Anti-Proliferative Properties of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance in SKOV-3
Anti-Proliferative Properties of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance in SKOV-3
Anti-Proliferative Properties of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance in SKOV-3
Background: Ovarian cancer (OvCa) malignancy is a widespread type of cancer with a poor prognosis
contributed by resistance developed against platinum-based drugs. The use of phytochemicals has been an
innovative key for the treatment of OvCa. The antiproliferative properties of Thymoquinone (TQ) have
indicated remarkable effects on targeting multiple pathways potentially leading to apoptosis. The aim of the
study augmenting the effects of TQ in overcoming cisplatin (CDDP) induced drug resistance in SKOV-3 cells.
Methods: The cells were treated with increasing doses of TQ in a time-dependent manner. The apoptotic
bodies were analyzed by DAPI while the mitochondrial membrane potential was analyzed by Rh-123. The
clonogenic assay was carried out to understand the colony formation potential. The protein expression for Bcl-
2 and p53 were assessed using western blotting.
Results: The ability of TQ to overcome CDDP-induced drug resistance with the help of TQ in SKOV-3 cell
lines. The minimum inhibition for SKOV-3 was 3 μM for CDDP and 14 μM for TQ. For the resistant SKOV-
3, the minimum inhibition was 6 μM for CDDP and 14 μM for TQ. The apoptotic bodies, mitochondrial
membrane, nuclear condensation, and nuclear fragmentation were the observed morphological changes. The
colony formation assay revealed reducing in the formation of clones. The protein expressions displayed
modifications in the levels of p53 and Bcl-2 in both cell lines.
Conclusion: TQ enhances apoptosis in SKOV-3 cells and is effective against the cells resistant to CDDP. This
indicates a major application of TQ in recurrent OvCa that are resistant to CDDP.
M.Sc PhD Scholar, Dr. Prabhakar Kore Basic Science Research Centre, KLE Academy of Higher Education
and Research, Belagavi, India. - ORCID ID:
M.Sc, Maratha Mandal’s Central Research Laboratory NGH, Bauxite Road, Belagavi, India. ORCID ID:
M.Sc PhD, Dr. Prabhakar Kore Basic Science Research Centre, KLE Academy of Higher Education and
Research, Belagavi, India. ORCID ID:
M.Sc Maratha Mandal’s Central Research Laboratory NGH, Bauxite Road, Belagavi, India. ORCID ID:
MDS, Department of Public Health Dentistry, KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, KLE Academy of Higher
Education and Research, Belagavi, India. ORCID ID:
MD, PhD, Maratha Mandal’s Central Research Laboratory NGH, Bauxite Road, Belagavi, India.
* M.Sc, PhD Dr. Prabhakar Kore Basic Science Research Centre, KLE Academy of Higher Education and
Research, Belagavi, India. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7463-8037
DOI: - 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5a.0337
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 4329 – 4336 4329
Anti-Proliferative Properties Of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance
In Skov-3 Section A-Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 4329 – 4336 4330
Anti-Proliferative Properties Of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance
In Skov-3 Section A-Research Paper
24h. These cells were incubated with different SKOV-3. The statistical analysis was carried out
concentrations of CDDP and TQ for 24 and 48. The using GraphPad Prism 5.1 software. The number of
cells were suspended in 100μl of MTT solution for surviving colonies by the number of cells plated
3h and incubated at 37°C. The formazan crystals was used to calculate plating efficiency (PE). The
were dissolved in 100μl of DMSO. The optical cell survival fraction (SF) was the number of
density (OD) was measured using Lisa plus colonies that arise after treatment in terms of PE.
Microtitre Reader at 490nm. Untreated cells were
used as control. All the groups were compared with Formula: SF (treated cells) = PE (treated cells) /
the control group to calculate the percentage of cell PE (control)
viability. The inhibition concentration (IC50) was
analyzed for a dose-response study that involves DAPI staining
50% cell death for each drug. The statistical The cells were seeded in a 24-well plate with
analysis was measured by the GraphPad Prism 5.1 coverslips and treated with CDDP and TQ after
software. attachment. The cells were washed with PBS after
48h and fixed using 4% PFA for 30 min. 1µg/ml of
Formula: Surviving cells (%) = Mean OD of DAPI was used to stain the cells incubated at RT
sample /Mean OD of Negative control ×100 in the dark for 5min. The cells were observed under
the fluorescence microscope with 20X
CDDP resistance development magnification and visualized using Pro RES®
The parental cell lines were plated 1X106 and Capture Pro software (Jena, Germany).
incubated at 37°C stored at 5% CO2 for 24h. The
parental cells were treated with increasing Protein isolation
concentrations of CDDP (starting from 0.2 μM) Cells were plated at 1X106 density and then treated
until the concentration was higher than the IC50 with CDDP and TQ for 48h. The cells were lysed
value (3 μM) over a period of several days. The using 500μl RIPA lysis buffer with 10μl of
method used for the development of resistant cell protease inhibitor for 1hr on ice with periodic
lines was adapted from (11) with slight vertexing. Further, the cells were transferred to 1.5
modifications. ml Eppendorf tubes and centrifuged at 12,000 rpm
for 20mins (Eppendorf centrifuge 5810 R). The
Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) supernatant was collected in a new tube and stored
The cells were grown in 24-well plates containing at -4°C for further use (12).
coverslips. On a subsequent day, the cells were
treated with CDDP and TQ. The cells were washed Western blotting analysis
with PBS 2-3 times after 48h. The cells were then The isolated proteins were thawed and denatured at
stained with Rhodamine-123 (Rh-123) dye for 30 100°C for 3min in a water bath. The proteins were
min. Further, the cells were washed with PBS and separated by 7.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate-
fixed using 4% PFA for 30mins. The cells were polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE) for 2 ½h at
then examined under the fluorescent microscope 110V. The proteins from the gel were transferred
and the intensity was calculated using GraphPad onto a nitrocellulose membrane using a Towbin
Prism 5.1. buffer containing 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine,
pH 8.3 with 20% methanol (v/v) in a transfer
Colony formation assay chamber for 3h at 110V. After transfer the blot was
The cells were seeded with a cell density of 1X104 blocked using 1% Bovine Serum Albumin
in 6cms plates at 37°C in 5% CO2 overnight. After overnight at 4 °C. The blot was washed with PBS
attachment, the cells were treated with 3 μM CDDP thrice, 10 min each. The blot was treated with
and 14 μM TQ for SKOV-3, and 14 μM of TQ for primary antibodies with 1% bovine serum albumin
R_SKOV-3 according to the minimal inhibition (BSA) overnight at 4°C. The primary antibodies
concentration. After every 2 days, the culture used were anti-beta, B-cell leukemia (Bcl-2), and
medium was replaced for the cells to grow and p53. The blot was washed with PBS thrice, 10 min
incubated for 14 days at 37°C. After 14 days, the each. Further, the blot was incubated using goat
cells were washed with PBS 3 times and fixed with anti-mouse IgG-HRP with agitation for 3 h at room
4% PFA for 15min at room temperature. The temperature. To view the bands, the blot was
colonies were stained with 0.4% crystal violet for incubated in a TMB substrate for ½h. Rinse the
15min and further dried and counted. Each blot with Milli Q water to stop the reaction.
independent experiment was carried out in the
same protocol for both SKOV-3 and resistant
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 4329 – 4336 4331
Anti-Proliferative Properties Of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance
In Skov-3 Section A-Research Paper
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Anti-Proliferative Properties Of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance
In Skov-3 Section A-Research Paper
Fig. 3: MMP evaluation in SKOV-3 and R_SKOV-3. The images represent: (1) SKOV-3 untreated used as
control (2) SKOV-3 treated with 3 μM/mL of CDDP (3) SKOV-3 treated with 14 μM/mL of TQ (4)
R_SKOV-3 untreated (5) R_SKOV-3 treated with 6 μM/mL of CDDP (6) R_SKOV-3 treated with 14
μM/mL of TQ (7) The bar graph shows the fluorescent percentage in the above-stated groups. Data are
expressed as mean ± S.D. The significant difference is indicated as ***p < 0.0001, **p<0.01, and *p<0.05
between control cells vs treated.
Fig. 4: Representation of fluorescent images after DAPI staining. The images describe: (1) The intact nuclei
and high fluorescence intensity are shown in untreated SKOV-3 cells. (2) SKOV-3 treated with 3 μM/mL of
CDDP (3) SKOV-3 treated 14 μM/mL of TQ (4) Untreated R_SKOV-3 (5) R_SKOV-3 treated with 6
μM/ml CDDP (6) R_SKOV-3 treated with 14 μM/mL of TQ. The images indicate nuclear membrane
blebbing and apoptotic body formation (white circles), nuclear condensation (red arrows), and nuclear
fragmentation (yellow arrows).
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 4329 – 4336 4333
Anti-Proliferative Properties Of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance
In Skov-3 Section A-Research Paper
Effectiveness of TQ to form colonies post- (18). The results indicate that TQ significantly
treatment declines colony formation in both groups of cells,
The response to drug treatment in clonogenic cell while multiple colonies continued to grow in the
survival indicates the efficacy of the drug (17). The presence of CDDP, in the R_SKOV-3 cells (Fig.
survival of cancer cells in the presence of the drug, 5).
and their ability to form clones from a single cell
characterizes the uncontrolled growth of cancer
Fig. 5: SKOV-3 cells representing the colony formation assay after exposure to TQ and CDDP for 14 days.
The images signify (1) Untreated SKOV-3 as control (2) SKOV-3 treated with 3 μM/mL CDDP (3) SKOV-3
treated with 14 μM/mL TQ (4) R_SKOV-3 untreated (5) R_SKOV-3 treated with 6 μM/mL CDDP (6)
R_SKOV-3 treated with 14 μM/mL TQ. (7) Illustration of colony growth in CDDP and TQ.
The colonies were counted and the graph was Bcl-2 expression significantly changed when
plotted against untreated control for both. The bar compared to the control indicating their pro-
graph represents data expressed as mean ± S.D. apoptotic effects (Fig. 6). Alternatively in
The significance difference indicated as ***p < R_SKOV-3, Bcl-2 significantly reduced after TQ
0.0001, **p<0.01, and *p<0.05. treatment. Secondly, p53 functions as a tumor-
suppressor which is down-regulated in the cancer
TQ contributes to the modulation in the protein micro-environment enabling tumor progression.
expressions The gene responsible for p53 is also found to be
The modifications in the protein expression were mutated in cancers, which enables drug resistance
analyzed for both SKOV-3 and R_SKOV-3 cells (20). In SKOV-3, we observed a slight up
post-treatment with CDDP and TQ. Bcl-2 is an regulation of p53 upon CDDP and TQ treatment.
anti-apoptotic protein, activated in various cancers In R_SKOV-3 significant increase was observed in
and closely related to chemoresistance, specifically response to TQ, which was minimal in CDDP and
studied in OvCa. The up-regulation of Bcl-2 control cells. This shows the regulation of
instigates pro-survival activity in OvCa adding to apoptotic proteins by TQ in OvCa cells and its
tumorigenesis (19). Our results revealed that after efficacy in its resistant counterpart.
the treatment with TQ and CDDP in SKOV-3, the
Fig. 6: Western blot analysis for p53 and Bcl-2 and the loading control was -actin. (1) Representation of
changes in protein expression of Bcl-2 and p53 for SKOV-3. (2) Representation of changes in protein
expression of Bcl-2 and p53 for R_SKOV-3.
reduce toxicity levels while increasing the quality
CONCLUSION of life in patients. TQ has been demonstrated as a
Naturally occurring compounds tend to promising therapeutic agent to overcome drug
synergically work with multiple pathways and resistance and alleviate adverse effects. It has
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 4329 – 4336 4334
Anti-Proliferative Properties Of Thymoquinone To Overcome Cisplatin-Induced Drug Resistance
In Skov-3 Section A-Research Paper
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