it does have a large agricultural capac-
place with money and might, using the poorer, ity, consisting of daily herding activities,
subterranean ‘Maze Dwellers’ or ‘Slummers’ wheat and corn harvesting in the
for both cheap labor and a pool from which plains to the west, as well as con-
to draw militia soldiers. The citizenry on siderable green house and roof top
the surface are proud people, many gardening operations. Metal working,
of them being descended from scrap plastic sales, glass blowing, and
the original settlers, or else suc- a productive fishery combine to
cessful enough to purchase keep the populace hard at work,
the multi-level town homes and able to produce enough ex-
and suites found here. ports to make some among
They dress in prac- them wealthy. Steel Hill
tical clothes, de- is a primary destina-
pending on their tion for caravans and
caste as fisher, merchant barges, car-
farmer, trader go airships and other
or solider, and craft which deposit
are prone to excavation teams and
being prag- other visitors here on
matic, occa- a daily basis, all of
sionally even whom in turn, use the
religious. There accommodations.
is a Christian
church in town of Accommodations: As noted pre-
the pre-apocalyptic viously under Social Details, Steel Hill is split between
faith, studying the the street level Surface City community and the Deep Slum com-
old world bible and munity. Visitors who have plenty of coins can probably afford a
actively speaking out against the Purists and their ‘false bible’. room at either Costaville-on-the-Water, a four story Hotel nearest
It is known that self-professed true Christians send missionar- the dock wall with a view of the sea from the top two floors, or The
ies throughout the region to preach the gospel, and promote Jean-Paula-Mission Hostel, a less expensive, no frills inn and bar
unity and equality among all those descended from humans, on the far side of town.
as well as any intelligent being wishing to hear the Good word. The Costaville has its own stable and garage for guests with
Not surprisingly, this local church has been attacked by Impe- mounts or small vehicles, a lounge open only to paid hotel patrons
rial Purist saboteurs on many occasions, and is always heavily and their companions, as well as 20 suites situated on floors two
guarded. and three, each suite being a four person room (four separate beds,
While the surfacer citizens encourage refugees of mixed each in a sleeping alcove), equipped with its own latrine and fire-
race to settle within the Deep Slum, or if they are wealthy place, balcony and attractive servant (APP 20+d20, age 16+2d6,
enough, buy a home above ground and become one of them, 78% chance a female, otherwise a male), the nightly room rental
they do not treat the maze dwellers with equality nor respect, cost being 20 silvers per night. Alternatively, on the top fourth floor,
and a few of the more debased or cruel surface people will there are 6 eight person luxury quarters. These each have 4 single
enslave or exploit the refugees whenever possible, even buy- person sleeping alcoves and two double bed rooms, each with an
ing youths as slaves. old world style bathroom with flushing toilet and sink, a main living
Below street level, in Deep Slum, a vast community that room, wood cook stove, and d3+2 servants as noted previously.
is reached by dozens of stairwells, drain pipes and pits. The These top floor rooms cost 70sp per night, half paid up front upon
maze is three levels deep in most places, if not deeper, and checking in. The rooms in this hotel are often occupied, however,
said to now be expanding underground well beyond the town as this place is very popular with merchants, advanced excavation
walls. The first level is buried about 2 meters below the surface teams, and visiting officials (d4-1, four person rooms available or
layer of rubble and twisted metal which constitutes the city’s d3-1 eight person rooms at any given day). The Costaville has its

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own staff of cooks, serving girls and guards, with a detachment of tive young women wearing fancy black gowns. These hostesses
10+d6 soldiers in golden vests on duty at all times, 5 at the main will take a deposit of 10sp prior to the client being ushered into
entrance, 3 and the rear and another one or two patrolling each the next room where another woman will take the visitor to a pri-
level’s hallway. These soldiers are mercs hired by the manage- vate bath chamber where a third woman will be waiting within.
ment, but are always tidy, sober, polite, and bow to guests as they This ‘wash assistant’ will get the person a drink of beer, wine or
approach; each is armed with a pair of musket pistols and a rapier. tea, and run the bath. She will usually disrobe and join the client
The private lounge on the main floor has 6 tables as well as a long, in the tub, washing and massaging him or her for 5sp, plus, make
curved plastic bar which seats 14 people. The low-ceilinged place love to the individual for 8sp extra, all while having the client’s
is dark and cozy, clean, and run by a gorgeous, older, three armed clothes taken elsewhere by servants, washed, dried and pressed
mutant woman and her d3+3 serving girls. This place, guarded by for no extra charge. The whole bath and laundry process takes an
the private soldiers, doesn’t allow non-guests inside, nor any sort hour, and at the end, any owing monies are exchanged between
of rough house, course language or barbarity, and it is virtually un- client and one of the front desk women.
heard of for their to be an incident within, thus, no unique encoun- For those not interested in getting a bath at the Sultan’s Spa,
ter table is used while characters are enjoying their extraordinary but rather looking solely for carnal entanglements, the upper two
tasting 10sp meal, with their wine: 3sp per cup; expensive fair for levels of the structure are filled with private rooms where prosti-
such a small city. tutes do a brisk business. The women in this entire facility, as well
The Jean-Paula-Mission Hostel is a large, simple building, as their male or dual gender impersonators, are 25+2d20 in ap-
standing three stories and serving many of the out of town mer- pearance, freelance contractors (as opposed to slaves), trained in
chants, traders and explorers, as well as a few freelance call-girls, the erotic arts, proud of their caste, and seem to enjoy their work,
bounty hunters and slavers. The main floor is occupied by the check- charging 10sp for an hour or 40sp should a client spend the night
in office, kitchen, guard room and massive saloon, while the upper with their hired lover. The racial type of a sex worker is varied, roll
two levels consist of row upon row of generous sized rooms. There d10: 1-4. Pure stock/ 5,6. Mutant, with skin, hair and eye color
are 12, one person rooms, costing 7sp per night, (d6 available), 10 change / 7. Bioreplicant, pleasure / 8. Clone, comfort / 9. Android,
four person rooms, each containing two bunk beds costing 13sp concubine/ 10. Mutant, with one ghost mutation.
per night (d6-1 available), and on the top floor, each with a balcony Elsewhere on the street level one can find numerous special-
and cook stove, are 7 eight person bunk rooms, containing 4 bunk ty shops, a relic dealer who will buy unwanted, operational relics, a
beds in each, plus a small latrine area using bed pans, and a small gem and jewelry dealer, two stables (costing 3sp per night to lodge
room with a couch in it, presumably for travelers to entertain lovers, a horse, dog, or other beast or park an ATV, motorcycle or other
costing 34sp per night (d4-1 available). There is a basement level, small unit), an open air marketplace where traders sell foodstuffs,
off limits to non-staff, which contains a large food and beverage baked goods and common items, in addition, services such as a
storage area as well as a couple of small, gambling rooms, com- dentist’s office, for-hire clinic, 4 smithies, a machine shop where
plete with a bed in one corner for drunken clients to recover on, or a mechanical technicians can rent the space for 50sp per day, a
conduct other activities. The Saloon, going by the same name as gunsmith and gunpowder manufacturers establishment, a patio
the hostel, is known for its extraordinary gaiety and debauchery, bar where most standard drinks can be purchased and carried
all of it conducted to the thumping bass of a relic sound system, away as their is no seating. One can also find a few brothels run
dancing girls in cages, strippers, gambling events, sudden drink out of private homes, palm readers, astrologers, and the domed,
specials, and tremendous brawls which are sanctioned by the staff steel and cement built local church.
as long as they are fought with non-lethal force on a raised, roped Saint Kimberly’s Cathedral is run by the Divine Order of
off circle 5m in diameter. Saint Kimberly, a Christian order which staunchly claims to have
There are two bath houses, Soggy Pablo’s and The Sultan maintained continued existence from well before the final col-
Spa, both of which double as whore houses and are tremen- lapse of global civilization, and even going back to the pre-com-
dously competitive, even though they occupy opposite ends of puter era. The beliefs of this church are very moderate, as well
the city and one is a junky place with unimpressive hookers as traditional. Marriages, funerals and other rites, many of them
and the other, The Sultan’s, is well managed, clean, staffed by adopted from numerous old world Christian sects, are performed
very exotic mutants, clone and android prostitutes, and serv- here for a small donation to the ministry of 50+d20 silver piec-
ing a much more discriminating clientele. es. Due to constant Purist attacks on the clergy, congregation
Soggy Pablo’s is near the docks, and is a two story build- and building itself, a detachment of 10+d10 freehold militia sol-
ing which needs serious work. There are 12 bath chambers, each diers are always on duty here, and will not allow anybody to carry
tended to by a wash-mate, who bathes the client (1sp), has his or weapons into the building or even enter, without approval from
her clothes washed (optional, one hour needed, cost of 2sp, cli- the head priest or the royal family of Steel Hill.
ent waits in lounge area), or, will lock the bath chamber door and
spend a half hour with the client performing the typical duties of The Deep Slum, 2m below ground on average, is acces-
a prostitute for an extra 4sp. The upper level of Pablo’s is a regu- sible from many points throughout the city, as every street has
lar whore house, with ill kept, thin walled little rooms occupied by some sort of spiral staircase, sloping tunnel, or ladder access
strumpets and their clients; the usual fee to spend an hour is 5sp, down a dark pit into the lower level. There are neither guards
while staying the whole night costs 20sp. The girls (and shemales, nor barriers at these access points, as there is no regulation
drag queens and other oddities) are appearance 18+2d10, and stopping the underground dwelling folk from utilizing the ser-
are typically free people, paying half their earnings to Pablo, a vices of the street level. Indeed, every morning hundreds of
bloated, sweat soaked, jolly albino mutant with two small eyes on men and women ascend from the musty depths to put in a
one side of his face and a third, larger eye on the other. If he has days hard work above ground. At dark, they return to their af-
trouble with rambunctious clients, he summons his household fordable, yet squalid rental units, dismal pit homes, and mud-
bouncers; three enormous mutants (treat as raiders with +2d20 dy holes for a cold night.
END and one prime mutation each using two handed clubs). The deep slum is a grim place, its main corridors lit by flick-
The Sultan’s Spa is painted white, three stories tall and in ering electric lights, the power to illuminate them supplied by the
the entrance hall, a dolphin shaped marble fountain spits a flow shoddy generation facilities above. Along the side passages and
of water out into an open clam shell. The main desk area is occu- within the private homes of the poor, candles, lanterns and small
pied by 4+d4 neatly dressed soldiers armed with musket pistols fire pits provide the only light, while smoke, which in some plac-
and longswords, their black uniforms and polished steel helmets es clouds the air and makes it nearly impossible to breath, is dis-
topped by horse hair plumes. Sitting at the desk will be d3 attrac- sipated through hundreds of salvaged ancient pipes, which poke

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through the ground and run up the sides of surface buildings every- Wars between rival gangs are commonplace in the Deep
where, emitting a constant flow of blue smoke above the city. Slum, and while every thug covets the relics found on many ac-
Along the main underground thoroughfares are many small complished excavators, they do not wish to die needlessly. Like-
business ventures, including general stores, leather working shops, wise, a gang leader doesn’t want to lose his or her ‘army’ and
low tech machinery facilities, fletchers, wood carvers, butcher shops, thereafter become weakened and so invite attack by enemy
junk dealers and the ever popular bars and brothels. These last two thugs who seek to expand their own territory and influence.
sorts of establishments are often one and the same, run by hard Newcomers to the underground mazes of Steel Hill, espe-
working people, yet controlled by local gangs who live off the efforts cially excavators, can usually make peace with a local gang mere-
of their weaker hosts. These gangsters bully others for a living, when ly by paying the toll fees and assorted taxes, by being generous
not openly robbing passers by or at least demanding a toll to enter at the local bar, showing respect to the criminals who run the
their turf. They make bar tenders pay protection money in the form of area, and possibly by performing some sort of questionable as-
profits and alcohol, force women to whore for a mere silver coin per sistance or service to the local boss. Once established in an area,
frolic, while keeping 2 silvers for themselves. The gangs are also fond a group or individual can purchase a one room hole apartment for
of enslaving strangers, harassing those who fail to show the due re- 50+2d20sp, which comes with a smoke stack, cook stove, lock-
spect these filthy, brutish criminals demand. In addition, these thugs ing scrap metal door (DV -10, 40 END, bolts from the inside or
occasionally leave the underground after nightfall to skulk about the can accept a replica padlock), likewise, a two room burrow costs
streets above, leaping out at travelers to rob and abuse the weak, 100+2d20sp, and a three room hole costs 150+d100sp. Once
the wealthy, the drunk, or the incautious. owned, a deed is signed with the local gang boss. The deed is
In this dark maze of the underground city, there are four bars usually honored so long as the owner remains loyal, respectful
of note, the Vicar’s Pit, The Cranny, The Foray and The Deeper and helpful to to the criminal organization, plus pays a monthly
Arms. There are, however, dozens of smaller, unofficial pubs, se- property tax of 3sp for a one room hole, 5sp for a two room, and
cret clubs and hidden dens where one can get a pint of watery beer 10sp for a three or larger room burrow.
and rub shoulders with the grimy locals. The main bars, noted by There are eight primary gangs in the Deep Slum and each
name above, are rough hangouts, always crowded after 6 pm, and controls a different sector of the underground city; see the
stay noisy and ruckus until dawn. They are, unsurprisingly, known map on page 93. These gangs consist of mixed mutant and
to be lawless and exceedingly dangerous for the inexperienced, pure stocks, with all mutants having a minor mutation each
poorly armed, or remotely wealthy. Each is controlled by a local and make up 50% of the thug population. Detailed on table
gang of hooligans who will usually extend protection only to its bevy CR-4-3, on the next page, each gang’s name, leader, identifier
of whore-slaves, serving staff, and the bar tender and his or her and number of raiders within the organization is shown. On
family. Outsiders who end up in a death duel are on their own, as the map, wherever two gang territories join, those gangs are
there is no law here other than that imposed by the whimsical gang assumed to be at war with each other, and if any gang is seri-
bosses, who are just as likely to place a bet on the outcome as ously weakened for any reason, the other adjacent gangs will
they are to even pay attention. Most people who live here, as well immediately rush to defeat and occupy the fallen gang’s turf,
as visitors that show respect to local gang members, are typically subjugating the population in that sector, and demanding re-
ignored, unless they are clearly out outnumbered and carrying an purchase of occupied homes by the residence. If non raiders
item of interests to the ruffians. If visitors are deemed to be identi- defeat a local criminal faction, they must anticipate imminent
fied as a good mark, the gang leader is likely to instruct his or her attack by neighboring gangs, who will not tolerate non-criminal
raiders to rob the person in question, usually someplace secluded dominion of the maze community. The d8 die roll is for GM use
so as to avoid a reputation which might imply the bar in question is to randomly determine which gang a raider might be from if
just a hunting ground for raider robbers and murderers. encountered on the street level.

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Table CR-4-3 Deep Slum Gang Table

d8 Gang Name Gang Leader’s Name Leader Type and Rank Raiders Identification ,Uniform, etc.

Outfits dyed dark red with the blood of

1. The Soakers Invanka the Terrible 5th rank severe mutant 30+3d6
their victims
Collect scalps, ears and fingers of
2. The Rakehells Buckshot Finnegan 6th rank pure stock 48+3d6
victims and wear them
Wear clown masks/ face paint and
3. Darklings Colt McWalburger 4th rank cyborg 43+3d6
fast food restaurant insignia
Paint their faces like skulls and wear
4. The Dead Rebecca the Horrid 7th rank severe mutant 56+2d6
black jumpsuits
Wear gray cloaks and carry halberds
5. The Cleavers Schwarz the Impaler 6th rank pure stock 39+3d6
as weapons
Wear the skins of their victims over
6. Skin Takers Two headed Holly 6th rank typical mutant 62+3d6
their armor and heads.
Dress in fetish costumes, often
7. The Lechers Brother Wet-fingers 8th rank typical mutant 73+3D6
transvestites, lipstick, etc.
Coat themselves in mud, were clay
8. The Mud Men Toothy Tamara 6th rank severe mutant 54+2d20

For the Excavator: What excavators have heard: “If you ex-slaves, criminal organizations, old whores, and misfits all dwell.
ain’t from the fricken cult of purity, and you sure as hell aren’t no The city has set up lights in the main corridors and halls below
god damn mutant supremacist, nor a buccaneering maggot from ground, but the rest is lit by candles and lanterns. Down in those
Port Fucky, then just maybe this city is your best bet this side of depths you can find cheap accommodations, affordable hookers,
Twisted Wood. Yes, friend, in the south, this is the biggest trade slave markets, gladiatorial pits, and many other questionable ac-
town you can find, although it sure isn’t as big as Overpass or Pure tivities. Best you avoid the place if you aren’t ready for a scrap now
Hub or flippin’ Newburg. and then, as the gangs who rule each area or level are fairly ruth-
“During the winter, when many of your digger caste retire for less and liable to take your women, your relics and your liberty.
the rainy season, the place bloats to over three thousand people, If you meet them fellas, be respectful, pay the flippin’ tolls or ap-
often many more depending on the trade caravans, shipping traf- pease them however you must, just survive.
fic and nomadic herdsmen who graze their flocks out in the South- “All in all, Steel Hill is a fair enough city as far as them places
ern Steppe. They call Steel Hill a city only cause it’s pretty damn go these days. It’s got everything you need, except power genera-
big, but like I said, it don’t really compare to them other places. tion services, and it can be comfortable if you have money to stay
Still, it has big city problems like disease, drugs, and crime and at the hotel or hostel on the surface. Sure, it resembles civilization
tends to make you feel claustrophobic if you’re used to the open on the surface but underground, it’s another story. Just watch you
steppe, like me. step... and remember where you are.”
“What do I think of the place? Well, I ain’t no grave robber like
you, but I hear that for an excavator, its a good stop over, a fair place For the Game Master: Steel Hill is the fourth largest set-
to recruit new diggers or join an existing team. You can get a ship tlement in the Crossroads Region, and an excellent setting
heading to Safe Port or Memory or even out of the region, or you can for urban adventures due to the disparity between the sur-
pansy out and take a caravan along the roads to Sorrow or Sand- facers and the maze dwellers, not to mention the many war-
barra. There are some bars and brothels, a relic buyer, and plenty ring gangs within the slums themselves. The internal conflicts
of flats and homes for sale if you are interested in buying one. The between business owners, criminal organizations and rogue
main two things, no... three things, you need to know about Steel Purist or Aberrationist agents can supply plenty of intrigue
Hill are the green reptilius of the swamp are prone to raiding the and action here. So too, the threat of attack from forces out-
city and butchering small groups of travelers outside of town. Sec- side the walls may also add to the tension experienced while
ondly, the thrice cursed son’s of whores from the so called fricken staying here due to the close proximity of the enormously
Holy fricken Empire are constantly watching the place, plotting to powerful Holy Purist Empire, and the intrusions of both rep-
obliterate it, or they just blockade the sea access and try and starve tilius savages and Aberrationist recon units.
the populace. Did you know, that from the towers of Steel Hill, one The maze system cut beneath the city is not known to be
can see the fires on top of Witch Burn, and by God, you know what rich with treasures, and may not attract excavation teams, how-
those fires are, don’t you? Yes, the burning of our brother mutants, ever, if characters need to disappear for awhile, or, need to
alive. Them fricken cultist filth think that by setting an aberration bring justice to a barbaric sub-culture, then the Deep Slums
alight like a torch will save the trapped pure stock soul within, isn’t are ideal. A Game Master might entice players to enter these
that the stupidest damn thing you’ve ever fuckin’ heard? crime ridden, dingy depths upon being told that a character’s
“Oh yeah, there is a Christian church in Steel Hill, the Divine sibling, parent or lover has been kidnapped by slavers and tak-
Order of Saint Kimberly, who are true Christians and use the real en below, or, a character who might have Steel Hill as his or
bible from the old world. They say that what the Purists preach is her home town, might actually have family living in the maze
heresy, obviously, and that the Lord and his minions will damn and wish to either visit them, or reply to a couriered letter sum-
them at the final judgment. moning him or her home. Upon arriving, the PC could find that
“Where was I? Yes, the third thing to watch is the lower lev- his or her character’s father had been killed by a local gang,
els, called the Deep Slums, where the poor people, newcomers, the family hole confiscated and occupied by raiders and their

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 99

whore-slaves, the characters young siblings sold into slavery at ents. May God bless you and keep you safe from the rads, the pox
a Soggy Pablo’s Bath House. The encounter tables shown be- and all horrid things.”
low offer a glimpse into the culture of this city, portraying the 7. Read to players: A family of commoners steps aside for you and
daylight world above, and the cruel reality below street level. bows while the woman smiles and says. “Steel Hill welcomes you,
and bids you stay as long as you like. There are many services avail-
Online Resources: NPCs: Her Prominence the Countess Estella able. Do you need directions to the Hotel or Hostel?”
Brandun on page 429 and Travalis the Slaver on page 442. 8. Read to players: Local commoner children see you and begin
to follow alongside you. Of the group (d6+3), one is brave enough
Unique Steel Hill Encounters to put forth a question GM roll d6: 1,2. “You ever see a war ro-
Note: Always re-roll repeated dice results bot?”/ 3. “Why are you dressed like that?”/ 4. “You kill Purists
before?”/ 5. “Aren’t you afraid to die in the ruins? They’re full of
Daytime Street Encounters in the Upper City: d6+3 monsters and machines, ain’t they?”/ 6. “Are you here to save us
rolls for street occupants from chart B, page 381 with a 2 in
10 chance of a unique encounter per passage from the fol- from the bad people? There are bad people, who hate our mutant
lowing list, roll 2d6: friends and brothers and sisters, who wanna kill us all and stick our
2. Read to players: While in a quiet street you suddenly hear a heads on poles.”
rumbling sound and all at once a covered wagon is pushed from an 9. Read to players: “Look up there!” Cries a woman, commoner,
alley directly beside you. It blocks the passage in front of you. Sud- who stands with other women outside a home preparing fruits and
denly, from either side, exiting doorways, dropping down from upper vegetables. They point upward towards the east, where far in the dis-
balconies and jumping from the back of the wagon, are a bold gang tance a single airship hovers in the sky, a white and gold Purist flag
of raiders brandishing machetes. GM: There are as many of the whipping underneath.
thugs as there are people in the character group, including NPCs, “They know to stay out of range of the light cannons,” Remarks
robots and carnivorous pets, (+ d6 raiders). They are +4 initiative. anther woman. “Those so called ‘unmixed’ devils.”
Read: They extend their machetes while one growls, “Drop your The airship hovers well out of range of Steel Hill’s relic guns,
weapons and packs, coin pouches and sword belts, or I swear we will all day, observing shipping and other activities, but making no move
gut you like pigs here and now!” toward the city.
3. A thief runs out from an alley where he (or 34% chance, she) GM: There is a slight chance that the airship puts down on
runs up behind the hindmost character and attempts to pickpock- the roof tops of Steel Hill sometime in the evening, and deposits
et the person, going first for a relic pistol, then a grenade if pres- a handful of mutant killing zealots. If this encounter has occurred
ent as a second choice, followed by any other belt mounted relic. during the day, roll 2d6+2 later during the night time when street
If no relics are present, then the thief goes for the character’s encounter rolls are made, next page.
coin pouch, snapping it or slashing it off and bolting down debris 10. A line of Lower Freehold Militia are limping their way down
filled alley, dodging, using cover (-30 DV) and disappearing into a the street, some appear to have arrows protruding from wounds,
pipe-like entrance into the Deep Slum. If a thief is encountered others are missing limbs, or being carried on stretchers. The
again while the characters are in the City, the PCs are 63% likely 3d6+10 men and women are led by an NCO, who is nursing a
recognize him or her. nasty wound. He sees the PCs looking on and speaks as his unit
4. A squad of 3d6+3 municipal soldiers marches down the street, passes. d6: 1,2. “We been fighting the scalies... them reptilius, north
10+d20m away, led by an NCO officer. They are simply moving to of the city. They are becoming bolder in their raids, and planning
their posts, or ending their watch; however, if the characters are their attacks more carefully. You should join the Southern Rangers,
wanted by the authorities, and not disguised, they will be spotted we could use such warriors. Just go to Independence Tower, and en-
and detained using whatever force the NCO deems necessary. list. You’ll be glad you did.” / 3,4. “What are you looking at, out-
Failure to halt is enough reason for these warriors to open fire landers? We bleed and die so you can have the freedom you need to
with muskets. stay in our great lands. Without us protecting you, you’d be under
5. A trade caravan is slowly moving up the street toward the char- the whip of the Aberrationists or tortured by the Purists. Yeah, we’re
acters, consisting of 3d6+4 cloth covered wagons, as well as coming back from fighting those cultists. You should join the militia,
2+d6 steel plated, box wagons with concealed drivers and an ar- you cowards, and do something important with your lives!” / 5,6.
row slit-gun port facing out each side. Each covered wagon has a “By God we fought them lizard folk with cunning and heart, damn
family of commoners in it, consisting of a man, woman, d4-1 (0-3) it. But there were just too many of the fricken green things. We are
teens and d4-1 children, For each wagon there will be one mount- the lucky ones. Now, in two days, we’re going back out their into the
ed militia soldier with a bow, the entire group led by a militia of- bogs, and we could sure use your help in the fighting. If you’re inter-
ficer who directs the whole caravan. The man happens to notice ested, have any damn guts, and want to earn five silvers a week, join
the characters; roll d6: 1,2. The man simply nods his head to the us at the gates, dawn, two days from now.”
PCs respectfully and keeps on going./ 3,4. “How’re you doin?” 11. Street urchins, 2d6 plus the number of PCs in the charac-
He asks, smiling. “You excavators or mercs or what? It don’t really ter group, pour up from sewer grates, pipes, and hatchways and
matter. We are off to Sandbarra to settle there. This city is too crowd- surround the travelers. The punks aim slingshots at the PCs and
ed with too many crooks for my liking. We could use some extra pro- stand back 5m. Each youth is also armed with a knife in his or her
tection on the long road, why not join us, I can pay you each two belt. Their leader, with a prime mutation, speaks threateningly
dozen silvers. What do you say?”/ 5,6. “I assume you are Outland- “Okay, foreign filth, drop your weapons and coin pouches and back
ers,” says the officer, reigning in his horse. “Listen, we are leaving up against the wall, real slow, or we’ll pelt you real good then cut
this hive of criminals and arrogant fools. We have purchased land out your genitals!” The filthy, desperate teens and older children
outside of Sandbarra and will build a palisade, then a village, and are very serious looking, and don’t appear the least bet nervous
start our own free town. Come, brave ones, jump aboard a wagon or hesitant in what they are doing.
and join us in our adventure... we could sure use some warriors.” 12. Read to players: You notice that several rough looking,
6. Read to players: A group of fisherman (2d6 commoner men) dirty men are following you, outnumbering your group two to
happen to approach you, and seeing that you are excavators or mer- one. They keep back about 10 meters, but are clearly focused on
cenaries, or another armed caste, they step aside and bow. “Wel- you and keeping pace. GM: If there are no city troops among
come to Steel Hill, great ones, we certainly need your warrior tal- the random street occupants, they continue to follow the PCs
around the city, departing if city troops happen to be present.

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 100

If, on the other hand, there are raiders among the existing 5. d6+2 prostitutes are sitting on the steps to a well lit house,
street occupants, consider these thugs to be waiting up in the smells of incense waft forth from the open door. They no-
front of the PCs, 2d6m away, smirking, their hands on their tice the characters and speak up. “Well hello, outlanders, don’t
weapons, but not drawing their machetes. The main body of you know the streets are dangerous this time of night? All the
raiders are closing the gap, and it is clear they have laid a rich and wise are hiding behind their doors, safe and warm
well planned trap as there are no side alleys where they have in bed. Why not come join us at the same? You can spend an
cornered you. When the following raiders are within melee hour with one of us for 4 silvers, or the whole night, at peace
range, one steps forward and tells speak sup, announcing and erotic experimentation, for 15 silvers. What say you?”
which gang they are from, see table above, page 98 for ran- 6. 2d6+2 Insects, Blood flyers, drop down from the night sky and
dom gang and description. “We’ve been watching you, friends, randomly attack any of the street occupants, including characters
and want your weapons and your money. Toss it all at your feet 7. 3d6 gutter rats cross the street in front of the PCs. If the ro-
or else have you guts dumped there instead.” They draw their dents outnumber the characters two to one, they turn suddenly
blades and point them at the character’s bellies. and dash toward them, keen on tearing the characters apart.
8. A lone reptilius, armed with a bow and three dozen arrows
Nighttime Street Encounters in the Upper City: and mounted on a winged slasher lizard, dives down out of
d6-2 (0-4) rolls for street occupants on chart B, the air and attacks a random street occupant, possibly one
page 381 with a 3 in 10 chance per pas- of the characters. The reptilian raiders make d4
sage of a special encounter from the passes before moving off to harass people on
following list, roll 2d6, or 2d6+2 if a another street.
visible mutant is present. 9. The characters turn the corner and see a
2. As this character group doesn’t lone excavator (type random) fending off a
have any obvious mutants among group of d6+3 raiders. The thugs have him
it, they are approached by 2d6+6 or her cornered in a doorway, hence the dig-
commoner men; a mob bran- ger can only be attacked by two assailants at
dishing pitchforks and torch- once. Upon seeing the PCs enter the scene,
es. They have grim looks on the excavator calls to them. “Comrades, I
their faces, and the PCs no- have been waiting for you? What took you so
tice many are common mu- long? I saved some of these swine for you to toy
tants. “We were told you was with!” If the PCs drive off the raiders, this exca-
here, Purist maggots!” One vator will be eager to join his or her saviors.
growls. “It was you, wasn’t 10. A patrol of 4+d6 Municipal
it, that killed our chums out soldiers march passed, talking
on the road!? Well, you may to people they meet and mov-
have gutted them and mu- ing along quickly. They near the
tilated them pretty bad, but characters and one says, roll d6:
one was hiding in the bush- 1,2 “Lizard folk have breached
es, and saw it all, and told the wall, again. Best if you
us you were in town! Now, get to your rooms and lock
we gonna make you pay, the windows and doors for
and die squealing like the the night.”/ 3,4. “I hate to tell
Purist pigs you are! Kill you this, but at least one Purist airship
them!” The mob charges for- touched down into the city tonight. No doubt
ward, range 2d6m. there will be mutant killing fundamentalists run-
3. Stepping out of the shadows, blades drawn, are hunched, ning about looking to kill anybody who doesn’t fit their ideal. Go to
cloaked figures. They let any other street occupants slip your quarters!” / 5. “Good evening. We are just passing the word
passed as they surround the characters. There will be d2 that a brutal gang of rabble from the Deep Slums have been beat-
per character, treated as raiders with hatchets. “Drop your ing and stabbing people and then robbing them. Best you head
weapons, packs, belts and pouches and you may leave here for shelter and remain there until dawn.”/ 6. “Greetings, friends.
with your privates still attached.” One hisses. They are 2d6m We have been dispatched to tell people to get the hell off the
away, and if the characters make for their weapons in an of- streets. Watchmen on the wall say a big swarm of devil bats have
fensive way, the thugs charge. If the characters, for whatever entered the city and are heading this way!”
reason, do hand over their arms and gear, there is a 3 in 6 GM: There is a 2 in 6 chance that just as the troops dis-
chance that the thieves honor their word and just let the PCs appear around a corner, 2d6+6 of the ravenous bats dive
go, otherwise, their hands and other appendages are tied bomb the characters, as well as any other street occupants
and the thugs march the characters off to an entrance down previously determined to be present.
into a gang area ruled by their own criminal faction. Roll d8 11. The PCs enter the street and discover a gruesome scene,
for the random gang these thugs come from, on page 98. Be- d6 commoner men, as well as any random street occupants,
low ground, the PCs will be stripped naked, beaten, abused, who may have been randomly determined, are laying dead in the
and thrown in a cell room and sold to a passing slaver 2d6 street, hacked apart, their hearts and eyes cut out. Hovering over
days later. the bodies, bloody short swords in hand, are a group of reptilius
4. Read to players: Your hear people shouting from an open win- who look up at the characters with gleaming gold eyes, 2 per char-
dow of a house, pointing to the southeast. “Dear Lord, look at that,” acter in number, but a minimum of as many dead humans lay at
Says a woman, covering her mouth in horror. The characters can’t their feet. They will hiss menacingly and charge the characters.
see what she sees. Noticing you below, another person in an adja- 12. Thugs (d6+6 raiders) emerge from the shadows and ob-
cent windows calls down to you. “We can see the wicked tower of serve the PC group, range 2d6+3m away, armed with clubs.
Witch Burn in the Purist lands, just across the bay. They are burn- They only rush in to attack the PCs if they outnumber them 2
ing a lot of mutants tonight, we count a dozen pyres so far. God have to 1, leaving them unconscious and naked in a nearby alley if
pity on their souls, at least the torturing is over for those few.” they defeat the characters.

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 101

13. While making their way along the street, the PCs notice in the Swamps, fighting the lizards and the Purists, and that
that a cloaked figure is following them. Roll the street occu- once she was engaged, but the man vanished in the same
pants, and if there re no militia guards present, then the lone swamps while on a doomed patrol. His name was Gratho, and
figure behind makes a strange howling cry and pulls out a was a mutant with golden skin.
crossbow and fires, aiming for a random mutant in the group. 4. Two men enter the ring; one is a fisherman with a battle
Treat the man as an assassin, without a relic weapon. The axe in two hands, a commoner, and the other, a raider from
next round, from both sides of the street, leaping from various a random Deep Slum gang using a short sword and shield.
alleys and doorways, come pure stock men, treat as common- The commoner is enraged and shouts at the thug, something
ers, wielding hatchets and bellowing furiously, “Your kind are about the criminal having abducted his daughter and taken
a plague on the earth!” They cry. “God has sent you to test us, her to the lower city as a slave. The raider just shrugs and
and he has found us deserving of this task! Die now, children says, “Well, she is a virgin, and will fetch a great price in Port
of the horned one!” There will be 1 Purist zealot per character, Folly.” The fight commences, with the crowd placing bets on
plus 2d4, plus the assassin at the far end of the street who is the gory outcome, favoring the raider.
busy reloading his crossbow and staying back from the fray. If 5. A lone excavator enters the bar and after ordering a huge
the battle goes poorly for the zealots, the assassin will flee. pint of beer, strolls over the character’s and asks if he or she
14. Suddenly, shooting down from the roofs and balconies can join them. “I am new in town, just landed off a ship from
around the characters are d4+1 crossbow bolts, aimed first Safe Port. Ever been to Safe Port? They are in for trouble there
at obviously mutated individuals, followed by any cyborgs, once the rebellion blows up. I sure don’t miss that place. Say,
beastial humans or other visible non-pure stocks. Following I am looking to do some ruin bashing, are y’all looking for re-
the crossbow bolts, men in black cloaks drop down, one per cruits by any chance?” GM: Could be a new PC or an NPC who
crossbow bolt that had been fired, and attack the nearest mu- happens to have a lead on some unlooted sites in the nearby
tants and cyborgs. These are Purist assassins, who unless swamps.
armed with a concealed relic (67% chance of a WC-RC), the 6. A nomadic trader takes up a small table near the PCs, and
men use rapiers. “Die ungodly fiends!” One cries. “May the after a while, leans over and taps a character on the shoul-
Lord of true men strike at thee, viper!” Shouts another. They der. As the music is loud, the trader has to shout in the char-
will fight to the death. acter’s ear. “Hey, I just heard that there is a ship heading to
Memory at first light. I am on my way there to sell seed. They
say that the captain is looking for some mercenaries to guard
Encounters in The Jean-Paula-Mission Hostel Saloon: the barge during the voyage, and he will pay you each 10 sil-
commonly referred to as simply the ‘Jean-Paula’. As noted vers besides giving you free passage. It ain’t a bad deal, real-
above under the accommodations listing, this bar is a rowdy ly.” If the characters go to the docks at first light, they will not
place. A relic sound system plays thumping ancient techno only see the barge getting ready, but the trader is boarding
music day and night, making it hard to hear even across it. Indeed the captain is looking for some extra protection on
one’s own table. After lunch hour, there will be semi-nude the risky trip through pirate infested seas. “Welcome aboard,”
dancing girls in hanging wooden cages, gyrating and fon- he smiles through rotted teeth. “I’ll show you how to run the
dling themselves to the music, while below, there is a raised, heavy ballista I had mounted on the rear deck.”
5m wide wooden fighting ring with ropes around it for any- 7. Some nearby fishermen and sailors are completely drunk
one who wants to brawl or settle a duel. No missile weap- and begin to dance a ridiculous jig on their table, shattering
ons are permitted in the fighting ring, while outside the ring mugs and glasses spilling food. The crowd laughs hysterical-
brawling of any kind is prohibited. A staff of 4+d4 bouncers, ly, and some of the prostitutes and serving girls join the men
treat as male savages using clubs in two hands, will pummel in their silly dance. There is a 3 in 6 chance the dance spills
anyone who gets into a scrap outside of the ring and throw over, with d6 men and d3 whores falling off and onto the char-
the offenders in the back alley, where 2d6 raiders usually acter’s table, knocking d3 PCs over and upsetting any food
wait to beat and loot anyone evicted from the bar. and drink the characters may have had. It is clearly part of the
There will be 2d6 bar patron rolls from chart B by day, bar’s nature for this sort of festive chaos, and the bar tender
page 384, while 3d6+4 by night. There is a 2 in 10 chance and bouncers just clap and cheer on the 10+2d6 men.
per hour of an encounter by day, and a 4 in 10 chance after 8. Two raiders from enemy gangs suddenly explode into vio-
7pm until dawn when the bar finally closes. For encounter
lence, right next to a random character. Before the bouncers
results, roll 2d6 during the day or 2d8 after 7pm:
can grab them and knock them senseless, one manages to
2. A drunken thug staggers over to the character’s table and miss with his punch and plow his fist into a prostitute’s face,
leans over a random PC, belches once, then vomits all over knocking her out. The near-naked hooker topples across the
the character. “Urp, ugh, sorry ‘bout that mess, chum. Buy me lap of the character, unconscious. There is a 3 in 6 chance
a drink and I’ll forget all about it.” If the character(s) beat the that d4+1 tough looking men in studded leather approach,
fellow, they will be asked by the bouncers and staff to leave and start to gather the woman roughly, one snickering to the
at once. The raider will be +20 SV to be struck and -20 SV to others. “She’s one of ‘their’ sluts, now she will work for us!” If
harm anybody else, being so drunk, and will have no interest the character(s) refuse to let the men take the unconscious
in entering the ring, instead will draw his machete and swing woman away, they grow enraged and threaten to draw their
at any attacker or bystander who gets close enough. hatchets. One, spitting as he talks, yells at the PC. “Keep out
3. A prostitute steps up to the most attractive male in the of this, stranger, this is our city and here, our rules are law!
group and leans on him, smiling, her cleavage right before his She ain’t’ nothin’ but a cheap whore, what does she matter to
face. “Tell me you aren’t homosexual. Tell me that for 5 sil- you? Is she worth dying over? Huh? Now let go or I’ll take off
vers you’ll come with me to my room upstairs and shake the your fricken arm!”
walls and wake the drunks in the next room. Tell me, that you If the characters hang onto the woman, the raiders with-
won’t do something silly and join the freehold militia and go draw, giving the PCs grim looks before disappearing in the
off into that damn swamp and die, like so many other of you crowd.***
handsome fellas have done.” If the character goes with her The prostitute wakes 3d6 minutes later, and when told of
for an hour, she does manage to make the walls shake, but so what happened, she shakes her head, swears and says. “Oh,
too, she divulges that her father and brother have been killed
***See footnote, bottom left of page 103

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The Crossroads Region Part Four: Lower Freehold 102

you are angels, saving me. They would have taken me to the noble excavators, or whatever you are,” smiles a proud female
lower city, where I grew up, where it took me all my life to get ranger. “We are all living in a pivotal age for humanity. Around
away from. Working here, having a room in this great hostel is these parts, there is war between the old race and the emerging
a dream come true. Thank you for your bravery, come, spend mutant race, and this is a shame. Why should humanity not stick
the night in my room, all of you. I have blankets and food, some together? There are other species on the rise that seek extinction
wine too. It will be much safer.” If the PCs agree, the woman for us all, or at least to make a meal out of us, so this bickering
will be especially grateful to the character on whom she col- between pure stock and mutant must end. If we can not stop the
lapsed, and will attempt to frolic with the person. two sides from killing each other, at least we should stop them
9. A merchant and his d6+4 militia soldiers approach the from killing us, correct? So, we are here tonight to ask you to
PCs. Without asking, the well consider joining the Southern
fed merchant sits down and Rangers. You can keep your
orders a round of expensive arms and armor, and your
drinks. “I have a businesses group cohesion, but enlist,
proposition for you all. At dawn get paid, get respect, get a
tomorrow I am departing on a warm bed and serve a cause
cargo barge for the town of that is ever so much greater
Safe Port. The voyage may than the simple survival or
take a few days, and there greed gratification of a mere
are pirates, predators and excavator. Don’t answer us
various silly factional ships now. Just come to the Liberty
laying in wait. As you know, its Tower any time, and request
a perilous thing to travel any- an interview with an informa-
place these days. So, I need tion liaison.” With that, she
protection, more than these gets up and leads her squad
loyal but limited fellows can to another table.
accord me with. I will pay you 12. A man steps up to the
each, 100 silver coins to see character’s table and drops
me safely to Safe Port, plus, some photographs among
I will pay your passage, and the drinks. “These are
give you a berth next to mine slaves, my slaves, and they
on the ship, where half of you are for sale. Each has his or
can sleep while the other half her price written on the pho-
watches over me and my ser- to. Please pick them up by
vants. Is this agreeable?” If their edges, okay buddy?”
the character accept the gen- Says the gruff voice of the
erous offer, the ship gets un- man, a slaver. Nearby the
derway in the early morning, PCs notice d4+2 militia sol-
the merchant’s cargo is only diers standing about, a mus-
known after setting sail; Roll ket pistol and rapier stuck in
d6: 1-3. Slaves, 3d6+3 of each man’s belt. “If you want
each age category and gen- any of these specimens of
der./ 4,5. Scrap metal from obedient and eager human
Steel Hill excavations./ 6. livestock,” continues the
Mixed food stuffs, booze, and slaver. “Go to the docks at
livestock, however, the mer- dawn and look for the blue
chant is a sadistic weirdo, who delights in strange erotica, barge, the slaves can be reviewed below decks.” If the char-
dress up and rituals. He invites the characters to his cham- acters are interested, such as if looking for an enslaved family
ber to observe these peculiar and unsettling activities, even member or teammate or wising to free slaves one way or an-
going so far as to ask the most attractive PC to join him each other, they can inspect the slaves as described. There are 2d6
night of the voyage, for a private demonstration of new tech- slaves, each randomly generated from the following random
niques in bondage, all while wearing ancient fast food restau- selection, with any human being a mutant 42% of the time
rant packaging as lingerie. with 1 minor mutation each. Roll d12: 1. Commoner, man,
10. Two grease coated slave girls are thrown into the fighting 12sp / 2. Commoner, woman, 10sp /3. Commoner teen, girl,
ring and forced to wrestle. The winner is told she will get a hot 8sp / 4. Commoner, teen, male, 7sp / 5. Commoner child, 6sp
meal, bath, and then freedom, the loser gets auctioned off to / 6. Prostitute, captured from Steel Hill streets, 13sp / 7. Sav-
the crowd, the bidding starting at 20 silver pieces. When the age, female, 9sp / 8. Clone, comfort, 20+d20sp / 9. Android,
fist fight is over, the unconscious loser is tied by her hands and concubine, 30+d20sp /10. Robot, household, 25+d12sp
held partially aloft as the barbaric bidding begins, with each /11. Excavator (oar slave), 10+d6sp / 12. Street Urchin from
bid raising her sale price by d6sp, and there being a 4 in 6 Steel Hill, 5sp.
chance per bid that the previous bid is outbid. If the characters 13. The PCs notice several small groups of thugs enter the
wish to bid on the defeated slave, either in order to buy her establishment and take up a spot near the bar, slowly gath-
freedom or for less noble reasons, she later explains that she ering until there are 3d6+4 of them. They are rude and trou-
was captured by slave hunters in the far off Shattered Region, blesome to everybody that passes. One happens to see the
from a farm town called Pineridge, and says her family will pay character’s observing them and walks over, cuffing a random
at least 300sp for her safe return. character on the back of the head, then spitting in another’s
11. A squad of d3+1 Southern Rangers steps into the bar, and drink. “You ain’t from around here, eh?” Says the miserable,
instantly gets an uproarious cheer. They move about the place ruffian. If there are any women in the PC group, he regards
for a half hour before settling at the characters table. “Listen, the most attractive one and says. “What are you doing with

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these Nancy boys? C’mon, sweet stuff, join me and my boys 2. Any other street occupants suddenly flee the tunnel as local
and we’ll show you what a real man is all about.” If the char- gang members dash out with clubs and shields. There are 3 per
acters make a move toward violence, the bouncers will ap- PC, and surround the travelers. “Drop your weapons, strangers,
proach and warn the character’s to keep the peace, or deal you now belong to our boss.” If the PCs refuse, the thugs will
with the thug in the ring. If a character challenges the thug, try to club them into unconsciousness. If half the thugs are de-
he will join the character. He is more robust than he appears feated without inflicting at least a few casualties in their targets,
and has an extra 30+d20 endurance, is ambidextrous and they will break and run, however, see Special Encounter A, page
wields two sabers at a time, and, is 77% likely to actually be a 104. Captured characters are relieved of all weapons, their
ghost mutant with two mutations from table TME-1-59, page arms and appendages tied behind their backs (type D strength
59 of the TME hub rules. If he is killed, his associates will be based HC to break, one check per hour). Once restrained,
furious, and leave the bar. *** the captives are taken to a cell area deep in the gang’s sec-
14. d4 dancing girls are moving about the noisy room, hold- tor where they are stripped and thrown into a cell with a steel
ing onto each other suggestively and swaying back and forth. door (DV -40, END 90) and kept there for d4+2 days, given only
They reach the character’s table and spread out, caressing table scraps for food and tainted water. After a time, they are
the men in the group, playing with their hair, kissing their sold as a group to a man named Travalis, the Slaver (free PDF
necks, running their hands over their bodies and then moving download). The PCs will be taken and chained to a seat on the
on. There is a 2 in 6 chance that one woman whispers some- oar deck of a cargo barge heading for Safe Port, but stopping at
thing to a random character: “You are in danger. A gang from Sorrow and Memory along the way.
the Deep Slum has made plans to jump you, rob you and take 3. A slave woman is observed running down the passage toward
you as slaves. They are gathering their goons right now, and the characters, while behind her, 2d6 raiders of the local gang
watching you as we speak. Don’t leave here until dawn, when are chasing after her. She sees the PCs and grasps onto the last
the streets are much safer. Good luck.” *** one in line and hides behind him or her. “Save me! Please! I am
15. In the busy crowd, for as long as the PCs visit in the bar, no slave, they kidnapped me from the Upper City! My family is
people shove behind the characters, occasionally bumping rich, they will reward you well! Just get me up to the streets!”
their chairs or elbows, but on this occasion, roll d6: 1-3. A bar “Okay, Outlanders,” smirks one raider as they approach
maiden carrying a full tray of drinks is knocked over and spills and stop d6+2 meters away. “Hand the slut over. You’re not go-
all her beverages on a random character. / 4,5. A cloaked ing to buy her lies are you? We bought her fair and square from
figure, treat as a commoner man, is actually a Purist funda- Travalis, the Slaver (free PDF download or page 442). She is
mentalist and pulls out a dagger and tries to slice a random actually a Purist bitch caught outside Far Cross. She works for
mutant or cyborgs’ throat! He gains +3 initiative and has a our boss, in a whore house. Now, pass her to us or you’ll never
base SV of 01-90 on the first slash attempt!/ 6. A mutant with see the daylight again.” If the characters pass her over, the raid-
one prime mutation, treat as militia solider, uses either his ers nod gratefully and march the woman off and out of sight,
mutation or a musket pistol to attack a random pure stock or she looks back, however, just as the group disappears into the
character who appears as a pure stock (clone, ghost mutant, gloom, a hurt, stunned look on her face.
android, etc.). He stands across the table facing the charac- If the characters refuse to hand the woman over, and threat-
ter, and gains +2 initiative and a base SV of 01-70 on the first en the raiders to keep back, the thugs will comply if they don’t
strike. After firing the single shot weapon, he draws a hatchet outnumber the characters, otherwise, they draw hatchets and
from his belt and dives at the character, yelling “You Purist charge. In the event that the characters back away or defeat
murderer! I recognized you from the walls of Rivergrad! You the thugs, they must still get out of that particular area of the
killed my brother!” Deep Slums. There is therefore d3 more encounter checks to
16. Getting up from a nearby table of d6+3 raiders from a lo- be made in order to get out, and any raiders met will be from
cal gang, a single thug walks up to a random PC and splashes this same gang with orders to stop the characters at any cost.
his beer in the character’s face. If the character is female, Should the PCs reach the surface, the woman takes them to a
so too is this raider, otherwise male. “I challenge you to fists house where there is a 3 in 6 chance that a well dressed old man
in the ring, outland deviant. I don’t like the way you look! Are opens the door. The woman explains where she has been the
you going to fight me or not, coward!?” The bouncers stand- last few months, that the PCs saved her. In gratitude, the man
ing near the entrance start to move toward the commotion, gives each character the same amount of money d10+10sp, and
anticipating that the PCs don’t know the ring’s brawling or the entire group one random relic weapon he had saved from his
melee weapon only rules. If the character refuses, the raid- grand father (WC-R). If a 4-6 are rolled, however, the door opens
er retires, scoffing. “Just what I thought, a sissy, a pampered and a older prostitute peers out, d6 other hookers stand behind
mamma’s baby.” If the character will brawl, the crowd cheers her. “Your back!” Cries the older woman, hugging the one the
as the combatants enter the ring, the thug raises his or her PCs rescued. “Sorry I lied.” Says the teary eyed woman the team
fists and bids the character to come closer. saved, peering back at the PCs. “I had to get back here where I
earn way more money. Come inside, all of you, spend the night
*** If the characters leave before dawn, there is a 3 in 6 chance and enjoy the women, or me, I’ll pay the bill off, somehow.” She
that encounter 3 from the Nighttime, in streets of the Upper City, will at least honor her word in this respect.
page 100, occurs within d4 blocks of the bar. If the characters are 4. The characters notice that d3+1 local area raiders are fol-
actually staying at the Jean-Paula Hostel, there is a 1 in 6 chance lowing them, keeping back 10 meters and just observing the
that during the night or very early morning, the door is smashed in team’s activities. If approached, the thugs back off and van-
by men using a steel ram, and in pour d6+3 raiders with clubs, who ish into the maze of tunnels.
will beat the characters unconscious, rob them, bind them and take 5. A crippled commoner man limps up alongside the charac-
them to their headquarters below the city in a random gang’s terri- ters holding out his hat. “Please, great ones, please, pity your
tory, selling the victims as rag wearing slaves 3d6 days later. fellow man, and spare a coin... or a bit of food at least!” If the
PCs ignore him, he will be 77% likely to curse at the charac-
Encounters in Deep Slum tunnel streets: Any time of ters as they go down the tunnels away from him, attracting at-
day d6-2 (0-4) rolls for street occupants on chart B, page tention to the PCs from those nearby.
381 with a 3 in 10 chance per passage of a special encoun- 6. The characters enter a crowded blockage in the tunnel.
ter from the following list. Roll 2d6: Here, street venders sell bruised fruit, moldy bread and fish

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that doesn’t smell too fresh. A crowd of 3d6 commoners of vari- begging for mercy. “That’ll teach you to show us respect next
ous ages and genders are milling about, hunched over in their time!” One thug with a prime mutation yells. “Who the hell do
drab, muck stained ponchos. Just then, a random character is you think you are? I outa stick you with my blade and show the
bumped, and notices a small figure nearby. The figure is a thief, rest of your family how to behave.” The man draws a dagger
who has bumped the a character while making an attempt to and holds it to the bloody nosed person’s face. “First a scar
pickpocket the PC, lifting a holstered relic weapon, musket pis- or two!” Laughs the raider. The commoner screams as his or
tol, grenade or coin pouch in that order of preference. If suc- her face is cut. The other raider notice the character observing
cessful, the thief is already dodging away with the stolen item, their sport, and nudge the one holding the dagger to look up.
using innocent bystanders as cover and gaining -30 DV. The grim fellow frowns and calls to the PCs “You, outlanders,
7. A filthy, mud dappled hooker saunters up to the characters, move along or I’ll be cutting you up as well!”
and in a half hearted voice, breaks a slight grin and simply asks. If the PCs move away, they hear numerous pitiful screams
“Two silvers for my hot company, right around this corner here. as the commoner is tortured, possibly killed. If, however, the
Got a fur spread out where nobody will bother us. No? Okay... characters decide to step in, the raiders are very self assured
whatever,” and moves on to another man on the street. As she and draw machetes gleefully; fleeing only if they are clearly
turns, the PCs notice whip scars on her exposed back. losing any scrap. See Special Encounter A, below.
8. d6+3 raiders of the local gang have established a toll col- If rescued, the commoner will offer to take the PCs to a secret
lection point in the tunnel that the PCs now pass through. If the tunnel, which leads to a row of very shoddy pit houses. The com-
characters turn around there is a 2 in 6 chance the men and moner’s family later meets the survivor and together they urge the
women of the gang don’t notice, but the GM can re-roll for an- heros to take them away from Steel Hill, to relatives in Sandbarra
other passage with a 3 in 10 chance of a unique encounter. If who will give the PCs lodging for as long as they like.
the Characters are instead seen leaving, the raiders grow suspi- 12. Gang War! Suddenly 3d6+6 raiders from a neighboring
cious and tell others to find the outsiders and ‘interview’ them, gang invade the passage, ignoring all non-raiders, and clashing
see special encounter A, below, right. If the characters do decide with half as many defending thugs who cry for help. The hard
to pay the toll, it is a random daily amount, d10+1 silvers, with pressed defenders see PCs and one calls out. “Fight with us!
the same amount per individual in the group. Failure to pay, and Defend our territory and earn a place in our community for the
be respectful about it, results in the characters being told to turn rest of your lives! Our leader shall reward you well!” If the PCs do
around and go back the way they came, or submit to being their assist the defending gang, and defeat the attackers, the char-
servants for the day. If the toll takers outnumber the characters acters will be taken to the local gang leader where he or she
2 to 1 or better, they will also demand that the characters each will decree that the PCs can either become full fledged gang
kneel and bow, promising allegiance to the gang should their members, or, merely enjoy the benefits of no tolls, respect from
turf come under attack by an enemy gang. all gang members, a prostitute’s company that night, a feast in
9. Street urchins, 3 per PC +d6, leap out of the holes, tunnels their honor, d20 sp each (same amount per PC combatant) and
and jagged debris which hangs down from the ceiling. They all d6 random slaves for the characters to own and take with them
brandish knives and surround the characters at melee range. (captives from the Upper City) .
One waves her knife in a great arc and hisses at you. “Give
us your weapons, your coins pouches and your food, surface Special Encounter A: The characters have evaded the
dwellers, or die right here!” If the PCs oblige, they are robbed local gang temporarily, but were seen and their descriptions
and left alone, however, if they go for their weapons or initiate spread about the specific gang controlled area, alerting all
mutations, etc, there is a 3 in 6 chance that the gang breaks raiders to detain the strangers. There is a 50% chance that
and runs, practically vanishing within d6 rounds. within the next hour, if the characters are not holed up in a
10. A prostitute looks about nervously and then runs up to the den or pit someplace, that a mob of 2d6+3 raiders discover
most attractive male in the character group, raising her hands and surround them before making their assault. The crimi-
to show she has no weapon. “Please, great warrior, I have been nals will order the PCs to surrender, drop their weapons and
sold to these awful men and women of the local gang, by Travalis, kneel. The characters will be tied up and taken to a jail area,
the Slave taker of the underworld (free PDF download or page stripped and bound by ropes, and kept in a cell for 2d6 days
442). I have had enough of this terrible place and plead with you before Travalis, the Slaver (free PDF download) has them sold
to take me to the surface, maybe even away from this doomed to some cargo barge as oar slaves.
city! I have family in Overpass who will reward you with whatever
we have. I have nothing to offer one’s such as you, I am sure,
unless you find me pleasing. Please, will you help –.” Just then, Encounters in Deep Slum Bars (The Vicar’s Pit, The
d6+2 raiders come into the tunnel, and see the woman talking to Cranny, The Foray or The Deeper Arms): d6+1 patron rolls
the character. They approach, somewhat curious. “Alissa, what from chart B, page 384 by day, 2d6+4 by night. There is a
the hell are you doing out here?” Asks one, eyeing the characters 3 in 10 chance per hour of an encounter by day, and a 5 in
carefully, his hand on his machete pommel. “Boss told you that 10 chance after 6pm until dawn. Roll 2d6 during the day or
you had to stay with the other girls. And you, outlander, are you 2d6+1 if a visible mutant is present in the character group:
her customer or what? If not, then move along before we skin 2. A drunken pure stock commoner man staggers over to the
you.” If the PCs leave, Alissa is grasped by the arm and taken characters, looks about carefully and then speaks in hushed
out of sight. If the PCs decide to rescue her, and defeat or drive tones, apparently not drunk at all. “My pure blooded brothers
off the thugs, who will flee if half their number are defeated, see (and sisters), what are you doing down here? You should be
special Encounter A, on the right. Alissa will honor her word and up on the surface killing God damned mutants as you have
take her saviors to her family home in far off Overpass; a modest been ordered to do. Who cares about the maggoty deviants
shack among rows of other shoddy huts in the Undercity District. down here? Strike at the infidel’s defenses and upper ranks...
Her grateful family will house the characters whenever they are not this filth. Now go do your duty before I report you to the
in Overpass for 2d6 years, longer if the PCs bring food and pro- priests.” He then hastens away.
tection to their household. 3. Travalis the Slaver (free PDF download) is present, accom-
11. d6+2 local thugs are brutalizing a lone commoner, roll d6: panied by 4+d6 militia solider guards. Each soldier is armed
1,2. man/ 3,4. woman/ 5. teen boy/ 6. teen girl. They punch with a musket pistol and longsword. Also present are 2d6 very
and kick the hapless, rag wearing worker who lays at their feet appealing slave girls, leashes on their necks and held by Trava-

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lis himself. In addition, 2d6 raiders of the local gang are near- ings, and sell you as slaves. Best you get out of their turf while
by, enjoying the notorious mutant slaver’s jokes and perverted you still can.” See Special Encounter A, page 104./ 3,4. “The lo-
tales. If any character approach within 4 meters of Travalis, the cal gang boss has been told of your bein’ here. They aren’t sure
guards and raiders will draw their weapons and aim at the in- what y’are or why y’all in the maze, but they think you is enemy
truders and tell them to move away or die. spies, even for the royal family. I’d keep my wits about me if I
4. d4+1 local thugs enter and walk by the character’s table, was you.”/ 5,6. “My name is Jessilla; I am a slave, owned by that
bumping it seemingly on purpose, and knocking over any PC’s scrawny rat of a bar tender. If you can wait for me outside in one
drink who doesn’t make a type A agility based haz- hour, I can meet you there and we can all get out while we can. I
ard check to catch it. The thugs don’t apolo- will steal my master’s coin box, and his gun, which I shall give you
gize and just move on and try to tease a worn once we get to the streets and the safety of the hostel.”
out, bored looking hooker. If the characters accept Jessilla’s offer and wait
5. There are d6+1 sailors at the bar, who are outside the bar, she does arrive, with a coin box
drinking too much and toying with some in a sack and a fully loaded pocket pistol in her
floozies. One does something belt. There is a 2 in 6 chance she is seen leaving,
that one of the girls doesn’t and within 3d6 rounds, the PCs are pursued by
like and she slaps the man, 3d6 of the local thugs, intent on arresting them
(treat sailors as raiders with as in special encounter A, page 104. If the char-
sabers). In response, the acters defeat this gang and get to
man strikes her so hard the surface, the cash box will have
that she is thrown aside 2d100sp and d20 gold coins in-
and crashes across the side and a 39% chance of 3d6
PC’s table, knocking every- extra standard pistol rounds.
thing flying. There is a 2 in 6 Jessilla will give the charac-
chance that as everything falls, ters the box
a random character jumps back, and the gun
knocks into a local thug, who once they
sits with d6+2 of his comrades, take her
and makes the thug spill all the to the Hos-
drinks at his own table! If this tels’ bar, where her sister
happens, the outraged thug grabs works as a server.
the character and points to his 8. A unique person asks
gang’s spilled beverages. “You’ll to sit down with the char-
pay for these right now, you out- acters (72% chance male,
land pansy, or I swear I’ll break otherwise female). If
your neck!” His comrades allowed, he or she
just grin, but make no ef- explains: “I am an
fort to get up unless the excavator, or at least
PCs own group seems to destined to be one.
be preparing for a fight. I have been coming
The yelling raider will be- to this awful little
gin to punch the char- bar for months hop-
acter if he refuses ing to meet people
to buy a round like you. You are diggers, aren’t you? I am
(1sp each) of looking to join an excavation party, are you accepting new
drinks for the members?” GM: this could be a chance for a player to roll up or
raider gang. introduce a 1st rank new player character, or, for an NPC char-
During all of this, the prostitute has gotten up and left the bar acter to be introduced who can guide the characters through-
in a huff, the sailors have turned their backs to the characters out the underground city.
and are now groping the hookers who remain. 9. A bounty hunter and his unit of d4+3 militia soldiers, each
6. d6 local whores approach the characters and randomly with a club, musket pistol and dagger, no shields, are sitting at
clutch onto one PC each. These women groan and fondle their a nearby table, observing the characters one by one. If any PC
intended clients, being none too shy about their erotic plans, has a bounty on his or her head, roll to see their individual odds
regardless of the character’s gender or type, urging them to of being recognized. If so, the Bounty hunter and his goons will
go to the back rooms and alcoves of the bar. They charge only follow the characters out of the bar and at gunpoint, try to ar-
two silver coins for a frolic, are appearance 3d10, and if a rest the individual(s) they are after. If they are outnumbered
character has ‘relations’ with one of these women, there is a by the characters, the bounty hunter will hold off and try to
35% chance she had sinners itch (see diseases, Hub Rules). gather reinforcements. Thereafter, there is a 2 in 6 encounter
If not one character goes with a hooker to the back chambers, chance, per day spent in the Deep Slums, that the PCs will en-
then the whole lot of the whores are 89% likely to turn sour, counter this bounty hunter again, but with an extra 2d4 militia
abusive and embarrassing, with the loudest shouting the fol- soldiers to aide him in the capture of the wanted PC. Local
lowing: “You ain’t here to have fun, are you? No, you’re proba- gang members will not interfere with this bounty hunter’s ac-
bly city spies or rival gang members or something. I say the lot tivities, as they get a percentage of his earnings for captures
of you should be taken out back and drowned in the sewage on their turf.
gutter. How dare you refuse us, are we not beautiful enough? 10. A commoner man sits down with the PCs and leans over,
Are you afraid? Are you virgins or something?” peering from side to side to make sure nobody beyond the ta-
7. A nervous looking serving maiden comes up to the group and ble hears him. “Listen, outlanders, I know your sort, you’re ad-
as she delivers their order, whispers into one random character’s venturers, right? Maybe you’ve already been introduced to the
ear. Roll d6: 1,2. “I heard the goons plotting to take your belong- criminals who rule us. I am Kris, the spokesman for a secret,

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rebel group of everyday people who live in this area. We have 13. Among the coming and goings of the bar patrons through
gathered arms and armor and are plotting to defeat this local the front door, the characters didn’t really notice d4+2 more
boss, and butcher the cutthroat’s evil henchmen. Join us and dusty commoners in their hooded cloaks and leather hats. All
we will make you the sheriffs of our new, free community! In at once, one of these otherwise unremarkable men jumps up
return for this help, and as an incentive, we will give your group onto a stool and pulls out a hefty looking black book. “By the
a weapon to aide in the struggle. Are you with us? We strike power invested in me by the Vicar of Purity, I decree that this
tomorrow morning! We will slit their throats and then block the place is a den of snakes! For here, sitting among you are mu-
non-essential tunnels so that neighboring enemy gangs can’t tants, calling themselves men!” He points directly to the mu-
get to us until we have organized a proper military. What say tant characters in the group, although about half the bar crowd
you?” If the PCs, refuse, the man shakes his head then moves is visibly mutated. The crowd begins to unsheathe blades, cock
off, but if the characters do wish to help out, they will be taken their muskets or draw relic weapons and take aim on the Pur-
to a pit house and introduced to the 2d6 leaders of the re- ist. “Alas, we have come here to tell you the truth! Pure men
sistance, and given one random (not each), fully loaded relic and women, look next to you at the pitiful abominations called
weapon WC-R, and told how many raiders there are. There will mutants, and their metal tainted associates, the cyborgs. How
be one commoner man armed with a bow, hatchet and wear- can you tolerate their filth in your midst? Have you no thought
ing leather armor, per raider. Kris, smiling broadly, looks the for your souls? Let me tell you the truth – !”
PCs up and down approvingly and says “With your help, we can Somebody in the crowd puts a crossbow bolt through the
gain the upper hand!” GM: Some small degree of planning is man’s heart and he spills off the stool. The other men with him
required to conduct the revolt from this point onward, such as leap into action and each toss a frag grenade into the crowd,
the location of the raiders, the reaction of neighboring gangs, aiming for mutants. “Die, devil spawned miscreations!” Yells
and the numbers and make up of the civilian population, plus, one of the men. Treat these cultists as commoner men. Af-
the brutal fall out of what might happen if the rebellion fails. ter throwing the grenades, they draw sabers and rush at the
11. Poisoned drinks! It is assumed that all characters have crowd, hacking and slicing before they are themselves killed.
been drinking something, yet if not, they are exempt from the There are a minimum of two grenades, a maximum of five.
strong sleep poison the local bar tender dropped in their bever- For each thrown there is a 20% chance it was tossed at the
ages. The drug is type D sleep poison, with a duration of 3d6 character’s table, to a maximum of two grenades. The other
hours. Those who make a successful hazard check feel very grenades devastate the bar, engulf wooden supports, clothing
drowsy and lethargic. Their vision is blurred and making them and furniture in a blaze, and utterly ruin the place, forcing it to
-10 SV. Those who actually succumb will pass out within d6+2 close down for repairs for 3d6+6 days. The casualties are tre-
minutes, and if nearly all the characters are unconscious, the mendous, with many of the unarmored hookers and bar maids
bar tender will have a group of 2d6 street urchins enter the mutilated by the blast. A single fragmentation grenade has a
bar and remove the slumbering characters while d3+3 raiders 4m blast radius, SV 01-70, and does d20+10 damage to those
will accost the remaining conscious PCs and try to beat them struck.
unconscious with clubs used in two hands ( SV 01-52/ DMG
d10+3 stun). All incapacitated characters are stripped to their
undergarments and thrown in iron doored room and kept there
for d6+2 days. After this imprisonment, the captives will be
sold to Travalis the Slaver and soon after, chained to the lower
deck seats of a cargo barge destined for Safe Port, and at the
bite of whip, forced to row 12 hours a day. The cell door is END
60, DV -20, and there are d4 raider guards in the cell area be-
neath the bar, but 3d6+3 plus Travalis when the time to escort
the slave-characters to the surface world and the docks.
12. d3+3 gang members of the local crime group come over to
the PC’s table and ask to sit with them, pulling up extra chairs.
One ruffian begins. “No worries, mate, we don’t want no trouble,
just to talk. We represent the local crime boss, and have been
asked to encourage you to consider a position in our organiza-
tion. Our leader, (name here), will pay you 4 silvers per day, plus
benefits such as free whores, booze and whatever you fancy off
travelers, not to mention the booty and slaves you can take from
the surface city or our neighboring gangs and their populations.
If you decline, that’s okay, we still welcome your business here,
but, if you’re interested, come with us and meet our boss.”
If the characters agree, they ware taken several corridors
away to a segregated maze which is blocked off by a steel door.
Within the hideout are 4d6+4 raiders, d6 slaves of each type
and gender, plus the local leader, who inspects the charac-
ters carefully, and asks such questions as “How many humans
have you killed? To what ruins have you been? Have you ever
been outside the region? Ever face a garnock or a dragon liz-
ard? Why have you come to Steel Hill and the Deep Slums?
Does anybody know you are down here? Will you kill one of
these slaves if I ask you to?” GM, the reactions to these ques-
tions will decide if the local leader will hire the characters or
not. If not, they are sent away and thanked for their interest,
if hired, they are sent to raid the neighboring gang lands, with
2d6 fellow raiders.

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Part Five:

The Dominion
of Aberratia
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The Crossroads Region Part Five: Dominion Of Aberratia 108

Part Five: The Dominion of Aberratia

The Dominion of Aberratia, or DOA for short, began as a racially Twisted Wood area has remained the battle ground between man
motivated political party in the large town of Newburg. Fueled by and mutant, with a tug of war pulling territorial boundaries back
the fears of imminent Purist invasion, the ‘mutants first’ faction and forth across Lusus Creek.
grew to engulf all nearby settlements and became the mutant su- At Rivergrad, a once peaceful fishing village, a mighty stone
premacy movement. The Aberrationist ideal holds that mutants, and scrap fortress was erected, and from here, the Aberrationist
especially those showing outward deviations, are superior beings forces directed their ongoing defense.
to their non-mutant ancestors, and that in time, all flaw mutations Meanwhile, behind the lines, town after town fell to mutant
will be bred out. Eventually, it is promised, that a new, super race control, as pure stock leaders, some who were much loved by all
of humans will rule the earth, and eventually reach the orbital their citizens, were dragged from their homes and beheaded or im-
communities, go beyond earth, and follow after those humans paled, the remaining pure stock populations deprived of rights, for-
called the Star People, who escaped the cataclysm so long ago. bidden to wear arms and armor, and thereafter treated as second
Most Mutant Supremacists do not believe that God chose class citizens.
them to be mutants nor dominate the world, and firmly accept By spring 2317, the Purist threat had subsided as both sides
that science, by both accident and intentional means, created settled down along more or less fixed boundaries, the respective
the genetic gifts and flaws which mutankind exhibits in the cur- armies holding up in woodland trenches, tree forts and tunnels
rent age of The Mutant Epoch. Embracing the Aberrationist be- complexes, engaging in probing sorties and guerilla warfare. With
lief system is usually not one of religious conviction, but rather the main threat held in check, the Magistrate of Newburg, called
of successful propaganda strategies, as well as first hand experi- Tyrusmithia the Three headed, named herself Arch Magistrate, and
ences by those who have personally escaped Purist brutality and appointed a magistrate for each Aberrationist held town, in addi-
genocide. While many may hate the Dominion for its promotion of tion, she set up a council of advisors, also called magistrates, with-
mutant supremacy and aggressive policies, the very real threat in the new capital. Plans were made to strike northward and take
of Purist expansion is hard to ignore, hence, many mutants living Dawn Cove, Hookville and North Fort (then called Las Calaville).
within the Dominion’s borders or outside, can find some sympa- Within a few short months, these towns fell to the well organized,
thy or understanding into why the Aberrationist movement has veteran fighters who made up the majority of the Dominion War-
been so successful. riors. In response, on January 1st 2318, The Northern Freehold
Outside of the DOA lands, on an almost daily basis, the poor was established. The new faction of Overpass, Array and Pitford,
treatment of mutants in other cities is evident, even in such free mounted a spirited defense, and kept the immense city of Over-
towns as Overpass which claims equality. Worse, in some places, pass from falling to oncoming Aberrationist battalions. The NF, aug-
mutants are being burned at the stake, often after long hours mented by small but potent excavation teams, emerged as a re-
of torture. The truth is, aberrations have suffered generations of sourceful and determined resistance to Dominion expansion.
slavery, humiliation, abuse and poverty, made to feel like sub-hu- The Government Structure of the Dominion consists of a doz-
mans, second class citizens, and denied the same rights as pure en magistrates, called the Central Government by most common-
stocks, clones, bioreplicants and trans-humans. With the rise of ers and visitors alike, who rule from Newburg, One magistrate is
the Dominion of Aberratia, many deviants feel that they now have voted the Arch Magistrate, whom rules for the rest of his or her
a voice, or at the very least a place to call home, where they are life. The current Arch-Magistrate is a freakish mutant woman called
not only treated fairly, but are the dominant strain of intelligent Rantula ‘Bloody Bone’ Maximorta Each town in the dominion is
beings, and all others are their slaves. also ruled by a magistrate, who is able to vote on all important
The lure of such superiority attracts many mistreated mu- matters even if absent from the capital. These magistrates have
tants from far and wide; the doctrine being so strong that the almost total control over their settlements or forts, and can gov-
Aberrationist teachings inspire distant mutants to rebel against ern as they see fit, as long as the Arch Magistrate’s decrees and
cruel masters, break their chains, and stand tall for the first directives are obeyed. Under the guidance of the magistrates are
time in decades. Even if mutants can’t always make the jour- the various ministry heads, most of whom live in Newburg, but a
ney to The Dominion, they are often influenced by the propagan- few maintain offices in secondary communities, depending on the
da heard on the radio, or taught to them by secretive Dominion portfolio they attend to. Two large ministries, that of Expansion and
agents called The Shadow Minions, who travel the surrounding of Aberrational Ascendancy, are so large that they occupy separate
regions, disseminating information, showing the deviants how to buildings within Newburg, and have their own agents and subordi-
gain equal rights, or wrestle control from pure stock rulers and nate ministerial officers.
finally, form small Aberrationist outposts and terror cells within
larger communities. Ministry Directors are the civilian equivalent to Majors in the Do-
The Dominion began in the year 2285, shortly after the Holy minion military and covert forces, and in many cases, due to per-
Purist Empire began annexing towns in the southern part of the sonal power, education, relic firepower or mutations, the minister
region, and brutally massacring any mutants they found, includ- might actually unofficially boss around a major, or visa versa.
ing women and children. The people were terrified and even pure The Aberrationist army is commanded by the General of the
stocks who had mutant spouses, siblings or children, fled north Dominion. This individual gets a vote like a Magistrate does during
west to escape the butchery. Within Newburg, then called River- the election of a new arch-magistrate, but acts as more of an advi-
side, the Aberrationist movement was already gaining power, and sor to the Arch Magistrate than other top officials do. The serving
the former pure stock rulers had been executed, and a mutant general keeps his or her office on the same floor as the Arch Mag-
warlord, titled the Magistrate, took power. This new dictator gath- istrate and from here commands all operations, via encoded radio
ered to herself community leaders, tribal chieftains and merce- signals and email directives. Beneath the general in rank are his
nary commanders. Within a span of only a week, the Aberrationist or her 12 Majors, treated as Senior Officers on the typical humans
faction was born, and by the next week, a collection of towns and chart (page 137 of the TME hub rules), but with d4 prime and d4
villages, nomadic people and intelligent mutant animals, stood as minor mutations each. Majors conduct whatever military missions
one, and marched into Twisted Wood to face the approaching Pur- are required, and keep in near constant contact with the General
ist army. Decades of bloody warfare followed, and to this day, the of the Dominion and Arch Magistrate day and night.

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Below the rank of Major are the Sergeants, treated as Squad each with the physical alteration minor mutation, using bows and
leader officers, each with d3 prime mutations, who command vari- sabers, however they are all quite proficient with the bow, and have
ous sized battalions and regiments, or are the captains of battle one weapon skill point with the weapon (SV 01-55/ DMG d12+2).
barges and elite units. Below the Sergeant are the many Corporals, They wear leather armor that has been dyed green, black cloaks,
treated as NCO officers with d3 prime mutations each, who com- and steel helmets with flowing black horsetails attached to the tops
mand small strike teams, expeditionary forces, hunting parties, in- as a plume. The giant bats they ride are well trained and obedi-
vestigations and patrols, but will occasionally operate alone deep ent, raised in Newburg where they learn to kill and devour humans;
behind enemy lines to conduct sabotage or assassination opera- their victims being captive Purist soldiers, criminals and other un-
tions. Below the rank of Corporal are the soldiers, of which the Do- desirables. If a bat’s rider should be killed, or become incapaci-
minion has many types segregated to perform a wide variety of tated but remain strapped to the saddle, the bat will immediately
tasks, but so too, housed in separate quarters and encouraged to retreat from battle and fly back to the Bat-Hold in Newburg.
pride themselves in their unit’s victories, and out do other units in Dog Riders are lightly armored mutants who have been trained
upcoming conflicts. to ride a fast moving riding dog while firing a bow, or drawing their
The main combatants and law keepers within the mutant held sabers and charging into an enemy force and hacking them apart.
lands are the Dominion Warriors, who are usually deviants with Treat these units as raiders on the typical humans table, each with
the minor mutation of physical alteration, as well as hair, skin, and the minor mutation of ‘physical alteration’. They are normally kept
eye color variations. They are standard soldiers as far as the typi- outside of towns, and instead patrol the roads, back trails and farm
cal humans table goes, wearing junk armor, a steel helmet, a junk land of the Dominion, having their home base in Newburg. They
shield and armed with a crossbow. They also carry a dagger and a wear olive green trousers and cloaks, high black boots and long
curved saber on their belts. Their uniform is functional, and har- gloves, and distinctive Y-slitted iron helmets with dog hair crests,
kens back to an older time when soldiers wore camouflage. Olive similar to what an ancient greek hoplite wore. Their dog saddles
green baggy trousers cover the warrior’s legs, while a loose tunic is are often decorated with the scalps, severed heads and other body
worn over the torso, also olive green yet painted with a black, two parts of their victims.
headed eagle which is the symbol of Aberratia; an image stolen Dominion Irregulars are rag tag infantry, but can also appear
from ancient European designs. mounted on assorted animals. They tend to serve the Dominion
Dominion Heavy Infantry are usually the largest, most fit mu- as skirmishers and scouts, dwelling in small temporary camps
tant soldiers in the faction, and are often mutated with at least one throughout Twisted Wood, but also given free rein to raid in all oth-
prime mutation. They are treated as elite soldiers on the typical hu- er factional lands. These mutants are enlisted from tribes of sav-
mans table, and use muskets fitted with bayonets, but also carry ages, escaped slaves and criminals from other towns, as well as
the saber so common to the regular warriors. These troops wear deviants from far off regions who have come to the Dominion to
olive green uniforms as well, but the fabric is hand painted with fight for a cause they genuinely believe in, as well as satisfy their
various tones of green and tan speckles, much like old world forest lust to loot, rape and pillage. These irregulars are often the most
camo print. Heavy Infantry are mainly based within the capital, and feared portion of the mutant army, as they are not much more than
dispatched by airship or wagon to trouble spots. marauders who lack discipline and order, and will rob, abuse and
Dominion Bat Riders are light troops, chosen precisely for kill fellow mutants when assaulting caravans and villages. Like-
their low body weight, as well as their keen eyes, affinity with giant wise, they tend to turn to cannibalism when food is scarce or bor-
bats, and accuracy with a bow. These units are housed in Newburg, ing, as well as delight in the torture of their prisoners. Treat them
but make regular stops in all DOA settlements from time to time. as raiders on the typical humans table, however they tend to arm
Their main role is in patrolling Twisted Wood and the Tainted Sea, themselves with crossbows, hatchets and daggers, but can also
attempting to gather information on Purist troop movements, as be found with pikes or mounted on horseback, carrying shields
well as make opportunistic raids on small enemy detachments. Be- and spears. They wear olive green tunics with the Aberrationist
cause the Holy Purists have only airships for an air force, this unit of two headed eagle on the chest but otherwise wear tattered rags,
Bat Riders are unchallenged in the air and instill a great amount of furs, scraps of looted armor, or only the scalps of their victims as
dread in their adversaries, as long as they stay out of ballista and a loin cloth. Each Irregular will have one minor mutations (physical
crossbow range. Treat these men and women as militia soldiers, alteration) with 1 in 10 having a random prime mutation.

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The Shadow Minions fulfill multiple roles, often serving intelligence based hazard check to block any reading. During
as covert couriers, saboteurs, kidnappers, spies, and guard- the interview, the recruit is normally unaware that the civil-
ians to magistrates and other important officials. Treat them ian is an empath and feels no intrusion and simply thinks the
as assassins on the typical humans table, each with 2 prime person is a scribe since he or she is busy writing
mutations, wearing black, ninja style outfits under an olive while the Shadow Minion interviews the appli-
green hooded cloak. Each has the Aberrationist eagle tat- cant. If the empath gives the Minion a certain
tooed on his or her right shoulder blade, and is armed with signal, the applicant is told
a rapier, heavy crossbow, and a weapon relic (WC-RC). to wait in a side room while
The Shadow Minions, when traveling or wishing to the applicant’s case is
go unnoticed in far off lands, will dress as scav- reviewed.
engers or excavators, and are all trained with If the recruit is
d3 skill points as a disguise artist. deemed desirable,
he or she will enter an
Terms of Recruitment: For many mu- outfitting chamber where
tants, especially from lands that have the person will be given a
been annexed by the Holy Purist Empire suit of junk armor, a steel
or other oppressive groups, joining the helmet, Dominion green
Dominion Army is an obvious choice. trousers and tunic, and a junk
There are three recruiting stations shield with the two headed eagle on
in the DOA factional lands: one in it. A dark red armband will be tied to the
Newburg, one in Hookville and person’s right arm to indicate he or she is a
another in Rivergrad. All re- trainee and will be escorted with 3d6 others
cruits are subject to an in- to a special barracks. If the character was
terview, noted at the bot- read by the empath and found suspicious-
tom of the page. While ly emotional, he or she will enter a room
the conditions are of- where 3+d3 Dominion Warriors with clubs
ten rough, the bat- will immediately pounce on him or her and
tles fierce and the beat the individual into unconsciousness,
commanders strict, strip him or her and sell the individual to
there are bene- whoever holds the local slavery contract. If
fits to enlistment. the character fights off these club wielding
Some of the perks brutes, he or she will be able to climb up to a
for a mutant joining high window, open it and escape into the set-
the DOA army are regular tlement’s streets, soon to be hunted by every
meals, considerable free- able Aberrationist soldier, if not every civilian
dom to claim booty and slaves, as well.
the all-clear to treat enemy captives with little or no human
rights, and be treated with more respect than any civilian would New Aberrationist Army Recruits: While given arms
be. In addition, the Dominion pays a monthly wage, with different and armor, a saber, crossbow and dagger, a character is al-
amounts based on the military unit one is a member of. Trainees lowed to wear his or her own armor as long as he or she wears
get 5sp per month, Irregulars 12sp, Warriors 20sp, Heavy Infan- the olive green uniform of the Dominion over it. Likewise, if a
try 30sp, Dog and Bat Riders get 28 silvers and Shadow Minions recruit prefers to fight with two handed weapons, such as a
receive 100sp per month. While most fit applicants are accepted musket, great sword or relic weapon, then he or she is also al-
into the training tier of the military, many are rejected at the in- lowed to forgo the use of the shield. The pay is 5sp per month,
structional level due to a lack of fierceness, a failure to honestly however all food and lodging is paid for by the state. Train-
believe that pure stocks are an inferior phase in human evolution, ees sleep in one huge barracks, usually far underground in
or, that the recruit is simply too barbaric or too psychotic to func- the towers and buildings of the settlement, and have a strict
tion in an organized military unit. curfew of 8pm even on nights when off duty. The training pro-
Military service, once a person is signed on, is legally bind- gram runs for three months, and involves both physical and
ing, and set in 2 year intervals. After each interval a recruit mental instruction. The physical aspect includes marching,
must ‘re-sign’ if he or she wishes to remain in the armed forc- formation tactics, saber fighting, crossbow target practice,
es. Deserter’s forfeit all pay, all property, slaves, wealth, relics yelling, fist fighting, dodging rocks thrown by classmates, long
and must serve as slave laborers for d6 years, after which they distance running in full kit, as well as various mock battles
can join the irregulars. Should they serve in the ‘misfits’ for a with wooden swords against opposing training units.
year without incident, they can re-apply to the regular dominion The mental aspect involves a lot of preachy talk about
warriors and regain some semblance of social respect. how mutants are destined to rule the entire world, and make
all pure stocks into their slaves. Plenty of questionable local
The Interview: Mutants are welcome to join the military history is also spouted by teachers, which go out of their way
regardless of which land they come from, however, it is well to paint the Purists as the greatest evil since the nazis, and
known to the Aberrationists authorities that many deviants that the rest of the region needs to be saved from them, and
populate enemy lands, such as in the freeholds, independent converted to Aberrationist mastery. Classroom instruction
towns, and criminal organizations. Therefore, the risk of an also includes military history, how great battles were won in
enemy mutant joining their army is very real, and has taken ancient times such as the battles of Thermopylae, Hastings,
place before. To reduce this risk, all applicants are interviewed Agincourt, Waterloo, Gettysburg, D-Day, Baghdad, Orlando,
thoroughly by a Shadow Minion, and an empathic observer. Houston and notorious Mecha uprisings of Chicago and De-
The empath is usually a mutant civilian contractor, who will troit. At the end of the training period, the detachment are
try to scan the individual and discern any hint of anxiousness, then considered Dominion Warriors and sent to the front lines
deceit or unreasonable fear. The subject is allowed a type C within Twisted Wood to fight the Purist peril.

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The Crossroads Region Part Five: Dominion Of Aberratia 111

Life in the Barracks: As full fledged Dominion Warriors, require no unwelcome ‘occupation’ force; instead, the popu-
characters are stationed in a major military settlement (d6: lace does whatever they can to make the stay of Dominion
1-3. Newburg / 4,5. Rivergrad /.6. Hookville) and kept in a Warriors comfortable, attempting to entice the soldiers to re-
barracks. These huge stone and timber structures are multi tire within their walls after their term of service is up.
floored, often descending into the earth three or four levels For the most part, people in Aberratia dress in practical
and divided into tiny private quarters for each solider. Each clothes without many embellishments or unique style, how-
room has a single bed, night pot, lantern, water jug, wash ba- ever, being on a permanent war footing, they tend to dress
sin and coat hook, small chest of drawers, and a wooden foot in the olive green and black worn by various branches of the
locker. While the rooms are not locked, they are respected as Dominion military. With the exception of pure stock citizens
the individual’s private home, and he or she can keep what- and slaves, everybody carries a weapon of some sort at all
ever items locked in the foot locker at the end of the bed. Like- times, and try to keep fit, well informed of events from the
wise, a maximum of one slave can be kept by a solider; the front lines, and spend several hours a week practicing ar-
captive must be chained by the foot to a steel ring built into chery, knife throwing, and wrestling. The people are aware
either the wall or bed while his or her owner is not present. that the balance of power in the region is such that if their
If away at war or on patrol, a slave is fed and cared for by own side either gains a great victory or suffers a serious loss
barracks attendants, who are usually young mutants who are in the nearby Twisted Wood, that their lives will change im-
too young to join the military and so earn their keep by doing mensely. Should they win a major battle, and drive the Pur-
all the chores in a barracks. For a cost of 5sp per month, an ists back to their great walled homeland, that it will be only
attendant will make sure a soldier’s slave is well looked af- a matter of time before the Dominion will finally defeat the
ter and even tethered to the other ‘property-prisoners’ and Purist Empire altogether. With the first war over, it would free
taken to an exercise area where the slaves can mingle, walk, up troops to assault both the Northern and Lower Freeholds,
work out and clean themselves, all under the watchful eye of hence new wars requiring additional troops, but also great-
a squad of warriors. er security within the homeland. Should, however, the Purist
Each soldier must have a will drafted at the time of enlist- Empire defeat the main mutant army at Rivergrad, and those
ment, stating who his or her belongings, including relics, wealth detachments all along the western shore of Lusus River,
and slaves shall go to in the event of his or her death. Since the enemy would soon invade the Dominion farmlands and
dying is a very real likelihood for a soldier, there is always a butcher the populace. Because of this constant threat, the
constant turnaround of barracks ‘cells’ and many times, family citizens maintain a focus on the war’s progress, and make
members are not interested in owning the pathetic pure stock personal preparations in the event they need to evacuate at
or non-human slaves of their late relative, and auction them off a moments notice. In the event of Purist victory in the woods,
to the other barracks occupants at cut rates. it is widely surmised that all the smaller towns will be evac-
A soldiers life while in the barracks is often quite live- uated and burned, with all the food, livestock and raw ma-
ly, as many men and women form relationships and share terials taken with the refugees to Newburg for one final de-
quarters. Alternatively, there is often plenty of fighting among fense.
the troops, but only punching, kicking and head butting is al- Aberrationist social structure tries to be unique, attempt-
lowed, no lethal weapons, appendages or powers may be em- ing to promote a new chapter in human history by departing
ployed while on duty and in barracks. widely from the old customs of pure stock created society.
The most notable changes from the old world are the names
Everyday life in the Dominion of Aberratia is as chal- people have given themselves and their children, coming up
lenging as anyplace else in the Mutant Epoch, however if one with bizarre pronunciations with quirky nicknames inspired
is a pure stock, the difficulties are tenfold. Unlike the Holy Pur- by any obvious mutations or mannerisms of the individual. At-
ist Empire, which destroys all mutant, synthetic and mechani- tempts to create new customs for courting, marriage, births,
cal people, as well as deviant animal life, Aberratia doesn’t and burial have not met with much success, for as strange
eradicate its pure stock populace, at least not as a matter as these mutants may appear, they are still human beings,
of policy. These unmutated people are second class citizens and have resorted to old customs which are familiar, work-
who are not permitted to vote, carry weapons, wear armor, able and keep society functioning. For example, at one time,
nor speak unbidden to a mutant outside their private homes to reject the old world ways, marriage was deemed a pur-
or place of work. Occasionally, some pure stocks are given ist practice, and so, people had many lovers, some of whom
limited weapons and armor during times of invasion, with they had children with, so too, homosexuality was considered
orders to return the articles immediately after the threat is fashionable as well, but for individuals who were not inclined
passed. Many pure stocks are happy to defend their towns ‘that way’, it went against the grain and was ignored. The
since they are often either the parents of, or married to, a social chaos caused by many children growing up not know-
mutant. In fact, it is law that no pure stock may marry another ing who their fathers were, had serious implications when
pure stock, to better ensure any offspring will exhibit muta- the matter of inheritance came up, and again, the polygamy
tions upon birth. Given these circumstances, many non-mu- practice was abandoned.
tants who see no chance of escaping to the freeholds, will Only in Newburg, the capital, do the unique social cus-
often agree to marry a mutant simply to guarantee that their toms seem to maintain a wide following. Here, it is not un-
children have a better life than they did. common to see very strange family structures and relation-
Not every Aberrationist town is unquestionably faithful to ships being practiced, which are so unfathomably complex
the central government and Arch-Magistrate, and while these that newcomers simply can’t figure out who is copulating with
smaller communities see the reasons behind their member- who, whose children belong to which parent, nor what sexu-
ship in a united defense against the Purists, they don’t agree al activities and partners are off limits. A saying in Newburg
with the injustice shown toward their fellow pure blood citi- goes, ‘the only social custom is imagination’; or, ‘if you can
zens. In such towns, as in Dawn Cove for example, rebellion imagine living a certain way, having a certain sort of lover,
simmers below the surface, and extra troops and Shadow or conducting yourself in a creative, unique manner, then go
Minions have had to be stationed in the town to keep order. ahead, as you are living the Aberrationist ideal of constant
Other settlements, especially those nearer the Purist evolution, both physically and socially.’
Empire, are fully supportive of the Aberrationist doctrine, and

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The Crossroads Region Part Five: Dominion Of Aberratia 112
who know about prehistoric life, the common belief is that just
as God wiped out the dinosaurs, so too, did he wish the pure
stocks to be reduced, and if not eradicated, then at least as the
ordained slaves of the new men, the holy mutants.
The most prevalent theological following among the mu-
tant is that of The Order of Rask, a faith which is open to mu-
tants, ghost mutant and the proven parents of mutant chil-
dren. In many areas of the region this faith is rooted in Biblical
teachings, both Jewish and Christian depending on the actu-
al sub-sect. The main precepts of the religion maintain that
God used a huge meteorite to wipe out the dinosaurs, then ice
ages to end the great mammals, and the plagues and wars
to end the pure stock reign on earth. In the current age, an
Currency: Within the Dominion lands, silver and gold coins epoch ruled by mutants, the Raskin Clergy state that mutant-
kind were put on the earth to dominate and propagate, to take
are accepted from any other faction, except those from the
Holy Purist Empire, and to carry Purist coinage is illegal and humanity to its next logical and divine conclusion… to re-build
punishable by confiscation of the offending monies plus the the new Meta-Human race and populate the stars.
forfeiture of the law breaker’s relic weapons, ammo, power The Order of Rask, as well as other post-devastation
sources, communication devices and armor. Most merchants faiths which advocate the same ‘truth’ of mutant domination,
traveling in and out of the Dominion are extremely care- work together to better the lives of all mutants, both inside the
ful when dealing with Purist coins, and tend to either trade Dominion lands and beyond. The devotees of these emerging
them at a freehold town, or else, have them melted down faiths often assist fellow deviants without letting on that they
into ingots. Dominion coins are hexagon shaped with a hole are from this faith at all. The darker side of this religion is the
punched through the top and often worn on a chain around domination aspect, which demands that pure stock rule must
one’s neck, or under one’s clothing as a sort of money belt, end, by any means, in every community. Fundamentalist ele-
concealing it from would be thieves. ments of this order will train to become assassins, using mu-
tations as their primary killing tools as opposed to relic weap-
Morality: The morality of Dominion citizens ranges from stuffy ons, which are seen as tools of the lesser, unmutated, ances-
tor race. Murder, kidnapping, forced marriages to mutants, in-
and prudish in the small communities, and loose and debased
in the capital of Newburg. There was a time when experimental timidation and outright confiscation of pure stock lands, prop-
relationship structures, non-typical gender unions, state-spon- erty and food supplies are the norm for Raskin terrorists. Pure
sored breeding programs, and an officially sanctioned social stock and cyborg characters who are unaccompanied by mu-
exploration were the norm, practices which seems to have sur- tant ‘masters’ will be robbed, beaten and abused whenever
vived in the capital, yet have fallen out of favor in the country- encountered by groups of Raskin faithful, while human look
side and garrisons. Why this discrepancy has taken place is not a-likes, such as clones, trans-humans, androids and biorepli-
widely agreed upon, however it is common knowledge that the cants will be enslaved or killed, since they are made in their
simple farmers and fishermen of the outlying communities be- master’s image and are a mockery of God.
came fed up with their young people flocking to Newburg and The following of this faith is so widespread within the
leaving the towns without a young work force. Once the mutant Dominion of Aberratia that the government turns a blind eye
youths tasted the luxuries and taboos of the city, most never re- to many of the lesser crimes carried out by the ‘faithful’. In
turned, while not a few seemed to utterly vanish into the slums recent years, however, young, ‘hot-head’ priests of the order
and sordid underworld of Newburg. Today, community leaders have caused problems. Most notably, Raskins have publicly
in the small towns are gradually embracing a form of aberra- damned the Newburg government and demanded that the
tional religious superiority. current rulers step down, that the Raskin Church should as-
sume command of a Holy Mutant State, that a divine mutant
Alcohol and Drugs: Following along the lines of morality, should become Cardinal, under God’s guidance, who will con-
duct a glorious holy war upon the infidels of the region.
the consumption of alcohol and drugs is also tied to the indi-
vidual community. In Newburg, public drunkenness is tolerat-
ed, except within the Eagle Heights area of the city, while drug Ghost Mutant Identification: Ghost mutants, are sup-
use is ignored, as long as the users don’t commit crimes while posed to wear a black head band and carry their officially
either under the influence or while trying to acquire funds to stamped proof of deviation papers at all times while in the
feed an addiction. In the garrisons and small communities, Dominion lands; a document signed by a Shadow Minion and
drinking in the evening, in the bars and saloons, is accepted; stamped by a Seal of Authenticity. Any pure stock who falsely
however there are always those who feel it weakens the mind, wears a black head band, or carries forged documents and is
makes citizens unprepared for inevitable Purist attack, and unable to prove his or her mutations within a day of detention
is a sign of self loathing. Drug use in these farm and fishing and observation, will be stripped of all possessions and either
settlements is officially acceptable, so long as the substances killed on the spot or sold into slavery in Newburg.
are not consumed in public. Typically, however, the locals are
intolerant to drug users, or even travelers who get drunk and Visitors to the Dominion of Aberratia are usually mu-
make a ruckus in the streets, and are prone to gang up on tant humans, or beastial humans, since any sane pure stock
and beat them senseless with clubs, and rob them. who grew up in the region will know not to go anywhere near
the Dominion. It is common knowledge that pure blood inter-
Religion: There are several dozen pro-mutant cults in the re- lopers will be set upon and beaten, stripped down and sold as
a slave within a day or two, or worse, considered Purist raid-
gion, all of them hailing from someplace in the Dominion lands.
For the most part, they all postulate that the great devastations ers and killed on sight.
were part of God’s plan to sweep the ‘generic humans’ away, Occasionally, pure stock explorers or refugees arrive from
and bring forth the time of the chosen, when aberrations would the tainted sea, and are completely unaware that the coast-
rise up as the supreme beings and claim the earth. For those line they are landing on is occupied by a mutant supremacist

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Five: Dominion Of Aberratia 113
culture. The results of such landings are always violent. Only “Nowadays, they plan to defeat the Purist Empire, after
by traveling among a group of clearly identifiable mutants can that; there will be nobody to stop their advance into our lands.
a pure stock, synthetic human or android journey in this area, Now listen good, this is important. There is no reason for you
and only then, acting as a slave, carrying no weapons, and to go to the Dominion, for they have no ruins, least none above
wearing no armor. If the pure stock fails to act the part of a ground, not like around here. I would just avoid the damn place
well beaten slave, the local authorities, or citizens, will detect altogether, they will either kill you or sell you as a slave. Now,
the ruse and have the individual extracted from the group don’t get me wrong, as I’ve said, I ain’t no
and either killed or sold as a real slave. Mutants from fricken Purist. My first wife was a mu-
other factions or regions are welcome enough, but since tant, with skin as blue as a flower, no
they could be a unit of Freehold Scouts or rangers, or lie, and, God rest her soul; she was
even freebooting brigands, no large, unfamiliar armed no supremacist, and either am
groups will be allowed into the I. You just got to keep in
settlements. If bands of armed mind that these mu-
mutant strangers found on the tants are growing in
road by local authorities, they number, even outside
will be inspected and ques- the Dominion, and they
tioned, possibly arrested and have powers we can’t fath-
their belongings confiscated un- om, as well as health prob-
til they can properly explain their lems and many enemies. Still,
being on Dominion land. you got to remember that the
If sold into slavery, a pure rule of the pure bloods is long
stock will usually be purchased gone, that our time is over, that
from his or her captors and trans- we will always share this world
ported to the immense slave mar- with the deviants, and frankly,
ket in Newburg. Here, based on with all the Mecha and terrible
the traits, gender and age of the creatures out there, so we need
individual, the prisoner will either these fine freaks to help us sur-
be sold off to a private household, vive. I just think that the Aber-
an industrial enterprise, or the mili- rationists are missing out on
tary to serve as an oar slave. On rare the potential which we, pure
occasions, large, heavily built or feisty stocks have to offer humanity,
slaves will be bought by one of several as we are smarter, healthier and
gladiatorial clubs or the Amber Colise- a whole lot easier to look at.”
um in Newburg, where brutal events are
conducted every weekend. Mutant Knowledge of the
Dominion of Aberratia, for
Pure Stock Knowledge of those born outside the fac-
the Dominion of Aberratia: tion: “It’s hard to say, isn’t
“In my grandfather’s time, it? I mean, you and I are
Hookville was a free both mutants, okay, but
town, and a prosperous where the hell did we
one at that! Then came come from? Yes, those
the damned mutants, humans. I know
both men and their you’ve heard talk
beastly mounts. These that God made
freaks had stopped the mutants to lead
Purist invasion in the humanity into the
south, which I future, that we
suppose was have been chosen
good since as the next step
I ain’t no on the evolution-
fricken’ Purist ary path, Homo-
swine, but the sapien-Deviatia, or post human as some people
deviant army was so encouraged and are starting to call us, but the truth is, we came from
arrogant that the ugly things moved north to them, and I personally think we owe them some gratitude and
sweep over Dawn Cove, Las Calaville, and our town. There blame, depending on what ‘gifts’ your parents gave you. That
were a bunch of smaller villages near Overpass as well, which brings up another point, were both your parents mutants?
the Aberrationist simply burned to the ground, killing all who Maybe they were, maybe not, as in my case, my Dad was a
opposed their will. They didn’t need to move north in the first mutant with this same armored husk as me, but my mom was
place, damn them, ‘cause we of the Northern Freehold dread- a pure stock, just a simple shop keeper’s assistant. This is
ed the Purists just as much as they did, and we could have where I get all pissed off at the Aberrationists, who profess to
joined forces back then and wiped out Pure Hub City’s forces speak on our behalf, and would like to make my dear old Mom
decades ago. But no, the Arch Magistrates, one after anoth- into a slave! And what about her parents, my grandparents
er, viewed any town where there was a pure stock leader, or on that side were both pure bloods, and they had to flee Las
where we were treated as equal citizens to mutants, as the Calaville when the fricken Dominion troops came north, and
enemy. They said that all mutants had to be liberated from luckily they got out in time, unlike their friends and relations,
their creators, us, us true men the pure bloods. many of which are dead, or were turned into slaves.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Five: Dominion Of Aberratia 114
“My argument, friend, is that we came from the old race, Adventure Ideas: The variety of adventure options possible with-
we live and work among them, we fall in love with ‘em, and, we in the Dominion lands is dependent on the race of the characters
bare children with them. Here is the final point I make, that wishing to explore it. For a pure stock, or anybody looking like one,
we interbreed with the pure bloods, and by so doing they will time spent within this factional territory can be miserable, if not fatal,
eventually vanish from the earth, vanishing not by being mas- while for a mutant, the individual might experience a sense of wel-
sacred, but by fornication, and I for one am all for that! come and belonging not possible elsewhere where many towns are
“As far as going to the Dominion lands, as a mutant, it run by strong pure stock families, who while they might claim to be
can be fine as long as you keep your mouth shut, don’t get non-biased, they will nevertheless attempt to keep deviant members
involved romantically with a pure stock lover, and don’t be a of their society in poverty, ignorance and debt. A character group
hero when you see some poor ‘generic human’ getting beaten which has a mix of races will be able to move around from town to
or skinned in the street. Alas, for what it’s worth, the Dominion town, but it should be made clear that pure stocks are expected to
can be one of the few places in the region where mutants like be slaves, and respect any mutant they meet, even a drunken beg-
us can be safe from the fricken Purist filth. A place to maybe gar. The following adventure ideas are only a taste of what is pos-
relax for a bit and get some respect for a change.” sible to a creative game master and a brave party of explorers.
For the Game Master: The Dominion of Aberratia is a coun-
ter balance to the Purist Empire, as well as a secondary threat
to the Pure Hold Republic further to the east (see The Shattered
Region). As the creator of adventures, the Aberrationists repre-
sent either a great evil or an island of hope, depending on the
races of your player’s characters. For example, if the PCs are
ghost mutants living deep within the Holy Purist Empire, they will
see escaping to the Dominion as a hugely important goal. A pure
stock character, on the other hand, making her home in either
the Northern or Lower Freehold will live in constant fear of an
Aberrationist invasion, or worse, if traveling in the wilderness, the
pure stock characters could run into a squad of Dominion Irregu-
lars who are known to maraud far beyond the Dominion lands, •Characters are ship wrecked on the coast of the Dominion, or
torturing, enslaving or simply massacring non-mutants on sight. crash in a cargo airship which their drunken pilot misguided. The
By having both the Purists and Aberrationists engaged PCs must flee across the entire country to get to the freeholds and
in a bloody war, other settlements are able to exist, yet the independent towns elsewhere, all while avoiding Aberrationist Dog
citizens of these communities know that should one side de- and Bat Riders. During their escape, they might need to rob mu-
feat the other, their peace and freedom will be doomed. For tant citizens for food, sleep in barn lofts, and inadvertently collect
this reason, the people of all races from all independent or a small band of pure stock slaves and guide them to freedom.
freehold communities undertake missions to weaken either •Characters are hired to escort a trader between Sandbarra and
of the two embattled, imperialistic sides. Southern Rangers Overpass along the well used, but risky trade paths within twisted
and Scouts, as well as concerned private militias and experi- wood. While fleeing from a Purist cavalry detachment, are rescued
enced adventure teams, do their part to ensure that neither by a battalion of Dominion Warriors. Any pure stocks in the group
great faction gets the upper hand on the other, sabotaging are taken as slaves, their belongings confiscated, while the mu-
facilities or machinery, slaying both Aberrationist and Purist tant members of the team are let free and must proceed to New-
soldiers alike, and when possible, infiltrating these nations burg to buy their companions back from the slave market before
and sowing the seeds of rebellion among the respective pop- they end up in the homes of cruel, perverse or religiously crazed,
ulations. entrail worshipping cultists. Once purchased, the slaves must be
The very presence of two large powers so close to each taken out of the Dominion without attracting too much attention.
other, and so opposed to the other’s way of life and evolution- •Characters are hired to rescue family members of a Over-
ary path, can not help but sway events and opinion through- pass based, pure stock merchant. His Grandchildren, also pure
out the entire region. In every town, there exist either passive stocks, now grown up, are living pathetic lives in Dawn Cove and
supporters, or active personnel. These ‘minions’ pose an ever have pleaded to be removed. A cargo barge will transport the
present risk to excavators and members of the population characters, disguised as traders, to the town. The ship will leave
who are of the ‘wrong’ human type. As far as the Dominion the PCs, but return late the following night where they will await
of Aberratia is concerned, its remote agents, both fanatical the characters who must locate the man’s relatives and escape
locals or implanted Shadow Minions dressed as civilians, are by rowboat, all without being seen going over the walls. The rel-
always watchful of powerful pure stocks and their off shoots atives will be waiting for a signal from their grandfather’s hire-
and mimics, and whenever an excavator, warrior or politi- lings, the characters, who will be identifiable due to their cargo of
cian of a non-mutant race begins to get too well equipped, chocolate, an especially rare, and much sought after commodity,
too highly thought of, or attains some degree of community a portion of which the heros are to give out as samples to the lo-
leadership, he or she must be dealt with. Aberrationist death cal children. The relatives will contact the ‘chocolate traders’ at
squads will therefore strive to murder accomplished pure some point after witnessing this generosity.
stocks, including those among mixed race adventure teams. While this adventure could be as it seems, it could just as
A few attempted assassinations by mutant thugs or highly easily be conducted from a treacherous aspect, with the real car-
skilled assassins will begin to impart to the players that their go being a shipment of crossbows and muskets intended for the
non-mutant characters are at risk just because of their race, local rebels, who capture the characters and confiscate their rel-
and may wish to research into why they are being attacked ics. Worse, the weapons could be discovered by Dominion Shad-
and how further attacks can be avoided. It should be easy ow Minions, and the characters become imprisoned and sched-
to learn about the Dominion and its objectives, and pure uled for execution, their lives saved by rebels who bust them out
stock characters may feel it is their duty to wage war on the of jail, and force the characters to flee inland on foot in the dead
Aberrationist nation, either by independent means or by join- of night, hunted by Aberrationist forces and predators alike as
ing either freehold’s elite detachments. they stumble toward freedom.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part Five: Dominion Of Aberratia 115

Banner Cove
Faction: The Dominion of Aberratia
Dangers: Snag Inlet is simply too wide to be crossed by a siz-
able Purist or Lower Freehold invasion force, unless the intrud-
ing army is carried in barges, which would be spotted well be-
fore the enemy force could reach Banner Cover and take it by
Government: Local Magistrate, Arretos the Jaw
Population: Total 418 to 498/ (Pure Stocks 30+d12 / Mu- surprise. Likewise, the various detachments of Aberrationist
tants 360+2d20 and 20+d12 Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs 0/ troops stationed all along the west side of Lusus River would
Synthetic humans 0/other 4d6) detect a ground based invasion. Given this, the people of this
fishing and farming community rely heavily on advanced warn-
Site Details: Banner Cove sits on low, open ground where ing for their security. Should a large group of attackers be seen
coming toward this town, the populace will flee inland with nei-
Golden Creek meets the ocean. The surrounding land is ex-
cellent for agriculture and free of woods for several kilome- ther very little notice nor prompting by the authorities.
ters, making observation of the road, fields and sea easy While the threat of enemy attack is real, the day to day dan-
by day, and less difficult with spotlights during the night gers facing these people are more likely to be predators which
hours. enter the town after dark, or attack travelers and farmers on
the road or in the crop lands; in addition, it is not uncommon for
Construction: Wood, scrap and stone have been jumbled a fisherman to be devoured by some sort of sea creature. The
odd Purist death squad does skulk into town, usually after be-
together to make this ugly little village somewhat defensible.
It is not, however, a military outpost, nor given much atten- ing dropped deep into Aberrationists territory by their black air-
tion by the central government thus no funding for upgrades ships, however, there are so few military or political targets situ-
to its defensive works. The houses are nearly as dilapidated ated in Banner Cover that most Purist terrorism activities occur
as those in the vast slums of Newburg or Overpass, and many in Newburg where the effects can be more devastating or widely
have thatch, animals hide or living sod for roof tops. The sor- observed. Finally, whether due to purists or unseen monsters,
ry looking town seems to be in a constant fog from the sea, people, especially visitors, go missing here on a weekly basis.
when not being rained on, and so the streets are more like
ditches, with mud coming up to one’s knees in the paths and Law Enforcement: By Dominion Warriors and local mili-
alleys nearest the walls. tia and citizenry. Captured serious criminals, including Purist
agents, are buried up to their necks in the nearby beach and
Water and Sanitation: Water is pulled from Golden Creek their drowning observed by the villagers as the tide comes in.
After the tide goes out, the victim’s bodies are usually found
by simply throwing a bucket attached to a rope over the wall,
and yanking it back in. Sewage is poured over the eastern wall headless or pulled free and missing as many terrible pred-
into the creek, downstream from the water collection area. ators inhabit the waters here, especially mutant salt water
Technology: A corn alcohol generator, hand built by long Military and Defense: A detachment of 50+2d20 Domin-
dead settlers, runs the four relic spot lights which make up
the only non-weapon relics in the town. The Magistrate, his ion Warriors are posted here, as well as 3d6+6 Dog Riders
Major and a few visiting Shadow Minions do carry personal who patrol up and down the road, daily, keeping it clear of raid-
communicators, flashlights and relic firepower, but there are ers and beasts to permit trade and farming to continue. There
neither fixed gunnery positions nor radio receivers, comput- is a 27% chance that a visiting body of Dominion soldiers are
ers or other devices present in Banner Cove. present any given day, leaving the following morning. Roll d6

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to determine visiting unit: 1. d100+10 Dominion Irregulars / within these walls risk not only losing ownership of their pure
2. 3d6 Bat Riders / 3. 20+d20 Dog Riders / 4. 10+d20 Do- stocks, but so too their property’s lives. It has been widely
minion Heavy Infantry / 5. A cargo barge, fitted with a catapult, speculated that these mutant people practice a form of reli-
transporting 30+d12 Dominion Warriors to the mouth of Lusus gion which requires the sacrifice of pure blooded humans.
River/ 6. A Dominion battle barge, fitted with a medium laser There is nothing remarkable about the way these people
cannon, and two catapults, loaded with 30 Dominion Warriors, dress, wear their hair or equip themselves. They are fisher-
will stay docked for d6 days before leaving for Windway. man and farmers, often caked in dirt, smelling of fish, and
looking haggard and weather worn. Their clothes functional,
Visitors to Banner Coves: Unlike Windway, which receives ratty and patched together so many times one can’t tell what
many mutant settlers from far off regions via boat and barge, the original fabric of the outfit was. They are unfriendly, un-
Banner Cove is simply too far removed and therefore gets few interested in making a profit off travelers, and suspect every
visitors or settlers. The landward routes are also scarce on outsider – even a fellow mutant – as some sort of spy, crimi-
travelers, or even marching Dominion armies, who instead nal or trouble maker. Prostitution, drugs, and alcohol are all
cross Golden Creek further north on their way to and from considered taboo by the locals and not openly available for
twisted Wood. With an almost total lack of ruins, it is exceed- sale, even though deemed legal by the central government.
ingly rare for excavators to station themselves in this town, Any outlander who is caught fornicating with a resident wom-
therefore, strangers are few and not welcome. These people an, for money or love, or found drinking in public, and who can
are known to profess quirky religious beliefs, and have an im- be clubbed by outraged civilian vigilantes (often 6+6 com-
mense distrust of any outsiders, and even more suspicion of moner men) will be stripped, tied hand and foot to a great
any mutant group which has pure stock slaves or servants. iron ‘X’ and publicly whipped and branded with a small “h’ on
his or her shoulder blade, the letter standing for ‘hedonist’.
Brief History: On may 3rd 2285, mutant supremacists left
the gory meadows outside of Red Field and began their murder- Resources and Industry: Fish packed in mutated soy bean
ous march southward, crushing any independent community’s oil, wheat, vegetables, fruit and dried meat.
military counter attacks, burning village after village, and driv-
ing before them a huge mass of mixed races, including synthet- Accommodations: Outsiders are expected to sleep in their
ic humans, cyborgs and non-Mecha aligned androids. Among longboats or wagons. If they have neither of these, they are
them were also many mutants who were the children or mates welcome to bed down in the hay loft of the community stables,
of pure stocks, and together, this great line of refugees headed for a fee of 2 silvers per person. There is no bar or brothel,
for the village of Banner Cove. This poor, wooden walled town, and since the general store caters mainly to local farmers and
so named for the brilliant saffron fabric sails once erected on fishermen, the dingy shop sells no arms or armor, other than
the docks and walls to ward off evil spirits, had many large fish- bows and arrows. If a person here wants to buy a new sword
ing boats, which were used to ferry the fleeing people away or crossbow, suit of part plate or anything along those lines,
from the southern end of the Dominion claimed lands. By the he or she must special order it from Newburg. The religious
time the Aberrationist army reached the place, most of the ref- restrictions these people uphold make it illegal to enjoy non-
ugees had already fled, migrating south to populate Steel Hill, marital sexual relations, drugs of any kind, nor alcohol if con-
Memory and other towns. Those who were not able to flee were sumed in public places. While it is rumored that a few prosti-
captured after a short fire fight, divided into two groups, with tutes do work here from time to time, usually aboard visiting
the non-mutants being marched off as slaves, and the deviants ships, their’s is an illegal profession, and clients caught with
indoctrinated into the ways of mutant domination. one will be whipped and branded. See Social details above.
In more recent years, A pirate fleet from Port Folly somehow
made its way through Tangle Bay and into Sang Inlet, and ap- For the Excavator: “I’ll keep this brief, but pay attention
peared out of the fog on the morning of November 17th 2346, because I am not going to tell you twice. Just stay the hell away
and after a short siege, the pirate forces defeated the defend- from this little dung hole of a village, the people are cultists called
ers and looted the town, taking women, livestock and any prized ‘Stitchers’, who worship a mutant god, who demands the sacrifice
chunks of scrap plastic and metal, before setting the town of pure stocks on an altar of some ancient machine beneath the
ablaze and fleeing back to the sea. The survivors, many who fled town. Besides, fool, there ain’t no ruins around, just predators,
in the first moments of the siege, returned and rebuilt their vil- Purist spies, and Aberrationists armies marching off to the war
lage, worse than before, and now station a small guard post on zone. If you do have to stay in Banner Cove, just stay in the stable
the western tip of Ridge Island, equipped with a communicator loft, sleep as best you can, don’t drink no fricken booze and for
and able to report hourly to the town’s major on shipping traffic, Pete’s sake, man, don’t frolic with any whores, as these acts are
ever watchful for pirate or Purist war barges and airships. illegal and will get you a nice brand on your back. If you want some
whoring and drinking, then go to Newburg, it’s the modern day
Social Details: The people of Banner Cove are the mutant Rome; debased, wicked and immense, a place where anything
ancestors of settlers who established this village, and while goes, and they ain’t so cruel to your pure stock underlings.”
they were forced to join the Dominion, they are now among the
most loyal subjects in the whole nation. Their devotion primar- For the Game Master: Banner Cove certainly doesn’t offer
ily results from to the populace’s very healthy fear of the Purist much to a traveler, especially not to an excavator, and is worse
Empire. As far as distance goes, this village is the nearest Do- still to a group which happens to have pure stock slaves. There
minion settlement to the enemy territory. Thankfully for these is a cult here, called ‘the Stitcher’ which will often try to steal
folk, geological barriers and a strong Aberrationist army stands away pure stock characters from their party mates, usually un-
between this sleepy little place and total annihilation. der the pretext of some criminal charges. The captive pure blood
Banner Cove’s people are highly intolerant toward pure will be taken to an underground maze, which is rich in loose
stocks, and although there are a few slaves working for the relic debris and if one digs far enough, will expose the remains
wealthier households, and serving the magistrate as sub- of ancient structures, tunnels, subway lines and other facilities.
jects for his torture sessions and reportedly bizarre, perverted In one such deep tunnel, four tiers below the street level, the
games, few of the ‘old-kind’ remain here for long. Excavation cult has set up a shrine, and upon a prone heavy Infantry Robot,
teams and traders from afar, who bring their pure stock slaves which is un-powered and bolted to a table, pure stocks are tied

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MAP CR-8: Banner Cove

1 hex =5 meters

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down and their blood drained, their organs removed and stud- d6 militia soldiers. The crowd notices the characters at once
ied for signs from ‘God’, and the remains fed to the cult’s guard- and everybody stops what they are doing to watch the strang-
ian pets, a caged pack of 3d4 mutant dogs. ers go by. An old man points his crutch and yells, roll d6: 1-3.
Not everybody in town belongs to the cult, nor does the “Them fellas is Freeholders, I can tell! Are you people gonna
military know of it nor the access points to the underground just let their kind walk around in our market! Do something,
temple. The Magistrate, Arretos the Jaw, however, who grew up damn you!” At that, the faces of the citizens grow grim, as they
here, is the high priest in the order, and often makes buying narrow their eyes and curl their faces in disapproval. There is a
trips to Newburg to purchase fine specimens of the old race 29% chance that sud- denly 3d6 children begin to hurl
to sacrifice. The Major in the town, Julius, a newly appointed stones at the characters (SV 01-
officer, is beginning to suspect that his superior is a sadis- 40/ dmg d4), and are able to pitch
tic killer, but lacks evidence to muster a case against him. d4 rounds worth of rocks before the
The Major believes that any Magistrate who is more con- characters can duck into cover./ 4-6.
cerned with his slaves than his garrison, doesn’t deserve “By the bones of my ancestors, look
to rule, and therefore, any adventure team who can at this bunch of duty dodging cowards!
break the cult and expose Arretos, will earn great Look, everybody, at the great excava-
respect and personal assistance from the Major, tors. They are merely freeloaders, living
who is secretly not the Aberrationist he is ex- off the blood and sweat of our people,
pected to be, as his Brother is a pure stock, here to bring their big city ways, their
serving as a Southern Ranger out of Sand- perversions, their promiscuity and lies! If
barra, and the two communicate via encod- I see anybody talking to their kind, doing
ed letters on a weekly basis. Julius will be business with them, or treating them with
less inclined to see pure stock characters anything but contempt, I’ll
humiliated or killed than other Dominion have your name put on the
troops, but still, his hands are tied, and if magistrate’s list of the un-
a pure stock harms a mutant, he or she worthy!” The crowd turns their
will be enslaved, or put ‘in the sand’ if a backs to the PCs as they pass.
death resulted from the pure stock’s ac- From this point on, as word of
tions. the old man’s threat spreads, the
characters can purchase nothing
Online Resources: NPC, Local Mag- in the entire town, except lodging
istrate, Arretos the Jaw, see page 436 at the stable, and then at 10sp
each per night.
Unique Encounters 3. The PCs approach a
group of women and young
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all
people will be considered common children, 2d6+4 of each,
mutants with one occurrence of who are busy mending
the minor mutation of Physical Al- fishing nets and baskets,
teration (page 77 of the TME hub cleaning fish and other
rules), as well as possible skin, chores. When they see
hair and eye color variations. Al- the characters marching
ways re-roll encounters with du- down the street, they quick-
plicated dice results. ly hustle their children into
the nearest doorways, saying.
Daytime Street Encounters: “Get inside, now! Weirdo out-
d6+1 rolls for street oc- landers are coming; they
cupants from chart D, are liable to snatch one
page 382 with a 3 in 10 of you as a slave, or
chance of a unique Ban- worse!’ When the
ner Cove encounter from PCs are alongside the
the following list. Roll d4, or d4+1 if any pure stocks* a c - women, one woman steps out
company a group of travelers: and stands right in their path, and moves from left or right
1. d4 local women, young commoners, walk by and smile at to make sure the characters don’t pass until she’s had
the most handsome male mutant in the PC group. Soon after, her say, roll d6: 1-3. “You ain’t foolin’ nobody here in Ban-
d4+4 fishermen who were sitting nearby get up and start fol- ner Cove! We know you ain’t soldiers, or supporters of the
lowing the characters. “Hey, outlanders,” one says, jogging up Aberrationist cause. Your nothin’ but a pack of grave rob-
and tapping the handsome character’s shoulder as his com- bing, treasure hunting brigands! Just greedy, selfish swine,
panions catch up and pace along either side. “We saw you who have no faith, no allegiance, and are friendless in this
eyeing up our womenfolk... and we don’t much appreciate it, great town. I am warning you to leave, before my man gets
right? You just keep your hands off our girls, or we’ll make back from the sea. If he sees the likes of you, he’ll get his
you into eunuchs, got that?” If the fishermen outnumber the axe and come looking for you. Now leave town now!”/ 4-6. “I
PCs, they will pick up stones and hurl them at the outlanders know what you’re thinking, you dirty minded perverts. Why
as they walk away, two rounds worth of rocks, otherwise, they don’t you take your lust and go back to Newburg where you
just glare as the characters depart. can indulge in your ungodly acts with whatever whores and
2. The PCs enter a busy street, which is partially blocked by a slaves and machines you can, as you won’t get a woggle
wagon and numerous traders, produce sellers and shoppers; here!” She then makes to slap the lead character before
20+d20 commoners of each category, 2d4+2 traders, and walking away. (SV 01-45, DMG d3 stun).
* A pure stock, as far as the people of banner cover are concerned, includes any ghost mutant stranger who can’t prove his or her true race, as well as any synthetic human, cyborg or
android. Cyborgs must detach any obvious weapon systems and have them stowed in a mutant’s backpack when in Aberrationist territory.

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4. A patrol of d6+3 Dominion Soldiers approach by, smiling as that off my chest. We are wondering if you have any booze on
they pass only if there are no pure stocks* in the PC group. How- you, no, not to arrest you, since we don’t care. We can pay you
ever, if there are pure stocks, then the patrol demands that the double normal price for whatever booze you can spare.” He pulls
character’s stop and permit their ‘pinky’ servants and slaves out his coin pouch and starts to count out a dozen silvers. If the
to be inspected. “Just doin’ our duty, strangers,” remarks one. PCs sell them or give away any booze, then roll d6: 1-4. “Thank
“Can’t have no pure bloods running around with weapons or you so much, friends, we will not forget this!” Says the leader
nothing like that, now can we?” If the pure stocks are seen with as they march off. / 5. “You are so thoughtful to help make our
weapons, speak assertively or meet the soldier’s eyes, they will stay in this hell hole better. If we ever meet again, anyplace, we
be dragged out of the group and thrown in the muddy street, will buy you a round of drinks at the nearest bar!” / 6. “Ah, that’s
then kicked and punched for a few moments, with each soldier great of you. You are far superior to any of these filthy people
making two ‘fist’ attacks, SV 01-50, dmg d6 stun each. If the here. Go in peace.” Besides his kind words, this Dominion War-
pure stocks are however playing the part of slaves, or docile rior is also the leader of the next Dominion Unit the characters
servants, and carry no weapons and wear no armor, then the meet, and if they PC are in trouble locally, in need of help, or to
guards address their comments to the mutants in the group. be executed for some non-lethal wrong doing, including infrac-
“Sorry about the people in this shit hole of a town. We were post- tions by pure stock team members, they will be spared, set free,
ed here just last month and still have another five months to go and told merely to leave town at dawn.
before we can get back to Newburg, and the bars and buxom 2. A black centipede (see insects table 1b, TME hub rules, page
whores. These people are all fricken nuts, and they treat us like 159) has scuttled up and over the walls and is seen attacking
shit. Won’t even talk to us unless we demand it. So, don’t take it another set of street occupants, if any, when the characters step
personally if they are nasty to you, or throw stuff, and whatnot. into the street. If no other targets are available, the beast will
Now, have a good day and stay out of trouble, and stay together turn toward the PCs, hiss, and charge forth hungrily.
after dark... as strangers go missing from time to time.” 3. Local Stitcher cultists, dressed in dark blue robes and de-
5. As the PCs move about town, people act very strange around monic black leather masks with deer antlers protruding from
them. The characters notice that several teenage boys are running their headgear, leap into the street all around the characters.
ahead and talking to certain people while pointing back at the Using only staffs as weapons, they try to pummel the PCs into
PCs. The commoners here, of all ages and genders, either shun unconsciousness. Treat these individual as commoners, of
or give the characters dirty looks. Furthermore, when the outland- which there are as many men as there are PCs, plus each as
ers try to purchase anything throughout the duration of their stay, many women and teens, who also join into the fight. If the cult-
the prices are always the maximum for that item. There is a 3 in 6 ists are clearly losing, they will break and run in separate direc-
chance that before reaching their destination (such as the stables, tions. If any are caught, they will say nothing even while being
store, docks, land gate, etc.) the PCs are suddenly confronted by tortured. If turned over to the authorities, the cultist will soon,
3d6+10 commoner men with clubs, who stomp forward, one, the mysteriously, escape from the jail room at the main land gate.
biggest, wearing a suit of relic tactical armor, points at the pure If the characters are captured, they will be stripped nude, tied
stocks in the PC group. “They ain’t permitted in this town, no mat- hand and foot and taken deep into a filthy maze of tunnels cut into
ter what the laws says. We don’t’ want none of the old-ones here, the soft soil beneath the town. Here the characters will be untied
they are cursed by God. So, you have a choice. Either give us the but kept in a large wooden cage under the watch of 2d4 commoner
pinky maggots to dispose of, or the lot of you will follow us right men, who use staffs for weapons and wear daggers on their belts.
now to the land gate and leave immediately!” If the PCs hand over Each night thereafter, one character is taken from the cage and sac-
their pure stocks, the mob will beat them unconscious then and rificed to the cult’s mutant god. The cage is made of timber and
there, strip them and carry their limp bodies to the Eastern wall heavy rope, and can take 100 END worth of damage before a hole is
and toss them into the water where a large salt water crocodile made sufficiently large enough to allow adult humans to escape. The
(see alligators) will approach from 3d6 meters away. If the PCs in- cage is DV -10, and at the time of victim selection, d6+3 men, wom-
stead agree to be escorted from town, the dominion soldiers will en and teens enter the room to escort the doomed sacrifice away,
do nothing to help the angry local, and in fact will open the gates while the warren of tunnels is filled with 3d6+20 cultists in total.
and let the characters leave. The mob will follow the characters for 4. A rubble spider has entered town and begun to make a web
3d20 minutes, until they are well up the road, hurling rotten fruit, across the street right in front of the characters. The lead char-
cow dung, and insults the whole time. acter in the marching order is allowed a type B perception based
HC to notice the web, and if so, stop and lead his or her com-
Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-2 (0-4) rolls for street panions around both the sticky net, and the spider 2d6 meters
occupants on chart D, page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance per above. If the character fails to see the web, he or she walks into
passage of a unique encounter from the following. Roll d4, it, plus, the spider simultaneously drops onto the hapless per-
or d4+1 if a pure stock* is present. son and tries to bite him or her. See Spiders, Hub Rules.
1. A patrol of d4+5 Dominion Warriors approach from around 5. As the PCs walk through the streets, they come across a be-
a corner, and inspect the PCs as they pass. Seeing that there headed mutant commoner, blood still oozing out of the stump
are no pure bloods in the group, they stop, their leader stepping of his neck. The lead character in the marching order is allowed
forward and offering to shake the hand of the leader of the PCs. perception based type C HC to notice the raiders before they
“Hello, strangers, what’re you doin’ in these streets at night? It’s notice the characters. If spotted, the PCs see a group of d4+4
not safe, not with all the critters that come over these pathetic black uniformed figures skulking away, their longswords glinting
walls, not to mention the local whack jobs themselves. Me and in the faint lantern light. In this case, the characters can select
the boys here have just been assigned to this soggy excuse for a to pursue the individuals; treat as raiders, who are 3d10+3 me-
town, and we hate it! We can’t drink, can’t find no hookers, and ters ahead and moving toward any other street occupants, in-
can’t fricken swear in front of these annoying, self-righteous, tent on killing them.
dirty people. No matter what we seem to do, they treat us like If the character doesn’t notice the raiders, then the PCs
irrelevant servants, as if we ain’t even worthy to be here protect- have been seen while they inspect the body, and are jumped!
ing the friggin’ knot heads! Anyhow, thanks for letting me get All at once, d4+4 black clad men using longswords, treated as
* A pure stock, as far as the people of banner cover are concerned, includes any ghost mutant stranger who can’t prove his or her true race, as well as any synthetic human, cyborg or
android. Cyborgs must detach any obvious weapon systems and have them stowed in a mutant’s backpack when in Aberrationist territory.

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raiders, leap out. The assailants speak intently, directing their 11. Commoner man and woman, with a pure stock girl slave
words to any pure stocks in the PC group. “This is your chance, who they routinely beat and swear at.
slaves, turn on your mutant masters now and join us in our night 12. Nomadic trader and d3 raider guards, with a pure stock
of vengeance on these satanic spawn! Fight, fellow true hu- woman as a slave who they offer for sale to anybody who wants
mans, let the Lord strengthen your heart and your fist, and fight her for 30+d20 silvers. If bought, she says she is from Over-
for your species!” If the pure stock characters join against the pass, a farm girl, captured while tending the fields and her par-
Purist raiders, these black clad men will fight them off, but al- ents will pay a great deal for her safe return.
ways make their attacks on mutants, calling out, “What are you
thinking!? Why help those who would enslave our people, who STEP TWO: Actual Encounters in the Stable Loft: There is a 3
would copulate with us and end our line on this earth!?” If being in 10 chance that during the night, something occurs from the fol-
seriously defeated by the characters, the raiders will break and lowing list, roll d4:
run in different directions, doing their best to disappear. 1. 3d6+6 locals (commoners) enter the stables with clubs.
Their leader (with a prime mutation and an extra 20+d20 END)
Encounters While Sleeping in Hay Loft of the Stable at Night: climbs the ladder with his men behind him and says. “We’ve
First roll to see if other mutant travelers are present, (unless been told that there are fricken pure stocks here. They are to
stated otherwise, all persons here are common mutants come with us for questioning.” Any other travelers with pure
with a minor mutation. GM, make 0-6 [d8-2] rolls on the fol- stock slaves will ask why the military is not conducting the
lowing table, but re-roll duplicated dice rolls. search, and that they want compensation for their ‘merchan-
dise’ the commoner mob will answer with club blows to any
STEP ONE: Roll d12 Others in Loft? (d8-2 rolls) group, including the PCs, who don’t give up their pure stocks.
1. Nomadic Trader and his d3 militia soldier guards. 2. Aberrant rats enter the loft area of this stable and spread out
2. d6+2 raiders, posing as migrant farm workers. (But if rob- to attack random travelers, including PCs. There are 3d6+6 of
bers attack during the night, these fellas are members of that the creatures, each with the same mutation.
gang and add their numbers to the force.) 3. Robbers! Arriving in small groups of 2 or 3 at a time over
3. Family of commoners, (man, woman d3 teens d4 children, an hour, a thief leads a group of 6+d8 raiders up to the loft,
farm dog), fed up with Newburg’s debauchery and crime. concealing their hatchets and armor with tattered blankets,
4. d4 commoner men, wagoneers looking for work. and acting like simple farmers as they nestle down among the
5. Scavenger, who is a regular to the town. other travelers. Once nestled down, they wait until most ev-
6. Street urchin, from Newburg, on the run. erybody is asleep before spreading out and waking everybody
7. Savage, male, looking for work as a mercenary. with a stiff kick from their boots, demanding the target drop
8. Slave, dressed as a farmer, but is covered in whip scars their weapons, and hand over their jewelry, relics and coins.
and talks in his sleep saying, “Yes master”. If the travelers comply, they will be searched as well with any
9. Man and woman, say they are commoners but the man wears hidden items found and the concealer beaten severely.
leather armor and carries a battle axe (raider). The woman is ter- 4. Urcellia attack! Coming in from a hole in the roof, d6+3
rified of him, half starved and directed to move about the travel- Urcellia spread out and randomly attack the slumbering
ers and whisper to them saying that she will make love with them travelers.
for 3 silvers. She is clearly a prostitute, working for the ruffian, yet * A pure stock, as far as the people of banner cover are concerned, includes any ghost
eager to escape, or be rid of her pimp. mutant stranger who can’t prove his or her true race, as well as any synthetic human,
10. Commoner man, alone won’t state his business or desti- cyborg or android. Cyborgs must detach any obvious weapon systems and have them
stowed in a mutant’s backpack when in Aberrationist territory.
nation, sleeps far from everybody else.

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the region, and void of radiation, heavy metals or other impu-

Dawn Cove rities. Some say it is the water here, which lacks bio-genetic
mutagens and other aberration causing substances, which
accounts for the high birth rate of pure stock humans, higher
than anyplace else in the Dominion.
Faction: Dominion of Aberratia (DOA) As far as sewage goes, there are toilets, ceramic replicas
Government: Occupied Town, ruled by Magistrate Ejexa ‘The of old world models, hooked up in the Keep. Out houses and
Spider’ Owens and her mutant troops bed pans, meanwhile, serve the rest of the citizens. Raw sew-
Population: Total 376-518/ (Pure Stocks 110+d10/ Mu- age is poured into salvaged relic pipes and flows out into the
tants 260+d100 / Cyborgs d8/ Synthetic humans d20/ An- ocean under the docks; the flow of the tides rotates the sea
droids d6/ other d4) water, keeping the stench to a minimum.
Site Details: Dawn Cove is a sleepy fishing and farming Technology: Other than the arms and armor of the occupying
hamlet on the Pacific Coast, nestled in an unremarkable, pro- Dominion mutants, this town is sorely lacking in any sort or relic fire-
tected bay. The place once seemed ideal for settlement be- power nor power sources. Ejexa’s keep has a communicator, com-
cause the fishing was good, there were no monster filled ruins puter and video link to all other towns and garrisons in Aberratia, as
nearby, and the site afforded some protection from storms. well as a solar generator which provides spot lights to the land and
Mainly, however, the original nomads who settled this spot ran sea gates. The streets are either totally dark or lit by torches and
out of land and simply built a stockade on a rocky shoreline. lanterns from dusk until about midnight and then only in the busiest
8 out of every 10 days this location is blanketed in dense fog. parts of town. There are no technicians here, but there is a black-
smith, a good looking, three armed woman named Karla Ironmaid,
Construction: Dawn Cove village is made of timber, field stone, who can make very basic iron tools and armor, but she spends most
clay bricks and tiles, mixed with a few scrap structures and sup- of her time fashioning hooks and other fishing gear.
ports. There are three stout wooden gates, each being single
doors large enough to get a wagon or relic car through. The docks, Dangers: Because Dawn Cove has always had a high popu-
all wooden and poorly built, often submerged in spots where the lation of pure stocks, many of them the parents or siblings of
animal skin air bags have failed, are protected by a pair of flanking mutants, the locals here were resistant to joining the Domin-
palisade walls that stretch out into the sea, as well as watchmen ion, and few wanted any part of a group which proclaimed
on the walls and gate house, and crews of various ships and boats racial superiority of mutants over their pure stock relations.
which bob up and down in the waves. The town is surrounded by When political pressure failed to convince the citizens, the
a wooden palisade with more or less continuous catwalks all the village was simply occupied, the pure stocks disarmed or
way around, and two towers flanking each land gate. There is only enslaved, if not killed. Since that time, a local revolutionary
one fortified, truly fire proof structure in the community, this be- movement has arisen which seeks to drive out the occupiers,
ing the Magistrate’s Keep, also called Ejexa’s Bunker, where the but so too, is a very real threat to visitors who are not accom-
town’s ruler and occupying garrison of mutant troops reside. panied by those who appear pure stock (clones, bioreplicants,
etc.). Because of the continued revolutionary threat, the DOA
Water and Sanitation: While rain water is collected on occupiers are tense and suspicious of strangers, including
rooftops it is insufficient and occasionally toxic, therefore, a fellow mutants, especially if these mutants are traveling with
well situated at the center of the town is the main source of pure stock ‘servants’. Much of the crime here, then, is moti-
water here. The well water is remarkably clean for this part of vated not by greed but by suspicion and civil strife. Clearly, the

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MAP CR-9: Dawn Cove

1 hex =5 meters

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locals want no part of the Aberrationist dream, and yearn to Besides the DOA personnel and militia, the village is pro-
join the Northern Freehold. tected by a heavy ballista at each of the four towers, as well as
There is little disease present in Dawn Cove and no par- a chain gun (belt fed with 3d100+50 rounds) which is pulled
ticular threat from bizarre creatures unless one is out in the by two warriors on a cart and can be deployed at either end
open sea in a small boat, where any number of predators can of town or called back to the Keep if the walls are overrun. Ad-
devour a person or entire crew. Along the beaches, salt water ditionally, The upper floor of the Keep serves as a scrap metal
crocodiles, land sharks and various crustaceans and fish can hanger bay complete with huge sliding scrap metal doors. This
drive up onto the beach and snap up a careless individual, hanger, containing three gyrocopters fitted with a heavy ma-
but locals know to be wary and fish only in larger boats. chine gun and d100+40 rounds of high caliber ammo, each.
Six DOA warriors always stand guard in this huge chamber.
Law Enforcement: Regular DOA Warriors serve as law en- One wears a pair of night vision goggles while another carries
forcement, which doesn’t sit well with the original residents. a rocket launcher supplied with 2d6 battle rockets.
At one time, the villagers were ruled by a council of elders who In the cove, moored on the long docks 87% of the time,
passed judgment on criminals and troubled youths, their laws sits an Aberrationist battle barge, with a full compliment
enforced by Sheriffs, appointed by the elders themselves. of warriors and oar slaves. This force is not included in the
When the occupiers came, these sheriffs were all but killed, town’s statistics, and if pirates or Purist invaders threaten an-
only a handful escaped to the nearby islands and woodlands. other DOA town along the coast, this barge will set sail imme-
It is said that these Sheriffs, now older men and women, have diately to reinforce the needy settlement.
trained their grown children, and sent them into the town to Finally, Ejexa and her loyal, exceedingly violent and fanat-
guide and train a new generation of freedom fighters. ical warriors, all hand picked by her, have a hobby of capturing
Outsiders who break the laws are treated harshly, and for and training terrible beasts to be used in the defense of the
non-fatal crimes, such as robbery, armed assaults or brawling town, as well as to instill angst among the locals. If the town
with Aberrationist troops, the punishment is usually the confis- is attacked, warriors will deposit these animals over the walls.
cation of all one’s belongings plus a year as an oar slave on an Likewise, if the locals form any sort of protest rally or march,
DOA battle barge. Murderers, if the killing was not the result of a warriors will lead out the beasts on chains. These monsters,
mutually agreed upon duel, have their possessions ‘donated’ to if released, will tear apart anybody they don’t recognize as
the Dominion, while the captive’s body is either hacked up and a regular DOA staff or garrison occupant. Occasionally, to il-
fed to the garrison’s riding dogs and battle beasts, or the person lustrate how savage these animals are, Ejexa will use one at
is tied to reed floats, hand and foot, and pushed out off the end the execution of either a criminal, suspected revolutionary
of the long dock on a rope, while blood, from the captives whip or Northern Freehold spy. The creatures are: 1 Devi-Bear, 3
and beating wounds, soaks into the raft and finally into the wa- Bane Bears, 1 Hell Cougar, 8 Mutant Dogs, 1 Horrlify, 1 Liz-
ter, where within moments, something toothy and hungry will ard, Skulking Render, 2 Narkanna, and 5 giant wolves.
surface and tear apart the prisoner. This ‘floating punishment’ is
usually a great source of entertainment for the mutant warriors, Visitors to Dawn Cove: Other than regular traders,
who bet both on the time of the person’s demise as well as what Aberrationist couriers and agents, replacement troops for the
creature will attack first. garrison and regular merchants, Dawn Cove sees few travel-
ers. About the only excavators to be found here are those who
Military and Defense: The Locals can muster 20+d10 pure are new to the profession and are leaving the depressing little
strain militia soldiers and 40+d20 mutant militia soldiers village for good, heading out to the Freeholds or the Great Ru-
(each with a random minor mutation roll of physical alteration), ins. Very rarely, travelers will show up on a barge from some
however, these units will only fight against actual threats to other region and stay a night before moving on to seek lands
their beloved villages, such as from pirates or humanoids, but where more ruins can be found. The locals are fascinated by
would never join in the defense against an attack by the North- excavators and yearn to hear their tall tales and see their rel-
ern Freehold, which the militia hopes will someday happen, but ics. Aberrationist troops, on the other hand, view all armed
has of yet not even been hinted at. Purist invaders, on the other strangers as potential rebels, arriving to either sell weapons
hand, will certainly provoke the militia, and all other citizens, to to the local revolutionaries or else actually participate in some
fight; since as bad as the Aberrationist occupiers are, they at sort of terrorism. The cold stares and unfair treatment toward
least allow the pure stocks to coexist, share the houses of their all outsiders quickly encourages travelers to stay in their mo-
mutant kin and even intermarry with mutants. Purists occupi- tel room and leave at first light.
ers, however, would wipe out the Dawn Cove populace’s mutant There is no fee to enter Dawn Cove, nevertheless, as with
loved ones, and likely enslave the pure stock residents. all Aberrationist settlements, those appearing as pure stocks, in-
The DOA forces include 80 mutant warriors, (see page 109), cluding androids and cyborgs, are theoretically not permitted to
plus 20 Elite Warriors on riding dogs with a relic weapon each be free citizens, and are automatically considered slaves and to
(WC-R). Finally, there are 8 DOA Squad Leader officers, each with be commanded by any and all mutants. Should any pure stock
two prime mutations and a relic weapon (WC-R), and ruled by their show up alone and armed – obviously a very stupid act – he or
female Magistrate, Ejexa Owens, ‘The Spider’. Ejexa is a powerful she will automatically be thrown into chains and spend the rest
mutant in modified tactical Armor, with eight arms, wielding four of his or life as a slave. Likewise, groups to arrive must show that
submachine guns or 4 two handed swords to deadly effect. She their stable of ‘generic’ humans are unarmed and wearing no ar-
also carries d6 fragmentation grenades, a rocket launcher with mor. In the case of cyborgs, who have built-in weapons and armor,
2d6 battle rockets, and a reputation as a torture loving sadist. any ammo or power supplies must be removed prior to entrance
The central DOA government has given Ejexa the task to to town, and such individuals must remain in their motel room un-
quell any Dawn Cove uprisings, which were more frequent be- til departing town. Since pure stocks can only be slaves, DOA per-
fore she arrived. It is said that she can travel out of body and sonnel expect them to act the part, and if not, will be pulled from
view every structure in the village, ferreting out conspirators the group and beaten on the spot. For a pure stock and any syn-
and traitors to her kind. Some say she is a gothic vampire, who thetic human, meeting the eyes of a DOA warrior is forbidden, and
drinks the blood of young men and women. Others, of a more the warrior is allowed, at his or her discretion, to kill the ‘lesser
religious background, fear that she is a demon sent by Satan to human’ outright with no compensation or explanation required to
test them and their will to once more become independent. the owner. Mutant outsiders, who have pure stock companions,

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will be viewed as potential terrorists, and constantly studied, in- Resources and Industry: Fishing, farming and limited log-
terrogated, and pestered. The locals will warn mixed race travel- ging are the only industries here.
ers to get off the streets and stay in their rooms for the night or at
least restrict themselves to the Pub, which is usually only patron- Accommodations and Entertainment: There is one small,
ized by locals. Alternatively, mutant only groups of travelers will run down structure here which serves outsiders. It is simply called
be greeted with smiles by the DOA warriors, urged to enlist into the Motel, and underneath it, with an attached 10 stall stable is
their ranks, and treated surprisingly well. The locals, not surpris- the Pub, all run by the same hard working mixed mutant – pure
ingly, whether mutants themselves or not, see mutant only bands blood family, the Alavarda’s, who claim to have descended from
of strangers as likely DOA agents, and will both shun them and survivors of old Los Angeles and have lived on this same spot of
serve them poorly in the Pub and their shops. land for sixteen generations. The Motel has 8 rooms, all of them
containing 4 bunk bed and a small window, lantern and a clay jug
Brief History: Dawn Cove was settled in 2254 by some of the in the corner to urinate into. These rooms cost 3sp per night.
first people to return to this part of former California. The rugged Downstairs, the Pub is a much livelier spot, and the fish-
nomads were low-tech, yet resourceful hunter-gathers, and scav- ermen and local youths hang out here most evenings, getting
engers, the descendants of a group of survivalists from Nevada. drunk and singing songs of revolution and freedom, often in
They were driven from several interior encampments, usually by Spanish. The authorities can hear the songs, but rarely enter
all-mutant bands of brigands and humanoids, and forced to this the place since they feel it is better to have a drunken barroom
spot. Finding the fishing good and the timber adequate, they de- of rebel dreamers than the same bunch soberly plotting assas-
cided to erect a walled compound, built boats and scrape out an sinations and sabotage in basements and back streets. Also,
existence. As time went by, and other towns grew about them, the DOA knows who the regulars are, and prefers to keep them
trade with other mixed race towns such as Newburg, Hookville all in one place in case they need to burn the building down and
and Windway was established, but so too, the harsh influence of kill them all at once. Warriors will enter the pub if outsiders are
the mutant supremacists. When the Aberrationists seized pow- in town, usually to spoil the people’s fun and intimidate the trav-
er in the city of Newburg, envoys and ambassadors of the new, elers into going to bed early and leaving town at dawn. Because
Aberrationist movement arrived, demanding that the people of there are few travelers, there are few raiders or thugs, prosti-
Dawn Cove endorse and embrace the new faction. tutes or other interesting people about.
At this time, The Holy Purist Empire had been around for sev- The garrison itself, inside Ejexa’s stronghold, imports pros-
eral decades and were expanding their own pure stock human, titutes on a regular rotation schedule, as well as keeps an as-
religiously dominated, mutant burning empire. Mutants all across sortment of slaves in the dungeon levels below the keep, none
the region were in a panic, and where the mutants were more of which are available to frisky foreign sailors or diggers.
populace than their former masters, the pure stocks, they seized
control in bloody revolts. Dawn Cove, which was mostly pure stock For the Excavator: You’ve heard the history, that Dawn
at the time, refused to join the radical, barbaric new mutant as- Cove was not eager to join the Dominion of Aberratia, that
semblage, and was annexed in the year 2293, after a short, they feared the rights of their pure stock population would be
bloody siege. Many of the pure stocks died either during the fight- eroded until they were mere slaves. Once the DOA warriors
ing or after, impaled on stakes. Since that day, a brutal occupa- occupied the place, of course, all this happened.
tion has endured. Now, a new generation of traditional residents You also know that there aren’t any ruins nearby, so why go
has grown up, having forgotten none of the ill treatment bestowed there? Looking at a regional map, one would think that Dawn
on their parent’s generation, regardless of whether they or their Cove would be a nice spot to get away from the dig expeditions
parents were mutants or pure bloods. This new crop of bitter lo- and recuperate for a few weeks, heal up, drink some beers
cals has planned and plotted for a day when the Dominion can and frolic with the local singles. Yet, you’ve heard disturbing ru-
be driven out. The reality, however, which few will admit to, is that mors that a revolutionary group of mixed races from traditional
they need the protection of the DOA because of the threat posed pre-occupation lines, has killed strangers and tormented the
by the Holy Purist Empire, which sits on the far side of the Do- Aberrationist forces. Worse, an eight armed mutant magistrate
minion. If the Purists defeat the Aberrationists, which is an ever woman, reportedly of astounding physical beauty but of cruel
present fear by all who love their freedom or are not of the ‘Old disposition and sadistic tendencies, rules the place.
Race’, it would be only a matter of months before the Purists ar- Somebody told you that outsider’s, especially if they are
rived, bringing their genocidal holy war to all. Only the Lower and accompanied by pure stock servants, have been imprisoned
Northern Freeholds present any hope for the revolutionaries of or executed without trial nor reason, and that travelers are
Dawn Cove, and for most youths, the only real choice is to leave unwelcome. Still, one hears rumors all the time, and how
for those distant lands and experience the sort of freedom they can such a sleepy, out of the way community be so troubled?
can only dream of while staying in their dreary home town. Surely, these tales are lies to keep troublemakers away from
nearby unlooted ruins, Dawn Cove’s peaceful streets, fine
Social Details: Besides the already described occupation brews, tasty delicacies and virgin youth.
by Aberrationist warriors decades ago, and the independence
craving locals, Dawn Cove is typical of any small DOA settle- Online Resources: Magistrate, Ejexa Owens, ‘The Spider’ and page 437.
ment in language, food, clothing, hairstyles and morality. Be-
cause it is a simple, resource town, it is slow to pick up on new For the Game Master: From the above details, it is clear
fashions or ideas from Newburg or other more vibrant settle- that Dawn Cove is anything but a sleepy fishing village. On the
ments. If any one trait described the people of this village, it surface, by day, a reserved, law abiding team of adventures
would be resentment, for almost everything said or done here could disembark from a ship and stay the night, leave early
centers around either the brutality by the DOA forces toward the and never know that they were in a hot bed of civil unrest.
locals, some small sign of resistance against the occupiers, or Pure stock characters should be informed by their mutant
the depression experienced by the inhabitants, especially the counterparts that in the Dominion of Aberratia, Pure Bloods
teens and young adults. Travelers will sense the bitterness and are slaves, strictly, and not allowed to carry any weapons nor
melancholy of the civilians, while among the DOA warriors, a wear armor, and must not only be unarmed and unarmored,
dark cruelty, and eagerness to inflict pain and suffering among but live up to the part of a slave. This includes, carrying ri-
an ungrateful, conquered and disrespectful populace. diculously heavy loads, undertaking humiliating or dangerous

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labor, averting their eyes when meeting mutants, walking be- weapon, even a knife, will be knocked to the ground and his or her
hind their master or mistress, only speaking when spoken to, hands tied firmly behind the back (STR based type C HC to snap
and never acting surely or defiant. bindings per half hour). If this happens, the other PCs are told to
The occupying mutant warriors are just begging to find a leave, while the pure stock is marched off to the Keep, beaten
reason to beat the stuffing out of a pure stock, or even a strange down to 2d10 End and jailed for d6 days before being sold to a
mutant visitor who acts disrespectful. The DOA troops here take traveling mutant slaver who arrives on a passenger barge.
lessons in cruelty from their magistrate, Ejexa, and will think 2. d6+6 Aberrationist Warriors march passed the characters, pur-
of creative ways to humiliate, rob or beat outsiders and locals posefully, weapons on shoulders as they file along. If any pure stocks
alike. As soon as PCs arrive here, they should become aware are seen with weapons, or who inadvertently look up and meet the
of how edgy and suspicious both the citizens and DOA warriors eyes of the mutants, then the entire DOA column will stop and de-
are. Perhaps show the DOA tain the travelers at weapon
soldiers happily working point, yelling at them, kick-
over a local, taking turns ing and punching any pure
punching him before leav- stocks and telling them how
ing him in the mud. pathetic they are. Each pure
The Player Characters stock must make an intelli-
can utilize Dawn Cove for gence type A hazard check
an emergency stop over, to avert his or her eyes when
but it should be a harsh, first seeing the patrol, other-
eye opening glimpse into wise the offending charac-
Aberrationist ruled society, ter will be dragged out from
and a warning to them to do the other PCs and messed
their part to ensure that nei- up for a few minutes, taking
ther extremist group, Pur- 2d20 stun damage before
ist nor Aberrationist, takes the troops move on.
control of the region. At 3. A mutant commoner and
higher ranks, PCs will have his pure stock wife pass by.
very real power in the world, If there are no pure stocks
and might become increas- in the PC group, the couple
ingly exposed to factional keeps going and say noth-
conflicts, and be forced to ing, the woman looking at
align themselves with one the ground as she goes.
or the other, or, more likely, If there are pure stocks in
join the Freeholds and do the group, and the pure
their part to fight both ex- stock doesn’t avert his or
treme racist factions. her eyes from the man,
who is a mutant, then the
Unique Encounters man smiles and stops,
whispering quickly to the
Note: for the purposes of
the following tables, all PCs, d6: 1-4. “Please, be-
pure stocks, cyborgs, and fore I am seen talking to
synthetic humans or an- you. You must remember
droids who appear to be to look away from mutants,
pure stock, will be de- even if I am a moderate, it
scribed as simply pure is still good practice!”/ 5,6.
stocks, including ghost mu- “You aren’t with the invad-
tants, all of which are treat- ers, are you? Listen, you
ed as slaves and forbid- need to spread the word
den to bare arms or wear in the North that we seek
armor. Any pure stock to an alliance with them, and
be caught or spotted with wish to become part of the
weapons or armor will be beaten and sold as a slave within d6 Northern Freehold. Now, go, before I am seen talking to you!”
days. Ghost mutants, who are allowed full citizenship rights, 4. A passing fisherman (commoner with one minor mutation)
must wear their assigned black head bands and carry their of- leans over as he goes and says something to a random PC, d6:
ficially stamped proof of deviation papers at all time. 1,2. “Hey, Friend, best you don’t linger long in this place, the
Magistrate is likely to make dolls out of your skins, and feed the
Daytime Street Encounters: d3+1 rolls for street oc- rest of you to the beasts.”/ 3,4. “Outlander, keep your wits about
you, stay in the motel until you leave at dawn!”/ 5,6. “You’re wel-
cupants from chart D, page 382 with a 2 in 10 chance of a
unique to Dawn Cove encounter, from the following list. per come as far as us simple folk are concerned, but you better be
street travelled, roll d6: careful around the occupiers! Damn their black hearts!”
1. d3+3 Aberrationist Warriors step around a corner and notice 5. d6+3 Mutant Warriors of the Dominion step around a corner
the PCs immediately as outsiders. They haven’t seen the char- into the character’s path. “Move, Outland vermin!” If the PCs don’t
acters in town so far, and appraise them as they pass. If there move, these men raise their weapons and threaten to kill the PCs
are any pure stocks in the group, then the warriors order the PCs unless they do step aside, however, even if the PCs do move, as the
to halt and line up against a wall, legs spread as they frisk each warriors pass, any pure stock in the group is given a look over and
person in turn. There is a 1 in 6 chance per belt mounted or hol- must roll an intelligence based type A hazard check to remember
stered item, that these warriors simply take the item and shove it to look to the ground. If any PC fails this, he or she is ordered to
in a sack one carries. Also, any pure stock that is found with any step out of the group and kneel before the mutants, who (roll d6):

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1,2. “Urinate on the PC./ 3,4. Yell at the pure stock, kick mud on 2d6 days, after which they will be sold to a merchant barge
him or her, and as they leave, one grabs the PC by the head and captain who uses the slaves on the oar deck of his ship.
drives his knee into the PCs face, SV 01-70, DMG d6./ 5,6. The 4. The sound of shouts and musket fire are heard from the
largest warrior (most END) shouts, “kiss my boot, slave! And then dock area, an alarm bell rings in the keep, and the PCs hear
tell me how you’ll never look a mutant in the eye again!” If the PC somebody shout something about a beast. A few minutes lat-
refuses, the group of warriors will beat the person down to d6 END, er, roll d6: 1,2. A giant bat swoops down into the street and
and leave him or her in the street, short of any valuables. attacks a random person, either the PCs or any others about
6. A mutant teenage commoner, with one minor mutation, at that moment./ 3,4. Wolf frogs have scaled the town walls,
runs into the street and quickly hands the PCs a poorly printed and a hungry group leaps into view, spots the PCs and charg-
sheet of paper, then runs off. If any of the PCs can read, the es. There will be 2 per PC +d4./ 5,6. Winged slasher lizards
document is a declaration of independence, stating that the are on the hunt. If they win imitative, they have come from be-
citizens of Dawn Cove formerly denounce Aberrationist Dog- hind. There is one for every 2 characters.
ma and occupation and that all free peoples are urged to rise 5. If the travelers are all mutant, people shun them and close
up and protest, sabotage Dominion installations, assassinate their shutters and gates as the PCs pass. However, if the group is
Dominion personnel and supporters, and to spread the word a mix of pure stocks and mutants, then a pure stock commoner
of the rebellion to other towns. There is a 1 in 6 chance that man and his wife, a mutant with one minor mutation, come out
just as the PCs finish reading the letter, a patrol arrives, see of their house and approach the characters, their faces lined with
encounter 5 above. There is a 34% chance they spot the letter worry. “By all that is still holy, what are you doing on the streets at
and make to arrest the PCs on the spot as terrorists and jail night? Don’t you know the warriors will bludgeon you? Now come,
them, confiscating all their belongings, and finally, after 2d6 stay with us until dawn and then leave town.“ If the PCs accept,
days in jail, release the rag clad, unarmed PCs at dawn out- the couple will take them to their cozy house and introduce them
side of town and tell them never to come back. to their d3 teens and d3 other children. They will be fed, warmed
by the fire and given the loft to sleep in until morning.
Nighttime Street Encounters: d2-1 (0-1) rolls for street 6. From the fortified Keep, perhaps from the lighted, open
occupants on chart D, page 382 with a 4 in 10 chance per windows on the upper floor, the characters hear the terrible
passage of a special encounter from the following, roll d6. screams as if somebody is being tortured. The screaming
1. A male mutant commoner, with one minor mutation, steps lasts for an hour or so and all at once, ceases.
out of the shadows and whispers to the PCs, urging them to
approach his darkened little ally. If the PCs ignore him, he does Encounters in the ‘Pub’: d6 patron rolls by day, 3d6 by
nothing, but could turn up elsewhere if this roll occurs again. If night, from chart D, page 385, with a 3 in 10 chance of a
one or more PCs do approach the fellow, roll d6: 1-5. “I know unique encounter per hour from the following list, d8:
you are from out of town, and I have been sent to warn you 1. 4+d4 Aberrationist warriors step into the bar and glance
that it is not safe for outlanders to be in the streets by night. about menacingly, eyes narrowed, jaws tight as if they are
The warriors might seize you or your weapons. Go to the mo- looking for somebody, or, begging for the locals to say some-
tel and stay put.”/ 6. Ambush! As many raiders as the PCs in thing deserving of a beating. If the PCs have pure stocks
number, plus d6, leap out of the ally with drawn axes and de- among them, one of the DOA troopers comes up to one and
mand the character’s weapons and money ‘or else.’ If the PCs puts his hand on the PC’s shoulder, gripping painfully tight
refuse, there is a 2 in 6 chance these local thugs, all mutants and leans over to hiss something. In every case below, the
with a minor mutation each, simply break and run, otherwise, warriors will tolerate no disrespect from the ‘generic’ or oth-
they attack, attempting to seriously injure the PCs or kill a few er PCs and if insulted or threatened back, the warriors will
in order to make them surrender their belongings. simply open fire from the doorway, attempting to kill the PCs
2. Aberrationist patrol! 5+d6 mutant warriors are seen standing if possible. Roll: d6: 1,2. “You think you’re better than me,
in the lantern light at the end of the street ahead. It is unclear don’t you? Shut up, I didn’t say you could speak, lesser hu-
whether the DOA troops have seen the PCs or not. If the charac- man. If I catch you in here tomorrow night, I am going to drag
ters turn and try to go another way, there is a 1 in 6 chance they you out of here and kick you around for a bit, then make you
were seen. The patrol, if noticing this departure, shout for the a slave on my Papa’s farm.” With that said, he goes back to
PCs to halt and come running toward the outsiders. If the PCs his snickering comrades and they leave./ 3,4. “Now I’m think-
are faster, they elude the DOA patrol, but if the mutant suprem- ing to myself... what the hell is a ‘pure kin’ doin’ here in the
acists are faster, they have 30 meters to catch up, and there is Aberrationist Dominion? Maybe you’re a slave, hmph, but me
a 3 in 6 chance that the slower PCs manage to ditch the patrol no think so, I say, you’re a freehold spy. I am going to give you
down a side street, hide behind cover, or otherwise get away. until this time tomorrow to leave town, or I’ll find you and slit
Any slow moving PC who is overtaken, will be arrested, or killed you open from here, to here, got it!” After making his threat,
if they resist arrest. Arrested PCs will be robbed of all their be- he and his fellows leave./ 5,6. “I’ve seen you before, in New-
longings and sold as slaves within 3d6 days. burg. Yes, I think my cousin’s wife had you working her fields a
Alternatively, if the characters didn’t try to bypass the pa- few years ago, but you vanished. Now here you are, my word.
trol in the first place, see roll 1, Daytime Street Encounters in I think that if I see you here tomorrow, I’ll slap chains on you
Dawn Cove, page 125. myself, and brand you properly, and take you back to the farm
3. 3+d3 Aberrationist Warriors step out of a building’s door- where your kind belong, among the pigs and manure. Phaw!”
way right in front of the PCs. If the group appears to be all mu- He spits, “You make me sick, you’re whole kind, you belong in
tants, the warriors just give them a quick look over, a nod, and the graves like the rest of your pathetic ancestors! “ Angrily,
move along. If there are any pure stocks, however, they check he storms off to join his troops as they leave.
to see if any generic humans have weapons or armor, arrest- 2. A drunken commoner man, with one minor mutation,
ing them if they do, and if they are unarmed, roll d6: 1-4. The comes over to the PCs and bumps into their table, leans on it
DOA warriors give hateful, superior looks to the pure stocks, heavily and says. “May-maybe you all better just head out to-
but move on./ 5,6. The warriors demand that the pure bloods morrow, if you ain’t already planned on doin’ so. Talk around
step out from the PC group and lean up against a wall while town is that you’re Northern Freeholders, that you’re here to
a mutant warrior frisks them roughly. If a concealed weapon sell the rebels some relics and stir up trouble. I mean no of-
is found on a pure stock, it will land the person in the jail for fense, I want the Dominion out of here as much as the next

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man, but, they gonna kill you soon, I know it.” He staggers down and nothing happens, otherwise, within a half hour, roll
back to the bar and drools in a semi-conscious stupor. d6: 1-3. A sailor throws his mug of ale at the back of a PCs
3. d4 pure stock and d4 mutant commoners, with one minor mu- head, SV 01-80, DMG d4. The sailors think this is hilarious./
tation each, all fishermen, approach the character’s table and 4,5. A sailor gets up, leaps onto the PCs table and kicks over
ask to join them, dragging chairs over. If the PCs agree, the locals the food and drinks as he dances a jig./ 6. One sailor ap-
sit, order a round of beers and one, their leader, begins to talk in proaches a random PC and shoves him or her in the back.
hushed tones. Roll d6: 1-4. “Maybe you know our history here, that “Hey, ass face, I don’t like the way you been lookin’ at me,
we were taken over by the Dominion. Now, some of us, especially maggot, I’ve had enough of it, scum, now get up and lets fin-
the young hot heads, want to stir things up and launch an armed ish this with daggers!” If the PC refuses, the man is 16% likely
rebellion. We want you to join us as part of that rebellion... on a raid to go back to his chair and sulk, otherwise he turns to the
against the keep, this very night, and assassinate Ejexa. crowd, gestures to the PC and yells how the character is a
“In return we’ll give each of you a thousand silver coins, coward, a eunuch, and not fit to drink among adults.
and a relic weapon, if you succeed. We can unleash a diversion 6. An old drunken commoner, pure stock, staggers over to the PC’s
which will bring most of the troops to the front gates, so you may table, leans on a random character and roll d6: 1, 2. Vomits pain-
only have to deal with a dozen warriors at the most! We here can fully all over the PC and his or her outfit, food and beverage before
arm ourselves with crossbows and axes and join you in the at- collapsing in a heap on the floor. /3-6. Mutters. “God damn ‘em all,
tack, but... we need your talents and powers to swing the tide in bastards, murderers! Vile things they are, them Aberrationist pigs!
our favor.” They are deadly serious, and if the PCs do undertake Why, if I were young like you, and strong again, I’d at least have the
the mission, it would be an epic battle. Within days of any rebel balls to die fighting! I wouldn’t sit around here like the rest of these
action here, a battalion of 400+d100 Aberrationist soldiers will old ladies and weep in my drink, I’d form a guerilla army and strike
arrive by land and at the damned in-
d4 Battle barges in vaders from the
the bay and crack wilderness or the
down on the pop- sea! Make ‘em pay
ulace with terrible for what they did,
gusto./ 5,6. “We make ‘em pay un-
wish to hire you to til they withdraw
escort our families and let us rule our-
to Overpass. We selves! Now, you
will supply the wag- outlanders, you
ons and mules, go do that, you go
but, we need the fight for the free-
protection of expe- dom that these
rienced travelers swine here, these
such as you. We losers, won’t!” He
will pay you each settles down and
100 silvers upon wanders off to grab
departure and an- somebody else’s
other 200sp each half finished drink,
on arrival. We can talking to himself
leave at dawn or and swearing at ev-
the next day, if you erybody.
wish.” 7. The characters
4. If the PCs are hear some fish-
all mutants, then ermen at a near-
commoner men, by table talking
roughly half mutants with a minor mutation each, the rest be- about the war in the East. “The fighting near Rivergrad has
ing pure stocks double the number of PCs, get up and surround been going bad for the Dominion, and the last letter I had
the PCs with clenched fists. “Get out!” One hisses. “We know from my son was months ago. I fear the worst, and yet... what
you serve that demon-whore, Ejexa, and that you are Dominion are you gonna do? If the Purists lose, we will never see in-
agents. Go back to your slut queen, the Spider-Bitch, and de- dependence, but if the Purists win, we will be burned at the
base yourself in her vulgar rites and stained sheets! Go before stake as demon spawn.”
we kill you here and now!” They rest their hands on sheathed 8. A young, mutant serving girl approaches (one minor mutations
dagger pommels and eye the character’s murderously. If, how- from the physical alterations list), smiles and says, roll d6: 1,2. “The
ever, there are pure stocks among the group, the locals will be owner of the pub is honored that you have come to visit our sad
friendly and even buy the strangers a round of drinks. little village, and is paying for the next round of drinks.”/ 3,4. “Lis-
5. A group of foreign sailors, treat as raiders, all mutants with ten” she whispers. “I’ve heard talk that Ejexa has been informed of
a prime mutation each, equal in number to the PCs, arrive your presence, and that some say you are freeholder agents and
and take up a table near the PCs. They are clearly from out saboteurs. I don’t believe it, and the other customers don’t believe
of town, as the locals shun them. They are boisterous, crude so, but, the DOA warriors do. So, you better finish your drinks and
and rude, splash drinks about, arm wrestle, pester the serv- forget about staying in the motel, and just get over the walls now,
ing girls and make ridiculous jokes about the town and the head away from here and don’t come back!”/ 5,6. “Welcome to
locals. They get a bit drunk and suddenly seem to notice the Dawn Cove, village of woe. Guess you’ve heard about the occupa-
PCs. If there is any women in the PC group of 30 or better ap- tion, and the rebellion to reclaim the town? Anyhow, the boss wants
pearance, the sailors stare at her and one by one make lewd me to tell you to stay off the streets tonight, and leave at dawn, as
suggestions to her, rub coins together and ask how much she the authorities have been asking about you.”
charges for a romp. If the PCs do nothing and try to ignore the
troublemakers, then there is a 3 in 6 chance that they calm

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is a tent town where the lowest caste citizens shiver among the

Hookville muddy alleys. The village has its own gate facing the sea from
which most of the men and boys go forth each day, either out
to their canoes and row boats to fish, or to guide out their flocks
of sheep and herds of cattle, going around to the rear of the vil-
Faction: The Dominion of Aberratia lage to the many fields and homesteads beyond.
Government: Local Magistrate, Hattusa the Flayer
Population: Total 619 to 940/ (Pure Stocks 40+2d20 slaves
and 60+d20 citizens / Mutants 420+2d100 and 70+2d20
Water and Sanitation: Well water is collected from several
deep pits, but the liquid smells metallic and is often brownish in
Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs 0/ Synthetic humans 2d6+8 color. Worse, the water is rumored to be tainted with mutagenic
slaves/other 10+2d10) agents, left over from the ‘Age of Experiments’ as locals call
the former age. Rain water, which is often plentiful in the win-
Site Details: Hookville sits at the south end of Bomb Bay, a ter months and early spring, is collected in barrels and used to
huge blast crater from some forgotten war. The settlement is di- make the fine beer the village exports to the Capital. Sewage is
vided into two distinct sectors, both of which are made from tim- collected in old oil drums and dumped at the edge of the nearby
ber, field stone and the occasional bit of ancient scrap material. forest, along with the bodies of criminals and rebels.
The Dominion keeps its main fleet here, docked to a series of
simple wooden wharfs protected by the naval base on shore, from
which trebuchet and relic weaponry can obliterate any attacking
Technology: The village or ‘Old Town’ portion of this commu-
nity has a total lack of technology, except that carried by Domin-
navel force. The Old Town, which is little more than a sleepy lit- ion officers and soldiers. There was once a wind turbine and solar
tle fishing village, sits on the west side of the whole community, generator, spot lights and radio receiver within the village, but it
protected by a shoddy wooden palisade; its people bullied by the was all confiscated several decades ago due to a lack of respect
Aberrationist sailors and soldiers who are housed in the adjoining on the part of the populace towards Aberrationist military person-
navel base. The base itself is of newer construction, with a sepa- nel. These articles are now all serving the base, which uses the
rate land gate and a town gate which allows its off duty troops to wind generator to power the spot lights and provide radio entertain-
enter the village and harass the locals, get drunk in the ‘People’s ment to the troops in the Tap Room. Mainly, however, the generator
Bar’, and patrol the town to quell any protest rallies or rebel activi- charges the battery array at the Administration Bunker. This battery
ties. Hookville is built on soft soil, surrounded by lush farmland system powers lights, communicators, recharges power cells, and
but is otherwise unremarkable with no notable ruins in view. allows the main gun, a heavy laser cannon, to fire 6 shots per hour
before the batteries need to fully recharge. It is this huge laser can-
Construction: There are two separate portions to Hookville, non, the ‘Hookville Gun’, sitting in an enclosed, stone and steel tur-
the naval base and the village. The naval base is of recent con- ret near the Admin Bunker, which is the primary relic in the entire
struction and some portion of the outer wall is always being up- community, and is so powerful that the immense black weapon
graded from timber to stone or scrap metal, with the interior bar- can often sink a cargo barge with one shot. More about the turret
racks buildings, mess hall, brothel and tap room being made of is described under Military and Defenses, page 130.
wood with clay tile shingles. The towers around the base are of In the actual Admin Bunker, there is a finicky office com-
stone with scrap metal reinforcing on the sea facing sides. The puter attached to a communication device, which allows cod-
main gate to the base faces the wharfs, and is a huge double door ed email to be sent and received to Rivergrad, Newburg and
made of wood, but plated in steel and spikes. The secondary gate, North Fort, as well as print wanted posters, duty rosters and
which leads into the village, is only made of wooden planks. assorted records as needed. This computer station, and a ra-
The village is a depressed looking place. Its wooden pali- dio broadcast receiver, stereo system, and small basement
sade in disrepair, the houses made of mud bricks or wood, often green house are all is independently powered by a very small
with thatch roofs. In one corner of the civilian enclosure there solar power generator on the peaked roof of the building.

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MAP CR-10: Hookville

1 hex =5 meters

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Dangers: Hookville is sufficiently far from The Purist Empire and the central government, each carrying a standard commu-
that it doesn’t feel directly threatened, even though the Purist nicator. Every black and green painted dominion battle barge is
fleet has more battle barges than the Dominion. The fact that a armed with two catapults which hurl flame pots or rocks, plus,
Purist navy must go all the way around the Dethpool Ruins, and will have a random heavy relic weapon fitted on the fore deck;
up the coast passed so much of Aberratia, that any fleet would be roll d6: 1. Grenade launcher with 3d6 frag grenades/ 2. Chain
seen by Dominion spies or shipping, reported, and thus have lit- gun, drum fed with 2d100 rounds remaining. / 3. Heavy ma-
tle chance of surprising this naval base. Secondly, the ‘Hookville chine gun, drum fed with d100 high caliber rounds remaining
Gun’ is aimed out at the bay, adding to the deep sense of com- / 4. Rocket launcher with 2d6 battle rockets/ 5. Heavy laser
placency among the Aberrationist troops stationed in this town. carbine with d3 full power cells available / 6. Light laser can-
Likewise, the gun can turn 360 degrees to fire far inland, so DOA non, with a power pack patched to it from below decks, with
authorities don’t feel threatened by a major attack by land since 2d20+10 shots remaining.
there are other communities and military detachments to their There are 3d6 military longboats docked at Hookville at any
rear, and again, surprise attack is unthinkable. given time. Each is painted black with a green canvas canopy over
In the nearby woodlands there are various predators, as well the rear half, and fitted with a mast and sail for long journeys.
the occasional raider gangs, but nothing which threatens the These craft are crewed by 15 Dominion Irregulars each, all us-
town itself. Travelers and local farmers, however, are in some ing crossbows but also, able to operate the single ballista which
danger of being devoured by great eagles, wolves, mutant is perched on the bow. These ballista fire specialized harpoon
insects and other creatures. Additionally, there is spears which are attached to ropes. In battle, these harpoons
some chance of DOA citizens, or other groups of have only half the range of a normal
mutants, of being ambushed by small teams of ballista spear, but once impaled into a
Freehold Scouts who enter the Dominion by night creature or boat, will either pull along
having avoided the many dog and Bat Rider pa- the longboat or be yanked in by the mu-
trols which criss-cross the land. tant crew. The rope, can, of course, be
hacked off, but this would expose who-
Law Enforcement: By Domin- ever tries to do this to the crossbow
ion Warriors and Shadow Minions. fire of the longboat’s Irregulars.
Trouble making visitors, Free- The heavy laser cannon,
hold spies, and rebels will noted above, was placed in
be sold into slavery if they Hookville in the year 2331, af-
have not seriously harmed ter being removed from the
any Dominion personnel or deck of an ancient frigate
civilians. On the other which is now stuck firm-
hand, if found guilty of ly in the Dethpool Ruins.
murder, attempted ter- The gun has undergone
rorism, or promoting civil numerous repairs and is only
war and separatism, captives now considered totally reliable;
will be publicly skinned alive however, although it can fire once
by the local magistrate. The skin- per round, its battery supply is limited
less bodies will be dumped at the and it can only offer 6 shots before an
edge of Heckler wood, for the mu- hour is needed to totally recharge, or 10
tant wolves to tear apart at dusk. minutes per shot. The Local magistrate
has petitioned Newburg for additional
Military and Defense: The power generation sources but has thus
village is patrolled by dominion far been denied, therefore, the local mil-
warriors, and the catwalk and itary is always on the look out for anyone
towers guarded by dozens of these callous, bad with a power pack, from whom they can confiscate the item under
tempered men and women. The main body of the army and some imaginary charges, framing the owner if not outright mur-
navy personnel dwells within the naval base; a separate town dering him or her in the night.
attached to the village, or else sleep on their battle barges The ‘Hookville Gun’ is able to rotate 360 degrees on its
and covered longboats when not on patrol. steel tract, which requires 10 soldiers to wheel around, moving
There is a battalion of 300 +d100 Dominion Warriors 30 degrees every minute. While it is protected from airship bom-
stationed here at all times, a 37% chance of a detachment bardment, and the gun ports are closed by steel plates when the
of 3d6+6 Dog Riders, a 21% chance of a squadron of 5+d12 weapon is not in use, these protective measures have made the
Bat Riders, d3+3 Shadow Minions who assist the magistrate, gun unable to fire upwards further than 45 degrees skyward. In
scour the village for traitors and spies. In addition, there is a theory, enemy zeppelins, relic aircraft or winged mounts could
rag tag platoon of 3d6+20 Dominion Irregulars who are usu- approach the town by night and get directly above the place
ally away from the town during the day and busy patrolling the by daylight, out of reach of the big laser, and could then hover
farm lanes and roads. In these outwall areas, the Irregulars above and drop grenades, stones or fire pots down on the settle-
interrogate civilians and travelers alike, abusing pure stock ment. Of course, the possible presence of DOA Bat Riders often
farm slaves, and keeping predators away from the scattered makes this plan too risky, besides the fact that there are a few
homestead which dot the countryside. sniper rifles (d4) among the dominion forces.
The navy consists of d6+1 battle barges, each with its com- Other defenses include 4 light ballista on the village
pliment of 26 pure stock oar slaves, 11 sailors (treat as Domin- tower tops, two catapults at the village dock area, and five
ion Irregulars) and a combat force of 25 dominion warriors, all trebuchet guarding the naval docks, 6 heavy ballista protect-
of which can swim well. Each ship is under the command of a ing the naval base by being mounted on each tower, and a
dominion major ‘captain’, accompanied by an authorized concu- heavy machine gun which is belt fed with 100+2d100 high
bine, who shares the captain’s quarters, plus 3 Shadow Minions caliber rounds, situated at the main gate house leading out
as advisors and communications liaisons between the warship to the dock.

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Visitors to Hookville: The naval area is closed to all civil- the authorities. Likewise, trouble makers from the north have
ians, unless they are reporting at the recruitment office (see infiltrated the population, disguised as diggers or traders, and
page 110 for rules on joining the Dominion Military). Travelers sold weapons to the locals, or spread false hope that a great
who need a place to stay are welcome by the merchants of the northern army of freemen and mutants was marching south to
Old Town, but they are kept under close observation by the war- liberate them and that it was time to begin their armed resis-
riors and Shadow Minions who maintain order in the village. As tance and weaken the invading army of the DOA magistrate.
with all Aberrationist held towns, Hookville village is very strict Because of these tense circumstances, the people are edgy
with regards to pure stocks and those who appear non-mutant, and worn out looking, having either lost interest in the rebellion
including cyborgs. All non-mutants are either slaves, or second and the dream of freedom, or else, among the youths, devel-
class citizens who are subservient to all mutants –not just the oped a great fervor to either flee to Overpass, or, to inflict casu-
owner or employer of the pure stock. For example, an excavation alties and chaos among the Aberrationists.
team which has a couple of pure stocks and a clone in it who Because the town was taken by force, instead of being ea-
carry no weapons, nor wear armor, and even act the part of ser- ger to join the Dominion as was the case in the southern part of
vants or slaves to fellow mutant excavators, must show respect the nation, the common people have never accepted the doc-
to deviants. These ‘generic humans’ must never meet their eyes trine of the mutant supremacist movement, and don’t want to
of a mutant, or speak without being spoken to first. The ‘lesser hear about it, don’t act upon it, and certainly don’t treat visiting
folk’ must never eat or drink before a mutant at the same table, pure stocks as vermin. The same can not be said for the Do-
and must obey all dominion officials and military staff. minion soldiers who patrol the village. These occupiers feel the
There is no entrance fee to enter Hookville’s village, how- need to make up for the lack of enthusiasm and racial superi-
ever at the dock area, where the only gate into the village is ority of the locals by beating pure stocks whenever they can.
located, a squad of d6+2 Dominion Warriors will inspect all On occasion, DOA troops go so far to drag a ‘generic’ into a se-
newcomers, making sure no pure stocks, cyborgs, synthet- cluded street and after pulverizing the hapless ‘pinky’, execute
ics or mechanical beings carry weapons. Cyborgs with fitted the person for sheer sport. This sort of brutality has done noth-
weapon arms must have their arm detached and stowed in ing to further the cause of the supremacists, and only fostered
a mutant’s backpack or other cargo area. If the guards feel equally violent reprisal attacks by the bitter civilians.
that the travelers are not legitimate traders, or locally recog-
nized and approved excavations teams returning home from Resources and Industry: Farming and fishing, as well as
other lands, they will be denied access and told to either re- the export of fine wine and beer made from using rain water
turn to the boat they arrived on, or leave on foot back the way instead of the tainted well water.
they came, under penalty of imprisonment if they are found in
the vicinity. Bribery has been known to work on these guards, Accommodations: While travelers are rare, there is a large
however, costing a total of about 100sp or more in coins, bunk room attached to the stables where anyone can sleep in
ammo or other valuables to even begin swaying them. a curtained-off space for 3sp per night. One must keep their
Once inside, the local civilians will be quite welcoming belongings tucked under their bed, or post a watch to avoid
to groups that have pure stocks or other non-mutant mem- getting one’s pack stolen. There is a bar in the village, and it
bers, and these simple fisher and farm folk can usually tell if is almost always full of local fishers, farmers, traveling traders
such servants are really slaves or not. Newcomers especially and excavators. The DOA military personnel have their own
armed ones, are given plenty of attention by both the civilian mess hall and tap room at the base, situated next to a brothel
and military occupants of the village, since it isn’t very often filled with a mix of pure stock slave women and mutant hook-
that outlanders risk coming to such a remote port. ers who make a handsome profit off the many lonely soldiers
and sailors. There are no bath houses, brothels or other facili-
Brief History: Hookville was once an independent town, with ties for travelers in the village sector, nor do any prostitutes
work the village bar and instead employ their erotic talents
no official alliances to any other settlement, and merely con-
ducted trade on an individual basis. Because of its lack of unity on the base. The village bar, called The Speakeasy is not off
with Overpass, it was an easy mark for the expanding mutant limits to Dominion troops, but they rarely enter the crowded,
supremacist army, and on September 14th 2317 its pathetic smoky den as the drinks served to off duty troops are often
defenses were overrun, its warriors cut down, the majority of contaminated with some sort of laxative or slow working pain
the civilian population captured or killed. Survivors fled into poison. The staff and bartenders, who have all been tortured
Heckler Wood to face the wolves, or fled north to the villages repeatedly, deny they have anything to do with what goes into
nearby, warning of the approaching mutant invasion force. the drinks of visiting soldiers. Nevertheless, the odd Domin-
In the following decades, as the Northern Freehold put up ion patrol does step insides to search for wanted individuals,
stiff resistance and managed to postpone further Aberrationist to question outlanders, knock over a few tables, smash up
expansion. Hookville was therefore selected as the prime Do- the serving area and occasionally knife somebody who has
minion naval base, since its docks could so easily be protected, failed to show respect.
and enemy ships observed well before they reached the town.
Northern Freehold raids, as well as several attempts by the For the Excavator: What characters from outside the town
original inhabitants to regain control of their community have would have heard. “Get in, get out, that’s all I am saying. Just
all failed to remove the Dominion oppressors, and as each year make your little stop, do your business, buy your supplies, and
goes by, the occupation army grows larger and better protected sleep with one eye open in the common room. If you need to have
behind their walls and great relic cannon. a hot meal and some beer to clear the dust from your mouth, I
guess it’s no more perilous to go to the bar called the Speakeasy
Social Details: Hookville village seethes with an undercur- than it is to sit around your bunk. That little bar is safe enough as
rent of rebellion and dissatisfaction. Although the Dominion al- far as drinking establishments go, but if the local peasants think
lows the people to live as independently as they can, does not you might be a Dominion spy, or coming to join the military, they
interfere in marriage arrangements, social activities nor confis- might drop a little load of something in your drink. Oh, and don’t
cate fish and agricultural products, the military must still keep bother trying to go to the naval base, its off limits to everybody
a close watch on the populace as they have been known to but Dominion troops, unless you are actually going to join up, in
erupt into protest and occasionally running street fights with which case there is a recruitment office.

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“I dunno, friend, Hookville is kinda tense for me. I get the face the PCs, hefting their shields, free hand hovering over
feeling that them commoners in the village are none too hap- their saber hilts. One warrior, the biggest, does the talking.
py about being ‘protected’ by the mutant supremacists, if you “What have we here? Outland scum coming to stir up trou-
know what I mean, and they’d be pretty god damn happy if the ble? Maybe you want to feed the wolves with their skinned
Northern Freehold had some guts and came south to take the corpses? Do you know what the Magistrate does? Know why
place, guess that won’t happen as long as the Dominion has they call him the flayer? ‘Cause he skins prisoners alive as a
that great huge laser cannon on the big tower, It can sink a hobby, in the main square of town. Now get the hell outa our
barge with one blast, blow it clear outa the fricken water!” faces or we’ll have you arrested as freeholder spies.”
If the characters, for some reason, remain and wish to
For the Game Master: Hookville is somewhat more casual defend the commoners, the DOA soldiers draw their swords
than Rivergrad, and is actually a legitimate stopping place for and attack. During the battle, there is a 3 in 6 chance that
travelers as long as they can tolerate sleeping in one large d6+4 more Dominion Warriors arrive, appearing 2d0+10 me-
room with dozens of strangers. Furthermore, outsiders must ters away and kneeling to fire their crossbows into the fray.
understand the risks of bringing pure stock comrades – play- 4. A young mutant woman, commoner with d3 minor muta-
ing the part of slaves – into the lands of the Aberrationists. tions, comes up to the characters and stands in their way and
There are no profitable ruins nearby, so few adventurers frowns. “Hey, strangers, a moment of your time, please, and
stop here, unless they are heading to or from other parts and quick before a patrol comes along and sees me talking to you.
need a place to stay for the night, away from the many mutant Listen, you’ve been to the freeholds, right? Overpass at any rate,
wolves that abound in the countryside. This site could be an correct? I need to know if they plan to come, like they said they
excellent first introduction to the Dominion, a place to allow would. If we started to fight the Dominion. Do you think there is
the players to come to grips with what it will be like deeper any hope? Will you join us if the rebellion starts this very night?
into the mutant dominated territory. The further south travel- Please whatever you do, don’t join their cruel army, they are all
ers go, the more suspicious, bigoted and radical the mutant self deceived, we are all humans, mutant or not, and we need
population becomes. each other, we need to unite before the Mecha or the skullocks
or warmorts seize our territories as they have in other regions.
Unique Encounters: Now, I’ve said my bit, and go in peace.” She darts out of the way
and moves quickly away from the characters.
For Dominion Military personnel while within the naval base
grounds, roll as for Encounters in Rivergrad, page 176. All en- There is a 2 in 6 chance that she was observed by a hooded
counters in the village portion of Hookville assume that char- figure at the far end of the street, who steps out of the shade and
acters are traveling excavators. Note: Always re-roll duplicat- up to the characters, alone. He pulls back his dark hood to reveal
ed dice results. a mutant face (Shadow Minion). “I see you have met one of our
loyal subjects. These people are so grateful for the protection we
Daytime Street Encounters: d6 rolls for street occupants offer. Before we came to Hookville, this town was on the verge of
being wiped out by raiding skullock war parties from Toxic Bog.
from chart D, page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance of a unique
encounter per passage in the village portion of Hookville, Ah, what can I tell you to ignore her lies? Did she happen to men-
from the following list, roll d4, or d4+2 if pure stocks* ac- tion her name? No? Well, that’s okay, we know where she lives.
company a group of travelers: Enjoy your stay in Hookville, and have a good day, Freeholders.”
*The term pure stock includes cyborgs, all synthetic humans and androids, and ghost He then paces away in an opposite direction than that of the
mutants not wearing a black headband and or unable to prove their mutations. young woman.
5. Thinking that the pure stocks accompanying the character’s
1. A patrol of d6+4 Dominion Warriors trudge by, lazily, shields are truly slaves, and old mutant commoner man with one mi-
strapped to their backs, crossbows resting on their shoulders, nor mutation, who sells fruit from a cart, stops and frowns at
but not cocked. If they see that the character group has no the mutant PCs in the group. “You should be ashamed of your-
pure stocks, the leader of the squad grins and shouts across selves, owning fellow humans like they were beasts! I curse you
the street. “Greetings brother (and sisters) where are you all!” With that he bursts into a rage and begins to grab ripe toma-
from? Why not come join the Glorious Dominion? There is a toes and hurl them at random mutant characters, one per round
recruiting station just inside the base’s bay doors.” up to a range of 6 meters, SV 01-50. If beaten or humiliated for
2. As the characters are not accompanied by pure stocks; the lo- his actions by the characters, other locals will be very annoyed
cal civilians appear to be very cold toward them, distrustful and with the characters, and not serve them in the Speakeasy, and
intimidated, as if the PCs are Dominion soldiers out of uniform. charge them double for their sleeping bunk at the common room.
There is a 2 in 6 chance that as the characters reach the end of Should the characters seriously injure or kill the old man, the lo-
a street, somebody from someplace among the houses behind cals will gather and hunt the PCs down, and try to hang them.
them fires a slingshot at a random PCs back (+40 SV) total SV 6. A patrol of d4+5 Dominion Warriors turn the corner ahead
01-80, dmg d6, but when the target turns, he or she sees every- of the characters, lowering their cocked crossbows and aim-
body just carrying on as if they hadn’t noticed the event. ing at the PCs. One points. “There they are! You there, lay
3. The characters turn the corner and see d4+4 Dominion down your weapons and put your hands on your heads, then
Warriors busy at the front entrance of a shack. Some are kneel. We want a word with you regarding your pinkies and
throwing furniture and clothing into the streets from the door your destination.” If the PCs comply, the unit approaches and
and windows, while two are busy slapping about a pure stock circles the group, standing back five meters, crossbows ready
woman. Nearby, another soldier has a mutant commoner as one steps up and inspects the pure stocks in the group.
man up against the wall, and is threatening him. “I know what Each pure stock must make an intelligence based type A haz-
you’re up to, you little stain of a man!“ Growls the warrior. ard check or momentarily slip up, and dare to meet the man’s
“We’ve been watching you, and know that you’re being con- eyes. If so, the PC gets a crossbow butt in the face, SV 01-60,
tacted by the foreign dogs. If we see another stranger come by DMG d6. “Keep your god forsaken eyes on the dirt,” growls
here, we’re going to burn you fricken house down, got that!?” the man, checking to see that the person is wearing no ar-
If the characters leave the scene, end of encounter, how- mor, nor carrying even a knife as a weapon, If the pure stock
ever, if they demand that the troops cease what they are do- is indeed armed or armored, he or she will be told to fall out
ing, the warriors throw down the commoners and step out to and come with the patrol, while the other characters will be

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dismissed. Captives taken along will be tied by a stout rope 3. A black Owl drops down from a nearby rooftop and tries
(requires STR type D HC to snap, one try per half hour). He or to snatch up a random street occupant, possibly one of
she will be punched and kicked the whole way to the naval the characters. If the target is not a character, then there
base gates, where the unit will enter and eventually toss the is a 50% chance the huge owl is seen coming out of the
character into a stone jail cell someplace beneath a tower for sky toward the other people or person, otherwise the event
2d6 days before he or she is sold to a traveling mutant slaver happens behind the characters and is not seen until the
and taken to Newburg’s slave market, see page 149. owl has struck. If it does go after the PCs, it attacks from
behind and gains +40 SV on the first strike attempts.
4. A hell cougar, (see Cats, Hub rules), which has plagued
Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-3 (0-3) rolls for street the village for a decade, has climbed the wooden walls
occupants on chart D, page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance per and is skulking about the dark streets looking for an easy
passage of a special encounter from the following, roll d6, or meal. It pounces out at a random street occupant, pos-
d6+2 if a pure stock* is present. sibly the characters, range d6+2 meters. If slain, its glori-
*The term pure stock includes cyborgs, all synthetic humans and androids, and ghost mu- ous pelt is worth 2d1000sp, however, the Dominion gov-
tants not wearing a black headband and or unable to prove their mutations.
ernment claims it at the scene of the kill, as d6+4 troops
will arrive within 10+d10 rounds after the mutant cat is
1. A patrol of Dominion Warriors paces by, giving the charac- killed, and offer the characters a slap on the back as a re-
ters close look, and just smiling when they see no pure stocks ward, plus 10 sp each.
among the group. “Have a good night, comrades, but keep 5. Wolf Frogs have hopped over the walls, and have been
your wits about you, there is a great freakish cougar in the eating cats, rats and lone drunks caught in the back streets.
area, which sometimes gets into the town.” Another soldier They happen to swarm out of a side alley right across the
speaks up. “And tell them about the god damn frogs, the frick- character’s path, and number 3d6, if they outnumber char-
en big wolf ones that just sail over the walls.” Yet another war- acters 2 to 1 or better, they turn and attack viciously.
rior pipes in from the line of troops, “Yeah, and tell ‘em about 6. A young pure stock woman steps into the street be-
the terrorists, the local nut jobs who we’re looking for.” The hind the characters, the light from an open door illuminat-
leader shoots back an angry reply. “Shut up, Josk, they don’t ing her. “Psst, hey you, outlanders,” she whispers.
need to know about that nonsense! What the hell is “Are you going to the Northern Freehold in the
wrong with you?” They bid the characters a good night morning? Are you getting the hell out of this frig-
and move on, looking about, even skyward, alert ging place? Can I come with you? I’ll dress as
for some potential danger. a slave. I have family in Overpass who will pay
2. Suddenly, a flurry of activity occurs all you lots, maybe as much as two hundred sil-
around the characters as armed figures dart vers if you can get me there safely. What do
into the streets with assorted crude weapons you think?” If the characters agree, they can
(clubs). They wear canvas masks with eye and stay at her shack for the night, where she will
mouth holes cut into them. “Okay, Aberrationist feed them and supply blankets so they can
Nazi scum,” one hisses, waving for his com- sleep by the fire on the floor. She says her
rades to approach the characters from all husband is in the army,
sides. “You ain’t fooling anybody dressed like and is a mutant, but
that. Drop your weapons and kneel, you have that she never loved
just become prisoners of the Hookville Peoples him, that it was a
Army!” There are 2 masked assailants per marriage pushed
character (including NPC servants and ro- on her by her broth-
bots, etc.), plus d6 extra, treated as com- ers, who are also in
moner men. If the characters decide to de- the Dominion army
fend themselves, they are attacked, with and were born as
the rebels not fleeing unless half their mutants. If the group
number are killed and they have not in- runs into any Dominion
flicted any casualties among the PCs. If patrols while leaving for the north with her,
the characters surrender, they will be there is a 2 in 6 chance that somebody in the
tied up, blindfolded and marched patrol recognizes the woman, and, there is a
off to a secret underground base. 30% chance that person is her husband, oth-
Here, they will be stripped down erwise her brothers, who
to their underwear and thrown will be irate and order
in a stone walled jail and kept all the characters
under guard for 2d6 days, be- stripped, robbed and
fore being judged by a lo- sold as slaves, after
cal wise man, who is an being beaten down to
empath, and can tell the d10 END each. Should the
truth about the characters. characters get the woman to Over-
If they are truly dominion per- pass and reach her cousins, they will in-
sonnel, they will be sold to a deed be grateful, paying 100+d100sp
slaver and end up in Over- overall, plus d3 gold coins extra per character that
pass, but if they are assisted in the escape.
innocent travelers 7. A patrol of Dominion Warriors steps out from the shad-
or friends of the lo- ows, range 10+d10 meters, see encounter 6, page 132,
cal oppressed peo- ‘daytime in streets’ for result.
ple, they will have all their belongings returned, and be apol- 8. Out of the alleys and alcoves, from behind wagons and
ogized to and bid farewell. barrels, step 3d6 masked figures holding clubs. Their masks

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are simply sacks with eye and mouth holes cut into them, and 2. A young mutant woman, wearing a tight fitting skirt and
they don’t appear to be wearing armor. “You, Aberrationist low cut cotton top parts a random character’s curtain and
filth, step away from the pure stocks and back off or so help enters, smiling seductively. “I was told that there were hot
me god we’ll bust you up! This is our town, outlanders, and blooded strangers in town tonight. Hi, I am Kymith, and I
we don’t tolerate no slavery of any kind, not the owning of heard you were lonely for a lover, and generous, enough to
men nor of mutants. For we here are of both kinds, and pay the 4 silvers I need to get started fulfilling your fanta-
equals. Now leave them and just walk away.” If the charac- sies.” Treat Kymith as a prostitute with d2 physical altera-
ter’s comply, see the next paragraph, below, otherwise, the tions from the minor mutation listing, page 77 of the TME
masked figurers rush in and attack, and will imprison any hub rules, starting with an appearance score of 30+d20.
captured mutant characters until such a time as the pure She will spend about an hour making love and comforting
stock characters can convince the locals that their slavery the character, stitching any wounds, applying antiseptic to
was a ruse, that they are comrades with the mutants. This infections and whatnot before leaving to seduce another
process takes d6+2 days, in which time the mutants are sleeping guest.
locked in a stone walled cell, the pure stocks cared for by lo- 3. Crazed yelling echoes in the large hall, waking everybody,
cal families in separate homes, chained for their safety. many of whom peer out of their curtains to see who is mak-
Should the pure stocks be handed over without a fight, ing the terrible ruckus. “I know you’re in here, you swine!”
they will be conducted away into the dark, blindfolded, car- Shouts a man. “I saw you arrive in town today and you can’t
ried by wagon to the docks, stowed on a ship and will take hide from me. I brought my fricken axe to lay open your head,
a voyage to another town, known only to them when they ar- you no good son of a bitch!” The characters see a large com-
rive at, roll d6: 1. Safe Port / 2. Rusted Hulk / 3. Sandbarra moner man wielding a battle axe, pulling open one curtain
/ 4. Memory / 5. Sea Home / 6. Steel Hill. When they are after another looking for somebody. “Come on out you wife
brought above deck, they are given d6 silvers each, com- stealing sack of shit, come die like a pig!” He reaches the
moner’s clothes, a knife, a sleeping roll, and bid good luck first random character(s) curtain and pulls it open. If there
in their new life by d6+2 commoner men and d6 commoner is a mutant man of over 30 appearance, the crazed fellow
women who had cared for them during the trip. leaps back and raises his axe in both hands. “Holy hell, it’s
you!” He shouts, the smell of strong drink on his breath. “I
knew you were here, you stole her from me and now you’re
Encounters While Staying Overnight in the Common going to pay! Prepare to die!” He then attacks. Being a big
Room Hostel Area: There will be d6-2 (0-4) nomadic trad- man, treat him as a commoner with 40+d20 endurance,
ers, d8-3 (0-5) scavengers, a 2 in 6 chance of a bounty hunt- who will not stop his murderous hacking until knocked out.
er, a 1 in 6 chance of a slaver and his d6+1 raider guards, If there was no attractive mutant male found in the cham-
and 2d6 commoner men who seem to be in town looking ber, he leaves the place and is not seen again.
for work. All these individuals are male, and all are common 4. The characters are awakened sometime before dawn to
mutants with one minor ‘physical alteration’ mutation each. the screams of other guests. “Spider! Spider!” Peering out
For the most part, they just shut their curtains and go to from their curtains, the PCs see a man lying still in the mid-
sleep, and mind their own business if trouble breaks out in dle of the room with a Rubble Spider wrapping him in a co-
the night. There is a 3 in 10 chance of some sort of distur- coon. Everybody else jumps back from the huge spider, and
bance during the night, rolling d4 or d4 +1 if a pure stock or do nothing, even as the spider completes its task and be-
pure stock appearing PC is present in the character party. gins to drag its meal toward the exit. If the characters decide
1. Very late at night, a random PC wakes to see a small fig- to intervene and save the man, there is a 2 in 6 chance that
ure crouching on the floor and digging through his or her there are more spiders, d3, which scuttle out from under
pack and gear. If confronted, up leaps the thief who throws nearby beds and attack the characters. If saved, the man,
a white powder at the character and flees into the rows of selected randomly from the guests of the common room,
curtains. To pursue the intruder immediately means walk- will give the characters half his wealth in coins and a solemn
ing through the cloud of white powder, which if done, means promise of life long friendship and help, plus, that he lives in
inhaling, roll d6: 1-4. Flour, no effect/ 5. Irritating particles, Overpass, and to come stay with him and his family the next
which blinds the pursuer and making him or her -2 move and time the characters are up that way.
-30 SV for d6 rounds./ 6. Sleep poison powder; make type 5. A random pure stock character wakes and sees a figure
B HC using END or drop into a peaceful sleep for 3d6 hours. slip in through his or her curtain. “Psst, hello, it is me,” whis-
Treat the figure as a pure stock thief if fired upon or other- pers young man’s voice in hushed tone so low nobody else
wise caught, being male 86% of the time, otherwise female. nearby with normal hearing can hear it. “I’m here to give you
The manager of the common room identifies the culprit as this report,” he hands the character an envelope.
a staff member, who works in the stables by “Just see it safely returned to
day. If caught alive, the thief is given to the the Scouts
person who caught him trying to steal, to in Over-
be killed or enslaved, or given to pass, and
the Dominion Warriors to suf- they will
fer an uncertain fate. take it

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from there. Now remember, don’t get caught by the Dominion fixed her. She’s buried face down under the floor boards at
troops or they’ll skin you alive for being a rebel sympathizer. I your very feet. So, just take it easy, watch your step and your
must go. Good luck.” Before the character can respond, the mouth and you’ll get by okay.”
person disappears into the shadows. If the PC does see the 4. A mutant, nomadic trader (with two prime mutations)
unopened letter taken to the Freehold Scouts in Overpass, shuffles over to the characters, and waves to the bar tender,
he or she will be paid 100+d100sp and given a random, fully “Hey, bring these outlanders a round of drinks on my tab, will
loaded relic weapon from WC-RC and offered a position in yeah?” He introduces himself to the PCs while pulling over
the Scouts. If the character opens the letter and reads it, or a chair. “I am Rhory the Peddler, although I do much better
has it read to him or her, it outlines Dominion troop numbers, than your average mule pullin’ wanderer. I’ve been watching
armament, schedules, positions, activities and names of sus- you fellas and just wanted to offer you a job, escorting me as
pected Dominion spies within Hookville and Overpass. If the my personal body guards on an expedition to Galespit. I am
letter is resealed, the scouts will be cunning enough to know leading a dozen mules loaded with fine Hookville beer, and
the letter had been read, and the character will be thanked so far haven’t found anybody in this shit hole of a town who is
for the delivery, but given nothing. allowed to leave to be my guards. It seems they won’t come
back as the local citizens here are virtually prisoners, so I
Encounters in The Speakeasy Bar: d6 patron rolls need foreigners to escort me. I leave at dawn, and
from chart D, page 385 by day, plus 2d4 male com- the pay is 45sp each to get me and my cargo
moner fishers and farmers, while at night, 3d6+4 pa- to the O’Finny’s Saloon. I will provide you
tron rolls and 4d6 fishers and farmers, all men. There with food, tents and the use of horses
is a 4 in 10 chance per hour of an encounter from the for the course of the journey. What
following list, roll d6 or d6+2 if pure stock ‘slaves’ are do you say?”
brought into the bar. 5. A mutant commoner,
1. The bar tender and his serving girls are sullen male, cloaked in white
and cold to the characters, and all the clients in robes steps into the bar and
the place avoid meeting their eyes, or else give smiles. “Greetings, my fine
the outlanders blank stares in an attempt to make people, blessings be upon you
them feel unwelcome. There is a 2 in 6 chance all.” The crowd groans, turning
that the drinks the characters get are only half full, their backs to the man, shak-
in dirty glasses, and seem to have flecks of foamy ing their heads. “Not again,” a
spit on top. fisherman undertones.
2. A couple of big fishermen, typical mutants, “Ah, how fine,” speaks up
step up to the character’s table and stare the strange fellow, clutching
down at them, menacing frowns on their some sort of bible to his chest.
faces. One speaks up, leaning heavily on The characters notice an em-
the table and talking to the most unat- broidered gold cross on his right shoulder, al-
tractive mutant in the PC group, his though not a wavy-dagger-cross as the holy Pur-
face only centimeters from the char- ists wear. “We have guests tonight? How fine.”
acter’s. “Just what the hell gives you He takes up a chair and drags it nosily over to
the right to come in here, into our the characters table and smiles. “Forgive my in-
refuge, and drink with the likes trusion, my children, but if you will let me tell you
of us? You’re nothing but Do- about the word of God for a moment, and per-
minion goons, a pack of the haps buy me a small glass of wine, I will be most
Magistrate’s lap dogs and con- grateful, as will God, as I am an incarnation of the
cubines, his bitches. Now I am divine one in this world.”
going to suggest you get the hell “Ah, for Pete’s sake, Jerry,” Shouts the bartend-
out of here, go back to your flea ridden bed at the hostel and try er, rubbing his forehead. “Will you quit it? These new-
and sleep, then leave at first light. If we see you in here tomor- comers just want to have a drink in peace, okay. They don’t
row, or in the streets, we’re going to trim you bodies, starting need to hear your version of how Mutants have been chosen
with your toes, and ending with your ears.” If the PCs scoff at by God to rule the weaker strains. Now pack up you silly book
the man or shove him away or threaten him, all the other cus- and leave before I have to throw you out again!”
tomers in the place will leap up and grab chairs, bottles, knives “Outrageous!” Declares the self styled demigod. “How
and hatchets and face the PCs murderously, telling them to get can you deny the truth? Can’t you see the astounding powers
the hell out. the lord has given to many of our kind? I have seen divine mu-
3. A fisherman standing at the end of the bar is smoking a tants who can shoot lighting bolts or devastating energy from
cigar and conversing with d6 other workers (all are mutants their eyes or palms, I have seen them able to throw objects
with one physical alteration minor mutation each). The smok- with their minds, or breath fire! Is this not proof enough of our
er keeps regarding the player characters, nodding and clear- lord’s gifts?”
ly discussing the PC strangers. Finally, the man calls out to “Jerry, so help me, if I have to come over this bar and hit
the characters, silencing the bar as all heads turn to the ex- you with that book...”
change. “Say there, outsiders, are you from the Dominion “Alright, Kane, you narrow minded, faithless hypocrite,
lands or from beyond our borders? We’re just arguing about fine! I am going! But I will be back; the Lords Will shall be
whether or not you’re Aberrationists, off duty, or even Free- done!” With that, the street preacher leaves the bar.
hold Scouts, come to spread more false hope and pathetic 6. A mutant teenage boy, a commoner, comes into the bar,
weapons. If you get mistreated while in town, and you are gen- carrying a bow, dagger and fully loaded back pack. He stomps
uinely good folk, don’t take it personally, as the Magistrate up to the characters and comes to attention, saluting shakily.
sends spies among us dressed like all sorts of different peo- “I am Likno, and I have come to join you in your glorious path
ple. Once he even sent a ghost mutant girl, who acted like a as an excavator. My aim is true, my heart brave, and while I
slave, into this very bar to play at being a dirty whore, but we am yet, young, I will grow to be as large as my father did.”

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The crowd in the bar turns their attention to the youth as mutant soldier, smirking and eyeing the characters in turn.
he continues. “I heard you were in here, and came straight “Hmmm, pinkies and mutants having a friendly drink together
away to enlist with you. My family is all dead, killed by the Do- in this rebel bar. Why it is that his lordship has not had this
minion thugs, and I have no reason to stay. They will let me place burned to the ground years ago, is beyond me. All it would
leave town with you as a guide, if you say we are off to kill take is a careless move near a lantern. Who would miss it, or
wolves in Heckler Woods. Please, let me join you, I will make the ungrateful swine who patronize it? No, don’t answer that,
you and my father proud!” strangers.” He reaches over and grabs the drink of a random
7. Seeing that the characters have pure stocks* in their group, pure stock* character, takes a sip, then pours the remainder
the locals in the bar are watchful of how mutant characters over the PCs head. He then does something else to try and coax
treat their so called slaves. If the treatment is poor, and the the characters into speaking out or erupting into violence.
slaves are given nothing to drink but water and not permitted If the characters do nothing in response to the drink
to talk or peer up at the others, then see 7A, below. If, how- pouring incident or what follows from the random list below,
ever, the pure stocks share the same food, talk freely and are the DOA warriors leave. If, on the other hand, the PCs speak
permitted to drink as the others do, see 7B: out or challenge the warriors to a fight, or simply go for their
7A: The other customers shun the mutant characters, weapons and try to kill the offenders, the Dominion troops
won’t make eye contact nor seem very happy about them be- will fight savagely. Nobody else in the bar will assist the char-
ing in their bar. The PC’s drinks are not quite full, their food acters. Worse, there is a 2 in 6 chance that a detachment of
cold and bland, and look on grimly, scowling and curling their 3d6 more Dominion Warriors are outside if a fight breaks out
lips in displeasure. and will rush in with crossbows at the ready.
Roll d6 for what the mutant soldier does top try and pro-
7B: The people smile at the mutant characters when
voke the characters to do something stupid: 1,2. Hikes up
meeting their faces. Also, they raise their hefty beer mugs in
his kilt and presents his member, and urinates all over the
a toast when they see the PCs drinking, as well as pat the
character’s drinks and food, being none too careful about get-
strangers on the shoulders and say such things as “Welcome,
ting it on any pure stocks in the group. /3,4. Crouches down
outlanders”, “How are things in Overpass?” or “This is what is
and grabs the edge of the table and with a heave, flips it right
must be like in the freeholds, eh? Men and mutants drinking
over onto half the characters at the far side. /5. Draws his sa-
together as equals.” Generous meal proportions are served
ber and holds the edge across a pure stock’s throat and tells
to the characters while their drinks are hardly half consumed
him or her to ‘repeat after me’, “I am a worthless heap of cow
before the bar maid comes and tops them up, with a wink to
dung, an eater of sewage and not fit to share the same streets
the more attractive men in the PC group.
as the great aberrations, whom are my masters whom I shall
8. Dominion Warriors! All at once, the characters notice the bar
obey or die.” / 6. Grabs the head of a pure stock and slams
go completely silent, except for the thump of the heavy wooden
it repeatedly into the table, inflicting d6+1 non-fatal damage,
door and shuffle of booted feet as newcomers enter. Turning,
then shouts at the rest of the characters.” At dawn you bunch
the PCs see d6+3 Dominion Warriors enter, peer about, spot
had better be heading out the gate or else forfeit your belong-
the characters and casually walk over to them, hands on their
ings and your freedom. You are not welcome here!”
saber hilts, their shields and crossbows slung on their backs
*The term ‘pure stock’ includes cyborgs, all synthetic humans and androids, or unproven
but accessible. “What the hell have we here?” Grumbles one unidentified ghost mutants.

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Newburg above this, built right into the stone, is a wooden palisade of very
thick logs, bound together by wire and oiled rope and topped by
a 5m wide catwalk with battlements of sharpened wood on both
sides of the barrier. The entire length of the wall is hollow and
Faction: The Dominion of Aberratia split into two or more levels. Within this wall dwell the majority
Government: Arch Magistrate Rantula ‘Bloody Bone’ Maxi- of the Aberrationist Irregulars, but so too, food and other storage
morta, and the 11 central government magistrates. rooms, along with game rooms, unofficial bars and pubs for the
Population: Total 11,359 to 14,790/ (Pure Stocks troops, the odd whore house and slave storage pens.
2400+d1000/ Mutants 7800+2d1000 and 600+d100 There are 18 standard watchtowers along this Ring Wall,
Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs 50+2d20/ Synthetic humans being square shaped, stone and scrap metal structures which
200+d100/other assorted mutant beings 300+2d100)
stand 10 meters tall. Each is topped by a slate shingled peak
with steel shuttered window hatches on every floor. The top level,
Site Details: The city of Newburg is the third largest in the which has no shutters, is fitted with a heavy ballista on each,
region. It has grown from a simple fishing village called River- with a crew of 6 Dominion Warriors manning it and supplied by
side; an apt name as there is one river and one large creek 20 ballista spears. These watchtowers each have a pair of bin-
flowing through this city. The Dirge River enters from the east oculars and a communicator for use by the on duty soldiers, who
while Spec Creek from the north east, and two waterways, will report the arrival of interesting strangers, transport vehicles,
both renamed on the far side of the city, become the Upper approaching airships, and large groups of outlanders.
Flak River and the Lower Flak River, which both head to the There are 4 levels within each tower; housing supplies and
tainted Sea after cutting across the Dominion. Sitting on solid 30 Dominion Warriors (includes the 6 who are stationed on top).
ground on the edge of so many waterways made this town Each tower has enough food and water to last six mouths with-
site ideal for both protection and trade. The place grew, even- out re-supply, and the doors to either side of the ring wall or at
tually having scrap component bridges and crude roads add- street level are all of iron banded wood, (DV -30/ END 110).
ed to the transportation routes heading to and from the grow- Also situated along the Ring Wall are many somewhat
ing metropolis. The current city sprawls across farm land, with new citadels, forts, castles and strongholds. Most of these im-
more than eight major metal and stone bridges crossing the pressive structures are owned by high ranking officers, well-
four waterways. to-do merchant families, currently serving and retired magis-
trates, and occasionally occupied by Dominion Central gov-
Construction: Upon first arriving at any of the gates of town, ernment ministries. These unique forts are all built of stone,
either by river or land, one sees both massive self sufficient cit- concrete, salvaged steel and plastic and use real glass for
adels and forts, and many 10 meter tall watchtowers spaced windows. They all have electric generation facilities, their own
along the Ring Wall; a the barrier which surrounds the entire city. communications networks, and often, when not directly oper-
This outer defensive work is rather primitive, but at 5 meters in ated by the Dominion, their own military units. All such inde-
height, is tall enough to keep out most predators and considered pendent fortresses are expected to do their part in defending
to be sufficient to stave off any large scale assault by Purists or the city, but are also expected to act as pockets of resistance
other low tech invaders. The lower level of the Ring Wall is made should the city be breached. Each is fitted with its own array
of field stone and reclaimed concrete slabs, dug into the earth of relic and archaic weapons, an overview of these 9 strong-
another 3 meters to dissuade sappers from collapsing the walls holds are highlighted on table CR-5-1, page 139, with power
too easily. This stone and rubble tier stands 2 meters tall and generation codes explained at the bottom of each table:

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Newburg Map Key 14 Dominion Warehouse Two 28 Commercial Shipyards 42 Chateau Citrone 56 Docko Keep
1 Dominion House 15 Dominion Kennels 29 Amber Coliseum 43 The Villa Grande 57 Fort Skullburn
2 Caledon House 16 Black Manor 30 Higgin Repair Shop 44 Generic Bar 58 Fort Jove
3 Great Buttress 17 Bayview Tower 31 Dressies’ Computer Service 45 Kinnaird’s Cellar 59 Hollybarb Castle
4 South Turret 18 Evolution Institute 32 Calipers Robotics 46 Skull-Pen Pub 60 Dominion Prison
5 Bentolli’s Castle 19 Court of the Dominion 33 Captain Sulza’s Brothel 47 Bondoux Bar 61 Gun keep
6 Hopper’s Tower 20 Antenna Pinnacle 34 Dominion Recruiting Station 48 Friscos Pub 62 Great Fort
7 Drezwath’s Tower 21 Dominion Warehouse Three 35 Newburg University 49 Gothicalla 63 River Fort
8 Kachmoot’s Spire 22 Dominion Hospital 36 Skimpies Inn 50 The Silver Drake 64 The Aerodrome
9 Greda’s Gate 23 Newburg Slave Market 37 Norwestern Motel 51 Fort Hydrax 65 Bower Gate
10 Dominion Military College 24 Quepp’s Hospital 38 Katies Inn and Brothel 52 Zundor’s Manor 66 Powder Base
11 Dominion Artifact Depository 25 Iron Works 39 Mongolias Hotel & Saloon 53 Mackuth Castle
12 Dominion Research Office 26 Leather works 40 O’Tunner’s Inn 54 Shang’s Keep
13 Dominion Warehouse One 27 Dominion Ship yards 41 Tekkata’s Motel 55 Firehart Fortress

Scale: 1 Hexagon = 5m

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Table CR-5-1 Private Newburg Strongholds

Map Name of Owner Civilians* Soldiers** Power Main Relic Weapons

No. Stronghold
51 Fort Hydrax Lord Hydrax the 2nd 330+d20 80+d20 Heavy Infantry 4 WT 2 light laser cannons
Zundor’s 2 chains guns/ 1 light
52 His Grace, Nigel Zundor 290+2d20 160+d100 Irregulars 3 SP
Manor laser cannon
Mackuth 90+d20 Warriors/ 3d6 med. laser cannon/ 2
53 Lizbeth Mackuth and Sons 220+d20 AG
Castle Dog Riders heavy machine guns
Missile launcher with
110+d20 Warriors / 3d6 2d6 tactical missiles/
54 Shang’s Keep Lawrencea Shang and Clan 260+d20 SP
Bat Riders chain gun/ flame unit
overlooking gate.
Firehart 84+d20 Heavy Infantry/ 2 medium laser
55 Joppana Family 290+2d20 AG
Fortress 4d6 Dog Riders cannons/ chain gun
Light laser cannon/ 3
Her Grace, Crimson Docko 330+d100 Warriors/
56 Docko Keep 130+d20 5 WT heavy machine guns/
the 3rd 20+d10 Bat Riders
rocket launcher
3 light laser cannons/
Fort 90+d20 Warriors/ missile Launcher with
57 Skullburn The Pompetius Clan 240+d20
30+d20 Dog Riders
7 SP
3d6 tactical missiles at
the ready
70+d20 Warriors/ 6+d6 2 chain guns/ 1 sniper
58 Fort Jove Magistrate Seymoria Tex 80+d20 2 WT
Bat Riders rifle
Hollybarb Magistrate Dixmonga the 105+d20 Warriors/ 3d6
59 85+d20 3 SP 2 med. laser cannons
Castle Brilliant Dog Riders
* Includes slaves, servants and hired staff as well as family members and guests.
** These troops are identical to dominion troops, of which many once were, however they are paid by the stronghold’s owner and act independently of the government military command structure.
Power generation systems: SP: Solar Panel / AG: Alcohol Generator / WT: Wind Turbine

Table CR-5-2 Dominion of Aberratia Strongholds within Newburg

Map Name of Official Purpose Civilians Dominion Soldiers Power Main Relic Weapons
No. Stronghold
230+d20/ 4 flame units/ light laser
60 Dominion Prison Correctional facility 500+2d100 120+d20 Warriors 6 SP
inmates cannon
2, M364 Howitzers on
120+d20 Heavy rotating turrets, atop 20m
61 Gun keep Howitzer turrets nil 3 AG
Infantry tall towers/ 4 chain guns
on lower levels
4 med. laser cannons/
500+d100 Warriors/ missile launcher with
62 Great Fort General’s HQ 120+d100 200+d100 Dog 7 SP
Riders 4d6 tactical missiles / 5
machine guns
M364 Howitzer on swivel
Protects southern / missile launcher with
63 River Fort 70+d100 140+d100 Warriors SP
river 2d6 tactical missiles/
chain gun facing into city
5 machine guns/ 3 lt.
Bat and gyrocopter 150+d20 Bat Riders,
64 The Aerodrome 300+d100 5 SP laser cannons / M364
base 40+d20 Warriors
2 machine guns/ rocket
65 Bower Gate Checkpoint 20+d20 70+d20 Warriors SP
66 Powder Base Gun powder plant 40+d20 80+2d20 Warriors 3 WT 3 chain guns
Power generation systems: SP: Solar Panel / AG: Alcohol generator / WT: Wind Turbine

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Dominion of Aberratia Strongholds within Newburg continued.....

Name of Stronghold Official Purpose Civilians Dominion Soldiers Power Main Relic Weapons

Magistrate’s 100+d20 Heavy

1 Dominion House 170+d100 SP/WT 4 light laser cannons
Assembly Infantry
2 Caledon House Military fort 80+d100 200+d100 Warriors 3 AG 4 Machine guns
110+d20 Heavy
3 Great Buttress Bunker & manor 20+d20 SP 2 light laser cannons
Medium laser
4 South Turret 10+d12 50+d20 Warriors 3 SP Double med. laser turret
Garrison &
5 Bentolli’s Castle 70+2d20 60+d20 Dog Riders 2 WT 3 chain guns
Garrison &
6 Hopper’s Tower 60+d20 70+d20 Warriors SP Lt. laser cannon/ 2 chain guns
Garrison & Missile launcher turret, 6 tubes,
7 Drezwath’s Tower 80+d20 50+d20 Warriors SP
Manor 10+3d6 tactical missiles
50+d10 Heavy M364 Howitzer on rotating
8 Kachmoot’s Spire Gun battery 10+d8 AG
Infantry turret
9 Greda’s Gate Gatehouse & Fort 80+d100 110+d20 Warriors SP 4 chain guns
20+d10 Heavy
10 D. Military College College & Archive 360+d100 SP Misc. light weapons
D. Artifact 30+d20 Heavy
11 Warehouse 60+d20 nil None that are operational
Depository Infantry
10+d6 Heavy
12 D. Research Office Relic studies 38+d12 3 SP Misc. light weapons
13 D. Warehouse One Food storage 22+d20 18+d10 Warriors nil nil
14 D. Warehouse Two Water storage 16+d12 11+d6 Warriors nil nil
Riding dog
15 Dominion Kennels 30+d20 50+d100 Dog Riders WT 3 heavy Machine Guns
Double med. Laser cannon
Arch-Magistrate’s 100+2d20 Heavy turret/ 4 chain guns/ missile
16 Black Manor 90+2d20 5 SP
Keep Infantry launcher with 2d4 interceptor
Garrison & gun
17 Bayview Tower 60+d20 60+d20 Warriors 3 WT M364 Howitzer
Biogenetics’ 30+d12 Heavy
18 Evolution Institute 80+d20 3 SP 3 flame units/ chain gun
facility Infantry
Court of the 40+d20 Heavy
19 Law Courts 60+2d20 SP Double light laser cannon turret
Dominion Infantry
20 Antenna Pinnacle Radio tower 6+d6 30+d20 Warriors SP Machine gun
Relic vehicle 20+d20 Heavy
21 D. Warehouse Three 20+d12 AG 3 chain guns/ rocket launcher
storage Infantry
3 SP /
22 D. Hospital 350 bed clinic 80+d100 10+d6 Warriors nil
2 WT
Newburg Slave staff/
23 Slave mall 100+d100 Irregulars 2 WT nil
Market d1000
24 Quepp’s Hospital Commercial clinic 60+2d20 3d6 Irregulars SP nil
Arms and armor,
25 Iron Works 150+2d100 nil 5 AG nil
Leather armor
26 Leather works 90+d100 nil 3 AG nil
and saddles, etc.
Ship building and 2 AG/
27 D. Ship yards 300+3d100 50+d100 Warriors nil
repair 2 SP
Commercial Civilian vessel
28 400+2d100 30+d20 irregulars 3 AG nil
Shipyards construction
Power generation systems: SP: Solar Panel / AG: Alcohol generator / WT: Wind Turbine

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Government structures built into the Ring Wall include Water and Sanitation: Every river and creek entering New-
various gate towers; both for land traffic and river traffic, and burg flows with drinkable water, however, many households
typically flank a stone walkway which sits over the gate. Other in Eagle Heights or Primus-Burg filter and boil their drinking
official strongholds include The Dominion Prison, Gun Keep, water just in case or else import it from Shadow Lake, which
Great Fort, River Fort and The Aerodrome, as well as two sets is considered the highest quality water in the region. In the
of structures which are outside the Ring Wall but are still part districts of Main Town and slums of Krimpshaw, there are out-
of the city, and include Bower Gate at the southwestern Bow- houses and the occasional latrine with indoor facilities, but
er Bridge, and Powder Base at the north end situated on the no sewer exists, and all waste is carried away in buckets and
east side of Red Bridge. These structures are outlined on ta- poured into vats. These cess-vats are then set on carts and
ble CR-5-2, page 139. removed at dawn by slaves or hired pure bloods, who take
Inside the walls of Newburg there are four districts, each it out the nearest gate and dump it into specially designat-
unique in its housing architecture and the sort of people who ed pits. On the south shore, in both Primus-Burg and Eagle
dwell therein. In the north end there is Main Town, on the Heights, underground pipes have been set into the ground
west side, the slum zone of Krimpshaw, and to the south, and evacuate all body waste and bath water into Flak Riv-
across the Dirge River, is the south side or Eagle Heights, and er where it flows south west, effectively making the river un-
in the middle of the city, behind well crafted, sheer walls and drinkable for many kilometers downstream.
impressive fortress-strongholds, is Primus-Burg, also called
Core Town. Technology: Newburg thrives on technology, both in the
The majority of houses found in Main Town, other than use of electricity generator within every major fortress and
the University of Newburg, are ramshackle, junky and lopsid- facility, as well as in the defense of the city. No other city in
ed, imparting the appearance of a place that was thrown to- the region is so well equipped with heavy relic weapons, and
gether overnight. Indeed, the capital of Aberratia is a vast city, many of these are set on relic turrets looted from tanks and
with a population that is said to grow by over a hundred peo- ships. There are street lights in Eagle Heights and Primus-
ple a day, and therefore, newcomers looking to build a home Burg, as well as on the bridges, while spot lights are set on
are not fussy about what materials they use, and often resort every single tower and gate house in the city, facing either out
to scrap metal, animal skins, sticks and even the bones of into the fields beyond or trained on the skies above the city,
whales imported from the coast. trying to locate any Purist airships or winged predators which
In all areas, except Primus-Burg, the structures are made might try to enter the streets and create havoc.
of whatever materials were cheap or available at the time the Besides the obvious use of relics, and those listed with
building went up. Such materials include cut planks, raw logs, each structure (on tables CR-5-1 and CR-5-2, page 139), New-
mud bricks, field stones and mortar, relic metal and plastic, burg and its Aberrationist government have no qualms about
and of course, a great deal of relic concrete pulled out of the pushing the limits of technology. Their technicians delve into
ground as the city expanded. Within Main Town there are pri- the fields of robotics, relic customization and repair, bioge-
vate homes of all shapes and sizes, but a great many struc- netic manipulation, and the augmentation of mutants with
tures are apartment style with several floors, flat roofs, wooden cybernetic implants to potentially create so called ‘mutorgs’
balconies and stairwells, and coated in a tan colored plaster to like those rumored to exist far to the north in the Shallow Sea
conceal the building materials and reduce the risk of fire be- region. DOA technicians also dabble in assorted experiments
tween structures. These shoddy tenements are jammed with with biohazards, poisons, gun powder, energy generation sys-
small one, two or three room quarters, often available for pur- tems and other advanced sciences. The facilities for all these
chase for about 50dx (dominion hexagons or 250sp). activities are maintained within the Primus-Burg walls, and
In the western sector of the city, in Krimpshaw, there ex- kept under strict secrecy, however, the occasional experimen-
ist a vast slum of low rise huts and hovels, as well as tents and tal animal or cyborg is unleashed, either by accident or on
covered wagons. In this impoverished area, also known as purpose, often in the slum district, and its behavior observed
the West Side, few own their own homes, since many crooked by technicians and Shadow Minions.
landlords rule entire blocks, and govern the streets through
the use of ruffians and hoodlums, who collect the rents and Dangers: The greatest peril to the city is from the Holy Purist
whatever taxes and tolls they see fit. The fire of 2329 left a Empire, which has damned this place and threatens to burn it
layer of older, charred structures under the new street level, to the ground. Most citizens take the Purist vow against New-
and many criminal organizations and questionable services burg as a toothless threat, unless the Purists can locate a nu-
can be found below in the sector called the Everdark. clear weapon, as this city is considered impossible to take due
On the south side, or Eagle Heights as the locals prefer to the advanced weapons and individual, small scale power
to call it, even though the land elevation here is no higher generation systems assigned to each facility and stronghold.
than that of the slums, is an area where access is restricted Furthermore, if a major Purist invasion does threaten the ag-
to the middle class, or those who can pay the 10sp bridge ricultural lands within the Dominion Interior, all citizens from
toll to come over to that side of town to shop in the specialty the smaller towns will flee to Newburg, taking with them all
stores found there. The homes here are many stories tall and their livestock, weapons and supplies, and burning what they
resemble keeps, are well crafted, have slate or tile roofs, pri- can’t carry. These refugees would thus expand the city’s pop-
vate yards, occasional towers and turrets, walled compounds ulation by many times, with every citizen willing to die fighting
and enjoy the shade of tree lined streets and park areas. rather then at the hands of the Purist clergy.
Within Primus-Burg, behind walls made of solid stone and On an individual basis, especially for a traveler or small
reclaimed relic steel, are the government warehouses, com- group of citizens, there are areas of Newburg which are clear-
mand centers, primary military garrisons, homes of the mag- ly unsafe, namely, the slum district of Krimpshaw, where most
istrates and officers, plus, high tech, industrial, research, and migrants end up simply because they can’t afford the rents
weapon manufacturing facilities. No one is permitted into this or housing costs in the better parts of the city. Even in main
area unless they are registered Aberrationist troops, t e c h n i - town, thugs work the streets by night and the alleys at all
cians, staff and their families. The proceeding table offers a hours, ever vigilant for an easy mark, especially a visitor from
quick summery of the important government buildings within the countryside, who may not be aware of the perils posed by
Primus-Burg and the rest of the city. ‘D.’ stands for Dominion: the criminal elements of such a metropolis.

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Besides the obvious dangers of being harmed in an armed As with any open air city, winged predators are an ever
robbery, murdered by Purist infiltrators or winged beasts, present threat, as are creatures which can scale the Ring
there are also the very unique social customs of Newburg to Wall or swim up the rivers and through the portcullis bars at
contend with; see social Details. Here, people will immediate- the river and creek gates. Likewise, rats, wild dogs, cannibal-
ly include good looking travelers into their strange romantic istic mutant serial killers, and other eaters of men are known
and carnal social experiments, and it is not uncommon for the skulk about the dark alleys of the slums or Main Town,
travelers to be approached by a wide assortment of people and claim the lives of the unwary, the drunk or the weak.
looking to spend the night with one or more characters, or to
borrow or rent a pure stock slave for the afternoon. Alternate- Law Enforcement: By any dominion troops, but most often
ly, some locals are fed up with the non-traditional relationship by regular warriors or Shadow Minions. Criminals who com-
customs and odd sexual morality of Newburg. Many of these mit non-violent crimes are usually forced to work off the val-
‘traditionalists’ will be furious if an outsider sleeps with his or ue of the articles broken or stolen, however, for such crimes
her spouse, or is even seen with them in a public place and as rape, murder, armed robbery, and kidnapping, the punish-
may try to beat or even kill the trespassing traveler. Finally, ment for a mutant is slavery, and for a pure blood is torture
people from other lands who are unfamiliar with the customs and then live impalement on the wall pikes. Death duals and
of Newburg society will often get themselves arrested for as- brawls between two consenting parties, if witnessed by a neu-
sault, or attacked by an angry mob if they harm a well mean- tral party (such as the crowd in a bar) are tolerated and often
ing amatory invitation, assertive caressing , wandering hand, even bet upon by all, especially soldiers, as the people of New-
or lewd remark. burg love a good fight and
For these reasons, travel- will even pay a days wages to
ers here must be open minded go to the Amber Coliseum in
and playful, or at the very least, main town to watch the gladi-
patient and keenly aware of atorial matches.
the non-typical morality of
Newburg to avoid misunder- Military and Defense: The
standings and possible arrest, Number of troops, their loca-
for as perverted and fun lov- tions, and any advanced relic
ing as these people may seem, weapons located at each for-
they are also bloodthirsty and tress structure, is noted pre-
revel in the gladiatorial fights viously under construction,
held in the Amber Coliseum and shown on tables CR-5-1
every weekend. Outsiders who and CR-5-2, page 139, how-
misbehave are often arrested ever, the following totals are
and charged with fabricated given here for each wing of
crimes, and soon find them- the military:
selves pushed into the cen- Irregulars 1097 to 1428
ter of the great oval, facing off (with 800+d100 dwelling in
against a beast or professional and keeping watch upon the
pit fighter. See the Amber Coli- Ring Wall)
seum, page 148. Warriors 2668 to 3406
Purist forces have at- (includes 30 per Ring Wall
tacked Newburg by both the watch tower, x 18 towers =
air and daring ground based 540 Warriors)
suicide raids. In most cases Heavy Infantry 808 to
an airship has landed outside 1032
of the city during the cover of Shadow Minions
darkness and its elite team 200+d100 in city at any giv-
of Mutant Slayers and zealots en time
found their way into the city. In Dog Riders 354 to 640
other instances, if able to avoid Bat Riders 182 to 230
the spotlights, a zeppelin would land a team of assassins and
saboteurs on the rooftops within the city itself. While these at- Visitors to Newburg: Very clearly, any pure stock who has
tacks are frequent and troublesome, they do little more than been accompanying his or her mutant comrades, playing the
inspire deeper hatred for the Purists, and make the line ups part of a slave or servant, and travelled as far as Newburg,
at the Dominion recruiting stations longer. will be well aware that this is a mutant supremacist nation.
While human perils make up the majority of the problems Such generic human individuals might expect that the citi-
faced by those living in or visiting Newburg, other hazards are zens inhabiting the capitol would be far more severe in their
also present. In the summer of the year 2329 the Krimpshaw anti-pure blood beliefs and reactions than in the rural areas,
slums caught on fire and leveled the entire western shore, however, in this vast city, the deviant citizens seem to be inex-
including much of the ring wall. The houses and apartments plicably open minded and more tolerant toward pure stocks.
which once stood in this part of town were never properly re- While soldiers and the occasional pro-mutant loud mouth will
built, and instead, the ruins were simply built upon by new act every bit as cruel and intolerant as people in the country-
construction, the basements and partially intact structures side, things are clearly different for pure bloods that visit and
where used as foundations or rental spaces, thus leaving a live within Newburg.
whole level of charred, interconnecting sub city below the new Entry into the city by land is not as simple as merely ap-
street level. In this lower level, called the Everdark, criminal proaching a gate and seeking entrance, since some gates
organizations, bawdy clubs and brothels prosper in an atmo- lead into restricted areas, reserved for the military or the rich
sphere of lawlessness, lust, drugs and alcohol abuse. and powerful. Anyone who wants to enter the city for free, with

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the least amount of official inspection or abuse, will enter at control of their leaders by promising alliances against their
the West Gate, gaining access to the Krimpshaw Slums, and existing enemies.
likely finding it hard to visit other parts of the city without pay- Within weeks of arrival, the Da Rosa Birford clan had tak-
ing tolls and transit taxes at one or more bridges. en over a farming village of moderately mutated humans, and
The West Gate is watched by DOA Warriors, and any unac- with their combined blood and sweat, erected a fine wooden
companied or armed pure stock will be arrested and sold as a fortress on the shores of the Dirge River. By 2269 the pure
slave. If, however, a pure stock, synthetic human or cyborg does blood rulers had set themselves up as the dominant peo-
accompany one or more master mutants, the non-mutated vis- ple, and only by the virtue of their impressive relic technol-
itors won’t be given much attention unless they openly carry ogy did they dominate the local people and turn them into
weapons and wear obvious armor. Cyborgs are allowed their serfs and slaves. After one generation, the cruelties of the Da
implant armor, but cannot openly carry implant weapons and Rosa Birford clan had led to civil war, which flared up time and
must stow them in a mutant’s personal luggage or pack. again in spite of the public flaying and beheadings by the pure
To Enter Main Town, by either North Gate or East Gate, blood rulers upon their mutant ‘lowborns’.
costs 2 silver coins per person, while all pure stocks, cyborgs, When news of the Purist Fundamentalist movement
synthetic humans and other unmutated visitors are given a reached deep into the farmlands of this area, in about the
careful inspection to make sure that they don’t wear armor year 2271, the mutant population had already been joined
or carry weapons. In the case of cyborgs, built in armor is un- by a migrating wave of mixed race commoners. These new
avoidable and tolerated, however any obvious relic implants migrants had escaped the Purist genocides in the south, the
weapons must be detached and stowed in the packs of mu- pure bloods among them having either mutant spouses, chil-
tant ‘masters’. No pure stock will be granted access to the city dren or siblings in their families, and sought safety among
from these gates without a mutant master. other mixed race peoples. The mutants who already existed
Entry through the South Gate costs 20 silver pieces in Riverside were aghast at what they heard from these refu-
per person, excluding any pure stock, synthetic human or gees, while the Da Rosa Birford clan saw merit in what the
cyborg slaves and servants, who must strip down to their advancing Purist’s proposed.
underwear and have absolutely no weapons or armor. Cy- Over the next few years many more mutant refugees be-
borgs must have their implants stowed by mutants, howev- gan to pour into the area, often arriving in rafts and scrap
er, not even implant armor is allowed and the cyborg and boats, and among them was a teenage, three headed mutant
one mutant master must go to another land gate to be al- woman and her elite team of slayers. Tyrusmithia, the Three
lowed access. The guards here are very haughty and callous Headed, stirred the common people and attempted to orga-
to strangers, especially excavators or those who are obvi- nize them into a militia. She gave them arms and armor and
ously not officers or rich merchants. They are also 33% likely instructed them on how to prepare for the Purist invasion to
to turn away any group of strangers who are not dressed in come. After a several years of tension, the rulers of Riverside
finery nor accompanied by an entourage of slaves and hire- felt increasingly threatened by Tyrusmithia, especially since
lings, baggage carriers and guards. If a traveler is known to civil strife had been going on before she arrived. They ordered
be the owner of one of the residences in either Primus-Burg the young mutant warrioress to be arrested, charged with trea-
or Eagle Heights, and spends most of his or her time in that son and sentenced to death. Her attempted capture in 2276
part of the city, there will be no entry fee charged for the per- was a disaster, and the troops sent to gather her were thrown
son and his or her retainers and staff. aside by her impressive mind powers, while her elite warriors
Visitors will find that each area of town, other than Pri- incited the populace into a night of revolution. By dawn, the
mus-Burg, which is off limits to non-governmental staff and leaders of the Da Rosa Birford clan were beheaded, their bod-
their families, will have its own shops, public market areas ies thrown to the freshwater sharks and alligators of the river,
and accommodations, as well as its own sorts of people, see and their children and followers sold into slavery.
encounter tables, at the end of this listing. The Aberrationist movement exploded onto the scene
shortly after the revolt. The newly empowered mutant lead-
Brief History: Newburg, originally named Riverside, was ers, fearing that some local pure stocks might assist the ad-
founded in the year 2258 by Curtis Da Rosa Birford. He, vancing Purist army, had all pure bloods in the area, even the
along with his fellow pure stock survivalist warriors and their family members of mutants, stripped of their rights, disarmed
three dozen families, came westward out of the badlands and detained.
of the east. This group met many mutant tribesmen already For more details on the Aberrationists and their rise, see
inhabiting this area, and merged with them after gaining page 107 The Dominion of Aberratia.

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Social Details: Newburg is perhaps the most socially lib- part ornaments, and the addition of relic accessories such as
eral settlement in the region, outside of its mutant suprema- toys, magazines, CD discs and other articles tied to bead en-
cy standards and practices code. Here, people express them- crusted rods or old electrical wire braids and worn as status
selves and their level of wealth by what they wear, what sort symbols and conversation pieces.
of lovers they have, what slaves and pets they own, the sort of For entertainment, there are no taboos in Newburg.. The
parties they throw, and in their attempts to outdo each other in brothels, bath houses, adult entertainment shows, and bi-
new ways of thinking, acting, or fornicating, ways which are as zarre, secretive clubs are always busy. Two spots in the city,
far from the old world ‘lesser human’ customs as possible. however, get the most attention: the Amber Coliseum and the
What is desired most, especially by the rich in Eagle Heights Newburg Slave market. Both of these enterprises are individ-
and Primus-Burg, is to leave behind the old, pure stock notions of ually described on pages 148 and 149 respectfully.
culture, morality and expression, and embark upon a solid new
age of mutant evolution and dominance. Human history has been Resources and Industry: This city produces a staggering
dominated by pure stocks, and now, as so many in this nation amount of product, and being surrounded by many of kilometers
believe, mutants are the next step in human evolution. They are of lush farmland, has a constant supply of excellent food stuffs
‘post-humans’ as they like to refer to themselves, and so, as if and raw materials. Within the walls, there are smithy shops, armor
the physical and mental alterations weren’t enough, these devi- makers, ship, boat and airship builders, breweries, wineries, leath-
ants demand that social, cultural, religious and ethical changes er tanning facilities, as well as various small schools which teach
also undergo evolution. Nowhere is this ‘new expression’ more everything from the erotic arts to relic knowledge and martial arts.
apparent than in their relationships and sexual morals. Regard- Outside of the city at Powder Base, gunpowder is manufactured,
less of one’s wealth or lack thereof, nearly every forward think- while within the great walls or Primus-Burg, several warehouses
ing, progressive and fashionable citizen of Newburg is somehow and underground labs have been set up to study and replicate rel-
involved in a non-traditional relationship. These quirky unions ic devices, and make scrap relic vehicles such as armored cars,
might include multiple spouses of either or both genders, unde- steam engines, biplanes, and electrical generators. In short, New-
fined family structure, lack of any distinct parental influence, or burg seems to be as much focused on its industrial output as it is
even the knowledge of who one’s father is. In the poorer areas, on social experimentation and the advancement of mutankind.
many children have been completely abandoned and are raised
by the state in orphanages, or, grow up in violent street gangs. Accommodations: There are many Inns and hotels within
Visitors too, are not exempt from being encouraged to Newburg, all at various price tiers and corresponding levels of
join into the locals fads and customs, and it is quite normal cleanliness, security and luxury. Likewise, there are dozens of
for strange men to approach female travelers, even as they bars and taverns, many with brothels with attached bath and
sit with their husbands and children, to be invited to an orgy. massage facilities, assorted clinics and hospitals, stables, or
Likewise, entire adventure teams might be accosted by what repair shops. Among these high tech workshops are those
they think are prostitutes, only to find out that they are the that can fix robots, firearms, ancient devices and relic or rep-
local women out looking to express their passion, and might lica scrap-built vehicles; however, as cyborgs are usually only
take a strange man home, where her current husband is with augmented pure stocks, no facilities deal with implants nor
the neighbor’s wife. cyborgs themselves. Interestingly, rumors have it that the gov-
While socially, all this open mindedness and social experi- ernment is toying with the idea of developing an army of mu-
mentation is interesting and certainly the opposite of how things tant-cyborgs to turn the tide in the war against the Purists.
are done in the Holy Purist Empire, it is not always keeping with- Finding lodging in Newburg is almost never a problem, re-
in natural human emotional boundaries, and for many, the cus- gardless of one’s budget. Of course, a good looking traveler
toms or lack thereof are unworkable. In truth, even mutant hu- will probably be invited into a local’s bedroom within hours of
mans are emotionally identical to humans, and are simply anoth- reaching the city, and need neither pay for a room nor food
er sort of primate strain and require the same needs of security nor drink as long as he or she puts out. The following table
and pack status-quo as do regular humans. For example, chil- lists a selection of lodging facilities, showing their map num-
dren still wish to know who their parents are, and that they have ber, name, various nightly rates based on room size, while a
a home and are loved, and fare better when in a stable, secure description of each facility follows the table, below.
household. Likewise, many adults experience terrible
jealousy and envy, especially upon seeing their regu- Table CR-5-3 Newburg Inn Rates Table
lar spouse in bed with another man or woman.
A great deal of the social experimentation sim- Cost per night for each room type
ply goes against the grain for some citizens. The Map No. Inns within Krimpshaw 2 Person 4 Person 8 person
consequences of such unnatural behavior forces
many to turn to drugs, alcohol or violence, and in
some cases, an effort to depart from the Dominion 36 Skimpies Inn 2sp 5sp 10sp
lands altogether and seek a more traditional family 37 Norwestern Motel 3sp 6sp 12sp
life or romantic relationship elsewhere. 38 Katies Inn and Brothel 3sp 5sp 11sp
Travelers will be expected to be open minded
and tolerant, slacken their own morals and em- 39 Mongolias Hotel 4sp 7sp 14sp
brace the local customs and perversions, which is Map No. Inns within Main Town
often difficult to do, and results in misunderstand-
ings and fighting more often than not. 40 O’Tunner’s Inn 5sp 10sp 20sp
Besides the unique relationships and sexual 41 Tekkata’s Motel 6sp 11sp 24sp
practices undertaken in Newburg, other aspects
of everyday life are also unique, especially clothing 42 Chateau Citrone 10sp 20sp 55sp
styles and entertainment. Most people dress in ol-
ive green, but if they have some money, will have a Map No. Inns within Eagle Heights
fanciful hat, odd junk or bone jewelry, exotic animal
skin cloaks and capes, scalp collections, dried body 43 The Villa Grande 25sp 60sp 120sp

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Descriptions of Newburg Inns each has a window, pot belly stove, writing desk with supplies,
and a latrine chamber in each unit. There are four soldiers with
musket pistols who guard the inn day and night, dressed in bright
36 Skimpies Inn: Skimpies, located in the Krimpshaw red uniforms and trained to be very polite to guests. There is no
slum, is a run down, three floor Inn with a thatch roof, holes in bar or stable in this Main Town situated establishment.
the walls and doors, broken windows and no security. The bed-
ding is washed once a month so to avoid lice, visitors are ad- 42 Chateau Citrone: The chateau is a relatively new
vised to bring their own sleeping roll. building, made mostly of fireproof materials including a great
deal of scrap metal and glass. It towers six floors into the air and
37 Norwestern Motel: The Norwestern Motel is a wood offers outstanding balcony views of Main Town from all suites.
and scrap plastic four level structure with balcony access to The rooms are well appointed with latrines, a bath, hot and cold
each room via outdoor walkways. It gets its name from being running water, writing desk with supplies, electric lights pow-
in the north western part of the Krimpsahw slum area of the ered by the establishment’s own solar generator array. Plus,
city. The manager and his 3 sons watch the entrances to make each room has a pure stock slave attendant assigned to it. The
sure nobody robs the guests while they are sleeping or out, but attached stable charges 10sp per night to store relic vehicles or
as the local gang owns this Inn, the odd kidnapping or robbery mounts, and there is a fine kitchen where meals and drinks can
does take place even as the manager looks on. The rooms are be prepared and brought to gusts in their own rooms. Each floor
clean, but poorly insulated and very cold in the winter. has two elite soldiers, with a relic weapon (WC-R) and prime
mutation each, on duty at all hours, and d3 servants who at-
38 Katies Inn and Brothel: Katies is a three story build- tend to the needs of the guests.
ing of which the upper floor is a brothel run by the manager and her
guards. The whores here are mostly pure stock slaves and bizarre 43 The Villa Grande: Perhaps the finest hotel in the en-
looking, mutant woman of 10+d20 APP, costing 2sp per hour or tire region, if not the west coast of North America. The Villa
7sp per night including staying in the hooker’s room. The first two Grande is a series of stone and timber buildings, each con-
levels of the scrap crafted inn are dilapidated, draughty and have nected and all surrounded by a 4m stone wall. This barrier
peep holes in the walls and doors, but do have locks on the doors. encloses both the hotel structures and a sumptuous garden
Situated in the slum, guests must see to their own security. containing ponds, assorted relic statues (manikins, inopera-
tive robots, and unique chunks of scrap metal). The hotel
39 Mongolias Hotel: Mongolias Hotel is the best inn in has seven floors, with 40 two person rooms, 20 four per-
the slum area, and has five floors, with 2 militia soldiers posted son rooms, 10 eight person rooms as well as 5 twelve per-
on each floor protecting the rooms and guests. The rooms them- son suites with several rooms inside each, costing 300sp
selves have real glass windows, small pot belly stoves for cooking a night. Each room in the Villa has a balcony with locking
and heating, a wash basin and supplied lantern. Also, there is a window, a bathroom with tub, shower, sinks and running hot
stable attached to the place which is locked and guarded at night, and cold water. Each room also has electric lights and fans,
and mounts and small vehicles can be stored here for 2 sp each 2 pure stock slave attendants, a pleasing looking mutant
per night. A bar area is attached to the building, where locals mix staff attendant. The suites have comfortable furnishings,
with traders, but, it’s management are intolerant toward violence bear skin rugs, artwork on the walls, and a communication’s
and lawlessness, and so the smoky den is quite a safe establish- buzzer which will alert the front desk if the guest needs any-
ment considering the area of town. See Newburg drinking estab- thing. Each floor has 4 elite soldier guards with one prime
lishments, page 146. mutation each and armed with a relic
weapon, clad relic armor (tactical).
40 O’Tunner’s Inn: O’Tunners, located in Main The hotel also keeps a staff of high
Town across the water from the Slave market, is a four priced courtesans (40+2d20 APP/
story timber building with a tile roof, a stable and 50+d20sp per night) and a full time doctor
tavern area. The place has clean rooms, bedding (4 skill point medic with relic medical tools
which is changed between guests, a window and kit). The facilities include a stable
tiny balcony, pot belly stove, lantern, which will board mounts and small
quill, ink and writing paper and wash relic vehicles for 10sp per night
basins in each unit. Security is each, as well as a guest only
quite good with a militia sol- lounge plus a restaurant
ider on each floor. The area where meals cost
Stable charges 4sp per about 20+d20sp each
night to board mounts and wine 6+d6sp each.
and small relic ve- Guest behavior is expect-
hicles, and the tav- ed to be reserved and polite,
ern is a lively place even somewhat conserva-
which has talent tive, in addition, noisy celebra-
contests and poet- tions or violence of any kind are
ry readings almost forbidden and will result in guests
every night. being kicked out. A detachment of
10+d12 additional elite soldiers patrol
41 Tekkata’s Mo- the grounds day a night along with well
tel: Tekkata’s is a small dressed, courteous staff members who
three story inn which is are always helpful and accommodating,
very well kept, made of tim- but won’t usually participate in sexual acts
ber, scrap concrete, metal and with clients but will rather suggest a courte-
plastic, and topped by a new tile san from the Villa’s collection.
roof. The rooms are spacious and

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Newburg Drinking Establishments

Taverns, bars, pubs and saloons in Newburg are very popu-
lar, yet a great many are seedy, ‘hole in the Ring Wall’ affairs
without names. These nameless, ‘generic’ dives are known
for their cheap drinks, rough mix of clients; brigands, thieves,
wanted fugitives, Dominion Irregular troops, ugly or diseased
whores, as well as cripples and poor migrants who can’t af-
ford to get drunk in the better establishments. The following
table offers an overview of the pubs in Newburg with map
number and name, prices for common fare, the cost for an
hour with the whores who frequent the place and keep rooms
or alcoves nearby, patron rolls by day and by night (use bar
patrons table D, page 385), plus the encounter die roll used
on the Newburg pub encounters table, page 155. A brief de-
scription follows this table. Note: the above mentioned ‘hole
in the Ring Walls pubs’, all have the same map number of 44,
are called ‘generic bars’ on the following table.

Table CR-5-4 Newburg Bar Details Table

costs of assorted fare

Bar Name Beer Wine Liquor Meal Feast whore fee Patrons Patrons Encounter
No. by day by night Dice roll

44 Generic ½sp ½sp 1sp 1sp 2sp d3+1sp 2d4 2d6+2 d12+5
45 Kinnaird’s Cellar 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d3sp 2d4+3 3d6+4 d12+4
46 Skull-Pen Pub 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 4sp 3+d3sp 2d6+2 3d6+5 d12+5
39 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d4sp d6 2d6+3 d10
47 Bondoux Bar 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 6sp 3+d4sp 2d4+1 3d6+4 d12
48 Friscos Pub 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d3sp 2d4 3d6 d10-4
49 Gothicalla 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 3+d2sp 2d4+2 3d6+6 d12+8
50 The Silver Drake 1sp 1sp 2sp 2sp 5sp 4+d4sp 2d4 3d6 d8

Newburg Bar Descriptions elers and whisper filthy suggestions. A group of 4+3 mutant
raiders (1 prime mutation each) with clubs serve as bouncers,
44 Generic Bar: These Hole in the Ring Wall pubs are lit- while the bar tenders and serving staff are all rough looking mu-
erally built in or under sections of the city’s outer wall, as are tant women (1 minor mutation each) in short skirts and plenty
stables, troop quarters, supply depots and latrines. They are al- of black makeup.
ways frequented by 2d6 Dominion Irregulars, who are most of-
ten quite drunk and nearly always indecent, loud mouthed and 46 Skull-Pen Pub: Also situated in the Krimpshaw Slum,
prone to brawling. The presence of irregular troops makes these this free standing scrap and stick building is a three story struc-
smoky, low ceiling bars rough little places, especially since the ture, painted black and decorated with the skulls and bones of
staff will not intervene in fights as they rely on the irregulars to assorted humanoids and animals. It is a brutal place, with the
protect the establishment. Patrons, then, must fend for them- main room dominated by a raised stage where one form of fight-
selves. ing or another is always going on, roll d6: 1. two pure stock slave
women in skimpy outfit’s mud wrestling/ 2. two pure stock men
45 Kinnaird’s Cellar: Located in Krimpshaw, this large with clubs and buckler shields, blindfolded, fighting in the roped
drinking hall is located near the commercial ship building yards off ring/ 3. pure stock man with hatchet fighting a identically
and built under a run down apartment building. The building armed skullock/ 4. as 3. but fighting a reptilius/ 5. as 3 but fight-
above acts as an unnamed, unregulated brothel where doz- ing a bipedal rat/ 6. an elite warrior with one prime mutation, in
ens of the lowest grade hookers work, paying protection mon- part plate armor armed with a battle axe screams out challeng-
ey and ‘bang-tax’ to the local street gang called the Fairboys. es to the audience, swearing and spitting at them, and when he
Gang members loiter about the entrance to the bar and are sees the characters enter, challenges the largest.
known to charge strangers a toll fee (d4sp) to enter. This fee
is levied depending on whether or not the patron is a simple 39 Mongolias Saloon: Another Krimpshaw bar, this
farmer or laborer or not, whom they leave alone, instead tax- place is built into the Mongolias Hotel, and is a small chamber
ing travelers or excavators. with about a dozen tables and another dozen stools at the bar.
Inside the vast barroom, dim candle light reveals a seedy, The whole place has a southwestern saloon feel to it, yet being
noisy place, smelling of sweat and strong drink. Dozens of ta- geared toward guests of the hotel, frowns upon and will forc-
bles surround the curved wooden bar, and tough patrons stare ibly stop any boisterous activity or fight. The three soldiers with
at newcomers grimly and often grope passing women. Cheap clubs and two prime mutations each, who serve as bouncers
whores will immediately attach themselves to any male trav- will make sure all brawls are taken into the street.

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47 Bondoux Bar: Located in Main Town, this bar is part for travelers to go missing after entering this establishment. En-
museum, with assorted relic debris, including robotic heads counters here will be with gothic clad teens and young adults,
and limbs, fastened to the ceiling and around the arched en- many of whom serve in the Dominion Irregulars by day and will
trance. It seems to be popular with the Dog Rider detach- be cruel or sadistic in Gothicalla, Other patrons, meanwhile tend
ments (add d10 Dog Riders any time of day), who tend to get to act weird, sullen, catty, deceitful or just plain frisky.
out of hand when drunk. Besides the Dog Riders, excavators
and novices also show up here quite frequently, looking to 50 The Silver Drake: Located in Main Town, this small bar
join a new group, therefore, add d6-1 (0-5) mutant excavators uses a old world sailing ship theme. The owners display mod-
in the evening hours to the patrons found here. el pirate ships, clippers and frigates all across the top trim of
the room, while ropes, anchors, nautical illustrations and knick-
48 Friscos Pub: This is the only official gay bar in the region, knacks encrust the walls and back-bar area. This bar is a quiet
but nothing about the entrance way reveals this fact. It is a dark place, often frequented by older men who play chess or check-
den wherein most travelers won’t immediately realize the theme ers, or dice games while sipping their beer. On weekends, a small
of the place. All whores working here are dressed like women band sets up and plays Mexican or Celtic classical melodies.
but are transvestites and only a type D perception based hazard Resident hookers, usually seasoned, well experienced women of
check will reveal this fact without actually seeing the hooker na- between forty and sixty years old, are often present after sunset.
ked. The fact that this establishment is identified as a gay bar, These harlots are very reserved and don’t flaunt themselves as
harkens back to the permissive, open minded pure stock domi- is customary in other drinking establishments.
nated world of old, a world which is normally taboo to emulate in
Newburg. Since homosexuality is currently such a sin to the Holy
Purist Empire, however, having a gay bar seemed like a great Other Services in Newburg No.# Denotes map location
way to snub the Purists. In addition, the presence of this estab-
lishment is thought to promote free thinking, open mindedness 30 Higgins Repair Shop: This warehouse has sixteen
and alternative social experimentation; thus the place has been separate work bays, which are equipped with basic cranes and
officially sanctioned and reportedly funded by the authorities. welding torches, trenches to get underneath vehicles or large
Whenever a character is flirted with or approached on the bar machines, as well as assorted vents, water hoses, air hoses and
encounter table, on page 155, instead of it being with a member other mechanical apparatus. The facility has an assorted staff of
of the opposite sex, in this bar, it is with the PCs same sex. mechanical and electrical technicians, (8+d6 mechanical tech-
The bar interior is dazzling. The walls are painted red and nicians of d6 skill points each, and 4+d3 electrical technicians of
lit by electric strobe lights while a relic sound system pumps out d4 skill points each). There are 12+d10 soldiers on watch here
dance beats day and night. The bouncers here are all very heav- day and night, armed with muskets and sabers, plus a non-tech-
ily built men and women in leather outfits, often with masks on, nical clerical staff of 2d4 by day. Any relic or scrap built replica
the mouths of which are zippered, (treat as elite soldiers, with machine can be brought here
a prime mutation each, using for repair, at a cost of 10sp per
clubs). Violence in this bar is not endurance point repaired. On
tolerated, and any two brawlers occasion, 26% of the time, rep-
who wish to duel or fist fight are lica parts must be purchased
thrown outside and not let back or manufactured which will re-
in again for about a month. sult in a 2d6 day wait for com-
mencement of the repairs.
49 Gothicalla: Built in
Main Town, this bar is situated 31 Dressies’ Computer Ser-
in an scrap-built warehouse, vice: Dressie is a very intelli-
which is still equipped with the gent computer technician (5
wheels, chains and pulleys from skill points and 86 INT), and
its former purpose. It is very has a staff of d3+3 other tech-
dimly lit and set up into many nicians of d4 skill points each.
sided rooms, narrow halls, and In his two floor shop and home,
serviced by three separate guarded by 4 elite soldiers with
bar areas leading off from the assault rifles, anyone can bring
main dance floor. As the name a computer device, even a ro-
implies, this is a gothic themed bot or android (although an an-
place, where wearing black is droid would have to remain hid-
in, and vampires, punk rock den from the authorities) and
and S&M are popular. The en- Dressie and his crew will try to
tire place vibrates with the low hack into or re-program it, at a
base of brooding techno mu- cost of 200+d100sp per day of
sic from a relic sound system, trying to work on the device.
to which the youth of Newburg
come and dance, drink, and ex- 32 Calippers Robotics:
perience all manner of halluci- This service is situated in a
nogenic, creative relationships small warehouse in main town
and odd outfits. What makes and is operated by Hasa Volt-
this place all the more freaky is son and his d3+1 robotics
that the crowd is mostly made technician staff members (ro-
up of mutants, many of whom botics tech skill points: Hasa
believe they are vampires or un- 6, others d4 each). For a fee of
dead, and it is not uncommon 50sp per hour, they will repair

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damaged robots (and androids at 100sp per hour as they are pus. Being within Aberratia, only mutants, proven ghost mutants,
illegal in the Dominion), plus, for a fee of 200+d100sp per day beastial humans, or other deviants can study here. No pure stock
will attempt to mount implants. Normally, Hasa will perform all or cyborg is granted entry anywhere on the grounds, even as an
procedures, while his staff watch and learn, or else work on accompanying slave to a master mutant. For a detailed listing on
less complicated tasks. There are d3+1 heavy soldier robots the time and financial costs of learning new skills, see Table -1-23,
standing guard at this warehouse, as well as 2d6 random ro- page 35 of the TME Hub Rules for the Skill Acquisition by Educa-
bots standing about waiting for repair, but inoperative. tion. The only area of knowledge not taught in this facility is the
Pilot skill, as this university has no aircraft nor instructors with the
33 Captain Sulza’s Brothel: Located in main town, skill.
this four story building is among the busiest establishments
in town. Guests enter through large vestibule and are immedi-
ately greeted by scantly clad men and women who offer drinks
and various bite size treats from trays. A hostess then joins the
greeting mob and tries to determine the needs of the guests,
and then sets about arranging for the particular perversions
of the client with one or more of the prostitutes housed in the
great building.
Clients can stay for an hour with a mate or all night and
have breakfast the next morning if they like, plus, there is
a lounge where drinks can be purchased as well as a bath
house area, which can also be where clients enjoy their hired
companionship. The cost for a drink is 2sp, a bath 6sp and
the use of a prostitute for an hour 4+d20sp according to the
specific beauty, talents and exotic rarity of the whore, with this
hourly rate trebled for night-long stays. There are supposedly
60+3d6 prostitutes on staff within this stone and scrap mate-
rial building, many of them pure stock slaves, plus a support
staff of 20+d10 and a unit of 8+d6 elite soldiers on duty at all 29 Amber Coliseum: Located in Main Town, this huge
times. scrap concrete and timber stadium is shaped like a great oval. It
is open air and seats just over 2000 fans. The oval shaped fight-
24 Quepp’s Hospital: Located in the slum district, this ing ring below is 60m long and 40m wide, filled with amber col-
for hire hospital differs for the Dominion Hospital in that it is ored sand and accessible by four different doorways, one locat-
open to civilians and foreigners alike, as long as the patient can ed at each compass point (north, south, east west). Beneath the
pay the fees. The three story, timber and scrap metal structure stadium are four layers of dungeons, as well as a large torture
has 46 beds, available for attended healing for 8sp per day. area where sadistic citizens can spend time making purchased
Plus, there are 4+d4 doctors on staff at any given time, each or rented captives suffer in assorted and horrid ways.
of which is a d4+1 skill point medic with a relic healer’s kit and Anybody purchased by a gladiatorial club will be kept off-
access to a relic surgical suite which has been rebuilt here after site in the private dungeon of his or her master; fed well and
being salvaged from an adrift derelict cruiseship many decades toughened up. When ready, the fighting-slave will be sent into
ago. In addition to the human doctors, there are d3 medi-bots the arena, his fate bet upon by his owner. Alternatively, if a slave
in service, who can perform many of the most challenging op- is purchased by the coliseum, he or she is simply locked up in a
erations, as well as instruct new age surgeons on procedures. cell, often with other doomed slaves. Eventually, the area-slave is
The cost per surgical procedure attempt is 100+2d20sp. pushed out into the glaring sunlight of the ring, to face only God
knows what; armed poorly, wounded, half starved and not meant
34 Dominion Recruiting Station: This building in the to last more than a few moments against whatever or whomever
city’s south west corner along the Ring Wall is the primary re- is also in the ring. Any Amber Coliseum owned slave fighter to
cruiting office in the Dominion, see page 110 for details on actually survive a match, will be sold to a gladiatorial club, often
joining the Aberrationist Military, while the barracks descrip- after a bidding war, and healed up before the next bout.
tion can be found at the top left of page 111. There is a very real chance that characters that end up
in the Newburg slave market will be purchased by either the
Amber Coliseum or by a gladiatorial club. If snapped up by
a club, the slave will be taken to a private fortress or manor
and allowed to heal for 2d6 days, then, on the first Saturday
after this healing period is over he or she will be chained up,
transported by closed wagon to the lower levels of the Amber
Coliseum. Here, he or she will be given a random weapon and
possibly some armor, then ushered out a heavy wooden door-
way and before the roaring crowd.
35 Newburg University: Situated in main town, this Roll below for arms and armor for either a privately owned or
sprawling two story, stoutly built structure has a rear compound a coliseum owned gladiator, however, if the slave was purchased
where agricultural studies are undertaken, as well as where a by the coliseum, he or she will be considered to be one of the up-
small stable is kept for horses and riding dogs for those students coming victims of a professional gladiator or savage beast, and
taking riding lessons. Within the university, a wide assortment of not expected to survive the bout. To better ensure the subject is
skilled instructors teach nearly every subject practiced in the new killed, he or she is ill treated, ill-fed, and beaten shortly before
era, from the technician skills to martial arts, to climbing, riding, the fight, thus reduced by 3d6 endurance immediately before
stealth, relic knowledge and navigating by the stars. Tuition fees, being shoved into the fighting ring, armed and possibly armored
however, don’t come cheaply. While taking courses, a student according to the Coliseum Gladiator weapons and armor rolls
must also be able to afford room and board someplace off cam- below. If a character wins his or her match on a Saturday, but is

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wounded below 50% base endurance, the character will be re-
tired for the week to heal up, however, if the fighter wins but is
above half endurance, there is a 73% chance the gladiator will
fight again on Sunday. Since these games only take place on
the weekends, the victor of a Sunday match automatically gets
to rest up until the following Saturday... before once more being
forced to live or die for the pleasure of the howling crowd.

Table CR-5-5 Gladiator Arms and armor Determination

2d6 Private Gladiator Weapon Coliseum Gladiator Weapon

4. One on one: Character is shoved out into the stadium,
2. chainsaw battle axe alone, and forced to fight a random beast, which enters
3. discsaw halberd from the far end of the stadium 60m away, roll d12: 1.
4. spiked club spear wolf, mutant / 2. snake, medium / 3. spider, dune / 4.
5. battleaxe 2 javelins shark, amphibious / 5. scorpion, cave / 6. reptilius / 7.
rat, giant / 8. frog, aberrant / 9. dog, war /10. dogs, d3+1
6. great sword hatchet
hunting /11. bear, black / 12. bird, ground hawk
7. longsword machete 5. Free for all: Character pushed into stadium and joins
8. hatchet club fighting already in progress. There are 2d6 commoner
9. spear spiked club men with shields and machetes, d4 naked skullocks with
10. halberd flint axe spiked clubs, and d6 rolls for beasts from roll 4, above.
11. d3+1 javelins staff All these beings are fighting as individuals, spread out all
12. razor sword short sword over the stadium engaged in one on one scraps. An official
above your gate shouts down to you. “Whoever remains
standing will be set free, with a full pardon from the gov-
2d6 Private Gladiator Armor* Coliseum Gladiator Armor ernment of Aberratia, now entertain us!”
6. Archery targets. The character and d3+3 commoner
2. full plate lizard scale armor men with shields and machetes, are put together at one
3. part plate tower shield end of the stadium, while at the far end are an equal num-
4. lizard scale standard shield ber of commoner men with bows and daggers, who as
5. thorn buckler (shield) soon as the horn to commence the fight sounds, begin to
6. studded leather loin cloth fire arrows at the characters group, they are 50m away.
7. junk armor naked
7. Fight a champion: the character is pushed into the
stadium where gladiator in full plate stands with a chain-
8. heavy junk armor leather saw. Treat as an elite soldier. About him, lay the hacked
9. Scrap relic leather and standard shield up bodies of d6 commoner men, their machetes and
10. Sports padding full helmet, otherwise naked shields scatted about. The crowd cheers as the gladia-
11. riot armor junk armor tor starts pacing toward the character. If the character
12. tactical armor studded leather simply runs away from the champion, the crowd begins
* Always comes with helmet (iron helmet for archaic suits, otherwise normal relic helmet to hurl rotten fruit and d4 small stones per round at the
for armor type ie: junk helmet for junk armor, scrap helmet for scrap armor, sports helmet PC, wounding him or her until the PC fights.
for sports padding, riot helmet for riot armor and tactical helmet for tac armor) plus, there
8. Audience participation! Roll d6 on this table for a the
is a 40% chance the gladiator is given a shield d6: 1. Buckler / 2-4. Standard / 5. Bladed
/ 6. Riot Shield.
basic contest, however, within the crowd, d6 winners of
a raffle have been given crossbows and are allowed to
Table CR-5-6 Gladiatorial Match Details, roll d8 shoot at random contestants in the field, including the
1. One on one match with another gladiator of the same sta- beasts. If a character is a mutant or has a spear and wishes
tus and gender, either another private or another coliseum to attempt to harm one of these commoners with crossbows,
owned fighter. Treat other as a, roll d6: 1,2. commoner/ 3,4. the shooters are 20+d10m away from one random compass
raider / 5. soldier / 6. elite soldier. direction of this stadium (roll d4 for random direction 1. north/
2. Group engagement. Character is joined by d3+3 coliseum 2. south/ 3. west/ 4. east). Attacking these participants is ac-
owned slave-fighters, (treat as commoner men) armed and ceptable, and the blood thirsty crowd will cheer the PC for doing
armored randomly as per the above tables. When shoved out so. If the PC wins his or her match in the arena, the participants
into the stadium ring, the PCs side faces, roll d6: 1. equal will cease shooting.
number of skullocks armed with battle axes/ 2. three war-
morts armed with great swords/ 3. garnock / 4. 5+d6 pure The Newburg Slave Market: Supposedly the largest
stock commoner men with hatchets/ 5. random beast from slave market within a dozen regions, this huge scrap metal
roll 3, below./ 6. three elite soldiers, armed with halberds and and brick structure is five stories tall and has 4 levels of dun-
daggers, who seem to be the crowd’s favorites. geons below where slaves are kept in terrible conditions. The
3. Group engagement. The PC is joined by 4+d4 commoner men ground floor interior of this structure is open to the sky and
armed only with machetes and shields. Upon entering the sta- eight raised platforms are spaced about the compound. Here
dium, they see the far door open to release a random beast, roll also is a large bar area where thirsty buyers can get a pint of
d12: 1. alligator, huge / 2. bear, grizzly / 3. bear, bane/ 4. birds, beer while waiting for the next slave batch to be brought up.
d3+1 ground hawks / 5. cat, hell-cougar/ 6. cattle, Bull / 7. dogs, Entrance into the slave markets is restricted to those with
mutant 3+d3 / 8. horrlify, no implants / 9. insect, crawldeth / 10. money and proof that one carries a minimum of 50 silver piec-
lizard, skulking render / 11. narkanna / 12. worm, stabber. es is required. Furthermore, no heavy military relic weapons
can be brought within the marketplace, with restricted weap-

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ons including all grenades, bombs, missiles, rockets, give a shit if a person is a pure stock that much, as long as they
launcher systems, chain guns, heavy machine guns, don’t cause trouble or carry arms and armor. Nope, in New-
flame units and the like. Assault and laser rifles and burg, things are different, really different. The people are all
laser carbines, any pistol, sub machine gun or ar- busy trying to evolve socially as well as physically, and get up
chaic weapons are permitted so long as they are to some of the oddest mating practices around, stuff
slung on the back or kept out of one’s hands, pref- I can’t even begin to say, other than to warn you
erably with power sources and magazines detached that what is lewd and improper in other plac-
and the safety on. es, is normal there, including homosexual-
A detachment of 100+d100 Dominion Irregulars ity, multiple spouses, public nudity, the use
are hired to guard this place, and drag about, beat of strange potions and drugs, or whatever
and kick the slaves. Any guest customer caught mis- else you can imagine. If you go there, just
behaving, trying to cheat or steal a slave, will be taken keep in mind that you are in another land
below the compound and likely never seen again. with its own customs, a city like ancient
Slaves are sold on one of the eight platforms at Rome, how it was debased, crooked, per-
the start of every hour from 10am until 4pm daily. In- verted and often cruel, traits which apply
dependent slavers present their own stock, otherwise, to Newburg, so watch your back.”
agents of the market handle the bidding and money col-
lection for a small 20% commission. Anybody can bid For the Game Master: Newburg is
on a slave, starting at the base price and possibly going somewhat like an island of moderate
higher if another bidder pipes up and tops the bidder’s thinking inside a realm of mutant su-
asking price. Often, adventurers will either be hired to premacy. While the mutants here do still
buy a certain slave, or try to buy back the freedom of a believe they are destined to rule the earth,
team or family member who has been brought to the they are busy either trying to survive or fix-
market as merchandise. Once purchased, a slave is not ated on their lusts and addictions, their
monitored by the authorities. It is therefore the respon- pride, wealth and personal power. Many of
sibility of the owner to keep the slave in a proper col- the fortresses built into the Ring Wall are
lar, chained up at night, and trained to be obedient not arranged as they are for purely defen-
and of no danger to DOA citizenry. The government, sive reasons, but instead to showcase an in-
or original slaver, will not follow up on what hap- dividual magistrate or merchant’s power, a
pened to a slave, even if it is obvious that system which has greatly strengthened
family members are buying the freedom of the defenses of the city.
a person standing on the platform. When handling adventures within the
At the beginning of each hour, roll 2d6 for the walls of Newburg, it should be impressed
number of slaves to be sold that session. For more details on upon the players that they have entered a
random slave determination for this market, and others in the re- microcosm consisting of among the very poor-
gion, notes on individual slaves, their personalities, background est and the very wealthiest folk in the region. The Krimpshaw district
and whatnot, or PCs as slaves, see page 386, Slaves in the Cross- is a slum, second only to those found in Overpass as far as how
roads Region. impoverished the people here live, while in Eagle Heights, the op-
posite is true, and the fortified homes with their gardens and private
For the Excavator: What characters from outside the Do- household guards speak of wealth unheard of even in Overpass’s
minion have heard about Newburg: “Indeed, it is not as heavi- best neighborhoods, a wealth which could likely draw the stealthy
ly populated as either Pure Hub or mighty Overpass, but New- character into burglary attempts on these well to do homes.
burg has far better relic defenses, power generation facilities Newburg, in conclusion, is a unique city, a vibrant, com-
and superior fortifications. If you’re a mutant, or a pure stock plicated and entertaining city where the scenarios might in-
who is acting like a slave to some companion mutants, you volve a much needed departure from the daily fight for sur-
might be able to enjoy yourself a bit in this city, relax, set your- vival in the wilds, ruins or small towns, and instead involve
self up with a lover or two, get pissed every night, spend your political intrigues, robberies, kidnappings, gladiatorial fights,
loot and heal up. Mutants can take courses at the university, the quest to locate fellow PCs who have been sent to the slave
or, you can get a robot fixed, have a tech-head look at any old market. Additionally, Newburg could offer characters the op-
computers you might have dug up, buy a slave or two to keep portunity to educate themselves at the university, or repair ro-
you camp clean, cook your meals and to toy with, or, if you’re bot companions or small portable computers. In short, New-
so inclined, you can waste your days at the Amber Coliseum, burg offers urban adventures which are tainted by mutant su-
watching some poor friggin captive fighting for his life against premacy, where pure stock characters, synthetic humans and
whatever freaks they throw into the stadium with him. cyborgs must act as slaves to their mutant or beastial human
“I for one have been to Newburg several times, being a mu- companions, and explore a debased, confused culture.
tant, it was like coming home in many ways, but, you know, I have
a pure stock wife and my brother is a pure stock, too, so I can’t al- Online Resources: NPC: Arch Magistrate Rantula ‘Bloody
together support the Dominion and its plans to enslave all other Bone’ Maximorta, and see page 425
human types. You know what though, friend, in the small towns
of the dominion, where people are more fanatical, you can really
see how much the mutants hate pure stocks, but at least in New-
Unique Encounters in Newburg
Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results. All humans are
burg, they don’t treat them so bad, and some even have jobs and common mutants with one ‘physical alteration’ minor mutation
families, some even walk around without any master, as long as (see page 77 TME hub rules book), unless otherwise stated.
they get out of a mutant’s way and wear a slave collar identifying
them as slaves instead of ghost mutants.
“Ghost mutants, by the way, are supposed to wear a black
Krimpshaw District of Newburg, Daytime Street Encounters:
d8+1 rolls for street occupants from chart D, page 382, with a 3
head band and carry their officially stamped proof of deviation pa- in 10 chance of an encounter from the following list, rolling d8, or
pers at all times, but like I said, most people in Newburg don’t really d8+2 if a pure stock accompanies a group of travelers:

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1. Slaver, with 3+d3 militia soldier guards, leading a line of If pushed away, threatened or otherwise refused, the grungy
chained pure stocks, offering them for sale to any who wants street walkers will scream after the characters calling the PCs
them. See Table CR-12-3, page 386, for the random slave outsiders, prudes, queers, and cheap. Their cries might attract
type and their base prices. No bidding is necessary. encounter 3 above 27% chance within 2d6 rounds.
2. Street urchins, 3d6, run passed the characters, kicking 9. Angry mob! A group of 2d6+4 commoner men and d6 com-
a ball and pretending to play soccer, bumping into the PCs moner women, all with clubs, come stomping up from behind
and swearing at them. There is a 3 in 8 chance that a thief is the characters. “You there! You with the friggin’ pinky! Just who
among the punks, who tries to pickpocket a random character. the hell do you think you are parading that filth in our streets!
He goes first for a holstered handgun, otherwise a coin pouch, Our sons and daughters are off fighting them Purist bastards,
grenade or other random item worn on the character’s belt. and we don’t need to have them here in our neighborhood.
3. Gang members! Suddenly, from the alleys to each side and Now, we be given you only a minute before we are gonna fol-
the street ahead of the PCs, step a total number of 7+d6 raid- low you and crack your heads open, so you better leave Krimp-
ers, armed with machetes and daggers. They demand the shaw entirely if you know what’s good for you!” They will let the
character’s relics and valuables, and will search through any character run off, but, if this encounter is ever rolled again, this
back packs and satchels of all victims. mob will simply attack first, killing any pure stocks, selling the
4. Patrol of 2d6+3 Dominion Irregulars, who don’t pay the char- mutants in the Newburg slave market
acters much attention unless they have pure stocks among them. 10. Equal rights activists! 5+d6 commoner men and 3+d3
If generics are with the PCs, the militia stop the travelers and commoner women rush up the characters with tomatoes and
separate the pure stocks out and yank them 3d6m away, slap- rotten fruit, range 3d6+3m away and hurl all they have, for up
ping them about, telling them what filth they are, what an evolu- to 3+d3 rounds, all the while screaming at the mutant PCs.
tionary dead end they belong to. Finally, they let the ‘pinkies’ go, “Pure bloods are humans too! You should be ashamed for
but each must make a type D Intelligence based hazard check to owning them as slaves! We must stand together as one peo-
avoid coming across too proud, with any pure bloods who fail get- ple and face the Purist fundamentalists together! Set them
ting beaten down to 3d6 endurance and left in the mud. free this instant! Equal rights for all humanity!” They then run
5. Gang members, 8+d8 raider thugs step out into the street off. Note: Rotten fruit SV 01-45, damage: stains and mess.
in front of the characters, and point to the best looking female
character in the group (if no females in group, then these Krimpshaw District of Newburg, Nighttime Streets Encounters:
thugs are homosexuals and yearn for the best looking male!) d6 rolls for street occupants from chart D, page 382 with a 4
They demand the attractive character spend the night with in 10 chance of an encounter per passage, from the follow-
them, otherwise, the whole group of travelers will be arrested ing list, d8, or d8+1 if a pure stock (aka ‘pinky’ or ‘generic’)
for trespassing on their turf and sold into slavery. accompanies a group of travelers:
6. Bounty hunter on riding dog, with 4+d4 raider sidekicks 1. “Hail brother mutants,” calls a Shadow Minion as she leads
also on dogs, who move down the street passed the char- a unit of 3d6+3 Dominion Warriors passed the travelers. “Be
acters, peering at each PC’s face in an attempt to recognize mindful of the night sky, for great beasts have been known to
wanted individuals. If found, the bounty hunter will draw his hunt these streets, ever watchful for loners, drunks, or those
weapon and order the wanted person to kneel, while the rest who aren’t vigilant. Go in peace now.”
of the characters can leave in peace. 2. Roll as daylight in Krimpshaw, previous page.
7. Sick person, a commoner, (56% chance a man, otherwise a 3. Street gang, 6+d6 raiders with crossbows, step out from both
woman) staggers out of an alley and crumbles into a random sides at 5+d6m range and demand the PCs drop their weap-
character, coughing and shuttering. The person has a random ons, belts, holsters, packs and anything else of obvious wealth
disease from the following list: roll d6 : 1,2. White plague/ 3,4. or load carrying ability, and walk away. If the Travelers do surren-
Rose Pox/ 5. Flea Infestation / 6. White Plague or if GM is a SOE der, the gang is 73% likely to merely rob them and let them go,
member, then Leprosy (SOE member’s only download: http:// otherwise, they march the characters off to a still darker street
www.outlandarts.com/membersonly/TME-SOE-Downloads.htm) and tie their hands behind their backs, (STR based type C HC to
8. Unwashed whores, d6+3 half naked women (each is ac- break ropes, one try per half hour). Within 3d6+10 minutes a
tually 13% likely to be a transvestite male) accost the trav- slaver and his 4+d4 raiders arrive to buy the travelers, who then
elers, surrounding them and clinging to them, pawing at the sell them in the Newburg Slave Market the next day.
potential customers, whispering indelicate suggestions, and 4. Bats, devil, 3d6+4 swoop down out of the sky and spread out to
each naming her price; d3+1sp for a romp in the nearby ally. attack all those in the street (including random street occupants).

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5. Black owl, which comes from behind and tries to grab the imaginable. Please, sign your names here and I can arrange a
shortest character in the group. If unsuccessful, it will fly by meeting at the recruiting station for noon tomorrow. You don’t
and turn, taking 2 rounds to do so before coming back and have to join; you are just signing to come hear about the ben-
attacking a random character. It will flee if reduced to half its efits package. What do you say?” If the characters, sign up and
starting endurance. go the recruitment center, see page 110 for details, however
6. Rats, gutter, 3d6+20 which pour down the street attacking if they decline, there is no penalty or negative reaction from the
all occupants. mutant warrior, who shrugs and says. “Well, if you ever reconsid-
7. Drunken laborers (commoner men, -20 SV and +10 DV to er, just come on by and we can answer your questions.”
be struck) 8+2d8 who are staggering down the street carrying 2. Stepping from the shade of nearby buildings are 2d6 hook-
torches. If the character group has any woman of 28 or bet- ers, dressed in short skirts, tight leather bras and wearing
ter appearance, the drunks stop and point at the best looking garish purple or orange makeup, their hair wild and decorat-
woman among them. “Hey, strangers, how about sharing the ed with plastic toy soldiers or doll parts. They block the char-
wealth, eh? We will meet you back here at dawn, and give her acter’s path and immediately grope men and women alike,
back. She’s a fine piece of tail and by God I’ll have her as my suggesting filthy activities, which they will perform for a mere
tramp. C’mon boys, let’s see what she looks like naked!” With 1+d6sp for an hour. If refused, they just smirk and back away,
that their leader stomps forward, the others following, their one blows a kiss at the most handsome male character and
faces fixed solely on the woman in question. says, ”You know where to find us.”
Clearly, the characters will object, and attempt to shove 3. The characters pass through a busy market area, just one
back the drunks, or else, draw weapons and keep them at of many they have wandered through, where tents, pavilions,
bay. If so, there is a 3 in 6 chance the men become irate and carts and wagons all cluster together and force the crowd into
begin to shout and demand that the ‘whore’ be given to them narrow channels between assorted common goods, much of
or else they will call up their friends and have the whole group it farm produce. Among the crowd is a thief, dressed like an
beaten and sold as slaves. If the PCs still don’t hand over their old, crippled man, who bumps into a random character and
woman, then there is a 4 in 6 chance the mob of drunks at- falls over. During the bumping and falling and possibly when
tack, using burning torches as weapons. Should they defeat the character helps up the old man, the thief will make a pick-
those accompanying the woman, they leave them in the mud pocket attempt to first lift a holstered handgun, secondly a
while taking her to a house and keeping her as a beaten and grenade or flashlight or other one handed relic. If these are
abused slave. not present, the thief will take the character’s coin pouch. If
8. Thug attack! Suddenly, 6+2d6 street urchins with knives his robbery attempt is noticed, he will immediately run at full
pour into the street, dropping down from balconies, leaping speed, and enter a nearby alley. If the characters follow, there
out of alleys and barrels, and surrounding the travelers. Mean- is a 3 in 8 chance that a gang of d4+4 raiders are waiting in
while, from the shadows step 2d6 raiders with bows and ma- the alley with clubs and ready to pounce on anyone who pur-
chetes. “Okay, strangers,” growls the biggest (max END and sues their comrade.
2 prime mutations) drop your weapons, your belts and your 4. Sitting in a chair outside a home based whore house, is a
packs. You’ve foolishly entered the wrong part of Krimpshaw male excavator getting a back rub by his favorite doxy. When
tonight.” If the PCs surrender they will be robbed of everything he sees the characters, he calls out to them. GM note: If the
they own, stripped down to their underwear and marched off characters have been to any freehold town, this man recog-
with their hands tied behind their backs (STR based type D nizes them from that other settlement and mentions it. “Well
HC to snap rope, one try per hour). Characters of 40 or better what brings you here to Newburg? Last time I saw you was
appearance, of either gender, are kept as slave-concubines in the streets of (GM insert town name here). Gosh, it’s sure
for the gang the rest are sold as slaves in the Newburg Slave good to see some other diggers. My old team got separated
Market, d6 days later. after our longboat got attacked by Coil Island Cannibals, ever
9. Dominion Irregulars, 7+d8 on patrol, they will stop the fight them? Anyhow, I made it to shore and just came here,
character group and call out the pure stocks. If the pure hoping to meet up with a new crew? Any chance you looking
bloods are carrying weapons or wearing armor, they are for some new blood in your ranks? “He is a mutant excava-
knocked into the mud, kicked and beaten savagely for sev- tor, could be a new PC or a GM controlled NPC, possibly even
eral minutes and reduced down to 3d6 endurance each. If a Freehold Ranger or Scout, pirate from Port Folly or even a
the generics aren’t armed or armored, then they are simply Shadow Minion looking to infiltrate outlander groups.
told to kneel as the officer, roll d6: 1-3. slaps them about for 5. A bounty hunter and his 3+d3 soldiers (each armed with
a minute / 4,5. spits in their faces and calls them inferior a pair of musket pistols and battle axe which has one edge
filth/ 6. urinates on them and then kicks them over, drawing formed into a blunt clubbing end to subdue victims). They do
his saber and holding it to the neck of a random pure stock. nothing if seeing a wanted character stroll by them, but, there is
“Beg for your life, pinky,” snarls the officer. The character a 87% chance that they have spies (d3 thieves) follow the char-
must beg or the officer will hack at the character’s neck with acter about the city trying to locate his or her lodgings, and at
all his might SV 01-80, damage d20+6. If the travelers use night, raid the room and try to arrest the wanted person.
force to try and stop the murder of their pure stock, the oth- 6. You enter a noisy street where local orphans are harass-
er irregulars will turn on them with their own weapons and ing passers by. There are 2d4 street urchins here, standing
not hesitate to kill the characters if able to do so. on a flat roof top throwing rocks, one per round each, at ran-
dom street occupants, including the characters. If the travel-
Main Town District of Newburg, Daytime Street Encounters: ers fire upon or try to enter the building and go up to get at
d8+1 rolls for street occupants from chart D, page 382 with a the punks, they will flee down a rear pipe and go get help,
3 in 10 chance of an encounter from the following list, d8, or which is 66% likely to find the characters later that ‘passage’
d8+1 if a pure stock accompanies a group of travelers: in the streets, having an additional 2d6 street urchins with
1. A Dominion Warrior in a bright red cape and odd feather slingshots show up and fire upon the travelers, possibly rob-
headdress, carrying a clip board and relic pen, leads a squad of bing them if no guards are around and their intended victims
3+d3 warriors up to the PCs, and smiles. “I am a Dominion re- aren’t too powerful.
cruiter, here to sign you fellas up into the Army of Aberratia. The 7. A local merchant and his 5+d6 soldier guards (armed with mus-
benefits are great, the respect boundless and the adventure un- kets with bayonets fixed on them) stop in the street and review

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the passing characters. The merchant grins at the most attractive If the travelers do as they are told and enter the alley, any
woman in the PC group, or, if no women, then at the best looking other street occupants ignore what goes on within the shad-
male, as this fellow goes both ways. He steps out in front of the at- owy trench. The irregulars first force the characters to put
tractive character and looks the individual up and down and makes down and walk away from their weapons d3+1 meters, then
an odd groaning noise. “Yes, I am older than you, and not as fit as face the wall as each is searched, their backpacks and satch-
I once was, but, I am rich, and I find you appealing beyond words. els removed, and the pure stocks, brutally yanked to the filth
Why not join me at my villa in Eagle Heights, you can meet your of the ally and kicked and beaten savagely, taking 4d6 stun
little friends sometime tomorrow after we have satisfied our needs, damage and 2d6 lethal damage. If the group has any females
drank plenty of fine wine, and kept the neighbors awake. “He runs of 40 or higher appearance, including mutants, these charac-
a chubby hand down the character’s chest. “What do you say?” ters are blindfolded and marched off by one irregular each to
If the character politely declines, the man shrugs and moves on, another location, to serve as prostitutes in some seedy bar.
keeping an eye on the character’s posterior as he or she goes. Finally, any relic or valuable is stolen and the remaining char-
If, however the character rejects the man’s invitation, pos- acters slapped about, spit on and told by their leader: “Leave
sibly with a shove or hand slap or worse, the merchant leaps Newburg by this time tomorrow or you’ll be gutted like pigs.
back and grows red “Clearly, you don’t know with whom you Such is the crime for pretending that these pure stock swine
deal! I am Rutherford Jedial the Second, my father’s father are slaves, when in truth, you think they are equals to our
helped construct this great city, and I have ties with the local kind, to the post humans, the chosen of God himself! Now run
hoodlums. By god, you’ll be sorry for this insult. Now go before I for your lives!”
call the guards and have you arrested as Freehold spies!” There
is a 1 in 20 chance per hour, for the next d4 days while staying Main Town District of Newburg, Nighttime Street
in Newburg, that a hired gang of 5+d6 raiders with clubs but
wearing scrap relic armor and also carrying musket pistols ap-
Encounters: d6 rolls for street occupants from chart D,
page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance per passage of an encoun-
pear and attempt to beat the travelers into unconsciousness ter from the following list, d8, or d8+1 if a pure stock accom-
and sell them as slaves, especially the character who insulted panies a group of travelers:
the merchant. If the raiders are losing the scrap, they will draw 1. As the characters walk along the street, 4+d3 black clad
musket pistols and fire at the insulter before fleeing. men (treat as assassins) drop down from the roof above,
8. A patrol of Dominion Warriors, 5+d6, come into view. Un- landing amid the PC group and swing their rapiers with
less some sort of disruption, fight or other illegal activity is deadly accuracy. As they slash and thrust at the characters,
taking place, they just saunter through the street. If the char- they hiss religious ranting: “The lord smites at thee, Satan’s
acter group has pure stocks among them, however, this pa- child!” and “Vile deviants, I rid thee of the misery that is your
trol will give the group a quick scrutiny to make sure the pure life!” as well as “Blessed is the Vicar, whom protects us in
bloods aren’t armed nor armored (arresting them if they are our glorious deeds!” Somehow, either through the use of
and selling them as slaves). disguise or by being deposited in the town by an airship,
9. A patrol of 8+d8 Dominion Irregulars are situated at the Purist assassins have entered the city, and for many months
mouth of an alleyway as the characters pass. They ignore now have been making murderous forays into the streets,
all-mutant PC teams, but, if seeing a pure stock among the terrorizing the populace. If the characters defeat these mu-
group, the leader of the irregulars shouts for the travelers to tant killing zealots, and a patrol is brought to see the bodies,
halt, turn around and enter the ally. If the travelers flee, the the characters will be praised by a magistrate and each will
irregulars will chase them down and fire their crossbows into be given a relic weapon (WC-R) plus 200sp and a modest
the backs of fugitives. wood and scrap home in Main Town.

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2. Walking through a narrow street, the PCs notice that they were worthless, as if all that were important to these drunks
are being followed by 4+d4 men, who keep back 3d6+4m. is the naked skin beneath the PC’s gear.
These figures follow the characters through several streets, If any accosted characters, or their unattractive com-
and there is a 4 in 8 chance that suddenly, right in front of the rades resist this disrobing and obvious molestation, the mob
travelers leap out 3+d3 other men (raiders), with drawn ma- is 33% likely to let the ‘prudes’ go, otherwise they become
chetes. The thugs grin evilly and whisper, “Drop your weapons, agitated, aggressive, and are suddenly very rough, with half
outlanders, and lets have your coin pouches and your packs, the group throwing stones at those that were deemed unat-
and any ancient goodies and gear you might have on you! The tractive, while the rest double their efforts to grapple and strip
alternative is your guts spilling out in the street!” The group of those they have chosen.
men who were following (also raiders) join the confrontation, Should lethal force is used to rescue any grappled char-
keeping back 10m but also drawing machetes. The muggers acters, the mob will break away from the characters, and is
in front send forth two men to loot the characters of anything 17% chance likely to let them go. If not letting the PCs go, the
valuable. Once completed, the gang takes off. enraged group pick up pipes and advance, throwing d6 stones
3. When part way down a street, the PCs begin to notice skinny per round and following the characters for 3d6+10 minutes.
teens emerging from doorways, windows, the backs of carts While pursuing, they call the characters foul names, declaring
or from behind crates, and it is then you realize you are sur- that the PCs don’t belong in Newburg, that they are sexless
rounded by 4d6+6 street urchins, armed with clubs. The larg- eunuchs, with no spirit nor guts nor balls. At the end of their
est punk steps forward within 3m and frowns. “You’ve made time of just following, there is a 78% chance they leave; other-
a big mistake coming here to our part of town. Now unless wise, they attack murderously, (being drunk, they are -20 SV
you want your brains smooshed all over the fricken street, and +10 DV to be struck).
you best drop your weapons and start stripping down to your If characters who are grappled do allow the mob to do as
shorts, as we is taking all you’ve got.” If the characters fight, they please with them, and join in with the festivities, they are
the urchins will attack as a mass, but flee once half their num- 89% likely to be coerced into making love with d8 members of
ber are dispatched. If the travelers surrender, however, they the opposite sex and encouraged to dance and kiss and grope
will have to strip down to their underwear, after which they are with those members of the opposite sex for d6 hours, before
89% likely to be told to run or die, otherwise, the little thieves being ignored and let go, all their belongings safely collected
drag them off into the basement of a nearby house and tie and undamaged.
them down and beat and tease them all night, using candles 8. Patrol, 8+d8 Dominion Warriors, who simply wave to travel-
to burn them, scissors and knives to shave their heads, put ers, unless there are pure stocks among the characters who
women’s make up on the men, and otherwise make sport of are wearing arms or armor, in which case, such individuals
them all until dawn. The characters will be left bound by thick are arrested and marched off to the nearest tower or guard
ropes to the posts of the basement, each character is allowed post, later sold as slaves.
a typed E STR based HC to break out of their bonds per hour. 9. The characters enter a street where a silent mob of
If the characters don’t break free by 4 pm later that day, the Aberrationist zealots are about to hang a pure stock slave
gang will come back and commence another night of humili- (70% male, otherwise female). There are 3d6+6 commoner
ation, abuse and light torture. men and 2d6+4 commoner women, all with clubs. Some sort
4. Rats, gutter, 4d6 pour down the street and attack the travelers. of preacher is among them, chanting low as he prepares to
5. From both sides rush raiders, wielding pipes, d3+4 per side, kick out the stool which the doomed person stands upon. “By
range 6m, who don’t bother with any threats but rather rush the Great re-maker of all things, the divine one who cleansed
to the attack and try to knock out the travelers, drag them into the earth of the sinner fore-race, let this sacrifice of a unre-
the nearby ally and strip them of everything they own, leaving pentant heretic appease thee! By the power invested in me by
them in their underwear in the muck and sewage. the Brothers of Evolutionary Righteousness, - .“
6. 3d6 hookers are standing about on both sides of the street, He stops all at once as he sees beyond the crowd to the
with about half being pure stock women with slave collars on characters, and immediately sees the pure stock(s) among
their necks. Also in the street, are 5+d6 thugs (raiders) who them. ”Look, brothers and sisters, more of the tainted old
step into the street ahead of the PCs. One man, treat as a race! Grab them, they to shall sate the lord’s appetite!” With
raider leader, steps up to the characters and gestures to the that, the whole mob turns and peers at the characters, rais-
whores on either side. “You might consider spending an hour ing their clubs and inching forward. If the characters turn
with one of my lonely ladies, eh strangers? They ain’t fussy and run, they will be chased by the whole group, leaving the
about the gender of their clientele, nor any ugly appendages preacher alone with his victim. If the characters, however, at-
of growths. 4 sp per romp, a deal you can’t refuse, got it? “ tack the mob and either kill the preacher or make a called
If the characters refuse to sleep with the whores, the shot and successfully shoot the rope, the pure stock is tem-
raiders sneers, his henchmen step within 3m of the travel- porarily safe. This group of fanatics will immediately make a
ers. “Now listen, this is how it works, either you get in bed or morale check if their preacher is slain.
in the grave. Last offer.” If the characters still refuse, then the
whores begin to step back as the muggers draw their machet- Eagle Heights District of Newburg, Daytime Street
es and space out to line up with opposing characters. “Final
offer,” warns their leader, pulling out a razor sword
Encounters: d6 rolls for street occupants from chart D,
page 382 with a 2 in 10 chance of an encounter per pas-
7. The characters turn the corner into a street and meet up sage from the following list. Roll d6, or d6+1 if a pure stock
with a mob of drunken commoners, 3d6+10 men and 3d6+8 accompanies a group of travelers:
women, range 3+d3m, who are all half naked, clutching each 1. Coming up from behind the characters is a patrol of 6+d6 Do-
other in a lewd fashion and half dancing, half groping. When minion Warriors, mounted on black riding dogs. Their officer (with
they see the characters, they turn to them, grabbing for any 3 prime mutations) asks the PCs what business they have in Ea-
character of either gender of 35 or better appearance. If no gle Heights, and to complete it before nightfall and then leave.
such attractive characters are present these revelers ignore 2. The characters pass d4+2 teenage students. The young
the group. Otherwise, the mob try to pull the attractive char- adults are well dressed, with books and relic laptop comput-
acters into their ball of writhing bodies and begin to disrobe ers heading to or from Primus-Burg, escorted by 3 soldiers
and disarm them, tossing aside valuables or relics as if they with relic weapons (WR-R). If the characters are dressed in

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They will be quite wary of running into armed strangers at night,
and cross to the far side of the street upon seeing the PCs.
2. A pure stock slave is skulking along the side of the street,
darting between trees and other objects, clutching a small
sack in his or her hands (50% chance either gender). If ac-
costed and captured, the slave admits that he or she is flee-
ing a brutal master, and begs the PCs to please not report the
escape, and instead the slave says he or she will serve the
character unit as needed.
3. In the distance, just turning the far street corner 20+d20m
away, the characters see d3+3 black clad figures with cross-
bows, moving quite silently. If followed, there is a 3 in 6 chance
that the mysterious figures are no where to be seen, otherwise,
on a roll of 4 or 5, the PCs see them turn yet another corner. On
a roll of 6, however, these men are waiting for the characters to
turn the corner and fire their crossbows at random mutant PCs,
then draw rapiers and charge, hissing: “Death to the Abomina-
tions! For God and the Vicar!” These men are Purist assassins,
who have entered Newburg unnoticed and are on a mission to
terrorize the powerful members of the city. If after killing them,
the characters either meet a patrol or bring their bodies to the
local guard unit, the PCs will be rewarded with whatever the
assassins had on them plus a 4 bedroom apartment suite in
main town, worth 2000+2d1000sp.
4. Rats, Gutter, 4d6 which attack if outnumbering the characters
5. Patrol of d6+3 Dominion Bat Riders, flying low through the
streets making sure all is well. If they see armed pure stocks,
they will begin to blow a whistle in a unique tune, circle back
and aim their bows, shouting for the pinkies to step away from
traveling clothes or appear unwashed, dusty and whatnot, the group, kneel and await arrest. If the pure stocks don’t com-
this group will look upon the characters with contempt. ply, they will be fired upon, however if they do comply, these Bat
3. A wealthy child with 2 soldiers as guards, armed with a relic Riders will land and arrest all the characters, trying their hands
weapon (WC-R) each, pass by, crossing to the far side of the behind their backs and waiting for the patrol from roll 7, day-
street when seeing the armed characters. time in Eagle Heights, above, to arrive within 3d6 +20 rounds.
4. A Dominion officer, treat as a squad leader, with d4 Domin- To snap the ropes on one’s wrists, a type B STR based hazard
ion Warriors escorting a group of 4+d10 well dressed young check is allowed once per half hour.
women (treat as commoner women). These women will giggle 6. Criminals! A gang of 4+d6 raiders, dressed in dark cloaks
and speak among themselves, occasionally pointing at any and carrying ropes, grappling hooks, and led by d3 thieves, step
road weary characters, who might be dirty, wear rag-tag uni- out of a side street right in front of the PCs, d4m away and
forms or look out of place in this sector of the city. practically smash into the characters. Seeing that the PCs are
5. A merchant and his family pass by in an armor plated wag- not soldiers, the crooks relax for a second, and then size up
on, with 3+d3 soldiers as guards; each guard has a prime mu- the characters. If the burglar gang outnumber the characters
tation while one totes a submachine gun (with full magazine). 2 to 1, they draw their machetes and threaten the PCs to fork
6. To one side, a town trader and d4+1 soldiers on foot, are over their relic weapons, and coin pouches, or have their guts
unloading a wagon outside a private home. They stop what spilled. If the PCs appear to be too tough, too well armed or too
they are doing if armed characters stroll by, and give the trav- many, these men dash off back up the dark side street.
elers unwelcoming looks; the hands of the soldiers hover over 7. Dominion patrol, from roll 7, ‘Daytime in Eagle Heights’, left
the grips of their musket pistols. column, this page.
7. A detachment of 10+d8 Dominion Warriors march into
view at the opposite end of the street. Upon seeing that pure Encounters in any Newburg Bar: Patron rolls from chart
D, page 385, numbers according to establishment. Unless noted
stocks are among the characters, the troops shout for the PCs
otherwise, all people met are common mutants with one minor
to halt and submit for inspection. They are 10+d20m away. If mutation (Physical Alteration). There is a 4 in 10 chance per hour
the pure bloods are found wearing armor or carrying weap- of an encounter from the following list, rolling whatever dice is as-
ons, the entire group is arrested and taken to a nearby tower signed to the specific bar from table CR-5-4, page 146:
for questioning, confiscation of all relics, plus a group-wide -3. An off duty Dominion officer, in uniform (treated as a
fine of 3d100sp. Finally, any offending pure stock is removed squad leader on the typical humans table, page 137 of the
from the group and beaten severely, reduced to 2d4 endur- TME hub rules, but with a prime mutation), finds the best
ance before being tossed back to the characters. looking character in the group highly appealing. This officer
is the same gender as that character, and steps away from
Eagle Heights District of Newburg, Nighttime Street his or her 4+d4 other gay Dominion Warriors to slide up next
Encounters: d6-2 (0 to 4) rolls for street occupants from to the PC and smile. “Say, you’re totally my type. Why don’t
chart D, page 382 with a 2 in 10 chance of an encounter you come drink with me and my friends? I insist.” If the PC
from the following list. Roll d6, or d6+1 if a pure stock ac- refuses, then, roll d6: 1,2. no event. / 3,4. when leaving the
companies a group of travelers: bar, a patrol of d6+4 Dominion Irregulars arrest the reluctant
1. A town trader is returning home from the Main Town’s bar dis- character on charges of treason and march him or her off to a
trict, and along with his d3+3 soldiers (each armed with a musket jail, where this officer later shows up and in private, beats the
pistol and machete, are drunk: -20 SV and +10 DV easier to hit). chained character almost senseless and screams ‘ Nobody

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refuses me! You will learn that as my slave!”/ 5,6. the officer about nervously and then speaks in a low voice. “You
waves over his or her friends who surround the characters, folks ain’t from around here, are you? Didn’t think so. I
pull up stools and chairs or even sit on the laps of characters. need to get to Overpass, by horse, with my cargo, and
“Fine, then we will join you.” They remain right with the char- need some troops who don’t mind the risks. I’ll pay you
acters as long as they are in the bar. each 80 silver coins once we get there, and 20 each at
If the character does go drink with the officer and his dawn at the North Gate.” If the characters agree, they will
or her warriors, the Officer puts an arm around the PC firmly see that their cargo is d6: 1,2. 4+d4 ponies loaded with 4
and every so often, whispers a long, detailed list of all the boxes each (20kg of gun powder each, treat as advanced
erotic acts he or she has planned for the character as soon frag grenades if ignited). / 3,4. a wagon with d6 men, d6
as they leave the bar together. If and when the PC does try women, d6 teens and d6 children inside, all tied to the
to leave, such as if his or her team mates are leaving the box, all pure stocks. / 5. Two wagons with drivers (com-
bar, the character must say something witty to get free of moner men), their load is assorted dried meats, kegs of
the officer’s groping hands. GM: Unless you want the play- beer and wine, and grain./ 6. Enclosed wagon, with two
er to think up something clever, have the character make a drivers (militia soldiers with muskets (inside is a stolen
type D intelligence based HC to make a convincing excuse, DOA wind turbine worth 4000+2d1000sp).
otherwise the officer has the character grappled by his or 2. A lone mutant excavator approaches the characters
her troops and brought to his or home for an evening of hu- and asks to join them. “I’ve been looking for diggers like
miliating games, dress up, and entertainment at the PC’s you for a month now. I am keen to get the hell outa the
expense. There is a 27% chance per day thereafter that the Dominion, away from all the racist crap. I don’t mind nor-
PC is allowed to go free. mal pure stocks or cyborgs at all, no sir, I just want to see
-2. A female prostitute comes up to a random male char- the Great Ruins and try my luck at gettin’ me some real
acter and smiles. “Remember me?” she asks, smiling. relics! What ‘chea, think, can I come with you on your
“Oh, come now, you’ve forgotten my face already? Hmph, next adventure?”
must be the new wig, here, take a look at this and see if 3. The PCs notice d3+1 rough looking, well armed fellows sit-
that triggers your memory.” She lifts her skirt and pres- ting in a corner, who keep watching them as well as anybody
ents male reproductive gear. Those nearby find this event new who enters the bar. (These men are bounty hunters, who
hilarious and burst into laughter. If the character appears if they recognize a wanted PC, won’t let on, but instead, one
angry, the bartender waves the PC over and buys him a will leave the bar and come back in 3d6+10 minutes with a
beer. “Oh, take it easy, he’s just having fun with you, try- gang of 5+d6 raiders armed with clubs, and only then, make
ing to get some work.” their arrest.
-1. The crowd is quite dense where the characters are 4. A commoner man, with an obvious minor mutation, breaks
sitting, and every so often some- away from the crowd and comes over to the PC, politely asking if
body bumps a random charac- he may interrupt, then asking again to sit with them. If allowed,
ter’s chair. Suddenly, a man he speaks. “As you can see, I am a mutant,” he explains. “But
leans over a random male char- my sister is not, nor is my mother. They are
acter and whispers into his ear. both little more than slaves in our house,
“Wanna buy some drugs? I got, and, well, I want a better life for us all, and
roll d6: 1,2. Marijuana for 10sp for was wondering if we could travel with you... if
50 grams. I have a whole frick- you are leaving the Dominion any time soon.
en kilogram./ 3,4. Gebrull Joy We have our own horses and supplies. I have
beans, 50+d100sp each and I a crossbow, and am brave. We are not rich,
have lots (2d6+6). / 5,6. Kicker but can give you 50 silvers up front and an-
berries, I got plenty (3d6), and other 90 when we reach one of the Freehold
for you, sweets, I’ll sell ’em for towns. Please, my mother is going to be too
only 8 silvers each.” old for the journey soon.”
0. d3+3 homosexual prosti- 5. A female Dominion Warrior, (appearance
tutes, of both genders, are 20+d20) drinking with d4+2 others of both
moving about the crowd trying genders, splits away from the group and ap-
to get customers to come to the proaches the most attractive male in the PC
back area of the bar and frolic group, and smiles as she leans a hand on
in curtain covered alcoves, at a his shoulder. “Hey there, stranger. I’ve
cost of 4sp per act. Eventually, been looking at you and wondering if
this group reaches the charac- you wanted to go have some fun in
ters and each goes for a PC of the back room here?” If the PC does
the same gender, aggressively try- go with her, she leads him to a small,
ing to sell themselves. If the char- dimly lit supply room when the staff
acters are straight or merely not is not looking on, and roll d6: 1-4.
interested, and a little rude to All is well, and she passionately
the hookers, the tramps get cat- makes love with the character,
ty and one grabs a PCs drink and leaving after and thanking him for
spills it on his or her head be- a wonderful woggle./ 5. Half way
fore they all walk away. through to sexual climax, the
1. A nomadic trader lovers are interrupted by a fe-
and his d3 Militia sol- male serving woman who has
diers approach the char- entered the back room to
acter’s table, ask if they can get something, seeing the
sit, and if invited, order a round of embraced couple, she is
drinks and sit down. The trader looks 83% likely to simply smirk

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and leave, otherwise, she gestures for the couple to continue hold him back, but he slashes at them before turning back
while she watches./ 6. Just as the character finishes and is to the PC.
momentarily distracted, the woman stabs him with tiny dart 11. A pure stock prostitute with a slave collar around her
(SV 01-80 first stab, otherwise 01-50) which is tipped with neck walks up to a random male character and slaps him
type E sleep poison, which, if he fails the HC, will knock him hard across the face. “That’s for selling me to these pigs,
out for 3d6 hours. He will awake in the Newburg Slave Mar- you damn liar! I trusted you! What’re you doing dressed like
ket, wearing only a loin cloth. that, anyhow! Look at me when I am talking to you!” She
6. A merchant and his 4+d4 soldier guards enter the bar and then shoves at the character several times and falls over as
move about it talking to likely outlanders. They reach the char- if drunk, leaning on the man. Suddenly, two male common-
acters table and the merchant leans over and smiles. “Now ers who work at the bar come and grab her and begin to pull
listen, you wonderful bunch of grave robbers, I got a cargo her away. “Sorry, one says, she’s drunk again. We will beat
barge docked under Victory Avenue Bridge, which sails to- her for you, no worries.” They disappear with her behind a
morrow down the Lower Flak River and on to Steel Hill, you bead curtain.
can book passage for a minuscule 50sp, paid at the time of There is an 89% chance that after character leaves and
boarding. My cargo is honest, my crew courteous, and there retires for the evening, he finds a rolled up slip of paper in
are 3 whores working my ship which know which end is which. his armor or outfit, anyone who can read will see ‘Help me.
Interested? Then show up at first light and let’s get the hell I am a Freehold Scout, captured by Dominion troops, who
outa this friggin racist city.” think I am just a slave. I will be waiting at the back of the bar
7. A Dominion Warrior drags a slave woman up to the char- at noon tomorrow. Help me to Overpass or Sandbarra and
acter’s table and slams her down hard on the top, spilling my order will reward you with great gifts and money.’ The
drinks and food. “Here, you outland dogs, here is one of the woman is actually a mutant with 4 ghost mutations from
so called master race for you. I bought her last week to share table TME-1-59, page 59 of the hub rules.
my bed, but all she does is fight me and cry all night and bitch 12. A gang of local thugs enter the bar, virtually killing any
and complain and well aw bloody hell I am sick of her! Yes, merriment that had been previously going on. A few patron try
yes, she is pretty, but has neither passion nor need to please to make for the door, but the gang doesn’t let them go with-
a man, so I am selling the bitch real cheap. Only 30 silvers. out digging through their pockets and satchels for valuables.
Maybe you can ransom her off to her family in Sandbarra, I Any soldiers in the place just look away and ignore whatev-
hear that’s where she was captured from.” er the gang does. There are 8+d6 of the raiders, who move
If the characters wish to purchase the woman, and start about, spilling drinks, sampling food off tables, roughly grop-
to bid lower, there is a 50 % chance that the warrior will drop ing women, and basically being very irksome. One raider is a
his price by 2sp per bid, however, if he declines a bid, the raider leader with 3 prime mutations and a relic weapon (WC-
price is fixed and the PCs can take it or leave it. If bought, the R). The hooligans finally get around to the character’s table,
slave woman is grateful to be free of her former cruel master, and if not outnumbered or clearly outgunned, converge and
but still not willing to be anybody’s slave, and will tell the char- snicker down at the PCs. “What have we here, outlander filth,
acters that her family will pay a thousand silvers to get her I think,” says their boss. He regards the best looking woman
back to their farm outside Sandbarra. in the group as long as she is over 30 APP), however, if there
8. A nomadic trader and his d2+1 militia soldiers approach are no such women, he merely knocks over the table, cuffs a
the characters and make a business proposition “We have a random character across the back of the head and the thugs
small ,crude airship which is leaving for the north tomorrow to move on.
Overpass. If your interested, we will be traveling fast and safe If a remotely pleasing woman is among the PCs this raid-
‘cause It has the markings of a merchant craft, so the Domin- er leader takes a fancy to her and demand that she go into
ion Bat Riders will leave us alone. The cost is 80sp each and the back room with him for a little fun. If she refuses, the raid-
I have a trained giant bat to pull the thing along so we can go er grabs her by the hair and twists it hard, (treat as normal
faster, too. I have passengers in Overpass to pick up, so there unarmed attack). He will repeat this process, asking first, and
is no sense in going back there empty. You in or what?” then punishing her. If she uses violence to defend herself, 3
9. If the characters have had a violent run in with raiders any- more raiders come to assist in grappling her and taking her
place in Newburg in the last sixty days, in which some raiders fled to the back room to beat and later sell as a slave. If the fe-
or were arrested or otherwise present to identify the PCs, then male character’s companions stand up to the raiders, then
these thugs suddenly enter the establishment and move to the the gang draws their machetes and will engage in a bloody
bar area to order drinks. If the characters have not yet had such fight, fleeing if clearly losing the fray.
an encounter with raiders, then this gang ignores the PCs. 13. A thief tries to pickpocket a relic or coin purse from a ran-
If an encounter did occur, then there are 2d4+3 of the dom character as the group sits it the crowded bar.
goons present, and the witness thug immediately recognizes 14. 6+d6 Dominion Irregulars are off duty and getting very
any characters who are not currently in disguise or have vast- drunk (-30 SV, +20 DV to strike), One of them is convinced
ly changed their arms and armor, outfits and companions. If that a random character is looking at him in a disrespectful
recognized, and there are no Dominion troops in the bar, the manner and challenges the PC to a fist fight on top of a table.
gang comes over to the PCs and flips over their table before If the PC refuses, the irregular draws a saber and uses the flat
initiating a fist fight. If the PCs lose the brawl, the raiders will of it to tap on the character’s head for a minute trying to coax
rob them and leave them unconscious on the floor. the ‘coward ‘into a scrap. If the tapping fails, the soldier uses
10. A drunken commoner gets up from his table where d6+3 his saber to knock over the character’s drink or meal, and
other commoner men are sitting. He points at a random male then is 78% likely to leave, otherwise, he winds up and tries
PC and starts walking over. “You son of a bitch! It’s you, isn’t to take off the PC’s head.
it!? You tempted away my second wife, and now, here you 15. 4+d4 Dominion Irregulars enter the bar, leading d3+1
are, having abandoned her to God knows what fate. You have pure stock women by ropes tied to their necks. They move
some nerve coming in here! Get on your feet, digger scum, about showing off the women to assorted patrons and even-
and face me like a man!” He draws a knife and holds it out. tually reach the characters and shove the women down onto
“Let’s end this here and now!” He is -20 SV and +10 DV easier their knees, grab their hair and make them face the char-
to strike due to being drunk. His comrades get up and try to acters. “So, we heard dat you strangers want to buy some

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fresh caught outlander Purist bitches, eh? These beauties PC must make a type F willpower based HC or leap away and
come from a caravan our unit ransacked in Twisted Wood. run off to hide for 3d6 hours./ 5,6. Pass out into a deep sleep
We thought we might save us some fees and headaches for 4d6 hours, sweating, mumbling about all his or her ex-lov-
by selling them direct to you instead of going to the slave ers, and occasionally vomiting.
market tomorrow. We wanna get drunk tonight so want coin 19. d6+7 leather clad young adults of both sexes equally, in
now. So, what you say, thirty silvers each sound fair?” If the their early twenties (but treat as teen commoners) with white
PCs buy the women to protect them or return them to their face paint and black fingernails, surround the characters and
people, these young women will not initially know the in- demand that the PCs either leave the bar in peace, or come
tentions of mutants met in a seedy bar, and will try to es- with them up to a loft area and have an orgy. If the PCs refuse
cape whenever possible, rebuke any affection or care from to do either, the youths leave, but are 72% likely to come back
males, at least up until they realize that their new masters with 2d6 more black clad vampire-wanna-be’s, larger ones,
are trying to help them. who carry battle axes (treat as raiders) who threaten to be-
16. A group of drunken commoners sit at a nearby table, play- head the characters if they don’t leave immediately.
ing cards. One apparently has been caught at cheating and If the Characters did wish to join the young adults in the
another draws a dagger and slashes for the other, who dodg- loft area, they are given wine, which their hosts also drink, and
es. The slasher leaps across the table and misses the cheater helped to undress and then the bizarre, musically enhanced
and lands his knife against the back of a seated character, love making begins. There is a 16% chance that the wine is
possibly stabbing him or her (SV 01-30). The drunken com- drugged, type D sleep poison, those who succumb will sleep for
moner will pull free any dagger and go after his original target, 4d6 hours. Once the wine has taken affect, which takes 20+d20
shoving away the PC in question without any sort of apology. minutes, and the passion is over, 2d6+3 thugs (raiders) with
If the PCs touch the man, skull painted on their faces
there is a 57% chance his and wielding clubs will ar-
companions, emboldened rive. These brutes aim to
by drink (-20 SV +10 DV to bludgeon those who are still
strike at), raise their fists wake and take all the PCs
and try to start a brawl with captive, to be made into ob-
the characters, going for jects of amusement by the
their daggers only if the PCs bar staff. After d6 days of
use weapons or dangerous humiliation and non-lethal
mutation themselves. torture, captives are to be
17. For whatever reason, a fu- sold at the Newburg slave
rious brawl breaks out among market.
the patrons, which spills over 20. Although it is very loud
to the PC’s table and knocks in the bar, and hard to see
it over. In the scrap, which due to the flashing lights,
threatens to spread out the a pure stock slave woman
front door, each character is wearing a black leather skirt
confronted by one random and top, approaches the best
patron who swings at the looking male character and
character. The fight will go while pretending to a take
on for 3d6 minutes if the PCs drink order, says to him roll
stay in the bar. d6: 1,2. “You are in danger
18. In the darkness and here; they plot to drug your
noise, strobe lights and drinks and sell you as slaves,
crowd, a random charac- or drain your blood. Leave
ter gets stabbed at by a now.” /3,4. “You’re outland-
drugged needle wielded by ers, right? I need to get back
a leather clad youth (teen to my people in Overpass;
commoner). If punctured, can you take me with you?
the PC must make a type E My father will give you land.
END based HC or begin to He owns Drumen Farm. I can
hallucinate and grow very meet you at the rear door in
dizzy for d6 hours, being -40 an hour.” /5,6. “I was told to
SV and +20 DV to be struck put sleeping drugs into your
at. Furthermore, the char- drinks. They plan to turn you
acter will suffer one random into their toys in the loft up-
event, roll d6: 1,2. See ev- stairs, then sell you bruised
erybody as demons, which bodies as slaves by dawn.
are leering at him or her. But... I know how cruel they
The character must make a are, and won’t let them.
type F willpower based HC Please, just pretend to knock
or flee the bar screaming over your table, and the
for 3d6 minutes./ 3,4. Be- drinks, then leave and never
gin to see the flesh rot away comeback.”
from the faces of his or her
companions, while those in
the crowd appear as zom-
bies stomping closer. The

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North Fort
also known as Las Calaville
Beneath the fort is a large tunnel channel which is the only
way through the settlement by watercraft. A pair of iron water
gates, which can be raised or lowered as needed, grant ac-
cess to this inner creek from either upstream or below stream.
These heavy steel gates (DV -20 and each can take 400 END
Faction: The Dominion of Aberratia damage before being destroyed), and take 5 minutes to raise
Government: Local Magistrate, Stex the Mangled but only 1 minute to lower) are hoisted by dozens of pure stock
Population: Total 918 to 1360 / (Pure Stocks 112+d100/ slaves who live in a series of dungeon chambers which inter-
Mutants 750+3d100 and 60+d20 Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs connect beneath the fortress; the pitiful slaves never seeing
0/ Synthetic humans d6/other 2d6) the light of day.
The main Dominion command center, called the Headquar-
Site Details: North Fort straddles Border Creek only a cou- ters or HQ, is located in the Prime Tower, which reaches skyward
ple of dozen meters North of where Sickle Creek breaks off and 42 meters and is 20 by 20m square, dotted with steel shutters,
heads west for Bomb Bay. The Fortress, which was once an inde- barred windows and a few balconies with steel plated access
pendent farming and logging community prior to the Aberrationist doors. Many believe that this tower is the finest built, new struc-
take over of 2317, is built upon stone and timber pylons direct- ture in the new era, and alone acts as an independent fortress
ly over the creek, as both a defensive measure and to ensure in the event that the rest of the stronghold is captured.
that nearly all trade conducted by boat on these waterways is
stopped, searched, and the crew forced to pay toll tax. There is
little else notable about the location, except that downstream Water and Sanitation: Water is readily collected via dozens
of the fort there is lush farmland, while above this community, of lower level pipes and wells, while sewage leaves the fort by
grassy plains form a lawless expanse all the way to the Northern way of pipes which are attached to latrines and baths all over the
Freehold territories and beyond to Two Craters Lake. place, even in the slave prison below the main street level.

Construction: The old wooden town site is all but obliterated Technology: North Fort relies on 5 solar panels and a series
now, sitting on the Western shore, its rock work long since stolen of 8 hydro electric wheel turbines which are protected deep inside
to add to the impressive stone and scrap stronghold of North the guts of the fort, turned by the flow of creek water as it spills
Fort. Spanning Border Creek, this place is built like a bridge and by. These power sources each provide one power pack worth of
forms a massive flat deck above the churning waters below. The energy per day, and run everything from the electric lighting used
‘deck’ is heaped with well crafted defensive outcrops, turrets, throughout the base, to the impressive the laser cannons situ-
gunnery positions, and towers; all of which surround one cen- ated around the fort (see military and defenses page 162).
tral square tower which is topped by a great steel dome. There In the HQ, there are three computer terminals, each of
are two gates, one facing each shore of the creek, which stay which controls a different aspect of the fortress. System ‘A’
shut most of the time since most traffic this way comes by the controls the lighting systems and numerous digital security
two creeks or by air in the form of Bat Riders, assorted airships cameras dotted about the fortress. These relic cameras allow
as well as few relic gyrocopters operated by the Dominion. DOA personnel to watch all the gates, access to the prison
Of all towns in the land, this one is the most akin to medi- level, the landing area at the top of the prime tower, as well as
eval castles, due to its clustered towers and red tile roofing. The activities in ‘The Lodge’, the fort’s military club.
internal structures are of timber, but have ceramic tile shingles The second computer station, system ‘B’, is weaker and
to protect them from enemy flaming arrows. As there is no ci- is used for inter-community and remote communications,
vilian population to speak of, there are none of the huts and email, radio broadcast monitoring and general base paper
shacks so common to most every other town in the region. work and record keeping.

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System ‘C’ is the most advanced computer and is used to come to seek enlistment in the dominion Military (see page 110
operate, target and fire the four light laser cannons which protect for details on joining the mutant supremacist army).
the base. These remote guns are situated in well protected bun- Besides the main compliment of troops, North Fort houses
kers, which are opened by hand by Dominion Warriors, yet once 6+d6 Dominion Majors, the Magistrate and his technicians, advi-
opened can fire in a 90 arc of fire up down or side to side, and sors, harem of strange looking and unique concubines. Further-
are positioned as such to ensure that each corner of the fort is more, other DOA units are sometimes present at the fort and can
covered by beam cannon fire. include a detachment of Aberrationist troops, spies, hired assas-
The electrical energy surplus is so great here that many pow- sins, visiting officials from Newburg, and occasionally a whole
er cells from other Dominion bases are shipped here, empty, to army which is on its way to or from some enemy location.
be recharged prior to being returned. The transportation of pre- Stex the Mangled, the local Magistrate, is a foul tempered
cious power cells, however, is always conducted under great se- old monstrosity who is known to abandon the fort to hunt pure
crecy and heavy guard. stocks in the east for weeks at the time, alone. Treat him as a
7th rank Freakish Horror mutant armed with a sniper rifle which
Dangers: Being the most northerly based garrison in the Do- is enhanced with bipod, digital scope and silencer.
minion, this stronghold is responsible for protecting the entire
nation from numerous enemies. The greatest threat of course Visitors to North Fort: No travelers, other than those seek-
comes from nearby Overpass and The Northern Freehold, al- ing to join the dominion army, may enter the fort from either of the
though barbarian marauders and humanoids from the wilds, as land gates. People are welcome to camp on the cleared gravel cov-
well as surprise attacks by forces of the Holy Purist Empire, have ered grounds outside either gate, seeking some protection from
all assaulted this portion of the Aberrationist territory. the woodland beasts and Purist raiding parties, but they are not
On a more individual level, the perils facing a traveler who permitted access regardless of what threat approaches them.
decides to stop over here are also considerable. Loners and The only way to enter the fortress is by the creek, and then, no
small parties of travelers are at some risk when entering North water craft larger than a longboat can fit beneath the enormous
Fort’s underground inspection dock as well as when spending stone and scrap metal fort. Boaters will come to a large steel gate
the night in the camping chamber. Besides aquatic predators en- at the base of the fortress, and initially be inspected by warriors
tering the sandy camp caves, the troops here are known to be on the walls, who will call to the occupants of boats to show them-
extra suspicious, brutal, and hateful of outsiders, especially the selves, describe their cargo, destination and port of departure.
pure stock servants and slaves of visiting mutant civilians. Any boat with pure stocks aboard will be delayed while some sort
of officer reviews the craft from the safety of the walls, and will
Law Enforcement: There is no civilian access to the surface of determine if the pure stocks truly appear to be slaves or at the
the town, however guests can stay in the review-camp area Here, least, servants who know their low place in the order of things. If
travelers are somewhat protected from each other, and various the boat is denied entry, it will be told to row to shore, and the pas-
creatures that drag themselves out of the underground water- sengers disembark and either camp over night if already dusk, or
way, by a handful of Dominion Warriors. These troops lack any stand by to be inspected. The number of visible occupants in the
sort of law enforcement training and during any squabble simply boat, plus 2d6 in Dominion Warriors will stomp out of the fort and
beat all parties. search the travelers, especially inspecting the boat for any signs of
an explosive device or hidden passengers. Those who have tried
Military and Defense: North Fort typically has 500+d100 Do- to deceive the soldiers will be impaled alive.
minion Warriors stationed here, many of who go on foot patrols If a craft is deemed to be a legitimate cargo carrier or occupied
in the nearby farm lands and woods by day. A detachment of by real mutant supremacist excavators, or at the very least travelers
50+d100 irregulars are stationed here as well, but make one or who are commanded and owned by mutants, whose stories seem
two week long raiding expeditions into the Northern Freehold and plausible and they are respectful and willing to pay the toll tax, will
beyond. These brutal raiding parties are made up of about a doz- be admitted into the underside of the fortress. Admitted boats will
en irregulars who seek opportunities to torture and loot whom- travel along a 5m wide, 6m high channel, which is lit by florescent
ever they can catch, including other non-DOA mutants. 60+d20 lighting. The boaters will travel a dozen or so meters down the creek
dominion heavy infantry are located in the prime tower, as well to the middle of a large dock area. Here, the cavern opens out
as 3d6 Shadow Minions. At the top of the tower, are a squadron and presents many floating wooden docks, joined by several tun-
of 4d6+10 Bat Riders, as well as d4+1 airships fitted with four nel openings made out of newly cut stone among ancient concrete
muskets each, which are the main cargo carriers between New- chunks and steel supports. There will usually be d10 rowboats, d10
burg and this fort. In a large kennel area within the fort, are a canoes, d12 rafts and d4 longboats tied up at the dock, their own-
detachment of 50+d100 Dog Riders, who split up every day or ers and crew either sitting about with their cargo waiting for some-
two to patrol the woods to the east and engage any Purist units thing, or else, 68% chance per craft, vacant from the scene.
who come this far north, as well as inspect travelers who migrate 10+d10 Dominion soldiers will be standing about, cross-
through the length of twisted wood on their way to and from the bows ready as any new arrivals are waved over to tie up and come
two freehold factions which flank the Dominion. ashore. Once stepping out on to the dock, the soldiers will order
As noted above under technology, there are four light laser travelers to step aside as one or two warriors go aboard the boat
cannons, each operated remotely by a computer technician in and check it out for hidden cargo holds, explosives or other ob-
the headquarters. These mighty relics can each fire 50 shots per vious threats to the security of the fort. If there is no detectable
day. These guns, like their operators, are housed in steel plat- threat, the visitors will be escorted to a sign-in and toll payment
ed positions at the mid point of the Prime Tower. The four lower area, where a deformed clerk at a desk will record names and
towers have a heavy ballista sheltered within their waists, and a visual descriptions of all travelers, including pure stock slaves,
catapult on top of each square tower. The Eastern Gate house is robots, intelligent animals or other self aware life forms.
protected by a heavy machine gun, which is supplied by 2 drum A toll tax of 2sp per traveler is demanded, plus 10sp per row-
magazines (d100 rounds in each) while at the Western Gate is boat, canoe or small raft, while longboats and huge cargo rafts
a rocket launcher, hidden in one of six identical, steel shuttered are charged 20sp to continue their journey. Following the pay-
windows, and kept with 3d6 battle rockets. Each gate is also ment and sign in, travelers can either choose to continue their
watched by a Shadow Minion, who inspects all cargo caravans, journey or stay the night in the camping chamber area, which is a
arriving patrols, reinforcements as well as all those mutants who large open space just off from the docks, lit by torches and having

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MAP CR-12A and 12B: North Fort

1 hex =3 meters

North Fort Basement

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The Crossroads Region Part Five: Dominion Of Aberratia 162
a floor of sand which allows one to pitch tents should one desire the other travelers who travel the creek. If you are an all mutant
privacy as well as make small campfires with supplied drift wood. group, you’ll have no trouble, but if you got pure stocks, cyborgs
There is no charge to camp here, and a squad of d6+3 Domin- or synthetic humans along, then you better be damn sure they
ion Warriors patrol the area all night, making sure visitors don’t have no weapons or armor on them when you arrive at the water
rob each other, sneak away to search the labyrinth-like under lev- gates, as the Shadow Minions and troops will yank the poor bug-
els of the fortress, or get up to some other mischief. There are gers out and probably impale them then and there!
usually dozens of people camped here at night, some sleep on “If you are going to trick the Aberrationists, then you better
the ground without shelter, others in tents, and still others stretch make sure your non-mutants are practically naked, bruised up,
tarps over branches or rubble protrusions to make a lean-to. dirty and cowering from you, at least while you are in or near North
Fort. There are no accessible ruins that I know of, but there are
Brief History: Once called Las Calaville, generations ago, this always some sort of old structures within the nearby woods, either
site was first settled by hard working farmers and hunters. These strangled by vines or so covered in moss that you’d think they are
earlier people were mostly mutants but included many pure some sort of huge plant or hill. But wait... I also heard that teams
stocks, long living bioreplicants and other assorted intelligent of slaves were busy tunneling deep beneath the fortress, even go-
and gregarious beings. While they had heard of the Aberrationist ing under the creek. They were supposedly finding level upon level
and Purist factions to the south, they did little to build up their of ancient structures, although whether they are old factory levels
defenses nor bolster their tiny militia with mercenaries or relic or old shopping complexes, who can say? And no, I don’t know if
weapons. When the dark day came, a great wave of Aberrationist these lower levels are flooded by the creek water, I assume some
soldiers attacked. In the fall of 2317, the naive and peace lov- seepage would be normal. Guess you’ll only find out if you end up
ing people of Las Calaville were easily defeated and either killed, as a slave, which is possible if you fail to show respect, pay the toll
captured, or driven off in the night. In the year 2323, the old taxes, or fail to treat your pure stocks like pathetic slaves.”
community was dismantled as the new, creek spanning fortress
was finally completed; complete with four laser cannons installed For the Game Master: North Fort serves as a garrison for
in the Prime tower. To this day, expansion of the fortress contin- the Dominion of Aberratia, and offers few opportunities as a
ues, with new floors being added to the garrisons, expansions base camp for adventure parties. Nevertheless, for a resourceful
of the outer walls onto both sides of the creek, and excavations group, staying here can offer some interesting adventure options.
down into the silt soil, even below the creek, where it is rumored Likewise, a GM may start a new PC group with the entire charac-
that vast ancient ruins are being dug free of the muck and rub- ter party serving as work slaves deep below the fort, unearthing
ble, exposing relic artifacts which are shipped back to Newburg relic junk for their brutal masters when they come across an area
for identification, repair and issue to DOA forces. not filled in with silt and rubble, and gain access to an under-
ground corridor leading kilometers away to a vegetation covered
Social Details: This fortress has no obvious unique cultural ruin; allowing the characters a chance at freedom, possibly with
identity, perhaps due to the constant coming and going of troops a few unearthed relic weapons. North Fort might also serve as a
who are often rotated around the factional lands to keep them home base for PCs who have enlisted into the Aberrationist army,
both fresh and dissuade them from forming bonds with the lo- in such cases, use the encounter tables found in Rivergrad for
cals. The customs and fashions of Newburg, are however, rare handling street and bar encounters; however, there is no brothel,
here, as military personnel tend to be more conservative and un- but whores do work the bar itself.
complicated in their hobbies, perversions and daily activities.

Resources and Industry: There is no industry which results

Unique Encounters
Roll on both lists A and B for the Camping Chamber, plus, always
in exporting goods, although in former times, when North Fort re-roll duplicated dice results.
was just a village, it maintained a very efficient lumber mill, brew-
ery and farming industry. Currently, the farms and logging activi- List A, Nighttime Occupants of the Camping Chamber:
ties taking place nearby are conducted by commoners and their There will be d6 rolls on the following table to discover the nature
slaves who dwell in small, scattered homesteads. These walled of other groups and individuals camping in the huge 100 by 30
homestead compounds are usually made of scrap, stone and meter, column and girder supported area. Each group of camp-
timber, and occupied by d6+2 commoner families, 3d6 pure ers is separated by about five meters.
stock work slaves, and protected by 3d6 mutant militia soldiers. A patrol of d6+3 dominion warriors, using lanterns, are sup-
posed to patrol the area all night, but tend to just sit by their bon-
Accommodations: Dominion Warriors dwell in their barracks, fire near the entrance to the chamber. They occasionally drive
which are the same style of small rooms used everyplace in the off a bold predator which comes up from the creek bottom, but
nation, which allow a man or woman to keep their personal slave more importantly, make sure nobody slips by them to explore
chained to the wall or bed. There are, however, various mess the other levels of the fortress, or go to the docks to pilfer from
halls where drinks can be served, yet nothing in the way of a bar other people’s boats. The dock area is closed to all travelers from
or brothel. Travelers are allowed to stay in the vast underground, 10 pm until 6 am, after which outsiders can return to their boats
creek side camping chamber, which is a sand floored, under- and depart. Unless otherwise stated, all humans will be mutants
ground chamber just off from the docking and inspection area. with one minor mutation from the Physical Alterations list, page
77 of the TME hub rules. Roll 2d6 d6 times on the following list:
For the Excavator: What the characters have heard: “If you
are going up or down Border Creek by boat, you really don’t have 2. Slaver with d6+6 raider henchmen armed with whips and
much choice but to stop over at the underground docks beneath musket pistols and hatchets, who arrived by longboats. They
this huge fortress. It’s no place to spend more than a night, as have a string of pure stock slaves, chained to a steel bars which
there is nothing available to excavators, not even a place to buy are then chained to stone columns. There will be 2d6 each of
a meal or a drink, just a big open cavern filled with sand where men, women, teens and children slaves here, all have been very
you can make a fire and set up a tent. There are a few guards badly treated, are cold, starving and pitiful to behold.
to keep animals away, animals that come from the creek, but 3. Excavator, who arrived by canoe.
you’re kind of on your own in the camping dungeon, so you need 4. Scavenger, who arrived by canoe.
to post a guard or else get your stuff stolen or your throat slit by 5. Nomadic trader, with d4+2 savage males, who arrived by canoes.

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6. Nomadic trader with d3+2 raider guards, who arrived in two ist bitches taken from way the hell over near Far Cross, they
canoes. claim they ain’t’ Purists Supremacists, but I think they are ly-
7. Nomadic trader with d3+2 militia soldier guards, a pure stock ing. These one’s are for lease, just for the night for 6 silvers
woman slave. They arrived by a longboat. each. They ain’t much but if you haven’t been with a woman
8. Nomadic Traders, d2+1, with 2d6+3 militia soldiers, who ar- in awhile, they might just do the trick. What do you say?” If
rived in two longboats, and are accompanied by d4 pure stock the characters refuse, the slaver just shrugs and drags the
slave women. women off to another camp. If any PC accepts one or more
9. Commoner family arrived by raft, d2 men, d2 women, d6 of the slave-whores for the night, the slaver takes the money
teens, d6 children, 50% chance of a hunting dog. and says he’ll be back to collect the generic in the morning.
10. Commoner clan, arrived by raft flotilla, d6+6 men and wom- The women are unique and so too are their responses at be-
en, 2d6+6 teens, 3d6+12 children, d6 farm dogs, d6 hunting ing sold as whores to mutants, roll d6 for each slave’s reaction
dogs, d3 milk cows, numerous tents. when taken alone into a character’s tent or other private area:
11. Mercenary unit, 2d6+3 militia soldiers, each with a prime 1,2. “Listen,” she says. “I am no Purist! I swear! Just a farm girl
mutation, and very pro-Aberrationist, arrived by canoes. from Sandbarra. Buy me from this pig of a man and I will take you
12. Bounty Hunter, working for the Dominion, with d6+3 raider to my father’s homestead outside of Sandbarra, where you can
henchmen, who arrived by canoes. 12% chance they have a cap- eat like a king, and I will be your mate by choice, instead of this
tive pure stock man, 16% chance a pure stock woman, and 9% sham!” Incidentally, she cost 50+d20sp to purchase. / 3,4. The
chance of a pure stock excavator as captives. slave is very willing to please the character, but says nothing and
clings to the PC afterwards, talking in her sleep about ‘Mecha
List B, Encounters in the Camping Area: There is a 1 murderers’. In the morning, she must be physically yanked from
in 10 chance per hour of a special encounter from the fol- the character by the slaver, and she looks back at the PC with
lowing, rolling d12. pleading eyes. If he offers to buy her, the slaver says she’s too ex-
pensive, at 80+d100sp. /5,6. The slave woman snarls and hiss-
1. d3+1 Dominion Warriors are making their rounds between es at the character. “You go near me, mutant freak, and I’ll claw
campsites, keeping an eye on any groups containing pure stocks your frigging eyes out! Stay back, abomination from hell! God is
to make sure they are indeed slaves. When they arrive at the PC watching you, you filthy, tainted viper! I’d rather die than fornicate
group, they had better see any pure stocks cowering from them, with walking sewage like you!” She has here wrists bound, but
bearing no weapons or armor, and looking every bit the part of a can hammer her fists in a normal unarmed attack, and will not
slave. If not, they will order the slave out of the group and march allow herself to be kissed or otherwise fondled.
him or her off to some dark, secluded area and beat him or her 3. A nomadic trader, late arriving if not previously determined on
senseless, later dragging the victim back, unconscious and de- the above table, comes over the character’s camp with his d3 mi-
positing him or her at the feet of the other PCs. Should the char- litia soldier guards. “Hello strangers, I’ve been watching you. I’m
acters resist this brutality, or the slave fights back and defeats traveling south to the Lower Freehold by longboat, and well, the
the Warriors, then the remaining warriors on duty will either run truth is, we lost a few men on the way, and don’t think we have the
over to the sounds of yelling and fighting, or else come search- muscle to make it all the way to drop off our cargo. I’d like to hire
ing for their missing comrades within 3d6 minutes. you all, for 60 silvers each, to escort us there. Once we arrive, you
2. Late arrivals! A slaver and his staff of 2d4+3 raider guards, can get your pay, and I’ll supply all the food and a daily ration of
all mutants, and a line of pure stock slaves (2d6 of each cat- wine on the way. We will cross down Border creek to the exchange
egory) with their wrists chained and bound to a long rope, at golden Creek, go up stream for a bit, and then down the Lusus
come into the camp area and pitch their pavilions right next River again. You know its rough going because of the war, but,
to the PCs, amid much swearing, beating and yelling. There is we’ll camp by day, travel by night, what do you say?”
a 4 in 6 chance that the slaver and one raider drag over d6+1 4. A Group of commoners arrives late by raft- boathouses,
slave women, the best looking ones in spite of their bruis- and sets up camp near the characters. They are all common
es, torn cotton clothing, and messy hair. “Say, brave fellows,” mutants, numbering 2d6 of each category of commoner (men,
smiles the rough looking slaver. “I have me here some Pur-

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women, teens and children), and have d6 farm dogs and a sions, d6+5 for mid rank and d10+10 for high rank, making
few dairy cows. During the night, a young woman comes for a battle which will involve all the guards and adults within
over to the group, smiling seductively and trying to make camping area.
her rags more revealing. “Why, hello fellow post-humans, 8. A venomous lizard has crept into the character’s camp and
fellow great ones. I saw you sitting around your fire, and just into one random character’s sleeping roll. The PC must make
wanted to let you know that for a small fee, say four silvers, a type B perception based hazard check to notice it before
I can spend an hour with one of you, in your tent. My uncle climbing into the blankets and getting attacked immediately.
doesn’t mind, as long as I pay him his share of my fee.” If The GM should establish if characters sleep fully armored or
any PC does decide to chase the chill for the night and frolic not, with remaining in armor to sleep being very uncomfort-
with her, there is a 2 in 6 chance of a unique outcome, after able. If attacked while it is in the sleeping bag, the victim is
making love. Roll d6: 1-3. “Listen, I like you,” she confess- penalized -20 SV to strike at the thing while in the material.
es after making out. “And would love to accompany you, as 9. Blood flyers (see ‘Insects, table 3 of 3’, Hub Rules book)
your woman, wherever you folks are going? Maybe you are have penetrated the bars on one of the creek gates and
getting the hell out of the Dominion? Can I leave with you in swarm into the camping cavern, attacking livestock and those
the morning? I can use a bow or even a musket if you’ve got not in sealed tents. Should characters be outside their tents,
an extra, and am brave!” /4,5. “Whew, that was great. Say, or camping on the sandy ground, they are attacked by d3 of
my Uncle will probably sell me to you for a dowry of 50 sil- the giant mutant mosquitoes each. Other campers are also
vers, why not buy me and I can go with you, and we can do engaged in fighting off the blood suckers, and if the PCs suc-
this every night while you’re on the road? /6. The night goes ceed, so too do the rest, otherwise the swarm is so bad, that
well; she returns to her people at dawn and leaves the PC only those in their tents survive the night.
with a sad, backwards glance. But, there is a 50% chance 10. Somehow, when a creek gate was opened to let in a boat,
she is made pregnant by any male lover and she and her a giant frog entered the underground waterways. In the mid-
family will search the region for the character and demand dle of the night, the enormous amphibian makes its attack,
he marry her when the PC is found. first trying to devour the Dominion Soldiers before moving into
5. Mud worms erupt from the sandy floor, three per human the cavern and the campers within.
and dog camped in the underground campsite, attacking 11. Land Pike have entered the underground creek while the
those in tents or sitting around the watch fires. Clearly, this gates were raised, and following the scent of warm blooded
encounter involves a massive battle to handle considering all prey, have massed on the docks and approach the Dominion
the humans present. The GM may wish to re-roll or have a gi- Warriors guarding the entrance the cavern, if defeated, this
ant jaw worm burst through a side wall and rush towards the mass of amphibious fish will advance on the nearest humans
Dominion Soldiers first, who call for help from the campers. within the cave, and devour them as they catch them. There
6. A small snake has slithered into the PC’s camp, and hides are 20+2d20 land pike, see ‘Fish’, hub rules.
near a random character. If that character is on guard, he or she 12. A venomous bat has entered the cavern, and has happened
gets a type A perception based HC to notice it and attack it first, to settle near and attack a random character. If that character
otherwise, the PC leans on the thing and it makes an attack. is asleep and the venom takes, he or she will not know of the
7. Amphibious sharks have lumbered up onto the docks blood drain and sickness until morning, only observing the pus
and made their way into the camping area cavern, and are leaking wound and feel the trait losses when waking.
currently battling the hard pressed Dominion Warriors, who
shout for help. There are d3+3 for low rank adventure ses-

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Red Field are said to inhabit many humanoids, as well as the occasional
enemy Purist death squad, who frequently observe the town and
wait for the opportunity to enter the walls and butcher innocent
mutants. Visitors will soon realize that the authorities have terri-
Faction: The Dominion of Aberratia fied the populace out of their wits, using the Purist threat, and so
Government: Local Magistrate, Abattoir Arleen too, that these people are among the most poorly educated and
Population: Total 521 to 704 (Pure Stocks 50+d20/ Mu- anti-Purist in the dominion.
tants 420+d100 and 30+2d20 Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs d8
slaves/ Synthetic Humans 12+2d6 slaves /Other 2d6) Law Enforcement: Dominion Warriors, as well as local mi-
litia units, patrol the streets and watch the walls day and
Site Details: Sitting on the shores of Ajax Lake, a water night, enforcing the 7 pm curfew diligently. They also make
body fed by Gold Creek, which itself is a tributary of the larger sure that any pure stocks know their place as slaves, or at
Boarder Creek, this low tech, agricultural town sits on a flat least, as subservient ‘untouchables’, bowing when meeting
plain. The community is surrounded by crop land, and peers a mutant on the street, and stepping aside as the their devi-
out across the small lake to twisted Wood. ant ‘betters’ pass. Criminals are usually hanged in the town
square, their bodies left to decay for several weeks before
Construction: Red Field is made almost exclusively of wood, they are thrown into the lake for predators to pick apart.
but does have some field stone chimney work, and portions of
scrap metal and plastic serving as patching material or win-
dow covers. Otherwise, the entire place is of rough hewn logs
Military and Defense: There is a detachment of 50+d20
Dominion Warriors stationed here, but they are usually troop-
and poorly sliced boarding, all knotted together with twine and ers who have been damaged in frontline fighting and are posted
hemp rope. In the Dominion, these people are considered the here to recover from physical or mental injuries, therefore any
poorest craftsmen in the country, and are better known for given soldier will be 2d20 endurance instead of 30+d20.
their fine produce, wine and beer production, as well as a strict Being on the main road to Newburg from the front lines,
compliance with the Central Government and its rules. there is a 14% chance per day that a random military unit ar-
rives in the late afternoon and spends the night prior moving on
Water and Sanitation: Well water is drawn from the again the next ray, if so, roll d6: 1. 100+d100 Dominion Warriors
ground, both within town and at each of the many homestead- / 2. 40+d20 Dog Riders / 3. 30+d12 Dominion Heavy Infantry
forts dotting the countryside. Sewage is simply dumped into / 4. 100+d100 Dominion Irregulars / 5. 300+d1000 Dominion
buckets and eventually poured over the walls away from the Warriors, 2d20 Dog Riders, 3d6 Bat riders, d6 Shadow Minions,
docks and front gate. and a Dominion Major / 6. Roll here twice, using d4.
There is also a 6 in 10 chance that on any given day, d6
Technology: There is a small solar generator on the top of longboats, each with 12 Dominion Irregulars, fitted with a bal-
the magistrate’s Mansion, which powers the lighting systems lista and a rear canopy and cook stove, will be docked here.
in that structure as well those spotlights at the docks, main These craft will pursue any boat which is suspicious, or whose
gate as well as the only two relic weapons guarding the town, occupants are fleeing the town after breaking some law.
see Military and Defenses, next page. Other defenses include a ballista on each of the town’s four
wooden watch towers, plus 3 catapults set up on the docks fac-
Dangers: A wide assortment of wild animals, predatory amphib- ing the lake. These stone throwing catapults are not behind sand
ious fish, frogs and crustaceans pose a constant threat to those bags or dug in, however, and make for easy targets should invad-
traveling outside of town, but so too, within the walls of the place ers approach by water. Besides these archaic artillery, there are
by night. For this reason, Red Field has a curfew which demands a handful of relics available to the town; a heavy machine gun on
that no non-military personnel be about town after 7pm; those the gate house, drum fed with d100 high caliber rifle rounds re-
caught are either fined 70 silvers or imprisoned and forced to maining, plus on Red Field’s lake side rickety wooden gate tower
work off the fine at 2 silvers per day. The woods across Ajax Lake

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MAP CR-13: Red Field

1 hex =5 meters

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is a grenade launcher with 2d4 fragmentation grenades, guard- Social Details: Red Field’s inhabits are transplanted,
ed by 4 warriors at all times. The Dominion Major, called Bethak- as the original occupants of this rich farmland were either
ka, carries a sniper rifle which has a specially designed drum wiped out or driven south. Most of the current folk are retired
magazine which holds 50, high caliber rifle rounds, but has only Aberrationist soldiers, or otherwise keen supporters of the
2d20 at any given time. movement and mindful of their close proximity to the border
Abattoir Arleen, the Magistrate, is a genuine sadist, getting her with the Purist Empire. Although they are farmers and fisher-
name from her bloody hobby of ‘interrogation’. It is said that even man, they are also eager to serve the Dominion by report-
fellow mutants, especially visitors to town, end up in her basement ing suspected spies, or false-slaves accompanying travelers.
torture chamber, and if they survive the ordeal, are both physically Likewise, they are prone to grabbing pitchforks and axes and
and mentally broken for life. Treat her as a 5th rank typical mutant, going after Purist marauders or those who preach equality.
armed with an assault shotgun and laser sword. The attire of local commoners reflects their practical, mili-
taristic viewpoint, and everybody dresses in functional, green
Visitors to Red Field: Being so close the front lines of the and black, trying to look like some branch of the Dominion mili-
war, and having experienced so many raids by Purist comman- tary. Given this, they are not a fashionable lot, nor pleasure
does and mutant killers, the people of Red Field are exceedingly seeking, cheerful, or the least bit warm to civilian or mercenary
intolerant toward pure stocks of any sort and almost as hateful of visitors. Additionally, they think any mutant who is fit, should
them as the hard pressed citizens of Banner Cove. Ghost mutants be doing his or her part to advance mutant supremacist objec-
who live here and are familiar to the soldiers and other residents, tives, and should be fighting the Purist peril, not selfishly loot-
are not harassed or beaten in the streets. A visiting ghost mutant, ing ruins or seeking adventure for personal glory.
on the other hand, must quickly establish that he or she is in fact
a mutant, either by showing their official papers and wearing the Resources and Industry: The people of Red Field are in-
black headband, or proving their deviation through a demonstra- dustrious and hard working and do well for themselves. They
tion of their powers. Failure on the ghost mutant’s part to back up grow a wide assortment of vegetable crops, raise, butcher
their claim will likely result in a savage beating and enslavement, and process livestock, brew beer and wine, and conduct a
or at least ill treated of the sort dished out to pure bloods. small scale but profitable fresh water fishery in Ajax Lake.
Pure stocks, and their off shoots such as synthetic humans,
cyborgs and androids, are not permitted into the streets without Accommodations: There is a general store, a smithy, assort-
being accompanied by a mutant master or other mutant adult. ed wood working shops, a huge butchery and meat salting ware-
Generics may not carry weapons or wear armor, and are explic- house, as well as a fair sized brewery and winery next to that near
itly forbidden not to meet the eyes of mutant non-family mem- the docks. The only facility of use to travelers is Long Arm’s Beer
bers, must step out of the path of aberrations, and must kneel Hall and Inn, a three story jumble of wooden buildings which con-
and bow when approached by military personnel. sists of a large bar room and slop house, a stable, and above
There is no entrance fee, however, strangers, even all mu- these, two floors of rental rooms. In the stable, horses, dogs and
tant groups, will be questioned by the guards, and forbidden other animal mounts can be boarded for 3sp per night, includ-
from carrying chain guns, heavy machine guns, flame units, gre- ing feed. Relic vehicles, large robots and similar machines are
nades, land mines, missiles or other explosives while in town. charged 30sp per night to stable, however, and must be guarded
All such items must be stowed in backpacks or chests and kept by the owner’s own staff.
out of sight and in the traveler’s wagon, boat or room at the Inn. The Inn consists of two dozen rooms, half being small
Pure stock slaves and servants must abide by all the above stat- rooms with a double bed in them coasting 6sp per night, and
ed rules for generics, and are usually searched by the guards the other half being 4 person bunk rooms, coasting 11sp per
at either the docks or the land gate whenever they arrive. The night. Typically, d12 of these rooms will be rented out on a per-
searching procedure is often very rough, and humiliating, with manent basis by prostitutes, who work the beer hall below and
a 33% chance that it involves a strip search, and a 12% chance service the many Dominion soldiers who are either stationed
of a body cavity search, conducted in a small shack out of sight in Red Field to heal up, or are troops marching through on their
by the pure stock’s owners or guardians. way to and from the war.
Brief History: Red Field gets its name from the blood soaked For the Excavator: What an out of towner has heard about
farmland which surrounded this spot during the DOA conquest of Red Field: “According to reports by freehold spies, and traders
2286. Previously known as Chyna-Theetor, it was taken during the who have had to stay in this pit of oppression, lies and systemat-
Battle of Ajax Lake, a tumultuous one sided fight between the early ic violation of one’s human rights, Red Field is little more than a
Aberrationist forces and a mixed race clan who inhabited the lake farm village masquerading as a military back-line garrison. Hell,
side village. The independent defenders resisted the mutant su- it has only two relic weapons defending it, a grenade launcher
premacist assault for six days, but were eventually defeated by de- and a heavy machine gun, bah, that’s nothing compared to Riv-
viants mounted on riding dogs, led by an enormous purple mutant ergrad or Hookville’s arsenal. The people are confounded, mu-
called Ajax. The Chyna-Theetorians were cunning and resourceful tant supremacist, muddle minded and brain washed, they’ve
warriors, but not much better armed than primitive savages, and inbred so much that they think the word ‘incest’ simply means
their brave charges and skimish-style tactics no match for the dis- engagement to wed. In spite of their ignorance and misguided
ciplined formations of the pro-mutant forces of Newburg. The DOA fanaticism, they are a dangerous bunch of farmers, so if you
invaders easily divided and then decimated the villagers before have pure stock companions, even if they are real slaves, and I
burning their community to the ground. The women and children certainly don’t wish to condone slavery by saying this, but Red
fled east across the lake and into twisted wood, while all the males Field is not the place to bring generics. Simply put, they are li-
fought to the last man, their bodies hacked apart and stained the able to get taken from you and forced into dangerous work, or
ground with their blood. A drought followed, and the blood clung to killed for some silly infraction of the Aberrationist laws.
the crushed grass all summer, dark and enduring, inspiring tales “No, you certainly won’t find rebels or other assistance if you
of ghosts and cursed crops to this day. Many suspect that the get yourself in a mess while staying there, best you just stay in the
women and children who fled this area made it to Sandbarra and Inn one night and move on at first light. Oh, and there is a seven
migrated onward to settle Sorrow and Steel Hill, taking with them o’clock curfew enforced by the military, so you’ll have to stay in the
their fear and hatred for the Aberrationist faction. bar until bed, which poses its own perils if what I hear is true.

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“Finally, there is Abattoir Arleen, for who even the lo- see about this great little town. Bye now!” With that, the DOA
cal’s bare great dread. She is supposed to be a black troops just walk away, waving.
skinned deviant with a taste for human flesh and Its said 3. d6+2 commoner children are playing some sort of game
that people go missing there from time to time and nobody with rocks, trying to hit targets they set up across the street.
asks why. If you get arrested, you better hope you only end They stop playing as the characters pass. If, however, there
up hanged or put in chains someplace else. Some say she are any ghost mutants or pure stocks in the PC group, they
was once a warrior of some rank, but ate a fellow soldier will purposefully throw one rock each at the pure stocks. If the
during trench warfare east of Twisted Wood, and was dis- children are harmed in any way, the townspeople will see to it
charged from the army only to enter politics and gain the that the characters are deprived of any relics, stripped naked,
seat of Magistrate. Who knows the truth?” given 12 lashes in public, and kicked out of town. Killing the
children will result in a nation wide manhunt for the PCs.
For the Game Master: Red Field is small and not heav- 4. Dominion dog cavalry have entered the town and thunder
ily militarized, however, its civilian population is hard core down the street coming the PC’s way. There are 20+d20 of
Aberrationist, and prone to taking the law into their hands. them, and they are moving fairly fast, forcing everybody out of
While all-mutant character groups might not notice any serious the way. If the PC group has any pure stocks or ghost mutants,
threats to their health or freedom, groups with pure stocks are that are not immediately hidden from view, there is a 4 in 6
in very real danger of being targeted by local vigilantes or mili- chance that after the main body of cavalry goes by, that d3+3
tary units who don’t believe the pure bloods are slaves, nor that riders turn back and stop in front of the characters, their huge,
the other characters are anything other than Freehold spies. At thin bodied hounds snarling at the characters. “You there, old
the very least, if mutant characters are not in the military, then kind, step closer and kneel, or we’ll let our dogs tear into the
they are either criminals or outlanders, and neither is much ap- bunch of you worthless grave robbing maggots!”
preciated by anybody except those who want their money, such Any ghost mutant can explain that he or she is a deviant and
as whores and shopkeepers. In Red Field, the opportunities for can offer to prove it, and if so, be exempt from stepping forth. If the
town adventures, street fighting, mad escapes over the walls Pure stocks refuse, and the mutant characters stand their ground
and into the fields of tall corn are numerous and will quickly il- and refuse to allow any abuse toward their ‘property’, then there is
lustrate to players the perils of the Dominion of Aberratia. a 3 in 6 chance the Dog Riders just leave, otherwise, they indeed
let their dogs edge closer and begin to snap at one PC each per
Unique Encounters round until the PCs comply or are forced to die fighting.
If pure stocks are indeed present and do step forth and
Notes: Always re-roll duplicated dice results. Unless stated
otherwise, all people met in the following encounters are kneel, then roll d6: 1-3. The Dog Riders take turns spitting on
common mutants with unique hair, skin and eye color as well the individual(s)/ 4,5. The loud mouth Dog Rider dismounts,
as one occurrence of the minor mutation, physical alteration grabs the pure stock’s scalp or ear in his hand and then begins
found on page 77 of the hub rules. to slowly slap the PC about, inflicting 2d6 stun damage before
leaving. / 6. The Dog Rider tells the pure stocks to strip down to
Daytime Street Encounters: Make d6 rolls for street oc- their undergarments and make noises like a sheep for d6 min-
cupants from chart D, page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance of a utes. Any other street occupants will gather and find this show
unique to Red Field encounter per passage, from the follow- great fun, pointing and laughing at the ‘old kind’.
ing list. Roll d6, or d6+1 if pure stocks or pure stock appear- 5. The characters see a slaver and his d4+2 raider henchmen
ing individuals accompany a group of travelers: dragging a line of pure stock slaves. There are d6 men, women,
1. d6+1 Farmers, all men, are leading cattle down the street, teens and children in the slave line, all tied with strong rope, wear-
the herd of two dozen or so creatures forcing the PCs to stand ing mere rags, many with bloody wounds, black eyes, and other in-
aside and wait. While standing there, and old man wobbles up juries. “They’re for sale, if you want some workers for your fields,”
and jabs the end of his cane into a random character’s side. shouts the foul looking slaver (who has d3 prime mutations and
“You there, and the rest of you too! You look big enough to serve. rides a riding dog.) “Since you is looking at ‘em, you must be in-
What the hell are you doing dressed like scoundrels for? Are you terested. Sure would be good to unload these fricken things here
cripples or something? You sissies, eh, is that it? What? I didn’t so I can get back across the boarder and hunt up another batch.
hear yeah, you cowards. You should be off at the front lines with The men and women cost 40 silvers each, the teenagers 20 and
the rest of the young folk, fighting the Purist filth. Do you have any them useless snot nosed kids are 15 silvers. What you say, out-
idea what them pinkies would do if they got a hold of our women landers?” If the PCs do buy one or all of the slaves, and march
and children, well do you!? Bah, you’re pansy ass, selfish low life them off to some secure place to talk, even out of town, the cap-
scum, and I curse you and spit on your mothers graves.” tives will tell their new owners that, roll d6: 1,2 “We are from near
The cattle finally pass and the characters can move on. If Sandbarra, we were on our way to Overpass to start a new life,
the PCs harm the old man, other in the street will be outraged when these men captured us. The mutants among us were taken
and stone the characters and drive them out of town. elsewhere to be drafted into the war with the Purists. Please take
2. “Ho there!” Shouts a voice from behind. Those characters us from this land. We will be helpful and return the favor some
that turn about see d6+3 Dominion Warriors jog up, the biggest day.” / 3,4. “Why do you care where we came from? You’re Aber-
one, their leader, smiling and showing his open palms. ‘Welcome rationists, ain’t you? Go fornicate with a pig, you mutant filth. God
to Red Field, brothers (and sisters), I am Galmetta, and I have has dammed your kind, and the Army of the Holy Vicar shall soon
been sent to track you bunch down and tell you about the ben- be here to see your mangled carcass on a burning pole!” The slave
efits of joining the Dominion Army. While we don’t have a recruit- then spits in the questioner’s eye. / 5,6. “Thank you for buying
ment office here, there is one in Newburg, Rivergrad, Hookville us... um, are we slaves still, or free? If we’re free, can you escort
as well as North Fort. Yes sir, we are really looking for some kick us back to the woodland trials? We are heading north to Over-
ass mutants like you. You’ll get paid well, have your own luxuri- pass, fleeing Steel Hill and the inevitable Purist invasion. There
ous quarters when at base, be trained, educated and armed, were many mutants with us before the attack, but they were taken
as well as fed fine meals and given access to beer and wine, as and sold to another slaver. Help us get to Overpass, and we will
well as women. In fact, you can even own one slave to share your serve you until the end of our days!”
quarters with. Now, don’t answer me now, no sir, think about it 6. Shouts from the nearby walls attract the character’s attention.
and if you have any more questions, just ask any fine solider you They peer up and see crossbow bolts darting into the sky to one

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side, then around the top of a tall wooden building flies a Winged 1. In a dark, secluded stretch of the town, the PCs notice that the
Slasher, (see lizards, Hub Rules) which dips, arcs and spins clear of street lanterns have been put out. Whether or not the team turns
the projectiles, diving low into the street right for the characters! back or proceeds forward, large figures step out of the darkness
7. The PCs notice that there are 3d6 farmers behind them, with drawn sabers. They wear sacks for hoods, with eye and mouth
about half of them are women, and all of them are picking up holes cut into them to hide their identities. There are d2 hoodlums
stones in one hand, and seem to be holding clubs in the other. per PC traveler (including NPC slaves and whatnot). One speaks
Suddenly, from ahead, another line of d6+2 male farmers ap- in a hushed tone ”Okay, outland filth, just set down your weapons
pear, clubs in hands, grim looks on their faces. Both groups are and packs, your belts, coin pouches and wallets, and step back a
5 meters away from the characters when the lines stop, one few paces. You took a chance with breaking curfew, now you will
farmer in front steps forward and points at the pure stocks. pay for it with all you own. Do as I say and then leave and no harm
“Them old-kind ain’t welcome in Red Filed, you hear?” Bel- will come to you, least not from us country boys.”
lows the man, face going red with rage. “Today we are just go- Treat the men as raiders. If the PCs comply, there is a
ing to give them a bit of a knock about, but if we ever see you 23% chance that once unarmed, the thugs order the PCs to
bringing their kind here again, we’ll fricken kill the lot of you, kneel, bind them, and march them off to a slaver’s hideout,
and their ain’t nothing the guards are goin’ to do to stop us! the characters ending up in the slave markets of Newburg
“Now, you can make this easy or hard,” continues the bel- within d3 days. The ropes on the captives can be broken on
ligerent mutant red neck. “Just shove the god damn things for- a successful type D strength based hazard check, one try
ward and let us mess ‘em up a bit. We promise not to kill your per half hour.
property. Now, if you ain’t willing to let ‘em suffer alone, you can 2. The characters turn a corner and see a patrol of d6+6 Do-
share their fate, as we’ll bust you all up, too.” With that, the mob minion Warriors marching their way. Each character is allowed a
behind begins to hurl rocks at the entire character party. If the type A, agility based hazard check to somehow come to a com-
PC group refuses to hand over their pure stocks within 3 rounds, plete stop, and creep into cover without being heard. The HC rolls
then the whole mob attacks trying to beat the PCs unconscious. are, however, not made until the patrol is immediately passing by,
If the farmers manage to incapacitate the PCs, they will loot their within 5 meters! If one character fails his or her HC then the patrol
victims and leave them all but naked, stuffed in a filthy alley. spots that person only, and gives chase. The fleeing character is
If the PCs do hand over their pure stocks, they are told to 44% likely to present one opportunity for the patrol to stop and fire
kneel as each is struck at by 2 clubs per round for 4 rounds. If the their crossbows at the dodging, cover using character, using a new
pure stocks fight back, they will be beaten by the whole mob into SV of 01-38 for the many crossbow bolts. If captured, a character
unconsciousness, possibly death if the damage rolls are high. The will be beaten down to 2d6 END, and forced to either pay 70sp or
authorities do nothing about the brutality, but if the characters de- work it off at a rate of 2sp a day doing hard field work.
fend themselves and kill any of the mob’s members, DOA warriors 3. d6 Urcellia have been observing street activity below with
and irregulars will hunt the guilty and have them impaled. keen interest, and decide to attack the passing PCs from above,
making their noisy approach from 10+d6m away.
Nighttime Street Encounters: Note: Curfew in effect 4. Lizards, winged slashers, have flown into the town looking
7am until dawn, 1 in 6 chance of a street occupant roll from for an easy meal, and believe the PC group is just that. There
chart D, page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance per passage of a are 1 per every two travelers, and they come from behind, as
special encounter from the following, roll d8. silently as possible.

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5. A swarm of blood flyers (see Insects, table 3 of 3, Hub If he is killed, the farmers in the bar will rise to their feet
Rules, page 160) buzz up from the lake shore and into town. and draw their knives and edge forward, demanding the mur-
These giant mosquitoes are looking to bloat themselves on derer surrender and come with them to the Magistrate for
mammal blood and see the characters. There will be d4 per punishment. If the characters refuse, either fleeing or fight-
traveler in the PC group. ing, the entire population of the town will begin a hunt for
6. Aberrant frogs, (see Frogs, Hub Rules, page 155) have them, and try to track the characters anyplace other than
found their way into town and have been eating whatever they Twisted Wood.
can catch, but cats and rats will not suffice for so many of the Should the pure stock initially submit to the mutant man for
beasts ,and when they spot the characters, they make throaty a beating, the farmer slaps the character about doing 2d6 stun
noises and hop forth for the kill. There will be d3 per traveler damage before being satisfied and returning to his table.
in the PC group. 3. A squad of d4+2 off duty Dominion Warriors enter the beer
7. A black owl swoops in from behind the characters, going hall and take up stools at the wicker bar, armed only with sa-
for the smallest figure in the PC group first, attempting to lift bers and daggers, having left their shields and crossbows at
the victim off the ground if both its talon attacks strike. It will the mansion. They smile and wave at a PC group that is all
make a maximum of only 3 passes if the targets put up a mutant, but if a pure stock slave is present, one soldier will
fight, stick together, and protect their smaller members by shout over to the group.
concealing them inside a ring of the larger humanoids. See “Why you bring their kind in here? Huh?” Demands the
birds in the hub rules, page 150. mutant warrior. “We shouldn’t have to look at them while we
8. “Die Mutant Devil worshippers!” Hisses a man’s voice. is trying to get drunk or get in the mood to woggle a whore.
Suddenly black cloaked figures drop down around the char- We are trying to forget the war with their self righteous, disap-
acter group, with one assailant per player character in num- pearing race. Hey, strangers, I’m talkin’ to you! Why not just
ber (treat attackers as soldiers, but who use longswords, no call it a night and go up to your rooms and save yourself some
shields and wear a musket pistol in their belt, which they will trouble?”
draw and fire if their murderous raid is going poorly and they If the characters reply respectfully, but still decline to
must flee into the dark and evade pursuers). They will not leave, the warriors just shrug it off and turn to their drinks,
engage pure stocks or ghost mutants unless these individu- but stay all night and will join any locals who pick a fight with
als enter combat against them in support of their mutant the characters, pummeling the PCs just for fun.
‘masters’. If, however, the characters make some smart ass re-
mark, such as “You go to your room’s, ugly,” or worse, “Sit on
Encounters in Long Arm’s Beer Hall and Inn: d3 pa- my thumb,” etc. then there is a 2 in 6 chance that one warrior,
tron rolls from chart D page 385 by day, plus one bar tender the largest with a prime mutation, comes over and splash-
and d3 serving girls, d6 prostitutes, and 3d6 farmers, while es his drink over a random pure stock’s head, then spits at
after 7pm, 2d6+4 patron rolls, d2 bar tenders, d3+1 militia the person who talked back to him. Following this, he flips
soldiers as bouncers, 3d6+6 farmers, d6+2 prostitutes and the character’s table over, spilling their food and drinks all
d4+2 serving girls. Note: treat farmers as commoner mu- over half the character’s before returning to his companions.
tants with one physical alteration from the minor mutations The local farmers will get a huge kick out of this show and
collection, page 77 of the TME hub rules. There is a 4 in 10 throughout the evening, occasionally splash drinks and toss
chance per hour of an encounter from the following list, roll chicken bones toward the characters.
d6 during the day until 7pm, while d8 after 7pm or d8+1 if a 4. The characters hear farmers at the next table talking about
pure stock or pure stock appearing character is accompany- how Purist raiders have been dropped into the nearby fields
ing a character group after 7pm at night, via dark colored airships. “No doubt to sabotage the
1. As there are no pure stocks among the characters, the bar supply lines and burn the crops again,” another adds. ”Well,
tender and serving women have welcomed the characters let’s pray to God that they just don’t get into town and start
from the moment they set foot into the bar. The PCs also no- killin’ folk again.”
tice their meals and drinks are generous, the service excel- 5. A drunken farmer staggers over and leans on the PC’s table,
lent and there is a 2 in 6 chance that the local hookers have looking upset, roll d6: 1,2. “What are you doing so far from the
bought them a round of drinks to show their appreciation for enemy lines?! My Sons and daughter are fighting the fricken
out of towners. The local farmers, meanwhile, shun the char- Purist devils, and God knows how proud I am of them. So, I won-
acters and occasionally throw dirty looks. der, what about your parents? Aren’t they ashamed that you’re
2. Card playing farmers (4+d3) at the next table keep glanc- a pack of cowards? What are you supposed to be anyhow? Dig-
ing over at the characters, glowering and acting as if they gers or something? Just get the hell outa our town before we
can’t believe the PCs are still in their bar, spoiling the atmo- confiscate your gear and sell you as pit slaves.” / 3,4. “I’ve seen
sphere or something. If there happens to be a pure stock in you bunch someplace else, right? Yes, but you were dressed
the PC group, then one farmer gets up and comes over toward different, and wait... yes, in Freehold Ranger uniforms if I am
their table, pointing at a random pure stock. “You there, old- not mistaken, running off after killin’ women and children out-
kind, I can’t stand the look of you, you Purist hearted devil! I’ll side of Banner Cove.” The other farmers turn their attention
be needing a crack at your face before I’ll sit down again. So to the character group, glaring hatefully. “Well,” declares the
get over here and kneel so I can knock your teeth loose, you drunken man. “I won’t go to the Magistrate about you until
pathetic, un-evolved sack of shit.” If the pure stock refuses to tomorrow, if you are still in town, because I want to get my
respond to the man, then there is a 3 in 6 chance the fellow story straight first, because man oh man, Abattoir Arleen has
calms down and goes back to his table. a bad temper when she hasn’t had her meal of human or-
If the loud mouth doesn’t calm down, he grabs an empty gan meat for the day.” He goes back to his table, but clearly
wine bottle off the bar and approaches menacingly. “Get on the PCs are more disliked than ever, and will not be served
your feet, you pitiful excuse for a human! I’ll teach you that any more food or drink. / 5,6. “Have you looked at yourselves
we can fight! You‘re kind killed my son, and now you’re gonna lately? Do you see how you aren’t in Dominion uniforms? Do
pay.” If the mutant characters intercede and block the man’s you know where the hell you are? This is Red Field, ever won-
path, the farmer will swing at the nearest PC, entering into a der why it’s called that? Notice that the fields outside are not
rage, his cuss words indistinct in his frothing madness. red? The red, stupid ones, comes from the blood of those we

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massacred, those who were self deceived into believing post- If any frisky character does wish to indulge in the offer,
humans and un-evolved ‘old-kind’ humans could co-exist as winks at a hooker and then goes up to her room, there is a 5
equals! Now, I am going to show you some blood,” he points in 6 chance all is as it seems and the woman spends the night
to a random character. “You, sissy face, get on your feet and doing her best to make it memorable. However, on a 6, when
show me you have some fight in you! Fists only, as we are civi- the character enters the whore’s room, 4+d3 farmers, hold-
lized folk.” He raises his fists and moves around to the char- ing steel pipes, are standing out of sight until the door closes
acter whether the PC wants to fight or not, and will commence behind the PC. One furious man says “You leave them sluts
to punch the character regardless. No others patrons will join alone, you hear me!? If we catch any of you disease carriers
into the brawl unless the character uses deadly force or pulls around our girls again, we’ll turn you into eunuchs! For now, let
a weapon, or his companions jump into the fray. this be a reminder - ” they then pummel the character with the
6. Somebody throws an empty bottle at the characters, at- pipes for d3 rounds before backing off, spitting at the PC, and
tempting to strike a random PC if no pure stocks are present, telling him to leave. If they knock out the PC they strip him of
but if non-mutant slaves are at hand, then the bottle will be everything and toss him in the back alley.
thrown directly at any of these individuals. Nobody claims re- 9. Ever since the character’s arrival in the beer hall, they’ve
sponsibility, but the whole crowd laughs at the act. Bottle SV felt rushed by the staff, who serve them with no humor or
01-50, DMG d8. warmth. Worse, the local folk, especially farmers, have
7. The farmers are all quite drunk, and begin to sing been starring at the team’s pure stock servants or
songs of the Dominion victories, shout propaganda slaves, and giving the whole PC team the most
poems, and recite anti-pure stock slogans, all while hateful glares. Finally, a farmer gets up, knock-
pounding their fists on the wooden tables. If the PCs ing over his chair and grabbing a length of fire-
have any pure stock appearing characters present, wood as a club. He stomps right over the charac-
there is a 3 in 6 chance that the crowd begins to flow ter’s table and points the wood at a random pure
over to the PC’s table and surround the group, still stock as says, roll d6: 1,2. “You unholy thing! You
shouting and singing, still spouting hateful remarks ancient evil species! I want you to get over here
and death wishes for all pure stocks. This goes on on your knees and say sorry for what your kind
for 3d6 minutes, with each minute there being a 2 has done to the world!” If the PC complies,
in 6 chance that one of the following happens to a the man just closes his eyes and listens,
random pure stock, roll d6: 1,2. Somebody cuffs then returns to his chair. If the PC fails to
the PC in the back of the head/ 3. Somebody comply, the man leaps at the character
splashes a drink on the PCs head/ 4. Somebody trying to smash his or her head in. / 3,4.
pours a bucket of urine from the nearby latrine “I don’t care that you’re allowed to live in
all over the PC/ 5. Somebody winds up and our lands, as a slave or not! It’s just isn’t
punches at the back of the PC’s head, SV right that they ignite our kind at Witch
01-90, fist damage d6 stun/ 6. Somebody Burn every night, and we have to let you
grabs the back of the PCs chair and yanks live! I’ve had enough, I am going to kill
it over. The PC must make a type D agility you!” With that, the man jumps up on
based HC or fall backwards with it and then the table and starts to swing at the pure
get kicked at by d6 farmers each kick is SV 01- stock, trying to kill him or her. / 5,6. “Just
50, DMG d6. If the mutant characters protest this go, you horrid thing! Leave this room now
behavior, the bar tender just shrugs and says “Best or by the maker’s name I will break your
if you call it a night, eh strangers?” head here and now!” If the character goes to
However, if a mistreated pure stock character his or her room, the man will turn his attention to
makes any move to fight back, or says anything rude to either another pure stock (re-roll here), or leave for
his or her assailants, the farmers have a 56% chance his table if no more pure stocks are present.
of turning into an angry mob and will try to beat the If at any time during this man’s rage the mutant
pure blood character(s) senseless, drag them out character’s stand up for their pure stock associate,
into the back alley and strip them, hang them by their the bar tender will shout out. “Let a duel decide it! Dag-
feet, steal all their belongings, and leave them to be gers only! One on one! Nobody else joins in or you’ll be
found by the guards in the morning. If a full scale fight kicked out for a year!” In the event that a pure stock fights
breaks out, involving the mutant characters as well, back, and defeats the farmer, either knocking him uncon-
the farmers will grab clubs and fight savagely, and scious or killing him, the other farmers will be likely (47%
should they win, the character will wake in an under- chance if the farmer is unconscious, but 88% chance if
ground jail cell, tied hand and foot and awaiting trans- he is killed) to grab bottles and charge the pure stock
port to the slave market in Newburg. or any PC characters to help him or her, and eviscer-
8. A mutant prostitute (d3 minor mutations of physi- ate the outlander(s), but otherwise, will simply grow
cal alteration, page 77 of the hub rules, APP 40+d20 grim and sullen, and talk about how to murder the
before any trait changes) approaches the charac- characters.
ter’s table while the rest of the farmers are busy
watching an arm wrestling event at the far side
of the bar. “Sorry we sisters of sin have neglected
you strangers all night, but those dumb asses get
mighty annoyed with us if we woggle an outlander
who ain’t in the silly DOA army. So, if you want to
come spend the night with one of us in
our room upstairs, it’ll cost you 12
silvers. Just give a girl a wink and
she’ll meet you at the top of the
stairs in a minute.”

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permanent presence. The tower’s top is flat and is set up to han-
dle up to three airships at a time.

Water and Sanitation: Well water is collected from the

Faction: The Dominion of Aberratia lowest levels of the fortress and stored in every tower and
Government: Local Magistrate, Dunkort the Vile. military building. Likewise, an additional well system is locat-
Population: Total 821 to 1120/ (Pure Stocks (slaves) ed within the Command Tower. Sewage is poured into Lusus
30+d20/ Mutants 680+2d100 and 90+3d20 Ghost Mu- Creek via a network of reclaimed, ancient pipes
tants/ Cyborgs 0/ Synthetic Humans (slaves) 2d6/Other
10+3d6) Technology: Rivergrad is equipped with a solar collection ar-
ray on the Command Tower, as well as a alcohol fuel generator
Site Details: Sitting on a triangular block of land called Para- which provides power to both recharge the Dominion Army’s’ en-
mount Island, Rivergrad is cut off from the surrounding woodland ergy weapon power cells, as well as channel power to the spot-
by both the mighty Lusus River and the backwater called Gabe’s lights and underground lighting systems.
Trench. Lusus River divides off just south west of the island into A radio receiver, computer station and video broadcast stu-
the tributary called the Golden River. The site of Rivergrad was dio are also contained to the Command Tower’s headquarters and
once as densely forested as the surrounding hills and valleys, but operations room. The video feed allows the magistrate to sit down
the Aberrationists clear cut the island to provide better observa- and talk face to face with superiors in the capital city, as well as
tion, and used the trees to build the original palisade of the first to pick up and relay video feeds from units abroad who send digi-
fort situated here. The mound of earth that is Paramount Island tal video surveillance and reports. The radio receiver is manned
is higher than the surrounding land, and made of granite, with by a squad of roughly ten mutants, who listen to a variety of sta-
numerous concrete and steel shards protruding in places, all of tions for any hint of information which gives military intelligence
which have been worked into the fortress. on Purist troop movements. The computer station handles email,
digital video, the printing of reports, duty rosters, pay schedules,
Construction: While the internal structures are of wood with and training procedures, but is also hooked up to a series of tiny
scrap and tile roof tops, all the outer walls and towers are made video cameras around the fortress. These cameras look upon the
of cut stone blocks, reclaimed steel supports, Plexiglas, hard docks, the far shore dock, both the main gates and the Command
plastic, armor plating looted off ancient war machines, as well Tower’s gate, as well as on the airship landing pad.
as many concrete shards which once formed the base of some Relic weapons and armor are quite common among
immense building. The main gates are steel plated wood, with Aberrationist officers; however, the heavy relic weapons are
gunner’s hatches puncturing it. As there is no bridge across Lu- listed under Military and defense, next page.
sus Creek, the dock area handles all transportation to and from
the site for ground based modes of travel. Rafts, either used to
ferry cargo wagons and foot travelers from the shoreline, or river
Dangers: The Holy Purist Empire has been waging a war in
Twisted Wood for generations, and strives yearly to somehow
going private rafts and longboats coming up from Red Field or take Rivergrad. The old saying of ‘never leave an enemy at your
elsewhere along the Lusus River, are the main sources of re- back,’ seems to be the main reason that the Purists simply
supply to the fortress. This dock area is made of wood, which don’t ignore the fortress and go directly to Red Field and banner
floats on rope tethers attached to timbers pounded into the san- cove and take those two small farm towns. It is surmised that
dy bottom of the rivers edge. A stone guard tower is located next the Purist know that to attack deep into the Dominion would al-
to the docks, while a winding dirt road leads beyond it up to the low the troops of Rivergrad to empty out and head straight for
main fortress. The Command Tower, at the northern tip of the Stalwart, which would clearly be under manned and an easy
fortress is a huge square structure with its own gates, separate target if a Purist invasion was occurring elsewhere.
water and food supplies, and is totally closed off from other wall Besides the constant threat of Purist attack, hundreds of preda-
or tower access. Dominion Bat Riders occupy an entire level of tory species lurk in the surrounding woods and waterways, and occa-
the tower, while beneath them, Dog Riders also maintain a near

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sionally fly or creep into the fortress itself, devouring guards on watch area around the dock grounds. The dock tower is 12m tall, and
on some remote wall or tower. As no civilian visitors are permitted on the second level has a chain gun aimed down at the dock
within the walls, except those mutants arriving to enlist in the Domin- and main door to the tower itself, supplied with 30+2d20 rounds
ion military, there isn’t the typical threat of being robbed or harassed of standard rifle ammo. This gun can be used to spray passing
by common thugs and thieves. Nevertheless, drunken mutant DOA boats and rafts in a hail of lead if boaters fail to stop for manda-
personnel can get themselves into brawls and death duals, or arrest- tory inspection. On top of the tower is a steel cage. Within this
ed for being drunk on duty or failure to show up at muster. protective meshwork sit two dominion warriors at a heavy ma-
chine gun drum fed with d100 HCR rounds remaining; this weap-
Law Enforcement: Shadow Minions, serving the magistrate, on also used on boats trying to bypass inspection.
act as military police. Soldiers caught for serious crimes, cow- At the actual docks, are 2d6 longboats, each covered in can-
ardice, or desertion are usually hanged in front of the other vas and home to 10 Dominion Irregulars. These boats are dis-
troops, their bodies then fed to the dogs or giant bats. patched from time to time to make raids, pursue passing water
craft, or go to the far shore to investigate those waiting at the
Military and Defense: There are a huge number of turnaround for cargo transfer. If the irregulars recognize those
Aberrationist troops on hand at Rivergrad, and on some occa- on the far shore, they will call for a raft to be pulled over to Para-
sions the population doubles on the eve of some major offensive. mount Island by a great rope which extends across the river, on
The standard break down of units within Rivergrad is as follows: which a wagon can be carried across to the island. Those not rec-
ognized but being perceived as mutant travelers, with or without
Dominion Warriors: 400+d100 pure stock slaves, will be inspected, and told they can camp on
Dominion Bat Riders: 2d6, with 36% chance per day of an the flat ground at the base of the tower, on the conditions that
extra squadron of 20+2d10 present they carry no explosive weapons, and that all pure stocks, cy-
Dominion Dog Riders: 50 +d20, with a 43% chance that a major borgs, synthetics and other non-mutants be tied to the supplied
cavalry detachment is present with an extra 100+2d20 units. wooden posts for the duration of their stay.
Shadow Minions: 3d6, in the streets and observing the for-
tress activities, and another 4+d6 guarding the Magistrate Visitors to Rivergrad: No civilian visitors will be let within the
and his household of concubines and family members fortress unless they say they have come to enlist in the Dominion
Dominion Irregulars: 100+2d100, with a 27% chance of a military. If so, see the info under the Dominion of Aberratia of terms
major detachment present each day, adding an additional of recruitment, page 110. Traders who bring cargo to Paramount Is-
200+2d100 mutants. land will be permitted to pitch their tents on a flat stretch of ground
Dominion Heavy Infantry: there is a 17% chance per day that a on the island, directly next to the dock area and guard tower, how-
detachment of 30+d20 are present as guest troops, while the com- ever, pure stock or other non-mutant slaves will have to spend the
mand tower will always have 10+d6 guarding the gate level. night chained to the posts which stand about the camp.
Officers, Majors: 4+d6 Anyone wishing to travel by water up or down either the Lu-
Dunkort the Vile, Magistrate: 6th rank severe mutant armed sus river or Gabe’s Trench, must pull into the dock area and be in-
with high caliber auto pistol, 2d6 frag grenades, and clad in spected, otherwise, the machine gun and chain gun will open up
modified combat armor. on the passing craft and try to sink it, with any captive ‘smugglers’
being beaten severely, then thrown into a life of slavery. Boat in-
Other defenses include 7 heavy ballista, 1 inside the fourth spections are usually quite quick for mutants, as well as those
floor of each of the 7 stone and scrap metal towers, while a cata- mutants who have properly beaten pure stock slaves, and whom
pult with 6 rocks and 6 fire pots are stationed on the tops of these don’t appear to be anything more than simple traders or fisher-
towers. The gate house is protected by four heavy ballista and 2 man. Armed excavation teams will usually be taxed d20+10sp
trebuchet on top. Within the gate house, protected behind sliding each to pass, and are not permitted to carry chain guns, heavy
steel shutters, are two medium laser cannons, whose power sup- machine guns, grenades, grenade launchers, any form or rocket
ply is located on the lower floor where a huge, noisy, smoke pro- or missile or other explosive devices, which if found will be con-
ducing alcohol generator runs day and night, charging a battery fiscated in the name of the Dominion. If such relics were found
system which will allow each cannon to fire 8 times per hour. concealed on the water craft, the occupants will be arrested and
At the Command Tower, situated at the extreme southern end beaten, stripped down and sold into slavery.
of the fortress, is the largest of all towers, which acts as the inner
keep, final defensive bunker, and headquarters for the entire for- Brief History: Rivergrad was once a mixed race fishing vil-
tress and Eastern front. This keep’s iron clad gate is flanked by two lage, which wanted nothing to do with either the growing Domin-
steel portals, each fitted with a belt fed chain gun at about 4 me- ion or Purist Empire. In the spring of 2315, however, a Purist flo-
ters height, supplied with 100+d100 rounds of ammo. On the 5th tilla crossed Gabe’s Trench and burned the village to the ground.
level of the tower, is a gunnery floor, where two closing steel shut- The Conquistadors killed every mutant they could catch, and
ters punctuate the wall on each of the four sides of the impressive then enslaved the pure stocks, taking their children and adopt-
structure. From here, 4 heavy ballista are kept at the ready, able to ing them out to Purist families back on Pure Hub City. The survi-
shoot skyward or down into the rivers below, or even the fortress vors, who managed to escape by raft downstream, broke up into
grounds within Rivergrad. On the top floor, but not the open roof top those who sought vengeance against the Purists, and those who
where the Bat Riders dwell, is another gunnery deck where mutant just wanted to start over. The former group was all mutant, and
warriors operate 4+d4 sniper rifles, each with 2d10 rounds of high they went to Red Field and joined the Aberrationist movement,
caliber rifle ammo, plus, a rocket launcher supplied with 3d6 battle while the other group, of mixed race, rowed north and settled in
rockets, a heavy machine gun on a tripod which is belt fed with Overpass. A year later, the Aberrationist hoards began to mobilize
100+d100 rounds of high caliber rifle (HCR) ammo. On the Com- and fight back against the Purist forces. In time, they threw back
mand Tower’s top, stationed at each of the four corners of the bat the pure stock infantry, pushing them clear out of Twisted Wood,
deck, are heavy machine guns, each with a two man crew. These and reclaimed the ruin that had been Rivergrad. Immediately, a
guns are drum fed and have d100 HCR rounds remaining per gun. wooden palisade was erected, and plans for a massive fortress
At the dock area, there is a small, poorly built guard tower, acted upon. The building goes on to this day, as expansion and
Here, cunning, well informed personnel interview arriving traders strengthening projects occupy much of the garrison’s time be-
and those mutants wishing to bivouac on the flat camp ground tween waging war in the thick underbrush of Twisted Wood.

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MAP CR-14: Rivergrad

1 hex =5 meters

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Social Details: Being a military stronghold, the society here is rectly across the street from the Cantina. This poorly run estab-
limited to strict marshal conduct, yet, when a soldier is off duty, lishment is filled with four dozen small rooms, spread over three
he or she can let loose and unwind in the Cantina, or in the broth- floors, all of which lead off from the main lobby where customers
el. These two outlets are about the only places where any unique are greeted and coupled up with a whore of their choice. About six-
Rivergrad sociological activities can be observed. Many of the ty women work here with about half being pure stock slaves who
soldiers are exceedingly lonely, at heart, and have been thrust have been captured during raids or else purchased directly from
into regiments with mutants from all over the region, or from else- Fakmal and Associates, Authorized Slave Dealer to the Dominion.
where along the Pacific coast. Some were volunteers, and others
who were drafted or born into a military lifestyle. The many cul- For the Excavator: What the characters will have heard:
tures and communities these troopers come from can often be “Why ask me about Rivergrad? It’s a freak fortress, with no ru-
expressed in their songs, dance, choice of food and drink, as ins nearby, no Inn, no stores, and no nothing. Seriously, friend,
well as their morality. For example, most mutants have no prob- there is no obvious reason why an excavation team would come
lem going to the brothel, where many pure stock slave girls are to Rivergrad, except possibly to enlist as Aberrationist troops to
forcibly kept to comfort their enemies, under penalty of death get inside. Although suicidal, imposters could maybe find out
should they fail to please, while other mutants are Christians or where the heavy relics are situated, somehow overpower the
Buddhists, or of some other new faith which demands self con- guards without being heard, then get out of town with a mas-
trol and some degree of decency. More often than not, however, sive weapon. Nope, that’s impossible, and it’s been tried before
these soldiers are barbaric and delight in brutality and carnage so they will expect such theft attempts from now on, especially
of all kinds. Most DOA troopers will happily watch the pit fights from recruits from beyond the faction’s borders.
in the cantina, or participate in torturing captured pure stocks, “The best thing to do is get across the Lusus River some-
brawling among themselves, and getting so drunk they can’t place else, and camp, and just avoid the fortress all together.
stand up. In extreme cases, often alcohol inspired, aberrationist Now, if you’ve got cyborgs or synthetics or pure stocks in your
soldiers become so enraged at the atrocities of the Purist Empire team, you won’t want to get caught by mutant warriors that close
that they make unauthorized raids on the Purist lines, attempting to the border, as they will likely think you’re Freehold Scouts and
to collect a few heads before morning, when their senior officers just kill you and loot your bodies. Unfortunately, you will have to
might discover them absent without leave. pass by Rivergrad to get down to the Lower Freehold, and them
promising ruins down there. There is quite a bit of stealthy trade
Resources and Industry: There are many armor and weap- between Overpass and Steel Hill, all done by small mule teams
on smiths at work within Rivergrad, a longboat building yard near through the forest paths leading north and south. Maybe you
the docks, a brewery of beer in the back of the cantina, as well as can be lucky and hook up with one of these traders and enjoy
a state sanctioned slavery enterprise run from a leased building mutual protection for the long nights, which is a good fricken
within Rivergrad, operated by Fakmal the Obese. Fakmal is able idea, friend, since those woods are a battle ground between
to purchase selected enemy prisoners or undertake private raids men and mutants and the closer you get to Rivergrad, the more
into other lands and return to Rivergrad with assorted rac- chance you have of running into
es as slaves, the livestock usually destined for Newburg’s a platoon from one side or an-
massive slave market. other. At least as far as the
Aberrationists go, they might
Accommodations: Traders and groups of mutant take pure stocks as slaves,
excavators (and their pure stock or robot slaves) while the Purists sure a hell
can camp for free on Paramount Island near the won’t be keeping no mutant
docks, but are not permitted into the fortress prisoners around for long. So, if
without stating that they are there to en- you go to Rivergrad, God be with
list and serve the Dominion. Aberrationist you, as nobody else will be!”
troops can enjoy the immense facilities at
the Cantina, where food, beer and gambling For the Game Master: Riv-
are popular, with intermittent pit fights liv- ergrad is the second largest
ening up the evenings. Within the pit, pure Aberrationist stronghold, and is the
stock prisoners are released from a steel main launching point for all anti-Pur-
doorway, while at the far end of the 5m ist activities. As an adventure local, it
wide, circular pit is another door, opening is limited to mutant characters who may
to release either a professional gladiator, a wish to enlist in the Dominion armies, for
member of the audience who wants to kill what purpose only extended game play
a pure stock, or some captured, can reveal. The vicinity is challenging, even
starving beast. The outcome to mid and high rank character groups, as
of the fights is often in the fa- the brigades of Aberrationist and Purist
vor of whatever is set against troops pose a very real threat, since they
the pure stock, however on oc- can be encountered in large numbers and
casion, a crafty or merely lucky are often well disciplined, resourceful and
prisoner does manage to elimi- of high moral. There are only a few ruined
nate his or her attacker and earns structures in the area, and the fortress
the right to live; being sold as a itself doesn’t offer much in the way of
work slave in Newburg. accommodations. Nevertheless, the
A brothel, called Cocka- very presence of this mutant held
trice Manor, is the only oth- fortress will force traveling char-
er business of note in acters to make decisions on
the fort. The seedy how to bypass the stronghold,
place is run by the yet not cross over into the Purist held
Dominion and sits di- lands toward Forest Road or Border River.

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Online Resources: NPC, Fakmal 3. Bird, black owl, swoops down to try to
the Obese, a notorious mutant pluck a random person off the street.
Slaver and his organization. 4. Inspection! A Shadow Minion and
his d6+3 Dominion Warriors pace up
Unique Encounters to the characters from the dark. “And
just where are you going tonight, sol-
Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results.
diers? Who is your commanding of-
Daytime Street Encounters: ficer? When do you have to report
There will be d20-3 (0 to 17) Dominion back, and what are your names and
Warriors, d6-1 (0 to 5) Dog Riders, dis- places of birth?” Failure to give a
mounted, d6-1 (0-5) Bat Riders, on foot, good answer will get the characters
and a 2 in 6 chance of d6 prostitutes on arrested and thrown in the jail until
the streets at any time during the day, dawn, when they will be interrogated
with a 3 in 10 chance of a unique en- further by torture specialists.
counter from the following list, per pas- 5. A group of drunken Dominion Irregu-
sage, roll d4 Note: These encounters lars stumble out of a doorway right in
are set up for enlisted mutant Dominion front of the PCs, and see them clearly
personnel only, as no other individuals in lantern light. If the character intrud-
are permitted into the fortress: ers are not dressed up as some sort of
1. A Shadow Minion and d6+2 Domin- Dominion soldiers, then these drunken
ion Warriors pass by, however the Shadow irregulars, 1 per PC in number, if win-
Minion turns and calls to the PCs. “Halt, ning the initiative will shout an alarm to
comrades,” he orders, and his unit ap- attract the attention of any other street
proaches. “What are your names? Who is occupants, who will come to their aide.
your commanding officer and where was If the PCs are dressed as Aberrationist
your last posting or engagement?” GM: if troops, they are ignored.
the characters are only dressed as Dominion Warriors, and have no 6. A Bat Rider, on a lone patrol above the city, happens to spot
plausible answers, the minion will snap his fingers and summon all the characters skulking along, The airborne scout swoops over, the
other Dominion soldiers in the street, and order the characters arrest- bat shrieking and attracting the attention of those in the surround-
ed. Captured PC will be investigated in the Command Tower’s Inter- ing garrisons and workshops, who peer out doorways and windows.
rogation (torture) Facility. Spies will be questioned (tortured) for 2d6 The Bat Rider, points down to the PC’s last location and suddenly,
days, males thrown in the gladiatorial pit at the Cantina, and women 4d6 Dominion Warriors converge on that spot. There is a 3 in 6
sold as slaves to Fakmal the Obese: see Online Resources. chance the characters make some maneuver which allows them to
2. A Dominion officer, a Major, is leading 3d6+4 mutant warriors be well away from the spot, out of sight from the Bat Rider, and to
down the street. “You there,” he shouts at the characters. “Under safety, otherwise they are cornered by the warriors, who charge at
whose command are you serving? What officer? Well, speak up, them with drawn blades. The Bat Rider will join the battle only if the
girls, I don’t have all day. We’ve spotted a Purist airship land in the ground troops are having difficulties defeating the PC intruders.
woods on our side of the river, and by God we better see what them 7. The characters see d6+1 pure stock slaves sneaking along a
pinkies are up to! Now forget your off duty drinking and whoring dark back street, using all available cover as they make their ways
and form ranks at once. Now march, dogs, we got some killing to to the walls. They will come face to face with the PC intruders if the
do.” If the characters are already on a mission for another major, characters don’t leave their current location. If met, and spoken
they must explain this in detail or be ‘volunteered’ at sword point. If with, the slaves beg for help getting out, and back to their families
transported across the river and into the woods, the group march- near Overpass, where they say their families will host the charac-
es west toward the last known spot of the enemy landing. ters for at least ten years on their farms for saving them.
3. A Dominion Irregular steps up to the PCs and smiles ner- 8. The PCs pass an open window of some sort of workshop,
vously. “Hi fellas, I am just wondering if you had any spare mon- from which smoke and assorted grinding and hammering can be
ey, so I can spot myself a drink at the Cantina. They don’t really heard. If they peer into the 1m tall by 50cm wide window, they
pay us volunteers much money, not like what you probably get see, roll d6: 1,2. A gunsmith shop, where 2d6 commoner mu-
paid.” If the characters give him some money, he is very grateful tants are building musket pistols. On a bench, just inside the win-
and thanks them for your kindness. “I will not forget this.” dow in arms reach are d4 finished musket pistols, although not
4. The characters see Fakmal the Obese (see Online Resources) loaded. If a character grabs them, he or she must make a Type B
and 3d6+4 militia soldiers, all mutants with a prime mutation Agility based hazard check to avoid being noticed. If noticed, the
each, leading a line of pure stock commoners in chains, toward a workers grab loaded musket pistols and run outside, and chase
well built stone building. There are 3d6 males, 3d6 females, 3d6 the intruders from 3d6+4 meters distance behind; calling for help
male teens, 3d6 female teens and 3d6+12 children in the line, as they go (roll d8 on this table for another immediate encounter
all rag tag, cut and bruised (each is at 50% endurance value). occurrence)./ 3,4. The PCs see d6+2 mutant robotics technicians
(commoners) working on a heavy infantry robot, which is un-pow-
Nighttime Street Encounters: There will be d12-3 (0-9) ered but standing up and looks operational otherwise. / 5,6. d3
Dominion Warriors, d8-3 (0-5) Dog Riders, dismounted, d6-3 (0- mechanical technicians are working on a gyrocopter. The charac-
3) Bat Riders, on foot, a 1 in 6 chance of d4 Shadow Minions, ters notice a large double door at the rear of the chamber, several
and a 2 in 6 chance of d2 prostitutes on the streets at any time drums of alcohol fuel, and that the copter has a heavy machine
during the night with a 3 in 10 chance per passage of a spe- gun turret on its nose, complete with a belt fed magazine hooked
cial encounter from the following. Roll d4, or d6+2 if a charac- to the nose (2d100 rounds of High caliber rifle ammo). There are
ters are intruders, who have climbed into town and are skulking no other personnel working at this hour.
about on some mission:
1. Roll as per day time, d4, previous page. Encounters in the Cantina: During the day there will be d3
2. Bats, devil, 3d6 enter the street and spread out to attack bar keeps, d4+1 bar maids, d6 prostitutes, all mutants, and 3d6
random individuals. Dominion Warriors, d6 Dog Riders, d6 Bat Riders, 2d6 Irregulars

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and a 2 in 6 chance of d3 Shadow Minions, while in the evenings, by all whenever he or she enters the Cantina and will not be served
after 7pm until closing at 3 am, there will be d3+3 bar tenders, drinks until he or she accepts the challenge of the Infantryman.
2d6+4 bar maids, 2d6+3 prostitutes, 20+3d6 Dominion Warriors, If the PC does agree to the fight, he or she will be escorted
d10 -2 Dominion heavy Infantry, 2d6 Dog Riders, 2d6 Bat Riders, to one of the narrow staircases leading down to the pit door, here
d4 Shadow Minions, and a 2 in 6 chance of a Dominion Major. there is a small room, where the PC must leave all other weap-
There is a 4 in 10 chance per hour of an encounter from the ons. There is a 3 in 6 chance that the character must also wear
following list, roll d6: no armor, and disrobe down to his or her trousers and shirt, as
1. A pure stock slave woman is shoved at the characters by will the infantryman. In the pit, the crowd roars with anticipation
a Dominion Irregular. “Hey,” smiles the mutant man, letting the and a gong is sounded, beginning the duel. If either combatant is
bruised woman come to the end of her rope before he snaps it reduced to unconsciousness, a medic will enter and be allowed
tight and pulls her back to him. “I caught her myself, down near to stabilize and care for the casualty until totally healed, housing
Sandbarra. Pretty nice, eh? Oh, hey, comrade, you wanna buy her the victim at the fortress hospital. Should the character win, he or
for 30 silvers? You can keep her in your quarters as long as she is she will be afforded immense respect whenever entering the Can-
chained up while you’re gone. We got a kid that feeds and waters tina from that day thereafter, and for the first two months after the
the pinkie slaves while we are off fighting their men.” scrap, will have his or her drinks paid for by others in the bar.
If bought, the woman will be sullen, miserable and unco- 5. A mutant prostitute approaches the best looking male charac-
operative at all times as long as she believes the characters ter. The woman has d3 minor mutations but starts with an appear-
are true Aberrationists. However, if the PCs reveal they are ance score of 60+d20. “I am Amrecee, high-mistress of the Cocka-
spies or planning to leave for the free lands, she will do what- trice Manor, the house of comfort across the street. I
ever she can to assist in them in achieving liberty. am here to invite you over and meet the girls... or
2. A Dominion Warrior gets up from his seat, where he sits with d6 boys if that is your fancy. Why spend the night in
friends, and comes up to a random PC and shoves him your stinky barracks when you can spend it in the
or her, angrily. “You! I can’t believe you’re arms of an adoring lover, for only 12 silvers for
here in Rivergrad! You owe me money, the night? Won’t you come with me now?” If the
50 silvers, you sly pig! Pay up or characters do decide to spend the
I’ll break your nose!” If the night at the Manor, they are well
character refuses, say- treated and well entertained,
ing the warrior has the however, there is a slight chance
wrong person, the mu- (1 in 6) that one random PC un-
tant belches, waves for knowingly spends the night with
his friends to come over a pure stock slave-whore. This
and says. “Disrespect- captive decides to try and mur-
ing me to my face now, der the character in his or her
huh? Fine, you filth, then sleep! The slave woman
we will just take you outside has got a hold of a dagger
and root through your belong- and while the character sleeps,
ings, after we smash you up she drives it into the PCs na-
a bit.” The other warriors get ked body at +40 SV doing
up and start for the character, double damage on any
fists clenched. If the character’s initial strike.
group is larger, or the PC is clearly 6. There is a raf-
a deadly looking mutant, the gang fle being organized for
will instead gather their drunken a slave who sits in a huge
comrade and yank him back metal pen at the end of
to their own table. the main bar. Roll d6 for
3. The crowd breaks slave type: 1,2. Concu-
into a raucous cheer bine android, female./ 3.
as something is Pure Stock commoner woman/ 4.
taking place in the Clone, female, comfort model/ 5. Bioreplicant,
fighting pit in the mid-d l e female, pleasure./ 6. Mutant woman, Freeholder,
of the Cantina. If the characters commoner, one minor mutation.
go witness the brutality, they see a pure The cost to enter the raffle is 5 silver coins, but there is
stock man, treat as a soldier but naked but for a loin only one ticket left. If a PC buys the ticket, it is a stub signed by
cloth, armed with a machete, facing off against, roll d6: 1. skull- the on duty bar tender. The draw for the slave will occur on the
ock / 2. mutant dog / 3. alligator, small / 4. bear, bane / 5. bird, 15th of the month, and the character having a chance of win-
ground hawk / 6. lizards, d2+1 sand. If the pure stock survives ning, depending on how many tickets were sold. On the draw
the fight, his life is spared and he can spend the rest of his days date, roll d6 to determine the number of tickets actually sold
as a slave, transported to Newburg to work as a laborer. and odds the character won, d6: 1,2. Only 20 tickets were sold,
4. A Dominion heavy Infantryman steps up to the characters, and 5% chance of winning/ 3-6. 100 tickets sold, 1% chance of
points to a random PC. “You, I don’t like the way you’ve been look- winning/ 7-9. 200 tickets sold, 0.5% chance of winning/ 10.
ing at me all night. I don’t like your type, and there is something 1000 tickets sold, 1 in 1000 chance of winning. The slave will
about you that stinks, that isn’t worthy of our kind. I challenge you, be handed over to the winner at the time of the draw, however,
with daggers alone, in the fighting pit!” A crowd immediately gath- characters keeping their own slaves in their barracks will have
ers about the mutant, and all eyes turn the PC in question. “If you to keep them chained in their quarters when apart from them,
refuse to fight me,” says the big man. “I will report you to the Shad- and arrange for the slave to be fed and exercised by garrison at-
ow Minions as a traitor, a Freehold spy, and a coward. Now get up tendants at a cost of 5sp per month (see The Dominion of Aber-
and lets us enter the ring.” If the character refuses, the crowd hiss- ratia description, page 111 for ‘Life in the Barracks’).
es and boos, throws food and drink at the PC, who will be shunned

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Windway ers and slavers dealing in pure stock merchandise. These

outsiders do carouse and brawl somewhat, but rarely any-
thing local DOA warriors can’t deal with. Pure stock com-
panions of mutants, although deemed slaves automatical-
Faction: Dominion of Aberratia (DOA) ly and forbidden to carry weapons or wear armor, are the
Government: Magistrate, Yechella De’ Marcolla usual targets of crime here. Very often, especially at night,
Population: Total 387 to 507 (Pure Stocks 50+d20/ Mutants pure stocks who aren’t in chains and accompanied by a lo-
330+d100/ Cyborgs d6/ Synthetic humans 2d6/ Androids d3/ cal, are considered ‘posers’, or slaves in name only, and
Other d4) these imposters are occasionally dragged into the street
and hanged.
Site Details: Situated on a rocky bluff, on the shores of the Windway is known for its intolerance towards pure stocks
Tainted Sea, Windway is a quiet, farming and fishing village, and many decades ago as Aberratia was gaining power and
as well as an Aberrationist fleet Garrison. The wooden walled the mutant supremacy movement was at its height, many of
village is built up on a rocky outcrop which overlooks a large the mixed mutant-‘puri’ families fled. Some moved north to
bay, with stone steps and a steep roadway running down from Dawn Cove, while the lucky one reached the Northern Free-
the town to the sandy shore and docks. hold where mixed couples were treated far better. There are no
notable occurrences of any diseases; however, there is quite
Construction Details: Being far from any surface ruins, a problem with reptilius raiders, who live in the dense woods
there are few scrap metal and plastic items used here. What on either side of the farmlands. From time to time, outlying
ancient building materials do exist have mostly drifted in from homesteads, trade caravans, and travelers on the Inner Road
the sea, and include parts of relic ships and aircraft, industri- are bushwhacked by dozens of these creatures, likewise, they
al tubing, crates, shipping containers and barrels. This place frequently infiltrate the village at night to loot, terrorize and oc-
is poorly constructed, made as it is from a few scrap items casionally kill citizens, The threat of the reptili ceases during
and plenty of field stone, timber and bunched sticks, and not winter months, from December to February, when the Reptili
designed to withstand much of a siege. The citizens clearly hibernate deep in their forest homes, possibly underground in
expect the Dominion Navy to go out and meet any invasion yet undiscovered ruins.
force, while they escape inland into the fields.

Water and Sanitation: Streams and wells supply more than Law Enforcement and Punishment: DOA troops patrol the
walls, streets, docks and Inner Road at all times, usually in
enough drinkable water, while sewage pipes connected to each groups of 4+d6 men and women. Local petty criminals, drunks,
home drain filth out into the bay for the next tide to carry away. pick pockets and those cheating at cards, are usually beaten
on the spot and let go, while outlanders are typically stripped of
Technological Level: There are relic weapons, armor and all their belongings and left naked outside of town, after a seri-
communicators used among the Dominion officers and elite ous beating and a warning not to come back. If a person kills a
troops, as well as some of the old and crippled excavators citizen in a non-duel, non-self defense situation, the magistrate
who dwell here in retirement; however, the town has no elec- will pass final judgment, usually harshly. The murderer will be
tricity of any kind. tortured down to d10 END prior to being placed in a steel cage,
and left hanging naked off the back wall, overlooking the dock
Dangers: Windway is the home port of several Aberrationist and the road leading to it. The victim usually starves to death,
battle barges, as well as a stop over for cavalry patrols, trad- or is eaten alive by skal birds or sting flies.

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Military and Defense: The Magistrate, Yechella De’ Mar- the lizard folk began to launch organized attacks along the
colla, treat as a senior officer, has d6+1 prime mutations, edge of their remaining forests, and brought logging activi-
wears a submachine gun at his waist, a razor sword on the ties to a stand still. In time, the reptili even mounted attacks
other, and carries a pulse rifle, complete with a full power on Windway and in the summer of 2281, breached the walls
pack into battle. ‘Yech’ is the only real officer in the com- and fought house to house with the inhabits. Newburg forc-
munity, as well as judge, torture specialist, executioner and es, contacted via relic communicators, sent Dog Riders to
marriage arranger. There are 20+d20 militia soldiers, all the town’s aide, and successfully defeated the bulk of the
loyal mutants with a physical alteration each (minor mu- ‘scaly’ army. No major reptili assault has occurred anyplace
tation), using spears and hatchets in battle. Besides the in the area since that time, although woodsmen and trap-
d4 Aberrationist Battle Barges, and their crews which live pers say that they have recently seen large numbers of the
aboard ship when docked in the bay, there is a detachment lizard men only kilometers from the community.
of 80+d20 DOA warriors here. These land based warriors
occupy the wood and rock towers of the perimeter, as well Social Details: The locals in Windway are very loyal to the
as the main bunker which doubles as the town’s gate house. central DOA government, and are proud to send their sons
For defenses, a heavy machine gun with two full drum maga- and daughters to Newburg for training and indoctrination into
zines is located at the Sea Tower, a heavy ballista at each of the Aberrationist legions. While pure stocks do exist here,
the two North West watch towers. Finally, at the gate house, they are all genuine slaves to either the householders or the
there is a chain gun nest on the roof inside a steel cage. business owners. No pure stocks dwell here who are married
This awesome weapon is supplied with 3d100 standard rifle to mutants; as such couples have long since been driven out.
rounds via a belt feed coming from the floor below, which is The threat of Purist invasion is ever on the minds of these rug-
the command center, where concealed behind a steel shut- ged fishermen and farmers, and they are grateful for the bat-
ter is a rocket launcher with 2d6 battle rockets. tle barges in the harbor and the detachment of DOA troops.
They will be suspicious of travelers who are accompanied by
Visitors to Windway: Most travel to and from Windway is pure stocks, especially if those pure stocks aren’t exactly look-
made by enlisted Aberrationist warriors who are rotating tours ing the part of a beaten, abused slave. To all-mutant groups
of duty with those stationed here. Traders, merchants, slavers who arrive here, these folk will be good natured and happy to
and mutant refugees from far off lands who have heard of the serve them in the shops and one single bar, but, they won’t
growing mutant ruled nation also come seeking asylum, arriv- join them at cards or sit too close to such outlanders.
ing here by way of the sea, or ‘way of the wind’ via sail, a term
from which this town earned its name. Resources and Industry: Fishing, farming and limited log-
Most people coming here will be mutants of one sort or ging, as well as leather working, ship building, and a thriving
another, and typically won’t be bothered, robbed or mistreat- pure stock slave market. This slave market is a special build-
ed by DOA personnel. Any pure stock ‘slaves’ in a group will, ing attached to the outer walls, with 40, four person jail cells
however, soon become fully aware that they are despised and made of salvaged steel bars and plastered stone. Each day,
that if they look a mutant in the eye or speak without being travelers from as far away as Newburg arrive to buy raw, un-
spoken too, can expect a vicious beating by any mutant who trained slaves for various tasks, but most often for field work-
has a notion to do so, regardless of the protests of the slave’s ers. These slaves are captives from settlements from far away
owner. The exception to this, is when a pure stock is the prop- lands, many of them (36%) being from the former nation of
erty of professional slaver, who has guards who will intervene Mexico and speak only Spanish. Slaves here cost 10+d10sp
and ensure that their human property don’t become dam- for an adult, 5+d6 for a teen and 2+d4 for a child. Mutant
aged goods. Likewise, local, well beaten, terrified slaves who criminals also end up here, as do player characters that break
have already paid dearly for being defiant earlier in their cap- the law in a non-lethal way
tivity, and avert their eyes out of habit.
Accommodations and Entertainment: There is no inn,
Brief History: Windway was settled at roughly the same thus, all guests must bed down above the private (non DOA)
time as Newburg. Instead of being populated by land based stable at a cost of 1sp per night. There is a bar, which is only
migrants, however, these people came from the atolls and open in the evenings and is usually jammed with fisherman,
islands to the West in the Tainted Sea after being driv- farmers and drunken DOA soldiers. outlanders are welcome,
en out by pure stock marauders. The mixed race refugee but pure stocks and their ‘fakes’ must wait outside, chained
boat-people came ashore at their current village site and to a special metal rail in a spot near the entrance where pa-
quickly erected a fort, clearing the woodlands around them trons can easily spit on or kick them as they wish.
and planting crops. The reptilius tribe in that area, inhabit-
ing the once great forest which existed here, were already For the Excavator: Windway is usually one of the last plac-
locked in a war with bipedal rats as well as two other rep- es a team of excavators wants to go, and typically only serves
tilius clans, and could not muster the forces to drive off the as a place to catch a merchant barge to someplace far away,
intruding settlers. Once the stockade was built the humans or steal a sailing boat and make for the mysterious islands
were there to stay and began to clear kilometers of mutant to the west. Any pure stock, clone, bioreplicant, trans-human
brush to expand their farmlands. In the year 2269, the peo- or cyborg in a group should be apprehensive about heading
ple of Newburg opened trade with them, and the Inner road here, and eager to leave as soon as they arrive, for there are
was cut through the forest. few places, even in the Dominion of Aberratia which is as
Before long, farming and logging combined to cut a hateful of their kind as Windway.
huge swath through the trees and the human expansion
increased. At this time, the ratio of pure stocks to mutants For the Game Master: Within town, the Aberrationist citi-
was about even, and no hint of the Purist invasions from the zens and Warriors will immediately make it clear that pure
south had reached the ears of these folk. The reptilius clans stocks are a doomed phase in human evolution, that they are
eventually defeated the rat folk, but soon found their popu- to be debased and humiliated, beaten and terrorized at every
lations being decimated by the larger, better armed humans opportunity. Many outlanders, at least those of an open mind
and their mutant off-shoots. Finally, in the spring of 2276, and prone to accept non-mutants, who spend a day or two

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MAP CR-15: Windway

1 hex =5 meters

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here soon start to hope that the reptilius obliterate the place. DOA troops the PCs meet will be ordered to arrest the person
This is a dangerous settlement for groups of mixed character who unleashed the killing blow. The guilty PC, if caught, will
types, and if pure stocks are present in a group, it is best to forfeit all wealth and belongings and be sold as a slave.
hunker down in the hay loft of the stable and post a couple 6. Aberrationist Warriors, d4 off duty, are not actively look-
of guards. If the PCs engage in any combat with any DOA war- ing for non-mutants, and even if a passing group of PCs does
riors, they will turn the whole community against them and be have pure stock slaves, there is only a 47% chance that they
treated severely if captured. inspect them, if so, see Special Outcome, on page 183.

Unique Encounters Nighttime Street Encounters: d3-1 (0-2) rolls for street
occupants on chart D, page 382 with a 3 in 10 chance per
Daytime Street Encounters: d3+1 rolls for street occu- passage of a special encounter from the following, roll d6:
pants from chart D, page 382 with a 2 in 10 chance of a 1. Aberrationist patrol, inspecting everybody to pass their
unique encounter to Windway, from the following list, roll d6 checkpoint in the dark street. They use lanterns to review
per passage: each person and wave recognized locals onward. The patrol is
1. Aberrationist patrol. This unit has clearly been dispatched 10+d10m away and if the PCs turn and go the other way, there
to ‘greet’ the PCs. ”There they are,” declares one, an NCO is an 69% chance that the patrol notices them turning about
officer leading his squad of d6+3 regular DOA warriors. The and ordering them to stop, giving chase if the PCs run. There
officer orders the outsiders to stop while he gives each PC a are d6+4 DOA warriors in this unit. If the PCs do endure the in-
careful scrutiny. If there are any non-mutants, go to Special spection, they are each looked over carefully, and if there are
Outcome on page 183, otherwise, the officer bids the charac- non-mutants, see Special Outcome on page 183.
ters welcome and the unit moves on. 2. Mutant ruffians, each with a physical alteration (minor
2. Mutant children, 2d6+2, are playing noisily in the street. mutation), treat as raiders with clubs and knives. They step
They give the PCs a look. If out of the side streets and
there are any non-mutants doorways and surround the
in the group, they will grab PCs, demanding their relics
stones, mud, dried dog mess, and money. There will be 2
and hurl it at the pure stocks, ruffians for each PC.
adding insults and spitting as 3. Drunks! Mutant fishers
they go. They will keep this up and farmers (d6 commoner
for 2d6 minutes. Onlookers men and d6 women), each
will only smile and nod in ap- with a physical alteration (mi-
proval of the ridicule. nor mutation, page 77 of the
3. A mutant commoner, 50% hub rules), stagger down the
chance a woman, otherwise street singing some sort of
a man (one minor mutation) pro-mutant propaganda song,
comes out of a shack and sharing a few bottles of wine
stares at the PCs as they pass. as they go. They will greet all-
If there are any non-mutants in mutant groups of travelers
the group, he or she seems to with a cheer and “Welcome
go berserk and grabs a length bruth’as and sista’s.” Howev-
of wood (club) and charges for er, if their are non-mutants in
the PCs in question, swearing at the PC group, the mob will de-
them in a semi-articulate fash- cide they want to have some
ion, screaming that the non-mu- fun with the generics and de-
tants killed his or her son. This mand that the slaves dance
person will continue to strike for them, naked, or else the
the non-mutants for 3d6 rounds group threatens to beat them
before stopping. If the PCs use force to resist these attacks, on- then and there. If the PCs refuse to indulge the drunken lo-
lookers will call for the guards or otherwise step into the fray and cals, the group is 17% likely to back down and move along,
try to beat the whole group. otherwise, they become violent and try to drag the non-mu-
4. A mutant slaver and his 4+d6 mutant thugs (all have a tants out of the group and beat them nearly to death, as well
minor mutation: physical alteration, treat as raiders), lead a as any mutant PCs if they interfere.
group of rag-tag pure stock slaves, 2d6+4 men, 2d6 wom- 4. Reptilius have infiltrated the town on a clandestine food
en, 2d6 teens, and 2d6+6 children, all in chains, towards the and theft mission. They have thus far eluded the guards and
main land gates. They appear to be leaving town for markets other citizens, but they happen to dart out of an alley right into
in Newburg. the PC’s path at d6+1m range! There are 2 per PC plus d6,
5. Local fisherman (2d6+3 commoner men each with the mi- all carry stone axes and a sack full of stolen food. Bolstered
nor mutation of Physical Alteration, page 77 of the TME hub by their superior numbers, they elect to engage the PCs in
rules) are on their way to the sea gate, when they spot the combat, but will break and run if the battle is going poorly for
PCs. If the PCs have any non-mutants among them, or ghost them. There is a 1 in 6 chance that one sack contains a live
mutants who do not flash their signed Passage Paper, will be human baby, a mutant, who has been gagged.
greeted with a barrage of swear words, pebbles and street de- 5. A rubble spider (see Spiders, page 171 hub rules
bris, including animal dung. There is a 2 in 6 chance that one book), of a woodland sub-species, has entered town and
man can’t contain himself and draws a dagger and rushes is looking for a meal, spots the PCs and drops down from
for the non-mutants, randomly attacking one and trying to slit a rooftop, +3 initiative.
his or her throat. If the PCs subdue the man, they will not be 6. A black owl (see Birds, Hub Rules book, page 150) swoops
blamed for just protecting their ‘property’, but, if they kill him, down from the roof tops above at a random group of street
an arrest warrant will be issued and within half an hour, all occupants.

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Encounters in the Bar: dropped off his cargo and

is planning to leave the Do-
Open only in the evening 6 minion and sail back to Safe
PM until 3 AM, 2d6 patron Port, and wants to know if
rolls from chart D, page 385, the characters would like to
with a 3 in 10 chance of a trade guard duty for passage
unique encounter per half on the long voyage. If the PCs
hour from the following list, agree and meet him at dawn
rolled once for both inside the next morning, he will set
and outside the building. sail. There are no other pas-
sengers but there is a cargo
A sign at the doorway
of salted pork and a few kegs
says all non-mutants must of beer. He will provide the
be chained or bound to the meals.
rail out front, and are not 5. A mutant commoner wom-
permitted inside under any an approaches the PCs and
circumstances, roll d6 for sits herself down. “You’re not
inside bar, on table PUB-1, from around here, are you?
and d6 for the fate of any Didn’t think so. Anyhow, my
non-mutants tied up out- father is a pure blooded slave,
who serves in the fields by
side on PUB-2. day and is penned at my own
neighbor’s house by night. I
PUB-1 (Inside Pub, mutants only!) will pay you 100+d100sp to
1. 2d6 Aberrationist Soldiers rescue him, and sneak him
arrive and commence to get out of town before dawn. If
very drunk and begin to arm you manage to get him to
wrestle, smash their mugs and Newburg alive, where I will be waiting at the Cat’s Eye Bath
break furniture, getting more and more out of control as the House in Krimpshaw’s under-town, I’ll give you an heirloom.
evening goes by. There is a 2 in 6 chance per hour that one of The device is something I’ve been hanging onto for a very long
them decides a random male PC is mocking him and he de- time, just in case I met up with anybody of your caste. It is
mands a death duel, with swords, outside immediately. a submachine gun, well oiled, cleaned weekly, and with two
If the PC refuses, everybody declares the character a full mags.” If the PCs agree, the neighbors who enslave your
coward and throw food and drink at him for the rest of the patron’s father are just a family of mutant commoners (man,
night, occasionally tripping or smacking the person as well. woman, d3 teens, d6 children) with d6 male and d6 female
2. A male mutant commoner shuffles up to the PCs and asks slaves kept in a separate room. Their house is a shanty, and
if he can join them. In hushed tone, he says that he has a pure they have only a crossbow and clubs for defense.
stock sister, and must get her the hell out of that damned 6. Local fishermen and farmers (2d6+3 commoner men
town before things get worse for her. He will pay the PCs his and d6 commoner women) don’t much care for the look of
life savings of 2d20+100sp to escort her to relatives in New- the PCs, and tell them so. For every hour, there is a 2 in 6
burg, who will then pay them an additional 200+d100sp plus chance that a drunken commoner man (with one physical
give them a bag of 5 shotgun shells. He says that she will pre- alteration minor mutation) decides to pick a fist fight with a
tend to be a slave and having grown up in this town, knows to random PC.
avert her eyes and keep her mouth shut. If the PCs agree, the
man will take the characters to his house to meet his sister.
The desperate fellow provides a good supper and comfort-
PUB-2 (Outside of pub, pure stock slaves, and all other
non-mutants, are tied to steel rail) There might be other pure
able bedding for the night. stocks tied or chained to rail (d6-2 [0 to 4] male slaves and
3. An Aberrationist NCO officer and his two DOA warrior side- d6-3 [0 to 3] female slaves). Captives with their hands bound
kicks ask if they can join the characters for a moment. The to the metal bar are +30 DV to be struck, and -40 SV to strike
NCO buys a round of beers for the travelers, all whom must at others with kicks or head butts, etc. Roll d6
be mutants to be allowed in the bar. The officer explains his 1,2. d6 commoner men, each with a physical alteration (mi-
case: “Brothers (and Sisters), as you know, not far from here nor mutation), passes each pure stock and does one of the
the war with the Purist Fundamentalists wages on a daily ba- following, roll d6: 1,2. spits in slave’s face./ 3,4. slaps slave
sis. Some days we win a few kilometers of Twisted Wood, yet around for a moment, swearing at the captive while doing so.
at other times the superior numbers of the lesser men are / 5. grabs slave by the hair and smashes his or her head into
too great, and we are driven back over Lusus creek. I’ll make the steel railing for d6 END damage./ 6. puts out his cigarette
this short. We need your kind of superior humanity to bolster into PCs hand, (1 END DMG).
our war effort. I am asking you, as a fellow mutant, to join 3,4. Local street urchins, d6+3, all mutants with a physical
the army and serve beside your brothers and sisters, who are alteration each, approach the slaves while no grown ups are
fighting to ensure your survival, and the evolution of our kind. around, and tease them. They prod the generics with sharp
We pay a silver a day, and supply fine quarters and excellent sticks, hurl stones at them, spit on them, make rude noises,
food. What say you?” pinch them, and try to tear off any garments they might be
If the PCs want to enlist the NCO has them sign or mark wearing to humiliate and reveal the pure stocks. These both-
papers and tells them to meet him and other recruits at the ersome youths linger all night.
land gate, for the march to Rivergrad (see page 110 for outfit- 5. d6 devil bats arrive and attempt to feed on the bound slaves.
ting, quarters and training). Their screams will alert those within the bar within d6 rounds.
4. A Nomadic trader, with one prime mutation, asks to join 6. An insect, a blood flyer, tries to land on a random slave’s
the PCs. He says he has a sailing boat at the docks, and has back and begin feeding.

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Encounters Outside of Town: On land, up to 10km away passed. If the PCs lose the initiative toss, they are seen and at-
from town on the road or cleared area to either side; 3 in 10 tacked on sight, first by a volley of javelin throws then stone axes.
chance of an encounter per hour by day, one check every 8. Devil bats, 1 per PC and pet.
half hour by night, rolling d6 by day, d6+2 by night.
1. Mutant farmers and pure stock slaves, returning from the fields Special Outcome (non-mutants spotted in PC group by
with carts and wheel barrows full of produce. There will be 2d6 mi- Aberrationist Warriors).
litia soldiers and 3d6 commoner mutants, each with a minor muta- If any non-mutant is detected in a group, he or she is expected
tion, plus 10+d10 male slaves, 8+d10 female slaves, and d10 each to be a downtrodden slave, is forbidden to carry arms or wear ar-
of teen and children slaves, their feet linked together by stout ropes mor, and is not permitted to meet the eyes of a mutant. The player
(DV -14/ END 10 to cut). The farmers will be wary of strangers, but if of such a PC can tell the GM that his or her character looks to the
there are no non-mutants in the traveler’s group, these simple, yet ground at all times while in public, but during this encounter, must
cruel folk will greet PCs with open hands and well wishing. state this fact again. All pure stocks whose players have not speci-
2. Nomadic trader, and d6 Militia soldiers, each with a minor fied that they have averted their eyes, must make an intelligence
mutation, on saddle horses, with 2d6 mules (ponies) loaded based type A hazard check to avoid looking up at the warriors, fail-
with beer kegs, wine skins, salted meats, dried fruit and other ing this, the slave is forcibly pulled from the group and worked over
food stuffs. Each mule is loaded with 40+d100sp in goods. with clubbing attacks until reduced to half endurance, then spit on
3. Aberrationist patrol: 4+d6 DOA warriors on riding dogs come and warned to be more respectful in the future.
thundering along 2d100m away. If the PCs are on the road, both Should a group of new arrivals include non-mutants who are
groups see each other, otherwise, the PCs each get to make a armed and armored, they will be viewed as terrorists and ordered
conceal self skill roll (see skills part 1 TME hub rules) to hide to drop their weapons and kneel or be fired up on immediately.
and avoid the patrol. If the PCs have a warrant out for their ar- Once arrested, such non-mutants will be tied up, stripped down
rest from any town in the Dominion, then there is a 57% chance and taken to the stockade to await trial as a terrorist and either
this patrol has heard about it and recognizes the PCs and will do sold into slavery if the person was originally accompanied by mu-
its best to kill or capture them. If there are non-mutants in the tants, or executed if alone or in a group of only non-mutants.
group, see Special Outcome, on the right. Cyborgs with built in weapons and armor are exempt from
4,5. Reptilius raiders leap up from the tall grass along the trail this rule, since pure stocks from The Holy Purist Empire consider
side (range d10m, half on either side of the trail). They will first cyborgs as devil spawn and not allowed to live in Purist lands nor
hurl javelins then close to melee with stone axes. There will be 2 serve them. Ghost mutants, as noted in the Dominion of Aberratia
per PC +d6, and will flee if the battle is going against them. header notes, are controversial and difficult human type to police
6. Escaped pure stock slave! 56% a male slave, otherwise a and detect. Since they are mutants, they are permitted full citizen-
woman, comes stumbling into sight, looking back, not seeing ship once they have proved their powers, thus, newly arriving ghost
the PCs until he or she collapses at their feet. The slave’s hands mutants to any Aberrationist town must report to the entrance of-
are still bound together. There is a reward for the return of this ficers and get a signed letter of Open Passage, or simply ‘passage
slave to Windway of 4+d20sp. If the PCs help the slave and take papers’ as well as the black head band to be worn at all times in
him or her to other areas of Aberratia, there is a 1 in 10 chance public. Clones, bioreplicants, trans-humans and androids area all
per encounter with DOA warriors or other government officials deemed ‘pure-stocks’ as far as this culture goes, and can only ex-
or slavers, that the slave is recognized and the PCs ordered to ist as unarmed and obedient slaves. Beastial humans, whether
turn him or her over or be deemed thieves or Purist sympathiz- exhibiting mutations or not, are considered mutants as far as the
ers and arrested and themselves made into slaves. DOA goes, and welcome to become full citizens.
7. A reptilius patrol comes into view 10+d20 meters away. If the PCs Any resistance by non-mutants or their mutant comrades to
win initiative, they can crouch down behind vegetation and avoid stop an arrest or beating by DOA troops, will land the whole group
being spotted as the group of 10+2d6 lizard men marching silently in chains, or made into wanted outlaws in the land if they happen
to defeat their would be captors and make it out of town.

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Part Six:

The Holy Purist Empire

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 185

Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire

T o many people, especially those who are from outside the fight the Devil’s own, and slay mutants and androids, cyborgs,
Crossroads Region, the use of the term ‘Empire’ is consid- clones and bioreplicants whenever they are met.
ered a pompous title, and anybody who has some knowledge Mutant children born into Purist families, which occurs
of human history realizes how big historical empires, such as about 16% of the time, are deemed to be tainted with the
the Greek, Roman, British, Chinese or American Empires of Devil’s essence, physically only, while the soul is still good
old, actually were. Given this, for most new era inhabitants, by virtue of the parents being pure stocks of the true faith.
to call a hundred square kilometers or less an ‘Empire’ is ludi- To cleanse the soul and drive out the devil, mutant babies
crous at best, even if the faction is growing in population and are taken to the fortress at Witch Burn and set ablaze at
territory. On the other hand, to those living in the villages and dusk. The parents of mutant children are suspected of be-
towns occupied by this spreading ‘clean species’, genetic pu- ing negligent in some manner, perhaps being unfocused in
rity obsessed faction, the delineation their daily prayers, or worse, enjoying
of Empire is indeed a fitting title. Fur- the act of copulation overmuch, which
thermore, in this group’s name lies its is something a filthy, perverted mutant
intentions and sense of identity. To the or bioreplicant would do, being as sexu-
enemies of this pure stock exclusive na- al pleasure is a gateway for the diaboli-
tion, such as the nearby mutant ruled cal one and his succubi to wriggle their
zone known as the Dominion of Aber- way into a soul via the doorway of ama-
ratia, as well as both the Lower and tory wickedness.
Northern Freeholds, the inhabitants of
this theological so called ‘Empire’ are Society & History: Other aspects in
simply referred to as The Purists. which the Holy Purist Empire differs from
What differentiates the pure the Purehold Republic is in its social and
stock humans of The Holy Purist Em- technological development. In the Repub-
pire (HPE or HoPE) from those of the lic, the society is more-or-less identical to
Purehold Republic to the east (Shat- its pre-holocaust corporate community. It
tered Region), are social, religious, retains its old command structures, uni-
historical and technological factors so forms, and focus on science and technol-
separate, that the two great nations ogy as being their only means of survival
have done more fighting and bickering in the Mutant Epoch. In the Purist Empire,
with each other than they have with however, these people came from those
their more immediate enemies. The who were the underprivileged masses,
neighboring Purehold faction is ruled ‘Blade Cross’, the Emblem of the Holy Purist Empire and were reduced to primitive survivalist
by advanced pure stocks, the direct de- tribes. Having lost their previous cultural
scendants of a consortium of corporations and military units and family ties, and lacking in education and relic resources,
whose cultural ties run unbroken back to the pre-devastation they banded together into communities which were of mostly
era, and their lands have been continuously occupied since pure stock in population, and fought hard to defend their lands
that distant time. The Purehold Republic is not dominated by against invading mutant humans from the north.
racial purity dogma, as is the Holy Purist Empire, and make no The descendants of the current Holy Purist Empire were
claims to being superior specimens to their mutant cousins, not the original inhabitants of this part of greater Los Angeles,
but rather, seek domination of all other races and human off but instead occupied the silt lowlands after the ocean reced-
shoots, mimics and mechanical variants of mankind to both ed. With picks and shovels, horse and oxen power, and tech-
enslave these other peoples and to survive as an intact line in nology reminiscent of the Middle Ages, they began to build
the face of the obvious and impressive power many mutants, stout stone and timber fortresses and walled towns, and
synthetic humans, humanoid half-men and androids wield. withstand the increasingly brazen raids by mutant barbar-
ians. The lands which the current HPE occupy happened to
Puristalism: In the Holy Purist Empire, however, a doctrine, be in an area exempt of any radioactive or bio-genetic weap-
called Puristalism, which preaches genocide against all mu- on strikes, thus, mutations occurred very rarely in this part of
tant and artificial life is professed as a commandment of God the region. This factor has always defined this bottom portion
himself. A religion, which has stolen sections of the Christian of the region as unique, and the pure bloods here eventually
bible and re-written parts to suit it, is proclaimed to be the became convinced that they were being sparred from the de-
‘one true faith’ and guidebook for the soul’s salvation. This formations that so many other groups of people in the region
new bible, called simply the Purist Bible, is about half the size exhibited, due to divine favor. A unofficial clergy formed, their
of the regular relic bible and is considered blasphemous by anti-aberration sermons finding welcome from the simple
all traditional Christians who dwell throughout the region. A farmers and loggers of the area, who lived in constant fear of
Purist is taught that the commandment: “thou shalt not kill,” either being attacked by mutant men and beasts, or worse,
does not extend to mutants and ‘artificials’, as they are not giving birth to a mutant child,.
made in the image of God and are therefore obviously not hu- In the early days, mutant citizens and children were not
mans. The Purist Bible states that mutations are the physical burned at the stake or tortured, but rather, either banished
manifestation of the Devil, erupting into the ‘Middle World’ into the wild country, or sterilized so they couldn’t bare chil-
from Hell itself. The lower world, Hell, is at war with the high dren of their own. These mutant inhabitants of this area were
world or Heaven, and the great devastations and floods which known as the ‘Examples’ or ‘People’s Shame’, and were not
caused humanity to collapse into barbarity are the horned much more than slaves, having no rights and being severely
one’s doing. In order to get to heaven, a Purist is expected to abused by their fellow citizens.

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About thirty years later, around 2247, the pure stock people This first cleansing war occurred from 2271 to 2294, and
began to form larger, mutually protective alliances with other pure doubled the size of the Purist territory, at which point the faction
blood settlements. In time a culture formed, the communities ce- tagged on the term ‘Empire’ to their name. This time of butch-
mented together by a shared, legitimately held dread of the ‘oth- ery and conversion was halted by a lack of manpower, overly
ers’, the mutants, as well as any ‘fake’ or ‘augmented’ humans thin supply lines and stubborn resistance by loose knit bands of
and androids, beastial humans, plantoids and stranger beings. men and mutants driven from their captured towns. Attempts to
Because the people were uneducated, barely civilized refugees cross into the Lower Freehold were met with disaster, as amid
and subsistence hunter-gatherers, they had little knowledge of the ever present fog blankets of Bitter Bog, entire battalions fell
the past. Being ignorant of history and science, and distrustful not only to Freehold guerilla fighters, but to the reptilius ‘lizard
of all non-pure bloods, they were open to the extreme, intolerant men’ and other denizens of the swamp. In the north, after tak-
Purist preaching of a few self proclaimed prophets who emerged ing the town now called Stalwart, and crossing the Border River,
from the ranks of more moderate migrant warrior-monks. the first organized resistance by mutant savages began to slow
Following a winter of intense mutant attacks that had re- the momentum of the Purist expansion.
sulted in many casualties, three villages sacked and the area Mutant tribesmen, dressed mainly in animal skins and tat-
thrown into terror, the rise of the Five Holy Ones was conducted tered ancient uniforms, were poorly armed, but their aberration-
with ease. The Association of Pure Stock Settlements was virtu- al appendages and mental attacks were used to devastating af-
ally powerless to stop these charismatic and convincing battle fect, throwing back repeated Purist river crossings until the river
Priests from gaining the favor of the common people. At first, froze over in late December, in the year 2297. Purist Infantry
each settlement had its church separated from its tribal lead- and cavalry managed to burn three mixed towns along the far
ership, but as the months and years went by, the Purist Church side of the river, settlements whose names are now forgotten,
took over, often by violent civil wars between moderate and fun- only scattered scrap metal and stones remain to attest to the
damentalist factions. In time, all the towns east of bitter bog and tragedy of those earlier times. Within Twisted Wood, however,
up to The cathedral mountains fell under the tide of this new, the Purist war machine was again stopped, this time with an
intolerant, theocracy. Those towns which did not buckle, formed embarrassing and bloody defeat. Since that time, these great
the Lower Freehold. All families with mutant children, or, who woods have been a barrier to Purist advances into the western
held more fear of the new church than of their mutant brethren, lands and the coast of the Tainted Sea.
moved west across the swamplands and bolstered Steel Hill for In the east, after taking Far Cross and Duty, both
the imminent war which still rages to this day. named something else back then, the Purists began to en-
Back in the now formed Purist Kingdom, as it was then gage in battles with a very large and determined nation of
called, a quasi-Christian sect mixed traditional bible teachings skullocks, who possessed many relic weapons, had mutat-
with its own growing book of laws. In the year 2257 the council ed troops in their ranks as well as dozens of elite, cyborg
of the Five Holy Ones, voted their first Vicar to power. His holi- skullock combatants. Faced with this threat, expansion
ness Vicar Gunthar Benjamin Truehand the First was a great ceased here as well.
military strategist. It is at this point in the area’s history that the In the furthest southern theatre of the war, the fortress
idea of transforming the faction from a purely defensive foot- of High Watch was established and here, the first real skir-
ing to an expansionist, imperial model, arose. Conscripts were mishes with fellow pure stocks began to erupt. The Purehold
drafted into an organized army, their bows traded in for mus- Republic (see Shattered Region) had spies living in the Pur-
kets and crossbows, their leather armor exchanged for chain- ist lands, as it still does, and knew perfectly well what the
mail and part plate, and a tan and brown camouflaged uniform Vicar’s legions had in mind. As a show of force, the more
made standard for all Purist troops. Under Gunthar’s training advanced Purehold troopers, armed with assault rifles, clad
and leadership, a fine army was raised and the first expedition- in tactical armor and backed up by gyrocopters, a few tanks
ary force was marched out of the south to liberate pure stocks and many scrap armored cars and biplanes, obliterated a
in the mixed towns to the north. much larger force of Purist troops. A Republican envoy was
The term ‘mixed’ of course, was not how the Purist clergy sent to the capital of the Purist Empire, Pure Hub City, and
referred to the racial makeup of these target settlements, rath- there warned them that the new Purist faith was unwelcome
er “Dens of fornicating vipers,” or “Pits of the unbelievers,” and in their territory, and that any missionaries, spies, or Purist
“The wombs of Satan.” This advancing army of liberators firmly Bible dealers will be executed upon entry to their lands.
believed that once the pure stocks in the conquered free towns Not to be daunted by unbelievers, the Purists were even
were delivered from their mutant neighbors and masters, taught more convinced that their misguided Purist brothers to the
the true faith and their soul’s saved, that the pure blood inhabit- east needed conversion more than anybody else in the re-
ants would be both grateful for this liberation and beg to join the gion, and so, using both military action as well as covert in-
Purists in their plans for total regional conquest. They were quite trusion, the Holy Purists have maintained a constant pres-
wrong. sure on the Purehold Republic to weaken their armed forc-
The pure stocks in many mixed towns were, in fact, as deter- es, ‘educate’ the common people, and evaluate the actual
mined fighters as their mutant brothers and sisters, since many strengths of the secular, corporate hold-over nation. Bor-
had mutant children, siblings, and spouses. Likewise, cyborgs, der skirmishes used to be much more frequent until both
beastial humans, synthetic humans and free thinking androids sides became hard pressed with their own unique adversar-
added to the ranks of the defenders, making these towns in- ies. The Purehold had always been fighting for its survival
credibly hard to conquer. Of course there were some pure blood against the dreaded Mecha faction of Cal-64, while the Pur-
families who welcomed the occupation forces of the Holy Pur- ist Empire began to suffer set backs and lose territory due
ists, and aided the invaders by sabotaging defenses, or assas- to well planned Aberrationist counter attacks.
sinating local leaders prior to the attacks. However, after Purist
occupation was achieved, many of these traitorous individuals Present Day: As things stand at the present day, the Empire
soon came to resent the strict social codes, curfews and con- has failed to expand in any lasting way, but has strengthened its
duct guidelines under which they were forced to live. Almost no holdings and solidified its populace as never before. The Great
pure stock inhabitants of the surrounding area welcomed nor Purity Wall, which surrounds the heartland of the empire, has
joined the oncoming invasion force, and those few who did were recently been completed, and within its bounds no mutant plant
often agents planted there years before by the Purist faction. or animal is permitted to exist. From this enclosure, the Purists

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plan to spread the holiness of purity until the entire region, and Purist Military Structure: Purist soldiers or Holy Warriors
some day the world, is free of the curse of mutation. All areas of are divided into four different units, shown below. They are each
the faction beyond this wall are simply called the Out-Wall Areas, trained in both military and religious disciplines, and while they
while within the wall, the area is named the Purelands. do spend a lot of time listening to clergy instead of training, they
are among the most highly disciplined and devoted troops in the
Beliefs: Purist beliefs are quite simple, and although both the Pur- region. Because they believe they will automatically go to heav-
ple Brotherhood and the Sisters of Purity devote their lives to the en if they die fighting the demon spawned or unbelievers, they
study, enhancement and application of their faith’s prime objectives are known to conduct themselves with a fanatical zeal in battle,
and truths, they rarely change how the faith conducts itself towards charging against well fortified or superior numbers, standing their
its own people or mutants undergoing the cleansing. Puristalism has ground when facing certain death, and serving unselfishly to save
long since diverged from Christianity and no longer views the old comrades who might be retreating, captured, or cut off from the
Christian bible as meaningful, holy or remotely true. The faith of the main formation. While they are not as well armed as Pureholders,
Purists now seems obsessed only with the elimination of mutant life, nor freakishly augmented by mutations as are Aberrationist units,
and sanctity of pure stock humanity, animals and plant life. they often outnumber their foes, and have higher moral and deep
rooted convictions about what they are doing.
Mutants: The treatment of captured mutants from anyplace, Homeland Militiamen, although a great many are ac-
either within the Empire’s bounds, the front lines in Twisted
Wood or brought from hunting expeditions in far off lands, is tually women, all are usually young adults, who must serve their
always the same. First, a mutant will be stripped of all clothing, faction by maintaining the security of the towns and fortifications
armor and articles, dressed in sack cloth, and bound hand and while the Conquistadors are off killing mutants. These youths wear
foot, the ropes at his or her feet only 30cm long to allow the per- leather armor and large brimmed, floppy hats; they typically carry
son to shuffle at 2m per round. The prisoners are usually gath- a knife and use a bow in battle. Only rarely are they called up on
ered in one town and transported by well guarded wagon train to mass to support regular units in a great battle, for utilizing them in
the south, into The Purelands within the walls, and transported such a way often leaves the homeland woefully unprotected.
to Witch Burn for interrogation, ritual prayers and finally, soul lib- Conquistadors make up the bulk of the Purist army and
eration via torture and burning. are either infantry or mounted on unmutated saddle horses. They
The Purists believe that a demon lives within each mutant be- wear leather armor, iron helms which look very much like old world
ing, and has tainted the otherwise perfect state of humanity that army helmets, complete with chin strap, with a horsehair tassel on
should have been present at the birth of the victim. By torturing the top which hangs down over the back of the soldier. On their belts
the mutant one is said to really be torturing the demon within, and are worn a dagger, a shortsword, and a case of 30 crossbow quar-
loosening its hold on the hapless, thankful soul inside the hideous rels, supplying their main weapon, a regular crossbow. Their uniform
mockery of a human. Burning the mutant is the final step towards is a dusty tan color with darker brown blotches across it giving good
the blessed liberation of the soul, splitting forever the grasp of the camouflage in the grasslands which make up so much of their Em-
diabolical one with the genuine human soul beneath, allowing the pire. Both men and women serve as Conquistador soldiers.
person to be born again to a divine, pure stock woman of faith. The Cavaliers of Purity are elite soldiers, usually mounted
whole process lasts up to a couple of weeks, depending on how mu- on a saddle horse but also known to operate on foot. They wear
tated a victim is, how high ranking he or she was in the Aberrationist part plate armor, iron helmets with short horsehair crests, and black
forces, or, how defiant and unrepentant he or she may be when be- cloaks. For weapons, they carry longswords, a dagger, a musket pis-
ing interrogated and tortured. The interrogation is usually only con- tol and musket rifle at all times. They are chosen for their toughness,
ducted on discovered ghost mutants, mutant officers, or ungodly, strength and devotion to the faith, often serving as bodyguards to
unspeakably evil, grave robbing, demon wak- the clergy, as well as officers of lesser units and frontline shock
ing mutant or cyborg excavators. troops to blast ahead of the main army.

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Mutant Slayers are among the most devoted of Pur- the faith is to travel from community to community, usually with
ist troops, and are trained in martial arts (3 skill points), disguise a force of Conquistadors for protection, where they conduct pri-
techniques (3 skill points), and stealth (4 skill points). They have vate sermons to all female congregations, and provide one to
memorized the entire Purist Bible so as to avoid having to carry the one counseling to women who have doubts or have lost hus-
book in enemy lands, a book which often gives away a Purist as bands or children in the noble war. Other uses of these dedicat-
such. They are basically assassins of the church, and roam far and ed, highly disciplined nuns is to deposit them in the Freeholds
wide to carry out a wide range of objectives. These holy missions and independent towns, acting as spies, assassins and often as
include the delivery of orders to spies or Purist activists, the rescue decoys to lure mutant men or the unfaithful into traps.
of captured pure stocks, the kidnapping of pureblood children of Brother of the Purple Order: Also called Purple
notable persons in towns of the faithless, along with the murder Monks, these men are raised and trained in The Hermilage,
of officials who have spoken against the Purist faith. Mutant Slay- within the Purelands, and serve as officers to lesser ranking
ers also assassinate mutant officers, sabotage enemy defenses or troops, as well as community leaders when the traditional mu-
transportation lines, as well as track down and butcher any mu- nicipal leaders are found lacking in their duties and belief. They
tants they meet. Treat these normally black clad men and women are skilled warriors, in both martial arts (2 skill points), knife
as Assassins from the typical humans table (Hub Rules, page 137), throwing (2 skill points) and swordsmanship (2 skill points with
who, when in their official garb wear a white arm band with the a longsword). They wear purple, hooded cloaks and tunics over
wavy cross of Puristalism embroidered onto in purple thread. They their part plate armor, and all carry a random relic weapon (WC-
always have at least one relic weapon on them, WC-RC, and wield R). Occasionally, they dress down to appear more like merce-
great swords. naries or brigands than Purists, especially when leading small
bands of Mutant Slayers or Conquistadors into enemy territory
to smite the unholy and bring glory to their Vicar.
The Hierarchy of Holy Purist Officers and Clergy Battle Priest or Priestess: While very well versed in
Sister of Purity or Brother of the Purple Order the doctrine, battle priests and priestesses do not command either
Sainted Mother of Virtue or Blessed Father of Righteousness the Hermilage or the Convent, as they lack the education and arts
Battle Priest or Priestess of converting captive pure stocks, nor the needed patience of a mis-
Divine General sionary or community pastor. These men and women are trained
to lead Conquistadors and other troops into battle against the infi-
Vicar dels, and while they can make religious decisions, such as deciding
whether to butcher heretics or non-believers, they often leave such
Sister of Purity: These nuns hail from what is simply choices to Brothers of the Purple Order of the Sisters of Purity, who
called ‘The Convent’, a fortified stone and timber structure in the typically accompany a military operation. These leaders are treated
heart of the Purelands. Here, specially selected females from all as senior officers on the Typical Humans Table (TME hub rules, page
over the Empire are raised from the age of eleven to adult hood, 137) but are trained in martial arts (4 skill points) and weapon com-
trained in the arts of healing (medic 2), preaching the faith, and bat (great sword, 3 skill points). Each carries two random relic
fighting (martial Arts 2 and weapon combat 3 with a rapier: +11 weapons, one from WC-R and one from WC-RC.
SV, d12+4 dmg). They dress in long white or rose colored gowns, Sainted Mother of Virtue: This woman is
with broad, white sun hats and scarves to conceal their identity the supreme Sister of Purity, and is a middle aged
when outside their holy fortress. Under their gowns they wear woman of great knowledge of the Pur- ist bible. She
chainmail vests over a suit of tight fitting, but comfortable takes orders only from the Vicar himself, and
leather armor of the best construction. Their purpose in

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commands all her Nuns. The current Mother Superior of the Vicar: At this time, the ultimate ruler of the Holy Purist Em-
convent is Sainted Mother Agethaz Gabriella Remington. She pire is His Holiness Vicar Horace Truesight the First, a venera-
wears heavy combat armor, carries a scoped sniper rifle, a razor ble, former Blessed Father of Righteousness, and once, a cun-
sword and a pouch containing 3d6 fragmentation grenades (see ning and pious warrior. Now, he is a hunched, withdrawn old
her NPC sheet on page 441). Agethaz rarely leaves the fortress man, obsessed with hatred for the mutants, cruel and short
of the Convent, as her duties there are far too demanding. She tempered, and often unreasonable in his expectations of his
does insist on interviewing all captured pure stock women who are underlings. During times of battle he substitutes his vicar’s
brought to the convent for re-education and cleansing. Women can robes and golden staff for heavy combat armor, auto pistol,
attain no further standing in the church than this post. See The razor sword and trusty old assault rifle. The Vicar is seldom
Convent for more information, page 243. seen these days, often giving rise to speculation that he is ill or
Blessed Father of Righteousness: Currently, already dead. People throughout the region talk of what shall
Burgess ‘the hand of God’ Ballentine (NPC sheet page 426) befall this faction’s neighbors when the exceptionally hard-line,
is the serving leader of the Hermilage and all Brothers of the fundamentalist leader, Burgess Ballentine, takes the throne.
Purple Order. He is a 50 something year old man, second only It is speculated that the Purists will double their efforts to ulti-
to the Vicar in power and takes orders only from his holiness. mately defeat the Aberrationists, and once that obstacle is re-
This big man is a veteran of many cleansing wars, but wear- moved, they will march on both the Northern and Lower Free-
ing heavy combat armor, carrying a battle axe and a heavy holds. See the NPC sheet for the current Vicar on page 434.
machine gun into battle. He is more than just a preacher, but
an important figurehead who often goes to the front lines to Other Notable Purist Castes:
bless troops as they launch a new campaign. While able to Street Preacher: These men and women are not
travel about the realm on official business, Burgess prefers to sanctioned by the Purist Church, and are often radical fun-
direct matters in the Hermilage, especially the conversion of damentalists who are popular with the common, illiterate
heathens and infidel pure stocks either into the faith, or into masses. Prone to provoking riots, impromptu witch burnings,
slavery if they are resistant to the ‘truth’. He is a fervent fol- the stoning of excavators or pure stock outlanders not of the
lower of the current Vicar’s goals for regional conquest, and faith, street preachers are also to blame for inciting rebellious
exceedingly intolerant of the Purehold republic’s stubborn re- ideas against the Vicar, whom many do not believe is aggres-
fusal to convert to the true faith. sive enough in ridding the region of all mutants, cyborgs, ro-
Divine General: These officers, of which there are 4, bot, androids and synthetic human ‘mockeries’.
are treated as a senior officers from the typical humans table,
but wear heavy combat armor, carry two relics (WC-R and WC-
RC) and have 5 points in the martial arts, 4 points as a weap- Life in the Holy Purist Empire: For most common peo-
ons expert with a great sword, and typically have d6+2 frag- ple living in the imperial HPE lands, life centers around daily
mentation grenades in a pouch. These men and women, three prayers and knowing how and when to kneel when meeting var-
are men and one is a woman at this time, are equal in rank to ious tiers of clergy and military personnel. Typically, every adult
the Sainted Mother or Blessed Father, but due to a lack of deep has spent some time in the army, and all have been preached
religious knowledge and political talents, these generals are to since they day they were born. They are vigilant for stray
ineligible for advancement to the state of Vicar. Their normal thoughts and actions of their own, as well as that of their fel-
role is to command one of the four armies of the Empire. There lows, and will report their own spouses, parents and children
is the navy ruled by General Watkin, the Western Legion who to the Purple Brothers or Sisters of Purity if they even suspect a
battle the Aberrationists in Twisted Wood commanded by Gen- fellow citizen is not being entirely diligent and sincere in his or
eral Alsworth the Second, followed by General Cassan- her activities, thoughts or prayers. Newly converted Purists,
dra Cooperton, who leads the Eastern garrison and ex- or those who have moved here from other re-
peditionary forces into the southern plains, while Gen-
eral Rufus The Steadfast is in charge of the
Purelands, and the
Great Wall of Purity.

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gions or towns within the Empire, are watched carefully by all bolical one’s hold on the subject. It is agreed by many HPE
local commoners and clergy for any sign of improper behavior, theologists that while the blood of a pure stock cyborg is in-
speech, words or gestures, especially anything which could be deed human; the person has been tainted, and is irrecover-
construed as lewd or implying that mutant life forms, synthetic able from the clutches of the horned one. All cyborgs have
humans or androids have a right to exist. their implants hacked off, and the rest of them sent to Witch
Pure Stock Prisoners who have been converted are the Burn to be ritually cleansed, all salvageable, non-computer-
responsibility of every citizen to observe, instruct and if neces- ized weapons are modified for non-cyborg use and assimilat-
sary, punish. It is not uncommon for a captive pure stock from ed into the armed forces.
another land to merely swear his or her oaths of devotion and
conversion, and when the chance arrives, try to make for the Sexuality: On sexual matters, The Purist Bible preaches that
border and freedom. For this reason, any new convert who copulation is only to be conducted for the purposes of repro-
was once a captive, must live under a nightly curfew, in an duction, and any outward or obvious expression of pleasure
established family home, for ten years following release from during the act is forbidden and akin to the ways of animals
either the Hermilage or the Convent before becoming full citi- and mutants. Homosexuality is a serious offense, punishable
zens and legitimate devotees of Puristalism. by a life as a slave. Of course, behind closed doors, clergy, of-
Ghost Mutants have proven to be the biggest challenge ficers and those with wealth and power are rumored to em-
to the Purist sense of security and theological well being. It is brace every perversion, sin and immoral act imaginable often
hard for the average Purist Conquistador or farmer to under- owning slave, hiring prostitutes, and abusing their underlings
stand how the Devil could be so crafty as to place a demon in with lewd abandon.
the womb of a sacred pure stock mother, and have the child
grow up to appear totally normal, and yet, all along have been Slavery: Slaves can only be pure stocks, since mutants, false
a damned mutant. Suspicion of one’s neighbor is always pres- humans and androids are all devil spawn and must be put to
ent, and people are watchful of any odd behavior, including de- death. Pure stocks captured from other religions or nations
pression, mental illness, moodiness, another’s need to spend make up the usual slaves in a work detail. However, many
time alone, any reluctance to marry the person one’s parents Purists themselves run afoul of the law, such as petty thieves,
or priest have chosen. Worse, anybody who is caught talking adulterous spouses, homosexuals, and runaways. In short,
to themselves, or seems to be able to predict events, guess at anyone who is deemed disrespectful or living in sin, or of
outcomes of sporting events or hunts, and the like, is marked speaking heretical statements in public, can find themselves
for observation. The Purist Church does not need hard evidence facing a life of servitude, humiliation, and confinement.
to convict a person of being a ghost mutant, and will simply ar- Often slavery is not a life long punishment, but rather a
rest and remove a suspected ‘shadow mutant’ or ‘mimic-devil’ term of service to the community insulted or harmed by the
from the community, taking him or her to Witch Burn’s deten- slave’s actions. Many slaves in the Purist lands are thereafter
tion area and therein, ‘evaluate’ the subject, as well as perform rebellious and actively seek to escape to the Freeholds or fur-
exorcism rituals on the person trying to drive out the demons ther north. Pure stock slaves, who have been captured from
with non-lethal tortures and austerities. the Freeholds or other areas will each bare the brand of the
Synthetic Humans, who, like ghost mutants, are also very Imperial Slave Registry, located in Pure Hub City, and come
hard to detect since this Purist sect does not believe in DNA scan- with a signed document, called the certificate of authenticity.
ners and substance readers, for like all computerized technology, While such slaves can be converted to the faith, they will not
such things are of the horned one. Given that it is very difficult to be ‘over’ branded by the mark of freedom from the slavery of-
discern a clone, bioreplicant or trans-human as a fake person or fice until after ten years of devotion to the Empire.
mimic, every Purist stronghold command center has a book con-
taining the photographs of hundreds of known synthetic humans, Gender Equality: Officially it is equal, and certainly is in the
both captured and those located in other settlements. Against military or minor clergy, but in the civilian population, men
these records, a battle priest or other churchman or officer can treat their wives poorly, since there is some passage in the
reference a newcomer, and if the person’s face matches that of a Purist Bible that states a woman is to obey her man.
known model or series of synthetic human, then that mockery of
man will be arrested and sent to Witch Burn for a final evaluation, Drugs and Alcohol: Nowhere in the Crossroads Region are
confirmation of the being’s true identity, and probable execution. people so strictly regulated as in the HPE. Not surprisingly, due
It is, however, a known fact that many synthetic humans now live to the restraints and demands of their faith, many citizens are
in the Imperial lands, but these are either unique models or have deeply unhappy, having either been converted to the faith by
disguised themselves so well as to appear as rich with personali- force or somehow mistreated by the clergy. In every community,
ty, family history, and flaws, that they are the last one’s suspected except for Witch Burn, The Hermilage, and The Convent, com-
of being a non-true-human. mon people use strong drink to escape their woes and doubts.
Androids are discerned quickly, as most gate houses and Alcoholic drinks are seriously frowned upon by the clergy, not
roaming Purist units carry magnets to run over the skull and permitted to be consumed in the streets or work sites, but is al-
spine of suspected ‘mechanical devils’ to see if the traveler’s lowable in licensed bars and saloons, as well as private homes.
body contains metal parts. Alternatively, when meeting a sus- In remote military garrisons, however, and the tent towns that
pected synthetic or mechanical person, Purist officials will cut house loggers and miners, large amounts of beer and wine are
the stranger’s arm to see if the person bleeds normally, or has consumed on a nightly basis since there are so few pleasures
muscle under the skin instead of wires and metallic parts. An- permitted to the Purist soldier, and past attempts to ban alco-
droids are killed whenever found, their bodies burned and the hol have almost led to revolts by the army.
contents of their skulls crushed and also fed to the fire, to en- The church damns drunkenness, but has unofficially come
sure nobody tries to repair or resurrect such demons. to recognize that a drunken population is better than a sober,
Cyborgs, likewise, are considered non-humans, even rebellious one, and does little about the production and pri-
though they most often come from pure stock human lineage. vate use of alcohol. Drug use, on the other hand, is strictly
The Purist faith states that a cyborg has been penetrated by forbidden, and users caught with any known or unknown sub-
the ‘demon machine mind’, and that since the subject’s brain stance can expect a year or two as a slave worker, while a per-
and nervous system are permanently wired, so too is the dia- son found selling or producing drugs, will be executed.

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Currency: Officially, and for all transactions involving the and instead embraced and worshipped technology, porn, com-
clergy or military, only Imperial Purist coins and Purehold Re- merce and a faith in the individual as opposed to the wisdom of
publican currency are acceptable, however, most merchants the clergy. Ruins, therefore, are the graveyards of the sinners,
and business people in the out-wall areas will happily take and as God crushed mankind for its sins. The Lord also forbade
any coins, including Aberrationist Hexagons, melting down men to ever return to these unholy places, at least without a
such foreign currency before depositing it in the Pure Hub priest, least their foot steps serve as chimes to waken the de-
City’s Savings Office, or bribing HPE clergy and bureaucrats. mons in the form of great machines, satanic monsters, plagues,
and the bringing forth of the weapons of the ancient ones. Local
Purist zealots are known to ambush those going into or leaving
any sort of ancient ruins, considering them interlopers and defil-
ers of the forbidden places and regardless of their being a pure
stock or otherwise, are evil doers and must be punished.
Relics are permitted to Purists, and are often employed
in the defense and expansions of the blessed Empire, howev-
er, as far as many fundamentalist, poorly educated Purists go,
entering the ruins to locate ancient items is a mortal sin, as
such zealots believe that only those relic weapons captured
from skullocks, excavators or other enemies are permitted to
be used, so long as the relics are blessed and cleansed by a
Relics, Ruins and Excavators: While relics are a must to prayer from a Purist friar or nun. The exception to these laws
ensure the Empire’s survival, the line is drawn at the use of is when the Purist state sends forth a sanctioned recovery
anything that has a computer in it, including shell class armor, team, often led by a Purple Monk or Sister of Purity, to sanc-
military ground vehicles, all relic aircraft, and devices such as tify the dig site prior to the recovery of some ancient device,
DNA scanners, substance readers and the like. Communica- a device deemed useful in the war on the devil spawned. It
tors are also acceptable, as are power generation devices, is not, therefore, unheard of for the church to hire pure stock
explosives, missiles, guns and non-powered armors. excavators to accompany a expedition to far off ruins, often
Facilities for repairing guns and reloading spent shell cas- using airships to enter such sites and uncover ancient weap-
ings exist in Pure Hub City, but in general, technology is scarce onry, armor, or explosives, sometimes with no more purpose
and distrusted. Stranger still, a reliance on technology is often than to ensure that mixed race dig teams don’t uncover the
discouraged, since there is an undercurrent of belief which loot first and use it against The Holy Purist Empire.
states that the Devil once weakened humanity’s soul by intro-
ducing technology to the world. Satan, they say, made men turn Travel and Trade in the Purist Empire: While officially
from God to embrace gizmos and gadgets and loose themselves a state of war exists between the Purehold Republic (Shat-
in computer fantasies, the porn succubus, holographic lovers, tered Region) and The Holy Purist Empire, common people
and darker non-realties. The tech-demons weakened the soul’s have both trade and social ties with those in each nation. The
grasp on the body, and somehow brought about the devasta- towns of Duty and Far Cross receive many Pureholder trad-
tions, and the appearance of so many mutant life forms. ers, and likewise, certain crops grown in the Purelands are ex-
The way people dress, the power of the church, and the ported either along the East Road or up beyond Galespit and
archaic belief in devils and demons, and a bearded all see- into Henderson and Pineridge. Marriages have also occurred
ing, all knowing God, gives The Purist Empire the look and between these pure stock peoples, with the Puristalism wor-
feel of 17th century Europe. Additionally, the common Purist shipping member of the relationship usually fleeing to live a
assumption that the powers exhibited by many mutants are more liberal life in the Pureholds.
the result of black magic and witchcraft adds to the faction’s Of course, only pure stocks dare enter the Holy Purist Em-
archaic, faith over fact atmosphere. This truly ancient, retro pire, unless their purpose is to raid and pillage. Purist patrols
belief system has a written judgment on every aspect of life are always traveling the borderlands and interior of the Em-
going, yet focused on the primary ‘truth‘ that mutants are de- pire, looking for humanoid or mutant marauders as well as
monic spawn of the unspeakable one. escaping citizens. One of the most common groups of fleeing
Related to mutantism is commonly held belief that the ru- pure stocks traveling within the Purist lands are citizens who
ins of the ancients are taboo, being unholy places of a damned, have given birth to a mutant child, and are attempting to es-
faithless people. This ardent belief results in conflict between cape to other factional territories. This is a perilous undertak-
the caste of excavators and the Purists. Region wide, Mutant ing, especially for a poorly armed family entering a world of
Slayers and other Purist warriors actively try to deter people barbarity, deviated abominations and ruthless raiders, not to
from entering any sort of ruins, even going so far as to mount mention the risk of being captured by one’s own people.
raids on dig teams coming and going from the ancient places,
stopping them and confiscating any arms and armor such ex- Mutant Babies: Mutant births within the Purist Empire are
peditions may have uncovered. Excavators then, as far as Pur- viewed with grim foreboding and self reproach. Animals born
ists go, are one of the most hated castes going, and although to otherwise pure breeds are immediately killed and burned,
the Purist Church doesn’t outright declare them as enemies of while human children born with an obvious mutation are usually
God, they are often mistreated when traveling in Purist lands, drowned by their father at birth, to save the child the misery of
occasionally even captured by local fundamentalists and se- going to Witch Burn for the cleansing ceremonies and ultimate
verely beaten. Troublesome, irreverent or arrogant pure stock incineration. In the more remote communities of Far Cross, Duty,
excavators who are arrested by the clergy will receive a chance High Watch, and Stalwart, parents who produce a mutant child
to be redeemed and converted, but so low is the success rate will often attempt to flee before the local clergy can inspect the
of legitimate conversion to the Purist faith, that most ‘Godless’ new born. Such families, who are caught while trying to escape,
diggers are directly reduced to oar, stone or farm slaves, while are treated harshly. The baby is taken to Witch Burn, the parents
all other races are tortured and burned alive. separated and sold as slaves in the Purelands, and any non-mu-
To many extreme fundamentalist and poorly educated Pur- tant children with them are sent to either The Hermilage or The
ists, the ancients were sinners, who had turned away from God Convent for intense religious instruction.

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into one group, a group which has closed its collective mind to the
notion that mutants could be anything but demonic.
The Aberrationists only arose in response to the Purist in-
vasions, while the real insidious threat to humanity lies further
east, in the Shattered Region, across the trenches and in the
heart of Mechanicus, a robot and android faction of great power
and nonviolence. If the Holy Purist Empire where to turn its at-
tention to assisting the Purehold Republic, instead of skirmish-
ing with it, the combined pure stock forces would be sufficient to
resist any other faction, and possibly sweep across both regions
and expel or eliminate all other powers and races.
*Puristalism: A pure stock only religion, based very loosely on the old bi-
ble and other holy texts, but solely devoted to the eradication of all mutant and
technologically created life. The Purist Bible is now the only sanctioned spiritual
text permitted, both within the HPE lands and theoretically worldwide. All other
For the Excavator: There is an almost total lack of surface religions are considered false, as are all other forms governance. The clergy of
all other faiths are already charged with sacrilege, even without hearing the word
ruins in this sector of the region, thus explaining the low mutant
birth rate in the area. This Empire is to be avoided by all teams of the Vicar of Pure Hub City, and sentenced to death. Puristalism proclaims that
of diggers, unless they are interested in seeking revenge for mutants are merely an attempt by the devil to infiltrate humanity and eclipse it.
atrocities inflicted upon them by Purist agents in other locales. The Vicar’s teachings state that it is the duty of every pure stock, whether they
Raiding Purist supply lines, traders and outlying communities know it or not, to eliminate other races, restrain mutants from cross breeding with
can be somewhat lucrative, but not really an activity most exca- pure stocks, and ultimately rid the world of all mutant life. To die fighting the infi-
vators are interested in. Occasionally, when the Purist Empire dels, be they mutants, disbelievers, cyborgs, false men or freakish beasts of Satan,
becomes aggressive and threatens to defeat the Aberrationist results in automatic acceptance into the highest spots in heaven.
legions of the DOA, and therefore seems poised to march upon
the Freeholds, an advanced excavation team feels compelled Purist Street Encounter Tables: Note: The following two
to take matters into their own hands. Such a strike team, seek- tables are used for street level encounters in every community
within the Holy Purist Empire, instead of individual tables. The
ing to maintain the balance of power in the region, will attack
reason for this faction’s unique system is due to the exceed-
deep within the Purist lands, and sabotage Purist infrastruc-
ingly consistent lifestyles of the locals, as well as the attentive
ture, inflict casualties in the population, and likewise force the watch by the authorities. Within the bars and saloons of these
Purists to withdraw frontline troops to return to the heartland towns, however, one will find some variance in the reaction by
to defend against these attacks. the locals toward strangers, and therefore a separate bar en-
counter table is found within each community’s description.
For the Game Master: This sect of purists are the greatest
human threat to the character’s survival, and their agents and as- Purist Town Encounters: Daytime One encounter check
sassins are spread out across the region in an attempt to terrorize per passage, or per hour if remaining stationary out in the
and weaken other factions, as well as make it difficult for excava- streets, roll 2d6 or 2d8 if in Pure Hub City.
tion teams to gain power. While the Freeholds do not have the 2. “You, strangers! Halt!” Shouts a man’s voice from behind.
large populations of the Aberrationists or Purists, they do possess The characters turn to see a tall black cloaked figure lead-
the great power of excavations teams, which are crack units of ing a unit of 4+d4 Purist Conquistadors their way, range 2d6
mixed race and considerable power. meters. “Forgive this intrusion, but we have had reports of an
As excavation teams grow in rank and acquire relics and android accompanying travelers and just need to check each
skills, they become heroes for the freehold and independent peo- of you with the metal seeking eye of God. Please kneel and
ples of the region. In time, they may eventually become akin to face the wall as we inspect you, then you are free to go with
small factions of their own, commanding small forces of loyalists my apologies.” The man is a Mutant Slayer, and he is hold-
and hirelings which are determined to resist the Purist doctrine ing a magnet in his hand which he runs over the head and
and expansion. For this reason, player characters are often the neck of each character. Any android will be immediately de-
target of much HPE hatred, as well as sudden attacks by fanati- tected as the magnet snaps against he person’s head. If an
cal terrorists, even far from the Holy Purist Empire. The ever pres- android is within the group, it will be hauled backwards and
ent risk of a Purist ambush will keep characters alert and foster shot at by each of the Conquistador’s crossbows, before the
a deep dislike for these self righteous, racist, narrow minded cult- men and women draw short swords and hack the machine
ists. The Purist religion, called Puristalism* is viewed as a mock- apart. Those characters not found to be androids will be sus-
ery of true Christian values and practice, and in many communi- pected of being Freehold spies, since they were associating
ties, true Christians preaching the teachings from the real bible, with a Mecha Devil, and have all their arms and armor confis-
are both the victims of Purist hate as well as the instigators of cated, they will then be robbed of all coins and interrogated
resistance and reprisal against these hate mongers. A GM should for d6 days each, released one at a time outside of town and
make it clear that the bible these people study, is nothing like the told never to come back.
real thing, and is a collection of lies and fear spawned beliefs. 3. The characters turn the corner and practically bump into a
To be fair, however, these people descended from tribes of squad of 6+d4 Purist Conquistadors and one Mutant Slayer, who
hard working farmers and survivalists who suffered greatly under serves as an officer, all accompanied by one Sister of Purity, who is
mutant barbarian raiders; therefore, their long standing dread and interrogating people. Any fellow street occupants, plus d3 nomad-
loathing of mutants is understandable. The fact is, however that ic traders and their d2 militia soldiers each, are lined up against a
the average Purist Conquistador or farmer hasn’t been told that wall, each stripped down to his or her underwear and being ques-
historically, pure stock marauders from the East and South, as tioned by the Nun. She turns to the characters and points to the
well as skullock and warmort freebooters, accounted for almost wall. “Okay, outlanders, up against the wall, lay down your weap-
half the raids in that long ago time, and that those seeking to dom- ons and strip down for a quick inspection. This is just a routine
inate the people put blame on the mutants for every attack, using search for deviants and Mecha. It’ll be over soon.”
religion as an explanation and cultural tie to unite the pure stocks

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If the character’s refuse, trouble ensues. The Conquistadors 6. An old commoner man is sitting in the dirt of the street, hud-
and Mutant Slayer will raise their crossbows and relic weapon, dled in a torn poncho and holding a wooden cup. “Spare a coin
and demand that the PCs drop their weapons at once and kneel for an old veteran?” He asks the PCs as they pass. “I fought the
or die. If the PCs do submit to inspection, and strip down, the deviants, when I was young and fit like you. I killed them all, men,
Nun will use a magnet to scan over each person, all the while women and children, for you and God, and where has it got me?
looking at the bodies of the characters for any sign of abnormal- Huh? I‘m a cast away, forgotten by my people now that I am old,
ity. This nun is not shy about pulling open the undergarments but soon, I will be embraced by the pure formed angels, and car-
of men or women and peering inward to see that all is normal ried to my reward.”
enough with their privates. Any mutants, cyborgs or androids will 7. A nomadic trader and his d2 militia soldiers step across the
be knocked face down, tied firmly with ropes (STR based type E street and begin to walk along beside the characters. The man
HC to snap, one try per half hour) and then marched off, being speaks quickly, smiling the whole time. “Hello kind strangers,
beaten the entire time, while his or her companions will have all blessings of the Vicar upon you all. Say, I am looking for some
their relics and valuables confiscated, as well as any documents, mercenaries like you, ones who can accompany me and my car-
books, photographs or other articles of the ancient world, then go of wine to Array. There is a lousy little saloon there that has
kicked out of town. ordered it, but I can’t get anybody else to come with me. I have
4. Up ahead, the PCs see a fe- two wooden walled wagons for
male Mutant Slayer strutting us to sleep in, and I can pay
down the road, accompanied you each 70 silvers to get me
by d3 Purist Conquistadors, there, and another 50sp if you
dragging a mutant along be- can return me here.”
hind them, who falls several 8. There is a rush of panic
times, is cut up and beaten from up the street, followed
severely, and looking every by a few musket shots and a
bit the savage that the Purists nearby scream followed by
claim them their kind to be. the arrival of some winged ma-
The mutant is a male 37% of rauder swooping down into the
the time, otherwise a woman, street trying to attack any ran-
and in either case, a young dom street occupants, includ-
adult with d3 prime muta- ing the characters. Roll d6: 1.
tions. Passers by in the street Bird, great eagle / 2. Bird, skal
are allowed to run up and kick birds, 2 per street occupant,
or spit upon the deviant, while incl. PCs +2d6 / 3. d3 Insects,
others simply blurt out insults giant dragon flies / 4. d6+2
and death wishes. The mutant Insects, tiger hornets / 5. Liz-
looks up at the characters as ard, winged slasher / 6. d8+1
he or she is yanked down a Urcellia.
side street, into the shade of 9. Purist Conquistadors
a larger building. The people (5+d6) and a Brother of the
nearby return to what they Purple Order are standing in
were doing and ignore the the street. The soldiers are
PCs as well as the Mutant busy grabbing fit looking men
Slayer and prisoner. If the PCs and women and pulling them
wish to follow, and try to save up to the Friar as he stands
the mutant, they can attempt on an overturned crate and
to do so, but even if they kill clutches a Purist bible to his
the slayer and Conquistadors, heart, his purple robes swirl-
and manage to hide the mu- ing about in the breeze. He is
tant for awhile, the slain Pur- feverishly telling people some-
ists will be searched for, prob- thing, before releasing them.
ably found, and the town or When the soldiers see the
city will be searched by the characters, they wave them
authorities looking for the mu- over, and eventually grab the
tant, within an hour. PCs by the shoulders and
5. d6 commoner families present them to the Brother
(man, woman, d3 teens and who shakes his head at them
d3 children in each) are push- and speaks: “My children, my
ing carts along the street, look- poor, poor misguided chil-
ing haggard and half starved. dren, look at you, what are
A mother notices the char- you? Mercenaries? Well, God
acters starring at them and needs all the help he can get,
she smiles faintly. “We’ve just and if we have to pay you to do
come from Overpass, where the right thing, so be it. Now, I
they let mutants live alongside true humans, where in time, the have asked you to hear me this day in regards to a very important
mutant demons from Aberratia will come to rule that place. So, we matter. The Holy Purist Empire is on the verge of a great and no-
took our chances and came here, before it was too late. We will ble expansion, as there are many people in nearby lands who are
establish our own village in the out-wall lands. Why not come join suffering under the domination and perversions of the mutants,
us, set aside your mercenary ways and grow great crops of pure and they are calling to us to rescue them. Will you not consid-
corn and wheat?” er joining the Imperial Army and becoming a Conquistador? Our

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lord, the Vicar, servant of God, will be most grateful and speak 14. Procession of friars, the Brothers of the Purple Order,
on your behalf next time he and the lord converse. Go then, and 2d6, who hold their heads high and shuffle along mumbling
consider your duty to the church, to the Vicar and to your soul.” in prayer. Guarding them are 10+d6 male Purist Conquista-
10. A Patrol of 4+d6 Purist Conquistadors marches by, observ- dors, most of whom saunter along behind, while two more
ing those they pass, and when they see the characters, they move well ahead of the crowd telling people to kneel, using
step into their path. Their leader, a woman, looks the PCs up their crossbow butts to hammer into the backs and heads of
and down. “What are you supposed to be? You ain’t mercenar- those who are slow in their praise. Anybody who doesn’t kneel
ies, and you ain’t Church troops, so you must be excavators, in the dirt until the procession passes, will be grabbed by 2
right? What are you doing here? Were you invited? Where did Conquistadors and be beaten into unconsciousness, losing
you come from anyhow?” After the PCs answer, and their state- any relics or valuables.
ments are not offensive nor raise suspicion, she waves them 15. The characters find themselves in a busy street market,
on saying. “God and I will be watching you.” where 3d6 commoner families mingle with town traders who
11. The characters see a small crowd has gathered around a have set up carts and canopied booths. Children run by, play-
shouting man dressed in red and yellow robes. He is holding up ing with balls or sticks, bumping into the characters continu-
a small black book and waving his arms about. The crowd is re- ously. Among this crowd is a young thief, who runs along be-
sponding to him with mixed feelings, some walk away shaking hind the children as they approach the characters, and while
their heads, while others are hissing and booing him, while still knocking into a random character, the thief (55% male, other-
others are nodding, or shouting out joyously. As the PCs pass the wise a girl) attempts to rob the character of any relic holstered
street preacher, they hear his radical fundamentalist remarks. gun, grenade or, coin pouch if no obvious relic is present. The
“Brothers and sisters, you know of what I speak! There are de- thief will use the crowd for cover, especially if his or her pick-
mons living among us, who look like us but are not, they can use pocket attempt was noticed and the victims are pursuing or
their minds to communicate to each other, and have formed a trying to shoot the robber, who gains -20 DV in the crowd.
secret society called the Mind Benders. They plot the destruc- Note that any stray shots have a 50% chance of potentially
tion and dominance of us all! They work with spies from other impacting a commoner.
lands, who profess to be simple ruin explorers, such as those 16. The PCs are in a quiet back street and as they pass a
who now walk by us, mocking us!” The crowd turns to the PCs, (if shadowy alcove they see a young woman clutching a bun-
they are dressed as typical excavators in mixed armor and weap- dled baby. “Psst, hello, brave ones,” she whispers stepping
ons). “Are you going to just let them walk by!” Cries the priest. out and following along side a random female character, oth-
“Do something to them! Show them God’s wrath, use the stone erwise the best looking man in the PC group. “Please, you
of the good earth to remind them of the solidity of our will and must help us. My child and I wish to leave both Pure Hub and
resolve! They plot to see your children in chains, worship idols in the Empire altogether. Please, will you take us with you to the
Newburg! Get them!” free lands, to Steel Hill or Galespit, even Overpass, anyplace
Suddenly 3d6 men and women, all farmers or fishermen, safe?” If the characters ask why, she looks about, bites her lip
pluck stones off the street and begin to hurl them at the char- and then pulls back the soft fabric to show her baby’s body.
acters. Any guards do nothing, except nod approvingly and enjoy The characters see that the child is mutated, roll d6: 1,2. Ex-
the spectacle. The crowd will only throw one volley of stones, tra set of arms / 3,4. One hand ends in a stubby pink pincer,
and not follow the PCs unless the characters throw stones back much like a crab would have but made of bone / 5. Elongated
or do or say something that is truly offensive. If the mob does rib rage (extra lungs and heart)/ 6. Fine scales covering it.
chase the PCs, they will grab wood or iron bars (clubs) from as- The woman begins to weep. “If they find her, they will take
sorted work sites and in their religious zeal, try to bash the char- her and burn her alive, please, you must help her! She must have
acters into unconsciousness. a chance away from here, but... if you can’t take me with you, can
12. A slaver and his 3+d3 militia soldiers (each militiaman has you then take the child and raise her as your own! Her father has
a whip, musket pistol and dagger) are set up under a canopy gone to the authorities to tell that I bore him a mutant, so I ran,
selling pure stock slaves. When the slaver sees the characters and he is looking for me, no doubt. Will you help me?” If the char-
approach, he shouts over to them. “Need porters on your next acters do help, and they take the mother with them, there is a 1
expedition? Perhaps you have a farm someplace and need in 6 chance that her husband locates her before the party flees
field workers to harvest your crops, or perhaps your wife simply the city and goes to alert the guards with the character’s descrip-
needs help around the house. We have these men as laborers, tions A squad of 4+d3 Mutant Slayers will be dispatched to hunt
and these young women to serve in a variety of roles within the characters down and arrest them, accompanied by the wom-
your home. I have a certificate of authenticity to account for an’s husband. If, however, the character’s only agree to sneak the
each of these fine, real human slaves, who have all been cap- baby out of town, the woman will gather change cloths and a few
tured from the Freeholds or other areas. They each bare the days worth of milk in special nursing skins, but the baby must get
brand of the Imperial Slave Registry office.” more milk within 4 days or begin to lose endurance points at d2
His slave collection consists of d6 men, d6 women, d6 teens per day thereafter (starting End 3+d3).
of each gender, and d6 children. The prices are 40+d20sp for a
man, 30+d20sp for a woman, 24+d12 for a teen, and 15+d10 for Purist Town Encounters: Nighttime One encounter
a child. Each comes with a slave collar, which has been bolted and check per passage, or per hour if remaining stationary out
the bolt threads crushed so that only by a hack saw can the col- in the streets, roll 2d6 or 2d10 if in Pure Hub City
lar be removed, plus, each is sold with a meter of rope tied to the 2. A group of 2+d3 black cloaked men and women stroll along
slave’s hands, which are usually kept behind the person’s back. the street, their hoods up, however, the characters can see that
13. Procession of Nuns, the Sisters of Purity, 2d6 of the sour they wear the telltale white armbands of Mutant Slayers. They
looking women approach, escorted by a detachment of 10+d6 approach each person they pass, pulling back their hoods, lift-
all female Purist Conquistadors. Everybody in the street drops to ing shirts, pulling up pant legs and basically inspecting every
their knees and bows low until the slow procession passes by. person, using a relic flashlight for the job. If the characters turn
Anybody who gets up and walks away or doesn’t kneel, will be down a nearby ally, there is a 50% chance they can avoid the
approached or pursued by two Conquistadors, who will order the dark cloaked men, otherwise, the slayers spot their departure
person to kneel and then beat him or her for 2d6 END damage and jogged after the PCs. “You there, halt and kneel before your
before telling them to kiss the ground and pray for forgiveness. masters!” If the PCs don’t, the slayers draw their relic weapons

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and give chase, firing with intent to kill. If the PCs do surrender 4. The characters notice d6 commoners following them, about
and kneel, the slayers approach, one takes their weapons and 10 meters back. They seem to be farmers, armed with hatch-
looks into the character’s faces, check their teeth, pulls up shirts ets only. If the PCs confront them, they disperse, only to appear
and sleeves, ask some to pull down their pants, and frisk all the again a few minutes later. Within 2d6 minutes, as the charac-
characters roughly for any hint of a mutation. Then, one Purist ters enter a dark street they come across d6+6 more men who
pulls out a magnet and checks each character for implants or are standing line across the street in front of the PCs. One ap-
being an android. Any mutants, cyborgs or androids are tied with proaches, clutching a black book to his chest. “We have been
strong ropes and set aside for later transport to Witch Burn (to expecting you, grave robbers,” he says in a low, joyless voice.
snap ropes, 1 STR based type E HC per half hour needed). If the “Keep you hands where we can see them, as we have cross-
characters had initially not tried to avoid the inspection, any le- bowmen on the roof tops.” Looking up, PCs see nobody in the
gitimate pure stocks are let go at this point, but if they tried to windows or on the roofs, although it is dark and there are many
dodge the slayers and had to be chased, then the rest of the places where one could be concealed. “While the Vicar’s pup-
characters are beaten (3d6 END DMG) and let go, short any rel- pets believe that pure stock excavators have a legal right to ex-
ics weapons. plore the tombs of the ancient ones, we do not share this view.
3. Any other street occupants seem to fade away suddenly, The ruins and deep places belong to the ghosts of our pure
entering homes or simply passing around corners. All at once, ancestors, the great ones, who once were masters of all their
new, cloak wearing figures step onto the scene all around the mockeries and servant races, even the machines, and soon,
characters, range d6+1 meters, one per traveler, plus 2d4. we will regain that lost power, but not by using the accursed
Each is holding a club, but wears a dagger on his belt. One fel- tools of the old ones, but by the purity of our hearts, prayer,
low steps up, grinning maliciously. “Good evening, strangers. faith and the sheer will of God. Now, set down your weapons
We’ve been watching you for awhile. Be so kind as to slowly and packs and walk way. Leave this land, unholy ones, as you
put down your weapons and then kneel, placing your hands are not fit to be among the righteous.”
on your heads. We will be liberating you of your burdens, un- Another 6+d6 more club wielding commoners are ap-
less you wish to die first trying to stop us.” If the PCs surren- proaching from the rear. If the characters obey the street
der they will be robbed of all their belongings, mounts, slaves preacher, and set down their weapons and packs, they will be
and footwear, leaving them in their undergarments only. If the gestured to leave back the way they came, passed the second
PCs refuse to be robbed, the raiders attack, and if they win, group of men, who are 18% likely to suddenly begin chanting
not only will they rob the characters, they will drag them into something and then attack the unarmed characters with their
a dark building and strip them down to their underwear, tie clubs, joined by the priest’s group. They will beat the charac-
them firmly and humiliate them throughout the evening, sell- ters into unconsciousness and leave them naked in a nearby
ing them to a local slaver the next morning. grain bin.

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If the characters refuse to set down their weapons, and the PCs run there is a 3 in 6 chance the zealots let them go,
instead fight, all the commoners will rush to the attack, plus, otherwise, they give chase, led by the street preacher. Until at
there is a 2 in 6 chance that there are d3 more commoners least half their number are dispatched, they will continue to
hidden on the roofs with crossbows, gaining -30 DV if fired pursue the PCs, and if they can engage them, will stick them
upon. Should the anti-excavators win the battle, they will take with their pitchforks, attempting to kill them and after looting
the unconscious PCs to a nearby slaver and sell them. The them of everything of worth, burn their bodies.
PCs will end up as oar slaves on a cargo barge. 8. Out of the night sky, swoops d8: 1. Bats, venomous, 2d6
5. A horn sounds out across the community. Soon after, a pass- /2. Bats, devil, 3d6 / 3. Bat, giant / 4. Bird, black owl / 5. In-
ing farmer calls over to you. “Get yourselves to the stables!” He sects, doom moths, d10 / 6. Insects, blood flyers, 6+2d10 /
cries. “Or get to wherever the heck you strangers are spending 7. Lizard, winged slasher / 8. Urcellia, d8.
the night. A curfew has been called! If the troops catch you out 9. A Patrol of 6+d6 Purist Conquistadors march down the
in the streets, they’ll beat you senseless and throw you in the street, casually looking at the faces of those who go by. When
jail, after taking all you own!” He then runs off, as do others on the pass the characters, one holds out his hand and points to
the streets. If the characters don’t secure a place to spend the a random PC. “Hold up there, stranger, I’ve seen you some-
night within a half hour, they will find themselves in abandoned place before. Were you in the Northern Freehold army? Per-
streets. Worse, should they meet any Imperial Purist troops the haps the Southern Rangers? Hmmm, I swear I’ve seen you
HPE unit will chase the PCs, using whatever force is needed to before, you better come with us to answer some questions.
stop them, including crossbow bolts. Captured curfew breakers The rest of you can get lost.”
who initially fled arrest, are beaten into unconsciousness and If the PC goes with the soldiers, they take his or her weap-
locked away for d6 days, then sold as slaves, their belongings ons and tie the character’s wrists behind his or her back (STR
dispersed among the clergy and officers. based type D HC to snap free, one try per half hour). They
6. The characters hear angry voices echoing up the passage, take the PC to a fortified barracks and toss him or her in a cell
and then see a woman rush by, sobbing and clutching some- for 3d6 hours before a Mutant Slayer enters the cell, which
thing to her chest. 2d6 rounds later, a mob of 2d6 men and 2d6 is closed behind the man. He will ask the PC questions and
women, all commoners with torches, run passed. “Outa the way, then suddenly begin to slap and punch the PC while demand-
mercenary scum!” Shouts a person as they bolt by. “Burn the di- ing the truth about the person’s identity, commanding officer,
abolical spawnling! The heresy must end! Death to all mutants!” rank, and mission. The character can make an intelligence
The mob soon turns the corner, gaining on the woman. based type C HC to say something clever which gets him or
If the PCs do nothing, the chase carries away, but, they her off the hook, and released, otherwise, the PC is tortured,
soon hear a woman’s pitiful screaming. The authorities do starved and chained in a lower dungeon for 3d6 months be-
nothing. If the PCs chase after the mob, they catch up to the fore finally being transported to Hermilage for re-education.
group just as they tackle the young woman and begin to kick 10. The PCs turn a corner and see a group of men and women,
and beat her. Two of the commoners pull a baby away from d6+2 of each gender, gathered around a person, kicking him or
the woman and hold him up into the torch light. All see that her savagely. If the characters shout and run forward, the bel-
the newborn has what appears to be a stubby tail growing ligerent mob will turn and run off if they don’t outnumber the
from his bottom. “Burn it! Quick before it cast curse on us!” PCs 2 to 1 or better. Treat the assailants as commoners who
Shouts a woman. have painted their faces white. Should they be driven off, and
If the PCs don’t act, the mob gathers straw and burns their victim tended to, the PCs discover, roll d6: 1,2. A young
the baby alive, then and there, turning on the mother soon woman, commoner, who thanks the characters for saving her
after to beat her senseless and leave her in the street, all the life and says that her brother was found out to be a ghost mu-
while totally ignoring the characters. If the PCs intervene, us- tant, who has fled town, and those zealots were trying to pun-
ing force to take the baby from the mob and/or rescue the ish her for being related to him and not knowing where he was.
woman, they will need to use extreme force to keep the angry / 3,4. A nomadic trader, who the mob thought was a North-
horde from the mother and child. The commoners will chase ern Freehold Scout in disguise. He will reward the characters
the characters until half their number are incapacitated or with 2d6sp evenly, each, plus give the entire group concealed
killed. If the PCs do rescue the woman and child, she will be relic weapon, (WC-RC) / 5,6. A red robed, man with a shaved
extremely grateful and offer to serve the team as a cook and head and a wavy cross tattooed into is temple. He shoves the
camp keeper all her life, however, the authorities will soon be characters away and gets up, dusting himself off and frowning.
informed about the event, and the character’s identities, and “Don’t touch me, you lowborn, digger scum. I don’t need help
dispatch Mutant Slayers after them. from the likes of you! You’re sinners, and you’ve hands have
7. A street preacher and her 10+3d6 zealots are stomping touched the ancient sites where our ancestors sleep. You gotta
down the passage, brandishing torches and pitchforks, chant- know that their ghosts have tainted your souls and their grave
ing while their priestess rants religious dogma. “We call you dust is in your lungs, right? Now leave me!” He staggers away
out, evil one, we will not tolerate your seed in our women, in the opposite direction from the zealots.
will not allow your pawns to spread their reign of darkness 11. The PCs see a young woman creeping along at the far
across the world. Oh, Lord, we welcome your tests, in these end of the street, clutching a crying baby to her chest. She
dark times. Oh Great one, judge or purity and truth, we who sees the characters and darts into a dark ally between two
have been chosen to inherit the earth, by your –,” the priest- buildings. A moment later, 4+d6 commoner men with clubs
ess spots the characters and frowns. “And Lo, what filth is arrive in the scene nearby, looking about. They spot the PCs
this!? Disease carriers, evil doers, and scum who creep into and one approaches. “Friends, have you seen a woman with
the entrails of the earth, stirring the dark spirits, anointing brown hair carrying a baby? The baby is a god forsaken mu-
their hands in the holy dust of the blessed dead, waking what tant; the husband came and told our priest himself. We are
nameless things the Devil has created to torment mankind! to cleanse the poor soul of the child, and send the woman to
Damn all excavators, who are friends to the mutants and the the Convent. If you see her, you will report her to the nearest
Mecha, who embrace whores and dirty sluts in every sinner Imperial solider, and will not aide her under penalty of losing
town from Steel Hill to Pitford. Banish them!” your wealth and liberty, if not your balls!”
At her words, the zealots turn on the PCs, lower their pitch- There is a clanging heard from another street and the
forks and begin to advance, their faces twisted with hatred. If men jog away to investigate. If the characters go into the al-

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bands, and now you’re going to pay! After we are done with you,
no man will want to look upon your ugly face and body!” If the
PCs intervene, they will need to physically pull off and possi-
bly threaten the women away. The PCs can escort the bloody
nosed, rag wearing prostitute away, under a hail of insults, spit
and stones. The rescued woman will state that she is a jezebel,
but that her customers were always travelers or Conquistadors,
never the local farmers, who couldn’t afford her splendid tal-
ents. She is grateful to the characters however, and says she
will be their camp follower for as long as they see fit to keep her
around. She will try to latch onto the kindest male in the group
and not so subtly encourage the group to set up a base camp in
Overpass or Pitford.
14. d6+5 Drunken farmers (male commoners) are stagger-
ing back and forth across the narrow street in front of the
PCs. When they see the characters, they split up and block
the character’s path, with one big fellow (with 60 END and
does d6+3 DMG per punch) making a remark. “Look at what
we have here, boys, a bunch of God forsaken diggers, oh,
maybe they are mercenaries or somethin’, eh? I say they
are cowards, spies and rebels. I say they ain’t half as tough
as they look, and in a fair fight with fists, not one of ‘em
cupcakes could take me on!” The man pics out a random
male PC and pushes him. “You, c’mon, let’s fight, c’mon,
you pansy!” The man swings his fist at the character. He is
drunk, like all of the men, being +20 SV to be struck at, and
attacking others at -20 SV. If no others join in the brawl, it
ends when the loud mouth and the previously selected PC
end their fight, but if the other PCs engage the drunks in any
ley where the woman fled, they will find her 77% of the time, way, they too will fight. Each wears a dagger at his hip. If the
cowering among barrels and debris. She pulls out a dagger PCs refuse to fight, the drunks grow angry and follow the
and holds it out in one shaking hand. “Keep back, this child is PCs, throwing d4 stones per round for 2d6 minutes before
no sinner, it’s just a little new born, an innocent. I see it now, finding somebody else to harass.
that mutants are not of the Devil, but of God, of evolution, and 15. If there are any ghost mutants in the PC group, then
I will die defending my girl!” The PCs can see the healthy baby each receives the following telepathic transmission, howev-
has a crab-like pincer instead of a hand, but otherwise looks er if there are only pure stocks, concealed mutants, cyborgs
healthy and plump. “But why didn’t you tell those men where I or synthetic humans, they must make a willpower based
was hiding? Ain’t you Purists? If not, please, I beg you to take type B hazard check to pick up the message as well. “I see
either my baby, or us both, away from this cruel land, and to you down there in the street, comrades. No, I won’t reveal
Overpass or Steel hill, and there, I will be your servant for the myself now, nor am I any threat to you. I detected your minds
rest of my days. What say you?” and saw that you are not like these people. You should leave
12. As the characters peer around a corner, checking out the this part of the region; it really isn’t safe for ones with such
street ahead, they hear a click from above and see a window slow- free thinking, self directed ways. Go in peace, and be care-
ly open. Inside is an attractive young woman holding a candle, ful of the clergy.”
leaning out and exposing her generous cleavage. “Hello strang- 16. The characters enter a street and hear yelling coming
ers.” She whispers, directing her attention to the males in the from behind. Turning, they see a leather clad man running
group. “Any of you want a place to stay for the night, and the hot into the street followed by 4+d6 more men with clubs. Treat
embrace of a real woman? Five silvers and you can share my bed all as commoners. “Get him!” Shouts one pursuer. “He’s a
until dawn, but, this will have to be our secret, as my profession is fricken mutant! You there, stop him!” The club wielding men
not tolerated by the local women.” are calling to the PCs to stop the man, who is upon them
If any character recruits the whore, there is an 89% chance and trying to zig-zag through the character group, although
that all is as she promises, however, on a roll of 90-00%, there at close range no obvious mutations can be seen on the fel-
is a rare outcome, roll d6: 1-3. While making love, the woman is low. The characters can try to stop the runner if they wish,
clubbed over the head and knocked unconscious. A man stands simply by sticking out a foot or bumping him into a wall. If
behind her with a steel pipe and raises it again. “What are you do- they PCs do detain the man, his pursuers catch up, beat
ing with my wife!? So this is how she conducts herself when I am him soundly, grab him and tie his wrists and march him off
off on the road! I am going to kill you!” He tries his best to murder into the dark.
the character with the pipe, treat as a club swung in both hands, If instead the PCs let him go, the fleeing man turns and
treat him as a commoner man. / 4-6. After making love, the wom- uses telepathy to relate a thought image to each organic PC:
an tells the character that she needs to get out of the settlement, “I will remember your faces and kindness, if ever you should
as people are starting to suspect her true identity, and will be the need help in The Lower Freehold, just mention my name, Ka-
PCs lover during the trip to either freehold faction, Galespit or any vandu, to any Southern Ranger.”
other trade town. While she doesn’t say so, she is actually a ‘com- As he flees, the club waving locals bunch up in front of
fort model’ clone. the PCs and try to get passed, swearing at them as their
13. The PCs enter a street to see d6+2 farm wives (female com- quarry slips into the night. “Why did you let him go! Are you
moner women) brutalizing another woman. “You dirty whore!” Freeholders and mutants too!” Screams one man, raising
Shouts one irate woman. “You’ve woggled one too many hus- his club. If they outnumber the PCs, they will attack, and
only flee if they are clearly being defeated.

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17. A nomadic trader and his 4+d3 militia soldiers, each with 19. The characters step into a narrow street and all at once,
a crossbow, are moving slowly by, walking alongside a covered a huge, weighted net drops from above, blanketing the trav-
wagon. They see the PCs, and note that they don’t look like the elers. Each character is allowed a type C agility based haz-
average ‘Pure Hubber’. “Excuse me, most worthy strangers,“ ard check to dodge the net, while those who are under it
calls the trader, keeping his voice low. “I know it is highly irregu- when it hits the ground are restricted from running, and are
lar to be looking for supplies at this hour of the night, but we -30 SV to make attacks, +20 DV easier to strike, and must
have merchandise which might appeal to you, if it is within your spend d3 rounds each trying to get out from under the net.
price range. It might not be deemed perfectly moral nor legal Meanwhile, raiders leap out, wielding staffs and pummel-
in this place, and therefore it is all the more thrilling. Would you ing the characters, attempting to knock them out prior to
like to see what I got in my wagon? Just two of you can enter with robbing them. There are d2 raiders per character, and if the
me right now, as I am sure there are people observing us as we robbery is going poorly for them, they will run off in various
speak and I don’t want to arouse too much suspicion.” directions. Should they defeat the travelers, they will drag
If the PCs send two characters into the back of the wag- them into an alley, strip them of everything they own and
on with the trader, he presents them with 3 rolls, using d12, leave them in the muck and feces.
on the following table. Re-roll duplicated items: 20. The characters turn a corner and see a gory scene. A pa-
1. Slave girl, concubine android 400+2d100sp trol of 5+d6 Purist Conquistadors lay dead in the street, filled
2. Slave girl, comfort clone 500+3d100sp with arrows, their heads hacked off and laying next to their
3. Slave girl, pleasure bioreplicant 600+3d100sp bodies. Standing to one side of the street, cleaning their sa-
4. Slave girl, appears to be a human, but the trader says she is bers, are 6+d6 mutants, each with a minor mutation. “Pur-
a mutant who can move objects with her mind (telekinesis), cost ists!” One with two heads hisses and leads his comrades to-
300+d100sp ward the PCs at a rush. They are Dominion Bat Riders, (mili-
5. Gebrull Joy beans, 50+d20sp each, has 2d6 beans in stock. tia soldiers with sabers and bows, 3 skill points with either
See Hub Rules, part 3, page 124 for details. weapon, although their bows are attached to their saddles
6. Kicker berries, 20+2d10 in stock, each selling for 5sp. See when first encountered). If the battle is going badly for them,
Hub Rules, part 3, page 124 for details. they whistle and down fly an equal number in giant bats who
7. Robot, pocket-bot, 150+2d20sp swoop low and allow their mutant human masters to leap on
8. Robot, pocket-bot, in replica teddy bear disguise 220+3d20sp as they depart.
9. Slave girl, common mutant with golden skin, but face If the PCs can prove they are imposters, that all
and arms painted in Hispanic flesh color, her white hair or some of their number are actually
dyed brown, and looks like a normal pure stock other- mutants, then these deviant Bat
wise, costs 30+d20sp Riders bid the PCs well and leave
10. Shotgun shells, 2d6 in stock, selling for them in peace.
20+d12sp each.
11. Standard pistol rounds, 3d6 in stock, selling for
18+d12sp each
12. Marijuana, 3d100g, cost a silver per gram.
Very illegal in the Purist Empire, but would
sell for 5sp a gram in Overpass or Galespit.

18. The PCs enter a secluded street

and notice that any other street
occupants have dashed off
someplace and instantly,
the team sees why. Out of
alleys, doorways, garbage
bins, pipes and dropping from
roofs come many knife wielding
street kids, surrounding the PCs, 4
per character in number plus another
d6 who watch from a roof with sling-
shots, firing at the PCs during the
entirety of any fight.
If the character do not im-
mediately open fire when seeing
the punks, the swarm of street ur-
chins gather in around the characters
at melee range, and one, the biggest,
steps forth and points his curved knife
at the PCs. “Put down your weap-
ons, your coin pouches, belts
and packs and just leave, or
we will cut you to ribbons!”
They will follow up on their
threat, fleeing only if half
their number is wiped out
and substantial injuries or fa-
talities have not been incurred
on the characters.

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 200

Clean Guard Dangers: On this western rim of the Purelands, attack by

the Aberrationist forces is the greatest large scale threat,
however, it is not inconceivable that the Lower Freehold
might recruit a crack team of mercenaries to try and knock
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire
Government: Battle Priestess, Theresa the Savior out or steal the laser cannon, or get over the walls and
Population: Total 596 to 828/ (Pure Stocks 560+2d100/ cause mayhem. However, the reptilius are the single great-
Mutants 2d6 captives and 30+d20 Ghost Mutants*/ Cy- est threat in the vicinity, and prey on travelers and small
borgs d3/ Synthetic humans d6*/other 0) * masquerading detachments of Conquistadors. On occasion, very daring
as pure stock humans bands of reptilius have made it over the Great Purity Wall
nearby this fortress, and have butchered farmers in their
About Clean Guard: Sitting at the northwestern end of the homes, kilometers deep within the Purelands.
Purelands, built right into the Great Purity Wall, is the fortress
of Clean Guard. This stronghold serves as a land gate to and Law Enforcement: By Purist Conquistadors.
from the purged territory behind it, as well as a garrison for
both cavalry and infantry units. The place is built much like Military and Defense: As noted previously under About
the many towers on the wall, using concrete slabs pulled from Clean Guard, the four 12m tall towers each have a trebuchet
the surrounding landscape, mortared together with field stone on their tops, and 16 outward facing arrow slits, while the
and supported by heavy timbers plated in scrap metal to make gate house has a row of four trebuchet which also face the
them fire resistant. There are four towers to this place, as well frontier, but can be swung around by teams of 3 men if need-
as a main gate house with a pair of double doors standing 6 ed. The electrical generator powers the fort’s main observa-
meters tall and 8m wide. The gate house is six stories tall and tion and defensive systems, which include two spot lights
serves as a storage facility, command center as well as a gar- and a light laser cannon. These fine relics are situated within
rison containing several rows quarters for the troops. The flat the west facing wall on the sixth floor of the gate house. The
roof of the gate house is occupied by a row of four trebuchet, gun and lights are able to aim in a 180 degree arc side to
which can be wheeled about into face any direction. The fort’s side or up and down, their crews gaining -30 DV due to the
four towers, each a crude column of salvaged concrete and stone and scrap enclosure protecting them.
iron, stand 12m tall each, are also filled with beds and stor- The garrison at Clean Guard houses 500+3d100 Pur-
age, but pitted with arrow slits and each topped by open turret ist Conquistadors, 60+d100 Cavaliers of Purity and 3d6
fitted with a single, rotating trebuchet. Mutant Slayers, as well as the Battle Priestess Theresa
the Savior, who is armed with a rocket launcher and 4+d6
Water and Sanitation: Water is collected directly from the battle rockets, wears an auto pistol with three full clips on
swampy back water of Barter River, but boiled before being con- her waist, a razor sword, and is clad in heavy combat ar-
sumed. Sewage is poured out in the swamp at the most west- mor equipped with a communicator, gas mask and helmet
ern end of the fort, well away from the drinking water supply. mounted flashlight.
Besides this regular compliment of troops, some of
Technology: This fortress has an alcohol burning power whom make daily patrols up the road or into the swamp
generator which runs day and night, putting out a constant lands in detachments of 3d6+10 Conquistadors, there is
cloud of black smoke and powering the internal lighting sys- also a daily chance of a passing military unit, which if pres-
tems, a radio receiver situated in the command center, as ent will stay the night before moving on to their next post-
well as two spot lights and a light laser cannon. The senior ing. The odds of extra HPE troops being station here is as
officers all carry communicators and many also tote relic follows: 23% chance of a brigade of 100+d100 Purist Con-
weapons and wear relic armor. quistadors/ 17% chance of 30+d20 Cavaliers of Purity /
8% chance of a battalion of 200+d1000 homeland militia-

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MAP CR-17: Clean Guard

1 hex =5 meters

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men / 12% chance of 3d6 Mutant Slayers dressed as com- tant Slayer. This review constitutes a quick check of the
moners on ponies and mules, complete with a few goats departing party’s cargo, back packs and a complete physi-
and farm dogs to complete their look of simple migrants. cal inspection of any children under 3 years of age to en-
sure that the travelers are not attempting to smuggle out
Visitors to Clean Guard: Any stranger wishing to enter mutant babies.
the gate house from the wilds, thus passing into the Pure- There are no accommodations in Clean Guard, nor are
Land beyond, must stay back from the enclosed gates and non-military personnel allowed access anyplace within the
strip down to their underwear. Once disrobed, the visitors fort. Anyone wishing to pitch their tent or park their wag-
are to then step away from their gear as a detachment of ons near the fort, on either side of the wall, are welcome
d6+3 Conquistadors and one Mutant Slayer, step out of a to, as long as they keep back 50 meters from the fortifica-
small door built into the main gate. This squad will check tions and 10m back from the road. The great gates of Clean
for disguises by rubbing skin, pulling on hair, checking the Guard are only opened when needed, and remain shut to
numbers of fingers and toes, as well as using a simple all civilian traffic from dusk to dawn.
magnet to run over the visitor’s head and spine to search
for the tell tale metallic parts of cyborgs or androids. Brief History: The construction of Clean Guard began
If satisfied that the travelers are pure-blooded humans, when the permanent Great Purity Wall was started in 2303,
they may enter; however, their packs will be checked, as and was built at its current location because of the ancient
will saddle bags, carts, wagons or other vehicles. No ro- six lane highway which enters the Purelands at this point. It
bots, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, chain guns, is interesting to note that the old highway was torn up and
heavy machine guns, explosives of any kind, nor flame used by the builders to add to the many structures and de-
units are permitted through this fortress, and if such items fenses which now exist within the Purelands, including the
are on the visitors, they can be signed over to a scribe who Great Purity Wall; an ambitious task, mainly carried out by
maintains a lock up area in the tower. If the articles are slaves.
not collected after one year, they automatically become
the property of the Battle Priestess, to muster out as she For the Game Master: Clean Guard offers little or no
sees fit. adventuring opportunities, except possibly to a high rank
Anyone wishing to leave the Purelands, unless they group which wishes to attempt to sabotage the power gen-
are wanted by the law – a fact which will be widely broad- erator, or either steal or destroy the laser cannon. For any
cast via communicators, artist’s renderings, and word of group with a mutant or other non-human in its ranks, this
mouth – may leave only after a review by a officer or Mu- is a place to avoid.

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 203

Dangers: While the eastern edge of the Empire is a less active

Duty frontier than that of the West, where the Dominion of Aberratia
is threatening the faction, this outpost sees its share of threats.
The primary peril for the people of Duty are the skullock raid-
ers from the Cathedral Mountains (see Shattered Region), spe-
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire
Government: Battle Priest, Woolsey the Vanquisher cifically the Grotha-Patterak clan, who have been making larger
Population: Total 629 to 890/ (Pure Stocks 560+2d100/ Mutants and more numerous raids into the lowlands over the past de-
2d6 captives and 60+2d20 Ghost Mutants*/ Cyborgs 0/ Synthetic cade. Such incursion have often forced all land-based trade to
humans 3d6*/other 0) and from Duty to cease for months at a time. There are also the
* masquerading as pure stock humans. Wildkin to contend with. The Wildkin a group of mixed race hu-
man rebels who are said to dwell in Cruel Wood, however, these
Site Details: This Purist outpost sits on the edge of Cruel people don’t seem to initiate violence on the people of Duty, ex-
Wood, alongside a nameless creek and perched on a low, man cept logging expeditions or armed patrols which go too deeply
made, spike encrusted mound about two meters off the plain. into the dark and tangled forest. Another threat to those head-
ing east on their way to The Purehold Republic, are the wagon
Construction: Duty is almost entirely made of wood or mud people of Bosworth’s Clan (see Nomadic Communities, part 8,
brick, and what scrap materials have been brought here, have been page 311), who are prone to taking slaves for both mates and
nailed to the front gate and the fortified church, which doubles as profit, as well as robbing migrants whenever possible. Finally,
the town garrison and command center. The walls are simple pali- since Duty is a remote, poorly defended settlement with only
sades with catwalks and the occasional watch tower, all of which rudimentary weapons, the streets of this town are often danger-
have been recently rebuilt as the settlement had outgrown its for- ous at night due to both predators and humanoids, who manage
mer confines. Once the new wall was up, the old inner wall was to fly, leap or climb into the community, and claim the lives of
brought down and the timber used to build new homes and add to citizens and travelers alike.
the gate house. There is a simple dock in a back water of the creek,
as well as an arched wooden bridge going to the western shore. Law Enforcement: Purist Conquistadors.
Water and Sanitation: There are two wells within town, Military and Defense: 100+d100 homeland militiamen,
but much of the water is carried by bucket from the nearby 200+d100 Purist Conquistadors, 3d6+6 Cavaliers of Purity,
creek, Sewage is collected by slaves each morning and taken 2d8 Mutant Slayers, 4 squad leader officers who each carry
out of town and poured at the edge of Cruel Wood. a relic weapon (WC-R) and the Battle Priest Woolsey, who hap-
pens to wear heavy combat armor and wield a heavy machine
Technology: A simple, replica built alcohol generator is in op- gun into battle (belt fed with 240+2d20 HCR rounds). There
eration here, which powers a single spotlight which is affixed to are three watchtowers, each standing 5m tall, and topped by
the gate house and by night can illuminate the area in front of the peaked enclosure containing a ballista. The gate house span-
gate, as well as the creek shore and bridge. During the day, how- structure, which goes directly over the gates, is armed with a
ever, the power generator is capable of re-charging one power cell heavy ballista, while the main western gate-house building has
if it is left on all day. The battle priest, Woolsey, carries a commu- 7 front facing arrow portals and a single, steel plated hatch 5m
nicator, as do the 4 Squad leader officers, and are updated daily up from the ground from which a chain gun with 2d100 rifle
on imperial military and law enforcement events from the Capital. rounds remaining is situated on a tripod. This minigun accounts
The only other technology here is the arms and armor carried by for the only fixed relic weapon in the entire community. The army
the battle priest, officers, and the occasional citizen or traveler. keeps 2d6 catapults within the town at a garrison shed, next

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to the stable area, as well as d4 trebuchet, all of which can be however, who don’t often mix well with the local farmers and
wheeled down the streets to fire over the walls at a besieging loggers since the soldiers are often conscripts from the Pure-
army should the need arise. lands, and very rigid in their beliefs, intolerant toward strang-
ers, and suspicious of just how devout the locals really are.
Visitors to Duty: Most travelers who come this way are no-
madic traders, however, bounty hunters, excavators and mer- For the Excavator: This town is the most open to the idea
cenaries pass through from time to time, as well as the odd of pure blood diggers, and while the Conquistadors who are
slaver coming to buy up any local criminals or non-believers. stationed here might object to their presence and profession,
More than in any other part of the HPE, these tough outland- the locals welcome ‘archeological’ business and the added
ers are welcomed in Duty since, in case of attack, the locals armament that excavators can offer the town. Anyone born in
want as many armed allies as possible staying among them. the region will have no doubt heard the townsfolk are slightly
There is no entrance fee to enter the town, however, strangers more liberal, and are more concerned with being butchered
must wait outside the walls and strip down to their underwear by skullocks than the fact that maybe the odd clone, biorepli-
before being more closely inspected, by d4 Conquistadors, one cant or ghost mutant is living among them.
who uses a magnet to detect cyborgs or androids. If the visi-
tors are accepted as real humans, they are bid welcome and For the Game Master: Duty offers a good stop over and intro-
let in, directed to the stables where they can sleep in the hay duction to The Holy Purist Empire. While mutants and cyborgs will
loft, or down the main street to the only drinking establishment still be massacred if they approach this town, other races which ap-
in town. Non-humans are ar- pear to be human will notice a
rested and destined for Witch distinct lack of concern for their
Burn. kind, as if a policy of ‘if they look
human enough to pass as hu-
Brief History: Like many man, who cares, let ’em live in
other towns in this part of the peace and add their number to
region, it was once an indepen- our ranks.’
dent, mixed race community
which was besieged and then
conquered by the expanding
Day and Night Street En-
Purist Empire in 2294. The counters: Handled by roll-
previous village was only half ing 2d6 on the Purist Empire
the size that Duty now is, and town encounter listings, day-
went by the name of Fort Ir- time page 193 and page 195
vine. It is said that the survi- for nighttime encounters.
vors of the invasion fled to into
Cruel Wood and have constructed a half dozen tree fort villages, Tyler’s Bar Encounters: d6 patron rolls from table A, page
guarded by mutant plants and beasts, and plot their day of ven- 383 by day, plus d6+3 Purist Conquistadors who are off duty, or,
2d6+3 type A patron rolls at night, plus 2d6+6 Purist Conquista-
geance on the Purists who now occupy Duty.
dors. There is a 2 in 10 chance per hour of an encounter by day,
and 4 in 10 per hour by night from the following list, roll d6.
Social Details: Duty differs from other Purist strongholds 1. An old logger shuffles up to the character’s table and
and communities in that it is somewhat forgotten, that the
troubles of its populace are far too petty to be considered im- smiles down at the PCs. “My, if I was young again, I’d not
portant, especially against the backdrop of the war with Ab- waste my days working for nothing, risking my life in the
erratia. Because of this reluctance on the part of the Church woods, getting shot at by Wildkin arrows... no sir, I’d be a
in Pure Hub to send additional troops or advanced weapons, digger, and whoever says it’s wrong, they can go to hell.
the people of Duty have become somewhat independent and Good luck, strangers, and steer clear of Pure Hub City.”
their beliefs less rigid than in the other towns. They are cer- 2. A nomadic trader and his d3 mercenary soldier side-
tainly friendlier to other pure bloods that might not necessar- kicks, each armed with two musket pistols and a battle axe,
ily be Purists at heart, just so long as they are pure stocks smile over at the PCs for a few minutes before the trader
themselves and not accompanied by mutants, synthetics or comes over and pulls up a chair. “Say, I can’t quite tell if
cyborgs. The major religious difference here is that if a couple you are diggers or mercs, hell, maybe your bounty hunters
produces a mutant baby, and the parents simply leave, many for all I can tell. I am from Henderson, way over the Cathe-
of the long time residents won’t immediately report the oc- dral Mountains in the Purehold Republic. You’ve had to of
currence of a mutant birth, and give the parents a day or two heard of the place? Anyhow, I am heading back that way
head start to run for the border if not the nearby woods. tomorrow, and need some extra troops to ride with me and
the boys there. We ran into some Skullocks who were rid-
Resources and Industry: Logging, salmon fishing, cattle ing mutant dogs, of all things, and they got a few of us and
grazing, and some small agricultural production for local con- nearly all of our cargo of gunpowder, wine and copper wire.
sumption only. I can pay you a hundred silvers each, and if we get along
and all goes well on the trip, once we get there, I can vouch
Accommodations: Any pure blood can sleep above the large for you with the authorities to let you enter the capital as my
stable building in one of a dozen creaky single beds. These guests and body guards, staying at my Uncle’s town house.
cots are separated by a curtain from the bed next to it, cost 2sp What say you? If you don’t have horses, I have a few extra
per night, with d12 beds occupied at any given evening. Those you can borrow.”
who can not get a bed are welcome to sleep in the hay loft 3. A young man approaches the characters and asks if he
for 1sp per night, while couples who wish to share a bed are can sit with them. He leans over and speaks low, “I am fit,
permitted to do so, but only if they swear to the overseer that brave and able to carry my own pack of gear. Also, I have a
they are married. There is a Pub called Tyler’s Bar, where pass- new crossbow and a hatchet, and am willing to take your or-
able ale is served. The place is often filled with Purist soldiers, ders. Please, just take me with you as a hired hand; I need

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MAP CR-18: Duty

1 hex =5 meters

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 206
to get the hell outa the Empire.” If the PCs take the youth Array, even into the Shattered Region, please, will you take
on, treat him as a militia soldier for statistics. When out- me and my younger sister with you? We can pay our own
side of the HPE land, and if getting along with the charac- way as far as food goes, and we have two horses. We just
ters, he will divulge his secret: roll d6: 1,2. “My sister is a mu- need to leave here, without drawing much attention to our-
tant, a telepath, who left for Overpass years ago, and wrote selves. I will be most accommodating to you, for this help
me about the truth, the lies, and that mutants are not devil and protection, as you are fine looking man, and I am hot
spawned, that if anything, God made mutants as much as blooded, single, and lively.” If the PCs do take the woman
he made any of us.” / 3,4. “I am not attracted to the op- and her 10+d6 year old sister with them, each girl has a
posite sex, if you know what I mean, and could no longer saddle horse, bow, dagger and leather armor for the jour-
live in that backward land. And no, neither am I attracted ney, as well as a six man tent which they happily share with
to any of you men, I just had to get out while I still had the any women in the PC group. The barmaid will reveal the rea-
chance. Someday I will meet somebody special.” / 5,6. The son she needed to leave Duty and the Purist Empire once
youth merely looks at a rock on the side of the road and it across the boarder, roll d6: 1-3. “I am not what I seem, I am a
suddenly floats up, and with his mind he carefully stacks it ghost mutant, and the Mutant Slayers and holy men back in
on another. “There, now you know. I have the ‘mind moving’ Duty where on to me. My sister is also one of my kind.” GM
power (telekinesis), like my father and his father, all the way note: could be new player characters; roll up as a normal
back as far as anybody can tell.” He is a ghost mutant with ghost mutants. / 4-6. “My sister, Beth, here is not really my
d4 other mutations of that category (table -1-59, page 59 sister, but a clone, and my best friend. I had to get her out
TME hub rules. of that place, as suspicions about her authenticity were ris-
4. A Purist Conquistador, who is sitting alone, and com- ing.” The GM can determine the type of clone Beth is.
pletely drunk (-20 SV, +20 DV to be struck) looks over at the 6. Purist Conquistadors, d6+3 at a nearby table make
characters once too many times, and gets up and staggers sport of the characters the entire evening. The brutish men
over, burping and then throw nut shells, flick
pointing at a random peas and carrots their
male character. “You son way, mimic what the
of a bitch, you low born, PCs say, and make rude
dirty, foreign maggot! I gestures and child-
have told you a hundred ish comments about
times if I ever see you in the way the characters
this place again I’ll rip dress and act. If the
out your fricken heart!” PCs say anything lippy,
He draws a dagger and there is a 34% chance
starts forward, unsteadi- that one Conquistador
ly. “Now you’re smirking gets up and comes over
at me, I can hear your to the characters and
thoughts in my head, you begins to shove and
mutant freak! Just shut poke the smallest (least
up! I can hear you laugh- kilograms) male char-
ing at me and telling me I acter in the group and
am crazy! I can’t stand it say. “C’mon buttercup,
anymore, you gotta die!” you Nelly little stain.
With that, he tries to You man loving, sorry
kill the character. Other excuse for an adventur-
Conquistadors in the bar er. Lets take it outside,
just shake their heads fists only, and I’ll make
and keep out of it. If the you eat horse droppings
PC kills the man, nobody within a minute.” If the
reports the event; howev- PC refuses to fight the
er, if the deranged man man, the brute is 67%
kills the PC, he turns to likely to back off, other-
another random PC of ei- wise, he punches at the
ther gender and tries to PCs head, who being in
kill him or her as well. a chair is +10 DV easier
5. The bar maid leans to hit. If the other PCs
on the shoulder of the get involved in any fight,
best looking male char- the other off-duty Con-
acter in the group, and quistadors in the bar
winks. An hour later, will also join into any
when the character is re- brawl or duel. Should
turning from the latrine, the characters kill any
the skinny blonde steps Conquistador, the en-
into his path in the shad- tire garrison will be on
owy hall and pulls him the lookout for the PCs
aside. “Can I talk to you, and hang the guilty per-
just for a sec? I wonder son and sell the rest as
which land you are head- slaves.
ing to next. If you are go-
ing up near Galespit or

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 207

Far Cross
(also called Lake Town or Holy Water)
constructed with wooden frame and mud brick walls. Roofing
materials consist of scrap metal or wood, with many of the poor-
er homes having straw thatch roofs. The wooden docks have oil
and kindling ready to light them on fire if the town comes under
attack by enemy vessels. Three Purist Conquistadors man the
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire end of each of the main four docks, guarding the flammable
Government: The Battle Priest, Malcolm the Vindicator materials and themselves protected inside stout wooden huts.
Population: Total 484 to 631 (Pure Stocks 426+d100/ Mu- The top of each hut has an open turret with a ballista mounted
tants d8*/ Ghost Mutants* 3d6+6 / Cyborgs* d4 / Synthet- on it and 2d6 spears. The land side of town has a trench, 4
ic humans* 5+2d8/ other* 10+2d6) meters wide and 2m deep all the way around the settlement,
*Masquerading as pure stocks or held as captives awaiting the journey to Witch Burn which is filled with water. A drawbridge is the only crossing point
into the town. Each night, the gate is raised at dusk, and not
Site Details: Far Cross is perched on the shores of Shad- lowered until dawn when the field workers and their slaves ven-
ow Lake, a large freshwater body which is more-or-less drink-
ture out to the crops or to graze their livestock.
able without first boiling. The town is on a slight rise on the
land, 5m off the plains around it, and set a few kilometers
back from the dangerous Edge Wood. It appears as though Water and Sanitation: Water is taken directly from Shad-
ow Lake via bucket, yet, a well does exist in the middle of
the original mixed race inhabitants built the village here due
town for emergencies, but the well water is often silt laden
to five ancient concrete protrusions, and the proximity to good
and smells of sulfur. Sewage carts, pushed by slaves, collect
water and fishing. The Lake is quite warm during the summer,
the night water buckets at the doorstep of each home and
and yet the town being right on the shore enjoys cool eve-
business every morning and transport it far from town and
nings, while in winter, the water body regulates the harsh fluc-
dump it on the grave mounds of the former occupants of the
tuations in temperature. Occasionally, a winter will get cold
town site; mutants who originally settled the place.
enough that the lake freezes over and allows for ice fishing,
but normally the surface remains open and allows year round
boat access. Cold winds out of the north east often blast the Technology: High tech and replica devices are very limited
in Far Cross, prone to black outs. Here, a small scrap solar
town for days at a time in January and February, but the tim-
generation array is situated on the church roof. This array pro-
ber and stone structures are well built to withstand this on-
vides electricity to lights at the main gate, a tripod based spot
slaught. Another of the town site’s advantages are the open
light at the docks, and low illumination to Malcolm’s com-
ground or water for several kilometers all around it, plus, it is
mand center an the Prime tower’s lower barracks and work-
difficult to besiege as the occupants can flee or receive rein-
shops. This generator is often broken down for weeks at a
forcements from the lake. However, as a disadvantage, the
time while a technician is called in from the Pure Hub. There
town’s dock area is open with inadequate defenses, making it
is a 12% chance per day that the device is not functioning,
vulnerable to a waterborne assault and accessible to numer-
and if so, a 36% chance that it is out of action until the tech-
ous amphibious beasts, which often enter the town, usually
nician arrives in d6+2 days. For communications both within
at night, and cause mayhem.
town and among HPE communities and legions, the clergy
and military leaders have their own standard communicators;
Construction: Built on a foundation of broken rock, silt and likewise, there is a communicator in the Prime Tower’s top
the ancient protruding remains of concrete columns, Far Cross
enclosure where a pair of Conquistadors with crossbows and
is a well made town. It has 4m tall walls built of wood, rock,
binoculars keep constant watch and report directly to The
metal debris and mud brick, a set of reinforced wood and scrap
Battle Priest, Malcolm, who also has a communicator which
iron double doors, and interior houses and industrial buildings
is in direct link with Pure Hub City.

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Dangers: Some younger, orphan children, (street urchins) There are two major unsolved crimes in Far Cross, first the
have been known to pilfer the odd loaf of bread or fruit from theft of the 50cm tall, 17kg solid golden Purist dagger symbol of
the market bazaar’s shopkeepers, but there are few random Saint Donald stolen by mutant terrorists, which is still missing and
crimes. Domestic violence, however, is a problem here, often presumed to be in Galespit. A 5000sp reward for its safe return is
linked to the use of alcohol. The clergy turn a blind eye to the af- offered; however, it is worth 7000sp if melted down. The Church,
fairs in a man’s house, as long as the wife and children are not aware of this, will also make the leader of the team that uncov-
seriously harmed or killed. As far as organized, cults or terrorists ers and returns the cross, into a Saint. Another mystery is the dis-
go, there is said to be two cults operating in the town. This larger, appearance of Malcolm’s baby daughter, Alexina, who was stolen
extreme-Purist cult believes that a war of genocide against the from her crib only hours after her birth, five or more years ago now.
demonic mutants, machines and false humans should be esca- Malcolm offers a 4000sp reward for the return of his baby girl, and
lated, that it is a sin to merely hold the line and defend the terri- an additional 3000sp for the capture or killing of her kidnappers.
tory that the Purists already hold. The other cult, a neo-Christian
revivalist group, is a moderate organization which believes mu- Military and Defense: The Battle Priest, Malcolm the Vindi-
tant children born should not be taken away to be exorcised, but cator, is a famous pure blood Conquistador, renowned for his
rather allowed to live productive lives, sterilized to prevent fur- exploits in the war with the Dominion of Aberratia as well as
ther breeding, yet allowed to serve their parents and community. the burning of numerous small villages within twisted wood and
The two cults are obviously at odds to each other, and from time the Lower Freehold. Beneath him are 4 Squad Leader officers,
to time, brutal violence erupts between members. each leading a different unit of the communities’ defenses and
Regionally sourced terrorism is rare here, since Aberratia military role in the vicinity: Virgil Cleanhand, squad leader of the
is far away, therefore few mutant raiders afflict this community. Imperial naval forces, a quiet, calculating man of 39 years age,
Nevertheless, a reprisal attack by Galespit’s mercenaries did al- uses a laser sword in melee. Quinton Pureoak, squad leader of
legedly occur several years ago after Malcolm led a failed siege the cavalry detachment which patrols the boarder north of town.
on that free town to the north east. The Galespit ‘terrorists’, both He is a squat, powerful fellow, aged 42 who has a sniper rifle
pure stock and mutant, managed to infiltrate the Far Cross via and three full clips for it. Chandratha Moonsinger, squad leader
the docks and plant a landmine on the church back wall, blow of the southern cavalry detachment, riding between Far Cross
it in, enter and steal the golden wavy-dagger symbol and Pur- and the village of Duty. She is a mature, heavily built woman,
ist Bible within. Galespit denies sending thieves into Far Cross, who is said to delight in inflicting slow death on mutant trespass-
claiming it must have been another faction or local terrorists. ers and all aberrant life forms. She carries a heavy machine gun
Other dangers include the risk of disease, since the peo- with an ammo pack and 2d100 HCR rounds. Konrad the Watch-
ple here live in close quarters, in squalid conditions with their ful, squad leader of the Far Cross home guard units. He is a big
livestock among them. There was an outbreak of leprosy a few man, standing well over two meters, built like a tank and in bat-
years back, but the contaminated souls have been rounded tle carries a chain gun with a 4d100 SR round full ammo pack.
up and banished to the town of Leper Hold far to the south. He is intolerant and impatient and whenever in doubt about ap-
Whether this policy was successful or not remains to be seen, proaching strangers, opens fire.
since rumors persist of a group of pure stocks living in Edge The standing military units in and around Far Cross con-
Wood who appear to be lepers, who eat anyone who gets too sist of the Naval Forces, numbering 30 Purist Conquistadors
close to the forest rim. who use 5 rafts fitted with wooden enclosures, and enough ar-
While the presence of leprosy infected cannibals have row slits to allow four crossbowmen to shoot per round. These
not been proven, aquatic creatures are absolutely known to rafts can carry ten men each in -40 DV cover. Also, the navy has
be a danger to both the many fishermen who ply the waters 6 rowboats each fitted with a heavy crossbow fore and aft on
off Far Cross and townsfolk. Specifically, a race of amphibious swivel mount. These boats can carry 8 men each. The North
mutant humanoids are said to exist in Shadow lake, who have Cavalry is made up of 26 Conquistadors with bows riding sad-
reportedly accosted boats which stay out on the water after dle horses, plus a standard communicator, while the South Cav-
dark. The authorities in Pure Hub City deny the existence of alry has 22 Conquistadors with bows on saddle horses, plus a
these ‘water people’, since there were no survivors from the standard communicator and a one mounted Cavaliers of Pu-
missing boats, thus nobody left to report the sightings. rity armed with a grenade launcher and 2d6 Frag grenades.
On the land side, the forest is known to be full of bears, Stationed in the town are the Home Guard units; 48 Conquis-
many of them mutated. In particular bane bears and a great tadors, 63 homeland militiamen (who live at home and only
devi-bear are often seen at dusk moving toward the lake; pre- muster if a threat occurs), each armed with a pair of throwing
sumably to eat the fish guts and heads which the town’s peo- javelins, 6 Cavaliers of Purity, each armed with an assault rifle
ple discard in the shallows. It is well known to stay behind the and spare full clip, plus, a kennel full of 6+d6 battle dogs, wear-
walls at night, or else be a meal for one of these bruins. Peo- ing chainmail torso vests (add -20 DV but reduce movement by
ple, who arrive late at the gates after the drawbridge is raised, 2m) who could be released to chase fleeing enemies, or, assist
are often gone in the morning, their belongings, broken tents in the defense of the town.
and, blood, entrails and gear scattered about. Around the Community there is a 1 in 12 chance per day
that a roving party of 10+d12 Mutant Slayers will be in the vi-
Law Enforcement: Policing is handled by Purist Conquis- cinity mounted on horses. Other forces available to Far Cross
tadors with the severity of punishment being mild for theft include a functioning ATV mounted with a chain gun and 2d100
of food, clothing or other survival essential. The punishment belt fed SR rounds stowed in the barracks workshop. Also, there
for petty crimes such as theft is conducted on the spot, using is a 17% chance per day that an Imperial airship is docked on
street justice, whereby the thief is spanked or whipped pub- the barracks roof, crewed by d3+2 Purist Conquistadors and a
licly, the stolen items returned or worked off if already con- NCO officer. This airship can be used as an airborne battle plat-
sumed. For those who commit more serious crimes, or are form to drop spears or grenades down on invaders.
caught drunken in public or viewed to be irreverent in their
Puristalism, there is a single steel and stone jail cell inside Visitors to Far Cross: All strangers, regardless of whether
the barracks. If a mutant, false human, or ghost mutant is or not they appear to be pure stocks from the outside, will be
discovered in town, he or she will be severely beaten and then asked to strip down to their underwear and turn around be-
shipped by battle wagon to the fortress at Witch Burn. fore they will be allowed onto the drawbridge. If the subject

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MAP CR-19: Far Cross

1 hex =5 meters

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shows any deformities or mutations, he or she will be asked lic drunkenness or drinking will land a person in the barracks
to kneel while 3+d3 Conquistadors come out to arrest the jail overnight, often accompanied by a good beating. As far
person. Should a visitor is permitted through the gates, he or as clothing and hair styles go, people here wear typical loose,
she will be checked more closely, to make sure the individual woolen, gender neutral Purist dress, except fishermen in who
is not an android or cyborg by having magnets run over their don oil coated ponchos and rain hats.
heads and spine. Clones and bioreplicants are undetectable
as anything but pure stocks, and will be admitted. Resources and Industry: The fishing in this lake is splen-
did, and many normal trout and walleye can be caught, which
Brief History: Settled long before the rise of the genetic pu- appeals greatly to the genetic perfectionist demands of the
rity movement in the south, perhaps before 2240, Far Cross pure stocks of the Holy Purist Empire. 90% of the food stuffs
was called ‘Eternity City’. The community was home to a mix found in Far Cross are locally grown and include wheat, corn,
of mutants, clones and self aware androids, all living in peace assorted vegetables, all grown outside the walls and tended
and fishing Shadow Lake or logging the nearby woods, even to by slaves and overseers with whips. Sheep, cattle, horses
trading with the southern, mostly pure blood towns. When and goats are also kept outside by day, grazing in small herds
the Holy Purist Empire expanded out of Pure Hub City, in the and guarded by horse mounted youths with bows, who escort
first of many genocide motivated wars, the Purists besieged the animals into town each night for their protection. There
Eternity City by land and lake. The encirclement lasted for 11 is some alcoholic beverage brewing here, being poor quality
months before the HPE forces finally took the town. The place wine and flat beer, so the wealthier townsfolk import better
was larger then, having nearly 900 inhabitants, nearly all of booze from Duty. Other industries include pottery, yarn and
whom were impaled. The few who escaped moved north to pure strain seed shipping ventures, which have been growing
join the O’Finny clan at Galespit, and since then, a deep ani- in scale. Likewise, Far Cross is now the largest out-wall Purist
mosity has simmered between Far Cross and Galespit. town, and growing quite rapidly. Given this, there is always a
In more recent times, Far Cross has become part fishing need for more workers regardless of whether or not they are
and logging town, and part military garrison. Whenever an ex- free people or slaves. While fishing is handled by indepen-
pedition force is raised to invade the north, Far Cross seems to dent boat owners, the logging operations in the Edge Wood
be the staging ground, and therefore has far larger barracks is a large scale operation requiring numerous slaves, skilled
and sleeping quarters than its usual population requires. axe men, and a unit if vigilant militia soldiers to protect the
If it were not for the constant raids by skullocks from the workers from bears and other threats. A traveling pure stock
East, the Purists would surely crush Galespit. Troops used to of 30 or better strength can earn 5sp per day falling and cut-
patrol the open plains in the area, as well as defend the other ting trees, but, there is a 2% chance per day of suffering a
smaller Purist villages nearby from skullock attack, can’t be serious injury or death, if that 2% roll comes up, the worker
sparred to sustain a long siege nor incursion into the heathen must make a type B agility based hazard check or have a mis-
lands, therefore a state of calm has been in place for many hap occur which inflicts 2d20 damage. Typical logging crews
years. consist of 4+d6 militia soldiers with bows, 3d6 male slaves,
The skullocks, their tribal name “Grotha-Patteraks” d6 female slaves, 2d6 teen slaves, and 3d6 commoner men
being roughly translated as the ‘Grim Pacers’, make alter- with axes.
nating raids on the distant Purehold Republic and the Pur-
ist Empire, but seem to leave Galespit alone. Oftentimes,
these raids skirt the Purist towns themselves and target
trade caravans, livestock and crops, and aren’t typically
well planned nor coordinated. In recent years, however,
larger, better armed units of peskies have been seen along
the lake shore and onto the outskirts of Edge Wood, and
have annihilated Purist military patrols, something they
have never done before. Purist squads, who have gone into
the mountains to spy on the ‘pesky’ villages, have reported
seeing other mutant humanoids dwelling among the small-
er savages, as well as what appeared to be some sort of
augmented cyborg skullocks.

Social Details: Far Cross is typical of all Puristalism guided,

Holy Purist Empire settlements in its morality, with all aspects
of life observed, controlled and instructed by the Brothers of
the Purple Order. In Far Cross, things are even stricter than
most towns, especially where marriage is concerned. Here,
couples are arranged by elders, and are unbreakable life long
bonds. The propensity toward forced union results in misera- Accommodations: ‘Mandrakes Sausage House and Bar’
ble couples, leading to spousal violence as well as affairs and is about the only place for visitors to Far Cross to eat or get
runaway mates, all of which is illegal and punishable by com- a drink. The visiting troops are grateful for this place, but
munity labor hours. Funeral rites differ here than in other Pur- officially they are supposed to scorn it as a venue for idle
ist towns, mostly because buried loved ones end up having thought, perverse pondering and immoral influence. The
their graves torn open by local bane or devi-bears, therefore, three daughters of the owners, who serve drinks and meals,
in Far Cross, a righteous dead person is burned on a pyre on are said to be exceedingly attractive, and dress in far too re-
the beach, the ashes thrown into the lake. The bodies of en- vealing outfits for the comfort of the clergy. In addition, while
emies and criminals, however, are dragged to the edge of the prostitution is illegal here, there are a few women who fre-
woods and left for the bears. The consumption of alcohol is quent this place, all widows of dead HPE soldiers, who don’t
permitted after 6 pm until midnight, but, only to married men always go home with the same man. A decent meal and wa-
and women and only in the privacy of their own homes. Pub- tery beer costs a silver coin.

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For overnight lodging, most travelers stay with relatives, Purehold Republic and do some fishing. Pure holders are wel-
or are put up in the church or barracks depending on their come in Far Cross solely on the basis of not being mutant or
profession and who they know. For nomadic peddlers and mecha, and usually get along with the locals as long as they
pure stock travelers, however, there is an area of open ground don’t dispute the religious doctrine of the area. Outsider pure
where one can pitch a tent or sleep in their wagons, with tent stocks, from the Northern or Lower Freeholds, or from out-
rentals being offered by the local shop keeper for 3sp per side the region altogether, will be questioned thoroughly and
night for a four person tent. watched while outside their wagons or tents, and distrusted
Medical attention can be had by a 3 skill point Purist mili- for the most part. Yet, if they seem to be legitimate peddlers
tary medic at the barracks, ‘Sour Selby’, but he is a bitter old or traders, or genuinely interested in joining the true faith, they
man who is very reluctant to help a stranger. Selby will use will be accepted as long as they watch their mouths and are
his relic medical devices to treat a person if the patient pays respectful and obedient of the soldiers and clergy.
him enough, with every silver coin offered being the percent Clones and bioreplicants appear to be pure stocks, which
chance of receiving treatment. One chance roll only, and then is fine as long as a clone of the same identical appearance
only in his facilities with a Brother of the Purple Order looking and production line isn’t already living in Far Cross, leading to
on to make sure the patient’s blood color is normal, that he or obvious suspicion as to whether the two, or more, individuals
she is a true human. are really twins.
Besides the general store, there is only ‘Fitzgerald’s Fish- Ghost mutants, unless they use their gifts, will be treated
ing Tackle and Bibles’. This small home based shop sells identically to outsider pure stocks, while physically deviated
rods, reels, fine wire and string fishing line, lures, nets, gaffs, humans will obviously be killed or arrested on sight. If a mu-
and various copies of the Purist Bible. Fitzgerald, a skinny, tant has an aberration that is only detectable when stripped,
malnourished looking man, a devout Purist who spends much then he or she might remain alive if avoiding town and keep-
of his time talking about how evil mutants are, and how new ing off the main roads where a strip search could be conduct-
invasions of the other lands must commence at once. ed by any patrol or group of concerned citizens. In Far Cross,
If travelers are looking to hire a guide, there are two choic- all unfamiliar travelers are asked to strip down to their under-
es for outings; fishing trips or a mutant hunting expedition. wear prior to entering town, and it is conceivable that some
Any fisherman can take one out for some of the best trout rare mutation can be hidden in one’s briefs, but this is not typ-
and Walleye spots on Shadow Lake, areas which are often too ically the case. For a smart mutant, entrance into Far Cross
shallow to pose a risk of being attack by very large water pred- is only conducted at night, from the lake, as a strike team
ators, at a cost of 6 silvers per day per person and includes seeking retribution on the Purists for their brutality towards
a lunch of dried fish and bread. Mutant hunting excursions all other races and alternate faiths.
are conducted aboard a sailing boat with an enclosed scrap There are also the following adventure opportunities in
iron deck turret (mounted with a drum fed heavy machine gun and around Far Cross:
30+2d20 HCR rounds remaining) and canopy. These murder-
ous trips are hosted by a freelance Purist warrior called Elliot Mysteries: Occasionally, lights are seen blinking and flash-
the Proud (treat as NCO officer with a pump shotgun, auto pis- ing at the edge of woods, then disappearing. Many of the more
tol and a razor sword). He and his crew of 3 (militia soldiers) intelligent locals believe that robot scouts sent from far off Cal-
will take pure stocks clients across the lake (for 150sp a day) 64 are on reconnaissance in the area, while the uneducated
on mainly skullock hunting expeditions or other adventures. are convinced the lights are the eyes of the devil himself, peer-
Anyone to travel with this man will soon realize he and his fol- ing back at them to evaluate their souls for possible harvest.
lowers are sadistic thugs, who really don’t give a damn about
the Purist cause and simply wants to kill people, and since Hunting: Bear hunting, especially bane and devi-bears in
mutants aren’t really considered humans, they are fair game and around Edge Wood, is a pastime of off duty soldiers and
for his torture rites and other cruelties. traveling hunters alike. Skullock hunts are also frequent, with
a 2sp per skullock head bounty in effect.
For the Game Master: Far Cross is firmly in the hands of
the Purists, and most of the people are very supportive of the
Church’s leadership, therefore will fight bravely in defense of
the community, or happily turn in any suspected ‘devil spawn’,
false person or android. This local is the perfect setting for a
ghost mutant, clone or bioreplicant ‘escape’ adventure, since
the town is so typically Purist and devout to their racist faith.
Likewise, any pure stock appearing character types could be
sent into the town on a covert strike mission, to destroy or
steal relic weaponry, assassinate the much hated brothers
of the Purple Order, kidnap somebody or rescue a mutant
held in the barracks. Alternatively, a GM may want to switch
things around a bit and have a group of pure stocks start play
here, possibly sent north to spy on Galespit or further afield,
perhaps raiding mutant caravans or villages and learning
the truth for themselves, seeing that their are decent mixed
towns in other lands, places where mutants and pure bloods
mix freely and happily, even intermarry and have access to
the pre-devastation holy books of the world’s great faiths.
Pure stocks from within the Empire will be familiar with the
Far Cross and any rumors regarding it, while pure bloods from
over the Cathedral Mountains, will understand the town to be
little more than a backward, bible thumping garrison outpost of
no real use unless one wants to get away from the tech-heavy

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Bounty Hunting: Any mutant to be killed or captured and another place and set up their everyday businesses. I sus-
brought into town will fetch a reward. The payout is double if pect that the blacksmith is actually a bioreplicant, ‘cause he
the prisoner is still alive and so permitted the burning grace is quick as a hawk and so strong.”
of exorcism at Witch Burn. The age and gender of a mutant 6. “Galespit spies are everyplace these days, working with the
yields a different bounty: mutant child or baby 1sp/ mutant Mecha or the Aberrationist so called fricking Dominion.”
woman, reptilius, bipedal rat or any skullock 2sp/ warmorts, 7,8. “It is said that Malcolm’s daughter was not kidnapped at all,
moaners, mutant male 3sp/any cyborg, beastial human, bio- but born as an ungodly mutant thing. To save her life, Malcolm
replicant or clone 4sp/android of any model 5sp. himself had a nursemaid take her, under guard by mercenaries,
to the Lower Freehold or further north even. It is also said that the
For the Excavator: What characters from outside the nursemaid was a bioreplicant lover of Malcolm’s.”
Holy Purist Empire, will have heard: “I’ll tell you
what I know, but whoever told me owes me
money, so I don’t really trust everything the
sonofabitch told me about Far Cross. So, let’s
see, the fricken place used to be called Eterni-
Unique Encounters
ty City, and it was a lively, bustling independent
town where androids, men, mutants, clones Encounters in Mandrakes Sausage
and other Fake Ones strolled about, mar- House and Bar: Open 5 PM until 1 am
ried each other, did business togeth- daily except Sundays. There will be
er, and prospered. Then came the 3+d4 bar patron rolls from table A,
God damn Purist tards, burning page 383, with a 3 in 10 chance of
the mutants and fakes, scrap- an encounter unique to this establish-
ping the robots and androids... ment, per hour, roll d6:
and turning any pure stock they 1. There is a woman standing at the
found into a slave if he or she end of the bar, talking to the pub owner,
didn’t convert to the Puristalism. playing with her hair, and eyeing and smiling
Them were sad days, no doubt. flirtatiously at the characters. After a half an hour, she
Now, the place is a growing industri- comes over to the most attractive male in the group and
al town, but also a Purist garrison when puts her hand lightly on his shoulder. “Say, you aren’t
those whack jobs prepare an invasion from around here, are you? My, my, I don’t think you
north. The church in that town was know the secrets of this fair town, do you?” She leans
robbed of a huge golden cross, and over and whispers d2 random rumors from the above
many think that agents from Galespit table, then adds, almost breathing in the charac-
did it, which has resulted in a lots of ter’s ears. “I have a little room above one of the
fighting between them two towns. stables, which I rent, and I’d like you to spend the
Also, the battle priest, Malcolm some- night with me, and, well, lets just say that you can
body, lost his baby daughter just a few hours af- help pay the rent for the night, lover boy, for 8 silvers.” If
ter she was born, and the father is rewarding 3000 the character’s appearance is 40 or higher, the fee is only
silvers for her return. I heard from my cousin’s new 4 silvers, since this is partially a hobby for her.
wife that the girl wasn’t kidnapped by Gale-Spitters at 2. A commoner in a side booth gets up from his table, spilling
all, but rather, she was born a mutant and Malcolm hired a his drink and those of his d4 friends. He staggers a bit and
merc team to take her to safety in Overpass, to grow up away swears at his friends “Yer all cowards! Damn you’re yellow giz-
from Far Cross. Anyhow, I can’t see why anybody even a pure zards. I say we keep advancing, and take Galespit! Why do we
stock would want to set up shop in Far Cross, but if you’re a waste time hunting the skullocks when we can take Galespit
ghost mutant or a pinky yourself, it ain’t so bad to stay in if tomorrow!” He meanders toward the character’s table and in-
you got a wagon or a tent of your own, as their ain’t no inn for advertently knocks into it and spills the drinks. He seems to
travelers, since they don’t really care for strangers.” notice the characters for the first time. “You man lovers from
Pure Hub, eh? Why ain’t you babies’ hiding behind your great
Rumors from Locals: The most common rumors to go wall of purity, fricken sissies! You get on your feet, asshole, I’m
going to teach you a lesson!” He raises his fist and points at
around have recently been deemed blasphemous by the lo-
cal church. Anyone speaking such taint-speak will have their a random male PC. “Stand up and fight like a man, you girly
tongue cut out. Travelers, however, who are from other Purist boy!” If the PC refuses or ignores the drunk, the man is 32%
Empire towns, will have no doubt heard one or two of these ru- likely to just leave the bar; otherwise, he rounds the table and
mors by now. Roll d8: starts to punch the character. The drunken commoner man is
1. “Far Cross was once the home of giant, cannibalistic sav- DV +10 and SV 01-40.
ages, who could someday return and eat us all.” 3. A black clad man sits alone in a corner table, merely sip-
2. “Far Cross is to be the staging ground for a new Purist Inva- ping his beer while observing the comings and goings of the
sion... to move north and burn Galespit to the ground.” bar room. He is a Mutant Slayer, see page 189, and in town
3. “Cannibalistic, homosexual, communist mutant lepers to sniff out any possible ghost mutants, androids, or synthet-
dwell in the Edge Wood. They worship the devil queen and ic humans, especially among travelers. He pays special at-
watch the comings and goings of our town, and will grab any- tention to the characters, and doesn’t look away when the
body who gets too close to the forest.” PCs meet his eyes. There is a 1 in 6 chance per hour that he
4. “Skullocks from across the lake, coming down from the far gets up and approaches the travelers, and looks down at a
away Cathedral Mountains, have raided the countryside for random PC, squinting as if to look into the person’s soul and
years. Be wary of the gray skins, who are ruled by a mutant glean the truth of his or her true identity.
human who drinks baby’s blood.” “Say, stranger, you come from the Freeholds?” Asks the
5. “There are clones and androids living in Far Cross, but they imposing slayer. “Or from the Shattered Region out east?” Af-
don’t stay long, just a decade or so... before they move on to ter the character answers, the man nods and says. “I’m with

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the Purist Church, sent by the Vicar himself to unmask any making the patrons scatter. He turns to the PCs next and
mimics, false men, or mechanical mockeries. I’ve been told whips at one of them “Out of town sinners! It is your kind
that some have entered this very town, and have frequented who supports this hive of evil and debauchery! Go from
this very bar. Now, if you see anything like that, anything evil this place and repent in the darkness, and plead with the
and unnatural, such as mutants, you’ll be sure to report it to Lord for forgiveness!” He begins to make whip stroke after
the soldiers of God, right? Well, that is all, fellow true ones, en- stroke at the characters, forcing them out of their seats. If
joy your sinful drinks and sleep well tonight, I am sure we will the preacher is attacked, other patrons will do nothing un-
meet again.” He then moves back to his table, but continues less the PCs use weapons or appear to be killing the mad
to watch the group. man. They will, however, buy the PCs a round of drinks if the
4. A group of tired looking Purist Conquistadors enter and characters can simply knock the preacher out and toss him
shout greetings and drink orders to the bar tender, then take into the back alley.
up a table right next to the characters. The 4+d3 men begin
to talk among themselves: “My word, what a boring little town Table CR-6-1 Encounters Outside of Settlement:
we’ve been posted to. No music, only bad beer and watered Note: See Shadow Lake, page 362, if boating within 2km of
wine, revolting food and ugly women. Man, to think we have Far Cross, or, Edge Wood, page 342
another five months of duty here before we can get back to
the city.” A comrade answers him, keeping his voice low. “At The following are special encounters in the open area be-
least in the Hub, we can play with the jezebels in the under- tween Far Cross and Edge Wood, and north and south of
ground, relax and play cards without being spied on by the town within 3km. There is a 2 in 10 chance per half hour of
officers or them priests. Remind me again, why did I join the an encounter by day and a 3 in 10 chance per half hour by
army?” night. Roll d100, adding 20 to the roll during nighttime. Day-
5. Suddenly, all organically brained characters hear the fol- time range 200+2d100m, Nighttime range d100m:
lowing telepathic message in their heads: “Hello outlander,
don’t be alarmed. I am here in this room, and saw you en- Normal encounter for plains, Table TME-4-3
ter. I have lived here all my life and have seen many ter- 01-48.
Hub Rules, page 131
rible things. I am what you call a ghost mutant, and there
are several dozen of us in this town, some are even among 49-57. Bear, black
the military. I can’t maintain this transmission long, but just 58-63. Bear, grizzly
wanted to warn you that you should leave town tomorrow, Purist cavalry! 6+d6 Purist Conquistadors on
as people are talking about you, some say that among you 64-70.
horses, carrying spears and shields.
are non-humans, and that our leader, Malcolm, is in com-
munications with the capital to see if anyone by your de- Savages, d6 female with bows, 2d6 males with
scriptions have crossed the law or been suspected of some spears, all have one minor mutation each. Will
demonic act. Best you move off to Galespit, but be careful 71-76. welcome mutants and their accompanying
in the open country, cavalry units are always on the look out companions to shelter with them in their
for migrants. Good luck, my friends.” woodland village.
6. A commoner man in black robes, clutching the thin, 77-80. Skullock raiders! 8+d8 on foot.
Purist Bible and holding the wavy cross of the Purist faith, 81-88. Bears, bane , d3+1
steps into the bar and glares at everybody. ”Shame! Shame
on you all! Look at yourselves, drinking the bile of the devil! 89-95. Bear, devi-bear
You act like you come from the back streets of the Hub, or Pure stock commoner woman and man with
from the nameless cesspools from other lands. Thou shalt 96-111.
mutant baby fleeing Far Cross.
suffer the barbed whip of the saints of gene-sanctity, and
in death, shall weep on your hands and knees for a thou- Mutant spies from Galespit, 2+d6 treat as
sand generations of man!” The street preacher walks into 112-120. assassins, will try to enlist fellow mutants into
the bar, pulling out a whip and cracking it across the bar, Galespit forces.

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Technology: A solar generator is strapped to the top of the Keep,

Fort Glory and always guarded by 4 Conquistadors with crossbows cocked. This
unit powers the lights within the fortress, as well as supplies energy
to the single spot light on the gate house and charges a pair of power
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire packs which are used to operate a heavy pulse rifle which is set up
Government: Battle Priest, Kenneth the Right Hand of God on a tripod from various unscheduled locations around the fortress,
Population: Total 447 to 684 / (Pure Stocks 420+2d100/ and operated by the battle priest, Kenneth during times of attack.
Mutants 2d6 captives and 20+ d20 Ghost Mutants*/ Cyborgs
0/ Synthetic humans 2d6*/other 0) *masquerading as pure Dangers: Skullocks pose the greatest threat to the inhabitants
stock humans of this garrison and check point, as the Grotha-Patteraks Clan is
a highly active, aggressive and expansion minded nation of pes-
About Fort Glory: Since the greatest threats to the Holy kies, known to employ war dogs and giant bats as mounts. It is
widely surmised that this clan’s stronghold is someplace within
Purist Empire lay to the west of their factional lands, this
eastern most fortress in the Great Purity Wall is consider- the Cathedral Mountains, (see Shattered Region) and that their
ably less defended, and occupied by fewer troops than Clean populace feels threatened by the growth of both the corporate
Guard. The hill top fort of High Watch is often within view by Pureholders and the religious Purists, and makes its raids more
those on the walls of Fort Glory, and with a constant com- as a sign of strength than to seek loot and delight in murder.
munications relay between the command centers of both The entire area between the eastern edge of the Great Purity
strongholds, Fort Glory is easily warned about approaching Wall, and all the way into the Cathedral Mountains is infested
invaders, and hard to attack by surprise. The place is made with small Skullock units and any traveler to cross this area
of scrap metal and stone, very much like the 26 watch tow- must expect one or more run-ins with these gray humanoids.
ers built into The Great Purity Wall. There are two 12m tall
concrete and scrap towers at the south end of the fortress, Law Enforcement: By Purist Conquistadors.
and another large cube shaped ‘keep’ at the other end,
where the command center and solar generator are locat- Military and Defense: As mentioned above in ‘About Fort
ed. A simple gate house allows travelers and troops to move Glory’, there are 2 heavy catapults, and 7 heavy ballista in use, as
through a single massive door, which is plated in steel and well as a heavy pulse rifle on a tripod and powered by two power
spikes, stands 8m tall and 5m wide and requires 20 men to packs. A detachment of 300+2d100 Purist Conquistadors reside
open or close. The towers are each topped by a heavy cata- here, as well as 3d6+10 Cavaliers of Purity and 2d6 Mutant Slay-
pult, the gate house has three heavy ballista lodged into its ers, all commanded by the Battle Priest Kenneth the Right Hand
upper level within a steel mesh covered grill, while the keep of God, who is dressed in combat armor, carries an assault rifle
itself has four more heavy ballista hidden behind steel shut- on his back, and wears a pair of auto pistols on his belt, along with
tered hatches on the top floor. a jewel studded longsword said to be worth 2000+d1000sp. On
Travelers here are usually simple traders moving be- any given day, the following detachments might also be in the fort,
tween the pure blood ruled Purehold Republic (see Shat- spending the night: 15% chance of d100+200 Purist Conquis-
tered Region) and the Purelands of the Purist Empire. There tadors/ 9% chance of 3d6+20 Cavaliers of Purity/ 7% chance
are also many nomadic pure stocks who migrate to the Em- of 2d6 Mutant Slayers dressed as commoners/ 5% chance d6
pire, some coming here from uncharted regions after being brothers of the purple order / 4% chance of d6 sisters of purity/
driven out by humanoids or mutant humans. Given that the 9% chance of a brigade of 300+d1000 homeland militiamen.
Holy Purist Empire needs to increase its population if it in-
tends to broaden its control over the entire region, it wel- Brief History: The background to Fort Glory is almost identi-
comes new pure bloods with open arms; so long as individu- cal to that of Clean Guard in that it was built when the Great
als pledge to convert to the faith and obey the clergy. Purity Wall was erected. Both strongholds were designed to be
At the gates to this fortress, All travelers must strip down and a garrison as well as an entrance point for travelers.
be inspected, see Clean Guard, Page 202 for details on this pro-
cedure. There is no lodging nor civilian services within Fort Glory, For the Game Master: Fort Glory serves as an eastern buf-
nor are non-military personnel permitted anyplace within the fort fer between the wild ‘Outwall’ areas and the capital, a place to
except to pass though the gate in or out of the Purelands. train new recruits, and supply additional troops up and down
the length of the wall should a determined invasion force be
Water and Sanitation: Water is taken directly from the small, spotted heading toward the core of the Empire. Non-pure-stock
characters are only expected to want to approach Fort Glory if
unnamed creek which runs through the wall. Sewage is carted
away by slaves and dumped at the back edge of a nearby field. they are intent on stealing the solar generators (weighs 67kg)
or locating and stealing the heavy pulse rifle.

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MAP CR-20: Fort Glory

1 hex =5 meters

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The Great Purity Wall it heads into the Purelands. Likewise, these wall squads of are al-
ways vigilant to the countryside or sea beyond the wall, and if they
should see a large group of approaching attackers, or any sort of
mutant beast which appears to be getting within crossbow range,
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire one Conquistador will run to the nearest brass bell and ring it,
Government: General Rufus the Steadfast, in charge of the bringing other units to attention and possible aide, depending on
Purelands and The Great Purity Wall. the particular bell ringing melody used.
Population: Total 2677-3734 (Pure Stocks 2600+d1000/ The towers each have two underground levels, one serv-
70+2d20 Ghost Mutants*/ Cyborgs 0/ Synthetic humans ing as storage, the other as a prison and interrogation area.
4d6*/other 0) * masquerading as pure stock humans Above these, is the main level, or muster area, where the single,
iron bound door leads out to the Purelands. These tower doors
About the Great Purity Wall: Surrounding the Purelands are large enough to admit a cart or narrow wagon, and high
of the Holy Purist Empire is the most remarkable new era re- enough to allow a mounted Cavalier to enter and are DV -40
gional feat of engineering and perseverance. What began as and can take 300 END damage before being shattered. The
a ditch, lined on the Purist held side inside by a spike covered muster area is a large open chamber serving as a stable as
mound, later became a flimsy 4 meter tall, wooden palisade well as a spare common room should additional troops be vis-
with only a few towers and an almost total lack of a catwalk iting. Stairs lead up to the second level, where the bunk room
for much of the perimeter. In those days, the Purist faction is situated, dotted with between two and four arrow slits facing
was mainly concerned with keeping out large beasts, and fur- out from each side of the more or less square tower. The third
thermore, had no intention of building the wall where it now level, also reached by stairs, has a locked steel plated door at
stands, as they optimistically assumed they would conquer far the top, which is DV -20 and can take 150 END damage be-
more territory before having to put up a massive enclosure. fore being knocked in. This level houses a heavy ballista and its
With its military expansion blocked by the Dominion of Aberra- crew, as well as 30+d20 ballista spears, numerous barrels of
tia, as well as determined resistance by the two Freehold fac- water, food containers, and boxes full of spare crossbow quar-
tions, it was decreed that the wall be made permanent, and by rels and extra arms and armor for the troops. The fourth level
the year 2303, the wooden palisade was increased in height is the command center and officer’s quarters for the tower, and
and durability. Stone and scrap towers were eventually added has only one or two arrow slits per side. Here are two private
to house the defending HPE brigades and the wall was com- bed rooms, and one main map room where the Squad leaders,
pleted in the fall of 2354. There are now 26 towers and two Mutant Slayers and other high ranking Purists study the likely
major fortresses, not including the sea side stronghold of Holy positions of both friendly units as well as wanted criminals and
Port or the soul-release facility at Witch Burn. mutants. The fifth floor is an open turret fitted with a heavy cat-
In the present day, the wall remains a mostly wooden affair, apult, as well as 8 Conquistadors with their crossbows at the
but stands between 5 and 7 meters tall, is plated on the outside ready. During the night, this area is covered in a very tough net,
with whatever scrap metal could be tied or bolted to the under- strung on special poles to keep out flying beasts, and is woven
lying wooden frame, as well as the addition of concrete slabs, fine enough to even keep out stingflies and skal birds.
field stone sections, and the odd canopy covered area to provide
shade or rain proofing for the troops who keep watch along the
barrier. There are no ladders or steps up to the wall anywhere
Water and Sanitation: Each wall tower has a well in its low-
est level, but in many places the water coming directly out of
along its length, except via the stoutly built 10m tall watch towers, the ground tastes foul, thus drinking water is brought by wagon
and then, only through door access on the Pure Land side of the and stored within. Sewage is poured from ‘evacuation’ pipes,
wall. Each tower has been given a name and a number, and is re- oozing out the Out Wall side.
ferred to by either. These well built structures serve as both watch
towers, and isolated communities for the Conquistadors who oc-
cupy them. Veteran Troops range out from each tower along the
Technology: Purity Wall towers are commanded by a Mu-
tant Slayer, dressed in white dress uniform instead of the black
catwalk, half way between their own tower and that next one, overall and cloak of an assassin. Besides his or her normal
meeting with the approaching patrol at the middle before starting relic weapon, each is supplied with a pair of binoculars and a
the long walk back. These patrols consist of five soldiers, and set communicator. With these devices, the slayers maintain excel-
out at staggered intervals to make sure that Purist Conquistadors lent observation of the Out Wall areas in order to update the
are all along the wall, day or night, their crossbows ready to try officers in nearby towers as well as the Command Center in the
and shoot down any flying predator that might be low enough as

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capital. While the odd tower does have a hand held spot light ditch to deter large creatures from raiding the farmlands within
(16% chance) or flashlight (21% chance), there are no power the early Purelands. In the year 2317, when the Mutants of
generations facilities, only what is confiscated off travelers or Aberratia and the mixed races of the Freeholds fought back
owned by individual officers. and held the line of Purist expansion, this wall was improved,
starting at the most vulnerable sections of the boundary first.
Dangers: While it is possible that a full scale Aberrationist Gradually, the entire inner realm of the empire was entirely en-
invasion could be launched against the wall, such an event closed in a ring of stout walls and tall towers. As no substantial
would be very unlikely to occur as a total surprise due to the Aberrationist force has yet crossed the Barter River, the Great
very effective HPE spy network. Purist spies infest every Free- Purity Wall has not yet been seriously tested against a massive
hold and independent community in the region, plus, there are assault, however, numerous raids by savages, humanoids and
many ships and observation airships patrolling well beyond the immense mutant predators been repulsed, making the neces-
wall, and would spot large troop movements in time to muster sity of the wall justified. It is rumored that the Imperial leaders
a suitable response. On a day to day basis, the real threat to have set down a plan for an expansion of the Wall, or a larger,
troops along the wall comes from flying or climbing creatures secondary ring wall as far north as Far Cross, West to Sandbar-
or on the eastern perimeter, skullock raiders. While the walls ra and east to the foot of the Cathedral Mountains; although
are tough, high, and well watched, they are not impossible to with the Empire being kept in check by its many desperate en-
climb, therefore, aberrant frogs, assorted spiders, insects, and emies, such expansion doesn’t seem likely any time soon.
humanoids are often caught trying to scale the barrier and get
into the lush farmland beyond, or else kill and eat the Conquis- For the Excavator or Traveler: While crossing over the
tadors who are patrolling along the top of the wall. wall at night can be achieved by airship or winged mount, most
excavators, or escaping prisoners, parents with a mutant new
Military and Defense: Each of the 26 towers will have born, or others desiring to rid themselves of the Purist culture,
100+d20 Purist Conquistadors assigned to it, however, half scale the wall from either side and try to get over it, unseen.
will always be on patrol somewhere along the wall. There is a Anyone captured while trying to cross the wall at anyplace oth-
14% chance per day that a unit of 3d6 Cavaliers of Purity are er than the sanctioned entrance points, will be dealt with se-
visiting, plus, a 7% chance of a detachment of 50+d100 Purist verely, often killed on sight. The only legal ways in or out of
Conquistadors on training exercises. A Mutant Slayer serves as the Purist Empire are by the land gates at Fort Glory or Clean
the commander for each tower, assisted by d6+2 NCO officers, Guard, or else by the sea at Holy Port, or by small boat coming
each armed as a normal Conquistador but carrying two mus- down the Ventura River.
ket pistols. See “About the Great Purity Wall’ previous page for At the Ventura Water Gate, pinned between towers 6 and 7,
details on the doorways, ballista and catapult arrangement of there is a small fortress built over the slow moving river. A steel
each tower. grill blocks the entire river and forces all inspected craft to be
unloaded and towed by oxen through a tunnel in the wall, and
Brief History: The Great Purity Wall started as a simple then set back in the river on the far side. Here, as is the same at
wooden barrier of sharpened posts, perched crudely on the any other entrance point into the Purelands or any trading com-
top of an earthen mound which sloped down into a spike filled munity within the Empire, all entrants must keep back from the

1 square = 3m

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walls and strip down to their underwear, move away from their unaware of where they are at, until noticing that there are no mu-
arms and armor and wait to be inspected by a squad of 3+d3 tants in the homesteads they enter, and that people flee in terror
Purist Conquistadors. These troops will search the packs, carts, upon seeing mutant characters, and call them ‘Devil Spawn’. An
saddle bags or boats of the travelers, inspect their skin and hair escape, on foot, across the Purelands offers a deadly, intense
to make sure the visitors aren’t mutants in normal human skin adventure, not likely to be forgotten by GM and Players alike.
paint and wigs, or else, by way of using a magnet, check the head
and spine of strangers to make sure they aren’t cyborgs or an- Sneaking over the Wall: Climbing the Great Purity Wall from
droids. If the travelers are deemed true humans, they will be ad- the inside is treated as if the barrier were a tree, as it is rough and
mitted, their boat, unloaded by pure blood slaves and transport- offers many hand holds. The far side, however, facing the wilds,
ed through the wall, after a heavy door is opened to allow this is better made, with fewer places to grab on, therefore treated as
passage (door: -20 DV, END 120). If visitors arrive at this gate by climbing a cliff. If anyone falls the five meters to the ground, they are
land, such as mounted on horse or wagon, they will be admitted 50% likely to be heard by a squad of Purist Conquistadors on the
if proven to be humans, but told that on future occasions, they wall above, who will run to that portion of the wall and peer down
must use the main land gates at Fort Glory or Clean Guard. (range 2d20m away), crossbows ready, using a lantern if at night
and firing on anyone or anything they see below. If the climbers do
For the Game Master: To many players, whose characters get to the top of the wall and hop over the spiked wooden palisade
are not pure bloods or at least ghost mutants, The Great Purity top , they will find themselves on a 3 meter wide catwalk, and as a
Wall will often represent a challenge, as well as a vivid reminder group, must roll once below to see if they are spotted or not by the
that in the eyes of the Purists, their characters are not consid- troops who man the wall. Roll d4 by day and d6 by night.
ered humans, nor even acceptable to God. The very presence of 1. The PC group, or lead climber, gets on top of the wall and
the wall might threaten the player as it shows the intentions of peers right into the ends of five crossbows, held by Conquis-
one faction towards all others, specifically his or her character, tadors who have been crouched down and waiting for the
proclaiming that the non-pure blooded PC is unfit to dwell within intruder(s). They say nothing, but one gestures for the person
the wall. Worse, players will realize that if the Purists are not to step on the catwalk and lay on the planks, silently. If the
stopped, this wall might be expanded following a successful a character does so, the other characters will top the wall and
war of genocide. Some players who have seen their characters also be arrested. If any PC shouts an alarm or leaps back to
attacked by Purist assassins or had a run in with Purist patrols avoid the crossbows, he or she must make an initiative roll in
in the wild, will look to this walled section of the region and see it order to do so before being shot at by all five crossbow bolts.
as the source of evil and so much misery, a place that taunts the Captured individuals are disarmed, tied up and marched off
characters to somehow infiltrate its bounds and wreak havoc on to the nearest tower and held in the dungeon, where they are
the misguided, racist, fundamentalists within. stripped down and whipped for 3d6 damage each before being
While adventures behind the wall can be perilous and excit- interrogated by a Mutant Slayer and his side kicks.
ing, they are not the sort to offer great riches nor firepower, but 2. The climbers get to the top of the wall and are about to
rather, fulfill a more emotional level of gratification, especially if a leap over when they see a squad of five Conquistadors stand-
mid or high rank character group enters with the sole purpose to ing right before them. The Conquistadors are as surprised as
rescuing a loved one, or a wagon load of captured mutant civil- the characters, and don’t have their crossbows cocked, plus,
ians on their way to the Purification Terrace at Witch Burn. A GM their shields are lying in a pile at their feet. Roll normal initiative
could have the characters explore this inner ‘Pure Land’ area by to see who can draw weapons or attack first.
accident, such as if they are in a airship and are blown off course 3. The climbers reach the top of the wall and look about. There,
by a storm, waking up in a field or woodland. They may well be standing only 3d6m away is an approaching patrol of 5 Purist
Conquistadors, who scream at the characters to halt as the Pur-
ists go for their crossbows, which take two rounds to load for ev-
ery one round of shooting (rate 1/3). If the Purists are charged,
they will throw down their crossbows and draw their swords and
ready their shields, while one rings a nearby alarm bell*.
4. At the top of the wall, the characters see a distant group
of Conquistadors, 100+d100m to the left, and another group,
d100+20 meters away to the right, both groups see the climb-
ers if it is during the day and ring alarm bells before stopping to
load their crossbows, then advancing to get into range. If this
crossing is being conducted at night, then these 5 man Con-
quistador squads fail to see the climbers.
5. The characters climb up onto the wall and instead of seeing
Purist Conquistadors, see another type of intruder, roll d8: 1.
A giant bat, wild / 2. d6+3 Aberrationist Bat Riders, who have
slain a squad of Purist Conquistadors and are letting their bats
tear apart their bodies. They will be friendly to mutant climbers
and bid them good luck on their journey. /3. Bird, black owl / 4.
d6+3 Frogs, aberrant / 5. Reptilius 3d6 / 6. Skullocks 2d6+10
/ 7. Moaners 3d6+1 / 8. Rats, Bipedal 3d6.
6. The PCs get up onto the wall top and look left and right, seeing
5 Conquistadors in either direction, but facing away from them.
Both groups are 50+d20 meters away and completely oblivious
to the character’s arrival. The PCs may leave the wall top for the
other side without being seen or heard, even if anyone falls on
the way down.
* An alarm bell will bring d6 five man Conquistador squads to the vicinity, each will be
50+d100m behind the previous group, but, tow groups will be in either direction along the

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High Watch Windmill Supplies Power to:

1. 4 floodlights, one facing each compass position
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire
Government: Battle Priest, Gibraltar Brighthand the Second 2. Street lights, electric heaters, radio receiver
Population: Total 742 to 1112/ (Pure Stocks 660+3d100/ 3. Light Laser Cannon mounted on East gate house
Mutants 3d6 captives and 70+2d20 Ghost Mutants*/ Cy- 4. Medium laser cannon mounted on North-Ridge watch tower
borgs 0/ Synthetic humans 4d6*/other 0) * masquerading as 5. Heavy pulse rifle, tripod mounted on West gate house.
pure stock humans
Officers, senior clergy officials and the battle priest all
Site Details: This hill top farming community is also a Pur- carry standard communicators and maintain frequent up-
ist garrison and overlooks a vast territory from the northern dates from each other during times of high alert, especially if
slopes of the Sage Hills. The steep hills rise 500m above the skullocks have been seen in the area.
plains and woodlands below, and during most winters, this
town site is blanketed in snow, while the rest of the year buf- Dangers: High Watch serves as the eyes of the empire, keep-
feted by powerful winds. ing watch over the whole southern and eastern approach to
the Imperial lands. The personnel here are expected to radio
Construction: High Watch is situated on a spot which, since the capital at the first sign of approaching migrants or invad-
the cataclysm, has not been previously inhabited, unlike so ers. To the south of the fort spreads Great Steppe, a vast un-
many other Purist settlements. The place was built out of local charted plain which few have explored since the lower portions
materials, and therefore is mainly a timber, field stone or re- of both the Crossroads and Shattered Regions are occupied by
claimed concrete and metal affair. In many ways, it resembles isolationist factions, such as the Holy Purist Empire to the West,
and old west US army fort from the late 1800’s, and encom- and both the Purehold Republic and the Mecha of Cal-64 in the
passes a much larger area than its population needs in order East. Traders, nomads and excavators do make their way back
to accommodate an encampment of a Purist legion within the and forth, but this is rare, as many stories persist of the dan-
stockade. The inner workshops, Inn, saloon and housing are all gers to the south, of mysterious new cultures, powerful factions
made of mixed materials, but mainly wood with junk roofs. and lawlessness. For the most part, High Watch citizens, sol-
diers and visitors are at risk of animal attacks, raider ambushes
Water and Sanitation: Snow melt water is collected dur- or skullock raids, especially along the surrounding roads.
ing the winter, stored in barrels within basements and later
boiled for drinking. There are also wells on the northern slope Law Enforcement: By Purist Conquistadors and Mutant Slayers.
where the farmland terraces are situated, allowing for irriga-
tion as well as the transport of water via bucket and barrel up Military and Defense: 150+d100 homeland militiamen,
to the town, a task normally handled by slaves and criminals 300+2d100 Purist Conquistadors, 3d6+20 Cavaliers of Pu-
working off their punishment. Sewage is collected by slaves rity, 2d4 Mutant Slayers, 5 squad leader officers, each with
each morning and poured over a steep drop on the southern a relic weapon (WC-R) and the battle priest Gibraltar Bright-
ridge, where the bodies of slain skullocks and mutants are hand the Second who, when outside the eastern gate house
tossed as a final insult. and headquarters where he and his family reside on the third
floor, he wears combat armor, carries an assault shotgun with
Technology: Due to the strong winds which seem to blow 20+d20 shells remaining, is backed up by a razor sword and
incessantly, the clever people of High Watch have erected five a pair of auto pistols at his hips. On his back, meanwhile, is
large windmills. These contraptions are made mostly of scrap slung rocket launcher with d4+1 battle rockets.
metal and plastic and provide reliable power to five separate There are three average sized towers around communi-
systems. If the central hub of any windmill is destroyed (DV ty, which stand 5 meters tall and one serving as the western
-20, END 50+d20 each), then the blades of the windmill col- gate house, while a fourth protrusion, perched higher than
lapse and all power to the affected systems ceases, as there the town on North-Ridge, is called ‘Tall Tower’. This eight me-
is no battery storage at this fort. ter high tower is topped by an enclosed steel cage and fine,

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MAP CR-21: High Watch

1 hex =5 meters

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insect proof mesh. Herein sits a powerful telescope on a tri- are discouraged from talking to pure stocks who are not of ‘the
pod, as well as a sniper rifle with a bipod, standard scope faith’. There is a moral conservatism in this place which is im-
and 3d6+6 high caliber rounds. Additionally, Tall-Tower is aug- mediately noticeable by the lack of attractive bar maids in the
mented by one of the town’s four flood lights, which is a rare saloon, where instead, teenage boys in tidy white shirts serve
model with a 2 kilometer range (but only a 10m coverage ra- drinks. The women are not to talk to strangers and are kept clois-
dius at the furthest extend). Late at night, this spotlight rou- tered away as much as possible. Likewise, excavators, even those
tinely discovers never before seen nightmare creatures, often sanctioned by the church to acquire relics for the defense of the
raiding the crops far below. Two Conquistadors are always on HPE, are considered taboo. Should any local youth actually join
watch at this tower. The smaller town towers have four men a departing adventure team, the authorities will consider the re-
in each, who can either use their crossbows or the light bal- cruit to have been kidnapped, and the cavaliers will be sent after
lista which is fitted onto each. These ballista are perched on the ‘victim’ to bring him or her back. Once rescued, the soldiers
a rotating fixture and can even allow the giant crossbow con- will make the excavators sorry they ever accepted the irresponsi-
traptions to aim 90 degrees into the air and shoot at passing ble local into their ranks; usually by dragging the characters back
airships or winged horrors. to town, by their feet, and turning them into field slaves.
The Eastern Gate House, and church, is a large structure The possession of drugs, such as gebrull joy beans, mari-
with a flat roof. Upon this roof are two more light ballista tur- juana, and kicker berries are illegal in High Watch and the
rets as well as three heavy catapults. Meanwhile, on the en- possession of such contraband punishable by forfeiting all
closed level directly below the roof, are rows of arrow slits, ten possessions, title and lands. If an offender of the zero drug
per each side of the square building, and from these Conquis- tolerance rule is a stranger, the captive will also be forced into
tadors take turns firing their crossbows. slavery as a field hand. Alcohol is served in the local Saloon,
There is also a 17% chance that a roaming detachment but costs twice as much as normal (3sp for a beer or 4sp for a
of the Purist Army is in town on any given day, adding 20+d20 glass of wine), while hard alcohol is not imported at all. Public
Cavaliers of Purity, 100+d100 Purist Conquistadors, and a drunkenness is usually dealt with by a ferocious beating from
mounted senior officer. any passing military personnel,

Visitors to High Watch: Nearly all trade coming through Resources and Industry: The townspeople produce enough
High Watch is either on its way to or arriving from the Purehold food for themselves, but the garrison of Purist soldiers must import
Republic, as there are few ruins around to attract excavators. supplies. There are no exports, nor is there any local brewing of al-
Migrants from the southern lands are also rare, with most new- coholic beverages, as booze is considered somewhat taboo, called
comers other than the regular peddlers being viewed with ex- ‘the Devil’s Piss’ or ‘Satan’s Sweat’ by the older generation.
treme suspicion. There is no entrance fee, however strangers
will be asked to wait outside the gates and disrobe and step Accommodations: The so-called ‘Inn’ is little more than a
away from their clothing, weapons and gear, and wait to be fur- large common room, divided by flimsy black curtains which
ther inspected. D4+1 Conquistadors will step put of the gate separate 20 single beds from each other, and cost 4sp per
and check the eyes, teeth, and privates of those wanting ac- night to rent (10+d10 beds will be occupied on any given eve-
cess, while one soldier will secretly run a magnet over the skull ning). Absolutely no copulation, drinking of booze, or smoking
and spine of each person to make sure they aren’t androids or is allowed in this area. Married couples, or those swearing that
cyborgs. Should the travelers be allowed to stay the night, they they are married, are allowed to sleep in side by side beds, but
are not permitted any relics weapons or armor, as these items not in the same bed. The Innkeeper’s watchmen, d3 common-
are signed over to the Gate Officer (NCO) and can be collected er men with clubs, patrol the chamber periodically throughout
at dawn at the opposite gate, assuming people are on their way the night, and spy on sleeping guests to make sure they are not
east or west. Those accompany a familiar trader and acting as doing anything lewd or intoxicating. Those travelers who wish
servants or guards, are not strip searched, but neither are they to avoid these regulations can stay in their wagons or pitch a
allowed relics weapons or armor in the town. tent in the large open area, for a fee of 1sp per person.
The drinking hall, called Sheldon’s Saloon, is a newer, two
Brief History: High Watch is a relatively new town, its first story house, with the upper floor belonging to the owner and
rudimentary structures being erected in the year 2335, when houses his staff of teen boys, while the bar level is fairly typical
it was little more than a stout wood and scrap house with a of any drinking establishment, with a roaring fire at one end, a
stockade around it. In subsequent years, this tiny fort grew in short hallway to the men’s and women’s latrines at the back of
size as large trade caravans and larger military detachments the building, a long wooden bar where stools are lined up, as well
needed a place of safety for the night. Skullock raiders had as about a dozen tables, some sitting two people, others four or
once tried to take the fort during a nighttime assault, in which six patrons each. The place is lively, but not because of intoxica-
they used dozens of ladders to ascend the wooden walls and tion alone, as is the case in most towns. Here, people are playing
leap into the town. If it were not for the previous battle priest, card games, checkers, rolling dice or loudly debating local and
Leonard the Humble, and his chain gun, the community would regional events from a Purist prospective. While regular traders
most certainly have been wiped out. To this day, skullocks are welcomed, strangers, especially suspected excavators, are
haunt the countryside and keep a careful watch of the trade given the cold shoulder or shown blatant rudeness. So too, the
roads all the way to Green Dale in the Purehold Republic. drinks served to suspicious, unfaithful or unfamiliar pure stock
travelers will not be full, meals will be skimpy and cold.
Social Details: This fortress town is proud of its role in protect-
ing the Holy Purist Empire from the southern approaches, as well For the Excavator: What those from outside the Purist
as maintaining a link with the misguided and irreligious, yet still lands will have learned about High Watch: “Damned if I know
pure blooded, Purehold Republic. Unlike the town of Duty, these why any fool would want to go stay in High Watch? There ain’t
people are firmly opposed to any mutant life forms and can’t al- no ruins to explore for fifty kilometers or more, although I sup-
ways wait to get a captured mutant to Witch Burn for interrogation pose everyplace beneath this part of old California is criss-
and ‘cleansing’ and occasionally perform their own brutal rites. crossed and honeycombed with ruins of one sort or another.
Strangers are shunned, and anyone other than shopkeep- Still, what I know of that little Purist fort town is that they are
ers, the innkeeper or the saloon’s bar tender and serving boys, as fundamentalist as they get, have a tendency to burn mu-

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tants and synthetics on discovery. And get this, they don’t men flanking her continually put their hands on her leg under
allow people to bring relic weapons or armor into town. Se- the table, and whisper dirty suggestions to her, try to get a look
riously, you got to sign it in at the entrance point and get it down the front of her shirt, and are generally offensive. If she
back later! I also hear that they ain’t fussy about booze, and it tries to leave, they do nothing.
costs a lot, likewise, if you get caught trying to smuggle drugs 4. A farmer comes over the characters with a foul look on his
of any kind, they will own your ass for life. Oh, and do me a fa- face, glaring at each character in turn. “You’re from the Pure-
vor, don’t talk to their women, no matter how pretty they are, hold, ain’t you! Well, I spit on your kind of filth! How can you
and never, touch them for bloody sakes. To sum up, if you’re turn from the true faith? How can you build those cyborgs, or
on your way to the uncharted southern sector, and you need worse, the synthetic scum you have so stupidly come to rely on
a place to stay to avoid being eaten by wolves or skullocks, I as troops! Someday, you will have a rebellion on your hands,
guess you got to stay in that shit hole of a town. I am just glad and the clones and cyborgs will wipe you out! Now, get the
it’s you going there and not me!” hell outa my bar before I break this bottle over your head!” He
points an empty wine bottle at a random male PC. “Huh? What
For the Game Master: High Watch can be very danger- did you say? I heard you! You unclean, sin glutton! You have ten
ous place for pure blood characters or those who pass for pure seconds to leave or I am going to make a mess of your face!” If
stocks, since the entrance requirement of disallowing relic arms character refuses to leave the saloon, the man attacks with the
and armor puts characters at the same level as many archaically bottle. If it is a fair fight, and the character doesn’t kill the mid-
armed locals. The rules and morality of this place should be made dle aged commoner, then the patrons let the incident slide, but
pretty clear to the players, and can prompt some interesting ad- if the man is killed or seriously maimed by a weapon, then the
venture opportunities. Example: have a young adult wish to join people get irate and begin to hurl plates and bottles, and then
the PC adventure team, even though it is forbidden: so the youth draw daggers and drive out the PCs, with a 37% chance of the
follows the characters and ignites a pursuit by cavaliers. Alterna- mob pursuing with the intend to hang the characters.
tively, since the people here are stanch followers of Puristalism,
they will report any infraction of the genetic purity codes, and so,
a new mother with a mutant child might try to hide in the charac-
ter’s wagon, or tag along after they leave, or at least hide the baby
in the saddle bags of a character’s horse, which won’t cry out
until much later, just as a Purist cavalry unit is spotted on the ho-
rizon a kilometer behind the characters. For GMs who have con-
structed their own adjoining southern regions, this town might be
the gateway from one region to the next, and see a lot of use. (See
page 5 for the publisher’s explanation of future regional products
and how to fit them into a GMs own sectors.)

Unique High Watch Encounters

Purist Town Encounters: Found on Page 193 during the
day and on page 195 by night, rolling 2d6. 5. There is a young commoner women drinking with her com-
moner husband at a nearby table. She sips tea while he guzzles
Encounters in Sheldon’s Saloon: Always re-roll duplicated several beer. The woman happens to look over at the characters
dice results. There will be d3 bartenders and d6 serving boys once too often, particularly at the best looking male PC. Her hus-
by day and d3+1 bartenders and 2d6+1 serving boys by night, band gets up, knocking back his chair and slapping her across
plus, d6+2 Purist Conquistadors and d6+1 patron rolls from the face, putting her on the ground. Everybody in the saloon falls
chart A page 383 by day, while 3d6+6 Purist Conquistadors silent and turns to the farmer who points to the best looking male
and 2d6+4 patron rolls from chart A by night. There is a 2 in 10 PC in the group. “You foreign filth! How dare you look at my wife
chance per hour of an encounter from the following list by day, like that? Don’t think I didn’t see you starring at her, looking her up
and a 4 in 10 chance by night, and assumes that the charac- and down and wondering how you could get with her! Get on your
ters appear to be excavators, or mercs at the least. Roll d6: feet and let’s take this outside, outland scum.” If the character
1. The serving boy who brings the character’s drinks demands won’t go fist fight with him, the man is 16% likely to merely gather
payment first, and after getting it, sets the beverages down his wife and leave the bar, otherwise, he stomps over to the char-
roughly and with the last drink, lets it tip off the tray onto a ran- acter and kicks him out of his chair and then jumps on him, using
dom character’s lap. “Ooops,” he says calmly, and walks away his fists as best he can, attempting to knock out the PC.
as if to get a cloth or replacement drink or something. But he 6. A nomadic trader enters the saloon, accompanied by a pair
doesn’t come back at all. Instead, a half hour later, a differ- of militia soldiers with musket pistols and rapiers. He immedi-
ent teenage boy comes over to ask if the PCs want another ately sees the characters and winks at them, and within a half
round, knowing nothing about the spilling incident and if told hour, comes over, pulling up a chair and joining the PCs. “Hello,
of it, merely shrugs and says, “You must’ve bumped him, or travelers, so, tell me what you think of this town so far? Not
touched him in a way he didn’t approve of.” very warm to ones belonging to your profession, correct? Say, If
2. Someday throws a bone dice at the back of a random you’re looking for work, I am on my way west to the Inner ‘Pure-
character’s head. lands’, intending to sell my goods in Pure Hub, but could use
3. A male Purist Conquistador comes over to the character’s the companionship of some warriors to see me safely there. I
table and just gawks at them for awhile then leaves, mumbling can pay you each 30sp for the trip plus, I can give you quarters
something about low life’s as he goes. If, however, there are in the household of my employer, a great merchant who is far
any women of 35 or better appearance among the characters, more liberal than the church knows, and has a secret collec-
he says to one. “What are you doing with these sordid fellows? tion of fine, comfort slaves and concubines, with which you can
You their whore or something? Why don’t you come sit with me enjoy while he is off with another. What do you say?”
and my comrades and ditch these scum?” If the woman does,
the soldiers make a place for her and buys her a beer. The two

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Holy Port
the fortress by night. The recharge facility is primitive and under
powered, but can charge a power cell in 24 hours, and a battery
pack in a week. There are 4 battery packs in use around town, 2 per
medium laser cannon, see right column for Military and Defense.
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire
Government: Battle Priest, Gregor the Deviant Slayer Dangers: The Aberrationist fleet has attacked Holy Port in the
Population: Total 479 to 840/ (Pure Stocks 440+3d100/ Mu- past, but using catapults against the medium laser cannons was
tants 2d20 prisoners and 30+d12 Ghost Mutants* / Cyborgs 0 / folly, and those ships which were not sunk, were badly shot up and
Synthetic Humans 3d6* /other 0) * Masquerading as pure stock humans lucky to escape at all. The fact is that this fortress is so deep in
Purist lands, teeming with Purist Conquistadors and so well built,
Site Details: Holy Port is built into the Great Purity Wall, and serves that there is very little real perceived external danger to this place’s
both as a garrison and the primary seaport for the Empire. The large continued existence. On a personal level, however, there is the oc-
town sits on the gently rolling plains which typify this part of the region. casional winged predator, as well as things that approach the dock
from below the waves and grab the odd sailor or traveler off the
Construction: This community consists of two separate areas, dock. In addition, there are always zealots and criminals lurking in
one is the military zone near the docks, the other is the civilian the Trade Sector of the fort, whom travelers must be wary of.
side and pressed up along the Purity Wall. A wooden palisade
separates the two sectors with only a simple double gate as the
access into the base. The civilian area is jammed full of houses,
Law Enforcement: By Purist Conquistadors and Mutant Slayers
shacks, stores, repair shops, commercial warehousing, and lodg-
ing and refreshment establishments.
Military and Defense: There are 200+d100 Purist Conquis-
tadors, 3d6 Cavaliers of Purity, 2d6 Mutant Slayers, and 50+d20
The fortress portion of Holy Port is built mainly of reclaimed con- homeland militia soldiers within the fortress, plus, d6 battle barg-
crete slabs, field stone, scrap metal and hard plastics. The structures es, 3d6 Imperial cargo barges, and 2d6 Purist longboats fitted with
within the fort are made of wood with baked clay tile shingles, and in- heavy crossbows, in port on any given day, with their full compliment
clude garrisons, warehouses, a Purist church, and over a dozen fine of rowing personnel (slaves on barges, Conquistadors on longboats)
houses for officers and clergymen. The dock area is of stone with plus their maximum passenger load of Purist Conquistadors, ready
wooden wharfs and pylons, flanked by two square towers made of cut for action. These naval personnel account for separate numbers
rock, and fitted with enclosed pill box bunkers. Civilians are allowed from those listed under the settlement’s population.
to travel through the fort by day, permitting them to work the docks, There are 5 standard towers in Holy Port, each is 8m tall, square
fish, and access the shipping, but only clergy and military personnel and open on top with a heavy ballista at the ready. In addition, there
are permitted in the stronghold area after sunset. are four trebuchet sitting on the dock behind sandbags, their crews
Holy Port has two sets of gates, both being large double doors, keeping watch from within small scrap metal shacks nearby, also fac-
opening a portal 5 meters wide and 6m tall. The gates to the open ing the sea are two medium laser cannons, both mounted in turrets
dock area are of wood with 5cm thick steel plating, while the land- within the impressive stone and scrap HQ building. These guns are
ward gates at the north end are of reinforced timber. each supplied by two full power packs, and can rotate 180 degrees to
fire in opposite directions, yet their fire area overlapping to the south
Water and Sanitation: Well water is collected in the lower west of town to combine their awesome firepower against single sea
levels of the fort, but it tastes metallic and so most drinking going targets. Due to the protective housing each gun is enclosed in
water is brought in by wagons or ships from other settlements. (DV to gun and crews -30), these weapons cannot lower below aim-
Sewage is carted out of town and dumped on the fields. ing at the docks, (can’t shoot at enemy infantry trying to ram the sea
gate), nor can they fire high in the air beyond a 90 degree elevation.
Technology: There are 3 solar generator stations strapped to Finally, two, unique, very stoutly built sea towers flank the harbour and
the main headquarters, powering a small power cell recharge unit are joined to the city by well crafted enclosed walls. Each of these sea
as well as six spot lights, all of which probe the seas and sky around towers house a heavy ballista and a sniper rifle, the relics supplied with

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10+d10 rounds of HC ammo each. 40+d20 Conquistadors are housed Accommodations: There is one large Inn, The Cambridge Mo-
in each sea tower, and able to employ their crossbows through 8 ar- tel and nearby, a beer hall, called The Thirsty Pilgrim which most-
rows slits if enemies dare assault the harbor. ly serves foreigners, and is therefore a likely spot to get work, pas-
The battle priest who commands this bustling port town sage on a ship, or run into trouble. Other services in town include
is Gregor the Deviant Slayer, a middle aged man who has a for hire doctor’s office which is operated by a 4 skill point medic
seen many engagements against the unbelievers. He wears and his d3+2, 1 skill point male nurses, renting ‘get well’ beds
heavy combat armor and carries a heavy machine gun into for 7sp per day, and performing any surgery for 80sp. There is a
battle, belt fed with 40+2d20 HCR rounds remaining. black smithy, armory, brewery as well as a gem and jewelry deal-
There is also a 23% chance that a Purist army is stationed ership, but no bath house, relic dealer or brothel in sight; low key
at the fort for d6 days, numbering 300+2d00 Purist Conquis- hookers do, however, look for work at the bar, or by being brought
tadors, 3d6+20 Cavaliers of Purity, and led by a battle priest. around to each barge by boat, rowed by their pimp or owner.
The Motel has 30 units, 10 are single person rooms costing
Visitors to Holy Port: Ships which do not bare familiar mark- 5sp per night. Ten more rooms are four person bunk rooms cost-
ings will be expected to drop anchor about a kilometer away from ing 11sp per night while the remaining 10 rooms are large team
the docks and wait for a Purist longboat to arrive and inspect the rooms, boasting three separate double bed rooms surrounding a
passengers, crew and cargo. The boarding party is directed to en- main living area. Each team room also has its own lavatory and
sure there are no illegal items or individuals aboard. Once the cook stove, bath basin and balcony, costing 42sp per night to rent.
inspection team is confident that the ship is a legitimate trading Each of these three levels of accommodations may be already rent-
vessel, it is assigned a dock and allowed to land. Once docked, ed, roll d10 for each room type to see how many are full per night.
and if seeking access to the community within through the land
gate, all strangers are told to strip down to their underwear and For the Excavator: Other than perhaps the small town of
prepare to be reviewed, always by a Mutant Slayer and d3 Purist Duty, this is the least dangerous town for a Digger to enter within
Conquistadors. They will be looking for deformities, tell-tale scars the whole Purist Empire, and not a bad spot to rest up for awhile
of implant insertion, obvious mutations, or any hint of excessive before moving on to more open minded communities. There are
nervousness on the part of the subject. A magnet is also run over still many religious fanatics who believe excavators are grave
the person’s spine and head to detect for androids or cyborgs robbing, devil waking sinners, sinners to be burnt along with mu-
with hidden implants. If the slayer is satisfied that the traveler is a tants, so one must tread carefully. There are no above ground
bona fide pure stock, he or she may enter, but must sign over any ruins in the vicinity, however persistent rumors tell of there be-
explosive devices, chain guns, heavy machine guns, energy weap- ing underground levels beneath the entire pure land area, and
ons or flame units, to be returned on departure. beyond, and that it is possible to travel underneath the entire
HPE zone without ever breaking the surface, unless one wishes
Brief History: Holy Port was once a fishing village called to raid crops and collect drinkable water along the way, or avoid
San Pedro, but by the year 2347, when The Great Purity Wall the terrible monsters which live beneath the surface.
was nearing completion, the current Vicar in Pure Hub ordered
the place to be turned into a fortified port and it re-named. For the Game Master: Holy Port is probably the only realistic
There have been 16 Aberrationist attacks on Holy Port stop over for a group of excavators, even though it is within the
since its naming, and only on three occasions did the mutant Purelands of the Purist Empire. Because there are many foreign-
fleet land troops on the shores and dock area, and of these ers coming and going here, it is easy to go relatively unnoticed
three attempts, no breach of the fortress occurred. There have for a few days, long enough to get to places like Memory or Safe
been no further sea based attacks by any force since 2356, Port. For many ghost mutants seeking to flee the Empire, arriving
with all current Aberrationist assaults now being ‘terrorist’ raids in Holy Port and then booking passage away by cargo ship is a
by either air, or infiltration units consisting of ghost mutants. popular choice, and it is said that there is an underground soci-
ety called the Mind Hosts. This group of ghost mutants and their
Social Details: The only notable difference between the atti- sympathizers, are said to arrange the escape of such gifted hu-
tudes and dress of the people in Holy Port and the Capital are that mans, often taking them to nearby Steel Hill and beyond.
many of the pure stocks walking about the trade sector are from
distant lands, and are unfamiliar with the Purist faith. Their lack of
local knowledge leads these foreigners to make cultural and reli- Unique Holy Port Encounters
gious mistakes, which the patrols of Conquistadors are somewhat
forgiving of as long as the guilty party understands their error and Street Encounters: As per the Purist town encounters ta-
promises not to repeat it. Many times, traders and mercs from dis- bles, pages 193 to 199, rolling 2d6.
tant shores are eager to hire pure blood excavator and adventure
teams, to escort them inland or to accompany them on their car- Encounters in The Thirsty Pilgrim Beer Hall: 2d6 patron rolls
go barges, sailing to strange regions beyond the Crossroads Re- from chart A, page 383 by day, 3d6+5 by night. There is a 2 in 10
gion. These strangers are typically accommodating to ghost mu- chance per hour of an encounter during the day, and a 4 in 10 chance
tants and synthetic humans, and have nothing against mutants, per hour by night, from the following list, roll d6 by day or d8 by night:
cyborgs or free thinking, independent androids and robotics. 1. d3+1 young excavators stroll into the saloon and make their
way to the bar, ordering drinks before looking around. When they
Resources and Industry: A fishing fleet of about 40 row- see the characters, and if the characters are dressed like excava-
tors themselves, these Diggers shuffle over and ask to join them.
boats and 14 longboats exists here, which sets out every morning
to catch whatever eatable, fairly normal looking aquatic creatures One does all the talking. “Hello friends, we’ve been told that if you
they can by hook or net. Otherwise, the port town is primarily a gar- want to be an excavator, and you’re unlucky enough to be born in
rison as well as warehousing and cargo exchange center, produc- the Purist Empire, then Holy Port is the place to come to hook up
ing little in the way of food or merchandise itself. Planners within with a team that’d be leavin’ for the free lands. Sure, we’re pure
Pure Hub consider Holy Port as merely as suburb of their city, and bloods, but we ain’t’ Purists, no sir. We want to hook up with a
expect the two communities to some day grow together and be- group and see the ruins, see the other regions around us, and
come one massive, religiously and racially pure metropolis. avoid getting drafted into the fricken army. What say you? Are you
looking for some new rubble rooters?’

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MAP CR-22: Holy Port

1 hex =10 meters

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2. The characters notice a few prostitutes working the crowd, al- seeking employment as guards, and if you would be interested in
though they dress like common farmer’s daughters. The most at- providing armed support while we make our arduous sea voyage
tractive male PC has caught the eye of one of the d6+1 hookers, up past The Dethpools and all the way to Safe Port to deliver our
who strolls over, smiling. She doesn’t grope and peck him with kiss- cargo. He will pay your passage, as well as provide you with quar-
es, as would be the case in many other communities; instead, she ters, meals and pay of 10sp a day, each. What is your answer?”
simply puts a warm hand on his shoulder and whispers in his ear, 6. A young man, probably a fisherman, steps up to the charac-
telling him that she has a room upstairs, and will spend the night ters and in hushed voice, asks. “Are you going to Steel Hill any
with him for 7 silvers. She also mentions that the other men in the time soon? My sister and her child have fled there, because the
group can also be set up with ladies for the same price. child had strange markings on its tummy. Well, my sister’s name
3. A nomadic trader and his one guard who has his arm in a sling is Elaine Hendrixa, and, well, I’ve been carrying this letter for her,
and a bandaged head, come over to the PCs. The characters notice and coming in here asking travelers this same question for half a
the trader has a bandaged hand, the red of fresh blood staining the year now, will you take this too her, she lives below the street level,
cotton wrapping. “Hello,” the trader smiles, gesturing to a nearby in the territory of the ‘Lechers’. I can pay you 8sp, all I have in the
chair. “Mind if we join you for a sec? “ If the PCs let them, the man whole world, if you will take her this note.” If the characters agree,
will order a round of beers, and then get right down to business. and take it and later open the letter to see what it says, there is a
“You got to escort us out of the Purist Empire. We need to get over- 77% chance it is just a simple family letter, in which the ‘Brother’
land to Galespit with our cargo, a cargo which it is better you don’t apologizes for hitting her, that he sounds more like the father of
know about, but which sits in the hold of a transport barge which ar- their child and no blood relation at all. Otherwise, the letter is ac-
rived today. I need warriors to protect me and my man here, Amos, tually a communication in code, directed to Brother Wet-fingers,
as we are being pursued by a rival trader who seeks to steal the leader of a street gang, with lists, people’s names and dates.”
goods from us by force. He killed my 7. 4+d4 Purist Conquistadors, carrying
other four protectors, and we barely neither crossbows nor shields, but still
got away from his thugs as it was. wearing their swords, enter and grab
We can supply the horses as far as a table. They proceed to get rip roar-
Galespit. I will buy mules at dawn ing drunk and belligerent. One, see-
and have the eight animals loaded ing one of the characters looking at
with my cargo, and we will set out him, gets up and comes over, holding
at once. I have an Imperial Passage his beer, “You ain’t worthy to be enjoy-
Certificate, so won’t be harassed ing the sanctity and protection of our
too much by the authorities. I will Purelands. If it weren’t for us soldiers,
pay you each 250 silvers for this job, you’d be living outside with the rest of
no questions asked.” the animals. I hate people who think
If the PCs agree, they will be they are better than me. You ain’t in
loaned a horse each for the jour- the Purist army, then you ain’t nothin’
ney. There is a 3 in 6 chance that you hear me, you ain’t nothin but girly
the caravan is attacked by another boys!” With that, he fills his mouth with
trader, and 3d6+6 mounted raid- beer, then spews it all over the char-
ers someplace in the wilds. The acter’s and their meals, then laughs,
cargo is only known if the charac- as do his comrades, then continues
ters seize it themselves, or forcibly to drink and spew for 2d6 rounds
investigate it, roll d12, once per before leaving the characters alone.
mule load: 1. Coffee beans, worth If the PCs harm him in any way, the
1000+d1000sp / 2. Coca powder, other Conquistadors will leap up with
worth 2000+d1000sp / 3. Kegs drawn swords and approach, ordering
of fine wine, worth 500+2d100sp the characters to drop your weapons
/ 4. Dried fish, but among it, is a and step outside. If the PCs do go out,
dismantled technician android, the Conquistadors will order the PCs to
switched off, worth 3000+d1000 strip nude and dance a jig, then apolo-
/ 5. Gagged and bound child, off- gize and run off or get hacked apart.
spring of competitors, kidnapping These Conquistadors are drunk, -20
ransom of 4000+d1000sp / 6-8. SV and +20 DV to be struck at.
Animal grain in sacks, however 8. A deranged young commoner
there is a 7% chance that one sack contains a battle rocket / 9- suddenly pushes away from the bar, pulls a knife and starts over
12. 4+d4 sacks of dried fruit, however there is a 9% chance that to the characters, roll d6: 1,2. “You!” He screams at a random
one sack conceals an empty submachine-gun. female PC, (re-roll if no women) “I swore that if I saw you with an-
4. A bounty hunter and his 3+d3 militia solder sidekicks (each other man, that I’d put a knife between your fricken ribs and I am
armed with a musket pistol, hatchet and whip) enter the bar and gonna do just that! I loved you, Beth, I really did, but when you ran
take their seats at a nearby table. Throughout the evening, they off with that no good Jason, I was left out of my mind! I killed him,
gawk at the PCs faces, and if any are wanted and are identified, a year ago now, dumped his body in the sea for the sharks, and
the bounty hunter sends one man out of the bar, who comes now, with your death, it will be over!” He then charges, leaping on
back in 3d6+6 minutes with 2d6+2 hirelings (raiders) who block the table and stabbing at the character. / 3,4. “I can’t take it any-
the door as the bounty hunter and his men try to arrest the PC at more, the voices in my head! You’re all mutants, I tell you! Mutant
gun point and march him or her off to their cargo barge. demons! I will kill you all!” He charges and stabs for a random PC,
5. A merchant and his scribe attendant and 4+d4 soldiers, each his blade, however is poisoned with type A death poison. / 5,6. “I
with a crossbow and longsword, enter the bar and take a table. knew you’d come back here someday, Benny! I warned you, didn’t
Within a half hour, the merchant’s scribe, a elderly man (com- I? I said I’d cut off your manhood if I ever saw you again!” He charg-
moner) approaches the PC’s table and clears his throat before es for a random male character, slashing for the groin. See ‘called
speaking. “Ah, my master sends his regards, and asks if you are shots’, TME hub rules, page 108 and 109.

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Pure Hub City mals which in most large communities would have been
used to drag and erect huge slabs of ancient concrete
and scrap metal. Here, slaves and paid workers, oxen,
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire work horses and primitive technology were used to build
Government: His Holiness Vicar Horace Truesight the First the mighty walls and multi level cathedrals, shrines, forti-
Population: Total 14649 to 18080 / Pure Stocks 14000+3d1000/ fications and apartment blocks found within.
Mutants 2d100 captives and 560+2d100 Ghost Mutants*/ Cy- At one time, the vast farmlands surrounding this city
borgs d4*/ Synthetic Humans 80+2d20*/other d20*) were dotted with protruding ruins and scrap materials, all
* masquerading as pure stock humans of which has long since been pulled up and added to the
city. The outer walls stand between 8 and 10m tall, are
Site Details: The capital of the Holy Purist Empire sits about 3 meters thick at their tops, and 5m thick at their
on a stretch of level farmland which spans the Ventura base, while extending another 3m down into the ground
River. On the surface, there is nothing remarkable about to accommodate storage and bunk facilities, and to de-
the building’s site, which was only selected since a large ter enemy sappers from mining under the walls. The out-
town sat here previously, a town in which Puristalism er surface of the walls have been filled with brick or cut
found its first converts. Beneath the city are layers of bur- stone and then the entire expanse coated in fine cement,
ied ancient structures, and while excavators are an ill fa- polished as smooth as possible; the end result being the
vored caste in the Purist Empire, they do exist, and have finest, most difficult to climb walls in the entire region.
conducted low key looting below street level. Most of the The crest of these walls are topped by mediaeval
underground warehouses and residential dwellings, how- style battlements (crenellations and merlons, defenders
ever, are flooded with silt or water and not worth the ef- are -40 DV) likewise, for every 5m length of the wall’s in-
fort to dig out, especially when most valuable finds are terior upper level, is cut a cross slit style arrow loop, from
immediately confiscated by the clergy or Purist military. which a Conquistador can fire a musket ( -50 DV from
within). Besides any large fortresses and keeps built into
Construction: Pure Hub City is divided into two main the outer wall, there are 26 watch towers, which are ei-
parts, the Main City, which sits behind great walls, and ther square or round, occasionally even hexagon shaped
consists of the East Side and West Side, while outside (marked with WT on the city map), standing 15m tall and
along the south east section of the wall is the ever ex- supplied with a trebuchet each, while the two levels be-
panding slum of South Borough. low this are each fitted with a heavy ballista.
The Main City is impressive, considering the total Within the main city there are hundreds of struc-
lack of construction robots, or massive mutant draft ani- tures, some being lowly two story homes of the working

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Pure Hub Map Key 7 Expansion Planning Office 16 Imperial Prison 25 Gallery of Divine Perfection 34 Riverwalk Bridge 43 Sarcophagi of
G Guard Tower (total 14) 8 Villa De Virtuous 17 Imperial Courthouse 26 Hearthstone House 35 Public Free Market the Foundlings
WT Watch Tower (total 26) 9 River Watch 18 Imperial Cavalry Plaza 27 Herman’s True Labor Inn 36 Tomb of the Martyrs 44 Ship Builder’s
1 Imperial Airship Core Base 10 Entry Plaza 19 Purification Rotunda 28 O’Donald’s Inn & Stable 37 Imperial Records Office Guild
2 North Gate Keep 11 Riverside Merchants Exchange 20 Pavilion of Sanctity 29 Worker’s Association Pub 38 Mausoleum of the Vicars 45 Cloister of the
3 Vicarhold 12 South Gun Tower 21 Congregational Hall 30 Settler’s Welcome Bridge 39 Chapel of St. Ronalda Needful
4 Arch Fort 13 Cathedral of Purity 22 Basilica Puritussa 31 Quayside Checkpoint 40 Guntower Prime
5 East Buttress 14 Imperial Legion Grounds 23 Plaza of the Chosen 32 Curt’s Landing 41 Shrine of the Undefiled
6 Fort Devotion 15 Holy Botanical Gardens 24 Ventura bridge 33 Roadside Checkpoint 42 Church of Purgation

Scale: 1 Hexagon = 5m

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people, others are timber warehouses and industrial this vast shanty and tent town often leads new citizens
facilities, and four or five story high multi family dwell- to despair and the evils of drink, and for many young
ings made of mixed materials. Still other buildings are adults, the thrill of adventure either in the Purist army,
constructed from massive reclaimed concrete sheets, as criminals, or to leave for the Freeholds and become
field stone and scrap metal, such as the houses of wor- excavators.
ship, bureaucratic buildings and fortified manors of the
clergy and generals. Most large structures have ceram- The following tables give the GM a breakdown of all
ic tile roofs, however many of the smaller homes have important military, religious and private structures in
wood, scrap or even thatch roof tops. Pure Hub, and provides an overview of each building’s
Outside of the main city is the growing slum of purpose and compliment of any troops:
South Borough, which hugs the lower eastern edge
of the capital and is hemmed in by a 3m tall wooden In addition, to those troops occupying military
stockade and series of 14, six meter tall guard towers, structures shown the table below, the main city walls
each topped with a light ballista (denoted by a G on are also manned by 530+2d100 Conquistadors. Plus,
the city map). This slum area is mainly inhabited by the wooden stockade protecting the South Borough is
the very poor, the newly converted, and the hoards of patrolled by an additional 300+3d100 homeland mili-
pure blood migrants who come to the Purelands from tia soldiers.
far off regions, expecting a better life, away from the
horrors of the mutated world. The squalid conditions of

Table CR-6-2 Religious and Government Structures of Pure Hub City

No. Name of Structure Official Purpose Civilians Purist Soldiers Weapons

370+1d100 Conquistadors / 2 trebuchet /5 chain

3 Vicarhold Vicar’s residence 140+2d100
250+d20 Cavaliers guns/10 H. ballista
7 Expansion Planning Office regional conquest plans 60+2d20 6+d6 Conquistadors 21 trebuchet /4 ballista
13 Cathedral of Purity common people’s church 90+d100 20+d20 Conquistadors nil
15 Holy Botanical Gardens agricultural activities 360+d1000 20+d10 Conquistadors nil
17 Imperial Courthouse law and sentencing 170+2d20 55+d20 Conquistadors chain gun
20 Pavilion of Sanctity covered audience area 20+d20 10+d6 Conquistadors nil
21 Congregational Hall clergy offices & housing 240+2d100 80+2d20 Conquistadors 3 heavy machine guns
missile Launcher with
22 Basilica Puritussa prime church 360+d100 120+d20 Conquistadors
12+d8 tact. missiles
23 Plaza of the Chosen church courtyard d100 10+d10 Conquistadors nil
20+d10 Cavaliers/ d8 Mutant
24 Ventura bridge main bridge d100 nil
25 Gallery of Divine Perfection museum & art gallery 2d100 15 +d6 Conquistadors nil
37% chance 3d6
30 Settlers Welcome Bridge wood bridge 2d20 nil
32 Curt’s Landing dock and boat building 2d100 30+d20 Homeland Militia 3 catapults
62% chance 3d6+8
34 Riverwalk Bridge stone and scrap bridge 2d100 nil
36 Tomb of the Martyrs shrine and catacombs 60+d20 10+d6 Conquistadors nil
37 Imperial Records Office documents and archive 70+d100 15+d8 Conquistadors heavy machine gun on roof
38 Mausoleum of the Vicars tomb: Gunthar Benjamin 18+d12 30+d10 Conquistadors nil
39 Chapel of St. Ronalda small church 20+2d20 4+d4 Conquistadors nil
41 Shrine of the Undefiled clergy only church nil 8+d6 Conquistadors nil
42 Church of Purgation redemption church d100 6+d6 Conquistadors nil
43 Sarcophagi of the Foundlings tombs of the first purists 3d6 20+d12 Conquistadors nil
18+d20 female
45 Cloister of the Needful woman’s reform Center 40+d100 nil

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Table CR-6-3 Pure Hub City Military Structures

No. Name of Stronghold Official Purpose Civilians Purist Soldiers Weapons

Guard Tower (total
G protect the slum nil 10 Homeland Militia 1 ballista
Watch Tower (total
WT protect main city nil 30 Conquistadors 1 trebuchet/ 2 H. Ballista
Imperial Airship 230+d100 Conquistadors 2 trebuchet /3 chain guns/16
1 airship hanger 25+d20
Core Base / 3d6+6 airships H. ballista
130+d100 Conquistadors/ 1 trebuchet/ 8 H. ballista/ 2
2 North Gate Keep gate house and garrison 12+d12
50+d20 Cavaliers machine guns
2 trebuchet/ rocket launcher/
4. Arch Fort river checkpoint 22+d20 150+d100 Conquistadors
4 H. ballista
220+d100 Conquistadors/ 3 trebuchet /2 chain guns/12
5 East Buttress gate house and garrison 46+d20
50+d20 Cavaliers H. ballista
6 Fort Devotion militia garrison 90+d100 400+d1000 Homeland Militia 4 trebuchet /8 H. ballista
2 trebuchet /4 machine
8 Villa De Virtuous Officer’s club and fort 65+d20 80+2d20 Conquistadors
guns/6 H. ballista
90+d20 Conquistadors/ 3 trebuchet /1 chain gun/4 H.
9 River Watch river checkpoint 7+d8
60+2d20 Cavaliers ballista
140+d100 Conquistadors/ 4 trebuchet /2 chain guns/22
10 Entry Plaza fortified square 300+d100
100+d100 Militia H. ballista
110+d20 Conquistadors/ 4 ballista/ 2 chain guns/
12 South Gun Tower battery and fort nil
20+d12 Cavaliers M364 Howitzer1
Imperial Legion 200+d100 Conquistadors/ 4 trebuchet /1 chain gun/9 H.
14 training fort 22+d20
Grounds 30+d100 Cavaliers ballista
3 heavy machine guns/ 2
16 Imperial Prison pure stock jail 340+3d100 80+2d20 Conquistadors
grenade launchers
Imperial Cavalry 60+d20 Conquistadors/ 2 trebuchet /3 rocket
18 stables and barracks 130+d100
Plaza 380+2d100 Cavaliers launchers/8 H. ballista
19 Purification Rotunda torture of infidels 60+d100 20+2d20 Conquistadors 3 catapults on roof
Quayside 50+d20 Militia/ 5+d6
31 gate house nil as per 2 guard towers
Checkpoint Conquistadors
roadside 60+2d20 Militia/ 8+d10
33 gate house nil as per 2 guard towers
Checkpoint Conquistadors
130+d100 Conquistadors/ 12 ballista/ 3 chain guns/ twin
40 Guntower Prime battery and fort nil
20+d20 Cavaliers M364 Howitzer2

Table CR-6-4 Private Structures within Pure Hub City

No. Name of Structure Main Purpose Civilians Purist or other Soldiers Weapons

Riverside Merchants 4 heavy machine guns/ 6

11 warehouses, club, dock 380+d100 50+d20 mercenary soldiers
Exchange catapults
26 Hearthstone House bar and boarding house 50+2d20 10+d10 mercenary soldiers nil
27 Herman’s True Labor Inn bar, bath and inn 30+2d20 8+d6 mercenary soldiers nil
28 O’Donald’s Inn & Stable bar, inn and stable 20+2d20 6+d6 mercenary soldiers nil
29 Worker’s Association Pub bar 40+3d20 10+d8 mercenary soldiers nil
35 Public Free Market enclosed shop area 3d100 10+2d6 Conquistadors nil
10+d10 Conquistadors at
44 Ship Builder’s Guild bar, dock, ship building 300+3d100 2 chain guns on roof

Note: H. ballista stands for heavy ballista, while simply ballista denotes a light ballista.
single howitzer turret in iron housing, able to rotate 360 degrees and fire upwards 90 degrees, and downward into town 45 degrees, has
8+2d6 shells available.
Double howitzer turret in iron housing, able to rotate 360 degrees and fire upwards 60 degrees, and downward into town 30 degrees, has
20+3d6 shells available.

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Water and Sanitation: The Ventura River provides excellent from the tables noted on tables CR-6-2, CR-6-3 and CR-6-4.
drinking water, while sewage is removed from the main city by The total numbers for each wing of the military is listed below
refuse wagons. These reeking wagons are operated by slaves, for easy reference:
who take the excrement and kitchen scraps to the edge of the
far fields and bury it in holes, along with the bodies of crimi- Homeland Militiamen 786 to 1960
Conquistadors 3338 to 4566
nals and any mutant animals and plants found in the area. In
Cavaliers of Purity 891 to 1322
South Borough, however, while water is also collected from the
Privately controlled mercenaries 89 to 134
river, the sewage is often simply poured into the narrow alleys
Mutant Slayers 80+d100
between the huts, tents and decrepit wagons, making the com-
munity stink terribly, especially in the summer months.
Visitors to Pure Hub City: There is a 1sp toll to enter the
Main City, however, entry into South Borough is free. This toll sys-
Technology: As with anyplace else in the Purist Empire,
tem was established to allow refugees to flee other lands and
technology is both in short supply, and often considered ta-
reach relative safety in the slum, yet be reluctant to enter the
boo. Nevertheless, out of necessity, Pure Hub’s defenders
main city. The 1 silver entrance fee policy has worked to keep
rely on what relics they have acquired through excavation and
undesirables out of the better parts of the capital, as new mi-
confiscation, as well as through secretive purchasing opera-
grants and false converts are known to loiter, steal and exhibit
tions throughout the region. Most officers and notable cler-
odd customs.
gy members carry a communicator and relic weapon, while
As with any community in the Holy Purist Empire, discov-
the city itself has a total of three M364 Howitzers situated on
ered non-pure stock human will be arrested and sent to Witch
high, well fortified towers, see military and defenses, below.
Burn for ritual torture and disposal. However, many synthetic
There are some electrical generation facilities, but these
humans and ghost mutants can freely enter the city as long
are limited, unreliable and used to power interior lights, com-
as they are assumed to be pure stocks, however Mutant Slay-
munications equipment and a dozen or so spotlights situated
ers are always about, occasionally dressed as commoners or
about the city. These spotlights are used to scan the sky at
even beggars, ever watchful for quirks, odd behavior or repeti-
night, their crews vigilant for winged predators or Dominion
tive appearances as in the case of clones and bioreplicants.
Bat Riders who may be trying to drop suicide teams or ghost
While Pure Hub City is a large, bustling settlement, which of-
mutant agents into the city.
fers excellent lodging and services and has a low crime rate within
Pure blood travelers, who flaunt too many relic wonders,
the main city, it is not, however, a common destination for adven-
will soon attract the attention of the authorities, who may ar-
turesome types, unless they arrive here looking for trouble. Both
rest the wealthy strangers and force them to make a ‘dona-
the Aberrationists and the Freeholds have placed ghost mutant ter-
tion’ to the church and city, often after an hour in the torture
rorist cells within Pure Hub, while the Freeholds themselves have
facilities beneath the Imperial Prison.
assigned numerous pure stock agents to sabotage and harass the
Theocracy. Freehold agents with a religious bent have also been
Dangers: The assorted perils facing both residents and visi- inserted into the capital to try to inform the common people that
tors to Pure Hub City depends heavily on the individual’s religion,
Purist Clergy are misleading the populace, that the true bible is
caste, and where and when one travels the streets. For most
used in other lands. They preach that God is a merciful, loving, and
people living in the main city, who must be decreed a member
all-inclusive and forgiving deity, that mutants are not devil spawn,
of the faithful and attend one of several Purist churches, life is
and that humans and mutants can live in peace.
much safer than for those forced to live in the ghetto that is South
Should a non-Purist traveler need to get away from some peril
Borough. Likewise, an excavator staying in either the slum or the
in other lands, and either be a pure stock or look like one, the slum
walled city is always at risk of running into fundamentalists who
area of the city called South Borough might be a great place to lay
believe that all diggers are sacrilegious grave robbers who must
low for awhile, get a room at one of the two inns, or rent a plot of
be punished, if not lynched. Besides being robbed, violently at-
land and pitch one’s camp among the other squatters.
tacked by fanatics, raiders or impoverished migrants, all people
are at risk of attack by winged beasts which often enter the Pure-
lands and make their way to Pure Hub City to hunt by night. In
Brief History: The history of Pure Hub City and the Holy Purist
Empire are entwined, as it is here, many generations ago, that the
addition, Bat Riders from the Dominion of Aberratia have been
village of New Temecula was given its current name when in 2259
known to either directly attack Purist citizens and troops, or else
the first Vicar, His holiness Vicar Gunthar Benjamin Truehand the
deposit ghost mutant strike teams, often in retaliation for similar
first was voted by the Five Holy Ones as the supreme ruler of the
raids mounted by Purists in Aberrationist communities.
growing pure stock nation. From far and wide, pure stock converts,
As already mentioned, the slum area of South Borough
as well as the captive orphan children, came to this site and la-
is quite unsafe for travelers by night, and even during the day,
bored to construct the first concrete and scrap metal fortifications,
gangs of disaffected or irreverent youths may bushwhack a
all of which have since been torn down as the city grew and im-
trader or small group of excavators and demand food, money
proved upon. In the year 2267, the main city area was ringed
and relics. Worse, several very extreme sects of Purists occupy
by the predecessor to the current wall, which has been added to
this slum. These zealots feel that excavators and those pure
ever since, until what stands today is the most impressive bar-
stocks of other faiths, are heretics to be slit open, their souls
rier in the region. Within the city, holy places, fortifications and
released to the wind, and their bodies thrown into the river.
stately manors were raised, and all the free spaces between these
great structures became occupied by two and three story homes.
Law Enforcement: By Purist Conquistadors and Mutant
As the population grew, and refugees and sympathizers flocked
Slayers, as well as undercover Sisters of Purity and Brothers
to the Purelands from afar, the need for more modest and afford-
of the Purple Order.
able housing became obvious, as hundreds if not thousands of
people were beginning to live outside the walls in vulnerable tent
Military and Defense: While there is a large standing army and shanty towns. It was deemed unfitting of such a great city to
always situated in Pure Hub, the bulk of the Purist army is lo-
be enclosed in these muddy communities, and so South Borough
cated within the Great Purity wall, or else in various fortress
was established, and the occupants able to rent 4 by 4 meter plots
towns surrounding the capital. Primarily, units are quartered
from the city at a very reasonable rate.
in the watch towers or fortresses, noted with each structure

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Pure Hub City has never been directly attacked by an en- At the other end of the spectrum are the ‘fundamental-
emy army, and when upon the completion of the great purity ists’. These martyrs and zealots feel that their current vicar is
wall in 2354, it was believed that the likelihood of a massive far too cautious in his war with the Dominion of Aberratia. That
enemy attack was remote, at least not while the wall surround- he doesn’t place his entire faith in God’s hands and should in-
ing the Purelands was protecting the inner Empire. In spite of stead throw everything at the demon spawned mutants at once,
the high degree of security the citizens of Pure Hub enjoy, in since, after all, God has promised the Purist faithful victory in
2358, the arrival of two howitzer artillery units, one a single their holy book. The fundamentalists also claim the Vicar and
gun and the other a double, increased the levels of reassur- nowhere near aggressive enough in waging holy war with the
ance immeasurably. mixed, infidel communities of the freeholds and independent
Regardless of the impressive walls, rows of trebuchet settlements in the region. For these hard liners, waiting for the
and ballista, howitzers and battalions of troops, Pure Hub did vicar to act is not an option, and therefore, they recruit young fa-
eventually begin to come under night raids by Dominion Bat natics to enter enemy communities and lands, and disguised as
Riders in the year 2337 ongoing raids which had no signifi- farmers or traders, even as slaves and whores, to strike at what-
cant military affect on the empire, but which have terrorized ever mutant they can, even unarmed civilians. Another wing of
the populace to this day. Worse still than the outright attack this fundamentalist sect is devoted to suicidal raids deep within
by arrow shooting mutants on enormous bats, were the in- Dominion lands, usually by small teams of black robed martyrs
sidious intrusions by ghost mutants and pure stock freehold who are deposited into an enemy town by airship, ordered to at-
agents, who not only spied on the military and church facili- tack any mutants they happen to meet.
ties, but performed assassinations, bombings, vandalism and For the most part, however, the majority of citizens within
other crimes against the Purist city and its people. In former the Main City are preoccupied with their daily survival, finding
times, these attacks were limited to military or church targets work, putting food on the table, and avoiding the whips of the
and personnel, but in recent years, a new brand of terrorist clergy. The distant wars and threat of mutant raids are very real
has emerged, those who target pure stock civilians, cutting to them, but they have adapted to these events and typically
them down in the streets, poisoning food and water supplies, keep to themselves, worship three times a week and pay their
and stirring up discord and distrust among the people. taxes. Nonetheless, If they do discover mutants, cyborgs, ‘me-
chanical devils’, or synthetic humans in their streets, they will of
Social Details: The people of the Main City differ from those course rush to report them.
in the slum, most noticeably in that most Main City folk have In South borough, however, things are quite different; the
lived in the Empire for generations and are thoroughly indoc- people here are far more concerned with their next meal, shel-
trinated and supportive of their Vicar and his rule. Those out- ter, clean water, and safety than the true nature of a stranger.
side the walls, on the other hand, are more often than not, They try to get indoors before nightfall to avoid both flying pred-
from far off lands, and while they may be deeply pro-pure ators and the notorious gangs which patrol the streets, gangs
stock in their views, many are not religious, and instead sim- which take what they want and demand protection money from
ply fled mutant controlled areas because of the mistreatment local residents. For people in the slum, the far off wars are an
by the deviants, or else, were genuinely afraid of the growing after thought, and the discovery of the odd ghost mutant or
power of their mutant neighbors and have developed a sort of synthetic human in their midst is not really important to them,
racism against all mutant life. For these anti-mutants, joining certainly not something worth risking one’s life over.
the Holy Purist Empire seemed logical, a chance to segregate
themselves from the freaks, keep their children from inter- Accommodations: There are several places where travelers can
breeding with the ‘sub-human scum’ and therefore better en- get a room for the night, however, within South Borough, there is the
sure humanity’s survival. additional option of reporting to the land registry office at the Quay-
In rare cases, the pockets of the citizenry within Pure Hub side Checkpoint (area 31) and renting a 4 by 4m square of land
City are fractured into smaller groups, occupying viewpoints within the slum, at a rate of 10sp per month. The renter can erect
and beliefs at opposite ends of the spectrum. On one hand a tent, scrap shack, mud or stick hut, even park a wagon on his or
are the few Sterilizationists, or ‘moderates’, who believe that her plot, for as long as the renter desires, however, the rent collec-
mutant children born to church going Purist parents should tor demands either the coins value or double the value in assorted
be sterilized instead of being ‘cleansed by fire’ and allowed to trade goods, plastic bits, or other items on the first of each month.
work throughout their life for their family business, serving as This constant demand for rent makes the people of the slum quite
productive citizens and yet unable to reproduce therefore be- desperate, and they either resort to crime, prostitution or to hand-
ing no threat to humanity’s survival. ing over their possessions, ultimately ending up with nothing.

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 233
Most travelers will prefer to rent a room, especially for Herman’s True Labor Inn: (map no. 27) Situated in the
short term stays in the capital, in either the Main City or the southern end of the South Borough slum district, and across
Slum. It is important to note that there is a 1sp entrance fee the street from their bitter competitor, O’Donald’s, this scrap
per visit into the Main City, while entry into the slum is free. and timber, four story bar and inn is popular with outlanders.
To follow are two tables, one detailing the lodging facilities This establishment is both affordable and away from the in-
and the other, listing the bars of Pure Hub City. The lodging ta- spections and patrols encountered in the Main
ble shows room rates for various sized suites, while the bar table city. The accommoda-
notes the price for common drinks and meal as well as the die roll tions, however, are
to use, day or night, to determine what encounter occurs, with all squalid, and many
bars having a 4 in 10 chance of an encounter per hour: travelers will have
slept in cleaner
Table CR-6-5 Lodging within Pure Hub barns than this
Cost per night for lopsided and
each room type thrown
Map 2 4 8 together place. The bar area, described below, is known for its
Name brutal brawls, gambling, whores, and strange customers, many
No. Person Person person
of which are said to be excavators.
26 Hearthstone House 10sp 20sp 48sp
O’Donald’s Inn & Stable: (map no. 28) Located across
27 Herman’s True Labor Inn 4sp 7sp 14sp
the street from Herman’s Inn, and known to be a higher qual-
28 O’Donald’s Inn & Stable 5sp 8sp 16sp ity place, this 3 story tall mixed material structure has an at-
tached stable, which will board animals and small relic vehi-
cles for 3sp per day, although security is left up to the own-
Hearthstone House: (map no. 26) Located on the upper east ers. The rooms are not quite as run down or primitive as those
side of Main City, this building is primarily made out of brick, with at Herman’s, but for anyone used to regular grade inn rooms,
wooden balconies and window shutters, real glass panes, a tile this place is a filthy, bug infested dive. The bar area, taking up
roof, and a roof top garden area for lodgers to relax away from much of the ground floor, is a fairly noisy place in the evening,
the hustle and bustle of the city streets below. This structure is however the clientele are not quite so dirty, poor, nor desper-
more of a boarding house than a hotel, and rooms are cleaned ate as those across the street at Herman’s, and mainly consist
daily by servants, while guests are given three square meals of commoners, mercenary guards, militia soldiers and local
a day in the street vendors. Nevertheless, the usual thugs and pickpockets
great mess hall frequent the tap room, along with the sad looking hookers who
on the ground are everyplace in South Borough.
floor, included
in the price of Bars, Taverns and Saloons within Pure Hub City
the room. As a
boarding house, Riverside Merchants Exchange: (map no. 11) This
it is against the massive six story brick and timber building is the official busi-
regulations for nesses center for the city, as well as the whole Empire. Here,
guest of the op- pure stock merchants and traders maintain small offices, each
posite sex to with an attached lavatory and sleeping alcove, of which there is
share accommo- a 26% chance per month of a vacant unit being available at a
dations, unless rental rate of 170sp per month. The lower levels of the structure
they are married, are filled with rental warehouse spaces, whereby 50 silvers per
with wedding month will get a business a 3m tall, 10 by 5m area.
rings and either On the ground floor is a bar, which opens out to the docks
a marriage cer- as well as the street area to the north. The bar, called The
tificate or at least one child with them. There is a bar area on Merchant’s Club or The Exchange, is expensive, with drinks
the south side of the building which can be either accessed and meals consisting a great deal, and the patrons being
through the house or from the street level. The bar is detailed made up entirely of various business people (roll d6 per pa-
below on table CR-6-6 tron: 1,2. Nomadic Trader/ 3,4. Town trader/ 5,6. Merchant).
Table CR-6-6 Bars, Taverns and Saloons in Pure Hub City
Costs of assorted fare
Map Whore Patrons Patrons by Encounter
Bar Name Beer Wine Liquor Meal Feast
No. Fee by Day Night Dice Roll
11. Riverside Merchants Exchange 2sp 3sp 4sp 6sp 9sp nil 3d6 3d6+4 -d6*
26 Hearthstone House Bar 1sp 1sp 2sp 3sp 5sp 4+d6sp 3d6 3d6+8 d8-1
27 Herman’s True Labor Inn ½ sp ½ sp 1sp 1sp 3sp 3+d3sp 3d6+3 4d6+7 d12+1
28 O’Donald’s Inn & Stable ½ sp ½ sp 1sp 2sp 4sp 3+d4sp 2d6 4d6+6 d12
29 Workers Association Pub ½ sp ½ sp 1sp 2sp 4sp 3+d3sp 3d6 4d6+10 d10
* -d6 means instead of rolling a dice and then subtracting d6, simply roll d6 and treat the result as a negative number, see table CR-6-8 for Pure Hub bar encounters, on page 236
** Bar patrons in purist communities are rolled from set A, page 383

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There are 8 mercenary soldiers on guard at the Riverside enter the city. Now, here is the important part; Pure Hub has
Merchants Exchange at all times, and violence and rudeness two areas, the Main City, which is the walled place that costs
are not tolerated. While it is permissible for a person to be a silver to enter, and then there is South Borough, the slum
accompanied by a hired companion (courtesan), there is oth- area, which is growing by the day as more and more converts
erwise a strict rule against prostitutes entering the bar or so- or refugee generics arrive in the Purelands and need a place
liciting customers outside the entrance. This establishment is to stay, looking for food and work. In the slum, there are two
the sort of bar where a clean, well mannered adventurer can inns, both with bars, plus a workers bar. You’ll want to avoid
find good paying work; roll negative d6 (-d6) on the Pure Hub the worker’s bar unless you are in disguise as they hate ex-
encounter table found on page 236. cavators and are likely to lynch you. If I were an adventurer
looking for a place to stay, I’d stay in the slum area if you are
Hearthstone House Bar: (map no. 26) This bar is attached tough enough to fend off the gangs and thieves and other ver-
to the boarding house by the same name. It does, however, min, but in the Main City, there is a much better Inn and far
have a private entrance to the street. The clientele here are less crime in the streets. I guess the important thing to ask
both patrons of the Hearthstone as well as commoners and yourself is why would you go to Pure Hub City? The ruins are
off duty soldiers, as well as the occasional prostitute. Being far from there... unless, you are sent there to seek revenge
in Main City, cut throats and thieves tend to avoid the place, against the Purists, or rescue somebody, correct?”
as their vulgarity and rudeness are not tolerated by the 3+d3
mercenary soldiers which keep an eye on the bar from just in- For the Game Master: Pure Hub City can offer consider-
side the entrance to the boarding house. GM: When generat- able adventure opportunities, either by having the characters
ing patrons, treat any rolls listing raiders and thieves as com- start as ghost mutants trying to undertake a defection to the
moner men instead. Freeholds, or a mission which has the PCs head into the HPE
capital. Such insertion missions could include a rescue at-
Herman’s True Labor Inn: (map no. 27) Also an afford- tempt by pure stock looking characters to save a captured
able, seedy Inn, this slum district bar is a popular drinking mutant, retrieve a ghost mutant agent, or perhaps, if serving
spot for river traders, vagabonds, peddlers, criminals, bounty an enemy faction, an operation to sabotage facilities or as-
hunters, scavs, mercs and the few excavators who turn up in sassinate some important Purist figure.
the Purelands. Keeping with the rough and ready atmosphere
of the entire slum, this bar is often a brutal place, where fist Online Resources: NPC, His Holiness Vicar Horace True-
fights degenerate into bloody sword duals; violence which sight the First, download or see page 434.
is usually ignored by the local homeland militia units, which
tend to feel that those getting beaten are not really of the faith Unique Encounters
anyhow, and deserve to be knocked about a bit. Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results.

O’Donald’s Inn & Stable: (map no. 28) Within Main City: For encounters in Purist settlements,
Sitting across the street from Her- see page 193 for daytime encounters, rolling 2d8, or page
man’s, this slightly more expensive, 195 for nighttime encounters, also rolling 2d8.
and therefore less seedy Inn has
a large bar area on its Table CR-6-7 Street Encounters within South Borough
ground floor. Herein, a
mix of business peo-
slum district: There will be 2d6 street occupant rolls by
day and d6 -1 (0-5) by night. Odds of an encounter are 3 in
ple, mercs, adven- 10 chance per passage (or per half hour if stationary), roll-
turers and oppor- ing d8 by day and d8+3 at night
tunists mingle and 1. Inspection Patrol! Mutant Slayer and 4+d6 Conquistadors
drink, their company will call out to the characters. “Halt, strangers! Kneel, hands on
blended with the odd gang of brigands or your heads, fingers interlocked and prepare to be inspected!”
thieves, assorted whores, drunks and nomads. If the travelers run, they will be shot at, if they ignore the slayer
or don’t kneel and put their hands on their heads, they will be
Workers Association Pub: (map no. 29) This large bar aimed at and shot by the count of 6 unless they do kneel. Once
in the north end of the slum is owned by a large farm supply kneeling, the Mutant Slayer snaps out some questions: “We
company, which has offices in most agriculturally inclined Purist haven’t seen you around before, where are you from? To which
towns. They operate this bar as a side business and promote it God to you pray?” The Slayer moves up behind each character,
to the common workers, especially farmers, loggers and fisher- uses a magnet on their neck and skull to search for androids or
men, who flock to this place day and night for cheap drinks and cyborgs, and does a quick appraisal of each traveler, going so
a feeling of camaraderie. These people are typically hard work- far as to tear open shirts, roughly frisk each person, and check
ing, poorly educated folks, who are more often than not highly their eyes, teeth and finger count. Any non-pure stock will be ar-
devout in their religious practices and will be quite hostile to rested and taken to the Prison (area 16).
those they perceive as anti-Purist, irreligious or disrespectful of 2. Religious procession! d6+1 Conquistadors, bayonets fixed on
‘honest’ work and the Vicar’s rule. Excavators are considered their muskets, rush down the street and gesture people to the
lazy, and won’t find their visit to this bar very relaxing. sides of the road, shouting. “On your knees, you worthless dregs,
and make way for a divine being!” Suddenly, around the corner
comes 5+d6 more Conquistadors, moving along beside an or-
For the Excavator: What adventurers from outside the Purist nate church wagon, which is closed up and pulled by two horses.
Empire will have heard: “Pure Hub City is the second largest commu- Anyone who fails to kneel will get a musket butt to the face if a
nity in the whole region, second only to Overpass in population. woman, or a bayonet in the gut if male. Whoever sits in the white
Since the city is deep in the Purelands, and to get to it and gold wagon, doesn’t peer out the wooden shuttered windows.
you’ll probably have had to cross several checkpoints, you will The procession takes 10+d12 rounds to pass before people can
have to either be a pure stock or look very much like one to get on their feet again and go about their business.

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3. Mutant prisoner! 3+d6 Purist Conquistadors drag a beaten, 3d6+20sp, d6 standard pistol rounds, and a note stating “We
half naked common mutant down the street by a rope. Some represent the Hidden Ones, what you call ghost mutants, and
civilians look on with horror, others with pity, while about half we have been watching you and your hearts. Take this gift as
leap forward to spit upon, punch, kick and curse the mutant. payment. You will be contacted again and urged to escort an
The hapless soul is 55% likely to be a man, otherwise a wom- individual out of the Purist lands.”**
an, destined for Witch Burn. 6. d6+1 prostitutes slink up alongside the characters, smil-
4. Self righteous mob! If the characters are not geared up ing and trying to fix their hair and arrange their dusty skirts
like mercs or excavators, but rather have dressed as laborers, and tops. They are all 10+d20 App, ill fed, dirty and use foul
traders or other common folk, then this crowd will just look language to coax the men of the party to join them in nearby
them up and down and sneer, “Outsider, scum.” If, however shacks and tents for the night at a cost of 4+d6sp, or for an
the travelers do look like Diggers, then this group of 3d6+4 hour for 1+d3sp. If refused, they are 67% likely to spit and
men and 2d6+3 commoner women dart out from their vari- swear and throw horse dung at the departing characters.
ous doorways and alcoves and block the character’s path, roll 7. The characters notice that a group of 2d4+1 rag tag street
d6: 1-3. “Look at you! Shame on you!” Cries a woman, point- urchins are following them through the streets, 3d6m back.
ing at a random Character. “You have profaned yourselves After 2d4 minutes, the punks fan out and try to flank the trav-
and the Lord and this holy ground by entering the tombs elers, smiling grimly, saying stuff like: “Where you headed?
of the damned! Can’t you smell the grave dust upon you! What sort of work do you do? Does it pay well? You mercs
Don’t you realize the punish- or diggers or what the hell
ment you have brought upon are you? You scarred? You
yourselves?” With that, she ever been to the wars? Got
makes to slap the character any food? What you got in
(SV 01-45/ DMG d2). “You your pack?” If they outnum-
must be stoned!” She adds, ber the characters 2 to 1 or
reaching down and grabbing better, they suddenly pull out
up a rock from the street, knives and confront the char-
as do all those with her, the acters. “Drop your weapons
entire group breaking into a or die. We is takin’ your gear,
strange chant as they begin outlanders.” However, if the
to hurl the stones and street urchins don’t outnumber the
debris at the characters (SV PCs, they simply follow along
01-45/ DMG d3). They will for d4 streets, where there
stand and throw rocks for is a 3 in 6 chance that 2d4
d3 rounds before the char- more street urchins show up,
acters are out of view./ 4-6. directly in front of the travel-
“Sinners!” Wails a man, who ers, knives drawn, demand-
seems to be a street preach- ing the characters surrender
er for some obscure Purist and give up their belongings.
sect. “Unbelievers are not 8. Street thugs, one per PC
welcome in our lands. You traveler, are following the
must now, right here, convert characters everyplace they go
to the true faith or be pun- in the slum district, keeping
ished! Strip now from these back 10+d10m. There is a 3
garments of sin and stand in 10 chance per new street
naked before God’s children, or ally entered that the raiders
cover thyself in the dust are joined by 2d4 more raid-
of ages and repent!” If the ers, all armed with machetes,
characters begin to leave, who appear ahead of the trav-
or threaten the group, there elers and demand their relics,
is a 44% chance the mob packs and anything of obvi-
becomes hostile and each ous value, or death. If after
person grabs up a club and starts toward the characters, surrendering and being robbed, the characters are 18% likely
demanding the PCs surrender their weapons and submit to to be tied up, then beaten severely down to 2d6 END each.
conversion. Captured characters, after being beaten uncon- 9. As a regular Purist town encounter, nighttime, page 196.
scious, will wake in some sort of earthen basement, hands 10. Urcellia, d4
and feet tied, stark naked and shivering. Within an hour they 11. Rats, gutter, 3d6
are dragged to a small shrine and preached to for 3d6 days, * If the characters go to the bridge, there is a 89% chance that
before being deemed converted and allowed to join the mob they meet d3+1 female and d3+2 male ghost mutants. These shy
in converting others to their brand of extreme Puristalism. individuals, treated as adult commoners, hand the PCs a bag of
200+d100sp, plus a fully loaded pocket pistol, and ask the char-
5. A dirty laborer comes up behind the characters and hands acters to escort them to the Freeholds whenever they plan to leave
a random PC a small canvas pouch, saying, “Here friend, you the city. In return, they will also give the PCs a submachine gun with
dropped this,” and winks then hastens away into the crowd or two full mags, which one mutant carries.
shadows. If the PC looks into the pouch, roll d6: 1,2. A letter If 90-100% was rolled, then this is a trap! A hooded woman
inside which contains a vary complex coded message./ 3,4. stands under the bridge, smiling, but as the PCs approach, out leap
A letter which states, “Dear friend, we have seen your mind, 8+2d4 raiders with hatchets, who, if able, will rob the characters
we know you are not a Purist. Please, meet a friend under the and leave them bound and naked.
**Each day that the characters spend in the slum, there is a 77%
east end of Riverwalk Bridge at midnight. We will have the chance they are contacted by another man, telling them to go to
money and cargo waiting for you then. Destroy this letter af- the Riverwalk bridge at midnight, see * above.
ter reading it to avoid Imperial interception.* / 5,6. Inside are

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Table CR-6-8 Encounters Within Any Bar in Pure Hub City: -1. A corpulent merchant approaches the characters and sits
Patron rolls from chart A, page 383, number occurring accord- with them, waving for a round of beers and pickled pigs feet at
ing to establishment. Unless noted otherwise, all people met his expense. He leans over and says. “I am heading for Safe Port
are pure stocks. There is a 4 in 10 chance per hour of an en- aboard a cargo barge, at dawn tomorrow. Sure as hell could use
counter from the following list, rolling whatever dice is assigned a group of champions such as you to accompany me, my fam-
to the specific bar from table CR-6-6, page 233: ily, and my cargo of fine wine and dried fruit. I can pay you each
-6. A merchant steps over to any clean, well groomed war- 20sp now, plus get you stinking drunk, and another 80sp each
rior types, and pats the largest PC on the back, smiles and upon reaching Safe Port. And, aw heck, I’ll even pay your pas-
says, “By God, you’re the sort of brawlers I’ve been looking sage and meals while on the journey.
for, for weeks. I got a wagon train headed to Stalwart within a “Yes, generous, I know,” He goes on, holding up his greasy
few days, and need a few extra guards. I will loan you each a hands as if to stop the PCs from accepting the job before get-
horse if you need one, and pay you 20sp now and another 40 ting the full story. “I should warn you, that my former business
each when you get there. My associate in Stalwart will pay you partner and I have parted company, the tard, and I have been
himself. You will travel with several (4+d6) wagons, each op- warned to get out of the city or die. He has already sent mur-
erated by a teamster (commoner man) and guarded by a few derous thugs after my wife, but she evaded their clutches.
private soldiers (d3 militia soldiers each). What do you say?” What say you?” There is a 4 in 6 chance that the truth is, is his
-5. A nomadic trader steps up to the best looking PC and grins wife is a comfort clone, who belongs to his business partner,
while extending his hand. “Greetings, fine mercenary, can I who will send thugs and bounty hunters after him trying to re-
buy you all a round of drinks? “ If the characters agree, the claim his prized slave, otherwise, all is as the merchant says.
trader goes on to tell them that he has a longboat down at the 0. A merchant and his 2d4 laborers are drinking at a nearby
nearby docks, which is headed upstream through Edge Wood, table. The merchant notices the characters and comes over,
then down to Stalwart, with a cargo of dried meat and a few looking the strangers over. “Ah, mercenaries, eh? You believe
barrels of wine for the garrison. He will have four soldiers of in God or anything? Ah, who gives a shit, eh? Like I care about
his own with muskets and can pay the characters 50+d20sp religion! Anyhow, I am setting off with these workers tomor-
each for the guard service and extra rowing for the journey... row to Far Cross to collect some more timber. I could use the
once they arrive safely in Stalwart. armed escort. I can pay you each 30sp each way and let you
-4. A town trader approaches the characters and asks if they sleep in the wagons at night. What do you say?”
are looking for work. He says he has a couple of wagons head- 1. At a nearby table of commoner men, (d4+3) one gets up and
ed to High Watch, loaded with food and hardware, and his steps over to a random PC, and then spits in the character’s face.
crew of 3+d3 commoner men need protection. As pay for es- “You ain’t one of us!” He bellows the stench of hard liquor on his
corting the 2 wagons to that fort, his agent in High Watch will breath. If the characters are dressed like mercenaries, diggers
give each PC 30+d20sp upon safe arrival of the freight. or other warriors, then the man’s friends turn away, trying to look
-3. A merchant notices the PCs sitting in the bar and mis- small and horrified at their associate’s actions. “You foreign mag-
takes them for mercenaries, approaches and asks if he may gots have no business coming to our city, especially when you
sit. “I ain’t no false bible thumping Purist like most people in aren’t a true believer! You think that just because you’re a pure
this silly city, or this ridiculous so called frigging ‘Empire’. I am blood, that it gives you the right to enter our holy lands? I’ll teach
a businessman, plain and simple, and I can tell you are prag- you a lesson, pig, on your feet and let’s settle this outside!” He
matic like me. So, here’s the deal. I got a daughter here in raises his fists, staggering slightly (SV 01-46, +20 DV to be struck).
town who just gave birth to a baby boy, my grandson you un- If the character flatly refuses to fight the man, then there is a 41%
derstand, who has a small blemish that some might foolishly chance he backs down and goes back to his comrades, otherwise,
call a mutation. So, I want to get him outa here and over to he simply hauls off and begins to punch at the character, spouting
Steel Hill, where I have a brother who owns a bar in the Deep religious passages as he does so. The local bouncers do nothing
Slum, a place called The Cranny. He will pay your team 700sp unless one participant is clearly about to kill the other.
to get the baby there safely. Yes, I know that is a fortune. 2. A young commoner man steps up to the characters, looks
“My Daughter will accompany you, but her husband, that about nervously and then asks if he can sit with them for mo-
no account son of a bitch, has no idea of the plot, and will ment. He says: “My wife... Sh... She just had a baby girl, b... but,
try to stop you. If you’re interested in the job, I will be forever I don’t know what went wrong, we always said our prayers and
grateful to you, and meet you outside Herman’s True Labor reviled the mutant as we were told, and now, this curse has be-
Inn at dawn, tomorrow, and give you a single relic weapon fallen us again. This is the third baby with a mutation, and my
(WC-R) I’ve been saving to assist in this perilous but merciful wife is going to kill herself if they take it away again. I don’t know
mission. If the boy is inspected too closely by a priest who I what to do! Can you escort us out of the Purelands, maybe to
can’t bribe, then my Grandson’s life is forfeit.” Overpass or someplace far away... I know it’s dangerous, and we
-2. A Nomadic Trader steps up to the characters and offers are poor, but can you please, please help us?” If the characters
to shake their hands, buys them each a drink, then in hushed decline, he turns away, slouching, and heads for the bar to weep.
tones, says. “Listen, warriors, I got to get the hell outa this If the character’s agree, he says thank you a hundred times and
fricken city as soon as possible, okay? I need some protection makes plans to unite with the characters at dusk the next night,
from a gang over in the frigging slum... gambling debt. Any- he will steal horses and food and tents and other camping gear,
how, I’ll pay you a lump sum of 400sp if you can get me over as well as rope to help get over the great purity wall. Roll d6
the Great Purity wall and either to Overpass or Steel hill, what upon meeting him the next night: 1-4. The man is waiting with
do you say?” If the characters agree, there is a 3 in 6 chance his wife and newborn. The woman is still in pain from giving birth
he is a ghost mutant (possible PC ?), furthermore, upon leav- only days ago, and moves only half speed. They have horses and
ing Pure Hub City, there is a 3 in 6 chance the man is spotted supplies as promised and lead the group to the gates, the baby
by his enemies and within d6 hours of fleeing the city, a gang concealed in a sound proof trunk./ 5. As in 1-4, however, he has
of 3d6+6 raiders on horseback, with bows, are spotted pur- also stolen d6 loaded musket pistols and 3d6 rounds of shot and
suing the characters and their client. There is a further 2 in powder for each, and gives them as gifts to the characters, while
6 chance that once reaching one of the two cities, uses his 4 keeping one for himself./ 6. The man is there in the alley, hold-
skill point stealth skill to slip away from the characters without ing a bundle. When the characters approach him, 6+d6 Purist
paying them. Conquistadors in dark tunics leap out to surround the characters

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and arrest them, the young man smirking and saying, “You would els, to do the same to stop these misguided, murderous fools.
aid a mutant’s survival! You have failed the test, and now, you will Good luck, and watch you back around this place.” If the PC is
live your lives as slaves, says the young man, who is actually a a telepath then he or she can strike up a conversation with the
Mutant Slayer, now armed as such. See page 189 to learn more mystery person, who will not disclose his or her identity.
about Mutant Slayers and their outfitting. 6. A drunken commoner splits off from his 3+d3 farmer friends
3. A brawl erupts at the tables behind the characters, between at the bar, and stomps over to the characters and hammers his
3+d3 commoner men and 3+d3 raider thugs, the fist fight scat- fists on the table, points at a random male character. “You son of
ters the other patrons, knocks over tables and shatters chairs. a bitch! I told you to never come back in here again or I’d break
All at once, one commoner man slams into a random character your head open! You took my sister away from us, away from her
and rolls off him across the PCs table, knocking everything on church and her people! Where is she!? Look at me, asshole!” He
it onto the floor. If the PCs join into the brawl, there is a 2 in 6 raises his fists and starts to make punching gestures at the char-
chance that they somehow offend another group of 4+d4 com- acter. ‘C’mon, c’mon, you Nelly, dressed up, grave robbing, faithless
moners who get their table upset and think the PCs did it. This heathen! I’ll teach you to touch our women! What did you do with
brawl will continue until only her after you had your fun, huh?
one group stands. If the PCs You throw her over the side of
loose, they will wake to find the ship or sell her to some god
all their relics and valuables forsaken mutant devil!?” So en-
gone, and themselves in the raged he can no longer speak,
alley out back of the bar. he comes around the table after
4. Suddenly, everybody in the the character, punching furious-
place falls silent and all eyes ly, but, being drunk is somewhat
turn to the door, where a Broth- off balance and slow (SV 01-40/
er of the Purple Order, flanked DV +20 to strike at).
by 2 Mutant Slayers and 4 Pur- 7. Suddenly, 2+d3 Purist Con-
ist Conquistadors, stand in the quistadors enter the bar; one
doorway, glowering at those fires his musket into the beams
within. “Remain seated, and and smiles at the astonished
keep your hands on the tables, crowd. “You like that, ladies?
please,” Instructs one of the Huh? You’re going to hear a
Mutant Slayers, a woman. “We lot more gun shots in the fu-
are just following up on a lead ture, closer to your homes, if
that foreigners are herein, and your army can’t stop the grow-
we just want to look them over ing threat of the diabolical ones!
for everybody’s sake. Fear not, That’s right, girly boys, the frig-
brothers and sisters, enjoy your gin mutant swine are growing in
sinful drinks, your devil’s piss.” power by the day. Soon they will
The Purist squad moves break out of twisted wood and
through the bar as a unit, their smash Stalwart to the ground,
hands hovering over weapon then ladies, what will become
butts, the Conquistadors with of the Purelands and your wives
their muskets held across their and daughters? I am therefore
chests, cocked and ready to here to enlist fighters, men and
fire. When the troops reach the women, and youths, to join the
characters, the brother of the Purist Army and defend our be-
purple order gestures to one loved, sanctified homeland.
random PC. “You, please stand Who is with me? You can sign
up and disrobe, thank you.” If up here and follow me out of
the PC refuses, the Conquista- this serpents den right now, and
dors level their muskets at the save your soul and your people.
PCs chest and begin to count down from 10. Upon reaching 1, (10 Who is with me!” d6 men from the crowd raise their hands and join
rounds later) they simply open fire, and if failing to kill the charac- up. As they sign, the Conquistador who did all the speaking looks
ter, they use the butts of their muskets to knock the PC senseless over at the PCs and nods. “Ah, when I saw you foreign vermin sit-
and then strip him or her. If the PC does comply and strip, the en- ting there, I said to myself, now there are some man loving softies,
tire crowd watches in silence. Upon getting down to one’s under- some real mama’s boys, cowards to the core. I bet you’ve never
wear, the Purists order the PC to take off the rest. If the person been in a real battle, never even had to fight for your lives, eh? You
has no obvious mutations, the brother simply nods and his group sissies, you make me sick. Just sit their and drink your beer, and let
leaves the bar, otherwise, if a mutant is discovered, the deviant is us real warriors protect you.”
marched off, naked, and eventually ends up in Witch Burn. 8. A young woman who sits with some thugs at a nearby table,
5. The character with the highest intelligence suddenly hears a looking uncomfortable as the men pass her around and humili-
voice in his or her head, “Greetings, fellow truth seeker. Yes, I am ate her with lewd language and wandering hands, has been
sitting in the bar. I can tell you are a smart outlander, not some seen peering over at the PCs for the last hour. Suddenly, she
muddle headed purist zombie. I am just curious, what are you slaps one ruffian and manages to get free of the 5+d4 raid-
doing here in Pure Hub? Why not go to Overpass or Steel Hill, ers and runs directly to the characters, throwing herself into
someplace where you can be free? I know, you can’t answer me, the arms of the tallest male character in the group and plead-
or are you a telepath, too? Anyhow, I just want you to know that ing with him: “They are murderous outlaws, they killed my hus-
there are many of my kind, the so called Ghost Mutants, and we band and his parents, stole our cattle and burned our farm,
are working with agents from other factions to hinder the growth and have kept me as a slave for a month!” d3 of the raiders
of the Purist Empire. I hereby beseech of you, in your future trav- approach the table, shaking their heads. She panics as they

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come closer and grips the PC harder, “I beg you, don’t let them bers the target’s group, he will simply step up, weapons drawn and
take me. I will serve you, brave mercenary, be your mate, your demand the fugitive surrender and come with them now.
servant... but take me away from those horrid men!” 12. There are some rough characters up at the bar (4+d6 raid-
The thugs arrive and one points down at her. “Listen ers), laughing and being obnoxious. One goon in particular, a
chum,” says one, acting bored and yawning once before big fella with a shaved head and plenty of scars, keeps looking
speaking again. “Um, friend, we bought her fair and square over at the characters. If the PC group doesn’t have any attrac-
from a registered slaver, and she’s ours. Now unless you want tive women (30+ APP) among them, then this gang ignores the
trouble with us, and the law, I suggest you hand her over. We PCs, however, if so, this brute takes a fancy to the most attrac-
don’t want to have to carve you up.” If the PC hands her over, tive woman and stomps over to her. He will and smile, look her
the woman shrieks and fights the grasp of the raiders, throw- up and down yearningly and speak. “Hello honey, what’s your
ing the character a look of hurtful disbelief as the thugs drag name? I am called Marcus. Hey, why not ditch these homos
her back to their table, where they beat her before tying her you’re with and come join me and the boys at our place for a few
to a chair. If the PC doesn’t let the raiders take her, the men hours? Your pretty fine looking and I kinda like what I see. What
wave over the rest of their gang, who draw machetes and do you say?” If the character refuses politely, he is 47% likely
threaten to kill the PC(s) if they don’t hand her over at once. to just shrug, mutter something about dykes, and leave, other-
If the gang is outnumbered, or clearly outgunned, they will re- wise, he frowns and grabs her by the hair and growls. “Do you
tire, and leave the bar suddenly. For every half hour the char- know who I am? I rule these streets, you stuck-up tramp. I can
acters and rescued woman remain in the bar, however, there have you as a slave, and your friends impaled with
is a 2 in 6 chance that the raiders show up again but with a but a word. Now get on your feet, bitch and come
raider leader and 3d6 more raiders, who carry crossbows, drink with us.” If the character, or another, tries
and will kill the characters and loot their bodies. to force Marcus to unhand her, he throws her
9. Several prostitutes approach the characters, wrapping to the table and pulls out a machete, his gang
themselves around the men. The floozies toy with the male spring to their feet and step over, also pulling
PC’s beards or hair, remarking at how strong and hand- machetes and preparing for a bloody con-
some they are, and how they must be foreign gentleman, test. Marcus is a raider leader with 50+2d20
generous gentleman, too. They name their price (accord- END and strength of 80 (+10 dmg).
ing to the bar they work in, see table CR-6-6, page 233) 13. A group of murderous looking
and urge the men to join them in private rooms thugs enters the bar, num-
within the building. If any man goes with one bering 6+d6 strong, and
of these tarts, there is a 2 in 6 chance that immediately begin to
she confides in him, after frolicking, that harass customers and
she would love to travel with the charac- staff alike, acting as
ter as his kept woman, just to get out if they own the place.
of the Purist lands. She says she They knock over drinks,
had a sister who was found out slap serving girls on the
to be a ghost mutant, and never rear, bump patrons over,
seen again. She doesn’t believe in pull chairs out from under
the faith, and says she once saw folks and finally, spot the
a copy of the real bible, and much characters. “Hey,” Grins
preferred it to the sham that the their boss (raider lead-
Purists have forced upon her er) you friggin’ outland-
people. ers are in our seats.
10. Across the bar sit what ap- Move it, buttercups,
pear to be d3+1 freelance war- before we have you
riors, possibly excavators, all thrown into the la-
pure stock in appearance, trines, head first!”
low rank, who wave to the The raiders gather
PCs. If they outnumber the about and glare
characters, then they bid down at the char-
the PCs to join them, oth- acters, who will get
erwise, they come over, order no help from other
a round of beer and sit. “Are patrons. If the PCs re-
you also Diggers?” One asks. “We have been fuse to leave, the gang leader steps
marooned in Pure Hub for some weeks, not re- back, shrugs and says. “Okay boys, you know the drill, drown
ally wanting to leave with so few in our party. We would them in shit.” The thugs immediately pull out cudgels made
like to get passage at Holy Port for Memory or some other free of wood or scrap metal and go to work trying to club the char-
town, and leave this shit hole of an Empire behind. We only ended acters unconscious. If they succeed, they will take them out
up here because we were chased here by bounty hunters and back to the stinking alley where portable latrines are loaded
skullocks, half of us killed, and so badly wounded that we needed on a parked wagon. Here, they will shove each character
to shelter ourselves. Well, as you’ve probably already discovered, head first into the excrement and leave them there, stripped
this place ain’t keen on us grave robbers. You interested in join- down to their underwear. Each character must make a will-
ing forces and getting out?” GM: Replacement PC opportunity? power based type B HC to avoid drowning in sewage.
These characters could be ghost mutants or synthetic humans, Should the characters defeat the troublesome gang, us-
but possibly Mutant Slayer spies. ing whatever force they like, the bar owner and staff will be
11. A bounty hunter and 4+d4 militia soldiers with clubs, mus- exceedingly grateful and house and feed the characters for
ket pistols and longswords, enter the establishment and take up one full month, for free, and give them as much beer and
spots at the bar; their boss looking over the crowd for anybody on wine as they can drink the entire time.
his list of wanted fugitives. If he sees one, and his group outnum-

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Formerly known as Fernwood
Water and Sanitation: Water is collected by wooden
crane directly from Barter River; but, the lower levels be-
neath the fortress are flooded by river water, and several
wells dot the interior of the town providing a handy water ac-
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire cess during times of siege.
Government: Battle Priestess, Aletha Retributorra the Pious
Population: Total 1507 to 1790/ (Pure Stocks 1500+d1000/
Technology: Like much of the Purist Empire, a reliance
on technology is not encouraged. Nevertheless, being on
Mutants d100 captives and 2d20 Ghost Mutants* / Cy- the front lines with the Aberrationist nation, any available
borgs 0/ Synthetic Humans 2d20*/other d10 non-military firepower or communications are readily employed; hence,
androids *) * masquerading as pure stock humans. officers and clergy always carry communicators and relic
weapons. For power cell recharging, and operating both
Site Details: Sitting on the shores of Barter River, this the primary gun battery and a dozen wall mounted spot
northern most Purist stronghold is built on the rubble of an lights, there are two solar panels built into the sloped in-
independent town once called Fernwood, and is situated on ner facing roof of the Bastion directly above the commu-
a substantial rise of unnatural origins. Beneath the fortress nications station. Both photo voltaic panels store unused
is the foundation of a massive ancient building. Much of the energy in a battery of four relic power packs, connected to
concrete used to build the place has been excavated from the laser turret on the Bastion roof and provide the double
the surrounding mound. cannon with 100 shots per gun barrel before the batteries
are drained. The power supply can be recharged at a rate
Construction: Stalwart is a large fortress made of reclaimed of one battery pack per day (25 shots per day).
concrete, heavy timbers, scrap metal and field stone. It is Radio transmissions* are monitored from the com-
boasts impressive 6 meter tall walls, plus, six, 10 meter tall mand center, likewise, there is a radio receiver in the main
square watchtowers and a main gate house, called the Bas- garrison canteen where troops can relax and listen to Pure
tion which doubles as the command center. There are rows Hub City’s radio broadcasts from either Purist Talk Radio
of large stone and scrap garrisons within the town, as well as or Musical Interludes Radio, which is interrupted between
a main civilian area which makes up about half the interior classical and spiritual music selections with propaganda
space. All inner structures are made of wood with scrap or tile and anti-mutant and anti-Mecha statements.
roofs, except for the shanty and tent town area.
* See list of radio stations available in Appendix 4, page 389

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Dangers: Barter River marks the recognized border between that they are expected to draw alongside the docks and be in-
The Purist Empire and the no-man’s land called simply the frontier. spected for mutants or other non-pure bloods, the crew ques-
The Dominion of Aberratia lies directly across this frontier, with tioned, and their cargo searched. Unfamiliar vessels which try to
their border being Lusus River. The relative close proximity to the pass by Stalwart will be shouted at and ordered to dock, or else
Dominion means that should a strong Aberrationist force cross the be fired upon by the chaingun.
frontier, it would march to Stalwart fist, rather than bypass it and As most illicit travelers using this river know, the only way to
leave an enemy at their backs. Given this, Stalwart is occasionally run passed Stewart is at night, and then, there is the odd Purist ca-
raided by mutants from the air by airships, gyrocopters or Domin- noe unit out on the water, just waiting for smugglers to try and row
ion Bat Riders. Likewise, flying or climbing predators periodically passed them on their way to or from Sandbarra. The Purists keep
enter the fort and hunt the streets, especially in the sizable slum 3d6 canoes and 2d6 rowboats here at all times, and a detach-
area near the Eastern Wall where patrols are limited. ment of 20+d20 Conquistadors stationed in the riverside tower.

Law Enforcement: By Purist Conquistadors and Mutant Slayers. Visitors to Stalwart: As with any Imperial Purist town, only
pure bloods can enter, and all others are arrested, beaten and
Military and Defense: Stalwart’s population fluctuates so destined to die at Witch Burn. The Conquistadors at the gate will
inspect any strangers wishing access to the civilian portion of the
widely due to the ebb and flow of Purist military units coming
and going from patrols, raids and major actions. At times, fort, by demanding they strip down to their underwear. Likewise,
the military forces present are so great that there is a short- once unfamiliar visitors are thus stripped down, two Conquista-
age of bunks, and entire battalions are forced to pitch camp dors will come up, crossbows cocked, while one runs a magnet
outside the fortress walls, which is risky. The typical compli- over the heads and spine of each person to make sure they aren’t
ment of troops in Stalwart on any given day is as follows: androids or cyborgs. Following this, the visitors will have to sign
in any relic weapons, as they are not permitted to civilians in the
Homeland Militiamen: 400+2d100 fort, and may be reclaimed at departure, assuming they behaved
Purist Conquistadors: 500+3d100 (16% chance per day of during their stay. There is no entrance fee, but there is warning
the presence of a special battalion, numbering 300+4d100 that non-military personal must keep to the civilian sector at all
Conquistadors, commanded by General Alsworth the Second, times, under penalty of enslavement or death should they sneak
leader of the entire Purist army along the western front. over the base-barrier fence into the barracks area.
Cavaliers of Purity: 100+d100 (18% chance per day of a larger
detachment, numbering an additional 100+2d100) Brief History: Fernwood was once a booming town which en-
Mutant Slayers: d100+10 joyed bountiful crops and excellent protection behind their concrete
slab walls. While any present day Purist will insist that the Fernwood
The fortress is primarily defended by archaic siege engines, folk were devil worshipers, cannibals and pedophiles, the truth is
such as catapults and trebuchet, however there are a few scat- that they were peace loving, progressive people who always tried
tered relic weapons set up, but none greater nor more feared than to use diplomacy before violence and even maintained trade rela-
the double gun, a light laser cannon turret on the top of the Bas- tions and treaties with several brutal gangs of marauders and hu-
tion. This ancient gun was looted off of the Frigate which is stuck manoids. When the Purist expansion of 2295 occurred, the people
in the Dethpool Ruins, as were so many other weapons from that had already heard what had happened to Far Cross and Duty, and
once great ship, many of which are placed on the walls of en- so, most families with mutants among them decided to evacuate to
emy Aberrationist communities. The gun is totally enclosed in re- other free, multi-race communities, thus weakening Fernwood be-
inforced steel and alloy plating, (DV -72 /END 380), and aimed ei- fore the mutant-killers even arrived. When the Purists did show up,
ther by a periscope or by radioed target acquisitions from any of- the people put up a hopeless but spirited fight, and were eventually
ficer in the battle zone. Six Purist Conquistadors operate the gun, compelled to surrender. The mutants who had remained to fight, re-
while this top level of the structure is guarded by a detachment alized their position was hopeless and escaped during the previous
of 10 extra Conquistadors who guard from outside the turret; all night, floating on rafts down stream to Sandbarra.
armed with assault rifles and d4 frag grenades each.
The six watchtowers are each mounted with a trebuchet on Social Details: A generation or two has passed since the
their tops, while a heavy ballista is aimed outward from a gunnery town was occupied, but there are families living in the slum
port on the fourth floor of each tower, but both these weapons area who still dream of the old Fernwood days, and secret-
can be turned around and made to fire into the fort itself should ly gather to tell stories of how things once were. Now, even
the walls be breached elsewhere. Within the town itself, placed on these old-timers concede that without the Purist army being
four of the garrisons are 3 heavy catapults on each building, which stationed here, it would only be a matter of days before the
are set up to drop huge boulders out and over the walls onto spe- Aberrationists man eaters would show up from across Twisted
cific landing-kill zones. Should enemies approach these certain Wood. They add that, had the HPE never emerged, neither
zones, each catapult is ordered to fire, and if the timing is right, would the Aberrationist nation formed to oppose them.
massive casualties are assured among the Fort’s attackers. Other than the few original families, most people here are
The main gates are about as stout as any in the region, be- either soldiers in the Purist army, or imported settlers and clergy,
ing wooden, yet plated in relic deck sheathing from the fore men- and their presence fills the town with pent up energy, hatred, and
tioned frigate. This massive double door is large enough to drive fear. The civilian population is kept segregated from the barracks
a tank through, with room to spare, and is fitted with a small sin- sector of town, and tend to be typical of any Purist commoners in
gle door where travelers can be admitted without having to open their beliefs, dress and lack of tolerance. They spend their days
the huge portals themselves. A heavy machine gun, belt fed with farming or grazing sheep in the nearby plain, and spend their
2d100 HCR rounds, is trained on the entrance way from the third nights huddled by their cook fires, chanting Purist dogma, and
floor of the Bastion. fearful of the frequent Aberrationist raids from the air.
At the docks near the front of the town, there is a special
stone and scrap watchtower which has a heavy ballista fitted on Resources and Industry: Mainly a military garrison, but
the top, and a chain gun enclosure on the third floor, aimed at some leather work, logging, fishing, and farming is done here,
the river and able to sweep up and down it in a 180 degree arc with enough food production and warehousing to keep the settle-
of fire, threatening any passing boats. Local boaters understand ment adequately fed should supply lines be severed by war.

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MAP CR-24: Stalwart

1 hex =5 meters

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Accommodations: Pure blood traders from many lands arrive 1. A old, drunken farmer staggers over to the characters, and
in Stalwart daily; bringing wine, beer, cheese, tools and luxury items. leans on their table, frowning. “What have we here? Cowards,
Occasionally, slavers, bounty hunters, freelance mutant killers, exca- bloody cowards! When I was your age, I was out in the woods fight-
vators and mercenary units pass through as well. To accommodate ing back the mutant barbarians! No, I didn’t leave the fighting to
these travelers there is a shoddy Inn attached to the stables with a others. I was a man, a real man, and I did my duty!” He grabs the
small beer hall underneath where a person can get a decent drink collar of one random male PC and continues his tirade. “Listen,
for a silver coin and a hot meal for two coins. There are no bouncers you sissy, if I were young, I’d tell you to step outside so I could slap
in the bar, so any fair or unarmed fights will be considered entertain- you around a bit... but, oh... what the hell.” He makes a strike at-
ment. But, if a weapon is pulled or somebody dies, the authorities will tempt at the character with his bare hand, and then continues un-
be summoned and the guilty marched off to the fortress lockup. less stopped. If anybody other than the PC being slapped joins in,
The cost of a four person bunk room above the Beer Hall then 3+d3 other farmers enter the fray, using fists instead of heir
is 8sp per night, and there are 16 such rooms of which 2d8 knives. They are all drunk, -20 SV, +20 DV to be struck.
are full when characters come to check in. The beer hall is 2. A nomadic trader and his lone militia soldier enter, spot the PCs
normally full of local farmers, as the soldiers tend to stay at and eventually come over, ordering a round of drinks for all at the ta-
the barracks where a Canteen is set up with a radio receiver, ble. “Listen,” Says the trader, half whispering. “We were minding our
and provides better quality beer for less money. own business, just going down Forest Road when Aberrationist Bat
There is a ferry service going across the river, conduct- Riders spotted us, killed nearly all my guards, and drove my mules
ed by 4+d4 commoner men on a huge raft, who use a rope- into the woods. It took Henry here and me all day to catch the ani-
pull to carry across up to a wagon’s weight, with four horses, mals and make it this far, crossing Barter River by way of the ferry.
at a time at a cost of 5sp per one way trip. Now, we have the 8 mules loaded with dried fruit and other cargo,
and need to get it to Steel Hill. I can pay you 70sp each to see me
For the Excavator: Diggers, including those groups who pre- and my cargo safely there by land. If you’re game for it, we leave at
tend to be mercenary units, are taking their chances staying in dawn. As a show of good faith, I will give you each ten silvers up front
Stalwart’s slum area, since local civilian zealots hate them. In con- tonight, so you can drink and eat to your heart’s content.”
trast, excavator types are welcomed by the Purist military who rely 3. A young man approaches the PCs from the crowd, smiling. “You’re
on freelance brigades to supply the army with information on for- diggers, ain’t yea? Where you been? You seen any Warmorts or Gar-
eign communities, enemy troop movements, as well as to bring nocks ever? What about androids, eh? Anyhow, I am not like these
relic weapons and ammo to Stalwart to sell to the officers, who other folk. I want to get out of the Empire. I wanna to see the other
without Diggers, would not be as well equipped as they are. lands, and be a digger, too! I have a musket rifle, leather armor and
a machete, a pack, bed roll, boots, rations, and am ready to go. If
For the Game Master: Stalwart is probably one of the last plac- you take me along, I’ll also do the cooking and promise never to fall
es in the region which a character group would wish to travel, however asleep on my watch! Please, won’t you take me where ever you’re
if they are in the area, don’t have any cyborgs, robots or mutants in off to?” Treat him as a pure stock militia soldier; however he could
their ranks, it is safer than camping out in the open or at the edge of easily be rolled up as a new PC, even a ghost mutant.
Twisted wood. The street encounters here are only for the Civilian por- 4. There is a bounty hunter and his 3+d2 raider sidekicks sit-
tion of town, sine no outsiders are permitted in the barracks area. ting at a corner table, eyeing the characters very carefully. If any
PCs are wanted and recognized by the nasty looking pure stock
man hunter, then the characters will notice that they are being fol-
Unique Encounters lowed when they leave Stalwart, but, there will be an extra 6+d4
Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results. raiders this time. If the PCs leave by boat, then the bounty hunt-
er’s also leave by boat, likewise, they follow on saddle horse or
Street Encounters are as per the Holy Purist empire selec- foot if the PCs do. Not only will they attempt to claim the bounty
tion, page 195 by night and 193 by day. on the wanted person(s) but will rob all the characters and sell
them as slaves.
Encounters in the Beer Hall: d6 patron rolls from chart A,
page 383 by day, 2d6+2 by night. There is a 3 in 10
chance per hour of an encounter from the
following list, roll d4:

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Beneath the Convent are four levels of dungeons and purifica-

The Convent tion rooms, study halls, meditation cells and storage facilities. Some
of these spaces are newly built and lined with stone and wooden
planks, while others are newly excavated ancient chambers. Be-
cause of the excellent construction of the old world buildings buried
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire beneath The Convent, the Sisters of Purity are eager to expand their
Government: Convent ruled by Sainted Mother Agethaz Ga- basement accommodations and so when not forcing their ‘pupils’
briella Remington. The Watchtower ruled by Battle Priestess, to do farm work or study the Purist Bible, the ‘students’ spend their
Tatyana the Righteous days digging out the muck and debris which fills the underground
Population: Total 341 to 450 / (Pure Stocks 340+d100/ world, making room for more captive pure stock women.
Ghost Mutants 2d6 -2* / Synthetic humans 2d6 -2*)
* masquerading as pure stock humans
Water and Sanitation: Well water is collected for farm use,
but the water in this area tastes metallic and is suspected of
Site Details and Construction: The Convent was erected being tainted by ancient chemicals and grave rot, therefore,
against a large slab of concrete and steel which stuck out of the water is brought to the convent by special barrel wagons from
ground, raising 45m into the sky, its uppermost reaches being a pro- the capital and stored in six month supplies. Sewage from
trusion of rebar and wire which looked very much like a great hand the upper floors drains through old pipes to the rear of the
reaching for the heavens. Using this great ‘Holy Hand’ ruin, which Nunnery, while in the prisoner levels, captives are assigned to
was immediately considered a sign from God to build the nunnery bring it up to a special dumping trough by buckets. Outside,
here, workers spent a whole decade building an enclosed, domed slaves remove the sludge piles and compost it elsewhere.
fortress, with only one gate, and only one watchtower. The Convent
is built primarily from wood, reclaimed concrete and field stone. It Technology: The Convent chooses to follow a low tech policy,
is covered in a roof of relic scrap metal, plastiglas and patches of and uses lanterns and candles for all its lighting. The watchtower,
slate shingle work, however, all wood is concealed within the outer however, has a small solar collector on its roof, which charges a
protective coating of scrap metal, stone and other non-flammable battery by day in order to power a spotlight by night, this light is
materials to ensure that attackers couldn’t simply fire a few burning used to scan the flat fields around the building, as well as keep
arrows at the place and sit back and watch it burn. an eye on the sky for the threat of Aberrationist Bat Riders or
The lone, 14m tall tower is not directly accessible from the winged predators is a constant worry.
convent area of the structure, and exists as a separate facility
to serve as a guard post and quarters for the all-female Pur- Dangers: As mentioned under technology, flying predators and
ist Conquistadors. The top of the tower is domed with a scrap Dominion Bat riders pose a threat at this end of the HPE’s en-
metal roof and heavy wire grill to keep out flying predators, and closed Purelands. Realistically though, for the average woman
fitted with an impressive relic weapon; see page 245 for The who has been ‘enrolled’ at the convent to undergo conversion to
Convent’s military and defenses. the true faith, or to be punished for whatever indecency or per-

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1 hex =3 meters
MAP CR-25A: The Convent

NOTE: Are your female

characters captured and
sent to The Convent for
purist indoctrination?
Get the Interior 4 levels
of Convent for free at

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 245
ceived lack of faith she was accused of, the greatest threat to especially the young pre-pubescent girls, are typically very kind
one’s physical and metal health are the Sisters of Purity. These to fellow ‘true’ humans, and have no idea of the tortures and ex-
cheerless ‘nuns’ are known to be impatient, demanding, and orcism rites going on far below. There are many others, espe-
particularly cruel to those who displease them or show a lack cially the older instructors and head Nuns, who coexist between
of belief. Many of the Sisters who work in the lower levels, or so-called good and evil roles. These both devout and depraved
farm fields, are known to beat captives so badly that they later women move between teaching the classes of eager young Pur-
die, and this, as well as mining accidents, are the main cause of ist pupils on the top floors, and descend into the gloom of the jail
death and dismemberment among captives. Rumors have it that level. In the basements, then, the senior Sisters don black leath-
some of the Sisters are sadistic and deeply debased, going so far er gloves, plastic aprons and face masks, and whip, beat and
as to enter the sleeping area at night to drag off a particular sub- scream at the faithless, sin imbued, misguided, dirty captives.
ject and humiliate, abuse and torture her until dawn.
Resources and Industry: The convent owns many highly
Law Enforcement: By Sisters of Purity. productive farm fields which surround its walls, and what they
do not store for winter, is sold to traders from the city.
Military and Defense: The Sisters of Purity are all well
trained fighters, see page 189 for details, and will defend their For the Game Master: The Convent represents the threat to
fortified nunnery to the death if needs be. Being considered in- any female pure stock, clone, bioreplicant, trans-human or ghost
valuable and too holy to risk in open warfare, these nuns are pro- mutant, who has either been born in the Holy Purist Empire and
tected by a detachment of 60+d20 female Purist Conquistadors, been arrested for some religious, sexual or social offense. Like-
as well as a detachment of 10+d10 Cavaliers of Purity, also all-fe- wise, any woman who has been captured by Purist forces and
male. These women are among the most staunchly Purist mem- shipped to the Empire, is destined for reeducation herein.
bers of the population, and spend much of their day in prayer The HPE has a region-wide plan to ‘rescue’ naughty pure
and memorizing the Purist Bible. There are 16 arrow slits on the stock women, especially youths, and bring them to The Con-
tower, as well as two light ballista, one on the third and another vent to teach them the true path. Instruction is conducted
on the fourth floor, which can be moved about to fire in several through a combination of hard work, subservience response
directions through shuttered gunnery ports. The main defense training to the Purist Church and its clergy, and continuous
for the convent is on top of the guard tower. Using a system of study of the divine laws of genetic purity and how God’s will is
cranks, gears and pulleys, the tower top can rotate (45 degrees involved in the destiny of humanity.
per round), as one side opens to expose a double heavy machine Characters who are captured and end up here need not
gun turret, with each of the two machine guns belt fed from sepa- consider themselves doomed, nor should a player feel that his
rate sides by 100+d100 HCR rounds each. This gun can fire in or her character is out of action. It is likely that the GM may
any direction, except directly behind the ‘Holy Hand’ ruin, and need to conduct a separate adventure episode to handle the
is always protected by four Conquistadors who also operate the days and weeks of misery and ‘conversion’ as well as the es-
cranks and firing mechanisms. These women are quite well pro- cape of the character, if possible. A game master might also
tected behind the guns protective plating, as well as the metal need to formulate how the character will meet up with her other
dome they reside in, being -40 DV. companions once free. The random events table below has sev-
eral opportunities for prisoner’s to escape, yet some of the other
Visitors to the Convent: Only female Battle Priestesses, potential occurrences are hazardous and humiliating, and could
The Vicar, and other sisters of Purity are permitted inside the con- weaken a character considerably. The GM may need to adjust
vent, other than the female pure blood prisoners who are trans- these events to make it possible for the PC to make a run for it,
ported here in the steel plated church jail wagons. Other than the or sensitive gamers are not traumatized themselves.
Vicar, no man is permitted within the Convent under any circum-
stances, punishable by castration and a life of slavery. Online Resources: Maps, plus NPC Sainted Mother Agethaz Gabriella
Remington, also shown on page 441
Brief History: In 2251, the ‘Holy Hand’ ruin was used as an
open air shrine for a former neo-Christian faith, whose members Being a Prisoner In the Convent: Characters who end up
were of mixed race and lived in a nearby mud and timber walled here will be strip searched and then thrown in a lukewarm bath.
village. When the Purists butchered and enslaved these people, Once scrubbed by bristle brushes and bitter soap, they will be dried
this site was ignored for several decades until the need for a nun- roughly by other captives, given cotton underwear and a poorly fit-
nery outside of the growing capital was demanded. Erecting a nun- ting bra, then dressed in an itchy wool smock. Once dressed, the
nery in the capital was just not acceptable, since In Pure Hub City, captive-convert will be handed a small pouch containing a bar of
it was thought that the nuns might be tempted to become lesser soap, famine hygiene articles (cotton), a pig bristle toothbrush,
citizens if they were exposed to the carnal scent of men, and might wool poncho for cold nights, a blanket, and a pillowcase to fill with
be tempted to leave the church to instead get married. By building straw. Next, she is given a pair of low work boots, and finally fitted
a fortified convent far from the main city, the clergy believed they with an iron collar, which is bolted together and the bolt screws
could better control devotees as well as have a better chance of hammered over to make it impossible to remove without cutting
converting troublesome women, especially whores, adventurers, off the bolt heads with a hacksaw or laser scalpel.
free thinkers and those unfortunates who gave birth to mutant ba- Prisoner-converts are then marched to a tier beneath the
bies. In the year 2283, the Convent was finished and the training great building. The lowest level is for the newest women, and as
of new sisters of purity commenced on the upper levels, while in they progress in their education, obedience and memorization
the lower levels, conversion rites and hard labor were imposed on of the Purist Bible, are moved to higher levels and given bet-
the women brought here from all over the Empire, and beyond. ter food, better bunks, less abuse, and easier work. Additionally,
with each level accomplished, a convert learns greater empha-
Social Details: The Convent is best described as three societ- sis on how to become good Purist women, and perhaps make
ies in one structure; the female soldiers in their tower, the pris- for suitable, baby producing brides to approved men.
oner-converts in the dungeons and mines beneath the structure, All characters start out, and probably remain at, the lowest
and finally, the Sisters of Purity residing in the lavish halls and level, where the days of hard labor are long, the after supper hours
dorms above, ruling all others. While many of the Sisters of Purity, spent in rigid classrooms hearing nuns rant on and on when not

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 246
beating random students for their lack of attention or purity. The to be converted very easily. You better try and bust out. I will leave
lower levels, however, present the best opportunities for escape, a package for you under the stool of the sixth latrine. Check it out,
because of the excavations as well as the farm labor work with but leave it there until you might need it for an escape or to save
which many of the prisoners perform on a daily basis. your life. Good luck.”* / 3,4. “Sister, you are no farmer’s wife,
no stay at home servant to some man. You should join us as we
Random Events for Prisoners at the Convent: There is a have been working on a tunnel to the outside. Mining it at night,
2 in 6 chance per day of an event from the following table, per female for 6 years now, and we are at the roots of corn, and ready to
PC held captive in Convent. Re-roll duplicated dice results, d10: flee. Somebody will contact you when the time is right.”** / 5,6.
1. While working far beneath the Convent, the PC and her crew “Greetings, free thinking stranger. I see your mind. I see that you
of d6+3 prisoner-converts (women commoners) pull free a metal have no intention of conforming to this sham they call a religion.
pipe with what appears to be a hand and fingers attached to it. God and Jesus Christ never meant for people to treat others this
Yanking on the metallic limb, the mud and junk slide free and the way, nor shovel this shit load of a religion down unwilling throats.
character pulls out a robotic arm. A second later, the rest of a me- Jesus does not want slave souls, only those of willing, joyous be-
tallic woman slides out of the muck and drops at the PC’s feet. lievers, including mutants, clones and self aware machines, who
The household robot is un-powered and it’s arm detached, but come to him out of free will and true devotion. Where I came from,
otherwise in good order. we believed in the true bible, not that mockery that these witch-
es carry about and beat us with! Do whatever it takes to survive
here, as women have escaped in the past, and so shall we.”
3. One night, the character is woken by a Sister of Purity who
covers the PC’s mouth and leans very close to her ears, whis-
pering. “I’ve been watching you, dear convert, and I don’t think
you’re quite normal, are you? Either you’re attitude is all wrong,
or I am sensing that you are synthetic or have powers or are
just never going to fit in. Well, I don’t blame you. I am not what
I seem. I am leaving this place, tonight, by a secret tunnel we
have for emergencies, I have two packs waiting, and if we are
lucky, we can get over the walls and head north to Overpass on
foot. Here, take this,” she hands the character a short sword.
The sister of mercy has all the training of one from her order, but
she is a deviant with d4+1 ghost mutations.
4. While mining a large underground chamber, the pile of muck
and debris before the PC collapses, and each woman must
make a type B agility based hazard check to dodge clear or be
crushed for 2d20 damage. The other women are commoners
(4+d6 in number), having an agility range of 10+d20 each.
5. The character is working in the prisoner’s kitchen, cutting up
potatoes with a fairly dull knife. Another prisoner working nearby
is cleaning a water basin and finds another knife behind it, which
must have dropped their years ago. She is terrified not sure what
to do, and gives the PC the extra knife. At the end of the charac-
ter’s shift, the Sisters of Purity take back the pre-assigned knife,
but don’t notice the found one, which the PC can hide in either
Half the women shriek in terror and run off looking for one of
the frame of her bunk, or another location in her cell block.
the d3+1 Sisters of Purity who are overseeing several excavation
6. The character is busy working in a corn field, 300+d1000m away
sites, and will arrive in 3d6+3 rounds. Within the hole where the
from the convent with a team of 3d6+6 other prisoners. The cap-
robot came out of, and visible by lantern light, a narrow passage is
tive-converts have their ankles lashed together by rope (STR based
visible. The ancient tunnel is only a meter wide and two meters tall,
type D HC to snap, one try per hour), guarded by 4+d4 Sisters of
lined with rusting pipes and wiring, running deep as far as the light
Purity, each Purist nun with a musket pistol, who are 10+d20m
will go. Any women who did not run at the sight of the robot, grab
away from the PC and other workers. As the PC digs in the soil,
their shovels, picks, lanterns and then climb into the hole, turning
couching over, momentarily hidden from everybody’s view, she hits
back to the PC and saying. “Quick, climb in and we will cave in the
something hard in the ground, roll d6: 1,2. human skeleton, wear-
passage behind us, the bitches of Purity will think we were buried
ing rusted part plate, a rusted dagger still in its sheath, does only
while working! It’ll take the fools all afternoon to discover the truth.
d8 damage, but enough to easily cut ropes, or it can be concealed
This tunnel must lead someplace!” If the character joins the others,
in a poncho. /3,4. a small, olive colored plastic container about
they get inside and begin to jab at the loose debris above the en-
the size of a loaf of bread. Opening it, the character sees a pock-
trance, and do in fact collapse a large segment of the tunnel mouth.
et pistol wrapped in plastic, two empty magazines, and 12+d12
The tunnels leads to a series of underground ruins, some flooded
rounds of pistol ammo still in their original packaging. There is even
by brown water, others filled in by silt, yet passages and stairwells
a black nylon shoulder holster in the case. This item can easily be
run everyplace, as do rats and other creepy crawlies, and worse. In
concealed in a poncho. / 5,6. The PC pulls away the soft soil to re-
a few spots, looking far above, the PC can see a domed ceiling, the
veal the head of a jaw worm, which lurches out of the soil after her!
light of day pokes down through the roots of trees. Eventually, a tun-
Being tied at the ankles, the character moves half speed.
nel opens out into the pine forest of True Wood.
7. For some reason, another inmate hates the PC, and at meal
2. During the evening meal, the character and the other pris-
times, spills her food on the character when she passes. Dur-
oner-converts from her cell block (3d6+12 women), are eating
ing work, the bully (a large commoner woman with 45 END
their tasteless gruel, when in the PC’s mind she hears a telepath-
and 61 STR [+6 DMG]) shovels mud at the PC and puts her in
ic transmission, roll d6: 1,2. “Tastes awful, doesn’t it? No, I won’t
danger, and while in their shared cell block, the hostile woman
show myself to you now, but I am watching you as we sit here.
talks about the PC behind her back, makes fun of her hair,
You’re new here in paradise, hey? You don’t look like you’re going
mimics her when talking, and on one night, roll d6: 1-3. The

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 247
inmate waits until the character is in the latrine, and as the 10. The character and 3d6+6 other prisoners are marching along
PCs exits, the bully hits the character with the latrine stall door a dirt road in the evening at dusk, accompanied by 4 female Purist
(SV 01-50/ 2d6 stun damage), then tries to beat the PC into Conquistadors and one Sister of Purity, all are on foot. Suddenly,
unconsciousness. If achieving this, the PC is tied naked over a out of the west, one Conquistador sees something flying low over
bench and rubbed with mud and other slop all over your body the crops and shouts an alarm. “Get down , everybody, get down!”
and the words ‘Mutant Slut’ on her back. In the morning, the All at once, 4+d6 Dominion Bat Riders fly by, firing arrows at the
Sisters of Purity find the PC and haul her off for 3d6 days of vio- Conquistadors and sister of purity first, then circling wide and com-
lent interrogational torture. This abuse will leave the PC perma- ing back after four rounds to fire again. The Conquistadors fire their
nently minus d4 to each trait, and locked away in a cell for 3d6 crossbows and make to reload even as they are fired at again. This
extra days. /4-6. With the help of d3 friends, the hostile woman exchange goes on for sometime, distracting your guards. The wom-
tackles the PC in her bunk. Using fists, they try to pummel the an next to the character pulls out a rusty kitchen knife and slashes
character into unconsciousness. If the assault is successful, the the ropes at her wrist, and is free; she looks to the PC, smiles, and
PC wakes the next morning hanging upside down in the mess then slashes the character’s ropes before running off in the half
hall, stark naked, head shaved, and her body bruised. dark, heading west for the Great Purity wall and a chance of es-
8. The character is working on a new corridor far below ground, cape. To the south, the PC sees the dark vastness of True Wood
along with d4+1 other captive-converts, watched by 2 Sisters of and must decide which way to run. If the Bat Riders kill all the Pur-
Purity who wield whips and wear black masks. The nuns are in a ist soldiers and the Sister, they will ignore the prisoners and just fly
bad mood about something and taking it out on one of the PC’s off to the east. The captive women will use the weapons from the
companions. The Purists nuns strike the inmate with whip stokes fallen Conquistadors to cut their ropes and dash for the wood.
every few minutes, calling her a dirty back street whore. Sud-
denly, they turn their attention on the character and each sister * The character finds a oiled sack containing flint and steel for starting
makes d3 whip stokes at the PC (SV 01-50/ d8 DMG), one yell- a fire, a slingshot with 12 perfectly round rocks, a knife, a water skin,
ing, “What are you looking at, you have nothing to be so proud 2d6 silver coins, a tiny hack saw for cutting off her metal slave collar.
of, you filthy, free thinking tramp. You’re never going to leave this
place, we’ve all been talking about you, and many suspect you ** There is a 14% chance per evening that the PC is awoken during the
ain’t quite normal. Now get back to your digging, slave!” night by a woman who hands her a sack, see * above, and a sack contain-
9. The PC inmate is in the barren, basement classroom, sitting ing food, a sleeping roll, and a hatchet. “Come with me now,” whispers a
cross-legged on a straw mat with 3d6 other women. The captives woman as she moves off among the sleeping prisoners. Later, at a hole cut
are listening to a Sister of Purity, who is accompanied by d3 more into the side of a little used, unfinished passage, d4+1 other women (com-
sisters. The lead woman reads from the Purist Bible. “Lo, and God moners) are awaiting with their packs, each has her hatchet held in one
covered his eyes upon seeing the abominations walk the earth, hand, all are covered in black soil. “Whatever you did before you came here,
and frozen with shame, slept for a hundred years, allowing the mu- you look capable,” says the lead woman, the one who woke the PC. “You’re
tants and the mockeries to inhabit all the lands of the world.” The tough. That’s why we wanted you with us. Once we get out, we will cave this
Nun points to the PC specifically and asks her to repeat the words hole in behind us. Outside, we won’t say a word until we are a least a click
exactly. (GM have the player try to recount the words as they were away. We are headed for True Wood first, to rest up and hide until they stop
first spoken, exactly, If unsuccessful, the character is yanked from looking for us, then, we will jump the wall, head along the coast to the south,
the room and taken to a cell and beaten down to 2d6 END by two steal a rowboat at Holy Port, and then row like hell for Steel Hill.”
Nuns, then left in the locked, cold room for 2d6 days.

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 248

person as unfitting of the noble order and have him punished and

The Hermilage imprisoned to undergo re-education in Puristalism and humility ses-

sions. Pure stock men, who have been captured from other lands,
or, locals caught in some blasphemous act, are kept here to be edu-
cated and have their wickedness extracted from them. Through a
Faction: The Holy Purist Empire (HPE)
Government: Ruled the Blessed Father of Righteousness, program of humiliation, arduous labor, torture and starvation, many
Burgess ‘The Hand of God’ Ballentine die, particularly those who are simply unrepentant or unwilling to
Population: Total 231 to 338/ (Pure Stocks 230+d100 / convert. No traveler is permitted within this holy fortress, not even
Ghost Mutants d6-2* / Cyborgs nil/ Synthetic humans d3-1*) the Sisters of Purity, unassigned Purist soldiers or traders.
* masquerading as pure stock humans
Law Enforcement: By the Brothers of the Purple Order,
Site Details: The Hermilage sits on a flat plain amid bounti- controlling each other as well as the male prisoner-students
ful farmland. brought here for conversion or re-education.

Construction: This stone and timber fortress is a totally en- Military and Defense: There are 110+2d20 Brothers of
closed single building protruding from the farmland like a tow- the Purple Order here at given time, as well as 2d6 battle priests,
er encrusted hill. It was designed to serve as both a prison 30+d100 prisoner-students. There is also a detachment of 20+d20
and a stronghold to protect the Brothers of the Purple Order, Cavaliers of Purity who maintain their own barracks and stables,
and is a well built, functional place of worship, study, martial cook for themselves and avoid mixing with the monks. Their role be-
arts training and torture. ing to patrol the fields and back roads, protect and inspect those liv-
ing in the huts and hovels which dot the edges of fields and woods.
Water and Sanitation: Several wells containing clean
drinking water are situated about the fortress, while sew- Visitors to the Hermilage: No visitors are permitted, un-
age is removed via drainage stations and a series of ceramic less the individual is a battle priest, male general or the Vicar
pipes leading to exit points at the back of the fortress. himself. Absolutely no females are allowed within this struc-
ture under penalty of being stoned to death.
Technology: Like elsewhere in the Empire, the tech level
here is low, with most relics being the weapons carried by bat- Brief History: In the year 2270, the ruling clergy acknowl-
tle priests or the monks themselves. A communicator and radio edged the worrisome and tempting proximity of women within
receiving antenna are about the only powered devices in the Pure Hub City to the Bothers of the Purple Order, and their pris-
entire facility, with an emphasis on primitive style lighting such oner-student monks. Women, it was thought, make it hard for
as lanterns, candles and torches offering the only illumination. the male disciples to concentrate on their studies and celibacy.
To rectify this unholy issue, the Hermilage needed a new home
Dangers: Life for a devout Purist living within the Purelands is typi- outside of the city. The peaceful countryside to the south east
cally danger free, except when winged horrors or the heretics mount- was chosen for the spot and a small yet powerfully built, closed-
ed on them manage to fly over the Great Purity Wall and raid those in fortress was erected within five years. The Purple Order moved
traveling or working the fields. Most flying predators do their hunting into their new abode and began their work of combat training for
by night; however, some creatures that can climb the ring wall, such themselves, converting pure stock men from other lands, and
as many spiders, pose some threat by day. To those living in the punishing and trying to reform local men who had gone astray.
Hermilage as ‘converts’, the greatest threat to their liberty and life Hermilage has never been seriously attacked, nor can flying
comes from other citizens, especially clergy, who may declare the predators penetrate the walls and slate roofing to get at the monks

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MAP CR-26: Hermilage

1 hex =3 meters
NOTE: If captured male pure stock char-
acters are sent to Hermilage for pur-
ist indoctrination, game masters might
want an interior map of this location
Get the Interior of this facility for free at

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The Crossroads Region Part Six: The Holy Purist Empire 250
and their prisoners within. It is a robust stronghold, and almost im- Events for Male Pure Stock* Prisoners within Hermilage:
possible to break into, and even harder to escape from. Brothers of the Purple Order are also referred to as monks with-
There was an incident, in the spring of 2321, however, in Hermilage. There is a 3 in 10 chance of an event per day, per
whereby a group of prisoner-students located a ruined structure character held here, roll d12.
deep within the earth beneath the fortress. The inmates, who had * Or ghost mutant or synthetic human believed to be a pure stock.
been put to work digging out new holding cells and humility cham- 1. After a particularly bad day, getting injured while doing slave
bers, opened up a corridor into a vast network of ancient tunnels labor, the PC makes the mistake of swearing in a blasphemous
and rooms, and escaped. The fugitives travelled for days under- manner, a curse heard by your crew of 2d6 fellow workers as
ground with only a few lanterns and their shovels, meeting terrible well as d6 Brothers of the Purple order. The Brothers drag the
foes, yet discovering remarkable relics with which they could use character away in chains and beat him down to 2d6 END and
to fight off the creatures of the dark. After most of their number throw him in a narrow, wet stone cell and leave him there for
were devoured or lost, the survivors emerged only to turn up in 3d6+6 days, feeding him only moldy bread and tainted water.
Gunthar’s Forest, captured by Purist militia after a now famous When released, he is returned to the cell each night after work-
fight. The ruined corridors have since been blocked by massive ing, beaten, whipped and made to suffer like this for d6 more
stones at both ends and no new excavations permitted. months. Deduct 1 point from each trait, permanently.
2. During a religious instruction class, along with 3d6 other prison-
Social Details: The Hermilage is a male only religious training ers, the character is asked to stand up and recite a popular anti-mu-
and conversion center. It is home to the Brothers of the Purple tant verse, but half way through, he must make a type D INT based
Order, as well as those sent to them for indoctrination and non- hazard check or else forget the rest of the passage and therefore
lethal punishment. The staff here are devout Purists, who study be dragged out of class by 2+d3 monks, kicked and beaten, (take
the Purist Bible, martial arts, and swordplay, and are often called 3d6 DMG) spit on and thrown in a solitary cell for 2d6 days.
upon to serve in distant communities, on the front lines, as well 3. In the PC’s communal cell one night, d6+1 other prisoners,
as in missionary roles, sailing or marching outside the region to treat as commoners, all unarmed, decide that the character is
preach the faith to other pure stock communities who might be not really fit to be a full citizen and a Purist, and that he is bad
ripe for conversion or conquest. These missionary Purist monks luck. Thus, they decide to beat him senseless and leave him in
are also sent to far off lands, often in disguise, to form cells or se- the latrines, however, they do not kill the PC if able to defeat him
cret churches, to spread the word and seek new converts willing at all. If the PC kills any of these assailants, he will be placed in
to make the long, dangerous trip back to the Purist Empire. solitary for 3d6 weeks before assigned to a new cell group.
4. In a hallway, which the PC has been assigned to scrub, a
Online Resources: Maps plus NPC Blessed Father of Righteousness: Brother of the Purple Order stomps passed, alone, and being in
Currently, Burgess ‘the hand of God’ Ballentine also see page 426 a foul mood about something, kicks over the character’s water
and shoves him into the stone wall, face first (d6 DMG) “Out of
For the Game Master: The Hermilage offers the excavator my way, your irreverent, pitiful slouch!”
very little, except for the relic weapons the purple clad priests may 5. While eating his bland meal in the mess hall, another pris-
carry. This location could be where pure stock or ghost mutant oner, a newcomer, walks behind the character on his way to
characters end up after being captured, and must somehow cope another seat. On his way, the other man spills his oatmeal and
as best they can while plotting some sort of escape. Often, pris- slop all over the PC’s head and shoulders and moves on before
oner-students in their later phases of training are taken outside to the attending monks can see who caused the uproar. The other
help harvest crops, pick fruit and do other work for local farmers, prisoners snicker and find the character’s discomfort and hu-
and at these times, a crafty PC might find the opportunity to es- miliation amusing, and from that day on, he often finds himself
cape. Being an unarmed fugitive with the Purelands is among the the brunt of many cruel jokes.
most difficult situations a person could hope to be in, and could 6. During a prayer group, the PC and 3d6 other prisoners are
make for a very exhilarating adventure scenario. Within Gunthar’s deep in a mediation led by a monk. The character has already
Forest, which is a mainly non-mutated, carefully planted and cul- worked hard all day, didn’t get much sleep the night before due
tivated woodland, there are rumored to be openings down into a to noise in a nearby cell, and accidentally drifts off into sleep.
vast maze of ruined structures, covered by 20 meters of silt, with He are allowed a Willpower based type D hazard check to pull
some passages going directly under The Hermilage

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out of the slumber, once, otherwise goes deep, If asleep, he has age out behind the fortress, for d6+2 days. He is guarded by one
a 34% chance of falling over and into a couple of fellows who are cavalier, who pesters and prods the PC all day, and beats him
also kneeling in meditation. If so, the monk will summon 3+d3 of each evening when it is time for him to return to his filthy hole of
his brothers and they will slap the PC awake, then beat him with a cage. / 5,6. He is dragged before all the other prisoners, tied
staffs. They will reduce PC to unconsciousness and then toss him by the hands and feet and lashed to a wooden post, and here,
in a dingy cell, alone, for 3d6+6 days. whipped, taking 2d10 damage. After this whipping, the charac-
7. The character is working out of the Hermilage one day, chained ter is ordered to repeat the phase “I renounce all other faiths,
by one foot to 6+d6 other prisoners, in rags and armed only with authorities and allegiances, I am a sinner, I am not yet fit to be
a shovel, and guarded by 3+d3 mounted cavaliers. Suddenly, roll among the Purple Order.”
d6: 1,2. d6+2 Urcellia arrive from the wooded south lands, range 10. One night, while sleeping in his bunk in a large room contain-
100+d100m, and dive toward the work team. / 3,4. A swarm of ing 10+d6 other sleeping prisoners, the character is woken with
blood flyers dart up from a nearby pool, 20+d20m away, and attack a hand over his mouth. A fellow prisoner shows his face and whis-
the entire group of humans, d3+2 of these insects attack each per- pers, roll d6: 1-3 “Listen, chum, I know you plan to escape the
son./ 5,6. While digging in the soft silt soil of a new irrigation ditch, first chance you get. Just promise me, you’ll take me along!”/ 3,4.
the PC’s shovel hits something metallic, which only he notices. The “Now pay attention, loner, we don’t know who you really are or
man the character is attached to has his back turned, and none of where you came from, but you ain’t one of us! You best watch your
the guards seem to be observing the PC. Looking closer, the char- back or the boys and I will drown you in the fricken latrine!” / 6.
acter locates a human skeleton in some sort of metal, archaic style “Pssst, listen, I been watchin’ you. I think you are the best bet for
armor. Investigating, and yet using mud to conceal what he has al- me to escape this shit hole. I’ve just finished my tunnel; it’s open
ready searched, the PC manages to find a pouch containing d20 and ready to go, now c’mon before somebody wakes up!” Indeed,
gold coins and next to it, in a sheath, a rusty, but still serviceable the old commoner man has used a spoon to work away the mor-
dagger. These items, if the character wishes, can be hidden in his tar on a large square stone, then, day by day for years, dug out a
clothes and then in his bunk mattress or other spot. tunnel which he could crawl through. Tonight, he reached the sur-
8. The character is returning from a work detail one evening, in face, d6m from the outer walls of the fortress. If the PC joins him,
a line of 3d6+6 other prisoners, tired and dirty, bound by strong the commoner leads the character up, and whispers that they
ropes to the man ahead and behind (requiring two separate must head to Gunthar’s Forest to seek cover, make some weap-
break attempts to get free STR based type D HC to snap, one ons, and get over the walls. If the PC is not alone in the Hermil-
try per hour). His crew is guarded by 5+d3 militia soldiers who age, he can invite along other characters to join them. At dawn,
slosh along beside the prisoners through the muddy fields. All their tunnel will be discovered and a massive man hunt will be
at once, roll d6: 1-3. d3+2 Giant eagles (see birds) swoop down unleashed, including the use of dogs and d3 airships.
out of the sky and attack the group, the prisoners all throw 11. A monk approaches the PC one day after his studies “My
themselves into a ditch in one long line, while the militiamen do Son, your progress toward conversion is promising and my
their best to fight off the predators. If the militia men are killed prayers are with you. As a reward for your devotion, I have been
and carried off, the PC can either use a fallen weapon, or his asked to give you this: roll d6: 1,2. He hands the character a
strength to try and bust free and then run for it. This event takes brand new blanket and pillow for his bed./ 3,4. From his robes
place 500+d1000m from the gates of Hermilage and is not wit- he pulls out a small sack of plums, apples and apricots. / 5,6.
nessed due to the low light./ 4-6. A huge jaw worm erupts from He presents the PC with a freshly baked loaf of bread.
the soft soil right beneath the lead militiaman, and attacks the 12. The PC’s supervisor monk summons the character to his pri-
humans. The prisoners will turn around and flee in panic, half vate cloister, and tells him: “My son, you have been doing well
movement rate, while the militiamen will fight the beast. since your arrival. I am told that you have been respectful of the
9. The monks feel that the PC is too proud, that he puts his own instructors and listened well during the sermons, you pray with
ego before that of the Vicar and God, and therefore, must un- great devotion and we believe you are the sort of man we want in
dergo humiliation, roll d6: 1,2. The PC inmate is stripped naked our empire. At dawn, therefore, as a reward, you will be assigned
and tied spread-eagled just inside the main gates for d6 days, to sowing and reaping the lord’s bounty, joining a crew and work-
given only water. Due to exposure and hunger, as well as beat- ing the fields outside of town.” The character joins 2d6 other pure
ings by various clergy, he suffers d8 damage per day and could stock commoners and spends his days planting and harvesting,
die./ 3,4. The character is made to dig bog channels for the sew- under the watch of 3+d3 Cavaliers mounted on horseback.

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Witch Burn entrances are each blocked by a single, steel plated door and
defended by relic weaponry (see military and defenses).

Water and Sanitation: Rain water is collected from a roof

Faction: The Holy Purist Empire top spout and eaves system, which fills buckets and reser-
Government: Battle Priest, Lamonto the Exorcist voirs throughout the well designed fort, however, wagon loads
Population: Total 336 to 566 / (Pure Stocks 320+d100/ Mutants of water, food and other beverages are also imported. Sew-
3d20 and d6 Ghost Mutants*/ Cyborgs 3d6/ Synthetic humans 3d6 cap- age, along with the ashes, bones, scrap metal of the dead,
tives and d6* concealed/other 20+3d6 assorted freaks and half-men) are thrown over the North western side of the fort, into the
*Masquerading as pure stock humans
swamp below, making for a ghastly, reeking area of the swamp
which even the most hardy creatures avoid.
Site Details: This enormous black tower sits on a protruding
stem in the Great Purity Wall, well away from farming communi-
ties and holy bastions. Here, the stink of the Bitter Bog Swamp
Technology: A solar generator powers the fort’s primary
weapon system; a medium laser cannon mounted on the tall-
can mingle with the smell of burning flesh, while the screams of est tower, called simply ‘Gun tower’, while a pair of dark wind-
the tortured mutants, cyborgs and synthetics can go unheard mills on lower protrusions run the spotlights, inner light bulbs,
amid the howling wind and screech of carrion birds. Everything radios, and a small video recorder which documents each
about this place speaks of oppression, despair and cruelty. For mutant’s execution while simultaneously broadcasting the
many, it is their last stop after being captured by the Imperial carnage for observation by the senior clergy in the capital.
Purists, for to enter Witch Burn’s gates as a non-pure stock hu-
man means certain death. Dangers: Besides the obvious doom any non-pure blood will
certainly undergo during their brief stay in Witch Burn, the clergy
Construction: The single fortress tower is built on the stump and troops stationed here are occasionally harassed by winged
of a ruined structure giving it an excellent foundation in the monsters from the swamp, as well as any creature able to crawl
quagmire of Bitter Bog swamp. The place is a prison as well up the walls and enter the fort through an open window, hatch-
as both a garrison and a training facility for the Purist Mutant way, or other portal. Yet, of the most concern to Purist personnel
Slayers and other special units which exist solely to rid the at Witch Burn is the constant threat of bombardment and assault
world of mutant, synthetic or electronic life. The entire place is by Aberrationist or Freehold naval craft, which in the past, was
built out of concrete slabs, field stone, scrap metal and metal quite a common occurrence. Thus far, however, these impetuous
encased timbers, while the roofing material is of either scrap assaults netted no appreciable results, instead getting many of
metal or ceramic tiles, and only open to the sky in a few plac- the attacking barges and airships destroyed, their crews either
es. There is a well made, stout wooden wharf area on the eaten by alligators and sharks or captured by the Purists and tor-
south side, allowing prisoners and supplies to be off-loaded. tured and then burned alive on the vast purification terrace
The main access point into the fort, however, is along the wall
corridor. This narrow connector leads to and from the Great
Purity Wall and Purelands beyond. Both the wall and wharf
Law Enforcement: By Purist troops of all types.

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MAP CR-27: Witch Burn

1 hex =5 meters

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Military and Defense: Stationed at Witch Burn are 250+2d20 How these murderous chores, which are conducted day after
Purist Conquistadors, 3d6+20 Cavaliers of Purity, 3d6+20 Mu- day and long into the night, affects the personalities of the Pur-
tant Slayers, 2d6 Sisters of Purity, and 3d6 Brothers of the Purple ists stationed here is quite evident in those killers who have been
Order, as well as the Battle Priest Lamonto the Exorcist, who per- posted here overly long. All long term pure stock residence of Witch
sonally handles about half the executions and is a tireless mutila- Burn become either more fanatical, and so sign up for dangerous
tor and killer, thoroughly obsessed with his bloody work and con- infiltration death squad duty in far off lands, or else, they become
sidered by most to be a ruthless zealot. remote and emotionless. In both cases, such personnel are unable
Each of the two gate areas, one at the docks and the oth- to fit back into everyday life amid the farms and streets of typical
er looking north along the access wall corridor, is protected by a Purist society. Some troubled Purists are discharged for assorted
chain gun fitted into a pill box. Each of these ‘mini guns’ sits directly infractions and non-allowable abuses of prisoners, such as those
above their respective gate, and allows for downward or upward involving sexual transgressions, overt enjoyment of the torture rites
fire of 90 degrees, and left to right 180 degrees. These chain gun or tendencies which border on the insane. Those who are removed
are belt fed with 3d100 standard rifle rounds each. In addition the from the facility are sent to far off frontiers, alone or with other
gates are also guarded by 4 light ballista, situated in large arrows crack-ups, to expend their anti-mutant yearning in warfare, terror-
slits and always manned by Conquistadors whenever anyone ap- ism or small scale psychopathic expressions. Of these deranged
proaches. Purists, these mass murders, a few become serial killers even
On the upper levels of the fort, there are four heavy catapults among their own populations, and must be killed themselves.
parked on the Purification Terrace, and a fifth on the East Terrace,
armed with flame pots to set ablaze attacking barges. On the tall- For the Excavator: As no civilian is allowed in the fort, and very
est tower, nestled in a crank driven, rotating steel cone is a light few excavators are known to be full fledged Purists seeking the
laser cannon, powered by a power pack which is recharged via a bounty on the head of a mutant, synthetic or android, few diggers
solar generator on the nearby Battle Station (headquarters). This have ever approached this dark fortress, except as captives. It is
gun can move 30 degrees per round, and aim down to the furthest wise for any excavator, and for mutant travelers in particular, to
end of dock area or get a more or less unrestricted shot at any give this place a wide berth, avoiding Witch Burn, if not the whole
hostiles along the Great Purity Wall’s connecting ‘spur’, or else, Purist Empire, entirely.
fire upwards 90 degrees in any direction to eliminate enemy air-
ships or large flying ‘demons’. Six Conquistadors man the gun at For the Game Master: Characters, who are captured by Purists
all times, commanded by a Mutant Slayer equipped with a sniper any place in the region, will be destined for Witch Burn and, after a
rifle, communicator, night vision goggles and pair of binoculars few days of severe torture, death. It is possible to have characters
There are usually no Purist barges stationed here, however enter here and experience misery, but they should be given some
there are 5+d6 longboats, each with a full crew of Purist Con- chance of escape. Indeed, no prison is perfect, and if one can just
quistadors who will occasionally row into bitter bog, toward Steel get over the walls and into the swamp, he, she or it can theoreti-
Hill, and try and catch mutant fishermen or other non-humans to cally make their way to Steel Hill. This prison local is a dark, cruel
butcher and burn, especially on foggy winter days. setting, and involves issues which may be alarming to certain play-
ers. The main gaming purpose of this fort should be to instill terror
Visitors to Witch Burn: No civilian access. Those wishing to and hatred of the Purists, and serve as focus of dread for non-pure
hand over mutants for the bounty on them, can do so by either the blood characters. It might even be possible to use this place as the
land or sea gate, at which point d4+1 Purist Conquistadors and a base for a rescue operation, conducted by high rank characters
Mutant Slayer will step out a small doorway cut in the larger gate that are sent to bust out a loved one, or an important person.
and access the mutants and those seeking the bounty. If the pris-
oners are non-humans, the Mutant Slayer is authorized to pay the Online Resources: Battle Priest, Lamonto the Exorcist, page 443.
collector and then send him or her away. See below, right, table
CR-6-9 for collection bounty fees on assorted non-humans. Table CR-6-9 Purist Sponsored Bounty Hunting Collection Fees

Brief History: The spot where Witch Burn now sits was once used Subject Payment if Dead Payment if Alive
by the early Purists to execute mutants and other unholy species,
often beheading dozens of devil spawn at a time, and then burning
their bodies on the edge of the swamp. This location was deemed Mutant child or baby 5sp 13sp
appropriate since the infidel citizens of Steel Hill could easily see Mutant woman 7sp 16sp
the smoke, and on a clear night, witness the fires and be trauma- Mutant male 8sp 18sp
tized to know that mutants, cyborgs, clones and other synthetic be- Cyborg 6sp 17sp
ings were dying. When the Great Purity wall was suggested, it was Any bioreplicant or clone 9sp 26sp
decided that a mutant torture and execution facility should be built Android of any model 7sp 28sp
the traditional burning grounds. Thus it was that Witch Burn was Ghost Mutant, proven 10sp 30sp
erected, with the purification terrace now 30 meters tall and much Skullock or moaner 3sp 15sp
easier for the people of nearby Steel hill to witness the nightly fires.
Warmort 7sp 20sp
Social Details: Witch Burn exists solely to rid the world of non- Beastial human
Plantoid or other freak
pure blood humans. The process by which this is carried out is
fickle and left up to the specific Mutant Slayer, Sister of Purity or
Brother of the Purple Order. Regardless of the means of death, the Prisoners at Witch Burn: Any character unfortunate enough
purpose remains the same; to purify the soul of the being in ques- to end up here is very likely doomed. While fellow prisoners might
tion, as a legitimate soul is believed to be trapped in the body of a be considerate and empathetic to one’s plight, many are in severe
demon or an animated machine. If the subject dies during torture trauma, both mentally and physically, and either given over to apa-
or other rites, the body must still be burned at the stake in order thy, or determined to spend some time alone, communing with their
for the soul to be properly freed, and always with the religious dog- God, getting ready to leave this world and mustering what strength
ma and chants of clergy at the burning terrace, who bid the soul to they have left to face the tortures and flames ahead. In any case,
come back as a true human in the next life. most fellow prisoners will not make for good escapees.

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Prisoners arrive here by various involuntary means, usu- 4. The character is brought before
ally by being forcibly captured and roughly treated dur- d3+1 Sisters of Purity, tied to a table,
ing the trip. Inmates will be wounded to 50% END, stripped nude, and his or her
and dressed in rags, their hands tied behind their skin sliced and peeled
backs, and their feet hobbled by strong back, inflicting 3d6 dam-
rope. Upon entering the fort, the con- age and a permanent
demned beings will be dragged to a loss of 2d6 APP. During
lower level and thrown into a group this exceedingly painful
cell with 2d6 other hapless individu- ordeal, the cruel nuns
als. Roll below on the random inmate repeat Purist exorcism
generation table, CR-6-10. chants, and call the PC a
As a prisoner, a character will be hideous denizen of hell. If
kept locked in a dimly lit cell which joins the PC survives, he or she is
other cells areas, but few are actually oc- returned to the main cell.
cupied, since the purists built this vast 5. The character is taken
structure in expectation of filling it after con- to a lower level and put in a
quering the rest of the region. Inmates are damp, pitch-black room and
fed nothing while here, their wounds left there for d6 days without
not tended, and only tainted water food, water or company. He
served, therefore, no healing or she suffers d2 damage
will take place while staying per day from exposure
in Witch Burn. and from the biting
Each day, there is a rats and insects. While
chance that the character will exploring the cell, the
be taken to the Purifica- character is allowed a type
tion Terrace and executed D perception based HC per day
while Purist clergy chant to detect a loose rock in the back
and say prayers to cast out wall, which if pulled out, will allow other
the devil inside the victim. Alter- stones to be removed, revealing a tunnel in the
natively, there is the likelihood that blackness, a tunnel which runs in an up and down path, progres-
every day he or she will be escorted to a ‘unleashing’ clamber, sively more littered with rubble and ancient materials. Upon sharp-
which is a small torture suite where a nun or friar of the Purist faith ened metal, he or she can cut the restrictive ropes, and press on.
will attempt to weaken the hold that the diabolical one has on the Eventually, if not eaten by subterranean predators, the escapee
character’s soul, by trying to separate mind and body, as well as sees the light of the sky above, 2d4 days later, and emerges 2d6
soul, and prepare it for deliverance. kilometers away in the Bitter Bog swamp.
*Ropes at one’s hands and feet can be snapped, individually, on a successful STR based 6. The PC is escorted to the Purification Terrace, and expecting to
type F hazard check, one try for each wrist and ankle ropes, per hour be eviscerated or something then burned while still alive, is instead
conducted to a metal cage overlooking the swamp of Bitter Bog
Table CR-6-10 Random Witch Burn Inmate Table. Roll 4d6 and about to be put in the man-cage.
Although the character’s hands and feet are bound by ropes,
4. Clone, laborer, male
5. Clone, comfort, female he or she can elect to run for the edge and jump the 30m to the
6. Mutant soldier, Dominion Warrior bog below, see falling rules, page 123 of the TME hub rules. If the
7. Mutant soldier, Dominion Bat Rider PC survive the fall, d4 Conquistadors will each get to fire upon the
8. Mutant commoner, child escapee twice with their crossbows before their ward can get to
9. Cyborg, weapons ripped out (possible PC ?) cover and slip away in the tall reeds, bone heaps, sickly tress, and
10. Mutant commoner, man bloated, well fed alligators.
11. Mutant commoner, woman If the character doesn’t jump, he or she is placed in the cage,
12. Mutant commoner, teenager, d6: 1-3. boy / 4-6. girl a replica padlock secured and the rusty contraption swung out on
13-14. Mutant, excavator (possible new PC ?) a overhead pipe, 4m away from the wall. The victim will be and left
15-18. Beastial human there for d6+1 days. Each day the captive suffers d4 damage from
19. Bioreplicant, pleasure bug bites, exposure and sun burn, and doesn’t heal normally on ac-
20. Non-human (d6: 1-3. Skullock / 4. Warmort /5. Robot, household/ 6. Moaner) count of starvation and thirst. After spending his or her time in the
21. Bioreplicant, clerical cage, the prisoner is are returned to his or her cell.
22. Bioreplicant, infiltration, 7. The character is escorted out of the main holding cell to a room
23. Android, household and chained to a steel chair. A Brother of the Purple Order slaps
24. Android, combat the PC, pulls his or her hair, scratches with his nails and hits the
character with his Purist Bible. This abuse goes on for hours, the
Table CR-6-11 Prisoners of Witch Burn Daily Tribulations: monk continuously reading out passages of the Purist bible and oc-
Roll 2d6 per prisoner character, per day, escorted by 2+d2 Purist casionally yelling “Away, evil spirits! Away!”
Conquistadors at all times. 8. The character is pulled from his or her cell and thrown into
2. The character is dragged from his or her cell, beaten by the a deep pit, 5m in diameter. Suddenly another random pris-
guards and then taken to the Purification Terrace for execution, see oner is thrown in the hole with him or her (see random list
table CR- 6-12, next page. on the left, table CR-6-10). 3d6 Purist Conquistadors and d6
3. The PC is brought to the Purification Terrace and forced to watch Mutant Slayers gather to bet on the outcome of a death duel
as d4 of his or her cell mates each undergo execution, determined the PC is ordered to fight. Each contestant is given a crowbar,
randomly from the list on table CR-6-12 next page. After, the char- and told that the victor will be given a meal, a pint of beer,
acter is strapped to a wooden table and whipped for 3d6 damage and can stay in the main cell all the next day and not be both-
and returned to his or her cell. ered. If the PC wins, there is a 78% chance the guards honor

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their word. Because the character is fed, he or she heals at a basement apartment within a lavish house in Pure Hub City,
the normal rate, and the following day, he or she does not chained to a bed, bathed, mended and dressed in silk, and
need to roll on this table. Refusal to fight meets with a severe now the love slave of the clergy person from Witch Burn... who
beating on the PC, who is depleted by -3d6 END and suffers is smitten with the PC and his or her amatory talents. This PC
a permanent deduction of d4 appearance thereafter. is now a secret pet of the Purist religious figure, his or her pres-
9. The character is taken to the dock area to unload firewood, ence and role a mortal sin as far as the Purist Church goes.
along with all his or her cell mates. They are told that the **
wood they are unloading is to burn their bodies with, once Table CR-6-12 Execution Methods of Witch Burn :
their blessed souls are freed of their demon sheath skins. Roll d6 for Organic Beings, d6+2 for Cyborgs and Androids
A cargo barge with only civilian pure stocks is the source of 1. The prisoner is pulled onto his or her hands and knees and be-
the wood; however, there are d6+2 Purist Conquistadors with headed, then the body burned, the head stuck on a pike and left
loaded crossbows watching the characters, and the chain gun, to look out on Steel Hill.
6m above the wharf which would also be employed if the pris- 2. The prisoner is tied between two posts and eviscerated, and
oners were to seize the barge. then the person, while still alive, is burned.
Because the PC must 3. The prisoner’s ears, eyes,
use his or her hands to carry nose, hands and feet are all
wood, they are unrestrained, pruned off and tossed into a
yet, the prisoner’s feet are blazing fire, followed soon af-
hobbled and if he or she ter by the body.
chooses to leap into the sea 4. The person is spread ea-
and swim for it, the person gled on the cold stone, hands
will swim only half rate while and feet staked to the ground,
his or her feet are bound. then 3+d3 Conquistadors
Plus, d6 longboats full of Con- with spears pierce and punc-
quistadors will be dispatched ture the victim’s body until he
within 3d6 rounds to search or she dies. The body is later
for the character who will be hacked into small parts and
allowed an intelligence based thrown into a great fire.
type C HC to avoid the boats 5. The victim is tied by great
long enough to hide until ropes, one set at the hands,
dark, then make his or her the other set binding the feet,
way to the Bitter Bog swamp. and a pair of horses, guided by
During the time in the wa- Conquistadors, pull the victim
ter, there is a 1 in 6 chance apart, inflicting d8 damage per
of an encounter with a large round, and totally separating
saltwater crocodile (see Al- the person when he or she is
ligators, page 148, TME hub reduced to -6 END. The body is
rules) that will approach from later burned
3d6+20m away, while shore 6. The Person is tied to d4
is 3d6+10m away. other random prisoners and
10. The character is taken burned alive on a great pile of
to the Purification Terrace, wood.
stripped down to a loin cloth, 7. The being is tied to a stake
tied to a post and branded and then d4 Conquistadors with
with pentagrams and other battleaxes and sledge hammers
demonic symbols, suffering bash the android or cyborg into
2d6 damage. Following this junk, and burn the debris and
inhuman procedure, he or she body in a roaring flame.
is splashed with boiling water for d6 more damage, then tor- 8. The android or cyborg is tied to a wooden table and d3+3 Con-
tured by individual clergy members as others read from their quistadors use hacksaws and meat saws to remove the victim’s
so-called holy book. There subject is then either executed, see limbs, and while the being lives, toss the parts into a great flame
table CR-6-12, this page, or returned to his or her cell; 50/50 before finally throwing the subject into the blaze as well.
odds of either outcome.
11. Nobody came for the PC that day. ** During the transfer from one’s normal ropes and foot hobble ropes, there
12. The character is taken to the private cell of a clergy mem- is a period when only one Conquistador is holding the character in place as
ber of the opposite sex, and left alone with the person. The another Conquistador prepares the other set of ropes. It is in this moment,
clergy member spends the day humiliating and teasing the high above the sea and swamp, (89% chance at dusk), that the character
prisoner, often caressing the subject then suddenly slapping can try and strike the guard holding him or her and run for the edge of the
terrace. During this run, the would-be escapee will be fired upon by d4
him or her about, kicking and punching, before again toying crossbows from the Purist Conquistadors, and able to jump into the swamp
with the prisoner and acting seductive for awhile. If the char- below. Should one survive the fall at all, he or she must yet face the hostile
acter is of 30 or better appearance, and plays submissive with environment therein. If a person lands in the mud and goes unconscious,
the clergy member, then there is a 67% chance the Purist will there is a 1 in 6 chance that the ‘Watchers’ will come and find the person
urge the prisoner into bed. If the priest or nun makes out with and take them to their hidden camp among the trees and brush patches.
the character, then for the next 2d6 days, nobody takes the The Watchers are mutants; treat as scavengers, who have been hired by
prisoner from his or her cell, plus, food is brought to the char- The Lower Freehold to observe Witch Burn and try and assist any escap-
ees to get back to Steel Hill. Even if a character survives the fall and wan-
acter and he or she can heal normally. There is a chance (the ders in the darkness, he or she has a 1 in 6 odds per hour likelihood of run-
parentage chance equal to the PC’s appearance score) that ning into d3+1 Watchers who will offer aide and shelter.
he or she is drugged one evening and wakes 2d4 days later in

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

Safe Port Mercenary

Port Folly Pirate

Rock Spire ‘Protector’

Memory Militia

Leper of Leper Hold

Galespit Half-Skullock
Pony Cavalryman

Rusted Hulk


Part Seven:
Independent Settlements
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Part Seven: Independent Settlements

Inter-State crossroad to the south supplies the community with
a steady supply of trade goods, news and patrons to fill its one
saloon and two seedy Inns.
Being out in the open on a windswept plain, the fort-town
Faction or Alliances: Independent free town. No military allianc- of Galespit is at the mercy of the changing seasons, and suf-
es, but has long-standing trade ties with Array, Turbine, and Overpass. fers from baking heat and tornados during the summer, to
blizzards and towering snow drifts all winter. The weather is
Primary Enemies: The Holy Purist Empire, however, The never really comfortable, and always seems too hot, or too
Purehold Republic (Shattered Region to the east) had once cold or just too windy for most travelers. As it is perched on a
occupied Galespit for a 37 year period from 2285 to 2321, fine hill, the watchtower crew can see approaching predators
but that was so long ago that most folks don’t hold a grudge, or invaders from a great distance, up to 3km away on a sunny
and will deal with responsible, unopinionated traders from the day, while only 50m at night. The location is dry and has good
Purehold. clean water, there are no obvious ruins nearby, plenty of herd
animals to provide meat, a huge grain harvest each year, and
Government System: Ruled by the O’Finny Clan since as excellent fishing to be had at the nearby lake.
far back as anybody can recall. This family of mostly mutants The town is pinched between two Purist factions, both of
runs every business in town, and it is unlawful for anybody else which have formally damned or claimed Galespit as their own ter-
to start any business outside of their homes. The clan of 29 ritory. There is no direct protection provided by of the Dominion
adults are all competent warriors and each has a relic weapon of Aberratia, as the mutant ruled nation is far to the west, while
or two at the ready. the Northern Freehold lacks the troops to provide help should a
Purist force decide to level this remote town. Given this, Galespit
Symbol or Insignia: The O’Finny Saloon has a green Irish is considered a risky stopping point for mixed race excavation
shamrock and a mug of beer symbol on it, which is about the teams due to the potential for run-ins with the secret Purist death
only insignia used and appears on Galespit documents, their squads, or outright invasion by the Holy Purist Empire.
flags, decorations, tattoos and armor.

Population: Total 606 to 831/ (Pure Stocks 227+2d20/ Mu- Construction Details: Galespit sits on a rocky dome, consid-
ered a natural formation by many; however, locals are unaware
tants 273+3d20/ Cyborgs 30+d20/ Clones 24+d20/ Biorepli- that it is actually a slag heap of mining debris from an ancient con-
cants 18+d10/ Androids d8*/ other 3d20 /plus, a large house- struction site. A subway system passes directly beneath the town,
hold of 21+d20 half Skullocks.) * masquerading as pure stock humans down 60 meters below, once connecting what is now the Great
Ruins of the north with other ruined urban areas of the south. The
Site Details: Galespit is situated on a knoll, about 30 me- perimeter of the place is surrounded by a wall of heavy logs, scrap
ters off the flat grassy plain of Little Prairie at the end of a road metal and fiberglass plates, old vehicles, aircraft hulls and wings,
which stems from Inter-State. The heavy traffic along the great natural rock and row after row of sharpened stakes.

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MAP CR-28: Galespit

1 hex =3 meters

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There is only one entrance in or out of town, other than by Outbreaks of disease in Galespit are no more or less common
airships or winged mounts, a double door affair made of sheet than any other town in the region, but the gate guards are careful
metal bolted to heavy timbers (DV: -60 wood and scrap iron END: enough to drive away anybody who has leprosy or white plague.
250) which has a 30 x 30cm opening hatch in one door to allow The real threat to the inhabitants comes from either Pur-
communication between visitors and those within, at gunpoint. ists, as mentioned above, or predators. Shadow Lake to the
The roadway up to town coils around base of community all the south seems to be the greatest source of man-eating critters
way to the gates, allowing defenders on the wall to fire down at to terrorize Galespit, usually snapping up the fishermen who
those trying to ascend the road. All structures in Galespit are venture out in small boats and rafts. Worse, however, is a resi-
tough, framed with stout wooden beams, transported from the dent dragon lizard which climbed up the gate path one day
enemy held forests of the south, and combined with scrap metal some years ago, and was shot at by the watchmen using an
from the many rusting relic vehicles along the Inter-State. Inte- assault shotgun until the animal wisely retreated. Since then,
rior buildings have heavy doors and steel shutters fitted on every the same beast has frequently attacked trade caravans in an
window, cut with arrow slits to defend each home and business attempt to eat one or two horses, but occasionally dragging
from within, effectively making every home a bunker. off a few humans. A bounty of 600sp is offered for the thing’s
scarred head by Old Man O’Finny himself.
Water and Sanitation: Each building and tower is connect-
ed with a drain pipe for sewage with all pipes leading out of the Law Enforcement: By O’Finny clan members, half Skullock
walls on the opposite side of town from the road. Clean water is cavalry, and mercenary infantry. The severity of punishment here
brought to the structures by bucket, after being collected from is excessive, at least for crimes against locals, with slavery or death
gutter fed snow melt or rain water drums attached every struc- the only sentences. Outsiders harming or stealing from other out-
ture. Furthermore, wagons loaded with water barrels are driven siders, however, will not usually be considered criminals. A cap-
up to the town and the barrels stored in dark, cool basements tured law breaker, again, usually being somebody who harmed,
throughout the settlement, enough to last the defenders a half stole from, or offended a local, is disarmed, bound, stripped na-
year of siege. There are of course several wells; however, well wa- ked, beaten soundly and thrown in jail area in the basement of the
ter is rust colored and tastes metallic and only used for emergen- great gate tower. d3+1 infantry men with crossbows and clubs will
cies, street cleaning or service to prisoners and slaves. be guarding the 4 windowless detention cells.
If a person’s crime against a citizen is not serious, his or her
Technology: While Galespit does not have any broadcasting possessions, especially money and relics, will be confiscated per-
apparatus, it does have a massive radio antenna on the top of manently, however, on the other hand, if a citizen or ally of the
the tallest tower at the gates. Shoddy wiring runs from it to the O’Finny’s is killed or almost killed, the suspect is usually tortured to
O’Finny clan manor as well as to about two dozen other well-to- death by several of the more sadistic O’Finny clan members.
do homes. It is assumed that these structures have relic radios
or junk crafted sets in them, and are able to tune into one of a Military and Defense: Chain of Command: Albrads ‘Old
hundred various stations, some broadcasting from as far away Man’ O’Finny as head of state, and military commander, followed
as Australia and the former UK via ancient satellite relays. By way by his 3 sons and 4 daughters, then their adult children. No other
of this radio system, the citizens of Galespit are well informed of officers exist. Treat all as bounty hunters with a prime mutation
regional events and propaganda from various factions. and relic weapon (WC-R) each. Standing Military Units: 21+d20
Besides the personal relic weapons, armor and communica- half-skullock cavalry riding ponies, wielding bows and machetes
tors found among the commanders, certain visitors and powerful (treat as skullocks +2d6 END/+d10 INT each). 60+3d20 mutant
residents, the only other notable occurrence of technology is an old humans, each with a minor mutation (physical alteration), treat
photocopier in command center of the O’Finny manor. The copier is as infantry soldiers using crossbows and hatchets. Finally, there
used occasionally to make menus for the Saloon, duty rosters for are 8+d8 elite soldiers, each is a mutant with a prime mutation.
commanders, and ‘wanted dead or alive’ posters. A finicky personal These are experienced, loyal troops who guard the main gate
home computer is hooked up to the copier, and images from a digi- and are referred to as watchmen or observers. The watchmen
tal camera can be imported into documents for many uses. at the great tower have 2d6 fragmentation grenades plus an
assault shotgun having 4d10 rounds left in its magazine.
Dangers: This is a rough place, having an old west feel to
it. The locals will stay out of fights outsiders get themselves Allies Around Community: Unofficially, there are always d6
into, but if a local is harmed, the militia and O’Finny’s will deal raider gangs in the vicinity who, if summoned by a smoke signal
out brutal justice. Occasionally, a variety of wacko cults pass from Galespit, will send their men and women to the aide of the
through town, but unless a local is found mutilated at some town. Each gang will have a raider leader and 10+d20 raiders in it,
makeshift altar, the inhabitants don’t mind their arrival nor odd all mounted on horses 82% of the time, otherwise on riding dogs.
customs and clothing, especially since the common folk have
enough to worry about from their own overlords. Visitors to Galespit: The gates are open from dawn until
The O’Finny’s are considered to be little more than ‘station- dusk and there is no admittance fee, with the gates being just
ary raiders’ by most outsiders and lesser ranking families in town. left of the main tower; a 40m tall wooden structure which has a
Likewise, it is obvious to the populace that the clan has deal- steel canopy to protect watchmen from flying predators and the
ings with several large raider units which stalk the vicinity. While elements. Four observers (elite soldiers) are situated here at all
in town, raider gangs are careful to keep the peace, and protect times with a pair of binoculars between them. An alarm bell is
the O’Finny’s, since few other towns will open their gates to them. sounded if trouble is spotted, however, most approaching travel-
Some suspect the ruling clan needs the thugs in their midst to pro- ers, even small armed groups, are considered to be simple exca-
tect and inform them about external threats, specifically pure stock vators or mercenaries, perhaps even raiders, coming to stay the
terrorists. Nevertheless, every year or two, some Purist crackpots night and enjoy the saloon, while trade caravans and the usual
from the Holy Purist Empire will trick the gatekeepers and get into assortment of scavs, peddlers, wandering religious wasteland
town disguised as diggers or traders or some other common travel- preachers and nomads are admitted upon recognition.
ers, or arrive secretly by an unseen airship. Once inside, these ter- These watchmen are friendly enough, especially to those
rorists toss a grenade or pull a gun and try and assassinate at an they’ve admitted before who caused no incidents, and are accus-
O’Finny clan member or any other non-pure stock they meet. tomed to the constant flow of visitors on which the town depends.

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been launched against Galespit, usually from the religious funda-

mentalists of the Holy Purist Empire, but once from the secular
Pureholders from the Shattered Region to the east.
The town was in fact successfully occupied for a 37 year pe-
riod from 2285 to 2331 by The Purehold Republic. The O’Finny
clan was able to secure a stewardship role during that time
and maintain their traditional household and status, yet paid a
monthly tribute to the ‘Corporation’. This occupation, which was
rather mild as far as new era conquests go, went on until such
a time as the O’Finnys and their minions could wrestle back
the town. In August 2331, with most of the Pureholders gone
to the fight a war with the Mecha, locals were able to oust the
Republican cyborgs, bioreplicants and clone warriors, without
bloodshed on either side. Terms of the hand over of Galespit
to the O’Finny clan were signed and peace between the two
parties has existed ever since. Purehold now conducts trade
with Galespit, but many see the republican traders as spies,
and make a hobby out of giving them false information about
the size and armament of the Galespit military . Presently, both
pure stock ruled factions claim Galespit, although the Purehold-
ers are presently not active in their efforts to absorb the place.
.Aberrationist ambassadors, aware of the Purist pressure
on Galespit, have come to implore the O’Finny clan to join
with them and fly the Dominion flag. These efforts have been
politely refused.
A final noteworthy fact is that in recent history, only several
years ago, one of the O’Finny girls was kidnapped right out of
her bed and has not been seen since, nor has a ransom been
demanded. The Girl, Majeffy, was only 14 then, but now would
In spite of this openness, and since the greatest threat to the town be a grown woman, if still alive. The O’Finny clan has no clues
comes from Imperial terrorists and saboteurs of the Holy Purist Em- to her disappearance, but a 9000sp reward for her safe return
pire, any unfamiliar group of well armed individuals will be looked is posted at the Saloon, Gates and in all free towns within a
over carefully before admittance is granted. The elite soldiers at hundred kilometers. Some say the girl was a mind mutant and
the gate will make sure that at least some of the arriving strangers teleported herself to Newburg to seek a better life, others think
are mutants, and that the mutations are real as opposed to clever she was eaten by rats, others yet say Purist spies took her and
disguises. Likewise, if a group of well armed pure stocks has one plan to use her as a hostage when they come to storm the town
or two mutants among them, the mutants will be asked to talk pri- in the next full fledged invasion.
vately with the guards to ensure they are not actually captives of
the pure stocks used as a foil for the Purists to gain access. The Social Details: The morality within Galespit is loose; there are
guards will also ask that any robots and large carnivorous mounts no frowned upon acts, relationships, mating rituals, marriage cus-
or pets be chained up in the guarded, town-stables. In addition, toms or otherwise. As long as nobody is hurting another free per-
chain guns, machine guns, laser cannons, flame units, rocket and son or traveler, then the local authorities don’t care what goes on.
grenade launchers, grenades, mines, bombs and missiles are all The age of adulthood here is considered on an individual basis,
prohibited weapons, and are signed in at the great gate tower, and youths as young as 15 have been known to marry each other
tagged and later returned to the owners when they leave town. and run a household, while at other times, a spoiled O’Finny boy
The watchmen are actually quite welcoming, professional, of 25 is referred to as a child by the way he or she behaves, wield-
and respectful of all, and even more agreeable if given a coin or ing absolute power over lower status individuals, inflicting sicken-
two. They will usually ask if the newcomers have any questions ing depravity and humiliation, even on travelers.
or need directions to the hostel or Inn, as well as a polite warn- No union between consenting adults is illegal, nor is the num-
ing to be very courteous to the O’Finny Clan members, and not to ber of spouses a person can have, an issue. Lewd acts performed
be alarmed if they see pinkish colored, tall half-skullocks mixing in public places are, however, considered in poor taste and the
with the locals. Finally, they query whether or not the newcomers guards will forcibly intervene, beat and then send away the offend-
will assist in defending the town if it comes under attack. ers telling them to go someplace private. Prostitutes frequent the
O’Finny Saloon, as well as outside both the hostel and Inn.
Brief History: The natural rock mound protruding off this Slaves are allowed to accompany their master or mistress,
southeastern most part of Little Prairie was a natural location but must be kept chained and properly identified as slaves. Nor-
for a fortification. Members of the O’Finny clan, Callum O’Finny, mally, a steel or other stout collar, must be worn at all times by a
his wife Ruth, their sons, daughters and slave workers, as well slave, however, the addition of a name tag around his or her neck,
as a hired gang of mutant thugs with which the clan interbred, stating the owner as well as the slave’s name, is also encouraged.
first erected a wooden palisade here in 2247. They found the The O’Finny’s have dozens of slaves of all manner, but most work
access to water, timber, grain and wild cattle in the area to their outside the walls by day tending the wheat and corn crops which
liking and stayed year after year, adding to the structure with surround the town. Escaped slaves, often flee to Galespit because
an outer wall and stone and scrap metal buildings until it be- there is no entrance fee and plenty of work. If the slave can re-
came the solid little town it is today. move his or her chains, hide any brands or tattoos, and pull togeth-
Decades of war between the religious Purists of the south er a getup that doesn’t proclaim him or herself as a slave, then the
against the ever growing power of the unified coastal mutant individual will be admitted as a legitimate free personage. Howev-
towns, placed Galespit on the edge of a war zone. Almost every er if a slave arrives in chains, has clearly marked slave brands or
year from 2272 to the present day, some sort of Purist attack has tattoos, and is without possessions or companions, he or she will

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be arrested once inside and given to the O’Finny’s as property. It is Accommodations, Entertainment and Services: There is
rumored among slaves that to serve in the O’Finny household is a only one drinking establishment in town, The O’Finny’s Saloon.
brutal experience, as the younger O’Finny’s, especially the teens, This stone and steel building has a roof of red tiles mixed with
delight in humiliating and torturing the captives. steel cladding looted off of relic vehicles. It has three floors above
As far as gender equality in Galespit goes, officially, both ground, and two levels below where much of the town’s food and
sexes are equals, but clearly, local men do not consider vis- water supplies are kept, along with the main barracks. The ground
iting women as equals. If newly arrived women are quite at- floor is a huge hall with a 4 meter tall ceiling, a massive ‘L’ shaped
tractive (35 or better appearance) and not accompanied by bar with between five or more bartenders working at all times. In
a male who appears to be a lover or husband of the woman, the central bar area, up to 16 serving staff, all lithe young women
she will be pestered, pinched, and taunted by numerous, filthy wearing next to nothing, carry drinks to tables, flirting with the
remarks and suggestions whenever in public. clientele of either sex. While these bar maids are attractive and
Galespit has no organized religion, no houses of worship, boisterous, they are not hookers, as this job is handled by profes-
and zero tolerance towards open displays anti-mutant, anti- sional whores who are present day or night, and very assertive in
pure stock or anti-tech dogma. Burial rites are simple here, with their efforts to drum up business. These women won’t assume
deceased locals being burned on a stone platform at the center that a woman at a table is the mate of any man at the same ta-
of town, while outsiders are thrown on a cart, transported to the ble, and will approach the man anyhow and try to seduce him into
creek and thrown into the water, which carries the corpse to the joining her upstairs for a small fee of d6+2sp for an hour. Each
lake where creatures tear apart the corpse. Any outsider to die prostitute is a self employed contractor (App 30+d20 who has a
within town and be unaccompanied by comrades shall have his room up stairs, rented from the saloon itself, and protected by the
or her belongings confiscated by the O’Finny Clan. bouncers and staff of the saloon.
There is nothing unique about the fashions in Galespit, how- Logan’s Heartfelt Five is the town’s only local band, and
ever, it is quite hot in the summer so large straw hats and Arab they play exclusively at the O’Finny Saloon nightly from 8pm till
style clothes are often worn in those months . In the winter, fur 3am. These 5 mutants – four of which are males and one fe-
trimmed parkas, woolen mittens and heavy cloaks are worn. Men male lead singer, Tiaga – use acoustic instruments and drums,
here prefer to shave their heads but grow fanciful beards and horns and a few relic instruments to play an odd mix of jazz,
mustaches, while the women are plain looking in their garb and classical and country tunes from the old civilization, with most
wear their hair in ponytails or loose. The female prostitutes will of the words mixed up or wrong, the tempo jarring and the lyr-
wear halter or tank tops, short skirts, long hair with lots of gaudy ics quirky and foul. They receive free drinks and a room for
plastic jewelry and beads in their coif, plus multiple piercings in their pay, plus have a hat in front of them for coins from the
their lips, tongue, nose, eyebrows, ears and elsewhere. audience. As discordant as their music can be, it is the only act
Alcohol is imported at a level that implies a much larger in town, and the locals adore them. Any boos or bad mouthing
population dwells in Galespit, for the people here are notori- about the band will get a traveler a broken nose.
ous boozers. It is not uncommon to smell hard liquor on the The O’Finny Saloon will have d6 mutant bouncers by day,
breath of the militiamen and gate guards, even at noon, while and 2d6 by night, each treated as a raider with 1 prime muta-
drunks and passed out revelers are a common site all around tion, carrying an old world aluminum bat as a club. They will
the O’Finny Saloon. The Saloon itself is the town hall and sec- be tolerant of swearing and rudeness, dancing on tables or any
ond largest structure in the settlement, with 24 hour service other behavior a long as it doesn’t involve breaking the ceramic
available. Drugs are not restricted here, nor are they a prob- beer jugs or furniture, nor risk hurting anybody, especially lo-
lem. Drugs found on visitors will be ignored; likewise, if a person cals. If two people, or more, need to brawl or fight a death duel,
smokes a pipe with some sort of ‘herb’ in it while in the Saloon, they are kindly asked to step out into the back ally and resolve
nobody will pay any attention. their problems. Any outsider caught fighting inside will be beat-
For the most part, these people are uneducated with only en, robbed of valuables and thrown in the jail for d6 days, then
home schooling being available, however the O’Finny Children released and told to leave and not come back for a full year.
are exposed to tutors and specialized instructors who are brought As for lodging for the night, there are two places for accom-
into the clan household for a year at a time to teach one or two modations in Galespit: The O’Finny Saloon Inn has single, double
subjects. Most people here can read at a basic level, write a note and four person rooms available for 3sp, 5sp and 10sp a night
or do simple math, but they are fairly unsophisticated otherwise. respectively, and are all well tended rooms with straw mattresses,
On the other hand, because this town receives so much road traf- clean sheets, and windows looking into the town’s main square.
fic, it is therefore exposed to a great deal of news and information These rooms have replica key locks on the doors, locking bar win-
about the rest of the region, the locals here are well aware of the dows and a corner pot for relieving oneself. As secure as these
layout and events of the whole Crossroads Regional District. suites may seem, they are not beyond being broken into while the
guests are away, 6% chance per day and 13% chance at night,
Resources and Industry: The huge portions of beef one (if broken into, all valuables will be stolen). These rooms will all
gets at the hostel or Saloon are from local wild cattle which roam have a small desk and chair, an oil lantern, supply of paper and a
in great numbers. The wheat and corn fields around town provide charcoal for writing, a jug of clean drinking water, chunk of mirror
a surplus harvest every year, while salad greens, herbs and other bolted to the wall and drapes on wide, glass paned window.
vegetables are grown on the slopes of the town hill. Chickens, The other accommodation is the newly built Piper’s Hostel,
meanwhile, are kept in wooden cages and pens in the town itself, a three story timber and scrap building. It has a main slop house
usually on the roof tops. Beer, not surprisingly called O’Finny’s below, latrines, and stairs up to the next two levels, which are
Ale, is made from locally grown hops and grain; this drink, is row upon row of two person rooms, costing 2sp per night per
cheap within town, costing a silver for a large tankard (1 liter), room. These small suites each have a pair of creaky single beds,
but this dark brew costs a silver per mug in other communities. dirty sheets, an arrow slit as a window (too small to get out of in
Wine and other drinks are all imported. case of fire, except for child sized individuals), a piss pot, a lan-
As far as employment goes, field workers are needed during all tern for light, and nothing else.
months except the winter, pays 1sp per day with meals and shelter The Hostel has a sizable bath shed build on to it, with a few
provided. All applicants are, however, required to defend the town if it slaves to boil water, carry buckets, launder towels, bathe and dry
comes under attack and follow any additional orders by any O’Finny customers and tend to the four private bath chambers, assist in
family member, even if activity is not stated in job description. washing clients and whatnot. A bath costs a silver coin, but for

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an extra silver, includes a shave and haircut, nail cleaning, and a Anyone looking for Robot & Mechanical Repairs will discover
massage by a well trained, but enormous female mutant called there is no qualified staff; however there is a working smithy with all
Yamma. This overly curvaceous, cheerful woman runs the bath the tools for any technician. In-shop rental of the tools and facilities,
house side business for the hostel. under supervision from 2+d3 militia guards, is 30+d20sp per day.
For those staying overnight at the hostel, there is an 3% chance There are no brothels in Galespit, but whores are a frequent
per visit of getting lice from sleeping in one of these beds, a 11% site near the Saloon and Hostel, with many of the less appealing
chance of being woken in the middle of the night due to fighting or tramps being forced to work in the back alleys for a silver coin
lovemaking in a nearby room, and a 16% chance per night of hav- a trick. Many of these so-called second rate prostitutes are run-
ing somebody knock on one’s door; there are no eye holes on the away slaves, a few are pleasure model clones or bioreplicants, and
door to peer out, and nobody answers if the character asks who it others are ghastly looking mutants with a flaw or two each. For
is through the door. The knocking continues for 3d10 minutes if the some reason, locals treat them with contempt, kicking and beat-
PC does nothing. If he or she does open the door, roll d6: ing them for no clear offense. These pathetic women, and a few
1,2. A prostitute, tugging her bodice strings, asking if the character girl-boys dressed as women, are not considered locals, with many
would like some ‘company’ for 4sp. being recent arrivals. Raiders, it seems, are the prime customers
3. A drunken man, commoner, demanding the PC let him in to his of these hapless street walkers, with the rumor being that many
room. When or if the character opens the door there is a 35% chance of the women are the discarded girlfriends and camp followers of
the drunk doesn’t realize his mistake and tries to storm in and crash local gangs. Any kindness shown to these unkempt floozies will be
onto one of the beds to pass out. much appreciated by the hookers, some who will beg the travelers
4. 2+d3 raiders, armed with clubs, who will bludgeon the occupants to take them away to either Steel Hill or Overpass.
if they can, knock them out and rob them. If an excavation team needs hirelings, there will always be
5. The night manager, treat as male commoner but with a con- 3d6 dig-crewmen, treat as commoner men, who will be brave
cealed pocket pistol under his poncho, is asking if the PCs need a enough to follow a well equipped excavation team on a dig some-
whore or a snack. He has a tray of corn bread and beer and is selling place within 50 kilometers, at a cost of 6sp each per day, plus
the snack for a silver per person. tents and food. These men can be hired out of the Saloon with
6. A slave, roll for gender, which has somehow broken out of the a drink and a hand shake. At the same location, there is a 46%
slave pens and asks if the character(s) would save him or her, and chance per day of meeting up with a guide (treat as scavenger)
smuggle him or her out of town in the morning. In return, the slave who will have a good idea of the local wilderness, and local ruin
will says he or she will serve the PC as an attendant for 5 years. entrances and be able to lead the PCs for 20sp per day.
Since Galespit is on a main trade route between the Northern
Those in need of Medicine and Medical Facilities might at Freehold and Purehold Republic in the neighboring Shattered Re-
first seem out of luck, as no ‘for hire’ facilities exist. Neverthe- gion, and points beyond, cargo caravans come and going right by
less, if one asks around at the O’Finny Saloon, there is a 37% Galespit. To get passage on a large caravan on Inter-State, the PCs
chance that somebody knows of a traveling healer who some- must wait on the road, as there is no schedule posted in Galespit
times stays at the hostel. The healer can supposedly pull a itself. Each day of waiting will give a 2 in 6 chance of meeting a
tooth, set a broken arm, aide healing, remove parasites and passing caravan, which will access the PCs and possibly allow them
whatnot. If the PCs ask for the healer at the hostel, there is to accompany the wagon train. The direction of the caravan, and
a 84% chance he is there, and he is a old retired excavator, whether or not if mutants and other non-pure bloods are in the PC
treat as male commoner, who has d6 skill points as a healer, group, determined below, affects whether the characters will be
but charges 50+d100sp for any procedure. This old digger welcome or rejected. If welcomed, the PCs will be expected to share
also has a lot of old ruin maps, knowledge of unlooted dig in guard duty at night and follow the orders of the caravan’s head
sites and interesting rumors useful to excavators, and is ea- master. A caravan will consist of 3d6 commoner men, 4+2d6 militia
ger to share his knowledge. soldiers on horseback, and a militia officer as leader.
Table CR-7-1 Odds of Acceptance into a Galespit Caravan
d6 Direction of Caravan If Mutants are among PCs If only Pure Stocks are in PCs

1-3. North West up Interstate to Overpass 92% 47%

4. South West to Steel Hill 89% 58%
5. South to Holy Purist Empire 4% 93%
6. Southeast to Purehold Republics 9% 77%

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For the Excavator: If a PC has never been to Galespit be- arms, a bone studded hide and plated in several modified suits
fore, the following is all he or she has heard: “Huh, Galespit? I of combat armor, carrying a pulse rifle, a auto pistol and razor
hear they make good ale there, and it’s real cheap in their one bar sword. He is always in the midst of any military action, com-
or Saloon or whatever they call the place. The bar is practically manding the citizens and troops alike during times of turmoil,
acting the part of the supreme hero. He is a short tempered,
their town hall, and I hear they are all heavy drinkers on that hill.
conceited and unscrupulous man, who puts his clan member’s
Somebody told me the hill is actually a pile of ruins, that there was goals, whims and entertainments above the needs of his citi-
a way into the tunnel underneath from one of the houses, blocked zens, or the safety and wellbeing of visitors.
by bricks I was told. I also heard the same fella say that a single Other O’Finny clan adults are also given heroic status, al-
family has ruled generation after generation, and that the place though nobody can really recount any great deed any of them
is frequented by raiders as well as excavators on their way north have done. They are simultaneously feared and respected by
to Turbine. They have a detachment of half skullocks, too, so fight locals and visitors alike, and while openly abusive of their in-
your instinct to kill peskies when seeing them fellas. ferior subjects, have somehow earned folk hero status.
“Oh right. You should know that it can be bad going for you Another O’Finny has earned the status of arch villain in
if you misbehave, especially if you’ve hurt a local resident and that Galespit. Margaret ‘’The Flayer’ O’Finny is a middle aged wom-
more than a few people have gone missing after entering the town an and the outcast sister of Albrads. About a half a decade ago
for a simple stop over. Sure, sure, friend, some people say that it’s a she was banished into the wilds after it was discovered that she
warm friendly stop, with good ale and food, stout walls and accept- was an especially sadistic woman, who when no suitable slave
able accommodations... an maybe that be the truth, but heed me, was available to tease and torture, she would have visitors as well
chum, just don’t break the laws or mistreat the fricken locals.” as locals kidnapped, or held in their own homes, and brutalized.
When her victims charged her, they were at first ridiculed and
For the Game Master: While there is plenty of suspicion publicly mocked, until the blonde haired mutant woman’s ghastly
aimed at pure stocks who are not accompanied by mutants hobby became lethal and she started to kill her playmates, leav-
or other non-generics, people in Galespit are otherwise very ing a dozen dead commoners in their homes after only a month.
welcoming. Service providers here genuinely want travelers The town people demanded her death, but the clan only banished
to come back and patronize their businesses again, and so her, a fact which still causes seething resentment and distrust be-
make an extra effort to please travelers, especially those with tween O’Finny’s and everybody else. Margaret lives in the south-
plenty of coins or good stories to tell. In the O’Finny’s Saloon, ern forest with a gang of cruel raiders, who supposedly plot the
locals will frequently invite excavators or mercenaries to sit at downfall of the current O’Finny regime, as well as patrol the roads
their table and drink with them, urging the outlanders to re- and pathways looking for travelers to capture and torture. It is said
late their adventures, and any news from the outside world. that the heartless woman has a collection of caged humans with
Gambling takes place in the saloon day and night, and which to mistreat at a whim. Margaret is a ghost mutant exhibit-
also in the main eating hall of the Piper’s Hostel. Cheaters, ing impressive powers and outfitted with scrap relic armor and an
or outsiders suspected of cheating are often shot, their be- auto pistol. See her NPC sheet on page 438
longings mysteriously ending up in the hands of the elite gate Finally, there is Tiberius Major, a grand assumed name for
guards or O’Finny family members. A rumor persists in oth- a local merchant who has aspirations of ruling Galespit. This
er communities that many card and dice games are rigged obese, pleasure loving mutant male of middle age runs Acres
to make an outsider look like a cheat, just so a duel can be Farm Supply and General Store. His family has lived in Galespit
called and the dead traveler robbed; the Galespit authorities for over a hundred years, and it is well known that his ances-
deny this and call it a ‘juvenile’ charge. tors once tried to overthrow the O’Finny clan to gain command
The area in and around Galespit can pose a challenge for of the settlement. He has his own body guards, d6+4 soldiers,
PC visitors. On one hand they are on their own, and can fight each with a relic weapon and prime mutation, and dwells above
death duals with raiders or other outsiders like themselves, but his shop in a stone and scrap iron house. It is suspected by all
will be brutally punished if they harm a local. The place has the that at the first opportunity, he would lead a rebellion against
feel of a raider or pirate camp, similar to Port Folly, with whores the corrupt and debased O’Finny clan and take control of the
and nomads mixing with self reliant, tough farmers. PCs must government. Many locals, especially the poor, see him as their
remain vigilant here, as people have gone missing and there only salvation, and arm themselves for a time when Tiberius
is an undercurrent of revolution and espionage throughout ev- challenges the clan. Tiberius is a enormous, corpulent man
ery aspect of the culture. The O’Finny clan is a powerful force, weighing 210kg and unable to fit into his armor, however, he
which answers to none and makes laws as it sees fit. To the has 3+d6 ghost mutations, an assault shotgun with three full
observant traveler, the clan clearly appears to be interested in drums of ammo, d6 frag grenades and a DNA scanner.
seeing relic laden characters run afoul of the law so that they
can be robbed of their ancient arms and armor. Adventure Opportunities abound both within and outside
There isn’t much in the area to keep excavators staying long, of town, even though there are no obvious nearby ruins. Be-
at least nothing obvious and above ground, but most people com- low the town is an ancient subway line which once ran for hun-
ing into this area must stop here since sleeping out in the wilds dreds of kilometers in various directions. There is little known
is very dangerous. Indeed, small trade caravans and traveling opening into one of these transit lines in the woods to the
parties must spend at least one night in this strange hill top fort, south, as well as a few gaps in the steep banks along Barter
often reluctantly on account of the raiders, weird half skullocks River northeast of town. These old rail tunnels form a maze,
and domineering O’Finny Clan. In general the place makes for an with stairwells and rusted elevator shafts one on top of anoth-
interesting diversion from ruin digging, but can be just as peril- er for hundreds of meters below the earth. Many of the lines
ous if the customs and proper respect are not observed. are flooded, partially collapsed, or choked with roots, and of-
Of course, the game master can put into play several no- ten branch off into ancient shopping malls or other head to-
table personages found in Galespit, offering intriguing adven- ward other ruins, such as the Overgrown, The Great Ruins,
ture possibilities without the use of beasts or ruins. Clearly, Al- and less well known archeological sites.
brads ‘Old Man’ O’Finny is the most prominent, most respected Few know about these deep subway lines, their entrances
and feared person in Galespit. He is a huge mutant, like his fa- grown over with vines and carnivorous plants, and inhabited by sav-
ther and grandfather, a charismatic yet ruthless man with four age humanoids and weird, as yet undocumented monsters.

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One of the main local mysteries, and adventure prospects, in- PCs: “Hand over your weapons, belts, and packs and you can
volves the daughter of Old Man O’Finny. The girls is still missing and go on your way!” If the PCs refuse, there is a 71% chance the
there is a massive 9000sp reward for the safe return of Majeffy to men make good their threat and fire on the PCs before drawing
her clan. Anyone seriously interested in taking on the challenge of machetes and advancing to cut the characters down and rob
searching for the girl can approach the Fortified O’Finny manor and them, selling any captives as slaves.
request a printed info sheet on the case. The mysterious disap- 4. An O’Finny clan member with d6 militiamen, wielding crossbows
pearance of Majeffy is probably the best quest found here; at least and clubs, are moving down the street inspecting travelers (treat the
it pays the best. GMs could establish many possibilities for her de- O’Finny as a raider leader). The O’Finny, who is 36% likely to be a
parture, but three of the best are that she voluntarily left the com- woman, otherwise a man, is haughty and self assured, enjoying how
munity to become a excavator, secondly, she has been kidnapped the common folk bow and step aside. When he or she reaches the
by Tiberius Major, who holds her in a small dungeon under his shop PCs, the O’Finny looks the characters up and down with contempt
and in which case the young woman could telepathically contact and smirks. ”Where are you from? Where are you going? What are
one of the PCs and send thought pictures to him or her explaining your names and what business do you have in my great town?” If the
that she is alive and nearby. Thirdly, her Aunt, Margaret could be PCs are polite and answer the questions with some degree of believ-
holding her as a hostage in Edge Wood to the south, across the ability, then the O’Finny lets them pass. However, should the PC’s be
Purist border, mistreating the girl on a regular basis. Perhaps the surly and arrogant, the clan leader is 88% likely to snap a finger and
PCs could meet an escaped slave who has also been imprisoned instantly have his or her guards raise their crossbows at the PCs and
by Margaret, and who has seen Majeffy in the ‘witches’ camp. If the order them to kneel and beg for mercy. Failure to do so
PC agree to buy and free the slave, he or she will lead the team into will result in the guards firing their weapons and then
the woods and try and locate the sadist’s camp. attempting to bludgeon the PCs into uncon-
Other offered rewards include the hunting and killing of a sciousness. If surviving the initial attack
scarred, dragon lizard, nicknamed ‘Horse Eater’ which terrorizes the characters will be robbed of
the area, devouring cattle, destroying crops and wiping out cara- everything they own and sold
vans; a 600sp reward for this creature’s head. Likewise, bounty into slavery.
hunters are often hired to find the banished O’Finny, Mar- 5. d6+2 worn out, unattract-
garet ‘The Flayer’ who is wanted by a secret, illegal com- ive prostitutes (APP 3d6
mittee of locals, all of whom where either abused each), step up to the PCs
by the woman or had loved one’s tortured to and block their way. One,
death by the ‘sicko’, and will pay 2473sp for smiling through a stitched
the woman’s head. They don’t want her alive, lip, with bent teeth speaks
as they fear her and her alleged mind muta- to the males in the group
tions. saying, “C’mon back be-
hind the house here and
Online Resources: NPC Margaret we will remind you that
‘The Flayer’ O’Finny page 438 you are men. Sure, we
have had better days, who
hasn’t, but close your eyes as
we please you, and imagine the
Unique Encounters face of another.” If the PCs de-
cline, there is a 17% chance that
Galespit Street Encounters: the whores become angered and
Make d6+1 rolls for street oc- hurl obscenities at the characters
cupants from chart B, page 381 with as they move away. If, for some
a 1 in 10 chance per passage of a reason, any male character goes
unique encounter from the following list behind the house, there is an 89%
by day, and a 1 in 6 chance at night, roll chance all is as is promised, other-
d6 during day, d6+2 at night: wise, 2d4 raiders are waiting with
1. A nomadic trader leads a mule up to the clubs to knock out, rob and sell the
characters and asks “Say, are you head- PC(s) as slaves.
ing to Overpass by any chance? 6. A merchant and his d4+2 mi-
Gosh, I could sure use litia soldiers with muskets, wag-
some companions on on, d2 slave women and cargo
the inter-state; there are sitting to one side of the pas-
have been way too sage. The merchant sees the charac-
many marauders about these ters and beckons to them. “Well hello, noble war-
days to go alone, not to mention riors, may I have a word with you? Listen, I was part of a cara-
that fricken huge lizard they call Horse-Eater. I can sup- van which left us behind when the pricks headed up north to
ply you with meals and wine on the way, and when we reach the Turbine and off to the Shattered bloody Region, while we need
city, if we still get along, I can put you up at my partner’s stable for to get to Overpass with our cargo of dried fruit and leather. We
about a week until you find other work. What say you?” can’t possibly go without a caravan, not with all the fricken raid-
2. 2d6 half skullocks walk by, greeting other local residents ers who have spotted us here, so, if you are heading that way,
and paying the character’s no special attention. could we perhaps travel together and better our odds? I can give
3. A group of 6+3 thugs (raiders) slowly ride by on horses, ap- you hot meals, let you listen to my radio at camp, and when we
praising the characters, noting any openly displayed relics or reach the city, I can pay you each 30 silvers for your trouble. Ad-
jewelry. If this encounter occurs at night, and the raiders out- ditionally, I will give your captain this relic as soon as we get un-
number the PCs, and no local guards are present, there is a der way at dawn tomorrow: roll d6: 1,2. mini grenade/ 3,4. bag
78% chance the mounted men block the way ahead of the of d6 standard pistol rounds/ 5. d6 shotgun shells/ 6. shotgun
PCs at a range of 2d6m and extend loaded crossbows at the pistol with only one shell remaining.

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7. A gang of thugs (2 per person in PC group) step out from both 3. The bar maid comes over to the characters and serves their
sides of the street, brandishing steel pipes, wearing daggers on drinks and/or meals and leans over the most attractive male.
their belts (treat as raiders). “What have we here, boys, a bunch ”Say, gorgeous”, she whispers in his ear. “I heard the boss
of Nelly diggers from afar,” growls one, smirking. “Scream if you talking to an O’Finny clan member in the back. The O’Finny
want girls, the guards are our friends and don’t care what we do was asking about you bunch, trying to find out what we know
to strangers... so drop your weapons and prepare to be searched.” of your destination, if you were carrying any rare relics. They
If they get the chance, they will take every article of value from the are watching you. Best you leave at dawn, if you can.”
PCs leaving them standing in the street in their undergarments. If 4. A militia soldier stumbles into the bar, dusty and scraped
fought, and the gang loses half their number, they will break and up, his junk armor in tatters. He staggers to the bar and or-
run. The O’Finny authorities will not investigate either way. ders a beer, drinking heavily from it as onlookers wait to hear
8. A town patrol of 2d6+4 militiamen with crossbows and hatchets what happened to him. He turns to the patrons, wiping his
stomp into view ahead of the characters by 3d6+3 meters. The mouth. “It got us... Horse Eater himself, the dragon lizard...
largest soldier, and their leader, shouts to the characters to halt the same one that’s been attacking caravans for years now.
and submit to inspection. If allowed, the troop leader roughly ex- It ate my mates right before my eyes, and then got my horse.
amines each character, fondling any woman of 18 or higher ap- I made it to some brush, and escaped as it devoured the rest
pearance, and simply taking any small relics such as handguns, of my friends. It watches our kind as we come and go from
grenades, ammo, flashlights, electronic devices and the like before this fort, God preserve us all.”
thanking the characters and marching off. If the PCs protest the 5. A gang of 3d4 raiders stroll into the bar, threaten some
theft, they will be beaten 46% of the time, stripped of everything farmers away from their table and take up their seats and
they own and left unconscious in a nearby alley, otherwise, the pro- drinks. One observes that the characters are looking at them,
tests are heeded and the officer and troop move off without taking and simply raises his middle finger at the PCs and calls over.
more relics, yet, neither do they return those already stolen. “Mind your own business, grave robbin’ scum, or we’ll have
you all sold as castrated slaves by morning.” If for some rea-
Encounters in The O’Finny Saloon Inn: d6 bar patron rolls by sons the PCs challenge the gang members or are insolent,
day and d6+4 by night from patron table B, page 384 with a 1 in and are outnumbered, the gang will spend the next hour hurl-
10 chance of an encounter per hour by day and a 1 in 6 chance per ing insults at the PCs, as well as drinks, chicken bones, plates
hour by night. This bar opens from 8 am and closes at 4 am nightly. and murderous looks. There is a 13% chance that when the
For encounter results, roll d6 by day, d8 by night. Also note hourly PCs leave the saloon, the raiders follow them from 3d6m
rumors heard in the bar, from the random list on the next page. back, but are soon joined by 2d4+2 more raiders with steel
1. A nomadic trader, with a bandaged arm and worried look on pipes, who block the way. This combined mob will beat, rob
his face, asks to join the characters at their table or spot along and enslave the PCs if possible, fleeing if half the hoodlums
the bar. “Sorry to bother you kind diggers. I know you must be are dispatched. Local authorities will not interfere, nor will lo-
headed someplace more exciting than Overpass, but, I need to cales aide the characters.
get back there. My mule team was attacked by raiders on the way 6. Two obviously mutant individuals, both in armor and old mili-
here, and my guards killed, and my cargo stolen. I tracked it here, tary uniforms, smile and step over to the characters. They ad-
can see my mules about town, as well as some of the scoun- dress only fellow mutants when they speak (treat them as elite
drels who attacked us... but... there soldiers for statistics with 2 prime
is nothing I can do now! I have been mutations each). “We are from the
followed and threatened and beaten, West, comrades, from Newburg. You
and need to get home to my wife and ever been to that greatest of all cit-
kids, please... take me with you from ies? If you are new to the region here,
this awful town. Even if you are head- you may not know that in that fine
ed to Turbine or Array, or even to the land, mutants rule... absolutely. We
south and Steel hill, let me come with could always use a few fine freaks
you. When we eventually reach Over- in our illustrious ranks. What say
pass, I will give you quarters in my you join up at Rivergrad or another
basement in Undercity, and be your Aberrationist town or fort of ours? We
guide in that great metropolis. I am a pay well, feed well, and let you keep
poor man, and would offer more if I slaves as you please. Someday...
still had it. What is your answer?” we will have our flag on the towers
2. A group of d2+1 novice excava- of this remote but valuable fortress.
tors enter and take up a table near- Well, chums, think about it, we leave
by. They soon notice the PCs and you in peace.” They move to the bar
smile and wave when they have and try to converse with any other
the character’s attention. After mutants who pass by on the way to
awhile, one comes over and says: and from the lavatories at the rear of
“It’s always good to see other ad- the saloon.
venturers, especially so far from 7. A prostitute steps up to the most
the ruins. We are planning to head attractive male in the PC group, slips
south to Steel Hill and then west her arm about his shoulder and leans
to the smaller ruins near the Deth- heavily against him with her hip. She
pools, are you looking for any new smiles and whispers. “You wanna get
recruits? We are just setting out in it on? Just nod, lover, and smile if you
this path, leaving this fricken shit can so it looks like you want me, since
hole of a town, and sure could use your life might depend on it. Now lis-
a bigger group to merge with. Inter- ten, you and your friends are in real
ested?” GM: Could be new PCs to danger. Word about town is that you
replace fallen ones. got some real fine relics stashed on

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you. I heard some goons say they were gonna to tackle you to- 1. “The teenage daughter of the head O’Finny, was stolen in the
night, and then say you attacked them first. The O’Finny’s want night right out of her room in the fortified manor, nobody saw her
your gear, and will say to get your stuff as they have with so many kidnappers or her departure. As the place is heavily guarded, it is a
others lately. Best you bunch come upstairs with various girls, total mystery how she was taken. Now, she is a young woman, if alive
spend an hour and then get out through the windows and sneak at all and there is a huge reward for Majeffy’s safe return.”
the hell outa town before morning... when riders will be out for 2. “The androids from Mechanicus have sent an ambassa-
you.” If the PC agrees to act on her plan and convinces fellow PCs dor to Galespit to broker a treaty between us, against the
to join assorted floozies upstairs, the girls demand d6+2sp each Purehold Republic, and that ambassador, whoever he or she
for their hour of time, whether or not the individual characters is, dwells in town in secret now, its identity known only to the
frolic with them. The PCs can leave safely enough, going out the Master himself.”
windows and along the roof tops to later regroup. Once they get 3. Raiders are welcome here, and if the town is attacked, a
to a likely location on the wall they can tie ropes to the defenses smoke beacon is lit to call them to the defense of Galespit.”
and flee into the night... a dangerous undertaking. 4. “Mutant babies from the two Purist regions are smuggled
If the PCs decide to ignore the woman’s warnings, and leave here by their own pure stock parents to avoid inspection
for their Inn that night, there is a 4 in 6 chance that she told the and burnings, and we send the babies off with Aberrationist
truth, and half way between their Inn or wagons and the saloon, agents. Them agents come here every few months, making
wait 6+2d4 raiders with crossbows and clubs, led by an O’Finny the rounds between all the border towns. Nobody knows
youth with a pump shotgun (treat as a raider leader). They will rob rightly what they do with ‘em kids, but a fella I know says
the PCs, strip them, and sell them as slaves within d6 days. If sur- they turn ‘em into warriors.”
viving this fight, and reaching the hostel or other quarters, there 5. Be careful if you head north to Turbine across the flats, as
is a second 3 in 6 chance that 3d4 more raiders attack during the those people up there have had a lot of problems with raid-
night, emerging from hidden wall and floor hatches. ers and have sent out large patrols to wipe ‘em out. They
8. Several dusty nomads enter the bar, moving in a hunched might mistake you as bandits, too, if you ain’t careful.”
fashion, some with odd colored skin. They keep to them- 6. “Watch your step out around these parts, there is an old,
selves, their hats and hoods low to shadow their faces. There scar covered Dragon Lizard out there that eats wild cows most
is a 2 in 6 chance that they are simply mutant travelers, try- of the time. They call him Horse Eater, but he ain’t fussy about
ing to avoid trouble and pass the night without event, oth- his meat and will happily chow down on you, too.”
erwise, they are actually Purist zealots who have somehow 7. “Every once in awhile we get a motorized convoy of raid-
entered town in ones and twos, and used body paint and pos- ers pass along the interstate, they never stop here, hell no,
ture exaggeration to disguise themselves as mutants. While they ain’t welcome. They will steal your women and strap the
sitting there, each player character is allowed a type F per- men to the fronts of their dune buggies as meat shields.”
ception based hazard check to notice that the skin color on 8. “The O’Finny Clan is very cruel toward law breakers... they
one supposed mutant comes off on his sleeve, and if so, the skin ya alive if you even touch a local.”
PC can warn the bar staff. If spreading the word, the staff is 9. “There is good fishing in Shadow Lake, but don’t fall in
59% likely to warn the authorities, who send 3d4 militia sol- our you’ll be bait, too. Lots of things will feed on your flesh in
diers into the saloon to inspect the nomads. At the sight of the them muddy waters.”
militia, or if initially going un- 10. “The halfies... half human,
detected by the PCs at all, half Skullocks are our friends,
the group of false mutants and our cavalry. They ride out
will suddenly throw off their around the town, about ten
cloaks and leap up onto the clicks distant, and keep us
bar, and shout anti-mutant all informed of what’s com-
propaganda, curses, and de- ing or going. They mostly keep
fiance, brandishing two mus- to themselves, and as ugly as
ket pistols each. Treat them they are... they won’t let none of
as d4+2 commoner men and us mate with them. I hear that
d4 commoner women wear- an O’Finny youth was saved by
ing daggers in their belts. One this particular tribe, ten years
man holds a fragmentation or more ago now, and they
grenade that has been paint- were welcomed as equals.”
ed white with waving Purist 11. “Purists have burned out
crosses all over it. If the battle this bar a few times now, usu-
is going poorly for their group, ally throwing grenades and
which they expect, he pulls the running out. Be watchful for
pin on the grenade and tosses them religious nutters.”
it into the crowd, with a 33% 12. “Take heed, raider spies
chance toward the PC group’s will inform their gangs outside
location, should the Militia be on what you carry for relics
summoned, the grenade will and wealth, and will be wait-
initially be thrown at them as ing for you when you leave
they enter the saloon. town. If they hold you up,
and you don’t kill any of ‘em,
Rumors from Galespit they’ll just steal any relics and
valuables and let you walk
Locals: Each hour spent in free, but... if you kill one of the
the O’Finny Saloon will reveal
dogs, they’ll butcher whoever
one rumor to the player char-
done it.”
acters, roll d12:

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Dangers: All residents of this town have leprosy, and anyone to

Leper Hold come into contact with a leper is at risk of contracting this terrible,
ostracizing disease. Worse, since conditions here are so pitiful and
unclean, white plague and red pox are frequently spread through
the community. Besides disease, one’s neighbors are desperate,
Faction or Alliances: nil
Government System: no leadership starving souls, who will never hesitate to rob another leper, es-
Population: Total 192 to 458/ (Pure Stocks 100+d100/ pecially if it means getting one’s hands on pain killers, medical
Mutants 80+d100/ Cyborgs 3d12/ Clones 3d6/ Biorepli- miracle drugs, or possibly a weapon with which to commit a quick
cants 2d6/ Androids nil/ other 2d6) suicide. A few carnivores have learned that people coming and go-
ing from this village are easy pickings, and most of these preda-
Site Details: Leper hold is a shanty town built in the crotch tors don’t suffer any ill side effects from eating leprosy afflicted
tissues. Occasionally, large man eaters will leap or scale the walls
between two legs of land called ‘The Forks’, which stick out
into Promise Bay, and afford excellent protection from the and spend a night feasting on the sickly humanoids within.
waves and storms of the nearby Tainted Sea (Pacific Ocean).
The village is perched amid a series of ancient concrete sup- Law Enforcement: The place is lawless, with ‘Kill or be killed’
ports which stick out of the ground like immense gravestones. the rule here. In spite of this lawlessness, many lepers empathize
with their fellow disease victims and occasionally organize the
Construction Details: Nestled between a cluster of old con- bravest among them to work together towards finding a cure.
crete and steel supports, which historians claim are from one co-
lossal old world building, the pathetic little village of Leper Hold Military and Defense: There is no organized military force in
is nothing more than a cluster of shacks, surrounded by a wall of Leper Hold. If the village is attacked by predators or others who
drift wood, scrap metal, a few old vehicles, an aircraft wing and may want the lepers dead, then the most ambulatory portion
whatever other debris and rubble could be uncovered from the of the population (about 70%) will arm themselves and take to
flatlands, sea, and forest nearby. Each house is different, but most the walls. While the cyborgs here, as well as 3d10 mutants with
are single floor, single room, with a fire pit in the back, some sort a prime mutation each, are the most powerful warriors, there
of chimney for smoke dissipation, hammocks for beds and dirt will always be about 3d6 concealed relic weapons among the
floors. The single gate, facing the sea and flimsy wooden docks populace (WC-RC) and 2d6 larger relic weapons (WC-R).
beyond, is a crooked, wooden door which can hardly stop a strong
wind let alone a battering ram, relic car or hungry beast. There are Visitors to Leper Hold: Anybody can enter, but if a new-
no adequate towers nor official buildings anyplace in the village. comer is not a leper, then it is assumed that the travelers are
desperately seeking somebody within, desperate enough to
Water and Sanitation: Rain water is collected while raw take the terrible risk of getting the infectious disease. Most
lepers hide from armed strangers, and will avoid physical con-
sewage is poured over the walls or into the streets.
tact with them, even warn them away by showing them the
Technological Level: Whatever relics a leprosy victim has terrible, disfiguring results of their disease.
brought with him or her, are all that this community has. Those
who die of gangrene or other sickness, usually leave their rel- Social Details: There are no customs here, nor social activi-
ics to the other lepers to be used in the defense of the village, ties. The lepers just survive by farming and fishing as best hey
or to arm medicine ‘Seekers’ who are sent out to search for a can, trying to grow enough food for the long, windy winter. The
cure, relic drugs, pain killers, or intoxicants. shanty houses of those who die are kept standing for the new ar-
rivals which continuously come from other towns and regions.

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MAP CR-29: Leper Hold

1 hex =3 meters

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Resources and Industry: Subsistence farming and limited Unique Encounters

fishing. Each morning people will either head to the vegetable Note: always re-roll previously encountered results:
patches or their small wicker boats, canoes and rowboats and
fish in the dangerous waters of the bay. Encounters Within Leper Hold: There will always be d12
commoners of each gender and age category wandering
Accommodations: No accommodations. Newcomers or about the filthy streets, who will tend to ignore others, being
travelers can occupy one of the many empty shanty huts of withdrawn into their own inner misery and sorrow. However,
the recently departed. There is some risk of contracting lep- for each hour spent within this village by day, there is a 3 in
rosy from the soiled beds of the previous occupants; each 10 chance of a unique encounter, from the following list, roll
as yet unaffiliated traveler to sleep in the bed of a deceased d8 by day, and d10 by night
leper is 23% likely to become infected. 1. A mob of armed lepers equal in number to the PCs plus d6,
treat as raiders but with only 10+d20 END, accost the PCs
For the Excavator: There is nothing here of worth, unless and demand all their possessions or else. If the PCs refuse to
one wants steal the few relics these leprosy victims have to strip down, the robbers will be 14% likely to simply flee, other-
defend themselves from the many hungry predators which wise, they will attack. Anyone robbed by this group will be sent
stalk this place. There are no ruins nearby, at least nothing on naked from the town at dusk.
the surface, and so very few excavators pass by these parts. 2. A commoner, (roll d6: 1,2 man/ 3,4. woman/ 5. teen/ 6. child)
with horrendously advanced leprosy, comes staggering out of a shan-
For the Game Master: Leprosy is a highly feared, very con- ty and bumps into a random PC, potentially exposing him or her.
tagious disease, affecting people region wide, people the PCs 3. 2d6 lepers, all children, come pouring out at the new-
should meet from time to time to make them fully aware of comers from all directions, some limping along or dragging
the terrible illness and risk of infection. their deformed legs behind them. They are beggars, who
There are cures for Leprosy, especially relic pills and cure- have no qualms about running their mangled fingers all
tabs, etc. These drugs are worth a fortune to a leper. The fit- over the PCs as they paw and tug at them screeching for
test, most altruistic lepers in this community are called ‘Seek- food or coins.
ers’. These heroic individuals are sent out from Leper Hold via 4. d6+2 excavators wearing enviro-suits are up the street,
boat or horseback, using maps and rumors to track down sourc- questioning people they meet. When they see the characters,
es of herbal or relic cures. These seekers usually wear thick they approach and ask if the PCs have seen a six armed fe-
face scarves to conceal their sunken noses, jagged, malformed male mutant with leprosy, carrying an assault rifle, with red
mouths and other telltale signs of leprosy. Most people will shun hair. They say that she is a teammate that abandoned their
lepers; even kill them if they won’t leave their communities. squad when she contacted leprosy. They have a cure-tab for
The roads and trails leading to Leper Hold are often occu- her. If the characters know nothing, they move on.
pied by sad, banished people of all races and ages, heading to 5. A six armed, red headed mutant woman with leprosy and
this village as a place to live out their lives in suffering. an assault rifle (d3 spare full magazines, tactical armor and
d3 prime mutations). This excavator will avoid strangers and
Online Resources: To learn more about Leprosy and its symp- go into her own hut, locking the door.
toms, transmission rates and translation into game terms, regis- 6. A nomadic trader with a wagon and 4+d6 raider guards, all
tered Society of Excavators members can download the document with muskets and all wearing enviro-suits are selling a ‘prov-
Leprosy in The Mutant Epoch for free at www.mutantepoch.com en cure’ for leprosy, at 50sp per bottle of blue liquid. Dozens
of deformed humans and mutants crowd about, parting with
their precious mementos and life savings to get a chance at

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this promised cure. If the PCs buy a bottle and try it, should Encounters Outside of Leper Hold: Within 1km on land, 3
they themselves be lepers, the liquid tastes awful, with a defi- in 10 chance of an encounter per hour by day, and a 5 in 10 chance
nite alcoholic kick to it. Within 12 hours the player will de- of encounter per half hour by night, rolling d10 by day, d10+2 by
velop strange tingling all over his or her body, and have a fit- night. (Always re-roll duplicated encounter results denoted by an *
ful night’s sleep. The next day, the PC must make a type A beside their number, unless such encounters have not been dealt
END based HC or become deathly ill, bed ridden for 2d6 days with when met earlier and still stalking the area around the village.)
and virtually helpless. There is, however, a 1 in 6 chance that 1. Leper migration: d6 commoners of each age and gender
this particular ‘snake oil’ salesman had an actual cure, and group, noted on the typical humans listing table in the TME
the person’s leprosy no longer progresses. The trader and his hub rules, who move along toward Leper Hold passing near
crew will leave the town within 2d6 days. the PCs. All are lepers from some remote community who
7. A group of leper thugs, d6+3, treat as commoner men, have made the long trek to their last and only refuge. All the
have surrounded and commenced beating upon a female adults and teens carry bows, but otherwise have no valuables
commoner, also a leper. Amid the shouts of anger, the or livestock. They are fearful of armed strangers who get too
characters hear the men say, “It was you who infected close and will threaten them away.
us! Whore! We knew we would find you here! Now you’ll 2. Lepers out on a hunt, looking for deer or wild cattle, but
pay you lying bitch!” If the PCs do nothing, the woman will if the PCs are outnumbered 2 to 1, these desperate fellows
be beaten senseless and left in the mud, 78% likely dead, will attempt to hold up the strangers and demand all their
otherwise unconscious. possessions, or death. There are 2d6 pure stock lepers, treat
8. An excavator, now a leper who doesn’t look long for this as commoners with bows and knives, plus d6 mutant lepers,
world, urges the characters over, but not to close, to his sim- armed the same, with one prime mutation each.
ple scrap metal hut. “Were I fit as you are, I would have had 3.* Leper raiders, who ‘greet‘ all newcomers as they approach
a chance, and found the stash of cure-tabs in the New Hills. town. These d8+2 ruthless bullies are on saddle horses and
I always thought I could get to the hoard me and my mates carry crossbows. They demand all the PC’s relics and money, as
buried there, oh, 20 years ago now. I am the last of us, and well as subservience to their gang. If these men are slain or oth-
you remind me of my ol’ chums. Here....” He hands the PCs erwise defeated, the community will be very fond of the PCs.
a crude map drawn on clear plastic. Follow this, and there 4.* Drader-Kac, which has been terrorizing the area for a
will be a plastic drum buried a meter or two down, in it, decade, eating arriving lepers on an almost daily basis. If
a handful of cure-tabs and a few other goodies you could slain, no other drader-kac will be found in this area for many
use.” He wishes the PCs luck and retires to his hut, dying months, plus, the lepers will rejoice, songs will be muttered
within a few days. If the PCs follow the map to the spot and by the villagers recounting the character’s names, and there
dig down, there is a 77% chance they find a plastic drum is an 86% chance that a dying leper gives each surviving PC a
containing a sealed pack of 2d6 cure-tabs, plus, d3 WC-R random relic weapon from WC-RC
and d6 random grenades. 5. Lizard, skulking render looking for flesh
9. A mutant grizzly bear has scaled the town walls and is gorg- 6. d3 lizards, winged slashers, which are used to picking off
ing itself on human victims, smashing down the weaker shacks weak, slow moving lepers.
to get at the inhabitants within. It just so happens that this bear 7. Narkanna
has been here week after week, and this time it spots the PCs 8. Snake, massive
and turns toward them and charges. 9. Spider, freakish
10. A hell cougar, one of many who devour lepers on a regular 10. 2d8 wolves
basis has stalked the PCs and leaps out at them from a dark 11. 3d6 Bats, devil
alley, range d6+1m away. 12. Stabber worm

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the survivors fled into the forest. During reconstruction, the
new town was made tougher, utilizing scrap metal and plas-
tics from the nearby ruins, as well as stone construction wher-
ever possible. While all official buildings, walls and towers are
Faction or Alliances: None, but friendly with the Lower Freehold made of stone, most homes are a mix of debris, timber and
Government: Council of Elders: 7 members, currently 4 rock work. The dock area is separate from the main ring wall
women and 3 men. of the town, and a steel plated gate allows access from either
Symbol or Insignia: Seahorse the road or water via two identical single gates.
Population: Total 274 to 522/ (Pure Stocks 200+d100/ Mu-
tants 60+3d20/ Cyborgs 3d12/ Synthetic Humans 3d10/ Water and Sanitation: Memory gets its water from two
Androids 2d6/ other 2d12) sources, depending on the end usage. For drinking, only
rain water is used, while for agriculture, cleaning and sew-
Site Details: Memory is built on the point of an isolated pen- age run off, the questionable supply from Canal Creek is
insula on the far side of the Overgrown Ruins and so cut off used. This creek water is tainted with various chemicals
from the land based trade routes and factional struggles of the and bio-genetic agents, not to mention some radioactiv-
region. The town site is on a rocky outcrop, exposed to the ocean ity following heavy rainfalls, since the supply comes di-
and yet protected from the pounding surf by a stout reef about rectly from the Overgrown Ruins. Sewage repositories ex-
a kilometer out, through which only local fisherman and regular ist in the back alleys, while the House of Elders and Tow-
barge captains can navigate safely. At the rear of the town, the er Barracks all have drains.
tangled, mutated woodland of the Overgrown Forest sprawls for
kilometers, covering the rusted, crumbling structures of the an- Technological Level: Being near the Overgrown Ruins,
cient ones. The sea keeps this town’s temperature bearable year relics have always been available to the bravest men and
round, except when the odd storm blows in from the ocean. women of the town. Mainly, metal, glass and plastic are re-
covered from the vegetation strangled heaps of the oldsters;
Construction: Many years ago, at this same site, then called however, the community does have a solar power generator
New Redondo, a pirate fleet burned the previous wooden town with which it charges power cells and the flood lights which
to the ground. When the place was rebuilt it was renamed the militia use to watch the bay and inland reaches by night.
‘Memory’ to ensure people recalled that terrible time when Outsiders are not permitted to recharge their own cells with

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The Crossroads Region Part Seven: Independent Communities 273

this device, and the machine is well guarded and perched androids wear tactical armor and each carries a pulse rifle
on the top of the House of Elders, guarded day and night by with d3 spare power cells.
3+d4 militiamen with a pair of binoculars. Hand held com- At the sea gate, on the tower built there, the soldiers on
municators are prevalent among the militia officers as well the top most armored level have access to a rocket launcher
as carried by each member of the ruling council. and 2d6 battle rockets, while at the land gate, a belt fed ma-
chine gun is concealed on the second level behind a locked
Dangers: Memory is an open trade town and receives nu- steel shutter, only exposed when the need is great. The gun
merous merchant ships and excavation units. Due to the has two boxes of 3d100 rounds ammo in each and is always
presence of so many foreigners, however, conflicts inevita- manned by 2+d6 militia soldiers. 4 catapults, each with 3d6
bly arise, often leading to stabbings, gun fights and duals fire pots at the ready, are situated along the open dock area
in the streets and Pub. There have also been factional ter- on raised wooden platforms, each guarded by two militia sol-
rorist killings, usually between groups of opposing outsid- diers and aimed out toward the bay.
ers, but the militia tries to be vigilant and keeps a close
watch on all armed outsiders, warning them politely to Visitors to Memory: The few travelers who arrive by the
keep the peace if they want to keep their heads. land gate are usually lone scavengers, traders leading pack
Acts of self defense are tolerated, but even innocent mules, or the odd excavation team. The gates remain closed
individuals who were forced to defend themselves, are until the guards can interview and appraise the newcomers,
told to leave town at first light. The odd case of white mainly trying to determine if the strangers are pirates or Pur-
plague, rose pox, leprosy and sinners itch turn up from ists, possibly even Aberrationist irregulars from the North.
time to time, but there is nothing extraordinary about There is no admittance fee, but newcomers are warned
these outbreaks. The greatest threat to Memory is from that fighting, spitting and swearing won’t be tolerated. Plus,
the pirate barges, which prey on vessels trying to leave outlanders are welcome to drink their fill in the pub, but not to
or arrive at the port. Because of this threat, large groups get too drunk and cause mischief. The port sees most of the
of armed strangers, numbering 6 or more, will be asked trade and travelers with cargo barges, sailing ships and sea-
to stow all their relics and ranged weapons at either gate canoes arriving almost daily. The ocean gate is kept open by
house, depending on the mode of their arrival, the weap- day, but shut until morning once darkness falls. Visitors who
ons to be returned upon departure. Travelers arriving by do arrive to the docks at night will be expected to sleep on
winged mount, airship or relic aircraft can set down at ei- board their ships or boats, and be interviewed in the morn-
ther the docks, or just outside the front gates of town ing. Large groups of armed individuals, numbering 6 or more,
will have to turn in all their relic weapons as well as ranged
Law Enforcement: The militia and citizenry of this place archaic weapons like bows and crossbows. These articles are
are about as happy and law abiding as can be found in the re- signed for by an officer at the gate and returned to the visitor
gion. They don’t tolerate laziness or rudeness, while threats when they leave. Strangers with robotic and animal compan-
or fights are considered uncivilized and unproductive. Any- ions will be viewed with great interest, and since the commu-
one caught breaking the law, regardless of the severity of nity desires trade and wishes to promote itself as a thriving,
the crime, is treated harshly. Theft of food and clothing or open minded barter town, it will allow small, friendly groups
being disrespectful of the elders or militia, is punished with to shelter their pets and robots in the stables next to the Inn,
community hours cleaning; the sewage repository or animals where such beings must stay the whole time while in town.
pens. Non-lethal violent crimes and theft of money or weap-
ons elicits a public whipping, and convicted murderers get Brief History: Memory was founded in the year 2262 by
beheaded in the town square. Perpetrators of serious crimes refugees and survivalists, who had recovered some excellent
are kept in a steel pen within the southern tower, their sen- relics within the nearby ruins, and decided to set up a stock-
tence passed by the council of elders themselves. ade in which to pitch their tents. From this humble beginning,
a large, bustling trade town called New Redondo was born. In
Military and Defense: There is no regular uniformed the spring of 2327, a pirate fleet of over twenty barges and
army, however, all young adults aged 15 to 28 are automati- numerous other craft, gained access through the reef and
cally conscripted into the militia. Draftees are each armed attacked the town. Outnumbered, the citizens fled into the
with a hatchet, knife, junk shield, junk armor and junk hel- woods and waited until the raiders looted and burned the
met with a chin strap, a plume of sea gull feathers as a settlement. Undaunted and happy to be alive, the people re-
headdress, and two javelins each. There are 45 militia sol- built, but this time out of stone and scrap metal, heavy tim-
diers serving within town, plus 4 militia officers armed with bers and ceramic tile for rooftops.
random relic weapons (WC-R).
Additionally, there are two patrols of outriders, numbering Social Details: The people of Memory exhibit no unique cus-
10 militia soldiers each, mounted on saddle horses and us- toms, other than they are harder working and more welcoming
ing bows instead of javelins, plus, a single battle barge which than folks in other regional communities, at least to those who
defends the harbor just beyond the reef. This impressive war uphold the law. They see the mutual benefit in the existence of
ship, called the Redondo, escorts merchant vessels through independent, non-racial, non-religious settlements and always
the treacherous reef in and out of harbor. It also protects out- side with those who live by such ideals. Strangers who share
going shipping until the visiting craft can get their sails raised this spirit of growth, prosperity, quality and harmony, will be wel-
and outrun any waiting pirate canoes and barges. The Redon- comed back with smiles and genuine friendship.
do has a complete compliment of regular town militia soldiers,
numbering 37 (11 amid the rigging and steerage, and 26 on Resources and Industry: Fishing and logging are the pri-
oars), and is fitted with a chain gun, rocket launcher, two bal- mary activities, however, teams of salvagers enter the forest
lista and a catapult which can hurl flame pots. on a daily basis to collect scrap metal and uncover anything
Additional units and defenses of the town include three of value at the ruin’s edge. Heavily armed excavators, mean-
combat androids who have served the community for as while, loot the ruins and sell their findings to the local relic
long as anone can remember, and act as the gatekeepers dealers, thus massing useful articles within the town for future
and guards at the entrance to the House of Elders. These use should the pirates return.

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Accommodations and Entertainment: Memory offers one ous villages and waterborne factions. Pirates, traders, explorers
pub and one Inn, situated across the street from each other and cannibals all make these islands and platforms their home
and owned by one family. The Inn, called ‘Magpies Nest’ is and any team heading into those poorly charted waters would
a three story scrap and stone building with 18 two person be wise to make Memory their expedition headquarters.
rooms and 5 four person rooms, costing 3sp and 6sp respec-
tively. The Pub, named the ‘Grinning Grouper’, is made of Unique Encounters
stone, two stories tall, with the upper level serving as a broth-
el and housing 12 floozies. The bar area itself is decorated in Daytime Street Encounters: d6+1 rolls for street occu-
a nautical theme, complete with nets, wooden model ships pants from chart B, page 381 with a 1 in 10 chance per pas-
and hand carved fish, with all manner of skulls and fins and sage of a unique encounter from the following list. Roll d6:
skins of freakish mutant sea creatures nailed to the walls. 1. A thief targets a random character and attempts to pickpock-
The place is well known for its fist fights and bawdy songs, as- et a handgun, grenade or other item, using a crowd as cover.
sertive prostitutes and Celtic style music. 2. A bounty hunter and his d4+1 raider side kicks, pass by,
Other services in town include a 4 tub bathhouse and the bounty hunter looking over each of the PCs carefully. Any
a clinic, both housed in one scrap metal building. The clinic PC with a bounty on his or her head might be recognized ac-
is operated by a 3 skill point medic called Kirsten-O’kella, a cording to his or her personal history.
pure stock woman of middle years who will tend the wound- 3. A patrol of 2d6 local militia personnel accost you, with one,
ed in her 5 bed clinic for 10sp a day, and attempt to perform questioning a random PC believing him or her to be a Pirate Spy.
any other medical treatment for 70sp. The bath service is The PC must make a type C INT based HC to avoid arrest and
run by a pair of mutant twin sisters, Methav and Jollita, who questioning at the Jail, held for d6 days before being released.
handle the laundry, bathing and grooming of clients them- 4. A group of men, commoners, are drunk and staggering
selves, for a fee of 2sp per client. down the street toward the PCs, and rudely knock into the
At the docks, travelers can inquire about the availabil- characters and swear and laugh, and if there is any PC wom-
ity of passenger service up and down the coast, with lo- an of 30 or better appearance, the drunks harass her with
cally owned ships taking people on their trade rounds for lewd suggestions and filthy talk. If any violence breaks out,
20+d20sp one way, while foreign ships will usually charge the militia patrol from roll 3 above shows up d6 rounds af-
70+2d20sp for a one way ticket to adjacent regions. These ter the fighting starts. Outsiders will not be viewed kindly
fees include crude quarters, poor meals and stale water. for harming locals and be locked up for 2d6 days while the
The only other entertainment and service is a public au- brawl is investigated. If any commoner is killed in the fight,
ditorium under a sheet metal roof near the town square, the guilty person will be sentenced to hang.
where on most evenings, illuminated by electric Christmas 5. 2d6 children are playing ball in the street, and run passed
lights, radio broadcasts are listened to on a bashed up old the PC group, among them are d3 street urchins, who use
portable audio box. Being out on the peninsula permits this the other children as cover as each urchin tries to pickpock-
device to tune in to a wide range of frequencies, and on cool et a small relic or coin pouch off random PCs (d2 skill points
clear nights, broadcasts can be heard from as far away as as pick pockets, see page 48 TME hub rules).
Panama, Hawaii, and North to the former Canadian Board- 6. A drunken man, commoner, lurches out of a doorway and into
er. (See radio stations index, Appendix Four, page 389, this the character’s path, sees the PCs and starts to yell and point at
book for all standard, locally heard radio broadcasts.) them. ”Pirates, I tell you, look at them! Guards! Guards!” Every-
body else on the street ignores the man and keeps going about
For the Excavator: “Well, friend, what I know is that Mem- their business, and no militia soldiers arrive unless the PCs harm
ory is one of the only independent towns in this section of the the fellow.
region. Its pinched between the aggressive mutant Dominion of
Aberratia, and the loosely knit alliance that is the Lower Free- Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-1 (0-5) rolls for street
hold. They say that there are a few small but well preserved occupants on chart B, page 381 with a 3 in 10 chance per
ruined metropolises nearby the town, but the Overgrown Ru- passage of a unique encounter from the following. Roll d6:
ins, so named for being almost buried under riotous vegetation 1. 3d6+4 commoner men, Locals have got in their head that
growth, are reported to be rich with relics of all kinds. Another you are pirates; they want you out of town at dawn. They ap-
well known fact is that green walker zombies and man eating proach from ahead and behind wielding clubs, one of the
plants are common in that area, not to mention the hordes of toughest men does the threatening. If The PCs are cocky or
fricken bipedal rats, runnin’ around in God damn packs of up to defiant the mob is 44% likely to attack, otherwise they just
a hundred or more. Oh, and did you know that Memory is a re- melt away.
built town? Yeah, pirates burned the place to the ground some 2. A group of rough men, treat as raiders, and equal to the
decades ago, they called it New Redondo, but now, the place is PCs in number plus d3 men, step out of the ally, as well be-
a great stop over by land or ship, and welcomes all races and hind and ahead of the PCs. One orders the characters to
professions as long as they don’t hurt anybody while there.” drop their coin pouches, weapons and relics, or get busted
up. If the PCs refuse, there is an 88% chance the banditos
For the Game Master: Memory is pretty much what it looks attack, otherwise they chicken out and flee.
like from the surface. It is a vibrant little town with the potential 3. A patrol of d6+3 militiamen stomp by, observing the PCs
to grow to a city if not destroyed again. Pirates dressed as regu- very carefully. There is only a 17% chance that they stop the
lar traders or sailing ship crewmen, frequent the place evaluat- characters and question them regarding their accommoda-
ing the defenses and wealth for a planned invasion. tions, names, professions, and mission.
A likely adventure hook could have the PCs learn of the pi- 4. Street urchins, 2d6+2, are hanging out on either side of
rate’s plot. The PCs, once uncovering the scheme, could them- the street, and if they outnumber the PCs 2 to 1, they follow,
selves be detected by the buccaneers and possibly threatened tossing pebbles, teasing and making foul mouthed remarks.
or harmed to ensure they don’t inform the Council of Elders. They will persist with this behavior for 2d10 minutes, with
Beyond the Crossroads Region map’s western edge, not too each minute a 1 in 6 chance of the rest of their gang (d6+3
many kilometers out, are a series of islands and reefs, as well more street urchins) arriving to cut the PCs off, and demand
as beached or grounded ancient ships, making home for numer- the traveler’s valuables, especially relics.

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MAP CR-30: Memory

1 hex =5 meters

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5. A commoner, 67% male, otherwise a woman, staggers up to faces for anybody with a personal history and a bounty on their
the PCs, the stranger’s hood pulled down over his or her face and heads, arresting or possibly killing anybody on their list.
tries to snag onto a random PC, and looks up into the PCs face, 7. A roaring pack of drunken sailors, (3d6+4 commoner men) are
coughing as he or she begs for a coin or a meal, disease billowing moving about the Pub. The spill drinks and accost people, teasing
out with the breath. 58% chance white plague, otherwise rose pox. them, pinching the serving girls, getting into a few scuffles and fist
PC must determine if he or she has been exposed: rose pox type E fights, and then discover the PCs. If there are any women in the
END based C/ white plague type C END based HC to avoid. group of 30 or better appearance, they are asked to sit at the sail-
6. 2d6 drunken sailors, treated as commoner men but with +10 or’s table and ditch any male PCs, referring to these male compan-
END and the 2 points in the brawling skill each, are passing by the ions as losers and boy-lovers. For every half hour that night, there
PCs. If they outnumber the PCs they call them names and mock is a 1 in 6 chance that d3 sailors get stupid drunk, and decide that
them as grave robbers and scum. If there are any women of 30 or a random male PC is insulting them, and begging for a fight.
better appearance among the PCs these women are specifically 8. Drunken commoner men, 2d6+6, are out of control, danc-
harassed with cat calls and lewd invitations. If fewer in number, ing on the tables, knocking people over, laughing, spilling drinks
the sailors move on. Note: 2 pts in Brawling skill adds +5 SV and and splashing the PCs with beer. There is a 3 in 6 chance that
+2 DMG (now SV 01-55/ DMG d6+2 with fists and kicks) the drunks leap onto the PC’s table and kick over their meals and
drinks. If any PCs protest or try to knock the revelers off, then there
Encounters in the Magpies Nest Pub: Any time of day, d6 is a 2 in 6 chance the commoners turn violent and attempt to beat
patron rolls by day 3d6 after 9pm, from chart B, page 384, with the PCs unconscious.
a 3 in 10 chance of a unique encounter per half hour from the
following list, roll d6, adding +2 if in after 9 pm: Encounters Outside of Memory: Within the cleared area
1. Prostitute, with a black eye and a limp, asks any male PCs if around town, with a 3 in 10 chance of an encounter, one
they “wanna romp upstairs, only 2sp?” If asked how she got a check per hour by day, one check every half hour by night,
black eye, she says, roll d6: 1-3. “None of your business, outland- rolling d8 by day, d8+2 by night.
er”/ 4-6. “A pirate spy used me, beat me, and didn’t even pay. 1-4. As per regular encounters for Plains, table TME-4-2,
They are planning another attack. You knew that, right?” page 130 of the TME hub rules.
2. Fight breaks out between 3+d3 commoner men (fisher- 5. 2d6 Bipedal rats with bows
man), and 3+d3 thugs, (raiders). The commoners claim the 6. Patrol of 10 Memory militiamen on horseback, armed
thugs are pirates. with bows. They will be courteous but cautious of strangers
3. Somebody throws a mug of beer at the back of a random PCs and ask what you are doing outside of town.
head, but just who threw it is unknown. Everybody in the Pub 7. d3+1 Southern Rangers, treat as elite soldiers, each with a prime
laughs at the soggy victim. mutation, on riding dogs. They are friendly to mixed race groups
4. A drunken fisherman (commoner) stumbles over to a random and will tell strangers about their order and how to serve the Lower
PC and yells “You’re a god damn pirate! Leave or I’ll knock your Freehold. See The Lower Freehold, page 64 for more info.
teeth in!” If the PC does nothing, the fisherman attacks with bare 8. Lone excavator, crawling toward the town gates, punctured by
fists. If the PC initially threatens the man away, the drunk is 90% crossbow bolts and clearly dying. When asked what happened, the
likely to attack, otherwise he wanders off, and if the PC does get excavator says “Pirates... did... it... ambushed us... in the woods.
up and leave, there is a 37% chance the drunk goes after the PC They are planning to... to attack...” and then he expires.
anyway, followed by d6+1 other fishermen who after 2d10 min- 9. Pirate scouts, spying on Memory’s defenses, d6+4 treat
utes try to beat the PC senseless and rob him or her. as raiders, armed with crossbows, on foot, have a communi-
5. While tending to the PCs, a serving girl whispers to a random cator and are reporting to unseen comrades.
character. “Rumor has it that you are pirate spies from Port Fol- 10. Expeditionary force, testing the outer defenses of the
ly, and that some people here in town plan to kill you tonight! I town. Pick PC with highest perception score to make a type
would leave at once!” B hazard check, with success meaning enemy can be avoid-
6. A bounty Hunter and d6 henchmen, treat as soldiers, arrive ed. Force is 58% likely to be 20+d20 pirates (raiders) or
on the scene and spoil the mood. They look about, searching the 30+3d10 bipedal rats with bows.

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Port Folly Technology: Port Folly is relic rich, both on an individual basis
and as a government. Communicators are assigned to all Port Fol-
ly’s own battle barges and land based raider forces, with a parabolic
receiver and transmitter dish mounted on the top of the baron’s
Faction or Alliances: A safe harbour for all raiders, thieves,
pirates, brigands, and other criminals. tower. From the communications center of this fortress, the Baron’s
Government: Ruled by Baron Dictus-Agustus the Bloody technicians can send and receive transmissions from their own
Clawed and his clan units within the Crossroads and all adjacent regions, plus, monitor
Symbol or Insignia: Traditional skull and crossbones, but a dozens of other radio signals from unaligned communicators, in-
three eyed mutant version of the skull cluding robotic chatter from Mech Sector Cal-64 in the far off Shat-
Population: Total 335 to 700/ (Pure Stocks 98+d100/ tered Region. Solar panels, as well as a back up alcohol fuel gen-
Mutants 106+d100/ Cyborgs 7+d12/ Synthetic Humans erator, supply recharge power to all Port Folly armed units and de-
52+2d20 / Androids 17+d20/ other 48+d100) vices, as well as huge search lights which can illuminate as far out
to sea as Dog Island, easily spotting any approaching vessel or air-
Site Details: Port Folly is an island fortress perched on the craft coming from the southern approach. Within the community, a
primitive phone service is wired connecting all defense positions to
sheltered shore of Gristle Bay on the densely overgrown Folly
Island. The fortress itself is built on both natural stone and an- the command center, plus, a dozen small digital video cameras are
cient ruined concrete foundations, and steps up the steep hill set up about town, and constantly monitored by personnel in the
with each level connected to the higher one by a series of wind- communications center. Finally, all pubs and brothels have electric
ing staircases and ramps. lights in their rooms

Construction: There is no land gate access to Port Folly since Dangers: In the main town, crime is a way of life, not just as a
career outside of the settlement, but even within the place. Here,
the rest of the island is a thicket of predatory mutant vegetation
and terrible monsters. So inhospitable is the inhabited part of the death duals, knife fights, brawling, muggings, rape, kidnapping,
island that no agriculture or other activities take place outside of and enslavement are daily affairs. Any traveler to dock here and
the 10 meter tall, stone and scrap walls. Arriving from the sea, Port seek lodging had better look the part of a pirate or brigand, and
Folly is an impressive sight, as the wooden docks are guarded by be able to back up their bravado with merciless violence, least
two flanking stone and steel bunkers, each fitted with two levels of they be considered weaklings and imposters. Stepping into a pub
deadly relic weaponry (see Military and Defenses, next page). or saloon here is risky business, as alcohol and drugs only add to
The dock area is cut off from the main town by a 10m tall the mix of raw barbarity and lawlessness already so prevalent in
scrap barrier, fitted with a steel plated double gate large enough to the town. Diseases, such as leprosy, white plague and rose pox,
drive a tank through. Inside the main town is a mix of wood, stone, not to mention sinner’s itch, are more common here than in oth-
reclaimed and tent homes, some with tile or wooden shake roofs, er open towns, and anyone inflicted with one of these ailments,
others with thatch or animal skins for cover. Above the town, sits except for sinner’s itch, is deposited over the town walls into the
the forbidden zone, a towering stronghold built onto the side of thorny woods behind, where if a beast doesn’t snap up the sickly
a partially collapsed ancient structure. Various defense facilities, person, a carnivorous plant soon will.
workshops, jail and torture cells, communications centers and lux-
ury chambers fill this great building. Law Enforcement: Within the main open town, crime is toler-
The docks themselves are made of wood with a few scrap or ated and perhaps even encouraged. The authorities of Port Folly
stone moorings and wharfs, and here, a wide assortment of ves- will rarely intercede in feuds or heinous crimes unless things are
sels bob in the waves. Among the various water craft are dozens getting out of control and the streets become too dangerous for
of house boats, many of them serving as brothels, saloons, slave even trade among outlaws to be conducted. In general, the Port
dealerships and other services sought out by pirates and their ilk. Authorities have a few patrols which roam the streets by day and
night, and will deal out street justice in a whimsical, brutal man-
Water and Sanitation: Rain fall is collected in buckets and ner, often punishing the victim as well as the offender. In the
main, law in the town sector is fickle, crimes not investigated, a
carefully stored in the cool basements of most structures, with
rain being an almost daily occurrence on this island. Flush toi- victim’s reports to the guards not recorded or taken seriously,
lets, relics imported from the Dethpool Ruins, are available in and unless a crime is actually witnessed by the roaming patrols,
all government buildings and the local pubs and saloons, while nothing will be done about it. The authorities do have a set of
the rest of the structures have simple evacuation pipes leading guidelines, however, which states that it is not sporting to hurt
to the stinky bay. women, to fail to pay a prostitute for her efforts, nor to kill un-
armed folks. Generally, shopkeepers and bar staff are off lim-
its to abuse, and anyone who harms or harasses these regular

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merchants and their employees will be severely punished, often (fireproof/DV -20/END 120) closes off the structure on its lowest
by the authorities. In general, travelers are on their own, and will entry level, behind which each has a garrison consisting of 10
have no help from locals or Port Folly guards should they make pure stock soldiers and d6 war dogs.
enemies or present themselves as a target. Anyone who does At the docks, the main gates into town are steel plated
get arrested for killing or harming a protected merchant, town wooden double doors. These stout portals are guarded by two
employee, guard or hooker, or is deemed a threat to the commu- flanking towers manned by 5 soldiers, with every man assigned
nity, is thrown over the walls to the waiting predators and plants, a frag grenade. The Baron’s fortress, high above the public por-
unarmed, naked and with their hands tied behind their back ( tion of town, is accessed via a single relic steel door (fireproof/
STR based type D HC to break ropes per hour) DV-20/END 200), the walls above which are occupied by 4+d6
mutant soldiers, 2 of which man a heavy machine gun which is
Military and Defense: This pirate town has never been oc- belt fed by a huge drum of high caliber rifle ammo (200+2d100
cupied by a conquering force, nor has any faction been able rounds). The Baron’s tower entrance has another steel door of
to get a beach head beyond the docks. Port Folly is heavily relic construction (fireproof/DV-20/END 90), and the tower top
armed, both from its own resources and fleet as well as the is manned by 6 mutant soldiers who operate two belt fed chain
numerous visiting pirate and criminal patrons, all of whom de- guns, which can fire down on any side, even into the town itself
pend on the town to sell their booty and seek shelter from the should attackers take up positions in the houses below.
wrath of those they prey upon. The communication center, which adjoins the baron’s quar-
The main military consists of 70 pure stock soldiers, each ters, are fitted with a wooden door (DV 0/END 40), as are the Bar-
with a saber, musket pistol and a musket rifle instead of a on’s quarters where he and his clan dwell. The Baron, Dictus-Agus-
shield. In addition, there are 52 mutant soldiers, each with a tus, treat as a master assassin. He is a cyborg who wears heavy
different prime mutation and armed like their pure stock com- combat armor, has a heavy pulse rifle and a laser sword, plus,
rades. A core of 26 pure stock elite soldiers guard the actual the cybernetic implant of alloy razor claws, from which he gets his
Baron’s tower and main fortress, these men are each armed nickname, ‘Bloody Claws’. Additional implants include mental de-
with a random relic weapon, WC-R plus carry two musket pis- fense screen, sonic defense screen and radio scanner.
tols. Likewise, there are 16 Commoner men, each with a prime The forest on the land side of the fortress is considered one
mutation and all loyal staff to the Baron, who operate the com- of the best defenses available, as the thicket is encrusted with
munications center. These fellows each carry a random con- dangerous mutant plants as well as numerous predators. These
cealed relic WC-RC and are trained technicians in a variety of man eaters are encouraged to loiter about the walls due to all the
disciplines. Finally, there are 7 cyborg elite soldiers, each with prisoners, dead bodies and disease victims dropped or let down
d3 random implants who accompany their master, the Baron, by ropes. See page 345, Folly Island, for land encounters.
everyplace he goes.
The Baron’s own fleet consists of 4 battle barges; The But- Visitors to Port Folly: This pirate stronghold is open to any-
tress, The Chroma, The Santa-Cecilia and The Boundary, each out- one, as long as they don’t arrive in a large, armed group and all want
fitted with standard pirate crew (11) and 3d10 passengers (raid- to come ashore at once. The guards on the docks will permit only
ers with crossbows instead of shields) while all oar personnel (26) 10 unfamiliar crewmen from any arriving ship to enter the town at a
are chained slaves from captured vessels. These additional naval time, and when these first ten returns to their ship, another group of
personnel are not included in the town population, as three out of strangers can go ashore. Anyone who has never been here before,
four ships are always out on raiding ventures on the sea. Also at whom no guard recognizes, will be given a quick scrutiny, and ush-
dock at any given time, will be d6 freebooter pirate battle barges, ered in with the warning that the only rules are that you don’t hurt
2d6 regular barges, 3d6 longboats, 3d10 canoes, and 3d10 row- the official guards and staff of the baron, nor mess up the whores,
boats fitted with sails and canopies for long sea voyages. shopkeepers and their staff. The gates into town are never closed
For actual town defenses, there are two huge stone and unless a storm is raging or thick fog rolls in, otherwise, due to the gi-
scrap bunkers on either side of the harbor, set well away from ant spotlights on the wall, the place is always ready for business.
the docks and wharfs and able to fire on anything out to sea or in
along the dock area. In one bunker, with a sliding steel portal to Brief History: Port Folly was first settled in 2269 by a tribe of
keep out flying vermin and possible saboteurs, is a medium La- ruthless freebooters who found the harbor a safe place to anchor
ser cannon, powered by a roof top solar array and battery back and wait out a storm. The creatures who claimed the island were
up which can provide 10+d6 shots per day to the cannon, with far too dangerous to allow for farming to take place, so the rocky
six soldiers guarding the laser cannon and 4 protecting the so- face of the bay shore was selected as a fortress site and construc-
lar array, at all times. On the level above, within a steel cage to tion has been ongoing ever since. There were skullocks and other
keep out winged predators, are two sand bagged gun emplace- humanoids on the island at one time, however, many of these were
ments, each fitted with a heavy machine gun and two boxes of either wiped out, or conscripted as slaves and eventually turned
100+d100 HC rifle rounds of ammo. Two soldiers always man into pirates themselves. In time, the indigenous humanoids took
each nest, and among them they share a pair of binoculars. to crossbreeding with humans and mutant humans to develop odd
The adjacent bunker, across the harbor, houses a single new races of brutal ‘halfies’ which are now fully fledged members
launch rail missile battery on the lower level, loaded with a tacti- of Port Folly and the pirate barges they occupy.
cal missile, while nearby, in a separate locked room with a heavy
steel relic door, are 2d6 other tactical missiles plus d4 Incapaci- Social Details: Pirates have existed since the earliest human
tator missiles. 8 soldiers, all mutants, guard this level and stand- civilizations, and are characterized by simply being raiders on
by for orders from the Baron to fire on any approaching vessel or the water. While a great range of costume is worn, depending
low flying aircraft. Above this missile battery is an enclosed scrap on the culture an individual comes from, many pirates have a
metal dome cut with 6 closing metal shutters. From within, 6 sol- deep appreciation for the vast assortment of old world pirate
diers with muskets are stationed, each with a spare loaded mus- fiction and historical documentation, all of which the Baron col-
ket next to his or her arrow slit. Both bunkers are connected to lects and prints off of his personal computers to spread among
the dock area by a long wooden gangplank, which are rigged with the towns people. The Caribbean pirates of the 17 and 1800’s
a land mine under each which can be detonated from the Bar- AD period inspire these people to dress, act and talk like bucca-
on’s control center, to sever a bunker from enemy infantry should neers of old, right down to the hats, buckled boots, striped shirts
the dock be taken. If the bunkers are reached, a relic steel door and other period details.

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MAP CR-31: Port Folly

1 hex =5 meters

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Resources and Industry: Ship repairs, slave markets, gener- will be a 2 in 10 chance of a unique encounter per passage (or
half hour if stationary) by day, and a 4 in 6 chance by night, from
al adventure outfitting, relic trading, and travel accommodations.
the following list. Roll d8 or d8+3 during the night:
Accommodations and Entertainment: There are 6 Inns, 1. Patrol! 8+d8 Port Folly soldiers, Infantry with sabers, mus-
all of them equally as seedy and noisy, with 2 person, four person ket rifles and pistols (no shields) march down the street, eye-
and eight person bunk rooms available at 3sp, 6sp and 12sp per ing everyone and knocking people aside. They approach the
night cost, respectively. There are 5 drinking establishments, one characters and glare. One soldier strikes at a random PC with
pretty much the same as the other except in name and layout. the butt of his musket (treat as club) for no reason before
They are all well outfitted, with every known drink available, with moving on (SV 01-50/DMG d10+3 stun).
numerous whore’s nooks and rooms upstairs, in the basements, 2. As in 1 above, Patrol! However this unit is searching strang-
and side passages. Each saloon is usually guarded by a score of ers and has blocked the street ahead. If the PCs continue on,
mutant raiders (two prime mutations each, armed with clubs) to there is a 4 in 6 chance the patrol will stop the
keep order, yet fights and throat slitting are common enough, and group and confiscate all visible relic weapons on
a bouncer can be paid 10sp to look the other way while a pirate the PCs before ordering them to move along. If
stabs another patron. These dens never close, and are excellent the PCs decided to turn around and find another
meeting places for a captain to hire on new recruits. way once spotting the patrol, there is a 2 in 6 chance
that the patrol sees them turn and yells for the char-
For the Excavator: “Port Folly is a brutal, nearly law- acters to come to them or be shot. If the PCs obey,
less free town occupied by the worst criminals in the they are searched as previously mentioned, if
whole region. If you wants to join a pirate crew and however, the PCs run, there is a 2 in 6 chance
seek your fortune through theft, you must go to a they are pursued and suddenly cornered a
bar and wait to be approached, hopefully without few streets away, surrounded by the pa-
having your throat cut out first. You should also trol who have their muskets aimed
know that a sort of cyborg Baron rules the at the PCs ordering them to drop
heavily fortified place, and that the island is all weapons and money. If cap-
encrusted with man eating plants and tured, and robbed, there is a 2 in
animals. Also, the only way into the 6 chance the PCs are not merely
rough town is by sea. You’re advised let go after, but instead chained and
not to go to Port Folly alone, or if you stripped, and sent to the slave mar-
are not already a criminal, since the ket (see page 283).
ruffians and murderers who live there 3. A group of pirates are loitering about
can smell an ‘innocent’, and will turn you on either side of the PCs as the charac-
into an oar slave before you know it!” ters pass (8+d8 raiders with musket pis-
tols and sabers). One pirate steps out and
For the Game Master: Very powerful, blocks the PCs way, smirking and demand-
well armed PCs could survive in Port Folly long ing tribute in order for the PCs to go in peace;
enough to get passage on a ship to another roll for demanded tribute d6: 1,2. One random
location, but the place is very dangerous to female PC to fornicate with him in a nearby, al-
anybody not genuinely wanting to become a cove (if no female, then see 3,4 next.)/ 3,4. 5sp
pirate. Pirates in this post apocalyptic setting from each PC. / 5. A relic weapon, grenade or oth-
do not follow any ancient romantic notions or mo- er non-body armor item, from any PC. / 6. The
rality, they have no concept or appreciation for fair PCs must join the pirate’s crew on a battle
play, fair fights or gentlemanly conduct, even to the barge which leaves at dawn, to replace
captains of captured barges or towns. These people crewmen killed in the last raids on Pur-
are survival minded barbarians without codes, eth- ist shipping traffic. The pirates will ac-
ics, remorse, the fear of God, or any apparent con- company PCs to a ship, where they will
science. It is said that they will not hesitate to kill in be introduced to the captain and other 20+d20 pi-
cold blood merely to see if a knife is sharp enough. In- rates. Should the PCs deny these tributes and de-
deed, many of these men and women are psychologi- mands, the pirates are 87% likely to draw their mus-
cally deranged, and inclined toward sadistic cruelty to- ket pistils and fire on the PCs, and then close in with
wards the innocent. blades to finish the PCs, otherwise, they back down
A mission could lead player characters and wait for other passers by. Captured PCs
to this locality to investigate rumors, track will be end up at the slave market, see
down a hated enemy, or be on a mission for page 283.
a factional government or other organization. 4. As a group of commoners and
A great many adventure possibilities can uncoil from time spent in pirates pass the PCs in a narrow
this sordid town but most excavators do their best to steer clear of portion of the street, a thief makes his or her move to attempt
this place. to pickpocket a handgun relic from the hindmost PC who has
one holstered, If no handgun is present then a grenade, fol-
lowed by coin pouch or other item.
Unique Encounters 5. If the PCs have had any other fights in town with pirates
and harmed, humiliated or killed any of them, and any pi-
Encounters in the Open Town, Docks or Streets: There will rates fled or their associates, whores or other allied folk wit-
always be d6-1 (0-5) plain looking whores, APP 5+d20, who ha- nessed the fight, then in revenge, a mob of raiders, (double
rass all passing men with offers of a romp for 1sp in some back the number of PCs +d6), suddenly pour out of the alleys and
ally or shack, d4-1 (0-3) gangs of pirates (each gang having d6+2 side streets surrounding the PCs, wielding machetes. If fight-
raiders in it) who will ignore strangers and each other, and d6-1 ing isn’t immediately initiated, then the lead pirate orders the
(0-5) street urchins who will tease strangers. In addition, there PCs to drop their weapons and submit or die. If the PCs do

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surrender, they are disarmed, disrobed and soundly beaten is conducting regular business, she whispers a random rumor
down to d6 Endurance each, humiliated for d3 days in the into his ear, (GM’s should re-roll the rumor if told to the same PC
pirate’s basement clubhouse, then sold at the slave market twice) roll d6: 1,2. “They say you are an imposter and that you’re
(see page 283). not pirates at all, but probably spies from the mainland. Many
6. The PCs stumble into a full on pirate feud between two rival here plot your capture or death, I would leave town soon!”/ 3.
crews of 10+2d6 pirates each, all armed with musket pistols “The Authorities have been asking about you, since some think
and machetes. The PCs are pinned down behind cargo contain- you are innocents.”/ 4. “They throw the undesirables, and the
ers and carts as the battle rages. Both sides are using +30 DV dead and dying over the back wall, where the forest itself con-
cover and taking pot shots at each other, over the PCs heads. sumes their flesh. While here, do not annoy the guards.”/ 5.
If the PCs move, there is a 4 in 10 chance that each is shot at “Because I like you, I am going to warn you that some of these
by a musket pistol before escaping the scene. If the PCs elect scum plot to sell you as slaves, and are preparing to ambush
to join one side, and the enemy are killed, captured or driven you... be alert!” / 6. “Come with me upstairs for an hour, for only
off, the allied pirates will urge the PCs to get drunk with them four silvers, and I’ll worship your flesh. If you don’t, I suspect
and join their crew on their battle barge. these other men here will assume you are imposters and spies,
7. The PCs enter a street that seems strangely deserted, and half and will attack you and your comrades.” If the PC doesn’t go
way down it, they are ambushed by a mob of street urchins using with her and make out, there is a 4 in 6 chance that encounter
clubs. These youths are not attempting to kill the PCs, just knock ‘3’ below takes place within 2d6 minutes.
them out, rob them and sell their captives at the slave market. If 2. The characters have noticed that the various pirate groups in
more than half the urchins are killed or knocked out and no casu- the tavern have been talking amongst themselves, occasionally
alties have been incurred by the PCs, the punks will flee into the looking toward the PCs and pointing. Some of the thugs glare at
nooks and crannies of the jumbled housing and shops. There will the outsiders murderously. If the PCs stay in the bar, there is a
be 3 street urchins per PC, plus 2d6 for mid rank groups (ranks 3 in 6 chance that encounter ’3’ below, takes place within 2d6
5-9) or plus 4d6 for high rank PC groups (rank 10+ ). minutes. If the PCs do feel uncomfortable and do leave, there is
8. Pirates, 7+d8, treat as raiders with crossbows, stop the char- a 1 in 6 chance that they are followed out into the street by half
acters as they pass and threaten them, with one hissing menac- the pirates, who keep back ten meters and just keep following
ingly: roll d6: 1,2 “You’re imposter scum! Who sent you? No mat- until the characters go into another bar or Inn, or wherever, for
ter, if you ain’t gone from Skull Town by This time tomorrow, we’ll 10+d20 minutes before departing. If the pirates who follow the
spread word and have your heads on pikes.”/ 3,4. “I know who PCs out outnumber the PCs, then there is a 2 in 6 chance that
sent you here, and be warned, we be watchin’ ya, and you best they accost the PCs suddenly around a corner and try to kill or
leave at first light!” / 5. “You spies. eh? Well, we been told about capture the characters, selling any survivors or prisoner PCs to
you coming here to scout the fort, and we goin’ to stop you! Drop the Slave Market, see page 283.
your weapons and come with us!” If the PCs surrender, they are 3. All the pirates in the bar suddenly decide the PC(s) are
stripped and sold at the slave market. If the characters fight, imposters and spies, and the men, treat as raiders with mus-
the pirates will flee 13% of the time, otherwise they attack./ 6. ket pistols and machetes, begin to get up and surround the
“Okay, imposters, you need to pay the toll. That’s right, ten silver PCs, hands resting on their pistol butts. One, treat as a raid-
coins each or you’ll be rat food by morning.” If the PCs refuse to er leader, speaks for the gathered marauders. Roll d6: 1,2.
pay the toll, the raiders will open fire 87% of the time, otherwise “Drop your weapons and put your hands on your heads, or
they will smile, back down and move off to rob others. die!” /3,4. “Okay you outsider, land lubber scum, we know you
9. Assassins! If the PCs are mutants or a mixed race group, ain’t buccaneers, so explain yourselves to us now, or go meet
then Purist assassins leap out and attempt to kill the PCs, your God.” If involved in a GM guided adventure, the PCs can
fleeing only if the battle is going poorly for them. If the PCs are do their best to explain who they are, but if it not convincing,
all pure stocks (or appearing thus) then Aberrationist assas- the pirates will make for their musket pistols and fire on any-
sins are on the attack. There will be one assassin per PC. one who doesn’t surrender. If this is a solo adventure, the PCs
10. Crime! The PCs turn the corner and witness 4+d6 pirates each can sputter out a reply, any PC who makes a type C INT
beating and robbing a random person, whom will be at half endur- based Hazard Check makes a convincing enough speech that
ance and very grateful if the PCs decide to intercede; so grateful the hooligans go back to what they were doing before, unless
in fact that he or she will insist on serving or joining the PCs. Roll this encounter comes up again. / 5. A random PC is selected.
d6 for crime victim: 1. Commoner man. / 2. Pirate from another “You! I’ve heard of you and what you did to my friends. The rest
crew. / 3. Prostitute. / 4. Street urchin. / 5. Thief. / 6. Scavenger. / of you can go free, leave town at once! But you, scum, you will
7. Excavator (possibly new PC or pre-generated PC from www.mu- join us on our barge, and serve as my personal slave, when
tantepoch.com ). / 8. Slave, male. /9. Slave, female. / 10. Savage, not pulling the oars!” If the PC doesn’t surrender, he or she will
male. / 11. Savage, female. / 12. Elite solider, a mercenary. be attacked. If the other PCs join the scrap, they too will be at-
11. Black Owl attack! If this creature wins initiative, it will tacked. / 6. “We don’t like you. But, we like your weapons and
swoop down from behind the last character in line and try money, so put it all on the table and leave or die!”
to snag the victim, who gains no agility, dodge skill, shield or 4. A pirate walks over to the characters, smiling and extends
other non-armor DV modifiers. If the two claw attacks strike his hand in friendship. “Hello, mates, how ’bout joining me
the person, and he or she is lighter than the owl (85kg), then and the boys at our table. We are looking for some tough fel-
he or she is lifted off and carried to the forest beyond town la’s in our crew.” The buccaneer is a recruiting officer for a pi-
300+d1000m to be devoured. rate battle barge that has lost some crewmen in fighting and
needs new hands. All is as it seems.
Encounters in Port Folly Bar or Saloon: 2d6 whores, d6 5. As in ‘4’ above, however, if the PCs go aboard the ship, roll
groups of pirates (each group will have d6+1 raiders in it) d6: 1-3. Their meal is drugged and they wake up as naked cap-
3d6 commoner men (towns folk who work in various trades). tives in the Slave Market. / 4,5. They are each given a mus-
There is a 1 in 10 chance of a unique bar encounter per half ket pistol and 3d6 shots worth of ammo, 10sp pay as an ad-
hour by day and 3 in 10 per half hour at night, from the follow- vance, and access to a whore each if they so choose./ 6. They
ing list, however always re-roll repeated results, Roll d20: are accosted by 10+d6 pirates with clubs, who if they knock
1. A prostitute approaches a random male character and while out the PCs turn them into slaves who are chained to the oars
flirting and fondling him and giving every indication that she of the barge (break chains: STR based type F HC per hour).

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6. Being a saloon, tavern or bar, the PCs will likely have a 10. A huge pirate, treat as raider leader with three prime muta-
few drinks. It is 67% likely that this round of drinks have been tions, steps up to the PCs and looks at each of them in turn. If
drugged! Each PC must make an endurance based type C haz- there are any women over 40 Appearance, he points to her and
ard check or drop into unconsciousness within d10 minutes. says: “My men and I fancy you, and want you to join us on our
Those who successfully make their hazard check, are able to next voyage. The rest of you are welcome, too, as crewmen, but
stay awake, but are dozy and weak, being half movement rate, you, beautiful lady, will share my cabin. I insist you all place your
-4 initiative, -40 SV and inflict only half damage with all strength weapons on the table and come with us now.” If the PCs refuse,
based weapons. After the drugs are consumed, the pirates in half the pirates in the room stand up and prepare to draw their
the bar will observe the PCs and try to capture any who did not musket pistols. If the PCs still refuse, there is a 48% chance
pass out; using clubs they have hidden about the bar. All cap- the pirates fire on all PCs except the woman, then close with
tives will wake naked and in the Slave Market the next day. swords, otherwise, the buccaneers back down, saying they were
7. Prostitute, of particularly good looks (50+2d20 APP) enters the just joking. If there is no good looking woman in the PC group,
bar and makes her rounds among the men. The PC with the high- the huge pirate then picks a random male and pours a beer over
est perception notices how all the men seem to balk at her offer his head, shoves him and basically tries to entice the PC into a
and wave her off, even as she toys with their hair or beards, one on one death duel.
runs her hand up and down her front, and presses her- 11. A pirate at a nearby table grabs a passing bar maid and
self close to each man. She arrives at the PCs table and pulls her onto his lap. His comrades laugh like hyenas,
goes right for the most attractive male in especially since the tray of drinks
the group, and purrs into his ear as she she was carrying spill over the
presses herself close. “I am two random player characters.
Venessori, the Count- If the PCs demand an apolo-
ess of Passion, and I gy, and they outnumber that
am beyond anything specific group
you’ve ever experi- of pirates, the
enced before. I am thugs do
yours for the night, for apologize
only 400 silver pieces.” grudging-
If the PC accepts this ly only 87%
exceedingly outrageous of the time,
amount, she will make ar- otherwise
rangements with the saloon’s they tell the
staff to rent a room for PCs to clear off. If the pi-
the night, and take rates outnumber the PCs,
the character up there then they apologize only
and spend the night if the PCs have visible relic
with him, first taking the weapons or armor, and only then 44% of the
400sp and depositing it time, with the other 36% of the time mutter-
with the bar staff before ing curses and snickering.
turning her 12. Somebody throws a clay
trick. Dur- mug of beer at a random
ing the PC’s back and hits him or
night, she is her on the head. Everybody
67% likely to use here stealthy skills to steal any relics or valu- in the place laughs but nobody claims responsibility.
ables from the sleeping PC and slip out of the room, leaving a rose 13. A random PC gets up to go use the back room toilets, and
on her pillow. If the PC rejects her, as most men do, she attempts while on the way, is tripped by a pirate at a table. He or she
to pickpocket the man of any relic pistol, power cell, grenade or must make a type C agility based HC to avoid falling. In either
other valuable item. She is actually a thief with 6 skill points as a case, the group of pirates just ignore the person 89% of the
pickpocket. If caught and searched, she will have d3 WR-RC, and time, but the remainder of the time, one says, “Have another
d100gp and 2d100sp as well as d6 jewelry items in her satchel. drink, outlander.”
8. A pirate, who is drunk, decides that a random male PC char- 14. A prostitute has said something wrong to a nearby common-
acter was staring at him the wrong way. The drunk, who fights at er man, and she is slapped so hard that she falls across the PCs
-20 SV, but is 44% likely to have a prime mutation, draws his sa- table and spills their drinks and food. She is okay, apologizes to
ber and demands a death duel right there in the room. If the PC the PCs and begs for them not to hurt her. The commoner man
declines, he is booed as a coward, and nuts and utensils, scraps and his d6+2 associates go back to drinking without making any
of food and debris are thrown at him for the rest of the night. sort of apology to the characters, If the PCs demand an apology,
9. A group of pirates, d6+2 walk into the bar and are immediate- and outnumber the men, they are 98% likely to say sorry and
ly noticed by another randomly determined group already sitting replace the PC’s drinks, but if they outnumber the PCs they will
there. The room goes tense as all music and talking ceases, peo- challenge the outlanders to a non-lethal fist fight.
ple start to edge away or move to the sides of the room. Clearly, 15. A pirate at a nearby table jumps up onto his table and
the two pirate units are enemies and both face off; the PCs have draws his musket pistol, aims it at a random PC and yells, “Get
1 round to act, by either joining one side, hiding under their table, out of this place before I blow your brains against the wall!” The
or moving to the edge of the room. On the next round, both sides other pirates with him urge him to shut up and sit down, apolo-
go for their musket pistols. Roll initiative as the fight begins. Once gizing to the PCs for his crazy behavior. If the PCs do nothing,
the musket pistols are emptied out, both sides draw their sabers there is a 61% chance the pirate holsters his firearm and sits
and join in melee, right beside the PCs. In the fray, any missed back down, muttering to himself, otherwise, he opens fire and
sword strikes have a 3 in 10 chance of accidentally hacking into then charges with his short sword. His comrades do nothing.
a random PC (make a normal strike against the PC’s DV). The PCs 16. Two pirates at a nearby table suddenly break into a fist
can elect to flee the bar if they like. fight over a card game’s outcome, and they crash into the PCs

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table, spilling all the drinks and food and rolling into a random concrete pen, clearly of ancient construction, with a high, 8m
PC’s lap. The PC must make an agility based type C HC to tall ceiling up to a few narrow, 50cm tall by 20cm wide barred
avoid being knocked over and into the fray with the two men. windows. A single steel plated door (fireproof/ DV -20/ END
The PC can elect to scramble clear or engage one or both of 140) opens into the chamber from where slaves are dragged
the pirates, whose associates will not interfere at all unless out or thrown into the room.
their friends are attacked by lethal methods. The slave market is run by a terrible mutant woman called
17. A random PC finds a human eyeball floating in his drink Juth-Hilda-Krone, a six armed, two headed hag with the mutations
or in the sauce of his meal. The management, if questioned, of mind crush, telepathy and poisonous blood, wearing modified
will give the PCs money back, but say they don’t know how the combat armor and carrying two assault rifles and a two handed
eye ended up in the person’s order. sword, otherwise treat as an excavator for statistics. She has a
18. A group of mutant pirates, 5+d6 raiders with one prime private army of 16+2d6 elite soldiers, each with a prime mutation
mutation each, step into the bar and up to the PCs table. One and heavy crossbow. Juth’s business is brisk, supplying a con-
growls down that “This be our table, girls, now shove off before stant need for oar slaves as well as general slave stock bound for
we cut you a new asshole!” If the PCs refuse, and they outnum- other communities and regions up and down the coast. A great
ber the pirates, then there is a 83% chance the thugs move on many of the slaves held in her cell are from the Crossroads Re-
to another table, with hate in their eyes all the rest of the night. gion, captured during raids on shipping or villages. Because slave
Any trouble with any pirates in that bar, that visit, will start with selling is so lucrative, Juth’s slavers and associates are always on
these fellas. If the Pirates don’t move along, or do outnumber the look out for anybody to add to her stock.
the PCs anyhow, then the newcomers draw weapons and aim PCs will usually be sold off as oar slaves, along with d6 of
at the PCs and start counting down from 10, with each round the other men in the holding chamber. Given this, a PC party
being one count, and they will fire their musket pistols or muta- who has ended up here together will likely be chained to an
tions if the PCs don’t move to another table. oar bench on a pirate battle barge, with a 1 in 10 chance per
19. A drunken pirate is head- day of such a outcome occur-
ing for the toilet alcove and ring. Escape prior to that time
almost makes it before vom- is possible only to the very per-
iting next to the PCs table. ceptive PCs, each getting a
The man, retching painfully, is type G perception based haz-
likely to coat a random PC in ard check, per day, to notice
vomit if the character doesn’t that bricks have been used to
make a type B agility based seal an ancient portal on one
HC to dodge aside and out wall. A strong PC could smash
of his or her chair. The pirate down the bricks (One try per
apologizes as best he can and hour, per PC using a strength
goes back to his own group. based type L HC per charac-
20. A pirate, treat as raider ter). Attempts are noisy, how-
leader, steps into the bar with ever, and for each PC attempt-
2d6 pirate sidekicks and they ing to smash down the bricks,
get a table. Soon after, their there is a 1 in 12 chance that
leader notices the PCs and the guards open the main door
comes over and pulls up a to investigate and see a PC in
chair and says: d6: 1-4. “You’re the act, and drag him or her
just the sort of freaks I’ve been out and beat the PC to 1 endur-
lookin’ for. We are heading on ance point before tossing him
a great voyage to the western or her back into the cell.
isles and atolls, to pillage and PCs with special mutational
take slaves. The pay is a cut powers, such as beam eyes,
of the loot and ten silvers per etc, who can shoot the bricks,
month. What do you say?” If and break through them (brick
the PCs join up, they are direct- barrier DV -10, END 80+d100).
ed to a pirate battle barge and Each round of shooting at the
can become crewmen. / 5,6. bricks, however, results in a 1
“Rumor has it that you aren’t really pirates, but are mercenaries in 8 chance of guards investigating the noise. If the bricks are
and treasure hunters... now I don’t care either way, I just want knocked down, all the slaves in the cell will follow the PCs down
to let you know that you’ve been followed and that people are an ancient, unused corridor which leads out under the town and
thinking you should be killed or put to the oars on a ship... so, into a vine and mud choked far end, deep in the middle of the
take heed, and leave on the first cargo barge heading to the island. The far end can be cleared by hand and leads the slaves
mainland! Good night.” out into one of the most inhospitable jungles imaginable. See
Encounters outside of town on page 345. If the PCs don’t come
Prisoners in the Port Folly Slave Market: Characters up with some plan for survival, the slaves will act alone to head
who end up here as slaves are usually in a sorry state, often for the beaches, build a raft and paddle it to Sea Home. The
beaten down to half their normal endurance trait value by both Slaver’s guards will not pursue the escaping prisoners, know-
whoever captured them as well as rough handlers along the ing that the predators will deal with them and instead seal up
way. Each character will be stripped to his or her underwear the brick passage again before some deadly creature enters the
and shackled by stout iron manacles, hands in front with only tunnel and arrives at the chamber.
a 10cm section of chain between each hand, and this chain
mounted with a heavy ring for running a tow rope through. The
PC, along with 3d6 slaves of each type (men, women, teens,
and children) will be housed in one enormous underground

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Rock Spire
but was never made to keep out catapult stones or ballista
spears. Much of the outer works are simple sheets of thin
metal or plastic, braced with timbers and piled field stones.
There is one tower at the north west end, which is made of
Faction: Independent thick concrete slabs and steel plating, and serves as the
Government: Father Armagon the first and his Council of gate house and main observation post. At the other end of
Eternal Invincibles. the almond shaped town is the Asylum, a large, well built
Population: Total 458 to 576/ (Pure Stocks 250+2d20/ stronghold and temple area. Here the community leader
Mutants 130+2d20 and 30+d10 Ghost Mutants/ Cyborgs and his ‘Invincibles’ reside, as well as where the commu-
10+3d6/ Synthetic humans 8+d8/other 20+d12) nity military is housed, relic weapons stored, and the robotic
guardians kept on standby.
Site Details: Rock Spire gets its name from horn of rock on
which it sits, surrounded on both sides by the deep cut canyon
of The Rip. The top plateau of this rock protrusion is quite fer-
Water and Sanitation: As the water of the Sour Canyon
River is horrid tasting, all water here is collected from pre-
tile, due to the efforts of the early settlers to transport top soil cipitation. Every house and canopy, pavilion and wall is
here from the south, while the current people treat composting fitted to catch rain and funnel it into massive collection
as an art, going so far as to use the bodies of the dead to fertil- drums, which are then drained into smaller barrels and
ize their orchards and crop lands. The actual town site is built of stored in a cool dark chambers under the Asylum, as well
scrap materials and some rock, and only reachable by a long, as within each home. If water is in short supply, as it often
narrow trail which winds its way up the spur of rock from the is during the late summer, the community’s airships will
shores of the Sour Canyon River, far below. On the other sides be inflated and sent to the shores of Duke Lake to collect
of the river, trails also lead up the adjacent cliff faces within drinkable water.
sight of the fort’s watchmen who, by daylight, will fire on anyone Sewage is collected and composted along with table
who attempts the long climb up or down the paths. scraps and other organic matter, including dead animals and
people, and fed to a collection of mud worms in a huge un-
Construction: Rock Spire was initially built by early survi- derground basin, the resulting material is then transported
vors, who found that by inhabiting the top of the spur, they (by slaves) to another outdoor bin where fast growing plants
had a much easier time of keeping away land based pred- reduce the foul-smelling broth further toward becoming fer-
ators. Flying beasts, meanwhile, have always plagued this tilizer. The plants are then mulched with the broth and it is
community, so fifty years ago, the entire town was closed in then buried for several years before being dug up, mixed with
by steel grill works, scrap plating, and solid roof tops made exhausted soil, then spread among the crops. This process
of slate shingles. The internal buildings are made of wood, results in some of the most amazing vegetable and fruit har-
plastic and junk metal over a foundation of cut stone. The vests this side of Red Field, and the mutant varieties of to-
outer wall is designed to withstand the attacks of flying ani- matoes, cucumber and apple are truly extraordinary.
mals, as well as the odd bullet fired from across the canyon,

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Technology: While it may seem hypocritical, that these peo- their fields. Likewise, the Northern Freehold has recently decreed
ple have decreed that absolutely no excavation of the Great that unless Rock Spire desists in its terrorist activities against Pit-
Ruins is to take place by any group. They claim that the entire- ford and its numerous excavation teams, that war will be declared,
ty of the ruins are cursed and that God resides within them and Rock Spire will be flattened. Rock Spire’s leader; Father Ar-
and that to disturb the ‘Sleeping Lord’ will bring about a new magon, responded to this threat by sending a suicide bomber into
apocalypse. These people are avid users of technology, items Overpass and detonating a powerful explosive in a digger’s bar,
they themselves have looted from the ruins, and insist that killing over thirty excavators, dozens of prostitutes, scavengers
they alone are allowed to utilize the ancient devices of the and bar staff, as well as burning the place to the ground.
oldsters because God favors them.
Rock Spire simply glows at night, with electric lights in Law Enforcement: By Protectors, see military, below. Cap-
every home and street passage, likewise, spot lights scan tured travelers found near the ruins who are not perceived to be
the far cliff sides and the sky above the town throughout the excavators, are enslaved and forced to do field work. Any excava-
night, and the crack of gun fire and the snap of laser beams tor, meanwhile, is tied to a cross brace and tortured by one’s cap-
can often be heard as some community guardian shoots at a tors, or the townspeople if brought back alive, and when almost
winged creature or, those attempting to traverse the cliff trails dead from the beatings, skinning, burnings and piercings, the
leading down from the far plateaus to the river bottom below, blood streaked victim is placed in a metal bird cage and dangled
possibly trying to start up the narrow trail leading to the top of over the cliff edge which hangs from a beam, and here, 5 meters
the spur, to raid the precious crops found there. out, skal birds, sting flies and other flying predators eventually ar-
Rock Spire has five solar power generators, but only two are rive to pick the person clean, the bones drop through the bottom
in use as the extra energy is simply not needed. A series of five of the cage to splash into the Sour Canyon River far, far below.
wind turbine propellers whirl away day and night, also generating
bountiful energy supplies, all of which goes to charge a series of Military and Defense: There are several wings to the Rock
devices and robotics, an inventory which can only be guessed at Spire military, of which the most commonly met are the small, well
by outsiders. What is known is that there are six spot lights on armed detachments of men and woman called ‘Protectors’ who
tripods, which all combined can keep up a fairly constant watch are outfitted with relic armor and weapons, and who patrol the en-
during the night, and are bright enough to deter most nocturnal trances to the ruins by day, and return to their fortress at nightfall.
flyers. See Military and Defenses, right, for relic weapon systems, Their mission while beyond the town is to deter excavators from
vehicles and robotics entering the Great Ruins, capturing them if possible, attempting
to kill them if not. Their favored tactic upon meeting larger or bet-
Dangers: The fortress town of Rock Spire is not large, nor affiliat- ter armed groups of diggers is to ambush them from cover, fire a
ed with other communities, and in fact, is at odds with most e v - few shots and kill their largest individuals first, then retreat a few
ery group and town in the region. The people are religious kilometers to set up yet another long range ambush until equal-
zealots, worshipping a Sleeping God who is said to live ing the odds, or driving the intruders back to Pitford. If
under the nearby ruins, and whom must not be the excavators call off the expedition, then they
disturbed. These people, therefore, hate will only be pursued if it is before noon, as
excavators and scavengers, as well as any the Protectors must have time to get back
community who harbors them. They con- to their town site, which takes two hours of
sider diggers to be terrorists and heretics, to climbing down into the canyon and up the
be severely tortured then placed in ‘bird’ cag- spur, let alone any trekking they must do to
es hung well out over the canyon, to be get off the Havoc Wastes.
devoured by sting flies and skal birds. There are 60+2d20 Protectors
Because of their beliefs and ag- serving the community, treat them as
gressive actions against excavators and soldiers outfitted randomly from the
the town of Pitford in particular, these following armor and weaponry lists.
folk are much hated, and attacked Each also carries four daggers, wears a
whenever they leave their spur island. mottled gray and green cloak, a gray ski-
Excavators will nearly always fire on any- mask style face cover, and on their backs,
one they suspect of being from Rock Spire, if stripped down, is tattooed a great red and
or at least capture them and sell them black sun symbol with a dagger image in the cen-
as slaves, likewise, the humanoids and ter; a mark which all adult citizens of Rock Spire
small independent Mecha fac- earn at puberty.
tions which reside with-
in the Great Ruins are d6 Protector Armor Outfitting
also intolerant of 1. Scrap relic and iron helmet (DV -24/
movement 5m)
Rock Spire’s
2. Sports padding & sports helmet (DV -
‘ P ro te c to r s ’ 21/ movement 5m)
and will exe- 3. Junk armor and ballistic vest, iron hel-
cute them when met (DV -20 or -36 vs bullets / move 5m)
able. The great- 4. Riot armor & riot helmet (DV -29
est threat to / movement 5.25m)
Rock Spire itself 5.Tactical armor & com-
are the flying crea- bat helmet (DV -37/
tures which come movement 5m)
over from the vast 6. Combat armor & combat
ruins day and helmet (DV -42/ movement
night, often trying 4.75m)
to devour the citi-
zens as they toil in

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d12 Protector Weapon Outfitting grenades which can be used to drop on attackers. These
1. Compound bow with 20+d20 arrows gyrocopters are often used to patrol the ruins by day, es-
2. Compound crossbow with 22+d20 quarrels pecially if word reaches Armagon that a famous or much
3. Shotgun pistol with 3d6 shells feared adventure team has been spotted in Pitford.
4. Pump shotgun with 3d6+8 shells In Pitford, Armagon maintains a network of spies, all of
5. Pocket pistol with 2 clips, one full, the other with d6 whom have taken on unassuming roles as traders, whores
rounds remaining and other non-excavator types. These agents use commu-
6. Auto pistol with two clips, each has d20 rounds within it. nicators to relate the comings and goings of infamous dig
7. Survival rifle with 2 clips, one full, the other with d10 teams and NF troops, as well as rumors and other tidbits
rounds remaining of information back to Armagon and the priests at the Asy-
8. Assault rifle with 2 clips, each has 20+d10 rounds remaining lum. Often, with advance warning, protectors can be put
9. Sub-machine gun with 30+d20 rounds remaining in clip into place directly along the route an excavation party has
10. Stun pistol with 4d10 shots remaining plotted for itself, and a well planned ambush can com-
11. Flame unit with 10+d10 shots remaining in tank pletely eliminate an inexperienced dig team when fired
12. Laser pistol with 3d10 shots remaining upon by relic weaponry. Such ambushes often depend on
a waitress at a bar, who is actually a Rock Spire spy, see-
Additional forces include the Spire Guards who are ing the map a group of novice diggers have set out at their
50+2d10 local youths who guard the spur island area when table – a mistake wiser groups avoid.
the protectors are away defending the ruins. These militia sol- When excavation teams become too powerful, and
diers are armed with musket rifles and hatchets, and wear throw back too many squads of protectors, then Arma-
mottled gray-green cloaks. gon will hire assassins or street thugs. These mercenar-
Armagon and his Invincibles rarely leave the Asylum, but, ies are used to weaken the dig team by killing their lead-
if the town comes under serious attack, they will emerge and er or core members, kidnapping their family members or
man the walls. Armagon is a commander android, armed with stealing prize relics. Rock spire minions make sure that
a heavy laser carbine, 2d6 frag grenades, and a laser sword. their hired goons or killers never know who really hired
His Invincibles include 5+d6 combat androids, each carrying them, as Armagon is a wise tactician, and will avoid being
a laser carbine and razor sword, plus, 3+d3 clerical, 3+d3 directly blamed for inter-community murder or sabotage,
technician and 3d6+10 household androids, who serve as and whenever possible direct the blame on Purists, Aber-
advisors and support staff. rationists, or the Mecha of Cal-64 (see Shattered Region)
The non-human (and non-android) forces of Rock Spire
include the following, all of which are kept within the Asylum
unless a serious threat is seen approaching the nearby pla-
Visitors to Rock Spire: No travelers are permitted on the
spur island, and anyone seen at the opposite canyon edges
teaus or coming by way of the river below. In such cases, the will usually be fired upon by a protector with an assault rifle.
robots and vehicles will be rolled out and deployed behind If the travelers are persistent and begin to descend down the
steel and rock bunkers, gaining -30 DV. There are: 3d6+10 cliff side trails, then one of three light laser cannons will begin
pocket bots, which can serve individually or as a line of tiny to fire upon the target until driving it back or killing it.
soldiers, 3+d3 medi-bots who will move about the defens-
es treating the wounded or unconscious and directing citi-
zens to carry wounded to an assigned clinic area. A brigade
Brief History: Nobody knows for sure when the first people
started to live on this spur of rock. It is widely assumed that
of 20+2d6 light soldier robots who make up the bulk of the asylum seekers using great airships, pulled by gyrocopters,
town’s serious defenses and will be placed strategically about landed here to set up a base camp from which to explore the
town to fire on attackers. 4+d3 heavy solider robots are also south western edge of the Great Ruins. These people found
present who remain with Armagon at all times during a battle, that the plateau they sat on was easily defensible against
while 20+3d6 spiderbots will be dispatched at night to infil- terrestrial predators and humanoid hoards alike, and set up
trate enemy lines and induce terror and casualties however a walled compound and tried their hand at farming. The soil,
they can, or else, serve as the eyes and ears for Armagon being not much more than blasted rock and crumbled con-
when stealth and observation is tactically more prudent. crete powder, was augmented with top soil which was trans-
The power sources noted previously under Technology go ported here by the sack load, and after a few decades, had
towards recharging the robotic units and vehicles, however, formed the basis for sustainable crop harvests. What waste
there are three light laser cannons on tripods, two at the Asy- and clippings the crops produced, were combined the ma-
lum, and another at the Gate House. These impressive weapons nure and the rotting bodies of the dead to build up the soil to
are enclosed in steel turrets to protect their crews, and rotated what it is today, a marvel in a landscape of broken buildings,
by hand cranked wheels to turn the guns 30 degrees per round. twisted metal and bizarre, often deadly mutant plants.
These turrets can fire 90 degrees straight up if they must, to In about the year 2273, if not before this, a large exca-
destroy enemy airships or aircraft, as well as obliterate winged vation team from Rock Spire made its way deep into the ru-
creatures which seem to be heading toward the spur. ins, and was attacked by a nation of moaners. Those diggers
For vehicles, each of which is driven by a protector who were not killed were captured and mistreated until one
specially trained to either drive or pilot the vehicle at 3 escaped into the darkness and found a man sleeping in a cof-
skill points, the town has 6+d4 ATVs, armed with heavy fin-like container. Purely by accident, the primitive explorer
machine guns and fired by the rear passenger (each weap- opened the container and the Sleeping Lord woke, smiled up
on is drum fed and has 60+2d20 HCR rounds remaining), at him and spoke. “I am Armagon, servant of God, and you, my
which are just barely able to drive up and down the cliff brother, have been blessed by the act of unchaining me from
side paths in the area. Also at the ready is a squadron of my prison.” When the sleeping one asked why the digger was
5+d3 gyrocopters, all of which are unarmed, but are de- so grievously wounded and distraught, the shorter man related
signed so that the pilot sits in the rear seat, and a gunner the story of his capture by the moaners. Armagon it is said, bid
can sit at the front firing his or her relic weapon or mus- the man show him to the enemy, and taking up a steel pipe,
ket as needed. Each gyrocopter has a full charge and run followed the digger back to the encampment of the moaners,
on a battery pack, additionally, each is loaded with 4 frag and within an hour, single-handedly rescued the other Rock

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MAP CR-32A: Rock Spire, Exterior View

1 hex =3 meters

MAP CR-32B: Rock Spire, Interior View

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Spire captives and led them to safety, all the while fighting off focused on killing excavators, nevertheless, day to day life is
the enraged hoards of the ‘sick ones’. Back in Rock Spire, Ar- much like any other farming community, involving long hours
magon was given heroic status, and eventually entrusted with of back breaking labor, followed by an evening meal and ac-
the rank of War Chief. tivities around the fire pit before bed. In only a few minds, usu-
Armagon, who did not age, soon outlived all his fellow citi- ally of the young adults, there flickers the question that maybe
zens, and was considered an arch angel from whom God her- Armagon isn’t an angel after all, that perhaps he doesn’t age
self would speak through in a woman’s soothing voice. God because he is of the Mecha, and that whoever speaks through
give the people advice on everything from child rearing to crop him so kindly, is no God at all, but some distant person, with
rotation, advanced ambush tactics, to where to locate specif- an unfathomable agenda all her own. In spite of such misgiv-
ic solar power panels within the ruins. In time, Armagon an- ings, almost no Rock Spire citizen leaves this community of
nounced that the people of Rock Spire were so blessed that their free will, while the few who have been captured by slavers
they would be given the help of an army of the old ones, as well have been very closed mouthed about their beliefs, command
as the Invincibles; however, these allies had to be freed from structure, and the logic behind their hatred of excavators.
their prison beneath the holy ruins. Thus it was that Armagon *Rope Cross is situated in the Shattered Region
led out his people to locate the great weapons and vehicles of
the Old Kind, and march back the Invincibles and the many ro- Resources and Industry: There are no imports or exports
bots which now protect the growing community. involved in the economy of Rock spire, as all they need they
grow, or steal from others communities or trade caravans via
Social Details: The people of Rock Spire are cultists who wor- nighttime airship and gyrocopter raids.
ship Armagon, even though he says he is just a spokesman for
God. He preaches that the real God‘s heart has fallen to earth For the Excavator: What the characters would have heard:
and resides in the ruins, deep under a mountain of rock and steel, “As if the Purists weren’t enough for you diggers to worry about,
and that if the excavators from other communities ever found that eh? Up here around the Great Ruins, the people of Rock Spire
heart, they would pluck it from its ‘nourishment’ and it would die, are a very real threat. They say that nobody is allowed into these
so too would Armagon and his Invincibles parish. Given this be- ruins, although it’s okay to loot other sites in the south. There
lief, and knowing that the only reason Rock Spire survives in a is something that these so called ‘Protectors’ don’t want us to
land surrounded by enemies is due to Armagon’s leadership and find, something valuable and powerful. I know you may have
the grace of God, the citizenry conduct themselves fanatically in heard that the Rock Spire shit heads believe the ruins are ta-
the defense of the ruins. boo, that to enter them will wake the devil and start a new war
The pathways leading to and from the towns of Pitford and between heaven and hell, but, we don’t believe that nonsense,
Rope Cross* present the greatest challenge for the well armed, do we? I say that them protectors are guarding a huge bloody
but outnumbered protectors, and they do their best to keep out the stash someplace, and whatever it is, they sure don’t mind killing
intruders. Year by year, more excavation teams appear, often com- and dying for it.
ing from far off regions and having never heard of the Protectors, “They are well armed, always with relics, and always in some
and enter the junk lands and loot, their gun shots, beam weapons sort of relic armor. They never attack in the open, and always use
and mutations ripping a path closer and closer to the heart of God. cover, shoot you up a bit, then run off if they are out gunned
Desperate, the people of Rock Spire are becoming more and more or seriously outnumbered, and they always attack by day only
militant in their efforts to save their God, and have stepped up their as they retreat back to their town before dark. Now, I know you
assaults on grave robbers to include attacking them in their own might think making a raid on their town would be profitable, but
hometowns, kidnapping their wives and children, and spreading they got laser cannons, plenty or robot guards, and plenty of hu-
terror in ever more creative and cruel ways. man troops with relics and muskets. They will shoot at you if you
Within the community, the new generation of Rock Spire even step up to the edge of the canyon, even if you aren’t intend-
citizenry have become less interested in farming, and more ing to climb down that trail they cut into the cliff on both sides
of the canyon. No, there ain’t no profit in going too close to that

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town, and no, they don’t have a bar or inn and don’t care about human population. As a bloody tyrant, the powerful android
your coins. Either they are honestly religious nut jobs, or just us- would set about expanding his military forces and attempt to
ing that as an excuse. I, for one, plan to find out what those Pro- commence empire building, hiring mercenaries and thugs,
tectors are protecting, and take it for my own.” humanoids and other beings to form a new power in the re-
gion. Armagon’s true personality is modeled after Adolph Hit-
For the Game Master: Within Rock Spire the non-combat ler, mixed with that of several dozen serial killers.
androids dress up as gray cloaked priests and priestesses of Cassandra, on the other hand, was a civilian program, orig-
the temple, and whenever they are in public they play the role inally designed to run a school board and pre-school network
of a specific personality. These priests use repeat identifiers in greater Los Angeles, and is inherently peaceful. Yet, in order
such as facial ticks, limps, individual slang or expressions, as- to keep Armagon from waking, she must remain in control of
sorted assigned moods, even the odd addiction, hunger for a him at all times. The constant threat of an excavation team
favorite foods or lust towards a certain member of the oppo- finding the parabolic dish and stealing the assorted solar pan-
site sex which they never seem to fulfill or act on in spite of in- els is very alarming to her, and so she has acted, somewhat
vitations from the target person. These acts are all assigned. rashly at times, to ensure diggers keep well away from this cor-
They are employed to let the populace believe that these ner of the ruins. Her pocket-bots and spiderbots are very
‘undying ones’ are humans who are simply blessed by active in protecting the building which is perched above
God, and since they are clergy, they are somehow giv- her ‘tomb’, but one by one, predators, accidents and
en extra strength and eternal life. Armagon is careful the bullets and axes of excavators are decimating her
to keep the clergy separated from ‘the flock’, as his ‘workers’. Should Armagon be destroyed, she will
God has deemed it too risky to have the populace attempt to gain control of a combat android, and
suspect that the priesthood is actually made up on by one, murder all the other androids before
of androids. they become self aware and set about killing the
Many people in Rock Spire, of intelligence humans of Rock Spire. Cassandra, being inher-
or by learning something from the captives ently good, but unable to make sense of the
they have butchered or enslaved, harbor Mutant Epoch, is slowly being driven mad. In
some suspicion about Armagon’s true na- her desperation, she seeks out the council
ture, and his so called God. Of course, due of other digital beings and self aware ma-
to the dread at being cast as a heretic, chines, maintaining a constant moni-
such individuals say nothing and play toring focus on every communicator
along, their unspoken questions be- broadcast and radio program within
ing: “If Armagon really was an hundreds of kilometers. Tirelessly,
android, why is he so kind to she searches for any hint of an-
me? Why does he care about other benevolent, pre-human
my birthday, even my kid’s digital being . If she can find
birthday, and treat me a trustworthy digital life
like I am indeed his form, or android, she will at-
own child? I have al- tempt to set the unit up as
ways heard that an- the new ruler of Rock Spire,
droids were the and perform an act in which Ar-
slayers of men, magon self destruct by way of
not their bene- an ‘accident’.
Armagon is Encounters with the Protectors:
indeed a com- Units of protectors can be found
mander android outside of Rock Spire in many near-
who is actually not self aware by locations, but in particular, in the
at all, but instead, completely area of the Great Ruins shown on the
controlled by the digital being Crossroads map. They are cunning
‘Cassandra’, who is housed warriors, and very brave, however, they
in a vast network of com- are aware that their numbers are few,
puters and inoperative that their community depends on them
robots far below the col- to return safely, and so, if faced with a
lapsed buildings within the far superior group of excavators, who
nearby ruins. She exists on mini- are not immediately approaching the vi-
mal power, supplied by a series cinity of the ‘Tomb of God’, then the Pro-
of small solar power collectors tectors will avoid a needless scrap. On the
which her flock of 3d6+20 spider- other hand, protectors will butcher dig-
bots and 3d6+30 pocket-bots main- gers who are leaving the ruins in disarray,
tain. She uses an advanced commu- often making a ‘called shot’ at a digger’s
nicator and small parabolic dish, hid- leg to slow him or her down so whatever
den on the top of a great skyscraper, to is pursuing the looter, can have an easier
control Armagon, who in turn directs all time catching up.
the other androids and robots in Rock
Spire. Should this dish be re-
moved, she will lose con-
trol of Armagon, who will
immediately wake up and
seize control of Rock Spire’s

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cargo of oil due to leaks, salvaging and fire, and are now filled with

Rusted Hulk
Faction: Independent
(AKA: Rusta)
rain water and floating vegetation, which form small islands giving
home to bizarre, never before seen creatures. These deep tanks are
60m square, and all of them more or less exposed to the air due to
explosions, salvaging or other events which have removed the tops
Government: Clan Chieftain, ‘Mujwok the Heart Eater’ and of the holding tanks. Petroleum has leaks from these tanks to lower
his Core Oilers. levels, and the inhabitants of the village often send out collection
Population: Total 378 to 554/ (Pure Stocks 200+d100 / teams to harvest and then sell the precious fluid.
Mutants 150+2d20 / Cyborgs 20+d20/ Synthetic Humans
2d6/ Others 2d6) Water and Sanitation: Rain water is collected in sail like
flaps which are unfurled when a rain cloud approaches. Hu-
Site Details: Occupying the bridge and main living quarters of man excrement is collected and composted along with vege-
an ancient, 1320m long gargantuan class mixed cargo-oil ship, is table clippings to make soil for the many gardens lining outer
the barbaric community of Rusted Hulk. While these people claim decks and balconies.
the entire ship, they in truth have only ever controlled the bridge
area. The rest of the vessel is overrun with an assortment of ter-
rible beasts, many of which have crawled into the hull through the
Technology: Generally, the barbarians of Rusted Hulk are
poorly educated, with few among them who can read or do
holes which pock mark the side of the craft. The ship, once called even simple math. They do know the power of relics howev-
the Star Pacifica 12, of the Cryda Corporation fleet is now perma- er, and employ several military weapons to defend their man
nently lodged in the growing blue reef, and makes for a formidable made island from invaders or the foul beasts which lurk in the
fortress for the inhabitants of the ancient vessel. Following any rest of the massive cargo ship.
substantial storm, oil will leak out from the ship’s damaged hull
and floats into shore, polluting this portion of the coastline and
thoroughly annoying the land based fishermen.
Dangers: The locals are constantly under threat of attack by ei-
ther the pirates from Port Folly, raiders and boat people from the
atolls to the west, as well as from canoe paddling cannibals from
Construction: The Star Pacifica was made very tough, and it the Coil Islands to the North. Likewise, an ever present fear is at-
seems has proven her manufacturers correct in being dubbed ‘Un- tack from the powerful mutant fleet of the Dominion of Aberratia,
sinkable’. The alloy plating, fiberglass and plastic materials she whose lands lay to the east and are nearly always in sight from the
was crafted from are clearly breaking down in spots, but for the bow, starboard and port sides of this great ship. On a day to day ba-
most part, this ship seems destined to remain in place for at least sis, however, both flying and ground based predators attempt to find
another hundred or so years. The reef it is lodged on has begun their way into the community and devour clan members. So too, un-
to merge with the lower levels of the ship, however, especially the welcome treasure hunters can often bring harm to clan patrols, and
flooded decks which are home to all manner of mutated sea crea- for this reason, all strangers found anywhere on the ship are treated
tures. Rusted Hulk, the aft portion of the ship that is controlled by as marauders and either killed or captured. If one wishes to explore
the humans, consists of the six levels which make up the bridge and this ship, or trade with these people, one must first report to the aft
living quarters of the vessel. The locals have plated all lower level docks and get permission from the on duty Deck Chief.
windows with steel, cut arrow slits into the superstructure, added
wood and scrap shelters on the uppermost decks, and installed a
top most defensive position using salvaged steel plating (see mili-
Law Enforcement: There are few laws here, and most dis-
putes are resolved by ceremonial death duels, or out right
tary and defenses, next page). The rest of the ship is a vast network killings and beatings in the metallic chambers and hallways
of 5 decks, with the hull below the top deck subdivided by 20 water- of the superstructure. Visitors are expected to defend them-
tight transverse bulkheads, all of which have been broken through selves, keep a close eye on their women and possessions,
by inhabitants of this lawless, beast filled lower domain. There are and sleep with one eye open. While it is okay for locals to rob
six oil holding containers, all of them have long since lost most their and molest visitors who they can overpower or trick, it is not

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really okay to simply kill them and then loot their bodies. The the community, plus, one works the loading docks at the rear
current clan ruler, Mujwok, wants legitimate trade relations of the ship during the day, along with a team of 2d6+4 Oilers
with individuals and small groups of mixed race travelers, es- who investigate arriving small vessels, question visitors and
pecially excavation teams. His goal is to invite diggers who are decide whether or not to let people visit the huge ship.
encouraged to come and explore the rest of the ship, killing All Oilers take double damage from flame based attacks on
the ever growing hordes of moaners and wild animals that in- account of the fuel they coat themselves in, however, this oil
fest the main hull tiers. does keep away small, biting insects and serves as on-board
The Rusta Clan uses ‘Oilers’, oil coated warriors, as its police camo (each Oiler has 2 stealth points in conceal self or con-
force and standing army. These brutal men and women are the law cealed movement while onboard the ship).
here, and both locals and visitors alike must obey them. Likewise, The highest level of the superstructure is fitted with four steel
these oil streaked troops are authorized to search, arrest, confine and sandbag protected gun emplacements, each facing a differ-
and kill anybody they see fit, but must give some good reason for do- ent direction, and each offering -20 DV protection to the gunnery
ing so, later, to the clan chieftain. Visitors who kill locals in self de- crews stationed there at all hours. The west facing turret is a rocket
fense are not harmed as long as one local witness steps forward to launcher, supplied with 2d6 battle rockets and guarded by two Oil-
confirm it was really self defense, or, where the visitors were far out- ers who share a pair of binoculars. The north facing gun station
numbered by the dead and dying around them. If, however, a group has a heavy ballista and 30 spears and two Oiler crewmen, while
of travelers causes or seems to be the focus of too much trouble, they the east facing turret, which also covers the length of the ship as
will be asked to leave the vessel at dawn and not return for a year. it stretches out before the position, is fitted with a tripod mounted,
belt fed chain gun and manned by two Oilers, plus another warrior
Military and Defense: The Clan has about 60 regular war- with a sniper rifle. The chain gun has 30+d100 rifle rounds remain-
riors, called Oilers due to the petroleum they anoint their fac- ing, while the sniper rifle has 3d6 high caliber rifle rounds available
es, clothing and armor with. These combatants, treat as raiders, to the shooter. Finally, the south facing boasts a light laser cannon
all carry crossbows, a dagger, and a machete. They shave their on a tripod, connected to a power pack which holds 30+d20 shots.
heads all except for a ponytail of hair growing on the back of their Two Oilers man the impressive gun, while another two stand guard
heads, which they decorate with bits of plastic, especially toy sol- with their heavy crossbows. If a naval attack approaches from one
diers. There is an elite unit of warriors called the Core Oilers, all direction, all the relic weapons can be brought to that side of the
of which have one prime mutation each and number 30 strong. ship to combine their firepower to the defense.
They are dressed in leather armor and shave their heads like The one great deterrent Rusted Hulk posses, which has
the regular pure stock Oilers, except each member thrown back many invasion forces by pirates or Aberrationists,
of this group is also armed with a relic weapon is a wheeled M364 Howitzer which is hidden on
(WC-R) and are stationed on the Navigational the 5th level and can be pushed into position
deck along with their chief and his family, to face any direction around the ship within 20
pleasure slaves and advisors. rounds. Its barrel sticks out of one of two doz-
Clan Chieftain, ‘Mujwok the Heart Eater’ is en shuttered portals and can be fired 47 kilo-
a massive mutant wearing two suits of modified meters with devastating affect. This gun has
combat armor. He has three arms, two heads, sunk more than a few battle barges in its time
red skin, and the mutations of telepathy, and is crewed by 3 Oilers and
empathy and mind crush. Worse, who guarded by a dozen more. Like-
carries a drum fed chain gun into bat- wise, this level is the main garri-
tle, with an extra full ammo drum in son and arming station for the com-
his pack. When outside his private munity and is off limits to visitors. There
chamber, and the old ship isn’t are 2d6 standard Artillery shells remaining
under attack, he only carries a here, and these people will pay double the go-
laser pistol and a pair of razor ing rate for more of these shells, or send out
swords, and is accompanied ev- thieves to steal any if they are rumored to ex-
erywhere by a unit of six his Core ist someplace in the region. The fear of this
Oilers. The two headed brute loves gun is all that keeps the Aberrationist legion
being the boss of Rusta. When in from taking this metal island, and so too,
a good humour, he ofen moves about the only reason that growing empire
about his community accepting has any interest in seizing the place.
gifts, affections and blessings from Finally, Rusted Hulk has one gyrocopter,
his people. When displeased, how- fitted with a heavy machine gun and d100
ever, he is known to beat a per- HCR rounds, which it uses to assist any locally
son into unconsciousness and owned fishing or cargo boat which comes un-
rip out his or her heart and eat der attack by a sea creature or raiders. There
it before the others. While he are 10+d6 rowboats docked at the aft wharf
is a wise and powerful leader, area, each can be manned by 15 Oilers to
his people fear him, perhaps be sent out after escaping criminals or to
more than they fear being oc- raid farms on the mainland.
cupied by the Aberrationists or
pirates. Visitors to Rusted Hulk: Upon
7 Deck Chiefs, treat arriving, either by boat or air, new-
as militia officers comers are expected to access the
with a relic community via the aft docks, a huge
weapon platform built among the coral
each (WC- reefs and scrap metal pylons. Here,
R), are sta- a Deck Chief and his 2d6+4 Oilers
tioned on each level of will inspect new arrivals carefully.

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MAP CR-33: Rusted Hulk, Exterior View with Surrounding Tainted Sea

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MAP CR-34: Rusted Hulk, Cargo Decks 1,2 and 3

Note: Like every map in this book, you can download full 8x10” sheets of these deck plans at www.outlandarts.com/crloot.htm

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MAP CR-35: Rusted Hulk, Bridge Decks 3,4 and 5

Any all-mutant groups will be told to leave at once, fearing gles, spotted the fleet and flares were launched, illuminating
they are Aberrationists, while all pure stock (including synthet- the scene and allowing the many relic weapons on the great
ic humans, ghost mutants, etc.) will also be told to leave or die ship’s aft to eliminate the invaders. Numerous invasion at-
since they might be Purists. Mixed groups, numbering less than tempts have followed, either mounted by pirates from Port
10 people, including robots and intelligent animals, etc., will be Folly, cannibals, boat people from the west, or the Aberra-
allowed entrance with this warning from the Deck Chief. “Now tionists, and every time, the result was failure. Blockades and
remember where you are, friends. While we want you to enjoy the attempts of small, squad based strikes were somewhat
the hospitality of our hookers and the flavor of our beer, and to effective, but again, the relics fitted on the superstructure, as
have good fortune exploring the bowels of this hunk of tin, we well as the vigilant Oiler infantry defeated any conquest at-
warn you to respect our people, not to start no fights and to re- tempt.
member that the Oilers, like these fellas here, are the law and
you must do as they say or they’ll feed your heart to the Clan Social Details: Rusted Hulk’s people are hardened survivors,
Chief, Mujwok. You are otherwise on your own here; no laws will pragmatic and simple, with few illusions about their long term
protect you, your women folk or your possessions. If you are at- freedom. They know that their Howitzer will soon be out of shells,
tacked, you can do whatever to save your skins, but if you start and then the inevitable annexation will come. Since most people
the fight, you’re carcass will be thrown to the sharks. Enjoy your here are pure stocks, they most dread an Aberrationist occupa-
stay. The Hotel and Saloon are on the third level, the fourth has tion, since mutant-supremacists would slay or enslave all pure
the whores, the fifth and sixth are off limits, and the first and sec- bloods. Because of their fear and sense of doom, they are cu-
ond levels are just housing for the local fishers and farmers.” rious about outsiders, especially excavators or those who have
arrived from either the Lower or Northern Freeholds. Many par-
Brief History: The Star Pacifica 12 is said to have been adrift ents want strangers to take their teenagers with them as porters,
in the Tainted Sea for a hundred years, its crew having long to escort them to the Freeholds and the chance at a better life.
ago eaten each other or died from radiation or disease. What Other residents of Rusta see all strangers as spies who serve ei-
is known is that the ship blew in from the north west in the ther the pirates or Aberrationists, While still others view visitors
year 2258, and ran aground on the Blue Reef the first night it as prey, merely targets on whom to vent their savagery and af-
arrived, where it has remained stuck at a slight eight percent terwards loot. Nearly everybody here is willing to slit the throat of
pitch to port ever since. It was soon approached and inhabited another if it results in profit, particularly when the acquisition of
by several tribes of humans and their off shoots, including a a relic weapon or suit of armor is the reward.
voracious human eating tribe of moaners, as well as the ances-
tors of the current clan. The long ago rulers of the superstruc- Resources and Industry: Fishing, limited green house and
ture saw the need to augment their primitive weaponry with rel- open air farming, and petroleum salvaging are the main occu-
ics, and a successful expedition to a nearby navy frigate sup- pations of the inhabitants. For the more ambitious and ruth-
plied the community with the weapons it now possess. less, however, raiding the mainland and other sea faring peo-
A few decades later, in the year 2290 when the Domin- ple, as well as robbing visitors, is also popular.
ion of Aberratia came to power, a small expeditionary platoon
of mutants tried to take the cargo ship, but their battle barge Accommodations: While there is no general store, there is
was sunk several kilometers from their goal. Months later, a a Sunday market on the 3rd level of the superstructure, where
flotilla of smaller craft approached by night, but apparently people can buy vegetables, fish, archaic arms and armor and
mutants with night vision, or somebody with night vision gog- imported food, beer and wine, slaves in abundance and occa-

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sionally a few plastic trinkets. Also on the third level, amid a gear, the lower depths of this vessel are packed with riches, and
maze of steel beams, corridors and chambers, is a large en- oceanic predators.
closed chamber with numerous two or four person bunk rooms The upper decks of the main hull, are suitable for low rank
for rent, called simply the hostel. A 2 person room costs 4sp exploration teams, and a GM can use the Encounters While
per night, while a four person room costs 9sp. Each room has a Exploring the Main Ship table, on page 297, to get an idea of
tallow candle, a night water pot, reed mattresses and assorted the sort of things living here, as well as other hazards. Both the
pelts and skins for bedding. Across the large corridor from the tough little community and the kilometer upon kilometer of steel
Hostel is the saloon, which also has no proper name. All the im- clad corridors of this ship make for a unique, alternate adven-
ported drinks served here have well known mainland names. ture setting, as well as provide one of the few independent stop-
This place has a long metal bar, and a dozen steel topped ta- ping points along this coastline. Regular commercial barge traf-
bles, relic chairs, with candles, lanterns and torches lighting the fic avoids this place; however, every week or two one will dock
smoky den. The customers who hang out here are among the to deliver trade goods (mostly booze) and in exchange pick up
toughest in this part of the region. Their numbers include want- whatever petroleum the inhabitants have collected. It is possible
ed criminals, bounty hunters, savages, thieves, cut throats and to take passage on such a barge for about 10sp, which will next
a mix of other outsiders who have ended up in Rusted Hulk, be headed to, roll d6: 1,2. Safe Port / 3. Sorrow / 4. Port Folly /
since few other towns would have them. Oilers, both off duty 5. Sea Home / 6. Memory
and on patrols, mix with groups of commoner fishermen and
balcony farmers. Occasionally, a nomadic trader or excavation Online Resources: Clan Chieftain, Mujwok the Heart Eat-
team will be among the crowd, so too, the many whores who er, also see page 428 for his NPC sheet
make their living in the ill kept rooms above.

For the Excavator: You’ve heard this: “Well, they say the Unique Encounters Note: Always re-roll duplicated en-
counters which are denoted by a ‘ * ’.
old ship is immense, with five levels of relic cargo just waiting
to be discovered. There are also lots of holes in the side of
the ship, and parts of it are flooded and all of it crawling with
Encounters Inside Rusted Hulk: Decks 1,2,3 & 4, d2
rolls for street occupants from chart B, page 381 with a 3 in
creatures that nobody has seen before. Still, the loot is pretty 10 chance of a unique encounter per passage from the fol-
good if the beasts don‘t get you. The locals, who live in the lowing list, roll d4 for decks 1 and 2, d6 for encounters on
super structure at the rear of the old cargo-tanker, are said to deck 3 and d6+2 for deck 4:
be prone to stealing from visitors, if not outright killing them 1. Local ruffians (d6+3 raiders) are loitering in a wide, 5 by
when their own warriors, ‘Oilers’, ain’t looking. The place is 5m chamber, and if they outnumber the travelers, will draw
ruled by a cannibal mutant with three arms and two ugly red their short swords and hold them up for any relics or coins,
heads, who eats babies and young women... or so I am told. as well as kidnap any women of 30 or better appearance to
What else? Oh, yes, them folks have a huge relic cannon that become a slave-bride to a gang member.
can shoot monster shells, powerful enough to set a battle 2. d6+2 Fishermen (treat as commoner men) are convinced
barge on fire and scatter the crews, that’s why the that the PCs are pirate spies, and in a
damn place isn’t ruled by the Aber- large open area, hurl debris and in-
rationists. Sure, its probably not a sults at the characters for 2d6
bad stop over if you need to spend rounds. If attacked, they
a night or two, although I heard call for the Oilers and
the tramps there are skinny and flee into their steel clad
kinda pale. But all in all, I’d rec- tiny homes and al-
ommend the place if you’re out coves. There is a 2 in 6
that way. Just keep your female chance the Oiler patrol
team mates nearby and don’t from roll 5, next page,
go anyplace alone or you’ll get arrives to investigate
jumped in the metal mazes.” within 5+d20 rounds.
If any commoners
For the Game Master: have been killed, they
This ship houses both a will try to arrest and
community and a ruin- hang the person(s)
scape, and many visitors responsible.
to the superstructure are 3. A commoner
surprised to learn that the family (man, wom-
ships name is the Star Paci- an, d3 teens, d3
fica 12, not Rusted Hulk, and children) meet the
that the humans only control PC group in the nar-
one tenth of the vast hybrid row 2m wide corridor,
cargo-tanker. There are and flee in panic, think-
plenty of flooded cargo ing the characters to
holds below the water- be invaders. There is a
line, on decks 4 and 5, 36% chance they meet
some filled with valuable up with another family
oil, while others contain and are calmed down
still boxed up ancient goods, and the PC’s presence
much of it spoiled by both explained, if so, there is
time and seawater. Neverthe- then a 44% chance both
less, for an advanced team of families ask the characters
diggers, possibly with scuba to take their teens to the safe-

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ty of the Freeholds, where they can find work and later send fondling them, slurring lewd suggestions into their ears, re-
for the rest of their families. These commoners will pay the gardless of the gender of their potential clients. They each
PCs 2d10+10sp for each teen they escort to the free towns. offer their services for 3sp for a romp, and tug insistent-
4. In a large chamber, 10 by 15m in size with many second- ly at PCs. If the characters refuse, then there is an 87%
ary rooms and corridors opening into it, are a large group of chance the women go berserk, throwing bottles, and trash
local fishermen fixing nets and tackle, cleaning fish and talk- at the PCs until they leave. Any PC to creep off with one of
ing about the new arrivals (the PCs). When the characters these hookers is likely to be exposed to Sinners itch, 3 in
enter, the crowd of 3d6 men, 3d6 women, 2d6 teens and 10 chance per copulation.
3d6 children reacts, roll d6: 1-3. They go silent and sullen,
and just glare at the PCs until the strangers move along. / Encounters In the Saloon: (open noon until 5 am daily)
4,5. They wave hello and bid the characters welcome, and Note: If the PCs are attacked by locales using non-lethal
suggest they stay awhile and maybe settle down as perma- force while in the saloon, the Oiler Guards will do nothing,
nent residence some day. / 6. The men grab clubs and get however if the PCs use deadly force to defend themselves or
in between the PCs and their women and children. “You’re attack any patrons, then an alarm bell will be sounded by the
not welcome here, outlanders! ‘One man shouts. “Maybe bartender, and within 10+d6 rounds, a squad of d6+4 Oilers
you fooled the Oilers, but not us! Now get back on your boat will arrive to kill or capture the outsiders. If the Oilers learn
and leave before we lay open your heads!” If the PCs refuse that the outlanders were only acting in self defense, the PCs
to find another corridor, the men threaten them again and will be told to stay out of future trouble and be free to go.
slowly step forward, deadly serious. Any fighting will bring the 2d6+2 rolls on the bar patrons table B, page 384 with a
Oilier patrol from roll 5, below, within 10+d10 rounds. 3 in 10 chance per hour of a special encounter from the fol-
5. Oiler Patrol! d6+4 Oilers, see Military and Defense, page lowing. Roll d6:
291, for illustration. Treat as raiders, each carries a cross- 1. d6+3 fishermen (commoners) are at a nearby table, get-
bow, shortsword and dagger. This unit will have been in- ting very drunk and increasingly loud. “Who do they think
formed of the characters arrival if the PCs are a legitimate they are? “ One grumbles, gesturing to the PC group. “Comin’
group of guests, who have come up from the Aft Dock receiv- here and looting our resources from the hull. We never invit-
ing area. If the PCs have illegally entered the superstructure, ed them, we weren’t asked if they could come and steal from
they will immediately be attacked. If the characters have us! Maybe we should teach them a lesson.” If they outnum-
done nothing wrong and are simply making their way to the ber the PCs, and no PC is wearing shell class armor, then
upper decks, this unit will be quite friendly and welcome the they get up from their seats and move to face the characters
newcomers, telling them to make sure they buy lots of drinks as a broad front, clenching their fists. “You get up and get
and tip the whores. outa our bar, you outland scum, or we’ll teach you a lesson
6. *A lone scavenger, a local, approaches the PCs in a busy in ‘Rusta’ hospitality.” If the PCs leave, there no event, if they
corridor. “Say, you be keen to pick about, eh? In the hull I stay, there is a 78% chance the fishermen attack (-30 SV due
mean, silly. You keen?” He asks, looking nervously over his to being drunk), otherwise, they back down and go back to
shoulders. “Tomorrow morning, meet me right here, and I their drinking and bitching.
take you to a sweet spot in the old girls’ gizzard, eh? Lots of 2. A group of tough looking, oil stained men (treat as d6+4
cargo, lots of critters, but lots of cargo, right? Keen for that, raiders) are at a nearby table, and have grabbed a harlot
yes?” If the characters agree, and meet the nutty fellow, he and roughly handle her all the while laughing as they pester
takes them down to deck 1 and to a guarded steel hatch, her. Finally, they toss her aside and she crashes across the
which the Oilers open to release dig teams into the rest of PC’s table, knocking their meals and drinks everyplace. The
the vast ship. The scavenger takes the characters to a set of woman is unconscious and slides to the floor. The men, who
dark stairs leading down into a lower level, but will not go fur- are “Oil seekers’ by day, regard the characters with contempt
ther himself as he says he is not so dedicated as the PCs, nor and just go back to their drinking and crude antics. If the PCs
brave enough to deserve the wealth found below. demand an apology to them, or the woman, or for the seek-
7. A prostitute steps out from a darkened alcove, smiles and ers to replace the spilled food and drink, the men will auto-
gestures to the best looking man in the PC group. “Come matically refuse if they outnumber the PCs. However, if the
with me to my quarters, brave one, and tell your friends you’ll PCs are clearly decked out in relic arms and armor, or are
catch up later. For an hour, 3 silvers, for the whole night and unquestionably lethal looking mutants and cyborgs, they will
a meal, 7 silvers.” If a character goes with her, she takes him grudgingly buy a round of drinks for the PCs 89% of the time,
to her candle lit chamber and makes love to him according otherwise, they say something rude and begin to throw fish
to his requests, and after, roll d6: 1-4. All is well, no other bones and cutlery at the outsiders. Nobody will come to their
event. / 5. *As the PC lays there, she successfully clutches aide if the PCs attack them with non-lethal force, but other
a syringe and tries to poke the character with type D sleep prostitutes will come and tend to their wounded peer.
poison, which on a successful strike (+30 SV as the target is 3. A nomadic trader and his d6 militia solider guards enter
not expecting to be attacked) and if the character succumbs the saloon and take up a table near the character’s. After
to the poison, he passes out immediately and wakes, 3d6 ordering drinks and observing the crowd, the trader waves
hours later, naked, hands and feet tied together (STR based to the PCs, comes over and whispers to them: “Say, fine dig-
type D HC to snap, one try per hour) in the hold of a cargo gers, would you be interested in purchasing an empty rel-
barge heading for Port Folly as a slave./ 6. *She says that her ic weapon? It’s no good to me without ammo after all.” If
brother fled to Overpass many months ago and has written to the characters are curious, he pulls out an empty: roll d6: 1.
her, telling her to find someway to get there. She begs you to Shotgun pistol, 1200sp/ 2. Pump shotgun with folding stock,
let her accompany you to that wonderful city, and promises 1600sp/ 3. Wrist gun, 1000sp/ 4. Pocket pistol, 1600sp/ 5.
that she will thereafter spend one night a week with the PC, Auto pistol 1900sp/ 6. Stun pistol 2100sp.
for free, forever. 4. A greasy commoner man, covered in oil, brushes passed
8. d8+4 whores step out of various passages, access a random PC on his way to the latrine, and coats the charac-
hatches and side chambers, carrying candles and lan- ter in oil. The man doesn’t apologize or seem to notice and,
terns. They are all malnourished, mistreated looking wom- unless struck or grabbed, doesn’t even turn around. If forced
en, (APP 10+d20 each). They crowd the PCs, groping and to apologize, there is a 77% chance he does, otherwise, his

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comrades, 2d6+3 other commoners, all ‘oil seekers’, get up Encounters while Exploring the Main ship: Encounters
from their chairs at various places in the noisy saloon, and occur 4 in 10 chance per half hour, range d10 meters using
give the outlanders threatening looks to back off or else. the following as possible results. The maze of steel corridors
These are tough men, and will be happy to brawl with the is often broken up by cargo holds, maintenance rooms and
PCs, perhaps in hopes of defeating them and looting their machinery, but all encounters are at very close range and
unconscious bodies. often involve single file engagements. Many more salt water
5. A prostitute screams from across the room and pulls free and aquatic animals can be found in The Mutant Bestiary
of d6+3 rough ‘oil seekers’ (raiders) who have been mis- One book, which can greatly enhance this location. Roll d20
treating her. She happens to pull free, losing most of her
ragged outfit, and stumbles into a random PCs lap, 3 of the 1. Bats, devil, 2d6
raiders have followed her to the character’s table and make 2. Shark, amphibious
to grab her. The woman clutches the PC tight and begs him 3. Birds, skal, 3d6
or her not to let them take her. If the PCs warn off the men,
and outnumber the three, then there is a 57% chance they 4. Waist deep, flooded chamber 5 x20m long, filled with fish,
leave and make no more of the matter, otherwise, they call Ripper 3d6
over the rest of their men from their table and the group 5. Waist deep, flooded chamber 10 x10m long, filled with
demands the characters “Hand over that slut, or get your Fish, d2 normuk
faces pounded flat!” If the PCs still refuse to hand over the 6. Waist deep, flooded chamber 3 x30m long, filled with a
shaking woman, there is a 33% chance the thugs give up fish, ghastfin
and go back to their table, but, if the PC get in a brawl with 7. Waist deep, flooded chamber 5 x25m long, filled with al-
any other encounter in the bar that visit, the oil seekers will ligators, d6 small
automatically join in with the new adversaries. If these men 8. Waist deep, flooded chamber 10 x30m long, filled with an
don’t back off, however, they attack with clubs. If they take alligator, large
the woman, they will leave with her, her screams echoing 9. Alligator, large
out in the iron clad hallways. 10. Alligator, huge
6. d6 commoner teens, half boys, half girls, approach the 11. Fish, land pike, 2d6
characters, each is outfitted with a backpack, travel clothes, 12. Frog, venomous
a knife and bow, and they say, roll d6: 1,2. “We are ready. We
know our Uncle in Overpass sent you to collect us, so we have 13. Frogs, aberrant, d6+2
packed all we have and are ready to make the journey to him. 14. Insect, giant dragon fly
Here is the first payment of 20sp as promised; the rest is wait- 15. Insect, swamp skimmers, 2d6
ing in Overpass.”/ 3,4. “We saw you arrive in Rusta and have 16. Insect, blood flyers, 3d6
come to ask you to take us away from this shit hole. We will 17. Moaners, 2d6+2
serve you as retainers and camp keepers, until you either tire 18. Pit slime
of us or can get us to either of the Freeholds.”/ 5,6. “We want 19. Rats, bipedal, 2d6+4
to join your team in your explorations of the hull, we are not 20. Reptilius, 2d6+1
afraid, and will obey your commands and do as you do, as we
wish to become excavators, too, and leave this metal island
when you do. Please, give us the chance.”

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Safe Port Technology: There is only limited reliance on technology in

Safe Port, as these people are not adventurers nor scaven-
gers, yet, neither are they opposed to using whatever ancient
or scrap built relics they can get their hands on. The ruler, Op-
Faction: Independent, occupied by a mercenary force under
control of a dictator timorra the merchant, does have a suit of combat armor and
Government: Dictatorship, ruled by the merchant ‘Optimorra an assault rifle, as well as a communicator with which to direct
the Magnificent’ and his, son Amodka, and the ‘The Immor- his five mercenary captains, all of whom also have a commu-
tals’ mercenary brigade. nicator and a random relic weapon. Otherwise, the only other
Population: Total 768 to 950 (Pure Stocks 340+2d100 / technology is a small solar panel on the Merchant’s manor,
Mutants 240+2d20 / Cyborgs 23+d10/ Synthetic humans which powers the light bulbs and radio receiver within.
43+2d10/ Androids 2d6/ others 12+d10)
Dangers: Being an isolated community without allies, and be-
Site Details: Safe Port is nestled on the rocky shores ing along the coast, this town is often the target of pirates and
other sea going marauders who strive to sack the place. From
deep within the small, but well protected confines of Tin
Cove, its fortified back to both the New Hills and the small the North, humanoid bands and raiders have also tried to seize
but very wild and freakishly mutated Strangle Wood forest. this town, but all attempts have thus far failed. Besides actual
The town site itself is built on a mix of rock, rubble and silt assaults on the well fortified town, there are numerous creatures
soil, but not elevated off the grassy flatland surrounding its which either pull themselves up out of the sea or trudge forth
landward sides. from the woodlands to snap up the unwary or slow. Likewise,
winged and creeping carnivores and blood suckers penetrate the
Construction: This large and busy fishing town is constant- outer defenses, usually unseen, and devour those who are in the
streets after dark. By far the most frequent peril to the inhabit-
ly being added to and rebuilt. This work is often due to the
numerous attacks the place suffers from both internal civ- ants of Safe Port comes to those who make their living in Tin
il war and foreign attackers, which often manage to burn Cove, fishing, and come under attack even as they dock at the
down part of the defenses and require immediate restora- wharf, by sharks, saltwater crocs and other aquatic predators.
tion and improvement. Scrap metal, plastic and wood which
has drifted in from the ocean make up the better part of the Law Enforcement: A mercenary army, calling themselves
roofing materials in Safe Port, however, the ring wall and the ‘The Immortals’ serve Optimorra as a multi purpose armed
houses themselves are made out of logs cut from the near- force. These unpredictable, blood thirsty men and women pa-
by woods, as well as mud bricks, field stones and the plenti- trol the streets and Saloon as the local police force, dishing
ful ancient debris which is scattered everyplace in the sur- out laws, regulations and taxes as they see fit, especially when
rounding area. Clearly, this area was once a heavily populat- meeting travelers. The laws here are considered quite strict as
ed urban district, which suffered considerable devastation. far as open trade towns go, so too, the people are suspicious
of strangers, conservative and often hostile. Worse still, the lo-
Water and Sanitation: A small, clean creek spills down from cals are oppressed by the Merchant and his mercenary thugs.
Optimorra, fearing for his life and position, is always hiring new
a series of tiny lakes in the New Hills and provides excellent drink-
ing water, which is surprising to most people who cross overland immortals to replace those who have either left or been killed
by way of the bridges of Two Craters Lake, where the ancient by predators or humanoids, or slain by the small but persis-
blast craters dominate the landscape and serve as a testimony tent resistance movement. All armed strangers, and excavator
to the terrible weapons detonated here in a former time. types in particular, are therefore viewed as mercs and support-

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MAP CR-36: Safe Port

1 hex =5 meters

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The Crossroads Region Part Seven: Independent Communities 300

ers of Optimorra by the common people. Likewise, the authori- / 8-10 Trans-human (add +d20 End, +2 mv, +10 SV to Elite Soldier’s Statistics).
ties will view armed travelers as potential rebel sympathizers 8. Mutant, ghost with d2 Ghost mutations from table
and trouble makers, if not pirate spies. In either case, newcom- TME-1-59, page 59 of the hub rules.
ers are watched carefully, told to do their business quickly and 9. Cyborg with one offensive implant.
move onto the next town if they know what’s good for them. 10. Cyborg with one each of offensive, defensive and mis-
In short, the laws here change according to the whims and cellaneous implants.
mood of the immortals and their leader, Optimorra, who has the 11. Beastial Human, no mutations
final say in the punishment of all citizens and visitors. He is keen 12. Beastial human with one prime mutation
to get his hands on relic firepower with which to arm his hired Note: 8 in 12 mercenaries are men, otherwise women.
fighters. Given this, and if the risk is not too great, he will have
well equipped strangers arrested on some contrived charges, The town has between 161 and 260 (160+d100) mercenaries
their belongings looted and the prisoner either sold into on the payroll at any one time, and Optimorra
slavery on the next passing transport barge, or is always looking for more rough individu-
put to work bolstering the town’s defenses as als to serve in the hazardous role of pro-
a laborer. tecting the town as well as dominating
the thankless, strong willed common
Military and Defense: The military is divid- people. Characters looking for work
here will have to look pretty conniving,
ed into three portions, the standing army of
‘Immortals’, the Mercenary navy and and upon arrival at the manor house, will
the militia. Mercenaries from each must pass a test to prove that they
far and near seek work are the callous souls they profess to be.
with Optimorra, and make See the random listings at the end of this
up the standing army and town’s description.
law enforcement detach- The navy consists of a single
ment. These hired slay- battle barge, The Naga, and her crew
ers work in small of mercenary sailors, commanded
detachments by Captain Xavier Fulton. The Naga is
around town with basically a for-hire naval unit, which
the bulk of them handles its own hiring practices and
stationed at the has the sole task of pro-
main gate, docks tecting the town’s fishing
and land gate, as fleet from being wiped
well as the manor house which dou- out by the any sea going
bles as a garrison. Both male and female enemies and monsters who hap-
cyborgs, synthetic humans, mutants, beastial pen by. The vessel has a standard
humans and pure stocks all serve the dicta- compliment of oar slaves and
tor. Mercs earn a wage warriors, with all troops on board
of 30 silver pieces being considered soldiers using
a month plus crossbows, and are roughly half
get free room mutants (one minor mutation
and board at each) and half pure stocks.
the man- The Naga has a solar pow-
ner, as well er generator unit on its rear
as the liber- superstructure, powering
ty to pilfer from a bow mounted, light laser
the townspeople, cannon with a battery sup-
help themselves plying up to 20 shots per day
to a round of drinks at the to the impressive weapon. It is
Saloon, and exploit the few worn out this weapon which keeps the pirates and
whores who ply their trade around town. sea people from blockading the town, or invading via the docks.
Immortals distinguish themselves by wearing an- c i e n t If the town comes under serious attack by an outside force,
clear bubble wrap headbands and sashes over their helmets and such as humanoids, a massive creature, or the much dreaded
armor, and often dress in the darkest getups they can find. Al- pirates, Optimorra will sound an alarm bell which will bring the
though considered garbage to many excavators, bubble wrap is town’s militia to the manor for arming with crossbows, hatchets
highly sought after by the mercenaries of Safe Port and who will and studded leather armor. Normally, these citizens are armed
pay 3sp per 30 square centimeters. only with a knife, as it is forbidden for the citizenry to openly carry
Encounters with patrols of the Immortals will always result arms or wear armor. After the threat of attack is over, the merce-
in a random assortment of unscrupulous, cruel men and women, naries collect the weapons and armor back from the militia, with
(8 in 12 are men, otherwise women) each is treated as an elite refusal to turn over the articles punishable by slavery or death.
soldier on the Typical Humans table (TME hub rules page 137) There are 190+2d20 militia soldiers in Safe Port, roughly half be-
and might be enhanced with mutations or cybernetic implants. ing mutants with one minor mutation each, and of this total force,
Roll d12 to determine what each mercenary encountered is: a quarter are women. Each signs for the arms and armor at the
muster station, and later, signs back in the gear after the threat is
d12 Mercenary Encountered over. Anyone who has not signed back the gear is either already
1-3. Pure Stock human. dead, or immediately wanted by the ‘Immortals’.
4,5. Typical Mutant, one minor mutation (physical alteration). The only other forces at Optimorra’s disposal are a large
6 Mild Mutant, one prime mutation. gang of raiders which inhabit the nearby hills. These bandits,
7. Synthetic human: Roll d10: 1-4 clone/ 5-7. Bioreplicant called ‘Foster’s Freebooters’, number 3d10+40 and are often

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mounted on horseback and frequently arrive in town to sell their year 2298, a fleet of small pirate vessels, which had been raid-
booty, drink, frolic with whores and re-supply themselves from the ing along the coast, entered Tin Cove and besieged the town. In
general store and marketplace. There is a 18% chance that each truth, the pirate fleet had decided to merely winter at the cove
day, this gang is in town. On those days travelers are quite likely to and meanwhile enjoy terrorizing the fishermen of Safe Port.
run into these barbaric thugs, who may do as they please to out- Pressed almost to starvation by the siege, the people of Safe
siders. The dictator’s Immortals turn a blind eye to the actions of Port elected a prominent merchant to paramount power. The
these despots as long as the raiders don’t seriously harm locals, man, Kane, who ruled the wealthy Jensen clan, collected the
regular traders and favored guests of Optimorra himself. town’s wealth and set off for help, hiring over a hundred expe-
There are no fixed relic weapons in service any place rienced and ruthless mercenaries. This force was immediately
around town; however, a dozen ballista are situated through- given control of the town’s defenses, coordinating the militia and
out the settlement while 5 catapults sit along the wide wood- commoners in a bold, night time counter attack on the sleeping
en dock area, each guarded by two mercenaries at all times. pirate fleet, slaughtering the invaders. Those few pirates, who
On each of the town’s towers, in an enclosed top level, sits survived, fled south and helped found Port Folly.
a light ballista, manned by 4 mercenaries armed with heavy The mercenaries, under the Jensen clan’s rule, were not dis-
crossbows. The land gate is protected by a steel plated dou- banded after the victory, and instead commenced a slow con-
ble door, flanked by two stone and scrap towers with jutting quest of the very town they had saved. Kane, the ruling mer-
spikes and spears aiming outward to deter beasts. These chant, who himself had been a skilled warrior in his youth, rel-
stout towers are defended with a heavy ballista in the top- ished in his new found power, and set about executing those who
most enclosed turret of each and hold 8 mercenaries at all protested his dictatorship. Some decades later, armed citizens
times. From within these enclosures, the mercs control the ambushed and killed Kane, an act which led to even harsher
opening and closing of the gates using a gear and pulley sys- rules, curfews and the disbandment of the militia. Kane’s Son,
tem. Thus protected, the troops inside can remain in the safe- Optimorra, a mutant, who took over where his father had left off,
ty of their fortifications (-30 DV) and fire upon invaders with brutally suppressed any opposition, murdering and kidnapping
heavy crossbows from arrow slits and secret holes. All these those suspected of inciting rebellion. It was rumored that Opti-
towers have steel shutters to close off the various shooting morra’s plan was to turn Safe Port into the nucleolus of a growing
portals, with the portals facing beyond town as well as down nation. Fortunately for neighboring towns, the rebellious nature
into the streets to threaten the populace should they revolt. of the civilian population kept Optimorra’s ‘Immortals’ busy. Ad-
ditionally, pirate and land based humanoid raids continued to
Visitors to Safe Port: Along this particular stretch of coast- harass the town and deplete the relic resources and manpow-
line, there are very open trade towns which will allow anybody er of the dictator. In the year 2251 the mercenary battle barge
of any race or type to enter and be treated as an equal, how- called the Naga was enlisted, and has served proudly ever since,
ever in Safe Port, all visitors are treated with equal distrust. keeping major sea based attacks down to a minimum.
The original inhabitants consider armed strangers to be In the winter of 2253, the nearby towns of True Home and
just more mercenaries coming to seek work at the Manor, ar- three smaller, nameless wooden walled villages were obliter-
riving to oppress them. To the merchant Optimorra and his cro- ated by an assortment of savages and sub-humans. The sur-
nies, meanwhile, the sight of heavily armed travelers are often vivors fled to Safe Port with terrible stories of the butchery.
viewed as either potential rebel liberators, enemy spies, or sim- The loss of these nearby towns and villages filled the popu-
ply new comers to arrest and rob and then use as slaves. lation with dread, and the rebellion was abandoned by most
To certain locals on the other hand, such as traders, peddlers, commoners, seeing the great need for the mercenary force
shopkeepers, prostitutes, owners of the Saloon, Hostel, bath house for the very survival of this now remote and vulnerable town.
and healer’s clinic, newcomers are welcome. Clearly, these busi- This influx of people swelled the population, and the settle-
ness owners and self employed people aren’t as picky or paranoid ment’s walls were extended, while existing structures both
as the authorities or common fishermen, and will probably be the above and below ground were added on to. Currently, Safe
only ones who smile at travelers. All small groups, armed or not, are Port was beginning to look more like a small city than a mere
inspected and granted entrance into the town via the main gates or fishing village.
the docks; however, unknown battle barges and unrecognized or
unscheduled merchant ships are all warned away by catapult fire if Social Details: Safe Port’s history has affected how peo-
they approach within 400m of shore. A rowboat will be dispatched ple behave; toward each other, their Dictator, the mercenary
to any unfamiliar ships; the mercenary squad will investigate the troops who oppress them, as well as outsiders. The common
craft and notify the captain and crew that only 10 crewman or pas- people are sullen and moody, prone to alcoholism, brawling
sengers can come ashore at any one time, except recognized cit- and ranting about the injustice of Optimorra’s rule, yet, they
izens, regular traders, and previously employed mercenaries who are fully aware that many groups are watching and waiting,
left on good terms with Optimorra. There is no fee to enter Safe Port looking for the opportunity to seize the well positioned, pros-
and no limit on the duration of a stay. Carnivorous pets and mounts, perous town and enslave the people. If it were not for the mer-
robots larger than the average man, and relic vehicles must all be cenaries, who do most of the fighting and dying to keep the
kept at the stables at a cost of 3sp per night. town secure, more unsavory rulers might soon govern them,
or worse. Skullocks or other man eating species, for example,
Brief History: Clearly, the name Safe Port is a hold over from would swarm a weakened community, pouring over the walls
an earlier time, when the original settlers arrived here from the and wipe them out. Thus, a life of living with a lesser evil has
archipelagos to the west and half submerged cities up and down cast the townspeople in a communal depression, and forced
the coast. This site was once littered with scrap metal and nu- many of the braver, more ambitious young adults to flee the
merous beached relic ships. In addition, the site made for ide- town for the nearby Northern Freehold.
al moorage and shelter from the storms of the Pacific, and the The people dress in drab clothes made from whatever
fishing was excellent immediately off shore; even though the fish relic fabrics and plastic they can purchase of uncover, as well
were bizarre aberrations and often devoured the fishermen who as plenty of itchy wool cloaks and ponchos, oiled canvas hats
hooked them. and high, waterproof boots. The women wear no makeup and
A sturdy town was erected over a two decade period, and routinely wear their hair in a simple bun, their only jewelry be-
various humanoid raiders were repelled again and again. In the ing shells, and a few plastic trinkets. They are all hard work-

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ing, realistic people, who delight in hearing stories from afar, The Healer’s Clinic is run by a very experienced medic,
but are wary of strangers and the influence such adventurer’s Copperton (5 skill point medic) and his staff of 6 nurses (each
tall tales might have on their young people. They dream of 2 skill point medics). They run a two story treatment center out
conquering Optimorra’s forces, and are always vigilant for an of a large home, where they also live, handling dental work as
opportunity to enlist help in their rebellion, as long as such well as assorted medical treatments and healing in the 16 bed
a rebellion does not so seriously weaken the town that their facility. Healing in their care in one of the beds costs 10sp per
many enemies can walk over them. night, while all surgeries cost 120sp per procedure performed
(such as removing a larva or other growths from a patient).
Resources and Industry: Fishing, goat and sheep herd-
ing, roof top and backyard gardens, exporting water to no- For the Excavator: What the characters have heard: “Well,
madic sea people, limited logging in Strangle Wood, as well staying at Safe Port beats the alternative of stopping in the mu-
as some scrap recovery in the New Hills. Mercenaries can ap- tant supremacist Dominion, or being stupid and camping out in
ply to the Manor for possible employment, pending the suc- the wilds when you don’t have to. Let me tell you, since so many
cessful completion of the random tests they are subjected to nearby towns and villages have been wiped out in recent de-
(see page 308). cades, anybody coming down the coast from the north, or put-
ting ashore is almost forced to stop here, unless you can wait
Accommodations: Since Safe Port remains a vibrant trading and sail south to Memory or take your chances at Rusted Hulk.
center, in spite of the civil strife within, many facilities are available One hears a lot of bullshit these days; like that everybody who
to the traveler. Bertol’s Bathhouse is often the first stop for arriving stays at Safe Port is never heard from again, as if them people
travelers, but is most often utilized by the mercenaries and hill raid- are cannibals or something. Ignore those stories, that’s all hog
ers, with the price of a hot bath being a silver coin, twice that if a shit. I know plenty of folks who have stayed over for a whole
bath maiden is hired to wash the customer. A laundry service is also god damn week in Safe Port and never had any trouble being
situated at this enormous bathhouse, with a person’s bedroll, set of robbed or nothin’. Sure, the people there are
clothing and assorted socks and underwear costing a silver to have all miserable knot heads because they don’t
washed, being ready to wear the next day. Various teas, wine and approve of the marital law that their Dicta-
occasionally coffee are served to those waiting for a bath or their tor forces on them, but the ass clown has to
washing in a large open air garden. use the mercenaries or else the place
Across the street is the huge, multi floored, would be gone by week’s end, with ei-
stone and timber Sultan’s Pride Hostel, owned ther pirates of half men obliterating
by the Jensen clan and the dictator Optimor- the place.
ra. The hostel has 32 rooms. 12 contain Sure, I’d say Safe Port lives up to
a single twin bed for 3sp per night, 14 its name. Its a really big town,
units being four person rooms, each almost a whole city, except that
containing two bunks and costing it has only one bar and one
5sp per night, while the other inn, but... they are really nice
six are large team rooms, built structures, and let me tell you
in a time when the original about the hookers at the Sa-
owner expected many exca- loon, they’re as fine as
vation or merchant cara- you’ll ever see, and they
vans to pass this way ain’t miserable frick-
on their way north en dames either, mind
to the Shallow Sea you, since they come from other towns to work there
Region. These ‘team because the local women are all married off real young and
rooms’ sleep ten, have their own latrine, cooking facilities, balco- grumpy, prudish hags. But, at the Hostel, as they call it, just
ny, and one inner, private room for the master. These large units sleep with one eye open and keep your trap shut.
cost 40sp per night, and each comes with d3 attendant slaves Oh, before I forget, if you’re a tough fella, you can easily
who run errands, give massages and perform almost any task the get work there for old Optimorra, the Dictator, as a merce-
guests should ask of them. nary. I hear the pay is good and you can pester the town’s
A Saloon, ‘The Cormorant’, sits near the hostel but closer folk to your heart’s content! Hah, if you’re a good fighter and
to the docks. It is a large building with three floors and is made wanna scrap, but are too afraid of the ghosts in the ruins, be-
of brick, ancient girders, plastic and drift wood. The main floor come a merc, at least you’ll have a dry bed every night.”
is a massive open bar room with a couple of fire pits and nu-
merous supports and stairways leading up or down. The sec- For the Game Master: Safe Port might well have become a
ond and third levels serve as a whorehouse, identical to so great city, but now, seems doomed. If it were not for the rebel-
many other bars and saloons in the region, where the women lion causing mayhem from within the town, perhaps the settle-
who work the Saloon take their customers for an hour or en- ment could withstand repeated raids by her many enemies. Yet,
tire night. Most of the prostitutes are from other communi- weakened from within like a cancer, it is only a matter of time
ties, usually refugees who can find no other work, and share before something goes wrong and an all out invasion is mount-
little of the discontent festering in the hearts of the common- ed against the troubled town. Characters arriving here will not
ers. Their clients are usually mercenaries, but include travel- immediately recognize the danger they themselves are in, for
ing traders and sailors, as well as excavators. The lowest level both the commoners and the ‘Immortals’ will see the PCs as a
of the saloon is divided into private gambling rooms, storage, threat and as a source of weapons, especially if a group is a low
and a large fighting pit with seats surrounding the mouth of rank, lightly outfitted group with a few relics. If they run afoul of
the blood splashed hole with enough seating for 30 people. the law, or make trouble with either the rebels or the mercenar-
Gladiators, as well as captured humanoids, are often pitted ies, characters will be beaten and robbed. Only a strong, careful
against each other in death duels every Saturday night, view- group can stay here long and avoid trouble. If they do get into a
ers can watch the scraps for 2sp all evening, and have drinks conflict, the team must be strong enough to fight off any attack-
served to them while they watch the gory spectacle. ers long enough to get out by ship or horse.

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This large town is a great source of adventure, but so too 5. A drunken commoner staggers up from his doorstep
depicts a ruthless struggle for survival. Both sides in the civil when he sees the characters approaching. “hell... hello,” he
war here are cruel and desperate to survive, and all the while, manages, getting directly in the path of the characters and
a much greater threat waits in the wings to invade the divided holding onto a random one. He belches, coughs and then
community. Characters will soon realize that there is no good shakes the character. “Lis... listen to me, you forsaken out-
guy in this place and that they must stay neutral, do their busi- land fools, what are you going to do next, eh? You can’t possi-
ness and ship out on the next available barge. There is usually a bly be here to join the mercenary filth, they who beat us, take
cargo barge sailing for Rusted Hulk, then Memory and onto Steel our women, and butcher our brave freedom fighters! Go, I tell
Hill every week or so, allowing ample opportunity for characters you, go now while it is still daylight! Soon it will be dark, and
to arrive or leave Safe Port. Overland travel via the bridges at Two you’ll be stuck here in this cesspool.” He falls over and lays in
Craters Lake is another option for access to and from this town, the dirt of the street, muttering to himself and weeping.
but is an even more perilous route due to the numerous raiders 6. Somewhere from a rooftop, somebody fires a crossbow at
and humanoids who watch the roads and bridges. a random character, range 10+d10m then flees out of site. SV
01-58, DMG d20+1, a moment later, the patrol from roll 2 on
Online Resources: NPC, Merchant ‘Optimorra the Magnificent, this list, shows up and rushes to the PC’s aide. One merc, cho-
also included on page 439’ sen randomly, steps forward and says, “Damnit, I am awfully
sorry about that, strangers. We’ve had some problems with a
Unique Encounters: religious sect which detests non-believers, such as you. We are
simply too few to control a population which desperately needs
Note: Always re-roll duplicated dice results.
law and order. Why not go to the manor house of our lord, Op-
Daytime Street Encounters: d6+1 rolls for street occu- timorra, who might hire you if you pass the tests.” See page
308 if the characters are interested. This patrol is polite and
pants from chart A, page 381 with a 3 in 10 chance of an en-
counter unique to Safe Port from the following list per pas- apologetic, and clearly eager to get new mercenaries into their
sage, rolling d6, or d8 if the raiders gang ‘Foster’s Freeboo- ranks. They do not question nor harass the PC in any way.
ters’ (page 318) are in town that day (18% chance per day). 7. 2d6 raiders on riding dogs thunder down the street, forc-
1. d6+2 fishermen (commoners), are walking by the charac- ing everybody to dive clear. If the PCs also leap aside, there
ters in the opposite direction. They scowl at the PCs, and if they is a 77% chance that there is no event, otherwise the raiders
outnumber the outlanders, the last fisherman in line spits at a stop their mounts and circle back to the PCs and hem them
random character’s face, SV 01-40. If attacked, other common- in with a semi circle of dogs. The thugs look the PCs over very
er men in the street will rush to their coworker’s aid, however, carefully. If the Characters have no exposed relics, including
any fighting will also attract a patrol of 3+d3 mercenaries with- armor, the raiders move on, otherwise, the outlaws draw their
in 2d10+2 rounds, who will first observe the scrap and then swords and edge their slathering mounts closer, demanding
intervene with punches and the butts of their weapons. They all visible relics , plastic and coinage, for the PCs to kneel and
will arrest everybody, beat the commoners, and if the PCs do beg for your lives.
not claim to be in town to join the mercenary force, they will be If the characters don’t step aside for the dog mounted
robbed of all relics and told to leave town in the morning. men, then the raiders stop in front of them and are furious at
2. Mercenary patrol! Ahead, turning the corner 10+d10m away the PCs. “What are you thinking, you stupid sons of bitches!
is a patrol of d3+3 immortals, which block the character’s path Are you idiots! How dare you face us! Drop your weapons and
and gesture for them to step over. One random merc, their leader, Kneel now or die!” If the PCs obey, half the raiders dismount
walks around, inspecting each PC. Each PC must make a type A in- and use strong ropes to tie the character’s hands or other ap-
telligence or willpower (whichever is higher) based hazard check to pendages behind their backs, then strip them and rob them
maintain the correct degree of respect, or be pulled out of the group of everything of value and leave them bound and naked in the
and pressed up against a wall. If all the PCs have been respectful, street. If the PCs refuse to kneel, the raiders draw swords and
the group is let go without further incident, otherwise, those lacking charge forward, selling any who surrender as slaves, and leav-
the proper degree of humility will be yelled at and slapped about, ing the dead and unconscious to the citizens, who will tend
with a 44% chance each of being robbed of all weapons, relics and any comatose PCs back to relative health and insist they join
wealth before being roughed up (taking 2d6 damage) and let go. them in the rebellion.
3. d6+2 young men, treat as commoner teens who are armed 8. d6+3 banditos are strolling down the street, knocking
with only sheathed knives, get up from where they were sitting in over food carts, spitting or smacking passers by and lewdly
the shade and approach the characters. Roll d6: 1-4. “You, strang- teasing any women they meet. When they see the PCs, they
ers,” one says, frowning at the characters. “Go back to wherever at first think they are local mercenaries, but soon realize the
you came from. Your filth ain’t welcome here! Go join the freehold- characters are newcomers and approach, smirking. If the PC
ers or something instead of Optimorra’s goons. When the rebel- group is clearly better armed, of equal or larger number, or
lion starts, It’ll save us from slitting your throats!” They move off very lethal looking mutants, beastial humans or cyborgs, the
after this threat. / 5,6. “Hello,” One youth smiles. “You have come raiders just move onward, indulging in abusive behavior on
from afar? Have you seen Overpass? What is Steel Hill like? Is it other people instead.
true that the Great Ruins go on for a thousand kilometers?” Sud- If the raiders, however, out number the characters, they
denly an elder steps up and waves the youths away with a mere approach and block the PC’s path. If there are any women in
hiss. He turns to the PCs and says, “Don’t fill their heads with lies, the PC group of 30 or better appearance the raiders make
nor dreams. They have enough here to sustain their attention! perverted suggestions to them, crude gestures and tell the
Leave this town at once, if you know what is good for you!” women to ditch the men they are with and go with them to a
4. A young woman rushes up to the characters, looking nearby shack for some fun. If these female PCs refuse the of-
about nervously and whispers to the most attractive PC in fer, one raider is 82% likely to actually push into the PC group
the group. “Please, I beg you, whatever you do, don’t enlist and grasp at the women, and try to pull them from the ranks
with the Merchant, Optimorra, and become one of his thugs! and demand they be their ‘dates’ for the day. If there are no
Leave here as soon as you can, least you be tricked into join- highly attractive women in the PC group, the raiders will still
ing him, or disappear.” She rushes off when she notices oth- be bothersome and insist the characters hand over all relic
ers on the street looking at her disapprovingly. weapons and any coin pouches, wallets or other wealth, or

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get a sword in the belly. If the PCs refuse to allow themselves PCs into the ranks of the mercs without having to undergo
to be robbed, there is a 27% chance the raiders back down the test described on page 308. If the PCs decline to join, the
and simply walk away. If fighting breaks out over this act, the mercs will be disappointed, but still grateful for their efforts in
local mercenaries will do nothing and simply observe with keeping the town free of ‘fundamentalist crackpots’.
grins on their faces, placing bets on which individual will de- 4. A scavenger, skulking along and trying not to be noticed,
feat another, and so on. sees that the characters have spotted him and he smiles and
approaches. “Say, fellow archeologists, listen carefully to me.
Nighttime Street Encounters: d6-2 (0-4) rolls for street I’m a regular here in town, but I know better than to over stay
occupants on chart B, page 381 with a 3 in 10 chance per my welcome. Trouble is brewing here, sounds like a rebellion
passage of a special encounter from the following list. Roll is really going to start any week now. Just do your business
d6, or d8 if the raiders gang ‘Foster’s Freebooters’ are in and get out, unless you want to pick sides in a very messy civil
town that night (18% chance per day). war. Goodnight.” He says no more and slips away.
1. A prostitute shuffles up to the most attractive male char- 5. Beasts! Something has either flown or climbed over the
acter and smiles: “Say, stranger, what do you say you meet walls, and attacks either the PCs, or possibly other street oc-
your friend’s in the morning. Come to my shanty and I’ll give cupants. Determine who is attacked out of all those present on
you enough memories that you’ll be telling stories about this the street. Roll d6: 1. Bat, Venomous/ 2. Bats, d6+2 Devil/ 3.
night for years to come. Ten silvers and you can escape this Bird, Black Owl/ 4. Frogs, 3d6 Wolf/ 5. Insects, d6 Doom Moths
world for awhile, say?” /6. Insects, 3d6+2 Blood flyers/ 7. Lizard, Winged Slasher/ 8.
If the PC says no, she will ask Spider, Bog/ 9. Spider, Freak-
other men in the group almost ish/ 10. Urcellia.
the same question. Should no 6. A middle aged woman steps
man hire her, she spits furiously out of a large shack, lantern in
and walks off in a rage. If a man hand and waves for the PCs
does accompany her, she leads to approach her. If they don’t,
him through the dark streets to a end of encounter. If they do
poor area of dilapidated shanties go speak with her, she looks
and tents. At one, she opens the up and down the street, mak-
creaking door and shows the man ing sure no mercenaries are
to her bed. Roll d6: 1-4. The cus- watching, then smiles and
tomer wakes in the morning with- whispers. “Outlanders, you’ve
out incident, all his belongings in- arrived in Safe Port at a histor-
tact and a grateful hooker wanting ical time, a great time! Come
her ten silver coins, but not before stay in my humble dwelling
one more round of sex./ 5. Dur- for the night, the streets are
ing the night, after romping with not safe. Besides, there is one
the woman, the PC wakes to see here who would have word with
d3+3 militia soldiers surrounding you.” If the PCs refuse to enter,
the bed, crossbows aimed at him. she only nods and bids them
The prostitute is held by one mili- good night, but if they do enter,
tiaman, a knife at her throat. One roll d6: 1-4. The woman leads
man says. “We are the Free Safe them to a large, simple room
Port Fighters, or FSPF, and we are decorated with wicker chairs
giving you this one chance to get and pillows, a fire blazes in
out of town. Tell your friends that if one corner, an old man sits on
they stay, they will die. Tell the out- a chair, smiles and urges the
side world that Safe Port belongs characters to sit. “Our look-
to the people, not to mercenary outs saw you arrive in town,
scum like you!” They then leave, and we have been observing
throwing the hooker to the ground you. While one from outside
and knocking her out in the process./ 6. After making out, the might be attracted to the dictator’s offer of work, what you
prostitute pours some wine, and drinks her fill. Drunk, she have been told about the rebellion may not be true. Certainly,
tells the character some important news. “Safe Port is on the Safe Port needs warriors, such as you, but instead of working
verge of rebellion, the freedom fighters, or FSPF are massing for the merchant, against his own people, why not join the re-
weapons stolen off travelers, or smuggled in by sympathizers bellion? Help us defeat the hated one and share in the ben-
within the Northern Freehold government. Southern Rangers efits. Aide us in our coming revolt, slay Optimorra, and you can
are said to be infiltrating the population, training the locals have all his belongings and wealth, and earn a spot of honor
on fighting tactics. Some say these rangers will actually join in our town, for the rest of your lives.
in the liberation of the town. So, um... just curious, have you “If you help us, we will give you his manor house as well
come to serve as a merc, or as a liberator?” as one seat on the new council. What say you?” If the char-
2. Mercenary Patrol, as in roll 2 daytime, page 303. acters decline for whatever reason, the man will nod and say
3. Rebel attack! “Kill the mercs!” Cries a voice as sudden- “I understand, this is not your fight. But please, do the proud
ly 2d6+2 militia soldiers pour out from the shadows, both people of this town the service of not joining the mercs; it
ahead and from behind, waving clubs. They have no shields might be for your own good. You are still welcome to stay here
or armor, will not listen to any pleas of parley nor believe the tonight; it is the safest place in town.”
characters to be anything but new mercenary recruits. If the If the PCs do decide to join the rebellion, the old man
PCs defeat the rebels, there is a 2 in 6 chance that the Mer- speaks: “The people are fed up with Optimorra, he has sold us
cenary patrol from roll 2, daytime, arrives and seeing that the out and abuses his power, just as his father did many decades
characters have fought the rebels, automatically enlist the ago. The rebels will be mounting hit and run raids on the mercs

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all over town, but we are so poorly armed, and need ones such get in the way of the visiting raiders. d6 other urchins are huddled
as you to lead us, give us victories, and drive out, capture or nearby hiding and will be very grateful to anybody who rescues
kill all the hirelings. Tomorrow, we shall join you in a raid at the their friends from a terrible beating./ 6. a young man, of the mili-
docks.” The GM will have to establish events from this point./ tia, who if saved will be very thankful and urge the PCs to join the
5. The woman leads the characters into a gaudy, drape and rebellion. Regardless of whether or not the PCs join the rebels,
pillow filled room where d6+3 prostitutes are lounging, waiting this young man will have spread word of his saviors, and no en-
for you in revealing outfits suggestive positions. “Three silvers counters with rebels will be hostile while the PCs are in town for
each,” Smiles the older woman. “And you can stay with her all the next d3 years.
night in one of the surrounding sleeping alcoves. It is quite safe 8. As the characters walk along, figures step out of the shad-
from either the silly local rebels and the merc scum.” If no char- ows, snickering and making odd cooing noises. There are two
acters wish to indulge, the woman is polite about the rejection for every PC and surround the characters three meters away,
and bids the PCs to “Remember where my house is located, treated as raiders and each armed with a machete.
in case events change and you need a refuge and carnal re- “What have we here?” Says one mustached fellow, grin-
lease.”/ 6. The woman leads the characters along a narrow ning cruelly. “A pack of outland dogs, stirring up trouble, eh?
hall, then down some creaky steps to a basement. The room You don’t have the plastic insignia of mercenaries, now do
is dim, and full of barrels and boxes and other containers. Sud- you? And you ain’t locals, so we own your asses. Kindly drop
denly, the door at the top of the steps slams and bolts shut be- your weapons and coin sacks, and we’ll let you go with your
hind them. Out of curtained alcoves and from behind boxes guts intact.”
and barrels leap militia soldiers with clubs (no shields or Should the
armor) and surround the characters. They number two PCs refuse to
to every PC. “Okay, outland scum,” spits one man. disarm, the
“Drop your weapons or get your heads gang attacks
broke open! We know why you’ve savagely, only
come here to Safe Port, and we fleeing if half
aim to stop you from joining that their number is
dictator, Optimorra.” dispatched without
If the PCs surrender, they making at least equal
are disarmed, stripped of armor casualties on the PCs. If
and tied in stout ropes* with their the PCs surrender, drop-
hands and other appendages be- ping their weapons and
hind their backs. They are led at least a fair amount
deep underground in an earth- of coins and other valu-
en network of supply areas ables, the raiders are
and secret tunnels, until final- 83% likely to just gath-
ly being locked up in a wooden er the booty and skulk
stall, guarded by d6+3 other away, otherwise, they
militia soldiers. The PCs are toy with the characters:
kept there for 2d6 days, one random character
fed poorly, but not will be told to come
beaten or abused. forth and is d6: 1-3.
At the end of this urinated upon by half
time, they are tak- the raiders./ 4-6. beat-
en from their cell en into unconscious-
and blindfolded ness then spit on. Finally,
and escorted by if there are any women in
twice their num- the PC group of 40 or better
ber. Their blind- appearance, the raiders will
folds are even- bind her wrists * and march off
tually removed to their wilderness camp as a pro-
and they find spective new bride for their leader
themselves tied* to the bench of a mer- (see Foster’s freebooters, page 318).
chant’s barge, as oar slaves on their way to Steel *The ropes can be snapped by a successful hazard check, strength
Hill. If the PCs fought the militia when first meeting them, and based, type F once every hour of trying.
won, they will not readily find the secret doorway leading into the
tunnel system. Encounters in The Cormorant Saloon: 2d6 patron rolls
7. The characters turn the corner and see a gang of 6+d6 raid- from chart A, page 383, by day, 2d6+4 by night. There is a 4
ers beating and kicking some unfortunate person. From this dis- in 10 chance per hour of an encounter from the following list,
tance (10+d12m), the PCs can’t see who they are roughing up, roll d10 or d12 if the raiders gang ‘Foster’s Freebooters’ are
but if they approach, roll d6 to see, otherwise, they can move in town that day (18% chance).
down a different street and are not seen. Approaching the raid- 1. When the characters first enter the saloon, the lo-
ers, the character see them beating roll d6: 1,2. a prostitute./ 3. cal fishermen (all commoners and militia soldiers) shun
a commoner man, who had been trying to defend his home with a them and won’t meet their eyes or return friendly ges-
club. In the doorway, his wife and d3 children and d3 teens stand tures. Worse, when the team selects a table, those nearby
watching in horror as their father is being killed./ 4. a lone exca- moved away to other seats and mutter grimly, occasion-
vator, who grew up in Safe Port and has spent his or her life away, ally arguing amongst themselves in hushed tones. A serv-
and was caught visiting his parents and siblings who live in a ing girl reluctantly comes over and takes the outlander’s
nearby house. GM: Possible new player character or NPC to guide drink order, but is cold. The visit to the Saloon is clearly
further adventures./ 5. d3 street urchins who just happened to not going well.

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2. As in roll 1, but when the serving girl returns with their and kill you all. I would leave too, but would need protection to
drinks, she spills the last one on the lap of a random charac- get to another town. Will you take me if you leave here? I can
ter. “Sorry!” She says, ingeniously, before going back to the pay for my own ship passage and supplies, and... oh what the
bar to get a replacement drink. Other patrons chuckle. hell, be your woman during the journey.”/ 6. During the night,
3. As in roll 1 above, however after the PCs get their drinks, after a bout of passion, d3+1 commoner men with clubs en-
or food, d6+4 commoner men, who arrived shortly after the ter the room from secret hatches in the floor wall and ceiling
characters and took up seats across the room, get up as a and pounce onto the character, trying to knock him out. The
group and pace over to the PC’s table, they are all armed with hooker just stands back in silence. If the PC defeats the at-
sheathed daggers. One big fellow (50+d20 END/ strength tackers, the whore says that the rebels have her sister held
30+2d20) folds his arms and glowers down at the characters. captive, and would kill her if she didn’t comply with the rebel
“You here to answer the notices for work? That greedy pig, ‘Opti- attempt to capture the PC. If the character is knocked out, he
moron’ has more than enough sheep already. Why not leave or she will be disarmed and tied up, and taken to an under-
town at once? Go to Pitford or some fricken digger town! You ground cell beneath a shanty and kept there, naked, for 3d6
ain’t welcome here!” If the PCs are polite and just thank the days before being sold to a traveling slaver.
man for his advice, the fishermen go back to their table, but, if 5. d6+2 militia soldiers, armed only with knives and wearing
some smart ass in the group bristles, draws a weapon or other- no armor, arrive and give the characters hateful looks before
wise tells the man to mind his own business, roll d6: 1,2. “Safe moving away and up to the long plastic and glass construct that
Port is my home!” Roars the man. “My family has lived here for is the bar. They sit on tall stools, drink too much beer and fre-
generations! I have every right to throw you out of our common quently glare over at the characters. The young men get drunk,
house if I like!” With that, there is a 50% chance that the man, and suddenly one practically falls off his stool, collects himself
acting alone, grabs the offending PC and tries to grapple him and starts over to the characters with a full beer. The charac-
and yank him out of the bar. If successful, he will beat and kick ters notice him coming and can see the murderous look of rage
the PC into unconsciousness, if able. The other fishermen sim- on his face. “You human refuse! You vermin!” He bellows, si-
ply watch unless other PCs join the fight./ 3,4. “You grave rob- lencing the other patrons in the Saloon. “Get out of this place
bing low born scum!” Bellows the man, and attacks the PC with this instant or I’ll cut out your throats!” He draws his knife and
fists. The other men just observe unless the other characters points at a random PC. “What are you looking at!? Foreign filth!
join into the fight./ 5,6. “All right!” Yells the big man. “I’ve had Get on your feet and face me, coward! I challenge you with my
enough of your filth comin’ into our bar, in our town, and living blade!” If the PCs try to ignore him or refuse to move or fight,
off of our efforts, diddling our women, and treatin’ us like frick- there is a 36% chance the drunk’s friends come over and pull
en slaves! Men, lets show these outland scum a lesson! Get him away with one whispering to the characters. “You all bet-
‘em!” The commoner men, using fists only unless lethal force ter leave, before things get worse in here.” If his friends don’t
is employed against them, attack the characters. Likewise, any intercede, then the youth attacks with his knife, even against a
other commoners or militia soldiers in the saloon leap up and sitting opponent. He is drunk, however, and is -2m movement,
join the fray. If successful, they will beat the PCs into uncon- -20 SV and +20 DV easier to be struck. If the PC does stand up
sciousness and then rob them of everything they own, tear off and fight the youth with any blade weapon, it will be considered
any weapon implants, strip and then throw the naked, coma- a fair fight and no one from the crowd will join in. If however the
tose forms of the PCs into a back ally. PC pulls out a relic or uses a mutation or implant , or, his or her
4. While the local fishermen might be wary of armed exca- companions also draw weapons or assist in the ‘duel’ then the
vation teams in their saloon, the prostitutes act quite the op- crowd will become enraged and begin to hurl food, bottles and
posite. 2d6 show up at the PC’s table and regardless of race, drinks and try to drive out the PCs, who, if they don’t leave, run
appearance score or gender, these trollops maul the group, a 78% chance of being swarmed by the whole crowd at the Sa-
sneaking kisses and suggestive fondling between promises loon, who intend to butcher the PCs.
of rapture, all for 4 silver pieces for an hour or 9sp for the 6. A squad of d4+3 mercenaries arrive at the Saloon, and
whole night. If all are refused, they pretend to pout, and con- immediately all conversations and music cease. The patrons
tinue to stroke, rub shoulders, rub themselves, and gradually avert their eyes and shrink back from the proud Mercs. The
move off, flaunting themselves, blowing kisses and filtering men and women start toward a table; those at it instantly
about the room trying to drum up business from the humor- grab their drinks and scuttle away to another spot. The serv-
less, sullen locals, who usually shove the women away. ing girls seem to vanish, and thus, the grossly fat bartender,
Throughout the evening, one or more of these tarts drift ‘Hughgough’ approaches the men and asks if they’ll be hav-
back to the PCs table to check if anyone has changed their ing the usual. One merc sees a random player character look-
minds. If a character does elect to spend an hour or the whole ing their way, and gives the character the middle finger and
evening with one of the hookers, roll d4 for an hour, or d6 if mouths the words to F-off. The Mercs simply sit and drink,
the stay is for the whole night: 1,2. The woman was a pro- play cards and don’t seem to pay much attention to anybody
fessional, and acted like she enjoyed herself as much as the around them. A few hookers approach them but get swatted
PC. No other event./ 3,4. After making love, the woman asks on the rump and jostled about, their clothes torn and filthy re-
“We courtesans certainly are glad you mercs are here in town, marks thrown at them. Soon, no hookers even approach the
otherwise we would have no business, as these local men rough ‘Immortals’. This group has a 25% chance per hour of
are cheap, or else married. Will you visit me often once you leaving, without paying for their drinks, and while there, no-
are recruited by his lordship, Optimorra?”/ 5. The evening was body will cause trouble with each other or the characters, al-
successful, and the whore’s eagerness to please was uncom- though the mood is depressed and tense.
monly enjoyable. She says. “You are so brave, coming to this 7. As in 6 above, however, after fifteen minutes, one random
troubled little town at a time like this. Did you know that there mercenary calls over to the characters. d6: 1,2. “Hey, outland-
is a rebellion underway? That’s why Optimorra has sent no- ers,” he or she smiles. “You hear to answer the call to arms? Op-
tices across the lands looking for mercenaries like you. You timorra is a great boss if you can pass the test and take orders.
are a merc aren’t you?” If the character says he’s not and has We can’t see any reason why you’d be in town unless you are
no interest in joining the ‘Immortals’, she lowers her voice joining us. We’ll expect to see you in the morning at the Manor
and grows serious. “Listen, you better get your friends out of for sign up, and if we don’t... by God you better be leaving town
here before one side or the other mistakes you for an enemy, so help me.”/ 3,4. “Where you from?” One asks, not paying too

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much attention to the character’s answer. “You grave robbing the whores, and while I recommend them, it’s simply not safe
looters then, eh? What you doin’ this far north? The ruins are here! I suggest you post a guard in your rooms tonight, don’t get
the other fricken way, to the fricken east, idiots. Maybe you’re drunk, and stick together... that means no whoring.”
Overpass spies or rebel sympathizers hey? I’ll tell you what. If 10. Somebody in the crowd throws a ripe tomato at a random
we see your faces here tomorrow night we’ll skin them off.” (In- character SV 01-50. Who threw it is unclear, but the crowd
deed, if the characters are still in town the next night and meet howls with laughter.
any ‘Immortal’ mercenaries after dark, there is a 20% chance 11. A group of raiders, equal to the characters in number plus
it is this particular group, which will viciously attack the char- d6, stroll into the Saloon and immediately spread out. They
acters on sight and try to skin their faces off, while alive, mur- knock hats off people’s heads, pester the prostitutes and serv-
der them and then throw their looted corpses into the cove./ ing girls, scatter decks of cards, spill drinks, spit in peoples
5,6. “Welcome to Safe Port, friends, good to see you have come food and knock others out of their chairs. At first, they leave the
to join us. There are elements to characters alone, but then re-
the population which feel they group and shuffle over. One, the
can better protect the communi- largest (highest END, Strength
ty, and they claim to speak for the score +20+d20, carrying a ran-
people! Imagine that! Bar tender, dom relic weapon, WC-R), smirks
buy these outlanders a round of down at the PCs and says: “Why
drinks on us, rather... on Optimor- does that fat old bar keep insist
ra’s tab.” The bartender immedi- on letting others sit at our frick-
ately sends a round of drinks to en table? I told that bag of lard to
the characters. Because of the keep it vacant for us. Now I’ll have
friendly comments by these mer- to borrow his daughter for the
cs, locals are now convinced the night, again. I’m really in a mood
characters are mercenary re- for a drink and a noisy whore, not
cruits, and when the PCs leave for fighting you outland maggots.
the tavern that night for the Hos- So, I’m going to ask you just once
tel or elsewhere, there is an 88% to get the hell out of our table or
chance that outside the Saloon become shark food.” If the PCs
they are attacked by three times refuse, the raiders simply attack
their number in militia soldiers with the maximum lethal force
(wearing no armor nor shields available to them. If the PCs do
and only using clubs. Any captive move, there is no further incident
PCs will be kept hostage in an un- unless there is a woman in the
derground tunnel system’s jail for PC group of over 45 appearance,
3d6+6 days before being sold to who the raider leader insists sits
a traveling slaver. next to him and share his beer.
8. The characters overhear If the woman refuses, there is an
some fishermen talking at the 84% chance the leader merely
next table. Roll d6: 1,2. “They shrugs and lets here go; other-
were pirates, I tell you, two battle wise he grabs her by the arm and
barges heading north. They gave says. “I insist. Either sit with me
Rusted Hulk a wide girth to avoid and let me enjoy your company,
the big gun, but they were comin’ or let the grave worms enjoy the
this way. / 3,4. “Justin told me the rebels had purchased part cold carcass of one of your friends here.” If the woman still re-
plate, crossbows, poison and other weaponry for the final fight. I fuses, the man is 67% likely to pull out his relic weapon and
don’t know who is going to win, but a blood bath is comin’ soon!”/ try to kill another random PC, otherwise, he throws her to the
5,6. “If I were a traveler to Safe Port, I sure as hell wouldn’t join ground and spits on her before letting her go. If the woman
the mercs. That’d be stupid.” Another man adds, “Suicide is more does sit with the raider, he pours her drink after drink, puts his
like it.” Clearly, they are letting the character’s hear them. “In- arm around her, toys with her hair and any exposed skin, tries
deed, I’d be as far from this place as I could get, as any foreigner to touch her inappropriately and makes lewd suggestions all
would be seen as a mercenary and be mutilated.” night, not letting her leave for d6 hours.
9. A pair of excavators are sitting at the bar and notice the 12. 3d6+3 Raiders saunter into the Saloon, throwing the
characters. They smile and come over with their drinks. “Hello, place into instant chaos. Every other civilian patron in the
brethren, may we join you in drink?” If the PCs say yes, they pull place, including militia soldiers, are somehow teased, beat-
over two chairs. One says; roll d6: 1-3. “Listen, chums, we’re just en, tripped, spit on or robbed, and if any mercenaries are
passing through. We heard the name of this town as Safe Port, present, they do nothing whatsoever and in fact, encourage
and whoa, what could be further from the God forsaken truth! I the behavior. Suddenly half the raiders turn their attention
tell you, if you were planning on making this place a base camp, to the PCs and mutter amongst themselves, evaluating the
I’d think twice! Holy shit, these nut jobs are about to go at it in a characters. If each PC has either a visible cybernetic implant
full scale civil war! We’re staying at the Hostel tonight, but get- weapon, relic weapon relic armor, or is a mutant, beastial
tin’ the hell out on ship tomorrow morning. Why not come with human, plantoid or large synthetic human of more than
us to Memory? Passage is only 30 silvers. We could explore the 100kg, then the entire PC group will be ignored. On the other
Overgrown Ruins, drink beer in the bar at night. What do you hand, if even one character in the group is not relic armed
say?”/ 4-6. “Pssst, hey, comrades, I don’t mean to be rude or or huge as noted above, then the raiders advance, smirk-
nothing, but what the hell are you doing here in Safe Port? We ing. One ruffian speaks out the corner of his mouth, slurring
just escorted some trader here from Overpass, but we’re leav- his speech. “Who said you could come to our drinking hole,
ing at first light by horseback to the city. Since I’ve been here, bitches? Who gave you permission, and who the hell invited
I’ve seen some crazy shit. The only people who like us here are you to this town anyhow? Never mind, you digger scum, just

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put your relics and coin pouches on the table and leave, be- 4. Two mercenaries drag two slave men into the pen and thrust
fore we cut your throats.” them to the ground, kneeling, and their hands behind their backs.
If the PCs refuse, and draw weapons, there is a chance One mercenary raises a battle axe and lets the deadly sharp
the raiders back off and ignore the PCs for the rest of the eve- weapon hover above the two cowering men. “You must choose
ning. The odds of the raiders leaving the characters alone are which one lives” calmly relates Caesar. “The other will have his
the number of PCs out of 10. Example: six characters in the head thrown in the street as an example; the survivor will be let
group, thus, a 6 in 10 chance the raiders back down, other- free in the community to start a new life. Which will die, which will
wise, the raiders draw their short swords and rush the PCs. If live? You have ten seconds to decide or both loose their head.”
the bandits win, they will give first aid to any dying characters, 5. “Do you like pets?” Caesar asks. Suddenly the door opens
bind them, strip them and sell them as slaves once they’ve and out rushes 2+d3 hunting dogs, which attack the charac-
healed to half endurance. ter immediately. “Survive and you are fit to serve.”
6. Caesar smiles, snaps his finger and speaks. “You will show me
Mercenaries Wanted! your strength and compassion.” The door opens and two mercs
Hiring Test, living conditions, Pay and benefits description. drag a young pure stock man into the muddy pen. His hands are
bound behind his back and he wears a noose about his neck. The
Should the characters wish to approach the Dictator-Mer- mercs ready the noose by looping it through the roof top bars and
chant’s Manor and apply as mercenaries, they will be told to hoisting the man taught, but not so he is being strangled. They
follow 2d4 mercenaries around back of the stockade where then tie the loose end to a large steel and concrete block which
a small steel plated door will open and admit the characters if released will yank down the rope and pull the youth up into the
into the compound. Here, Optimorra’s horses are kept, as well air and hang him. The mercs gesture to the PC to come hold the
as livestock and a large greenhouse which grows rare fruits, block aloft in order to preserve the man’s life as long as the PC
vegetables, marijuana and strange mutant plants rumored to can. ”Brutal, isn’t it,” Caesar notes dryly, yawning before going on.
have hallucinogenic or healing properties. A detachment of “This fellow is a rebel and a terrorist. He was to die this morning
10 other mercenaries are stationed about the courtyard, half anyhow, but, if you can hold him aloft for five minutes, he will be
on the wooden catwalk above, the other half standing about allowed to go free, banished from town, unless you want to keep
watching with their weapons handy. him as a slave.” The mercs in the pen with the character step
A mercenary captain will step forth from a scrap metal back and let the PC take the full weight of the heavy weight. The
shack (treat as Officer, Squad Leader with d4+1 prime muta- PC is allowed one type A strength based hazard check per min-
tions) and salutes you. “Welcome to Safe Port, and thank you ute to be able to hold up the block, failure results in the prisoner
for answering the notices we have posted region wide. My name hoisting off the ground and hanging to death within a minute. If
is Caesar, I will be your judge and training instructor should you the PC fails to save the prisoner, then Caesar is still 89% likely to
pass the tests. My lord, Optimorra will observe you from the let the PC join the mercs, otherwise, he can offer another test, or
manor. If you pass his test, you will be accepted into our noble dismiss the PC. The test goes on for 2d6 minutes.
ranks, for a term of service of no less than three months, after
which, you can either re-apply for service, or ‘retire’ and leave
town according to the mandatory rule of discharge. If you fail
to complete the test, or refuse to participate, you will be told
to leave at once, and must depart town at dawn by whatever
means you choose. No hard feelings. Our lord will be watching
us, although you can’t see him for security reason, you under-
stand. Please wait until I call you forth.”
2d20 minutes go by before Caesar returns and then, in
random order, each character is called forth and made to enter
a round pen made of steel bars with a steel mesh roof, 10 me-
ters in diameter. At the far end is a steel door which is attached
to the main manor house. Each character is placed into the
chamber with whatever weapons he or she has with him when
arriving. Re-roll duplicated results unless there are more than
8 characters applying. Roll d10 to determine the test:
1. Two mercenaries bring a frightened young woman (common-
er) out and tie her, spread eagled to the bars. “Whip her five
times.” Orders one mercenary, handing you a light whip (does
d4 damage per lash). “She is a rebel,” explains Caesar. “Caught
trying to lure our troops into a trap with promises of sexual acts.
Whip her now or leave the ring in shame and weakness.”
2. Two mercenaries drag out a young man (militia soldier, no
armor. They throw him into the sand and toss a hatchet next
to him, which the wild eyed man grabs, leaping up and turn-
ing to face the character. “He is an enemy,” remarks Caesar
from someplace behind. ”Trying to stir up the locals against
their rightful ruler, against the protector of this fair town. You
must bring me his head to pass the test.” The young rebel
growls and charges, swinging the axe toward the PC’s neck,
and shouting. “My head!? Not if I kill you first, outlander!”
3. “This will prove your abilities in battle, nothing more,” Cae-
sar calls from outside the cage. Two naked skullocks each
holding a spiked club in two hands, are thrust into the pen
and rush at the PC wailing their war cries.

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7. A street urchin is dragged out, followed by another merce- for generations to come. If we are victorious in our efforts, you
nary with a brazier and a pair of branding irons in it. The irons and your future families will find places of prominence in this
are heated red hot and then handed to the PC. The street ur- new order, this fledgling empire, and become wealthier and
chins, 65% a boy, otherwise a girl of about 14 years age, is more powerful than you can possibly imagine. For the few,
held down and his or her shirt pulled down exposing the back. greatness awaits. A day will come when we protectors, we Im-
“Brand this filthy rat with the symbol of a slave, and the crea- mortals will not be seen as an occupying army, but rather lib-
ture will thereafter belong to you and sit chained up for you to erators and protectors, akin to Shepherd’s looking after their
kick and tease and command as you see fit.” The street urchin flock. Keep that in mind, since it will become clear to you that
fights like a wild cat, curses the PC and the mercs and man- many here do not yet appreciate our presence, nor honor our
ages to swear. “You touch me, prick, and fifty of my gang mem- authority. Thank you, and follow me to your quarters.”
bers will cut your heart out and feed it to the crows!” The characters will thereafter live within the manor in a
8. A man is dragged out and thrown into the pen with the ten bed, bunk room beneath the manor. The room is connect-
character. He is commoner, armed with only a club. “This ed to a lounge area where the mercs play cards, work out
man,” Caesar explains. “Has offended the dictator, Optimor- and eat. A latrine connects to the room by a narrow hall, and
ra, and our lord has asked that you punish him, but not kill a stairwell up to the main courtyard is the only exit. Electric
him. You may do whatever you please, castrate him, blind lights provide illumination, but torches are set in the walls in
him, take off a limb, whatever, but do not kill him. Now, ad- case of power failure. Immortals are not permitted into town
vance and make him sorry.” The desperate man clasps the except in 5 man minimum squads, and as new recruits, the
club in two hands and makes ready to defend himself. PC group will be led by an NCO officer on daily patrols or guard
9. “For this trial,” says Caesar. “You will be tested on your duty, randomly determined each day roll d6:
ability to take orders. First, strip naked.” If the character does, 1. Day time street patrol, looking for rebels, inspecting newcom-
mercenaries will collect all his or her belongings. “Second, ers, especially excavators or other armed visitors.
drink this bottle of wine.” Bottle of red wine is given to the 2. Night time street patrol, looking for creatures that may have
character and he or she must drink it, becoming drunk if un- entered town unseen, as well as the usual rebels and outsiders.
der 200kg weight. “Thirdly, you will dance a jig for me.” If the 3. Guard duty on the docks, observing the comings and go-
character does this, then Caesar claps and relates the fourth ings of fisherman, as well as inspecting any merchant ships
part. “Now, you will howl like a wolf and anoint yourself in mud. coming to the wharfs. Going aboard barges and checking the
Good, good! Now, let’s see how you fight”. Suddenly the door cargo and quarters for pirate plots, weapon smugglers, or
opens and out comes a naked man, a commoner, who raises anything out of the ordinary.
his fists and comes directly at the PC. If the character is drunk, 4. Tower watch, one of the four random towers, the PCs man-
he or she is -20 SV and +20 DV to be struck. “If he wins,” re- ning a light ballista, taking turns peering out the firing portals for
lates Caesar. “He is told he will get his freedom, as well as you any signs of attackers, unusual activity, or threatening beasts.
as his slave. So, you better box well!” If the commoner should 5. Main gate duty. Along with d6+2 other mercs, the PCs are as-
knock the character out, he or she wakes later bound to the signed to opening and closing the gate for all manner of indus-
oar of a merchant barge heading south for Port Folly. trial and commercial traffic, as well as any excavators who might
10. The character stands in the pen for about fifteen minutes, arrive. The detachment’s NCO officer will do all the questioning
and still the metal door releases nothing. When the PC glanc- of visitors, checking the loads of wagons and carts, etc.
es over to Caesar, he or she sees him sleeping on a hammock. 6. Patrol! The PC’s unit is sent on a patrol, mounted on saddle
Another 2d100 minutes go by before Caesar wakes up and horse, to the edge of the Strangle Wood, then down to toxic
yawns, spits and, then walks over to the character. “You ready bog, along it, and back North West to the beach, then along
yet?” He asks. “You think you are fit to serve? Huh? Okay, let’s the beach Northward back to town. The squad is instructed to
give this tough guy two tests!” Roll d8 twice, one after the oth- look for anything out of the ordinary, but in particular, armed
er is completed. commoners, humanoids, pirate shore parties, or anyone they
can arrest as a spy and rob, beat and sell as a slave. All raid-
Passing the Test: Should each character succeed at the ers in the area are allies and will greet the Mercs with wine,
brutal test, he or she will be considered either cruel, callous bread and dirty jokes, possibly urged to join forces with them
or merely fit enough to serve the dictator. Caesar gathers the for the patrols duration.
recruits and speaks. “Well done, you have passed the test
and are accepted into our noble ranks. As an ‘immortal’ you The role of a mercenary character in Safe Port relies heav-
are entitled to thirty silver coins a month pay and whatever ily on GM guided circumstances. The encounter tables shown
you want to eat and drink either in the Saloon or in any pri- above are only for the average excavator party who newly ar-
vate individual’s home. You can fornicate with any whore you rives in the bustling town of Safe Port looking for a place to
meet, but are not to touch the local women unless they make heal up and re-supply before plotting their next move. Should
advances first. You will be able to enforce the law as you see Optimorra be killed or run out of town, his son, Amodka, a
fit, according to our regulations, or on your own volition if un- mere youth but just as greedy, bloodthirsty and sadistic, will
accompanied by a higher ranking officer. You can search any take control of the mercenaries since he inherits the wealth
suspected rebel, religious crack pot or visitor as you deem his father left him, housed in a the Greater Bank of Overpass.
necessary. Should the characters join the rebels and defeat the merce-
“Also, we are allied with a group of freelance irregulars naries and help liberate Safe Port, all encounters tables will
called Foster’s Freebooters, who live in the nearby woods and require modification, since the mercenaries will be driven out
visit here often. You will give them the same privileges we our- or new one’s hired serving an elected council. Safe Port has
selves enjoy, and protect them if they need assistance. Most the potential to be a great independent city, its distance from
importantly, however, you are at all times sworn to protect our the Purists and the Aberrationists could allow for rapid growth
benefactor, Optimorra the Magnificent, Savior of Safe Port, if the place were properly ruled and its defenses enhanced. A
Protector from the beast-men and pirates alike. Optimorra, mid or high rank character party could possibly affect events
the Dictator, is destined to guide our people from this turbu- here, directing a rebellion in such a way as to eventually end
lent time and make Safe Port a great fortress and capital of a up as the settlements newly elected rulers.
new nation. A new power which will rule the surrounding lands

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

Rafter Warrior

Bosworth’s Clan

Bosworth’s Clan
Horse Archer
Floater Ballooist

Part Eight:

Nomadic Communities
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Part Eight: Nomadic Communities

Bosworth’s Clan from their victims and use them until they run out of ammo, but
This nation of savages inhabit the Caprician Plain, and are a have no ability to reload shell casings or charge power cells, and
fierce, inhospitable people. They have very few dealings with simply horde empty weapons in one or two wagons. Uniformly,
outsiders, including traders, unless the intruders have some- they use bows, daggers, and flint tipped spears, as well as the
thing these horse mounted warriors desire, including slaves. It odd steel weapon looted off a Purist soldier or skullock. Encoun-
is known that Bosworth was the name of an earlier chieftain, ters with these folk will either be with the main body of a wagon
who along with his sons and daughters, ruled this nomadic train, or with a patrol or war party of mounted archers. Unless
band of cattle herders and led them to the steppes which they those they meet are either a clear threat or a weakened, vast-
now call home. These people were once entirely pure stocks, ly outnumbered unit, the Bosworth wagon people will avoid any
but recent generations have seen increasing numbers of de- and all combat. Only the skullocks and patrols of Purists will illicit
viant births. Through breeding with captives who had geneti- outright attack by the clan folk, however, a band of excavators,
cally modified DNA, including many ghost mutants fleeing the who may or may not be heavily armed, will usually be warned
Holy Purist Empire, as well as exposure to mutagen agents in away with bluff charges, or volleys of arrows made to fall only
the animals and plants they ate, these people are now roughly meters short; it seems that these people do not wish to expand
half mutant and half pure stock, with 1 out of every 10 mutants their list of enemies and will avoid needless engagements.
having a prime mutation, and the rest having a minor mutation As mentioned earlier, if a small, perhaps wounded or
from the physical alteration listing. clearly vulnerable group of strangers are caught in the open
There are about 300 or so of these people, spread out in ground, the wagon people warriors will attack them. If able,
wagon trains and seasonal camps throughout the plains. They they will capture or kill the outlanders, and rob them of ev-
graze their cattle herds as far north as Barter River and as far erything of value and kidnap any women or teenage girls of
south as Low Pass Road, however, the do not venture out of the 15 or better appearance in hopes of making them into future
grasslands either east or west, for in both directions wait their brides. Those they leave behind, often unarmed and without
mortal enemies, the Purists in the west and the skullock nation food or water, are told to leave the Bosworth lands and never
of the Grotha-Patteraks or ’Grim-Pacers’ in the east. The clan return under punishment of death.
folk, as they tend to call themselves, wear leather armor at all To their credit, however, the Bosworth clan doesn’t forget
times, which is stained in fanciful patterns, in addition, they wear a friend, and if aided, or clan folk are somehow rescued or
wide leather sun hats, somewhat reminiscent of Mexican som- set free from slavers or Purists or other enemies, the rescuers
breros, and in winter cloaks made out of animal fur. They are will be honored heroes among all the clan, and be expected to
almost entirely without relics of any sort, although will loot them marry into the nation and remain with them as equals.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eight: Nomadic Communities 312

bots, cyborgs or vehicles, and generate enough energy to allow

a hundred or more airships to remain aloft on a permanent
basis, where a great community can be built, which would
feed off the groundlings who would become the slaves to the
sky people in their wicker and canvas sky citadel. Few in the
great steel and rock fortresses of the surface take this threat
seriously, saying among themselves that a citadel made of
airships would be easy enough to bring to the ground, espe-
cially with a beam cannon or two.
From time to time, The Floaters will employ excavators as
henchmen and mercenaries or, on other occasions, threat-
en them with crossbow fire from above and hold them up,
seeking whatever relics such travelers might possess. Such
encounters depend on the circumstances and location, but,
Floaters will almost never come to the aide of hard pressed
groups seen below on the ground.

The rafters differ from simple raft using traders or migrants,
in that these people form a mobile community which can ap-
pear anywhere along the coast, but tends to stay well away
The Floaters from the shore and even outside the regional boundaries, pre-
This group is basically a tribe of well equipped, relic-wealthy ferring the edges of the Atolls Region to the west. When they
scavengers and traders who remain aloft much of the time in do appear, they are usually reclusive and avoid trouble with
a flotilla of 22+d10 hot air balloons. These animal hide cov- powerful looking strangers, instead, seeking to complete their
ered balloons are lashed together with adjoining rope ladders chores, re-supply or trade dealings as quickly as possible and
and platforms, and at their center, joined to a wicker hanger vanish again. These migrants number about 70+d20 com-
bay where 4+d4 operational, armed gyrocopters are housed moner families strong, armed with shoddy archaic style weap-
(each has two seats, with the rear seat for the pilot, and the ons, with all adults and teens wielding bows and machetes,
front seat for a gunner who controls a heavy machine gun, clad in fish scale armor (treat as Lizard Scale).
drum fed with 50+d20 rounds of HCR ammo in each). On most occasions, they move along the coast to either
12 of the airships are huge, topped with crows nests fish or, to gather raw materials and fresh water, potting soil for
where two soldiers sit at all times, both have heavy cross- their tiny but productive gardens. At other times, however, they
bows, share a pair of binoculars and report to the basket be- deploy rowboats and launch surprise raids on inland camps
low with a communicator. The baskets of each airship are two and farm plots, pilfering fresh vegetables, livestock, or prison-
leveled, with an upper deck where the burner’s are situated, ers to serve as slaves and unwilling spouses. While theft and
protected by 3+d3 soldiers with heavy crossbows, while be- kidnapping are serious crimes, these folk are not considered
low decks, a family, one per man above, reside in the light- much of a threat, but rather as opportunist survivors, since they
weight but sturdy wicker and scrap metal structure. almost never kill anybody and seem to prey on the outlanders
These resourceful people also breed great eagles, and use to an area as opposed to the regular inhabitants.
them as both patrol mounts and beasts of burden, to hitch to In addition, from time to time, they come ashore to bar-
the airships and pull them, even against the wind, in any desti- ter for goods and services, sell fish, and purchase slaves. It is
nation the clan captain decrees. There are 6+2d6 great eagles said that these nomads from the Atolls Region return to the
at any given time, each mounted with a teenager in scrap relic many islands and wrecks in the western region and sell their
armor and wielding a regular crossbow and machete. soil, slaves and food stuffs at greatly inflated prices, and yet,
Currently, their are 40+d10 families, half will be com- are not really accepted among the various island factions due
mon mutants with a minor mutation each, while the rest will to their tendency to raid within that region as well.
be pure stock humans, with each family consisting of a male
soldier father armed with a heavy crossbow, dagger and ma-
chete, a commoner woman armed with a dagger and regu-
lar crossbow, and d3 children and d3 teens, with each teen
armed with a regular crossbow and dagger as well.
The clan’s leader is currently Rejund the Hawk, a mutant
human with eagles wings sprouting from his back, armored in
scrap relic, and wielding a pulse rifle with two full power cells
as back up.
Typically, the floaters neither hinder nor harm the surface
dwellers or ‘groundlings’, and instead, keep to themselves.
They send out hunting parties, water collectors, and scav-
enger teams. These scav-detail teams are constantly seek-
ing sources of power to keep their airships aloft, and so, are
known to actually trade whatever they don’t need for recharge
services at Array, as well as drop thieves into communities to
steal solar panels, alcohol fuel supplies, or even raw materi-
als to build more airships.
The present leader of the floaters is rumored to have a
plan to expand his people’s power in the region, to locate a
small nuclear power plant, like those used in some large ro-

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

Star People



Defenders Guild Knight

Coil Island Cannibal

Cult of Humility Worshipper

of Geshrod’s Marauders

Part Nine: Carmen the Clean

Heroes, Outlaws and Organizations

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 314

Part Nine: Heroes, Outlaws and Organizations

them. They are allies to Carlburg’s Army, (see heroes, page
Unique Groups of the Crossroads Region 316) however far less organized and do not have a primary
leader, nor the same high standards of goodness or justice
Anti-Slavery League among their recruits. Many people feel that these self righ-
In an age where might is often viewed as right, where the teous knights are simply living out some fantasy, and enjoy
strong routinely subjugate the weak, where food and water the power and comfort of belonging to a group. They tend
are scarce and everyone must earn their keep, slavery is to arm and armor themselves like archaic knights, but will
commonplace. As in so many other periods in human history, use whatever relics they can acquire to improve their odds
prisoners of war, undesirables, orphans, criminals, debtors, in battle.
as well as physical, political or sexual deviants, are all prime
targets for those who traffic in humans and their off shoots.
With slavery becoming increasingly acceptable in this dark
There are two prevalent Restorationist
era, several groups have formed to counter its immoral preva- minded groups at work in the Cross-
lence. The Anti-Slavery League, or ASE, is roads Region. The largest organization
one such organization opposed to slavery is devoted to establishing the former na-
in every form, and uses whatever means tion of South California (SoCal) and dif-
necessary to both free slaves, and pres- fer from the ‘Federalist’ group who seek to
sure community leaders to ban slavery. resurrect the United States. The pro-SoCal
Anyone who owns a slave makes him or group feels that to restore the USA, or even
herself a target for assassination by the more the more recent Western American Coalition
militant members of this group. Most mem- or other collapsed government structures, are
bers were once slaves themselves, are es- either impossible objectives, or undesirable,
caped slaves, or have family members who since such powers were flawed and brought
are currently slaves. They wear no identifying about the devastations and should never again
uniform, nor have tattoos or other markings; rule the populace.
however, they do have a secret language of Restorationists, both SoCal and
hand signals, and like to use poisoned dag- Federal, often resort to terror-
gers and crossbow bolts against slavers ism to undermine new world
or those who own slaves. governments and leadership.
They seek to incite civil un-
Unity Coalition rest and dissatisfaction with
This group consists of like minded An- current power systems, aim-
droids, self aware robots, synthetic hu- ing to create an opportunity to
mans and ‘generic’ humans to foster insert themselves as the only
unity between organic intelligent beings l e- gitimate governmental alternative.
and mechanical beings. They are few Various restorationist groups tend to compete
in number, but often highly educated, with each other, but rarely resort to hostilities.
well equipped and cautious. Their ob- They employ both spoken and written codes,
jective is to first initiate a peaceful di- favor old world slang, clothing, uniforms and
alogue between the assorted intelli- weaponry, and like to talk about the former
gences of the region and thereafter civilization. Most of them believe that the
assist open minded, peace lov- current dark ages and era of city states is
ing leaders to attain leader- about to come to a close, with
ship in of each community. the return of the old state or
Their mission seems im- nation a certainty. Nearby re-
possible, if not childish and silly to most, gions harbor very similar groups
and their printed hand outs, street side speeches and offi- and from time to time the lead-
cial emissaries are routinely scoffed at, nevertheless, they ers of Restorationist groups meet to discuss their progress,
are a peace seeking group, and therefore tolerated. share technology, old world documents and insurgent strat-
egies and tactics.
Defenders Guild
This order of nomadic Knight-like warriors and healers pro- The Brood
mote justice, law and order. They dogmatically study old Mafia style crime organization, said to have club houses in
books about King Arthur and chivalry as guidelines on how every community in the region, including both the Holy Purist
to conduct themselves. They generally do not extend their Empire and the Dominion of Aberratia. They profit from slav-
fair mindedness and mercy to humanoids such as skullocks, ery, drug manufacturing and trafficking, underground clubs,
warmorts, moaners and the like, nor place much trust in forgery, assassinations, bounty hunting, robbery, prostitution,
androids or cyborg units. In the main, they seem to be most gladiatorial clubs, kidnapping, bribery and extortion. They have
concerned with defending human and mutant human com- been locked in a bloody territorial war with Moxo’s Brotherhood
moners, traders and other simple folk who are just trying for as long as anybody can remember. The Brood avoid any in-
to survive. While many were once excavators, they tend to signia or tell-tale lingo, dress, or uniforms in order to live unde-
see that caste as selfish, trouble making and arrogant, thus tected among the wider population of each community.
these post-apocalyptic knights won’t risk their lives to save

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 315
gion, many of them inhabiting stationary computers, while oth-
Moxo’s Brotherhood ers move about in the bodies of robots or androids. It is specu-
Another criminal organization which is also spread out across lated that they meet with each other to discuss a possible re-
the region, and beyond. They are involved in all the same ille- gional take over, or simply to exchange software, robotic ser-
gal activities as their enemies, the Brood, however, they have vants, parts, power cells, or unite for mutual protection.
a special interest in acquiring relic weapons and armor, thus
bringing them into conflict with excavators. Whenever possible,
Moxo thugs will try to ambush, rob and enslave diggers when- Inter-Community Trade Association or ICTA
ever possible, often getting themselves annihilated in the at- This somewhat secretive merchant’s association distributes
tempt. This group is said to employ android assassins, dressed trade newsletters, offers discounts to members, and certifies
as scavengers, which roam the region conducting missions in body guards, bounty hunters and trustworthy adventure teams.
every large community. It maintains a list of all reliable personnel as well as data on the
home addresses, communicator numbers, appearance and
previous assignment records of all hirelings. The Association
Star People also keeps records on bad debts, loan risks, and those groups
Also known as Spacers and Orbiters, these high tech humans, and and individuals who have committed crimes against members,
their organic and mechanical minions, live in orbital or off world including disputes between members. Finally, the ICTA has its
colonies, and include men and women in cryogenic freeze either own caravans, airships, couriers and ‘enforcers’ who are little
on their long journey back to Earth, or sleeping in space stations. more than hired thugs who collect debts and offer street level
Their involvement with the Crossroads Region is limited, or, at least protection for members. There have been accusations against
secretive. Rumors persist which claim the ICTA that its goons have ‘intim-
that certain groups of spacers have idated’ shop keepers and traders
landed research teams, as well as who have not joined their asso-
spies, to study the twisted new world, ciation, or worse, vandalized their
search for raw materials, kidnap businesses, kidnapped their fam-
‘specimens’, and position themselves ily members and servants, or even
for the take over of the region; a small murdered those have tried to form
step in their reclamation of the earth. their own merchant’s cooperative,
It is said that the orbital people, high union, guild or federation.
above the Earth, have laser weapons
which can target even an individual Truval Couriers &
on the ground, and could in theory
assassinate a community leader if
Communications Co. or TCC
This network of messengers and
desired, as long as the subject was couriers maintain small depots in
outside during the daytime and there most towns where people can either
was no cloud cover directly above him leave messages in sealed envelopes
or her. (5sp) or make a station to station
communication for 1sp per word.
Dreamers Furthermore, TCC also uses mount-
Dreamers are ancient ones remain ed couriers on horse, dog, moun-
in cryo-freeze deep in some under- tain or dirt bike, as well as biplane
ground installation, or those who and airship to deliver letters, pack-
have been awakened from such a ages and freight between partici-
slumber by either a pre-programmed pating communities. This company
timer, or approaching spacer ves- employs some of the most rugged,
sel, or by the intervention of exca- stout hearted people in the region;
vators who have stumbled upon the delivery people who will dare to run
sleeping personnel. In some cas- blockades, evade besiegers to enter
es, a small group of dreamers will a community, sneak into Port Folly,
be awake, armed to the teeth with enter the Holy Purist Empire, and
relic firepower and serve as guards even escort the families of notable
for the sleeping colony of survivors. people out of battle zones. Increas-
Dreamers are said to be awaiting a day when either help from ingly, the ‘hero for hire’ aspect of this company is becoming more
the stars arrives, or, the moment is right to waken their broth- widely known, attracting new employees who formerly made their
ers and sisters and reclaim the surface world. The Great Ruins living rooting about in the ruins.
house most of the dreamer installations in the Crossroads Re-
gion. Relic Dealers Guild
This loosely associated collective of relic dealers maintain offices
Ghosts in most large free towns, as well as throughout the Dominion of
Aberratia. They operate only in secret within the Holy Purist Em-
These mysterious beings have been seen in ruins or even new
era settlements, hovering above the ground, moving through pire, however, illicitly supplying the rich and powerful pure stocks
walls and vehicles, and always semi-transparent. To the unedu- with ammo, power cells, concubine androids, and the occasional
cated people of the new age, these beings are considered to be relic weapon. The group employs the Truval Couriers & Commu-
spirits, angels, demons, or simply ‘ghosts’. Wiser individuals be- nications Company to transport relics to costumers or other relic
lieve these specters are merely digital beings, holograms, illu- buyers, who must pre-pay on all orders. Additionally, the TCC CO.
sions or even the projections of mutant beings, exhibiting some gathers the inventory listings for the various guild members and
yet unaccounted for mental mutation. It is speculated that a conduct them to the main guild office in Overpass. Here, each
network of self aware digital beings do indeed exist in the re- dealer’s inventory of available relics is compiled in a list and pub-
lished to all guild members in a semi-annual book, called the

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 316
Relic Buyer’s Guide. Using this book, dealers can order items for mons are simple and make every attempt to avoid invoking beliefs
their own customers, buying them from other guild members and or phrases from old world faiths, yet, never mock any religion and
selling them again for a tidy profit. In this way, it is possible for instead pull from each faith’s similarities. In short they seek to pro-
governments and wealthy individuals to both purchase available mote one grand nation, ruled by a priesthood which promotes equal
items and request ‘standing orders’ with the guild. The standing rights to all forms of intelligent life. Claiming that Armageddon was
order for a relic is simply a request for a certain relic, and should the work of God, to wipe away the unworthy and test humanity, for
it become available to any relic dealer, it can be couriered to the a time when He would return to judge the people again, and if they
customer within weeks of surfacing. are unfit and once more engaged in wars upon one another, then
Freelance relic dealers, those who for whatever reason re- again, devastation will cleanse the earth. Their beliefs are not writ-
fuse to join the Guild, or have been kicked out for some infraction ten down or very firm, and seem to change a lot depending on what
of the rules, must often buy and sell in secret, for the established book the leader has been reading to his disciples.
guild members are known to send thugs around to threaten or These defenders of the weak and uneducated are quite
maim non-members guilty of selling in their community or area well liked by the masses living in the freeholds and indepen-
of control. Excavators who sell to an unofficial dealer, might oc- dent towns, but, the governments do not tolerate Flaylox’s calls
casionally reap the scorn of Guild based relic dealers, who will for a new form of rule, and of course, the existing churches and
thereafter only pay the unpopular diggers half the standard value religious orders dislike the free thinking, open ended and all en-
for a relic, and sell items to them at twice the going rates. compassing faith which the great cyborg preacher promises to
bring to the people. Given the feelings and fears of these pow-
Zoological Archivists: This highly educated association of erful bodies, Flaylox and his group have been banned from en-
bio-technicians, wildlife, aberration and hyper-evolutionary re- tering Overpass, Sandbarra, Steel Hill or Sorrow, and not a few
searchers, maintain an alphabetical listing of all new animals, attempts have been made against the founder’s life.
humanoids and interesting mutant plants. The data they col- When encountering excavators, this group will usually keep
lect is said to be combined with the findings of ‘Zoochivers’ in well back so as not to draw fire from the travelers, especially if
other regions, allowing the researchers to plot the migration the group is unfamiliar to them, and then send out an emissary
and evolution of new species. This group often hires adven- ‘Brother’ or Sister. This Righteous One will ride his or her dirt bike
turers and mercenary units to escort them into wilderness up to the diggers and greet them respectfully; weapons stowed
or ruin areas to document the life forms found there. Zooch- and say something like: “Greetings and blessings from Flaylox
ivers use digital camcorders, sketch books, still cameras as the Righteous, defender of Unity Dream, servant of God and de-
well as risky live capture attempts. Most community leaders nouncer of discord. We mean you no harm and merely seek to
welcome the visits of this order, as they offer an unmatched know your names, caste and destination. We welcome you to
resource and insight into the disposition, defensive and of- this part of God’s land, and bid you to keep the peace at all cost,
fensive features, habits, strange powers, and motivations of tend to any who may need assistance, be it meds, foods or drink,
many wild beasts and humanoid species. or above all else, protection from the wicked ones. We will ob-
serve your passage through these lands and pray for your safe
crossing. If you are camping hereabouts, perhaps it would be
Heroes of the Crossroads Region wise for you to share our fire, as we are
many in number and each of us a
warrior and can protect you along
Flaylox the Righteous with other travelers and pilgrims
This cyborg warrior and his elite team of over four dozen champions passing this way.”
are a no- madic band of warrior preachers. They are sometimes
called red priests or Flayloxians and among their number are
mutants, clones, bioreplicants, trans-humans, beas- Carlburg’s Army
David Carlburg is a very
tial-humans, plantoids cyborgs and pure stocks,
skilled and powerful
as well as a heavy infantry robot and a combat
pure stock, decked out
android. They wear red tunics over their scrap
in heavy combat armor
relic or other heavy armors, ride dirt bikes,
and wielding his Pulse
and each is armed with a relic weapon
rifle with deadly accu-
or cybernetic offensive implant. On
racy. With him, ride a
the back of each bike is a
brigade of his ‘Chosen’,
brilliant red Japanese
all experienced fighters
style banner-flag, em-
who have been invited by
bellished with a loosely
Carlburg himself to join the no-
drawn symbol of an angel
ble ranks of this non-profit mercenary group. The band is often
figure holding a sword. This
split up into squads of between six and ten riders, all mounted
band of nomads spends
on horse, but also known to ride dogs, or use relic vehicles when
much of its time roam-
available and appropriate to the mission. Their self appointed role
ing the roadways be-
is to right wrongs, usually by invitation from hard pressed com-
tween overpass and
munities, and deal with an ongoing threat or other peril which the
Galespit, escorting
townsfolk are not able to handle. In return for tackling whatever
migrants and refu-
hazard faces a settlement, this unit asks only for lodging, food,
gees, seeing that
drink, and a moment to speak to the young adults of a communi-
trade and commu-
ty. This talk focuses on honor, goodness, bravery, and doing what-
nication continues,
ever one can to ensure humanity survives in the face of so many
and at night, when
new intelligent species, against the Mecha, the skullocks, and
camping with trav-
fundamentalist humans such as the Aberrationists and Purists.
elers, will preach
Characters of merit, usually of mid to high rank, who have
to them. Their ser-
proven themselves to be heroes and act out of benevolence,

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 317
show no signs or racial superiority or evil, could very likely be ap- inaccurate coordinates, and purposefully impeding Purist attacks
proached by Carlburg himself. This contact often occurs in a bar on the towns of Galespit and Memory, where it is rumored that
someplace, or when invited to meet a new employer or spon- Carmen’s flotilla likes to frequently re-supply.
sor. If the character declines the offer, David will simply nod and GMs can download the Carmen the Clean’s NPC sheet at
say. “All that matters is that you are a good person, that your do- www.mutantepoch.com in the member’s area.
ings are noble, that after having traveled through this life, you will
have make it better by your being born. I look forward to hearing Oswald the Emissary
more of your greatness; go in peace, my friend.” In his youth, Oswald was a successful water merchant who ul-
Understandably, Carlburg has made many friends as well as timately owned several prominent businesses in Overpass and
enemies, as is often the fate of anybody who makes a stand for Steel Hill, however, as the pure stock grew older, and had chil-
something. There are those who secretly serve the man, supply- dren with a mutant wife, he feared for the region, and the fate
ing him information on criminal activities, corrupt officials, evil cler- of his deviant offspring. He was also a bit of a junk collector and
gymen, and the atrocities performed by a factional government managed to gather the parts to built a powerful radio receiver
against the innocent. Likewise, there are many who have been the and parabolic dish, with which he tinkered night after night, and
targets of Carlburg’s wrath, and survived to tell, scheme, regroup one occasion intercepted an open radio signal between two
and seek vengeance upon him. Slavers, murderers, brigands, parties. One caller was trying to communicate to an approach-
crooked officials, and simple hooligans have either been punished ing group, warning them that Earth was not safe to land on, that
by this man and his troops, or live in constant fear of being caught, the space port of Outer Los Angeles was no longer operational,
uncovered, or killed. These villains have taken steps to see Carl- that the surface was inhabited by cannibalistic beast men and
burg’s loyal warriors disbanded or disemboweled and their leader mechanical beings bent on the eradication of all humanity.
dead. Assassins have been hired to locate and kill the hero, as well The person sending the warning pleaded with the incom-
as any who join him. ing vessel, for by this time Oswald realized a great starship was
Game masters can download the Carlburg inbound toward earth and communicating with other ‘Spac-
NPC sheet at www.outlandarts.com/crloot.htm ers’ in some orbital station. The starship responded with a
or see page 430. pre-recorded, looping message that it would be landing
in 12 hours, was on auto pilot, that the flight crew were
Carmen the Clean deceased in their cryo chambers, however the pas-
This individual is a roaming healer, who trav- sengers were still alive in their’s. Oswald learned that
els with a small band of well equipped body the call to return to earth had been received and the
guards and personal attendants in a flotilla ship had turned around and had taken a hundred
of airships, numbering between 4 and 7. and sixty odd years to make the return voyage.
Carmen is said to be an incredibly power- That landing was imminent. The spacer from the
ful and gifted ghost mutant, with the abil- orbital station begged the inbound ship’s com-
ity to induce calm, healing and bliss in puter to listen to reason, that now was not the
those she touches. Those who have ex- time to reclaim the earth, that the planned inva-
perienced her healing claim that she sion of the surface would come when the devi-
is an angel sent by God. They say ants and Mecha and barbarian human nations
she appears radiant in her white had wiped each other out. The spacer also not-
tunic, with her white skin and ed that the earth’s orbit had changed due to the
flowing white hair, and wars and geological upheavals, that the coor-
haunting lavender eyes. dinates for the landing strip were incorrect,
Few can look upon her that the strip was broken up by earth-
and not be moved by her beau- quakes, that landing intact was impos-
ty and casual display of power. sible. Sometime the next day, far to
Reports claim that her body the east in the Shattered Region, a
guards, some hulking mutant mon- great meteorite crashed to earth.
strosities, others gun bristling cyborgs, and others being apprentice From that day forth, Oswald has devoted his life to unity among
medics of various human and synthetic human lines, all treat her the factions, preparation for an invasion by ‘Spacers’, and the edu-
like a queen or deity, bowing before this slender woman not out of cation of people to the truth about humanity’s true past. For the
fear, but out of boundless love and admiration. Some say that her most part, the idea of invaders from space is met with laughter,
great guards are those she has saved from certain death, whom she contempt, or the shaking of heads. Still, Oswald the crafty mer-
has enchanted and bound to her as faithful servants for life. chant had never been known to be a lunatic, nor a liar, so a few
Carmen and her unit travel the Crossroads Region and be- officials secretly met him and believed his story, and keeping their
yond, avoiding either the Dominion of Aberratia, where her pure belief secret, maintain communications with Oswald even as they
stock apprentices and cyborgs would be imprisoned or slain, as gain power and rank in their own communities, preparing for an
well as the Holy Purist Empire, as in she is considered a witch there invasion by high tech intruders, yet stating to their own people that
and would be burned at the stake. the measures are to ready their towns for an inevitable Mecha at-
Her mission appears to be to simply heal the innocent, includ- tack out of the south east.
ing those suffering from plagues or leprosy, which she is somehow Among excavation teams, especially those who have been to
able to cure with only an evening of concentrated treatment. She the east, many became Oswald’s keenest supporters, for several
takes no money for her efforts, at least does not expect it, although dig teams claimed to have explored the outer edges of a space
in the past she has nursed several high ranking military officers, port. Not far from the site they also reported seeing a recent scar
renowned excavators, and other people who later rose to power, on the earth which ends in a massive, battered white vessel of
and out of gratitude, most of these make regular deposits into an the sky. Getting close to this great crashed starship has proven
Overpass bank account in her name. It is rumored that she once impossible, due to the robots which patrol the area around the
saved the life of a Purist officer, whose name was never revealed, crash site, devastating any intruders before they can get close
but whom ranks high in the Purist chain of command, and serves enough to determine if the place, now called Crash, is inhabited
as her agent in that land, giving the Mutant Slayers who pursue her by so called ‘Star People’ or ‘Spacers’.

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 318
This information has motivated Oswald to new heights, as their Strangle Wood based treetop fortress and its many slaves,
he seeks aid and funding to undertake a grand mission to the captive ‘brides’, offspring and pets. The main cavalry unit of
east, to communicate with any who might have been aboard 3d10+40 horse and dog mounted highwaymen, however, patrol
the vessel, interrogate them, and prove his theories correct. Figgy Road and occasionally enter Safe Port to gather supplies,
Any adventurer willing to join the mission, can sign up at any harass the citizenry and guests and get drunk.
of Oswald’s businesses, of which he owns the Oswald and Sons This gang is not supposed to kill or seriously injure coopera-
Trading House in Steel Hill, the Pack and Bridle Stables in Sand- tive traders and migrants, since the leader of Safe Port, Optimor-
barra, and the Newday Laundry and Bath House in Overpass. ra, welcomes the flow of cargo to enter his town. Yet, he relies on
the gang to ensure no large groups of warriors approach the com-
Outlaws of the Crossroads Region munity unnoticed, especially Freehold Scouts or Aberrationist
troops. On the other hand, Excavation teams, which could likely
In an age of general lawlessness, where might is most often be mercenaries headed for town to join Optimorra’s army, are al-
right, where villains outnumber heroes fifty to one, outlaws would lowed to enter this territory so long as they are of mixed race and
at first seem unremarkable and commonplace. Nevertheless, number no more than 8. Otherwise, 9 or more excavators are
among raider gangs, barge loads of pirates, brigands, thieves, considered invaders and to be robbed and sent away, usually na-
slavers, rapists, serial killers, and marauders, there are those ked and after a good whipping and humiliation, while any women
who stand out in the Crossroads Region. While they may not be among them of 30 or better appearance are kidnapped and tak-
the most terrible entities one could encounter, they are human, en to their tree forts to be married off to loyal raiders.
more or less, and make their living preying on fellow humans. For the most part the freebooters refrain from butcher-
Therefore, knowing the ways of their prey, criminals can and will ing those they accost, and like to tease travelers as they steal
turn up in every terrain type. Worse, these predatory people will their food and any booze they may carry. If faced with a well
mingle with their would be victims in bars and inns, the streets of armed group of excavators or mercs, and wishing to avoid a
villages or cities, and later attack on their own terms. blood bath, the raiders will often charge a 10sp road tax only
Because human foes are able to turn up anyplace, they often and let the diggers move along in peace, telling them that their
make the most formidable enemies. Characters who have made friend, the mayor of Safe Port is hiring mercs.
enemies with either a criminal organization or some sort of gang Foster’s Freebooters are so named after their leader, Foster
of raiders, lone nut case or cult, risk peril in every town they en- Artimuss, a cunning, vicious warrior with d3 prime mutations and
ter. Likewise, even a harmless looking caravan of migrants could the talents of an assassin (treat as Master Assassin), armed with
contain an agent or ‘fink’ for one of these outlaw groups, bringing an assault rifle, razor sword and plated in tactical armor. This hand-
trouble and ceaseless peril to a group day and night, both inside some yet gray haired scoundrel has a harem of 8+d6 wives at any
a town or in the wilds. The GM may use the following outlaws as a one time, and always looking for fresh mates to add to the rotation
mere passing encounter, or, as the focus of an entire campaign. of his favorites. He is a diplomatic and wise leader, as well as a
Entanglements might occur with the crooks every time the charac- blood thirsty fellow who enjoys watching gladiatorial duals.
ter’s stay in a certain town or pass through a specific area, possibly
showing up in a team’s life every few sessions. This constant threat Conrad’s Platoon
by a gang of arch-villains can add extra peril to a campaign, where This group of mixed race raiders mainly haunts the area around the
the prospect of sudden attack in the streets, a poisoned drink, or solar generation plant of Array, and make their home someplace
sniper’s bullet cranks up the intensity of every game night. along the eastern edge of Twisted Wood. They are a large, well led
group numbering anywhere between sixty and a hundred strong, all
Foster’s Freebooters armed with hatchets and crossbows, dressed in tan jumpsuits, wear
old military caps and insignia, and during raids are mounted on riding
This notorious gang of outlaws occupancy the area around Safe
Port. They are in alliance with the current dictator of that large dogs. Their leader, Conrad, is a middle aged pure stock who is said to
port town; a rare arrangement. The outlaws are divided up into collect beautiful women, as well as high tech energy weapons. Treat
many small robbery squads of between 6 and 12 raiders each, him as a raider leader wearing advanced combat armor, armed with
as well as a homeland guard of 30+d20 thugs which protect a laser sword, heavy pulse rifle, and 2d6 frag grenades.

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 319

Appro-Mortica of blood was found in wine skins and canteens by a patrol,

which saw Metago leaving the scene. Thus identified as the
This dual gendered, crème colored, red haired, psychopathic
mutant is a lone serial killer and cannibal. It is known to fre- killer, Metago plagued the community for a week and man-
quent the roads, trials and backwaters between Steel Hill and aged to flee the town after killing several militiamen who had
Overpass, but who has murdered and partially devoured trav- cornered him. He has since moved from town to town, leaving
elers and farmers deep into the Dominion of Aberratia as well a dangling, bloodless body behind in each. Presently, he is
as far away as Galespit. This being wears the clothing of its said to be in Overpass, where every week or so, another vic-
victims, but usually drab earthy colors which help it conceal tim is found. He bears no visible preference for a certain type
it when waiting in ambush. Nobody has seen how it attacks, of victim, and will drain men, women and children, regardless
but what is known is that it has the head of a man, yet with of their race or caste.
a secondary head of a deranged woman growing from its So hated is this man and his blood disciples, that
chest between two saggy breasts. Appro-Mortica a 5700sp bounty is offered on his head by the
has wide set legs, bearing both male and female Overpass government. Because few know
genitals, while its grotesque, powerful torso has what he really looks like, many are terri-
four arms, two of which end in bladed hooks, bly cautious or openly hostile toward
the others, controlled by the female head, blond pure stock men who travel
wield a relic weapon. It is said that it lives either alone, or with only one or
on organ meat, and uses these ter- two ‘servants’. Download
rible hooks to hack apart its vic- this NPC at www.outland-
tims to get at the heart, lungs, arts.com/crloot.htm or
liver, kidneys and spleen. Re- go to page 440
cent reports mention that
the hideous thing wears The Soul Eaters
scrap relic armor, and This cult is hated and
wields an as- feared by all factions and
sault rifle in its all races. While little is
two human known about their origins
arms. There or the identity of its mem-
is only one bers, what is known is that
recorded this cult believes that with-
account of in each person is a soul, re-
Appro-Mor- siding in the heart. By removing
tica being the heart and worshipping it, anoint-
driven off, ing themselves in the still pump-
and in that ing blood, the soul eaters be-
horrifying lieve that they will bring about
encounter, the arrival of their dark god
the survivors from another dimension.
claimed that it They claim
fired at the most that this god
well armed and ar- speaks to
mored travelers first, killing them in their
them to make it easier dreams, and
to get at the non-com- caused the
batants. A detachment apocalypse
of Freehold Scouts out to prepare
of Overpass happened to the earth for his
hear the shooting and came upon the killer, and fired numer- arrival. The cult members dress in everyday commoner garb,
ous rounds into it but failed to kill it. They claimed that it ran travel in small bands acting like nomadic sheep herders or
like an ape, and was faster than any man they had ever seen. water traders, attempting to blend into a community and be-
A rare digital photo was taken of it, although the quality is poor, come accepted.
it does serve those who wish to track it down for its generous Once deposited into a unsuspecting settlement, they
4400 silver coin reward. This bounty is payable from a com- congregate one night, with their captives, and attempt to
bined fund held in Overpass and administered by the Freehold ‘bring down’ their god in a orgy of blood and chanting. During
Scouts, who want Appro dead or alive, as long as the whole their ceremonies, they wear white sheets and smocks which
body is brought in. Download this horrid NPC at www.outland- they soak in the blood of their sacrifices and later drape over
arts.com/crloot.htm or go to page 424. their victims. Once they perform this ritual, they flee town be-
fore dawn, heading to the next community on their list. In The
Metago the Harvester Crossroads Region, where this cult has been active for the
past dozen years, their rites are now widely known, and in
This pure stock human is a deranged mass murderer, who
travels the lands in disguise, sometimes alone, and at oth- small towns at least, have caused panic and distrust of all
er times with an apprentice serial killer or two. He is said to immigrants and refugees from other lands. Rewards exist for
be in his late forties, blond, armed to the teeth and lethally the eradication of this cult, which is now said to have secret
trained in the martial arts and other combat skills. Where he shrines in Steel Hill, Newburg and Overpass, where they oper-
came from is a mystery, although he appeared in Galespit a ate in secrecy, and gather victims from smaller outlying com-
decade ago where he butchered several residents in some munities to avoid local harassment. Each community offers
sort of human sacrifice; the victims were hung upside down, its own reward, of 4000+d1000sp to rid them of the local
while alive, and bled to death from their necks. The harvest chapter.

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 320

Cult of Humility High ranking, well known or powerful excavators have also been
This locally formed religious cult is wide spread, well organized and the target of this cult’s cruelties, which has earned the cult some
elusive. Its members come from many races and factional lands, ap- very dangerous and well equipped enemies, enemies who are ea-
pear as normal folk by day, but every few weeks, they gather in un- ger to work with the officials and the wealthy victims to eradicate
derground basement shrines and dress in black hoods and where the ‘humiliators’.
red masks with exaggerated happy faces and long hooked noses.
They are said to pray to their gods for an hour before gathering clubs The Coilers
and nets and skulking forth into the streets to raid a pre-determined See The Coil for information and encounter tables about these
household or inn, beating and tying up household members and ser- mutant cannibals. While they tend to stay within 10km of their
vants, stealing valuables, subduing any guards or pets, all to secure islands, there have been increasingly troublesome reports of up
an unholy one to appease their god’s lust for pain and humility. The to a dozen canoe loads of theses man eating savages undertak-
victims are nearly always fit, attractive and feisty people of importance ing expeditions far up rivers or down the coast as far as The De-
in a community, or of wealth or military power. The more personally thpool Ruins. These forays seem to be more than merely hunting
powerful the subject is, the more the cult covets them for their make- missions, as the cannibals have women among them who are
shift wooden alters. The victim is tied down, stripped, and slowly tor- not always seen returning north again. It is surmised that these
tured with many non-lethal techniques and tools. Mistreatments in- primitive human colonists are seeking new places to inhabit, and
clude hot wax poured onto the body, the shaving of the person’s head grow their numbers, at least on a seasonal basis, locations where
and eyebrows, hundreds of lacerations cut into intricate writings and other humans are present to ritually kill and eat.
codes, branding with red hot wires bent into cryptic shapes, and final-
ly, an assortment of bizarre and humiliating performances, some bla- Hynro The Slaver
tantly sexual in their attempts, others revolting and ego shattering. In Hynro is a large mutant with several impressive mental muta-
the end, the person is blindfolded and left tied to a prominent public tions, as well as a bone plated body, enormous muscles, an
place, beaten and blooded, barely conscious (reduced to 2d6 END), array of relic weapons. He has a reputation for being a
with a sign hanging around his or her neck with some humiliating violent, merciless collector of slaves. While
and nonsensical remarks such as “I have sinned with a dog,” or slavery is legal in many new era communi-
“My sins are my salvation, please abuse me,” or “God has wak- ties, the gathering of slaves is not typically a
ened me with the fist and seed of his disciples,” and “Those who locally conducted activity but rather handled
rule this town, are the excrement of the era.” through the purchase of people from en-
Whatever the cult’s motivations, they do their best emy lands, prisoners of war, criminals or
to ensure that their victims live on, and in some other misfits. Where Hynro and his brutal
cases, the unfortunates are further pestered with gang differ from normal slavers is that
strange letters, markings on one’s door, the intru- they conduct themselves in the inde-
sion into one’s home and return of articles sto- pendent towns, Holy Purist Empire
len the night the victim was first captured. In and both Northern and Lower Free-
one case in Overpass, the same victim was holds, utilizing a network of slave
captured and abused on a second occa- takers who work from a list.
sion, however, the second time his wife On this list are prospec-
was also captured and made to witness tive slaves and individuals who
his humiliation and torture, before her match the description and de-
self undergoing the same fate. tails sought after by particular
While they do not kill people, nor even buyers. Numerous concubine col-
their guardians and pets, this cult strikes at lectors throughout the region, and
the foundation of a community’s ruler, as well from afar, seek a particular race,
as their heroes and most promising citi- or, a specific individual who has
zens. These victims, who often either humiliated the buyer or
have money and power, have caught the person’s eye. These
arranged a substantial reward buyers supply Hynro with their
for the elimination of request and a deposit of sev-
or infiltration and eral hundred silvers, and pay
exposure of this the rest when the captive is de-
cult, an amount livered. Many times, this service
totaling 3500sp, acts as a kidnapping
paid out by the ring more than a
government of slave dealership,
Overpass in con- however, the min-
junction with ions of Hynro,
the families which operate
and leaders in every
of other open faction-
town leaders. al terri-
tory, are
always on
the look out
for an attractive
woman or fit young man to add to
their inventory. Among other crimi-
nal organizations, Hynro’s reputation
is gold, and all raiders and outlaws know

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The Crossroads Region Part Nine: Heros, Outlaws and Organizations 321
that they can easily sell captives to this slaver’s organization, es- state held communities. They thrive off torture, rape and pil-
pecially people kidnapped locally, where avoiding the outrage of lage, stealing food and drink from the caravans and individu-
the citizens or law enforcers is desired. als they crush, and always on the look out for some excavation
Hynro has an office in Newburg, where he lives in an under- team to butcher and loot. They take only females as prisoners,
ground ‘palace’ and slave market in the seedy side of town, safe and then, only those of 30 or better appearance, usually killing
from the many enemies he has made in the Freeholds. The authori- all other adults in a gory, prolonged fashion, and leaving any
ties in Steel Hill offer 3000sp for his head, while those in Overpass children to fend for themselves.
offer 5600sp. The government of Newburg does not interfere with Their merciless, brutal activities have even earned them
the slaver’s operation so long as he doesn’t kidnap any members the hatred of slavers and fellow criminal organizations alike, for
of the ruling, well-to-do or officer’s families. Download the Hynro they prey on all whom they meet, as long as they outnumber
NPC sheet at www.outlandarts.com/crloot.htm or see page 435. the potential targets, or are convinced that they can easily de-
feat them. They are not stupid, however, and value their wicked
Geshrod’s Marauders lives as much as any; thus, if even a small group of determined,
This group does not limit their free booting habits to just the well equipped or gifted mutants can slay an equal number of
Crossroads Region, and from time to time have been known to the marauders without themselves suffering obvious casual-
head east into the Shattered Region to raid caravans or small ties, then the marauders are likely to pull back for several hours
villages. They are characterized by their relic vehicles, armor and simply use a few brigands with long range weapons to pick
and weapons, which keeps them on the move and able to fend off the targets from afar, weakening the travelers before again
off larger groups of the lower tech troops. The bulk of their band closing in.
rides in dune buggies and motorcycles, while Geshrod drives a Surrendering to these thugs is a sure way to get oneself
scrap built tank and his four corporals each fly ultra lights fitted butchered like a pig, for these barbarians despise nothing so
with heavy machine guns. much as a coward, or a non-combatant. If a person or group
These brigands wear scrap relic armor and each wields at puts up a daring fight, stands to the last man or woman, or con-
least one relic weapon, a machete and a back up heavy cross- ducts themselves in some fashion which earns the admiration
bow. Treat them as elite soldiers for statistics. There are usually or awe of the marauders, then these slayers are very likely to re-
16+2d6 marauders on dirt bikes, 8+d6 dune buggies which treat just before finishing the defenders off, and then send forth
each holds three men, one who drives while the other two fire one brigand to say that the brave survivors are free to go with
their personal weapons, finally, in Geshrod’s scrap tank, called their own personal gear, but must leave the battle area and all
‘Augustus’, he has a harem of d4+1 slave women and a body- the weapons and valuables of any comrades who have fallen. In
guard of 4 cyborg body guards. The tank is armed with a sal- any future encounters with these raiders, if any of these brave
vaged M364 Howitzer and has 2d6 rounds remaining, plus, few are seen in a group, this gang is 56% likely to simply call off
a chain gun mounted on the top turret supplied with 3d100 an attack and merely watch the travelers pass, going so far as
rounds of belt fed standard rifle ammo. to salute the survivors of a previous and honorable battle. In the
This motorized gang of raiders are said to have several event that the marauders do end up attacking, all former immu-
outposts in the region, usually in ancient underground ruins nity is gone and must be re-earned in combat.
with concealed doorways, observation hatches and a sizable A fund exists, raised by both freeholds and many indepen-
cache of arms and ammo. A detachment of d6+6 marauders, dent towns, which will pay 12,000sp for the killing or capture of
3d6 slaves and the 4d6 children had by these female slaves Geshrod, plus, his conqueror is allowed to claim all of Geshrod’s
occupy each of these hideouts. Geshrod’s Marauders are hold belongings and slaves, so long as those slaves are not claimed
over barbarians, the fifth and sixth generations of a notorious by family members. This bounty can be collected in Galespit from
gang which terrorized this area even before the great geologi- the ruling O’Finny clan. GM’s can download the Geshrod NPC
cal upheavals and collapse of several local corporations and sheet at www.outlandarts.com/crloot.htm or see page 433.

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Part Ten:

Ruin Areas
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The Crossroads Region Part Ten: Ruin Areas 323

Part Ten: Ruin Areas

The Dethpool Ruins are home to a strain of reptilius bypassed the Kelpies and their flying lizard mounts, and col-
called the Kelpies, who make their lair on the looted husk of lected bags of plastic scraps, curiosities, ancient arms and
an ancient warship, see Frigate, page 347 for details on this armor, and other wondrous relics.
vessel and information on these aquamarine colored, ornate-
ly finned lizard men. The Kelpies see the entire Dethpool ruin The Overgrown Ruins sit within the Overgrown For-
area as their territory and maintain constant patrols, by swim- est and are a fair sized cluster of very well preserved tow-
ming in groups of 2d6+2, rowing canoes or on foot patrols up ers which stand above the mounds and hillocks around them.
through the floors of the towering skyscrapers. Only the tallest structures have thus far resisted complete en-
These lizard folk are keenly aware that small, well armed, velopment in the creeping vines and moss which has claimed
dangerous groups of humans frequently trespass into these so many of the shorter or more damaged structures nearby.
structures. To spot these pesky interlopers, the kelpies have These concrete, glass and alloy towers are rumored to have
posted detachments of watchers on the tops of all the sky- served the ancients as both office buildings and residential
scrapers, 3d6 reptilius per structure with d6 winged slasher high rise condos, although tales persist of scattered security
lizards as aerial mounts and patrol beasts. If the boats of in- stations, police garrisons, laboratories and other high tech fa-
vaders are seen approaching any of the great ruined build- cilities. The main feature of these ruins is not surprisingly the
ings, these observers will ignite a signal fire and use smoke riotous plant life in the area, which year by year is claiming
signals to denote both the number of raiders and the struc- ever more of the sky scrapers. In some places, in the outly-
ture they have entered. During night time, dense fog, or if they ing portions of the ruins, the structures are all but encased in
fail to spot intruders at all, then the reptilius occupying the plants, growth, while tons of rotting leaves and intrusive vines
target building will not be properly forewarned of the trespass- press through the windows and doorways, filling chambers
ers, and gain no +1 initiative bonus upon meeting excavators with their root works and debris. In spite of this inevitable and
or other looters. unstoppable take over by life, there are said to be extensive
For the most part, the Dethpool Ruins have not yet been underground tiers, complete with criss crossing subways sys-
extensively explored nor looted, due both to the sea water tems, shopping malls, pedestrian tunnels, and the remains of
surrounding the base of each structure, as well as the over- assorted small industrial sites.
whelming numbers of Kelpie reptilius. Every humanoid en- To get to either the promising skyscrapers or under-
counter within these ruins will be with these lizard folk, who ground troves, however, excavators must traverse the street
are said to number in the thousands throughout this part of levels while searching for a likely entrance to more profitable
the region, and are all ruled by one family of very intelligent, areas. Here, in the vine and weed choked streets, along nar-
fierce reptilius. In spite of the watchers and the threat of fac- row paths and ledges, the going is slow and especially peril-
ing overwhelming numbers, excavators try their luck in these ous due to the dangerous plants which seem to be around
towers on a weekly basis, often returning with tales of dis- every bend, not to mention the local packs of bipedal rats
appointment, intense resistance, ambushes or sole survivor and horrifying green walkers. Encounters for each area of the
stories. On the odd occasion, however, a team will return to Overgrown Ruins are shown on the next page, occurring at
either Steel Hill, Sorrow or Sea Home and recount how they the normal rate and range:

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The Crossroads Region Part Ten: Ruin Areas 324
Encounters in the Overgrown Ruins The Great Ruins: So vast are these impressive ruins
that they spread across portions of four separate regional
2d6 Street Level quadrants. In their south western most corner however, they
occupy a considerable tract of land in the Crossroads Region
2. Spider, freakish on the far side of the great ‘earth wound’ called The Rip and
3. Spiders rubble d6 north and east of Pitford. While the vast majority of this bat-
tered section of old Los Angeles lies in other regions, what
4-8. Normal Street level Ruin Encounter TME page 130 does exist here is dotted with very well preserved structures,
9. Plants, green walkers, 3d6 and therefore attracts a lot of interest to the many industri-
al and military installations which sit among tattered rows of
10. Rats, bipedal 3d6+3 using crossbows and knives corporate, residential and warehouse structures. Although
11 Plants, constriction vines, d3 in places block after block have been incinerated by tactical
nukes, earthquakes or other devastating events, and the rub-
12. Plants, impaler bush ble piles up a kilometer deep in spots, there remain many sur-
prisingly intact sections of pre-holocaust architecture.
2d6 Underground Many of these great skyscrapers reach a dozen or more
kilometers tall, even those with their tops blasted off, allowing
2. Plant, impaler bush one to only guess as to how tall these structures once where.
3. Plants, Dart mushrooms, d6 Many of the buildings have more-or-less intact poly-carbon-
ate reflective glass, which gleams by day and occasionally, at
4-7. Normal Underground Ruin Encounter, TME page 130 night, emit an eerie glow from their top most floors, or fire light
8. Plants, green walkers, 3d6+6 where some tribe of humanoids makes their lair.
In this sector of the region, many groups claim ownership of
9. Worm, stabber
this vast treasure trove, waging an unending and merciless war.
10. Rats, bipedal 3d6 using machetes and javelins Warmorts, skullocks, moaners, Rock Spire Protectors, isolated
11. Plants, constriction vines, d4 pockets of Mecha, and dozens of less common but equally mo-
tivated and resilient sub-factions claim small, shifting territo-
12. Rats, bipedal, 4d6+10 using clubs ries, their borders changing daily. Into this mix come the almost
daily incursions of excavation teams. These squads of treasure
2d6 Skyscraper hunters try to avoid unprofitable and treacherous detection by
the ‘Rubble Clans’ as they call them, and instead seek some
2. Lizard, winged slasher passage leading to as yet unlooted chambers either above or
3. Rats, bipedal, with bows and daggers, 2d6+2 below street level. Such looters often remain unseen due to
the small size of their groups, their camouflage, and stealthy
4-8. Normal Skyscraper Ruins Encounter, TME page130 ways, allowing them to sneak passed watchful patrols to either
9. Plant, constriction vines, d2 slip down some crack, hole or sewer hatch, into the vast under-
ground levels, or ascend a rusted stairwell and explore floor af-
10. Plants, green walkers, 3d6 ter floor of massive high rise, well away from the skirmishes and
11. Spiders, rubble d8 guerilla warfare on the junk strewn streets below.
The Rubble Clans themselves are either the guardians of
12. Spider, freakish their so-called ‘Holy Domains’ or simply protective of a site be-

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The Crossroads Region Part Ten: Ruin Areas 325
cause they themselves are looting the facility of valuables or
else use a concrete and steel structure as their fortified camp. 2d10 Underground Ruin Areas
In either case, excavation teams, or lone scavengers, are seen
as trespassing grave robbers, to be killed on sight if not cap- 2. Mecha patrol, d6 pocket bots
tured or driven off. Very skilled and well armed groups of ex- 3. Mecha patrol, d6+2 household robots with
perienced excavators are also a serious threat to the various pipes**
inhabitants of the ruins, for while they may be small in num-
ber, they represent an enormous peril and quite often out gun 4. Warmort exploration party, 3+d3 in number.
and out think the locals, weakening a Rubble Clan so gravely 5. Moaner patrol, 2d6+2
that once the excavator’s leave, the surviving beings are un-
able to fend off their more traditional enemies. Because of 6-12. Normal Skyscraper ruin encounter, page TME 130.
this great hatred and reasonable dread of excavation squads, 13. Skullock dig team, 6+d6 holding shovels, but
humanoids and other intelligent beings actively tract down or wearing daggers at their belts
ambush dig teams, as is reflected in the following encounter
tables: 14. Skullock guards, 4+d4 with crossbows and machetes
15. Rats, bipedal, 3d6
Encounters in the Great Ruins
16. Scorpions, cave d3
17. Spiders, rubble d4
2d10 Street Level Ruins
18. Worms, jaw d3
Excavation team, 4+d4 members, heading to 19. Worm, stabber
2. dig site if before noon, heading for Pitford if after
noon. 20. Worm, hydra
** Violence inhibitor chips removed.
Scavengers, d3, who will cautiously wave, but
keep well away from excavation teams. They are,
3. however, 77% likely to hold up a lone PC who is not
wearing shell class relic armor.
2d10 Skyscraper Ruin Areas
Rock Spire Ambush! 3+d3 Protectors* spread out
4. in a half circle around the approaching PCs using Mecha guard, Industrial Android, uses fists to kill
cover and gaining +2 initiative and -30 DV.
2. intruders.
Street Level Ruin Encounters, TME page 3.
5-10. Normal Mecha patrol, 2d6 household robots with pipes.**
4. Plant, constriction vine
Skullock patrol, d4+2 with bows and hatchets on
mutant dogs. They will ride away from groups who
5. Urcellia, d4

11. outnumber them, seeking help from encounter 6-11. Normal Skyscraper Ruin Encounter, Page TME 130
12 which is 87% likely to arrive behind PCs 2d10
minutes later if any of these scouts successfully
12. Skullock patrol, 4+2d6 using bows and daggers
flee the encounter. 13. Warmort patrol 3+d3
Skullock brigade, 3d6+3 using javelins, axes and 14. Moaner hunting party 2d6+3
12. carrying junk shields, plus one leader in tactical
armor using a random relic weapon (WC-R).
15. Plants, green walkers, 4d6

Rock Spire Protectors* 3+d4 moving the character’s

16. Rats, Bipedal with bows and knives, 2d6+6
13. way, equally surprised. They will always run from supe- 17. Insects, red wasps, 2d10
rior numbers.
18. Birds, skal, 3d6+10
Moaners, 2d6+2, who simply charge forward without
14. any order nor plan other than to tear apart intruders
19. Spiders, rubble 2d4
and perhaps take pure stocks as prisoners for mating. 20. Spider, freakish
Warmorts, d3+3 who are blocking the street
15. ** Violence inhibitor chips removed.
ahead and protected behind cover (-30 DV).
16. Bipedal rats with clubs, 3 per excavator encountered.
17. Moaner mob, 3d6+10, out for flesh and slaves. The Scrub Ruins protrude from the junk and silt of The
Scrubs badland. These skyscrapers and low rise buildings jut
18. Warmort squad, d4+4 on foot. up from the surrounding silt and debris by virtue of both their
19. Mecha patrol, 2d4 household robots with pipes.** height, and the small valley-like depression in which they re-
side. The lower levels of these structures, along with the many
Mecha defenders, clerical android leader with rel- kilometers of totally buried ruins, are almost entirely clogged
20. ic weapon WC-R, who hangs back and commands with layers of muck and garbage, and rarely considered ac-
5+d6 household robots who wield pipes.** cessible by excavation teams which operate here. Neverthe-
* See Rock Spire, page 284 less, the lower levels are being used, by worms and other tun-
** Violence inhibitor chips removed.
nel digging creatures, as well as the many hundreds of biped-
al rats which call these ruins home. Excavation teams have
been known to come across a rat warren, or a giant worm tun-
nel, and enter these underground mazes, discovering cham-

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The Crossroads Region Part Ten: Ruin Areas 326
bers which have remained unexplored since they day the tidal
waves devastated this part of the coast in long ago times. For 2d6 Skyscraper Ruins
the most part, however, it is the collection or more or less in-
tact skyscrapers which attract the attention of human excava- 2. Insect, black centipede
tors, as well as nesting birds and bugs, web building spiders 3. Spiders, rubble, d6
and other animals. Knowing that humans seek their fortune
in the towering structures, the bipedal rats send out strong Rats, bipedal, level guards, 6+d6 with crossbows and
patrols into the streets and great buildings, attempting to knives
drive off, kill or capture the intruders. 5-8. Normal Skyscraper Ruin Encounter, TME page 130
This particular strain of bipedal rat seem to be smarter, or at
least better led than rat folk are in other parts of the region, and Rats, bipedal, observers, d3+3 with crossbows and
have established a large nation which sends forth their raiders as knives, one has a whistle he blows to alert rat folk
far west as Memory, north to Sandbarra, east to the edges of Bit- throughout the vicinity, with a 4 in 6 chance 3d6 more
ter Bog, and along the shores of the Dethpool Ruins, where they bipedal rats show up in 3d6 minutes if whistle blown.
wage a bloody war with the Kelpie strain of reptilius. 10. Lizard, winged slasher, nesting
Encounters in each of the Scrub Ruin sectors are as fol-
lows, occurring at the normal range and frequency as other 11. Insects, red wasps, hive 4d10
ruin areas: 12. Urcellia, d6

Encounters in the Scrub Ruins

Bipedal Rat Reinforcements Note: If one or more bipedal

rats are able to flee a battle, they have a 2 in 6 chance, rolled
after 3d6 minutes of in-game time, of returning to pursue the
excavators with reinforcement numbering 2 per each excava-
tor, armed with bows and knives.
2d6 Street Level Ruins

Excavation team, 3+d4 members, possible new

2. PCs?
Rats, bipedal, cavalry on giant rats, armed with
3. bows and machetes, d6+6
4. Spiders, rubble, d8
Rats, bipedal, scouts, d6+1, with crossbows and
5. knives, will immediately flee to seek help, see
above note on reinforcements.
street level ruin encounter, see table TME-4-2,
6-9. Normal
page TME 130
Bird, great eagle, looking for its favorite food of rat
10. folk, but will take normal sized human as prey.
Rats, bipedal, platoon, 10+3d6, armed with 2 jav-
11. elins and a hatchet each.
12. Lizard, skulking render

2d6 Underground Ruins

2. Rats, gutter, 3d6+6
Rats, bipedal, 2d6 tunnel guards, armed with cross-
3. bows and machetes
Underground Ruin Area Encounter, see table TME-4-
4-7. Normal
2, page TME 130
Rats, bipedal, dig team, 3d6 with pick axes, plus, 2d6
human commoner slave men with shovels, chained to
8. each other and at half endurance due to starvation and
9. Worms, jaw, 2d6
10. Worm, huge jaw
11. Scorpions, cave, d6
12. Rats, bipedal, 20+3d6, nesters, armed with clubs

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Part Eleven:
Points of Interest
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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 328

Part Eleven: Points of Interest

Ajax Lake: Golden Creek spills into this round, medium mutant superiors. Failure to look like legitimate travelers will
sized lake from the north east end and flows out the south result in all weapons being confiscated and the boat pulled to
western edge. This flow brings a constant supply of spawning Red Field, where a Shadow Minion serving the Local Magis-
trate, Abattoir Arleen, will question and possibly torture sus-
salmon through this waterway during the months of Septem- pected spies or rebels.
ber and October making for excellent seasonal fishing for the 4. As in 1-3 above, however a second Dominion Longboat is
people of Red Field. The rest of the year, some fishing activates also on the water, converging from 400+3d100 meters away
take place, but most boat traffic consists of Aberrationist mili- from the eastern shore.
tary units crossing over to enter Twisted Wood and engage the 5. A rowboat containing d3+1 mutant fisherman (common-
Purist detachments which are known to infiltrate deep into ers with one minor mutation each), are nearby and wave as
the PCs pass. They will be 200+d100m away during the day,
Dominion territory. Travelers going up or down Golden Creek but only 2d20m away at night. If they see that there are any
may or may not stop at Red Field, however, it is not unusual armed pure stocks or cyborgs on the traveler’s boat, they will
for a Dominion longboat loaded with Irregulars to row out to head back to Red Field and report the sighting, descriptions
meet passing boats to inspect the passengers and cargo, al- and heading of the craft. If this encounter takes place in ei-
ways vigilant for pure stocks who are armed, or even Freehold ther September or October, then there will be 10+d20 row-
boats on the water, all around the traveler’s boat, fishing for
Scouts and Rangers who might be masquerading as excava-
tors or traders. 6. A galporra fish rises up under the traveler or their boat, and
attacks fiercely. This fish has learned to attack boats to make
Ajax lake Encounters: There is a 5 in 10 chance of a special a hole large enough to yank salmon through the bottom, but
Ajax Lake encounter while crossing this water body in front if there are no fish in the craft, it will become enraged and
of Red Field, day or night, plus, the regular encounter check after seriously damaging the boat, will use its graspers to try
odds of 2 in 10 per every hour spent on a boat or other water and grab at one person per attack and pull them into the cold
craft, or 6 in 10 if swimming. Roll d8: water to devour. After getting one man sized victim, it will de-
part with its meal.
1-3. A black painted longboat with 8+d4 Dominion Irregulars 7. If during the day, a giant Dragon fly (see insects) attacks
are rowing out to meet the characters, 200+d100m away dur- the travelers, however at night, a black Owl descends and
ing the day, but by night, unless night vision mutations or gear makes its first attack on the shortest character in the boat or
are used, the boat is encountered only 2d20+4m away. This water if the target is swimming.
military longboat is fitted with a ballista and a rear canopy 8. Bat Rider Squadron! If during the day, the travelers see the do-
and cook stove. It will chase any craft which does not stop minion Bat Riders approaching from 1000+d1000m away, while
immediately for it and upon capturing the passengers, the ir- at night, the silent patrol will be only 10+d20 meters away when
regulars will beat all aboard, and be 67% likely to execute first seen. The unit of 3+d3 mutants on their giant bats will skim
any pure stocks or cyborgs they find and throw their looted over the traveler’s vessel, taking a look to make sure mutants are
corpses overboard. If a passing boat does stop and allow it- aboard, but will tolerate pure stock slaves if not obviously armed
self to be inspected, the longboat will pull alongside and use or armored. If fired upon or only pure stocks are aboard, the Bat
gaffs to pull itself tightly to the other vessel. d3+2 irregulars Riders will fire arrows down on the boaters for a dozen or more
will go aboard the other craft and search the cargo, and, dis- rounds, trying to seriously weaken the occupants before diving in
cern if any pure stocks are on board and if they are legitimate for melee combat, letting their terrible mounts do most of the kill-
slaves, unarmed, carrying no weapons, and respectful of their ing while their riders stay on their backs and swing sabers

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 329

join the PC’s team as an excavator. There is a 3 in 6 chance he

Arcola Ramps: On the extreme western edge of the Great is a mutant with d2 prime and d2 minor mutations.
Ruins, these ancient ground vehicle ramps stand in a stark dead 8. d6+4 excavators, with d6+2 commoner men with shovels
land, marking the border between the old war zone and the near- and crossbows as workers, and an escort of d6+2 soldiers as
by ruins. Excavators, scavengers, and salvage teams from nearby additional guards. They are heading to the ruins for the day,
Pitford make for this spot as it offers excellent ruin access and a and tell the PCs not to follow or they will be fired upon as tag-
great observation point to what lays ahead. From these ramps, on’s (a term meaning one who tags along, following experi-
humans can access the ruins beyond and plot a course, often enced teams to locate their choice ruins entrance points).
while observing roaming creatures or groups of humanoids be- 9. A group of d3+1 excavators, who have just made it out
yond; mapping out a route to avoid any of these unnecessary and of the ruins and are resting. They are all in shock and seri-
unprofitable encounters. The Arcola Ramps also offer some lim- ously wounded, have no relics and are in tatters. They say
ited day time protection, since many other excavation teams pass they came from Rope Cross, (see Shattered Region) and were
this way daily, therefore it is conceivable that a retreating team nearly wiped out by warmorts, moaners, and then skullocks,
can drag itself out of the ruins and head here, even while being as well as Narkanna and other creatures. They tell the char-
pursued, and have some reasonable sense of hope that other acters that they’re not well enough outfitted nor of sufficient
excavators will be able to help them. While teams in previous de- numbers to challenge these particular ruins. They themselves
cades did camp here overnight, the emergence of smarter, bolder vow to quit the profession and become farmers if they can
humanoid and animal adversaries put a stop to this, devouring just make it back to Pitford.
over night intruders. During the day, many beasts and half men 10. Nobody on the ramps on this roll, however, from the North the
avoid this area, but at night, their numbers increase. PCs can see a horde of humanoids, possibly warmorts, but could
be skullocks, bipedal rats or even savages, moving toward the
Daytime Encounters at the Arcola Ramps: There is a 6 in ramps. They are d6+4 kilometers away, and approaching steadily
10 chance of a special encounter each time excavators arrive at 10m per round. In time, within a kilometer range if the gath-
here by day, either coming from or heading to the ruins. If the ered humans on the ramps have no binoculars or spotting scope,
characters are fleeing the ruins, there is an 80% likelihood that much further out if somebody does have such relics, it is clear
any humans will wait here and assist any friendly digger teams that the hoard is in fact; roll d6: 1,2. 100+d100 skullocks deter-
against all pursuing beasts or humanoids, especially skullocks mined to take the Ramps and then move onto Pitford and raid the
which humans in these parts passionately despise. Roll d10 outskirts of that place. / 3. Bipedal rats 130+2d100 bipedal rats
moving south from The Shallow Sea region to pillage the south.
1. Skullock raiders have arrived and will be attacking any other /4. 40+d20 warmorts on the war path. / 5. d100+70 mutant hu-
non-skullock roll on this table (roll another result on this list, which man cannibal savages (d2 prime mutations and d2 subs group
the skullocks are attacking, or combined if roll 1 occurs again). wide). / 6. 100+d100 reptilius out on a feeding frenzy.
There are 2d6+6 here, range 500+d100m when the PCs spot
them. They won’t abandon this prized turf without good reason. Nighttime Encounters at the Arcola Ramps: There is a 4
2. A normal encounter for the Ruins, Street Level, is situated here. in 10 chance of a special encounter when arriving here at
See table TME-4-2, page 130 hub rules book. night. Roll d10 below
3. d6 scavengers are sitting at the summit of the ramps ob-
serving the comings and goings of the vista. They are reclu- 1. A lone excavator who has somehow managed to survive and
sive and won’t say anything. make it out of the ruins, wounded and unarmed. He or she will
4. 6+3 excavators, supposedly heading to the ruins, are argu- be very, very grateful to any fellow diggers who can help.
ing over which way to go first. They will help other excavators 2. 10+2d10 skullocks who are rummaging about in the trash left
in trouble if the situation is not suicidal. by the humans and mutants who had been there during the day.
5. A lone excavator, wounded down to d10 endurance, stag- 3. d6+6 warmorts who have managed to capture d6+2 exca-
gering out of the ruins, carrying a crossbow, pursued by vators and are setting about to dine on them. They have a large
a random street level ruin encounter. Range of excavator bon-fire going and are arguing over who to torture and then eat
200+d1000m, range of pursuers, 2d100m behind excava- first. The excavators are naked, tied up and blind folded, all re-
tor. This chase is heading directly for the PCs duced to 2d6 END each after being defeated in battle.
6. A nomadic trader and d6+2 militia soldiers, all on riding 4. A mass of 10+2d10 moaners are clustered about the high
dogs, are set up with a few canopies, selling 3d6 liters of point on the ramps, devouring some dead excavators (d6+1)
water at 15+d20sp each, plus, d100 days of rations at 5sp who were late leaving the ruins.
a portion, plus, a 21% chance of 2d6 standard rifle ammo 5. A crawldeth sits at the top of the ramps, feeding on a dead
rounds at a cost of 80sp each, and a 31% chance of 2d6 horse, oblivious to the PCs unless they get within 20 meters.
standard pistol rounds at 70sp each. 6-10. Roll as normal nighttime for street level ruins at night.
7. A militia solider, with shovel and 10m rope, asks if he can

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 330

Barter River: This great winding river extends across the

entire Crossroads Region, as well as bisecting much of the
neighboring Shattered Region. Its headwaters start at the base
of Shard Mountain at the upper reaches of the Barrier Moun-
tain range, near the community of Toxic Town. At the far end,
the river makes its way to the Pacific Ocean by way of Sand-
barra, after being reduced to a vast, slow moving swamp called
Bitter Bog and splitting up into smaller rivers. This great water-
way has served as a trade route for generations, and to this
day, is the primary migration and transportation thoroughfare
for small groups or travelers, as well as larger flotillas of pil-
grims, refugees and marauders; all low tech peoples who can
mange to built rafts or canoes with ease. The entire length of
the river is navigable by cargo barge, however, in some areas
Atrocity Creek: Earning its name from a horrendous further east, in the Shattered Region, poles are needed to drive
massacre which took place in the summer of 2336 when mixed the craft along, or else, crews with shovels must dig trenches in
human and mutant human refugees began to cross this slow great sandbars to make way for the craft, a dangerous occupa-
moving, shallow creek and were overtaken by Aberrationist Cav- tion due to predators which infest the murky waters.
alry. The DOA belligerents, led by Ithiogot the Beast, managed to Anyone traveling up or down stream can bet on meeting other
surprise the flanking militia and wipe them out. His forces then boaters, possibly even a cargo barge fitted for war by Purists or
moved on to catch the main body of fleeing people, and butcher other factions. Besides humanoid wayfarers, there are always vast
them almost to the last child. Very few survived this raid, and assortments of aquatic animals in the silt filled, brownish water,
those that did, as well as many Aberrationist troops who were as well as many creatures which watch the river from the shore,
morally distraught by their role in the bloodshed, named the looking for carrion to float by, or, small boatloads of travelers. For
creek after the atrocity which befell here. At that time, few had the most part, the river is d6+2 meters deep everyplace in the
witnessed such senseless violence against fellow humans, or Crossroads Region, and 4+2d6 meters wide, or wider when flow-
mutants, particularly as there were no slaves taken; with slavery ing out into several of the lakes and open areas along the route.
being the customary result of human warfare up to that point The river below Inter-State, and about half way into Bitter Bog, is
since the taking of slaves was a profitable result of waging war, controlled by Purist forces, while from Bitter Bog to the sea, Rep-
not to mention a method of acquiring new ‘spouses’. tilius or Southern Rangers control the waterway. North of Inter-
Today, this creek is a reed and lily pad choked stream, State, no single faction claims the river, and it is used by skullocks,
over a hundred meters wide in places and more like a lake warmort, human traders, excavators and raiders equally.
during the winter and spring months when it is even navigable
by cargo barges all the way to where it meets Border Creek. Encounters on Barter River: Encounters occur as per nor-
From the months of June to October, the river dries up from mal frequency and range for rivers, see Hub Rules, part four:
over 3 meters deep down to only half a meter deep, and in Encounters, however, roll below for the results of an encoun-
some places is but a trickle of water running between smooth ter, with NPC boat or raft users 72% likely to be heading
stones. Many alligators and predatory fish gather in the pools downstream, otherwise upstream. Roll d10.
of deeper water during these months, and can be more eas- 1-5. Normal freshwater encounter, see table 4-4, page 132
ily harpooned, while also making the river shallow enough to TME hub rules.
cross on foot. 6. Local non-humans have set up an ambush on either side
of the river, and will fire on travelers as they pass, then pursue
June to October Encounters on Atrocity Creek: During the using canoes. There will be one canoe per four individuals,
months of June to October, roll below for encounters, while with the specific species dependant on the area of the river.
the rest of the year normal fresh water encounters will re- Within Bitter Bog and out to the mouth of the Tainted Sea,
sult. Roll d12 8+3d6 Reptilius using bows and flint axes. From Bitter Bog
North to Inter-State, 6+2d6 skullocks using crossbows and
1-3. Normal freshwater encounter, see Table TME-4-4, page hatchets, while north of Inter-State, 4+2d4 warmorts using
132 TME hub rules book. heavy crossbows.
4. Aberrationist patrol, on foot across river, 6+d6 Dominion 7. A human trader, and his 2d4+2 militia soldiers in a long-
Warriors, who will greet all mutant parties with smiles and boat, will be pure stocks if met south of Inter-State and up to
well wishing, however, if any pure stocks (cyborgs-synthetics Bitter Bog, otherwise 67% likely to be common mutants else-
or androids included) are among the travelers and bearing where. They will appreciate camping with friendly excavators
weapons and wearing armor, the troops will aim their cross- on a sandbar or other defensible location.
bows, order the travelers to come to their side of the river and
drop all their weapons. The group will then be tied up and tak-
en to North Fort for questioning and probable slavery. Need-
less to say, groups with no mutants in them will be fired upon
without hesitation.
5. 3d6 mud worms all around travelers.
6. d6+1 jaw worms, emerge from the muddy river bed.
7. Huge jaw worm, rises from the muck and drying reeds.
8. d4 bog spiders scuttle toward the travelers from nearby
9. Sharks, d3 amphibious.
10. Insect, mud grabber
11. Alligators, d4 small, d2 large
12. Alligator, huge

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 331
8. Bounty Hunters, d3, and their 2d4 raider henchmen, Encounters in Bitter Bog: Determined at the normal frequency
each is 48% likely to be a mutant regardless of the area they and distances of 3 in 10 chance per hour at d20+2m by day and
are in. They will attempt to capture identified wanted individu- d12+1 meters by night, but with a d10 roll here as to what or who:
als. They row a longboat. 1-3. Normal Swamp Encounter, page 132 TME hub rules.
9. Refugee-migrants, on rafts, 3d6 families of commoners, 4. A patrol of Lower Freehold Militia, 2d6+6 on foot, see The
each family has a man, woman, d4-1 (0-3) teens and d4-1 Lower Freehold for description and outfitting, page 64. They
children (0-3). The racial makeup of the group is determined will be happy to meet mixed race excavators, and ask them to
by rolling d6: 1,2. Pure stock humans only, who will warn away camp with them that night at a nearby ruined structure.
mutants with their bows and spears./ 3,4. Mutants only (1 mi- 5. A lone mutant with golden skin, stumbling about, half
nor mutation each) who will fire on all-pure stock groups on mad, wearing the militia uniform of the Lower Freehold. If ap-
sight. / 5,6. Mixed mutants and pure stocks, which will be very proached in a friendly manner by a mixed race group, he says
friendly when meeting mixed race excavators or mercs, and his name is Gratho, from Steel Hill, and has been lost in the
try to arrange travel and camping together while migrating to bog for years, the last survivor of a patrol.
their new homeland. 6. Reptilius patrol of the Wadango tribe. 2 per intruder at low
10. Cargo Barge! Fitted with a heavy ballista on the bow. If rank, 4 each at mid rank and 7 each at high rank.
met north of Inter-State, it is a free trader, who will welcome 7. Characters spot a reptilius war party (50+d100) encamped
excavators aboard for a night of feasting and tall tales, with on an island, but are themselves unseen.
plenty of beer to go around. If met south of Inter-State, all the 8. Holy Purist Conquistadors on patrol, (see page 188 this
way to the mouth of the river near Sandbarra, this is a Purist book for Conquistador details) there are d6+6 on foot.
barge full of Purist Conquistadors who will fire their crossbows 9. Dominion Irregulars (see page 109 this book for details on
at mutants and mixed race parties unless they surrender. If these raiders) 2d6+3 on foot.
travelers spot the huge ship in time and can put ashore, they 10. Quicksand! 2d6m across, 2d6m wide, 2d6m deep. Lead
can be off and running an easy 2d6 minutes before a squad character is allowed a type C agility based HC to step back
of 3d6+6 Conquistadors can get ashore and pursue on foot. once discovering the hazard. If he or she fails, then the per-
. son sinks up to his or her chest in the first round, thereaf-
Bitter Bog: Situated ter sinking d10cm per round until becoming submerged and
in the lowlands between drawing. There is a 2 in 10 chance that a vine is within hand
The Lower Freehold, The reach and the PC is allowed a type B STR based HC to pull
Holy Purist Empire, and free; otherwise, assistance must be given by another being.
The immense expanse of
the Twisted Wood, sits the
foul smelling, insect infest-
ed Bitter Bog. No less than
three human factions wage
war over this territory, while
the traditional inhabitants,
a tribe of pea-soup green
reptilius called the Wadan-
gos, strive to maintain
their portion of the muddy
swamp in the face of supe-
riorly armed more powerful Blue Reef: Both normal and deviant corals and other sta-
human invaders. tionary sea creatures have combined their bodies to form this
The bog is pitted with massive reef, which appears as a dark blue band in the water on
mud holes, stagnant pools, a calm day. Its most notable feature is that of an ancient cargo-
slow moving creeks, quick oil tanker ship called the Star Pacifica 12 or popularly known as
sand pits, clumps of float- Rusted Hulk, which is lodged in the reef permanently, and has
ing grass, stunted, moss become a magnet for an ever increasing number of sea crea-
covered trees, creeping tures and other reef building life forms. The great vessel houses
vines and bizarre mutant the rough and ready community of Rusted Hulk, or Rusta, which
plants and trees the likes occupies the aft superstructure of the old ship, and whose ‘Oil-
no outsider has ever seen before. There are the occasional ers’ – a caste of warriors who protect the community– venture
pockets of dense vegetations, rocky protrusions, as well as forth from, patrolling the surrounding waters, inspecting incom-
ancient ruins here and there, but nothing which attracts many ing craft, and often acting like the very pirates they so dread.
excavation teams. This area has been the grave of many pla- The reef is only d100cm below the surf at low tide, and
toons of both men and mutants, who have made this the un- 200+2d100cm below at high tide, with a tide lasting 4 hours,
official border lands between the Dominion of Aberratia, the and if not already established by the GM, being low 50% of
Holy Purists, and the Lower Freehold towns. It is a well known the time, otherwise high tide. Large relic ships, cargo and bat-
fact that the only reason the Lower Freehold have not been tle barges may not be able to cross over the reef during low
occupied by the expanding Holy Purist Empire is due to this tide, so if they wish to inspect or rob other vessels, they will
bog’s location between the two factions. Purist troops have launch rowboats when feasible.
tried to build log roads through the bog, but have always been
so badly harassed by reptilius, insect swarms or predators, Encounters in Blue Reef: Meetings in these waters are either
that the expeditions have always been called off. Getting one- with a normal salt water encounter, commercial barge traffic,
self lost within this murky lowland is easy, as there are few Dominion naval vessels, or Rusted Hulk patrols. Roll d10
permanent trails beyond the Forest Road’s broken track, and
occasionally, getting lost is precisely what outlaws and her- 1-5. Normal salt water encounter, see page 132, TME hub rules.
mits try to do when coming here. 6. Cargo Barge, food and liquor transport from Steel Hill,

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 332
1000+d1000m away by day, 10+d100m by night, will avoid Encounters in Bomb Bay: For those in small craft, normal salt
all other craft. water encounters are the norm, using the same range and fre-
7. Cargo barge, passengers and assorted merchandise, from quency (2 in 10 chance per hour, range 3+d6km by day or d1000m
Steel Hill, heading to Safe Port, 1000+d1000m away by day, by night), however, roll below to determine any variance: Roll d10:
10+d100m by night, will avoid all other craft.
8. Battle barge, Dominion of Aberratia, keeps well away from 1-6. Normal salt water encounter, see page 132, TME hub rules.
Rusted Hulk by 2km and skirts the edge of the reef only, range 7. Battle barge of the Dominion of Aberratia pulls around
d6 kilometers by day, 20+2d100m by night. If close to boaters, the bend heading into the bay from the West. It will ignore all
this ship is 43% likely to set down d3+1 rowboats, each load- small boat as long as they get out of the barge’s way, but, if it
ed with 4 Dominion Warriors armed with crossbows, to row out gets within 50 meters of any traveler’s craft, and sees heav-
after small craft which are using the reef to protect them from ily armed excavators aboard, it will turn and come alongside
the barge, capturing anybody they can, robbing them of all their the boat, ordering the occupants to raise their hands and pre-
wealth and selling them as slaves in Newburg’s slave market. pare to be boarded. If armed pure stocks are found on the
9. ‘Oilers’ in d3+2 rowboats are moving from Rusted Hulk in craft, the entire crew will be robbed and sold as slaves in the
the traveler’s direction, unless the travelers are in a barge or Newburg slave market, but, groups of all archaically armed
other large vessel and simply too threatening for these small (no visible relics) mutant excavators or mercs, or those with
craft. There are 4 Oilers in each boat (see rusted Hulk/ raid- legitimate pure stock slaves, will be told to behave while in
ers with crossbows and short swords). They will inspect ap- Hookville and let go.
proaching small craft and determine if strangers are coming 8. 2d6 Dominion Bat Riders appear from a random direction,
to trade or are Aberrationists. If accepted as traders or exca- range 500+d1000m by day, 10+d100m by night, and ‘buzz’
vators wishing to explore the hull of the ship, they will be es- the fishing boats, if any, and the craft which the travelers are
corted back to the dock area of the old tanker-transport. in, searching for armed pure stocks or suspicious looking out-
10. Canoe flotilla, range 1000+d1000m by day, 5+2d20m landers. If they see pure stocks who seem to be armed or in
by night. These are savage males, cannibals from the Coil Is- armor, they will order the occupants to row to Hookville for
lands, 3 per canoe, with two rowing and one firing a bow from inspection.
the front of each canoe. There will be d4+1 canoes if pursu- 9. Rowboat with a family of commoners, and their luggage,
ing a single canoe or rowboat, 5+d6 canoes if after a cargo heading north (man, woman, d3 teens, d3 children). If they
barge or other relic craft, while 10+2d6 canoes full if pursing realize that the characters are not Aberrationists or canni-
a battle barge. These savages will capture those they can, bals from the Coil Islands, they will ask them for help reach-
and bring them, and their dead comrades back to their is- ing Overpass on foot once they disembark at the north east
lands to be devoured, one each night. edge of the crater.
10. Cargo barge, operated by merchant from Steel Hill who
has his pure stock crew pretend to be oar slaves when they
do business with Hookville or other Aberrationists towns. They
will welcome any new passengers, for a fee of 10sp each,
as long as they are willing to fight alongside the crew if they
come under attack. They will stay in Hookville one night then
set sail for Safe Port to buy food stuffs.

Border Creek: This long, fast moving creek runs north,

providing drainage to Twisted Wood which gets a substan-
tial amount of rain during the winter and spring months, as
well as the occasional downpour during the August thunder
storm season. While Lusus River marks the officially recog-
Bomb Bay: As is name implies, this round cove is the blast nized edge of the Dominion of Aberratia, this creek identifies
crater of some ancient warhead, and is said to be over three the boundary of the ‘civilized’ portion of the nation, where
kilometers deep at its center, although who first claimed this farm land ends along the edge of the vast, brooding forest.
impressive figure is unknown. What is known, however, is that To the North, beyond the Dominion held territory, this creek is
the weapon that struck here had an effect on the DNA of the also used as a commonly recognized boundary for the North-
beings which later colonized the watery crater, and to this day, ern Freehold, for beyond it, to the west, are vast tracts of un-
there are strange beasts found in this bay unlike anyplace else. settled, wild country populated by lawless gangs, human-
Many bio-technicians claim that those who eat the fish here are oids and nomadic goat headers. Both the Dominion and the
ingesting mutagens which will later produce unthinkable devia- Northern Freehold claim this area, but neither patrols these
tions in future generations. To back this fact up, in Hookville, open plains with any regularity.
the town which sits on the shore of this crater, the proportion of The creek itself is only 2 meters wide in some spots, of-
children born as mutants is far higher than anyplace else in the ten completely canopied by vegetation, but widens to 10 me-
Dominion, and among these, some of the most hideous, miser- ters in other, slower locations, however it is deep, averaging
able freaks are born as well as the most impressive, gifted and
outrageously mutated babies.
Small rowboats and canoes to enter this bay will not elicit
much attention from the watching Aberrationist troops which
watch the bay, since there are always many fishing boats, ar-
riving traders and scavengers using this bay, however, if a car-
go barge or relic water craft appears around the bend, the
Hookville naval base will send out a battle barge to inspect the
craft. Note: There will always be 3d6 rowboats fishing on the
bay, with d3 mutant commoners in each, but by night, there
will be only d6-1 (0-5).

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3 meters depth and at times dropping off to 6 meters, often 7. Shore based enemies! If boating, you pass by the following
filling into the foundations of ancient buildings, wherein great individuals, however if trying to cross, you notice these beings
predatory fish and other creatures make their home, feeding on the far side of the creek starring back at you; roll d6: 1,2.
on smaller beings, or boat loads of humanoids. Military patrol, as above in 1,2, however they are beached on
The creek is the main thoroughfare for trade entering and a sandbar and making a camp. / 3,4. Migrant Humans, as in
leaving the dominion, as well as for craft trying to connect at encounter 3, above. / 5. Skullocks, 3d6+4 who each hurl a
the junction of the golden river in order to either paddle south javelin at passing boaters./ 6. Reptilius, who have flint axes
to Ajax Lake and Red Field, or east to Rivergrad and Lusus and flint spears, throwing the spears at passing boaters; they
River. Due to this boat traffic, it is not uncommon for travel- have canoes pulled up on the shore but will take d4+4 rounds
ers to meet other small vessels, day or night, and oftentimes, to get in them and pursue others on the river
running into patrols of Dominion Irregulars, who will be look- 8. Freshwater Sharks, 2d4, which attack swimmers, but will
ing for enemy scouts, defecting mutant citizens, excavation merely follow boaters for 3d6 hours, hoping somebody falls
teams who have armed pure stocks aboard, or other outland- into the water or other casualties occur which can provide
ers to question, beat and rob. them with an easy meal.
9. d6+1 Land Pike (see fish, Hub Rules), rise up from the
Encounters on Border Creek: If boating on the river, there is depths of the creek, attacking swimmers automatically, while
a 3 in 10 chance per hour of an encounter from the follow- if spotting those crossing on a fallen log, will leap out of the
ing selection, rolling d8, however if travelers wish to cross water and , if striking a person, will knock him or her into the
the creek, they can do so via any number of fallen ‘bridge’ creek on their first attack instead of inflicting bite damage.
logs, or swimming and rafting across, all of which results 10. 3d6 Ripper (see Fish) dart in and attack any swimmers, how-
in a 6 in 10 chance of an encounter, rolling d10. Likewise, ever, if one is crossing the creek by a fallen log, he or she can peer
should a brave person wish to swim the river, moving with it down and see the swarm of fish moving along beneath, waiting
down stream to Fever Lake, then there is a 6 in 10 chance of for an accident which will drop the person into their jaws.
an encounter per hour, also rolling d10 from the list below:
Note, all boats one meets are 57% likely to be rowing down-
stream and heading north, and you have caught up to them
Broken Highway: This stretch of ancient six lane highway
runs more or less north and south, joining Inter-State at the
if moving, or, the boaters approach from behind if the char- southern end in a tangle of on and off ramps east of Galespit,
acters are stationary on the shore, purposely going slow, or and breaking apart among the earthquake generated gullies
stopped for a long period of time. and chasms beyond Knife Lake on its way to the excavator’s
support town of Rope Cross, found in the Shattered Region.
1,2. Military Patrol in d3 canoes with 2 soldiers per craft, range Only a portion of this road appears in the Crossroads Region,
10+d20m by day, 5+d10m by night: North of Screamer Forest and that section is heavily influenced by people and events in
will be with Freehold Scouts (treat as Excavators), while south of the neighboring quadrant to the east.
the forest encounters will be with Dominion Irregulars, see page This highway is traveled by traders bringing supplies to
109 for details and illustration. Freeholders will be highly sus- distant Rope Cross and Turbine, as well as minions of the
picious of either all-mutant or all-pure stock groups, and likely larger factions who need power cells recharged at Turbine.
open fire upon spotting them. Likewise, the Aberrationist units Because of this traffic in power cells, several notorious groups
will fire on all pure stock groups they meet, and arrest groups of of raiders have laid claim to the road south of Turbine, and
mutants who have armed pure stocks traveling with them. hold up travelers whenever possible. While there are no ma-
3. Migrant humans, d6 canoes of commoners, a man and wom- jor ruins along the edges of this old road, there is a great deal
an, d2 teens and d3 children in each craft. North of Screamer of adventurer traffic heading to and from Rope Cross, which
Forest they will be a mixture of half common mutants and half allows access to the Great Ruins.
pure stocks, while South of Screamer Forest they will be com- Being near the Purehold Republic, a Shattered Region
mon mutants only. In either case, they will avoid fights and seek based, high-tech corporate hold-over state just to the east,
to camp that night with any friendly characters. people in this wild area are quite nervy and prone to either
4. Raiders! d4+1 canoes appear, each being filled with d3+1 raid- running when seeing other people, or shooting at them with
ers, of which one will sit at the front and fire his bow at those they crossbows, muskets or relic weaponry. It is well known that
meet and wish to rob. North of Screamer Forest, individuals will be the republic has come over the Red Hills and attacked Tur-
mutants only 40% of the time, while pure stocks otherwise, yet be- bine in the past, and it is only a matter of time before they
low Screamer Forest, all the thugs will be common mutants. These send their clones and cyborgs forth again (see The Shattered
marauders will first block the river and demand the travelers draw Region, Gazetteer two).
near and raise their hands, and will take any relics, trade goods,
slaves and coin pouches on those they accost. Encounters along the Broken Highway: There is a 3 in 10
5. A large alligator surfaces d10 meters away and attacks chance of an encounter on this road per hour by day, and
any swimmers or boaters, and if against water craft, will at- a 5 in 10 chance per hour by night if a group is either mov-
tack the vessel, attempting to sink it and then snap up one ing, camped on the road, or camped off the road with a fire
man sized person before submerging with its meal. ablaze, otherwise only 2 in 10 chance if camped without a fire
6. d6+2 Aberrant frogs

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and also off the road. Encounters will often be typical for the advancing in a wide front, threatening the characters away from
plains, however, traders, raiders and other travelers will also the site. / 6. A skulking render (see lizards, hub rules) pokes
be met, roll d12: its head out from the brush and evaluates the scene. If there
are 7 or more adult humans present, it backs up and retreats
1-4. Normal encounter for the plains, see page TME 131. 20+d20m and watches, waiting for the PCs to leave before go-
5. Excavators, 4+d4 newbies, first rank and on their way to ing to steal the horse carcass. However if there are less than 7
Rope Cross in the Shattered Region (not shown on the Cross- people, it hungrily goes for the nearest character, he or she who
roads Region map). They will wish to travel with other diggers heard it in the first place.
for protection, but are determined to make their own way in 12. The travelers see a large body of men or mutants, or some
the ruins once they get to Rope Cross. sort of humanoids, moving rapidly toward them from the east side
6. Trader and d4+3 Militia soldiers with musket pistols and of the road. They are 200+d100 meters away and running at full
machetes, on saddle horses, will veer off road to bypass oth- speed, anybody with binoculars can see who they are, while oth-
ers. If captured and robbed, there is a 5 in 10 chance they ers will have to wait until they are within 50 meters, due to the
have 2d4 full power cells, however, there is also a 56% chance haze and blowing dust. If the characters are mounted and simply
that they are not alone! A squad of 5+d6 more militia soldiers take off, they will outrun this infantry, perhaps never knowing their
with musket pistols arrive on the scene, having tracked their identity, but if on foot, they could gradually be overtaken, roll d6;
master, 50+d100m away! 1,2. Skullocks from the Cathedral Mountains to the east, 20+2d6
7. Raiders on saddle horses, 5+d6 appearing against low / 3. Raiders, 3d6+6 / 4. Warmorts, 10+d10 / 5. Bipedal rats,
rank PC groups, 10+2d6 mid rank, 20+3d6 + raider leader 30+3d10 / 6. Skullocks, 50+d100 in number.
vs. high rank teams.
8. Raider ambush! There are 3+d4 brigands on either side of Busta Container: Permanently grounded on White Reef,
the road who step out in front of the PCs with raised crossbows, this massive cargo container ship, the Dimitra Star, an advanced,
smiling and demanding the travelers keep their hands up while Russian built craft, that is 660m long, and 52.5m beam (width). It
2d4 other thugs, holding machetes, approach from the sides and once used twin propellers, was powered by a small onboard nuclear
disarm the characters. Once robbed, taking all weapons, food, plant, and had a crew of 48. Interestingly, as it existed in troubled
water, money, mounts, slaves, vehicles and relics, there is a 28% times in an age when nations had been reduced to small indepen-
chance the gang decides to tie the PCs up and march them off to dent states of which many were prone to piracy, this vessel had sev-
sell as slaves or ransom off. eral impressive onboard weapons, including howitzers, rapid fire ro-
9. Scavenger on riding dog, who doesn’t seem afraid of the botic chain guns, missile launchers and a helicopter bay which once
PCs and wishes to trade one standard ammo round for a liter carried several fast attack choppers. All deck mounted weapons
of drinking water. have long since been looted by unknown salvagers. The freight con-
10. Small trade caravan, d3 wooden ‘house wagons’, pulled by tainers, however, of which this ship once carried 3,000 TEU (‘Twenty
oxen (bulls) and carrying dried food, drums of water, wine and beer foot Equivalent Units’), many of which have been broken open by
to the north. Each wagon is operated by a militia officer, and inside looters and pushed overboard, of these, some protrude from the
are d4 more militia soldiers with musket rifles. Outside, riding along reef, however many thousands still sit on the deck and below the
each wagon are d2 mounted militia soldiers on saddle horses, with immense ship, waiting to be explored.
muskets and short swords. They will yell at approaching travelers to While most of the alloy containers carry now rotted food-
clear off the road and step back 20 paces (meters), or be shot. stuffs, others, carry crates full of very valuable ancient trade
11. The characters come across the remains of a wagon, half goods, such as electronics, solar panels, motorcycles, civilian
burned on the side of the road, still smoking, a dead horse cars, computers, as well as robotic toys, plush animals, watch-
nearby, surrounded by d4+1 mutant dogs (see dogs, hub rules) es, calculators, music discs, building materials and office equip-
who ignore the travelers unless provoked. While the PCs poke ment. The containers are very stout and hard to break into, be-
around the scene, a random character hears a rustling in the ing made of rust resistant and theft resistant materials, are air-
nearby sagebrush and turns to see, roll d6: 1,2. A badly wound- tight, water proof, and for those without the proper alpha-numer-
ed mutant militia soldier, who stumbles out begging for help, ic digital code, can not simply be unlocked. Therefore, only laser
saying raiders attacked them./ 3,4. A young woman dressed in weapons and related tools, chain or disc saws, or explosives can
a skimpy plastic skirt and leather top, staggers out of the brush, be used to open the containers, which weigh between 12 and 24
her arm clearly broken and the snapped bone sticking from the tones, depending on what is inside (12+d12 metric tons each),
wound. She collapses into the character’s arms and manages and all the topmost and outer containers have already been cut
to say. “Raiders on motorcycles, I jumped before we crashed, open and looted. Pushing an already looted container (12 tons)
saw them torture everybody else, then take them away. Going over the edge of the stack and into the sea requires a combined
to Rope Cross, working the bar with my sister. Get me there, strength of 300 to move one metric ton, at a rate of 30cm
she can pay you....” She goes uncon- scious for d6 hours/ 5. per minute, thus to move just one container would take
2d6+2 more mutant dogs arrive, growling at the PCs and 3600 STR or 120 men.

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For many salvage crews, who would use pulleys and ropes, Purist Empire does not rule here. They are kept at bay by both
pry bars and lines tide to barges sitting far below in the sea, this is a nation of wagon people, called Bosworth’s Clan, as well as
feasible, especially if employing powerful android or mutant slaves, a powerful clan of skullocks who raid across this flatland in
however, there is another less obvious reason why Busta Container great force, often entering deep into the HPE to conduct raids.
as not yet been entirely looted, which explains why no humanoids This particular nation of skullocks, called the ‘Grotha-Patter-
or large beasts live aboard this great ship. aks’ in Skullock or ‘Grim-pacers’ in English, are known to ride
About three quarters of the way to the back of the ship is both giant bats and mutant dogs into battle, allowing them to
the vessels superstructure and command bridge, fortified be- cross this flat at great speed, without being decimated by Pur-
hind layers of alloy steel, which in its day, allowed the officers ist or wagon-folk cavalry.
to steer the ship and observe the outside world through elec- Crossing open land on foot is always a stupid idea, but this
tronic optics, sonar and radar. Nowadays, the computerized area is exceedingly dangerous due to the size of the units one
brain of the ship has been set to self preservation mode while can face, and the fact that most humanoids or people one meets
waiting for the recognized authorities to show up and broad- will be unfriendly, and mounted on fast moving steads.
cast the proper ID code to disarm the ship, authorities who
have long since died. In the meantime, the Dimitra Star will un- Encounters on the Caprician Plain: The odds of encoun-
leash a unit of robotics to drive off anyone caught boarding the ters are normal here as for any plain, however often with the
ship, however, the command computer is not as sensitive as it above mentioned groups, roll d10 for outcome:
once was, and prefers to conserve its precious power supplies
(acquired via assorted, small solar panels located all over the 1-5. Normal Plains Encounter, see page TME 131.
ship), and so, unless considerable noise is made, the ship will 6. Skullock bat rider patrol, d6+2 on giant bats. Will only attack
not ‘waken’ and defend herself. Gunshots, explosions, loud groups that they outnumber, while they will report the location of
shouting, whistling, or the use of chainsaws or discsaws will large sized groups to their chieftains who will send hound riders
each have a 37% chance, per use, per minute, of waking the (see roll 7 below), who are 46% likely to arrive at the location in
command computer. Once awake, the ship’s computer will un- 20+3d10 minutes and take up the trail of the travelers.
leash a random detachment of defenders who will kill anyone 7. Skullock hound cavalry (each Skullock mounted on a mu-
or anything they catch on board the ship, removing the heads tant dog, using a bow in combat before closing with short-
of their foes and throwing the remains to the sharks and reef swords). Low rank PC meet d6+2, mid rank 2d6+6, while high
creatures 25m below the main deck level. These robots will rank PCs encounter 3d6+16 dog riders.
however cease attacking intruders the moment they depart. 8. Purist Cavalry, hunting skullocks and mutants on their
If one robotic detachment is defeated and the intruders con- border. They will capture any mutants and take them to Witch
tinue to loot or make noise, another squad will be dispatched Burn while pure stock intruders will be taken to either the Her-
within 3d6 minutes. This ship has a maximum of 24+d12 de- milage if a male, and the Convent if a female, for re-education
tachments at its disposal. and service.
9. Wagon-Folk, Bosworth’s Clan*. This is a main wagon
2d6 Detachment of ships defenders
train of 5+3d6 wagons, each with a family of savages living
2. Household robots*, 3d6+10 with pipes within, as well as two savage males on saddle horses per
3. Spiderbots, 3d6 wagon. These mounted warriors will make mock charges at
4. Solider robots, Light d3+3 approaching people or animals and try to drive them away
5. Household robots*, 2d6+6 with pipes from their wagons, attacking in earnest if these beasts or in-
6. Industrial robots*, d6+2 construction dividuals don’t back off.
7. Pocketbots* 3d6+4 10. Wagon-Folk, Bosworth’s Clan*. This is a patrol of warriors
8. Police robots 3+d6 on saddle Horses, d6+6 strong, who will try to drive back trav-
9. Solider robots, light 2d4 elers from entering these plains, threatening them with mock
10. Solider robots, heavy d4 charges twice before making a real attack.
11. Solider robots, light d8+7 *Learn more in Part 8, Nomadic Communities, page 311, this book
12. Solider robots, heavy 2d4
* Unit has its violence inhibitors removed and will mutilate their victims.
Crater Bridge: Spanning two craters lake, and support-
Caprician Plain: This open grassland was once a suburb ed by four barren, grassy islets, are a series of wood and scrap
bridges. These crossings are roughly 3 meters wide, and about
of greater Los Angeles, and very little of the former housing
protrudes through the rich soil, save for the odd bit of debris 20 meters above the polluted water below and just strong
deposited here by tidal waves, tornados and fleeing survivors enough to carry one loaded wagon per span at a time. While
of that long ago cataclysm. The area gets its name from the the rickety bridge is dilapidated and missing deck planks in
word caprice, which means freak or mutant, as this plain was spots, a cautions trader can instruct his or her crew to place
so named by the Purists who have influenced this part of the spare planks in such a way as to get one’s livestock and wag-
region for many decades. While they may have given it the ons across safely. The bridge itself, however, is not the only haz-
name which humanity identifies with this steppe, the Holy ard on these spans. Knowing that traders must come this way,
a group of mutant raiders, who also maintain the old bridge,

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are often present at the north side of the bridge, and collect a with a mule (pony) each and some small livestock; chickens
toll, or worse. Why this gang of outlaws is present some days, and rabbits. They will be a mix of common mutants and pure
and gone the next, is unknown, but it is speculated that either stocks, all in rags, using bows and clubs as weapons and ap-
an enemy gang, namely the powerful Foster’s Freebooters, or pearing half starved. Each family will have a man and wom-
Freehold Scouts from Overpass, drive them off, or else some en, as well as d4-1 teens and d4-1 children (0-3). If the char-
sort of huge beast enjoys hunting these rag tag men and wom- acters happen to be heading south on the bridge, they have
en and constantly pursues them. caught up to the migrants, otherwise, they meet them head
Regardless, there are two encounter check tables used to on if the PCs are going north. In any case, if the characters are
cross this series of bridges. Table CR-11-1 involves the crossing grim looking, heavily armed and blustering, these people will
itself, with a 3 in 10 chance per hour of a mishap or run in with a arm themselves with their bows and threaten the PCs to turn
being or group of beings, including when travelers are stopped or back. Should the characters instead be friendly, keep their
camped on the islets. The second table, CR-11-2 on page 337, is weapons slung and offer soothing greetings, these travelers
rolled but once, on the northern side, to see if there are raiders will be glad to talk to them, even camp with the characters for
collecting their fickle toll at that particular crossing time. the night on an islet and exchange regional knowledge and a
keg of fine red wine they have brought with them.
Table CR-11-1 Encounters while on Crater Bridge: Occur- 6. There is a weak point in one of the wooden planks, on which
ring 3 in 10 chance per hour, day or night, roll d6 for outcome: each character must step. Combine the character’s base ki-
lograms weight with that of his or her armor and weapons
1. Coming the opposite way are d3 nomadic traders with and any other abnormal load (such as carrying a keg of beer
carts pulled by ponies, accompanied by d2+2 militia soldiers or unconscious comrade) and half this resulting weight is the
per cart, wielding muskets and without shields mounted on percent chance that the plank snaps under the person’s foot.
saddle horses. They are wary of those they meet, and de- Use the established marching order for who walks on this
mand that the characters step aside at the last islet they had plank first. If it happens to snap, the character is allowed a
just crossed, going back, for their certainly isn’t enough room type C agility based hazard check to react quickly and grab
to pass, nor can the bridge support so much weight in one the other planks as he or she falls through. If failure results,
spot. If threatened by an obviously superior force, the traders the person drops 20 meters to the water below (see falling,
will turn about and retreat back to the shore and try to flee table TME-3-10, part 3 Hub Rules) characters in armor will
from sight. likely sink to the bottom, 2d6 meters down, but if not wearing
2,3. While out in the middle of a swaying bridge, a flying chainmail, part plate or full plate armor, the character should
predator(s) appears to one side, 400+d100m away by day, be able to swim to the nearest islet. There is, of course, a
and 2d100m by night and attacks the travelers, roll d8: 1. 4 in 6 chance his or her splash down attracted a predator
Bird, great eagle/ 2. Bird, black owl / 3. Birds, skal 3d6+4 / which pops up 2d20 meters away and moves to intercept; the
4. Insect, giant dragonfly / 5. Insects, red wasps, 2d6+2 /6. shore, incidentally, is 2d20 meters away as well. Those on the
Lizard, winged slasher /7. Urcellia, d4+2 / 8. Insects, tiger bridge above are allowed to fire on the partially submerged
hornets, d3+1. creature, at a -20 SV penalty due to the water. Creature, roll
4. Raiders, half pure stocks, the other half common mutants d6: 1. Alligator, large / 2. Alligator, huge / 3. Fish, normuk / 4.
with a minor mutation each. They have set up their own toll Fish, ghastfin / 5. Frog, aberrant / 6. Shark, freshwater
fee of 5sp per person, however, if they outnumber travelers 2 Note: Should the character be mounted on a four legged
to 1 or better, they will also insist on any relics the travelers beast, or have four or more legs already, then instead of fall-
might be seen with, such as ballistic shields, guns, grenades, ing through, he or she is tipped and if failing the agility HC,
as well as any slaves, robots or small vehicles like dirt bikes, spills off the side of the bridge instead. If a character rides
ATVs, and whatnot. These desperate men are not aligned with a wagon, then the wagon’s front wheels lodge in the gap
those on the northern shore, and try to sty out of sight from formed by the missing plank, throwing all those on the wagon
that side. Number encountered: low rank d6+6, mid rank forward, and each must make an agility based type B HC to
3d6+10, high rank PCs 3d6+20. stay in the wagon, and if failing that, a second identical agility
5. Migrants from the north, destined for the renowned glory HC to stay on the bridge.
and riches of Overpass. There are 3d6+4 families, on foot,

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Table CR-11-2 Determining if raiders are present at the
north end of Crater Bridge: Simply roll d6 to determine the
1. There is nobody waiting at this side of the bridge, only a few
scatted camp fire pits, which are all quite cold.
2. There was somebody here, as the campfires are still smol-
dering, but nobody approaches the travelers.
3. The only people here are the bug encrusted remains of
2d6 impaled men, all of who appear to have been hacked and
smashed up many hours ago. There are no raiders, but a near-
by cook fire is crackling and a metal water pot, hanging from a
steel tripod, is boiling away. 50 meters, and all of them densely knotted with vines and
4. There are 3d6 raiders here, all of them mutants with prime fungi, making the wooded isle look even more imposing and
mutation each, carrying crossbows and wearing longswords impassable. The ancient supports suggest that within the un-
on their belts. One steps forward when the PCs come within dergrowth must be a ruined building, or at least access down
10 meters of the bridge’s end. “Greetings... odd looking trav- into underground ruins, however few have explored this island
elers. You are not the usual refugees and trader we get in because of the winged guardians which call this place home.
these parts. You look like you can afford our toll, and then Numerous bird species nest among the great network of steel
some. Send forth your payee, with 10 silvers from each of supports, most being members of a highly aggressive, large
you. If you can’t pay in silver, maybe you can hand over some strain of mutant crow, which swarm together and make a ter-
ancient goodies, or have a few of you submitted as slaves for rible noise, often ranging far inshore and raiding the crops of
us to keep. There is, I am afraid, no going back.” area farmers, or else devouring the odd cow, goat or lone trav-
If the characters decide to try and fight their way across to eler. Anyone exploring the island itself may very well come un-
the end without paying, the raiders will first open up with a vol- der attack by these birds, who will account for half the above
ley of crossbow fire followed by mutational attacks, then, draw ground encounters any place on or near the island. Treat
swords and hold the bridge head. The 3 meter wide bridge can al- them as skal birds with 3+d3 endurance, SV 01-45 and in-
low two people to fight per side, simultaneously. If the raiders are flict d4 damage on a strike. Low rank groups will meet 2d4+4
clearly losing, they will flee up the dirt trail behind them, blowing a crows, mid rank 3d6+6 and high rank 3d10+15.
metal horn which echoes out across the landscape and bringing
3d6 more mutant raiders within 3d6 minutes, all on foot.
5. As in 4 above, however, hanging from the bridge are 2d6
men and women, all commoners, all quite dead and being
shredded by sting flies and skal birds.
6. As in 4 and 5 above, however an additional group of raiders
are stationed up on a hill to the east of the trail, 90+d100m
away, sitting in a rock bunker (DV -20) and aiming a light
ballista at the lead character on the bridge. There are d6+3
more mutants at this location, while all but 2 are also aim-
ing crossbows at the PCs. Even if the characters pay the toll,
and are allowed off the bridge and up the trail leading away,
there is a 2 in 6 chance the raiders decide the character’s Cruel Wood: Claimed by the Holy Purist Empire, this dense
are simply too well off, too arrogant or too much of a secu- woodland is not as mutated as forests further north, but still
rity risk to let go, and they level their crossbows and demand too over populated with ‘unnatural and ungodly’ growths to
that the PCs drop their weapons and raise their hands, face be permitted to exist. The authorities in Pure Hub City have
away from them and kneel. slated this woodland for burning, and have tried several times
Failure to comply will mean immediate attack, while if to set it ablaze to rid themselves of both the bizarre vegeta-
the characters do submit, they will be knocked face first into tion and the many creatures and savage outlaws which call it
the dirt of the road, their hands tied behind their backs and home. The lush nature of the forest, which is dotted by pools,
they will be robbed of everything or value, and left in their small fens and meandering streams, is rarely dry enough to
under garments on the side of the road for the rest of the catch flame, and is in fact growing larger every year, rather
day while the raiders harass and tax passers by. At the end than being cut back.
of the day, they will be taken to a raider hideout in the hills The very policies of the Purist theocracy inadvertently
2000+d1000m away, and auctioned off to gang members, conspire with mutant trees, in as much as the Purist Church
with female mutant raiders owning male characters, and has ordained it illegal to harvest and use mutated wood for
visa versa with female characters going to lecherous male anything but burning. Thus, loggers from Duty enter the north-
raiders. These raiders live in stick shacks inside the husk of ern edge of Cruel Wood each day and only cut down normal
an ancient concrete building, and tie their slaves to wooden looking trees, ensuring these trees become scarce, and un-
posts when not toying with them or making them perform able to repopulate themselves as fast a the mutant varieties,
various chores. The ropes holding the characters are secure, which are left untouched.
and can only be snapped apart with a STR based type E haz- Cruel wood gets its name from the many thorn bushes
ard check, one try per hour. There are an additional 3d6+10 and predatory mutant plants which are so malicious to the lo-
raiders at the main camp, and d6 slaves of each category cal Purist population, and, as a propaganda tactic, the clergy
from the typical humans table. decided to ban the old name of ‘Memory Forest’ and rename
it ‘Cruel Wood’, thinking the place would be easier to fear,
Crow Island: Sitting off shore from the mainland near the hate, and eventually cut down. It is said that many people
Lower Freehold town of Sorrow, is Crow Island, a large, forest fled the early Purist expansion by slipping into this forest, and
encrusted hill protruding from the Promise Bay. The island is the subsequent generations of these refugees have grown
covered in alloy girders, some of them towering into the sky up within its confines and live as savages, occasionally raid-

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ing Purist trade caravans, farms and patrols. A law has been wiped out and need to flee, or, their quarry have already fired
passed which makes it illegal for anyone other than certified guns and made so much noise that maintaining the silence
wood cutters and Mutant Slayers (see page 189 for details) is no longer imperative. They will attack mutant’s on sight,
to enter Cruel Wood, for at one time, over twenty years ago, and won’t engage pure stocks unless those individuals attack
new parents who produced mutant babies were often caught them, and in such a case, will not hesitate to kill such pure
trying to escape from Purist settlements into these woods, blood sinners, in the heat of battle, but, will drag them back
in an attempt to join the Wildkin rumored to dwell under the to Duty if they can capture them alive.
great green canopy. While less frequent these days, many dis- 7. Skullock raiders, number encountered: low rank PCs
traught Purist parents flee here with their beloved, but devi- 2d6+2, mid rank 3d6+10, high rank 3d6+30
ant babies, rather than hand over their newborns to the Pur- 8. Plant, jaw pant
ple Order for ‘Purification Rites’. 9. Plant, saw tree
The Wildkin live in hidden treetop communities connected 10. Plant, impaler bush
by rope bridges, in small, extended family units, secretive, cam- 11. Plant, constriction vine
ouflaged and silent, avoiding detection by skullocks and Purist 12. Plant, green walkers, 10+3d6
mutant killer squads. These peace loving ‘savages’ cultivate dan-
gerous mutant plants and plant them in great groves in maze pat-
terns known only to them. The entrances through these patches
are said to be so cleverly hidden that even great predators like
devi-bears, skulking renders and freakish spiders are deterred
from entering the hidden gardens and safe zones.
People who flee here with mutant new born babies are
often observed, and captured, blindfolded and taken to a
special camp for observation and evaluation, to ensure they
are not actually clever Purists, using a stolen mutant baby as
a ploy to gain access to their settlements. Skullock raiders,
who come across the Caprician Plain, are well aware of the
Wildkin, and avoid engagements with them on their turf, and
instead camp at the periphery of the forest, resting up be-
tween raids deeper into the Purist realms. Thus far, the two
groups, who share the same enemy, have avoided open war-
fare and when encountering each other, take steps to avoid
fights, as neither side can afford casualties since they both Dead River: Flowing into Fever Lake from the north, few
fight against a far larger enemy foe. people know the source of this tainted, slow moving waterway.
Excavators who venture into these woods will be unaware It is widely surmised that the Great Ruins which appear in the
that they are being watched by camouflaged, green painted north eastern corner of the Crossroads Region extend for many
savages from the tree tops, nor will they be attacked when kilometers to the North, and any rainfall falling over the vast
encountered as long as their are mutants in the group of trav- junk heap leeches out toxins, radioactive materials, and muta-
elers, and that the strangers are not actively trying to harm gens which have left this river void of normal life forms. The wa-
the woodland. Likewise, travelers who camp someplace in ter smells foul, and not even the dumbest animal will drink it.
the woods will be tolerated for up to a week, neither helped Anyone who does swallow a mouthful will become ill within an
nor hindered, even if attacked by skullocks or Purists. If by ac- hour, plus must make a type A hazard check or suffer severely
cident a stealthy excavation team should run into a Wildkin painful cramps, diarrhea, and a 50% loss in strength and en-
patrol, these green painted men and women will usually draw durance for 3d6 days. Wading across this shallow, one meter
their bows and warn away the strangers, saying “You have en- deep river without wearing an Enviro, Rad or Flotation survival
tered the territory of the people, we want no war with you, but suit, or shell class armor, will result in the subject being affect-
you can come no further on this path. Go back the way you ed by a rash, which will burn terribly for 2d6 days.
came, find another trail, and go in peace, brothers.” Creatures inhabiting this waterway are unique abomina-
tions which have somehow evolved in this environment and
Encounters in Cruel Wood: Occurring with the same fre- feed on carrion, the strange purple alga that grows on the
quency and at the same range as other woodlands, however bottom of this river, as well as each other. Treat these finned
roll d12 below if an encounter occurs: wormoids as mud or jaw worms, which swim 4m per round
and crawl on land at 2m per round. Anyone wading across
1-4. Normal forest Encounter, see page TME 132 the river has a 4 in 10 chance of attracting one or more
5. Wildkin patrol, d6+3 savage men and d6+1 savage wom- worms, while people boating up or down this river have a 3 in
en with bows and flint axes, who didn’t see the PCs coming 10 chance per half hour of disturbing the creatures.
and are only 3d6 meters away when met. If the savages fail
the initiative, they will not have arrows knocked and will raise Encounters on Dead River: For wading across encounters
their hands in surrender if heavily armed intruders have them Roll d4, and d6 while characters are boating.
at gun or appendage point.
6. Purist Mutant Slayers (see page 189 for details) treat as 1. 2d6 small but hungry wormoids (treat as mud worms)
soldiers with 3 skill points of martial arts and 4 of stealth. range 2d6m away.
They carry heavy crossbows and longswords, as well as two 2. d4+1 wormoids (jaw worms) range 2d6+2m away.
musket pistols each, plus, are wearing forest camouflage 3. d3 huge wormoids (huge jaw worms) range 3d6m away.
jumpsuits, green painted armor, and dark red face paint. 4. 1 odd wormoid (stabber worm) range 3d6m away.
There will be 1 per player character, and if they win the initia- 5. 1 odd wormoid (hydra worm) range 3d6m away.
tive, will have seen the characters coming or camping and fire 6. Colossal wormoid (colossal jaw worm) emerges from the
their crossbows first before drawing their swords and charg- river 50+d100m away, 50% chance down stream, otherwise
ing forth. They won’t use their muskets unless they are being upstream, and starts toward travelers.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 339

Devil’s Hole: This blast crater is over seven kilometers

across, and at its center, is 4km deep. It is suspected that what-
ever weapon hit here, also hit Deep Bay, perhaps some sort of
advanced bunker buster bomb which was employed to root out
the Mecha cells during the most recent cataclysms. Today, the
site is a rocky pit, with various lichens and small creatures liv-
ing on the steep slopes, and at the bottom, covered in strangle
vines and other predatory plants, is a heap consisting of crashed
vehicles, mangled robots, and a battle walker bot. Also present
at the bottom are plenty of skeletons belonging to those who
slipped on their way down the crater, or else had their bones
Deep Bay: Curious explorers were the first to discover that this spit out or thrown here by the spiders that live within the crater.
ancient blast crater was the deepest pock mark in the region, per- Numerous bits of metal and plastic protrude from the slopes,
haps of any region along the tortured Californian coastline. In April and here and there are openings into underground ruin levels,
2328, Using ropes attached to the still ‘living’ head of an industrial including a subway tunnel with its tracks sticking out a half doz-
robot, whose eyes acted like a real time digital camcorder, the crew en meters, as well as numerous portals into old shopping malls
of the exploration barge ‘Sea Cutter Two’ (cargo barge fitted with and other facilities. The entrances to these tunnels are usually
weapons, solar panels, relic outboard motors, etc.), were amazed covered over by thick spider webs, as this whole area is infest-
at how deep this inlet was. While they knew Filth Lake was already ed with hundreds of rubble spiders and larger freakish spiders
below sea level, and also very deep, this ocean side crater was an which eat their smaller cousins; at least when not ingesting the
impressive 6.35 kilometers deep at its bottom, and home to an in- body fluids of scavs and excavators.
credible variety of mutant plant forms, many of them predatory and Climbing down to one of the many openings is possible, and
filmed snapping at passing fish. On the way up from the bottom, attempted almost weekly by those setting out from nearby Pit-
something massive was seen to float by the camera. Movements ford, but the use of ropes is essential simply because the inevita-
later, a bizarre, colossal sharkoid emerged. It had an armored body, bility of fighting spiders requires both of one’s hands to be free.
four heads, 3m long spines, and what appeared to be grasping
arms tucked beneath its enormous fins. The beast was slow moving Encounters in The Devil’s Hole: For every 20 meters descend-
and did not overtake the cargo barge under full oar, but did man- ed, there is a 1 in 10 chance of an event from the following list,
age to make one devastating strike on the aft quarter, knocking off re-roll any duplicated result noted with an asterisk * Roll d12:
the rear poop deck and taking with it a light laser cannon and 12
crewmen. The ship made its way to Safe Port for repairs, and played 1. A random character’s rope has been rubbing on a shard of
back the footage from the chase. The crew had mistakenly thought protruding steel, and has been cut. The PC must make a type
they had outrun the beast, but the submerged android both verbally A agility based HC to catch the side of the slope, or fall, see
and visually reported that the great beast was seen pulling itself next page for falling circumstances.
along the bottom of the sea, like a huge turtle, giving up on the ship 2. *A random character has climbed right over the concealed
only as it drew near the coil islands, where it stopped abruptly as if burrow of a rubble spider, which as the PC repels down the
reaching the boundary of its territory or, being called off like a dog. slope, he or she meets the giant arachnid face to face! It gains
GM note: The Deep Bay Monster as it is called is indeed +3 initiative and is +20 SV on its first strike attempt.
a mutant shark. Combine four huge horrid sharks, each head 3. *A random character steps onto a chunk of concrete and it col-
on a 5m long neck, the entire length of the animal is plated in lapses beneath him or her in a pile of dust, causing a slight ava-
thick cartilage plates giving the beast a DV of -40, plus, beneath lanche below and making a large plume of dust, visible from even
its side fins are a pair massive clawed arms, webbed between across the crater. This dust cloud is 33% likely to attract the atten-
each toe to help propel the thing through the water at a maximum tion of a nearby freakish spider who wakes, emerges from the tun-
speed of only 5m per round. The monster has a body endurance nel mouth it calls home, and begins to climb along toward the char-
of 800, and each head has its own endurance as a huge horrid acters at full speed, range 100+2d100m. Regardless of whether
shark, and either the body can be killed, or each head must be the spider comes or not, the character does discover that he or she
killed separately to defeat the ship devouring behemoth. Any re- has opened an as yet undiscovered tunnel mouth into the vast un-
sulting encounters while entering this bay in a ship larger than a derground ruins which exist beneath most of the region.
longboat (over 6m long), will 87% likely to be with this creature. 4. A random character stirs up a couple of urcellia, d3+1,
Aberrationist navel vessels have been sunk by his horrid thing, which fly 3d6m away before turning back to attack the one
and therefore never enter this bay, even if pursuing those flee- who disturbed their sleep.
ing in other barges; instead, they will stay well out of the bay and 5. *The characters notice a tunnel mouth 3d6m below them, but
watch as their quarry is assailed by the Deep Bay Monster. see at least d3 rubble spiders working on a web string between

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beams and pipes, blocking the way below 4+d6m in either direc- clan of skullock raiders swept down upon them and wiped them
tion left or right. If the PCs fire on the spiders, they will attack, out. The village site is still discernible as a large stone square, as
and if defeating the arachnids, the PCs can descend to the tun- well as the chimneys and early stages of homes within.
nel mouth and drop down on a ledge. There is 44% chance that The area gets its name from the over abundance of vari-
another d4 rubble spiders are waiting here and pounce on the ous dogs, both mutated common dogs as well as wolves and
characters as they arrive. The tunnel mouth leads into a maze of other freakish canines, all of which are thoroughly wild and
corridors and ancient chambers. prone to ripping apart travelers whenever meeting them. Small
6. Far above the PCs, d3 rubble spiders have noticed the char- groups of migrants that move along the North Road are taking
acters decent and begin to hop down, at double their normal an enormous risk, for only a large caravan or a team armed
speed. If the characters have just started their climb down, with serious firepower can throw back these vicious hounds.
then the spiders are on the crater lip, 3d6m away, otherwise,
they will be 30+d20m above the excavators. Encounters on Dog Flats: Occurring with a 1 in 10 chance
7. d4 cave scorpions rush out of their burrows among the per hour by day or every half hour at night. Encounters at day
characters. are seen at 100+d100m range, while at night, 2d20+10m
8. d6 rubble spiders are spotted to one side, moving along range. Roll d10 by day, d12 by night
the slope at top speed toward the PCs, range 2d100m.
9. *The characters see a freakish spider waiting below them, 1-4. Normal plain encounter, see page TME 131 hub rules.
100+2d100m away. If the characters are clever enough to start 5. Dogs, farm, wild, 4d6+4
an avalanche of debris and rock down onto it, the spider is al- 6. Dogs, hunting, wild, 3d6+2
lowed a type B agility based HC to move aside in time to avoid 7. Dogs, war, wild d8+1
d100 damage, and if damaged over 50 End from this slide, will 8. Dogs, mutant 2d6+1
retreat at top speed and look for a meal elsewhere. 9. Skullock raiding party, on foot, using javelins and hatchets,
10. Constriction vine, root ball is 10+d6m away. vs. low rank 2d8+12/ mid rank 3d6+25/ high rank 2d20+42
11. Black centipede, range 100+d100m 10. Wolves, timber 3d6+2
12. Rubble spiders, coming from both sides, above, and be- 11. Wolves, mutant, 2d6+2
low, each group is d2 strong in number, and 20+2d20m away 12. Devil bats, vs. low rank character parties 3d6/ mid rank
3d6+12/ high rank 2d10+26

Dog Island: This small, elongated island sits across from

Port Folly and serves to protect Gristle Bay from most of the large
wave activity from the Pacific. There are portions of concrete
walls protruding all over this windswept, grassy isle, giving it the
look of a giant’s grave yard. Among the huge ruins are said to be
a few stairwells leading down into the interior of the island, and
it is even rumored that a tunnel going from someplace beneath
the island runs all the way to the mainland where the Dethpool
Ruins meet the Tainted Sea. On the surface of the island, preda-
tory plants and animals, especially dogs, conceal themselves in
Dirge River: Splitting off from Golden River in the heartland of the tall grass, with encounter checks occurring every half hour,
with a 2 in 10 chance of occurring, day or night. Any encounter
the Dominion of Aberratia, this short, wide, and surprisingly deep
river is a major transportation route in and out of Newburg. It is noted with an asterisk (*) means it should be re-rolled if occur-
particularly well used by barges which carry troops and supplies as ring again during the same visit to the island, roll d20:
far as the junction with Golden River, where longboats continue the
journey on this narrow, more shallow yet far faster river. Encounters
on the Dirge are identical to those on the Flak River, page 344.

Dog Flats: This grassy expanse of coastline is void of any

intact ancient structures, likewise, along the North Road, which
is a cracked, old world interstate highway, there are no rusted or
burnt out vehicles as there are further inland beyond the New
Hills. In passed decades, successive tsunamis washed away or
pulverized nearly every man made feature, leaving behind a rub-
ble strewn landscape which to this day is forlorn, uninhabited and
void of notable landmarks, save for the recent rubble of Newton 1-4. Normal encounter for Scrub terrain, see page TME 132.
Point. In the spring of 2338, a large tribe of farmers tried to settle 5,6. Blood weed patch, of d6 plants all around each character
the spur of land called Newton Point, named after the chieftain of 7. Constriction vine, root ball is 2d6m away.
the group, but their village walls were not yet completed when a 8. Impaler bush, 2d6m away when woken.
9*. Escaped slave, who has fled Port Folly by rowboat and has been
living like a savage on the island for many months, has a flint spear and
flint knife and will wish to accompany friendly travelers off the island.
10. Amphibious sharks, d3, approaching from different direc-
tions, range 2d6m away.
11. Snake, large, range 3d6+6m
12. Insects, giant worker ants 3d6, plus 37% chance of d6
giant soldier ants, range 2d10m
13-16. Dogs, mutant, 2d6 range
17. Dogs, farm dogs gone wild, 3d6+8, range 3d6 meters.
18. Dogs, hunting dogs gone wild, 2d26+2 range 3d6+6m

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19. Cattle herd, moving away from humanoids, range thorities in the nearest town.
20+d100m. 3d6 calves, 3d6+6 cows, d3 bulls. If followed, 6. Nomadic trader and d3 militia soldiers, on horse.
the bulls are 47% likely to turn and charge. 7. Worm, huge Jaw
20*. Pirates from Port Folly, who have landed on the Gristle 8. Lizard, winged slasher
Bay side of the island in a longboat to hunt cattle with muskets. 9. Dominion Bat Riders, d3+1
There are 2d6+3 raiders each armed with a musket rifle and 10. Dominion Irregulars, stealing crops, d4
a shortsword. They will kill or captured strangers, and if able 11. Bird, great eagle
to flee after a defeat will go to Port Folly and bring 2d20+20 12. Wolves, mutant d6+1
more pirates within one hour to hunt their assailants. 13. Dominion Bat Riders, 2d4+1.
14. Escaped pure stock slave, 58% male, otherwise female,
Dominion Interior: Within the bounds of the Dominion of headed for nearest Freehold faction.
Aberratia are vast tracts of land, much of it cultivated into food 15. Insects, blood flyers, 2d6
crops and criss-crossed by dirt roads, dotted by small homesteads 16. Bird, black owl
and every inch of it patrolled by Dominion forces. The forest areas
are also patrolled from time to time, however, they are still fairly Table DI-B: Encounters in the Dominion Roads: Roll 2d6 by
wild. Many hunters sent into these woods to track down and kill day, 2d6+5 by night
large, dangerous plants and animals, and locate humanoid raiders 2. Raiders! 3d6+3 men and women step out from both sides
or gangs which may make their home within these green spaces. of the road, range 2d6m away and point their machetes at the
All farm land, un-named forests and roadways within the travelers, demanding the PCs strip and walk away in their un-
Dominion, west of Border Creek and Twisted Wood, are cov- derwear, forfeiting all they have to these desperadoes
ered by the following random encounter tables and frequency. 3. Dominion battalion, 200+2d100 warriors, 30+d20 Dog
Treat all persons met as common mutants with one ‘Physical Riders, 2d6 Shadow Minions of riding dog, and overhead, cir-
Alteration’ minor mutation, unless otherwise stated. For de- cling about are 2d6 Bat Riders
tails on assorted Dominion soldiers, see page 109. 4. Commoners, d4 of each: men, women, teens and children,
with all but the children carrying bows, selling fruit and veg-
Table CR-11-3 Dominion Interior Encounter Areas Table etables by the roadside
5. Dominion Dog Riders, d6+4
6. Nomadic trader and d4 militia soldiers, on riding
Time of Odds of Encounter Table dogs, with d6 pure stocks slaves on foot and 2d6 cargo
Area Range
Day Encounter Used mules (ponies)
Farm 2 in 10 per d1000 CR-DI-A, rolling 7. Trade caravan, merchant, 2d4 nomadic traders (driving
day one wagon load of trade goods each), 10+d10 militia sol-
fields hour +100m 2d6
Farm 3 in 10 per d20 CR-DI-A, rolling diers, d6 pure stock slaves. If at night, they will warn away
night armed travelers, however during the day, and if the travel-
Fields hour +10m 2d10
4 in 10 per 3d100 CR-DI-B, rolling
ers have no cyborgs or armed pure stocks, this caravan
Roads day will offer their company if strangers are going in the same
hour +20m 2d6
3 in 10 per d20 CR-DI-B, rolling 8. Roll as dominion farmlands, table DI-A, on the left
Roads night
hour +5m 2d10
9. Dominion Irregulars, 3d6+8 marching. Likely to abuse
3 in 10 per CR-DI-C, rolling travelers.
Forests* day 2d20m
hour 2d6 10. Bounty hunters on horseback, d3+1
4 in 10 per CR-DI-C, rolling 11. Slaver and d6+6 soldiers on horse, all mutants with a
Forests* night 2d6m
hour 2d10 prime mutation each, leading a chained line of pure stock
*For forests without names, thus excludes as Heckler Wood, etc.
note: DI- stands for ‘Dominion Interior’
slaves, 3d6 men, 4d6 women, 3d6 teens and 2d6 children
12. Bear, bane
13. Commoners in covered wagons, camping to the side of
Table CR-DI-A: Encounters in the Dominion Farm Lands: roll the road, 3d6 families, each with their own wagon, plus, 3d6
2d6 by day, 2d6+4 by night militia soldiers with bows who will warn away travelers
2. Dominion army, double range spotted at, and does not 14. Dominion Bat Riders, 2d4+1
see travelers unless they wish to be seen. Army consists of 15. Dominion Irregulars, who have deserted the army and
100+d1000 dominion warriors, 3d6+20 Dog Riders, 2d6 are now terrorizing the countryside, looting farms and rob-
Shadow Minions also on riding dogs. bing travelers. There are 2d6+4 of these nasty men, who
3. Farming slaves and crew, 3d6 commoner men with whips, will kidnap any captured women of 20 or better appearance
each controlling 4 pure stock slaves. and force them to be their wives in a woodland camp nearby,
4. Dominion Dog Riders, d6+4 where another 3d6 irregulars are stationed
5. Farmers, 3d6 commoner men, women, and teens, working 16. Dominion Dog Riders, 2d6+7
the fields, will report armed pure stocks or cyborgs to the au- 17. Wolves, mutant, d6+2

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Table DI-C: Encounters in the Dominion Forests: Roll 2d6 by
day, 2d10 by night
2. Bear, devi
3. Cat, hell cougar
4. Bear, bane
5. Dominion Irregulars, deserters, turned into raiders, d4+4
6. Dominion Bat Riders, 2d4+1
7-9. Normal forest encounter, see page TME 132
10. Dominion Dog Riders, d6+7 thedral Mountains are the number one threat to travelers us-
11. Mixed race rebels, treat as savages, 2d6+4 men ing this road, and the peskies have been known to tackle even
12. Escaped pure stock slaves, 2d4 with flint spears, living off the largest of caravans, sometimes employing upwards of a
the land, dwelling in a tree fort hundred warriors. Cavaliers of Purity, based out of High Watch,
13. Bird, black owl often patrol the roadway and keep it open for trade, as well as
14. Wolves, mutant, 2d6+1 to hunt mutants who might be trying to cut across the hills on
15. Frogs, aberrant 2d6+2 their way too and from the uncharted southern regions.
16. Lizard, skulking render Encounters on East Road: Occurring with a 3 in 10 chance
17. Plants, d6: 1,2. Constriction vine / 3. Jaw plant / 4. Saw per hour while moving along the road, and a 2 in 10 chance per
tree / 5. Impaler bush/ 6. Green walkers 4d6 hour while camping on the roadside by night, rolling d100:
18. Snake, large
19. Spider, freakish 01-35. Normal hill encounter from table TME-4-3, page 131,
20. Worm, stabber TME hub rules.
36-44. Cavaliers of Purity, 10+d20, see page 188 this book
for a detailed description of these men and women, who
have a communicator to report any details to their com-
mander in High Watch, range 50+d100m
45-61. Nomadic trader on foot and his d6+1 saddle horses
loaded with food supplies, accompanied by d6+4 militia sol-
diers, also on foot, using musket pistols and hatchets. They
will be friendly to pure stock travelers and offer to share
their camp or travel together for safety.
62-69. Highwaymen! 4+d6, Treat as raiders, all of them
are mutants with one prime mutation each. They will mur-
der travelers who are only pure stock in composition, but,
if their victims are of mixed races, including mutants, they
will merely rob them of everything of value, including their
clothes, and leave them to the elements. Range, 3d6 me-
ters, on both sides of the road.
70-78. Caravan, 3d6 families of pure stock commoners in
wagons pulled by mules, (man, woman, d3 teens and d3
children per wagon), plus, a point guard patrol of 2d6+3 mi-
litia soldiers on horseback, each with a bow and longsword.
They will allow all pure stock groups to join them for the
Duke Lake: Barter River runs in from the northeast, and night, or to travel on together, but will try to kill mutants, cy-
borgs or other species.
out from the southwest end of this small, clean lake. During 79-85. Skullock patrol, riding mutant dogs, 3d6, who will at-
the months of September and October, it is 78% likely to see tack lesser numbered travelers, range 2d100m away.
3d6 rowboats clustered together on the lake, fishing for salm- 86-92. Skullock brigade, 20+3d6 on foot, and 2d6 more on
on which make their way through this lake on their way to mutant dogs. Range 100+d100m away.
their spawning grounds further inland. These fishermen, usu- 93-98. Raider gang, 2d6+4 members, roughly half being
ally coming from Overpass or Galespit, camp on the shore in pure bloods, the other half being common mutants with a
a rickety wooden palisade, and small groups of excavators will minor mutation each, using bows and mounted on riding
be allowed to share their camp, and watch duty. dogs. They will accost the travelers from both sides of the
The lake gets its name from a very early explorer who road, range 3d6m.
led his band of settlers toward the receding ocean, well 99, 00. Double Encounter! From where the characters are
before any of the current factions existed. His followers located, they can see one encounter up ahead, being met by
called him ‘the Duke’ for a reason which remains unex- another random roll on this table.
plained. Encounters on the lake are identical to those list-
ed for Barter River, page 330. Edge Wood: Contained within the Holy Purist Empire,
East Road: Also called the Sage Hill or Purist Exchange this thick woodland is dominated by the Purists in name
only, as assorted gangs of marauders, savages and hu-
Road, this dirt tract winds its way through the Sage Hills and manoids call it home and have thus far been able to keep
joins the Holy Purist Empire to the Purehold Republic in the out any large Purist brigades. Within edge wood are nu-
east (see Shattered Region). Travel along this trade route is merous old structures, most of them so overgrown that
often perilous, as it is on any road, since raiders and human- locating them is only possible by walking right into them.
oid marauders know to watch the thoroughfare for vulnerable Rumors have it that many of these structures have base-
targets, including small adventure teams who while deadly on ment access down into ancient shopping malls and subway
a one to one scale, can be easily outnumbered and often carry lines, and that one tunnel leads all the way beneath Far
extremely valuable relics or treasure. Skullocks from the Ca-

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Cross and further north east raft, rowboat or longboat, who experiences an encounter while
to Galespit. Many people in in the water’s within five kilometers of this island, roll d8:
Far Cross also believe that
lepers, human and mutant 1,2. Normal salt water encounter, see page TME 132
human, live in cannibalistic, 3,4. d6 rowboats from Sea Home, each with 2 commoner
devil worshipping tribes with- men who are fishing with rods and nets.
in the thick, lush woodland. 5. Large salt water crocodile (large alligator)
6. Huge salt water crocodile (huge alligator)
Encounters within Edge 7. d6+1 large salt water crocodiles (large alligators)
Wood: Occurring with a 2 in 10 8. Giant salt water crocodile (giant alligator)
chance per half hour by day, 3
in 10 chance per half hour by
night, roll d100, or d100+20 The island itself is treated as scrub, and while there are ancient
during nighttime. Daytime ruins here, nobody has ever discovered underground access or
range 10+d20m, Nighttime loot. Yet, there are a dozen or so small structures, really just the
range d10m. husks of old cement and alloy buildings, which have been blocked
off at their lower levels with rocks. Many have wooden ladders
01-52. Normal Forest en- leading up to their second story windows, a set up placed here by
counter from Table TME-4-4
the fishermen to escape the crocodiles, amphibious sharks and
hub rules, page 132
53-63. Purist logging party (camped if at night), 4+d6 Militia other creatures, and allow the men to sleep the night away in rela-
soldiers with bows, 3d6 male slaves, d6 female slaves, 2d6 tive peace. Encounters occur here with a 3 in 10 chance per hour
teen slaves, and 3d6 commoner men with axes. by day, and 2 in 10 by night. Roll d6 if an encounter occurs:
64-70. Pure stock commoner man and woman, with bows
and daggers, with a mutant baby fleeing for the north. 1-3. Normal Scrub terrain encounter, see table TME-4-4,
71-79. Black bear hub rules, page 132.
4. d6+2 fishermen from Sea Home, returning from one of
80-86. Grizzly bear the ruin buildings. They will invite excavators of mixed race
87-95. Bane bears d3+1 to row back to the town and get drunk with them.
96-97. Devi-bear 5. Large salt water crocodile, protecting a nest mound, very aggres-
98-105. Mutant savages, each with a minor mutation, d6 sive, charges out at the travelers from dense brush, 2d6m away!
women with bows, 2d6 men with spears. 12% chance all in- 6. 2d4 Amphibious sharks, approaching from both sides
fected with leprosy. Leprosy PDF available for SOE members and in front of the characters, range 3d6m.
at www.mutantepoch.com, under downloads
106-109. Purist freak hunters! Unit of 4+d8 Mutant Slayers
dressed in camo green, all carry crossbows.
110-114. Light soldier robots, d3, in forest camouflage,
spies from Mechanicus, will not fire on mutants, and will
walk away from encounters of all types when possible.
115-120. Raider gang, 2d6 pure stocks, 2d6 mutants with the
minor mutation ‘physical alteration’, randomly rolled for each. They
will try to take travelers prisoner and escort them to their leader.
There is a 76% chance their leader is none other than Margaret
‘The Flayer’ O’Finny, and captives will be caged with others until the
dreaded ghost mutant woman can torture them. See the town of
Galespit for more details on this NPC, or download her NPC sheet.
At her camp will be 10+2d10 more raiders, all cruel men and wom-
en who delight in inflicting pain and humiliating their prisoners.

Elbow Island: This small, brush covered rock gets its name
for its bent shape, much like a person’s elbow. Fisherman from Fever Lake: Fed by three separate water sources; Dead
Sea Home swear that off these waters there are many small, River, Border Creek and Shard Creek, and out flowing in the
eatable fish, but so too, several very large saltwater crocodiles east via Sick Creek, this huge crater is a mix of both highly toxic
which occasionally drive boaters to shore. Once on land, fisher- and once drinkable waters. While the liquid tastes terrible and
men must run for the shell of a ruined building here and hide on looks worse, it won’t immediately cause illness if a person were
the second floor, as the crocs are relentless, and will often follow to consume it once or twice. Prolonged consumption, however,
the men to the base of these structures. Travelers in a canoe, causes cancer and mutations in offspring, and many of the an-
imals and savages that live near this lake are either very hardy
and thus unaffected by the water, or live with cancerous tu-
mors, flaw mutations and occasionally genetic enhancements
on a scale that is rare elsewhere in the region.
There are only scattered bands of marauders and hunt-
er gathers in these parts, as well as nutty loners, scavs and
wasteland preachers. Nobody fishes on this lake, because of
the ghastfin fish which lurk everywhere here, denying access
to the teaming waters by virtue of their ravenous appetites
for anything smaller than themselves. Getting too close to the

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shore is also known to be perilous, as land pike (see Fish,
hub rules page 153) frequently leap out and pull themselves
after travelers. Anyone walking along the shore is liable to be
attacked by d4 land pike, with a 4 in 10 chance per half hour
while remaining within 10 meters of the water’s edge. Anyone
to fall into the lake, such as if crashing in a airship or scrap-bi-
plane, will have a 5 in 10 chance of being attacked by a ghast-
fins per fifteen minutes of swimming or boating.

Figgy Road: This dirt tract splits off from North Road and
heads south west toward the town of Safe Port, cutting between
the forest of Strangle Wood and the reeking swamp that is Tox-
ic Bog. While the usual threats to any traveler can be found
along this route, the principle danger comes from the domi-
Filth Lake: This vast water body occupies the largest cra-
ter anywhere within several hundred kilometers. The lake at
nant raider gang called Foster’s Freebooters, see page 318 for the bottom is both the most toxic water body around and the
details. This gang, which is sponsored and encouraged by the lowest below sea level. Water from Sick Creek and Sour Can-
current ruler of the nearby town, do not act as randomly and yon River pours in by the ton, and still the water level seems
ruthlessly as do other marauders. Besides being highwaymen, to get no higher. Scientists, speculators and archeologists of
they are also guardians of this area, and see that trade cara- the day, most of them serving as treasure hunting excavators
vans, associated slavers, merchants and bounty hunters get when not writing down their theories, believe that the water
through, as well as possible mercenary recruits for the town. is flowing under ground. That the putrid, undrinkable water is
Given this selective robbery process, Foster’s Freebooters are filling up subterranean levels of the vast Los Angeles ruin belt,
likely to accost travelers and simply take a few items, charge from old Burbank to Barstow in the north, and Encinitas to Big
a 10sp toll tax or take a woman of considerable beauty to be- Bear Lake across the south. Much of this area is contained
come a concubine for their leader, Foster. in the northern and eastern dune lands, and evaporating as
fast as it can fill up the reservoirs therein. Many religious pon-
Encounters along Figgy Road: Occurring with a 3 in 10 tificators believe the water is pouring down into hell, trying to
chance per hour by day, and a 4 in 10 chance by night if one is quench the flames of the horned one, a strategy of the heav-
moving, but only a 2 in 10 chance per hour if camped out and enly hosts to defeat the diabolical one’s army.
not burning a fire or using flashlights, etc. The range of encoun- Whatever the reason for the drainage, what water remains
ters by day is d100+5m, and 2d6+2m by night. Roll 2d6: is radioactive, poisonous and gives off noxious fumes which
can make one ill within a matter of minutes. Nothing lives in
2. 2d6 Soldiers, all mutants with a prime mutation each Filth Lake, at least not for long. Coming within 10 meters of
and a relic weapon (WC-R) mercenaries marching to Safe the shore exposes a person to mild radioactive contamination,
Port. They will work for 50sp per month, and while they ap- while becoming immersed in the water itself, or drinking it, au-
pear to be brutal killers, they aren’t raiders and will not ha- tomatically contaminates a person with Medium radiation ex-
rass nor steal from other travelers, conducting themselves posure, no hazard check permitted. Besides the radioactive
as professional warriors. hazard found here, the air in the crater is putrid and noxious.
3. Foster’s Freebooters, 2d6+4 raiders on riding dogs with Any breathing creature stopping here must make a type B En-
crossbows, will demand a 10sp per person toll to continue durance based hazard check per minute to avoid system wide
onward, also, if they view any woman of 40 or better appear- damage and suffering a permanent loss of one point to each
ance, they will claim to arrest her as a spy and take her to trait value, including one’s appearance, trait points. Finally, be-
their leader, see Foster’s Freebooters, page 318. sides being radioactive, the water is poisonous to ingest, being
4-6. Normal swamp encounter, page TME 132 type E sickness poison which will cause the afflicted person to
7-8. Normal forest encounter, page TME 132 be at half all trait points for 3d6 weeks, and must make a type
9-10. Foster’s Freebooters, see page 318 for details, 3d6 +3 A hazard check after the first hour to avoid convulsing violently
raiders on foot with crossbows, step out of the vegetation then dying of nervous system failure.
and smile, while a raider leader wearing a relic hockey mask
on his face and riding a horse, rides up and waves. The lead-
er demands any booze or chocolate the PCs carry, plus a toll
Flak River: Connecting the coastal town of Dawn Cove with
the Aberrationist capital of Newburg, is the Upper Flak River.
fee of 12sp per person and if there are any women of 40 or Meanwhile, draining out of the Newburg’s south end is the
better appearance, will arrest them and take them as slave Lower Flak River. Both waterways are identical in depth, width
concubines to their master, Foster. and encounters, and likewise, very similar to the Dirge River
11,12. Nomadic traders, d3, each with a wagon and d4+1 which uses the same encounter table as shown on the next
militia soldiers, transporting food stuffs and beer kegs. page. The naming of the Flak River is uncertain, but implies
that either anti aircraft weaponry was used nearby, or some-
body ‘got flak’ for doing something wrong on this river or travel-
ers were ceaselessly harassed, and ‘getting flak’ while travers-
ing this waterway.
In the present day, the Flak River is a hugely popular trade
route, and anyone crossing the river, or traveling its length can
expect to meet a great deal of traffic along its course, and
very likely to come across Dominion patrols or shipping. As
this river is deep enough to allow cargo and battle barges up it
from either end, which can dock within Newburg where many
barges are built, it is possible for travelers to run into a Domin-
ion battle barge and be forced to run ashore to avoid being
crushed in a narrow part of the river.

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the travelers themselves are in a barge, it will have to beach itself
as the war ship passes, and is 45% likely to become stuck in the
mud and sand. If stuck, the barge will require 3d6 hours of tow-
ing and digging to get free, during which time regular encounters
for the location: Dominion Interior, page 341, might occur.
16. Alligators, d6: 1,2. small, d8 / 3,4. large, d2 / 5. huge /
6. giant.
17. Fish, d6: 1. Ripper 3d6 / 2. Normuk d3 /3. Galporra / 4.
Land Pike, d4 / 5,6. Ghastfin d3.
18. Frog, giant
*Who will report seeing cyborgs or armed pure stocks, but themselves do nothing about it.
The waterway is 20+d10m across at any given point, and
3+d6m deep in the middle channel, easily deep enough for
barge traffic. So too, sufficiently deep to hide some very large
aquatic carnivores, thus swimming across this creek is con-
sidered foolish. Anyone to dare swimming the river has a 3 in
10 chance of an encounter, rolling d6 on the following table,
while boating traffic has a 2 in 10 chance of an encounter
per half hour while on the river, rolling 3d6. The range of all
encounters with either shore based beings or people in boats
is 2d100+20m by day and d20+14m by night, while aquatic
animals are met at only 2d10+2m any time of day. Folly Island: Because of the solid rock and concrete foun-
dations which make up the core of this rugged island, the de-
Roll d6 if swimming or wading while 3d6 boating on The Flak Rivers cades of tidal waves and hyper erosion did not erase this island
1. Alligator, large as was the case with so much of the land around it. Besides
2. Roll 3d6 on this table being the home of the pirate citadel of Port Folly, this island is
3. Sharks, freshwater d6 known for the incredibly thick, knotted forest which encrusts
4-8. Normal Freshwater Encounter, see page TME 132, hub rules it. So dense is the vegetation, that movement is impossible by
9. Dominion Bat Riders, d3+2 who swoop low over boaters to see horse, ATVs and bikes of any kind, or tracked robots and ve-
who they are and if any pure stocks are armed. They will only land hicles. Even moving on foot, for a man-sized or larger being is
to arrest guilty travelers if the Bat Riders are of equal or superior at half rate, however smaller folk, such as skullocks, can move
numbers, otherwise they fly off to seek the help of other dominion at full speed. Numerous carnivorous plants dwell in lush wood-
troops who are 89% likely to arrive every half hour, with a decreas- land here, making this island a perilous stopping place. The
ing 10% odds per half hour in which they have not yet shown up. closer one gets to Port Folly, the more plentiful they become
Additional units will be 2d6+3 Dominion Dog Riders on the far since the inhabitants of that fort seed the mutant plants, and
shore, who will draw bows and order boaters to come ashore. also feed them with their dead and their condemned prison-
10. Nomadic trader and d3 militia soldiers in a canoe.* ers. The goal of these pirates is to dissuade all land based trav-
11. Longboat loaded with 3+d3 cows, and 4+d3 commoner el, and force travelers to dock in Port Folly.
men with bows.*
12. Merchant cargo barge, all its oar slaves are pure stocks, Encounters on Folly Island: Anywhere on the Island, there is
all crew are common mutants (militia soldiers). Ship is armed a 4 in 10 chance of encounter per hour by day, 7 in 10 chance
with a light ballista at the bow, however, they are not domin- per hour by night if moving about, or a 3 in 10 chance if hunkered
ion citizens, merely business people, and will do nothing about down and hiding without a fire or making noise above a whisper. If
seeing armed pure stocks or cyborgs. If, however, there are one is thrown over the walls of Port Folly, an automatic encounter
none of these present among the travelers, then the merchant arrives within 2d20 rounds. Daytime roll d10, Night d12:
will offer all mutant boaters the chance to book a cabin on-
board his ship and eventually travel to Steel Hill for a cost of 1,2. Roll normal encounter for Forest, page TME 132, hub rules book
only 20+d20sp each one way, all meals and water provided... 3. Plant, constriction vine
so long as the PCs are willing to assist in the guarding of the 4. Plant, jaw plant
ship and cargo. 5. Plant, saw tree
13. Longboat full of Dominion Irregulars, 6+d6 see page 109 6. Plant, impaler bush
for details about these ragged, ruthless warriors. They will try to 7. Plants, green walker 10+2d10
overtake boaters and check for armed pure stocks or cyborgs, 8. Hydra worm
and if finding any, beat them senseless and rob everybody on 9. Lizard, skulking render d2
board before dropping the travelers on the shore and confis- 10. Frogs, aberrant d6+1
cate their boat. Even if pure stocks are not armed, there is a 11. Devil bats, 2 for every PC and NPC
31% chance that these men and women will simply stop any 12. Black owl
boat that has even slave pure stocks, and take any slave of 40
or better appearance back to their camp someplace along the
river, to humiliate and abuse, then sell after a few weeks.
Forest Road: Cutting its way through Twisted Wood is a
length of six lane freeway, broken only in five places, and in such
14. Longboat filled with Dominion Warriors, who will arrest
spots, an excellent dirt road has been cut through the vegetation
any pure stocks seen armed or armored, or any cyborg with a
and kept open by frequent use by travelers. This roadway is the
weapon arm attached. Others are free to go unmolested, with
busiest road in the region, handling a huge amount of migrants,
a strict warning to obey the law next time.
cargo wagons, refugees, mixed convoys as well as the marching
15. Dominion battle barge, which is rowing furiously and taking
armies of both the Holy Purist Empire an the Dominion of Aber-
up the whole river channel. The craft won’t stop for anything even
ratia. Besides these larger user groups are a wide assortment
armed pure stocks in small boats. The travelers must veer toward
of traveler; excavators on foot or mounted, even driving scrap or
shore and wait until the great barge passes by or be crushed. If

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relic vehicles. So too are seen slavers whipping their stock to an tors, who are often wounded and short on coins or horses, this
uncertain fate, bounty hunters keeping their eye on passing fac- is an agreeable arrangement, since wagon’s make for a great
es, long lines of desperate refugees who have either come from place to rest up, sleep and heal, even as they make good time
other regions or are fleeing some nearby nation, and always, the heading to their next adventure.
ever present bands of humanoids, seeking to capture or kill their The encounter tables shown below are for those areas that
mortal human enemies. are actually within the confines of Twisted Wood, while north of
The alternative to using this roadway are the perilous, Array use the encounter tables for Inter-State, page 352, while
dimly lit, forest paths. While traversing these routes through for the roadway heading south to the Purity Wall and the Purist
the moss covered trees, rope vines and strange plants can be empire, use the encounter table for Bitter Bog, page 331.
one way to avoid large groups of potential enemies, the prog-
ress is always slow, and it is easy to get lost. Another aspect Encounters on Forest Road: Occur at a frequency of 2 in 10
of the paths which makes them less appealing, is that while chance per hour by day, and 4 in 10 chance per hour by night
a person is certainly better able to hide oneself, it is also true if the campers or travelers are using fire, or a 3 in 10 chance
that voracious monsters are also met at much closer range, if simply camped beside the road without making a fire or loud
and predatory plants might be hanging right over travelers noise, otherwise only a 1 in 10 chance if camped well off the
without ever being seen until it is too late. road and in the undergrowth of the forest edge, staying silent
The Forest Road is 100m wide where the old black- and concealed. Roll d10 on the Position or Direction of Travel
top-fiber blend highway is intact, the vegetation and tress Table, CR-11-4, to see which way an encounter is moving, fol-
cut back by those seeking firewood or building materials. lowed by the actual encounter table, CR-11-5, rolling d100 by
The five dirt road portions are 30m wide, allowing travelers day, and d100+20 at night to establish the location, bearing
to see a considerable distance on either side. This gap is and identity of other beings.
handy as it permits some warning when a predator comes
charging out of the undergrowth, possibly enough time to Table Cr-11-4 Position or Direction of Travel Table Roll d10
put sufficient arrows or bullets into a monster or band of to determine direction of encounter
skullocks to drive them off before melee is joined. 1. Heading across the road from the west
It is this great range, and the straightness of the road to the east, d10m out of the forest, and
which is so appealing to large caravans, who otherwise sim- 100+2d100m ahead.
ply couldn’t move through the forest at all, and would have 2. Heading across the road from the east
to travel further east near Barter River, and so too, near to the west, d10m out of the forest,
the Purist border where the fate for non-pure bloods and 100+2d100m ahead
is always death. While traveling forest road, at least 3,4. Stopped on the roadside ahead, seen
during the day, one can often see up to twenty by day 1000+d1000m, 10+12m by night
kilometers ahead, since the road was made as 5,6. Coming up Forest Road from the
flat as possible. This great range may not tell south, seen by day 1000+d1000m,
who or what is approaching from so far off, 10+12m by night
but at least there is time to prepare one’s 7,8. Coming down Forest Road from
defenses, or flee into the woods if needed. the north, seen by day 1000+d1000m,
Another great advantage of the road 10+12m by night
is that it is possible to meet up with like 9,10. Ambush Range! Concealed or
minded travelers of a similar or toler- camping in the vegetation on the side of
ant race or profession. Most simple the road, (10-50. west side/ 51-00. east
people, who are just trying to survive side) only spotted when the travelers are
in an intense time in human passing by, range 50m.
history, are eager to make al-
liances and pacts, even if it is Table CR-11-5 Encounters along Forest Road
just for the night, or until the Roll d100 by day, and d100+20 at night
road’s end, and since there are 01-24. Normal forest encounter
known to be squads of either anti- 25-32. Purist patrol, a small unit of 5+d6
pure stock or anti-mutants waging war with each Purist Conquistadors on horseback. See page
other all through this portion of the forest, people 188 for Purist Conquistadors
are willing to form into strong caravans. Excava- 33-35. Purist brigade, an armed force of 20+d20 Pur-
tion parties, of mixed race, are always welcomed ist Conquistadors on foot. See page 188 for details
into these caravans, as well as inside the actual 36-38. Purist airship, with four Purist Conquistadors
wagons of refugees, farmers, and traders as in it, armed with crossbows that will hover
they are well armed and able to protect 100+d20m above the ground and shoot at
the caravan should it come under at- passing mutants and cyborgs. Common Vehi-
tack. From the viewpoint of the excava- cles of the Mutant Epoch, page 219, hub rules.

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39-42. Dominion Bat Riders, d6+2, if outnumbering all-pure
stock groups of travelers, will make fly-by attacks using their
bows. See page 109 for description.
43-47. Dominion Dog Riders, 3d6. See page 109 for description.
48-51. Dominion Irregulars, on foot 4d6. See page 109 for
52-55. Dominion Warriors, platoon, 18+d12, See page 109
for description.
56-58. Skullock raiders, 2d6+8, with a 35% chance they are
mounted on war dogs.
59-63. Raider highwaymen, 2d6+6 raiders on foot, armed Free Channel: White reef is so broad and densely populat-
with bows and machetes ed with corals and other ship-stopping growths that no barge or
64-66. Raider brigade, 3d6+10 on saddle horses. water craft with a draft of more than a meter can get across the
67-70. Pure stock refugees heading south, in 3d6 covered reef, while those trying may become lodged on the formation
or boxed-in wagons, each with a commoner man, woman d3 permanently, as have so many drifting relic ships (see Resup-
teens and d3 children, escorted by one horse mounted militia ply, White Cruiser and Busta Container). The only way for large
soldier with a bow, per wagon. Will fire on mutants as these vessels to come and go from this stretch of shoreline is by way
people desire to join the Holy Purist Empire. of Free Channel, an opening in the reef which is but a kilome-
71-75. Mixed race refugees heading to Overpass, in 3d10 ter across. This passage is easily blocked by pirates wishing
covered or boxed-in wagons, each with a commoner man, to board cargo barges heading into the a safety of Sea Home,
woman d3 teens and d3 children, escorted by one riding potentially forcing any merchant vessel to hold back, allowing
dog mounted militia soldier with a bow, per wagon. Will wel- other pirate vessels to circle it and close in for the kill. On any
come mixed race excavators and urge them to join their plans given day, there is a 9% chance that a pirate battle barge and
to build a new community north of Overpass at The Merge. d6+2 pirate longboats (each fitted with a light ballista) is wait-
These people will be roughly 60% common mutants with one ing here when any cargo or battle barge of the Lower Freehold
‘physical alteration’ minor mutation each. or an independent owner-operator arrives.
76-81. Trade caravan, 2d6 wagons each loaded with com-
mon trade goods, driven by d3 militia soldiers each (armed with Frigate: Lodged in the Dethpool Ruins is an ancient frigate
musket rifles and sabers, with one nomadic trader command- called the Alameda, and appears to have been operated by The
ing each ‘rig’. For each wagon there will be d2 militia soldiers South Californian Federation, a hold-out human conglomerate
mounted on horse with a musket pistol and saber each. They of sixteen corporations and eight municipalities based in and
will be of mixed race, heading either to Sandbarra or Overpass. around old Santa Barbara. How the ship came to have its rud-
82-84. Trader on horse, with d3 militia soldier guards, also der and propellers torn off is a mystery as the ship computers
on horseback. have long since been looted and no other logs have been re-
85,86. Excavators on horse, d3+3, low rank, eager to join a covered. The vessel is firmly pinned among partially submerged
more experienced group and loot the ruins or kill Purists. skyscrapers; a permanent fixture of the growing mutant reef.
87-89. Bipedal rat war party, 3d10+10, see Rats, hub rules, What is left of the ship has been extensively looted, how-
page 167. ever at one time there were anti-submarine and anti-air de-
90-92. Reptilius war party, 2d10+13, see Plants, hub rules, fense weaponry bristling from this dark gray ship, sophisticat-
page 165. ed electronic counter measures to jam enemy radar and sonar,
93-95. Slaver and merchandise. The human trafficker rides several emplacements of anti-ship missile batteries, as well as
a horse, leading a line of slaves who are on foot, tied to a impressive high fire rate robotic turrets which could fire a thou-
rope, but individually wearing a slave collar which is attached sand rounds a minute of high caliber ammo. All of these im-
to a chain at the wrists, making movement reduced from 5m pressive relics have been looted off the ship by one faction or
to 4m if able to run for it. There will be 3d6 men, 3d6 wom- another, and many have left the region altogether, mounted
en, 2d6 male teens, 2d6 female teens and 3d6+6 children aboard the scrap built barges of nomadic marauders.
slaves, guarded by 6+d6 raiders on horseback, armed with The generally unsalvageable wreck which remains is
musket pistols, sabers and whips. The slaver is 50% likely to now home to a wide assortment of creatures. The upper
be a mutant, as are his raider guards, and the merchandise is deck has become the nesting ground for winged slasher
headed for Newburg, otherwise, the slaver and his crew are of lizards, which are the trained mounts of their shipmates,
mixed race, heading to a freehold town to sell the slaves, and who live among the inner decks above the water level; a
will not deal on the road. strain of aquamarine colored reptilius called the ‘Kelpies’,
96,97. Bounty hunters, d3 with 4+6 raiders, on horseback, which have developed large finned tails and allowing them
looking for wanted individuals. They will be registered with the to swim 8m per round. This nation of lizard folk range all
Purist Empire 32% of the time, hunting non-generic humans. over the Dethpool Ruins, and consider it their home-
98-120. Green Walkers, 4d6 land, making Frigate their fortress.

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In the ship’s lower flooded decks, which have reportedly
not been well looted, are rumored to contain packaged robots,
ammunition, body armor and light infantry weapons. Calling
these deep decks home, however, are saltwater pit slimes, as
well as assorted sea monsters which use the blast holes in
the hull as cave mouths to come and go as they please.
Adventurers who wish to climb aboard this great vessel
had better be well armed and in strong numbers, as once they
are detected, the Kelpies will be relentless in their efforts to
drive off or eat intruders. There will be 2d6+3 winged slashers
and 100+d100 Kelpie reptilius on the ship at any given time,
yet, many times that number will be hunting and patrolling the
entire ruins, not due to return for up to d6 days.

Encounters onboard the Frigate: For every fifteen minutes

aboard this ship there is a 3 in 6 chance of an encounter, roll- from the main tower of Rivergrad is likely to open fire on any canoe
ing on the Outside Encounter Table or the Inside Encounter which is seen traveling up or down Gabe’s trench. Traveling through
Table depending on where the explorers are at. Gabe’s Trench is often accomplished at night, however, knowing this,
Aberrationist units, stationed on the shore with crossbows and ready
Outside Encounter Table for the Frigate range 3d8 meters d6 canoes, are often present, and eager for a scrap.
1. A winged slasher flies by and happens to see the characters, For each canoe ride through the trench by day, see table CR-
and shrieks, before attacking. d4 more Slashers and a unit of 11-6 below and roll d6, or by night, roll d6 +4. If, however, one is
2d6 reptilius will arrive within 5+d12 rounds. forced into the water, see table CR-11-7 next page. If, even if af-
2. d4 Reptilius, sunning themselves on a deck, being +80 SV to ter suffering casualties, the boaters continue, they automatically
strike with melee weapons or +60 with ranged weapons. If any pass though the log posts and continue on, although, depending
survive the first attack, they will squeal and be 67% likely to bring on their pursuers or any enemy attacks, they are still susceptible
3d6 more of their kind within 3d6 rounds. to harm if within range of DOA crossbow and ballista fire or un-
3. Winged slasher asleep on a nest of d6+2 eggs, being +80 SV able to out run Aberrationist canoes:
to strike with melee weapons or +60 with ranged weapons.
4. d4 winged slashers see the PCs from their mast roost far Table CR-11-6 Canoeing through Gabe’s Trench
above, and shriek before attacking. 3d6+10 reptilius will in- Roll d6 by day, d6+4 by night:
vestigate, arriving at the battle within 3d6 rounds. 1. Heavy machine gun fire, from the tower top, 400m away. It
5. Patrol of 2d6+2 reptilius, which shriek when seeing the will spray the canoe and occupants equally. Boaters will have
trespassers and are 72% likely to bring d6 winged slashers to dive into the water and swim for it as their craft is torn to
within 3d6 rounds. shreds, see Forced Into the Water table CR-11-7, next page.
6. A pet skulking render turns the corner and sees the characters, 2. Sniper rifle pot shots! A Dominion Warrior with a sniper rifle is
roars and charges. Its roar has an 82% chance of altercating d6 assigned to eliminate all passengers in the boat, firing first at the
winged slashers and 2d6 reptilius who arrive in 3d6 rounds. lead rower; the sniper is 400m away when she starts shooting.
3. Heavy ballista spear, fired from 400m away (total range 1.2
Inside Encounter Table for the Frigate range 2d6 meters d6 km, rate ¼)
1. Pit slime, which has come up from the watery lower decks. 4. Patrol of d4+2 Dominion Warriors with crossbows are on
2. d6+1 Reptilius, sleeping in hammocks, being +80 SV to the shore, cooking something over a fire when the PCs arrive.
strike with melee weapons or +60 with ranged weapons. They will each fire at you once as the boaters canoe passed.
3. d4+1 Reptilius, cleaning fish, backs to the characters (+40 5. Heavy fire! Roll here d4 twice (plus a spotlight is trained on
SV to be struck at). the PCs if at night, light range: 1 km)
4. Patrol of d6+2 reptilius, who will squeal when seeing the 6. No event, the guards on the nearby walls and tower seem to be
characters and be 55% likely to bring 3d6 more of their kind preoccupied with cards and dice, or don’t seem to consider the
within 3d6 rounds. PCs enough of a threat to waste a bullet or a ballista spear on.
5. d4+1 Reptilius guarding d4 tied up, badly beaten, mal- 7. d3 canoes on shore, each will have 2+d2 Dominion Irregu-
nourished human fisherman from Sea Home. Upon seeing lars (see page 109 for details on DOA irregulars), who will fire
the characters, the lizard folk will squeal and be 62% likely to their bows once at the passengers before leaping into their
bring 3d6 more reptilius within 3d6 rounds. canoes and pursuing, all the while ordering the boaters to
6. 2d6 land pike which have crept up from the lower decks to stop, shooting one arrow from each canoe
try and eat reptilius. 8. There are mutants camped on the shore, but they have a
huge bonfire going and seem to be roasting some sort of ani-
Gabe’s Trench: This backwater of the Lusus River is a slow mal. Being thus preoccupied, that they fail to see the PCs float
moving, shallow waterway, which serves more as a moat for the through the barrier.
Aberrationist fortress of Rivergrad than much of anything else. 9. The PCs arrive to see that 2d6+6 Dominion Irregulars
Any craft wider than a canoe cannot pass through this channel have captured a canoe loaded with pure stock migrants,
since the mutant supremacist forces have pounded a line of and have dragged their canoe onto shore and are busy
heavy timbers into the sandy bottom of the trench, forcing trav- beating the family senseless (man, woman, d3 teens d3
elers in larger craft to pass by the watchtower and dock area children), as well as looting the contents of their canoes.
on the other side of Paramount Island. All waterborne travelers They are so involved with their ‘fun’ that they fail to notice
are expected to put ashore and be inspected before continuing the characters pass. If fired upon, they automatically loose
along Lusus River, something smugglers and groups with free, initiative and are unsuspecting on the first volley of shots,
armed pure stocks desperately try to avoid. being +40 SV easier to strike.
Even if one is in a canoe, trying to slip by the island fortress, there 10. No event, no sign of guards or active searchlights
is no guarantee that the passengers will make it, as a heavy ballista

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Table CR-11-7 Forced into the Water of Gabe’s Trench Roll d8:
1. Sharks, freshwater, d8, dart towards the swimmers, range Gold Grass Plain: Directly north of Overpass is a sweep-
3d6m (shore is 2d6m away) ing grassy flat, called Gold Grass Plain, where the mutant grain
2. Spider, bog, which a random character steps on when he or grows waist high and often conceals both game and predators.
she contacts the bottom, irritating the spider enough to make Freehold Scouts (see Page 16 for details) patrol this open steppe,
it go after the swimmer. ever vigilant for the approach of northern barbarians, humanoid
3. Worm, jaw, wriggles up out of the muck and tries to devour hoards, or a rear attack by the Dominion of Aberratia. Various
a random person. clans of suspicious, yet not necessarily hostile goat herders and
4. Insects, 2d6 swamp skimmers, on eastern shore, 2d6m cattlemen roam this flatland, and if travelers are well known, or
away, entering water themselves Freehold agents, these hardy nomads will allow the
5. Fish, ripper 2d8 characters to camp with them in their circled wagons.
6. Fish, ghastfin
7. Alligators, d8, small Encounters on Gold Grass Plain: Occurring at the normal
8. Alligator, large rate for plains (1 in 10 per hour at 50+d100m by day and
spotted at d100m at night), but use the following encounter
table to determine what is met. Roll d10:
1-4. Normal encounter for Plains, see page TME 131.
5. 2d6+2 Militia soldiers on horseback, who are moving a
herd of 4d6 cows, 3d6 calves and d3 bulls. They will wave to
recognized Freehold Scouts or regular traders, but warn away
strangers with their spears and try to avoid all contact.
6. 4+d6 Freehold Scouts on riding dogs, treat as elite soldiers with
a weapon relic each (WC-R). They will approach travelers and ques-
tion them about their destination, names, caste and home towns.
If the characters are of mixed races and friendly, the patrol will let
them pass with wishes of good luck, or else, if it is close to dusk,
Gate Reef: Even at high tide, no battle or cargo barge can ask the travelers to camp with them for mutual protection. All-mu-
tant or all-pure stock groups will be considered to be enemies and
cross this reef to get in or out of Mud Inlet, thus forcing large
vessels to go between Crow or Steel Islands, or between Steel told to turn away from Overpass or be arrested as spies.
Island and the mainland. 7. Wagon train of cattle and goat herders. 3d6+6 wagons, each
There is an 11% chance that any water craft making its with a family in it and each with d6+2 cows, d6 calves and a bull,
way between Crow Island and Steel Island will be attacked by as well as about a dozen goats or sheep. (Mutant Bestiary One has
the mutated crows from Crow Island, treat them as skal birds statistics for both sheep and goats) A force of 2 militia soldiers with
with 3+d3 endurance, SV 01-45 and inflict d4 damage on a bows, mounted on horses, will accompany the nomads, and will wel-
strike. Each row boat, raft or canoe attacked by 2d4+4 crows, come Freehold Scouts and familiar traders, but warn away strang-
each longboat or retro scrap gunboat or other relic small craft ers and threaten to kill them if they approach within 50 meters.
will be attacked by 3d6+12 crows, while all larger ships will 8. Band of 2d6+4 skullocks on war dogs, raiding from the North.
be swarmed by 3d10+25. 9. Raider gang, on horseback, 2d6+7, who will not only rob
Cruising between Steel Island and the mainland is often travelers of all their valuables, but will kidnap any females of
a better choice, although the bipedal rats which call this part 20 or better appearance to either sell or force into marriages
of the mainland their home are prone to launching dozens of with gang members.
canoes and trying to cut off the approach of human shipping, 10. Mixed race refugees fleeing the Shallow Sea Region to the
seeking to devour its crew and loot its cargo before setting the North. These 3d6 families are on foot, half starved, and armed
ship ablaze. There is a 7% chance that any boat, barge or ship with bows and hatchets and drag their belongings on canvas
to pass this way will be attacked by bipedal rats. If an attack stretchers tied between poles. They will be very relieved to learn
occurs, each human row boat, raft or canoe will be attacked that characters are not going to kill, eat or enslave them, and say
by 1 canoe containing 3+d3 bipedal rats using bows, each they are on their way to join the great city of Overpass, which they
longboat or retro scrap gunboat or other relic small craft will heard was a beautiful place without crime or poverty, where they
be attacked by 2+d3 such canoes, while all larger ships will would all find good paying jobs and get free land. If escorted to
each be set upon by 10+2d6 canoe loads of the rat folk. Overpass, they will remember the protection characters offered,
and always make a home for them in the slums of Tentville.

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tal to any pure stock boaters, but 57% likely to accost even
mutant excavators they meet and beat, rob and abuse them
for d4+1 hours before letting them go, naked.
* Family is always a man, woman, d3 teens and d3 children, always commoners, but in
Aberratia, always mutants with a physical alteration minor mutation each

Golden River: Cutting across the south eastern corner of

the Dominion of Aberratia is the clean, drinkable waterway of
Golden River. This waterway is said to have gained its name for
the color it once was a century ago, when it was a toxin filled,
pee yellow color and death to any who drank from it. Golden
River serves as a major trade route for mutant peddlers and
migrants, allowing them to travel from Rivergrad all the way
to Banner Cove, or split off to the west on the Dirge River and
Great Steppe: Spanning the southern rim of both the

Crossroads and Shattered Regions, this vast grassland ex-

reach Newburg. This river is simply too shallow and narrow in tends for an undetermined distance. It is an area yet to be
places for any barge traffic, and is usually 5+d6m wide and opened up for trade and conquest. In those areas skirting
d4m deep at any given point. Along the way, there are always the Crossroads Region, the steppe is known for its herds
the common dangers of any Mutant Epoch era creek or river; of wild cattle, great horns, mutant horses and other large
however, half of all encounters will be with Aberrationist boats herbivores. Likewise, it is patrolled by the roaming bands
of one sort or another, otherwise roll as a normal fresh water of brigands, humanoids and nomadic wagon people, all of
encounter from the hub rules found on page TME 132. whom are unfriendly and prone to shooting at strangers
rather than offering to barter or share a camp.
Encounters with Humans on Golden River: Boats will be: The only settlement in this southern area is Leper Hold,
d8; 1-3, heading upstream toward Rivergrad / 4,5. Pulled up a colony solely occupied by those suffering from Leprosy. It
on shore as the crew camps/ 6-8. Heading down stream to- is known that some of the raiders in this grassland hail from
ward Banner Cove. Roll d20 Leper Hold, many of which are looking for healthy women to
1,2. Dominion cargo longboat, military, fitted with a heavy be their wives. Encounters occur at the normal frequency
machine gun, will block the river and insist on inspecting and range for plains, rolling d12 below:
travelers for pure stocks, and of these, arrest any that bare
weapons or armor, while confiscating the relics of all the 1-5. Normal encounter for plains, however any raiders met
travelers if any such armed pure stock slaves are present. will have leprosy*
If only mutants are among the travelers, then the barge 6. Raiders* from Leper Hold, 2d6+4 with each on riding
will allow the PC’s craft to continue on unmolested. dog with a crossbow and battle axe, demand any women
3,4. Dominion Warriors in Longboat, 12 soldiers, with cross- of 15 or better appearance as slave-brides, plus all relics,
bows, will insist on fully inspecting the travelers, making sure money and food the travelers may posses.
pure stocks are both unarmored and unarmed, under penalty 7. Family of lepers* on foot, man, woman, and d3 teens all
of a beating and confiscation of the pure stock as a slave to have bows, d3 children have slingshots, they are heading to-
the longboat’s crew. ward Leper Hold, will call to travelers pleading for food.
5,6. Patrol of d3+1 canoes, each with 4 Dominion Irregu- 8. Raiders*, as roll 6 above, however, there are 3d6+10 of
lars in it, using bows. Will demand to inspect any craft with the men.
pure stocks in it, and 57% chance, force the characters 9. Purist Conquistadors on horseback, out killing heretics,
onto the shore. If forced ashore, the brutal irregulars will lepers and mutants, 3d6+3
force the travelers to spend the night with them, and will 10. Lone scavenger on riding dog, will be wary of travelers,
be cruel hosts, humiliating and beating any pure stocks but, will approach excavators to warn them that the people
among the travelers. in these parts are mostly lepers, including the raiders, who
7,8. Pure stock slave, 56% chance male, otherwise female, are out to steal women to take back to Leper Hold. He asks
armed with only a knife and a staff, rowing a canoe, terrified if he can trade a standard ammo rounds for a liter of beer
of all mutants, if calmed down and helped, will say he or she is or wine.
from d6: 1-3 Overpass/ 4,5. Steel Hill / 6. Galespit 11. Wagon people, 3d6+6 families (man, woman, d3 teens,
9,10. A family* of commoners in rowboat. d3 children,) each wagon has d6 cows, d3 calves and a 2
11,12. Raft load of mutant migrants, using poles to propel in 6 chance of a bull. There will also be one mounted militia
themselves along. There are 2d6 families*, each on their soldier with a bow per wagon, all of which will ride out and
own raft. warn away approaching strangers with drawn bows and foul
13,14. Nomadic trader and d3 militia soldiers with crossbows language. These people are exceedingly xenophobic and will
in canoe, will be friendly to travelers who are led by mutants, not camp with nor even trade with strangers.
but will keep their distance and not stop to chat. 12. Skullocks on giant bats, d4+1
15,16. Canoe load of mutant excavators, d2+2, will be friend-
ly to fellow diggers and ask if they are heading for some ru- * Individuals have advanced leprosy. Registered Members
ins or mercenary work, and if it is late in the day, will suggest of the Society of Excavators can download the free pdf
camping together on the shore for protection. document Leprosy in The Mutant Epoch at www.mutante-
17-20. Normal freshwater encounter, however, any humans poch.com, however, for handy reference, here, on the next
or humanoids encountered will instead be considered a long- page, are the affects of leprosy of which each encoun-
boat full of 8+d8 Dominion Irregulars, who will be terribly bru- tered leper in this area lives with:

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Leprosy: Affected Limb or Body Part Determination Roll d10 5. Deer, 2d6, if the Mutant Bestiary One is not accessible, treat
1. Right arm: can’t use any weapon or shield (others load deer as calves (see cattle from the hub rules) which move +4m.
crossbow for person) 6. Purist bounty hunter, with 2+d3 militia soldiers, hunting for
2. Left arm: can’t use any weapon or shield (others load cross- any escaped slaves or trespassing mutants.
bow for person) 7. Pure stock woman, with mutant baby, has back pack, tent,
3. Left leg: move at half speed (one quarter if a four legged dagger, bow, 2d6 arrows, water, d6 days food, and d3 dead
being, etc.) rabbits to feed herself. Mutant baby has d3 minor mutations.
4. Right leg; move at half speed (one quarter if a four legged She will eagerly flee the Purelands with any characters who
being, etc.) are interested, and offer to serve as a camp-attendant for
5. Penis: (male only, females re-roll) No reproduction or sex- only food, shelter and protection in return, although she can
ual activity. support herself just fine with her bow and knife.
6. Right hand: loss of hand use, but an archaic weapon or 8. Escaped pure blood slave, who was deemed unfit for normal Pur-
shield can be strapped to arm ist life because he or she was, d6: 1. Homosexual / 2. Thief / 3.
7. Right foot: reduce movement by 25% Made fun of the Clergy / 4. Adultery / 5. From Steel Hill, and not a
8. Left hand: loss of hand use, but an archaic weapon or true believer / 6. Believed in the true Christian Bible, and was caught
shield can be strapped to arm with a copy and called all purists ‘liars and misguided fools’.
9. Left foot: reduce movement by 25% 9. Bear, black, 79% chance it will turn and run away no matter
10. Face: (nose, ears and jaw deformed, appearance drops how many characters it meets, otherwise, it will rush the char-
to d6) acters, but, there is a 45% chance it will stop 5m away if the
PCs stand their ground, and then move off, otherwise, it will
attack or give chase for 3d6 minutes or until it gets one char-
acter and mauls him or her into unconsciousness or death.
10. Birds, Skal 2d6+2
11. Insect, doom moth
12. Insects, blood flyers, d6+1
13. Snake, small
14. Wolves, 93% timber, otherwise mutant 2d4
15. Bats, devil d3+2
16. Bat, giant
17. Worms, jaw d6
18. Urcellia d3
Gunthar’s Forest: This woodland has been carefully
weeded of nearly all mutant plants, in particular, dangerous
specimens. Animal life has also been reduced to non-mu-
tated species, but, while the parent animals, such as timber
wolves, might be pure stock on the outside they often exhibit
mental or hidden mutations. Likewise, their young could eas-
ily be deviant should their parents possess mutagen affected
genes. For the most part though, the trees and animals in this
forest are like something out of ancient history, with very few
aggressive animals, no hostile humanoids, no gangs of ma-
rauding mutants and rarely even a Purist patrol. Winged crea-
tures, or beasts which have emerged from the underground
ruins, have nonetheless been seen in this woodland, as these
monsters are difficult to hold back, therefore those exploring
here should always be armed and stay in groups.
Besides animals, it is not uncommon for prisoners from
The Hermilage, as well as pure blood slaves or mothers who Harper’s Bridge: In the year 2341, Juglodun Harper, a
have given birth to a mutant child, to seek refuge in this for- physically weak but mentally powerful mutant, suggested to
est. These fugitives are either eventually caught by Purist the leaders of both Overpass and Pitford to quit raising rope
bounty hunters, starve, or eaten by wolves and bears. The bridges across The Rip, where the Unity Road was cut in two
following encounters assume that the characters are es- by the ‘Age of Quakes’. His idea was that a steel bridge would
caped prisoners and poorly armed with whatever they can not be able to be hacked down by the zealots of Rock Spire,
find at hand (clubs, staffs, rocks, etc.). as they had done countless times to the rope bridges. Harp-
er showed his detailed plans, and offered to pay half the bill
Encounters In Gunthar’s Forest: Occurring here with a 1 in and undertake the construction and protection thereafter; in
10 chance per hour by day, and a 2 in 10 chance at night, roll- return, he would charge a toll until it was paid off, plus 30%
ing from the following list, using 2d6 by day and 3d6 by night, more for profit. The bridge was built in 2345 and the first ex-
range 10+d10m unless otherwise noted: cavation teams were able to drive over it on ATVs or in wag-
2. Purist Conquistadors on patrol 5+d6, on foot, range ons. The ability for large vehicles, including scrap tanks to
50+d20m cross it was a breakthrough in relations between Pitford and
3. Purist loggers, 3d6+6 commoner men, harvesting timber, Overpass, and the flow of people and goods tripled overnight.
carry battle axes but have bows handy, range 100+d100m, The toll has long since been paid, and now, only a detach-
busy working, -3 initiative. ment of Northern Freehold Scouts guard this vital bridge, with
4. Purist couple, lovers, having a picnic, both are commoners, a wooden palisade at each end, housing a timber shack, a
having an affair. 44% chance they are ‘busy’ and don’t see 5m tall watch tower and enough space within to house five
nor hear the PC’s approach, range 3d6+6m, both have dag- wagons and their draft animals. The cost to camp within the
gers and bows nearby. compound at either end is 2sp per night per adult, which is

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a great deal considering the cost of an Inn or the dangers to prime mutation. They block the character’s trail and order
camping outside at night. them to drop their weapons and packs and step back as these
There are 5+d6 Northern Freehold Scouts stationed at items are collected. If the PCs agree, then the raiders will be
each stockade (see page 16 for a detailed description on 67% likely to leave after collecting all the character’s weapons,
these warriors if needed). coin pouches, satchels, back packs, etc, otherwise, they tie the
PCs up and lead them off of to Overpass to be sold in the slave
12. Rock Spire Protectors, d6+3, see page 285, re-roll en-
counter if it occurs at night. This group has captured d3 ex-
cavators and are marching them off to their fortress in the
sky for execution. They totally fail to see the characters and
are moving by in a lower trench of debris.
13. Skullock raiders on war dogs, d6+5
14. d3+2 Warmorts
15. Bears, bane d3
16. Birds, ground hawks, d3
17. Cat, hell-cougar
Havoc Wastes: This expanse of scrub sits between Pit- 18. Dogs, mutant 2d6
ford and Rock Spire. It consists primarily of the burnt out 19. Lizards, sand 3d6
shells of ancient structures, the powdery rubble left after 20. Scorpions, cave, d6
nuclear blasts, and is littered with the wrecks of machines
from long forgotten battles. The area is cut by the remains
of an ancient freeway called Unity Road which connects
Pitford with Overpass, and is a very frequently traveled
pathway into the vast, Great Ruins which sit to the east
and north.
Many excavators leave Harper’s Bridge and make their
way to Pitford, and therein rest before pressing on with an
expedition into the ruins. Of course, getting from the bridge
to the town is hazardous, as religious crackpots from Rock
Spire, as well as assorted raiders, humanoids and preda-
tors hunt these dusty flats looking for an easy target to rob,
kill, or devour. There are many ruined structures about, of-
fering some cover if needed, but no skyscrapers or buildings
with roofs. That said, there are supposedly a few stairwells
leading down into an incredible maze of underground ruins,
many of which have been looted, while others have entranc-
es so well hidden, or covered with debris, that they have yet
Heckler Wood: While not a thick forest, this long, half
moon shaped woodland at the northern end of the Domin-
gone undiscovered. ion of Aberratia is infested with wildlife. Especially prevalent
In short, these flats are a rubble studded scrub land, are wolves of all sorts, which often leave the confines of the
carpeted in stunted chaparral, low shrubs and bunch dense vegetation to hunt the fields around Hookville. These
grass, slowly reclaiming it back into the realm of nature; ravenous canines eat the viscera left when humans slaughter
although a nature which has been forever altered by hu- livestock, devour stray animals, or bring down travelers who
man activities. are late getting to the safety of a town or fortified homestead.
Inside the length of the forest roll d10 when an encounter oc-
Encounters in the Havoc Wastes: 3 in 10 chance of en- curs, or else within 10 km of the woodland at night.
counter per hour, range 10+d100m by day, d20m by night,
roll d20: 1-3. Wolves, timber 2d4+3
1-4. As normal Scrub encounter, table TME-4-4, page 132 4,5. Wolves, mutant d6+2
5,6. As normal Battle Zone encounter, see Ancient Ruins, ta- 6. Wolves, two headed d3+1
ble TME-4-2, page 130 in the hub rules. 7. Wolves, giant d3
7. d4+4 Protectors from Rock Spire, see page 285, this book, 8. Patrol of Dominion Dog Riders, 6+d8
however, if encounter occurs at night, re-roll. 9,10. As normal encounter for forest, or as plains if outside
8. 2d6+6 raiders on horse, all are mutants with one minor of Heckler Wood. See TME hub rules pages 131 and 132 for
mutation each, armed with crossbows. They will take any cap- these complete terrain based encounter tables.
tives as slaves and sell them in Overpass.
9. d3 Scavengers, who will keep their distance from all travelers
and try to vanish in the debris. If approached with open hands and
Inter-State: At one time, this great highway connected a
dozen post-devastation communities; currently, however only
friendly words, they will talk to those clearly of the excavator caste two remain, and only by virtue of their defenses and the te-
and of mixed race, and relate that: “There are damn protectors nacity of their people. In former times, the small towns and
from Rock Spire about and who guard the ruins from diggers, us- villages along this roadway did brisk trade with each other,
ing relic weapons to shoot us archeologists in the backs!” but due to the raids by both the Purist and Aberrationist fac-
10. d3 excavators, wounded, down to 3d6 END each, limping tions, many smaller places were obliterated, their populations
along, armed only with daggers and machetes. They say they butchered, captured or driven to the other settlements. Now,
were attacked by a warmorts and beg for help getting to Pitford Only Galespit and Overpass remain, having grown in size and
or Overpass and in return will pay the PC group 100+d100sp and power over the last hundred years.
d6+1 standard rifle rounds. The actual Inter-State Highway is six lanes across, and
11. Raiders on foot, 4+d6, each with a musket rifle and a sectioned-off by a concrete divider that is 1 meter tall and

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80cm thick, open in places, every kilometer or so, to perhaps add to their camouflage, gaining +3 initiative and coming up
allow the ancients to turn their emergency vehicles around within 10+d20m on either side of the travelers.
and enter the opposing lanes. The route is broken in many If they seriously outnumber travelers, they will simply tell
places, by blast craters and earth movements, or else, com- their victims to get off any mounts and drop their weapons
pletely buried under hundreds of tons of earth and debris. and kneel as they remove the belongings and armor from
In the north western corner of the region, Inter-State is re- each victim. They are 89% likely to simply leave the travelers
named to North Road, but is actually still part of the once great standing in the roadway in their underwear, totally unarmed,
thoroughfare. North Road has its own unique encounters, as before themselves leaving, otherwise, after taking everything
does Crater Bridge, which connects this once great highway the travelers have, they tie them up and march them off as
to the New Hills. Beyond the Crossroad Region, heading south slaves, selling them to a slaver (see encounter 3 this list) with-
east, Inter-State breaks up against the rising Cathedral Moun- in d6 days.
tains within the Shattered Region, and seems to have totally 6. Nomadic trader on horse, with d3 pack horses behind him
vanished on the far side of the mountains, either by being bur- and d3 militia soldiers with bows and hatchets also on horse
ied by silt deposits or having been broken up and used in the acting as his guard.
construction of the Purehold farm and fortress communities. 7. Scavenger on riding dog, who will veer off road at the first
Being the main trade route by independent peoples, ei- sign of seeing strangers approaching or waiting on the road
ther going between Overpass and Galespit or to points be- ahead of him (or her 35% of the time)
yond, travelers on this road are likely to meet a great variety 8. Wagon train 3d6+6 wagons, each with a commoner family
of other users of the route, some benevolent, others greedy of migrants. Roughly half the people are common mutants with
and murderous. one ‘physical alteration’ minor mutation. These folk are farm-
ers and fishermen, crafts people and whatnot looking to settle
Encounters on Inter-State: Camping on the side of the road in Overpass or establish a new town someplace if heading away
will result in encounter frequency according to the terrain from Overpass.
type, which except for a few wooded areas in the east, results All the men, women and teens carry bows, plus, they will
in encounters from the Plains column, page 131 table TME-4- have a compliment of 10+d6 militia soldiers on horseback pa-
3, hub rules. There is a 3 in 10 chance per hour of an encoun- trolling ahead, behind and to either side at 50m or so range.
ter by day while being on the highway, and a 4 in 10 chance These out-riders will greet travelers on the road with suspicion.
per hour if moving along it at night. Roll 3d6: If the characters are of mixed race and appear to be excavators,
then these people are 75% likely to ask them to travel among
3. Slaver and his d6+6 soldiers (each armed with a musket them for mutual protection from predators and marauders,
pistol, whip and great sword) all are mounted on horses while camping together at night and sharing in guard duty.
their stock of slaves marches along in a double line. Each 9. Trade caravan, 2d6 wagons pulled by 2 draft horses each and
slave wears a metal collar, but only ropes bind their hands occupied by a nomadic trader and d4 militia soldiers with mus-
to the main ‘tow’ rope and another to the slave’s collar. (One ket rifles and hatchets. Cargo on each wagon is rolled separately
try to break the ropes per hour, STR based Type F HC) there using d6: 1. Drinking water /2. Grain / 3. Dried meat and leather
are 2d6+4 male slaves, 2d6 female slaves, 3d6 teen slaves, hides/ 4. Kegs of beer, bottles of wine, tobacco, chocolate, dried
and d6 children slaves, plus, a 34% chance of 2d6 skullocks. fruit, hard candy / 5. 3d6 suits part plate armor, 2d6 crossbows,
If characters are sold to this slaver, they will be taken to Over- 3d1000 quarrels, 3d6 spears, 3d6 battle axes, 3d6 swords./ 6.
pass and sold in the slave market. Slaves, d6 of each category (male, female, teens, children). Cara-
4. Brigands on motorcycles! d6+6 raiders on dirt bikes head to- van is also guarded by d6+6 extra militia soldiers, but on saddle
ward the characters from one side of the road, screaming and horses and armed with bows and sabers.
hollering. They each have a one handed weapon which they use 10-14. As normal plain encounter, table TME-4-3, hub rules.
when in close range, but, will aim their bikes into people who are 15. Bounty Hunter and his squad of 4+d6 soldiers, who have
on foot, attempting to run them over. They will make repeated heavy crossbows and are mounted on d6: 1-3 horses/ 4. Rid-
drive by attacks until their targets either surrender or are suf- ing dogs / 5. ATVs / 6. Dirt bikes.
ficiently weakened to easily take while dismounted. Roll d6 for 16. Skullock raiders on d6: 1-3. War dogs, d6+8 / 4,5. Giant
each thug to determine his or her weapon d6: 1. Musket pistols, Bats d4+3/ 6. Mountain Bikes d6+6.
d3 / 2. Shotgun pistol with 3d6 shells/ 3. Pocket Pistol with full 17. Purist zealots, treat as militia soldiers on horseback, us-
clip and spare d6 rounds / 4. Auto pistol with full clip and d12 ing bows and short swords. They will charge up to all travelers,
rounds spare/ 5. Harpoon gun (double shot model) / 6. Sub- and kill any mutant people or animals they find, and arrest
machine gun with 30+d20 rounds in clip. These thugs will steal any pure bloods (or synthetic humans, ghost mutants and an-
everything of value and leave travelers beaten and half naked in droids mistaking them for pure stocks) and take them all the
the dirt, but, there is a 33% chance that the slaver from encoun- way south to Far Cross to be handed over to the clergy.
ter 3 above will show up within a half hour and buy the prisoners 18. Dual encounter! Roll twice on this table, if hostile forces are
off the raiders. encountered with traders or migrants, then the two groups are
5. Marauders! 3d6+4 raiders on foot, using crossbows and engaged in a chase or already locked in combat. Complimentary
hatchets, have concealed themselves on either side of the groups, such as raiders and bounty hunters or raiders and slavers,
road, half buried under dust wearing grass on their bodies to will be a combined force, and will pursue the characters.

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5. Fish, normuk d3
6. Frogs, aberrant, d6+1
7. Worms, mud 3d6+6
8. Worm, jaw d6+1
9. Plant, constriction vine
10. Worm, huge jaw
11. Frog, giant
12. Insect, mud grabber

Iron Island: Very similar to adjacent Crow Island, this place is

encrusted with twisted debris, overgrown with vines and moss and
looks much like a towering mutant forest. The vegetation here is
so thick that all movement while off the game trails is at half rate.
Explorers to investigate the island have reported that the number
of predatory plants found here made it impossible to remain long,
nor penetrate to the base of the encrusted skyscrapers.

Encounters on Iron Island: Encounters here occur with a 4

in 10 chance per half hour while moving through the under-
brush or up into the steel and tree-trunk canopy. Encounters
Little Prairie: This flatland is very much like Gold Grass
Plain, however it sweeps from the edge of The Rip in the north,
occur at a rate of only 2 in 10 per hour, however, if one re- and stretches to Overpass in the west, then across to the Bro-
mains stationary, such as at a camp, yet with all encounters ken Highway and Turbine in the east, and south as far as where
met at a range of only 2d6m due to the dense vegetation. For the Barter River meets the Purist town of Stalwart. While it is
encounter results, roll 2d6 if moving around, but roll only d6 if the largest open plain in the region, its name of little prairie has
the explorers are stationary: stuck only because in nearby regions there are larger grass-
1. Rats, bipedal, with flint axes and bows, 3d6 lands which go by other prairie names. Within this vast rolling
2. Plants, green walkers, 3d6+10 grassland are many migrant groups, some of them are helpful to
3. Bears, bane d3 excavators, while others must be avoided at all times, specifical-
4. Birds, ground hawks, d4 ly, the Rock Spire ‘Protectors’ in the north, and the Purists in the
5. Cat, hell cougar south. The following encounter table notes which group charac-
6. Fish, land pike 2d6+2 ters meet depending on their location in Little Prairie.
7-9. Normal forest encounter, table TME-4-4, page 132 hub rules
10. Plant, roll d6: 1,2. Constriction vine / 3,4. Dart mushrooms Encounters in Little Prairie: All encounters take place at the
d4 / 5,6. Impaler bush usual frequency and range for Plains; a 1 in 10 chance per
11. Plant, roll d6: 1-3. Jaw plant / 4,5. Constriction vines d6 hour by day and each half hour after dark at 50+d100m by
/ 6. Green walkers 2d20+15 day, or d100m at night. Roll 2d6
12. Plant, saw tree 2. A slaver, his ‘staff’ of d6+6 militia soldiers with whips, mus-
ket pistols and hatchets, all who ride horses, are leading their
stock of slaves toward the market in Overpass, their slaves
being pure stocks only if this encounter occurs below Inter-
State, while north of the old highway their subjects will be
half common mutants and half pure bloods, 2d6+4 men, 2d6
women, 2d6 teens, and 2d6 children. The slaver will warn
away strong looking groups of strangers, but if meeting well to
Junk River: Joining Fever Lake and Two Craters lake is a re- do travelers, will try and sell the slaves (see Appendix 3, page
386 for pricing and random regional slave details)
verse ‘S’ shaped river, filled with so much debris and ancient con-
struction materials that it earned the name of Junk River. Steel 3. Bounty hunters d3 on horse, with d6+4 raider hench-
girders, rusting and caked in vivid red water plants, protrude men also on horse and armed with clubs, bows and daggers.
from this slow moving, undrinkable river, a river which swirls with These rough men will approach groups of travelers if they are
the shifting shapes of enormous worms and other mutant water of equal or lesser number, and look at the faces of those they
dwellers. Drinking the water is usually very difficult to do since it meet searching for any wanted individuals. If south of Inter-
smells terrible and tastes worse, while anything to drink it must State, there is a 3 in 6 chance these bounty hunters are Pur-
make an END based type A HC or become sick for 3d6 hours and ist aligned, and will capture mutants to send to Witch Burn,
be at half strength and agility during that time period. and take pure blood captives to be converted at either The
Hermilage or the Convent according to their gender.
Encounters while wading across or boating on, Junk River: 4. Factional patrol. If north of Inter-State, the travelers will
While the river is only a meter deep most of the year, it is how- meet a patrol of d6+6 Freehold Scouts out of Overpass, who
ever between 62 and 100m across (60 +2d20m) and an en- will be wary of strangers, but friendly and welcome newcom-
counter check must be made per every 20m waded across, ers to their land, offering to guide them to Overpass if that is
or, for every 15 minutes while traveling down it by water craft. where they are headed. If south of Inter-State, there is a 35%
There is a 3 in 10 chance of an encounter per 20m travelled chance the patrol is with 2d6+6 Dominion Irregulars (page
while swimming or wading across, or a 2 in 10 chance per 15 109) who will arrest or kill pure bloods and possibly take them
minutes while boating on this river. Roll 2d6 back to Newburg to be sold in the slave market there. If not
2. Alligator, large Dominion Irregulars, then the characters have met a patrol
3. Alligators, small d4 of Purist Conquistadors (page 188) from the Holy Purist Em-
4. Fish, ghastfin pire, 2d6+6 on horse, who will kill or capture all mutants and

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take them to Far Cross or Stalwart, and have all pure bloods Encounters on Low Pass Road: Occurring with a 3 in 10
arrested and sent for re-education at either The Hermilage or chance per hour by day, and a 4 in 10 chance by night, range
the Convent to become Purists themselves. 200+2d100m by day, d20+10m by night. Note: unless stated
5. Wagon People, 3d6 wagons, a commoner family in each, mi- otherwise, all humans will be pure stock. Roll 2d6
grating either north or south (50/50 odds either way). If head- 2. Pure stock migrants heading to the Purelands to join the Pur-
ing north, these people will be mixed common mutants and pure ist Empire, 3d6 wagons, each with a family aboard, as well as
bloods, while if the migrants are heading south, they are off to two mounted militia soldiers with bows as outriders, of whom
join the Holy Purist Empire and all are pure stocks with a hatred half will ride out on their horses to inspect travelers, killing any
for mutants and cyborgs, whom they will fire upon. Each family mutants by impaling them alive on sharpened stakes.
has a man, woman, d3 teens, d3 children, with all the men, wom- 3. Purist Mutant Slayers, see page 188 for details. There will
en and teens having bows and hatchets to defend themselves. be d3+2 on horseback, and will try to capture mutants to
6-9. Normal encounter for Plains, table TME-4-3. page 131, hub rules send to Witch Burn, and arrest anyone accompany mutants
10. Marauders, 89% chance just simple raiders, 3d6+3 on and send them to either the Hermilage if male or the Convent
riding dogs using bows and machetes, otherwise, a unit of if female for religious indoctrination.
d6+3 Rock Spire ‘Protectors’ armed with relic weapons and 4. Cavaliers of Purity, d6+4 on horseback, hunting skullocks
mounted on horses (see page 285). Raiders will simply wish and mutants, see page 188 for details on these Purist warriors.
to steal everything off the travelers and leave them more or 5-8. As normal plains encounter, page TME 131 hub rules.
less nude in the middle of nowhere, taking any women of 30 9. Nomadic traders, d4 with d6+6 militia soldiers on hors-
or better appearance to sell as slaves. Protectors, on the oth- es, leading a team of 2d6+4 pack horses. They are pure
er hand, will butcher any suspected excavators, and other- bloods, but not Purists, and won’t harm anybody unless first
wise rob travelers of money, relics and mounts. attacked.
11. Nomadic trader with d4+3 militia soldiers as guards, all on 10. Trade caravan, of 4+d4 covered wagons, each driven by
horseback. Will camp with excavators who they have seen around a nomadic trader and guarded by d3 elite soldiers who use
or heard about, or whom are very friendly and unavoidable, other- muskets with bayonets and rapiers in combat. They are also
wise, this group will try to bypass contact with any they meet. protected by d6 identical elite soldiers, using two musket
12. Troop movement seen at triple normal encounter range pistols each instead of a rifle, mounted on horses who ride
for plains as this group is easy to spot. North of Inter-State the ahead of the caravan d20+10 meters. They won’t bother to
group will be Northern Freehold Scouts, 4d6+10, and d100+40 pursue skullocks or mutants, but will shoot them if they don’t
militia soldiers, all on foot. clear off the road.
If seen south of Inter-State, it is 78% likely a battalion of 11. Skullock raiders: roll d6: 1-3. 3d6+6 on foot/ 4,5. d6+5 on
Purists: 200+2d100 Conquistadors on foot, led by 2d6 Mutant war dogs / 6. d6+2 on giant bats.
Slayers, d3 Brothers of the Purple Order and d4 Sisters of Purity, 12. Purist Conquistadors, battalion, 100+d100 on foot, led by
all on horseback are heading toward Twisted Wood, see page d6+2 Mutant Slayers on horseback, accompanied by d6 Broth-
188 for stats and illustrations. Otherwise, if not Purists, then ers of the Purple Order and d6 Sisters of Purity, also on horses.
a raiding detachment of 20+3d6 Dominion Dog Riders (page This group is heard before they are seen, and each traveler in
109) will be out raiding Purist trade and supply lines, and will the character group is allowed a type A perception based haz-
give chase to travelers if they are spotted, taking anyone they ard check to hear them approaching and can therefore lead the
meet as slaves to be sold in Newburg. group to cover in the nearby brush or woodlands. Purist troops
noted on page 188.

Lusus River: The word Lusus means ‘freak’ or ‘mutant’, and

so not surprisingly this river was first named by pure stock ex-
plorers who noticed that this waterway contained an almost total
lack of non-aberrant life forms.
Today, this river marks the unofficial boundary between the
edge of the Dominion of Aberratia and the disputed war zone area
on the far side, which extends all the way to the Barter River to
the east. Lusus River is a large, fast moving channel containing
drinkable water, but so too, many flesh eaters. It is shallow in many
places, sometimes only a meter deep, and possible for an adult
Low Pass Road: This route is mainly used by pure stock human to wade across (demanding an encounter check). There
traders going between The Holy Purist Empire and the Pure- are no bridges across it anyplace below the wooden contraption
hold Republic in the east (see Shattered Region), however, up near Overpass, and troops and traders are forced to either
skullocks of the Grotha-Patteraks Clan have been increas- wade across or make a simple single, disposable use raft.
ingly daring in their raids and now routinely stalk this part of There are, of course, many who do use this waterway for
the region in small bands, often mounted on war dogs or gi- trade and troop movement, instead of just crossing it. These
ant bats, as well as traveling on foot near woodlands or other boaters either row downstream or using poles to propel them-
sources of cover. The road is almost entirely observable from selves up (half speed) against the considerable current.
the north ridge ‘Tall Tower’ at High Watch, where two Purist
Conquistadors are always on duty and have a high powered
telescope and a sniper rifle. While the gun has a 15km range,
the road is simply too far off for most shots. By using a com-
municator, however, these guards can alert the other commu-
nities and large Purist troop detachments of the approach of
strangers or skullocks seen on the Low Pass Road.
Travelers using this route had better be pure stocks, as
any Purist troops to encounter mutants will kill or capture
them and ship them to Witch Burn for ‘cleansing’.

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Characters that travel on this waterway by boat are likely to The river is 22+d8m wide and 3+d4m deep at any giv-
pass other voyagers, some of whom will be hostile, and others en spot within the Crossroads Region, allowing any barge
whom will be glad to see friendly human faces, even those of to make its way up the river. Encounters here occur at the
mutants. normal range and frequency, (2 in 10 chance per hour while
boating range d1000m, or a 6 in 10 chance per crossing if
Encounters on Lusus River: Any humans encountered will be wading or swimming and met at 2d20m) but use the follow-
entirely pure stocks 30% out of the time, otherwise, all common ing table to determine the encounters itself.
mutants with one physical alteration mutation each, unless stat-
ed otherwise such as the case of Purists or Dominion troops. Encounters on the Marrow River: 2d6
Boats will be going up steam 50% of the time, at half speed, 2. Raiders in longboat 8+d4 with bows, will try to steal every-
or downstream the other half of the time, at double speed. En- thing from travelers and sell the PCs to a traveling slaver who
counter frequency and range for either boating 2 in 10 chance comes to their camp once every month. In the mean time,
per hour at 2d100m range or wading across this river 6 in 10 while awaiting the slaver, captives are beaten, humiliated and
chance of an encounter met at d10m range, made to work building fortifications.
If an encounter occurs, roll d6 for PCs boating and d8+4 3. Skullocks in canoes, d6+1 canoes, with 3 skullocks in
for characters wading. The river is 2d10+16m wide at any giv- each, two will row while the one at the front will fire a cross-
en crossing point: bow from each canoe.
1. Nomadic trader* and Militia soldier with crossbow in canoe. 4-10. Normal Freshwater Encounter, see page TME 132, hub rules.
2. 3d6+3 Dominion Irregulars, 3 per canoe, using bows. They 11. Log jam! The river is blocked ahead: d3+1m thick of wood
will wave to all-mutant travelers, bidding them good fortune in and junk, requiring those in small boats to drag their craft
their journey, but, will arrest and enslave any mixed race group over the blockage, while those in longboats or barges to cut
or pure stocks and sell them in the slave market in Newburg. their way through the debris, taking d3+1 hours to do so.
3. Purist Militia soldiers in woodland camo, on the far bank of 12. Skullocks on war dogs on the far shore, 3d6+5, who will simply
the river with bows, who will attempt to shoot at cyborgs and follow along the shore observing the boaters and waiting for some
mutants only, if possible. There are d2 per PC. opportunity which puts the boaters in jeopardy or easy access, such
4. Dominion Warriors in a longboat, the craft is fitted with a light as encounters 3 or 11, above. They will follow for d6+2 days unless
ballista on the bow and the whole vessel is turned sideways in the driven off by other encounters or seriously harmed by the travelers.
river, anchored to block the deepest channel and inspect all travel- These peskies are armed with javelins and machetes, except for the
ers to ensure no pure stock servants or slaves are wearing armor leader who has 44 END, a prime mutation and relic weapon (WC-R).
or caring weapons, under penalty of confiscation and beatings.
5-7. Normal freshwater encounter, page 132 hub rules.
8. Migrants* on a raft, d6 families, men, women and teens
all have bows. Each family has a man, woman, d3 teens and
d3 children.
9. A jaw worm lurks in the gravel beneath a random character,
who steps on the beast which in turn makes a strike attempt
on the character, no initiative roll needed.
10. From up the river, 3d6+20m away, a large mutant alliga-
tor splashes into the river and starts toward the characters,
swimming double speed because it is going with the current. Mud Inlet: This small bay is only accessible to barges via
11. When the travelers get half way across the river, they see passage between either Crow Island and Steel Island, or Steel
a log floating downstream only 3d6m away. It moves 9m per Island and the mainland, see Gate Reef, page 349 for events
round toward the characters, and is only identifiable when it is when passing through those channels. Mud Inlet gets its name
passing among the travelers (or shot at and struck) roll d6: 1-4, from the brown color the water has here, due to erosion from
just a rotten log/ 5. Large mutant alligator / 6. Worm, hydra. Jaw Creek. The inlet itself is usually dotted by 3d6 rowboats dur-
12. An aquatic species of constriction vine is situated directly ing the day. This flotilla of fishermen use either rods and lines
in the path of the travelers, who aren’t aware of it until the or nets to gather whatever eatable fish they can from the sea,
wading people are within 10+d6m of the hidden root ball. including salmon in September when the fish head toward Jaw
*30% chance that all people on vessel will be pure stocks, otherwise common mutants. Creek to spawn. If any unfamiliar barge enters the inlet, four
longboats from the town of Sorrow will row out to investigate the
crew and cargo before letting them dock. See the town of Sor-
row, page 82 under military for more details.
Encounters in the water here occur as normal salt water
encounters (see table TME-4-4, page 132 in the hub rules),
yet all human boaters will be either militiamen in longboats
from Sorrow 66% chance, or otherwise, a cargo barge from
some independent town, waiting to dock and unload its cargo
and passengers, day or night.

New Hills: In the upper left corner of the region jut a ridge of
Marrow River: In the north west portion of the region, scrub and sage brush covered hills. These silt, rubble and granite
protrusions are called the New Hills as they appeared after the
meanders the wide, slow waterway called the Marrow River,
which flows into Two Carters Lake and onto the Tainted Sea. age of quakes, rising over the last hundred and fifty years; a mere
Within the Crossroads Region there are no human settle- geological blink of the eye as far as the movements of the earth
ments along this river’s course. Adventurers heading for the go. These hills are said to run north along the coast for many ki-
unknown reaches of the north can expect to meet with hu- lometers beyond the boundaries of the Crossroads Region, and
manoids in canoes, or aquatic predators, and have almost no are the home to numerous humanoids which wage fierce wars
chance of meeting friendly traders or fellow explorers. among themselves as well as against migrant human tribes.

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women and children off to their cavern fort as play things and win-
ter food reserves.
8. Warmort battle unit! d3 per caravan wagon, plus 2d6. They
are after relics, booze and women of 20 or better appear-
ance, they will kill everybody else and eat their hearts.
9. Garnocks blocking the road and advancing. Wagons can’t
turn around at this high, narrow hillside. 1 Garnock per every
two wagons in the caravan.
10. Bipedal rats, 2d6 per wagon. They will take any captives
to their lair and eat a couple every evening.
The main distinguishing feature of these bleak hills is the 11. Bats, giant d6+1
North Road, which on the west side, coming up from Dog Flats, is 12. Sudden Attack! From all around the camping caravan,
the tattered ribbon of an old interstate highway. Unlike old high- rush humanoid marauders, roll d6: 1-3. Moaners, 2d6 per
ways further inland, there are no burnt out or rusted husks of an- wagon/ 4. Warmorts d4 per wagon./ 5. Bipedal rats, 3d6 per
cient vehicles, no abandoned service stations or other relatively wagon/ 6. Garnocks, 1 per wagon plus d3 extra.
distinguishable ancient structures. The absence of old world junk
is due to the tidal waves and hurricanes which ounce buffeted Encounters for small Teams in the New Hills: Note: This list
this shore relentlessly. Upon hitting the New Hills, the North Road is for PC groups of less than 10 people, without vehicles or wag-
becomes a zig zagging dirt track. This road is wide enough for one ons, etc. Roll d8, or d10 at night without a campfire, or d12 at
battle wagon or relic tank at a time, which ascends into the hills night with a campfire. Range d100+10m by day, d20m by night.
and dips and climbs its way over the small range to the far side, 1-4. Normal hill encounter, see page 131 in the hub rules.
heading for Two Craters Lake and Crater Bridge. 5. Garnock, vs. low rank d2/ mid rank d3+1/ high rank d4+2
Since their rising, no human settlement has been success- appearing.
fully established in the New Hills, as each attempt has met with 6. Nomadic trader and d6+3 militia soldiers with crossbows
disaster at the hands of warmorts, skullocks, garnocks and nu- and sabers mounted on horseback, transporting food and
merous other beast men. To this day, traveling over these rough wine. Will sell to friendly travelers, and even camp with them if
peaks, even in large trade caravans, is a perilous undertaking. it is getting late in the day. Will sell red wine for 1sp per cup.
The winding road offers far too many blind corners along the 7. Raiders from Strangle Wood (Foster’s Freebooters, see page
way, inviting ambushes. 318) mounted on riding dogs and using bows and short swords.
It is understood by all caravaneers that one must make Number: vs. low rank character party d3+2/ mid rank 2d6+2/
the climb up and over this barrier within one day, for to camp high rank 2d10+8. They will take captives as slaves.
out at night on the road is sure to meet with doom. Small 8. Wolves, timber, vs. low rank 2d6/ mid rank 3d6+2/ high rank
teams of hardy excavators, who either are on their way north 2d10+12 appearing.
or south, or possibly searching for unlooted ruins within the 9. Narkanna
hills, can occasionally avoid running into large bands of hu- 10. Bat, giant
manoids if they use stealth, avoid the use of fire or gunfire, 11. Skullock raid! Suddenly the Peskies leap up from all around the
and post fore and rear guards at all times. PC’s camp, hurling javelins first then closing with hatchets. Num-
Although these hills did push up rapidly, and terrible earth- bers: vs. low rank 6+d6/ mid rank 3d6+9/ high rank 2d10+22
quakes rattled the area for decades, many stout, ancient struc- 12. Warmort assault! They keep back and use missile weap-
tures lay half buried in the hills, some tipped on to their sides or ons, advancing to mop up only when the defenders are out
at forty five degree angles, not to mention the many that are to- of ammo or their numbers depleted. They will take women as
tally buried, unlooted, and just waiting for the intrepid to uncover mate-prisoners, but eviscerate everybody else.
them. Separate encounter tables exist for whether one is on the
road in a caravan, or, in the actual hills themselves, away from
the trade route, or else traveling on the road in a small group
without wagons and other large vehicles.

Encounters for Caravans in the New Hills on the North Road

Note: Use this list only while characters are in a trade cara-
van. Roll d8 or d12 at night). Encounter range d100+10m by
day or d20m by night.
1-4. Normal hill encounter, see table TME-4-3, page 131 hub rules.
5. Another trade caravan of 3d6 wagons pulled by draft hors-
es, 1 commoner family per wagon, with a force of 1 militia sol-
ider with crossbow on horse per wagon. These folk will be very Newton Point: In the year 2338, a great nomadic chief-
happy to see another caravan. There will be a one hour de- tain called Crane Newton led his people in the construction
lay letting the other caravan pass by the road at a wide spot, of a stone walled village. From this seaside paradise they had
some trading among people, rumors, flirting, good natured planned to farm, fish and build ships. Before the well planned,
jokes and swearing at draft animals to move along. fortified town was completed, a great host of skullocks de-
6. Raiders (see Foster’s Freebooters, page 318, this book) on scended from the New Hills and wiped out the majority of the
riding dogs, 3d6+18, using bows and machetes. Will flee if population. Only a handful of survivors managed to escape on
half their number is killed and the battle is not going in their a longboat; five dozen children, who were set adrift while their
favor. Will take prisoners as slaves; steal children to raise as parents tried to save their fledgling town. The children watched
the next generation of raiders. as their parents were cut down and village obliterated. Hav-
7. Skullock ambush! On both sides of the road, leap up totally ing neither oars nor sail, the Newton Children drifted across to
camouflaged. Skullocks using crossbows and hatchets. There will nearby Thorn Island, where they established an encampment
be 4 per wagon plus 2d10. They will kill all men and take the and survived on fish, berries and birds eggs, growing to adult-
hood in seclusion and fear, (see Thorn Island page 373).

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The ruin site of Newton Point offers some protection from Encounters on North Road: Occurring with a 2 in 10 chance
the winter winds, and anyone with a sheet of canvas or a tent per hour by day and a 3 in 10 chance by night, at a range of
can make a passable home here, as long as one can keep the 200+d100m by day and 10+d20m by night. Roll 2d6
dogs from devouring them during the night. Defenders using 2. Migrant wagon caravan, 4d6+4 wagons, each with a family of mixed
the one meter tall rock walls and shells of unfinished homes race commoners. They are welcoming of friendly excavators who can
as cover, gain -30 DV, furthermore, the walls of one structure, ride with them and share in their guard duties at night. Each family will
once intended to be a church, are two meters tall and have have a man, woman, d3 teens and d3 children, for weapons, the men,
only one entrance way. This choke point can be blocked off women and teens will have bows and hatchets. There will also be 1
by drift wood and loose stone, keeping out any non-climbing mounted militia soldier on horse, armed with a bow and saber, protect-
predators while offering great shelter for a night or two. ing the caravan and questioning approaching travelers.
3. Dogs, mutant, d6+2
Encounters for Newton Point Area: While either exploring or 4-8. Normal encounter for either plains or Hills, depending on
camping amid the 100 by 130 meter wide ruin site are as follows, terrain at time of encounter.
occurring with a 2 in 10 chance per hour. Table A is for encounters 9. Wolves, timber, 3d6
while arriving at the site and exploring it, while the second table, 10. Skullock raiders, d6+3 on war dogs.
B, is for encounters while camping out in the ruins, using the pro- 11. Nomadic trader and 2d4 militia soldiers on horseback.
tection of a house foundation and low walls for cover. Will be wary of strangers and try to get off the road if a large
group of armed individuals are seen approaching.
Table A: Exploring Newton Point, roll d8 12. Raider gang, 3d6+5 on riding dogs, will rob all they meet,
1-3. Normal plain encounter, see hub rules, page 131 beat them and sell them as slaves in Safe Port.
4. Dogs, hunting, wild, 3d6
5. Dogs, mutant, 2d6
6. Wolves, timber, 2d6+2
7. Ground hawks, vs. low rank d4+1/ mid rank d6+4/ high rank 2d6+6
8. Amphibious shark

Table B: Camping amid an unfinished structure, roll d8

1-3. Normal plain encounter
4. As encounter table A, above.
5. Skullock raiding party! 2d6 with crossbows, who surround your
camp 20m away, plus 2d6+3 who attack using spears in two hands. Old Forest: Nestled at the bottom of the Holy Purist Empire,
6. Urcellia, d6+1 Old Forest is a as yet untamed woodland filled with a great many
7. Wolves, two headed, vs. low rank d3+1/ mid rank d6+3/ mutant plants and animals. It is also patrolled by Mutant Slay-
high rank 2d6+5 ers and Purist troops, looking to root out humanoids and mutant
8. Savages who have arrived from the ocean in a flotilla of ca- refugees who may have arrived in the region from the south.
noes. It seems the PCs have occupied their regular campsite There is nothing remarkable about this vast woodland, which
and they are furious. There is a 60% chance they are cannibals, stretches from the base of High Watch fort to the east and ex-
another 33% chance they are all mutants with the same d3 mi- tends out into Promise Bay in the west, however, there are scat-
nor mutations, and finally, there is a 12% chance they are extra tered pockets of ruins in this dense, damp tangle, and it is said
mutated with one group wide prime mutation. Depending on the that many of them have hardly been touched, let alone had their
character rank, their numbers will vary. If they are not canni- basements and tunnel networks explored.
bals, they will enslave captives instead of butchering and eating
them. They use bows and flint axes. Numbers of male savages: Encounters in Old Forest: Occurring at the normal frequen-
vs. low rank 6+d6*/ mid rank 3d6+9*/ high rank 2d20+30* cy and range for any forest; 3 in 10 chance every 45 min-
*There will be as many women, teens and children as there are men, who stay with the canoes
utes range d20m by day and d12m by night; although, the
and don’t enter the battle, but carry bows in the event they are attacked. Additionally, there will encounters vary somewhat due to the woodland’s location
be one chieftain to the whole group regardless of the rank of characters they are attacking. within the Purist Empire. Roll 2d6
2. Discovery of a ruined concrete and steel building, almost
totally covered in vegetation. Several windows and doors lead
into the structure and underground ruins.
3. Mutant refugees, 3d6 families camping in concealed huts
and tents. Each family of commoners consists of a man,
woman, d4 children and d4 teens, with all the men and wom-
an armed with bows, all the teens carry javelins. They each
have a ‘physical alteration’ minor mutation, and will be quite
friendly to mixed race groups, seeking only to stay hidden
from the Purists who have been butchering them. They would
North Road: In truth, North Road is part of Inter-State, like to leave for the freeholds if possible, but have no valu-
ables and are living like cave people.
which has become cut off from the rest of the six lane high-
way by the bomb dented earth of Two Craters Lake. While this 4. Purist Conquistadors, on foot, 6+d6, see page 188 for
road does see some trade and use by migrants, the canines details.
of Dog Flats and the sub-humans living in the new hills keep 5. Skullock raiders, 2d6+6
travelers to a minimum. The Crater Bridge, which is usually 6-8. Normal Forest encounter, see page 132, hub rules book.
watched by thugs, who charge a toll, also do their part to keep 9. Plant, jaw plant
traffic away. All combined, these hindrances keeps people 10. Purist militia soldiers, with bows and machetes hunting
from visiting nearby Safe Port by land, a circumstance the lo- mutant life forms, 3d6+6
cal dictator doesn’t mind too much since he is eager to avoid 11. Plant, green walkers, 3d6+12
outside observers from criticizing his style of governance. 12. Purist Mutant Slayers, d3+2, see page 188 for details.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 359

29,30. Mine field, there are d6 mines spread out in this

Old War Zone: Nobody is quite sure who fought who nor area, and if the players have not stated that they are march-
when the battles took place, but this vast, dusty expanse of ing in a line, then randomly determine which characters step
wasteland is littered with the debris of war. This battlefield over the mines first, see roll 01-04, left, for mine details.
stretches from Dead River in the west all the way over to Pit- 31-36. Scavenger, alone, looking for valuables, will avoid all
ford and the edge of the Great Ruins in the east. It is surmised strangers.
that the battlefield continues far to the north into the region 37-42. Excavators, d4+4, searching for ancient weaponry.
above the Crossroads area, but reports are contradictory. Will agree to team up with other diggers to head to Pitford or
What is known is that long ago this area was built up with camp together if it is getting late. GM: New PCs?
mixed suburban and light industrial structures, which were flat- 43-48. Warmorts, d4+4
tened within the blast radius of the explosion which formed 49-62. Skullocks, 2d6+4
Filth Lake and other nearby strikes. Some time later, perhaps 63-67. Moaners, 3d6+10
nearly a hundred years, two or more technologically advanced 68-00. Normal encounter for Battle Zone, see page TME 130
armies clashed in this area and left the flatland littered with the
burnt out, torn and twisted remains of tanks, robots, crashed
aircraft, drop ships, bunkers and support vehicles.
The Old War Zone is dotted with small craters, many of
them quite fresh, formed from where some animal or traveler
stepped on one of the many land mines left here. While much
of the debris is little more than rusted metal and bullet rid-
dled plastic, the sheer volume of ancient vehicles and robots
is staggering, and tempt many scavengers and excavators to
try their luck among the grave yard of burned out technology,
praying to their Gods to not step on a landmine.
Overgrown Forest: This forest has enveloped a large
Encounters in the Old War Zone: There is a 2 in 10 chance chunk of more or less undamaged ancient structures, which
of an encounter per hour here, day or night, at a range of are now aptly named the Overgrown Ruins. Anyone entering
d1000m by day and d20+4m by night, roll d100: into this forest on the west side of Porter’s River or Silver Lake
01-04. Fuck! Landmine! Roll once per leg of random individ- will immediately notice that the hills in this woodland are lined
ual walking over, with a 1 in 6 chance of detonation per leg, if up in rows or even arcs, and that most hills are square. Of
it does go off, SV 01-90 DMG d20+15 course, these great mounds are not earthen or rock hills, but
05-08. Unexploded ordinance found in the dust, roll d6: 1-2. rather ancient low rise structures and ruins. They are com-
Frag Grenade/ 3. Advanced frag. grenade / 4. Battle rocket / pletely encased in many meters of vines, moss, mold, bush
5. Advanced battle rocket/ 6. Tactical missile. and trees and almost entirely inaccessible without spending
09-12. Wind exposed dead soldier, an ancient combatant hours with axe and saw trying to get through the vegetation.
wearing armor and a random relic weapon (WC-R and ARR) Hacking into a building is a noisy task which is sure to meet
13-17. Destroyed vehicle with valuable relic aboard, roll d6: 1. with much unwanted attention. Bipedal rats and green walk-
Section of ammo belt, with 3d6 standard rifle rounds still at- ers, which, along with all manner of dangerous plant, infest
tached / 2. Dead soldier in combat armor, half buried in the this area and will investigate any noise.
sand / 3. Box of 30+d20 standard rifle rounds, sealed. / 4. Other than the ruin areas which actually have old build-
Ammo case with d4 battle rockets in it, sealed. / 5. Power pack ings protruding from the forest canopy and entanglement, the
in rusted steel case, needs to be charged. / 6. Plastic ammo following encounter table is used, while within the ruins, the
case containing 3d6 frag grenades. tables for The Overgrown Ruins are applied.
18-20. Dead cyborg warrior with salvageable implant, roll d6:
1. Pincer / 2. Solar power generator / 3. Telescoping thrust Encounters in the Overgrown Forest: Occur at the normal
blade / 4-6. Weapon arm (see this implant in Hub Rules book, frequency and range as other woodlands, 3 in 10 chance
table TME-1-62 to determine which weapon). per 45 minutes, range d20 meters, however roll below for
21-23. Wind exposed relic, weapon WC-R the result. Roll 2d8
24-26. Empty power cell 2. Excavators, 3+d3, coming or going to the Overgrown Ruins,
27,28. Proximity mine, automatically detonates if approached will agree to join forces. GM note: new PC possibilities to re-
within 5m, will blow up in a 10m radius, SV 01-80, however, place lost characters?)
as it is buried by more debris than would normally be used, 3-7. Normal Forest encounter, see page 132, hub rules
the damage is somewhat absorbed by the earth, inflicting 8. Rats, bipedal armed with javelins and spiked clubs 3d6
only d20+1 damage. Roll to see which character comes with- 9. Plant, constriction vine
in the proximity detector first, if not marching in a single line 10. Rats, bipedal armed with bows and flint axes 3d6+10
already. 11. Plants, impaler bush

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 360
12. Plants, dart mushrooms, d8 Citizens of the Lower Freehold are used to raids by the bi-
13. Plants, green walkers, 3d6+4 pedal rats, and while they are much feared and hated, the ‘Rat-
14. Plant, jaw plant kin’ are considered too powerful to simply attack and wipe out.
15. Plant, saw tree Instead, a process of deforestation and ‘head bounty’ exists to
16. Patrol of 4+d6 Southern Rangers, see page 64 for details, on both eradicate their hiding places and ensure that every trav-
foot, hailing out of Sandbarra. They will be very friendly with excava- eler who comes across these rodents, will be encouraged to kill
tors and traders, and urge them to travel or camp with their squad. them. There is a 3sp reward per bipedal rat head, as long as it
is not more than 4 days or so old, to deter unscrupulous hunt-
Paramount Island: This is a natural island formed out of ers from bringing heads from other regions.
While the people of Sea Home would like a bridge to join
a large rocky hill. It is surrounded by the Lusus River on the west
side and the smaller, less used Gabe’s Trench on the other. Par- them to the other communities, the presence of the rat folk
amount Island was once as heavily forested as the surrounding has made this impossible. Given this, travelers use hastily built
area of Twisted Wood, but was clear cut to allow for better ob- rafts to cross Porter’s Rivers, or else, simply arrive by boat,
servation of the shoreline around it. The timber harvested here ship or airship from other Freehold towns. Boaters traveling
was then used for the interior structures of mightily Rivergrad, a upstream will be fighting with the current, which isn’t strong,
fortress built and ruled by the Dominion of Aberratia. but slows all craft by 25%, while vessels heading downstream
Anyone to land anyplace on this island other then at the can go +25%. This river is on average 10+2d6m wide, and
designated docking area along the Lusus River, will be con- 2+d3m deep at any given point, more than deep enough for
sidered an enemy and approached by 3d6+6 Dominion Dog cargo barges to make their way to Silver Lake, however battle
Riders who will arrest intruders. Any all-pure stock groups will barges will catch their hulls on the bottom every d20+20 me-
be sold as slaves in Newburg, while mixed race groups with ters traveled, forcing crews with poles and longboats to pull
pure stocks slaves will be fined 100sp or else have their relics free the vessel each time, a task taking 10-60 minutes.
and valuables confiscated if the fine is not payable. All-mutant
travelers who swear they didn’t know they could land their Encounters on the North or South Porter’s River: Occur-
boat elsewhere on the island will be given a stern warning ring with a 3 in 10 chance every hour, day or night, range
and told where to properly dock next time. 100+d100m by day and d20+10m by night. Roll 2d6
2. Nomadic trader and d3 militia soldiers with crossbows in
canoe, very happy to see other humans, especially mixed
race groups.
3. Rats, bipedal, who are situated in the trees overhanging
the river. 2d6 remain aloft and use bows to fire arrows at the
passing boaters. d6+2 others, meanwhile, with spiked clubs
drop down and try to land in the passing boat(s). The odds of
each landing in a boat are based on the size of the craft. Ca-
noes and rowboats offer a 3 in 6 chance of landing, rafts and
longboats and other craft of less than 7m length offer a 4 in
6 chance, while larger vessels provide a 5 in 6 chance of the
rat landing on the deck, feet first and ready to kill.
4. Rats, bipedal, with javelins (3 each) plus flint axes and wicker
shields, leap into canoes that they had hidden in the shoreline
brush, and row out after the travelers, d3+3 rounds after the
characters pass. There are 3d6+4 rat men, about 4 per canoe.
5. Rats, bipedal 3d6+6 with bows on one side of the river us-
ing brush for cover and firing at passing boaters, gaining -15
DV bonus. If boaters are going upstream, and move as slow
as the rat folk can on foot, the ratkin will harass the boaters
Porter’s River, North and South: Starting in Silver for d6 hours before giving up.
Lake, but also fed by many trickling streams from the wood- 6-10. Normal Freshwater river encounter, see page 132 hub rules
lands and the Overgrown Ruins, this river is a wide, slow mov- 11. Rats, bipedal, with flint daggers, who have been alert-
ing waterway which gets its name from Herbert ‘Hook Hand’ ed to the PC’s impending arrival and have been breathing
Porter, a mutant with several appendages ending in lethal through reeds in the water on either side of the travelers
hooks. In the year 2282 he was the first to led a recorded ex- boat(s). They suddenly burst out of the water, d3m away on
pedition up this shallow southern river and gain access to Sil- either side, and make for the intruder’s craft, trying to clam-
ver Lake, having to use machetes and chainsaws to cut their or aboard and slit the throats of the occupants. There are
way through the overhanging plant life to make way. They even- d4+4 per side for low rank adventures, 2d6+4 per side for
tually passed through the lake and out the far side then down mid rank, and 3d6+10 per side of high rank expeditions. Bi-
the North Porter’s River. Bipedal rats, who in those years, com- pedal rats swim half their normal move rate of 7m, so 3.5m
pletely dominated this area of the region and allowed no hu- swimming.
manoids to enter and so gave Porter’s team a great deal of 12. Merchant tycoon’s cargo barge, armed with a chain gun
trouble and claimed the lives of half their unit. on the poop deck (belt fed with 100+d100 standard rifle
To this day, bipedal rats are more than a nuisance, as they are rounds). There are 12 oar slaves, 6 commoner men as sail-
elsewhere, for there are said to be great warrens under this corner ors, and 15+d20 militia soldiers with bows, machetes and
of the region, housing thousands of their kind. Some say the rat-folk shields as guards. The cargo is d6: 1. 3d6 of each slave cate-
are arming themselves in order to fulfill their dream of reclaiming gory, mixed races /2. Cheese, chocolate, assorted booze, cof-
this area. The river, which is flanked on both sides by the Scrubs or fee, dried fruit (worth 3d6 x1000sp) / 3-5. Common food and
the Overgrown Forest, are watched by the ratmen, who are known livestock / 6. Passengers (d3+3 excavators, 2d4 nomadic
to launch canoes full of archers, to chase down and slaughter other traders, 2d6 commoner families, 55% chance 1 bounty hunt-
intelligent beings, and eat them whenever possible. er, d6 prostitutes).

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 361
This craft will welcome new passengers or for smaller ter and begin swimming out to cut off the boaters d6 rounds
boats to accompany it in a convoy. It is going to Sandbarra in front of the boat, if behind, d6 rounds after the boat has
50% of the time, otherwise Sea Home, and has elected this passed by. They swim 6m per round.
river course to avoid a pirate battle barge which were rumored 11. Reptilius, 3d6 on one river bank, hiding in reeds (-15 DV)
to be watching and waiting for it in the sea. and firing bows. If the boaters are going slower than the Reptilius
can run (7m), then this band will harass the boaters with con-
stant arrow fire for 3d6+20 minutes before giving up the hunt.
12. Reptilius, 2d6+6, with bows, 3 per canoe. This group is roll
d6: 1,2. Blocking the river in the direction the PCs are headed/
3,4. Coming toward the PCs, and where equally unaware of the
characters until now / 5,6. Pushing their canoes into the river
d3 rounds after the PCs pass by their shoreline camp.
13. Insects, blood flyers 2d20
14. Bats, devil, 3d6
15. Lizard, winged slasher, with a reptilius, firing a bow, riding
Rancid River: This tainted waterway bleeds out of Bitter Bog it. (Note: unit flies half rate: 7m due to load of passenger)
and makes its way to Steel Hill, where it coils around the west
side, joined by Slow Creek to form a vast, 100m wide moat along Resupply: This reef-locked ship was once a naval resupply
the western edge of the city. Rancid River is muck brown, but oc- vessel, although the markings of which republic or city state
casionally mold green or urine yellow back waters leak out into the it belonged to have all but been erased in the fires and ty-
main flow and discolor the water even further. Drinking this water phoons which have so badly ravaged her. Today, it is among
is risky, even if one can bare the sulfurous, muddy taste; a hu- the most heavily damaged, most completely looted and over-
man, dog, horse or other livestock must make a type D endurance grown wrecks along this stretch of coast, and year by year be-
based hazard check, or get terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea comes more like a small steel island than a ship.
within d6 hours, forcing the creature to move half speed and be re- The insidious, flesh eating corals of White Reef have claimed
duced to half strength, while suffering a 10% endurance loss. The the lower decks, which are flooded and populated by amphibi-
sickness will last d6 days. The river is 3+d3m deep at any given ous sharks and man eating crustaceans, while the upper decks,
point, and other than near Steel Hill, is 3d6+2m wide both inside and out, are home to a wide assortment of creatures
As with anywhere in the Bitter Bog swamp, this river is domi- which use this platform to nest and conceal themselves. Travel-
nated by the Reptilius of the Wadango nation, however, Lower Free- ers seeking shelter will usually be able to dock alongside the
hold militia and Rangers also use this waterway to reach the heart weed encrusted ship uncontested, so long as they arrive during
of the swampland, herein to do battle with invading Purists or Aber- high tide. During low tide visitors will need to drag their canoes
rationists. The river is 20+3d6m wide at any given point, and about across the sharp, biting corals which sticks out of the water a
d3m deep at any point, thus too shallow for barges. whole meter (see location: White Reef page 379). There is noth-
ing of value on this old ship and too many deadly carnivores to
Encounters on the Rancid River: Occurring with a 3 in 10 make it a smart place to camp for traders, excavators or even
chance per hour by day, and a 4 in 10 chance per hour by Port Folly pirates, who seldom come here.
night, range 100+2d100m by day, d20+10m by night. Roll
2d6 by day 2d6+3 by night Encounters aboard Resupply: While exploring or camping
2. Purist zealots, 3d6 men, treat as raiders with bows and with a fire on Resupply, there is a 3 in 10 chance per hour of an
machetes, 3 per canoe. Out to slay mutants, arrest and con- encounter met at 3d6m range. While camping, day or night and
vert captured pure stocks. burning no fire nor using other light sources, there is only a 1 in
3. Nomadic trader, with d3 militia soldier guards using cross- 10 chance per hour of an encounter, range 2d6m due to the thick
bows, all ride in one canoe loaded with pelts and tusks; value vegetation which encrusts the ship inside and out. Roll 2d6
300+d1000sp. 2. Worm, hydra
4. 3d6+6 Lower Freehold militia soldiers in canoes, armed 3. Cannibals, (mutants with a minor mutation group wide) ar-
with bows, shields and hatchets, 3 men in each canoe. Will riving by canoe, d6+2 canoes, 3 savage men in each.
be very friendly to mixed race travelers, even bidding them to 4. Sharks, amphibious, d3
camp with them that night if staying in the bog. If met by all- 5. Plant, green walkers 2d6+2
mutants or all-pure stocks, this group will order the travelers 6. Plant, constriction vine
to raise their hands and surrender or die. Non-mixed race 7. Lizard, winged slasher
groups will be taken to Steel Hill for interrogation. 8. Birds, skal, 3d6
5-9. Normal Freshwater encounter, see page 132, hub rules. 9. Reptilius, 2d6+4 from the sub species at Frigate
10. Reptilius, 2d6+3 per either side of boaters, with flint axes, 10. Urcellia, d6
swimming from the shore, either ahead 01-77% chance, or 11. Mutant crabs, 2d6 (treat as cave scorpions without stingers)
from behind, 78-00% chance. If ahead they will enter the wa- 12. Alligator, huge (mutant saltwater croc)

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5-9. Normal Hill Encounter, see page TME 131 hub rules.
10. Wolves, timber, 3d6.
11. Raiders on ponies, 3d6+4 with leprosy, coming from Leper Hold
12. Birds, ground hawks d3+2

Screaming Forest: This

Ridge Island: There is little remarkable about Ridge Island woodland gets its name from the
unnerving howls and screams of
other than it belongs to the Dominion of Aberratia and sits just
south of the town of Banner Cove. There is an Aberrationist watch the dominant carnivores that dwell
post on the western tip of the island, which consists of a well cam- within. Skulking renders, (see liz-
ouflaged junk metal shack and open roof top observation and ards, Hub Rules, page 162), seem
gunnery deck. From here, a squad of 4+d8 Dominion Warriors to be particularity common in this
use a communicator to report back to the Major at Banner Cove forest, and have made this location
on all shipping and boating traffic, day and night. The watchtower almost inaccessible to small groups
deck above the heated shack is covered in a camo net and steel of humans, including Dominion pa-
grill to keep out flying predators, but is open enough for the three trols. It seems that these bipedal
soldiers on duty fire with their crossbows or the relic assault rifle reptiles have acquired an unnatu-
which always sits on a tripod at the ready. What is unique about ral hunger for human flesh. While
this rifle is that it has an optical scope attached to its top, and a many other terrible creatures and
50 round drum magazine (full) feeding it ammo, with d3 spare carnivorous plants can be met with-
standard mags nearby with 3d10 rounds remaining in each. in the shadowy confines of this vine knotted forest, one can expect
Intruders on the island are liable to run into a patrol of to meet one or more of the green and tan striped predators while
Dominion Warriors who travel about looking for pirates or Pur- traveling through this area. Range and frequency of encounters is
ists, as well as excavators who might be looking for several as any other forest area (3 in 10 chance per 45 minutes by day or
ruined buildings within the dense woods which cover this is- every 30 minutes at night, range d20 meters by day or d12m at
land. If this patrol meets a mixed race adventure team which night). See below for the specific encounter result, rolling 2d6:
has armed pure stocks in it, the whole group will be arrested,
stripped and sold in the Newburg slave market. 2. Dominion Warriors, 10+d10, on patrol
3,4. Lizard, skulking render
Encounters on Ridge Island: Occurring as per a normal for- 5-8. Normal forest encounter
est( 3 in 10 chance, checked every 45 minutes, range d20m); 9,10. Lizards, skulking renders d3
however, roll d100 below to see what encounter one meets. 11. Lizards, skulking renders, d3+1
01-68. Normal Forest Encounter, page 132 hub rules 12. Plant, green walkers, 4d6+4
69-93. Patrol of Dominion Warriors, 8+d8
94-97. Pirate spies, d4+4 raiders with crossbows.
98-00. Purist invaders, seeking to locate and wipe out the Shadow Lake: This is the largest lake in the region, but
watch post. There are 3d6+12 Purist Conquistadors, who only by a square kilometer or two, since both Filth Lake and
have landed in rowboats. Fever Lake are also very massive, and quite deep. Shad-
ow lakes gets its name from the enormous creature which
moved under a boat load of early migrants, in 2241, a shad-
ow of some sort of massive fish which neither harmed the
boaters nor has been seen since. Somehow, the name stuck.
In time, the conquering Purists of Far Cross liked the name
as it implied that across that lake, which serves as a natural
boundary, lays the land of shadow, of diabolical mutants, cy-
borgs, Mecha and other evils. The northern end is usually dot-
Sage Hills: Running along the lower edge of both the Cross- ted with rowboats from Galespit, who enjoy excellent fishing,
roads and Shattered regions are a series of grassy, sagebrush while in the south, about 20 kilometers north of Far Cross,
covered hills. Here, ravines are filled with cool drinkable streams are the Purist fishing boats.
and pools, copses of mixed mutant and normal trees and shrub-
bery, as well as the odd cave mouth leading into the lair of some
blood thirsty mutant horror, tunnel complex of vicious human-
oids or outlaw’s hideout. Within the Crossroads Region, these
hills are considered to belong to the Holy Purist Empire, although
their few patrols have hardly established real dominance or se-
curity in these parts. Travelers who wish to avoid Purist patrols
will have to give the South Road a wide berth, therefore, forcing
them to travel overland and along the many game trails on these
grassy hills, avoiding the thickets which grow in the deep ravines
where man eaters must surely lurk.

Encounters in the Sage Hills: Occurring with a 2 in 10

chance per hour by day and a 3 in 10 chance by night, range
100+d1000m by day, d20+20m at night. Roll 2d6
2. Purist Conquistadors on horse, 2d6+7
3. Skullock dog riders, 5+d8 on war dogs.
4. Raiders on riding dogs, d6+4, each with a prime mutation,
musket pistol and saber.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 363
Encounters on Shadow Lake: Anywhere except within 2km
of Far Cross, this lake uses the same Hub Rules stated en-
counter frequency and table as described under Freshwater,
however, while boating on Shadow Lake within 2km of Far
Cross, encounters occur with a 7 in 10 chance per hour by
day and 5 in 10 chance by night. Roll d100, adding 20 to the
roll during nighttime. Boats and flying encounters will be seen
at 500+d1000m by day, but only d100+10m by night. All en-
counters with aquatic creatures met at d10+10 meters.
Shroud Road: This dirt track, no more than 3 m wide and
often completely covered or ‘shrouded’ over by the canopy of
01-72. Normal freshwater encounter, see page 132 hub rules. the forest vegetation, is mainly used by mutants who conduct
73-78. Purist Conquistadors with crossbows, d6+2, and a trade between Overpass and the Dominion of Aberratia. The
Brother of the Purple Order in rowboat checking boaters for roadway cuts through DOA held portions of Twisted Wood and
mutant or android occupants. is actively patrolled by Aberrationist units. Any pure stock trav-
79-83. Pure stock commoner men, d4+1, fishermen, who are eling along it without playing the part of a slave or routinely hu-
under attack by a normal freshwater encounter. miliated or beaten servant to mutant masters, will be arrested
84-89. Airship moving 9m per round in the PC’s direction, Im- by Dominion Warriors and sold as a slave in Newburg. There
perial Purist markings, with 6 Purist Conquistadors with cross- are also many woodland creatures which keep an eye on this
bows in the gondola. On air patrol of area around Far Cross. road, always looking for an easy meal. Traveling here alone or
They will fire down on non-pure stock PCs from 20+d100m in groups under six members strong is not advised.
90-96. Purist homeland militia in canoes, armed with bows, Encounters on Shroud Road: Occurring with a 3 in 10 chance
approaching to inspect PC’s craft. There will be d3 canoes, per hour by day, a 4 in 10 chance per hour if traveling the road
each with 3 men in them. by night, and a 2 in 10 chance if camped on the side of the
97-104. d3 Purist rowboats, crewed by d6+2 Conquistadors road at night. Range by day is d3d20+6m and by night are
using crossbows; routine patrol. d12+3m. Roll 2d6 by day, 2d6+3 by night.
105-111. d8+1 canoes loaded with skullock raiders from 2. Slaver and his d4+4 soldier guards (all mutants with a
across the lake, each canoe has 2+d3 skullocks, the front prime mutation each) mounted on riding dogs, leading a line
most having a crossbow. of mixed race slaves 2d6 men, 2d6 women, d6 teens and d6
112-117. Rowboat, leaving Far Cross, pure stock mother with children, of which half will be common mutants with a ‘physi-
newborn baby, who has d3 ‘physical alternations’ from minor cal alteration’ minor mutation each.
mutations list, hub rules, page 77. 3. Dominion Dog Riders, 2d6+2
118-120. d3 canoes, each carrying 2+d3 mutant, militia sol- 4. Dominion Irregulars, 3d6+3
diers (each has a crossbow and 1 prime mutation). They are 5-9. Normal Forest Encounter, see page 132 hub rules book.
heading to Far Cross for some covert operation, and if meet- 10. Nomadic traders, d3, each with 3 militia soldiers, all have
ing mixed race excavators, will ask them to join in their fight a minor mutation each, and are mounted on riding dogs
against the Purists. 11. Mutant commoner migrants, heading to the Dominion,
each has a minor mutation, 3d6+6 families, pushing carts, each
family has a man and women armed with a bow and hatchet,
d3 teens armed with bows and daggers, and d4 children.
12. Purist raiders, 2d6+4, treat as militia soldiers on foot, but
all are pure stocks wearing the wavy cross of the Holy Purist
Empire on their shields and tunics, and chant passages from
the Purist bible as they attack.
13. Raiders, 5+d4, each with a prime mutation, on foot with
bows and battleaxes.
14. Dominion Warriors, 6+d8 on foot, inspecting travelers.
15. Plants, green walkers 10+2d20
Shard Creek: This rust colored creek pours into Fever Sick Creek: While the water in Fever Lake is not as poison-
Lake, supplying the large water body with toxins of all kinds,
as well as serving as a spawning stream for ghastfin fish. ous as it tastes or looks, at least not immediately, the flow which
Anyone wading across this 2+d4m deep, 3+d6m wide creek drains from it in the east seems to pick up some sort of highly
has a 3 in 10 chance of being lunged at by a ghastfin, while toxic materials before reaching the spill over point into Filth Lake.
anyone who boats up or down it has a 4 in 10 chance per Anyone to drink the water from Sick Creek will be forced to make
hour of having his or her craft attacked, the distance away a type D endurance based hazard check or suffer one of the fol-
for this fish when first encountered is d6+2m up or down lowing health problems. Worse, the subject must make an addi-
stream. tional type G hazard check to avoid getting wicked stomach pains
Anyone who can bare the taste of this water enough within 3d6 minutes and being at half all traits for 3d6 hours.
to drink it must make a END based type C HC within a Plus, the victim is forced to make yet another hazard check, a
minute to avoid vomiting painfully, suffering d4 dam- Type B willpower based one to even have the self control to get
age, and, must make a secondary HC within 2d6 hours up and walk onward, even if pursued by enemies.
to avoid suffering a terrible stomach ache in which he or
she will be in a knot of pain, suffer a drop to half of all
traits, which will heal normally except for a permanent
one point trait drop per trait.
This creek gets its name from the huge chunks of con-
crete and construction plastic which jut from the twisting
creek bed like great shards of broken glass.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 364
The life forms in this creek are mainly aquatic constric- 4. Dominion Dog Riders, on shore, 2d6+4 who wave boaters
tion vines, and strange, albino jaw worms, which are en- over to be inspected. Any pure stocks found wearing arms or ar-
countered with a 4 in 10 chance per group who dares wade mor will be arrested and taken to the slave market at Newburg,
across this creek (which is 1m deep and d4+3m wide at all his or her belongings confiscated. All mutants or legitimate
any given spot). slaves owned by mutants, will be let go with a strict warning.
5-9. Normal freshwater Encounter, see page 132 hub rules
2d6 Random Health Problems from drinking water 10. Freshwater sharks, d6
2,3. Blindness for d6 days. 11. Lizard, skulking render, in forest, d10m back when the
4,5. Partial paralysis: unable to feel legs for d6 days (can’t boaters pass, and will run along the woodland side of creek,
walk). on the shore, until parallel with boaters and then leap into
6,7. Random insanity for d6 days, see insanity selection, part the middle of the craft. It will try to kill two adult sized persons
3 ‘Hazards’ hub rules book. and throw them overboard, joining the dead to devour and let-
8,9. Mild radiation exposure, see ‘Radiation’, part 3 ‘Haz- ting the rest go.
ards’ hub rules. 12. Lizard, skulking render, standing on a sandbar which
10,11. All hair begins to fall out, grows back in 3d6 months. forms an island in the creek, d20+20 meters ahead. It will
12. Person loses d6 from each trait, permanently and must simply wait until boaters approach and then randomly strike
make a type D END based HC or get cancer. at the occupants, trying to take one passenger, the biggest or
tallest, and leave. If the boaters fail to advance, the beast will
2d6 Encounters in Sick Creek charge forward, screaming.
2. Worm, stabber
3,4. Worms, mud 3d6+4
5,6. Worms, jaw 2d6
7,8. Plant, constriction vine
9,10. Pit slime
11. Worm, huge jaw
12. Worm, hydra worm

Sickle Creek: This short waterway splits off from Border

Creek directly under the Aberrationist fortress of North Watch,
and skirts south of Screamer Forest where later meets Atroc-
ity Creek and then the salt water of Bomb Bay. It is 2d4 meters
wide at any given spot, but only d3 meters deep, therefore im-
possible to navigate barges upon. A plan had been discussed
by the Dominion government to deepen the creek to allow barg-
Silver Lake: Accessible by cargo barge or longboat from ei-
ther the North or South Porter’s River, Silver Lake is often the
es to reach North Fort and resupply the place, but, this idea has destination of adventure teams who seek to explore the nearby
been put on hold until such a time as the Purist Navy has been Overgrown Ruins from the relative safety of a floating camp. The
eradicated and the Pure Blood Empire all but obliterated. most typical case is where a well-to-do digger squad hires or
Many canoes, longboat and rowboats make their way purchases a cargo barge, arms it, and crews it with fit merce-
up and down this wide stream, either to trade their cargo naries and camp followers. From this position the archeologists
at North Fort or try and pass through the inspections there- make daily forays into the vine and moss covered ancient struc-
in. Once cleared by DOA troops, boaters can head north or tures, retuning at dusk to heal up, split up their booty, and get a
south along Border River to the isolated logging camps and good night’s sleep while their mercenaries keep watch.
other settlements found there. Other users of this lake are several merchants who trade
Being along the edge of Screamer Forest, there is the between Sandbarra, Sorrow or Steel Hill, or any barge captain
strong possibility of travelers running into skulking renders, of a non-battle barge who wishes to avoid the route around
which can easily wade out into the stream and slash those in The Scrubs and the Dethpool ruins due to the risk posed by
passing boats, grab a man or woman and dash off to tear the the pirates of Port Folly.
person apart. Likewise, travelers can expect Dominion troops Of course, freshwater sharks, mutant alligators and
to be watching this creek, either by boat, or mounted patrols hoards of canoe paddling bipedal rats constitute a very se-
riding alongside the shore. rious threat to anyone who passes through, or anchors any
place on this lake.
Encounters while wading across or Boating on Sickle
Creek: Encounter frequency and range is identical to normal Encounters on Silver Lake: Encounters occur with a 2 in 10
Freshwater: 6 in 10 if wading across, range d10m, or if boat- chance per hour by day, and a 3 in 10 chance by night, range
ing 2 in 10 per hour range 2d100m: Roll 2d6 500+2d100m by day or to the extended range of a relic spot light
2. d3 Lizards, skulking renders, on north, woodlands side of or night vision mutation, otherwise only 20+d20m range at night.
the creek, which will wade out and wait for boaters to arrive, The following encounters assume the characters are in a boat, car-
trying to kill a traveler each before letting the rest go. go barge or relic watercraft. Roll 2d6 by day, 2d6+2 by night:
3. Dominion Conquistadors in a longboat 8+d4, who will turn 2. Purist Airship, 2d6 km away and 400+d1000m high in the
their craft sideways and force oncoming boaters to stop and sub- air. This single airship is loaded with 6 Purist Conquistadors
mit to an inspection. See roll 4 for details on inspection. with a heavy crossbow each, and will mainly be observing ship-
ping traffic in this corner of the region and reporting it back to
ground and naval units via a communicator. If this airship is
spotted, and the characters are in a cargo barge or other ship
larger than a longboat, there is a 2 in 6 chance that when they
do enter the sea, a Purist battle barge will be waiting at the
mouth of whichever of the Porter’s River they traverse.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 365
3. Alligator, mutant, large
4. 3d6 canoes loads of bipedal rats, 4, per canoe armed with
bows and flint axes.
5-7. Normal Freshwater Encounter, see page TME 132 hub rules.
8. Shark, amphibious, will attack rafts, rowboats, longboats
and canoes, as well as anyone who falls into the water or is
stupid enough to try and swim within the lake.
9. Sharks, freshwater, 2d6 will follow any vessel for 2d6
hours, even into river system, hoping to get passengers or the
dead during any capsizing or battle.
10. Nomadic trader and d4 militia soldiers (all mutants each with a Snag Inlet: Located just south of the DOA town of Banner
prime mutation) in a longboat who will be friendly to other mutants Cove, Snag Inlet is the portion of sea between the Dominion Lands
and mixed race excavation teams, willing to put ashore someplace to and the Northern horn of the Lower Freeholds, and stretches as
camp or travel on together if going in the same direction. far east as the mouth of Lusus river. The waterway gets its name
11. Excavators cargo barge, fitted with a heavy machine gun from the massive mutant kelp which grows here and catches on
at the bow (drum fed) and a heavy ballista on the poop deck the oars, rudders, propellers and hulls of passing ships, making all
(aft). Oar crew will be militia soldiers with musket pistols and water travel here half rate. Because of the vast kelp forests in this
hatchets, the passengers will consist of 10+d20 soldiers area, many small sea creatures take refuge in the dense growths,
with heavy crossbows and battleaxes, along with d6 com- and thus attract larger fish who try to hunt them. This density of
moner families, and if during the day, d3 seriously wounded sea life makes the inlet a particularly excellent, yet risky, fishing
excavators who serve as officers, while at night, 2d6 addi- ground for the inhabitants of Banner Cove.
tional excavators. These folk will wave to a passing ships and Encounters here take place at the normal range and fre-
human boaters, but will warn them away from getting too quency and use the regular salt water encounter results table
close, especially if they are in another cargo barge or relic half the time (page 132 of the TME hub rules), otherwise,
gun boat, etc. They don’t want digger competition, company, encounters by day will be with a flotilla of 2d6 rowboats filled
nor new team members and are highly suspicious. with mutant commoner men, who are busy fishing and not re-
12. Bipedal rats on rafts, 3d6+20, 5 per raft, armed with jav- ally interested in travelers, unless they are pure stocks, whom
elins and spiked clubs. the fishermen will shoot at with their bows and try to cap-
13. Pirates from Port Folly, d4 longboats, each armed with a ture or kill. See Banner Cove, page 115 for more details on
light ballista on the bow, loaded with 12 pirates each, treated the nature of the people of that town. Half the Encounters at
as raiders with musket pistols and sabers. night will be with d6+3 Dominion Bat Riders, who are on pa-
14. Bipedal rat flotilla, simultaneously from all sides of the trol looking for invading Purists or smugglers.
lake, 50+d100 of the rat folk, 5 per raft, using two throwing
javelins each and a spiked club for back up. Sour Canyon River: At the bottom of The Rip, flows the
largest river in either the Crossroads or Shattered Regions.
Sour Canyon River is a moderately poisoned river, which gets
its start someplace at the base of Black Mountain far to the
east, and is supplied by creeks and smaller rivers, many of
which flow out from beneath the Great Ruins, adding toxins
to the water. As there are no permanent human communities
on this river, and far too many predators and hazards along
its course, few traders or travelers use it for a transportation
Slow Creek: This waterway breaks off from the larger Jaw route. Besides the dangers, traders would have to convey car-
Creek to the west, and winds its way to the walls of Steel Hill. It go or passengers up the canyon walls of The Rip, and avoid the
is a broad, calm creek, being 4+d6m wide at any given spot and humanoids who live in cliff side villages all along the canyon.
d3m deep, too shallow for barges but ideal for the many traders Within the bounds of the Crossroads Region, this river is close-
and travelers who use it to go between Steel Hill and wherever ly watched by the cultists of Rock Spire; see Page 284, who often
the land based cargo transfer is handled to get goods onto wag- patrol the river by canoe as far east as Rope Cross in the Shattered
ons destined for either Sorrow or Sandbarra. The water in this Region, killing or capturing excavators and scavengers alike.
creek is fine to drink, but tastes a bit muddy and is often crawl-
ing with tadpoles and other creepy crawlies.

Encounters on Slow Creek: Occur at the normal frequency

and range for boating on water, 2 in 10 chance per hour, or 2
in 10 chance per 45 minutes by night. Range 2d100m by day
and d20m at night. Roll 2d6:
2. Raiders in canoes, d4 canoes, 3 raiders per canoe, armed
with bows.
3. Nomadic trader and d3 militia soldier guards, in a canoe
with cargo.
4-9. Normal Freshwater Encounter, see page 132 hub rules.
10. Nomadic traders d3+1 with 4+d4 militia soldiers in a
longboat, carrying cargo.
11. Migrants, commoner families, 2d6, on rafts (man, wom-
an, d3 teens d3 children. All but the children will have bows
ready when meeting strangers.
12. Dominion Bat Riders, d4+4, raiding Lower Freehold trade
routes. See page 109 for details.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 366
Encounters while boating on this river can come from be-
low the water’s surface, from other boat traffic, or from the
banks of the great waterway, which is 50+d100m across at
any given point, but only 3+d3m deep in the middle. See the
second table below for encounters.
The water is tainted with many substances, depending on
the rainfall in the north, which drives run off through the Great
Ruins like a giant tea bag, leeching it of hazardous substances
and spilling them out into The Rip. Those who drink the sour tast- counter table, at a range of d1000+10m by day and d20+5m
ing water from this river may not immediately become ill, howev- by night: Roll 2d6
er, for each person or animal drinking from a specific spot in the 2. Raiders of mixed race, d6+6 for low rank adventures, 3d6+5
river during a half hour period, all are exposed to potential toxins, for mid rank and 3d6+11 for high rank, half are common mutants,
roll below to determine the results, which will be the same for all 44% chance these folk are lepers from Leper Hold, they are mount-
those who drink. The effects do not show up until 3d6 minutes ed on riding dogs 67% of the time, otherwise horses.
after drinking the water, or as prescribed by their hazard type. All 3. Migrants from the south, 3d6+6 families in wagons, each fam-
hazard checks use endurance to test against. ily will have a man, woman, d3 teens and d3 children, with all but
the children being armed with bows. There is a 17% chance that
Results of Drinking from Sour Canyon River Note: All haz- they are uninformed common mutants, headed north with no idea
ard checks are made using Endurance. Roll 2d6 of the doom that awaits them at the hands of the Purists. If warned
2. Carcinogenic substances ingested, the GM makes a type A HC and or helped, they will be unspeakably grateful and make the
for each drinker to see if they develop cancer, a fact not to be re- characters full fledged tribe members.
vealed to the players except by progressive illness. See Hub Rules, 4. Purist Conquistadors on horseback d6+4 for a low rank adven-
‘Diseases’ for details and cures. ture, 2d6+6 for mid rank and 3d6+10 for high rank sessions, look-
3,4. Toxins ingested, character is allowed a type A HC or per- ing to kill or capture mutants, synthetic humans, robots, and cy-
manently lose 1 pt drop to each trait. borgs, and arrest and convert any pure stocks accompanying such
5,6. Nauseated, make Type D HC or puke violently, take d6 damage demon spawned beings.
and remain queasy and ill for d6 days being half agility and accuracy. 5-8. Normal Encounter by terrain (hill, forest or plains according to
7,8. Sickness, make type C HC or become very ill for d6 hours, being current location on map, use tables from part 4 of the hub rules,
half all traits with stomach cramps, diarrhea, headache, and fever. starting at page TME 130).
9,10. Poison, type B, victim must make HC or choke and suf- 9. Skullocks on war dogs, d8+6 for low rank adventures, 3d6+8 for
fer 2d20 damage. mid rank and 3d6+14 for high rank.
11. Radiation, 1 mild exposure. 10. Skullocks on giant bats, d3+2 for low rank adventures, 2d4+4
12. Mutagenic agents, add 33% chance to the odds of each for mid rank and 2d6+6 for high rank.
future offspring exhibiting mutations. 11. Purist zealots, treat as militia soldiers on horseback, 3d6+4,
using bows and hatchets, out killing mutants and capturing hea-
Encounters while boating on or swimming across Sour then pure stocks to turn into their personal slaves at a nearby
Canyon River 4 in 6 chance swimming across or per hour walled camp. At camp, 3d6 pure blood families and 3d6 more mili-
swimming along, and a 2 in 10 chance per hour while boat- tiamen are stationed, plus a renegade preacher who is starting his
ing. All aquatic adversaries at d20m range, while all NPC own Purist faction.
boats and seen at range 100+3d100m by day, 2d20+10m 12. Commoners, 2d6 men, 2d6 women, d6 teens, d6 children, all
by night. Roll 2d6 with leprosy, banished and heading to Leper Hold. They have very
2. Fish, ripper, 3d6 little, and will be very grateful for any food travelers can leave in the
3. Fish, ghastfin road for them. This group will step off the road and warn approach-
4. Nomadic trader and d3 militia soldiers with bows, in canoe. ing humans that they have the disease and to stay back, all while
5. Rock Spire ‘Protectors’, d3+3, waiting on the shore for pleading for food.
passers by, will use their relic weapons to open fire and kill or
capture trespassers. Spec Creek: Nobody seems to know how this fast moving
6-9. Normal Freshwater encounter, see page 132 hub rules. creek got its name. The people of Newburg say it is short for Spec-
10. Scavengers, d2 in canoe, will avoid all other travelers and ulation Creek, while those who grew up in Hookville, where the
turn about or head to shore and hide if approached. stream drains into the Bomb Bay, say the name comes from the
11. Plant, constriction vine, aquatic sub-species. specters of the long dead ancient ones who haunt the flat farms
12. Rock Spire ‘Protectors’, d4+4, in two canoes, out killing lands around this creek. Historians in Overpass claim yet another
excavators and humanoids. See page 285 for details. name for the waterway, based on old maps. They say the place
is named after the term ‘specimen’, due to the biogenetic ab-
South Road: This dusty thoroughfare cuts through the Sage normalities which were once produced by those who drank the
water, then heavily contaminated by mutagenic agents left over
Hills and joins the Crossroads Region with the uncharted lands to
the south. As one of the few tracts between these regions, lead- from the Bioengineering facilities which were spread all over this
ing into the Holy Purist Empire at its north end, the Purists main- part of old Los Angeles.
tain a constant watch on the comings and goings of migrants, In current times, Spec Creek is a well used transportation
traders and adventurers using this road, eager to butcher mu- route serving the many farms along its course. Anyone crossing
tants and cyborgs. Besides the Purists, raiders and humanoids it or traveling it by small craft (it is too narrow and shallow for any
also see this passage as a source of plunder, slaves or food, and sort of barge or relic craft requiring a depth of 2m or more) is like-
will accost poorly armed, small groups of travelers.

Encounters on South Road: Occur with a 3 in 10 chance

per hour by day, and a 4 in 10 chance at night, while anyone
camping off this road at night will have a 2 in 10 chance per
hour of meeting something or someone. Use the following en-

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 367
ly to see mutant farmers or even Aberrationist troop boats head- Encounters while outside the farm compounds: The usu-
ing between the capital and the naval yards at Hookville. There al dangers of the plains can be found at their normal frequen-
are many dangerous creatures known to populate this waterway, cy and range (1 in 10 chance seen at 50+d1000m by day or
so swimming within the cool, drinkable creek is not advisable. d100m at night), however, roll below whenever an encounter oc-
curs, using 2d6 by day and 2d6+4 by night.
Encounters crossing or boating on Spec Creek: Make one en- 2. Purist raiders! 4+d6 soldiers with musket pistols and
counter check for each crossing by wading at a low point or swim- longswords on horseback, without shields. This group will
ming across, (the creek is d6+2m wide and 100+d100cm deep at butcher any mutants they find, and capture any pure stocks
any given point) with a 2 in 10 chance of an encounter. For those to take back to their hideout on the coast. Here a Purist ship
traveling up or down the creek by boat there is a 4 in 10 chance per will come within 2d4 nights to collect the misguided generic
hour of an encounter from the following table. Unless stated other- human PCs for indoctrination.
wise, all people met will be mutants with one ‘physical alteration’ 3. Patrol of Southern Rangers, 3d6+4 on riding dogs, see
minor mutation, as well as random hair, eye and skin colorations. page 64 this book. They will help travelers and offer to camp
Range of all encounters with people on shore based or in boats by together if near dusk.
day is 2d100+10m by day and d20+10m by night, while aquatic 4. Local farmers, 2d6+2 commoner youths of both sexes, rid-
animals are met at only 2d6+1m any time of day. Roll 2d6 ing horses, guiding livestock. (67% likely 30+3d6 cows, other-
2. Sharks, freshwater, d6 wise 40+3d6 sheep). They will avoid armed travelers unless
3. Dominion Warriors, d6+6 on riding dogs on the far shore, they are well liked local excavators or Southern Rangers.
observing any travelers and calling them over for inspection. 5,6. Regular encounter for Plains, see page 131 hub rules.
Any armed or armored pure stocks will be arrested and sold 7. Bipedal rats riding 3+d4 giant rats, with 2 bipedal rats on
as slaves in Newburg, mutant companions will be 33% likely to each. The bipedal specimen riding on the back of each mount
also be arrested as suspected freehold spies, and all relics con- will have a bow; the rider uses a shield and machete.
fiscated before the deviants are set free again, from Newburg. 8. Reptilius with a bow riding a winged slasher which is on
4. Fishermen on the far shore, d6+2 commoner men with rods, patrol, but, if encountering a group of four or less humans,
but have bows and hatchets handy. They will avoid any fights, but will make a probing dive attack, trying to kill and then loot the
rush to report the sighting of cyborgs or armed pure stocks. travelers.
5-8. Normal Freshwater Encounter, see page 132 hub rules. 9. Local militia of commoner men, mounted on riding dogs,
9. Nomadic trader and his d4+2 militia soldiers in longboat, they also armed with crossbows and axes, 2d6+3 on patrol or posse
have d2+2 pure stock men as oar slaves. They will report any armed looking for any criminals or enemies. They will be friendly to
pure stocks or cyborgs upon reaching either Newburg or Hookville. mixed race adventure teams and offer them shelter of the
10. As in encounter 3 above, but the warriors are DOA irregulars night at a nearby homestead.
and in a longboat. 10. Bipedal rat host, 30+3d6 on foot, marching fast and seek-
11. Fish, Ghastfin ing cover, or an easy kill and plunder session, range is double
12. Frogs, Aberrant, 2d4 normal for plains, and are only 56% likely to have seen PCs.
11. Aberrationist irregulars, d6+6 on horseback with bows
Southern Steppe: This grassy plain makes up the ma- and sabers, see page 109 for details. They will avoid a fair
fight, but will follow travelers for d4 hours to see if the targets
jority of the Lower Freehold’s open land, and is criss-crossed
by newly made dirt roads connecting the towns of Sandbarra become weakened or split up, before attacking them.
and Sorrow to the small city of Steel Hill. Within 10 to 20 ki- 12. Camp of farmers, 3d6+12 commoner men and 3d6 com-
lometers of any of the towns, small fortified homesteads dot moner women, in simple wooden stockade with tents, bonfire
the countryside, surrounded by farm fields or well made cattle going, all are armed with bows, seem to be planting crops near-
and sheep stockades, with about a kilometer separating each by. They will be friendly to rangers and well known and kind
homestead. The inhabitants of these acreages are a nervous excavation teams. If met on a road, then the group is a wagon
lot, understandably, as so many bipedal rats, Bitter Bog rep- train caravan with 1 wagon and 2 horses per 5 people.
tilius and roaming bands of Purist or Dominion Irregulars raid 13. Freehold Ranger patrol, 6+d6 on horseback, see page 64,
the countryside. making sure the PCs aren’t Aberrationist irregulars or Purists.
Strangers who are mixed races and types will receive a 14. Reptilius hunting party, 3d6+8 on foot, with bows and flint
warm enough welcome, and if met previously or seen about axes, looking for man-meat.
the towns and known to be a benevolent bunch of excava- 15. Bipedal rats, pack on foot, 3d6+10, will flee if half their
tors, they will be welcomed into one of the homesteads for the number is killed.
night. These hardy farmers love a good story, and will also ap- 16. Aberrationist irregulars, on riding dogs, 3d6+6 (see page
preciate the protection and prestige granted to them by hav- 109 for details and illustration), will butcher and abuse those
ing a well known adventure team stay at their scrap metal who offend them or kill DOA comrades and will sell everybody
and timber compound. else as slaves in Newburg.

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world where cancer is once more a health risk, such a plant is

Strangle Wood: Growing in the shade of the New Hills is highly sought after and routinely killed over. Scavengers and
a mess of plant life so named for both the incredibly dense veg- savages are often found alone in the woods, fiercely guarding
etation, as well as the lethal plants which live here. Constriction one or two of these plants from even the most determined
vines grow in wild profusion, next to a wide assortment of other intruders, setting traps and using guard animals to drive off
bizarre and dangerous mutant greenery. The bounds of this for- interlopers. When a plant reaches maturity, the guardian will
est are inaccessible to wheeled robots and vehicles, and the clip off a few leaves and head to Overpass to sell the dried
narrow game trails which meander here and there are often too leaf stems to Medics at the Hospital.
steep, too enclosed or too overgrown to allow anyone to ride ei-
ther a horse, riding dog, mountain or dirt bike though the thick- Encounters within Strangle Wood: 4 in 10 chance of en-
et, at least without knowing a secret path used by a local outlaw counter every half hour, night or day, range of encounter d12
gang. In places, there are open areas and ponds, small fens meters away unless stated otherwise. Roll d100
and crumbling concrete and steel ruins. These tiny meadows 01-36. Normal Forest encounter, see page 132, hub rules.
can provide a respite from the clawing, predatory woods around, 37-56. Raider patrol, on foot with bows and machetes, mem-
although most of these prized clearings or water holes are occu- bers or Foster’s Freebooters, low rank 3+d4/ mid rank 6+8/
pied by tribes of humanoids, or highly territorial beasts. high rank PC parties meet 3d6+10. If they capture intruders,
The southern edge of the woodland is constantly being they will enslave them, using attractive females as ‘brides’,
cut back by the loggers from the town of Safe Port, however, stripping cyborgs of all offensive relics, trashing androids and
most people avoid entering these lush confines at all cost, robots, killing beastial humans, plantoids, parasites and oth-
except for outlaws and excavators. A gang of notorious and er gross character types.
cunning raiders called ‘Foster’s Freebooters’ dwell deep with- 57-60. Characters notice a brightly colored yellow fern grow-
in these woods, reportedly occupying a rather well preserved ing not far from the path. Remission Fern, see text on left.
ruined structure complete with underground facilities. Here 61-64. As, 57-60 above, however if approached, the lead
they kennel their riding dogs, stable their horses, store food character triggers a trap, see Hub Rules, part 3, Hazards un-
and water, keep slaves, and stash their loot. These raiders der traps and roll for a random primitive trap, page TME 119.
owe much of their success to the current ruler of Safe Port, 65-67. A lone scavenger, who upon meeting the characters on
the Dictator Optimorra, who is allied with these brigands and the trail, panics and runs, clutching a sack to his chest. If over-
allows them to rob anyone in the surrounding countryside, taken, and inspected, he carries a bag full of 2d6 remission
and even enter Safe Port when they wish so long as they don’t fern leaf stems which he had intended to sell in Overpass.
inflict excessive abuses on the locals. 68-70. As, 57-60 above, however you see somebody watering
Excavators also try their luck in Strangle Wood, searching the plant and then sitting down near it, and apparently talking
for the rumored structures which are said to exist through- to the fern. Roll d6 to determine who: 1. Scavenger/ 2. Raider
out the entire vicinity, jutting from the woods like great moss / 3. Savage, male / 4. Commoner, man / 5. Slave, male / 6.
covered stones at crazy angles, their unlooted depths await- Raiders as in roll 37-56, above.
ing the fearless. In addition to the ruins, there is a species of 71-79. Plant, constriction vines, low rank d2/ mid rank d4/
bright yellow fern which grows only in this forest called the high rank d6+1 appearing
‘Remission Fern’ by healers, who will often pay a 100sp per 80-86. Plant, Jaw plant, low rank 1/ mid rank d3/ high rank
leaf stem (a plant will have 3d6 stems). When its healing sub- d4+1
stances are properly extracted by a medic of 2 or more skill 87-91. Plant, saw tree
points, this fern has anti cancer properties. The liquid extract 92-96. Plant, impaler bush
from just one stem will, when ingested, stop the growth of any 97-99. Plant, green walkers, low rank PCs meet 3d6/ mid
cancer in the body for d6+2 years, while the consumption of 2 rank 2d12+6/ high rank 4d10+20 appearing
stems worth of ‘potion’ will kill a malignant tumor within 3d6 00. Roll two encounters simultaneously, one to the right of
days and allow the patient to heal back to normal health. In a the travelers, the other to the left, each d12m away.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 369
fight. Captives are brought to one of several villages, and kept
in wooden cages until one or more are selected and butchered,
eaten raw or cooked over coals and shared among the tribe.
The Dominion of Aberratia has set about eradicating these
savages, but the stealthy ways of the cannibals and their lack of a
permanent community have made them hard to locate and wipe
out. Still, these aggressive people will avoid launching attacks on
war barges or large groups of relic armed individuals, suspecting
they are from Aberratia and not wishing to anger the DOA further;
usually only attack if outnumbering strangers 2 to 1. Encounters
in the waters off these islands will often be with canoe loads of
these primitive mutants, while on the island, various creatures of
the forest can be found, but all humans and humanoids will be
Tangle Bay: Between the towns of Windway and Memory with Coiler Cannibals, instead of whatever the hub rules encoun-
ter table for Forests on page TME 132 states.
is a large bay, which at its western edge joins Snag Inlet and
thereafter the mouth of Lusus River. Tangle Bay is so named
due to the same mutant kelp found in Snag Inlet. Here, at Encounters for both the sea within 10km of the coil Islands
least, it grows in far less concentrated patches with much of or on any of the Islands: Occurring at their normal range and
it not reaching the surface in such a way as to restrict the frequency, using the following encounter table. Roll 2d6
passage of ships. There is, nevertheless, enough kelp here
to allow a swimmer to hang onto the floating growths and not Within 10km of a Coil Island by Sea 2d6
drown, except during a typhoon. The kelp forest, which clogs 2,3. Battle barge of the Dominion of Aberratia
this entire bay, attracts many fish and invertebrates which 4,5. Coiler cannibals in canoes, 3 men and 1 archer woman
both spawn herein and seek protection from larger predators. per canoe, 2d6 canoes.
Nonetheless, due to the dense concentrations of fish, sharks, 6,7. Coiler cannibals in canoe, d3+1 men, fishing but will go af-
salt water crocodiles and other hunters do enter this bay to ter other canoes or boats if occupants are fewer in number.
feed, and do so with such success that half of all encountered 8-11. Normal Salt Water Encounter, see page 132 hub rules.
predators will completely ignore simmers or those in small 12. Drifting cargo barge, sails torn, gear tattered, hull covered
boats, having already bloated themselves on flesh. in primitive arrows, blood stained decks. No occupants.

Encounters in Tangle Bay: Occur at the normal range and Encounters on any Coil Island 2d6
frequency for saltwater; however use the following table to de- 2. Excavator, half mad, who has been hiding on the island for
termine encounters. Roll 2d6: d6 years, will be desperate to leave with characters. GM, pos-
2. Pirate battle barge from Port Folly sible new PC or NPC guide?
3. Alligator, huge salt water croc* 3,4. Savages attack! 3d6 male cannibals rush from one side,
4-6. Normal Salt Water Encounter* see hub rules page 132. while 2d6 woman hidden in trees (-15 DV) shoot arrows from
7. Shark, huge horrid* bows at the intruders.
8. Plant, floating aquatic constriction vine 5,6. d6+1 Coiler cannibal teens, with bows and flint daggers,
9. Longboat, loaded with a nomadic trader and 7+d4 mili- are hunting lizards and crustaceans, not anticipating to meet
tia soldier-oarsmen, armed with muskets and short swords, strangers –2 initiative.
transporting d6: 1,2. food stuffs / 3,4. poultry / 5. 3d6 kegs 7,8. Normal forest encounter, however any humanoids or humans,
of beer, d6 kegs of wine, d2 flasks of vodka / 6. Armor: 2d6 androids or robots will be substituted for encounter roll 3,4 above.
leather, d6 part plate, d6 junk. 9. 2d6 Coiler cannibal women, with bows and flint daggers,
10. Cargo barge, merchant ship, oar crew are mix race slaves, 6 harvesting mutant fruit, -2 initiative.
commoner men as sailors, 1 merchant, d6 town traders, 10+d10 10. Impaler bush
soldiers with muskets, 10+d20 commoner passengers, d6 exca- 11. 3d6 Coiler cannibal men on patrol.
vator passengers. Armed with a heavy ballista on poop deck. 12. 3d6+10 Coiler cannibal men and 2d6 cannibal women, lead-
11. Aberrationist battle barge ing a nomadic trader and d4 militia soldiers (hands tied) to their
12. Purist battle barge doom. This group is unaware of the characters presence and will
* 50% chance that predators ignore boaters and swimmers lead them to their secret tree top village where there are 100+d100
as they have already fed on the abundant fish. savage men, 200+2d100 savage women, 300+2d100 Savage
teens, d6 chieftains, and 400+3d100 Savage children.
The Coil: So named after the formation of these islands, a
coiling spiral of rocky protrusions, this chain was formed when
a deep penetration warhead breached the earth’s mantle and
caused a brief, but devastating magma whirlpool. When the spi-
ral cooled, and then filled in with sea water, the resulting islands
were left above the water level. Generations later, these small
isles are covered in mutant plants and populated by several
tribes of mutant savages. Called the Coilers, these savages are
known to be cannibals, living off fish but preferring the flesh of
other humans they capture. Anyone to intrude upon these forest
covered islands will be likely to run into bands of these deviants,
with each cannibal having a minor mutation from the ‘physical
alterations’ selection, plus, about 20% also exhibit one prime
mutation. The men dress in fish scale (lizard scale) armor, carry
shields, and wield spears and spiked clubs, while the women
wear cured humans skins and use bows and flint daggers in a

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The Merge: This coil of ramps and merge lanes sits north
of Overpass along the Unity road, but before The Rip and Harp-
er’s Bridge. At one time, daring colonists had envisioned anoth-
er, smaller but better designed town site, much like Overpass.
They managed to erect a small village on the highest point of the
merge, dwelling there for a couple of years before tragedy struck.
One winter night, in the year 2325, the hundred or so settlers
were attacked by warmorts, who slew all the males and marched
off the female inhabitants for mating stock, leaving the pre-pu-
The Forks: This series of peninsulas and islands jut out bescent children to fend for themselves until help arrived sever-
al days later. The abandoned wood and scrap shacks and outer
into Promise Bay like the tines of a massive fork, all pointing to- wall remain more or less in place, and offer shelter to all manner
ward the Dethpool Ruins. For the most part, The Forks are rocky of terrible beast. Since the destruction of this unnamed village,
hills covered in bunch grass and wind blown, stunted trees. no re-settlement has been attempted and these massive freeway
There are the odd bits of twisted steel and crumbling concrete structures continue to be frequented by warmorts.
walls sticking out of the ground, as well as areas where tunnel
mouths yawn open, inviting excavators to enter. Near the east-
ern edge of The Forks is the impoverished leper colony of Leper
Hold. From here, many diseased bandits mount raids into the
nearby territory including these peninsulas in hopes of catch-
ing migrants who frequently land on these shorelines to inves-
tigate the region for possible settlement.
The protrusions of ruined structures certainly implies
that many levels of unlooted underground ruins exist in these
parts, but a total lack of friendly, non-leper infested towns
means an excavation team must either camp in the wilds, or
dock a barge along the coasts, which would place the vessel Encounters at the The Merge: Occur with a 3 in 10 chance per
within close proximity to the pirates of Port Folly, not to men- hour by day, 4 in 10 by night if traveling, and a 2 in 10 chance if
tion Imperial Purist ships. campers remain concealed and light no fire. The range of any en-
counters is d1000 +50m by day and d20+10 by night. Roll 2d6
Encounters in The Forks area: Occur as per Scrubs as far 2. Warmort marauding force, 3d4+2 on foot
as frequency and range go, 1 in 10 chance per hour range 3,4. Warmort raiders on riding dogs, d4+4
10+d100m, but consult the following table to determine en- 5-7. Normal plain encounter
counter results. Roll 2d6 8-11. Roll as an encounter for Inter-State, page 353.
2. Purist shore party*, 3d6 +3 Conquistadors, see page 188 for details. 12. Rock Spire ‘Protectors’ d6+3, see page 285 for details.
3. Migrants* from another region, camped on shore, 3d6+6
families, 56% chance mixed race, otherwise pure stocks. The Ramps: Much like The Merge or Overpass in their con-
Each family will have a man, woman, d3 teens and d3 chil- struction and purpose, this series of off-ramps, merge lanes,
dren, with all except children using bows. and bridges is one of the main trade corridors in the region, and
4,5. Raiders on horseback, 2d6+1 with leprosy (see Leper along with the other area exchanges, gives this entire region
Hold, page 268, for details on those afflicted) its name of ‘Crossroads’. Here, many excavators, bounty hunt-
6,7. Normal scrubs encounter, see page 132 hub rules. ers, mercenaries and units of factional armies make the migra-
10. Raiders on foot with crossbows, 3d6+4, lepers. tion to Turbine in the Shattered Region where they can get their
11. Cattle, great horns 3d6 power cells charged at a considerably lower price than at Array.
12. Pirate shore party* on foot from Port Folly, 4d6 raiders Likewise, migrants and traders use these concrete loops and
with muskets and sabers roads to make their way in and out of the region. Just east of the
* One or more longboats will be pulled up on the shore some- Ramps is the corporate hold over state of Purehold, (see Shat-
place, 1 boat per 10 people. tered region) a pure stock ruled, non-religious, high tech state

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 371
which has existed since before the final fall of the old civilization. 284), which sits on a spur of stone rising to the same height as the
Traders from that land, as well as cyborgs and self aware an- plateau levels of the surrounding land. This plateau forms a forti-
droids fleeing their robotic masters in Mech Sector cal-64 (also fied, imposing island of stone several kilometers above the canyon
see Shattered Region) travel to the ramps before heading any- floor. The canyon sides themselves are pitted with cave and tunnel
place else in the Crossroads Region. Because of its popularity mouths, of which many lead deep under the great ruins, expanding
with travelers, many humanoid and human raiders keep an eye into countless kilometers of ruins and subway passages.
on this site and often ambush those they outnumber. Climbing down the canyon face is dangerous, even where the
zig-zagging goat trails have been cut into the mixture of silt and
Encounters on The Ramps: Occur with a 3 in 10 chance per debris which is so typical of the soil beneath the entire region.
hour by day, a 4 in 10 chance by night if one is traveling, and The trails and cliff faces fall away easily under foot and the narrow
a 2 in 10 chance if a group is camped and avoiding the use of paths are prone being completely washed out in places, and al-
a fire or bright lights. All meetings with other beings occur at ways force man sized travelers to march single file up or down the
d1000+80m by day and d20+12m by night. Roll 2d6 2000+d1000m high cliff side.
2. Purist Conquistadors on horseback, 5+d6, out butcher- Within the Crossroads Region, the greatest hazards explorers
ing mutants and cyborgs. will face within The Rip will be accidents, such as landslides, fall-
3. Mercenaries on horse, treat as mixed race soldiers, will ing debris, path collapses, or simply loosing one’s hand hold and
work for other mixed race employers for 20sp per day each, falling hundreds of meters to the canyon floor below. Predators,
they number 7+d8. especially spiders, scorpions and winged creatures, are the sec-
4,5. Normal encounter for Plains, see page 131 hub rules. ond greatest threat, as well as the danger posed by the Rock Spire
6,7. Roll an encounter from the location: Inter-State, page 352. cultists, who send out their Protectors to kill or capture excavators
8,9. Roll an encounter from the location: Broken Highway, who they have banned from entering the Great Ruins.
page 333.
10. Nomadic trader and 2d4 militia soldiers on horse, lead- Special GM’s Note for The Rip: Moving along a cliff face
ing 2d6 ponies loaded with food and water. trail is perilous and intense, especially since the trail is only
11. Skullocks on war dogs, 2d6+4 30+d20cm wide in any given spot, and poorly made by what-
12. Excavators, d3+3, with d6 empty power cells. ever species cut it. Large characters, or those on tank tracks
or wheeled relic devices, will probably be too wide to use this
The Rip: Also named Rip Canyon, as well as Sour Canyon route. Likewise, if one character wants to pass by another, the
after the river which flows through almost the entire length of one on the outside must make a type B agility based HC to
this lower than sea level gorge, (see Sour Canyon River, page maintain his or her balance and avoiding pitching backward
365) was formed by a series of catastrophic tectonic shifts over the edge, and if so, the falling person will instinctively
between the years 2171 and 2195, however, most current grab the person he or she intended to pass, who if not heavi-
day experts can’t agree whether this fault line is part of the er than the falling person, will be yanked over the cliff edge
San Andreas Fault zone or the result of another plate shift. as well. Wise players will announce that they have roped ev-
While this crack almost runs across the whole upper half of erybody together, and occasionally tie the rope off to metal or
the nearby Shattered region, considerably less of it is situ- concrete protrusion in the cliff face, and move with care.
ated in the Crossroads Region, where it is its deepest, and
also ends abruptly where the Sour Canyon River pours its toxic Encounters climbing up, down or along The Rip: Encounters
brew into Filth Lake. An expert looking at a satellite image of here, other than while in or on Sour Canyon River, occur with a
the region, is tempted to believe that whatever weapon made 3 in 10 chance per half hour, day or night while moving, met at
the immense blast crater at Filth Lake also initiated the chain a range of 3d100m by day and d20+2m by night. Roll 4d6:
of events which created the Rip, their speculations are sup- 4,5. Landslide! a pile of earth, concrete and steel rushes down
ported by the few ancient reports which place the Filth Lake the cliff face from above. Each traveler must make a type C
blast at about the same time as the formation of The Rip. agility based HC to dive against the cliff wall or leap back and
The only present day community that is both within The Rip clear of the passing material, otherwise be struck by the flow,
and also within the Crossroads Region is Rock Spire (see page SV 01-80 DMG d20+5, plus, make a STR based type D HC or be

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 372
yanked off the cliff and pitched the remaining distance down to The entire area, including all of the Overgrown Forest and
the Sour Canyon River (see falling rules for hitting water, plus, the Scrubs Ruins themselves, are dominated by bipedal rats.
make one encounter check upon landing, page 365). After the For traders and excavators alike, passing through this sec-
landslide passes, there is a 62% chance that the pathways has tor is treacherous and the odds of meeting rat folk are ex-
been torn away leaving a sheer cliff, 2d6m wide, see encounter tremely high. Worse, the bipedal rats found in these parts are
roll 24 below, with half the characters on one side of the span, far more daring and aggressive, have higher morale, move in
and the rest on the other (GM: divide marching order roughly in larger packs and utilize tactics which point to a much higher
half). intelligence leading them.
6,7. Protectors from Rock Spire, d4+4, see page 285 for details.
8. Bird, great eagle Encounters in The Scrubs: Run-ins with other beings occur
9. Birds, skal, 3d6+6 here with a 3 in 10 chance per hour by day and a 4 in 10
10,11. Trail collapse! Beneath a random traveler in line, the chance by night at ranges of 3d100m by day and 2d10m by
path under his or her feet crumbles away. The person or ani- night. Roll 2d6.
mal must make a type D agility based HC to grab onto any 2. Scavenger, who is very glad to have human company for a
debris or companions to avoid falling all the way down to Sour day or so. He will know of entrances to both rat warrens and
Canyon River, suffering both falling damage and an encounter underground ruins, but would like some beer or wine in ex-
check in the river. Others can step over the 1m wide collapsed change for the info. Hasn’t seen a woman in 16 months.
area and continue on normally. 3,4. Bipedal rat patrol, d3+1 riding aberrant rats.
12,13. Falling Debris! A random traveler is assaulted by a 5-8. Normal badland encounter, see page 131 hub rules.
chunk of ancient concrete or metal falling from the cliff face 9,10. Bipedal rat, foot patrol, d6+6 with bows and clubs.
someplace above. SV 01-70, DMG 2d20, with a 67% chance 11. Bipedal rat, brigade, with shields and 2 javelins each, 3d6+16
the object is blunt and only causes stun damage; otherwise it 12. Bipedal rat, patrol, on giant bats with bows and machetes, d3+2
is sharp and inflicts normal DMG.
14,15. Lost hand hold! See Trail Collapse, 10,11 above, how-
ever whatever the character was holding onto pulls free and
he or she risks toppling over the edge.
16. Skullocks with bows, 3d6
17. Frogs, wolf, 4d6
18. Spider, roll d6: 1-3. Rubble, d6/ 4,5. Dune 2d6 / 6. Freakish
19. Scorpion, roll d6: 1-5. Cave, d4 / 6. Bio-weapon
20. Lizard, winged slashers, d3
21. Insect, roll d6: 1-4. Red wasps, 3d6 /5,6. Black centipede
22. Bats, roll d6 1,2. Giant d2 / 3-6. Devil 2d6+2
23. Cat, hell cougar
24. Trail washed out for 3d6m ahead. Getting across the span to
regain the narrow trail is going to be tricky. Each person can attempt
to climb the cliff face without ropes, treat as ‘Climb Cliff’ using the
Climbing Skill table in the Hub Rules, with every 5m traveled de-
manding another hazard check. If the characters are clever and use
rope, the first person to climb can string his or her rope around and
through various debris and make a secure route for those to follow,
The Western Ramps refer to the coiling ancient high-
way exchange to the southeast of the city of Overpass. These
and, should the first climber fall, his or her companions can hold the concrete bridges and on-off ramps are well traveled by trad-
other end of the rope to pull the climber back up to try again. ers and migrants, as well as Freehold Scouts who try to keep
GM: It might be an excellent adventure opportunity to have away humanoids, man-eaters and Purist marauders. Occa-
the character’s pursued down the cliff trail, only to find they must sionally, whole caravans or even several small groups of hu-
get across this wash out, forcing one character to stand and be- man travelers will camp on the summit of the ramps if they
come a ‘path holder’ and defeat hordes of enemies one on one. know that they can’t reach the safety of Overpass before
dark, as this height offers excellent protection and obser-
vation, along with an avenue of escape so long as any at-
tackers don’t mount their attack from both directions of the

Encounters on the Western Ramps: Occurring with a 3 in

10 chance per hour, day or night, range d1000+200m by day
and d20+20m by night. Roll 2d6:
2. Dominion Irregulars, 2d6+4 or riding dogs, see page 109.
3. Trader and d4 militia soldiers, all on horses. Will be re-
lieved to see excavators of mixed race, and urge such well
The Scrubs: Just what geological occurrence formed these armed travelers to journey with them. 50% likely to be head-
one kilometer high clay deposits is anybody’s guess. Most current ing to Overpass, otherwise Galespit.
day scholars believe the sediment is a mix of silt and trash which 4. Northern Freehold Scouts on riding dogs, 2d6+3, see page
had been carried here by the receding ocean in bygone decades, 16 for details.
leaving the fine chalk and junk to collect among the ruined struc- 5,6. As per location Inter-State, page 352.
tures. Some of these structures, known as the Scrub Ruins, still 7,8. As per location: The Ramps, page 370
protrude from the clay, while many others are buried complete- 9,10. As per Normal Plains encounter, see page 131 hub rules.
ly. Subterranean dig sites here are just waiting to be explored by 11. Northern Freehold Scouts, 3d6+6, on foot, see page 16.
those with shovel slaves, as nearly every chamber within the sky- 12. Purist Conquistadors on horse, d8+6, see page 188 for details.
scrapers and malls below are filled with the local sediment.

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 373
ever affected the way they viewed all strangers. In their new
island home they developed a insular, secretive lifestyle. They
shunned all passing ships and remained hidden whenever
canoe loads of primitives or adventurers camped upon their
shores. In time, they grew up, living on the vast quantities of
berries found on the thorn bush covered rocky island, eat-
ing crabs, fish, sea birds and other animals which abounded
in or near the water’s edge. It was not long after their arrival
that the boldest boys found an ancient structure which went
deep into the island’s main hill. The entrance to this concrete
shell was easily concealed while upper levels were used as
living quarters and a watch tower where small peek holes
were punched through the walls. As adults, they live as primi-
tives, worshipping the moon and sea, considering the nearby
ruins of Newton Point as taboo, and all contact with outsiders
The Yacht: Stuck on White Reef, along with other relic vessels, a sacrilege.
this once immaculate luxury cruiser simply appeared at its current There are roughly 22 adults, half men, half being women,
location in the year 2274, with nobody aboard, yet all the furnish- and 40+d20 children here, no teens. Anyone caught on their
ings, supplies and personal effects of some high tech crew were shores will be attacked; prisoners kept as slaves and made
still aboard. Unable to pull the yacht off the reef, looters from early to work excavating deeper into the vast ruined structure that
Port Folly stripped the craft of everything of value and abandoned honeycombs the entire island. In a fight, the Thorn Islanders
the shell. Decades of storms, reef growth and lighting strikes have use bows and flint axes, but, tend to avoid fights at all costs,
reduced this ship to a mangled permanent wreck. It is now used by and usually only assault those who camp on their shores if
passing sea people and traders to camp upon for the night, sit out the intruders come too close to the entrance to their secret
a storm, or take refuge from large swimming predators. Since this lair, or the strangers are few in number or appear relatively
ship is over 100 meters long, and the reef has now grown into and easy to overpower. There are some predators on the island,
onto the hull, it is beginning to look more like an island than a ship. most of which arrive here from the air or sea, however, en-
It is covered in mutant plants and vines, additionally amphibious counters with the Thorn Islander savages is likely.
or flying creatures populate the upper decks, while the lower ones
are flooded and the many holes in the hull serve as sea caves for a Encounters on Thorn Island: The odds of an encounter here
wide assortment of terrible creatures. are 2 in 10 chance per hour. Roll d6 or d8 if camping at night
1. A lone savage woman, picking berries, range 2d20m.
Encounters on or approaching the Yacht: Roll for any cur- 2. Shark, amphibious
rent occupants of the vessel when travelers first dock along side 3. Bird, giant eagle
the yacht. Check again every hour with a 2 in 10 chance of an 4. Fish, land pike 3d6+5
encounter if the travelers remain stationary once aboard, and 5. Lizard, winged slashers d4
a 4 in 10 chance per half hour if they are exploring the various 6. Snake, small
decks and bridge area. Humanoids arriving by boat will be spotted 7. Bats, devil, 2d6+2
3d1000+300m away by day if a guard is posted, or d100+20m by 8. Thorn Islander raid! 11 men and d10 women, all with bows
night, or not at all if no guard is posted. Roll 2d6 surround the PC’s camp and order you to drop your weapons
2. Worm, hydra and lay face down. They will bind captives and strip them of
3. Mutant crabs, treat as cave scorpions without stingers**, 2d6+2 everything, leading them naked back to a concrete room that
4. Cannibal savages, arriving in sea-going outrigger canoes, serves as their jail, the entrance to which is blocked with large
3d6+6 men, 3d6 women, 3d6 teens, 3d6 children.* lengths of driftwood, guarded by 2d6 men. Captives will be
5. Pirates, (raiders with sabers and 2 musket pistols each), made to work cleaning fish, making arrows, and digging deeper
3d6 in longboats.* into the ruins, suffer regular beatings and other abuses.
6. Nomadic traders, d4+1 with 3d4 militia soldier guards us-
ing crossbows. They will be welcoming of friendly mixed race
excavators, and urge them to camp among them.*
7. Sharks, amphibious, d4
8. Huge salt water mutant croc, treat as ‘Alligator, huge’.
9. Insect, giant dragon fly
10. Lizard, winged slasher
11. Pit slime
12. Worm, stabber
* Already on the yacht if this roll occurs when travelers first dock alongside the craft, oth-
erwise heading to the ship from the sea
**Unless a copy of the Mutant Bestiary One is handy, if so, see Crustaceans, page MB1 30

Thorn Island: In the year 2338, when The incomplete

farming village of Newton Point was destroyed, quick thinking
villagers managed to get their children down to the seashore
and onto partially completed longboats and shove the loaded
craft off into the Ocean, without oars nor sails. The craft drift-
ed out with the tide, the horrified children looking on as their
parents and former home were wiped out. They drifted only a
short way, landing on Thorn Island. The psychological trauma
these youngsters endured at seeing their people killed for-

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 374
none have deformities or obvious mutations. Finally, cyborgs
and androids will be searched for via a magnet held by an offi-
cer and run over the subject’s neck and skull. If it sticks to the
person’s head or back, it denotes a metallic spine. The me-
chanical being, or augmented abomination will be captured if
possible, otherwise killed if the Purist unit is of too few num-
bers or on a specific mission.

Encounters on Top Road: Occur with a 3 in 10 chance per

hour by day and a 4 in 10 chance by night, range d1000+10m
Tin Cove: This inlet gets its name from the various wrecked by day, d20+20m by night, using the following table for en-
ancient ships which lay on the bottom of this small bay, as well counter results. Roll 2d6:
as the scraps of rusting metal protruding from the beach and 2. Skullocks, 2d6+3 on war dogs.
surrounding countryside. Salvagers from decades past collected 3. Raiders, pure stocks, on horse, 2d6+3 who will be 73%
whatever metal they could find, and used a great deal of it for the likely to just leave after robbing travelers, otherwise they will
roofing on homes within Safe Port. What useful metal remains is murder mutants and sell pure bloods as slaves in Galespit.
submerged now, and beyond the reach of this simple fisherman 4. Pure blood migrants, heading to the Purelands, 3d6 wag-
who cast their lines and nets into these deep waters. ons, each with a family of fanatical, mutant burning common-
Travelers heading across this cove will usually see 3d6 ers. Each family will have a man, woman, d3 teens and d3
rowboats on the bay by day, each with two commoner men in children, with every member except the children using bows
it, angling for salmon or other eatable fish. These hardy boat- and hatchets. They will torture and impale mutants and cy-
ers stick close to other skiffs and keep their crossbows and borgs before burning them.
spears handy in case a large shark or another man eater sur- 5. Cavaliers of Purity on horses, 4+d6, see page 188 for details.
faces. These fishermen will usually stay clear of any strange 6-9. Normal Encounter for hills, see page 131 hub rules.
ships or boats which enter the cove, while lookouts working 10. Purist Conquistadors 3d6+10 on foot, marching, see
for the town, sitting in small stone huts looking out on the page 188 for details.
ocean from both the north and south points, will sounds an 11. Nomadic trader on horse, with d4 militia soldiers using 2
alarm horn if an unfamiliar battle barge comes into view. At musket pistols each; all are pure bloods, but not Purists.
the sound of this horn, all the fishermen will row back to town 12. Purist Conquistadors with whips, driving a group of mu-
and arm themselves for battle, while the mercenary battle tant migrants, in ropes, toward their doom in far off Witch
Barge, Naga, will cast off and begin to row out to meet any in- Burn. There are 8+d10 Conquistadors on foot, one on horse-
truding warship, its light laser cannon charged up and ready back with an assault rifle, and 2d6 men, 2d6 women, 2d6
to easily obliterate challengers. teens and 2d6 children in ropes, all mutants with one ‘physi-
Should travelers arrive in a warship of any kind, they will be cal alteration’ minor mutation, each.
met by the Naga, and if the newcomers do not fire on her, and
instead send over the customary officer to explain the reason
for the ship’s arrival in Tin Cove, they won’t be sunk. Any newly
arrived warship must subject themselves to a search by merce-
nary troops. If all meets with the approval of the Naga’s captain,
a small 10 man groups of travelers from the visiting warship
can enter town to do business and seek recreation.
Encounters in Tin Bay will occur at the normal rate for
saltwater; however, all rolls which result in humanoids will
instead be with human migrants in longboats, 2 families of
commoners, looking to settle in Safe Port. Toxic Bog: To the east of Safe Port is the stinking swamp
of Toxic Bog, which butts up against Strangle Wood and forms
a natural barrier. This swamp forces travelers to either move
along the narrow wagon trail of Figgy Road which winds along
between the forest and the swamp, or take their chances on
going across the bog, where trails meander in here and there,
often through dense fog. Both the roadway and the swamp
paths are watched by a local gang of brigands called Foster’s
Freebooters’ (see Outlaws page 318). These raiders are usually
armed with crossbows and battle axes, mounted on riding dogs
or horses and allied with the merchant-dictator of Safe Port.
The dictator, Optimorra, allows these thugs to guard the road
Top Road: This dirt lane cuts its way up into the Sage Hills, and help themselves to what they wish from the pockets and
goes directly through the Purist fort of High Watch, then con- packs of travelers. While these raiders do frequent the swamps,
tinues on to join Low Pass Road at ‘the junction’, a wide dirt looking for those who are trying to avoid the road or forest, most
flat where many caravans meet to spend the night for mu- encounters within the bog will be with mutant beasts, or quick-
tual safety. From here, the East Road commences and winds sand, or even a release of toxin infused gas, which vents from
its way all the way to the Shattered Region and the outlying some deep ruins below, gas which at times can prove deadly.
towns of the Purehold Republic (see Shattered Region over-
view page 9). As with any roadway within the Holy Purist Em- Encounters in Toxic Bog: Occur with a 3 in 10 chance per
pire, travelers can expect to meet Purist patrols of one de- hour day or night, range 2d100+10m by day and d20+3m by
scription or another, all whom will stop and inspect travelers, night. Roll 2d6:
arresting or killing any obvious mutants or robotic units, and 2. Foster’s Freebooters, brigade 3d6+8 on riding dogs
occasionally, demanding a strip search of strangers to ensure 3. Foster’s Freebooters, patrol on foot 2d6+3

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4. Quicksand, see ‘Sink Holes’, under Random Event Details,
part four of the hub rules, page TME 144.
5-9. Normal Swamp Encounter, see hub rules page 132.
10-12. Toxic gas emission: Right among the travelers erupt sput-
tering bubbles of toxic gas. These bubbles expel a hazy brown
cloud in a 2d6m radius, affecting 1 person per 2m radius before
dissipating into the air and leaving only a faint, foul smelling reek
behind. The gas itself has both a random affect and an endur-
ance based hazard check letter code, roll d6 below:
1. Type A death poison. Victims drop and choke to death
within 2d6 rounds, those who make their hazard check
are merely made very ill, and suffer 2d6 damage. Tribulation Flats: Hemmed in by Twisted Wood in the
2. Type D weakness poison, all those who fail their HC are west, Edge Wood across the north, and Cruel Wood to the
at half all traits for d3 days. east, and the Great Purity Wall to the south, this grassland
3. Type E sickness poison, all those who fail their HC are is firmly in the control of the Holy Purist Empire. The steppe
made nauseous for 2d6 hours, and are -20 SV and +20 is dotted by hundreds of small, well defended homesteads.
DV easier to be struck, plus, temporarily lose 3d6 endur- These settlers have been given land by the Holy Govern-
ance (considered stun damage and heals right after nau- ment, and while it is still quite wild and ill suited to growing
sea ends). crops, it does make for excellent grazing land for cattle, goats
4. Highly toxic, GM must ask each player to make a type B and sheep. These hardy people guard their herds during the
hazard per character; those who fail the check ingest too day, and pen them up at their homesteads during the eve-
many carcinogenic agents, a fact known only to the GM, ning when the predators are most plentiful. It is said that in
resulting in cancer developing in the character at some Pure Hub City’s Expansion Ministry, there is a map showing
random point in the future. See details on Cancer in the the subdivision of the flats into many small farms, and that
Hub Rules, page TME 127. a scheme exists to enclose the entire area in a wooden wall
5. Stinky gas, all characters must make an endurance within the next twenty years.
based type C hazard check, but whether they fail or suc- Most people in the region believe the area gets its name
ceed, the end result is only known to the GM. This cloud from the difficult times the pure stock settlers have always expe-
contains mutagenic materials, which will affect the char- rienced trying to maintain a prosperous, safe living while home-
acter’s potential offspring and make each baby have a steading on this plain. The name actually has its roots in the tri-
24% increased odds of being a mutant. als faced by those earlier mutants and mixed race families who
6. Noxious fumes, all characters must make a type D en- once lived in this area, and who were either massacred or driven
durance based hazard check or become blinded for 3d6 out by the early Purist zealots and preaching-slayers.
minutes, plus, suffer a terrible sore throat, 2d6 damage, Travelers moving across this sweeping steppe are liable to
and then make a second identical HC to avoid succumb- meet cattle herders, as well as Purist patrols, although bands of
ing to unconsciousness for 2d6 hours. Those who were skullocks on dogs or riding giant bats are known to make forays
successful with the first hazard check are deeply sick- into these open lands, especially at night, and so one must be vigi-
ened and suffer painful eye and throat irritation for the lant at all times. While the homesteaders are not usually hostile to
next d6 hours. strangers, neither will they be welcoming, and will warn away even
pure stock travelers who come to their walled compounds looking
for lodging. If the herdsmen do outnumber a mutant or other indi-
vidual of a ‘cursed’ race, they will make every reasonable effort to
capture, brutalize and sometimes impale such ‘freaks’.

Encounters on Tribulation Flats: Occur at a rate of 2 in 10

chance per hour, range 50+d1000m by day and d100m by
night. Roll 2d6 during the day, 2d8+1 during the night
1. Pure stock herdsmen on ponies, d6+4 (treat as militia men
with bows), who will be directing a herd of unmutated cattle
3d6+10 cows, 2d6+8 calves and d6 bulls.
2. Pure blooded nomadic trader with d4+2 militia soldiers,
all on horseback, leading a team of 4+d6 cargo laden mules.
They will avoid travelers if possible.
3-5. Normal encounter for the plains, see page 132 hub rules.
6. Purist homeland militia unit, 2d6+6 on horse.
7. Purist Conquistadors, 50+d100 on foot, marching.
8. Purist Conquistador, patrol, 2d4+4 on horse.
9. d6+1 rag clad men and women on horses, will ask to travel
with characters for mutual protection. (GM: Mutant Slayers?)
10. Commoner men with bows, mounted on ponies, looking
for fleeing pure blood woman with a mutant baby. 3d6+12.
11. Pure blooded commoner woman, on foot, with mutant
baby, fleeing for the freeholds.
12. Encampment of pure stock cattle herders within a wood-
en palisade, 3d6 commoner families, 3d6+40 cows, 3d6+20
calves, 2d6+4 bulls, 3d6+20 Purist homeland militiamen
with bows on ponies, who will ride out to warn away travelers
and kill any mutants.

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13. Skullocks on giant bats, d6+1 10L keg of wine as a gift for doing so.
14. Purist homeland militia, on ponies, 3d6+6 5-8. Normal encounter for Hills, see page 131 hub rules
15. Skullocks on war dogs, 2d4+2 9. Foster’s Freebooters*, 2d6+6 raiders on foot with bows
16. Skullock on giant bat, who will keep well away from trav- and sabers.
elers, 200+d100m and observe them for a few minutes be- 10. Foster’s Freebooters*, 2d4+3 raiders on riding dogs with
fore winging away at top speed. Within an hour, there is a 3 in crossbows and battleaxes.
6 chance that a force of 3d6+10 skullocks on war dogs are 11. Foster’s Freebooters*, 3d6+9 raiders on foot with bows
seen d1000+1000m away by day, of 100+d100m away at and sabers, plus two with a prime mutation each.
night, plus the lone bat rider who has an assault rifle (full) and 12. Warmorts, d4+4
circles overhead, firing. *See page 318 for more on Foster’s Freebooters

17. Bats, devil, 3d6+5

True Wood: Situated within the Purelands, just south of
The Convent, this forest has been culled of all mutant plants
and non-flying mutant animals. It is a sort of nature preserve,
a testimony to the efforts of a determined people to show fu-
ture generations of citizenry that it is possible to return the en-
tire earth back to the glory of the pre-cataclysm age. Back to a
time before the devil worked its way into the blood and seed of
faithless humans, and made war on the righteous ones.
While most animals might not be mutated, they can still
pose a threat. Furthermore, anyone hiding here from the au-
thorities could be discovered by regular Purist patrols which,
True Home: This ruined town site sits along the remains of from time to time, enter this pine and birch forest. The fol-
lowing encounters are geared toward between one and three
Inter-State or North Road as it now called, and was once home very poorly armed, unarmored escaped prisoners from The
to over 400 people of mixed races. These hardy, but unlucky Convent, but a GM can adjust the number of beasts encoun-
folk operated small farms, herded cattle and goats, and logged tered to suit the adventure.
in nearby Strangle Wood. They had strong business and fam-
ily ties with the people of Safe Port, but sadly, in the winter of Encounters in True Wood: There is a 2 in 10 of an encounter
2253, this place was attacked, pillaged and then burned to the per hour by day or night: Roll d12:
ground by a coalition of mutant savages, skullocks, warmorts 1. Purist patrol, 2+d3 Purist Conquistadors on foot, range
and garnock humanoids, as well as a few gangs of mixed race 2d10+10m away.
brigands. Those who survived made their way to Safe Port, 2. Escaped prisoner, a woman from The Convent, (30%
where they met other refugees from three smaller wooden chance she is a ghost mutant, PC possibility?). She has lived
walled towns in the vicinity, which had also been wiped out. in the woods for 3d6 months, subsisting on berries, or else
Strangely, Safe Port never fell under attack that winter, but has stealing from the crops and farms beyond the forest edge.
since experienced pressure from humanoid war parties. She is armed with a hand made bow and flint dagger, and will
Today, the foundation of True Home remains, showing welcome fellow escapees and work with them to flee over the
the layout of the walls and towers, the lower levels for most Great Purity Wall and on to Steel Hill.
of the homes and shops. Also visible are the stone lined pits 3. Bats, devil, d3
which were once root cellars and basements, many of which 4. Purist ‘weeders’, which are commoner men hacking down
connected to each other via underground tunnels, and are mutant vegetation with hatchets, d3+1, range 3d6+20m, if
still intact, but now have become home to bizarre creatures they lose initiative, they have not seen the PCs.
with a taste for human flesh. Occasionally travelers will elect 5. Bear, black
to camp within one of the stone and scrap metal foundations. 6. Birds, skal 2d6
Doing so demands campers to set up a guard at the entrance 7. Insect, doom moth
way and perhaps the rear windows, while the rest of the group 8. Insects, sting flies, d4
can sleep in considerable comfort, away from wind and free 9. Snake, small
from worrying about being stampeded upon or caught total- 10. Spider, bog
ly by surprise by attackers. The threat by attack from roam- 11. Wolves, timber, d3
ing creatures is always present. Perhaps the most likely peril 12. Purist couple with mutant child, treat as savages, who
comes from fellow humans, including the Raiders of Foster’s have lived in the woods since they were teenagers. They will
Freebooters who send regular patrols through the ruins, sniff- shelter escapees in a hidden tree fort, feed them, heal them
ing for campfire smoke and checking likely spots used by back to full strength, then arm them with bows, flint axes and
campers; see page 318 for details on this gang. leather armor. They are 56% likely to join the PCs in fleeing
the purist lands.
Encounters in True Home (wrecked village): There is a 3 in 10
chance of an encounter while walking through the ruined town
by day, a 4 in 10 chance by night, and for those camping in one
of the wrecked stone frames of an old house, there is a 2 in 10
chance per hour of an encounter. For run-ins with other beings
while moving about in the ruins, the range is 2d20+4m, but for
those situated in a wrecked house, they will spot approaching be-
ings at d100+20m by day and d20+6m by night. Roll 2d6:
2. Garnock
3. Skullock patrol, 2d6+4
4. Nomadic traders, d3+1, with d4+3 militia soldiers with
crossbows, mounted on horses and leading 2d6 pack ponies.
Will wish to travel or camp with excavators, and will offer a

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The Crossroads Region Part Eleven: Points of Interest 377
10. Purist Conquistadors, 3d6+4, see page 188 for details.
11. Cavaliers of Purity on foot, 2d6+4, see page 188 for details.
12. Purist Mutant Slayers, 3+d4 searching for any mutant be-
ings to hack down, but if possible, will arrest any pure blood
companions of mutants and escort them to the nearest Purist
detachment for transportation to Stalwart. See page 188 for
details on these warriors.

* These Dominion troops will kill or capture any group of

pure stocks they should meet who are not the property or
unarmed ‘staff’ of mutant masters. If a mixed race group is
encountered, and the pure stocks or cyborgs among them
are armed and armored, the entire group will be arrested and
sold as slaves in Newburg.

Two Craters Lake: Two Craters Lake should have been

called three craters lake due to the smaller blast circle at the
Twisted Wood: is the largest forest in the region and di- north end of the western crater. These holes in the earth were
made about the same times as those which formed Fever Lake
vided into two distinct areas separated by Lusus River, which
acts as the eastern boarder for the Dominion of Aberratia. Be- and Filth Lake, as well as Bomb Bay. Legends have it that there
yond Lusus River, on the eastern shore, is the no man’s land, were Mecha bunkers far below the earth here, which the Cor-
the staging grounds for brutal squad on squad level fighting. porate Coalition and remnants of the National Union attempt-
Here, Holy Purist and Aberrationist troops butcher each oth- ed to eradicate even as they themselves were being wiped out
er in a seemingly endless series of frays, often reduced to elsewhere. Today, the Two Craters Lake area is dominated by
trench warfare in spots near Rivergrad, and always a treach- the four islands which bisect the two halves, and are joined by
erous place for any traveler to try and cross. rickety rope bridges. See location: Crater Bridge, page 335.
Twisted Wood gets its name from the tangled vegeta- The water in these lakes is no where near as toxic as Fever
tion, bizarre tress, thorn covered vines and coiling, undulat- Lake, due to the inflow of clean water from Marrow River, unfor-
ing creepers which twist here and there. This plant life makes tunately, due to this better quality water, many more creatures
the forest dense and practically impassable beyond the game inhabit this water body, and make it more dangerous for those
trails which criss-cross the entire woodland. Carnivorous and in small boats, or who happen to fall off Crater Bridge.
poisonous plants and fungi abound and combined with the
lethal predators, booby traps set my either warring faction, or Encounters on or in Crater Lake: Anyone who drops into the
actual run-ins with hostile troops, twisted wood can easily be is lake must make an initial encounter check, with a 4 in 10
described as perilous as any ruin setting. chance of an immediate event, while boaters or those trying
to swim across have a 4 in 10 chance of an encounter per
Encounters in Twisted Wood: Occurring at the normal fre- hour, day or night, at a range of 2d6m for aquatic creatures,
quency and range, ( 3 in 10 chance every 45 minutes, range and 4d100+40m by day and d20+20m by night when meet-
d20m by day and d12m by night) though travelers will be ing other boaters or winged assailants. Roll 3d6
exposed to different threats on the west side of Lusus River 3. Longboat full of skullocks, 10+d6.
than they will on the east side, where most of the fighting oc- 4. Lizards, winged slashers, d2
curs, thus, two separate encounter tables are used. 5. Sharks, freshwater, d4
6. Alligators, d6: 1-3. small, 2d6/ 4,5. large, d4/ 6. huge.
Western Side of Lusus River: Roll 2d6 7. Fish, d6: 1-3. Ripper, 3d6/ 4-6. Normuk
2. Purist Mutant Slayers, d3+3, who will avoid fights with equal 8. Fish, d6: 1-3. Ghastfin/ 4,5. Land pike d6/ 6. Galporra
numbered or larger groups, as they are trying to murder mutant 9-14. Normal Fresh Water encounter, see page 132 hub rules.
civilians in the nearby farm lands. See page 188 for details. 15. Frogs, aberrant 2d6
3. Pure stock slave, who has escaped from the Dominion farm 16. Insect, d6: 1. Blood flyers, 3d6/ 2. Giant dragon fly/ 3,4.
lands and is trying to get to Overpass. He or she will offer to Swamp skimmers 3d6/ 5. Stingflies 3d6+6/ 6. Red wasps 4d6.
work for mixed race groups if they can get him or her out. See 17. Worm, d6: 1-4. Jaw d6 / 5,6. Huge jaw.
Slaves in the Crossroads Region, Appendix 3, page 386 for 18. Longboat full of mutant raiders, 2d4+4 (each has a
creating a slave’s identity. prime mutation).
4. Mutant nomadic trader and his d4+3 mutant militia sol-
diers with crossbows and battle axes, leading team of horses
loaded with trade goods.
5-9. Normal Forest encounter, see page 132 hub rules.
10. Dominion Dog Riders*, see page 188, 2d6+3.
11. Dominion Warriors*, 3d6+4, on patrol.
12. Dominion Shadow Minions*, on riding dogs, d3+3, see
page 109.

Encounters in Twisted Wood, Eastern Side of Lusus River: 2d6

2. Dominion Shadow Minions, d3+3, out to kill any pure
stocks they meet, civilians, slaves or otherwise.
3. Dominion Dog Riders*, 2d6+5, see page 109 for details.
4. Dominion Warriors*, 3d6+3, see page 109 for details.
5. Dominion Irregulars*, 3d6+6, see page 109 for details.
6-9. Normal Forest encounter, see page 132, hub rules.

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whatever reason, several attempts to inhabit the site by

Ventura River: This long waterway breaks off from Bar- farmers, cults, brigand gangs, and assorted nomads have
ter River just north of Stalwart, and cuts through Edge Wood, all ended in tragedy.
Tribulation Flats, and under the Great Purity Wall where there Although in the territory of the Northern Freehold, and espe-
is a steel grate and a checkpoint (see page 217). The river cially mighty Overpass, various independent groups have set out
then enters the Purelands, cuts through the middle of Pure to make a life for themselves here, often unaware of the myste-
Hub City and finally meets the sea near Holy Port. The entire rious abandonment of the village’s previous occupants. Rumors
length of this clean river is within the territorial bounds of have it that the community is built over an ancient graveyard,
the Holy Purist Empire, and travelers crossing it or traveling and that the undead devoured the inhabitants. Others claim that
up or down it can expect to run into Purist military units or Aberrationist forces swept over the town walls and either killed or
mutant burning zealots,. Mutant fish, worms and alligators enslaved the populace, marching them off to the south. Regard-
are also known to frequent these waters, although hunted less of the causes, Overpass officials have made it clear that they
extensively by the locals. The river is d4+2m deep at any do not support further attempts to inhabit Walsave, and that those
given point and 2d6+4m wide. who do so will get no help from Freehold Scouts, even though the
scouts patrol the plains and farmlands around the site.
Encounters on Ventura River: Occur as per the normal range GM note: This village site is the location for The Mall of Doom
and frequency for freshwater, but consult the following table adventure http://www.outlandarts.com/mallofdoom.htm .
to determine what results from any meeting. Roll 2d6
2. Alligator, d6: 1-3. small, d4 / 4,5. large / 6. huge.
3. Purist airship, d6 km high, d4 km away, observing the county White Cruiser: Lodged on White Reef, this massive an-
below and using a communicator to report back any travelers cient cruise ship is now a permanent fixture among the coral,
sighted. If this encounter occurs at night, the travelers see the and year by year, is beginning to look increasingly more like a
airship while they themselves are not detected. If, however, this jungle covered island. The many outer decks and superstruc-
event takes place during the day, then there is a 3 in 6 chance tures of this ship are covered in knotted, dense vegetation,
that within 2d4 hours, the travelers meet encounter 4, below. much of it predatory or covered in spines. Below decks, in
4. Purist Conquistadors on horseback, d6+6, on far shore ob- the dark corridors, old ball rooms, restaurants, indoor pool
serving PCs. They gesture for boaters, or those wading in the and spa areas, moss, mushrooms and countless species of
water, to come ashore at their feet and submit to inspection. odd creatures runs or flies about in a vast, 16 level ruin area.
This unit does not have a magnet to detect androids, but will The vessel has been sitting here, slightly tipped to starboard,
give travelers a quick visual review to make sure there are no since the first people returned to this coastline.
obvious mutants in the group, but, they will demand to strip Since that time, many excavation teams have come
search any young children or babies to check for deviations. aboard and perished in search of trinkets of old. Yet, because
5-9. Normal Freshwater Encounter, see page 132 hub rules. it was not a military ship, most faction supported expeditions
10. Purist zealots in canoes, d4+2 canoes, each with 3 militia teams have bypassed the wreck in favor of Resupply or The
soldiers in it, one at the front using a crossbow. They will demand Frigate, or else concentrated on land based ruins. It is practi-
to strip search all people they meet, after disarming them and cally guaranteed that on White Cruiser there will be numerous
making them kneel. This group will not merely arrest mutants for plastic knick-knacks, some salvageable furniture and curiosi-
future execution, but will torture and burn them on the spot. ties, but nobody believes there are arms and armor aboard,
11. Encounter as Location Tribulation Flats, page 375, locat- which is what most diggers seek. Still, in spite of the facts,
ed on far shore. from time to time low rank adventure teams try their luck
12. Nomadic traders, d3 and d6+3 militia soldiers with here, and those that return with a bag or two of loot tell of
bows (all pure bloods) in a longboat loaded with food and nasty critters, dangerous plants, and relentless zombies that
assorted alcohol in barrels. They will not bother to inspect are half plant and half man.
passers by, but if they spot obvious mutants, they will re-
port the incident when reaching either Far Cross or the Encounters on deck (outside) on White Cruiser: Above
Great Purity Wall. deck occur with a 3 in 10 chance per half hour, at a range of
2d10 meters. Roll 2d6:
2. Reptilius, d6+6
3. Frogs, d6: 1,2. Venomous d4/ 3,4. Aberrant 2d4/ 5,6. Wolf
frogs 2d6+2.
4. Bats, d6: 1,2. Venomous d4/ 3-5. Bats, devil 2d6/ 6. Giant.
5. Large saltwater croc, treat as large alligator.
6. Birds, d6: 1-3. Skal, 3d6/ 4,5. Ruin vultures, 2d6/ 6. Great
7. Fish, land pike, d4
8. Insects, d6: 1,2. Giant dragonfly/ 3,4. Doom moths d6/ 5,6.
Black centipede.
Walsave: Situated amid the Gold Grass Plains, north 9. Lizard, d6: 1-3. Winged slasher/ 4,5. Venomous d4 / 6.
Skulking render.
west of Overpass, the former village site of Walsave usu-
ally sits abandoned. The junk and stone walls of the for- 10. Plant d6: 1,2. Constriction vine / 3. Jaw plant / 4. Impaler
mer community still stand in spots, as do the rock or scrap bush/ 5,6. Green walkers 3d6.
weaved walls of ruined homes, barns and businesses. For 11. Sharks, amphibious d4
12. Spider, freakish

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Encounters below deck (inside) on White Cruiser: Below often thinks the wounds occurring while on the reef are mere
deck occur with a 3 in 10 chance per half hour, at a range of bruises or scrapes from rubbing against sharp coral or wreckage,
2d10 meters. Roll 2d6 however, any person not in armor here will suffer 1 end damage
2. Spiders, bog d3 per minute, while anyone tied to this coral will be devoured at a
3. Snake, medium rate of d4 endurance per minute, even as predatory winged or
4. Urcellia, d4 sea creatures arrive to also join in on the feeding.
5. Worms, mud 3d6 The most notable features about White Reef, besides the
6. Plants, green walkers, 3d6+10 dangerous coral, are the wreckages trapped on the colony. Any
7. Plant, d6: 1,2. Dart mushroom/ 3. Constriction vine/ 4. Im- present day boaters must be aware of the reef’s presence or
paler bush/ 5,6. Green walkers 3d6 else run aground and automatically inflict d100 damage to
8. Rats, aberrant 2d6 their ship, and risk a 57% chance of being stuck fast and requir-
9. Pit slime ing another barge or equal powered ship to pull the craft free.
10. Lizards, venomous d4 The water is only a meter deep here at high tide, and it is during
11. Insect, spray creeper these times that most exploration of the relic ships occurs.
12. Worm, stabber
Encounters on White Reef: Occur here at the normal fre-
White Reef: So named after the lightly colored coral which quency and range for saltwater, 2 in 10 chance per hour for
shipping and a 6 in 10 chance per 30 minutes swimming.
makes up the greater part of this colony. White Reef is much
like Blue Reef, to the north, being made up of both natural and Other ships or flying adversaries spotted at 3+d6 km by day or
mutated coral, as well as thousands of species of mollusks and d1000m at night. Swimmers meet predators at d10m range.
crustaceans whose shells also add to the bulk of this ever grow- Roll below to determine the outcome. Roll 2d6:
ing mass. During low tied, this reef sticks out of the sea like 2. Pirate battle barge, keeps off the reef by 10+2d10m, but
a great 1m tall wall, and in areas where it has claimed a relic launches 2+d4 rowboats each loaded with 4 raiders, two row-
ship, has grown up the sides of the vessel about 3 meters, firm- ing, and the other two firing crossbows if travelers don’t raise
ly affixing the hull (GM Note: All areas on regional map denoted their hands in surrender.
by dark water, are impassable reefs during low tide). 3. Skullocks on giant bats, using bows, d4+3
These new strains of white coral have enlarged polyps, and 4. Nomadic trader and d6+6 militia soldiers in longboat, of
elongated tentacles allowing them to snap up passing insects mixed race, will assist small groups of mixed race characters
and birds. Likewise, many of these coral species are prone to if in peril. (Ship wrecked, adrift, etc.)
feeding on carrion, and dead things to wash up against this reef 5-10. Normal salt water encounter
which will quickly become adhered to it by millions of tiny grasp- 11. Savages in canoes, 2d6 canoes, with 3 savage men in
ers and leaf-like harvesting orifices to ingest the rotting flesh. Any each. Two row while one fires a longbow from the front of
wounded travelers to crawl up on this reef during low tide, or to each. 46% chance these men are cannibals.
get snagged on it if swimming below the water’s surface is also 12. Purist battle barge, keeps away from reef, 20+2d10m, but
likely to be fed upon, often without even knowing it. The victim if it sees mutants or cyborgs on the reef, it will open fire with
3d6 crossbows shot by Conquistadors and one light ballista.

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Part Twelve:
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Part Twelve: Appendixes

9. Merchant and d4+2 militia soldier guards, each armed
Appendix One: Street Occupants Tables with crossbow and hatchet, all on horseback.
10. Bounty hunter, with d6 raider side kicks, walking toward
travelers but don’t appear to be inspecting passers by.
Table CR-12-1_ Street Occupants Tables Key 11. Town trader, wheeling cart of food stuffs.
12. Commoner men, d3 in number, driving wagon along
Table Community or Faction Type roadway.
13. Scavenger, avoiding people on his way to find a place to shelter
A Holy Purist Empire 14. Commoner men, d6+3, drunk and foul mouthed, will ig-
B Independent free towns nore passers by.
15. Trader, nomadic, on horseback, arriving in town late.
C Excavation support towns 16. Thief, who will try to pickpocket lone travelers.
D Dominion of Aberratia 17. Ruffians, d4+1 raiders, who watch the characters pass,
and will join any local raiders encountered in that street or
passage against the PCs, but otherwise will do nothing unless
Street Occupants Table A: The Holy Purist Empire outnumbering the travelers.
Roll d10 by day d12 by night 18. Prostitutes, d4, calling out to passers by with lewd propo-
1. A family of commoners: Man, Woman, d4-1 (0-3) teens sitions, costing d4sp for a sex act in nearby alley or shack.
and d4-1 (0-3 children) 19. Commoner man, drunk and barely able to stand up, sing-
2. A group of workers, d6+1, men, heading to or from their ing to himself (-30 SV, +20 DV to be struck).
work site, will have shovels or farm tools. 20. Gang of street urchins, 2d6+2 who will follow strangers
3. A hunter, militia soldier, 65% chance male, otherwise a for awhile, throwing stones and insults, but won’t attack and
woman, with a bow and dagger. rob travelers unless outnumbering them two to one and the
4. A commoner woman, 80% chance she has a baby in her targets are not lethal looking mutants, armed cyborgs or relic
arms, plus 50% chance of another child with her. wielding excavators.
5. Nomadic trader, with d3 mules laden with common trade 21. d4+1 Raiders, who are hanging out at the entrance way
goods. to an alley, and will join any other raiders in that passage in
6. Town trader, 40% chance accompanied by a militia soldier robbing or harming travelers.
guard. 22. Thieves, d6, who if outnumbering travelers, will leap out
7. Street urchins, d6+1 who will pester travelers and poten- and try to hold them up with short swords.
tially rob them if not too risky. 23. Slaver, with d3 militia solider guards (each with a musket
8. Commoner, man, 3 in 10 chance leading teen slave on rope. pistol and whip), looking for lone travelers to turn into slaves,
9. Commoner women, d6+2 heading to or from work with especially fine looking specimens.
washing, vegetables and other goods within baskets. 24. Assassin, from the Holy Purist Empire, who will first pass
10. Commoner men, d3, driving a wagon slowly through the travelers, appearing as nothing more than a laborer in a rag
street. tag poncho and hat. If a traveler is alone, and either a cyborg,
11. Prostitute, low key, dressed in drab cotton clothes, but, mutant or some other visible non-pure stock, he will attempt
noticing strangers, will stand provocatively and if within a me- to murder the subject then and there.
ter, whisper that she has a room available, and charges d4 sp
for an hour’s love making.
12. Street thugs, (raiders) d4+1 who will rob strangers if they
outnumber travelers in the street.

Street Occupants Table B: Independent Free Towns

Roll d12 by day 2d12 by night. Note: 40% of all people met will be
mutants with one minor mutation each, otherwise pure stocks.
1. Children playing ball, 2d6 in number, commoners.
2. A family of commoners: Man, Woman, d4-1 (0-3) teens
and d4-1 (0-3 children)
3. A commoner woman, 60% chance she has a baby in her
arms, plus 30% chance of another child with her.
4. Nomadic trader, with d3 mules laden with common trade goods.
5. Street urchins, d6+3 who will harass travelers, beg food or
money, and potentially rob them if not too risky.
6. Farmers, d6 commoner men, with d6 cows blocking on-
coming roadway for 2d10+10 rounds.
7. Rough character, raider, sitting on a door step watching
travelers go by.
8. Slaver on horseback with d4+1 militia soldiers using whips
but armed with musket rifles, leading slaves in a line, all
chained to neck collars, their hands bound by rope: 2d6 male
slaves, 2d6 females, d6 Teens and d6 children.

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Street Occupants Table C: Excavation Towns If outnumbered, the bounty hunter will return to the target’s
quarters within d6 hours with d3+3 more soldiers before at-
Roll d12 by day 2d12 by night. Note: 60% of all people met
will be mutants with one minor mutation each, otherwise tempting to detain or kill the wanted individual, otherwise, he
pure stocks. will direct his troops to capture the person on sight.
1. Children playing ball, 2d6 in number, commoners. 20. Prostitutes, hanging around outside a large shack or
2. A family of commoners: Man, Woman, d4-1 (0-3) teens other local structure. They call out to all men in the street,
and d4-1 (0-3 children) making suggestive gestures, promising an hour of delight for
3. Commoner men, d3 in number, driving wagon along roadway. d6+1sp, and groping any man who approaches them.
4. Merchant and d4+2 militia soldier guards, each armed 21. Street urchins, 2d6+2, who will harass passers by, and if a
with crossbow and hatchet, all on horseback. travelers is alone, these punks will draw their knives and try to
5. Commoner women, d6+2 with babies on their backs, laun- hold up the person for all his or her valuables, weapons and gear.
dry or food in baskets in their hands. 22. Local gang members, raiders, d6+1, who if outnumber-
6. Commoner men, d6+3, with picks and shovels, tents, rope ing passing travelers, will follow them and finally attempt to
and rations, will work as a dig crew for 20sp each per day. Will rob them at machete point.
not go into ruined structures once opened up. Each has a bow 23. Purist terrorists from The Holy Purist Empire, treat as as-
and hatchet for protection. sassins, d4 in number, who will first attempt to kill any mu-
7. Militia soldiers, d6+2 mercenaries, will guard an expedi- tants they meet, then cyborgs, beastial humans, synthetic hu-
tion camp at a cost of 30sp per day, but won’t enter ruined mans and robots. They will flee from a larger group after mak-
structures. ing only a few attacks, but will stay and fight lesser numbered
8. Prostitute, working alone at the mouth of a dark alley, groups. They appear as ordinary workers in drab outfits, con-
charges d4+1sp for a sexual favor in the shadows, roll d6 for cealing any weaponry.
human type: 1,2. Pure stock/ 3. Clone, comfort/ 4. Biorepli- 24. Aberrationist assassins (each has a prime mutation).
cant, pleasure/ 5. Mutant with d3 minor mutations/ 6. Roll These d3 men will attempt to murder pure stocks, androids
d4, but she is not working alone, there are d3+2 raiders wait- and synthetic humans, dropping down from above and mak-
ing to mug lone clients. ing a few quick attacks on their chosen target before fleeing
9. Scavenger, keeping to himself. from a larger group, but if attacking an equal or lesser num-
10. Nomadic trader, leading d4 mules loaded with water and ber of adversaries, will stay and finish the job.
dried food stuffs.
11. Excavators, d6, wounded, tat- Street Occupants Table D:
tered arms and armor, no relics Dominion of Aberratia Roll d12
visible, appear as though they just
came back from the ruins. by day 2d10 by night. Note: Unless
12. Excavators, d6+2, fresh, low otherwise stated, all people met
rank. will be mutants with one minor mu-
13. Street urchins, d4+1, looking tation each, otherwise pure stocks.
for trouble. Also, the term ‘pure stocks’, as far
14. Thieves, d3, will try to hold up as the following listings are con-
or pick pocket lone travelers. cerned, means synthetic humans,
15. Excavator, seriously wounded cyborgs, androids or other pure
down to d10 END, dragging him or stock appearing beings as well
herself along the huts and other as ghost mutants not wearing the
structures, arrived late into town. black head band which designates
16. Excavator, drunk out of his or them as mutants.
her mind, carrying a bottle and 1. Children, 3d6 commoners, play-
mourning lost companions. (-30 SV, ing tag with sticks and occasionally
+20 DV to be struck due to being throwing rocks and filthy insults at
drunk). each other. If they see a pure stock
17. Slaver, with d3 raider guards, unattended by mutants, they will fol-
trying to sell a slave on the street low for d6 streets, throwing pebbles
to passers by, roll d10 for slave type and debris, making insults about
and sale price: 1,2. Pure stock slave the ‘lesser human’ as a filthy slave
woman, 4d10sp/ 3,4. Pure stock species.
slave, male, 3d10sp / 5,6. Pure 2. Merchant, accompanied by
stock slave, teen 3d10sp / 7. Clone, 3+d3 elite soldiers, 48% likely to be
comfort 60+d100sp/ 8. Biorepli- followed by a group of d3+3 pure
cant, pleasure 80+2d100sp/ 9. An- stock slave women, chained to
droid, concubine 90+d100sp/ 10. the merchant’s horse as he moves
Robot, household 60+d100sp. along the street.
18. Militia Soldier, new to town, 3. 2d6 commoner men with farm-
looking to join an adventure team ing tools on their way to or from
heading into the ruins. Eager to work. If they see an unaccompa-
help excavators locate accommo- nied pure stock, they will throw in-
dations, or get out of trouble. sults and 28% chance will accost
19. Bounty Hunter, with d6+2 sol- the person and beat him or her
diers, all on foot, looking at passers with staffs (tool handles) down to
by. He will have any wanted man or half endurance before moving on
woman followed for a few blocks, and taking anything of value from
trying to see where the person goes. the pure stock.

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4. 2d4 commoner women carrying laundry and food stuffs,
talking about something and paying little attention to passers
by unless a pure stock is unattended, or, if a mixed couple (pure
stock and a mutant) approach, in which case they will frown and
be 32% likely to hurl rocks and ripe vegetables as they go.
5. A commoner man and his pure stock slave woman,
chained to a staff he carries.
6. d4 commoner men, laborers with pick axes, minding their
own business.
7. 2d4 street urchins, hanging out and eager for mischief. If
there are any pure stocks among the PCs, and the travelers
don’t look exceedingly dangerous, then these punks will call
the pure stocks ‘old kind’, then proceed to hurl pebbles and
junk at them until the PC group passes.
8. A bounty hunter and his d3 militia soldiers, all mounted on rid-
ing dogs, pass by, eyeing the characters and possibly noticing and
attempting to arrest any wanted characters or NPC with them.
9. A town trader and his d2 militia soldier guards, are either
set up at a canopy covered booth, if daytime, otherwise, they
are moving by, avoiding any sort of trouble.
10. A nomadic trader leads d3 mules down the street, trying
to keep to himself.
11. A scavenger passes by.
12. d4 prostitutes are leaning on the walls outside a shad-
owy alley, and will wink and make suggestive gestures to any
males who pass by. If spoken to, they say they charge d4+2
sp for a quickie sex act in the dark alley. If this offer is taken
up, there is a 13% chance that d4+2 raider thugs are wait-
ing on a low roof inside the alley and will accost customers
with clubs, gaining +3 initiative, robbing them and then sell-
Appendix Two: Bar Patron Tables
ing them as slaves the next morning. Table CR-12-2 Bar Patron Tables Key
13. d4+1 street urchins, who will avoid trouble unless outnumber-
ing a lone person 2 to 1 or better, and in which case, they are 57% Table Community or Faction Type
likely to follow the person and try to hold him or her up at knife point
as soon as they are alone in a street or alley with the traveler. A Holy Purist Empire
14. d3+3 raiders, who loiter along one side of the passage,
B Independent free towns
eyeing those who travel by and only proceeding to follow and
then hold up travelers if they outnumber them. C Excavation support towns
15. d6+2 drunken farmers, commoner men, who are abu- D Dominion of Aberratia
sive and foul mouthed to all whom they pass, but will avoid
violence if faced with clearly well armed strangers.
16. Prostitute, calling to men as they pass by, charges d4+1 Bar Patron Table A: Holy Purist Empire
sp for a romp in a nearby shack or alley. Bar Patrons present in establishments. Roll d8 by day, and
17. Beggar, treat as commoner man, shuffles along ask- d12 by night. Note: Unless otherwise stated, all people met
ing passers by for money. He is weakened with hunger, be- will be pure stocks only.
ing d20+5 END and is 16% likely to carry a disease, d6: 1,2. 1. Merchant with his d4 commoner teen attendants and
White plague/ 3,4. Rose pox/ 5,6. Fleas. 3+d3 militia soldier body guards.
18. Drunken thugs, treat as raiders, moving along, harassing 2. d4+3 commoner men, playing cards and casually talking
passers by if they are alone or fewer in number than them- about crops, the war with Aberratia, the damned skullocks to
selves. Being drunk, they are -20 SV and +20 DV easier to be the east, and the evil of the hidden ones (ghost mutants).
struck. This group is not, however, out to beat, rob nor enslave 3. d3+3 commoner men, busy eating a meal, avoiding trou-
anybody, just trying to have some fun and tease people, espe- ble and merely listening to the conversations going on around
cially good looking women or pure stock slaves. them.
19. Commoner men, d3+3, mutant extremists, who will step 4. A town based trader, and his d2 militia soldier guards, hav-
up to a group of travelers and harass them if they have any ing a drink and, roll d6: 1-2. trying to get gossip and business
non-mutants among them, even if they are apparently slaves. information from the bar tender./ 3,4. Looking to hire some
In parting, these men are 44% likely to each throw one small mercenaries as escorts to carry goods to another Purist town
stone at the travelers, attempting to strike the pure stocks. outside the Great Purity Wall. He can pay 20sp per merc for
20. Purist zealots, d6+1, disguised as mutant commoner the one way trip./ 5,6. Noisily spouting off about the wicked-
men in rags, with fake extra arms, face paint, hair dye and ness and ungodliness of all mutants.
poorly made tails, horns and whatnot. They have somehow 5. A nomadic trader, who moves about the bar, roll d6: 1,2.
been deposited into the Aberrationist community, and if they searching for a quiet corner to enjoy his pint of beer. /3,4. look-
outnumber approaching non-pure stocks, will jump out from ing for a few mercenaries to escort him and his d3+3 mules
alleys and roof tops. They rush to hack apart any visible mu- to another Purist community outside the Great Purity Wall.
tant or cyborgs, only retreating if the battle is going poorly for He can pay 18sp per merc for the one way trip. / 5,6. trying to
them. avoid the characters and sit as far from them as possible.
6. d3+2 commoner men, farmers or laborers, who are a bit
drunk, up at the bar, and making remarks about the charac-

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ters. They do nothing to provoke the strangers, but, keep look- 5. d4+2 thugs (raiders) playing cards at a table, and will wel-
ing over and talking in hushed tones, sometimes laughing to come a new gambler to sit in on their sessions, with a maxi-
themselves. mum cap of 5sp per hand. They will beat and possibly kill a
7. An old commoner man who sits alone and mutters about cheater, ungracious winner or a disrespectful stranger.
the “God damned mutant filth,” and seems to be unaware of 6. d3 +3 commoner men, drunk and singing some work song.
those around him. 7. d3 excavators, discussing something in hushed tones.
8. d3 commoner women, plain looking, who seem to know They are 56% likely to be part of a larger group and not in-
the bar staff well as if they are also employees, but off duty, terested in new recruits nor joining the PCs, otherwise they
and are dressed like kitchen hands. They keep to themselves are open to the idea and will welcome excavators to sit with
and don’t meet the eyes of strangers. them and discuss a possible union.
9. d6 mercenary militia soldiers, drinking, smoking and play- 8. Nomadic trader, and d3 militia guards, eating and drink-
ing cards. They seem to be waiting to get hired to escort trad- ing peacefully.
ers or other notable persons, but will work for anybody as 9. 2d4 commoner men, dirty from farm work, at the bar,
guards, at a cost of 12sp each per day. They will not leave the drunk and obnoxious, and will make fun of any odd looking
Holy Purist Empire territory, and will either turn on or report characters or cyborgs, but, won’t pick a fight; however, they
any suspected mutant employers. are -20 SV +20 DV easier to strike due to being drunk.
10. Lone Purist Conquistador, off duty, but armed, drinking 10. Town trader and d2 militia soldier guards, keeping to
more than is proper for a themselves.
warrior of the Empire. He 11. d4+4 raider scoun-
is rude to strangers and drels, eyeing everyone who
seems to just want to be enters the bar, looking over
left alone in a corner, but the gear the characters car-
will act to stop any lethal ry, and muttering to each
fights. other about something.
11. A young woman, 12. 2d6 commoner men,
dressed in a low cut top and d6 commoner wom-
and shorter than custom- en, celebrating some thing
ary skirt. She smiles over to do with their work, drink-
at male strangers and if ing and feasting heavily,
called over or approached, and ignoring travelers.
she whispers that she is for 13. A slaver and d3+2 sol-
hire, for comfort, and has diers with musket pistols
a place either upstairs or and whips sit at a table.
in a shack nearby, and will At their feet, kneeling and
spend the night with a man heads hung low, are d6+2
for 4+d4 silvers. Her ap- random slaves, with steel
pearance is 18+d20, and collars on and wearing
is 66% likely to report any rags. The dealer is not ac-
discovered non-pure stock. tively selling, but willing to
12. d6+5 drunken com- do so if a character is seek-
moner men, who are noisy, ing to free or own a slave.
opinionated and suspicious See Slaves in the Cross-
of strangers. There is a 2 in roads Region, page 386, for
6 chance per hour that one random slave type, price
comes over to the PC table and conditions.
and demands they leave, 14. d4+2 local militia sol-
that they aren’t true believ- diers, off duty, drinking and
ers nor welcome in that bar. playing a dice game. Won’t
(-20 SV and +20 DV easier get involved in fights unless
to strike due to being drunk). If the PCs end up in a scrap with threatened themselves or other soldiers of the community
the authorities or devout Purists, these men will grab club-like are in peril.
objects and join the attackers. 15. Drunken commoner youth, at the bar, muttering to him-
self about something and looking pathetic.
16. d4+2 prostitutes moving about the bar, aggressively flirt-
Bar Patron Table B: Independent Free Towns ing and kissing men, asking if they like what they see, etc.
Bar Patrons present in establishment. Roll d10 by day, and 17. An old tired prostitute, sitting alone at the bar, winks at
d20 by night. Note: 40% of all people met will be mutants any male PCs as they enter the bar.
with one minor mutation each, otherwise pure stocks. 18. A nomadic trader and his 3+d3 commoner men labor-
1. A group of soiled laborer men, d6+3 in number, half being ers, busy eating and having a beer, discussing the next day’s
mutants. They keep to themselves whenever possible, yet journey to the nearest friendly town. There is a 37% chance,
seem scornful of excavators and their way of life. that if asked, the trader will welcome excavators to join them
2. Prostitutes, d4, moving about the bar flirting with men, on the trek.
and occasionally women. 19. Merchant, 3+d3 mercenary soldiers as guards, at a ta-
3. 3+d3 militia soldiers, looking for work at a rate of 14sp ble, 26% likely to have d3 whores on his lap.
each per day, but will not enter ruins. 20. Bounty Hunter and d4 sidekicks (raiders) sitting at a ta-
4. Commoner men, old timers, 74% likely to be drunk, argu- ble, eyeing newcomers to the bar, but only moving to arrest
ing about politics, racism, and the way the world ended for wanted individuals if the bounty hunter’s squad outnumbers
the Ancient Ones. the travelers.

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Bar Patron Table C: Excavation Towns Bar Patron Table D: Dominion of Aberratia
Bar Patrons present in establishment. Roll d8 by day, and Bar Patrons present in establishment. Roll d8 by day, and
d12 by night. Note: 60% of all people met will be mutants d12 by night. Note: Unless otherwise stated, all people met
with one minor mutation each, otherwise pure stocks. will be common mutants with the minor mutation of ‘physi-
1. Lone excavator, looking to join a new group of dig- cal alteration’ (page 77, hub rules), as well as random skin,
gers heading to the local ruins. hair and eye color changes if desired by the GM.
2. Group of d4+4 excavators, low rank, at a table. Not 1. d3 prostitutes, moving about casually and trying to
accepting new members. drum up business.
3. Scavenger, nervously drinking beer in a corner, avoid- 2. d4+3 thugs gambling and drinking at a table. They keep
ing eye contact. an eye on the door, as well as any well-to-do excavators.
3. 2d4 drunk commoner men, laborers, talking loudly
4. d3 prostitutes, leaning on the bar, watching newcom- about the war with the ‘fricken Purists’, and how the day
ers arrive and waving or winking to them. of the ‘generic humans’ is coming to a speedy close. If any-
5. 4+d4 commoner men, with crossbows and shovels, body brings a pure stock into the bar, these men will sneer
looking for work as a dig team, but, won’t normally enter at the non-mutant, going so far as to spit on him or her if
underground or skyscraper ruin areas. Will work for 24sp within 2 meters or so.
per day each, plus food, 4. Bounty hunter and
protection, 10 hour d3 raider sidekicks, ob-
work or travel days, and serving newcomers and
one day off for every 6 prone to arrest any want-
days worked. ed person, regardless of
6. Nomadic trader and the odds.
2+d3 militia soldiers, 5. d4+4 commoner men,
relaxing. d4 commoner women,
7. d4+2 old men, com- and d4 commoner teens,
eating and keeping to
moners now, but are themselves.
apt to start telling sto- 6. Lone, cloaked figure in
ries about when they the corner who won’t in-
were young, and were volve him or herself, unless
explorers of the ruins. directly attacked. Roll d6
8. d3 excavators, wound- for identity: 1,2. Scaven-
ed down to half endur- ger/ 3,4. Shadow Minion
ance, gear and armor pg. 110/ 5,6. Excavator.
torn up, no relics, low 7. Nomadic trader and
rank, drinking in silence d3 militia solder guards,
and looking numb. having a meal. If ap-
9. d4+4 militia sol- proached, the trader
diers with muskets says he can only pay
10sp per day, but does
and machetes, look-
need an escort to the
ing for a team to hire next Aberrationist town.
them as camp guards 8. d4+3 raiders, each with
and armed escort, will a prime mutation, drag
not enter ruins, under- about a pure stock woman
ground nor skyscrap- and treat her like a dog,
er ruins areas, charge making her to do tricks and
25sp per day plus food, humiliate herself. They will
shelter and 4 days off sell her for 40+2d20sp.
for every 8 in the field. 9. 2d6 Commoner men, laborers, drunken and loud
10. d4+3 hooligans (raiders), watching people as the mouthed, talking about how their kind, the mutants, were
come and go, whispering to themselves and barely ordained by God himself to rule the world, that all other
touching their drinks. races should be put into chains. If Characters happen to
11. d6+ 3 commoner men and d6 commoner women, labor- bring a pure stock or non-mutant into the bar, there is a
13% chance per hour that this mob decides they want to
ers, getting drunk and busy arguing over nothing. There is a lynch the non-mutants and will pay the PCs 50sp to let
14% chance that upon entering the bar, one PC is mistakenly them do so, or, they will take the pure stocks by force.
recognized by one drunk laborer man who bounds to his feet, These drunks are -20 SV and +20 DV easier to strike.
raises his fist and tries to assault the character. He shouts that 10. Slaver and 3+d3 militia soldier guards have d3 pure
the PC, roll d6: 1,2. Killed a relation/ 3,4. Defiled and then stock men, d3 pure stock women and d6 pure stock
abandoned his sister/ 5. Stole his wife/ 6. Stole his father’s teens as slaves on a chain, and are offering them for sale
relics (in particular, any obvious ones the PC carries). to anybody who approaches their table.
12. d3 commoners, armed with crossbows, axes and packs 11. d4+4 Commoner men and d4 commoner women, filthy
full of traveling and camping gear, smile as the PCs enter. from work, who make unkind remarks about the lazy ways of
If approached, one young farm boy says he and his friends excavators, how diggers are afraid of an honest days work,
have traveled far to join a dig team and become excavators and offer no meaningful benefit to the Dominion.
themselves. GM: possibly new PC replacements? 12. 4+d4 raiders, who are at the bar, harassing any wom-
en who pass by or come up to order drinks.

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The Crossroads Region Appendices 386
and then the other potential buyer again has a 72% chance of
Appendix Three: making yet another bid, and so on until either the characters give
up because they can’t afford to pay for the slave, or, the other bid-
Slaves in the Crossroads Region der gives up.
For simplicity sake, there is usually only one competing bid-
If the generation of a totally random slave is needed, roll d100 be- der shouting out prices, but the GM can make additional bid
low under one of three factional categories within the region. Doing checks from assorted traders, merchants, officers and well-to-do
so will establish what sort of slave is on the sales platform in a spe- people. Once the final bid is accepted, the selling clerk uses a
cific sort of community, plus the corresponding base price which hammer to hit a steel pipe and the sale is closed, the buyer must
the slave seller shouts out. If a slave’s gender and racial type is approach and hand over the exact value in coins only; neither
already known, simply consult the same table and check the corre- barter nor other valuables are accepted. If the buyer doesn’t have
sponding price code to determine the sale price of the unfortunate the money he or she claimed during the bidding, 4+d4 militia sol-
individual. Finally, there is a bidding code for each slave, consulted diers will accost the person and smash him or her to the ground,
when at an auction as opposed to a private sale. where the person will be relieved of all weapons and gear, tied
The Bidding letter code denotes how valuable or rare a slave up and marched off to a jail cell, charged with fraud and sold as
is, and therefore table CR-12-5, on page 388, shows the odds the a slave. His or her companions can come and purchase the per-
original asking ‘base price’, or the price a character shouts out, son’s freedom for double whatever the falsified bidding amount
will be beaten and by how much. For example, a pure stock wom- was, but the cheater in question will not get back any relics or
an is on up for bid, the characters have been sent to rescue her by valuables he or she may have lost a the time of arrest.
her family in Overpass. The base price turns out to be 32sp, she
has a bidding code of B, and so, there is a 72% chance that an-
other person in the crowd will bid against the character’s bid, and Table CR-12-3 Slave Determination Table typical slave deal-
at a price increase of 5+d10sp (5sp is the minimum bid amount). ers will present 2d6 slaves per auction. PS stands for pure
Should this transpire, the characters can make another 5sp bid, stock, MUT stands for mutant

Dominion of Holy Purist Freeholds & Misc. Bidding

Slave Type Base Price
Aberratia Empire Towns Code
Commoner Man, PS 01-18 01-19 01-11 20+d10sp A
Commoner Man, MUT* 19-21 - 12-24 18+d8sp A
Commoner Woman, PS 22-34 20-37 25-28 20+d12sp B
Commoner Woman, MUT* 35-39 - 29-38 18+d10sp A
Commoner Teen, male PS 40-43 38-49 39-41 15+d10sp A
Commoner Teen, female PS 44-49 50-63 42-44 20+d12sp B
Commoner Teen, male MUT* 50-52 - 45-47 13+d6sp A
Commoner Teen, female MUT* 53-56 - 48-53 18+d10sp B
Commoner Child**, PS 57-63 64-68 54,55 10+d10sp A
Commoner Child**, MUT* 64,65 - 56-59 8+d6sp A
Purist Conquistador, male 66,67 - 60-63 25+d20sp C
Purist Conquistador, female 68-70 - 64-67 22+d20sp C
Northern Freehold Scout** 71,72 69,70 - 30+d20sp C
Southern Freehold Ranger** 73 71-73 - 30+d20sp C
Raider, pure stock** 74-77 74-78 68,69 20+d12 B
Raider, mutant** 78,79 - 70,71 18+d10sp B
Savage, male, PS, cannibal 80 79 72 23+d12sp B
Savage, woman, PS cannibal 81 80 73 20+d12sp B
Prostitute, female, *** 82 81,82 74-76 20+d20sp C
Prostitute, transvestite*** 83 83 77 24+d20sp D
Skullock, male 84 - 78 16+d12sp B
Skullock, female 85 - 79 18+d20sp B
Clone, comfort 86 84-86 80-83 80+d100sp D
Clone, labor 87 87-89 84,85 40+d20sp C
Clone, military 88 90 86 50+2d20sp C
Bioreplicant, pleasure 89 91-93 87,88 90+d100sp D
Bioreplicant, clerical 90 94 89 60+2d20sp C
Bioreplicant, industrial 91 95 90 50+d20sp C
Cyborg, no offensive implants** 92 - 91,92 20+d20sp B
Excavator, male, mutant 93,94 - 93,94 20+d20sp B
Excavator, female, mutant 95,96 - 95,96 20+d20sp C
Excavator, male PS 97,98 96,97 97,98 24+d20sp C
Excavator, female, PS 99,00 98-00 99,00 32+d20sp D

* All mutant slaves will be common mutants with one ‘physical alteration’ minor mutation, as well as skin, hair and eye color variations.
** 50% chance slave is either a male or a female, and if not already noted as MUT for mutant, the person is 46% likely to be a visible mutant (unless being offered for sale in the Holy
Purist Empire, where no visible mutants are allowed to live, even as slaves, then the slave is 6% likely to be ghost mutant instead of a pure stock).
*** Slave is a mutant 34% of the time, otherwise pure stock (but could be a synthetic human, android or ghost mutant according to the GM’s scenario)

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Table CR-12-4 Condition of Slave listing Important Note: 57-63 Slave has one broken arm, will take d3 more months to
If applicable, apply the following modifiers to the following be usable. Reduce value 10%
d100 roll: Slave is adult male +20 / Slave is adult female, 64,65. One hand cut off, reduce value 25%
between 18 and 40 years age -20. 66, 67. One leg cut off, has wooden leg, moves half speed,
reduce value 50%
-14 to -19. Slave was used as a prostitute, and is 33% like- 68. Eyes struck out, blind, reduce value by 70%
ly to have sinners itch, plus 14% likely to be pregnant* d3 69. Deaf, reduce value by 50%
months, not showing. 70. One arm cut off, reduce value by 50%
-11 to -13 Slave is pregnant*, 3+d6 months along and showing 71-76. Scar across face, reduce APP by -2d6
-6 to -10 Slave has recently given birth to a baby*, which 77-79. Slave was beaten and abused by other slaves dur-
she holds, and is sold with the mother. ing captivity, and prefers to stay on his or her new owner’s
0 to -5 Slave is 27% likely to be pregnant*, d3 months into good side and tries to keep away from fellow slaves, seeking
gestation, not showing. to earn the trust and friendship of those who are free, espe-
01 to 08 Slave was very poorly treated by masters and fel- cially whomever oversees the household’s slaves.
low slaves of the opposite sex, and will not trust them and will 80-88. Slave is wounded; reduced down to only 2d6 END,
freak out if handled by them. reduce value 25%
09-14. Slave is particularly eager to please a new master or 89-93. Slave denounces his or her fate, and will not accept
mistress, and will be very accommodating, helpful and even being owned, that it is inhuman for one person to own anoth-
adoring of a kind master, opting to stay with one who treats er and will not submit to any role nor perform any task.
him or her well even if given the opportunity to flee captivity 94-00. Slave is abusive to other slaves, especially younger
and ownership. or weaker ones. This person will beat and humiliate fellow
15-21. The slave’s previous owner has severely and unrea- slaves and prisoners when overseers are away.
sonably beaten and mistreated this person, and reduced him 101-104. Slave has been castrated, now a eunuch and has
or her to a nervous wreck, who cowers and begs for mercy at neither interest in nor ability to perform sexually.
the slightest hint of displeasure from his or her new master. 105-111. Slave states he has a wife and child, who are also
Only a peaceful master, after 2d6 months, can regain this per- slaves, bought by another master now living in Overpass, that if
son’s trust in human decency enough to allow the subject to his new master will buy or steal this slave’s wife and child back,
relax and perform his or her task without living in terror. he will serve faithfully for life, even if technically ‘freed’.
22-32. Slave has whip scars on his or her back, which have 112-116. Slave plots to murder or bring harm to master at ev-
healed over, reduce APP –d6 ery opportunity, going so far as to act as the most subservient,
33-37. Slave’s friends and family have been looking for this loyal and grateful slave around; until the right moment to betray
person for many months, if not years, and if the slave is not his master(s), possibly using poison. This slave’s hatred for any-
kept hidden away, there is a 39% chance upon entering any body who owns him is so great; he will conduct himself in a suicid-
freehold or independent town that the slave will be spotted, al fashion to bring about harm to any owner. Example:
which will bring a rescue attempt by 4+d6 commoner men shouting out when the group
with crossbows within 3d6 hours. hides from a passing enemy force
38-44. Slave has infected whip scars all or giant predator.
over his or her back. Reduce APP -d6, en- 117-120. Slave is a wanted psy-
durance is half until treated by a medic chopathic murderer in his own
of 1 or more skill points. homeland, and if the owners
45-47. Slave has been tortured by take him there or if anybody
cultists at one point, scarred, burned from those parts recognizes
and branded, -3d6 APP, -6 END per- the slave, they will either act
manently, and the person is forever uncomfortable, or warn the
skittish and miserable, distrustful, new owners. In the mean-
bitter, vengeful and aches when time, this slave will make ev-
performing tasks. If after, 3d6 months ery attempt to butcher,
of companionship with a kind master, usually in a gruesome
this slave will confess his or her hellish fashion involving hu-
past and seek a powerful master’s help miliation and torture,
in visiting revenge on the cultist who pre- fellow slaves, livestock,
viously owned him or her. household pets and es-
48,49. Slave’s family once pecially anyone related
owned slaves, and this per- to or working for, his
son was very cruel to master. If escaped,
them. Feels he he will hook up with
or she deserves a gang of raiders and
to be owned and eventually led them in
mistreated, that hunting down and killing
it is God’s Will and any former masters.
Karma at work. *Pregnancy is not possible for Clones or
50-56 has head bioreplicants, who are created
by machines only, therefore,
disregard any pregnancy
result for these races.

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The Crossroads Region Appendices 388
What follows is a set of tables to determine the fate of either
an NPC or player character. Apply all applicable modifiers from
table CR-12-6 to get a modifier, then, roll d100 adding or sub-
tracting any modifier, and consult Table CR-12-7 ‘PC Slave’s Fate’
to determine the captive’s future upon being purchased.

Table CR-12-6 Player Character as Slave Trait and Features

Fate Modifier list combine all modifiers that apply

Trait or feature of character Fate

• Character has appearance score or less than 10 -40
• Female character has APP of between 30 and 49 +20
• Male character has APP of between 30 and 49 +10
• Female character has APP of between 50 and 69 +30
• Male character has appearance of 50 or more +20
• Female character has appearance of 70 or more +40
• Character is a visible mutant -10
• Character is a pure stock (or synthetic human or
Additional cost and bidding modifiers when buying slaves: ghost mutant)
Add or subtract all that apply. • Character is proven to be a synthetic human +15
• Slave’s with appearance between 30 and 49 add 20+d20sp base • Character is an android: -
price and jump 1 letter higher in the bidding code (C becomes D, etc.) Concubine +30
• Slave’s with appearance between 50 and 69 add Household +20
60+2d20sp base price and jump 2 letter higher in the bid- Service or clerical +10
ding code (C becomes E, etc.) Technician +40
• Slave’s with appearance between 70 and 89 add
Industrial -10
100+2d100sp base price and jump 3 letter higher in the bid-
ding code (C becomes F, etc.) Combat, any model -40
• Slave’s with appearance 90 or higher add double their APP • Character is a mutant with armored hide -10
score+4d100sp base price and jump 4 letter higher in the • Character is mutant with 1 or more fighting appendages -30
bidding code (C becomes G, etc.) • Character is known to be a killer -30
• Slave is visibly pregnant, reduce value by half. • Character is diseased or sick -20
• Slave is diseased or seriously wounded, reduce base price • Character has over 50 strength -20
by half, bidding code reduced by one letter code • Character has less than 20 strength +20
• Character is a beastial human -20
Table CR-12-5 Bidding Codes for Slave Purchasing
Table CR-12-7 PC Slave’s Fate: What fate befalls the character
Bidding Code Minimum Bid Random Bid when sold as a slave? Make a d100 roll modified by a plus or minus
from all applicable modifiers from Table CR-12-6, above.
A 3sp d3+d6sp 01-10 or below. Character is bought up by the local pit fight-
B 5sp 5+d10sp ing owner (Amber Coliseum if in Newburg or other Dominion
C 10sp 10+d20sp of Aberratia settlement) and expected to become the victim
D 20sp 20+2d20sp during the coming weekend’s gory spectacle.
E 30sp 30+d100sp 11-57. Character has been purchased by a gladiatorial club,
and allowed to heal for 2d6 days prior to the next contest
F 50sp 50+d100sp
when he or she will be given arms and armor and introduced
G 100sp 100+2d100sp to the screaming fans in the town or bar’s fighting ring or pit.
H 150sp 150+2d100sp 58-74. Character is assigned to a farming operation outside
of the community, and made to work under the whip from
Characters as slaves: If a character is captured and taken to dawn until dusk every day of the weak until death.
any Crossroads Regional slave market, he or she is going to be 75-83. Character is sent to a logging camp with other slaves,
stripped down and given a wool poncho, cotton undergarments and forced to peel logs, saw timber and carry wood to wag-
and sandals to wear, fitted with a steel slave collar with the cap- ons, being whipped whenever he or she slacks off.
tor’s symbol on it, and then shoved in a jail cell with 2d6 other 84-90. If the character is female, she will be assigned to a
slaves from the Slave Determination Table, page 386. He or she wealthy household and ordered to clean and scrub, maintain
will be detained for d8 days before being roped together with his a yard, and peel vegetables, all under the watchful eye of the
or her cell mates and then paraded out through the waiting crowd. household staff that beat and abuse the character whenever
One by one, pulled up onto a raised scrap and wood platform, they can. If a male character, the person is made to work on con-
usually a 2m tall, 10m long x 5m wide stage for a crowd of poten- struction projects, watched by a cruel master and his guards.
tial buyers to behold. If the character is a woman of 30 or higher 91 to 120. Character is forced into prostitution in either a bar
appearance, she will probably end up as the concubine to some 72% chance, otherwise a brothel (Captain Sulza’s Brothel,
lecherous man, or, forced into prostitution in one of the bars and page 148 if in Newburg).
brothels of the community. However, if a character is very fit, a 121 or higher. Character is to become the private concubine
cyborg with weapon implants or a mutant with offensive append- of a wealthy or powerful person living in the community, kept
ages, he or she will most likely be purchased by either a gladiato- in a locked room or chained to a bed post much of the time,
rial club or pit fighting venue for the coming blood sports. often loaned to other ‘collectors’. The slave’s owner is 32%
likely to be of the same gender.

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The Crossroads Region Appendices 389
Distant stations both human and otherwise, can often be picked up by
sensitive old world radios, as well as most communicators. At the high-
est points in the region, on cold clear nights, one can sometime tune in
to radio shows, music and propaganda from Hawaii, old Mexico, Pana-
ma, Canada, and various floating Atoll communities in the Pacific. Oth-
er transmissions include Mecha and other digital chatter.

Appendix Five: Online Resources

All downloadable non-player characters and maps included in the
book are also presented here in this appendix, handy for those who
don’t want to slice pages from their print copy of this book, while
those owning the PDF can simply select pages to print at home or
send to copy centre as needed.
Most books in the Mutant Epoch line have their free web con-
tent secured behind the Society of Excavator’s Members only area,
with membership free to those who buy a copy of the TME Hub
Appendix Four: Radio Stations Rules. With this Gazetteer, however, we know that role players us-
ing other RPG systems will be purchasing this book as a generic
Roll d6 to determine a radio station tuned into by PCs discovering a Post-Apocalyptic setting and modifying the few Outland System
radio or walking into a home or business with a receiver operating. specific stats to adjust it to whatever other game mechanic they
1. Freehold Radio 65.5 AM 4. Purist Talk Radio 88.3 AM are using. Given this, we have made this book’s online content ac-
2. Northstar Radio 610 AM 5. Musical Interludes Radio 106.3 FM cessible in our public area for use by buyers of this book without
3. Mixer Radio 95.7 FM 6. Mutant Liberation Radio 57.5 Am being SOE members. Go to www,outlandarts.com/crloot.htm
Please do not make this link public knowledge, however, as
Freehold Radio from Sandbarra broadcasts poorly recorded lo- much of the content is not aimed at players.
cal bands, ancient CD tunes, old comedy skits, and Lower Free-
hold propaganda by the Southern Rangers who operate the sta- The following PDFs are available at the Crossroads Region Down-
tion. ‘Freehold talk’ is their most popular show, and is well re- loads page as well as included in the following pages:
ceived throughout the Lower and Northern Freeholds as well as
independent communities. Non-Player Characters
• Appro-Mortica page 424
Northstar Radio is the official broadcast of the Northern Freehold • Arch Magistrate Rantula ‘Bloody Bone’ Maximorta page 425
and transmitted live every evening from Overpass. The show is most- • Burgess Ballentine Blessed Father of Righteousness page 426
ly feel good propaganda, telling the mixed race citizenry to fight on • Carmen the Clean page 427
against the Aberrationists, Purists, humanoids and other enemies of • Clan Chieftain, Mujwok the Heart Eater page 428
liberty. Each show is interspersed with cheesy commercials for Over- • Countess Estella Brandun page 429
pass businesses, public alerts, lost and found ads and contests. Final- • David Carlburg page 430
ly, this station is heavily imbued with old United States and British pa- • Fakmal the Obese page 431
triotic music and speeches by long dead politicians including Winston • General Noxtoth the Spirited page 432
Churchill, Ronald Reagan, and Abraham Lincoln to name a few. • Geshrod the Marauder page 433
• His Holiness Vicar Horace Truesight the First page 434
Mixer Radio hailing from Pitford in the Northern Freehold. This sta- • Hynro The Slaver page 435
tion broadcasts some news and weather pertaining to the Pitford • Magistrate, Arretos the Jaw page 436
area, but mainly plays an eclectic mix of old world recording. If the • Magistrate, Ejexa Owens, ‘The Spider’ page 437
Pitford: Gateway tot he Ruins book is available to the GM and play- • Margaret ‘The Flayer’ O’Finny page 438
ers, see Table Pit-3-34, page 52 of that book for a random list of • Merchant ‘Optimorra the Magnificent’ page 439
songs, ranging from Industrial, Opera, Rap to Children’s tunes from • Metago the Harvester page 440
the pre-devastation era. • Sainted Mother Agethaz Gabriella Remington page 441
• Travalis the Slaver page 442
Purist Talk Radio and Musical Interludes Radio are two broadcasts • Lomonto The Excorcist page 443
from the same station in Pure Hub City. Musical Interludes is mainly Maps
old world classical and badly recorded Purist choral music. Every • Regional Map in ink and gray scale (color in PDF book)
two or three pieces are interspersed with a dogmatic, pre-HPE or plus large cut’n’tile maps of Overpass, Newburg and Pure
anti-mutant and anti-Mecha statement. Purist Talk Radio is only live Hub City and Crossroads Region
during the evening, with all other hours repeating older shows cre-
ated by sanctioned preachers. Prayers, religious teachings, calls for Also at the download page, but not added in the following Ap-
volunteers for the army, and lies about how well the war against Ab- pendices are
erratia is going are all discussed. • All town maps from this book, including full page base-
ment levels for such places as The Convent.
Mutant Liberation Radio, broadcast from Newburg, aims to reach
distant communities where mutants are oppressed. The goal is to The downloads listed below are only available to SOE members.
either incite the deviant underdogs to rise up and slay their pure Go to http://www.outlandarts.com/membersonly/
stock masters, or else, migrate to The Dominion of Aberratia and • Free Town Supplement: Pitford Lite
start a new life. The broadcast can be heard in all adjacent regions, • Leprosy in The Mutant Epoch
but only on clear nights. • New Era Prostitution (For gamers 18 years + only)

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Appendix Six: Region Maps

Full Regional Map, ink page 390
Ink map, 9 Sheet print and tile pages 391-399
Full Regional Map, 3d sculpted page 400
Sculpted map, 9 Sheet print and tile pages 401-409
Overpass City map, 4 Sheet print and tile pages 410-413
Newburg City map, 4 Sheet print and tile pages 414-417
Pure Hub City map, 4 Sheet print and tile pages 418-421
Steel Hill City map, 2 Sheet print and tile pages 422,243

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 413

Scale: 1 Hexagon = 5m

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Scale: 1 Hexagon = 5m

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left side
Steel Hill 2 sheet
The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

Steel Hill
1 hex =5 meters

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Gazetteer
Steel Hill 2 sheet right side

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 424

Outlaw Cannibal
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 411 Rank: 5
Caste: Engineered Bio-Weapon Faction: No affiliation
Gender: Dual Age: 92 (doesn’t age)
Read/ Write?: No Do Math?: No
Personality: Solitary & vicious Swim Ability: fair
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 270cm
Handed: Ambidextrous
Religion: None Weight: 306kg
Languages Spoken: English, poorly

Endurance: 284* /
Strength: hooks 127(+24 dmg) arms 76 (+10 dmg)
Agility: 77 (-10 DV/+1.25 meters movement)
Accuracy: 88 (+12 SV)
Intelligence: 16
Willpower: 128
Perception: 99 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 4
*Regenerates 2 END per round
Defense Value: -45 or 61 vs bullets Armor Worn: Dodge skill 4 pts -14/
Heavy Junk armor -17 (-1.5m MV) / Agility -10 / Ballistic Hide -4/-20
Movement: 12m Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-77

Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Hook Arms 01-94 2 melee d20+27 each - 3pt

Assault Rifle 900m d20+6 each 30*/ 3pt
01-97 3 *plus pouches full of 200+d100 spare rifle rounds

Fists 01-84 2 melee d6+27 each - 3pt

Mutations: Body Regeneration (no. Unique) helas 2 END per round/ ar reactor. Decades ago, a dig team came across one wing of the facility
Ballistic Hide (no.11) -4 DV/ -20 Dv vs bullets/ Dog Legs +7m and inadvertently opened several of the cryo tubes. Appro-Mortica, and its
MV/ Reserve Heart (3 total) (no.69) / Night Vision (no.61) / siblings, were unleashed. Only Appro-Mortica made it to the surface, the
Longevity (unique)/ Immunity (no.61) to poison and radiation others either devoured each other or wandered off through the countless
kilometers of underground ancient passages.
On the surface, having no idea of its own creation or relationship to the
Skills: Stealth 4pts/ Climb 4pts/ Brawling (hook arms and humans it so loves to feed upon, Appro-Mortica thrives in a barbaric world.
normal fists) 3pts/ Dodge 4pts (-14 DV)/ Weapon Expert He-she is intelligent enough to master the use of simple relic weapons,
Rifles 3pts
such as the assault rifle it relies on when up against superior numbers or
engaging meals at long range, but ignorant to the workings of computers,
Valuables, Clothing and Equipment: Rags, skins, and furs for electrical devices, explosives and vehicles. It lives as a primitive hunter,
garments, pouches contains 200+d100 spare rifle rounds, 6 sleeping in tents made of human skin, moving from camp to camp nightly
assorted meat carving knives, d100gp, d100sp, 3d6 random and occasionally returning to the weed choked cave mouth which leads
gems and d6 random jewels. down to the place of its long ago creation. It considers the cave a taboo
shrine, never entering, but loathes letting any other humanoids profane
Description: Wanted dead of alive, the outlaw-cannibal Appro-Mortica the site.
is dreaded from Sandbarra in the south, the entirety of Twisted Wood, up Appro-Mortica was designed for battle. It was to protect its human
to the edges of Overpass and as far east as Galespit. This dual gendered, creators and destroy robots, and although it has turned its murderous,
solitary eater of organ meat has only ever been seen and described by one voracious talents against humankind, it would have made its creator’s
Northern Freeholds posse, who managed to take a single, heavily pixilated proud in its field performance. Appro does not age, possess three hearts,
photo* before losing the humanoid demon in the woods. Others have met two heads, both male and female genitalia and in theory would mate with
Appro-Mortica, but none have survived the encounter. others of its own product line if encountering them. It has ballistic skin, as-
This mutant human is the product of ancient genetic engineers who tounding tissue regeneration ability, as well as incredible reflexes, speed,
inhabited a vast facility beneath Twisted Wood. Being just one of hundreds endurance and strength. The thing is dull witted and slow thinking as far
of experiments, Appro-Mortica and similar creations were placed in cryo- as technology and society goes but clever in a fight, able to appraise a tar-
freeze for later study and dissection in an attempt to make a perfect mili- get and discern weakness, wounds or risk from hundred of meters away.
tary monster. During a series of Mecha attacks, followed by earthquakes It will not engage any foe or armed group that it isn’t certain it can defeat
and tsunamis, the facility was abandoned. The surviving personnel either and eat.
locked themselves away in cryo or escaped to ships in earth’s orbit for the
migration to off world colonies. Left behind, their nightmarish creations Read more about this walking terror on page 319
were kept alive by sophisticated computers, medical robotics and a nucle- *Download the pixilated image as a player handout at www.outlandarts/crloot.htm

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 425

Rantula Maxmorta
Arch Magistrate of The Dominion
of Aberratia
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 4658 Rank: 14
Caste: Elite Warrior and Overlord Faction: DOA
Gender: Male Age: 46
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Scheming, Pompous, and Blood Thirsty Swim Ability: Strong
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 206cm (6’9”)
Handed: Right Religion: Order of Rask Weight: 127kg (279 lbs)
Languages Spoken: English, some Spanish

Endurance: 142 /
Strength: 133 (+26 dmg/+130% throw range)
Agility: 97 (-14 DV/+1.75 meters movement)
Accuracy: 110 (+16 SV)
Intelligence: 88
Willpower: 121
Perception: 98 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 33

Defense Value: -42

Armor Worn: Dodge skill 6 pts -20/leathery skin & spikes -18 /
Agility -14
Movement: 7.75m
Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-95
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Horns 01-128 2 melee 7d10+36 - 5pts

Assault Shotgun 01-125 2 30m 3d10+8 40/ 4pts
Type B INT d20 END three times per day per rank
Mind Crush 1 363m 42/ -
based HC + d6 INT
1/5 3d20 to organics and
Devastator Pulse 01-231 Takes 4 rounds 121m cyborgs or d100+40 to
once per day per rank
shot from forehead
to charge up 14/
robots and machines

Laser Pistol 01-119 1 500m d20+16 30/ 3pts

Mutations: Horns (7) Regular sized (no.46) / Reserve Heart (no.69) istrate’s chair in 2355 and has been reelected every year since.
/ Mind Crush (no.56) / Advanced Mind (no.3) / Breath Holding (no.19) / His grip on power has been maintained through cunning, bribery,
Deviant Skin Structure: Fireproof, no damage from flames for 10 kidnapping, thuggery and his own violent outbursts.
rounds, thereafter half. Explosions only do half damage (no.24) / He is a firm believer in the Aberrationist cause, and affirms to
Devestator Pulse (no.25) / Limb Regeneration (no.52) / Hibernation (no.94) all that without a doubt, mutant kind will rule the earth within his
/ Telpathy (no.85) / FLAW: Intense Allergy Perfume if inhaled or via skin lifetime. Though a brutal, ruthless mutant, he is also well educated.
contact, END type A haz check or choke to death (no.126) When not passing judgment, planning military offensives, or enjoy-
ing the perversions of the capital, Rantula spends his time in his li-
Skills: Weapon Expert: Shotguns 4pts, Pistols 3pts, Axes 4pt,s brary. Here, behind locked doors he reads ancient books, watches
Horns 5pts/ Stealth 3pts/ Dodge 6pts -20 DV/Climb 3pts/ Grapple historical documentaries, and learns from the greatest dictators,
4pts/ Pilot 1pt/ Driver 3pts/Negotiate 7pts/Lying 6pts/Relic generals and criminal masterminds of old. Adolf Hitler, Napoleon
Knowledge/Tracking 4pt/Wilderness Survival/ Bio-Technician 2pt/ Bonaparte, Osama Bin Laden, Rommel, Patton, Alexander the
Gambler 4pt/ Great, Al Copone, Churchill, Stalin, Schwarzkopf, Ho Chi Minh, Ju-
Valuables: DOA jewelry , cloak and scepter worth 6000+3d1000sp lius Caesar, and hundreds more inspire the Arch Magistrate.
Clothing and Equipment: Spare full drum of shells for his While rarely able to go into battle in person, he never passes up
assault shotgun, gasmask, night vision headgear, Advanced a chance to get into a skirmish with Purists of Freeholders. Being
communicator, 2d6 anti-toxin injectors, 6 Advanced frag a huge mutant with seven horns, he cannot wear powered armor,
grenades, Laser pistol and 3 power cells on drop leg holster but does wear heavy combat armor, carries an assault shotgun
with full drum of ammo, laser pistol, razor sword, and pouch of six
advanced frag grenades. Besides his horns, he possesses the mu-
Description: Along with eleven other magistrates, Rantula Maxi- tations of regeneration, dual heart, electrical pulse, and immunity
morta rules Newburg and the entire mutant supremacist Domin- to poison.
ion of Aberratia. He was nominated and elected to the arch-mag- More on page 108.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 426

Burgess Ballentine
‘The Hand of God’
Blessed Father of Righteousness
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Pure Stock Human EF: 3562 Rank: 13
Caste: Holy Warrior and Priest Faction: Holy Purist Empire
Gender: Male Age: 47 Do Math?: Yes
Read/ Write?: Yes Swim Ability: Fair
Personality: Impatient, Dogmatic and Cruel Height: 207cm
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Weight: 103kg
Handed: RIght Religion: Puristalism
Languages Spoken: English and poor Spanish

Endurance: 123 /
Strength: 106 (+16 dmg/+80% throw range)
Agility: 87 (-12 DV/+1.75 meters movement)
Accuracy: 104 (+14 SV)
Intelligence: 56
Willpower: 108
Perception: 79 (+2 initiative)
Appearance: 29

Defense Value: -76

Armor Worn: Dodge skill 5 pts -17/ Heavy Combat Armor -40 and
combat helmet -7 / Agility -12
Movement: 7.5m
Initiative: +2 Base Strike Value: 01-92
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Martial Arts 01-109 4 melee 2d6+25 stun - 7pts

Knife Throwing 01-105 2 18m d20+23 16/ 5pts
Heavy Machine Gun 01-105 5 950m d20+18 Plus extra magazine with 10+d20 rifle rounds 4pts

Automatic Pistol 01-105 2 250m d20+6 30/ 3pts

Plus extra magazine with 20+2d10 pistol rounds remaining

Battle Axe 01-108 2 melee d20+30 - 5pts

Skills: Knife Thrower 5pts/Stealth 4pts/ Climb 4pts/ Grapple As noted on page 190, Burgess is outwardly a devout follower
3pts/ Martial Arts 7pts/ Dodge 5pts (-17 DV)/ Weapon of the current Vicar, Horace the First. Secretly, however, he has his
Expert: Machine Guns 4pts Pistols 3pts Axes 5pts doubts about the old man and has directed his minions to look into
the background and childhood of the Imperial head. The records
Valuables: Purist Religious Jewelry worth 4000+2d1000sp, prove to be scant and misleading. Attempts to learn more about Hor-
2d100gp. ace frustrated by the Vicar’s own bureaucrats. Furthermore, Burgess
Clothing and Equipment: Sacred robes and head scarf worn is annoyed with his superior for the slow pace of the war against the
infidels. The fact that God is on their side in all things should mean
over armor. Staff of the Purple Order, Fully loaded pocket that a war on two or more fronts, against more numerous but di-
pistol sewn into robe’s collar. Dart pistol loaded with 6 type vinely accursed inferiors, should be feasible, if not an outright show
D paralysis poison darts, advanced communicator, advanced of faith. Worse, his superior is old and weak but still won’t drop dead.
binoculars, night vision headgear, gasmask, 2d6 advanced Month after month the old man survives growing ever more isolated,
frag grenades, substance reader, DNA scanner, Purist Bible, unapproachable and weird.
purist holy symbol made from mutant bones, bag of mutant Born in the sinner city of Overpass, Burgess has a special hatred for
scalps, ears and other body parts from his victims. the current rulers of the Northern Freehold, and while the Mutant Su-
premacists of Aberratia are more feared and hated by the HPE, this man
Description: Equal to the Sainted Mother in status, and having only dwells overmuch on the conquest of Overpass, and sends his agents
the Vicar above him in status, Burgess is the head of the Hermilage and there on frequent missions, often against his superior’s wishes.
all Brothers of the Purple Order. He is also second in line to succeed When forced into battle, this large, fit man dons a white suit of
Horace should anything unfortunate happen to the divine leader. While heavy combat armor, straps a laser sword to his waist and totes a
away at the Capital or front lines for many days each month, Burgess heavy machine gun into the fray.
spends the remainder of his time in Hermilage attending to the Brother- Although Brothers of the Purple Order are sworn to celibacy,
hood, but spends little time directly subjecting unwilling converts to the he covertly enjoys the company of several uninitiated Nuns of Pu-
Purist Faith. rity who are brought to him at the insistence of Agathez Gabriella,
Sainted Mother of the Convent, herself once his lover.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 427

Carmen the Clean

Roaming Healer
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Ghost Mutant EF: 1130 Rank: 9
Caste: Nomadic Healer and Philanthropist Faction: No affiliation
Gender: Female Age: 32
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Humane, Angelic and Aloof Swim Ability: Strong
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 186cm
Handed: Ambidextrous Weight: 56kg
Religion: New Age Spiritualism
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Japanese,
and passably in two dozen other wold and new world languages

Endurance: 84 /
Strength: 46 (+4 dmg/+20% throw range)
Agility: 106 (-16 DV/+2 meters movement)
Accuracy: 112 (+18 SV)
Intelligence: 138
Willpower: 144
Perception: 97 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 116

Defense Value: -39 (or -49*) Armor Worn: Dodge skill 7 pts -23/
Agility -16 *Aura of protection gives -10 DV and 10pt force filed, (see mutations below)
Movement: 8m
Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-91
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Stun Pistol 01-106 thrown 1 200m d20+12 thrown 40/ -

Type B INT d20 END three times per day per rank
Mind Crush 1 432m 27/ -
based HC + d6 INT

Mutations: Advanced Mind (no.3) /Aura of Protection (no.10) -10 DV Memory, Galespit, Overpass and occasionally as far North as Pitford
and 10 pt force field for 144 rounds per use, with 18 uses per day and Safe Port. These resupply operations are normally conduced by
allowed. Due to her advanced mind, Carmen can do any other action one vessel, and only rarely is it a zeppelin with Carmen aboard.
while engaging this mutation/ Night vision (no.61) / Telepathy (no.85)/ Her sense of timing and knowledge of the urgency in a situa-
Mind Crush (no.56) / Heal Touch (no.43) Advanced NPC version which tion is uncanny, and attributed to the mutations she possesses. For
besides healing d20+40 trait damage, also has a 88% chance of example, wounded excavators have reported that as they fled ruins
ridding the body of any disease, poison, radiation or other imperfection, suffering severe injuries, bearing unconscious, poisoned or other-
removal of parasites, and the repair of the following flaw mutations: wise debilitated comrades that the Angel of God came to them. The
chronic acne, dermatitis, ingrown hairs, ulcers, coronary thrombosis, angel of course is Carmen the Clean and her adoring body guards
warts, halitosis, migraine headaches, rhinitis, hiccups, psoriasis, and assistant healers. Carmen and her team would drop out of the
tapeworms, tooth decay, visual disorders, weeping, and whistle sky and by way of a lowering basket, set down the divine healer and
croup. Other flaws are not treatable. / Body Regeneration (no.18) 10 her assistants to perform medical miracles on the casualties.
trait points healed per hour. /Reserve Heart (no.69) / Empathy (no.33) Carmen is a ghost mutant with incredible gifts. She doesn’t re-
strict her healing merely to heroes, but has even cured a skullock
Skills: Medic 6pts/Stealth 3pts/ Climb 4pts/ Disquise Artist 4pts/ chieftain of leprosy within a single night, mended a Purist officer in
Erotic Arts/ Dodge 7pts (-23 DV)/ Navigate by Stars/ Negotiating 5pts/ his youth who now holds high rank and covertly aids her from the
Pilot 3pts/ Grapple 3pts/ Relic Knowledge/Technician, Bio 4pts/ heart of the Purist Empire, and so too, cures bandit leaders, wild
Valuables: 3 power cells, locket of dead mother’s hair, unknown father’s ring. animals and numerous greedy treasure hunting diggers.
Clothing and Equipment: Hooded cloak made of silvery-white laser- This woman, who remains unmarried and avoids all romantic re-
deflecting fiber ( -60 DV vs light beams), field medical kit, 3d6 anti- lations, devotes her life to healing. She believes that those she saves
toxin injectors, 2d6 sleep gas grenades ( as smoke grenade but thereafter take on an aspect of compassion, and go out into the world
type C sleep poison), substance reader, advanced communicator, less savage, less heartless and more likely to help rather than harm. Of-
and has access to a suit of heavy combat armor with helmet and ten, after setting a broken bone, performing miraculous tissue mending
a heavy pulse rifle with 3 full power cells if needed... but hates to on a gunshot victim, or ridding a person of terrible disease with a touch,
gear up in such ‘negative’ equipment. Items stored on her airship. her assistant will whisper to the patient to pass on the kindness.
Carmen was adopted by an accomplished ex-digger and his wife
Description: As extensively described on page 317, Carmen the Clean after being bought in the slave markets of Overpass. It is known she
is a travelling healer of incredible power, benevolence, beauty and well was abducted from a powerful faction in the Shallow Sea Region to
deserved respect. She has no home base, although her unmarked the north. Some say she is post-apocalyptic royalty, others, that she
flotilla of between four and seven airships are known to resupply at is merely the unwanted product of a prostitute’s couplings.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 428

Mujwok the Heart Eater

Clan Chieftain of Rusta
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant Caste: Warlord EF: 641 Rank: 6
Gender: Male Faction: Rusta
Read/ Write?: Poorly Age: 38
Personality: Moody and Ambitious Do Math?: Poorly
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Swim Ability: excellent
Handed: Right Religion: None Height: 225cm
Languages Spoken: English and some Spanish Weight: 112kg

Endurance: 128 /
Strength: 94 (+12 dmg/+60% throw range)
Agility: 68 (-8 DV/+1 meters movement)
Accuracy: 91 (+12 SV)
Intelligence: 56
Willpower: 75
Perception: 97 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 24

Defense Value: -57 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 4 pts -14/Combat

Armor -35/ Agility -8
Movement: 7m or 6m armored
Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-79
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

2 Razor Swords* 01-95 1 each melee d20+29 - 3pt

Brawling* 01-88 2 melee 2d6+14 - 4pt
Type B INT d20 END three times per day per rank
Mind Crush 1 225m 18/ -
based HC + d6 INT
Chain gun 01-89 10 220m d20 -
Also has a spare drum mag with 200 rnds, in pack

Laser Pistol 01-105 1 500m d20+18 30/ 4pt

*Mujwok has three arms

Mutations: Multi-Arm 1 extra on right side (no.59) / Multi-head in. When displeased, either with a citizen, Oiler or visitor, he is known to
2 (no.60)/ Heightened Attributes: Olfactory (no.45)/ Immunity: to fly into a murderous rage. Once set off, he is prone to beat the offender
poison (no.49)/ Empathy (no.33)/Telepathy (no. 85)/ Mental Screen into semi-consciousness and then with his bare hands, Mujwok will tear
(no.55) / Night vision (no.61) / Mind Crush (no. 56) open the subject’s chest cavity, snap the rip cage, rip out the still beating
heart and eat it raw.
Skills: Brawling 4pts/ Stealth 2pts/ Dodge 4pts (-14 DV)/Climb So feared is this huge mutant that his own people are said to be in-
2pts/ Grapple 3pts/ Negotiating 3pts/ Lying 4pts/ Gambling different to the notion of being taken over by Port Folly Pirates. However,
5pts/ Relic Knowledge/Weapon Expert pistols 4pts & swords other invaders are absolutely dreaded because the citizens of Rusta are
3pts/ Barter 3pts/ Wilderness Survival/ Navigate by Stars a blend of pure stocks, mutants, cyborgs and other non-generics, they
suffer great anxiety at the idea of either the Purists or nearby Aberra-
Valuables: Wears jewelry and rare plastic baubles worth 3000+3d1000sp tionists conquering their strongly held metal home.
Clothing and Equipment: 3 full power cells, 200 round ammo Mujwok is primarily motivated by strengthening his hold on power,
drum for chain gun, 2d4 frag grenades, night vision headgear, and the survival of an independent Rusta. While eager to have excavators
communicator, flame proof fabric cloak, advanced binoculars. explore the wild and more or less unlooted decks of Rusted Hulk, he is
always watchful for ploys by Aberrationists, Pirates or Purists, disguising
Description: As noted on page 291, Rusted Hulk, this two headed, themselves as a dig team. Likewise, if an adventure squad does show
three armed, red skinned hulking mutant is the clan chieftain of Rusta. up and they are armed with relics that his people can’t live without, he
The aft superstructure of Rusted Hulk is the only community on the once might consider seeing to it that something bad happens to the strang-
great hybrid cargo ship Starpacifica12, and home to about 460 people. ers. Weighing his decision to bushwhack diggers are several factors to
Ruling them is Mujwok the Heart Eater, who commands a band of rough consider. If they are arrogant, cruel to his people, cheap or not yet famous
men and women called the Oilers. Although an open trade community, in the Crossroads Region, then he is likely to order a confiscation raid. His
and welcoming to small bands of excavators, traders and migrants, usual tactic to deal with a target dig team is to have his best Oilers mount
Rusta is known to be a bit on the barbaric side. This sentiment is aided an ambush after weakening the party with a series of traps, but always
by the gruesome reputation of Mujwok himself, who while often good away from the prying eyes of the community and deep in the dark, mon-
natured, affectionate and clearly fond of his people, allows his temper ster infested lower decks.
get the better of him. This is where his nickname ‘Heart Eater’ comes

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 429

Estella Brandun
Countess of Steel Hill
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
EF: 948 Rank: 8
Type: Mutant
Faction: Lower Freehold
Caste: Ruler of The Lower Freehold
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Ambitious and Unshakable
Read/ Write?: Yes
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Swim Ability: Excellent
Handed: Right
Height: 182cm
Religion: Believes in reincarnation
Weight: 83kg
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish
Endurance: 92 /
Strength: 59 (+6 dmg/+30% throw range)
Agility: 87 (-12 DV/+1.5 meters movement)
Accuracy: 109 (+16 SV)
Intelligence: 83
Willpower: 69
Perception: 122 (+4 initiative)
Appearance: 98

Defense Value: -77* Armor Worn: Dodge skill 7 pts -23/combat

armor -35+combat helmet -7/ Agility -12
*Estella has a -14 DMG per round force field

Movement: 7.5m or 6.25m armored

Initiative: +4 Base Strike Value: 01-87
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Martial Arts 01-100 2 melee 2d6+11 ea. - 5pt

Assault Rifle 01-109 3 900m d20+8 each 30*/ 4pt
*plus d3 spare 30 rnd mags

Type B INT d20 END three times per day per rank
Mind Crush 1 207m 24/ -
based HC + d6 INT
Devastator Pulse 01-178 1 but takes 4 69m 3d20 or d100+40 to Once per day per rank -
from hand
rounds to charge up cyborgs and machines 8/

Mutations: Advanced Mind (no.3)/ Body Regeneration (no.18) 6 In truth, the rumors are not far off, in that she can open portals
trait points healed per hour./ Mind Crush (no.56)/Force Field (no.38) in time, and travel to other worlds. The cost to her health, regrettably,
-14 DMG per round, 16 uses per day, lasts 69 rounds per use./ limits this activity (one portal can be opened per 48 hours, but she
Devastator Pulse (no.25)/Reserve Mind (no.70)/Heal Touch (no.43)/Image suffers 3d6 damage to each trait per use, healing normally). As for
Projection (no.48)/Time-Space Portal Generation (unique, see text) the relics, her government’s warm welcome to all excavators and relic
dealers is what brings Steel Hill the firepower of the oldsters.
Skills: Weapon Expert rifles 5pts/ Stealth 6pts/ Climb 4pts/ Martial Estella is a private, passionate and imaginative person. While proud
Arts 5pts/ Dodge 7pts (-23 DV)/Disquise Artist 3pts/Erotic Arts/ of her family name, aware of her responsibilities to her small city, and
Negotiate 7pts/Relic Knowledge/Medic 3pts/Stealth 6pts/Computer devoted to the cause of maintaining the The Lower Freehold’s territorial
technician 3pts integrity, in her heart, she craves to be an excavator. Whenever possible,
Valuables: Royal Jewels of Steel Hill, worn 4000+4d1000sp she will covertly invite well-known and well favored dig teams to her pal-
Clothing and Equipment: d3 spare full 30 round magazines for ace. Herein, she will coax them to feast, drink, and enjoy the concubines
assault rifle, d6 advanced frag grenades, anti toxin injectors (4), and luxurious facilities so long as they tell her of their adventurous ex-
advanced communicator, d6 cure tabs, switchblade in boot, fur ploits among the ruins. She has resisted marriage, frustrated her per-
and jewel embroidered royal robes worth 2000+d1000sp. sonal advisors who play matchmaker, and snubbed the eligible sons of
Overpass’ premier families. She embraces her independence and amble
libido, choosing her lovers from among the finest diggers to visit her cita-
Description: The beautiful, ink black skinned deviant Countess of del, the race and gender of her mates of little matter so long as they are
Steel Hill, Estella Brandun, fourth in her family line to rule the swamp heroic and easy on the eye.
city, is said to be a demon. Of course, the neighboring purists of the Holy If able, Estella would gladly join an expedition to any regional
Purist Empire are the only ones who proclaim the young woman as a hell ruin site, so long as the team she accompanied were very powerful,
spawned succubus. To her people, however, she is a much loved, almost would protect her, and keep the adventure secret. Given her martial
worshipped goddess-queen. Estella, like her forbearers, is a mutant of arts and mutational gifts, relics and armor, Estella would be a remark-
impressive gifts, both physical and mental. It is said that one of her mu- able digger, if only she were given the opportunity. Among her many
tations is the ability to open portals in time and space, allowing her to day dreams of daring-do, is the idea of using her special dimensional
go back to earlier times in history. It is this potent mutational power, so portal mutation to undertake an expedition to the age of dinosaurs,
claim the purists, that allow Steel Hill and the Lower Freehold to acquire to a world of sword and sorcery, far off planet, or pre-devastation LA.
so many excellent relic weapons with which to fend off the HPE. Learn More on page 95

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 430

David Carlburg
Heroic Mercenary Leader
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Pure Stock Human EF: 936 Rank: 8
Caste: Non-Profit Commander Faction: Pro NF an d LF
Gender: Male Age: 48
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Idealistic and Noble Swim Ability: Strong
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 198cm
Handed: Left Weight: 94kg
Religion: Cultural Christian, but lacks faith
Languages Spoken: English, some Spanish

Endurance: 116 /
Strength: 84 (+10 dmg/+50% throw range)
Agility: 79 (-10 DV/+1.25 meters movement)
Accuracy: 121 (+22 SV)
Intelligence: 88
Willpower: 84
Perception: 96 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 48

Defense Value: -71 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 4 pts -14/ Heavy
Combat Armor +Combat Helmet -47 / Agility -10
Movement: 7.25m or 5.5m armored
Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-93
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Martial Arts 01-108 2 Melee 2d6+17 - 6pt

Auto-Pistol 01-113 2 250m d20+6 20/ 3pt
Pulse Rifle 01-123 4 800m d12+8 25 bursts/ 4pt
Razor Sword 01-113 2 Melee d20+31 - 5pt

Skills: Dodge 4pts (-14 DV)/Stealth 4pts/ Climb 4pts/ consistently to be on the side of right, plus have skills in
Grapple 2pts/ Martial Arts 6pts/ Weapon Expert: Rifles bringing about good outcomes to bad situations, are all
4pts, Swords 5pts, Pistols 3pts/ Barter/ Driver 4pts/ Pilot eligible to join his ranks by invitation only. This invitation
2pts/ Junk Crafter 3pts/ Medic 2pts/ Negotiating 4pts/ comes by way of a senior Carlburg chosen agents, or the
Navigate by Stars / Wilderness Survival man himself, usually in a saloon or slop house location.
To be asked to join is a great honor. Once signed up, the
Valuables: Gold relic watch worth 600+3d100sp/ 200+d100gp, heroes will travel the region, and sometimes beyond, to de-
d100sp, diamond ring worth 1000+d1000sp/ relic baseball
feat wickedness and injustice, bring aid and comfort to the
card collection worth 500+2d100sp.
downtrodden and needy, and spread the message of unity
Clothing and Equipment: 2 full spare auto-pistol for all the strains of humanity.
magazines, 4 full power cells, d6 drained power cells, silk David Carlburg was once a Scout in the Northern
boxer shorts, fur cloak made from a two headed wolf, relic Freehold forces, but grew frustrated with the slow pace of
cowboy boots, advanced communicator, d6 advanced frag daring-do and so turned to freelance heroism. He and his
grenades, d6 anti-toxin injectors, advanced binoculars, laser small squads work only for food, shelter and the chance
scalpel hidden in leg seam of trousers. to teach the youths of a community right from wrong. He
has a wife and three children living secretly in Overpass,
Description: Clad in dark gray heavy combat armor, although due to threats on his life, and those of all who
brandishing his pulse rifle and calling out orders to his follow or love him, he rarely gets to see them in person and
chosen men and women, David Carlburg looks every bit instead uses a set of advanced communicators with vid
the heroic leader. This middle aged, yet remarkably fit, pure links to chat with his family nightly.
stock leader is everything he seems and stands for. Truly, Carlburg is aware of his growing age, the white in
in an age of selfish looters, ruthless warlords, clashing his beard and long mustache, and keen to find a successor
factions and brutal daily survival, a man like Carlburg is to his noble organization.
rare, memorable, and in great need.
As mentioned on page 316, Carlburg leads a
group of hand picked or chosen warriors who he and his
assistants have observed and approved of. Excavators who
turn to heroes and earn a name for themselves, and are

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 431

Fakmal the Obese

DOA Certified Slaver
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 1268 Rank: 9
Caste: Slaver certified to operate in Faction: No affiliation
the Dominion of Aberratia Age: 41
Gender: Male Do Math?: poorly
Read/ Write?: poorly Swim Ability: strong
Personality: Inhumane, Sadistic and relentless Height: 268cm
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Weight: 260kg
Handed: Ambidextrous
Religion: None
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Mandarin & Skullock
Endurance: 198 /
Strength: 124 (+22 dmg/+110% throw range)
Agility: 67 (-8 DV/+1 meter movement)
Accuracy: 98 (+14 SV)
Intelligence: 39
Willpower: 111
Perception: 66 (+2 initiative)
Appearance: 5

Defense Value: -41 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 7 pts -23/Thick skin -10 /
Agility -8
Movement: 7m
Initiative: +2 Base Strike Value: 01-87
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Auto-pistol 01-105 2 250m d20+8 thrown 20/ 3pt

d12+22+Type C
Gaping Maw+poison 01-91 1 melee - -
paralysis poison
Type B INT d20 END three times per day per rank
Mind Crush 1 333m 27/ -
based HC + d6 INT
Brawling* 01-100 2 melee d6+28 each - 6pt

Mutations: Thick Skin -10 DV/ Gaping Maw (no.42) (large, see attack to wait in ambush along Forest Road. Although tough enough to tack-
mode above)/ Poison Bite (no.63) paralysis type C/ Mind Crush (no.56) le groups of travelers on his own, he works with a gang of all mutant
raiders on riding dogs. This gang, simply called ‘Fakmal’s Henchmen’,
Skills: Brawling 6pts/Stealth 1pts/ Climb 1pts/ Grapple 4pts/ number between nine and sixteen (8+d8) and are armed with clubs,
Dodge 7pts (-20 DV)/ Weapon Expert: Pistols 3pts/Barter 1pts blowguns with sleep poison tipped darts (SV 01-55, Range 12m, DMG
/Wilderness survival 1pts/Negotiate 5pts/Gambler 5pts/ 1pt + type C sleep poison, Rate 1/2)
Stealth 1pts/Tracking 14pts/Lying 5pts/Junk Crafter 3pts The great slaver grew up as a slave himself, survived as a gladiato-
rial pit fighter for two dozen matches, was freed and then adopted by
Valuables: 3d100gp, 4d100sp, plastic trinkets worth his own master. Some years ago, he killed and ate his former owner,
4d100sp, gems and jewelry worth 1000+2d1000sp and inherited the slaver business and several dozen pure stock pris-
Clothing and Equipment: oiled pouch containing 40+3d20 oners. Heartless, sadistic, cannibalistic and utterly without empathy for
spare pistol rounds, d3 advanced frag grenades, d3 sleep the suffering of others, Fakmal is one of the most feared individuals in
gas grenades (see smoke grenade, but type C sleep poison), the region. So hated is this man, that the government of The Northern
advanced communicator, cold weather cloak, 40m rope and Freehold has placed a 5000 silver coin bounty on his head.
3d6 slave collars and iron tools for locking them. He occasionally works with both Hynro and Travalis, who are also well
known and much hated slavers of the region. Using communicators,
Description: Weighing in at 260 kilograms, and standing 268 centi- they have set up their own network to trade specialty slaves throughout
meters tall, Fakmal is a giant, stone gray skinned mutant. While able to the region, or join forces to deal with members of the anti slavery league
wear modified suits of ancient armor, he prefers to go shirtless, relying or troublesome excavators who stick their nose in their business.
on his thick hide, massive build and surprisingly quick reflexes. His stat- In combat. Fakmal will use his whip to take prisoners alive, but when
ure, toothy mouth, intense beady eyes and cruel reputation are often hard pressed, resorts to his high caliber automatic pistol, as well as the
enough to keep even the most surly, viscous slave in line. mutations of mind crush, earth thump, gaping maw and its poison bite.
Fakmal spends most of his time within the bounds of the Dominion Read more about Fakmal on page 175
of Aberratia, although will make slave hunting forays into Twisted Wood

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 432

Noxtoth the Spirited

General of the Overpass Military
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 2258 Rank: 11
Caste: Elite soldier and hero Faction: Northern Freehold
Gender: Male Age: 55
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Energetic, Proud and steadfast Swim Ability: Strong
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 208cm
Handed: Ambidextrous Weight: 106kg
Religion: Neo-Christian with hints of Buddhism
Languages Spoken: English, some Spanish and Russian

Endurance: 131 /
Strength: 119 (+20 dmg/+100% throw range)
Agility: 97 (-14 DV/+1.75 meters movement)
Accuracy: 106 (+16 SV)
Intelligence: 74
Willpower: 86
Perception: 91 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 32

Defense Value: -71 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 5 pts -17/Heavy

Combat Armor -40 and Combat Helmet -7 / Agility -14
Movement: 7.75m or 6m armored
Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-92

Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

2 Bladed Limbs 01-107 4 melee d12+22 ea. - 4pts

2 Razorswords 01-110 4 melee d20+31 ea. - 4pts
1 3d20+40 organics once every 10 days
Doom Sphere 01-95 3 rounds to 860m or 6d20+40 to 1/ -
generate electronics
Electromagnetic 01-122 1 86m d10 or d100 to twice per day per rank -
Pulse cyborgs and machines 22/
Assault Shotgun 110 2 30m 3d10+6 40/ 3pts

Mutations: Electromagnetic Pulse (no.32)/ Arid Adaptation customized suit of heavy combat armor, combat helmet, and
Bladed Limbs (2) (no.15) /Heal Touch (no.43)/ Doom
(no.8)/ load of impressive relic weapons.
Sphere (no. 27) / Night vision (no.61) / Radiation Absorption (no.66) Noxtoth was born north of the Crossroads Region in a
/ Reserve Heart (no.69)/ city called Ventura. As a youth, he migrated south with his mother,
the slave of a fierce raider chieftain, his father. The chieftain, hav-
Skills: Climb 3pts/ Grapple 3pts/ Dodge 5pts (-17 DV)/ ing fallen in love with his mother after Noxtoth was born, became
Weapon Expert: shotguns 3pts & swords 4pts (including fond of the boy and declared Noxtoth his legitimate heir. A dis-
bladed limbs)/ Stealth 3pts/ Negotiate 2pts/ Pilot 2pts/ pute with other children of the raider led to a bloody inter-family
Driver 4pts feud, which after a few months, Noxtoth, age seven, survived and
Valuables: Bejewelled medals, rings, necklaces worth 3000+2d1000sp reigned supreme. His Father, wishing to settle down, moved the
gang to Overpass’s growing Undercity slum and had his followers
Clothing and Equipment: Spare 40 round drum for assault give up crime and join the Northern Freehold militia. Upon reach-
shotgun, advanced binoculars, digital spotting scope, d6 ing adulthood, Noxtoth joined the Overpass military and sped
anti-toxin injectors, 2d6 adv. frag grenades, blue cloak, rad through the ranks after a series of daring battles with both the
suit, gasmask, adv. communicator, and sniper rifle with Purists and Aberrationists. On a dozen occasions, Noxtoth’s quick
bipod and 3d6 HCR rounds. thinking, strategic and tactical smarts and raw combat prowess
Description: The heroic champion of The Northern Freehold, seemed to save the day for the struggling city. Declared General of
Noxtoth the Spirited, is a fifty something year old brute of a the Army at the age of 37, Noxtoth has since guided Overpass to
mutant. He exhibits an incredibly well muscled frame, a pair glory a hundred times.
of bladed limbs growing from his sides just below his regular Noxtoth the Spirited is always on the look out for rare talent, such
massive arms, an elongated torso filled with several spare and as often seen among excavators. He is eager to recruit them for single
highly useful organs, a crew cut of white hair, and bluish-gray missions or permanent roles in the forces of the Northern Freehold.
skin. Whenever seen outside his private quarters he dons a

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 433

Commander of Geshrod’s Marauders
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC

Type: Cyborg EF: 1298 Rank: 9

Caste: Raider Chieftain Faction: No affiliation
Gender: Male Age: 36
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Ambitious, Ruthless and Cunning Swim Ability: Fair
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 202cm
Handed: Right Religion: None Weight: 115kg
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, some Skullock

Endurance: 122* /
*Force Field Generator -10 DMG per round not per strike)
Strength: 97 (+14 dmg/+70% throw range)
Agility: 86 (-12 DV/+1.5 meters movement)
Accuracy: 117 (+20 SV)
Intelligence: 78
Willpower: 93
Perception: 85 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 37

Defense Value: -94 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 6 pts -20/Heavy Combat
-40 & Combat helmet -7 / Alloy Skeleton -10/ power arm -5/ Agility -12
Movement: 7m or 5.5 armored
Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-93
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Power Arm (Right) 01-103 2** melee 2d10+16 4 months per power cell -
Heavy Machine Gun (Left) 01-108 5 950m d20+10 4pt
Plus d3 spare full 30 round magazines in pouches

Pulse Laser (left eye) 01-113 4 per burst 400m d12 40 bursts/ -

** Because at ranks 7+ characters get 2 melee attacks per round

Implants: Alloy Enhanced Skeleton (No.3) -10 DV, kick 2d10+14 DMG/ He has been in more combat engagements than most senior officers in
Force Field Generator (No.15) -10 DMG per round, 200 rounds use per power any factional army, and suffered grievous wounds to show for it. So bad
cell / Optical Enhancement with Pulse Laser and Night Vision (No.30)/ Power were his injuries after one engagement with a powerful dig team, that he
Arm on right side (No.35)/ Detachable Lower Arm (No.10)/ or Heavy Machine had to be rebuilt as a cyborg in the Purehold Republic in the Shattered
Gun Weapon Arm on left side (No.50) Region. The fee for the surgery was high, plus Geshrod’s promise never to
raid a Purehold convoy or detachment in any region, and make no moves
to cross into Purehold territory except under trade circumstances.
Skills: Pilot 4pts/Driver 5pts/Riding 5pts/Gambler 3pts/Wilderness Geshrod, now a well constructed cyborg, has become emboldened
Survival/ Barter 4pts/ Negotiating 3pts/Medic 1pts/ Tracking 4pts/ and when not commanding his scrap built tank ‘Augusts’ will engage tar-
Stealth 2pts/ Grapple 2pts/ Brawling 5pts/ Dodge 6pts (-20 DV)/ Weapon gets in a dune buggy, dirt bike or aboard one of his motorized force’s ultra
Expert Machine Guns 4pts/ Climb 3pts/ Techician Skills: Mechanical 4pts, light aircraft. Having an alloy enhanced skeleton, force field generator,
Robotics 2pts, Computer 2pts, Electrical 2pt pulse laser and night vision optics eyepiece combo, and other impressive
implants, he feels indestructible. Leading from the front, he inspires his
Valuables: 3d100gp, d100sp, gems and jewels worth 2000+d1000sp, marauders to tackle ever larger trade caravans, ever more well equipped
old world military metal collection worth 1000+2d1000sp, Golden bands of Freehold Scouts or excavation teams, and in so doing, attracts
relic pen worth 400+2d100sp like minded recruits, fosters alliances with other outlaws, and comes clos-
er to fulfilling his dreams of regional conquest. Of late, Geshrod has been
Clothing and Equipment: d3 spare 30 round mags for machine gun arm, reading about Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Empire of the ancient
2d6 spare full and d6 drained power cells. He also carries relic revolver with world, and seeks to emulate the khan as the next steppe emperor.
a pearl handle, supposedly one of General George Patton’s, loaded with 6 Of course, Geshrod has made many enemies from among every faction,
high caliber pistol rounds (has 3d20 spares). He has a gasmask, d6 anti toxin cult, trade association and humanoid tribe. Galespit, the Northern Freehold
injectors and advanced binoculars as well as cold weather clothing. and several other independent groups have posted a massive 12,000 sp
bounty on Geshrod’s destruction. Anyone who can kill the man and defeat
Description: The organization, tactics and outfitting of Geshrod’s Marauders his mighty raider band, are also allowed to keep everything the marauder
are described on page 321, here instead, are details about Geshrod himself. owned, except for a few slaves claimed by their respective loved ones.
Being the descendant of previous men going by the Geshrod name, Geshrod and his marauders haunt the Inter-State, the Ramps, Broken
Andre Geshrod is the first born son of his Father Martin Geshrod and one Highway, as far south as the Caprician Plain, west as far as Fever Lake, and
of his slave-brides. Growing up amongst the dust, oil and whine of en- north to the lip of the Rip Canyon. The raiders live on the road and encamp
gines, the life of a road warrior is all Andre has ever known or ever loved. among tumbled ruins, ravines and mounds of ancient vehicles.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 434

Vicar Horace Truesight

Leader of The Holy
Purist Empire
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Ghost Mutant who believes he is a Pure Stock EF: 5980 Rank: 15
Caste: Supreme Leader of Church and State Faction: Holy Purist Empire
Gender: Male Age: Physically 34,
Read/ Write?: Yes Chronologically 144
Personality: Moody, Indecisive and Conflicted Do Math?: No
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Swim Ability: poor
Handed: Right Religion: Puristalism Height: 196cm
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish Weight: 122kg

Endurance: 128 /
Strength: 116 (+20 dmg/+100% throw range)
Agility: 97 (-14 DV/+1.75 meters movement)
Accuracy: 86 (+12 SV)
Intelligence: 79
Willpower: 113
Perception: 71 (+2 initiative)
Appearance: 26

Defense Value: -78

Armor Worn: Dodge skill 5 pts -17/Heavy Combat Armor -40 and
combat helmet -7 / Agility -14
Movement: 7.75m or 6m armored
Initiative: +2 Base Strike Value: 01-92
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Assault Rifle 01-112 3 900m d20+6 30/ 3pts

Plus 4 full spare magazines of 30 rnds each
Martial Arts 01-105 4 melee 2d6+25 stun 5pts
HC Automatic Pistol 01-114 2 250m d20+10 20/ 4pts
Plus d6 full spare magazines of 20 high caliber rnds each
Razor Sword 01-110 2 melee d20+31 4pts
Mutations: Image Projection (no.48) / Mental Screen (no.55) Aghast at his continued long life, ever fearful of somebody in the ar-
Telepathy (no.85) / Reserve Heart (no.69) / Increased Cellular Activity chives of the Hermilage discovering his lineage and thus his true birth
heals 45 END per day plus longevity (no.50) date, Horace has become reclusive and indecisive. To do what he has
Skills: Negotiate 7pts/ Lying 6pts/ Disguise Artist 5pts/ Riding 5pts/ done, to go through the years of denial of his true nature, and gradually ac-
Stealth 2pts/ Climb 2pts/ Grapple 2pts/ Martial Arts 5pts/ Dodge 5pts cept what he must be, all the while personally butchering fellow mutants,
(-17 DV)/ Weapon Expert Pistols 4pts, Rifles 3pts, Swords 4pts has led him to believe that not only is he a deviant, but so too, insane.
Valuables: Golden staff of Puristalism worth 5000+2d1000sp/ Now, he hears voices in his head. Whole conversations between per-
Theocratical robes and crown worth 8000+5d1000sp, jewels worn sonalities in his brain. They speak of worries at being discovered by mu-
daily worth 4000+3d1000sp tant slayers. About illicit relationships, plots, deals, and mundane chores.
Clothing and Equipment: He wears a spare fully loaded auto-pis- The voices also discuss options on how to flee Pure Hub before they are
tol in the small of his back, next to a advanced frag grenade. discovered. Horace has never assumed that he is a telepath and picking
In battle, he will also carries 6 other advanced frag grenades, up the mind-speak of ghost mutants. It is all too much for him. Daily, he
a gas mask, 5 anti-toxin injectors, a DNA scanner and a pair of approaches a psychological breaking point and believes that either he is
advanced binoculars. one of three things. Either a damnable, thrice cursed mutant, or favored
Description: As mentioned on page 234 of The Crossroads gazetteer, by God and thus given gifts to weed out the deviant filth, or else cursed
the current Vicar of the Holy Purist Empire, who was elected to the position and made the plaything of the Devil.
eight years ago, is reclusive and decrepit. Furthermore, to many beneath He surmises that the diabolical one is perhaps keeping him alive, and tor-
him, the Vicar lacks the ambition of younger men, and is failing to execute menting his thoughts with the voices of the damned in hell itself. At other
the war against the infidels as prescribed in the Purist Bible. His refusals times, when feeling more devout and steady, he believes God must be testing
to simultaneously attack the DOA, the Northern and Lower Freeholds, and him, or gifting him with extra years to fulfill his glorious task of cleansing the
engage the unbelievers of the Pure Hold Republic in the Shattered Region, earth of mutantkind. Suffering with inner conflict, he maintains his hunched
are all strikes against him. They believe that, according to the Book, God posture, wobbles along with his golden staff like a cane, and plays the part of
has promised them victory if they will only have faith and march forth. an elder. His body, in truth, is that of a fit thirty something year old.
Horace Truesight the First is actually far older then he appears, being While engaged in his own inner battle of self identity, he leaves much
144 years old and in remarkably good health. In fact, this fundamental- in the Empire to subordinates, yet keeps them in tight control least they
ist, who has slain countless mutants, cyborgs, synthetics and deviant life unleash all out war on too many fronts, especially Burgess, the eager
forms, is himself starting to suspect the worse; unless cursed by the Devil, successor-to-be of the Holy Purist Empire.
or blessed by God, then he himself must be a mutant. More on page 190.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 435

Hynro the Slaver

The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 897 Rank: 8
Caste: Bounty Hunter, and Slaver Faction: No affiliation
Gender: Male Age: 31
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Calculating, cold and remorseless Swim Ability: Strong
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 224cm
Handed: Right Weight: 118kg
Religion: None
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Skullock, some Chinese

Endurance: 137 /
Strength: 98 (+14 dmg/+70% throw range)
Agility: 112 (-18 DV/+2.25 meters movement)
Accuracy: 93 (+8 SV)
Intelligence: 44
Willpower: 86
Perception: 76 (+2 initiative)
Appearance: 21

Defense Value: -64 or -80 vs bullets Armor Worn: Scales -8/Dodge

-14/Ballistic hide -4 or -20 vs bullets/ Scrap Relic -20/ Agility -18
Movement: 8.25m or 7.5m armored
Initiative: +2 Base Strike Value: 01-79
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Brawling 01-92 2 melee 2d6+20 stun - 6pt

Great Sword 01-96 2 melee d20+29 - 5pt
Automatic Up to 24 10m twice per day per rank
Peeling Radius d6 16 uses/ -
Harm rounds, per use Radius
Stun Rifle* 01-112 1 2 km 2d20+16 stun 20/ 3pt

* Specialized relic variant that only inflicts stun damage, otherwise same as Laser Carbine

Mutations: Peeling Radius Scaled Skin (no.71)/ Fangs

either a specific person, or a person matching the desired qualities of one
on the list. Once the target is located, local agents will plan and conduct
Regular sized (no.36)/ Arid Adaptation (no.8) / Ballistic Hide (11)/ Increased their slave acquisition exercise. If the slave is particularity valued, hard to get
Cellular Activity (no.50) heals 3x faster: thus heals 48 END per day at, or exceedingly tough, Hynro himself will grab his stun rifle and other gear
Skills: Wilderness Survival/Negotiate 6pts/Barter 5pts/Medic and take an unmarked airship to the target location to handle the capture
himself. He has even been known to work with both Fakmal and Travails of
2pts/Driver 3pts/Climb 3pts/Pilot 3pts/ Brawling 6pts/ Dodge Steel Hill in harvesting large numbers of slaves at one time. The three heart-
4pts (-14 DV)/ Stealth 5pts/ Grapple 5pts/Weapon Expert: Axes less men frequently contact each other via video linked communicators to
rifles 3pts, swords 5pts/ Disguise Artist 2pts deal among themselves, trading stock region wide.
Valuables: 100+3d100gp, d1000sp, gems and plastic worth Hynro was as slave as a child, but so too, watched as Purists impaled
2d1000sp, jewelled relic dagger worth 600+d1000sp his mother and father alive. He has a special hatred for Purists, thus his
Clothing and Equipment: Communicator headset, 3d6 full preferential status among the higher ups in the Aberrationist hierarchy.
power cells and 2d6 drained power cells. 2d6 frag grenades, d6 Unlike many other slavers, except for Fakmal, he understands what it is to
be property, to suffer constant fear and abuse. He is matter of fact about
tear gas grenades, d3 pairs of relic handcuffs, and a fully loaded it all, however, and says: “It’s not personal. Just business. Everybody has
pocket pistol hidden in his left boot. Drab everyday farmer’s to make their way in the world. Some serve, others obey, and really we are
clothing, wig, and disguise kit. all slaves to murderous mother nature.”
Description: Hynro is a tall, powerfully built, scale covered mutant. Be- Although few can give him credit for anything, he has freed dozens
ing entirely hairless and tan colored, he looks more reptilian the human; a of slaves and turned around and employed them as agents, likewise, he
cold appearance that matches his personality. He wears bits of scrap relic has a harem of over twenty women, from which he as fathered thirty two
armor, carries stun rifle, great sword and pouch of assorted grenades and offspring. Any child born to him he automatically makes a free person,
gear. When on the hunt for new merchandise, he commands his hench- and in the years ahead, when they grow to adulthood, he plans to employ
men with a communicator headset. them all in his growing organization.
Like his competitor, Fakmal the Obese, Hynro runs his slave trade In recent years, he has petitioned the Arch Magistrate of the DOA to
business out of the Dominion of Aberratia, with his head office under- give him land near Red Field on which to build a new town, a slave dealer-
ground someplace in Newburg. ship the likes no one has ever seen before.
Where Fakmal actively hunts anybody he can catch and convert to In spite of his better than usual treatment of slaves, he is ruthless to
merchandise, Hynro is more selective. In fact, as mentioned in the Heroes, those who are disobedient or try to escape, and will personally beat and
Outlaws and Organizations portion of this book on page 320, Hynro is more sometimes kill any who don’t submissively grovel at his feet and avert
of a for hire kidnapper than a true slaver. He operates by taking orders and their eyes when he is nearby.
coin deposits from collectors throughout the region, then, with his request The authorities of Steel Hill offer a 3000sp for his head, while Over-
forms in hand, calls up his network of minor slavers to be on the look out for pass offers 5600sp. Learn more on page 320.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 436

Arretos the Jaw

DOA Magistrate of
Banner Cove
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 912 Rank: 8
Caste: Magistrate and Cult Shaman Faction: DOA
Gender: Male Age: 52
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Grouchy and Obsessive Swim Ability: Fair
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 210cm
Handed: Right Religion: Stitcher (see text) Weight: 115kg
Languages Spoken: English, some Spanish

Endurance: 121 /
Strength: 98 (+14 dmg/+70% throw range)
Agility: 69 (-8 DV/+1 meters movement)
Accuracy: 95 (+14 SV)
Intelligence: 58
Willpower: 74
Perception: 62 (+1 initiative)
Appearance: 12

Defense Value: -42 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 4 pts -14/Ballistic

Vest -4/-20vs bullets under Scrap Relic -20 / Agility -4
Movement: 7m unarmored/ 6m armored
Initiative: +1 Base Strike Value: 01-85

Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Fangs 01-91 2 melee d20+14 etc - -

Throwing knives 01-85 melee/ 2 melee 13.6m d8+14 melee/ 12/ 3pt
01-94 thrown 2 thrown d8+19 thrown
Brawling 01-98 2 melee 2d6+20 - 6pt
Electrical Pulse 01-105 1 592m d20 or 3d20 to three times per day per rank -
from hand
cyborgs and machines 24/

Assault Rifle 01-107 3 900m d20+8 each 30*/ 4pt

*plus spare 30 rnd mag and pouch of 20+d100 rounds

Mutations: Fangs, huge (no.36)/ Electrical Pulse (no.31) (see complexion are also features of this grim DOA magistrate. He is
attack mode above)/ Fangs Regular sized (no.36) / Image massively built, towers over most men, and wears a suit of scrap
Projection (no.48) / Limb Regeneration (no.52) / Radiation armor whenever outside of his manor house.
Absorption (no.66) / Although his newly assigned Major, Julius, is beginning to sus-
pect that Arretos leads a double life, the rulers of DOA in Newburg
Skills: Stealth 2pts/ Climb 2pts/ Grapple 4pts/ Brawling have no idea of the big jawed deviant’s cult affiliation. In Banner
6pts/ Dodge 4pts (-14 DV)/ Knife Thrower 3pts (+9 SV/+5 Cove, where Arretos rules, there is an evil, human sacrificing cult
DMG)/ Weapon Expert Rifles 4pts/ Driver 3pts/ Negotiating called ‘The Stitchers’, of which he is the head shaman. Having
5pts/ Riding 3pts/ Tracking 4pts / Wilderness Survival grown up in Banner Cove, Arretos is intimately acquainted with the
populace, the side streets, root cellars, and interconnected maze
Valuables: 100+d100gp, 100+d100sp, baggy of 3d6 of cult tunnels and shrines beneath the sleepy fishing village.
random gems (pg. TME 209), necklace worth 1350sp, but Arretos only uses the mutant supremacist DOA as a conve-
opens and filled with 2d6 dried leaves of the Remission Fern nient tool to allow his cult to exist in a part of the region where
(pg .CR 368). pure stocks are slaves, permitting his devotees to acquire a ready
supply of victims for their diabolical, blood splashed rituals.
Clothing and Equipment: 3d6 frag grenades, night vision The Magistrate has no special hatred for pure stocks, cyborgs
or synthetic humans as he is expected to, however, he will pretend
headgear, advanced binoculars, anti-toxin injector, fur cape.
to harbor such malice in order to steal the pure stock slaves off of
visitors to offer to his God. His sole goal in life is to expand his cult,
Description: As this mutant officer’s name implies, he has an either by making it the dominant faith of the Dominion, or else,
elongated, broad jaw and mouth filled with the fangs and bone establish a new cult fortress in another nearby region.
crushing teeth. Beady eyes, tiny pink ears, pale yellowish skin, a Arretos is also mentioned on page 118.
clump of bright blue hair on his peaked head, and a dry, leathery

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 437

Ejexa Owens ‘ The Spider ’

DOA Magistrate of Dawn Cove
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 428 Rank: 5
Caste: Wild-man, Raider and Cannibal Faction: DOA
Gender: Feale Age: 38
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Narcissistic and Cruel Swim Ability: Excellent
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Height: 188cm
Handed: Left side Weight: 76kg
Religion: Order of Rask
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Chinese

Endurance: 84 /
Strength: 76 (+10 dmg/+50% throw range)
Agility: 113 (-18 DV/+2.25 meters movement)
Accuracy: 92 (+12 SV)
Intelligence: 14
Willpower: 74
Perception: 133 (+4 initiative)
Appearance: 68

Defense Value: -65 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 3 pts -11/Tactical

armor -30 helmet -6 / Agility -18
Movement: 8.25m or 7.25 armored
Initiative: +4 Base Strike Value: 01-77

Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

4 Great Swords 01-91 4 Melee d20+20 ea. - 4pt

5 each 50/ 50/
4 Submachine Guns 01-93 250m d20+4 ea. 2pts
x4 guns 50/ 50/
Willpower Coma see page 63 twice per day per rank
Coma Inducement 1 74m 10/ -
type B HC hub rules for table

Fangs+poison 01-79 1 melee d6+10 4 uses per hour/ -

+ paralysis poison

Mutations: Multi-Arm 8 arms (no.59)/ Coma Inducement second thought, the people of Dawn Cove have other ideas.
(see attack mode above)/ Fangs small sized (no.36) /
Known to be rebellious and yearn for independence, the com-
mon folk seek her demise. Local rebels, who have suffered
Poison Bite (no.63) / Night vision (no.36)/ Climbing Suckers (no.21) immensely under the Spider’s rule, actively search for either
/ Poison Blood (no.64) Insanity, type B/ Image Projection (no.48) relic weapons, noble mercenaries, or excavators, to kill the
Skills: Weapon Expert: swords 4pts & Pistols 2pts/Stealth Ejexa is hedonistic, and although she relishes her domi-
6pts/ Climb 6pts/ Grapple 5pts/ Brawling 3pts/ Dodge 3pts nance in Dawn Cove, she yearns for the decadence and va-
(-11 DV)/ Erotic Arts / Negotiate 3pts / Lying 4pts riety of Newburg. When not leading combat brigades beyond
the town walls or putting down revolts, she likes to lock her-
Valuables: DOA inscribed jewels worth 2000+2d1000sp self away in the lavish, well defended quarters. Herein, she
Clothing and Equipment: Rocket Launcher with 2d6 battle enjoys the company of a menagerie of slaves, concubines,
rockets, satchel containing 2d6 frag grenades. Hip pouch and curiosities. Detesting the feel of clothing, Ejexa prefers to
containing d3 spare full SMG magazines and a bag of go nude and immerses herself in rare drugs, fine alcohol, the
d100 spare rnds, Box of 12 condoms. 8 daggers and a caress of an ancient spa-android, saunas, baths and bizarre
black ninja style suit. carnal acts.
When outside her private, fortified suite, Ejexa reluctantly
Description: As described on page 123, Ejexa Owens is an wears clothing and protects herself with a customized suit of
eight armed mutant. Although tall, lean limbed, busty and ex- tactical armor. Heavily armed, she can engage enemies with
quisitely alluring, those who must live under her tyranny only either 4 two handed swords, or 4 submachine guns. Addition-
see her as a demon in the flesh. Although her hand picked ally, she is known to pack a rocket launcher on her back sup-
warrior-lovers adore her, and most will die for her without a plied with 2d6 battle rockets, while in a hip satchel, 2d6 frag
grenades are kept handy.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 438

Margaret O’Finny
Sadist and Raider Boss
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Ghost Mutant EF: 655 Rank: 6
Caste: Exiled Murderess Faction: No affiliation
Gender: Female Age: 44
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Sadistic Megalomanic Swim Ability: poor
Sexual Orientation: bisexual Height: 182cm
Handed: Right Weight: 72kg
Religion: None
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Skullock

Endurance: 73 /
Strength: 57 (+6 dmg/+30% throw range)
Agility: 61 (-6 DV/+0.75 meters movement)
Accuracy: 83 (+10 SV)
Intelligence: 61
Willpower: 83
Perception: 58 (+1 initiative)
Appearance: 42

Defense Value: -54/-70 vs bullets Armor Worn: Dodge skill 4

pts -14/ballistic vest under scrap relic --24 or -40 vs. bullets / Agility -10
Movement: 6.75m unarmored 5.75m armored
Initiative: +1 Base Strike Value: 01-77
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

HC Auto-Pistol 250m d20+22 20*/ 6pt

01-103 2 *Spare mag contains d20 more HCP rounds
two times per day per rank
Heat Pulse 01-86 1 249m d20+20 12 day/ -
Stun Ray 01-87 1 166m 2d20 or x2 to three times per day per rank -
from hand
cyborgs and machines 18 day/
Telekinetic Rock Throw 01-166 1 83m d20+3 four times per day per rank -
24 day/

Mutations: Telekinesis no.84/ Agony Sphere no.4/ Stun Ray no.82/ Heat Pulse no.44 Her band of rapists, sadists and joy killers consist of 4d6 raiders,
3d6 warmorts, 5d6 renegade skullocks, d3 garnocks, and a dozen
Skills: Climb 2pts/ Grapple 2pts/ Negotiating 4pts/ Dodge 4pts (-14 other weird humanoids and intelligent but thoroughly deranged life
DV)/ Weapon Expert Pistols 6pts/ Stealth 4pts/ Wilderness Survival forms. They are only moderately loyal to Margaret and come and go as
Valuables: 3d100gp, 2d100sp, jewelry worth they please, robbing and murdering across the countryside for many
1000+2d1000sp kilometers around their main camp. If confronted by superior forces,
Clothing and Equipment: Dagger, torture tools, field medical kit, especially those seeking the bounty on Margaret’s head, her outlaws
substance reader, common warm weather gear, fur coat, emergency will be just as likely to flee as stand beside her in a battle.
survival pack with 20 days dried rations for quick evacuation of Margaret keeps a collection of 2d6+2 captives, held in small scrap
camp. metal and bone cages. These she toys with in elaborate humiliation,
Description: The younger sister of Albrads O’Finny, ruler of Galespit, torture and occasional kill shows for her assembled mad men and ma-
Margaret is a not unpleasing looking middle aged women with long rauders. Although evil and thoroughly deranged, Margaret O’Finny tries
blonde hair, full build and confident, malicious air. A ghost mutant, to restrain herself from killing her prisoners, and some, who serve as
she exhibits the mutations of telekinesis, agony sphere, heat pulse her terrified lovers, last for up to a year before something goes wrong
and stun ray. and the concubine turns up dead in the morning.
She was banished a half decade ago after being accused of cap- While brave enough when accompanied by plenty of her henchmen,
turing, torturing and ultimately murdering twelve people. Her victims she will hesitate to order the attack on a powerful band of relic armed or
were mostly visitors to Galespit, but four of them were the loved ones extensively mutated excavators, or worse, face off against such enemies
of locales. When she was banished instead of executed, the people of as Geshrod’s Marauders, Bosworth’s Clan or the skullocks of the Grotha-
Galespit lost much of their respect for Albrads ‘Old Man’ O’Finny and Patteraks nation. Furthermore, certain townsfolk of Galespit have orga-
civil strife occurred for some months afterward, and simmers to this nized a reward for anyone who can bring Margaret to justice, dead or
day. Warned never to return to Galespit, Margaret fell in with a gang of alive, and will pay 2473 silvers for her elimination. Being the sister of the
psychopathic raiders and ultimately became their leader. This name- ruler of Galespit, however, any attempts to hunt down and kill Margaret
less mob established several well hidden, well defended woodland must be kept secret from Albrads and other O’Finny clan members.
camps in nearby forest areas. Read more about Margaret O’Finny the Flayer on page 264

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 439

Optimorra the Magnificent

Merchant Dictator of Safe Port
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Mutant EF: 761 Rank: 7
Caste: Warlord and Merchant Tycoon Faction: Safe Port
Gender: Male Age: 43
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Cunning, Wicked and Greedy Swim Ability: Fair
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 202cm
Handed: center arm Religion: None Weight: 136kg
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Skullock, and a few trade
phrases in dozens of old world tongues

Endurance: 144 /
Strength: 89 (+12 dmg/+60% throw range)
Agility: 73 (-8 DV/+1 meter movement)
Accuracy: 84 (+10 SV)
Intelligence: 92
Willpower: 89
Perception: 63 (+1 initiative)
Appearance: 14

Defense Value: -60 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 3 pts -11/Combat

armor -35 / Agility -8/ bone studs -6
Movement: 7m or 6m armored
Initiative: +1 Base Strike Value: 01-79
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Razor Sword 01-95 2 melee d20+29 - 3pts

Brawling 01-88 2 melee 2d6+14 - 4pts
Electrical Pulse 01-99 1 623m d20 or 3d20 to three times per day per rank -
from hand
cyborgs and machines 21/

Assault Rifle 900m d20+6 each 30/ 3pt

01-88 3 plus d3 spare 30 round magazines

Mutations: Acid Blood (no.1)/ Electrical Pulse (no.31) (see ness attire intertwined with combat armor and excessive jewelry
attack mode above)/ Foul Flesh (no.39)/ Body Regeneration and plastic baubles.
(no.18) 3 trait points healed per hour/ Immunity to radiation
His rule is characterized by cruel excess, over taxation, surveil-
(no.49) / Bone studs -6 DV
lance, distrust and more akin to an occupation rather than anything
resembling legitimate governance by a locally chosen leader. To stay
Skills: Barter 5pts/ Climb 2pts/ Negotiate 7pts/Lying 5pts/ in power, he uses the taxes taken from citizens and trade to pay his
Grapple 1pt/ Brawling 4pts/ Dodge 3pts (-11 DV)/ Weapon mercenaries. On account of the occasional desertion or killing of
Expert: Swords 3pts Rifles 3pts his hired troops, Optimorra is always on the lookout to recruit fresh
mercs, so long as they are able to pass his tests and look like they
Valuables: 3d100gp, d100sp, and assorted jewelry and plastic can handle themselves in a fight. Hiring strangers in a post-apoca-
baubles worth 4000+d1000sp lyptic world isn’t so easy, however, as references are hard to come
by and one must be an excellent judge of character. Being a mutant,
Clothing and Equipment: d3 extra 30 round magazines for he is suspicious of all-pure stock groups of visitors, so too, bands of
assault rifle, silk tie, modified suit jacket and dress shirt, mutant-only travelers also unnerve this big overlord. Only mixed race
advanced communicator, binoculars, fully loaded auto-pis- groups of brigands, mercenaries, and morally corrupt diggers appeal
tol in hidden ankle holster, switchblade knife, anti-toxin in- to the merchant, whom he will have approached and a job offer pre-
jector, baggy of 3d6 Remission Fern leaves (see page 368), sented, often after observing the newcomers for a day or two.
stop watch, gasmask, d6 advanced frag grenades and a Optimorra is ambitious beyond the mere control of one smallish
box of cigars. town. If he could only put down the local rebellion, deal with hostile
Description: As mentioned on page 301, Optimorra is the second humanoids and fend off the recurrent attacks by sea borne raiders,
ruler of the Jensen Clan to rule the independent barter town of Safe he believes he could muster a sizable army and spread his control.
Port. Employing elite mercenaries called ‘The Immortals’, along Hiring the crew and Captain of the Naga, a freelance battle barge,
with a large band of raiders called Foster’s Freebooters. Optimorra has been his most recent move in strengthening his armed forces.
the Merchant has established himself as a cunning, resourceful His next goal, besides raising his son Amodka to become the next
and brutal dictator. He is a rust red colored, bald, bone studded ruler of Safe Port, is to establish trading post-garrisons at the old
hulk of a man, prone to wearing odd getups involving ancient busi- town sites of True Home and Newton Point.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 440

Metago the Harvester

Serial Killer and Cult Leader
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Infiltration Bioreplicant EF: 612 Rank: 6
Caste: Deranged Murderer Faction: Mecha/Purehold
Gender: Male Age: 9
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Calculating, Heartless and Evil Swim Ability: Excellent
Sexual Orientation: No sex drive/ sterile Height: 196cm
Handed: Ambidextrous Religion: None Weight: 122kg
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish

Endurance: 102 /
Strength: 85 (+12 dmg/+60% throw range)
Agility: 110 (-16 DV/+2 meters movement)
Accuracy: 105 (+14 SV)
Intelligence: 70
Willpower: 85
Perception: 90 (+3 initiative)
Appearance: 50

Defense Value: -69

Armor Worn: Dodge skill 7 pts -23/ Tactical armor -30 / Agility -16
Movement: 8m or 7.25m armored
Initiative: +3 Base Strike Value: 01-81
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Martial Arts 01-96 2 melee 2d6+19 1/ 6pts

Assault Rifle 01-105 3 900m d20+6 30/ 5pts
Plus extra magazine with 3d10 rifle rounds remaining

Automatic Pistol 01-105 2 250m d20+10 30/ 5pts

Plus extra magazine with 4d10 pistol rounds remaining

Knives 01-91 4 4.8m d8+19 5pts

Skills: Martial Arts 6pts/Stealth 5pts/ Disguise Artist 4pts/ tal of Henderson, and after a few months of careful observation, he was
Climb 5pts/ Pick Locks 3pts/ Pick Pockets 2pts/ tracking released into the general public and given time to recuperate. Instead, he
4pts/Grapple 4pts/ Knife Fighter 5pts/ Dodge 7pts (-23 DV)/ went on a bloody rampage and murdered several dozen people of all ages
Weapon Expert: Pistols 5pts Rifles 5pts and genders, selecting targets that he could get alone, hang by their feet
and bleed out. The so called assassination programming of the Mecha
Valuables: d100sp, old world butcher’s Handbook worth 90+d100sp was actually abattoir software from an automated butchery. In short,
Clothing and Equipment: Rope, cable, wires, 3 relic handcuffs, Metago kills as if he is preparing hogs, and unless forced to fight like the
, meat hooks, 12 knives for throwing, and a relic butcher’s blade soldier he was made to be, always uses slaughterhouse practices.
collection worth 500+d100sp. Metago wears dirty rags, an assortment Metago has embraced his serial killer-butcher identity and gathered a
of cloaks and footwear and makeup to better allow him to hide in a small retinue of junior psychopathic killers to his side. These followers see
crowd of regular folk. Metago’s strength, speed and devotion to slaughter as a religious sign,
and worship the bio-replicant at the blood splashed ceremonies he per-
Description: See page 319 for an overall perspective on this serial killer forms. Seeing the value for underling cannon fodder, Metago welcomes
from the viewpoint of Crossroads Region citizenry. new recruits and even trains them on how to kill, and consume the blood
The truth about Metago is that he is an infiltration bioreplicant from the of their victims. For his part, Metago is brain damaged and not entirely
neighboring Shattered Region. He was decanted in the Pure Hold Republic in his own control. He never really was, as he was created and sent into
by genetic engineers looking to make a few elite, independent and adap- battle within months of his gaining consciousness. If hit with an electro-
tive skirmishers. Armed to the teeth in the best relic arms and armor, and magnetic pulse that does more than 30 damage to him, the Mecha chip
accompanied by a squad of sixteen twins, Metago was unleashed upon in his head will be fried and he will wake from his murderous insanity,
the Androids and robot trenches in the east. He alone survived the other- and immediately make every effort to either kill androids and robots, even
wise successful engagement, yet knocked unconscious and captured by inactive or unthreatening ones, and return to Henderson to report to duty,
the machines. having no memory of his prior gory dealings.
The Mecha of Cal-64 saw an opportunity to retaliate against the Corpo- Metago is a master with rifles and pistols, daggers, as well as a skilled
rate Secularists of Purehold. After years of trial and error, they managed to martial artist, stealth practitioner and disguise artist. He makes his main
insert a chip into Metago’s brain with which they could guide the biorepli- blood cult shrine and home in Overpass, but travels throughout the region
cant as they did with their cyborg soldiers. Like a Trojan horse, Metago was butchering anyone he can abduct in relative seclusion. When met, he will
sent back to the trenches clad as he was when he went to war, and left usually be accompanied by 4+d6 blood worshippers. Treat these cultists
to be discovered by Purehold personnel. Once inside the corporate capi- as assassins on the Typical Humans Table, page 137 of the hub rules.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 441

Agethaz Gabriella Remingto n

Purist Sainted Mother
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Pure Stock Human EF: 1269 Rank: 9
Caste: Purist Mother Superior Nun Faction: Holy Purist Empire
Gender: Female Age: 48
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Controlling, Hypercritical and Vicious Swim Ability: Strong
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Height: 186cm
Handed: Right Weight: 60kg
Religion: Puristalism
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, and cuss words and insults from dozens of languages

Endurance: 85 /
Strength: 77 (+10 dmg/+50% throw range)
Agility: 126 (-24 DV/+3 meters movement)
Accuracy: 132 (+26 SV)
Intelligence: 86
Willpower: 109
Perception: 98 (+2 initiative)
Appearance: 33

Defense Value: -73 Armor Worn: Dodge skill 4 pts -14/Combat

armor -35 / Agility -24
Movement: 9m or 8m armored
Initiative: +2 Base Strike Value: 01-99
Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Martial Arts 01-99 4 melee 2d6+15 - 5pt

01-133 1 20/
Sniper Rifle 2km 2d20+12 6pt
or 01-205* or ½* Plus extra magazine with 2d10 HCR rounds remaining

Razor Sword 01-117 2 melee d20+29 - 4pt

*For carefully aimed shots only. Agathez must be stationary, taking an extra round to aim using a scope (+20) and bipod( +10)

Skills: Negotiate 5pts/Stealth 6pts/ Disguise Artist 2pts/Climb through leadership, ruthlessness, an impressive deviant body count and an
4pts/ Grapple 2pts/ Martial Arts 5pts/ Dodge 4pts (-14 DV)/ Weapon unmatched knowledge of the Purist Bible, this woman attained the rank of
Expert: Pistols 3pts, Swords 4pts/ Forgery /Lying 5pts/Sniper 6pts/ Sainted Mother in 2357 after the sudden death of her predecessor, Heather
Tracking 5pts/Wilderness Survival 6pts/Nav by Stars/ Riding 4pts Estrada. Her former mistress was apparently killed by a spotted scorpion
Valuables: Sainted Mother’s bejeweled crown, robes and found in her quarters.
sacred jewels worth 9000+d1000sp. Since taking control of the nunnery and the entire order of the Sisters
Clothing and Equipment: Traditional scope, bipod (+10 SV on carefully of Purity, she has enlarged the order’s ranks, improved their combat training
aimed shots) and spare magazine for sniper rifle. She conceals a fully and ensured their involvement further afield to spread the word of the Holy
loaded pocket pistol in her headdress, and running down inside each Purist Faith to nearby regions.
sleeve of her robes are wrist guns. When in battle or on a hunt, she Her duties in The Convent often bring her into contact with new converts
will wear combat armor and carry 3d6 frag grenades and d4 nerve who have been captured in far off lands. Left alone with the most trouble-
gas grenades. She also packs a gasmask, 6 anti-toxin injectors, some of these reluctant devotees, the Sainted Mother is known to break the
advanced communicator, spotting scope and DNA scanner when will of lesser women with savage beatings, cruel denigrations of the subject’s
afield. former community and caste, and other obscene humiliations.
Description: Rarely leaving the divine walls of The Convent, except to hunt When forced to leave the Convent, or defend it from attackers, Agathez
big game and winged mutants with her beloved sniper rifle, this supreme suits up in to heavy combat armor, arms herself with a razor sword, pouch
woman of the Holy Purist Empire is a middle aged, pinch faced fundamental- of 3d6 frag grenades, and submachine gun. If killing mutants or cyborgs,
ist. Answering only to the Vicar, she enjoys almost unlimited power, especially human mockeries, or other freaks is involved, she will delight at the task and
over the nuns and female conquistadors of the scrap encased little world be hard pressed to restrain herself from executing even enemy pure stock
of the Convent. Herein, this twisted, sadistic and morally corrupt mistress prisoners.
spends her days issuing strict commands, observing the indoctrination of Although once the lover of the current Blessed father of Righteousness,
captives, and at times, personally seeing to the humiliations and torture of Burgess Ballentine, this woman has sworn off all heterosexual acts, but out
willful, heathenish or rebellious wards. of fondness for the man, chooses nuns in training to travel to Hermilage to
Agathez emerged as the dominant nun of the Purist order in her satisfy the head monk, as a gift and as a bribe to show favor to her once he
late thirties, after serving as a Sister of Purity in numerous engagements inherits the imperial throne. The use of convert-prisoners in this fashion is
against Aberrationists, freeholders and other infidels and demonic scum. against all sacerdotal teachings, and continues under strict secrecy.
She is widely known to be one of the best marksmen in the region, and has Learn more on page 190
bagged at least a 130 mutant infidels to date. Working her way up the ranks

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 442

Travalis the Slaver

Steel Hill based
Human Trafficker
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Pure Stock Human EF: 924 Rank: 8
Caste: Slaver and Hostage Taker Faction: No affiliation
Gender: Male Age: 35
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Yes
Personality: Opportunistic, Brutal and Arrogant Swim Ability: Excellent
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 194cm
Handed: Left Weight: 98kg
Religion: None
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, and a bit of Chinese

Endurance: 97 /
Strength: 104 (+14 dmg/+70% throw range)
Agility: 112 (-18 DV/+2.25 meters movement)
Accuracy: 97 (+14 SV)
Intelligence: 58
Willpower: 72
Perception: 79 (+2 initiative)
Appearance: 41

Defense Value: -83

Armor Worn: Dodge 7 pts -23/Combat Armor -35 Combat Helmet -7 / Agility -18
Movement: 8.25m or 7m armored
Initiative: +2 Base Strike Value: 01-85

Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Brawling 01-85 2 melee d20+18 etc - 6pts

Assault Rifle 01-107 3 900m d20+8 30/ 4pts
Plus d3 extra full magazines

Whip* 01-93* 2 out 3m d8+20* - 3pts

*Whip Wrap: On a strike, user can coil whip around a log, weapon, limb, leg or other pipe-like shape. 70% chance wrap holds. Held victim needs to make
strength based HC to pull free each round, with a victim of less strength than whip user forced to make a type E hazard check, while equal or stronger victims
only a type B HC to break free. Person with a leg wrapped must make a type C agility based HC or fall over.

Skills: Barter 3pts/Stealth 5pts/ Lying 5pts/ Wilderness doesn’t purchase every captive he is shown, but does take about half
Survival/Grapple 3pts/ Brawling 6pts/ Climb 5pts/Dodge of those offered to him.
7pts (-23 DV)/ Weapon Expert: Rifles 4pts, whips 3pts/ Junk In particular, this brutal man likes to buy slaves that are rare, either
Crafter 3pts/ Disguise Artist 3pts/ Driver 2pts/ Pick Locks in their abilities, beauty, skills, race or pre-capture caste. Likewise, he
4pts/ Pick Pockets 2pts/ Gambler 3pts/ Tracking 5pts/ prefers quality over quantity, and is little interested in purchasing mere
work slaves, preferring instead lithe beauties who might be sold as
Valuables: 3d100gp, 3d100sp, gems, jewels and plastic concubines, or else promising gladiatorial specimens which can fetch
worth 1000+d1000sp a great price in the slave markets of Overpass, Newburg or beyond.
Clothing and Equipment: d3 spare magazines (full) for assault Another likely catch are those individuals with either a bounty on their
rifle, flashlight, 3 pair relic handcuffs, d6 tear gas and d6 frag heads, or else have loved ones someplace who have either asked him
grenades, night vision headgear, advanced communicator, to buy back their wayward child, or can be ransomed to their family for
laptop computer full of regional slave inventories (with prices a hefty fee far beyond their mere slave price.
and location of slaves owned by Travalis, Fakmal and Hynro He is known to deal with both Fakmal the Obese and Hynro and other
among others). Winter and summer clothing, dagger, gasmask, slavers, using communicators to discuss inventory, purchase requests, bad
d6 anti-toxin injectors and a pistol shotgun at his hip plus 3d6 debts, hazards, and opportunities to grab new, high value specimens.
spare shotgun shells. Travalis wears combat armor, carries an assault rifle and wields a
Description: Known to frequent Steel Hill, yet export his human stun pistol. He is a violent, short tempted fellow, yet smart enough not
merchandise as far north as Pitford, Travalis is a much maligned yet to beat or kill his slaves unless absolutely necessary. Being hated, and
respected slave trader. Although a dangerous man in his own right, having crossed many powerful clans and excavation teams, he never
and as merciless and heartless as any slaver, this pure stock tends travels alone and has a support team of 3d6 pure stock and 2d6 mu-
to leave the actual capture of his livestock to others. For the most tant raiders, along with d6+3 skullocks, d4 warmorts and on occasion,
part, the gang members of the Deep Slum beneath Steel Hill acquire a garnock in his employment. His band tours by horseback when away
captives and deliver them to Travalis already well beaten, disarmed, from the Tainted Sea, but generally stick to coastal travel via an un-
disrobed and tied hand and foot by the time the slaver comes by. He marked, but relic outfitted merchant barge called the Subjugator.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 443

Lamonto the Exorcist

Battle Priest of
Witch Burn
The Mutant Epoch RPG Crossroads Region Gazetteer NPC
Type: Pure Stock EF: 2090 Rank: 11
Caste: Warrior-Executioner-Priest Faction: Holy Purist Empire
Gender: Male Age: 39
Read/ Write?: Yes Do Math?: Poorly
Personality: Dedicated and Sadistic Swim Ability: Can’t Swim
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 194cm
Handed: Left Weight: 92kg
Religion: Puristalism
Languages Spoken: English, some Spanish and Chinese

Endurance: 117 /
Strength: 105 (+14 dmg/+70% throw range)
Agility: 96 (-14 DV/+1.75 meters movement)
Accuracy: 99 (+14 SV)
Intelligence: 45
Willpower: 87
Perception: 69 (+2 initiative)
Appearance: 31

Defense Value: -58

Armor Worn: Dodge skill 4 pts -14/Tactical Armor -30 / Agility -14
Movement: 7.75m or 7m armored
Initiative: +2 Base Strike Value: 01-90

Attack Mode Strike Value Rate Range Damage Ammo/Uses Skill Points

Brawling 01-101 2 melee 2d6+18 stun - 5pt

Stun Stick 97 2 melee 2sd20 stun 40/ 1pt
Assault Rifle 01-106 3 900m d20+4 30/ 2pts
Plus d3 extra full magazines

Razor Sword 01-114 2 melee d20+39 - 7pt

Skills: Grapple 3pts/ Brawling 5pts/ Stealth 4pts/ cyborgs, beastial humans, synthetics and mutants were ‘soul freed’.
Climb 5pts/Dodge 4pts (-20 DV)/ Weapon Expert: Rifles He felt it was too humane, to merciful and did not please God.
2pts, swords 7pts/ Forgery/ Junk crafter 5pts/ Lying He stepped in with a whole new repertoire of heinous torture
3pts/ Negotiating 4pts/Pick Locks 3pts/Pick Pockets and execution techniques. Having studied old world torture books,
2pts/Riding 5pts/Tracking 4pts/Wilderness Survival/ especially those of the Spanish Inquisition, Lamonto taught his ex-
Navigate by Stars ecutioner-priests both a renewed passion for their craft, and dozens
Valuables: Purist bejewelled insignia, medals 3000+d1000sp, of new and terrible methods of liberating the trapped souls caught
2d100gp, d100sp within the monsters of impure men, machines and beasts. Now, his
only real joy in life is knowing that he is freeing pure souls from their
Clothing and Equipment: 2d6 spare mini power cells, Fur hellish imprisonment in flesh, plastic or metal. With the flame and
lined cape, bag containing dozens of dried ears from smoke of their burned bodies, he can almost see the winged divine
assorted mutants, relic BBQ lighter, relic handcuffs, ‘true self’ of each victim rise up into the sky, smiling down at him in
communicator, d6 frag grenades, and in his quarters, a blessed gratitude.
fully powered, and loaded suit of Interceptor Shell class This exorcist is one of the few warriors in the region to own an
armor. operational suit of shell class armor. He normally protects himself
in a blood stained suit of tactical armor, preferring to only wear the
Description: Lamonto is a brutish pure stock with a shaved head, precious relic suit when on an outwall mission or Witch Burn comes
piercing blue eyes and seemingly boundless energy. He commands under attack. The intruder shell was once desert camo but purist
Witch Burn, the prison and execution fortress within sight of Steel technicians have painted it white and ornamented it with jewels,
Hill on the shores of Promise Bay. Chosen for his role over a decade gold flaming dagger emblems and the teeth of particularity famous
ago, Lamonto applied the same fervor and dedication to the soul mutants or savages predators, all of which this merciless killer
liberation ceremonies of Witch Burn that he enjoyed in the field as a has himself dispatched. When not engaged in killing non-humans,
Mutant Slayer. At first, he was content to merely observe most of the Lamonto spends his time in prayer, body building, and teasing and
torture sessions and killings performed by other Priests. In time, he
became unsatisfied with the methodical, chore-like manner in which tormenting captives in the lower dungeons of Witch Burn.

bede rogerson (Order #26220502)


Crossroads Region Time line

2185 The Dark Age Begins: The generally recog- but violently drive off or butcher immigrant mu- 2269 Seaborne marauders take shelter in Gristle
nized beginning of the Second Dark Age of human- tants. Any cyborgs, synthetics, beastial humans or Bay, and find Folly Island’s eastern side an excel-
ity. Other than limited trade between villages of filthy other intelligent beings are killed on sight. lent place to make a permanent anchorage. The
savages, barter between survivalists and secluded, 2247 Galespit first settled by Callum O’Finny, his island it deemed too dangerous for agriculture,
well hidden and well fortified corporate holdovers, clan, their mutant henchmen, and slaves. The early on account of the skullocks and flesh eating plants
civilization is dead. The internet is down, most barter fort established on the rubble mound was so which festoon it, but perfect for a hideout with nat-
communication satellites eliminated, and highways crude that passers did not even suspect humans oc- ural, predatory defenses. It only took twenty four
pocked by craters and cut by quakes. The environ- cupied the mound, except at meal times when the years for a small, secret pirate compound to grow
ment is seemingly berserk as the angry oceans sweep smoke and aroma of cook fires emanated from the into a bustling, criminal infested port town.
over the low elevation areas of the world, vast for- junk rooftop. 2269 The Birford Clan of Riverside (later Newburg)
est fires or tornados cross woods, towns and GMO establish an overlordship and, being self righteous
tainted farmlands. Roving machines, sub-human 2250 The Purist Kingdom founded by the Five Holy pure stocks, dominate the mutant tenant farmers of
marauders and nightmare beasts haunt the junk and Ones around modern day Pure Hub City, the town the area. Using brutal methods, the tyrants sow the
rubble strewn streets of once great cities. was then called New Temecula. seeds of their own future destruction.
2193 The Pacific coastline of California becomes 2253 True Home, a village north east of Safe Port, 2270 Purist Clergy decide to move their Brothers
flooded by successive tsunamis, hurricanes and with a population of over 400 mixed race inhabit- of the Purple Order out of growing Pure Hub City
geological cataclysms. Sea levels rise. Much of ants, is obliterated. A horde of skullocks, garnocks, to better facilitate their focus on study, and vow of
what was the vast megalopolis of Los Angeles is warmorts and mutant humans, spend days looting, celibacy. In a quite spot to the south east, they com-
buried in a mix of silt, junk, rusted vehicles, corpses tormenting and butchering those who did not es- mence work on The Hermilage, an enclosed, forti-
and polluted water. Those living at the edge of this cape. Several nearby villages suffer the same fate. fied Monetary and all-male indoctrination-prison.
vast, shallow flood zone call it, and the old ocean Those who were lucky enough to flee reached Safe
beyond, the Tainted Sea. Port, which was not assaulted. The humanoid bar- 2271 Purist fundamentalists take control of several
2197 Almost imperceptibly, The Tainted Sea begins barians disappeared soon after the attacks. towns around what is now pure Hub City, nearby
to recede as global temperatures cool and polar ice 2254 A resourceful, well-equipped group of mixed villages and trade forts suffer the same fate as local
caps and glaciers start their slow recovery. The re- pure blood, cyborg and mutant second and third pure stock converts either massacre or drive off non-
ceding waters leave behind a silt and junk covered generation survivalists from Nevada make their pure bloods. Eternity City, renamed Far Cross after
land. Much of former LA is entombed under layers way to the Pacific Coast and settle at the site later its conquest, falls after a brutal 11 month siege. Those
of debris and chalky soil, or submerged in new lakes to become Dawn Cove. unable to flee to future Galespit, were impaled.
and swampy lowlands. Unlike regions to the east, the 2257 The Five Holy Ones of the Purist Kingdom 2271 Tyrusmithia (Tri-us-myth-ia), the Three Head-
coastal areas are lush, the soil rich and welcoming elect their first Vicar to power over the Association ed, along with a team of loyal mercenary deviants,
to plants both mutant and undeviated. Humans, and of Pure Stock Settlements. Vicar Gunthar Benjamin a mere teenager at the time of her arrival in the
their many off shoots, as well as fierce plants and Truehand the First, initiates the concept of taking Riverside area, organized the mutants into a militia.
animals, migrate to the newly exposed areas. the kingdom from a defensive clan to an expansion- Civil strife and a low grade civil war erupt in the
2200 The Crossroads Region becomes the gener- ist Empire. The new vicar begins to create a stand- vicinity for several years.
ally accepted name for the 175 by 175 kilometer ing army, and outfit purist soldiers with muskets 2272 Galespit attacked by Purists on a yearly basis,
area over a portion of the former megalopolis of instead of bows. ongoing to this day. These attacks seem half hearted
Los Angeles. 2258 The ancient freighter-tanker hybrid, Star as the casualties among the fundamentalist pure
2205 In the north of the region, on much higher Pacifica 12, is found one morning lodged in Blue bloods are horrific. During the 37 year occupation
ground than the south, a sector of former Los Ange- Reef along the tainted Sea, just off the coast from by Purehold Republican troops from the Shattered
les is identified as The Great Ruins. Few know how the future Dominion of Aberratia. Local tribes of Region, the Purist attacks are diminished, and
far the ruins stretch, but reports from outlanders humans, mutants, and moaners managed to paddle amount to no more than a show of force without any
claim they extend well into the Shattered, Shallow out to the badly damaged ship and loot it. One assaults whatsoever. The loose truce between the
Sea, and Wasteland Regions. group, descendants of the current Oilers, fought for two pure stock nation seems to be the reason for the
and permanently occupied the superstructure at the Purist reluctance to attack Galespit. To this day, the
2212 High areas, such as the Hollywood Hills, aft end of the vessel. They renamed the ship Rusted Holy Purist Empire has claimed Galespit as its own,
become populated by clans of survivors and sav- Hulk, and call their inhabited portion ‘Rusta’. and demands of its soldiers to sack it for God.
ages, including strains of sub human creatures. 2273 Armagon, Servant of God, rescues the early
Some with pale white skin, others gray, while erect, 2259 Briteshore (later Sorrow) is overrun by bi- Rock Spire dig team from moaners in the Great Ru-
nearly man sized rats and lizard folk establish ter- pedal rats and burned to the ground. Survivors, ins. In the decades that follow a cult grows around
ritories on emerging islands in the rubble filled who had fled into the sea, returned to commence the demigod, through whom God Herself speaks.
lowlands. Protrusions of ancient Los Angeles are rebuilding the town. Made War Chief, Armagon rules Rock Spire and
accessible by growing land bridges, and sites such 2259 The Ramps in the middle of the region estab- directs the enforcement of the ban on all non-Rock
as the Overgrown and Scrub Ruins become acces- lished as a trade outpost, and grows rapidly, at- Spire Protectors and Tibulationists to enter the
sible to terrestrial beasts and humanoids. tracting fortified homesteads which are absorbed Great Ruins.
2218 The Tainted Sea finally leaves the central ar- and into the expanding community popularly known 2274 The Holy Hand Ruin to the west of Pure Hub
eas of the region, reveling extensive flat lands from as Overpass, former New Temecula. City is selected as the future nunnery, to be called
the Rip, to the Caprician Plain and as far west as 2262 Excavators build a stockade at the future site The Convent, for the Purist Faith. Construction
Array. of Memory. This walled compound is quickly turned begins.
2231 The Holy Hand Ruin, the site of The Convent into a barter fort and within three years transforms 2274 The Yacht shows up stuck in White Reef. Un-
purist nunnery in future years, is recognized by into a bustling town on the Pacific Coast called able to pull it free, looters from early Port Folly
early neo-Christian survivors devotees as a sign Redondo. strip it of everything of value. Wildlife occupy the
from God. The hand-like concrete slab and fingers 2266 Safe Port first settled. Migrants from along once spectacular craft while the reef itself begins
of twisted metal are worshipped, and in its shadow, the ravaged Pacific coastline, as well as Atolls to to claim the craft.
rites performed. the west, join forces to erect a crude winter en-
2237 The Tangle Wood forest is named by nomadic campment in the protective shore of Tin Cove. 2276 The Birfird Clan attempts to arrest Tyrusmithia,
traders and semi-savage villagers. Vast, incredibly the Three Headed. The pure stock warriors are mas-
swift growing mutant trees and knotted vines form 2267 Purist Faction officially formed, changing sacred by the mutant teen’s mind powers and her lo-
an enormous, dense woodland. their name from the Purist Kingdom to the Holy cal militia irregulars. An uprising takes place and the
Purist Empire as the group expands to encompass Birford clan are overthrown in a bloody battle. Tyru-
2244 Nomadic, mixed race peoples erect the first six tiny villages surrounding the central town called smithia, is named leader of the Mutant People’s Re-
scrap metal walls around what later becomes Steel Pure Hub. sistance, or MPR. Other mutant groups, some of them
Hill. The place was called Marsh Camp. 2268 Riverside, later to become Newburg, inhab- led by ruthless warlords, formed their own factions. A
2247 The first pure stock dominated communities ited as the Tainted Sea recedes. Curtis Da Rosa full decade of mutant against mutant war commenced.
pop up in the area around of the future Pure Hub Birford, and other pure stock survivalist descen- In the end, Tyrusmithia, being more popular than her
City. These ragtag farmers, hunters and experi- dants from the east erect a scrap and timber trade rivals, and easily as ruthless and deadly in a battle,
enced warriors begin to either banish, sterilize or fort and establish uneasy trade relations with local reigned supreme. The Mutant Queen, now only 31
enslave mutants from within their own populations, mutant savages. years old, yet looking hardly a day older than 18, be-
gan calling her deviant followers ‘Aberrationsits’.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 445
2281 First Fort erected at the ruin site later called Ar- 2297 Purist naval and land forces assault Steel Hill 2329 July 5th, The Great Krimpshaw Blaze. Fire
ray by the warlord Caligula Dorchesta the Second (Marsh Camp) and breach the walls. Stubborn resis- breaks out in the western slum of Newburg. Over
2282 Silver Lake, near the Overgrown Ruins, are tance by citizens and visiting excavators, along with 870 people parish. Many of the basements of the
discovered by Herbert ‘Hook Hand’ Porter. The the use of laser cannons mounted on the large town’s ruined structures are used as the foundation of the
North and South Porter Rivers named after him the walls, manage to defeat the attackers. Marsh Camp new slum called Everdark, and are converted into
following year. renamed Steel Hill during victory ceremonies. an underworld of murky alleys, secret clubs, broth-
2298 Safe Port, now a large and prosperous town, els, bars and hovels.
2283 The people of Sandbarra overthrow their is attacked by raiders from the sea. Kane Jensen, a 2330 Frigate, stuck among the partially submerged
warlord and impale him and his cronies on the re- mutant merchant of the wealthy Jensen clan, was buildings of the Dethpool Ruins, is again looted by
bar spurs of their community. They appoint a board given the town’s wealth and sent to recruit help. DOA forces. They manage to remove the heavy la-
of directors to govern. The mercenaries he brought back slaughtered the ser cannon off the rear turret deck. The gun makes
2283 The Purist nunnery of The Convent completed. The pirates as they slept on their barges, but, under its slow journey by barge to Hookville.
first unwilling converts are jailed in the basement, made Kane’s command, also seized control of the town. 2330 Sea Home attacked by ship borne raiders. The
to study the emerging faith, toil in the fields, and shovel 2302 June 9th, The Lower Freehold formed out of pirates managed to kill nearly half the population
out the lower levels to expand the facility. The clergy Steel Hill, Sandbarra and Sorrow, with Sea Home before being devastated by Kaluth the Invincible and
hope that their ultimate regional conquest will bring an happily joining a month later. his laser cannon. From that day on, Sea Home made
influx of pure stock heathen women, all needing forced every effort to attract well established and friendly
conversion to the ‘true’ faith of Puristalism. 2303 Purists commence work on the Great Purity Wall excavators, many of who eventually retired to the
2284 Pitford finally settled by the Orvax party af- 2313 Array officially named after salvage teams small community. Adding to its impressive defenses.
ter several earlier attempts at making a permanent expanding the fort found the underground chamber The pirates were said to come from Port Folly.
base camp on the edges of the Great Ruins. filled with solar panels. Within a month they were 2331 The Hookville Gun placed into its armored
2285 Dominion of Aberratia founded in Riverside set up and the place was in the recharge business. tower in Hookville, defending the DOA naval port
and renamed Newburg. Mutant Supremacy on the 2315 Rivergrad, then a mixed race fishing and from all comers. The gun was looted off of an an-
rise. Aberrationist forces block Purist genocidal ex- woodcutting town, was attacked by Purist forces. cient military vessel lodged in the Dethpool.
pansion. Tyrusmithia, the Three Headed, gives birth Survivors either fled to Red Field if of a pro- 2335 The Purist fort of High Watch is erected in the
to a son out of wedlock, his name Hajex Maximorta, Aberrationist leaning, or, if part of a mixed family, Sage Hills, and thereafter expanded over the next de-
future father of Rantula ‘Bloody Bone’ Maximorta. fled north to Overpass. The town was set ablaze. cade. The fort guards the south east approach to the
2285 Galespit occupied by a force of cyborgs, warrior 2317 Magistrate of Newburg, called Tyrusmithia Holy Purist Empire, and blocks access by migrants
clones and advanced pure stocks from the neighboring the Three Headed, named herself Arch Magistrate coming from the undocumented reaches of the south.
region to the east. These troops from the Corporate at the age of 72, although, the stunningly beautiful 2336 The Massacre at Atrocity Creek. Ithiogot
Purehold Republic garrison the small hill top fort un- triplets had the appearance and vitality of a woman the Beast, an Aberrationist commander ordered
til 2331, when pressures on their own eastern border in her prime. She appoints a council of lesser mag- the massacre of hundreds of mixed race refugees
with the Mecha of Cal-64, and local resistance fight- istrates, and unleashes long postponed DOA con- fleeing north from DOA territory to try and reach
ers, forced them to abandon the occupied town. The quests to the north. Overpass. A handful of survivors made it and later
O’Finny Clan who originally settled the site, resumed 2317 August 4th, Dawn Cove falls to the mutant Su- named the stream after the murderous rampage.
their overlordship of the vital trade community. premacists of Newburg. Pure stock major impaled
2286 Aberrationists from Newburg expand into in town square. 2337 to present, Dominion Bat Riders engage in an
the surrounding countryside, seizing mixed race almost nightly campaign of terrorizing the citizens
communities, killing or capturing any pure stocks, 2317 November, North Fort (then called Las Calaville), of Pure Hub and other Purist settlements. Although
cyborgs, and synthetic humans unwise enough to besieged and quickly taken by Aberrationist forces. of no meaningful strategic importance, these ter-
remain and defend their homes. Red Field (previ- Many pure stocks fled by boat and made for Overpass. rorist attacks draw resources from the front lines as
ously called Chyna-Theetor) overwhelmed April 2317 September 14th, Hookville succumbs to over- HPE citizenry demand protection at home.
19th, Banner Cove taken May 3rd, whelming DOA assault. Mutant irregulars brutal- 2338 The incomplete village of Newton Point is
2289 Steel Hill – although still called Marsh Camp ize the population, butchering all male pure stocks, wiped out by skullocks. The adult settlers had time
– acquires salvaged laser cannons and mount the taking the pure stock women as slave-brides. to place their children in rowboats and shove them
impressive, operational relics on their walls. 2318 January 1st, Overpass joins Pitford and Array out to sea to an unknown fate while the peskies
to officially form the Northern Freehold. Their com- came on in waves.
2290 Aberrationists attempt to seize the reef locked bined armies and squads of loyal excavators man- 2339 Purists use an armada of airships to try and
relic ship called Rusted Hulk. The inhabitants, called age to resist Purist and Aberrationist incursions. drop Conquistadors down into Array via ropes, a
Oilers, use heavy relic weaponry looted off Frigate plan which was anticipated and resulted in a mas-
to annihilate the approaching DOA barges. 2322 The Overlord of Safe Port, Kane Jensen, is sacre for the Purists.
2293 Dawn Cove annexed by the Dominion of Ab- murdered by freedom fighters/terrorists in his own
erratia. Pure stock population fights to the death. town. His Son, only a boy at the time, takes his 2341 Juglodun Harper suggests building a metal
father’s place as dictator. Optimorra , the current bridge across The Rip, making a more permanent
2294 Forces of the Holy Purist Empire began to an- ruler of Safe Port, proves to be more ruthless and link between Pitford and Overpass along Unity
nex villages all across the southern extent of the re- intelligent than even his dreaded father. Road. Harper’s Bridge completed in 2345.
gion including Fort Irvine which is renamed Duty. 2323 North Fort completed by the Aberrationist 2346, November 17th, Banner Cove attacked by Pi-
2295 Fall, Briteshore attacked from the sea by Purist builders and their flock of pure stock and synthetic rates. Settlement sacked and burned to the ground.
Conquistadors. All non-pure bloods butchered, many human slaves. The old town of Las Calaville was Inhabitants rebuilt it worse than before.
pure stocks taken away for indoctrination, the survivors dismantled. 2347 San Pedro, a pure blood only fishing village on
rebuild the town yet again and rename it Sorrow. 2325 A new village built on The Merge, designed to be the shores of Promise Bay, is worked into the Great
2295 Citizens of Sandbarra hold out against the a new improved version of Overpass, existed for only Purity Wall, renamed Holy Port, and expanded to
most westerly Purist advance, assisted unknowing- two years before it was attacked by Warmorts. Only serve as the growing Empire’s primary seaport.
ly by Aberrationist Irregulars who attack the HPE children survived the raid, who the Warmorts ignored, 2352 Her Prominence the Countess Estella Brand-
rear and encampment. and the community was permanently abandoned. un, aged 19, assumes leadership of Steel Hill, and
2295 Fernwood, later renamed Stalwart, is con- 2327 New Redondo (Memory) attacked by a fleet of unofficially rules the entire Lower Freehold.
quered by the Purist Army. Non-pure blood families over 20 pirate barges. The citizenry put up a spirit- 2354 Purists complete the great purity wall
fled prior to the town’s fall, the refugees migrating ed fight until the attackers hit the beach, thereafter,
to Sandbarra and thereafter contributing to that the people of New Redondo fled into the Overgrown 2356 Holy Port, which had already suffered 15
community’s populace and overall defense Forest and watched as their community was looted Aberrationist sea borne assaults, was attacked for
2296 The Holy Purist Empire had established a and burned to the ground. Emerging once the raid- the last time by the Mutant faction. The ships of the
firm border on several fronts, and was able to dig ers were gone, they set about rebuilding a much im- deviants were sunk and not a single aberrationist
in, erect forts and spare a few thousand soldiers to proved, fire resistant fortress town and renamed it reached the docks alive. Future large scale inva-
deal with the Lower Freehold. Memory. They also embraced a policy of attracting sions by the dominion by this route are called off.
Excavators to visit, and retire in their town, adding 2364 game play begins.
2296 August 16th, Aberrationist forces demand immensely to the defense of the place.
Sandbarra accept inclusion in Dominion of Aber- 2328 Deep Bay is explored by an independent re-
ratia. In response, Sandbarra cleverly gives citizen- search barge called Sea Cutter Two. Using a robot’s
ship to the powerful Murr Excavation team. Using head, with vid feed, the crew discovered the crater
the mixed race squad’s skill and firepower, as well to be 6.35km deep, and occupied by an enormous
as a laser cannon, they manage to throw back the mutant shark they named simply the Deep Bay Mon-
mutant supremacists and win the day for the hard ster. The crew survived the encounter, but those of
pressed community. other ships since then have not been so fortunate.

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 446

Abattoir Arleen / Red Field Magistrate ….167 Coil, The .....................................................369 Freehold Scout, becoming ........................…15
Agethaz Gabriella Remington, Sainted Mother ....441 Coilers, The ....................................…320, 369 Frigate .........................................................347
Ajax Lake ....................................................328 Conrad’s Platoon ....................................…318 Gabe’s Trench ............................................348
Alameda / Frigate ...................................…347 Convent, The ...............................................243 Gajolm the Kind / medic in Sea Home ....…78
Albrads ‘Old Man’ O’Finny ......................…260 Costaville-on-the-Water / Steel Hill ..........…95 Galespit .....................................................258
Amber Coliseum .....................................…148 Council of the Wise, The /Sea Home .........…75 Gangs in the Deep Slum ..........................…97
Anchorpost / Shallow Sea Region …...........8 Countess Estella Brandun ...................….429 Gate Reef ...................................................349
Anti-Slavery League ................................…314 Crater Bridge .............................................335 Gay Bar / Friscos Pub .........................…147
Appro-Mortica ….................................319, 424 Crow Island .................................................337 General Noxtoth the Spirited ................….432
Arch Magistrate Rantula ‘Bloody Bone’ Maximorta ..425 Cruel Wood ................................................337 Geshrod the Marauder ................….321, 433
Arcola Ramps ...........................................329 Cult of Humility ........................................…320 Ghosts .....................................................…315
Armagon ..................................................…286 David Carlburg .….......................................430 Gisha-lolly99 / Hollywood Brothel, Pitford …56
Armed equals ............................................…52 Dawn Cove ..................................................121 Gladiators / Amber Coliseum ..................…148
Array ..............................................................17 Dead River .................................................338 Gold Grass Plains .......................................349
Arretos the Jaw, Magistrate …................436 Deep Bay ....................................................339 Golden River ...............................................350
Association of Business Owners Aka ABO ......52 Deep Bay Monster ......................................339 Goths / Gothicalla ....................................…147
Association of Business Owners, The (ABO) / Pitford ..50 Deep Slum / Steel Hill …...........................90, 96 Great Purity Wall ........................................216
Atolls Region, the .......................................….9 Defenders Guild ......................................…314 Great Ruins The ............................... 324
Atrocity Creek ...........................................330 Delphi / Atolls Region .......................................9 Great Steppe ..............................................350
Augustus / scrap tank/ Geshrod’s Marauders .....321 Dethpool Ruins .........................................323 Grotha-Patteraks or Grim Pacers ........…210, 335
Banner Cove ...............................................115 Devil’s Hole ...............................................339 Gunthar’s Forest .......................................351
Bar Room Patrons Determination Tables ..... 383 Digger’s Lounge, the / in Sea Home ….....77 Harper’s Bridge ..........................................351
Bar Patron Table A Holy Purist Empire ..........383 Dimitra Star / Busta Container ….............334 Hattusa the Flayer ...............................…128
Bar Patron Table B Independent free towns ....384 Directors, The / Sandbarra …........................67 Havoc Wastes ...........................................352
Bar Patron Table C Excavation Support towns ...385 Dirge River ..................................................340 Healer’s Clinic / Safe Port ....................…302
Bar Patron Table D Dominion of Aberratia .......385 Dog Flats ....................................................340 Heckler Wood .............................................352
Baron, Dictus-Agustus / the Port Folly …....278 Dog Island ...................................................340 Hemidra, slaver .…........................................23
Barter River ...............................................330 Dominion Interior .......................................341 Hermilage The ............................................248
Batteries, recharging ...........................…21, 50 Dominion of Aberratia ................................107 Heroes, Outlaws and Organizations ........315
Birford, Curtis Da Rosa ............................…143 Dreamers …................................................315 High Watch ................................................219
Bitter Bog ....................................................331 Duke Lake ..................................................342 Highcity / Overpass ...................................…25
Blank canvas policy ....................................….5 Dust Devil Saloon / Pitford …....................53 Hirelings, Employable / Pitford ................…54
Blue Reef ....................................................331 Duty ...........................................................203 His Holiness Vicar Horace Truesight the First ...434
Boarding enclosure …..................................18 Eagle Heights / Newburg .....................…141 Holy Port .....................................................223
Bog Land War …...........................................63 East Road ..................................................342 Holy Purist Empire Citizen’s map ............187
Bomb Bay ...................................................332 Edge Wood .................................................342 Holy Purist Empire The .........................185
Border Creek .............................................332 Ejexa Owens, ‘The Spider’/ Magistrate …..437 Home Settlement Determination ...........11
Boson’s Lagoon / Overpass …......................26 Elbow Island ..............................................343 Hookville ....................................................128
Bosworth’s Clan ….....................................311 Ethanol fuel ..............................................…57 Hookville Gun, the ..................................…130
Brandun Clan, the …....................................64 Fakmal the Obese …..........................175, 431 Hospital, Quepp’s /Newburg ...............…148
Briteshore / Sorrow …...................................85 Far Cross ...................................................207 Hospital, Sister Beth’s / Pitford ...........…57
Broken Highway .........................................333 Fernwood / Stalwart ................................…239 How to Use this book ..............................6
Brood, The ...............................................…314 Fever Lake ..................................................343 Hynro The Slaver ..........................….320, 435
Brutus / Police Robot Bouncer …............18, 24 Figgy Road ..................................................344 Independent Settlements .......................257
Burgess Ballentine, Blessed Father of Righteousness ...426 Filth Lake ...................................................344 Inter-Community Trade Association or ICTA …315
Busta Container ........................................334 Five Holy Ones, the .................................…186 Interstate ....................................................352
Butch / mutant alligator, Sandbarra ..........…68 Flak River ...................................................344 Introduction to the Crossroads Region ........ 4
Caligula Dorchesta the Second ...............…20 Flaylox the Righteous ….............................316 Iron Island ...................................................354
Caprician Plains .........................................335 Floaters, The ...........................................…312 Isolationists / Rock Spire ..........................…14
Captain Xavier Fulton ….............................300 Folly Island ..................................................345 Jean-Paula-Mission Hostel / Steel Hill ...…96
Carlburg’s Army ......................................…316 Forest Road ...............................................345 Jericho City / Atolls Region ........................…9
Carmen the Clean …...........................317, 427 Forks The ....................................................370 Junk River ..................................................354
Cassandra ..............................................…289 Fort Glory ...................................................214 Junk Storm .................................................…60
Cathedral Mountains / in the Shattered Region …9 Fort Hinton / Atolls Region ..............................9 Katarina, concubine / Sandbarra ..........…72
Chosen Order, the .....................................…16 Foster’s Freebooters .............................…318 Kelpies / Reptilius of Frigate ...............…347
Christian / Saint Kimberly’s Cathedral ...…96 Free Channel .............................................347 Krimpshaw / Newburg ...........................….141
Chyna-Theetor / Red Field .......................…167 Free Safe Port Fighters or FSPF .......…304 Las Calaville / North Fort ..................…14, 159
Clean Guard ...............................................200 Freehold Scout ..........................................…15 Leper Hold .................................................268
Climbing the Great Purity Wall ….............218 Freehold Scout headquarters / Pitford .….51 Leprosy, affects of ...............................…..350

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 447
Little Prairie ...............................................354 Primus-Burg / Newburg .............................141 Surface City / Steel Hill ...........................…90
Logan’s Heartfelt Five ............................…262 Protectors / Rock Spire ......................…285 Tainted Sea .................................................…5
Logan’s Lounge ........................................…18 Pure Hub City ............................................227 Tangle Bay .................................................369
Lomonto The Excorcist …..........................443 Purehold Republic / Shattered Region ...…9 Tentville / Overpass .......................…26, 29, 31
Long Arm’s Beer Hall and Inn / Red Field ….167 Puristalism ..............................................…193 The Northern Freeholds .............................13
Los Angeles ..............................................….5 Radio Stations ...........................................389 The Ramps ...............................................370
Low Pass Road .......................................355 Rafters ....................................................…312 The Rip .......................................................371
Lower Freeholds The ...............................64 Rancid River ..............................................361 The Ruins ..................................................322
Lusus River ...............................................355 Raskin Church ........................................…112 The Scrub Ruins .......................................325
Main City / Pure Hub City …..................227 Red Field .....................................................165 The Scrubs .................................................372
Main Town / Newburg …...............................141 Relic Dealers Guild ................................…315 The Soul Eaters ......................................…319
Majeffy O’Finny ….......................................265 Relics / for sale Dale’s Excavation Supply, Pitford …65 The Voltage Bar and Grill .........................…18
Mall of Doom / Walsave …..........................378 Remission Fern .......................................…368 The Western Ramps ................................372
Mandrakes Sausage House and Bar …210 Restorationists .......................................…314 The Yacht ..................................................373
Map Variants list .....................................390 Resupply .....................................................361 Thorn Island ...............................................373
Margaret ‘The Flayer’ O’Finny .............….438 Rhory the Peddler .................................…135 Time Line, Crossroads Region ...............…444
Marijuana ..................................................…57 Ridge Island ...............................................362 Tin Cove .....................................................374
Marrow River ..............................................356 Ring Wall / Newburg ................................…137 Top Road .....................................................374
Marsh Camp /Steel Hill’s early name …...94 Rivergrad ....................................................172 Toxic Bog .....................................................374
Mech Sector Cal-64 / Shattered Region .…9 Riverside .................................................….143 Travalis the Slaver ….................................442
Mecha, the ...................................................…9 Rock Spire .................................................284 Travelers Oasis Pub / Tentville, Overpass …26
Memory ......................................................272 Rope Cross / Shattered Region ...................…9 Tribulation Flats ........................................375
Memory Forest / Cruel Wood .................…337 Rusted Hulk ...............................................290 True Home ................................................376
Mercenaries Wanted! ….............................308 Safe Port .....................................................298 True Wood ..................................................376
Merchant ‘Optimorra the Magnificent’...439 Sage Hills ....................................................362 Truval Couriers & Communications Co. or TCC …315
Merge The ..................................................370 San Pedro / Holy Port ..............................…224 Turbine / Shattered Region ....................…21
Metago the Harvester ….................319, 440 Sandbarra ....................................................67 Twisted Wood ...........................................377
Mind Benders .........................................…195 Screamer Forest .......................................362 Two Craters Lake ........................................377
Miscellaneous Points of Interest ..........328 Scummers / Tentville, Overpass ..............…29 Tyrusmithia, the Three Headed ...........…143
Moxo’s Brotherhood ..............................…315 Sea Home .....................................................74 Undercity / Overpass ................................…25
Mud Inlet ....................................................356 Sexuality, Purist view ..............................…191 Unique Groups, Crossroads Region .....…314
Mujwok the Heart Eater, Clan Chieftain ….428 Shadow Lake .............................................362 Unity Coalition ........................................…314
Murrr Group ..............................................…69 Shadow Minions .....................................…110 University, Newburg ...............................…148
Mutorgs .....................................................…14 Shallow Sea Region overview ...................…8 Venessori, the Countess of Passion .…282
Naga, The/ Battle Barge ..........................…300 Shard Creek ..............................................363 Ventura City / Shallow Sea Region .........…8
Neo-Christian revivalist ..........................…208 Shattered Region, overview ........................…9 Ventura River .............................................378
New Hills .....................................................356 Shenwall .................................................…8, 14 Ventura Water Gate .............................…217
Newburg .....................................................137 Shroud Road .............................................363 Wadangos / Reptilius tribe of Bitter Bog ..…63, 91
Newton Point ..............................................357 Sick Creek .................................................363 Walsave .....................................................378
Nomadic Communities .............................311 Sickle Creek ..............................................364 Wal-Value Queen / Barge, Sea Home ..…81
Non-Player Characters List ...................…389 Silver Lake .................................................364 Wastelands Region, the ............................…10
North Fort ...................................................159 Slave Market / Newburg ......................…149 Watchers / Witch Burn ..........................…256
North Road ................................................358 Slaver ...............................................…175, 320 White Cruiser ........................................... 378
Northern Dunes / Wasteland Region .........10 Slaves in the Crossroads Region ...........386 White Reef ................................................379
O’Finny Clan / Galespit ….......................258 Sleeping God ..........................................…285 Wilderness encounters ..............................…6
Oilers .......................................................…291 Slow Creek ................................................365 Wildkin / Cruel Wood ..............................…338
Old Forest ....................................................358 Snag Inlet .................................................365 Windway .....................................................178
Old War Zone ..............................................359 Sorrow ...........................................................82 Witch Burn ..................................................252
Online Resources list ...............................389 Sour Canyon River ...................................365 Yechella De’ Marcolla / Windway Magistrate …179
Order of Rask, the ....................................…112 South Borough / Pure Hub City slum ….....229 Zoological Archivists ..............................…316
Orvax Dig team /founders of Pitford ........…52 South Road ...............................................366
Orvax Dig team, the ………...........................52 Southern Dunes / Wasteland Region ...…10
Oswald the Emissary ...............................…317 Southern Rangers, the ............................…64
Outlaws of the Crossroads Region ….........318 Southern Steppe ......................................367
Overgrown Forest …....................................359 Speakeasy Bar, the ...............................…135
Overgrown Ruins ........................................323 Spec Creek .................................................366
Overpass ......................................................25 Spotter O’Beanea ....................................…32
Overview of Regional features ......................7 Stalwart ...................................................239
Overview of Surrounding Regions .................8 Star Pacifica 12 .......................................290
Paramount Island ......................................360 Star People .............................................…315
Peacekeepers / Overpass …..........................27 Steel Hill ........................................................90
Pirates .....................................................…277 Stex the Mangled / North Fort Magistrate …160
Pitford ...........................................................50 Strangle Wood ...........................................368
Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins ......................…5 Street Occupant Determination Tables ...381
Port Folly .....................................................277 Street Occupant Table A: Holy Purist Empire ...381
Porter’s River .............................................360 Street Occupant Table B: Independent free towns ....381
Power Cell Recharging .........Array 21 or Pitford 50 Street Occupant Table C: Excavation Support towns ....382
Pre-game occupation …...............................12 Street Occupant Table D: Dominion of Aberratia ...382

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The Crossroads Region Part One: Introduction 448

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bede rogerson (Order #26220502)

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