Kumpulan Soal To Tbi Bumn 2024
Kumpulan Soal To Tbi Bumn 2024
Kumpulan Soal To Tbi Bumn 2024
8. It can be inferred from the passage that 10. The paragraph preceding this passage most
onerole of the U.S. government is to …. likely discusses ….
A. regulate product safety A. a survey of eighteenth-century art
B. prohibit any use of carbon tetrachloride B. a different American artist
C. instruct industry on cleaning C. Whistler’s other famous paintings
methodologies D. European artists
D. ban the use of any chemicals E. characteristics of eighteenth-century
E. implement political activities art
9. The paragraph following the passage most
likely discusses …. 11. Which of the following best describes the
A. additional uses for carbon tetrachloride information in the passage?
B. the origin of carbon tetrachloride A. Several artists are presented.
C. further dangerous effect of carbon B. One artist’s life and works are
tetrachloride described.
D. the banning of various chemical C. Various paintings are contrasted.
compounds by the U.S. government D. Whistler’s family life is outlined.
E. the major characteristics of carbon E. The artist's background is highlighted
12. Whistler is considered an American artist
Questions 10-19 because ….
A. he was born in America
The next artist in this survey of American B. he spent most of his life in America
artists is James Whistler; he is included in this
C. he served in the U.S. military
survey of American artists because he was born
D. he created most of his famous art in
in the United States, although the majority of his
artwork was completed in Europe. Whistler was America
born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years E. he completed his work in America
later his father moved the family to St.
Petersburg, Russia, to work on the construction 13. The word “majority” in paragraph 1 is
of a railroad. The family returned to the United closest in meaning to the ….
States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered
A. seniority
the U.S. military academy at West Point, but he
was unable to graduate. At the age of twenty- B. maturity
one, Whistler went to Europe to study art despite C. large pieces
familial objections, and he remained in Europe D. big space
until his death. E. high percentage
Whistler worked in various art forms,
including etchings and lithographs. However, he 14. It is implied in the passage that Whistler’s
is most famous for his paintings, particularly
family was ….
Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1: Portrait of
the Artist’s Mother of Whistler’s Mother, as it is A. unable to find any work at all in Russia
more commonly known. This painting shows a B. highly supportive of his desire to
side view of Whistler’s mother, dressed in black pursue art
and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical C. working class
nature of the portrait, with his mother seated off- D. military
center, is highly characteristic of Whistler’s work.
E. artist
TO 1 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
23. It is implied in the passage that …. 27. The word “present” in the third
A. there recently has been a decrease in paragraph could most easily be replaced
no-fault divorces by ….
B. not all divorces today are no-fault A. existing
divorces B. giving
C. a no-fault divorce is not as equitable as C. introducing
a fault divorce D. resulting
D. people recover more slowly from a no- E. reward
fault divorce
E. healing process of fault divorce can 28. The word “settlement” in paragraph 3 is
begin easily closest in meaning to ….
A. development
24. The word “proponents” in paragraph 2 is B. serenity
closest in meaning to which of the C. discussion
following? D. an agreement
A. advocates E. habitation
B. recipients
C. authorities 29. The tone of this passage is ….
D. enemies A. emotional
E. officials B. enthusiastic
C. critical
25. The passage states that a public trial to D. reactionary
prove the fault of one spouse can …. E. expository
A. be satisfying to the wronged spouse
B. lead to a shorter divorce process Questions 30-39
C. reduce negative feelings
Whereas literature in the first half of the
D. be a harmful process
eighteenth century in America had been largely
E. be an easy way to blame one another religious and moral in tone, by the latter half of
the century the revolutionary fervor that was
26. Which of the following is not listed in this coming to life in the colonies began to be
passage as an argument in favor of no-fault reflected in the literature of the time, which in
divorce? turn served to further influence the population.
A. Rarely is only one marriage partner to Although not all writers of this period supported
the Revolution, the two best-known and most
blame for a divorce.
influential writers, Ben Franklin and Thomas
B. A no-fault divorce generally costs less in
Paine, were both strongly supportive of that
legal fees. cause.
C. Finding fault in a divorce increases
negative feelings. Ben Franklin first attained popular success
D. A no-fault divorce settlement through his writings in his brother’s newspaper,
the New England Current. In these articles, he
isgenerally easier to
used a simple style of language and common-
negotiate. sense argumentation to defend the point of
E. A failed marriage is caused by view of the farmer and the Leather Apron man.
bothpartners. He continued with the same common-sense
TO 1 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
practicality and appeal to the common man with 32. The word “time” in the first paragraph
his work on Poor Richard’s Almanac from 1733 could best be replaced by a….
until 1758. Firmly established in his popular A. hour
acceptance by the people, Franklin wrote a
B. period
variety of extremely effective articles and
pamphlets about the colonists’ revolutionary C. appointment
cause against England. D. duration
E. second
Thomas Paine was an Englishman working as a
magazine editor in Philadelphia at the time of the 33. It is implied in the passage that ….
Revolution. His pamphlet Common Sense, which A. some writers in the American colonies
appeared in 1776, was a force in encouraging the
supported England during the
colonists to declare their independence from
England. Then throughout the long Revolution
and desperate war years, he published a series B. Franklin and Paine were the only
of Crisis papers (from 1776 until 1783) to writers to influence the Revolution
encourage the colonists to continue with the C. because Thomas Paine was an
struggle. The effectiveness of his writing was Englishman, he supported England
probably due to his emotional yet oversimplified
against the colonies
depiction of the cause of the colonists against
D. authors who supported England did not
England as a classic struggle between good and
evil. remain in the colonies during the
30. The paragraph preceding this passage most E. Ben Franklin had not written about
likely discusses …. colonists' revolutionary
A. how literature influences the
population 34. The pronoun “he” in the second paragraph
B. religious and moral literature refers to ….
C. literature supporting the cause of the A. Thomas Paine
American Revolution B. Ben Franklin
D. what made Thomas Paine’s literature C. Ben Franklin’s brother
successful D. Poor Richard
E. the biography of Ben Franklin E. Leather Apron man
31. The word “fervor” in the first paragraph is 35. The expression “point of view” in the
closest in meaning to the…. second paragraph could best be replaced by
A. war ….
B. anxiety A. perspective
C. spirit B. sight
D. action C. circumstance
E. battle D. trait
E. argument
TO 1 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
36. According to the passage, the tone of The War of 1812 was fought between Great
PoorRichard’s Almanac is …. Britain and the very young country of the United
A. pragmatic States only a relatively few years after the United
B. erudite States had won its independence from Britain.
The United States had declared war against
C. theoretical
Britain in June of 1812, mostly because of
D. scholarly interference with U.S. shipping by the British and
E. critical because of the shanghaiing of U.S. sailors for
enforced service on British vessels. The war
37. The word “desperate” in paragraph 3 could lasted for a little more than two years when a
be replaced by …. peace treaty was signed at Ghent, in Belgium, on
A. unending the 24th of December 1814.
B. hopeless
Unfortunately, the news that the Treaty of Ghent
C. strategic
had been signed and that the war was officially
D. combinative over was not communicated on time over the
E. exciting wide distance to where the war was being
contested. Negotiations for the treaty and the
38. Where in the passage does the author actual signing of the treaty took place in Europe,
describe Thomas Paine’s style of writing? and news of the treaty had to be carried across
the Atlantic to the war front by ship. An
A. Second sentence of paragraph 1
unnecessary loss of life was incurred as a result
B. Second sentence of paragraph 2
of the amount of time that it took to inform the
C. First sentence of paragraph 3 combatants of the treaty.
D. Second sentence of paragraph 3
E. last sentence of paragraph 3 Early in January of 1815, some two weeks after
the peace treaty had been signed, British troops
39. The purpose of the passage is to …. in the southern part of the United States were
A. discuss American Literature in the first unaware that the war had officially ended. Over
half of the eighteenth century 5000 British troops attacked U.S. troops. During
the ensuing battle, known as the Battle of New
B. give biographical data on two American
Orleans, the British suffered a huge number of
writers casualties, around 2000, the Americans lost 71,
C. explain which authors supported the all in a battle fought only because of news of the
Revolution peace treaty that had already been signed in
D. describe the literary influence during Ghent had not yet reached the battlefield.
Revolutionary America
E. retell past events in the American 40. The main idea of this passage is that ….
revolution A. the War of Independence was
Questions 40-45 B. the War of 1812 was unnecessary
C. the Treaty of Ghent was unnecessary
The final battle of the War of 1812 was the Battle D. the War between U.S. and Great Britain
of New Orleans. This battle gave a clear at Ghent
demonstration of the need for effective
E. the Battle of New Orleans was
communication during wartime; it also showed
the disastrous results that can come to unnecessary
pass when communication is inadequate.
TO 1 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
1. The outer layer of the heart, called the 6. Caves are formed by the chemical or
pericardium, forms a sac what the action mechanical of water on soluble
heart lies. rock, by volcanic activity, and by
2. Wood from the ash tree becomes
A 7. Celery, an edible plant is having long
extremely flexibly when it is A B
B C stalks topped with feathery leaves,
exposed to steam. C
D E grows best in cool weather.
3. The ability to talk is one of the skill
A B 8. The first fiction writer in the United
that make humans different from the A
C States to achieve international fame
rest of the animal world. B C
D E was Washington Irving, who wrote
4. In plane geometry, the sum of the many stories, included “Rip
internal angles of any triangle has Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy
always equal to 180 degrees. Hollow”.
10. Adolescence is a traditional stage in 14. Chicago is the third largest publishing
human development from the center in the United State, exceeding
beginning of puberty to the attainment only by New York City and San
of the emotion, social, and physical Francisco.
maturity of adulthood. 15. North American bison differ from
domestic cattle in have 14 rather than
11. The people native to the northwest B C D
A 13 pairs of ribs.
coast of North America have long be E
known for wood carvings 16. Female sea turtles, before laying her
of stunning beauty and extraordinary eggs, swim as much as 2000 kilometers
quality. to return to the beaches where they
12. Colonial efforts to manufacture glass were hatched.
Jamestown–and later attempts near
B 17. Water is the only substance that occur
Philadelphia and Boston–failed despite A B
C at ordinary temperatures in all three
the abundant of fuel and C D
D states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.
good raw materials. E
18. Despite the growth of manufacturing
13. The orbit of a celestial body is usually in A B
A B C and other industries, the economy of
the shape of ellipse. C
D E the state of Texas has remained heavily
dependence on oil and gas.
TO 1 TBI BUMN Error Recognition
Questions 1-10
Esperanto is what is called a planned, or artificial, Esperanto has had its ups and downs in the
language. It was created more than a century ago period since World War I. Today, years after it
by Polish eye doctor Ludwik Lazar Zamenhof. was introduced, it is estimated that perhaps a
Zamenhof believed that a common language quarter of a million people are fluent in it.
would help to alleviate some of the Current advocates would like to see its use grow
misunderstandings among cultures. considerably and are taking steps to try to make
this happen.
In Zamenhof’s first attempt at a universal
language, he tried to create a language that was 1. The topic of this passage is ….
as uncomplicated as possible. The first language A. a language developed in the last few
included words such as ab, ac, ba, eb, be, and ce. years
This did not result in workable language in that
B. one man’s effort to create a universal
these monosyllabic words, though short, were
not easy to understand or retain. language
C. how language can be improved
Next, Zamenhof tried a different way of D. using language to communicate
constructing a simplified language. He made the internationally
words in his language sound like words that E. World Congress of Esperanto
people already knew, but he simplified the
grammar tremendously. One example of how he 2. According to the passage, Zamenhof
simplified the language can be seen in the
wanted to create a universal language ….
suffixes: all nouns in this language end in -o, as in
the noun amiko, which means “friend”, and all A. to resolve cultural differences
adjectives end in -a, as in the adjective bela, B. to provide a more complex language
which means “pretty”. Another example of the C. to build a name for himself
simplified language can be seen in the prefix mal- D. to create one world culture
, which makes a word opposite in meaning; the E. to travel around the world
word malamiko, therefore, means “enemy”, and
the word malbela, therefore, means “ugly’ in 3. It can be inferred from the passage that the
Zamenhof’s language.
Esperanto word "malespera" means ….
In 1887, Zamenhof wrote a description of this A. hopelessness
language and published it. He used a pen name, B. hope
Dr. Esperanto when signing the book. He selected C. hopeless
the name Esperanto because this word means “a D. hopeful
person who hopes” in his language. Esperanto E. hoping
clubs began popping up throughout Europe, and
by 1905 Esperanto had spread from Europe to
4. The expression “popping up” in paragraph 4
America and Asia.
could best be replaced by ….
In 1905, the First World Congress of Esperanto A. leaping
took place in France, with approximately 700 B. shouting
attendees from 20 different countries. C. hiding
Congresses were held annually for nine years and D. closing
4000 attendees were registered for the Tenth E. opening
World Esperanto Congress scheduled for 1914
when World War I erupted and forced its
TO 2 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the D. attempts to reconvene the World
Third World Congress of Esperanto took Congress of Esperanto in the 1920s
place …. E. biography of Ludwik Lazar Zamenhof
A. in 1905
B. in 1907 Questions 10-20
C. in 1909
D. in 1913 Paul Bunyan is perhaps America's best-known
folk hero. A fictional logger of incredible strength,
E. in 1914
he was most likely based on an actual
nineteenth-century logger from the northern
6. The expression “ups and down” in United States or Canada. As a folk hero, he struck
paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to …. a chord with Americans on some level, perhaps
A. tops and bottoms because he was incredibly strong but also
B. floors and ceilings because he was hard-working and capable,
C. take offs and landings ingenious in solving problems, and fun-loving.
D. highs and lows
Though there is evidence that Paul Bunyan's tales
E. forward and return
were part of oral tradition in the nineteenth
century, Paul Bunyan's stories did not appear in
7. “This may seem like a large number, but it is written form until the early twentieth century.
really quite small when compared with the Journalist James McGillivray included
billion English speakers and billion Mandarin descriptions of Bunyan in a series of essays
Chinese speakers in today’s world” could be entitled “The Round River Drive,” which
added to …. appeared in a number of Midwestern
A. first sentence of paragraph 6 newspapers between 1906 and 1910. However,
it was through an extensive advertising campaign
B. second sentence of paragraph 6
that Paul Bunyan moved solidly into print.
C. third sentence of paragraph 6
D. last sentence of paragraph 6 Recognizing the appeal of Paul Bunyan as a figure
E. last sentence of paragraph 5 for his company’s advertising, William Laughead,
an advertising executive for the Red River
8. This passage would most likely be assigned Lumber Company, initiated a campaign that
reading in a course on …. consisted of a series of publications featuring
Paul Bunyan. For several decades, the company
A. European history
distributed these publications free of charge and
B. English grammar made no attempt to obtain a copyright on them.
C. world government In fact, the company vigorously encouraged
D. geography other writers to make use of Paul Bunyan
E. applied linguistics because it felt that the use of this character
enhanced the name recognition of the Red River
9. The paragraph following the passage most Lumber Company inasmuch as the name of the
likely discusses …. folk hero and the name of the company had
become interwoven.
A. how current supporters of Esperanto
are encouraging its growth The Bunyan stories published by Red River and
B. another of Zamenhof’s accomplishment further circulated by others were tall tales of
C. the disadvantage of using an artificial gigantic proportions. In these tales, Bunyan is
language depicted as a man of superhuman proportions,
TO 2 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
who is strong, hard-working, entrepreneurial, 13. Which of the following cannot be inferred
and innovative. In one story, for example, Paul is about the Red River Lumber Company’s
credited with digging the Great Lakes in order to advertising campaign featuring Paul
create a watering hole for his giant ox, babe. In
another of these tales, Paul caused an entire
winter of blue snow to fall by swearing a blue A. It endured for quite a time.
streak after he injured himself by smashing his B. The company did not protect its
thumb with a large hammer. ownership of the stories.
C. The campaign did little to enhance the
Fascination with Paul Bunyan has continued to company’s profitability.
grow, and today he is a standard of American D. The company wanted the name Paul
folklore. The prevalence of Bunyan as a figure of
Bunyan to be known as widely as
folklore today is evidenced by references to him
in countless stories, cartoons, poems, and songs possible.
as well as the numerous community festivals and E. Paul Bunyan is depicted as an
logging competitions featuring Paul Bunyan that innovative and entrepreneurial
can be found throughout the sections of the character.
country where logging has a strong tradition.
14. The word “interwoven” in paragraph 3
10. The purpose of this passage is to …. could best be replaced by ….
A. present the actual feats of a real-life A. unfashionable
logger B. mixed
B. discuss a “larger than life” folk hero C. not compatible
C. describe logging in North America D. too separate
D. provide an overview of American E. integrating
E. analyze the character of a logger 15. The sentence “A third story in the series
describes Paul’s role in establishing the
11. It is not stated in the passage that Paul
Mississippi River” could be added to ….
Bunyan is known for his ….
A. first sentence of paragraph 4
A. unusual strength
B. second sentence of paragraph 4
B. dedication to work
C. third sentence of paragraph 4
C. ingenuity in difficult situations
D. fourth sentence of paragraph 4
D. fun-loving
E. last sentence of paragraph 4
E. serious nature
17. The word “them” in no attempt to obtain a It seems rather improbable that the celestial
copyright on them (paragraph 3) refers to body size of the Moon could completely block out
…. the tremendously immense Sun, as happens
during a total eclipse, but this is exactly what
A. companies
happens. Although the Moon is considerably
B. publications smaller in size than the Sun, the Moon is able to
C. series cover the Sun because of their relative distances
D. campaigns from Earth. A total eclipse can last up to 7
E. advertisements minutes, during which time the Moon’s shadow
moves across Earth at a rate of about 6
18. The word “depicted” in the fourth kilometers per second.
paragraph is closest in meaning to ….
21. This passage mainly ….
A. believed
A. describes how long an eclipse will last
B. reckoned
B. gives facts about the Moon
C. viewed
C. explains how the Sun is able to obscure
D. regarded
the Moon
E. described
D. informs the reader about solar eclipses
19. Paul Bunyan was considered a folk hero E. informs about the Moon's shadow
because of the following characteristics,
22. In which type of eclipse is the Sun obscured
except ….
in its entirety?
A. strong
A. A partial eclipse
B. hard-working
B. An annular eclipse
C. capable
C. A total eclipse
D. uncreative
D. A celestial eclipse
E. fun-loving
E. A moon eclipse
20. It can be inferred from the passage that in
1908 Paul Bunyan …. 23. The word “ring” in paragraph 1 could best
A. was born be replaced by a….
B. was recognized as an influential figure A. piece of gold
C. appeared in newspapers essay B. circle
D. stared some advertisements C. jewel
E. declared logging as a tradition D. bell
E. arena
Questions 21-30
24. A “celestial body” in paragraph 2 is most
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon probably one that is found ….
moves in front of the Sun and hides at least some A. within the Moon’s shadow
part of the Sun from the Earth. In a partial eclipse, B. somewhere in the sky
the Moon covers part of the Sun; in an annular
C. on the surface of the sun
eclipse, the Moon covers the center of the Sun,
D. inside Earth’s atmosphere
leaving a bright ring of light around the Moon; in
a total eclipse, the Sun is completely covered by E. across the Earth
the Moon.
TO 2 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
25. What is the meaning of “block out” in 29. The word “rate” in paragraph 2 is closest in
paragraph 2? meaning to ….
A. Square A. form
B. Cover B. speed
C. Evaporate C. distance
D. Shrink D. rotation
E. Open E. movement
30. Where in the passage does the author
26. According to the passage, how can the mention the rate of a total eclipse?
Moon hide the Sun during a total eclipse? A. at the start of the first paragraph
A. The fact that the Moon is closer to B. in the middle of the first paragraph
Earth than the Sun makes up for the C. at the end of the first paragraph
Moon’s smaller size. D. at the start of the second paragraph
B. The moon can only obscure the Sun E. at the end of the second paragraph
because of the Moon’s great distance Questions 31-40
from the earth.
C. Because the Sun is relatively close to While the bald eagle is one national symbol
of the United States, it is not the only one. Uncle
Earth, the Sun can be eclipsed by the
Sam, a bearded gentleman costumed in the red,
Moon. white, and blue stars and stripes of the nation’s
D. The Moon hides the Sun because of the flag, is another well-known national symbol.
Moon’s considerable size. According to the legend, this character is based
E. The Moon does not cover the center of on Samuel Wilson, the owner of a meat-packing
the Sun business in Troy, New York. During the War of
1812, Sam Wilson’s company was granted a
government contract to supply meat to the
27. The word “relative” in paragraph 2 could
nation’s soldiers; this meat was supplied to the
best be replaced by …. army in barrels stamped with the initials U.S.,
A. familial which stood for the United States. However, the
B. infinite country was at the time relatively young, and the
C. comparative initials U.S. were not commonly used. Many
D. paternal people questioned what the initials represented,
and the standard reply became “Uncle Sam”, for
E. relation
the owner of the barrels. It is now generally
accepted that the figure of Uncle Sam is based on
28. Does the passage states that which of the Samuel Wilson, and the U.S. Congress has made
following happens during an eclipse? it official by adopting a resolution naming Samuel
A. The Moon hides from the Sun. Wilsonas the inspiration for Uncle Sam.
B. The Moon is obscured by the Sun.
C. The Moon begins moving at a speed of 31. The paragraph preceding this passage most
6 kilometers per second. probably discusses ….
D. The Moon’s shadow crosses Earth. A. the War of 1812
E. The Moon is closer to the Sun B. the bald eagle, which symbolizes the
United States
C. Sam Wilson’s meat-packing company
D. the costume worn by Uncle Sam
E. the biography of Samuel Wilson
TO 2 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
32. Which of the following is the most 37. According to the passage, what was in the
appropriate title for this passage? barrels stamped U.S.?
A. The Bald Eagle A. Sam Wilson
B. The Symbol of the United States B. Food for the army
C. Samuel Wilson C. Weapon to be used in the war
D. Uncle Sam-Symbol of the Nation D. Company contracts
E. The Initials U.S. E. American costume
33. Which of the following is not mentioned 38. The word "initials" in the paragraph means …
about Uncle Sam’s appearance? A. nicknames
A. He wears facial hair. B. family names
B. There is some blue in his clothing. C. first letters of the words
C. He is bald. D. company names
D. His clothes have stripes in them. E. pronoun
E. His costume represents the U.S. flag
39. The word "official" in the final sentence in
34. The word "costume" in the second sentence the text is the closest in meaning to the …
is easiest to replace with ... A. authorized
A. dressed B. professional
B. nationalized C. dutiful
C. hidden D. accidental
D. seen E. outlawed
E. looked
40. In 1812, people most probably answered
35. Sam Wilson was the proprietor of what type that the letters “U.S.” written on the barrels
of business? stood for “Uncle Sam” because ….
A. A costume company A. Congress required it
B. A meat-packing company B. Samuel Wilson was their favorite uncle
C. A military clothier C. Sam Wilson preferred it
D. A barrel-making company D. they were not exactly sure what the
E. A weapon industry letters meant
E. it was officially adopted from the U.S.
36. The word "granted" in the fourth sentence Congress
means ...
A. refused Questions 41-45
B. underbid for
C. told about Dadaism or Dada is a post-World War I cultural
movement in visual art as well as literature
D. given
(mainly poetry), theater, and graphic design. The
E. taken movement was, among other things, a protest
against the barbarism of the war and what
Dadaists believed was an oppressive intellectual
rigidity in both art and everyday society; its work
was characterized by deliberate irrationality and
TO 2 TBI BUMN Reading Comprehension
1. Charles Bullfinch was the architect who 6. Orchids come in a wide variety of
design the original red brick core of the colorful, shape, and scents.
State House in Boston.
7. Before European settlers arrived and
2. Rarely has a technological development A B
A began to exterminate grizzlies, 50.000
had as great an impact on as much C
B to 100.000 of the bears may have exist
aspects of social, economic, and D E
south of Canada.
cultural development as the growth of
C D 8. Rabies is a serious disease carried in the
electronics. A B C D
E saliva of an infected animals.
3. Lowell, Massachusetts, known as the
A 9. The caliber of the gun is the diameter of his
“Spindle City” since 1822 when its first A B
B C bore, usually expressed in hundredths
textile mills were built, attracted C D
D of an inch.
worldwide attention as textile E
center. 10. Following volcanic activity in
4. Strange Victory, Sara Teasdale’s Martinique in 1902, a huge number of
smallest and most perfect collection of six-foot fer-de-lance snake left the
poems, appear in print in 1933. mountains and slithered into the city of
5. Newtonian physics accounts for the
A B 11. Killer whales tend to wander in family
observing orbits of the planets and the A B C
C D E clusters that hunt, play, and resting
moons. D
TO 2 TBI BUMN Error Recognition
12. Alloys of gold and copper have been 18. Fire extinguishers can contain liquefied
widely using in various types of coins. gas, dry chemicals, or watery.
13. The United States has import all carpet 19. The U.S. Congress consists of both the
wools in recent years because domestic Senate as well as the House of
wools are too fine and soft for carpets. Representatives.
20. Manufacturers may use food additives
14. It is a common observation that liquids A
A B for preserving, to color, to flavor, or to
will soak through some materials but B C
C D fortify foods.
not through other. D E