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L8 Big Data Management en

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Introduction to
Data Science
q Lecture 1: Overview of Data Science
q Lecture 2: Data crawling and preprocessing
q Lecture 3: Data cleaning and integration
q Lecture 4: Exploratory data analysis
q Lecture 5: Data visualization
q Lecture 6: Multivariate data visualization
q Lecture 7: Machine learning
q Lecture 8: Big data analysis
q Lecture 9: Capstone Project guidance
q Lecture 10+11: Text, image, graph analysis
q Lecture 12: Evaluation of analysis results

Big data 5'V

Big data is a term for data sets that are so large

or complex that traditional data processing
application software is inadequate to deal with
them (wikipedia)

Big data technology stack

Scalable data management
• Scalability
• Able to manage incresingly big volume of data
• Accessibility
• Able to maintain efficiciency in reading and writing data (I/O)
into data storage systems
• Transparency
• In distributed environment, users should be able to access
data over the network as easily as if the data were stored
• Users should not have to know the physical location of data to
access it.
• Availability
• Fault tolerance
• The number of users, system failures, or other consequences
of distribution shouldnʼt compromise the availability.

Data I/O landscape
0.1 Gb/s
1 Gb/s or125 MB/s Nodesin
Network rack

100MB/s 1 Gb/s or125 MB/s Nodesin

600MB/s same

3-12 msrandom 0.1 ms random

access access

$0.025 perGB $0.35 perGB

Scalable data ingestion and processing
• Data ingestion
• Data from different complementing information systems is to be
combined to gain a more comprehensive basis to satisfy the
• How to ingest data efficiently from various, distributed
heterogeneous sources?
• Different data formats
• Different data models and schemas
• Security and privacy
• Data processing
• How to process massive volume of data in a timely fashion?
• How to process massive stream of data in a real-time fashion?
• Traditional parallel, distributed processing (OpenMP, MPI)
• Big learning curve
• Scalability is limited
• Fault tolerence is hard to achive
• Expensive, high performance computing infrastructure

Scalable analytic algorithms
• Challenges
• Big volume
• Big dimensionality
• Realtime processing
• Scaling-up Machine Learning algorithms
• Adapting the algorithm to handle Big Data in a single machine.
• Eg. Sub-sampling
• Eg. Principal component analysis
• Eg. feature extraction and feature selection
• Scaling-up algorithms by parallelism
• Eg. k-nn classification based on MapReduce
• Eg. scaling-up support vector machines (SVM) by a divide and-
conquer approach
• Novel realtime processing architecture
• Eg. Mini-batch in Spark streaming
• Eg. Complex event processing in Apache Flink

Eg. Curse of dimensionality
• The required number of samples (to achieve the same
accuracy) grows exponentionally with the number of
• In practice: number of training examples is fixed!
=> the classifier’s performance usually will degrade for a large
number of features!

In fact, after a certain point, increasing

the dimensionality of the problem by
adding new features would actually
degrade the performance of classifier.

Utilization and interpretability of big data

• Domain expertise to findout

problems and interprete analytics
• Scalable visualization and
interpretability of million data points
• to facilitate their interpretability and

Privacy and security

Big data job trends

Talent shortage in big data

Big data skill set

How to land big data related jobs
• Learn to code
• Coursera
• Udacity
• Freecodecamp
• Codecademy
• Math, Stats and machine learning
• Kaggle
• Hadoop, NoSQL, Spark
• Visualization and Reporting
• Tableau
• Pentahoo
• Meetup & Share
• Find a mentor
• Internships, projects

Data science method
1. Formulate a question

4. Product
2. Gather data

3. Analyze data

Source: Foundational Methodology for Data Science, IBM, 2015 17

DeepQA: Incremental Progress in Precision and
Confidence 6/2007-11/2010

Now Playing in the

100% Winners Cloud
90% 11/2010

80% 4/2010

70% 10/2009

50% 8/2008

40% 12/2007



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
% Answered
Cleaning big data: most time-consuming, least
enjoyable data science task

• Data preparation accounts for about 80% of the work of

data scientists

source: https://www.forbes.com/ 19
Cleaning big data: most time-consuming, least
enjoyable data science task

• 57% of data scientists regard cleaning and organizing

data as the least enjoyable part of their work and 19%
say this about collecting data sets.

[1] Tiwari, Shashank. Professional NoSQL. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[2] Lam, Chuck. Hadoop in action. Manning Publications Co., 2010.
[3] Miner, Donald, and Adam Shook. MapReduce design patterns: building effective algorithms and analytics for Hadoop and other
systems. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2012.
[4] Karau, Holden. Fast Data Processing with Spark. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013.
[5] Penchikala, Srini. Big data processing with apache spark. Lulu. com, 2018.
[6] White, Tom. Hadoop: The definitive guide. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2012.
[7] Gandomi, Amir, and Murtaza Haider. "Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods, and analytics." International Journal of
Information Management 35.2 (2015): 137-144.
[8] Cattell, Rick. "Scalable SQL and NoSQL data stores." Acm Sigmod Record 39.4 (2011): 12-27.
[9] Gessert, Felix, et al. "NoSQL database systems: a survey and decision guidance." Computer Science-Research and Development 32.3-4
(2017): 353-365.
[10] George, Lars. HBase: the definitive guide: random access to your planet-size data. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2011.
[11] Sivasubramanian, Swaminathan. "Amazon dynamoDB: a seamlessly scalable non-relational database service." Proceedings of the
2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM, 2012.
[12] Chan, L. "Presto: Interacting with petabytes of data at Facebook." (2013).
[13] Garg, Nishant. Apache Kafka. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013.
[14] Karau, Holden, et al. Learning spark: lightning-fast big data analysis. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2015.
[15] Iqbal, Muhammad Hussain, and Tariq Rahim Soomro. "Big data analysis: Apache storm perspective." International journal of
computer trends and technology 19.1 (2015): 9-14.
[16] Toshniwal, Ankit, et al. "Storm@ twitter." Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data.
ACM, 2014.
[17] Lin, Jimmy. "The lambda and the kappa." IEEE Internet Computing 21.5 (2017): 60-66.

Online courses
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/nosql-database-
• https://who.rocq.inria.fr/Vassilis.Christophides/Big/index
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/big-data-
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/big-data-integration-
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/big-data-
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/hadoop
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/scala-spark-big-data

Hadoop ecosystem

We need a system that scales
• Traditional tools are overwhelmed
• Slow disks, unreliable machines, parallelism is not easy
• 3 challenges
• Reliable storage
• Powerful data processing
• Efficient visualization

What is Apache Hadoop?
• Scalable and economical data storage and
• The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that
allows for the distributed processing of large data sets
across clusters of computers using simple programming
models. It is designed to scale out from single servers to
thousands of machines, each offering local computation and
storage. Rather than rely on hardware to deliver high-
availability, the library itself is designed to detect and handle
failures at the application layer, so delivering a highly-
available service on top of a cluster of computers, each of
which may be prone to failures (commodity hardware).
• Heavily inspired by Google data architecture

Hadoop main components
• Storage: Hadoop distributed file system
• Processing: MapReduce framework
• System utilities:
• Hadoop Common: The common utilities that
support the other Hadoop modules.
• Hadoop YARN: A framework for job scheduling and
cluster resource management.

• Distributed by design
• Hadoop can run on cluster
• Individual servers within a cluster are called
• each node may both store and process data
• Scale out by adding more nodes to increase
• Up to several thousand nodes

Fault tolerance
• Cluster of commodity servers
• Hardware failure is the norm rather than the exception
• Built with redundancy
• File loaded into HDFS are replicated across nodes in
the cluster
• If a node failed, its data is re-replicated using one of the
• Data processing jobs are broken into individual tasks
• Each task takes a small amount of data as input
• Parallel tasks execution
• Failed tasks also get rescheduled elsewhere
• Routine failures are handled automatically without any
loss of data

Hadoop distributed file system
• Provides inexpensive and reliable storage for massive
amounts of data
• Optimized for big files (100 MB to several TBs file
• Hierarchical UNIX style file system
• (e.g., /hust/soict/hello.txt)
• UNIX style file ownership and permissions
• There are also some major deviations from UNIX
• Append only
• Write once read many times

HDFS Architecture
• Master/slave architecture
• HDFS master: namenode
• Manage namespace and
• Monitor datanode
• HDFS slave: datanode
• Handle read/write the actual

HDFS main design principles
• I/O pattern
• Append only à reduce synchronization
• Data distribution
• File is splitted in big chunks (64 MB)
à reduce metadata size
à reduce network communication
• Data replication
• Each chunk is usually replicated in 3 different nodes
• Fault tolerance
• Data node: re-replication
• Name node
• Secondary namenode
• Enqury data nodes instead of complex checkpointing scheme

Data processing: MapReduce
• MapReduce framework is the Hadoop default data
processing engine
• MapReduce is a programming model for data
• it is not a language, a style of processing data created by
• The beauty of MapReduce
• Simplicity
• Flexibility
• Scalability

a MR job = {Isolated Tasks}n
• MapReduce divides the workload into multiple
independent tasks and schedule them across cluster
• A work performed by each task is done in isolation
from one another for scalability reasons
• The communication overhead required to keep the data on the
nodes synchronized at all times would prevent the model from
performing reliably and efficiently at large scale

Data Distribution
• In a MapReduce cluster, data is usually managed by a
distributed file systems (e.g., HDFS)
• Move code to data and not data to code

Input data: A large file

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3

Chunk of input data Chunk of input data Chunk of input data

Keys and Values
• The programmer in MapReduce has to specify two
functions, the map function and the reduce function
that implement the Mapper and the Reducer in a
MapReduce program
• In MapReduce data elements are always structured
key-value (i.e., (K, V)) pairs
• The map and reduce functions receive and emit (K, V)
Input Splits Intermediate Outputs Final Outputs

Map (K’, Reduce (K’’,

(K, V)
V’) V’’)
Pairs Function Pairs Function Pairs

§ A different subset of intermediate key space is
assigned to each Reducer
§ These subsets are known as partitions

Different colors represent

different keys (potentially)
from different Mappers

Partitions are the input to Reducers

MapReduce example
• Input: text file containing order ID, employee name,
and sale amount
• Output: sum of all sales per employee

Map phase
• Hadoop splits job into many individual map tasks
• Number of map tasks is determined by the amount of input data
• Each map task receives a portion of the overall job input to process
• Mappers process one input record at a time
• For each input record, they emit zero or more records as output
• In this case, the map task simply parses the input record
• And then emits the name and price fields for each as output

Map phase

• Hadoop automatically sorts and merges output from all
map tasks
• This intermediate process is known as the shuffle and sort
• The result is supplied to reduce tasks

Shuffle & sort


Reduce phase
• Reducer input comes from the shuffle and sort process
• As with map, the reduce function receives one record at a time
• A given reducer receives all records for a given key
• For each input record, reduce can emit zero or more output records
• Our reduce function simply sums total per person
• And emits employee name (key) and total (value) as output

Reduce phase

Data flow for the entire MapReduce job

Word Count Dataflow

MapReduce - Dataflow

Map reduce life cycle

Hadoop ecosystem
• Many related tools integrate with Hadoop
• Data analysis
• Database integration
• Workflow management
• These are not considered ‘core Hadoop’
• Rather, they are part of the ‘Hadoop ecosystem’
• Many are also open source Apache projects

Apache Pig
• Apache Pig builds on Hadoop to offer high level data processing
• Pig is especially good at joining and transforming data
• The Pig interpreter runs on the client machine
• Turns PigLatin scripts into MapReduce jobs
• Submits those jobs to the cluster

Apache Hive
• Another abstraction on top of MapReduce
• Reduce development time
• HiveQL: SQL-like language
• The Hive interpreter runs on the client machine
• Turns HiveQL scripts into MapReduce jobs
• Submits those jobs to the cluster

Apache Hbase
• HBase is a distributed column-oriented data store built on top of
• Is considered as the Hadoop database
• Data is logically organized into tables, rows and columns
• terabytes, and even petabytes of data in a table
• Tables can have many thousands of columns
• Scales to provide very high write throughput
• Hundreds of thousands of inserts per second
• Fairly primitive when compared to RDBMS
• NoSQL : There is no high/level query language
• Use API to scan / get / put values based on keys

Apache sqoop
• Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently
transferring bulk data between Apache
Hadoop and structured datastores such
as relational databases.
• It can import all tables, a single table, or
a portion of a table into HDFS
• Via a Map/only MapReduce job
• Result is a directory in HDFS containing
comma/delimited text files
• Sqoop can also export data from HDFS
back to the database

Apache Kafka
Kafka decouple data streams
Producers don’t know about
Producer Producer consumers
Flexible message consumption
Producers Kafka broker delegates log
partition offset (location) to
Consumers (clients)

Kafka Broker Broker Broker Broker


Consumers Consumer

Kafka decouples Data Pipelines

Apache Oozie
• Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage
Apache Hadoop jobs.
• Oozie Workflow jobs are Directed Acyclical Graphs
(DAGs) of actions.
• Oozie supports many workflow actions, including
• Executing MapReduce jobs
• Running Pig or Hive scripts
• Executing standard Java or shell programs
• Manipulating data via HDFS commands
• Running remote commands with SSH
• Sending e/mail messages

Apache Zookeeper
• Apache ZooKeeper is a highly reliable
distributed coordination service
• Group membership
• Leader election
• Dynamic Configuration
• Status monitoring
• All of these kinds of services are used in some
form or another by distributed applications

PAXOS algorithm


YARN – Yet Another Resource Negotiator
• Nodes have "resources" – memory and CPU cores –
which are allocated to application when requested
• Moving beyond Map Reduce
• MR and non-MR running on the same cluster
• Most jobtracker functions moved to application masters

MapReduce Others
(data processing) (data processing)

(cluster resource management YARN
& data processing) (cluster resource management)

(redundant, reliable HDFS
storage) (redundant, reliable storage)

YARN execution

Big data platform: Hadoop ecosystem

Big data management

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