Absolute erythrocytosis - there is a true increase in the DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR SEVERE APLASTIC
Relative erythrocytosis - there is decrease in the Bone marrow cellularity = < 25% of normal or <50% of
plasma volume, the RCM is normal (e.g. Dehydration) normal cellularity with <30% hematopoietic cells
- Anisocytosis and poikilocytosis are seen - Diagnosed during infancy or early childhood
- Marked increase in hgb f, with resultant decrease in
Hgb A Etiology: unknown
- Osmotic fragility and esr are increased
- Pallor may be evident at birth and is almost always
Bone marrow- hypoplastic which eventually evident by 1 year of age
becomes aplastic
- Retarded growth, bone age retardation and failure of
TREATMENT: androgens to stimulate erythropoiesis and secondary sexual maturation, some have
corticosteroids : bone marrow transplantation osteoporosis