Unit 5 QB With Answers III SEM 2023-24
Unit 5 QB With Answers III SEM 2023-24
Unit 5 QB With Answers III SEM 2023-24
6. What is a Profession?
Profession implies meaningful participation in the larger order including society and
nature in fulfillment of comprehensive human goals and in the process also making
available the necessary physical facility for one’s family.
7. What is Professional ethics?
Professional ethics is described as the code of ethical conduct of the profession.
Developing value competence and ethical competence in individuals (professionals) is
an effective way to ensure professional ethics.
8. List out the two points on which competence in professional ethics is based.
Competence in professional ethics is based on the following:
Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: right understanding and right feeling,
prosperity, trust, and co-existence.
Confidence in oneself as well as confidence in the relationship, harmony, and co-
existence major in its entire existence.
9. What is the Ethical conduct of the profession implying?
Ethical conduct of a profession implies the right utilization of one’s professional skills
in the larger order towards the fulfillment of a comprehensive human goal.
Competence of mutually fulfilling behaviour, clarity, and confidence in ethical human
conduct and its correlation with sustainable personal as well as collective happiness
and prosperity.
10. How do the values need to be inculcated?
The values need not be enforced through fear of punishment.
The values need not be enforced through greed (enticement of incentives)
These values are sustained in the long run because they are naturally acceptable.
Self-exploration, leading to the right understanding is the way to serve the purpose.
11. Which helps human beings to transform from animal consciousness to human
The right understanding helps the human being to transform from animal consciousness
to human consciousness.
12. The human beings living with (natural acceptance) human consciousness is holistic
development- What does this lead to?
✓ This leads to Individual transformation – from animal consciousness to human
✓ Societal transformation – from an inhumane society to a humane society.
1. Explain in detail the Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct. (View 1)
a. Right understanding provides us clarity about its definitiveness.
b. Let us find the answers to these questions.
(i) What is the innateness of human beings?
(ii) What is our humanness in reality?
c. As a mango tree has a definite ‘mango-ness’, iron has a definite ‘iron-ness’, and
a cow has a definite ‘cow-ness’; similarly, we need to understand our
d. The right understanding gained through self-exploration enables us to identify
the definiteness of human conduct which may also be called ethical human
conduct. It is the same for all human beings. So, we are also able to understand
the universality of ethical human conduct which is in harmony with the
universal human values.
But unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify the
definitiveness of ethical human conduct. Conduct includes what we think (our imagination)
and what we do and the basis of this thinking and doing (assumption or understanding). In
Fig., it is shown that B1 or right understanding is the basis of thinking and doing. B1
motivates and guides our imagination (B2) and finally, if required, it is expressed through
the Body in the form of behaviour, work, and participation in the larger order.
Definite human conduct is the sum of the state of harmony within, expressing itself and
participating in harmony with the outside world. The harmony in the Self is naturally
expressed and extended at all levels of our being as follows:
• Harmony at the Level of Self - Happiness
• Harmony of the Self with the Body - Health at the level of the body
• Harmony in the family, in human-human relationships - Mutual happiness, justice,
• Harmony with the rest of nature Mutual prosperity – prosperity in human beings and
preservation of the rest of nature Harmony with the whole of nature/existence Co-
existence (mutual fulfilment)
2. How are the values, policy, and character understood further in ethical human
conduct? (View 2)
Ethical human conduct can be further grasped in terms of values, policy, and characters:
Such a comprehensive objective will be conducive to the welfare of all, at all times.
This will apply to all human beings on Earth. Facilitating and empowering human
beings towards the fulfillment of the above-mentioned comprehensive human goal
is real human welfare.
Now, on this basis, we can identify the goals of any organization or system, either
working for production, justice, exchange, etc. We can evaluate whether the goals
set by the system are humane or not, comprehensive or having a limited vision.
Once we can identify the comprehensive human goal, it becomes the guiding factor
for evaluating all our policies and activities. In terms of these goals, we can evaluate
the inadequacies in the prevalent education system, judiciary system, administration
and governance, market policies and other such systems.
The primary step to moving towards the holistic way of life is to develop the right
understanding among human beings, commit to living accordingly and then develop
the requisite skills and knowledge systems to implement the right understanding in
real life. The right understanding provides us with the vision of such a humanistic
The humanistic tradition can be visualised in terms of the following four aspects of
a humane society-
✓ Humanistic Education
✓ Human Conduct
✓ Human Constitution
✓ Human Order
If we want a harmonious, peaceful civilisation, it must start with the individual.
This is possible and that is what we are trying to say: education will be the agent for
this transformation.
Once this wheel starts rolling, it would bring about a continuing humanistic
tradition, that would be able to ensure the fulfilment of human goals for every
human being, generation after generation. That is what human society aspires to.
So finally, it may be concluded that it is possible to move towards a universal human
order with the help of suitable systems and policies evolved in the light of the right
understanding. Such a development will be naturally acceptable to all human
beings. The whole existence except the human beings is already operating in
harmony. It is for us, human beings, to understand, to appreciate this harmony and
to play our role in this total order (harmony).
First, we need to find the percentage of our total time and effort spent on physical facilities.
Eating, sleeping, working, studying and so on are all related to physical facilities. We can
find out how our time is spent.
Generally, most of the time and effort is being invested in physical facilities, assuming that
everything is going to be fine when there is enough physical facility; then there will be no
problem; there will be no unhappiness in the family.
In the meanwhile, if any issue of relationship has cropped up, we try to invest some time to
patch it up or somehow manage it.
Many times, we again invest in physical facilities to compensate for the dissatisfactions or
complaints in a relationship. If we are not able to give time to the family in day-to-day life,
we then try to spend time with them on weekends, dining out, watching movies together or
giving some gift, and so on. All this is possible only by investing in physical facilities, so
we work even harder. But does it work?
The problems are more due to a lack of fulfillment in relationships, and we are investing a
major part of our time and effort in physical facilities. We are so careful about investing
money and other material resources. But when it comes to investing ourselves, our time
and effort in a relationship, we are not aware of it. This is certainly not the right kind of
The unhappiness in your family is more due to a lack of fulfillment in the relationship, but
a major part of the time, or most of the time and effort, is spent on physical facilities.
For human beings’ physical facility is necessary, but relationships are also necessary.
2. What is the proposal for the definition of trust? Illustrate the feeling of trust with
one example, preferably from your own experience. ‘If I trust the intention of
everyone, people will take undue advantage of me’. Is this statement true or false?
3. Why is an understanding of the ‘Self’ important to ensure respect? Explain.
4. How does the feeling of respect help us in defining our complementariness with
other human beings? What is the expression of the feeling of respect?
5. If someone is helpful in fulfilling your needs, what feelings do you have for him?
Explain in terms of the needs of the Self as well as the needs of the Body.
6. Describe the human goal. Explain how this is conducive to sustainable happiness
and prosperity for all.
7. Critically examine the goals of present-day society with respect to human goals.
What is the outcome?
8. Explain, giving examples, how pollution and resource depletion are both the direct
outcomes of not understanding nature the way it is.
9. Indicate a few steps to promote harmony in society and co-existence with nature.
10. Is there a particular sequence in which these goals can be fulfilled? Explain.
11. There are three kinds of obsession. List them. Give any three examples of each from
your observation in the society.
12. How does one develop the right feeling – is it based on right understanding or based
on experience of events? Explain in detail.