Writing Sample
Writing Sample
Writing Sample
In conclusion, structuralism shares a ground with the behaviorist by maintaining that, to learn
is to change old habits and build new habits(transfer). If old habits get in the way of learning new
habits, errors occur (interference). It in upon this basis that contrastive analysis was made;
interference of the native language is the source of L2 learning problem. A comparison of the
native language and the target language will help to identify areas of difficulties for learning the
L2. This prediction will help the L2 teacher to prepare effective material to teach the foreign
language. However Noam Chomsky critique this analysis with his theory that every child has an
innate ability to acquire a language and that innate ability is called Language Acquisition Device
(LAD). The LAD’s job is to encode into the child’s brain the grammatical structure. Chomsky
says that all children learn the construction of sentences with the help of some rules these rules are
called “generative grammar”. He criticized the linguistic and psychological model and this led to
the decline of contrastive analysis because contrastive analysis hypothesis is based on these two
model. Some of his criticism as stated in this essay are; language is govern by rules so it can’t just
be learnt by imitation; also Chomsky views Human Language as something that is essentially the
same, so the L1 and L2 of the learner is in a way the same and so transfer should cause error; he
adds that the child will have to work to produce a language on its own and not imitate what an
adult say; lastly, Chomsky adds that age is a factor in language learning, so as the child grows he
would be able to get the correct form of the language structure. With these critics, people realized
the inadequacy of the contrastive analysis hypothesis in language learning.
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