Spelling Bee Estatal, 2024
Spelling Bee Estatal, 2024
Spelling Bee Estatal, 2024
accuse v. to charge with a fault or offense. It's not fair to accuse someone without any proof;
n. to succeed at reaching or accomplishing (a goal, They usually achieve high scores on their math
achieve result, etc.) especially through effort. tests.
n. an undertaking usually involving danger and I love a book that narrates the adventure of a group
adventure unknown risks. of explorers.
agenda n. a list or outline of things to be considered or done. What's the first item on the agenda?
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n. a powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings My uncle learned how to fly an airplane while serving
airplane from which it derives most of its lift. in the air force.
alert n. an alarm or other signal of danger. They sounded the alert during the earthquake.
n. the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable The exhibit will close on the 100th anniversary of the
anniversary event. artist's death.
n. a usually metallic device (such as a rod or wire) for Our TV receives well since we had a new antenna
antenna radiating or receiving radio waves. put on.
n. the act of helping or assisting someone or the help Any assistance you can give me would be
assistance supplied. appreciated.
attend v. to be present at, to go to. My husband and I will both attend the banquet.
n. a pack that usually has two shoulder straps and is He lay back on the grass using his backpack as a
backpack carried on the back. pillow.
ball n. a large formal gathering for social dancing We go to a New Year's ball every year.
n. a flat surface (as of a panel, wall, or fence) on which One of those images landed on a giant billboard in
billboard bills are posted. Times Square.
bone n. one of the hard parts of the skeleton of a vertebrate. He fell and broke a bone in his left arm.
bonfire n. a large fire built in the open air. We built a bonfire on the beach.
break n. a respite from work, school, or duty. Children usually have a break at school.
brochure n. pamphlet, booklet Publicists created the brochure for the campaign.
campfire n. a fire built outdoors (as at a camp or a picnic). We gathered around a campfire and shared stories.
car n. a vehicle moving on wheels. He got into the car and drove away.
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cartoon n. a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor. The kids are watching a cartoon.
celebration n. to observe a notable occasion with festivities. There was a celebration in our house that night.
celebrity n. a famous or celebrated person. There was a trendy celebrity at the party.
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n. a formal act or series of acts prescribed by ritual, There will be a ceremony honoring the town's
ceremony protocol, or convention. veterans next week.
n. the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, A new chairperson for the committee has not yet
chairperson committee, or event. been appointed.
cheers int. used as a toast. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.
children n. young pe especially between infancy and puberty. All their children are grown now.
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classroom n. a place where classes meet. We have classes in the yellow classroom.
n. the act of working jointly with others or together Rock musicians are working in collaboration with an
collaboration especially in an intellectual endeavor. orchestra to create a new opera.
adj. occupied with or engaged in commerce or work The average American sees and hears thousands of
commercial intended for commerce. commercial messages each day.
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n. a group of people with a common characteristic or People in the community wanted better police
community interest living together within a larger society. protection.
n. work that is done without pay to help people in a She was sentenced to 100 hours of community
community service community. service for her crime.
conclusion n. a reasoned judgment. The obvious conclusion is that she was negligent.
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n. small bits or streamers of brightly colored paper The entire gift is sprinkled with sparkling metallic
confetti made for throwing. wedding confetti.
n. a schematic arrangement of the inflectional forms of French and Spanish conjugation are really
conjugation a verb. confusing.
criticism n. the act of criticizing usually unfavorably. In this job you need to be able to take criticism.
cuisine n. manner of preparing food. This restaurant is famous for its spicy cuisine.
n. the customary beliefs, social forms, and material Learning about a different culture helps us
culture traits of a racial, religious, or social group. understand the world better.
dance v. to move one's body rhythmically usually to music. She has always loved to dance.
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decorate v. to furnish with something ornamental. We always decorate our room with artwork
decoration n. something that adorns, enriches, or beautifies. The vase has a fancy decoration on one side.
direction n. guidance or supervision of action or conduct. In which direction are you going, north or south?
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n. consideration of a question in open and usually The class was involved in a heated discussion about
discussion informal debate. politics.
n. the condition of having or being composed of Our school celebrates diversity by learning about
diversity differing elements. different cultures.
n. a presentation (such as a film or novel) expressing We watched a documentary on the early history of
documentary or dealing with factual events. jazz.
n. departure from a place of abode, natural home, or The emigration of scientists is a catastrophe for the
emigration country for life or residence elsewhere. country.
enthusiasm n. strong excitement of feeling. The speech aroused the enthusiasm of the students.
n. the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which Let's learn about environmental superheroes who
environmental one is surrounded. protect nature
n. determination of the value, nature, character, or A final evaluation based on the objectives follows at
evaluation quality of something or someone. the completion of each module.
examination n. the act or process of examining. I must study for the history examination.
excitement n. the action of exciting: the state of being excited. The child cried out in excitement.
explain v. to make plain or understandable. The teacher will explain the rules.
n. a happy or satisfactory resolution to a story or The fairytale ending saw the prince and princess
fairly ending situation. living happily ever after.
festive adj. of, relating to, or suitable for a feast or festival. She was in a festive mood.
n. capability to adapt to new, different, or changing You have considerable flexibility at school and can
flexibility requirements. choose how to do things.
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fluffy adj. being light and soft or airy. Beat the egg whites until they are fluffy.
focus n. a center of activity, attraction, or attention. The focus is on helping Mexican children.
n. traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances, or art We learned about Native American folklore in social
folklore forms preserved among a people. studies class.
n. a prophecy, estimate, or prediction of a future I want to catch the weather forecast so I'll know what
forecast happening or condition. kind of clothes to pack for the trip tomorrow
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friendship n. the state of being friends. They have enjoyed many years of friendship.
generosity n. the quality or fact of being generous. Her generosity toward the poor was admirable.
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goal n. the end toward which effort is directed. Her primary goal is to get a college degree.
gratitude n. the state of being grateful. He expressed gratitude for their support.
guest n. a person entertained in one's house. Our guest should be arriving soon.
harvest n. the season for gathering in agricultural crops. This is the beginning of the harvest.
n. words set at the head of a passage or page to The story of his arrest appeared beneath the
headline introduce or categorize. headline “Caught!”.
health n. the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. He's in good health these days.
healthy adj. enjoying good health. Grandma has remained healthy into her 80s
n. to travel by securing free rides from passing Her car broke down, so she had to hitchhike back
hitchhike vehicles. home.
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honesty n. adherence to the facts. She is admired for her kindness and her honesty.
n. a person who comes to a country to take up An immigrant is someone who moves to a new
immigrant permanent residence. country to live.
adj. produced, growing, living, or occurring natively or The indigenous people of Australia are known as
indigenous naturally in a particular region or environment. Aboriginal Australians.
n. knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or They're working to collect information about the early
information instruction. settlers in the region.
adj. occurring between or involving two or more The importance of non-verbal behavior in the
intercultural cultures. intercultural communication is non displaceable.
invitation n. an often-formal request to be present or participate. We sent out your invitation for the party.
n. a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than The island of Hawaii is the largest in the Hawaiian
island a continent. archipelago
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n. the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of Learning a new language can help you connect with
language combining them used and understood by a community. people from different cultures.
n. a usually portable protective case for a light with My mother lights a lantern to symbolize driving out
lantern transparent openings. darkness.
light n. something that makes vision possible. The light of the moon is amazing.
lucky adj. having good luck. I count myself lucky to know you.
luscious adj. having a delicious taste or smell. I like the luscious taste of ripe peaches.
adj. having or showing a desire to cause harm to Someone has been spreading malicious gossip
malicious someone. about me.
meeting n. an act or process of coming together. She was too busy to attend the meeting.
n. the influence, guidance, or direction given by a The Anthropology Department has established a
mentorship mentor. Mentorship Program
minute n. the 60th part of an hour of time: 60 seconds. Bake the cake for one minute more.
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adj. based on or described in a myth especially as Hercules was a mythical hero who was half man and
mythical contrasted with history. half god.
neighbor n. one living or located near another. Canada is a neighbor of the U.S.
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nervous adj. timid, apprehensive. She is nervous about her job interview.
nurse n. a person who cares for the sick. A nurse works at hospitals to help sick people.
obey v. to follow the commands or guidance of. Children need to obey their parents.
n. the act or process of organizing or of being The new president plans to make changes to the
organization organized. company's organization.
n. a flat cake made of thin batter and cooked (as on a We had a blueberry pancake and sausage for
pancake griddle) on both sides breakfast.
patience n. the capacity, habit, or fact of being patient. Patience is the best remedy.
n. the completion of a cycle, a series of events, or a The period between Christmas and New Year's Eve
period single action. is a very busy one for everyone.
persistence n. the action or fact of persisting. She has shown a lot of persistence.
n. a person who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or The airline is seeking for an experienced pilot to fly
pilot spacecraft. the new airplane.
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n. an online advertisement that appears in a new I closed the pop-up ad that appeared while I was
pop-up ad browser window. browsing the internet.
praise v. to express a favorable judgment of. Good teachers praise students when they do well.
prefer v. to promote or advance to a rank or position I prefer tea over coffee in the mornings.
n. an act of putting forward or stating something for The conference approved a proposal for a
proposal consideration. referendum.
qualification n. a quality or skill that fits a person. He is studying for his teaching qualification.
n. a writing acknowledging the receiving of goods or Keep your receipt in case you need to return
receipt money. anything.
reference n. the act of referring or consulting. Keep this dictionary for reference.
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refreshment n. the act of refreshing. We went camping for relaxation and refreshment.
n. the collecting of information about a particular Recent research shows that the disease is caused in
research subject. part by bad nutrition.
n. a relation or reference to a particular thing or It's important to treat others with respect, regardless
respect situation. of our differences.
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n. a procedural plan that indicates the time and Students are planning their class schedule for next
schedule sequence of each operation year.
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n. knowledge or a system of knowledge covering
general truths, or the operation of general laws
science especially as obtained and tested through scientific
Some people think that chess is a science.
September n. the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar. Mexican Independence is in September.
service n. the occupation or function of serving. The company was unable to service the loan.
n. the teacher lectured the students on the importance He was a sorcerer who used his power for evil
sorcerer of mutual respect. ends.
n. something kept as a reminder (as of a place one When I went to the Super Bowl, I kept my ticket
souvenir has visited). stub as a souvenir.
n. any long narrow wavy strip resembling or A streamer in the team's colors hung from the top of
streamer suggesting a banner floating in the wind. the stadium.
n. degree of hotness or coldness measured on a The temperature outside tells us if we need jackets
temperature definite scale. or not!
n. the ability to use one's time effectively or Creating a schedule helps me with time
time management productively. management.
tolerance n. capacity to endure pain or hardship. She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind.
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n. a fleshy movable muscular process of the floor of
the mouths of most vertebrates that bears sensory end
tongue organs and small glands and functions especially in The taste of the spice was still on her tongue.
taking and swallowing food and in humans as a
speech organ.
n. an inherited, established, or customary pattern of There's a school tradition of wearing casual clothes
tradition thought, action, or behavior. on Fridays.
n. a talk or lecture on travel usually accompanied by a Peter Jackson's latest book 'Africa' is part
travelogue film or slides. travelogue, part memoir.
n. wealth (such as money, jewels, or precious metals) When I was a child, I read a legend about the
treasure stored up or hoarded. pirates' buried treasure.
n. a set of regularly presented television programs Have you been following that crime TV series on
TV series each of which is complete. TV?
understand v. to grasp the meaning of. I can't understand a word you're saying.
unity n. the quality or state of not being multiple. It is important to have a sense of national unity.
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vote v. to cast or conduct a vote. During recess, let's vote on what game to play next!
weakness n. the quality or state of being weak. His main weakness is his voice.
worldwide adj. extended throughout or involving the entire world. News of the attack attracted worldwide attention.
yearn v. to long persistently, wistfully, or sadly. I yearn for the love and affection I once had.