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Programming Workflow Activity Guide

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Programming Workflow

Activity Guide
n l y
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July 2004 I n
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Copyright © 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may
copy and print this document solely for your own use in an Oracle training course. The document may not be modified or
altered in any way. Except where your use constitutes "fair use" under copyright law, you may not use, share, download,
upload, copy, print, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, post, transmit, or distribute this document in whole or in part
without the express authorization of Oracle.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the document,
please report them in writing to: Oracle University, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California 94065 USA. This
document is not warranted to be error-free.

If this documentation is delivered to the United States Government or anyone using the documentation on behalf of the United
States Government, the following notice is applicable:


The U.S. Government’s rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these training materials are
restricted by the terms of the applicable Oracle license agreement and/or the applicable U.S. Government contract.

Oracle, JD Edwards, and PeopleSoft are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.

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Preface Programming Workflow...................................................................................................v

Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues .....................................................................v

Lesson 1 Course Overview ...............................................................................................................1

Lesson 2 Technology Overview........................................................................................................3

Lesson 3 Evaluating Processes for Workflow Automation ...........................................................5

Activity 1: Explaining Process Reengineering and Workflow Automation Concepts ....6

Lesson 4 Designing Workflow Process Prototypes.........................................................................7

Activity 2: Defining the Credit Limit Workflow Process................................................8

Lesson 5 Creating a Workflow Project .........................................................................................11

Activity 3: Creating a Project for Workflow Development...........................................12

Lesson 6 Designing Message Templates........................................................................................15

Activity 4: Designing Credit Limit Message Templates ...............................................16

Lesson 7
l y
Designing Workflow Data Structures............................................................................21
Activity 5: Designing the Credit Limit Workflow Data Structures ...............................22
Lesson 8
e O
Creating a Workflow Process in OMW.........................................................................25

Lesson 9
U s
Activity 6: Creating the Credit Limit Workflow Object................................................26

Describing Workflow Modeler.......................................................................................29

Activity 7: Exploring Workflow Modeler .....................................................................30
Lesson 10
Designing Workflow Tasks.............................................................................................31

Activity 8: Designing Tasks for the Credit Limit Approval Process.............................32

Lesson 11
Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions ........................................................39

Activity 9: Creating Transitions and Transition Conditions..........................................40

Lesson 12
te r
Attaching a Workflow Process to an Application ........................................................45

I n
Activity 10: Attaching the Credit Limit Workflow to an Application ........................46

Lesson 13

c l e
Setting Up Distribution Lists..........................................................................................51
Activity 11: Setting Up a Credit Limit Distribution List.............................................52

Lesson 14
r a Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions ...................................................................59

Lesson 15
Activity 12: Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions.............................................60

Analyzing Workflow Processes ......................................................................................65

Activity 13: Using Process Task Monitor ...................................................................66

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential iii

Programming Workflow Contents

Activity 14: Using the Advanced Analysis Application .............................................67

Lesson 16 Administering Workflow Processes...............................................................................69

Activity 15: Changing Queue Security........................................................................70

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity ......................................................................................................71

Activity 16: Designing a Capital Projects Approval Workflow Process.....................72

Lesson 18 Course Review ...............................................................................................................115

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iv PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential


Programming Workflow

Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues

This section discusses:

• Typographical conventions.

• Visual cues.

• Country, region, and industry identifiers.

• Currency codes.

Typographical Conventions
This table contains the typographical conventions that are used in this guide:

Typographical Convention

n l y
Indicates PeopleCode function names, method names, language

literally in the function call.

e O
constructs, and PeopleCode reserved words that must be included

Indicates field values, emphasis, and PeopleSoft or other book-

length publication titles. In PeopleCode syntax, italic items are

placeholders for arguments that your program must supply.
We also use italics when we refer to words as words or letters as

letters, as in the following: Enter the letter O.
Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign (+)

l & between keys means that you must hold down the first key while
you press the second key. For ALT+W, hold down the ALT key

n a while you press the W key.

Monospace font

“ ” (quotation marks)
r Indicates a PeopleCode program or other code example.
Indicate lesson and chapter titles in cross-references and words that

I n are used differently from their intended meanings.

c l e
. . . (ellipses) Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any
number of times in PeopleCode syntax.

r a { } (curly braces) Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax.

Options are separated by a pipe ( | ).

O [ ] (square brackets) Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential v

Programming Workflow Preface

Typographical Convention Description

& (ampersand) When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax, an
ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already instantiated
Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

Visual Cues
Training courses contain the following visual cues.

Notes indicate information that you should pay particular attention to as you work with
the PeopleSoft system.

Note. Example of a note.

If the note is preceded by Important!, the note is crucial and includes information that
concerns what you must do for the system to function properly.

Important! Example of an important note.


n l
Warnings indicate crucial configuration considerations. Pay close attention to warning
Warning! Example of a warning.
e O
U s
Training guides provide cross-references either under the heading “See Also” or on a
separate line preceded by the word See. Cross-references lead to other documents, such
as PeopleBooks, that are pertinent to the immediately preceding documentation.

l &
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Example of cross-reference to a PeopleBook

I n
Currency Codes

c l e
r a Monetary amounts are identified by the ISO currency code. The following currency
codes appear in this guide:

O •

USD (U.S. dollars)

EUR (Euro)

vi PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 1

Course Overview
This lesson has no activities.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 1

Course Overview Lesson 1











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O ______________________________________________________________________

2 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 2

Technology Overview
This lesson has no activities.

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Technology Overview Lesson 2











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4 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3

Evaluating Processes for

Workflow Automation

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 5

Evaluating Processes for Workflow Automation Lesson 3

Activity 1: Explaining Process Reengineering and Workflow

Automation Concepts
In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Explain business process reengineering concepts.

• Explain workflow automation concepts.

Slide 37 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Questions and Answers
Answer the following questions about business process reengineering and workflow

Question Answer
Why should a company analyze its business
processes before implementing a workflow
management system?
What is the first step in process reengineering?
Give an example of a business process.
What is an organization schematic?
n l y
What are some of the common criteria for evaluating
the performance of a business process?
e O
After completing process reengineering, processes
that have many manual steps are likely candidates
U s
for workflow automation.
1. True
2. False
streamline business processes?
l &
In general, how does workflow management

n a
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This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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6 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4

Designing Workflow Process


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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 7

Designing Workflow Process Prototypes Lesson 4

Activity 2: Defining the Credit Limit Workflow Process

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Locate tasks on the Credit Limit workflow diagram.

• Locate transition conditions on the Credit Limit workflow diagram.

Slide 44 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
The credit department wants to monitor requests to change a customer’s credit limit.
When a credit limit is increased or decreased, the credit manager for the account is asked
to accept or reject the change. If the credit limit change is approved, the database is
updated and notification is sent to the originator that the change was approved. If the
change was not approved, the originator is notified that the change was rejected.

Examine the Credit Limit workflow process diagram below and answer the questions that

Change Credit Limit Triggering Event

n l y
Enter Workflow Send Message to Approver


U s

A I Reject

Update Credit in O Send "Rejected" Message to


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Send "Accepted" Message to

I n
Diagram of the Credit Limit Approval workflow process

cl e
Answer these questions:

O ra Question
What is the triggering event that starts the Credit
Limit workflow process?

What are the individual tasks in the Credit Limit

workflow process?

8 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Designing Workflow Process Prototypes

Question Answer
What is the triggering event that starts the Credit
Limit workflow process?
Are there any transition conditions (conditional
logic) that affect the path the workflow will take?
If so, what are they?

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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Designing Workflow Process Prototypes Lesson 4











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10 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5

Creating a Workflow Project

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 11

Creating a Workflow Project Lesson 5

Activity 3: Creating a Project for Workflow Development

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Create a project.

2. Add an owner to the project.

3. Advance the project to the programming status.

Slide 53 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
All development in PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne is done within the context of a project.
Because you will be developing a new Credit Limit workflow process in the activities
that follow, you need to create an OMW project for the new workflow object. The project
will also contain all the other objects that you create or modify for the Credit Limit

The system administrator has defined Object Management Workbench to function in this

• New projects are named sequentially (beginning with 101) as follows: TRN<last two

digits of your user ID>101.

New projects begin at a status 11.

n l y
• The release value is the current software release.
e O
• s
The planned completion date should be five days after the project is created.

The person who creates the project will be added to the project in the originator role.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any

l &
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n a
te r
Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

Creating a Project I n
c l e
To create a project:

r a 1. From Solution Explorer, click the Tools menu.

O 2. Click Object Management Workbench.

3. In Object Management Workbench, click Add.

12 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Creating a Workflow Project

4. Under the Object Management Workbench section of the Add EnterpriseOne Object
to the Project form, select the OMW Project option.

5. On the Project Revisions form, select the Summary tab.

6. Enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Project ID TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101
Description Credit Limit Approval
Status 11 (New Project Pending Review)
Type 02 (Enhancement)
Severity 03 (Not Critical/No Workaround)
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for Clients)
Release <current release>

7. Select the Dates tab.

8. Enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Date Started
Planned Completion Date
(Populated by the system)
<five days past start date>
n l y
Date Entered
Completion Date Blank
e O
(Populated by the system)

U s
9. Select the Attachments tab.
10. Enter the following information: This project was created to add the Credit Limit
Approval workflow process.

l &
Adding an Owner to the Project
n a
To add an owner to the project:

I n
1. Expand the new project to reveal the Objects and Owners nodes.

2. Focus on the Owners node.

c l e
3. Enter the following information on the Search tab:

r a Field Value or Status

O Category
Search Type
User ID
Search STA1* (TCA1* for instructor)

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 13

Creating a Workflow Project Lesson 5

4. Focus on your user ID.

5. Move your user ID into the project by clicking the Add Object or User to Project

6. On the Add User to Project form, use the visual assist to select the developer role

7. Expand the Owners node to verify your addition.

Advancing the Project to the Programming Status

To advance the project to the programming status:

1. Focus on the project ID: TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101.

2. Click the Advance Project button in the center column.

3. On the Confirm Status Change form, use the visual assist on the blank field to select
the programming status: 21.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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14 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6

Designing Message Templates

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 15

Designing Message Templates Lesson 6

Activity 4: Designing Credit Limit Message Templates

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and design message templates for
the Credit Limit Approval workflow process.

Slide 62 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Review the Credit Limit Approval diagram in Activity 2 and answer these questions:

Question Answer
How many messages are there in the Credit Limit
Approval workflow process diagram?
Describe the purpose of each workflow message.

In the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 project, create the required message
templates for the Credit Limit Approval workflow process. Use variables in each
message, if appropriate, to provide specific data regarding:

• The customer whose credit limit has changed.

• The old and new credit limits.

n l y
• The employee who changed the customer’s credit limit.

e O
sequentially through the alphabet for additional messages:s
Name the messages as follows, starting with A for the first message, and continuing

• I
LM553<last two digits of your user ID>A for the first message.

Follow the same naming convention for subsequent messages, using the letters B, C,
and so on, at the end of each name.

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Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

I n
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

cl e
Note. Use STA<last two digits of your User ID> for the user name and password in this

r a
Designing Message Templates for the Credit Limit Approval Workflow Process
To design message templates for the Credit Limit Approval workflow process, access

16 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Designing Message Templates

Task View Navigation

EnterpriseOne Menus Foundation Systems, Tools, Application Development Tools, Cross
Application Development Tools, Object Management Workbench.

Creating the Credit Limit Approval Request Message

To create the credit limit approval request message:

1. Select the Objects node of the Credit Limit Approval project.

2. Click Add.

3. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Item and then click

4. On the Data Dictionary Item Type form, click Yes to create a glossary data item.

5. Enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Alias LM553<last two digits of your user ID>A
Glossary Group Y
Product Code 55
Product Reporting Code
Credit Limit Approval Request
n l y
Error Level 3

e O
U s
6. On the Item Glossary tab, enter text that is similar to the following information:

The credit limit for customer &1, &2, was changed from &3 to &4 on &5 by &6.

Your approval is required for this change to take effect.

7. Click OK to return to the OMW.
8. The LM553<last two digits of your user ID>A message should now be listed as an
te r
object under the Credit Limit Approval project.

Creating the Credit Limit Accepted Message

I n
To create the credit limit accepted message:

cl e
1. Select the Objects node of the Credit Limit Approval project.

O ra 2. Click Add.

3. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Item and then click

4. On the Data Dictionary Item Type form, click Yes to create a glossary data item.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 17

Designing Message Templates Lesson 6

5. Enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Alias LM553<last two digits of your user ID>B
Glossary Group Y
Product Code 55
Product Reporting Code 55
Description Credit Limit Change Accepted
Error Level 3

6. On the Item Glossary tab, enter text that is similar to the following information:

The credit limit for customer &1, &2, has been approved for &3.

7. Click OK to return to the OMW.

8. The LM553<last two digits of your user ID>B message should now be listed as an
object under the Credit Limit Approval project.

Creating the Credit Limit Rejected Message

To create the credit limit rejected message:

1. Select the Objects node of the Credit Limit Approval project.

2. Click Add. n l y
e O
3. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Item and then click

U s
4. On the Data Dictionary Item Type form, click Yes to create a glossary data item.

5. Enter the following information:

O Value or Status

Alias LM553<last two digits of your user ID>C
Glossary Group

n a Y
Product Code

t e r
Product Reporting Code

I n
Description Credit Limit Change Rejected

c l e
Error Level 3

r a 6. On the Item Glossary tab, enter text that is similar to the following information:
O The credit limit change to &1 for customer &2, &3, has been rejected.

7. Click OK to return to the OMW.

18 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Designing Message Templates

8. The LM553<last two digits of your user ID>C message should now be listed as an
object under the Credit Limit Approval project.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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Designing Message Templates Lesson 6











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20 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7

Designing Workflow Data


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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 21

Designing Workflow Data Structures Lesson 7

Activity 5: Designing the Credit Limit Workflow Data Structures

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Design a key data structure.

• Design an additional data structure.

Slide 71 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Create the necessary workflow data structures for the Credit Limit Approval workflow
process according to the following guidelines:

• Add both data structure objects to your TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101

• Name the key data structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A.

• To create the key data structure, enter the following information:

Data Dictionary Alias Structure Member Name Data Item

AN8 mnCustomerNumber AddressNumber

n l
• O
Name the additional data structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B.

To create the additional data structure, enter the following information:

Data Dictionary Alias
ALPH szCustomerName
Structure Member Name Data Item
mnOldCreditLimit AmountCreditLimt

UPMJ jdDateUpdated DateUpdated

n a cApprovalActionCode ApprovalActionCode

t e r mnOriginatorNumber

AG mnNewCreditLimit AmountGross
AN8R mnSendToAddress RelatedAddressNo

c l e CO szCompany Company

r a
O Important! Be certain that you change the structure member names in each data
structure as shown above. Changing the structure member name will make the data item
more identifiable when you create workflow tasks.

22 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 Designing Workflow Data Structures

Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

Designing a Key Data Structure

To design a key data structure:

1. Select the Objects node of the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 Credit Limit
Approval project and click Add.

2. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Structure and click

3. On the Add Object form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Object Name WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A
Description Credit Limit Key Data Structure
Product Code 55
Product Reporting Code 55
Object Use 360
Regular Data Structure Selected

n l y
4. Click OK.
e O
5. On the Design Tools tab, click Data Structure Design.

U s
6. Define the data structure using data dictionary alias AN8.

7. Change the structure member name to mnCustomerNumber.

8. Save the data structure and return to OMW.

l &
9. The WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A data structure should now be listed
as an object under the Credit Limit Approval project.
Designing an Additional Data Structure
te r
I n
To design an additional structure:

c l e
1. Select the Objects node of the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 Credit Limit
Approval project and click Add.

r a 2. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Structure and click


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 23

Designing Workflow Data Structures Lesson 7

3. On the Add Object form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Object Name WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B
Description Credit Limit Additional Data Structure
Product Code 55
Product Reporting Code 55
Object Use 360
Regular Data Structure Selected

4. Click OK.

5. On the Design Tools tab, click Data Structure Design.

6. Define the data structure using the following data item aliases: ALPH, ACL, UPMJ,

7. Change the structure member names as shown in the activity overview.

Important! Be certain that you change the structure member names in the data
structure. Changing the structure member name will make the data item more
identifiable when you create workflow tasks.

8. Save the data structure and return to OMW.

n l y
an object under the Credit Limit Approval project.
e O
9. The WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B data structure should now be listed as

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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24 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8

Creating a Workflow Process in


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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 25

Creating a Workflow Process in OMW Lesson 8

Activity 6: Creating the Credit Limit Workflow Object

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and create a workflow object in

Slide 78 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Before you can develop a workflow process, you must create a workflow object in
OMW. When you create a new workflow object, you specify the key and additional data
structures that the workflow process uses.

In this activity, you will create the Credit Limit Approval workflow process in OMW and
attach the necessary key and additional data structures. Create the workflow object in the
TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 project using the following criteria:

• Name the workflow object K5503<last two digits of your user ID>.

• Include the last two digits of your user ID at the end of the object description.

• Assign product code 55 to the object.

• Use WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A for the key data structure.

n l y
Use WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B for the additional data structure.

• Enable the history tracking option for the workflow process.

e O
describes what the workflow process does.
U s
After creating the workflow object, enter information on the Attachments tab that

activity. A I
Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

l &
Creating a Workflow Object in OMW
n a
te r
To create a workflow object in OMW:

I n
1. On OMW, select the Credit Limit Approval project and click Add.

c l e
2. On Add Object to the Project, click Workflow Process under the Workflow heading
and then click OK.

r a 3. To add workflow process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>. enter the

O following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

26 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Creating a Workflow Process in OMW

Field Value or Status

Version 1
Description Credit Limit Approval <last two digits of your user
Product Code 55
Key Data Structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A
Additional Data Structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B
History Tracking Selected

4. Click OK to save the workflow process.

5. Add information similar to the following on the Attachments tab to describe what the
workflow process does:

A user changes a customer’s credit limit in the Customer Master (P0301) on menu
G03B11. This is the triggering event for the workflow process. When the user clicks
OK, a message box appears advising that the change has been submitted for
approval. The credit limit does not change until it is approved.

A message is sent to the Accounts Receivable manager for the account, asking for
approval of the credit limit change. The message is sent to the manager’s Credit
Management mailbox in the Employee Work Center. Using an online form, the
manager has the option to either approve or reject the credit limit change.

n l y
If the manager approves the change, the Credit Limit field in the Customer Master

e O
table (F0301) will change from the old credit limit to the new credit limit. A message
is sent to the user that changed the credit limit to advise that the change was

U s
If the manager rejects the credit limit change, the Credit Limit field in the Customer
Master table retains the old credit limit value. A message is sent to the user that
changed the credit limit to advise that the requested change was not approved.

6. The K5503<last two digits of your user ID> Credit Limit Approval workflow process
should appear under the Credit Limit Approval project.
This concludes the activity. Do not continue.
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Creating a Workflow Process in OMW Lesson 8











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28 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9

Describing Workflow Modeler

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Describing Workflow Modeler Lesson 9

Activity 7: Exploring Workflow Modeler

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Open a workflow process in Workflow Modeler.

• Explain features of Workflow Modeler.

Slide 89 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Open the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> workflow in Workflow Modeler.
Explore the features of Workflow Modeler and then answer the following questions:

Question Answer
In Workflow Modeler, locate the Object Creation
Tools toolbar. What is the purpose of the toolbar?
How can you find out what each icon represents?
List the available icons in the order that they appear
from top to bottom on the toolbar.
Note: Do not list icons that are unavailable for
selection, because they are not available.

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30 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10

Designing Workflow Tasks

n l y
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 31

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Activity 8: Designing Tasks for the Credit Limit Approval Process

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create tasks for the Credit Limit Approval process.

• Configure workflow tasks.

Slide 108 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Review the Credit Limit Approval diagram in Activity 2. Based on the information in the
diagram, create the following four tasks in the K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Credit Limit Approval workflow. Name the tasks as shown in the following table:

Name of Task Purpose

APPROVE Send message to credit manager for approval
UPDATE Update the credit limit in the Customer Master table if credit change is approved
ACCEPT Send notification of accepted credit limit change to originator
REJECT Send notification of rejected credit limit change to originator

After you have created all four tasks, configure them with the required information. n l y
e O
Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

U s
Creating Tasks for the Credit Limit Approval Process
l &
1. In OMW, select the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> Credit Limit Approval

workflow process and click the Design Tools button.

te r
2. On the Workflow Design form, select the Design Tools tab, and then click Start
Workflow Modeler.

I n
Creating the APPROVE Task

c l e
The Approve task sends a message to the credit manager asking for approval of the credit
limit change.

r a To create the APPROVE task:

O 1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

32 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Designing Workflow Tasks

3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description Credit Limit Approval Request
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank
And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK.

The Approve task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

Creating the UPDATE Task

In the Update task, you attach a business function to update the customer’s credit limit in
the Customer Master table if the manager approves the credit limit change.

To create the UPDATE task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Business Function icon.

n l y
2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

U s
3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Value or Status
O K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

Version 1
Update Credit Limit
Category Code 1

t e r Blank

Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

c l e And Join (Y/N) Blank

r a
O 4. Click OK.

The Update task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 33

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Creating the ACCEPT Task

The Accept task sends a message to the credit manager asking for approval of the credit
limit change.

To create the ACCEPT task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram. The Workflow
Task Revisions form appears.

3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description Send Accepted Message to Originator
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank
And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK. n l y
The Accept task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.
e O
Creating the REJECT Task
U s
limit change.
The Reject task sends a message to the credit manager asking for approval of the credit

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

l &
2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.
te r
3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:


Process In Value or Status
K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

c l Version 1

O ra Task
Send Rejected Message to Originator
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

34 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Designing Workflow Tasks

Field Value or Status

And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK.

The Reject task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

Configuring Workflow Tasks

After the tasks have been created, configure them as follows:

Configuring the APPROVE Task

To configure the Approve message task, you must define the contents and the recipient of
the message.

To configure the APPROVE task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Approve message task that you added to the
diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Value Additional Information

Structure Type
BF mnSendToAddress
<Single Recipient>
n l y
<Credit Management>
e O
Text <Blank>

U s

<Define Active Message> Find and select application
P98805, Form W98805A
Pass the following value:

O BF cApprovalActionCode Æ

l & cCommentRequired

n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 35

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Field Value Additional Information

Message <Define Message> Type LM553<last two digits of
your user ID>A for the
Dictionary Item and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
message. Map the parameters as
shown below.
Assign the following values:
&1: BF mnCustomerNumber
&2: BF szCustomerName
&3: BF mnOldCreditLimit
&4: BF mnNewCreditLimit
&5: BF jdDateUpdated
&6: BF szOriginatorName
Message Key <None>

3. Click OK.

Configuring the UPDATE Task

In the Update task, you attach an existing business function, N03B0159, to update the
credit limit on the customer record.

n l y
To configure the UPDATE task:

e O
1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Update business function task that you added to
the diagram, and then select Event Rules.

U s
2. On the Business Function Search form, find source module N03B0159 and then click

3. On the Business Functions form, map the parameters by entering the following

l & Dir Data Item
BF mnCustomerNumber
n a Æ mnCustomerNumber

te r
BF mnNewCreditLimit Æ mnNewCreditLimit

I n
BF szCompany Æ szCompany

c l e
r a 4. Click OK.

Configuring the ACCEPT Task

O To configure the Accept task, you must define the contents and the recipients of the

To configure the ACCEPT task:

36 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Designing Workflow Tasks

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Accept message task that you added to the
diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Value Additional Information

Recipient BF mnOriginatorNumber
Structure Type <Single Recipient>
Mailbox <Electronic Workbench>
Subject <Blank>
Text <Blank>
Active <None>
Message <Define Message> Type LM553<last two digits of
your user ID>B for the
Dictionary Item and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
message. Map the parameters as
shown below.
Assign the following values:
&1: BF szCustomerName
&2: BF mnCustomerNumber

Message Key <None>

n l y
&3: BF mnNewCreditLimit

e O
3. Click OK.
U s
Configuring the REJECT Task

To configure the Reject task, you must define the contents and the recipients of the
l &
To configure the REJECT task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Reject message task that you added to the
te r
diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

I n
Field Value Additional Information

cl e
Recipient BF mnOriginatorNumber

Structure Type <Single Recipient>
Mailbox <Electronic Workbench>

O Subject
Active <None>

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 37

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Field Value Additional Information

Message <Define Message> Type LM553<last two digits of
your user ID>C for the
Dictionary Item and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
message. Map the parameters as
shown below.
Assign the following values:
&1: BF mnNewCreditLimit
&2: BF szCustomerName
&3: BF mnCustomerNumber
Message Key <None>

3. After you have defined and configured all the tasks for the Credit Limit Approval
workflow process, save your changes and exit Workflow Modeler.

4. On the Workflow Design form, click OK to return to OMW.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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38 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11

Designing Workflow Transitions

and Conditions

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 39

Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions Lesson 11

Activity 9: Creating Transitions and Transition Conditions

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Locate transitions and transition conditions in the Credit Limit Approval workflow

• Create task transitions in the Credit Limit Approval workflow process.

• Add and attach transition conditions.

• Validate a workflow process version.

Slide 118 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Review the Credit Limit Approval diagram to determine the sequence of tasks and to
locate transition conditions:

Change Credit Limit Triggering Event

Enter Workflow Send Message to Approver


e O

U sReject

A I Send "Rejected" Message to

Update Credit in
O Originator

l &
Send "Accepted" Message to

te r Originator

Diagram of the Credit Limit Approval workflow process

I n
In Workflow Modeler, move each task to a location in the workspace that corresponds

c l e
with the Credit Limit Approval diagram. Create the necessary transitions between the
tasks to complete the process flow.

r a Create two transition conditions in your K5503<last two digits of your user ID> Credit

O Limit Approval workflow. For the transition condition properties, enter the following

40 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions

Rule Description
IFAPPROVED If credit limit change is approved
IFREJECTED If credit limit change is rejected

Attach each transition condition to the appropriate transition in the workflow process.
Consider the following information when defining the event rule logic for each transition

When you configured the Approve message task in Activity 8, you specified that the
message sent to the approver is the Generic Approval form (P98805, W98805A). The
Generic Approval form has two radio buttons: Accept and Reject. These radio buttons
represent action codes A and R respectively. The data item for the action code in the
additional data structure attached to the workflow process is cApprovalActionCode.

The IFAPPROVED and IFREJECTED task transitions appear as part of the workflow
diagram when you complete the transition conditions.

After you have added the transition conditions, validate the workflow process. If there are
errors, correct them until the “Workflow is VALID” message appears.

Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

Locating Transitions and Transition Conditions in the Credit Limit Approval

Workflow Process
The following diagram illustrates the transitions and transition conditions for the Credit n l y
Limit Approval workflow process:

e O
U s

Change Credit Limit
Triggering Event


Enter Workflow

l & Send Message to Approver PROCESS

n a
te r
If Approval Action Approve Reject If Approval Action

I n
Code is equal to A Code is equal to R

c l e Update Credit Limit

Send "Rejected" Message to

r a in Database

O Send "Accepted" Message to


Transition conditions in the Credit Limit Approval workflow

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 41

Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions Lesson 11

The diamond in the middle of the diagram is the decision point, with Approve and Reject
being the two choices. If the credit manager selects the Approve radio button on the
Generic Workflow Approval form, the event rules in the application assign A as the
action code. Alternatively, if the credit manager selects Reject, the event rules assign an
R as the action code.

Creating Task Transitions in the Credit Limit Approval Workflow Process

1. In Object Management Workbench, select the K5503<last two digits of your user
ID> Credit Limit Approval workflow process and click Design Tools.

2. On Workflow Design, click the Design Tools tab, and then click the Start Workflow
Modeler option.

3. On Workflow Modeler, move each task to a location in the workspace that

corresponds with the workflow diagram. You might find it easier to create the
diagram horizontally rather than vertically in the workspace.

4. Connect the tasks by clicking the Transition icon on the toolbar. Click and drag the
mouse from the task at which you want to the transition to originate to the next task
in the process.

Adding and Attaching Transition Conditions

Create and attach the two transition conditions to the workflow diagram as follows:

1. Create and attach the IFAPPROVED transition condition by right-clicking the
n l y
transition between the Approve task and the Update task and then selecting Add and

e O
2. To complete the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

A IValue or Status
K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
O 1
If Credit Limit Change is Approved
Category Code 1
n a Blank
Category Code 2

te r Blank

I n
Category Code 3 Blank

c l e
3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

r a
O Operator
Left Operand
BF cApprovalActionCode
Is equal to
Right Operand

42 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions

4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

1. Create and attach the IFREJECTED transition condition by right-clicking the
transition between the Approve task and the Reject task and then selecting Add and

2. To complete the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description If Credit Limit Change is Rejected
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand

If BF cApprovalActionCode Is equal to R

n l y
4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.
e O
U s
After adding the IFAPPROVED and IFREJECTED transition conditions, the Credit
Limit Approval workflow diagram should appear similar to this illustration:

l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a Workflow process with tasks, transitions, and transition conditions
O 5. Save the Credit Limit Approval workflow process and then exit Workflow Modeler.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 43

Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions Lesson 11

Validating a Workflow Process Version

1. On the Design Tools tab, click Validate Workflow.

2. If the version contains no errors, the message “Workflow is Valid” appears. This
message means that you can now attach the workflow process to an application.

3. If the version contains errors, a dialog box appears with a list of errors. Click Start
Workflow Modeler to open the version in Workflow Modeler and correct the errors.

4. On Workflow Design, click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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44 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12

Attaching a Workflow Process to

an Application

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 45

Attaching a Workflow Process to an Application Lesson 12

Activity 10: Attaching the Credit Limit Workflow to an Application

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Activate a workflow process.

• Attach a workflow process to an application.

Slide 127 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
In the Customer Master application (P03013), the CREDLIMIT workflow process is
started by the Customer Master master business function, N0100042. This business
function is included in the event rules for the Customer Master (P03013) application. You
will examine how the workflow process is defined in the business function and where the
business function is called in the application.

To complete this activity, activate the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> workflow
process so that you will be able to use it with the Start Process system function later in
the activity.

Find business function N0100042 and interactive application P03013 in OMW and move
them into your project.

n l
In the event rules for N0100042, locate the Start Process event rules that start the
CREDLIMIT workflow (there are two occurrences). Disable both occurrences and
e O
replace each of them with a Start Process event rule that starts the K5503<last two digits
of your user ID>. When you exit the business function, do not save your changes because

performing these steps in the activity is for demonstration purposes only.

Important! Because of logic in the N0100042 business function that is specific to the
CREDLIMIT workflow process, you cannot replace the CREDLIMIT workflow with

your K5503<last two digits of your user ID> workflow process and have it function
successfully. In addition, any change to a business function requires a package build to

l &
update the server and then deploy those changes to the clients. Consequently, the
following activity illustrates how to enable a workflow process in an application, but you
cannot save your changes.
n a
te r
Access the event rules for interactive application P03013 and locate the following event

c l e

The call to N0100042 (there are two occurrences).

The call to the Generic Workflow Forms application to send the Pending Notification

r a form (WF98805A).

O After locating the event rules, perform the following actions to complete the activity:

• Close the P03013 application and remove it from your project.

• Remove the N0100042 business function from your project.

46 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12 Attaching a Workflow Process to an Application

• Inactivate the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> workflow process.

Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

Activating a Workflow Process

From your project in Object Management Workbench, activate the K5503<last two digits
of your user ID> Credit Limit Approval process using the following steps:

1. Click K5503<last two digits of your user ID> and click Design.

2. From the Design Tools tab, click Change Workflow Status to activate your process.

3. Click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

Attaching a Workflow Process to an Application

Attach the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> to the N0100042 business function
used in the P03013 application as follows:

1. Search for the N0100042 object and move it into the Credit Limit Approval project.

2. Click Design.

It is not necessary to check out the business function because performing the
following steps in the activity is for demonstration purposes only.

3. On the Design Tools tab, click Start Business Function Design Aid.
n l y
4. Disable the current Start Process for CREDLIMIT as follows:
e O
a. On Business Function Design, select the row with the N0100042 record.

b. From the Form menu, select Edit.

c. Find the two Start Process entries and click Disable.
The process exists in two places, so disable both of them.

l &
5. Attach system function Start Process for your credit limit process (K5503<last two
digits of your user ID>). Start Process needs to be added in the two places you
te r
disabled the original CREDLIMIT process.

a. Click System Function.

I nb. Click the Workflow folder.

cl e c. Double-click the Start Process folder.

r a 6. On System Functions, for the process name click, <Choose Process> in the Available

O Objects box.

a. On Process Search & Select, find the K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 47

Attaching a Workflow Process to an Application Lesson 12

b. When the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> process appears in the grid,
click Select.

7. Define mapping for the key data structure as follows:

a. Select Key Data Structure in the Parameters box.

b. Double-click <Define Mapping> in the Available Objects box.

Value Dir Data Item

VA evt_AddressNumber Æ MnCustomerNumber

c. Click OK.

8. Define mapping for the attributes data structure as follows:

a. Select Attributes Data Structure in the Parameters box.

b. Double-click <Define Mapping> in the Available Objects box.

Value Dir Data Item

VA evt_CustomerName Æ SzCustomerName
VA evt_Prior_Credit_Limit Æ mnOldCreditLimit (Amount Credit Limit)
VA evt_Date_Updated
<NOT assigned>
Æ JdDateUpdated
n l y
VA evt_Originator_Number
VA evt_Originator_Name
e O
VA evt_WrokAdd
VA evt_ZeroCompany
U s
mnSendToAddress (Related Address No)
VA evt_Hold_Credit_Limit Æ
A I MnNewCreditLimit

c. Click OK.
l &
n a
9. Copy the Start Process event rule to the second place where you disabled the original

te r
CREDLIMIT process.

10. The workflow process is now enabled in the business function.

I n
11. Since this was for demonstration purposes only, exit without saving your changes.

c l e
Note. Normally, you would have to rebuild the business function to incorporate your

r a changes. Since you did not save your changes, this step is not necessary.

O 12. In OMW, search for P03013 and add it to your project. Select Design. It is not
necessary to check out the application because you will not be making any changes.

13. Click Start Forms Design Aid.

48 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12 Attaching a Workflow Process to an Application

14. Select the Customer Master Revision form.

15. In the OK button event rules, access the Button Clicked and Post Button Clicked
event rules and locate the N0100042 Customer Master business function. You can
find the business function in the event rules by selecting Edit from the event rule
menu bar and then using the Find feature to search for the word Customer.

16. The call to the Pending Notification form is attached to the OK button, Post Button
Clicked event. You can find it in the event rules by searching for P98805.

Note. Do not change any of the event rules.

17. Exit the P03013 application without saving changes and return to OMW.

18. Because you will not be using the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> Credit
Limit Approval process, inactivate it using the following steps:

a. Click K5503<last two digits of your user ID> and then click Design.

b. From the Design Tools tab, click Change Workflow Status to make the process

c. Click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 49

Attaching a Workflow Process to an Application Lesson 12











l y





l &


cl e______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________

50 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 13

Setting Up Distribution Lists

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 51

Setting Up Distribution Lists Lesson 13

Activity 11: Setting Up a Credit Limit Distribution List

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create an address book number.

• Add a new distribution list structure type.

• Set up a distribution list for group processing.

• Add the distribution list to a message task.

Slide 146 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
The Accounts Receivable department wants to monitor the credit limit changes on
customer accounts. Currently anyone in the department can make a credit limit change to
a customer’s account without following a process or procedure. Consequently, the Chief
Financial Officer has established the following criteria for approval of credit limits.

• Accounts Receivable Supervisors must approve all credit limit changes.

• The Accounts Receivable Manager must approve all credit limit changes over 3,000.

• The Controller must approve all credit limit changes over 10,000.
n l y

The Chief Financial Officer must approve all credit limit changes over 50,000.


Authorization is required for all credit limit increases.

Only one approval is required at each level, however, a higher-level group can approve a

credit limit change without prior approval from lower level groups.

The following personnel are in the Accounts Receivable department:

Name and Position

l &
Accounts Receivable Supervisors:
Address Book Number

James Kellerman
n a 5055
Matthew Moore

te r
Accounts Receivable Manager:

I n
Michael Josephson 4800

c l e
Abigail Rothchild 5651

r a Chief Financial Officer:

O Jack Hawkins 9400

Create a distribution list for the Accounts Receivable department. To accomplish this,
perform the following tasks:

52 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 13 Setting Up Distribution Lists

1. Add new address number 111<last two digits of your user ID> for the Accounts
Receivable department, assigning search type M.

2. Add a new distribution list structure type named C<last two digits of your user ID>.

3. Create a new distribution list for group processing according to the information given

Creating an Address Book Number

Application Navigation
Address Book Revisions EnterpriseOne Menus, Foundation Systems, Address Book, Daily Processing,
Address Book Revisions

1. To create an address book record for the Accounts Receivable department in Address
Book Revisions, access the Work With Addresses form, and enter the following

Field Value or Status

Address Number 111<last two digits of your user ID>
Alpha Name Accounts Receivable Department<last two digits of
your user ID>
Long Address Number
Search Type
n l y
Business Unit 1

e O
2. Click OK.
U s
Note. Ignore the warning message for the Payables field on the Additional tab.

3. Click OK again. O
4. Click Cancel.
l &
n a
Adding a New Distribution List Structure Type te r
5. On the Work With Addresses form, click Close.

I n
cl e
User Defined Codes
EnterpriseOne Menus, Foundation Systems, Tools, System Administration

r a Tools,

O 1. Access the User Defined Codes form.

2. Enter the following information:

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 53

Setting Up Distribution Lists Lesson 13

Field Value or Status

Product Code 01
User Defined Code TS

3. Click Find.

4. Click Add.

5. In the last row of the detail area on the User Defined Codes form, enter the following

Field Value or Status

Codes C<last two digits of your user ID>
Description 1 Credit Limit <last two digits of your user ID>
Special Handling Blank
Hard Coded N

6. Click OK.

7. On the Work With User Defined Codes form, click Close.

Setting Up a Distribution List for Group Processing

n l y
Application Navigation

e O
Group Revisions
EnterpriseOne Menus, Workflow Management, Workflow Management
Setup, Group Revisions

1. On the Group Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status
Parent Number

n a 111<last two digits of your user ID>

Structure Type
t e r C<last two digits of your user ID>

I n
cl e
2. Click Add.

O ra 3. In the header area on the Address Parent/Child Revisions form, enter the following

Field Value or Status

Parent Number 111<last two digits of your user ID>
Structure Type C<last two digits of your user ID>

54 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 13 Setting Up Distribution Lists

Field Value or Status

Associated Data Item ACL
First Response Selected
Higher Level Override Selected
Authorization Required Selected

4. In the detail area, enter the following information:

Group Address Number Alpha Name Threshold Value

1.00 5055 Kellerman, James 0
1.00 5057 Moore, Matthew J. 0
2.00 4800 Josephson, Michael 3,000
3.00 5651 Rothchild, Abigail E. 10,000
4.00 9400 Hawkins, Jack 50,000

5. Compare your distribution list with the following results.

This is the completed Accounts Receivable Department distribution list:

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
Accounts Receivable Depart distribution list

I n
6. Click OK to return to Group Revisions.

c l e
7. On Group Revisions, click Find.

r a 8. The distribution list tree structure should display, showing all the members.

O Results
The is how the Accounts Receivable Department distribution list appears on Group

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 55

Setting Up Distribution Lists Lesson 13

Accounts Receivable Department distribution list tree structure

9. Click Close.

Adding the Distribution List to a Message Task

Important! Because only one person will be able to change the CREDLIMIT workflow
process and activate it, the instructor adds a distribution list to the APPROVE task. The
students watch as the instructor performs these steps.

In the CREDLIMIT workflow process, the instructor changes the Recipient and Structure
Type parameters to use one of the distribution lists and structure types that were created
in the steps above. The instructor performs the following steps:

1. In OMW, search for the CREDLIMIT workflow process and add it to the Credit
Limit Approval project. n l y
2. Verify that the CREDLIMIT workflow process is not active.
e O
creating a new version number).
U s
3. Copy the CREDLIMIT process to another version (leaving the name the same, but

4. Select the new version and then click Design.

5. On the Design Tools form, click Start Workflow Modeler.

l &
6. Right-click the APPROVE task and select Event Rules.

n a
7. Change the recipient from BF mnSendToAddress to 111<last two digits of your user
ID> by selecting Literal and then typing 111<last two digits of your user ID>.

I n
8. Change the structure type from <Single Recipient> to <Credit Limit <last two digits
of your user ID>>.

cl e
9. Click OK to return to the Workflow Modeler workspace.

O ra 10. Save and exit from Workflow Modeler.

11. On the Design Tools form, Click Validate Workflow.

The message “Workflow is VALID” appears.

12. Click Change Workflow Status to activate the process.

56 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 13 Setting Up Distribution Lists

13. Click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

14. After the CREDLIMIT workflow has been changed, validated, and activated, the
class can test the credit limit process with the new distribution list.

Note. As you are testing, you might discover that you need to make changes to the
process. After the process is active and has instances, you cannot make changes. You
have two options:

1. Use the Copy feature in OMW to create a new version of the workflow process.
Deactivate the first version. Then make changes to the new process, activate it, and
continue testing.

2. Purge the open instances of the process by using Purge Completed Tasks and
Purge Completed Processes on menu G02311. Use Purge Completed Tasks to select
by date the instances to purge. You can also access Purge Competed Processes in
OMW from the Workflow Operations tab in Workflow Design. After the purge is
complete, you can deactivate the process, make changes, and continue testing.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

n l y
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r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 57

Setting Up Distribution Lists Lesson 13











l y





l &

n a

cl e

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________

58 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 14

Designing Recipient Rules and


n l y
e O
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te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 59

Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions Lesson 14

Activity 12: Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Design a recipient condition.

• Design a recipient rule.

Slide 155 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
When approving credit limit changes, the accounting department has decided to route
requests according to the following set of rules:

• Rule 1: Requests to increase credit limits to 60,000 USD or higher should be sent
directly to Dominique Abbot, whose address book number is 6002.

• Rule 2: The Chief Financial Officer, Jeremy Beck, is the only person who needs to
approve credit limit changes for customer 3003, The Pacific Company. Jeremy
Beck’s address book number is 4803.

• Rule 3: All requests to change the credit limit of the International Supply Company,
address book number 4341, must be approved by the Engineering Department

l y
(address book number 7405). The Engineering Department is a distribution list that
uses group processing and has WFS as its structure type.
e O
Use your K5503<last two digits of your user ID> workflow process to create the
necessary recipient rules and conditions to route approval requests as described above.

U s
Although you will not be able to test the workflow process with the routing options, you

Designing Recipient Conditions A I

can check your recipient rules and conditions in the Results sections below.

l &
1. In Object Management Workbench, select your K5503<last two digits or your user
ID> workflow process and click Design.

n a
2. On the Design Tools form, click Workflow Modeler.

te r
Recipient Condition 1: Credit Limits of 50,000 and Higher

I n
1. Right-click the background of the Workflow Modeler diagram, select Recipient
Conditions, and then select Add.

cl e
2. For requests to increase credit limits to 50,000 or higher, enter the following

r a information:

O Field
Value or Status
K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1

60 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 14 Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions

Field Value or Status

Rule IFOVR50000
Description If Amount is Over 50000
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand
If BF mnNewCreditLimit Is greater than or equal to 50000

4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

Recipient Condition 2: Credit Limit Changes for Customer 3003,

1. Right-click the background of the Workflow Modeler diagram, select Recipient
Conditions, and then select Add.

2. For credit limit changes for customer 3003, enter the following information:

Results n l y
Field Value or Status
e O
Version 1
U s
K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

Category Code 1 O If Customer Number is 3003
Category Code 2
l & Blank
Category Code 3

n a Blank

te r
I n
3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

c l e

r a Operator
Left Operand
BF mnCustomerNumber
Is equal to
Right Operand

4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 61

Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions Lesson 14

Recipient Condition 3: Credit Limit Changes for Customer 4341

1. Right-click the background of the Workflow Modeler diagram, select Recipient
Conditions, and then select Add.

2. For credit limit changes for customer 4341, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status
Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Rule IFCUST4341
Description If Customer Number is 4341
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand
If BF mnCustomerNumber Is equal to 4341

n l y
e O
Designing Recipient Rules
4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

U s
Recipient Rule 1
Rule 1: requests to increase credit limits to 60,000 USD or higher should be sent directly

to Dominique Abbot, whose address book number is 6002.

n a
On Workflow Modeler, right-click the APPROVE task. On Workflow Recipient Rule
Revisions, enter the following information:

te r
e IFOVR50000In
Recipient Condition Address Book Number
Abbott, Dominique
Structure Type

c l
r a
O Recipient Rule 2
Rule 2: the Chief Financial Officer, Jeremy Beck, is the only person who needs to
approve credit limit changes for customer 3003, The Pacific Company. Jeremy Beck’s
address book number is 4803.

62 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 14 Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions

On Workflow Recipient Rule Revisions, enter the following information:

Recipient Condition Address Book Number Description Structure Type
IFCUST3003 4803 Beck, Jeremy

Recipient Rule 3
Rule 3: All requests to change the credit limit of the International Supply Company,
address number 4341, must be approved by the Engineering Department (address book
number 7405). The Engineering Department is a distribution list that uses group
processing and has WFS as its structure type.

1. On Workflow Recipient Rule Revisions, enter the following information:

Recipient Condition Address Book Number Description Structure Type
IFCUST4341 7405 Engineering WFS

2. Click OK to save all three recipient rules.

3. Save your changes and exit Workflow Modeler.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

n l y
e O
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c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 63

Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions Lesson 14











l y





l &


cl e______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________

64 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 15

Analyzing Workflow Processes

n l y
e O
U s
l &
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 65

Analyzing Workflow Processes Lesson 15

Activity 13: Using Process Task Monitor

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and use Process Task Monitor to
analyze a workflow process.

Slide 162 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
The TERMBEN01 workflow process terminates the benefits of employees who are
leaving the company. Using Process Task Monitor, display the TERMBEN01 process
and answer the following questions:

Question Answer
1. How many process instances are there for the
TERMBEN01 process?
2. What is the status of the process instances?
3. At which tasks was instance 6056 terminated, and
who is responsible for these tasks?
4. What is the name of the task that follows the
SENDBENROLL task and in which process instance
does it display?
5. How can you display only the process instances
that occurred prior to 2002?
n l y
6. Process instance 8011 is waiting for Rod McLind
to respond to the SENDBENROL and
e O
SENDBENROLL tasks. How could you suspend this
process instance if Rod is on vacation and you want

U s
him to complete the tasks when he returns?
7. On what date was process instance 6056
terminated? A I
8. How can you determine if any of the process O
instances have expired?

l &
for a process?
n a
9. Why is it helpful to know the start and end times

te r
. List the seven possible valid values for current
status of a workflow process instance.

I n
c l e
This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

r a

66 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 15 Analyzing Workflow Processes

Activity 14: Using the Advanced Analysis Application

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and use the Advanced Analysis
application to analyze a workflow process.

Slide 165 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Using the Advanced Analysis application, display the CREDLIMIT workflow process
and answer the following questions. If you need to select options to find an answer, list
the options that you selected:

Question Answer
1. What is the average duration for all instances of
the CREDLIMIT workflow process? Options selected:
2. How can you display the average duration for each
task across instances? Options selected:
3. Can you display the user who is responsible for
tasks in a workflow process? If so, how? Options selected:
4. When you select the Actuals, Process, and Tasks
options, what displays in the form?

n l y
This concludes the activity. Do not continue.
e O
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c l e
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 67

Analyzing Workflow Processes Lesson 15











l y





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O ______________________________________________________________________

68 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 16

Administering Workflow

n l y
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I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 69

Administering Workflow Processes Lesson 16

Activity 15: Changing Queue Security

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Change the queue security options for a user.

• Answer questions about queue security.

Slide 172 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
From the Workflow Management Setup menu (G0241), select Queue Security. Give
Annette Walters, address number 2006, authority to view queues 24 and 49 for the
Employee Termination group. In addition, answer the following questions about queue

Question Answer
1. How can you determine which distribution lists
have been set up in the EnterpriseOne system?
2. What are the descriptions or names of the two
queues to which you gave Annette Walters
3. What is the address book number for the
Employee Termination Approval group?
n l y
4. If you select the Public Security option and give
authority to the Collection Management queue,
e O
which users in the system can view the messages in
that queue?

U s
This concludes the activity. Do not continue.
l &
n a
te r
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c l e
r a

70 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17

Final Course Activity

n l y
e O
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 71

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Activity 16: Designing a Capital Projects Approval Workflow Process

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Complete a workflow diagram.

2. Create a project in Object Management Workbench (OMW).

3. Create message templates.

4. Create workflow data structures.

5. Create a workflow object in OMW.

6. Design a NER business function.

7. Design workflow tasks.

8. Design task transitions and conditions.

9. Attach the workflow process to an application.

10. Set up a distribution list.

11. Design recipient rules and conditions.

l y
Slide 181 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview

e O
You can use the work order system to:
U s
EnterpriseOne includes a work order system that you can use for a variety of purposes.

• Manage projects.

• Repair and maintain equipment.
• Manufacture items.

l &

Provide support services.

te r
Your company has decided to use the basic work order system to track capital projects.
Because the costs associated with capital projects can be very high, these projects must

I n
be approved before any work is started. In this activity, you will create a workflow
process to automate the approval process for this type of project.

Work orders consist of a work order header, which contains:

O ra •

The business unit to be charged.

The status of the work being done.

• Category codes to further classify the work order’s purpose.

• Additional information pertaining to the work order.

72 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

The information entered into the header depends on the type of project or the type of
work being performed. Each work order has a unique number for tracking and reporting

Note. Work order entry actually uses two applications: the Work With Work Orders
(P48201) application and one of three work order entry programs. P48201 uses a
processing option to determine which work order entry program to call. The work order
entry program that you will use in this activity is Project Task Details (P48014).

At your company, the approval process for capital projects begins when the project is
entered into the work order system. The work order contains basic information about the
work to be done. Obtaining the necessary approvals is managed through the workflow
process. The approval routing and status of the work order are determined by the
following factors:

• Capital work orders are type 3.

This category code is assigned when the work order is created. All type 3 work
orders must be approved.

• Type 3 work orders created for business units 1 or 9 must be approved by the
Accounting department.

• Michael Josephson approves the type 3 work orders for all other business units.

• For business units 1 or 9, the estimated dollar amount of the work order determines
which people on the distribution list need to approve it.

n l y
You will set up a distribution list specifying the people on the list and their threshold

e O

The originator must be notified when the project is accepted or rejected.


The status of the work order must be pending (E3) until it is accepted or rejected.

If rejected, the status must change to disapproved (D). If accepted, the status must

change to approved (E4). The table for work order information is the Work Order
Master table (F4801).

How the Workflow Works

l &
n a
1. The work order is entered.

te r
An order entry clerk enters a work order into P48014, Project Task Revisions.

I n• If the work order type is 3 (Capital Projects), the work order enters into

c l e •

The status of the work order is E3 (Pending).

r a 2. The workflow process begins.

O A message informs the clerk that the order has entered the work order workflow

3. Approvals are requested.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 73

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Approval is required for capital work orders. The approval form is sent either to a
distribution list or to Michael Josephson, depending on the business unit that was
entered on the work order.

• If the business unit entered on the work order is equal to 1 or 9, the approval
form is sent to the Accounting department distribution list (address book number
112<last two digits of your user ID>.

• If the business unit is not equal to 1 or 9, the approval form is sent to Michael

4. The work order is approved or rejected.

The Accounting department or Michael Josephson approves or rejects the work

order. The approval form has two radio buttons and a comment box. The radio button
for Approved returns an A, whereas the Rejected button returns an R.

5. The database is updated.

The database is updated by a business function. The business function takes the
values from the approval form and updates the database with an E4 (approved) or D

6. The order entry clerk, the originator of the work order, is sent a message that the
work order has either been approved or rejected.

7. The workflow process ends.

Completing the Workflow Diagram

Complete the following diagram to show the tasks in the Capital Projects Approval n l y
workflow process:

e O
Create Capital Projects
Work Order
U s Triggering Event


Enter Workflow


l &
n a
Approve Reject

te r
I n
c le
r a
O Exit Workflow Process

Diagram of the workflow process

74 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

Create a Project
Create a project for the new workflow object. The project should contain all the objects
that you create or modify for the Capital Projects Approval workflow.

• To create the project, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Project ID TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102
Description Capital Projects Approval
Status 11 (New Project Pending Review)
Type 02 (Enhancement)
Severity 03 (Not Critical/No Workaround)
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for Clients)
Release <current release>

• Enter appropriate information on the Dates and Attachments tabs.

• Add your user ID as a developer on the project.

• Advance the project to the programming status.

Create Message Templates

Create the required message templates for the Capital Projects Approval workflow
n l y
process according to the following diagram:

e O
Create Capital Projects
Triggering Event
Work Order

Enter Workflow
Send Message to Approver


l &
n a
Approve Reject

te r
Send Accepted Message to
Send Rejected Message to Originator

I n
c l e
r a Update Work Order
Status to E4 or D

O Exit Workflow Process

Diagram of the workflow process showing the workflow tasks

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 75

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Use variables in each message to provide specific data regarding each instance of the
process. Name each message template as follows:

1. Request for Approval.

You need a message to request approval from the recipient. Create LM561<last two
digits of your user ID>A as the message to the approver with text similar to the


WO Number: &1

Estimated Amount: &2

This capital project work order requires your approval.

2. Work Order Approved.

You need a message to notify the originator if the work order is approved, which
means that it is accepted. Create LM561<last two digits of your user ID>B for the
Accepted message, with text similar to the following:


The Capital Project work order &1 for the estimated amount of &2 has been

3. Work Order Rejected.

n l y
You need a message to notify the originator if the work order is rejected. Create

to the following:
e O
LM561<last two digits of your user ID>C for the rejected message, with text similar

U s
The Capital Project work order &1 for the estimated amount of &2 has been

Create Workflow Data Structures O

l &
Create key and additional data structures for the Capital Projects Approval workflow

n a

te r
Name the key data structure WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>A.

To create the key data structure, enter the following information:

I n
Data Dictionary Alias Structure Member Name Data Item

cle DOCO mnWorkOrderNumber DocumentOrderInvoiceE

r a
O • Name the additional data structure WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>B.

• To create the additional data structure, enter the following information:

76 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

Important! Be certain that you change the structure member names in each data
structure as shown below. Changing the structure member name will make the data item
more identifiable when you create workflow tasks.

Data Dictionary Alias Structure Member Name Data Item

TYPS cWorkOrderType TypeWO
MCU szChargetoBU CostCenter
AMTO mnEstimatedAmount AmountOriginalDollars
ANO mnOriginatorNumber AddNoOriginator
SRST szWorkOrderStatus StatusCodeWO
APPRACT cApprovalActionCode ApprovalActionCode

• Answer these questions about the data dictionary items in the Capital Projects
Approval workflow process:

1. Why is the WorkOrderNumber data item included

in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process?
2. Why is the Work Order Type data item included
in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process?
3. Why is the Charge to BU data item included in the
Capital Projects Approval workflow process?
4. Why is the Estimated Amount data item included
n l y
in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process?
5. Why is the Originator data item included in the
e O
Capital Projects Approval workflow process?
6. Why is the Work Order Status data item included
U s
in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process?
7. Why is the Approval Action Code data item
included in the Capital Projects Approval workflow

l &
n a
te r
Create a Workflow Object in OMW
Perform the following steps to create a workflow object:

I n
1. In the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102 project, create the Capital Projects

c l e Approval workflow process. Name it K5601<last two digits of your user ID> and
enter the following information:

r a Field Value or Status

O Process
K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
Description Capital Projects Approval <last two digits of your
user ID>

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 77

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Field Value or Status

Product Code 56
Key Data Structure WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>A
Additional Data Structure WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>B

2. Select the History Tracking option.

3. After creating the workflow object, on the Attachments tab enter information to
describe what the workflow process does.

Design a NER Business Function

For the Credit Limit Approval workflow, you were able to use an existing NER business
function to update the database. No suitable business function exists to perform the
database update in the Capital Projects Approval workflow. Therefore, you need to assign

A named event rule is needed to update the status code in the Work Order Master table
(F4801) when the work order has been approved or rejected. Create a data structure and
named event rule to update the status code in the Work Order Master table. The status
code will change to E4 (Approved) if the work order is approved, or D (Disapproved) if
the work order is rejected.

in the workflow process.

n l y
Note. You will use the NER business function that you create when you define the tasks

To create an NER business function:

e O
U s
1. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the project form, enter the following


A I Value or Status
Object Name
Description O D564801<last two digits of your user ID>
Work Order Approval Data Structure
Product Code
l& 56

Product Reporting Code 56
Object Use

t e r
Regular Data Structure

I n
c le
2. Include the following items in the data structure:

r a Data Dictionary Alias Structure Member Name Data Item

DOCO mnDocumentOrderInvoiceE DocumentOrderInvoiceE

78 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

3. Create named event rule N56480<last two digits of your user ID>to update the status
code to E4 if the work order is approved, or update the status code to D if the work
order is rejected.

Note. You need a business function to pass the values of the Approved and Rejected
options from the approval form to the status field in the table. As mentioned earlier,
the options on the form return a value of A for Approved and R for Rejected.
However, the Work Order Master table (F4801) table requires status codes of E4 for
Approved and D for Disapproved. You will use assignments to associate these values
before updating the table.

a. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the project form, enter the following

Field Value or Status

Object Name N56480<last two digits of your user ID>
Description Work Order Approval Named Event Rule
Product Code 56
Product System Code 56
Object Use
Source Language NER
Function Location Client/Server

n l y
e O
b. On Business Function Design, use STA1<last two digits of your user ID> as the
Parent DLL.

U s
Field A I
c. To define the business function, enter the following information in the grid:

Value or Status
Function Name O F4801UpdateWOStatusCode<last two digits of

l & your user ID>


n a F4801 Update WO Status Code <last two digits of

your user ID>
F3 Code

te r 3

I n
c l e d. Select Parameters from the Row menu and attach data structure D564801<last
two digits of your user ID>.

r a e. Select Edit from the Row menu and enter the following event rules:

O If BF cApprovalActionCode is equal to “A”

BF szStatusCodeWo = “E4”
If BF cApprovalAction Code is equal to “R”

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 79

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

BF szStatusCodeWo = “D”
End If
End If

Note. To create the F4801 Table I/O event rule, follow these steps:

1. Click the Update button.

2. Click Next.

3. For data source, on the Tables tab, find F4801.

4. Click Next.

5. On the Mapping window, map the following columns:

DocumentOrderInvoiceE = BF mnDocumentOrderInvoiceE

StatusCodeWO Å BF szStatusCodeWO

6. Click Finish.

4. When the business function is complete, build it by using the Build Business
Function option.

Design Workflow Tasks n l y

ID> workflow process.
e O
1. Using Workflow Modeler, add four tasks to the K5601<last two digits of your user

Name the tasks as shown in the table in step 3.

U s
2. Configure the tasks as appropriate for the task type.

Consider the following when you configure the tasks:

l &
What types of tasks do you need to create (message, business function, or batch

application, and so on)?


te r
Should the Generic Workflow Approval (P98805) form be attached to the task?

If the task is a message, who is the recipient?

I n
c e
Note. For the time being, use address book number 1001 for the recipient of the Askaprvl
task. After you complete the workflow process and test it, you will design a distribution
list and recipient conditions for the task to route messages correctly.

r a
O •

Should a message template be attached to the task?

If so, use the message templates that you created previously.

• In which employee task queue or mailbox should the message be placed?

80 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

• Attach N56480<last two digits of your user ID> to the update activity to update
the work order status to E4 or D.

3. Before creating the tasks in Workflow Modeler, enter the necessary information
about each task in the table below.

Name of Task Type Description Additional Information

ASKAPRVL Message Send message to 1001 to ask Use message template
approval for a work order LM561<last two digits of your
request. user ID>A.

Design Task Transitions and Conditions

• Create task transitions to connect the workflow tasks in the correct order.

Use the description and the diagram of the workflow process to determine the task

• Create the IFAPPROVED and IFREJECTED transition conditions as shown in the


Create Capital Projects Work Order

n l y
Work Order Entry
P48201 & P48014

e O
Triggering Event

Enter Workflow

U s

Send Message to Approver

If Approval Action
If Approval Action
Code is equal to R

l &
Send "Accepted" Message to Send "Rejected" Message to

te r

I n Update Work Order

c l e Status to E4 or D

r a Exit Workflow Process

O Workflow diagram with transition conditions

• After you have added the transitions and transition conditions, validate the workflow

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 81

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

If there are errors, correct them and rerun the validation until the message “Workflow
is Valid” appears.

Attach the Workflow Process to an Application

Unlike the P03013 Customer Master application, which starts its workflow process in a
master business function, the P48014 Work Order application starts its workflow process
in standard event rules. You will attach the K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
Capital Projects Approval workflow directly in the event rules of the application, not in a
master business function called by the application.

Attaching the process involves three steps:

1. Activating the process.

2. Adding a system function in an application’s event rules to call the workflow


3. Calling the Pending Review Notification form if you are using standard workflow
notification messages.

Attach the workflow process as follows:

Note. Work Order entry actually uses two applications: the P48201 Work With Work
Orders application and one of three work order entry programs. The P48201 uses a
processing option to determine which work order entry program to call. The work order
entry program that you will use in this activity is P48014 Project Task Details. To use the

l y
P48201 and the P48014 to enter work orders in the training environment, you must copy

both applications and then change some of the event rules, as described below.

e O
1. In Object Management Workbench, search for the Work With Work Orders (P48201)
application and then add it to the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102 Capital
Projects Approval project.

U s
2. Copy the application and its associated processing option template and name them
P56481<last two digits of your user ID> and T56481<last two digits of your user
ID> respectively.
3. Click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

4. Remove P48201 from your project.

te r
5. In OMW, search for the Project Task Details (P48014) application and then add it to
the TRN<last two digits of your user ID> 102 Capital Projects Approval project.

I n
6. Copy the application and its associated processing option template and name them
P56482<last two digits of your user ID> and T56482<last two digits of your user

c le ID> respectively.

r a 7. Click OK to return to OMW.

O 8. Remove Project Task Details (P48014) from your project.

9. Search for WOACTRULES, the workflow process used by Project Task Details
(P48014), and move it into the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102 Capital
Projects Approval project.

82 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

10. Deactivate WOACTRULES so that it does not interfere with your new process.

Note. In the client/server training environment, only one person will be able to
deactivate the process. Check the process to see if the status is active or inactive. If it
is active, deactivate it. If the status is already inactive, do not change it.

11. Verify the K5601<last two digits of your user ID> workflow process is active.

12. Click P56482<last two digits of your user ID> and enter the design mode to attach
the workflow process, using the following steps.

a. Add the event rules to the OK button, Post Button Clicked event.

b. Disable any event rules for the WOACTRULES workflow process.

c. Add event rules to start the workflow process only if the work order type is equal
to 3.

d. Add event rules to start the K5601<last two digits of your user ID> Capital
Projects Approval workflow process.

e. Create a form interconnect to the Workflow Pending Review Notification form

(P98805, form W98805B).

This form sends the originator the Pending message when the work order enters
the workflow process. No parameters are passed.

l y
Save your changes and exit P56482<last two digits of your user ID> to return to
click Design.
e O
13. Click P56481<last two digits of your user ID> Work With Work Orders and then

U s
14. Change the event rules to call the P56482<last two digits of your user ID> Project
Task Details form, using the following steps:

a. On the Dialog is Initialized form, add the following assignment at the beginning

of the event rules to set the processing option value to call the Project Task
Details form:

l &
PO Work Order Program = 2

n a
te r
b. On the Add button -- Button Clicked event, locate the Call Simple Work Order
Entry section. Disable the form interconnect to Project Task Details (P48014).

I nc. On the Add button -- Button Clicked event, create a form interconnect to

c l e P56482<last two digits of your user ID> Project Task Details in the Call Simple
Work Order Entry section.

r a d. Save your changes and exit Form Design Aid.

O 15. On the Design Tools tab, click Run the Application.

16. Test the workflow process as follows.

Create Work Order 1

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 83

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

a. On the Work With Work Orders form, click Add.

b. On the Enter Work Orders form, enter the following information:

Location on Form Field Value or Status

Header Order Number 112<last two digits of your user ID>
Description Repair Entry Door
General Tab W.O. Status E3
Type 3
Charge to BU 1
Ext. Amount 500
Dates/Assignments Tab Originator 2011<last two digits of your user ID>

c. Click OK.

d. You should receive a message that the order is pending approval.

Create Work Order 2

a. On the Enter Work Orders form, enter the following information:

Location on Form Field Value or Status

Header Order Number
l y
113<last two digits of your user ID>

Remodel Gym/Upgrade Equipment
General Tab W.O. Status E3

e O
Charge to BU
Dates/Assignments Tab
Ext. Amount
A I 50000
2011<last two digits of your user ID>

b. Click OK.
l &
n a
te r
c. You should receive a message indicating that the order is pending approval.

d. Click Cancel to return to the Work With Work Orders form.

I n
e. Click Close.

cle f. After you have entered both work orders and received the Pending Notification

r a form, go to menu G02 and select Workflow Advanced & Technical Operations.

g. Select Process Task Monitor and verify that the K5601<last two digits of your
O user ID> process has begun.

h. From the Employee Queue Manager on menu G02, find address book number
1001 and select View Mail from the Row menu.

84 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

i. On the Employee Queue Manager [Work Center] form, open the Work Order
Approval folder.

You can see two work order approval requests. Both should be the LM561<last
two digits of your user ID>A message that you created previously.

j. Click the first work order approval request and approve it.

k. Click the second work order approval request and reject it.

l. Exit from Employee Queue Manager.

m. On menu G02, select Employee Work Center.

n. Open the Electronic Workbench folder.

You should see two messages.

The first message should be the LM561<last two digits of your user ID>B
approved message that you created in a previous activity. The second message
should be the LM561<last two digits of your user ID>C rejected message, which
you created in the same activity.

o. In Universal Table Browser (UTB), find the Work Order Master table (F4801)
table and see if the status in the WASRST column for each work order has been
updated from E3 to either E4 or D.

If all the appropriate messages were sent and the database was updated with the correct
status codes, your work order process is successful.

Set Up a Distribution List n l y

The Accounting department has established the following criteria for approval of capital

U s
Accounting supervisors must approve all capital projects.

The Accounting Manager must approve all capital projects over 10,000.

The Controller must approve all capital projects over 100,000.

l &
The Chief Financial Officer must approve all capital projects over 500,000.

n a
The President must approve all capital projects over 1,000,000.

te r
Authorization is required for all capital projects.

I nOnly one approval is required at each level. However, a higher-level group can

c l e approve a capital project without prior approval from lower level groups.

The following personnel are in the Accounting department:

r a Name and Position Address Book Number

O Accounting Supervisors:
Josephine Breton 4801
Chester Ebby 5127

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 85

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Name and Position Address Book Number

Accounting Managers:
Carol Fraser 4802
Anthony Holiday 7701
Debbie Bellas 7703
Chief Financial Officer:
Jeremy Beck 4803
Dominique Abbott 6002

After the Capital Projects Approval process has been tested to verify that it works
correctly, create a distribution list for the Accounting department using the criteria
specified above. Follow these steps:

1. Create an address book record by entering the following information:

Field Value or Status

Address Number 112<last two digits of your user ID>
Alpha Name Accounting Department <last two digits of your user

Long Address Number


n l y
Tax ID
Search Type
e O
Business Unit 9

U s
2. Create a distribution list structure type by entering the following information:
l & Value or Status
W<last two digits of your user ID>
Description 1
n a Capital Projects <last two digits of your user ID>
Special Handling

te r
I n
Hard Coded N

c le
3. To create the distribution list, enter AMTO in the Associated Data Item field.

r a 4. Add the distribution list to the appropriate task in the K5601<last two digits of your
O user ID> workflow process.

5. Validate the process.

6. Activate the process.

86 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

7. Test the process with the new distribution list by selecting P56481<last two digits of
your user ID> and Run the Application on the Design Tools tab.

Create Work Order 1

a. On the Work With Work Orders form, click Add.

b. On the Enter Work Orders form, enter the following information:

Location on Form Field Value or Status

Header Order Number 114<last two digits of your user ID>
Description Repair Fence
General Tab W.O. Status E3
Type 3
Charge to BU 1
Est. Amount 1000
Dates/Assignments Tab Originator 2011<last two digits of your user ID>

c. Click OK.

You should receive a message that the order is pending approval.

Create Work Order 2

a. On the Enter Work Orders form, enter the following information:

n l y
Location on Form Field O
Value or Status

Header Order Number
U s
115<last two digits of your user ID>
Remodel Cafeteria
General Tab W.O. Status
Type A I E3
Charge to BU O 3

Ext. Amount 40000

Dates/Assignments Tab Originator 2011<last two digits of your user ID>

e r
I nt
b. Click OK.

c l e You should receive a message indicating that the order is pending approval.

r a c. Click Cancel to return to the Work With Work Orders form.

d. Click Close.
O e. After you have entered both work orders and received the Pending Notification
form, go to menu G02 and select Workflow Advanced & Technical Operations.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 87

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

f. Select Process Task Monitor and verify that the K5601<last two digits of your
user ID> process has begun.

g. From the Employee Queue Manager on menu G02, find address book number
4801 and select View Mail from the Row menu.

h. On the Employee Queue Manager [Work Center] form, open the Work Order
Approval folder.

You should see two work order approval requests. Both should be the
LM561<last two digits of your user ID> A message that you created previously.

i. Click the first work order approval request and approve it.

j. Click the second work order approval request and approve it.

k. Exit Employee Queue Manager.

l. Find address book number 4802 and select View Mail from the Row menu.

There should be one work order approval request in the amount of 40,000.

m. Click the work order approval request and reject it.

n. On menu G02, select Employee Work Center.

o. Open the Electronic Workbench folder.

You should see two messages.

n l y
One should be the LM561<last two digits of your user ID> C approved message

digits of your user ID> C rejected message.

e O
that you created previously. The other message should be the LM561<last two

p. Go to menu G02 and select Workflow Advanced & Technical Operations.
q. Select Process Task Monitor and verify that the K5601<last two digits of your
user ID> process instances are at a Completed status.

Note. As you are testing, you might discover that you need to make changes to the

have two options:

l &
process. After the process is active and has instances, you cannot make changes. You

n a
te r
Use the Copy feature in OMW to create a new version of the K5601<last two digits of
your user ID> process. Deactivate the first version. Then make changes to the new
process, activate it, and continue testing.

I n
c e
Purge the open instances of the K5601<last two digits of your user ID> process by using
Purge Completed Tasks and Purge Completed Processes on menu G02311. Use Purge
Completed Tasks to select by date the instances to purge. You can also access Purge

r a Completed Processes in OMW from the Workflow Operations tab in Workflow Design.

O When the purge is complete, you can deactivate the process, make changes, and continue

88 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

Create Recipient Rules and Conditions

In the Capital Projects Approval workflow, all capital projects charged to business units 1
or 9 are approved by the Accounting department. Michael Josephson approves capital
projects for all other business units. Because the approval message could go to different
address book numbers depending on the circumstances, you need to create recipient rules
to route the message appropriately.

1. Create the necessary recipient rules.

2. Validate the workflow process.

3. Activate the workflow process.

4. In OMW, click P56481<last two digits of your user ID> Work With Work Orders
and then click Design.

5. On the Design Tools tab, click Run the Application.

6. On the Work With Work Orders form, click Add.

7. Add the following work orders:

Create Work Order 1

a. On the Work With Work Orders form, click Add.

b. On the Enter Work Orders form, enter the following information:

Location on Form
Order Number
Value or Status

n l y
116<last two digits of your user ID>
Description O
Replace Window

General Tab W.O. Status
U s
Charge to BU
Ext. Amount A I 1
Dates/Assignments Tab Originator O 2011<last two digits of your user ID>

l &
n a
c. Click OK.

te r
You should receive a message that the order is pending approval.

I n Because the value of the work order is 700, only the people in Group 1 of the

c l e distribution list should receive the approval form.

Create Work Order 2

r a a. On the Enter Work Orders form, enter the following information:

O Location on Form Field Value or Status
Header Order Number 117<last two digits of your user ID>
Description Construct New Storage Facility

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 89

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Location on Form Field Value or Status

General Tab W.O. Status E3
Type 3
Charge to BU 3
Ext. Amount 30000
Dates/Assignments Tab Originator 2011<last two digits of your user ID>

b. Click OK

You should receive a message indicating that the order is pending approval.

Because the business unit is not 1 or 9, only Michael Josephson should get the
approval message.

c. Click Cancel to return to Work With Work Orders.

d. Click Close.

When the workflow process sends the correct messages and updates the Work Order
Master (F4801) table appropriately, you have successfully completed the Final Activity.

Completing a Workflow Diagram

The Capital Projects Approval workflow diagram should look similar to the following: n l y
Create Capital Projects
e O
Triggering Event
Work Order

U s
Enter Workflow
Send Message to Approver

Approve& Reject

n a
te r
Send Accepted Message to
Send Rejected Message to Originator

I n
c le Update Work Order

r a Status to E4 or D

O Exit Workflow Process

Capital Projects Approval workflow diagram showing the workflow tasks

90 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

Creating a Project in OMW

To create a project:

1. From Solution Explorer, select Object Management Workbench from the Tools

2. In Object Management Workbench, click Add.

3. Under the Object Management Workbench section of the Add EnterpriseOne Object
to the Project form, select the option OMW Project.

4. On the Project Revisions form, access the Summary tab.

5. Enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Project ID TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102
Description Capital Projects Approval
Status 11 (New Project Pending Review)
Type 02 (Enhancement)
Severity 03 (Not Critical/No Workaround)
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for Clients)
Release <current release>

n l y
6. Access the Dates tab.

e O
7. Enter the following information:

U s
Date Started
Value or Status
(Populated by the system)
Planned Completion Date
O <5 days past start date>
Date Entered
Completion Date
l & (Populated by the system)

n a
te r
8. Access the Attachments tab.

I n
9. Enter the following information: This project was created to add the Capital Projects

c l e Approval workflow process.

Adding an Owner to Your Project
O To add an owner to your project:

1. Expand your new project to reveal the Objects and Owners nodes.

2. Focus on the Owners node.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 91

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

3. Enter the following information on the Search tab:

Field Value or Status

Category Owners
Search Type User ID
Search STA1* (TCA1* for instructor)

4. Select your user ID.

5. Move your user ID into the project by clicking the Add Object or User to Project

6. On the Add User to Project form, use the visual assist to select the developer role

7. Expand the Owners node to verify the addition.

Advancing Your Project to the Programming Status

To advance the project to the programming status:

1. Select the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 project.

2. Click the Advance Project button in the center column.

n l y
3. On the Confirm Status Change form, use the visual assist on the blank field to select
the programming status: 21.

Creating Message Templates

e O
U s
1. In OMW, select the Objects node of the Capital Projects Approval project and click

2. On Add EnterpriseOne Object to the project, select Data Item and click OK.
3. Answer Yes to the Glossary Item message.

l &
4. On the Item Specifications tab, enter the following information:
t e rn Value or Status
LM561<last two digits of your user ID>A

I n
Glossary Group Y

c le
Product Code
Product Code Reporting

r a Description Work Order Approval Request <last two digits of

your user ID>

O Error Level 3

92 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

5. Complete the Glossary tab with the text-substituted message specified in the Activity

6. Click OK.

7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to create messages LM561<last two digits of your user
ID>B and LM561<last two digits of your user ID>C.

Creating Workflow Data Structures

Create the key and additional data structures for the K5601<last two digits of your user
ID> as described below.

Designing a Key Data Structure

1. Select the Objects node of the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102 Capital
Projects Approval project and click Add.

2. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Structure and click

3. On the Add Object form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Object Name WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>A
Description Capital Projects Key Data Structure
Product Code
Product Reporting Code
n l y
Object Use 360

e O
Regular Data Structure Selected

U s
4. Click OK.
5. On the Design Tools tab, click Data Structure Design.

l &
6. Define the data structure using data dictionary alias DOCO.

n a
7. Change the structure member name to mnWorkOrderNumber.

te r
8. Save the data structure and return to Object Management Workbench.

I n
9. The WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>A data structure should now be listed

c l e as an object under the Capital Projects Approval project.

Designing an Additional Data Structure

r a 1. Select the Objects node of the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102 Capital
O Projects Approval project and click Add.

2. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Structure and click

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 93

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

3. On the Add Object form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Object Name WF5601<last two digits or your user ID>B
Description Capital Projects Additional Data Structure
Product Code 56
Product Reporting Code 56
Object Use 360
Regular Data Structure Selected

4. Click OK.

5. On the Design Tools tab, click Data Structure Design.

6. to define the data structure, enter the following information:

Important! Be certain that you change the structure member names in each data
structure as shown below. Changing the structure member name will make the data item
more identifiable when you create workflow tasks.

Data Dictionary Alias Structure Member Name Data Item

n l y
e O
SRST szWorkOrderStatus

U s StatusCodeWOs
APPRACT cApprovalActionCode

A I ApprovalActionCode

7. Save the data structure and return to Object Management Workbench.

n a
8. The WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>B data structure should now be listed as
an object under the Capital Projects Approval project.

te r
9. The reasons for including the data items in the workflow process are as follows:

I n
1. Why is the WorkOrderNumber data item included The work order number is used to track each capital

in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process?
2. Why is the Work Order Type data item included
The only work orders being tracked are capital

r a in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process?

3. Why is the Charge to BU data item included in the
projects (type 3).
The Accounting department approves capital

O Capital Projects Approval workflow process? projects with business unit 1 or 9. Michael Josephson
approves all others.
4. Why is the Estimated Amount data item included The amount of the capital project determines who
in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process? needs to approve it.

94 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

5. Why is the Originator data item included in the A notice is sent to the originator indicating whether
Capital Projects Approval workflow process? the project was approved or rejected.
6. Why is the Work Order Status data item included The status code is necessary because it is updated
in the Capital Projects Approval workflow process? from “pending” (E3) to either “accepted” (E4) or
“rejected” (D).
7. Why is the Approval Action Code data item Approval Action Code is needed to indicate the
included in the Capital Projects Approval workflow action the approver takes (A = Accept, R = Reject).

Creating a Workflow Object in OMW

1. On Object Management Workbench, select the Capital Projects Approval project and
click Add.

2. On the Add Object to the Project form, click Workflow Process under the Workflow
heading and then click OK.

3. Add workflow process K5601<last two digits of your user ID>.

4. For the key data structure, enter WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>A.

5. For the additional data structure, enter WF5601<last two digits of your user ID>B.

6. Verify that the History Tracking option is selected.

7. Click OK to save the workflow process.

n l y
8. Add information to the Attachments tab to describe what the workflow process does.

9. The K5601<last two digits of your user ID> Capital Projects Approval workflow
process should display under the Capital Projects Approval project.
Designing a NER Business Function
Create the D564801<last two digits of your user ID>data structure for the business
function as described in the Activity Overview.

l &
Designing the Business Function

n a
te r
1. Create the named event rule N56480<last two digits of your user ID> object:

a. In OMW, focus on the Objects node of the Capital Projects Approval project and

I n click Add.

c l e b. Select Business Function and click OK.

r a c. On Add Object, complete the fields as described in the Activity Overview.

O d. Click OK.

2. To define the business function, select the Design Tools tab and click Start Business
Function Design Aid.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 95

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

a. On Business Function Design, use STA1<last two digits of your user ID> as the
Parent DLL.

b. On Business Function Design Aid, complete the fields in the grid as described in
the Activity Overview.

3. To attach the D564801<last two digits of your user ID> data structure to the business

a. Select the row with the N56480<last two digits of your user ID> business
function and select Parameters from the Row menu.

b. On the Select Business Function Parameters form, type D564801<last two digits
of your user ID> in the QBE column for the Template Name field, and click

c. After the D564801<last two digits of your user ID> data structure appears in the
grid, click Select.

d. On Business Function Design, verify that the F4801UpdateWOStatusCode entry

has the D564801<last two digits of your user ID> data structure listed in the
Template Name column and that the Event Specification Key column fills in

4. To add event rules to the business function:

a. Select the row with the N56480<last two digits of your user ID> business
function and select Edit from the Form menu.

b. On the Named Events Rule Design form, enter the event rules shown in the
n l y
Activity Overview.

c. Save and exit.

e O
5. To build the business function:
U s
a. On the Design Tools tab, select Build Business Function.

b. After the business function builds successfully, exit the Busbuild application.

l &
6. On the Business Function Design form, click OK to return to Object Management

n a
te r
7. N56480<last two digits of your user ID> should now appear as an object in the
Capital Projects Approval project.

Designing Workflow Tasks

I n
This table contains information about the workflow tasks:

O ra Name of Task
Send message to ask approval
for a work order request
Additional Information
Use message template
LM561<last two digits of your
user ID>A

96 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

Name of Task Type Description Additional Information

UPDATE Business Update work order status in the Use NER business function
Function Work Order Master table N56480<last two digits of
(F4801). your user ID>.
ACCEPTED Message Send message to originator that Use message template
work order request was LM561<last two digits of your
approved. user ID>B.
REJECTED Message Send message to originator that Use message template
work order request was LM561<last two digits of your
rejected.. user ID>C.

1. In Object Management Workbench, select the K5601<last two digits of your user
ID> Capital Projects Approval workflow process and click Design.

2. On the Workflow Design form, click the Design Tools tab, and then click Start
Workflow Modeler.

Creating the ASKAPRVL Task

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

3. On Workflow Task Revisions, enter the following information:

n l y
Field Value or Status

e O
Version 1
U s
K5601<last two digits of your user ID>

Work Order Approval Request
Category Code 1
O Blank
Category Code 2

l& Blank

Category Code 3 Blank
And Join (Y/N)

e r Blank

4. Click OK.
c l e The Askaprvl task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

r a
Creating the UPDATE Task
O 1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 97

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description Update Work Order Status
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank
And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK.

The Update task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

Creating the ACCEPTED Task

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.
n l y
The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

e O
3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

U s
Value or Status
Version A I
K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
l& Send WO Accepted Message

Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2

e r Blank

Category Code 3 Blank

e I
And Join (Y/N) Blank

c l
r a 4. Click OK.

Creating the REJECTED Task
The Accepted task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

98 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description Send WO Rejected Message
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank
And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK.

The Rejected task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

Configuring the ASKAPRVL Task

l y
To configure the Askaprvl message task, you must define the contents and the recipient
of the message.
diagram, and then select Event Rules.
e O
1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Askaprvl message task that you added to the

2. Enter the following information:

U s
Field Value
A I Additional Information
Recipient 1001
Structure Type
l & <Single Recipient>
<Work Order Approval>
n a <Blank>

te r <Blank>

I n
Active <Define Active Message> Find and select application
P98805, Form W98805A.

cl e Pass the following value:

BF cApprovalActionCode Æ

r a cCommentRequired

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 99

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Field Value Additional Information

Message <Define Message> Type LM561<last two digits of
your user ID>A for the
Dictionary Item, and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
Assign the following values:
&1: BF mnWorkOrderNumber
&2: BF mnEstimatedAmount
Message Key <None>

3. Click OK.

Configuring the UPDATE Task

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Update business function task that you added to
the diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. On the Business Function Search form, find source module N564801<last two digits
of your user ID> and then click Select.

Value Dir Data Item

n l y
3. On Business Functions, map the parameters by entering the following information:

BF cApprovalActionCode Æ

BF szWorkOrderStatus
BF mnWorkOrderNumber
U s

4. Click OK.
Configuring the ACCEPTED Task
l &
n a
1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Accepted message task that you added to the

diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

BF mnOriginatorNumber
Additional Information

O ra Structure Type
<Single Recipient>
<Electronic Workbench>
Text <Blank>
Active <None>

100 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

Field Value Additional Information

Message <Define Message> Type LM561<last two digits of
your user ID>B for the
Dictionary Item, and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
Assign the following values:
&1: BF mnWorkOrderNumber
&2: BF mnEstimatedAmount
Message Key <None>

3. Click OK.

Configuring the REJECTED Task

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Rejected message task that you added to the
diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Value Additional Information

Structure Type
BF mnOriginatorNumber
<Single Recipient>
n l y
Mailbox <Electronic Workbench>

e O
U s

<Define Message>
I Type LM561<last two digits of

O your user ID>C for the

l & Dictionary Item, and then click

Find. The Description, Glossary

na and Parameters boxes should

display information for this

te r message.
Assign the following values:

&1: BF mnWorkOrderNumber
&2: BF mnEstimatedAmount

c l e Message Key <None>

r a
O 3. Save your changes and exit Workflow Modeler.

4. On Workflow Design, click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 101

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

The following illustration shows the completed tasks for the Capital Projects Approval

Create Capital Projects Work Order

Work Order Entry Triggering Event
P48201 & P48014


Type = Message
Mailbox = Work Order Approval
Send Message to Approver
Call Application P99805,
Task: ASKAPRVL Form W98805A
DD Message LM561xxA
Type = Message
Mailbox = Electronic Type = Message
Workbench Approve Reject Mailbox = Electronic Workbench
DD Message = LM561xxB DD Message = LM561xxC

Send "Accepted" Message to Send "Rejected" Message to

Originator Originator

Type = Business Function

Update Work Order Business Function
Status to E4 or D N56480xx

Exit Workflow Process

Capital Projects Approval workflow process with task detail

n l y
Designing Task Transitions and Conditions
e O
U s
1. In Object Management Workbench, select the K5601<last two digits of your user
ID> Capital Projects Approval workflow process and click Design Tools.

2. On the Workflow Design form, click the Design Tools tab, and then click Start
Workflow Modeler.
l &
3. On Workflow Modeler, move each task to a location in the workspace that
corresponds with the workflow diagram.

n a
You might find it easier to create the diagram horizontally rather than vertically in
the workspace.

4. Connect the tasks by clicking the Transition icon on the toolbar.
c le Click and drag the mouse from the task at which you want the transition to originate
to the next task in the process.

r a
Adding and Attaching Transition Conditions

O Create and attach the two transition conditions to the workflow diagram as follows:

To create and attach the IFAPPROVED condition:

102 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

1. Right-click the transition between the Askaprvl task and the Accepted task, and then
select Add and Attach.

This Transition Condition evaluates the approval action code. If a value of A is

returned, the database is updated with the new credit limit and the Accepted message
is sent to the originator.

2. To complete the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description If Work Order is Approved
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand

If BF cApprovalActionCode Is equal to A

n l y
4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.
e O
U s
To create and attach the IFREJECTED transition condition:

1. Right-click the transition between the Askaprvl task and the Reject task, and then
select Add and Attach.
l &
This Transition Condition evaluates the approval action code. If a value of R is

returned, the Rejected message is sent to the originator.

te r
2. To complete the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

Value or Status

I n
Process K5601<last two digits of your user ID>

c l e
Version 1

r a Rule
If Credit Limit Change is Rejected

O Category Code 1
Category Code 2
Category Code 3 Blank

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 103

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand

If BF cApprovalActionCode Is equal to R

4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

After adding the IFAPPROVED and IFREJECTED transition conditions, the Capital
Project Approval workflow diagram should appear similar to the following illustration:

Workflow process with tasks, transitions, and transition conditions

n l y
Validating the Workflow Process

1. On the Design Tools tab, click Validate Workflow.

e O

U s
If the version contains no errors, the message “Workflow is Valid” appears. This

• A I
message means that you can now attach the workflow process to an application.

If the version contains errors, a dialog box appears with a list of errors. Click
Start Workflow Modeler to open the version in Workflow Modeler and correct
the errors.

l &
n a
2. On the Workflow Design form, click OK to return to Object Management

te r
Attach the Workflow Process to an Application

I n
1. In Object Management Workbench, search for the Work With Work Orders (P48201)

c le application and then add it to the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102 Capital
Projects Approval project.

r a 2. Copy the application and its associated processing option template.

O Name the copies P56481<last two digits of your user ID> and T56481<last two
digits of your user ID> respectively.

3. Click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

104 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

4. Remove Work With Work Orders (P48201) from your project.

5. In Object Management Workbench, search for the Project Task Details (P48014)
application and then add it to the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>102 Capital
Projects Approval project.

6. Copy the application and its associated processing option template.

Name the copies P56482<last two digits of your user ID> and T56482<last two
digits of your user ID> respectively.

7. Click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

8. Remove Project Task Details (P48014) from your project.

9. Verify that your K5601<last two digits of your user ID>workflow process is active.

Adding Event Rules

Click P56482<last two digits of your user ID> and enter the design mode to attach the
K5601<last two digits of your user ID>workflow process.

To add the event rules:

1. Add the event rules to the OK button, Post Button Clicked event.

2. Disable the event rules for the WOACTRULES workflow process.

l y
3. Create an event rule to start the workflow process only if the work order type is equal
to 3.

e O
The bolded lines show the event rules to disable the WOACTRULES workflow
process and to start the workflow process only if the work order type is equal to 3.




l &
Post Button Clicked

n a
Show Control (FC Pre Order Number)

te r
If SV Form_Mode is not equal to CO ADD_MODE And VA
frm_cX4801ErrorCode_ERRC is not equal to “1,2”

I nEnd If
Press Button(HC &Cancel)

c l e //
// Call Workflow

r a //

If SV Form_Mode is equal to CO ADD_MODE Or SV Form_Mode is equal to CO
If FC Type is equal to “3”
! Start Process(WOACTRULES, <Mapped, <Mapped>)
End If

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 105

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

End If
If SV Form_Mode is equal to CO UPDATE_MODE
If FC Type is equal to “3”
! Start Process(WOACTRULES, <Mapped, <Mapped>)
End If

4. Enter the event rules to start the K5601<last two digits of your user ID> Capital
Projects Approval workflow process as follows.

a. Select the System Function icon.

b. Click the Workflow icon.

c. Double-click Start Process.

d. Double-click <Choose Process>

e. Enter K5601<last two digits of your user ID> in the QBE column.

f. Click Find.

g. Double-click to select the K5601<last two digits of your user ID> process.

h. Click OK.

i. For Key Data Structure, double-click <Define Mapping>.

j. On Data Structure Mapping, enter the following information:

n l y
FC Order Number
Data Item

e O

U s
k. For Additional Data Structure, double-click <Define Mapping>.

On Data Structure Mapping, enter the following information:


l& Dir Data Item

FC Type Æ WorkOrderType (cTypeWO)
FC Business Unit

e r Æ ChargetoBU (szCostCenter)

FC Est. Amount Æ EstimatedAmount (mnAmountOriginalDollars)

e I
FC Originator
FC Status
OriginatorNumber (mnAddNoOriginator)
WorkOrderStatus (szStatusCodeWO)

c l
<NOT Assigned> 0 ApprovalActionCode (cApprovalActionCode)

r a

106 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

m. The business function should look like the following table:

Data Item Value

Process Name K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
Key Data Structure <Mapped>
Additional Data Structure <Mapped>

n. Click OK.

The bolded line shows the event rules to start the K5601<last two digits of your
user ID> workflow process.
EVENT: Post Button Clicked
Show Control (FC Pre Order Number)
If SV Form_Mode is not equal to CO ADD_MODE And VA
frm_cX4801ErrorCode_ERRC is not equal to “1,2”
Press Button(HC &Cancel)
End If
n l y
// Call Workflow

e O

U s
If SV Form_Mode is equal to CO ADD_MODE Or SV Form_Mode is equal to


If FC Type is equal to “3”
Start Process(K5601xx, <Mapped>, <Mapped>)
Start Process(WOACTRULES, <Mapped, <Mapped>)
End If
End If
l &
If SV Form_Mode is equal to CO UPDATE_MODE

te r
If VA frm_mnOriginalAmount_AMTO is not equal to BC Amount –
Estimated(F4801) Or VA frm_szOriginalStatus_SRST is not equal to

e In Status Code W.O.(F4801)

If FC Type is equal to “3”

c l Start Process(K5601xx, <Mapped>, <Mapped>)

r a ! Start Process(WOACTRULES, <Mapped, <Mapped>)

End If

O End If
End If

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 107

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

5. Create a form interconnect to the Workflow Pending Review Notification form

(P98805, Form W98805B).

This form sends the originator the Pending message when the work order enters the
workflow process. No values are passed.

a. Click Form Interconnect.

b. Type P98805 in the Object Name field and press Enter.

c. Click Select.

d. Double-click W98805B – Workflow Pending Approval Notification (no values

are passed).

e. Click OK.

The bolded lines show the event rule to create a form interconnect to the
Workflow Pending Review Notification form (P98805, Form W98805B).
EVENT: Post Button Clicked
Show Control (FC Pre Order Number)
If SV Form_Mode is not equal to CO ADD_MODE And VA
n l y
frm_cX4801ErrorCode_ERRC is not equal to “1,2”
Press Button(HC &Cancel)
e O
End If
U s
// Call Workflow
If SV Form_Mode is equal to CO ADD_MODE Or SV Form_Mode is equal to

If FC Type is equal to “3”

Start Process(K5601xx, <Mapped>, <Mapped>)

r n
Call(App:P98805, Form W98805B)
Start Process(WOACTRULES, <Mapped, <Mapped>)

I n te
End If
End If
If SV Form_Mode is equal to CO UPDATE_MODE

c le If VA frm_mnOriginalAmount_AMTO is not equal to BC Amount –

Estimated(F4801) Or VA frm_szOriginalStatus_SRST is not equal to

r a BC
Status Code W.O.(F4801)

O If FC Type is equal to “3”

Start Process(K5601xx, <Mapped>, <Mapped>)
Call(App:P98805, Form W98805B)
! Start Process(WOACTRULES, <Mapped, <Mapped>)

108 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

End If
End If
End If

f. Save your changes and exit P56482<last two digits of your user ID> to return to
Object Management Workbench.

6. Click P56481<last two digits of your user ID> Work With Work Orders and then
click Design.

7. Change the event rules to call the P56482<last two digits of your user ID> Project
Task Details form. Use the following steps:

a. On Dialog is Initialized, add the following assignment at the beginning of the

event rules to set the processing option value to call the Project Task Details
form: PO Work Order Program = 2.

The bolded line shows the event rule that assigns the processing option to call the
Project Task Details form.
EVENT: Dialog is Initialized

n y
// Revisions Log

e O

// SAR 6402060 End

U s
PO Work Order Program = “2”
// Default Category Codes from Processing Options

l &
If PO CategoriesWorkOrder001 is not equal to <Blank> And PO

CategoriesWorkOrder001 is not equal to <Null>

te r
b. On the Add button -- Button Clicked event, locate the Call Simple Work Order

I n Entry section.

c l e c. Disable the form interconnect to P48014.

r a d. On the Add button -- Button Clicked event, create a Form Interconnect to

P56482<last two digits of your user ID> Project Task Details in the Call Simple

O Work Order Entry section.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 109

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

The bolded lines show the event rules to disable the form interconnect to P48014
and add a form interconnect to P56482<last two digits of your user ID> Project
Task Details.
EVENT: Button Clicked
// Call Work Order Entry
// Call Simple Work Order Entry
If PO Work Order Program is equal to “2”
Check Object Version
If VA frm_cVersionExists_EV01 is not equal to “1”
Set Control Error(HC &Add, “016F”)
Stop Processing
End If

n l y
! Call(App:P48014, Form:W48014A)
Call(App:P55482xx, Form:W55482xxA)
End If
s e
e. Save your changes and then exit Form Design Aid.

Setting Up a Distribution List

To set up a distribution list:

l &
n a
1. To create an address book record for the Accounting department, select Address
Book Revisions on menu G01:

te r
a. On menu G01, select Address Book Revisions.

I n
b. On the Work With Addresses form, click Add.

cle c. Create an address book record using the values shown in the Activity Overview.

O ra d. Click OK.

Note. Ignore the warning message for the Payables field on the Additional tab.

e. Click OK again.

110 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

f. On the Work With Addresses form, click Close.

2. Create a distribution list structure type as follows:

a. Use Fast Path UDC or menu GH9011 to access User Defined Codes and to add a
new structure type to UDC 01/TS.

b. Use Fast Path UDC or menu GH9011 to access Work With User Defined Codes.

c. Type 01 for Product Code and TS for User Defined Codes and then click Find.

d. Click Add.

e. On the User Defined Codes form, complete the last row in the detail area as
specified in the Activity Overview.

f. Click OK.

g. On the Work With User Defined Codes form, click Close.

3. Create the distribution list as follows:

a. In Group Revisions, create a distribution list with the Accounting department as

the parent.

b. In Group Revisions on menu G0241, enter the information specified in the

Activity Overview and then click Add.

c. On Address Parent/Child Revisions, enter the following information in the

header area of the form:
n l y
Parent Number
Value or Status

e O
112<last two digits of your user ID>

Structure Type
U s
W<last two digits of your user ID>

Associated Data Item


First Response
O Selected

Higher Level Override Selected

Authorization Required Selected

e r
I nt
d. Enter the members of the distribution list and their threshold values, and then

c l e
assign them to the appropriate groups.

r a This is the completed Accounting Department distribution list:

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 111

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Accounting Department distribution list

e. Click OK to return to Group Revisions.

f. On the Group Revisions form, click Find.

g. The distribution list tree structure should display, showing all the members.

h. On the Group Revisions form, click Close.

4. Add the distribution list to the ASKAPRVL task as follows:

n l y
a. In OMW, select the K5601<last two digits of your user ID> workflow process in
the Capital Projects Approval project.

b. Click Design.
e O
c. On the Design Tools form, click Workflow Modeler. s
d. Right-click the ASKAPRVL task and select Event Rules.
e. To change the recipient from 1001 to 112<last two digits of your user ID>, select
Literal and enter 112<last two digits of your user ID>.

l &
Change the structure type from <Single Recipient> to <Capital Projects <last
two digits of your user ID>>.
te r
g. Click OK to return to the Workflow Modeler workspace.

I n
h. Save and exit from Workflow Modeler.

c le
5. On the Design Tools form, click Validate Workflow.

You should receive the “Workflow is VALID” message.

r a 6. Click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

Designing Recipient Rules and Conditions
You need to create two recipient rules: one for if the business unit is 1 or 9 and another if
it is not 1 or 9.

112 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 17 Final Course Activity

Creating Recipient Condition BU1OR9

To create recipient condition BU1OR9:

1. In OMW, select the K5601<last two digits of your user ID> workflow process in the
Capital Projects Approval project.

2. Click Design.

3. On the Design Tools form, click Workflow Modeler.

4. Right-click the background of the Workflow Modeler diagram, select Recipient

Conditions, and then select Add.

5. On the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5601<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Rule BU1OR9
Description If Business Unit is 1 or 9
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

n l y
6. Click OK.

e O
Operator Left Operand Comparison
7. On the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

U Right Operand
If BF szChargetoBU
Is equal to “ 1, 9”

l &
8. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

Creating Recipient Condition BUNOT1OR9

n a
te r
To create recipient condition BUNOT1OR9:

I n
1. Right-click the background of the Workflow Modeler diagram, select Recipient

c l e Conditions, and then select Add.

2. On the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

r a Field Value or Status

O Process
K5601<last two digits of your user ID>

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 113

Final Course Activity Lesson 17

Field Value or Status

Description If Business Unit is Not 1 or 9
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

3. Click OK.

4. On the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand

If BF szChargetoBU is not equal to “1”
And BF szChargetoBU is not equal to “9”

5. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

Creating Recipient Rules

To create recipient rules:

1. On Workflow Modeler, right-click the ASKAPRVL task.

2. On the Workflow Recipient Rule Revisions form, enter the following information: n l y
Recipient Condition Address Book Number Description
e O Structure Type
BU1OR9 112<last two digits of your
user ID>
U s
Accounting Department
<last two digits of your
W<last two digits
of your user ID>

BUNOT1OR9 4800
A I user ID>
Josephson, Michael

3. Click OK.
l &
n a
This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

I n
c le
r a

114 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 18

Course Review
This lesson has no activities.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 115

Course Review Lesson 18











l y





l &

n a

I n

cle ______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________

116 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

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