MyGov 11th June 2024 & Agenda Kenya
MyGov 11th June 2024 & Agenda Kenya
MyGov 11th June 2024 & Agenda Kenya
The Week
In numbers
State initiates 4,600km
Innovators in power line project to
tackle blackouts
Kenya registered
in the Huduma
Whitebox program
which focuses on
incubation, capacity
Kenyans involved
in road accidents
since the start of
the year, according
to NTSA data
power projects between Kapkwen guest, Chirchir mentioned that from Mambo Leo in Kisumu to
Sh1.25b he Government is con- (Bomet) and Chemosit (Kericho) the Kapkwen to Chemosit power Muhoroni, and Muhoroni to Che-
Amount of money structing 4,600 kilometers have been completed, while con- transmission lines have been mosit.”
the Ministry of of high-voltage transmis- struction from Bomet to Narok, completed and will stabilize “The Bomet-Chemosit line,
Health has set aside sion lines between Kapk- and Narok-Olkaria, is ongoing. power supply around the country. which is constrained, is built to
to urgently procure wen in Bomet and Narok Counties Speaking during the dissemina- The CS noted, “To prevent na- carry 85 Megawatts of power,
routine childhood to alleviate the frequent power tion of the Fourth Medium-Term tional outages, the Energy Min- and if we allow power to all the
vaccines, including blackouts in the country. Plan (MTP IV) 2023-2027, held istry is forced to switch power on industries in the region, while at
BCG, oral polio Energy and Petroleum Cabinet at ACK conference hall in Ker- and off in Kericho almost every
Secretary Davis Chirchir says the icho where he was the chief other day because of constraints CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
OFFICE OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR 1. The National Land Commission is in the process of disposing of
unserviceable, obsolete, surplus motor vehicles, ICT and other assorted
OPEN TENDER NOTICE items on 28th June, 2024 starting 10.00 a.m.
2. Interested bidders are required to pay a refundable deposit for each lot/
University of Kabianga invites interested and eligible bidders to submit bids for the tenders as listed in the table item they are interested in. This will be the basis of obtaining the bidding
below; number before the auction date. The refundable deposit shall be deposited
in the National Land Commission Bank Account.
No. Tender Name Tender Number Target Manda- Bid Closing
Group tory Site Security and 3. Interested bidders will be required to present their Bank Slips to the
Visit Opening National
Land Commission Accounts Office located on 18th Floor, Upper hill
1 Proposed Re-roofing UOK/T/007/2023/2024 Open Monday 110,000.00 Tuesday Chambers, during normal office working hours (9.00 am to 4.00pm) and
and Repairs of Hostel 17th June 25th June will thereafter be issued with a receipt.
Six Fourth Floor 2024 at 2024 at
11.00am 11.00am
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information by visiting our website:
2 Registration of UOK/T/008/2023/2024 Open NA NA Tuesday to download catalogue containing details
Suppliers for various 2nd July of the items to be auctioned, conditions of sale and date of viewing.
goods, works and 2024 at
services for the year 11.00am 5. The appointed registered auctioneer is Astorion Auctioneer of
2024 - 2026 P.O Box 33340-00400.
Interested, eligible bidders may obtain detailed information and instructions by downloading the tender/registra-
tion document free of charge from the University website: or Public Procurement Informa- CONTACT: Secretary/CEO National Land Commission,
tion Portal: Please note that UNIVERSITY OF KABIANGA DOES NOT CHARGE ANY FEE MS. Astorion Auctioneer
P.O Box 33340-00600 Nairobi
P. O. Box 44417-00100, NAIROBI. Tel: 011142800
The Vice-Chancellor Tel : 0720797118
University of Kabianga
P.O. BOX 2030-20200
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 3
promote global unity and he Kenya Demographic and the campaign calls for an end to
enya is poised to cohesion. Health Survey (2022 KDHS) tobacco industry interference in
host the Global “This conference is im- shows a decrease in tobacco health policy, a demand echoed
Peace Leadership portant as it will bring use from 12 percent in 2014 to nine by youth globally who urge gov-
Conference (GPLC) Africa together delegates from percent in 2022. ernments to protect them from the
later this month. The con- Africa and around the Despite the progress, Kenya dangers of tobacco products.
ference, from 25th to 27th world to explore and dis- now faces new challenges with The PS said Kenya has made sig-
June 2024, will start with cuss ways to promote the rapid proliferation of Novel nificant strides in tobacco control,
a tree-growing exercise at peace, development, and Nicotine and Emerging Tobacco including the implementation of
Konza Technopolis as part cooperation among us,” Products (NNETPs), such as nico- stringent regulations and policies
of environmental conser- she said. Chidzuga also tine pouches, vapes, and electronic aimed at reducing tobacco use. Key
vation, where over 30,000 urged Kenyans to avoid cigarettes, said State Department achievements include establish-
seedlings of different types indulging in ethnic and for Public Health and Professional ment of a multi-sector task force.
of trees are expected to be tribal division and em- Standards Principal Secretary (PS) dangers associated with both con- “A dedicated task force was es-
planted. Speaking during brace togetherness to pro- Mary Muthoni Muriuki. ventional tobacco products and tablished to investigate novel nic-
a media breakfast meet- mote unity. Ms. Muriuki said these products NNETPs which contribute to in- otine and other emerging tobacco
ing in Nairobi, Mr. Dan- Mr. Julius Rotich, the are often marketed as less harm- creased morbidity and mortality products, shedding light on various
iel Juma, the Executive acting CEO of Mama Doing ful alternatives to traditional cig- in Kenya and globally. aspects of these products and their
Director for Global Peace Good Foundation, stated arettes and are targeted toward “Additionally, Kenya has joined potential impact on public health.
Foundation Kenya, said that the conference will young people with appealing fla- and is observing World Tobacco Implementation of the recommen-
the conference will mainly come at the right time as it vors and misleading health claims. Day (WNTD), a global day pro- dations is currently underway,”
address aspects of families, will foster environmental Thus, “The Ministry of Health, in moting health risks associated the PS explained. She added that
education, and African conservation, which aligns collaboration with Development with tobacco use and advocating Kenya has continued to enforce
values and spiritualities. with the First Lady Mama Partners and Civil Society Organ- for effective policies to reduce con- the Tobacco Control Act of 2007,
“This global peace lead- Rachel Ruto and Presi- izations, aims to leverage World sumption,” the PS said. which mandates graphic health
ership conference is ex- dent William Ruto’s plan No Tobacco Day (WNTD) 2024 to She continued: “Established by warnings on cigarette packages
pected to promote unity of planting over 15 billion increase awareness of the dangers the World Health Organization and bans smoking in public places.
and cohesion among us, trees by 2032. associated with both conventional (WHO) in 1987, this day has been Enforcement of smoke-free laws
and that is very impor- “Kenya has been at the tobacco products and NNETPs,” celebrated annually on 31st May has led to significant reductions in
tant for us all globally,” forefront of promoting the PS said. since 1988. “This year’s theme, exposure to second-hand smoke in
Mr. Juma said. Deputy peace, security, cohesion, The PS said the ministry in col- “Protecting Children from To- public areas, she said. Ms. Muriuki
Government Spokesper- and addressing climate laboration with development part- bacco Industry Interference”, highlighted that a comprehensive
son Mwanaisha Chidzuga change; hence, the confer- ners and civil society organizations aligns with the WHO’s “Stop the review of the Tobacco Control Act
added that the conference ence will give the country aims to leverage on the WNTD Lies” campaign, a vital initiative was conducted to amend and align
will give Kenya an oppor- a good image,” he said. 2024 to increase awareness of the to shield young people from the it with current market dynamics.
8. Tabitha Gathurai Lynn 20***253 Female Samburu Application can also be submitted to the following email address:
9. Lucy Muthoni Maina 13***291 Female Kiambu Closing date for applications is 24th June 2024 at 5.00 p.m.
10. John Mwangi Munyiri 26***605 Male Nyeri KenGen is an equal opportunity Employer.
4 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
The National Research Fund (NRF) invites outstanding Kenyan researchers to the inaugural National Outstanding NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION
Researcher Awards (NORA) competition. The NORA awards seek to celebrate achievements of Kenyan research-
ers, spur economic transformation through cutting-edge research and increase interest in research careers and Following a Presidential Directive in August 2023 for the transfer of the Amboseli National Park to the County
opportunities for the young generation. Eligible applicants are expected to have attained exceptional achievement government of Kajiado, the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife vide Kenya Gazette Notice
in research, new scientific discoveries and accomplishments. No. 1939 dated 23rd February 2024 appointed and gazetted an Advisory Committee to advise on the framework
for the transfer of functions of the Amboseli National Park to the County Government of Kajiado.
The awards will be in each of the following three scientific sectors:
The Gazette Notice and Terms of Reference of the Advisory Committee can be accessed at https://kenyalaw.
a Biological Sciences, Technology and Innovation org/kenya_gazette/gazette/download/Vol.CXXVI-No_.22_.pdf and also at the Ministry of Tourism and Wild-
b Physical Sciences, Technology and Innovation life website, which is accessible at
c Social Sciences, Technology and Innovation
In line with constitutional and legislative imperatives of ensuring wide consultations and public participation on
The awards for each of the three sectors will be in the following five categories the Directive to transfer functions of Amboseli National Park to the County Government of Kajiado, the Advisory
Committee hereby invites stakeholders and members of the public to county-based citizen engagement meetings
1. National Outstanding Researcher from 9:00 am to 12:00 p.m. at the venues indicated below:
2. National Outstanding Researcher (Persons with Disabilities)
3. National Outstanding Woman Researcher
4. National Outstanding Young Researcher NO REGION VENUE DATES
5. National Outstanding Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Researcher 1. Kajiado Venue: Maasai Technical Training Institute 24th June, 2024
Interested institutions can only nominate one (1) researcher per award category through an offi- 9. Coast Venue: Nidhamia Social Hall, Kilifi 4th July 2024
cial letter to Nominated researchers will fill an online application form available at
Venue: Tononoka Social Hall, Mombasa 8th July 2024; for a competitive selection process. Applications should be submitted by Tuesday 28th
June 2024. Only nominated researchers will be eligible to fill the application form. 10. Nairobi Venue: KICC 10th July 2024
Successful awardees will be celebrated at the inaugural Kenya National Research Festival (KNRF) to be held
from 19th to 23rd August 2024 at the Edge Convention Center, Nairobi. Dated: 10th June, 2024
the Nyanza region is vancement pose a he Government will crack Kumi.
eligious lead- not prone to violent major challenge in down on goons hired He also directed chiefs to
ers have been extremism, but last the war against vio- by politicians in parts strengthen community polic-
urged to rein- year we had a case lent extremism call- of Homa Bay County who are ing in their areas of jurisdiction.
vigorate civic edu- where one police- ing for concerted perpetrating incidents of inse- “Members of the public
cation efforts at the man was killed and efforts to monitor curity in the county. should cooperate with police
community level to another injured. what the youth County Commissioner Moses by sharing information to weed
give impetus to the That is when peo- consume online to Lilan said the Government will out criminals in the illegal busi-
war against violent ple realized we had ensure they are not not allow anybody, irrespective ness,” Mr Lilan said.
extremism. sleeper cells here,” radicalised. of their positions, to disrupt He said the government had
Nyanza Regional she said. She asked parents peace in the county. Speaking Homa Bay County cordoned off at least 50 acres
Commissioner Ms. Speaking in Ki- to entrench disci- at a public baraza at Papkala- Commissioner Moses Lilan of land in Gwassi Forest where
Flora Mworoa said sumu during the pline in their chil- ngo in Rangwe Constituency, (right) conversing with County some criminals had been using
religious leaders are second round of dren and monitor Lilan said security officers have Director of Education Eunice to grow bhang.
in a vantage posi- public engagement their activities. already profiled criminal gangs Khaemba(left). PHOTO: DAVIS He said this was part of gov-
tion to reach out to exercises by the Na- The regional boss and will soon raid their dens. ernment’s effort to fight drug
the community. tional Counter-Ter- divulged that secu- He stressed that the govern- he said. abuse.
Sensitization, she ror i s m C ent re rity agencies have ment will not allow criminal The administrator said it was Mr Lilan said security per-
added, is critical (NCTC) to validate been put on high gangs to operate in the county, regrettable that some parts of sonnel in the county have so
in the fight against the counter-terror- alert and are con- adding that some criminal ac- the county have been without far destroyed more than 5,000
violent extremism ism draft document, tinuously updat- tivities were fueled by politi- power due to criminal activities litres of changaa.
since those prowling Mworoa asked re- ing their systems cians. Lilan, at the same time, of siphoning oil from trans- “We have also closed down
on Kenyan youths ligious leaders to to thwart terror said the county security team formers. 148 alcohol outlets which were
have shifted base to make use of the pul- threats. is conducting a crackdown on Mr Lilan said the latest case non compliant. No bar in the
areas traditionally pit to keep worship- The forum was vandals of electricity trans- of vandalism was reported in county should operate for 24
not suspected to pers in check. attended by repre- formers in the county. Rangwe town and another in hours,” he said.
harbor such activi- This, he said, sentatives from the He said a team of police of- Omoya area. Rangwe Member of Parlia-
ties. will not only create civil society, secu- ficers has been assigned the He said vandalism of trans- ment Dr. Lilian Gogo who was
She pointed out awareness but also rity agencies, gov- duty of tracing lost transform- formers is an act of terrorism also present called on the se-
that the Nyanza re- keep the commu- ernment officers ers and arresting suspects. and economic sabotage. curity team to address cases of
gion, which pre- nity alert as meas- and the general “We have had frequent “Putting communities into insecurity in her constituency.
viously was not ures to deal with public who gave power outages due to vandal- darkness for weeks and even She cited an incident in
among the hotspots, violent extrem- their views on the ism of electricity transformers, months is economic sabotage,” which a secondary school
has now been infil- ism are intensified National Strategy to but I can assure you that their Mr Lilan said. teacher at Bhakita Girls Sec-
trated, with several across the country. Counter Violent Ex- days are numbered; they will The administrator told village ondary School was killed by
cases reported. She added that tremism. face the full force of the law,” elders to safeguard all trans- unknown criminals last month.
2.0 Interested eligible Bidders may obtain tender documents from the following websites: or or Be deposited in the tender box at the Main Gate Broadcasting House on or before 25TH June 2024
at 10.00am. Submitted bids will be opened immediately thereafter at the KBC Matanganzo office
3.0 The closing date for submission is on 20th June, at 11.00 a.m. Application is open to all interested in the presence of bidders or representatives who wish to attend.
he Energy and Pe- cused on promoting sus- ysis on ways to produce
troleum Regulatory tainable energy access, more power using less re-
Authority (EPRA) is decarbonization, and sources,” Kiptoo said.
encouraging stakehold- energy market develop- “As regulator, we are
ers in the energy sector ment to showcase the cut- there to promote the in-
to embrace research and ting-edge research and terest of the consumers, Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) Director General Daniel
innovation, especially in innovation solutions to in- investors and govern- Kiptoo(left) poses for a photo with stakeholders during EPRA research and innova-
emerging areas, to develop spire actionable strategies ment,” he said.He urged tion conference held at the Edge Convention Centre, Nairobi.
energy solutions that are for building a sustainable the youth in training insti-
affordable, accessible, and energy future. tutions to take interest in
reliable for consumers. Kiptoo added that the energy research and inno-
Speaking during an in- conference is an initiative vation which will change
novation conference in aligned with the EPRA En- their lives by coming up
Nairobi, EPRA Director ergy and Statistics Report, with innovations which
General Daniel Kiptoo said 2019, which managed to can create job opportuni-
that as the country strives collect information and ties for them.
towards a cleaner and statistics in the energy and The DG said that by
more sustainable future, petroleum sector to pro- 2030, the country will be
the research community mote research and inno- above 90 per cent green
should focus efforts on vation in the energy space since EPRA is committed NATIONAL IRRIGATION AUTHORITY (NIA)
emerging areas of energy in all life spheres, includ- to energy transition. It will
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
transactions. ing private and public sec- attract the capital that is
“This research has the tors, and academia. required to develop green
potential to unlock in- The report focuses on energy and resources for PUBLIC AUCTION
novative solutions that energy transition, op- the environment.
directly benefit Kenyan portunity in the country, “Climate change is real, The National Irrigation Authority (hereinafter referred to as “NIA”), in conjunction with the appointed auction-
consumers by lowering challenges and how to tai- we need to ensure that we eer, Garam Investments Auctioneers of P.O. Box 63279-00619 Nairobi, Kenya, Tel.: +254-0722 715 838,
costs, increasing access to lor locally made solutions decarbonize our economy shall sell by PUBLIC AUCTION all the under listed
clean energy, and creating that fit the circumstances and harness the resources vehicles and all other disposable items (stores and equipment) at the respective scheme/stations on specified
a more secure and reliable to be able to address the that will be able to allow dates and times.
power supply,” Kiptoo opportunities in the en- EPRA to decarbonize the
said. ergy sector. economy and also the fu- S. DATE AND VENUE DESCRIPTION
The Director General, “Research and innova- ture,” Kiptoo said. No.
speaking at the Edge Con- tion make things better as 1. 18TH JUNE 2024 AT MWEA IRRIGATION MOTOR VEHICLES, HEAVY MACHINERY, ASSORTED
AT 10.00AM
BI) AT 10.00AM
1. Interested bidders may view the vehicles and all disposable items (stores and equipment) at the respective
CONSTRUCTION WORKS FOR KWALE URBAN WATER SUPPLY scheme/stations from 12th June 2024 to date of auction during working hours to verify all the details for
themselves as these are neither warranted by NIA nor appointed Auctioneer;
2. Vehicles and all disposable items (stores and equipment) are sold “as- is -where -is –basis” and the sale
TENDER REFERENCE NO. KE-MOWI-431584-CW-RFP is subject to reserve price (s);
3. Interested tenderers will be required to pay a refundable deposit of Ksh. 10,000/= for vehicles, tractors
State Department for Irrigation through Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project (KWSCRP) and heavy equipment and Ksh 5,000 for all other other items on the auction day at the respective
invites interested and qualified bidders to bid for Tender Reference No. KE-MOWI-431584-CW-RFP FOR schemes/stations to obtain a bidding number, which will also serve as an entry pass to the auction yard.
4. Tenderers are required to pay a non refundable fee of Kshs. 500/- at any National Irrigation Authority offic-
Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the World es to obtain a catalogue of the vehicles and all disposable items (stores and equipment).
Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and
IDA Credits & Grants, January 2011, and is open to all Bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in 5. The successful tenderer MUST pay a deposit of 25% of the purchase price at the fall of the hammer on the
the Bidding Documents. auction date and the balance of 75% within seven (7) calendar days, failure to which the 25% deposit will
be forfeited and the item will be disposed of at the sole discretion of NIA.
A complete set of Tendering Document(s) may be obtained by interested Tenderers by downloading from the
website or Tender Documents downloaded from the website 6. The purchased items MUST be collected from NIA’s schemes/stations within seven (7) calendar days after
will be free of charge and should be registered by sending an email to in order to full payment failure to which the paid amount will forfeited and the item will be disposed of at the sole
receive clarifications and/or communication, where necessary before the closing/opening date, 8th July, 2024. discretion of NIA.
The completed tenders in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Bid No, and Bid reference name shall 7. The successful tenderer shall pay all costs and applicable duties and taxes that are associated with transfer
be addressed to: of the ownership of the purchased vehicles and other items.
Project Manager, 8. All payments to be made in either cash or bankers cheque in the name National Irrigation Authority.
Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project,
Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation ALL ARE WELCOME.
KWSCRP Office ACK Garden Annex 1st Floor, 1st Ngong Avenue.
P.O Box 49720 – 00100, Nairobi CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
Nairobi, Kenya. National Irrigation Authority (NIA)
Unyunyizi House, First Floor, Room 309
and be delivered to KWSCRP Office ACK Garden Annex 1st Floor, 1st Ngong Avenue, Nairobi. Lenana Road, Hurlingham
Nairobi, Kenya
So as to be received on or before 8th July, 2024 11.00 a.m. Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in the Tel: +254-20-2711380/468/0711061000
presence of the tenderer’s or their representatives who choose to attend at KWSCRP Office at ACK Garden Fax: +254-20-2722821/2711347
Annex 1st Floor, 1st Ngong Avenue, Nairobi. E-mail:,
mation, Communi-
cation, Technology,
and the Digital Economy
has signed a contract with
Kenya Power to lay fiber The Waqf Commission is a body corporate established pursuant to Section 5 of the Waqf Act, CAP. 109 of
optic cables on the firm’s the Laws of Kenya.
The Cabinet Secretary, The Commission has the following functions:
Eliud Owalo, stated that a) register all awqaf;
the shift from the tradi- b) administer and manage waqf properties registered under this Act;
tional laying of the cable c) supervise the efficient and effective management of all waqf properties registered under this Act;
underground was set to d) ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of this Act;
e) establish such structures as may be necessary for the effective performance of its functions or exer-
lower the costs involved
cise of its powers under this Act;
and, at the same time, re- f) formulate policies for the performance of its functions;
duce the time spent fixing ICT Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owalo arrives at g) collect zakat and other charitable contributions from Muslims for the purposes of this Act;
cables. Xaverian School in Kisumu for a tree planting exercise. h) develop and facilitate adequate continuous training programmes to enhance the standard and
“We are currently PHOTO: CHRIS MAHANDARA. effectiveness of trustees;
spending about Sh2.3 mil- i) formulate, implement and oversee programmes to raise awareness on waqf matters; and
lion to lay one kilometer sion 2030 Medium Term ensure that they have the j) perform such other functions as may be prescribed by this Act or any other written law.
of fiber optic cable but, IV dissemination meeting requisite skills and knowl-
through the arrangement in Kisumu, the CS said edge to secure jobs online. Members of the Commission shall serve on part time basis and shall hold office for a period of five years
and shall be eligible for reappointment for one further term of five years.
with Kenya Power, this is the government targets to To make the initiative a
poised to come down to lay 100,000 kilometers of success, the ministry has Remuneration – Members of the Commission will be paid such allowances as may be determined pursu-
Sh300,000,” said Owalo. fiber optic cable to scale embarked in the estab- ant to Section 10 of the Waqf Act.
He stated that the tar- up internet connectivity. lishment of digital hubs
get is to have high-speed The CS urged the youth across the country to en- Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill eight (8) vacant positions of member of
internet at all corners of to take advantage of the sure that as many youths the Waqf Commission.
the country where Kenya free training to acquire as possible have access to
Power has a presence to digital skills. the training, he said. 1. Requirements for Appointment
scale up the uptake of The digital literacy pro- “We are going to set a) one alim who shall be well-versed in Islamic jurisprudence;
government services on- gram has created over up digital hubs in all the b) one person who shall be prominent in business or entrepreneurship;
line and create jobs for the 149,000 jobs for the youth wards across the country c) six persons who shall be knowledgeable and experienced in—
youth. over the last one year. to enhance access to the (i) law;
“Our target is to have He said so far 490,000 free digital skills training (ii) accounting;
the cable running on all youths have been trained, program,” he said. (iii) land economics;
Kenya Power lines. An- adding that the program One digital hub, he (iv) social work;
ywhere we have a power was set to address the ris- said, will train up to 1,500 (v) finance and investment;
(vi) architecture; or
line, we will also have ing unemployment in the youths annually. (vii) administration.
the fiber optic cable. This country. The CS said the govern-
will scale up connectivity The government, he ment is also scaling up 2. Other Requirements
across the country up to said, targets to scale up internet connectivity to
people’s homes,” he said. the training to reach two ensure that the hubs are The shortlisted candidates will be required to submit the following documents during the interviews:
Speaking during the Vi- million youths annually to connected. a) Tax compliance certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
b) Certificate of clearance from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
c) Current police clearance certificate from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI)
d) Duly filled and stamped Self Declaration Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-corruption
Commission (EACC)
e) Credit Reference Bureau Clearance Certificate.
3. How to Apply
I. Interested and qualified candidates should forward one (1) copy Application for Employment Form
available at the Office of the Attorney General website including copies of
their curriculum vitae, relevant academic and professional certificates and other relevant supporting
INVITATION TO TENDER documents. Scanned copies of these documents should accompany an online application.
Kenya Power invites tenders from interested bidders for provision of the following:-
II. All applications should be clearly marked “APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF MEMBER WAQF
1. KP1/9A.4/OT/ Supply of New Wednesday Thursday 20.06.2024 Thursday SHERIA HOUSE 8TH FLOOR,
TPT/11/23-24 Automotive Tyres, 12.06.2024 at 10.30 a.m. 27.06.2024 HARAMBEE AVENUE
Related Accessories at 10.00 a.m. P.O BOX 40112-00100
and Services (Institute of Energy Studies
Training School)
III. Online applications together with relevant documents in portable document format (PDF) should
2. KP1/9A.3/OT/ Project Materials Friday N/A Thursday be sent to:
55/23-24 for Construction of 14.06.2024 04.07.2024
Proposed Bomani at 10.00 a.m. 4. Closing date
132/33kV Substation
All applications should reach the Selection Panel on or before 1st July, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
3. KP1/9A.3/OT/ Transmission Line Friday N/A Thursday
56/23-24 Accessories and 14.06.2024 04.07.2024
Please Note
Fittings at 10.00 a.m.
• The Selection Panel, Waqf Commission is committed to availing equal employment opportunities.
Tender documents detailing the requirements of the above tenders may be obtained from the Kenya Power Persons with disabilities, women, youth and the marginalized are encouraged to apply;
website ( from the dates shown above. • Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted;
• Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification; and
GENERAL MANAGER • Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National identity card; academic
SUPPLY CHAIN & LOGISTICS and professional certificates and transcripts; and other testimonials during interviews.
8 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
1 KGN-TURK-006-2024 Tender for Supply & Delivery of Two Youth 26th June, 2024
Main Cooling Pumps for Turkwel Power Enterprises at 2.00 p.m. 15 KGN-HYD-033-2024 Tender for Supply and Installation of Citizen 4th July, 2024 at
Station. Ventilation Fans Motor Control System Contractors 10.00 a.m.
with VFD at Kiambere Power Station
2 KGN-TURK-007-2024 Tender for Supply & Delivery of PWD 26th June, 2024
Submersible Water & Sewage Pumps for at 10.00 a.m. There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
Turkwel Power Station on 20th June, 2024 at Kiambere
Power Station starting at 10.00 a.m.
3 KGN-HYD-034-2024 Tender for a Submersible Dewatering Youth 4th July, 2024 at
Pump for Kamburu Power Station. Enterprises 2.00 p.m. 16 KGN-BDD-011-2024 Tender for Installation of two Wind Open 4th July, 2024 at
Masts. National 10.00 a.m.
4 KGN-GDD-069-2024 Tender for Supply 0f Precison Geological Women 4th July, 2024 at
Thin Section Cutting and Grinding Enterprises 10.00 a.m. There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
Machine Complete with Accessories. on 19th June, 2024 as indicated in the
tender document.
5 KGN-OPS-009-2024 Tender for Supply and Installation of Youth 4th July, 2024 at
Overhead Crane for Central Mechanical Enterprises 2.00 p.m.
Interested firms may obtain further information from the office of the General Manager-Supply Chain,
6 KGN-TURK-008-2024 Tender for Refurbishment of Sewage Youth 27th June, 2024 Tel: (254) (020) 3666230, Email: on normal working days beginning on the
Lagoons for Turkwel Power Station Enterprises at 2.00 p.m. date of advert. Bidders who are unable to download the tender documents from the website may
collect them from any KenGen Supply Chain Office upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KShs.1,
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit 000.00 paid via Mpesa, pay bill no. 400200 and account no. 01120069076000, then share the MPesa
on 19th June, 2024 at Turkwel Power message to KenGen Finance office staff for receipt and issuance of official receipt.
Station starting at 10.00 a.m.
7 KGN-TURK-009-2024 Tender for Rehabilitation of Internal Youth 27th June, 2024 The document can also be viewed and downloaded from the website, on
Roads for Turkwel Power Station Enterprises at 10.00 a.m. E-procurement and on PPIP portal
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
on 20th June, 2024 at Turkwel Power Bidders are advised to refer to the website and on e-procurement regularly for any additional
Station starting at 10.00 a.m. information /clarifications/addenda. Downloaded copies are FREE.
8 KGN-KIP-021-2024 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, PWD 28th June, 2024
and Commissioning of Start Air Enterprises at 10.00 a.m.
Compressor at Kipevu III Power Station.
1. Tender documents must be submitted online through KenGen E-Procurement web portal found
on the KenGen website ( )
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
on 18th June, 2024 at Kipevu III Power
Station starting at 10.00 a.m. 2. Bidders who are interested in this tender MUST ensure that they are registered in the E-Procure-
ment Portal. Please ensure compliance to the following;
9 KGN-ICT-012-2024 Tender for Procurement of Preventive Citizen 9th July, 2024 at
and Curative Maintenance Services for Contractors 10.00 a.m. • For suppliers registering for the first time ensure the “Public Procurement” checkbox is
Enviromux Environment Monitoring ticked so that the login details are sent to suppliers automatically.
Systems for Three Years for Sondu Miriu • All documents Must be uploaded to the SRM System through the
Power Station, Stima Plaza Pensions found at
Plaza I and Gitaru Data Centers. • Prices to be entered under item of the RFx shall be similar to be prices in the price schedule.
There shall be a Mandatory site visit Note; Those Bidder who have submitted their bids and wish to amend them further should not
as detailed in the tender document. click on WITHDRAW but click on EDIT to enable them amend their bid response and make
10 KGN-HYD-035-2024 Tender for Re-Construction Dormito- Women 3rd July, 2024 at appropriate changes.
ry and Minor Repair Works at 7forks Enterprises 10.00 a.m. Bidders who require any form of assistance on how to bid via the system are advised to download a
Primary manual from the website or may contact
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
on 18th June, 2024 at 7forks Primary
Tender Security:
starting at 10.00 a.m. Electronic Tender Securities are acceptable subject to:
i. Attachment of a scanned copy to the bid document.
11 KGN-HYD-029-2024 Tender for Supply, Installation of Steel Women 3 July, 2024 at
ii. Submission of the e-security to the address indicated below in plain sealed envelope clearly
Water Tanks for Matendeni & Hydro Enterprises 2.00 p.m. labelled.
Plaza iii. Such E-Security can be verified by use of a Quick Response (QR) code
iv. Such E-Security can be verified via the issuing institution’s online portal.
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
on 19th June, 2024 at Matendeni and Where a non-electronic security is submitted, the hard copy of the Original Tender Security in
Hydro Plaza Power Station starting at the form and amount specified must be delivered in plain sealed envelope clearly labelled with the
10.00 a.m. tender number and tender description before the closing date and Time to the following address:
12 KGN-HYD-030-2024 Tender for Proposed Facelift, Roof Rais- Youth 4th July, 2024 at General Manager- Supply Chain,
ing and Modernization Works at KenGen Enterprises 10.00 a.m. Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC,
Kamburu Staff Welfare Club 9th Floor, KenGen Pension Plaza II,
Kolobot Road, Parklands,
There shall be a Mandatory Site P.O. Box 47936, 00100
Visit on 19th June, 2024 at KenGen NAIROBI
Kamburu Staff Welfare Club starting
at 10.00 a.m. Tenders will be opened online soon after the closing time in the presence of the candidates’ repre-
sentatives who choose to attend at KenGen Pension Plaza II, Tender opening room, 6th floor.
13 KGN-HYD-031-2024 Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Citizen 9 July, 2024 at
Testing and Commissioning of 110VDC Contractors 2.00 p.m. N/B: KenGen adheres to high standards of integrity in its business operations.
Rectifier for Kamburu & Masinga Power
Report any unethical behavior immediately to the provided anonymous hotline service.
Stations. (Re-tender)
1) Call Toll Free: 0800722626
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
2) Free Fax: 00800 007788
as detailed in the tender document.
3) Email:
14 KGN-HYD-032-2024 Tender for Design, Supply, Delivery, Women 9th July, 2024 at 4) Website:
Installation and Commissioning of Enterprises 10.00 a.m.
Biodigester System for Eastern Region
There shall be a Mandatory Site Visit
as detailed in the tender document.
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 9
protect ecosystems
servation efforts.
Lambrechts also de-
tailed several of Rhino
Ark’s recent achieve-
tration. Speaking during total Sh326 million raised. ments. He said the or-
he Ministry of Envi- the 35th Rhino Charge Accompanying the ganization is undertaking
ronment, Forestry, held in Torosei, Kajiado Cabinet Secretary were three simultaneous fenc-
and Climate Change County, the Environ- Kenya’s UNEP Permanent ing projects, completing
is harnessing the power ment Cabinet Secretary, Representative nominee, a 300-kilometer electric
of sports to accelerate the Ms. Soipan Tuya, said the Amb. Gertrude Angote, fence on Mt. Kenya, fin-
restoration of degraded achievement was made and the Chief Conservator ishing the first phase of
landscapes and protect possible by reinforcing of Forests, Mr. Alex Le- life conservation efforts, (KWCA). a 15-kilometer fence in
fragile ecosystems, in- the Kenya Forest Service markoko. as well as climate change It aims to create a con- Kakamega Forest, and
cluding forests and wet- (KFS) with an unprece- They were hosted by mitigation initiatives. tinuous conservation initiating Phase II of a
lands in Kenya. dented addition of 2,700 Kajiado Governor Joseph A groundbreaking con- corridor from the Mau 34-kilometer fence.
This initiative aligns new rangers, bolstering Ole Lenku and the Kenya servation proposal was through the Mara, across Additionally, the con-
with Kenya’s ten-year enforcement capabilities. Wildlife Service Direc- unveiled at the event, fo- Magadi, to Amboseli, and servator said, in the
National Landscape and Ms. Tuya represented tor-General, Dr. Erustus cusing on the restoration extending to the Tsavo. Aberdares, an extra 10
Ecosystem Restoration President William Ruto Kanga. During the event, of the Mau watershed Rhino Ark Executive kilometers of fencing at
Strategy, a cornerstone of at the closing and award Elijah Muli, the Head of and enhancing ecolog- Director Christian Lam- the Shamata-Wanjohi es-
the government’s envi- ceremony of the event. Production at the Kenya ical connectivity across brechts highlighted the carpment is nearly com-
ronmental agenda. This year’s event saw Gra- Yearbook Editorial Board Southern Kenya.The am- project’s importance, plete. Lambrechts added
A significant stride in ham Mckittirick of Team 5 (KYEB), who represented bitious project, which is stating, “The Torosei com- that Rhino Ark has ex-
the strategy has been the emerge victorious, while the Chief Executive Of- supported by the US Em- munity deserves support panded its community pa-
reduction of forest crimes, Safaricom Board Chair- ficer Lilian Kimeto at the bassy in Nairobi, is a col- to implement conserva- trol teams from one in the
such as encroachment and man, Mr. Adil Khawaja, in award ceremony, empha- laboration between Rhino tion-based enterprises Aberdares to four addi-
illegal logging, which were car No. 44, was the high- sized KYEB’s commitment Ark, WWF-Kenya, and that bolster the local tional teams in Mt Kenya,
rampant at the onset of the est fundraiser, contribut- to documenting Kenya’s the Kenya Wildlife Con- economy while protecting Eburu, and Southwestern
Kenya Kwanza adminis- ing Sh185 million of the environmental and wild- servancies Association this unique landscape.” Mau.
Guided by its mandate, the Authority is seeking to recruit competent and self-driven persons to fill the under
listed positions.
Grade Vacancies employment BIO-DATA, 2023/2024
1. Managing Director/ CEO MD/CEO/01/JUNE 2024 S10 1 Three (3)
years contract Pursuant to the provisions of the Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003, and administrative procedures for the Declaration of
Income, Assets and Liabilities, 2016 (Legal Notice No. 53), the Public Service Commission will disseminate the 2021/2023
2. Airport Manager, Jomo AM-JKIA/02/JUNE 2024 S9 1 Three (3) every two-year declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities report from 17th to 21st June 2024 through a webinar meet-
Kenyatta International Airport years contract ing. The Commission is responsible for the administration of declarations for public officers in Ministries, State Depart-
(JKIA) ments, State Corporations and Statutory Commissions and Authorities. The exercise commenced on 1st November and
closed on 31st December 2023.The declaration returns were received and processed by the Commission from 3rd to 31st
3. Airport Manager, Wilson AM-WAP/03/JUNE 2024 S8 1 Permanent & January, 2024.
Airport (WAP) Pensionable
The window for making clarifications on completeness and inconsistencies opened on 1st January, 2024 and will close on
4. Airport Manager, Wajir Airport OPS/AM/WJR/04/ JUNE 2024 S6 1 Permanent & 30th June, 2024. The webinar is convened to share the organizational compliance on the declaration process.
The forum will also serve to share the expectations of respondents on the first phase of the evaluation on Values and
5. Officer In-charge, Ukunda OPS/OIC/UKD/05/JUNE 2024 S6 1 Permanent &
Principles for 2023/24 FY scheduled to commence from 24th June to 5th July,2024.
Airstrip Pensionable
6. Officer In-charge, Migori OPS/OIC/MGR/06/ S5 1 Permanent & This notice serves as an invitation to all the affected organizations, which have also been invited separately through a
Airstrip JUNE 2024 Pensionable circular letter that has details of the specific invitees. Targeted organisations are required to share email addresses of the
nominated officers through in MS-Excel (not PDF) on or before Thursday 13th June,
7. Officer In-charge, Lodwar OPS/OIC/LDR/07/ JUNE 2024 S5 1 Permanent & 2024. The webinar will take place from Monday 17th to Friday 21st June, 2024 as follows:
Airstrip Pensionable
8. Officer In-charge, Kakamega OPS/OIC/KK/08/ JUNE 2024 S5 1 Permanent & No. SECTOR/TARGET GROUP DATE TIME
Airstrip Pensionable
1. Select Organisations based on compliance status: (authorized 17.06.2024 0900hrs – 1100hrs
9. Officer In-charge, Nanyuki OPS/OIC/NYK/09/JUNE 2024 S5 1 Permanent & officers, CEOs and Heads of HR) (2 hours)
Airstrip Pensionable
2. All authorized officers (Principal Secretaries, CEOs and Director Gen- 18.06.2024 0900hrs – 1100hrs
10. Officer In-charge, Garissa OPS/OIC/GRS/10/ JUNE 2024 S5 1 Permanent & erals, Principal Administrative Secretaries, Vice Chancellors, Solicitor (2 hours)
Airstrip Pensionable General and Board members of State Corporations and SAGAs)
11. Officer In-charge, Eldoret OPS/OIC/ELD/11/ JUNE 2024 S5 1 Permanent & 3. Commissions and Independent Offices 19.06.2024 0900hrs – 1200hrs
Airstrip Pensionable (3 hours)
4. Ministries and State Departments
Total 11 5. Statutory Commissions and Authorities
4. A4 Supply and delivery of electrical items, fixtures and fittings AGPO Groups 42. B28 Provision of professional movers Open
5. A5 Design, supply and delivery of branded promotional materials: t-shirts, AGPO Groups 43. B 29 Provision of Legal Services Open
caps, banners, carrier bags, brochures, flyers, flexes etc.
44. B 30 Provision of Auctioneering Services (Registered by Auctioneering licensing Open
6. A6 Supply and delivery of staff uniform protective gear and clothing Open board)
7. A7 Supply and delivery of General Office Furniture and office Equipment Open 45. B31 Supply, delivery and installation of Corporate Systems including Open
Electronics Documents and Records Management System (EDRMS)
8. A8 Supply of motor vehicle spare parts, tyres, tubes/airbags, batteries, tyre Open
; Enterprise Resources Planning System; Dynamic & Interactive E-Learning
repairs, wheel alignment and balancing
Platform; helpdesk solution; Onsite and Offsite Data Backup Solution.
9. A9 Supply of fuel and lubricants (Electronic fuel card services) Open
46. B 32 Provision of Asset Valuation Services Open
10. A10 Supply, delivery, installation of computer software, hardware and Net- Open
working Equipment. 47. B33 Provision of tea vending services and supply of beverages Open
11. A11 Supply, Installation, Commissioning & servicing Access Control and CCTV Open 48. B34 Provision of car tracking services Open
12. A12 Supply and delivery of bottled water (Mineral Water) & Leasing of dis- AGPO Groups
pensers 49. B35 Provision of General Insurance cover Open
13. A13 Supply and delivery of Beverages, Sugar and Fresh milk AGPO Groups CATEGORY C: REGISTRATION FOR PROVISION OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES
14. A14 Supply and delivery of communication equipment’s i.e., PABX, audio AGPO Groups
visual systems, video conferencing, telephones etc. 50. C1 Provision of Research consultancy services (e.g., Customer satisfaction, Open
perception survey, media monitoring, Employee satisfaction & work
15. A15 Supply and maintenance of firefighting equipment and other safety open environment survey etc.)
provisions e.g., first aid boxes, safety signages,
51. C2 Provision of HR management/consultancy Services (e.g., Training and Open
16 A16 Supply and Delivery of Airtime AGPO Groups development, recruitment, team building services, etc.)
CATEGORY B: REGISTRATION FOR PROVISION OF SERVICES 52. C3 Provision of consultancy services for Business Continuity and Disaster Open
15. B1 Provision of Travel and air ticket services (IATA/KATA registered firms Open Recovery Plan and Implementation
53. C4 Provision of monitoring and evaluation services Open
16 B2 Provisions for motor vehicle repairs and maintenance services (Approved Open
garages to attach certificates or letters of approval) 54. C5 Provision of professional consultancy services in Development of strategic Open
policy documents, regulations and/or manuals
17 B3 Repairs, Service and Maintenance of Computers, Printers, UPS, PABX, Open
Telephone Extensions, Fax Machines and other related equipment’s.
A complete set of tender documents may be purchased or obtained by interested tenders upon payment of a non-re-
18 B4 Provision of Comprehensive medical insurance cover, group life cover, Open
fundable fees of (Kshs 1,000) in cash or Banker’s Cheque and payable to the address given below. Tender documents
WIBA, GPA and general insurance services
may be obtained electronically from the CAJ and PPIP website; and; .
19. B5 Provision of office Partitioning, Repairs, Refurbishment and Furnishings Open Tender documents obtained electronically will be free of charge.
i.e., curtains, carpets and painting. (Registered by Ministry of Public
3. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded for free from the website; and
20. B6 Provision of Car Hire and Taxi Services in Nairobi and in Major towns Open; . Tenderers who download the tender document must forward their particulars immediately
(Preferably Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Meru, Naivasha, Nyeri, Isiolo, to to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
Nyahururu, Makueni and Garissa)
21. B7 Provision of Courier and Freight Services across all Counties Open 4. Applications for Registration should be submitted by hand/courier delivery, clearly marked envelopes and delivered
to the address given below by or before 19th June 2024 at 12.00pm
22. B8 Provision of Event Organization, Public relations services, public address Open
system, Exhibitions, Road-show and other related services. 5. All applicants should clearly indicate in the envelope the category they are interested in. One document shall pres-
ent ONLY ONE category. For those interested in various categories, they should submit separate documents in the
23. B9 Provision of Simultaneous interpretation equipment, Sign language inter- Open various categories.
pretation and Translation Services
24. B10 Provision of Comprehensive cleaning services, garbage collection and AGPO Groups 6. Late applications will be rejected.
fumigation, and sanitary wares
7. The addresses referred to above are
25. B11 Provision and servicing of firefighting, fire protection and safety equip- Open
ment & training services Address for obtaining further information and for purchasing tender documents
26. B12 Provision of Signage and branding services Open
The Commission on Administrative Justice
27. B13 Provision of entertainment services (DJs, Bands, Musicians, Models, Host- Open Email:
esses, MCs and Dancers etc.) Address for Submission of Tenders
The Commission on Administrative Justice
28. B14 Provision of Asset codding tracking services AGPO Groups P.O Box 20414- 0020
29. B15 Provision of interior design and decoration services AGPO Groups Nairobi, Kenya
1st Floor, West End Towers, waiyaki way , Nairobi
30. B16 Repair and Maintenance of Office Furniture & Fittings AGPO Groups
Address for Opening of Tenders.
31. B17 Provision of photography, video coverage and still pictures Open
32 B18 Provision of creative design, Printing, binding, editorial services, report AGPO Groups Commission on Administrative Justice
typesetting etc. P.O Box 20414- 00200
Nairobi, Kenya
33. B19 Provision of specialized services (writing, rapporteuring and illustrations) Open 1st Floor, West End Towers, waiyaki way , Nairobi
34. B20 Provision of digital marketing services/premium rate mobile services Open COMMISSION SECRETARY/CEO
(PRSP services)
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 11
irst Lady Mama Ra- ment to address the bar-
chel Ruto (pictured) riers that hinder access to The Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) is a State Corporation established under the
has urged both pub- education for girls from Insurance Act, Cap 487 of the Laws of Kenya with the mandate to regulate, supervise and
lic and private educational disadvantaged back- promote development of the insurance industry in Kenya. The Authority is seeking applications
institutions to invest in grounds. for the following vacant positions:
affordable student hous- “It is a testament to our
ing in order to nurture belief that every girl, re-
the next generation of gardless of her circum-
leaders, innovators, and stances, deserves a chance POSITION JOB GRADE NO. OF POSITIONS JOB REFERENCE
change-makers. to pursue her dreams and
In a speech read on her achieve greatness”, she 1.
Senior Manager Supervision IRA 3 1 REF: SMS(L&E)/01
behalf by East African the Immaculate Heart of said. (Licensing & Enforcement)
Community, ASALs, and Mary in Lang’ata, Nairobi The First Lady said the 2.
Senior Manager Corporate IRA 3 1 REF: SMCC/02
Regional Development County, during a fund- initiative aligns well with Communication
Cabinet Secretary Ms. raiser in support of the her commitment to to
Peninah Malonza, the First construction of a girls’ protect and nurture Ken-
Lady said that students hostel under the Immacu- ya’s children and youth Details of the above including other positions are available in the IRA website,
pursuing higher education late Heart of Mary Sisters. to become a generation of
encounter many chal- She reiterated the im- responsible, skilled and
lenges, including access to portance of educating productive members of the Terms of Offer:
affordable housing and the girls, saying educated community.
support required to handle women were not only “We are establishing the The Authority offers an attractive remuneration package commensurate with the
the pressure of urbaniza- more likely to escape pov- groundwork for the real- duties and responsibilities of each position.
tion and campus life.“Girls erty but also play a cru- ization of aspirations and
from needy families often cial role in uplifting their futures. We are creating
face higher risks due to families and communi- a sanctuary where needy Successful candidates shall be appointed on a contract of five (5) years renewable
unsuitable housing, many ties.“They become the girls seeking higher ed- subject to performance.
times residing in informal pillars of a prosperous so- ucation can find not only
settlements near their ed- ciety, contributing to eco- shelter but also hope, en- Application:
ucational institutions,” she nomic growth and social couragement and the sup-
said. development”, she said. port necessary to achieve Interested applicants MUST adhere to the application instructions provided below:
The remarks were made She hailed the construc- their fullest potential”, she
today at the Sisters of tion of the hostel saying it said. The applicants MUST submit their biodata online by filling in the form provided inthe
link below:
In addition, the applicants MUST send their hard copy applications enclosing their
Curriculum Vitae and copies of relevant academic and professional certificates and
copy of National Identification Card. The applicant MUST also include telephone
number, e-mail address and names and addresses of three referees familiar with the
applicant’s professional background and experience.
Kenya Railway (KR) invites application from interested and eligible Firms for the below tenders:-
Hard Copy Applications addressed to the undersigned, to be sent by post or
COST DATE/TIME delivered to the Insurance Regulatory Authority at Zep Re Place, 2nd Floor, Longonot
KR/SCM/139/2023 24th June,2024
Purchase of Rails and Grease for MNNSGR 1,000 OPEN
10.00 a.m. Road, Upper Hill. Please note that these should be sealed, marked “Confidential” and
KR/SCM/140/2023 Purchase of Track Inspection and Maintenance Spares,
1,000 OPEN
24 June,2024
indicate the job reference (e.g “REF: SMCC/02” for Senior Manager Corporate
-2024 Tools and Equipment for MNNSGR 2.00 p.m.
KR/SCM/141/2023 Provision of Consultancy Services for Environmental and 25th June,2024
3. 1,000 OPEN
-2024 Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Phase 2B 10.00 a.m.
KR/SCM/142/2023 Provision of Consultancy Services for Environmental and 25th June,2024 Commissioner of Insurance & Chief Executive Officer
4. -2024
1,000 OPEN
Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Phase 2C 2.00 p.m.
Insurance Regulatory Authority
Zep-Re Place
Lease of Printing Services (Framework Contract) 1,000 OPEN
26th June,2024 P.O Box 43505-00100
1. 2023-2024 10.00 a.m.
KR/SCM/FRC/013/ Supply and Delivery of Communication System Consumables 26th June,2024
2. 2023-2024 and Spare Parts (Framework Contract) 1,000 OPEN 2.00 p.m.
Applications must be received by close of business at 5pm on Friday 28th June 2024.
Candidates are encouraged to peruse the Tender Document from KR Website:, and PPIP Website: or from the office of the General Manager- SCM, Kenya Railways Headquarters Block B, Ground floor, Nairobi
prior to purchase.
Compliance Requirement:
Interested bidders may obtain the Tender Documents from the office of the General Manager – SCM, Kenya Railways Headquarters, In accordance with The Employment (Amendment) Act, 2022, the Authority will require
Block B, Ground Floor upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000.00 or download the document from KR and PPIP website candidates it wishes to enter into a written contract of service with to comply with
at NO CHARGE. Bidders who download the Tender Document must register their interest immediately by sending an email to stating their names, email, postal & telephone address and tender details. Chapter Six of the Constitution by submitting mandatory compliance and clearance
certificates from the relevant entities.
Completed Tender Documents (accompanied by a Tender Security in the amount and form specified in the tender document) in plain
sealed envelopes must be clearly marked with the “Tender No. and the Description of the Tender”: and shall be addressed to:-
The Managing Director
Kenya Railways IRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
P.O. Box 30121-00100
NAIROBI. Canvasing in any manner shall lead to automatic disqualification.
and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Reception Area, Ground Floor, Kenya Railways Headquarters, Block C on or Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
before the closing date and time. Tenders will opened in the present of the tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend at the
Kenya Railways Headquarters.
12 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
the ability to champion for he Chief Justice, Court (ELC) Principal
he Principal Sec- the bill that will address Martha Koome, Judge, Justice Oscar An-
retary for the State what we are talking about, has commissioned gote observed that the
Department for Co- which is good governance a multi-sectoral work- creation of the working
operatives, Mr. Patrick of Saccos,” he said. ing group to prioritize group marked a signif-
Kilemi, has appealed to He noted that the bill access to justice on en- icant milestone in the
Sacco leaders to promote is for current members of vironmental and climate continuous efforts to
the saving culture in their Saccos and generations to change-related matters. advance environmental
regions, including the di- come, protecting mem- Koome noted that the protection, promotion of
aspora. bers’ savings. Judiciary is committed sustainable development
Chief Justice Martha
Speaking during the The Cooperative Bill, to tackling environmen- Koome and adaptation to the re-
closing ceremony of the 2024, which is at the core tal challenges, especially alities of climate change.
Sacco Societies Regulatory Principal Secretary for of the implementation of climate change, by in- She urged members He noted that the in-
Authority (SASRA) Annual the State Department for the National Cooperative corporating green justice of the working group itiative was a direct
Regulatory Policy Round- Cooperatives, Mr. Patrick Policy, 2019, was officially principles. This involves to continually work to- outcome of the com-
table Workshop 2024 in Kilemi published in the Kenya embedding environmen- wards nurturing a cul- mitments made at the
Naivasha, he said the sav- Gazette as a government tal sustainability into op- ture of inter-agency ELC@10 Conference held
ing culture provides finan- institutions and should bill on 23rd February 2024. erations, procedures, and consultation and collab- in December 2022 in Kil-
cial security and freedom, not leave everything to It awaits debate in Par- decision-making pro- oration. The CJ lauded ifi County.
securing people during SASRA. liament, and the coop- cesses, including both the working group for The Environment and
emergencies. Kilemi called on the erative department has administrative and judi- incorporating Alterna- Planning (EP) Division
The PS mentioned that Saccos to also support the pledged to ensure the bill cial actions. The work- tive Justice Systems (AJS) Presiding Judge, Justice
the forum was crucial for Department of Coopera- is enacted before Ushirika ing group comprises key in resolving disputes filed Anne Omollo acknowl-
leaders to address issues tives by discussing with Day. stakeholders in the en- in the division. edged that the law should
facing the sector for its their parliamentarians The Sacco Leaders were vironment and planning She noted that AJS had not only punish but it
growth and commended the importance and ur- also urged to support sector. proved to be instrumen- should educate and in-
Sacco leaders for em- gency of the Cooperatives the tree planting agenda “This is laudable be- tal in deepening access form. The working group
powering their members Bill 2024 so that it can be and ensure that trees are cause collaboration and to justice as it allows the which is headed by the
across the country and passed as soon as possible. planted in their regions. coordination in deliver- elders and members of Head of the EP Division
contributing to the growth “Help to push the bill, “Set aside funds ing services are not just the community to un- Nairobi, comprises two
of the economy. which is awaiting the through CSR for the tree constitutional obliga- earth and work towards ELC EP Division judges,
The PS challenged Sacco second reading in the planting campaign and tions but also integral to resolving the root cause four other judges from
CEOs to uphold good National Assembly, to go come up with a climate our focus on putting the of conflict and promote various counties across
governance practices, through. MPs are asking action plan,” the PS said people at the center of all reconciliation therefore the country and repre-
noting that leaders have for opinions from cooper- in his address. our actions,” the Chief ensuring the peaceful sentatives of key stake-
a responsibility in their ative leaders, and you have Justice said. co-existence of commu- holders.
Our Mission
TENDER NOTICE “To reform and transform the public service for efficient and effective service delivery”
This is to bring to the attention of eligible and interested Contractors, Suppliers and Service VACANT POSITIONS IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES
Providers that Invitation Notices for the below tenders funded by the Development and RMLF vote have
been uploaded on the Authority’s (KeRRA) website and the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP).
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 35(1)(a) (v) of the Universities Act, 2012 amended through Statute
S/ Tender Name & No. Uploading Date Pre-Bid Site Tender Submission Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 18 of 2018, the Public Service Commission invites applications
No. Visit Day Date & Time from suitably qualified persons to be considered for appointment to the following vacant positions in
public universities:
1. Upgrading to Bitumen Standards 13th June, 2024 13th June, 2024 5th July, 2024 at
and Performance Based Routine – 20th June, 11:00am
Maintenance of Community Road 2024 S/No. Position University No. of
Syokimau and Accesses. RWC/660 Vacancies
2. Upgrading to Bitumen Standards 13th June, 2024 13th June, 2024 5th July, 2024 at 1. Principal Bomet University College 1
and Performance Based Routine – 20th June, 11:00am
Maintenance of Kakamega - Na- 2024
2. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics & Students Maseno University 1
vakholo – Musikoma. RWC/661
3. Supply and Installation of 13th June, 2024 N/A 27th June, 2024 at
Design Drafting Software. KeR- 1100am
3. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration, Finance 1
RA/08/37/04/2023 - 2024 and Development)
4. Provision of Security Services 13th June,2024 13th June, 2024 28th June, 2024 at 4. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Partnership, Research 1
KeRA/08/38/10/2023 - 2024 – 20th June, 1100am and Innovations)
Interested bidders are requested to download full details of the advertisement and Tender Documents, free The details of the posts and mode of application can be accessed on the Commission’s website:
of charge, from the Authority’s website and PPIP Portal as from the
uploading dates indicated above.
Applications should reach the Commission on or before 2nd July, 2024 by 5.00 p.m. (East African time).
Interested suppliers/contractors with queries can send an email through
Deputy Director (Supply Chain Management)
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 13
Interested, eligible and competent firms may view and download the tender documents for free from the website, The Authority is seeking to recruit a highly competent, proactive, and self-driven individ- and Government Public Procurement Information portal Tenderers who ual to fill the following positions:
download the tender document must forward their particulars immediately to to facilitate any
further clarification or addendum. The hard copies of tender documents detailing the requirements may be obtained No. Position Number of Grade
from Export Processing Zones Authority’s Procurement Office on 01st Floor, Administration Building, Athi Riv-
er EPZ, Viwanda off Nairobi-Namanga Highway during normal working hours (8.00 a.m-5.00 p.m) upon payment
of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 through Paybill No. 222222, Account No. EPTD55. 1. Deputy Director, Postal/Courier Licensing 1 CA4
2. Deputy Director, Legal Services 1 CA4
No. Tender Number and Description Bid Bond Site Visit Date Closing Date Applicants
(Kshs) and Time and Time 3. Deputy Director, Regulatory Affairs & Governance. 1 CA4
1 Tender No. EPZA 21/2023-2024 1,500,000 Friday 14 June,
26 June,
Open to 4. Deputy Director, Supply Chain Management 1 CA4
Proposed Reconstruction of EPZA Trunk Sewer at 2024 at 11.a.m 2024 at 11.00 Public
Makadara, Athi river Township - Re-advertisement a.m 5. Deputy Director, Communications & Stakeholders Engage- 1 CA 4
2 Tender No. 22/2023-2024 350,000 - 26 June,
Open to
Provision of Security Services for the Financial 2024 at 11.00 Public 6. Deputy Director, Information Security 1 CA4
year 2024-2025 a.m
7. Deputy Director, Fund Strategy & Coordination 1 CA4
3 Tender No. 23/2023-2024 400,000 Monday 17th 26th June, Open to
Proposed Construction of Industrial Sheds for June, 2024 at 2024 at 11.00 Public 8. Deputy Director, Monitoring and Evaluation 1 CA 4
Investors at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, 9.00 a.m a.m 9. Deputy Director, Standards and Type Approval 1 CA 4
Machakos County - Lot 1 – Mechanical Installa-
tion Works Subcontract 10. Principal Supply Chain Management Officer 2 CA5
4 Tender No. 24/2023-2024 400,000 Monday 17th 26th June, Open to 11. Principal Communications Officer 1 CA5
Proposed Construction of Industrial Sheds for June, 2024 at 2024 at 11.00 Public
Investors at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, 10.00 a.m a.m 12. Principal Competition Management Officer 1 CA5
Machakos County - Lot 2 – Mechanical Installa-
tion Works Subcontract 13. Senior Information Security Officer 1 CA6
5 Tender No. 25/2023-2024 400,000 Monday 17th 26th June, Open to 14. Competition Management Officers 2 CA 7
Proposed Construction of Industrial Sheds for June, 2024 at 2024 at 11.00 Public 15. Monitoring and Inspection Officers 12 CA8
Investors at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, 11.00 a.m a.m
Machakos County - Lot 3 – Mechanical Installa- 16. Numbering, Standards and Type Approval Officer 1 CA8
tion Works Subcontract
17. Senior Supply Chain Management Assistant 2 CA8
6 Tender No. 26/2023-2024 400,000 Monday 17th 26th June, Open to
Proposed Construction of Industrial Sheds for June, 2024 at 2024 at 11.00 Public
Investors at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, 12.00 noon a.m
Machakos County - Lot 4 –Mechanical Installation
Terms and Conditions of Service
Works Subcontract
The Authority offers a competitive package in line with its Human Resource Policies and Proce-
7 Tender No. 27/2023-2024 400,000 Monday 17th 26th June, Open to dures and Public Service Guidelines.
Proposed Construction of Industrial Sheds for June, 2024 at 2024 at 11.00 Public
Investors at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, 1.00 p.m a.m
The full details of the advertisement can be accessed at:
Machakos County - Lot 1 –Electrical Installation
Works Subcontract
11 Tender No. 31/2023-2024 500,000 Tuesday, 18th 26th June, Open to APPLICATION PROCESS
Proposed Construction of Industrial Sheds for June, 2024 at 2024 at 11.00 Public
Investors at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, 11.00 a.m a.m Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit their applications, including a detailed
Machakos County – Electrical Installation Works
CV, a cover letter, and contact information for three professional references, via the link provid-
ed online on or before 2nd July 2024 at 5.00 p.m, East Africa Time (EAT).
12 Tender No. 32/2023-2024 350,000 Tuesday, 18th 26th June, Open to
Proposed Construction of Industrial Sheds for June, 2024 at 2024 at 11.00 Public Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted for interviews.
Investors at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, 12.00 noon a.m
Machakos County – Mechanical Installation
Works Subcontract
Director General
Communications Authority of Kenya
P.O. Box 14448
Completed Tender documents (Original and a Copy, Properly Tape Bound) in plain sealed envelope clearly marked Nairobi 00800
“Export Processing Zones Authority Tender Number” as per instructions in the Tender document and addressed
to:- The Authority is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified Kenyans including persons
living with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Chief Executive Officer
Export Processing Zones Authority
P.O. Box 50563 – 00200 Canvassing in any form or failure to attach any of the stipulated documents shall lead to
NAIROBI automatic disqualification.
Should be deposited in the Tender Box on Ground Floor, Export Processing Zones Authority Administration Building,
Athi River EPZ on or before 11.00 a.m local time on Wednesday 26th June, 2024. Tenders will be opened immediately
Head Office Western Regional Office Coast Regional Office Central Regional Office Nyanza Regional Office
thereafter in the Conference Room on Ground floor, Export Processing Zones Authority, Administration Build- CA Centre 1st Floor KVDA Plaza 3rd Floor, NSSF Building Ground Floor, Advocates 2nd Floor Lake Basin Mall,
ing, Viwanda Road, Off Nairobi - Namanga Highway Athi River EPZ in the presence of Bidders representatives P.O. Box 14448 P.O. Box 2346 P.O.Box 8041 Plaza P.O Box 2016
who choose to attend. Nairobi 00800 Eldoret 30100 Mombasa 80100 P.O Box 134 Nyeri 10100 Kisumu 40100
Mobile: 0703042000 Mobile: 0703042105 Mobile: 0703042152 Mobile : 0703042181 Mobile: 0703042130
Email: Email: Email: Email : Email
14 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
he Government is in gaging in carbon credit integrated pest manage-
the process of en- projects,” he added. ment, water conservation,
acting the Carbon He explained that Ken- and organic fertilisation as
Credit Trading and Benefit ya’s flower farms can well as encouraging farm-
Sharing Bill 2023 to create generate additional rev- ers to adopt renewable en-
a robust regulatory frame- enue by engaging in car- ergy sources and minimise
work for carbon credit bon credit projects and their carbon footprint.
trading and benefit-shar- by adopting sustainable He said that Kenya’s
ing in the floriculture in- practices and reducing floriculture sector has
dustry. their carbon footprint. propelled the country to PS Dokota going round the various exhibitions at the IFTEX expo.
It will also establish They can earn carbon become a global leader in
an Authority to oversee credits that can be traded floriculture, contributing
legislative measures that internationally. significantly to the econ- Dr Dakota added that countries, opening doors that collaboration with
significantly benefit the Representatives from omy, creating jobs, and the government has also for Kenyan floriculture the UK has resulted in the
floriculture sector, pro- 75 countries participated enhancing the livelihoods invested in modernising exports. suspension of the eight
viding for the registration in the week-long 11th In- of over two million Ken- transportation networks, The agreements, he ex- per cent duty on cut flow-
and regulation of carbon ternational Floriculture yans. including roads, railways, plained, have eliminated ers from Kenya, further
trading businesses, and Expo. “The theme of this The PS noted that the and airports to enhance trade barriers, promoted demonstrating the suc-
setting up a Carbon Credit year’s Expo, ‘Sustaina- government has imple- efficient logistics that are fair pricing, and created cessful partnerships.
Trading Tribunal to ad- bility,’ resonates deeply mented policies that facil- essential for successful a level playing field for Christopher Kulei,
dress disputes in the sec- with the government’s itate a conducive business floriculture exports. our flowers in the global Chair, Board of Direc-
tor. commitment to nurturing environment, has stream- “This infrastructure has market.Dr Dakota gave an tors, Kenya Flower Coun-
Speaking while open- Kenya’s floriculture,” the lined export processes, facilitated the seamless example of the Kenya-EU cil (KFC) said that with
ing the 11th International PS said. created investment op- movement of flowers from Economic Partnership around 5,000 hectares
Floriculture Trade Expo “Sustainability is not portunities, and offered our farms to international Agreement, signed in De- dedicated to flower culti-
(IFTEX) at the Oshwal just a buzzword; it is our support for small and me- markets, preserving their cember 2023 which has vation, the industry ex-
Centre, the State Depart- shared responsibility. We dium-sized enterprises freshness and quality,” now been ratified by both ports over 200,000 tonnes
ment for Cabinet Affairs protect both our industry within the floriculture he noted, adding that the the National Assembly of of flowers annually, valued
Principal Secretary Dr. and our environment,” value chain. government has also ne- Kenya and the European at $900 million, bringing
Idris Salim Dokota said Dr Dakota added, noting “By reducing bu- gotiated favourable trade Union in Brussels. in vital forex revenues to
the amended Climate Act that the government reaucratic hurdles and agreements with various Additionally, he added the economy.
establishes a national car- promoting fair trade prac-
bon registry in Kenya and tices, the government as
regulates the trade in car- Kenya’s flori- one of the key priorities
bon credits. culture sector outlined in the Bottom-Up MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE &
“This framework will
ensure transparency and
has propelled Economic Transformation
accountability in our car- the country to enhance the competitive-
bon trading endeavors, become a global ness of our flowers in the
State Department for Livestock Development
and with this, our flower global market,” he said.
The Board is seeking to recruit a highly competent, proactive and self-driven individual All other details remain unchanged.
to fill the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, invites all stakeholders
The Chief Executive Officer shall hold office for the term of three (3) years and shall be
to participate in the National Validation. The following documents to facilitate discussions and enable stakeholder’s
eligible for reappointment for a further term of three (3) years.
feedback are available and can be accessed through the Ministry ( or Board’s website
Details of the vacancy can be accessed at (
How to apply 1) Draft Dairy Industry Bill, 2024
2) Public Comments/ Feedback form
All applications should reach the Board on or before 24th June, 2024 by 1700hrs.
Duly filled comments/Feedback Forms may also be submitted back via the following emails;
Applications should be addressed to: 1)
Chairperson, 2)
Human Resource Management Professionals Examinations Board.
P.O. Box 23733 – 00100, Or sent by ordinary mail to;
Nairobi, Kenya.
The Principal Secretary, OR The Managing Director
Applications may be deposited at HRMPEB’s office at Mwalimu Towers, first floor, Up- State Department for Livestock Development, Kenya Dairy Board
per hill, Nairobi. Alternatively, applicants can email the softcopy applications to the Cathedral Road, NSSF Building, Block A
Chairperson of the Board using the email: All Documents Kilimo House, Eastern Wing, Bishop’s Road,
Should be in a Single PDF File. P.O Box 30406-00100 NAIROBI
P O Box 34188-00100, NAIROBI
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 15
he Government has to them, saying this will agenda over the next five
formulated mecha- help improve the living years. PUBLIC AUCTION OF UNSERVICEABLE ITEMS, MOTOR
nisms to expand the standards of the commu- Central to this agenda, VEHICLES AND STORES
country’s revenue base nity. Mwangi explained, is the
by including more people Muturi was speaking at government’s Bottom-Up National Drought Management Authority invites interested bidders for public auction of obsolete and unser-
in the tax bracket to boost Kirinyaga University dur- Economic Transforma- viceable assets as follows: -
tax collection. ing the launch of a public tion Strategy, focusing on
Attorney General Justin dissemination forum for five critical areas which Appointed Auction- Trenad Auctioneers (Northern Kenya), Valley Auctioneers (Rift Region) and
Muturi said the level of the Medium-Term Plan IV are: agriculture, medium eers Speedman Commercial Agencies Ltd (Coastal Region)
taxes compared to Ken- development programme. and small enterprises Viewing date 12th June 2024 to 25th June 2024
ya’s GDP is too low given He called for partner- (MSMEs), the digital
Auctioning date 26th June 2024
the size of the economy in ship programs by both lo- economy, housing and
the region, and it is im- cal and foreign investors settlement, and health. Venue Various NDMA Station as specified below
perative for the govern- as one way to bring de- These earmarked areas
ment to include more and velopment to the country. are structured to be ex- Items to be auctioned among others include:
more people to expand He supported the ex- ecuted across six sectors 1. Used Motor Vehicles and Motor Cycles
the revenue base,” Mu- pressway expected to be including finance, social 2. Used General Equipment
turi said. constructed from Nai- protection, governance 3. Used Furniture and Fittings
Muturi said in the me- robi to Mombasa through and public administra-
The auction dates shall be as follows: -
dium-term plan, the a public-private part- tion, environment, and
government has factored nership, saying it would agriculture.
in an additional 30 to speed up development. “The implementation Location of items Viewing Date Auction Date Auction Venue Auctioneer
70 judges, who will be Elijah Mwangi, the of MTP-IV is expected to
NDMA Board
distributed in different Principal Secretary State drive significant devel- Nairobi
12th June 2024 to 26th June 2024 at
Room on 17th Floor, Auctioneer
courts, adding that an Department for Mining, opment within the coun- 25th June 2024 10:00am
Lonrho House
additional 11 judges will announced the roll out of try,” Mwangi said.
be recruited for the Court the Medium-Term Plan IV “Kirinyaga, in par- Isiolo
of Appeal. (MTP-IV). ticular, will see notable Marsabit/Moyale
He reiterated that it is The strategic plan, he benefits, including the 12th June 2024 to 28th June 2024 at Marsabit NDMA Trenad
important that disputes said, which was the result development of seven key 25th June 2024 10:00am Office Ma Auctioneers
that end up in court are of extensive county-wide roads,” he added. Wajir
resolved expeditiously. engagements and vali- Kirinyaga County Mandera
The Attorney General dated data, was officially Deputy Governor David
also called on the county launched on March 12th, Wachira called for the Baringo
government to work hand 2024. alignment of MTP- IV to Kajiado
in hand with the national PS Mwangi explained the county’s own Inte-
government to ensure that MTP-IV provides a grated Development Plan Meru
farmers sell the minimum comprehensive frame- (CIDP). Turkana/Kitale
Kitui/Mwingi 12th June 2024 to 26th June 2024 at Nanyuki NDMA Valley
Laikipia 25th June 2024 10:00am Office Auctioneers
West Pokot
CONDITIONS OF SALE: 1. All interested purchasers are required to view the items as per date shown above and verify their respective details
as these are not warranted by neither the auctioneer nor NDMA as the items are being offered for sale on
As-is-where-is” basis.
1) Viewing to be done as from Wednesday 12th June 2024 to Wednesday 19th June
2024 during normal working hours to verify the details, as these are not war- 2. All the interested purchasers will be required to pay a deposit of Kshs 25,000 per lot or item on auction for Motor
ranted by the Auctioneers or our principals as the sale is on “as - is – where Vehicles, Kshs. 5,000 for Motor Cycles and Kshs. 3,000 for other items.
– is – basis” 3. All cash to be deposited to the National Drought Management Authority Bank Account, Kenya Commercial Bank
– KICC Branch, Account Number 1136140255 and submit the deposit slip at during the Auction.
2) Interested bidders are required to pay a refundable deposit of
4. Download the catalogue containing details of items earmarked for disposal from National Drought
Ksh. 1,000.00 for each category to obtain a bidding number.
Management Authority Website ( free of charge.
3) Payments of the purchased goods must be done by close of business on the 5. Sale will be subject to the reserve price.
day of auction through a bank deposit to ENERGY & PETROLEUM REGULA-
6. All purchased items shall be paid for and collected from respective National Drought Management Authority
TORY AUTHORITY which will be provided during the auction day. premises or locations where the items are within 7 days from the date of auction failure to which, the authority
will charge storage at a rate of Kshs 500 per day until collection. If the items are not collected within 14 days,
4) Any uncollected items by close of business on Monday 24th June 2024 togeth- the items will be forfeited to the authority.
er with the deposit shall be forfeited
7. For any clarification, please get in touch with Mr. Paul Nzuki of the Supply Chain Management Office on
5) Sale is subject to reasonable reserve prices.
8. For any clarification, please get in touch with Mr. Paul Nzuki of the Supply Chain Management Office on 0720399709
or Valley Auctioneers 0722313991, Speedman Commercial Agencies 0722822374 and Trenad
Auctioneers 0721491990
Internal Security PS
outlines strategy for
Kenya’s service reforms
BY BERNADETTE Dr. Omollo said. mendations, a total of 271
It also aims to pertained to the National
team working on strengthen the three se- Police Service, 210 were
the Implementation curity agencies to deliver for the Kenya Prisons Ser-
and Coordination effective and efficient vice, while those for the
Framework for reforms in services to the citizenry, National Youth Service
the National Police Ser- he added. The PS said the were 117. PS for Internal Security and National Administration Dr Raymond Omollo (centre), the
vice (NPS), Kenya Prisons four areas that have been “The unpacking of the British High Commissioner to Kenya, Neil Wigan (left) and the Principal Secretary for
Correctional Services Salome Muhia (right) during a roundtable meeting with devel-
Service (KPS), and the identified are leadership, reforms recommendations opment partners on the implementation of reforms in the National Police Service,
National Youth Service oversight and accounta- was finalized in March Kenya Prisons Service and the National Youth Service held in Nairobi.
(NYS) has identified four bility, institutional capac- this year, and the working
strategic key areas for im- ity development, human team expressed that a total 2027, United Nations 2030 icy, legal and institutional human rights protection,
plementation. resource management and of 221 recommendations Agenda for Sustainable framework hence enhanc- as well as develop com-
Internal Security and development, and oper- could be implemented Development, African ing capacity of the force. prehensive welfare poli-
National Administration ational preparedness and immediately through ad- Union Agenda 2063 and Other strategies that cies among others.
Principal Secretary Ray- logistical capacity. ministrative actions,” the East Africa Commu- the team will put in place In his speech, the Brit-
mond Omollo said the The PS was speak- Omollo said.During the nity Vision 2050. include the developing ish High Commissioner
team examined all 598 ing during a roundtable unpacking, it was agreed Other considerations of modernization mas- to Kenya, Neil Wigan said
recommendations pro- meeting with develop- that a total of 177 recom- include legal and institu- terplan, establishing through their program
vided in the report and ment partners on the im- mendations would require tional frameworks of the modernization fund, im- they will support the four
is developing a strategic plementation of reforms funds to be implemented NPS, KPS and NYS. plementing moderniza- pillars of the strategic
framework for implemen- in the National Police without need for policy He said through good tion projects for improved framework through their
tation to ensure coherence Service, Kenya Prisons and or legislative actions, leadership, oversight and service delivery, improv- Internal Affairs Unit of
among the reform institu- Service, and the National a total of 178 recommen- accountability, there will ing terms and conditions NPS, the Independent Po-
tions. Youth Service at a Nai- dations would require be increased capacity for of service, salary and ben- lice Oversight Authority
“The development of robi hotel. He said out policy and legislative ac- internal and external ac- efits and enhancing career and the National Steering
the Strategic Framework of the 598 recom- tions and funding while 22 countability, transparency and succession manage- Committee on the Police
for implementation of the recommendations would and prevention of corrup- ment. It will also automate Reforms. “We will also
reforms, which began in A team is require consultations and tion thereby improving human resource functions provide technical support
February this year, aims policy guidance. service delivery and public for effective service de- to selected police stations
to provide an integrated
develop- The PS noted that the confidence. livery, enhance gender to improve service deliv-
approach to reform pri- ing a strategic strategic framework The PS at the same time mainstreaming, preven- ery and the Ministry of
orities in a strategic and framework for gives consideration to observed that by putting tion of sexual harassment Interior in the develop-
coordinated manner to the Kenya Constitution, in place institutional ca- and gender-based vio- ment of tracking tools for
ensure coherence among implementation to Kenya Vision 2030, Fourth pacity development it will lence, enforce professional monitoring and evaluating
the reform institutions,” ensure coherence Medium Term Plan 2023- help to strengthen pol- standards, training and the report,” he said.
ducation Cabi- ment partners for working government’s commit- mentation of the strategic
net Secretary Eze- round the clock to finalize ment to ensuring that plan will require heavy fi-
kiel Machogu has the strategic plan, which every citizen, regardless nancial and human capital
launched the National will immediately be used of their background or investments.
Education Sector Strategic to guide education pro- circumstances, has access Machogu stated that the
Plan (NESSP) for the pe- grams nationally. to quality education that implementation and coor-
riod 2023-2027. “Having thoroughly empowers them and con- dination framework of the
The comprehensive read the document, I have tributes to the prosperity strategic plan is detailed
blueprint will steer Ken- no doubt that this strategic of the nation. in a cost implementation
ya’s Education Sector over plan will ensure that we The CS pointed out that matrix, that would ensure
the next five years, signi- succeed in the delivery of the key pillars contained resources are efficiently
fying the country’s read- the important education in the strategic plan have and effectively utilized
iness and preparedness to service. This well-done made it clear where the adding that, in total, the
midwife the implementa- strategic plan is indeed a national focus is on edu- plan will cost about Sh5.2
tion of lined up reforms. clear testimony that we cation. Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu trillion over the next five
According to Machogu, will not fail to deliver ro- He noted that the em- years.
this is the first strategic bust and solid education phasis is on the issues of with evolving educational closed that the Ministry “To achieve the goal of
plan to be drafted under programs to our children promoting inclusive prac- practices; and enhance has drafted a sessional the Strategic Plan, there-
the Kenya Kwanza Gov- and youth,” he main- tices that celebrate di- digital literacy, provide paper and a number of fore, all sector players
ernment, signaling its tained. versity and provide equal access to online resources, proposed legislations that, would need to play their
resolve to give priority Speaking at the Kenya opportunities for success; and promote the use of ICT once passed by Parlia- part to mobilise the req-
to education programs, School of Government, promoting cutting-edge in teaching and learning. ment, will effectively roll- uisite resource require-
which are largely seen as Machogu highlighted teaching and learning Machogu reckoned that out the education reforms ments,” the CS said.
the key cornerstones upon that the plan has adopted methodologies that foster the launch of the strate- as outlined in the Presi- Giving a sneak pre-
which the Bottom-Up a bold vision of inclusive critical thinking, creativ- gic plan comes at a time dential Working Party Re- view into the Strategic
Economic Transformation and equitable quality ed- ity, and problem-solving when the Education Sec- port. Plan, Machogu outlined
(BETA) is anchored. ucation, training, and re- skills and strengthen- tor is undergoing major The CS noted that the that the Ministry plans
Insisting on the gov- search for prosperity. ing education manage- reforms. strategic plan lays out to construct 16,000 new
ernment’s collective ment systems, improving He said the strategic a clear roadmap for the classrooms for the Junior
commitment to educa- To achieve the transparency, and ensur- plan has incorporated smooth transition from School by December 2024
tion, Machogu said Edu- ing that resources are used the recommendations of the 8-4-4 system to the including the provision for
cation has been allocated
goal of the efficiently and effectively. the Presidential Working Competency-Based Cur- renovations, rehabilitation
the lion’s share in the Strategic Plan, Machogu mentioned Party on Education Re- riculum as he cautioned and construction of other
2024/2035 Budget State- therefore, all sector that the pillars also seek forms that were contained that the well-thought re- facilities such as labora-
ment expected to be read to establish mechanisms in the report handed over forms and programmes tories, dining halls and
next week. players would need for ongoing training and to the President last year. contained in the plan will WASH facilities.
He commended his col- to play their part support to keep pace Additionally, he dis- not be achieved if the
KAA/OT/MALINDI Supply and Delivery of VIP Furniture at There will be a site visit on 20/06/2024 In line with Section 5 (2) (a) of the Political Parties Act, 2011 the Registrar of Political Parties is in
/0255/2023-2024 Malindi International Airport 14/06/2024 from 10.00 am at the process of provisionally registering the following proposed political party:
Malindi International
Name Party Colours Party Symbol Slogan Founder members
KAA/OT/MIA/0263/ Provision of Waste Management There will be a site visit on 20/06/2024
2023-2024 Services at Moi International Airport 17/06/2024 at Moi International Kenya Ahadi Royal Purple, Germinating “Haki Yako, 1.EdwardChege Waweru
Airport from 10:00 am Party (KAP) luminous green tuber Ahadi Yetu” 2.Pharis Jane
(Eligibility is for Duly Registered
Youth, Women & Persons Living
and white. 3.Johra Said Ali
With Disability (PWD) 4.Nicholas Mwadime
KAA/OT/EIA/0267/ Development and Management of There will be a site visit on 20/06/2024
2023-2024 Transit Shed at Eldoret International 14/06/2024 at Eldoret Interna-
Airport tional Airport from 10:00 am
yamira County vesting, desilting existing ombo, Rigoma, amongst that the county has also they are heavy water schools and other public
is implementing dams, protecting water others, desilting the exist- initiated urban greening consumers for their fast institutions to ensure that
adaptive mecha- springs, and installing ing dams which were filled with the FLLoCA pro- growth,” the CECM said. “we always have enough
nisms to mitigate the ef- solar-powered pumps during the flooding sea- gramme, planting trees in Matiang’i pointed out seedlings to plant and re-
fects of climate change in to supply residents with sons in the months of April all urban and town centers that other types of trees claim our environment
the area, courtesy of the clean water for domestic and May, and protecting within the county to in- apart from eucalyptus which has speedily dete-
Financing Locally Led use. water springs where res- crease tree cover, improve were equally economically riorated mainly by human
Climate Action (FLLoCA) “The FLLoCA pro- idents fetch water for do- carbon sink, and create viable because apart from actions”, he said.
programme. gramme has enabled us to mestic use and animals for a cool green ambience in timber, there were other Nyamira County has al-
The county Department start drilling boreholes in drinking,” said County Nyamira town centers. trees like bamboo that ready surpassed the 30 per
of Environment, Water, various identified wards Executive Committee “We are still sensitizing are used to make several cent national tree cover
and Natural Resources has within Nyamira, some Member (CECM) John Ma- residents against planting products and they have no target.
1. The Government of Kenya (hereinafter called “Borrower”) has received financing from the World 1. The Government of Kenya (hereinafter called “Borrower”) has received financing from the World
Bank toward the cost of the Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) Bank toward the cost of the Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2)
and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for the following: and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for the following:
Tender Name Delivery of Local Physical and Land Use Development Plans, Amended
Tender Name Delivery of Local Physical and Land Use Development Plans, Amended
Registry Index Maps and Detailed Topographical Survey Plans for Selected
Registry Index Maps and Detailed Topographical Survey Plans for Selected
Informal Settlements in Meru County.
Informal Settlements in Migori County
Bid Security 2% (Bid Sum)
Bid Security 2% (Bid Sum)
2. The State Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Second Kenya Informal
2. The State Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Second Kenya Informal
Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the
Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the
above-mentioned tender.
above-mentioned tender.
3. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive procurement using a Request for Bids
(RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” first published 3. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive procurement using a Request for Bids
July 2016 and revised September 2023, fifth edition (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” first published
all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations. July 2016 and revised September 2023, fifth edition (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to
all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information, from the KISIP Project Procurement
Office, 19th Floor Prism Towers during normal office working hours (0900 to 1700 hours EAT). 4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information, from the KISIP Project Procurement
Those who download the document can send their particulars to the Head of Supply Chain Man- Office, 19th Floor Prism Towers during normal office working hours (0900 to 1700 hours EAT). Those
agement office at Ardhi House 6th Floor for the purpose of registration and receipt of any further who download the document can send their particulars to the Head of Supply Chain Management
clarifications. office at Ardhi House 6th Floor for the purpose of registration and receipt of any further clarifications.
5. The bidding document can be downloaded free of charge from 5. The bidding document can be downloaded free of charge from
tenders and or can be obtained at the address given below. tenders and or can be obtained at the address given below.
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday, 24th July, 2024 at 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday, 24th July, 2024 at 11.00am.
Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly
11.00 am. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will
opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to
be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who
attend in Ardhi House (1st Ngong Avenue), 6th Floor Boardroom.
chooses to attend in Ardhi House (1st Ngong Avenue), 6th Floor Boardroom.
7. All bids should be accompanied with a Bid security in form of a Bank Guarantee or a Bank Draft
7. All bids should be accompanied with a Bid security in form of a Bank Guarantee or a Bank Draft
issued by a reputable Bank located in Kenya, or Insurance of 2% (Bid Sum) from a reputable Insur-
issued by a reputable Bank located in Kenya, or Insurance of 2% (Bid Sum) from a reputable In-
ance firm authorized by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA).
surance firm authorized by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA).
8. The address referred to above is:
8. The address referred to above is:
State Department for Housing and Urban Development,
State Department for Housing and Urban Development, Attn: Principal Secretary
Attn: Principal Secretary P.O. Box 30119-00100
P.O. Box 30119-00100 6th Floor, Ardhi House
6th Floor, Ardhi House 1st Ngong Avenue
1st Ngong Avenue Nairobi, Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-0202-2729200
Tel: +254-0202-2729200 Email:
Note: “Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose
Note: “Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award
information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding docu-
Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding docu- ment.
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 19
t will soon bring joy to affecting thousands of from the county execu- the nexus approach. aimed at bolstering peace
pastoral communities livestock keepers. tive, is being sponsored Speaking at a Nanyuki in the county.
in Laikipia County fol- Laikipia County has in by the LISTEN project hotel during the range- Laikipia County Exec-
lowing the introduction the past experienced per- in partnership with the land management bill utive Committee (CECM)
of a bill that is expected ennial conflicts due to a Frontier Counties Devel- workshop, stakeholders in incharge of Agriculture
to address resource-based lack of grazing fields and opment Council (FCDC) agriculture and environ- and Livestock Dennis
conflicts in the area by en- scarce water resources. and the Laikipia County mental conservation said Kasoo pointed out that
vironmental activists. The The bill, which is being government. that the legislation will the laws will at the same
proposed Laikipia County drafted in accordance Frontier Counties LISTEN is a project be- help in governing range time guide pastoralists
Development Council
Rangeland Management with the Community Land Director Hussein ing implemented in the lands and support pasto- from neighboring coun-
Bill, if enacted by the Management Act of 2016, Abdinassir speaking counties of Laikipia, Isi- ral communities through ties on the mode of grazing
county assembly, is fur- will simultaneously help to the media about the olo, and Samburu aimed fonder formulation. during dry weather which
ther expected to support prevent land degradation proposed rangeland bill to bolster food nutrition, Ms Peninah Kituyo, a in the past had resulted
pastoral communities in in the vast dry lands. in Nanyuki. PHOTO: DORCAS water security and climate Laikpia north resident said in conflicts due to illegal
eradicating invasive plants The Rangeland Man- WANGUI/KNA change adaptation of the that with the bill, it would herders.
1. The Government of Kenya (hereinafter called “Borrower”) has received financing from the World 1. The Government of Kenya (hereinafter called “Borrower”) has received financing from the World
Bank toward the cost of the Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) Bank toward the cost of the Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2)
and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for the following: and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for the following:
Tender Name Delivery of Local Physical and Land Use Development Plans, Amended Tender Name Supply, Delivery and installation of a GIS based project monitoring system
Registry Index Maps and Detailed Topographical Survey Plans for Selected and Infrastructure at the State Department for Housing and Urban Develop-
Informal Settlements in Migori County ment.
Bid Security 2% (Bid Sum) Bid Security 2% (Bid Sum)
2. The State Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Second Kenya Informal 2. The State Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Second Kenya Informal
Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the
above-mentioned tender. above-mentioned tender.
3. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive procurement using a Request for Bids 3. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive procurement using a Request for Bids
(RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” first published (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” first published
July 2016 and revised September 2023, fifth edition (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to July 2016 and revised September 2023, fifth edition (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to
all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations. all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information, from the KISIP Project Procurement 4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information, from the KISIP Project Procurement
Office, 19th Floor Prism Towers during normal office working hours (0900 to 1700 hours EAT). Those Office, 19th Floor Prism Towers during normal office working hours (0900 to 1700 hours EAT). Those
who download the document can send their particulars to the Head of Supply Chain Management who download the document can send their particulars to the Head of Supply Chain Management
office at Ardhi House 6th Floor for the purpose of registration and receipt of any further clarifications. office at Ardhi House 6th Floor for the purpose of registration and receipt of any further clarifications.
5. The bidding document can be downloaded free of charge from 5. The bidding document can be downloaded free of charge from
tenders and or can be obtained at the address given below. tenders and or can be obtained at the address given below.
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday, 24th July, 2024 at 11.00am. 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday, 24th July, 2024 at 11.00am.
Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly
opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to
attend in Ardhi House (1st Ngong Avenue), 6th Floor Boardroom. attend in Ardhi House (1st Ngong Avenue), 6th Floor Boardroom.
7. All bids should be accompanied with a Bid security in form of a Bank Guarantee or a Bank Draft 7. All bids should be accompanied with a Bid security in form of a Bank Guarantee or a Bank Draft
issued by a reputable Bank located in Kenya, or Insurance of 2% (Bid Sum) from a reputable Insur- issued by a reputable Bank located in Kenya, or Insurance of 2% (Bid Sum) from a reputable Insur-
ance firm authorized by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA). ance firm authorized by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA).
8. The address referred to above is: 8. The address referred to above is:
State Department for Housing and Urban Development,
State Department for Housing and Urban Development,
Attn: Principal Secretary
Attn: Principal Secretary
P.O. Box 30119-00100
P.O. Box 30119-00100
6th Floor, Ardhi House
6th Floor, Ardhi House
1st Ngong Avenue
1st Ngong Avenue
Nairobi, Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-0202-2729200
Tel: +254-0202-2729200
Note: “Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose Note: “Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose
information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award
Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding docu- Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding docu-
ment. ment.
20 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
53 Patrick Githinji Masters of Arts in Communication Studies 14 Lucy Achieng Ojany 18/06/2024 12.45 AM
54 Ann Kawali Nguna Bachelor of Arts (Information Technology) 16 Polly Gathoni Waweru 19/06/2024 09. 45 AM
55 Anthony Nzau Musau BA Degree in Political Science & Philosophy 17 Justa Mwangi 19/06/2024 10.30 AM
56 Fred Rabongo MBA Master of Business Administration 18 Marvin Imbera 19/06/2024 11.15 AM
Bachelor of Education (Economics & Business Administration. 19 Nassra Hussein Omar 19/06/2024 12.00 PM
20 Lucy Minayo 19/06/2024 12.45 AM
57 Kasembeli Wafula Nasi- Masters of Business Administration
uma 21 James Watoro Kamau 20/06/2024 09. 00 AM
Bachelor of Arts
22 Keegan Alusa 20/06/2024 09. 45 AM
58 Francis Mwaniki Muhia Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT)
23 Dr. Erick Komolo 20/06/2024 10.30 AM
59 Godfrey Osango Nyotumba MA (Fine Arts)
24 Patrick Githinji 20/06/2024 11.15 AM
Bachelor of Education (Fine Arts)
25 Anthony Nzau Musau 20/06/2024 12.00 PM
60 Dr. Boit k .Joshua Ph.D. Mass Communication & Journalism
26 Francis Mwaniki Muhia 20/06/2024 12.45 AM
Masters of Media and Human Rights
27 Boit K . Joshua 21/06/2024 09. 00 AM
Bachelor of Mass Communication &Journalism
28 Joan Wetumi Njaro 21/06/2024 09. 45 AM
61 Joan Wetumi Njaro Masters of Arts Digital Journalism
29 Mwarab Hamisi Ali 21/06/2024 10.30 AM
Masters of Arts International Studies
30 Ezekiel Omondi Olande 21/06/2024 11.15 AM
Bachelor of Arts Journalism and Media Development Communication op-
62 Winfred Gakii Mbae LL.M Disability Rights in Africa The shortlisted candidates are expected to appear before the selection panel on the dates and times indicated above. The
interviews shall be conducted at the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Economy Headquarters, Telpos-
Bachelor of Laws ta Towers, 9th Floor Boardroom. The shortlisted candidates are required to bring ALL of the following documents:
63 Mwarab Hamisi Ali Bachelor of Science in Information & Technology
(a) Original Identity Card/ Passport.
64 Loice Kerubo Nyaribo LLM, Technology, Media and Telecommunication Law- (b) Original academic and professional certificates.
(c) Clearances from—
Post-Graduate Diploma in law • Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA);
• Higher Education Loans Board (HELB);
LLB Bachelor of Laws
• Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC); and
65 Ezekiel Omondi Olande Bachelor of Science - Information Systems & Technology • Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).
The Selection Panel, after considering all the applicants for the positions of Chairperson and Member has shortlisted DANIEL WAITERE
the following candidates for the position of Chairperson and Member of the Complaints Commission respectively - Chairperson, Selection Panel for Appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the Complaints Commission
22 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
According to IGAD’s behind,” he disclosed. ucts all empowered bor- he launch of a modern
Deputy Executive Sec- He at the same time derland communities in medical laboratory at
retary, Mohamed Ware, maintained that com- ways unthinkable a few Loglogo Health Centre is
resilience is a common munities on the border years ago. set to improve access to quality
thread in the lives and are vital for individual “With their leg- healthcare for residents of Lais-
livelihoods of border member states security endary dynamism, and amis Constituency in Marsabit
communities, which since states at the local resilience, I am optimis- County.
are often neglected and and national level need tic about the prospects The laboratory, constructed
marginalized by distant their goodwill, coopera- for the lives and liveli- and equipped by the Lake Tur-
capitals. tion, and partnership to hoods of border com- kana Wind Power (LTWP)
During discussions secure their borders. munities,” he said. company in conjunction with
focused on cross-border IGAD Deputy Executive Secretary, Mohamed “The Project Building Kenya’s State De- Z. Boskovic Air Charters, is in-
resilience programming Ware (L) confers with State Department for the Resilience to Food and partment for the Arid tended to provide curative, pro-
in IGAD’s Karamoja, Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASALs) and Regional Nutrition Security in the and Semi-Arid Lands motional, and preventive health
Moyale, and Mandera Development Principal Secretary Kello Harsama Horn of Africa (BRE- (ASALs) and Regional services to members of local
clusters, located in the during IGAD’s press briefing held in Nairobi. FONS) mobilized $162 Development Princi- communities.
border areas of Uganda, million across five coun- pal Secretary (PS) Kello LTWP’s new Chief Execu-
Ethiopia, and Kenya, tries, with additional Harsama said that Kenya tive Officer (CEO), Max Schiff,
Ware emphasized the holders, securing long- times several times,” funding from the Green and Uganda signed a stated that besides the green en-
need for border commu- term funding, and Ware added. Climate Fund, which is MoU on September 13, ergy-producing firm’s focus on
nities to be resilient. enhancing collaboration He observed that with expected to inject $151 2019, in Moroto, whose implementing community de-
He added that any among member states limited infrastructure in million, supporting IG- objective was to accord velopment projects in the water
assistance to them, and development part- border areas, humani- AD’s goals for long-term communities on both and education sectors, bring-
whether humanitar- ners are essential for tarian and relief efforts sustainability,” he said. sides of the border better ing quality healthcare services
ian interventions or fostering a resilient and are often too little and Ware noted that man- cooperation, peaceful closer to the people is of major
social development in- sustainable future. late. agement of river ba- co-existence and bridge concern.
vestments, must start Ware noted that bor- Further, Ware reck- sins that often traverse isolation gaps. Schiff expressed satisfaction
with preserving and der communities are oned that borderlands the border needs to “The Programme during the facility’s handover
strengthening their re- largely pastoralists and are often hideouts of be depoliticized, with document has been de- to the Marsabit County Gov-
silience. agro-pastoralists, de- criminal elements due to the establishment of veloped and validated ernment, emphasizing that
“I encourage devel- pending on increasingly inadequate policing and non-political, technical, by both countries,” he members of the local commu-
opment partners and unreliable and erratic security services hence and competent River re-affirmed, adding that nities would no longer have to
member states to allo- rainfall. communities become Valley Management Au- the Ministry was in the travel long distances in search
cate funding to promote “Often victims of the victims of banditry, thorities that take rivers’ process of reviewing the of this crucial diagnostic service
knowledge sharing extremes of climate im- livestock rustling, arms cyclical impact on bor- MoU between Kenya whenever they fall ill.
across all IGAD clus- pact, these communities trafficking and racket- der communities. and Ethiopia and initi- “This gesture is definitely go-
ters,” he asserted. endure cycles of drought eering. He pointed out that ating the MoU between ing to make access to the desired
He emphasized that and floods, often in the “The strong arm of advancements in tech- Kenya -Somalia and health services less costly and
engaging diverse stake- same year, and some- the law and periodic nology, such as mobile Kenya-South Sudan. readily available to the residents
of this area,” he said. The facility
was built and equipped at a cost
he Government, in agencies, county gov- empower individuals, that the devolved unit values
collaboration with ernments, development communities, and state partnerships with the private
the United Nations partners, and key stake- actors to address the tri- sector and such collaboration
(UN), is implementing holders in the national ple threat. helps in speeding up develop-
a plan to end the triple initiative to end the tri- He observed that the ment. Dr. Alamin termed the
threat of new HIV infec- ple threat. triple threat remains one availability of the laboratory as
tions, mistimed preg- “The high-level vis- of the greatest threats to a big boost in the provision of
nancies, and sexual and its aim to connect with achieving desired edu- health care to the residents add-
Gender-Based Violence communities affected cation goals in Kenya if ing that the county government
among adolescents and by the triple threat not eliminated. would strive to avail not only
young people in the challenge, reflect on He called on all the curative but also promotional
country. collective responsibil- Seven United Nations Agencies representatives, partners and fellow gov- and preventive health services.
The National Syn- ity, and secure com- Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga, Kenyas First ernment agencies to join The Chief Officer thanked
demic Diseases Control mitment to ending this Daughter Charlene Ruto among other distinguished hands in ending these LTWP for also donating rea-
Council (NSDCC), in challenge,” the PS said guests during the high level experiential visit to end threats with the Min- gents for use at the facility and
collaboration with seven during a high-level ex- the triple threat in Homa Bay County. PHOTO: COURTESY istry of Education en- pledged that the county gov-
agencies, is implement- periential visit in Homa suring full continuity of ernment would post the requi-
ing a multi-sectoral Bay County. 254,753 girls aged be- Education aims to pro- learning by facilitating site medical personnel including
plan to secure commit- In 2022, 41 percent tween 10 to 19 years mote quality education school re-entry for all lab technologists at the health
ment and accountability of new HIV infections were pregnant, which to all Kenyan children to affected learners. centre. “We acknowledge with
by state and non-state occurred among ado- translates to 698 preg- ensure access, retention, Although the num- appreciation the contribution
actors for the initiative lescent girls and young nancies per day.And 37 transition and comple- ber of learners enrolled that Lake Turkana Wind Power
launched in February people aged 15 to 24 per cent of sexual and tion. Speaking during in school has improved is making in the health sector
2024 by Health Cabinet years. Furthermore, in gender-based violence the high-level expe- over the years, there are which goes a long way in im-
Secretary Susan Nakhu- the same year, women were among adolescent riential visit, Nyanza a few learners whose ed- proving the livelihoods of our
micha. The Principal aged 15 and above ac- girls aged 10 to 17 years, Regional Director of Ed- ucation is usually inter- people,” he noted, adding that
Secretary for Medical counted for 57 percent an increase by eight per ucation Dickson Ogingo rupted by factors such as it was barely a month after the
Services, Harry Kimtai, of all new HIV infections cent in 2023 compared who represented Prin- teenage pregnancy, dis- company handed over a fully
said the country adopted in the country. to 2016. cipal Secretary for Ba- eases and other societal equipped male ward at the Lais-
a whole-of-nation ap- Reports show that But the Ministry of sic Education Dr Belio challenges. amis sub-county hospital that
cost Sh15.3M.
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 23
he French Energy research work. graduate from the insti- He further hinted that
Consortium has Mr. Odoh noted that the tution. “Energy efficiency many industries and firms
launched a center to energy adoption center simply means doing a lot in Kenya and Africa at
boost energy adoption in will address the skills more with your energy large are currently facing
Kenya at the Paramount gap that has been exist- with less consumption of energy wastage which is
Chief Kinyanjui Technical ing in energy efficiency your energy,” the Sch- highly linked to energy From left, Schneider Electric East Africa President
Training Institute in Riruta for many years, adding neider Electric East Africa efficiency skills gap. Ifeanyi Odoh and French Ambassador Arnaud Suquet
Satellite. that the center is going to President said. “By KPLC integrat- taking a tour as they inspect the renewable energy and
Addressing the press train thousands of youths Mr. Odoh noted that ing the full capability of energy efficiency equipment donated to P.C Kinyanjui
after the launch, Schnei- in Kenya to tackle various currently many indus- digitalization and energy TTI at the institution.
der Electric East Africa energy-related challenges tries are under pressure efficiency, they are able
President Ifeanyi Odoh being experienced in the to optimize everything to mitigate losses in their Kenya Mr. Arnaud Suquet in exploring renewable
said that the center aims country. that they do and with en- networks, optimize their noted that the need to energy.
to provide solutions in re- He noted that the center ergy efficiency, industries revenue as well as reach launch the renewable en- The Ambassador at the
newable energy, drive in- will equip the youth with could benefit because of many people” said the ergy and energy efficiency same time urged the TTI
novation excellence in the energy efficiency skills so optimization of the cost of Schneider Electric East equipment for the centre to ensure that it develops
energy field, and create they can replicate them in production which trans- Africa President. of excellence is because curricula together with
experiences in real-world various sectors of the Ken- lates to more affordable French Ambassador to Kenya is well positioned industry partners.
enya and the Repub- he Ministry of Health, in measures in identified areas that
lic of South Korea have partnership with selected are prevalent to NTDs.
signed two key Mem- county governments, plans “Some of the measures will in-
orandums of Understanding to carry out a survey to ascertain clude mass drug administration,
(MOUs) to bolster their coop- the prevalence of bilharzia and water sanitation and hygiene and
eration in the Blue Economy intestinal worms among Ken- incorporating behavior change
and Maritime Affairs. Salim yans. communication within health
Mvurya, Cabinet Secretary for Dr. Florence Wakesho, the intervention measures,” she
Mining, Blue Economy, and Ministry’s Medical Parasitology noted.
Maritime Affairs, signed the expert, said schistosomiasis, Speaking in Murang’a County
MOUs on behalf of the Gov- commonly known as bilharzia, during a mapping and validation
ernment of Kenya, while the and soil-transmitted helminthia- exercise, Dr. Wakesho said in
Korean side was represented by sis, commonly known as intesti- Murang’a, the survey will kick-
Dr. Do-Hyung Kang, Minister nal worms, are among the highly start in June and will be carried
of Oceans and Fisheries. endemic neglected tropical dis- out among school going children
The signing ceremony took eases (NTDs) in the country. within the seven sub-counties in
place in Seoul, Korea, during “In Kenya, 17.4 million people the county.
the Korea International Coop- are at risk of being infected with “Bilharzia is a chronic illness
eration Conference on Oceans bilharzia,” she said, adding that that can seriously damage the
and Fisheries. With the MOU Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs Cabinet Secretary the country, however, has over internal organs. In children, it
on the Blue Economy in place, Salim Mvurya and Korean counterpart Dr. Do-Hyung Kang display ten neglected tropical diseases can lead to reduced growth and
Kenya and Korea will cooperate one of the signed MOUs on Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs. that are common within the var- problems with cognitive devel-
in supporting the establish- ious endemic counties. opments,” she added.
ment of infrastructure for fish- joint maritime-related activi- “Both countries recognise Dr. Wakesho said 32 counties, “The numbers of infection can
eries and fishing communities, ties between maritime training the importance of maritime including Murang’a, Nairobi, be rising high because of the
as well as collaborative projects institutions ranging from con- affairs for their economic de- and others drawn from Central, trends of the diseases and that
in the fisheries sector. It also ferences, seminars, workshops, velopment and have engaged in Rift Valley, Eastern, and North is what we want to evaluate and
opens the door for collaboration collaborative research, short bilateral Agreements and initia- Eastern, will be carrying out the know the true burden of these
in training fishery workers and courses and other certification tives to enhance cooperation in survey. diseases,” said Wakesho, who is
professional human resources, training programmes for stu- this domain,” the CS said. “We are looking to understand, also the Ministry’s schistosomia-
and the transfer of fish process- dents, faculty and industries. In terms of Trade, the Cabi- especially for bilharzia and intes- sis and soil transmitted helmin-
ing technology, among other The two countries will also net Secretary noted that Korea tinal worms, the distribution of thiasis programme manager.
areas of mutual benefit to the cooperate in facilitating ca- is a significant trading partner these diseases and to understand She divulged that neglected
two countries. In a press state- pacity building opportunities, for Kenya in maritime-related who is affected by these diseases tropical diseases are not just a
ment sent to KNA by the Minis- development and review of industries such as shipbuilding in the 32 selected counties in health issue. They have profound
try, CS Mvurya and his Korean curriculum in the oceans, mar- equipment, port infrastructure Kenya,” Wakesho said. social and economic impacts,
counterpart agreed that the itime transport and logistics, and maritime technology. She said the data findings hampering educational achieve-
two sides will establish a Joint and fisheries sectors. He said the two countries from the survey will enable the ment and perpetuating cycles of
Technical Working Group and Other areas of cooperation also collaborate in maritime government to make informed poverty.
identify liaison secretaries who include on-site support from security initiatives to combat
will be responsible for devel- Korean lecturers, development piracy, illegal fishing and other
oping an implementation plan of Seafarers Train-the-Trainers maritime crimes in the region.
and supervising the cooperative specialized courses, exploring “Korea has provided assis-
projects in the two countries. opportunities for Kenyan mar- tance to Kenya in terms of ca-
The MOU on Maritime Affairs itime students and exchange of pacity building, training, and
focuses on cooperation in rec- best practices on marine envi- technology transfer to enhance
ognition of seafarers certificates ronment protection. maritime security capabilities,”
of competency and capacity Speaking before the signing he said.
development. “The parties may, ceremony, CS Mvurya appre- On Technology Exchange, CS
by common accord, identify ciated the steady growth of the Mvurya said Korea has shared
and deepen other areas of co- blue economy and maritime its expertise in shipbuilding,
operation under this MOU,” the relations between Kenya and port management and marine
signed MOU says in part. Korea focusing on various areas technology with Kenya through
On recognition of seafarers of cooperation trade, maritime technical assistance programs Dr Florence Wakesho, the Ministry of Health Medical parasitology
certificates of competency, security and technology ex- and knowledge exchange ini- speaking in Murang’a county during a mapping and validation exer-
Kenya and Korea will create change. tiatives. cise in a Muranga hotel. PHOTO: ANITA OMWENGA
24 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
KMPDC invites sealed tenders from eligible and competent candidates for the following; In order to strengthen its human resource capacity, the Service wishes to recruit qualified competent staff to fill the
following vacant positions listed below on permanent and pensionable terms to enable it fulfill its mandate effectively
and drive the country towards the attainment of 30% tree cover by 2032.
Tender Number Tender Name
KMPDC/ITT/ICT/02/2023-2024 Supply and Installation of Microsoft 365 License S/No. POSITION KFS REFERENCE NO. OF
Interested eligible Firms may obtain the tender document from the office of the Supply Chain Manage- 1. Pilot 6 KFS/P/2024 1
ment Department, on 2nd Floor at the KMPDC Complex along Woodlands Road during normal working 2. Senior Officer-Business Development and Marketing 6 KFS/SO/BDM/2024 1
hours (8.00AM- 5.00PM) from Monday to Friday. The documents can be downloaded free of charge
3. Aircraft Maintenance Technician 7 KFS/AMT/2024 1
4. Engineer II 8 KFS/E/II/2024 2
Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with the Tender
5. Ecotourism Officer II 8 KFS/EO/II/2024 1
Name Reference Number and deposited in the Tender Box on Ground Floor at the KMPDC Complex,
along Woodlands Road off Lenana Road; addressed to: 6. Assistant Wood Technologist 8 KFS/AWT/2024 2
7. Legal Officer II 8 KFS/LO/II/2024 2
Chief Executive Officer
Kenya Medical Practitioners & Dentists Council 8. Geo Data Base Officer II 8 KFS/GDBO/II/2024 2
P.O. Box 44839-00100,
9. Lecturer II 8 KFS/L/II/2024 8
Nairobi, Kenya
10. Dispatch Officer 8 KFS/DO/2024 1
so as to be received on or before Tuesday, 25th June 2024 at 10:00am.
11. ICT Assistant 9 KFS/ICTA/2024 10
Applications will be opened immediately thereafter, in the presence of candidates or their representatives 12. Medical Laboratory Technician II 10 KFS/MLT/II/2024 1
who choose to attend the opening meeting, at the Tribunal Centre on 3rd Floor. 13. Human Resource Management Assistant II 10 KFS/HRMA/II/2024 15
14. Accounts Assistant II 10 KFS/AA/II/2024 15
Chief Executive Officer 15. Corporate Communication Assistant II 10 KFS/CCA/II/2024 3
Kenya Medical Practitioners & Dentists Council
16. Administrative Assistant 10 KFS/AA/2024 5
17. Supply Chain Management Assistant 10 KFS/SCMA/2024 8
18. Survey Assistant 10 KFS/SA/2024 7
19. Inspector Of Roads 10 KFS/IR/2024 7
20. Librarian Assistant II 11 KFS/LA/II/2024 2
21. Office Administrator Assistant III 11 KFS/AOA/III/2024 32
22. Customer Care Assistant 11 KFS/CCA/2024 2
23. Records Management Assistant III 12 KFS/RMA/III/2024 30
KENYA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS 26 Office Assistant III/ Nursery/ Enumerator 13 KFS/OA/N/E/III/2024 32
Step 1:
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) is a State Corporation established under the Statistics
Act (2006). It is the principal Government agency responsible for collection, compilation, analysis, Qualified and interested applicants who meet the requirements are asked to apply by visiting Kenya Forest Service
publication and dissemination of official Statistical information and its custody. It also oversees website: and select the JOBS TAB to proceed with the online registration. Fol-
the coordination, Supervision and development of Programmes within the National Statistical lowing successful online registration, the candidates will receive a notification email.
System (NSS).
Step 2:
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced In addition to the online registration, applicants MUST PRINT and attach the NOTIFICATION EMAIL as the first page
individuals with excellent credentials to fill the following positions:- of the hard copy application. The hard copy application should clearly indicate reference number for the position
applied for and attaching current curriculum vitae (clearly indicating the mobile number, names and contact details
of three referees), copies of relevant testimonials, academic and professional certificates and a copy of National
Job Title KNBS Ref No. of Terms of
identity card. The application should clearly be marked with reference number for the position applied for and should
Positions Employment either be sent through the post office or hand delivered to the address provided below in a sealed envelope marked
“APPLICATION FOR (WRITE POSITION & REFERENCE); so as to reach Kenya Forest Service not later than Monday
Manager, Data Processing KNBS KNBS/MLPS/1/2024 1 Permanent and 1st July, 2024 by 5.00pm.
Level 4 Pensionable
Chief Conservator of Forests,
Librarian KNBS KNBS/Lib/2/2024 1 Permanent and Kenya Forest Service, Karura, Off Kiambu Road,
Level 6 Pensionable P. O. Box 30513 - 00100, G.P.O.
Assistant Statistician, Field KNBS KNBS/ASFS/3/2024 10 Permanent and
Services Level 8 Pensionable
i) The application will not be considered complete unless the two steps are successfully undertaken. Further,
submission of the application through email shall not be considered.
More details on the positions will be found on the KNBS website
i) Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National ID, Academic and Professional
Applicants should fill and submit an online copy of the employment application form certificates during interviews.
Ref. KNBS/F/93/29, which is available on the KNBS website .
ii) The successful candidates will be expected to fulfil the requirements of chapter six of the constitution of Kenya
Applications must be received not later than 21st June 2024 and only shortlisted candidates will 2010.
be contacted.
The Service is ISO accredited and an equal opportunity employer and committed to diversity and inclusion of all Ken-
yans. In this regard, Youth, Women, Person living with disabilities, Marginalized and Minority communities with the
KENYA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. requisite qualifications are encouraged to apply. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Any
form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 25
he Rural Electrifica- “The projects are at var- of Kigumo, the director di- COMMUNICATION BILL, 2024
tion and Renewable ious stages of completion vulged 785 households are
Energy Corporation and by next financial year, set to be connected. The Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC) is a specialized tertiary training institution established in 1961.
(REREC) is targeting to all the slated 6, 000 house- “In the first phase of this KIMC is a State Corporation established under the Legal Notice No.197 of 2011, offering Post Graduate, Diploma
connect more than 14, 500 holds will be connected Kigumo project, 270 house- and Certificate courses in Communication, Performance, Info-tainment and Cinematic Arts. KIMC provides special-
households from the Mt. with electricity.” Added holds will get connected and ized hands-on training for both the public and private sector locally and regionally.
Kenya region with elec- Nderitu. in the second phase slated To maintain KIMC’s leadership in Communication, Mass media, Performance and Creative Arts training, the
tricity. The director underscored to commence next finan- Ministry constituted a working group to review its legal framework, and the working group has proposed the
Through the ambitious the government’s commit- cial year, 515 homes will be Kenya School of Communication Bill 2024.
programme, the REREC ment to attain 100 percent linked to electric power,” he
will use Sh. 2. 1 billion to power connection in near remarked. The Ministry invites stakeholders, members of the public, and all interested parties, to submit suggestions, views
and inputs on the Kenya School of Communication Draft Bill. The feedback will be instrumental in shaping the
increase power connec- future. Tea farmers, the director
final draft.
tions not only to house- Electricity, he noted, will added, will benefit hugely
holds but also to public spur social and economic from the power connection The Draft Bill is available for review on the Ministry Website at
facilities including schools, development in rural areas as they were unable to sell
hospitals and markets. saying education will bene- their green leaf at night thus Please send your written submissions using the provided template through email to
Speaking when he fit as students will get more incurring huge losses. and copy to or to the postal address below by 8th July 2024.
launched Rugongo Ruraya time for studies. “Tea farmers from this re- Principal Secretary
power project in Kigumo “The power connection gion were unable to sell their State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications
sub county, the REREC will go a long way in improv- produce at the tea buying Telposta Towers, Kenyatta Ave. Koinange Street
Director Mark Nderitu said ing people’s lives especially centre at night and would P.O Box 30025-00100,
the counties slated to ben- those in rural areas, access lose kilos but with power, Nairobi Kenya
efit with the programme to electric power at markets, they can sell their tea any Telephone: +254-20- 4920000/100
include Murang’a, Kir- hospitals among other so- time. Installation of elec- Website:
inyaga, Kiambu, Nyeri, cial amenities will increase tricity has transformed their
Embu, Meru, Isiolo, Thar- working hours,” he added. lives,” he stated. TEMPLATE FOR SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS
aka Nithi and Marsabit. Nderitu continued “Res- Nderitu urged various
In Murang’a, he averred, idents will now be able to development partners in- NAME OF YOUR ORGANISATION/INDIVIDUAL PERSON
more than 6, 000 house- make use of technology and cluding the National- Gov- S/No Clause of the Bill Proposal Justification
holds in rural areas as set fit their homes with appli- ernment Constituency
to be connected with elec- ances that will make their Development Fund (NGCDF) 1.
tricity in the drive. lives easier, and children and county governments to 2.
“Sh. 434 million will be will no longer depend on allocate funds and support
used in Murang’a County kerosene lamps to do their electrification programmes
where 87 power projects homework.” to accelerate rural electrifi-
are being implemented to On Rugongo Ruraya power cation in priority areas.
Tendering will be conducted under Open National Competitive Method using a standardized tender document. Tendering
is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
Tendering will be conducted under Open National Competitive Method using a standardized tender document. Tendering
is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Document during Office hours Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Document during Office hours
0800 to 1700 hours at the address given below.
0800 to 1700 hours at the address given below.
Tender document with detailed information and instructions may be viewed and downloaded from the Corporations’ Tender document with detailed information and instructions may be viewed and downloaded from the Corporations’
website; and the Public Procurement Information portal, free of charge. Or website; and the Public Procurement Information portal, free of charge. Or
A complete set of tender documents may be purchased or obtained by interested tenders upon payment of a non- refund- A complete set of tender documents may be purchased or obtained by interested tenders upon payment of a non- refund-
able fees of Kshs 1,000 in cash or Banker’s Cheque and payable to the address given below. able fees of Kshs 1,000 in cash or Banker’s Cheque and payable to the address given below.
1. Duly Completed tender documents enclosed in a plain, sealed envelope clearly marked with the tender name and 1. Duly Completed tender documents enclosed in a plain, sealed envelope clearly marked with the tender name and
tender number should be deposited in the tender Box located on the Fourth floor, KWFT Center, Kiambere-Masaba tender number should be deposited in the tender Box located on the Fourth floor, KWFT Center, Kiambere-Masaba
Rd, Upper hill Nairobi, so as to reach on or before Friday, 03rd May 2024, 11.00a.m. Electronic Tenders will NOT be Rd, Upper hill Nairobi, so as to reach on or before Tuesday, 25th June 2024, 11.00a.m. Electronic Tenders will NOT
permitted. be permitted.
2. The Tenderer shall chronologically Serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted. 2. The Tenderer shall chronologically Serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted.
3. Tenders will be publicly opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above in the presence of the 3. Tenders will be publicly opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above in the presence of the
Tenderers’ representatives who may choose to attend. The Opening of the tender will be at KWFT Centre 4th floor Tenderers’ representatives who may choose to attend. The Opening of the tender will be at KWFT Centre 4th floor
wing B. Kiambere - Masaba Road, Upper Hill Nairobi. wing B. Kiambere - Masaba Road, Upper Hill Nairobi.
4. Late tenders will be rejected. 4. Late tenders will be rejected.
Ag. Chief Executive Officer Ag. Chief Executive Officer
National Mining Corporation (NAMICO) National Mining Corporation (NAMICO)
KWFT Centre 4th Floor KWFT Centre 4th Floor
Kiambere-Masaba Rd, Upper Hill Nairobi Kiambere-Masaba Rd, Upper Hill Nairobi
P.O. Box 115-00100, Nairobi P.O. Box 115-00100, Nairobi
Mobile: +254 020-7869420 Mobile: +254 020-7869420
Email: Email:
26 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
5. a) Master of Science in Biochemistry Minimum 4 semesters Main Campus f) Diploma in Project Management
6. c) Master of Science in Physics Minimum 4 semesters Main, Wote Town h) Diploma in Maritime Transport Logistics
and Kitui Town
d) Master of Science in Chemistry i) Diploma in Road Transport Management
e) Master of Science in Biodiversity Conservation and Management 13. a) Certificate in Human Resources Management Minimum 4 Semesters Main, Kitui Town,
Wote Town and
7. a) Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science Minimum 8 Semesters Main Campus b) Certificate in Business Management Migwani Centre
b) Bachelor of Science in Statistics c) Certificate in Sales and Marketing
e) Bachelor of Science (Specializing in ONE or TWO of the following SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES
disciplines: - Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics).
14. a) Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Resources Management Minimum 3 Years Main, Wote Town,
f) Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Kitui Town and
b) Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics Mtito Andei
g) Bachelor of Information Technology
c) Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science
h) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
JUNE 11, 2024 NEWSFOCUS | 27
f) Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change and Agro-forestry 21. a) Postgraduate Diploma in Education One Academic Year Main, Wote Town,
Kitui Town and
15. a) Master of Science in Agricultural Resources Management Minimum 4 Semesters Main, Wote Town, Mtito Andei
Kitui Town, Mtito
b) Master of Science in Livestock Production Systems Andei 22. a) Bachelor of Education (Arts):- (English and Literature, Kiswahili, Minimum 8 Semesters Main, Wote Town,
History, Christian Religious Education, Geography, Business Kitui Town and
c) Master of Science in Agronomy
Studies, Mathematics) Mtito Andei
d) Master of Science in Comparative Mammalian Physiology
b) Bachelor of Education (Science):- (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Minimum 8 Semesters Main Campus
e) Master of Science in Reproductive Biology Mathematics, Geography & Agriculture)
f) Master of Science in Agricultural Economics 23. a) Diploma in Counselling (Disaster Management and Trauma Minimum 6 semesters Wote Town Campus
Counselling option)
g) Master of Science in Rangeland Resources Management
b) Diploma in Counselling (Guidance and Counselling in Learning
h) Master of Science in Environmental Management Institutions option)
i) Master of Science in Climate Change and Agro-forestry SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
j) Master of Science in Aquaculture 24. a) Master of Arts in Sociology Minimum 4 semesters Main, Wote Town,
k) Master of Science in Agro-Meteorology Kitui Town and
b) Master of Arts in Kiswahili Mtito Andei
l) Master of Science in Mineral Exploration and Mining c) Master of Arts in Religious Studies
16. a) Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with specialization in: Minimum 8 Semesters Main Campus d) Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies
I) Dryland Agriculture e) Master of Arts in Geography
II) Dryland Animal Science 25. a) Bachelor of Arts (Specializing in ONE or TWO of the following Minimum 8 Semesters Main Campus
III) Horticulture disciplines: - Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Religious Studies, Geography, History, Kiswahili,
IV) Agronomy English, Literature, Economics, Mathematics).
b) Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management and c) Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Development Studies
26. a) Diploma in Social Work and Community Development Minimum 6 semesters Main Campus, Wote
c) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension Town, Mtito Andei
and Migwani Centre
d) Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation and
Natural Resources Management 27. a) Certificate in Social Work and Community Development Minimum 4 Semesters Wote Town
e) Bachelor of Science in Environmental Planning and Management SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
f) Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Community Development 28. a) Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Minimum 10 Semesters Main Campus
g) Bachelor of Science in Hydrology and Water Resources b) Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
c) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering
h) Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Management and Aquaculture
Technology d) Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
i) Bachelor of Science in Geology e) Bachelor of Science in Textile Technology & Applied Fashion Minimum 8 Semesters Main Campus
j) Bachelor of Science in Meteorology
29. a) Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power Option) Minimum 6 Semesters Main Campus
k) Bachelor of Science in Climate Change and Agroforestry
b) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Plant Option)
17. a) Diploma in Animal Health Minimum 6 Semesters Main Campus and
Wote Town c) Diploma in Civil Engineering
b) Diploma in Apiculture
d) Diploma in Quantity Surveying
c) Diploma in Crop Protection
e) Diploma in Agricultural Engineering
d) Diploma in Rangeland Management
f) Diploma in Building Technology
e) Diploma in General Agriculture
g) Diploma in Architecture
f) Diploma in Entrepreneurial Agricultural
h) Diploma in Fashion & Design
g) Diploma in Agricultural Entrepreneurship
30. a) Certificate in Fashion Design & Garment Making Minimum 4 Semesters Main Campus
h) Diploma in Forestry
i) Diploma in Petroleum Geo-Science
31. a) Bachelor of Laws Minimum 8 Semesters Main Campus
j) Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
he National Council Speaking at a Nairobi high,” Prof. Ndung’u said.
for Population and hotel during the launch, The Treasury CS said
Development (NCPD) Prof. Ndung’u emphasized population growth is a dy-
has launched Sessional Pa- that population growth has namic issue which requires
per No. 1 of 2023 on the become a critical issue. He critical analysis and man-
Kenya National Population noted that the population agement for there to be
Policy for Sustainable De- is growing faster than the adequate development and
velopment. economy, adding that this good quality of life.
National Treasury and will become a problem if “Population growth
Economic Planning Cabi- left unattended. comes with various dy-
net Secretary, Prof. Njug- “Our economic growth namics like infrastruc-
una Ndung’u, stated that does not match the pop- ture, migration, changes
the aim of the policy is to ulation growth, and this in mortality rates among
maximize investment in will lead to problems in others, and if these fun-
people through appro- the future where demand damental factors are not National Treasury and Economic Planning Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof Njuguna Ndung’u
priate quality education, for government services, addressed they might lead (Second from Left) during the launch of population policy for sustainable development
healthcare, nutrition, job amenities, and infrastruc- to a slowdown in develop- sessional paper by the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) in
creation, and skills devel- ture like roads, schools, ment,” Prof. Ndung’u said. Nairobi. PHOTO: JUDY TOTARI/KNA.
he national govern- these remarks during a will be completed by the the Principal Secretary in
ment is committed public dissemination fo- national government charge of Higher Educa-
to working with rum of the Fourth Medi- at a cost of over Sh700 tion Dr. Beatrice Inyan-
county governments um-Term Plan held at a million, as well as the gala, said.
to promote the stand- Kakamega hotel. Kakamega County Level On her part, Dr. In-
ard of living for Kenyans He noted that the Con- Six Hospital, which was yangalaseverald several
through coordinated stitution makes it man- initiated by the county developments that the
planning of development datory for county and but also stalled midway. national government has
programs and projects. national governments to He observed that the initiated in the region and
Cabinet Secretary for cooperate in the perfor- Kakamega County Inte- hailed Kakamega County
Youth Affairs, Creative mance and exercise of grated Development Plan for aligning her CIDP to
Economy, and Sports, their functions and man- (CIDP) of 2023-2027 has the MTP IV.
Ababu Namwamba, dates. a deficit of Sh41.1 billion Stakeholders at the
stated that the transfor- Namwamba mentioned and emphasized the im- forum asked the na-
mation of the country that the national gov- portance for the national tional government to
will be achieved through ernment has committed government to assist the help complete all stalled
joint efforts by the two to completing several county in achieving the projects and expand the
levels of government to projects initiated by the desired projects. Kakamega airstrip to an
prioritize projects that di- Kakamega County Gov- “Let us work together airport to spur the local
rectly generate employ- ernment but stalled due and support the govern- economy.
ilk production around 12 litres per cow gai, Njoro, Molo, Kuresoi
in Nakuru is per day, enabling farmers North, and Kuresoi South
poised to increase to earn more money from Sub-Counties.
through a plan to provide the sale of milk. “The programme will
subsidized artificial in- Mr Bor said with the help farmers increase
semination services. cheap cost, they expect their earnings. It is regret-
The County Gov- demand for the services to table that farmers have
ernment’s plan target- grow exponentially. not been able to optimize
ing more than 200,000 “We have procured production due to poor
farmers is also aimed at dairy cows’, beef cat- breeds, but this is now set
improving beef animal tle, and dairy goats’ se- to be a thing of the past,”
breeds to boost meat pro- men which we will sell the CECM said and added
duction. at Sh800, down from the that the county produces
The county currently market price of Sh2,000. 25,000 to 30,000 litres of
produces an average of 318 During the first phase of milk in a day.
million litres of milk an- the project 23 coopera- Bor added that through
nually with an estimated tive societies will ben- the initiative, the Depart-
turnover of Sh14 billion. efit from this program ment’s sub-county of- FILE PHOTO.
The County Execu- which is being carried out ficers have been provided
tive Committee Member through public-private with semen, nitrogen since it will ensure a thriv- He advised farmers to for better prices.
(CECM) for Agriculture, partnerships,” the CECM tanks, and technical ex- ing dairy and beef indus- join the Nakuru County “The ultimate goal of
Livestock and Fisheries Mr disclosed adding “lready pertise to offer AI services try. Cooperative Dairy Union this programme is to en-
Leonard Bo said the initi- Sh10 million has been to dairy farmers. Dr. Cheruiyot added the as it brings together 15 sure that farmers increase
ative to provide pedigree budgeted for the service Livestock Fisheries county will continue to giant and active coopera- their milk and meat pro-
semen aims at giving dairy this year” and Veterinary Services have continuous capac- tives. The major aim of the duction and get more
farmers new improved The 23 dairy cooperative Chief Officer Dr. Michael ity building training for Union, the Chief Officer value from it so that they
breed that will increase societies are drawn from Cheruiyot said that the the cooperatives to ensure noted, is to promote value can uplift their living
milk production from Naivasha, Gilgil, Subukia, program is a game changer success of the program. addition and marketing standards,” he said.
he County Govern- mittee of the Assembly,
ment of Nakuru has for failing to follow up on
established a stand- the title deeds.
ing committee to expedite According to the Com-
the process of acquiring mittee, the implemen-
title deeds for public land tation team has failed to
after it emerged that 210 table reports on the pro-
health institutions and gress in obtaining the
four cemeteries did not deeds for the hospitals.
possess the vital docu- “Despite previous rec-
ment. ommendations by the as-
John Kihagi, the County sembly for title documents
Executive Commit- of hospitals to be obtained,
tee Member (CECM) for the implementation com-
Lands, Physical Planning, mittee has not followed
Housing, and Urban De- up,” states the report.
velopment, stated that The committee now
the administration of the wants the Department
devolved unit is exerting of Health to collaborate
every effort to safeguard with the Department of
the public interest vested County Executive Committee Member (CECM)for Lands, Physical Planning, Housing, and Urban Development, Mr Land, Housing and Phys-
in the health facilities John Kihagi (third Left) and his health counterpart Ms Roselyn Mungai (Fourth Left) during a consultative meeting ical Planning to fast-track
within the region. on how to acquire land ownership document for 210 public health facilities in the devolved unit. processing of the docu-
For quite some time ments. The house has also
now, land owned by pub- given the implementation
lic health facilities across the Department of Health croachment, grabbing, Lands and Physical Plan- part. In March last year, committee 21 days to re-
all 11 sub-counties has and the Department of land size and land status, ning to start the process of the same committee vis- spond to the allegations of
been targeted by land Lands on how to kickstart adding that this move will issuing land documents in ited Naivasha Sub- County lagging follow-up to the
grabbers, largely due to the process of acquiring ensure all health facili- the names of the hospitals. Referral Hospital to assess issuance of title deeds for
the absence of title deeds. the necessary land own- ties are documented with In 2019, the health the quality of services pro- the hospitals.
“We will ensure that ership documents. grabbed land reverted to committee, led by the vided to the public. Chapter Five of the Con-
the public health facilities Last year, the County the county. then Elburgon MCA Njug- A report tabled in the stitution defines public
established by our forefa- Assembly raised the “This is in line with una Mwaura, visited Rift assembly on March 8, land as that occupied by
thers and foremothers do Governor Susan Kihi- Valley Provincial General 2023, showed Nakuru state organs, government
not disappear under our ka’s directive on titling of Hospital- Annex, which County Government had forests, game reserves and
watch but remain pub- Despite sit- all public utilities within serves residents within no title deed for the land national parks, specially
lic grounds as they are, ting on gov- Nakuru to form part of Nakuru County. where Naivasha Hospital protected areas, roads and
through the sanctity of the County Public Land The committee found sits. “The facility has no road reserves.
proper titling,” declared
ernment land, Inventory. We will fast- that the hospital that has title deed, and the county County Executive Com-
Mr. Kihagi. the hospital has track the process of ac- served Nakuru residents cannot claim it owns the mittee Member for Health
He highlighted that the
failure to secure these
no ownership quiring title deeds for all
public health facilities to
for over 60 years had no
title deed and registered
property. Soon the prop-
erty may be claimed by
Roselyn Mungai said the
department will facilitate
public health facilities ex- document keep away land grabbers,” under private ownership. private individuals,” the all the necessary docu-
poses taxpayers to the risk alarm over the continued the CECM affirmed. According to Njuguna, committee submitted in ments for ease of the ex-
of losing or paying billions shrinking of public health Reports tabled in the the hospital was launched its report. ercise.
of shillings in compensa- facilities’ land due to en- assembly over the last to cater for patients from Another report, passed Mungai hailed the
tion to private firms and croachment and grabbing four years show that most the main Rift Valley Pro- by the Assembly on Oc- Lands docket for seeking
individuals. by unscrupulous private of the public health facil- vincial General Hospital tober 4, 2023, shows that to employ the use of Al-
Mr. Kihagi made these developers. ities in the county have no due to congestion. Elburgon Hospital in Molo ternative Dispute Resolu-
remarks at the Nakuru Kihagi indicated that ownership documents. “Despite sitting on gov- Sub-County has no own- tion (ADR) mechanisms
Teaching and Referral they will deploy county Among the recommen- ernment land, the hospital ership documents. to address disputed lands
Hospital during a consul- surveyors and planners dations include compel- has no ownership docu- The hospital which sits where some of the health
tative meeting between to determine levels of en- ling the Department of ment,” read the report in on 3.72 hectares of land facilities stand.
30 | NEWSFOCUS JUNE 11, 2024
proposals to fast-track
serve as a model for in-
tegrated industrial de-
velopment, providing
he Government National Treasury to the 18 CS Miano affirmed that forming agriculture and
has initiated con- Phase I counties, with each the manufacturing sector supporting Micro, Small,
sultations with the receiving Sh62.5 million to is crucial for economic de- and Medium Enterprises
Council of Governors to expedite the implementa- velopment, employment (MSMEs) as outlined in
navigate the rigorous pro- tion process,” Miano said. creation, and generating the Bottom-Up Economic
cess of seeking expressions To fast-track the pro- new value-added prod- Transformation Agenda
of interest towards the op- cess, a technical team has ucts that increase foreign Busia County Governor Dr Paul Otuoma (left) and Trade (BETA) as per the govern-
Investments Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano during a
erationalization of County already developed pro- exchange. consultative meeting in Nairobi. ment’s agenda.
Aggregation and Industrial posals for expressions of She noted that the sec-
Parks (CAIPs). interest in several areas, tor’s contribution to GDP
This collaboration aims including CAIPs man- has stagnated at around
to attract proposals from agement, equipping to seven per cent, and de-
stakeholders, with a for- promote value addition spite Kenya being an ag-
mal call for expressions of of local agricultural and riculture-led economy,
interest (EOIs) slated for industrial resources, con- the export value added of
the third week of June. structing additional in- agricultural and livestock
During the consultative dustrial warehouses and products remains at 16 per
meeting, which gathered supportive infrastructure, cent.
top officials from national
and county governments,
and encouraging industrial
investment in aggregation,
According to the Cabi-
net Secretary, CAIPs will
Trade Investments Cabinet value addition, manufac- propel the manufacturing Our Vision
Secretary Rebecca Miano turing, branding, packag- sector through agro-pro- “A citizen-centric public service”.
highlighted significant ing, labeling, and logistics. cessing industries, create Our Mission
progress in the construc- The Cabinet Secretary employment opportunities “To reform and transform the public service for efficient and effective service delivery”
tion of industrial parks in noted that despite last for the youth, strengthen
Phase I counties. month’s disbursement, linkages between man-
“The development and some counties are still be- ufacturing and agricul- VACANT POSITION IN THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT
implementation of CAIPs low five per cent in con- ture, enhance the volume (STATE DEPARTMENT FOR DEVOLUTION)
is on a 50/50 basis between struction progress. of value-added products,
the national government “We have initiated fur- boost farmers’ incomes,
Applications are invited from qualified persons for the position shown below:
and county governments. ther discussions with the increase foreign exchange
“The County Govern- counties below five per and reduce post-harvest
ments Additional Alloca- cent to encourage and as- losses for Kenyans. V/NO POST GRADE NO. OF VACANCIES
220/2024 Secretary, Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations CSG 4 1
The details of the post and mode of application can be accessed on the Commission’s website.
Interested and qualified persons are required to make their applications ONLINE through the Commission
DANIDA website: or jobs portal: so as to reach the Commission on or
before 2nd July, 2024 by 5.00 p.m. (East African time).
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (WHH) is a lead implementing partner for Water Sector Trust Fund (Water Fund) MINISTRY OF GENDER, CULTURE, THE ARTS,
in consortium with Tana Water and Sanitation Company and KWAHO in the Sustainable Management and Ac-
cess to Water and Sanitation in the Asals (SWASAP) Program, targeting Tana River County. The SWASAP Program, AND HERITAGE
funded by the Government of Denmark through DANIDA with co-financing from the County Government of
Tana River, is aimed at increasing community resilience and adaptation to climate change through sustainable, STATE DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, THE ARTS AND
peaceful use of natural resources including improved access to water and sanitation services in the target ASAL
Welthungerhilfe invites tenders from eligible bidders as described in the table below.
WHH/KEN1231/SPR 18633 Tender for Equipping of 1No. Borehole at 18 JUNE,2024, 0900HRS
/001/2024 Vukoni with storages, Pipeline, and other at Chief’s Office – WENJE
Civil works The State Department for Culture, The Arts and Heritage advertised the tender for the Proposed Construction of Ushanga
Curio Mall, Sekenani Gate-Narok County. Tender No. SD1202 RV/NRK/2301 JOB NO. 11235A in MyGov edition of
Tender Documents are available Free of Charge to all qualified contractors and can be downloaded from this May 28th 2024.
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The tender submission date has been extended as indicated hereunder.
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Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes should be submitted in two copies- Original and copy
clearly marked “Do not open on or before 24TH JUNE 2024 at 11.00 a.m.” showing the Tender No and SD1202 RV/NRK/2301 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF USHANGA CURIO 12th June 2024 18th June 2024
Description addressed to: JOB NO. 11235A MALL, SEKENANI GATE-NAROK COUNTY at 11.00 a.m
The Secretary The tender document with the additional information can be downloaded from the website
Procurement Committee
All other details remain unchanged.
Next to Hola Law Courts Tenders MUST be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, marked with the Tender Number and Name and be deposited in the
P.O Box 149-70101 Tender Box situated at the Maktaba Kuu Building, Upper Hill 6th floor Supply Chain Management Unit, Ngong Road,
The tender shall be addressed to:
and delivered to the SWASAP Project Tender Box at the reception of Welthungerhilfe offices in Hola, Tana River,
Next to Hola Law Courts to be received on or before 24TH JUNE 2024 at 11AM. Bidders will also be required to THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY
register their details as they drop their bids. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of STATE DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, THE ARTS & HERITAGE
bidders or representatives who wish to witness the opening. PO BOX 49849-00100
Late tenders will be rejected.
JUNE 11, 2024
Kenya’s tree
campaign sees
over 500,000
Issue 128 • June 11, 2024 trees planted
P I C T U R E S P E A K P.4
Bungoma’s revival
The projects that span education to immigration,
infrastructure and agriculture are part of the
Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda
Sh10 million
President Ruto donated Sh10 million to
Machakha Technical Training Institute
for its expansion and provided 100
computers to enhance digital literacy
among students.
To date, the government has trained at least
300,000 youths in digital skills, with half of
them successfully working online.
Sh150 million
During his visit, President Ruto
addressed the challenges facing
Nzoia Sugar Factory, a once-
thriving establishment now
struggling. He announced a
Sh150 million funding package to clear salary
arrears and support operational needs.
The trainers from the Directorate of National
Cohesion and Values explained KYEB’s roles and
responsibilities in promoting national cohesion
and integration.
Kenya Yearbook is
mandated to tell the BUNGOMA COUNTY
Why State
story of the government’s
achievements, initiatives,
1,670,570 seeks to restore
and progress to promote Population per landscapes,
awareness and foster unity the 2019 census; ecosystem
across the country. 812,146 males and
FULL STORY ON PAGE 2 858,389 females
2 June 11, 2024
JUNE T I2024
Bungoma eyes
future city status
• During his recent visit to Bungoma
County, President William
Ruto revealed plans to elevate
Bungoma town to a city, a status
that comes with autonomy and
more responsibilities in terms of
infrastructure and agriculture are part of the Bottom-up As a key border town connecting Kenya with • In terms of infrastructure
residents of the larger Western Kenya, including the growing population and
resident William Ruto’s recent four- advancing education and technological the challenges facing Nzoia Sugar Factory, a
business activities.
day visit to Bungoma has left a proficiency,” President Ruto stated. once-thriving establishment now struggling. Kakamega, Vihiga, and Trans Nzoia counties.
significant mark on the county, with Enhancing the institute’s digital capacity He announced a Sh150 million funding It will also offer a dedicated eCitizen desk • A city status attracts both local
various initiatives expected to transform the is part of a broader effort to equip the youth package to clear salary arrears and support and services such as work permits, residency and international investors,
region into an economic powerhouse. with modern skills for online opportunities. operational needs. applications, electronic travel authorisation, leading to economic growth and
These projects, spanning education, To date, the government has trained at least “This payment is meant to boost the morale temporary permits, interstate passes, refugee job creation.
immigration, infrastructure, and agriculture, 300,000 youths in digital skills, with half of of the workers and stabilise operations at the travel documents, and certificates of identity
• It leads to improved educational
spotlight Bungoma as one of Kenya’s strategic them successfully working online. company,” he assured. He also promised Nzoia and nationality.
and healthcare facilities to meet
regions and align with the government’s Bottom- Further supporting the TVET sector, farmers 20 per cent of their Sh54 million President Ruto announced plans to elevate the demands of a larger urban
Up Economic Transformation Agenda, placing President Ruto inaugurated Webuye West dues and unveiled Agricultural Development Matulo Airstrip in Bungoma County to an population.
regional development at the heart of national Technical and Vocational College. He Corporation (ADC) tractors to promote international airport, enhancing the Western
growth. announced plans to establish ICT hubs across mechanised farming, boosting agricultural region’s tourism circuit and connecting it to • City status might attract more
To boost technical education, President Ruto the country, exposing the youth to lucrative productivity. the outside world. people from rural areas or smaller
towns seeking better employment
donated Sh10 million to Machakha Technical digital jobs. Additionally, the government is These initiatives aim to revitalise the sugar “I ask the governor of Bungoma to engage
and living conditions.
Training Institute for its expansion and provided negotiating more job opportunities abroad sub-sector, reducing reliance on imports. residents in acquiring enough land for the
100 computers to enhance digital literacy among under the labour export program. Bungoma’s industrial and infrastructure airstrip to meet international standards and be
students. “The government is committed to During his visit, President Ruto addressed development received a significant boost with economically viable,” said President Ruto. ■
national cohesion
superhighway and creative economy.
Other commitments for the year include
digitising and automating government
he Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board services, enhancing adherence to Article 10
(KYEB) has trained its staff on of the Constitution through civic education,
national cohesion and integration training and sensitisation, mainstreaming
to support efforts to unite the country and national values and principles of
comply with the 20th cycle of Performance The trainers from the governance, and implementing measures
Directorate of National to protect the environment and address
Ms Anne Magara and Mr Paul climate change.
Mose from the National Cohesion Cohesion and Values The three-day event informed
and Integration Commission led explained KYEB’s roles participants about the strategies the
the training in Machakos County. explained KYEB’s roles and Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board government has implemented to promote
They outlined KYEB’s roles and and responsibilities in responsibilities in promoting
staff during the training in national cohesion and integration and
Machakos County. The training
responsibilities in promoting national promoting national national cohesion and integration. was offered by the National their associated benefits. Kenya Yearbook
cohesion and integration in daily The training covered indicators Cohesion and Integration is mandated to tell the story of the
cohesion and integration. of national values and principles Commission. government’s achievements, initiatives, and
The trainers from the Directorate of governance, including the progress to promote awareness and foster
of National Cohesion and Values implementation of the Bottom- unity across the country.■
June 11, 2024 3
A T I11,
O N2024
Huduma Kenya’s tree campaign CORNER
sees over 500,000 trees planted
uduma Kenya has planted Authority were key sponsors of in public service delivery. “Let
over 500,000 trees under the exercise. World Environment us serve our customers with the
its “Adopt-a-Forest” Day serves as a global platform respect and dignity they deserve,”
initiative, implemented through for driving positive change and he told participants, emphasizing
various centres across the country. raising awareness about critical the need for a customer-centric
Since the programme started in environmental issues. approach to delivering excellent
November 2022, 548,542 trees Meanwhile, Huduma Kenya held public service. ■
have been planted, significantly a four-day Customer Service
contributing to the government’s Excellence (CSE) training
conservation efforts. session at the Kenya School
Access our products
On June 5, in observance of World of Government in Nairobi through our website
Environment Day, Huduma Kenya for its staff from Eldoret and
w w w. k e n ya ye a r b o o k . c o . k e
had several Centres, including those Nyamira centres, as well as
in Elgeyo Marakwet, Samburu, newly appointed managers
or buy physical
and GPO, plant 3,350 trees. The and their deputies. Acting
Kenya Forest Service, World Vision, CEO Mr Mugambi Njeru
Huduma Kenya
staff during tree
copies at
Kenya Red Cross, and the National underscored the importance planting on World h tt p s : / / k y e b . e c i t i z e n . g o . k e /
Land restoration:
Land restoration is a key
pillar of the UN Decade
on Ecosystem Restoration
(2021-2030), a rallying call for
the protection and revival of
ecosystems all around the world,
which is critical to achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals.
According to the
Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), the World is still heading
for a temperature rise of near 3°C
this century – far beyond the Paris
Agreement goals of limiting global
warming to well below 2°C and
pursuing 1.5°C. Even though Kenya
contributes less than 0.1 per cent
of global greenhouse gas (GHG)
Environment Cabinet Secretary emissions annually, heat, drought
Soipan Tuya (second right) and
Embu Governor Cecil Mbarire and floods are impacting Kenyans
(second left) during tree planting. negatively.
The United Nations
General Assembly
(UNGA) declared
2021–2030 a United Nations
Government calls cal integrity of the country while contributing
to social and economic transformation.
the key drivers of our economy – agriculture,
livestock, tourism, forestry and fisheries, are Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
for participation of “Our approach is inclusive, calling for the climate-sensitive. Hence climate change continues The decade is designed to
all individuals and participation of all Kenyans — from individuals to adversely impact Kenya’s socio-economic prevent, halt, and reverse loss
and degradation of ecosystems
to institutions, public and private sectors, urban sectors,” she said.
institutions in the and rural areas, and from the young to the old in According to her, land restoration holds the worldwide. It aims at reviving
10-year environment what we term as the ‘whole-of-society, whole-of- key to reversing this tide, as every investment billions of hectares, covering
terrestrial as well as aquatic
restoration strategy government’ approach,” she said as Kenya joined
the globe in celebrating World Environment
in restoration yields significant returns in
terms of improved ecosystem services. ecosystems.
he government targets to rehabilitate Day on June 5, 2024, whose theme was “Land “We believe land restoration involves more
all the country’s degraded landscapes Restoration desertification and drought resilience”. than just tree growing; it requires a holistic
and ecosystems as it implements the Land degradation has manifested in many approach that integrates sustainable land
10-year National Landscape and Ecosystem ways in the country, including through loss use practices, community engagement and
Restoration Strategy, whose anchor initiative of vegetation, increased aridity, scarcity of robust policy interventions. In this regard,
is the 15 billion tree planting initiative. water sources, growing of shrubs in areas we recently successfully reviewed the Climate The World is still heading for
The strategy has five key objectives, which which were predominantly rich in pastures, Change Act to mainstream carbon markets
a temperature rise of near
include to increase national tree cover by gullies, thin and stony soils and invasion of as an important climate finance opportunity
17.8 per cent by 2032 through targeted intrusive species that lead to food and water for Kenya,” she said. 3°C this century – far beyond
interventions on public, community and insecurity, according to the United Nations In the ongoing ecosystems restoration the Paris Agreement goals of Please contact our
private lands; improving landscape and Convention to Combat Desertification. campaign, led by Cabinet Secretaries and limiting global warming to well marketing team
ecosystem governance through robust policy, The key drivers of land degradation are senior members of the Executive, all MDAs
regulatory and institutional frameworks; “deforestation, overgrazing, poor agricultural have been allocated sites for tree planting
below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C. for publication
encouraging private sector investment and activities (overuse of fertilisers, up-downhill and given targets to achieve. partnerships and
develop sustainable financing mechanisms for ploughing), forest fires, poor spatial planning, “The new approach, as unveiled by
the restoration of degraded landscapes and mining and sand harvesting.” President William Ruto, aims to ensure
strengthening capacity, research, monitoring, Ms Tuya noted that Kenya has no choice but to the full restoration of assigned ecosystems. E-mail:
evaluation and knowledge management. restore the degraded landscapes and ecosystems This involves not only tree planting but also
Ms Soipan Tuya, the Cabinet Secretary for as the country becomes most vulnerable to nurturing the young trees and protecting
Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, climate change. them through fencing to facilitate natural Tel: +254 20 271 5390
said the strategy aims to enhance the ecologi- “We are vulnerable to climate change since regeneration of the sites,” said Ms Tuya. ■
4 June 11, 2024
JUNE T I2024
Prime Cabinet
Secratary and
Cabinet Secretary
for Foreign
and Diaspora
Affairs Musalia
Mudavadi at the
11th Ministerial
meeting of the
African Union
Committee of Ten
(C-10) in Algeria.
Interior and
Cabinet Secretary
Prof Kithure
Kindiki during
the dissemination
of Medium Term
Plan IV (MTP-IV)
2023–2027 for
Marsabit County
at the Catholic
Conference Hall in
Sports Cabinet
Secretary Ababu
Namwamba (right)
when he flagged
off the 2024
First Lady Rachel Ruto and Information Cabinet Secretary all-ladies tennis
Eliud Owalo at Butere Girls High School during the launch competition at the
of a computer lab. Nairobi Club.
he Kenya Ports Au- navigation channels, he Kenya College of Ac- Nairobi, Prof. Wakindiki
thority has announced added, have been mapped countancy (KCA) Univer- emphasized that the ini-
plans to set up a mod- with additional navigation sity has partnered with tiative has been driven by
the Technical University of the rising number of road
ern passenger terminal at aids already identified.
Dortmund in Germany to accidents in Kenya. He
the Port of Kisumu to revive KPA, he said, has part- establish a Center for Road expressed concern over
transportation through Lake nered with the county Safety Awareness and Traf- the number of university
Victoria. government and relevant fic Injury Surveillance. This students who have been
Through a partnership national government agen- initiative aims to reduce the involved in such accidents.
with Trademark Africa, the cies to sensitise and mark persistent road accidents “On average, the university
KPA technical team has areas for fishing to avoid in the country. has been losing at least
completed designs for the installation of nets and fish The center will focus on one student to a road ac-
project, which is expected cages in vessels’ routes. researching and innovat- cident each year, possibly
to inject new life into the re- Early warning system, he ing solutions to address because we are located
the primary causes of road near the Superhighway. We
vamped Kisumu Port. out facilities, surveillance Travellers, he said, will added, has been developed accidents and ways to mit- have already lost a student
The KPA General Manager cameras, a port security of- have a range of facilities and is undergoing tests to igate them. since the beginning of this
in charge of infrastructure fice, a border patrol unit, the such as restaurants, forex issue alerts on manifestation The scientific data col- year. This is a trend that
development (GMID), Eng Kenya Coast Guard Service, bureaus and offices for taxi of water hyacinth. lected will be shared with must be stopped,” he said.
Mathew Amuti, said the in- immigration offices, among operators at the terminal Eng. Amuti said once relevant agencies to inform Prof. Wakindiki added that
itiative, dubbed the Kisumu other government agencies. premises. In addition, a new completed, KPA will operate policy formulation, and KCA University will col-
Port Resilient Infrastructure Other amenities include warehouse with a control the terminal alongside other support discovery and in- laborate closely with road
Project, aims to enhance an access road linking Ki- tower for communication government agencies with novation in road transport agencies, including the Na-
connectivity in the East sumu Central Business Dis- gadgets across the lake will the private sector bringing within the country. tional Transport and Safety
KCA’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Authority (NTSA) and the
Africa region to spur trade trict (CBD) and the western be set up at the Kisumu pier in cruise ships and vessels. Kenya National Highways
Isaiah Wakindiki, stated
and economic development. region en route to Uganda, to facilitate the rollout of This, he said, will facilitate that the German institution Authority (KeNHA), to im-
Eng. Amuti mentioned that a jetty for vessels plying the services. He added that the group tours for tourists and is assisting in the develop- prove the collection and
the KPA technical team is lake locally and interna- terminal will be linked to international travel in the ment phase of the center. analysis of road accident
reviewing the designs for tionally, a ramp for ferries, feeder ports of Muhuru Bay, East Africa Region, taking a He also noted that this data.
the passenger terminal, security systems, and re- Homa Bay, Sena, Mbita, relatively short duration. center, the first of its kind Data from the NTSA shows
which will be located at the strooms. Designed to op- Asembo, Luanda K’otieno, B e fore op erat ion s in Kenya, is expected to be that more than 7,100 Ken-
junction of Oginga Odinga timize passenger flow, the Usenge and Sio Port within grounded at the port, there completed before the end yans have been involved in
Street and Obote Road, to terminal includes segregated the Kenyan waters which used to be seamless con- of the year. road accidents since the
Speaking at the university’s start of the year
determine the actual costs areas for ferry passengers are also being developed in nectivity of rail and lake
main campus in Ruaraka, By Muoki Charles(KNA)
for the project ahead of the with substantial cargo, local phases. steamers.Passengers would
tendering process. travelers, and international In an exclusive interview disembark at the Railway
The passenger terminal, he
said, will have all aspects of
guests, with a capacity of
over 500 passengers at the
with KNA, Eng. Amuti said
the Kenya Maritime Author-
Station and walk down
to catch a steamship to
Huduma Whitebox registers
an international entry or exit jetty and 1,000 at the ferry ity (KMA) will set up a res- Asembo Bay, Kendu Bay and 2,400 innovators in Kenya
point, check-in or check- terminal per hour. cue centre at the terminal to Homa Bay. A total of 2,401 innova- currently supporting over
tors in Kenya have been 462 innovators with the
registered in the Huduma aim to empower more by
Ministry replenishes critical vaccine stocks Whitebox program which
focuses on incubation,
incubating their ideas, link-
ing them to markets, and
vations, majority which public.
he Ministry of Health these life-saving vaccines Kimtai said, the Ministry is support the government’s “Already, we have 188 in-
has received a con- reach our health facilities exploring innovative options economic agenda, have novations with most rolled
signment of millions and communities by the for sustainable financing of reached a viable stage with out to the market for com-
of vaccines for measles, ru- second week of June 2024,” vaccine procurement and some already launched into mercialization. We have
bella, polio, tetanus-diph- Kimtai explained. He con- program operations to pre- the market. also collaborated with 18
theria, and BCG to address tinued: “As the vaccines vent future stock outs. Huduma Whitebox, an initi- counties which are Isiolo,
the vaccine shortage pre- begin arriving at our facili- “We will continue en- ative under the ICT Author- Makueni, Embu, Meru,
vailing in the country. ties, we call on our health- gaging the National Treas- ity, aims to catalyze the Bungoma, Kakamega,
Medical Services Princi- care workers to collaborate ury to ensure increased growth of local ventures to Kiambu, Homabay, Mig-
global standards. Since its ori, Uasin Gishu, Laikipia,
pal Secretary Harry Kimtai with community health and dedicated resources inception in 2019, the pro- Nyeri, Narok, Mombasa,
said the Ministry of Health teams to ensure all children are allocated to the immu- gram has been receiving Machakos, Thika, Kericho,
has allocated Sh1.25 billion who missed vaccinations nization program, ensur- pitches from innovators and Nakuru to drive inno-
to urgently procure rou- return to the facilities and ing stable vaccine supplies. and providing successful vation,” he stated.
tine childhood vaccines, catch up on their immuni- “Ring-fencing domestic applicants with the sup- Further, Kamanguya em-
including BCG, oral polio, zation schedule. “We also resources will guarantee port needed to grow their phasized the importance
tetanus-diphtheria, and Medical Services Principal urge all caregivers to bring sustainable financing for innovations. of enhancing linkages to
measles rubella, which had Secretary (PS) Harry Kimtai. their children back to the immunization and universal Speaking ahead of the ICT government funding pro-
PHOTO BY JOSEPH NG’ANG’A. Week, Stanley Kaman- grams .
reached critically low levels facilities for immunization access to vaccines, aligning
guya, the Chief Executive The Whitebox program
in the country. Kimtai said. as vaccine supply has now with our efforts in Primary Officer of the ICT Author- offers capacity building in
“As of today, we are The PS said that the re- normalized in the country,” Health Care,” the PS said. ity assured stakeholders partnership with various
pleased to announce the ceived vaccines are cur- he said. The PS said that as He acknowledged the role of increased cooperation organizations to train inno-
receipt of 1,209,500 doses rently being processed for a Ministry, they are grate- of immunization partners, to elevate ideas to both vators on relevant subjects.
of measles rubella vaccine, urgent distribution to the ful for the support received the media, and civil society national and international Innovators can also cre-
3,032,000 doses of oral polio nine regional vaccine stores from Gavi over the years and in amplifying and raising markets. He expressed that ate an account on the
vaccine (bOPV), 1,000,000 across the country. remain committed to ensur- awareness of the vaccine the Authority is thrilled program’s portal, submit
doses of tetanus-diphthe- “To expedite this pro- ing a smooth transition as stock out issues saying that to surpass the 2,000 the their innovations and get
ria vaccine, and 3,129,000 cess, the Ministry of Health Kenya moves towards be- this indicates excellent de- number of registered inno- enlisted for incubation.
vators countrywide. It is By Michael Omondi(KNA)
doses of BCG vaccines,” has engaged additional re- coming fully self-financing mand for vaccines in Kenya.
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