Erq224 08
Erq224 08
Erq224 08
in Heaven
—MAY 18
READ FOR THIS WEEK’S LESSON: Exodus 25:8, 9, 40;
The Great Controversy, chapters 22–24, 28.
The 2,300 days was MEMORY VERSE: “We do have a high priest [top spiri
the time when Jesus came tual leader] who sits on the right side of God’s throne in
to heaven’s temple to clean heaven. Our high priest serves in the Most Holy Place.
it from sin. He serves in the true [real] place of worship that was
made by God, not by men” (Hebrews 8:1, 2, ICB).
When Jesus comes back, He will give out His final rewards.
First, Jesus must judge us. His work as judge will show who will
get a reward or punishment at His coming. When Jesus comes
back, we get no second chances. Before He comes, everyone
will get a fair chance and enough information to make a final
decision for or against Jesus.
“God will examine the life record of every person who has
lived and followed Jesus. After God decides the case of every
person, He will finish His work as Judge. Then no one else can
be saved after that. Jesus said, ‘The girls who were ready went
in with the bridegroom to the wedding feast. Then the door was Jesus’ work as judge
closed and locked.’ [Matthew 25:10, ERV]. In this one short will show who will get
verse, Jesus tells us about the time when His work to save us a reward or punishment
will be finished.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, page at His coming.
428, adapted.
We do not need to fear God’s work as Judge. Jesus loves
and forgives us. He removes our guilt. He makes us holy. Jesus
helps us win the fight against sin.
Jesus died one time for everyone. His death on the cross
was the perfect offering for sin. Now Jesus works as our
High Priest in heaven’s temple. There, He works to make
us holy. Jesus entered the Most Holy Room in 1844. Now
Jesus stands as our Lawyer in front of God, our Judge
(1 John 2:1). Jesus “gave Himself once [only one time]
to take away the sins of many [people]. When He comes
the second time, He will not need to give Himself again
for sin. He will save all those [people] who are waiting for
Him” (Hebrews 9:28, NLV). Jesus’ death on the cross and
His work for us in heaven solve the sin problem. When He
comes a second time, He will give a reward to everyone
who is “looking forward to his coming” (2 Timothy 4:8, ERV).
“Jesus goes to God to get help for us. This work is a neces-
sary part of God’s plan to save us. We need this work as much
as we need Jesus’ death on the cross. When Jesus died, He
started the work that He would finish when He went to heaven.
We must enter with faith into the Most Holy Room. ‘Jesus has
already entered there and opened the way for us.’ Hebrews
6:20 [ERV]. There, we will understand more about what hap-
pened for us at Calvary. We will understand better God’s plan
to save us with His blood. Saving us was expensive. God paid
a very high price: His son had to die because we broke His
law. Jesus opened the way to the Father’s throne. Jesus goes
to God for us to ask Him for the things that we need. We must God’s plan to save sinners
come to Jesus and ask for these things in faith.”—Ellen G. solves both the worldwide
White, The Great Controversy, page 489, adapted. war between good and evil
God’s plan to save sinners is a complete plan. God’s plan and saves us from sin
solves both the worldwide war between good and evil and and Satan.
saves us from sin and Satan. When we come to Jesus with
faith, He makes us clean and holy.
2 Ellen G. White wrote: “Only Jesus can defend us. Jesus can
stop Satan from blaming us. Jesus defends us with His own per-
fect life, and not with anything good we have done.”—Ellen G.
White, Testimonies for the Church, volume 5, pages 471, 472,
adapted. How do these words give you hope?