2023 CBSE Solved Paper
How did the First World War create a new economic
1. Why did Mahatma Gandhi travel to Champaran in Bihar in situation in India? Explain.
1917? Explain. (2 Marks) 7. Analyse the outcomes of democracies in terms of economic
2. Explain the importance of National Highways in India. growth and development. (3 Marks)
8. Explain the three important ‘terms of Credit’. (3 Marks)
(2 Marks)
3. Classify industries on the basis of source of raw materials. Section-C
(2 Marks) 9. (a)
Examine any five major challenges faced by the
political parties in India. (5 Marks)
4. How is one-party system different from two-party system?
Explain with examples. (2 Marks) OR
(b) “Political parties play an important role in democratic
5. How do double coincidence of wants arise? (2 Marks)
countries.” Justify the statement.
Section-B 10. (a) How are our markets transformed in recent years?
Explain with examples. (5 Marks)
6. Why did Mahatma Gandhi decide to withdraw the OR
Non-Cooperation Movement in February 1922? Explain. (b) How do Multi National Corporations (MNCs) interlink
(3 Marks) production across countries? Explain with examples.
(i) Mention any two challenges faced by ‘jute industry’ in
Section-D India. (1 Mark)
11. Read the given case and answer the questions that follow: (ii) What was the main objective of National Jute Policy
Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts on Satyagraha formulated in 2005? (1 Mark)
‘It is said of “passive resistance” that it is the weapon (iii) How has jute industry once again opened the new
of the weak, but the power which is the subject of this opportunities for its products? (2 Marks)
article can be used only by the strong. This power is not
passive resistance; indeed it calls for intense activity. The Section-E
movement in South Africa was not passive but active...’
13. (a) On the given outline political map of India, identify
‘Satyagraha is not physical force. A satyagrahi does not the place marked as (A) with the help of following
inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his destruction. information and write its correct name on the line
In the use of Satyagraha, there is no ill-will whatever.’ marked near it. (1 + 2 = 3 Marks)
‘Satyagraha is pure soul-force. Truth is the very substance
(A) The place where National Congress Session was
of the soul. That is why this force is called Satyagraha. The
held in September 1920.
soul is informed with knowledge. In it burns the flame of
love... Non-violence is the supreme dharma...’ (b) On the same given map of India, locate and label the
following with appropriate symbols.
‘It is certain that India cannot rival Britain or Europe in
force of arms. The British worship the war-god and they (I) Tarapur - Nuclear Power Plant
can all of them become, as they are becoming, bearers of OR
arms. The hundreds of millions in India can never carry arms. (II) Kalpakkam - Nuclear Power Plant
They have made the religion of nonviolence their own...’
(c) Hyderabad - Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
(i) What type of movement Gandhiji organised in South
Africa? (1 Mark)
(ii) Why is Satyagraha considered as pure soul-force?
(1 Mark)
(iii) How has Gandhiji described passive resistance?
(2 Marks)
12. Read the given case and answer the questions that follow:
Challenges faced by the Jute industry include stiff
competition in the international market from synthetic
substitutes and from other competitors like Bangladesh,
Brazil, Philippines, Egypt and Thailand. However, the
internal demand has been on the increase due to the
Government policy of mandatory use of jute packaging. To
stimulate demand, the products need to be diversified. In (A)
2005, National Jute Policy was formulated with the objective
of increasing productivity, improving quality, ensuring good
prices to the jute farmers and enhancing the yield per hectare.
The main markets are U.S.A., Canada, Russia, United Arab
Republic, U.K. and Australia. The growing global concern
for environment friendly, biodegradable materials, has once
again opened the opportunity for jute products.
(1 Mark)
(ii) The main objective of National Jute Policy (2005)
was to increase productivity, improve quality and to
ensure good price to the jute farmers.(1 Mark) (3 Marks)
1. (d) England 7. (c) Giuseppe Mazzini
2. (a) Conservative 8. (a) Maharashtra
3. (a) Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria 9. (c) Arid soil
4. (a) France 10. (c) Running water
5. (b) Metternich 11. (a) Odisha
6. (a) Otto Von Bismarck 12. (b) Victor Emmanuel II
Section-A By 1448, Gutenberg perfected the system of printing. The
1. Which of the following revolutions is called as the first first book he printed was the _______.
expression of ‘Nationalism’? (1 Mark) 6. Why was reading of manuscript not easy in India? Choose
(a) French Revolution the appropriate reason from the following options:(1 Mark)
(b) Russian Revolution (a) Manuscripts were highly cheap.
(c) Glorious Revolution (b) Manuscripts were widely spread out.
(d) The Revolution of the liberals (c) Manuscripts were written in English and Hindi.
2. Why was the Inland Emigration Act of 1859 troublesome (d) Manuscripts were fragile.
for plantation workers? (1 Mark) 7. Who were called ‘Chapmen’? (1 Mark)
3. Why was the Vernacular Press Act passed in 1878? (a) Book seller
(1 Mark) (b) Paper seller
OR (c) Workers of printing press
Why was ‘Gulamgiri’ book written by Jyotiba Phule in 1871? (d) Seller of ‘penny chap books’
4. Define the term ‘Veto.’ (1 Mark) 8. Fill in the blanks. (½ + ½ = 1 Mark)
Define the term ‘Carding.’ [OS]* Types of Resources Examples
5. Fill in the blank. (1 Mark) A-? Biotic and Abiotic
Buddhist missionaries from China introduced
B-? Renewable and non-renewable
hand-printing technology into ______ around A.D. 768-770.
1. (a) French Revolution (1 Mark) 6. (d) Manuscripts were fragile. (1 Mark)
2. The Inland Emigration Act of 1859 was troublesome for 7. (d) Seller of ‘penny chap books’. (1 Mark)
plantation workers as it made it mandatory for workers to 8. (A) On the basis of origin
have a pass or license to migrate from one place to another. (B) On the basis of exhaustibility (1 Mark)
This made it difficult for plantation workers to leave their
9. The oldest artificial sea port of India is Chennai port.
current jobs and seek employment elsewhere, leading to
exploitation by plantation owners. (1 Mark) (1 Mark)
3. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878 by the OR
British colonial government in India. The act was aimed at The deepest, landlocked and well protected seaport of
controlling the Indian-language press, which was becoming India is Vishakhapatnam, which is located in Andhra
increasingly critical of British policies. (1 Mark) Pradesh. (1 Mark)
OR 10. (d) Tamil Nadu (1 Mark)
To critique the caste system prevalent in India at that time. 11.
The book was aimed at empowering the Dalits and Other
Backward Classes (OBCs), who were oppressed by the Column-I Column-II
upper castes, and advocating for their social and political (a) Chandrapur thermal power (iv) Jharkhand
upliftment. (1 Mark) plant
4. A veto is the power of a person or group to stop a proposal (b) Mayurbhanj iron ore mines (i) Odisha
or law from being passed. (1 Mark) (c) Kalol oil fields (iii) Gujarat
(d) Bauxite mines (ii) Amarkantak
Out of the Syllabus
5. Japan (1 Mark) (1 Mark)
OR 12. Aluminium smelting (1 Mark)
Bible (1 Mark) 13. (c) Sinhali and Tamil (1 Mark)
1. The Napoleonic Code (1 Mark) 13. Secular/Secularism (1 Mark)
2. (b) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (1 Mark) 14. (d) (i), (ii) and (iii) (1 Mark)
3. (d) Traditional aristocratic groups supported it. (1 Mark) 15. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
4. The two hostile groups of the Second World War were the explanation of (A). (1 Mark)
Allied Powers (United States, Great Britain, Soviet Union) 16. One way to make political parties more responsive to the
and the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan). (1 Mark) people’s needs and demands is by increasing transparency
in their functioning. (1 Mark)
The two industrialists of Bombay who built huge industrial
One way to promote public participation in political
empires during the nineteenth century were Dinshawpetit
parties is by encouraging youth and marginalized groups
and Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Tata. (1 Mark)
to join political parties. Political parties should provide
5. (d) Supremacy of State oriented nationalism. (1 Mark) opportunities for these groups to participate in decision-
6. (b) Matternich (1 Mark) making processes and leadership positions. (1 Mark)
7. (d) (iv)-(iii)-(i)-(ii) (1 Mark) 17. Removing barriers or restrictions by the government is
8. A-pipeline, B-Overseas. (1 Mark) known as Liberalisation (1 Mark)
9. Globalisation/International trade (1 Mark) OR
10. Information Technology (1 Mark) World Trade Organisation (WTO) is an organisation
OR whose aim is to liberalise international trade.
18. (b) Reserve Bank of India (1 Mark)
Out of the Syllabus (1 Mark)
19. (c) Carpenter – (iii) Primary Sector (1 Mark)
11. Laterite soil (1 Mark)
20. Per capita income refers to the average income earned
12. 21-27 degree Celsius (1 Mark) per person in a particular area or country. It is calculated
OR by dividing the total income of a region or country by its
50-75 cm (1 Mark) population. (1 Mark)
Section-A Section-B
1. Interpret the concept of ‘liberalisation’ in the field of 8. How had Napoleonic code exported to the regions under
economic sphere during the nineteenth century in Europe. French control? Explain with examples. (3 × 1 = 3 Marks)
(1 Mark) OR
OR Explain with examples the three barriers that are
Interpret the contribution of French in the economic responsible to economic growth in Vietnam. [OS]
development of Mekong delta region. [OS] 9. How had the Imperial State in China been the major
2. How had hand printing technology introduced in Japan? producer of printed material for a long time? Explain with
(1 Mark) examples. (3 × 1 = 3 Marks)
How had translation process of novels into regional How had novels been easily available to the masses in
languages helped to spread their popularity? [OS] Europe during nineteenth century? Explain with examples.
3. How is over irrigation responsible for land degradation in [OS]
Punjab? (1 Mark) 10. Describe any three main features of ‘Rabi’ crop season.
OR (3 × 1 = 3 Marks)
How is cement industry responsible for land degradation? OR
4. How can democratic reforms be carried out by political Describe any three main features of ‘Kharif’ crop season.
conscious citizens? (1 Mark) 11. “Water scarcity may be an outcome of large and growing
5. What may be a goal of landless rural labourers regarding population in India.” Analyse the statement.
their income? (1 Mark) (3 × 1 = 3 Marks)
OR 12. “The assertion of social diversities in a democratic country
What may be a goal of prosperous farmer of Punjab? is very normal and can be healthy.” Justify the statement
6. Distinguish between ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ sector. with arguments. (3 × 1 = 3 Marks)
(1 Mark) OR
7. Why do banks or lenders demand collateral against loans? “Social divisions affect politics.” Examine the statement.
(1 Mark) [OS]
13. “Women still lag much behind men in India despite OR
some improvements since independence.” Analyse the How is the idea of power sharing emerged? Explain
statement.(3 × 1 = 3 Marks) different forms that have common arrangements of power
14. How are political parties recognized as regional and sharing.
national parties in India? Explain with examples. 24. Describe the importance of democratic government as
(1½ + 1½ = 3 Marks) an accountable and legitimate government.
15. “Consequences of environmental degradation do not (5 × 1 = 5 Marks)
respect national or state boundaries.” Justify the statement. 25. Why do multinational corporations (MNCs) set up their
(3 × 1 = 3 Marks) offices and factories in certain areas only? Explain any
16. Why is the ‘tertiary sector’ becoming important in India? five reasons. (5 × 1 = 5 Marks)
Explain any three reasons. (3 Marks)
How do we count various goods and services for 26. (A) Two features a and b are marked on the given political
calculating Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country? outline map of India. Identify these features with
Explain with example. the help of the following information and write their
17. Describe the importance of formal sources of credit in the correct names on the lines marked near them.
economics devlopment. (3 × 1 = 3 Marks) (2 × 1 = 2 Marks)
OR (a) The place where the Indian National Congress
Describe the bad effects of informal sources of credit on session was held.
borrowers. (b) The city where Jallianwala Bagh incident took
18. How can consumers use their ‘Right to Seek Redressal’? place.
Explain with examples. [OS] (3 Marks) (B) Locate and label any three of the following with
appropriate symbols on the same given outline
Section-C political map of India. (1 × 3 = 3 Marks)
(i) Kalpakkam - Nuclear Power Plant
19. Who had organized the dalits into the ‘Depressed Classes
(ii) Vijayanagar - Iron and Steel Plant [OS]
Association’ in 1930? Describe his achievements.
(1 + 4 = 5 Marks) (iii) Noida - Software Technology Park
OR (iv) Paradeep - Sea Port
Define the term “Civil disobedience movement”. Describe (v) Sardar Sarovar - Dam
the participation of rich and poor peasant communities in
the civil disobedience movement?
20. “Indian trade had played a crucial role in the late nineteenth (b)
century world economy.” Analyze the statement.
(5 × 1 = 5 Marks)
“Series of changes affected the pattern of industrialization
in India by the early twentieth century.” Analyze the
“Industrialization had changed the form of urbanization
in the modern period.” Analyze the statement with special
reference of London. [OS]
21. How are industries responsible for environmental
degradation in India? Explain with examples.
(5 × 1 = 5 Marks)
22. “Roadways still have an edge over railways in India.”
Support the statement with examples. (5 × 1 = 5 Marks)
23. Compare the situation of Belgium and Sri Lanka
considering their location, size and cultural aspects.
(1 + 1 + 3 = 5 Marks)
19. How had the ‘First World War’ created economic problems
in India? Explain with examples. (5 Marks)
How had a variety of cultural processes developed a
sense of collective belongingness in India during the 19th
century? Explain with examples.
20. Describe the role of ‘technology’ in transformation of the
world in the nineteenth century. (5 Marks)
Describe the life of workers during the nineteenth century
in England. (b)
Describe various steps taken to clean up London in the
nineteenth century. [OS] (a)
21. Name the two major beverage crops grown in India.
Describe their growing areas. (5 Marks)
22. How can the industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced?
Explain various ways. (5 Marks)
1. ‘A challenge is not just any problem but an opportunity for 8. Explain the three factors that are crucial in deciding the
progress.’ Analyse the statement. [OS] (1 Mark) outcome of politics of social divisions. [OS] (3 Marks)
2. Classify resources on the basis of origin. (1 Mark) 9. Describe any three provisions of amendment made in
3. Why did the Roman Catholic Church impose control over ‘Indian Constitution’ in 1992 for making ‘Three-Tier’
publishers and booksellers? (1 Mark) government more effective and powerful.(3 Marks)
OR 10. “Secularism is not an ideology of some political parties or
Why do novels use vernacular? [OS] persons, but it is one of the foundations of our country.”
4. Why were big European powers met in Berlin in 1885? Examine the statement.(3 Marks)
(1 Mark) 11. How is the issue of sustainability important for
OR development? Explain with examples.(3 Marks)
Why were merchants from towns in Europe began to move 12. Why is cheap and affordable credit important for the
countryside in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? country’s development? Explain any three reasons.
OR 13. Distinguish the service conditions of organized sector with
Why did Charles Booth, a Liverpool ship owner conduct that of unorganized sector.(3 Marks)
the first social survey of low skilled workers in the 14. How can consumer awareness be spread among consumers
East End of London in 1887? [OS] to avoid exploitation in the market place? Explain any
5. When we produce goods by exploiting natural resources, in three ways. [OS] (3 Marks)
which category of economic sector such activities come? 15. “Dense and efficient network of transport is a pre-requisite
(1 Mark) for local and national development.” Analyse the statement.
6. Give any two examples of informal sector of credit. (3 Marks)
(1 Mark)
16. How has the ever increasing number of industries in India
7. State any two goals of development other than income. made worse position by exerting pressure on existing fresh
(1 Mark) water resources? Explain. (3 Marks)
17. “The ‘Print Revolution’ had transformed the lives of 25. “The Government of India has introduced various
people changing their relationship to information and institutional and technological reforms to improve
knowledge.” Analyse the statement. (3 Marks) agriculture in the 1980s and 1990s.” Support this statement
OR with examples. (5 Marks)
Distinguish between the themes of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ OR
and ‘Jane Eyre’ novels written by Jane Austen and
Compare ‘intensive subsistence farming’ with that of
Charlotte Bronte respectively. [OS]
‘commercial farming’ practiced in India.
18. Describe the impact of ‘Rinderpest’ on people’s livelihoods
and local economy in Africa in the 1890s.(3 Marks) 26. (A) Two features a and b are marked on the given political
OR outline map of India. Identify these features with
Describe any three major problems faced by Indian cotton the help of the following information and write their
weavers in nineteenth century. correct names on the lines marked near them:
OR (a) The place where the Indian National Congress
Describe any three steps taken to clean up London during Session was held.
nineteenth century. (b) The place where Gandhiji organized Satyagraha’
19. “Democracy stands much superior to any other form of in favour of cotton mill workers.
government in promoting dignity and freedom of the
(B) Locate and label the following with appropriate symbols
individual.” Justify this statement. (5 Marks)
on the same given outline political map of India.
“Democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among (i) Raja Sansi - International Airport
citizens.” Justify this statement. (ii) Bhadravati - Iron and Steel Plant
20 How has foreign trade been integrating markets of different (iii) Software Technology Park of West Bengal
countries? Explain with examples. (5 Marks) (5 Marks)
How do we feel the impact of globalization on our daily
life? Explain with examples.
21. Describe any five major functions of political parties
performed in a democracy. (5 Marks)
22. Describe the explosive conditions prevailed in Balkans
after 1871 in Europe. (5 Marks)
Describe the role of different religious groups in the
development of anti-colonial feelings in Vietnam. [OS]
23. Why is the economic strength of a country measured by
the development of manufacturing industries? Explain
with examples. (5 Marks)
24. How did Non-Cooperation movement start with
participation of middle class people in the cities? Explain (b)
its impact on the economic front. (5 Marks)
OR (a)
Why was Congress reluctant to allow women to hold any
position of authority within the organisation? How did
women participate in Civil Disobedience Movement?
1. Name the writer of the novel ‘Anandamath’. (1 Mark) 10. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide
2. Name the river which is related to ‘National Waterways’ Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act 1919?
No. 1. (1 Mark) Explain any three reasons. (3 Marks)
3. How do ‘pressure groups’ form? [OS] (1 Mark) 11. Evaluate the contribution of folklore, songs, popular prints
etc., in shaping the nationalism during freedom struggle.
4. Explain the meaning of ‘challenge’. [OS] (1 Mark)
(3 Marks)
5. Give an example of any ‘pressure group’ of India which
functions as a branch of ‘political party’. [OS] (1 Mark) 12. Describe any three characteristics of ‘Odisha-Jharkhand
belt’ of iron ore in India. (3 Marks)
6. Highlight the inherent problem in double coincidence of
wants. 13. Explain with examples the interdependence of agriculture
and industries. (3 Marks)
7. Give any one example of consumer’s ‘right to choose’.
14. Why do the movement of goods and services from one
[OS] (1 Mark)
place to another require fast and efficient means of
8. If you want to extract information about the functions transport ? Explain with examples. (3 Marks)
of any government department, which right would you
15. Differentiate between Nepal’s movement and Bolivia’s
exercise? [OS] (1 Mark)
popular struggle. [OS] (3 Marks)
9. Describe any three steps taken by the French revolutionaries
16. How do the pressure groups and movements influence
to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French
politics? Explain with examples. [OS] (3 Marks)
people. (3 Marks)
OR 17. Analyse any three values that make democracy better.
Near Gorakhpur
(B) (C)
Calcutta (Kolkata) Kandla
(Various Sessions (Major (C) Hyderabed
held at this City) Sea Port)
(A) Salem
(3 Marks) (3 Marks)
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:
(i) The question paper has 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 8 are very short answer questions. Each question carries 1 mark. Answers to these
questions should not exceed 30 words each.
(iv) Questions from serial number 9 to 20 are 3 marks questions. Answers to these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 5 marks questions. Answers to these questions should not exceed 120 words each.
(vi) Question numbers 29 and 30 are map questions of 3 marks each from History and Geography both. After completion,
attach the maps inside your answer-book.
1. What is the meaning of ‘Begar’? (1 Mark) 12. How do Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) interlink
2. Name the best variety of iron-ore found in India. production across countries? Explain with examples.
(1 Mark) (3 Marks)
3. Why is there an overwhelming support to democracy all 13. Why are we not able to perform to our full potential in the
over the world? Explain one reason. (1 Mark) production of iron and steel in India? Explain any three
4. How does the use of money make it easier to exchange reasons. [OS] (3 Marks)
things? Give an example. (1 Mark) 14. ‘‘Tourism industry in India has grown substantially over
5. How is the maximum retail price printed on packets the last three decades.’’ Support the statement.
beneficial for you? [OS] (1 Mark) (3 Marks)
6. Give an example of violation of consumer’s right to 15. How is social diversity accommodated in democracy?
choose. [OS] (1 Mark) Explain with examples. (3 Marks)
7. Explain the meaning of democracy. (1 Mark) 16. Describe any three characteristics of the Durg-Bastar-
8. Name any one political party of India which grew out of a Chandrapur Iron-ore belt in India. (3 Marks)
movement. [OS] (1 Mark)
17. On the basis of which values will it be a fair expectation
9. How do pressure groups and movements strengthen that democracy should produce a harmonious social life?
democracy? Explain. [OS] (3 Marks) Explain. (3 Marks)
10. Explain any three loan activities of banks in India. 18. Evaluate the role of business classes in the ‘Civil
(3 Marks) Disobedience Movement’. (3 Marks)
11. Analyse the importance of the three-tier judicial machinery 19. Why did Gandhiji decide to withdraw the ‘Non-Cooperation
under Consumer Protection Act (COPRA), 1986 for Movement’ in February, 1922? Explain any three reasons.
redressal of consumer disputes. [OS] (3 Marks) (3 Marks)
20. Describe any three economic hardships faced by Europe in
the 1830s. (3 Marks)
Describe any three problems faced by the French in the
sphere of education in Vietnam. [OS]
21. Analyse any five positive effects of globalisation on the
Indian economy. (5 Marks)
22. How was the sense of collective belonging developed
during the freedom movement? Explain. (5 Marks)
23. “The advancement of international trade of a country is an
index of its economic development.’’ Justify the statement. (C)
(5 Marks)
24. ‘‘The first clear expression of nationalism came with the
‘French Revolution’ in 1789.’’ Examine the statement.
(5 Marks)
30. On the given political outline map of India locate and label
the following features with appropriate symbols: (3 Marks)
Examine the reasons that forced America to withdraw A. Naraura - Nuclear Power Plant
from the Vietnam war. [OS] B. Tuticorin - Major Sea Port
25. What is liberalisation? Describe any four effects of C. Bhilai - Iron and Steel Plant
liberalisation on the Indian economy. (5 Marks)
26. Suggest any five effective measures to reform political
parties (5 Marks)
27. Describe any five characteristics of democracy.
(5 Marks)
28. Analyse the role of chemical industries in the Indian
economy. (5 Marks)
29. Three features A, B and C are marked on the given political
outline map of India. Identify these features with the help
of the following information and write their correct names
on the lines marked on the map: (3 Marks)
A. The city associated with the Jallianwala Bagh incident.
B. The place where the Indian National Congress session
was held.
C. The place where Gandhiji violated the Salt Law.
(B) Champaran
(B) Durgapur
(Iron and Steel Plant)
(A) Madras
(A) Ankleshwar
(Oil Field)
(C) Tuticorin
(Major Sea Port)
(3 Marks) (3 Marks)
1. Who remarked “when France sneezes the rest of Europe 10. What type of flag was designed during the ‘Swadeshi
catches cold.” (1 Mark) Movement’ in Bengal? Explain its main features.
OR (1 + 2 = 3 Marks)
Who were called colons in Vietnam? [OS] 11. “The plantation workers in Assam had their own
2. Why should the use of cattle cake as fuel be discouraged? understanding of Mahatma Gandhi and the notion of
(1 Mark) Swaraj”. Support the statement with arguments.(3 Marks)
3. Distinguish between Pressure Groups and Political Parties 12. Classify industries on the basis of source of raw material.
by stating any one point of distinction. [OS] (1 Mark) How are they different from each other? (3 Marks)
4. Why did India adopt multi-party system? (1 Mark) 13. ‘Consumption of energy in all forms has been rising
5. Name any two sectional interest groups. [OS] (1 Mark) all over the country. There is an urgent need to develop
6. Why do MNCs set up their offices and factories in those a sustainable path of energy development and energy
regions where they get cheap labour and other resources? saving’. Suggest and explain any three measures to solve
(1 Mark) this burning problem. (3 Marks)
7. If any damage is done to a consumer by a trader, under 14. Suggest any three steps to minimise the environmental
which consumer right can one move to consumer court to degradation caused by the industrial development in India.
get compensation. [OS] (1 Mark) (3 Marks)
8. Why is the supervision of the functioning of formal 15. What is meant by regional political party? State the
sources of loans necessary? (1 Mark) conditions required to be recognised as a ‘regional political
9. “The decade of 1830 had brought great economic hardship party’. (1 + 2 = 3 Marks)
in Europe”. Support the statement with arguments. 16. What are public interest pressure groups? Describe their
(3 Marks) functioning. [OS] (1 + 2 = 3 Marks)
OR 17. Which three challenges do you feel are being faced by
“The Ho Chi Minh Trail became advantageous to political parties in India? Give your opinion.(3 Marks)
Vietnamese in the war against U.S.” Support the statement 18. “Deposits with the banks are beneficial to the depositers as
with arguments.” [OS] well as to the nation.” Examine the statement.(3 Marks)
19. Why had the Indian government put barriers to foreign
trade and foreign investments after independence? Analyse
the reasons. (3 Marks)
20. “Rules and regulations are required for the protection of
the consumers in the market place.” Justify the statement
with arguments. [OS] (3 Marks)
21. “Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France but in the
administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary
principles in order to make the whole system more rational
and efficient.” Analyse the statement with arguments.
(5 Marks)
OR (a)
“The peace negotiations in Geneva followed the division
of Vietnam that set in motion a series of events that turned
Vietnam into a battle field.” Analyse the statement with
arguments. [OS]
22. Why did Mahatma Gandhi decide to call off the Civil
Disobedience Movement? Explain. (5 Marks)
30. On the given political outline map of India locate and label
23. Explain the importance of conservation of minerals. the following with appropriate symbols:(3 Marks)
Highlight any three measures to conserve them. (5 Marks) (a) Oil Field Digboi
24. “Roadways still have an edge over railways in India.” (b) Iron and Steel Plant-Bhilai [OS]
Support the statement with arguments. (5 Marks) (c) Major Sea Port-Kochi
25. Describe the popular struggle of Bolivia. [OS] (5 marks)
26. “Political parties are a necessary condition for a democracy”.
Analyse the statement with examples. (5 Marks)
27. How can the formal sector loans be made beneficial for
poor farmers and workers? Suggest any five measures.
(5 Marks)
28. Describe the impact of Globalization on Indian economy
with examples. (5 × 1 = 5 Marks)
29. Three features (a), (b) and (c) are marked on the given
political outline map of India. Identify these features
with the help of the following information and write their
correct names on the lines marked in the map: (3 Marks)
(a) The place where cotton mill workers organised (b)
(b) The place related to the calling off the Non-Cooperation
Movement. (c)
(c) The place where the Indian National Congress Session
September 1920, was held.
(b) Ahmedabad
(c) Major Sea Port: Kochi
(3 Marks) (3 Marks)
1. (a) Who invented printing press and when? (1 Mark) 10. The silk routes are a good example of trade and cultural
OR link between distant parts of the world. Explain with
examples. (3 Marks)
(b) What is referred to as “Kissa-goi”? [OS]
2. What is the position of India, in the world, in terms of Why were there clashes between the weavers and the
sugarcane production? (1 Mark) Gomasthas? Explain.
3. Give one point to differentiate between Civil Rights OR
Movement and Black Power Movement. [OS] (1 Mark) Why did people of London call iron underground railway
4. What is another popular name of Rural local government ‘the monster’. Give any three reasons. [OS]
in India? (1 Mark) 11. Give any three reasons for the enhancement of literacy in the
5. What is meant by Majoritarianism? (1 Mark) 17th and 18th centuries in most parts of Europe. (3 Marks)
6. If there are four members in a family and their total income
“Premchand’s novels are filled with powerful characters
is Rs.20,000/- what would be the average income of each
from all levels of society.” Justify the statement. [OS]
person? (1 Mark)
12. Why did British government curb the freedom of the
7. Which sector helps in the development of the primary and Indian press after the revolt of 1857? (3 Marks)
secondary sectors? (1 Mark) OR
8. Define secondary sector. (1 Mark) How were the concerns of Oriyan Society depicted in the
9. “The multinational companies (MNCs) choose China Oriyan novels of 19th century? Explain. [OS]
as an alternative location for investment?” Explain the 13. Why has the land under forests not increased much from
statement. (3 Marks) 1960-61? (3 Marks)
OR 14. Describe the Project Tiger launched by the Indian
government. [OS] (3 Marks)
Highlight any three benefits of industrialization on the
15. Why is the rooftop rainwater harvesting the most common
practice in Shillong inspite of the fact that Cherrapunjee
OR and Mawsynram receiving highest rainfall in the world are
What led to the expansion of population in Bombay in the situated only at a distance of 55 kms from there? Explain.
mid 19th century? Give any three reasons. [OS] (3 Marks)
16. Which features of Panchayati Raj do you like the most
and why? Explain. (3 Marks)
17. Why do social differences emerge in a society? Does (C)
every social difference lead to social division? Explain (B)
your answer with the help of an example. (3 Marks)
18. Explain any three forms of power sharing among different
organs of government in India. (3 Marks)
19. Explain common, different and conflicting goals by giving
suitable examples. (3 Marks)
20. Explain the problem of underemployment in the service
sector in urban areas with examples. (3 Marks)
21. Describe the factors that led to the Great Depression of
1929. (5 Marks)
How did cotton factories become an intimate part of the
English landscape in the early 19th century? Explain.
Explain the changes in the work available to women in
London during 19th and 20th century. [OS]
22. Why did the Roman Catholic Church begin keeping an
Index of Prohibited Books from the mid 16th century?
Explain by giving five reasons. (5 Marks) 30. On the given political outline map of India locate and label
OR the following with appropriate symbols: (3 Marks)
Assess the involvement of women in the growth of novels A. Ankleshwar - Oil field
in 18th century and give two examples of it. [OS]
23. “The declining share of agriculture in the Gross Domestic B. Durgapur - Iron and steel plant
Product (G.D.P.) is a matter of serious concern in India.” C. Tuticorin - Major seaport
Support the statement with any five reasons. (5 Marks)
24. What is bio-diversity? Why is bio-diversity important for
human lives? Analyse. [OS] (5 Marks)
25. Why has federalism succeeded in India? Which three
policies adopted by India have ensured this success?
(5 Marks)
26. Mention any five socio-economic changes responsible for
breaking down the old notion of caste hierarchy in India.
(5 Marks)
27. Show two ways in which industrial pollution degrades
the environment? Suggest three measures to control
environmental degradation. (5 Marks)
28. Explain any five features of the Tertiary sector.(5 Marks)
29. Three features A, B and C are marked on the given political
outline map of India. Identify these features with the help
of the following information and write their correct names
on the lines marked in the map. (3 Marks)
A. The place where the Indian National Congress Session
was held.
B. The place associated with peasant’s satyagraha.
C. The city associated with the Jallianwala Bagh incident.
1. What was the major change that occurred in the political 11. “The Congress was reluctant to include the demands of
and constitutional scenario due to French Revolution in industrial workers in its programme of struggle.” Analyse
Europe? (1 Mark) the reasons. (3 Marks)
OR 12. How is the mining activity injurious to health of the miners
How was the marine silk route useful for Vietnam? [OS] and environment? Explain. (3 Marks)
2. Which rock consists of single mineral only? (1 Mark) 13. Explain with examples, how do industries give boost to
3. Who dissolved the popularly elected parliament in the agriculture sector? (3 Marks)
February 2005, in Nepal? [OS] (1 Mark) 14. In the present day of energy crisis, what steps will you like
4. What was the main role of ‘FEDECOR’ organisation in to take for saving energy? (3 Marks)
Bolivia? [OS] (1 Mark) 15. “The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration
5. If all the decisions of a political party. are made by a single to democrats all over the world.” Support the statement.
family and all other members are neglected, than what [OS] (3 Marks)
challenge is being faced by that party? (1 Mark) 16. What is a multi-party system? Why has India adopted a
6. What is the meaning of ‘barter system’? (1 Mark) multi-party system? Explain. (3 Marks)
7. Why had the Indian Government put barrier to foreign 17. “Lack of internal democracy within parties is the major
trade and foreign investment after independence? State challenge to political parties all over the world.” Analyse
any one reason. (1 Mark) the statement. (3 Marks)
8. Which logo would you like to see for purchasing electrical 18. Describe the conditions in which markets do not work in a
goods? [OS] (1 Mark) fair manner. [OS] (3 Marks)
9. Describe the events of French Revolution which had 19. In recent years, how our markets have been transformed?
influenced the people belonging to other parts of Europe. Explain with examples. (3 Marks)
(3 Marks) 20. Why is it necessary for the banks and cooperative societies
OR to increase their lending facilities in rural areas? Explain.
Describe the major protest erupted in Saigon Native Girls (3 Marks)
School in 1926, in Vietnam. [OS] 21. Describe the process of unification of Germany.(5 Marks)
10. Why did Mahatma Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide OR
Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act? Explain any Describe the major problems in the field of education for
three reasons. (3 Marks) the French in Vietnam. [OS]
22. “Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that
they are all part of the same nation.” Support the statement.
(5 Marks)
23. Why is conservation of mineral resources essential? (B) (C)
Explain any three methods to conserve them. (5 Marks)
24. Analyse the physiographic and economic factors that have
influenced the distribution pattern of the railway network
is our country. (5 Marks)
25. Describe any five major functions of Political parties.
(5 Marks)
26. How do pressure groups and movements exert influence
on politics? Explain with examples. [OS] (5 Marks)
27. How are multinational corporations (MNCs) controlling
and spreading their productions across the world? Explain.
(5 Marks)
28. How do the large companies manipulate the market?
Explain with examples. (5 Marks)
29. Three features A, B and C are mark the political outline
map of India. Identify these features with the help of the
following information and write their correct names on the 30. (a) One the given political outline map of India. Identify
lines marked on the map: (3 Marks) the features with the help of the following information:
A. The place where the Indian National Congress Session (3 Marks)
was held in 1920. (i) Iron-ore mine
B. The city where the Jallianwala Bagh incident occurred. (ii) Terminal station of North-South Corridor [OS]
C. The place where the peasants struggled against the (b) On the same map locate and label the following:
indigo plantation system. Gandhinagar Software Technology Park.
1. The end of the absolute monarchy and the transfer of 7. This was done to protect the producers within the country
sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of the French from foreign competition. To protect the Indian economy
people were the major changes that occurred in the from foreign infiltration in industries affecting the
political and constitutional scenario as a result of the economic growth of the country as planned. (1 Mark)
French Revolution in Europe. (1 Mark) 8. Out of the Syllabus
OR 9. The following were some of the French Revolution’s
Out of the Syllabus events that had an impact on people in other parts of
2. The main component of rocks like limestone and quartzite Europe:
is one mineral. (1 Mark) (i) Students and other educated middle-class people
3. Out of the Syllabus started forming Jacobin clubs. (1 Mark)
4. Out of the Syllabus (ii) They paved the way for the French armies with their
actions and campaigns. (1 Mark)
5. Dynastic politics is a problem for a political party if all of
its decisions are made by a single family while all other (iii) The idea of nationalism was spread abroad by the
members are neglected. (1 Mark) French armies. As a result, a sense of group identity
was created. (1 Mark)
6. When goods or services are directly exchanged for one
another without the use of a medium of exchange like OR
money, this is known as bartering. (1 Mark) Out of the Syllabus
1. What was the main aim of the French revolutionaries? 10. Describe the main features of ‘Poona Pact’. (3 Marks)
(1 Mark) 11. How did ‘Salt March’ become an effective tool of resistance
against colonialism? (3 Marks)
12. Explain the importance of railways as the principal mode
What is the meaning of concentration camps? [OS] of transportation for freight and passengers in India.
2. How do minerals occur in sedimentary rocks? (1 Mark) (3 Marks)
3. What was the main aim of the popular movement of April 13. Why has the ‘Chhota Nagpur plateau region’ the maximum
2006, in Nepal? [OS] (1 Mark) concentration of iron and steel industries? Analyse the
4. How can you say that democracies are based on political reasons. [OS] (3 Marks)
equality? (1 Mark) 14. How can solar energy solve the energy problem to some
extent in India? Give your opinion. (3 Marks)
5. Why do political parties involve partisanship? (1 Mark)
15. “Dynastic succession is one of the most serious challenges
6. What is meant by Double Coincidence of wants?
before the political parties.” Analyse the statement. [OS]
(1 Mark) (3 Marks)
7. Suppose your parents want to purchase Gold jewellery 16. How is democracy accountable and responsive to the needs
along with you; then which logo will you look for on the and expectations of the citizens? Analyse. (3 Marks)
jewellery? [OS] (1 Mark) 17. “A challenge is an opportunity for progress.” Support the
8. How does money act as a medium of exchange? statement with your arguments. [OS] (3 Marks)
(1 Mark) 18. Why is modern currency accepted as a medium of
exchange without any use of its own? Find out the reason.
9. How did nationalism develop through culture in Europe?
(3 Marks)
Explain. (3 Marks)
19. “Foreign trade integrates the different countries.” Support
OR the statement with arguments. (3 Marks)
How did Paul Bernard argue in favour of economic 20. Explain with an example how you can use the right to seek
development of Vietnam? Explain. [OS] redressal. [OS] (3 Marks)
21. Describe any five steps taken by the French Revolutionaries
to create a sense of collective identity among the French
people. (5 Marks)
OR (C)
Describe any five steps taken by the French for the
development of the ‘Mekong Delta Region’. [OS]
22. What were the attitudes of the Indian merchants and the
industrialists toward the Civil Disobedience Movement?
(5 Marks)
23. What is the manufacturing sector? Why is it considered the
backbone of development? Interpret the reasons.(5 Marks)
24. Which is the most abundantly available fossil fuel in India?
Assess the importance of its different forms. (5 Marks)
25. What is meant by a political party? Describe the three
components of a political party. (5 Marks)
26. Suggest five effective measures to reform political parties. (A)
(5 Marks)
27. How do banks play an important role in the economy of
India? Explain. (5 Marks)
28. “Globalization and greater competition among producers
has been advantageous to consumers. Support the statement
with examples. (5 Marks) 30. (i)
Two features A and B are marked on the given
political outline map of India. Identify these features
29. Three features A, B and C are marked on the given political
with the help of the following information and write
outline map of India. Identify these features with the help
their correct names of the lines marked in the map:
of the following information and write their correct name
on the lines marked in the map: (3 Marks) (3 Marks)
A. The place where the Indian National Congress Session A. Iron-ore mine
was held in 1927. B. Terminal Station of East-West Corridor [OS]
B. The place associated with the Peasant’s Satyagraha. (ii) On the same political outline map of India, locate and
C. The place relate to calling off the Non-Cooperation label the following:
Movement. Vishakhapatnam – Software Technology Park. [OS]
1. The French Revolutionaries were trying to overthrow the 5. Parties are a part of the society and thus they involve
monarchy, establish a democratic republic that was secular partisanship. (1 Mark)
and nonsectarian, free the people of Europe from tyranny, 6. When both parties agree to sell and buy each other’s goods,
create a formal constitution, and other goals. (1 Mark)
this is known as a double coincidence of wants. (1 Mark)
7. Out of the Syllabus
Out of the Syllabus
8. Money serves as a medium of exchange because it provides
2. Minerals are formed in sedimentary rocks as a result of
a reliable conduit for the transfer of commodities.
deposition, accumulation, and concentration over extended
periods of time in horizontal strata under intense heat and (1 Mark)
pressure, or coal. (1 Mark) 9. Nationalism developed through culture in Europe as:
3. Out of the Syllabus (i) Since poetry, stories, and music all contributed to
4. Political equality is the basis of democracies because voters the expression and shaping of nationalist feelings,
have equal influence when choosing representatives. culture played a significant role in the development of
(1 Mark) nationalism in Europe. (1 Mark)
(3 Marks) (3 Marks)
1. Which brothers of Germany contributed in compiling the 10. Why did the developing countries organize the G-77?
text for children? (1 Mark) Give three reasons? (3 Marks)
By whom was the novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ written?
How was foreign trade from India conducted before the
age of machine industries? Explain.
2. Which factor is mainly responsible for maximum land
degradation in India? (1 Mark) OR
3. Name the two athletes who raised the issue of Civil Rights Which three features of the big modern city of Calcutta
at the Mexico Olympics (1968). [OS] (1 Mark) fascinated the Gods as described in the novel written by
4. What other factors besides politics keep the federations Durgacharan Roy? Explain. [OS]
united? (1 Mark) 11. What was the Protestant Reformation? (3 Marks)
5. What is meant by the system of ‘checks and balances’? OR
(1 Mark)
Who translated the novel “Henrietta Temple” in
6. Give any two examples of non-renewable resources.
Malayalam? Why did the translator give up the idea of
(1 Mark)
translating English Novels? [OS]
7. Suggest any one way to create employment opportunities
in the rural areas. (1 Mark) 12. Explain how print helped the poor people to express their
8. In which sector does government own most of the assets ideas on various issues. (3 Marks)
and provide the basic services? (1 Mark) OR
9. What attracted the Europeans to Africa? Give any three Explain how novel reading has become a popular source
reasons. (3 Marks) of pleasure in India. [OS]
13. What is the importance of pulses in our economy? Why
Why was getting jobs in the British mills always difficult are pulses grown as a rotation crop? (3 Marks)
for the workers in the 19th century? Give reasons.
OR 14. Explain any three causes of water scarcity. (3 Marks)
Examine the living conditions of different sections of 15. Explain how communities have conserved and protected
society in Bombay prior to reclamation. [OS] forests and wildlife in India. (3 Marks)
16. How does religion influence the political set up in our A. The place where the Indian National Congress Session
country? (3 Marks) was held in 1927.
17. Explain the three major provisions of the Constitutional B. The place associated with the Peasant’s Satyagraha.
Amendment of 1992 that really strengthened the third tier
of democracy in India? (3 Marks)
18. “In a democracy, political expression of social division
is very normal and can be healthy”. Justify this statement
with suitable arguments. [OS] (3 Marks)
19. Why do people look at a mix of goals for development?
Explain. (3 Marks)
20. With the example of sugarcane, explain the interdependence
of all three sectors of the economy. (3 Marks)
21. What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in
classifying different countries as rich and poor? What are
the limitations of this criterion? (5 Marks) (B)
22. Explain the effects of the Great Depression of 1929 on the
Indian economy. (5 Marks)
OR (A)
26. How far is it correct to say that it is not politics that gets
caste ridden but it is the caste that gets politicised? Explain.
(5 Marks)
27. Highlight the reasons for the increase in the feeling of
alienation among Sri Lankan Tamils after independence.
(5 Marks)
28. What does HDI stand for? Explain the main criteria for
measuring HDI according to UNDP Report of 1990.
(5 Marks)
29. Three features A and B are marked on the given political
outline map of India. Identify these features with the help
of the following information and write their correct name
on the lines marked in the map: (2 Marks)
(B) Kheda
(2 Marks) (3 Marks)
1. What type of conservative regimes were set up in 1815 in 5. Which one of the following is the most popular form of
Europe? (1 Mark) government in the contemporary world? (1 Mark)
Choose the appropriate answer from the following: (a) Dictatorship (b) Monarchy
(a) Autocractic (b) Democratic (c) Military Rule (d) Democracy
(c) Aristocratic (d) Dictatorial 6. Which one of the following is a ‘National Political Party’?
OR (1 Mark)
Who, among the following, was the head of the Revolutionary (a) Samajwadi Party (b) Rashtriya Janata Dal
Society formed by Phan Boi Chau? [OS]
(c) Rashtriya Lok Dal (d) Bahujan Samaj Party
(a) Prince Cuong De (b) Phan Boi Chau
7. Which one of the following day is being observed as
(c) Phan Chu Trinh (d) Liang Qichao
‘National Consumer’s Day’ in India? (1 Mark)
2. In which one of the following Indian National Congress
Sessions was the demand of ‘Purna Swaraj’ formalised in (a) 24 December (b) 25 December
December 1929? (1 Mark) (c) 10 December (d) 31 December
(a) Madras Session (b) Lahore Session 8. Which one of the following laws was enacted by the
(c) Calcutta Session (d) Nagpur Session Government of India in October 2005? (1 Mark)
3. National Waterway No. 1 is navigable between which of (a) The Right to Property Act
the following places? (1 Mark) (b) The Right to Education Act
(a) Sadiya and Dhubri (c) The Consumer Protection Act
(b) Allahabad and Haldia
(d) The Right to Information Act
(c) Udyogamandal and Champakkara
9. Which one of the following refers to investment? (1 Mark)
(d) Kottapuram and Komman
(a) The money spent on religious ceremonies
4. Which one of the following political parties came to power
in Bolivia in 2006? (1 Mark) (b) The money spent on social customs
(a) The Communist Party (b) The Republican Party (c) The money spent to buy assets such as land
(c) The Socialist Party (d) The Conservative Party (d) The money spent on household goods
10. Explain the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the 26. ‘‘About hundred years ago there were few countries that
economic exchange and growth by the new commercial had hardly any political party. Now there are few countries
classes during the nineteenth century in Europe. (3 Marks) that do not have political parties.’’ Examine this statement.
OR (5 Marks)
How did students in Vietnam fight against the colonial 27. Compare the popular struggles of Nepal and Bolivia.
government’s efforts to prevent Vietnamese from [OS] (5 Marks)
qualifying for ‘white collar jobs’? Explain. [OS] 28. ‘‘Globalisation has been advantageous to consumers as
11. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha well as to producers.’’ Support the statement with suitable
against the proposed Rowlatt Act, 1919? Explain. examples. (5 Marks)
(3 Marks) 29. Why are rules and regulations required in the market-place?
12. Describe the main features of the ‘Salt March’ (3 Marks) Explain. (5 Marks)
13. What are the two main ways of generating electricity? 30. (a) Two features A and B are marked in the political outline
How are they different from each other? Explain. map of India. Identify these features with the help of the
(3 Marks) following information and write their correct names on
the lines marked in the map: (2 Marks)
14. Name the non-metallic mineral which can split easily into
thin sheets. Mention its uses. (3 Marks) A. The place where the Indian National Congress
Session was held in 1927.
15. Why are efficient means of transport pre-requisites for the
fast development of the country? Explain. (3 Marks) B. The place which is associated with the movement
of Indigo Planters.
16. Name the six ‘National Political Parties’ in India in a
chronological order. (3 Marks) (b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and
label the following with appropriate symbols:
17. What inspiration do we get from Bolivia’s popular struggle?
Explain any three values that we can learn from it. (3 Marks)
(3 Marks) (i) Narora — a nuclear power plant
18. How is democractic government known as responsive (ii) Rourkela — an iron and steel plant
government? Explain with examples. (3 Marks) (iii) Kandla — a major sea port
19. How have markets been transformed in recent years?
Explain with examples. (3 Marks)
20. Explain any three factors which gave birth to the
‘Consumer Movement’ in India. [OS] (3 Marks)
21. Explain with an example, how credit plays a vital and
positive role for development. (3 Marks)
22. How had revolutionaries spread their ideas in many
European States after 1815? Explain with examples.
(5 Marks)
Explain, with examples, how religious groups played an
important role in the development of anti-colonial feelings
in Vietnam. [OS]
23. How did different social groups conceive the idea of
‘Non-Cooperation’? Explain with examples. (5 Marks) (A)
24. Why is there a pressing need for using renewable energy
sources in India? Explain any five reasons. (5 Marks)
25. ‘‘Advancement of international trade of a country is
an index to its prosperity.’’ Support the statement with
suitable examples. (5 Marks)