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Personal Training Quarterly (PTQ)
publishes basic educational
information for Associate and
Professional Members of the
NSCA specifically focusing on
personal trainers and training
enthusiasts. As a quarterly
publication, this journal’s mission
is to publish peer-reviewed
articles that provide basic,
practical information that is
research-based and applicable to
personal trainers.
Personal Training Quarterly (PTQ)
1885 Bob Johnson Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
phone: 800-815-6826
email: matthew.sandstead@
ISSN 2376-0850
1.1| |NSCA.COM
esearch on a kinetic and electromyographic comparison broader range of specific tasks can be considered to possess a
of the standing single-arm cable press and bench press high functional capacity.
showed that performance is limited by the activation and
neuromuscular coordination of torso muscles, not maximal muscle This article proposes that all resistance training exercises—not
activation of the chest and shoulder muscles (4). In other words, just pushing movements—can be classified as either “specific”
like the bench press, standing single-arm cable press performance or “general.” How to classify each exercise type and the unique
also relies on the strength of shoulder and chest musculature; benefits they offer is expanded upon below.
however, what presents the major limitation in force generation is
whole-body stability and equilibrium together with joint stability.
Specific exercises have an obvious and direct transfer into
The results of this study highlight the fact that although both
improved performance and functional capacity because they
are upper-body pushing exercises, the standing pushing action
are based on the principle of specificity. According to Dr.
is more of a whole-body exercise, whereas the bench press is
Everett Harman in the NSCA’s Essentials of Strength Training and
more of just an upper-body exercise. Therefore, the two pushing
Conditioning (3rd Edition):
actions involve very different force production and neuromuscular
coordination patterns. This has potentially important implications “The concept of specificity, widely recognized in the field of
for exercise classification and program design for enhancing resistance training, holds that training is most effective when
human performance, which is what this article highlights. resistance exercises are similar to the sport activity in which
improvement is sought (the target activity). Although all
athletes should use well-rounded, whole-body exercise routines,
supplementary exercises specific to the sport can provide a
The goal of exercise programming for enhancing human
training advantage. The simplest and most straightforward way
performance is to maximize training transfer. What the research
to implement the principle of specificity is to select exercise
results discussed above demonstrate is that some exercises have
similar to the target activity with regard to the joints about which
an obvious and direct transfer into the improved performance
movement occur and the direction of the movements. In addition,
of sporting actions and overall functional capacity, while other
joint ranges of motion in the training should be at least as great as
exercises offer a less obvious transfer, known as indirect transfer.
those in the target activity,” (1).
Functional capacity can be summarized as how broad one’s range
of ability is; in other words, a person capable of performing a
WHAT ARE GENERAL EXERCISES? This aspect of the study demonstrates the functional benefits of
General exercises are essentially conventional strength training gaining muscle mass. The use of general exercise applications, like
exercises and may consist of compound or isolation movements the bench press and dumbbell press along with isolation exercises,
using free weights, cables, or machines. In the case of pushing may improve one’s ability to produce more horizontal (and
exercise applications, the bench press, incline press, and shoulder diagonal) pushing force from the standing position because one
press could be classified as general exercises. Since these exercises has more mass (into the ground) to push from (4). In other words,
do not necessarily reflect the specific force generation patterns the more muscle mass an individual has, potentially the more
of many common movements in athletics, the ability of these ability they will have to produce pushing force (strength) when
applications to positively transfer into improved performance standing. Not only does this provide an athlete an advantage
potential is less obvious, which has led some personal trainers from a strength standpoint, but it also applies to avoiding getting
and coaches into mistakenly labeling them as “non-functional” knocked over or off-balance.
and therefore not valuable. This is a false belief. Just because
Additionally, a study of baseball pitchers found that increased
the exercise application is less specific to replicating the specific
bodyweight is highly associated with increased pitching velocity
force generation patterns of a given target movement does not
(6). This means that pitchers with larger body masses tended to
make the exercise less functional; it simply makes it more general.
throw the ball faster than those who weighed less. It is important
Both specific and general exercises offer a unique set of benefits
to note that the sequencing of rotation required when throwing
that transfer into improvements in performance and overall
a baseball is a very similar total-body action to throwing a punch
functional capacity.
and to swinging an implement like a racquet, club, or bat. When
BENEFITS OF SPECIFIC EXERCISES the arms, which are responsible for the accuracy component of
The principle of specific adaptation to imposed demands the individual sport skill of striking the target, are taken out of the
(SAID) comes into play when stressors are applied such as equation, each of these athletic actions involve a force generation
biomechanical, neurological, and physiological stress (2). In pattern that comes from the ground up (including the hips, trunk,
other words, the adaptations to the training stimulus will be and arms).
specific to the demands the training puts on the body. Specific
It is important to note that since sporting actions such as
exercise applications create a more ideal environment than
throwing and punching involve a coordinated effort of the entire
general exercises for enhancing the specific force generation and
body to summate force (a sum of the total individual muscles
neuromuscular coordination patterns of target movements in
added together), increasing general muscle strength may
athletics such as the standing horizontal pushing environment.
increase the force producing capability of each muscle group.
The universal principle of specificity dictates that to maximize Therefore, allowing them to each make greater contribution to the
improvements in standing pushing performance, one must utilize summation force and increasing power production.
standing pushing exercises such as the standing single-arm cable
press (Figures 1 and 2) and the angled barbell press (Figures 3 and
4), or use pushing exercises like the one-arm push-up (Figures 5
It is important to not confuse working on sporting skills with the
and 6), that create whole-body stability and integrate the hips and
specific exercise applications and working on improving specific
core along with the upper body.
force generation patterns, which transfer into target movements.
BENEFITS OF GENERAL EXERCISES Some strength and conditioning professionals have athletes and
In most cases, general exercises create a more ideal environment clients add load to their specific sports skill (such as attaching
than specific exercises for stimulating increases in overall muscle a resistance band to the end of a golf club or hockey stick and
strength and size. Therefore, these applications offer a general swinging it, or having a boxer shadow box while working against
transfer into improvements in human performance by increasing bands that are strapped around their back) and call these
muscle hypertrophy, motor unit recruitment, bone density, and “sport-specific exercises” or “functional exercises.” Put simply,
connective tissue strength, which can reduce injury risk. It is loading specific sports skills is a misapplication of the principle of
widely recognized that improving overall strength (i.e., the ability specificity, and therefore a misunderstanding of how to properly
to produce, reduce, and control force) through strength training use specific exercise applications.
methods can improve performance and functional capacity,
ithin the fitness community there has been a prevailing meal frequency, either increased or decreased, must affect caloric
dogma over the past few decades which asserts that expenditure in order to affect weight loss to a greater extent than
eating meals at higher frequencies throughout the that of moderate meal frequency, and if this is even possible.
day (e.g., 6 – 7 meals instead of the standard 3 – 4 meals per
day) will impart additional and beneficial effects on metabolism CALORIES OUT
and fat loss. This is colloquially referred to as “stoking the There are four factors that affect a person’s overall caloric or
metabolic fire” and largely stems from epidemiological research energy expenditure (EE) throughout the course of a day (24EE).
dating back to the early 1960s that showed that there was Those factors are basal metabolic rate (BMR), the thermic effect
an inverse relationship between meal frequency, bodyweight, of food (TEF), energy expended due to structured exercise
and skinfold thickness—in other words, the more frequently a (EEx), and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) (13,19).
person eats, the leaner they become (8,11). More recently, and Mathematically it looks like the following:
diametrically opposite to this viewpoint, another nutrition camp
24EE = BMR + TEF + EEx + NEAT
suggests a protocol that calls for the individual to fast for an
extended period of time (usually 16 – 18 hr) and then eat their If increasing or decreasing meal frequency does lead to an
remaining calories within a given window that usually follows an increase in metabolic rate, and therefore, an increase in fat loss,
exercise bout and lasts about 6 – 8 hr. This is commonly known it would have to affect one of the above factors.
as intermittent fasting (IF) and has gained a lot of popularity
over the past 10 – 15 years, both from fitness enthusiasts and MEAL FREQUENCY, EEX, AND NEAT
researchers alike. Within the concept of IF there are multiple To date, there is no evidence to suggest that increasing or
different fasting protocols, most of which are aimed at reducing decreasing meal frequency, independent of caloric reduction and
bodyweight. One such popular protocol entails complete fasting weight loss, has any effects on EEx or NEAT. However, it has been
for 24 hr, followed by ad libitum (at liberty) feeding the following shown that reductions in bodyweight do promote an unconscious
day—this is termed alternate day fasting (ADF). For the sake of reduction in spontaneous activity and therefore a reduction
simplicity, this review will regard IF as any dietary protocol that in caloric expenditure (12,14,20). Thus, any diet that reduces
encompasses the lower end of meal frequency (i.e., 1 – 2 meals bodyweight will likely produce a reduction in EEx and NEAT,
per day) with prolonged periods of fasting in between. While unless the person consciously compensates by increasing their
both methods of dieting—IF and the “stoking of the metabolic training volume. Theoretically, if someone increases their meal
fire” diet protocol—promote weight loss, neither have ever frequency, it is conceivable that they may increase their NEAT
defied the one ultimate requisite for a successful weight loss as a factor of preparing more food over the course of the day.
program: “calories in – calories out = weight loss (or gain).” Assuming that approximately 50 – 100 kcals are expended due
to cooking, this could amount to a couple hundred extra calories
In other words, both ways of dieting work because they reduce burned over the course of 24 hr (13). However, this is completely
caloric intake relative to expenditure and thereby induce a caloric speculative and most likely would have negligible effects on the
deficit. If increased or decreased meal frequency were better for overall caloric deficit from reducing caloric intake and a conscious
weight loss than the traditional 3 – 4 meals per day, then either of increase in EEx.
the two diets would have to affect one or both factors of weight
loss (calories in or calories out). Assuming a sufficient and equal MEAL FREQUENCY AND BMR
caloric deficit in both conditions, the caloric intake part of the Can altering meal frequency affect BMR? The main component
equation can be eliminated and the focus can be turned solely on in the average person’s 24EE, assuming a relatively low EEx
caloric expenditure. The remainder of this article will look at how and NEAT, is fat-free mass (FFM), which is the primary driving
MEAL FREQUENCY AND TEF 2. Antoine, JM, Rohr, R, Gagey, MJ, Bleyer, RE, and Debry, G.
Quite simply, TEF averages to approximately 10% of an individual’s Feeding frequency and nitrogen balance in weight-reducing obese
total caloric intake (7). Thus, if a given person ingests 2,000 kcals women. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition 38(1): 31-38, 1984.
over the course of the day, approximately 200 kcals will be lost as 3. Areta, JL, Burke, LM, Ross, ML, Camera, DM, West, DWD,
heat through obligatory processes such as absorption, digestion, Broad, EM, et al. Timing and distribution of protein ingestion
and storage (18). Interestingly, early research has shown that during prolonged recovery from resistance exercise alters
obese individuals actually have lower values of TEF (e.g., < 10%), myofibrillar protein synthesis. Journal of Physiology 591(9): 2319-
possibly increasing their risk for weight gain (7,22). 2331, 2013.
Will altering meal frequency have any effect on TEF? According 4. Bellisle F, McDevitt R, Prentice AM: Meal frequency and energy
to current research, the answer is no (24). In fact, in the acute balance. Br J Nutr 1997, 77 Suppl 1:S57-70.
studies showing non-significant increases in TEF based on meal 5. Bogardus C, Lillioja S, Ravussin E, Abbott W, Zawadzki JK,
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yielded the higher values of TEF (4,16). This is completely opposite of the resting metabolic rate. N Engl J Med 1986, 315:96-100.
of what many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts believe. Thus,
6. Cameron, JD, and Cyr, MJ, and Doucet, E. Increased meal
increasing or decreasing meal frequency does not affect TEF to
frequency does not promote greater weight loss in subjects who
any significant degree compared to moderate meal frequency.
were prescribed an 8-week equi-energetic energy-restricted diet.
OTHER FACTORS TO CONSIDER WITH British Journal of Nutrition 103(8): 1098-1101, 2010.
From a practical standpoint, increasing meal frequency is a great
way to try to increase an athlete’s caloric intake or to reduce a
7. D’Alessio, DA, Kavle, EC, Mozzoli, MA, Smalley, KJ, Kendrick, 22. Schutz Y, Bessard T, Jequier E: Exercise and postprandial
ZV, Owen, LR, Bushman, MC, Boden, G, and Owen, OE. Thermic thermogenesis in obese women before and after weight loss. Am J
effect of food in lean and obese men. Journal of Clinical Clin Nutr 1987, 45:1424-1432.
Investigation 81(6): 1781-1789, 1988. 23. Swindells, YE, Holmes, SA, and Robinson, MF. The metabolic
8. Fabry P, Hejda S, Cerny K, Osancova K, Pechar J: Effect of response of young women to changes in the frequency of meals.
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proportion and skinfold thickness. Am J Clin Nutr 1966, 18:358-361. 24. Taylor MA, Garrow JS: Compared with nibbling, neither
9. Fabry P, Hejl Z, Fodor J, Braun T, Zvolankova K: The Frequency gorging nor a morning fast affect short-term energy balance in
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Decreased Glucose-Tolerance. Lancet 1964, 2:614-615. Disord 2001, 25:519-528.
10. Frecka JM, Mattes RD: Possible entrainment of ghrelin to 25. Verboeket-van de Venne, WP, and Westerterp, KR. Frequency
habitual meal patterns in humans. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver of feeding, weight reduction and energy metabolism. International
Physiol 2008, 294:G699-707. Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Disorder 17(1): 31-36, 1993.
11. Hejda S, Fabry P: Frequency of Food Intake in Relation to 26. Young, CM, Scanlan, SS, Topping, CM, Simko, V, and Lutwak,
Some Parameters of the Nutritional Status. Nutr Dieta Eur Rev Nutr L. Frequency of feeding, weight reduction, and body composition.
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12. Leibel RL, Rosenbaum M, Hirsch J: Changes in energy
expenditure resulting from altered body weight. N Engl J Med
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Dylan Klein earned his BSc in Nutritional Sciences, Dietetics from
13. Levine JA: Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): Rutgers University in 2013 where he is currently pursuing his
environment and biology. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2004, Doctorate in Nutritional Biochemistry and Physiology. His research
286:E675-685. currently focuses on the molecular adaptations of skeletal muscle
14. Martin CK, Heilbronn LK, de Jonge L, DeLany JP, Volaufova to exercise. In addition, Klein was also the Head Nutritionist for the
J, Anton SD, Redman LM, Smith SR, Ravussin E: Effect of calorie Rutgers football team for the 2012-2013 season and the Assistant
restriction on resting metabolic rate and spontaneous physical Nutritionist for the 2011-2012 season. In addition, he was the Head
activity. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007, 15:2964-2973. Nutritionist for the Rutgers’ Army ROTC program from 2011 to
2013. Outside of his role as a nutritionist on campus, Klein also
15. Moore, DR, Areta, J, Coffey, VG, Stellingwerff, T, Phillips, SM, works with the lay public, both in person and via email/phone
Burke, LM, et al. Daytime pattern of post-exercise protein intake correspondence where he specializes in fat loss, muscle gain,
affects whole-body protein turnover in resistance-trained males. and body re-composition. He also provides more information on
Nutrition and Metabolism 9(1): 91, 2012. website/blog called “Calories in Context.”
16. Munsters MJ, Saris WH: Effects of meal frequency on
metabolic profiles and substrate partitioning in lean healthy males.
PLoS One 2012, 7:e38632.
17. Osterberg KL, Melby CL: Effect of acute resistance exercise
on postexercise oxygen consumption and resting metabolic rate in
young women. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2000, 10:71-81.
18. Ravussin E, Bogardus C: A brief overview of human energy
metabolism and its relationship to essential obesity. Am J Clin Nutr
1992, 55:242S-245S.
19. Ravussin E, Lillioja S, Anderson TE, Christin L, Bogardus C:
Determinants of 24-hour energy expenditure in man. Methods and
results using a respiratory chamber. J Clin Invest 1986, 78:1568-
20. Redman LM, Heilbronn LK, Martin CK, de Jonge L,
Williamson DA, Delany JP, Ravussin E: Metabolic and behavioral
compensations in response to caloric restriction: implications for
the maintenance of weight loss. PLoS One 2009, 4:e4377.
21. Scharhag-Rosenberger F, Meyer T, Walitzek S, Kindermann
W: Effects of one year aerobic endurance training on resting
metabolic rate and exercise fat oxidation in previously untrained
men and women. Metabolic endurance training adaptations. Int J
Sports Med 2010, 31:498-504.
ynamic muscular contractions can be characterized by two is generally considered a highly effective mode of conditioning
primary actions, concentric and eccentric contractions. A for strength and hypertrophy, but also extends these benefits to
concentric contraction results in muscle shortening and various clinical populations.
occurs when the torque produced during a contraction exceeds
the force applied to the muscle. Alternatively, an eccentric For example, research from LaStayo and colleagues documented
contraction occurs when the muscle is forcibly lengthened or that eccentric exercise has successfully been explored for cancer
elongated. Put another way, an eccentric contraction results when survivors, adults with metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes,
the force produced inside the muscle is less than what is applied and in neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and
to the muscle externally and results in active lengthening of the cerebral palsy in children (8). It has also been used in rehabilitation
muscle fibers under some level of load (3). Eccentric training after knee surgery, in particular, replacement surgery for an injured
is mainly incorporated in an indirect manner by strength and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) as well as knee arthroplasty (8).
conditioning professionals, and as a result, it is often underused In addition, the energy cost of eccentric exercise is relatively low,
and undervalued. Many discuss the aspect of eccentrics for its despite the high muscle force being generated (8). The authors
application to strength training and conditioning, and while the contend that the major defining properties of eccentric muscle
field of strength and conditioning certainly benefits from eccentric contractions, the high force generating capacity of the muscle,
training, its application extends heavily into the clinical field as and the low energy cost makes eccentrics an appealing strategy
well. The purpose of this article is to address both the implications and represents a unique training environment and effective
and clinical applications of eccentric training, how eccentric countermeasure for muscle wasting in many clinical populations
training affects the outcomes within various clinical populations, where muscle atrophy is of concern (8). Further, the aging process
general exercise guidelines, and future directions within eccentric results in a progressive and continual reduction in muscle strength.
training and clinical populations. Research indicates that due to sarcopenia and other age-related
muscle loss, muscle mass and strength decrease approximately
CLINICAL BENEFITS OF ECCENTRIC TRAINING 10% per decade after the age of 50 (5,14,16,18). For this reason
Incorporating eccentric training and proper programing into a alone, incorporation of eccentric training can be considered in an
resistance training program can facilitate numerous benefits elderly population for its known ability to improve muscle strength
that extend well beyond increases in strength and hypertrophy. and power while also reducing the risk for falls and potential bone
This includes populations ranging from athletes desiring peak fractures (9,10).
performance to clinical patients involved in physical rehabilitation
as well as various other clinical populations. Eccentric exercise In addition, those within the clinical populations can benefit
from incorporating eccentric training, particularly if the patient
Similar results by Shalabi et al. found that eccentric training • An eccentric exposure-adaptation phase must be
resulted in decreased tendon volume and decreased employed initially to avoid unnecessary muscle damage;
intratendinous signal, which correlated to improved clinical therefore, this phase can help to prepare the muscle to
outcomes (17). Langberg et al. found similar results in a population experience the higher forces that often accompany the
of soccer players (7). Due to the incidence of injury and emphasis progressive eccentric negative work phase (Table 1).
on recovery, it is advised that the load should not be determined
• In general, the expectation is that the loading goal
by a one-repetition maximum (1RM). For a training application,
during the progressive eccentric work phase should
in general, load and volume should be progressed gradually and
exceed an isometric maximum load, and the eccentric
should be dictated by the amount of pain the client or athlete
exercise duration should be performed for up to 20 – 30
min per session, 2 – 3 times per week for 6 – 12 weeks.
ELDERLY POPULATION Repetition and set ranges will need to be determined
Eccentric training is an effective training strategy for elderly according to each individual’s ability and goals.
exercise-intolerant individuals and those at risk of falling and
• During the progression and incorporation of eccentric
sustaining injury. LaStayo et al. found greater strength increases
work, the goal should be to progressively resist higher
following eccentric training that resulted in improved balance, stair
loads for prolonged periods. Specifically, the exercise load
descent, and risk of falling when compared to traditional resistance
being resisted should surpass the participant’s isometric
exercise (9). It should be noted that the significant increases in
maximum load (i.e., the load should exceed that which can 10. LaStayo, PC, Woolf, JM, Lewek, MD, Snyder-Mackler, L,
be moved concentrically). Reich, T, and Lindstedt, SL. Eccentric muscle contractions: Their
contribution to injury, prevention, rehabilitation, and sport. Journal
• Eccentric exercise can be implemented with traditional of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 33(10): 557-571, 2003.
resistance exercise equipment or with the use of
11. Leadbetter, WB. Cell-matrix response in tendon injury. Clinics
bodyweight alone. In addition, functional weight
in Sports Medicine 11(3): 533-578, 1992.
-bearing activities, such as moving from standing
to sitting, can be used as an eccentric activity. 12. Lovering, RM, and Brooks, SV. Eccentric exercise in aging
and diseased skeletal muscle: good or bad? Journal of Applied
CONCLUSION Physiology 116(11): 1439-1445, 2014.
A number of eccentric training strategies exist that can allow
13. Mathur, S, MacIntyre, DL, Forster, BB, Road, JD, Levy, RD, and
for a wide variety of applications across nearly all populations,
Reid, WD. Preservation of eccentric torque of the knee extensors
particularly in the case of clinical patients. From a clinical
and flexors in patients with COPD. Journal of Cardiopulmonary
perspective, in terms of eccentric exercise and its acute and
Rehabilitation and Prevention 27(6): 411-416, 2007.
chronic effects on healthy and diseased tendons, evidence does
suggest eccentrics as a first line of treatment for some conditions. 14. Morse, CI, Thom, JM, Reeves, ND, Birch, KM, and Narici, MV.
The strength and conditioning professional should assess each In vivo physiological cross-sectional area and specific force are
client individually in order to potentially incorporate eccentric reduced in the gastrocnemius of elderly men. Journal of Applied
training into a client’s training program. Physiology 99(3): 1050-1055, 2005.
15. Nickols-Richardson, SM, Miller, LE, Wootten, DF, Ramp, WK,
and Herbert, WG. Concentric and eccentric isokinetic resistance
1. Alfredson, H, Nordström, P, Pietilä, T, and Lorentzon, R. Bone
training similarly increases muscular strength, fat-free soft tissue
mass in the calcaneus after heavy loaded eccentric calf-muscle
mass, and specific bone mineral measurements in young women.
training in recreational athletes with chronic achilles tendinosis.
Osteoporosis International 18(6): 789-796, 2007.
Calcified Tissue International 64(5): 450-455, 1999.
16. Porter, MM, Vandervoort, AA, and Lexell, J. Aging of human
2. Alfredson, H, Pietilä, T, Jonsson, P, and Lorentzon, R. Heavy-
muscle: Structure, function and adaptability. Scandinavian Journal
load eccentric calf muscle training for the treatment of chronic
of Medicine and Science in Sports 5(3): 129-142, 1995.
Achilles tendinosis. American Journal of Sports Medicine 26(3):
360-366, 1998. 17. Shalabi, A, Kristoffersen-Wilberg, M, Svensson, L, Aspelin,
P, and Movin, T. Eccentric training of the gastrocnemius-soleus
3. Coburn, J, and Mahlek, MH (Eds.). NSCA’s Essentials of
complex in chronic Achilles tendinopathy results in decreased
Personal Training. (2nd ed.) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2012.
tendon volume and intratendinous signal as evaluated by MRI.
4. Eng, JJ, Lomaglio, MJ, and Macintyre, DL. Muscle torque American Journal of Sports Medicine 32(5): 1286-1296, 2004.
preservation and physical activity in individuals with stroke.
18. Skelton, DA, Greig, CA, Davies, JM, and Young, A. Strength,
Medicine and Science in Sport Exercise 41(7): 1353-1360, 2009.
power and related functional ability of healthy people aged 65-89
5. Grimby, G, and Saltin, B. The ageing muscle. Clinical years. Age and Ageing 23(5): 371-377, 1994.
Physiology 3(3): 209-218, 1983.
6. Hawkins, SA, Schroeder, ET, Wiswell, RA, Jaque, SV, Marcell,
TJ, and Costa, K. Eccentric muscle action increases site-specific
osteogenic response. Medicine and Science in Sport Exercise 31(9):
1287-1292, 1999.
7. Langberg, H, Ellingsgaard, H, Madsen, T, Jansson, J,
Magnusson, SP, Aagaard, P, and Kjaer, M. Eccentric rehabilitation
exercise increases peritendinous type I collagen synthesis in
humans with Achilles tendinosis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine
and Science in Sports 17(1): 61-66, 2007.
8. LaStayo, PC, Marcus, RL, Dibble, L, Frajacomo, F, and
Lindstedt, SL. Eccentric exercise in rehabilitation: Safety, feasibility
and application. Journal of Applied Physiology 116(11): 1426-1434,
9. LaStayo, PC, Ewy, GA, Pierotti, DD, Johns, RK, and Lindstedt,
S. The positive effects of negative work: Increased muscle strength
and decreased fall risk in a frail elderly population. Journals of
Gerontology Series A Biological Science and Medical Science 58(5):
M419-424, 2003.
(WEEKS 1 – 2) WORK PHASE (WEEKS 3 – 12)
Frequency 2 – 3 times per week 2 – 3 times per week
10 – 12 min per session (weeks 3 – 4)
mall fitness business owners have to juggle everything from • Teaching classes
marketing to accounting to human relations, all on top of
the programing and training of their clients. So how do • Recruiting
they do it all? How do they make it all work while generating the
• Laundry
revenue necessary to pay the bills today and live the lifestyle they
want tomorrow? • Miscellaneous
SETTING UP SYSTEMS Upon completion of this list, it is now time to begin strategizing
While it is one thing to map out sales and marketing strategies, and asking the following questions: Can certain tasks be delegated
they will not work without the systems in place to take a small to others? Are there any business partners who could be doing
business to the next level. It is not uncommon to hear members more? Would it be more efficient to outsource certain tasks such
state that they do not have enough time to implement said as accounting or cleaning?
strategies. A typical rebuttal to this is “you need to find the time.”
“Not having enough time” is the excuse clients give personal Once you have begun to delegate and move things around,
trainers. And just as a personal trainer will tell their clients, “finding complete this exercise again after a month and compare it to
the time” is a management skill and all about setting priorities. the previous list. How have the changes affected the budget and
time usage? Remember, it is important to continue to increase
For example, a child runs into his father’s office at home and says, efficiency of a small fitness business, especially if the plan is to
“Dad, can you come out and play with me?” The father says, “No, expand the business to take on more classes, personal trainers,
not right now son, I’m busy.” Then, a while later, the child returns programs, etc.
and says, “Dad, I hurt myself real bad, I’m bleeding.” The father
now redirects his attention to his son because it has now become a Another exercise is to look at the business from the outside in.
priority; he needs to take action. The same thing needs to be done How is the brand of the business being represented? Here are
when it comes to setting up systems in a small fitness business. some examples of questions that should be asked about a small
fitness business:
Simply put, creating systems can help to build a business. They
encompass just about everything and they are everywhere. • When a new member or client signs up, do they receive a
Here is a great exercise to get started: for a full week, take welcome pack, an outline of the mission statement, and
notes on every single thing that is worked on. This means how a list of core values? What can a new or returning client
long work-related tasks take to complete, and the number of expect next?
tasks in a given week. This could result in a list of nearly 20 or
more, when finished. Some common examples may include: • When someone walks in the door, how are they greeted?
What information do they receive? What is their
• Cleaning experience? How does it compare to the competitor down
the street?
• Accounting
• When someone answers the phone, is it the same welcome
• Training greeting over the phone as in person? What is the process
when someone leaves a message? Does it take a long time
• Phone calls/emails
to return the message?
• Marketing
It takes a lot of work, but sometimes all that is necessary
is to patch broken systems or create new systems that are
individualized for the specific small fitness business. Remember,
systems can build a business; however, how quickly it grows is up
to the personal trainer and the staff of the business.
he summer months create an excellent opportunity for
personal trainers to take advantage of the warmer weather
and to refresh and change up the program design for their
clients. Outdoor workouts can be tailored to specific clients
and incorporated into their training regimen or added on as
supplemental workouts that can challenge multiple clients in a
group training setting. The overall goal of group training should
be to promote team building, while also providing support, a
sense of accomplishment, and motivation from positive feedback.
The program design can focus on specific fitness components
and motor skills or a circuit-style program with various stations
encompassing all aspects of training variables. Here are just a few
examples of training goals that may be included into a circuit: total
body power/strength and endurance, lower body power/strength
and endurance, upper body power/strength and endurance, core,
and speed/agility. The difficulty of the circuits can be tailored in
many ways regarding intensity and volume. These two variables FIGURE 1. SLED PUSH
can be manipulated by changing up sets, repetitions, distances,
weights, and the amount of time at each station (Table 1).
When performing a sled push, hold the handles or base of
the sled with the arms fully extended and drive the legs
while extending the knees and hips. Then the sled can
be pulled back to the starting point using the attached
harness. Keep the shoulders back and keep the chest up FIGURE 2. SLED PULL WITH HARNESS
while driving the legs back with hip extension and staying
low to the ground in a partial squat position (5).
Trainer: Start by standing behind the trainee with feet staggered
or shoulder-width apart, holding the center anchor of a resistance
band or suspension trainer in order to serve as the anchor for the
trainee. The handle should be held directly behind them (2).
Trainee: Holding both handles, start with a staggered stance
with feet shoulder-width apart, and elbows out to the side and
just below shoulder-height with the palms facing down. Press
one hand forward, controlling the resistance with the other arm.
Repeat the movement with the other arm by pressing the other
handle forward. Be careful not to go back too far as this can place
strain on the front of the shoulder (2).
Trainee: Start with the feet shoulder-width apart with one handle
in each hand and the palms facing each other. Pull one arm back in
a rowing motion along the side of the body and then repeat while
alternating with the other arm (2).
Trainer/Trainee: During the rotations, both individuals will be
BATTLE ROPES (CIRCLES) (FIGURES 13 AND 14) performing the same type of movement. They will be facing the
Start in a standing position with the knees slightly bent, grasping same direction standing side by side. Each of them will have two
the rope in each hand. Swing the rope to the side of the body in handles of a resistance band or suspension trainer directly out in
a circular motion and squat down slightly as the rope is slammed front of their chest. They will simultaneously rotate to the same
downwards. The circles will start above the shoulder and go back direction, one will perform the concentric action and the other will
down to approximately thigh level. perform the eccentric action to apply the resistance (2).
Note: Once the marching knee drive is mastered, the trainee can
perform a knee drive punch to the trainer. The trainer will return
the ball while both individuals are moving in sequence forwards
and backwards simultaneously.
ersonal training can be extremely rewarding, particularly exercise, or giving permission to eat something they should not
when a client is just starting to exercise for the first time. eat. Unfortunately, such external rewards rarely have the desired
However, it can be equally frustrating when clients give up effect of promoting increased, lasting intrinsic behavior (1).
and stop exercising, despite their initial enthusiasm and worthy According to motivation researchers Richard Ryan and Edward
intentions. Why do some people exercise on a regular basis Deci, there are three basic psychological needs that must be met
(even when the weather is bad or when they are tired, stressed, in order for a person to be sufficiently motivated to take action in
or busy), while others just cannot seem to stick with a regular a volitional behavior (3). Specifically, those needs are autonomy,
exercise routine? A personal trainer is in a prime position, not only competence, and relatedness; these three needs make up the
to provide a client with a structured and safe workout routine, primary components of the SDT (3). A description of these three
but also to provide the client with tools and strategies to enhance needs can be found in Table 1. Because people are naturally
motivation and to decrease the likelihood of giving up. The self- inclined to fulfill these three needs, if any of the needs are not
determination theory (SDT) provides a greater understanding being fulfilled, it can threaten a person’s motivation to pursue a
of how to implement such strategies and incorporate them as particular task, including sticking to an exercise program.
fundamental components of a training program (3). The purpose
of this article is to provide practical suggestions based on the SDT In regards to autonomy, the SDT further delineates different
that personal trainers can use to help their clients become and types of motivation (2). A person could be described as being
stay motivated to stick with their exercise routine. intrinsically motivated when their reasons for participating in
an activity are related to the inherent pleasure and satisfaction
OVERVIEW OF THE SDT that comes from participating. Using the example of a distance
Understanding the basic principles of motivation is essential for runner, one could say that a runner is intrinsically motivated
personal trainers, especially with regard to clients who are starting to run because running helps to relieve stress and provides a
to exercise for the first time, or who are trying to become more sense of enjoyment. In contrast, a person could be said to be
active after a break from physical activity. This point becomes extrinsically motivated when their reasons for participating
particularly more salient when considering that 50% of people come from some source other than the inherent pleasure of
who start a new exercise program will drop out within six months the activity itself. Contrary to what is often assumed, extrinsic
(4). What can personal trainers do to prevent their new clients motivation is not necessarily a bad thing. However, how extrinsic
from falling prey to this alarming common scenario? motivation is regulated may be of the utmost importance. Using
the example of a distance runner, if a person considers running
Personal trainers might be tempted to attempt to motivate clients to be a part of their identity, or if the person runs with the desire
with external rewards, such as t-shirts, selecting their favorite to achieve a personal goal (e.g., to run a 5K without walking),
1. Deci, EL, Koestner, R, and Ryan, RM. A meta-analytic review of ABOUT THE AUTHOR
experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic Brook Skidmore is a former physical education instructor for the
motivation. Psychological Bulletin 125(6): 627-668, 1999. College of Southern Idaho. She is currently finishing her second
2. Deci, EL, and Ryan, RM. Intrinsic Motivation and Self- Master’s degree in Sport Psychology at Western Washington
Determination in Human Behavior. New York, New York: Springer University. She has trained a wide range of athletes and exercisers
US; 1985. in the roles of personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and
strength and conditioning coach. In addition to her own training
3. Ryan, R, and Deci, E. Self-determination theory and the
as an endurance athlete, she also conducts fitness classes for the
facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-
general public and for older adults.
being. American Psychologist 55(1): 68-78, 2000.
4. Weinberg, RS, and Gould, D. Foundations of Sport and
Exercise Psychology. (6th ed.) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics;
425-456, 2015.
The behavior is volitional (meaning the client has a choice of what the program involves); the
client is not simply being ordered by the personal trainer to do various exercises
The task to be carried out reflects the client’s values and interests, not the trainer’s
The client feels a sense of growth and mastery over the task at hand
The client feels that they are cared for and respected by the personal trainer
As opposed to feeling like an outsider, the client feels there is a sense of belonging and
connectedness during the exercise program
• “It’s a great way to socialize with my friends” • “I feel guilty when I don’t work out”
• “It’s who I am; I’m an active person and I value my • “I’m supposed to work out every day; I do it because
health” I have to, not because I want to”
• “I want to be able to swim a mile without resting” • “I want to look good in my swimsuit this summer”
• “It helps me clear my head and relieve stress” • “I exercise so I can eat ice cream after dinner”
*Regular exercisers exhibit high levels of autonomous motivation in their *Irregular exercisers exhibit high levels of controlled motivation in their
reasons for being active reasons for being active
Use supportive and encouraging language when working Use demeaning or authoritative language with the intent of pressuring
with client. the client.
Focus on the task itself, and the effort the client is giving
Focus solely on the outcome of their workouts (i.e., weight loss).
during the workout.
Emphasize and celebrate with them what their bodies can Emphasize and celebrate what their bodies look like (e.g., weight loss,
do (e.g., increased strength). body shape/size).
Treat clients with empathy and warmth. They should feel Use a position of power to act cold or superior to the clients. Threaten the
valued as individuals and respected where they are at on client with “punishments” if they do not perform a certain task according
their journey in fitness and health. to prescribed standards.
After establishing her goals, steer Beth in the direction of which goals are actually
within her control.
Listen to her without judging when she expresses concerns or struggles.
Discuss which individuals in Beth’s life are a positive support for her goals to be physically active.
Help her feel like she belongs in the gym and in the program. Point out how she is similar to
others who also attend there.
he personal training industry has many different business want to show ownership to their training program and would jump
and marketing strategies to generate leads, however, most at the opportunity to talk positively about it to others if only they
personal trainers rely heavily on referrals for new clients. were asked to do so.
Referrals are the primary resource a new potential client utilizes
when inquiring about working with a fitness professional (1). The Every client has a circle of people which they involve in their
potential client feels a certain level of trust and value in a personal life. These individuals include family members, friends, and
trainer if they are referred by a friend, colleague, or family member colleagues. These three categories create a group of people
that has had a successful and professional experience with said that a potential client will look to first when seeking out
trainer (3). Many fitness professionals find the referral to be such possible referrals (Table 1) (3).
an effective tool that it is the only resource they use to generate
new business (2).
This is most commonly found in studios or with independent Websites, flyers, massive group discounts, and radio ads are
contractors who build their business over a long period of time great at generating leads for general monthly gym memberships
(1 – 5+ years). Their business strategy is simple: if a current client (4). These tools are typically very successful in generating
loves their training experience, they will tell three other people clientele, yet there is no pre-existing connection between the
how great their training is. Conversely, if they do not like their trainer and the client prior to them walking in the door. On the
experience they will tell 10 people how horrible it is. other hand, a referral brings in a new client who already has at
least one thing in common with the personal trainer—a connection
Most people are happy to pile on bad experiences and oversell to the referring client.
positive ones. It is “the positive three” people that personal
trainers want to focus their referral efforts toward in an attempt to Oftentimes, both the referring client and the potential client
earn new clients. Here are three techniques in which a trainer can will come in together for the new client’s first session. If this
potentially gain access to those “positive three” leads and start happens, the current client can help to create a very welcoming
the process of converting them to life-long and committed clients. environment for the new client as they are already familiar with
the facility, the tempo of the training session, and the cues used
DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK: THE REACH OF THREE by the trainer. Also, they can assist the trainer in demonstrating
One of the best referral resources a trainer has is already available and teaching some basic components of the program design to
to them on a daily basis. Trainers work hard on building a a certain degree. This gives the current client some pride and
quality and lasting relationship with their current clientele. This ownership to their unique way of exercising with their trainer
relationship can be so strong that a trainer might have a client while lowering the walls of the new client who may be nervous,
for 15 years or more. There is no better resource to reach out to defensive, or even scared about the whole process.
than an already established, committed, and die-hard group of
believers that make up a personal trainer’s current clientele. Social interaction with a friend, family member, or colleague may
assist in making the new client’s first experience a friendly and
Oftentimes, personal trainers are simply afraid or shy of the memorable one, which may help in retaining them. Networking
idea of asking their steadfast clients for help; however, these and social interaction is a great way to introduce a mass of new
are exactly the people the trainer should ask (2). Most of these potential clients to the gym as well. A personal trainer can achieve
clients believe in their personal trainer because they are products this by hosting an event like a free group workout or a fundraiser.
of the program design, they are the success stories, and they are
champions of the trainer’s philosophies (4). Many of these clients
ersonal trainers are required to constantly challenge LOWER BODY TRAINING
their clients physically and mentally. In order to retain Nearly any lower body training exercise, including squat and lunge
customers, trainers must improve or maintain their client’s variations, can be loaded effectively with the Bulgarian Bag. The
fitness levels while keeping them interested in the process. For crescent shape is ideal for front and back squats (Figures 1 and
this reason, incorporating variety into the training program 2). A client can perform squats, squat jumps, lunges, or step-ups
can be an invaluable tool. Research has found that a major just as they would when using other types of resistance or loads.
predictor of whether people continue to exercise is how much In addition, the front hold position (Figure 3) is excellent for
they enjoy it (1,7,9,13). Results simply are not enough motivation developing core stability and teaching clients to maintain a more
if they are not having fun. The Bulgarian Bags, developed upright trunk position.
by Bulgarian wrestling coach Ivan Ivanov, provide a unique
way to add interest to any client’s workout program (8,11). More dynamic total body work includes the swing and the swing
squat. The technique for the Bulgarian Bag swing (Figures 4 – 6)
These bags are similar to sandbags and have many of the same is much the same as for the kettlebell swing, but with a wider
benefits, but the unique shape allows for the performance stance to allow the bag to clear the knees. The swing exercise
of some movements that are difficult to perform with most may be useful in helping to develop hip and core strength, power,
weighted bags (2,4,10). The unique shape of the bag combined and endurance. Only advanced clients should perform the swing
with the different grips and handles make it an extremely squat (Figures 7 – 9). To start the exercise, the client should grip
versatile tool. It allows for many different rotational exercises the bag by bringing the handles together. They should swing the
that are often not possible with other exercise equipment. bag between the legs while extending the knees, then they should
The bags are portable enough for travel workouts and ideal drive the bag forward using the hips while descending into a
for personal trainers who travel to their clients’ homes. squat. Maximal depth in the squat should occur just as the arms
and bag are parallel with the floor.
Many of the same movement patterns popular in kettlebell
training can be done with the Bulgarian Bags. This means that UPPER BODY TRAINING
clients can learn proper kettlebell movement patterns using Nearly any upper body barbell or dumbbell exercise can also
the Bulgarian Bags with less potential injury risk and the bags be performed with the Bulgarian Bag, including presses, rows
may be less intimidating than kettlebells for some people. (Figures 10 and 11), and cleans. The different handles allow a
Currently, there is no direct research on the effectiveness of variety of single and double handed grips for both unilateral and
the Bulgarian Bags, but several studies have found similar bilateral training. Additionally, two bags can be used by having
training with kettlebells to be effective for developing one held in each hand.
strength, power, and cardiovascular endurance (1,3,5,6,12).
“Basic bag protocol” (4 Tabata circuit (8 rounds “The 500” (4 sets: 1st set
sets or for time) per exercise; 20 s work x 10 reps per exercise,
and 10 s rest) rest 1 min 2nd set x 20 reps, 3rd
• 10 spins (both between exercises x 15 reps, and 4th x 10
sides) reps)
• Alternating front
• 10 snatches lunge (bag on • Spins
• 10 shoulder • Swing snatch
throws (both • Snatch
sides) • Romanian
• Overhead press deadlifts
• 10 push-ups
• Straight-arm front • Side bends
• Jumping split
• Front squat squats
• Halos
• Triceps extensions
• Hammer curls
• Push-ups
*Maintain a consistent repetition count for each time interval
Back squat (5 x 5 reps) Bench press (5 x 5 reps) Power clean (5 x 3 reps) Standing push press (5 x
5 reps)
Romanian deadlift (3 x Weighted pull-ups (5 x Front squat (5 x 5 reps)
8 reps) 6 – 8 reps) Row (5 x 10 reps)
Hanging leg raise (5 x
Weighted sit-ups (5 x Neck work max reps) Neck work
10-15 reps)
Bulgarian Bag routine Bulgarian Bag track Bulgarian Bag circuit (3
Bulgarian Bag circuit (3 (minimal rest) circuit (minimal rest) x 5 min with 1 min rest;
rounds with 1 min rest) max rounds for time)
• Snatch (x 20) • Carry bag while
• Squat swings (x jogging (2 rounds • Jerk (x 10)
20) • Bag slams (x 20) with 2 min rest
between rounds) • Front squat (x 10)
• Spins (x 10 each • Thrusters (x 20)
way) • Swings (x 20) • Overhead throw
• Russian twist (x (x 5)
• Forward push 20) • 200-m walk/jog
throw (x 10) • Underhand throw
• Turkish get-ups (x • Burpees with bag (x 5)
10 each side) (x 10)
• 200-m walk/jog
• 200-m walk/jog
• Triceps extensions
(x 20)
• 200-m walk/jog
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s I have watched the evolution of technology within The expert panel includes:
the fitness profession over the last 20 years I am
shocked by the rapidity of change, particularly over • Josh Proch (JP), CSCS, the co-owner of Defined
the last decade. When I first entered the profession of Fitness (a 2,100 sq ft hybrid fitness facility that
personal training in 1996, new technology included a new specializes in functional training fitness coaching)
treadmill, a CD player, or using a heart rate monitor to gauge
• Mark Nutting (MN), CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, the 2009
exercise intensity. If you had a computer and internet access
National Strength and Conditioning Association
you were ahead of the technology curve and probably
(NSCA) Personal Trainer of the Year and the Personal
considered an “early adopter.” Cell phone technology was
Training Director at Saco Sport and Fitness
still in its infancy and the concept of the smartphone was
nothing more than wishful thinking among the digerati. • Shirley Archer (SA), NSCA-CPT, the author
of 12 books, including “Fitness 9 to 5: Easy
For example, consider a few of the things we take for granted
Exercises for the Working Week”
today that simply did not exist in 1996: streaming anything online,
Google, blogs, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, MP3, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, HOW IS TECHNOLOGY CHANGING THE PROFESSION
Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, apps, broadband internet, and even OF FITNESS?
the great grandfather of social media, MySpace. Not to mention JP: “We are already seeing it change the way people workout
the online journal article that you are reading right now. and do business. They track everything from calories to daily
movement to workout effort. There are some really cool products
Even as we see fitness trends emerging that are seemingly retro,
out there that monitor sleep quality and rhythms. We see many
such as the resurgence of kettlebells, yoga, or primal movement,
of our members using Fitbits® or other similar devices. I have also
the reality is that technology is permeating and changing the
heard of some top college football programs using tech to monitor
entire fitness industry and, more specifically, how personal trainers
effort output in practice to see which players are giving their all
deliver their services. Importantly, though, the expectations of
and which players are slacking.”
clients are changing as well. As consumers embrace technology in
all aspects of their lives, they are also expecting (and demanding) MN: “Keep in mind I have been in the fitness business for 35 years,
that same incorporation of technology into their exercise back then we were still lifting rocks for a workout. Probably email
programs. For that reason, I chose to explore technology in was the first thing that made communication easier. Even cell
personal training in this second article in a four-part series of “best phones, the fact that we can get back to a client immediately has
practices in personal training.” been a huge thing. Cell phones made life easier, particularly for
trainers that are on the go. Obviously, business software came in
Through my experience in the industry, I have come across
as computers became more accessible. Booking programs are big
many personal trainers and allied fitness professionals that
as well, and means that trainers do not have to literally write down
are embracing technology and pushing the boundaries
a client appointment. I think most of the changes happened at the
of technology in the fitness industry so it was a tough
club level at first. Websites are a nice billboard for your business,
proposition to limit myself to only a few expert sources to
but not interactive. Blogs have started the greatest interactivity of
interview. Nevertheless, I think this panel of experts brings
the internet.
an impressive breadth of knowledge and I thank them for
their willingness to share their knowledge and experience.
MN: “We now have a virtual tour of our club on our website. We
had someone from Google walk through our club while filming a
virtual tour. We have also just moved from doing skinfold pinching
A personal trainer with over 15 years of experience, Carmine Grieco
to using ultrasound for measuring body fat. It is less invasive,
recently made the transition from personal trainer to college
which people appreciate, and so quick and easy. It is working out
professor. Recently an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at
well so far. We also do blood work here at the club. It is just a
Glenville State College, Grieco received his Doctorate degree in
finger prick device, but with a very small amount of blood dropped
Human Movement Sciences from Old Dominion University in 2012.
into this analyzer we are able to determine total cholesterol, high
Grieco recently accepted a position at Colorado Mesa University. He
density cholesterol, ratio of good-to-bad cholesterol, etc. That is
is the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) West
very cool to be able to do that at the club level. Plus, the electronic
Virginia State Director and is passionate about the profession of
device we use is only the size of my hand.”
fitness. Grieco is now focusing his time and energy on training the
SA: “In today’s market, a website is important to establish your next generation of fitness professionals.
credibility and to help prospective clients to find you. I am on my
fifth website. I continue to update it and integrate it with other
social media platforms.”
Technology is changing at an accelerated pace and, like it or
not, the demand is placed upon fitness professionals to continue
adapting. As Mark Nutting so succinctly put it, “A lot of trainers
or clubs will not get into technology, but it is easy to get left
behind.” Indeed, it is easy to get left behind and as the pace of
technological change quickens, it will become even easier. The
twenty-first century poses many challenges, and opportunities, for
the personal training profession. Like the human body adapting to
the stimulus of exercise, so too must the modern personal trainer
adapt to ever-expanding technological innovations.
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