English Elective
English Elective
English Elective
The course is intended to give students a high level of competence in English with an
emphasis on the study of literary texts. The course will provide extensive exposure to a
variety of rich texts of world literature as well as Indian writings in English, including classics;
develop sensitivity to the creative and imaginative use of English Language and give them
a taste for reading with delight and discernment. The course is primarily designed to equip
the students to pursue higher studies in English literature and English language at the
college level.
xvi. develop familiarity with the poetic uses of language including features of the
language through which artistic effect is achieved.
The techniques used for teaching should promote habits of self-learning and reduce
dependence on the teacher.
The multi-skill, learner-centric, activity-based approach already recommended for the
previous stages of education, is still in place, though it will be used in such a way that
silent reading of prescribed selected texts for comprehension will receive greater focus
as one of the activities.
Learners will be trained to read independently and intelligently, interacting actively with
texts and other reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, etc.) where
Some projects may be assigned to students from time to time, for instance, students
may be asked to put together a few literary pieces on a given theme, so as to create
a meaningful singular hold.
Code No. 001
Section A
Reading Comprehension 20 MARKS
Section C
This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice Questions,
Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type
Questions to assess comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation beyond
the text.
Textbook 22 Marks
7. Reference to the Context
i. One Prose extract, out of two, to assess literary appreciation and analysis. (6x1= 6 Marks)
ii. One Poetry extract, out of two, to assess literary appreciation and analysis. (6x1= 6 Marks)
8. One Short Answer Question, out of two, to be answered in 30-40 words, to assess
Understanding, analysis and critical appreciation. Questions should elicit inferential
responses through critical thinking. (2x1=2 Marks)
9. One Short Answer Question, out of two, to be answered in 40-50 words, to assess
understanding, analysis and critical appreciation. Questions should elicit inferential
responses through critical thinking and draw inferences in poetry and prose.
(3X1=3 Marks)
10. One Long Answer Question, out of two, to be answered in 120-150 words each, to
assess deeper understanding, interpretation, appreciation and drawing inferences.
Questions to elicit creative responses and assess ability to form personal points of
view. (5x1=5 Marks)
Fiction 10 Marks
11. One Short Answer Question, out of two, to be answered in 30-40 words, to test
understanding and appreciation and seek comments, interpretation, evaluation
and appreciation of characters, events, episodes and interpersonal relationships.
(2x1=2 Marks)
12. One Short Answer Question, out of two, to be answered in 40-50 words, to test
understanding and appreciation and seek comments, interpretation, evaluation
and appreciation of characters, events, episodes and interpersonal relationships.
(3 x1=3 Marks)
13. One Long Answer Question, out of two, to be answered in 120-150 words, to test
in-depth understanding, interpretation, appreciation and drawing of global
inferences from the given text, with reference to characters /events/ incidents and
episodes, leading to creative rendering, forming and defending of personal points
of view. (5x1=5 Marks)
Prescribed Books:
1. Kaleidoscope - Text book published by NCERT
2. Fiction: A Tiger for Malgudi or The Financial Expert by R.K. Narayan (Novel)
Book- Kaleidoscope-Short Stories
I Sell my Dreams
A Wedding in Brownsville
Book- Kaleidoscope-Poetry
A Lecture Upon the Shadow
Poems by Milton
Poems by Blake
Kubla Khan
The Wild Swans of Coole
Time and Time Again
Book- Kaleidoscope- Non fiction
The Mark on the Wall
Why the Novel Matters
The Argumentative Indian
Book- Kaleidoscope-Drama
Question Paper Design
Marks - 80+20=100
TOTAL 80 100%
Seminar Seeking information and clarifying,
illustrating with relevant quotations from
the texts, reasoning, diction, articulation
clarity of pronunciation, using 20 -
appropriate language conventions
Addressing participants using
appropriate titles or nomenclatures
and overall fluency
Grand Total 100