Regulation of Foreign Companies Doing Business in India Under Companies Act, 201
Regulation of Foreign Companies Doing Business in India Under Companies Act, 201
Regulation of Foreign Companies Doing Business in India Under Companies Act, 201 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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HSBC office in Kolkata. Photo credits: Drgarga
This article is written by Megha Bhatia, a student of Amity Law School, Noida.
Does the Companies Act apply to such companies, considering they are
incorporated outside India? 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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A foreign company is a company which is incorporated outside India but
having its place of business (including a share transfer or an office registered
with a regulatory authority) in India. Under the Companies Act 2013, a
foreign company means any company or body corporate incorporated outside
India which has a place of business in India, either of its own or if it conducts
business through an agent, physically / electronically or any other manner.
However, all foreign companies are not required to comply with the
Companies Act, it is only applicable to foreign companies where 50% or more
of the paid-up share capital (calculated by including preference shares) is
held by Indian entities.
Foreign companies must comply with the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 in respect to the business as if it were a company incorporated in India.
(For further details, refer to Sections 379-393 of Companies Act, 2013 deals
with the provisions relating to the control and regulation of companies
incorporated outside India.)
Every foreign company has to deliver the following documents to the registrar
for registration within 30 days from the establishment of place of business in
India- 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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iii) A list of the directors and secretary of the company.
iv The name and address of the person resident in India who has been
authorized to accept documents on behalf of the company
A foreign company must comply with section 34 to 36 which states that issue
of prospectus by a foreign company will be treated as if the prospectus is
issued by an Indian company.
Every foreign company must prepare a balance sheet and profit and loss 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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account and attach necessary documents and file them with the ROC (with
suitable translations in case they are not in English). This must be
accompanied by a copy of the list of all offices or places of business in India.
It must also keep at its principal place of business in India (e.g. Indian head
office) the books of account which reflect receipts and expenditure, details of
sales and purchases and assets and liabilities in connection with Indian
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3) Display of name
Consequences of non-compliance
a) The company will be punishable with fine ranging between INR 1 lakh to 3
lakhs. If the violation continues an additional fine of up to INR 50,000 per day 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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can be levied.
In case they want to access capital publicly, they need to issue a prospectus.
There are certain documents (Refer Rule 11 of Companies (Registration of
Foreign Companies) Rules, 2014)that shall be annexed to the prospects such
as consent required from any person as an expert, a copy of contracts for
appointment of managing director or manager, a copy of any other material
contracts, not entered in the ordinary course of business, but entered within
preceding two years, a copy of underwriting agreement etc.
Typically, securities issued are Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs) and not
shares, because the company is incorporated offshore. Foreign company can
make an issue of Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs) only when such company
complies with the conditions mentioned under Rule 13 of Companies
(Registration of Foreign Companies) Rules, 2014, in addition to the Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2009 and any directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
IDRs have not been popular with only Standard Chartered Bank issuing them
since the route has been made available to foreign companies. 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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Winding up
An offshore business which has a direct Indian operation in India (and is not
operating through an agent) will be treated as one of Liaison Office (LO),
Branch Office (BO) or Project Office (PO), for which Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) under provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
1999. 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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referrals and various opportunities. You can click on this link and join: 11/06/24, 12 14 AM
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