Tugas Statistik Regresi
Tugas Statistik Regresi
Tugas Statistik Regresi
Andriani Harsanti
Regresi Linear
Y X1 X2
Variabel terikat Variable bebas Variable bebas
Lama Perawatan Arch Lenght Discrepancy Analisis Bolton
Satuan bulan Satuan mm Satuan %
Uji Asumsi
1. Berdistribusi normal
2. Homoskedasitas
3. Tidak ada otokorelasi
4. Tidak ada multikolineritas
Y = a + bX1 + cX2
Persamaan Regresi
Regresi Logistik
Y X1 X2
Variabel terikat Variable bebas Variable bebas
Derajat Maloklusi Klasifikasi Analisis Bolton
Ringan, sedang, berat I,II,III Sesuai , Tidak sesuai
Uji Asumsi
1. Berdistribusi tidak normal
2. Tidak ada otokorelasi
3. Tidak ada multikolineritas
Y = a + bX1 + cX2
Persamaan Regresi
Andriani Harsanti
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01 02 03
Name of the Name of the Name of the
section section section
You can describe the You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here topic of the section here
This can be the part of the presentation where
you introduce yourself, write your email…
Name of the section
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
Do you need longer text?
Mercury is the closest planet to Speaking of craters, many of them
the Sun and the smallest one in were named after artists or
the entire Solar System. This authors who made significant
planet’s name has nothing to do contributions to their respective
with the liquid metal, since fields. Mercury takes a little more
Mercury was named after the than 58 days to complete its
Roman messenger god. Despite rotation, so try to imagine how long
being closer to the Sun than days must be there! Since the
Venus, its temperatures aren’t as temperatures are so extreme,
terribly hot as that planet’s. Its albeit not as extreme as on Venus,
surface is quite similar to that of and the solar radiation is so high,
Earth’s Moon, which means there Mercury has been deemed to be
are a lot of craters and plains non-habitable for humans
The slide title goes here!
Do you know what helps you make your point
crystal clear? Lists like this one:
● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the audience
won’t miss the point of your presentation
Divide the content
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful name and
the Sun and the smallest one in is the second planet from the
the Solar System—it’s only a bit Sun. It’s hot and has a very
larger than the Moon poisonous atmosphere
Here are three important ideas
Mars Venus
Mars is actually a Venus has extremely
very cold place high temperatures
Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant
planet of them all and has several rings
Reviewing concepts is a good idea
—Someone Famous
A picture is worth a thousand words
A picture
the concept
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an
image instead of a long text.
Your audience will appreciate it
Name of the
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter’s rotation period
The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s
386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
Let’s use some percentages
Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the Jupiter is the
closest planet biggest planet
to the Sun of them all
A timeline always works well
Venus is the second Despite being red, Mars
planet from the Sun is a very cold place
Venus Mars
Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet of them all
Mercury Venus
Mercury is quite a It has very high
small planet temperatures
Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is an Saturn is a gas
enormous planet giant with rings
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Our team
Venus Mars
Venus is the second Despite being red,
planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place
Saturn Jupiter
Saturn was named It’s the biggest planet
after a Roman god in the Solar System
Write 2 reflections that inspire you
Reflection 1 Reflection 2
Mercury is the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful name and is
the Sun and the smallest one in the the second planet from the Sun.
entire Solar System. This planet’s It’s terribly hot, even hotter than
name has nothing to do with the Mercury, and its atmosphere is
liquid metal, since Mercury was extremely poisonous. It’s the
named after a god second-brightest natural object in
the night sky after the Moon
Week overview
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Additional tasks
Hobbies: Languages:
Photography 70% Spanish: Basic
To travel 50% French: Intermediate 1
To sing 90% Italian: Intermediate 2
+34 654 321 432
● Arts and handcraft youtube cover
● Arts and handcraft youtube cover I
Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our other websites:
● Arts and handcraft youtube cover
● Arts and handcraft youtube cover I
● Lightbox still life arrangement
● Quote on paper note with encouragement words
● Medium shot smiley woman holding drink
● Front view smiley man posing for cv
● Medium shot smiley woman outdoors
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