Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
(CAT.NO: 241/2023)
I ECONOMICS - 10 Marks
1)National income and balance of payments (2 Marks)
Concepts and measurement of national income – changing contribution of various sectors in
national income-structure of the balance of payment accounts exchange rate determination –
performance of foreign trade of India.
2) Poverty, inequality and unemployment (2 Marks)
Role of planning in India's development – concepts, measurement and magnitude of poverty
– inequality in income distribution – regional disparity in income – definition and
measurement of unemployment – employment creation and poverty eradication programme
of Centre and Kerala.
Technological advancements, Innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Importance
of good governance for economic development.
3) Resource Allocation and Game Theory(1 Mark)
Application of elasticity of demand and supply-Consumer surplus and producers’ surplus-
Opportunity cost-Production Possibility Frontier-Marginal analysis-Consumer choice-
Introduction to Game theory-Theory of rational choice-Interacting decision-makers.
Cannons of taxation – tax structure in India – Direct and Indirect Tax reforms in India –
Goods and Service Tax(GST).
Concept of federal finance-Transfer of resources from Union and States to local bodies - Role
of NITI Aayog and fiscal federalism-Budgetary process - Revenue and Capital budget -
Budget estimates and Revised estimates - Budget documents - Annual Financial Statement-
Finance bill-Demand for Grants- Expenditure and Receipt Budget. – Budgetary Process and
Control in India – Fiscal Responsibility Budgetary Management(FRBM) policy in India.
1)Introduction to Econometrics(2 Marks)
Econometric modelling - Sample Regression Function and Population Regression Function -
Simple linear Regression Model – Assumptions, Estimation through Ordinary Least Squares
(OLS) Approach – Numerical properties - Gauss Markov Theorem - Normality assumption.
2)Hypothesis testing(1 Mark)
t and F tests-P value- Multiple Regression Model - Testing the Significance of Regression -
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), F and the concept of R2 and adjusted R2.
3)Assumptions of the Classical Model (2 Marks)
Auto-correlation, Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity, - Nature, Consequences, Tests and
Remedial measures-Model Specification and Diagnostic testing - Specification Errors -types,
consequences and tests RAMSEY RESET test- Errors of Measurement in the dependent
variable and independent variable
4)Dummy Variable Regression Models( 2 Marks)
Dummy Variable Technique and its Applications - ANOVA models-ANCOVA models-
Comparing two regressions, interaction effects, seasonal analysis, piece-wise linear
5)Time Series Econometrics(2 Marks)
Time Series Analysis- Stationarity & Non Stationarity-Random Walk Models-
Autocorrelations and Partial Autocorrelation Functions-Unit roots and Units roots tests- AR,
MA, Integrated Process, ARMA ARIMA modelling.
6) Panel Data(1 Mark)
Concept, importance and limitations of panel data
Capital budgeting – Capital structure – Sources of finance and cost of capital- Dividend
policy – Working capital – Portfolio management - Financial Statement Analysis --
Requirements of Financial Reporting and Recent trends in reporting - Usage of Ratio analysis
- liquidity ratios – turnover ratio - leverage ratios - Insolvency ratio and profitability ratio -
DuPont Analysis - Reading and Interpretation of Financial Statements- Financial planning –
preparation of cost estimation and budget estimation (6 marks)
Project proposal and project report preparation- Project finance –Project management- project
planning and implementation- project monitoring and control- Project evaluation- Project
Auditing – Phases of project Audit- Project Closure- Risk management- Environmental
Impact Assessment- sustainability reporting (4 marks)
V STATISTICS ( 15 Marks)