A Clinical Review of Diabetic Foot
A Clinical Review of Diabetic Foot
A Clinical Review of Diabetic Foot
Foot Infections
a a,b a,b
Cody A. Chastain, MD , Nathan Klopfenstein, BSc , Carlos H. Serezani, PhD ,
David M. Aronoff, MD *
Diabetic foot infection Diabetic foot ulcer Diagnosis Assessment Treatment
Diabetic foot infections are common and are usually a consequence of neuropathic
Osteomyelitis is a complication of diabetic foot infections, particularly those associated
with longstanding and large foot ulcers.
Clinical assessment of diabetic foot infections should include the wound, the foot, and the
patient as a whole.
Antimicrobial therapy for diabetic foot infections should be tailored to disease severity, mi-
crobial pathogen, and host factors.
Foot infections in persons with diabetes are an important threat to life and limb. This
threat is growing, as the number of persons with diabetes has nearly quadrupled in
the past 4 decades.1 It is estimated that diabetic foot infections (DFIs) increase the
risk of hospitalization more than 50 times compared with persons without diabetes.2
DFIs are among the most common diabetes-related cause of hospitalization in the
United States, accounting for perhaps 1 in 5 of such hospital admissions.3 Further-
more, DFIs dramatically increase the likelihood of amputation, to nearly 155 times
higher than that for patients without diabetes.2 Patient anxiety about amputation is
extremely high. A recent study found that persons with diabetes and foot disease
feared amputation more than death, when compared with persons with diabetes but
without foot disease.4
The risk of death is significant once infection sets in.5 Depending on the type of
pedal infection, it is estimated that between 1 in 4 to 1 in 8 hospitalized patients will
be dead at 1 year.5 The estimated 5-year mortality of patients with diabetic foot dis-
ease (such as ulcers and infections) approaches 50%, a mortality rate that is higher
than that for prostate cancer, breast cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma.6,7
Compounding the problem of the rising incidence of DFIs is the increase in antimi-
crobial resistance (AMR) among common bacterial pathogens found in infected feet.8
New molecular techniques for the identification of uncultivatable microbes are also
broadening our understanding of DFI,9 while challenging clinicians to think anew about
which microbes need to be targeted and which can be ignored.
The purpose of this review was to provide a fresh introduction to the epidemiology
of DFIs, summarize key points in their pathogenesis, describe challenges with antimi-
crobial resistance, review common practices for the diagnosis and management of
DFIs (including involvement of bone) and identify important complications of therapy
relevant to clinicians.
Nearly 435 million people are living with diabetes worldwide,10 and it is estimated that
as many as 148 million of those people will a develop foot ulcer (DFU) in their life-
time.11,12 Because more than 50% of DFUs become infected,11,13 this translates
into nearly 75 million people currently living with diabetes who are likely to develop
a foot infection in their lifetime. Broadly defined, DFIs are “any infra-malleolar infection
in a person with diabetes mellitus.”14 Common types of DFI are listed in Table 1.
There are a number of well-characterized risk factors for foot infection in persons
living with diabetes. The primary risk factor for pedal infection in people living with dia-
betes is an open wound,2 which is generally a neuropathic DFU.15,16 Ulcerations pre-
cede most foot infections in persons with diabetes2 and significantly increase the risk
of death in this population.17 In fact, it has been estimated by a prospective study that
the risk of developing an infection is >2000 times greater in persons with a foot wound
compared with those with intact skin.2 Apart from a wound itself, other significant risk
factors for infection include chronic ulceration (duration more than 30 days), prior
lower extremity amputation, the presence of peripheral arterial disease, peripheral
neuropathy (described later in this article), renal impairment or transplantation, and
walking barefoot.2,18
Table 1
Types of diabetic foot infections
The pathogenesis of DFIs is complex and multifactorial. The major processes at play
that can result in a DFI are summarized in Fig. 1.14,19 Most DFIs develop because of
contiguous spread of bacteria (or, less commonly, fungi) breaching normal skin bar-
riers to establish infection. Less commonly, the soft tissues of the lower extremity
can be seeded hematogenously. Contrary to popular belief, most DFIs do not begin
as a result of a sudden traumatic event, such as cutting one’s foot on a sharp object
or stubbing a toe on a foreign object, though such events do occur.
Neuropathic DFUs are the root cause of most DFIs. Thus, the earliest steps in the
pathogenesis of DFI is commonly the establishment of a DFU. Neuropathy (auto-
nomic, sensory, and/or motor) is the most critical risk factor driving DFU formation,
and this results from chronic, poorly controlled hyperglycemia.20 Diabetic peripheral
neuropathy initially presents as a loss of protective sensation (commonly abbreviated
as LOPS), which may not be consciously recognized by the patient. Sensory neurop-
athy and LOPS allows for improper biomechanics of ambulation (and abnormal load-
bearing),21 which begets osteoarticular damage and deformity (osteoarthropathy), the
establishment of callous, and soft tissue necrosis and ulceration.14,21 Autonomic dia-
betic neuropathy contributes to skin dryness, increasing the risk for a small crack or
wound to occur.14,21 Peripheral edema of any cause and tinea pedis can also exacer-
bate skin breakdown and foster cellulitis.
Peripheral vascular disease is a compounding problem in disease pathogenesis.
Arterial vascular occlusive disease deprives tissue of needed oxygen, rendering it
vulnerable to injury and less capable of healing wounds. It also restricts the arrival
of circulating leukocytes to the site of infection.11 As discussed later in this article,
assessing vascular flow, and correcting deficient flow when possible, are important
aspects of DFI management and prevention.
Once a wound occurs in a patient with neuropathy, it can become contaminated
and colonized with microbes, setting the stage for infection. The risk of skin infection
is heightened in persons with diabetes.22 Although well documented, the cause of this
increased susceptibility to infection in the setting of diabetes is not fully understood.
Diabetes has been associated with multiple defects in immune defenses.23
Fig. 1. The pathogenesis of diabetic foot infection (DFI). In this model, DFIs are the result of
complex interactions among many preventable factors, including neuropathy, osteoarthro-
pathic bone changes, arterial disease, dysglycemia, maladaptive behaviors, and health care
system deficiencies. The primary drivers are noted within the pyramid, whereas pathoge-
netic features associated with each driver are listed to the side. (Data from Lipsky BA, Be-
rendt AR, Deery HG, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot infections. Clin Infect
Dis 2004;39(7):885–910; and Lipsky BA, Berendt AR, Deery HG, et al. Diagnosis and treatment
of diabetic foot infections. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;117(7 Suppl):212S–38S.)
4 Chastain et al
Hyperglycemia per se has been suggested as a main culprit of this impaired host de-
fense.24 Certainly, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) from patients with dia-
betes have been found to exhibit multiple defects,25 including impaired chemotactic,
phagocytic, and microbicidal activities.26 Monocytes and macrophages isolated from
patients with diabetes have also revealed impaired phagocytic capacity and dimin-
ished reactive oxygen species release compared with those from control patients in
response to bacterial challenge, resulting in decreased microbial killing.27 In addition,
dendritic cells from persons with diabetes exhibited a diminished ability to migrate to
regional lymph nodes, demonstrating impairments in host defense in diabetic patients
extend to both innate and adaptive immune responses.28 Although it is known that hy-
perglycemia as a result of diabetes is strongly correlated with these impaired immune
cell phenotypes, the exact mechanisms by which this occurs remain elusive and are
an active area of study.29,30
It has now become apparent that all antibiotics are destined to become ineffective
over time.
—Benjamin Lipsky.31
Patients with diabetes and foot wounds frequently are treated with antimicrobials,
fostering the development of AMR. Globally, AMR is a crisis. It is estimated that by
2050 (unless current trends are reversed), infections due to antibiotic-resistant
pathogens will kill more than 10 million people per year worldwide, equating to 1
person dying every 3 seconds.32,33 Recent studies document the rise in
multidrug-resistant pathogens associated with DFIs and their potentially dreadful
effects on outcome.8
The gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is a major (if not the major)
causative agent in nearly all clinical phenotypes of DFI, ranging from mild paronychia
to chronic bone infection to life-threatening necrotizing soft tissue infection.8,34
Methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) is now a mainstay of skin and soft tissue infec-
tions, particularly those in the feet of persons with diabetes. Compared with hospital-
ized patients without diabetes, MRSA skin and soft tissue infections in patients with
diabetes do not appear to respond as well to antibiotic therapy.35 There is debate
regarding consequences that MRSA infection has on other clinical outcomes in DFI.
For example, studies conflict on whether MRSA increases predicted mortality, length
of hospital stay, duration of antibiotic therapy, risk for recurrence, or clinical resolution
of infection.36
The growing threat of AMR in gram-negative bacteria now involves nearly all classes
of available agents. Resistance to advanced-generation cephalosporins has emerged
in the shape of extended-spectrum beta lactamases and AmpC beta lactamases.37,38
In addition, a loss of susceptibility to carbapenems has been rapid of late, which oc-
curs as a result of many different mechanisms, including carbapenemase expression.
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae are a leading threat to human health.
“Pan-resistant” gram-negative bacteria, such as particular isolates of Pseudomonas
and Acinetobacter, are particularly troubling and are being reported in DFIs.39 There
are several risk factors that have been identified predicting the presence of
antibiotic-resistant microbes in DFIs and are listed in Box 1.
An important driver of AMR in the setting of diabetic foot wounds is biofilm forma-
tion, which can provide shielding for microbes against antibiotics, contributing greatly
to treatment resistance and persistence.40,41 Surgical debridement of wounds can be
an important traditional therapy for removing or disrupting biofilms. Novel approaches
A Clinical Review of Diabetic Foot Infections 5
Box 1
Common and important risk factors for antimicrobial-resistant pathogens
Risk factor
Previous use of antibiotics in the past 6 months (especially for the same infection/wound)
Frequent contact with the health care system, including hospitalizations and long-term care
Presence of multiple comorbidities
Prolonged foot wound duration (>30 days)
Chronic infection (eg, osteomyelitis)
Known nasal or rectal carriage (MRSA and gram-negative organisms)
Previous infection with an antibiotic-resistant pathogen
Abbreviation: MRSA, methicillin-resistant S. aureus.
to combatting biofilms in DFI will gain importance, but their development and applica-
tion extends beyond the scope of this review.
uncommon. When Charcot changes are present, the clinician should consider
acute fracture as a likely cause of midfoot erythema, edema, pain, and warmth.
Seeking a specific microbial etiology of bone infection can improve treatment out-
comes.52 Culturing bone is important because bone cultures are often discordant with
cultures obtained from overlying soft tissue or sinus tracts.53–55 An important, albeit
small, study reported that medical therapy for DFO was significantly more successful
when therapy was guided by bone biopsy as opposed to soft tissue swab culture.52
Bone biopsy is best performed following an antibiotic-free period of at least 2 weeks,
provided the infection is not severe and that the patient does not need urgent antibiotic
therapy.53 Results of a larger study comparing bone culture–directed therapy to soft
tissue culture–directed therapy, the Concordance in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Infection
study, are eagerly awaited.55
Once a DFI has been clinically assessed, microbial etiologies and antibiotic treatment
options may be considered. Microbiologic assessment should be obtained before
initiation of empiric antibiotic therapy if the patient is clinically stable and therapy
can be deferred safely.42,43 The need for antibiotic therapy before surgical debride-
ment may vary depending on the acuity of presentation, the impact of preoperative
antibiotic therapy on subsequent interventions, as well as the diagnostic and thera-
peutic goals of surgical intervention.
Despite the prevalence and impact of DFI, there is a lack of data to support specific
antimicrobial approaches. This is in part due to the broad definition of DFI, the variation
of anatomic and host settings for infection, as well as the wide spectrum of microbes
that may cause infection. Clinical trials that have been performed addressing the treat-
ment of DFI have provided a handful of core observations that support general recom-
mendations; however, additional data are necessary to shape future guidance.56,57
The ideal route of antibiotic therapy (ie, oral vs intravenous) for DFI remains contro-
versial. Although topical therapy has theoretic advantages, including direct antibiotic
delivery while mitigating systemic toxicity, there are few robust clinical data that sup-
port the efficacy of topical antimicrobial treatment; further study in this area may reveal
a future, consistent role for topical therapy as a preferred or adjunctive treatment op-
tion.58 As such, oral and intravenous formulations remain the most common adminis-
tration routes. Although most experts recommend intravenous antibiotic therapy at
least initially for severe infections, the duration of intravenous therapy required for
optimal outcomes remains uncertain.42,43 Limited but important literature has demon-
strated effective oral antibiotic bioavailability as well as outcomes in skin and soft tis-
sue infections, including osteomyelitis. Although critics have suggested that oral
therapy has limited empirical support, there is also a paucity of data to suggest that
intravenous antibiotics are superior.59 Emerging data are promising in that at least
some cases of bone and joint infection may be treated equally well by either oral or
intravenous therapy.60,61 Other clinical trial data suggest that oral therapy has at least
a partial role after initial intravenous therapy.62 For mild infections, oral therapy is likely
sufficient. For moderate infections, oral therapy alone or a short course of intravenous
therapy followed by oral therapy may be appropriate. The optimal approach for severe
DFI remains uncertain, and definitive future recommendations will require additional
clinical data; in the interim, clinical judgment based on individual patient factors will
continue to drive clinical decision making.42,43
Acute, mild infections are most commonly attributed to gram-positive organisms
including Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Empiric antibiotic regimens often
8 Chastain et al
common comorbid condition of patients with diabetes. Medical treatment of this condi-
tion as well as revascularization with endovascular or open surgical techniques may be
necessary to provide adequate perfusion for antibiotic delivery and wound healing.70
Wound off-loading, in the form of diabetic insoles, total contact casts, or other mechan-
ical devices, is an important and often underutilized element of ulcer management.71
Conservative care can be effective in treating DFI; it is important to note that small, ran-
domized, controlled trials have demonstrated similar outcomes between antibiotic-only
and conservative surgery groups in select patients.72
Direct wound care and associated surgical intervention remain important for many
DFI and DFU treatment plans. Debridement is a key intervention for wound care and
healing. Although this may be obtained via sharp debridement or other intensive sur-
gical interventions, topical and other wound care therapies may also assist in wound
debridement. In addition, innovative wound care strategies including vacuum-
assisted wound closure, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor, and novel wound dressings may have increasing roles in DFU as well as DFI
management as more robust data become available.73–77 Despite maximal efforts
to manage infection, debride wounds, and revascularize limbs, partial limb amputation
may be necessary in cases of severe necrosis, gangrene, or resistant infection.78–80
Further medical optimization postamputation is critical, as prior DFU and DFI are high-
ly associated with recurrent pathology.81,82
It should be noted that health care providers (including pharmacists) with expertise in
infectious disease medicine can be an important asset to a team-based approach to
diagnosis and management of skin and skin structure infections, including DFI and
DFO. In fact, multiple studies have shown, particularly for MRSA infections, that infec-
tious diseases consultation is associated with improved clinical and cost out-
comes.90,91 The appropriate use of antimicrobials, referred to as antimicrobial
stewardship, is increasingly important in the era of AMR. Both infectious disease phy-
sicians and pharmacists can help reduce inappropriate antibiotic use, avoid complica-
tions, and improve outcomes for patients with DFI and DFO.
10 Chastain et al
The aging of the population and the rise in the prevalence of diabetes are factors
driving an increase in the global burden of DFIs. The appropriate clinical approach
to the patient with a suspected DFI includes assessment of the infected wound, the
associated limb, and the patient as a whole. Bone infection is important to consider
in select patients because of its impact on therapy and prognosis. The increasing chal-
lenge of AMR compels the need for good cultures of infected sites, appropriate selec-
tion of empiric and directed antibiotic therapy, use of all appropriate treatment
modalities, as well and coordination among multiple disciplines.
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