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Sony Ta 2000f Service Manual

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1AZOOOF (0 ye Set using ISO screws : - SERVICE MANUAL USA Model SONY a 4 =TA-2000F TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Titte Poge Section Title Page SERVICING NOTES 1 39, Noise Level Measurement .. 19 3410. Tone Control Check 19~20 1, TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 3-11, Filter Response Check 20 | a 3.12. Crostalk Measurement 20 12. Detaled Cieuit Analysis ve 38 13. Block Diam. 9 4. DIAGRAMS 14 Level Diagram 2 10 41. Mosnting Diagam “iA” PCB: PHONO-! Equalizer 2. DISASSEMBLY AND REPLACEMENT Amplite/Mead Ampliie PROCEDURES: Board — _ 22~23 Dl. Tools Reguted sins 42. Mounting Diagam 2 i 22. Hardware Identification Guide 11 cen — "B" PCB: MIC Amplifier) 2-3, Top Cover and Front Panel “"* PHONO-2 Equalizer / Rem so Amplifier Board — sue 26625 24, Front Subchasis Removal R 43. Mounting Diagram 28. Level Meter and Meter Lamp <6" PCB: Plat Ample. Replacement R Fiat Amplifer2 Board = ..26~27 246. PC Boaré Removal "=13 44, Mounting Diagram 27, Rear Panel Removal B PCB: Meter Ampliies) — —> 28. Conttol and Switeh HEADPHONE Ampliier Replacement bets Board 23-29 | 29, Replacement of Components 45. Mounting Diapam Secured to the Rear Panel = *E" PCB: Muting/Power | BY RIVE “ Supply Board - so~3 | 210. Chassis Layout sesscseee 1S, 4-6. Mounting Diagram : =F" PCB: REC OUT Amplifier 3. ALIGNMENT AND ADJUSTMENT High and Low Fiter Com PROCEDURES. —. ponent/ Turnover Frequency 31. Test Equipment Required 16 ~ ~ Changeover Component 32. Power Supply Voltage Board — sn nas Adjusent sn 16 42. Mounting Disgram 33. Overall Check Preparation ses 17 = "G" PCB; OUTPUT LEVEL 34. Sensvity Measurement ccc 17 Changeover Switeh Board = so 34 38. Level Meter (VU meter) 48. Schematic Diagam 3536 Calibration wnnnnane LIMB 36, Rated Output Measiement vos 18 REPACKING .. smn 31 31, Harmonie Distortion Meanutement su 18 6 EXPLODED VIEW soe 3841 38. Frequency Response Measurement ... 18~19 7, ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST 4... 42~47 wells SERVICING NOTES ‘The FET's used in’ the TA-2000F are selected according to their [dss rank, so use replacement FET’s with the exact same Idss rank Iss rank is indicated by the identification number, as shown in Fig. A On all plug-in type PC boards except the MUTING/POWER SUPPLY board, left- and right-channel conductor- side patterns are designed symmetrically. ‘This makes a trouble check possible through interchange of channels by reinserting the boards upside down, ; SK 23> SK 2 = “ 2 Ae (ae i i; \ a) toch voto] Ye el vag Seo mae ‘eilaee 2 ad nt Fig. A Example of Idss rank SECTION 1 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 14, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (LOW greater than SO¢B ‘Technical specifications for the TA-2000F are a) oe ae PHONO 2. : greater than 734B TABLE L-1, SPECIFICATIONS. (oreighting network A) Frequency PHONO-1, 2: RIAA curve +0.5 4B a eared response: mic 3012 t6 30kHz ecu 4 aap network B) TUNER, TUNER, AUX 1, 2,3 ater than TAPE 1,3. [1OHz to 100KHE URE 2s | ree neater cake TAPE 1, 2 (weighting RECPB RECIPE | network A) input) (input) Input sensitivity PHONO-I : 12mV 33k oes eae ne and impedance: (HIGH LEVEL) 47k caine as cn oaass FREQ. 25012) (LOW LEVED0.06mV— 100hm a #1048 at 100 Hz 300hm (TURNOVER PHONO? :1.2mV 47k FREQ. $00 Hz) ia osmY 100k +1048 at 10KHe TUNER TURNOVER 2.5 kHz) AUX 1, 2,3 mresie 4 FREQ TAPE 1,2 }110mV 100k 1008 at 20kH2 REC/PB (TURNOVER (input) FREQ. 5 kHz) Meee tee a Oo Filters LOW: 12aBjct, below SoH capability (HIGH LEVEL) = 300mV Bice eb oea ie ee {LOW LEVEL) 1SmV ‘Harmonic Less than 0.03% at rated output, | PHONO-2 300 mv distortion: kHz Mic £1,200 mV IM distortion: Less than 0.05% at rated output, Signal output OUTPUT: 1V 3k (60 H2:7 kia = 4:1) devel and 1,2 o3sv Gk impedance: REC OUT :100mV = 10k Power s aenen consumption: 23 watts av 2.6k Power HEADPHONE = 0.5¥ requirements: 117 ac, S0/60H our @ ohm toad) RECPB :30mV 82k Dimensions 4400 mm (width) x 149 mm anal (height) x 315 mm (depth) 15%" (width) x 5*%5" (height) x Signalto-noise PHONO | 12%" depth) ratio: (HIGH: greater than 7368 | | Saat) | acai Net weight: kg (1916 1202) network A) Shipping weight: — 11.2kg (241b 1202) TA-2000F 1-2. DETAILED CIRCUIT ANALYSIS. Stage/Controt Function ‘The FET's used in TA-2000F are selected according to their Idss rank, and care should be taken to use replacement FET's with the exact same Ids. Idss is indicated by the identification ‘number, as illustrated in Fig. 1 Note that Q10S and Qi04 are ‘Stage/Controt Function newly. developed high-voltage transistors which make the wide linearity (dynamic range) pos- sible. For this purpose, a 150- volt power supply is employed. ‘The following text describes the function or operation of all stages and controls. The text se quence follows signal paths. Stages are listed by ‘transistor reference designation at the left margin; major components are also listed in a similar manner. Refer to the block diagram on page 9 and the schematic diagram on pages 35 to 36. PHONO-1 Equalizer/Head Amp Head Amplifier Amplifies extremely small input Quor signals (as from a moving-coil type cartridge) to the level re ‘A common-gate configuration is Az. AR suited to this job because it has - v or 4 voltage gain. Input signal ap- imber estan amber 138 rank plied to the PHONO-1 terminal is routed to this amplifier only ee eee ee when IMPEDANCE SELECTOR twitch S10 is st to the 30 chm is circuit De bias voltage for Q102 is or 10 ohm position determined by the current flow = in source resistor R112, and the - de negative feedback voltage ap- IMPEDANCE S10 changes the PHONO input led to the gate of Q102 from SELECTOR impedance to mect the cartridge the emitter cicut of Q10s switch $10 manufacturer's recommended through R110, R107 and R109, load impedance because of its This de neptive feedback tec effect upon frequency reponse nique provides stable operation Equalizer Amplt This newly developed direct termined by the dan veltors fir coupled four stage amplier a termined by the drain vote Q102, Q103 Plifies the phono cartridge signals = —.in the Q103 (which is restricted 104, Quos Torthe-fevel requited at the input byrits Ids). Current flow in oe ee ee Q103 also determines the bias 102 forms a conventional FET voltage applied to the Q104 and amplifier while Q103 and QUO4 105 as they are directly cou- act as buffer amplifier which has Ss y os ed. 4 high input impedance. ® ‘This PET-PNP combination am- Equalization RIAA equalization is achieved plifier forms a modified source- circuit by the negative-feedback loop containing R117, R118, RII9, C110 and C109. Be sure to use replacement components with follower circuit in which QUO4 acts not only as constant-current source, but also as a drive am- plifier for the negative-going half the exact same values. The cycle. This has the advantage of equalizer amplifier’s output is low harmonic distortion and fed to the FUNCTION-2 switch wide dynamic range. In addi- through R120 (1k) to prevent tion, the FET generates less interaction between the left and “- noise than a conventional silicon right channels when the MODE ‘transistor. switch is set to L +R. Bw 1 ‘Stage/Control Function MIC Amplifier/PHONO-2 Equalizer Amplifier Section. MIC Amplifier 301, Q302 9303, Q304 Dias circuit MIC amplifier 9303, 9304 MIC LEVEL control VR6 mixing switch sis PHONO-2 Equalizer Amplifier 9305, Q306 307, Q308 309 Function switeh ‘The MIC amplifier consists of two pairs of FET-NPN ampli fiers. ‘They amplify the signals provided by the microphones to the level requized at the input of the tone-amplifir. An FET has high input imped: ance and generates less noise than conventional silicon tran- sistors. Therefore, FET’s are employed in the low-level am- plifiers. Note the high-voltage transistor Q302 (Q304) employ- ed in the second-stage amplifier, ‘This eliminates distortion due {to strong. input signal causing saturation in the low-level am= plifier De bias voltage for Q301 is determined by the current flow in the source resistor R306, and the de negative feedback voltage applied to the gate of Q301 from the emitter circuit of Q302 through R304 and R302. Q303 and Q304's operation is the same as described in Q302 and Q303. Note that the last stage (Q304) is a conventional transistor since the high-level input signal is sufficiently at tenuated by means of MIC LEVEL control VR6 50 as not to_saturate_Q303- and 304, ~The MIC LEVEL control and mixing switch $15 are mechs nically connected to perform the mixing operation. Same as described in PHONO-1 equalizer amplifier section ex- cept for reference numbers. Note that the output of this amplifier can be controlled by means of VRI, LEVEL ADJUST. Input signals applied to the ‘TAPE-1, TUNER, AUX-1, AUX- 2 input terminals are controlled respectively by means of VRS, ‘VR2, VR3 and VR4. All input signals are routed to FUNCTION-1 or FUNCTION-2 ‘Stage/Control Function switches, Note that the TAPE: ‘TO-TAPE positions in the FUNC- THON-1 switch are provided for tape duplicating as noted in Table 1-2 TABLE 1-2. FUNCTION’ | Tape Tape Position Recorder-1 | Recorder? TAPETO: ~ a TAPETO | payback | Recording TAPETO- TAPETO | Recording | Playback REC OUT All input signals are equalized or Buffer Amp controlled by means of equalizer Q01, Q51 or LEVEL ADJUST resistors, MONITOR switch $3 MODE switch BALANCE control VR7 and then fed to the FUNCTION switches ‘The signals for REC OUT are ex: tracted from the signal path be- tween the FUNCTION switches and MODE switch, and then fed to each set of REC OUT termi nals through buffer amplifier (emitter follower) QO1. QO1 climinates interaction between the tape recorder and the TA-2000F's signal path, Note that QOI’s output is routed through muting relay REL-1 In the TAPE-1 position, input signals connected to either the TAPE-1 terminal or REC/PB connector is selected. In the ‘TAPE-2 position, the input pro. ‘gram connected to the TAPE-2 terminal is selected. In the SOURCE position, all other pro- gram sources are selected. Selects the desired mode of operation. This switch may also bbe used for test purposes. The relation between the positions of the MODE switch and out puts of the set are summarized in Table 13. Input signal is routed to the BALANCE control through MODE switch $4. This is done to optimize stereo reproduction. To climinate insertion loss at SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM S38 00% HtFoo? ore MEWS 3G soos iced t j } hm te & AMCH CSAME AS L=cH) ee SONY | ea TA-2000F © 1971 er elle as ‘Stage/Conirot Funetion Stage/Conerot Function the mechanical center of move Tone Control Section penis] ae see eo eaniocaing Al inputs are applied this cizeuit having a conductive coating over ieee TCNEYCANCEDSSaI EH half its element length is used. S5 is set at ON, Fig. 122 shows VOLUME The balanced input signals from the simplified circuit of tone control BALANCE control VR7 is fed control incorporated with the VRE to VOLUME control VR8, which treble and bass turnover switche. regulates the signal applied to TREBLE control Increases or decreases the the following tone-control eir- 86 amount of high-frequency com- aie eaten coal ponents by switching the resis- ‘Tone Amplifier Section tors connected to $6 in steps. Tone Amplifier This three-stage amplifier has Qs01, Q502 basically flat response, and pro- pe eg eles mecieed) cua ons vides 204B voltage gam to com OVER FREQU- over frequencies (2.SkH2 or ree easel ENCY switch SkHz). Refer to Fig. 1-3. loss. It also isolates the volume BASS contéat.7"“" Increases. or decreases the control and tonecontrol citeuits 87 ‘amount of low frequency com- to eliminate mutual interference. ponents by switching the re The input signals are amplified tors connected to $7 in steps. by Q501 and Q502, and then applied to source follower Q503. Bias circuit Bias voltage for Q501, Q502 | oe : and Q503 is determined by the ye omens I ait _ current flow in their respective ss source resistors. Negative feed- bughtttiegca back i applied from the source eae circuit of Q503 to the source pas circuit of QS01 through C505, RS09, and C506 to obtain a flat and wide response. Tone. en amplifier-I's output is fed to an RCtype tone-control circuit TONE CANCEL through TONE CANCEL switch Fig. 12. Simplified tone contro! network Sw ss S5_when $5 is set to “ON”. a TABLE 1-3. OUTPUTS woos swren | Sm] Semone | Rasow'gyh | ovtor [REVERSE ter [oR [| t [a te [R “STEREO LeR Lk L ® L L+R _ L+R L+R L+R L+R L+R L+R RIGHT R R R a: R R mn ‘Stage/Controt Funetion BASS TURNOVER S89 selects the specified turnover FREQUENCY frequencies (500 Hz or 250i. switch $9 Refer to the Fig. 1-3 (tone con- trol response). When TONE CANCEL switch 85 is set to CANCEL, the line signal is bypassed around the tone-control circuit and is fed directly to the output circuit through FILTER switch $11 ‘Tone-amplifier2 Same as tone-amplifier-1 except Q504, Q505, Q506 for reference numbers FILTER switch Selects the desired filtering op- sit eration. LC filter circuits are employed to eliminate insertion loss. LOW(s0 Hz) Low-cut filter (C15, L01) cuts position out unwanted low frequency components from the input sig- nals (12 | aan fai at 10H PHONO-T (HIGH LEVEL) S78 or less ap at 100k eit onm, PHONO-1 (HIGH LEVEL) 13.1 E05 4B PHONO-1 (LOW LEVEL) ~40 dB or tess ar | se 100 He G0 ohm or PHONO? STav wee Gow Leven | 13.7 40sa0 Se G0.ohm) at 10kHz ooo wie Hap at 308 Not: The dterence between left and right (4c LEVEL cont Ba at 30K channel oie level shouldbe 4B or _sximu) less The aerge nie lees a given ENTER OUTPUT nTime 35 ‘TUNER Hop a 201 aaron 310. TONE CONTROL CHECK - * referred to 1 KH? 1 volt output 39, NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENT Preparation 1, Same as described in Procedure 3-3 except set the FILTER switch to LOW and the TONE switch to ON. 2. Tum the VOLUME control fully clockwise. Procedure 1. With the equipment connected as shown in Fig. 3-6, measure the output noise level at each FUNCTION switch position, with the corre sponding input terminals shorted. Preparation. == 1. Set all contrdls as described in Procedure 3-3, except set the TONE switch to ON. 2. Set the FUNCTION-2 switch to TUNER. Procedure 1. With the equipment connected as shown in Fig. 3-4, feed a IkHz signal to the TUNER input jack. Vary the attenuator to obtain a 1 volt reading on the ac VTVM. 2. Check the frequency fesponse by varying the BASS, TREBLE controls and the input signal frequency while keeping the oscillator's output constant. TONE control response should be as given in Table 36, ra-20008 shorting plug ae our? | Tomeur YF ec —§_] co Fig. 3-6. Noise level check test setup —19- Be relelel TABLE 36, TONE CONTROL CHECK Iputs Controls BASS TUNER ‘TREBLE (Turnover Freq, S00H2) | 26B step at 100 Hz (Turnover Frog. 2.5kH2)| 2B step at 10k 08+ maximum, (04B* maximum, BASS Same as | (Turnover Freq, 250112) | 24B step at SO He 10aB* maximum, shove TREBLE (Turnover Freq. $k#2) 1048" maximum, 24D stop at 20%Hz = ferred to 1 volt at TER 2:11. FILTER RESPONSE CHECK Preparation 1. Set all controls as described in Procedure 3-3, 2. Set the FUNCTION-2 switeh to TUNER Procedure 1, With the equipment connected as shown in Fig. 3-3, feed 2 kHz signal to the TUNER input jack. Vary the attenuator to obtain 1 volt reading on the ac VTVM. 2. Check the frequency response by operating the FILTER switch and varying the input signal frequency. Keep the oscillator’s output constant. Filter response should be within the limits given in Table 3-7. TABLE 3-7, FILTER RESPONSE CHECK FILTER SW Position pec pee Response LOW oF BOTH™ THEI Sap at sone HIGH oF BOTH TSE Lab at kee + ferred t Lk 1 volt ovtpat 342, CROSSTALK MEASUREMENT Preparation“ 1, Sot all the controls as described in Procedure 3-3, except set the TONE switch to ON posi- tion, 2. Set the FUNCTION-2 switch to TUNER. Procedure 1, With equipment connected as shown in Fig. 3-3, feed 2 1 kElz signal to the TUNER input jack (eft channel). Vary the attenuator to obtain a I volt reading on the ac VIVM. 2. Switch the signal to the rightchannel input jack while shorting the left-channel input 3. Read the residual signal level in the left-chennel output. The 1 volt output-level to residual- level ratio represents the channel crosstalk. The left-to-right and right-to-left crosstalk should bs. 60 dif or more. — 20- els MEMO -a- TA-2000F SECTIONS 4 DIAGRAMS 4:1, MOUNTING DIAGRAM — “A” PCB: PHONO-1 Equalizer Amplifier/Head Amplifier Boord = Conduetor Side — ~egeegromorner, ML saya — 22- ~ Component Side — 23 TA-2000F 42. MOUNTING DIAGRAM — “B” PCB: MIC Amplifier/PHONO-2 Equalizer Amplifier Board ~ Conductor Side — #, re et 0-1 — 24 — — Component Side — TA-2000F aT fololel a 43, MOUNTING DIAGRAM — “c” PCB: Flat Ampli Conductor Side — etimpn. notte = oe ee ae ae oe os vege DE nee ma be a, gan, ONE é ine Be tii ES Pte Ag ag ftS ea, agian gem Sag yes Og BEE Gh BY a8 yg Sot = 26 = Component Side — 27 TA-2000F 44, MOUNTING DIAGRAM — “D" PCB: Meter Amplifier/Head phone Ampl — Conductor Side — A oe TE oe ope OH vem. 99 88--D -— es TA-2000F Component Side — or TA-2000F 45, MOUNTING DIAGRAM — “E” PCB: Muting/Power Supply Board = Conductor Side — he evcrowaise sn-@ ——} nie I He so TA-2000F TA-2000F 4.6. MOUNTING DIAGRAM — “F" PCB: REC OUT Amplifier/High and Low Filter Component/Turnover Conductor Side — so 8 RR soo we = Frequency Changeover Component Board een s 88 Ce i,m 28--D 7 mS Rd cee wanna tae} TRE Tagg] eens veut noe no =H me eeeisaee pont om Sat Rt aK Ltt mr rr on, 38-28- re et oe MAY lita een ne eur nat oor suse srg seca | Gilles’ Bats A EIS | as ne um on 58-28 eg te eee a) 3 ; rove cet ote-n-@-—24 as um os ont 28 @ = A 65 54, 8-8-0. 55 ron 5459-21- fot See cet of ee os = efke Eyl ote Shin Bet ie met td Bene| Sse stihe aie “aioe | ee erm ws sa & tse ee rom seen geseae_| sore ans 4-1 @ = ta | rset oy sg = rue nang owe | ree ay san-@ =a Sf nt 0 28-8, 2 ararn en 2 Se ees 95 28-D | oo rare 948-8 Eee 94 s1--@ aera y= we wenn sx = man} nenonzsn sep Me} seer oe oe 0a vac wen aes, SS 2k 4 91-91-D Pe cere es s0- {et sean-8-,80807 | ere aon 9458-@ rere 2 —32- Lesa — Component Side — eaS Seo so aS =z ¢ 2 Shay Og SC 38> ge - Se Seep. vee Ty teleT ela TA-2000F TA-2000F SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ail oat Sugano ew j "a e = & fa Mt) |p) Teer Lm PL tit || a Et ol #7 a SONY TA-2000F @ wn {S80 UOLIED :010N) vy pox ed xp 1 sepnyour ae) Buyoedey “1-5 ‘Big ONINDWd3y § NOILO3aS MaIA G3a0d01dx3 9 NOILOaS 40007-VL | bd 1 iS) ce] ° ° 7" 4091 OT OO HOO BE sue ya oo, ms oe eee OM te Pee once on aon mm —39- “Beeld J = 40- eed ul TA-2000F SECTION 7 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST RefNo, Part No, Description RefNo, Part No Description MOUNTED CIRCUIT BOARDS 9501 (601) FET, 28K431 8.982-512-05 fat amplifier 1/Mat amplifier 2 (9502 (9602) FET, 28K431 iroait board (9508 (9603) FET, 28K2334, 35, 36 or 37 §.982512-45 muting/power supply cicuit board | _QS04 (Q604) FET, 28K431 898251246 OUTPUT LEVEL changeover switch | 505 (Q60s) FET, 28K431 circuit board 2506 (0606) FET, 25K2334, 35, 36 or 37 8.982512-61 PHONO equalizer amplifierfead amplifier circuit board 0701 (@800) transistor, 2SC631A 8.982.512-62 MIC amplifier/PHONO-2 equalizer | 7020802) transistor, 280632A amplifier circuit board £2703 (803) lransstor, 2806324 8.982512-63 meter amplifier HEADPHONE 9708 (Q804) transistor, 2SC631A amplifier circuit board £9705 (0805) twansistor, 2806324 8.982.512-78 REC OUT bufferfigh and low titer | 706 (Q806) transistor, 2SC1124 component/turnover frequency | Q707 (Q807) transistor, 284546 changoover component ezcut board em 901 transistor, 28028, 902 wansisor, 280634 SeaceRDUCTORS 9903 transistor, 2509264, 908 transistor, 28C507 701 (D801) fide, 172A 9905 transistor, 280634 p702 (D802) ide, 1722 ‘9906 lixnsistor, 28C926A D703 (D803) diode, -IT22A 9907 transistor, 280634 D704 (D808) diode, 1T22A 9908 transistor, 280634 . 2909 transistor, 280634 oot diode, CDR2 910 ‘tansistor, —28C634 902 diode, CD.2 on tuansstor, 280634 903 diode, CDR op12 leansstor, 254678 poe diode, CD4 eos diode, 17243 01 (951) transistor, 280926A 906 diode, 17243M, i 07 diode, 1002 TRANSFORMERS AND COILS 101 (20) FET, 28K433 ‘2102 (9202) FET, 25K¢34 Lor(Lst) 142723441 coil ters 1H 103 0203) FET, 28K2332 102 (152) 1407-408-11 cil, choke; 22mH1 104 (Q204 transistor, 28A705 T 1441-706 teansformer, power 2108 (2205) transistor, 2$C926A ‘2106 (0206) transistor, 28C926A | caractTons e301 (aso) FET, 25K23-22 a302 «qeo tranastor, 2805264 {AI capacitance values are in uF except a indicated 803 (0403) FET, 28K433 with p which means ul 304 (Q404) transistor, 2SC632A 2305 (Q405) FET, 28K¢34 101 (C201) 14105.687-12 04S 210% SOV mylar 2306 (@406) FET, 28K23.2 102(C202) 101882 Stp_—-45% SOV ceramic £9307 (0407) tansstor, 284705 €103(C203) 1.101916 200p 45% SOV ceramic 508 (0408) ‘tansstor, 250926A C104 (C204) 1-105-821-12 0.001 £20% SOV mylar 809 (2409) ‘tansstor, 250926A C105 (C205) 1407-169 100 £55 SOOV siverd mica —42- TA-2000F RefNo. Part No, Desription RefNo, PartNo Deserition 106 (C206) 1.107.169 100p 45% S00V sivered mica | C505 (C605) 1-105-691-1203 + +10% SOV mylar 107 (C207) 1421-415 100 BH 16V electrolytic 506 (C605) 1101-861 ISp_—-#5% SOV ceramic 108 (C208) = deleted 507 (C607) 110569112 033 10% SOV mylar 109(C209) 1:105-50312 0.0015 *5% SOV mylar 508 (C608) 1.421348 33 25 electrolytic €110(C210) 1-105-51012 0.0086 420% SOV mybr c509 (C608) 121344 3.3 25V electrolytic CLL (C211) 1-121-707-3845 SOV electroiytic C510 (C610) 1-105-685-1201 SOV mylar C1I2(C212) 1.107469 100p 45% SOOV silvered mica | C511 (C611) 1-105-685-12 | t SOV mylar C113 (C213) 1-105.90812 0.0047 20% 200 mylat €512(€612) 1405-821-12 0.001 SOV mylar C114 (C214) 1421-741 150 #20%3.18V electrolytic 513 (C613) 1410567312 001 SOV mylar CHS(C218) 1-105-821-12 0.001 20% SOV mylar cs14(c614) 1421-40333, 16 electrolytic C116 (C216) 1-105-689-12 0.22 #10 SOV mye C515 (C615) 14105691-12 033 SOV mylar CLI7(C217) 1121-748 10—«#BS%_ ASV electrolyte €516(C616) 1101-861 15p SOV ceramic C517(€617) 14105691-12 0.33 SOV mylar ~ €301 (C401) 1.105.687.1201 +10% SOV mylar 518 (C618), 1413E344 3.3 25V electrolytic €302 (C402) 1-105-821-12 0.001 £20% SOV mylar e519 (C697 “VI23ad 33 25V electrotytic 303 (C403) 1401-864 —20p «#59 SOV ceramic 304 (C404) 101864 —20p 45% SOV ceramic | C701 (CBOL) 1105-68512 0.1 HO% SOV mylar €305 (C405) 1421-707 3B SOV electrolytic C702 (C802) 1401-896 100p 8% SOV ceramic 306 (C406) 1121415 100 4B 16V electrolytic 703(€803) 1421347 10 9B_IGV electrolytic 307 (C40) 1121-707 3B SOV electrolytic 704 (C804) 112-344 3.3 «ENB 25V electrolytic €308 (C408) 1-105-685-1201 £10% SOV mylar 70S (C805) 1-105-685-1201 410% SOV mylar €309(C409)1-105821-12 0.001 20% SOV mylar 706 (C806) 1-105-679-1203 *10% SOV mylar 2 C310(C410) 1401959 1p 45% SOV ceramic C707 (C807) 1101-896 100p 5% SOV ceramic C31 CH) 1421396 4.7 NBS SOV alectolytic 708 (C808) 1.121413 100 63V electrolytic 312412) 1421-413 100. -#NBee 6.3V electrolytic 709 (C808) 1121-413 100, 63V electrolytic C313 (C413) 1423s 3.3, HBR 25V clecuiytic cro (C810) 112128310 2SV electrolytic CHS (C414) 1421-417 100 #485. SOV electrolytic CML C811) 1120-733 470-EBas28V electrolytic C315 (C418) 1.105.687.1201 410% SOV mykr M3 (C813) 112-48 — 10 EBHE_SOV electrolytic 316 (C416) 1-105821-12 0,001 #20% SOV mylar C317 (C417) 1401882 Sp_—-#5%. SOV oxxamic cout 112-761 150 #20%3,15V electrolytic 318(C418) 1401916 200p 45% SOV ceramic e902 1121741 150 £20563.15V electrolytic €319 (C419) 1101-819 ~~—4 2p ASG SOV ceramic 903, FA2F24s_. 1,000 £"98% 16V electrolytic 6320 (C420) 1-101-819~ 120p 45% SOV ceramic 908 1-105-909-12 0.0047 20% 200V mylar 321 (C42) 14121415 100 "985 16 electrolytic 30s 1-105-909-12 0,0047 #205 200V mylar 322 (€422) ~ deleted — 906 1-105-90912 0.0047 +20% 200 mylar €323 (C423) 1-106.005.12 0.0015 45% SOV mylar 907 1105-909:12 0.0047 20% 200V mylar €326 (C424) 1-106019.12 0.0056 5% SOV mylar 908 14119313 10-#4Bm% 200V electrolytic €325 (C425) 1-106019.12 0.0056 45% SOV mykr 909 1105-917-12 0.022 20% 200V mylar €326 (C426) 1-106-019-12 0.0086 #55 -SOV mylar 910 1105-917-12 0.022 +20% 200 mylae €327 (C427) 1-106019.12 0.0056 £5%, SOV mylar cont 1119314 100 #98 L60V electrolytic 328 (C428) 1.101896 —100p_ 5% SOV ceramic coz 1105-917-12 0.022 20% 200V mylar €329(€429) 1-105.90912 0,087 +20% 200V mylar cos 1105-909-12 0.0047 +20% 200 myler €330(C430) 1121-707 3 £8 % 1SOV electrolytic cols 14105-90912 0.0047 20% 200V mylar cas 1108-90912 0.0047 20% 200 mylse C501 (C601) 1-105-685-1201 410% SOV mylar cus 1-105-909-12 0.0047 20% 200V mylar ae €502(C602) 1.105821-12 0.001 +20% SOV mylar coi7 aKa? 100 €503(C603) 110567312 0.01 +10% SOV mylar cos 1105-68512 0.1 HOS SOV mylar C504 (C604) 16121-40333 RBH 16 electrolytic co19 1121398 10 £Bx SV electrolytic aoe Ey telelel iy RefNo, PartNo, Deserition RefNo, PartNo. Description con0 1421738 10% SOV cteewowytie | RUAT RII) 1242713 aT cou 1121417 100% SOV eecwotytic | RIZB (RAIB) 124273909 s60K c922 1-105-685-1201 £10% SOV mylar RLI9 (R219) 1-242-662 360 cons 1121395 4.7 S98 25V eketrolytle | R120(R220) 124467509 1k 924 1121-738. 10 "98% SOV electrolytic R121 (R221) 1-244-721-09 00k R122 (R222) 1-242673-09 1K * oR (CS2) 1105-72912 0.22 410% 100V mylar R123 (R223) 1242654 ° 330 co#cs4) 11217073 ENB H 1SOV etecwoytic | R124 (R224) 124262510 C05 (C55) 1-106-013-12 0.0033 45% SOV mylar R125 (R225) 1-244-705-0922 C06 (C56) 1-106-025-12 0.018% SOV mybr R126 (R226) 1242689 47k C07(C57)—1-106025-12 0.018% SOV mye RIZT (R227) 1242725.09 150% Coe (CS 1410603712 0.033 45% SOV mylar wi28 R228) 124462510 C09 (C59) 1-106.049-12 01 48% SOV mylar oe C10 (C60) 1106.09.12 01 8% SOV mylar R301 (RADI), 124468109 22k i C1L(C61)—-1-106-013-12 0.0033 45% SOV mylar R307 RAG2} 1244-72109. 100k 12(C62) 1410601342 0.0033 48% SOV mylar R303 (R403) METI SK 1363) 1410609712 0033 45% SOV mylar R304 (R404) 1244-72109 100k C14(C64) 1106-03712 0033 £55 SOV mylar R305 (R405) 124ETITO 6a 1S (C65) 1105-691-12033 45% SOV mylar R306 (RHD6) 12491 5.6K C16 (C66) 1-106-033:12 0.022 45% SOV mylar R307(R407) 1211922 Sk 1S ar 112.898 330 2s0V ctecrotytic | R308 (R408) 1244-70809 30K cis 1.121300 2,200 "9855. 70V electrolytic R309 (R409) 1-244-675.09 1.2% ~ 19169) 1106-04712 0.082 48% SOV mylar R310(RAIO) 124467509 12k RB (RAL) 1244-68109 2.2 R312 (RE12) 1244745 R313 (R43) 124471109 39K RESISTORS R34 (RAIA) 121050547 IH RIS (RAIS) 1-211-925-09 150k 81H All esstance values ate in ohms, 5%, 4 watts and R316 (Rate) 1246745 carbon type unless otherwise indicated Noie that the suffix “09” in the Parts Numbers indicates noiseless type R317 (RALT) 1-244691-09 5.6 R318 (RAI) 1248-667 560 we R319 (RAITT “1-244-674-0911 RIOL (R201) 1-242719.09 82k R320(R420) 1244-674 Lak R102 (R202) 1242-71347 R321 (RADI) 1244733 330K R103 (R203) 1-242-709.09 33k R322 (R422) 1244713. AT R104 (R204) 1.242636 30 R323 (R423) 4244745 IM R10S (R205) 1-242.625 10 R324 (RAM) 1244701 Sk R106 (R206) 1-242-745-09 1M R325 (RA2S) 1244681 2.2K RIOT (R207) 1-282-745-091M R326 (R426) 1246-721 100k R108 (R208) 1.242-701-09 15k R327 (R42) a R109 (R205) 1-242-481-0922 R328 (R425) 1248-668 620 R110 (R210) 1-242721.09 100k R329(R429) 124864356 RIN R21) 1242-71209 43k (R330 (R430) 1-244-728-09 200K RII2 (R212) 1211912, 6204 R331 (R431) 1-244694.09 7.5K RII (R213) 120260356 R332 (R432) 1244-70809 30K R114 (R214) 1242-72809 200K R333 (R433)1244713 47K RLS (R215) 1-244-694-0975 R336 (RASA) 1-244-739-09 S60K R116 (R216) 1-244-708-09 30k R335 (RABS) 1244-662 360 44 RefNo. Part No Description RefNo. Part No, Description R336 (R436) 1-2486709 Tk IIS (RBI8) 1-244-702-0916 R337 (RAT) 1-244:721-09 100k R719 (RBI9) 124467509 1.2k R938 (RAH) 1.244625 10 R720 (R820) 124467709 15k R721 (RBI) 1-202563 390 410% %AW composition SOI (RED) 1-244-745.09 1M R722 (RB22) 1-244-625 —10 R502 (R602) 1-244-683.09 2.7% 723 (R823) 124462510 S03 (R603) 1244-74209 750k R124 (R82) 1202563 390-105 AW composition RSO4 (R604) 121916 715k 41m R725 (REIS) 121-919 kA SOS (R605) lok R726 (REI) 1248617 47 506 (R605) 470k R728 (R828) 1.244-673.09 1k RSOT(R6O7) 1-244-716-0962 R729 (R829) 1244-69009 S.1k S08 (R608) 1-244674-09 11k R730 (R830) 1.244625 10 R509 (R609 1211923 91k 41% R731 (RED) 1-264-697-09 10k R510 (REID) 1244-68609 3.6% . RSIL (R611) 1-244-673-09 1k R9OL “Vsamg ak RSID (R612) 1244-70909 33k R902 1240681 2.2k RSI3(R6I3) 1244-72109 100K R903 1244ns 150K RSL4 (RGIS) 1-248-785.09 1M R908 1244687 3.9% RSIS (RGIS) 1-248-683.09 2.7 R905 1244689 47k RSIG(RGIG) 1-248-748209 750k 906 12606731 RSIT(REID M2916 Sk A R907 1244683 27K RSIS (R618) 1-244697-09 10k R908 1240717 68k RS19 (R619) 1-244737-09 470k R909 1244687 3.9K RS20(R620) 1248-71609 62k R910 14479 ak RS21 (REI) 124467409 LL RoI 1244697 10k R522 (R622) 1211923 Mk 1 Roz 1244697 10k R523 (REIS) 124468609 3.6K R913 124690 S.1k S24 (REDS) 124467309 1k Role 1246690 Sak S25 (R625) 1-244-709-0933 RoIs 1246-109 33k R526 (R626) 1-244-721-09 100k R916 124-709 33k R917 1267) 1k R701 (ROL) 1-222.987 “400K (B),.seméfixed R918 Fourras_ im R702 (R802) 1-244-729.09 ~ 220% R919 1244698 7.5K R703 (RS03) 1.244-739-09 S60K R920 1221-967 10k (B), sembfixed R704 (R804) 1-244721-09 100K R921 1202623 120% 4 composition R705 (RBOS) 1-246-665 470 R922 126701 Sk R706 (REO) 12911 S10. A R923 1244701 18k R707 (RSOT) 1-244-703-09 18k Roz 142 43k R708 (REO8) 1-244680.09 2k Ros 1677 15k 709 (RBO9) 1211920 4k 1% R926 1221-967 10% (B), semifined R710 (REIO) 124469009 5.1% R927 L247 39k RRS) 1210917 2k R928 1217008 1.2 3W. wire wound R712 (RB12) 1-244.721-09 100k R929 1244625 10 R73 (R13) 1244-71309 47k R74 (RBI) 1-244-681-0922 ROL (RSI) 1-244.721-09 100K RIS (REIS) 1-246-721-09 100K RO2(RS2) 1244-71409 IK RIG (REI) 121914 tk HI RO3(RS3)— 1-244-725.09 1M RTIT(REIN) 1-264.735-09 390K ROE (RSA) 1.244681-09 2.2K as — BES lelele) a RefNo, PartNo. Dessrotion RefNo, PartNo, Dexroton ROS(RSS) 1244-73309 3508 1002082002) 1244-68509 3.3% RO6 RSE) 1.248:735-09 3908 RIOO3(R2009) 1244-71139 RO7(RST) 1244-71409 ST RIOD4(R200 1244745 ROG(RSB) 1244-72209 110k R1005(R2005) 1244745 1M RO9(RSB) 124472509 150K R1006(R2006) 1244-733 330k | Romeo) 1.24662509 10 R100%R2007) 1-244-649-9100 RMR) 4210506 10k 1% 100982008) 1211913 “1k 1% RING?) 1248662360 R100%RI00H) 1211913 1k RID(R63) 1244668 620 RIG(RSH) 1248672 910 vat 1222-461 resistor, vrable 100% ()/100% (B) RIS (RES) 12446760913 (PHONO LEVEL Adi RIG(ROG) 124468209 24K vez 1222-462 restr variable 250k (8/250 (®) RIT RET) 1.244683.09 27 (TUNER LEVEL Adi RIG(R68) 12447130947 Ra 1222462 resistor vasinbe 250K (8)/250k 8) RI9(RGD) —1-244-.699.0912k a (AUX-1 LEVEL Adj.) R20(RTO) 124469409 75k re 1222-462 resistor, vriabe 250k (8)/250K (8) RI (RT) L2aeasa 43k (AUX LEVEL Adi) R22(RT2) 124460009 2k vrs 1.222.462 revior, variable 250% (B)/250 k) RI(RT) 1244669680 (TAPE: LEVEL Aaj) R24(R4) 1248-669 680 vRé 1.222458 reir, variable 100k (4)/100% (A) R2S (RTS) 1244675.09 12k (OIC LEVEL contol with witch S15 R26(R76) —1-244-679-09 1.8k RT 1-222-459 ‘resistor, variable 250 k (M)/250k (NJ RRM 1244-68209 2.7K (BALANCE contro RI8(RTA) — 1244687.09 39k vrs 1221-863 resistor, variable 250/250 R29(RT9) 124469609 9.1K (VOLUME conto R30(RAD) 124471809 75k vrs 1.222.460 restr, variable 100% (8/100 ®) RBGRBY) L2eeTIGOD 62k (HEADPHONE LEVEL contro R52(RB2) 1244-71209 43 R35(RES) 1244-70809 | 30% swrenes R34(R88) 1246-70309 18k R3S(RES) 124469809 11k si 1.514823 site, rotay (FUNCTION 1) R36(RB6)L2IL913 Ht S?___SNE624__ swish, leverrotary FUNCTION 2) R37(R87)—1-210:506 "10k. 3 1514-825 switch, lever/rotary (MONITOR) RO8(RHB) 1210505 «47k HR st 1514689 snitch, rotary MODE) R39(R89) 1210509 33k ss 1514647 swith eve/otary (TONE CANCEL) RA0(RIO) 1244-69809 11k s6 514825 sith, rotary (TONE conte, RAL(ROI) 124468909 4.7K TREBLE) R292) 12I0s02 22k s1 11514827 swith, rotary (TONE contol, BASS) RAD(RSD) 1210506 10k #1 8 1S16647 site, leverrotary TURNOVER RAG RSH) 121050847 FREQuency, TREBLE) Ras(Ros) 1210502 22% 89 1514687 sith ve/otary (TURNOVER RAG(RI6)—2ALTISB 56K FREQuency, BASS) RAT RIT) 1244697.09 10% sio 1514828 oth, otviatce RAS (ROR) 124469709 10K (IMPEDANCE SELECT RA9(RI9) 124478209 750K su 1514829 switch, tay FILTER) RSO(RIO 1244-71909 82k si 1.516830 ste rotary (METER LEVEL) si3 1S14314 ste side (OUTPUT LEVEL) Ri001(R2001 1244657220 sé 1-516369-28 site, lever (POWER) 46 — Ref. No. eos Part No, Description Ref. No, MISCELLANEOUS 1101-534 1231-057 1507-162 1507-163 1507170 1507-176, 1507419012 1507-279 1507-338 1.509.029 encapsulated component, 12080 + 0.1 uF encapsulated component, 12002 + .0334F Phono jack, 10 Phono jeck, 4 Jack, AUX 3 input phono jack, LP Jack, HEADPHONE jack, MIC input PCR socket REC/PB socket —4a7— PartNo. 1500341 1518156 1518070 1524080 1s26165 1532265 rsx30s1-19 1594526 1536178 1536182 1536189 reg Description AC socket relay, REL-L lamp, meter 8V 0.3 LEVEL meter voltage changeover block fase, 1A socket, meter lamp cord, power terminal strip, 11(C) tezminal strip, 2L2C) terminal strip, 1108) TA-2000F SONY CORPORATION 1F0612-4 an Printed in Japan

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