Procedure For Treatment
Procedure For Treatment
Procedure For Treatment
Learner Guide
Primary Agriculture
T h e pr e v e nt i o n a nd
t r e a t m e nt o f a ni m a l
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The availability of this product is due to the financial support of the National
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Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Before we start…
Dear Learner - This Learner Guide contains all the information to acquire all the
knowledge and skills leading to the unit standard:
The full unit standard will be handed to you by your facilitator. Please read the unit
standard at your own time. Whilst reading the unit standard, make a note of your
questions and aspects that you do not understand, and discuss it with your
This unit standard is one of the building blocks in the qualifications listed below.
Please mark the qualification you are currently doing:
This Learner Guide contains all the information, and more, as well as the activities
that you will be expected to do during the course of your study. Please keep the
activities that you have completed and include it in your Portfolio of Evidence.
Your PoE will be required during your final assessment.
Assessment takes place at different intervals of the learning process and includes
various activities. Some activities will be done before the commencement of the
program whilst others will be done during programme delivery and other after
completion of the program.
The assessment experience should be user friendly, transparent and fair. Should
you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you have the right to appeal. Please
ask your facilitator about the appeals process and make your own notes.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Your activities must be handed in from time to time on request of the facilitator for
the following purposes:
The activities that follow are designed to help you gain the skills, knowledge
and attitudes that you need in order to become competent in this learning
It is important that you complete all the activities, as directed in the learner
guide and at the time indicated by the facilitator.
When you have completed all the activities hand this in to the assessor who
will mark it and guide you in areas where additional learning might be
You should not move on to the next step in the assessment process until this
step is completed, marked and you have received feedback from the
Please note that all completed activities, tasks and other items on which
you were assessed must be kept in good order as it becomes part of your
Portfolio of Evidence for final assessment.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
What does it mean? Each learning field is characterized by unique terms and
definitions – it is important to know and use these terms and definitions correctly. These
terms and definitions are highlighted throughout the guide in this manner.
You will be requested to complete activities, which could be group activities, or individual
activities. Please remember to complete the activities, as the facilitator will assess it and
these will become part of your portfolio of evidence. Activities, whether group or individual
activities, will be described in this box.
My Notes …
You can use this box to jot down questions you might have, words that you do not understand,
instructions given by the facilitator or explanations given by the facilitator or any other remarks that
will help you to understand the work better.
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Paperwork to be done.............................................................. 46
Bibliography............................................................................. 47
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this learning module, you must is able to demonstrate a
basic knowledge and understanding of:
The names and functions of relevant equipment, procedures, implements
and instruments related to the study of animal health.
The sensory cues and symptoms involved in the execution of pre-planned
animal health programmes.
The purpose of the implementation of procedures and pre-planned animal
health programmes.
The implication of the correct and incorrect execution of the procedures
under pre-planned programmes.
Implemented procedures.
All rules and codes of conduct relevant to the procedures implemented.
The interrelations between the observations, procedures and the treatment
of disease and other animal health issues.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Session 1 An i ma l R e s t r a i n t
After completing this session, you should be able to:
SO 1: Perform animal restraint and related procedures.
1.1 Introduction
The size, strength and behaviour of farm animals vary a lot. Dairy cows, which are
in contact with humans every day, are easy handled and treated. Beef cattle grazing
in the field and not having contact with humans are not so easy to handle. Thus
then is the reason why all animals cannot be treated the same.
A veterinary surgeon and most of the big farming enterprises will have very modern
equipment to handle and treat big, strong and wild farm animals. Modern restraining
equipment may include crush pens, head clamps and immobilisers. Sometimes it is
necessary to cast an animal to perform a procedure. The golden rule is to use as
little force possible in casting of animals, since a sudden fall may result in a fracture
of a limb or rib. Different methods are used for each species.
However, most of the basic procedures on a modern farm are possible in a well-
designed crush pen and with the use of an immobiliser.
Safety precautions
The immobiliser should never be used on animals suffering from any systemic
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
NB: There is a likelihood that some animals may stop breathing voluntarily. If
breathing does not resume within 15 seconds, decrease the output level. The
level should not be decreased to a degree where immobilisation is lost.
4. Carrying case.
5. Recharging cable.
6. Carrying strap.
1. On/off switch.
2. Level control.
3. Alarm.
5. Output socket.
It is suitable for a wide range of cattle handling procedures, which normally are
labour intensive and also have the inherent danger of injury to the animal and the
handler. The following procedures could be executed safely with the unit e.g.
castration, dehorning, branding (hot and freeze), ear notching, tattooing, nose-ring
application, hoof care, sheath washing etc.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
When the battery level indicator light glows while operating the unit it is a sign that
the battery needs re-charging.
Audio alarm
Test function
To test faulty cables, connect the clamps to the immobiliser and switch on the
unit. The alarm will go off with a whistling sound. The whistling should stop
when the unit is short-circuited, an indication that there is a current flowing
through the two clamps. If the whistling sound continues, check for a faulty
cable or a faulty connection.
During use
When the immobiliser is connected to an animal there should be no whistling
sound when the unit is switched-on. If the whistling persists, it's an indication of
a weak contact on one of the clamps (usually under the tail). To overcome this
problem the contact area could be moistened with water or simply dip the
clamp into water.
If the alarm should suddenly sound while the unit is in use, check for a loose
clamp or a loose connection, as this is also a sign that the animal is no longer
How to use
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Where to use
It is suggested that the immobiliser is used at a dry, non slippery area where the
animal can easily be controlled, e.g. in a holding pen with preferably a suitable neck
clamp. The immobiliser can be tied to the top railing of the holding pen to prevent
it of being damaged during the operation.
Effect on Animals
When the electrodes are connected to the animal, there is usually a slight reaction.
The animal soon calms down and later tends to ignore the electrodes.
Placing of Electrodes
The red cable is clamped to the corner of the mouth, ensuring contact with the inner
Complete immobilisation
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Crush pen A small area strong enough to hold and restrain an animal allowing the
operator to treat it.
Head clamp An iron clamp that restrains an animal by locking its neck.
Immobiliser An electric apparatus that override the nervous system of the animal.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Session 2 Ba s i c v e t e r i n a r y p r oc e d u r e s
a n d v a c c i n a t i on
After completing this session, you should be able to:
SO 2: Perform basic veterinary procedures
SO 3: Treat and vaccinate animals under supervision
In this session we explore the following concepts:
Equipment related to veterinary procedures is used correctly.
Veterinary procedures are executed correctly
The appropriate hygiene procedures are demonstrated and explained.
The procedures relating to specific animals are correctly and appropriately
Appropriate hygiene procedures are used and explained.
Instruments are used correctly.
Instruments used are correctly cleaned.
Instruments for re-use are correctly cleaned, packed and stored.
Basic physical examinations of animals are correctly carried out
Minor ailments are correctly treated.
Basic problems are correctly diagnosed by assessing the symptoms
exhibited by the animal
Treatments applied are correctly and appropriately recorded
2 .1 Introduction
To perform elementary procedures on animals there are a few very important
aspects that must be kept in mind. At first we will discuss a few of the procedures
before we attempt to perform it. Make sure you understand how the apparatus
work before you use it. Especially an instrument like a Burdizzo can cause the
animal a lot of discomfort and can even damage the animal permanently if applied
My Notes …
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Dehorning of animals
There are more than one method to dehorn animals such as cattle, sheep and goats.
Some of the methods can easily be performed while others must be done under local
anaesthesia and must preferably be done by a veterinary surgeon.
Horns are useful when catching and securing animals: (Halters and head clamps
can, however, be used with success).
Horns are indicative of the quality of the animal. (The skin, bone and hooves are
also judgmental objects).
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Various methods and apparatus can be used for the dehorning of cattle. It is,
however, preferable to have cattle dehorned as calves. The most suitable age is
from 2 - 4 weeks, or as soon as the horn bud is palpable. When the horn is well
developed, the lumen of the horn is connected to the frontal sinus, which makes the
process of dehorning a painful operation, and the risk of complications is greatly
enhanced. Because of this the dehorning of mature cattle is not recommended,
except in exceptional circumstances. A veterinarian should then do it under local
Dehorning iron
Cast the calf. Cut off the hair around the horn bud and make sure that the iron
fits over the horn bud. (The tip of the iron is concave). If necessary the tip of
the horn bud may be cut off with a sharp knife to ensure that the growth area
around the horn bud is burnt. Heat the iron until it is red-hot and presses it
down on each bud for about 6 seconds. No after treatment is necessary. Care
must, however be taken to ensure that the skin around the bud is well burnt
thus preventing the growth of a malformed horn.
Dehorning paste (caustic potash)
Shave off the hair around the horn bud and smear petroleum jelly around the
base of the bud. The dehorning paste is then rubbed in well on the horn bud for
15 - 20 seconds. Ensure that the paste does not moisten as it may burn the
calf’s skin and damage the eyes or ears.
De-budding forceps
This can be used for calves up to 4 months of age. Shave off the hair and paint
the horn bud and the surrounding area with a germicidal agent e.g. tincture of
iodine. Place the jaws of the forceps around the horn bud and close the forceps.
It must be deeply recessed. Do not feel sorry for the calf as the operation may
then be unsuccessful. Paint the wound with tincture of iodine, healing oil, etc.
This is used when horns are fully grown and should be done under local
anaesthesia. Mature cattle should be well controlled and the head must be
securely detained. It is often necessary to cast the animal for this operation.
The horn can then be neatly sawn off simultaneously with a ± 1 cm ring of
surrounding skin. An experienced person can do this operation quickly. If the
frontal sinus is exposed, the hole should be plugged with cotton wool and
painted over with Stockholm tar.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Keystone Dehorner
This is a large, heavy pincer with compound
hinges. This is a quick method. A strong
person or two people are needed to handle
it. Cracking of the skull and serious
haemorrhage are often complications with
this method. This should be done under local
anaesthesia and the head of the animal
firmly secured. If the bleeding is profuse, a
thin rope should be tied around the base of the horns in a figure 8 to stop the
bleeding. After-treatment with cotton wool and Stockholm tar is prescribed.
Embryotomy wire
This cable-like wire is pulled to-and-fro around the base of the horns,
generating heat while the horn is sawn off. This operation should also be done
under local anaesthesia. Bleeding is limited when using this method. After-
treatment is the same as described above.
Haemorrhage: Can be controlled by means of a rope tied around the base of
the horns in a figure 8 or by cauterisation with a branding iron.
Sinusitis: The sinus cavities can be infected. "Boil" out the pus with proteolytic
enzymes or hydrogen peroxide and treat with antibiotics afterwards. The pus can
quite often be "poured" out by tilting the head of the animal.
Abscesses: Disinfection and antibiotic treatment.
Sheep and goat rams may sometimes also be dehorned. The same methods are
used as for calves. If a mature ram is to be dehorned, it is advisable to have it
done by a veterinarian, who would most probably use the embryotomy wire
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
The first method of identification is the tattooing of animals with tattoo pliers and
Sheep and goats (small stock) are tattooed.
The characters of a tattoo may not be bigger than 20mm (high or wide).
Equipment needed
• Cotton wool
• Mentholated Spirits
• Tattooing pliers
• Letters
• Ink
• Old toothbrush and a tin of polish.
Step 2 Get someone to help you. The helper must round up, catch and hold the
Step 3 Position the characters into the tattoo pliers according to the
certificate of registration. Test it on a piece of paper at first.
Step 4 Clean the ears before applying the ink. The ears are normally dirty
and oily which will prevent the ink from filling the tattoo holes made by
the tattooing pliers. Shake the inkbottle very well before and during the
tattooing process. Apply the tattoo ink on the clenched area as well as
on the characters in the pliers.
Step 5 Place the tattoo pliers in the correct position and apply enough pressure
enabling the characters to penetrate the ear or the skin as deep as
Step 6 The ink must now be well rubbed into the wound with the thumb and
index finger or with a tooth brush. The tattooing process is completed!
Remember to shake the bottle well during the procedure, use enough
ink and rub it in.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Equipment needed:
• Immobilizer
• Gas
• Oven
• Letters
• Neck clamp
• Ice
• Wound oil
Step 1 Use a separate iron for each marking character. It is easier but not
Step 2 Get everything ready before you start marking. Make sure that the
sequence of the registered mark is correct according to the
certificate of registration. This can be tested on a piece of wood.
Step 3 Get someone to help you. The helper must round up the animals and
clamp or restrain them firmly. If you have more than one helper it will
be easier.
Step 4 Heat the iron well. When the iron becomes whitish it is hot enough. You
may test the iron on a piece of wood to see if it is hot enough.
Step 5 Immobilise the animals with an immobiliser and prevent them from
kicking by using a knee halter. The immobilisation of the voluntary
muscles prevents the animal from moving (see guidelines).
Step 6 Take the first iron and put it against the animal’s skin for up to 4
seconds. Press firmly. (Count 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 slowly).
Remove the iron. Go through the same ritual with the second and third
iron. Keep the gap between the letters 20 mm apart. The letters must
not touch each other. Release the immobiliser. The marking is
completed! Clean each iron with a steel brush to get rid of the burned
skin and hair before proceeding to the next animal.
Equipment needed
• Coolant: – dry ice in ethyl, methyl or isopropyl alcohol and liquid nitrogen
(± 50 kg dry ice / 100 cattle).
• Isolated container for the coolant.
• Set of copper or high-quality bronze alloy branding irons with handles.
• Set of clippers.
Version: 01 Version Date: July 2006
Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Step 2 Get someone to help you. The helper must round up the animals, clamp
and restrain them firmly. If you have a crush-pen, branding will be
Step 3 Immobilise the animals with an immobiliser and use a knee halter to
prevent them from kicking.
Step 5 Freeze the iron by putting them in liquid nitrogen or in spirits which has
been chilled by means of dry ice.
Step 6 When the irons stop bubbling they are cold enough to brand letters onto
the skin. Shake off the nitrogen or spirits as the flow-off will also leave a
mark on the skin. Wet the cleaned area with spirits.
Routes of administration
External application
• Injuries to and diseases of the skin, eye, ear and nose.
Medicaments are applied to the skin, eye, ear and nose in the form of
powders, lotions, sprays and liquid or oily solutions. The use of liquid
solutions requires repeated applications (every 2 hours) while ointments
act over longer periods, requiring application of smaller amounts with
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Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
longer intervals. Medicaments for the eye and ear should preferably be
in the form of an ointment or in a liquid base. This method of application
can be used for the local treatment of wounds, rheumatism and diseases
of the skin, eye and ear.
Local treatment of skin lesions may frustrate dogs and cats as these animals
constantly lick the lesion and can thus be poisoned by the medicaments. The
local application of medicaments on dogs and cats often require constant
securing, large collars around the neck or the administration of sedatives.
The medicament must be applied thinly and rubbed in well into the wound.
Sprays are convenient in the sense that they dry fast and thus diminish the
chances of the drug being rubbed off or washed away.
For the treatment and control of external parasites, local application of certain
substances (e.g. dipping- compounds) to the skin by means of various
methods, are discussed below.
Write short notes on your observation of the procedures and hand in as part of your
portfolio of evidence.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Previously, when arsenic was the most important dipping-substance, large dipping
tanks were generally used as the animal was forced to swim through, thus ensuring
it to be in contact with the dipping-fluid for a longer period. Nowadays only proper
wetting of the animal with the modern organic dipping-compounds is necessary.
Smaller dipping-tanks are now recommended (± 15 000 litre) as this also helps in
keeping costs down when making use of the more expensive dipping-compounds.
For efficient control of parasites, it is essential to wet the whole animal with a
properly constituted dip-wash at the correct strength. (To obtain this, the label on
the container should always be read carefully). The dipping-tank must be
constructed in such a way that there are 5 to 6 steps at the entrance leading down
to the water-level. This provides the animal with something to kick against when
jumping in, while at the same time forcing the body of the animal into a position
with its head down, thus forcing its head below the water surface when it plunges,
ensuring complete wetting with the dip wash.
To maintain modern dips at the correct strength, where tank-site tests are time
consuming or not available, it is easy and fairly accurate if done in the following
Calibrate the tank and mark each 500 litres on the wall of the tank as well as on
the dipstick for the top third of the tank-capacity.
After preparing the contents of the dipping-tank correctly at the fresh filling rate,
record the tank-level when the day's dipping is completed.
Before commencing the next dipping, measure the tank-capacity and compare it
with the measure at the end of the previous dipping to establish whether rain
has diluted the dip-wash.
If the latter is the case refill with dipping-fluid necessary for the volume of extra
water which has entered the tank.
This easy, on the spot check, when done regularly at each dipping, will ensure a
fairly accurate dip-strength.
To protect the dip-wash in the tank as much as possible, avoid dirt and exposure to
the sun. A foot-bath, 3 - 5 metres long, through which the animals have to walk
before plunging, is of great help to clean the hooves and avoid soiling of the dip-
A well constructed roof over the tank, to avoid evaporation and to prevent dilution
by rain, is just as essential as a foot-bath.
The spraying of cattle was brought to the forefront with the introduction of the
modern organic chemicals which were more costly and more difficult to test than
arsenic; hence the development of the spray-race. Spraying of cattle has the
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
advantage that the dip is freshly made up, at full strength, before it is used, thereby
giving maximum control and at the same time any uncertainty regarding the dip
strength is eliminated.
The spray-race therefore has an advantage over plunge-dips, provided the following
points are observed:
These are synchronised with regard to the size of the nozzle, type of nozzle,
speed of the pump, size of the pump, the pressure and position of the pipes and
nozzles in order to ensure proper wetting of all parts of the animal.
Mix only enough dip for the day's spraying to prevent dirty dip leftover remaining
in the sump or pump for the next dipping.
Flush all the pipes and the sump with clean water after use to prevent blocking.
Ensure that the pump pulley runs at ± 2 000 rpm. At this pulley speed and the
pressure set on l, 4 bars, the delivery rate of 700 litres per minute will be
Ensure that all the nozzles and the strainer are clean before spraying is started.
Use clean water only.
Never build a spray-race near to or under trees, as seeds and leaves may block
the strainer and nozzles.
Build the spray-race facing north if possible. The animals, when entering, will
now walk away from the sun and not facing it. The prevailing winds must also be
Wetting of the ears and under the tail is not always as efficient as in a plunge
dip, necessitating special attention to these parts (e.g. hand-dressing.)
This should only be attempted when less than 25 animals are involved. It is proved
over and over again that the affectivity is greatly diminished where herds larger than
25 head were hand-sprayed weekly. It must be remembered that for hand spraying
at least 10 litres of dip-wash is required to properly wet an animal. It is also very
difficult to wet all the body parts of an animal standing still. Moreover, a high
pressure spray pump is needed to ensure thorough wetting of the skin.
This method is sometimes used where animals cannot be brought to the dipping-
tank, where severe localised infestation or the presence of clusters of ticks in the
ears, under the tail or on bare parts occurs.
Products such as "Tick dressing S" (chlorphenvinphos) can be used for cattle.
Version: 01 Version Date: July 2006
Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Pour-on solutions
Products that can be pour on or painted on the infected parts of cattle and
sheep/goats include: "Drastic Deadline", "Clout" and "Swift Pour-on".
The most accurate method to fill a dipping-tank is to make use of an open oil drum,
filled to the point of overflowing, as a measure.
When full, such a drum contains 200 litres. The dipping-tank is filled with this, and a
dipstick, with the necessary calibration marks is prepared at the same time. The
easiest and quickest method is to calculate the contents by measurement.
Spray-races Measure:
a. = Length of sump.
b. = Width of sump.
c. = Depth of sump.
Now calculate as follows:
a x b x c = cubic capacity of the spray-race sump. Add the
capacity of the sump foot valve.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Two types of dipping-tanks are recommended for sheep namely the oblong dipping-
tank and the circular dipping-tank. Both types work extremely well, provided the
following requirements are performed:
The sheep handling-facilities (i.e. kraals etc.) must be satisfactory and not
slowing down dipping process.
The exact capacity of the dipping-tank should be known when preparing the dip-
wash at the correct concentration.
Foot-dipping is recommended for the control of the bontpoot and bont ticks. In this
case the water-depth through which the animals walk, should be from 15 to 30 cm.
Belly-dipping is recommended for the control of the paralysis ticks where wetting of
the legs and belly is essential. The depth of the dip-wash should be 50 - 60 cm.
Maintenance of dip-strength
The exact capacity of the dipping-tank must be known to establish the dip-wash
at the correct strength initially.
Replenishing must be done regularly and continuously to maintain the correct
This will ensure that the first and the last animal to be dipped will come into
contact with the correct concentration of dip-wash to ensure good results. Larger
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Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
dipping-tanks (4 000 to 5000 litres capacity) are replenished less often than
smaller tanks (2000 to 3 000 litres). Nevertheless, it is essential to replenish with
fresh water and dipping-compound at the prescribed replenishing rate before
one third of the dip wash has been removed by the animals.
Dusting of poultry under each wing and tail may be done mechanically or by means
of a sandpit with dip-treated sand.
My Notes …
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Internal Parasites
There are a lot of drenching remedies on the market; some of them can be
administered orally while the other can be injected. (Dectomax).
The following are examples of different internal parasites that may occur in your
My Notes …
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
This is the easiest way of administration. The animal is famished for a day
ensuring that it is hungry the next day. The drug, depending upon its palatability,
is then mixed with a small volume of food or water (about half the amount
usually taken by the animal) and given to the animal to ensure that the full dose
of the drug is taken. When treating a group of animals in this way, it is important
to ensure that every animal takes in treated food or water and that no animal is
allowed to stray.
Powders, fluids and crumbled tablets can also be administered in this way. This
method is of particular value when administering drugs like vitamins or minerals,
treatment against worm infestations, diarrhoea and also as preventative therapy
e.g. coccidiostats in the case of poultry.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Gunther Hepke mouth gag - for use when passing endo tracheal tubes
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Mouth gag - This gag is made of solid stainless steel with a moulded
rubber block. The rubber block is made of very durable material and is not
traumatic so that tooth damage does not occur. In addition the wedge
shape and the compliance of the rubber cause less stress to the horse. The
rubber block is exchangeable - when it wears out it can easily be replaced.
• Sheep
An assistant opens the mouth of the sheep with a gag, of which several
types are available. The tablet, being held in the applicator, is pushed into
the mouth and over the dorsum of the tongue and deposited at the back
of the mouth. The mouth is then closed and the bottom side of the throat
rubbed to stimulate the animal to swallow.
• Dogs
Place the tablet in a small piece of fat or meat and allow the animal to
take it. If that is not successful, the mouth must be opened by placing the
left hand from the back over the eyes and mouth of the dog. Push the
upper lips inwards over the upper teeth (to prevent biting) and force the
mouth open with 4th and 5th fingers of the right hand and place the tablet
over the dorsum of the tongue. Push the tablet down as far as possible,
close its mouth and rub the bottom side of the throat to stimulate
When administering fluids, care must be taken to avoid inhalation of these drugs
into the lungs (aspiration pneumonia will ensue if this happens).
Dosing/flushing syringe
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
A strong, 300ml, nylon/metal syringe with two different nozzles: the tapered
(flushing) nozzle takes a uterine infusion pipette for easy flushing and the dosing
nozzle for easy dosing of oral medicaments. This syringe can also be used with
the dosing nozzle to flush out a horse's mouths during dental procedures.
• Do not hold the tongue. The tongue is used in the process of swallowing.
• Lift the head slightly to prevent the fluid from dripping out of the mouth.
However, do not lift it too high, as the animal will then have difficulty in
• Administer it at the side of the mouth where the upper and lower lips
• When an animal coughs, dosing must stop immediately and the head
released until the coughing has stopped.
• Never start dosing before the recommendations for the use of the remedy
have been studied.
• Never use drugs of which the contents are not known.
• Horses
It is advised that a horse is drenched by means of a stomach-tube
(explained later) and not a dosing syringe.
• Cattle
A long-necked bottle is usually used for this purpose. When large numbers
of animals are drenched, it is advisable to use a dosing-syringe or pump.
Insert the syringe into the side of the mouth, while an assistant holds the
head of the animal (holding the horns or nose) and inject slowly. If it is
preferred that the drug should go into the abomasums directly (milk
stomach) a 10 % solution of salt or sodium bicarbonate should be given
before hand. This will allow the oesophageal groove to close for 10 - 15
seconds. The modern worm remedies can be dosed into the rumen and
will still be affective.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
• Sheep
Sheep can also be drenched with a long-necked bottle. It is however time
consuming and therefore not recommended when a large flock is to be
drenched. Use a gag and dosing-syringe instead. Small quantities are
usually given with a special dosing-spoon or a small accurate syringe.
Larger volumes of up to 30 - 60 ml must be given with a dosing-syringe. A
long thin tube connected to a funnel can also be used. Hold the sheep in a
standing position between your legs and keep the head steady. Put the
one end of the tube in the mouth between the cheek and molar teeth. The
funnel side is held high, the assistant pours in the fluid and the animal is
given enough time to swallow.
• Pigs
Put a noose (with a strong rope) around the upper jaw and nose, just
behind the canine teeth. The other end of the rope is pulled over a
crossbar so that the pig is lifted from the ground and hangs by its mouth.
An assistant can then stand over the pig to keep it steady, while dosing is
performed slowly (by means of a bottle, syringe or tube).
• Dogs
If necessary, place a rope around the nose of the dog (to the front). Keep
the head steady with one hand, in an almost vertical position and slightly
to the one side. By pulling the lips of the animal away from the teeth with
the forefinger of the other hand, a pouch is formed.
Pour the fluid into the pouch and rub the throat. Keep the nostrils closed
for a while if the animal refuses to swallow. This will force the animal to
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
volume without spilling and better manageability of the animal with fewer
disturbances or struggling. Unpalatable and foul smelling drugs do not come into
contact with the palate, eliminating the animal to refuse the drug. Different types
of stomach-tubes are commercially available e.g. made of rubber, metal or
leather, with different diameters (usually three sizes).
There are two marks on the stomach-tube for horses. When the first mark
reaches the nostril the other end should reach the throat and when the second
mark reaches the nostril it should be in the stomach. The free end of the
stomach-tube is connected to a funnel where the medicine is poured in. Wind
this apparatus when not in use.
• Horses
It is advisable to use a stomach-tube when drenching horses. There are
special tubes for mature horses and foals. Before using the tube, lubricate
half of the tube with liquid paraffin.
Clean the left nostril with cotton wool. By manipulating it with a finger,
push the tube along the floor of the nasal cavity. When the first mark
reaches the nostril, indicating that the end has reached the larynx, the
horse will usually swallow. If this does not happen, move the tube
backwards and forwards until the animal swallows.
When this happens, the tube is passed further. If the tube is in the
oesophagus, slight resistance will be encountered because it is passing
against the peristaltic movements. However, if it reaches the trachea, no
resistance in passing the tube will be encountered, but the horse may
cough. When the tube reaches the oesophagus, it can be seen and felt in
the groove just above the trachea on the left side of the neck. If the tube
reaches the stomach, the stomach contents can be smelled and the
stomach movements can be heard as well. Pour a small volume of water
down the tube if any doubt still exists whether the stomach-tube is in the
stomach or not. If the animal coughs, the tube is still in the trachea and
did not reach the stomach yet.
When satisfied that it has been correctly passed, the funnel is attached to
the tube and the medicine poured down. Always pull the tube out slowly
before the inner end reaches the throat. The tube on the outside must be
held down to drain all the remaining fluid from the tube.
It sometimes happens that the thin cartilage in the nasal cavity is injured
and a slight haemorrhage may result. This is not serious and usually
recovers quickly.
• Cattle
A stomach-tube can also be used to drench cattle. The tube is passed
through the mouth, which is kept open by a gag. The gag may be simple;
a strong thick piece of wood (25 cm long and ± 5 cm thick) with a hole in
the middle to allow the tube to pass through. This will prevent the animal
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Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
from biting the tube. As soon as the tube reaches the throat, the animal
will swallow, which allows the tube to be pushed down into the stomach.
Ensure (as in the horse) that the tube is in the stomach before
administering the drug.
Subcutaneous In this case the drug or vaccine is injected under the skin.
The drug is absorbed slower and over longer periods as is
not the case with the other routes. Irritant drugs should
not be injected subcutaneously. A site is chosen where the
skin is loose and thus easily picked up.
Most of the vaccines are administered just under the skin.
Lift the skin (pulling it away from the muscle) with the
thumb and fore finger and inject the prescribed amount
(usually 1 - 5 cm) in the space between the skin and
Horses, cattle, sheep and The loose skin in the region of the dewlap or breast, the
goats side of the neck or over the shoulder is used.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Cattle, sheep, goats and The muscles of the neck, rump or buttocks are the most
pigs suitable. Piglets are injected in the neck muscles behind
the ear.
Sheep and Goats Jugular vein and also the vein on the inside of the front
leg, just above the knee.
Pigs Vein in the ear. The technique is the same as for large
animals except that the cord is placed at the base of the
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
This method is used for the treatment of mastitis. Firstly, clean the teat thoroughly.
The nozzle of the tube or plastic syringe (specially designed for this type of
injection), is inserted into the teat canal. The contents are then squeezed into the
udder, which is massaged upwards a few times. Special teat cannulas can also be
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
This means the introduction of suppositories, tablets or liquid medicaments into the
rectum, mainly for the treatment of constipation.
Abscesses may develop at the injection-site, especially when proper hygiene has
not been maintained.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
When irritating drugs, injected into the vein, leaks through the vein into the sub
cutis, large scabs will form on the skin leaving unsightly wounds.
The use of progeny substances e.g. certain vaccines may cause a fever reaction.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Ca r r y ou t p r e pl a n n e d
Session 3 pr ogr a ms a n d t h e b a s i c
p r i n c i p l e s of b i o s e c u r i t y
After completing this session, you should be able to:
SO 4: Supervise the carrying out of basic principles of bio-
SO 5: Carry out pre-planned programmes.
In this session we explore the following concepts:
The correct chemical containers for bio-security are used and checked
according to a schedule.
Irregularities are recognised and reported appropriately.
The correct protective gear is used and / or worn.
Chemical containers are correctly filled and / or re-filled.
Waste products and / or empty containers are appropriately collected,
cleaned and / or discarded appropriately
Dead animals and / or other waste are correctly disposed of.
Specific programmes are executed according to a determined time
The programme schedule is explained and interpreted.
A schedule of activities that implements the Management Programme is
The programme requirements (instruments, chemicals) are on hand.
Deviations from the schedule of activities are reported to a supervisor and
alternative suggestions are recommended
3.1 Introduction
South Africa is a country with contrasting environments. In high rainfall and moist
regions a lot of pests and illnesses occur that must be controlled to keep farm
animals healthy. In the more barren areas the diseases appear from time to time.
There are also the diseases that can occur where animals are concentrated. To
control these circumstances it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the region’s
diseases and a well managed program. Some of these substances, in the
concentrated form, can be very poisonous. A person handling these substances must
wear protective clothing, gloves and other necessary protective gear. Also, take
precautionary measures not to contaminate the environment, animal products or
other people that come in contact with it.
The responsible person, who handles the remedies and vaccines, must also make
sure that the remedies and vaccines have not passed their expiry date and are kept
in a cold container. The supervisor must also see to the equipment’s condition before
usage. It must be calibrated and in a good working condition. The prescription on
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Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
the labels concerning a remedy, dip or vaccine must be adhering to, to ensure that
the treatment is effective. Empty containers must be dealt with as prescribe by the
The label, especially to poisonous dips and other insecticides must be at hand in
case an animal or person accidentally ingested the poison enabling a doctor or
veterinary surgeon to react upon.
Syringes and dosing guns have valves, springs and 0-rings that damage easily and
must be cleaned after each use and store in a protected place. If any part of the
equipment is damaged it must be replaced immediately as it may effect the dosage.
Some of the parts need a little bit of lubrication. Make sure that you use the
prescribed lubricant. Don not clean syringes with a disinfectant as it will affect
vaccines which have live organisms preventing the animals from developing
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Explain the prevention and treatment of animal diseases
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
immunity. First take the equipment apart and then rather boil the parts in distilled or
rain water.
Dips are very poisonous stuff in concentrated form. Some dips look like milk and
some animals, especially hand raised calves, can easily take it as food and may drink
it. That will kill them. Therefore, take care that all the dips as well as other
remedies are locked away after usage.
Always use the dips or drenching remedies according to prescription, either on the
pamphlet or according to the veterinary surgeon.
My Notes …
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
1. What is an immobiliser?
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
The assessor will complete a checklist that gives details of the points that
are checked and assessed by the assessor.
The assessor will write commentary and feedback on that checklist. They
will discuss all commentary and feedback with you.
You will be asked to give your own feedback and to sign this document.
It will be placed together with this completed guide in a file as part
of you portfolio of evidence.
The assessor will give you feedback on the test and guide you if there are
areas in which you still need further development.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Paperwork to be done …
Please assist the assessor by filling in this form and then sign as instructed.
Program Date(s)
Assessment Date(s)
First Name
Learner ID / SETA
Home Language
Date of Birth
ID Number
Contact Telephone
Email Address
Postal Address
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Book for farmers: Stock diseases
Users are free to produce and adapt this material to the maximum benefit
of the learner.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 3 Unit Standard No: 116219
Project Management:
M H Chalken Consulting
IMPETUS Consulting and Skills Development
Mr J H P van der Merwe
Mr M M Ratsaka
Technical Editing:
Mr C Klindt
Language Editing:
Mr D Erasmus
OBE Formatting:
Ms P Prinsloo
Didacsa Design SA (Pty) Ltd
Ms A du Plessis
Ms N Matloa
Learners will gain specific knowledge and skills in animal health and will be able to operate in an animal
production environment implementing sustainable and economically viable production principles.
They will be capacitated to gain access to the mainstream agricultural sector, in animal production,
impacting directly on the sustainability of the sub-sector. The improvement in production technology will
also have a direct impact on the improvement of agricultural productivity of the sector.
Range statements are neither comprehensive nor necessarily appropriate to all contexts. Alternatives must
however be comparable in scope and complexity. These are only as a general guide to scope and
complexity of what is required.
Perform animal restraint and related procedures.
Restraint facilities may include but is not limited to holding tanks, crates, hives and crushes, etc. as
relevant to the context of application.
Restraint procedures applied correctly.
Incorrect methods of animal restraint are recognised and rectified.
Incorrect practices are correctly identified.
Perform basic veterinary procedures.
Basic procedures include but are not limited to temperature determination, ear clipping, dehorning,
vaccination, dipping, dosing, animal identification and branding, tattooing, etc. as relevant to the context of
Equipment related to veterinary procedures is used correctly.
Veterinary procedures are executed correctly.
The appropriate hygiene procedures are demonstrated and explained.
The procedures relating to specific animals are correctly and appropriately recorded.
Treat and vaccinate animals under supervision.
The treatment and vaccination of animals refer to the use of calibrated instruments that may include, but
are not limited to syringes, dosing guns and pour-on applicators as relevant to the context of application.
Appropriate hygiene procedures are used and explained.
Instruments are used correctly.
Instruments used are correctly cleaned.
Instruments for re-use are correctly cleaned, packed and stored.
Basic physical examinations of animals are correctly carried out.
Minor ailments are correctly treated.
Basic problems are correctly diagnosed by assessing the symptoms exhibited by the animal.
Treatments applied are correctly and appropriately recorded.
Supervise the carrying out of basic principles of bio-security.
Bio-security refers to the implementation of a bio-security plan that takes into account the hygiene policies
and practices relevant to the context. It includes, but is not limited to the use of systems such as food
baths, showers and bait stations as relevant to the context of application. It also includes the use of
protective gear that includes but is not limited to gloves, masks and boots.
The correct chemical containers for bio-security are used and checked according to a schedule.
Irregularities are recognised and reported appropriately.
The correct protective gear is used and / or worn.
Chemical containers are correctly filled and / or re-filled.
Waste products and / or empty containers are appropriately collected, cleaned and / or discarded
Dead animals and / or other waste are correctly disposed of.
Carry out pre-planned programmes.
Management programmes may include, but are not limited to, vaccination, dipping and dosing regimes as
relevant to the context of application.
Specific programmes are executed according to a determined time schedule.
The programme schedule is explained and interpreted.
A schedule of activities that implements the Management Programme is prepared.
The programme requirements (instruments, chemicals) are on hand.
Deviations from the schedule of activities are reported to a supervisor and alternative suggestions are
It will be necessary to develop assessment activities and tools, which are appropriate to the contexts in
which the qualifying learners are working. These activities and tools may include an appropriate
combination of self-assessment and peer assessment, formative and summative assessment, portfolios and
observations etc.
The assessment should ensure that all the specific outcomes; critical cross-field outcomes and essential
embedded knowledge are assessed.
The specific outcomes must be assessed through observation of performance. Supporting evidence should
be used to prove competence of specific outcomes only when they are not clearly seen in the actual
Essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in its own right, through oral or written evidence and
cannot be assessed only by being observed.
The specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in relation to each other. If a
qualifying learner is able to explain the essential embedded knowledge but is unable to perform the specific
outcomes, they should not be assessed as competent. Similarly, if a qualifying learner is able to perform
the specific outcomes but is unable to explain or justify their performance in terms of the essential
embedded knowledge, then they should not be assessed as competent.
Evidence of the specified critical cross-field outcomes should be found both in performance and in the
essential embedded knowledge.
Performance of specific outcomes must actively affirm target groups of qualifying learners, not unfairly
discriminate against them. Qualifying learners should be able to justify their performance in terms of these
• Anyone assessing a learner against this unit standard must be registered as an assessor with the
relevant ETQA.
• Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this unit standard or assessing this unit
standard must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA.
• Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines
in the relevant qualification and the agreed ETQA procedures.
• The names and functions of relevant equipment, procedures, implements and instruments related to the
study of animal health.
• The sensory cues and symptoms involved in the execution of pre-planned animal health programmes.
• The purpose of the implementation of procedures and pre-planned animal health programmes.
• The implication of the correct and incorrect execution of the procedures under pre-planned programmes.
• Implemented procedures.
• All rules and codes of conduct relevant to the procedures implemented.
• The interrelations between the observations, procedures and the treatment of disease and other animal
health issues.
All qualifications and unit standards registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only
payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is
reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.