2023 WHO Review of Health in Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies
2023 WHO Review of Health in Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies
2023 WHO Review of Health in Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies
review of health
in Nationally
and long-term
health at the heart of
the Paris Agreement
2023 WHO review of health in
Nationally Determined Contributions
and long-term strategies:
health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the
Paris Agreement
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Main findings x
Summary of key indicators for NDCs xii
Summary of key indicators for LT-LEDS xiii
Conclusion 19
References 20
Annex 1. Methodology 22
List of figures and tables
Figure 1 Map of Parties to the Paris Agreement that include health in their NDCs 2
Figure 2. Percentage of NDCs that identify health co-benefits of national climate mitigation policies 6
Figure 3. Percentage of NDCs that include components of the WHO operational framework for
building climate-resilient health systems 9
Figure 4. Percentage of NDCs that refer to climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes 11
Table 1. Geographical representation, by WHO region, for the NDCs review vii
Table 2. Geographical representation, by World Bank income group classification (5), for
the NDCs review viii
Table 3. Inclusion of Parties to the Paris Agreement according to country groupings of SIDS (6)
or LDCs (7) for the NDCs review viii
Table 4. Percentage of NDCs that include COVID-19 measures or considerations 4
Table 5. Percentage of LT-LEDS and NDCs that consider the COVID-19 recovery in relation to
their climate commitments 14
Table 6. Percentage of LT-LEDS and NDCs that identify health co-benefits of national climate
mitigation policies 15
Table 7. Percentage of LT-LEDS and NDCs that refer to climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes 17
Table A1.1. Geographical representation by WHO region for the LT-LEDS review 27
Table A1.2. Geographical representation by World Bank income group classification for the
LT-LEDS review 27
Table A1.3. Inclusion of Parties to the Paris Agreement according to country groupings of SIDS or
LDCs for the LT-LEDS review 28
This WHO review was led by Arthur Wyns in collaboration with Tara Neville, Eleonora Orsetti and Diarmid
Campbell-Lendrum from WHO Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health. Special thanks
to Carine Cruz, Alexandra Egorova, Marina Maiero, Amy Savage, Christian Schweizer and Elena Villalobos
Prats for their expertise and contributions to the report preparation. The report was prepared under the
guidance of Maria Neira, Director of WHO Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health.
WHO is grateful for the financial support received from the Agencia Española de Cooperación
Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the
views of these financial donors.
About this report
Mounting an effective response to the health risks posed by climate change is now urgent for all
countries. The consequences of the climate emergency are severe for population health and health
systems and further drive health and social inequities (1).
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) outline countries’ and areas’ short- to mid-term plans for
reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement, including by mitigating and adapting to climate change1.
They are the primary policy instrument for protecting people’s health in the face of climate change.
Governments can strengthen NDCs by developing health-inclusive and health-promoting climate targets
and policies (2).
Long-term Low Emissions and Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), also known as long-term strategies,
represent country plans to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, and can be understood as
complementary to the actions laid out in NDCs. By developing an LT-LEDS, governments set out a mid-
century vision to cut greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen climate resilience, while simultaneously
achieving national development objectives, including for health (3).
Comparability between NDCs and LT-LEDS is limited due to the diverging policy scope, degree of available
guidance from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and sample
sizes for both types of policy documents. Nonetheless, comparing mid- and long-term policy priorities for
climate and health can help improve consistency and transparency.
The 2023 WHO review of Health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies provides a
snapshot of the overall progress governments have made in addressing the health risks of climate change
to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
This report synthesizes information from the latest available NDCs, communicated by 193 Parties2 to the
Paris Agreement and recorded in the official registry of the UNFCCC, as of 23 September 2022.3 The report
also synthesizes information from the latest available LT-LEDS, communicated by 62 Parties to the Paris
Agreement and recorded on the UNFCCC website, as of 23 September 2022 (4).
The report builds on a 2019 WHO review of health in NDCs. The scope of indicators has been significantly
expanded to capture progress in the quantity and quality of health measures in the NDCs. A total of 166
Parties have communicated a new or updated NDC since the 2019 WHO review, including nine Parties that
Any reference to “countries” in this report should be understood to refer to “countries and areas”. Reference to “nationally
determined contributions” is without prejudice to questions of status and should not be understood to imply the expression of
any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
For the purpose of this review, the term ‘Party’ is used to denote all 194 Parties to the Paris Agreement. This publication follows
WHO style, however it is noted that the terminology used in the context of the Paris Agreement may be at variance with that of WHO
The designations employed in this publication do not imply any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO concerning the legal status
of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
This cut-off date was selected to match the deadline for NDC submissions to be included in the 2022 UNFCCC synthesis report,
following UNFCCC decision 1/CMA.3, para. 30.
have submitted an NDC for the first time.4 Wherever possible, the 2023 WHO review adheres to reviewing
methodologies used by the UNFCCC, to allow for comparisons with other sectors and action areas.
This document is intended to complement the WHO guidance for healthy Nationally Determined
Contributions and long-term strategies [in press] and aims to inform the design of health targets and
policies in NDCs and LT-LEDS to the Paris Agreement.
Further information on the methodology used in this review, including a complete list of included Parties,
data collection and validation procedures, can be found in Annex 1.
This review includes information from NDCs representing 193 Parties to the Paris Agreement, covering
94.9% of total global emissions (using 2019 estimates) and providing near-universal geographical
coverage. Only four5 Parties to the UNFCCC are not a Party to the Paris Agreement and were therefore
excluded from this review. For detailed information on LT-LEDS included in this review see Annex 1.
Several Parties to the UNFCCC had not ratified the Paris Agreement and/or submitted an NDC at the time of the 2019 WHO review
but have submitted an NDC since. These include Angola, Brunei Darussalam, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Philippines, Russian
Federation, Senegal, South Sudan and Türkiye.
Parties to the UNFCCC that are not a Party to the Paris Agreement include Eritrea, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Libya and Yemen. The
Holy See, which became a Party to the Paris Agreement on 4 October 2022, is also not considered in this report.
Geographical representation, by WHO region, for the NDCs review
Number of WHO
Number Member States
of Parties and areas in
WHO region List of Parties to the Paris Agreement included in the NDCs review included6 this region
African Region Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, 46 47
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Republic
of), Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea,
Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe,
Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, Uganda, United
Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Region of the Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia 35 35
Americas (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada,
Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of
America, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Eastern Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, 20 21
Mediterranean Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan,
Region occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, Sudan, Syrian
Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates
European Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria (EU), Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium 55 53
Region (EU), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria (EU), Croatia (EU), Cyprus (EU),
Czechia (EU), Denmark (EU), Estonia (EU), European Union (EU), Finland
(EU), France (EU), Georgia, Germany (EU), Greece (EU), Hungary (EU),
Iceland, Ireland (EU), Israel, Italy (EU), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia
(EU), Liechtenstein, Lithuania (EU), Luxembourg (EU), Malta (EU),
Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands (EU), Norway, Poland (EU), Portugal
(EU), Republic of Moldova, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania (EU),
Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia (EU), Slovenia (EU), Spain (EU),
Sweden (EU), Switzerland, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uzbekistan
South-East Asia Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India, 11 11
Region Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste
Western Pacific Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Japan, 27 37
Region Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Marshall Islands,
Micronesia, Mongolia, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New
Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon
Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Viet Nam
Certain Parties to the Paris Agreement are not WHO Member States. The terminology used in the context of the Paris Agreement
Geographical representation, by World Bank income group classification (5), for the NDCs review
High income 59
Upper-middle income 51
Lower-middle income 53
Low income 26
Not Members of the World Bank Group 3
Inclusion of Parties to the Paris Agreement according to country groupings of SIDS (6) or LDCs (7) for the
NDCs review
Main findings
The following findings are based on a review of 193 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
and 53 Long-term Low Emissions and Development Strategies (LT-LEDS).
x 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
6 Two thirds (63%) of NDCs have
health-specific adaptation
actions or plans, with
comprehensive coverage across
the components needed for
7 Sixty per cent (60%) of all
NDCs refer to one or more
building climate-resilient health climate-sensitive health risks or
systems (Chapter 3). outcomes. One in 10 (11%) NDCs
now also specifically mention the
concept of ‘Loss and Damage’
in relation to human health
(Chapter 4).
Summary of
key indicators for NDCs
Some indicators are new for the 2020–2022 cycle and were not captured in the 2019 WHO review. Review methodology of the
2020–2022 cycle has been updated to be aligned with the methodological approach of the UNFCCC. Progress on all key indicators
will be tracked in a standardised manner in future survey cycles.
In the 2019 review, it was found that 108 out of 184 NDCs (59%) mentioned health adaptation priorities. This was reported as the
number of NDCs that mention adaptation priorities and actions compared with the total number of NDCs that included health
considerations (84% of NDCs that included health considerations most often referred to health in relation to adaptation priorities
and actions (108 out of 129 NDCs)).
Summary of
key indicators for LT-LEDS
Key indicator9 (53 documents)
Comparability between LT-LEDS and NDCs is limited due to diverging sample sizes, policy scope, and UNFCCC guidance. Review
methodology of LT-LEDS follows the methodological approach of the UNFCCC wherever possible.
Progress has clearly been made on including health considerations in NDCs; only 70% of NDCs (129 out
of 184) included health considerations in 2019 (2), while 91% (175 out of 193) include health in 2022.
Strengthening evidence on health and climate change and ensuring the active representation of health
stakeholders in the development and implementation of NDCs will further advance these efforts (8).
In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how crucial it is that health systems are prepared for
shocks and stresses, with clear strategies in place that can be implemented immediately (9). NDCs offer a
crucial policy platform to connect near-term national climate strategies and COVID-19 recovery efforts (10).
Health in NDCs
Most NDCs (91%) now include public health considerations across a wide variety of action areas; health-
inclusive and health-promoting climate targets and policies have been developed for mitigation,
adaptation, means of implementation, Loss and Damage, and long-term sustainable development.
NDCs increasingly report the involvement of ministries of health in the development and implementation of
climate policies and targets. For example, the NDCs of Antigua and Barbuda, Burkina Faso, Mozambique,
Pakistan, Zimbabwe and others report the involvement of the ministry of health in the development of the
NDC, while the NDC of the United States reports that the office of the US Secretary of Health and Human
Services is a member of the National Climate Task Force. The NDC of Paraguay reports the involvement of
public health experts in certain mitigation programmes. These examples support the findings of the 2021
WHO health and climate change global survey report, which found that in 43% of surveyed countries (39 out
of 90) the ministry of health contributed to the development of the country’s NDC (8).
Various NDCs recognize the role of health in underpinning the legislative and regulatory preconditions
for national action on climate change. For example, the NDC of Indonesia points to the Indonesian
Constitution, which mandates, among other things, that “every person shall have the right to enjoy
a good and healthy environment”. The NDC of Guatemala highlights that intersectoral governance
arrangements for health are needed to ensure health adaptation and resilience, while the NDC of
Pakistan commits to adopting a Health in All Policies approach to the country’s energy policy. The NDC
of Tunisia informs that the human right to a healthy environment is part of its constitution and has been
used as a guiding principle in the development of its NDC.
Nearly a quarter (23%) of NDCs now assess the impact of some or all of their climate targets and policies
on Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3), to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all
ages. This is often defined qualitatively. However, some NDCs do include indicators to monitor progress
on SDG 3.
For example, the NDC of Sri Lanka systematically assesses the positive or potential negative impacts
of its mitigation and adaptation measures on the SDGs, including for health, and makes use of an “SDG
Climate Action Nexus tool”. It also recognizes investment in the health sector as a form of low-carbon
Other NDCs provide health metrics when describing their current developmental context or national
circumstances and how this relates to the country’s level of climate ambition. For example, the NDCs
of Nepal, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and others share metrics on morbidity and mortality, access to
healthcare, and health infrastructure when describing their national circumstances and development
Some NDCs point to health in the context of long-term development goals. For example, the NDC of
Lebanon reports that health is a central feature in its development plan. The NDC of Togo points out
that its climate targets will contribute to the achievement of universal health coverage and its national
development plan, while the NDC of Viet Nam assigns one of the main criteria for the successful
2 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
implementation of its NDC to be the achievement of universal health coverage. The NDCs of Chad, the
Democratic Republic of the Congo and others assert that the overall goal of their respective NDCs is to
improve people’s health and lives.
The NDCs of the Marshall Islands, Uganda and others point to the fact they have included health goals in
their respective Long-term Low Emissions and Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), including goals for the
development of climate-resilient health systems.
In certain cases, the right to health is also given as a reason for countries to continue developing, often
in the context of a concept known as Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective
Capabilities. For example, the NDC of the Solomon Islands imparts that it has a right to develop its
economy and improve the wellbeing of its population.
A third of all NDCs (32%) highlight the need for a healthy, green recovery from COVID-19. For example, the
NDC of Jordan highlights that the country’s NDC is a key vehicle for a green recovery, while the NDC of
the European Union commits to significant public and private investment at a European level to enable a
sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on economies and has often worsened existing
social and economic inequalities. Just over a quarter (28%) of all NDCs recognize this as an important
consideration in assessing the level of ambition and/or implementation of national climate goals.
For example, the NDC of the Seychelles points out that its revised national climate plan should be
understood in the context of the severe economic impacts of the pandemic on the country’s tourism and
fisheries sectors, while the NDC of Oman asserts that the pandemic has plunged the national economy
into an unprecedented recession.
Various NDCs (17%) recognize the role of nature-based solutions and/or a One Health approach in
addressing both climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the NDC of Cabo Verde
underscores how the impacts of the pandemic are worsened by biodiversity loss, while the NDC of
the European Union recognizes that nature-based solutions play an important role to solve global
challenges such as biodiversity loss and ecosystems degradation, poverty, hunger, health, water scarcity
and drought, gender inequality, disaster risk reduction, and climate change.
Several NDCs (8%) prioritize health, equity and social justice measures in response to the COVID-19
pandemic. For example, the NDC of Canada recognizes that the effects of both climate change and
COVID-19 disproportionately impact its First Nations peoples. It commits to incorporate and address
systemic inequities and gaps in its climate efforts, including those that have resulted from the historical
and ongoing impacts of colonization, land dispossession and assimilationist policies.
Percentage of NDCs
COVID-19 measure or consideration (193)
*Other COVID-19 measures or considerations might include: supply chain disruptions and measures; food insecurity; exacerbated risks
and vulnerabilities; converging crises; the need for strengthened international cooperation; and others.
4 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
Evidence shows that there are substantial health co-benefits from taking ambitious climate mitigation
and adaptation action across sectors like energy, transport, housing, agriculture and industry. Health
gains and their associated economic savings can provide an important incentive for governments to
raise their climate ambition. For example, the economic benefits for human health from air quality
improvement arising from mitigation action can be of the same order of magnitude as mitigation costs,
and potentially even larger (11). Many mitigation actions also have benefits for health through lower air
pollution, active mobility (e.g. walking, cycling), and shifts to sustainable healthy diets (12).
However, some mitigation policies may not maximize potential health gains and some could potentially
cause harm to health. As such, it is important that countries continue to strengthen the evidence of
health benefits from climate mitigation action and that health stakeholders are fully involved with
climate processes at all levels, to ensure health considerations are well understood, appreciated, and
accounted for when developing national policies to address climate change (1).
Some NDCs (16%) include standalone targets, measures or policies for the reduction of air pollution and/
or short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs). For example, the NDC of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland asserts that air pollution is the top environmental risk to human health in the UK
and sets out a Clean Air Strategy to tackle all types of air pollution. The NDCs of Bangladesh, Benin, the
Central African Republic, Chile, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nigeria, Togo
and Zimbabwe include numeric targets to reduce SLCPs by 2030.
Around a third (30%) of NDCs identify health co-benefits of climate mitigation, including for sectors such
as food, agriculture and land-use (15%), transport (14%), household energy (6%), and others.
Various health co-benefit effects from climate mitigation measures are identified in the NDCs. A fifth
(20%) of NDCs identify certain mitigation measures that will also cause a reduction in air pollution and
associated health impacts, while a quarter of NDCs (24%) assert that certain mitigation measures will
bring about a general improvement in population health. Hardly any NDCs (2%) recognize that certain
mitigation measures will help reduce healthcare costs.
Percentage of NDCs that identify health co-benefits of national climate mitigation policies
9 19%
Transport 14%
Waste management 8%
Energy 7%
Household energy 6%
Health sector 4%
Industry 2%
Twenty-one NDCs (11%) now also include an emissions reduction commitment for the health sector. For
example, the NDC of Viet Nam commits to energy-saving and energy-efficiency measures in hospitals and
community health centres, while the NDC of Sudan commits to provide solar energy to health centres,
to provide basic services to communities in remote areas without reliable access to electricity. The NDCs
of Maldives, Myanmar, Panama and others point out that mitigation measures in the health sector can
have co-benefits for adaptation and resilience; for example, providing health facilities with renewable
sources of energy can increase the climate resilience and energy security of such facilities.
Many NDCs recognize that the overall implementation of the outlined climate policies will have benefits to human health and
wellbeing. In addition, NDCs do not always specify which climate policies and targets will deliver the described health co-benefits.
6 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
To effectively manage the health risks of climate change, health systems need to be strengthened to
prepare for and respond to ongoing changes. Many countries have formulated and implemented National
Adaptation Plans (NAPs), as well as Health National Adaptation Plans (HNAPs), with the goal of building
climate-resilient health systems that can anticipate, absorb and transform in a changing climate to
protect population health while improving the management of other health threats (13). Others have
set out – or have reiterated – health adaptation priorities in their NDCs and/or in other national climate
change plans or strategies.
NDCs can play an important role in outlining health adaptation and resilience priorities, for example by
ensuring that sectoral health adaptation actions are aligned with national multisectoral climate change
plans and targets, and by guaranteeing the necessary finance, governance structures and political
support are in place to successfully implement health adaptation priorities.
Sixty per cent of all NDCs refer to one or several climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes, such as
heat-related illness; injury and mortality from extreme weather events; and vector-borne diseases (see
Chapter 4: Loss and Damage to health). Only half of this subgroup of these NDCs (32% of all NDCs) include
an evidence-based assessment for one or several climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes, such as
through a vulnerability assessment for health, scientific research or risk analysis. A smaller share still
(23%) reports to have conducted a more comprehensive vulnerability and adaptation (V&A) assessment
for health (Figure 3; Component 3). This is despite almost two thirds (60%) of NDCs identifying the health
sector as vulnerable to climate change.
For example, the NDC of South Africa makes use of a vulnerability assessment to prioritize its adaptation
actions, including for health, and concludes that “modifying factors” in the population, such as age,
nutritional status, access to services and underlying health conditions, worsen the health impacts of
climate, and calls for targeted health adaptation actions. The NDC of Cambodia draws on its WHO and
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Health and Climate Change Country
Profile (14) to assess its vulnerability to the health impacts of climate change and prioritize its health
adaptation actions.
Two thirds (63%) of all NDCs have set health adaptation priorities, while nearly all NDCs (87%, 67 out of
77) from low and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs) have set health adaptation priorities.11 Health
is one of the sectors most often cited as an adaptation priority in NDCs; only water, agriculture and
ecosystems have a larger share of adaptation components (15).
When prioritizing health adaptation, NDCs often outline a relatively comprehensive range of health
adaptation actions to build climate-resilient health systems. The WHO operational framework for
building climate-resilient health systems considers 10 components as the necessary building blocks for
comprehensive health adaptation (16). Compared with the first round of NDCs, there has been an overall
increase in the inclusion and spread of the 10 components (Figure 3).
Health adaptation components most often included in NDCs include leadership and governance (48%),
integrated risk monitoring and early warning (36%), climate-informed health programmes (35%), and
climate-resilient and sustainable technologies and infrastructure (31%). For example, the NDCs of
Papua New Guinea, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates and others include measures to improve early
warning systems for health risks and impacts, such as vector-borne diseases. The NDCs of Fiji, Lao
People’s Democratic Republic and others include measures to increase the resilience of public health
infrastructure, including by developing climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable health care
The health adaptation component that has seen the strongest increase in coverage is finance, with
nearly a third (29%) of NDCs now allocating climate finance to health adaptation actions and/or plans.
This rise is partly due to improved standards for communicating NDCs and a change in WHO’s reviewing
methodology (see Chapter 5).
The health adaptation component least often included is the health workforce (13%). Examples include
the NDCs of Georgia, Haiti, Namibia and others committing to strengthening the capacity of health
professionals to respond to climate impacts and stressors and the NDC of the Seychelles committing to
integrate climate change into the curriculum for health professionals.
It is common practice for many high income countries to not include adaptation priorities in their respective NDCs, even when
national adaptation plans exist. Therefore, the number of countries that have set health adaptation priorities is likely significantly
higher than the number of countries that have reflected these priorities in their NDCs.
8 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
Percentage of NDCs that include components of the WHO operational framework for building climate-
resilient health systems
Climate and health financing Health workforce
12% 36%
Climate-informed 35% Integrated risk monitoring
health programmes and early warning
25% 20%
Management of environmental
determinants of health Health and climate research
Percentage of 2019 NDCs (184 NDCs) Percentage of 2022 NDCs (193 NDCs)
Close to half of NDCs (48%) set health adaptation priorities based on existing policies. This is most
often (21%, 41 NDCs) based on a country’s HNAP or NAP. Some NDCs (18%, 34) also align their health
adaptation actions with other broader multisectoral national climate change plans or strategies. This is a
positive step towards aligning HNAPs and NAPs with NDCs.
Climate change is already harming human health and wellbeing everywhere. It is affecting people in
many ways: illness, injury and death caused by extreme climate events; increased incidence and spread
of vector-borne diseases; a rise in cardiovascular disease caused by extreme heat; respiratory diseases
from air pollution; food insecurity; increased risks for mental health and wellbeing; and health risks from
indirect effects on livelihoods, migration and conflict. Climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes were
estimated to make up 69.9% of global deaths in 2019 (17).
The losses and damages from climate impacts are already an existential threat. This is particularly the
case for the loss of life and degraded health, wellbeing and livelihoods that many vulnerable countries
and communities are experiencing (1).
The 27th UN climate change Conference of the Parties (COP27) in November 2022 agreed to establish
a dedicated fund for Loss and Damage by COP28 in December 2023 (18). Information on Loss and
Damage contained in the NDCs, describing the ways in which people and communities are already being
impacted, could provide an important baseline for UNFCCC discussions.
Health impacts
Sixty per cent of NDCs (115 out of 193) refer to one or several climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes
from climate change. This is a significant increase compared with the first round of NDCs, when 47% (86
out of 184) identified them (2).
References to health impacts in the NDCs have increased across a wide range of risks, including heat-
related illness (19%), vector-borne diseases (28%), injury and mortality from extreme weather events
(25%), and others.
This review also captures socially mediated health risks and outcomes for the first time. One in five
NDCs (22%) now recognize the health dimensions of socially mediated climate impacts, such as conflict,
migration and displacement, livelihoods, and health inequities. For example, the NDC of Vanuatu
recognizes that women and girls in Vanuatu experience heightened social, economic and health impacts
of climate change and points to existing health inequities that need to be addressed. Several NDCs, such
as those of Chad, Guatemala and Kiribati and others point to the health dimensions of climate-related
migration and/or displacement.
One in 10 NDCs (10%) now register climate impacts on health care facilities. For example, the NDCs of
Antigua and Barbuda, Fiji, Madagascar, Mozambique and others report that a rise in extreme weather
events are causing the destruction of critical infrastructure such as hospitals, alongside injuries and loss
of life.
10 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
The impact of climate change on mental and psychosocial health remains under-represented in NDCs
(3%, five out of 193). This finding is in line with the 2021 WHO health and climate change global survey,
which found that of 40 reviewed national health and climate change plans only nine have so far included
mental health and psychosocial support as a priority (8).
Percentage of NDCs that refer to climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes
Heat-related illness 5%
General mention of health impacts 7%
Percentage of 2019 NDCs (184 NDCs) Percentage of 2022 NDCs (193 NDCs)
*Other climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes might include: eye disorders and diseases; skin diseases; and others.
The frequent references to climate-sensitive health risks and outcomes in many NDCs (60%) reflects the
fact that climate change is already having substantial negative effects on people’s health and livelihoods
around the world (17). In the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, this is captured in the concept of “Loss
and Damage”, referring to the destructive impacts of climate change that cannot be – or have not been –
avoided by mitigation or adaptation (19).
However, one in 10 NDCs (11%) now also specifically mention the concept of Loss and Damage in relation
to human health. For example, the NDCs of Antigua and Barbuda, Cambodia, Saint Kitts and Nevis,
Vanuatu and others make this explicit connection.
Climate finance is essential for health adaptation, mitigation, and addressing Loss and Damage. Often,
the most climate change vulnerable countries in the world have the highest burden of disease and lack
sufficient resources to adequately prepare for and protect against the scale of climate impacts they face.
If climate financing does not meet the level required, we risk worsening existing global, regional and local
In addition, health is often neglected within climate funding. Previous reviews have indicated that only
approximately 2% of adaptation funding and 0.5% of overall funding from multilateral climate finance
sources is allocated to projects that explicitly aim to protect or improve human health (1). Of the US$
1.14 billion in climate finance that was approved by the Green Climate Fund in 2021, 15% went towards
adaptation activities with benefits that included increased resilience of health and wellbeing. However,
no activities were funded that had a direct focus on strengthening health systems (20).
Close to a third (29%) of NDCs now allocate climate finance to health actions and/or plans. This is most
often allocated to health adaptation actions and building climate-resilient health systems, although in
some cases also includes other action areas. This is a significant increase compared with 2019, when only
15% of NDCs (28 out of 184) allocated climate finance to health.
The rise is partly due to improved standards for communicating NDCs; standard guidance for the “clarity,
transparency and understanding” of NDCs was adopted by Parties to the Paris Agreement after the 2019
WHO review, and more standardized reporting practices have emerged since (21). A change in WHO’s
reviewing methodology also means that climate–health finance references with limited to no detail on
their respective targets are counted as health adaptation finance (see Chapter 3). Nonetheless, both
the inclusion of climate finance for health in NDCs, and the level of specificity of climate–health finance
targets and timelines, have markedly increased over the past years.
However, most of the climate finance for health remains conditional, meaning policy commitments made
in the NDC depend on international financial support. Only 11% of NDCs include unconditional finance
targets (i.e. domestically sourced) for some or all of their health actions and/or plans. For example,
the NDC of Sierra Leone provides an “indicative cost” to strengthen the climate resilience of its health
sector, and designates 30% of that cost as unconditional, while 70% is dependent on multilateral climate
In addition to climate finance, other means of implementation considered under the Paris Agreement
and the UNFCCC include technology development and transfer, and capacity building. At least 12% of
NDCs specifically mention the need for increased capacity building of the health sector, and in some
cases connect this to climate finance. Some NDCs (7%) also highlight the need for technology transfer or
development to the health sector.
12 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
To achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, Parties have agreed to complement the actions
laid out in their NDCs with Long-term Low Emissions and Development Strategies.
By developing an LT-LEDS, governments set out a mid-century vision to cut greenhouse gas emissions
and improve climate resilience while simultaneously achieving national development objectives. LT-LEDS
provide an overarching government vision that helps inform: (a) near- to mid-term climate targets, such
as the NDCs; (2) long-term climate goals, such as the achievement of net-zero emissions and climate
resilience; and (3) the achievement of the SDGs and other national development goals (3).
As such, LT-LEDS are a crucial policy tool that can help to place short-term actions in the context of the
long-term structural changes required to transition to a low-carbon, resilient economy by 2050 (22).
LT-LEDS help to ensure consistency across national climate policies and avoid the lock-in of carbon-
intensive pathways, thereby providing a roadmap for action to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris
Agreement and safeguard the health and wellbeing of current and future generations (3).
This review includes information from 53 LT-LEDS, representing 62 Parties to the Paris Agreement and
accounting for 68% of total global emissions, 83% of global GDP, 47% of the global population, and 69%
of total energy consumption (using 2019 estimates (23)). A list of all LT-LEDS included in this review can be
found in Annex 1.
The inclusion of public health considerations in LT-LEDS is near universal (98%, 52 out of 53), similarly
to health in NDCs (91%, 175 out of 193). Three out of four LT-LEDS (72%, 38 out of 53) use health as a
guiding principle, by including specific goals or provisions around safeguarding the health, wellbeing and
prosperity of populations as a key outcome of achieving a net-zero and resilient society by the middle of
the century. For example, the LT-LEDS of Costa Rica, the Marshall Islands and Slovenia aim to safeguard
the human right to health and/or the human right to a healthy environment; the LT-LEDS of Indonesia,
Thailand, Uruguay and others aim to achieve health goals described in national legislation; while the LT-
LEDS of Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and others prioritise those long-term climate
goals that will maximize the health and wellbeing of their populations.
The widespread inclusion of health as a long-term outcome in LT-LEDS indicates that safeguarding health
is a useful guiding principle for the development of long-term strategies and can guide governments
in articulating the long-term vision needed to limit global temperature increases, while protecting and
promoting health.
Half of all LT-LEDS (51%, 27 out of 53) consider the COVID-19 recovery in relation to their climate
commitments. However, when excluding those LT-LEDS published before the year 2020 – the year the
COVID-19 pandemic emerged – that number rises to two thirds of all LT-LEDS (61%, 27 out of 44), which is
similar to the proportion of NDCs (66%, 127 out of 193).
A similar percentage of LT-LEDS (30%) and NDCs (32%) highlight the need for a healthy, green recovery
from COVID-19. Notably, while some NDCs (16%) consider COVID-19 to be a barrier to climate goals in
the short- to mid-term (i.e. up to 2030), almost no LT-LEDS (4%) expect the pandemic to impede the
achievement of long-term climate and development goals.
A larger proportion of LT-LEDS (26%) prioritize health, equity and social justice measures in response to
the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with NDCs (8%). For example, the LT-LEDS of Japan, Malta, Morocco
and others commit to investing in additional social measures to support vulnerable population groups
and reverse inequities worsened by the pandemic.
Percentage of LT-LEDS and NDCs that consider the COVID-19 recovery in relation to their climate
*Other COVID-19 measures or considerations might include: supply chain disruptions and measures; food insecurity; exacerbated risks
and vulnerabilities; converging crises; the need for health system reform; and others.
14 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
Health co-benefits of long-term mitigation goals
Three quarters of LT-LEDS (75%) identify health co-benefits of climate mitigation, including for sectors
such as transport (47%); food, agriculture and land-use (40%); energy (28%); and others. The inclusion
of health co-benefit considerations in LT-LEDS is substantially higher than in NDCs (30%). This could
partly be explained by the fact that submissions from high income and upper-middle income countries
currently make up a majority of LT-LEDS (85%, 45 out of 53).
Percentage of LT-LEDS and NDCs that identify health co-benefits of national climate mitigation policies
Various health co-benefit effects from climate mitigation measures are recognized in LT-LEDS. Over half
of LT-LEDS (57%) recognize that certain mitigation measures will also cause a reduction in air pollution
and associated health impacts, while a third (32%) assert that certain mitigation measures can ensure
improved food security and nutrition. A quarter (25%) identify one or several health co-benefits arising
from policies that promote active transport and physical activities, while 15% recognize that mitigation
policies will bring reduced healthcare costs.
A third of LT-LEDS (32%) quantify at least some of the health co-benefits of mitigation. For example, the
LT-LED of the United States calculates that the reduction of air pollution caused by mitigation measures
in the energy sector will help avoid 85 000 to 300 000 premature deaths and health and climate damages
of US$ 150 to US$ 250 billion through to 2030, while also helping to alleviate the pollution burdens
disproportionately borne by disadvantaged communities. The LT-LED of Chile quantifies the prevented
losses and avoided premature deaths its climate policies will enable.
Close to half of LT-LEDS (47%) include health adaptation priorities and policies. Generally, LT-LEDS do
not include detailed health adaptation targets or measures, although some do highlight specific health
adaptation measures. For example, the LT-LEDS of Colombia, Lithuania, Malta and others include an
extensive health adaptation plan, describing both sectoral and cross-sectoral activities. The LT-LEDS of
Benin, Fiji, Indonesia and others consider health as a long-term adaptation priority and point to existing
health adaptation policies and plans.
One in three LT-LEDS (34%) set health adaptation priorities based on existing policies, most often based
on the country’s HNAP or NAP (15%, eight).
A slightly higher percentage of LT-LEDS (70%, 37 out of 53) than NDCs (60%, 115 out of 193) refer to
climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes. However, a higher proportion of NDCs (32%) support
references to health risks and outcomes with evidence or analysis compared with LT-LEDS (28%).
Moreover, NDCs more often identify a range of specific health risks and outcomes when describing the
health impacts of climate change, while LT-LEDS more often refer to the general negative impacts on
health. Only three climate-sensitive health risks – heat-related illness; injury and mortality from extreme
weather events; and airborne and respiratory illnesses – are referenced by more than one in five LT-LEDS.
In other words, there is a relatively high recognition in LT-LEDS of the long-term danger to people’s health
and wellbeing, but they generally identify fewer specific health risks or outcomes and make less use of
evidence or analyses to quantify these risks compared with NDCs. This could partly be explained by the
fact LT-LEDS are relatively high-level strategic policy documents, while NDCs outline short- to mid-term
policy priorities and more directly inform national climate policies.
16 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
Percentage of LT-LEDS and NDCs that refer to climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes
*Other climate-sensitive health risks or outcomes might include: eye disorders and diseases; skin diseases; and others.
Therefore, most LT-LEDS recognize the long-term harmful effects of climate change on people’s health,
wellbeing and livelihoods. One in 10 LT-LEDS (11%) specifically place the UNFCCC concept of Loss and
Damage in relation to human health, which is a similar proportion to NDCs. For example, the LT-LEDS of
Chile, Denmark, Nepal and others make this explicit connection.
Climate finance is essential for health adaptation, mitigation, and climate-resilient development. Overall,
the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement are guided by its aim of making finance flows consistent
with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development, as described
in Article 2.1c of the Agreement (24). Therefore, LT-LEDS often provide information on both financial
commitments for climate action as well as more systemic and long-term financial or economic reforms.
Even though most LT-LEDS (85%) refer to financial needs for implementing long-term goals (23), and
three out of four (72%) include health as a guiding principle to achieve their long-term goals, only one in
10 (11%) include climate finance for health.
In addition, one in three LT-LEDS (34%) recognize, and sometimes quantify, a return on investment for
health from the implementation of climate policies. For example, the LT-LEDS of Fiji, Morocco, Spain and
others recognize that long-term sectoral mitigation goals will bring economic savings from air pollution
Lastly, close to a quarter of LT-LEDS (23%) recognize the economic costs from the long-term health
impacts of climate change. For example, the LT-LED of Switzerland estimates that a business-as-usual
climate scenario would lead to annual costs of up to Sw.fr. 11 billion in healthcare.
18 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
This 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies provides
a snapshot of the overall progress in the formulation of mid- and long-term climate and health policy
objectives for governments to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The review highlights significant progress made in the integration and mainstreaming of health,
compared with previous rounds of NDCs and LT-LEDS. Health-inclusive and health-promoting
climate targets and policies are increasingly being developed for mitigation, adaptation, means of
implementation, Loss and Damage, and long-term sustainable development strategies. Compared with
previous rounds of national climate plans, many climate and health targets have improved their evidence
base, level of quality, scope, and financing.
Most national climate plans now recognize climate change is a threat to human wellbeing and planetary
health, while the benefits for human health arising from mitigation action are increasingly incorporated
in climate targets.
However, many areas for further improvement remain in order to mainstream health in national climate
plans. First, NDCs and LT-LEDS can strengthen their evidence base on health and climate change and
ensure the active representation of health stakeholders in the development and implementation of
climate policies. Second, a Health in All Policies approach can help maximize synergies across sectors and
development goals. Human health will benefit from integrated mitigation and adaptation options that
mainstream health across sectors, such as food, infrastructure, social protection and water policies.
Third, while NDCs and LT-LEDS increasingly identify the significant health co-benefits of climate
mitigation, more efforts are needed to assess and monitor these benefits in order to inform policy
design and implementation. Fourth, many NDCs and LT-LEDS now capture the Loss and Damage caused
by climate change on people’s health and livelihoods, but there is a need for a more comprehensive
understanding of existing vulnerabilities, capacities and needs to respond to and recover from losses and
damages related to human health and wellbeing.
Fifth, health remains a chronically underfunded priority area. Allocating climate finance to projects that
explicitly aim to protect or improve human health can help close this financing gap. Lastly, the COVID-19
pandemic has demonstrated how crucial it is that health systems are prepared for shocks and stresses.
Integrating health priorities in NDCs and LT-LEDS can enable governments to connect national climate
strategies with COVID-19 preparedness and recovery efforts.
Without urgent, effective and equitable mitigation and adaptation actions, climate change increasingly
threatens the livelihoods, health and wellbeing of current and future generations. NDCs and LT-LEDS offer
crucial inter-sectoral policy platforms for national governments to safeguard human and planetary health.
Conclusion 19
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References 21
This report synthesizes information from the latest available Nationally Determined Contributions
(NDCs), communicated by 193 Parties to the Paris Agreement and recorded in the official registry of
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as of 23 September 2022.
In addition, it synthesizes information from the 53 latest available Long-term Low Emissions and
Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), representing 62 Parties to the Paris Agreement, as submitted to the
UNFCCC secretariat on 23 September 2022.
For the purpose of this review, the term ‘Party’ is used to denote all 194 Parties to the Paris Agreement].
This publication follows WHO style, however it is noted that the terminology used in the context of the
Paris Agreement may be at variance with that of WHO The designations employed in this publications
do not imply any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO concerning the legal status of any country,
territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The cut-off date of 23 September 2022 for NDCs was selected to match the deadline for NDC submissions
to be included in the 2022 UNFCCC NDC synthesis report, following UNFCCC decision 1/CMA.3, para. 30.
Similarly, the cut-off date for LT-LEDS was selected to match the deadline for submissions to be included
in the 2022 UNFCCC LT-LEDS synthesis report, following UNFCCC decision 1/CMA.3, para. 34.
This report builds on a 2019 WHO review of health in NDCs, available on the WHO website at www.who.
int/publications/i/item/9789240000674. The 2019 WHO review synthesized the first NDCs, communicated
by their respective Parties, in accordance with decision 1/CP.21 (Article 4 paragraph 8 of the Paris
Agreement), which mandated Parties to provide the information necessary for clarity, transparency
and understanding in accordance with decision 1/CP.21 and any relevant subsequent decisions of the
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA).
The 2023 WHO review has significantly expanded the scope of indicators to capture progress in the
quantity and quality of health measures in the NDCs, compared with the 2019 review. The expanded
scope of the 2023 report aims to capture: the availability of additional UNFCCC guidance, the progression
of new and updated NDCs, as well as the improved inter-comparability and standard reporting practices
of NDCs. For example, a total of 166 Parties have communicated a new or updated NDC since the
2019 WHO review, including nine Parties that have submitted an NDC for the first time (Angola, Brunei
Darussalam, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, South Sudan, Türkiye). Additional
UNFCCC guidance has also been adopted on the information necessary for clarity, transparency and
understanding of NDCs, following UNFCCC decision 4/CMA.1, annex 1.
22 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
Wherever possible, the 2023 WHO review adheres to reviewing methodologies used by the UNFCCC
secretariat. This allows for the comparative analysis of health indicators with indicators of other sectors
and action areas, as captured by UNFCCC synthesis reports. However, comparability between health
indicators and indicators capturing progress in other sectors and action areas might be limited, due,
in part, to the lack of UNFCCC NDC guidance on areas other than mitigation, as captured by UNFCCC
decision 4/CMA.1, paragraph 8. Both the UNFCCC and WHO reviews are without prejudice to the inclusion
of components other than information on mitigation in an NDC, and both synthesize information
included in the NDCs but not covered by existing UNFCCC guidance.
NDC and LT-LEDS text was extracted from the UNFCCC NDC registry, accessible at https://unfccc.int/
NDCREG, and the UNFCCC long-term strategies portal, accessible at https://unfccc.int/process/the-paris-
agreement/long-term-strategies. A Boolean search strategy was used to identify all references to health in
NDCs and LT-LEDS documents, using the following multilingual search string:
[health* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR welfare OR disease* OR illness OR cancer OR mortality OR morbidity OR injury OR injuries OR death* OR deadly OR lethal OR
OR life OR lives OR YLL OR DALY OR cobenefit* OR co-benefit* OR depression OR harm* OR mental OR allerg* OR asthma OR obesity OR nutrition OR undernutrition OR
nutritional OR malnutrition OR heat OR stress OR zoono* OR vector OR air OR SLCP OR pollution OR pollutant* OR NCD OR COVID OR pandemic OR equity OR equality OR
justice OR just OR fair OR fairly OR unequal OR inequality OR inequity OR disadvantaged OR equality OR equitable OR disability OR disabilities OR sedentary OR UHC OR
humanitarian OR sanitation OR sanitary OR safe OR safety OR hunger OR hungry OR walk* OR cycl* OR active OR diet OR hygiene OR santé OR soins OR sain OR bien-être
OR social OR sociale OR malade OR maladie OR maladies OR cancer OR mortalité OR morbidité OR blessure OR blessures OR décès OR mortel OR mortels OR létaux
OR vies OR YLL OR DALY OR AVAI OR EVCI OR cobénéfice OR co-bénéfice OR co-bénéfices OR dépression OR nuisible OR nuisance OR nocive OR dommage OR mental OR
allergie OR allergies OR allergique OR asthme OR obésité OR nutrition OR nutritionnel OR dénutrition OR malnutrition OR stress OR thermique OR zoonoses OR zoonose
OR zoonotique OR vecteur OR air OR SLCP OR pollution OR polluants OR NCD OR MNT OR COVID OR pandémie OR équité OR égalité OR égalités OR égalisation OR justice
OR juste OR équitable OR inégalité OR défavorisée OR disproportionnée OR handicap OR sédentaire OR CSU OR humanitaire OR assainissement OR sanitaire OR sécurité
OR faim OR marcher OR vélo OR régime OR actif OR hygiene OR salud OR bienestar OR sanidad OR saludable OR salubre OR enfermedad OR enfermedades OR sana
OR sano OR social OR cáncer OR mortalidad OR morbilidad OR lesiones OR lesión OR muerte OR muertes OR mortal OR letal OR vida OR vidas OR YLL OR AVP OR DALY
OR AVAD OR cobeneficio OR cobeneficios OR depresión OR daño OR nocivo OR perjudicar OR mental OR alergia OR alergias OR asma OR obesidad OR desnutrición OR
nutricional OR estrés OR térmico OR calor OR zoonosis OR zoonosis OR vector OR aire OR SLCP OR CCVC OR contaminación OR contaminante OR contaminantes OR NDC
OR ENT OR pandemia OR COVID OR equidad OR justicia OR justa OR equitativa OR desigualdad OR desproporcionada OR equitativa OR discapacidades OR sedentarismo
OR UHC OR CSU OR humanitaria OR saneamiento OR sanitario OR sanitaria OR seguridad OR hambre OR caminar OR andar OR bicicleta OR dieta OR activa OR higiene].
In selected cases, optical character recognition was used to convert images into text. Matching text
was verified manually, after which false positives were removed. Spanish and French texts were kept
in their original language to avoid the introduction of translation biases. Relevant text was extracted
verbatim and organized within a table. A desktop review was conducted by organizing extracted text
according to the categories of the WHO review framework for NDCs and LT-LEDS. Only text in proximity
to positive matches (i.e. in the same paragraph) was considered. Health-relevant climate policies or
targets not directly included in the text were not considered. Data quality and validation was conducted
by randomized and blinded re-analysis of policy documents. Summary statistics were prepared for each
category of the WHO review framework. Selected summary statistics and case studies were presented in
the WHO review.
Annex 1. Methodology 23
Box A1.1. WHO review framework for health in NDCs and LT-LEDS
• Healthy green recovery from COVID-19
• Prioritization of health, equity and social justice in relation to the COVID-19 recovery
• Need for nature-based solutions and One Health approach
• Need for science-based decision-making
• COVID-19 a barrier to more ambitious climate action
• COVID-19 a driving force for more ambitious climate action
• COVID-19 impact on economy and inequality
• COVID-19 impeding development of (and/or participation in) the NDC process
• Just transition from fossil fuels
• Gendered impacts and risks
• Other
24 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
Box A1.1. Contd.
If yes, is at least one of the identified health co-benefits quantified and/or monitored?
Health sector mitigation
Does the NDC/LT-LEDS include standalone emissions reduction policies or targets for the healthcare sector?
If yes, which components of the WHO operational framework for climate resilient health systems are included?
• Component 1: Leadership and governance
• Component 2: Health workforce
• Component 3: Vulnerability, capacity and adaptation assessment
• Component 4: Integrated risk monitoring and early warning
• Component 5: Health and climate research
• Component 6: Climate resilient and sustainable technologies and infrastructure
• Component 7: Management of environmental determinants of health
• Component 8: Climate-informed health programmes
• Component 9: Emergency preparedness and management
• Component 10: Climate and health financing
If yes, have the actions and/or targets been determined using scientific evidence or assessments?
Annex 1. Methodology 25
Box A1.1. Contd.
Does the NDC/LT-LEDS include any other elements related to human health and wellbeing?
26 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
Geographical representation for the LT-LEDS review
Geographical representation by WHO region for the LT-LEDS review
of WHO
Number Member
List of Parties to the Paris Agreement included in the of Parties States in this
WHO region LT-LEDS review included12 region
Geographical representation by World Bank income group classification for the LT-LEDS review
High income 32
Upper-middle income 12
Lower-middle income 7
Low income 1
Not members of the World Bank Group 3
Certain parties to the Paris Agreement are considered WHO non-Member territories and areas. The names and designations used
to describe parties to the Paris Agreement might differ from the names and designations used to describe WHO Member States and
non-Member territories and areas. The names and designations of parties to the Paris Agreement do not imply the expression of
any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or
area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Annex 1. Methodology 27
Inclusion of Parties to the Paris Agreement according to country groupings of SIDS or LDCs for the LT-
LEDS review
28 2023 WHO review of health in Nationally Determined Contributions and long-term strategies: health at the heart of the Paris Agreement
For further information please contact:
Email: climatehealth@who.int
Webpage: https://www.who.int/health-topics/climate-change