Правила игры Секретные агенты
Правила игры Секретные агенты
Правила игры Секретные агенты
Dear adults!
Preparing for the game. Place the park card in the middle of
the table. Place the remaining cards in random order around so
that the “park” card is in the middle and you get a field of 5 by
5 cards. Near the main card, leave one field free (this is the city
Shuffle the task cards, place the pile in a place convenient for
all players, and reveal the first four cards. Place secret agent
figures yellow, red, green
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and blue colors to the same images on square cards. The first
four cards according to which the investigator figures were placed
are returned to the deck and shuffled. If there are two or three
players, then the cards used to determine the location of secret
agents do not participate further in the game. Then each player
takes one task card from the pile and places it face down on the
table opposite him.
The player must complete the task. The task may require more
than one attempt.
Example: – an agent – assignment card - target
The agent must Move one card Moving the card The agent The agent takes
reach the to an empty one with the moves to the next the 2nd step - the
"fountain" agent card goal is achieved!
place to an empty
space (the
player decided to
move only
2 cards)
Game option for beginners. The game continues until the deck
runs out of task cards. The winner is the player who collected the
most completed cards.
our tasks.
Example: The green player received the "bus" card and was on his
way to completing the "cash" task, but was forced to give the "bus"
to the red player, receiving an agent card. Thus, he had no cards of
completed tasks left in his hands, although he completed one. In this
case, the received agent card remains
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he has to control completed tasks, and when the green player completes
the “cash desk” mission, he must transfer the secret assignment to another
agent, since he has already completed two tasks.
Game over. The game ends when there is not a single card left in the deck
of cards with tasks and at least one of the players is not able to take part in
the exchange of tasks. All cards with completed tasks are counted and the
winner is determined.