اسعاف طوارئ تنافس
اسعاف طوارئ تنافس
اسعاف طوارئ تنافس
1. When inserting a nasopharyngeal airway, it is important to do all
the following except:
a. Measure the size from the tip of the nose to the earlobe.
b. Ensure that the bevel faces the septum when inserting into
the right nare.
c. Insert with a constant rotating motion.✓
d. Lubricate the airway with a water-based lubricant.
2. An adult patient who is breathing at a rate of 6 breaths per
minute needs to be cared for bya.
a. providing positive pressure ventilation with 100% oxygen✓
b. providing high concentration oxygen by a nonrebreather
c. beginning a cycle of chest compressions
d. monitoring respirations only
3. The flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device is
preferable to the bag-valve-mask technique when
a. the patient is a trauma victim.
b. the patient is an infant or small child.
c. only one EMT is available to ventilate the patient.✓
d. the EMT is unable to maintain an open airway.
4. While transporting a 65-year-old female who is experiencing
chest pain, she becomes unconscious, pulseless, and apneic. You
and your partner should immediately
a. contact medical control for direction.
b. drive faster to the hospital.
c. administer CPR for one minute, then apply AED pads to the
patient’s chest.
d. apply the AED pads to the patient’s chest while
administering CPCPR
5. All of the following are indications for the use of nitroglycerin
a. the patient has a history of cardiac problems.
b. the patient complains of chest pain.
c. the systolic blood pressure is less than 90.✓
d. the patient’s physician has prescribed nitroglycerin.
6. Your patient, a 69-year-old man, is in cardiac arrest. His wife
informs you that their physician has written a Do Not Resuscitate
order for the patient, but she does not have the written order.
You should
a. provide all necessary care to save the patient’s life.✓
b. obey the Do Not Resuscitate order and leave immediately.
c. leave right after documenting the wife’s statement.
d. call the patient’s doctor and try to confirm the order.
7. Your patient is in cardiac arrest. An AED has been attached to
the patient and activated. In the first round of defibrillation, the
AED delivers two shocks and stops. What should you do next?
a. Force the AED to deliver the third “stacked” shock.
b. Turn off the AED because it only delivered two of the first
three shocks.
c. Set up the AED to deliver a second set of shocks.
d. Check for a pulse and breathing.✓
8. Your patient is a 68-year-old woman with chronic respiratory
disease. She is experiencing difficulty breathing in spite of home
oxygen delivery. You should
a. increase the flow rate of her oxygen supply.
b. replace her nasal cannula with a face mask.
c. consult medical direction for instructions.✓
d. treat the patient for the signs of shock.
9. A 45-year-old male patient is experiencing chest discomfort.
After placing him in his position of comfort, your next action
should be to
a. ventilate the patient with a nonrebreather mask at 15 liters
per minute.
b. ventilate the patient with the bag-valve mask at 15 liters per
c. administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask at15 liters per
d. administer oxygen by the nasal cannula at 6 liters per
10. A 70-year-old male is complaining of chest pain and shortness
of breath. He is alert, with pale, cool, sweaty skin. His pulse is
100, blood pressure, 136/64, and respirations, 24. Upon
auscultation, you can hear crackles in the lung fields. Which of
the following actions would be appropriate?
a. Have the patient lie flat because he could be in shock.
b. Provide oxygen at two liters per minute using a nasal
c. Administer nitroglycerin that is prescribed to the patient’s
d. Have the patient sit up to assist with his breathing effort.✓
11. Signs of respiratory distress in children include:
a. nasal flaring, grunting, wheezing or stridor, retractions, and
tripod positioning.✓
b. loud crying, effective coughing, ability to speak, and flushed
c. cyanosis in the beds of the fingernails with shivering.
d. respiration rates between 20 to 30 breaths/min.
12. Respiratory failure is distinguished from respiratory distress
a. the patient refusing to sit upright, preferring to lie flat.
b. the heart rate returning to normal and skin color improving.
c. decreased level of consciousness and developing cyanosis.✔️
d. respiration rates between 20 to 30 breaths/min indicating an
increase in hypoxia.
13. A significant difference between adults and children in shock
a. loss of even a small volume of blood can lead to shock in the
b. children require greater amounts of blood loss to develop
c. capillary refill is the most reliable indicator of shock in
d. adults can compensate for blood loss better than children.
14. Emergency management of the child in seizure includes:
a. physically restraining the arms and legs until the seizure
b. preventing injury by clearing away close objects and
focusing on the ABC's.✔️
c. placing several taped tongue blades between the teeth to
prevent biting.
d. placing ice packs at the nape of the neck and armpits to
rapidly cool the patient.
15. When you provide oxygen via the blow-by method, you
a. hold the mask close to the patient’s face but do not attach
b. administer large quantities of oxygen at high pressure.
c. rely on the ambient (room) air to oxygenate the patient.
d. ventilate the patient while delivering chest compressions.
16. In order to determine whether an infant is responsive to
verbal stimuli, you would
a. say the child’s name.
b. ask the child to say his or her name.
c. make a sudden loud noise.
d. have a parent speak to the child.✔️
17. In which of the following circumstances should you suspect the
possibility of child abuse?
a. A parent tells you the 4-month-old infant’s injuries were
caused by rolling off the bed.
b. A distraught parent promptly reports and requests
treatment for a seriously injured child.
c. A parent tells you that the child walked into a door at school,
but the teacher disagrees.✔️
d. The child and parent both give you an identical account of
how an injury occurred.
18. Before providing transport of an older patient from a skilled
care facility or nursing home, the EMT-B should obtain:
a. several complete sets of vital signs.
b. the chief complaint and why the patient is admitted.✔️
c. an official copy of the do not resuscitate order.
d. a complete copy of the patient's entire medical record.
19. The major difference in determining between an allergic
reaction and anaphylaxis is that the patient with anaphylaxis will
a. itching and hives.
b. had a previous reaction to a certain allergen.
c. signs of respiratory distress and shock.✔️
d. fever and a rash.
64. . When assessing for normal capillary refill, you should see
blood return to the blanched extremity in __________ seconds;
longer blood return times indicate __________.
a. 4 seconds . . . hypertension
b. 4 seconds . . . poor circulation
c. 2 seconds . . . hypertension
d. 2 seconds . . . poor circulation✔️
65. L. Your patient is a 62-year-old man who has
survived a serious car crash. He is unconscious, cyanotic, and bleeding
profusely from a thigh wound. Breathing is rapid and shallow.
Other injuries are suspected. In which order should you provide care?
a. open the airway and provide oxygen, control bleeding, immobilize
b. immobilize, control bleeding, transport, open the airway and
provide oxygen
c. open the airway and provide oxygen, immobilize control bleeding,
d. control bleeding, open the airway and provide oxygen, immobilize
66. You are assessing a patient's respiration's. You find that the
respiration's are 18, normal, and regular. The word "normal" is
used to reflect
a. the quality of the respiration✔️
b. the time of the respiration's
c. the rate of the respiration's
d. the rhythm of the respiration's
107. You are called to a store where a holdup has been committed.
Police are already on the scene, searching for the gunman.
Through the store window, you see the store manager, who has
been shot. You should
a. enter the store immediately to care for the manager.
b. leave immediately and seek cover a distance away.
c. wait until the police tell you it is safe to enter the scene.✔️
d. request medical direction to determine if you can enter.
108. . In the event of an incident where spilled chemicals are
present, the EMT should maintain
a safe distance and treat it as a(an):
a. motor vehicle accident.
b. hazardous materials incident. ✔️
c. dangerous chemical incident.
d. isolation incident.
109. Which of the following is appropriate when carrying
equipment with one hand?
a. Keep your back straight and locked.✔️
b. Lean to the opposite side for leverage.
c. Lean forward for balance.
d. Lean backward for balance.
110. Which of the following best describes body mechanics?
a. Equipment designed to minimize stress on the users body
b. Proper use of the body to prevent injury
c. Proper use of the body to facilitate lifting and moving
d. Both B and C
5. I _____ coffee.
a. no like
b. not like
c. like don’t
d. don’t like ✔️
6. ‘_____ to Australia, Ginny?’ ‘Yes, two years ago.”
a. Did you ever go
b. Do you ever go
c. Have you ever been ✔️
d. Are you ever going
7. Tokyo is _____ city I’ve ever lived in.
a. the most big
b. the bigger
c. the biggest ✔️
d. the more big
8. A vegetarian is someone _____ doesn’t eat meat.
a. who ✔️
b. what
c. which
d. whose
.9الخطأ في السياق (إن مشقة الطاعة تذهب ويبقى ثوابها ،وإن لذة المعاصي
تذهب ويذهب عقابها)
.dيذهب ️✔
.10طلب استاذ من تالميذه قراءة الصفحات من ٢٠إلى ٣٢فإن عدد
الصفحات التي قرأها الطالب؟
11 .a
12 .b
✔13 .c
14 .d
.11كان 7س 5 =3+س 5+فإن قيمة س؟
✔️ 1 .a
2 .b
3 .c
4 .d
.12إذا كان %25من راتب احمد 600وكان ما مع محمد هو نصف راتب
احمد فإن ما مع محمد يساوي؟
2400 .a
2000 .b
✔️1200 .c
300 .d
.17فصل كان عدد المواليد فيه في النصف األول من العام 12مولوداً ًً وفي
النصف الثاني من العام 18مولوداً ,فإن نسبة المولودين في النصف األول من
العام إلى إجمالي المواليد هي ؟
✔️2 :5 .a
3:4 .b
1:3 .c
1:2 .d
.18قطع أحمد % 25من السباق بدراجته في 8دقائق ,فإذا استمر بنفس
السرعة بعد كم دقيقة ينهي السباق ؟
✔️ 24 .a
12 .b
16 .c
20 .d
.19إذا كان س عدد زوجي موجب و ص عدد فردي موجب أي من األتي
زوجي ؟
.aس ص ️✔
.bص^ + 2س^2
.20إذا كان هناك مكتبة تبيع 2100كتاب في األسبوع وكان متوسط البيع في
اليوم 50كتاب لكل بائع ،فكم عدد البائعين في المكتبة؟
7 .a
5 .b
✔️ 6 .c
4 .d
ما العدد الذي اذا قسمناه على 21كان الناتج 37و الباقي 11؟ .30
✔️ 788 .a
777 .b
766 .c
787 .d
.31ست اعداد متتالي مجموعها 87ما اصغر عدد فيها ؟
10 .a
11 .b
✔️ 12 .c
17 .d
.32عددين مجموعهما 21والفرق بينهما 28اوجد العدد االصغر ؟
✔️ 3.5- .a
٤.٥ .b
٣.٥ .c
4.5- .d
.33بنت تخيط التنورة خالل 16دقيقة ,فكم تنورة بإمكانها ان تنهيها خالل
اقل من 5ساعات ؟
✔️ 18 .a
19 .b
17 .c
11 .d